AGENDA   Columbiana Exempted Board of Education Meeting on December 11, 2012 :     Present at this regular meeting are Board Members Mark Hutson , Kelly Witmer , Randal Guy , Anthony Roncone , Dr. Jay Hertel and also Superintendent Donald Mook and Treasurer Lori Posey. 

A study done by TeamART,LLC was presented by Tom Kurilla with pictures.  The study indicated severe roof deterioration at the Middle School (see video).  The Price tag to have the roof redone was estimated to be 2.5 million.  Superintendent Don Mook indicated that if the repairs cannot be made then the school may have to be vacated.

The Board ok'd a resolution to request a 4 million dollar school improvement bond to the district for the May 7, 2013 election.

In other action the board prepared for 2013 by approving board positions.

Next regular Board meeting January 8, 2012 at 6:30pm in the High School media center.



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