AGENDA  Canfield Ohio Local Schools Board of Education meeting in regular session on Wednesday JUNE 19, 2013. In attendance are Board Members Mr. Craig Olson, Vice President, Mr. Phil Bova,  Mr. Brian Kesner and Superintendent Alex Geordan and Treasurer Patricia Kesner.  Board Member Mr. Lee Frey was absent.

MEETING UPDATE (supplied by CHS)

Recognition was given to the Band and Choir and Science and Sports students.

David Izzo thanked the Board for the support given to his years at Canfield. David Izzo started at Canfield Schools in 1983.

Stating the technology evolvement in Canfield Schools since 1983 (Mac Computers to Robotics) Mr. Izzo demonstrated his appreciation by donating the latest technology to the School - a new 3D Printer made in Brecksville.

He acknowledged the new 3D manufacturing facility due to be built near Youngstown with 480 million dollars provided by the Siemens Company. It is hoped the new 3D printer will help to train students for those future jobs.

New Band Uniforms will be worn this fall.

The Board after much discussion voted a ressolution of their opposition to Legislation seeking to transfer public money to private education.

Business Agent Rich Archer told the Board to expect Workers Comp Premiums to amount to $6600 this year which would be a $2700 decrease from 2012.

Expect about $52000 state mandated dividend distribution from the Bureau of Workers Compensation.


 Watch this Canfield School Board meeting HERE.