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Date: 2/11/2025 @ 15:50 hrs


ARREST: Jai'Lyn Bruce
125 E. Maryland Ave. Sebring, Ohio 44672

Domestic Violence (M4) ORC: 2919.25(C)
Agg Menacing (M1) ORC: 2903.21 (A)

Date: 2/11/2025 19:51 Officer Reed

At 15:21 hours on February 11, 2025, police responded to a 911 open-line at a residence in the 100 block of E. Maryland Ave. A Sebring woman was subsequently arrested on a charge of domestic violence at aggravated menacing as a result.

At 15:21 hours on February 11, 2025,

At 15:21 hours on February 11, 2025, I was called to a civil stand-by at E. Maryland Avenue.

Upon arriving on location, I met with the caller, Jai'Lynn Bruce, as well as (subject) her live-in-boyfriend. In speaking with Jai'Lynn, she said that she had called because had been involved in an argument, that she was planning on going to her mother's residence in Canton to calm down, and she wanted her Sig Sauer P365 handgun that she said was keeping from her. Jai'Lynn said that had paid for the firearm as a gift to her, and that she had completed the 4473 form to buy it.

In speaking with he said that this was true, he however did not feel safe giving Jai'Lynn the gun because she had made suicidal statements about a year-prior when she was upset. In speaking further with Jai'Lynn, she said that she was likely going to be back to the residence, with her agreeing to leave the firearm at the residence and go "cool off" at her mothers. I then cleared. It should be noted that Jai'Lynn denied any thought of self-harm at this time.

At 15:50 hours, Sebring Dispatch received a 911 open-line that pinged to the area of. Upon arriving on location, I observed subject on the porch of his neighbors residence, located at Maryland, with him holding a rifle case. When I asked what was going on, he said that he was putting his guns at his neighbors for safe keeping. also said that he had called 911, that Jai'Lynn had thrown his cell phone, and that she had pulled a knife on him after I left. Subject also further advised that Jai'Lynn was inside the residence at at that time.

I then approached the door, knocked, with Jai'Lynn answering it. Upon making entry, I asked what had happened, with Jai'Lynn saying that the couple began arguing after I left from the first call to the residence. At this time I noted that the house was in disarray, with an ottoman being flipped on it's side, furniture being disheveled, and a large stainless steel kitchen knife laying in the floor in the kitchen. Due to officer safety concerns I asked Jai'Lynn to step outside with me, with her then being detained, placed in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked, as well as secured in the back of car 303.

I then went to speak further with who told me that after I left, another argument ensued, with this starting after Jai'Lynn went upstairs, which said was where a .22 is usually stored that he had hidden already. Jai'Lynn then was said to have came downstairs, with her saying "give me my shit", before going in the office area where the couple said that he then went in the office to secure the weapon, with her then grabbing a Dewalt hammer. When I asked what the purpose of the hammer was, said that it was to threaten him because he wouldn't give her the gun that she wanted. I said that Jai'Lynn then grabbed a knife from the knife block on the counter, began threatening him, and with her then seeing that he was recording her and placing the knife behind her.

According to subject he then told Jai'Lynn where the firearms were, with them being between the dishwasher and a cabinet. This being due to him believing that she was just using the gun as an excuse to stay at the house. Subject said that Jai'Lynn then pried the piece of wood off of the area where the guns were, with her retrieving them, and standing near the backdoor of the residence. These being a Sig Sauer P320.40 and Sig Sauer P365.380. Jai'Lynn then said "I have two guns now", with him snatching them from her at this time.

Subject said that he then said that he was leaving, with him walking towards the front door of the residence and with Jai'Lynn following him. Subject said that Jai'Lynn then grabbed him by his shirt collar. It should be noted that the collar around his shirt was very stretched. I did photograph this. According to the couple then exited the residence, with his cell phone coming into the possession of Jai'lynn after it fell from his pocket. This being after he was able to call 911. Said that he believed she threw the cell phone at some point because he did not know where it was.

I then went to speak with Jai'Lynn, with her reading her Miranda Rights to her, with her saying that she understood these and was willing to speak with me. When I asked what happened, Jai'Lynn said that an argument ensued between the two because of disagreements from family members and regarding their wedding. Jai'Lynn said that subject punched a wall and got in her face. Jai'lynn said that he then took the gun from her purse when she was going to leave, which caused her to call the police earlier. After I left, Jai'Lynn said that she sat down on the couch, with saying that he wanted to talk about things with her, with an argument beginning again. Jai'Lynn said that she then walked towards the rear of her house where her car was, with her "slinging things" off of the counter. Jai'Lynn said that she seen a knife on the counter with her picking it up at this time and with "tussling with her arm" and "yoking her up by her coat" before taking the knife off of her.

When I asked about the hammer, Jai'Lynn said that when they were arguing, Subject grabbed her jacket, with her grabbing the hammer before he took it from her. Jai'Lynn said that her intent wasn't to hurt but to get him off of her. Jai'Lynn also denied touching any guns at this time.

Once on station, I spoke with Jai'Lynn further, with her changing her side of events and saying that she had only grabbed the knife after subject slammed her on the ground. Jai'Lynn however denied having threatened subject with the hammer, despite her earlier statement to the contrary. I advised Jai'Lynn that she needed to be 100% honest as regarding his actions against her, with Ptl. Vesey then providing her with a voluntary witness statement that she did complete.

Jai'Lynn was then photographed and the necessary paperwork for commitment to the county jail being completed before being transported by Ptl. Vesey. All photographs and audio files were added to the shared drive. The firearms, knife, and hammer were secured in temporary evidence locker #3.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 2/5/2025 @ 14:20 hrs

Criminal / Warrant - Stark County Jail

ARREST: Ashton Harper
103 East Broadway Street, Alliance, OH 44601

CHARGE: 2911.01 Aggravated Robbery (F-1)

On 12/24/2024 I was dispatched to the area of Circle K for a theft.

Sgt. Kelm #503 12/24/2024

The caller stated that they witnessed Ashton Harper take items from the store without paying. I was unable to located Ashton and responded to Circle K. I made contact with the caller who stated she observed Ashton walking up and down aisles and she asked if he needed any assistance.

Ashton stated he did not need help.

At this time the clerk was able to observed items in Ashtons pocket that he did not pay for. She asked Ashton if he planned to pay for the items to which he refused. She then asked what was in his pocket and he pulled out a "hunting knife" and stated it was just his knife. She then asked Ashton what was in the other pocket and he stated it was "just his weed you got me?" while holding the knife up as if to intimidate her.

Ashton then left walking toward the police department. I am awaiting surveillance footage of the incident as well as a sworn statement written by the caller. This case will remain open pending investigation with a potential charge for Aggravated Robbery/F1.

Sgt. Kelm #503 12/24/2024

On 12/26/2024 I received a copy of the surveillance footage of Ashton Harper at Circle K. You can clearly see Ashton pull a knife out of his hoodie pocket when confronted by the clerk. Ashton is then seen leaving the store without paying for merchandise. A warrant will be drafted for Ashton for ORC 2911 .01 Aggravated Robbery/F-1.

Sgt. Kelm #503 12/16/2024

On this date Officer Melendez picked Ashton Harper up on the warrant. Mr. Harper was at Stark County Jail. He then drove Mr. Harper to Mahoning County Jail. He will be arraigned on 2/6/25 @ 0900.

Chief Harris #502 2/5/25




Date: 1/23/2025 @ 9:30 hrs

Criminal / Warrant
606 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Kimberly Barrow
27039 Lake Point Dr. Beloit

CHARGE: 2919.27 Violation of a protection order

On 16Jan25 Officer was advised of a Violation of a Protection order, While checking department email I (Ptl. Melendez) was contacted by subject who advised that his ex wife is still contacting him and now she is contacting his daughter who is currently in the hospital.

On 12/18/25 a Protection Order ( 2024-DV-00835) was issued by Mahoning County Sheriffs Department. On 10Jan25 while at MCC#3 Kimberly's lawyer, Bruce Williams, also told Kimberly in front of myself and Ptl. Russell to not contact subject and if she needed to contact him she is to go through him. Copies of the email and text message's will be included in this case file.

At this time I will be requesting charges for Violating a Protection order from the Village Of Sebring Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin. Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 1/17/2025

On 17Jan25 The Village Of Sebring Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin approved Charges for violating Protection Order for Kimberly Barrow.

Ptl. Melendez #505 1/17/2025

On 20Jan25 Pt. Melendez went to the residence of Kimberly Barrow at 27039 Lake Point Dr Beloit OH 44609 in an attempt to take her into custody. Kimberly was in the residence but did not want to open the door.

On 21Jan25 (Ptl. Melendez) attempted to make contact with Kimberly Barrow via cell phone but she has not returned any phone calls.

On 01/23/2025 Ms. Kimberly Barrow was taken into custody at the Mahoning county court 3 for a warrant for violation of a protection order. Ms. Barrow was transported to the Sebring Police department where she was booked and processed and taken back to the court to be seen by the Judge for her charges. Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 1/24/2025 @ 23:55 hrs

Traffic - SR62 / South Johnson Road

CITED: Conner Wenk
3022 State Route 59

CHARGE: SCO 335.11 Fictitious Plates(M)

On 1/24/2024 @ 2355 hours while performing patrol duties Westbound on SR62, Officer observed a dark colored car in front of me emitting a loud sound form what appeared to be from the exhaust. I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren. The vehicle then stopped in the parking lot of the old Perkins restaurant.

I called out my stop to dispatch with the plate, Ohio plate, to which I also observed on my mobile data terminal(MDT) was expired as of 10/18/2024. I exited marked cruiser #303, and performed a passenger side approach. I identified myself and my affiliation. I advised the driver the reason for the stop being the loud exhaust noise and the license plate coming back to being expired. I asked for the driver license, registration for the vehicle, and valid insurance. The driver, later identified as Conner Michael Wenk, was able to provide me a License but was unable to locate any of the other documents requested. Conner also advised me he was given a citation from Goshen Police 2 days prior for expired license plates and loud exhaust.

Upon checking the Vehicle Identification Number(VIN) I also found the vehicle was a 2007 Mazda, whereas the license plate returned to a 2012 Mazda. I returned to my cruiser and advised dispatch I was showing on my MDT the same information I had discovered. I advised dispatch to get me a tow started as the vehicle would be towed at this time. Dispatch confirmed this and Conner was then issued an E- citation #190434 for SCO 335.11 Fictitious License Plates, given a verbal warning for the loud exhaust, and I advised Conner of his mandatory court date of MCC #3 2/6/2024 @0900 AM.

Springers towing did appear a short time later and took possession of the Mazda. Conner and his 2 passengers were respectful to me the entire duration of the traffic stop, as well as signed the citation and was given a copy of his citation. I gave all three citizens a courtesy transport back to station where they were picked up. I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 1/25/2024


Date: 2/2/2025 @ 17:30 hrs


ARREST: Edward Woodley
174 E Oregon Ave

2917.11 DOC
333.02 Willful wanton disregard

Date 01/16/2025 20.57 Officer Brindack

On this date I responded to 176 E Oregon for a complaint of a dog left in the snow.

On arrival I located the dog in the back of the yard, it had a shelter but was not in the shelter and according to the caller had not been in the shelter all day, while attempting to make contact at the front door Edward Woodley stopped his truck in the streets and said are you looking for me, I explained the nature of the call and Mr. Woodley floored his truck peeling out the entire way into his drive, he then angrily exited the vehicle and approached me in an aggressive manner, I told him to stop and he continued cussing and saying he was being harassed. At this time we were still outside in a residential area and I ordered him once again to stop, he refused and I advised him if he did not cease his disorderly behavior he was going to be arrested.

At this time Ptl. Demski arrived on scene and Mr. Woodley said he had only left the dog out for one hour, he then changed his story and said it had only been 20 minutes. A statement was obtained from the caller who wrote in his statement it had been three hours. I spoke with prosecutor Van Brocklin in person about this matter and he advised me to cite Edward for reckless operation, DOC, and animal cruelty.

Charges will be drafted and served.

Ptl. Brindack #504 01/16/2025

Upon further review of this case with Chief Harris he advised me to cite Edward for reckless operation and a MM citation for DOC. On 02/05/2025 Edward was issued citations at home for 333.02 willful wanton disregard for public safety, and issued a MM citation for 2917.11 Disorderly conduct. Edward was contiguously disruptive during this encounter and said he can talk to the police however he wants. We attempted to explain multiple times why he was being issued citations and he repeatedly interrupted and said the Police department was targeting him.

Ptl. Brindack 504 02/02/2025


Date: 2/2/2025 @ 11:35 hrs

Traffic - 14th near Michigan Ave

CITED: Trista Bates
605 Pine Lake Rd

CHARGE: 335.1 Expired Plates

On 02/02/25 around 1130 Officer was patrolling around Circle K in my marked cruiser # 303 when I pulled into the Circle K parking lot to run a tag of a parked car in the lot. I ran a 2019 Dodge Ram when the MDT came back it told me it expired in October of 2024. Officer proceeded to wait for the car to leave the parking lot when she started heading North on 14. Officer pulled behind her and activated my overhead lights to which she pulled over on North 14th by Michigan Ave. I called out all necessary info to dispatch then made my way to the driver. I stated who I was, who I worked for and the reason for the stop.

She told me that she was on vacation in Miami and forgot all about it. I got her ID and her insurance card (which was valid) and wrote her a ticket numbered 032681. The court date is set for February 20th (Thursday) and 9AM.

Officer then cleared.

Ptl. Vesey #513 02/02/25


Date: 2/2/2025 @ 13:35 hrs

Traffic - Courtney Near Allied Drive

CITED: Tricia Ross
52 Ward Ave New Middletown


On 02/02/25 Officer was parked, in my marked cruiser #303, in the parking lot of Famous supply on Courtney Road. While running Radar I observed a black SUV traveling East at a high rate of speed to which my Radar unit gave me a reading of 54. Officer locked the speed in my radar unit then proceeded to activate my overhead lights to indicate a traffic stop. After I got behind her, she pulled over then I gave all necessary info to dispatch.

Then I made my way to the driver's side to inform the driver of who I was, who I worked for and the reason for the stop. I informed her that it is 35Mph on Courtney Road to which she said she thought it was 55Mph (ticket number 032682). Officer took her License and her insurance card (which was valid) and wrote her a ticket for speed. I informed her that her court date is set for 2/2/2025 (Thursday) and there was not a mandatory appearance.

Officer then cleared.

Ptl. Vesey 513 02/02/25


Date: 2/2/2025 @ 18:22 hrs

Traffic - Ohio Ave Near 14th

CITED: Shane Fonner
802 N Valley Blvd Canton

4510.11 Suspended License
4513.03 Headlights Required

Officer noticed a black SUV traveling east with a missing headlight to which I made a U-Turn in the intersection of Ohio and 15th street. After making the U-Turn I made my way behind the SUV with a missing headlight and turned my overhead lights on to indicate a traffic stop. The Toyota pulled into the Gioninos parking lot and turned off the car.

Officer then called out all necessary info concerning the stop and made my way over to talk to the driver. Upon contact I made the reason for the stop known and asked for his driver's license, which he said he didn't have on him but he knew the number. He also told me that he was suspended and for me to "do whatever I had to do". Officer then made my way back to the cruiser.

#504 had pulled up beside me and we ran the license number together to which it came back suspended. I wrote him a ticket for DUS and the missing headlight. Mr. Fonner had a valid driver come and pick the car up. All units then cleared.

Ptl. Vesey #513 02/02/2024


Date: 2/3/2025 @ 14:44 hrs

323 S. 15th Street. Saint Ann's church

ARREST: Robert Runion
335 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring

2913.02 Theft
2911.21 Criminal Trespass
2925.11 Possession of controlled substance

On 3Feb25 While on Patrol in the Village Of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) was contacted by Chief Harris in reference to a male who was seen walking around the 300 block of S15th St with Amazon packages. After receiving the information from Chief Harris I then made contact with the male who was later identified as Robert Runion. Upon exiting my Vehicle Runion attempted to walk away until I told him to stop. Runion was immediately detained due to the fact that none of the packages belonged to him (Runion).

While attempting to handcuff Runion he did attempt to turn around and I immediately advised him to not attempt anything. I then placed handcuffs on Runion and made sure that they were double locked and also evenly spaced. I then asked Runion if he had anything on his person and he advised that he had something in his front right pocket but he would not tell me what it was. I then asked Runion if I could take it off of his person and he stated yes. After pulling out the orange pill bottle out of Runions right front pocket I then asked him what was on the inside of the bottle and Runion stated it is "ICE".

I then read Miranda to Runion and he advised that he wanted to talk to myself and Chief Harris. I then asked him where did he get the packages from and he stated that he didn't know. I then placed Runion in the back of my marked patrol vehicle 304 and secured him with the seat-belt for transport. I then retrieved the camera from 304 and photographed the packages while they were still in the location where Runion placed them. After taking all necessary photos, I then placed the packages in my patrol vehicle. I then transported Runion to the Sebring Police department to begin processing Runion.

Upon arriving at the Sebring Police Department to process Runion Det. Reed arrived and he began to speak with Runion while I prepared all documentation needed for transport. While still in the Patrol room Runion advised that he had more stolen packages at his residence 335 W Oregon Ave where he resides with his mother. Runion advised he is on the lease and he granted officers permission to search for the additional packages. A sample of the narcotic that was on Runions person was Field Tested on station and it tested positive for methamphetamine through Detectachem.

After obtaining all documentation needed myself along with Det. Reed and Runion went to his residence to search for the packages. Once Arriving at the residence Det. Reed asked where would the packages be located and Runion advised in his upstairs bedroom. Various items were found in Runions bedroom closet. A small toy doll, sanitary wipes, teeth cleaner, Versace Cologne, and Tide Pods were found in the bedroom and photographed. All items were then logged into evidence. Once all items were collected Runion was then transported to the Mahoning county Jail on Charges of Theft (2913.02)(MI), Criminal Trespass (2911.21), Possession of Drugs (2925.11)(F4). Nothing Further at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 2/3/2025




Date: 1/17/2025 @ 19:30 hrs


CITED: Donna Anderson
701 buckeye Ave Alliance OH

CHARGE: 313.01 Traffic Control Devices

On this date I responded to a two car Motor vehicle accident at Johnson and Ohio. Unit 1, a Blue Ford Taurus driven by Logan Wilson was traveling south on Johnson Rd unit 2, a silver Jeep Patriot being driven by Donna Anderson was traveling east on w Ohio Ave.

Unit 1 was already in the intersection when unit 2 failed to make a complete stop and struck unit 1.

Damage was consistent with this version of events and a witness on scene, Richard Castle who confirmed Donna failed to stop at the stop sign. Richard was unable to stay on scene, but a statement was obtained from him later this same day. Donna was later cited at home for traffic control devices 313.01 and given a court date at MCC#3 of 01/30/2025 at 0900hrs. Both vehicles were towed away by springers towing.

Ptl. Brindack #504 01/17/2025


Date: 1/17/2025 @ 19:30 hrs


ARREST: Derek Ball, Sebring, Ohio

2919.25 Domestic Violence
2903.13 Assault
2903.18 Strangulation

On 01/14/2025 Myself and Officer Melendez were dispatched and responded for a Domestic Violence complaint. Dispatch advised while enroute that the male subject had his hands around the female's throat.

Upon arrival, I observed a male subject on the front porch talking on the telephone. I was advised by dispatch that the male was the caller and not the suspect. Myself and Officer Melendez made contact with the caller who advised the other parties involved were inside of the residence. He advised he was the brother of the alleged female victim. Myself and Officer Melendez then made entry inside of the residence and made contact with the female who advised her husband just put his hands around her throat. Officers asked where her husband was at this time. She stated he was upstairs.

I checked the alleged victims neck area and was able to observe what appeared to be red finger prints around her neck.

Myself and Officer Melendez then proceeded upstairs to make contact with the male subject. Officers engaged with tasers drawn and announced ourselves as the Sebring Police department while attempting to make contact with the male subject. As officers were making way up the stairs a male subject came to the top of the steps and stated to us he was not going to cause any harm and was calm to speak with the officers.

Officer Melendez then detained the male subject until we could conduct an investigation. Once the male was detained I re-holstered my taser. The male subject was then identified as being Mr. Derek Ball. Officer Melendez spoke with Derek Ball, while I went back to speak with the female subject. I identified the female subject. Advised that her and her husband have been arguing for the last couple of days and both parties have been making smart comments back and forth. I was advised on today's date her and her husband were arguing about her cleaning the house, She stated she went upstairs to the bedroom to mop the floor. I was advised her husband was in the bedroom at the time and accused her of only coming in the bedroom at that time to disturb him while he was trying to sleep. She stated she started to mop the floor and put stuff from the floor on the dresser and the bed. Stated that is when Derek was getting irritated with her being in the room and told her to leave the room. She stated she told him that he could leave the room because she was cleaning as he was complaining about. Stated that Derek advised her he was going to throw her clothes on the wet floor, So she took her socks out of the drawer and put them on the bed and said you can leave.

She stated Derek then hit her in the head with a water bottle. Stated at that time she grabbed the water bottle and squeezed it. She stated he then grabbed her by the neck and pushed her against the wall while holding her by her neck saying to her do you really want to do this? She stated that in self defense at that time she grabbed a ring light and hit him with it in the arm to get him off of her. She stated when he finally let her go she went into the bathroom where he came in after her and kicked a fan that was on the floor at her. She stated he pushed her down on the floor in the bathroom at that time.

I was advised she had taken photos of the injuries. I checked the time stamp on her phone and advised her to send the photos to my work email and Officer Melendez's email. Medical treatment was offered who advised she was fine and did not need anything. I then obtained a written statement and filled out the Domestic packet. I then asked to see the injuries in which I was able to see a red mark on her right upper thigh.

She advised she does not wish to pursue any charges at this time. I advised her due to the new law and evidence oft the red marks on her neck that I would contact the prosecutor.

I spoke with Mr. Derek Ball who was in marked unit 302 detained. I asked Mr. Ball if he put his hands around his wife's
throat. He stated he did not think so but it was possible. I asked him where the red finger print marks came from on her
throat. He stated if there were marks on her throat it is possible he grabbed her throat when he was pushing her away from him. He stated he does not remember doing this and thought he only pushed her away. He stated to me that him and his wife have been arguing for several days and they both have been pushing each other's buttons. He stated they have been talking about separating and him leaving the home but he does not have the money right now to go anywhere.

He advised that he just got paid and all of the money was used for bills and groceries in the home and he was left with
nothing but she wants him to leave under these circumstances. I was advised she has him drug tested weekly because
she does not trust him to stay sober from past drug abuse.

I then made contact with prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin who advised to place Mr. Ball into custody. I went and advised Mr. Ball that after conducting the investigation and speaking with the prosecutor that he was being placed under arrest. Mr. Ball was advised of his charges and transported to the Sebring Police department in marked unit 302 by Officer

Upon arriving at the Police department Mr. Ball was booked, processed and transported to the Mahoning County jail for the charges of Domestic Violence, Assault and Strangulation.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 1/15/2025 @ 21:56 hrs

TRAFFIC - 200 Block E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Gerald Payne
313 SR 14 Deerfield, Ohio

ORC: 4510.11 Driving under suspension (UM)
ORC: 4503.11 Owner required to file application-taxes (MM)

Det. Reed #508 DATE 1/15/2025

At 21:56 hours on January 15,2025, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While going through the parking lot of Circle K (205 E. Ohio Avenue), I conducted a registration check on a red Chevrolet Silverado that was parked in the parking lot. The registration showed to
have expired on January 11, 2025.

I then observed the truck pull from the parking lot, with it then beginning eastbound on E. Ohio Avenue. At this time, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop.

Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his driver license. The male driver then produced an Ohio Identification Card that showed him to be Gerald Martin Payne. I also at this time asked the female passenger if she would provide me with her identification, with her producing an Ohio identification Card.

Upon returning to my patrol car, I relayed both subjects' information to dispatch. I also at this time requested Sgt. Kelm to respond to my location with K9 Radar. Sgt. Kelm and Ptl. Brindack then arrived on location, with it being found that Mr. Payne's driver license was under an active license forfeiture suspension. Ms. also showed not valid. Several active warrants were found on Mr. Payne.

I then requested both Mr. Payne and Ms. out of the vehicle, with k9 Radar being deployed. K9 Radar did not indicate to the presence of the odor of illicit drugs. At this time Ms. asked if she could retrieve clothing from the truck, due to the fact that it was going to be towed, with her being allowed to do this. I then conducted an administrative inventory of the truck, with nothing of value being located.

Once I finished with the inventory of the vehicle, I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032715. I cited Mr. Payne with driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11) as well as owner required to file application-taxes (ORC: 4503.11). Mr. Payne signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, January 23,2025.

Sebring Tire arrived on location soon after, with units then clearing. It should also be noted that Mr. Payne was unable to produce proof of insurance on the truck. The agencies issuing his warrants also advised that they were not interested in taking custody of him. NFI.




Date: 1/2/2025 @ 15:00 hrs


ARREST: Jonathan Golias
126 E. Maryland Ave. Sebring, OH

ORC: 2919.25(A) Domestic Violence (M-1)
ORC: 2903.13(A) Assault (M-1)
ORC: 2919.22 (B)(3) Endangering Children (M-1)

Date 01/08/2025 19:27 Officer Reed

At 17:05 hours on January 8,2025, a Sebring woman brought her eleven-year-old on station to report an incident in which the boy was allegedly assaulted by his mother's live-in boyfriend.

Jon Golias was placed under arrest, with Ptl. Brindack placing him in handcuffs and placing him in his patrol car. Jon was then transported to the Sebring Police Station where the necessary paperwork for commitment to jail was completed, with Ptl. Brindack also transporting.

It should be noted that A check of Jon's Computerized Criminal History (CCH), showed no charges that would elevate the aforementioned.

Throughout the arrest and booking process Jon was cooperative. NFI.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 1/1/2025 @ 21:49 hrs

TRAFFIC - 100 Block E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Michael Beane
436 Garfield Ave. Alliance, Ohio

ORC: 4510.11 Driving under suspension (UM)
ORC: 4513.05 Illumination of rear license plate (MM)

At 21:49 hours on January 1,2025,l was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While in the 300 block of S. 14th Street, I observed the vehicle in front of me, a 2010 Buick sedan bearing Ohio Registration JBL 1938, did not have a fully functioning license plate late so as to allow visibility from the required 50' to the rear. As the vehicle approached the intersection of Carolina Avenue and S 14th Street, the driver also failed to signal until approximately 25' from the intersection, with the vehicle then making a right turn.

At this time, I activated a traffic stop on the vehicle, with me approaching and making contact with the driver, known to me to be Michael Beane. Also present in the front passenger seat was Brian Chernikovich. Upon making contact with Beane, I informed him of the reason for the stop, with me allowing him to exit the vehicle and view his license plate from approximately 20' to the rear. Through Beane's own admission, the license plate was not visible from the distance, with the light at this time flickering.

I then relayed Beane's information to dispatch, with it being confirmed that he was under an active non-compliance suspension. At this time Ptl. Brindack and Ptl. Peterman arrived on scene. I also returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032712. I cited Beane for driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11), as well as illumination of rear license plate (ORC: 4513.05). At this time Beane also made it known that the vehicle's registered owner, Stephanie Harper, did not know that he was driving the vehicle and that she had been making attempts to remove the vehicle from her name.

Because of this I decided to exercise officer discretion and not issue her a citation for wrongful entrustment.

Beane then signed the citation, was given his copy, as well as advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, January 9,2025. An administrative inventory of the vehicle was performed by Ptl. Peterman, with power tools being the only items of value. Mr. Bean as well as his passenger then cleared from the scene.

Sebring Tire arrived soon after and towed the vehicle to their impound lot. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 1/12/2025 @ 01:23 hrs


ARREST: Carney McAllister
127 East Texas Avenue Sebring,

On 01/03/2025 I was dispatched and responded to Circle K for a theft complaint. Upon arrival, I spoke with subject who advised Carney McAllister came into Circle K in the middle of the night and stole a pair of sunglasses. She advised he went to the sunglasses rack and put a pair of glasses on his face and looked in the mirror with them. He then took them off his face and walked to the back of the store near the beef jerky rack and put the glasses in his left pocket of his pants. She stated he then went to the register and offered the cashier some marijuana.

A written statement was obtained by Patty. Charges for theft will be filed after viewing the case with prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin. A copy of the video will be obtained from Circle K of the theft. Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 12/12/2024 @ 16:04 hrs

CRIMINAL - 206 E Ohio Ave. Sebring

ARREST: Herbert Suter
430 N 16th St. Sebring

CHARGE: 2921.31 Obstructing official business

Date 12/05/2024 14:35 Officer Russell
Narrative Includes

On 12/05/2024 I took a report of a false police report at the Sebring Police department.

On 12/05/2024 Mr. Jaden Stanley came to this department to report his brother Herbert Suter had lied on him and told the police that it was him that made a threat towards the neighbor when he was at work. He advised that on today's date his court case had been dismissed because he was able to provide the evidence that he was at work when this occurred.

I advised Jaden that I would contact the prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin for this case. I also obtained a written statement from Jaden Stanley.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507

On 12/12/24 I served Herbert with a summons to appear for obstructing official business ORC 2921.31

Ptl. Demski 509




Date: 1/2/2025 @ 15:00 hrs

606 E. Ohio Ave. MCC#3

ARREST: Kimberly Barrow
27039 Lake Point Dr, Beloit OH

Telecommunications harassment 2917.21
Menacing 20903.22

At this time I will be speaking with the Village Of Sebring Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin for Charges of Telecommunications Harassment and also Menacing for Kimberly Barrow.

Investigation Pending ......

Ptl. Melendez #505

On 16Dec24 The Village of Sebring Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin signed off on Charges of Telecommunications Harassment ORC: 2917.21 (M1) and Menacing ORC 2903.22 (M4) for Kimberly Barrow. Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505

On 01/02/2025 Ms. Kimberly Barrow was served a warrant for Menacing and Telecommunications harassment. Ms. Barrow was taken into custody from the MCC#3 and transported to the Sebring Police department where she was booked and processed. She was released on her on own Recognizance. Ms. Barrow was given a courtesy transport back to MCC#3 to answer to the charges.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 1/1/2025 @ 21:21 hrs

TRAFFIC - South 15th Street/ West California Avenue

CITED: Robin Harper
132 Cedarwood Drive Beloit 44609

ORC 4513.221 Loud Exhaust

On 1/1/2024 @2121 hours while performing saturation patrol Southbound on South 15th Street, I observed a dark colored vehicle pass me while emitting a loud noise. I safely initiated a U-turn and activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren. The vehicle then stopped at the intersection of South 15th Street and West California Avenue.

I called out my stop to dispatch with the plate, exited marked cruiser #303, and performed a passenger side approach. I identified myself and my affiliation. I advised the driver of the reason for the stop being that the vehicle was emitting a loud noise which the driver confirmed was an exhaust leak. I asked for the driver license, registration for the vehicle, and valid insurance. The driver, later identified as Robin Lynn Harper, was unable to locate any of the documents requested.

I returned to my cruiser and advised dispatch I was showing on my MDT that Robin was suspended for Non-Compliance. Dispatch confirmed this and Robin was then issued an E-citation #190432 for 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (DUS)(Non-Compliance), 4513.221 Loud Exhaust, and I advised Robin of her mandatory court date of MCC #3 1/16/2024 @ 0900 AM. Robin was respectful to me the entire duration of the traffic stop, as well as signed the citation and was given a copy of her citation. I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 1/2/2024


Date: 12/31/2024 @ 18:20 hrs


ARREST: Cortney Eddy
326 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: Theft (M-1) ORC: 2913.02(A)(1)

Date 12/31/2024 19:12 Officer Reed

At 17:58 hours on December 31, 2024. police were called to a business in the 100 block of E. Oregon Avenue for a report that the mother of a subjects child had removed the keys from his vehicle and thrown them in a storm drain.

The keys were recovered with a Sebring woman being arrested on a misdemeanor theft charge as a result.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 12/26/2024 @ 19:31 hrs

TRAFFIC - 1195 South Johnson Road

CITED: Izak Wilson
435 Lakeview Drive Apt. 205 Alliance

CHARGE: ORD 335.10 Expired License Plates

On 12/26/2024 while performing saturation patrol traveling south on South Johnson Road, I observed a white car with what appeared to be an expired registration sticker. I typed in the license plate of the vehicle on my Mobile Data Terminal(MDT) and observed the registration had been expired as of 06/2024. Observing this violation I initiated my overhead emergency lights and audible siren.

The vehicle stopped in front of 1195 South Johnson Road as I called out my stop to dispatch with the plate, and exited marked cruiser #303. I performed a passenger side approach and identified myself and my affiliation. I advised the driver of the reason for the stop being that the vehicles license plate was expired. I asked the driver, Izak Orion James Wilson, for his license, registration for the vehicle, and the insurance for the vehicle. Izak handed me his license, registration(expired), and insurance card.

I returned to my cruiser and issued a citation on Ticket #190431 for ORD 335.10 Expired License Plate Registration Sticker. I advised Izak of his non-mandatory court date of MCC #3 1/2/2025 @0900 AM if he wished to contest the citation. Izak was respectful to me the entire duration of the traffic stop, as well as signed the citation and was given a copy of his citation. I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 12/27/2024


Date: 12/23/2024 @ 17:15 hrs

TRAFFIC - 300 Block W. Texas Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Victoria Hoover
2345 Watson Ave. Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (MM) 41/25

At 17:15 hours on December 23, 2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary facing west along the roadside in front of the F.A. Sebring Community Center (306 W. Texas Avenue) I observed an eastbound SUV traveling at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 41 MPH. This being consistent with my visual estimation of the vehicle's speed as well as that of the auditory pitch of the radar unit (MPH Industries Python III). Once the vehicle, a black Chevrolet Equinox, passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop.

At this time, I observed Ohio Registration affixed to the rear of the vehicle. I then approached and made contact with the driver, with me informing her of the reason for the stop as well as asking for her driver license, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce both requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Victoria Hoover.

In speaking with Hoover, she said that she didn't realize her speed, that she was heading to an area restaurant for dessert, and that she was running late. I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032711. I cited Hoover for speeding (SCO: 333.03), for going 41 MPH in the marked 25 MPH zone. Hoover signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her option to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, January 9, 2024, as well as of her option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date and time. I then cleared. NFI.

Det. Reed # 508


Date: 12/20/2024 @ 06:12 hrs

TRAFFIC - South Johnson Road / West Ohio Avenue

CITED: Derek Ball
587 West New York Avenue Sebring

4511.21(A) ACDA

Unit # 1 stated he was traveling Northbound on South Johnson Road. Unit # 1 then stated as he approached the stop sign at the intersection of South Johnson and West Ohio Avenue he applied his brakes and his car then began to slide. Unit #1 then stated veering to the left to avoid striking the vehicle in front of him but was unsuccessful. Unit #1 struck the driver side lower rear bumper with his front bumper cover.

Unit #1 then stated backing up so other vehicles could pass in the opposite lanes. After speaking with Unit #1. I approached Unit #2 whom confirmed the same sequence of events. Both parties stated they were not injured and did not need EMS on scene.

During my investigation it was determined Unit #1's driver had a suspended license. I advised this to Unit # 1 and requested him to move the vehicle into the Zeps Pizza parking lot as I followed to prevent any additional accidents. Unit # 1 pulled into the parking lot and I wrote him on E-citation #90430 for ORC 4511.21 (A) Speed-Assured Clear Distance Ahead. and ORC 4510.11 DUS(N0N-COMPLIANCE/FAILURE TO REINSTATE). Unit #1 was given a mandatory court date of 01/02/2025 @ 900AM. I gave the driver of Unit #1 a courtesy ride to his residence at 587 West New York, then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 12/21/2024


Date: 1/9/2025 @ 14:11 hrs

TRAFFIC - 200 Block N. 16th St. Sebring, OH

CITED: Joseph Heeter
120 N. 12th St. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired License Plates (MM)

At 14:11 hours on January 9, 2025, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While patrolling northbound in the 100 block of N. 15th Street I observed a silver Volkswagen Jetta running in a parking spot parallel to the roadway. The vehicle was running, as was evident by the running lights being on and steam coming from the exhaust. Upon conducting a registration check, I noted that the registration expired on 10/18/2024.

The registered owner showed as being a Joseph R. Heeter.

I remained in the area, observing a subject get in the driver seat, pull onto the roadway, and start the vehicle in motion, going northbound on N. 15th Street. I then confirmed again through my MDT that the vehicle's registration was expired, with me initiating a traffic stop in the 200 block of N. 16th Street. Upon making contact with the driver who was identified as Joseph Heeter, he informed me that he did not know that his registration was expired. Heeter also admitted that he had not had insurance on the vehicle, with him allowing it to expire within the last month. I explained to Heeter how another motorist could be affected by him not having financial responsibility should he be-involved in\a crash with someone who only had liability insurance.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032714. I cited Heeter for expired plates (SCO: 335.10). Due to Heeter not having valid insurance I assigned him a mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, January 16, 2024, at 09:00 hours. Heeter signed the citation and was given his copy. In lieu of towing the vehicle, He was permitted to drive it back to his residence, with it being made explicitly clear to him that he needed to get valid registration as well as insurance on the vehicle before driving it again. I then cleared. NFI.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 1/7/2025 @ 19:10 hrs

TRAFFIC - 800 Blk W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Justin Bryant
4241 Wales Avenue NW Massillon

ORC: 4511.12 Obedience to traffic control devices (MM)
ORC: 4510.11 Driving under suspension (UM)

At 19:10 hours on January 7, 2025, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary at the intersection of N. Johnson Rd. and W. Ohio Avenue I observed a silver Lincoln Mk-Z that was traveling westbound on W. Ohio Avenue, travel through the clearly marked four-way stop intersection without coming to a complete stop.

Upon observing this, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop.

The vehicle, which I noted as having Ohio Registration, came to a complete stop in the 800 block of W. Ohio Avenue. Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his driver license and proof of insurance. The driver was only able to produce proof of insurance on his phone, with him telling me that he did not have a driver license on him. The driver, however, identified himself as Justin Wade Bryant, with him providing his date of birth and social security number. A male front seat passenger was also present.

Upon returning to my patrol car, I found that Bryant's license was suspended through the state of Ohio under an active license forfeiture suspension. Bryant's Louisiana driver license also showed as being expired. Upon returning to Bryant's vehicle, I instructed him to call for a valid driver, with him telling me that he believed his license to be valid. Bryant however did comply with this request with him calling a friend from Alliance, who was said to be on his way.

I then drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032713. Bryand was cited for driving under suspension (ORC:4510.11) as well as obedience to traffic control devices (ORC: 4511.13). Also, at this time, a consent search was granted, with Sgt. Kelm searching the vehicle. No contraband was located. Bryant then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, January 16, 2025. Due to it taking an extended period to time for Bryant's licensed driver to arrive, I directed him to a nearby parking lot to wait. I then cleared. NFI.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 1/7/2025 @ 9:55 hrs

TRAFFIC - 103 E Georgia Ave Sebring OH

CITED: David Colina Flores
405 Rockdale Apt 45 Boardman OH


On 71an25 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) was advised by Sebring Dispatch about a car in the ditch in front of 103 E Georgia Ave. I then met with David Jose Flores who was operating the 2013 Toyota Prius. I then asked for identification in Spanish to which he provided.

After obtaining Flores information I was able to verify that he was Not Valid. Flores was cited with ticket number #90433 for No operator's license with a Court date of 1/23/25 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 1/7/2025





Date: 12/5/2024 @ 15:00 hrs

CRIMINAL - 135 E Ohio Ave

ARREST: George Hays
802 S 15th St # 1806

2921.31 obstructing official business
4511.19 OVI
4511.2 reckless operations

On arrival I observed Silver Lincoln in a gravel ditch connected to the parking garage, the ditch is steep and the car was obviously stuck however the driver was flooring the car in reverse, I exited my patrol car and carefully approached the driver and asked him not to move the vehicle, the driver identified as 70 year old George Hayes was obviously intoxicated based on his slurred speech, an odor of alcoholic beverage coming from his breath, and he was obviously not comprehending the situation. I again asked him to stop moving the car and he said "no what's going on", he was causing the vehicle to accelerate rapidly backwards and then slide back into the ditch, I requested another unit, and ordered Mr. Hayes to stop, put the car in park and turn it off, he again said "No". I again ordered Mr. Hayes' to stop and he again replied "No I'm not" I then opened his passenger door, put the vehicle in park and took the keys. I then went around to the driver side and ordered Mr. Hayes to get out of the vehicle, he again did not comply. I ordered Mr. Hayes out again, this time he complied but it quickly became apparent not only could he not walk, but he was so intoxicated he couldn't even stand.

At this time Sgt. Kelm arrived and Copeland Oaks nursing staff stated that Mr. Hayes would have to go to the hospital, EMS was requested along with a tow truck to remove the vehicle from the ditch. While waiting for EMS I asked Mr. Hayes how much he had to drink he responded "about five drinks" I asked what they were and he said "gin for the first couple and then scotch" I asked how long ago he started drinking and he said "about 5" given it was now approximately 1900 hrs and he started drinking at 1700 hrs according to his own admission he had 5 drinks in less than 2 hours. EMS arrived and assisted Mr. Hayes to the ambulance and transported him to Alliance community hospital. Springers towing arrived shortly after and removed the vehicle. While inspecting the vehicle it was obvious Mr. Hayes had struck the parking garage and damaged the metal railing along the sidewalk. Given Mr. Hayes's state we were unable to conduct field sobriety, however I will be submitting this case to prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin for charges of OVI or physical control. I will also be issuing a citation for failure to control.

A private property accident form was also completed.

Ptl. Brindack 504
1 1 I1 5/2024

The following day I spoke with prosecutor Van Brocklin about this case he told me to charges George Hays with OVI and reckless operation, obstruction, and disorderly conduct. Summons will be drafted for Obstruction and disorderly upon service of those summons George will also be issued a citation for OVI and reckless.

Ptl. Brindack 504 12/01/2024

On 12/05/2024 George Hays was served with summons for obstructing official business and a citation for OVI and reckless operation with a court date at MCC#3 of 12/12/2024.

Ptl. Brindack 504 12/05/2024


Date: 12/5/2024 @ 10:00 hrs

WARRANT - 606 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

13859 S. Main Street. Beloit

CHARGE: 2925.11 Possession of controlled substance

Date 11/20/2024 15:15 Officer Reed

At 20:09 hours on November 19, 2024, a traffic stop was conducted at W. Ohio Avenue and N. 19th Street. The driver of the vehicle was cited for rear illumination and driving under suspension. Pharmaceutical grade amphetamines were also recovered during the stop with the driver being determined to not have a valid prescription.

At 20:09 hours on November 19, 2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While patrolling westbound in the 400 block of W. Ohio Avenue, I noticed that the rear license plate light of a black trailblazer that was traveling in front of me was completely out. I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, which had Ohio Registration DD6OVT affixed to it, turned right onto N. 19th Street before coming to a complete stop.

I then performed a passenger side approach, making contact with the front-seat passenger, as well as passenger, Brian Amon. Upon making contact with the two, I asked for Brian's driver license, with him then presenting me with an Ohio Commercial Driver License. Sgt. Kelm also arrived on location at this time as well as Ptl. Brindack. As I continued speaking with Brian, I noted that he appeared to be nervous, with this being indicated by his rapid speech and inability to look directly at me. Because of this, I asked Sgt. Kelm to remain in a position where he could view both occupants.

I then returned to my patrol car where I searched Brians through LEADS, with it being found that he was under an active license forfeiture suspension. Because of this, as well as his nervous response to my presence, I asked Sgt. Kelm and Ptl. Brindack to instruct both occupants to exit the vehicle. K9 Radar then performed an open-air sniff of the vehicle, with him indicating the presence of the odor of narcotics.

A probable cause search was then performed by Ptl. Brindack and Sgt. Kelm while I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032708. Amon was cited for illumination of rear license plate (ORC: 4513.05) as well as driving under suspension (ORC: 4510:11). During the subsequent probable cause search, Ptl. Brindack located a baseball bat in the backseat of the vehicle that appeared to be covered in blood. This being located on the back seat directly behind the driver-side. A Tylenol bottle was also located by Sgt. Kelm, with a single 60mg Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine) capsule being found inside.

Lisdexamfetamine is a schedule II -controlled substance. Because of this, I read Amon his Miranda Rights, with him saying that he understood and was willing to speak with me. Amon said that he had a prescription for this from a Canfield area physician but was unable to produce it. Due to the manner in which it was conveyed, I informed Amon that I would be confiscating it, running an OARS report on it, and if it was found that he did in fact have a valid prescription, it would be returned to him. I also asked Brian about the baseball bat, with him telling me that he found it at the recycling plant in Beloit. It should be noted that area law enforcement agencies were contacted to see if they had received any recent reports of serious assaults, with all reporting that they had not.

I then issued Amon his citation, with him signing it and being given his copy. Amon was further advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on November 21, 2024. Badalucco then drove the vehicle from the scene.

At 21 :34 hours on November 19, 2024, I received an OARS report from the Intelligence Hub of the Ohio State Highway Patrol. This report ranged from 11/20/2019 to 11/20/2024. I noted 8 prescriptions for Vyvanse during this timeframe. All of which being for 40mg capsules and not 60mg as was the capsule located in Mr. Amon's possession. A copy of this report shall be forwarded to the village law director for consideration of charges. The seized evidence in this case was also secured in temporary evidence locker #1. NFI.

Det. Reed #508

On November 20,2024, Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin approved charges of possession of controlled substances (ORC:2925.11) to be filed against Brian S. Amon. This charge being a felony of the fifth-degree. NFI.

On 12/12/2024 A warrant for possession of a controlled substance was executed for Mr. Brain Amon. Mr. Amon was taken into custody at the Sebring court #3. Mr. Amon was transported to the Sebring police department for booking and processing and taken back to the court to answer for the charge of possession of a controlled substance.

Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 12/11/2024 @ 13:31 hrs

CRIMINAL - 615 W California Ave, Sebring OH

ARREST: Makayla Tarbet
155.5 E Oregon Ave Sebring OH

CHARGE: ORC:2913.5 Receiving Stolen Property

Date 12/09/2024 08:40 Officer Demski

On 12/06/2024 I took a theft report at the Sebring Police department.

On 12/06/2024 subject came to the Sebring Police department to report that a ring that her Aunt gave her roughly 15 years ago is missing. She stated that her boyfriend was at the pawn shop in Alliance on 12/05/2024 and was looking at rings. She stated he took a picture of the ring to show her when he got home. She stated she asked why he took a picture of her ring and that is when he told her it was at the pawn shop. She stated she went to go check on her ring and show her boyfriend it was very similar to hers. She said that she discovered the ring was not in the box and was missing. She stated it is not a ring that she wears often due to it coming from her Aunt that passed away and she does not want to loose it. She described the ring as being White gold with Aquamarine stone diamond shape with two diamond bands on one side and the other side looking the same. She stated her boyfriend found the ring at Cash America Pawn shop. The last time she saw the ring was with in the last year.

A written statement was obtained by subject. Contact will be made with Cash America to find out when the
ring was pawned and who pawned the ring.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507

On 12/09/2024 I made contact with Cash America. I spoke with subject who advised the ring in question was at their location and was positive ID by the victim. I was then forwarded over to the manager who stated that Makayla Tarbet had sold the ring on 04/16/2024 to their location. I will forward this over to prosecutor Gary
Van Brocklin for charges against McKayla Tarbet.

Date 12/09/2024 12:20 Officer Russell

On 12/09/2024 I went to Cash America in Alliance, Ohio and obtained a copy of the receipt from the ring with Makayla Tarbet's name and signature on it. I also photographed the ring. I provided a letter head to Cash America to place the evidence on a Police hold until the investigation is complete. All of the information obtained will be placed in the case file.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507

On 12/09/2024 I spoke with Gary Brocklin who approved charges for Receiving stolen property for Makayla Tarbet an MI.

A warrant will be issued for Ms. Tarbet. Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507

On 12/12/2024 Ms. Makayla Tarbet was taken into custody for the warrant of Receiving stolen property. Ms. Tarbet was located at 615 W. California Ave. She was transported to the Sebring Police department for processing and booking. Ms. Tarbet was released on her own Recognizance.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 12/09/2024 @ 21:51 hrs

TRAFFIC - 200 Block E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Andrew McClellan
364 E. Broadway Alliance, Ohio

ORC: 4510.11 Driving under suspension (UM)
ORC: 4549.08 Fictitious Plates (M4)

At approximately 20:45 hours on December 9,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While in the area of the 100 block of W. Ohio Avenue, I conducted a registration check of a white Dodge Avenger that was parked running in the parking lot of Sebring Laundry (165 W. Ohio Avenue). The registration showed as belonging on a white 2003 Ford station wagon.

Approximately five minutes later, I observed the same vehicle leave the parking lot and going eastbound on Ohio Avenue. I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle continued down Ohio Avenue, before coming to a stop in the parking lot of Circle K (205 E. Ohio Avenue).

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his driver license and registration. The driver was only able to produce an Ohio Identification Card that showed him to be Andrew Jon McClellan, as well as a title to a 2008 Dodge sedan. Mr. McLellan also informed me at this time that he had just purchased the vehicle in the days prior.

At this time Ptl. Demski arrived on location, with me returning to my patrol car and searching Mr. McClellan through LEADS. This search showing that he was under an active non-compliance suspension. I also noted that the commission of the notary that was listed on the title expired in 2021. I then instructed Ptl. Demski
to ask Mr. McClellan to exit the vehicle, with me drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 0327 10. I cited McClellan for driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11) as well as fictitious plates (ORC: 4549.08). An administrative inventory of the vehicle was performed, with nothing of value being located. Sebring Tire was also summoned to tow the vehicle to their lot. It should be noted that a search of the VIN did not return with any present or historic registration on the vehicle.

Mr. McClellan then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 on Thursday, December 19,2024. It should be noted that McClellan also informed me that at the time, he did not have insurance on the vehicle and the license plates belonged on
his girlfriend's old car. Sebring Tire then arrived and towed the vehicle, with Ptl. Demski providing a courtesy transport to Mr. McLellan to his residence in Alliance. NFI.

Det. Reed #508





Date: 11/24/2024 @ 16:40 hrs

WARRANT - 205 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

875 N 12th Street. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: 2917.21 Telecommunications Harassment

On 25Nov24 I responded to Circle K at 205 E Ohio Ave for Harassment

Date 11/26/2024 09:01 Officer Melendez, Sr.

On 11/26/24 The Village Of Sebring Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin approved charges for Telecommunications Harassment ORC: 2917.21 (M1). Charges have been generated and will be taken to MCC#3

Ptl. Melendez #505 11/26/24

On 11/27/2024 a warrant for telecommunications harassment was executed for Mr. Anthony Myers. Mr. Myers was taken into custody at the Circle K in the village of Sebring, Ohio. Mr. Myers was transported to the Sebring Police department where he was booked, processed and transported to the Mahoning county jail due to court not being in session.

Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 11/29/2024 @ 18:52 hrs

TRAFFIC - 300 block W. Ohio Ave

CITED: Valerie Wasson, 1005 Lake park #92

4510.11 DUS non compliance
4503.2 Expired Plates
451 1.29 Left of Center

On this date I responded to an accident in front of 356 W Ohio Ave. Unit 1 a White PT cruiser driven by Valerie Wasson was traveling east bound on W Ohio Ave. The vehicle went left of center and struck an occupied Chevy SUV parked facing west in front of 356 W Ohio Ave.

The Chevy belongs to EAN holdings but was being rented by the homeowner.

Valerie was also found to be suspended and had expired plates. Valerie was issued a citation for DUS 4510.11, Expired plates 4503.2 1, and left of center 4511.29.

She was given a court date of 12/05/2024 in MCC#3 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack #504 11/29/2024


Date: 12/3/2024 @ 08:42 hrs

TRAFFIC - State Rt 62 @ S 15th St

CITED: Jennie Benner, 18391 5Th St # 104E Beloit

CHARGE: SCO:313.01 Traffic Control Device

On 3Dec24 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a Gray2020 Chevy Trax with Ohio Registration traveling South on S 12th St and run the stop sign at S. 12th St and State Rt 62.

After Observing the Violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 304 on State Rt 62 and S. 15th St. Upon contacting the operator Jennie Benner, I advised her of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification to which she provided. After obtaining Benner information I was able to verify that she was Valid. Benner was cited with ticket number #032625 for Traffic Control Device with a Court date of 12/12/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 12/3/2024


Date: 12/3/2024 @ 20:04 hrs

TRAFFIC - Zeps Pizza(l95 North Johnson Road)

CITED: Michael Beane, 436 Garfield Avenue Alliance,


On 8/9/2024 while performing saturation patrol at the intersection of North Johnson Road and West Ohio Avenue, I observed a dark colored Buick slow down and approach the stop sign from the West side of Ohio Avenue. The vehicle initiated its turn signal and performed a right turn Northbound onto North Johnson Road. As the vehicle turned, I observed the license plate light was out, and I could not observe a license plate on the vehicle.

Upon verifying the equipment infractions I activated my overhead lights and audible siren. The vehicle stopped in the parking lot of Zeps Pizza.

I called out my stop to dispatch with the plate, Ohio plate8, exited marked cruiser #303, and exited my cruiser as the driver, Michael Beane, was walking towards the entrance of Zeps Pizza. I identified myself and my affiliation. I advised Michael of the reason for the stop being that the vehicles license plate was out and that I could not see a license plate, which I then was able to confirm it was placed in the rear window. I asked Michael to stop reaching his hands into his pockets and he complied.

Due to his nervous behavior I asked him to stand at the hood of my cruiser as I performed a pat down for weapons. I asked Michael if he had any weapons on his and he advised he did not. I did not feel or locate any weapons on his person.

I asked Michael for his license, registration for the vehicle, and the insurance for the vehicle and he stated he did not have his license, registration, or insurance card. I returned to my cruiser and advised dispatch I was showing on my MDT that Michael was suspended for Non-Compliance.

Michael was then issued a citation on Ticket #032709 for 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (DUS)(Non-Compliance), 4503.21 Display of license plate, and I advised Michael of his mandatory court date of MCC #3 12/12/2024 @0900 AM.

Michael was respectful to me the entire duration of the traffic stop, as well as signed the citation and was given a copy of his citation.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 12/3/2024




Date: 11/24/2024 @ 16:40 hrs

CRIMINAL - 382 Iddings Ave. SE Warren, Ohio

ARREST: Christopher Guildoo
555 W. Califomia Ave. Sebring, Ohio

Offense: Arson (M-1) ORC: 2909.03(A)(1)

Ptl. Russell
11/19/2024 13:48

On 11/19/2024 I was dispatched to 555 W. California Ave for a possible Arson.

On 11/19/2024 I was dispatched and responded to 555 W. California Ave for a possible Arson complaint.

Upon arriving in the area I did not observe any smoke or flames coming from the structure or outside of the structure. I then made contact with the caller who resides at W. Tennessee Ave. Caller advised that he saw Chris Guildoo on a red ATV riding from the residence of 525 W. Tennessee Ave towards Johnson Road and then back. He stated that when he returned back with the ATV Guildoo loaded something on the ATV and rode it towards his property of 556 W. Tennessee Ave. He stated that he then went into the yard of 555 W. California Ave and ignited two bushes on fire.

I was advised that Guildoo became very agitated with the fact that caller called 911 and started yelling at him and calling him names before leaving the property. Caller used a near by water source to put the fire out prior to my arrival and the arrival of the FD. Caller showed me the video he has of Guildoo igniting two bushes on fire in the back of 555 W. California Ave. The FD arrived on scene to conduct their investigation. I then went to observe the damage to the bushes. I observed heavy fire damage to two bushes that were severally burnt to almost nothing left. I then attempted to make contact at the residence of 555 W. California Ave with the FD.

Negative contact was made at the residence. I then photographed with the damages to the bushes and obtained a written statement from caller. The video has been provided to my work email for further investigation and evidence to this case. The male subject will be charged criminally for the damages.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507

On 11/20/2024 The case was reviewed by Chief Harris and Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin. Charges were approved by the prosecutor for M-1 Arson on Christopher Guildoo. A warrant will be issued.

Ptl. Racheal Russell 507

At approximately 16:30 hours on November 24, 2024, I was at 386 lddings Avenue SE in the City of Warren, Ohio on a stolen property recovery (Ref RP #24-010024) when officers with the Warren Police Department apprehended Christopher Thomas Guildoo on this warrant. This being after a brief foot pursuit.

Guildoo was placed in handcuffs by this officer upon being received from Warren City, with these being properly spaced and double-locked. Christopher was then placed in the back of car 303, read Miranda, and transported back to the Sebring Police Department. Once on station he was photographed, fingerprinted, and processed. It should be noted that while being searched more thoroughly, prior to being transported to the jail, I located a baggy of what was immediately evident to me as being hallucinogenic mushrooms in his inner coat pocket. These shall be sent to the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation for further testing, with additional charges possible. NFI.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 11/19/2024 @ 15:00 hrs

CRIMINAL - 135 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

185 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, Ohio

OFFENSE: 2913.02 Theft

11/19/2024 09:26 Officer Russell

On 11/19/2024 A theft complaint was reported to me at the local Circle K in the village of Sebring, Ohio 44672

On 11/19/2024 I was advised by the store manager of the local Circle K in the village of Sebring that on 11/14/2024 Ms. O'Rhira Mueller stole multiple items from the store. The items are as follows. Great lakes Christmas Ale, Nachos chips the 1.75 oz, 1 polar pop and a pack of Marlboro Black 100 in a box. The total coming to $16.09. Manager stated that O'Rhira went to the self check out counter and put her items on the scanner and asked for the cigarettes after placing her items on the counter. She stated she was given the cigarettes' from behind the counter with the assumption from the cashier that she was going to be paying for her items with the self checkout scanner. Manager stated that O'Rhira removed her items from the counter and walked out of the store. That is when it was discovered that her transaction was not complete and the items were not paid for. Manager advised that O'Rhira came back to Circle K the next day and was confronted by Manager about the unpaid items and O'Rhira advised "that is too bad, because I don't have the money to pay for it."

Manager stated she has been into the store on multiple occasions since that day and refuses to pay for the stolen items. Manager is requesting charges to be filed for Theft.

A written statement was obtained from Manager and the Voided receipt was collected for the case file. A copy of the surveillance video will be provided to the case file. Ms. O'Rhira Mueller will be charged with M-1 theft and a warrant will be issued. Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507

On 11/19/2024 A warrant has been issued for Ms. O'Rhia Muellen for the M-1 Theft.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507

On 11/19/2024 contact was made with Ms. Muellen Via by telephone. Ms. Muellen advised she is in Youngstown at this time but will come to the Sebring Police department as soon as she arrives back in Sebring to take care of this matter.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507

On 11/19/2024 the warrant was executed for Ms. Mueller. Ms. Mueller turned herself into the Sebring Police department, where she was processed and released on her own Recognizance. She was given a court date of 11/21/2024 at 0900hours at MCC#3 for the charge of M-1 Theft.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507

On 11/12/2024 I was advised by Manager that she wants a notice of restriction for Ms. Mueller due to the theft of alcohol and also her actions towards store staff. I was advised that Ms. Mueller has been into the store after the charges were filed and she was yelling at the staff members of the store and causing a scene in the store in front of customers. I was also advised that when Ms. Mueller started to exit the store that she kicked the door with aggression.

A notice of restriction will be filed and served to Ms. Mueller per manager's request. Ms. Mueller will be served with the notice of restriction.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507

On 11/2012024 Ms. Mueller was served at her residence of 185 E. Oregon Ave. with a notice of restriction. Subject was advised she is not to be in the place of business or she will be arrested for Trespassing. Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 11/19/2024 @ 15:00 hrs

SUMMONS: Kathryn Whaley
436 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

OFFENSE: 505.01 Dog Running at Large

On 8Nov24 I responded to 436 W Ohio for an Animal Complaint.

Upon arrival I (Ptl. Melendez) made contact with Kathryn Whaley. I advised Whaley that she will be charged for Dog At Large since this was the second time in one week that her short white dog (unknown name) got out of her fence and attempted to bite an employee of the Sebring Post Office.

Whaley advised that she understood and also that she was going to fix her fence under her rear staircase.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505




Date: 11/10/2024 @ 02:28 hrs

CRIMINAL - 606 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Kenny George
166 E. Oregon Ave, Sebring

Domestic Violence 2919.25
Strangulation 2903.13

On 11/10/24 Dispatch advised there was a woman on station needing to speak to officers regarding a Domestic violence incident that occurred between her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend.

Ptl, Demski 509

On 11/10/2024 officers were dispatched to the police station for a Domestic. Upon arrival Ptl. Demski and I made contact with the victim who stated that she and Kenny George had gotten into an argument, and he told her to get out of the car near the intersection of Johnson Ave. and Ohio Ave. She stated she then got out of the car and Kenny came around "snatched her up" and put her back into the car. She stated that as Kenny put her into the car she hit her head and believed she was knocked unconscious. She stated that when she awoke, Kenny was on top of her with his hands around her neck. It should be noted that there were visible red marks on her neck which were photographed. Victim filled out a Domestic Violence worksheet with Ptl. Demski.

We contacted Kenny and placed him in hand cuffs (gapped and double locked). Ptl. Demski then read Kenny his Miranda rights and advised him he was being placed under arrest for Domestic Violence/M1 and Strangulation/F2. Kenny was then transported to the station for processing.

Once Kenny was processed, he was then transported to Mahoning County Justice Center by Ptl. Demski.

Sgt. Kelm #503 11/10/2024


Date: 11/10/2024 @ 08:12 hrs

CRASH - 300 Block S. Johnson Rd. Sebring,

CITED: David Moser
135 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio


At 08:12 hours on November 10,2024, I was dispatched to a report of a motor vehicle crash on S. Johnson Road at W. Georgia Avenue. The subject vehicle reportedly struck a telephone pole. I immediately proceeded to this location, with dispatch advising that the reporting party advised that the driver of the vehicle was unresponsive while I was enroute.

Upon arriving on location, I observed a white 2004 Toyota Corolla (OH Reg:), that appeared to have been traveling southbound, had left the right side of the roadway and struck the telephone pole in the yard of 360 S. Johnson Road. The vehicle had moderate damage to the front end.

Upon approaching closer, I noted that there was a white male subject in his 50's sitting in the driver seat. The driver did not have a seatbelt on, showed no outward signs of trauma or injury, and the airbags of the vehicle were not deployed. I then opened the front driver-side door and made contact with the driver, who initially acted as though he was unresponsive, but immediately appeared alert and oriented upon observing me. In speaking with the driver, he said that he was okay. When I asked him what happened, he said "I tried to kill myself'.

I then reached inside of the vehicle, placed it in park, and removed the key from the ignition.

In speaking further with the driver, he provided me with an Ohio Driver License that showed him to be David Charles Moser. Sebring Fire arrived on scene at this time as did Sgt. Starr, of the Smith Township Police Department. I then asked Mr. Moser to step out of the vehicle, with me conducting a pat-down of his person before he went to an ambulance with Sebring Fire/EMS. At this time, I advised Lt. Wayne Bailey that I would be placing Mr. Moser under involuntary admission due to his mental status and suicide attempt, as well as that I would be writing him a traffic citation for intentionally crashing his vehicle.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No.032707, with this being for operation in willful or wanton disregard of public safety. I also completed the involuntary admission for (pink slip). Once completed, I went to speak with Mr. Moser, who was still being assessed by Sebring Fire/EMS. Mr. Moser signed the citation, was given his copy, and informed of his mandatory court appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, November 21,2024. It should be noted that at this time, Mr. Moser informed me that due to his financial situation, he did not have insurance on the vehicle that he had been driving. Moser was then transported to Aultman Alliance Community Hospital by Sebring Fire/EMS.

An administrative inventory of the vehicle was completed, with nothing of value being located. Once finished, the vehicle was towed to Sebring Tire's wrecking lot. No damage was noted to the telephone pole. All photographs were placed in the shared driver and labeled with the corresponding case file number.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 11/11/2024 @ 20:42 hrs


CITED: Cara Gainor
331 Bennington Dr Sebring

CHARGE: 4511.202 Failure to Control

On this date 11/11/24 at approximately 2030 hours I was dispatched to the intersection of Hillsdale and Carolina Ave regarding a call from Mrs. Gainor stating that she sideswiped a stop sign. When I arrived, I saw that the stop sign was indeed hit and laying in 2 pieces. The pole didn't seem to be damaged and neither did the sign itself. When we arrived at Mrs. Gainors house I contacted her.

She was extremely apologetic and stated, "she would've felt bad if she didn't call and let the police know that she hit the sign". I told her that I did need to site her for Failure to control and that I needed her information. I wrote her a citation for failure to control and reported the broken stop sign to the street department.

I then cleared.

Ptl. Vesey #513


Date: 11/11/2024 @ 20:42 hrs

TRAFFIC - 100 Block W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Amileyon Copper
386 E. Wisconsin Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 331.17 Right-of-way when turning left (MM)

At 15:58 hours on November 15,2024, Ptl. Brindack and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary at the intersection of Ohio Avenue and N. 15th Street waiting for a red light, I observed a blue Pontiac Vibe that was traveling northbound on N. 15th Street turn left onto W. Ohio Avenue. The vehicle failed to yield the right-of-way to a silver Mercury Mountaineer that was traveling southbound through the intersection. This causing the driver of the Mercury Mountaineer to have to abruptly stop in order to avoid the near collision.

Upon observing this, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop on the Pontiac Vibe (OH Reg:).

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, she immediately apologized. I then requested her driver license and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce both requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Amileyon Copper.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No.032727. I cited Copper for right-of-way when turning left (SCO:331.17). Once I finished drafting the citation, I returned to Copper's vehicle where she was given her documents back. Copper also signed the citation, was given her copy, as well as advised of her right to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday December 5, 2024, as well as of her option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date.

Units then cleared. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 11/11/2024 @ 20:42 hrs

TRAFFIC - Ohio and Johnson

CITED: Michael Beane
436 Garfield Alliance OH

4510.11 DUS non compliance
4511.13 Traffic control devices

On 11/16/2024 while on Patrol on California Ave traveling west bound, I observed a black Buick in front of me turn North onto Johnson Rd without making a complete stop. I followed the Buick and initiated a traffic stop with the vehicle at Johnson and Ohio Ave. I identified the driver as Michael S Beane.

Upon running him, dispatch advised he was suspended and had 5 open suspensions. Michael was cited for DUS 4510.11 and traffic control devices 4511.13. He was given a court date at MCC#3 of 11/21/2024 at 0900hrs. The registered owner who was valid was allowed to drive the vehicle away.

Ptl. Brindack #504




Date: 11/7/2024 @ 11:30 hrs

CRIMINAL - 606 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Clifford Mullan
Sebring, Ohio

2919.25 Domestic Violence
2903.13 Assault
2909.04 Disrupting public services
2909.05 Vandalism

On 11/07/2024 The warrant for Domestic Violence, Assault, Disrupting public services and Vandalism have been executed on Mr. Mullan. Mr. Mullan turned himself into MCC#3 and was seen by the judge. A bond was set by the Judge for $2,500.00 and was given a preliminary hearing to be set by the Judge.

Mr. Mullan was advised to have this officer follow him to the Sebring Police department for the booking process.

Mr. Mullan reported to the Sebring police department where he was booked, processed and released on his own Recognizance.

Ptl Racheal Russell #507


Date: 11/7/2024 @ 13:00 hrs


ARREST: Makayla Tarbet
155.5 Oregon Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: 2913.02 Theft

On 11/06/2024 I was dispatched and responded to 205 E. Ohio Ave, the local Circle K, for a theft complaint.

Upon arrival I spoke with the store manager who stated Makayla Tarbet and subject entered the store together and got two hot dogs and brought them to the register to pay for them. Manager stated Makayla went and got two polar pops and came up the register at the self check out and stood there and grabbed a small bottle of Vodka off the shelf and slipped it into the front pocket of her blue jeans. Manager stated that other subject paid for the hot dogs and exited the store with Makayla. Manager stated when she noticed that Makayla did not appear to have paid for her polar pops she went outside and asked subject if they were paid for. She stated she went back and reviewed the camera and discovered that the polar pops were in fact not paid for and that is when she noticed Makayla stole the bottle of Vodka from the shelf and watched her put it in her front pocket.

She advised she wants charges pressed against Ms. Tarbet for the theft of alcohol and the polar pops and would like a notice of restriction done for Ms. tarbet.

A written statement was obtained and copy of the video has been provided. I then viewed the video myself and observed subject at the register paying for the hot dogs and Makayla approach the register area with two polar pops in her hand and grab a small bottle of Vodka off the shelf and place it in her front pocket on her right side.

Charges will be filed for Ms. Tarbet for M-1 Theft and possible charges for subject for complicity to commit theft.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507

On 11/07/2024 Makayla Tarbet was taken into custody for a warrant on Theft M-1 at the residence of 155.5 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, Ohio 44672. Dispatch received a call from Circle K stating that Makayla was in the parking lot. I responded to the area and was advised that she just pulled out in a gray in color Chevy Impala. I located the said vehicle traveling South bound on 14th Street. I caught up to the vehicle and was able to stop the vehicle in the location of the 155.5 Oregon Ave. I observed subject as the driver and advised him I needed Makayla who was in the passenger seat. I advised Ms. Tarbet that she had a warrant for theft and she was taken into custody.

She was placed in handcuffs and the hand cuffs were double locked. She was placed in the back of marked unit 304 and transported back to the Sebring Police department where she was booked, processed and released on her own Recognizance.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507




Date: 10/31/2024 @ 15:38 hrs

TRAFFIC - S. Johnson and Tennessee

CITED: Shane Fonner
802 N Vally Blvd Canton OH

CHARGE: 4510.11 DUS

On October 31, 2024, while running traffic on the corner of Johnson and Ohio Ave, I Observed a 2019 Dodge Charger fail to completely stop at the stop sign. I then immediately attempted to pull the vehicle over. After Observing the Violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 302 on Johnson and Tennessee Ave.

Upon contacting the operator Shane Michael Fonner, I advised him of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification which was not provided by Shane. After obtaining his Driver License number I was able to Verify that Gregg was suspended, and his registration was valid.

Gregg was citied with ticket number 032678 for Diving Under Suspension ORC:4510.11 with a Court date of 11\14\2024 at MCC#3 at 0900.

Ptl. Vesey #513 10/31/2024


Date: 11/2/2024 @ 19:16 hrs


ARREST: Kevin Tower
1432 W State St Alliance

2903.13 ASSAULT

Date: 11 /02/2024 22:50 Officer Brindack

On arrival Kevin Tower was walking away from the scene, we had prior knowledge that there was a protection order against Kevin prohibiting him from being around victim who resides at that address.

Kevin was placed in custody for assault 2903.13 a misdemeanor of the first degree and criminal damage 2909.06 a misdemeanor of the second degree. Kevin stated several times that he was never served the protection order. I will follow up with the Sheriff's office to confirm if he has been served. Kevin was transported to our station processed and Kevin was transported to our station processed and transported to Mahoning County Jail. Kevin was allowed to give a statement on station.

Kevin is due in MCC#3 on 11/07/2024 at 0900hrs. This case will be forwarded to our prosecutor to review potential charges against victim despite subject not wishing to pursue charges.





Date: 10/23/2024 @ 18:30 hrs

TRAFFIC - 206 W Oregon Ave

CITED: William Belford
306 112 w Pennsylvania

CHARGE: 331.34 Full Time & Attention

On this date I responded to 206 W Oregon Ave for an accident report. On arrival I learned that Unit 1, a silver Volvo XC90, driven by William D Belford was traveling west on W Oregon Ave and side swiped unit 2 a Maroon Saturn Aura owned by Lucas J Davis which was parked unoccupied in front of 206 W Oregon parked the same direction.

This caused minor paint transfer to both vehicles, damaged the passenger mirror of unit 1 and removed the driver mirror of unit 2. William admitted to me he was distracted by his dog inside the car.

William was cited for 331.34 full time and attention and given a court date in MCC#3 of 10131 12024 at 0900hrs, I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 504 10/23/2024


Date: 10/25/2024 @ 23:31 hrs

TRAFFIC - US 62 near Johnson Rd

CITED: Kory Surgen
1054 Parkside Ave Alliance OH

Charge: 335.1 Expired Plates

On this date while working for OVI saturation Patrol for the Mahoning County OVI task force. I was parked in a marked patrol car in the parking lot of Oakridge motel along US 62. I observed a white ford f-150 traveling West bound on 62 pass me with one headlight out. I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle and relayed the plate to dispatch. I made contact the driver Kory D Surgen.

Upon returning to my patrol car. I asked for a return on the plate and driver since my MDT was down at the time.

Dispatch advised that the driver was valid, but the plates were expired since 05/29/2024. Kory was issued a citation for expired plates 335.1 0 and given a court date at MCC#3 of 10131 /2024 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack #504 10/25/2024




Date: 10/18/2024 @ 17:31 hrs


ARREST: Isabella Welty
195 W Maryland Ave

CHARGE: 2909.07 Crim Mischief

On this date units responded to 146 W Maryland Ave for a criminal mischief report.

Ptl. Brindack #504

On arrival we observed that the trash can at the end of the drive was knocked over. The caller said that she was outside getting her yard ready for winter when she saw Isabella Welty knock over her trash can. Victim pulled out her phone and recorded Isabella leaving the scene. This is an ongoing issue between victim and Isabella. victim stated multiple times that this "has to stop". Victim gave a statement and said she wanted charges for this matter.

Units attempted to locate Isabella at the time but were could not find her. Victim sent a video that she had to the department, however though it looks like Isabella on her phone the video is extremely low quality. This case will be sent to prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin for approval of charges.

Ptl. Brindack #504 10/12/2024

On 10/17/2024 Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin approved one count of criminal mischief. A warrant will be filed.

PtI. Brindack 504 10/17/2024

On this date lsabella Welty was taken into custody on the above mentioned warrant at her residence 195 W Maryland Ave. She was transported to our station processed and released with a recognizance bond and a court date at MCC#3 of 10/24/2024 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack 504 10/18/2024


Date: 10/14/2024 @ 16:40 hrs

TRAFFIC - 700 Block W Ohio Ave

CITED: Damian Quarterman
1489 Beeson St Alliance OH

ORC:4510.11 DUS
ORC:4511.12 Traffic Control Device

On 140ct24 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a green Saturn with Ohio Registration traveling south on Johnson Rd and run the stop sign at Johnson Rd and W Ohio Ave After Observing the Violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 304 in the 700 block of W Ohio Ave.

Upon contacting the operator Damin Quarterman, I advised him of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification to which he provided. After obtaining Quarterman's information I was able to verify that he was Suspended.

Quarter was cited with ticket number#032623 for DUS and Traffic Control device with a Court date of 10/17/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 10/14/2024


Date: 10/16/2024 @ 16:28 hrs

CRIMINAL - Family Dollar 62/Westville

ARREST: Brian Amon
280 N 15th St

Charge: 2913.02 Theft

10/15/2024 14:59 Officer Russell

On 09/15/2024 1 took a report for theft of services.

On 10/01/20241 was advised by Chief Harris that Mr. Jeffrey Butcher complained about the dumpster being used at the Abiding Grace Church that he owns. I was advised that Jeffrey found trash in the dumpster that belongs to and has the name of Ms. Loretta Welling on the package found in the dumpster. I was also advised there was a pill bottle that was put in the dumpster with her name on it.

Jeffrey advised Chief Harris that he wants this to stop and wants Loretta to get her trash out of the dumpster. I was advised that Jeffrey did not give Loretta permission to use the dumpster and has advised her in the past not to use the dumpster.

I collected the trash evidence that was provided with Loretta's name on it and placed it into the Sebring evidence room for safe keeping and as evidence for this case. I was advised to make contact with Loretta and have her remove the trash. The evidence provided to the Sebring Police department was a box, a paper document and also the pill bottle.

I had attempted to make contact with Loretta Welling for 2 weeks with negative contact each time at her place of residence. I was advised due to Loretta not willing to cooperate to forward this case to the prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin for charges of theft of service.

Ptl. Russell #507


Date: 10/20/2024 @ 20:22 hrs

TRAFFIC - Ohio and 15th

CITED: Morgan Davis
336 N 13th Sebring Ohio

CHARGE: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension

On 10/20/24 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I Observed Maroon Jeep Cherokee with Ohio Registration traveling east on Ohio with a passage side headlight out. After Observing the Violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 303 in the 200 Block of east Ohio Ave.

Upon contacting the driver (Morgan Davis), I advised her of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification to which she provided. After obtaining Morgans information I was able to verify that she was Suspended. I then cited Morgan with ticket number #032677 for Driving Under Suspension (4510.11) with a Court date of 10/31/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Vesey #513 10/20/2024


Date: 10/21/2024 @ 13:19 hrs

TRAFFIC - Johnson Rd @ Courtney Rd.

CITED: Jacob Hudak
11285 Youngstown-Salem Rd, Salem OH

SCO: 333.03 Speeding (49/35)
SCO: 335.10 Expired Tags

On 210ct24 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a White 2020 Ford E-250 Van with Ohio Registration traveling North on Johnson Rd at a high rate of speed above the posted speed limit. I then locked the vehicle's speed at 49Mph. After Observing the Violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 304 near the intersection of Courtney Rd and Johnson Rd.

Upon contacting the operator Jacob Hudak, I advised him of the reason for the stop. I then asked for identification to which he provided. After obtaining Hudak information I was able to verify that he was Valid. Hudak was cited with ticket number #032624 for Speed (49/35) and Expired Tags with a Court date of 10/31/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 10/21/2024


Date: 10/21/2024 @ 13:19 hrs

CRIMINAL/TRAFFIC - 15th St/Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Nancymarie Garwood
646 Vine St. Apt. 3 Salem, Ohio

ORC: 4511.12 Obedience to Traffic Control Devices (MM)
ORC: 2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substances (M-1)

On this date while working for the Mahoning County OVI task force I conducted a traffic stop which lead to a drug arrest.

Ptl. Brindack #504 10/23/2024

On this date while working for the Mahoning County OVI task force I was on patrol in marked patrol car at Ohio and 15th St. I observed a silver chevy Cavalier travelling East on Ohio Ave turn onto 15th St without stopping at the blinking red light. I initiated a traffic stop on the Cavalier which stopped in parking space in the downtown area. I approached the driver later identified as Nancy Garwood along the passenger side of the vehicle I identified myself and informed her for the reason for the stop. I observed a clearish crystal like substance on the passenger seat of the vehicle.

I also noticed the driver appeared to be nervous and was laughing after every statement, she also retrieved a cigarette from the pack when I walked up indicating stress. At this time Det. Reed arrived on scene and approached on the driver side. I requested our K9 to respond. Sgt.Kelm arrived shortly after.

Nancy was asked for consent to search the vehicle and said "sure" I asked again and asked her to be clear with a yes or no, Nancy replied "yes you can search" Det. Reed spoke with Nancy while Sgt. Kelm and I conducted a search of the vehicle. Inside of Nancy purse I found a small clear plastic bag with two orange pills inside one whole pill and one half of a pill. When asked Nancy said they were suboxone and had a prescription.

Det. Reed discussed this with her while we continued our search. Two bags were found in the trunk, inside one of the bags which appeared to be a nursing bag, Sgt. Kelm found a four pack of highlighters in a hard plastic container, one of the highlighters had been replaced with a syringe which no longer had a needle but was loaded with a small amount of a clear liquid. Nancy said it was Ativan that she accidentally took from work and was going to return. We fielded tested the liquid, during field test a large portion of the liquid was spilled. The field test showed orange indicating fentanyl or methamphetamine, however the color was not strong, and we all agreed the field test was inconclusive.

Det. Reed had called into the OARS Ohio automated RX reporting system and discovered that Nancy had a prescription for suboxone strips but not pills, Det. Reed had already read Nancy Miranda, and she admitted to him she acquired the pills from a friend not a prescription.

Nancy was taken into custody for possession of a controlled substance 2925.11a misdemeanor of the 1st degree. The syringe was also seized for further testing. The vehicle was left with Nancy's husband who came to the seen shortly before her arrest. Nancy was transported to our station processed and given a recognizance form. She was also issued a citation for traffic control devices. Nancy was given a court date of 10/24/2024 in MCC#3 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack #504 10/23/2024




Date: 10/09/2024 @ 01:16 hrs

TRAFFIC - 200 Block W. Maryland Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Ryan Skeend
3262 Sheridan Rd. Youngstown, OH

ORC: 4503.11 Owner required to file application-Taxes (MM)
ORC: 4510.11 Driving under suspension (Non-Compliance) (UM)

At 0 1 : 16 hours on October 9,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While westbound in the 100 block of E. Maryland Avenue I conducted a registration check on a white Nissan Altima that was traveling in front of me. The vehicle showed as being registered to a Ryan Skeens, whose driving status showed as being suspended. The vehicle registration also expired on July 16, 2024.

I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a complete stop in the 200 block of W. Maryland Avenue. Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop, with him telling me that he knew that his license was suspended and that he just couldn't get valid due to issues existing with multiple courts. Mr. Skeen then produced a paper copy of his driver license but was unable to provide proof of insurance. Due to Skeen's furtive movements at the initial time of stop I asked him to step out of the vehicle, with me conducting a pat-down of his person. No weapons were located as a result of this. Sgt. Kelm also arrived to my location at this time.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032706. I cited Skeen for owner required to file application-taxes (ORC: 4503.11) for the expired registration as well as driving under suspension (Non- Compliance)(ORC: 45 10.11). A confiscation order was also listed on the vehicle's registration.

Once I was finished drafting the citation, I returned to speak with Skeen, who then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, October 17,2024. I further instructed Skeen that he would need to bring proof of insurance with him to court and that due to the confiscation order, I would be towing the vehicle. Skeen said that he understood this, with him being permitted to take personal items from the vehicle before leaving on foot. An administrative inventory of the vehicle was completed, with nothing of value being contained within. Sebring Tire then arrived on location with the vehicle being towed to their impound lot with no hold being place.

I then cleared from the stop. The license plates were placed in the BMV envelope along with a completed confiscation order form once back on station.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 10/10/2024 @ 16:48 hrs

CRIMINAL - Ohio / 15th St.

836 S 13th St apt 18

2913.51 RSP
2913.02 Theft

Date 09/16/2024 17:05 Officer Reed

At 13:08 hours on September 15, 2024, police responded to a report of an electric meter having been stolen off of a residence in the 500 Block of S. 14th Street. The meter was subsequently recovered off of an apartment building on Alabama Avenue.

At 13:08 hours on September 15, 2024, I was dispatched to 532 S. 14th Street regarding a theft of a digital electric meter.

Upon arriving on location, I met with Ohio Edison, as well as the caller/complainant. In speaking with subject, he informed me that the residence belonged to his daughter, that it was not currently being resided in, but that electric service was maintained. Subject said that when the service was disrupted. Ohio Edison found that the meter that belonged there had been replaced with another. This meter being registered to an account belonging to subject of Apt. 18 at 836 S. 13th Street. This apartment I know to have recently been vacated with Linda, staying behind despite being told that she needed to leave from the apartments owner.

I then accompanied Jason to the apartment complex where the meter belonging to Jones was found plugged into the box of apartment 18. It should be noted that while at the apartment the day before on an unrelated matter, residence informed me that they had observed who they know to be Linda Stuller "messing with" the box. Ohio Edison generated event #1408303 for the matter with a follow up to be completed with both Ohio Edison and other potentially involved parties.

The boxes were swapped back so that electric service could be restored to Jones' residence. Various photographs were also taken with these being loaded to the shared drive. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508

On this date while on patrol I spotted Linda Stuller at the corner of Ohio and 15th I stopped Linda and informed her of her warrant. Ptl. Vesey happened to be in the area and arrived on scene with me shortly after. Ptl. Vesey handcuffed Linda and placed her in the back of his car. A search incident to arrest was completed on three bags Linda was carrying no contraband was found. Two small knives were located and taken for safekeeping since the jail will not accept them.

Linda was transported back to our station, processed, given a court date for the above mentioned charges of 10/17/2024 in Mahoning county court #3 and transported to Mahoning county jail by Ptl. Vesey.

Ptl. Brindack 504


Date: 10/08/2024 @ 08:00 hrs


Summons: Jodi Conner
176 W Maryland Ave Sebring OH


On this date the Village solicitor found a property in the 100 Block of West Maryland to be a nuisance.

Chief Harris #502

On this date the Village solicitor found the property at 173 West Maryland to be a nuisance. Charges will be filed.

Chief Harris #502

On 110c24 | (Plt. Melendez) served Jodi V. Conner with her court Summons for Nuisance at her residence with a court date of 10/31/2024.

Ptl. Melendez #505 10/11/2024




Date: 10/03/2024 @ 20:19 hrs

Criminal - 185 W. Vermont Ave., Sebring

ARREST: Steven Vanpelt
285 W. Virginia Ave., Sebring

OFFENSES: 2923.13 Having Weapons Under Disability/F3

On 10/3/2024 officers were dispatched to 185 W. Vermont Ave. for an intoxicated male with a firearm.

Sgt. Kelm #503

Upon arrival Ptl. Brindack observed Steven Vanpelt standing outside near his truck. Ptl. Brindack drew his service pistol and ordered Steven to place his hands in the air. Steven complied and Ptl. Brindack then patted down Steven. Steven was then placed in handcuffs (gapped and double locked) with a second set used due to Steven's size in order to not injure his shoulders. Officers then explained to Steven the reason we were there. Steven was clearly intoxicated as shown by his slurred slow speech, having trouble keeping balance, and the odor of alcohol emitting from his person.

Steven denied that he had a handgun and repeatedly stated he was being harassed, stating we need to just let him go, and requesting the police Chief. Steven was placed in the rear of Ptl. Brindack's cruiser while the incident was investigated.

The Witness took officers to the garage where he explained that Steven had walked into the doorway, was extremely intoxicated, and would not allow him to get through the door. Witness that stated as Steven turned around he observed a handgun in his waistband.

Officers checked the area but were initially unable to locate the handgun. Witness stated he would write a sworn statement detailing that he observed the handgun in Steven's waistband.

Due to lack of evidence Steven was released and advised to leave the scene and not return. As Steven was walking away
Vincent advised he found the handgun in the back yard. Ptl. Brindack went to retrieve the handgun and I again detained Steven and stood by with Smith Township Lt. McDaniel who had arrived on scene earlier.

At this time I made contact with prosecutor VanBrocklin and explained the situation. Prosecutor VanBrocklin advised that due to a witness writing a sworn statement stating they observed the pistol in Steven's waistband to place him under arrest for 2923.13 Weapons Under Disability/F-3. Steven was transported to the police station and processed. Steven requested to be seen by EMS who met on station. Steven was transported to Alliance Hospital due to high blood pressure.

Upon being released from the hospital Steven was transported to Mahoning County Justice Center by Ptl. Vesey. Steven has a mandatory court appearance on 1011012024 at MCC#3 at 0900hrs.

Sgt. Kelm #503


Date: 10/05/2024 @ 07:57 hrs

TRAFFIC - 300 Block Courtney Rd. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Danny Worrell
13667 Telepahak St. SE Minerva, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (55/35) MM

At 07:57 hours on October 5,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary facing west along the roadside in the 300 block of Courtney Road, I observed a black Chevrolet Silverado with attached trailer traveling eastbound at rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH speed limit. As the vehicle approached to within an estimated 300 feet of my location, I activated the patrol car's in-car radar unit (MPH Industries/Python 111). A locked speed of 55 MPH was obtained.

This being consistent with my visual estimation. No other vehicles were present on this stretch of roadway at this time. The radar unit also emitted a steady, clear, and high pitch that was consistent with the displayed speed.

One the truck passed my location, I pulled onto the roadway, activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop. At this time, I observed that Ohio Temporary Registration R436092 was affixed to the rear trailer. As I approached the truck itself, I noted that affixed to it was Ohio Registration.

I then made contact with the driver, with me informing him of the reason for the stop as well as requesting his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be Danny R. Worrell. In speaking with Mr. Worrell, he said that he was unaware of the speed limit on the stretch of roadway that he was on.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032705. I cited Mr. Worrell for speed (SCO: 333.03). At this time, I also found that the temporary registration on the trailer had expired in October of 2023.

Once I was finished drafting the citation, I returned to Mr. Worrell's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, October 17,2024, to contest the citation, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. In addition to being cited for the speed, Worrell was given a verbal warning for the expired registration on the trailer.

I then cleared from the stop. NFI.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 10/07/2024 @ 12:50 hrs

TRAFFIC - 12000 Block N Johnson Rd., Sebring, OH

CITED: Michelle Emplit
22 175 Lake Park Blvd, Alliance, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (50/35)

On 70ct24 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a Black 2016 Chevy Truck with Ohio Registration traveling North on Johnson Rd at a high rate of speed above the posted speed limit. I then locked the vehicles speed at 50Mph. After Observing the Violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 303 in the 12000 Block of Johnson Rd.

Upon contacting the operator Michelle Emplit, I advised her of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification to which she provided. After obtaining Emplit's information I was able to verify that she was Valid. Emplit was cited with ticket number #032622 for Speed (50/35) with a Court date of 10/17/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505


Date: 10/07/2024 @ 17:00 hrs

TRAFFIC - Courtney Rd near Allied Dr, Sebring, Ohio,

CITED: Gregg Martin
4290 Reckenberger RD, Columbiana, Ohio,

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed ( 53/35)

On September 07,2024, while patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a 201 7 Chrysler Van with Ohio Registration traveling East on Courtney RD. I then Locked the vehicles speed at 53 in a marked 35 MPH zone. After Observing the Violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol vehicle #304 on Courtney Road by Allied Drive.

Upon making contact with the operator Gregg Martin, I advised him of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification which was provided by Martin. After obtaining Martins documents I was able to Verify that Gregg was Valid, and his registration was valid. Gregg was cited with ticket number #032676 for Speed SCO:333.03 with a Court date of 10\17\2024 at MCC#3 at 0900.

Ptl. Vesey #513




Date: 09/27/2024 @ 15:00 hrs

WARRANT - 22810 Alliance Sebring RD

ARREST: Nicholas Piesciuk
278 Mill CIR Apt 33

CHARGE: 2919.27 Violation of protection order or consent agreement

On 09/23/2024 @ 1744 hours I responded to Street for a report of harassment in relation to a possible violation of a temporary protection order.

Ptl. Peterman #506

On arrival I spoke with the victim who stated to me that her husband, Nicholas Piesciuk, had attempted to
make contact with her via phone application CashApp. Showed me a picture of username "Nick Piesciuk" that sent
her $150.00 with a note attached stating "For whatever you or the girls need" leading me to believe this is in fact
Nicholas Piesciuk.

Being the arresting officer, I remember that Nicholas was currently released on bond for a domestic violence charge and his condition for release was not to have any contact with the victim in any way to include 3rd party contact.

Victim stated that one of her facebook friends had also received a message from Nicholas stating "Hi, I'm reaching to you to find out if my girls need anything. I'm sure you're aware of the situation but I don't want my kids to suffer because of mine and their mothers mistakes". This is what I can conclude to be another possible violation of Nicholas bond conditions. Victim advised she did not accept the money from Nicholas, and will not as she does not want any contact with him.

I requested victim send me picture evidence of the CashApp payment and the message sent to her friend.

I then cleared without further incident. This will be sent to Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin pending review on charges.

Ptl. Peterman #506


Date: 09/27/2024 @ 16:11 hrs

TRAFFIC - 300 Block Courtney Rd. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Eilidh Hatherill
14953 Cenfield St. NE Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (51/35) MM

At 16:11 hours on Friday September 27,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary facing west along the roadside in the 500 block of Courtney Road, I observed a black Chevrolet Equinox traveling eastbound in Courtney Road at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH limit.

Upon activating the patrol car's in-car radar unit (MPH Industries/Python 111), I obtained a locked speed of 52 MPH. No other vehicles were present on the roadway within the immediate vicinity of the subject vehicle at this time. This speed also being consistent with my visual estimation. The radar unit also gave a clear pitch consistent with the speed displayed on the digital readout.

Once the vehicle passed my position, I activated the patrol car's emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. Upon closed approach I noted Ohio Registration was affixed to the rear of the vehicle. Upon making contact with the driver, I informed her of the reason for the stop as well as asked for her driver license, which she was able to produce, with this showing her to be Eilidh Louise Hatherill.

In speaking with Eilidh, she said that she was unaware of the speed limit on that particular stretch of roadway. It should also be noted that at this time, I was advised by dispatch the Eilidk's driver license was under a suspension. Eilidh however was able to produce proof of driving privileges though Ashland Municipal Court, which did allow her to driver her infant child to and from medical appointments. It should be noted that Eilidh had her GPS set to a nearby children's hospital.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No, 032703, I cited Eilidh for speed (SCO: 333.03). This for going 51 MPH in the marked 35 MPH zone. Due to Eilidh being unable to show proof of insurance until after the citation was written, she was assigned a mandatory court appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, October 10,2024. Eilidh then signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her court date/time. I then cleared from the stop. NFI

Det. Reed #508


Date: 09/27/2024 @ 16:42 hrs

TRAFFIC - 300 Block Courtney Rd. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Elizabeth Gibbs
1694 Meadowlane Dr. SE North Canton

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (56/35) MM

At 16:42 hours on September 27, 2024'1 was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary facing west along the roadside in the 300 block of Courtney Road, I observed a gray Mazda SUV traveling eastbound at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than the posted 35 MPH limit.

Upon activating the patrol car's in car radar unit (MPH Industries/Python Ill), I obtained a locked speed of 56 MPH. This being consistent with my visual estimation of the vehicle's speed as well as the pitch of the clear audio-tone emitted from the radar unit. No other vehicles were present in the immediate vicinity at this time.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a stop on the opposite side of the railroad tracks, with me observing Ohio Registration to be affixed to the rear.

Upon making contact with the driver, I advised her of the reason for the stop as well as asked for her driver license and proof of insurance. The driver was able to provide both requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Elizabeth P. Gibbs.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032704. I cited Gibbs for speed (SCO: 333.03) for going 56 MPH in the clearly posted 35 MPH zone.

Once the citation was completed, I returned to Gibbs' vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her option to either contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, October 10,2024, as well as of her option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 09/30/2024 @ 15:30 hrs

TRAFFIC - 900 Block of N Johnson Rd

CITED: Paul Gault
800 S 15th St Sebring OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (51/35)

On 30Sept24 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a Gray 2018 Honda CRV with Ohio Registration traveling South on Johnson Rd above the posted Speed Limit of 35mph. I then locked the Speed of the Vehicle at 51 mph. After Observing the Violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 304 in the 900 block of N Johnson Rd.

Upon contacting the operator Paul Gault, I advised him of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification to which he provided. After obtaining Gault information I was able to verify that he was Valid.

Gault was cited with ticket number #032621 for Speed (51/35) with a Court date of 10/10/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505


Date: 09/30/2024 @ 15:54 hrs

CRIMINAL - 236 Alabama Ave Sebring Ohio

ARREST: Linda Stuller
S 13th

CHARGE: 2913.02 Theft of Service (M1)

On 30Sept24 I responded to 236 Alabama ave for a Theft of Service

Officer Melendez

Upon arrival I (Ptl. Melendez) met with Linda Stuller. As I was pulling up in my marked Patrol vehicle 304 I observed Stuller trying to remove multiple chargers from an outside electrical outlet. At this time I then advised Stuller that she was going to be placed under arrest for Theft. I then placed Stuller in the rear of my patrol car and I also read Miranda to Stuller.

Stuller advised that she had permission from the landlord. I then advised Stuller that the statement she had just made was false and Stuller then agreed that she didnt have permission. Stuller was then transported to Sebring Police Department to be processed. Stuller was then processed and released on her Own Recognizance with a Court date of 10/3/2024 @ MCC#3 0900 for Theft.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505


Date: 10/3/2024 @ 20:19 hrs


ARREST: Steven Vanpelt
W. Virginia Ave. Sebring

CHARGE: 2923.13 Having Weapons Under Disability/F3

On 10/3/2024 Officers were dispatched to 185 W. Vermont Ave. for an intoxicated male with a firearm.

Sgt Kelm #503

Upon arrival Ptl. Brindack observed Steven Vanpelt standing outside near his truck. Ptl. Brindack drew his service pistol and ordered Steven to place his hands in the air. Steven complied and Ptl. Brindack then patted down Steven. Steven was then placed in handcuffs (gapped and double locked) with a second set used due to Steven's size in order to not injure his shoulders. Officers then explained to Steven the reason we were there.

Steven was clearly intoxicated as shown by his slurred slow speech, having trouble keeping balance, and the odor of alcohol emitting from his person. Steven denied that he had a handgun and repeatedly stated he was being harassed, stating we need to just let him go, and requesting the police Chief. Steven was placed in the rear of Ptl. Brindack's cruiser while the incident was investigated.

The caller took officers to the garage where he explained that Steven had walked into the doorway, was extremely intoxicated, and would not allow him to get through the door. Caller stated as Steven turned around he observed a handgun in his waistband. Officers checked the area but were initially unable to locate the handgun. Caller stated he would write a sworn statement detailing that he observed the handgun in Steven's waistband.

Due to lack of evidence Steven was released and advised to leave the scene and not return. As Steven was walking away Caller advised he found the handgun in the back yard. Ptl. Brindack went to retrieve the handgun and I again detained Steven and stood by with Smith Township Lt. McDaniel who had arrived on scene earlier.

At this time I made contact with prosecutor VanBrocklin and explained the situation. Prosecutor VanBrocklin advised that due to a witness writing a sworn statement stating they observed the pistol in Steven's waistband to place him under arrest for 2923.13/Weapons Under Disability/F-3. Steven was transported to the police station and processed. Steven requested to be seen by EMS who met on station. Steven was transported to Alliance Hospital due to high blood pressure.

Upon being released from the hospital Steven was transported to Mahoning County Justice Center by Ptl. Vesey. Steven has a mandatory court appearance on 10/10/2024 at MCC#3 at 0900hrs.

Sgt. Kelm #503




Date: 09/21/2024 @ 19:49 hrs


ARREST: Tara Choice
165 W Maryland

CHARGE: 2917.11 Disorderly Conduct

ARREST: Isabella Welty
195 W Maryland Ave

CHARGE: 2921.31 Obstruction

On this date Ptl. Brindack, Sgt. Kelm and I arrived at W Maryland Ave regarding a call about people on the Subjects porch yelling and screaming at her.

Ptl. Vesey #513 09/21/24

At this time, believing a protection order had been violated we seized subjects phone and tried to seize Isabella's phone. lsabella refused to turn her phone over. I warned lsabella multiple times that she was going to be arrested for obstruction, and she still refused to turn over the phone. lsabella was subsequently arrested for obstructing official business. 2921.31 a misdemeanor of the second degree. lsabella continued to be disruptive and disobeyed orders to get in the patrol car. Witness statements were taken. Units then cleared.

lsabella was transported to our station processed and given a recognizance bond and then released. Officer attempted to locate the protection order on file but could not find one.

Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin was contacted and said though he believed there was a court order that it would be up to the court to enforce. He advised us to return the phones but proceed with the charges against lsabella because she obstructed, an investigation being conducted in good faith.

lsabella is due in MCC#3 on 09/27/2024 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack 504
09/21 12024


Date: 09/25/2024 @ 15:30 hrs

CRIMINAL - 100 block Maryland Ave

ARREST: Isabella Welty
195 W Maryland Ave

CHARGE: 2917.11 DOC Disorderly Conduct

On this date I responded to the 100 block of W Maryland Ave for an argument in the street.

This is a constant and continuous issue with lsabella arguing in the streets on a weekly basis. Victim was distraught and made it clear she wanted charges against the girls.

Ptl. Brindack 504


Date: 09/25/2024 @ 20:00 hrs

TRAFFIC - US 62 at 15th St

ARREST: Randy Baker
26 169 Hartley Rd

CHARGE: 335.07 DUS

On this date while on patrol I was traveling south on 15th St, I observed a maroon KIA in front of me turn onto US 62 without using a signal. I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle which stopped in the East bound lane on the Columbiana County side of the roadway (violation occurred in Mahoning) I exited my patrol car and made contact with the driver Randy Baker.

I observed an open beer can on the passenger seat which still had condensation on it. I asked the driver, and he said it was from "days ago" he then proceeded to tell me he was suspended. His suspension was confirmed by dispatch as a failure to reinstate though he has multiple including a habitual alcoholic suspension.

At this time Sgt. Kelm arrived and I asked Randy if he would do field sobriety, Randy said he would and exited the vehicle. during the HGN I observed nystagmus however it was not strong. Randy passed the walk and turn perfectly and was doing well on the one leg stand but stopped just short of thirty seconds. There were not enough clues for an OVI arrest and while Randy admitted he had been drinking he was not slurring or stumbling.

Randy was cited for DUS 335.07 turn signal required 337.30 and issued a separate MM citation for open container 4301.62. When collected the beer can was still half full and cold. Randy was given a court date in MCC#3 of 10/03/2024 at 0900hrs. A valid driver Lola Deckard his fiancé was allowed to drive the vehicle away.

Ptl. Brindack 504


Date: 09/26/2024 @ 11:44 hrs


ARREST: Kyle Naugle
836 S. 13th Street Sebring

2913.02 Theft of Services
2921.31 Obstructing Official business

On 09/26/2024 I was dispatched and responded to 836 S. 13th Street Apt. 19 for a theft complaint. I was advised by dispatch that the Landlord of the Apartment building was on scene waiting for an officer to respond.

Upon arrival I spoke with the landlord who advised he showed up on this date to check the premises and discovered the padlock that he put on the electric meter was broken off and removed. He also advised he found multiple extension cords coming from the back of Apartment 19 that was hooked up to the electric meter on the side of the building. He advised that Mr. Kyle Naugle resides in the Apartment and has been warned prior to today by himself and Officer Melendez that he can not be hooking up the extension cords to get electric from the meter anymore.

I then made contact with Officer Melendez that advised he has already spoke with Mr. Naugle prior and advised him he can not use electric with out permission and with an extension cord.

I then walked around to the back of the apartment building with Mr. Courtney and found a small white extension cord attached to a small brown extension cord coming out of the sliding glass door of the apartment that was connected to a long orange cord that was connected to 2 other cords plugged into the electric meter. I then photographed the extension cords that were all connected and plugged in to the electric meter. I asked the assistance of Chief Harris at this time.

I then made contact with Mr. Kyle Naugle at the front door of the residence. Mr. Naugle stated he did not have any extension cords hooked up in his apartment that were connected to the meter. I asked him if he minded if I came in to check. Mr. Naugle stated to meet him around back and he would prove it. I then walked to the rear of the residence. I found the extension cords to be removed from inside of the residence and laying on the ground. I asked Kyle why he unhooked everything. He s t a t e d he did not.

I then explained to Kyle that I had already saw it was all connected prior to making contact with him. I then advised him he has already been warned by an Officer and the Landlord that he can not do this. Kyle stated he was not told he could not use the electric.

I advised Kyle at this time that he was being placed under arrest for the theft and for obstructing official business. I then advised Kyle to turn around and place his hands behind his back and interlock his fingers. The hand cuff s were then placed on Kyle and double locked. KYle was escorted to my marked patrol car unit 304 where was searched. Kyle was then placed in the backseat and secured with the seatbelt.

I transported Kyle to the Sebring Police department where he was booked and processed and released on his own Recognizance.

Kyle was charged with Theft M-1 2913.02 and Obstructing official business M-2 2921.31 and given a court date of 10/03/2024 at 0900 at the MCC#3.

NOTE: The extension cords were collected by Chief Harris and placed in the front of marked patrol unit 304 as evidence. The extension cords were placed in the Sebring evidence room.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507




Date: 09/19/2024 @ 09:00 hrs

CRIMINAL - 325 S 18th

ARREST: Jacob Fulerton
535 W California, Sebring, OH

2903.13(A) Assault M-2
2921.31(A) Obstructing official business M-2

Date 09/22/2024 20:54 Officer Reed

At 18:46 hours on September 22, 2024, police responded to a fight in progress call at a residence in the 300 block of S 18th Street. A Sebring man was arrested on a charge of assault and obstructing official business as a result.

Due to the fact that I was already responding to an unrelated call, I was unable to immediately respond. Once I cleared the other call, I responded to the 325 S. 18th Street address. Upon arriving on location, I observed who I know to be Jacob Fullerton in front of the residence screaming at a group of people in the front yard. Ptl. Peterman was attempting to speak with Jacob at this time.

Due to Jacob's level of agitation, I instructed him to follow me to the opposite side of the patrol car, so that it would be more difficult for him to engage with the other parties. Jacob did follow my instructions, but continued to scream, with my attempts at calming him in order to get a clear side of events from him having limited effect.

Jacob said that he was then attacked. Jacob did have a amount of blood around his mouth that I noticed at this time. he also had a minor scrape to his knee. Once I was able to somewhat calm Jacob down, he said that he did not want to pursue charges and was willing to just go home.

Sebring Fire/EMS then arrived on scene after being cleared to do so, with Jacob speaking with Paramedic who medically cleared him.

In speaking with the other involved parties, I was informed that Jacob had been involved in a physical altercation because Jacob had threatened to throw a bottle of Fireball whiskey at after subject not wanting to drive Jacob to Salem with their children in the car. This being due to her having consumed alcohol and not feeling it safe to do so.

Subject did admit to punching Jacob with the two then scuffling in the driveway near a fence row. Subject also said that he did not want to see any charges pursued. Subject also denied having held Jacob so that another could punch him, with Subject telling me that he was trying to break the fight up. During this time Jacob continued to yell and taunt the other involved persons.

I then went with Ptl. Peterman so that Jacob could be taken into custody. When Ptl. Peterman advised Jacob that he was under arrest, he turned to his back away from him. I then placed my handcuffs on Jacobs left wrist as well as pulled his right hand back, with me securing him in my handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double locked. At this time Jacob continued to scream and tense up, with me assisting him into patrol car #304.

At this time I went to get witness statements from other involved parties who were near the residence. During this time I could hear what sounded to be Jacob striking the inside of the patrol car. In order to prevent Jacob from damaging government property, injuring himself, or harming officers, I advised him that if he continued he would be pepper sprayed.

I also at this time instructed Ptl. Vesey to drive Jacob to the police station so as to remove him from the scene, which was appearing to be a source of agitation for him. Ptl. Peterman also accompanied due to Jacob's level of belligerence.

I then collected contact information from all involved, photographed the scene. It should be noted that a victim did have a minor abrasion below her right eye that she said was a result of Jacob grabbing her. A Marsy's law packet was later completed. I then returned to the police station.

Upon arriving on station, Jacob was extremely belligerent. Jacob accused Ptl. Vesey of excessive braking while he was in the patrol car, with him also directing multiple hostilities towards me. While in the squad room, Jacob called this detective defamatory statements involving homosexuality. During this time officers were attempting to complete booking paperwork and our 911 dispatch center was attempting to handle phone calls as well as police radio traffic. All of these functions were hindered as a result of Jacob's belligerence. Because of this he was also charged with obstructing official business (ORC: 2921.31(A).

Once Jacob was photographed, I removed him from the squad room and placed him the back of car #304. Ptl. Peterman stood by outside with him. This being so as to allow dispatch operations to resume and officers to complete paperwork without disruption.

While walking Jacob outside to the patrol car, he continued to tense up, resist, as well as scream "help" while outside in the parking lot. It should be noted that this was while I was attempting to open the door to the patrol car. Once paperwork was completed, he was transported to the Mahoning County Jail by Ptl. Peterman. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508





Date: 09/11/2024 @ 23:18 hrs

CRIMINAL - 300 Block N. 15th St.

ARREST: Amanda Amorso
930 N. 15th St. Sebring

2903.13 Assault on Police Officer/F4
2921.33 Resisting Arrest/M2
2921.31 Obstructing Official Business/M2
2917.11 Disorderly w/Persistence/M4

On 9/11/2024 while on station officers were advised of a female near 345 N. 15th St. that appeared to have fallen down.

Upon arrival I observed a vehicle stopped in the road with a male I identified a female as Amanda Amoroso standing in the middle of the road. When subject observed officers on scene he walked to us and stated the female had grabbed his arm and would not let go. Subject thank us for being there and left the scene shortly after.

We then made contact with Amanda who was clearly intoxicated. Amanda began yelling at Ptl. Brindack, Ptl. Peterman, and I and stating we "murdered Amabeli and the police chief.

We advised Amanda to calm down but she continued to scream at officers. At this time Ptl. Brindack pulled out his handcuffs and attempted to place Amanda under arrest for Disorderly Conduct but she pulled away and ran toward me. Amanda began yelling at me and I then grabbed her arms and attempted to place them behind her back. Amanda continued to resist officers attempts at subduing her and she was then drive stunned in the back by Ptl. Brindack.

Amanda then began to throw herself to the ground and I was able to catch her before she hit her head. I was then able to place a handcuff on her right arm but when I attempted to handcuff her left arm she grabbed my hand and dug her fingernails into it forcing me to let go. I once again attempted to place her left arm in the handcuff and was then successful. Amanda once again attempted to throw herself to the ground and officers picked her up. Amanda was then escorted to the police station on foot. While escorting Amanda she continued to be disorderly and belligerent.

Once at the police station Amanda was brought to the prisoner bench and was instructed to sit but refused. I then assisted Amanda into the bench. The whole time Amanda was in our custody she continued to be disorderly calling the officers names and stating we murdered Amabeli and the police chief.

Amanda was processed and transported to the Mahoning County Justice Center where she will await her arraignment for 2903.13 Assault on a Police Officer/F-4, 2921.33 Resisting Arrest/M-2, 2921.31 Obstructing Official Business/M-2, and Disorderly w/Persistence/M-4. Amanda has a mandatory court appearance at MCC#3 on 9/19/24 at 0900hrs.

Sgt. Kelm #503




Date: 09/19/2024 @ 09:00 hrs


ARREST: Kyle Naugle
836 S. 13th Street Sebring,Ohio

CHARGE: 2913.02 Theft
606 E.Ohio Ave

Officer Ptl Melendez #505 DATE 9/19/2024

On 16Sept24 I responded to 836 S 13th St Unit 19 for a Theft Of Service Report.

Upon arrival I (Ptl. Melendez) met with the the Complex owner. Upon speaking to owner he advised that he has told his tenant of unit 19 multiple times to not plug up to his outside outlet to get power. I then unplugged the extension cord and knocked on unit 19's door. After knocking on the door Kyle Naugle came to the door. I then advised Naugle that he is not aloud to steal power from the buildings outside outlet. Naugle then advised that he did not know that it is illegal to steal power from the outside outlet.

I then advised Naugle that his landlord has told him multiple times and Naugle looked away and said " I know ". Naugle has been advised that he will be getting charged with theft of Service and also that his Electrical Company will be advised of the incident.

On 09/19/2024 I served Kyle Naugle with a summons at the MCC#3. The Summons was for 09/19/2024 after being changed due to him being arrested the day prior for Criminal Trespass. He was given a court date of 09/19/2024 for the Criminal Trespass charge. The Summons was changed to the same court date to answer to both charges on the same date. I advised him while serving him the summons it was for the same date.

Nothing further.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 09/16/2024 @ 11:55 hrs

CRIMINAL - 745 N. 17th Street. Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Jacob Carter
18080 6thy St. Beloit, Ohio

2911.12 - Burglary
2913.51 - Receiving Stolen Property
2923.24 - Possessing Criminal Tools
2919.24 - Contributing to Delinquency of a Minor

Date: 09/16/2024 14:07 Officer Racheal

09/16/2024 Officers were dispatched to 745 N.17th Street for a possible burglary in progress.

On 09/16/2024 while on normal cafeteria duty at the Jr/Sr high school, Officer Melendez was dispatched to 745 N. 17th Street for a possible burglary in progress. Dispatch advised the caller stated his camera was going off inside of his residence and there should not be anyone inside of the home. Dispatch advised the caller is at work at this time. I was then advised by dispatch that I was needed to respond with Officer Melendez. Myself, Officer Melendez and Chief Harris arrived on scene.

Upon arrival I secured the front of the residence with my weapon drawn while Officer Melendez went to the rear of the residence. Officer Melendez advised over the radio that he found an unsecure door in the rear of the residence. I then went to the rear of the residence with Officer Melendez, advising back over the radio to Officer Melendez that blue was coming around the side of the house to the back so he did not think it was an intruder.

While Chief Harris held the front of the residence. Officers then made entry in the rear of the residence with our weapons still drawn. Officer's breached the door with Melendez going in first and this officer having cover. Upon entering the residence Myself and Officer Melendez announced ourselves as the "Sebring Police "and stated if anyone was in there to come out and show themselves. A male subject came out from the first floor of the residence with his hands in the air from a bedroom who was identified as Jacob Carter. Jacob was held at gun point and ordered to keep his hands up and to lower himself to the ground.

I kept my position with my weapon aimed at him until Officer Melendez was able to get Jacob secured in cuffs, double locked and detained. As Officers were attempting to escort Jacob out of the residence a female subject came out of the bathroom. She stated she was in the bathroom the whole time officers were there. She was placed in handcuffs and both parties were escorted out of the residence. The female was identified as 17 year old juvenile.

She was then patted down and placed in the back of marked unit 304 until officers could conduct the investigation. Mr. Carter was placed in the back of marked unit 303 and detained so officers could continue the investigation. Both subjects were read their Miranda rights at this time while detained in the back of the marked patrol units.

Myself and Officer Melendez continued to search the home to make sure there was no one else hiding in the home.

Once the residence was found to be secure, Officers started to check for signs of forced entry into the home and findings of anything that appeared to be out of place or rummaged through. It was noticeable there were no lights in the home and a flash light was found on the floor in the living room coming out the bedroom. The flash light was on as if it was being used for lighting. Officers then checked the upstairs of the residence and noticed what appeared to be two rooms with pad locks on them with visible damage to the locks. Officer requested the keyholder or homeowner to respond to the scene.

When subject arrived on scene, Myself and Officer Melendez walked through the residence with him. Subject pointed out that his camera in the living room was laying on the floor with the battery removed, he also discovered that his safe in his bedroom had pry marks on it and stated that this was done by him. He also found tools on the bedroom floor that he stated that were not his. He also advised there were boxes of items in the living room that were not there before he left for work.

We then asked him to check the upstairs for any signs of forced entry into any of the rooms. After checking the upstairs he advised the damage done to the padlocks were not from him and stated they had attempted to break into the rooms. He also advised officers that Jacob had been placing stuff in his outside shed and believes the items to be stolen.

As officers went outside to double check the shed I noticed there were tools on the back deck that appeared to be scattered. I asked subject if he did this or was aware of this. He advised he did not. He stated that he knows of a scooter that was put in the shed and wanted officers to check it out. Myself and Officer Melendez checked the gas scooter in the shed and identified it as being stolen. It was then photographed and placed in the back of marked patrol car unit 304. All of the items and damage in the home were photographed before officers cleared the scene.

Jacob Carter and (Juvenile) were both advised they were being placed under arrest for Burglary, Criminal tools, receiving stolen property and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Carter was transported to the Sebring Police department and booked and processed by Officer Melendez. Juvenile was transported by this officer to the Sebring Police department and placed in Chief Harris's office while I did the paperwork for JJC. Juvenile was transported to JJC and Carter was transported to Mahoning county Jail. Jacob was charged with F2 Burglary, Criminal tools, Contributing to the delinquency of a minor and receiving stolen property because of the gas scooter was charged with F2 Burglary.

Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 09/18/2024 @ 09:30 hrs


ARREST: Kyle Naugle
836 S. 13th. Street Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: 2911.21 Criminal Trespass

On 09/18/2024 I was dispatched and responded to 230 W. California Ave for a Criminal Trespass complaint. I was advised by dispatch that the business Alkegen called requesting an officer because there was a male subject that entered the business with out permission and was advised in the past not to be on the property because he causes problems with a female employee.

Kyle Naugle was advised he was being placed under arrest for Criminal Trespass 2911.21 M-4. Kyle was placed in handcuffs with the cuffs being double locked. Kyle was then placed in the back seat of marked patrol car unit 303. I seat belted Kyle in before transporting. I then transported Kyle to the Sebring Police department where he was booked and processed and released on his own recognizance. Kyle was given a court date of 09/19/2024 at 0900 hours at the MCC#3.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507




Date: 09/11/2024 @ 17:30 hrs


ARREST: Christopher Barker
18181 Derr Ave, Beloit

CHARGE: 2925.14 Drug Paraphernailia

On this date while on patrol as a dual unit with Ptl. Vesey we observed a silver Chevy Malibu bearing OH with a severely cracked windshield and a louder than typical exhaust Travelling East bound on E Ohio Ave crossing over 12 St. A traffic stop was initiated on the vehicle which stopped in the parking lot of MCC#3.

I approached the driver and identified him as Christopher Barker who I know has prior drug charges from our agency. Christopher was hostile when asked if there was anything illegal in the car.

Det. Reed arrived on scene, and I asked Christopher to step out of the vehicle. Chriostopher did not comply and had to be asked multiple times. Christopher did exit the vehicle but continued to be argumentative.

Christopher denied consent however after I requested a K9 from dispatch he became even more argumentative and gave us consent and encouraged the search so he could "get home". During the search a small blue key chain container inside his center glove compartment. The container had white powder like residue in it. The container was field tested, and our field test gave a positive detection for methamphetamine.

Christopher was taken into custody for drug paraphernalia 2925.14, put in handcuffs and placed in the back of my patrol car. Christopher was then taken to station processed given a recognizance bond and released with a court date at MCC#3 of 09/19/2024 at 0900hrs. Christopher was also cited for loud exhaust and given a copy of his citation. Christopher was given a courtesy transport back to MCC#3 parking lot.

Ptl. Brindack 504


Date: 09/14/2024 @ 19:44 hrs


ARREST: Nicholas Piesciuk

CHARGE: 2919.25(C) Domestic Violence(M4)

On arrival officers spoke with a witness and victim, whom stated that due to an incident yesterday (Case # 24-009038) involving an assault the suspect party had returned home and was acting aggressive, to include a text message sent from the suspect, Nicholas Piesciuk.

Officers then went to speak with Nicholas, whom stated to officers that nothing had happened today. Officers believed that due to the text message sent and the mental state Nicholas was believed to be in, he would need a mental evaluation.

Sebring EMS was called and arrived on scene. Nicholas said little to the EMS personnel and seemed confused and agitated at this time. After EMS evaluated Nicholas, it was determined that Nicholas did not meet criteria for Pink Slip. Sebring EMS then cleared with Damascus EMS.

After receiving the oral statements from the parties I determined this would fit the criteria for domestic violence. I thanked them for their time and went outside to speak with officers. After returning to officers, we concluded this would need prosecutor review/approval on charges and arrest to be made. After discussing the incident and events leading to todays complaint, prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin approved for One(1) count of domestic violence(M4) be charged to Nicholas Piesciuk.

I then approached Nicholas and advised him he was under arrest for domestic violence. Nicholas was compliant and placed his hands behind his back. I placed Nicholas in handcuffs, ensuring proper gap and double locked, and escorted him to marked cruiser #304 where he was patted down for weapons. Nicholas was placed in the back seat of #304 and transported to Sebring Police Department for processing and transport.

Officers arrived on station and Nicholas was process and photographed without incident. Victim was given all victims rights documentation.

Ptl. Vesey #513 transported Nicholas to Mahoning County Jail.

Officers then cleared without further incident.


Date: 09/15/2024 @ 12:21 hrs

400 Block N. 19th St. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Drakco Edwards
217 South Street Alliance, Ohio

ORC: 2917.01(A)(2) Inciting to Violence (M-1)
ORC: 2919.22(A) Endangering Children (M-1)
ORC: 2919.21(B)(2) Contributing to the delinquency of a minor (M-1)
ORC: 4510.11 Driving under suspension (UM)

At approximately 14:40 hours on September 15, 2024, I received the written statements regarding this case.

Det. Reed #508 09/15/2024 15:51

This case shall be forwarded to the Stark County Juvenile Court for charges of assault to be filed.

Det. Reed #508 09/15/2024 15:52






Date: 09/04/2024 @ 15:53 hrs

TRAFFIC - 200 Block E. Maryland Ave. Sebring

CITED: Charles Keefe
3366 Jones Rd. Diamond, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired License Plates (MM)

At 15:53 hours on September 4,2024,l was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While patrolling in the 200 block of E. Ohio Avenue, I observed a black Lexus RX 330 parked at the fuel pumps at Circle K (205 E. Ohio Avenue). The vehicle had a red registration sticker attached to the license plate, indicating an expiration date of 2023. Upon searching through LEADS, Ohio Registration JZK 8909 showed expiring on September 13,2023.

I then observed the vehicle pull onto N. 13th Street with a male driving. At this time, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a stop in the 200 block of E. Maryland Avenue, with me then approaching and making contact with the driver.

In speaking with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license and vehicle insurance information. The driver was only able to produce an Ohio Driver License, with this showing him to be Charles T. Keefe. In speaking further with Keefe, he admitted that he knew the registration was expired, with him telling me that he needed to take his dog to the vet for an allergy shot and that the family's other vehicle was unavailable. Keefe also said that although he had insurance, he did not have proof of it in the vehicle.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032650. I cited Mr. Keefe for expired registration (SCO: 335.10). I then returned to Keefe's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, September 19, 2024, as well as of his option to simply pay the citation by contacting the court by that date. It should also be noted that I did inform Keefe that either way he would need to show the court proof of insurance. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 09/06/2024 @ 16:38 hrs

TRAFFIC - 100 Block S. 12th St. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Brea Davis
1764 Westwood Ave. Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (55/25) MM

At 16:38 hours on September 6,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary along the roadside in the 100 block of S. 12th Street, I observed a dark blue Chevrolet Malibu traveling southbound approaching the intersection of S. 12th Street and E. Georgia Avenue. The vehicle was traveling at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH limit. As the vehicle neared closer, I activated the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, with a locked speed of 55 MPH being obtained. The vehicle then slowed as the driver appeared to notice my patrol car.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then pulled over, with me noting that Ohio Registration was affixed to the rear.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed her of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of valid insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Brea L. Davis, the vehicle's registered owner. At this time Brea said that she did not realize the speed limit on S. 12th Street was 35 MPH. This being despite this limit being clearly posted throughout the municipality where it applies.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032628. I cited Brea for speed (SCO: 333.03)) for going 55 MPH in a clearly posted 35 MPH zone.

Upon returning to Brea's vehicle, she singed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her constitutional right to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, September 26,2024, as well as of her option to simply pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 09/06/2024 @ 16:38 hrs


ARREST: Sarah Peck
175 1/2 West Ohio Avenue Sebring

2917.11 DOC(MM)
2917.31 Inducing Panic(M1)

On 09/08/2024 @ 1809 hours I responded to the area of North 16th Street and West Oregon Avenue for a report of a disorderly person.

Ptl. Peterman #505 09/08/2024 22:45

On arrival I spoke with the caller and witnesses. Caller stated that while her and the witnesses were walking Southbound they observed a small black car drive north near them. They stated the driver, identified as Sarah Peck, was "staring at them menacingly". The car then turned right onto West Ohio Avenue. The caller then stated that Sarah then walked to the alley way behind their residence at 175 1/2 West Ohio Avenue, and was walking towards them.

They stated that a 4 year old minor had been bitten by a bee and was crying and that was when they state Sarah approached them calling the mother a "child abuser" and began cursing and yelling at them. The caller and a witness state that Sarah walked back to the side of a building where she brandished a white broom and held it up in the air to look like was going to swing it. The caller and witness stated Sarah then began walking towards the group, reached the end of the garage behind 185 West Ohio Avenue, then turned around and walked back to the residence.

At this point I asked the group if they wished to pursue charges against Sarah. They all advised they did and I asked each person to provide a witness statement, excluding the 4 year old minor. All parties agreed to provide a witness statement and I asked them to meet me on station as I did not have enough statements to give to everyone. They agreed and I left for the residence at 175 West Ohio Avenue. I advised dispatch I was out at the residence and made contact with Sarah Peck. Sarah stated to me that the group was "calling her family members child molesters" along with other insults. I asked Sarah if they threatened her in any way and she stated they did not. I asked Sarah if she used a weapon and she stated she did not have a weapon.

I advised her that she was being accused of brandishing something with a white tube, and approaching the group in a threatening manner. Sarah stated she did not but was "grabbing the mop to bring back to the house". I asked Sarah if she wished to provide a witness statement and she stated she would. I gave Sarah a statement to provide me with and advised her to bring it to station when she was completed with it.

I cleared and returned to station where I interviewed the witnesses. Two witnesses stated they observed Sarah with the broom, and all witnesses stated Sarah was screaming and yelling obscenities at them. I obtained witness statements from all parties and returned to Sarah Pecks residence. After retrieving Sarah's witness statement, I determined that there was enough evidence to arrest Sarah based on the statements.

I advised Sarah of her Miranda Rights and placed her in handcuffs, advising her she was under arrest for 2917.11 Disorderly Conduct(MM) and 2917.31 Inducing Panic(M1). I ensured the handcuffs were properly gapped and double locked, and placed her in the back seat of marked cruiser #303.

I returned to station with Sarah where she was processed, fingerprinted, and photographed, and given a recognizance bond with a court date of 0911212024 at MCC#3 0900AM.

Sarah signed the recognizance paper, received a copy, then was given a courtesy transport back to her residence per her request.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 09/08/2024




Date: 09/3/2024 @ 22:20 hrs

CRIMINAL - 100 Block E Ohio Ave

ARREST: Tiffany Mixon
222 1 1 Middletown Rd.

CHARGE: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension

On this date while on patrol as a dual unit with Ptl. Vesey we were parked on the laundry mat in the 100 block of West Ohio Ave. We observed a tan SUV travelling East bound pass us with a loud crackling exhaust much louder than the noise admitted from a typical vehicle. We got behind the vehicle a Tan Chevy Trailblazer bearing and initiated a traffic stop in the 100 block of East Ohio Ave. We approached the driver identified as Tiffany Mixon and informed her of the reason for the stop. The passenger was identified as Gary Miller. Both Tiffany and Gary were found to be suspended, and both had active warrants however both were out of the pickup radius on their warrants.

Tiffany was cited for DUS 4510.11 and given a court date at MCC#3 of 09/12/2024 at 0900hrs. Tiffany was given a verbal warning for the loud exhaust and the vehicle was allowed to be driven away by a valid driver namely Karen Miller in lieu of towing.

Ptl. Brindack #504 09/03/2024




Date: 08/31/2024 @ 15:00 hrs


ARREST: Paul Stillion

2919.25 Domestic
2913.03 Assault

On this date I responded to , N 12th St for a domestic in progress reported breaking windows. When I arrived on scene Det. Reed already had the parties separated and was speaking to the victim.

The male later identified as Paul A Stillion was standing outside the front door of the house. Det. Reed was told that the had chocked victim upstairs in a bedroom. Det. Reed and I went and spoke with Paul, who denied having touched victim. The window by Paul was shattered with glass inside and outside. Paul said he was trying to get victim to leave, she walked outside he closed and locked the door, and she broke the window.

When Det. Reed returned, he advised had completed a DV complaint and advised Paul he was under arrest for Domestic violence. Paul was allowed to make several calls, to explain the situation and put his dog up prior to being handcuffed and escorted to my patrol car. Although Paul expressed multiple times he did not understand why he was going to jail he was compliant with Officer.

Det. Reed explained to Paul that victim signed a complaint against him and told Paul he would speak to our prosecutor about breaking his window.

Det. Reed finished speaking with victim and after he was done all units cleared the scene. Paul was transported to our station and processed for Domestic violence 2919.25 a misdemeanor of the first degree and 2913.03 assault also a misdemeanor of the first degree. After processing Paul was transported to Mahoning County Jail by Ptl. Vesey. Paul has a court date of 09/05/2024 in MCC#3 at 0900hrs.


Date: 08/31/2024 @ 15:00 hrs

TRAFFIC - 900 Block N Johnson Rd

CITED: Evan Robb
22377 Hanselman Rd, Homeworth OH

CHARGE: SC0:333.03 Speeding (49/35)

On 3Sept24 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a 2024 White super duty with Ohio Registration traveling south on Johnson Rd at a high rate of speed above the posted speed limit. I then locked the vehicles speed at 49mph. After Observing the Violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 303 in the 900 Block of Johnson Rd.

Upon contacting the operator Evan Robb, I advised him of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification to which he provided. After obtaining Robb's information I was able to verify that he was Valid. Robb was cited with ticket number #032620 for Speed (49/35) with a Court date of 9/12/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 9/3/2024




Date: 08/31/2024 @ 12:49 hrs

TRAFFIC - 1000 Block S. 12th St. Sebring

CITED: Daniel Trevino
485 Royal Oak Cr. Sebring

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired License Plates

At 12:49 hours on August 31, 2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary along the roadside in the 100 block of S. 12th Street, I conducted a random registration check of a black Kia Sorento that was traveling southbound on this same stretch of roadway. The affixed Ohio Registration showed that the vehicle was registered to Daniel A. Trevino, with the registration having expired on February 17, 2024.

I then pulled out onto the roadway and upon catching up to the vehicle, initiated a traffic stop. The driver was determined to be the registered owner, with his identity being verified by name, date of birth, and social security number. Mr. Trevino advised that he was not aware that his registration had expired.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032649. Once completed, I returned to Mr. Trevino's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to appear to contest the citation at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on September 19, 2924, as well as of his option to simply pay the citation by contacting the court by that date.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 09/7/2024 @ 20:15 hrs


ARREST: Edward Mills
175 W. Ohio Ave., Sebring

2921.33 Resisting Arrest
2917.11 Disorderly conduct W/ persist

On this date we were called to 175 W Ohio Ave for a theft report.

Ptl. Brindack #504 09/08/2024

On arrival subject said that Edward Mills had stolen her stereo and she wanted him charged. Sgt. Kelm, Ptl. Vesey, and I explained to subject that this would likely be a civil issue since Edward lives with her and this is an ongoing issue with her and Edward. We advised her we would try to find Edward and get her property back however, we then cleared briefly to search the area for Edward who has allegedly just left, while we were looking for Edward her returned to subjects house and upon making contact with him we observed Edward was extremely intoxicated and had Pill packets surrounding him. We asked him if he had taken any and he said he took "about twenty". We requested EMS and Sebring fire was quickly on scene. EMS advised Edward he would have to go to the hospital, and he refused to get up. After several attempts he was escorted to the ambulance.

I began to search Edwards person for the safety of EMS while doing so Edward turned towards me and threw a punch, which made light contact with my chin witnessed by both medics and officers on scene, Edward was put on the ambulance cot and placed in custody at this time, Edward was tensing and was held down and handcuffed to the cot, Edward was then transported to Alliance community hospital, I rode in the back of the ambulance, while Ptl. Vesey followed enroute Edward ripped off the medical monitors and tried to bite the cords, he was restrained, and his other hand was also handcuffed to the cot. Edward continued resisting, tensing all his muscles and went from screaming and cussing to apologizing and saying he loved us and then back to resisting.

On arrival at the hospital Edward was escorted in by Ptl. Vesey and I along with two Alliance community hospital security officers. When nurses and hospital staff began trying to treat Edward he was refusing to let them touch him or take blood screaming "your not getting my blood" he was constantly trying to get off the bed. Edward had to be held down so nursing staff could take blood, screaming he had to pee until Hospital staff allowed him to urinate. Edward was consistently disorderly and resistive of both officer and staff and was trying to rip the IV out of his arm, so much so that the Doctor ordered he be put in soft restraints. Edward was restrained by Hospital security staff. After Edward was restrained. At this time, I left briefly to move our patrol car. While I was gone Edward grabbed a security officers' finger and was bending it backwards apparently trying to break it according to the officer until he was restrained by Ptl. Vesey.

Edward continued to be disorderly scream random statements and cuss but at one point said "I didn't mean to swing at you Sean I'm sorry". Edward began slamming his head against the railing of the bed and had to be held in place by officers. Edward was given drugs by order of the Doctor but continued his behavior and a second round of drugs were ordered, and he finally calmed down and went to sleep. Before falling asleep Edward said multiple times "I'm going to kill myself'.

The Doctor advised us that due to Edwards high intoxication level and his self-harm remarks he would need to be held until approximately 11 am. After conferring with Sgt. Kelm, I cleared the hospital to do this report, while Ptl. Vesey remained on scene until 0300hrs at which time he would be relieved by Ptl. Russel.

On station Officer contacted prosecutor Van Brocklin who allowed us to recog Edward on the misdemeanor charges he had procured and obtain a felony warrant for Edward Monday so that officer did not have to continually work overtime for one arrest. He also advised us to forward the assault on the security officer to the Alliance police department. A recognizance form was drafted and taken to Edward, however Edward was so unaware of what was going on he was completely unable to sign the recog from. Sgt. Kelm advised Ptl. Vesey would remain with Edward until 0300 at which point Ptl. Russel would relieve him until he was coherent enough to sign the recognizance at which point she would clear.

Edward is charged with (M-1) 2921.31 Obstructing official business, (M-2) 2921.33 resting arrest, and (M-4) 2917.11 disorderly conduct with persist. Edward was given a tentative court date at MCC#3 of 09/12/2024 at 0900hrs but will also have a felony warrant drafted for assault on a peace officer.

Ptl. Brindack #504 09/08/2024




Date: 08/25/2024 @ 02:37 hrs

CRIMINAL - 587 W. Georgia Ave.

ARREST: Tyler Roderick
587 W. Georgia Ave. Sebring

CHARGE: 2913.03(A) Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle

On 8/25/2024 officers were dispatched to 587 W. Georgia Ave. for a vehicle theft.

Upon arrival Ptl. Demski made contact with the caller who stated Tyler Roderick took her car to "Rachels in Louisville" without permission. Caller stated they had been arguing all day and Tyler wanted to get drugs because he is addicted to fentynal and methamphetamine. Caller stated she refused so Tyler must have taken the car after she fell asleep.

Officers stood by until Tyler arrived at the residence. Ptl. Demski placed Tyler under arrest for Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle/ORC 2919.03/M-1, placed him in handcuffs (gapped and double locked) and placed him in the rear of his cruiser.

While Ptl. Demski escorted Tyler to his cruiser, I began a search of the vehicle. During the search no contraband was found.

Tyler was then transported to Mahoning County Justice Center where he will await arraignment on 8/29/24 for Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle/M-1.

Sgt. Kelm #503 8/25/2024


Date: 08/29/2024 @ 12:20 hrs

CRIMINAL - 135 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Shane Jones
305 E. Maryland Ave. Sebring, OH

ORC: 2919.25(A) Domestic Violence (M-1)

ORC: 2903.13(A) Assault (M- 1)

ORC: 2913.02(A)(1) Theft (M-1)

ORC: 2909.06(A)(1) Criminal Damaging (M-2)

At 10:48 hours on August 29, 2024. police responded to a disturbance at a residence in the 300 block of E. Maryland Avenue. A Sebring man was subsequently arrested on charges of domestic violence, assault, criminal damaging, and theft.

Det. Reed #508 08/29/2024 13:43




Date: 08/25/2024 @ 09:57 hrs

CITATION - 500 Block Courtney Rd. Sebring, OH

Cited: Glenda Sharp
12995 Beloit-Snodes Rd. Beloit, Ohio

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (55/35) MM

At 09:57 hours on August 25,2024,l was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary in the parking lot of Alkogen (500 Courtney Road), I observed a red Toyota SUV traveling westbound on Courtney Road at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 55 MPH as the vehicle neared Allied Drive.

Once the vehicle approached closer to my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The driver of the vehicle brought it to a stop almost immediately upon seeing my emergency lights, with Ohio Registration being noted as being affixed to the rear of the vehicle. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I advised her of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license as well as proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce both requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Glenda Mae Sharp. In speaking with Sharp, she said that she was running late to where she was going.

I then returned to my patrol car where I relayed Sharp's information to dispatch. I also began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032648. I cited Sharp for speed (SCO: 333.03)) for going 55 in the clearly marked 35 MPH zone. I then returned to Sharp's vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, September 12,2024, as well as of her option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 08/13/2024 @ 16:30 hrs


ARREST: Tyson Culbertson
435 Lakeview Dr Alliance Oh

2925.03 (A) (2) Trafficking in Drug F2

2925.11 (A) Possession of Drugs

2921.33 (A) Resisting

2925.14 Para

On this date I made a warrant arrest.

Ptl. Brindack #504 04/23/2024

On this date while on patrol on 14th St near Circle K I observed a male I believed to possibly have a warrant. I loosely followed the male I believed to be Tyson Culbertson onto 13th St near the high school I radioed to dispatch to confirm his DLN and relay it to me. Dispatch did so and I ran the DLN on my MDT and was able to confirm the felony warrant for weapons under disability with violent tendencies and caution for armed and dangerous. I was also able to pull up a photo of Tyson on the MDT and confirm his identity.

Tyson was now at Michigan and 13th St, I stopped Tyson I exited my patrol car, I asked his name, and he did not respond, I told him I knew who he was and that he had a warrant. He said, "don't do this." And began explaining why he felt the charges were false. I requested an additional unit because he was not responding to my orders. Tyson started walking away slowly and when I told him to stop walking he took off running North towards Vermont Ave I radioed the pursuit to dispatch I ordered Tyson to stop and drew my Taser pointing it towards Tyson and said "stop you're going to get tased" . Tyson ran through yards, and I lost him between two houses on E Wisconsin Ave. Sgt. Kelm had responded to the area and was now in his patrol car coming down E Wisconsin, I relocated Tyson hiding behind a house avoiding Sgt. Kelm I did not announce myself and watched from a distance, because it appeared he was going to hide in an open garage.

Tyson ran across E Wisconsin and was met by Sgt, Kelm, when I came around the houses Tyson was in the middle of 12th and Wisconsin at taser point by Sgt. Kelm refusing to follow orders and get on the ground, I ran over as Tryson was finally laying on the ground, as I began cuffing Tyson he tensed his muscles and was trying to roll back over, I had to roll him over on his stomach multiple times and due to how rigid he was making his body I had to use 2 set of cuffs. After he was cuffed Tyson was sobbing hysterically and began banging his head against the concrete and saying, "I can't breathe, I'm going to kill myself'. EMS was immediately requested, and we assisted Tyson to his feet. We walked him over to Sgt, Kelm's patrol car, uncuffed him removed a backpack he was wearing and re cuffed him. While patting Tyson down and removing items from his pocket Tyson told me he had a bag of marijuana in his pant leg near his knee, I was able to remove said bag by sliding it down his shin and out the bottom of his pant. He also removed a hard plastic container of Marijuana and white powdery substance and clear crystal substance from his other pant leg. Sgt. Kelm located a fake BB gun in Tysons bag.

Tyson became angry and said he fights police and began thrashing towards officers, it appeared he was trying to head butt us and had to be restrained against the hood of Sgt, Kelm's car with his back oriented towards the hood, Tyson did stop resisting and calm down briefly at this point. At this point EMS was arriving.

EMS had cleared Tyson at this point and one of the additional firemen on scene had retrieved my patrol car for me as it was still on 13th St where the foot pursuit began.

Tyson knew his warrant was out of Alliance and said "i'm going to fight APD when they get here saying this several times several different ways, he said, "you're going to need everyone" "I hate cops" and "you're lucky that wasn't a real gun" implying he would have used it against us. Tyson was not willing to enter my patrol car without us having to force him and we had already relayed to dispatch that APD would have to come to us.

While waiting for APD we used this time to deescalate Tyson instead of having to fight him to get in the car. Tyson calmed down significantly during this time. Units and Amanda were able to convince Tyson not to resist the Alliance police when they arrived. APD arrived on scene, took custody of Tyson without incident, and cleared.

The suspected drugs were taken, and field tested on our station. The white powder was in three separate small bags equaling 8 grams tested positive for Fentanyl. Two bags of large, crystalized rocks equaling 15 grams did not test for anything.

Additionally, 32 grams of marijuana in multiple bags, 37 grams of an unknown dark brown solid, and 3 grams of a light brown wax were taken. An additional 5-gram bag of white powder was found wrapped up inside one of the marijuana. A small scale was also taken along with a vape that was in the same pocket as the scale. The white powder and crystalized substance will be sent to BCI for testing and warrants will be issued pending those results.

On this date 08/20/2024 I (Ptl. Vesey) picked Mr. Culberson up from Stark County Jail on a active warrant out of Mahoning county. I then transported him to the Sebring police station for processing then transported him again to the Mahoning County Jail.

Ptl .Vesey #513 08/20/2024


Date: 08/20/2024 @ 17:00 hrs


ARREST: Zander Setlock
184 W Oxford St, Alliance Oh 44601

CHARGE: ORC: 2919.23 Interference With Custody (M1)

On 20Aug24 While on station I (Ptl. Melendez) made contact with Zander Setlock in the lobby of the Sebring Police Department in reference to his Warrant. Zander was taken into custody and processed, after all documentation was obtained and photos were taken Zander was then released on his own recognizance. Zander was given a court date of 8/22/2024 at 0900 in MCC#3. Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 8/20/2024


Date: 08/21/2024 @ 21:06 hrs


On this date Ptl. Vesey and myself conducted a traffic stop on a bicycle near Salem republic on California Ave.

On this date Ptl. Vesey and myself were operating as a dual unit, and were parked in the 400 block of California Ave. We observed a male riding a bicycle on the roadway without a front facing white light or a rear facing red light. We stopped the individual identified as Christopher Guildoo on 20th in between California and Tennessee.

I exited my patrol car and informed Christopher for the reason of the stop. Christopher became agitated and said "just write me the ticket" He began saying that we stop him for everything and was continuously argumentative. Christopher has been warned for this offense multiple times.

Christopher was issued a MM citation for 373.06 Lights on bicycle. Christopher was given a court date at MCC#3 of 08/29/2024 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack #504 08/21/2024


Date: 08/21/2024 @ 21:06 hrs

TRAFFIC - East Ohio Avenue/ North 12th Street

CITED: Branty Smith
176 East Oregon Avenue Sebring

CHARGE: ORC 4511.56 Signal Devices on a Bicycle(MM)

On 08/19/24 I was patrolling along East Oregon Avenue when I observed a bicycle with no lights or signal devices on it. I caught up to the bicycle on North 12 Street and activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren. I observed it was Branty Smith, whom I had given multiple warnings about riding his bicycle at night with no lights on it.

I exited marked cruiser #302 and approached Branty, advising him that he would be getting a citation.

I then returned to cruiser #302 and typed Electronic traffic citation #190421 for ORC 4511.56 Signal Devices on a bicycle(MM). I then advised Branty of his Mandatory court date of 8/29/2024 MCC#3 @ 0900AM.

Branty signed the citation, received a copy, then I cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 8/22/2024




Date: 08/13/2024 @ 16:30 hrs

TRAFFIC - Courtney Rd Near N 12th St

Cited: Thomas Fitch
961 Newgarden Ave Salem OH

Charge: SCO:313.01 Traffic Control Device

On 13Aug24 While conducting traffic control in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a Gray Subaru Outback with Ohio Registration (TRF 5) traveling North on Allied Dr and run the stop sign. After Observing the Violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 302 on Courtney Rd at the train tracks near N 12th St at the Village Limits.

Upon contacting the operator Thomas Fitch, I advised him of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification to which he provided. After obtaining Fitch's information / was able to verify that he was Valid. Fitch was cited with ticket number #032619 for Traffic Control Device with a Court date of 8/22/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 8/13/2024


Date: 08/16/2024 @ 18:14 hrs

TRAFFIC - 500 Block W. California Ave, Sebring, Ohio

Cited: Jessica M. Kyser

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (42/25)

At 18:14 hours on August 16, 2024, Ptl. Vesey and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary in the 400 block of W. California Avenue, I observed a black GMC Acadia traveling westbound on W. California Avenue at a rate pf speed that appeared to be significantly higher than that of the posted 52 MPH limit. As the vehicle came to S. 17th Street and W. California Avenue, I used the department issued LiDAR speed measuring device to obtain a locked speed of 42 MPH.

The vehicle then began slowing as it approached closer to our marked patrol unit. Once the vehicle passed our location, I instructed Ptl. Vesey to initiate a traffic stop. Ptl. Vesey then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, with the vehicle then pulling over to the shoulder of the road. At this time, I noted that Ohio Registration was affixed to the back of the vehicle. Contact was then made with the driver, with Ptl. Vesey advised her of the reason for the stop as well as asking for her driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance.

All documents were provided, with the driver being identified as Jessica M. Kyser.

Ptl. Vesey and I then returned to our patrol unit where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032646. I cited Jessica for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 42 MPH in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone. Once completed, I returned to Jessica's vehicle where she signed the citation, was given back her documents, as well as provided with her copy of the citation. In addition, Jessica was advised of her option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, August 29, 2024, as well as of her option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date and time. Units then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 08/16/2024 @ 21:21 hrs

TRAFFIC - N. Johnson Rd W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH

Cited: Jeffery Davis
506 Courtney Rd. Sebring, Ohio

ORC: 4511.19(A)(1)(A) OVI (M-1 )

ORC: 4511.19(A)(2) OVI Refusal (M-1)

ORC: 4513.05 Tail lights and illumination of rear license plate (MM)

ORC: 4301.62 Opened container of beer or intoxicating liquor (MM)

At 21:21 hours on August 16, 2024, Ptl. Vesey and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary along the roadside at the intersection of N. Johnson Road and W. Ohio Avenue, I observed a black Chevrolet Colorado that was traveling southbound on N. Johnson Road come to the intersection. The vehicle's rear license plate light was not functional, with me bringing this to the attention of Ptl. Vesey.

Upon seeing this, Ptl. Vesey pulled onto the roadway, activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then turned right onto W. Oregon Avenue before pulling off to the side of the road at Zep's Pizza (195 N. Johnson Road). At this time, I observed that Ohio Registration was affixed to the rear of the vehicle. Upon running this registration through the patrol car's MDT, it showed that it had expired on 08/15/2024.

Ptl. Vesey and I then deployed from the patrol car, with Ptl. Vesey going to the driver side of the vehicle and making contact with the driver, while I performed a passenger side approach. While Ptl. Vesey spoke with the driver and advised him of the reason for the stop as well as collected his information and documents, I remained at the passenger side of the vehicle.

From this location and plainly visible through the side window, I observed a 12-pack of Busch Beer sitting in the front passenger floorboard area. The box was opened with it being apparent that several cans had been removed. I also at this time observed a open can of Busch beer were sitting in the center console cup holder. The can was immediately evident to me as having been opened, with the top being plainly visible. A piece of paper was sitting on top of it so as to prevent it from being visible to Ptl. Vesey, who was still on the driver side of the vehicle at this time. The placement of this paper appearing to be intentional.

After Ptl. Vesey finished speaking with the driver, I tapped on his passenger side window, with him appearing to be alerted to my presence at this time. The driver advised that the window on this side doesn't work, with him granting me consent to open the door to speak with him. At this time, I pointed my flashlight at the open can of beer, with the driver acting as if he did not know that it was there. I then pointed to the open cardboard 12-pack and asked him how many he had consumed.

The driver at this time stated, "only two". As I spoke with the driver at this point, I noticed that his eyes appeared bloodshot and glassy and that his face had a flushed appearance to it. Due to these indicators of impairment being present in conjunction with the opened can of beer in the center consol, I asked the driver to step out of the vehicle so that I could conduct Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST'S).

The driver then exited the vehicle, with him also providing me with an Ohio Commercial Driver License that showed him to be Jeffery Allen Davis. I then began asking Davis if he wore any type of corrective lenses, had any prior head injuries, or if he had any known issues with his eyes. Mr. Davis advised no to all of these questions. As I began to prepare to perform the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test (HGN), Ptl. Vesey approached to witness the test. As Ptl. Vesey approached, Mr. Davis looked at him, posted in an aggressive stance, and said something to the effect of "you can back the fuck up". Due to this being an overt attempt at intimidating a police officer, I informed Mr. Davis that if he continued, I would charge him with obstructing official business. I also at this time detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from Mr. Davis's person. I also requested an additional unit to my location.

Upon beginning the HGN test, I informed Mr. Davis that I would need him to keep his head still and to follow the tip of my finger with his eyes and his eyes only, as well as to keep his arms at his side. Mr. Davis said that he understood these instructions. I also asked Mr. Davis if he wore corrective lenses, had any known issues with his eyes, or if he had any type of head injuries, with him saying no to all of these questions. I then began the test.

Upon starting, I held the tip of my right pointer finger approximately 14" from the bridge of Mr. Davis's nose. It should be noted that both pupils appeared to be of equal size, with no resting nystagmus being present. I also noted that both eyes tracked equally. It should be noted that at this time I again had to reiterate to Davis that he was to follow the tip of my finger with his eyes. This being after he stopped doing so and deviated his glance. I explained to Mr. Davis that based upon my training and experience in OVI enforcement, this is something that is commonly done as an attempt to subvert that test.

In going further with the test, I observed lack of smooth pursuit in both of Mr. Davis's eyes as well as onset of nystagmus prior to 45", as well as distinct and sustained nystagmus at Maximum deviation. Mr. Davis also again deviated his glance while I was attempting to perform the maximum deviation portion of the HGN test. Ptl. Brindack also arrived on scene at approximately this time. In going further with the battery or tests, I began the walk-and-turn test (WAT). I began by explaining to Mr. Davis that he was not to start the test until I told him to do so, and that I would demonstrate it to him first.

Davis at this time made complaints about having an injury and not being able to properly do the test. I explained to Davis that I would take this into consideration.

It was then explained to Mr. Davis that I would need him to place his right foot in front of his left foot, and that he would need to maintained that position while I explained the test to him. I then explained to Mr. Davis that he would need to take nine heel-to-toe steps on an imaginary line, counting out loud as he did so and while keeping his arms at his side. While I was explaining the test, Mr. Davis started without being told to do so. This being while the test in it's entirety was being explained to him. I again at this time told him that I needed to demonstrate the test to him. I then performed the test so as to show Davis how it needed to be conducted. Davis did start the test, with him using his arms to balance and taking approximately three steps before saying "we're done".

I then began explaining the one-leg-stand test (OLS) to Mr. Davis. I advised Davis that on my command, using the foot of his choice, I would need him to elevate it approximately 6" off the ground while keeping his arms at his side and counting in a one-thousand one, one thousand two rhythm and to maintain this until told to stop. Davis began the test, with him maintaining his balance for approximately six seconds before putting his foot on the ground.

At this time, I decided that based upon Mr. Davis's performance on the standardized field sobriety tests, that he would be placed under arrest for OVI. I then placed Mr. Davis in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked. I also read Mr. Davis his Miranda Rights, with him stating that he was not going to provide a breath sample or say anything further. I informed Mr. Davis that he was going to be taken to the Alliance Police Department where he would be offered a breathalyzer. Mr. Davis's brother was also called to the scene to pick up his truck. Ptl. Vesey also asked for a time stamp through dispatch to mark the beginning of the 20-minute observation period. This time stamp was at 21:34. I also photographed the beer can and opened 12-pack as they appeared. The can of beer was also found to be cold to the touch and half full. This being determined after consent to enter the vehicle was granted by Davis who wished to have his cell phone and wallet retrieved.

Ptl. Vesey and I then transported Mr. Davis to the Alliance Police Department, where we met with Ptl. Palozzi, of the Alliance Police Department. I then read the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) 2255 form to Mr. Davis, with him also being provided with a copy to use to follow along and read on his own. Mr. Davis was then provided with a chance to provide a breath sample, which he refused to provide. It should be noted that Davis made statements about "learning from the last time" referencing a prior arrest for OVI. Davis also stated that during this arrest he provided a breath sample because he knew that he was drunk but this time he was refusing because he was not. Mr. Davis was then transported back to the Sebring Police Station for arrest processing.

Once at the Sebring Police Station, Mr. Davis was photographed and fingerprinted with the BMV 2255 being finished with Davis being given a signed and completed copy. I also checked Davis's driving record, noting a 2015 conviction for OVI.

This record was added by Alliance Municipal Court on 10/26/2015. Mr. Davis was provided with Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032647. Davis was cited for OVI (ORC: 4511.19(A)(1)(A)), OVI Refusal (ORC: 4511.19(A)(2)), Taillights and illumination of rear license plate (ORC: 4513.05), and Opened container of beer or intoxicating liquor prohibited at certain premises (ORC: 4301.62). Davis refused to sign the citation, with him saying that he knows it to be an admission of guilt.

Davis, however, was given his copy of the citation which clearly noted his requirement to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, August 22, 2024. It was also made explicitly clear to Davis that he was under an Administrative License Suspension. Throughout this time, it should be noted that Davis hostile remarks about how he had driven his truck for a long time and that suddenly his tag light was an issue. This statement indicating knowledge of the tag light being burned out. Davis then signed a recognizance form before being released to his brother.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed


Date: 08/17/2024 @ 17:18 hrs

CRIMINAL - RR crossing at Johnson Rd

Arrest: David Sihock
132 N. 16th St.

Charge: 2911.21 Trespass M4

On this date I located a male on Railroad property near Johnson Rd which lead to an arrest.

Ptl. Brindack 504 081/17/2024

On this date while on patrol I was crossing the RR crossing headed north, I observed a male I recognized as David Sihock walking beside the Rails on Norfolk Southern property about one block to the west of the crossing. I activated my lights stopped David and informed him he was trespassing on Norfolk Southern Railroad property. Dispatch contacted Norfolk Southern PD and the NS agent requested we make an arrest and charge David with Tresspass. David was taken into custody, handcuffed and placed in the back of my patrol car. Ptl. Peterman who was now on scene read David miranda and we cleared.

David was transported to our station, processed and given a recognizance form. David is charged with M4 trespass 2911.21 and was given a court date at MCC#3 of 08/22/2024 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack 504 08/17/2024


Date: 08/19/2024 @ 16:53 hrs

TRAFFIC - East Ohio Avenue / North 12th Street

Cited: Sean Oneill
1475 Buckeye Circle Salem,

Charge: SCO 313.01 Traffic Control Devices-Stop Sign(MM)

On 08/19/24 I was responding to Dollar General on 5th Street in Beloit due to a possible officer safety incident with Lt. Mcdaniel#367 of Smith Township Police Department. I had my emergency overhead lights and audible siren activated. As I approached the stop sign at Ohio Avenue and North 12 Street, I observed a rig going through the sign. I kept my emergency lights and siren on and turned my right turn signal on indicating was attempting to turn right. As I began entering the intersection behind the semi, A white SUV failed to stop at the stop sign and nearly struck my marked cruiser #303, causing me to have to slam on my brakes and wave the driver on. I then got behind the vehicle. The vehicle then stopped.

I exited cruiser #303, performed a driver side approach, and advised the driver of my name and department affiliation and the reason for the stop.

The driver, Sean O'Neill, acknowledged he was not paying attention and drove through the stop sign as I was attempting to clear the intersection with my emergency lights on. I asked for his license, registration, and proof of insurance. Sean did provide me with the documents requested.

I then returned to cruiser #303 and typed Electronic traffic citation #190419 for SCO 313.01 Traffic Control Devices-Stop Sign(MM). I then advised Sean of his options to pay or contest the citation and his Non-Mandatory court date of 8/29/2024 MCC#3 @0900AM.

Sean signed the citation, received a copy, then I cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 8/19/2024




Date: 08/9/2024 @ 21:42 hrs

TRAFFIC - South Johnson Road / West Georgia Avenue

CITED: Cory Dine
295 Rose Avenue Salem, 44460

CHARGE: ORC 4510.11 DUS(Non-Compliance)

On 8/9/2024 while performing saturation patrol along South Johnson Road, I observed a light color Toyota in front of me traveling southbound, emitting a loud sound coming from the exhaust.

Upon observing the equipment infraction, I activated my overhead lights and audible siren. The vehicle then stopped at the intersection of South Johnson Road and West Georgia Avenue. I called out my stop to dispatch with the plate, exited marked cruiser #304, and performed a passenger side approach of the Toyota. I identified myself and my affiliation. I advised the driver, Cody Dine, of the reason for the stop being that the vehicle was emitting a loud noise coming from the exhaust as he accelerated.

As I spoke with Cody, he advised me that he had a concealed weapon in the vehicle. I asked the occupants not to reach for it, but to point to where it was located. Cody advised it was in the glove box. I then opened the glove box and secured the weapon, a Ruger security 350 9mm handgun, and ran the serial number through dispatch. Dispatch advised the gun was not reported stolen and I advised Cody I was going to hold onto the weapon for the duration of the stop. I asked Cody for his license, registration for the vehicle, and the insurance for the vehicle and he handed me his driver license but was unable to provide me with an insurance card.

I returned to my cruiser and advised dispatch I was showing on my MDT that Cody was suspended for Non-Compliance. Cody was then issued an e-citation on Ticket #190418 for Driving Under Suspension (DUS)(Non-Compliance) and I advised Justin of his mandatory court date of MCC #3 8/22/2024 @0900 AM.

Cody was respectful to me the entire duration of the traffic stop, as well as signed the citation and was given a copy of his citation. I secured Cody's weapon in a cardboard box in his trunk per his request. I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 8/10/2024


Date: 08/10/2024 @ 13:56 hrs

TRAFFIC - S. Johnson Ave

CITED: Marilyn Robidoux
4066 Kensington RD. Carrollton

CITED: 333.03 Speed

On 08/10/2024 While on normal patrol on S. Johnson Ave near the entrance of Copeland Oaks I observed the defendant's vehicle traveling North bound on S. Johnson RD at what appeared to be faster than the posted speed limit of 35MPH. I activated my radar unit in marked unit 304 and got the reading of 52 MPH. With good visual and tone, I activated my emergency overhead light bar and performed a traffic stop on the vehicle. Ohio registration. I stopped the vehicle in a safe location at the entrance of Copeland.

Upon approaching the vehicle, l identified the driver as not being the registered owner. I ran her Ohio OLN and identified the driver as being Ms. Marilyn Robidoux. I advised the defendant the reason for the stop of the speed of 52 in a 35 MPH zone. Ms. Robidoux stated she knew she was speeding and just looked down and noticed her speed. She stated she attempted to slow down but it was too late.

I then confirmed with dispatch of any violations in the 12 months and was advised of a previous speed violation in the 12 months. Ms. Robidoux was then cited for the speed of 52 MPH under the village ordinance of 333.03 and given a court date of 08/10/2024 at MCC#3 at 0900 hours.

I provided Ms. Robidoux with a copy of the citation and explained the citation to her before she was released.

Nothing further.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 08/10/2024 @ 17:06 hrs

TRAFFIC - Courtney Road by Allied Drive

CITED: Kristyan Horner
1037 South Street, Alliance

CHARGE: 333.03 Speed

At 17:08 hours on August 10, 2024, Ptl. Vesey and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302 along the roadside in the 300 block of Courtney Road. While stationary facing west, we observed a white U-Haul box truck traveling eastbound at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH limit. As the vehicle came between our patrol unit and Allied Drive, I activated the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, obtaining a locked speed of 56 MPH.

Ptl. Vesey and I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop, with the vehicle coming to a complete stop almost immediately afterward. At this time, I observed Arizona Registration affixed to the rear of the vehicle.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, Ptl. Vesey advised him of the reason for the stop, as well as requested his driver license and lease agreement for the vehicle. The driver was able to produce both, with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be Kristyan Horner. Mr. Horner at this time stated that he thought the speed limit on Courtney Road was 55 MPH and that he did not realize that it was 35 until he seen our patrol car.

Ptl. Vesey and I then returned to our patrol car, with me drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032645. I cited Mr. Horner for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 56 MPH in the marked 35 MPH zone. I then returned to Mr. Horner's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, as well as advised of his option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, August 22, 2024, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date and time.

It should be noted that at this time Mr. Horner made disparaging statements about not getting shot and that the police don't really have a good name at this current time. Units then cleared. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 08/9/2024 @ 20:15 hrs

CRIMINAL - 100 Block N. Johnson Rd. Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Patrick Williams
813 Milner St. Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: ORC: 2911.21 (A)(5) Criminal Trespass (Critical Infrastructure) M-1

At 20:01 hours on August 9th, 2024, I was patrolling southbound in the 100 block of N. Johnson Road when I observed a male subject working on a ATV along the railroad tracks. The subject was on the gravel easement, approximately 10' from the tracks and 40' east of the Johnson Road crossing.

Upon observing this, I activated the patrol car's cruise lights and exited my patrol car. When I asked the subject what he was doing, he said that he was riding back to Alliance on his ATV when it broke down. The subject at this time was identified as Patrick James Williams, with him providing his date of birth and social security number.

Ptl. Brindack, Ptl. Vesey, and Sgt. Kelm arrived on location at this time. I also advised dispatch to contact Norfolk Southern to see if they wanted charges of criminal trespass (ORC: 2911.21 (A(5)) to be pursued. This offense being elevated to a misdemeanor of the first-degree due to the railroad being classified as critical infrastructure.

Several minutes later, I was advised by dispatch that Norfolk Southern did want charges. At this time, I placed Mr. Williams in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked. I also searched Mr. Williams incident to arrest before securing him in the back of car 304. Sebring Tire was also called to tow the ATV.

Once Sebring Tire arrived and secured the ATV, I transported Mr. Williams back to the station where he was photographed, fingerprinted, and Processed. Mr. Williams was released on an own recognizance bond, with it being made explicitly clear to him that he was required to personally appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 08:30 hours on Thursday, August 15, 2024. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 08/8/2024 @ 10:44 hrs

TRAFFIC CRASH - State Rt 62 and Johnson RD

CITED: Avarie Mcinnes
13599 N. Main Street, Beloit


On 08/08/2024 Unit 2 was traveling West bound on State Route 62. Unit 2 attempted to make a right hand turn onto Johnson Road when Unit 1 rear ended unit 2. Unit 1 was traveling Westbound on State Rt. 62.


Date: 08/8/2024 @ 10:44 hrs

TRAFFIC - Marathon Gas Station

CITED: Timothy Cutlip
18393 5th St Beloit OH

CHARGE: ORC: 4510.11 DUS

On 8Aug24 While conducting traffic control in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a Red Chevy Cavalier with Ohio Registration traveling E on Ohio Ave. I then conducted a registration check, and it returned that the owner was suspended.

After Observing the Violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 302 in the parking lot of Marathon Gas Station on E Ohio Ave. Upon contacting the operator Timothy Cutlip, I advised him of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification to which he provided.

After obtaining Cutlip's information I was able to verify that he was Suspended. Cutlip was cited with ticket number #032618 for DUS with a Court date of 8/15/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 8/8/2024





Date: 08/5/2024 @ 21:12 hrs


ARRESTS: Johnathan Cosgray
579 W Califonia Ave, Sebring

CHARGE: 505.01 (c) Dogs running at Large

ARRESTS: Jessica Cosgray
579 W Califonia Ave, Sebring

CHARGE: 505.01(c) Dogs running at Large

On 08/08/2024 @ 2324 hours I responded to 587 West California for a report of dogs running at large.

Ptl. Peterman #506
08/08/2024 00:20

On arrival I spoke with the caller and victim, whom stated to me that he was sitting on his front porch when he heard and witnessed two dogs run around the number 2 side of his residence to the number 1 side. Victim states the two dogs then attempted to attack his cats that were on the porch with him and he stepped back out of the way as the cats ran away. Victim states the two dogs then ran back to the number 2 side of the home where he states hearing a fence opening up and the two dogs go in that direction where the fence was opened up. victim states that's when he called us and I showed up.

As I approached Victim, I was able to overhear Jonathan Cosgray moving around in the fenced in back yard. As I spoke with Victim, Jonathan Cosgray became disorderly, making multiple derogatory comments towards myself and Victim. I was unable to hear what Jonathan was saying about myself, however, Victim stated he was saying it towards me. I asked Victim if he wished to provide a witness statement and he stated he did. As I walked back to my marked cruiser #302 I overheard Jonathan yelling at Victim and I told Jonathon "Knock it off Jonathan, act like an adult and stop yelling at Victim". Jonathan then stated to me "What did you say to me?" and I advised Jonathan "Act like an adult and stop yelling". Jonathan then began approaching me in an aggressive manner, where I observed his hands were clinched into fists and his chin was angled upward in, given my training and experience, was a sign of someone becoming physically violent. I then withdrew my OC spray from its holster and held it at a low ready position where the nozzle was facing towards the ground and advised Jonathan "If you continue approaching me like that Jonathan I will spray you."

Jonathan then backed away and walked around the house where I overhead him make the statement "They got over the fucking fence again".

I obtained a witness statement from Victim and asked if he felt safe if I left to do my report and charges, Victim stated he would be fine. I thanked Victim for his time and left. As I began walking down the sidewalk towards my cruiser, Jonathan asked if I "had anything for him". I turned to Jonathan and asked him if he wished to provide a witness statement on the incident that occurred. Jonathan stated "Hell no, I ain't no snitch". I then advised him I would be in touch.

I then cleared without further incident.

On this date I served Johnathan and Jessica Cosgray with a court summons for the above mentioned charge. They will have court at MCC#3 on 8/22/24 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Vesey 513





Date: 08/5/2024 @ 21:12 hrs

CRIMINAL - 135 East Ohio Avenue

ARREST: Edward Mills
175 West Ohio Ave, Sebring, Oh

CHARGE: ORC 2917.11(B)(1) DOC(Intox) (M4)

On 08/05/2024 @ 2105 hours myself and Ptl. Melendez #505 responded to the area of Sebring Laundromat (166 West Ohio Avenue) for a report of disorderly conduct.

Ptl. Peterman #506 08/05/2024

On 5AUG24 I (Ptl. Melendez) along with Ptl. Peterman responded to 166 W Ohio Ave for an intoxicated male.

Upon arrival Ptl. Peterman made contact with witness who advised that while doing her laundry at the laundry mat she observed a male later identified as Edward Mills screaming obesity's and she also advised that Mills had a large bottle of Vodka in his hand.


Edward was processed and provided his recognizance form to sign for a charge of one(1) count of Disorderly Conduct-Public Intoxication ORC 291 7.1 l(B)(l). Edward refused multiple times to sign the recognizance form and "refused" was written on the form by Ptl. Melendez.

Officers advised Edward multiple times of his court date at Mahoning County Court #3 08/08/2024 @ 0900AM.


Date: 08/6/2024 @ 21:45 hrs


ARREST: Sean Mills
175 West Ohio Ave, Sebring, Oh

ORC: 2929.25(A) Domestic Violence(M1)
ORC: 2903.13(A) Assault (M-1)

At 17:20 hours on August 6, 2024, a Sebring man came on station to report having been assaulted by his brother, with whom he resides, the evening before.

Det. Reed #508

Sean was then taken into custody, with Ptl. Brindack placing him in handcuffs. During this time Sean made statements about only having pushed his brother after he punched him.

Once back on station, Sean admitted to having recently used methamphetamine, with him saying that he was having chest pains as a result.

Sebring Fire/EMS was then summoned while I completed paperwork for commitment to jail. Sean was then transported the Aultman Alliance Hospital by Sebring Fire/EMS with Ptl. Vesey accompanying.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508






Date: 08/5/2024

CRIMINAL - 135 East Ohio Avenue Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Desiree Suter
430 North 16th Street Sebring

CHARGE: ORC 2911.21(A)(5) Criminal Trespass- Railroad(M1)

08/05/2024 @1407 hours I reported an incident involving a subject trespassing on Norfolk Southern property.

Ptl. Peterman #506 08/05/2024

I called dispatch @ 1407 hours as I was in my off-duty capacity and advised that I witnessed the criminal trespass that occurred at the railroad tracks near California Avenue and South 18th Street, and that I confirmed from facial recognition that it was Desiree Suter. I came in to start my shift and reported the incident to Norfolk Southern Special Agent Drummy whom advised me that I had authority to enact an arrest and they supported any criminal charges after hearing my witness testimony.

After speaking with Special Agent Drummy, I then called Sgt. Kelm #503, and Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin. Both agreed ti was warranted for criminal charges and to arrest her if spotted. I was advised to also give a witness statement which I did immediately after speaking with both parties.

Officers then went to the Suter residence, and spoke with subject, stating that officers needed to speak with Desiree. Dispatch advised at 1630 that Desiree was present on station. I arrived and advised Desiree of her charge and that she was under arrest. Desiree was read her Miranda rights and advised of her charge of one(1) count of M-1 criminal trespass (ORC 2911.21 (A)(5)).

Desiree stated to me "I didn't know you weren't supposed to cross the tracks there".

Desiree was processed, photographed, fingerprinted, and given a recognizance to sign with her court date of 08/08/2024 0900AM @ MCC#3.

Desiree signed her recognizance form and was released from police custody.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 08/05/2024




Date: 08/3/2024 @ 22:32 hrs

TRAFFIC - Near 565 West Ohio Avenue

17746GlenwoodAvenue, LakeMilton

ORC4510.11 DUS(Failure to Reinstate)(M1)
ORC 4511.12 Traffic Control Devices- Stop Sign(MM)

On 8/3/2024 while performing saturation patrol stationary at the intersection of West Ohio Avenue and North Johnson Road, I observed a dark color Lincoln approach the stop sign from the west, begin to slow down as it approached the east bound stop sign, then begin accelerating before coming to a complete stop.

Upon observing the traffic infraction, I activated my overhead lights and audible siren. The vehicle then stopped in the 500 Block of West Ohio Avenue.

I called out my stop to dispatch with the plate, Ohio temporary tag, exited Marked Cruiser #304 and performed a passenger side approach of the Lincoln. I identified myself and my affiliation. I advised the driver, Justin Rockwell, of the reason for the stop being that he ran the stop sign at Johnson and Ohio Avenue. Justin stated "I saw you, I just didn't want to slam on my brakes and get pulled over for that."

I asked Justin for his license, the registration for the vehicle, and the insurance for the vehicle and he handed me his Identification Card, and the other requested documents. I returned to my cruiser and advised dispatch I was showing on my MDT that Justin was suspended for Failure to Reinstate. Justin was then issued an e-citation on Ticket #190417 for Driving Under Suspension (DUS)(Failure to Reinstate) and I advised Justin of his mandatory court date of MC #3 8/15/2024@0900 AM. Justin was respectful to me the entire duration of the traffic stop, as well as signed the citation and was given a copy of his citation. I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 8/4/2024




Date: 07/27/2024 @ 17:00 hrs

SUMMONS - 346 W. Indiana Ave Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Rebekah Gross
346 W. Indiana Ave Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: 2919.22 Endangering Children

I was dispatched to the 300 Block of West Indiana for a found 2 year old child.

Chief Harris #502 7/24/24

I was dispatched to 386 West Indiana Ave for a found 2 year old child with no shoes and only a pair of shorts. Upon arrival I spoke to Subject and he informed me that this young male that was siting on his front porch had walked up to his house. The street is a busy street in Sebring.

I recognized the child from a call about a month ago. At that previous time the child had been found wondering the streets around the 300 block of west Maryland.

See Report # 24-006121.

After Dispatch told me that they had made contact with the Mother and she was on her way. I watched her walk from her house to the address of the found child. She did not know how he got out they have a dead blot and an alarm system. Rebekah also said that she was down stairs this time and did not know how this happen. It is not known how long juvenile was out with no duty of care.

The time of the call came in at 0955 and the mother did not arrive until 1019. Looking at the last report it happened at 0945 and the child was not noticed as being missing for over 2 hours. This case will be forwarded to the Prosecutor for review. This case will also be sent tp CPS for their review.

Chief Harris #502 7/24/24 3

On 07/27/2024 Ms. Rebekah Gross was served a summons for the charge of endangering children 2919.22. She was advised of her court date of August 15, 2024 at 0900 hours.

Pt. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 07/23/2024 @ 17:00 hrs

SUMMONS - Log Cabin Bar

ARREST: Clint Higgins
184 W Oregon Ave

CHARGE: 1317.01 Nuisance

Date 07/24/2024 11:49 Officer Harris

A property in the 100 Block of North 15th street was found to be a nuisance.

Chief Harris #502

On 7/18/24 after months of no activity the Prosecutor request charges for the Nuisance. A summons will be issued.

Chief Harris #502

On 07/23/2024 Clint Higgin was served a summons for the above mentioned charge. He has court at MCC#3 on 08/08/2024.

Ptl. Brindack 504


Date: 07/28/24 @ 21:56 hrs

SUMMONS - 600 Block of W Ohio

ARREST: Mary Hyronimus
125 W Wisconsin Ave Sebring Ohio

4511.19 (A) (2) OVI
4511.454 Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle

On 25July24 I (PtI. Melendez) conducted a Traffic stop in the 800 Block Of W Ohio Ave in my Marked patrol vehicle 304. Prior to exiting my vehicle I made sure to place my vehicle at an angel so that oncoming east bound traffic could see me and my vehicle.

While speaking with the operator of the Motor Home I observed a white GMC SUV pass me at a High Rate of speed within a foot and a half from my person. At this time I (Ptl. Melendez) advised PtI. Vesey and Ptl. Brindack who were coming to provide assistance to conduct a traffic stop with the vehicle. After verifying that my operator of the motor home was valid I then issued him a verbal warning for rear Illumination and also I advised the driver to place his temporary tag in a visible area so that it may be seen by law enforcement. I then cleared my stop and made contact with the other units.

Upon exiting my marked patrol vehicle I then observed PtI. Brindack conducting SFST"s. A short time later Ptl. Brindack then advised Mary Hyronimus that she was under arrest for DUl. I then waited for Sebring tire to arrive to take custody of the vehicle, a short time later Sebring tire arrived and took custody of the vehicle. I then cleared. Nothing else to report at this time.

Pti. Melendez #505 7/25/2024

On this date Iintiated a traffic stop which resulted ni an OVI arrest.

PtI. Brindack 504 07/25/2024

On this date I was dual unit with Ptl. Vesey who is in field training and was driving at the time, we were headed West bound on W Ohio Ave near Johnson and Ohio Ave enroute to back up Ptl. Melendez who had requested us as back up on a traffic stop in the 800 block of W Ohio Ave. We heard Ptl. Melendez urgently exclaim on the radio that he was almost struck by a white SUV which was now headed towards us and requested we stop the vehicle, we observed the white GMC SUV headed towards us and Ptl. Vesey activated his siren and flipped around on the vehicle the vehicle came to a complete stop in the 600 block of W Ohio Ave. The vehicle is a white GMC.

I approached the driver identified as Mary Hyronimus and informed here she had failed to yield for an emergency vehicle and almost struck an officer who was on a traffic stop, she said I "couldn't see because of the lights" as she spoke I detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming of of her person particularly when she spoke, I also observed she was extremely nervous and had altered slightly slurred speech, I asked her if she had been drinking and she said "yes" I asked her to step out of the vehicle and asked how much she drank she answered a" six pack". I asked when she stopped drinking and she said, "an hour ago". I asked her to perform field sobriety and she said she would.

I started with the medical screen asking her of she had any eyes or head injuries she said aside from glasses no. I instructed Mary to stand in the instructional position with her feet together and arms down at her sides with her hands held like she is holding rolls of quarters. Mary was unable to put her feet together, but otherwise complied. I began checking Mary's eyes by holding a stimulus, in this case the tip of my pen about 12 inches in front of Mary and instructed her to follow the pen with her eyes and eyes only and told her not to move her head. I checked for equal pupil size, equal tracking and no resting nystagmus, I did observe equal pupils, equal tracking and observed no resting nystagmus.

I continued with the HGN test and observed the following clues lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, on set prior to 45 degrees ni her right eye, her left eye was difficult to see because she was squinting, I also observed distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation in both eyes, particularly in her right eye. She also moved her head multiple times after being told not to multiple times.

I then moved on to the walk and turn test. I placed Mary in the instructional position once again and told her to stay in that position. I explained to her she was going to imagine a straight line and place her right foot in front of her left foot, walk 9 heel to toe steps in a line, make a series of small steps and then walk 9 heel to toe steps back, counting out loud and making she her heels touched her toes each time. I showed her and example with only three steps but explained she would be doing 9.

She said she understood, and I told her to begin, Mary walked 9 steps without touching heel to toe did not count aloud and stopped after walking 9 steps forward she did not try to follow directions at all while walking back.

Mary was then placed under arrest for suspicion on OVI and placed in the back of our patrol car.

I requested a tow truck and asked dispatch to inform Alliance PD we would be bringing someone in for a breath test. Ptl. Melendez had cleared his traffic stop and was now on scene with us.

Ptl. Melendez said he would stay with the vehicle and wait for the tow. Ptl. Vesey and I cleared the scene and took Mary to our station, retrieved a BMV 2255 form and then took Mary to the Alliance Police department.

While enroute we read the 2255 form to Mary with Ptl. Vesey bearing witness to me reading it to her. Mary agreed to give a breath sample.

On arrival to APD Mary signed the 2255 and an Alliance officer attempted to get Mary to give a breath sample on their intoxilyzer however Mary was unable to provide a sufficient breath sample, and was not blowing correctly into the machine at one point sucking in air instead of blowing out. After attempting multiple times, we had to take the test as a refusal.

We cleared APD, and brought Mary back to our station. On station Mary was processed and given a copy of the 2255, and a recognizance form.

Mary was issued a citation for OVI refusal 4511.19 (A) (2) and failure to yield for an emergency vehicle 4511.454. Mary had a court date at MCC#3 on 08/01/2024 at 0900hrs. Mary was released to her daughter.

Ptl. Brindack 504 07/25/2024

NOTE Mary was read miranda enroute to APD, this was witnessed by Ptl. Vesey, during booking she did admit to consuming alcohol again.

Ptl. Brindack 504 07/26/2024


Date: 07/31/2024 @ 08:30 hrs

TRAFFIC - 14504 Commerce St NE,A lliance, OH

CITED: David Sihock
132 N. 16th St. Sebring, Ohio

SC0:331.34 Failure to control (MM)
SCO: 335.10 Fictitious Plates (MM)

On 07/26/2024 David Sihock was driving a gray jeep in the 500 block of W Ohio Ave headed Eastbound. David veered right and struck a parked Silver GMC Acadia owned by Ryan Peterson. This caused David's jeep to flip over on its side, the GMC was pushed forwards and struck a black Chevy blazer bearing OH KJP7828 owned by Sydney Peterson.

David does not recall what happened and told officer he was driving and then woke up in the yard, David showed obvious signs of impairment by Narcotics including gray skin, and large pupils however due to his possible injuries could not be tested and was transported to the hospital by Sebring EMS. Det. Reed will be investigating the OVI.

I cited David for failure to control 331.34 and fictitious plates 335.10 since the plates he had on returned to a Chevy. David was served a few days later on 07/31/2024 by Det. Reed. David has court 08/01/2024 in Mahoning county court #3 at 0900hrs


Date: 07/28/2024 @ 15:30 hrs

TRAFFIC - 1000 Block N Johnson Rd

CITED: Robert Spalding
9995 Bentgrass Ave NE Hartville OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (53/35)

On 28July24 While conducting traffic control in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a Green Chevy Express Van traveling South on Johnson Rd at a high rate of speed.

I then locked the vehicle's speed at 53mph. After Observing the Violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 304 in the 1000 Block of N Johnson Rd. Upon contacting the operator Robert Spalding, I advised him of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification to which he provided. After obtaining Spalding's information I was able to verify that he was Valid.

Spalding was cited with ticket number #032617 for Speed 53Mph in 35Mph Zone with a Court date of 8/1/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505


Date: 07/30/2024 @ 17:00 hrs

TRAFFIC - 12th / US 62

CITED: Richard Rice
836 S 13th st Apt 19

CHARGE: 4510.11 DUS non compliance

On this date while on patrol in a marked cruiser I was traveling North on 12thS t near Alabama Ave, I observed Richard Rice driving a blue Camaro traveling south towards 62. I knew Richard to be suspended from recent information passed along to me by Det. Reed and Chief Harris, I flipped around and began following Richard. At the corner of 12th and US 62 at the stop sign there was a vehicle in front of Richard, the vehicle turned right and Richard proceeded to turn left without making a complete stop himself, I activated my lights and siren, Richard turned right unto the Columbiana side of 12th St and accelerated his vehicle, which being a sports car picked up speed rapidly.

I believed at this point Richard was trying to flee and called it out as a pursuit. Richard immediately stopped about one block from where he accelerated, I advised dispatch he had now stopped. I exited my vehicle and informed Richard for the reason he was stopped, Richard became argumentative and said we were not allowed to follow him into Columbiana County. He also began arguing that he was not also required to make a stop because he stopped behind the vehicle in front of him.

I asked him to step out of the car and he did not comply, I ordered him out of the car and he continued arguing, I opened his car door and ordered him out as Ptl. Melendez arrived with his taser drawn. Richard exited the vehicle and complied from this point forward. Katherine Cox the passenger was allowed to remain in the car. I took Richard's license and ran him through my MDT which confirmed he was suspended. Richard argued that our system was wrong until he looked himself up on the Ohio bmv website on his phone which also showed he was suspended. Richard was cited for DUS noncompliance 4510.11 and given a court date of 08/08/2024 at 0900 in Mahoning County court #3

Subject was allowed to drive the vehicle away since he was valid, however Richard was warned his car would be towed the next time he is found driving under suspension.

Ptl. Brindack 504




Date: 07/22/2024 @ 17:31 hrs

TRAFFIC - 100 Block W California Ave

CITED: Bradley Finch
455 S 19th St Sebring OH

CHARGE: SCO:333.03 Speed (40/25)

On 22July24 While conducting traffic control in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a Black Chevy Blazer traveling West On W California Ave above the posted Speed Limit. After Observing the Violation I locked the Speed at 4OMPH in a 25MPH zone. I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 302 in the 100 Block of W California Ave.

Upon contacting the operator, Bradley Finch, I advised him of the reason for the stop. I then asked for identification which was provided by Finch. After obtaining Finch's documents I was able to verify that he was Valid.

Finch was cited with ticket number #032614 for Speed 40/25 with a Court date of 8/7/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 7/22/2024


Date: 07/20/2024 @ 18:56 hrs

CRIMINAL - 176 East Maryland Avenue

ARREST: Zackery Percy
3600 Lacrosse Street Alliance

CHARGE: 2913.02 Theft(M1)

On 07/20/2024 @ 1840 hours I was requested by Circle K staff for a report of theft.

Ptl. Peterman #506 07/20/2024

I was already on scene to purchase a drink when I was confronted by the manager of Circle K, whom stated to me that she was observing a male retrieve an Eclair donut from the donut shelf, place it into a bag. then walked around a shelf to retrieve a slushie from the slushie machine. When manager walked around the shelf to watch the male she stated the bag with the donut was missing.

I did not confront the male, later identified as Zackery Percy, until after observing video evidence of the same incident. I, along with Ptl. Brindack #504 and Ptl. Vessey #513, went to the residence I observed Zackery go to. Officers arrived on scene and I made contact with Zackery.

I informed Zackery that he was being accused of stealing a donut from the store. Zackery stated he did not steal anything but did throw the Eclair in the trash due to it "being super hard".

Ptl. Brindack returned to Circle K and searched the trash cans in question.  I was informed via radio from Ptl. Brindack that they checked all trash cans and no donuts were observed in said trash cans. Ptl. Brindack also stated that employees stated that none of the trash cans were emptied between the time of the incident and currently. I acknowledged the radio traffic and after Speaking with Ptl. Brinback upon his return to the scene and Sgt. Kelm #503 it was determined there was enough probable cause to enact an arrest. I read Zackery his Miranda rights and placed him under arrest for one count of 2913.02 theft(M1). Handcuffs placed on Zackery were double locked and checked for proper gap. Zackery was placed in the back seat of marked cruiser #304 and transported to station for processing.

Zackery was booked and released on his charges with a mandatory court date at Mahoning County Court #3 @ 08/02/2024 0900AM.

Zackery was served a Notice Of Restriction from Circle K, and officers cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 07/20/2024


Date: 07/24/2024 @ 20:07 hrs

TRAFFIC - 500 Block of E Ohio Ave

CITED: Jacob Perrotta
6116 W Liberty St Hubbard Ohio

ORC:4511.70 Obstructed View
ORC:4510.11 DUS

On 24 July24 While conducting traffic control in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a Black Chevy Trail Blazer with Ohio Registration traveling West on E Ohio Ave.

Upon observing the driver I noticed a large number of containers blocking the drivers view to the rear of the vehicle. After Observing the Violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 304 in the 500 Block of E Ohio Ave.

Upon contacting the operator, Jacob Perrotta, I advised him of the reason for the stop. I than asked for Identification to which he advised he did not have a valid driver's license.

After obtaining Perotta 's information I was able to verify that he was suspended. Perotta was cited with ticket number #032615 for Obstructed View and DUS with a Court date of 8/7/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 DATE 7/24/2024


Date: 07/23/2024 @ 08:17 hrs

TRAFFIC - 200 Block W. California Ave.

CITED: Damon KeIler
233 Aurora St. Hudson, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (46/25) MM

At 08:17 hours on July 23,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While Stationary along the roadside facing west in the 200 block of W. California Avenue, I observed an older black Porsche traveling eastbound on W. California Avenue. The vehicle appeared to be traveling at a rate of speed that was substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit. As the vehicle came to the intersection of S. 19th Street and W. California Avenue, I used the patrol car's in-car radar system to obtain a locked speed of 46 MPH.

As the vehicle came to my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, pulled onto the roadway, and initiated a traffic stop. At this time, I noted that Ohio Historical Registration was affixed to the back of the 1967 Porsche 912. Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to provide the requested documents with his Ohio Drive License showing him to be Damon S. Keller.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032644. I cited Keller for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 46 MPH in the marked 25 MPH zone. I then returned to his vehicle where he signed the citation, received his copy, and was advised of his option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, August 8, 2824, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by that date. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Dee. Reed #508


Date: 07/28/2024 @ 21:56 hrs

CRIMINAL - 600 Block of W Ohio

ARREST: Mary Hyronimus
125 W Wisconsin Ave Sebring Ohio

4511.19 (A) (2) OVI
4511.454 Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle

On this date I was dual unit with Ptl. Vesey who is in field training and was driving at the time, we were headed-West bound on W Ohio Ave near Johnson and Ohio Ave enroute to back up Ptl. Melendez who had requested us as back up on a traffic stop in the 800 block of W Ohio Ave.

We heard Ptl. Melendez urgently exclaim on the radio that he was almost struck by a white SUV which was now headed towards us and requested we stop the vehicle. We observed the white GMC SUV headed towards us and Ptl. Vesey activated his siren and flipped around on the vehicle the vehicle came to a complete stop in the 600 block of W Ohio Ave. The vehicle is a white GMC .

I approached the driver identified as Mary Hyronimus and informed here she had failed to yield for an emergency vehicle and almost struck an officer who was on a traffic stop, she said "I couldn't see because of the lights" as she spoke I detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming off of her person particularly when she spoke. I also observed she was extremely nervous and had altered slightly slurred speech. I asked her if she had been drinking and she said "yes". I asked her to step out of the vehicle and asked how much she drank she answered "a six pack".

I asked when she stopped drinking and she said, "an hour ago". I asked her to perform field sobriety and she said she would.

I started with the medical screen asking her of she had any eyes or head injuries she said aside from glasses no. I instructed Mary to stand in the instructional position with her feet together and arms down at her sides with her hands held like she is holding rolls of quarters. Mary was unable to put her feet together, but otherwise complied. I began checking Mary's eyes by holding a stimulus, in this case the tip of my pen about 12 inches in front of Mary and instructed her to follow the pen with her eyes and eyes only and told her not to move her head. I checked for equal pupil size, equal tracking and no resting nystagmus, I did observe equal pupils, equal tracking and observed no resting nystagmus.

I continued with the HGN test and observed the following clues lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, on set prior to 45 degrees in her right eye, her left eye was difficult to see because she was squinting, I also observed distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation in both eyes, particularly in her right eye. She also moved her head multiple times after being told not to multiple times.

I then moved on to the walk and turn test. I placed Mary in the instructional position once again and told her to stay in that position I explained to her she was going to imagine a straight line place he right foot in front of her left foot, walk 9 heel to toe steps in a line, make a series of small steps and then walk 9 heel to toe steps back, counting out loud and making she her heels touched her toes each time, I showed her and example with only three steps but explained she would be doing 9.

She said she understood, and I told her to begin, Mary walked 9 steps without touching heel to toe did not count aloud and stopped after walking 9 steps forward she did not try to follow directions at all while walking back. Mary refused the one leg stand despite being asked to try multiple times.

Mary was then placed under arrest for suspicion on OVI and placed in the back of our patrol car. I requested a tow truck and asked dispatch to inform Alliance PD we would be bringing someone in for a breath test. Ptl. Melendez had cleared his traffic stop and was now on scene with us. Ptl. Melendez said he would stay with the vehicle and wait for the tow. Ptl. Vesey and I cleared the scene and took Mary to our station, retrieved a BMV 2255 form and then took Mary to the Alliance Police department.

While enroute we read the 2255 form to Mary with Ptl. Vesey bearing witness to me reading it to her. Mary agreed to give a breath sample. On arrival to APD Mary signed the 2255 and an Alliance officer attempted to get Mary to give a breath sample on their intoxilyzer however Mary was unable to provide a sufficient breath sample, and was not blowing correctly into the machine at one point sucking in air instead of blowing out. After attempting multiple times, we had to take the test as a refusal.

We cleared APD, and brought Mary back to our station. On station Mary was processed and given a copy of the 2255, and a recognizance form.

Mary was issued a citation for OVI refusal 4511 .I 9 (A)(2) and failure to yield for an emergency vehicle 4511.454. Mary had a court date at MCC#3 on 08/01/2024 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack #504 07/25/2024


Date: 07/24/2024 @ 08:35 hrs


ARREST: Constantina Covert
60 Valley Road Salem, Oh

ORC: 2911.12(A)(1) Burglary(F-2)
ORC: 2913.02(A)(1) Theft (M-1)

Date 07/24/2024 11:30 Officer Reed

At 08:25 hours on July 24, 2024. a resident of the 200 block of N. 15th Street called to report that a person had entered her apartment. A female subject, whose last known address was in the Damascus area, was subsequently arrested on charges of burglary and theft.





Date: 07/8/2024 @ 21:12 hrs

TRAFFIC - 615 West California Avenue

Cited: Gary Hartman
615 West California Avenue Sebring, Mahoning

Charge: 4511.194 Physical Control(M1)

On 8July24 I responded to 615 W California Ave for an Intoxicated Person, Upon arrival I (Ptl. Melendez) along with Ptl. Peterman made contact with subject. Upon speaking with subject he advised that he had just came outside to smoke a cigarette and that is when he noticed Gary Hartman laying face down on the ground. At this time subject dialed 911 and Sebring Pd along with Sebring Fire Responded to the the Hartman residence.

Upon speaking with Gary who was sitting in the driver seat of his car, a 2020 Kia Forte, with the lights on I asked him if he could exit the vehicle so that we could speak to him.

While observing Hartman exit the Drivers side of his vehicle he could barley stand up and he had to use the door to stand up straight. After observing Hartman struggling to stand up I then asked him if he had anything to drink and he advised that he did but he was on his property. I then asked Gary how many beers he had been drinking and he advised that he consumed 10 16oz cans. While still speaking to Gary I also observed that his shirt and pants were saturated with an unknown liquid, I then asked Gary if he had urinated himself and he stated "No ". I also smelled a strong Alcoholic and also fecal matter emanating from his person. I again asked Gary if he had an accident and he advised that he was fine.

At this time I then attempted to conduct SFST's on Gary. I first began with Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus, I observed unequal tracking and also distinct Nystagmus at maximum deviation along with Nystagmus prior to 45 degree. After observing 6 out of 6 clues I then attempted to conduct the walk and turn and Gary advised that he did have a leg brace on and that he was unable to conduct the test. I also asked if he could attempt to do the one legged stance and he advised that he defintly could not complete the test.

Gary was then taken into custody for physical control and transported to the Sebring Police Department to be processed.

While on Station I asked Gary if he would like to take a breathalizer test or urine test and Gray advised that he was going to refuse both tests. The Administrative License Suspension form was read and signed by Gary, Gary was issued ticket #032610 for Physical Control with a court date of 7/11/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 7/8/2024


Date: 07/10/2024 @ 08:00 hrs

TRAFFIC - 100 Block E Ohio Ave (Rear of Everett,Health Center)

Cited: Jessica Wallbrown
1786 Mahoning Rd Deerfeild Oh

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speeding (37/25)

On 8July24 While doing traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a White Lexus with Ohio Registration traveling east on W Ohio Ave above the posted Speed Limit, I then locked the vehicle's speed at 37MPH. After Observing the Violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 302 in the 700 block of W Ohio Ave. I then turned on my emergency lights and I got behind the vehicle which was in the straight lane at the red light at N 75th St and W Ohio facing east. Once the light turned green the operator then made a left-hand turn from the
straight lane and continued to drive into the parking lot of Everett Health Center at 174 E Ohio Ave.

Once entering the parking lot, the operator then pulled into a parking space end then attempted to back up and that is when I used my air horn in my patrol vehicle to get her attention before she hit my patrol vehicle. Upon contacting the operator Jessica Wallbrown, I advised her of the reason for the stop. I then asked for identification which was provided by Wallbrown. After obtaining Wallbrown's documents I was able to verify that she was Valid. Ms. Wallbrown was also advised that she can not turn left from a straight lane when there is a turning lane. She was also advised to pull over to the right whenever an emergency vehicle is behind her with their emergency lights and sirens on.

Wallbrown was cited with ticket number #032672 for Speed (37/25) with a Court date of 7/7 8/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 7/10/2024


Date: 07/10/2024 @ 07:30 hrs

TRAFFIC - 600 Block W Ohio Ave Sebring OH

Cited: David Cooper
115 Redwood Dr Beloit OH

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (40/25)

On 10July24 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a Tan 2006 Jeep Laredo with Ohio Registration traveling West On W Ohio Ave above the posted Speed Limit. After Observing the Violation I locked the Speed at 40MPH in a 25MPH zone, I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 302 in the 600 Block of W Ohio Ave.

Upon contacting the operator David Cooper, I advised him of the reason for the stop. I then asked for identification which was provided by Cooper. After obtaining Cooper's documents I was able to verify that he was Valid.

Cooper was cited with ticket number #032611 for Speed 40/25 with a Court date of 7/78/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 7/10/2024


Date: 07/12/2024 @ 09:48 hrs

Sebring Police Department

Arrest: Mr. Jaden Stanley

On 07/12/2204 Mr. Jaden Stanley came to the Sebring Police department to speak with an officer. Jaden was advised of the warrant for his arrest of the aggravated menacing charges. Jaden was placed in custody and taken to the squad room for booking and processing and transported to the Mahoning county jail.

Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 07/12/2024 @ 20:00 hrs

CRIMINAL - 615 W California Ave

Arrest: James Schreckengost
533 W California Ave

2913.05 Telecom Fraud
2913.04 Unathorized use computer
2913.02 Theft

Date 07/04/2024 09:14 Officer: Reed

At 08:17 hours on July 4, 2024, a Sebring resident reported that money was transferred out of their account through Cashapp without their consent or knowledge as well as that their debit card had been stolen with an unauthorized ATM transaction occurring.

At 08:17 hours on July 4,2024, victim called the station to report a theft offense. Upon arriving at victim's residence, he informed me that a friend had contact him earlier in the day to ask why he had transferred $1.00 to him using his Cashapp account. Upon looking through his Cashapp ledger, victim noticed that three other unauthorized transactions had occurred. One for $50.00 at 20:56, one for $150.00 at 21:17, and a final one for $150.00 at 21:36. All of these transfers were to an account# . Victim also said that his Huntington Debit Card was missing, and that $400.00 had been removed via ATM at Sebring's Huntington Branch.

In speaking further with victim he said that the evening before, he and James Schreckengost had gone drinking at several bars in the Village of Sebring. Victim said that they began drinking at the Oregon Pub and then went to Brickhouse. At one point during the evening, victim said that he allowed Schreckengost to use his phone in private, with him believing that he had accessed his Cashapp at this time and transferred to the money to himself.

While I was standing in front of his residence collected the information regarding this case, subject came over, with telling victim that the three of them at one point had gone to the ATM. Neither recalled if he withdrew any money at that time. Victim however said that he may have, but that he had neither his debit card or money that he could have withdrawn this morning.

After collecting a witness statement from victim, I cleared from the location. I then went to Schreckengost's residence were I unsuccessfully attempted to make contact. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508

On this date while on patrol training with Ptl. Vesey on California Ave we observed James Schreckengost outside 615 W California Ave and arrested him on the above mentioned warrant. James was taken back to our station, processed, and transported to Mahoning county jail by
Ptl. Vesey without incident.

Ptl. Brindack 504 07/12/2024


Date: 07/10/2024 @ 07:30 hrs

TRAFFIC - S. Johnson Rd and Lake Park Blvd

Cited: Stacie Bowman
9040 Arrow Rd W. Minerva, Ohio

Charge: 333.03 Speed

On 07/11 /2204 While on patrol in marked patrol car unit 302, I observed the defendant's vehicle traveling at what appeared to be faster than the posted speed limit of 35 MPH. The defendant was traveling North bound on South Johnson Rd near Lake Park Blvd. I activated my radar unit with good visual and tone I got the reading of 48 MPH. I then activated my overhead light bar to conduct a traffic stop on the vehicle. I stopped the vehicle in a safe location in the parking lot of Sebring Friends church.

Upon approaching the vehicle, I identified the driver as Ms. Stacie Bowman. I advised Ms. Bowman the reason for the stop is for her speed of 48 in a 35 mph zone. She stated she already knew and was not paying attention. I then cited Ms. Bowman for the speed of 48MPH in a 35MPH zone. Ms. Bowman was given a court date of 07/25/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3. Ms. Bowman signed the citation and was released.

Nothing further currently.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 07/11/2024 @ 16:00 hrs

TRAFFIC - 100 Block W California Ave Sebring OH

Cited: Kyle Stackpole
2190 Industry Rd Atwater OH

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (41/25)

On 11July24 while patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a gray 2002 ford f-250 with Ohio Registration traveling E On California Ave above the posted speed limit. I then locked the vehicles speed at 41 mph. After Observing the Violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 302 in the 100 block of W California.

Upon contacting the Operator Kyle Stackpole, I advised him of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification which was provided by Stackpole. After obtaining Stackpole documents I was able to Verify that he was Valid.

Stackpole was cited with ticket number # 032613 for Speed SCO: 333.03 with a Court date of 7/18/2024 at MCC#3.

Ptl. MeIendez #505


Date: 07/14/2024 @ 18:00 hrs

Criminal - Ralphs Deli- APD Exchange

Arrest: Nikki Welsh
LKA 941 Knox School Road Alliance, Ohio

Charge: 2925.11 (Warrant)Possession of Controlled Substance(F5)

On this date Units responded to the corner of Ohio Ave and 15th St for reports of an argument between male and female.

Ptl. Brindack 504

At 18:17 hours on 07/20/2023, Ptl. Brindack and I responded to the corner of N. 15th Street and Ohio Avenue for a report of people fighting. Upon arriving, I observed a male subject, who I had observed approximately 20 minutes beforehand sitting on the bench at the intersection with who I know to be Nikki Welsh. The male subject was walking westbound on Ohio Avenue, approximately 50 yards from the intersection. He then turned and and noticed Ptl. Brindack and I, with him then turning around and approaching. At this time, I also noticed that Welsh was still sitting on the bench. I then instructed Ptl. Brindack to speak with the male subject while I spoke with Welsh.

As I approached Welsh, I noted that she appeared upset. This being evident by face and eyes being red as if she had been crying and her appearing to be attempting to catch her breath. I asked Welsh what was the matter, with her informing me that she and her boyfriend, Zakariah Blake, had been arguing over a pair of lost glasses. Welsh denied any threats or violence had occurred between the two.

As I continued speaking with Welsh, I asked her for consent to search her purse and bags. Welsh freely and voluntarily provided consent for me to search the bags, with me locating a rolled piece of aluminum foil in the purse. Upon noticing this item in my hand, Welsh said "fuck" several times. I asked her that was inside of the foil, with Welsh saying "probably meth". Welsh also appeared to be becoming more agitated after telling me this.

Due to the nature of the search transitioning from a consent search to a probable cause search and Welsh's behavior, I decided to secure her in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double locked. It should be noted that Welsh also advised that she was not pregnant. I then unrolled the foil, locating a tight-colored, crystalline substance inside. Based upon my training and experience, this substance did appear to be methamphetamine.

I then asked Ptl. Brindack to walk back to the police station to retrieve a field testing kit. Ptl. Brindack did so, with him returning several minutes later with a field test as well as a marked patrol car, which I did secure Welsh in the back of.

The substance was then tested, with it testing positive to be methamphetamine. At this time I read Welsh her Miranda Rights, which she said that she understood. Welsh also informed Ptl. Brindack and I that she had been on her way to the hospital before being stopped, with this being for her having some sort of parasitic infestation on her skin. It should be noted that Welsh did appear to have scabs and sores on various spots of her exposed skin.

Welsh was then transported to the Sebring Police Station where she was processed on one count of possessing drug abuse instruments for the rolled foil. It was advised by Sgt. Kelm to release her on an own recognizance bond and apply for a warrant at a later time for possessing the methamphetamine.

Sebring Fire/EMS was called with their agency transporting welsh to the hospital for treatment of her parasitic issues.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508

On 07/14/2024 Alliance Police Department notified Sebring dispatch that they had Nikki Sue Welsh in their custody for a warrant from Sebring Police Department. I met with Alliance Officers at Ralphs Deli and conducted a prisoner exchange to marked cruiser #304. Nikki Welsh was transported to Sebring Police Department for processing, then Ptl. Vessey #513 transported Nikki to Mahoning County Jail.

Officers then cleared without further incident.

Officer: Peterman #506 07/14/2024




Date: 07/2/2024 @ 11:39 hrs


Arrest: Edward Mills
265 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, Ohio

Charge: ORC: 2911.21 Criminal Trespass (M-4)

At 11:30 hours on June 29, 2024, a resident of the 100 block of W. Ohio Avenue came on station to report an incident of trespassing on his property. The complainant advised that this is an ongoing issue, with the neighbor having tormented his dog in the past, and notices of restriction being served. The matter along with all available evidence will be forwarded to the prosecutor
for consideration of charges.

On July 2,2024, Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin approved charges of criminal trespass (ORC: 2911.21(A)(1) to be filed against Edward Mills.

At 11:39 hours on July 2, 2024. Ptl. Vesey and I took Edward Mills into custody on a warrant obtained through Mahoning County Court #3 relating to this case. This being for a charge of Criminal Trespass (ORC: 2911.21(A)(1)).

Det. Reed #508





Date: 06/30/2024 @ 17:27 hrs

TRAFFIC - 700 Block W Ohio Ave

Cited: Nathanael Suntheimer
III E Georgia Ave Sebring OH

ORC: 4511.12 Traffic Control Device
ORC: 4510.11 DUS

On 30June24 While patrolling in the village of Sebring I Observed a Black 2012 Toyota Carney with Ohio Registration traveling West On Ohio Ave. I then observed the vehicle run the stop sign at Johnson and Ohio Ave. After Observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 304 in the 700 block of west Ohio Ave.

Upon contacting the operator, Nathanael Suntheimer I advised him of the reason for the stop. I then asked for identification which was provided by Suntheimer. After obtaining Suntheimer documents I was able to verify that he was Suspended. Suntheimer was cited with ticket number #032607 for Traffic Control Device and DUS with a Court date of 7/3/2024 at 1300 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 6/30/2024


Date: 06/28/2024 @ 20:10 hrs

TRAFFIC - 800 Block West Ohio

Cited: Barbara Tarantino
2304 Wittenberg Street Louisville, Stark

Charge: SCO 333.03 Speed(MM)(49/35)

On 06/28/2024 while performing patrol duties stationary facing Southbound at the intersection of North Johnson Road and West Ohio Avenue, and utilizing the rear stationary radar function in fully marked cruiser #303, I observed a White SUV traveling Southbound on North Johnson Road at what I believed was a high rate of speed. My moving radar had been activated, and gave a constant steady tone with no feedback, and showed a speed of 49MPH at about the intersection of West Virginia Avenue. The in car radar was checked for calibration at the beginning of my shift (1917) and was shown to be within calibration specifications. When the vehicle passed me it proceeded to slow down at the intersection but did not come to a full stop. I safely pulled out at the intersection, and activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren and caught back up to the vehicle, which stopped near 826 West Ohio Avenue. I performed a drivers side approach and advised dispatch of my stop, and my location.

I advised the driver of my name and department affiliation and the reason for the stop. The driver, Barbara Jean Tarantino, acknowledged her speed. I asked for her license, registration and proof of insurance. Barbara did provide me with the documents requested.

I began writing on uniform traffic citation U032050 for SCO 333.03 Speed(49/35) (MM) and advised dispatch she would receive a warning for the Traffic Control Devices-Stop Sign. I then advised Barbara of her options to pay or contest the citation and her Non-Mandatory court date of 07/11/2024 MCC#3 @0900AM.

Ptl. Peterman #506 6/28/2024


Date: 07/2/2024 @ 21:50 hrs

TRAFFIC - N 12th St @ South Range Rd

Cited: Matthew Millington
133 North Portage Path Akron OH

SCO: 335.01 Expired License
SCO: 335.09 Failure to Display License Plates

On 2July24 While patrolling in the village of Sebring, I Observed a Silver 2003 Toyota Truck with No Registration (NO license Plates) traveling North On N 12th St. After Observing the Violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 303 Near the intersection of N 12th St and South Range Rd.

Upon contacting the operator, Matthew Millington, I advised him of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification which was provided by Millington. After obtaining Millington's documents I was able to verify that he was expired. Millington was cited with ticket number #032608 for Failure to Display License Plates and Expired Driver's license with a Court date of 7/11/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 7/2/2024




Date: 06/21/2024 @ 16:18 hrs

TRAFFIC - 100 Block S. 15th St. Sebring, OH

Cited: Thomas Gutierrez
1 1 l W. Kentucky Ave. Sebring, Oh

ORC: 4510.11 Driving under suspension (UM)
ORC: 4503.11 Owner required to file application-Taxes

At 16:18 hours on June 21,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary along the roadside in the 300 block of W. California Avenue, I conducted a registration check on a gray and blue Mercury Mountaineer that was traveling eastbound on this same stretch of roadway.

The vehicle's registration, showed that the vehicle was registered to a Thomas Dolan Nolley Gutierrez, whose driver license was under an active non-compliance suspension. The registration itself also expired on 01/26/2024.1 then pulled onto the roadway, activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a stop in the 100 block of S. 15th Street.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce both requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be the vehicle's registered owner. At this time, I confirmed the suspension through dispatch, with me instructing Mr. Gutierrez to call for a ride because I would be towing his vehicle.

I then returned to my patrol car where I began drafting an E-Citation (#190410) to Mr. Gutierrez. I cited Mr. Gutierrez with owner required to file application-taxes (ORC: 4503.11), as well as driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11). Mr. Gutierrez signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, June 27,2024. I also advised Mr. Gutierrez that his vehicle was being towed to Sebring Tire, that a confiscation order was in place on it's registration, and that I would be honoring that order.

Guttierrez then cleared from the scene. An administrative inventory was completed by Ptl. Brindack with Sebring Tire arriving soon after and towing the vehicle to their impound lot. Both units then cleared. Nothing additional to report.

Oet. Reed #508


Date: 06/22/2024 @ 17:48 hrs

TRAFFIC - N. 12th St. / Pine Lake Road

Cited: Eugene Ferguson
6196 Mahoning Avenue NE Alliance

Charge: SCO 333.03 Speed(MM)(40/25)

On 06/22/2024 while performing patrol duties Southbound on North 12th Street, and utilizing the moving radar function in fully marked cruiser #304 I observed a Gray Truck traveling Northbound on North 12th Street at what I believed was a high rate of speed. My moving radar had been activated, and gave a constant steady tone with no feedback, and showed a speed of 46MPH at the intersection of East Indiana Avenue. The in car radar was checked for calibration at the beginning of my shift (1512) and was shown to be within calibration specifications. When the vehicle passed me, I safely performed a U-turn at the intersection of East Michigan Avenue activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren and caught back up to the vehicle, which stopped near Trinity Lutheran Church. I performed a drivers side approach and advised dispatch of my stop, my location.

I advised the driver of my name and department affiliation and the reason for the stop. The driver, Eugene Ferguson, acknowledged his speed. I asked for his license, registration, and proof of insurance. Eugene did provide me with the documents requested.

I began writing on uniform traffic citation #032049 for SCO 333.03 Speed(40/25)(MM) as I did mention to Eugene I would cut him a break on the speed. I then advised Eugene of his options to pay or contest the citation and his Non-Mandatory court date of 07/11/2024 MCC#3 @0900AM.

Eugene signed the citation, received a copy, then I cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 6/22/2024


Date: 06/21/2024 @ 16:18 hrs

Criminal / Warrant - 606 E. Ohio Ave Sebring

Arrest: Ethan Palmer
1222 Falling Brook Circle Louisville Ohio

Charge: 2903.13 Assault

Date 06/21/2024 09:36 Officer Russell

On 06/20/2024 I was dispatched to the Salem republic for an assault complaint.

Upon arrival I spoke with Victim who stated while he was working he was assaulted by a co-worker. He stated he was punched on the right side of his face with a closed fist in the right cheek. He stated he came up from the side and blind sided him while he was standing with other Co-workers after a fire incident. He stated the Co-worker is Ethan Palmer that punched him. I then obtained a written statement. I was also able to observe his right cheek red and what appeared to be mild swelling. I
then spoke with a manager that stated the company sent Ethan home after the incident but was able to show me the video footage of the incident.

I then viewed the video. This case will be forwarded to the Village prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin for further review and charges for assault.

On 06/27/2024 Mr. Ethan Palmer appeared in front of the judge to answer to the charge of assault with his attorney present. I was advised by Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin that the warrant for the arrest of Mr. Palmer was being executed.

Once Mr. Palmer was finished with the court proceedings, I advised Mr. Ethan Palmer and his attorney to come to the Sebring Police department for the booking process for the arrest portion.

On the above date Mr. Ethan Palmer arrived at the Sebring PD where he was processed and released.

Nothing further at this time.


Date: 06/27/2024 @ 16:10 hrs

TRAFFIC - 600 Block W Ohio Ave Sebring

Cited: Michelle Kampfer
13560 Smith Goshen Rd, Beloit, Oh

Charge: SCO: 313.01 Traffic Control Device

On 27June24 while patrolling in the Village of Sebring I observed a silver ford F-50 with Ohio Reg traveling east on Ohio Ave. I then observed the vehicle run the stop sign at Johnson and Ohio Ave. After observing the violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 303 in the 600 block of west Ohio Ave.

Upon contacting the operator , Michelle Kampfer. I advised her of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification which was provided by Kampfer. After obtaining Kampfer documents I was able to verify that she was valid.

Kampfer was cited with ticket #032606 for Traffic Control Device with a Court date of 7/5/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 6/27/2024


Date: 06/21/2024 @ 21:27 hrs


Arrest: Nicola Strother
380 North Street Beloit, Ohio

ORC: 4511.39 Stop and Turn Signals (MM)
ORC: 2925.14 Illegal use/possession drug paraphernalia (M-4)
ORC: 2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substances (F-5)

Date 06/22/2024 07:38 Officer Reed

At 21:27 hours on June 21, 2024, an officer observed a vehicle commit a motor vehicle violation on Georgia Avenue at S. 15th Street. A traffic stop was conducted with methamphetamine and related paraphernalia being located. The driver of the vehicle was subsequently arrested on several drug related charges as we! as cited for a moving violation.

At 21:27 hours on June 21, 2024, 1 was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While patrolling eastbound in the 100 block of W. Georgia Avenue, I observed a silver Lincoln Town Car, that was traveling the same direction in front of me on W. Georgia Avenue, turn left onto S. 15th Street. with the vehicle failing to signal for the turn until approximately 20 to 25 feet away from the intersection. Upon observing this motor vehicle violation, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a complete stop in front of Williams & Case Insurance Agency (60 S. 15th Street).

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, whom I knew as Nicola D. Strother, from prior encounters, I advised her of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license. Nicola was unable to provide this, with her in turn telling me that the vehicle was registered to her. I also noted that Strother appeared nervous, as was evident by her recessing herself into her seat while I spoke with her and appearing to avoid looking directly at me.

I then returned to my patrol car, with me also requesting Sgt. Kelm to respond to my location with Kg, Radar, due to my knowledge of Strother's involvement with illicit drug activity in the recent past. While searching for Strother's information on my patrol car's mobile data terminal (MDT), Sgt. Kelm arrived on location. At this time, I asked Nicola to exit her vehicle and speak with me. In speaking with Strother, I asked her if there was anything in the vehicle that a K9 would alert to, with her saying that there was not. Strother then gave consent for me to search the vehicle as well as her purse. This consent being received in the presence of Sgt. Kelm. In searching the purse that Strother had on her person when she exited the vehicle, I located a aluminum "Snus" container that contained a rolled up dollar bill. Inside this dollar will was a light-colored crystalline substance, which based upon my training and experience was immediately evident to be crystal methamphetamine, a schedule ll controlled substance.

It should be noted that while I was searching through the purse prior to this discovery. Strother appeared to become more nervous, with this being indicated by her pacing around. Also present in the purse was a torch style lighter, commonly used to inhale methamphetamine through smoking, as well as Strother's Ohio Driver License.

I then secured Strother in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked, with me advising her that I would be conducting a field-test to determine if the substance was in fact methamphetamine. I then secured Strother in the back of my patrol I car, while Sgt. Kelm conducted a probable cause search of the vehicle. Ptl. 8rindack, who also had arrived on location by this time, went to the police station to retrieve field-test kits.

Upon arriving back on scene, Ptl, Brhdack provided me with department issued Mobile Detect Field Test Kits, which did I show the substance to in fact be methamphetamine. Sgt. Kelm also discovered a small black container in the vehicle that contained a Suboxone strip (Buprenorphine) strip, with this active ingredient being a schedule IV-controlled substance, as well as a glass pipe with burn residue, consistent with said device being used to ingest illicit substances, including methamphetamine.

I then returned to the back of my patrol car where I read Strother her Miranda Rights, with her saying that she understood I them and was willing to speak with me about this matter. I also informed her that she was under arrest for a felony charge of possession of controlled substances as well as misdemeanor charge of illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia.

At this time Strother told me that the contraband must belong to her boyfriend, Ryan Bandy, and that he must have put it in her bag to get her arrested. Sebring tire then arrived on location with the vehicle being towed to their impound lot. Units then cleared from the scene, with me transporting Strother to the police station for processing.

Once on station, the suspected methamphetamine was weighed on the department's digital scale, with it being found to weigh at two grams, not including packaging weight. This being under the bulk amount and possession of being a felony of the fifth degree. Paperwork for commitment to the Mahoning County Jail was completed by Sgt. Kelm and I with Strother being photographed and processed. A search of her Computerized Criminal History (CCH) through OHleg showed that a DNA profile was already in the database from prior felony arrests. with a standard not being collected because of this. While on station, Strother made statements about willingly giving consent and that Ryan Bandy must have put the item in her possession because she did not know that they were there. This being in the audio/video recorded squad room. Once all paperwork was completed, Strother was transported to the Mahoning County Jail by Ptl. Demski, on charges of possession of controlled substances (ORC: 2925.11(A)), and illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia (ORC: 2925.14). It should also be noted that I issued Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032641 to Strother. This citation being for stop and turn signals (ORC: 4511.39), for her failing to signal for her turn the required 100 feet prior.

Strother signed this citation, was given her copy, and informed of her mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, June 27,2024. All seized contraband was placed in temporary evidence locker #1, with items to be submitted to the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation for laboratory analysis. Items were, including contraband and field test kit results were photographed on scene, with these photos to be uploaded to the shared drive and saved in a file-folder with the corresponding case number. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508

On 6/21/24 I was requested to assist Det. Reed on a traffic stop. Upon arrival Det. Reed had the driver, Nichola Strother, out of the vehicle. Det. Reed asked if Nichola consented to a search of the vehicle and she advised she did. I stood by with Nichola while Det. Reed began to search the vehicle. During the course of the search Det. Reed. found a bag belonging to Nichola and asked her consent to search the bag and she adwsed she did give consent. Det. Reed found a "Camel Snus" tin containing a folded dollar bill. Det. Reed unfolded the dollar bit1 and observed what field tested positive for methamphetamine. At this time, Det. Reed placed Nichola in handcuffs (gapped and double locked) and placed her in the rear of her cruiser. I then began searching the vehicle. In the trunk 1 observed a small black zipper bag containing a glass pipe with burnt residue. I a also discovered a black "stash box containing loose marijuana, roaches and a suboxone strip.

Upon completion of the search, Det. Reed transported Nichola to the police station for processing. Nichola was then transported to Mahoning County Justice Center where she will await arraignment on a charge of Possession of Controlled Substance/F5, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia/M4.

Sgt. Kelm #503 6/21/2024


Date: 06/23/2024 @ 17:48 hrs

CRIMINAL - Noble Street, Alliance

ARREST: Keleigh Rockwell
344 East Broadway Street Alliance

2905.01 Kidnapping(F2)
2909.04 Disrupting Public Services(F4)
2903.13 Assault(M1)
2909.04 Theft(M1)

Date 06/23/2024 23:19 Officer Melendez

On 23June24 I responded to 396 E Indiana Ave for a Kidnapping.


Date: 06/22/2024 @ 17:48 hrs

TRAFFIC - S. 15th St. / W. Kentuky Avenue

Cited: Donald Lynn
18082 Derr Avenue Beloit

4511.19(A) OVI(M1)
4511.19(A)(2) OVI(Refusal)(M1)
4511.29 Left Of Center(MM)

Date 06/23/2024 02:05 Officer Peterman

On 06/22/2024 @ 2349 hours I initiated a traffic stop resulting In an OVI arrest.

As I was performing OVI saturation patrol, Sgt Kelm. #503 contacted me via radio and informed me of a possible intoxicated driver that nearly struck an innocent bystander at the Log Cabin bar heading southbound on South 15th Street. I advised Sgt. Kelm that I was on South 15th Street at the intersection of Texas Avenue and did not observe any vehicles. I safely performed a U-Turn near Sebring fire station #2 and headed back South to see if I could locate the vehicle in question, which was currently unknown at this time. As I headed South near the 1200 block of South 15th Street, I observed a gray truck, bearing license plate KDQ5132 in the driveway in the 1200 block of South 15th Street. I pulled into a driveway safely, and utilized my Mobile Data Terminal(MDT) to run a registration plate check. The plate returned to a Donald Scott Lynn of Beloit with a previously convicted OVI charge in 2023.

The truck in question had now turned back Northbound on South 15th Street. As I caught up to the vehicle, I observed the vehicle traveling in the middle of the center line with no oncoming traffic. The vehicle made a jerking motion back into the lane, nearly striking multiple mailboxes, then moving back into the oncoming lane several times. I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren about 1/10th of a mile south of South 15th Street and West Kentucky Avenue. The vehicle continued moving, with the driver turning on the right turn signal, then pulling off into the grassy area just North of the aforementioned intersection. I got onto #303s loudspeaker and commanded the driver to shut off the vehicle which the driver did as commanded and placed the keys onto the roof of the vehicle. I then performed a passenger side approach and identified myself and my affiliation. The driver, later identified as Donald Scott Lynn , seemed slightly nervous. I advised Mr. Lynn of the reason for the stop being the multiple left of center violations. Mr. Lynn did not give me a straight answer as to why he went left of center so many times, and advised me multiple times "I'm fine", and "It's all good". I noted that Mr. Lynns eyes appeared very glossy and red. As I spoke with Mr. Lynn. I began noting a smell of an alcoholic beverage coming from his person. Sgt. Kelm #503, and Ptl. Demski #509 arrived on scene at this time. I asked Mr. Lynn for his license. Mr. Lynn did procure me his license. I asked Mr. Lynn if he had any alcoholic beverages to drink tonight, and he stated hesitantly "Just a couple". Mr. Lynns words appeared to be slurred and spoken slowly, as well as Mr. Lynn kept repeating the same words he would previously state.

I asked Mr. Lynn I would be performing Standardized Field Sobriety Tests(SFSTs) to ensure he was okay to drive and asked if he would consent to that and he advised "yes". I requested Ptl. Demski to return to my marked cruiser #303 ad his marked cruiser #302 to shut off all front emergency over head lights and he did. I requested Mr. Lynn to step out of his his marked cruiser #302 to shut off all front emergency over head lights and he did. I requested Mr. Lynn to step out of his truck and he complied. I escorted Mr. Lynn over to flat surface of road where there was a straight line dug into the road that Mr. Lynn could use for his testing. I asked if Mr. Lynn was wearing prescription glasses or contact lenses and he stated he was wearing contact lenses. I asked if he was able to see the tip of the green lighted pen I placed in front of him and he stated he could see it and had no issue. I then began my testing and observed the following:

Equal Pupil Sizes in left and right eyes
Negative Resting Nystagmus
Equal tracking of left and right eyes

During my Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus testing I observed the following clues:

2 clues Lack Of Smooth Pursuit in Left and Right eyes with rapid twitching response (while holding pen 2 seconds out, and 2 seconds back over each eye)

2 clues Distinct and Sustained Nystagmus at Maximum Deviation for both left and right eyes with rapid twitching response (Held for 4 seconds maximum in each eye)

2 clues Onset of Nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both left and right eyes with rapid twitching response(held to a speed of 4 seconds to 45 degrees)

Positive results for Vertical Nystagmus

For a total of 6 out 6 clues for the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test

During the instruction stage of the walk and turn test Mr. Lynn was observed having difficulty balancing his body as he did shift his upper body back and forth. As I was instructing Mr. Lynn on the walk and turn test, he advised he "was done". I asked Mr. Lynn if he was refusing further testing and he stated "yes".

Given the total clues, I did find enough probable cause and clues to arrest Mr. Lynn on Operating a Vehicle Under the Influence(OVI). I placed Mr. Lynn In handcuffs, ensuring they were properly gapped and double locked, and placed Mr. Lynn in the rear passenger side of #303. I instructed Mr. Lynn his Miranda Warning and waiver.

After instructing Mr. Lynn his Miranda warning and waiver. I asked Mr. Lynn if he wished to say anything and he stated he did not. Mr. Lynn he was advised he was under arrest for OV1(4511.19)(Ml). Mr. Lynn was patted down for weapons, which none were found. Mr. Lynn was noted to be respectful during the entire encounter. Officers requested a tow from dispatch and it was advised Springers Towing would be enroute. Sgt. Kelm stayed on scene with the vehicle and performed a vehicle property inventory as he waited for Springers Towing. I cleared for Alliance Police with the male in custody.

On arrival at Alliance PO Mr. Lynn was patted down for weapons again and led inside the booking and lntoxilyzer area. Alliance Ptl. Caughey, and Ptl. Wilson #320 assisted me in gaining access to the area and processing of Mr. Lynn. Mr. Lynn was read the BMV form 2255 and advised of his options to provide a breath sample to the Intoxilyzer, or refuse the breath test after the 20-minute wait period. Mr. Lynn advised me he would like to refuse the breath test. All information was filed accordingly with the lntoxilyzer and BMV Form 2255. After completion I cleared with Mr. Lynn to complete the booking process at the Sebring Police Department.

I cleared Alliance Police Department, and took Alliance-Sebring Road back to station.

Upon arrival back to Sebring Police Station, I led Mr. Lynn to our booking area where he was processed fully and released with a citation on Uniform Traffic Citation #032574 for OVI(M 1 )(ORC 4511.1 9)(A), OVI(Refusal)(M1 )(4511.19)(A)(2), and Left of Center(MM)(4511.29). Mr. Lynn was placed back into cruiser #303 then provided a courtesy transport to his residence at 18082 Derr Road.

Upon arrival I ensured he made it inside his residence.

Upon arrival back on station, Sgt. Kelm pulled the audio and video evidence from Cruiser #303 for future court use.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 06/23/2024


Date: 06/20/2024 @ 16:36 hrs


ARREST: Stephanie Shack
705 E. Ohio Ave., Sebring,Oh

Charge: ORC:2911.21(A)(1) Criminal Trespass

At 1524 hours on June 20,2024, Stephanie Shack was taken into custody on this warrant by Ptl. Brindack and Ptl. Melendez at her residence. Once on station, Shack was photographed, fingerprinted, processed, and released on an own recognizance bond. It was made explicitly clear to Shack that she is not allowed to be on the property of Circle K in Sebring and that she is required to appear before Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, June 27, 2024.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 06/19/2024 @ 19:00 hrs


Arrest: Makayla Tarbet

Charge: 2919.25 Domestic Violence M1

An arrest warrant for one(1) count of Domestic Violence(M1)(ORC 2919.25(A)) will be filed with Mahoning County Court #3 for defendant.

Ptl. Peterman #506 06/19/2024

On 19June24 I Ptl. Melendez along with Ptl. Brindack met with defendant. Upon arrival defendant was under the influence of some type of narcotic, after she was cleared from Sebring fire I then transported defendant to the Sebring Police Department to be processed. defendant was then processed and all paperwork was obtained for jail.

Once arriving at Mahoning County Jail I then transported defendant to Mercy Hospital Of Austintown for further Medical attention due to her spraining her ankle. After receiving Medical treatment at Mercy I then transported defendant to Mahoning County Jail.

Ptl. Melendez #505 6/19/2024


Date: 06/19/2024 @ 19:00 hrs

100 Block E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

Cited: Eric Hoppel
50038 Hoppel Dr. East Liverpool, OH

Charge: ORC: 4510.11 Driving under suspension (MU)

At 13:20 hours on June 19,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While patrolling through the 200 block of E. Ohio Avenue, I conducted a registration check on a tan Honda Accord that was parked in the parking lot of Circle K (305 E. Ohio Avenue). The registration showed as belonging on a 2007 Honda Accord, tan in color, that was registered to a Eric C. Hoppel. Mr. Hoppel's driver license showed as being under a non-compliance suspension through Columbiana County Municipal Court.

I the observed a male driver leave in the vehicle, pulling onto N. 14th Street before turning and starting westbound on E. Ohio Avenue. At this time, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop, with the vehicle coming to a complete stop in the 100 block of E. Ohio Avenue.

Upon approaching, I made contact with the driver and informed him of the reason for the stop. The driver identified himself as Eric Hoppel, with him producing an Ohio Driver License. Hoppel said that he couldn't think of a reason that his driver license would be suspended, other than a citation that he received in St. Clair Twp. I also at this time identified Mr. Hoppel's passenger, whose driver license was also not valid.

Upon returning to my patrol car and verifying the suspension I began drafting an E-Cite. Mr. Hoppel was cited for driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11). I assigned Mr. Hoppel a mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, June 27,2024. Mr. Hoppel then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his appearance at the court.

An administrative inventory of the vehicle was completed, with nothing of value being located. In according with a confiscation order, the license plate of the vehicle was also seized. Sebring Tire was called to tow the vehicle to their impound lot with M. Springer arriving soon after. Once Sebring Tire cleared this officer did as well.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 06/13/2024 @ 12:20 hrs

155 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

Arrest: Spencer Dailey
806 N. Park Ave. Apt #1 Alliance, Ohio

ORC:2913.02(A)(l) Theft (M-1) X2
ORC:2921.31(A) Obstructing official business (M-2) X-4

At 11:51 hours on June 13, 2024, an administrative search warrant was executed at a auto repair shop in the 100 block of W. Ohio Avenue. the business owner was subsequently arrested for two counts of misdemeanor theft and four counts of obstructing official business.

On June 13, 2024, Village Law Director, Gary Van Brocklin, advised me of an administrative search warrant that was going to be executed on Dailey's Automotive Sales & Service (155 W. Ohio Avenue). This being due to the owner of the business, Spencer Dailey, denying employees of the utilities department access to the business to obtain a reading on the meter so that they could get a reading on it since September of 2023.

Van Brocklin then obtained a search warrant as well as accompanying affidavit for the property, with a color photograph also being provided. At the instruction of Van Brocklin, I was told execute this warrant and allow the foreman of the service department, access to the meter. I then took the search warrant and affidavit, which had been signed by Judge Joseph Schiavoni, of Mahoning County Court #3, and went to meet with Service Department Foreman at the Sebring Police Station.

In speaking with, service mgr, about the matter, he informed me that on four separate occasions, the utility department had been denied access to the building and it's internal water meter, which is needed to read it in order to determine usage. Service mgr, advised that access had been denied by the business' owner, Spencer Dailey. Service mgr, informed me at this time that his supervisor wanted to accompany him to check the status of the water service in the building, with service mgr, then agreeing to meet Ptl. Russell and I at the business.

Upon arriving at Dailey's Auto, Ptl. Russell and I made contact with service mgr as well as an employee of the business, in speaking with employee, I informed him that I had a search warrant for the business, with me then entering through the unsecured front door. Employee would also later advised that when he called employee to advised that law enforcement and the utility department was at the business, he told him to not allow anyone inside.

Upon entering the garage area, Service mgr showed me where the water meter was supposed to be, with it being found that the meter had been removed an a straight metal pipe put in it's place. This pipe appearing to be fresh based upon the color disparity between it and surrounding piping. Water was confirmed to be on through the use of a sink directly next to the area where the water meter had formerly been. I then began photographing the area of the piping, with employee being asked to contact Spencer Dailey and see if he would come to the business. Service Mgr and I also began searching the business, with the water meter not being located. Service Mgr said that the water meters were new and that the village had paid $171.00 a piece for them.

After several minutes of searching the building, Chief Harris and Prosecutor Van Brocklin arrived on scene. After advising Van Brocklin of the facts and circumstance surrounding the incident, he advised to go forth with two separate charges of theft (ORC: 2913.02(A)(1)). This being one count for the theft of the water and a separate count for the theft of the water meter. In addition to this, four counts of obstructing official business (ORC: 2921.31(A)) were approved. This being for the for instances where Dailey had denied the utility department access to the water meter. Van Brocklin advised that should Dailey arrive, to place him under arrest the these charges.

Several minutes later, who I know to be Spencer Dailey arrive on location. I advised Spencer of his Miranda Rights, with him saying that he understood and was unwilling to speak with me.

At this time I place him in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double locked, with me informing him that he was under arrest. Van Brocklin advised of the charges and the reasons for them. I then placed Dailey in the back of car #303 before transporting him to the Sebring Police Station. Once on station, Dailey was photographed, fingerprinted, and released on a personal recognizance bond after being advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, June 20, 2024. It should be noted that throughout the booking processed Dailey was argumentative and hostile. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508

At 14:45 hours on June 13, 2024, I received a four route sheets from Service Mgr listing the dates that the utility department had been denied access to the building. These dates were 09/01/2023, 12/04/2023, 03/01/2024, and 06/03/2024. The search warrant, affidavit, and inventory sheet were also prepared for return to the court. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 06/13/2024 @ 23:23 hrs

Traffic Crash
345 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

Cited: John Gossett
17809 Courtney Rd., Beloit

On 06/13/24 I was called to a two-car crash on West Ohio Ave near 17th Street. Upon arrival I found that a white pickup truck driven by John Grossett had struck the rear of a white SUV.

I spoke to John, and he stated that he was traveling Eastbound on Ohio Ave. when he looked away from the road to something off to his right, when he looked back at the road, he saw that a white SUV had stopped to the side of the road. John stated that he couldn't come to a complete stop before striking the SUV in the rear.

Once the crash scene was handled, I issued John a citation for ORC:4511.21 (A) Assured clear distance ahead and released him from the scene.

Charge: ORC: 4511.21(A) Assured Clear Distance Ahead

Ptl. Demski #509


Date: 06/14/2024 @ 18:43 hrs

800 Block S. 12th St. Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Joan Hutchison
13 15 W. Pine Lake Rd. Salem, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired License Plates (MM)

At 18:43 hours on June 14, 2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While sitting stationary along the roadside in the 100 block of S. 12th Street, I observed a gray Honda CR-V traveling southbound on S. 12th Street. Attached to the vehicle's registration plate was a red 2023-year validation sticker. Because of this, I ran the registration through LEADS. The registration showed as having expired on 11-18-2023.

I then initiated a traffic stop, making contact with the driver/registered owner, Joan L. Hutchison. In speaking with Hutchison, she said that she was not aware that the registration had expired. Hutchison also produced an Ohio Driver License as well as proof of insurance.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032642. I cited Hutchison for expired license plates (SCO: 335.10). Once completed, I returned to Hutchison's vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, June 27,2024, as well as of her option to pay the citation by contact the court by that date. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 06/14/2024 @ 15:32 hrs

100 Block W. California Ave. Sebriing, Ohio

CITED: David Ludwig
2 146 S. Union Ave. , Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (42125) MM

At 15:32 hours on June 14,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary along the roadside facing west in the 300 block of W. California Avenue, I observed a gray Pontiac Grand Prix traveling eastbound of W, California, at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit. The vehicle continued to pick up speed as it passed my location, with me then activating the patrol car's rear-facing radar antenna. In doing this, I obtained a locked speed of 42 MPH.

I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency tights and initiated a traffic stop. Upon making contact with the driver, I requested his driver license and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce both, with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be David W. Lud-wig. I also noted that Ohio registration was affixed to the rear window of the vehicle.

In speaking with Mr. Ludiwg, he admitted that he knew that he was speeding but was not sure of his speed. I then returned to my patrol car where I began drafting an E-Cite. I cited Ludwig with Speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 42 MPH in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone. Mr. Ludwig signed the court copy of the citation, was provided with his, as well as informed of his option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:OO hours on Thursday, June 27,2024, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 06/14/2024 @ 21:16 hrs

S. 12th St. / E . Michigan Avenue

CITED: Evelyn Woods
18409 Pine Lake Road Beloit

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed(MM)(38/25)

On 06/14/2024 while performing patrol duties and utilizing the moving radar function in fully marked cruiser #303 I observed a blue SUV traveling Southbound on North 12th Street. My moving radar had been activated and when the vehicle passed the rear radar showed a speed of 35MPH. I observed the vehicle pass East Michigan where the speed limit reduced to 25MPH and observed the radar increasing in speed to 38MPH.

The radar was checked for calibration at the beginning of my shift (1923) and was shown to be within calibration specifications. I turned onto Pine Lake Road and performed a U-turn in the parking lot of the Trinity Lutheran Church. I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren and caught back up to the vehicle, which stopped in a gravel area south of the railroad tracks on South 12th Street. I advised dispatch of my stop, my location, and performed a passenger side approach of the truck.

I advised the driver of my name and department affiliation and the reason for the stop. The driver, Evenlyn Woods., acknowledged her speed. I asked for his license, registration, and proof of insurance.

Evenlyn did provide me with the documents requested.

I began writing on uniform traffic citation #032048 for SCO 333.03 Speed(38/25)(MM). I then advised Evelyn of her options to pay or contest the citation and her Non-Mandatory court date of 06/20/2024 MCC#3 @0900AM.

Evenlyn signed the citation, received a copy, then I cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 6/14/2024


Date: 06/18/2024 @ 16:20 hrs

1000 Block N Johnson Rd

CITED: Yvonne Richmond
2234 Parkway Drive Deerfeild

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speeding (54/35)

On 18June24 White patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a white ford F-150 with Ohio Registration traveling North on Johnson Rd. I then observed the vehicle traveling above the posted speed limit. After Observing the Violation, I then Locked in the speed at 54MPH in a 35MPH zone. I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 303 in the 1000 block of North Johnson Rd.

Upon contacting the operator Yvonne Richmond, I advised her of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification which was provided by Richmond. After obtaining Richmond documents I was able to verify that she was Valid. Richmond was cited with ticket number #032604 for Speed with a Court date of 6/27/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 6/18/2024


Date: 06/18/2024 @ 18:18 hrs

1000 N Johnson Rd Sebring OH

CITED: Carol Burns
1606 Smithers Drive Sebring (Copeland Oaks)

CHARGE: SCO:333.03 Speeding (47/35)

On 18June24 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I Observed a Gray Suba Outback with Ohio Registration traveling south on Johnson Rd. I then observed the vehicle traveling above the posted speed limit. After Observing the Violation, I then Locked in the speed at 47MPH in a 35MPH zone. I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 303 in the 1000 block of North Johnson Rd.

Upon contacting the operator Carol Nelson-Burns, I advised her of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification which was provided by Burns.

After obtaining Burns documents I was able to verify that she was Valid. Burns was cited with ticket number #032605 for Speed with a Court date of 6/27/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 6/18/2024




Date: 06/09/2024 @ 16:40 hrs


CITED: Kendra Kline
538 N. 15th St. Sebring

Charge: ORC: 4510.11 DUS

On 9June24 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I Observed black Lincoln MKZ traveling north on 14th St from Ohio Ave with Ohio Registration. I then conducted a license Check on the driver and it returned that she was suspended.

After Observing the Violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 302 in the 500 block of North 15th St.

Upon contacting the operator Kendra Kline, I advised her of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification which was provided by Kline. After obtaining Kline's documents I was able to verify that she was not Valid.

Kline was cited with ticket number # 032603 for Driving under Suspension (ORC 4510.11) with a Court date of 6/13/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 6/9/2024


Date: 06/09/2024 @ 16:40 hrs


Arrest: Stephanie Shack
705 East Ohio Avenue Sebring,

Charge: 2917.21 Telecommunications Harrassment(M1)


Date: 6/11/2024 @ 07:40 hrs

400 Block East Ohio Avenue

CITED: Gregory New
14280 S Main St Beloit Oh

CHARGE: SCO 333.03 Speed

At 0740 hours on 06/11/2024, Det. Reed and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary on N. 12 and Ohio Avenue I observed a gray Chevy pickup truck traveling southbound on N. 12 St at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than the posted 25 MPH speed limit. 1 used the department issued laser speed measuring device to obtain a locked speed of 43 MPH in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone.

Once the vehicle passed my location. I activated my patrol cars overhead emergency lights, pulled onto the roadway, and initiated a traffic stop in the 400 block of Ohio avenue. The Chevy truck was bearing Ohio registration. I approached the vehicle and made contact with the registered owner Gregory New. I advised New of the reason for the stop and requested for his drivers license, registration, and proof of insurance.

New was then issued with a citation for speed ORD (333.03).  I advised New of his court date scheduled for 6/20/2024 at 0900 hours at Mahoning County Court #3. Both units then cleared the traffic stop without further incident.

Ptl. Abu-Ghannam #512


Date: 6/11/2024 @ 09:46 hrs

W Texas at 19th

CITED: Allison Rogers
112 W Kentucky Ave

CHARGE: SCO 335.10 Expired Registration

At 0946 hours on 06/11/2024, Det. Reed and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302.

While stationary on W. Texas in front of the Community Center when we observed a gray 4 door sedan traveling westbound. Upon using LEADS to run Ohio registration it appeared that the tags have been expired since 01/06/2024. I then initiated my emergency lights on my patrol car and conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle on Texas near 19th street. I approached the vehicle and contacted the registered owner, Allison Rogers. I advised Rogers of the reason for the traffic stop, and she stated that she did not know that her tags were expired.

Rogers was then issued with a citation for expired registration OR0 335.10. Rogers was also advised of her court date at Mahoning County Court #3 set for 6/20/2024 at 0900 hours. Both units then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Abu-Ghannam #512


Date: 6/11/2024 @ 12:01 hrs

205 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Michael Mitchell
2016 New Garden Road Salem, Ohio

ORC: 4510.21 Failure to reinstate (MU)
ORC: 4503.11 Owner required to file application-taxes (MM)

At 12:01 hours on June 11, 2024, Ptl. Abu-Ghannam and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary in the alleyway to the north of the 400 block of E. Ohio Avenue at N. 12th Street, I conducted a registration check on a green Chevrolet Silverado, that was traveling southbound on N. 12th Street. The vehicle showed as being registered to a Carrie Mitchel, with the expiration date having been on 09/14/2023. The vehicle by this time had turned right and began west bound in the 300 block of E. Ohio Avenue. I at this time, instructed Ptl. Abu-Ghannam to initiate a traffic stop.

Upon catching up with the vehicle in the parking lot of Circle K (205 E. Ohio Avenue), I exited the patrol car and made contact with the male driver.

Upon informing the driver of the reason for the stop, I asked for his driver license, with him telling me that he only had an ID Card. The subject then produced an Ohio Identification Card that showed him to be Michael Allen Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell at this time said that he did not know if he had a valid driver license or not.

I then returned to my patrol car where I searched both the vehicle as well as Mr. Mitchell's information through LEADS. Mr. Mitchell showed as being under a failure to reinstate status and the vehicle was again confirmed to have an expired registration.

At this time, I began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032639. I cited Mitchell for failure to reinstate license (ORC: 4510.21) as well as owner required to file application-taxes (ORC: 4503.11). Due to Mr. Mitchell admitting to not having valid insurance on the vehicle, his driver license status, and the fact that the registration had expired almost nine months prior, Sebring Tire was called to tow the vehicle. An administrative inventory of the vehicle was conducted, with nothing of value being located.

Once Sebring Tire cleared from the stop, Mr. Mitchell was given a courtesy ride to his employer at the industrial park. Units then cleared. It should also be noted that Mitchell signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, June 13,2024. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 6/12/2024 @ 13:04 hrs

300 Block W. California Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Laura Bolog
1840 Carriage LN Apt. 202 Alliance, Ohio

ORC: 4511.21 Speed (57/25) MM
ORC: 4511.20 Willful/wanton disregard (MM)

At 13:04 hours on June 12,2024,l was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary facing west along the roadside in the 300 block of W. California Avenue, I observed an eastbound Chevrolet Cruze on California Avenue, that was traveling at a rate of speed that was immediately evident as being substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit. I then used the department issued LiDar speed measuring device to obtain a locked seed of 57 MPH.

The vehicle then pulled into the parking lot of the American Legion, with me activating the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiating a traffic stop. At this time, I observed Ohio Registration was affixed to the rear. I then made contact with the driver, who informed me that her name was Laura Bolog, and that she knew her speed but was in a hurry to get back to the Legion after having forgotten her wallet.

I then began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032640.1 cited Bolog for speed (ORC: 4511.21), for going 57 MPH in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone, as well as Willful and wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property (ORC: 4511.20). Bolog signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, June 20,2024. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 06/05/2024 @ 23:01 hrs

695 W. Ohio. Ave.

CITED: Jacob Fullerton
535 W. California Ave.

ORC 4511.19 OVI
ORC 4511.43 Failure to Yield

On 06/06/24 I was called to the corner of W. Ohio and Johnson Rd. for a two car crash.

Ptl. Demski #509

Upon arrival I found a red sedan had struck a Chevy truck. I spoke to Jacob Fullerton, the driver of the red car who told me that he was turning south onto Johnson Rd. when he hit the Chevy truck as it was proceeding east on Ohio Ave. While speaking to Jacob, I noticed that his speech was slurred and he was unsteady on his feet, swaying and staggering. I asked Jacob if he had consumed alcohol, and he stated that he had not. I also noticed Jacobs pupils were dilated and he had a pack of cigarillos in his back pocket. I asked Jacob if had smoked marijuana recently and told me he was going to when he got home.

After talking to Jacob for several minutes . I noticed the faint odor of a fruity odor of a alcoholic beverage coming from his person. I asked Jacob if he was willing to submit to a standardized field sobriety test and he agreed. I asked Jacob if he had any head injuries. or injuries that would prevent him from taking a test and he told me he did not. I asked if he wore contacts and told me no.



I had Jacob stand with his feet together and hands down at his side. I instructed Jacob to remain in that position for the remainder of the test. I held the stimulus 12 inches from his nose at brow level.

A lack of smooth pursuit was observed in both eyes. Both eyes tracked equally.

I checked for horizontal gaze nystagmus at maximum deviation. I observed both eyes had distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation. I checked both eyes twice holding the stimulus at maximum deviation for 8 seconds each time.

I then checked for nystagrnus prior to 45 degrees. I noticed both eyes had nystagrnus prior to 45 degrees.

I then checked for a lack of convergence by having Jacob follow the stimulus in a circular motion, making two full circles before bringing the stimulus towards his nose. I did not see a lack of convergence.

Walk and turn

I had Jacob stand with his right foot in front of his left and asked him to keep his hands at his side. I then demonstrated the walk and turn and described him how to perform the test. I instructed Jacob to take nine heel to toe steps. I instructed him to take a series of small steps to the left, around his left foot once he reached his ninth step and walk back nine heel to toe steps. I instructed Jacob to not use his arms for balance, look at his feet, and count his steps out loud.

Jacob acknowledged that he understood the instructions and began the test. I observed Jacob did not walk heel to toe. He stepped off-line on steps 3 and 4, he walked 13 steps instead of 9 and pivoted on his left foot instead of taking small steps. Jacob never counted out loud.

One leg stand

I had Jacob stand with his feet together and hands at his side while I explained and demonstrated the one leg stand.

I demonstrated that he would extend either leg six inches off the ground, look at his foot and count out loud " one thousand one, one thousand two ..." until I told him to stop. I used my wristwatch to keep track of time and observed Jacob as he began. Jacob dropped his foot several times and needed his arms to balance. After 30 seconds I had Jacob stop.

I then placed Jacob under arrest for suspicion of OVI. I took Jacob to Alliance Police Department for the breath alcohol test.

Upon arrival, I read Jacob the consequences of refusal on the BMV 2255. Jacob agreed to submit to the test and signed the 2255 form. Ptl. Toussant administered the test resulting in a reading of a BAC of .178. While preparing the BAC machine, Ptl. Toussant asked Jacob was at the Brickhouse, a local bar. Jacob stated " close. The pub." The pub refers to the Oregon Pub, a bar in town. Jacob was brought back for processing. Jacob was cited for ORC 4511.19 OVI and ORC 4511.43 failure to yield. Jacob was released to a sober driver and advised of his court date of 6113124 at 9am, Mahoning County Court number three.

Ptl. Demski #509




Date: 06/05/2024 @ 01:35 hrs

400 Block W Ohio Ave Sebring OH

CITED: Sara Peck
175 1/2 W Ohio Ave Sebring OH

ORC 4513.05 Plate Lights
ORC4510.11 DUS

On 5June24 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I Observed Black Hyundi Accent with Ohio Temporary Registration traveling East on Ohio Ave. I then observed that the vehicle had no plate lights. After Observing the Violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol
Vehicle 303 in the 400 block of west Ohio Ave.

Upon contacting the operator Sara Peck, I advised her of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification which was provided by Peck. After obtaining Pecks documents I was able to verify that she was not Valid. Peck was cited with ticket number # 032602 for Plate Lights (ORC 4513.05) and Driving under Suspension (ORC 4510.11) with a Court date of 6/13/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 6/5/2024


Date: 06/05/2024 @ 12:30 hrs

100 Block E Ohio Ave Sebring OH

CITED: Brittany Peters
396 E Indiana Ave Sebring OH

ORC 4513.05 Plate Light
ORC4510.11 DUS

On 5June24 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I Observed blue Toyota Corolla with Ohio Registration traveling East on Ohio Ave. I then observed that the vehicle had no plate lights. After Observing the Violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 303 in the 100 block of east Ohio Ave.

Upon contacting the operator Brittany Peters, I advised her of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification which was provided by Peters. After obtaining Peters documents I was able to verify that she was not Valid. Peters was cited with ticket number # 032601 for Plate Lights (ORC 4513.05) and Driving under Suspension (ORC 4510.11) with a Court date of 6/13/2024 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 6/5/2024


Date: 06/04/2024 @ 12:18 hrs

100 Block S. Johnson Rd. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Tanner Palmer
114 N. Reed Ave. Malvern, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired license plates (MM)

At 12:18 hours on June 4, 2024,l was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While at the intersection of N. Johnson Road and W. Virginia Avenue, I observed a black Ford Focus that was traveling southbound on N. Johnson Road. The vehicle had a red 2023 year-color registration sticker affixed to the rear license plate. Upon running this registration through LEADS, it showed that it had expired on October 28.2023, with the vehicle being registered to a Tanner Palmer.

Upon noting this, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, with a traffic stop being initiated in the 100 block of 5. Johnson Road.

Upon approaching the vehicle. I made contact with the driver, who identified himself as Tanner Palmer through his Ohio Driver License. Palmer also provided proof of valid insurance.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032636. I cited Palmer for expired license plates (SCO: 335.10). Palmer then singed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, June 20,2024, as well as of his option to pay the citation by appearing at the court on this date. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 06/04/2024 @ 07:34 hrs

100 Block W. Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Jenna Scott
588 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, Ohio

ORC: 4510.11 Driving under suspension (MU)
ORC: 4513.22 Muffler

At 07:34 hours on June 4,2024 I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary in the parking lot of The Brickhouse Bar & Grill (206 E. Ohio Avenue), I observed a white Lexus sedan, leaving Circle K (205 E. Ohio Avenue). The driver of the vehicle was a young female. The windshield was also shattered in a manner that would obstruct the driver's view and the exhaust was excessively loud. The vehicle then began westbound on Ohio Avenue, with me running the license plate through LEADS.

A return showed the vehicle was registered to a Jenna Lynn Scott, who was nineteen years old and who's physical description matched that of the drivers. Scott's driver license also showed as being under a license forfeiture type suspension.

I then pulled onto the roadway, catching up with the vehicle at the intersection of Ohio Avenue and N. 15th Street. At this time, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed her of the reason for the stop, with the driver stating, "my license shouldn't be suspended". The driver then produced an Ohio Driver License that showed her to be Jenna Lynn Scott as well as proof of insurance. It should be noted that I again confirmed Scott's suspension through dispatch at this time as well.

I then returned to my patrol car where I began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032635. I cited Scott for driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11) as well as ORC: 4513.22 (mufflers). It should be noted that five driver license suspensions were present on Scott's driving record. Sebring Tire was called at this point with me explaining to Scott that I would be towing her vehicle. Scott then signed her citation, was given her copy, and advised of her mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, June 6,2024. An administrative inventory of the vehicle was completed with Sebring Tire arriving and towing the vehicle to their impound lot. I then cleared.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 06/03/2024 @ 12:59 hrs

1199 S. Johnson Rd

CITED: Makayla Tarbet
155.5 E. Oregon Ave, Sebring Ohio,

4511.21 Speed
45 10.01 (B) Non Compliance Suspension

On 06/03/2024 I was traveling North bound on S. Johnson Rd when I observed a Maroon in color pick up traveling South bound on S. Johnson Rd at what appeared to be traveling faster than the posted speed Limit of 35 MPH. I then activated the radar unit in marked patrol car 303 and got the reading of 55 MPH. With good visual and audio tone of the radar I activated the overhead light bar and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle. The vehicle stopped in front of 11 99 S. Johnson Rd. Ohio registration.

I approached the vehicle and identified the driver as being Ms. Makayla Tarbet. I advised her the reason for the stop and proceeded to ask her for her license, insurance and registration for the vehicle. Makayla stated she was only doing 42MPH. I advised her the radar was locked in at 55 MPH. I then checked her driving status through dispatch. I was advised she was suspended for noncompliance and had 2 open.

I then cited Ms. Tarbet for the speed and the suspension. She was given a court date of 06/07/2024 at 0900 hours at MCC#3. The registered owner was able to come pick up the vehicle. Ms. Tarbet was explained the citation and released.

Nothing further.

Ptt. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 06/02/2024 @ 21:07 hrs

S. 12th Street / E. Georgia Avenue

CITED: Bryan Waid Jr.
210 Butler Avenue NW , Carrollton

CHARGE: SCO 333.03 Speed(54/35)(MM)

On 06/02/2024 while performing patrol duties and utilizing the moving radar function in fully marked cruiser #304 1 observed a dark colored truck traveling northbound on South 12th Street at a high rate of speed. I visually estimated the speed to be at 50MPH and activated #304's radar. The radar gave a clear and constant tone with little to no feedback and showed a speed of 51 MPH. The radar was checked for calibration at the beginning of my shift (1933) and was shown to be within calibration specifications.

As the vehicle passed me at the intersection of E. Georgia Avenue, I locked the radar at a final recorded speed of 54 MPH. I activated my emergency overhead lights and then safely performed a U-turn at the intersection. I activated my audible siren and caught back up to the vehicle, which stopped in a gravel area south of the railroad tracks on North 12th Street. I advised dispatch of my stop, my location, and performed a passenger side approach of the truck.

I advised the driver of my name and department affiliation and the reason for the stop. The driver, Bryan Wade Jr., apologized and stated he knew he was speeding. I asked for his license, registration ,and proof of insurance. Mr. Wade stated he did not have his license on him as he had one out of Texas. Dispatch advised his Ohio license was expired as of 07/04/2023. I asked Mr. Wade for his Texas license to which he replied that he did not have it on him but knew the number. I asked him for it and he complied with the request. Ptl. Melendez #505 arrived on scene to assist me at this time.

As Ptl. Melendez spoke with the driver, I verified his Texas license was valid and began writing on uniform traffic citation #032047 for SCO 333.03 Speed(54/35)(MM). I returned to Mr. Wade and he showed me his insurance was current. I then advised Mr. Wade of his options to pay or contest the citation and his Non-Mandatory court date of 06/13/2024 MCC#3 @0900AM.

Bryan signed the citation, received a copy, then units cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 6/2/2024


Date: 05/31/2024 @ 16:05 hrs

400 Block E. Ohio Ave. Sebring,

CITED: Raymond Warren
103 W. Wayne St. Alliance, Ohio

4510.11 Driving under suspension (MU)
4511.43(A) Right-of-way rule at through highways, stop signs

CITED: Diana Cox
859 Noble St. Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: ORC: 4511.203 Wrongful Enstrustment of M.V. (MU)

At 16:05 hours on May 31,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary in the alleyway to the north of the 400 block of E. Ohio Avenue, I observed a silver Chevrolet Malibu that was traveling southbound on N. 12th Street who I know to be Raymond Warren was operating the vehicle. It should be noted that I know Mr. Warren to have a suspended driver license.

I then pulled onto the roadway, with me observing the vehicle travel past the clearly marked stop bar at the intersection of E. Ohio Avenue and N. 12th Street, and then stop within the clearly marked pedestrian cross walk. The vehicle then turned left and began eastbound on E. Ohio Avenue, with me activating my patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiating a traffic stop.

At 16:05 hours on May 31,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary in the alleyway to the north of the 400 block of E. Ohio Avenue, I observed a silver Chevrolet Malibu that was traveling southbound on N. 12th Street. Who I know to be Raymond Warren was operating the vehicle. It should be noted that I know Mr. Warren to have a suspended driver license.

I then pulled onto the roadway, with me observing the vehicle travel past the clearly marked stop bar at the intersection of E. Ohio Avenue and N. 12th Street, and then stop within the clearly marked pedestrian cross walk. The vehicle then turned left and began eastbound on E. Ohio Avenue, with me activating my patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiating a traffic stop.

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made contact with Mr. Warren, with him admitting not having a driver license and being under a suspension. Mr. Warren however did provide his social security number as well as date of birth. At this time, I instructed Mr. Warren to exit the vehicle, with me returning to my patrol car and searching his information the LEADS. It should be noted that his driving status showed to be under two active suspensions at this time, one being a non-compliance suspension and the other being a license forfeiture. The vehicle also showed as being registered to a Diana Cox, whom Warren later admitted knew that his driver license was suspended.

Ptl. Brindack then arrived to my location, with me drafting Uniform Traffic Citation no. 032633. I cited Mr. warren for right-of-way rule at through highways, stop signs, yield signs (ORC: 4511.43(A)), as well as driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11). Mr. Warren was also not able to produce proof of insurance on the vehicle. Because of this, as well as the fact that through the admission of Mr. Warren, the registered owner of the vehicle knew of his suspension yet permitted him to possess the vehicle, Sebring Tire was called to tow the vehicle. An administrative inventory was completed with nothing of value being located. A hold was also placed on the vehicle with Dina Cox to be cited for wrongful entrustment of a motor vehicle. Mr. Warren then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, June 6,2024. Once Sebring Tire cleared the scene with the vehicle, both units cleared as well, Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508

At 18:25 hours on May 31,2024, I served Diana Cox with her citation regarding this incident at the Sebring Police Department (135 E. Ohio Avenue). Diana was issued Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032634.

Diana signed her citation, was given her copy, and advised of her mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on June 6th, 2024. It should be noted that Cox's identity was confirmed by her Ohio Driver License at the time the citation was issued.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 05/28/2024 @ 12:00 hrs

400 Block E Ohio Ave Sebring

CITED: Thomas Wilson
687 S 14th St/ Sebring, Oh

Charge: SCO:333.03 Speed (41/25)

On 28May24 While conducting traffic enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a gray 2012 Honda CRV with Ohio Registration driving south on N12th St at a high rate of speed above the posted speed limit. I then locked in the speed at 41 Mph in a 25 Mph zone, after observing the violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 in the 400 block of E Ohio Ave.

Upon contacting the driver Thomas Wilson, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was Valid. Wilson was cited with Ticket #032475 for Speeding (41/25) with a court date of 6/6/2024 at MCC#3 at 0900.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 5/28/2024





Date: 05/16/2024 @ 17:34 hrs

600 Block W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Sara Gossiaux
13 W. Kentucky Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 313.01 Obedience to traffic control devices (MM)

At 17:34 hours on May 16,2024, I responded to a report of a two-car motor-vehicle crash at the intersection of N. Johnson Road and W. Ohio Avenue. Upon arriving on location. I observed a red Chevrolet Cruze in the intersection facing northwest. The vehicle had moderate damage to the passenger side and the airbags were deployed. A silver Chevrolet Silverado was facing east on Ohio Avenue, with slight damage to the front bumper.

As I approached closer to the scene. I noticed that the Silverado was occupied by a single female occupant, who was sitting in the driver seat. This later being determined to be Sara Gossiaux.. At this time, I made sure that Gossiaux was not injured, I moved on to check on the occupants of the red Cruze, with me noticing a younger male subject sitting on corner lawn near the vehicle. This later being determined to be who had been the single occupant of the Cruze. It should be noted that I did ask Dennison if he was injured, with him saying that he was not. I however did request EMS to my location to check him out as a precautionary measure.

In speaking with Dennison, he informed me that he had been traveling southbound on N. Johnson Road, with him stopping for the clearly marked stop sign at the four-way intersection. Dennison said that he nearly made it through when he was struck by the silver pickup truck, with this spinning his car almost completely around. I also at this time spoke with witness, who had been traveling northbound on N. Johnson at the same intersection at the time of the crash. Both said that they observed the silver pickup truck enter the intersection without stopping at the stop sign, with both saying that the driver followed the vehicle in front of them. The truck then struck the red Cruze, with it spinning it out and nearly striking their vehicle.

Witness statements were obtained from both. Insurance on Dennison's vehicle was also verified.

Sebring Fire/EMS arrived on scene and began assessing Dennison, with me then going back to speak with Gossiaux. In speaking with her, she said that she was traveling eastbound on Ohio Avenue, that she stopped for the posted stop sign, but struck the red Cruze that had entered the intersection. At this time, I also verified Gossiaux's insurance on the vehicle.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform traffic Citation No. 032630. I cited Gossiaux for obedience to traffic control devices (SCO: 313.01). Gossiaux signed her citation, was given her copy, and advised of her option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, May 30,2024.1 also advised Gossiaux of her option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date and time.

Ptl. Brindack also photographed the scene and damage to both vehicles.

Units then cleared. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 05/18/2024 @ 18:06 hrs

400 Block W. California Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Gage Firestone
9590 Oyster Rd. North Benton, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed 44/25 (MM)

At 18:06 hours on May 18,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary facing west along the roadside in the 400 block of W. California Avenue, I observed a dark colored Mazda Miata traveling eastbound on W. California Avenue, at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit.

Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 44 MPH. I also noted that upon observing my patrol car, the driver of the vehicle activated his four-way flashers and pulled over to the side of the road. I then activated my patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, with me noticing OH Reg affixed to the rear.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, who I know to be Gage Firestone. I asked him if he was aware of why I was stopping him, with him saying that he believed that he was going 35 MPH.

Gage also produced his Ohio Driver License as well as proof of insurance.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032631. 1 cited Gage for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 44 MPH in a clearly marked 25 MPH zone. I then returned to Gage's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, as well as advised of his option to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, May 30,2024, to contest the citation, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date and time. It should also be noted that while speaking with Gage, I asked him if he pulled over because he was having car trouble or because he expected me to stop him. Gage said that it was because he expected me to stop him and that he felt receiving the citation was "reasonable". I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 05/18/2024 @ 19:47 hrs

S. Johnson Road. W. California Avenue

CITED: Johnnie Mckibben
832 S. Morgan Avenue Alliance

SCO 335.01 No OL(MM)
SCO 313.01 Traffic Control Device(MM)

On 05/18/2024 I was performing stationary traffic patrol in an alleyway near the intersection of North Johnson Road and West Ohio Avenue when I observed a gray passenger car fail to stop at the stop sign on West Ohio Avenue. I was positioned in the alleyway where I had full observation of each stop sign and the surrounding roadway. Upon observing this traffic violation I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren. The vehicle at this time was heading southbound on North Johnson Road as I safely crossed the intersection. The vehicle turned westbound on California Avenue and I pulled behind the vehicle. I then asked Ptl. Brindack #504 to assist me on the traffic stop as there were multiple occupants.

I called out my traffic stop to dispatch and performed a driver side approach. I identified myself and department affiliation and informed the driver of the reason for the stop. The driver, later identified as Johnnie Orrie Mckibben, stated to me that he did not have a license. When I asked him what he meant he stated he did not have a license, all he had was an ID. I asked Johnnie to walk over to my vehicle so I could get his information and he complied. Before walking over to my marked cruiser #304. I performed a pat down for weapons. I did not locate any weapons during my pat down and continued my investigation. I was able to confirm on my Mobile Data Terminal(MDT) that he in fact did not have a license to operate a motor vehicle. Upon observing this I initiated a citation on uniformed traffic ticket #032044 for No operators license(SC0 335.01), and Traffic Control Device-Stop Sign(SC0 313.01). I notified Johnnie if he could get someone with a valid license to the area I would release the vehicle to said person.

Johnnie was given a mandatory court date MCC#3 05/23/2024 @0900AM. The driver and registered owner of the vehicle arrived on scene and was warned for wrongful entrustment as she was honest to me and stated that she let Johnnie operate her vehicle on several other occasions.

Rebecca was able to provide me with up to date and accurate registration and insurance for the vehicle.

Johnnie signed the citation, received a copy, then units cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 05/18/2024


Date: 05/26/2024 @ 18:36 hrs

N. 12th St. / E. Oregon Avenue

CITED: Terry Penrod
612 1 East Solitude Court, IN.

CHARGE: SCO 335.01 No OL (On Hand)(MM)

On 05/24/2024 while performing stationary radar in the parking lot of 100 S. 12th Street I observed a red SUV pass me at what I believed to be a higher rate of speed than the posted 25 mile per hour limit, it was also visually observed the front windshield was shattered out near the top of the driver's side. I estimated the vehicle to be traveling at about 37 miles per hour. Upon activating portal radar unit (Brand- Decatur Electronics / Model- Scout 2 /SIN: SHDZ-00548) I obtained a clear and constant tone and a visual speed of 35 miles per hour. The handheld radar was checked for calibration at the beginning of my shift and shown to be within tolerance. The vehicle was the only vehicle on the road at the time and I observed it visually.

I pulled out of the parking lot safely and activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren. The vehicle stopped on North 12th Street near the intersection of North 12th Street and East Oregon Avenue. I performed a driver's side approach and advised of my name and department affiliation. I advised my stop being the speed and the cracked windshield possibly obstructing the windshield and being unsafe to operate. The driver, later identified as Terry Penrod, was respectful and advised me that something had struck the driver's side window coming from out of town. I asked Terry for his license, registration, and proof of insurance and he provided me with all documents except his license. Ptl. Melendez #505 arrived on scene at this time to assist me.

I obtained Terry's information and verified him on my Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) from marked cruiser #303. Terry was given a citation on uniform traffic citation #032045 for No operator's license on hand (SCO 335.01) and given a non-mandatory court date of 05/30/2024 @0900 AM if he wished to contest the citation.

Terry signed the citation, received a copy, then units cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 05/27/2024


Date: 05/27/2024 @ 23:53 hrs

345 North 15th Street

CITED: Trudy Flatt
315 West Maryland Avenue Sebring

CHARGE: 4510.11 DUS(License Forefeiture)(MM)

On 05/27/2024 while performing registration plate checks, I observed a white van parked at the Circle K . Upon running a registration license check on the Mobile Data Terminal(MDT) of marked cruiser #304, the plate returned with the registered owner(RO) having a suspended license. I returned to station at this time. Upon exiting station, I observed the same white van driving westbound in the alleyway behind the police department. I activated #304's emergency overhead lights and audible siren and exited onto East Ohio Avenue. I turned northbound on North 15th Street, and observed the same van pulling into the alleyway behind 345 North 15th Street.

The van stopped as 1 pulled in behind it and performed a drivers side approach with Ptl. Demski #509 arriving shortly after for backup. I identified myself and department affiliation. I notified the driver, later identified as Trudy Flatt, the reason for my stop being the suspended license status of the RO. The driver stated she was Trudy, and was unaware she was suspended. I advised Trudy she could park the vehicle in a parking spot and I would be citing her today for driving under suspension and I would need her license, registration, and insurance. Trudy did not have her ID on her but was able to confirm it was her.

After confirming again on my MDT and through dispatch of the suspension status, I issued a citation on uniformed traffic citation #032046 for ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension(License Forfeiture)(MM).

She was given a mandatory court date of 6/6/24 @0900AM. Trudy was given a courtesy transport to her new address in Sebring, 315 West Maryland Avenue.

Trudy signed the citation, received a copy, then units cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 05/28/2024





Date: 05/15/2024 @ 11:36 hrs


Arrest: Kiyan Welty
195 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring, Ohio

ORC: 2909.06(A) Criminal Damaging (M-2)

INVESTIGATING OFFICER(S) Det. Reed ; Ptl. Brindack

At 15:57 hours on May 16,2024, I responded to an unknown disturbance call at 195 W. Maryland Avenue.

Upon arriving on location immediately after Ptl. Brindack, I observed, who I know to be, standing in the middle of the block. Subject was screaming in the direction of her residence, with it being directed at her grandmother and brother, Kiyan Welty. At this time Ptl, Brindack was already with subject and Kiyan, so I began speaking with in an effort to determine what was going on.

At this time subject began making statements about having been in a verbal argument with her brother, Kiyan, and him pushing her as well as breaking her cell phone when she told him that she was going to call the police. Subject went on to say that the two began arguing for unknown reasons while in the kitchen area of the home, with her brother then shoving her before she began hitting him.

It should be noted that I was informed by Ptl. Brindack that neither persons nor Kiyan wished to cooperate to pursue charges. I did speak with both Kiyan and subject and confirmed this. Sebring Fire/EMS was also called to asses the minor abrasions that Kiyan had. Many of which, including those to his hands, were caused from punching walls during the argument. Kiyan also did admit to me to having smashed his sister's phone when she told him that she was going to call 911 after according to him, she assaulted him.

I then approached Kiyan, placed him in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked, as well as informed him that he was under arrest for criminal damaging. I then transported Kiyan to the Sebring Police Station where he was photographed, fingerprinted, and processed. It should be noted that it was made explicitly clear to Kiyan that he is required to personally appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, May 23, 2024. Kiyan was then released on a recognizance bond.

Due to no party wanting to cooperate in the matter or see charges aside from wanting charges for criminal damaging, refusals were not obtained. Photos of injuries, persons and scenes added to the department photos in the shared drive and labeled with the corresponding case number.

Det. Reed




Date: 05/12/2024 @ 15:47 hrs

E. Ohio Avenue / N. 12th Street

CITED: Jerrid Bailey

Charge: SCO 335.01 No OL on Hand

At 1524 hours on 05/12/2024 I was leaving station for my patrol duties when I observed a red Dodge Ram with an expired registration sticker of 05/23. After running the plate I verified the plate was in fact expired as of 05/10/2023, and the license of the registered owner was expired as of 05/10/2024.

Upon my confirmation I initiated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren. The vehicle stopped just East of the intersection of East Ohio Avenue and North 12th Street. I performed a drivers side approach and advised the driver of my name, department affiliation, and the reason for the stop being the expired registration. I verified the driver was the registered owner, Jerrid Bailey, whom also had an expired license. Mr. Bailey explained he was unaware of his expired registration. I asked for Mr. Baileys license, registration, and proof of insurance and he did procure me said documents.

I returned to my marked cruiser #304 and issued Mr. Bailey on uniform traffic citation #032042 for No operators license on hand(SC0 335.01). I returned to Mr. Bailey and advised he would receive a warning for the expired registration and I would give him a break instead of citing him for both the expired license and registration for only the no operators license on hand.

I explained Mr. Baileys citation of his non-mandatory court date of 05/23/2024, and his options with the citation.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 05/12/2024


Date: 05/15/2024 @ 11:36 hrs

600 Block W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

Cited: Daniel Owen
671 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

Charge: SCO: 335.10 Expired License Plates (MM)

At 11:36 hours on May 15,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While patrolling northbound in the 100 block of N. Johnson Road, I noted that the vehicle traveling in front of me, a red Ford Escape, had a red validation sticker affixed to the registration. This being the color of the 2023-year registrations.

Upon running the registration through LEADS, I determined that it had expired on February 25,2024. I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle continued on before coming to a stop in the driveway behind 671 W. Ohio Avenue. I then approached and made contact with the driver, with me informing him of the reason for the stop, as well as requesting his driver license and proof of insurance.

The driver then produced an Ohio Driver License that showed him to be Daniel Owen, as well as proof of insurance. In speaking with Mr. Owen, he said that he had not realized that his registration had been expired since February.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032629. I cited Owen for expired license plates (SCO: 335.10). I then returned to Owens vehicle, where he signed the citation, was given his copy, as well as advised of his option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday May 30,2024, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by that date. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 05/08/2024 @ 07:24 hrs

100 Block E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Sara Peck
175 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 335.34 Failure to Control (MM)

Officer Det. Reed #508


Date: 05/08/2024 @ 11:04 hrs

300 Block W. Texas Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Barbara Rogel
22435 Attwod St. Alliance, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (43/25) MM

At 11:04 hours on May 8,2024,l was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary facing west in front of the F.A. Sebring Community Center (306 W. Texas Avenue), I observed a silver minivan traveling eastbound on Texas Avenue, at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 43 MPH.

Once the vehicle passed my location, f activated the patrol car's overhead emergency fights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle. A silver Kia Sorento bearing Ohio Registration, came to a complete stop almost immediately.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver I informed her of the reason for the stop as well as asked for her driver license and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce both requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Barabara Rogel. In speaking further with Rogel, I asked her where she was going in such a hurry, with her informing me that she was late to a meeting.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032627. I cited Rogel with speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 43MPH in a clearly marked 25 MPH zone. I then returned to Rogel's vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, as well as advised of her option to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, May 23,2024, to contest this citation as well as of her option to contact the court by this date to arrange to pay the citations. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 05/07/2024 @ 12:16 hrs

300 Block S. 15th St. Sebring, OH

CITED: Tiyra Woods
1203 Jennings Ave. Salem, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired License Plates

At 12:16 hours on May 7, 2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary along the roadside in the 300 block of S. 14th Street, I observed a gray Hyundai sedan traveling southbound on S. 15th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be higher than that of the posted 35 MPH limit. As the vehicle intersected with Kentucky Avenue, I obtained a locked speed of 45 MPH.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a stop in front of St. Ann Church (323 S. 15th Street). At this time, I noticed that Ohio Registration was affixed to the rear. I also approached and made contact with the driver, with me asking for her driver's license. The driver then produced an Ohio Driver License that showed her to be Tiyra A. Woods.

Upon returning to my patrol car, I ran both Woods' driver license as well as her vehicle registration through LEADS. At this time, I found that the vehicle's license plates had expired on 03/03/2024. I then began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032599. Woods was cited for expired license plates (SCO:335.10). I then returned to Wood's vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her options to either appear at 09:00 hours on May 23, 2024, at Mahoning County Court #3 to contest the citation, as well as of her option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508





Date: 05/03/2024 @ 15:45 hrs

135 E Ohio Ave

ARREST: Tristle Slates
136 W Maryland Ave

2921.32 Obstructing Justice(F5)
2921.31 Obstructing Business(M2)

On 04/30/2024 @ 2242 hours myself and Ptl. Demski #509 responded to 136 West Maryland Avenue for a report of a fight.

Ptl. Peterman #506 04/30/2024

On arrival officers observed multiple subjects outside the residence of 136 West Maryland Avenue yelling back and forth.

Officers approached In cruiser #302 and approached the individuals to separate them. I radioed dispatch to send Sgt. Davis #342 of STPD to help with the incident.

During questioning, subject began having a panic attack and Sebring EMS was called on scene by Ptl. Demski.

This case will be forwarded to Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin pending review on charges.

Ptl. Peterman #506 04/30/2024

On 05/1/2024 I was notified by Chief Ray Harris #502 that prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin approved charges for Tristal Slates for one(1) count of 2921.32 Obstructing Justice(F5), and one(1) count of 2921.31 Obstructing Official Business (M2). Paperwork will be processed for a warrant.

Nothing further to report at this time.

Ptl. Peterman #506 05/1/2024

On this date I observed Tristle Slates walking in the alley behind out PD. Thistle was promptly taken into custody and arrested on her warrant, booked and transported to Mahoning county jail without incident.

Ptl. Brindack #504 5/03/2024


Date: 05/03/2024 @ 15:45 hrs

300 Block Courtney Rd. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Ann Zucchero
2 1 165 Alliance-Sebring, RD, Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (51/35) MM

At 08:05 hours on May 7,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While parked along Courtney Road facing west at the entryway to the loading dock at Famous Distribution (350 Courtney Road), I observed a silver Honda SUV traveling eastbound on Courtney Road at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 51 MPH.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. At this time, I noted that Ohio Registration was affixed to the rear of the vehicle.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed her of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce both requested documents with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Ann L. Zucchero. In speaking further with Zucchero, she said that she was late to work.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032600. I cited Zucchero for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 51 MPH in a clearly posted 35 MPH zone. I then returned to her vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her option to appear at 09:00 hours on Thursday, May 23,2024, at Mahoning County Court #3, as well as of her option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 05/03/2024 @ 09:00 hrs


Arrest: Lavinia Snell
544 S. Arch Ave. Apt. 2 Alliance, Ohio

Charge: 2913.02 Theft M-1

On 04/11/2024 I was dispatched and responded to Circle K at 205 E. Ohio Ave for a theft complaint.

Upon arrival I spoke with a manager. I was advised that on 04/10/2024 3 black males entered the store last night while her employee was working. She stated that employee observed 2 our of the 3 males stealing items from the store. I was advised 2 out of the 3 males were able to be identified.

The other male is unknown at this time but believed to be the uncle. Manager stated she watched the video this morning and she observed the unknown male subject go to the counter to buy lucky strike cigarettes and but was short $1.00.

She stated he called for other to give him the money. She stated that after he gave his money he walked over by the Polar Pop and grabbed 2 bags of chips and walked right out of the building.

An employee attempted to yell at him and tell him to come pay for his chips. A customer had also attempted to stop him by going out the door after him and followed him for a minute.

The unknown male walked left around the side of the building. At that time she noticed him go up to the checkout counter and put a half eaten donut down on the self check out and pick it back up before the transaction could be complete. She stated he cancelled the transaction and walked out with the half eaten donut that he ate in the store. The donut being worth roughly around $2.00. A written statement was then obtained from manager.

I then got a written statement from employee. He stated while he was running the register trying to get his line down, a male first used self check out to get a drink. Not too long after that, he came back when he was busy with customers. As he was ringing one out he saw him quickly head to the exit with the 2 bags of chips without paying for them. he stated he called out to him but he kept walking. One customer tried to stop him but before he could get to him he said the culprit just took off running. After things slowed down, He called one of the managers to inform them what had happened.

I then viewed the camera footage and observed the 3 black males enter the store. The unknown male was wearing an orange in color hoodie that said queen on the front and down the arm. He had his hood up the entire time he was there but you could make out a face at the register. I observed that male at the front register and hand the cashier money.

After that I observed the male go to the polar pops and grab the 2 bags of chips and leave the store immediately. I could hear the cashier tell him to stop and pay for the chips. I observed a male customer attempt to stop him by going to the door and telling him to stop. The male went outside and attempted to stop him but the other male took off running around the left side of the building.

I then observed subject walking around inside of the building eating the donut. He walked up to the self check out and sat the donut down and picked it back up quickly and left out the door. A video will be provided by Circle K of the theft. I also was able to identify a subject with the male subjects involved with the theft.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507

On 05/03/2024 Ms. Lavinia Snell was picked up on the warrant by APD for an M-1 Warrant. I then met with APD and took Ms. Snell into custody. She was transported to the Sebring PD where she was booked and processed and released on her recognizance. She was given a court date of 05/09/2024 at the MCC## at 0900s. She was advised if she did not appear on that time and date a bench warrant would be issued for her arrest and she would taken to the jail. Ms. Snell was then given a courtesy transport back to her residence by this officer.

Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 04/30/2024 @ 01:20 hrs

SR62 / S. Johnson Road

Cited: Clinton Johnson
22604 Alliance Sebring Road Alliance

4511.19(A)(1)(a) OVI(SFST)(M1)
4511.19(A)(2)(a) OVI(REFUSAL)(M1)
4511.29(A) Left Of Center(MM)

As I was performing OVI saturation patrol westbound on SR62 near South 12th Street, I observed a red truck pass me as I was at the stop sign on South 12th Street waiting to make a right hand turn. When the truck passed me I observed it was traveling in the opposite lane of travel. I turned Westbound onto SR62 and caught up to the truck. Between 12th Street and Johnson Road I observed the truck go over into the opposing lane of traffic a total of five(5) times. There was no opposing traffic at this time, and on the 5th violation I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren at SR62 and South Johnson Road. The vehicle stopped slightly west of the old Oak Ridge Motel.

I performed a drivers side approach and identified myself and my affiliation. The driver, later identified as Clinton Dwayne Johnson, seemed slightly nervous. I advised Mr. Johnson of the reason for the stop being the multiple left of center violations. Mr. Johnson did not give me a straight answer as to why he went left of center so many times. I noted that Mr. Johnson would only provide me with one word answers, and would not face me when he spoke to me. As I continued speaking with Mr. Johnson, I began noting a smell of an alcoholic beverage coming from his person.

Ptl. Demski #509 arrived on scene at this time and performed a passenger side approach. I asked Mr. Johnson for his license, registration, and proof of insurance at this time. Mr. Johnson did procure me his license but was having difficulty locating his registration or insurance. I asked Mr. Johnson if he had any medical history or surgical history and Mr. Johnson denied both. I asked Mr. Johnson if he had any alcoholic beverages to drink tonight, and he stated hesitantly "no".

I advised Mr. Johnson to shut his vehicle off and he complied. I then walked over to the passenger side of the truck and spoke with Ptl. Demski that I would be performing Standardized Field Sobriety Tests(SFSTs). I returned to my marked cruiser #304 and shut off all of my front emergency over head lights. I returned to Mr. Johnson's truck and asked him to step out of his vehicle and he complied. I asked Mr. Johnson if he would be willing to submit to a set of Field Sobriety Tests and he stated "yes". I escorted Mr. Johnson over to a driveway away from the highway onto a relatively flat area. I asked if Mr. Johnson was wearing prescription glasses and he stated he was. I asked if he was able to see the tip of the green lighted pen I placed in front of him and he stated he could see it and had no issues with the glasses worn.

I then began my testing and observed the following:

Equal Pupil Sizes in left and right eyes
Negative Resting Nystagmus
Equal tracking of left and right eyes

During my Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus testing I observed the following clues.

2 clues Lack Of Smooth Pursuit in Left and Right eyes with rapid twitching response (while holding pen 2 seconds out, and 2 seconds back over each eye)

2 clues Distinct and Sustained Nystagmus at Maximum Deviation for both left and right eyes with rapid twitching response (Held for 4 seconds maximum in each eye)

2 clues Onset of Nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both left and right eyes with rapid twitching response(he1d to a speed of 4 seconds to 45 degrees)

Positive results for Vertical Nystagmus

For a total of 6 out 6 clues for the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test

During the instruction stage of the walk and turn test Mr. Johnson was observed having difficulty balancing his body as he did shift his upper body back and forth. When I completed my instruction for Mr. Johnson I asked if he understood the block of instruction and Mr. Johnson stated to me "I don't get any of that shit". I asked Mr. Johnson if he needed me to repeat the instructions and Mr. Johnson stated he did.

I noted the following clues during the walking stage:

Can't balance during instructions
Misses heel to toe
Steps off the line
Uses arms to balance
Wrong number of steps

This being a total of 5 out of 8 of the total clues

During the One Legged stand I observed the following clues during testing:

Puts foot down- suspect never lifted foot off ground as instructed Sways while balancing

With a total of 2 of the 4 possible clues.

Given the total clues, I instructed Ptl. Demski to read Mr. Johnson his Miranda Warning and waiver. After instructing Mr. Johnson his Miranda warning and waiver, Ptl. Demski asked if he wished to speak with law enforcement. Mr. Johnson stated he did not want to speak with law enforcement and at that time he was advised he would be placed under arrest for OV1(4511.19)(M1). I placed Mr. Johnson in the back seat of cruiser #304 and ensured his handcuffs were properly gapped and double locked. Mr. Johnson was noted to be respectful during the entire encounter.

I requested a tow from dispatch and it was advised Springers Towing would be enroute. Ptl. Demski stayed on scene with the vehicle and performed a vehicle property inventory as he waited for Springers Towing. I cleared for Alliance Police with the male in custody.

On arrival at Alliance PD Mr. Johnson was patted down for weapons and led inside the booking and intoxilizer area.

Alliance Ptl. Higgins #316 assisted me in gaining access to the area and processing of Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson was read the BMV form 2255 and advised of his options to provide a breath sample to the intoxilizer, or refuse the breath test after the 20-minute wait period. During the wait period, Mr. Johnson stated he "was already fucked" leading officers to believe he was talking about his level of intoxication. Mr. Johnson advised me he would like to refuse the breath test.

During the discussion Mr. Johnson was having with officers, he made a statement stating "I don't know what to do, I'm fucked up". All information was filed accordingly with the intoxilizer and BMV Form 2255. After completion I cleared with Mr. Johnson to complete the booking process of Mr. Johnson

During my transport back to Sebring PD via Alliance Sebring Road I observed a large opossum running across the road. I did slam on my brakes to avoid striking the animal. I apologized and asked Mr. Johnson afterwards if he was injured in any way and he stated, "I'm fine."

Upon return to station, I utilized my flashlight and checked for any bruises on his face or head. Mr. Johnson stated again he did not hit any area with his head or body. Due to his body stature I was unable to properly buckle Mr. Johnson seatbelt over him. I asked Mr. Johnson if he would like medical to come out and check up on him and he stated, "no I don't need that". I then led Mr. Johnson to our booking area where he was processed fully and released. As we exited the station, Mr. Johnson bent over to grab a handful of cash that fell out of his pocket and began falling backwards. I grabbed Mr. Johnson by his hand and ensured he did not fall on the ground hard. Mr. Johnson again stated he was alright and was then provided a courtesy transport to his residence at 22604 Alliance Sebring Road. Upon arrival I ensured he made it inside his residence.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 04/30/2024

Date 04/30/2024 05:50 Officer Demski

I arrived on scene to assist Ptl. Peterman with his OVI investigation. I stood by and observed Clinton as he exited his truck and walked around the front to the driveway he was parked beside. Clinton stopped to lean on his truck, then walked over to the driveway. Clinton's gait was uneven and he would sway as he stood in front of me. As Ptl. Peterman began the HGN test, I observed a lack of smooth pursuit, nystagmus at maximum deviation and vertical nystagmus.

When Ptl. Peterman was demonstrating the walk and turn, Clinton became confused and had to be told several times to take nine heel to toe steps and not three. (During the demonstration it is common practice for officers to take three steps and simulate the 9th step. this was carefully explained.) During the walk and turn Clinton did not walk heel to toe and side stepped to the right on his fourth step. On his fifth step he turned and walked back. I also observed Clinton use his arms for balance.

During the one leg stand I observed Clinton immediately drop his foot to the ground and struggle to bring it up. After counting to four Clinton stopped and indicated he was done. Ptl. Peterman placed clinton under arrest for suspicion of OVI and transported him to Alliance Police Department to run the intoxilizer.


Date: 05/2/2024 @ 07:39 hrs

200 Block N. 12th St. Sebring, OH

Cited: April Boals
20397 N. Benton West Rd. N. Benton, Ohio

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed 40/25 (MM)

At 07:39 hours on May 2nd, 2024, Ptl. Peterman and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary in the alleyway north of the 400 block of E. Ohio Avenue at N. 12th Street, I observed a silver Mercury sedan traveling southbound at a rate of speed that appeared to be higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit. As the vehicle came to the intersection of N. 12th street and E. Indiana Avenue, I used the department issued LiDAR unit to obtain a locked speed of 40 MPH.

Once the vehicle passed our location, I pulled onto the roadway, activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed her of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license and proof of insurance.

The driver then produced an Ohio Driver License that showed her to be April D. Boals. Also produced was an insurance card on the vehicle that expired in April of 2023.

I then returned to my patrol car where I began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032594.1 cited Boals for speed (SCO: 333.03). Once finished I returned to Boals' vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised that due to her being unable to provide proof of valid insurance that she would be required to personally appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, May 16, 2024. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 05/2/2024 @ 07:54 hrs

100 Block N. 12th St. Sebring, Ohio

Cited: Michael Beane
436 Garfield Ave. Alliance, Ohio

Charge: ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (MU)

At 07:54 hours on May 2nd, 2024, Ptl. Peterman and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary in the alleyway north of the 400 block of E. 0hio Avenue at N. 12th Street, I observed a multi-colored Buick sedan approach the intersection of E. Maryland Avenue at N. 12 th Street. This vehicle I know to be operated by Michael Beane, whose driver license I know to be under an active suspension. This being confirmed within the last five business days via LEADS.

The vehicle then turned right and began southbound on N. 12th Street, with me observing that Michael Beane was in fact the driver. Upon observing this, I pulled onto the roadway, activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop. Upon approaching the vehicle, I informed Beane that the reason I was stopping him was that I knew his driver license was suspended. Beane admitted to me that he knew that it was, with him asking if he could pull the vehicle across the road and park it at Sebring Tire, which is his place of employment. I told Beane to go ahead and do this but that he was going to be receiving a citation for driving under suspension. Beane then pulled into the parking lot of Sebring Tire, with me again confirming through LEADS that his driver license was under a Non-compliance type suspension.

At this time, I began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032595. I cited Beane for driving under suspension (Non-Compliance) ORC: 4510.11. Beane then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, May 16, 2024.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 05/3/2024 @ 08:34 hrs

500 Block Courtnet Rd. Sebring, Ohio

Cited: Aron Carver
1057 N. Rockhill Ave. Alliance, Ohio

ORC: 4511.39 Turn/stop signals (MM)
ORC: 4510.11 Driving under suspension (MU)

At 08:34 hours on May 3,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While patrolling westbound on Courtney Road at the intersection of N. Johnson Road, I observed a white Chrysler Town and County that had been traveling northbound on N. Johnson Road turn right onto Courtney. No turn signal was used with the vehicle also missing turn signal/headlight housings on both sides. I then turned the patrol car around and initiated a traffic stop.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license and proof of insurance. The driver was unable to produce either, with him telling me that his name was Aron Carver, and that driver license was suspended. Mr. Carver also provided me with his social security number.

I then returned to my patrol car where I ran both Carver and the vehicle that he was driving through LEADS. At this time, I confirmed that he was currently under three separate license suspensions. I also began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032596. I cited Carver for stop/turn signals (ORC: 4511.39) as well as driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11). Ptl. Russell also arrived to my location at this time.

I then returned to Mr. Carver's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, May 9th, 2024. An administrative inventory of the vehicle was completed with nothing of value being located. The vehicle was then towed to Sebring Tire. Units then cleared. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 05/3/2024 @ 13:16 hrs

600 Block S. Johnson Rd. Sebring, OH

Cited: Christopher Stauffer
423 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring, OH

ORC: 4510.11 Unsafe Vehicle (MM)
ORC: 4510.11 Driving under suspension (MU)

Cited: Samantha Poteet
423 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring, OH

Charge: ORC: 4511.203 Wrongful Entrustment (MU)

At 13:14 hours on May 3rd, 2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While sitting stationary at the intersection of N. Johnson Road and W. Ohio Avenue, I observed a westbound Kia Rondo (red in color, drive into the turn lane and begin southbound on N. Johnson Road. At this time, I was able to see the driver, who I know to be Christopher Stauffer, in the driver's seat. It should be noted that I know Christopher to have a suspended driver license as well as at least two active warrants for his arrest. I then began following the vehicle, requesting a conformation on Christopher's driver license suspension through dispatch.

Several minutes later, as the red Kia and I approached the intersectionof S. Johnson Road and W. Texas Avenue, the suspension was confirmed. I also observed that the windshield on the vehicle was shattered from pillar to pillar. I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. Upon approaching 1 made contact with Christopher, with me informing him that I was stopping him because I knew that he was to be suspended. I also requested his driver license and insurance information, with him only being able to produce his Ohio Driver License.

I then returned to my vehicle where f began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032597. I cited Stauffer with unsafe vehicle (ORC: 4513.02) for the shattered windshield, as well as driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11). At this time Samantha Poteet, Stauffer's live-in-girlfriend, arrived on location. I also began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032598, with me citing Poteet for wrongful entrustment (ORCL 4511.203). It should be noted that in addition to living together Poteet did make statements about being aware of Stauffer's suspension but allowing him to drive to a doctor for a tick on his head.

Both Stauffer and Poteet signed their citations, were giving their respective copies, as well as advised of their mandatory appearances at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, May 9th, 2024.

Sebring Tire then arrived on scene with the vehicle being towed to their lot. A hold requiring a court release was placed on the vehicle. Nothing of value was contained within. Poteet and Stauffer were allowed to gather their belongings from inside before a friend arrived to give them a ride. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Officer: Det. Reed #508



Date: 04/20/2024 @ 12:15 hrs

Sebring Police Station (135 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH )

CITED: William Acevedo
110 N. Main Street Columbiana, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 1511.03 Open burning in restricted areas (M-3)

Date: 04/18/2024 11:14 Det. Reed

At 1350 hours on 04/18/2024, a large fire was reported in the backyard of a residence in the 100 block of E. Indiana Avenue.

Upon arriving, it was found that the homeowner was burning building material without a source of water or fire containment. The homeowner will be cited with an open burning violation.

At 1350 hours on 04/17/2024, Leslie Carr (165 E. Maryland Avenue), called to report a large fire in the backyard of a residence on her block.

Upon arriving on location, I was directed to the backyard of 126 E. Indiana Avenue by an area resident. A large fire was burning in the back yard, with it being fueled by what appeared to be building material from the gutted home. The pile of material was approximately 10' X 10', with no containment such as bricks, a metal rim, or any other material for that matter surrounding it. A large plastic trash can that was sitting along a nearby fence row was melted from the heat the fire was producing. Two men, later identified as subject and William Acevedo, were standing in the back yard of the residence.

In speaking with Acevedo, who I've encountered during prior calls to the property, I asked him if he had a water source to put the fire out. Acevedo said that he did not, with him not understanding why he could not burn in such a fashion in the village limits. It should also be noted that the winds at the time of the fire were going to the northwest, with speeds being approximately 18 MPH. Because of this and the fact that no water source was available. I called Sebring Fire to extinguish it.

Sebring Fire then arrived on location with the fire being put out. Chief Springer, Lt. Bailey, and Lt. Rastetter, and FF Sam Kanagy were the firefighters present. Photographs were also taken at this time. In speaking further with Acevedo, he admitted that both he and subject had started the fire, with me explaining to him the fact that a burn ban is in effect until 18:00 hours statewide and that he also could not have such a large fire or any fire without permission from the village and a source of water present regardless. I explained to Acevedo that violating the open burning ordnances in the village is a misdemeanor of the third-degree, but in lieu of a custodial arrest I would be drafting a summons and that he would need to come to the police station to pick it up in the following days. I then cleared. All photographs were loaded to the shared drive/department photos. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 04/22/2024 @ 16:24 hrs

305 East Ohio Avenue

ARREST: Grace Holodnak
305 East Ohio Avenue Sebring

CHARGE: 2913.02(A)(1) Theft (M1)

On 04/22/2024 @ 1617 hours I responded to Circle K(205 East Ohio Avenue) for a report of theft of alcohol.

Ptl. Peterman #506 04/22/2024

I responded from station to Circle K. Upon arrival at Circle K, I spoke with employees, whom stated to me that Grace Holodnak(AKA Dakota) was confirmed via store camera surveillance to have taken alcohol from the store and was heading east on foot towards her residence at 305 East Ohio Avenue. I arrived at 305 east Ohio Avenue and advised dispatch of my new location. I walked up to an open window at the residence and asked the individual inside the residence if t could speak with Dakota AKA Grace. The person sitting on the couch stated "I'm Dakota". I asked her to come outside so I can speak to her about an incident that occurred at Circle K. Grace complied and went to the back porch where I was at. I explained to Grace that she was observed on camera at Circle K taking alcohol from the back coolers. Grace stated to me that "Yeah, I took 2 bottles of Fireball". I advised dispatch and asked if Circle K wished to pursue charges against Grace. I asked Grace if she had the bottles with her currently and she stated "I already drank them". After a short time dispatch advised the manager did wish to pursue charges of theft.

At this time I explained to Grace that she was under arrest for the theft of the alcohol at Circle K. I placed her in handcuffs, ensuring they were properly gapped and double locked, then placed her in the drivers back seat of marked cruiser #304. I read Grace her Miranda rights and asked her if she wished to make any comments. Grace stated to me "I did take 2 bottles of fireball from Circle K and drank them". Grace then asked me if I could talk to her boyfriend and let him know what was going on. With Grace being respectful towards me I obliged and walked over to the front door, which was still in eyesight of cruiser #304 and knocked on the front door. The boyfriend answered and I advised of the situation with Grace.

I advised Grace would be processed and released from the police department as she would be getting a recognizance bond. I then left the area and notified dispatch of my departure to station for processing.

I arrived at station and processed Grace for one(1) count of 2913.02 Theft(M1). DO Murphy was requested to be a witness as I performed a pat down for weapons. I completed the pat down using the backs of my hands ad did not locate any weapons I did also request Patty, and Stephanie Grace come to Sebring PD and fill out a witness statement and they agreed to. I signed the recognizance bond and given information on her court date of 04/25/2024 @ MCC#3. I provided Grace a copy of the recognizance bond and released her from Sebring Police custody.

I then cleared without further incident.


I performed a follow-up with Circle K and was advised by manager that they did want Grace given a Notice Of Restriction (NOR) from Circle K. I filled one out and delivered it to Grace, as well as explained the NOR to her that she was no longer allowed back at Circle K so long as the NOR was valid.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 04/22/2024


Date: 04/24/2024 @ 00:25 hrs

Alabama Avenue / North 13th Street

CITED: David Sihock
132 North 16th Street

CHARGE: 4510.11 DUS(License Forfeiture)

On 04/24/2024 @ 0025 hours while patrolling in marked cruiser #303 I observed a silver Jeep with an excessively loud exhaust heading northbound on S. 14th Street. I got behind the vehicle and ran the plate on my Mobile Data Terminal HAF2954. Once I ran the plate it returned to a Jill L Corbett on a 2005 Chevy.

Given these two infractions I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren. The vehicle turned Eastbound on Alabama Avenue from 5. 14th Street and stopped. I activated #303's microphone and performed a passenger side approach of the vehicle. I identified myself and department affiliation as well as the reason for the stop being the fictitious plates and loud exhaust.

The driver, David A. Sihock, stated the vehicle was purchased last month, and presented me with a title with all the information on the back. The title commission showed an expiration of 29 April 2024, and after a VIN run, did not return stolen. I returned to my marked cruiser and ran David's information via my MDT and dispatch. David Sihock did return with a suspended license status for a license forfeiture.

I issued David a citation on uniformed traffic citation 032038 for driving under suspension(DUS)(License Forfeiture), and informed David of his mandatory court date of 5/2/2024 @ MCC #3 0900AM. David was respectful towards myself and signed the citation. I issued David his copy of the citation and gave him information on his court date and options.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 03/21/2024


Date: 04/23/2024 @ 07:42 hrs

100 Block N. 15th St. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Brandi Houshour
14762 Salem-Alliance Rd. Salem, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (37/25) MM

At 07:42 hours on Tuesday, April 23,2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303.

While stationary facing east along the roadside in the 100 block of E. Georgia Avenue, I observed a white Jeep Wrangler that was traveling westbound on E. Georgia Avenue at a rate of speed that appeared to be higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit.

Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 37 MPH as the vehicle neared 5.14th Street. Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, with the vehicle continuing towards 15th Street. Due to a train having the intersection blocked, I turned off my emergency lights and opted to conduct the traffic stop once it cleared, seeing as the driver appeared to have not noticed me behind them.

Once the train cleared, I again activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The Jeep, which I noticed had Ohio Registration affixed to the rear, came to a stop in the 100 block of N. 15th Street.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed her of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license and insurance. The driver was able to produce both requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Brandi Houshour. I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032590. I cited Houshour for speed (SCO: 333.03) for going 37 MPH in the marked 25 MPH zone. Houshour then signed the citation, was given her copy, as well as advised of her option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, May 09,2024, as well as of her option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. I then cleared.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 04/23/2024 @ 13:13 hrs

300 Block E. Wisconsin Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: SCO: 333.03 Speed (42/25) MM

At 13:30 hours on Tuesday, April 23,2024,l was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303.

While stationary in the alleyway between the 300 blocks of E. Michigan and Vermont Avenues at N. 12th Street, I observed a white delivery van traveling northbound on N. 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit. As the vehicle approached E. Michigan Avenue, I used the department issued LiDAR speed measuring device to obtain a locked speed of 42 MPH.

As the vehicle, a Fed-Ex delivery truck, passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle pulled onto E. Wisconsin Avenue before coming to a stop. At this time, I noted that Ohio Registration PMT 5344 was affixed on the rear of the vehicle.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed her of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license, and insurance. The driver was able to produce both requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Sharon L. Bayer.

I then returned to my patrol car where 1 drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032592. I cited Bayer for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 42 MPH in the marked 25 MPH zone. I then returned to Bayer's vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her option to appear on Thursday, May 9th, 2024, at Mahoning County Court #3 to contest the citation, as well as of her option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. I then cleared.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 04/23/2024 @ 12:02 hrs

300 Block E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Cynthia Bichsel
21674 Middletown Rd. Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (42/25) MM

At 12:06 hours on 04/23/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary in the alleyway to the immediate north of the 400 block of E. Ohio Avenue at N. 12th Street, I observed a blue Subaru traveling southbound at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit. As the vehicle intersected with E. Indiana Avenue, I obtained a locked speed of 42 MPH using the department issued LiDAR speed measuring device.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I pulled onto the roadway and initiated a traffic stop. At this time, I noted that Ohio Registration was affixed to the rear.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I advised her of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license and insurance information. The driver then produced an Ohio Driver License that showed her to be Cynthia Bichsel. After obtaining the required information, I returned to my patrol car where I began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032591. I cited Bichsel with speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 42 in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone.

Bichsel then signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, May 09,2024, as well as of her option to pay the citation by contacting the court for information on how to do so by that date. I then cleared.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 13:00 hours on 04/11/2024


ARREST: Scott Sargent
226 S. Johnson Road

2907.321A5 Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor - buy, procure, possess, obscene material

2907.322A5 Pandering Sexually Oriented Matter Involving a Minor - solicit, receive, purchase material

2923.24 Possessing Criminal Tools

Date: 12/20/2023 07:54 Officer Reed

On 12/20/2023, an investigation was initiated into a report of child pornography being possessed by a Sebring resident.

On 12/20/2023, I was advised by Chief Harris that he had receive cyber tip from the Ohio internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC), and that he was forwarding the report over to me for review and investigation. Upon logging into ICAC, I began reviewing the report (CyberTip Report # 179740398), noting that the incident was listed to have occurred at 13:43 UTC on 11/17/2023. In reading further, I also noted that the report had been forwarded to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) from Bing Image. This image was classified by their standards as containing a pre-pubescent minor in lascivious exhibition.

A subpoena submitted to Charter Communications by Arabelle Skelly, of the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office, showed this particular IP address as belonging to a Lois Felger, of 226 S. Johnson Road in Sebring, Ohio.

Upon further review of the lCAC report, I opened the file containing the subject image, with me observing it to contain a pre-pubescent female, appearing to be approximately seven to eight years of age. The girl is completely nude, laying on her back with her legs spread. Her breast as well as vagina are completely exposed. What appeared to be an adult male hand is rested on her right leg. The estimation of the girls age being made based upon lack of development, as well as body frame and size.

After reviewing the material provided by ICAC, I used the Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway (OHLeg) to search for known residents of 226 S. Johnson Road. Through OhLeg I was able to determine that a Lois Elaine Felger as well as Scott Steven Sargent reside at the address. All material provided by ICAC was loaded onto a Verbatim flashdrive that was assigned a BitBlocker password. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508

At 13:00 hours on 04/11/2024, I went to the residence of Scott Sargent, located at 226 S. Johnson Road, in an attempt to take custody of him on his warrants as well as serve the search warrant.

Upon arriving to the address, I knocked on the front door. Scott Sargent answered, with me informing him that I had warrants for his arrest as well as that I had a search warrant for the residence with the target being the power cords for his computer. After being advised of his Miranda Rights, Mr. Sargent told me that the cords to the computer were in the bedroom near where the computer had been during the January 11, 2024 search warrant.

Ptl. Russell then arrived on scene, with her securing Mr. Sargent in handcuffs. I also at this time located two power cords under the desk where the computer had been, with on listing "HP" on it. These cords were taken into evidence as a result of the search warrant. I also left a copy of the warrant as well as inventory of property taken on a table in the living room.

This being at the instruction of Mr. Sargent instead of giving it to him for him to keep.

Mr. Sargent was then secured in the back of car 304, with Ptl. Russell transporting him back to the police station.

Once on station, Mr. Sargent was photographed and processed with his DNA being collected. Once the necessary paperwork for commitment to jail was completed, I transported him to the Mahoning County Justice Center without incident. It should be noted that I did ask Mr. Sargent with him understanding his rights if he was willing to speak further with me about the matter, with him saying that he was not.

Another search warrant shall be drafted for the HP computer.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508






Date: 4/10/2024 @ 14:05 hrs

425 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Brooke Ledger
425 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 331.14 Signals before changing course, turning or stopping

On 04/09/2024 I responded to a two-car motor vehicle accident in the 400 block of the Alley way North of W Maryland Ave directly behind 425 W Maryland Ave. On arrival I learned that Unit 1, a gray GMC Acadia driven by Brooke Ledger was driving east in the alleyway.

Unit 2 a white Ford pickup truck was parked unoccupied with a trailer, the owner, Jeff Elberty, was loading pallets in the trailer. Unit 2 was blocking the driveway of 425 W Maryland where Brooke lives.

Brooke turned left driving through her own yard and tried to squeeze between the truck and thicket of bushes, Brooke struck the truck front left side to front left side causing minor damage to both vehicles.

On scene Jeff did not have a trailer plate and claimed it must have fallen off, so I cleared and waited to do the report unit I had the plate. Due to the somewhat unusual nature of the accident, I asked prosecutor Gary Van Brocktin to review the accident and he advised me to charge Brooke with improper turn. After some time, I had not heard from Jeff regarding the trailer plate, so I finished the accident report without the information.

Brooke was cited for 331.14 turns and stops (improper turn) with a court date in MCC#3 of 04/18/2024 at 0900hrs a citation was drafted, and I requested dayshift to serve Brooke as she was now at work.

Ptl. Brindack 504

At approximately 14:05 hours on 04/10/2024,1 served Brook Ledger at her residence with her citation from this incident. Brook signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, April 18,2024.

I then cleared. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed


Date: 4/8/2024 @ 01:00 hrs

146 E. Ohio Ave.

CITED: Sara Peck
175 1/2 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring

CHARGE: ORD: 331.34(A) Failure to Control

On 04/08/24 while on station a 911 call came in referencing a car accident in front of 167 W. Ohio Ave. At the same time this call came in, I heard a tire squeal and went outside to investigate. I saw a male standing outside 167 W. Ohio Ave., and I noticed the black Dodge Dakota that is always parked outside pushed into the grass. I then noticed a silver SUV in the bank parking lot with front end damage. A female driver appeared to be trying to leave the scene.

I approached the car and advised the driver to shut off her car. I spoke to the driver, Sara Peck, who Advised me she had left Circle K heading west on Ohio Ave., when she veered to the right, striking the parked truck. Then she stated that she didn't want to remain in the road and drove into the bank parking Lot. When asked why she veered right, she stated that she was drinking her polar pop. I did not notice the odor of intoxicants coming from her person, slurred speech, or any other signs of intoxication.

When observing her eyes, I saw no abnormalities with her pupils, which would indicate drug intoxication.

Due to the damage to her car, I requested Springers to tow the vehicle. t took photos of the damage and cited Sara for Failure to control ORD:331.34(A) and released her from the scene.

Ptl. Demski #509


Date: 4/5/2024 @ 21:32 hrs

S. 15th Street/California Ave. Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Bradley Wilson
1005 Lake Park Blvd. Lot 17 Sebring, Ohio

Speed (M-3) 3 prior convictions in last 12 months
Warrant (FTA/Other Agency)

At 21:32 hours on 04/05/2024,  I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary in the parking lot of United Die (100 S. 17th Street), I observed a white Chevrolet Silverado that was traveling eastbound on W. California Avenue at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I noted that the vehicle speed was rapidly increasing. I was able to obtain a locked speed of 41 MPH before the vehicle went out of the radar systems field of range.

I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, pulled onto the roadway, and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle was very slow to stop, with the driver crossing S. 15th Street before finally coming to a stop on the opposite side. At this time, I noted that Ohio Registration was affixed to the read of the vehicle.

Ptl. Brindack also arrived to my location at this time.

I then approached and made contact with the driver, with me informing him of the reason for the stop as well as asking for his driver license and proof of insurance. The driver also informed me at this time that the reason that he was speeding was that he was trying to coax his truck to shift.

The driver however was unable to produce a driver license, with him instead identifying himself as Bradley Wilson, with him also giving me his date of birth and social security number.

Upon Mr. Wilson's information to dispatch, it was found that he had three prior convictions for moving violations within the last 12 months. An active warrant for his arrest through Alliance Police Department was also found. At this time, I began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032585, with me citing Wilson for speed (ORC: 4511.21). It should be noted that due to this charge being elevated to a misdemeanor of the third-degree due to prior convictions, Ohio Revised Code was charged in lieu of Sebring Codified Ordnance.

Upon receiving confirmation of the warrant and determining that the issuing agency did want to take custody of Mr. Wilson, I requested him out of the vehicle. I first, however, had Wilson sign his citation, with me making him aware of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, April 18,2024. I also gave him his copy of the citation. At approximately this time, Sgt. Kelm arrived to our location.

I then advised Mr. Wilson of his warrants and secured him in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked. Ptl. Brindack secured him in the back of my patrol car while I began identifying the other two occupants of the vehicle. Both of whom had suspended driver licenses. Numerous criminal indicators were also noted, with K-9 radar being deployed. Sgt. Kelm did advise of a positive indication.

Prescription synthetic opiate addiction treatment medications were located inside of the vehicle, with this found to have been legally prescribed to one of the occupants.

Mr. Wilson was also transported to Ralph's Deli where custody was transferred to Alliance Police Department. I then cleared from the call. Sgt. Kelm and Ptl. Brindack remained on scene waiting for a valid driver to arrive to pick up the truck. Due to a valid driver not arriving in a timely manner, the truck was towed to Sebring Tire's impound lot.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 4/2/2024 @ 16:57 hrs

Ohio Ave near 12th St

CITED: Soph Paparodis
2238 Piearce St., Salem, OH

CHARGE: 313.01 Traffic Control Devices

On this date I responded to an accident at 12th and Ohio.

Unit 1 a Silver 2017 Chevy Silverado being driven by Soph Paparodis was traveling west on E Ohio Ave approaching the intersection.

Unit 2 a white 2020 Nissan Rouge being driven by Kyla Sharp was traveling North on N 12th St and was already in the intersection.

Unit 1 ran the slop sign at Ohio and struck the front of unit 2 in the front bumper. Unit 1 continued west which peeled the front bumper off of unit 1. Unit 2 exited the roadway to the left and stopped in the sidewalk/yard of 386 E Ohio Ave.

Driver of unit 1 admitted he ran the stop sign. Driver of unit 2 corroborated this story. Soph Paparodis was cited for 313.01 traffic control devices with a court date at MCC#3 of 04/11/2024 at 0900hrs. Both vehicles were towed away by Sebring tire.

Ptl. Brindack #504 04/02/2024


Date: 4/2/2024 @ 10:45 hrs

485 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Ashton Harper , Homeless

CHARGE: SCO: 505.01 (c) Dog / animal running at large (MM)

At 09:44 hours on 04/02/2024, Ptl. Melendez and I responded to 485 W. Oregon Avenue for a civil stand-by. This being at the request of the properties caretaker. It should be noted that the reason that the reason for the stand-by was that prior tenants were evicted, but he believed people that they had been allowing to stay with them may still be remaining at the house. This being despite the water and electric having been turned off.

Ptl. Melendez and I then met properties caretaker at the residence, with him discovering that the locks on the house had been changed. We also heard a dog barking from inside. After repeated attempts to get someone to come to the door, Ptl. Melendez got on the loudspeaker of his marked patrol car and called defendant to the door. Several minutes later defendant did answer. Upon opening the door. defendant allowed a female, pit-bull breed dog to run out of the house ,with the dog then running across Oregon Avenue and into the neighbors yard. At this time, caretaker also told defendant the reason that he was there, with defendant saying that he would pack his things and leave. Defendant also began screaming that he doesn't know why he's being made to leave.

I also at this time asked defendant to secure the dog.

Ptl. Melendez and I remained on scene to ensure that no issues arose while caretaker changed the locks to the house.

During this time, the dog continued to walk through neighbors lawns, across Oregon Avenue, and wander around the area. I did ask defendant no less than three times to confine the dog, with him walking back into the house at one point. In addition, defendant also said "that dog can find a new home", when I asked him to catch her. When I asked the dogs name defendant said "Rory".

Ptl. Melendez and I continued to try to catch the dog, with us being fearful for her safety due to Ohio Avenue being to the north and the busy railroad tracks to the immediate south. Eventually, caretaker was able to coax the dog into coming to him, with her being secured by a leash that I keep in my patrol bag.

Defendant then asked me to walk her with him to a neighbors house so that he could give her away. The neighbor did not answer, with the dog then being placed on a tether in the front yard of 485 W. Oregon Avenue while defendant gathered his things and placed them in a truck.

At this time I decided based upon Defendant's repeated failure to confine the dog despite my requests as well as his utter apathy for the dogs well being that I would cite him for dogs and animals running at large (SCO: 505.01 (c). I then drafted a minor misdemeanor citation for this offense, with Defendant signing and being given his copy. During this time Defendant complained that the dog was not his and he didn't understand why I was citing him.

I explained to Defendant that the dog was being kept and/or harbored by him, and he failed to confine her. Defendant then made statements about "not paying shit" and not going to court, with me explaining to him that a warrant would be issued for his arrest if he did in fact fail to appear at 09:00 hours on Thursday, April 11,2024 at Mahoning County Court #3. Units then cleared.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 4/4/2024 @ 12:13 hrs

216 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Stephen Simon
Buck Rd., Alliance, Ohio

ORC: 4513.02 Unsafe Vehicles
ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (License Forfeiture)

At 12:13 hours on 04/04/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While patrolling westbound in the 100 block of W. Ohio Avenue, I notice that the vehicle traveling in front of me, a blue Honda Civic bearing Ohio Registration, was missing the passenger-side mirror. The vehicle then turned right and began northbound on N. 16th Street, with me activating the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiating a traffic stop. The vehicle pulled into the rear parking lot of the Sebring Manor (216 W. Ohio Avenue), with the driver appearing to ignore my lights and continuing driving. The vehicle eventually came to a parking spot where it stopped.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver of the vehicle, I advised him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license and insurance. The driver was unable to produce either of these documents, with him instead providing the name of Stephen Anthony Simon, his date of birth, as well as social security number. I then returned to my patrol car where I searched this information through LEADS, with Mr. Simon showing as having active warrants for his arrest through Stark County Sheriff's Office as well as a suspended driver license. The warrants however listed in-county pickup only.

I then began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032579, with me stopping halfway through due to Simon shuffling through the car and making numerous furtive movements. Because of this I did instruct him to step out of the vehicle with me also performing a pat-down of is person. No weapons or contraband were located. I then returned to my patrol car where I completed the citation.

Once the citation was completed, Simon signed it, received his copy, and was advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:OO hours on Thursday, April 11,2024. Simon was cited for unsafe vehicles (ORC: 4513.02), as well as driving under suspension (OK: 4510.11). At this time, I also asked for and receiving consent to search the vehicle, with no weapons or contraband being located. Once finished I cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 4/2/2024 @ 18:28 hrs

Smith Twp PD

CITED: Scott Anderson
1139 diver Rd Deerfield OH

CHARGE: 4510.11 DUS

Ptl. Brindack #504 04/02/2024


Date: 4/4/2024 @ 10:20 hrs


ARREST: Isabella Welty
195 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring, Ohio

2909.05 Vandalism
2911.21 Criminal Trespass
2907.04 Unlawful sexual conduct with a minor

On 03/28/2024, Ptl. Melendez and I convened with prosecutor, Gary Van Brocklin, regarding this case. After being advised of all facts and circumstances surround the incident, a charge of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor (ORC: 2907.04(A)) were approved. This charge being a misdemeanor of the first-degree due to the age disparity between the two being less that 48 month.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508






Date: 3/28/2024 @ 17:51 hrs

400 Block E. Vermont Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Clara Ward
18460 Courtney Rd. Beloit, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (41/25)

At 1751 hours on 03/28/2024, CPO Freer and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303.

White stationary in the alleyway between the 300 block of E. Vermont and Michigan Avenues at N. 12th Street, I observed a light colored Chevrolet Silverado traveling northbound on N. 12th Street near E. Indiana Avenue, at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit. Using the department issues LiDAR speed measuring device, I obtained a locked speed of 41 MPH.

Once the vehicle passed our location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The chrome in color Silverado, bearing Ohio Registration, then turned right onto the 400 block of E. Vermont Avenue before coming to a complete stop. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed her of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce these requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Clara Ward. In speaking with Ward at this time, she also told me that she had not been paying attention to her speed due to her talking to her granddaughter, who was a front seat passenger.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032586. I cited Ward for speeding (SCO: 333.03), for going 41 in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone. Once I completed the citation, I returned to Ward's vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her option to either pay the citation or to contest it by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, April 11,2024. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/30/2024 @ 22:45 hrs

W. Oregon Ave. / N. 15th Street

CITED: Jacob Rupp
174 West Wayne Street Alliance, Oh

CHARGE: SCO 335.10 Fictitious Plates

At 2245 hours on 3/30/2024 I was patrolling the area of North 15th Street I observed a gray truck driving southbound with no driving lights on. I approached the truck and ran the plate on my mobile data terminal(MDT) of marked cruiser #303. The plate returned to a Ford that was expired as of 03/21/2024. I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren at this time. The vehicle did stop in the 100 block of West Oregon Avenue. I did perform a passenger side approach after calling out my stop to dispatch. I advised the driver, Jacob Rupp, of the reason for the stop being the expired/fictitious plates. I asked Jacob for his license, registration, and insurance for the vehicle. Jacob advised he did not have his license or any documentation on him, and stated to me that he purchased the truck today(3/30/24). At this time I wanted to verify the vehicle was not stolen and relayed the Vehicle Identification Number(VIN) to dispatch. Dispatch then advised me the vehicle was not reported stolen.

Ptl. Brindack #504 responded to my traffic stop and we had a brief discussion. Sgt. Kelm #503 also arrived on scene after being requested by Ptl. Brindack. After a brief discussion I then initiated a citation on Uniformed Traffic Citation #032036 for Fictitious Plates SCO: 335.10. Jacob was also given a mandatory court date of 4/4/24 0900AM @ MCC#3. I then retuned to Jacob and explained the citation to him. Jacob then signed the citation and stated he understood his citation and the mandatory court date.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506


Date: 3/28/2024 @ 23:01 hrs


ARREST: Donald Hanes
216 West Ohio Avenue Apt. 3 I2 Sebring

ORC: 2919.25(A) Domestic Violence (M1)
ORC: 2903.13(A) Assault (M1)

Date 03/29/2024 00:59 Officer: Reed

At 22:57 hours on 03/28/2024, police responded to a report of a fight at a location in the 200 block of W. Ohio Avenue. A Sebring man was arrested on a charge of domestic violence and assault as a result.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/28/2024 @ 20:00 hrs

135 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Jordan Walrath
177 W. Ely Ave. Alliance, Ohio

ORC: 2919.25(A) Domestic Violence (M1)
ORC: 2903.13(A) Assault (M1)

Date 03/28/2024 22:38 Officer: Reed

At 19:33 hours on 03/28/2024, an incident of domestic violence was reported at a residence in the 300 block of S. 15th Street. An Alliance man was subsequently arrested on a charge of assault and domestic violence as a result.

Det. Reed #508







Date: 3/27/2024 @ 15:35 hrs

100 Block W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Steven Nakoneczny
620 S. Lincoln Ave. Alliance, Ohio

ORC: 4513.22 Muffler
ORC: 4510.11 Driving under suspension (Non-Compliance)

At 15:35 hours on 03/27/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While patrolling westbound in the 100 block of E. Ohio Avenue, I noted that the vehicle in front of me, a black 2011 Ford Escape , had an excessively loud exhaust with a muffler that did not appear to be in working order so as to prevent excessive or unusual noise. Because of this, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle in the 100 block of W. Ohio.

Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was only able to produce an Ohio Identification Card that showed him to be Steven Nakoneczny. Mr. Nakoneczny also at this time informed me that his license was suspended and that he was just trying to get him from work.

I then returned to my patrol car where I relayed Mr. Nakoneczny's information to dispatch, with it being confirmed that his driver license was under an active non-compliance suspension. At this time, I began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032581. I cited Mr. Nakoneczny with Mufflers (ORC: 4513.22), as well as Driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11). Once I was finished, Mr. Nakoneczny signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at 09:00 hours on Thursday, April 04,2024, at Mahoning County Court #3. Mr. Nakoneczny also was able to make contact with a valid driver who he agreed would come to pick up the vehicle.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/27/2024 @ 16:22 hrs

300 BIock E. Wisconsin Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: William Hoschar
9689 SR 224 Deerfield, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (39/25)

At 16:22 hours on 03/27/2024, CPO Freer and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302.

While stationary in the alleyway between the 300 block of E. Vermont and Michigan Avenues at N. 12th Street, I observed a white Cadillac sedan that was traveling northbound on N. 12th Street near E. Indiana Avenue. The vehicle was traveling at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit. I then used the department issued laser (LiDAR) speed measuring device, with a locked speed of 39 MPH being obtained on the vehicle.

Once the vehicle passed our location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, which I noted the have Ohio Registration affixed to the rear, turned left onto E. Wisconsin Avenue before stopping.

I then approached and made contact with the driver, with me informing him of the reason for the stop as well as requesting his driver license, proof of insurance, and vehicle registration. The driver was able to produce the requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be William E. Hoschar Jr. In speaking with Mr. Hoschar, he said that he did not realize that he was going as fast as he was.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032582. I cited Mr. Hoscar for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 39 in the posted 25 MPH zone. I then returned to Mr. Hoscar's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, as well as made aware of his right to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, April 11,2024, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date and time.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/27/2024 @ 17:36 hrs

1000 Block S. Johnson Road, Sebring, Ohio

2193 Parkway Dr. Deerfield, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired or unlawful license plates

At 17:36 hours on 03/27/2024, CPO Freer and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302.

While stationary along the roadside in the 700 block of S. Johnson Road, I observed a blue Dodge pickup truck traveling southbound on this same stretch of roadway. The vehicle had Ohio Registration affixed to the rear, which had a red 2023-year validation sticker on it. A subsequent check through LEADS showed that the vehicle belonged to Edward Bates Jr. and that the registration had expired on 06/08/2023.

I then pulled onto the roadway, caught up with the vehicle to confirm the registration entered into LEADS was correct, and initiated a traffic stop once this was confirmed. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be Edward R. Bates, the vehicle's registered owner.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032583. I cited Mr. Bates with Expired or unlawful license plates (SCO: 335.10). Once I was finished writing the citation, Mr. Bates signed it, was given his copy, as well as informed of his right to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, April 11,2024, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/27/2024 @ 18:11 hrs

100 Block S. 12th Street Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Johnnie Esry
456 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (52/35)

At 18:11 hours on 03/27/2024, CPO Freer and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302.

While stationary along the roadside in the 100 block of S. 12th Street, I observed a gray Volkswagen SUV traveling northbound on this same stretch of road, with this vehicle appearing the be traveling at a rate of speed that was substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH limit. As the vehicle approached the intersection of E. Georgia Avenue, I activated the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna. A locked speed of 52 MPH was obtained.

Once the vehicle passed our location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle pulled over almost immediately. At this time I noted that Ohio Registration was affixed to the back of the vehicle. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle, registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License Showing him to be Johnnie L. Esry.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032584. I cited Mr. Esry with Speed (SCO: 333.03), for doing 52 MPH in the clearly marked 35 MPH zone. Once I finished writing the citation, I returned to Mr. Esry's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, April 11,2024, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 3/26/2024 @ 22:16 hrs

100 Block E. Maryland Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Jason Gorby
335 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension

At 22:16 hours on 03/26/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While patrolling northbound on N. 14th Street, I conducted a registration check of a black Saturn Astra that was traveling in front of me. The vehicle showed in LEADS as belonging to a Jason K. Gorby, whose driver license was under a non-compliance suspension.

I then verified this suspension with dispatch, with a traffic stop then being initiated. The vehicle came to a complete stop in the community parking lot on the corner of N. 15th Street and Maryland Avenue.

Upon approaching, I made contact with the driver, who I know to be Jason Gorby. In speaking with Jason, he said that his license may show as suspended due to an issue with his insurance not sending paperwork to the state.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032580. I cited Mr. Gorby for driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11). Once I was finished, Mr. Gorby signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, March 28,2024. Mr. Gorby was advised to call a valid driver and not to drive the vehicle from the scene himself. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/22/2024 @ 23:06 hrs


ARREST: Richard Bowman, Sebring, Ohio

ORC: 2919.25(C) Domestic Violence (M-2)
ORC: 2903.22(A) Menacing (M-4)

Date: 03/23/2024 03:05 Officer Demski

Upon arrival We made contact with victim who advised that his room mate, Richard Bowman , who has lived with him for the past two years began making threats to "kick his ass" because he had allegedly drank Richard's beer. Went on to say that Richard had become increasingly hostile towards him over that past few months and believed he would make good on his threats.

When asked if he wanted to sign a complaint and write a statement, stated he would.

We entered the residence and I began speaking to subject who also lives at the residence. Ptl. Brindack and Det. Reed went to speak to Richard.

Subject stated that there had been an argument prior to our arrival which she overheard from her room. When asked about the statement allegedly made by Richard to kick ass, she confirmed that the statement had been made.

Richard denied making those statements and advised it was simply a argument over the beer and cigarettes. Upon speaking to subject and Richard, Officers regrouped outside to discuss the facts that we had gathered. Det. Reed pointed out that because Richard co-habituates that this fell under section C of the domestic violence law.

It was decided to arrest Richard for domestic violence and menacing. I took Richard into custody without incident. I handcuffed ( double locked) Richard and placed him in my patrol car. A written statement was obtained and due to a medical condition, a verbal statement was collect via voice recorder by Det. Reed and I. A victims rights sheet was left with and I transported Richard lo the station. While on station Richard told Officers he wanted to write a written statement. I mirandized Richard and provided him with a statement form which he filled out.

Photographed and transported to the Mahoning county Jail without incident. Richard was charged with Domestic Violence 2919.25(C) and Menacing 2903,22(A).


Date: 3/22/2024 @ 16:26 hrs

300 Block N. 13th Street Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Aaron Ostrosky
9238 12th St. N. Benton, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (41/25)

At 16:26 hours on 03/22/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary in the alleyway that runs parallel north of the 400 block of E. Ohio Avenue at N. 12th Street, I observed a black GMC pickup truck that was traveling southbound on N. 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit.

As the vehicle came to E. Indiana Avenue at N. 12th Street, I used the department issued laser speed measuring device to obtain a locked speed of 41 MPH. Once the vehicle passed my location, I pulled onto the roadway and positioned my patrol car behind it. The vehicle then turned right on E. Ohio Avenue, beginning westbound.

At this time, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle continued, turning right onto N. 13th Street from E. Ohio Avenue before stopping. At this time, I noted that Ohio Registration was affixed to the rear.

Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce an Ohio Driver License that showed him to be Aaron M. Ostrosky. In speaking with Ostrosky, he said that he was unaware of the 25 MPH speed limit on the section of roadway and that he did not see it posted until before seeing my patrol car. It should be noted that the speed limit is clearly posted in various areas.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032576. I cited Ostrosky for speed (SCO: 333.03) for going 41 MPH in the marked 25 MPH zone. Ostrosky then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to appear to contest the citation at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, April 4,2024, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by that date.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/22/2024 @ 17:50 hrs

300 Blk Courtney Rd. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Lee Cromartie
22751 Alden Ave. Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (52/35)

At 17:50 hours on 03/22/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary along the roadside in the 300 block of Courtney Road, I observed a red Chevrolet Cobalt that was traveling eastbound in this same stretch of road, with this vehicle traveling at what appeared to be a speed that was significantly above that of the posted 35 MPH limit.

Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 52 MPH.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The red 2010 Cobalt came to a stop almost immediately.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce an Ohio Driver License that showed him to be Lee Edward Cromartie. In speaking with Mr. Cromartie, he informed me that he did not realize that he was going 52 MPH.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032577. Mr. Cromartie was cited for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 52 MPH in a marked 35 MPH zone. I then returned to his vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, April 4,2024, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date and time. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/23/2024 @ 13:10 hrs

600 Block W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Victor Bowen
164 E. Columbia St. Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 335.01 Driver License Required

At 13:l0 hours on 03/23/2024, CPO Freer and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304.

While stationary along the roadside in the 100 block of S. Johnson Road, I conducted a registration check on a gray Dodge Avenger (OH Reg ) , that was traveling northbound on this same portion of roadway. A return through LEADS showed that the vehicle was registered to a Harley Ann Townsend, whose driver license was under an active suspension. The registration also showed as having expired on 03/02/2024.

I then pulled onto the roadway and attempted to catch up to the vehicle, with me doing so in the 200 block of N. Johnson. At this time, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then turned right before stopping in the 600 block of W. Ohio Avenue.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I advised him of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce an insurance card as well as an Ohio Driver License that showed him to be Victor Bowen. Also present in the vehicle at this time was Harley Townsend.

I then returned to my patrol car where I relayed Bowen's information to dispatch as well as checked his driving and warrant status through LEADS. At this time, I found that Bowen's driving status was under a failure to reinstate status. It was also found that the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles had a confiscation order on the driver license belonging to Harley Townsend.

I then returned to the subject vehicle where I asked Victor if he was able to contact a valid driver in lieu of the vehicle being towed. Victor said that he could, with him also telling me that he believed that all issues with his driver license had been cleared up with the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

I then returned to my patrol car where I began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032578. I cited Victor with Driver License Required (SCO: 335.01). Victor then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court t 3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, April 04,2024, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date and time.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 3/21/2024 @ 19:14 hrs

900 Block North 12th Street

CITED: Cassidy Shoulders
436 North 17th Street Sebring

CHARGE: SCO 333.03 Speed(39/25)

On 03/21/24 @ 1914 while performing stationary radar along North 12h Street in marked cruiser #304 I observed a vehicle traveling north near E. Michigan Ave. at a higher rate of speed than the post marked 25MPH. I estimated the vehicle to be traveling at around 40MPH, and when I utilized my handheld portable radar (Brand- Decatur Electronics / Model- Scout 2 / S/N: SHD2-00548) that was properly checked for calibration via calibration tuning forks at the beginning of my shift(1800), I observed a clear and constant tone with no feedback. The vehicle was also the only one on the roadway. The handheld radar showed a speed of 39MPH.

Upon observing this, I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren. As I approached the vehicle it stopped in the 900 block of North 12th Street. I approached the drivers side and advised the driver of my affiliation and reason for the stop being the observed speed via the handheld radar. The driver, Cassidy Shoulders, stated she "didn't mean to go that fast". I asked for her license, registration, and proof of insurance. Cassidy did procure the requested documents and I returned to marked cruiser #304.

I wrote Cassidy on uniform traffic citation #031961 for speed(39/25) SCO 333.03. I returned to Cassidy and advised her of her non-mandatory court date of 03/28/2024 if she wished to contest the citation.

Cassidy then signed the citation and received a copy for her records.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 03/21/2024


Date: 3/19/2024 @ 11:39 hrs

100 Block N. 15th St. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Donald Lynn

CHARGE: SCO: 335.01 Driver License Required

At 11:39 hours 03/19/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While patrolling southbound in the 200 block of N. 15th Street, I conducted a registration check of a Silver Ford Ranger that was traveling in front of me. The vehicle returned through LEADS as belonging to a Donald S. Lynn, whose driver license was under a failure to reinstate status.

Immediately upon receiving this information, I noticed that the vehicle was pulling over and parking along the southbound lane of travel in the 100 block of N. 15th Street. I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce the requested documentation, with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be the vehicle's registered owner.

In speaking further with Mr. Lynn, he informed me that he had been arrested for OVI and as a result had his license suspended. Mr. Lynn said that he believed that he had done all the necessary steps to have a valid driver license. At this time, I again confirmed through dispatch that Lynn's status was in fact not valid.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032562. I cited Mr. Lynn for Driver License Required (SCO: 335.01). Mr. Lynn then signed the citation, was given his copy, as well as advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, April 4, 2024. A valid driver was called for Mr. Lynn. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/21/2024 @ 18:03 hrs

300 Block E. Wisconsin Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Caley Boyd
16749 Cannons Mill Rd. East Liverpool, Ohio

CHARGE: ORC: 4511.21 Speed (49/25) (M-3)

At 18:03 hours on 03/21/2024, CPO Freer and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303.

While stationary in the alleyway between the 300 block of E. Michigan and Vermont Avenues at N. 12th Street, I observed a Silver Subaru Sedan traveling northbound on N. 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit. As the vehicle passed the intersection of N. 12th Street and E. Indiana Avenue, I used the department issued laser speed measuring device to obtain a locked speed of 49 MPH in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, pulled onto the roadway, and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle continued traveling down the road with its emergency flashers on, despite the overhead emergency lights on my patrol car being on. The vehicle, a silver 2018 Subaru Impreza, then turned left before coming to a complete stop in the 300 block of E. Wisconsin Avenue.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed her of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce an Ohio Driver License that showed her to be Caley Jean Boyd, as well as eventual proof of valid insurance. In speaking with Boyd, she said that she realized her speed but believed that she was in a 45 MPH zone due to that being what her GPS said.

Upon returning to my patrol car, I searched Boyd's driving history through LEADS, noting that she had three prior convictions for moving violations since November of 2023. I then began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032099, with me citing Boyd for speeding, for going 49 MPH in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone. It should be noted that due to the charge being elevated to a misdemeanor of the third degree due to prior convictions, she was cited under Ohio Rev. Code in lieu of Sebring Codified Ordnance.

I then returned to Boyd's vehicle where she signed her citation, was given her copy, and advised of her mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:OO on Thursday April 4,2024. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/19/2024 @ 08:47 hrs

400 Block N. 14th St. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Tara Choice
165 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired Registration

At 08:47 hours on 03/19/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 204. While doing so, I conducted a registration check on a white Volkswagen SUV, that had been parked in the parking lot of Circle K (205 E. Ohio Avenue), before beginning northbound in N. 14th Street. The vehicle showed to be registered to a Tara Choice, with the registration expiring on 11/27/2023.

As the vehicle crossed W. Maryland Avenue on N. 14th Street, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to an almost immediate stop, with me approaching and making contact with the driver. In speaking with the driver, I informed her of the reason for the stop as well as requested her Driver License, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all documents but valid proof of insurance, with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Tara Choice.

In speaking with Choice, she said that she was aware that her license plates had expired and that when she went to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, there was some type of block preventing her from getting her updated registration.

I then returned to my patrol car where I looked through the information provided on the LEADS return.

At this time, I noted that there was a warrant block in place, despite Choice not having any entered warrants that were appearing. I then began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032100, with Choice being cited for expired license plates (SCO: 335.10).

Once I was finished with the citation, I returned to Choice's vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, April 4, 2024. This being due to her inability to provide proof of insurance. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/20/2024 @ 13:30 hrs


SUMMONS: Seth Sharp
14515 Bandy Rd. Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 505.01 Dogs or other animals running at large

On 03/14/2024 I was dispatched and responded to the 500 Block of W. Texas Ave for an animal complaint. I was advised by dispatch that the dogs belonging to Seth Sharp on Bandy Rd were reported in the 500 block of W. Texas traveling towards the 400 block of W. Texas Ave.

I arrived in the area and checked the area from the 600 block of W. Texas Ave to 15th Street with out being able to locate. I then cleared the scene.

Moments later I was dispatched to the area of 17th Street and W. Georgia Ave for the dogs in the area. I then responded to the area and located the dogs at 127 W. Georgia Ave.

I advised dispatch that I had visual of the dogs and they In fact did belong to Seth Sharp. I was able to recognize the dogs from previous calls for them running in the village. I advised dispatch to make contact with the owner to get them to come retrieve the dogs. The dogs then ran from 127 to 104 and behind the residence.

The dogs finally came around to the front of the residence and started traveling West bound on W. Georgia Ave.

Detective Reed arrived on scene and brought a leash to attempt to catch the dogs. Officers were unsuccessful.

The dogs kept traveling West bound on West Georgia. I remained on foot in attempts to catch the dogs and not lose visual of them. The dogs got to S. 20th Street and turned South bound on S. 20th in the yard of 616 S. 20th Street. They then went towards W. Florida Ave and proceeded to travel West bound on Florida Ave.

Dispatch advised at this time the owners for the dogs were close to my location. I advised dispatch at this time the dogs had ran behind the residence of 679 W. Florida Ave.

At this time I observed the owner's truck come to the intersection of S. 20th and W. Georgia Ave. The owner than came to Florida Ave and was able to get both of the dogs in the bed of the truck. I was able to speak with Seth Sharp. I was advised the female is the one that gets out and the male follows. I was further advised the female patrols for 3 miles due to the breed of dog she is and the male only goes because of her.

I advised Seth and Jessica that because of the amount of calls and times we have encountered the dogs running in the Village causing a disturbance, that charges will be issued for Dogs running at large. A summons will be issued for this charge. Section 505.01 (C) M-M and a court date will be given a court date of 04/04/2024.

NOTE: Both of the dogs are very docile.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507

At approximately 13:20 hours on 03/20/2024, I served Mr. Seth Sharp with his summons relating to this case.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 3/14/2024 @ 16:53 hrs

195 N. Johnson Rd. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Michael Wilson
24168 USR 30 East Rochester, Ohio

ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension
ORC: 4503.11 Owner required to file application-taxes

At approximately 16:45 hours on 03/14/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303 with CPO Freer. While parked in the parking lot of Sebring Friends (616 S. Johnson Road), I observed a silver Subaru Legacy traveling northbound on S. Johnson Road. I noticed that the vehicle had what appeared to be a red 2023-year registration sticker on the rear license plate. Prior to being able to pull onto the roadway to verify this, other vehicles pulled in front of me in traffic.

I continued behind the subject vehicle, with it turning into the parking lot of Zep's Pizza (195 N. Johnson Road). At this time, I noted that Ohio Registration was affixed to the rear of the vehicle. A check of LEADS showed that this registration had expired on 12/01/2023, with the vehicle being registered to a Bradley Allen Wilson, whose driver license was under an active suspension. The return through LEADS coming as the vehicle was parking and a female exiting the front passenger seat. I also noted a male sitting in the front driver seat who had been operating the vehicle.

Due to not wanting to disrupt the business, I opted to park within sight of the vehicle and wait for it to pull out before effecting a traffic stop. The female who had been in the vehicle then exited the restaurant, took a gas can from the vehicle, and began walking across Johnson Road. I then asked the female if she needed assistance, with her saying that she was going to get fuel and that her boyfriend was still in the vehicle. I then opted to go ahead an initiate contact, with me confronting the female about the vehicle's expired registration and the suspended status of the registered owner. I also pulled behind the vehicle and activated the patrol car's overhead emergency light.

At this time, I made contact with the male who had been operating the vehicle, with him telling me that the vehicle belonged to his son and that he was not aware of the registration being expired. The male produced an Ohio Driver License that showed him to be Michael Allen Wilson, with it being found that his driving status was under a non-compliance suspension. The female, identified as Sarah Wutrick, was found to be suspended as well. Because no valid driver was immediately available, I opted to tow the vehicle.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032573. I cited Mr. Wilson with driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11), as well as owner required to file application - taxes (ORC:4503.11. Mr. Wilson then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, March 21,2024.

An administrative inventory of the vehicle was completed by Ptl. Brindack with nothing of value being located. Once this was completed, the vehicle was towed to Sebring Tire. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/15/2024 @ 15:44 hrs

400 Block W. Georgia Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Jody Visi
135 W. Florida Ave., Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired Reg

At 15:44 hours on 03/15/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While patrolling eastbound in the 400 block of W. Georgia Avenue, I conducted a registration check of a blue Jeep SUV that was traveling in front of me. The jeep showed as belonging to a Jody Visi, with the registration having expired on 07/01/2023. A 2023-year sticker was attached to the registration, with this being red in color.

I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. Upon making contact with the driver, I Informed her of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Jody Y. Visi.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted uniform Traffic Citation No. 032098. I Cited Visi for expired registration (SCO: 335.10). I then returned to her vehicle, where Visi signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, March 28,2024, as well as of her option to pay the citation by contacting the court by that date. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/11/2024 @ 17:30 hrs

15884 Louisville Street NE Homeworth, Ohio

ARREST: Shawna Blake
4030 Whitacre Ave SE Minerva, Ohio

CHARGE: ORC: 2925.12(A) Possessing drug abuse instruments

Date 09/18/2021 22:11 Officer Reed

At 15:25 hours on 09-18-2021, I responded to a report of an overdosing subject, who was inside of a car in the 600 block of W. Ohio Avenue.

On 09-21-2021, I spoke with prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin regarding this case. After informing Prosecutor Van Brocklin of the facts and circumstances of the incident, he advised to go forth with one second degree misdemeanor charge of Possession of Drug Abuse Instruments (ORC: 2925.12(A)) against Blake. Blakes Computerized Criminal History was checked with no convictions being present that would allow this charge to be elevated. A warrant will be secured for Blakes arrest through Mahoning County Court #3. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506

At approximately 17:10 hour on 03/15/2024 Minerva Police Department called to advise that they were out on a crash with Shawna Blake and that they had found her to have warrants through our agency. After verifying that Shawna had been medically cleared, Ptl. Brindack went to meet with Minerva Police Department to take custody of Shawna, with our agency meeting with theirs at the Dollar General in Homeworth, Ohio (15884 Louisville St. NE). Shawna was then brought back to the station where she was read her Miranda Rights, with her agreeing to speak with me.

In speaking with Shawna, she advised that she does not recall this incident specifically, and that she is no longer involved in drug activity. Shawna was then photographed, fingerprinted, and processed before being released on an own recognizance bond. It should be noted that it was explained to Shawna that she is required to personally appear for arraignment at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, March 21, 2024.

A copy of the recognizance form was give to Shawna. Once all processing was completed, she was provided with a courtesy transport to 545 W. Ohio Avenue by Ptl. Brindack.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/13/2024 @ 16:46 hrs

745 N 17th St

CITED: Jacob Carter
18080 6th St Beloit OH

4510.11 DUS
4511.20 willful and wanton disregard
4511.21 Traffic control devices

On this date while on patrol in the area of W Ohio Ave and N 18th St Ptl. Freer was riding with me at the time. We observed a green Ford Focus being driven by Jacob Carter cross N 18th St headed North, I believed Jacob to be suspended I asked dispatch for a status check and performed a U-turn and when I pulled onto 18th St Jacob was already at 18th and Indiana and ran the stop sign without signaling headed East bound on Indiana. I activated my lights and sirens and radioed to dispatch that Jacob appeared to be fleeing, when I turned on Indiana Jacob was turning North onto 17th St I followed and Jacob ran the stop sign at 17th and Virginia and continued North, I radioed to dispatch Jacob was still not stopping and requested they notify a supervisor. Jacob continued North very slowly at about 10mph my patrol car was directly behind him with my lights and siren activated. Jacob pulled into 745 N 17th St and stopped.

I approached the car and asked Jacob why he was driving in such a reckless manner and why he did not stop. Ptl. Freer began speaking with passengers being identified. Jacobs mother was also outside the house.

Det. Smith from the Smith Twp Police dept also arrived on scene because he had heard Jacob refusing to stop and Jacob is known to have violent tendencies and was recently arrested by the US marshal service for weapons charges.

In total Jacob refused to stop for about 5 blocks. We witnessed him run two stop signs, one at 18th and Indiana and one at 17th and Virginia it is presumed he also ran the stop sign at Maryland and 18th based on how fast he was at the next intersection. Jacob was also found to be suspended.

Jacob was cited for DUS 4510.11 Willful and wanton disregard for safety 4511.20 and traffic control devices 4511.21. He was given a court date at MCC#3 of 03/21/2024. Paige was given a one-time warning for wrongful entrustment she did admit she knew Jacob was suspended and was told she would be cited next time. The car was left in the driveway in lieu of towing.

Jacob stated he was not trying to flee but was scared to pull over, given Jacob remained relatively slow, and did stop after only about 5 blocks he was not arrested for Failure to comply.

Ptl. Brindack #504 03/13/2024


Date: 3/13/2024 @ 23:52 hrs

E. Ohio Ave. / N. 12th St.

CITED: Linda Stuller
836 South 13th Street Sebring,

CHARGE: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (DUS)(Non-Compliance)

On 03/13/2024 while at Circle K, Sgt. Kelm #503 advised dispatch to run a license status check of Linda Stuller as she was checking out at the front counter. Dispatch advised Linda Stuller was suspended for Non-Compliance. Officers left the Circle K and parked at the Gioninos across the street as Linda got into the drivers seat of a Subaru. I ran the plate through dispatch and was told it returned to Linda Stuller's mother. Linda Stuller left the Circle K, operating the Subaru heading Eastbound on East Ohio Avenue.

I pulled out of the Gioninos parking lot and Sgt. Kelm followed me. I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren. The vehicle came to a stop On East Ohio Avenue, near the intersection of North 12th Street.

I called out my stop to dispatch and turned on my audio recorder to marked cruiser #303 and performed a passenger side approach of the Subaru. I identified myself and my affiliation. I advised Linda that she was suspended and I observed her operating the vehicle. I asked Linda if she was aware she was suspended and she stated "I am supposed to have an SR 22, but I'm late paying it". I advised Linda she would be receiving a citation for the driving under suspension, but if she could get someone with a valid license to operate the vehicle within the next 10 minutes, I would not tow it.

Linda attempted to call multiple times but was unsuccessful. I asked Linda for her license and she procured her license to me. I returned to my cruiser and advised dispatch to verify Linda's license status via her OLN. During this time dispatch advised Linda also had a confiscation order on her license. I returned to Linda, advising her that her license had a confiscation order.

I wrote Linda on uniformed traffic citation #032035 for Driving Under Suspension (DUS)(Non-Compliance) ORC 4510.11, and advised her of her mandatory court date of MCC #3 03/21/2024 @0900 AM. Linda signed the citation and was given a copy of her citation. Linda was unable to provide me with a copy of the vehicles registration or insurance, and was marked on the citation as not showing proof of insurance.

Due to Linda being unable to contact a valid driver, I advised dispatch to get a tow in route. I performed a property inventory search of the vehicle and created a makeshift tow slip due to running out of tow slips.

Springers towing signed the tow slip and Linda left the area on foot after denying my courtesy transport to her residence at S. 13th Street.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 03/14/2024


Date: 3/13/2024 @ 08:14 hrs

100 Block S. 12th St. Sebring, OH

CITED: Raymond Steede
26713 Buck Rd. Beloit, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (49/35) MM

At 08:14 hours on 03/13/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary along the roadside in the 100 block of S. 12th street, I observed a red Ford Ranger traveling northbound on S. 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH speed limit. As the vehicle approached E. Georgia Avenue, I obtained a locked speed of 49 MPH while the vehicle was still in the clearly marked 35 MPH zone. The driver of the vehicle also appeared to notice my patrol car, with the vehicle slowing as it neared the start of the 25 MPH zone.

Once the vehicle passes my location, I activated the patrol carps overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, bearing Ohio registration, came to a complete stop near the railroad tracks.

I then approached and made contact with the driver, with him immediately "I just seen the speed limit sign when I seen you".

The sign he was referencing would have been the 25 MPH sign indicating the start of this zone, which starts just north of E. Georgia Avenue. At this time, I requested the subject's driver license, insurance information, as well as registration. The driver was able to produce the requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be Raymond C. Steede.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032572. I cited Steede for speeding (SCO: 333.03), for going 49 MPH in the clearly marked 35 MPH zone. I then returned to Steede's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, as well as advised of his right to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, March 28, 2024, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date.

I then cleared from the stop. It should be noted that the speed of the subject vehicle was determined using the in-car radar unit in car #303. The calibration of which being determined to be accurate on this date.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 3/6/2024 @ 0736 hrs

400 Block W. Virginia Ave. Sebring, Oh

CITED: Timothy Butler
316 Overlook Dr. Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired Registration

At 07:36 hours on 03/06/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While patrolling westbound in the 300 block of W. Virginia Avenue, I conducted a registration check on a silver Ford Focus that was traveling in front of me. The vehicle showed as being registered to Timothy J. Butler, with the registration expiring on 12/20/2023.

I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, who was found to be the vehicle's registered owner, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license. Mr. Butler was able to provide this to me, with him also telling me that he was unaware that his registration had expired almost four months prior.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032570. I cited Butler for expired license plates (SCO: 335.10). Once I finished writing the citation, I returned to Butler's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, March 21,2024, at 09:00, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/4/2024 @ 14:31 hrs

Criminal - 135 E. Ohio Ave Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Stephanie Shack
705 E. Ohio Ave Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: 2917.11 Disorderly Conduct

Date 03/04/2024 14:31 Officer Russell

On 03/04/2024M myself and Officer Melendez were standing outside of the Sebring police department while Chief Harris was conducting a golf cart inspection. Officers observed Stephanie Shack walking down the alleyway behind the department. Stephanie looked over in the direction of Officers, Chief Harris and the gentleman having the golf cart inspected. Stephanie started to yell out comments asking if we give rides to females in that thing.

Officers did not engage. Ms. Shack then started towards the direction of Officers and started making more comments towards Chief Harris stating she needs to speak with him. Myself and Officer Melendez started to walk towards Ms. Shack advising her that Chief is on Official business and she would have to wait until he is finished. Ms. Shack became upset saying he is not busy and I want my Jewelry back. I advised Ms. Shack that she would have to wait until a later time. Ms. Shack then attempted to sit on the back of the golf cart. She was advised she needed to move. She then walked over to the picnic table and sat down still making comments.

Chief Harris, advised her at this time that is enough and to stop with the comments. Ms. Shack still proceeded to state that she wants to speak with him. Officers advised Stephanie that she would have to set an appointment to speak with him and to get her belongings back.

She then went into the main lobby of the Police department. Myself and Officer Melendez went back into the police department and into the dispatch center. While standing in the dispatch center I heard Ms. Stephanie Shack engage with Dispatch supervisor. Stephanie was extremely irate with Dispatcher. She refused to cooperate and answer any questions needed for her request to speak with Chief Harris and started to make comments to Dispatch stating she knows the female voice beside her and she does not need any information from me. She then demanded Dispatch to show herself at the window.

Dispatcher asked Ms. Shack to please leave at this time if she was not willing to cooperate and continue to give her attitude.

Ms. Shack refused to leave. At this time Myself and Officer Melendez made contact with Ms. Shack in the main lobby. While entering the main lobby I observed a male subject standing in the lobby waiting on Chief Harris that was finishing the inspection for the golf cart. I then asked Stephanie to leave. She started to walk towards the door and then stopped at the door and started yelling at officers. I advised her once again she needed to leave.

Ms. Shack opened the door to leave and walked out and then came back in the door and started to yell at officers once again. I then advised Ms. Shack if she did not leave and stop causing a scene that she was going to be taken into custody. She walked out the door again and came right back in and started yelling once again.

I advised her this time she was being placed under arrest. I grabbed her arm and asked her to place her hands behind her back. I advised her she was being arrested and charged with Disorderly conduct persist. Stephanie Shack was then placed in hand cuffs. The cuffs were double locked and secured. Officer Melendez advised dispatch that she was taken into custody and secured the area for me to escort her through the back of the building.

Ms. Shack was placed in the booking where she was booked and processed. I was then advised Ms. Shack has an active warrant out of Alliance and Columbiana county and that Alliance wants her. While booking Ms. Shack she kept yelling at this officer and refused to settle down during my entire encounter. Ms. Shack was then transported to the Alliance police department by officer Melendez.

Note: Ms. Shack was given a court date of 03/07/2024 at the MCC#3, She was released on her own recognizance.

Ms. Shack refused to sign the recognizance form.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 3/8/2024 @ 1640 hrs

100 Block S. 12th St. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Gary Waselich
16528 Middletown Rd. North Benton, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (55/35) MM

At 16:40 hours on 03/08/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary along the roadside in the 100 block of S. 12th Street, I observed a small black sedan that was traveling northbound on N. 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPHS speed limit. As the vehicle, a black Ford Focus, neared E. Georgia Avenue, I obtained a locked speed of 55 MPH.

This while the vehicle was still in the clearly marked 35 MPH zone.

The driver then appeared to notice my patrol car, with the vehicle beginning to slow substantially as it neared the area of the posted 25 MPH limit.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then pulled over to the shoulder of the road, with me noting that Ohio Registration was affixed to the rear.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be Gary L. Waselich. Mr. Waselich at this time said that he was not aware of the speed limit until he seen the 25 MPH sign near where I was sitting. I explained to Waselich that prior to this sign, the speed limit on S. 12th Street was 35 MPH the entire time that it ran through the village limits.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032571. I cited Waselich for speed (SCO: 333.03) for going 55 MPH in the marked 35 MPH zone. Mr. Waselich then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, March 21,2024, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 3/9/2024 @ 2206 hrs

N. 12th St. / E. Michigan Ave.

CITED: Michaela Elliott
9713 SR 224 Deerfield

CHARGE: SCO 335.01 No OL(MM)

On 9 March 2024 @ 2206 hours I was performing patrol duties eastbound on East Ohio Avenue when I observed a vehicle traveling eastbound in front of me that had no lights illuminating the license plate. As the vehicle stopped at the intersection of East Ohio Avenue and North 12th Street I also observed a white light emanating from a broken passenger side tail light as they braked. I followed the vehicle as it went Northbound, then initiated my overhead emergency lights and audible siren. The vehicle did stop on North 12th Street, near East Michigan Avenue. The vehicle I identified as a silver Audi.

I performed a passenger side approach of the vehicle and identified myself and my affiliation. I advised the driver for the stop being the license plate lights not working and the white light from the broken passenger side brake light. The driver, Michaela Elliott, advised she did not know her license plate lights were out, but did know of the broken tail light. I asked Michaela for her drivers license, registration, and insurance. Michael stated she did not have her license or insurance on her. I returned to my marked cruiser #304 and wrote Michaela on uniformed traffic citation #032034 for Drivers License Required SCO 335.01.

I advised Michaela of her mandatory court date of 03/14/2024 @ 0900 AM and requested her signature on the citation. Michaela complied and I issued her copy.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 03/09/2024




Date: 3/5/2024 @ 02:29 hrs


On 3/5/2024 at 2:29pm the Sebring Police Department received a call of a 40 year old male who had barricaded himself in his apartment at 236 Alabama Ave. with a knife and possibly a shotgun. The subject made threats to kill his family and several public officials.

Officers arrived and contacted the male who was speaking through an upstairs window. Officers attempted to talk the subject into coming outside so they could provide him help. At this time the subject refused to come out.

Negotiators from the Mahoning County Crisis Response Team were requested to respond. After arriving on scene, negotiators attempted to talk the subject out of the apartment. After the subject continued to refuse to come out, the decision was made to force entry to safely subdue him and prevent him from harming himself.

Officers located the subject in the second floor bedroom and issued commands for him to drop his knife. The subject complied and was safely removed from the apartment.

The subject was taken to the hospital for an evaluation and officers cleared the scene at approximately 5:30pm.

We would like to thank Smith Township, Goshen Township, and Mahoning County Crisis Response team for their assistance.






Date: 3/2/2024 @ 2032 hrs

California Avenue/ South 17th Street

CITED: Celine Dugan
17888 5th Street Beloit

CHARGE: SCO 333.03 Speed(37/25)

On 2 March 2024 @ 2032 hours I was performing stationary radar on California Avenue near South 17th Street when I observed a vehicle traveling at what I believed was a higher rate of speed than the posted 25MPH speed limit. I estimated the vehicle to be traveling at around 38MPH, and when I utilized my handheld portable radar (Brand- Decatur Electronics / Model- Scout 2 / S/N: SH02-00548) that was properly checked for calibration via calibration tuning forks at the beginning of my shift, I observed a clear and constant tone with no feedback. The vehicle was also the only one on the roadway. The handheld radar showed a speed of 37MPH.

Upon observing this I waited for the vehicle to pass me, then initiated my overhead emergency lights and audible siren. The vehicle did stop on California Avenue, near South 17th Street.

I performed a passenger side approach of the vehicle and identified myself and my affiliation. I advised the driver for the stop being her speed. The driver, Celine Dugan, advised she did not realize the speed limit was 25MPH on that road. I asked Celine for her drivers license, registration, and insurance. Celine procured all requested documents and I verified they were current. I returned to my marked cruiser #303 and wrote Celine on uniformed traffic citation #032033 for Speed(37/25) SCO 333.03.

I returned to Celine and advised her of her non-mandatory court date and requested her signature on the citation. Celine complied and I issued her copy.

I then cleared without further incident.

PtI. Peterman #506 03/03/2024


Date: 3/2/2024 @ 1645 hrs

100 Block N. 12th St. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Alexander Smith

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired License Plates

At 16:45 hours on 03/02/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While parked in stationary along the roadway in the 100 block of S. 12th Street I conducted a registration check of a dark blue Honda Civic that was waiting for a train to pass. The vehicle. A 2021-year model with Ohio Registration, showed as being registered to a Alexander C. Smith, with the registration expiring on May 5, 2023. I was also able to use my patrol car's MDT to determine that the driver of the vehicle was the registered owner.

Once the train cleared and the vehicle was a safe distance from the railroad tracks, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a stop in the parking lot of Sebring Tire.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license. The subject's identity was at this time confirmed by his Ohio Driver License, with him informing me that he was aware of his expired registration and that he had been recently cited by another agency because of it being expired.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032569. I cited Mr. Smith for Expired License Plates (SCO:335.10).

Due to his having recently been cited for the same offense, I did assign him a mandatory appearance at Mahoning County County #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, March 14, 2024.

I then returned to Mr. Smith's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his required appearance before the judge. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 2/27/2024 @ 1050 hrs

Huntington Bank Parking lot

CITED: Sandra Fleming
10793 Kevin Rd North Benton OH

CHARGE: ORD:313.01 Traffic Control Device

On 27Feb24 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a 2010 Red Ford Explorer with Ohio Registration driving east on West Ohio Ave run the red light. While sitting at the light I observed the vehicle slowing down and the front bumper lower. While still looking at the vehicle simultaneously the traffic light changed from yellow to red. The vehicle then sped up in an attempt to make the light, but the vehicle had not yet passed the white stop strip.

After observing the Violation I then turned on my emergency Lights in my marked patrol vehicle 305 and conducted a traffic stop in the parking lot of Huntington Bank.

Upon contacting the driver Sandra Fleming advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. While talking to Fleming She began to state that she is an amazing driver and she does not know the reason why I pulled her over, As I was explaining to her that while I was at a complete stop, I observed her speed through the Intersection. Fleming then proceeded to ask if I could cut her a break and I advised her to not ask that question to any Law enforcement officer.

After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was Valid. was cited with Ticket #032473 for traffic control device with a court date of 2/7/2024 at MCC#3 at 0900.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 3/7/2024




Date: 2/24/2024 @ 0055 hrs

N. 14th WE. Oregon Ave. Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Joshua Somerville
125 N. 14th Street, Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: ORC:2917.11 (A)(3) DOC (Persist) M-4

COURT: MCC #3 02/29/2024 @09:00

At 00:52 hours on 02/24/2024, an officer on patrol observed a dispute between subjects in a motor vehicle and a pedestrian at the intersection of N. 14th Street and E. Oregon Avenue. A Sebring resident was charged with disorderly conduct with persistence after repeatedly ignoring officers commands to stop taunting the other party.

Date 02/24/2024 01:50 Officer Reed

At 00:52 hours on 02/24/2024. I was conducting OVI saturation patrol in marked unit 304. While patrolling southbound on N. 14th Street, I observed a white Kia sedan stopped at the stop sign at the intersection of N. 14th Street and E. Oregon Avenue. A male subject, who was was on foot in the middle of the roadway, was screaming at the occupants of this vehicle. As a result, an adult male subject, known to me to a witness, did exit the vehicle and begin engaging with the male who had been standing in the roadway.

At this time I relayed the vehicle's registration to dispatch, as well as advised that I was out with an unknown disturbance. I also activated the overhead emergency lights on my patrol car, with me announcing myself as a police officer as I exited.

At this time, I instructed witness to wait by his vehicle while I spoke with the subject, who had been standing in the roadway. I was also joined by Ptl. Demski and Sgt. Kelm at approximately this time. In speaking with the male subject, identified by his Ohio Driver License as Joshua Somerville. I detected the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his person. Somerville's speech was also slurred, his eyes glassy, and what appeared to be urine was soaking the front area of his sweat pants. When I asked Mr. Somerville what happened, he began making statements about the people in the car trying to fight him. I then instructed Ptl. Demski to stay with Somerville while I spoke with witness about the matter.

Upon approaching witness's vehicle, I noted that his son, had been driving.

In speaking with the two, they told me that Somerville had been in the roadway while they were driving, and that he had began screaming at them and challenging them to a fight. While I was speaking with the witness's, Somerville continued to yell profanities, many of which directed at the witness's, with me telling him several times to cease doing this as well as warning him that he would be charged with disorderly conduct. Somerville however refused to comply with my requests to stop, with him instead continuing to challenge the witness's to a fight. I then approached Mr. Somerville, placed him in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked, as well as informed him that due to his continuing to taunt the witness's and challenge them to a fight, he was being placed under arrest for disorderly conduct (ORC:2917.11 (A)(3)).

Mr. Somerville was then secured in the back of car 304. I also informed the witness's that a police officer would be coming over to their residence shortly to collect witness statements from them.

At this time I transported Mr. Somerville to the Sebring Police station where he was photographed, fingerprinted, and processed. It should be noted that throughout this time, Somerville was extremely belligerent and uncooperative with officers, with him making threats to file lawsuits. Mr. Somerville's series of events also changed several times, with him at one point saying that the witness's had assaulted him as well as threatened to kill his family.

When I offered to allow him to provide a witness statement regarding the matter, he repeatedly said that he wasn't a "snitch". Once Somerville was processed, he was given a ride back to his residence, with Ptl. Demski and I ensuring that he made it safely onto his porch due to his level of apparent intoxication. It should also be noted that although Somerville did sign the recognizance form, he made statements about not appearing in court, with me clarifying that he was required to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, February 29, 2024. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 2/22/2024 @ 1425 hrs

100 Btock E. Maryland Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Brandon French
616 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired Registration

At 14:25 hours on 02/22/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While patrolling northbound in the 300 block of N. 14th Street, I conducted a registration check of a gray Ford Mustang that was traveling in front of me. The Mustang had a red 2023-year registration sticker affixed to the back license plate (OH Reg ). Upon receiving a LEADS return on my MDT, I noted that the vehicle was registered to a Brandon S. French Jr, and that it had expired on 04/12/2023. It should also be noted that I had cited Mr. French on 02/06/2023 for expired registration in the same vehicle.

I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a complete stop almost immediately, with me approaching and making contact with the driver, who I did find to be Mr. Brandon French.

In speaking with Brandon, he told me that he knew his registration was expired and that he was struggling financially. I explained to Brandon that I would not tow his vehicle this time, but I would have to issue him a citation. I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032564.

After completing the citation, I returned to Brandon's vehicle, where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, March 7,2024, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by that date. It should also be noted that I did make it explicitly clear to Bandon that should he be found driving on a public roadway again after failing to update his registration, his vehicle would be towed. I then cleared from the call. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 2/20/2024 @ 1245 hrs

400 Block N. 12th St. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Brendyn Hodson
113 Laurel Leah Fenton, Michigan

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (53/35)

At 12:45 hours on 02/20/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary in the alleyway between the 300 block of E. Michigan and Vermont Avenues at N. 12th Street, I observed a white Ford SUV traveling southbound on N. 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH limit. As the vehicle passed the intersection with E. Wisconsin Avenue, I used the department issued laser speed measuring device to obtain a locked speed of 53 MPH.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, pulled onto the roadway, and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, a white 2008 Ford Escape bearing Michigan Registration , came to a complete stop near the football stadium.

I then approached, made contact with the driver, and informed him of the reason for the stop. The driver at this time stated that he wasn't sure of the speed limit until he seen the one near my patrol car. It should be noted that the 35 MPH limit is clearly posted immediately upon entering the village limits and the sign that the driver was referring to was another sign, which was for the reduced speed limit of 25 MPH, which is for traffic deeper within the village limits. The driver also at this time produced a Michigan Driver License that showed him to be Brendyn Shay Hodson. This being in addition to proof of insurance.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032565. I cited Hodson for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 53 in the clearly marked 35 MPH zone. Hodson then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, March 7,2024, as well as his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 2/23/2024 @ 1554 hrs

12th and Courtney Rd

CITED: Jesse Noling
82 N Mahoning Alliance OH

CHARGE: 335.10 Expired tags

On this date while clearing an unrelated call in the area of 12th and Courtney Rd I was traveling south reentering the village limits on 12th St. I observed a maroon car within the village limits headed north towards me at a high rate of speed. My radar was already activated and showed the vehicle speed as 53mph in a clearly marked 35 mph zone. The vehicle passed me and as it did so I observed the vehicle had excessive damage to the entire passenger portion of the front windshield. I activated my lights and siren performed a u turn and got behind the vehicle a maroon Chrysler Sebring bearing OH temp tag.

The vehicle continued traveling North and then turned left unto Courtney Rd. and came to a stop. I ran the tag and discovered it has been expired since 04/01/2023. I made contact with the driver Jesse Noling and informed him of the reason of the stop. Jesse was issued a citation for expired tags 335.10 and warned for the speed and obstructed view. The vehicle was towed away by Springers towing. Jesse had a court date in MCC#3 of Thursday 02/29/2024 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack 504


Date: 2/23/2024 @ 2347 hrs

800 Block N. 12th St. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Brittanie Burchfield
18982 SR 14 North Benton, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired Registration

At 23:47 hours on 02/24/2024,1 was conducting OVI saturation patrol in marked unit 304. While patrolling northbound in the 700 block of N. 12th Street, I conducted a registration check of a silver Chrysler 200 that was traveling in front of me. The vehicle's attached Ohio Registration, showed that the vehicle was registered to a Brittanie Burchfield and that it had expired on 11/09/2023.

Upon learning this, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to an almost immediate stop, with me approaching and making contact with the driver, determined by her Ohio Driver License to be the vehicle's registered owner.

When I asked Brittnie about the vehicle's registration and why it had been expired for so long, she said that she usually forgets to update her registration. After being provided proof of insurance by Brittanie, I returned to my patrol car where 1 drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032567. Brittanie was cited for expired registration (SCO: 335.1).

I then returned to Brittanie's vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, March 7,2024 as well as of her option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 2/24/2024 @ 1415 hrs

200 Block N. 12th Street Sebring, Ohio

CITED: SCO: 333.03 Speed (43/25)

At 14: 15 hours on 02/24/2024,1 was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary in the alleyway between the 300 block of E. Ohio and Maryland Avenue, at N. 12th Street, I observed a silver Chevrolet pickup truck traveling southbound on N. 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit. I then used the department issued hand-held radar device to obtain a locked speed of 43 MPH.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I pulled onto the roadway, activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, he immediately said "I know why you're stopping me, I was speeding". I then requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to provide the requested documentation, with his Ohio Driver license showing him to be James R. Burns.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032568. I cited Mr. Burns for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 43 in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone. Once I was completed with this, I returned to his vehicle where Mr. Burns signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, February 29,2023, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 2/13/2024 @ 1805 hrs

900 block W Ohio Ave

CITED: Jerry Malone II
327 5th St Salem OH

4510.11 DUS
4513.22 Loud Exhaust
Warrant (FTA) PCSO

COURT: MCC#3 02/22/2024

On this date while on Patrol in a marked patrol car I was driving near the intersection of Ohio Ave and Johnson rd. I observed a dark blue SUV with a louder than typical exhaust at the intersection. The vehicle proceeded west On Ohio Ave, and I activated my lights and siren. The vehicle, a 2004 Ford Expedition bearing OH pulled over just outside of the Village in Smith twp. I made contact with the driver, identified as Jerry L Malone II and informed him of the reason for the stop. Jerry stated he a "cherry bomb" type of exhaust and admitted the exhaust is modified.

Upon returning to my patrol car and running Jerry I discovered he was suspended and had an entered warrant out of Portage County. I requested a cover unit and Ptl. Rosenburg from Smith Twp PD responded. I detained Jerry and placed him in the back of my patrol car.

Portage County SO was contacted by dispatch and advised they did want Jerry. I advised Jerry of this and stated that I would allow him to find a valid driver to drive his vehicle away. Jerry contacted his mother who is valid.

When Sgt, Kelm arrived on scene he responded to my location so I could clear and take Jerry to Deerfield Circle and meet PCSO. Jerry was issued a citation for DUS 4510.11 and Loud exhaust 4513.22 with a court date at MCC#3 of 02/22/2024 at 0900hrs Jerry was transported to the Deerfield Circle and turned over to PCSO. Sgt. Kelm remained on scene until Jerry's mother arrived with a James Houshour, Jerry's uncle, who then drove the vehicle away.

Ptl. Brindack #504


Date: 2/10/2024 @ 0330 hrs

Sebring High School

ARREST: Anthony Nakoneczny
336 E Oregon Ave

CHARGE: 2923.20(A)(7) Unlawful transaction in weapons

Officer Reed

At 17:01 hours on 10/09/2023, I was notified by Dispatcher Murphy that Maple Heights, Ohio Police Department had called to report that they had retrieved a firearm off of a convicted felon in their jurisdiction and that an ATF trace showed the firearm to have initially been purchased by an Anthony Nakoneczny, of 336 E. Oregon Avenue. Maple Heights Police had contacted Nakoneczny, according to Dispatcher Murphy, with him saying that the firearm had been stolen from his residence and that he had filed a report with our agency.

Upon searching for said report, none were able to be located. I informed Dispatcher Murphy that I would contact the detective with Maple Heights the following day.

On 10110/2023, I made contact with Detective Marcus Scott, of Maple Heights Police Department. Det. Scott said that on 08/19/2023. Maple Heights Police recovered a Glock 17 9mm pistol off of a felon in their jurisdiction, with the firearm showing as having been purchased on 07/21/2023 by Anthony Nakonecny after an ATF trace was completed. Det. Scott said that he then contacted Nakoneczny, he said that the firearm had been stolen from his residence and that he had filed a report with Sebring Police. I again searched as dispatch had earlier, finding no record of Mr. Nakoneczny having made a report about the stolen firearm. A copy of the ATF trace sheet was also later forwarded to me by Det. Scott.

I then went to 336 E. Oregon Avenue where I made contact with Madonna Nakoneczny, who I know to be Anthony's mother. Madonna said that Anthony was no longer staying at the residence and that he has been staying in Akron. In speaking with Madonna, she said that Anthony had people over while she was out of town and that he believed that this was when the firearm had been removed from the residence. According to Madonna, she believes that her son noticed the firearm gone when he gathered his property to move to Akron.

She was unable to provide me with an approximate time as to when he had moved. Madonna said that he son had not made a police report regarding the matter because "he doesn't like doing that". Madonna then began attempting to find contact information for her son, with her being unable to do so. After asking her to have him call me at the police station, I cleared from the residence.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508

On this date Anthony Nakoneczny was encountered during and unrelated incident and was taken into custody on this warrant, Processed and given a recognizance bond with a court date at MCC#3 of 02/15/2024 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack #504


Date: 2/19/2024 @ 0044 hrs

Courtney Road/ N. Johnson Road

CITED: Jesse Noling
82 N. Mahoning Road Alliance

CHARGE: SCO 335.10 Expired Plates

On 02/19/2024 @ 0044 hours I was patrolling in marked cruiser #303 when I observed a vehicle swerving erratically within their lane. I observed 4 occurrences where the vehicle moved to the center line, then quickly shifting back towards the fog lane.

Upon my fourth observation I activated my emergency overhead lights, and audible siren. The vehicle stopped in front of MPI Labels on Courtney Road. I called the traffic stop out to dispatch and advised the temporary tag P924217. I approached the driver side of the vehicle and identified myself and my department affiliation as well as the reason for the stop being the swerving within lane. Due to previous encounters, I was able to identify the driver as Jesse Noling. Dispatch at this time advised the temporary tag was expired as of 04/01/2023

I advised Jesse Noling he would be receiving a citation for the expired plates. I asked Jesse for his license, registration, and current insurance. Jesse procured me his license but could not find the registration or current insurance to show me. I advised Jesse he would have a mandatory court date to show his current insurance for the vehicle. Jesse was respectful and cooperative during the encounter.

I returned to my marked cruiser and wrote on uniformed traffic citation #032032 for Expired Plates(SC0 335.10) with a mandatory court date of 02/22/2024 @0900AM. Jesse signed the citation and I handed him the copy of the citation.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506


Date: 2/16/2024 @ 0630 hrs

Courtney Road / Allied Drive

CITED: William Caldwell II
165 South Madison Avenue Columbiana

CHARGE: SCO 333.03 Assured Clear Distance Ahead

On 0211 6/2024 myself, and Ptl. Demski #509 responded to a report of a 2-vehicle accident at the intersection of Courtney Road and Allied Drive. On arrival I observed a black passenger car located off the right side (North) of the road on Courtney road in the grassy area, and a red truck parked south of the intersection of Allied Drive and Courtney Road with its hazard lights on. I parked my marked cruiser #303 just west of the black car with my emergency overhead lights on and approached the driver of the black car, identified as a Kia Forte, and asked the male what happened.

The male, William Caldwell, stated to me he was the driver of the Black Kia and was traveling west on Courtney Road when he observed the red truck in front of him slam on his brakes to make a left turn. William then stated he attempted to avoid striking the truck and steered right to avoid the truck but did strike the truck on the passenger rear quarter panel area, then his vehicle ran into the grassy area north of Courtney Road. I asked William if he was wearing his seat belt over his shoulder and lap as should be worn properly, and he stated he did. I asked William if he was injured and he stated he was ''just shaken up but okay". I asked William if he needed medical attention and he stated to me he did not.

I thanked William and advised him to wait at his vehicle while I talked to the other driver.

I approached the driver of the red truck, Jeffery Dyke, and asked him to describe to me the events that occurred. Jeffery stated to me that he was turning left onto Allied Drive and the driver of the black Kia struck him. I asked Jeffery if he was wearing his shoulder and lap belt and he stated he was. I asked Jeffery if he needed medical attention and he stated he did not need medical attention.

I thanked Jeffery for his time and stated to him not to move so I could get photographs. Multiple photographs were obtained and after investigation concluded the following:

Unit #1 was traveling west on Courtney Road behind Unit #2 when Unit #2 was turning left onto Allied Drive. Unit#l then struck Unit#2 and then drove into the grassy area north of Courtney Road.

Unit #1 was subsequently cited on uniformed traffic citation #032031 for SCO 333.03 Assured Clear Distance Ahead, with a non-mandatory court date of 02/22/2024 at 0900 A.M. Springer's towing was requested on scene to remove the Kia from the ditch, then parked in the parking lot of MPI Labels.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506


Date: 2/16/2024 @ 1713 hrs

300 Block W. California Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: 300 Block W. California Ave. Sebring, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (44/25)

At 17:13 hours on 02/16/2024,  I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary along the roadside in the 300 block of W. California Avenue, I observed a dark colored Chrysler Sebring traveling eastbound on California Avenue, at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit. Using the department issued hand-held radar device, I obtained a locked speed of 44 MPH, as the vehicle approached S. 19th Street.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, a dark blue Chrysler Sebring (OH Registration ), came to a stop almost immediately. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be James C. Morrow. In speaking with Mr. Morrow, he said that he was not paying attention to his speed.

At this point I returned to my patrol car where I began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation # 24-002049. I cited Mr. Morrow for speed (SCO: 333.03). Once completed, Mr. Morrow signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, February 29,2024, as well as his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508





Date: 2/10/2024 @ 1200 hrs

Criminal / Warrant pick up
Columbiana County jail

ARREST: Gary Rowles
346 Beech Street. Alliance, Ohio

2913.02(A)(1) Theft
2913.05(A) Telecommunications Fraud

COURT: MCC#3 02/15/2024

On this date Katrina Salyers advised someone had Fraudulently charged an unknown amount of charges possibly reaching in the thousands to various websites using her credit card information. At this time She wasn't able to provide very much information to investigate as she does not have online banking.

Katrina was given a voluntary statement and advised to return Monday with a detailed bank statement. Victim is also unclear weather she wishes to pursue charges at this time however she is seeking monetary reimbursement from her bank. This case will be pending.

Ptl. Brindack #504 06/04/2021

On 02/10/2024 the Columbiana county jail contacted the Sebring Police department for a Mr. Gary Rowels that was being released from their facility. It was advised that Mr. Rowels had an active warrant from the Sebring police department.

Officer Peterman responded to the CCJ on the above date and placed Mr. Rowels into custody. Officer Peterman transported him to the Mahoning county jail on felony warrants. Warrants are as follows. Theft F5 and telecommunications fraud F4.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 2/09/2024 @ 2200 hrs

135 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH [Sebring PD)

CITED: Stacey Dugan
496 W. Indiana Ave. Sebring, Oh

CHARGE: ORC: 4511.203 Wrongful entrustment of a motor vehicle

CITED: Timothy Boycan
496 W. Indiana Ave. Sebring, OH

ORC: 4510.11 Driving under suspension (License Forfeiture)
ORC: 4513.05 Illumination of license plate

At 21:ll hours on 02/09/2024,1 was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary in the alleyway between the 600 block of W. Ohio and W. Maryland Avenue at N. Johnson Road, I observed a gold sedan that was traveling westbound on E. Ohio Avenue, turn left and begin southbound on N. Johnson Road. At this time, I noticed that the vehicle's rear license plate lights was completely burned out.

At this time, I pulled my patrol car onto the roadway, activated the overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, a gold Ford Taurus, Ohio, bearing Ohio Registration, then pulled into the parking lot of Zep's Pizza (195 N. Johnson Road), with the driver then exiting and standing outside the door. At this point I exited my patrol car, with me informing the driver of the reason for the traffic stop as well as requesting his driver license. The driver identified himself as Timothy Boycan, with him telling me that he did not have a Driver License. Boycan, however, did provide his date of birth and social security number in addition to his name.

I then returned to my patrol car, with a search of LEADS showing that Mr. Boycan had five open suspensions on his driver license, with the most recent being added on 07/18/2016, with this being a license forfeiture type suspension.

At this point I returned to speak with Mr. Boycan, with me informing him of the license suspension, as well as asking him about ownership of the vehicle. Mr. Boyan stated that the vehicle belonged to his girlfriend, Stacey Dugan, and that she was aware of his driving status.

Ptl. Brindack arrived to my location at this time as well.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032560. I cited Mr. Boycan for driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11) as well as taillights and illumination of rear license plate (ORC: 4513.05). During this time, due to multiple license suspensions being present, the amount of time that they had been active, as well as his relationship with the vehicle's registered owner, I opted to tow the vehicle as well as cite Dugan with wrongful entrustment of a motor vehicle (ORC: 4511.203).

While I was completing the citation, Mr. Boycan brought his cell phone to me while he had Dugan on the phone. When I explained to Dugan that her vehicle was being towed and she was being cited for wrongful entrustment, she denied permitting Mr. Boycan permission to use her vehicle, with her saying that she wasn't even around. Dugan, however, declined to give a statement saying this or to pursue charges for unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. Dugan also stated, "you aren't citing me for shit".

Sebring Tire then arrived on scene while Ptl. Brindack was completing an inventory of the vehicle. The vehicle was then towed to their impound lot with a hold being placed.

Mr. Boycan then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, February 15,2024. Both units then cleared from the scene.

Once back on station, at approximately 22:00 hours, Stacey Dugan arrived to be issued her citation. I did speak with Dugan in the lobby area of the police department, with Ptl. Demski present. When I explained to Dugan the nature of the citation, she became extremely belligerent, stating that "no other cops do this" as well as making statements about Boycan being target because he is African American.

Dugan continued to maintain that she had not authorized Boycan to drive her vehicle, but refused to pursue charges for unauthorized use. Dugan, however, appeared to be attempting to intimidate me in the performance of my duties, stating that she wanted to know how to file a complaint. The process for filing a complaint was explained to Dugan by Ptl. Brindack, with her signed the citation, being given her copy, and advised of her mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, February 15,2024. Dugan was cited for wrongful entrustment of a motor vehicle (ORC: 4511.203). Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 2/10/2024 @ 2036 hrs


CITED: Tyler Warner
285 East Oregon Avenue

CHARGE: 4510.11 DUS(License Forfeiture)

At 2036 hours on 02/10/2024 while patrolling along the 200 block of East Oregon Avenue I made visual confirmation of the driver of a black 2013 Hyundai Accent that was being driven by Tyler Scott Warner, whom I confirmed through dispatch that his license was under suspension. Upon hearing this confirmation, I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren. I approached the vehicle where it stopped in the driveway at his residence, 285 East Oregon Avenue. I exited my marked cruiser #304 and performed a driver side approach. I identified my name and department affiliation as well as the reason for the stop being that Tyler was under a license suspension.

Tyler was respectful to me and advised to me that he was unaware that he was suspended. After explaining he would be receiving a citation, I returned to my cruiser and Tyler received a uniformed traffic citation #032030 for ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension(License Forfeiture(Fees)) with a mandatory court date of 02/15/2024 @ 0900 AM. I asked Tyler for his insurance and he failed to provide an updated copy of his insurance to me. I advised Tyler to bring an updated copy of his insurance card with him to court. The vehicle was left in the driveway and not towed, and Tyler was advised not to drive the vehicle until he takes care of his suspension.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506




Date: 2/6/2024 @ 0902 hrs

300 block W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Brandon French
616 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired Registration

At 09:OO hours on 02/06/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While patrolling eastbound in the 400 block of W. Oregon Avenue, I conducted a registration check on a gray Ford Mustang GT that was traveling in front of me. The registration showed that the vehicle belonged to a Brandon Scott French and that it had expired on 04/12/2023.

I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a complete stop almost immediately, with me approaching and making contact with the driver. In speaking with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce the requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be the vehicle's registered owner.

I then returned to my patrol car, where I drafted an E-Cite, with French being cited for expired registration (SCO:335.10). I then returned to French's vehicle where I provided him with his copy of the citation, as well as had him sign the retained copy. I also advised French of his right to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, February 15,2024, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by this date. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 2/7/2024 @ 1057 hrs

Courtney Rd/N Johnson Rd. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Robert Kress
63 W. Wayne St. Alliance, OH

CHARGE: SCO:333.03 Speed (51/35)

At 1057 hours on 02/07/2024,1 was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary along the roadside in 1100 block of N. Johnson Road, I observed a black Ford Focus traveling northbound on N. Johnson, at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH limit.

I then used the department issued handheld radar device to obtain a locked speed of 51 MPH, this being as the vehicle was in front of Carbon Polymers (1100 N. Johnson Road). Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, a black 2016 Ford Focus, then turned right on Courtney Road before pulling over.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver then produced an Ohio Driver License that showed him to be Robert Anthony Kress III. In speaking with Mr. Kress, he admitted to having seen the posted speed limit signs, with him asking why the speed limit was 35 MPH, with him asking if there was a school around the area. I explained to Mr. Kress that is the posted speed limit but that there was in fact a day care center right where I had been parked when I locked his speed.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032558.1 cited Mr. Kress for speed (SCO:333.03). One prior moving violation was noted on Mr. Kress's driving record, with this conviction being for speed and being added on 04/20/2023.

After completing the citation, I returned to Mr. Kress's vehicle where he signed the citation was given his copy, and informed of his right to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, February 15,2024, as well as of his option to pay the citation by contacting the court by that date. I then cleared from the stop. It should also be noted that the calibration of the Decature Scout 2 handheld radar unit was verified both before and after issuing Mr. Krees his citation.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 1/24/2024 @ 0859 hrs

100 Block S. 12th St. Sebring Ohio

CITED: Garyionce Oneil Thoms

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired Registration

At 08:49 hours on 01/24/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary in the alleyway to the north of the 400 block of E. Ohio Avenue at N. 12th Street, I observed a gray Audi SUV traveling southbound on N. 12th Street. At this time, I conducted a registration check of the vehicle, with the affixed Ohio Registration showing as expiring on 10/22/2023. The vehicle also showed as being registered to a Garyionce Lynn Oneil.

I then pulled onto N. 12 Street, with a traffic stop being initiated in the 100 block of S. 12th Street. In speaking with the driver, who was also the vehicle's registered owner, he informed me that he was unaware of what exactly was expired, with me explaining to him the requirements for vehicle registration in the State of Ohio.

I also drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032553, with Garyionce being cited for Expired Registration (SCO: 335.10). Garyionce signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to either pay the citation or to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, February 8, 2024, to contest the citation.

I then cleared from the call. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 1/23/2024 @ 2141 hrs


ARREST: Donald Handy
646 S 15th St

4511.19A1A OVI
4511.19A2 OVI Refusal
4511.33 Marked Lanes

On this date while on patrol, Sgt. Kelm and myself were riding in the same patrol car returning to our station traveling north on S 15th St. We observed a white truck approaching us headed south on S. 15th St. The vehicle swerved left of center and crossed the double yellow line on S. 15th St. near Florida Ave. This was witnessed by both Sgt. Kelm and myself. I performed a U-Turn and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle a white Ford F-350 which pulled into the driveway of 646 S 15th St and stopped.

The driver identified as Donald Handy began stepping out of the vehicle, I made contact with Donald and noticed he was swaying. his eyes were red and bloodshot, he was sweating profusely despite the fact it was only 38 degrees Fahrenheit his face was also red, and his eyelids were sagging. I also detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming off Donald when he spoke. I asked Donald if he had been drinking and he said "no just beer" I asked how many beers, Donald said just one and then changed his answer and said he had two beers. I asked Donald if he would perform SFSTs and he said he would.

I began with the Horizontal gaze nystagmus. I asked Donald to stand with his feet together and his arms down at his sides, holding his hands as if he was holding rolls of quarters. I told Donald not to move while I explained the test. Using my handcuff key as a stimulus I asked Donald to look at the silver part of my key and follow it with his eyes and eyes only keeping the handcuff key inches from Donald face I began moving the stimulus right to left. I began by checking for Equal tracking, equal pupil size, and resting nystagmus. I observed Donald eyes tracked equally, had equal pupil size and had no resting nystagmus. I continued with the test and observed Lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation, particularly strong in his right eye, and onset prior to 45 degrees in both eyes, I also performed a vertical HGN and observed vertical nystagrnus which is usually only seen in high tier OVI. I also performed lack of convergence tests and Donald eyes did converge. At times it appeared Donald was trying to look past my stimulus to trick the test and he did move his head multiple times.

I then moved onto the Walk and Turn test, I had Donald move to more steady ground and had him stand in the instruction position, feet together, arms at his sides, Donald began interrupting immediately and said he knew what the next test was, and he could not perform it. I asked Donald to let me explain the test I explained to Donald he would be walking in a straight line 9 heel to toe steps, I showed him how to place his right foot in front of his left foot heel to toe. I showed him an imaginary straight line and as an example I walked three heel to toe steps but informed Donald he would be doing 9, I showed Donald how to make a series of small turns so he would now be facing the other way and showed him three heel to toe steps again explain he would he doing 9. I told Donald not to start until told, to keep his arms at his side. Donald argued he would not do this test "regularly" and said even if you came back tomorrow morning, he couldn't do the test" Donald did attempt the test walked 11 none heel to toe steps forward and then stopped.

I then moved onto the one leg stand. I explained that I needed Donald to put his feet together, arms down at his side and not to move until I instructed him to. I told Donald to pick a foot of his choosing and raise that foot approximately 12 inches off the ground and the count by one thousand (One one thousand, two one thousand. three one thousand) until we told him to stop. I told Donald not to use his hands to balance and if he dropped his foot to pick it back up. Donald attempted the test but after about 10 seconds put his foot down and said he was done, he swayed during this time and put his foot down multiple times. Sgt. Kelm was present for all these tests.

I then placed Donald under arrest for suspected OVI and placed him in the back of my patrol car. At Donald's request we retrieved a garage door opener from his truck and closed his garage door. I did not tow Donald's vehicle since it was already in his driveway. Units transported Donald to our station and read him a BMV 2255 and explained the consequences of refusing a breath test or urine test. Donald acknowledged the consequences and refused to provide breath or urine. Donald was given a recognizance bond and issued a citation for ORC OVI 4511.19 (A)(1)(a) OVI refusal 4511.19 (A)(2)(a) and marked lanes 4511.33. Donald was given the next available court date in MCC#3 of 01/25/2024 at 0900hrs. Donald was then provided a courtesy ride home.

Ptl. Brindack #504 01/23/2024


Date: 1/22/2024 @ 0720 hrs

State Rt. 62 near S. Jonhson Rd

CITED: John Sloat
12135 Easton St. NE Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: 4510.11 Non Compliance Suspension

On 01/22/2024 I was dispatched and responded to State Route 62 between S. 15th Street and S. Johnson Rd for a DAV.

Upon arrival I spoke with Sgt. Starr from the Smith Township Police department that arrived on scene first. I was advised that John Wayne Sloat Jr. stated that his friend was driving the Blue in color Ford Ranger and left the scene on foot to get gas for the vehicle. I advised Sgt. Starr that I had traveled down S. 15th Street to get on scene and there was no one walking with a gas can. I was also advised by Officer Melendez that he traveled down S. 12th Street and was unable to locate anyone walking with a gas can. I then spoke with Mr. Sloat and advised him that there was no one walking with a gas can in either direction.

I then asked him where this subject went. He stated to me that his friend went somewhere towards Johnson and that he knew a cousin at the trailer park across the street that was going to give him a ride. I observed there to be several empty gas cans in the bed of the truck. I asked why the gas cans were in the bed of the truck if someone left to get gas. He stated they are extra cans. Mr. Sloat admitted at this time to driving the vehicle and lying to Sgt. Starr about the direction of travel from his friend. I verified through dispatch that Mr. Sloat is suspended for multiple suspensions.

Mr. Sloat was cited for Non-Compliance suspension 4510.11 and given a court date of Thursday, 01/25/2024 at 09:00 hours. I verified that Mr. Sloat was not the registered owner of the vehicle.

Springer's towing was then called to the scene to tow the vehicle. Once Springer's arrived on scene, they took the vehicle to their impound lot. I explained and served the citation to Mr. Sloat. He was then released and picked up by a family member.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 1/22/2024 @ 0720 hrs

1135 South 12th Street Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Steve Adams
306 West Indiana Avenue Sebring

4511.19(A)(1)(a) OVI(M1)
4511.19(A)(2)(b) OVI(Refusal)(M1)
4301.62 Open Container(MM)

On 01/20/2024 @ 2249 hours I responded to the area of South 12th Street and SR62 for a report of a reckless driver resulting in an OVI arrest.

Ptl. Peterman #506

Dispatch advised the caller stated the vehicle was "driving recklessly all over the road". I was at 15th and SR 62 when the caller advised dispatch that the driver was at Mahoning Valley Market. I slowed my response and observed two vehicles crest the hill at SR62 and South 12th Street. I then observed the two vehicles initiate a right turn onto South 12th Street. Dispatch relayed the caller stated they turned onto 12th Street, confirming to me it was the vehicle in question. I drove up to the caller vehicle and watched the suspected vehicle make several overly exerted jerky movements with the vehicle, given my training and experience, was consistent with someone under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. I observed the vehicle make 5 movements over the center line. Upon my fifth observation I initiated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren as I safely passed the witness vehicle. I then advised dispatch to send cover units to my location.

I approached the suspected vehicle and observed the vehicle maintain its speed of approximately 35mph for a short period of time. The vehicle then slowed down to approximately 15mph, then again sped up to 35mph. After approximately 1/10 of a mile, the vehicle turned on its right turn indicator and stopped in front of the residence of 1135 South 12th street.

I waited for cover units to arrive, advised dispatch of my location, then exited marked cruiser #303. Ptl. Brindack #504, and Ptl. Demski #509 approached my cruiser as I approached the suspect vehicle. t commanded the driver to turn the vehicle off as I approached and the driver complied with my command by shutting his vehicle off. I approached the drivers door and advised my name and department affiliation as well as the reason for the stop being the multiple left of centers. I also advised the driver that multiple calls were made about the drivers reckless driving.

The driver, later identified as Steve Adams, stated he did not know he was driving recklessly. I asked Mr. Adams if he had any alcoholic drinks tonight and Steve stated to me "I had about 2 beers". As I was speaking with Mr. Adams, I began to detect a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his person, as well as observing both of his eyes were glossy and his speech was slightly slurred. I asked Mr. Adams to exit his vehicle and come to the front of my cruiser #303. Mr. Adams complied by exiting his vehicle and walking in front of my cruiser.

I asked Mr. Adams due to the smell of an alcoholic beverage, as well as admitting to me that he had 2 beers if he would submit to a series of field sobriety tests to ensure he was safe to continue operating his vehicle. Mr. Adams shook his head up and down and verbally consented to the tests. I asked Mr. Adams if he wore contacts or glasses and he stated he did not. I then asked if Mr. Adams had any medical or surgical history and Mr. Adams stated he had both his left and right-side hip were replaced, and his right ankle had surgery due to being "destroyed". I asked Mr. Adams to stand with his feet together and hands and arms down to his side and he complied with the request. I pulled my handcuff key out of my vest, holding it approximately 12 to 15 inches from the front of his face at eye level, and asked if he could see it as I took my flashlight and flashed it down on the key. Mr. Adams stated he could see it and I advised him to watch it with his eyes only and not to turn his head. Mr. Adams agreed verbally and I began the tests. I observed the following as I conducted the standardized field sobriety tests:

* Equal pupil size in both felt and right eyes

* No resting nystagmus present

* Equal tracking of both left and right eyes

* Lack of smooth pursuit in both left and right eyes- 2 seconds out and 2 seconds back for each eye

* Distinct and Sustained Nystagmus in both left and right eyes- held for a minimum of 4 seconds before returning to centerline

* Onset Nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both left and right eyes- moved at a speed of approximately 4 seconds to reach a 45 degree angle

* I did not perform Vertical Nystagmus

After performing the Nystagmus test, we moved onto the walk and turn test. I observed the following during the walk and turn instructions and test:

* When requested, Mr. Adams placed his left foot on a line, (yellow road centerline used as reference line) and placed his right heel against the toe of his left foot.

When requested, Mr. Adams did place his arms down at his sides.

Mr. Adams was advised to maintain this position until I had completed the instructions and advised not to start walking until told to do so. Mr. Adams verbally agreed to the request.

I advised Mr. Adams that when told to start, take nine heel-to-toe steps on the line, turn and take nine heel-to-toe steps back down the yellow centerline.

* Mr. Adams was advised that upon his turn to keep your front foot on the line and turn by taking series of small steps with the other foot. Mr. Adams was instructed to watch his feet while he walked, count his steps out loud, and to keep his arms by his side. He was advised that once he began to walk, do not stop until the test is completed.

* Mr. Adams did verbally understand and agree to follow the instructions. I observed the following clues during the testing phase:

* Can't balance during instructions

* Starts too soon- did not wait for me to tell him to begin Missed heel to toe- multiple observations

* Steps off the line- multiple observations

* Uses arms to balance Turned improperly

* Wrong number of steps- I instructed Mr. Adams perform the full 9 steps, Mr. Adams performed 3 I showed him during the instruction phase

During the instruction phase of the one legged stand Mr. Adams made multiple complaints that he was unable to perform it due to his surgeries.

At this point I instructed Mr. Adams he was being placed under arrest for Operating a Vehicle Under the Influence(0RC4511.19) and placed in handcuffs that were properly gapped and double locked. Mr. Adams was read his Miranda rights and placed in the back seat of cruiser #303.

During vehicle property inventory, Ptl. Brindack and Ptl. Demski discovered an open bottle of bud light in the vehicle. I secured the bottle as evidence and returned to station for paperwork processing as The other two officers stayed on scene to wait for Springers Tire to tow the vehicle.

I returned to station and Mr. Adams was read the BMV 2255 by myself, and I requested Mr. Adams submit to a breath test and urine sample. Mr. Adams refused to submit to either test or sample. During my questioning/discussions with Mr. Adams, a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage was again noted coming from his person. Mr. Adams license was confiscated at this time and he received a citation on uniformed traffic citation #032072 for 1 count each (M1) OVl/OVl Refusal(0RC 4511.19(A)(1)(a) / ORC 4511 .19 (A)(2)(b)) and (MM) Open Container( ORC 4301.62). He was also given a verbal warning for left of center that was also documented on the uniformed traffic citation . Mr. Adams was fingerprinted and photographed then given a recognizance form to sign off on the charges. Mr. Adams signed off on the recognizance form and was given a courtesy ride to his residence by Ptl. Demski.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 01/21/2024


Date: 1/17/2024 @ 0842 hrs

200 Block E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Tiffany Garver
38325 North Ln. Willoughby, OH

ORC: 4510.11 DUS (Child Support)
ORC: 4503.11 (Expired Reg) Owner required to file app - taxes

At 08:42 hours on 01/17/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While sitting in the alleyway North of the 400 block of E. Ohio Avenue at N. 12th Street, I observed a white Chrysler Sedan traveling southbound on this same stretch of roadway. As the vehicle passed my location, I observed a red 2023-year validation sticker affixed to the rear license plate. I then pulled onto the roadway, catching up to the vehicle as it pulled in the paring lot of Circle K (205 W. Ohio Avenue).

At this time, I noted the license plate on the back was Ohio Registration. This returned as belonging on a white 2016 Chrysler belonging to a Kesley Louk, of Euclid Ohio. The registration showed that Louk's driver license was suspended, with the registration having expired on June 6, 2023.

I then positioned my patrol car within view of the parking lot of Circle K, with the vehicle then pulling onto E. Ohio Avenue and beginning eastbound. At this time I activated my patrol car's overhead emergency light and initiated a traffic stop. Upon approaching the vehicle, I informed the driver of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license, insurance, and vehicle registration. At this time the driver was able to produce an Ohio Identification Card that showed her to be Tiffany Louise Garver. When I asked for the identification of the front seat passenger, she immediately said that she did nothing wrong and was not willing to identify herself.

I then ordered both occupants out of the vehicle, with Tiffany and her passenger being directed to the berm of the road between my patrol car and her vehicle. At this time, I was joined by Ptl. Melendez, with me also finding that Tiffany's driver license was suspended. Because of this, I informed Tiffany that I would be towing the vehicle, with informing her that an administrative inventory was going to be completed and asking he if she needed anything out of the vehicle. Tiffany asked for her purse and her jacket, with her also granting me consent to search these. During this time, the passenger told me that she had nothing in the vehicle that belonged to her.

Upon conducting the inventory of the vehicle, I located what was immediately evident to me to be a THC vape in the center console. Upon locating this, I presented it to both Tiffany and her passenger, with them admitting that it was in fact a THC vape. This item was opened, and appeared to have been freshly used as was evident by the oils around the mouthpiece. The attached cartridge was approximately 1/4 full of THC oil.

At this time I explained that although THC and marijuana is now legal in Ohio, it cannot be used in a motor vehicle. Tiffany's passenger at this time told me that her name was "Gail Hggins", with her refusing to provide a name and date of birth. In speaking further with her, she admitted to having a warrant through Portage County Sheriff's Office, with her admitting that her name was Charlotte Garver, and with her providing her social security number. It should be noted that it was confirmed that Charlotte did have a warrant for her arrest through Portage County.

I then placed Charlotte in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked, before securing her in the back of my patrol car. I also at this time began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032552. This citation being for Tiffany Garver, with me citing her for Driving Under Suspension (ORC: 4510.11), as well as Owner required to file application - taxes (Expired Reg ORC:4503.11).

Sebring Tire was then called to tow the vehicle from the scene. At this time it was also agreed upon with Portage County that they did want to take custody of Charlotte Garver, with their agency agreeing to me at Deerfield Friends Church (1261 OH-14, Deerfield, OH). Tiffany then signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, January 18,2024.

Sebring Tire then arrived and towed the vehicle to their impound lot. Afterwards, I cleared from the scene and transported Charlotte Garver to Damascus Friends Church where custody was transferred to a deputy with Portage County Sheriff's Office. All units then cleared from the call.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 1/16/2024 @ 1047 hrs

900 Block N. 12th St. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Kaidan Bolyard
112 E. Texas Ave. Sebring, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired Registration

At 10:47 hours on 01/16/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary in the alleyway between the 300 blocks of E. Vermont and Michigan Avenues at N. 12th Street, I observed a black BMW 328 Xi, bearing Ohio Registration, traveling northbound on N. 12th Street. As the vehicle passed my location, I observed a red 2023 registration sticker on the back right portion of the license plate. Upon running the vehicle's registration through LEADS on my in car MDT, I found that the registration to the vehicle was in fact expired, with it expiring on 09/17/2023.

I then pulled onto the roadway, initiated a traffic stop, and made contact with the driver/registered owner, Kaidan Bolyard. In speaking with Bolyard he said that he had not realized that his registration had expired. At this time, 1 returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032351. I cited Bolyard for expired registration (SCO: 335.10).

I then returned to Bolyard's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to either pay the citation or of to contest it by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, January 25,2024. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 1/13/2024 @ 1140 hrs

300 Block E. Indiana Ave,Sebring, OH

CITED: Jeffrey Cox
431 W. 4th Street Salem, Ohio

SCO: 333.03 Speed (35/25)
SC: 335.01 Driver License Required

At 11:40 hours on 01/13/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary in the alleyway between the 300 block of E. Michigan and Vermont Avenues, I observed a gray Subaru sedan traveling southbound enter the clearly marked 25 MPH zone at a rate of speed that appeared to be higher than that of the posted limit. The vehicle traveled approximately 200 yards past the clearly marked speed limit sign, with me obtaining a locked speed of 35 MPH using the department issued laser speed measuring device.

I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and attempted to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a gray Subaru 2.5RS bearing Ohio Registration, then turned onto E. lndiana before coming to a stop at E. Indiana Avenue and N. 14 St.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop with him telling me that his GPS said that the speed limit showed to be 35 MPH. The driver also informed me that he did not have a driver license, nor did he have insurance on the vehicle. At this time, I asked the driver his name and date of birth, with him identifying himself as Jeffrey James Cox (DOB: 2001). His social security number was also taken to further verify his identity. I also did identify the front seat passenger of the vehicle, who identified herself as Shaylah Darby (DOB: 2006).

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032073. I cited Cox for speed (SCO: 333.03), as well as driver license required (335.01). This being after it was determined via LEADS that his temporary permit had been cancelled. Due to Cox not having insurance on the vehicle nor a valid driver license I also called Sebring Tire to tow the vehicle.

I then returned to Cox's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 08:30 hours on Thursday, January 18, 2024. An administrative inventory of the vehicle was then completed by Ptl. Russell and I before the vehicle was towed to Sebring Tire's impound lot.

It should be noted that a Thomas Sihock arrived on location to pick up Cox and Darby. Due to Darby being a minor I verified his identity using his Ohio Driver License. Units then cleared from the scene. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #5098


Date: 1/13/2024 @ 1551 hrs

200 Block E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Carter Ludwig
489 1 Woodridge Dr. Youngstown, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired Registration

At 1551 hours on 01/13/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While patrolling eastbound in the 300 block of E. Ohio Avenue, I conducted a registration check of a gray Volkswagen Passat that was traveling the same direction in front of me. The registration returned as having expired on 08/26/2024. While on E. Ohio Avenue approaching N. 14th Street, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights in order to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle then turned left and began southbound on N. 14th St, with me activating the patrol car's air horn in order to signal the driver to pull over. The driver continued on despite this, with him pulling into a parking space at the Brickhouse Bar & Grill (206 E. Ohio Avenue).

I then approached the vehicle and made contact with the driver, with me informing him of the reason for the stop. When I asked the driver why he had not yielded to my emergency lights immediately he said that he was on his way to the Brickhouse Bar & Grill for work. The driver then produced an Ohio Driver License that showed him to be Carter James Ludwig, as well as proof of insurance.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032070.1 cited Ludwig for Expired Registration (SCO: 335.10). I then returned to Ludiwig's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to either pay the citation or to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, January 25, 2024. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 1/12/2024 @ 1743 hrs

100 Block E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Joshua McCullough
17846 3rd St. Beloit, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired Registration

At 17:43 hours on 01/12/2024, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While patrolling northbound on N. 15th Street in the Downtown District, I conducted a registration check of a white Jeep that was traveling in front of me. The registration showed to belong on a back Dodge, with it having expired on 11/21/2023.

The vehicle then turned right from N. 15th Street and began going eastbound on E. Ohio Avenue. At this time, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated traffic stop. The vehicle came to a complete stop on E. Ohio Avenue near N. 14th St.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his Driver License, Vehicle Registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was only able to produce an Ohio Driver License, that showed him to be Joshua Ray McCullough.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032074. I cited McCullough for Expired Registration (SCO:335.10) Once completed, I returned to McCullough's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, January 25, 2024. McCullough was further advised to be sure that he brought proof of insurance with him to court, seeing as this was the reason that he was not permitted to waive the mandatory appearance. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 1/10/2024 @ 0131 hrs

100 Block East Ohio Avenue

CITED: Jenna Scott
588 W. Oregon Avenue, Sebring

CHARGE: 4510.11 DUS(Non-Compliance/FRA)

At 0131 hours on 01/10/2024 while patrolling along the 200 block of East Ohio Avenue I observed a white vehicle fail to use its right turn signal at the intersection of N. 14th Street and East Ohio Avenue.

Upon making observation of this traffic infraction, I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren then safely performed a U-turn. I approached the vehicle where it stopped in the 100 block of East Ohio Avenue and Sgt Kelm #503 covered me. I exited my marked cruiser #304 and performed a passenger side approach. I identified my name and department affiliation as well as the reason for the stop being the turn signal violation.

At this time I also advised the driver that her vehicle had a license plate and registration confiscation order from the BMV. The driver and registered owner, Jenna Scott, stated to me that she had a $32.00 fine she forgot to pay. I also advised dispatch and they confirmed her license was also suspended. I told Jenna this as well. I then asked the passenger for his license and he stated he did not have a license on him. I then asked for his information so I could write it down and he complied.

The passenger, Kadrian Moore, had an active warrant out of Tuscarawas County but it was out of the pickup range. I advised Kadrian of his warrant.

I walked to station as Sgt. Kelm watched the two citizens to grab a screwdriver to remove the license plate from the vehicle. When I returned to the traffic stop, I removed the license plate without damaging the vehicle in any manner. I then radioed dispatch to have a tow truck be dispatched to pick up the vehicle.

Jenna received a uniformed traffic citation #032071 for ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension(Non-Compliance/FRA) with a mandatory court date of 01/18/2024 @ 0900 AM. I asked Jenna for her insurance and she failed to provide an updated copy of her insurance to me.

Springers Tire arrived on scene with a flatbed and a property inventory of the vehicle was performed.

After the vehicle was picked up I cleared with both citizens in the back seat of my cruiser and provided a courtesy transport to 588 West Oregon Avenue. I arrived at the address and dropped both citizens off then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506


Date: 1/6/2024 @ 1604 hrs

100 Block S. Johnson Rd. Sebring, OH

CITED: Derik Lodge
421 W State St. Salem, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 335.01 Driver License Required

At 16:OO hours on 01/06/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary in the parking lot of Sebring Friends Church (615 S Johnson Rd), I observed a northbound Chevy SUV. Upon conducting a registration check through my in-car MDT, I found that this vehicle was registered to a Derik Scott Lodge, who only had an Ohio Identification Card, and not a driver license. The vehicle's registration also showed as expiring on 01/04/2024.

At this time, I attempted to pull onto the roadway to confirm this the registration, with me being prevented from doing so due to heavy traffic. Once I was able to pull back onto the roadway, I observed the vehicle pulling into Zep's Pizza's parking lot. At this time, I relayed the vehicle's registration to dispatch, with it being confirmed that the registration was expired, and the Registered Owner did not I have a valid driver license.

I then waited in the alleyway between the 600 block of W. Ohio and Oregon Avenues for the vehicle to pull back onto the roadway. After several minutes, I observed the vehicle pull from the parking lot of Zep's and begin southbound on Johnson Road. At this time I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop with him admitting that he was Derik lodge and that he did not have a driver license. After verifying Mr. Lodge's Social Security Number, I returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032075. I cited Lodge for Driver License Required (SCO:335.01).

I then returned to Lodge's vehicle where he informed me that he had a valid driver on the way from Salem to drive the vehicle home for him.

Lodge signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, January 18,2024, at 09:00 hours.

Lodge was given a verbal warning for expired registration as well as instructed to bring proof of insurance with him to court due to his not being able to produce this during the stop. I then cleared.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 1/2/2024 @ 2303 hrs

205 E Ohio Ave. Sebring

ARREST: Aaron Brumback
350 S. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles

CHARGE: 2925.14C Possession of Drug Pamhemalis

Date 01/03/2024 01:40 Officer Demski #512

On 01/02/24 A call was received about two individuals in a white car trying to break into Marathon gas station.

Because it was shift change, Sgt. kelm, Ptl. Brindack, Ptl. Peterman and I responded. As we were driving down Ohio Ave. Eastbound we witnessed a white car pulling into Circle K. I made contact with the driver, and the passenger, identified as Aaron Brumback. They told me they had just pulled into Marathon looking for a bathroom. The vehicle they were driving came back as a rental, Both subjects had California IDS and stated they were in town visiting family for the holidays. It was noted by Sgt. Kelm and I that Aaron was acting nervous and avoiding eye contact. It was noted that Aaron was dressed in dirty tattered pants.

Ptl. Brindack requested that Sgt. Kelm deploy K-9 Radar to conduct a free air sniff around the car. Radar was deployed and Sgt. Kelm advised that Radar positively indicated on the front passenger area where Aaron had stepped out of. A probable cause search of the car was conducted by Ptl. Brindack, Ptl, Peterman and I.

During the search a wallet belonging to Hellen was found with foreign currency was found. When asked about it, she told me she has been living in Germany for school and was visiting. During the vehicle search, I noted that Aaron had become increasingly nervous and was fidgeting with his breast pocket of his coat. Because of the location of the K-9 alert, a probable cause search of Aaron's person was conducted by Ptl. Brindack.

A small baggie of white powder residue was found in Aaron's front breast pocket. Aaron was placed in handcuffs, mirandized and secured in the rear of Car 304 by Ptl. Brindack. During this time Helen Sibila was also mirandized by Ptl. Brindack. When questioned by Ptl. Brindack Aaron admitted that the baggie had contained cocaine. A field test was conducted by Ptl. Brindack which confirmed the powder to be cocaine.

While continuing the search, Sgt. Kelm found another baggie of white powder residue in an article of men's clothing in the trunk of the rental car.

Nothing further was found and Aaron was taken back to the station for processing.

While Ptl. Peterman Processed Aaron he requested to use the bathroom he was told he must keep the door cracked and to not to flush the toilet. He exited the bathroom a minute later and stated that he had made "number two". However upon inspecting the toilet, there was nothing in toilet and neither me or the other officers standing outside the door heard it flush. Aaron then asked Ptl. Brindack if the car they were driving would be "flagged for law enforcement.

While Ptl. Peterman fingerprinted and photographed Aaron, Sgt+ Kelm, Ptl. Brindack and I discussed the suspicious behavior we had witnessed.

I decided to speak to Helen in the Lobby about her recent travel and relationship with Aaron. She stated that she met him in California a year and a Half ago, and had moved to Berlin three months ago to study communications. She advised she retuned to the United States on the 23rd. of December and she picked him up from Cleveland Airport on the 28th. They then rented the car they are currently driving and stayed in Pittsburgh for New years. They were returning from Pittsburgh on the 2nd of January when they stopped in Sebring to find a bathroom. Ptl. Brindack, with approval of Sgt. Kelm, requested the assistance of Det. Taussant of APD. Also during this time, consent was given by Helen to re search the car.

Det. Taussant arrived and spoke to both Aaron and Helen separately while Sgt. Kelm, Ptl. Brindack, Ptl. Peterman and I conducted a search of the car. After thoroughly searching the car, nothing of interest was found. After speaking with Det. Taussant, he stated that he believed there was likely further criminal activity occurring, however we didn't have sufficient evidence to obtain a Search warrant for Aaron's body cavities. At this time Arron Brumback was released on his own recognizance with a court date of Jan. 14th at Mahoning county Court 3 for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia 2925.14 (M-4).


Date: 12/30/2023 @ 2303 hrs

145 N 15th St

CITED: Ronald Fraraccio
51 W Grant St

CHARGE: 4511.194 Physical control

On this date I responded to Leonard hardware 145 N 15th St for a suspicious vehicle.

Ptl. Brindack 504 12/3012023

On arrival I located the described vehicle, a white Honda CRV bearing OH FGG3333 I noticed the vehicle was running and the driver was passed out behind the wheel. I attempted to wake the driver but could not do so fearing a possible medical problem I requested a squad to my location and as I did so the male woke up and it was immediately apparent the male identified as Ronald Fraraccio was intoxicated. Ronald was slurring his words, had red blood shot eyes, and there was a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the vehicle and off of Ronald's breath. I asked Ronald if he had been drinking and he initially denied it. After I informed him I could smell Alcohol he admitted he had been drinking.

I asked for Ronald's ID and he pulled out a credit card from his wallet. At this point I instructed Ronald to step out of the vehicle. Ronald declined all SFSTs and was placed in custody for physical control. Ronald admitted to having two Gin and tonics before driving and that the cup in the cup holder was also Gin and Tonic. I retrieved the cup and did notice it smelled strongly of Gin and was still full of liquid.

I transported Ronald to our station for processing. On station I had Det. Reed confirm the cup did smell strongly of Gin before dumping the liquid. Ronald refused breath and urine testing after having been read a 2255 form and his license was seized and he was placed under an administrative suspension. Ronald was issued a citation for 4511.194 Physical control with a court date of 0110412024 at 0900 in Mahoning County court #3.

Ronald was processed and given a recognizance bond and then released to his girlfriend who came to pick him up. Ronald vehicle was not towed due to the fact it was on private property.

Ptl. Brindack 504 12/3012023


Date: 12/30/2023 @ 2303 hrs


ARREST: Johnathan Cosgray
555 W. California Ave. Sebring, Ohio

2913.51 F-4 receiving stolen property
4549.62 F-5 offenses w/purpose to conceal

Date 12/30/2023 11:32 Officer REED

At 1654 hours on 12/29/2023, a phone call was received by Sebring Dispatch from a subject, "B.G.", who reported knowledge of a stolen John Deere utility vehicle at 555 W. California Avenue. According to dispatch. B.G. reported that a male subject known to them as Jonathan "Jon-Jon" Cosgray, resides at this residence and had attempted to sell them the vehicle. Upon being advised of this, I called B.G., with them agreeing to meet with me at the station to further discuss the matter.

Upon arriving on station, B.G. was brought back to the audio/video recorded squad room where I spoke further with them about the matter. At this time B.G. informed me that several days ago, Jon Cosgry had offered the item for sale to them, with them being shown the vehicle, which was in a shed at Cosgray's residence. B.G. said that when they began asking Cosgray questions about registration, titling, and paperwork for the utility vehicle, Cosgray told them that he did not have any paperwork, with him telling B.G. that the utility vehicle was "hot" and that It had been driven to his residence by someone from somewhere close by. B.G. further reported that the utility vehicle was green in color, and appeared to be a 2015 or so year model John Deere XUV. B.G. also reported that they believe they seen a hard-top on the vehicle at the time that they were shown it and that Cosgray had told them that it had approximately 425 hours on it.

B.G. was then provided with a voluntary witness statement, which clearly detailed the penalty of falsification on it should the writer of such be found to be knowingly providing false information. B.G. did complete this statement. with them signing both the front and back. B.G. then left the station.

After interviewing B.G., I made contact with Prosecutor, Gary Van Brocklin, regarding this matter. In speaking with Van Brocklin, he authorized me to seek a search warrant of the premises known as 555 W. California Avenue. Contact was then made with Judge Joseph Schiavoni. In speaking with Judge Schiavoni, he advised that he was unable to meet until the following day to sign the warrant due to being out of town. It should also be noted that at this time it was found that a John Deere XUV utility vehicle, green in color, was found to have been stolen from a location on Middletown Road in Goshen Township in April. Contact with this agency confirmed that the vehicle had never been recovered.

Contact was then made with Judge Molly Johnson, of Mahoning County Court #5, who agreed to meet with me to sign the warrant. I then drafted a search warrant and affidavit, with this warrant covering the premises of 555 W. California Avenue. The scope of this warrant being for the residential structure, curtilage, attached outbuildings, vehicles present, as well as persons. The reason for this so as to locate the keys for said vehicle. I then met with Judge Johnson, with her signing the warrant and affidavit. It should however be noted that Judge Johnson limited the scope of the warrant to the shed as well as any tarps or trash on the premises capable of concealing the utility vehicle.

Once the search warrant and affidavit were signed, I returned to the Sebring Police Department, where I met with Sgt. Kelm, Ptl. Demski, Ptl. Peterman, as well as Ptl. Russell. Det./Sgt. Dubiel. of Goshen Police District was also present, as well as Ptl. Vesco, of the Smith Township Police Department. All units then proceeded to 555. W. California Avenue, with myself and Ptl. Peterman approaching the residence on foot.

Upon knocking on the door, I made contact with who I know to be John Cosgray. John was initially reluctant to come to the door, with him then jumping from a mid-story window on the east side of the house onto a hose roller. Cosgray was immediately confrontational and hostile, with him being secured in handcuffs at this time. I also asked John for consent to conduct a patdown of his person as well as for consent to search his person.

Cosgray did grant this, with me finding a palm-size plastic container in his pocket. John immediately said "you know what that is". with him then saying "drugs". Cosgray then granted me consent to open the item, with a light-colored crystalline substance being found inside. This substance, based upon my training and experience, appeared to be methamphetamine. Cosgray was also read his Miranda rights at this time as well as secured in the back of car #304.

Once secured in the back of car #304, I asked Cosgray if taking his Miranda Rights into consideration, he was willlng to speak with me regarding the matter. Cosgray said that he was, with him saying "what you're looking for is in there", as soon as I told him that the search warrant was for the shed on his property. At this time Cosgray also told me that subject had brought the utility vehicle to his residence within the past several weeks. Cosgray admitted to having attempted to sell the item, with him telling me that the only person whom he had offered it. Cosgray then began to become hostile again, with him attempting to step out of the car while I was closing the door. While doing this, Cosgray claimed that his toe was caught in the door and had become injured.

Because of this, Sebring Fire/EMS was called to assess him, with it being found that the injury occurred at his placed of employment, several days beforehand. Cosgray did however tell me that the keys to the shed as well as utility vehicle were on a ring in his house. His wife, did retrieve this ring for me in lieu if officers using force to enter the shed. She also called family members to pick up the child that she and Cosgray share.

Upon opening the shed, I observed what appeared to be a large utility vehicle underneath of a gray tarp. Upon removing this tarp, I observed a green and yellow John Deer XUV560E. Upon closer inspection, it was found that the plate containing the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on the back of the frame near where the hitch was had been removed.

Several tools including a grinder were present within several feet of this part of the vehicle. Sebring tire was also called at this time to tow the vehicle from the scene. I also began speaking with Jessica Cosgray as well as subjects who also reside at 555 W. California Avenue. It should be noted that both subjects denied any knowledge of the utility vehicle, with both providing voluntary witness statements detailing this. A subject who identified himself as Jonathan Cosgray's brother was also present. Subject said that the utility vehicle had been brought to the residence but at the time did not want to provide a statement. Subject also said that he had heard that item was stolen from somewhere off of State Route 45.

In going further with the search, Ptl. Peterman was able to locate a VIN on an interior portion of the frame. This being after Ptl. Peterman spent approximately 30 minutes taking off various covers to access it. This VIN was lM0560EALKM020825. At this time it was determined that the VIN provided by Goshen Police District in their initial report was actually a model number. It was however determined that due to the VIN being tampered with, the vehicle would still be seized. Sebring Tire then loaded the item on their flatbed truck, with it being transported to their impound lot. It was also decided at this time that Jonathan Cosgray would be charged with possession of controlled substances (ORC 2925.11), for possession the light-colored crystalline substance that was field tested by Ptl. Brindack, with it being determined that it was in fact methamphetamine. This substance was later weighed, with it being found to weigh in at 10 grams. Due to this being in excess of the bulk amount, the charge of possession such being elevated to a felony of the third-degree. A copy of the search warrant as well as accompanying inventory was provided to both Jonathan Cosgray.

Cosgray was then transported to the Sebring Police Department where he was again read his Miranda Rights with him waiving these and agreeing to speak with Det./Sgt. Dubiel and I. This interview taking place in the audio/video recorded squad room. At this time, Cosgray said that the utility vehicle had been brought to his residence within the last several weeks. Cosgray admitted to having been attempting to sell the vehicle, with him telling Det/Sgt. Dubiel and I that he was going to receive several hundred dollars for doing so. Cosgray also admitted to having removed the hard roof from the vehicle. with him also saying that he should have known it was stolen.

Cosgray at this time did provide a written statement detailing his side of events. It should also be noted that while on station, Jonathan told officers that we misses something while searching the shed. Cosgray went on to say that the hard roof to the utility vehicle was still in his shed near his skateboards. Cosgray did give officers permission to re-enter the shed to retrieve this.

Cosgray was then photographed, with the necessary paperwork for commitment to jail being completed. Cosgray was then transported to the Mahoning County Jail with out incident by Ptl. Russell.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508

On this date while on patrol I was behind a maroon in color WV Jetta traveling East on California's Ave. At the intersection of California and 17th I observed the vehicle pull into the parking lot of a closed factory, this was unusual as the parking lot is mostly sectioned off to prevent entry and is not paved therefore not a place people typically pull over, the turn was also abrupt as if they were trying to avoid being in front of my patrol car. I made contact with the vehicle and identified the driver as Jonathan Cosgray. I knew Jonathan to have a warrant for two charges stemming from this case.

Dispatch confirmed the warrant and Jonathan was taken into custody. Jonathan was transported to our station processed and then transported to the Mahoning County Jail without incident. Jonathan is due in court tomorrow 01/04/2024 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Brindack #504




Date: 12/25/2023 @ 2055 hrs

18763 5th Street Beloit, Ohio

CITED: Dalton Bickley
15811 Danbury Drive Salem

CHARGE: ORC 4510.11 DUS(Non-Compliance / Physical Control)

On 12/25/2023 @ 2055 hours I was patrolling eastbound in the 300 block of east Ohio Avenue when I observed a red kia sedan driving eastbound on east Ohio Avenue. The vehicle then failed to come to a complete stop at the intersection of N. 12th and East Ohio Avenue. I ran the license plate through the mobile data terminal of marked cruiser #302 while stopped at the intersection and was notified that the registered owner was also suspended for non-compliance and physical control/OVI. I then activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren in marked cruiser #302. The vehicle pulled over in front of the residence at 18763 5th Street in Beloit. I called out my traffic stop to dispatch.

I exited my cruiser and performed a passenger side approach of the suspect vehicle. I observed the driver was the only occupant of the vehicle, and the male rolled the passenger window down. I advised the driver my name and department as well as the reason for the stop was due to him not coming to a complete stop at the aforementioned intersection as I observed the rear tires from the headlights of the cruiser did not stop completely before he drove out of the intersection. The driver, later identified as Dalton Bickley, stated he was sorry for running the stop sign.

I asked for Daltons license. I returned to my marked cruiser and advised dispatch of Daltons information. Dispatch advised a short time later that he was suspended on a non-compliance, and physical control/OVI suspension from 05/12/2023 until indefinite. After hearing this I returned to Dalton and advised him that his license was suspended. I also asked Dalton if he was aware he was suspended and he stated he did know he was. I asked Dalton to shut the car off and step outside of the vehicle and he complied with the request. I did a Terry pat down for any weapons on Dalton and did not find any weapons.

I spoke with Dalton and said if he could have a valid driver come to the scene, they could drive the vehicle without being towed. Dalton did find a valid driver, Tana Renne Dugan, and she did arrive on scene in a short amount of time. Dalton was given uniform traffic citation #032069 for ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension(DUS) non compliance/Physical Control/OVI, and given a mandatory court date of 1/4/2024 @ 0900AM, as well as given a warning for traffic control device - stop sign. Dalton signed the citation and received a copy and I explained his court date and information to bring.

Tana Renne Dugan took possession of the vehicle, and I cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman


Date: 12/24/2023

Warrant / Resisting
Circle K 205 E Ohio Avenue

ARREST: Stephanie Shack
705 E. Ohio Ave

(1) 2921.33 Resisting Arrest

(2) 2911.21A2 Criminal Trespass - restricted area

(3) 2911.01Bl Aggravated Robbery remove or attempt to remove from known law enforcement officer within course and scope of officer's duties

(4) 2903.13 Assault

Date 12/12/2023

On 12Dec23 I responded to Circle K for an Unwanted Person, Upon arrival I (Ptl. Melendez) met with Stephanie Shack. Shack who has been restricted from coming to Circle K walked in and attempted to purchase a coffee and cup of ice.

Upon entering the store I noticed Shack at the self check out, I then advised Shack to place her hands be hind her back and she began to refuse. While attempting to handcuff Shack she attempted to grab my gentile area and my face. I then advised her to stop and I then escorted Shack out to my marked Police Cruiser along with the manager at Circle K. While walking to my cruiser Shack attempted to reach for my weapon and that is when I assisted her to my cruiser.

At this time Chief Harris arrived to Assist. While checking my handcuffs on Shack Sebring dispatch advised that Shack had an Active Warrant out of Alliance and that they wanted her. White still on scene dispatch advised that Alliance Confirmed a hit and wanted her so Shack was transported to Ralphs Deli and Handed off to Alliance PD.

Upon arriving back on station I was advised by Chief Harris that after speaking with the Village of Sebring Prosecutor I will be charging Shack with ORC: 2921.33 Resisting Arrest / ORC: 2911.01(B)(1) Aggravated Robbery / ORC: 2911.21 Criminal Trespass / ORC: 2903.13(A)(5)(A) Assault.

Ptl. Melendez #505 12/12/2023

On 12/24/2023 I responded to 705 E. Ohio Ave for a threat complaint from Stephanie Shack. Upon arrival I observed the front door was wide open. I made contact at the residence by knocking on the door and yelling into the residence to identify myself as a Sebring police officer. I could hear Stephanie Shack's voice coming from the back of the residence telling someone they should eat a little more and they are such a fat hog. I then yelled back into the residence with no response from anyone.

I identified as being a Police officer once again. At this time Ms. Shack came to the door and stated everything is fine and she wants nothing done. She demanded that I leave at this time. I advised Ms. Shack that she had several warrants out for her arrest. She instantly became agitated and walked away towards her dining room stating she is not going to jail and I need to leave her house now. I advised that I am not leaving until she is taken into custody. Ms. Shack attempted to sit down at her table and stated she is going to smoke her cigarette and take her bath for church and to leave her alone once again. I then advised her that she is going into cuffs. I then grabbed Ms. Shacks left arm and placed it behind her back. She started to yell to leave her alone and get off of her. I then grabbed her right arm and placed it behind her back. She kept yelling telling me to get off of her and to leave her house. I then placed the handcuffs on Ms. Shack and double locked the cuffs.

Ms. Shack was then escorted to the front door where she kicked the glass window out of the storm door. She kept yelling stating she is going to have my job, name calling such as she kept stating that I should be ashamed of myself and she will get revenge on me some day in the future and repeated multiple times that she will never forget what I did to her 7 years ago and I caused her to lose her life.

I then placed Ms. Shack in the back of my marked patrol car unit 302. Ms. Shack was transported to the Sebring Police department where she was booked and processed. Ms. Shack made threats that if she could she would choke this officer out and name called more. She kept asking who the EMT bitch was that was working up front.

Officer Brindack came into the Sebring Police department to assist with Ms. Shack. Ms. Shack was escorted by Officer Brindack and myself to my marked patrol car unit #302 where she was placed in the backseat and buckled for her safety.

I then transported Ms. Shack to the Mahoning county jail. Ms. Shack kept stating she wanted to see all of the lies the officers have told about her the entire way to the jail, she also made comments and statements saying that if she could she would cause harm to this officer and I ruined her and her whole families lives and she hopes this officers vehicle blows up with me inside.

Once at the jail she stated not to touch her when attempting to get her out of the patrol car, she attempted to shrug away but then cooperated. Once inside of the jail Ms. Shack continued to be aggressive and call derogatory names towards the deputies and stating she is suicidal at this time. Nothing at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507

On 27Dec23 After Speaking with The Village Of Sebring Prosecutor Charges have been approved for Intimidation against Shack.

Nothing else to advise at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505





On 12/29/23 the Sebring Police Department received a credible tip about a stolen John Deere side by side located in a shed at an address in the 500 block of W. California Ave. After checking with local departments, officers determined that the John Deere was likely stolen from Goshen Township in April of 2023.

A warrant was obtained and executed by officers of the Sebring Police Department, with assistance from Goshen and Smith Township. A John Deere matching the description of the stolen vehicle was recovered from the property.

The resident of the property identified as Jonathan Cosgray was taken into custody after ten grams of methamphetamine was found on his person. Cosgray was booked into the Mahoning County Jail for methamphetamine possession with more charges pending the outcome of the investigation into the stolen vehicle.










At 2021 hours on Wednesday, December 27, 2023, Sebring Police Dispatch received a phone call from a subject who advised that he had just stabbed his wife 15 times, that he had her lover hostage, and that he would use explosives on his house if he did not receive a $10,000 cash ransom. The caller said that his name was “Jamal” and that he was at an address on E. Kentucky Avenue.

Upon arriving, the responding officer took a position of cover behind his patrol car, with him observing a subject on the front porch of the residence. Upon contacting the subject, it was found that he was a resident of the home, with it being determined that everything was okay, and the call had been the result of a hoax known as “swatting”.

As of the time of this release, contact had been made with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as police in Florida who have received similar phone calls with the target of this incident being a U.S. Senator.


Other politicians within the state of Ohio have also recently been the target of swatting incidents. The Village of Sebring Police Department treats the safety of its citizens with the highest priority and will continue to investigate this matter, as well as work with other law enforcement agencies to prosecute those involved in the latest incident.

In reference to a previous incident. During the early morning hours of Sunday, November 19, 2023, Sebring Police Dispatch received a phone call from a veteran’s crisis line reporting that a male subject was at a residence on E. Kentucky Avenue, that he was suicidal, and that he had made threats to harm himself and have police shoot him. Officers responded to this address, with attempts at contacting those inside being unsuccessful. Alliance Police Department’s Special Response Team was called, with a resident of the home coming to the door and being briefly detained. Once it was found that the resident was not the caller, he was released.

During the ensuing investigation into the matter, the audio recording of the call to the veteran’s Crisis line was obtained, with it being found that the caller at no point said that he lived in The Village of Sebring. The caller also appeared to be suffering from a legitimate mental health crisis and had called the line seeking help.

Upon review of documents provided by this crisis line, it also appeared that the veteran’s line had used several open source websites in an effort to determine who the caller was, with the text-now phone number that the caller used showing on these websites as belonging to the resident of the Kentucky Avenue address. The identity of the caller was also found in the course of this investigation, with the law enforcement agency where he was last known to reside being advised of the concerns for his mental health.

Because the caller at no point claimed to live in Sebring and the fact that he appeared to be seeking legitimate help, prosecution was declined. A local media outlet did air a story of this incident, which was not a true “swatting” incident.






Date: 12/20/2023 @ 1127 hrs

Summons: Samantha Kline
435 N 16th St Sebring Oh

CHARGE: ORC: 2913.04 Unauthorized use of Property

Summons: Miranda Montgomery
1478pike st Alliance OH

CHARGE: ORC: 2913.04 Unauthorized use of Property

Date 12/11/2023 14:12 Officer Russell

On 1211 112023 I was dispatched and responded to 166 W. Ohio Ave for a littering and illegal dumping complaint.

Upon arrival I spoke with subject who advised he spotted a large amount of trash bags piled up against the dumpster this morning upon his arrival. I was advised he checked the camera footage and saw a Subaru come from area of N 16th Street and turn into the alley way behind the laundry mat and behind the dumpster. He stated that there were at least 2 or 3 people that got out of the vehicle and started carrying bags of trash to the dumpster. The bags of trash were left on the ground beside the dumpster. I then asked to see the camera footage. While watching the camera footage I observed headlights traveling Southbound on N 16th Street on December 10, 2023 at approximately 2200 hours. I observed the headlights turn East bound into the alley way behind the laundry mat where it stopped at the dumpster. The vehicle appeared to be a 2 toned in color Subaru station wagon. Gray on the bottom and dark blue to black on top.

I then observed 3 subjects exit the vehicle and start unloading bags of trash to the dumpster where they left beside the dumpster on the ground. I observed what appeared to be 2 females and a male subject. I then started to open the bags of trash to check for any mail that belonged to an individual and or an address. Upon looking through the bags I found a box that had been delivered by Amazon to the address of 435 N 16th Street sent to an individual by the name of Samantha Kline.

I then photographed the scene and the box with name and address. I spoke with subject once again that advised he wants charges pressed for the illegal dumping. I then had subject send a still photo to my work email address of the vehicle. I observed large quantities of trash that included household garbage such as food, wrappers, used soiled bags full of cat litter, bags full of dog feces, boxes and old food. There were 5 to 6 plastic grocery bags that were tied up containing dog feces, a large white trash bag full of soiled cat litter, 4 large trash bags containing the household garbage of old food, wrappers, toilet paper rolls, boxes, shampoo and conditioner bottles etc. Once I found the scene to be secure this officer cleared. Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell

On the above date with further investigation I found the vehicle mentioned above belongs to Ms. Miranda Montgomery that resides at the listed address above address that resides with the female subject Samantha Kline. I spoke with Chief Ray Harris that advised he was going to make contact with the village prosecutor Gary to add any additional charges to Ms. Miranda Montgomery. After Chief Harris spoke with Gary I was advised to charged both of the female subjects with littering and illegal dumping. Charges will be filed and both will be cited for an MM violation of the littering and illegal dumping. 3767.32 of the ORC.

On 12/14/2023 I spoke with Prosecutor Gary Brocklin per this case. Prosecutor Brocklin approved charges for this case of theft of services against Ms. Samantha Kline and Ms. Miranda Montgomery ORC 2913.04 (A). The request for charges have been added to the case file.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507

On 20Dec23 I (Ptl. Melendez) served Samantha Kline at her residence 435 N 16th St in the village of Sebring. Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 12/20/2023

On this date Maranda Montgomery arrived on our station and was served a summons for the above listed charges. She was advised of her court date 01/04/2024 and explained what exactly she was be charges with. I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 504 12/20/2023




Date: 12/20/2023 @ 1127 hrs

N. 12th St. / E. Vermont Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Morgan Kraynek
42 15 Orchard Dale Dr NW #22 Canton, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 SPEED 44/25

At 11:27 hours on 12/20/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary in the alleyway between the 300 block of E. Michigan and Vermont Avenues, I observed a white Jeep SUV traveling northbound on N. 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit. Using the department-issued laser speed measuring device, I was able to obtain a locked speed of 44 MPH as the vehicle approached the intersection of E. Michigan Avenue and N. 12th Street. The vehicle then began drastically slowing, with the driver appearing to have seen me.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated at traffic stop. The white Jeep, bearing Ohio Registration JHN , came to a stop almost immediately.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed her of the reason for the stop, with the driver telling me that she slowed upon seeing a speed limit sign. I then requested her driver license and vehicle registration, with the driver producing an Ohio Driver License that showed her to be Morgan Kraynek, as well as valid Ohio registration.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032549.1 cited Kraynek for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 44 MPH in the marked 25 MPH zone. Kraynek then signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her option to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County County #3 at 09:00 on Thursday, January 04, 2024, or of her option to pay the citation by contacting the court by that date. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 12/16/2023 @ 1919 hrs

606 E Ohio Ave

CITED: Tyler Stillion
18050 3rd St Beloit OH

CHARGE: 4510.11 DUS non compliance

On this date I was on patrol in marked unit 304 I was stopped at the intersection of E Ohio Ave and N12th St facing West, I observed a dark colored Jeep traveling in the opposite direction pass by me with a loud crackling exhaust, that sounded louder than a typical vehicle. I activated my lights and performed a U-turn to initiate a traffic stop on the vehicle a Black Jeep. The vehicle came to a complete stop in the parking lot of Mahoning County Court #3 606 E Ohio Ave.

I made contact with the driver, identified as Tyler Stillion and informed him of the reason for the traffic stop. Upon running his drivers license dispatch advised Tyler was suspended with a non-compliance suspension since 01/03/2022, and that there was a confiscation order on his drivers' license. I informed Tyler of this and since he had his children in the vehicle with him, I told him he could get a valid driver to take the vehicle in lieu of me towing it.

Tyler was issued a citation for DUS 4510.11 and given a court date at MCC#3 of 12/21/2023 at 0900hrs.

Tyler was given a verbal warning for the loud exhaust, and Tylers license was confiscated. Tylers wife arrived on scene was confirmed to be valid and was allowed to drive the vehicle away.

Ptl. Brindack 504 12/16/2023





Date: 12/15/2023 @ 1656 hrs

400 Block W. California Ave. Sebring

CITED: Benjamin Williams
2323 Martha Avenue NE Canton, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (43/25)

At 1656 hours on 12/15/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. White stationary along the roadside in the 400 block of W. California Avenue, I observed a red sedan traveling eastbound on W. California Avenue at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit. Upon observing this, I used the department issued laser speed measuring device to obtain a locked speed of 43 MPH as the vehicle approached the intersection of S.19th Street and W. California Avenue.

The driver of the vehicle then appeared to notice me, with the vehicle visibly slowing as it approached closed. Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, a red Honda Civic, then pulled over to the shoulder of the road.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of' the reason for the stop as well as requested his diver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce proof of insurance as well as an Ohio Driver License that showed him to be Benjamin S. Williams.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032550. I cited Williams for speed (SCO: 333.03) for going 43 MPH in the marked 25 MPH zone. After being advised by dispatch of a prior moving violation conviction as well as accident on record, I assigned Williams a mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:OO hours on Thursday, December 28,2023.

Williams then signed the citation, was given his copy, as well as made aware of this mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 on the listed date and time. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508





Date: 12/14/2023 @ 1548 hrs

400 Block W. California Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Ernest Ditter Jr
1644 Burt Ave. Alliance, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 SPEED 43/25

At 1548 hours on 12/14/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While sitting stationary along the roadside in the 300 block of W. California Avenue, I observed a gray SUV pass my location at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit.

Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 43 MPH. Upon obtaining this, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency tights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, a gray Dodge Journey, came to a stop almost immediately.

Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as request his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. I also informed the driver of the reason for the stop. The driver at this time said that he realized that he was speeding and that he had not been paying attention prior. The driver then produced an Ohio Driver License that showed him to be Ernest Ditter Jr but was unable to produce proof of insurance or registration.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032548.1 cited Ditter for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 43 MPH in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone. I the returned to Ditters' vehicle, with him signing the citation, being given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 on Thursday, December 28,2023. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 12/09/2023 @ 1408 hrs

100 Block S. 12th Street Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Nathan Adams
14467 SR 45 Lisbon, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 SPEED 58/35

At 14:08 hours on 12/09/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary facing southbound along the roadside in the 100 block of S. 12th Street, I observed a silver Chevrolet SUV traveling northbound at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 58 MPH.

As the vehicle passed my location, 1 activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. At this time the driver said that he believed that he was in a 55 MPH zone, with him telling me that the speed limit was just 55 MPH down the road. I then explained to the driver that he was approximately one mile into the village limits of Sebring, and that this stretch of S.12th Street was very clearly marked as a 35 MPH zone. The driver also at this time informed me that his name was Nathan Lee Adams, with him also providing me with his birth date, as well as the last four digits of his social security number.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032547.1 cited Adams with speeding (SCO: 333.03), for going 58 MPH in a marked 35 MPH zone. I also found that Adams had two prior moving violation convictions in the prior 12 months. The insurance card that Adams provided me with was also found to have expired in 2021.

I then returned to Adams's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and informed of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:W hours on Thursday, December 21,2023. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 12/08/2023 @ 0230 hrs

N. 15th St. / W. Indiana Avenue

CITED: Anthony Tewksbury
6255 Anderson Drive NW Malvern

CHARGE: 4510.11 DUS(Non-Compliance)

On 12/8/2023 @ 0203 hours I was leaving station when f observed a white Pontiac sedan driving northbound on north 15th street with no license plate lights. I exited the parking lot, getting behind the vehicle in question and verified the license plate lights were in fact not illuminating the license plate. I then activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren in marked cruiser #304. The vehicle pulled over at the intersection of north 15th street and west Indiana avenue. I called out my traffic stop to dispatch and advised Sgt. Kelm 503 to come to my location.

I turned on my audio recorder and performed a passenger side approach of the suspect vehicle. I observed the driver was the only occupant of the vehicle, and the male rolled the passenger window down. t advised the driver my name and department as well as the reason for the stop being the rear illumination of the license plate lights not illuminating the license plate. The driver, later identified as Anthony Michael Christopher Tewksbury, stated he was unaware the license plate lights were not working. Sgt. Kelm then arrived on scene at this time.

I asked for Anthonys license, as well as vehicle registration and insurance. Anthony state he didn't have his license on him but it was valid and stated he would get the insurance card on his phone pulled up. I asked Anthony for his name, DOE, and SSN last 4 and he gave me all information I requested. I returned to my marked cruiser and advised dispatch of Anthony's information. Dispatch advised a short time later that he was suspended on a non-compliance suspension from 11/24/2023 until 11/24/2028. After hearing this I returned to Anthony and advised him that his license was suspended.

I asked Anthony to shut the car off and step outside of the vehicle and he complied with the request. I did a Terry pat down for any weapons on Anthony and did not find any weapons.

I spoke with Anthony and said if he could have a valid driver come to the scene, they could drive the vehicle without being towed. Anthony did find a valid driver, and he did arrive on scene in a short amount of time. Anthony was given uniform traffic citation #032068 for ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension(0US) non compliance, and given a mandatory court date of 12/14/2023 @ 0900AM, as well as given a warning for rear illumination. Anthony signed the citation and received a copy and I explained his court date and information to bring.

Officers cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman


Date: 12/05/2023 @ 0818 hrs


ARREST: Ashton Harper
485 W Oregon Ave Sebring OH

ORC: 2917.11 Disorderly Conduct (M4) - Bond $500.00
ORC: 2921.33 Resisting Arrest (M2) - Bond $1,000.00
ORC: 2921.31 Obstructing Official Business (M2) - Bond $1,000.00

On 5Dec23 I responded to 485 112 W Oregon Ave for a Domestic, Upon arrival I (Ptl. Melendez) made contact with Ashton Harper. Prior to making contact with Harper I heard a male and female arguing inside the residence. Upon making contact with Harper I observed red marks on Harpers chest, I then advised Harper that he was going to be detained while I conduct my investigation. Harper then turned around and I placed handcuffs on Harper, I also made sure that they were spaced and double locked. While handcuffing Harper he began to curse at the neighbors and telling them to mind their business next time.

I then began to walk with Harper to my marked patrol unit 302 and while walking Harper began to resist and he was advised to calm down. Harper continued to curse and he also pushed back on me while walking to my marked patrol vehicle at this time Harper was assisted to the ground and I advised Sebring Dispatch to have additional units to come and assist. After assisting Harper to the ground he then apologized and stated that he has PTSD from past experience's with other Police Officers. I then advised Harper that I am not those other Police Officers and I was trying to help him.

Harper then was assisted up and placed in the back of my patrol vehicle. Harper advised that him and his girlfriend were not fighting and they were just talking very loud.

Harper was then transported to The Sebring Police Department to be Processed, Harper has been charged with Orc: 2921.31 Obstructing Official Business, 2921.33 resisting Arrest, 291 7.1 1 Disorderly Conduct with a Court date of 12/7/2023 at MCC#3 at 0900. Harper was release on his own recognizance and advised to make sure to come to court to handle his charges.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 12/5/2023


Date: 12/05/2023 @ 1330 hrs


ARREST: Justin Turner
270 N. 15th Street Sebring, Ohio

ORC: 2921.13(A)(1) Falsification - Bond $1,250.00
ORC:2921.31(A) Obstructing Official Business - Bond $1,000.00
SCO: 1317.01 Nuisance - Bond $500.00

(1) 2921.13A1 26A Falsification - official proceeding

(2) 1317.01 Nuisance - No person shall cause or permit any nuisance to be or remain in or upon any building, premises or other place of which such person is the owner, lessee, tenant or occupant.

(3) 2921.31A Obstructing Official Business

Date 12/05/2023 11:23 Officer Reed

On at 0653 hours 12/05/2023, a large pile of rubbish was found left on the sidewalk in the 200 Block of N. 15th Street.

Upon investigating the matter, contact was made with an area residents who was found to have lied about the source of the rubbish, with the resident telling police that his ex-girlfriend dumped the items on the curb when he was in fact found to have been the one to do so.

On at 0653 hours 12/05/2023, Chief Harris informed me that while on his way to the police station before his shift he observed a large pile of rubbish on the sidewalk in the downtown district. Chief Harris said that Ptl. Demski was on his way to address the matter, with him asking that I assist. Upon arriving on location, I noted the large pile of miscellaneous items was sitting along the curb portion of the sidewalk in front of 270 N. 15th Street. In going through the pile, I observed personal items, including a shot record book to a child.

I then began knocking on the door to 270 N. 15th Street, with no answering being received. A check of CAD showed that a Justin Turner was known to reside at an apartment in the building. A dark colored Dodge pickup was parked in the parking area of the building with the truck showing as belonging to Mr. Turner. At this time, Ptl. Demski and I were approached by a woman who had parked along 15th Street, with her telling us that her daughter rents an apartment in the building and with her asking if we were there in reference to her. After determining that her daughter was not the person we were there for, I asked the woman if she was familiar with other tenants of the building, with her telling us that she was and that she knew a male names Justin to be an occupant of another apartment. A photograph was retrieved from the pile and shown to the woman, with her positively identifying Justin as being in the photo. The woman said that she would call her daughter to see if she could make contact with Justin, seeing as the door leading inside to the apartments was locked. The woman then left the scene.

A few minutes later, Ptl. Demski and I were joined by Ptl. Melendez, who also began knocking on the door. A few seconds later, a male subject later determined to be Justin Turner, answered the door. Immediately upon answering the door, Justin stated "what the fuck can I help you all with". When I explained to Justin that the reason that we were there was because of the pile of the large rubbish that was thrown on the sidewalk, he told us that his ex-girlfriend had thrown the items where they were. Turner maintained this, with me explaining to him that he could be criminally charged if he was found to be lying to the police. Turner at this time also refused to provide a written statement, with him telling me that his statement is his ex-girlfriend left the stuff on the sidewalk.

A short time later, the owner of the building, Chad Christian, arrived on scene. Chad said that he would help removed the items from the sidewalk, with him agreeing that the rubbish could not be allowed to remain where it was. After collecting all needed information from Turner, all units cleared.

At 08:59 hours, Chad Christian called the police station to inform officers that XXXX was at the apartment. Ptl. Melendez and I immediately went to this location, with me observing XXXX standing near the pile of rubbish. At this time told Ptl. Melendez and I that she had not thrown the items out onto the sidewalk/curb area. with her telling us that she had broken up with Justin Turner, that he is an alcoholic, and that he had thrown the items where they were. In addition, XXXX was able to produce text messages from Justin that showed him telling her that her "stuff was out of his place". This conversation was photographed and will be added to the department photos in the shared drive.

While XXXX was collecting her property. I went upstairs to speak with Turner, who again denied having thrown the items out into the sidewalk and with him maintaining that it was XXXX who had done so. After speaking with Turner, I again went outside to speak with XXXX, who by this time had her employer on location with a vehicle so that she could collect her property. A voluntary statement was also collected from XXXX at this time, with her swearing that it was Turner who had thrown the items onto the sidewalk. Once all property was collected, Ptl. Melendez and I cleared from the scene.

Upon returning to the police station, I made spoke with Prosecutor, Gary Van Brocklin, regarding the matter and the evidence that was obtained that indicated that Justin Turner had repeatedly lied to police. Prosecutor Van Brocklin advised to go forward with charges of Falsification (ORC: 2921.13(A)(I)), Obstructing official business (ORC: 2921.31(A)), and Nuisance (SCO: 1317.01). Prosecutor Van Brocklin advised to obtain an arrest warrant through the court for these charges.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508

At approximately 13:30 hours on 12/05/2023, Ptl. Melendez and I went to 270 N. 15th Street in an effort to serve the arrest warrants that had been obtained through Mahoning County Court #3 on Justin Turner. Upon arriving, Turner was located sitting on the stairs in the foyer area immediately inside the door of the apartment. Turner was advised of the arrest warrants by Ptl. Melendez, with him instructing him to stand up. Turner failed to comply with this request, with him instead reaching into his hoodie pocket and starting to aggressively shuffle around. Because of this I drew my department issued laser and painted the red dot on his chest. Ptl. Melendez and I also began ordering him to show us his hands.

Turner at this point complied, with me placing him in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double locked. I then searched turner incident to arrest before securing him in the back of car #304 for transport back to the police station. Once on station, I photographed, fingerprinted, and processed Turner, with him being released on a $2,750.00 own recognizance bond. It was made explicitly clear to Turner that he is required to appear for arraignment at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, December 7, 2023.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 12/01/2023 @ 0840 hrs

606 E. Ohio Ave Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Derek Johnson
945 Homewood Ave. Salem

CHARGE: 2925.11 Possession of drugs

On 30Jun22 I responded to the Oak Ridge Motel in reference to an Unwanted Subject, Upon arrival I (Ptl. Melendez) met with Samantha Metzger who is a manager at Oakridge and also Deborah Nelson. Metzger advised that a male later identified as Derek Johnson who was occupying unit 23 came into Perkins to pay for another night at Oak Ridge. Metzger advised that she then advised Johnson that he could not occupy the room for another night because the room has been reserved for another person and that he needed to check out by noon. After advising Johnson Metzger then states that Johnson advised that he would return the key back after they were done getting all of their things out of the room. Metzger then approached Johnson 30 minutes later and he still refused to turn the key in and it had already been three hours after check out time which was noon and she needed him to vacate the room.

At this time I then began to walk to unit 23 and Chief Harris arrived to assist me, I then knocked on the door and announced myself saying Police Department come to the door. Johnson then opened the door and came outside of the room. I then asked if anyone was in the room and he advised no "You can check, I'm the only one here". I then advised Johnson that I was going to conduct a "Terry Frisk" for weapons, I then checked Johnson and he was cleared. I again asked Johnson and he again stated that no one was in the room and I could check. At this time Johnson remained outside with Chief Harris, I then entered the unit and called out " Police Department ". At this time in plain view I observed hypodermic needle full of blood.

After observing the hypodermic needle I then exited the room and advised Johnson that he was being detained. After placing Johnson in handcuffs I then advised him of his Miranda Rights and asked if he understood his rights and if he wanted to speak to me and he advised "Yes" and he wanted to speak with myself and Chief Harris. I then placed Johnson in the back of my marked patrol vehicle 303. I then asked Johnson if he had any type of narcotics in his room and he stated "yes". Chief Harris then asked where would the narcotics be located at and Johnson stated that it would be inside of the unit inside of his green bookbag. I then asked Johnson what was inside of the bag and he advised that he had Methamphetamine, Fentanyl and Marijuana in side of the green book bag.

Myself and Chief Harris then entered the unit and found the bookbag that Johnson described to us and we also located the narcotics within the bag as he described to us. Myself and Chief Harris also conducted a search of the room and the room was clear of any other narcotics.

I then contacted Sebring Dispatch and advised if Ptl. Peterman or Ptl. Ossler were on station and dispatch advised that they were so I then requested them to come and assist. A short time later Both patrolman Ossler and Peterman arrived and I advised Ossler to obtain witness statements from both the manager and her employee. Ptl. Peterman then assisted in searching the room and he then located a black scale used for weighing under the mattress.

All evidence was then collected and placed in the back of my patrol vehicle. Johnson was then released to his mother since he was under the influence and advised that pending the results of the narcotics test he may possibly be receiving addition charges if the narcotics found came back positive. I then advised Johnson that he had one hour to get all of his belongings and leave the Motel's property. Johnson and his mother then retrieved his things and left the property.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #507 7/1/2022

On 16Jan23 After receiving laboratory results from BCI I (Ptl. Melendez) will be will be charging Derek Johnson with ORC: 2925.11C1 for Possession of Drugs (F5) X2 for Possession of Fentanyl and Methamphetamine.

Nothing to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505

On 12/01/2023 I was dispatched and responded lo MCC#3 to take Derek Johnson for booking and processing at the Sebring Police department. Derek Johnson was taken into the custody, transported to the Sebring Police department for booking and processing. Derek was then released on his own recognizance and given a court date of 12/14/2023.

Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 12/01/2023 @ 2108 hrs

900 Block N. Johnson Rd. Sebring, OH

CITED: Madisin Bryant
21075 Lake Park Blvd. Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension

At 21:08 hours on 12/01/2023,  I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While traveling northbound in the 100 block of N. Johnson Road, I conducted a random registration check of a black Ford Fusion that was traveling directly in front of me.

The vehicle showed through LEADS as being registered to a Madisin Bryant, who's driver license was suspended. Upon learning this, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop, with the vehicle coming to a stop in the 900 block of N. Johnson Road.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed her of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license and insurance. The driver was able to produce both requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Madisin Bryant. When I informed Bryant that her license was showing to be suspended, she said that she wasn't sure why, and with the exception of a traffic ticket around June, she had no prior law enforcement encounters.

I then returned to my patrol car where I again confirmed that Bryant's license was under a noncompliance suspension. At this point I began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032546. I cited Bryant for driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11). Bryant then signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, December 7th, 2023. After verifying that Madisin's passenger had a valid driver license, I permitted him to drive the vehicle from the scene in lieu of towing it.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 11/29/2023 @ 0014 hrs

800 Block North Johnson Road

CITED: Brent Bailey
10494 Yale Road, Deerfield

CHARGE: SCO 333.03 Speed(53/35)

On 11/29/2023 at 0041 hours while traveling southbound on north Johnson road I was performing routine patrol duties in marked cruiser #304 and observed a vehicle I visually estimated to be traveling northbound near Apex Control Systems (751 North Johnson Road) at a high rate of speed. I turned on the forward facing in car radar and observed a speed of 53 in a post marked 35 mile per hour zone. The vehicle I observed on radar I was able to identify as it was the only vehicle on that portion of the road at that time and received a clear audible tone from the radar.

As the car passed, I activated my emergency overhead lights, and audible siren. I safely performed a u-turn in the parking lot of Apex Control Systems and caught up to the vehicle. The vehicle did stop on North Johnson, just north of Smith Township Administrative Building (846 North Johnson Road). I approached the passenger side of the vehicle and identified myself and the reason for the stop was the speed. The driver, Brent Bailey, was apologetic and admitted to speeding. I asked for Brents license, vehicle registration, and insurance. Brent did comply with my request and handed me all up-to-date documentation for the vehicle.

I returned to my vehicle and issued Brent on uniform traffic ticket #032067 a citation for speed (SCO333.03) with a non-mandatory court date of 12/7/2023 @ 0900AM hours. I returned to Brent and advised him of his options to either pay or contest the citation. I then handed the citation over to Brent for signature and he signed the citation. I gave Brent his copy of the citation then cleared the traffic stop without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #509 11/29/2023


Date: 11/28/2023 @ 1346 hrs

Sebring Police Station (135 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH)

CITED: Austin Courtney
679 W. Virginia Ave. Sebring, OH

ORC: 4511.202 Operation without reasonable control
ORC: 4549.02 Stopping after accident on public roads or highways

On 11/28/2023 at 13:33 hours, I was called to Sebring Tire (10 N. 12th Street) for a report of a vehicle matching the description of the vehicle involved in a hit-skip on 11/25/2023 at 186 E. Indiana Avenue.

The vehicle, a gray F-150, was also reported to have damage consistent with that that the subject vehicle was believed to have, including damage to the driver side front-fender area.

Upon arriving at the business, I made contact with an employee of the business. who advised me that his friend's vehicle had been struck this past Saturday evening and a gray or silver pickup was believed to be involved. Employee went on to tell me that a gray F-150 with damage to the front driver side had been brought into the business, with the owner of the vehicle accusing them of damaging the spindle on the truck when they put tires on it this past Tuesday. Employee said that he knows for a fact that this damage was not present when the truck had been at the business and that it would be consistent with a collision such as the one his friend's, car had been involved in.

I then spoke with the business owner, who at this time called Austin Courtney, the owner of the F-150 and told him that I wished to speak with him. I also took photographs of the truck, noting dark gray paint exchange to the truck's front driver side fender. This dark gray color appeared to be the same as the color of vehicle. I also photographed the tires on the truck and their tread pattern.

A short time later, Austin Courtney arrived on location. Austin then accompanied me to my vehicle, with him sitting in the front seat. It should be noted that I made it explicitly clear to Austin at this time that he was not under arrest and that I simply wished to speak with him regarding a hit skip that I believed his truck to be involved in. I also made it clear to Austin that he was not being detained.

In speaking with Austin, I informed him of the hit/skip that my agency was investigating, with me asking him where he was this past Saturday evening. Josh went on to tell me that he had been at his friend's house in Damascus watching a college football game until around dark. Josh began making statements about not drinking, with him admitting to me that he did strike a vehicle in the 100 block of E. Indiana Avenue on his way home. Austin said that he fled the scene because he was scared. Austin at this time agreed to accompany me to the police station, with me informing him that I would be issuing him a citation.

Austin then met me at the Sebring Police Station, where I again informed him that he was not being detained. I did, however, read him his Miranda Rights, with me explaining them to him. Austin agreed to speak with me, with him also completing a witness statement detailing the incident. I then drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032545. Austin was cited for stopping after an accident on public roads or highway (ORC: 4549.02) as well as operation without being in reasonable control of vehicle, trolley, or streetcar (ORC: 4511.202). Austin signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, December 7th, 2023. It should be noted that Austin was able to produce an insurance card for Erie Insurance, but that it expired on 10/31/2023. Because of this, Austin was instructed to bring up to date insurance cards with him to court. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 11/25/2023 @ 1950 hrs

200 E State St, Alliance, OH

ARREST: Michael Broadbent , Homeless

ORC: 2921.31 (A) Obstructing Official Business
ORC: 2911.21(A)(1) Criminal Trespass

On this date I responded to Royal Oak Circle, the caller stated Michael Broadbent was at her house trying to get inside. This department has taken multiple reports from of Michael threatening her after he was pinked slipped during a mental episode this agency also handled. He has not lived at Royal Oak Circle since then.

Smith Twp. PD also handled a complaint of Michael trespassing at a property on State Route 14 the day prior. I requested assistance from Smith Twp. initially due to Michael irrational behavior however when I arrived Michael seemed to be calm so I cancelled mutual aid from Smith. While speaking with Michael he told me he understands he surrendered residency and is not welcome on the property he began saying "he is playing a poker game that he has lost and is pissing blood and has nowhere to go" he kept repeating "I'm out" "I'm out". I asked Michael to turn around and place his hand behind his back and advised him he was being detained. Michael said "no I'm going to leave" and refused to follow my orders. He began walking towards his car and again said "I'm leaving". I drew my taser and pointed it at Michael and ordered him to stop and turn around. Michael did immediately comply. Michael was placed in the back of my patrol car.

Michael began saying he came to the house because he messaged XXX 50 times with no response. Det. Reed had just started his shift and also arrived on scene. EMS was requested for a mental evaluation when Michael began saying he was "dying". When EMS arrived and began speaking with Michael Det. Reed and myself spoke with XXX who stated Michael would not leave despite her asking him to multiple times and he said he was going to kill himself while banging on her door.

Det. Reed and I agreed Michael needed to be pink slipped for his own safety. Michael was pink slipped on scene he was also arrested for Trespass 291 1.21 a misdemeanor of the fourth degree and obstructing official business 2921.31 a misdemeanor of the second degree. Det. Reed followed Sebring Fire to Alliance community hospital where he obtained a recognizance bond for Michael. I remained on scene and waited for a tow truck for Michaels vehicle which was on the roadway. After Springers towing arrived for the vehicle I cleared to respond to a pending hit skip call.

Michael has a court date at MCC#3 of 11/30/2023 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack 504 11/25/2023


Date: 11/28/2023 @ 0840 hrs

Alleyway (200 Block E. 0hioMar)rland at 13th Street)

CITED: Clifford Mullan
325 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: ORC: 4510.11 DUS (FRA)

At 08:40 hours on 11/28/2023,1 was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. At this time, I conducted a random registration check of a white Chevrolet Silverado that had been parked in the parking lot of Circle K (205 E. Ohio Avenue). The registration showed as belonging on a maroon GMC station wagon. I then observed a male subject exit the store, get in the vehicle, and begin driving eastbound in the alleyway between the 200 block of E. Ohio and Maryland Avenues.

I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The truck came to a stop in the alleyway, just before N. 13th Street. Upon making contact with the driver, Clifford Mullan, he informed me that his driver license was suspended and that was why he was driving the alleyway home. It should be noted that Clifford's wife was in the back seat with her telling me that the reason that the tags showed as belonging on a different vehicle was that they had just bought the truck and had yet to transfer them. I was also provided with a cop of an insurance card that expired as of the beginning of November.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032544.1 cited Clifford for Driving Under Suspension (ORC:4510.11). Clifford signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, December 7, 2023. Wife, who was found to have a valid driver license, was permitted to drive the truck from the scene with me making it explicitly clear to her that should Clifford be found driving vehicle's belonging to her in the future while not having a driver license, she would be cited with wrongful entrustment.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 11/24/2023 @ 0830 hrs

1000 N Johnson Rd Sebring OH

CITED: Robert Seger
207 Meadowbrook Ave Se Warren OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (48/25)

On 24Nov23 While conducting traffic enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Red Dodge Ram with Ohio Registration S on N Johnson Rd at a high rate of speed above the posted speed limit. I then locked in the speed at 48Mph in a 35Mph zone. After observing the violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 in the 1000 block of N Johnson Rd.

Upon making contact with the driver Robert Seger, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was Valid. Seger was citied with Ticket #032471 for Speeding (48/35) with a court date of 11/30/2023 at MCC#3 at 0900.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 11/24/2023


Date: 11/23/2023 @ 1756 hrs

Alabama Ave/S. 12th Street Sebring, OH

1601 Valdosta Dr. Pontiac MI.

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (45/25)

At 1756 hours on 11/23/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While patrolling northbound on S. 12th Street nearing E. Georgia Avenue, I observed a dark colored sedan traveling southbound on the same road, at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than the posted 25 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 45 mph.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, a dark colored Honda Civic, was slow to stop, with it turning right onto Alabama Avenue before coming to a complete stop. At this time, I noticed Kentucky Registration was affixed to the rear of the vehicle.

I then approached, made contact with the driver, and informed him of the reason for the stop. The driver at this time was able to produce a West Virginia Driver License that showed him to be Dennis M. Harvey.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032543. I cited Harvey for speed (SCO: 333.031, for going 45 MPH in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone. Harvey signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to either pay the citation or to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, December 7, 2023, to contest the citation.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 11/22/2023 @ 2130 hrs

Ohio Ave at 14th St

CITED: Shawn Dickson
17975 1St Street Beloit, Oh

CHARGE: 331.16 Right of way intersection

On this date while on patrol in marked unit 303 I was traveling east bound on E Ohio Ave approaching 14th St. I observed a gray Dodge Charger fail to stop at the stop sign at 13th St, turn right onto Ohio Ave failing to yield to on coming traffic and abruptly turn without a turn signal into the parking lot of circle K.

I initiated traffic on the vehicle which came to a stop in a parking spot at Circle K. I approached the driver identified as Shawn Dickson who was shaking, was sweating despite the fact it was 36 degree Fahrenheit outside and had red blood shot eyes. I asked if he had been drinking and he replied "not yet, what about you" he also began arguing the reason for the traffic stop. When he opened his glove compartment I observed a small torch style lighter common to see with narcotics use. When I asked about this he became agitated and when I asked if our K9 would alert to anything in the car he became further agitated and said "you're not getting in my car". He was also shaking more heavily now.

I requested Sgt. Kelm respond with K9 Radar at the dispatch relayed Shawn had prior drug offenses on his record. Sgt. Kelm arrived, and Shawn was asked to step out of the vehicle. A free air sniff was conducted, and K9 Radar did not alert, Shawn was disorderly throughout this process and was repeating "you're not searching my car". Shawn was issued a citation for 331.16 right of way intersection and was given verbal warnings for obedience to a traffic control device and turn signal required.

Shawn refused to sign the citation and began swearing at officers and called officers "jack ass" and was screaming "fu you" as we cleared.

Shawn is due in court at MCC#3 on 11/30/2023 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack 504 11/22/2023


Date: 11/22/2023 @ 0817 hrs

200 Block N. 12th St. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Thomas Collins
5956 Union Ave NE Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO:331.16 Right of way at intersections

At 08:17 hours on 11/22/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While at the in the northbound lane of travel at the intersection of E. Ohio Avenue and N. 12th Street, I stopped at the clearly marked stop bar to allow another vehicle with the right of way to proceed through the intersection. Once this vehicle was completely through, I began through it myself, with a white Chevrolet work van that was turning left to begin southbound on E. Ohio Avenue failing to yield the right of way to my vehicle. This causing me to have to brake in order to avoid a collision.

I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, turned around, and initiated a traffic stop on the white box van bearing Ohio Registration. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce the requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be Thomas C. Collins. In speaking with Mr. Collins, he told me that he had not realized the stop bar for northbound traffic on N. 121h Street sat back as fart as it did, with him believing I was yet to stop as I began through the intersection.

Mr. Collins was issued Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032542. This being for right of way at intersections (SCO: 331.16). Collins was advised of his option to either pay the citation by contacting Mahoning County Court #3 by the assigned court date of Thursday, December 7th, or of his option to contest it by appearing at this court on this date at 09:00 hours. Collins then signed the citation and was given his copy. Once finished, I cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 11/22/2023 @ 0730 hrs

300 Block E Maryland Ave

CITED: Ceirra Nevens
423 W Maryland Ave Sebring OH

CHARGE: SCO 335.01 Drivers License Required

On 22Nov23 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Red Ford F-150 with Pennsylvania Registration (ZVS9713) driving E on Maryland Ave with a Loud exhaust. After observing the violation, I then conducted a traffic stop in my marked patrol vehicle 303.

Upon contacting the driver Ceirra Nevens, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided.

After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was not Valid. Nevens was cited with Ticket #032470 for Drivers License required with a court date of 11/30/2023 at MCC#3 at 0900. Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505




Date: 11/21/2023 @ 2121 hrs

CITED: Darnell Freeman
434 Oxford St. Alliance

CHARGE: 509.03 Disorderly Conduct/MM

CITED: Larry Rhodes
146 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring

CHARGE: SCO 509.03 Disorderly Conduct/MM

On this date units were dispatched to a fight at 146 W Oregon Ave.

Ptl. Brindack 504

On arrival units found Larry Gibbons Rhodes and Darnell Freeman arguing in the public parking lot next to 146 W Maryland Ave.. Units separated the parties and Sgt. Kelm spoke with Darnell while I spoke with Larry.

Larry stated Darnell showed up for no reason what so ever and tried to fight him completely un prompted and Larry was responding to Darnell threatening to "xxxxx" by leaving his property and joining Darnell in the public parking lot to threaten him back in "self defense".

Darnell stated he was there to retrieve property and Larry started screaming at him.

Larry was adamant he wanted to press charges against Darnell.

Units agreed that both parties engaged in disorderly conduct by loudly threatening one another in a public parking lot at 9 pm a time which is typically quiet, including arguing in front of officers despite us telling both parties to stop multiple times. Sgt. Kelm issued a MM citation to Darnell while I issued a MM citation to Larry, both were cited for disorderly conduct 509.03 and issued copies of their citations.

When Larry was asked to sign he said "sir I'm not trying to disrespect you but I don't understand the charge". Larry did not gesture for the pen I had held out for him and I considered this a refusal. Darnell cleared after receiving his citation without incident and units also cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 504





Date: 11/21/2023 @ 1142 hrs

100 Block W. California Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Freddie Householder
10981 Bower Road E. Rochester, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 SPEED 46/25

At 11:42 hours on 11/21/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While traveling westbound in the 200 block of W. California Avenue, I observed a dark colored pickup truck that was traveling eastbound on the same stretch of road, with the vehicle appearing to be traveling at a rate of speed that was substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit.

Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, 4 obtained a locked speed of 46 MPH. As the vehicle approached closer, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, turned around, and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, a black Ford F-150 bearing Ohio Registration, came to a complete stop along the roadside in the 100 block of W. California Avenue.

Upon approaching the vehicle, the driver immediately said "I'm sorry, I know I was speeding. I'm late for an appointment". At this time, I also requested his driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce an Ohio Driver License that showed him to be Freddie L. Householder, with him also later being able to produce proof of insurance.

I then returned to my patrol car where 1 drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No.032541. I cited Householder for speed (SCO: 333.03) for going 46 MPH in the marked 25 MPH zone. Householder then signed the citation, was given his copy, and informed of his option to either pay the citation by contacting Mahoning County Court #3 or to contest it by appearing at 09:00 hours on Thursday, November 30,2023. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 11/22/2023 @ 0800 hrs

CITED: Lori Terrili
875 N. 12th Street Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 335.05 Wrongful Entrustment

COURT: MCC #3 11/30/2023 @ 09:00


Date: 11/20/2023 @ 1516 hrs

CITED: Amanda Hudson
875 North 12th Street Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO 335.05 Wrongful Entrustment

COURT: MCC #3 11/20/23 @ 0900AM


Date: 11/20/2023 @ 1516 hrs

875.N. 12th Street

CITED: Leonard Harris
875 North 12th Street Sebring

ORD 4511.39 Turn and Stop Signals
ORD 4510.11 DUS

At 15:16 hours while performing patrol duties I observed a vehicle in front of me that had its left turn signal on for approximately 2 blocks between East Indiana and East Wisconsin. I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren at the intersection of East Michigan and North 12th Street and the vehicle continued driving, turning left onto East Wisconsin, and pulling into the driveway of 875 North 12th Street.

The vehicle stopped and the driver jumped out immediately and looked at me asking why I pulled him over. I advised the driver I stopped him for the turn signal violation. I had been advised earlier by dispatch that Leonard Harris had been a possible suspect in an earlier case and dispatch notified me that he had an active warrant out of Canton PO. I asked the driver if he was Leonard Harris, and he did in fact state he was Leonard Harris.

Given this information, I advised Leonard he had an active warrant and needed to come over to my marked cruiser #302 to be placed in handcuffs. Leonard started becoming argumentative towards me, and Amanda Hudson, along with 2 teenagers living at the residence, came over within a few feet of me and started yelling at me as I was attempting to place Leonard in handcuffs. I issued Amanda and the two teenagers a verbal warning for obstruction of official business as they were consistently yelling at me and not listening to my orders to back away from me and Leonard during my investigation.

I turned on my audio recording device and began recording as I had realized it was not recording the incident.

During my arrest of Leonard he would not put his hands behind his back and became resistive against me, pulling his arms away several times as I attempted to handcuff him. I gave Leonard several commands to place his hands behind his back, and he did eventually place his hands behind his back and I placed him in handcuffs that were double locked and properly gapped as I could place my index finger all the way through both handcuffs without difficulty. Once handcuffed, Amanda Hudson approached me and Leonard again telling Leonard to give her the car keys.

Leonard took the keys from his pocket and threw them on the ground as I advised Amanda again to back away from the area. Amanda ignored my command, instead taking the car keys Leonard tossed on the driveway, picking them up, and immediately getting into the Red Jeep and pulling it into the garage at the residence.

I placed Leonard into the back seat of #302, and dispatch advised me that someone at the scene was calling into the station yelling at dispatcher Murphy #519 about the incident. I asked Amanda if she was the one calling into dispatch and yelling at her and she stated she was. At this time Leonard started complaining about the handcuffs being too tight and I advised I would address it. I had Leonard exit the cruiser and readjusted the handcuffs by loosening them both up. Afterwards I placed Leonard in my cruiser again.

Dispatch advised Canton did want him and would be willing to meet with me at Duke and Duchess on SR62. I then cleared without further incident.

I arrived on station and processed Leonards citation on citation #032064 for DUS Non-Compliance(0RC4510.11), and Turn and stop signals(0RC 4511.39) with a mandatory court date of 11/22/2023 @ 0900AM. Leonard signed his citation and I cleared station with Leonard enroute to Duck and Duchess.

I arrived at Duck and Duchess and waited for Canton PD. When Canton PO arrived, officers performed a brief overview and changeover of Leonard to Canton PDs custody.

I then cleared for station.

At 17:20 hours I activated my audio recorder and arrived back at the residence of 875 North 12h Street with Lt. McDaniel #367 of STPD and issued Amanda Hudson on citation #032065 with wrongful entrustment (SCO 335.05) with a mandatory court date of 11/22/2023 @ 0900AM.

Amanda did sign the citation and I cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #509 11/20/2023

@ 2300 on 11/21/2023 I was advised by Det. Reed #508 that prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin wanted the registered owner, Lori Terrill, also cited for Wrongful Entrustment 335.05). I will also be forwarding this case to prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin for further deliberation.

Nothing further to report.

Ptl. Peterman #509 11/21/2023

At approximately 0:00 hours on 11/22/2023, I served Lori Terril with her citation for wrongful entrustment (SCO: 335.05). Terril was advised of her mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 on Thursday, November 30,2023. Terril signed the citation and was given her copy. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 11/18/2023 @ 1936 hrs

400 Block W. California Ave. Sebring, OH

Cited: Kimberly Wearstler
2987 46th St. SW Canton, OH

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (49/25)

At 19:36 hours on 11/18/2023,  I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary along the roadside in the 400 block of W. California Avenue, I observed a white SUV that was traveling westbound on W. California Avenue at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit. As the vehicle passed the American Legion (395 W. California Avenue), I obtained a locked speed of 49 MPH.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, a white Honda CR-V bearing Ohio Registration KRY 7208, then pulled onto N. 19th Street where it came to a stop.

Upon making contact with the driver, I informed her of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver at this time produced an Ohio Driver License that showed her to be Kimberly Ann Wearstler. Wearstler told me that she had been looking at her GPS and had not been paying attention to her speed.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032540. I cited Wearstler for speed (SCO: 333.03), this for going 49 MPH in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone. Wearstler then signed her citation, was given her copy, and advised of her mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, November 30,2023. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 11/17/2023 @ 2030 hrs

N 15th St /Ohio Ave

Cited: Dwayne Sumler
10335 Rockford Ct Indianapolis IN.

Charge: 4510.11 DUS

On this date while on patrol I was at the intersection of N 15th St and Ohio Ave. I observed a white SUV turn off Ohio Ave and head North on N. 15th St with one headlight out. I pulled behind the vehicle a White Chevy Traverse bearing Indiana 345CUF and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle which came to a complete stop in the 300 Block of N 15th St.

I approached the driver later identified as Dwayne D Sumler of Indianapolis Indiana. After running Dwayne's Indiana drivers' licenses dispatch advised he was suspended both in lndiana and in Ohio. Dwayne was issued a citation for DUS 4510.11 with a court date in MCC#3 of 11/30/2023 at 0900hrs.

Dwayne was allowed to take the vehicle to 120 W Nevada Ave where he was been staying, however, he was warned the next time he is stopped the vehicle would be towed. Dwayne was given a verbal warning for the headlight violation.

Ptl. Brindack #504


Date: 11/17/2023 @ 2030 hrs

Criminal / Traffic
100 Block W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

Arrest: Scott Hermiller
17200 Mock Rd. Berlin Center, OH

ORC: 2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substances (Meth) (DTF)
ORC: 2925.14 Illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia (DTF)
ORC: 4513.04 Headlights (DTF)

Narrative Date 11/17/2023 22:51 Officer Reed

At 20:59 hours on 11/17/2023, a traffic stop was conducted on a vehicle in the 100 black of W. Ohio Avenue. The driver was found to be in possession of approximately 1 gram of crystal methamphetamine as well as a glass ball-pipe. The driver was cited for headlights required as well as arrested on charges of felony possession of controlled substances and possession of drug paraphernalia.

At 20:59 hours on 11/17/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While patrolling eastbound in the 200 block of E. Ohio Avenue, I observed a silver Ford sedan traveling westbound in the same road. The vehicle's passenger side headlight was not functioning, leaving it with only one in operation. Upon observing this I turned my patrol car around, catching up to the vehicle in the 100 block of W. Ohio Avenue. At this time I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. It should be noted that I did note that the vehicle took an unusual amount of time to stop, with it turning right from W. Ohio Avenue before finally stopping on N. 16th Street.

Upon approaching the vehicle, I noted that the male driver did not immediately roll the window down, with him finally doing so after I stood at his window for approximately 10 seconds. Once the driver rolled the window down, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license. The driver produced both an Oregon Identification Card as well as an Ohio Driver License. Through these I was able to determine that he was Scott R. Hermiller. During this time I noted that Hermiller appeared increasingly agitated and nervous, as was evident by his tone and inflection of voice as well as excessive movement of his arms and hands.

Ptl. Brindack arrived to my location at this time. I then asked Hermiller if there was anything in the vehicle that a K9 would alert on, including illegal drugs such as methamphetamine, with him immediately telling me that he had both marijuana and methamphetamine in the vehicle with him, with him telling me that he cannot get legal Adderall so he used methamphetamine instead.

Due to Hermiller informing me of the illicit drugs in his vehicle, I asked him to step out and speak with me. Once Hermiller was out of the vehicle, I secured him in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked. I then asked for and received consent from Hermiller to search his pockets as well as conduct a pat-down of his person, with no additional contraband or weapons being located. Hermiller was then secured in the back of my patrol car while Ptl. Brindack and Sgt. Kelm conducted a probable cause search of the vehicle. During this search a glass "ball pipe" with burn marks and residue of a light colored substance was located as was a small plastic baggy with a light-colored crystalline substance inside of it. This substance, based upon my training and experience, appeared to be methamphetamine, a schedule II controlled substance. A Mobile-Detect field test kit was then used to sample the substance, with it field testing positive to be such.

I then returned to the patrol car where I read Hermiller his Miranda Rights, with him telling me that he understood these rights. During this time, Hermiller began making statements to me about "just killing him". Because of this, Sebring Fire / EMS was called to assess him. Due to Hermiller denying suicidal ideation, he was cleared on scene.

Sebring Tire was then called and a tow truck requested to our location. At this time I also informed Hermiller that he was under arrest for possession of controlled substances (ORC: 2925.11) as well as possession of drug paraphernalia (ORC: 2925.14). I then transported Hermiller back the the Sebring Police Station, where I completed the necessary paperwork for commitment to jail. Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032569 was also issued to Hermiller, this being for ORC: 4513.04 (Headlights). Hermiller did sign this citation before being given his Copy. Sgt. Kelm also photographed Hermiller while I checked to confirm that his DNA was already in CODIS.

Once all paperwork and processing was completed, Ptl. Demski transported Hermiller to the Mahoning County Jail. Both the suspected methamphetamine, as a "ball pipe" were secured in temporary evidence locker #1.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




On 11/19/23 at approximately 0230hrs, officers were called to the 100 block of E. Kentucky Ave. after the Veterans Crisis Center reported that a male living at an address in the area was going to kill himself or have a shootout with the police. Officers from Sebring Police Department, with assistance from Smith Township Police arrived in the area and set up a perimeter around the residence. Attempts were made to to call the resident out out his home over the P.A. speaker. After getting no response from the home, Alliance SRT was called to the scene.

Officers from Sebring were able to contact the individual by phone however were unable to convince him to come outside.

At approximately 0530hrs, the residents emerged visibly confused. After verifying no one was hurt, officers spoke to the residents. It was determined after a short investigation that the residents of the home had not contacted the crisis line.

Further investigation revealed that the phone number used to contact the crisis line, and police was from an application called Textnow. It is believed that the unknown person who made the calls had "spoofed" the residents number to mask his own. The investigation of this incident is ongoing. The possibility of this being a case of "Swatting" has also not been ruled out.








On 11/17/2023 officers conducted a traffic stop for an equipment violation on W. Ohio Ave. near N 16th St. When asked if there was any contraband in the vehicle, the driver Scott Hermiller of Alliance, stated there was methamphetamine in the car. Officers then conducted a search of the vehicle and observed a small baggie with a white crystalline substance inside which field test positive for methamphetamine. A glass ball pipe with burnt white residue was also recovered.


Hermiller was placed under arrest, booked and transported to Mahoning County Justice Center where he will await arraignment for Possession of Controlled Substances ORC 2925.11/F5, Illegal Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia 2925.14/M4.







Date: 09/06/2023 @ 0800 hrs

1.1317.01 - Nuisance - No person shall cause or permit any nuisance to be or remain in or upon any building, premises or other place of which such Person is the owner, lessee. tenant or occupant.

The property at 555 West California Ave was found to be a nuisance. A letter of abatement was taken to the address.

Chief Harris #502 9/8/23


Date: 09/16/2023 @ 1805 hrs

2903.21 Aggravated Menacing
2919.25C Domestic Violence - cause belief of imminent physical harm by threat or force

At 18:30 hours on 09/16/2023, a Sebring resident came on station to file a report of domestic violence.

On 11/03/2023 Todd B Stuller Jr was picked up by the Alliance police department on a separate assault charge. Todd was picked up from the Alliance Police department, taken back to our station where he was processed and given a recognizance bond. Todd was then transported to the Circle Restaurant in Deerfield where he was turned over to a Portage county Sheriffs deputy for felony warrants Todd had out of PCSO.

While on station Todd requested to give his side of the story and was allowed to give a written statement.

Ptl. Brindack #504 11/03/2023


Date: 11/1/2023 @ 1108 hrs

300 Block E. Ohio Ave., Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Robert Coombes
506 W. Maryland Ave., Sebring, Ohio

SCO: 335.01 Driver's license or commercial driver's license required
SCO: 331.16 Right of way at intersections

At 11:08 hours on 11/02/2023, I was patrolling northbound on N. 12th Street in marked unit 304.

Upon coming to the intersection of N. 12th Street and E. Ohio Avenue, I stopped at the stop bar to allow a semi-truck through. Once the semi-truck cleared the intersection, I proceeded on through, attempting to make a left turn to go westbound on Ohio Avenue.

At this time a green Chevrolet Malibu entered into the intersection, stopping approximately 1/4 of the way through upon seeing me. I allowed the vehicle through, with me then activating the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop. The driver was able to produce an Ohio driver license that showed him to be Robert Coombes. Coombes' driver license was found to be under a failure to reinstate status. I also spoke with the vehicle's passenger.

I then drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032532, with Coombes being cited for right-of-way at intersections (SCO: 331.16) as well as driver license required (SCO: 335.01).

Sebring Tire was called with the vehicle being towed to their impound lot. No hold was placed on the vehicle and an administrative inventory was completed by Ptl. Melendez.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 11/2/2023 @ 1727 hrs

300 Block Courtney Road Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Lucinda Rockwell
12152 N. 12th St., Beloit, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (52/35)

At 17:27 hours on 11/02/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While westbound in the 300 block of Courtney Road, I observed a green sedan traveling eastbound on Courtney at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 52 MPH.

I then initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, a green Mercury Milan. I informed the driver of the reason for the stop, with me requesting her driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce an Ohio Driver License that showed her to be Lucinda Rockwell.

I then returned to my patrol car, where I drafted Uniform traffic citation No. 032533. I cited Rockwell for speed (SCO: 333.03) for going 52 MPH in the marked 35 MPH zone. Rockwell was given her citation as well as made aware of her mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, November 16,2023. I then cleared.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 11/2/2023 @ 2105 hrs

2919.25A - Domestic Violence knowingly cause physical harm
2903.13A - Assault-knowingly harm victim

Narrative Date 11/02/2023 23:50 Officer Reed

At 21 :05 hours on 11/02/2023, police responded to a report of a possible domestic violence incident at a residence in the 100 block of W. Oregon Avenue. A Sebring man was subsequently arrested on charges of domestic violence and assault stemming from an incident involving his elderly grandmother, with whom he resides.

Robert Baldwin was processed for jail before being transported to the Mahoning County Justice Center by Ptl. Peterman. It should be noted that I did check his computerized criminal history (CCH) with no charges being found to elevate the domestic violence charge beyond it original degree of offense. Baldwin was charged with one first-degree misdemeanor charge of Domestic Violence (ORC: 2919.25(A)) as well as one charge of assault (ORC: 2903.13(A)).

Det. Reed #508




Date: 11/04/2023 @ 0155 hrs

OVI ARREST: Francis R. Day
Oak St. in Smith Township

On 11/04/23 Dispatch advised me that there was a SUV parked in the roadway of S. Johnson RD. near Friend's church.

Upon arrival Sgt. Kelm and I approached the vehicle, a grey Ford Escape displaying Ohio plate. Sgt. Kelm commented that he had passed the vehicle about 20 minutes prior to the call, however it was assumed the vehicle was either dropping someone off or picking up. I noticed the driver, later identified as Francis R. Day slumped over in the driver seat. The vehicle was running and Sgt. Kelm confirmed to me that the car was still in drive.

I began tapping on the passenger window, at which point Francis Looked up at me confused the dropped his head again. It was at this point the vehicle began rolling forward. I ran along side the vehicle yelling for Francis to stop. Francis again looked up at me confused then dropped his head. the vehicle continued to roll about 50 feet coming to rest in the front yard of 435 S. Johnson Rd. I pulled my car in front of Francis' vehicle to prevent him from rolling further towards the neighboring residence. I then asked Francis to shut off the vehicle and step out.

Francis exited the car and I asked him what had happened. Francis advised me he was on his way home from work. I asked Francis if he had anything to drink and he stated he had a couple of drinks about two hours ago. While speaking to Frands, I noticed the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his person. I asked Francis if he would perform a SFST and he agreed.

Francis was standing in the prescribed way, I began checking for horizontal gaze nystagmus using the tip of my finger.

Francis was advised to follow the tip of my finger without moving his head.

Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus

Eyes are glossy

Equal tracking of eyes: yes

Nystagmus observed at maximum deviation: yes ( both eyes)

Nystagmus observed prior to 45 degrees: yes

Nystagmus observed vertically: no

I then demonstrated the walk and turn to Francis.

Walk and turn

Subject used arms for balancing.
Subject began counting steps a 2.
Subject pivoted on his right foot.
Subject did not walk heel to toe.

I then demonstrated to Francis the one leg stand.

One leg stand

Subject used arms to keep balance

subject dropped his foot several times. I advised Francis to place his hands behind his back because he was being
arrested for OVI. I cuffed, double locked and placed Francis in the rear seat of my patrol car.

Springers was called to tow the vehicle. I took photographs with the camera from 304 showing the position of the vehicle where it came to rest after rolling into the grass including the tire marks in the grass. I also photographed a opened bottle of mouth wash that was sitting in the driver's door pocket.

Sgt. Kelm remained with the vehicle while I transported Francis to the station. Ptl. Vesco from Smith Township was requested to come run the intoxilyzer 8000. I read to Francis the BMV 2255 and he signed it.

Francis refused to provide a breath sample and it was noted on the B.A.C. print out and on the BMV 2255. I issued Francis a citation No. 032429 for OVI refusal 4511.19a1a and failure to control 4511.202. Francis was finger printed, photographed then released. I gave Francis a courtesy ride to his residence on Oak St. in Smith township. I advised Francis of his court date on 11/04/23 at 9am at Mahoning County Court 3.

Date 11/04/2023 05:05 Officer Demski





Date: 11/07/2023 @ 1229 hrs

200 Block N. 12th Street Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Jose Macano
3221 W. 88th St. Cleveland, Oh

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (47/25)

At 12:29 hours on 11/07/2023, Ptl. Fogle and I were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302.

While sitting stationary at the intersection of N. 12th Street and E. Vermont Avenue, I observed a white international box truck that was traveling southbound on N. 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit. As the vehicle proceeded through the intersection of N. 12th Street and E. Michigan Avenue, I used the department issued laser speed measuring device to obtain a locked speed of 47 MPH. This being in the clearly posted 25 MPH zone.

I then pulled onto the roadway, activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle proceeded for a considerable distance, with the driver continuing at a high rate of speed and appearing to not be aware of my attempts to stop him.

The vehicle finally came to a stop in the 200 block of N. 12th Street. At this time, I was able to see Ohio Registration affixed to the rear. Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance.

The driver was determined to be Jose Miguel De Jesus Marcano by his Ohio Driver License.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032534. I cited Marcano for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 47 MPH in the marked 25 MPH Zone. Marcano then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his choice to either contest the citation by appearing at 09:00 hours on Thursday, November 16, 2023, at Mahoning County Court #3 or to simply pay the citation by contacting the court by that date.

I then cleared. Units then cleared. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508






Date: 10/28/23




In the early morning hours of 10/28/23, officers were dispatched to the 100 block of W Florida Ave for a welfare check.


Upon arrival officers discovered the female resident had been assaulted by the father of her child, Cody Stewart. Stewart then fled the scene and went to his home in Alliance.


Alliance PD was notified and detained Stewart until a Sebring officer could respond to Alliance to take custody of Stewart. Stewart was then booked, processed and transported to Mahoning County Justice Center to await arraignment for Domestic Violence/M4.




Date: 10/27/2023 @ 1719 hrs

Possible Burglary
437 East Ohio Ave

Offense Description:

Possession of Drugs
Permitting Drug Abuse
Drug Paraphernalia

At 17:19 hours on 10/28/2023, Jef Tolson, who resides at 429 E. Ohio Avenue, called to report a possible burglary in progress at his neighbors home, located at 437 E. Ohio Avenue. Upon arriving on location immediately after Ptl. Brindack, I was able to observe an open window on the Westside wall of the home. Directly underneath this window were two chairs that were stacked in a manner that indicated that they had been used to enter the residence. An open window was also found in the eastside wall of the home. During this time I continued to stand with the back of the residence in my view with Ptl. Brindack knocked, identified himself as a police officer, and attempted to get the attention of the residents of the home. I also asked dispatch to attempt phone contact with Michelle Powell, who is the known resident of the home. After
not being able to make contact with Michelle and her safety being of high concern, Ptl. Brindack and I entered the home based upon exigent circumstances through the unlocked front door.

Ptl. Brindack and I began checking the house, observing that plants on a shelf near the window on the eastside of the residence appeared to have been pushed from their original locations with potting soil laying on the kitchen floor. This furthering concerns that an intruder could possibly be in the residence. Ptl. Brindack and I continued on through the home, with me observing what was immediately obvious to me to be shards from a damaged glass "ball pipe" laying on a table in an upstairs bedroom. What was evident to both Ptl. Brindack and I as being marijuana and a glass marijuana "bowl" were also observed on a nearby dresser in this same room as was a "torch lighter", which is commonly used in conjunction with a "ball pipe" to ingest methamphetamine. All of these items being in plain view while officers cleared to residence in an effort to either verify the safety of the residents, apprehend a person who entered unlawfully, or both.

Once it was evident that no one was inside the residents, I made contact with Prosecutor, Gary Van Brocklin, and informed him of the situation.

At this time it was mutually agreed upon that I would contact Mahoning County Court #3 Judge, Joseph Schiavoni, in order to see if a search warrant could be obtained. I then made contact by phone with Judge Schiavoni, with him agreeing to sign a search warrant after being informed of all facts and circumstances surrounding the incident.

A search warrant for the residence, any vehicles, and persons present was then drafted, with me meeting with Judge Schiavoni and having both it and the accompanying affidavit signed by him. It should be noted that the scope and target of this warrant was any methamphetamine, related paraphernalia, and/or marijuana or related paraphrenia. The residence was then searched by Sgt. Kelm, Ptl. Brindack, Ptl. Demski, and Ptl. Peterman. It should be noted that involved officers were able to locate a large bag or what was immediately evident to be hallucinogenic mushrooms, as well as a smaller bag of a light colored crystalline substance, that appeared to be methamphetamine. In addition to this, officers were able to locate five glass pipes, which appeared to have been broken ball pipes, identical to the type of which's remains were observed during the initial clearing of the residence.

Officers also located a green vegetative substance that appeared to be Marijuana, as well as THC gummies, prescription pills (Alprazolam and Diazepam) not belonging to Michelle Powell. This in addition to and marijuana paraphernalia including the glass bowl that was in plain view and a "bong".

In speaking with Ptl. Brindack while the search was ongoing, he informed me that he found the hallucinogenic mushrooms and suspected crystal meth inside of a container that was made to look like a book in the bedroom that was believed to belong to Michelle Powell. All items were collected as contraband.

I then went to the rear of the residence where I spoke with Michelle Powell who at the time had been secured in the back of car 304. In speaking with Michelle, I read her her Miranda Rights, which she said that she understood. Michelle also agreed to speak with me. As I spoke with Michelle, I asked her to provide me with a general layout of the house and who's bedroom was on the east side of the home in the upstairs. Michele admitted that it was her bedroom, but said that it was "kind a like the neighborhood's now". Powell then detailed an incident the week prior where at 05:00 hours she came home to Carnie McAllister "talking shit about her" and that she then heard "Spud" Brian Moore's voice, so she walked out of the house.

Michelle did however say that any books would belong to her as would any marijuana. Michele however said that the large bag of Mushrooms belonged to Carnie McAllister. Michelle then admitted to me that she is a user of hallucinogenic mushrooms, but that ones that belong to her would be in smaller bags in her underwear drawer, provided Carnie had not taken them. Michelle also told me at this time that she gets the mushrooms that she uses from Michigan along with her marijuana. When I asked the amount that she brings from Michigan when she does go, Michelle said about an ounce and that she pays about $200.00 for this amount. Michelle however maintained that the methamphetamine that had been found was not hers, with her telling me that she was sure some had been found and that she dates "Bean" (Michael Bean) and that Carnie is always at her house. Michelle did however at this time admit that any scales that were located belonged to her and that she uses them to "micro-dose" her mushrooms. I then concluded by field interview with Powell.

Once all contraband was collected, Powell was placed under arrest for numerous drug related offenses and transported to the Sebring Police Station. At this time, an inventory of al collected contraband was completed. This inventory found that 49 grams of hallucinogenic mushrooms had been collected along with 6 grams of methamphetamine (field test showed positive). In addition, five glass pipes with burn marks/residue were collected along with one digital scale, numerous THC products, one pil 5mg Diazepam (schedule VI controlled substance), one 2mg Alprazolam (schedule VI controlled substance) and a half of a Subutex pill (Buprenorphine a schedule Il controlled substance) were seized.

Powell was charged with 2 third degree felony counts of possession of controlled substances (ORC: 2925.11) for possessing bulk amounts of meth and Psilocin (Hallucinogenic mushrooms), three fifth-degree felony counts of possession of controlled substances (ORC: 2925.11) for possessing the Alprazolam, Diazepam and Buprenorphine (these charges all being elevated to fifth-degree felonies from a first degree misdemeanors due ot a prior conviction of possession of heroin in 2014), one first-degree misdemeanor charge of permitting drug abuse (ORC: 2925.13), and one fourth-degree misdemeanor charge of illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia (ORC: 2925.14). Powell was then transported the the Mahoning County Jail without incident.

It should also be noted that Michelle informed officers that the reason for the windows being opened and what appeared to be a burglary was in fact her trying to gain entry to her own home. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 10/26/2023 @ 1849 hrs

100 Block E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Thomas Gutierrez
3035 Waterloo Rd. Mogadore, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired Registration

At 18:49 hours on 10/26/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While patrolling through the parking lot of Circle K(205 E. Ohio Avenue), I observed a blue Mercury Mountaineer, sitting at the gas pumps.

Upon conducting a registration check of the vehicle, it showed to have expired on January 26, 2023.

I then sat in the alleyway behind the business, observing the vehicle pull onto N. 13th Street before proceeding westbound on E. Ohio Avenue. At this time, I activated the overhead emergency lights on my patrol car and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a stop in front of the police station (135 E. Ohio Avenue), with me approaching and making contact with the driver. In speaking with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the traffic stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver at this time told me that he knew that his vehicle's registration was expired and that he had been waiting for someone to stop him so that he would have a reason to update them. The driver also told me that he did not have insurance on the vehicle, nor did he have his registration with him. He was however able to produce an Ohio Driver License that showed him to be Thomas Gutierrez.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032531. I cited Gutierrez for expired/unlawful license plates (SCO: 335.10). I also called for a tow truck, seeing as Gutierrez did not have insurance on the vehicle and the fact that the plates were ten months expired. Gutierrez then signed the citation, was given his copy, and informed of his mandatory court appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, November 2, 2023. Sebring Tire also arrived on scene with the vehicle being towed to their lot.

It should be noted that I made it explicitly clear to Gutierrez that he needed valid insurance on the vehicle in order to get it out of impound, with me explaining to him that it would not be fair to another motorist if he would have an at-fault-crash with them while not having

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508



Date: 10/24/2023 @ 1000 hrs

11000 Block Of Johnson Rd

CITED: Jennifer Wheatley
18916 Center St North Benton

CHARGE: SCO:333.03 Speed (50/35)

On 240ct23 While conducting traffic enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a 2018 Red Chrysler 200 with Ohio Registration driving North on Johnson Rd at a high rate of speed above the posted speed limit. I then locked in the speed at 50 Mph in a 35Mph zone, after observing the violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 in the 1100 block Of Johnson Rd.

Upon contacting the driver, Jennifer Wheatley, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was Valid. Wheatley was cited with Ticket
#032468 for Speeding (50/35) with a court date of 11/2/2023 at MCC#3 at 0900.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 10/24/2023





Date: 10/21/2023 @ 2158 hrs

N 14th St. / Ohio Ave.

CITED: Angela Farr
1014 S. Seneca Ave., Alliance, Oh

CHARGE: ORD 334.01 Expired Registration

On 10/21/23 at 2158 hrs. I observed a blue Hyundai 4 door traveling south on 15th St. with a burned-out license plate light. The vehicle turned east on Pennsylvania Ave., and I observed the right rear turn signal flashing rapidly, indicating that the front right turn signal was burned out. I followed the vehicle as it pulled into Circle K. Upon running the license plate, I was advised by dispatch that the vehicle registration and the registered owner's drivers license were expired as of 10/11/23.

Upon leaving Circle K, I activated my overhead lights and conducted a traffic stop at north 14th street and Ohio Ave. I spoke to the driver whom I identified as the registered owner Angela Farr. I advised her of the equipment violations and her expired status. Angela was issued a citation for expired license ORD. 335.01 and was given a verbal warning for the expired registration and equipment violations.

Angela was given a court date of 11/09/23. I cleared without incident.

Ptl. Demski #512




Date: 09/16/2023 @ 1600 hrs

Texas Avenue and S. 15th Street

CITED: Linda Stuller

2921.3316 90Z Failure to Comply with Order or Signal of P.O. -elude or flee
SCO: 335.10 expired registration

At 15:32 hours on 09/16/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While preparing to pull into the parking lot of Circle K, located at 205 E. Ohio Avenue, I conducted a registration check on a green Subaru Forester, bearing Ohio Registration. The vehicle returned to the owner, with the registration on the vehicle showing as expired.

Upon learning this, I turned my patrol car around, and began attempting to catch up to the vehicle, which by this time, was at the intersection of E. Pennsylvania and N. 14th Street.

The vehicle then pulled onto E. Pennsylvania, before turning left and going southbound on 15th Street. Once on 15th Street I activated my patrol car's overhead emergency lights and audible siren. Despite being approximately 30' to 40' behind the vehicle, the driver did not pull over or otherwise alert to my presence. It should also be noted that during this time, I changed the pitch on the audible siren in an effort to get the vehicle to stop and to ensure that the driver heard it.

At this time, Ptl. Brindack was behind me, with it being announced over the radio that the driver was not stopping. As we came to the intersection of Texas Avenue and S. 15th Street. the vehicle slowed, with me pulling around it and boxing it in. I then exited my patrol car and ordered the driver, who I know to be Linda Stuller, from the vehicle. Linda was able to produce an Ohio Driver License, with her also telling me that she was unable to hear my siren and did not know that I was behind her. At this lime, I decided that I would be towing the vehicle and citing Linda for expired registration.

Sebring Tire was then called, with me returning to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032350. Linda was cited for expired registration (SCO: 335.10). Linda then signed the citation, was given her copy, and instructed that due to her being unable to produce proof of valid insurance, she would need to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 on Thursday, September 28, 2023. An inventory of the vehicle was performed by Ptl. Brindack, with nothing of value being located.

Once Sebring Tire arrived to tow the vehicle, I cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508

On 10/20/2023 at approximately 20:15 hours, I served Linda Stuller with a summons for failure to comply with the order or signal of a police officer (ORC: 2921.331(6)). Stuller was given her copy of the summons and informed of her mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:OO hours on Thursday, November 16,2023. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 10/19/2023 @ 1400 hrs


Narrative Date: 10/19/2023 14:58 Officer Russell, Racheal

On 10/19/2023 I was advised by Chief Harris that Mr. Comanitz has been a nuisance in the village of Sebring by littering and feeding the stray cats behind local businesses in the Village and it is upsetting the local business owners in town. I was advised Walter walks around everyday feeding the stray cats several times a day and leaves the foam bowls behind with out picking them up. I was advised the cats are causing a nuisance by urinating and defecating all over the property of the businesses. The cats are also laying all over vehicles in the village.

Written statements were obtained by two business owners. The statements state That Mr. Comanitz is feeding the cats behind their businesses everyday causing the cats to urinate and defecate every where and they are laying on their vehicles causing a nuisance to them. It also states that Mr. Comanitz is leaving behind the foam bowls each time he is doing this. I was advised if he is seen in town to make contact with the male subject and take him into custody for the nuisance violation for the Village of Sebring.

On said date above, I observed Walter at the intersection of Ohio Ave and N. 16th Street. I stopped and made contact with Mr. Comanitz. I advised him of the situation and found him lo be carrying three plastic bags containing empty cans of tuna, foam bowls and large polar pop cups full of dry cat food.

Officer Melendez arrived on scene at this time. I then placed Mr. Comanitz into custody and read him his Miranda warning. Mr. Comanitz became very agitated stating he is an attorney and we are only going to make him rich and he will get money out of this situation. The handcuffs were placed on Mr. Comanitz by the assistance of Officer Melendez. Officer Melendez used his set of cuffs as well as mine for extra arm room due to the age of Mr. Comanitz. The cuffs were double locked and secured.

Mr. Comanitz was then escorted by officers to the marked patrol car Unit #304, where he was placed in the back passenger seat and secured. I then transported him to the Sebring Police department where he was booked, processed and released on his own Recognizance after he signed the Recognizance form agreeing to appear in court on the 26th day of October. 2023 to answer to the charge of Nuisance section 1317.01.

Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507


Date: 10/21/2023 @ 2158 hrs

N. 14th St / Ohio Ave.

CITED: Angela Farr
1014 S. Seneca Ave., Alliance, Oh

CHARGE: ORD: 335.01 Expired Registration

On 10/21/23 at 2158 hrs. I observed a blue Hyundai 4 door traveling south on 15th St. with a burned-out license plate light. The vehicle turned east on Pennsylvania Ave., and I observed the right rear turn signal flashing rapidly, indicating that the front right turn signal was burned out. I followed the vehicle as it pulled into Circle K.

Upon running the license plate, I was advised by dispatch that the vehicle registration and the registered owner's drivers license were expired as of 10/11/23.

Upon leaving Circle K, I activated my overhead lights and conducted a traffic stop at north 14th street and Ohio Ave. I spoke to the driver whom I identified as the registered owner Angela Farr. I advised her of the equipment violations and her expired status. Angela was issued a citation for expired license ORD. 335.01 and was given a verbal warning for the expired registration and equipment violations. Angela was given a court date of 11/09/23.1 cleared without incident.

Ptl. Demski #512 10/21/2023




Date: 10/06/2023 @ 1729 hrs

900 Block N. 12th St. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Aaron Simmons
416 W. Pennsylvania Ave. Sebring, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (44/25)

At 17:19 hours on 10/06/2023,  I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary at the intersection of N. 12th Street and E. Vermont Avenue, I observed a white Ford F-150 traveling northbound on N. 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit. As the vehicle neared the intersection with E. Michigan Avenue, I obtained a locked speed of 44 MPH with the department issued laser device.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I pulled onto the roadway, activated the patrol cars overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop. Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance.

The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be Aaron David Simmons. In speaking with Aaron, he admitted that he was not paying attention to his speed. Aaron also told me that he had just been cited for speeding.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032500. I cited Aaron for speed (SCO: 333.03) for going 44 in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone. Aaron then signed the citation, was given his copy, and instructed to either personally appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, October 19,2023, or to contact the court by that date for instruction on how to pay the citation. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to repart at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 10/07/2023 @ 1745 hrs

500 Block N. 12th Street Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Zachary Ruzek
105 E. Wisconsin Ave. Sebring, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (41/25)

At 17:45 hours on 10/07/2023,1 was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While traveling southbound on N. 12 Street at E. Michigan Avenue, I observed a white Chevrolet Cruze traveling northbound on N. 12th Street near the football field. The vehicle was traveling at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 41 MPH.

Upon observing this, I activated the patrol cars overhead emergency lights, turned the car around, and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle immediately pulled over, with me observing that Ohio Registration was affixed to the rear.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be Zachary T. Ruzek.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032527. I cited Ruzek for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 41 MPH in the marked 25 MPH zone. Ruzek then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised that he could either contact the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 0900 hours on Thursday, October 19,2023, or simply pay the citation by doing so through the court by that date. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 10/07/2023 @ 2353 hrs

836 S. 13th Street

CITED: Bryce Fisher
836 S. 13th St. Sebring

CHARGE: SCO: 335.01 Drivers License Required (Expired OLN)

On 10/07/2023 @ 2350 hours I was performing OVI saturation patrol southbound along North 12th Street near East Pennsylvania Avenue traveling at approximately 24 miles per hour when I observed a blue ford turn in front of me. Due to the short distance I had to brake down to approximately 14 miles per hour to avoid striking the vehicle. I followed the vehicle up to Alabama Avenue as I called out the license plate to dispatch. Dispatch advised the vehicle information, and I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren. The vehicle continued traveling from where I initiated the traffic stop at the intersection of South 12th Street and Alabama Avenue to the parking lot of 836 5. 13th Street (Sebring Executive Apartments) at approximately 2353 hours. I exited marked cruiser #301 and approached the passenger side of the vehicle. Upon my approach on foot I observed a male driver and a female passenger.

The female passenger, rolled the passenger window down and I identified my name and department affiliation. I stated the reason for the stop was the failure to yield, and that the registration for the vehicle was expired as of 09/28/2023, same as the registered owners license was expired. The driver, later identified as Bryce Fisher, did in fact make it aware to me he knew his registration was expired, as well as his license. I asked for both driver and occupants licenses or identification, which they both procured to me. After running both parties information, I spoke with Bryce and stated he would be receiving a citation for the expired license.

After a short time I returned to Bryce with citation # 032060 for Drivers License Required (Expired OLN). I also explained to Bryce and written on the citation he was receiving a verbal warning for failure to yield, and expired license plate. Bryce signed the citation and I asked for his insurance. Bryce states he could not find his insurance and he would be required to appear before Mahoning County Court U3 on 10/12/2023 @ 0900 A.M.

Bryce signed the citation and I gave him a copy. I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #509


Date: 10/10/2023 @ 2215 hrs

400 Block E. Ohio Ave.

ARREST: Constantina Cover
26935 Northside Dr., Beloit, Oh

2925.12 Possessing drug abuse instruments M-1 - Bond $1,250.00
2925.14 Illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia M-4 - Bond $500.00

On this date I conducted a traffic stop which lead to a narcotics related arrest.

Ptl. Brindack 504 10/10/2023

On this date while on patrol in marked cruiser 303 I was travelling East on E Ohio Ave behind a gold Chevy HHR bearing OH JLB; The HHR came to the intersection of Ohio Ave and N 12th St and stop passed the white stop bar. I also observed the vehicle had a louder than usual exhaust. I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle which came to a complete stop on Ohio Ave near the court house.

I approached the vehicle and identified as Constantina Covert. While speaking with Constantina I observed she was nervous, speaking rapidly and having troubling forming sentences, she also was looking at her bags in the passenger seat. I asked if there was anything in the car including narcotics Constantina again looked at her bags, when I asked why she looked at her bags when asked that question she said "because your lights are bright" she also stated she had knives in the car. I asked where she is currently living and she said at house in Beloit. Subject is a known user and has been arrested by this agency for narcotics.

At this time Sgt. Kelm had arrived and I asked Constantina for consent to search the vehicle, she stated I could and she grabbed her bags I asked her not to remove her bags because they had not been checked for weapons or the knives she said she had. I asked specifically for additional consent to search her bags and she said I could.

Inside of one of her bags units found a purple baggie with a clear residue which appeared to be methamphetamine, in the same bag we found a hypodermic needle which was still loaded with a small amount of clear liquid. Additionally a small clear bag was found in the rear of the vehicle. Constantina was placed in custody at this time.

Sgt. Kelm remained on scene to wait for a tow truck while I transported Constantina to our station for processing. On station the powder substance and a few drops of the liquid inside the needle were field tested and both tested positive for methamphetamine. Constanitna was charged with 2925.12 drug abuse instruments for the needle and 2925.14 drug paraphernalia for the baggies.

Constantina was given a recognizance bond with a court in Mahoning County court #3 of 10/12/2023 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Peterman provided Constantina a courtesy transport back to Subject's house.

Ptl. Brindack 504 10/10/2023




Date: 10/03/2023 @ 0825 hrs

100 Block S. 12th Street Sebring

CITED: Antonio Thuman
24216 Aurora Rd. Bedford Heights, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (41/25)

At 08:25 hours on 10/03/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary in the alleyway between the 300 blocks of E. Ohio and Oregon Avenues at N. 12th Street, I observed a semi-truck traveling southbound on N. 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit. As the truck traveled between E. Indiana and E. Maryland Avenues, I obtained a locked speed of 41 MPH with the department issued laser device.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I pulled behind it, initiating a traffic stop in the 100 block of S. 12th Street. At this time, I noted that Indiana Registration was attached to the trailer the truck was towing.

Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop. The driver immediately became hostile, stating "that's bullshit". I then requested his driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with his Ohio Driver license showing him to be Antonio D. Thurman.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032498. I cited Thurman for speed (SCO:333.03) for going 41 in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone. Thurman then signed the citation, was given his copy, and instructed of his option to either pay the citation, or to contest it by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, October 12,2023. I then cleared from the stop.

It should also be noted that although I did clearly instruct Thurman to include his current address as well as county of residence on the citation, he refused to acknowledge these instructions, with him only signing the citation and including a phone number.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 10/03/2023 @ 2106 hrs

N 15th near Maryland Ave

CITED: Samson Johnson
17211 State Route 576 Pioneer, OH

CHARGE: 335.10 Expired Tags

On this date while on patrol in marked patrol car #302 I was traveling N on N14th St bear Maryland Ave when I observed a dark colored sedan in front of me turn off N 14th West onto Maryland Ave without using his turn signal the vehicle proceeded to the intersection of Maryland Ave and 15th St and then after stopping activated the turn signal and went South on N 15th St. I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, a black Chrysler 200 which came to a complete stop in the public lot just behind the Police department.

I approached the driver identified as Samson Johnson and detected a faint odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the vehicle. I also noticed Samson's eyes were extremely bloodshot and were an unusual yellowish orange color.

At this time dispatch radioed the vehicles plates were expired and I asked for a second unit so I could begin SFSTs with Samson. Sgt. Kelm arrived shortly after and I asked Samson to exit the vehicle. Samson agreed to submit to SFSTs. Samson advised he did not wear glasses and had no medical issues that would affect the tests. I began with a medical screen using my handcuff key as a stimulus approximately l2 inches away from Samson eyes. I informed him to follow the silver metallic tip of the handcuff key with his eyes and eyes only and not to move his head.

I observed no resting nystagmus, equal pupil site, and equal tracking. During the HGN I observed lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, and distinct and sustained nystagmus in the right eye and the left eye however the nystagrnus was faint in the left, and Samson was squinting his eyes.

I then moved on to the walk and turn test and I instructed Samson to place his feet together, and arms down at his sides. I instructed him not to begin until told to do so. I informed Sampson he would be taking 9 heel to toe steps along a straight yellow parking line which was conveniently nearby. Making a series of small turns and then 9 heel to toe steps back. I showed him an example of the steps and asked if he understood he said he did, and I informed him to begin. Samson performed this test flawlessly.

Upon moving on to the next test, the One leg stand I informed Samson to remain with his feet together and arms at his side. I informed him he could pick a leg of his choosing and raise it approximately 12 inches off the ground and count out loud by "one thousand" until told to stop and not to set his foot down at any time. I then instructed him to begin. Samson Swayed while balancing, used his arms for balance, put his foot down multiple times, stopped counting by "one thousand." And around 17 stopped performing the test.

At this point we had one passed test, one failed test, and 4 out of 6 clues on HGN.

We asked Samson to submit to a Portable breath test which he advised he would, upon blowing the PBT displayed 0.013 I mistakenly read this as 0.13 which would have been over the limit and placed Samson in handcuffs and placed him in the back of my car.

Sgt. Kelm pointed out that the test was 0.013 making the results under the limit. At this time Sampson agreed to give a second sample and upon blowing showed 0.009 well under the legal limit, Sampson was immediately taken out of cuffs at this time.

Samson was released with a citation for expired plates 335.10 given his plates were almost one month expired and given court at MCC#3 of 10/19/2023 at 0900hrs. Sampson was allowed to drive his vehicle away.

Ptl. Brindack #504


Date: 10/05/2023 @ 0830 hrs

400 Block W Ohio Ave

CITED: Deneen Atkins
415 Elgin Ave Nw Canton Oh

CHARGE: ORC: 4510.11 DUS

On 4Oct23 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, 1 Observed Black Hyundi Sonata with Ohio Registration traveling West on Ohio Ave. I then conducted a License check, and it returned that the Owner was suspended. After Observing the Violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop in my marked Patrol Vehicle 304 in the 400 block of west Ohio Ave.

Upon contacting the operator Deneen Atkins, I advised her of the reason for the stop. I then asked for Identification which was provided by Atkins. After obtaining Atkins documents I was able to Verify that she was not Valid. Atkins was cited with ticket number # 032466 for Driving under Suspension with a Court date of 10/12/23 at 0900 at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505


Date: 10/05/2023 @ 1621 hrs

Ohio Ave near Johnson Rd

CITED: William Willis

CHARGE: 4510.11 DUS (ovi)

On this date while in a marked patrol car I was travelling West on W Ohio Ave approaching the intersection of Johnson and Ohio I observed the vehicle in front of me a silver BMW 328 stop passed the clearly visible white stop bar at the intersection. I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle which came to a complete stop in the 900 block of W Ohio Ave.

I approached the driver identified as William Willis who was acting nervously, rapidly smoking a cigarette, and shaking. I asked William where he was heading, and he said, "to get food" he then said, "well I'm headed to Alliance I don't know where" "I guess I'll go to East of Chicago". He also stated he was suspended with driving privileges. I asked if going to Alliance was covered under his driving privileges and he said, 'I don't know I don't have them".

Det. Reed had arrived on scene and we agreed based on prior experience with driving privileges this would not be covered, regardless he did not have the privileges with him which would void the privileges.

I consulted with Sgt. Kelm on this matter, and he agreed. After dispatch confirmed William was suspended with an OVI suspension. William was issued a citation for 4510.11 Driving under suspension with a court date at MCC#3 of 10/19/2023 @ 0900hrs. William was allowed to have his brother come retrieve the vehicle. Units then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack #504




Date: 09/27/2023 @ 1015 hrs

100 Block of N 15th St Sebring

CITED: Christopher Ward
587 W Florida Ave Sebring OH

CHARGE: SCO:313.01 Traffic control Device

On 27Sept23 While conducting traffic enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a gray 2023 Chevy Equinox with Ohio Registration driving West on E Ohio Ave run the red light after observing the violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 304 in the 100 block of N 15th St.

Upon making contact with the driver, Christopher Ward, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was Valid. Ward was cited with Ticket
#032465 for Traffic Control device with a court date of 10/5/2023 at MCC#3 at 0900.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 9/27/2023




Date: 09/27/2023 @ 2353 hrs

N. 15th Street / W. Maryland Ave.

CITED: Maurice Brown
296 West Vermont Avenue Sebring

4510.11 DUS
4511.39 Turn Signals Required

On 09/27/2023 @ 2353 hours while on patrol on West Indiana I observed a vehicle stop at the stop sign on West Indiana and North 15th Street.

The vehicle then turned on their right turn signal indicating a right turn as the vehicle was in the middle of performing the turn. Observing this traffic infraction, I turned on my emergency lights and audible siren. The vehicle stopped a short distance later at the intersection of North 15th Street and West Maryland Avenue. Sgt. Kelm #503 stopped behind my marked Cruiser #303 and I called out my stop to dispatch and approached the passenger side of the vehicle.

Upon my approach I observed one occupant, the driver, inside the vehicle. The driver rolled the passenger side window, and I informed the driver of my department affiliation and the reason for the stop. The driver immediately stated he did not have a license. I asked if his license was not on him or suspended and the driver stated he was suspended. I asked the driver to shut the vehicle off and step out and the driver complied with the request. I asked the driver for his name, DOB, and last four of his SSN which he also complied and released to me.

The driver, Maurice Brown, was confirmed through dispatch to have 2 warrants and to be suspended for Non-Compliance, License Forfeiture, and Child Support.

Upon hearing of his warrants, I placed Maurice in handcuffs (properly gapped and double locked) and performed a pat down for weapons. I did not find any weapons on Maurice and continued my investigation. Dispatch advised the warrants were out of the pick-up zone, and Maurice was then released from handcuffs. Sgt. Kelm cleared the traffic stop at this time for 296 West Vermont Avenue in an attempt to make contact with the registered owner to pick the vehicle up.

After finishing my investigation, Sgt. Kelm advised the registered owner was at home with her children and could not come get the car. I spoke with Maurice and advised he could move the vehicle over to the public parking area on North 15th Street and East Maryland Avenue. Maurice moved the vehicle to the public parking spot as I followed behind.

Maruice was given citation #032058 for ORC 4510.11 DUS(Non-Compliance), and ORC 4511.39 Turn Signals Required with a mandatory court date of 10/05/2023 @ 0900 A.M. MCC#3. Maurice was advised of his mandatory court date, and he signed the citation. After giving a copy of the citation to Maurice Officers cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #509 09/28/2023




Date: 09/30/2023 @ 1810 hrs

200 Block W. California Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Zane Twaddle
24178 Lebern Dr. N. Olmstead, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (44/25)

At 18:10 hours on 09/30/2023,1 was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While patrolling eastbound on W. California near the intersection of 5. 17th Street, I observed a gray sedan turn onto W. California Avenue from S. 15th Street. The vehicle then began accelerating rapidly. Upon activating my patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 44 MPH. This being in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone.

Upon observing this, I activated the cars overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop, as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce the requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be Zane A. Twaddle.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032497.1 cited Twaddle for speed (SCO: 333.03) for going 44 MPH in the marked 25 MPH zone. Upon returning to Twaddle's vehicle, he signed the citation and was given his copy. I informed Twaddle of his right to contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, October 12,2023. Twaddle was also informed that if he simply wished to pay the citation, he would need to do so by this date. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 10/1/2023 @ 1704 hrs

Zeps Pizza (195 North Johnson Road)

CITED: Brian Boston
386 East Wisconsin Avenue, Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO 331.17 Right of Way- Turning Left

On 10/01/2023 @ 1704 hours I responded to Zeps Pizza (195 North Johnson Road) for a report of a Motorcycle versus Car accident. I arrived on scene and observed a motorcycle lying on its left side and a white vehicle in front of it. I approached the vehicles and noted no airbag deployment from the car.

I spoke with the driver of the car, Brian Boston, who stated to me that he was making a left turn into the parking lot of Zeps Pizza when the motorcycle struck the rear passenger portion of his vehicle. Brian states he did not see the bike. I asked if he needed to see EMS and he denied needing EMS.

I then approached the motorcycle driver, John Simchak, who was sitting on a metal beam. I asked John if he was okay and needed EMS and he responded he did and I observed him walk over towards me partly stumbling and being very uneasy to his feet. As I spoke with John I did not smell any odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person. Based upon the impact and vehicle size, I determined John would need to see EMS and I would need Springers Tire to tow the car due to the damage.

I radioed this to dispatch then asked John to sit down and try not to exert himself as he may have an underlying injury. I took pictures to document the position of both vehicles, and level of damage. I advised dispatch that the car would need towed as it was unsafe to drive due to suspension damage causing the rear passenger tire to be bent at an outward angle. John was sent via Sebring EMS to Aultman Alliance Community Hospital, and I wrote Brian a citation for SCO 331.17 Right of way - turning left.

Springers Tire arrived on scene and picked the vehicle up to take to Sebring Tire.

At the conclusion of my investigation I determined Unit #1 (motorcycle) was traveling south on north Johnson Road when Unit #2(Car) traveling north on north Johnson Road made a left turn directly in front of Unit 2 subsequently causing Unit 1 to strike Unit 2. I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #509 10/01/2023




Date: 9/8/2023 @ 0146 hrs

Traffic / Criminal
500 Block N. 14th Street

ARREST: Cody Russell
806 N. Webb Ave. Alliance, Ohio

ORC: 2925. l l Possession of controlled substances (Methampetamine)
ORC: 4513.05 Tail lights and illumination of rear license plate
ORC: 4510.12 Operating a motor vehicle without a valid license.

COURT: MCC #3 09/14/2023 @ 09:00

At 01:46 hours on 09/08/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While patrolling northbound in the 500 block of N. 14th Street, I observed the vehicle in front of me, a green Ford Focus, OH Reg , to not have a functioning license plate light. Upon noticing this, I activated my patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The green Ford Focus, bearing Ohio Registration came to a complete stop in front of the Sebring Local Schools Administration Building. I then approached from the passenger side, observing a female subject, who I know, sitting in the passenger seat. She was rapidly rummaging through her purse, with me telling her to stop. I also observed a white male sitting in the driver seat.

At this time I informed the driver of the reason for the stop, with me asking for his driver license. The driver said that he did not have a driver license, with me then instructing both him and Millard out of the vehicle. After directing passenger to the rear bumper of the Focus, I began speaking with the male subject, who identified himself as Cody Allen Russell. In speaking with Cody, he told me that he did not have a driver license. When I asked Cody why he was driving a car belonging to the passenger without a license he says "because she shouldn't be driving right now".

It should be noted that her speech was rapid and her body language appeared very animated. She said that this was because she was extremely manic at the time and didn't feel comfortable driving.

I then asked him if he had any weapons on him, with Cody telling me that he had several knives that he was carrying. Cody then began reaching for the knives, with me instructing him not to. Cody then gave me consent to retrieve the knives as well as to conduct a search of his person.

While I was beginning this search, I was advised by dispatch that Cody had several warrants for his arrest and that we were within the pickup radius. Because of this. I secured Cody in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and doublelocked.

In going further with the search of Cody's person, I did not locate any additional knives. I did however locate a llght colored crystalline substance that was inside of a folded up lottery ticket in the small right pocket of Cody's jeans. Based upon my training and experience, this substance appeared to be methamphetamine. I was also advised at approximately this time that the issuing agency of Cody's warrants did want him if we did not have charges on him. I then secured Cody in the back of car 304 while I field tested the suspected methamphetamine. The substance did test positive to be this drug, which is a schedule II controlled substance. Sebring Tire also arrived on scene with the vehicle being towed to their lot.

At this time I informed Cody that he was under arrest for possession of controlled substances (ORC: 2925.1 1) as well as the fact that he would be receiving a citation for illumination of rear license plate (ORC: 4513.05) as well as Operating a motor vehicle without a valid license (ORC: 4510.12). While driving Cody to the police station for processing, he said that the pants did not belong to him and lhat he wouldn't have allowed me to search had he known the methamphetamine was in his pocket. Cody was then photographed, finger printed, processed, before being transported to the Mahoning County Jail without incident.

It should also be noted that he received his copy of Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032492 before being booked. The suspected methamphetamine was secured in temporary evidence locker #l. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508 Narrative Date 09/08/2023 0551


Date: 9/7/2023 @ 1120 hrs

205 E. Ohio Ave

ARREST: Kelly Sweet
176 E. Oregon Ave

CHARGE: 2911.21(A)(1) Criminal Trespass

On 09/07/2023 I was dispatched and responded to 205 E. Ohio Ave for a trespass complaint.

Upon arrival I spoke with the manager who stated Kelly Sweet has a notice of restriction and is not supposed to be there. I observed Kelly Sweet at the register attempting to check out what appeared to be a 24 oz. can of beer. I asked Kelly to step outside to speak with me. Upon exiting the store I asked Kelly if she has been served with a notice of restriction to the business. She replied with "she has not".

I then checked with dispatch who advised Ms. Sweet was in fact served the notice of restriction an the 5th of September 2023 by Officer Brindack at her residence and a copy was given to such person. I then placed Ms. Sweet under arrest for trespassing on the premises. I read her the Miranda warning and placed her in handcuffs. I double locked the cuffs and placed her in the back seat of marked unit 304. She was then transported to the Sebring Police department where she was booked and processed. Kelly was then released on her own recognizance after she signed the paper. She was given a court date of 09/14/2023 at 0900 at the MCC#3.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507 Narrative Date 09/07/2023 12:54


Date: 9/6/2023 @ 1335 hrs


ARREST: Tracy Sarchione
206 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: ORC: 2913.02(A)(1) Theft (without consent) M-1

COURT: MCC #3 09/07/2023 @ 09:00

At 13:14 hours on 09/06/2023, a business in the 200 block of E. Ohio Avenue reported having been the victim of a theft offense. A Sebring resident was subsequently arrested on a charge of theft as a result.

At 13:14hours on 09/06/2023, a manager for Circle K (205 E. Ohio Avenue) reported a shoplifting incident at the store. Upon arriving on location, in speaking with the two managers, they informed me that a Tracy Sarchione, whom they are familiar with, had been in the business several minutes prior, and that she had failed to pay for a pack of Marlboro Black cigarettes, which were valued at $6.35.

I was further advised that Tracy had been at the self checkout, deposited money in the machine for the cigarettes and a polar pop, and that the machine rejected the transaction for some reason, with it returning the money to her. Sarchione then took the money back into her possession before leaving the store with both the cigarettes, polar pop and the money.

Managers were able to provide me with security camera footage that did show the incident occurring as they described it. I then asked if the store was willing to pursue charges, with both managers saying that they did want this. It was also conveyed to me that Sarchione has stolen items from the business before.

I then cleared from the store and went to 206 E. Oregon Avenue, where Sarchione is known to live. Upon speaking with Sarchione, she said that she was not a thief, with her initially denying having taken the cigarettes without paying for them.

Sarchione then said that she had put $8.00 in the machine to pay for the item and that it had returned $7.00. When I asked Sarchione if she had still left with the cigarettes she said that she had and that she had not told any employees of the business. Sarchione also provided me with the pack of cigarettes that she had taken.

At this time I advised her that she was under arrest, with me placing her in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked.

Sarchione was then taken to the Sebring Police Station where she was photographed, fingerprinted, and processed.

Sarchione was charged with one first-degree misdemeanor charge of theft (ORC: 2913.02(A)). She was given a $1,250 recognizance bond and released after being informed of her mandatory court appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 on 09/07/2023 at 09:00 hours. Sarchione was also informed that she was no longer allowed at the business. Because of this a notice of restriction shall be drafted and delivered.

All relevant photographs and footage were secured in the department photos folder in the shared drive. The pack of cigarettes and dollar bill that Sarchione did leave in the machine were placed in temporary evidence locker #2. Nothing additional to report. Statement forms were provided to both managers. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508 Narrative Date 09/06/2023 14:18


Date: 9/6/2023 @ 0845 hrs

N. 12th / E. Vermont Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Trew Jacobs
206 W. Virginia Ave. Sebring, OH.

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 SPEED 50/25

At 08:45 hours on 09/06/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary at the intersection of E. Vermont Avenue and N. 12th Street, I observed a dark colored SUV traveling northbound on N. 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit. As the vehicle approached E. Michigan Avenue, I obtained a locked speed of 50 MPH on the department issued laser device.

Due to the vehicle's speed, I activated my overhead emergency lights as it approached. The vehicle, a black GMC Terrain OH Reg , turned left on Vermont Ave. from N. 12th Street, pulling into the parking lot of the former Refresh Dental Office (425 E. Vermont Avenue). I then approached and made contact with the driver, who I knew to be Trew Jacobs. In speaking with Trew, she said that she realized that she was speeding, and that she was trying to get to a court hearing.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032491. I cited Trew for speeding (SCO 333.03), for going 50 MPH in a marked 25 MPH zone. Trew then signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised that if she wished to contest the citation that she would need to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, September 14,2023. Trew was further advised that if she wished to simply pay the citation that she would need to contact the court for instructions on how to do so prior to this date.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 9/5/2023 @ 1553 hrs


ARREST: Kelly Sweet
176 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: ORC: 2913.02(A)(1) Theft (Petty)

On thfs date while on patrol I was at the corner of Ohio Ave and 14th St, I observed Kelly Sweet leaving the parking lot of Circle K. Kelly appeared to be cupping something and holding it underneath her shirt, the item appeared to be long and cylindrical. I also know that Kelly was arrested Saturday 09/02/2023 for stealing beer from the drive thru here in Sebring.

I made contact with Kelly and asked what she was holding she said "nothing". I asked what she was concealing under her shirt and she replied "a beer". Kelly said she paid had paid for it. I entered Circle K and asked if Kelly had been inside and purchased beer the cashier Brenda Swinhart said Kelly was inside but had not purchased anything at that point.

I detained Kelly in the back of my cruiser. The manager arrived and double checked the cashiers, confirmed she had not purchased anything and advised they did want theft charges for this matter. The manager also pulled camera footage which shows Kelly enter and leave without going to the cashier. The managers both did written statements for me and are working on getting us the camera footage.

Kelly was then placed under arrest, and transported her to our station for processing. Kelly was charged with theft 2913.02, a misdemeanor of the first degree, released with a recognizance bond, and is due to appear in MCC#3 on 09/07/2023 at 0900hrs the same day as her court date for the first theft charge. Kelly was also given a notice of restriction for Circle K.

Ptl. 8rindack #504 09/05/2023


Date: 9/4/2023 @ 1921 hrs

Domestic Violence

ARREST: Michael Burrier

CHARGE: 2919.25 Domestic Violence(M-1)

On 09/04/2023 @ 1833 hours I responded to station for a report of a domestic dispute.

Ptl. Peterman #509


Date: 9/3/2023 @ 1432 hrs

N. 12th Street at E. Ohio Ave

CITED: Carrie Tucker
2490 Blenheim Ave, Alliance

CHARGE: 313.01 Traffic control devices

On 09/03/2023 I was dispatched and responded to the intersection of 12th Street and E. Ohio Ave for a motor vehicle accident.

Upon arrival I spoke with both drivers of the vehicles. I was able to obtain video footage from Detective Andrew Reed from a near by neighbor. After watching the video footage I was able to determine the driver of the 2017 Silver Ford Explorer Ohio registration driven by Mrs. Carrie Tucker was traveling North bound on 12th Street. I observed the traffic light change to red and Mrs. Tucker not stop for the red light.

Mr. Adam Cook was traveling West bound on E. Ohio Ave in the intersection when he was struck by Mrs. Tucker in the front of the vehicle. This caused Mrs. Tuckers vehicle to strike Mr. Cook but also into a parked spectrum vehicle.

Mrs. Tucker was cited for the traffic control device and given a court date of 09/07/2023. Mrs. Tucker was explained the citation and released.

Mrs. Tucker's vehicle was towed to Springer's. Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell. #507


Date: 9/2/2023 @ 2144 hrs

14th st and E Virginia Ave

CITED: Gregory Horner
145 E Michigan Ave

CHARGE: 331.36 Squealing Tires

On this date, Sgt Kelm and myself were at our station, beginning a foot patrol of the down town area, we heard a loud exhaust and tire squealing excessively we turned and observed a dark colored truck doing a "burn out" in front of the Circle K on Ohio, recklessly turn onto 14th st heading North and do an additional "burn out" this time for a longer duration.

We quickly returned to our patrol vehicles which were parked along side the police station activated our lights and sirens and gave chase to the vehicle.

We caught up to the vehicle on 14th st near the Sebring Schools administration building (14th &Virginia) the vehicle a maroon dodge ram came to a complete stop at that time. Units made contact with the driver identified as Gregory Horner, who immediately admitted what he had just done was "stupid" and apologized. Gregory was issued a citation for squealing tire 331.36 with a court date in Mahoning County court #3 of 09/14/2023 at 0900hrs. Gregory was given a warning for willful and wanton disregard for safety.

Ptl. Brindack 504


Date: 9/2/2023 @ 1851 hrs


ARREST: Kelly Sweet
176 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: ORC: 2913.02(A)(1) Theft (Petty)

At 15:32 hours on 09/02/2023, I was dispatched to Rocky's Drive-Thru (4 S. 15th Street) for a report of a person who stole a bottle of beer.

Upon arriving on location, contact was made with the caller/complainant, who is an employee of the establishment. In speaking with employee, she told me that she observed a female subject, who she knows as Kelly, enter the business through the exit lane and approach a cooler. Employee said that Kelly then left, with her checking the area where she had been and finding a bottle removed from a six-pack of Michelobe beer. Employee said that another patron, whom she knows only as "" reported to her that Kelly had stolen the bottle before walking out. In speaking further with Employee, she said that she knows Kelly. Due to this information being given, I know Kelly to be Kelly Sweet, who resides in the 100 block of E. Oregon Avenue.

By this time Ptl. Brindack had already arrived at Sweet's residence, I cleared the drive-thru and went to this location as well, with both of us knocking and not receiving an answer at the door. I then went back to Rocky's, where I provided a statement form to Employee. I also spoke with the owner who said that he wanted to pursue charges.

Owner also said that he wanted a notice of restriction placed on Sweet.

After collecting the witness statement, I cleared from the Drive-thru, it should also be noted that I did leave my department email address at the business, with me instructing Rockwell to forward any video footage that he may have to me. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508

At 18:50 hours on 09/02/2023, I went to Sweet's residence, located at 176 E. Oregon Avenue, in an attempt to make contact with her. I was accompanied by Ptl. Brindack. Upon knocking on the door was answered.

Sweet then came to the door, with me asking her if she was at Rocky's Drive-Thru earlier in the day. Sweet initially said that she had not been, but admitted that she had when I told her that I would be obtaining security footage from the business. I then asked Sweet if she had taken anything, with her again denying that she had, but admitting that she stole a bottle of beer when I again reminded her that I would be reviewing security footage.

I then advised Sweet that she was under arrest for theft. Sweet was then placed in handcuffs, which were property spaced and double-locked, with her then being secured in the back of car 302. Once back on station, I read Sweet her Miranda Rights, which she said that she understood. Sweet also agreed to speak with me regarding the incident. In the audio/video recorded squad room, Sweet admitted to having stolen the beer, with her saying that is was only one and that she did this because she is an alcoholic and that she did not have any money. Sweet was the photographed and fingerprinted before being released on a $1,250.00 own recognizance bond for the charge of theft (ORC: 2913.02(A)(1).

This being a first-degree misdemeanor Sweet was made explicitly aware that she is to be in court at 09:00 hours on Thursday, September 7, 2023 at Mahoning County Court #3. Due to Sweet smelling strongly of alcohol she was released.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 9/2/2023 @ 1457 hrs

W. Texas Ave./S.19th St., Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Alexis Polidoro
3744 Fairway Park Dr Apt 208 Copley, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 SPEED 41/25

At 1457 hours on 09/02/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While facing westbound on the roadside of W. Texas Avenue in front of the F.A. Sebring building (356 W. Texas Avenue), I observed a black Ford SUV that was traveling eastbound on W. Texas Avenue, at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 41 MPH.

The vehicle then slowed, with it pulling into the driveway of 463 W. Texas Avenue. At this time, I approached with my emergency lights activated, just in time to see the vehicle, a black Ford Escape, come to a stop in the driveway. Several people then exited, with a female identifying herself as the driver. I then requested her driver license, with her providing an Ohio license to me, that showed her to be Alexis Polidoro. I also informed Alexis of the reason for the stop. I then relayed Alexis's information to dispatch, with me also drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032490.

I cited Alexis for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 41 MPH in a marked 25 MPH zone. Alexis signed the citation, was given her copy, and informed that she could contest the citation by appearing at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday, September 14, 2023, or that she could pay the citation by contacting the court by this time. I then cleared. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 9/1/2023 @ 2110 hrs

117 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring Oh

ARREST: Edward Mills
265 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring

2921.31 Obstructing Offical Business M-2
2921.33 Resisting Arrest M-2
2917.11 Disorderly w/Persistance

While Ptl. Brindack and I were conducting a foot patrol in the downtown area we observed Edward Mills Jr. at a juvenile on a bicycle. Ptl. Brindack called for Edward to come speak with us. When Edward approached us it was immediately apparent that he was intoxicated due to his slurred speech, bloodshot glassy eyes, and unable to keep his balance. Edward was also carrying a "tallboy" Twisted Tea.

Ptl. Brindack asked Edward why he was yelling at the juvenile and he denied doing anything wrong and began calling us racial slurs and cussing. Ptl. Brindack advised Edward he probably should not drink his Twisted Tea due to his already being highly intoxicated. Edward stated he would.

At this time both officers agreed Edward should be placed under arrest for Disorderly Conduct w/Persistence due to him being told multiple times to stop yelling and cussing. Edward was placed in handcuffs (gapped and double locked) and escorted to the police station for processing.

Upon arrival at the station Ptl. Brindack and I began the proper paperwork to book and release Edward on his own recognizance. While booking Edward he refused to have his fingerprints taken and refused having his booking photo taken still stating he did nothing wrong and that we were "assholes".

In the process of booking Edward, Ptl. Brindack had to go to dispatch to retrieve paperwork. While Ptl. Brindack was in dispatch, I was completing papework and could hear Edward muttering something and fidgeting around. I looked over to find Edward had gotten one hand in between his legs in an attempt to get his handcuffs in front of him. I stood up and asked what he was doing and he stated he did nothing. I had Edward stand up so I could reapply his handcuffs to the rear. When I released his hand he turned around and began grabbing at the left side of my vest.

By this time Ptl. Brindack had come back to the squad room and helped me to place Edward at a disadvantage so we could reapply the handcuffs. Edward then began to complain of wrist pain. At this time EMS was requested to check his wrist. Upon arrival EMS asked Edward what was wrong and he said he did not even know what was going on. After being prompted by one of the EMS personnel he then stated his wrist hurt and he believed it was broken. EMS assured him they did not believe his wrist was broken but Edward stated he wanted to go to the hospital to be checked out. Edward was then transported to Alliance Community Hospital.

Ptl. Brindack rode in the ambulance with EMS due to Edwards non compliance. After being cleared by the hospital Edward was then transported to Mahoning County Justice Center to await arraignment for 1 charge of Disorderly Conduct w/Persistance M-4, one count of Obstructing Official Business M-2, and one count of Resisting Arrest M-2. Edward has a bond of $2500 with a mandatory court date set for 9/7/2023 at 0900hrs.

Officer Kelm 09/01/2023 22:07


Date: 9/1/2023 @ 1738 hrs

N 12th St / Pine Lake Rd

ARREST: Stacy Yendrick
356 E Indiana Ave

4511.19(A)(1)(a) OVI (SFST)
4511.19(A)(2)(a) OVI refusal
4511.29 left of center

On this date while on patrol in marked unit 302 I was traveling N on N 12th St near Pine Lake. I observed a Red Ford SUV traveling in front of me the same direction, I observed the vehicle leave it lane crossing over the double yellow line three times. On the third time I activated my overhead lights and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle which continued on N 12th and exited the Village limits the vehicle came to a complete stop just outside the Village at N 12th St and Courtney Rd.

I approached the vehicle alongside the passenger side, when I approached the driver initially appeared un aware I was at his window, when he did notice he said "hold on let me roll down the window" the windows were already down at that time. I observed the male later identified as Stacy Yendrich had slow slurred speech, he had a slouched stance, and his eyes were glossy. I asked Stacy if he had been drinking and he said no, I asked for Stacy's driver license. registration and proof of insurance, he handed me his license and let of the brake, the vehicle started slowly moving forward, Stacy in an extremely slow manner placed the vehicle in park and said "I guess I don't have that other stuff'. I asked Stacy to turn off his vehicle and step out of the car, Stacy did so however when he exited his vehicle he stumbled into the road. I asked Stacy if he would conduct field sobriety with me and he said 'yes".

I INSTRUCTED Stacy to stand off the side of the road in front of both our vehicles. I asked if he had any medical issues, eye problems, brain injuries, leg issues, back problems, or any other issues and he said "No". I instructed Stacy to place his feet together and put his arms straight down at his sides, and place his hand like he was holding rolls of quarters.

Using the tip of my pen as a stimulus I began with a medical screening, I observed Stacy had equal pupil size, equal tracking, and no resting nystagmus. I then began the HGN Horizontal Gaze nystagmus test. During this test Stacy was very off balance and moved his head multiple times, suddenly in the middle of the test Stacy stopped relaxed his body and started looking around almost as if he had forgotten what he was doing. I asked what he was doing and he said "I did what I could". I asked if he was now refusing to take the test and he said "no ill take it".

Upon restarting the test I observed Stacy had lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, on set prior to 45 degrees in both eyes, and distinct and sustained nystagmus in both eyes". I then asked Stacy if we would do the next test and he said "no" Stacy refused any further tests and stated "l've had quite a bit". I asked what he had been drinking and he said "Vodka". I then placed Stacy in custody for suspected OVI and placed him in the back of my patrol car. I requested a tow truck and began an inventory search. Upon Springers arrival I transported Stacy to our station for processing.

On station Stacy was read a BMV 2255 form advised he understood and refused to give Breath or urine. Stacy was immediately placed under administrative license suspension at that time. Stacy was issued a citation for OVI 4511.19 (A)(l)(a) OVI refusal 4511.19 (A)(2)(a) and left of center 4511.29 with a court date at MCC#3 of 09/07/2023 at 0900hrs.

Stacy was given a recognizance form and then provided a courtesy transport home to 356 E Indiana Ave.

Date 09/01/2023 20:15 Officer Brindack


Date: 9/2/2023 @ 0130 hrs

Criminal - Warrant
135 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring

WARRANT/ARREST: Daniel Pasco-Windland
718 Mechanic Ave., Alliance

2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substance
2925.14 Illegal Use or Possession of Controlled Substance

At 0027 hours on 04-18-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary observing the intersection of W. Ohio Avenue and N. Johnson Road, I observed a maroon Toyota sedan, that was traveling eastbound on W. Ohio, proceed through the intersection without coming to a complete stop. Based upon my training and experience, I estimated the vehicle to be moving at approximately 10 MPH when it went trough the intersection. I then pulled onto the roadway, activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle. It should be noted that the vehicle was slow to stop, with me having to activated my audible siren several times before it stopped at the intersection of W. Ohio Avenue and N. 19th Street.

Upon approaching the maroon Toyota Corolla, bearing Ohio Registration, I made contact with the male driver. I informed the driver of the reason for the stop, with him saying that he realized he had run the stop sign, and that he was having a bad night. I then requested his driver license as well as vehicle registration. The driver informed me that he did not have either with him. I then asked if he had a valid license, with him telling me that he had just been stopped by The Alliance Police Department, his license was suspended, and that they had cited him. The driver then gave me his name (Daniel Pasco-Windland), date of birth, and social security number.

Upon returning to my patrol car, I relayed Pasco-Windland's information to dispatch, with it being confirmed that his driver license was suspended. I then drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032222. I cited Pasco-Windland for driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11), as well as obeying traffic control devices (ORC; 4511.12). Upon returning to Paso-Windland's vehicle, he signed the citation and was given his copy. I also at this point instructed Pasco-Windland to exit the vehicle, because it was going to be towed. Upon informing Pasco-Windland of this, he reached his right hand between the center console and driver seat, began shuffling around, and then reached into his front-right coat pocket. I could not see what he had retrieved, with me ordering him out of the vehicle. Due to the threat to officer safety. I asked for and received consent from Windland to conduct a patdown of his person. Pasco-Windland then said it had been his nicotine that he put in his pocket. When I asked if I could enter his pockets to be sure that it was only nicotine that he had retrieved, Paso-Windland said "yeah". At this point I located a plastic container, which contained a light-colored crystalline substance, small spoon, box cutter blade, and rolled up dollar bill. Based upon my training and experience, the lightcolored crystalline substance appeared to be methamphetamine.

I then secured Pasco-Windland in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked, before securing him in the back of car 302. It should be noted that I informed Pasco-Windland that he was only being detained at that point and was not under arrest. I then completed an inventory of the vehicle, locating nothing of value and no additional contraband. Ptl. Rhome, of The Smith Township Police Depl. also arrived to my location at this time. At this point, I decided that the suspected methamphetamine would be sent to The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigations (BCI) Crime Lab, instead of it being field tested. Because of this, Pasco-Windland was released from detention and sent on his way. Pasco-Windland was informed of his mandatory court appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:OO on 04-1 8-2022. Sebring Tire then arrived and towed his vehicle, with both Ptl. Rhome and I clearlng from the stop afterwards.

Once back on station, I photographed the suspected methamphetamine as well as drug paraphernalia. I also weight the suspected methamphetamine, with it not registering on the department scale. The contraband items were then secured in temporary evidence locker #1. Additional charges possible pending laboratory results. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506 4/18/2022 02:08

On 9/2/2023 dispatch was contacted by Alliance PD who were out with Daniel. Alliance was advised the warrant was good and they transported Daniel to Sebring PD. Daniel was booked, photographed and fingerprinted and transported by Ptl. Demski to Mahoning County Justice Center.

Sgt. Kelm #503 9/2/2023 01:42





Date: 8/7/2023 @ 1830 hrs


ARREST: Kristen Irwin
836 S. 13 th St. Sebring OH

2912.25(A) Domestic Violence
2925.14 Possession of Drug Paraphenalia

On 08/07/23 1 responded to 836 S. 13th St. Apt. 19 for an unwanted person.

Upon arrival I spoke to victim who wanted his ex girl friend and child, removed from his property. Kirsten was packed and waiting on her ride.

While talking to victim. I noticed a very noticeable red mark on his sternum area. He advised me that Kirsten had struck him and pushed him into a wall.

Kirsten freely admitted to causing his injuries because victim had been yelling and walking up on her. I asked victim if he wanted to file Domestic violence charges. He stated that he did at which point I took Kirsten into custody. Just prior to handcuffing Kirsten, she removed a small baggy of marijuana and a red pipe commonly used for smoking marijuana from her bra. I placed her in handcuffs then secured her in my police car. Upon arresting her, victim immediately wanted me to not charge her and asked several times for me not to arrest her. I advised him that per the State of Ohio, if a victim of domestic violence does not want to follow through with charges, the state takes over on behalf of the victim. Victim stated he would go to court and try and have the charges dropped. I then noticed a second mark on his right shoulder blade similar to the one on his sternum. Victim did not want to fill out any statements of cooperate any further.

Lt. McDaniel of Smith Township arrived on scene to assist me. Lt. McDaniel also noted the marks on Bryce.

While in the back of my police car, Kirsten advised me she had a small paper envelope of methamphetamine in her shorts. She then produced it and handed it over to me.

Upon arrival at the station Kirsten, was booked and processed.

Per Sgt. Kelm, the paper envelope of suspected methamphetamine will be sent to the lab for testing, and charges will be filed at a later date. The small baggie containing marijuana was destroyed with Ptl. Russell witnessing it. Kirsten was transported by Ptl. Russel for the charges of Domestic violence 2919.25 and possession of drug paraphernalia 2925.141.

Officer Demski Date 08/07/2023 22:26


Date: 8/3/2023 @ 1430 hrs

N 12th St @ E Ohio Ave

CITED: William Sharp
2232 Charles Lane Akron OH

CHARGE: SCO: 331.34 Failure To Control

On 4Aug23 Unit one advised that while traveling East on E Ohio Ave and N 12th St he thought it was a blinking light. Unit 1 came to a complete stop and then proceeded E on Ohio and that is when Unit 1 hit Unit 2 on the driver's side.

Unit 2 was traveling North on N 12th St and was struck on the driver's side.

Both vehicles have heavy damage.

REPORT BY Ptl. Melenda #505 DATE 8/4/2023


Date: 8/4/2023 @ 1830 hrs


CITED: Tara Choice
165 W Maryland Ave

CHARGE: 505.01 Dog running at large

On this date I responded to the 100 block of W. Maryland for reports of a dog running at large.

On arrival I observed the dog to be a dog I know is owned by Tara Choice of 165 W Maryland Ave running in the street and through neighbors yards. Tara was recently cited for this same dog running at large.

A minor misdemeanor citation will be issued for 505.01 dog running at large.

Ptl. Brindack #504 08/04/2023

Later this same day Tara was issued a MM citation for the above mentioned charge with a court date at MCC#3 OF 08/17/2023.

Ptl. Brindack #504 08/04/2023


Date: 8/2/2023 @ 2320 hrs


ARREST: Loretta Welling
280 N 15th St. Sebring Ohio

CHARGE: 2921.03 Intimidation / F3

I received an email from Loretta Welling that I felt was intimidating. I spoke to our Prosecutor and ask him to investigate this case.

Chief Harris #502 6/6/23

On this date Our Prosecutor said that he will be filing charges against Loretta (Welling) Phillips for Intimidation 2921.03 (F-3).

Chief Harris #502 6/9/23

On this date a Warrant was issued for Loretta (Welling) Phillips. The Warrant was entered into LEADS.

Chief Harris #502 6/20/23

On 8/2/2023 while on a call I made contact with Loretta Welling. I informed her of her warrant and took her in to custody.

Ptl. Russell transported Loretta to the station where she was processed. Lorretta was then transported to MCJC by Ptl. Russell to await arraignment on the above charge of Intimidation.

Sgt. Kelm #503 8/2/2023


Date: 7/28/2023 @ 2213 hrs


CITED/SERVED: Linda Stuller
836 S. 13th St. Apt. 18 Sebring, Ohio

SCO: 337.20 Loud Exhaust
ORC: 2925.14 Illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia

At 22:13 hours on 07/28/2023, a traffic stop in the 300 block of N. 15th Street resulted in the discovery of drug paraphernalia. The driver of the vehicle was charged with Illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia as well as an equipment violation.

Officer REED

At 22:13 hours on 07/28/23, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While sitting in the rear parking lot of The Concern Thrift Shop, located at 125 W. Ohio Avenue, I observed a white Ford with an extremely loud exhaust that was traveling eastbound on W. Oregon Avenue. As the vehicle traveled through the downtown district, the sound resonated off of the buildings in a disruptive manner. It should also be noted that the vehicle had just prior to this been parked in front of a residence in the 100 block of W. Oregon Avenue for approximately 20 minutes with the engine running. The vehicle then turned left on N. 15th Street. At this time, I positioned my patrol car behind the subject vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The white Ford Escape, bearing Ohio Registration JTX 2903, came to a complete stop in the 300 block of N. 15th Street.

Upon approaching the vehicle, I informed the driver, who I know from prior encounters to be Linda Stuller, of the reason for the traffic stop. Stuller informed me that she had tried having her exhaust fixed several times but still had issues with it. She then produced an Ohio Driver License, with me returning to the area of my patrol car and relaying Stuller's information to dispatch. At this time, I also asked Stuller to exit her vehicle and speak with me.

In speaking with Stuller, she told me that she had been at the residence In the 100 block of W. Oregon Avenue to pick her juvenile son up from a friend's house. It should be noted that Stuller was the only occupant of the vehicle at the time of the stop. When I asked Stuller for consent to search her vehicle, she immediately became hostile, with her making statements about continually being stopped by police and having her vehicle searched. I explained to Stuller that I was only aware of the single time that I had stopped her several months back and not the actions of other officers or agencies. I also informed her that I would be calling for a K9 to do an open-air sniff of the vehicle. Officer Brindack and Ptl Demske arrived on location at approximately this time.

I then returned to my patrol car where asked dispatch check with area agencies for an available Kg. I also began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032428. I cited Stuller for loud exhaust (SCO: 337.20). During the time that I was writing the citation, I was informed by dispatch that Alliance Police Department was sending a K9 to my location, with K9 Officer Paloui and Kg, Xander, arriving just prior to my finishing the citation.

Officer Palozzi then walked K9 Xander around the vehicle, with Officer Palozzi informing me that K9 Xander did indicate to the odor of drugs coming from the vehicle. Ptl. Demski and I then began a probable cause search of the vehicle, with a blue plastic straw, cut to a length of approximately 3" being located in the driver side door compartment. Based upon my training and experience, straws cut to this length and store in this fashion are generally used to ingest illicit drugs. As I continued searching the vehicle, I located an opaque-colored plastic baggie inside of an empty cigarette pack that was in Stuller's purse. The purse had been sitting on the front passenger seat. This plastic baggie contained a light-colored crystalline substance, which appeared to me to be methamphetamine. In going further with the search, numerous torch lighters were located inside of the purse, this furthering such suspicion of the nature of the substance inside of the baggie.

Two glass "bowls" and a baggie containing a green-colored vegetative substance were also located. No additional contraband was located by the conclusion of the vehicle search.

I then asked Ptl. Brindack to conduct a test of the substance inside of the plastic baggie that I located in Stuller's purse.

The residue did test positive to be methamphetamine. Because the cut straw being located in conjunction with such substance, I informed Stuller that I would be serving her with a summons for Illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia (ORC: 2925.14). This being a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

Stuller also signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised that she would either need to pay the citation or personally appear on Thursday, August 10, 2023 at 09:00 hours. It was made explicitly clear to Stuller that if she failed to pay the citation or show up to court on that specific date and time, a warrant may be issued for her arrest.

Stuller was also again informed that she would be receiving a summons at some point in the next several days for the charge of Illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia.

Stuller was then released from the scene. All collected evidence was given to Ptl. Russell, the departments evidence officer. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508

At approximately 15:00 hours on 07/28/2023, I served Linda Stuller with a summons for Illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia (ORC: 2925.14). Linda was made aware of her mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on Thursday August 10, 2023. It should be noted that a typo error from the clerk of courts was notice on the summons that listed the court date as Thursday, August 8, 2023. I advised Linda to contact the court regarding this.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




ARREST REPORT #23-007012
Date: 7/4/2023 @ 1755hrs

S. Johnson Ave / W. New York , Sebring

CITED: Dracko Edwards
734 Woodland Ave. Alliance, Ohio

ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension
ORC 4511.12 Obedience to Traffic Control Devices

At 17:55 hours on 07/04/2023,I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While patrolling southbound on S. Johnson Road approaching Lake Park Boulevard, I observed a black GMC Envoy pass through this intersection without stopping for the clearly visible stop sign. Based upon my training and experience, the vehicle appeared to be going approximately 15-17 MPH when it went through the intersection, with my patrol car coming to within approximately 45' of the vehicle.

I immediately turned my patrol car round, activated the overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop. The black Envoy bearing Ohio Registration TB 5480 came to a stop on S. Johnson Road near the intersection of W. New York Avenue.

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made contact with the driver, who immediately disclosed that he did not have a driver license or any other form of identification on him for that matter. The driver was also unable to provide me with proof of insurance. The driver however did tell me that his name was Drakco Edwards and that his birthday was March 30, 1981. He also provided me with his social security number.

I then returned to my patrol car where I relayed Mr. Edwards's information to dispatch. At this time, it was confirmed that he was under a license forfeiture suspension. Ptl. Brindack then arrived to my location. I began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032425, with me citing Mr. Edwards for obedience to traffic control devices (ORC: 4511.12) as well as driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11). Mr. Edwards also consented to a search of the vehicle, with no weapons or contraband being located. He then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 08:30 on Thursday, July 06, 2023.

The vehicle's registered owner then arrived on location and denied knowledge of the drivers' license being suspended. I explained to her that future instances of his being found driving her vehicle while his license was suspended could result in her being cited for wrongful entrustment. She was allowed to drive the vehicle from the scene in lieu of it being towed. Both units then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




ARREST REPORT #23-007011
Date: 7/4/2023 @ 1139hrs

800 Block N.12th Street Sebring

CITED: Marcene Kinemond
9278 12th St. N. Benton, Ohio 44449

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed(46/25)

At 11:39 hours on 07/04/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary in the alleyway between the 300 blocks of E. Michigan and Vermont Avenues at the intersection of N. 12th Street, I observed a silver sedan traveling northbound on 12th. The vehicle appeared to be traveling at a rate of speed that was considerably higher than the posted 25 MPH speed limit. As the vehicle approached closer to E. Michigan Avenue, I used the department issued Laser device to obtain a locked speed of 46 MPH.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I actived the patrol cars overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The silver Kia Rio, bearing Ohio Registration, came to a stop in the 800 block of N. 12th Street. Upon approaching the vehicle, I informed the driver of the stop, with me also requesting her driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Marcene Kinemond.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032423. I cited Mrs. Kinemond for speed (SCO: 333.03) for going 46 in the marked 25 MPH zone. Mrs. Kinemond then signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her constitutional right to contest the citation. I informed Kinemond that if she wished to do so that she would need to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, July13, 2023 at 08:30 hours. If she wished to not contest the citation and would rather pay it she would need to contact this court by that specific date. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




ARREST REPORT #23-007010
Date: 7/3/2023 @ 1730hrs

Courtney Rd/Johnson Rd., Sebring

CITED: Gena Wade
18439 Courtney Road Beloit, OH 44609

CHARGE: SCO:333.03 Speed (54/35)

At 17:30 hours on 07/03/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary in the parking lot of the loading bay at Famous Supply (350 Courtney Road), I observed a silver SUV traveling westbound on Courtney Road at a rate of speed that appeared substantially higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing in-car radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 54 MPH. This being as the SUV approached the intersection of Allied Drive and Courtney Road.

I then pulled onto the roadway, activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop. I was able to catch up with the vehicle at the intersection of N. Johnson Road and Courtney Road. At this time, I was able to see that the vehicle was a Mitsubishi Endeavor with Ohio Registration attached. Upon making contact with the driver, she informed me that she was late for work and "had no idea how fast she was going". The driver then provided me with an Ohio Driver License that showed her to be Gene M. Wade. Gina was also later able to produce proof of insurance on the vehicle.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032422. I cited Wade for speed (SCO 333.03). This for being 54 MPH in the clearly marked 35 MPH zone. Gina then signed the citation, was given her copy, and instructed to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 08:30 hours on 07/13/2023 if she wished to contest the citation, or to contact the court before that date for instructions on how to pay it if she did not.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




ARREST REPORT #23-006116
Date: 6/30/2023 @ 2104hrs

Knox School Rd

CITED: Bryan Baker
455 S. 15th Sebring, OH

4510.11 DUS license forfiture
4503.21 Display of Plates

On this date While in a marked patrol car, I was parked at the old Perkins on US 62 near Johnson rd.

While there I observed a black sedan driving South on Johnson Rd with an excessively loud exhaust, when the vehicle entered the intersection, I also observed it had a wire hanging down obstructing the license plate. I activated my overhead lights and attempted to stop the vehicle which continued south and entered into Columbiana County on Knox School rd. the vehicle came to a complete stop shortly after Agg pro on Knox School.

1 approached the vehicle as 2005 lnfiniti G35 spray painted Black. Identified the driver as Bryan T Baker, as I was speaking with him, I could detect the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. I asked Bryan if he had any Marijuana in the car and he stated "possibly a roach". I asked Bryan to exit the vehicle and he did so. Sgt. Kelm arrived at this time and Det. Reed arrived shortly after.
A probable cause search of the vehicle yielded no contraband, however during the search dispatch advised Bryan was suspended.

Bryan was cited for DUS ORC 4510.11 and display of plates ORC 4503.21.

The vehicle was towed to Sebring tire by Springers towing and Bryan was provided a courtesy transport to a friend's house at 1248 5 Johnson Rd. It as also worth noting Bryan claimed he was on his way to the hospital for "joint pain" but refused EMS multiple times.

Ptl. Brindack #504 06/30/2023




ARREST REPORT #23-006115
Date: 6/29/2023 @ 1050hrs

500 Block Courtney Road

CITED: Cameron Brown
455 1/2 S. Johnson Road, Sebring, Ohio 44672

CHARGE: SCO:333.03 Speed (55/35)

At 19:56 hours on June 30, 2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary in the parking lot of Unifrax, located at 500 Courtney Road, I observed a silver minivan that was traveling westbound on Courtney Road. The vehicle appeared to be traveling at a rate of speed that was substantially higher than that of the clearly posted 35 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's in-car radar system, I obtained a locked speed of 55 MPH. The driver then appeared to notice me, with the vehicle slowing down to approximately 40 MPH.

As the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, a Silver Dodge Caravan came to a stop almost immediately.

Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the traffic stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be Cameron C. Brown. Mr. Brown also informed me that he was unsure of the speed limit in the area.

I then returned to my patrol car where I relayed Brown's information to dispatch. 1 also began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032421. I Cited Brown for Speed (SCO: 333.03) for going 55 MPH in a clearly marked 35 MPH zone. Brown then signed his citation, was given his copy, and advised of his option to contact the court to pay the citation or of his right to appear on Thursday July 13,2023 to contest it. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




ARREST REPORT #23-006105
Date: 6/29/2023 @ 1050hrs


CITED: Debra Galchick
235 W Indiana Ave Sebring OH 44672

CHARGE: SCO:333.03 Speeding(48Mph/35Mph).

On 29June23 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I(Pti. Melendez) observed a Silver Ford Escape with Ohio Registration driving north on S 15th St at a high rate of speed above the posted speed limit. I then locked in the speed at 48 Mph, after observing the violation. I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 in the 400 Block of S.15th St. Upon making contact with the driver, Debra Galchick, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was Valid.

Galchick was cited with Ticket #032453 for Speed (48/35) with a court date of 6/6/2023 at MCC#3 at 0900.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Pti. Melendez #505 6/29/2023




ARREST REPORT #23-006104
Date: 6/28/2023 @ 2054hrs

Johnson Rd near Lake Park Blvd

CITED: Terrence Copeland
546 S. Johnson Rd., Sebring. OH 44672

CHARGE: 4510.11 DUS

On this date I was parked in a marked patrol car at the Sebring Friends Church 615 S. Johnson Rd. While there I observed a blue ford Sedan leave 546 S Johnson Rd and begin traveling South, when the vehicle passed me. I noticed it had an extremely loud exhaust. I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, a light blue Ford 500 bearing OH, the vehicle pulled into the maintenance building at Copeland Oaks just passed the intersection of Johnson Rd and Lake Park Blvd. I identified the driver as Terrence L Copeland and informed him for the reason of the stop. When I ran Terrence dispatched advised he was currently under a non-compliance suspension and had a registration block.

I issued a citation to Terrence for Driving under suspension ORC 4510.11 and gave him a verbal warning for the loud exhaust. I allowed Terrence to take the vehicle back home given how close we were to his house.

Ptl. Brindack 504 06/28/23




ARREST REPORT #23-006087
Date: 6/23/2023 @ 2028hrs

Ohio Ave / Johnson Rd

CITED#1: Virgil Bugara
375 E Oregon Ave

CHARGE: 335.01 No Operators License

MCC#3 06/29/23 @ 0900hr

CITED#2: Diana Barret
375 E Oregon Ave

CHARGE: 3335.05 Wrongful Entrustment

MCC#3 06/29/23, 0900hr

REPORT MADE BY Brindack #504

On this date while on patrol in a marked patrol car I was at the intersection of Ohio Ave and Johnson Rd, I observed a Tan Nissan Xterra bearing OH approach the intersection on Ohio headed West, immediately recognized the driver as Virgil Bugara who I knew does not posses a valid drivers license. I had confirmed Virgil's driving status just a few hours earlier in my shift when I saw this same vehicle which I knew Virgil is known to drive. I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle which came to a complete stop in the 800 block of W Ohio Ave.

Sgt. Kelm was nearby and joined me. I made contact with Virgil and asked if he knew his driving status was not valid, he said he did know. At this moment the passenger and registered owner Diana Barret without prompt stated she also knew he was not valid but asked him to drive because she had a severe headache, she believed was a migraine, and was headed to an urgent care. Officer asked if she needed EMS and she said no. Virgil was issued a citation for No driver's license 335.01 and Diana was issued a citation for wrongful entrustment 335.05. Both were advised of their court date 06/29/23 at 0900hrs in Mahoning county court#3. I elected not to tow the vehicle and let Diana who is valid to drive the car a way due to the alleged medical issue.

Ptl. Brindack #504 06/23/23


ARREST REPORT #23-006089
Date: 6/24/2023 @ 1401hrs


ARREST: Kangol Odo

ORC: 2919.25(A) DomesticViolence (M-1)
ORC: 2903.21(4) AggravatedMenacing(M-1)
ORC: 2919.25(C) Domestic Violence (M-4)

M C C#3 06/29/2023 @ 08:30


Det. Reed #508


ARREST REPORT #23-006096
Date: 6/26/2023 @ 1350hrs

WARRANT (Other Agency Criminal)
100 Block E. Ohio Ave., Sebring, OH

ARREST: Cassidy Yost
W. Main St., Fayetteville, Pennsylvania,

Other Agency Warrant (Portage Cty S.O.)(Theft F-5)

Narrative Date 06/26/2023 14:47 Det. Andrew Reed

At 13:32 hours on 06/26/2023, a traffic stop was conducted in the area of the 100 block of E. Ohio Avenue. The driver was found to have an active felony warrant through Portage County Sheriff's Office and was subsequently taken into custody as a result.

At 13:30hours on 06/26/2023, I was sitting stationary in the area of the 300 block of N. 12th Street when I observed a Silver Pontiac G6 traveling westbound on E. Ohio Avenue. The vehicle's exhaust was extremely loud. I pulled out from my location, with several other vehicles getting between the subject vehicle and I in this timeframe. I then observed the silver G6 pull into the parking lot of the Huntington Bank Building (146 E. Ohio Avenue), with a male passenger exiting and going into the business. Due to my not wanting to disrupt the business by doing a traffic stop in their parking lot, I instead drove by the vehicle, this being after I relayed the vehicle's registration to dispatch. The registration returned to a silver 2008 Pontiac G6 belonging to a Cassidy Yost, of Beloit. Yost showed to have an active felony warrant through Portage County.

I then went to the parking lot of the police station where I had a clear view of the vehicle, with the vehicle then pulling out of the parking spot and turning left (eastbound) in the alley way behind the business.

At this time I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came an almost immediate stop, with me then approaching and making contact with the driver. The driver informed me that the vehicle was registered to her and that her name was Cassidy Yost. At this time I asked her to turn the engine off and remove the keys from the ignition. Cassidy did so, with me informing her of her warrant and asking her to step out of the vehicle.

Cassidy again complied, with her then handing me her Ohio Driver License. I also at this time spoke with the adult male passenger in the front seat, with him providing me with an Ohio Identification Card. He was found to have no active warrants for his arrest but also did not have a valid driver license. Because of this I instructed Cassidy to contact the mother of the two toddler age children in the backseat of the vehicle. It should be noted that at this time contact was made with her informing me that if I was taking Cassidy into custody, that it was okay for her children to be left with male passenger while she made the drive to pick them up.

Cassidy's brother also agreed to come pick the vehicle up, with it being parked in the overflow parking lot belonging to Huntington Bank at this time. Huntington did give me permission to allow the vehicle on their property for this time.

It was then confirmed through Portage County that they would be taking custody of Cassidy. Their agency also agreed to come to pick her up at the Sebring Police Station. I then placed Cassidy in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked, before securing her in the back of car #304. Cassidy was then transported the the Sebring Police Station, with a deputy from Portage County arriving approximately 30 minutes later to take custody of her.

I then cleared from the call. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




ARREST REPORT #23-006060
Date: 6/15/2023 @ 1230hrs


ARREST: James Schreckengost
535 W. California Ave., Sebring

Felonious Assault (F-2) ORC: 2903.1 l(A)(1)
Domestic Violence (M-1) ORC: 2919.25(A)
Possession Controlled Substances (F-3) ORC: 2925.11

Ptl. Melendez, contact was made with the victim, as well as a male friend. In speaking with Victim, she detailed ongoing abuse at the hands of her live-in-boyfriend, James Schreckengost.

In addition to the evidence of psychical abuse, victim said that she is fearful of James due to his continually making threats to harm himself as well as her.

Victim was then provided with a voluntary witness statement with her also completing a domestic violence complaint form. I then cleared from the call to obtain a warrant for James's arrest, with Ptl. Melendez remaining on scene to collect the statement and forms. I also did provide victim with a Domestic Violence instruction form before leaving.

Upon arriving back at the police station, I spoke with Prosecutor Van Brocklin regarding this case. I was instructed to go forth with two separate counts of domestic violence (ORC: 2919.25(A)) as well as on count of felonious assault (ORC:2903.11(A)(1)). The
felonious assault and one domestic charge being for the incident that occurred approximately one week prior where James allegedly burned the victim with the dab pen and the second domestic violence charge being from the incident the evening prior where James allegedly struck victim in the face. Warrants were then drafted and secured through Mahoning County Court #3.

Once warrants were obtained, Pt. Melendez, Chief Harris, and I went to Schreckengost's residence. Ptl. Melendez and I approached the front door, where I was able to see James through the screen door. Pt. Melendez and I then took James into custody, with a back containing a light-colored crystallin substances being located in his right shorts pocket during a search incident to arrest. This substance was field tested by Ptl. Melendez, with it showing to be methamphetamine. The total weight of this being found to be 1 grams. Because of this, one third-degree felony charge of possession of controlled substances (ORC: 2925.11) was added to the existing charges.

James was then transported to the Sebring Police Station where he was photographed and the necessary paperwork for commitment to the Mahoning County Jail completed. Pt. Melendez then transported him to the jail without incident. All photographs shall be
loaded to the department photographs section of the shared drive, with them to be placed in a file folder labeled with the corresponding case number.

Det. Reed #508




ARREST REPORT #23-006058
Date: 6/17/2023 @ 1903hrs


ARREST: Ronald Counter
185 E Oregon, Sebring, OH

Domestic violence 2925.19 (A)
Unlawful Restraint 2905.03
Menacing 2903.22
Domestic violence 2925.19(C)

MCC#3 (06/15/2023) 0900hrs

On this date I responded to a domestic violence at 185 E Oregon Ave, while in route dispatch advised the victims had locked themselves and the children in a closet. I asked if a Smith unit would respond as a cover unit because at the time I was working alone.

Smith Twp Det. Dean happened to be passing through town and we arrived on scene at the same time. We located the victims outside on the back porch. Both of them were obviously upset and fearful, they advised that Ronald Counter and father to children had attacked victim, grabbed her and squeezed her "bear hug style" strongly enough to cause her pain and to leave red marks on her arms. He then made statements of harming family members. Victim said she truly believed he was going to harm her and she was visibly fearful of him. They also said there are multiple firearms in the house but they were locked up.

Units located Ronald upstairs in bed and he was asked to stand up. Ronald refused, I advised him he was being detained and he still remained in bed. On the third time I ordered Ronald out of the bed and he complied. Ronald was placed in handcuffs and put in the back of my patrol car without incident. "Ronald stated he had nothing to say to us". Victim said Ronald was having mental issues from Schizophrenia and PTSD from military service.

A squad was called and EMS arrived and spoke with Ronald. Ronald did not mention any suicidal or homicidal indications to EMS and refused to be taken to the hospital. Victims both agreed to sign DV complaints. Ronald was arrested and transported to our station for processing. I asked for victims to meet us on station to fill out statements and sign DV complaints.

Ronald was charged with Domestic violence 2919.25(A) a misdemeanor of the first degree, unlawful restraint 2905.03 a misdemeanor of the third degree, menacing 2903.22 a misdemeanor of the first degree, and Domestic violence 2919.25(C) a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. Ronald was transported to Mahoning County Jail by Sgt. Kelm and given a court date in MCC#3 of 06/15/2023 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack #504 06/14/2023





ARREST REPORT #23-006054
Date: 6/13/2023 @ 2204hrs

18668 5th St. Beloit, Oh

ARREST: Brian Amon
280N 15th St Sebring OH

CHARGE: 335.10 Expired Plates

Ptl. Brindack 504

On this date while on patrol in marked unit 303 I was traveling West bound on E Ohio Ave near in the 400 block of E Ohio. I observed a black motorcycle pass me headed East on E Ohio, when It passed me, I observed it had no working taillight. I initiated my lights and siren and turned around and attempted to stop the vehicle. Sgt. Kelm was also nearby and joined in.

The vehicle, a 2006 Harley Davidson Street Bob, continued East, left the Village of Sebring and entered the Village of Beloit. It then pulled into the Beloit Dollar General 18668 5th St and parked in a spot. I approached the driver identified as Brian Amon and informed him for the reason of the stop Il also observed the pale was obstructed by a saddle bag.

I moved the bag and ran the plate. I asked the driver who has a history of drug use and drug related charges if he would consent to a search of his bags and he said he would allow us, however as we began searching dispatch informed us Brian had an active warrant for contempt of court out of Geauga County with a pick anywhere in the state of Ohio.

I placed Brian in handcuffs and put him in the back of my patrol car while dispatch sent hit through leads. Dispatch also advised his plate was expired. While checking the plate St. Kelm and I observed a valid sticker belonging to plate xxxxx which is a rental car belonging to Wally Armour in Alliance Ohio. Dispatch radioed that Geauga confirmed the warrant and asked we transport to Mahoning County Jail. A tow was requested and an inventory search yielded no contraband.

Brian was cited for Expired Plates 335.10.

Sebring Tire took possession of the vehicle and Brian was transported to our station for processing. While on station Brian called a subject who came to our station and at Brian's request took possession of $28 and her Ohio food card which Brain had in his wallet.

Brian was transported to Mahoning County Jail By Ptl. Russel for the warrant and his court date for the traffic offense was set for this Thursday 06/15/2023 in MCC#3 at 0900hrs.

Pt. Brindack 504 06/13/2023




ARREST REPORT #23-006052
Date: 6/13/2023 @ 1200hrs

St Rt 62 @ S Johnson Rd

CITED: Cole Chumney
14404 Salem Alliance Rd Salem OH


On 13June23 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, ( Pt . Melendez) observed a blue GMC Sierra with Ohio Registration driving West on State RT 62 at a high rate of Speed. I then locked the vehicle speed at 71mph. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle #302 at the corner of State Rt 62 at Johnson Rd.

Upon making contact with the driver, Cole Chumney, advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided.

After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid.

Chumney was cited with Ticket #032325 for Speed 71mph in a 55mph zone SCO: 333.03 with a court date of 6/15/2023 at MCC#3 at 0900.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 6/13/2023





ARREST REPORT #23-006049
Date: 6/12/2023 @ 1618hrs

800 Block W. Oregon Ave., Sebring, OH

ARREST: Christopher Barker
18181 Derr Ave, Beloit, Ohio 44609

ORC: 2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substances (F-5)
ORC:2921.31 Obstructing Official Business (F-5)
ORC:2925.14 Illegal Use/Possess Drug Paraphernalia(M-4)
ORC: 2921.311(B) Fail to Comply with P.O. (Elude in MV)(M-1)
ORC: 4513.02 Unsafe Vehicle (MM)

COURT: MCC#3 06/15/2023 @ 08:30

At 16:18 hours on 06/12/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit #304. While patrolling southbound in the 200 block of N. Johnson Road, I observed a vehicle traveling in front of me with a severely shattered windshield. The vehicle then turned right, going west bound on W. Oregon Avenue. At this point I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, a silver Chevrolet Malibu bearing Ohio Registration, pulled over before coming to a stop. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license. The driver was unable to provide me with this, but did provide me with the name Christopher Barker, the date of birth, as well as his social security number.

I then returned to my patrol car and relayed this information to dispatch. Pt. Melendez also arrived to my location at this time. While waiting for a return on the driver's information from dispatch, I asked Pt. Melendez to stand with the driver. This being due to me observing him to appear to reach around and make furtive movements inside of the vehicle. Ptl. Melendez then approached the vehicle from the driver side and began speaking with Mr. Barker. Just as dispatch relayed that he had an active warrant for his arrest through Stark County with warnings for violent tendencies.

Upon hearing this radio traffic, I exited my patrol car and ordered Mr. Barker from the vehicle. Mr. Barker then placed the vehicle in drive, and began traveling westbound on W. Oregon Avenue at speeds of approximately 60 Miles per hour. During this time my patrol car's overhead emergency lights were active as was my audible siren.

Mr. Barker then stopped the vehicle at a lot in the 800 block of W. Oregon Avenue before fleeing on foot. I then began pursuing him on foot as well, with him going through a thick patch of thorn bushes. I repeatedly told Mr. Barker to stop at this time and ordered him to show me his hands. Barker continued running, with him yelling "Fuck you, shoot me".

During this time, I sustained several deep scratches to my face and left arm as went through the brush in pursuit of Barker.

Upon exiting the thorn bush thicket, I observed Mr. Barker trip and fall. Barker began getting up in an attempt to keep running, with me discharging my department issued taser into him at this time. Both probes appeared to have connected with Mr. Barker tensing up. At this time, I secured Barker in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked.

Pt. Melendez arrived to my location at this time, with the two of us walking Mr. Barker back to my patrol car after searching him incident to arrest. No weapons of contraband were located on Mr. Barkers person at this time. He was then secured in the back of car #304.

An administrative inventory of the vehicle was completed due to it needing to be towed from the location. This search located a glass "ballpipe" with residue of a burned milky substance inside as well as a light-colored crystalline substance inside of a case for eyeglasses.

Based upon my training and experience, this substance appeared to be methamphetamine. Due to Mr. Barker having been tasered, Sebring Fire/EMS was called to assess him. After being assessed, I was advised by Paramedics that Mr. Barker would need to be transported to the hospital per protocol.

During this time Sebring Tire arrived on scene and towed the vehicle from the location. I also read Mr. Barker his Miranda Rights. Sebring Fire/EMS then transported Barker to Aultman Alliance Community Hospital for treatment. Pt. Melendez followed.

It should also be noted that Barker sustained at least one deep laceration to his face as a result of his running through the thorn bushes.

After Sebring Fire/EMS cleared from the scene with Mr. Barker, I went to the encampment at the lot where he had abandoned his vehicle and spoke with a subject who Mr. Barker said was his friend. Prior to departing with Sebring Fire/EMS, Mr. Barker asked me to tell the subject that he was going to jail, so that subject could care for his dog while he was there. After relaying this information, I cleared from the area.

Once back on station I began processing paperwork and evidence so that Mr. Barker could be transported to Jail upon his discharge from the hospital. Mr. Barker was charged with Possession of controlled substances (ORC: 2925.11), for the methamphetamine that later field tested positive to be such, Ilegal use/possession of drug paraphernalia (ORC: 2925.14)for possession the glass "ball pipe", failure to comply with the order/signal of a police officer(ORC:2921.311(B)) for fleeing from the traffic stop and eluding officers in a motor vehicle, Obstructing official business (ORC: 2921.31), for running on foot, as well as operating an unsafe vehicle. This being for the shattered windshield that was the initial reason for the stop.

It should be noted that the charge of obstructing official business was elevated to a fifth-degree felony. This being due to my receiving lacerations to my arms and face while pursuing him through the thorn bush thicket.

Once Mr. Barker was released from the hospital, he was transported back to the Sebring Police Station by Pt. Melendez.

At this time, Barker was provided his copy of the traffic citation for the offense of operating an unsafe vehicle. Barker was photographed and processed for commitment to jail. Ptl. Melendez then transported him the the Mahoning County Justice Center.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508

On 13June23 I (Ptl. Melendez) while on patrol heard Det. Reed call out over the radio that he was on a Traffic stop in the 700 Block of West Oregon Ave. After hearing Det. Reed give out his location I then made my way over to provide assistance. Once making contact with Det. Reed I was asked to standby with a male later identified as Christopher Barker since he was making suspicious movements around in the car prior to the stop. I then walked over and began to speak with Barker, shortly after walking over to the vehicle dispatch advised that barker had a felony warrant out of Stark County Sheriff's Office with cautions stating that he was Armed and Dangerous.

I then stepped back and began to draw my department issued fire arm from my holster and I advised Barker to Exit the vehicle with his hands up and that is when he looked at me and said "Fuck you" and he placed the vehicle in drive and he began to drive away at a high rate of speed.

After observing the direction that barker was heading remembered from a previous incident that there was only one way out onto the main road which was a driveway at 895 W Ohio Ave. I then got in my marked patrol vehicle 302 and proceeded to that location in an attempt to cut him off. As I was pulling up to 895W Ohio Det. Reed advised over the radio that Barker had exited the vehicle and was on foot. I then began to run to Det, Reeds location and Reed advised that he had deployed his Department issued taser and he had barker in custody.

Once I arrived to Det. Reeds location we then assisted Barker with standing up and he was then escorted to Reeds marked patrol unit 304. After securing Barker in the back of 304 myself and Reed began an inventory search prior to Sebring Tire arriving and a blue sunglasses case was found in the center console and upon opening it a Glass pipe with a white film was found along with a small bag of methamphetamine.

Shortly after Sebring fire arrived to conduct an evaluation on Barker since he was hit with the taser and Sebring tire arrived to tow the vehicle. Once Sebring Fire was ready to clear the scene I was advised that Barker needed to go to the hospital for the cuts he had on his face from falling prior to the taser deployment. Barker was transported to Alliance Community hospital where he was evaluated and checked by a doctor and released. I then transported Barker back to the Sebring Police Department and photos were taken and I obtained the documentation for the Jail. A field test was conducted and a positive detection was made for methamphetamine.

I then transported Barker to the Mahoning County Jail on his charges, Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 6/13/2023





ARREST REPORT #23-003004
Date: 3/2/2023 @ 1233hrs

CircleK 205 E Ohio Ave

ARREST: Gary Powell Jr.

Mahoning County Booking Information:
March 30, 2023 at 12:00 AM
Booking Date: 03/30/2023
Arresting Agency: SEBRING POLICE DEPT.
Inmate ID: 45281 Booking ID: 20230330008

2913.0285 Theft - motor vehicle FELONY
2921.331 Failure to Comply with Order or Signal of P.O. FELONY
2913.0263 Theft - victim is elderly person or disabled adult

View Image(s) at:

Narrative Date 03/02/2023 16:07 Officer Andrew Reed

At 12:17 hours on 03/02/2023, I was dispatched to a report of two male subjects attempting to gain entry to vehicles at a business in the 200 block of E. Ohio Avenue. Upon arriving to the area. I was informed that a vehicle had been stolen from the parking lot.

At 12:17 hours on 03/02/2023, I responded to Circle K, located at 205 E. Ohio Avenue, for a report of two male subjects entering vehicles that were in the business's parking lot. The caller/complainant advised that one of the subjects was wearing a tan Carhartt coat with blue jeans, and other was wearing a black hoodie. I immediately proceeded to this location, where I began looking for the two subjects.

While at the intersection of N. 14th Street and E. Ohio Avenue, I was approached by --------- and ----------. It should be noted that I know --------- to be an employee of Circle K. I was informed by the two that Mrs. ---------- vehicle, a red 2014 Chevrolet Cruze, had been stolen from the parking lot of the store by the two men who the call was in reference to. A male subject at the gas pumps said that they went eastbound on E. Ohio Avenue. --------- also at this time told me that she was the vehicle's registered owner.

I informed ----------- that I would return to speak with her, before going eastbound on E. Ohio in an attempt to locate the vehicle.

While near the S curve in Beloit, I was advised via radio by Ptl. Ryan Smith, of Smith Township Police Department, that he was behind the vehicle at the intersection of N. Johnson Road and W. Ohio Avenue. Ptl. Smith attempted to initiate a traffic stop at this time, with the vehicle fleeing. Immediately before attempting to initiate the stop, Ptl. Smith advised that he could see two male occupants inside of the vehicle. Ptl. Smith began pursuing the vehicle, with Chief Harris and I joining, along with Chief Ceresna of Smith Township. The pursuit continued westbound on Alliance- Sebring Road with Ptl. Smith advising that he was going in excess of 90 MPH as he began entering the City of Alliance.

Due to a risk of serious injury or death to members of the public, Ptl. Smith opted to terminated the pursuit.

I then returned to Circle K where I again met with Mrs. -----------. In speaking further with Mrs. ---------, she said that she left her keys on the floorboard of her vehicle while she went inside of the business, and that she came out to find her vehicle gone. Mrs. --------- signed an auto-theft report form while ----------- pulled security footage from the store.

Upon review of the footage, I observed two white males, one wearing a tan Carhartt with blue jeans, and the other wearing dark pants and a dark hoodie, approach Mrs. Hawkins's Cruze. The subject wearing the tan Carhartt got in the driver seat while the other subject, who had what appeared to be a a plastic bottle containing a red beverage in his hand, jumped into the vehicle through the passenger side window. The vehicle then pulled out of the parking lot and proceeded eastbound on E. Ohio Avenue at what appeared to be a high rate of speed. I then provided Mrs. --------- with a voluntary witness statement that she said that she would complete. I was also informed by Mrs. --------- that her purse, credit cards, and approximately $500.00 in cash was inside of her vehicle.

Approximately 30 minutes later, I was advised by dispatch that deputies with the Stark County Sheriffs Office had located the vehicle at a Speedway gas station, located at 3315 Mahoning Road NE, Canton, Ohio. Located in the driver seat of the vehicle by deputies of this agency, was a Gary D. Powell. Upon making contact with Dep. Robinson, of the Stark County Sheriffs office, he was able to provide me with Mr. Powell's information, including his Driver License Number and date of birth. After searching OHleg for Mr. Powell and locating his image provided by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, I was able to positively identify him as being the subject who was seen in the security footage at Circle K stealing the vehicle at Circle K. Dep. Robinson said that the other subject had been in the store at the time he made contact with Powell, and that he was able to get away.

I was also informed that Powell had numerous warrants for his arrest and that he was going to be booked into he Stark County Jail on these. Dep. Robinson said that the vehicle appeared to be drivable, but was suspected of possibly being involved in a hit/skip accident in Stark County. Dep. Robinson agreed to secure the vehicle and give the keys to employees at the gas station so that Mrs. ----------- could come over to pick it up. It should also be noted that after speaking with Dep. Robinson, Courtney, of the N. Canton Post of the Ohio State Highway Patrol, called to advise that the vehicle was involved in a hit-skip on U.S. 30 westbound. I advised their agency of the situation and that Powell would be booked into the Stark County Jail.

I then made contact with Mrs. --------- and informed her of the arrest and of where her car was. Due to Mrs. ------------ being unfamiliar with the City of Canton and her not having a ride available to get her to her car, it was agreed upon by Chief Harris and I that I would provide her a ride to the location of the vehicle so that she could pick it up and so that I could process the vehicle for additional evidence. I then picked Mrs. ----------- up at her residence and gave her a ride to the location of her vehicle. Prior to allowing Mrs. -------------- access, I photographed the vehicle, noting damage to the front driver side bumper as well as passenger side rocker panel. This damage was fresh according to Mrs. -------------. Mrs. ------------- also noted a bottle of Mountain Dew Code Red in the front passenger seat as well as a yellow cigarette lighter in the center console of the car that she said did not belong to her. The bottle of Mountain Dew appeared to be the same as the one that the male subject who was seen in the security footage from Circle K getting into the vehicle's passenger seat had in his hands. Because of these items being foreign to the scene and the likelihood of them containing DNA , they were collected as evidence. I placed each item in a separate paper bag so as to prevent cross contamination. Mrs. ------------ was then allowed access to her car, with her showing me two Mastercards and a Visa card that were in the vehicle at the time that it was stolen as well as approximately $550.00 in cash. These items were photographed. Mrs. ---------- also provided me with a voluntary witness statement at this this time.

I then released the vehicle to Mrs. -----------, with her signing the release section of the auto-theft form. While enroute back to Sebring, I briefly spoke with Mrs. ----------- at a stoplight in Alliance. Mrs. --------- advised me that her vehicle was running very poorly since it had been taken and she planned on taking it to a dealership to have it looked over. I instructed her to forward any receipts to my department email.

Upon arriving back in Sebring, I returned to Circle K, where I again met with -----------------, the stores manager.

------------ was able to provide me with a DVD containing security footage of the incident. Upon further review, I was able to observe Powell approach several vehicles in the parking lot and look through them. At one point he opened the door of a green jeep before closing it and walking away. This footage also showed the theft of Mrs. -------------'s vehicle. This DVD shall be placed in the case file. All photographs taken of the vehicle and evidence were saved in the department photos folder on the shared drive with the corresponding case number.

A warrant for the arrest of Powell was also secured through Mahoning County Court #3 by Chief Harris. This warrant being for one fourth-degree felony charge of theft (Motor-Vehicle). Additional charges for theft of the contents of the vehicle shall also be filed.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508

Det. Reed Narrative (Cody Powell Arrested)

At approximately 16:00 hours on 03/17/2023, I was patrolling in the area of the 400 block of E. Ohio Avenue. As I drove past 437 E. Ohio, I noted that there was a white Toyota in the driveway that appeared to be occupied. Due to my having issued a felony warrant for Cody A. Powell, a resident of this location, I pulled next to the vehicle. observing a young male, approximately 10-years-old standing outside. It should also be noted that at this time I did confirm the warrants through dispatch. I then asked the boy who was standing near the white Toyota if Cody was at the house, with him saying that he was. The child then went to the front door, with him opening it. Who I knew to be Cody Powell was plainly visible inside the home as the boy did this.

I then asked Cody to come out and speak with me. Cody stepped out, with me informing him of the active warrants for his arrest. I then secured Cody in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked. Due to their being young children in the residence, I conducted a search of Cody, and then walked him back inside so as to ensure that the children were not left unsupervised. I also read Cody his Miranda Rights, which he said that he understood and with him also agreeing to speak with me. When I asked Cody what had happened. he reiterated what he had told me during out earlier phone conversation. Cody then made a phone call to ----------------, who agreed to come and take the Children. Ptl. Melendez was also called at this time so that an officer could be present in the village while I transported Cody to jail.

Several minutes later, an unidentified male subject in a blue Dodge Ram arrived on location. Cody told me that the subject was the father of two of the children that were inside of the residence. The male then took his children from the home, with Ptl. Melendez arriving a short time after along with ---------------. Once all the children were safely with adults, I transported Cody to the Sebring Police Station. Cody was photographed, given his copy of the warrants, and transported to the Mahoning County Jail without incident by this officer. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508

Narrative Date 03/30/2023 20:15 Officer Patrick Demski

On 03/30/2023 I picked up Gary Powell from Stark County Jail and transported him to Mahoning County Jail on a warrant for Theft of a motor vehicle. I then cleared without incident.

Ptl. Demski #512


ARREST REPORT #23-004008
Date: 4/3/2023 @ 0927hrs

N. 15th St / Virginia Ave. Sebring, OH

ARREST: Brian Amon, 52
15098 S. State St. Middlefield, OH

ORC: 2925. l l Possession of Controlled Substances (Bulk Meth) F3
ORC: 2925.14 Illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia X2

At 09:08 hours on 04/03/2023, officers responded to a disturbance call at a residence in the 500 block of N. 15th Street. A male subject was subsequently arrested after a bulk amount of methamphetamine was located in his possession as well as drug related paraphernalia.

At 09:08hours on 04/03/2023, I responded to a report of a disturbance at 545 N. 15th Street. A ---------------- informed dispatch that a Brian Amon was at the residence demanding property belonging to his wife, -----, who he is known to be in the process of divorcing. ------------- said that ----- ----- had moved from the property and forfeited all possessions that she left behind.

I immediately proceeded to this location, observing who I know to be Brian Amon and ----------- sitting inside of a black Ford F-150 that was in front of the residence. Upon observing the two, I activated my patrol car's overhead emergency lights, parking in front of the truck, and made contact with Brian. In speaking with Brian, I informed him of the complaint that had been received. Brian said that he was there to get his property, and readily acknowledged that he and ----- were in the process of divorcing and that she had moved from the residence.

Due to Brian being known to carry knives, I asked for and received consent to conduct a pat-down of his person. Brian informed me that he had several knives on his person, with me locating four, with two having blade lengths in excess of 4". I did remove these items from Brian's person and informed him that I would secure them at my patrol car for the duration of our encounter. Ptl. Melendez and Chief Harris also arrived to my location at this time. In addition to this, I was advised by dispatch that Brian was believed to have taken a porch swing from the residence and placed it in the bed of this truck. This being per the caller/complainant. It should however be noted that Brian denied this, no porch swing was present in the bed of his truck, and the one on the porch appeared to have not been tampered with. At this time I instructed Brian to stay with Chief Harris and Ptl. Melendez while I went to speak with the occupants of the home. Brian informed me that a -------------, the property owners mother, lived in the upstairs portion of the residence and that was who he had spoken to upon his arrival.

I then went and made contact with ---------, and informed me that Brian had came to the residence demanding property that he said belonged to him that had been left by -----. --------- then put her daughter on the phone, ----------------, who informed me that she did not want Brian at the residence and that --- had openly and freely forfeited the property that she had left at the residence, and that this was on record with Mahoning County Court #3.

In addition to this, ---------- said that ----- had not paid rent in over three months and that she had been formally evicted, which was the reason that she had moved. After confirming with both --------- and her mother that neither party wanted Amon at the residence, I went back outside to advise Amon of this.

In speaking with Brian, he agreed not to return to the residence. As I spoke with Brian regarding the matter, I noted that he appeared flighty and agitated. During past experiences with Brian and his wife, ------, I knew them to have been involved in drug activity. Because of this I asked Brian for consent to search his vehicle. Brian granted me consent, with me then directing him to the rear of the vehicle with Chief Harris. It should be noted that from this point, Brian was within sight and sound of the cab of the truck, and was able to easily revoke consent it he chose to. While searching the center console of the truck, I located a black nylon bag. Inside of this bag I located a glass "ball pipe" which did have burn marks and the residue of a white substance inside. I then confronted Brian with this, with him saying that he did not know who the pipe belonged to. Brian was then secured in handcuffs by Pt. Melendez, with me informing dispatch that the search was now a probable cause search. Both Brian and ------- had their Miranda rights read to them at this time.

In going further, I located a plastic baggy that contained a light-colored, crystalline substance, two orange straws that were cut to approximately 3" long, as well as five empty plastic baggies that contained the residue of a light-colored crystalline substance. It should be noted that the straws did have residue of a white-powdery substance inside of them. Several "torch" type lighters were also found inside of this nylon bag. The nexus of these items being that they are all consistent with the use of methamphetamine. Prior to collection, these items were placed on the hood of the truck and photographed.

After completing the search of the vehicle, I informed Brian that he was under arrest for possession of drug abuse instruments for possessing the ball pipe and straws. In addition to this, I informed him that the suspected methamphetamine would be field tested and that should it show to in fact be methamphetamine, he would be charges accordingly.

Sebring Tire was called to the scene to to the vehicle. An administrative inventory sheet was completed, with nothing of value being located inside of the truck. Once Sebring Tire arrived, the truck was towed, with Pt. Melendez transporting Brian to the police station. Once on station, I weighed the suspected methamphetamine, with it being noted that it showed a weight of exactly 4 grams using the department's scale. The substance was then field tested by Ptl. Melendez, with it being confirmed that it was in fact methamphatmine, a schedule II controlled substance. Because of this, Brian was charged with possession of controlled substances (ORC: 2925.11). Due to the weight excessing the bulk amount of 3grams, this charge was elevated to a third-degree felony. Brian was also charged with two (2) counts of Illegal use and/or possession of drug paraphernalia (ORC: 2925.14). This being for possessing the cut straws and ball pipe. Both counts being fourth-degree misdemeanors.

Brian was then photographed and processed. Once the necessary paperwork was completed, I transported him to the Mahoning County Jail without incident. It should be noted that all photographs pertinent to the arrest shall be saved in the shared drive, under department photos, and labeled with the corresponding case number.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




ARREST REPORT #23-003013
Date: 3/23/2023 @ 1030hrs


ARREST: John Jackson , 58
1906 Allen Rd., Salem, OH

ORC: 2917.21(A)(1) TelecommunicationHarassment(M1)X5
ORC: 2903.211 (A)(1) MenacingbyStalking(M1)

Date 03/04/2023 @ 21:19 hrs

Officer Cody Ray

On 03/04/2023, Detective Ray, met with John Jackson on station. John stated that he and his ex, Victim, had broken up earlier in the year. He advised that he wanted to take dog toys to her house, and wanted a stand by. At this time John did not state to me that he was told to not have contact with Victim. I met with John at the residence, and he made contact with Victim. At that point I observed Victim to become distressed, and she informed me that Perry Township had already advised John to stop contact with her. She also advised me that she had made a report through Sebring relating John. John kept telling Victim that he wanted to speak to her, and she refused. Victim stated that John has been using other people's phones to contact her, and will not leave her alone. At that time I ordered John to leave, and he complied.

Upon him leaving, Victim explained the situation to me regarding John. Since the split John has not stopped contacting her, and he will even contact the hospital Victim works at. John uses other people phones, such as a mechanic friend's, have mutual friends contact Victim on his behalf, and even had an individual who lives in Florida reach out to her.

Officer explained to Victim the process, and asked if she wished to pursue charges against John, and she stated that she needs to think. Since the split Victim advised me that she has had to see a counselor about John due to the emotional abuse she received from him. During the encounter observed Victim to become emotional, and scared. Victim stated that she is afraid to go anywhere in fear of John showing up. Victim moved to this address on Georgia Ave, and John was able to locate her through the post office.

Upon clearing the scene, I had dispatch contact Perry Township PD for their report relating to John, and I had them get our own PD's report. A Perry Township officer did make contact with John, and advised him to stop contact with Victim.

At this time Victim wished to speak to her parents about going forward with charges. Nothing further at this time.

Detective Ray#506

Date 03/08/2023 @ 11:59
Officer Cody Ray

On 03/08/2023 after speaking to the prosecutor, 5 counts of telecommunications harassment, and 1 count of menacing by stalking were agreed upon. Warrants will be issued to John. Should also be noted that Victim had gone to Youngstown and was given a protection order against John. I will contact Columbiana County SO, and check to see if that order has been served.

Date: 03/24/2023 @ 13:43
Officer Pedro Melendez, Sr.,

On 23Mar23 I (Pt. Melendez) arrested John Jackson on his Warrant (23-CRB-46) at MCC#3. Jackson was then transported to the Sebring Police Department to be processed . After processing Jackson was then transported back to MCC#3 to go in front of a Judge. Nothing else to report at this time.

Pt. Melendez #505 3/24/2023


ARREST REPORT #23-003090
Date: 3/23/2023 @ 2002hrs

TRAFFIC - S. Johnson Rd/Florida Ave

Ptl. Brindack #504

CITED: Derek Ball ,33
587 W New York Ave Sebring OH 44672

CHARGE: 4510.11 DUS

On this date I was parked at the Copeland oaks maintenance building on Johnson Rd in a marked Police cruiser, hear in the distance the sound of a loud exhaust, then saw the vehicle a blue-green Nissan Altima bearing OH]XA/248 with one headlight out and loud exhaust traveling North on S Johnson Rd. I got behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop On Johnson Rd near Florida Ave. I made contact with the driver identitied as Derek Ball and the passenger as Taylor Burson.

When I ran their information through dispatch, dispatch advised Derek was suspended and had an active warrant out of the Columbiana County Sheriff's office for failure to appear on an OVI. Dispatch confirmed the warrant was in the pickup radius and had Derek exit the vehicle and placed him in handcuffs. Pt. Demski put him the back of my patrol car. Sgt. Kelm and myself conducted a consent search on the vehicle and did not locate any contraband. The vehicle was then released to the passenger who is also the owner.

Derek was issued a citation for DUS 4510.11 and transported to the Sunoco station on US 62 where custody was exchanged with the Columbian county SO. Derek's court date will be set by the court given he is not in jail in another county.

Ptl. Brindack 504 03/23/2023


ARREST REPORT #23-003099
Date: 3/26/2022 @ 1500hrs


ARREST: Caleb Kaiser, 26
136 1/2 S. Johnson Rd. Sebring, OH

ORC:2925.03 Trafficking in Drugs(F-4)
ORC: 2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substances(F-3) Bulk Meth

Date 03/26/2023 @ 1724hrs
Officer Reed

At 11:08 hours on 03/26/2023, I received an email containing video footage of a person who I knew to be Caleb Kaiser, a person who I know to have been convicted of violent felonies, carrying what appeared to be an AR variant rifle through a driveway leading to his residence. This email was from a -------------- who resides at -------------. The video footage was clear, with it being plainly obvious that there was not a visible orange tip on the suspected weapon.

The time was stamped at 07:26 hours with the date showing to be 03/26/2023. After contacting ------------ via phone and confirming that the date and time were correct, I notified Chief Harris as well as Prosecutor Van Brocklin. I was also able to confirm that Kaiser had convictions for violent felony offenses including felonious assault, having weapons under disability, and aggravated arson. These charges were accrued between 2016 and 2019. This being found by accessing Kaiser's Computerized Criminal History (CCH) on the Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway. It should also be noted that earlier in the morning, three subjects came to Caleb Kaiser's residence, attempted to force entry, and fired rounds into the structure while it was occupied.

After discussing the matter with Chief Harris and Prosecutor Van Brocklin, it was decided that obtaining a search warrant for the residence was the best course of action to take. Contact was then made with Staff from Mahoning County Court#3, who in turn forwarded me to Judge Molly Johnson, of Mahoning County Court #5 (Canfield Court). This being because Judge Schiavoni of Mahoning County Court# 3 (Sebring Court) was out of town and unavailable. I advised Judge Johnson of the facts and circumstances surrounding the case, with her agreeing to meet with me at her residence in Canfield so that a search warrant could be obtained. Upon meeting with Judge Johnson, I provided her with a flash drive containing the video of Kaiser with the suspected firearm, as well as a copy of his CCH. Judge Johnson then signed a daytime search warrant and affidavit for the residence. Johnson also provided me with contact information for Parole Officer Jeff Kaschak, who was found to have been assigned to oversee Kasier since his release from prison.

After clearing from Johnson's residence, I made contact with Parole Officer Kaschak. I informed P.O. Kaschak of what had transpired, with him advising that he would meet with me at the Sebring Police Department for the execution of the search warrant. Once I was back on station, I met with Ptl. Brindack, Ptl. Demski, Ptl. Russell, Det. Ray, and Parole Officer Kaschak. We then proceeded to 136 1/2 S. Johnson Road where we executed the search warrant.

Upon arriving at the residence, we encountered Caleb Kaiser's mother, Gail Kaiser, in the front yard. I advised Gail of the search warrant, with her telling me that Caleb was inside of the residence and that he was sleeping. Upon entering the home, Ptl. Brindack and I located Caleb in a make shift bedroom on the first floor. yelled and shook Caleb in an attempt to awaken him, with him refusing to acknowledge my presence. This being despite it appearing obvious that he was awake. I then attempted to secure Caleb's hands, with him moving his body in an attempt to prevent me from doing so. I continued to announce my presence, loudly saying "POLICE" as well as shook Caleb. Due to it being obvious that he was awake, and the fact that on no less than three occasions did he pull away from me, with him hiding his hands from view. I advised Ptl. Brindack to drive stun him with his department issued taser. This while I was actively attempting to secure his hands and he was pulling away. Ptl. Brindack then drive stunned Caleb once on his lower back, with him immediately complying with my orders. I then secured Caleb's hands in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked. I then walked Caleb outside where he was advised of the reasons for the search warrant.

Kaiser immediately said that it was only a BB gun that he had and that it was upstairs. Upon returning to the inside of the house, I went to the upstairs bedroom where I located Pt. Russell and Det. Ray. At this time I observed an AR-15 clone BB gun in between two upstairs bedrooms. The rifle, although a BB gun, had the orange tip painted over and appeared to me identical to an AR-15 rifle in appearance and function. I was also at this time advised by Det. Ray that he had located suspected methamphetamine in an area of plain view in an upstairs bedroom. Due to it being undetermined if in fact Caleb was telling the truth and the BB gun that was upstairs was what he had been seen carrying earlier in the morning, units continued searching to be sure that there were no additional weapons. During this time, rolled up fake money with a residue of a powder substance around it and on it was located by Det. Ray. This being in plain view and in the immediate area where Kaiser had been located. This powder appeared to be methamphetamine based upon my training and I then went outside where I spoke with both Caleb and Gail, advising of Miranda Rights. Both Caleb and his mother were cooperative, with Gail informing me that the methamphetamine that was located in the bedroom belonged to a Derek Ball.

Consent was also later received from Caleb to search the remainder of the residence for methamphetamine, with him telling me that he struggles with addiction. In going further with the search, Det. Ray was able to find a light colored crystalline substance in the area where Caleb had been sleeping. This again being in the area under his immediate control at the time we located him. I also located numerous scales, packaging material, and spoons. These items, based upon my training and experience, are used to measure drugs when found in conjunction with such items that were also located in this area. An Ohio ID card belong to Caleb was located as well. These items were photographed and collected.

A dark colored substance was also found in a plastic baggie by Det. Ray. This substance as well as the crystal substance was field tested by Ptl. Brindack, with it showing to be methamphetamine. It should also be noted that during the time the search was being completed, Caleb was near enough to the front door of the residence that at any point he could have revoked consent. An officer equipped with a radio was also watching him at all times, with him being able to relay his wishes to revoke consent if he wanted to do so. Caleb instead threatened officers, making comments about harming officers to PlI. Brindack.

Contact was made with Prosecutor Van Brocklin who advised to go forth with charges of trafficking in drugs (ORC:2925.03) as well as possession of controlled substances (ORC: 2925.11). Kaiser was then transported to the Sebring Police Station where the necessary paperwork for commitment to jail on these charges was completed. Prior to leaving the scene, a copy of the warrant and inventory sheet of seized items was left with Caleb Kaiser's girlfriend.

The total weight of the seized methamphetamine was found to be at 3grams. This being a bulk amount and elevating the charge of possession of controlled substances to a third-degree felony from a fifth-degree felony.

While on station, Caleb admitted that he knew who had shot into his residence earlier in the morning, with him refusing to tell me any further information that would help me solve the case and ensure the safety of his mother, girlfriend, and unborn child. Caleb however did say that if anyone harmed his mother, his girlfriend, or their unborn child I would be arresting him for more serious charges in the future, as well as making statements about obtaining fully automatic weapons and bragging about his violent criminal history. Caleb also at one point challenged Det. Ray to a fight.

Once all paperwork was completed, Caleb was transported to the Mahoning County Justice Center by Pt. Russell. All evidence processing was handled by Det. Ray. It should also be noted that the BB gun, due to being a projectile weapon and having been tampered with, was also seized from the home. The warrant, a return, and inventory sheet was included in the case file for a return to Mahoning County Court #5.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




ARREST REPORT #23-003009
Date: 3/9/2023 @ 1230hrs

Summons/ Criminal

Served: Sherril Rockwell, 69
946 South 15th Street

Offense: 1317.01 Nuisance (M-4)

Court: 3/30/23@0930

A garage at 346 west Maryland was found to be a nuisance. The owner a Sherril Rockwell will be charged with 1317.01.

Chief Harris #502 3/2/23

On this date Sherril Rockwell was issued a Summons to appear in court on 3/30/23.

Chief Harris #502 3/9/23


ARREST REPORT #23-003010
Date: 3/9/2023 @ 1215hrs


Served: Ray Berry, 81
296 East Oregon Ave

Offense: 1317.01 Nuisance (M-4) X2

Court: 3/30/23@ 0930

A house and yard were found to be a nuisance at 296 East Oregon Ave, and a house and yard were found to be a nuisance at 246 East Oregon Ave. The owner of both properties Ray Berry will be charged with 1317.01.

Chief Harris #502 3/3/23

On this date Mr. Berry was given a summons to appear in court on 3/30/23 for the charges.

Chief Harris #502 3/9/23




Date: 02/17/2023 @ 2125 hrs

700 Block W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Chad Chisholm 33
457 Fenton Ave. NE, Canton, OH

ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (Non- Compliance) M-1
ORC: 4513.22 Loud Exhaust (MM)

At 21:21 hours on 02/17/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary along the roadside at the intersection of N. Johnson Road and W. Ohio Avenue, I observed a light blue Toyota Yaris approached the intersection as it traveled westbound on Ohio Avenue. The vehicle's exhaust was extremely loud and I was able to distinctly note that it was coming from that specific vehicle as it cleared the intersection and drove past my patrol car.

I then activated my patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The blue Yaris, bearing Ohio Registration JJH 1472, came to a stop almost immediately.

Upon approaching the vehicle and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver said that his drive license was suspended, with him also being unable to produce any of the other two documents that I requested.

The driver however did identify himself as Chad Chisholm, with him also providing his social security number and date of birth. I then instructed Mr. Chisholm to step out of the vehicle, with me asking for and receiving consent to do a pat-down and search of his person. After locating no weapons or contraband as a result of this search, I instructed Chisholm to stay at the rear of his vehicle near the shoulder of the road.

Mr. Chisholm's information was then relayed to dispatch, with it being confirmed that he was under a non-compliance suspension. After returning to my patrol car, I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No.032403. I cited Chisholm for driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11) as well as loud exhaust (ORC:4513.22).

While I was writing this citation, Ptl. Melendez arrived to my location. Sebring Tire was called to tow the vehicle with Ptl. Melendez conducting an administrative inventory of the vehicle, with nothing of value being located inside.

Mr. Chisholm then signed his citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory court appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, February 23,2023 at 09:OO. In speaking further with Mr. Chisholm, he said the registered owner of the vehicle, Tiffany Craver, was his girlfriend, that they live together, and that she was aware that his driver license was suspended. Because of this I advised Josh, of Sebring Tire, that I would be placing a hold on the vehicle once he arrived and was loading the vehicle onto his tow truck. Craver shall be cited for wrongful entrustment.

Sebring Tire then towed the vehicle to their impound lot. Mr. Chisholm was given a courtesey ride to the Oregon Pub so that he could wait there until he could get a ride back to Canton. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 02/14/2023 @ 0930 hrs

S 15Th St @ W California Ave

CITED: Kevin Gorby 63
20690 Lake Park Blvd, Alliance Oh

Charge: SCO: 313.01 Traffic Control Device (Red Light)

On 14Feb23 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Red Chevy 1500 with Ohio Registration (ESDl910) driving South bound On N lSth St at W Oregon Ave and Run the light. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 at S 15th St and W California Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, Kevin T. Gorby, I advised him of the reason for the stop and 1 asked for identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid. Miller was cited with Ticket #1032315 for Traffic Control Device SCO: 313.01 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3. Gorby also stated " I haven't had a Fucking Ticket in 43 years and I'm going to Fight it". I (Ptl. Melendez) then advised Gorby that he has the right to fight the ticket but to please stop using profanity towards me.

I then asked Gorby if he could sign his ticket and he advised that he Refuses to sign the Ticket. Gorby then goes on and states "What is your name officer and I advised him Ptl. Melendez unit 505, Gorby then began to mock my name and state that he will contact the Police Chief. I then advised Gorby that he can do so by calling the Sebring Police Department between 8am - 4pm if he wishes to speak to a supervisor.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 2/14/2023





Date: 02/02/2023 @ 0736 hrs

N 12th St @ E Maryland Ave

CITED: Charles Miller 34
2054 Western Ave Alliance OH

Charge: SCO: 313.01 Traffic Control Device

On 2Feb23 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Red Dodge Durango with Ohio Registration (HZC8611) driving North bound On N 12th St and E Ohio Ave run the light. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 at the corner of N 12th and E Maryland Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, Charles Miller, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid.

Miller was cited with Ticket #032314 for Traffic Control Device SCO: 313.01 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 2/2/2023


Date: 01/31/2023 @ 1020 hrs

100 Block W California Ave Sebring OH

Cited: Darren Kleinman 36
606 W New York Ave, Sebring, OH

Charge: SCO: 335.10 Expired Tags

On 31Jan23 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) Observed a black Mazda 2 door bearing Ohio registration (DK INK) driving south on 15th St and turned onto W California Ave without using a turn signal. After observing the violation, I then conducted a traffic stop in my marked patrol vehicle 304 in the 100 block of California Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, Darren Kleinman, I advised Sebring dispatch that he was my driver and it returned that he was Expired. Kleinman was cited for expired tags SCO: 335.10 with a date to be set at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #505 1/31/2023




Date: 02/07/2023 @ 1145 hrs


ARREST: Allen Reed 47
175 West Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

2903.14 Assault
2903.22 Menacing
2921.33 Resisting Arrest
2921.31 Obstructing Official Business

Court: 02/09/2023 0900

On 7Feb23 Officers were called out to 175 W Ohio Ave for a civil stand by.

Upon arrival a Sebring Police Officer met with the landlord of the residence to serve a 3-day notice to leave the property. While being served the 3-day notice Alan Reed then attempted to Assault the Landlord and that is when the officer then intervened and Reed assaulted the Police Officer.

While on station Reed yelled racial slurs at the officer. Reed was then escorted to a marked patrol vehicle and placed in the back and transported to Mahoning County Jail. Reed was charged with Resisting arrest, Assault on a Police Officer, Obstructing Official Business.

Ptl. Melendez #505 2/9/2023


Date: 02/08/2024 @ 2212 hrs

445 N 16th st

ARREST: Jacob Carter 24
18080 6th St Beloit, OH

2919.25 Domestic violence M- l
2903.13 Assault M-1
2905.03 Unlawful Restraint M-3

Court: MCCD 02/09/2023 0900

At 22:37 hours on 02/09/2023, Sebring Police received a report of a female subject at a residence in the 100 block of W. Michigan Avenue who had come to the callers residence asking for help. The caller reported that the female subject had told him that she had just escaped from her boyfriend who had been physically assaulting her.

Upon arriving, Sebring Officers made contact with the victim, who was crying and who had visible marks and bruising on her arms and face.

The female victim stated that she had been at a residence in the 400 block of N. 16th Street when her boyfriend, Jacob Carter, began hitting her, with her trying to leave through the front door of the residence. The victim said that Carter then began dragging her back into the house, with her holding onto a couch in an effort to prevent him from doing so. The Victim said that she then went into a bedroom where she broke a window out to escape after Carter again began assaulting her at this location.

Sebring Fire/EMS was called with the victim being transported to the hospital for treatment. Carter also informed the victim by phone while she was at the W. Michigan Avenue address that he knew where she was and that he was coming to the scene.

Due to Carter being known to possess firearms and the victim confirming that he recently had one in his possession, additional officers from both Smith Township and Goshen Police District were requested.

Carter was subsequently taken into custody without incident at the residence in the 400 block of N. 14th Street. Carter was charged with Domestic Violence, Assault, and Unlawful Restraint.

Det. Reed #508


Date: 02/09/2024 @ 1300 hrs

300 Block W. Texas Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Isiah Palmer 32
988 Biruta St. Akron, OH

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (39/25)

At 13:03 hours on 02/09/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary along the roadside in front of the F.A. Sebring Community Center, located at 356 W. Texas Avenue, I observed a white box van traveling eastbound on W. Texas Avenue at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit.

Upon activating my patrol car's rear facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 39 MPH. The vehicle then began to rapidly slow upon noticing my patrol car.

Once the vehicle passed my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The white Chevrolet Express van bearing Kentucky Registration E4F189 then pulled over and came to a stop.

Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop and asked for his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with his Ohio Driver license showing him to be lsiah Jerome Palmer. I also at this point detected the strong odor of marijuana emanating from inside of the vehicle. When asked about the source of the odor, Palmer said that he did not have any marijuana in the vehicle but that he had used some several hours earlier.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032164.1 cited Palmer for speed (SCO: 333.03)' for going 39 MPH in a marked 25 MPH zone. Ptl. Melendez then arrived to my location, with Palmer signing the citation, being given his copy, and advised of his optional court appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 on 02/16/2023.1 informed Palmer that if he did not wish to contest the citation that he would need to contact the court by this date.

A probable cause search of the vehicle was then performed with no contraband being located. Due to Palmer having admitted to using marijuana in the hours prior, I did perform a lack of convergence test on his eyes which showed no clues of impairment. I then cleared from the call.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508




Date: 01/23/2023 @ 0622 hrs

555 E Ohio Avenue

Theft (Motor Vehicle) F-4 ORC:2913.02

At 06:22 hours on 01/23/2023, a 2015 Chevrolet Silverado was stolen while parked at a business in the 500 block of E. Ohio. The vehicle was subsequently recovered with a warrant being issued for the suspects arrest.

At approximately 06:25 hours on 01/23/2023, 1 was on my way to my shift at the Sebring Police Department when I observed Ptl. Ossler's patrol car parked in front of 315 E. Ohio Avenue. The overhead emergency lights on his patrol car were on and a black Dodge Durango was in the front yard of the residence. The vehicle, according to Ptl. Ossler, had been stolen from Circle K (205 E. Ohio Avenue), and had been crashed into the front steps of the home. Ptl. Ossler also informed me that another vehicle had been stolen from Sebring Kwik Mart (555 E. Ohio Avenue). I then cleared from the scene, going to the police station to pick up a patrol car as well as equipment. Once at the police station, it was relayed to me by Dispatcher Dixon that the owner of the Dodge Durango, Gregory Horner, as still at Circle K and needed to speak with an officer.

I then went to Circle K, where I met with Horner. In speaking with Horner, he said that he had gone inside of the store to get coffee and had left his Durango sitting in the parking lot with the engine running and doors unlocked. While in the store, he witnessed his vehicle begin moving from the parking spot, with it then leaving and going eastbound on Ohio Avenue. After gathering the necessary information for a stolen vehicle form, I drove Horner to the location on E. Ohio Avenue where the vehicle had been crashed and abandoned. I instructed Horner to stay in my patrol car while I photographed the scene. I also told Horner that I would have him look through the vehicle for items that did not belong to him before releasing it to him, so I could collect whatever may have been left by the perpetrator as evidence. I then began photographing the scene, noting that the vehicle appeared to have been traveling eastbound before leaving the roadway and entering the front yard of the residence.

The front steps to the house also sustained severe damage as did the landscaping that immediately surrounded the house. The vehicle itself sustained damage, with the driver side running board being ripped off and damage being caused to the driver side of the front bumper. This appearing to be from when it struck the steps, which were made of brick and concrete. Once I was finished photographing the scene, I brought Horner to the vehicle. Horner pointed out a white baseball cap and black cloth glove that were sitting on the front passenger seat.
Horner said that these items did not belong to him and that they had not been there prior to the vehicle being taken.

Using a gloved hand to prevent cross contamination, I placed these two items in separate paper bags and collected them as evidence. In speaking further with Horner, he said that while he was in Circle K, a white female subject between 30 and 40 years of age came in the store. The subject according the Horner, was wearing a black winter jacket, black leggings, and had on what appeared to be the same white hat that had been left on his front passengers seat. Soon after the female left the store, Horner said he witnessed his truck leaving the parking lot.

While I was processing the scene. Ptl. Ossler went to Sebring Quik Mart where he made contact with the owner of the second vehicle that had been stolen (Ref Report 2023-001073). Once Ptt. Ossler returned to my location, he informed me that a female subject matching the description given by Horner had taken a 201 5 Chevrolet Silverado belonging to a Jamie Kelly. this also occurring while the vehicle's owner was inside the store and the vehicle was left in the parking lot with the engine running and doors unlocked. I then released the vehicle to Horner as well as received a witness statement from him. Ptl. Ossler and I then returned to the police station to complete paperwork and log the evidence that had been collected from the scene of the crash. Contact was also made with Ptl. Melendez who had received security footage from Circle K of the at the time unknown female subject.

A short time later, I was informed that the Silverado belonging to Jamie Kelly had been located by Canton Police Department after being involved in a hit skip crash. Upon making contact with Canton City Police, I was informed that a female by the name of Stacey Elizabeth Glover had been taken into custody as a result. Canton Police also said that she had admitted to having taken the truck while she was in Sebring. Canton City Police said that they had arrested Glover for receiving stolen property in connection with the incident, and that she was currently at Aultman Hospital.

After receiving permission to do so, I went to Aultman Hospital to interview Glover. White I was enroute to this location, Ptl. Melendez
was dispatched to 666 W. Maryland Avenue for a report of an abandoned vehicle (Ref Report # 23-001074). This vehicle, a Chevrolet Equinox, was found to have been stolen from the area of New Philadelphia, Ohio.

Once at Aultman Hospital, I met with Ptl. Ossler. Ptl. Ossler. Ptl. Ossler and I then went to room R-2 in the Emergency Department where we found Officer M. Gutscher in the room with Stacey Glover. I then identified myself to Glover, as well as read her Miranda Rights lo her. Glover said that she understood these rights and was willing to speak with me. In speaking with Glover, she initially said that she couldn't remember what had happened, but later admitted to having taken both the Silverado belonging to Mr. Kelly as well as the Durango Belonging to Mr. Horner. Glover said that she took both vehicles from gas stations and that the keys were in them. In addition to this, Glover also admitted to crashing Horner's Durango into a house. During my time speaking with Glover, she made repeated statements about trying to get away from her boyfriend, with her at one point saying she hurt him. Glover would later admit to having stolen three cars total, including the one that had been found at 666 W. Maryland Avenue.

During my time speaking with Glover, she made statements about having hurt her boyfriend with her saying at one point that she killed him and burned him. Officer Glover of Canton City advised that this was the first time she had heard Glover say this and her agency would follow up accordingly. It should also be noted that I had my digital recorder activated in the pocket of my vest while I was interviewing Glover. The media file from this recorder was saved in the department photos in the shared drive with the corresponding case number.

Ptl. Ossler and I then cleared from the hospital. Canton Police Department advised that they would be holding Glover in the Stark County Jail on their charges of receiving stolen property.

After leaving Aultman Hospital, Ptl. Ossler and I went to Canton City Impound lot (2436 30th St. NE. Canton, OH). Once there, we located the Silverado belonging to Mr. Kelly. I found this vehicle to have sustained heady front end damage with the airbag in the steering wheel having been deployed. I then photographed the damage as well as information to forward to Mr. Kelly so he could work on getting hls vehicle back. Ptl. Ossler and I then cleared from the impound lot with him finishing his shift and me returning to the Village of Sebring.

Immediately upon returning to the Village of Sebring, I met with Ptl. Melendez at 666 W. Maryland Avenue. Once on scene, I observed a dark colored Chevrolet Equinox bearing Ohio Registration HZE 1341, sitting in the driveway.

Rosenberry towing was on scene to tow the vehicle back to where it originated from.

Once back on station, I was advised by Chief Harris that Prosecutor Van Brocklin had approved two charges of Theft (Motor Vehicle) (ORC: 2913.02) as well as one charge of receiving stolen property (ORC: 2913.51). All three charges being fourth-degree felonies.

Warrants were drafted and entered into LEADS.

At approximately 19:30 hours on this same date, Glover was taken Into custody on her warrants through our agency after being released from Stark County's custody. Det. Ray took her into custody at their jail and transported her back to the Sebring Police Department. Once back on station, the necessary paperwork for commitment to jail was completed. It should be noted that in addition to the criminal charges, I cited Glover for Stopping after accident on public roads or highways (ORC:4549.02) and Operation without being in reasonable control (ORC: 451 1.202). Glover was issued Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032402, which she signed and received a copy of. I then transported Glover to the Mahoning County Jail without incident. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508





Date: 01/23/2023 @ 1930 hrs

Stark County Jail

Arrest: Stacey Glover, 42
11587 Peacock Dr. Indianapolis, IN

Charge: ORC: 29 13.02 Theft (Motor Vehicle) F-4

MCC #3 01/26/2023 @ 0900





Date: 01/05/2023 @ 1202 hrs

Telecommunications Harassment

1.2317.21A1- Telecommunications Harassment anonymous, harassing, etc.

At approximately 15:05 hours on 01/12/2023, Victim came on station to report that she had been receiving harassing text messages from the father of her children, Keith Koons Jr. Victim said that there has been a pattern of verbal abuse for several months but that it became worse around the end of December when she filed through the courts to attempt to get custody of the children that she and Keith have in common back. Victim was able to produce approximately 13 text messages of a harassing nature on her phone from phone number.

These harassing messages began on 01/05/2023 and continued until this morning. Victim said that this is the phone number of Koons and that she is fearful of her safety because he threatened to send a --------- to her apartment. Victim then allowed me to go through the text messages, with me noting that at 21:54 hours on 01/06/2023, what appeared to be Koons texted Victim harassing messages about her weight. This text made a statement of "---------". Victim received a text later that night at 23:54 hours that said "---------".

In going further through the messages , there was continued statements about the court case regarding custody of the children as well as a text that was received at 08:04 hours on 01/12/2023, which stated "I'm actually surprised to ------ hasn't been down at the woody apartments i told him and a lot of other people u done wrong where u stay st.

This statement Victim said she found the most troubling because it was threatening in nature and showed that Koons knew where she lived. It should be noted that during the time frame between the date the incident was reported and January 5, 2023, at no point did Victim appear to respond to the texts.

I then gave Victim a voluntary witness statement that she completed, with photographs of the texts from Koons being taken. I informed Victim that I would complete a report on the matter and discuss possible charges with the prosecutor.

Victim then cleared from the station. The witness statement was placed in the case file with the photographs of the text messages being saved to the departments shared drive under department photos with the corresponding case number.

Nothing additional to report at this time. This case shall be forwarded to Prosecutor Van Brocklin for consideration of charges.

Det. Reed #509

At approximately 17:00 hours on 01/20/2023, Keith A. Koons Jr. turned himself in to this detective at the police station. Mr. Koons was brought in to the station through the rear door, with him then being searched incident to arrest prior to being taken to the squad room. Mr. Koons was then photographed and finger printed, before being released on a $1250,00 own recognizance bond.

A copy of the warrant was given to Mr. Koons as well. Mr. Koons was instructed to have no further contact with the victim as well as to appear for his mandatory court appearance on Thursday, January 26,2023 at 09:00 hours at Mahoning County Court #3.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508





Date: 01/21/2023 0958 hrs

200 Block E.Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Cited: Amber Soska, 30
10510 South Ave. Poland, Ohio 44514

ORC:4511.39 Turn and stop signals

ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (Non-Compliance)

At 09:58 hours on 01/21/2023, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While in the 200 block of N. 13th Street, I observed a black Hyundai SUV, bearing Ohio Registration JWQ5601, that had been traveling south bound on N. 13th Street, come to the intersection of E. Oregon Avenue. The vehicle failed to signal until already at a complete stop at the intersections stop sign. This being
substantially and unmistakably short of the required one-hundred feet. It should be noted that prior to observing this violation, I observed the vehicle at Circle K (205 E. Ohio Avenue).

During this time, I observed who I know to be ------ get in the passenger seat and an unknown female get in the driver seat. A random registration check was conducted at that time, which showed the vehicle's registered owner to have a suspended driver license with limited driving privileges.

I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop as the vehicle completed its turn onto E. Oregon Avenue. As I came around the corner, observed that the vehicle had came to a stop in front of 285 .E Oregon Avenue with ----- exiting. Upon seeing me, ----- approached my patrol car from the passenger side, with me instructing her to return to the vehicle as well as telling
her that I would be with her and the driver momentarily.

I then approached the vehicle, making contact with the driver and informing her of the reason for the stop. The driver said that she wasn't sure where she was going prior to coming to the intersection. When I asked for her driver license, she said that she did not have it on her. The driver then identified herself by her social security number, with her telling me that she was Amber Soska, the vehicle's registered owner.

When asked where she was coming from, she said that she had been at Circle K and prior to that had been at a friends house. Asked if she was out working, with her saying that she was not. I then instructed both Soska and ----- to exit the vehicle and stand near the back bumper while I relayed Soska's information to dispatch.

At this time Soska's suspension was confirmed. I then exited my patrol car again and asked her about the suspension and what driving privileges she had. Soska said that she had occupational, medical, and family privileges. Soska then said that she had been working for her friend to make money. When I confronted Soska with the fact that she said that she had not been working, she said "it was easier to just tell you that". Soska also produced documents from the court that noted her driving privileges were for occupational, medical, and family necessity only.

At this time, I began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032401. I cited Soska for turn and stop signals (ORC 4511.39) as well as driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11). During this time, ----- made continual complaints that my stopping her and her friend was "harassment" and "abuse of power".

I attempted to explain to ----- that my stop was the result of a traffic infraction but to no avail. Soska then signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised of her mandatory court appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 on Thursday, January 26, 2023. An administrative inventory was completed with nothing of value being located. Sebring Tire arrived soon after to tow the vehicle to
their impound lot.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #508





Date: 01/20/2023 1925 hrs

600 Block W. New York Ave., Sebring, OH

CITED: Rodney Givens, 62
739 N. Sawburg Ave., Alliance, OH 44601

ORC: 4503.11 Expired Registration

ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension(Non-Compliance)

At 17:25 hours on 01/21/2023, I was attempting to serve a felony warrant on a Taylor Steed, of 631 W. New York Avenue. As I approached the residence, I observed a silver Chevrolet Malibu, bearing Ohio Registration DJX 5099, parked directly in front of the house on New York Avenue. The vehicle's engine was running, lights were turned on, and an adult male was sitting in the driver seat. I then relayed the vehicle's registration number to dispatch, while approached from the passenger side.

Upon making contact with the driver, I asked him if he was with someone at the subject address. The subject said that he was waiting for Taylor's boyfriend and that he had came there to give him a ride. While I was speaking with the subject, I received a return on the vehicle's registration from dispatch, with it being advised that the registration was expired and the vehicle's registered owner, Rodney Givens, had a
suspended driver license.

I then asked the subject if he was Rodney Givens, with him saying that he was also at this time observed several torch lighters, which I know to be commonly used in the ingestion of methamphetamine, sitting on the front passenger seat. When I asked Rodney if there was anything in the vehicle that I needed to concern myself with such as illegal drugs or weapons, he said that there was not. Rodney also handed me his driver license, with the suspension being confirmed.

I advised Rodney that his driver license was suspended, as well as instructed him to step out of the car. Rodney said that his leg had been broken and he would have difficulty standing. I did observe a "boot" on his leg at this time, and because of this instructed him to stay in the vehicle and to not reach around for, anything while I went to attempt contact at the residence.

While I was standing on the porch, I observed Given's reaching around in the area of the passenger seat.

Because of this and the fact that I was not receiving an answer at the door, I returned to his vehicle, also asking Sgt. Kelm to clear where he was at the back of the residence to assist me in dealing with Givens.

Once back at Givens's vehicle, I instructed him to step out of the car. givens then gave me consent to search his person as well as vehicle.

No contraband was found as a result of these searched. I advised givens that he would be receiving a citation for driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11) as well as expired registration (ORC: 4503.11). Givens was given the opportunity to call for a valid driver to drive his vehicle from the roadside, but was unable to locate one. Because of this Sebring Tire was called to tow the vehicle.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032165. I cited Givens for the above listed offenses. I then returned to his vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised of his mandatory court appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 on 01/26/2023 at 09:00.

Sebring Tire then arrived on scene and towed the vehicle to their impound lot. It should be noted that a tow inventory sheet of the vehicle was completed with nothing of value being located inside.

Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #508





Date: 01/17/2023 1201 hrs

14th /OhioAve

Cited: Timothy Day, 48
1503 Difford Drive, Niles 44446

Charge: 331.13 Improper Backing

On 01/17/2023, | Detective Ray, while on patrol, observed the stop sign on North 14" Street at Ohio Ave to be knocked down. Officer Melendez advised that Circle Khad footage of a truck backing over the sign.

Upon my arrival the Circle K manager showed me the footage. I observed a Coca Cola truck pulling onto 14th Street from Ohio Ave, driving forward, stopping, then backing the truck up into the sign. From the invoice from the driver, the manager of Circle K was able to provide the drivers name as Timothy Day.

The manager also was able to provide the CocaCola representatives contact information. Contacted the representative who contacted Timothy. Timothy contacted Sebring PD and advised he would come back to the scene. Upon his arrival Timothy was issued a citation for Improper Backing ORD. 331.13.

Nothing further.

Detective Ray #506 01/17/2023




Date: 01/13/2023 1000 hrs

186 E Oregon Ave

Arrest: Matthew Sinley, 20
18487 Courtney Rd Beloit OH 44609

2921.331 Failure to comply with order of police officer / Bond $1,250.00
375.03 Prohibited Violations

COURT MCC#301/19/2022@0900hrs

On this date while on patrol in marked unit 303, I was traveling south bound on N. 12th St near Oregon Ave, observed a blue dirt bike in the alleyway between Oregon and Pennsylvania Ave, the driver of the dirt bike saw my clearly marked patrol car and activated my lights and audible siren, the driver took off W. bound down the alleyway as I turned to follow, The driver turned his head and saw me attempting to stop him multiple times. The driver continued across 13th st without stopping, and then across 14th St without stopping.

The dirt bike then made a sudden right turn into a shared driveway, at 186 E Oregon Ave. I followed and came out on Oregon Ave the driver had ditched the bike in the yard and was now attempting to enter 186 E Oregon Ave.

I exited my patrol car and ordered him to stop, the driver identified as Matthew Sinley complied and came off the porch to where I was standing in the yard. I asked Matthew who then stated he was scared and didn't know what to do, admitting that he was running. I placed Matthew in custody and placed him in the back of my patrol car.

I decided not to impound the dirt bike because it was already private property belonging to Matthew's family. Matthew was transported to our station where he was processed and then given and OR bond with a court date of 01/19/2023 at MCC#3. Matthew is charged
with M-7 Failure to Comply with the order of a police officer and also issued a citation for (violations prohibited) for the dirt bike on the roadway.

Pt. Brindack #304 01/13/2023





Date: 01/12/2023 1718 hrs

WARRANT / Drug Paraphernalia
347 N 15th Street

1.2925.14 - Drug Paraphernalia

On 01/12/2023, Ptl. Brindack and I responded to a report of a disturbance at 347 N. 15th Street. The caller/complainant, Shawn Kelley Richards, advised dispatch of an issue with what she described as kids who were staying in the apartment.

Upon arriving, Contact was made with Richards, who was found to be the lease holder of the apartment, as well as Michael A. Lawson and Demetrianna Nicholson. Richards said that she had allowed Nicholson and Lawson to stay in her apartment but she wanted them to leave. I then went into the bedroom to speak with Nicholson and Lawson while Pt. Brindack spoke with Richards.

During this time, I asked for identification information from both Nicholson and Lawson, with Nicholson giving an ID card to Pt. Brindack and Lawson providing me with his name, date of birth, and a recent address. During this time, Richardson informed Ptl. Brindack and I that Lawson had a warrant for his arrest through Stark County.

When asked about this, Lawson did say that he likely had a warrant for a prior drug offense. Information for all three persons was relayed to dispatch at around this time.

At this point, I asked for and received consent to conduct a pat-down of Lawson's person. Lawson freely admitted that he had a pipe in his pocket that he used to smoke methamphetamine. He also gave me consent to reach into his pocket and retrieve this item. Inside the right pocket of Lawson's jeans, I located a glass pipe, approximately 4" long, with burn marks and the residue of a light-colored crystalline substance inside of it. Several minutes elapsed with Stark County Sheriff's Office still not informing dispatch as to whether or not they wanted to take custody of Lawson. then placed Lawson in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked, and informed him that regardless of if Stark County planned to take custody of him I would be charging him with possession of drug paraphernalia (ORC: 2925.14). This being a misdemeanor of the fourth-degree. I then walked Lawson back to the police station while Ptl. Brindack remained at the apartment so that Nicholson could collect property and call for a ride, seeing as she agreed to leave voluntarily.

Once back on station, Lawson was photographed, fingerprinted, and processed. He signed a $500.00 personal recognizance form and was made aware of his mandatory court appearance on Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 09:00 hours at Mahoning County Court #3. During the time I was processing him, Stark County advised that they did want to take custody of Lawson on his warrant. Pti. Brindack then transported him to Wal-Mart in Alliance where an awaiting Stark County Deputy took custody. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #509




Date: 01/11/2023 1223 hrs

Johnson / Courtney

Cited: Denaysia Jones, 23
1650 Anderson Mill Road Apt.2306, Austell 30106

Charge: 331.16 ROW Intersection

On 01/11/2023 Unit 1 was traveling East on Courtney. Unit 1 stopped at the intersection of Courtney and Johnson. Unit 1 entered the intersection, and was struck by unit 2 who was traveling North on Johnson.

Unit 1 was issued a citation for ROW at Intersection 331.16. Nothing further.

Detective Ray #506 01/11/2023





Case No.: 22-001038 Date 1/14/2022 @ 0910 hrs

Arrest: Todd Stuller Jr., 836 South 13th St., Sebring, Oh

Charge: ORC:2919.25(C) Domestic Violence

On 01/14/2022 units were dispatched to 836 South 13th Street for a domestic.

On 01/14/2022, I Officer Ray along with Detective Reed, were dispatched to 836 South 13th Street for a possible domestic. The caller stated that he heard loud yelling, and stated the apartment was 22. Upon my arrival I observed 2 males working on a car. I passed the males. and made contact with the caller. The caller stated that the males were involved.

At 17:56 hours on 01-14-2022, I responded to a report of an altercation at 836 S. 13th St. Apt. #22. Upon arriving to this location, I observed Ptl. Ray and Ptl. Melender speaking with two female subjects, later identified as sisters, ------ and ------.

Upon exiting my patrol car and making contact with Ptl. Ray and the two sisters, I asked what had happened. I was informed by ----- that she and her brother, Todd Stuller Jr.. had been involved in an argument outside of the apartment that they both reside in and that her brother had threatened to "beat her ass". ----- said that her brother did this while coming at her and that her sister, -----, had to physically stop him from approaching her any closer. ----- said that her father  had also intervened and that her brother had threatened and "charged" at him as well. ----- said that her brother then left to go to work with their mother. When I asked ----- if she believed that her brother was going to hurt her, she stated "he absolutely was going to if he wasn't stopped". After speaking with ----- I spoke with -----, with her story corroborating that of her sisters.

Ptl. Ray then asked ----- if she would like to pursue charges, with her saying that she would. ----- then accompanied Ptl. Ray back to his patrol car where she signed the domestic violence form and completed a witness statement. While Ptl. Ray was speaking with -----, I went to speak with ----- about the incident. ----- who was in the parking lot working on a broke-down vehicle with his son in-law, said that his son and daughter had began arguing and that his son did threaten his sister. ----- said that he intervened, his son screamed at him, and then left for work. The series of events told to me by -----. mirrored those told to me by ----- and -----. -----. was given a voluntary witness statement to complete while I spoke with witness about what he had seen.

In speaking with witness he said that he had been outside in the parking lot working on the car when he heard screaming.  Witness said that he was underneath the car when he first heard the argument, but that he slid out in time to witness Todd Jr. screaming at his sister while approaching her in a threatening manner before being stopped .

Witness was also given a voluntary witness statement to fill out. After witness statements were collected from all involved parties, units cleared from the scene.

Once at the police station, a review of Todd Stuller's Computerized Criminal History (CCH) was completed. This record showing two or more prior convictions for domestic violence. A copy of this report and witness statements will be forwarded to prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin for consideration of charges. Nothing additional to report at this lime.

Det. Reed #506

On 01-18-2022, a warrant was obtained through Mahoning County Court #3 for the arrest of Todd Stuller Jr. This warrant is for one first-degree misdemeanor charge of Domestic Violence (ORC:2919.25(C)).

On 01-05-2023 Ptl. Russell and Ptl. Melendez served Todd Stuller Jr with his warrant.


Case No.: 22-011066 Date 11/23/2022 @ 0604 hrs


ARREST: Daniel Allmon, 33
825 Wade Ave Alliance OH

MCC#3 / Charges/
ORC: 2903.21A Agg Menacing
ORC: 2921.34 Escape
ORC: 2921.31A Obstructing Official Business
ORC: 2921.33 Resisting Arrest
ORC: 2921.31A Obstructing Official Business

At the time listed, the reportee arrived on station to make a report of telecommunications harassment.

I spoke to ----- and her father. She showed me messages that Daniel had sent her including threats. She stated she blocks the number and he creates a new one via an internet texting app. I had her send screen shots of the messages to my email and they will be attached to this report.

A request for charges will be sent to the prosecutor for approval.

She told me two locations he could be at. They have been trying to find him all day after he made threats of suicide.

PTL. Ray had dealt with him earlier in the day and he fled upon contact. One of the locations he could have been at was in Smith TWP. I asked SGT Davis from STPD to come to my station and make a plan. He did so and we decided to first check at the Mills' residence at 265 W Oregon as he had been there earlier. I Asked SGT Davis to assist me and make contact up front and I would cover the rear in case he fled out the back again.

Once I was in position at the back door, SGT Davis knocked on the front. Daniel attempted to flee out the rear and I was there to greet him. I pointed my lazer at him ordering him to step out and get on the ground. He complied. SGT Davis made his way around to the back when he heard me yelling at Daniel. Daniel was placed in cuffs adequately spaced and double locked. He was very cooperative as we retrieved his property from inside the house. He was placed in the back of my patrol unit and transported back to the station. SGT Davis cleared the call.

Upon arrival back at the station, Daniel kept asking for a cigarette. Since he was very cooperative, I gave him the courtesy of having a cigarette before we proceeded with the booking process. He stated I could remove the cuffs as another officer had done that for him at our station before and I believed him, as we have done that in the past with cooperative subjects placed in custody. As he finished his cigarette, he fled WB though the parking lot screaming "I'm sorry" and "Don't taze me". I pursued on foot ordering him to stop. I caught up with him quickly.

DO Denoon was already radioing for SGT Davis to assist as he had seen this happen. As we reached the back of the Laundromat, I yelled "stop or you will be tazed" and Daniel ran into the wall of the Laundromat and gave up. He was held at tazer point until he placed his hands behind his back. I cuffed him again, and walked him back to the station. He was apologetic admitting he knew not to run. The paper work process was completed and he was transported to Mahoning County Jail without further incident.

NFI ATT. Charges are pending approval by the prosecutor.

PTL. Ossler #508 11/23/2022

On 22Dec22 I (PtI. Melendez) arrested Daniel Allmon on his warrant's (22CRA-323) (22-CRA-327) (22-CRA-328) at MCC#3.

Allmon was then transported back to the Sebring Police Department to be processed. After being processed I then transported Allmon back to MCC#3 to be seen my a Judge.

Nothing else to report at this time.

P I . Melendez #505 12/22/2022


Case No.: 22-012021 Date 12/8/2022 @ 0900 hrs


Served: Robert Uyselt
17850 1st St. Betoit, Ohio

Charge: 505.01 Dogs running at large

Victim: Village of Sebring
135 E Ohio Ave, Sebring , OH

On 12/07/2022 I was dispatched and responded to the 600 Block of W. Maryland Ave for an animal complaint. I was advised there were two large pit bulls running loose in the area around the Nazarene Church. Upon arriving in the area I located what appeared to be two pit bulls running from the church towards a residence on N .Johnson Ave. One appeared to be a brown brindle colored and the other appeared to be all black.

I was able to enough to the two dogs while they were running behind the residence of N. Johnson to identify them as being the dogs of Mr. Robert Uyselt. I recognized the dogs from previous complaints in the past. There have been multiple complaints on the two dogs being aggressive towards humans and killing and attacking other animals. I advised dispatch who the owner of the dogs was going to be and to contact the dog warden about this matter.

I was not able to get close to the dogs to catch them due to them running further away. I lost visual of them near Virginia Ave.

Once I was unable to locate the dogs I cleared.

On the above date I noticed a red in color Dodge Ram driving in the area of E. Indiana with who appeared to be Robert Uyselt as the driver. I ran the Ohio license plate to confirm the vehicle and driver was in fact going to be Robert. Dispatch confirmed it was him.

I conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle to inform Robert that I saw his dogs running towards Virginia Ave and to have him attempt to get the dogs. Robert stated he was attempting to locate them at this time. I advised him at this time he was going to be charged for the dogs running at large due to this being the second time and the complaints of the aggressive behavior of the dogs.

I then cleared the traffic stop.

Nothing further at this time.

Pt. RachealRussell#507

NOTE: Robert Uyselt is being charged with Dogs running at large (M-4) (505.01)

On December 08, 2022 Mr. Robert Uyselt was served with a summons for court to answer to the charge of Dogs running at large.

The summons was served at his residence and given to a friend that was at the residence of the time that stated Robert was not home at the time but would make sure to give it to him when he returned.

Nothing further at this time.

PIl. Racheal Russell. #507


Case No.: 23-001003 Date 1/1/2023 @ 1409 hrs

Warrant/Arrest: Aimee Loveland

Warrant/Arrest: Samuel Sweely

On 1 Jan23 I responded to 465 W Ohio Ave for an Unruly Juvenile

On 1Jan23 I responded to 465 W Ohio Ave for a Unruly Juvenile. Upon arrival I (Ptl. Melendez) made contact with Aimee Loveland. Loveland advised that her stepdaughter ----- has been getting out of hand because she just had her medication changed and she states that it is not helping. I then advised Loveland that she may need to seek different medical help with Bi-Polar behavior. I also advised Loveland that it is not against the law to discipline your child.

Loveland continued to state that she wants to press charges on ----- and I advised her that I will talk with the Juvenile detective and see what course of action they will want to take. Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 1/1/2023

On 5Jan23 I - (Ptl. Melendez) spoke with Sebring Police Chief Ray Harris about my case at 465 W Ohio Ave with Samuel Sweely and Aimee Loveland. Chief Harris advised that he wanted me to do a follow up with after the incident that occurred on 1/4/2023 at her place of residence, Refer to case # 23-001010.

After Speaking to Chief Harris I then made contact with Sebring McKinley Principal Brian Clark, Guidance Counselor Mary Jackson.

While Speaking to ---- she advised that while on Christmas break from school she was locked in her room and only allowed to come out to use the bathroom. ---- also advised that her bedroom door has the lock placed on reverse to where the lock is on the outside of her room and also that the windows in her room are screwed shut.

I then asked ---- what about when she wants to eat food and she states that she is not allowed to eat with the rest of her siblings, dad and his girlfriend. ---- advised that she has to eat at the table by herself and when she is done she has to go back in her room. I then asked ----- if she is left alone in the house by herself and she advised that whenever her father Samuel and his girlfriend leave the residence that she is locked in the bedroom and her siblings are told not to let her out.

I then asked ---- what occurred at her residence on 1/4/2023 and she advised that she began to get punished by her dad and that Samuel hit her with a belt 7 times and Aimee smacked her in the face 3 times.

After being smacked in the face three times, Aimee then grabbed ------ arm and Stated "I'll Break Your Arm If I Have to ------ then states that Aimee made the comment "your the problem" and that is when Samuel and Aimee both started to drag ------ out of the residence. After being taken out of the house ----- then tried to run back in the residence and Samuel pulled ----- down to the ground and that is when ----- ran off with no shoes on. After hearing ----- statement I then obtained written statements from ----- ----, ------- and also ------.

After Obtaining the statements and records from CPS Myself, Chief Harris and Village Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin agreed to move forward with Charges of ORC Child Endangerment 2903.13 (A) (F3). Domestic Violence 2919.25 (A) (M1), Assault 2903.13 (M1) for Samuel Sweely and Aimee Loveland.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #505 1/6/2023

On 6Jan23 I (Ptl. Melendez) along with Ptl. Brindack and Ptl. Russell arrested Aimee Loveland And Samuel Sweely at 465 W Ohio Ave in Sebring Ohio on their warrants (23-CRA-6) (23-CRB-7). Both Loveland and Sweely were then transported to the Sebring Police Department to be processed. After being processed both Loveland and Sweely were then transported to the Mahoning County Jail with a court date of 1/12/2023.


Case No.: 23-001015 Date 1/5/2023 @ 2015 hrs

12th st /Ohio Ave

Cited: Craig Moore, 35
4059 Siefer Dr Rootstown OH 44272

Charge: 313.01 Traffic control devices

On this date I responded to a two car MVA at 12th and Ohio ave. On arrival I observed two vehicles in the intersection. Unit 1 a VW Tigua bearing OHJLS9935 being driven by Craig A Moore and unit 2 a black chevy truck bearing DV4806 being driven by Gregory G J Kouskouris. Unit 1 had struck unit 2 in the side causing heavy damage to the front of unit 1 and moderate damage to the side of Unit 2.

Unit 1 said he had a yellow light. Unit 2 advised he had the green light. A nearby neighbor had security footage which showed Unit 2 had the green light and Unit 1 failed to stop for a red light.

Craig A Moore was cited for 313.01 Obedience to a Traffic control device and given a court date at MCC#3 of 01/12/2023 at 0900hrs.

Both vehicles were towed away by springers.

Ptl. Brindack 504 01/05/2023







DATE 12/19/2022 @ 1700 hrs
Case No.: 22-012054

206 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring Oh

ARREST: James Kaminski, 45
806 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring

Charge: 2903.13 Assault / M-1 , BOND $1250

Upon arrival I made contact with the suspect James Kaminski, 806 W. Ohio Ave. James put his hands out in front of him and said "ok, lets go I want to go to the county jail". I advised James I would like to talk about what happened. James began to cry and stated it was all over and he was just ready to go to jail. James also stated he had a warrant for his arrest. At this time had James put his hands behind his back and placed him in handcuffs (gapped and double locked). At this time Pt, Russell arrived on scene. I then went inside to make contact with the victim, 306 W. Indiana Ave. Victim stated that a man whom he had never met walked up behind him, hit him in the head, pulled him off his stool, and began to cuss at him. Victim stated he had never scene the man before and didn't even speak to him before the incident. I then had Victim fill out a sworn statement stating what he told me.

I spoke to the bar tender who stated she wanted to sign a Notice of Restriction and did not want James back in the establishment. Rachel also stated she would get me a copy of the camera footage from the incident. I then went back out to Ptl. Russell who was speaking to James. We then placed James in the rear of Ptl. Russell's patrol car and he was transported back to the station for processing.

Upon arrival at the station Ptl. Russell advised me that James had been becoming increasing agitated. James was brought into the squad room while I completed my paperwork. James began spitting on the floor. When asked to stop he became angry and started yelling at Ptl. Russell and I. James then began to state he was going to spit in my face and called me a "nigger" several times stating I wouldn't make it in the hood. James also ensured we were aware he had been to prison.

After completing my paperwork I stood up to retrieve it from the printer and James attempted to spit in my face. At this time Ptl. Russell pushed him away from me and blocked his mouth with her hand to keep him from being able to spit. We then walked James out to the cruiser where he refused to get into the back seat so Ptl., Russell and I had to push him in and close the door. PtI. Russell then began transporting James to the Mahoning County Jail. Only minutes after leaving the station Ptl. Russell contacted dispatch and advised James had been kicking the rear door of the cruiser attempting to escape. I advised Ptl. Russell to stay where she was and I would respond. I then made my way to 5th St. and Main St. where Ptl. Russell had stopped. Ptl. Russell advised he had stopped kicking at that time and she just wanted to continue the transport to get him to the jail.

James was transported to Mahoning County Jail for one count of Assault 2903.13/M-1. James has a mandatory court appearance on 12/22/2022 at 0900hrs.

Sgt. Kelm# 503 12/20/2022


DATE 12/19/2022
Case No.: 22-012053

606 E. Ohio Ave

ARREST: James Kaminski
806 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

Charge: 2917.11 Persistent Disorderly Conduct

DATE: 12/19/2022 13:18:00

On 12/19/2022 I was dispatched and responded to MCC#3 for a male subject with a possible active warrant. I was further advised the Sebring FD called Dispatch and advised this same male subject was there at the FD yelling and screaming at the fire fighters. I was advised the male is James Kamanski. He was yelling. screaming and cussing at the fire fighters because they could not give him a ride to the court house. I was advised dispatch was unable to find an active warrant on James but was advised he was on his way to MCC#3 on foot.

I responded to MCC#3 and was advised by the Clerks that Mr. Kamanski has an active bench warrant out for him at this time.

While at MCC#3 Mr. Kamanski arrived. Mr. Kamanski then started to yell at the Clerks demanding them to do something about his warrants. He was advised several times he would have to come back on Thursday when court is in session and a deputy would be there to serve him. Mr. Kamanski became more agitated and refused to settle down. I had then made contact with Mr. Kamanski and advised him to settle down and listen to what the ladies were telling him or he would be taken into custody for disorderly conduct due to his behavior at the FD and at MCC#3.

Mr. Kamanski started yelling and cussing more saying "take me then bitch" "just go ahead and arrest me". At this time Mr. Kamanski was taken into custody. I escorted him out of the court house and to the marked police car unit 304. He was patted down for weapons at this time.

Nothing was found. He was then secured in the back of unit 304 and transported to the Sebring Police Department for booking and
processing. While at the Sebring Police Department Mr. Kamanski was yelling and using profanities at this officer.

Detective Starr from STPD was requested to responded to the Sebring Pd for mutual aid due to James behavior. Mr. Kamanski was very unpleasant during my entire encounter. He was extremely uncooperative. He stated this is why cops get killed and made comments to spit on myself and Detective Starr.

Mr. Kamanski was released on his own Recognizance. He refused to take his paperwork for court with his court date and stated he was not going to show up for court anyways.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #507




DATE 12/19/2022 @ 1700 hrs

Case No.: 22-012054

ARREST: Jacob Carter, 24
265 W Oregon Ave Sebring OH

2921.31 Obstructing Official Business
2923.13 Weapons Under Disability
2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substance

ARREST: Sean Mills, 33
265 W Oregon Ave Sebring OH

2921.31 Obstructing Official Business
2923.13 Weapons Under Disability
2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substance

On 19Dec22I responded to 265 W Oregon for Firearms, Prior to arrival I(PI. Melendez) was advised by Sebring Police Dispatch that subject who resides at 175 W Ohio Ave called in stating that Jacob Carter and Sean Mills had just left her residence after displaying 3 firearms in her residence. Subject then states that both Carter and Mills then left her residence and went to 265 W Oregon Ave.

Upon arrival at 265 W Oregon Ave I observed 3 white males in the living room of the residence through the front door window. At this time I advised Sebring Dispatch to start me another unit. At this time I then knocked on the front door of the residence and announced myself saying "Sebring Police Department".

At this time Sean Mills then opened the door and I ordered everyone to put their hands on the wall, I then detained Jacob Carter, Sean Mills and a man later identified. Mills then stated "Melendez why do you always XXX with me". I then advised Mills of the reason why I was at his mothers residence. I then asked where were the firearms and no one replied. At this time Sgt. Starr of Smith Township arrived to assist. I then noticed a Blue Book Bag on the side of a living room love seat and when I lifted it up I noticed it was heavy and I also heard the sound of metal inside of the bag. Again I asked "who does this bag belong to" again no one replied. Upon opening the bag I noticed a brown Gun Sleeve that is used to store a handgun, at this time I then Read Miranda to all 3 Males in the residence and again asked who did the Bag belong to and all three men remained silent.

Upon exiting the residence with Mills and Carter I placed both males in my marked patrol vehicle 303. After placing both males in the vehicle Sgt. Starr advised that the mother of Sean Mills stated that Brandon Barth was not at her sisters residence when Mills and Carter were showing off the firearms. I then Spoke with Sgt. Starr and he agreed that Barth was telling the truth that he had just arrived a few minutes prior to my arrival at the residence. Barth was then released without any charges, Mills and Carter where then transported Back to the Sebring Police Department to be processed, Prior to leaving Sebring Police Department I then advised Both Males if they had any thing on them that they need to come clean because they will face additional charges if they brought anything to the Jail.

Once making that statement to both males they both admitted to having methamphetamine on their persons. Carter then took a small bag out of his inside hoodie and he advised me that it was meth, Mils also stated that he had a small amount hidden under his gentiles. Both baggies where then taken off of their persons. Carter and Mills were both charged with ORC: 2921.31 Obstructing Official Business (M2) /2923.13 Weapons
Under Disability (F3)/ Possession of a controlled substance (F5). Both Males were then transported to the Mahoning County Jail on their
charges. Nothing else to report at this time.

Pt. Melendez #505 DATE 12/19/2022






ARREST REPORT #22-011002
Date: 11/17/2022 @ 0930 hrs

18668 5th Street. Beloit Ohio

ARREST: Kandy Frederick, Age 39
155 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, Oh

Charge: 1317.01 Permitting a Nuisance / Bond $500

REPORT BY #505 Ptl. Melendez

On November 1, 2022 the undersigned had received a message to call Harold Hunt. The undersigned did call Harold Hunt and found out that he was the owner of 155 East Oregon Avenue, and his tenant Kandy Frederick had been evicted through the Mahoning Count Court # 3 and was to be out as of October 31,2022. She did move out and was the one that created the nuisance on the curb lawn.

There were tires left and a vehicle that had expired plates on it, JKK3358, expired July 7,2022, and the vehicle is owned b Salina Minocchi of Canton, Ohio. The undersigned advised Harold Hunt, that after 10 days he was responsible to clean up the property as the land owner.

The undersigned did ask and received copies of the eviction order from the court. The undersigned advised Harold Hunt to take photos and take photos and the trash left, the damage to the property and the cost he incurred to clean up the nuisance. The undersigned did also advise him he could have the car towed, as he was the property owner, in which he did have the vehicle towed so he could get the dumpster set on the property.

Harold Hunt also advised that Kandy Frederich was blowing up his phone reference the car that she had items left. The undersigned advised him to tell her to stop or we would file charges. She did stop once advised.

As of November 8, 2022 the property is cleaned up and this case is closed.

11/08/2022 16:59 Officer Paul E. Freer unit 515


ARREST REPORT #22-011051
Date: 11/18/2022 @ 0143 hrs

TRAFFIC - Ohio / 15th Street

Cited: Malcom Phillips, Age 33
317 North Mahoning, Alliance, Oh

Charge: 331.19 Traffic Control Device

On 11/18/2022, I, Officer Ray, while sitting at Huntington Bank, observed a gray mini van disregard the 4 way stop at the intersection of Ohio and 15th Street. I activated my overhead lights and siren and was able to get the vehicle stopped at Ohio and 17th Street. I approached the vehicle, identified who I was, and the reason for the stop.

The driver, Malcom Phillips, stated that he did not realize that he had gone through the intersection. Malcom was issued a citation for Traffic Control Device 331.19.

Nothing further.

11/18/2022 Officer Ray #506




ARREST REPORT 8-4-2022 @ 1000 hrs
Case # 22-006198


ARREST: Shawn Davner, age 39, 28759 State Route 62, Damascus, OH

@ MCC#3 605 E. Ohio Ave., Sebring

CHARGE: 2911.12 (B) Burglary (F4) / Bond $4,000.00


At 16:12 hours, a resident of the 200 block of W. Indiana Avenue reported that a male subject who was unknown to her, attempted to enter her home through the front door.

At 16:12 hours I was dispatched to 265 W. Indiana Ave. for a report of a male subject who had attempted to enter the residence through the front door. The caller / complainant, later determined to be Lisa Smith, said that the male subject was wearing a white tee shirt, black shorts, and had tattoos on his face and arms. It was also relayed to me by dispatch that the subject was walking eastbound in the 200 block of W. Indiana Avenue, towards N. 12th Street, and that another male subject on a blue bicycle was with him.

I immediately proceeded to this location, also requesting mutual aid from Smith Township Police Department, due to being delayed by a train at the Johnson Road crossing.

Once in the area, I located a male subject, later determined to be Waid Smith, standing on the porch of 265 W. Indiana Avenue. Waid told me that two subjects had gone westbound on Indiana and turned left on N. 17th Street. As I turned onto N. 17th Street, I observed a male subject wearing a white tee shirt with black shorts as well as another subject on a blue bicycle. I at this point was able to recognize the male wearing the white tee and short as being Shawn Davner.

I then exited my patrol car and instructed Davner to come to me. Davner began making statements about the guy back there flipping out on him for going in his house, with him also saying that he had the wrong house and thought his friend lived there.

I then performed a pat-down of Davner, with no weapons or contraband being located. Ptl. McDaniel, of The Smith Township Police Department arrived to my location at this lime as well. Ptl. McDaniel stood by with Davner, while I spoke with the subject on the bicycle. In speaking with this subject, they said that they did not have any form of identification on them. that their name was Tyler Grace, and their birthday was March 23, 2004. When I asked for a social security number, they were unable to provide one. Dispatch was also unable to locate a person by this name in LEADS.

I then asked the subject if they were willing to empty their pockets, with the subject saying "sure". The subject then emptied their pockets. with me noticing a small plastic baggy that contained a light colored crystalline substance. Based upon my training and experience, this appeared to me methamphetamine. When I asked the subject what it was they said "that's not mine" and began running. The subject made it about 15 feet before I tackled them and secured them in handcuffs which were properly spaced and double-locked. The subject was then secured in the back of car #302.

Ptl. McDaniel continued to stand-by with Davner, while I went to speak with Waid Smith and his wife. In speaking with the Smith's they said that they were inside their house when they noticed the subjects in front of their home acting suspiciously. Waid and Lisa said that the two were recording themselves, and behaving strangely. Lisa said that she then went to call the police, which was at the same time that the taller male subject (Davner), walked onto their porch, opened a screen door as well as main door, and entered the residence. Waid said that Davner made it into his dining room which was when he confronted him. Davner and the other subject began walking eastbound down Indiana before turning around and going westbound and then onto N. 17th Street. Both Waid and Lisa said that they were not familiar with either subject and wanted to pursue charges in the matter.

I then returned to where Davner was standing with Sgt. McDaniel. with me securing him in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked. I informed Davner that at that point he was not under arrest and was simply being detained. Davner was then secured in the back of Smith Township patrol car.

After securing Davner I went to speak with the subject who I had secured in the back of car #302. The subject maintained that their name was Tyler Grace and their date of birth was 03-23-2004. I at this point noted that the subject appeared to be female. I then went back to speak with Davner, who told me that the other subject was Ronnie Warren. After speaking with Davner, I again returned to car 302. I confronted the subject about her identity, as well as the fact that I had encountered them before and possibly still have an active warrant for their arrest out. The subject admitted that she was in fact Ronnie Warren and that her birth date was 08-18-1988. Upon relaying this information to dispatch, it was found that Ronnie had an active felony warrant for possession of a controlled substance through this agency.

I then made contact with Chief Harris so that I could get approval to call in an off duty officer to transport Warren, with it also being agreed upon that Davner would be released from the scene and a warrant for his arrest being obtained after speaking with Prosecutor Van Brocklin about appropriate charge. I then returned to Smith Township's patrol car, where I released Davner from Custody. Warren also gave approval for Davner to take her bicycle. After releasing Davner, I went back to speak with the Smith's. I provided Lisa with two witness statements, one for her and one for her husband. Lisa reiterated that she wanted to pursue charges in the matter, with her again saying that she was unfamiliar with both Davner and Warren. After giving her the statement forms. I told her that I would return once I finished my business with Warren.

I then transported Warren to The Sebring Police Station where she was photographed and processed for jail. Warren sustained light abrasions to her left forearm while being taken into custody. These abrasions were photographed as well. It should also be noted that I interviewed Warren regarding the incident, this being after I read her Miranda Rights to her and she signed a Miranda Waiver form. Warren said that she had been with Davner earlier in the day when he stale money from a subject in an apparent drug deal. Warren said that prior to approaching the Smith residence, Davner said 'same demo as earlier". Ptl. Brindack arrived to cover my shift while I transported Warren to Jail. While enroute to the jail on State Route 534, Warren began stating that she was sick, with her complaining of a hernia that she had been suffering from for several months. I did advise both Sgt. Kelm as well as Chief Harris of this, with it being decided that the jail nurse would be in charge of assessing Warren and determining if she needed medical treatment. Once at The Mahoning County Jail. Warren was assessed by the jail nurse who determined that her condition was not a medical emergency.

Upon being informed of this. Warren became belligerent and verbally abusive towards the nurse. Warren was then processed into the jail for her warrant as well as an additional charge of obstructing Official Business (ORC: 2921.31(A)). This additional charge being the result of her running as well as providing false information regarding her identity during a criminal investigation. I then cleared from the jail.

Once back in the village, I went to The Smith residence where I met with Lisa, who provided me with the statements that she and her husband had completed. I informed Lisa that I would be speaking with the Prosecutor in the morning about appropriate charges and to call the police immediately should any further issues arise. The suspected methamphetamine that was recovered from Warren was secured in temporary evidence locker # 3. Additional charges may be pursued pending laboratory results. NFI.

Det. Reed #505

On 06-27-2022. I met with Prosecutor Van Brocklin regarding this matter. After informing Prosecutor Van Brocklin of the facts and circumstances surrounding this case, he advised to file for warrants on charges of burglary (trespass in a habitation) (ORC: 2911.12(B)).

Prosecutor Van Brocklin approved this charge to be filed against both Ronnie Warren and Shawn Davner. Warrants shall be drafted and submitted to Mahoning County Court #3. NFI.

Det. Reed #505

On 06-28-2022 warrants were obtained through Mahoning County Court #3 for the arrest of Ronnie Warren as well as Shawn Davner. These warrants were for the above listed Burglary charges. These warrants were given to D.O. Murphy for entry into LEADS. NFI.

Det. Reed #505

On 4Aug22 I (Ptl. Melendez) arrested Shawn Davner on his Warrant 22-CRB-194 at MCC#3. Davner was then transported to the Sebring Police Department to be processed. After processing Davner he was then transported back to MCC#3 to see a judge on his charges.

Nothing to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #507 DATE: 08/04/2022 l4:09




ARREST REPORT 8-2-2022 @ 2150hrs
Case No.: 22-008007

TRAFFIC - 300 block W. OHIO

CITED: Brian Shilling, age 29, 2 Dogwood Dr., Beloit, OH

4511.19 (A)(I)(H) OVI
4511.33 Marked Lanes

On this date I initiated a traffic stop that lead to an OVI arrest.

Ptl. Brindack #504 08/02/2022


ARREST REPORT 8-2-2022 @ 1225 hrs
Case No.: 22-008003


ARREST: Gary Hartman, age 52, 615 W. California Avenue, Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 505.01(c) Animals at Large (MM)

At 11 :54 hours on 08-02-2022, a loose dog was reported in the 200 block of W. Indiana Avenue.

Date: 08/02/2022 14:12 Officer Reed


ARREST REPORT 8-2-2022 @ 1225 hrs
Case No.: 22-007136

TRAFFIC - S. Johnson Rd @ Lake Park Blvd.

CITED: Dezarae Fitzgerald, age 18, 20 Melrose Ave, Boardman, OH

CHARGE: SC0:331.26 Driving On A Closed Roadway

On 29Jul22 While working a Funeral Detail on South Johnson Rd. in The Village of Sebring, I Observed a Silver Buick Regal with Ohio Registration (JAS6942) go around Chief Harris's Marked Patrol Car which was parked on Johnson Rd. After observing the Violation, I then stopped the vehicle and identified the Driver Dezarae Fitzgerald.

Once making contact with Fitzgerald I asked her did she see the marked patrol and she stated she did but she went around it. I then advised dispatch of my driver and dispatch advised that her license was valid. I then advised her that she was going to be cited for SCO: 331.26 for driving
on a Closed Roadway with a court date to be set.

Ptl. Melendez #507 7/29/2022


ARREST REPORT 7-30-2022 @ 2130 hrs
Case No.: 22-007141

TRAFFIC - 100 Block S. 15th Street, Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Brandon Woodburn, age 18, 22046 Norman Avenue, Alliance, Ohio

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Assured Clear Distance Ahead

At 21:30 hours I responded to the area of S. 15th Street and W. California Avenue for a reported two-car motor-vehicle accident without injuries.

Upon arriving to the scene, I met with Brandon M. Woodburn, who was the driver of a red 2006 Dodge 2500 (Ohio-Reg HYA 6990). I also met with Brett W. McDermitt, who was the driver of a tan 2001 Ford Mustang (Ohio-Reg JKZ 5122), and his passenger, Maria N. Sams. I was advised that no one had been injured after asking all three involved parties.

In speaking with Woodburn, he told me that he had been driving northbound on 15th street and was waiting for a train to pass, directly behind McDermitt's vehicle. Woodburn said that he had mistakenly believed his vehicle was in park, striking the back of McDermitt's vehicle. Woodburn then provided me with his driver license as well as pulled up his insurance (Geico Insurance Co.) on his phone.

After speaking with Woodburn, I made contact with Sams and McDermitt. In speaking with the two, they again said that they were not injured and that while stopped at the railroad tracks waiting for a train to pass, their vehicle was struck from behind by Woodburn. I did notice minor paint damage as well as cracking to the trunk on the Mustang belonging to McDermitt. McDermitt and Sams both provided me with their Driver Licenses, with McDermitt also providing me with a digital copy of his insurance(Progressive). I then photographed the damage as well as obtained contact information from both Sams and McDermitt. Afterwards, I told them that they were free to go.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation 032295. I cited Woodburn for Assured Clear Distance Ahead (SCO:333.03), for striking the rear of McDermitt's vehicle. Woodburn signed the citation, was provided with his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 within the next several business days for information on how to contest the citation or pay it if he wished to do so. I then cleared from the stop. All photographs will be loaded onto the department photos folder in the shared drive with the corresponding case number. NFI.

Det. Reed #505


ARREST REPORT 3-13-2022 @ 1000 hrs
Case No.: 22-003062

Threats / Harassment - Sebring Police Department, 135 East Ohio Avenue, Sebring

On 13Mar22 I responded to the lobby of The Sebring Police Department for Harassment / Threats Report.

Upon arrival I ,(PU. Melendez), made contact with victim. Victim advised that her ex spouse Michael Kostic has been harassing her for the past month since they have separated. Victim stated that she was just followed by Kostic in his personal vehicle being a Red F-150 and also he has been driving around her home. Victim stated that she is scared for the safety of her children and herself. I then asked Victim if Kostic contacted her via her cell phone and she stated he has been texting her from multiple different numbers constantly stating how he is going to ruin her life and also make false allegations against her. Victim then asked if I could verbally warn Kostic to stop contacting her and I advised her that I would.

On 13mar22 at 1320 hours I contacted Kostic via cell phone and I advised him to stop all contact with Victim. I advised him to not call, text, email, or come to her residence advising that this was going to be his verbal warning. After leaving the Sebring Police Department Victim advised that she changed her phone number and she has only given her number to her family. As of 16Mar22 Kostic has since continued to contact Victim harassing her and stalking her residence. Victim has sent me all text, photos and emails to my department email for evidence.

I will be charging Michael Kostic with Telecommunications Harassment ORC: 2917.21 (M1) and also Menacing by Stalking ORC: 2903.211

PU. Melendez #507 3/16/2022

Follow Up

On 3Apr22 I was advised by Victim that Michael Kostic III sent her a text message stating that he is aware that she has court documentation that has to be served to him and that as long as he is not served he will continue to harass her and her Ex husband.

On 4/6/2022 I (Ptl. Melendez] spoke with The Village of Sebring Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin and advised him of the text message
sent to Victim. Van Brocklin advised that since Kostic is aware of the court documentation and he is knowingly trying to evade Law
Enforcement from serving him with his paperwork he can be charged with Violating the Restraining Order.

I will be generating additional charges on 4/7/2022 for Violating the Restraining Order. Nothing else to report at this time.

PU. Melendez #507 4/6/2022

On 16April22 I ,(PII. Melendez), spoke with my victim who advised me that Michael Kostic is still contacting her via text and Facebook. Victim advised that Kostic has made a fake Facebook account and he has been posting pictures of her vehicle, home, and also pictures of herself. Victim has sent all text and screenshots of the material that Kostic is posting to my department Email. Kostic has also mentioned in previous text that he knows about an Order of protection that Victim has on him and Kostic has stated that since he has not been served with the order of protection that he will continue to harass Victim by any means necessary.

On 17April22 I, (Ptl. Melendez), contacted the Cuyahoga Police Department and I spoke with Sgt. Schmidt in regards to checking a residence for Michael Kostic. At Approximately 0930 hours Sgt. Schmidt contacted me and advised that Michael does in fact stay at his mother's residence at 4341 Riverview Rd. in Peninsula Ohio Lot 55. Sgt. Schmidt advised that his officers attempted to make contact with Kostic and or Hunt but no one answered the door. Kostic vehicle is at his mothers residence as of 4/17/2022.

After Speaking with Sgt. Schmidt I contacted the Village Of Sebring Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin to advise him of the situation with Kostic and how he has knowledge of the protection order and he continues to violate it after knowing he has an order of protection against him. Van Brocklin advised to Charge Kostic with ORC: 2903.213 (A)[1)(2)[G) Menacing By Stalking (F4).

Nothing else to report at this time.

On 7Aug22 I, (Pll. Melendez), met with a Kent Police officer at the Marathon Gas Station on Rt 14 and I took custody of Michael Kostic. Kostic was then transported to the Mahoning County Jail on his warrant's 22-CRB-103.

Ptl. Melendez #507 8/7/2022




Sebring Police STORY
Incident #22-008009
Date 8/6/2022 @ 2231 hrs

Animal Cruelty
696 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

ARREST: Ashley Crawford, Age 42
Arrested @ Ralphs deli. 22810 Alliance-Sebring Rd, Allance. OH

Arresting Officer Brindack #504

REPORT DATE: 08/02/2022 23:00:00

On August 3, 2022 I responded to 696 E 0hio Ave for a Welfare Check. Upon arrival I, (Ptl. Melendez), met with Barbara Wheaton. Wheaton advised that her Niece (16), had called her the night of 8/2/2022 advising her of the living conditions in the residence.

Upon arrival Wheaton observed animal fecal matter all through out the house and also garbage through out the living room and bedroom's.

I then spoke with XXX and she advised that she has been staying home alone for long period of lime without any adult supervision. I then asked XXX when was the last time she had seen her mother, Ashley Crawford, and she advised it had been more then 5 days. While standing outside a strong odor of urine and fecal matter can be smelled emanating from the inside of the residence.

After obtaining this information from XXX and her aunt I then entered the residence and observed animal fecal matter all over the floor and staircase's through out the residence. As I walked up the stairs I also observed more then 100/200 flies through out the residence. I then walked down stairs to the basement and that is where I found a dead black cat at the entrance to Crawford's bedroom. At this time I asked XXX if she could assist with gathering up animals in the residence and she complied. Two dog's and three cats were retrieved from the residence and Animal Charities was contacted including Child Protective Services of Mahoning County.

After speaking to CPS it was approved by Brttney Averhart for XXX to go with her aunt Barbara and her husband for the lime being. While standing outside with XXX and Wheaton I asked how was she able to feed herself and she advised that Sebring McKinley High School provided a EBT card and that is how she was able to eat everyday. Photos have been taken of the outside and inside of the residence. All the animals have been relocated to the back of the residence until Animal Charities was able to clear their emergency call and fresh water was provided to all the animals.

Charges are pending

PU. Melendez #507 8/3/2022

On 4Aug22 I, (Ptl. Melendez), met with The Village Of Sebring's prosecutor, Gary Van Brocklin, and charges were approved for Cruelty to animals ORC: 959.131, Prohibitions Concerning Companion Animals ORC: 959.131 (C)(2) and Endangering Children ORC: 2919.22 for Ashley Crawford.

I also spoke with Mahoning County Dog Warden and they advised that they will be going to the residence to retrieve the animals from the rear of the residence.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #507 8/4/2022

On this date Ashley Crawford was picked up on her warrant by the Alliance Police Dept. I met them at Ralphs deli and took Ashley into custody. She was transported to our station where she was processed by Det. Reed and myself. Ashley was advised of her charges F-5 prohibitions concerning companion animals. 5x M-1 counts of prohibitions concerning companion Animals, 5x counts of M1 cruelty to animals. One count M1 endangering children and one count M3 building in unsafe conditions. Sh was also advised of her court date at Mahoning County Court #3 of 8/11/2022. Ashley was then transported to the Mahoning County Jail by Ptl. Russel. Ashley also signed a form surrendering the two remaining dogs to the Sebring Police dept. or and person/agency or entity we see fit.

Ptl. Brindack 504 08/06/2022

As of 8/7/2022 both dog's Huck (Black lab) and Cooper (older dog) have not been taken off the property and they remained tied up to a shed in the rear of the property. I then spoke with Sherri from All Dogs Matter and she advised that she has attempted to make contact with multiple agencies but she was advised that all shelters are full at this time. Wheaton also advised that herself and XXX reentered the residence to obtain clothes for XXX and she immediately took the clothes to get washed and she advised that a large amount of clothes are ruined.

On the evening of 7Aug22 I ,(Ptl. Melendez), spoke with Matea Kohl who is the older sister of XXX Kohl advised that she came to visit back in November of 2021 and when she came to her mothers residence she noticed that there was fecal matter in a few rooms and trash beginning to pile up. I then asked Kohl if her mom was around and she advised that her mom would come and go as she pleased. Kohl also advised that her mother has been leaving XXX home for weeks at a time.

Nothing further lo report.

Ptl. Melendez #507 8/8/2022

At approximately 1300 hours on 08-08-2022 I stopped at 696 E. Ohio Avenue to check the status of the two dogs in this case. It should be noted that Ashley Crawford did give me consent to be on the property regarding this matter during her processing after arrest.

Upon arriving to the back yard. I noticed that the lab puppy, Huck, had his cord wrapped around the tree that he was secured to. This giving him approximatly 3' of lead. Also, I was informed by Ptl. Brindack at this time that Animal Charity of Ohio had contacted him earlier in the day.

Because of this, I called the number that Ptl. Brindack had been contacted by and spoke with Humane Agent Jessica MacMurchy. Agent MacMurchey informed me that she was planning on coming to the residence and was on Western Reserve Road at the time. MacMurchy advised an ETA of approximately 20 minutes. I remained standing by with the two dogs, with Humane Agent MacMurchy arriving soon after, accompanied by another agent.

I informed Agent MacMurchy of the facts and circumstances thus far in the case, as well as the fact that Ashley Crawford had signed a release form that surrendered the animals to The Sebring Police Department and any agency or organization that we seen fit. MacMurchy said that because Crawford had surrendered the animals, her agency would take custody of them, providing them with medical care and adopting them out.

MacMurchy then began assessing the dogs, with it being noted that the senior dog, Cooper, appeared to be suffering from severe neglect.

This being evident by advanced mange and severely overgrown toenails. MacMurchy informed me that the toenails in and of themselves would cause Cooper severe pain and discomfort. It was also noted that various insects were crawling on Coopers skin and he had what appeared to be skin irritation on his back. Agent MacMurchy then loaded both dogs into her van. It should be noted that while walking Cooper appeared to struggle on hard surfaces due to the length of his nails. Once both dogs were loaded onto the Humane Agent's van I cleared from the call. NFI.

Det. Reed #505



ARREST REPORT 7/20/2022 @ 1630 hrs
Case #22-007020


Arrest: Richard Mcdaniel, age 63, 616 S 21st St Sebring, OH

2903.13(A) Assault
2903.21(a) Aggravated Menacing

Date: 07/04/2022 Officer Reed

At 11:0l hours on 07-04-2022, a neighbor dispute was reported at a residence in the 600 block of S. Johnson Road.


ARREST REPORT 7/24/2022 @ 0155 hrs
Case #22-007115

TRAFFIC - SR62 / South 15th Street

Cited: Jared Lyons, age 30, 2333 South Arch Avenue Alliance, Ohio

Charge: SCO 333.03 Speed(75/55)

At 0155 hours I, Patrolman Peterman #506, was performing saturation patrol traveling westward on SR 62 when I observed a motorcycle traveling eastward at a very high rate of speed.

Upon observation, I activated my vehicle mounted radar, and observed a speed of 85 and was still going up when I locked the radar in, and receiving a cleat and audible signal. I safely performed a U-turn while activating my emergency lights and audible siren.

The motorcycle stopped and pulled over near South 15th Street. I approached the vehicle, and called out the plate(JOG31) to dispatch. I exited my marked cruiser #303, and approached the operator of the motorcycle, Jared Lyons, and advised him of the stop.

Jared was respectful to me, and advised he had just purchased the bike, and was "testing it out". I asked Jared for is license and documentation, and he was able to procure me with said documents. Dispatch advised me that Jared was still under a motorcycle novice endorsement, and was required to be wearing a helmet until 10/07/2022. I reproached Jared and advised him that I would be cutting him a break, and giving him a warning for the helmet violation, and for his speed he would receive a citation for 75, instead of 85 in a 55mph zone.

I returned to my marked cruiser and wrote Jared on citation #032028 for speed SCO 333.03, advised Jared of his choices on how to contest the citation or pay it, then released Jared from the traffic stop.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #506 07/24/2022


ARREST REPORT 7/22/2022 @ 0007 hrs
Case #22-007104

TRAFFIC - N. 12th Street, E. Wisconsin Ave.

Cited: Alyssa Smith, age 30, 10581 Albert Drive North Benton, Ohio

ORC 4510.11 DUS (FRA)
ORC 4513.05 Taillights-Illuminating White to the Rear

Court: MCC #3 07/28/2022 @ 0900A.M.

On 07/22/2022 @ 0007 hours I was performing patrolling duties east bound on the 200 block of East Ohio Avenue when I observed a white Chevrolet bearing license plate HQQ4573 with a broken taillight that displayed a white light to the rear when it came to a stop at the traffic light on East Ohio Ave. and North l2th Street.

I ran the license plate through dispatch and was advised the owner of the vehicle also had a suspended license. I then activated my emergency lights and audible siren of marked cruiser #304, making a traffic stop with the vehicle on North 12' Street, near East Wisconsin Avenue. The vehicle came to a slow stop, eventually stopping near the north end of the village limits.

Ptl. Ray #508 arrived on scene as well at this time.

I advised dispatch of the stop, and approached the passenger side of the vehicle. I identified myself, and the reason for the stop of the broken taillight illuminating the white light to the rear. The driver, identified as the registered owner Alyssa Smith, states she knew of the damaged taillight. I then advised Alyssa she was also coming hack in our system as suspended. Alyssa stated to me she had her privileges on her, and procured a tattered document stating she was given driving privileges through Portage County. Upon speaking with dispatch, it was identified that she was suspended through Mahoning county, as well as Portage County.

I asked Sgt. Kelm #SO3 to come to the traffic stop as well, with him arriving a short time later. After speaking with the supervisor, it was determined that the vehicle wou9d be towed, and Alyssa be notified of her privileges being revoked. After telling Alyssa she would be receiving a citation for the suspension, and the vehicle be towed Alyssa became very verbally abusive towards officers, cursing at officers on several occasions. I advised Alyssa to grab any belongings she would need, and to call for a ride for her and her child. I returned to my cruiser and wrote a citation on #032027 for DUS(FRA) ORC 4510.11, and Taillights-Illuminating white light to rear ORC 4513.05. I approached the vehicle as Alyssa was grabbing her belongings, and I advised Alyssa of her citations. Alyssa stated she was refusing to sign, and I printed "Refused to sign" on the signature block of the citation.

Sgt. Kelm then cleared the scene.

Robert Uyselt arrived on scene to pick up Alyssa and her child as Springers Towing arrived for the vehicle. I handed Alyssa the copy of her citation, and of her mandatory court date of 07/28/2022. Alyssa took the citation, crumpled it into her hand, and appeared to throw it.

As I was about to perform a property inventory, Alyssa shouted to officers that she did not consent to any searches. I advised Alyssa that it was a property inventory, and she left the scene with Robert. After Springers Towing cleared, Officers cleared without further incident.


ARREST REPORT 7/10/2022 @ 2345 hrs
Case #22-007109


Arrest: Jacob Fullerton, 755 W. Tennessee Avenue


On 07-10-2022 a female came on station to report that she had been the victim of domestic violence. On 07-22-2022 it was discovered that as a proximate result of the assault the females pregnancy had been terminated.

At approximately 18:15 hours on 07-22-2022, I obtained a warrant for the arrest of Jacob Fullerton. This warrant was for one first degree
felony count of Murder (ORC:2903.02).

At 19:11 hours on 07-22-2022 , Ptl. Brindack, Sgt. Kelm and I, Det. Reed, went to 755 W. Tennessee Avenue in an attempt to locate Jacob Fullerton.

Upon arriving to the residence, contact was made with Jacob's mother as well as her boyfriend in the driveway. Both said that Jacob was in the residence in an upstairs bedroom. Consent was received to enter the residence, with the three of us going inside and making contact with Jacob in his upstairs bedroom. I immediately secured Jacob in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked. I informed Jacob of his warrant as well as the nature of the charge before searching him incident to arrest. I also read him his Miranda Rights, which he said that he understood.

Jacob was then placed in the back of car #304, before being transported to The Sebring Police Department.

Once on station, he was photographed, his DNA collected, and the necessary paperwork for commitment to jail completed.

I then transported Jacob to The Mahoning County Justice Center.

Due to Jacob's behavior during the booking process, medical staff at the jail denied him and requested that a psychological assessment be completed before he be taken into their facility. Because of this I took
Jacob to St. Elizabeth's Health Center, with a psychological assessment being performed and it being determined that he was not a threat to himself. I then returned to the jail where Jacob was taken into their custody. NFI.

Det. Reed #505



ARREST REPORT 7-18-2022 @ 10:30 hrs
Case No.: 22-007083


Arrest: Eric Strata, age 34, 446 W. Maryland Avenue, Sebring, Ohio

Charge: ORC: 2919.25(A) Domestic Violence (M- 1)

Date 07/18/2022 14:09 Officer Reed

At 10:03 hours on 07-18-2022, police responded to a possible domestic dispute at a residence in the 400 block of W. Maryland Avenue. One male subject was taken into custody for Domestic Violence.


ARREST REPORT 7-18-2022 @ 10:30 hrs
Case No.: 22005137

Warrant - 587 W. New York Ave. Sebring

Arrest: Derek Ball - 283 Fair Ave., Salem, Oh

2925.11 (A) Possession of Controlled Substance / Bond $1,250.00
4510.14 DUS OVI

Date 05/23/2022 00:13 Officer Reed

At 23:40 hours on 05-22-2022, a traffic stop was conducted that led to the discovery of narcotics.


ARREST REPORT 7-16-2022 @ 20:33 hrs
Case No.: 22-007079

Criminal - 100 Block E. Ohio Avenue, Sebring, Ohio

Arrest: Kay Amon, age 49, 13859 S. Main Street, Beloit, Ohio

2911.211(A) Aggravated Trespass (M-1) / Bond $1,250.00
2903.211(A) Menacing by Stalking (M-1)
2903.22(A) Menacing (M-4) / Bond $500.00

Court: MCC #3 07/21/2022 @ 09:00

Date 07/16/2022 22:38 Officer Reed

Supplement # 3

Officer Brindack, Sean

On this date Det. Reed and myself were dispatched to 280 N 15th for reports of a women actively trying to gain entry in the counseling establishment located there.

On arrival to the area the caller stated that a woman was trying to break in and slapped her husband who had left the scene. She stated the woman had damaged her door trying to make entry. She described the woman as someone he had just seen leaving the area.

Units caught up with the female identified as "Kay Amon" near out police station. At this point I returned to the original scene and began speaking with Loretta about what had allegedly happened. Loretta stated that Kay and her husband Brian are currently divorcing and Kay showed up to confront Brian. When Brian tried to go inside, Kay attempted to force entry saying "let me see your whore". Loretta states Kay believes Brain is dating Loretta however Loretta states this is not the case.

Kay was detained and placed in the back of Det. Reeds Patrol car while we finished speaking with Loretta. We learned that Kay had shown up at Loretta's house in Middlefield the day before pounding on her door and the Middlefield Police dept. had to respond. Middlefield PO advises they expressly told Kay to stay away from Loretta and her property.

Brian arrived back on scene and stated the door was already damaged and that it was not Kay. He also stated Kay did slap him but he wasn't
interested pursuing charges. Loretta however stated she still wished to pursue charges and believed that Kay was going to harm her.

Det. Reed placed Kay under arrest for Agg. Trespass 2911.11 (a) menacing by stalking 2903.21 1 (a) and menacing 2903,22(a). Statements were obtained and Kay was transported to our station to be processed. Kay was transported to the Mahoning county jail by Ptl. Ray.

Ptl. Brindack 504 07/16/2022

At 20:33 hours on 07-16-2022, police responded to a disturbance at a business in the 200 block of N. 15th Street.


ARREST REPORT 7-15-2022 @ 23:19 hrs
Case No.: 22-007077

Criminal - Johnson Rd @ Lake Park Blvd

Arrest: Robert Uyselt, age 52, 17850 1st St. Beloit, OH

2925.11 F5 Possession of a Controlled Substance

Court: MCC#3 07/21/22 @ 0900

Date 07/16/2022 01:03 Officer Reed

At 23:19 hours on 07-15-2022, a traffic stop was conducted on a vehicle in the 600 block of S. Johnson Road that resulted in the discovery of methamphetamine and drug abuse instruments. The adult male driver was arrested as a result.


ARREST REPORT 7-14-2022 @ 08:45 hrs
Case No.: 22-007036

Criminal - MCC#3

Arrest: Anthony Calderone, age 19, 16184 ST RT 62 Damascus OH

2913.21 Misuse Of Credit Card (M 1) / Bond $1,250.00
2913.51 Receiving Stolen Property (M1) / Bond $1,250.00

Date 07/07/2022 14:22 Officer Melendez

On 75Jul22 I responded to the Sebring Police Department Lobby for a report of Theft of a Credit Card.

Upon arrival I, (Ptl. Melendez), met with Mason Earnest. Earnest advised that while at his residence at 171915 Mill St in Beloit he woke up to a Text from his bank stating that he used his card at Circle K located at 205 E Ohio Ave at 4:03 am in the amount of $42.98. After noticing that message he then walked out of his residence to check his vehicle and he noticed his door was open and his wallet was also open with his credit and debit card missing.

I then asked Earnest if his vehicle was unlocked and he stated that it was because he didn't think to lock his car since he lives in Beloit. Earnest advised that he has since locked both cars and he also contacted Goshen PD and advised them of what was going on.

I will be conducting a Follow up at Circle K and obtaining a recording Of the unknown subject on 7/8/2022.

Investigation still pending ...

Ptl. Melendez #507 7/7/2022


ARREST REPORT 7-11-2022 @ 01:25 hrs
Case No.: 22-007049


Arrest: Jacob Fullerton, age 21, 755 W. Tennesee, Sebring

2903.13 A ASSAULT

Date 07/11/2022 05:05 Officer Ossler

Subject on station for a domestic report.

Upon arrival at the station I met with Kylie who was emotional and appeared injured. She stated she was assaulted by her boyfriend / parent to her current child and child she is currently pregnant with. She was offered EMS to which she denied.

She was brought back to the patrol room for the report. Photographs were taken of multiple injuries as well as her torn shirt. PTL. Rhome of Smith TWP PD was requested to assist with the arrest. He met with me on station and assisted with the victim. The report was completed and we went to the residence to make the arrest.

After knocking for several minutes and yelling announcing ourselves. the victim whom established residency stated they would come let us in. This was cleared with a phone call to SGT. Kelm. Attempts were made to call the suspect out with the public address on the cruiser siren. The victim allowed us to enter into the house where we found the suspect (Jake Fullerton) asleep in bed. He was awoken, cuffed, and read his Miranda warning by PTL. Rhome. He was then taken outside to my cruiser.

Kylie was allowed to gather her belongings and exit the residence. Fullerton was taken back to the station where he was verbally uncooperative. His verbal statement was taken and he was transported and booked into Mahoning County Jail.

Nothing further at this time.

PTL. Ossler #511


ARREST REPORT 7-11-2022 @ 01:25 hrs
Case No.: 22-001035

Criminal - 200 Block N. 12th Street, Sebring, Ohio

Arrest: Daniel Allmon, age 33, 236 Alabama Ave. Apt #5 Sebring, Ohio

ORC: 2921.31 Obstructing Official Business (M-2) / Bond $1,000.00
ORC: 2911.21 (A)(1) Criminal Trespassing (M-4) / Bond $500.00

On 01/11/2022 this unit observed 2 individuals sitting on a bench in the South Side Park after dark.

Officer Ray #508 01/11/2022

On 01/11/2022, I, Officer Ray, was patrolling west Texas near the South Side Park, when I observed a male walking through the grass.

2 weeks prior I observed the same male walking through the park. The male was wearing a very distinct winter jacket, that I was able to identify both times. The jacket has a triangle geometric pattern with red, white, and blue colors. I turned my cruiser around in the parking lot for the tennis court.

I observed the male sitting on a picnic table with another individual. I stopped my cruiser in front of the community center.

As I exited my cruiser I heard the male yell something to me, but I was unable to make out what was said. As I approached the two individuals they stood up from the bench, and approached me. The male asked me "is there any place we can go that is not the park. She works at Copeland, and I meet her on breaks".

I stated to them that there is not too many places they can meet. I stated to the male that the two of them were trespassing, and that if everything came back ok I would let them sit at the park. At this point I asked them both if they had a drivers license. Both stated no. I asked the male if he knew what his social was. He gave me his social, but was very hesitant to provide that information.

His tone of voice, and body language made me suspicious. The male provided his name as Daniel Allmon. Next I asked the female for her social.

Without hesitation she provided the numbers plus her name, Caitlin Stump. Due to not being able to run socials over the radio I had to return to my cruiser to retrieve my phone. After retrieving my phone I contacted dispatch.

Due to the fact that the bench they were sitting at plus the distance I was away from the individuals I did not observe Daniel walking into the woods.

Dispatch advised me that Daniel had a warrant out of Trumbull County, and that they would take him. I approached the bench again, and observed only Caitlin sitting there. Caitlin stated to me that Daniel had walked away stating "he said he needed to pick his kids up." I asked Caitlin where he would be going, and she stated "I don't know, Salem". At this point I advised dispatch that the male had left. I requested assistance from Smith Township. We searched the area for Daniel, but were unable to locate.

Sgt. Kelm had started his shift, and we met at Royal Star. I advised Sgt. Kelm that the party possibly works at Copeland. Both units went to Copeland in an attempt to locate her.

Upon our arrival we made contact with an employee at the front desk to Copeland. She called the nursing stations, and she was able to locate the female at Crandall. We went over to Crandall, and we located Caitlin on the second floor. I asked Caitlin what she knew about Daniel, and she stated "not much". She continued to state that they are dating, and that she has not seen him in months. At this point I stated that I saw them both together 2 weeks ago. I continued by asking what Daniel's address was. Caitlin stated that she did not know. Realizing that Caitlin could / would not help us both units cleared.

Upon arriving back to Sebring PD it was made known to both units that Caitlin and Daniel share a residence at 825 Wade Ave in alliance. While on station I ran Daniel's social through OHLEG. I was able to see his BMV picture. and was able to identify that it was in fact the male I made contact with in the park.

Nothing further at this time. On my next shift I will speak to the prosecutor about getting warrants on Daniel for trespassing and obstruction.

Officer Ray #508


ARREST REPORT 7-11-2022 @ 01:25 hrs
Case No.: 22-007047

Traffic - 500 Block W. Virginia Avenue, Sebring, Ohio

Cited: Gene Spade, age 61, 155 W. Virginia Avenue, Sebring, Ohio

SCO: 333.03 Speed (35/20)
SCO: 331.19 Operation of Vehicle at Stop Sign's

At 15:45 hours on 07-10-2022,l was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While in the parking lot of B.L. Miller Elementary school, located at 506 W. Virginia Avenue, I observed a silver Chevrolet sedan that was traveling eastbound in the 600 block of W. Virginia Avenue, at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 20 MPH speed limit.

Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I observed a speed of 35 MPH. The vehicle then slowed to 33 MPH, with me being able to obtain a locked speed. This being just as the vehicle went through the stop sign at N. 20th and W. Virginia Avenue without stopping.

Once the vehicle passed by located, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, a silver Chevrolet Cruze (PA Reg: JRE 4805) pulled over almost immediately. As I came to the front driver side door, the driver stated "I already known". I then informed him of his speed with the driver saying "and the stop sign". I then requested the driver's driver license, registration, and proof of insurance.

The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License identifying him as Gene Allan Spade.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032292. I cited spade for Speed (SCO:333.03), for going 35 MPH in a marked 20 MPH zone, as well as Operation of Vehicle at Stop Signs (SCO: 331.19). I then returned to the vehicle where I returned Spade's documents to him.

Spade also signed the citation, was given his copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 within the next several business days for information on how to either pay for the citation or contest it if he wished to do so. I then cleared from the stop. NFI.

Det. Reed #505


ARREST REPORT 7-7-2022 @ 11:00 hrs
Case No.: 22-007035

Traffic - N l2 th St @ E Maryland Ave

Cited: John Rodden, age 50, 17790 W. Middletown RD., Beloit, OH

Charge: SCO:333.03 Speed (51 mph / 35 mph)

On 7Jul22 While patrolling the Village of Sebring, I, (Ptl. Melender), observed a Black 2003 Honda CRV with Ohio Registration (JCR6197) driving South bound On N 12th St at a high rate of Speed. I then locked the vehicles speed at 51mph. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 304 on N 12th St at E Maryland Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver John Rodden, 1 advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was Valid.

Rodden was citied with Ticket #032307 for Speed 51mph in a 35mph with a Date to be set at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #507 7/7/2022





ARREST REPORT  6/23/2022 @ 0214 hrs

Case No.: 22-006175




Arrest: Andre Sanders, 55, 333 West Oregon Ave, Sebring


Charge: 2919.25(A)  Domestic Violence


On 06/23/2022 units were dispatched to a possible domestic at 333 West Oregon Ave.


Officer Ray #508  06/23/2022













ARREST REPORT  6/22/2022 @ 1200 hrs

Case No.: 22-006134




ARREST: Tiffany Stine , 21, 745 W Oregon Ave Sebring OH



2913.21  Misuse Of Credit Card (F5),  Bond $2,500.00

2913.02  Theft (F5)  Bond $2,500.00


Court: 6/23/2022@ 0900 MCC #3


On 16Jun22 I responded to 476 W Maryland Ave for a Theft


Ptl. Melendez













ARREST REPORT  6/20/2022 @ 1511 hrs

Case No.: 22-006155


TRAFFIC - 500 block E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH


CITED: Amanda Anderson, 33, 12788 SR 534, Salem, OH


Charge: SCO: 335.01  Driver License Required


At 15:11 hours on 06-20-2022, l was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While in the 200 block of N. 12th Street, I conducted a random registration check of a maroon Chevrolet Cobalt (OH Reg JKZ 5573). The registration showed that the owner of the vehicle was Amanda M. Anderson, who had only an identification card and not a driver license. The vehicle then turned right and began eastbound in the 400 block of E. Ohio Avenue. At this point, f activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop.


The vehicle came to a stop in front of Kellogg's Tax Services, located at 506 E. Ohio Avenue.


Upon approaching, I made contact with the driver. I informed her of the reason for the stop, with her identifying herself as Amanda Anderson, and admitting that she did not have a driver license.  I also at this time noticed that the vehicles passenger did not have a seat belt on, with me asking for his identification as well.


Amanda handed me her identification card as well as the passenger's. which showed him to be Bane E. Kjerrumgaard.


I then returned to my patrol car, where I relayed both Amanda's and Bane's information to dispatch. It was again confirmed that Amanda did not have a driver license, with Bane showing as having an active warrant for his arrest through Summit County. Because of this, Sgt. Kelm, who had been riding with me, asked Bane to exit the vehicle. I placed Bane in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and doublelocked, and informed him that he was being detained until it could be determined if the issuing agency wanted to take custody of him. Bane was then secured in the back of car 303.


After it was determined that Barberton did not want to take custody of Bane, I began writing Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032291 to Amanda. I cited Amanda for driver license required (SCO: 335.01).


Amanda also at this time admitted that she did not have insurance on the vehicle. Amanda signed her citation, was given her copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 on the next business day for information on when to appear for her mandatory court appearance. Sebring Tire also arrived on scene to tow the vehicle. Nothing of value was located inside.


Sgt. Kelm and I then cleared from the stop. NFI.



Det. Reed  #505











ARREST REPORT  6/18/2022 @ 1000 hrs

Case No.: 22-006148


DUS - ST Rt 62 @ S 15th St


CITED: Stacey Torrence, 29, 2521 Gross Ave Ne Canton Ohio


Charge:  ORC:4510.11 DUS


On 18Jan22 While patrolling the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a Silver Mercury with Ohio Registration (HDT2690) driving South bound On S 15th St. l then ran the Ohio plates which came back expired and the registered owner being suspended. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 on State Rt 62 at S St.


Upon making contact with the driver Stacy Torrance, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information f verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was Suspended. Torrance was given a verbal for Expired tags and cited with Ticket #032306 for DUS ORC: 4510.11 with a Date of 6/23/2022 at MCC#3 at 9am.


Nothing else to report at this time.




Ptl. Melendez #507  6/18/2022











ARREST REPORT 6/2/2022 @ 2000 hrs
Case: #22-006016

TRAFFIC - Johnson & Ohio

CITED: Shirley Tullis, 40, 4464 Bedell Rd., Berlin Center

4510.11 DUS
4511.43 Traffic Control Device

On 6/2/2022 at 2000 hours we observed a green Dodge Charger fail to stop behind the stop bar traveling northbound on Johnson at Ohio. We initiated a traffic stop in marked unit 303 and spoke to the driver, Shirley Tullis. When asked for her OL, she advised she was suspended.

She stepped out of the vehicle and PTL. Brindack performed a search with the owners content finding nothing of illegal. Springer's was notified to tow the car.

Just before springer's arrival, the R/O arrived and was very uncooperative with us.

The driver was cited for DUS & for the traffic control device.

PTL. Ossler #511 6/2/22


ARREST REPORT 6/2/2022 @ 1430 hrs
Case: #22-006013


CITED: Christopher Stauffer, 39, 182 W OXFORD ST., ALLIANCE, OH

Charge: SCO: 335.10 EXPIRED TAGS

On 2Jun22 while conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a gray 2015 Jeep 4 door with Ohio registration (N721456) traveling E. On E. Georgia Ave. with expired tags. After observing the violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 in the 100 Block of E Georgia Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, Christopher Stauffer, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was Valid.

Stauffer was cited with Ticket #032305 for Expired Tags with a court date To Be Set at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #507 6/2/2022


ARREST REPORT 6/1/2022 @ 0900 hrs
Case: #22-006001

TRAFFIC - 20040 Harrisburg Westville Rd, Alliance, OH

CITED: Ashley Davis, 30, 2513 Shunk Ave., Alliance, Oh

Charge: ORC:4510.11 DUS

On lJun22 While speaking to the Manager of Perkins located at 20040 Harrisburg Westville Rd, Alliance, OH 44601, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a 2005 Green Dodge Caravan with Ohio registration (JTX3501) pulling into the parking lot being driven by Ashley Davis who is suspended. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 in the parking lot of Perkins.

Upon making contact with the driver Ashley Davis, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was Suspended.

Davis was citied with Ticket #032304 for DUS ORC: 4510.11 with a court date of 6/2/2022 at 9am at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #507 06/01/2022


ARREST REPORT 5/30/2022 @ 1101 hrs
Case: #22-005181

TRAFFIC - 100 Block S. 12th Street, Sebring, OH

Cited: Sierra Harris, 19, 236 Alabama Ave. Apt # 10, Sebring, OH

SCO: 335.09 Display of License Plates (MM)
SCO: 335.01 Driver License Required

At 11:01 hours on 05-30-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While eastbound in the 300 block of E. Oregon Avenue, I observed a blue Ford Escape, that was traveling in front of me, fail to signal within 100 feet of the intersection before turning right onto N. 12th Street. As I followed behind the vehicle, I also noted that there was no registration visible. Once the vehicle crossed the railroad tracks, I activated my patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop.

Once I was able to get within approximately 15 feet of the vehicle, I was able to noticed an Ohio Temporary Registration (P213593) in the back window. Due to how dark the window was I was not able to see the correct numerics until I had exited my vehicle. I then approached and made contact with the driver, who identified herself as Sierra M. Harris. I asked Sierra for her driver license, as well as informed her of the reason for the stop. Sierra said that she was just in a hurry to get home, and that she did not have her driver license on her. When I asked if she had a valid driver license she said that she did and that she just didn't have it with her.

After obtaining Sierra's name, date of birth, and the last four of her social security number, I returned to my patrol car where I relayed the information to dispatch. At this time, it was discovered that Sierra did not have a valid driver license, with her only having a temporary learners permit.

I then returned to Sierra's vehicle, where I informed her of this. Sierra said that she knew that she needed a valid driver with her and that she was just trying to go home. She also late admitted to me that she did not have insurance on the vehicle.

I then returned to my patrol car, where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032288. I cited Sierra for Driver License Required (SCO:335.01)) as well as Display of license Plates (SCO:335.09). Sierra was instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on when to appear for her mandatory court appearance. She signed her citation, and was given her copy.

Several minutes later, Subject arrived, who was determined to have a valid driver license, and rode with Sierra away from the scene. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 5/29/2022 @ 0740 hrs
Case: #22-005174

DOC/ Public Intoxication
100 Block W Maryland Ave., Sebring

Arrest: Christopher Flatt, 27, 728 Mill Circle, Alliance, OH

Charge: SCO: 509.03 DOC/ Public Intoxication (MM)

Date 05/29/2022 1028 Officer Melendez

On 29May22 I responded to the 100 block of W Maryland Ave for an Intoxicated person.


ARREST REPORT 5/28/2022 @ 1030 hrs
Case: #22-005170

OVI - Sebring Police Department Lobby

Arrest: Deborah Durm, 39, 173 E Maryland Ave., Sebring, OH

Charge: ORC :4511.19 (A)(l)(A) OVI

On 28May22 While on Patrol in the Sebring Police Department I observed a Blue 1998 Dodge Neon(HWU5836) pull into the Sebring Police Department parking lot at 135 E Ohio Ave. I then received a call from Dispatch to come to the Police Station for a possible Domestic.

Upon arrival I , (Ptl. Melendez), made contact with Deborah Durm  in the Sebring PD lobby.

While speaking to Durm she advised that her husband punched out her car window. I then asked if she could fill out a statement while I went to her residence to speak to her husband.

Upon arrival at the Durm residence 173 E Maryland Ave Benjamin walked out of his residence and advised me that he did in fact break the car window because he did not want his wife driving under the influence since she had just smoked Methamphetamine prior to getting in the vehicle. Benjamin advised that he had been arguing with his wife because she was driving around under the influence and he wanted her to stay at the residence once they had arrived home.

Sebring Fire was also contacted for a cut Benjamin sustained from breaking the window out.

I then cleared and returned back to the Sebring Police department to continue speaking with Deborah. I also requested Sgt. Starr of the Smith Township Police Department to meet me at Sebring PD. While speaking to Deborah I observed that her pupils were very constricted and her speech was slurred. I then asked Deborah if she had used any drugs and she advised that she did in fact smoke Methamphetamine but that she only took one "Hit".

I then asked Deborah if she would be comfortable with me conducting SFST's on her in the Lobby and she stated yes. I then conducted the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus, Walk and Turn, The One-legged stand and Vertical Gaze Nystagmus. Deborah failed all tests that were conducted and she was placed under arrest OVI. I then escorted Deborah into the patrol room of the Sebring Police department to process her.

While processing Deborah I asked if she would be comfortable giving a Urine sample and she stated "Yes".

Dispatcher Linda Murphy then assisted with collecting the Urine sample. The Urine Sample was then logged into evidence and Deborah was cited with ticket # 032303 for OVI ORC: 4511.19 (A)(l)(A) with a court date of 6/2/2022 at MCC#3 at 9am. Deborah's Dodge Neon was also towed to Sebring Tire.

Ptl. Melendez #507 5/28/2022


ARREST REPORT 5/27/2022 @ 2215 hrs
Case: #22-005167

Criminal / Traffic

Arrest: Andrew Bourgoujian, 51, 546 S. Johnson Road, Sebring, Ohio

ORC: 2913.03(A) Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle (M-1) / Bond $1,250

ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (M-1)

At 2154 hours on 05-27-2022, Cathy Morrison called to report that Andrew Bourgoujian had taken her
green 2018 Chevrolet Equinx without her permission.

Upon arriving to the address, I made contact with Cathy at the front door. Cathy said that while she was sleeping, who she believes to be Bourgoujian, took her car keys from inside the residence and then took the vehicle. Cathy said that she believed Bourgoujian was likely going somewhere to get drugs. Cathy also said that she wanted to pursue charges.

While I was inside the residence, Ptl. Brindack, who arrived shortly after I did with Sgt. Kelm, advised me that the vehicle was pulling into the driveway. Ptl. Brindack and I then approached, with Andrew Bourgoujian exiting the vehicle from the driver side. I immediately secured Bourgoujian in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked. I then searched him incident to arrest, with no weapons or contraband being located. I then secured him in the back of my patrol car.

During this time, Bourgoujian was extremely belligerent, repeatedly saying that he had to take Cathy's car because she told him she wanted him to move out. He also repeatedly made statements about him taking her car not being an arrestable offense and that he didn't have warrants.

Once the witness statement was collected from Cathy, Bourgoujian was transported to The Sebring Police Department, where he was photographed, fingerprinted, and released on a $1,250.00 own recognizance bond. It should be noted that Bourgoujian also was issued Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032287, for driving under suspension. Bourgoujian was also made aware of his mandatory court appearance at 09:00 on June 2,2022, At Mahoning County Court #3. NFI.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 5/27/2022 @ 1430 hrs
Case: #22-005058

Criminal (Summons)

Arrest: Kyle Pascale, 22, 555 N. 15th Street, Sebring, Ohio

Charge: ORC: 2919.22 Endangering Children

Court: MCC #3 06-02-2022 @ 09:00

Date 05/12/2022 13:55 Officer Brindack

On this date I responded to 555 N 15th St. for reports of small children outside unattended.

Ptl. Brindack #504 05/12/2022


ARREST REPORT 5/22/2022 @ 1500 hrs
Case: #22-005134

TRAFFIC - N 14th St @ E. Ohio Ave.

CITED: Jeremiah Yeagley, 44, 13620 S. Main St., Beloit, OH

Charge: SC0:331.18 Failure To Yield

On 22May22 Unit 1 was traveling East on Ohio Ave when he came to the intersection of N 14th St and E. Ohio Ave. A vehicle in front of Unit 1 was making a left turn on to N. 14th St from E. Ohio Ave. Unit 2 was traveling West on Ohio when he came to the intersection of N 14th and E Ohio Ave.

The vehicle in front of Unit 1 then turned left heading North on N 14th St at the same time that Unit 2 was turning left to go south on N 14th St. Unit 1 advised that he then went around the right side of the vehicle in front of him and that is when he hit unit 2.

Both vehicles have minor damage Unit 1 has damage to the front passenger side bumper and Unit 2 has damage to the passenger side door.




ARREST REPORT 5/25/2022 @ 1815 hrs
Case #22-005153

TRAFFIC - 600 Block W Georgia Ave., Sebring, OH

CITED: Joey Hunt, 52, 19 E Ely St Alliance, OH

ORC: 4510.11 DUS
ORC: 4511.19(A)(2) OVI
ORC: 4511.25 Left of Center

On 25May22 While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Black lsutu Trooper with Ohio registration (JKZS108) traveling north on S Johnson Rd go left of center. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 in the 600 Block of W Georgia Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, Joey Hunt, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he stated he did not have a driver's license. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was Suspended. While speaking to Hunt I could smell a strong Alcoholic smell imitating from his person. I then asked Hunt how much had he had to drink and he advised me "Not enough". I then asked Hunt to shut off his vehicle and he stated "Fuck you I'm not turning my car off, go find yourself a real criminal". I again asked Hunt to shut off his vehicle and his girlfriend Valerie Hill advised him to turn off the vehicle and he complied. I then asked Hunt to step out the vehicle and he stated "I should kick your ass for stopping me".

I then advised Sebring Dispatch to send me another unit to my location. I then ordered Hunt out of his vehicle again and for him to place his hands on top of the vehicle so that I could conduct a "Terry frisk" for weapons. While patting Hunt down he continued to curse and state that he was going to cause physical harm to my person.

At this time, I then placed Hunt in handcuffs and detained him. Hunt was then placed in the back of my patrol car and Miranda was read. I then asked Hunt if he would submit to a Field Sobriety Test and he refused. At this time Ptl. Rober from Smith Township arrived. Ptl. Rober also asked Hunt if he would submit to a Field Sobriety Test and he again refused.

Hunt was then advised that he was under arrest for driving under the influence. There were 2 open 802 bottles of Smirnoff Ice Screwdriver and a large bottle of Apple crown Royal were found in the back seat of his vehicle. Hunt was then transported to the Sebring Police Department to be processed. While on station along with Sgt. Kelm, I asked if he would submit to the Intoxilyzer 8000 for a breath sample and he again refused.

Hunt was cited with Ticket #032301 for OVI ORC: 4511.19, DUS ORC: 4510.11, Left of center ORC: 4511.25 with a court date of 5/26/2022 at 9am at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #507 5/25/2022


ARREST REPORT 5/20/2022 @ 2110 hrs
Case #22-005008

CRIMINAL - Sebring Police Station (135 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH)

ARREST: Miropi Steve, 19, 929 Devine Street, Alliance, OH

ORC:2921.12(A)(l) X2 Tampering with Evidence (F-3)

ORC:959.131(D)(2) X6 Prohibitions Concerning Companion Animals (M-2)

ORC:959.13l(D)(l) X1 Prohibitions Concerning Companion Animals (M-2)

COURT: MCC #3 05-26-2022 @ 09:00

On May 03,2022, animal neglect was reported at a residence in the 100 block of W. Maryland Avenue.

Upon arrival, contact was made with the caller /complainants, who also shared the residence with the suspect. The couple reported that their roommate has three dogs, including two puppies, that she keeps confined without adequate amounts of food or water.

Access was then granted to the residence, where an adult Great Dane was observed inside. The dog appeared
underweight and malnourished. Inside a cage in an upstairs room, a severely malnourished Dalmatian puppy and Cane Corso puppy were also located.

Contact was made with a humane agent, who agreed to come out the following day. Once the humane agent arrived on scene, the Great Dane was seized from the Maryland Avenue address, with it being found that the two puppies had been moved to a location outside the county. The humane agent was able to locate both puppies at a residence in Alliance. All three dogs required emergency veterinary care.

After an investigation, warrants were issued for the arrest of Meropi A. Steve. Steve was charged with 7 counts of prohibitions concerning companion animals, both second degree misdemeanors, as well as two counts of tampering with evidence. The later chargers being third degree felonies.

Steve was taken into custody and transported to The Mahoning County Jail without incident on Friday, May 20,2022.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 5/20/2022 @ 2351 hrs
Case #22-005125

TRAFFIC - 18487 Courtney Rd. Beloit

CITED: Matthew Sinley, 20, 18487 Courtney Rd. Beloit

ORC:4511.38 Starting and Backing
ORC:4549.021 Stopping after Accident Other than public roadway

On 5/20/2022 I was dispatched to the area of 555 N 15th St. for a hit/skip.

Upon arrival I made contact with Kayla Stieb, 615 W. California Ave. and Kayta Wiseman, 551 lst St. Lake Milton. Both individuals stated a blue in color truck had back out of the driveway and struck the rear bumper of the neighbors car.

Photos were taken of the damage. I was advised that the driver of the truck was Matthew Sinley, 18487 Courtney Rd. Smith Township. Sgt. Davis responded to Courtney Rd. to attempt to make contact with Matthew.

Several attempts were made to contact the owner of the vehicle that was hit who was identified as Christopher Carte. While attempting to contact the vehicle owner and gather information, Sgt. Davis advised Matthew had pulled into the driveway.

I then responded to 18487 Courtney Rd and made contact with Matthew. Matthew advised he backed up, heard a noise but did not stop to see what happened. Matthew then stated that he panicked and left. I verified Matthews insurance and registration.

Matthew was cited for improper backing ORC 4511.3 and Stopping after accident on other than public roadway and advised his court date was to be set at a later date. I then cleared.

Sgt. Kelm #503 5/21/2022


ARREST REPORT 5/19/2022 @ 0930 hrs
Case #22-005105

Traffic / Criminal
MCC#3 Parking Lot

ARREST: Michael Kenney, 62, 6925 W Calla Rd., Canfield, Oh

ORC: 2921.31 Obstructing Official Business (M2)

ORC: 2917.11(A)(1) Disorderly Conduct (M4)

ORC: 4513.22 Loud Exhaust

ORC: 4503,21 Failure to Display License Plates

On 19May22 While at the Mahoning County Court #3 , I (Ptl. Melendez), conducted a traffic stop in the parking lot for loud exhaust and no license plate.

Upon making contact with the owner of the 1999 Chevy Truck (IIU1357) Michael Kenney. I advised him of why he was stopped. While advising Kenney to walk back to his vehicle he advised me to " Fuck Off " and also, he had business to handle in the court house. At this time I walked to Kenney and attempted to assist him back to his vehicle. Kenney then began to tell me not to touch him or he was going to physically hurt my person. At this time I advised Kenney that he needed to stay at his vehicle until I finished my investigation.

Kenney then asked why did I pull him over and I advised him that he was being pulled over for Operating a Vehicle Without Displaying his License Plates and also for Loud Exhaust. Kenney then stated "This is not a Vehicle its a Fucking Tractor and the president said it was".

I then advised Kenney that by state law he is to have a license Plate on a Motor Vehicle. I then asked Kenney where did he have his plate and he pulled it out from under his seat and he would not let me see the plate. I again asked to see the License plate and Kenney advised that his vehicle is a tractor and he also made the statement " Are you Fucking Blind did you not see the orange triangle in the back of my tractor".

At this time I advised Sebring Dispatch to send me another unit and shortly after Ptl. Brindack arrived. As Ptl. Brindack arrived I advised Dispatch that Kenney has been detained, I then began a "Terry Frisk" on Kenney person for Officer safety. Kenney continued to curse at myself and Ptl. Brindack and he stated that he was being arrested for driving a tractor. Kenney was then escorted into the court house and placed in a holding cell until he was to see a judge.

Kenney has been charged with Failure to Display ORC: 4503.21 / Loud Exhaust ORC:4513.22 / Disorderly
Conduct ORC: 2917.11 (M4)/ Obstructing Official Business ORC: 2921.31.

Kenney then met with a Judge and released on an OR Bond. Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #507


ARREST REPORT 5/17/2022 @ 0151 hrs
Case #22-005086

Traffic / Oak Ridge Motel

CITED: Jacob James, 24, 648 Beltflower Ave, Canton

4511.22A Slow Speed - Impeding Traffic
4510.11A DUS (Court)
4503.11 Expired Registration
4549.08 Fictitious Tag

On 5/17/2022 at approx. 0145 1 observed a black Pontiac Torrent back out of a driveway and head EB on RT. 62 in front of me between Johnson rd & 15th St.

The vehicle was traveling at a low speed for the roadway and when the driver noticed me behind them they made an abrupt turn into a residence to the left with little warning. The driver turned off all the lights on the vehicle.

I know the vehicle did not belong to that residence because I was just there with Smith TWP the night prior.

The resident there has been having issues with another party so I called PTL. Rhome of Smith TWP PD. I turned into Western Reserve Auto and observed the vehicle back up with no lighting on except the brake lights and reverse lights. They then turned the lights on and reversed into the roadway in front of another vehicle traveling the speed limit (55 MPH). The vehicle was able to brake and not strike the Pontiac. They headed WB back into the village limits on 62, traveling 35 MPH in a 55 MPH zone obstructing traffic. I followed.

When the vehicle approached the parking lot of the Oak Ridge Motel, they slowed to a near stop and made an abrupt turn into the parking lot and parked across two spaces.

I initiated my emergency lights and pulled up behind the vehicle. The reverse lights of the vehicle came on and the driver's door opened. I called for an additional unit and PTL. Rhome responded. I ordered the driver back into the vehicle twice as he argued stating he was just looking for a room.

Upon making a passenger side approach to the vehicle, I noticed the expiration sticker did not look right on the vehicle. I spoke to the driver and passenger. Their story did not add up about why they seemed to be attempting to evade me or the slow speed. They stated they were lost looking for a place to stay when they have established residency in Alliance and Canton.

PTL. Rhome arrived and he gathered information from the driver and passenger and they advised they were both suspended. Due to the driver's (Jacob) driving behavior and the odor of alcoholic beverage coming from the vehicle I asked him to step out. He complied, stating that the passenger, (Morgan Thomas), was the one that was drinking. He agreed to complete SFSTs.

I turned off the front facing flashing lights of my patrol car and completed SFSTs with no signs of impairment.

After questioning who's vehicle it was and if they had the registration, they stated they did not have the registration but it was Morgan's Father's vehicle. The plate returned to Roger Thomas but it was expired and registered to a 2006 Ford which did not match. Upon closer inspection of the plate it was discovered that the expiration sticker was homemade and hand written poorly.

The VIN number was then given to dispatch and it returned expired to the driver. Springer's was notified to tow the vehicle.

The driver was cited for the slow speed, DUS, and the expired registration as well as the fictitious plate.

An inventory was completed of the vehicle and was noted on a tow sheet, signed by the tow operator.

The occupants were picked up by Roger Thomas.

After the vehicle was towed, I cleared.

PTL. Ossler #511 05/17/2022


ARREST REPORT 5/17/2022 @ 1114 hrs
Case #22-005088

Traffic / 1400 Blk S. 12th St., Sebring

CITED: Calab Yoder, 35, 23604 Center Rd., Homeworth, Oh

CHARGE: SCO:335.10 Expired Registration

At 11:14 hours on 05-17-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While traveling northbound in the 1400 block of 5. 12'h Street, I observed-a white pickup truck, towing a fifth-wheel trailer that was traveling southbound in the 1200 block of S. 12th Street. The truck appeared to be traveling at a speed that was greater than that of the posted 35 MPH speed limit.

Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 52 MPH.

As the vehicle approached closer, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, allowed the truck to pass me, and then turned around to initiate a traffic stop. The truck, a 2011 Ford F-350 bearing Ohio Registration PKA 8853, came to a stop at the village limits.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver produced an Ohio Driver License that showed him to be Caleb Yoder as well as proof of insurance, but was unable to locate his vehicle registration. Mr. Yoder also informed me that he wasn't paying attention to his speed while he was driving. I then returned to my patrol car, where I relayed Mr. Yoder's information to dispatch.

At this point I was informed that the registration on the truck had expired on 04-16-2022. I then drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032285. I cited Mr. Yoder for Expired Registration (SCO:335.10).

After completing the citation, I returned to Yoder's vehicle where he signed the citation, as given his copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on how to either pay the citation or contest it if he wished to do so. Yoder was also given a verbal warning for speed. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 5/17/2022 @ 1131 hrs
Case #22-005089

Traffic / S. 12th St/ Alabama Ave., Sebring, oh

CITED: SCO:333.03 Speed(52/35)

At 11:31 hours on 05-17-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While traveling northbound on S. 12th Street nearing Alabama Avenue, I observed a white SUV that was traveling southbound at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posed 35 MPH limit.

Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 52 MPH.

As the vehicle approached closer, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights. Once the vehicle passed me, I turned the patrol car around, and initiated a traffic stop. Due to the vehicle's speed and the driver's apparent inattentiveness, the vehicle did not come to a stop until it was on S. 12th Street near U.S. 62.

Upon approaching the white Chevrolet Equinox, bearing Ohio Registration HZD 3673, I made contact with the female driver. I informed her of the reason for the stop, with her telling me that she believed that speed limit on that section of 12* Street was 45 MPH. I then requested her driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Heather Ann Case.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032286. I cited Case for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 52 in a marked 35 MPH zone. I then returned to Case's vehicle, where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 within the next several business days for information on how to either pay the citation or contest it if she wished to do so. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 5/12/2022 @ 2049 hrs
Case #21-007045


SUMMONS: Kimberly Narney, 22, 1412 McTaggart Rd Stow 44224


On this date at around 22:30 while on patrol I noticed a suspicious vehicle a blue Toyota bearing OH HXX9140 parked behind the library 195 W Ohio Ave. which at the time was closed. Initially it appeared the vehicle was unoccupied however as I used the spotlight in my patrol car to illuminate the vehicle I noticed to individuals who were reclined in the car stick their heads up. I made contact with the two identified as Justin D Joplin and Kimberly N Narney both out of Akron and informed them of the reason for our interaction and asked them what they were doing at the closed library. Justin advised they were using the wifi at the library.

At this point Det. Reed arrived and we asked Kimberly if she would be willing to exit the vehicle and speak with us separately. Kimberly agreed and exited and started speaking with me. She advised a similar story and they were in Sebring to help a friend who had just moved to town.

At this point Ptl. Peterman arrived and continued speaking with Kimberly. I joined Det. Reed and began speaking with Justin who was still seated in the vehicle as we were speaking with him Det. Reed and I noticed several items commonly associated with the use of narcotics, including torch lighters and a stick that could be used for a pipe. We asked Justin for consent to search the vehicle and he said there is nothing in here except this at which point he willing produced a small green bad which had marihuana residue in it.

At this point we advised Justin to exit the vehicle and began a search of the vehicle for further contraband.

In the bag belonging to Kimberly we located a "shoot up kit" which included 3 syringes, a make shin tourniquet made from a phone charger and several other misc. items. we also located a small glass jar with white residue which Kimberly indicated was Meth. We also located a bag of marijuana and numerous items of marijuana paraphernalia. Kimberly also willingly showed us a bag in the trunk which contained a glass smoking pipe used for the inhalation of methamphetamine and plastic tubing which she said is used attach to the pipe "incognito" smoking while in public places.

Due to Kimberly being so cooperative I opted to not arrest her on scene and to issue summons for her to appear in court. Kimberly will be issued a summons for 2925.12 drug abuse instruments and the jar with residue will be sent out for testing. No charges will be filed concerning the marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia.

Sro. Brindack #504 07/09/2021




ARREST REPORT 5/11/2022 @ 1930 hrs
Case #22-005056

TRAFFIC - 100 Block N. Johnson RD.

Cited: Misty Phillips, 45, 665 W. Main St. Alliance, OH

Charge: SCO: 313.01 Stop Sign

On 1l,May22, While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Black Ford expedition with Ohio Registration (JND6421) driving East Bound on W. Ohio Ave. and run the stop Sign. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 304 in the 100 Block of N. Johnson Rd.

Upon making contact with the driver, Misty Phillips, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid.

Phillips was cited with Ticket #032273 for Stop Sign Violation with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #507 5/11/2022


ARREST REPORT 5/10/2022 @ 2009 hrs
Case #22-005047

TRAFFIC - N. 20th Street and W. Maryland Ave. Sebring, OH

Cited: Ronald Gehring, 47, 516 W. Oregon Avenue, Sebring, OH

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (38/25)

At 20:09 hours on 05-10-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary in the parking lot of B.L. Miller Elementary School, located at 506 W. Virginia Avenue, I observed a dark gray Kia sedan traveling eastbound in the 600 block of W. Virginia Avenue. The vehicle began rapidly accelerating, to a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I observed a speed of 38 MPH on the device's digital readout. The vehicle then began to slow as it approached the stop sign at N. 20th Street and W. Virginia Avenue, with a locked speed of 32 MPH being obtained.

The vehicle then turned right, going southbound on N. 20th Street. At this point I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, a gray Kia Forte, bearing Ohio Registration HLQ 7357, came to a stop just before the Nazarene Church.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, he immediately said "I know why you're stopping me". When I asked the driver why he was driving the way he was in a residential neighborhood, he said that he had just finished working on his car and was "making sure it was alright". I then requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver produced an Ohio Driver License, that showed him to be Ronald W. Gehring, as well as proof of insurance, but said that he did not have his registration in the vehicle.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032284. I cited Gehring for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 38 MPH in a marked 25 MPH zone. I then returned to Gehring's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 within the next several business days for instructions on how to either pay for the citation or contest it if he wished to do so.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed


ARREST REPORT 5/9/2022 @ 1657 hrs
Case #22-005039

TRAFFIC - 100 Block E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH

Cited: Jerry Quinn, 80, 206 E. Wisconsin Ave. Sebring, OH

Charge: SCO: 333.08 Operation W/O Reasonable Control

At 1657 hours on 05-09-2022, I was dispatched to a report of a motor vehicle crash in front of The Oregon Pub, located at 135 E. Oregon Ave. Upon arriving to the scene, I observed a white Chrysler 2005, bearing Ohio Registration CRK 3625, that had sideswiped a green Chevrolet Silverado, bearing Ohio Registration JJK 1339. Both vehicles were in the eastbound lane of travel, with the green Silverado being parked along the roadside. I also noted that the incident occurred directly in front of 125 E. Oregon Avenue, and not the Oregon Pub as originally relayed.

Upon exiting my vehicle, I made contact with the involved parties, who were standing beside the vehicles. The driver of the Chrysler 200 was a Jerry Lee Quinn. Also present was Jenifer Brooks, the registered owner of the Silverado, and Thomas Brooks. In speaking with Jennifer and Thomas, they informed me that they were sitting on the porch at 125 E. Oregon Avenue, and that they witnessed Jerry travel off of the roadway and strike Jennifer's truck. As I spoke with Jennifer and Thomas, I noted that Jerry's Chrysler had disabling damage. The passenger side front tire had nearly been pulled from the vehicle when it hit the truck.

I did photograph the scene and damage to the vehicles at this time.

I then began speaking with Jerry, who informed me that he had become distracted when he seen Jennifer and Thomas's granddaughter run off of the porch of the residence that they were at. Jerry said that he believed the child was going to run onto the roadway, and that this pulled his attention away from driving, causing him to leave the roadway and strike the parked truck.

I then requested identification from all involved parties, as well as insurance information. Jerry was able to produce an Ohio Driver License as well as a valid Nationwide Insurance Card. Jerry also asked me to call Sebring Tire to have his vehicle towed from the scene. It should be noted that while I was speaking with Jerry, I asked him if he had consumed any alcohol or anything that would inhibit his ability to operate a motor vehicle. Jerry said that he had not, and no indicators of impairment were observed. Jennifer was able to produce an Ohio Driver License, with her telling me that she did not have valid insurance on her vehicle.

Thomas provided me with an Ohio Identification Card.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032283. I cited Jerry for Operation Without Reasonable Control (SCO: 333.08). Jerry signed the citation, was given his copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 within the next several business days for instructions on how to contest the citation or pay it if he wished to do so. Sebring Tire then arrived and towed the vehicle to their lot.

Once Sebring Tire arrived and towed the vehicle, I cleared from the call. I did provide Jerry with a courtesy ride back to his residence. NFI.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 5/8/2022 @ 2016 hrs
Case #22-005037

TRAFFIC - 500 Block N. 12th St. Sebring, OH

Cited: Christine Wood, 52, 6106 Meese RD. Louisville, OH

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (52/35)

At 20:16 hours on 05-08-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While traveling northbound in the 400 block of N. 12th Street, I observed a black SUV that was traveling southbound in the 700 Block of N. 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 52 MPH. As the vehicle approached my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights. Once the vehicle passed me, I turned the patrol car around, and initiated a traffic stop.

The black GMC Terrain, bearing Ohio Registration HYN 3722, came to a stop in the 500 block of N. 12th Street. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed her of the reason for the stop.

The driver said that she wasn't paying attention, that she had just delivered food, and that she was on her way home. I then requested her driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License showing her to be Christine M. Wood.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032282. I cited Christine for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 52 in a marked 35 MPH zone. I returned to Christine's vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 within the next several business days for information on how to pay the citation or contest it if she wished to do so, I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 5/7/2022 @ 1920 hrs
Case #22-005020

TRAFFIC - Courtney Rd./Johnson Rd. Sebring, OH

Cited: Dylan Householder, 26, 264 Orchard Hill Dr. SW N. Canton, OH

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (52/35)

At 19:20 hours on 05-07-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary in the parking lot of Unifrax, located at 500 Courtney Road, I observed a white Nissan box van that was traveling westbound on Courtney Road at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 52 MPH.

As the vehicle passed by me, I pulled onto the roadway, activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop. The white Nissan NV-200, bearing New Jersey Registration Z64LSL, then crossed N. Johnson Road before pulling over and stopping. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as asked him if he was aware of his speed. The driver then stated "I thought it was 40 in through here". I explained to him that the speed limit was clearly marked at 35 MPH, and even if it was 40 MPH, he would still have been exceeding the speed limit by 12 MPH. I then requested his driver license, proof of insurance, as well as vehicle registration. The driver was able to produce the requested documentation with his Ohio Driver License showing him to be Dylan Jeffrey Joseph Householder.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032281. I cited Householder for speeding (SCO: 333.03), for going 52 in a marked 35 MPH zone. Upon returning to Householder's vehicle, he signed the citation, was given his copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 within the next several business days for instructions on how to pay for the citation of contest it if he wished to do so.

Householder then asked if he could see a "readout on my radar". I allowed Householder to follow me back to the patrol car to see the locked speed on my in-car radar unit. I also offered to give him a tutorial on how exactly radar works with him declining. He returned to his vehicle with me then clearing from the stop.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 5/3/2022 @ 2026 hrs
Case #22-010119


Arrest: Cathy Morrison, 71, 546 S. Johnson Rd. Sebring, OH

SCO: 1317.01 Buildings in unsafe conditions (M-3)
SCO: 1317.01 Caused a Nuisance (M-4)

COURT APPEARANCE - MCC #3 06/09/2022 @ 09:00

On October 29,2021, the undersigned observed the condition of the 546 South Johnson Road around the property.

In the rear aluminum cans, not in a contained tote or recycle bin. Debris lying around the property, and the un trimmed bushes, weeds and grass on the north side of the residence. The undersigned will prepare a abatement form and deliver to property owner.

Paul E. Freer unit 515
Code Enforcement Officer





ARREST REPORT 4-30-2022 @ 2030 hrs
Case No: 22-004523

Traffic/Criminal - 200 Block E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

Arrest: Eric Greathouse, 29, 40 Scott Dr. Alliance, Ohio

ORC 4511.19(A)(l)(a) OVI - Bond $500
ORC 4511.19(A)(l)(h) OVI High Tier - Bond $500
ORC: 4301.62 Open Container
ORC4513.22 Loud exhaust

Court MCC #3 05-05-2022 @ 09:00

At approximately 20:20 hours on 04-30-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304.

While sitting in the driveway of the police station, located at 135 E. Ohio Avenue, I observed a black Pontiac G6 that was traveling westbound on Ohio Avenue at an unusually slow speed. The vehicle then turned right onto N. 15th Street, before pulling into a driveway in the 300 block of N. 15th. I then went to the Huntington Bank building, located at 146 E. Ohio Avenue, where I parked to continue conducting traffic enforcement.

Several minutes later, I observed the same black Pontiac, this time turning left onto Ohio Avenue from N. 15th Street. As the vehicle drove past me, I noticed that the exhaust was extremely loud. I then pulled onto the roadway, activated my patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop. I noted that the vehicle was slow to stop, with it finally stopping in the 200 block of E. Ohio Avenue.

Upon approaching the black 66, bearing Ohio Resistration JIF 7287, I made contact with the driver. I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was only able to produce his Ohio Driver License, which showed him to be Eric M. Greathouse. I also at this point noted that despite it being after sunset, Greathouse was wearing sunglasses.

In addition to speaking with Greathouse, I spoke with the vehicle's passenger, Matthew Krohn, with him also providing me with his identification.

After determining that Greathouse had a valid driver license, I returned to his vehicle. Pt. Russell had arrived to my location at this time as well. At this point, I asked Greathouse for consent to search his vehicle. Greathouse granted this request, with him going to the rear of the vehicle along with Krohn.

As I began my search of the vehicle, I located a 12oz can of Milwaukee's Best Light in the center console. The can was approximately 1/8 full and cold to the touch. What appeared to be beer was filling the bottom of the center console. The rest of the search yielded no further contraband.

I then asked Greathouse how long the can had been in the vehicle, and how much he had drank this evening. Greathouse stated "too much". He also then said that he was joking, and that he had only consumed two beers earlier in the evening. As I approached closer to Greathouse, I could smell the odor of an alcoholic beverage, emanating from his person. Ptl. Russell also noted this. At this point, I asked Greathouse if he was willing to perform Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST'S), with him agreeing to do so. Ptl. Russell then walked with Greathouse and I to the front of my patrol car, where the frontfacing lightbar was turned off. I asked Greathouse if he had any issues with his eyes or took any prescription medications. Greathouse said yes, he takes Prozac. He also said that he wears contact lenses, and that they sometimes "pop out".

I then began the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test. Using my flashlight in a downward angle for illumination, I held my right pointer finger approximately 12" from Greathouse's eyes. I instructed Greathouse to focus on and to follow my finger with his eyes, his eyes only, and not to move his head.

At this point I noted no resting nystagmus. I then noted that both eyes tracked equally. As I continued the test, in both eyes, I noted lack of smooth pursuit, onset of nystagmus prior to 45degrees, as well as distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximums deviation.

I then began the Walk-and-Turn Test. I instructed Greathouse to put his right foot in front of his left foot, keep his arms at his side, and not to begin the test until instructed to do so, seeing as I was going to demonstrate it for him first. I then instructed Greathouse that on my command, he is to take nine heel-to-toe steps along an imaginary straight line, counting out loud, before turning and walking nine, heel-to-toe steps back. I also clearly demonstrated how to pivot on the ninth step. During the instructional phase of the test, I had to reiterate not to start until instructed to do so no less than five times, this being because Greathouse continued attempting to perform the test without being told to.

Once he was given the command to start the test, I noted that Greathouse stepped off the line, struggled to maintained balance, did not count the steps out loud, as well as did not touch heel-to-toe.

I then began the One-Leg-Stand Test. I instructed Greathouse to keep his arms at his side, and that on my command to take the foot of his choosing, lift it six inches off of the ground, while counting in a onethousand-one, one-thousand-two fashion until told to stop.

Upon being instructed to begin, Greathouse began swaying, struggling to maintain his balance, and was unable to perform the test. At this point, I informed him that he was under arrest for OVI. Greathouse was secured in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked, before being secured in the back f,car 304. It should be noted that Ptl. Russell witnessed all SFST'S as they were being performed.

Sebring Tire was then called to tow the vehicle to their impound lot. The Ohio State Highway Patrol was also summoned to perform the breathalyzer test. Once back on station, 1 read the BMV 2255 Form to Greathouse, with him following along and signing it afterwards. Trooper Joshua Yeager, of the Lisbon Post of The Ohio State Highway Patrol then arrived on station to perform the breathalyzer test. After completing the test, Greathouse was found to have a Blood Alcohol Concentration of 0.255. Greathouse also provided a urine specimen for lab analysis.

Greathouse was then fingerprinted and photographed. He received Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032279, which listed his charges of OVI (ORC: 4511,19(A)(l)(a)), OVI High Tier (ORC: 4511.19(A)(l)(h), as well as loud exhaust (ORC: 4513.22). In addition to this, Greathouse received Minor Misdemeanor Citation No. 000265 for open container (ORC: 4301.62). Greathouse signed all of his citations, received his copies, and was informed of his mandatory appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:OO on May 5,2022.

It was also made explicitly clear to Greathouse that his driver license was under an Administrative
License Suspension until at least his first court appearance. After being processed, Greathouse was released on a $1,000.00 own recognizance bond. Amanda Thacker arrived to take him home and ensure that he made it safely. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 5-1-2022 @ 2003 hrs
Case No: 22-005004

Traffic - 100 Block S. 12th Street Sebring, OH

CITED: Michael Williams, 37, 2722 Avalon Ave. NE Canton, OH

Charge: SCO:333.03 Speed (56/35)

At 20:03 hours on 05-01-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While traveling southbound in the 700 block of S. lzth Street, I observed a white sedan traveling northbound, at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 56 MPH.

I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, turned around, and began attempting to catch up to the vehicle in order to perform a traffic stop. I was able to catch up with the vehicle, a white Acura, bearing Ohio Registration JSF 8037, in the 100 block of S. 12th Street.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver informed me that the vehicle was a rental, with him producing a lease agreement to the vehicle. The driver also provided me with his Ohio Driver License, that showed him to be Michael Williams. Mr. Williams at this time told me that he was delivering items for Walmart, and that was why he was going so fast.

I then returned to my patrol car, where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032280. Cited Williams for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 56 MPH in a marked 35 MPH zone. Williams then signed the citation, was given his copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 within the next several business days for information on how to either pay the citation or contest it if he wished to do so.


Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 4-30-2022 @ 1917 hrs
Case No: 22-004522

Traffic - 500 Block N. 14th St. Sebring, OH

CITED: Eugene Dieffenbaugher, 45, 9532 Middlebranch Ave. NE Canton, OH

Charge: ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (OVI)

At 19:17 hours on 04-30-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While patrolling in the 300 block of E. Indiana Avenue, approaching the intersection of N. 13th Street, I conducted a random registration check on a white Pontiac G6, bearing Ohio Registration HQB 8090, that was traveling in front of me. Immediately after relaying the vehicle's information, I noted that it failed to signal within 100 feet of turning at the intersection of E. Indiana Avenue and N. 141h Street. This being as the vehicle made a right turn at that intersection.

Upon seeing this, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. I was also advised by dispatch at this time that the vehicle was registered to a Eugene K. Dieffenbaugher, whose driving status was suspended and who had an active warrant out of Stark County. The suspension was an OVI suspension and that warrant was for county of want only.

The vehicle came to a stop on N. 14th Street at E. Virginia Avenue. Upon approaching the vehicle, I made contact with the driver, who identified himself as Eugene Dieffenbaugher. I informed Oieffenbaugher of the reason for the traffic stop as well as asked him to turn the vehicle off and exit. Dieffenbaugher complied with this request, with him also allowing me to pat him down and search his pockets. No weapons or contraband was located during this search.

I then requested Dieffenbaugher's driver license and proof of insurance, with him telling me that he did not have insurance on the vehicle and also didn't have a driver license card.

I then instructed Dieffenbaugher to remain outside of the vehicle, while I returned to my patrol car to write his citation. Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032278 was then issued to Dieffenbaugher, who was cited for driving under suspension (OVI). Diefenbaugher signed the citation, was given his copy, and informed of his mandatory court appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 on May 05,2022.

Sebring Tire was then called, with an inventory of the vehicle being performed. No items of value were located. Due to Dieffenbaugher driving while under an OVI suspension, a hold was placed on the vehicle until his court appearance, with him being informed of this. Diffenbaugher was then released from the stop.

Sebring Tire arrived and towed the vehicle to their impound lot, with me clearing afterwards.


Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 4-30-2022 @ 0045 hrs
Case No: 22-004157

Traffic - East Ohio Ave/Race Road

CITED: Heather Bell, 42, 12205 Goshen Road Lot 101, Salem

335.1 Improper Plates
337.04 Plate Light

On 04/30/2022, I Officer Ray, was sitting in the Huntington Parking lot observing the intersection of Ohio and 15th. As a silver Saturn was passing by me, I observed what appeared to be an expired sticker (yellow) on the rear plate of the vehicle. I put my cruiser in drive, and followed the vehicle in an attempt to verify that the plate was expired. As we neared the intersection of Ohio and 12th Street, I observed the vehicle to not have a plate light. I activated my overhead lights, and the vehicle came to a stop in front of the court house. As I approached the vehicle, I observed that the plate sticker was in fact expired. Showing from October 2021.

I approached the vehicle from the passenger side, identified who I was, and the reason for the stop. The driver was identified as Heather Bell. Heather stated that the registration was not expired due to her not having a birthday in 2022 yet. I attempted to explain to her that the registration expires the year that is listed, and not the following year. Heather did not understand that concept. Heather then stated that the registration was renewed, and that the sticker was what the BMV gave her. I advised Heather to contact someone for a ride due to the vehicle being towed.

Dispatch was advised to send a tow. Springers arrived on scene, and took the vehicle. I conducted an inventory of the vehicle, and found nothing, Misc junk, and junk mail.

Heather was cited for Improper Plates 335.10 and No Plate Light 337.04. Nothing further.


Officer Ray #508


ARREST REPORT 4-29-2022 @ 1758 hrs
Case No: 22-004154

Traffic - 300 Block W. Texas Ave. Sebring, OH

Cited: Brandy Ponsaa, 33, 2230 Larchdale Dr. Cuyahoga Falls, OH

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (41/25)

At 17:58 hours on 04-29-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement. While stationary facing west in front of the F.A. Sebring Community Center, located at 306 W. Texas Avenue, I observed a white SUV traveling eastbound in W. Texas Avenue, at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 41 MPH.

Once the vehicle passed by me, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The White Dodge Journey, bearing Ohio Registration JFJ 8756, came to a complete stop in front of the pool building.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed her of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance.

The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License identifying her as Brandy Ponsaa.

When I informed Ponsaa of the reason for the stop, she said she did not know the speed limit on W. Texas Avenue. At this time, I informed her that I believe she did, because I had stopped her for speeding at that very spot approximately two months prior, and gave her a verbal warning in lieu of a citation. I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032277.

I cited Ponsaa for speeding (SCO: 333.03), for going 41 MPH in a marked 25 MPH zone. Ponsaa signed the citation, was given her copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 within the next several business days for instructions on how to pay the citation, or contest it if she wished to do so. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 4-29-2022 @ 1758 hrs
Case No: 22-004154

Traffic - 1000 Block S 12th ST. Sebring, OH

Cited: Gabrielle Rand, 21, 641 Cherry St. Salem, OH

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (57/35)

On 29Apr22 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a White Chevy Malibu with Ohio Registration (HVM3878) driving South bound on S 12th St. at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Chevy Malibu at 57MPH in a 35MPH zone.

After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 304 in the 1000 Block of S 12th St. Upon making contact with the driver Gabrielle Rand, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid.

Rand was cited with Ticket #032271 for Speed 57 In a 35 SCO:333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #507 4/29/2022


ARREST REPORT 4-29-2022 @ 1355 hrs
Case No: 22-004152

Traffic - 1000 Block N Johnson Rd, Sebring, Ohio

Cited: Chazmin Anthony, 32, 231 6th St. NE. Canton, Ohio

ORC: 4510.11 DUS
ORC: 4549.08 Fictitious Plates

On 29Apr22 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Green 2005 Chevy Malibu with Ohio registration (JDY3785) turn on to N Johnson Rd from W Ohio Ave with a loud exhaust. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 304 in the 1000 Block of N Johnson Rd. Upon making contact with the Chazmin Anthony, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she stated she did not have on her person. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that he was Suspended.

Anthony was citied with Ticket #032270 for DUS ORC: 4510.11, Fictitious Plates ORC: 4549.08 with a court date of 5/5/2022 at 9am at MCC#3. The vehicle was then towed to Sebring Tire.

Ptl. Melendez #507 4/29/2022


ARREST REPORT 4-27-2022 @ 1400 hrs
Case No: 22-004078

SUMMONS - Sebring Police Department

ARA - Evan Ritchie, 31, 195 E Pennsylvania Ave, Sebring, Oh

ORC 2913.02(A)(l) Theft
ORC 2907.08 Voyerism

04/14/2022 21:00 Officer Ossler, Dispatched to a theft


ARREST REPORT 4-24-2022 @ 0115 hrs
Case No: 22-004126

TRAFFIC - 200 Block E Oregon Ave., Sebring, OH

Cited: Heather Ogden, 35, 336 E Oregon Ave., Sebring, OH

Charge: ORC: 4510.11 DUS

On 24Apr22 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a green Chevy Suburban with Ohio registration (JLT2338) traveling South on N14th St and turn left onto E Oregon Ave without using a turn signal. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol Vehicle 303 in the 200 block of E Oregon Ave. Upon making contact with the driver Heather Ogden, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided.

After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was Suspended.

Ogden was cited with Ticket #032269 for DUS ORC:4510.11 with a court date of 4/29/22 0900 at MCC#3.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #507 04/24/2022


ARREST REPORT 4-24-2022 @ 0239 hrs
Case No: 22-004127

TRAFFIC - West Wisconsin/l7th Street

Cited: Joretta Hill, 72, 24750 Mountz Road, Homeworth,

Charge: 331.24 Failure to Control

On 04/24/2022, I Officer Ray, was dispatched to 276 West Wisconsin Ave for an accident. The caller stated someone had crashed their vehicle in the ditch blocking her driveway. The caller, Melissa Eberling, advised dispatch that the vehicle was unoccupied.

Upon my arrival I observed a white SUV in the ditch with the back end of the vehicle lifted into the air. As I was running the plate through dispatch a female, identified as Martha Todd approached me, and stated that the vehicle was her friend's, and that she was at her house waiting for a tow truck. I followed Martha across the street to 286 West Vermont, and spoke to the driver, Joretta Hill. Joretta stated that she left the residence and believed that the alley was open, but when she realized that the alley stopped, she attempted to turn around in the driveway of 276 West Wisconsin. As she was turning around, she felt her front driver tire start to slide into the ditch on the south side of the alley. Joretta overcorrected, and drove into the ditch on the
north side of the road.

Springers was called out, and they were able to remove the vehicle from the ditch. I only observed cosmetic damage to the vehicle.

Joretta was cited for failure to control 331.34. Nothing further.

Officer Ray #508 04/24/2022


ARREST REPORT 4-24-2022 @ 0239 hrs
Case No: 22-004127

SUMMONS - Mahoning county court 3

ARA - Cathy Morrison, 71, 546 S. Johnson Rd.

959.131 (D) (2) prohibitions concerning companion animals / Bond $1,250

959.131 (D) (2) prohibitions concerning companion animals / Bond $1,250

959.131 (D) (2) prohibitions concerning companion animals / Bond $1,250

959.131 (D) (2) prohibitions concerning companion animals / Bond $1,250

959.131 (D) (2) prohibitions concerning companion animals / Bond $1,250

On this date units responded to 546 S Johnson Rd with the humane agent.

Ptl. Brindack 504


ARREST REPORT 4-19-2022 @ 2127 hrs
Case No: 22-004105

TRAFFIC - N. Johnson Rd/W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

Cited: Robin Strader, 37, 860 W. Main Street Alliance, OH

ORC: 4511.12 Obeying Traffic Control Devices
ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (Non-Compliance)

At 21:27 hours on 04-19-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary along to roadside, observing the intersection of N. Johnson Road and W. Ohio Avenue, I witnessed a dark colored Hyundai SUV travel through the intersection without coming to a stop. The vehicle was traveling eastbound on W. Ohio, approached the intersection which is clearly marked with flashing red lights as well as stop signs, and turned left onto N. Johnson Road.

Based upon my training and experience, the vehicle appeared to be traveling at approximatly 12 MPH when it went through the intersection.

I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, a gray Hyundai Santa Fe, bearing Ohio Registration HAT 8068, came to a stop on N. Johnson Road near W. Maryland Avenue.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his vehicle registration, proof of insurance, and driver license. The driver said that he realized that he did not come to a stop at the intersection and that he was in a hurry to get back to work. He then produced and Ohio Driver License that showed him to be Robin Strader, as well as his vehicle's registration. Strader was unable to provide proof of insurance.

I then returned to my patrol car, where I relayed Strader's information to dispatch, with it being found that Mr. Strader's driver license was suspended. A confiscation order was also shown for the vehicle's registration. I then drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032276. I cited Strader for obeying traffic control devices (ORC: 4511.12), as well as driving under suspension.

Upon returning to Strader's vehicle, he signed the citation and was given his copy. I also advised Strader that he was required to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 on Thursday, April 28,2022, regarding the citation. Strader was then instructed to exit the vehicle, because it was going to be towed.

Strader complied, with him then asking if he was free to leave. I informed him that he was, with him then leaving the scene. An inventory of the vehicle was conducted with a handheld gaming system being located on the front passenger side floorboard as well as two laptop computers in the back cargo area of the vehicle.

Sebring Tire arrived on scene, the registration plates were removed, With Sebring Tire then loading the vehicle onto their flatbed. Once Sebring Tire was finished, I cleared from the stop.


Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 4-19-2022 @ 0052 hrs
Case No: 22-004101

TRAFFIC - Johnson & Lake Park

Cited: Kayla Grooms, 21, 176 E. Indiana, Sebring

4510.11 DUS
4503.21A Improper Display of LP

On 4/19/2022 at approx. 0050 hrs I observed a vehicle with the license plate partially visible in the rear window, Stopped further back than normal at the activated railroad crossing on Johnson Rd. I attempted to run the plate through dispatch and it returned to a different vehicle out of Kelly's Island. I attempted to stop the vehicle at W Florida ave and it continued driving until lake park ave turning right and pulling over.

I made a passenger side approach and met with the driver, Kayla Grooms and identified myself and the reason for the stop. She argued with me stating she had displayed the plate like that since she purchased the vehicle. I asked her for her documentation and she provided it.

Upon return to my vehicle I ran the correct plate and OLN through dispatch. They advised she was suspended. I returned to the vehicle to ask about her suspension and she became more argumentative stating I was not taking her car. I explained she needs to call for a ride.

Tow was advised to come get the vehicle. I cited her for the improper display of plates and for the DUS. When I returned and asked her to sign the citation she refused at first and continued with the poor attitude. She eventually signed the citation.

Her grandmother arrived and picked her up. Springer's towing took the vehicle after completing a tow sheet.

I cleared.

PTL, Ossler #511 04/19/2022





ARREST REPORT 4/18/2022 @ 0644 hrs
Case #22-004098

TRAFFIC - Harrisburg Westville @ S. Johnson Rd

CITED: Laura Vazquez, 51, 42 Case Rd., Beloit, Oh

Charge: SCO 331.05 Overtaking, Passing to the Left

On 4/18/2022 I was dispatched to the intersection of Harrisburg Westville Rd and S. Johnson Rd. for a traffic crash.

Upon arrival I observed a white in color Chrysler 300 driven by Laura Vasquez, as well as a garbage truck, driven by Casey Carlton, stopped in the parking lot of Copes Farm Equipment. I then made contact with both drivers who stated Laura Vazquez attempted to pass the garbage truck on the left. Laura then merged Casey's lane of travel striking the garbage truck on the front driver side bumper causing minimal damage.

All insurance and driving status information was confirmed to be valid. I then wrote Laura a citation for SCO 331.05/Overtaking, passing to the Left. Laura was advised she would be contacted by the court for a court date.

Sgt. Kelm #503 4/18/2022


ARREST REPORT 4/18/2022 @ 0027 hrs
Case #22-004096

TRAFFIC - W. Ohio AveM. 19th St. Sebring, OH

CITED: Daniel Pasco-Winland, 34, 718 S.Mechanic Ave., Alliance, Ohio

ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (Non-Compliance)
ORC: 4511.12 Obey Traffic Control Devices

At 00:27 hours on 04-18-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary observing the intersection of W. Ohio Avenue and N. Johnson Road, I observed a maroon Toyota sedan, that was traveling eastbound on W. Ohio, proceed through the intersection without coming to a complete stop. Based upon my training and experience, I estimated the vehicle to be moving at approximately 10 MPH when it went trough the intersection. I then pulled onto the roadway, activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle.

It should be noted that the vehicle was slow to stop, with me having to activated my audible siren several times before it stopped at the intersection of W. Ohio Avenue and N. l9th Street.

Upon approaching the maroon Toyota Corolla, bearing Ohio Registration HZC 9083,l made contact with the male driver. I informed the driver of the reason for the stop, with him saying that he realized he had run the stop sign, and that he was having a bad night. I then requested his driver license as well as vehicle registration. The driver informed me that he did not have either with him. I then asked if he had a valid license, with him telling me that he had just been stopped by The Alliance Police Department, his license was suspended, and that they had cited him. The driver then gave me his name (Daniel Pasco-Windland), date of birth, and social security number.

Upon returning to my patrol car, I relayed Pasco-Windland's information to dispatch, with it being
confirmed that his driver license was suspended. I then drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032222. I cited Pasco-Windland for driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11), as well as obeying traffic control devices (ORC: 4511.12).

Upon returning to Paso-Windland's vehicle, he signed the citation and was given his copy. I also at this point instructed Pasco-Windland to exit the vehicle, because it was going to be towed.

Upon informing Pasco-Windland of this, he reached his right hand between the center console and driver seat, began shuffling around, and then reached into his front right coat pocket. I could not see what he had retrieved, with me ordering him out of the vehicle. Due to the threat to officer safety, I asked for and received consent from Windland to conduct a pat-down of his person. Pasco-Windland then said it had been his nicotine that he put in his pocket.

When I asked if I could enter his pockets to be sure that it was only nicotine that he had retrieved, Paso-Windland said "yeah". At this point I located a plastic container, which contained a light-colored crystalline substance, small spoon, box cutter blade, and rolled up dollar bill. Based upon my training and experience, the light-colored crystalline substance appeared to be methamphetamine.

I then secured Pasco-Windland in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked, before securing him in the back of car 302. It should be noted that I informed Pasco-Windland that he was only being detained at that point and was not under arrest. I then completed an inventory of the vehicle, locating nothing of value and no additional contraband.

Ptl. Rhome, of The Smith Township Police Dept. also arrived to my location at this time. At this point, I decided that the suspected methamphetamine would be sent to The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigations (BCI) Crime Lab, instead of it being field tested. Because of this, Pasco-Windland was released from detention and sent on his way. Pasco-Windland was informed of his mandatory court appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 on 04-18-2022. Sebring Tire then arrived and towed his vehicle, with both Ptl. Rhome and I clearing from the stop afterwards.

Once back on station, I photographed the suspected methamphetamine as well as drug paraphernalia. I also weight the suspected methamphetamine, with it not registering on the department scale. The contraband items were then secured in temporary evidence locker #1. Additional charges possible pending laboratory results.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 4/17/2022 @ 2120 hrs
Case #22-004095

TRAFFIC - W. Ohio Ave / N. Johnson Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Josie Gates, 22, 11659 Klinger Ave., Alliance, Oh

Charge: SCO: 313.01 Traffic Control Devices

At 21:20 hours on 04-17-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary at the intersection of N. Johnson Road and W. Ohio Avenue, I observed a dark colored Jeep Liberty, that was traveling Eastbound on W. Ohio Avenue, go through the intersection, making a right turn on N. Johnson Road, without stopping. This intersection is clearly marked with both a flashing red four-way light, as well as stop signs at each entry point. Based upon my training and experience, I visually estimated the vehicles speed at approximately 20 MPH as it proceeded through the intersection.

Upon witnessing this, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop.

The blue Jeep Liberty, bearing Ohio Registration HRU 9807, came to a stop on N. Johnson Road near W. Oregon Avenue. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I found her to be speaking on her cell phone. I informed the driver of the reason for the stop as well as requested her driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver denied having been on her phone at the time she went through the intersection when I asked. The driver was able to produce an Ohio Driver License, that identified her as Josie Gates, as well as the vehicle's registration. Gates was unable to produce proof of insurance, informing me that the vehicle belonged to her mother.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032223. I cited Gates for Obedience to Traffic Control Devices (SCO: 313.01). I then returned to Gates's vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 within the next several business days for instructions on when to appear for her mandatory court hearing.

I then cleared from the stop. NFI.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 4/16/2022 @ 2228 hrs
Case #22-004093

TRAFFIC - N. 14th St / E. Ohio Ave., Sebring, Oh

Cited: Ryan Bandy, 32, 380 North St. Beloit, OH

ORC:4510.11 Driving Under Suspension
ORC:4549.08 Fictitious Plates

At 22:28 hours on 04-16-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While patrolling in the 200 block of E. Ohio Avenue, I conducted a random registration check of a white Chevrolet Silverado, that was in the parking lot of Circle K, located at 205 E. Ohio Avenue. The Silverado, bearing Ohio Registration JLW 5854, showed as being registered to a Ryan Bandy, whose driver license was suspended. From the alleyway between the 100 bocks of E. Ohio and E Oregon Avenues, I watched the truck pull from the business's parking lot and onto the roadway.

I then activated my patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop, The Silverado came to a stop in the rear parking lot of The Brickhouse Bar, located at 206 E. Ohio Avenue.

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made contact with the male driver, who I know to be Ryan Bandy. When I informed Ryan of the reason for the stop, he said that he did not know that his driver license was suspended. Ryan was unable to produce proof of insurance and informed me that he did not have his driver license with him. Due to Ryan's body language being indicative of nervousness, I asked him to step out of the vehicle. Once Ryan was out of the vehicle, I observed a folding pocket knife in his left pant pocket. I did take control of this item for the duration of our encounter.

I then returned to my patrol car, where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032224. I cited Ryan for Driving Under Suspension (ORC: 4510.11). At approximately this time, Ptl. Russell arrived on scene as well. It was also found that the registration that was affixed to Ryan's truck belonged on a 2013 Silverado. When I asked Ryan why this was he said that the registration belonged on his other truck.


ARREST REPORT 4/16/2022 @ 1710 hrs
Case #22-003043

CRIMINAL - Sebring Police Department (135 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH)

Arrest: Gregory Homer, 49, 145 E. Michigan Ave. Sebring, Ohio

Charge: ORC: 2919.25(A) Domestic Violence (M-1)

Court: MCC#3 04/21/2022 @ 0900

On 3/9/2022 I was dispatched to 135 E. Ohio Ave. for a domestic

Sgt. Kelm #503 3/9/2022


ARREST REPORT 4/15/2022 @ 2106 hrs
Case #22-004087

TRAFFIC - US 62 @ Trail Star

Cited: Matthew Whiteman, 36, 127 W. Florida Ave., Sebring, OH

Charge: 4510.11 DUS

On this date I was running stationary traffic enforcement on US 62 near Johnson Rd. While there I observed a gray in color KIA Soul bearing OH JTB5333 pass me heading east bound on US 62 with only one headlight. I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle which did not come to a complete stop until Trail Star on US 62 in Smith Twp.

I Approached the vehicle and made contact with the driver identified as Matthew 5 Whiteman who produced a Colorado license. Upon running said License dispatch advised Matthew was suspended with the suspension type being "revoked due to no proof of insurance". Matthew was given a verbal warning for two headlights required and cited for DUS 4510.11 and given a court date at MCC#3 of 04/21/2022 at 0900hrs. The registered owner of the vehicle Arielle Farr was allowed to drive the vehicle away.

Ptl. Brindack 504 01/15/2022


ARREST REPORT 4/14/2022 @ 0800 hrs
Case #22-003123


Arrest: Chester III Bittecuffer, 49, 5300 Meadow Park Dr, Kent, Oh

Charge: 2913.02 F-5 Theft

I was dispatched to the 300 block of Courtney Road for a theft report

03/23/2022 14:39 Officer Chief Harris #502 3\23/22


ARREST REPORT 4/13/2022 @ 1200 hrs
Case #22-003141

SUMMONS - Cody Powell, 33, 437 E. Ohio Ave., Sebring, OH

Offense: 2919.22 Child Endangerment (M1)

On 26Mar22 I responded to 437 E Ohio Ave for Child Welfare. Upon arrival I ,(Ptl. Melendez), met with Jonathan Holbrook.

Holbrook advised that while making his Fedex delivery traveling E Bound on Ohio He almost hit a 5 year old who had ran out in the street chasing his dog. Holbrook then advised that he noticed a neighbor who knew the child and told him to go home.

I then made contact with the father of the child Cody Powell. Powell states that he had just went upstairs while his kids were watching TV.  I advised Powell that I noticed his locks were very easy to open. Powell was advised to purchase and install locks high enough for a child not to reach.

Powell was not under the influence and also did not appear to be impaired. A Verbal Warning was given to Powell.

Nothing to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #507 3/26/2022


ARREST REPORT 4/13/2022 @ 1723 hrs
Case #22-004075

TRAFFIC - 400 Block N. Johnson Rd.

Cited: Julie Agnew, 56, 825 N. Johnson Rd., Sebring, Oh

Charge: SCO:313.01 Stop Sign

On 13Apr22 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Ford Ecosport with Ohio registration (HJU4355) run the Stop Sign at W Ohio Ave at N Johnson Rd. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 in the 400 Block of N Johnson Rd.

Upon making contact with the driver Julie Agnew, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that She was Valid. Agnew was cited with Ticket #032266 for Stop Sign Violation ORC: 313.01 with a court date to be set.

Ptl. Melendez #507 4/13/2022


ARREST REPORT 4/10/2022 @ 1650 hrs
Case #22-004054

CRIMINAL - 9424 US 224 Deerfield OH

ARREST: Andrew Buchs, 42, 260 Bandy RD North Benton OH

2919.25 Domestic Violence (M1)
2903.13 Assault (M1)

Court: 4/14/2022 MCC#3 @ 0900

On 10Apr22 I responded to 930 n 12th St for a Domestic

04/10/2022 16:27 Officer Melendez, Sr.


ARREST REPORT 4/9/2022 @ 1854 hrs
Case #22-004052

TRAFFIC - 100 Block N. 12th ST. Sebring, OH

CITED: Josephine Mellot, 19, 376 Shelton RD. Salem, Ohio

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (53/35)

At 1854 hours on 04-09-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary along the roadside, facing south, in the 100 block of S. l2th Street, I observed a blue jeep traveling northbound at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH speed limit. As the vehicle approached E. Georgia Avenue, I activated the patrol car's front facing radar antenna, obtaining a locked speed of 53 MPH. Once the vehicle passed my position, I pulled onto the roadway, activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop.

The blue Jeep Renegade, bearing Ohio Registration HNB 6975, came to a stop in the 100 block of N. 12th Street. I then approached, made contact with the driver, and informed her of the reason for the stop.

The driver said that she noticed that she was speeding upon seeing a speed limit sign. I then requested her driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License identifying her as Josephine R. Mellott.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032225. I cited Mellott for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 53 MPH in a marked 35 MPH zone. I then returned to Mellott's vehicle, where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 within the next several business days for information on how to contest the citation or pay it if she wished to do so. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 4/8/2022 @ 2336 hrs
Case #22-004051

TRAFFIC - Ohio/Johnson

CITED: Murry Bryant, 37, 120 East Carolina Ave

Charge: 313.01 Traffic Control

On 04/08/2022, I Officer Ray, was sitting stationary at the intersection of Ohio and Johnson. I observed a white SUV travel through the intersection at a high rate of speed, disregarding the stop sign. The vehicle was traveling east. I activated my lights, and the vehicle came to a stop at Ohio and 20th Street. I approached the vehicle, identified who I was and the reason for the stop. The driver, Murry Bryant, stated that he had dropped his cell phone on the ground, and reached down for it. When he looked up, he stated he realized he drove through the intersection.

Murry was cited for traffic control device ORD:313.01

Officer Ray #508 04/09/2022


ARREST REPORT 4/5/2022 @ 1415 hrs
Case #22-004023

TRAFFIC - 300 Block W. Texas Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Jamie Colman, 44, 280 Orion St. NW North Canton, OH

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (43/25)

At 14:15 hours on 04-05-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary along the roadside in front of the F.A. Sebring Community Center, located at 306 W. Texas Avenue, I observed a maroon SUV that was traveling eastbound in the 400 block of W. Texas Avenue at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH limit.

Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 43 MPH. The vehicle appeared to notice me and began to slow to the speed limit. Once the vehicle passed by my position, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, pulled onto the roadway, and initiated a traffic stop. The Maroon Ford Edge, bearing Florida Registration 34A BCM, came to a stop in the parking lot near the tennis courts. I then approached, made contact with the driver, and informed her of the reason for the stop. The driver admitted that she noticed she was speeding when she seen the speed limit sign. I then requested her Driver License, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License identifying her as Jamie B. Coleman.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032221. I cited Coleman for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 43 MPH in a marked 25 MPH zone. I then returned to Coleman's vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 on the following business day for instructions on how to either pay for the citation or contest it if she wished to do so.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 4/5/2022 @ 1440 hrs
Case #22-003056

CRIMINAL - 300 Block W. Texas Ave, Sebring

Arrest: Brandan Houck, 25, 1720 Oakmont St., Canton, Oh

ORC:2917.21(B) Telecommunications Harassment (M1) / Bond $1,250

ORC:2903.211(A)(1) Menacing By Stalking (M1) / Bond $1,250

Court: MCC#3 04-07-2022

At 17:15 hours, a Sebring resident came on station to report telecommunications harassment.

03/12/2022 22:18 Officer Reed


ARREST REPORT 4/2/2022 @ 1204 hrs
Case #22-003088

CRIMINAL - Mahoning County Jail 110 5th Ave., Youngstown, OH

Arrest: Luke Johnson, 20, 536 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring, OH

ORC:2905.02(A)(2) Abduction (F-3) / Bond: $100
ORC:2903.13(A) Assault (M-1) / Bond: $100
ORC: 2903.21(A) Aggravated Menacing (M-1) / Bond: $100
ORC: 2905.03(A) Unlawful Restraint (M-3) / Bond: $100
ORC: 2903.22(A) Menacing (M-4) / Bond: $100

Court: MCC#3 04-07-2022 @ 0900

At 19:41 hours on 03-17-2022. a subject called the police station to report a possible assault.

03/17/2022 20:46 Officer Reed


ARREST REPORT 4/3/2022 @ 1613 hrs
Case #22-004014

TRAFFIC - Courtney Rd / Allied Dr., Sebring, oh

Cited: James Carsone, 57, 9159 Market St, North Lima, Oh

Charge: SCO:333.03 Speed (57/35)

At 16:13 hours on 04-03-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary along the roadside in the 300 block of Courtney Road, I observed a silver Chevrolet Silverado, traveling eastbound on Courtney Road, at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 57 MPH. Upon noticing my patrol car, the vehicle began slowing.

As the vehicle approached close, nearing the point of passing my position, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, pulled onto the roadway, and initiated a traffic stop. The Silverado, which had Ohio Registration HVZ 5597 attached, came to a stop approximately 100 yards east of the railroad tracks. I then approached, made contact with the driver, and informed him of the reason for the stop. I then requested his driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance.

The driver identified himself as James R. Carsone, but said that he had misplaced his driver license some time ago. He was however able to provide me with proof of insurance as well as his vehicle registration. Mr. Carsone provided me with his date of birth and offered to allow me to see credit cards that he had to verify his identity.

I then returned to my patrol car, where I relayed Mr. Carson's information to dispatch with it being found that he had two convictions for moving violations within the past 12 months. I then drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032219. I cited Mr. Carsone with speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 57 MPH in a marked 35 MPH zone. I then returned to Carsone's vehicle, where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 within the next several business days for instructions on when to appear for his mandatory court appearance. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 4/3/2022 @ 1613 hrs
Case #22-004014

TRAFFIC - 300 Block N 12th St Sebring OH

Cited: Alyssa Smith, 30, 10581 Albert Dr., North Benton

Charge: ORC: 4510.11 DUS

On 1Apr22 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a white Chevy Impala with Ohio registration (HQQ4573) traveling north on N l2th St. I then contacted Sebring Dispatch to check the driving status of the owner which came back that the owner of the vehicle was suspended. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 304 in the 300 Block of N 12th St. Upon making contact with the driver Alyssa Smith, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she stated she did not have on her person.

After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that he was Suspended.

Smith was cited with Ticket #032265 for DUS ORC: 4510.11 with a court date of 4/7/2022 at 9am at MCC#3.

Ptl. Melendez #507 04/07/2022





ARREST REPORT 03/28/2022 @ 1721 hrs
Case No.: 22-003152

TRAFFIC - 300 Block Courtney Rd., Sebring, Ohio

Cited: Charles Rentz, 51, 1121 Plain Ave. NE Canton, Ohio

Charge: SCO:333.03 Speed (55/35)

At 17:21 hours on 03-28-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary along the roadside near the loading docks at Famous supply, located at 350 Courtney Road, I observed an eastbound Mazda pickup truck, green in color, that appeared to be traveling at a rate of speed that was substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH limit.

Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 55 MPH.

I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency light, pulled onto the roadway, and initiated a traffic stop. The green Mazda pickup, bearing Ohio Registration JLV 5785, came to a stop approximately 100 yards east of the railroad tracks.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, identified myself as well as informed him of the reason for the stop. The driver said that he was from Canton and not familiar with the area. He also said that he believed the speed limit on that particular stretch of roadway to be 55 MPH. I then requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance.

The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License identifying him as Charles Dale Rentz III.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032218. Mr. Rentz was cited for speed (SCO:333.03) for going 55 MPH in a marked 35 MPH zone. I then returned to Mr. Rentz's vehicle, where he signed his citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 at some point over the course of the next few business days for instructions on how to contest the citation or pay it if he wished to do so.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 03/26/2022 @ 0920 hrs
Case No.: 22-003140


Cited: Ryan Schreiber, 29, 2761 Gaycroft Ct., Copley,OH

Charge: SCO:335.10 EXPIRED TAGS

On 26Mar22 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a Blue 2015 Audi with Ohio registration (Jan7026) sitting on N 19th St and W. Ohio with expired tags. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol Vehicle 303 in the 200 of N 19th St.

Upon making contact with the driver Ryan Schreiber, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid. Schreiber was cited with Ticket #032262 for Expired Tags SCO:335.10 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #507 3/26/2022


ARREST REPORT 03/26/2022 @ 1500 hrs
Case No.: 22-003106

Warrant - 2405 Morris Ave. NE., Canton, Ohio

Traffic - 135 E OHIO AVE., SEBRING, OH

Arrest: Janessa Daugherty, 19, 2405 Morris Ave. NE., Canton, Ohio

ORC:2921.331 (F3) Failure to Comply with order or signal of Police Officer
ORC: 4510.11 DUS

On 20March22 I conducted a Traffic Stop In front of 356 N 12th St. Prior to conducting the traffic stop I, (Ptl Melendez), requested a check on Ohio registration (JDB7445). While waiting for a return in the left turning lane on E Ohio Ave and N 12th St I observed a white cloud of smoke coming out of the rear driver side window of the gold 2003 Chevy Impala.

While still waiting for the light turn turn green Sebring Dispatch advised that the owner of the vehicle Deonah Stewart was Suspended.

Upon receiving that information I then conducted a traffic stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 in front of 356 N 12th St for Window tint and also for the drivers operators license being suspended.

Upon exiting my patrol vehicle I observed a white females face in the drivers side mirror. prior to getting to the drivers side door the white female later identified as Janessa N. Daugherty smiled in the mirror and she pressed the accelerator and proceeded north on 12th St. I then returned back to my patrol vehicle and advised Sebring Dispatch that the vehicle attempted to flee. While sti11 traveling north on 12th St I advised dispatch to start another unit and dispatch advised that Det. Reed of the Smith Township police Department was in route. I then continued to pursue the vehicle north bound on 12th St. The vehicle then turned left going west bound on Middletown Road speeds reached 70MPH with no traffic. The Vehicle then turned left traveling south on Johnson Rd in smith township heading back to The Village Of Sebring.

At this time Det. Reed advised that he was at the intersection of Courtney Rd and North Johnson, while still traveling south on Johnson the vehlcle then tuned right on Courtney traveling west bound almost hitting Det. Reeds patrol vehicle.

Dispatch was then advised to contact OSP and also Alliance Police, the vehicle continued west on Courtney Rd with light traffic conditions and speeds were 70 MPH. Det. Reed then took over calling our location out since he was the secondary unit and I was primary. The vehicle continued west on Courtney Road passing Oyster Rd., speeds were approximately 50 MPH. The Vehicle then turned left on to Jennings Rd traveling Southbound to River St. where it continued to North Walnut.

At this time the Speeds were approaching 70 Mph while still traveling on Walnut Ave the vehicle then turned onto E Keystone St In Alliance. Upon approaching the intersection of Keystone and Union Ave the vehicle ran a red light almost ramming a white utility truck. Sebring Dispatch then advised per Sqt Kelm to terminate the pursuit. I then advised that the pursuit was terminated. After ending the pursuit advised Sebring dispatch to contact Stark County Sheriffs and also Canton Police since the vehicle returns to a Canton address and I returned back to the Sebring Police Department.

At 1935 Hours I was advised by Sebring Dispatch that Canton PD had the vehicle stopped with two subjects detained in canton at the intersection of 19th St and Harrisburg Road. I then contacted Sgt. Kelm and advised him of what was going on. Sgt. Kelm then advised to go meet with the officers in canton and attempt to see if they had the driver. I then advised dispatch and I traveled to Canton where I met with Ptl. Brown and Ptl. Hampton of Canton PD who had the two males detained. Both males advised that a female friend by the name of Breanna Wilson let them drive the vehicle 15 minutes prior to being stopped. I then advised the CPD officers that my driver was a light skinned female.

While talking with Brown and Hampton Stark County advised that they made contact with the owner of the vehicle and that they were going to meet with her at 3827 Kirby Ave NE in Canton. I then advised Sebring Dispatch that I was going to meet with the owner of the vehicle.

Upon making contact with the owner of the vehicle myself and Deputy Green for Stark County SO asked her to walk over to my patrol vehicle to answer some questions. Prior to asking Stewart any questions I read her Miranda and she advised that she would comply and answer all questions. Stewart began to deny any involvement in the pursuit and she advised that a friend identified as Daugherty was the person operating the vehicle and that she also had text messages to prove it. I then obtained the text messages from Stewart that showed Daugherty was operating the vehicle at the time of the pursuit and also how Daugherty stated that she was going to wipe the vehicle down and also change the color of the vehicle. I then asked Stewart if she could provide a written statement and she complied.

I will be filing charges for a warrant to arrest Janessa N. Daugherty for ORC:2921.331 Failure to Comply with order or signal of a Police Officer (F3) and also ORC:4510.11 Driving Under suspension (M1).

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #507 3/21/2022


ARREST REPORT 03/25/2022 @ 1720 hrs
Case No.: 22-003137

Traffic - 500 Blk W. Maryland

Cited: Nicholas Coombes, 20, 630 Hilbish Ave., Akron, Ohio

Charge: SCO:335.10 Expired Plates

On 25Mar22 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a Gray 2014 Chevy with Ohio Registration (N454783) driving east bound West Maryland Ave. I then ran the Ohio plates which came back expired. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 in the 500 block W Maryland Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver Nicholas Coombes, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was Valid. Coombes was advised that he needs to get the plates immediately.

Coombes was cited with Ticket #032260 for Fictitious plates/ Expired plates SCO:335.10 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #507 3/25/2022


ARREST REPORT 03/25/2022 @ 2125 hrs
Case No.: 22-003139

Traffic - 500 BLOCK N JOHNSON RD

Cited: Anna Munholand, 73, 5921 Gault Rd., North Jackson, OH

Charge: SCO:313.01 STOP SIGN

On 25Mar22 While conducting OVI Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a White 2019 Nissan Pickup with Ohio Registration (HXK4523) driving east bound West Ohio Ave and run the stop sign. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 in the 500-block of Johnson Rd.

Upon making contact with the driver Anna Munholand, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was Valid.

Muhholand was cited with Ticket #032261 for Stop Sign Viotation SCO:313.01 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.

Nothing else to report at this time.

Ptl. Melendez #507 3/25/2022


ARREST REPORT 03/24/2022 @ 1300 hrs
Case No.: 22-003075

Criminal - Sebring Police Dept.

Arrest: Derrick Campbell, 32, 430 E Ohio, Ave, Sebring, OH

2913.02(A)(l) Theft (F5)
2913.49(B)(2) Identity Fraud (F5)
2913.02(A)(l) Theft (M1)
2913.21(B)(2) Misuse Of Credit Card (M1)

On 03/15/2022 this unit responded to Sebring PD for a theft report.

Officer Ray #508 03/15/2022


ARREST REPORT 03/24/2022 @ 1520 hrs
Case No.: 22-003130

Criminal - 783 S 14th Sebring

Cited: Linsay Twaddle, 29, 783 S 14th Sebring

Charge: 505.01 Dog at Large

Dispatched for a dog at large/ attacking other dogs

Officer Kyle Ossler 03/24/2022 17:0l





ARREST REPORT 3/23/2022 @ 0828 hrs
Case No.: 22-003121

Criminal - 126 S. Johnson RD., Sebring

Arrest: Lauren Linsday, 35, 2861 Autumn St. NW., Massillon, OH

2911.21 Criminal Trespass M4
2913.02 Theft F5
2911.13(B) Breaking and Entering F5

On 23Mar22 I responded to 126 S Johnson Rd for an attempted Theft Of A Motor Vehicle.

Date 03/23/2022 20:27 Officer Melendez.


ARREST REPORT 3/22/2022 @ 1830 hrs
Case No.: 22-003115

TRAFFIC - Courtney Rd. near N. 12th St. Sebring, Ohio

Cited: Joshua Frankos, 32, 11441 Market St. North Lima, Ohio

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (51/35) M-4

At 18:30 hours on 03-22-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary near the loading bay at Famous Supply, located at 350 Courtney Road, I observed a white box van traveling eastbound at a rate of speed that appeared to be higher than that of the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 51 MPH. I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, pulled onto the roadway, and initiated a traffic stop.

The vehicle, a white Ford E-250, bearing Ohio Registration JHB 7003, did not respond to my lights or audible siren until it had neared the intersection of N. 12Ih and Courtney Road. Once the vehicle was stopped, I approached and made contact with the driver. I informed him of the reason for the stop, with him stating "I thought it was 45 on this road". I then requested his driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver was only able to produce his Ohio Driver License, which identified him as Joshua D. Frankos.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032217. I cited Frankos for speeding (SCO:333.03), for going 51 MPH in a marked 35 MPH zone. A check through LEADS also showed that Frankos had two convictions for moving violations with the past 12 months.

I then returned to Frankos's vehicle, where he signed his citation, was given his copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on when to appear for his mandatory court appearance. I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 3/22/2022 @ 1630 hrs
Case No.: 22-003114

TRAFFIC - S. 12th St. @ E. Georgia Ave., Sebring

Cited: Allison Lipely, 23, 3167 Forestview St. NE., Canton, Oh

Charge: SCO:333.03 Speed (56/35)

At 16:30 hours on 03-22-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary in the parking lot of Hais Fabrication, located at 100 S. 12th Street, I observed a blue Jeep SUV that was traveling northbound on S. 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 55 MPH speed limit. As the vehicle neared, I activated the overhead emergency lights on the patrol car and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle, a blue Jeep SUV bearing Ohio Registration JFH 7677, pulled over in the parking area of Hais, with me then approaching and making contact with the driver.

In speaking with the driver, I identified myself as well as informed her of the reason for the stop. The driver said that she knew that she was speeding and that she was late to a medical appointment.

I then requested her driver license and vehicle registration. The driver was able to produce all requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License identifying her as Allison H. Lipely.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032216. I cited Lipely for speeding (SCO:333.03), for going 56 MPH in a marked 35 MPH zone. I then returned to Lipely's vehicle where she signed her citation and was given her copy. Lipely was instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on when to appear for her mandatory court appearance.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 3/22/2022 @ 1204 hrs
Case No.: 22-003113

TRAFFIC - 300 Block Courtney Rd. Sebring, OH

Cited: Clifton Southard, 41, 824 Devine St. Alliance, OH

Charge: SCO:333.03 Speed (56/35)

At 12:04 hours on 03-22-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While parked stationary in the loading bay of Famous Supply, located at 350 Courtney Road, I observed a silver Chevrolet Cobalt that was traveling eastbound on Courtney Road, at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH limit.

Upon activating the patrol cars front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 51 MPH.

I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, pulled onto the roadway, and initiated a traffic stop. The silver Cobalt, bearing Ohio Registration JNT4291, came to a stop just east of the railroad tracks.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was unable to produce proof of insurance but did give me and Ohio Driver License that identified him as Clifton Southard as well as his current vehicle registration. At this point, Southard asked how I was able to get him at 51 MPH when he had just pulled out as well as stated "if you're writing me a ticket make it quick, I'm on my lunch break".

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032215. I cited Southard for speed (SCO:333.03), for going 51 in a marked 35 MPH zone. Due to Southard not being able to produce proof of insurance, he was given a mandatory court appearance.

I then returned to Southard's vehicle, where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information when to appear before the court. It should be noted that Southard refused to write his county of residence or current address on the citation. Southard also, at his request, was shown the radar unit with his locked speed on it.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 3/19/2022 @ 1610 hrs
Case No.: 22-003099

TRAFFIC - 300 Block W. Texas Ave. Sebring, Ohio

Cited: Molly Seevers, 35, 1096 Baier Ave., Louisville, OH

Charge: SCO:333.03 Speed (41/25)

At 16:10 hours on 03-19-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While sitting stationary in the 300 block of W. Texas Avenue, I observed a Silver GMC Terrain traveling eastbound in the 400 block of W. Texas Avenue at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit.

Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing-radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 41 MPH. As the vehicle approached closer, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The Silver GMC Terrain, bearing Ohio Registration HUQ 8267, came to a complete stop in front of the pool building.

I then approached and made contact with the driver. I informed her of her speed as well as requested her driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License identifying her as Molly Seevers.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032213. I cited Seevers for speed (SCO:333.03), for going 41 MPH in a marked 25 MPH zone. I then returned to Seevers's vehicle, where she signed her citation and was given her copy. Seevers was also instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 within the next several business days for information on how to either contest the citation if she wished to do so or pay it.

I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 3/19/2022 @ 1714 hrs
Case No.: 22-003100

TRAFFIC - 12th Street/ Georgia Ave

Cited: Xavier Terrell, 24, 932 South Arch Street Apt. 2, Alliance

Charge: 333.03 Speed

On 03/19/2022, I, Officer Ray, was running stationary radar on 12th Street at Georgia Ave, when I observed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. I activated me cruisers radar unit, and observed a loud, steady, audible tone. I checked the radar units display, and I observed the vehicle to be traveling at 55 MPH in a 35 MPH zone. As the vehicle passed me, I activated my cruisers over head lights and the siren. The vehicle came to a stop near the rail road tracks on 12th Street.

I approached the vehicle, identified myself, and stated to the driver that they were being stopped for speed. The driver was identified as Xavier Terrell. Xavier stated that he was making a delivery, and was running late.

Xavier was issued a citation for speed ORD:333.03. 55 MPH in a 35 MPH zone.

Nothing further.

Officer Ray #508 03/19/2022


ARREST REPORT 3/19/2022 @ 2128 hrs
Case No.: 22-003102

TRAFFIC - 600 Block Courtney Rd. Sebring, OH

Cited: Kimberly Jackson, 49, 1393 Bittersweet Dr., NE, Warren, Oh

Charge: SCO:333.03 Speed (56/35) M-4

At 21:28 hours on 03-19-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While stationary facing eastbound in the parking lot of Vacuform Inc., located at 500 Courtney Road, I observed a dark colored sedan traveling westbound on Courtney Road at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH limit. As the vehicle passed the intersection of Courtney Road and Allied Drive, I obtained a locked speed of 56 MPH.

As the car approached closer, I activated the overhead emergency lights on the patrol car. I then pulled onto the roadway, with the vehicle, a black Kia 4-door Sedan, bearing Ohio Registration, 54 GRACE, coming to a stop at the intersection of Courtney Road and N. Johnson. After relaying location and vehicle information to dispatch I exited my patrol car and made contact with the driver. I informed the female driver of the reason for the stop. When I informed her of her speed, she stated something to the effect of "I know".

Due to the location of the stop posing a road hazard, I asked her to cross N. Johnson Road and pull in several car lengths in, so that the stop could be more safely conducted.

The driver followed these instructions, with me again approaching and making contact with her. I requested her driver license, proof of insurance, as well as vehicle registration. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License identifying her as Kimberly L. Jackson.

I then returned to my patrol car and drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032214. I cited Jackson for speeding (SCO:333.03), for going 56 MPH in a marked 35 MPH zone. Due to two prior convictions for moving violations within a 12-month-period, Jackson was given a mandatory court appearance.

I then returned to Jackson's vehicle, where she signed her citation, was given her copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 on the next business day for information on when to appear for her mandatory court hearing. I then cleared from the stop.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 3/18/2022 @ 0743 hrs
Case No.: 22-003092

TRAFFIC - N 14th st / Evermont Ave

Cited: Michael Coen, 44, 414 N Freedom Ave., Alliance, OH

Charge: 4510.11 DUS(non compliance)

On this date While on Patrol in marked until 303 I, Ptl. Brindack, was travelling northbound on N 14th St near Sebring Mckinley High school when I observed a Blue Chevy Trailblazer bearing OH HTG4563 traveling in front of me in the same direction. I ran the plate and dispatched advised it returned to Michael P Coen who is suspended. I am familiar with Mr. Coen from past calls and was able to positively identify him as the driver. I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle which came to a complete stop at N 14th st and E Vermont Ave.

I approached Mr. Coen and informed of the reason for the stop. Mr. Coen claims he was unaware he was suspended, however, he has been suspended since 2019. Mr. Coen was cited for DUS 4510.11 and given a court date at MCC#3 of 03/24/2022 at 0900hrs. The vehicle was inventoried and then towed by springers towing. I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 504 03/18/2022


ARREST REPORT 3/17/2022 @ 1759 hrs
Case No.: 22-003087

TRAFFIC - 100 Block S. Johnson Ave. Sehring, Ohio

Cited: Levi Campbell, 35, 745 Garfield Ave., Salem, OH 44460

ORC:4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (Non-Compliance)
ORC:4519.40 Acts Prohibited (Off High-Way Motorcycle/Public Road)

At 1759 hours on 03-17-2022,l was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303 with Ptl. Ossler.

While traveling northbound in the 300 block of S. Johnson Road, I observed what was clearly an offroad motorcycle, turn from W. Tennessee Ave. onto S. Johnson Road. The motorcycle began traveling northbound at a high rate of speed. At this point, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and audible siren.

The motorcycle turned left onto W. California Avenue, continuing on at a high rate of speed. The Motorcycle continued on, going to Tennessee Avenue, before coming to a stop.

Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, identified by his Ohio Driver License as Levi Campbell, he advised that he stopped as soon as noticed our patrol car behind him. Campbell was found to have a suspended driver license. The Motorcycle was also found to be an early 2000's model Honda CR-125. There was no license plate attached to the vehicle nor was it registered for on-road operation.

I then returned to the patrol car, where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032212. I cited Campbell for Driving Under Suspension (ORC: 4510.11), as well as Acts Prohibited (ORC:4519.40) for operating an off-highway motorcycle on a public roadway. Sebring Tire was then called to tow the motorcycle, with their wrecker arriving shortly after. It should be noted that the vehicle's VIN number was checked through LEADS to determine that it had not been entered as stolen.

Campbell then signed the citation, was given his copy, and informed of his mandatory court appeared at Mahoning County Court #3 at 09:00 hours on 03-24-2022. Both units then cleared from the stop. NFI.

Det. Reed #506


ARREST REPORT 3/17/2022 @ 2147 hrs
Case No.: 22-003090

TRAFFIC - Ohio & Johnson

Cited: Kerri Marcum, 45, 3057 17th st. sw., Canton

4510.11 Traffic Control Devices
4510.11 DUS

At 2147 I was conducting traffic enforcement at the intersection of Ohio &Johnson. I watched Kerri Marcum operate her red Ford Explorer EB turning onto Johnson SB without making an effort to stop at the blinking red light and stop sign. I caught up to her and performed a traffic stop.

Upon approaching the vehicle, I could smell the strong odor of hand sanitizer commonly used as a masking agent. She was slurring her words, nervous, and emotional. I returned to my vehicle with her identification card. Dispatch advised she was suspended with privileges.

Det. Reed arrived and assisted me with questioning her where she stated she had two beers at 5pm. She was willing to perform SFST's and they were performed. Nothing out of the normal was noted except a bit of HGN at maximum deviation. I determined she was still okay to drive, but was still suspended.

I cited her for driving under suspension and the traffic control device.

Springers towed the vehicle.

PTL. Ossler #511 03/17/2022




ARREST REPORT 03-17-2022 @ 1605 hrs

Case No: 22-003085


TRAFFIC - Johnson & California


CITED: Nicholas Gullatt, 27, 968 E 3rd st, Salem



335.09  Obstructed Plate

335.1   Expired Plate


On 3/17/2022 we saw Nicholas Gullatt operating a gray Chevy HHR southbound on Johnson rd.


The temporary tag in the back window was not immediately visible through the tint. We made a stop on the vehicle and discovered the tag to be expired over a month ago.


He was cited for an obstructed plate as well as an expired plate.



PTL. Ossler #512  03/17/2022











ARREST REPORT 03-15-2022 @ 1558 hrs

Case No: 22-003034


WARRANT - 135 East Ohio, Sebring, Ohio


ARREST: Charity Todd, 22, 38149 Salem Unity Road, Salem, Ohio


CHARGE: 2917.21(A)(1) Telecommunications Harassment / Bond $1,250


On 03/07/2022 this unit conducted a follow up at 315 West Maryland Ave.


Officer Ray #508  03/07/2022



On 03/07/2022, I, Officer Ray, conducted a follow up at 315 West Maryland Ave relating to a welfare check earlier in the day. I was able to make contact with Kolton. Kolton stated that the kids were ok, and were currently at a baby sitters house. I was able to speak to the juveniles over the phone. While at the residence Kolton stated to me that the mother of the children has been harassing him over the phone. The mother is Charity Todd, and Kolton has a no contact order against her unless she is contacting him relating the kids.


Kolton stated to me, and in a witness statement that Charity will call him multiple times and send texts to him that do not relate to the children. Kolton continued stating that Charity has even sent him pictures of her while she was at a beach.


I will speak to the prosecutor on 03/08/2022 about moving forward with charges.



Officer Ray #508   03/07/2022












ARREST REPORT 03-13-2022 @ 1129 hrs

Case No: 22-003061


TRAFFIC - 600 Block W Ohio Sebring


CITED: Kato Williams, 40, 110 9th St NE New Phila OH



ORC:4510.11  DUS

ORC:4511.12  STOP Sign


On 13Mar22 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Black Chevy Tahoe with Ohio registration (JEV9342) run the Stop Sign at W Ohio Ave and N Johnson Rd.


After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 in the 600 Block of W Ohio Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver, Kato Williams, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she stated she did not have on her person. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that he was Suspended.


Williams was cited with Ticket #032259 for DUS ORC:4510.11 Stop Sign Violation ORC:4511.12 with a court date of 12/23/2021 at 9am at MCC#3. The vehicle was then towed to Springer's Tire.




PtI. Melendez #507   03/13/2022











ARREST REPORT 03-12-2022 @ 1940 hrs

Case No: 22-003058


TRAFFIC - 14th Street Maryland Ave


CITED: Taylor Burson, 25, 136 112 South Johnson, Sebring, Ohio


CHARGE: 4510.22   DUS-Bond Forfeiture


On 03/12/2022, I, Officer Ray, responded to 14th Street and Maryland Ave, to assist Detective Reed on a traffic stop. While on scene the driver, and the passenger, were suspended. Detective Reed advised the driver to find a ride to pick them up due to the vehicle being towed. The driver contacted Taylor Burson.


Upon Taylor's arrival, I ran her through dispatch. Dispatch advised me that Taylor was also suspended.


At this point I advised Taylor that she was suspended, and that another ride was going to be needed.


Taylor contacted her sister who arrived on scene, and was a valid driver. Due to the cold weather, and juveniles being involved, I allowed her to drive Taylor's vehicle away with all parties involved.


Taylor was cited for DUS-Bond Forfeiture 4510.22, and her court date was set for 03/17/2022 at 0900 in MCC#3.


Nothing further.




Officer Ray #508   03/12/2022












ARREST REPORT 03-12-2022 @ 1922 hrs

Case No: 22-003057


TRAFFIC - 300 Block N. 14th St. Sebring, OH


Citation No. 032210: Michael Franks, 24, 16301 Bowman St., Homeworth, Oh



ORC:4510.11 Driving Under Suspension(OVI)

ORC:4503.21 Expired Registration


Citation No. 032211: Megan Cutlip, 25, 5874 Callaway Cir. Youngstown, OH


CHARGE: ORC:4511.203  Wrongful Entrustment



At 17:22 hours on 03-12-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While in the parking lot of Circle K, located at 205 E. Ohio Avenue, I conducted a random registration check of a red Ford Escape that was in the business's parking lot. The vehicle's license plate, JGK 6756, returned to a Megan Cutlip, from Youngstown, Ohio. The registration showed that it belonged on a maroon Ford station Wagon and had expired on 01-17-2022.  I then pulled into the parking lot of Gionino's Pizza, located directly across N. 14th Street from Circle K, and watched as the red Escape drove from the parking lot of Circle K and began northbound on N. 14th Street.


I then activated my patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a stop on N. 14th Street, approximately 20 yards from the intersection with E. Maryland Avenue. I made a passenger side approach and made contact with the male driver and female front seat passenger. I informed the driver of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his driver license. He at this point informed me that his driver license was suspended, with him then producing an Ohio Identification Card that showed him to be Michael Franks.


The female passenger was able to provide me with an Ohio driver license that showed her to be Megan Cutlip, the registered owner of the vehicle.  Cutlip did also say that she was aware that Franks's driving privileges were suspended when she allowed him to drive her vehicle.


Ptl. Ray also arrived to my location at around this time.


I then returned to my patrol car, where I was able to confirm that Franks was in fact under an OVI suspension. Cutlip's driving privileges were suspended as well. Once I confirmed the suspension, I returned to the subject vehicle and instructed both parties to begin calling for a ride because I was going to have the vehicle towed. I then returned to my patrol car again, where I began drafting Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032210 for Mr. Franks, which was for driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11), as well as expired vehicle registration (ORC: 4503.21). I also wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032211 to Cutlip, who was cited for Wrongful Entrustment of a Motor Vehicle (ORC: 4511.203). While writing these citations, a female subject, later identified as Taylor Burson, arrived on scene to pick up Franks and Cutlip. Ptl. Ray made contact with Burson, who was also found to have a suspended driver license.


While Ptl. Ray was handling Burson's citation, I advised dispatch to contact a towing company to tow the vehicle belonging to Cutlip. Sebring Tire was unable to respond, so K&D towing was summoned.


Ptl. Ray opted not to tow the vehicle belonging to Burson, but to instead allow her to call for a ride. I also at this point gave both Cutlip and Franks their citations, with both subjects signing them, being given their copies, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 on the next business day for information on when they would need to appear for their mandatory court appearances.


Approximately 25 minutes later, Roger Rhome, with K&D towing arrived on scene. Also arriving was a driver who came to pick up Burson, Franks, and Cutlip. Driver was determined to have a valid driver license.


An administrative inventory of vehicle belonging to Cutlip was also performed, with nothing of value being located. The vehicle was then towed to K&D's impound lot with a hold being placed.


Ptl. Ray issued a citation for Driving Under Suspension to Burson.


All parties then cleared from the scene. Nothing additional to report at this time.




Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT 03-11-2022 @ 2131 hrs

Case No: 22-003054


TRAFFIC - 14th St / Penn Ave


CITED: Tiberu Marian, 58, 519 Bonnieview Ave. Alliance. OH



4511.19a1a  OVI

4511.39     Turn Signal


On 03/11/2022 While on local saturation Patrol for the Mahoning County OVI Task Force I, patrol Brindack, was driving north bound on N 14th St. near Ohio Ave. I observed a silver in color Volkswagen Passat bearing OH HLU1137 pull out of a parking space near the Brickhouse and pull in front of my patrol car. The vehicle came to the intersection of N.14th St. and E. Pennsylvania Ave. and turn right onto Pennsylvania without using a turn signal.


I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle which continued until just before the intersection of Pennsylvania Ave and 15th St. where it came to a stop.


Upon approaching the vehicle, I made contact with the driver Tiberu Marian and identified myself and informed him of the reason for the stop which he scoffed at. Observed his eyes were glassy in appearance and slightly bloodshot. I also detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the vehicle. I asked Marian if he had any alcohol to drink tonight and he replied "one beer". 


I collected Marian driver's license and paperwork and told him I would be right back, as I was sitting in my patrol car running Marian through dispatch, he exited his vehicle and approached the rear of his vehicle. I ordered Marian to get back and his vehicle and he replied "I'm just making sure you can see my turn signals" and as he turned around to walk back to his vehicle, I noticed him stumble. At this point I Walked over to Marian and asked if he would do field sobriety tests.  Marian said he would. 



At this point Sgt. Kelm had also arrived on scene.


During the first test the horizontal gaze nystagmus, Marian advised he used glasses but only to read and had no head or eye injuries. During the medical scan I observed Marian had Equal tracking, equal pupil size, and no resting nystagmus. During the HGN Marian was instructed to put his feet together, keeps his arms at his side and to follow the stimulus which was the tip of my pen. I observed lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation in the left eye as well as onset prior to 45 degrees in his left eye, Marian was squinting his right eye the entire time making it difficult to observe and was asked to open further but continued to squint. Marian also moved his head multiple times and looked away from the stimulus multiple times.


During the "walk and turn" I instructed Marian to keep his feet together and place his arms at his side. I explained to Marian he would be taking 9 heel to toe steps in an imaginary line turn around and do 9 heel to toe steps back. I showed him an example by doing only three steps but explained to him I was taking three and he would be taking 9. Marian, During the walk and turn Marian missed touching his heels to his toes, raised his arms slightly and stumbled while walking and stepped off the line.


During the "one leg stand" I instructed Marian to put his feet together arms at his side, and informed Marian to pick a leg of his choosing either left or right and was going to raise it off of the ground and count "1 one-thousand 2 one-thousand 3 one-thousand" until told to stop. I showed Marian and example and asked if he understood. Marian put his left foot up. Said "1 one-thousand 2 one-thousand 3 one-thousand and placed his foot back down. We explained to Marian he needed to go until I said to stop. Marian began again, stumbled raised his arms for balance and then put his right foot down and raised his left foot he then counted to "6 one-thousand" and stopped. Marian swayed the entire time


At this point I advised Marian he was under arrest for suspected OVI, And placed him in handcuffs while cuffing Marian tightened his right arm and would not bring it to his left arm. Marian had to be told multiple time to bring his hands together. Marian finally complied and his cuffs were gapped and double locked.


I began walking Marian toward my cruiser and he pulled away and tried to go towards his vehicle and said "wait a minute" I held Marian in place and ordered him to stop. Marian complied and was placed in the back of my patrol vehicle. Marian refused a PBT. The passenger Cheryl Dawn Marian was given a PBT, found not to be impaired and allowed to drive the vehicle away.


Marian was transported to our station to be processed.


On station Marian was read a 2255 form and asked to submit to a chemical and breath test. Marian did submit both urine and breath, urine being first.


Ptl. Ray administered the breath test on the intoxilyzer 8000 the first BAC was 0.075 and the second was a 0.071. due to this Marian was not placed under administrative license suspension.


Marian was finger printed, photographed and given a copy of his 2255 form. Despite blowing under Marian was obviously impaired and was issued a citation for OVI ORC4511.19 (A)(1)(a) and failure to signal ORC:4511.39 and given a court date at MCCU3 of 03/17/2022.


Marian was then released to Cheryl who had returned to pick him up.












ARREST REPORT 03-10-2022 @ 1124 hrs

Case No: 22-003047




CITED: Allyson Giannone, 28, 155 S JOHNSON RD, SEBRING, OH




On 10Mar22 while on patrol for Village of Sebring I, (Ptl Melendez), observed a blue Chevy Impala with Ohio registration (HDA8240) traveling north on Johnson Rd with expired tags. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 in the 500 block of W. Virginia Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver, Allyson Giannone, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid. Giannone was cited with Ticket #032258 for Expired Tags SCO:335.10 with a Date to be set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #507  03/10/2022











ARREST REPORT 03-09-2022 @ 1739 hrs

Case No: 22-003046


TRAFFIC - 300 Blk W. Texas Ave., Sebring, Oh


CITED: James Ensinger, 64, 14408 Union Ave., N.E., Alliance, Oh


CHARGE: SCO:333.32  Speed(42/25)


At 17:39 hours on 03-09-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary in front of The F.A. Sebring Community Center, located at 306 W. Texas Avenue, I observed a silver SUV traveling eastbound on Texas Avenue a rate of that appeared to be substantially  higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 42 MPH.


As the vehicle approached closer, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop.  The vehicle, a silver Lincoln MKX, bearing Ohio Registration HTV8360, came to a complete  stop in front of the pool building. I then approached, made contact with the driver, and advised him of the reason for the stop. The driver said that he was looking down at his GPS unit and had not been  paying attention to his speed. The driver also said that he noticed his speed when he looked up as well as noticed my patrol car sitting along the roadside. I then requested his driver license, vehicle registration as well as proof of insurance.  The driver was able to produce all the requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License identifying him as James M. Ensinger.


I returned to my patrol car and drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No.032288.  I cited Mr. Ensinger for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 42 MPH in a marked 25MPH zone. I then returned to Mr. Ensinger's vehicle with him then signing the citation, being given his copy as well as instructed him to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on how to either pay the citation or contest it if he wished to do so. I then cleared from the stop.


Nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT 03-17-2022 @ 0700 hrs

Case No: 21-010112


WARRANT - 22810 Alliance Sebring Road ( Ralphs Deli)


ARREST: Brian Spinks, 36, 703 S. 14th St. Sebring, OH


Charge: 2925.11  Warrant


At 22:14 hours on 10-27-2021, I was dispatched to a report of a drug overdose at a residence in the 700 block of S. 14th Street.



Det. Reed #506












ARREST REPORT 3/6/2022 @ 16:40 hrs

Case No.: 22-003029


Traffic - South 15th Street / SR 62


CITED: Debra Hurford, 53, 2634 South 12th Street, Beloit, Ohio


Charge: SCO:333.03  Speed


On 03/06/2022 while patrolling north on 15th Street near SR 62, I, Officer Ray, observed a white vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. I activated my cruisers radar unit, and observed a loud, steady, audible tone, and I observed the radar units display showing the vehicle to be doing 57 MPH in a 35 MPH zone.


As the vehicle passed me heading south towards SR 62, I activated my overhead lights and siren, and the vehicle stopped immediately. I was unable to give dispatch the plate due to it being obstructed by rust.


I approached the vehicle, identified myself, and stated to the driver why she was stopped. I was able to identify the driver as Debra Hurford. Debra stated to me that she knew she was speeding, and was running late for dinner. Debra was cited for speed 57 MPH in a 35 MPH zone ORD:333.03. Debra was also given a warning for the obstructed plate.


Nothing further.




Officer Ray #508  3/6/2022











ARREST REPORT 3/6/2022 @ 12:30 hrs

Case No.: 22-003027


Traffic - 900 BLOCK N JOHNSON RD


CITED: Melissa Harper, 46, 7557 Creekwood Dr., North Royalton


Charge: SCO:333.03  Speed(52/35)


On 6Mar22 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a Gold Ford 4dr with Ohio Registration (EU61NY) driving south bound On N Johnson Rd at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Gold Ford at 52MPH in a 35MPH zone.


After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 in the 900 Block of N Johnson Rd.


Upon making contact with the driver, Melissa Harper, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid.


Harper was cited with Ticket #032257 for Speed 52 In a 35 SCO:333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #507  3/6/2022











ARREST REPORT 3/5/2022 @ 13:00 hrs

Case No.: 22-003023


Traffic - 100 S 12TH ST., SEBRING


CITED: Matthew Klien, 33, 438 N 15th St Sebring Ohio


Charge: ORC:4510.11  DUS


On 5Mar22 after responding to a Harassment call at 438 N 15th St., I (Ptl. Melendez), contacted Sebring Dispatch to check the driving status for Matthew Klein which came back that he was suspended.


I then left the residence and headed east on Indiana Ave to N 12th ST. After arriving at the corner of N 12th St and E Indiana Ave I observed Klein driving south on 12th ST in a blue 1994 Honda Civic. While still driving south on N 12th St I observed Klein turn right on to Baugh Ave which is a dead end. After observing the vehicle turn right I then conducted a traffic stop in my marked patrol car 304.


After conducting the traffic stop Klein Exited the vehicle and started walking towards my patrol vehicle with his hands up. I then advised Klein to turn around and he was detained.


After detaining Klein I advised him for the reason he was being detained and also the reason for the stop. Klein then advised that he knew he was suspended and also that he had a small bag of a green leafy substance in his back left pants pocket.


I then conducted a "Terry Frisk" where I found a knife in the front left pants pocket and also the green leafy substance in his back left pants pocket. I then conducted a vehicle inventory search prior to Sebring Tire tow truck arriving.


Klein was then cited with ticket number # 032256 for DUS ORC:4510.11 with a court date of 3/10/22 at 9am. The vehicle was then towed to Sebring tire and the green leafy substance was taken to be destroyed and logged into evidence.



Ptl. Melendez #507  3/5/2022











ARREST REPORT 3/4/2022 @ 11:00 hrs

Case No.: 22-003014


Traffic - 546 S Johnson Rd., Sebring, OH


CITED: Cathy Morrison, 71, 546 S. Johnson Rd., Sebring, Oh


Charge: ORC:4511.203(A)(2) Wrongful Entrustment of a Motor Vehicle (M1)


On 3/3/2022 Cathy J Morrison did knowingly let Andrew Bourgoujian, who is suspended, drive her 2018 Chevy Equinox to MCC#3 in the Village of Sebring OH.



Ptl. Melendez #507  3/4/2022











ARREST REPORT 3/3/2022 @ 10:45 hrs

Case No.: 22-003014




Cited: Andrew Bougoujian, 51, LKA 546 S. Johnson Rd., Sebring


Charge: ORC:4510.11  DUS


On 3Mar22 I (Ptl. Melendez) observed Andrew Bourgoujian enter a Green 2010 Chevy Equinox in the parking lot of MCC#3. After observing him enter the vehicle and drive away I then contacted Sebring dispatch to check Bourgoujian's driving status which came back Suspended. I then conducted a traffic stop in my marked patrol vehicle 303 in the 300 block of E Pennsylvania Ave.


Upon walking up to the vehicle I met with Bourgoujian and I advised him the reason for the Traffic Stop. I then asked Bourgoujian to exit the vehicle in which he did and he was then detained.


While conducting a "Terry Frisk" Chief Harris arrived and advised that per Judge Schiavoni of MCC#3 to bring Bourgoujian back to the court house. Bourgoujian has been cited with ticket #032254 for DUS ORC:4510.11.


Bourgoujian was then taken into custody by Mahoning County Sheriff Deputies and transported to the Mahoning County Jail.



Ptl. Melendez #507  3/3/2022











ARREST REPORT 3/5/2022 @ 01:00 hrs

Case No.: 22-002021


Warrant - 22810 Alliance-Sebring Rd., Alliance, Oh


Arrest: Sarah Drye, 34, 9 Chestnut St., Leetonia, Oh


Offense: 2925.11   Poss. Controlled Substance/F5


On 02/08/2022 units were dispatched to Rocky's drive thru for 2 individuals that were sleeping in the drive thru.




Officer Ray #508  02/08/2022











ARREST REPORT 3/3/2022 @ 09:00 hrs

Case No.: 22-003007


Warrant - MCC#3


Arrest: Brian Moore, 58, 405 W. Ohio Ave., Sebring, OH


Charge: 2923.03  Complicity (F4)  / Bond $4,000


On 2Mar22 I responded to the Lobby of the Sebring Police Department for a Theft Report.



REPORT BY Ptl. Meiendez #507 DATE 3/3/2022













ARREST REPORT  2/27/2022 @ 20:37 hrs

Case #22-002100


TRAFFIC - Ohio Ave / 18th Street


CITED: Jewel Moreno, 84, 164 Redwood Dr., Beloit, Ohio


CHARGE: 313.01 Traffic Control


On 02/27/2022, I, Officer Ray, was sitting at the intersection of Johnson and Ohio. I observed a dark colored vehicle in the east bound lane of Ohio disregard the stop sign at the intersection. I also observed the vehicle to not have a working plate light. I activated my overhead lights and siren, and was able to get the vehicle stopped at Ohio and 18th Street. I approached the vehicle, and identified myself, and also stated to the driver my reason for the stop.


The driver was identified as Jewel Moreno. Jewel stated to me that she was "praising Jesus" and that is why she did not stop. Jewel continued to state that she always sees an officer at the intersection, and she has "been waiting to be stopped".


Dispatch advised me that Jewel has been issued a citation within the past year for traffic control.


Jewel was issued a citation for traffic control device 313.01, and was given a warning for the plate light.


Nothing further.



Officer Ray #508 02/27/2022











ARREST REPORT  2/27/2022 @ 16:42 hrs

Case #22-002064




Arrest: Patsy Patterson, 68, 635 North 16th Street, Sebring, Ohio


Offense: 331.42 Littering from a motor vehicle



On 02/20/2022 this unit was dispatched to 765 North 17th Street for a vehicle throwing trash from their vehicle.



Officer Ray #508 02/20/2022











ARREST REPORT  2/26/2022 @ 19:50 hrs

Case #22-002072




Arrest: Amber Hoover-Thompson, 663 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH


Offense: SCO: 1317.01  Nuisance Property


The undersigned observed at 663 West Ohiio Avenue, that several garbage bags, lying in the snow pile, and not in a tote.


This has been an on going nuisance property.



Paul E. Freer unit #515  02/23/2022 13:55











ARREST REPORT  2/25/2022 @ 18:32 hrs

Case #21-005177




Arrest: Shawn Shuman, 43, 206 East Oregon Ave, Sebring, Ohio



2925.11 Possession of Drugs

2925.12 Possession of Drug Abuse Instruments


On this date I initiated a traffic stop that lead to seizure of Suspected Narcotics.


Ptl. Brindack #504  05/31/2021











ARREST REPORT  2/25/2022 @ 21:57 hrs

Case #22-002094


TRAFFIC - Johnson Road / Virginia Ave


CITED: Jeffery Davis, 47, 506 Courtney Road, Sebring, Ohio



4510.111  DUS Child Support

331.34(A) Failure to Control


On 02/25/2022, I Officer Ray, was dispatched to the area of north Johnson railroad tracks near Smith Township PD for a vehicle off the roadway. Sebring Street Department called in the vehicle, and stated that they did not see any occupants.


Upon my arrival I observed a black Chevy truck that went off the east side of Johnson. The vehicle was in front of Apex Control Systems, 751 North Johnson Road. There were no occupants.


I ran the plate through dispatch (JFH7401). While I was waiting on the plate return I observed the vehicle to be unlocked and a wallet sitting in the center console. Due to the circumstances, I entered the vehicle, and checked the wallet for a license. Inside the wallet I observed a license belonging to Jeffery Davis.


At this point dispatch advised the vehicle belongs to Jeffery Davis.


Dispatch advised me that Jeffery lives at 506 Courtney Road. Dispatch also advised that Jeffery was suspended.


I cleared the accident, and went to 506 Courtney Road to attempt to locate Jeffery.


Upon my arrival Jeffery was standing at the end of his driveway. I approached Jeffery and I asked him what had happened. Jeffery stated to me that the roads were covered in ice, and while he was traveling south on Johnson he lost control, and left the roadway.


I asked Jeffery if he had known he was suspended, and he stated no. After observing Jeffery to not be injured, I returned back to the accident. I offered to give Jeffery a ride back, and he refused. Instead, he chose to walk. Back at the accident Jeffery met me, and I issued him a citation for DUS Child Support 335.074, and Failure to Control 331.34(A).


Jeffery had family come pull his vehicle from the side of the road. Nothing further.



Officer Ray #508 02/26/2022











ARREST REPORT  2/24/2022 @ 10:30 hrs

Case #21-002078


TRAFFIC - 100 Block W. Michigan Ave. Sebring, Ohio


CITED: Amanda Keester, 40, 555 N. 16th St. Sehring, Ohio


CHARGE: SCO:331.13 Starting and Backing


On 24Feb22 Unit one was backing out of the driveway of 145 W Michigan Ave when it backed into Unit 2 which was parked and unoccupied.


Unit one has damage to the rear passenger side bumper and Unit two has damage to the rear driver's side bumper.



Ptl. Melendez #507  2/24/2022












ARREST REPORT  2/24/2022 @ 01:00 hrs

Case #22-002077


TRAFFIC - Courtney and Johnson


CITED: Robert Gardner, 47, 3046 Daleford Ave. NE.


CHARGE: 335.09 Expired Tags



On 02/24/2022, I, (Ptl. Stanton #505), was on patrol on Courtney Road. This was at approximately 0100 hours, and I witnessed a vehicle pass me with a noticeable white light being emitted from the rear.


Turning around at the intersection of Courtney and 12th street, I witnessed the vehicle have a broken taillight. When the vehicle engaged its brake is when the white light was emitted.


I trailed the vehicle until we were at the intersection of Courtney and Johnson where I initiated a traffic stop. Engaging my overhead lights, the vehicle pulled over, clearing the intersection.


Upon approach to the vehicle after it  stopped, I noticed the plate tag read 01-22. This was expired. I asked the driver for his license and explained the reason for the stop. Once secured I went back to my cruiser to verify the vehicle and drivers' status. The driver was valid but the vehicle was expired.


I issued the driver a warning for the brake light, citing him for the expired registration. The driver stated he was unaware of the expired tag and explained his wife lived on Courtney Rd and he was going to her house for the night.


The driver was polite and respectful toward me being very compliant.  I advised him of the registration citation and instructed him to correct it. I would not be towing his vehicle as well giving him the benefit of doubt because his compliant demeanor.


I cleared the traffic stop. The citation number is 031397 and SCO:335.09 is the Sebring Ordinance for expired tags.






Ptl. Stanton, Steven #505











ARREST REPORT  2/23/2022 @ 1330 hrs

Case #22-002073




CITED: Diane Gates, 60, 115 E. Maryland Ave. Sebring, Ohio


CHARGE: SCO:313.01  Stop Sign


On 23Feb22 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a Red Chevy Blazer with Ohio registration (HJT8943) run the Stop Sign at S. 15th St and W. Florida Ave. After observing the violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol Vehicle #302 in the 200 block of S. 15th St.


Upon making contact with the driver, Diane Gates, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid.


Gates was cited with Ticket #032252 for Stop Sign SCO:313.01 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #507  2/23/2022











ARREST REPORT  2/23/2022 @ 1612 hrs

Case #22-002074


TRAFFIC - 100 Block E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH


CITED: Andrew Rice, 39, 251 Stewart Rd., Salem, OH


CHARGE: SCO:335.10  Expired/Unlawful Plates


At 16:12 hours on 02-23-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary along the roadside at the intersection of N. Johnson Rd and W. Ohio Avenue, I conducted a random registration check of a black Chevrolet Trailblazer that traveled through the intersection.


The license plate on the vehicle, Ohio Registration HXZ 9929, returned to a black 2005 Chevrolet Station Wagon but was found to have expired on 12-08-2021. The plates returned to a Phillip Goodwin from Salem, Ohio.


Upon catching up with the vehicle at the intersection of Ohio Avenue and N. 15th Street, I activated my patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a stop in the 100 block of E. Ohio Avenue.


I made contact with the driver and informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, proof of insurance and vehicle registration. The driver produced an Ohio Driver License that identified him as Andrew J. Rice. He also produced an insurance card as well as a vehicle registration that showed the vehicle was registered to the individual advised by dispatch.


In speaking further with Rice, he said that he had bought the vehicle off of his neighbor, Phillip Goodwin, and he, through his mother, had taken care of registering the vehicle.


I then returned to my patrol car where I began writing a citation to Rice. I cited Rice for Expired or Unlawful Plates (SCO:335.10). Rice signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on how to either contest the citation or pay it if he wished to do so.


Rice was also instructed to have the vehicle properly registered before driving it again.


I then cleared from the stop. NFI




Det. Reed #506












ARREST REPORT 2/22/2022 @ 0833 hrs

Case No.: 22-00269


Traffic - U.S. 62 @ S. 15th St. Sebring, OH


CITED: Curtis Smith, 42, 546 S. Johnson Rd., Sebring, OH



ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension(Non-Compliance)

ORC 4511.39 Turn/Stop Signals


At 08:33 hours on 02-22-2022 I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302.


While patrolling eastbound on W. Texas Avenue approaching S. 15th Street, I observed a green Chevrolet Equinox, bearing Ohio Registration JMP 4875, that was traveling in front of me, fail to signal prior to 100 feet before making a right turn on S. 15th. As we traveled down S. 15th Street, I activated the patrol cars overhead emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle turned left on U.S. 62 and then came to a stop.


I then approached the vehicle and made contact with the driver, Curtis Smith. I informed Smith of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his driver license. Smith said that he did not have one and that his driving privileges were suspended. Smith was able to provide me with his social security number, as well as name and date of birth.


Upon returning to my patrol car, I relayed Smith's information to dispatch, with it being found that he was currently under seven separate license suspensions. I then drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No.032205. I cited Smith for Driving Under Suspension (ORC: 4510.11), as well as turn/stop signals (ORC: 4511.39). Ptl. Brindack also arrived to my location at approximately this time.


I then returned to the vehicle that Smith was driving and instructed him to exit. Ptl. Brindack and I conducted an inventory of the vehicle, with nothing of value being located.


Smith then signed the citation, was given his copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court No. 3 for further instructions on when to appear for his mandatory court hearing. It should be noted that in speaking with Smith, he did inform me that Cathy Morrison, the vehicle's registered owner, knew that his driving privileges were suspended before she allowed him to use the vehicle.


Sebring Tire then arrived and towed the vehicle to their impound lot. Because I planned on citing Morrison for Wrongful Entrustment a hold was placed on it. Once Sebring Tire towed the vehicle, both units cleared from the stop.


After clearing from the traffic stop, I returned to the police station briefly before going to Cathy Morrison's residence, located at 546 S, Johnson Road. Upon making contact with Morrison, I informed her that her vehicle had been towed because Smith was driving it with a suspended license. When I asked Morrison if she was aware that Smith's license was suspended, she stated "I think I did". Morrison was then issued Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032206.1 cited Morrison for Wrongful Entrustment of a Motor Vehicle (ORC: 4511.203(A)(2)). Morrison signed the citation, was given her copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for further instructions on when to appear for her mandatory court hearing. I also advised Morrison that a hold had been placed on her vehicle until at least her first court appearance and that it had been towed to Sebring Tire, located at 10 N. 12th Street. I then cleared from the residence. Nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT 2/22/2022 @ 0900 hrs

Case No.: 22-002069




CITED: Cathy Morrison, 71, 546 S. Johnson Rd., Sebring, OH


CHARGE: ORC: 451 1.203(A)(2)Wrongful Entrustment


At 08:33 hours on 02-22-2022 I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302.


While patrolling eastbound on W. Texas Avenue approaching S. 15th Street, I observed a green Chevrolet Equinox, bearing Ohio Registration JMP 4875, that was traveling in front of me, fail to signal prior to 100 feet before making a right turn on S. 15th. As we traveled down S. 15th Street, I activated the patrol cars overhead emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle turned left on U.S. 62 and then came to a stop.


I then approached the vehicle and made contact with the driver, Curtis Smith. I informed Smith of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his driver license. Smith said that he did not have one and that his driving privileges were suspended. Smith was able to provide me with his social security number, as well as name and date of birth.


Upon returning to my patrol car, I relayed Smith's information to dispatch, with it being found that he was currently under seven separate license suspensions. I then drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No.032205. I cited Smith for Driving Under Suspension (ORC: 4510.11), as well as turn/stop signals (ORC: 4511.39). Ptl. Brindack also arrived to my location at approximately this time.


I then returned to the vehicle that Smith was driving and instructed him to exit. Ptl. Brindack and I conducted an inventory of the vehicle, with nothing of value being located.


Smith then signed the citation, was given his copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court No. 3 for further instructions on when to appear for his mandatory court hearing. It should be noted that in speaking with Smith, he did inform me that Cathy Morrison, the vehicle's registered owner, knew that his driving privileges were suspended before she allowed him to use the vehicle.


Sebring Tire then arrived and towed the vehicle to their impound lot. Because I planned on citing Morrison for Wrongful Entrustment a hold was placed on it. Once Sebring Tire towed the vehicle, both units cleared from the stop.


After clearing from the traffic stop, I returned to the police station briefly before going to Cathy Morrison's residence, located at 546 S, Johnson Road. Upon making contact with Morrison, I informed her that her vehicle had been towed because Smith was driving it with a suspended license. When I asked Morrison if she was aware that Smith's license was suspended, she stated "I think I did". Morrison was then issued Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032206.1 cited Morrison for Wrongful Entrustment of a Motor Vehicle (ORC: 4511.203(A)(2)). Morrison signed the citation, was given her copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for further instructions on when to appear for her mandatory court hearing. I also advised Morrison that a hold had been placed on her vehicle until at least her first court appearance and that it had been towed to Sebring Tire, located at 10 N. 12th Street. I then cleared from the residence. Nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT 2/20/2022 @ 1717 hrs

Case No.: 22-002065




CITED: Steven Finnegin, 28, 335 E. Indiana Ave., Sebring


CHARGE: 335.1 Improper Plates



Officer Ray #508










ARREST REPORT 2/19/2022 @ 1745 hrs

Case No.: 22-002061


Traffic - Courtney Rd @Allied Dr. Sebring, OH


CITED: Benjamin Sparks, 18, 18220 5th Street Beloit, OH


CHARGE: SCO: 333.03  Speed (59/35)


At 17:45 hours on 02-19-2022, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While parked Parallel to Courtney Rd. in the loading bay at Famous Distribution, (350 Courtney Road), I observed a westbound Chevrolet Equinox, blue in color, that appeared to be traveling at a speed that was substantially higher than the posted 35 MPH limit.


Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 59 MPH. I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and attempted to initiate a traffic stop. Due to the speed that the vehicle was traveling allowing it to gain a substantial amount of distance from me, I also activated the patrol cars audible siren.


The driver of the vehicle then appeared to notice that I was behind him, with him coming to a stop on Courtney Road, approximately 1/10 mile west of N. Johnson. As I pulled up onto the vehicle, I noticed Ohio Registration HWC 2036 was affixed to the back. Upon making contact with the driver, I introduced myself as well as informed him of the reason for the stop. The driver informed me that he was looking for his glasses, was on his way to get feed for his chickens, and had not noticed.


I then requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver handed me an Ohio Driver License that identified him as Benjamin Sparks, as well as the vehicle's registration. Sparks was unable to provide me with a copy of the vehicle's insurance information.


I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032204. Sparks was cited for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 59 MPH in the marked 35 zone. Sparks signed the citation, was given his copy, and instructed to call Mahoning County Court #3 on the next business day for information on his mandatory court appearance.


I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT 2/19/2022 @ 1030 hrs

Case No.: 22-002054


Traffic - 200 Block of N. Johnson Rd.


CITED: Meropi Steve, 19, 929 Devine St. Alliance, OH


CHARGE: SCO:331.34(A) Failure to Control


Unit 2 Was at a complete stop at the intersection of N Johnson Rd and W Ohio Ave facing Northbound on Johnson Rd when he was hit from the rear by Unit 1.


Unit two has no damage on the rear bumper.


Unit one has damage to the front bumper and hood.



REPORT BY Ptl Melendez #507 DATE 2/19/2022











ARREST REPORT 2/17/2022 @ 1030 hrs

Case No.: 22-002050


Traffic - 100 Block W California Ave


CITED: Donald McCaughtry, 71, 70 Rocky Ledge Dr., Struthers, Oh


CHARGE: SCO:335.10  Expired Tags


On 17Feb22 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I, (Ptl. Melendez), observed a Gray 2007 BMW with Ohio registration (EOL3800) driving West bound on W California Ave at S 16th St with Expired Tags. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol Vehicle 302 in the 100 block of West California Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver, Donald McCaughtry, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid. McCaughtry was cited with Ticket #032200 for Expired Tags SCO: 335.10 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #507  02/17/2022











ARREST REPORT 2/17/2022 @ 1030 hrs

Case No.: 22-002050




ARREST: Emily Oakes, 22, 515 Sunset Blvd. Canton, OH



ORC:2903.11 Felonious Assault - Weapon or Ordnance (F-2)

ORC:2911.21 Criminal Trespass - Land Premises of Another (M-4)


COURT: MCC#3 02/24/2022 @ 0900


REPORT BY Ptl. Melendez DATE 02-17-2022


On 09/10/2021, this unit was dispatched to Sebring PD for an unknown property damage report.



Officer Ray #511 09/12/2021











ARREST REPORT  2/12/2022 @ 1527 hrs

Case NO.: 22-002038


Criminal - 196 West Pennsylvania Ave


WARRANT/ARREST: Joseph Wright, 38, 22669 Railroad Street, Alliance, Ohio


OFFENSE: 2925.11 Possession of Drugs


Court: 2/17/2022 @ 0900



Date 02/12/2022 19:19 Officer Reed


At 1557 hours on 02-12-2022, a male subject was taken into custody on an active warrant in the 100 block of W. Pennsylvania Avenue when he was found to have methamphetamine in his possession.













ARREST REPORT  2/8/2022 @ 1629 hrs

Case NO.: 22-002021


Criminal - 4 South 15th Street, Sebring, Oh


ARREST: Brian Spinks, 36, 703 South 14th Street, Sebring, Ohio


OFFENSE: 2925.11C6 Possession of Drugs - Heroin


On 02/08/2022 units were dispatched to Rocky's drive thru for 2 individuals that were sleeping in the drive thru.



Officer Ray #508 02/08/2022











ARREST REPORT  2/4/2022 @ 1507 hrs

Case NO.: 22-001071




ARREST: Tiffany Jakubisn, 39, 335 West Oregon Ave, Sebring, Ohio



2903.22(A)     Menacing M-4 / Bond $500

2921.31           Obstructing Official Business M-2 / Bond $1,000

2921.13(A)(2) Falsification M-1 / Bond $1,250

2921.13(A)(3) Falsification M-1 / Bond $1,250

2927.12           Ethnic Intimidation M-3 / Bond $750


On 01/25/2022 I, Officer Ray, spoke to the village prosecutor about charges on Tiffany Jakubisn for 2903.22 Menacing,  2927.12 Ethnic Intimidation, 2921.13(A)(2) 2921.13(A)(3) and 2921.31(A) Obstructing Official Business.


The Prosecutor agreed to the charges, and the charges will be filed against Tiffany.


Nothing further at this time.



Officer Ray #508  01/25/2022












ARREST REPORT 2/4/2022 @ 1130 hrs

Case # 22002007


SUMMONS - 135 E. Ohio Ave.


ARREST: Jeffery Ghent, 21, 295 1/2 W Maryland Ave, Sebring, OH


CHARGE: 2917.11 Disorderly Conduct


COURT: MCC#3 02/10/2022 @ 0900


On this date units responded to 756 N. 27th St. for a disturbance.


Ptl. Brindack #504











ARREST REPORT 1/31/2022 @ 1618 hrs

Case # 22-001089


TRAFFIC - Courtney Road / l2th Street


CITED: Joseph Barcey, 46, 468 W. Oxford St., Alliance, Oh



313.01  Traffic Control

331.16  ROW at Intersection

335.1   Improper Plates


On 01/31/2022, I Officer Ray, was requested by Smith Township to respond to an accident on North 12th Street at Courtney Road.


Upon my arrival I observed 2 vehicles in the field on the north west side of the intersection. I made contact with unit 1 (Braden Mazzei). Braden stated that he was traveling on the north bound lane of 12th street when unit 2 (Joseph Darcey) disregarded the stop-sign on Courtney. Unit 2 entered into the intersection and was struck by unit 1. 


I attempted to speak to Joseph in the back of the ambulance, but he was confused, and did not know what happened. Joseph stated to medics that the year was 2020 and that Donald Trump was president.


Due to Joseph being transported to Aultman I was unable to issue his citation but his wife

agreed to pick up the citation on 02/01/2022.  Joseph is being cited for Traffic Control 313.01, ROW at intersection 331.16, and Improper Plates 335.10.



Officer Ray #508











ARREST REPORT 1/31/2022 @ 1722 hrs

Case # 22-001090


TRAFFIC - S . Johnson Ave @ W. Geogia Ave.


CITED: Patrick Lee, 38, 18410 5th St., Beloit


CHARGE: SCO 331.17 Improper Left Turn


On 1/31/2022 I was dispatched to the intersection of W. Georgia Ave. and S. Johnson Rd. for a minor vehicle accident.


Upon arrival I made contact with Patrick Lee.  Patrick stated he was attempting to turn left onto W. Georgia Ave. where his flatbed truck struck the vehicle stopped at the stop sign.  I then spoke to the driver of the other vehicle involved identified as Samuel Mathias.  Samuel stated he was stopped at the stop sign at the intersection of W. Georgia Ave. and S. Johnson Rd. when a flat bed truck turned too sharp and struck his pickup truck.


Patrick was cited for improper left turn SCO 331.17 and advised his court date was to be set at a later date.


I then cleared.




Sgt. Kelm #503  01/31/2022











ARREST REPORT 1/28/2022 @ 2055 hrs

Case # 22-001082


TRAFFIC - Ohio and Johnson


CITED: Austin Grooms, 23, 176 Indiana Ave., Sebring, Oh


CHARGE: 335.07  Driving under Suspension


On 01/28/2022, I (Ptl. Stanton), witnessed a silver Ford 150 cross over Johnson Rd, traveling east on Ohio Ave. The vehicle had a noticeable tail light that was broken emitting white light to the rear. 


I initiated a traffic stop and met with Austin Grooms. I explained the reason for stopping the vehicle and ran Austins Drivers License. Ai this time I noticed the license was a State I.D..  I asked about this to Austin and he explained he was suspended.


At this time Sebring Dispatch also advised he was suspended.


I issued Austin a citation for D.U.S. - SORD - 335.07. Giving him a warning for the broken tail-light. Austin had family secure the vehicle and they drove it away. Austin is to appear in court with a court date to be set by Sebring Mahoning Count Court #3.





Ptl. Stanton #505  01/28/2022











ARREST REPORT  1/23/2022 @ 1230 hrs

Case # 22-001065


TRAFFIC - 200 Block E Ohio Ave Sebring Ohio


CITED: Joseph Donaldson, 49, 1841 S. Seneca Ave., Alliance, Oh


CHARGE: ORC: 4510.11 DUS


On 23Jan22 While patrolling the Village of Sebring, I, (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Black 2005 Ford Taurus (GCN6878) driving Eastbound on E Ohio Ave with snow covering every window except for the front windshield which is obstructed View. After observing the violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 304 in front of Circle-K at 205 E Ohio Ave.  


Upon making contact with the driver, Joseph Donaldson, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for identification which he provided.


After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was Suspended. Donaldson was cited with Ticket #032199 tor DUS ORC: 4510.11 with a court date of 2/03/2022 for 9am at MCC#3.



Ptl. Melendez #507  1/23/2022











ARREST REPORT  1/22/2022 @ 1811 hrs

Case # 22-001063


TRAFFIC - 100 Block W California Ave.


CITED: Scott Hughes, 64, 27278 Lakeside Dr., Beloit, Oh



ORC: 4511.19(A)(1)(a) OVI (Under Influence) (M-1) Bond-$500


ORC: 4511.19(A)(1)(d) OVI (Over .08 Less Than .17 (M-1)   Bond-$500


ORC:45511.21 Speed (39/25) (MM)


COURT: MCC#3 01-27-2022


REPORT MADE BY Det. Reed #506 DATE 01-22-2022











ARREST REPORT  1/21/2022

Case # 22-001060


TRAFFIC - 200 Block N. 12th St., Sebring, Oh


CITED: Melonie Copen, 38, 29546 Salem-Alliance Rd. Salem Oh


CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired License Plates


At 16:15 hours on 01-21-2022 I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302.  While traveling eastbound in the turning lane on E. Ohio Avenue at N. 12th Street waiting for the light to turn green, I observed a tan Chevrolet Prism that was traveling southbound on N. 12th Street travel into the intersection before slamming its brakes due to the light having changed.  The vehicle then backed up to the stop bar of the intersection. It should be noted that the intersection had vehicles attempting to enter at the time this occurred.


Once I was able to proceed into the intersection I turned my patrol car around so as to position myself behind the vehicle. When the light turned green, I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, bearing Ohio Registration

HXL 3086.


Upon making contact with the driver she immediately stated she thought it was flashing yellow. The driver then provided me with her driver license, which identified her as Melonie Copen, the registered owner of the vehicle. Also present in the vehicle was a Charles Copen who was sitting in the front passenger seat.


Once back at my patrol car, I relayed the information of both of the vehicles occupants to dispatch with it being advised that the license plates of the vehicle had been expired since 11/20/2021. 


Charles was found to have two active warrants for his arrest but was out of pick-up radius.


Ptl. Ray arrived at approximately this time with the two of us approaching the vehicle. I approached from the driver side and Ptl. Ray approached from the passenger side. In speaking with Melonie, she informed me that she knew her tags were expired and that she had received a warning from another police officer several weeks prior.


I also at point detected the odor of raw marijuana from inside of the vehicle. When I asked Melonie about this she said that she had a marijuana card and the she was unsure of what was inside of the vehicle.


A probable cause search as well as administrative inventory of the vehicle was conducted with nothing of value nor any contraband being located. I then returned to my patrol car where I wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032122 to Copen. I cited Copen for expired license plates (SCO: 335.10). Copen also received a verbal warning for stopping within intersection.


Sebring Tire then arrived on scene and towed the vehicle to their impound lot. 


Copen signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for instruction on when to appear for her court appearance.  Both units then cleared from the stop.


Nothing additional to report at this time.


Det. Reed #506












ARREST REPORT  1/20/2022

Case # 22-001006


WARRANT - Oakridge motel 20400 Harrisburg-Westville Rd


Arrest: Robert Pelekoudas, 55, 1120 Glenwood Dr., Alliance


Charge: 2903.22 Menacing   -  Bond $500


Court: MCC#3 01/27/2022 @ 0900












ARREST REPORT  1/20/2022

Case # 21-002084




ARREST: Diamond Boitnott, 27, 165 Johnson Rd., Sebring, Oh


CHARGE: ORC: 2911.13(A) Attempted Breaking And Entering - Bond $1,250


On Friday, February 19, 2021, Patrolman Marchionda was dispatched to the 100 block of S. Johnson Rd., reference a report of a suspicious female knocking on doors.


Report by Ptl. Melendez #507  1/20/2022











ARREST REPORT  1/16/2022

Case # 22-001047


TRAFFIC - SR 62 / Johnson Rd


CITED: Jennifer Dennison, 39, 748 South Haines Ave, Alliance


CHARGE: 333.03  Speed


On 01/16/2022, I, Officer Ray, had just turned into the east bound lane of SR 62 from South Johnson. As I was patrolling east, I observed a black SUV traveling at a high rate of speed while in Sebring jurisdiction. I activated my cruisers radar unit, and I observed a loud, steady, audible tone, and the unit's display showed the vehicle traveling at 70 MPH.


I activated my cruisers overhead lights, siren and was able to get the vehicle stopped in the parking lot of Bann Thai. I approached the vehicle, identified myself to the driver, and stated why they were stopped. The driver was identified as Jennifer Dennison (RQ320637).


Jennifer stated that she thought the speed limit was 65 MPH.


Jennifer was issued a citation for speed 333.03 70 MPH in a 55 MPH zone.


Nothing further.




Officer Ray #508  01/16/2022











ARREST REPORT  1/15/2022 @ 1217 hrs

Case # 22-001041


TRAFFIC - 900 Block N Johnson Rd


CITED: Kelly-Jo Hockstra, 42, 6650 Holly Dr. West Olive, Michigan


Charge: SCO: 333.03  Speed (51Mph/35Mph)


On 15Jan21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I, (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Gold 2011 Chevy Truck with Michigan Registration (EBQ2405) driving South bound on N Johnson Rd at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Chevy Truck at 51MPH in a 35MPH zone. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 in the 900 Block of N Johnson Rd.


Upon making contact with the driver Kelly Jo Hoekstra, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid. Hoekstra was cited with Ticket #032198 for Speed 51 In a 35 SCO:333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #507 1/15/2022











ARREST REPORT  1/14/2022 @ 1830 hrs

Case # 22-001039


TRAFFIC - S Johnson Rd @ W California Ave


Cited: Paula Hartzell, 66, 1005 Lake Park Blvd., Sebring, Oh


Charge: SCO: 313.01 Stop Sign Violation


On 14Jan22 While conducting OVI Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I, (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Red 2010 Jeep Commander with Ohio Registration (GLA5486) driving west bound on W Ohio Ave and run the Stop sign on W Ohio at N Johnson Road. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 on S Johnson Road at W California Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver, Paula Hartzell, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid.


Hartzell was cited with Ticket #032197 for Stop Sign Violation SCO: 313.01 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #507 1/14/2022











ARREST REPORT  1/13/2022 @ 0900 hrs

Case # 22-001034


CRIMINAL - Mahoning County Jail 110 5th Ave. Youngstown


Arrest: Andrey Lyogky, 23, 1534 Lake Center St. NW Uniontown, Oh



ORC:2909.02(A)(l)  Aggravated Arson (F-1)

ORC:2921.12(A)(1)  Tampering With Evidence (F-3)

ORC:2913.02(A)(1)  Theft (M1)


On 01-11-2022 I was informed of a burglary and arson at a business in the 20000 block of Harrisburg Westville Rd.



Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT 1/10/2022 @ 0725 hrs

Case #22-012028


CRIMINAL - 20040 Harrisburg Westville Rd, Alliance Oh


Arrest: Andrey Lyogky, 23, 1534 Lake Center St. NW Uniontown, OH



2911.12 Burglary

2911.21 Tresspass


Court: 1/13/2022 @ 0900



On this date units responded to reports of an unwanted person at Oakridge Motel room #30.


On arrival K9 Ptl. Stanton and myself were met by the caller and worker at Oakridge motel. She said that she noticed a male was in room #30 and that no one was renting that room and nobody should be inside. She was unsure if the person was still inside and she thought he fled through the back window. She also said she believed it was a male was a male named Andrey Lyogky who was previously  trespassed at Oakridge the day prior and had to be told to leave by officers.


She also stated they wanted charges on whomever was inside.


I asked if she had a key to the room. She stated they did have a key but the door was deadbolted from the inside.


I advised her we could force entry with her permission. She said that was okay with that.


Officer forced entry and due to this being an unknown threat situation I drew my service weapon for the search of the room. 


Upon entering the room Andrey was found inside on the bed covered in blankets with just a small portion of his head visible. I ordered Andrey to show us his hands and he did not comply. I ordered him to show us his hands a second time and he complied.


Andrey was handcuffed by K9 Ptl. Stanton and placed in the back of patrol car #304. The room was searched and nothing was found to be stolen or out of place and no contraband was found. The rear window was open which is how Andrey made entry.


Andrey was charged with 2911.12 Burglary, a felony in the fourth degree, and 2911.21 criminal trespass a misdemeanor in the fourth degree. Andrey was read Miranda and advised he did not wish to speak with officers but did say at one point "it was too cold to be outside". Andrey was transported to our station, processed and transported to Mahoning County Jail by K9 Ptl. Stanton without incident. Andrey's court date will be at MCC#3 on 01/13/2022.



Ptl. Brindack 504  01/10/2022

Ptl. Stanton #505  0l/l0/2022












ARREST REPORT 1/09/2022 @ 1940 hrs

Case #22-001012


Traffic - Stark County Jail


Cited: Joshua Homan, 37, 844 Haines Ave., Alliance, Oh



4511.21   Speed

2521.3318 Failure to Comply

2521.3318 Reckless Operation


On 01/04/2022, I, Officer Ray, along with Sgt. Kelm, were requested to assist Alliance PD with a pursuit.


Alliance advised Sebring dispatch that the vehicle was traveling east on 62. The vehicle turned south onto 15th street. As I was traveling south on 15th I observed Alliance PD in pursuit so I turned around on Georgia.


I activated my lights and siren, and waited at Georgia / 15th for the vehicle to pass with Alliance PD. I observed a white truck traveling at a dangerous speed. The vehicle turned down California Ave. and at this point I advised dispatch of the direction.


Sgt. Kelm was the last cruiser to pass me and I got behind him. The vehicle turned down 17th Street, and quickly turned onto New York. The vehicle continued down New York at a high rate of speed. As the vehicle approached Johnson I observed the vehicle disregard the stop sign. Should be noted there were vehicles also traveling on Johnson at that time.


The vehicle continued to travel north on Johnson, and approached the intersection of Ohio. The vehicle again disregarded the stop sign. Sgt. Kelm, and I terminated the pursuit due to the vehicle turning on to Ohio west bound.


The driver was identified has Joshua Homan and his truck was a 1999 white Ford (JHS8561).


Joshua was issued a citation for Failure to Comply 2521.331B, Speed 65 in a 25 MPH 4511.21, and Reckless Operation 4511.20. The citation was given to a deputy at Stark County Jail and I was not able to personally give Joshua the citation due to him being in the jail.



Officer Ray #508  1/09/2022











ARREST REPORT 1/09/2022 @ 1326 hrs

Case #22-001024


Traffic - 900 Block N Johnson Rd


CITED: Zachary Richards, 20, 11813 Johnson Rd Beloit, Oh


Charge: SCO:335.10 Expired / Fictitious Plates


On 9Jan22 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I, (Ptl. Melendez), observed a Blue Audi with Pennsylvania Registration (UB1616) driving North bound On N Johnson Rd. I then ran the Pennsylvania plates which came back expired. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 in the 900 block of N Johnson Rd.


Upon making contact with the driver, Zachary Richards, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was Suspended with Privileges. Richards did show proof of his Privileges and he also showed proof that he had just purchased the vehicle 1/8/2022 with his title.


Richards was advised that he needs to get the plates changed into his name immediately. Richards was cited with Ticket #0322196 for Fictitious plates/ Expired plates SCO: 335.10 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.


Ptl. Melendez #507  1/9/2022











ARREST REPORT 1/06/2022 @ 1848 hrs

Case #22-001016


Traffic - W Ohio at 20th


CITED: Jeremie Mummert, 45, 345 N 15th st. , Sebring



4511.19A2 OVI

4511.202A Reasonable Control

4511.12A  Obedience to Traffic Control Device


On the date and time listed We conducted a traffic stop that led to an OVI arrest.


PTL. Ossler

Det. Reed











ARREST REPORT 1/06/2022 @ 0930 hrs

Case #22-012026


WARRANT - 606 E. Ohio Ave., (MCC#3)


Arrest: Dennis Warne, 51, 12901 Baywood St SE, Minerva



ORC:2923.12(A)(2) Carrying Concealed Weapons(F4)

ORC:2923.15       Using Weapons While Intoxicated(M1)

ORC:2921.33       Resisting Arrest(M2)

ORC:2921.31       Obstructing Official Business(F5)


On 12/10/2021 units were dispatched to 515 North 19th Street for a suicidal male who was intoxicated, and had a loaded firearm.



Officer Ray #508  12/10/2021











ARREST REPORT 1/04/2022 @ 1609 hrs

Case #22-001009


TRAFFIC - Courtney Road / South Johnson


Cited: Christopher Oliver, 23, 1429 5th Ave, Huntington 25701


Charge: 331.22 Failure to Yield ROW


On 01/04/2022, I, Officer Ray, was dispatched to the intersection of South Johnson and Courtney Road for a 3 car accident with injuries.


Upon my arrival Sebring FD was already on scene, and had placed Kelly Devitt (unit 2) into the ambulance for her to be transported. I made contact with Christopher Oliver (unit 1). Christopher stated that he stopped at the stop sign, and when he checked for oncoming traffic he stated that he did not see any vehicles. At that point Christopher stated he entered into the intersection, and was struck by unit 1 on the driver side back tire.


Christopher stated that his vehicle continued forward, striking unit 3 (Douglas Miller). Unit 3 was struck at the driver side door.


I spoke to a passenger in unit 1. Evan stated that he was looking at his phone and did not witness the accident. I spoke to Douglas Miller, and he stated that he was not paying attention to the accident. I was unable to make contact with Kelly to get her side of the story.


Christopher was issued a citation for Failure to Yield ROW 331.22



Officer Ray #508  1/4/2022











ARREST REPORT 1/03/2022 @ 1950 hrs

Case #22-001009


TRAFFIC - 15th Street / Texas Ave


CITED: Bruce Rodkey, 45, 11360 Johnson Ave NE



335.01(a)  No Drivers License

331.14     Failure to Signal

4510.11(B) Violation of Restriction


On 01/03/2022,1 Officer Ray, was sitting in the parking lot of Huntington Bank when I observed a GMC SUV drive past on Ohio Ave, and get into the turn lane at the intersection of 15th Street. At the time I also did not observe the vehicle to have a plate light. I pulled out of the parking lot and got behind the vehicle that still did not have a turn signal on.


Should be noted that at this point the vehicle was already at a complete stop. As I stopped my cruiser behind the vehicle the light at the intersection turned green, and then the turn signal was activated. The vehicle approached the intersection of 15th and Oregon and that light had turned yellow. The vehicle traveled through the intersection, but I was delayed by the red light.


The light turned green, and I activated my over head lights, and siren, and got the vehicle to stop at Texas Ave.


I approached the vehicle, and identified the driver as Bruce Rodkey, I stated to Bruce that I was stopping him for not using his turn signal 100 feet prior to his turn, and that his plate light was hanging off of the truck, and that it was not shining light on to his plate.


Bruce began to be hostile with me stating that he used his turn signal. He argued that the law does not state 100 feet, and he stated that he had planned to drive straight and that prompted me to ask why he was in the turn lane.


I asked Bruce for his drivers license and the vehicle's registration. Neither document was able to be provided. I returned to my cruiser, and asked dispatch for the registered owners information. Dispatch advised me that Bruce was restricted to daylight driving.


Should be noted that my time of stop was at 19:50 and it was dark.


I returned to Bruce and stated to him that he was being cited for the restriction, and again he began to argue with me stating that it was an issue with the BMV. I stated to him that I go off of what I am told by my dispatcher and that I was not the BMV. I stated to Bruce that I was not the court and to stop arguing.


Bruce stated that I never gave him a reason for the stop, and I repeated that he was stopped for not using his turn signal. Bruce then stated "why did it take you so long to stop me" and I advised him that he went through the intersection on yellow and I stopped at the red light. In that same sentence Bruce argued that I ran the red light. Should be noted that Officer Ossler was sitting at that same intersection and observed me stopping at the light. Officer Ossler will be doing a supplement.


Due to Bruce continuing to argue with me over the traffic stop, I advised him that I would be back. I returned to my cruiser and added the failure to signal on the citation.


I returned to Bruce, and stated that the failure to signal was now added, and I continued by asking him if he was going to sign the citation. Bruce agreed. While signing the citation, Bruce began to question why the traffic stop took so long and I advised him that due to him not providing any information to me in the form of a license or the registration that I had to call dispatch for them to read me all the information.


Bruce was cited for Violation of Restriction 4510.11(8), Failure to signal 331.14, and No drivers license 335.01(a).



Officer Ray #508











ARREST REPORT  1/1/2022 @ 1804 hrs

Case #21-012074




ARRESTED: Desiree Collins, Age 22

13910 Francis Ave. Alliance, Ohio 44601 W-\RRAST NO WARRANT DATE ILJa-LuL I



F-5 Theft (Protected Class) ORC: 2913.02(A)(l)


M-1 Receiving Stolen Property ORC: 2913.51(A)


Victim is elderly person or disabled adult


Court: MCC#3 1/6/2021 @ 0900 hrs


At 1650 hours on 12-23-2021, I responded to a theft report at a residence in the 100 block of E. Oregon Ave.


REPORT MADE BY Det Reed #506 DATE 01-01-2021











ARREST REPORT  12/29/2021 @ 1835 hrs

Case #21-012093




ARREST: Michael Brockett, Age 45

216 W. Ohio Ave. Apt. 212 Sebring


Charge: 2919.25(A)  Domestic Violence(M1)

Domestic Violence Knowingly Cause Physical Harm


At 18:20 hours on 12-29-2021, I responded to a report of a domestic at a residence in the 200 block of W. Ohio Avenue.


REPORT MADE BY Det Reed #506 DATE 12-29-2021











ARREST REPORT  12/30/2021 @ 1600 hrs

Case #21-012092




CITE: Amber Hoover-Thompson, Age 34

663 W Ohio Ave Sebring


Offense: 1217.01 Nuisance Property(M4)


The undersigned was advised by Officer Melendez, on December 23,2021 that 663 West Ohio Avenue, had not cleaned up the property and sent the undersigned photos of the nuisance property.


Paul E. Freer unit 515

Code Enforcement Officer











ARREST REPORT  12/26/2021 @ 2224 hrs

Case #21-012081




Cited: Briana Hunt, Age 19

1350 Mishler Street Apt C


Charge: 313.01 Traffic Control Device


On 12/26/2021, I Officer Ray, while sitting in the Huntington bank parking lot, observed a red vehicle disregard the flashing traffic signal at the intersection of Ohio Ave and 15th Street. I did not observe any brake lights or the vehicle slowing down.


I activated my overhead lights, siren, and was able to get the vehicle stopped near 16th street.  After approaching the driver and stating why she was stopped the driver was identified as Briana Hunt. Briana stated to me that she was not paying attention. Briana was issued a citation for Traffic Control Device 313.01.


Nothing further.




Officer Ray #508 12/26/2021











ARREST REPORT  12/19/2021 @ 2252 hrs

Case #21-012060


CITATION - Ohio / 16th


Cited: David Moser, Age 54

1005 Lake Park Blvd Lot 75


Charge: 313.01 Traffic Control Device


On 12/19/2021, I Officer Ray, was turning my cruiser around in the parking lot Huntington bank when I observed a blue Jetta disregard the flashing traffic control signal at the intersection of Ohio and 15th Street. I activated my overhead lights and siren, and was able to stop the vehicle near Street.


I approached the vehicle, and identified the driver as David Moser. David stated that he did not realize he drove through the intersection. David continued to state that he had just woken up, and was heading to work.


David was issued a citation for Traffic Control Device 313.01.



Officer Ray #508  12/19/2021











ARREST REPORT  12/16/2021 @ 0831 hrs

Case #21-012039


TRAFFIC - 300 Block W Ohio Ave


Cited: Brittany Baum, Age 31

631 W Oregon Ave



ORC: 4511.12 Stop Sign

ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension


On 16Dec21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Burgundy GMC Sierra with Ohio registration (JMP4858) run the Stop Sign at N 19th St at W Ohio Ave. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 in the 300 Block of W Ohio Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver, Brittany Baum, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was Suspended.


Baum was citied with Ticket #032194 for DUS ORC: 4510.11 Stop Sign Violation ORC: 4511.12 with a court date of 12/23/2021 at 9am at MCC#3. The vehicle was then towed to Springer's Tire.



Ptl. Melendez #507  12/16/2021











ARREST REPORT  12/17/2021 @ 2123 hrs

Case #21-012045


CITATION - East Ohio / 12th Street


Cited: Joseph Davis, Age 26

111 East Texas Ave OH


Charge: 335.1  Improper Plates


On 12/17/2021, I Officer Ray, while sitting at the intersection of East Ohio Ave and 12th Street, observed a blue Chrysler on the west bound lane of Ohio, drive through the red light. I activated my overhead lights, and siren, and was able to get the vehicle stopped in front of Sebring FD.


I approached the vehicle, and identified the driver as Joseph Davis. Joseph stated that he looked down to grab something, and when he looked back up the light was red. He stated that he did not want to "slam on the brakes".


Dispatch advised me that the vehicle registration has been expired since 11/17/2021.


Joseph was cited for improper plates 335.10 and received a verbal warning for traffic control device.


Nothing further at this time.



Officer Ray #508  12/17/2021











ARREST REPORT 12-14-2021 @ 1525hrs

Case No: 21-012035


CITATION - 12th Street/Oregon Ave


Cited: Elizabeth Everhart, 25, 31 Cedarwood Drive, Beloit, Oh


Charge: 335.10 Improper Plates


On 12/14/2021, I Officer Ray, was running stationary radar on 12th Street. I observed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. I activated my radar unit, and observed a loud, steady, audible tone.


When I checked the radar unit's display, I observed the vehicle traveling at 48 MPH in a 35 MPH zone.


I activated my overhead lights and siren, and was able to stop the vehicle near the railroad tracks on 12th Street.


As I approached the vehicle, I observed the registration sticker to be expired since August. I made contact with the driver, Elizabeth Everhart. Elizabeth stated that she was not aware of how fast she was going. Elizabeth also stated that she did not have the registration for the vehicle.


I checked through dispatch to make sure the plates were expired, and dispatch advised that they were expired.


I asked Elizabeth if she could find a ride, because the vehicle will be towed. I handed Elizabeth her citation for the expired plates.


Elizabeth had a friend come pick her up. At that point I notified dispatch that I would need a tow. I conducted an inventory of the vehicle, and found misc items/nothing of value.


Springers arrived on scene, and towed the vehicle. Nothing further at this time.


Elizabeth was cited for Improper Plates 335.10




Officer Ray #508  12/14/2021











ARREST REPORT 12-08-2021 @ 1925hrs

Case No: 21-012019




WARRANT/ARREST: Deborah Reeve, 66, 236 Alabama Ave., Sebring, Oh


Charge: 2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substances (F-5)


On 12/8/2021 Det. Reed and I responded to 236 Alabama Ave. Apt. 11 to serve an arrest warrant on the resident Deborah Reeve.


Upon arrival we made contact with Deborah and Det. Reed advised her of her warrant. Deborah was then placed in handcuffs (gapped and double locked). Det. Reed then completed a search incident to arrest on Deborah, searching the handbag she had over her shoulder. while searching the handbag a clear plastic bag containing a white crystal substance was found as well as a plastic bag containing suspected marijuana.


Deborah was then transported to the police station by Det. Reed for processing. Upon arrival at the police station Det. Reed discovered a clear plastic bag containing 2 unknown-blue-in-color pills and an unknown blue powder which Deborah admitted was Xanax that she received from her ex.


I then performed a field test on the white crystal substance which confirmed it to be methamphetamine.


Deborah was then processed for her warrant as well as a new charge for ORC 2925.11 / Possession of Drugs. Once all proper paperwork was completed Deborah was transported to Mahoning County Justice Center for her warrant as well as possession of methamphetamine where she will await arraignment on 12/9/2021 at 0900hrs.



Sgt. Kelm #503  12/8/2021












ARREST REPORT 12-08-2021 @ 1925hrs

Case No: 210015138




ARREST: Deborah Reeve, 66, 236 Alabama Ave. Apt. 11 Sebring


Charge: 2925.11 Possession of Drugs


At 19:25 hours on 12-08-2021, I took Deborah Reeve into custody at her residence on this warrant. Reeve was placed in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked, before being searched incident to arrest.


It should be noted that I did read Reeve her Miranda Rights at this point. While searching Reeve's wallet, I located a light colored crystalline substance in a small plastic baggy that appeared to be crystal meth. in addition to this, suspected marijuana and Xanax were also recovered. Reeve was transported to the Sebring Police station where she was photographed, had her DNA collected, and processed before being transported the The Mahoning County Jail.


Reeve was charged with an additional count of Possession of Controlled Substances after the suspected methamphetamine field tested positive as such (Ref Report # 21-012019). NFI




Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT 12-01-2021 @ 2000hrs

Case No: 21-008099


CRIMINAL - Stark County Jail (4500 Atlantic S.W. Canton, OH)


ARREST: Ryan McCullough, 22, 181 W. Oxford St., Alliance, Oh


Charge: ORC: 2917.21(A)(1) Telecommunications Harassment (M-1) / Bond $1,250



At 18:41 hours on 08-21-2021. I took a report on station of domestic violence.



Det. Reed #506 DATE 12-02-2021











ARREST REPORT  11/29/2021 @ 0613 hrs

CaseNo.: 21-011113


Traffic Crash - 1125 S. 15th St., Sebring, Oh


CITED: Jeff Garby, (58), 1477 S. Liberty Ave, Alliance


Charge: 333.08 SCO  Failure to Control (MM)


On 11/29/2021, I, (Ptl. Stanton), responded to an accident on S. 15th. Arriving on scene, I spoke to the driver, Jeff Gorby, and called for an Ambulance to check his wellbeing. I then inspected the vehicle and the crash site.


The vehicle came off the roadway on the right side striking a utility pole. This then caused the vehicle to spin sideways slightly and strike a tree north of the pole on the passenger side. This crippled the passenger side of the vehicle. The vehicle ended travel facing east off the roadway.


I called the pole number into Sebring Dispatch, had the vehicle towed by Springers towing and issued Jeff a citation for Reasonable Control 4511.202. His court date is to be set and had a non-mandatory appearance.


Sebring Fire then took Jeff to the Hospital for any injuries sustained.





Ptl. Stanton #505











ARREST REPORT  11/27/2021 @ 1020 hrs

CaseNo.: 21-011111


Traffic Crash - N 15th St @ E Ohio Ave


CITED: Samantha Kline, (27), 11 Dogwood Dr , Beloit Ohio


Charge: SCO: 335.10  Expired Tags


On 27Nov21 While patrolling the Village of Sebring, I, Ptl. Melendez, observed a white Subaru Forester with Ohio Registration (JJJ6475) driving Eastbound on W Oregon Ave with expired tags. After observing  the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 on N 15th St and E Ohio Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver, Samantha Kline, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided.  After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid. Kline was cited with Ticket #032193 for Expired Tags  SCO:335.10 with a court date to be set at MCC#3.



Ptl. Melendez #507












ARREST REPORT  11/24/2021 @ 1250 hrs

CaseNo.: 21-011101


Traffic Crash - E Courtney Rd @ N 12th St


CITED: Nathan Flood, (36), 215 Aiken Rd, New Castle PA,16101


Charge: SCO: 335.01 Expired License


On 25Nov21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I, (Ptl. Melendez), observed a white 2018 Dodge Ram with Pennsylvania Registration (ZKV5399) driving East bound on Courtney Road and run the Stop Sign at Courtney Road and N 12th St. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 at the corner of E Courtney Rd and N 12th St.


Upon making contact with the driver, Nathan Flood, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was Expired.



Flood was citied with Ticket #032192 for Expired OL SCO: 335.01 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3. A verbal warning was given for the Stop Sign Violation.


Nothing else to report at this time.




Ptl. Melendez #507  11/25/2021











ARREST REPORT  11/12/2021 @ 0800 hrs

CaseNo.: 21-011056




Arrest: Brian Casey, (33), 376 W Maryland Ave, Sebring


Charge: ORC:2919.25 Domestic Violence (M1) / Bond $2,500


Court: 11/18/2021 @0900 MCC#3


Ptl. Melendez #507 DATE 11/12/2021


On 12Nov21 I responded to 376 W Maryland Ave for a Domestic.











ARREST REPORT 11/17/2021 @ 0930hrs

Case No.: 21-011074


TRAFFIC - 900 Blk W. Ohio Ave.


CITED: Jason Gorby, 36, 20690 Lake Park Blvd., Alliance


Charge: SCO:313.01  Stop Sign


On 17Nov21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Gray Chevy Malibu with Ohio Registration (IHS8495) driving West bound on Ohio Ave and run the Stop Sign at Ohio and Johnson Rd. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 in the 900 block of W. Ohio Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver, Jason Gorby, I advised him of the reason for the stop. I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid.


Gorby was cited with Ticket #032191 for Stop Sign Violation SCO:313.01 with a Date to be Set at MCC#3. Nothing else to report at this time.




Ptl. Melendez #507












ARREST REPORT 11/15/2021 @ 1629hrs

Case No.: 21-011067


TRAFFIC - 12th / Oregon


CITED: Thomas Trussel, 55, 25492 State Route 172


Charge: SCO: 333.03  Speed


On 11/15/2021, I Officer Ray, was sitting at Heritage Oaks using stationary radar. I observed a black vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. I activated my cruisers radar unit, and observed a loud, steady, audible tone, and when I checked the radar unit's display I observed the vehicle traveling at 55 MPH. 12th Street has a posted speed of 35 MPH. I activated my overhead lights and sirens, and was able to stop the vehicle near Oregon Ave.


I approached the black Jeep (ERP7875), and identified the driver as Thomas Trussel (RJ968011). Thomas stated that he was not paying attention to his speed, and was going to the doctor's office.


Thomas was issued a citation for speed 333.03 55 MPH in a 35 MPH.




Officer Ray #508  11/15/2021











ARREST REPORT 11/14/2021 @ 2151hrs

Case No.: 21-011065


TRAFFIC - Johnson / Oregon


CITED: Diane Abbott, 58, 1136 South Johnson


Charge: SCO:313.01 Stop Sign


On 11/14/2021,1 Officer Ray, was sitting stationary at the intersection of Johnson and Ohio Ave. I observed a dark color mini van approaching the intersection from the east. The mini van entered into the left turn lane to turn onto Johnson traveling south. I observed the mini van slow down, but never came to complete stop before entering the intersection to turn. I activated my overhead lights, and was able to get the vehicle stopped at Oregon Ave.


I approached the vehicle(GJH5334), and identified the driver as Diane Abbott (RF948131). Diane stated that she came to a stop multiple times. I asked Diane if she was the registered owner of the vehicle, and she stated no, and that she was borrowing the vehicle from a friend. I asked Diane to find the insurance, and registration. She was unable to provide either of the documents.


Diane was issued a citation for failure to stop at a stop sign 331.19.



Officer Ray #508











ARREST REPORT 11/14/2021 @ 1040hrs

Case No.: 21-011062


TRAFFIC - 1000 Block N Johnson Rd


CITED: Todd Heinl, 53, 600 Stillwater Dr, Deerfeild


Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (51Mph/35Mph)


On 14Nov21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a White Honda Passport with Ohio Registration (GYW1412) driving South bound on Johnson Road at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Honda at 51MPH in a 35MPH zone. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 in 1000 block of N Johnson Rd.


Upon making contact with the driver, Todd Heinl, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid.


Heinl was citied with Ticket #032190 for Speed 51 In a 35 SCO: 333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #507  11/14/2021











ARREST REPORT 11/8/2021 @ 1514hrs

Case No.: 21-011036


TRAFFIC - 12th / Georgia


CITED: Ramone Dixon, 41, 990 Garfield Ave, Alliance


Charge: 333.03  Speed


On 11/08/2021, I, Officer Ray, was patrolling south on 12th Street. As I was approaching Alabama Ave, I observed a gold vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. I activated my cruisers radar unit, and observed a loud, steady, audible tone, and the radar unit's display showed 50 MPH. As the vehicle continued to travel north towards me, the vehicle had gained speed, and the radar unit's display showed 54 MPH.


I activated my overhead lights and siren, and attempted to stop the vehicle. I was able to get the vehicle stopped near Georgia Ave. The vehicle was a Gold Hyundai Elantra (JKZ5279). I approached the vehicle, and identified the driver as the registered owner, Ramone Dixon (RTS89765). Ramone stated to me that he knew he "was moving a little fast", but did not know he was going 54 MPH. I stated to Ramone that he had passed 2 speed limit signs, and he was approaching a third. Ramone stated to me that there were no signs. He began asking me for only a warning.


I returned to my cruiser, and dispatch advised me that Ramone had received a speeding ticket on 11/05/2021. As I approached the vehicle, Ramone shouted "why you giving me a ticket". Ramone became agitated with me, and began to argue about the ticket. I stated to Ramone that he had previously received a ticket for speed previously that year. He stated back to me that it was at the beginning of the year, which was a lie.


I stated to Ramone that I was not the person making him speed.


Immediately after returning my ticket book, Ramone accelerated quickly away from the stop. Should be noted that he almost ran over my foot. Ramone received a citation for speed 333.03 54 MPH in a 35

MPH zone.


Nothing further at this time.




Officer Ray #508












ARREST REPORT 11/6/2021 @ 2048hrs

Case No.: 21-011029


TRAFFIC - State Rt 62 @ S. 15th St


CITED: Douglas Reel, 25, 1406 South St, Alliance


Charge: SCO:313.01  Stop Sign Violation


On 6Nov21 While patrolling the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a White 2008 Volkswagen Jetta with Ohio Registration (HCF7718) driving South bound on S 15th St run the Stop Sign. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 304 on State Rt 62 near S 15th St.


Upon making contact with the driver, Douglas Reel, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status

through dispatch in which it returned that he was Valid. Reel was citied with Ticket #032189 for SCO:313.01  Stop Sign Violation.


Ptl. Melendez #507  11/6/2021












ARREST REPORT 11/5/2021 @ 1748hrs

Case No.: 21-011021


TRAFFIC - 200 block W. California Ave. Sebring, OH


CITED: Morgan Barr-Finnie, 22, 1086 Porter Rd. Alliance, OH



ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (Non-Compliance)


ORC: 4511.21 Speed (38125)


On 11-05-2021 at 17:48 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While sitting facing westbound in the parking lot of unit, United Die, located at 100 N. 17th Street, I observed a tan four-door sedan traveling eastbound on W. California Avenue at a rate of speed that appeared to be higher than that of the posted 25MPH limit. Upon activating the front-facing radar antenna of the patrol car, I obtained a locked speed of 38MPH. I then pulled out onto the roadway, activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop.


The Tan Nissan Altima, bearing Ohio Registration JLW6209, came to a complete stop in the 200 block of W. California Avenue, with me then approaching and making contact with the female driver and male front seat passenger.


Upon advising the driver of the reason for the stop, she said that she was not familiar with the roads or speed limits. She then produced an Ohio Driver License, which identified her as Morgan Lee Barr Finnie. I also requested the front seat passenger's identification, seeing as he did not have a seat belt on. The passenger handed me an Ohio Identification Card, which identified him as Brandon Lamont Dotson. Mr. Dotson also at this point advised me that he had a Concealed Carry Permit and was armed.


I then returned to my patrol car where I relayed both subjects' information to dispatch. Barr-Finnie was found to be under a non-compliance suspension and Dotson did not have a valid driver license. At this point, I requested Ptl. Ray to respond to my location due to Dotson advising the presence of a firearm in the vehicle.


Upon again making contact with Barr-Finnie, I advised her of her suspension and asked if she was aware. Barr-Finnie said that she was not and that she had recently received a traffic citation that she did pay in full. Barr-Finnie was advised to contact someone to give her a ride seeing as her vehicle was going to be towed. Barr-Finnie said that she would be in contact with her mother, and that she would come from Alliance to give her a ride home seeing as she had a small child in the vehicle with her.


I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032201. I cited Barr-Finnie for Speed (ORC: 4511.21), for going 38MPH in the marked 25MPH zone. Barr-Finnie was also cited for Driving Under Suspension (ORC: 4510.11). I then returned to Barr-Finnie's vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 on the next business day for instructions on when she is to appear in court.


It should also be noted that when I requested Barr-Finnie's proof of insurance, she scrolled through her phone briefly but advised that she was unable to locate it.


Sebring Tire then arrived on scene as did Barr-Finnie's mother. An administrative inventory was conducted of the vehicle, with nothing of value and no contraband being located. The vehicle was then towed to Sebring Tire.


Barr-Finnie, Mr. Dotson, and left with her mother and stepfather.


Both Ptl. Ray and I then cleared from the stop. It should be noted that the calibration of car 303's in-car radar unit was verified before use as well as after issuing Barr-Finnie her citation, this being done using the department issued tuning forks. I also know the speed limit on W. California Avenue to be clearly posted and easily visible.


Nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT 11/5/2021 @ 1040hrs

Case No.: 21-011017


TRAFFIC - 45 S Johnson Rd


CITED: Kelli Hawk, 42, 833 Rossland Rd Alliance


Charge: SCO: 335.10 Expired Tags


On 5Nov21 While patrolling the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a Black 2019 Kia Forte with Ohio Registration (HQB8134) driving East bound on E. Oregon Ave with expired tags. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 In front of 45 S Johnson Road.


Upon making contact with the driver, Kelli Hawk, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was Valid.


Hawk was citied with Ticket #032188 for Expired Tags SCO:335.10 with a court date to be set at MCC#3.



Ptl. Melendez #507












ARREST REPORT  11/3/2021 @ 1225 hrs

Case No: 21-010133


Traffic - 900 Block S. Johnson Road


Cited: Nikki Welsh (30), 37 Scott Drive , Alliance, Oh



SCO: 335.01  Expired Driver's License

SCO: 335.10  Expired Plates


On 3Nov21 While patrolling the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Red 2018 Kia 4 door with Ohio Registration (HTG4451) driving South bound on S. Johnson Road with expired tags. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 on S. Johnson Road at the Village limits.


Upon making contact with the driver Nikki Welsh, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was Expired.



Welsh was citied with Ticket #032187 for Expired Tags SCO:335.10 and Expired Driver's License SCO:335.01 with a court date to be set at MCCU3.



Ptl. Melendez #507   11/3/2021












ARREST REPORT  10/30/2021 @ 2227 hrs

Case No: 21-010133


Traffic - Johnson - Tennessee


Cited: Air-Risha Sibley (26), 367 Grand Ave, Akron Sebring


Charge: 4503.21  Display (expired) Plates


On 30 OCT. 2021, I (Ptl. Stanton) initiated a traffic stop on a white SUV with no operational license plate light. Once I verified the driver, I was notified the vehicle JKK2286 had an expired registration tag.


I asked the driver (Air-Risha A. Sibley) about this and she stated she forgot from her birthday to get a new tag. She asked about what will happen next. I explained protocol about interacting with such an offense and stated again the reason I pulled her over. I also explained that the equipment violation was my initial reason to stop since I am conducting OVI saturation in the Local area.


I advised her at this time she will be receiving a citation for the tag. The driver stated she would rather take the citation over a tow bill since she is on her way to work. 


I issued the driver citation accordingly for the expired tag. I left the vehicle in her care since the expiration is within 30 days. A warning about the equipment violation was also issued to the driver.





Ptl. Stanton #505  10/30/2021











ARREST REPORT  10/30/2021 @ 1826 hrs

Case No: 21-010130




Arrest: Brandon Fall (23), 236 Alabama Ave. Apt 14



2919.25(A)  Domestic Violence

2905.03(A)  Unlawful Restraint


At 17:31 hours on 10-30-2021, I was advised of a female domestic violence victim at a residence in the 200 block of E. Oregon Avenue who wished to make a report.



10/30/2021  Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT  10/29/2021 @ 1230 hrs

Case No: 21-010121


Traffic - 400 Block N Johnson Rd


Cited: John Morris (61), 18481 State RT 14


Charge: SCO: 337.01  Unsafe Vehicle


On 29Oct21 While on Patrol in The Village of Sebring I (Ptl. Melendez) was dispatched to a Disabled vehicle in the 400 block of N Johnson Rd.


Upon arrival I made contact with John Morris who is the owner of the disabled 2001 Green Ford F-250. Upon observation of his vehicle, I could see that his Gas tank was leaking and also an Oil line was leaking. I then advised dispatch to contact Sebring Fire and Springers Towing.


While waiting for Springers towing I Cited Morris for unsafe Vehicle to multiple equipment violation. Morris was cited with ticket # 032186 for Unsafe vehicle SCO: 337.01 with a date to be set at MCC#3.



Ptl. Melendez #507   11/29/2021












ARREST REPORT  10/27/2021 @ 2035 hrs

Case No: 21010111




Arrest: Ian Welty (45), 195 W. Maryland Ave


Charge: 2919.25  Domestic Violence / M-l


On 10/27/2021 I was dispatched to 195 W. Maryland Ave, for a domestic in progress.



Sgt. Kelm #503  10/27/2021













ARREST REPORT  10/26/2021 @ 1255 hrs

Case No: 21-010103


Traffic - 1200 block S 12th St


Cited: Shawn Carver (36), 18122 Derr Ave., Beloit, OH


Charge: 4510.11  DUS


On this date I was traveling in a marked patrol car, south on S 12th street approaching Alabama Ave. I observed a black F-150 bearing OH JCR7547 turn off of Alabama Ave and turn south on 12th in front of me. I recognized the driver as Shawn Carver and I knew him to be suspended.


I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle which stopped in the 1200 block of S 12th st.


Shawn Carver was cited for DUS 4510.11 with a court date at MCC#3 to be set. The truck was towed away by Springer's towing.



Ptl. Brindack 504  10/26/2021











ARREST REPORT  10/26/2021 @ 1546 hrs

Case No: 21-010104


Traffic - 15th Street/Maryland Ave


Cited: Michelle Sharp (45), 306 West Ohio Ave


Charge: 331.22  Fail To Yield ROW



On 10/26/2021, I Officer Ray along with Officer Brindack, observed an accident at the intersection of 15th Street and Maryland Ave. Michelle Sharp (unit 1) was traveling west on Maryland Ave, and Madeline Aberegg (unit 2) was traveling south on 15th Street.


Upon our arrival Madeline's passenger, Brennan Carr, was outside of the vehicle, and was yelling / making threats towards Michelle. Officer Brindack had to detain Brennan, and placed him in the back of marked cruiser 302.


Madeline, who is pregnant, was stating that she was having pains in her stomach. Dispatch was advised to tone out Sebring FD.


Madeline stated to me that she was driving south when Michelle had pulled out into the  intersection causing the accident.


Upon FDs arrival they took Madeine to ACH. I spoke to Michelle and she stated to me that she made a complete stop at the stop sign at the intersection, and she continued forward into the intersection. She continued to state that she did not notice the vehicle when she pulled out into the intersection.


Both vehicles were towed by Springers.


Michelle was cited for failure to yield 331.22. Nothing further at this time.



Officer Ray #508  10/26/2021












ARREST REPORT  10/24/2021 @ 0948 hrs

Case No: 21-010093


TRAFFIC - 900 Block N Johnson Rd


CITED: James West (77), 10182 Ridgeview Ct., Srreetsboro


Charge: SCO:333.03  Speed (51Mph/35Mph)


On 24Oct21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a Gray Kia Soul with Ohio Registration (FQB3945) driving South bound On N Johnson Rd at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Kia Soul at 51MPH in a 35MPH zone.


After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 in the 900 Block of N Johnson Rd.


Upon making contact with the driver James West, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid.


West was cited with Ticket #032185 for Speed 51 In a 35 zone SCO: 333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.




Ptl. Melendez #508 10/24/2021











ARREST REPORT  10/22/2021 @ 1310 hrs

Case No: 21-010085


TRAFFIC - 100 Block N. Johnson Rd


CITED: Jeffery Joseph (21), 18130 5th St Beloit


Charge: SCO:313.01  Stop Sign Violation


On 23Oct2l While patrolling in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a White 2010 Dodge Caravan with Ohio Registration (HRU1122) run the stop sign at N Johnson and W. Ohio Ave.


 After observing the violation. I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 in the 100 Block of N Johnson Rd.


Upon making contact with the driver, Jeffery Joseph, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid. 



Joseph was cited with Ticket #032184 for Stop Sign Violation SCO:313.01 with a Date to be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #507  10/22/2021











ARREST REPORT  10/21/2021 @ 2123 hrs

Case No: 21-010082


Traffic - 400 Block W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH


Cited: Christian Gamble (21), 107 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH



4511.19(A)(1)(a) OVI / Bond $500

4511.19(A)(1)(h) OVI High Tier (0.179) / Bond $500


Court: MCC#3  10-18-2021 @ 0900


At 21:00 hours on 10-21-2021, a traffic stop was conducted in the 400 block of W. Ohio Avenue after a reported Domestic in the 100 block of E. Ohio that resulted in the arrest of the driver for OVI.


10/21/2021 23:35 Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT  10-19-2021 @ 0947 hrs

Case No.: 21-010072


Traffic - 600 Block W. Florida Ave., Sebring, Oh


CITED: Brandon Fisher, 31, 12609 Beloit Snodes Rd., Beloit, OH



ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (M-1)


ORC: 4549.08 Fictitious Plates


ORC: 4511.13 Traffic Signal Indication


On 10-19-2021 at 09:47 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While in the 600 block of W. Tennessee Avenue, I observed a silver Kia Sportage, being driven southbound on S. 20th Street by a subject I was able to positively identify as Brandon Fisher. I then requested a driving status on Mr. Fisher, as the vehicle approached New York Avenue.


The vehicle then turned right from S. 20th, failing to signal its turn prior to the required 100 feet.


Upon catching up with the vehicle near the intersection of S. Johnson Rd and W. New York Avenue, I activated the overhead emergency lights on my patrol car and initiated a traffic stop.


Det. Reed #506 DATE 10-19-2021











ARREST REPORT  10-19-2021 @ 1350 hrs

Case No.: 21-010074


TRAFFIC - 300 Block E. Pennsylvania Ave. Sebring, OH


CITED: Miranda Yoalber, 38, 5907 Ranchester Dr. #1509 Houston Tx.


Charge: SCO: 333.03  Speed (52/35)


On 10-19-2021 at 1350 hours. I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While patrolling northbound in the 400 block of N. 12th Street, I observed a southbound Dodge 3500 pickup towing a fifth-wheel trailer at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than the posted speed limit of 35MPH. As the vehicle approached the intersection of N. 12th Street and E. Michigan Avenue, I obtained a locked speed of 52MPH.


Just prior to the vehicle going past me, I activated the overhead emergency lightbar of the patrol car, turned around, and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a complete stop in the 300 block of E. Pennsylvania Avenue. Upon approaching. I observed Texas Registration NVS 4119 attached to the rear of the pickup.


In speaking with the driver, I requested his driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver, identified as Miranda Martinez Yoalber, by his Texas Driver License, was able to produce all requested documents. When I informed him of the reason for the traffic stop, Mr. Yoalber said that he did not speak English.


I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032095. I cited Mr. Yoalber for speed (SCO: 333.03), for going 52MPH in a marked 35MPH zone. Mr. Yoalber signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on how to either pay for the citation or contest it if he wished to do so.


Due to the language barrier, I wrote a note instructing Yoalber to contact Mahoning County Court #3 within three business days for information on how to contest the citation of pay for it. The phone number to the court was included, with me instructing Yoalber to have someone translate it for him. I then cleared from the stop.


Nothing additional to report at this time.




Det. Reed  #506











ARREST REPORT  10-14-2021 @ 2106 hrs

Case No.: 21-010054


TRAFFIC - 200 Block E. Ohio Ave.


CITED: Scott Ennis, 20, 155 W. Main St., Alliance, Oh


Charge: SCO: 335.01 Driver License Required


At 21:06 hours on 10-14-2021, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. As I drove through the parking lot of Circle K, located at 205 E. Ohio Avenue. I conducted a random registration check of a blue Dodge sedan parking in the lot.  The registration JMP5287 returned to a Scott Ennis, who did not have a valid driver license. I then parked near the Mason's Lodge and watched two male subjects enter the vehicle with it then pulling on to Ohio Avenue and beginning eastbound towards N 12th Street.


I then pulled behind the vehicle, activated my patrol car's overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a complete stop in front of 246 E. Ohio Avenue. I then approached, made contact with the driver, and advised him of the reason for the traffic stop. The driver, Scott Ennis, admitted that he did not have a driver license and said that he was just going back to work.


At this point, Ptl. Brindack and Ossler arrived on scene with Ennis and his passenger, Riley J. Wilt. being instructed to exit the vehicle. Ennis was able to produce an Ohio Identification Card.


Ennis was also asked if there was anything illegal in the car, with him informing Ptl. Brindack

and I that he had a THC pen in the vehicle.


At this point, and administrative inventory was conducted on the vehicle, with the THC vape being located near the driver seat. An Ohio Temporary Permit Card belonging to a Rebecca Renee Thomas was also located in the vehicles glove compartment. Neither Ennis nor Wilt said they knew who this person was or how the item ended up in the car. No other contraband was located.


I then returned to my patrol car where I wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No.032093 to Ennis. I cited Ennis for driver license required (SCO: 335.01). Ennis signed the citation, was provided his copy and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information regarding his mandatory court appearance.


Sebring Tire then arrived and towed the vehicle to their impound lot. The THC vape was secured in evidence along with the Ohio Temporary Permit Card.


Nothing additional to report at this time.




Det. Reed  #506











ARREST REPORT  10-17-2021 @ 0906 hrs

Case No.: 21-010063


TRAFFIC - N Johnson Rd @ Courtney Rd


CITED: Sharron Runyon, 69, 1849 12th St SW. Akron


Charge: SCO: 333.03  Speed (52Mph/35Mph)


On 170ct21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a White Honda Civic with Ohio Registration (GWD6154) driving South bound on Johnson RD at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Jeep at 52MPH in a 35MPH zone. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 304 at the corner of N Johnson Rd and Courtney Rd.


Upon making contact with the driver, Sharon Runyon, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid.


Runyon was citied with Ticket #032182 for Speed 52 In a 35 SCO: 333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.




Ptl. Melendez #507   10/17/2021











ARREST REPORT  10-17-2021 @ 1030 hrs

Case No.: 21-010064


TRAFFIC - N Johnson Rd @ Courtney Rd


CITED: Nathaniel Miller, 27, 9951 Martin Dr., North Benton


Charge: SCO: 333.03  Speed (51Mph/35Mph)



On 17Oct21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring. I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Silver Jeep 4 Door with Ohio Registration (HIF5239) driving South bound on Johnson RD at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Jeep at 51MPH in a 35MPH zone. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 304 at the corner of N Johnson Rd and Courtney Rd.


Upon making contact with the driver, Nathaniel Miller, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid.


Miller was citied with Ticket #032183 for Speed 51 In a 35 SCO: 333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #507   10/17/2021











ARREST REPORT  10-14-2021 @ 1030 hrs

Case No.: 21-010051


TRAFFIC - 20040 Harrisburg - Westville Rd., Alliance


CITED: Dorothy Wegman, 85, 800 S. 15th St. Unit 1814, Sebring


Charge: 331.16  Right of Way at Intersection



On 14Oct21 Unit one was traveling East on Harrisburg Westville Rd turning North on Johnson Rd.


Unit 2 was traveling West on Harrisburg Rd.


Unit One advised that she was not paying attention and she failed to yield to on coming vehicles.


Both unit one and two have front end damage and both vehicles were unsafe to drive.




Ptl. Melendez #507  10/15/2021











ARREST REPORT  10/2/2021 @ 0954

Case No: 21-010011


Traffic - North Johnson / West Ohio


Cited: Jamie Musgrave (Age 34), 523 Tappan CT, Ravenna


Charge: 335.072 DUS


On 20ct21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Silver Toyota Scion with Ohio Registration (HWS3382) driving South on S 15th St..  I then contacted dispatch to check the driving Status of the operator which came back that the owner was suspended.


After observing the violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 in the 100 Block of E. Carolina Ave. Upon making contact with the driver Jamie Musgrave, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was suspended.  Musgrave was cited with Ticket #032180 for Driving Under suspension SCO:335.074 with a Court date of 10/7/21 at 9am at MCC#3. The Vehicle was also Towed to Springers towing.


Nothing else to report at this time.




Ptl. Melendez #507  10/2/2021











ARREST REPORT  10/2/2021 @ 1200

Case No: 21-009140


Citation - Traffic - Ohio and Johnson Ave


Cited: Katrina Salyers (Age 36), 335 S. 18th St, Sebring, Oh


Charge: 4509.74 (M-M) Failure to report accident


Units responded to an agency assist for a Hit/Skip.



Ptl.  Steven Stanton  09/30/2021











ARREST REPORT  10/1/2021 @ 2146

Case No: 20011032


WARRANT - 135 E. Ohio Ave., Sebring


Arrest: Shawn Davner (Age 37), 28759 State Route 62 Damscus, Oh


Charge: 2913.03  Theft  / Bond $1,250


On 09Nov20 I was dispatched to 236 Alabama Ave for a Burglary.













ARREST REPORT  10/2/2021 @ 2005

Case No: 21-010013


TRAFFIC - 332 South 15th Street


Cited: Steven Lively, (Age 39), 4732 Union Ave, NE Homeworth, Oh



4510.11 DUS

4511.194(B)(1)  Physical Control

4549.02(A)(1)  Stopping After an Accident


On 10/02/2021, I, Officer Ray, along with Detective Reed, assisted Smith Township with a vehicle crash they had on SR 62. Dispatch advised the Smith unit that a vehicle had went through the stop sign on 15th at SR 62, and the vehicle had come to a stop across from the stop sign. Dispatch advised that witnesses were watching the individual begin to walk North on 15th street.


I was already in the area, and began to search 15th for the individual. I was unable to locate.


Smith unit advised dispatch the vehicles plate, N033723. The vehicle belonged to Steven Lively.


At this point Detective Reed advised all units that Steven had an ex girlfriend that lived at 332 South 15th Street. Detective Reed, and myself went to that address. Upon our arrival we made contact with who was currently on the phone with 911 to report that Steven had crashed into her car. She stated that Steven was at the residence, and they were going to try and make things work relating to a past domestic. Sh stated that Steven had rubbed the hand of a 17 year old girl. This caused an argument.


It was at that point Steven had flipped over the fire pit in the yard that had an active burning fire. He backed his vehicle out of the garage, and put the vehicle in drive, striking a vehicle. Steven fled south on 15th Street.


When advised how drunk Steven was I cleared from the residence to search 15th Street again, I

believed that Steven could have fallen into a ditch / needed medical help.


While searching 15th Street, dispatch advised me that motorists had seen Steven stumbling down 12th Street near SR 62, As I turned on to 12th from SR 62 I was flagged down by a motorist who stated Steven was down the street trying to hitch hike. I observed Steven standing on the side of the road with his arm out, and his thumb up in a hitch hiking position. As I exited my vehicle I observed Steven swaying back and forth, bleeding from his right shin, not wearing shoes, and confused of his location. Steven stated to me that he believed to be on Union Street in Alliance, and was trying to hitch hike home. Steven stated to me that he was not driving any vehicle that night.


I detained Steven at 2038 hours, placed him in hand cuffs, gapped/ double locked, and placed him in the back of marked cruiser # 304.  I transported Steven to his crashed vehicle on SR 62 where the Smith unit was still at. Upon my arrival Smith Township took custody of Steven.


I stood by at the scene while Smith unit conducted field sobriety on Steven. At this point Smith Township placed Steven under arrest. Smith transported Steven back to Sebring PD where OSP was waiting to use the lntoxilyzer 8000. Steven refused. It should be noted that during the time spent with Steven I observed a strong odor of alcohol, blood shot eyes, Steven had slurred speech, and was having a difficult time standing up.


I cited Steven with Physical Control of a vehicle 4511.194(B)(1), DUS 4510.11, and for not stopping after causing an accident 4549.02(A)(l).



Officer Ray #511  10/02/2021











ARREST REPORT  9/29/2021 @ 1210 hrs

Case No: 21-005141


Charge: Nuisance: Donald Mountain, 574 Newell St., Painsville, Oh


05/26/2021 09:16 Officer Freer


While on routine patrol the undersigned observed that at 134-136 West Maryland Avenue, a duplex, the grass is in excess of 9 inches tall. The undersigned will prepare a grass letter and send to land lord who lives out of the area.


Paul E. Freer unit 515

Code Enforcement Officer



09/20/2021 09:47 Officer Freer


On September 17, 2021. Chief Harris, Gary Van Brocklin prosecutor, and the undersigned, was reviewing abatement cases, the undersigned was advised to charge Donald Mountain, owner of 134-136 West Indiana Avenue. with 1317.01 a Nuisance charge, a misdemeanor 4. Donald Mountain has had more than 90 days to complete the necessary repairs addressed in the abatement letter.


The undersigned will prepare a state complaint.



Paul E. Freer unit 515

Code Enforcement Officer











ARREST REPORT  9/30/2021 @ 0912 hrs

Case No: 21-009141


TRAFFIC - S 12th St @ Village Limits


Cited: Connie Graver (Age 69), 125 E. Vermont Ave., Sebring


Charge: SCO:333.03  Speed (52Mph/35Mph)


On 30Sept21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Blue Nissan Pathfinder with Ohio Registration (HVK3325) driving south bound On S l2th St at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Pathfinder at 52MPH in a 35MPH zone.


After observing the violation I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 on S 12st at the Village Limits. Upon making contact with the driver, Connie Graver, I advised the reason for the stop and I asked for identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid.


Graver was cited with Ticket #032179 for Speed 52 in a 35 zone  SCO: 333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #508












ARREST REPORT 9/28/2021 @ 1315 hrs

Case No: 21-009082




ARREST: Jennie Stachowski, Age 45, 663 W. Florida Ave., Sebring, Oh



ORC: 2921.31  Obstructing Official Business (F5) / Bond $2,500


ORC: 2911.21  Criminal Trespass (M-4)  / Bond $500


ORC: 2903.22  Menacing (M-4)  /  Bond $500


Court: MCC#3 09-30-2021 @ 0900


On 09-17-2021 at 17:21 hours, officers were dispatched to a residence in the 600 block of W. Florida Ave. for a report of a neighbor dispute.



09/17/2021 20:46 Officer #506 Reed











ARREST REPORT 9/28/2021 @ 2130 hrs

Case No: 21-009130


TRAFFIC - S. 12th St @ Alabama Ave


CITED: Robin Harper, Age 51, 132 Cedarwood Dr, Beloit



SCO:335.073 Non-Compliance

SCO:337.04  Plate Light


On 28Sept21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a Blue 2006 Chrysler PT cruiser with Ohio Registration (HWU9131) driving South bound On S 12th St with no rear plate lights. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 304 on S. 12th at Alabama Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver ,Robin Harper, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was Suspended.


Harper was citied with Ticket #032178 for DUS SCO:335.073 and Rear Plate Lights SCO:337.04 with a court date of 9/30/2021 at MCC#3. Harpers Vehicle was then Towed to Springers with a hold for court.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #508  09/28/2021











ARREST REPORT 9/28/2021 @ 1800 hrs

Case No: 21-005142


CRIMINAL - 17099 Calla Rd, Beloit


ARRESTED: Annette Montgomery, Age 63, 17099 Calla Rd, Beloit


Charge: ORC:1317.01 (M4) Permitting a Nuisance / Bond $500


Court: 10/14/2021 900 @ MCC#3


The undersigned was advised by Chief Harris, that the property at 325 South 18th Street, has been an issue in the past.


Chief Harris, advises that he has talked to the property owner and they have made very little progress on the property.


The undersigned did talk to the property owner also on April 23,2021. There is still not progress on cleaning up the property and the grass is in excess of 9 inches tall. The undersigned will be preparing an abatement letter, and mailing to owner as no one lives there.


Paul E. Freer unit 515

Code Enforcement Officer











ARREST REPORT 9/27/2021 @ 1807 hrs

Case No: 21-006048




ARREST: Robert Chapin, Age 36, 224 W. Oregon, Ave


Charge: ORC:1317.01  Permitting a Nuisance


On June 9,2021 the undersigned observed that the grass in the side and rear of 225 West Oregon Avenue, is in excess of 9 inches tall. The undersigned will will prepare a tall grass letter to be sent to the property owner.



Paul E. Freer unit 515

Code Enforcement Officer











ARREST REPORT 9/25/2021 @ 0103 hrs

Case No: 21-009114


PROPERTY DAMAGE - 185 W. Oregon Ave, Sebring Ohio


Arrest: Ralph Handy, Age 62, 1656 Denwood Street, Alliance



2909.06 - M-2 Criminal Damaging / Bond $1,000


4549.021A1 - M-1 Stopping after accident on other then public road / Bond $1,250


2921.21 - M-2 Obstructing Official Business / Bond $1,000


Court: 09/30/2021 @ 0900


Units responded to a hit/skip with location of suspect.



Ptl. Stanton $505  09/25/2021











ARREST REPORT 9/25/2021 @ 2123 hrs

Case No: 21-009119


TRAFFIC - 13000 Block S. Johnson Rd. Sebring, OH


Cited: Toby Zeigler, Age 18, 365 W. Sebring, Oh


Charge: SCO:333.03  Speed (49/35)


On 09-25-2021 at 21:23 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302.  While stationary at the entrance of Grandview Cemetery, located on S. Johnson Rd. approximately 1/4 mile north of the intersection with U.S. Route 62, I heard a vehicle begin rapidly accelerating as it traveled northbound on S. Johnson Rd. I then observed a silver Dodge Durango, traveling northbound on Johnson Rd at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH speed limit.


I then obtained a locked speed of 49 MPH on the vehicle, using the department issued LIDAR(light Detection and Ranging) gun. Once the vehicle passed by me, I pulled onto the roadway and activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights. The vehicle, Silver Dodge Durango, bearing Ohio Registration JLX 5185, then pulled to the side of the road.


Upon approaching the vehicle, I made contact with the driver and advised him of the reason for the stop. When I asked the driver why he accelerated so fast from the intersection, he stated "I just like the way my vehicle sounds, sir". I then requested the driver's vehicle registration, proof of insurance, as well as driver license. The driver was able to produce all requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License identifying him as Toby Lee Zeigler.


I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032092. Mr. Zeigler was cited for Speed/ Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03 for going 49MPH in a marked 35MPH zone.












Case No: 21-009110


TRAFFIC - 300 Block Courtney Rd. Sebring. OH


Cited: Logan Stoffer, Age 20, 16313 W. Pine Lake Rd., Beloit


Charge: SCO:333.03 Speed (62/35)


On 09-24-2021 at 15:48 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary, facing west, in the parking lot of Famous supply, located at 300 Courtney Road, I observed a silver sedan traveling eastbound on Courtney Road at a rate of speed that appeared the be substantially higher than that of the posted 35 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 62 MPH. As the vehicle approached, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights.


Once the vehicle passed by me, I pulled onto the roadway and initiated a traffic stop. The Silver Scion FR-S, bearing Ohio Registration NOT BRZ, came to a complete stop near the railroad tracks to the east of Famous Supply. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I identified myself as well as advised him of the reason for the stop. I also requested the subject's driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License identify him as Logan M. Stoffer.


I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation Mo.032091. I cited Mr. Stoffer for Speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03), for going 62 MPH in a marked 35 MPH Zone. I then returned to Mr. Stoffer's vehicle where I returned his documents. Stoffer Signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on when he would need to appear for his mandatory court appearance. I then cleared from the stop. It should be noted that the calibration of the in-car radar system for car 303 was properly checked on this date as well using department issued tuning forks.


Nothing additional to report at this time.




Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT  9/23/2021 @ 0354 hrs

Case No.: 21-009104


OVI - Courtney and Johnson Road


CITED: Tonia Norris, 47, 33569 Edgehill Drive, Franklin



4511.19 OVI / Bond $1,250

4301.62 Open Container

4513.23 Obstructed Rear View


REPORTING: Ptl Stanton #505



Unit responded to a possible OVI leaving a residence. I (Ptl. Stanton), responded to the complaint and found the vehicle in question traveling North on Johnson Road. I verified the plate with Sebring Dispatch and then monitored the vehicle to watch for possible impairment. I was advised that the caller is vouching that the driver was intoxicated by Sebring Dispatch. At that time I witnessed a blanket was obstructing the rear view mirror of the vehicle. With this probable cause, I conducted a traffic stop on Johnson and Courtney Rd.


Approaching the driver I asked for license and registration, I noticed a faint odor of alcohol coming from the rolled down window. I then advised the driver that I stopped the vehicle for and obstructed rear view mirror. She looked back and confirmed the blanket and tried pulling it down more. I then asked for the passengers license and I secured the documents from the vehicle. I then asked the driver Tonia Norris if she had anything to drink tonight and she freely admitted she did. I then asked her to step out of the vehicle for SFST tests, at this time I witnessed a beer can on the floor in the passenger side. She complied.


Sgt. Davis #342 of Smith Township Police was on scene as well and secured the passenger while I conducted my test.


There was no notable nystagmus in the eyes so I moved on with the rest of the tests. During the walk and turn, Tonia was unable to perform heel to toe test an turned abruptly with one step instead of a serious of smalls steps as instructed. Tonia also was unable to walk back in the same amount of steps she walked forward initially in. I moved on to the one leg stand, Tonia then was unable to keep her foot raised for the full 30 seconds. She instead stopped at 15 then started and stopped at 23 then started and finally stopped at 30.


During these start and stops she did not count in the thousands as instructed as well. Tonia was also wobbly and moved her arms out to keep balance. With these notifications, I arrested Tonia for OVI and Sgt. Davis secured her in his cruiser.


I went back to the vehicle and spoke to Sherrie explaining what is happening, that is when I witnessed the bag of open alcohol containers. I secured them and discovered it contained a crushed beer can and two open and empty bottle of Corona.


I waited for Sebring Tire to tow the vehicle and once this was done I returned to station for testing of Tonia. Sebring Tire escorted Sherrie to station due to me having the K-9 and Sgt. Davis having Tonia in custody for transport. Once at the station I told Sebring Tire the vehicle is on hold for court and he left station accordingly.


I instructed Sherrie to wait in the lobby while I processed Tonia. I read Tonia the 2255 form and asked if she is willing to consent to a breath test. Tonia consented and blew a .202. 


I processed the paperwork with Tonia and cited her for OVI 4511.19 /Open Container 4301.62 /and Obstructed Rear View - 4513.23.  I obtained photographs of Tonia and fingerprints for her as well. The bottles and beer cans located in her vehicle are stored in evidence at this time. I asked Tonia if going to court today would help since she is out of state and she agreed it would. I originally had her go to court on 9/30/2021 then realized what day it was and told her courts are on Thursdays for Sebring. The court date is set for 09/23/2021 @ 900 for MCC#3.













ARREST REPORT  9/22/2021 @ 1057 hrs

Case No.: 21-009102


Traffic - Sl2th St @ State Rt 62


CITED: Cynthia Kurena, 66, 10738 Seacrist Rd, Beloit


CHARGE: SCO:333.03 Speed (53Mp/35Mph)


On 22Sept21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a Gray Chevy Traverse with Ohio Registration (FZH1915) driving South bound On S. 12th St at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Chevy Traverse at 53MPH in a 35MPH zone.


After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 on S. l2th st at State RT62.


Upon making contact with the driver, Cynthia Kurena, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid.


Kurena was citied with Ticket #032176 for Speed 53 In a 35 zone SCO: 333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.




Ptl. Melendez #508  9/22/2021












ARREST REPORT  9/19/2021 @ 1143 hrs

Case No.: 21-009089


Traffic - N. 12th St. @ E. Oregon Ave


CITED: Jordan Stone, 19, 1275 Cavalcade Dr, Youngstown


CHARGE: SCO:333.03 Speed (52Mph/35Mph)


On 19Sept21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Gold 2002 Saturn 4Dr with Ohio Registration (JFF6341) driving North bound On S 12th St at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Saturn 4Dr at 52MPH in a 35MPH zone.


After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 on N 12st at E Oregon Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver, Jordan Stone, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid.


Stone was cited with Ticket #032177 for Speed 52 In a 35 zone SCO: 333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #508  9/19/2021











ARREST REPORT  9/18/2021 @ 1352 hrs

Case No.: 21-009085


Traffic - N. 12th St. @ E. Oregon Ave


CITED:  Brendan Rhodes, 20, 16990 Pine Lake Rd, Beloit, OH


Charge: SCO:333.03 Speed (51Mph / 35Mph)


On 18Sept21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I, (Ptl Melendez), observed a Gray 2012 Chevy Impala with Ohio Registration (FTG3204) driving North bound On S. 12th St at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Chevy Impala at 51MPH in a 35MPH zone.


After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 on N l2st at E Oregon Ave. Upon making contact with the driver, Brendan Rhodes, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid.


Rhodes was cited with Ticket #032150 for Speed 51 In a 35 zone SCO: 333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #508  9/18/2021











ARREST REPORT  9/18/2021 @ 1015 hrs

Case No.: 21-009084


Traffic - N 12th St @ E Oregon Ave


CITED: Jacob Johancen, 28, 13663 Easton St NE, Alliance


CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (51Mph/35Mph)


On 18Sept21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Gray 2014 Dodge Ram with Ohio Registration (GBY6063) driving North bound On S. 12th St at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Dodge Ram at 5lMPH in a 35MPH zone. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 302 on N.12th St at E Oregon Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver Jacob Johancen, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch.


Court Appearance: Date to Be Set.











ARREST REPORT  9/17/2021 @ 1715 hrs

Case No.: 21-009052


Criminal (SPD Warrant) - 765 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH


ARREST: Kayla Hester, 19, 4100 29th St., Canton, Oh


CHARGE: ORC: 2911.21(A)(l) Criminal Trespass (M-4) / Bond $500


Court: MCC#3 09/23/2021 @ 0900



On 09/10/2021, this unit was dispatched to Sebring PD for an unknown property damage report.



Officer Ray 511  09/12/2021











ARREST REPORT 9/12/2021 @ 1246 hrs

Case No.: 21-009062


Traffic - 300 Block E Ohio Ave


CITED: Dean Mays, 32, 147 4th St. Ravenna, Oh




On l2Sept2l While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a White 2005 Mercury Grand Marquis with Ohio Registration (HMM9015) driving East on E Ohio Ave. I then contacted dispatch to check the driving Status of the operator which came hack that the owner was suspended. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 in the 300 Block of E Ohio Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver, Devin Mays, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for identification which he provided.  After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was Suspended. Mays was cited with Ticket #032148 for Driving Under suspension SCO:335.074 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


The Vehicle was Towed to Springers towing. Nothing else to report at this time.


Ptl. Melendez #508  9/12/2021











ARREST REPORT 9/11/2021 @ 1220 hrs

Case No.: 21-009058


Traffic - N 12th St, @ E. Pennsylvania Ave.


CITED: Christina Ludwiczak, 1162 S. Lincoln Ave, Salem, Oh


Charge: SCO:333.03 Speed (51Mph/35Mph)


on 11Sept2l While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a Black Chevy Trax with Ohio Registration (HYN3706) driving North bound On S 12th St at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Chevy Trax at 51MPh in a 35MPH zone.


After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 on N 12th St at E Pennsylvania Ave. Upon making contact with the driver, Christina Ludwiczak, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid.


Ludwiczak was citied with Ticket #032147 for Speed 51 in a 35Mph zone SCO: 333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #508   9/11/2021











ARREST REPORT 9/11/2021 @ 1200 hrs

Case No.: 21-009057


Traffic - N 12 St @ E Pennsylvania Ave


CITED: Jonathan Mumaw, 40, 12027 Beloit Snodes Rd, Beloit


CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (53Mph/35Mph)


On 11Sept21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a blue Chrysler van with Ohio Registration (GXQ5438) driving North bound On S 12th St at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Chrysler Van at 53MPH in a 35MPH zone. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 on N 12th St at E Pennsylvania Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver Jonathan Mumaw, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid.


Mumaw was cited with Ticket #032146 for Speed 53 In a 35 zone SCO: 333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #508   9/11/2021











ARREST REPORT 9/10/2021 @ 2245 hrs

Case No.: 21-009055


CRIMINAL - 332 S. 15th Street Sebring OH


ARREST: Steven Lively, 39, 4732 Union Ave. Homeworth, Oh


Charge: 2919.25(A)Domestic Violence (Knowing Cause Phys Harm) M-1


Bond $2,500


MCC #3 09-16-2021 @ 0900


On 09-10-2021 at 22:32 hours, a possible domestic was reported at a residence in the 300 block of S. 15th street.


REPORT MADE BY Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT 9/10/2021 @ 1100 hrs

Case No.: 21-009050


Traffic - 330 S 12th St Sebring Ohio


CITED: Samuel Ahler, 24, 1990 Sear1 St Cuyahoga Falls


CHARGE: SCO:333.03 Speed (55MPH/35MPH)


On 10Sept21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I ,(Ptl. Melendez), observed a Silver Chevy truck with Virginia Registration (UFU6880) driving North bound On S 12th St at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Chevy Truck at 55MPH in a 35MPH zone. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 in the parking lot of Community Veterinarian Clinic at 330 S 12th St.


Upon making contact with the driver, Samuel Ahler, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for identification which he provided, After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid.


Ahler was cited with Ticket #032145 for Speed 55 In a 35 zone SCO: 333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #508  9/10/2021











ARREST REPORT 9/10/2021 @ 1630 hrs

Case No.: 21-008088




ARREST: Staci Wilson, 37, LKA: 586 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring, OH


CHARGE: 2913.02(A)(1)  Theft - without consent


Court: MCC#3 09-16-2021 @ 09:00


On 08/20/2021, This unit was dispatched to Sebring PD to take a theft report.



Officer Ray #511











ARREST REPORT 9/6/2021 @  hrs

Case No.: 21-009033


Traffic - 12th Street / Oregon


CITED: Bobby Armstead, 37, 314 Lincoln Ave. Apt 4


CHARGE: 333.03 Speed



On 09/06/2021, I Officer Ray, while using stationary radar, observed a grey Hyundai (N229616) traveling north on 12th street at a high rate of speed. Upon activating my hand-held radar unit, I observed the display showing that the vehicle was traveling at 50 MPH in a 35 MPH zone, I activated my overhead lights and siren.


The vehicle came to a stop in the parking lot of Sebring Tire.


I identified the driver as Bobby Armstead (SH5611.81). Bobby stated that he was delivering pizza and was

unaware of his speed. I issued Bobby a citation for speed 333.03 50 MPH in a 35 MPH zone.




Officer Ray #511











ARREST REPORT 9/5/2021 @ 1445 hrs

Case No.: 21-009026


Traffic - 400 Block E Ohio Ave


CITED: Brittany Demarco, 31, 7300 Rose Dr Apt 103 Lisbon, OH


CHARGE: SCO: 335.10 Expired Tags


On 5Sept21 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a Gray 2005 Chevy Malibu with Ohio registration Temporary (M863016) driving South bound on N 12th St with Expired Tags. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol Vehicle 302 in the 400 block of East Ohio Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver, Brittany Demarco, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid.


Demarco was cited with Ticket #032144 for Expired Tags SCO:335.10 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #508












ARREST REPORT 9/3/2021 @ 1659 hrs

Case No.: 21-009019


Traffic - S. 18th Street & W. Georgia Ave.


CITED: Loni Quinn, 31, 27276 Lake Front Dr. Beloit OH


CHARGE: SCO: 335.05  Wrongful Entrustment of a Motor Vehicle


At 16:59 hours on 09-03-2021, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While patrolling eastbound in the 200 block of W. Georgia Avenue, I clearly observed a person who I know to be Christopher Guildoo driving a green Ford Expedition westbound on the same road.


This vehicle also had a small trailer in tow.


Upon seeing Guildoo, I requested his driving status from dispatch, with it being advised shortly after that his driver license was suspended. I then turned my patrol car around and went towards the area where I had last seen Guildoo's vehicle.


As I neared the intersection of S. 18th Street and W. Georgia Avenue, I observed Guildoo's vehicle in an alleyway that connects W. Georgia to S. 18th Street. I then pulled into this alleyway opposite the direction he was going and initiated a traffic stop.


Upon exiting my patrol car and approaching the vehicle, I observed Christopher Guildoo in the front driver seat, Loni Quinn in the front passenger seat, and Brittany Landacre in the back seat behind Quinn. At this point I also noted that Ohio Registration JLW 5706 was attached to the SUV. This registration showed the vehicle as belonging to Loni Quinn. Ohio Registration SYX3177 was attached to the trailer. This registration expired on 09-15-2021 and returned to a Ronald Hubbs of Sebring.


I then returned to my patrol car where I began writing traffic citations for both Quinn and Guildoo. Due to officer safety, I requested mutual aid from Smith Township so that I could complete an administrative inventory of the vehicle prior to towing. Ptl. Iverson arrived a short time later. Guildoo was cited for Driving Under Suspension (ORC: 4510.11) as well as Expired Registration (ORC: 4503.11). Quinn was cited for Wrongful Entrustment of a Motor Vehicle(SCO: 335.05).


Both parties were advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 the following business day for information on when to appear for their court hearing. I then began an administrative inventory of the vehicle with nothing of value being located.


Sebring tire then arrived on scene and towed the SUV to their impound lot. Due to Quinn being cited for Wrongful Entrustment, a hold was placed on the vehicle.


The trailer, with Consent from resident Katrina Salyers, was left in her yard at 335 S. 18h Street. Guildoo was advised that he would need valid registration to use it on a public roadway.


I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT 9/3/2021 @ 1659 hrs

Case No.: 21-009018


Traffic - S. 18th Sweet & W. Georgia Ave. Sebring, Oh


CITED: Christopher Guidoo, 43, 555 W. California Ave. Sebring



ORC:4510.11  Driving Under Suspension

ORC: 4503.11 Expired Registration



At 16:59 hours on 09-03-2021, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While patrolling eastbound in the 200 block of W. Georgia Avenue, I clearly observed a person who I know to be Christopher Guildoo driving a green Ford Expedition westbound on the same road.


This vehicle also had a small trailer in tow.


Upon seeing Guildoo, I requested his driving status from dispatch, with it being advised shortly after that his driver license was suspended. I then turned my patrol car around and went towards the area where I had last seen Guildoo's vehicle.


As I neared the intersection of S. 18th Street and W. Georgia Avenue, I observed Guildoo's vehicle in an alleyway that connects W. Georgia to S. 18th Street. I then pulled into this alleyway opposite the direction he was going and initiated a traffic stop.


Upon exiting my patrol car and approaching the vehicle, I observed Christopher Guildoo in the front driver seat, Loni Quinn in the front passenger seat, and Brittany Landacre in the back seat behind Quinn. At this point I also noted that Ohio Registration JLW 5706 was attached to the SUV. This registration showed the vehicle as belonging to Loni Quinn. Ohio Registration SYX3177 was attached to the trailer. This registration expired on 09-15-2021 and returned to a Ronald Hubbs of Sebring.


I then returned to my patrol car where I began writing traffic citations for both Quinn and Guildoo. Due to officer safety, I requested mutual aid from Smith Township so that I could complete an administrative inventory of the vehicle prior to towing. Ptl. Iverson arrived a short time later. Guildoo was cited for Driving Under Suspension (ORC: 4510.11) as well as Expired Registration (ORC: 4503.11). Quinn was cited for Wrongful Entrustment of a Motor Vehicle(SCO: 335.05).


Both parties were advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 the following business day for information on when to appear for their court hearing. I then began an administrative inventory of the vehicle with nothing of value being located.


Sebring tire then arrived on scene and towed the SUV to their impound lot. Due to Quinn being cited for Wrongful Entrustment, a hold was placed on the vehicle.


The trailer, with Consent from resident Katrina Salyers, was left in her yard at 335 S. 18h Street. Guildoo was advised that he would need valid registration to use it on a public roadway.


I then cleared from the stop. Nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT 9/10/2021 @ 1630 hrs

Case No.: 21-008088


CRIMINAL - MCC#3 605 E. Ohio Ave


ARREST: Christopher Guildoo, 43, 555 W California Ave Sebring



2913.03 (M1) Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle   Bond $1,250

2905.03 (M3) Unlawful Restraint   Bond $750

2903.21 (M2) Aggravated Menacing   Bond $1,250

2909.06 (M2) Criminal Damage   Bond $1,000

2919.25 (M1) Domestic Violence   Bond $2,500

2909.04 (F4) Disrupting Public Services  Bond $4,000


Units were dispatched to 555 West California Ave for a domestic.



Officer Ray #511   08/09/2021











ARREST REPORT 9/1/2021 @ 0945 hrs

Case No.: 21-009002


Traffic - N. 12St @ Oregon Ave


CITED: Leslee Ruszkowski-Axe, 52, 4044 Croydon Dr. NW Canton


CHARGE: SCO:333.03  Speed (49MPH/30MPH)


On 1Sept21 While conducting a Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl, Melendez), observed a Black BMW 3281 with Ohio Registration (JFP5586)driving North bound On S 12th St at a high rate of speed, I then locked the speed of the BMW at 49MPH in a 35MPH zone. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 304 at the corner of N 12th and E Oregon Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver Leslee Ruszkowski, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid.


Ruszkowski also made the statement "If you care about your community you will hurry up and cut me a break because I'm a Physician or give me a ticket so hurry up".


Ruszkowskwi was cited with Ticket #032143 for Speed 49 In a 35 zone SCO:333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #508  9/01/2021











ARREST REPORT 8/30/2021 @ 1729 hrs

Case No.: 21-008152


Traffic - 546 S Johnson


CITED: Cathy Morrison, 70, 546 S. Johnson


CHARGE: ORD 335.073 Driving Under Suspension


On 08/30/2021 at 1729 Hours, Cathy Morrison operated her Green 2018 Equinox upon S Johnson road, coming home after dispatch advised her that we were at her residence for a dog at large. She was advised she was suspended and presented her driver's license.


Dispatch returned confirming she was suspended and the BMV wanted her plates and registration taken for noncompliance.


Springers towed the vehicle, the vehicle's plates were confiscated and returned to the BMV and she was cited for driving under suspension.




PTL. K. Ossler #5l2











ARREST REPORT 8/29/2021 @ 1000 hrs

Case No.: 21-008139


Traffic - S. 12th St. @ Rt 62


CITED: Shari Williams, 57, 18373 5th St. Beloit, Ohio


CHARGE: SC0:333.03   Speed (50MPH/35MPH)



On 29Aug21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl, Melendez) observed a Red Jeep 4DR with Ohio Registration (HLW4243) driving South bound On S 12th St at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Jeep at 50MPH in a 35MPH zone. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 304 at the corner of S 12th and US Rt 62.


Upon making contact with the driver Shari Williams, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid. Williams was cited with Ticket #032142 for Speed 50 In a 35 zone SCO: 333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #508  8/29/2021











ARREST REPORT 8/29/2021 @ 1400 hrs

Case No.: 21-008140


CRIMINAL - 783 S 14th St Sebring, Ohio


ARREST: Shawn Carver, 36, 18122 Derr Ave Beloit, Oh



SCO: 505.01 (M4) X3  Dogs At Large

SCO: 505.03 (MM) Annual Registration Of Dogs: Tags Required


On 29Aug21 I responded to 786 S 14th St for Dogs Running At Large


Officer Melendez, Sr., Pedro











ARREST REPORT 8/27/2021 @ 2035 hrs

Case No.: 21-008130


Traffic - S. Johnson Rd. & Lake Park Blvd


CITED: Lee Carney, 27, 1114 Bedford Ave. S.W. Canton, OH



ORC: 4510.11  Driving Under Suspension (M1)

ORC: 4549.08  Fictitious Plates

ORC: 4513.05  Illumination of Rear License Plate


At 20:30 hours on 08-27-2021, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary at the intersection of W. Ohio Avenue and N. Johnson Road, a silver Toyota pulled off to the side of the road and approached my patrol car, with a female exiting and asking for directions to Canton. After giving the female subject directions, she turned around and began driving southbound on N. Johnson Rd. At this point I noticed that the rear license plate light to the vehicle was not functioning. I then requested a registration check of the vehicle, with the attached license Plate. JFR 6974, returning to a black Chevrolet station wagon with this registration also being expired.


I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lightbar and initiated a traffic stop. The silver Toyota Echo came to a complete stop on Lake Park Blvd., just west of S. Johnson Road. I then approached the vehicle and made contact with the driver, who identified herself as Lee Ann Carney. In speaking with Carney, I advised her of the reason for the stop and asked for her driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance.


Carney was unable to produce any of the requested documents, with her informing me that she did not have a driver license. Carney also advised me that the license plates belonged to her sister, Elizabeth Carney.


I then relayed Carney's information to dispatch, with it being discovered that her driver license was under suspension. Sgt. Kelm arrived on scene at approximately this time. Carney was then instructed to step out of the vehicle and stand on the curb lawn of a neighboring residence. I then began an administrative inventory of the vehicle with nothing of value being found.


After completing the inventory, I returned to my patrol cat where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No.031952. I cited Carney for Driving Under Suspension (ORC:4510.11)Fictitious Plates (ORC:4549.08), and Illumination of Rear License Plate (ORC: 4513.05). As I was writing the citation, I asked Sgt. Kelm to relay the vehicle's VIN number to dispatch to determine ownership. The vehicle retumed to a Virginia Chesser, of Warren, Ohio.


I then returned to Carney's vehicle, where she was now sitting, and asked her to sign the citation. Carney signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 the following business day for instructions on when to appear for her mandatory court appearance.


Sebring Tire then arrived and towed the vehicle to their impound lot. Due to Carney not having anyone available to pick her up and the fact that she had a toddler with her, she was given a courtesy ride to The Sebring Police Station so that she could wait for a ride.


Nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed  #506











ARREST REPORT  8/16/2021 @ 2016 hrs

Case No.: 21-008065


Traffic - 12th Street / Oregon Ave


CITED: Ian Alcaraz, 32 y/o, 402 N 7th Street, Martins Ferry, Oh


Charge: SCO: 333.03  Speed


On 08/16/2021, I Officer Ray, while running stationary radar on 12th Street at Heritage Oaks, observed a black vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed in the north bound lane. I activated my handheld radar unit, and observed the units display showing 46 MPH. That section of l2th Street has a posted speed of 35 MPH. I activated my overhead lights, and stopped the vehicle in the parking lot of Sebring Tire.


I identified the driver as Ian Alcaraz (SZ878710). Ian was driving a black Nissan Altima (JAC4311)that is registered to him. Ian stated to me that he was not aware that he was speeding because he was looking at his GPS.


Ian was issued a citation for speed. 46 MPH in a 35 MPH zone.




Officer Ray #511  8/16/2021










ARREST REPORT 8/10/2021 @ 1953 hrs
Case No.: 21008043

CRIMINAL - 17th and Maryland Ave.

ARREST: Jasper Sloat, 22 y/o, 22679 Alden Ave Alliance OH

2924.23 Having Weapons Under Disability (2 counts)
2921.12 Tampering with Evidence
2923.12 Carrying Concealed Weapons (2 counts)

On the morning of August l0th, 2021, a residential burglary in the 300 block of W. lndiana with firearms being taken was reported. Later on in the evening, second shift officers responded to a report of a suspicious person, with contact being made with a Jasper Sloat near the intersection of W. Maryland Avenue and N. 17th Street.

While approaching Sloat, officers observed him throw an item, later determined to be a loaded handgun, in a flower bed of a nearby residence. A subsequent search of Sloat found another handgun, which was also loaded, on his person.

 Both firearms were later determined to have been stolen during the earlier burglary on W. lndiana Avenue.

Sloat, who was also found to have an active warrant for his arrest, was placed under arrest for one third-degree felony charge of tampering with evidence, two third-degree felony charges of having weapons under disability, as well as two misdemeanor charges of carrying concealed weapons. Sloat was then transported to the Mahoning County Justice Center.

Sloat was interviewed at The Mahoning County Justice Center the following day by a detective with The Sebring Police Department, with an admission being obtained regarding the burglary. Sloat also disclosed the location of the remaining five firearms that had been taken from the residence, with all being located.

In addition to the earlier charges, Sloat was charged with one second-degree felony charge of burglary as well as five additional third-degree felony charges of having weapons while under disability.

Reporting: Brindack 504 DATE, 8/10/2021






ARREST REPORT  8/5/2021 @ 1025 hrs

Case No.: 21-008012


Traffic - 515 W Georgia Ave


Cited: Christopher Ward, 61 y/o, 587 W F1orida Ave, Sebring


Charge: 331.34A Failure to Control


On 5Aug21 Unit one was backing out for the driveway of 515 West Georgia Ave and hit Unit 2 that was stationary in front of the residence. Unit one admitted that he was at fault. Both unit one and two both have minor paint damage.



OFFICER: Melendez  #508  08/05/2021 10:25











ARREST REPORT  6/17/2021 @ 2116 hrs

Case No.: 21-006078


Warrant Pick-Up - Minerva PD 209 N Market St., Minerva, Ohio


Arrest: William Boggs, 43 y/o, 8814 Elmfort Avenue S.E. Waynesburg, Ohio


Charge: 2911.12 F-2  Burglary


On the morning of Thursday, June 17,2021, a report of a residential burglary in the 100 block of E. Indiana Avenue was taken, with a firearm being reported stolen from the residence. Witness statements were collected as well as physical evidence taken from the scene.

After submitting this evidence to The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigations laboratory, a DNA match was found. On August 81h, due to this and other evidence, an arrest warrant was issued for William D. Boggs, of Waynesburg, Ohio.

Boggs was taken into custody on August l0th without incident. Boggs was transported to The Mahoning County Justice Center where he was jailed on one second-degree felony charge of Burglary.



Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT  8/12/2021 @ 2151 hrs

Case No.: 21-008054


Traffic - Courtney Rd / Allied Dr. , Sebring


Cited: Clinton McCauley, 31 y/o, 13001 Smith Goshen Rd., Beloit, OH


Charge: SCO: 335.10  Expired Registration


On 08-12-2021  I was conducting enforcement in marked unit 505.  While sitting stationary in the entrance to the loading deck at Famous Supply I observed a westbound Vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed.  As the vehicle crossed the railroad tracks into Sebring Village limits, I observed a readout on the patrol car's digital radar screen of 57 MPH.


I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a stop at the entrance of Allied Dr. As I approached, I observed Ohio Temporary Registration M979330 affixed in the rear window. I then made contact with the driver, with him immediately stating "I fucked up, I know I was going too fast".


I then requested the subject's driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License identifying him as Clinton McCauley. As I returned to my patrol car, I was advised by dispatch that the vehicles registration had expired on 07-11-2021.


I then drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032088. I cited Mr. McCauley for expired registration(SCO: 335.10).


I then returned to McCauley's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on how to either contest the citation or pay it if he wished to do so. McCauley was given a verbal warning for speed. I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed  #506











ARREST REPORT  8/15/2021 @ 0930 hrs

Case No.: 21-008060


Traffic - 10 N 12th St Sebring Ohio


Cited: Keith Hawk, 57 y/o, 7129 Hawk Rd.


Charge: SCO:333.03  SPEED


On 15Aug21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a White Chevy Impala with Ohio Registration (FQD5743) driving North bound On S l2th St at a high rate of speed. I then locked the speed of the Impala at 52MPH in a 35MPH zone. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol vehicle 303 at the corner of N 12th and E Oregon Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver Keith Hawk, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid.


Hawk was cited with Ticket #032137 for Speed 52 In a 35 mph zone SCO: 333.03 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.




Ptl. Melendez #508  8/15/2021











ARREST REPORT  8/13/2021 @ 1655 hrs

Case No.: 21-008056


Traffic - 100 block E Ohio Ave


Cited: Amber Collins, 25 y/o, 185 E. Oregon Ave.


Charge: 335.073  DUS (Non Compliance)


On this date while on patrol in marked car 302 I was traveling East bound on Ohio Ave near N 14th St. when I observed a red chevy HHR traveling north on 14th fail to stop at the stop sign on 14th St. and turn west bound on Ohio Ave. I activated my overhead lights and siren and performed a u-turn and stopped the vehicle, a red HHR bearing OH HLD2011, in the 100 block of E Ohio Ave.


1 approached the driver identified as Amber N Collins. Upon running her license, it was discovered that she was suspended with a non-compliance suspension and her license could be confiscated on behalf of the register.


At this moment it began to heavily rain and I asked Amber if she would be willing to finish inside our police station so we were not in the rain, I informed her she did not have to but she agreed to. On station Amber was cited for DUS 335.073 and advised her court date would be set at a later date. I also confiscated her license. I allowed Amber to have a valid driver come to our station and drive her vehicle away.



Ptl. Brindack #504  08/13/2021











ARREST REPORT  8/13/2021 @ 1130 hrs

Case No.: 21-006115


CRIMINAL - 135 East Ohio Ave., Sebring


Arrest: Roberta Maffei, 72 y/o, 3101 Ridgehill Ave., Alliance


Offense: 1317.01 Permitting a Nuisance / Bond $500


Court: August 19, 2021 0900 AM



The undersigned has observed 126 East Oregon Ave., has become an unsafe building and that an abatement process needs started. The undersigned was advised that the rear part of the building has been demolished a while ago, due to it caving in.


The building west sided has siding that is wared, the building has not been painted or had a maintenance. It has become a fire hazard and nuisance for the village of Sebring.


The undersigned will be taking photos and posting the building.



Paul E. Freer unit 515

Code Enforcement Officer











ARREST REPORT  8/14/2021 @ 1400 hrs

Case No.: 21-008058




Arrest: James Laughery, 74 y/o, 360 S. Johnson Rd., Sebring


Charge: 2903.13  Assault  / Bond $1,250


Court: Canfield Court 8/15/2021


On 14Aug21 I responded to 350 S. Johnson Rd. for an Assault


Ptl. Melendez #508 











ARREST REPORT  8-5-2021  @ 1517 hrs

Case No.: 21-008016


Traffic - N. Johnson Rd/Courtney Rd


CITED: Andrew Lusebrink, Age 18

278 Venango Trail. Mars, PA 16046


Charge: SCO: 331.16  Right of Way at Intersections


At 15:17 hours on 08-05-2021, I responded to a two car MVC at the intersection of N. Johnson and Courtney Roads. Upon arriving with Sebring Fire/EMS Medic 1, I observed a black Buick Encore (OH Reg HTG 4990) facing southbound in the grassy area to the southwest of the intersection. Directly behind it, still partially in the southbound lane of N Johnson Road, was a black Jeep Grand Cherokee (PA Reg KZN 6520). The Buick had moderate/disabling damage to the front end and front portion of the driver side. The Jeep had moderate/disabling damage to the front end.


As I exited my patrol car. I made contact with an adult female subject who had been driving the Buick (Savanna Semler), and asked her if she or the toddler child she was holding had been injured. Semler advised that she had hit her head but was okay.


Sebring EMS began speaking with her at this point, with me then making contact with the driver of the Jeep, Andrew J. Lusebring. In speaking with Lusebrink, he advised that he believed the intersection was a fourway stop and proceeded through, striking the other vehicle. Lusebrink and his adult male passenger, Alexander Khorey, both advised that they were wearing seat belts and had not been injured.


After collecting his driver license, registration, and insurance information, I went back to my patrol car where I wrote Uniform Traffic Citation #032087 to Lusebrink for right of way at intersections (SCO:331.16). Lusebrink signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on how to either contest the citation of pay it if he wished to do so.


After photographing the scene and vehicles I remained on site for traffic control until Sebring Tire was able to remove both vehicles. Nothing additional to report at this time.




Det. Reed











ARREST REPORT  8-5-2021 @ 1400 Hrs

Case No.: 21-008015




ARREST: Francisco Chavarria Jr, Age 26

347 N 15th St Nw Sebring


Charge: ORC: 2919.22 Child Endangerment / Bond $1,250


Court: 8/13/2021 @ 0900 @ MCC#3



On 5Aug21 I responded to 347 N 15th St for Child Endangerment




Ptl Melendez #508













ARREST REPORT  8-5-2021  @ 1112 hrs

Case No.: 21-008013


Traffic - S 15th ST @ W Georgia Ave


CITED: Joyce Johnson, age 78

448 W New York Ave, Sebring


Charge: SCO: 335.10  Expired Tags


On 5Aug21 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Bronze Ford Escape with Ohio Registration (AKB6986) driving North bound On S 15th St with Expired Tags. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol Vehicle 303 at the corner of 15th And W Georgia Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver, Joyce Johnson, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid. Johnson was cited with Ticket #032136 for Expired Tags SCO: 335.10 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.




Ptl. Melendez #508 8/5/2021












Case No.: 21-008011


Traffic - 400 Block W New York Ave


CITED: Carolyn Dugan, age 50

499 W Columbia St, Alliance


Charge: SCO:335.10 Expired Tags


On 5Aug21 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Gray 2018 Chevy Equinox with Ohio Registration (GOA5034) driving East bound on Ohio Ave with Expired Tags.  After observing the violation I then conducted a traffic stop with my marked patrol vehicle #303 at the corner of 19th and W. Ohio Ave. 


Upon making contact with the driver , Carolyn Dugan, I advised the reason for the stop and I asked for identification which she provided.  After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid. Dugan was cited with Ticket #032134 for Expired Tags SCO: 335.10 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.



Ptl. Melendez #508 8/5/2021











ARREST REPORT  7-28-2021  @ 1736 hrs

Case No.: 21-007146


CRIMINAL - Walnut/Park, Beloit, Ohio


ARREST: Michael Crawford, age 18

50 Willow Way, Canfield, Oh


Charge: ORC: 2909.07(A)(1)(a) Criminal Mischief(M-1)X3 / Bond $3,750


ARREST: Oliver Kovass, age 18

5350 Mission Hills Dr., Canfield, Oh


Charge: ORC: 2909.07(A)(1)(a) Criminal Mischief(M-1)X3 / Bond $3,750


ARREST: Paolo Papalia, age 18

160 Preserve Blvd., Canfield, Oh


Charge: ORC: 2909.07(A)(1)(a) Criminal Mischief(M-1)X3 / Bond $3,750



Dispatched to Perkins for a vehicle struck by paintballs.



Ptl. K. Ossler #512











ARREST REPORT 7/31/2021 @ 0900 hrs

Case No.: 21-007153


TRAFFIC - S. 12th @ Alabama Ave


Cited: Casey Berry, age 45, 723 E. 5th St Salem


Charge: SCO: 335.10  Expired Tags


On 3July21 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Gray 2003 Buick four door with Ohio Temporary registration (M995905) driving South bound on South on 12th ST with Expired Tags. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol Vehicle #303 at the corner of S. l2th ST and Alabama Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver Casey Berry, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid. Berry was cited with Ticket #032133 for Expired Tags SCO:335.10 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.




Ptl. Melendez #508 7/31/2021












ARREST REPORT 7/31/2021 @ 0036 hrs

Case No.: 21-007139


Warrant Pick-Up - 265 West Ohio Avenue


Arrest: Edward Mills, age 38, 265 West Oregon Avenue Sebring, Ohio


Charge: 2903.21l(A)(l) Menacing By Stalking M-1


Court: MCC #3 08/05/2021 @ 0900AM


At 11:21 hours on 07-27-2021 I took a report of Menacing by Stalking on station.


Det. Reed #506












ARREST REPORT 7/29/2021 @ 1845 hrs

Case No.: 21-007151




Arrest: Mikelle Campbell, age 59, 696 W. Tennessee Ave. Sebring, OH


Charge: SCO: 505.01(c) Animals at Large


Court: MCC#3 08-05-2021 @ 09:00


At 18:31 hours on 07-29-2021 I was dispatched to a report of a stray dog having bitten a child in the 500 block of W. California Avenue.



Det. Reed #506










ARREST REPORT  7/25/2021  @ 1541 hrs

Case No.: 21-007129


Traffic - E. Wisconsin Ave. @14th St.


CITED: Austin Sturgill, age 24, 4439 Center Rd. Conneaut


Charge: 4511.19 A1A OVl SFST  / Bond $500



While on patrol I was waved down by the complainant later identified as Christin Sanders 836 N. 15th St., near the intersection of N. 15th St. and E. Wisconsin Ave. Christin advised her boyfriend, later identified as Austin Sturgill, had been driving around and he was drunk.


Christin advised Austin was driving a white in color Dodge Ram. I then began a sweep of the area. I was able to observe a white in color Dodge Ram traveling east on E. Vermont Ave. which then turned north on N. 12th St.


I got behind the vehicle to observe their driving, when the vehicle got near 835 N. 14th St. I observed the vehicle turn into the alley without properly signaling. I then activated my overhead emergency lights and conducted a traffic stop. I made contact with the driver Austin Sturgill who appeared very nervous and was stumbling on his words. I then asked Austin for his drivers license, registration, and proof of insurance.


Austin produced his drivers license but had to be asked again for his registration and insurance information.


After being asked a second time Austin was able to provide a valid registration and advised his insurance information was on his phone but he was having trouble signing in. While speaking with Austin me had his hand covering his mouth as he spoke and I was able to faintly smell the odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from inside the vehicle. I then asked Austin if he had anything to drink and he replied he had 2 beers approximately 2 hours ago. I then advised Austin I would like to perform a test to ensure he was ok to driver which he complied with.


While Austin was seated in the drivers seat of the vehicle I performed the horizontal gaze nystagmus test. I advised Austin to look at my finger tip and only my finger tip and follow it was only his eyes. I then checked for equal pupil size and resting nystagmus. Austin had no signs of resting nystagmus and both pupils appeared to be of equal size. I then checked both eyes for equal tracking and both eyes tracked the tip of my finger equally. I then checked both eyes for onset of nystagmus at maximum deviation which I was able to observe in both eyes. I then checked both eyes for onset prior to 45 degrees which was also observed in both eyes. I then advised Austin I would like to perform 2 more tests to ensure he was ok to drive. Austin complied and I advised him to step out of the vehicle.


I then had Austin stand with his arms at his sides and his left foot in front of his right heel to toe while I showed him an example of how the walk and turn test was to be completed. Austin advised he understood the instructions. I then had him begin. Austin immediately used his arms to keep balance, and stepped off the line several times.


I then had Austin stand with his arms at his sides and feet together. I then showed Austin an example of the next test the one leg stand. Austin advised he understood my directions. I then advised Austin he could start the test. Austin used his arms to keep his balance, did not count how I advised him to, and dropped his foot multiple times.


I then advised Austin he was under arrest for suspicion of OVI. I had him turn with his back facing me, placed him in handcuffs (double locked and properly gapped), and placed him in the rear of my cruiser.


At this time the complainant arrived on scene and advised she would drive the vehicle to avoid it getting towed. I verified she was a valid driver and ensured Austin agreed that she could drive the vehicle. I then transported Austin back to the police station where he was read the BMV 2255.


Austin advised he refused to take any chemical tests. Austin was then photographed and fingerprinted and released on an OR bond. Austin was advised of his court date on 7/29/2021 at MCC#3 at 0900hrs.


I then gave Austin a courtesy transport back to 836 N. 15th St.




Sgt. Kelm #503  7/29/2021











ARREST REPORT  7/24/2021  @ 1020 hrs

Case No.: 21-007123


Traffic - 100 Block N Johnson Rd


Cited: Amme Henderson, age 55, 2627 Robindale Ave Akron


Charge: SC0:335.10 Expired Tags


On 24July21 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Kia Forte with Ohio Temporary Registration (M722208) driving south bound on Johnson Rd. with Expired Tags. 

After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol Vehicle #302 in the 100 block of N. Johnson Rd.


Upon making contact with the driver, Amme Henderson, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid.


Henderson was cited with Ticket #032131 for Expired Tags SCO: 335.10 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.


Ptl. Melendez #508  7/24/2021











ARREST REPORT  7/24/2021  @ 1354 hrs

Case No.: 21-007124


Traffic - 300 Block N Johnson Rd


Cited: Joseph Kemp, age 42, 975 W Ohio Ave Sebring


Charge: SCO: 313.01  Stop Sign


On 24July21 While traveling north bound on Johnson Rd, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Red 2008 Chevy Silverado bearing Ohio registration (FZX8761) run the Stop Sign at the intersection of W. Ohio Ave. and N. Johnson Rd.


Upon approaching the intersection, I observed a dark colored SUV at a complete stop heading East on W Ohio Ave. As the SUV began to move the Red Silverado continued through the intersection without stopping turning left onto N Johnson Rd. Upon seeing the violation, I then conducted a traffic stop in the 300 block of N Johnson Rd with my marked patrol vehicle #304.


Upon approaching the vehicle, I made contact with the driver Joseph Kemp. While trying to explain to Kemp why he was being stopped he began to be very defensive and stating that I have no reason to pull him over. I then advised him that he did not come to a complete stop and that he could possibly get cited for the violation.


Kemp then stated "Hurry up with my damn ticket". After hearing Kemp's statement I then returned to my patrol vehicle to issue the citation. Kemp was citied with ticket #032132 for Stop Sign SCO: 313.01 with a date to be set with MCC#3.



Ptl. Melendez #508  7/25/2021
















ARREST REPORT  7/24/2021  @ 0003 hrs

Case No.: 21-007121




Arrest: Brennan Rohr, age 23, 516 West Oregon Avenue Sebring, Ohio



2909.04(A)(l) Disrupting Public Services F-4  /  Bond $4,000


Domestic Violence M-1  /  Bond $2,500


Unlawful Restraint M-1  /  Bond $1,250


Using weapons while intoxicated M-l  /  Bond $1,250


Officers responded to 516 West Oregon Avenue for a domestic dispute.


Ptl. Peterman #507  07/24/2021













ARREST REPORT  7/23/2021  @ 2030 hrs

Case No.: 21-006085




Arrest: Amanda Keester, age 39, 555 N. 16th St., Sebring



ORC: 2913.02(A)(2) Theft(Beyond Scope/Elderly Victim) F-5 / Bond $2,500


ORC: 2913.21(B)(2) Missuse of Credit Cards (Elderly Victim)F-5 / Bond $2,500


Court: MCC #3 07-29-2021 @ 09:00











ARREST REPORT  7/23/2021  @ 1626 hrs

Case No.: 21-007118


Traffic - 100 block W. California Ave. Sebring,


Cited: Ashley Gilkerson, Age 31, 230 N. Arch Ave. Alliance, OH


Charge: SCO: 335.01 Driver License Required (MM)


On 07-23-2021 at 16:26 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While southbound in the 200 block of N. 15th Street I conducted a random registration check of a vehicle that was traveling southbound in front of me. The Black Suzuki Forenza, bearing Ohio Registration HCF 8090, returned to an Ashley Gilkerson, whose driver license was not valid due to failing to reinstate.


As the vehicle crossed the railroad tracks and turned right onto W. California Avenue, I activated the patrol cars overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a complete stop in the 100 block of W. California Avenue. I then approached and made contact with the female driver, who advised that she was Ashley Gilkerson. I then advised Gilkerson of the reason for the stop as well as asked for her driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. Gilkerson was able to produce all three requested documents, with it being confirmed through dispatch again that her driver license was not valid due to failing to reinstate.


At this point Gilkerson advised that she had been told by a judge in Alliance that her license would be valid.


Due to Gilkerson's passenger, Thane Lopez, also not being valid, I advised her that I would be towing her vehicle as well as issuing her a citation. Afler completing an administrative inventory of the vehicle with nothing of value being located, I wrote Uniform Traffic Citation #032080 to Gilkerson. I cited Gilkerson for driver license required (SCO: 335.01). Gilkerson then signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on her mandatory court appeared.


Sebring Tire then arrived and towed the vehicle to their impound lot. I cleared from the stop afterwards.


Nothing additional to report at this time.




Det. Reed #506








ARREST REPORT  7/22/2021  @ 0757 hrs

Case No.: 21-007114


Traffic - 195 N Johnson Rd


Cited: Karen Skiba, Age 50, 455 W Ohio Ave Sebring


Charge: SCO: 313.01 Stop Sign


On 22JulyZOZl While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez)observed a gray 2008 Chevy Trail Blazer bearing Ohio registration JCR7409 run the stop sign at W Ohio Ave. at N Johnson Rd.


While facing south on Johnson I observed a Semi at a complete stop begin to move and at that moment I observed a trailblazer coming to the intersection at a high rate of speed and make a left turn to go south on Johnson Rd from W Ohio Ave without stopping. After observing the Violation, I entered onto the roadway in my marked patrol vehicle (304) and conducted a traffic stop in the parking lot of Zeps Pizza Located at 195 N Johnson Rd.


Upon approaching the vehicle, I made contact with the owner and Operator, Karen Skiba. As I began to advise Skiba for the reason why I was stopping her she began to be very rude saying "Why did you stop me I didn't do anything". Skiba continued to argue with me saying "There is no way you could see me while I was next to the Semi and I stopped". I then advised her that I did observe her run the Stop sign and that the Semi's flatbed was empty so I was able to see her vehicle. I then returned to my patrol vehicle where I began the citation for the stop sign violation.


Upon walking back to the vehicle to issue her the citation, Skiba stated "You should be catching murderers, drug dealers and drug users doing what you get paid for but instead you want to pick on me".


I then advised her if she wishes to dispute the citation she may in court. Skiba was cited with ticket #032130 for Stop Sign Violation SCO: 313.01 with a date to be set at MCC#3.




Ptl. Melendez #508  7/22/2021
















ARREST REPORT  7/22/2021  @ 0945 hrs

Case No.: 21-007097


WARRANT - 605 E Ohio Ave Sehring MCC#3


Arrest: Richard Castelucci, age 46, 2021 Greensburg RD N. Canton


Charge: ORC: 2917.21(A)(l) Telecommunications Harrasment / Bond $1,250.00


Court: MCC#3 7/22/2021 @ 0900


On 07/20/2021 this unit responded to Sebring Dispatch for an individual calling and harassing dispatch.



Officer Ray #511   07/20/2021












ARREST REPORT  7/21/2021  @ 1222 hrs

Case No.: 21-007108


Traffic - 100 Block W Ohio Ave


Cited: Sheri Windland, age 53, 135 1/2 W Oregon Ave Apt 1 Sebring


On 2lJulyZl While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Gray 2020 Jeep with Ohio registration (iAL9308) driving West bound on W Ohio Ave at ISth St with Expired Tags. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol Vehicle 303 in the 100 block of West Ohio Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver Sheri Windland, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid. Windland was cited with Ticket #032129 for Expired Tags SCO: 335.10 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.




Ptl. Melendez #508











ARREST REPORT 7/19/2021 @ 1200 hrs

Case No.: 21-007092


TRAFFIC - W Maryland / N 18th


Cited: Justin Roderick, age 25, 836 S 13th St Apt # 8


Charge: 335.07  DUS


On this date while on patrol I observed a blue Saturn bearing OH JJV8428 travelling west on W Maryland Ave.



The vehicle had a loud crackling exhaust so I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle which came to a complete stop at W Maryland Ave. and N l8th St. I made contact with the driver identified as Justin Lee Roderick.


Upon running Justin license dispatch advised he was suspended with a noncompliance suspension.


Justin was cited for 335.07 DUS and advised his court date at MCC#3 would be set at a later date. Justin's mother Kathryn Rising who does have a valid license was only about 5 minutes away and was able to pick up the vehicle and drive it away in lieu of towing it.



Ptl. Brindack 504  07/19/2021










ARREST REPORT 7/16/2021 @ 0941 hrs

Case No.: 21-007076


TRAFFIC - S 15th @ State Rt 62


Cited: Riley Phillips, age 20, 1039 Township Line Rd Wellsville


Charge: SCO:335.10  Expired Tags


On 16July21 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Gray Jeep with Ohio registration (JFH2379) driving south bound on S 15th St with Expired Tags. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic stop with my marked patrol Vehicle 304 on State Route 62 And S 15th St.


Upon making contact with the driver, Riley Phillips, I advised her of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which she provided. After obtaining her information I verified her status through dispatch in which it returned that she was valid. Phillips was cited with Ticket #032127 for Expired Tags SCO:335.10 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.




Ptl. Melendez #508  7/16/2021











ARREST REPORT 7/16/2021 @ 1430 hrs

Case No.: 21-007077


TRAFFIC - 125 W Oregon Ave


Cited: Stacy Pitner, age 49, 155 W Maryland Ave Sebring


Charge: SCO: 331.34(A) Failure To Control


On 17July21 Upon arrival Unit 1 advised that she was driving East on West Oregon Ave, while not paying attention she hit Unit 2 who was sitting at the light on W Oregon Ave and N 15th St.


Both vehicles have minor damage. Unit 1 was cited with Failure to Control.




Ptl. Melendez #508  7/16/2021













ARREST REPORT 7/14/2021 @ 0905 hrs

Case No.: 21-006137


SUMMONS - Amber Thompson, age 34, 663 W Ohio Ave Sebring


Offense: SCO: 1317.01 Nuisance Property / Bond $500


Court: MCC#3 7/15/2021 @ 0900


The undersigned was advised by other officers of the tall grass, trash, broken front window at 663 west Ohio avenue.


The undersigned was following up by taking photos and observed a PT cruiser in the rear of the property with no visible plates on vehicle. Further investigation to follow.


Paul E,. Freer unit 515

Code Enforcement Officer











ARREST REPORT 7/13/2021 @ 0930 hrs

Case No.: 21-007044




Cited: Dale Yaggi, age 58, 756 N 15th St Sebring


Charge: 335.05 Wrongful Entrustment


On this date I was traveling Northbound on S 12th St. I observed a blue Chevy truck bearing OH JGN4633 being driven by Joseph Wright who I knew to be suspended in front of me also traveling North on S 12th St. I asked dispatch to verify his driving status as we approached the intersection of Ohio Ave and S 12th St.


As we approached the light turned red and I observed the vehicle stop passed the white stop bar on 5 12th St. At this point I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle which came to stop in the 400 block of E Ohio Ave.


I made contact with the driver confirmed to be Joseph M Wright and informed him of the reason for the stop.



Joseph Immediately advised he was suspended.


I asked Joseph to exit the vehicle and continue speaking with me and he complied. At this point Det. Reed arrived and we began speaking with Joseph. While speaking with joseph we gained consent to search his person and during-said search we located 1 gram of methamphetamine in a small plastic bag located in a cigarette pack in Josephs right front pocket.


At this point Ptl. Peterman arrived and a Smith Twp. unit was requested to field test the drugs and Ptl. Caughey of STPD responded. Field test came back positive for methamphetamine. 


Joseph Wright was placed in custody and transported back to our station and charged with F5 2925.11, Possession of a controlled substance, and issued a citation for DUS 4510.11.


Joseph was transported to Mahoning County Jail and the vehicle which belongs to Dale Yaggi was towed to Sebring Tire. Joseph will have a court date at MCC#3 of 07/15/2021 @ 0900hrs.


Dale Yaggi was contacted Via phone and said he suspected Joseph was suspended so I will also be speaking to the prosecutor about wrongful entrustment charges.


Sro. Brindack 504  07/09/2021


On 07/12/2021 Wrongful entrustment charges were approved for Dale Yaggi and on 07/13/2021 he was served a citation for said offense.


Sro. Brindack 504   07/13/2021










ARREST REPORT  7/7/2021  @  1150hrs

Case No.: 21-007029


TRAFFIC - 1006 N. Johnson Rd.


Cited: Donnie GUY, Age 48, 206 Heacock Rd


Charge: SCO: 335.10  Expired Plates


On 7July21 While patrolling the Village of Sebring driving North on Johnson Rd I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a 2002 Cadillac Deville bearing Ohio Temp Tag M168721 with Expired Tags. I then conducted a traffic stop in my marked patrol vehicle #302 in front of 1006 N Johnson Rd where I made contact with the registered owner, Donnie Guy.


Upon making contact with Guy, I advised him why he was being stopped. Guy states that he was unaware that his plates were expired. While speaking with Guy consent was given for a vehicle search which cleared the vehicle.


Guy was cited with Driving with Expired Plates SCO: 335.10 ticket #031998 in MCCW with a Date to Be Set.




Ptl. Melendez #508   7/07/2021











ARREST REPORT  7/7/2021  @  0910hrs

Case No.: 21-007028


TRAFFIC - 495 W. Ohio Ave.


Cited: Wade Smith, Age 46, 376 E Indiana Ave


Charge: SCO: 313.01  Traffic Control Device



On 7July21 While sitting stationary conducting traffic enforcement at the intersection of West Ohio Ave and North Johnson Road I, (Ptl Melendez), observed a gray 2004 Chevy Tahoe bearing Ohio registration HHR9461 run the Stop Sign. After observing the traffic infraction, I then got behind the vehicle with my marked Patrol vehicle (302) and initiated a traffic stop at the intersection of 18th St and West Ohio Ave.


Upon walking up to the vehicle, I made contact with the owner for the vehicle, Waid Smith. While trying to advise Smith the reason for the stop he began to be very rude and uncooperative. I attempted to advise Smith multiple times of why he was being stopped and he continued to be rude saying "Hurry up and give me my ticket".


After multiple attempts to advise Smith of his traffic infraction he continued to state "Hurry up with my ticket". Smith was cited with ticket #031997 for Traffic Control Device SCO:313.01 with a date to be set with MCC#3.




Ptl. Melendez #508   7/07/2021











ARREST REPORT  7/8/2021  @  2000 hrs

Case No.: 21-007034




Arrest: Traci Courtney, Age 54, 156 E. Michigan Ave. Sebring, OH


Offense: SCO: 505.01(c) Dogs Running at Large (MM)


Court: MCC #3 07-15-2021 @ 09:00



At 16:19 hrs on 7-8-2021, I responded to an animal complaint in the 100 block of E. Virginia Ave.


Officer Reed











ARREST REPORT  7/9/2021  @  1316 hrs

Case No.: 21-007042


TRAFFIC - 100 Blk E. Pennsylvania


Cited: Steven Perkins, Age 45, 1000 W. Tennessee Ave




SCO: 335.01  Expired Drivers License


SCO: 337.01  Unsafe Vehicle


On 9July21 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez), observed a Gray Subaru Forester bearing Ohio registration (HW4142) with a broken windshield. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic stop with my marked patrol Vehicle 302 in the 100 block of E Pennsylvania Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver Steven Perkins, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid. Perkins was citied with Ticket #032126 for Expired Driver's License SCO: 335.01 and Unsafe Vehicle SCO: 337.01 with a Date To Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #508   7/09/2021











ARREST REPORT  7/9/2021  @  0830 hrs

Case No.: 21-007039


TRAFFIC - 900 Block W Ohio Ave


Cited: Brandon Sayavich, Age 27, 595 W Maryland Ave


Charge: Charge: SCO: 335.10  Expired Plates


On 9July21 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a White 2002 Chevy Impala with Ohio registration (HQQ4573) driving West bound on W Ohio Ave at Johnson Road with Expired Tags. After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol Vehicle 302 in the 900 block of West Ohio Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver Brandon Sayavich, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was valid.


Sayavich was cited with Ticket #031999 for Expired Tags SCO: 335.10 with a Date To Be Set at MCC#3.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #508   7/09/2021












ARREST REPORT  7/9/2021  @  1228 hrs

Case No.: 21-007040


TRAFFIC - 2000 Block W Ohio Ave


Cited: Gregory Gilmore, age 25, 2046 Overcrest St, Alliance



SCO: 335.10 Expired Tags


SCO: 335.074 License Forfeiture


On 9July21 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Red 2016 Buick Encore bearing Ohio registration (HWC1822) driving West bound on W Ohio Ave at Johnson Road with Expired Tags.


After observing the violation, I then conducted a Traffic Stop with my marked patrol Vehicle 302 in the 2000 block of Alliance Sebring Road. Upon making contact with the driver Gregory Gilmore, I advised him of the reason for the stop and I asked for Identification which he provided. After obtaining his information I verified his status through dispatch in which it returned that he was Suspended.


Gilmore was citied with Ticket #032000 for Expired Tags SCO: 335.10 and License Forfeiture SCO: 335.074 with a Date to Be Set at MCC#3.  His vehicle was also towed to Springers towing.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #508   7/09/2021











ARREST REPORT  7/11/2021  @  0951 hrs

Case No.: 21-007053




Arrest: Bane Kjerrumgaard, age 31, LKA: 650 Wooster Rd, W. Barberton Oh


Offense: ORC: 2919.22 Endangering Children / Bond $1,250


Court: 7/15/21 @ 0900 MCC#3


On 11July21 I responded to Oak Ridge Motel for a report of Child Endangerment



Ptl. Melendez #508   7/09/2021











ARREST REPORT  7/9/2021  @  1903 hrs

Case No.: 21-007044




Arrest: Joseph Wright, age 38, 756 N 15th St Sebring OH




2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substance / Bond $2,500


4510.11  DUS



On this date I initiated a traffic stop that lead to the seizure of narcotics.


Srg. Brindack 504   07/09/2021










ARREST REPORT  7/5/2021  @ 2216 hrs

Case No.: 21-007021


TRAFFIC - West Georgia Avenue / South 16th Street


CITED: Tyler Mccaslin, Age 33, 811 Perry Street Salem, Ohio 44460


Charge: 4510.11  DUS(License Forfeiture)


On 07/05/2021 @ 2216 hrs I was traveling Northbound on North 15th St near West Pennsylvania when I observed a vehicle traveling southbound on North 15th St with no rear license plate lights illuminating his license plate.


I safely performed a U-turn while having my emergency overhead lights and audible siren activated.  As I approached the vehicle it began slow rolling for about 2 blocks beginning near premier health then making a right turn onto Georgia Ave.  The vehicle did come to a complete stop west of 144 West Georgia Ave.  I asked dispatch for Sgt. Kelm #503 to assist me on the traffic stop.  I approached the vehicle, advised who I was, and the reason for the stop.  I asked for the driver's license, registration and proof of insurance and he procured all the aforementioned documents to me.


Sgt. Kelm arrived on scene to assist me at this time and dispatch advised officers that the driver, Tyler Mccaslin, was suspended and having a warrant out of Columbiana County to which they did want him.


I asked Tyler to sht the vehicle off and exit the vehicle.  All occupants complied with the request and exited the vehicle.  I advised the 2 passengers to speak with and give information to Sgt. Kelm as I put Tyler under detainment, placing him in handcuffs (double locked and properly gapped).


The passengers were identified.


I advised Tyler of his rights and then advised we were towing the vehicle.  Tyler was given citation #032053 for ORC4510.11 DUS(License Forfeiture).  I then transported Tyler to Sunoco has station (48 Westville Lake Road), where Columbiana County received Tyler into their custody.


I then cleared back to the village.


Sgt Kelm advised me that the passenger, Logan Daugherty, also had a warrant out of Mahoning County and they did want him.  Dispatch advised Ptl. Ray #511 had arrived on station for his shift and was sent to assist officers on scene.  Ptl. Ray arrived on scene and was given Logan to transport to Mahoning County jail.


The vehicle was towed and all officers cleared without further incident.



Ptl. Peterman #507   07/06/2021











ARREST REPORT  7/2/2021  @ 1725 hrs

Case No.: 21-007006


TRAFFIC - 1000 Block S. 12th St.


Cited: Janelle Coralla, age 49, 15816 Danburt Dr. Salem, OH 44460


Charge: SCO333.03 Speed (55/35)


On 07-02-2021 at 17:25 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary facing north on the roadside in the 1100 block of S. 12th St I observed a white SUV that was traveling southbound at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35MPH speed limit.


Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 55MPH. As the vehicle approached closer, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop.


The white Ford Expedition, bearing Ohio Registration JCR 6086, came to a complete stop just south of the village limits. Upon making contact with the driver, I requested her driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver produced all requested documents with her Ohio Driver License identifying her as Janelle Corallo. When I asked if she was aware of her speed Corallo did not reply.


I then returned to my patrol car where I wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032085 to Corallo for Speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03), for going 55MPH in the marked 35MPH zone. Corolla signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on how to either contest the citation or pay it if she wished to do so.


I then cleared from the bop with nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT  6/30/2021  @ 1510 hrs

Case No.: 21-006139


On 30June21 I was dispatched to the Sebring Police Department for a Disorderly Conduct.


Officer Melendez Sr.











ARREST REPORT  7/2/2021  @ 1942 hrs

Case No.: 21-006136




Arrest: Ian Welty, age 45, 195 West Maryland Ave.


Charge: SCO 531.04  Parental Responsibility






MCC #3 July 8,2021 @ 0915 hrs











ARREST REPORT  7/3/2021  @ 0032 hrs

Case No.: 21-006124


CRIMINAL - Leonard Hardware 145 North 15th Street


Arrest: Matthew Thurman, age 33, 216 West Oregon Avenue


Charge: 2925.14 Drug Paraphernalia / Bond $500


On 27June21 I was dispatched to 246 W Ohio Ave for suspicious Person.


Officer Melendez Sr.  6/27/2021 1539 hrs













ARREST REPORT  7/2/2021  @ 1921 hrs

Case No.: 21-006123




Cited: Amber Thompson, age 34, 663 West Ohio Avenue


Charge: SCO 505.01(c) Dogs running at large


Court :

MCC#3 July 15, 2021  0900


On 27June21 I was dispatched to 687 W Ohio Ave for a Dog Bite.


Officer Melendez Sr.  06/27/2021 1348 hr











ARREST REPORT  6/26/2021  @ 1646 hrs

Case No.: 21-006120


TRAFFIC - 500 Block Courtney Rd.


Cited: Alexander Knappenberger, age 32, 2044 Bigelow St. Akron, OH


Charge: SCO: 333.03  Speed (55/35)


On 06-26-2021 at 16:46 hours, I was conducting traftic enforcement in marked unit 303. While sitting stationary facing east in the parking lot of Unifrax, located at 500 Courtney Rd., I observed a gray SUV traveling westbound on Courtney Rd. near Allied Dr. at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 55MPH.


As the vehicle approached closer, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency light bar and

initiated a traffic stop on the gray Toyota Rav 4 bearing Ohio Registration. Upon making contact with the male driver I introduced myself and advised him of the reason for the traffic stop.  The driver immediately became belligerent, asking where the speed limit is posted at.  I informed the driver that there is a speed limit sign that is clearly visible immediately upon crossing the railroad tracks.  I then requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver produced all three requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License identifying him as Alxander Knappenberger.


As Mr. Knappenberger handed me his driver license, he continued to be belligerent, stating "make this quick I have somewhere to be".  I then returned to my patrol car where I wrote Traffic Citation No. 032984 to Knappenberger. I cited Knappenberger for speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03), for going 55MPH in a marked 35 MPH zone.


I then returned to Knappenberger's vehicle, where he signed the citation and was given his copy. Knappenberger was advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on when to appear to his mandatory court appearance.


I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT  6/24/2021  @ 1030 hrs

Case No.: 21-006109


TRAFFIC - 496 W Virginia Ave


Cited: Amy Mcilvain, age 48, 439 N 15th St Sebring


Charge: 4511.202  Failure to Control


On 24June21 I was dispatched to the intersection of North 19th St and West Virginia Ave.


Upon arrival I (Ptl. Melendez) made contact with Amy Mcilvain. Mcilvain advised that she was traveling east on W. Virginia Ave turning right on to N.19th St. when her dog jumped from the back seat onto her lap causing her to run over the stop sign.



Ptl. Melendez #508  06/24/2021











ARREST REPORT  6/24/2021  @ 1030 hrs

Case No.: 21-006108


CRIMINAL - Columbiana County Jail


Arrest: Brandon Hacker, age 28, 5886 Jimtown Rd., East Palestine, Oh



ORC:2913.02 Theft(Motor Vehicle)F-4 / Bond $4,000


ORC:2919.25A Domestic Violence F-4


ORC:2903.13 Assault M-1  / Bond $1,250


ORC:2909.06 Criminal Damaging M-2  /  Bond $1,000


Court: MCC #3 07-08-21 @ 09:00




On 24June21 I responded to Oak Ridge Motel located at 20040 Harrisburg Westville Rd for a Domestic


Officer Melendez Sr.











ARREST REPORT  6/23/2021  @ 1524 hrs

Case No.: 21-006105


TRAFFIC - N Johnson Rd / W Ohio Ave


Cited: Sylvia Hammond, age 85, 19095 N Benton W North Benton OH


Charge: 313.01  Traffic Control Device


On this date I was dispatched to -n accident at N Johnson Road & W Ohio Ave. On arrival Both vehicles were already off the roadway. Unit 1 at red Buick Lucerne bearing OH HPF1792 was driven by Sylvia J Hammond. Units 2 a black saturn Vue bearing OH JAM9020 was driven by Nicloe Vojtko.


Unit 1 was traveling north on N Johnson rd, unit 2 was traveling West on W Ohio Ave.  Unit 2 stopped at the intersection and then entered the intersection. Unit 1 entered the intersection without stopping.


Sylvia Hammond admitted to officers that she did not stop. Sylvia was cited for traffic control devices 313.01 and given a court date at MCC#3 of 07/01/2021 at 0900hrs











ARREST REPORT  6/23/2021  @ 1524 hrs

Case No.: 21-006103


TRAFFIC - 695 W. California Ave.


Cited: Tiffany Stine, age 20, 745 W. Oregon Ave.


Charge: SCO:335.01 Driver License Required


On 23June21 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring I (Ptl. Melendez) Observed a Blue 2007 Pontiac G6 with Ohio registration JJV8117 driving north on South Johnson Road above the posted Speed limit. I then turned right onto Johnson Road from W Tennessee and I advised dispatch to do a registration check of the Vehicle in front of me. Moments later dispatch advised that the owner of the vehicle Tiffany Ann Stine was suspended.


After receiving that information I then conducted a traffic stop in my parked patrol vehicle 304 at the corner of W California Ave and Johnson Road.


Upon approaching the vehicle, the owner Stine advised that she did pay her fines on 6/22/2021 and that she should be valid. I then advised here that in fact she was not valid and that the reason why I stopped her was because she was driving under suspension.


At this time, I advised dispatch to send me a tow and Springers arrived moments later. Stine was cited with ticket #031995 for Drivers License required SCO 335.01 with a court date to be set with MCC#3.



Ptl. Melendez #508  06/23/2021











ARREST REPORT  6/22/2021  @ 0857 hrs

Case No.: 21-006102


TRAFFIC - 400 Block W. California Ave.


Cited: Susan Carli, age 62, 22161 Windsor Dr..Alliance, OH


Charge: SCO: 333.03  Speed (44/25)


On 06-22-2021 at 0857 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary facing east along the roadside in the 400 block of W. California Avenue, I observed a white SUV that was traveling  west bound on California Ave near S.17th St at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25MPH limit.


Upon activating the patrol cars front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 44MPH.


Once the vehicle passed by me, I activated the patrol cars overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. Due to the vehicle being slow to stop I also activated my audible siren.


Upon reproaching the SUV, a white Chevrolet Traverse bearing Ohio Registration HZU 4373, I made contact with the female driver. I advised her of the reason for the stop as well as asked for her driver license and vehicle registration. The driver was able to produce all requested documents with her Ohio Driver License identifying her as Susan Carli. When I asked Carli about her speed, she advised that she was taking her mother to a medical appointment and was running late.


I then returned to my patrol car where I wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032082 to Carli. I cited Carli for speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03), for going 44MPH in the marked 25MPH zone.


Carli signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for instructions on how to contest the citation or pay it if she wished to do so.


I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT  6/21/2021  @ 0705 hrs

Case No.: 21-006099


Criminal - Circle K 205 E. Ohio Ave


Arrest: Jennifer Teets, age 50, 746 Lake Park blvd.


Offense: 529.07  MM Open Container


On 06/21/2021 Units responded to Circle K for reports of a woman slumped over in a vehicle.


Pti. Brindack #504  06/21/2021











ARREST REPORT  6/19/2021  @ 1810 hrs

Case No.: 21-006090


Criminal - Perkins


Arrest: Anthony Kirksey-Warren, age 52, 635 South St. Alliance



333.03A Assured Clear Distance


4511.19A1A OVI


333.01AZB  OVI Refusal


Officer's were dispatched to Perking restaurant for a Motor Vehicle Crash on o6/19/2021,


Officer Russell











ARREST REPORT  6/26/2021  @ 2000 hrs

Case No.: 21-006089


Criminal - 135 E. Ohio Ave


Arrest: John Gantz, age 41, 359 22nd St. N.W. Canton, OH



ORC: 2909.06(A)(1) Criminal Damaging(M2) / Bond $1,000


ORC: 2913.02(A)(1) Theft(M-1) / Bond $1,250


Court: MCC #3 07-01-2021 @ 09:00




At 11:25 hours on 06/19/2021 I was dispatched to a business in the 200 block of E. Ohio Ave. regarding a report of criminal damaging.


Officer Reed











ARREST REPORT  7/1/2021  @ 1430 hrs

Case No.: 21-006056




Arrest: Christopher Guildoo, age 43, 555 W. California Ave.


Offense: 2903.13 Assault(M-1) / Bond $1,250



Unit responded to an Assault complaint that happened at Deans Funeral Home.



Ptl. Stanton #505  06/11/2021










ARREST REPORT  June 16, 2021 @ 0111 hrs

Case No.: 21-006074


TRAFFIC - S. Johnson/ SR62


Cited: Tyler Drummond, Age 26, 29549 Salem Alliance Road #315 Salem, Ohio


Charge: 4510.11 DUS(Non-Compliance)


On 06/16/2021 I was performing patrol duties along S. Johnson road when I observed a vehicle that had a partially obstructed license plate, and no rear illumination lighting the license plate. Upon running the license plate (JJV 8117) through dispatch, I was also advised the registered owner was suspended. I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren. The vehicle stopped in the parking lot of Perkins off of South Johnson Road. I approached the vehicle and advised my reason for the stop being the rear illumination. The driver, later identified as Tyler Drummond, was also determined to be on a non-compliance suspension. After running all parties through dispatch I advised I would need a tow for the vehicle as all occupants license statuses returned as suspended.


Sgt. Kelm #503 arrived on scene at this time to assist me. I asked all the occupants to step out of the vehicle, to which they complied. Upon a property inventory of the vehicle, I discovered a bottle that was a prescribed only narcotic. I was able to locate the prescription for Tiffany, and the medication and prescription were given to her. A set of secondary license plates (HUR 1048) were also discovered inside the vehicle, and dispatch advised they were to be confiscated.


I completed a tow slip, and Springers towing arrived to sign off on the property slip and obtained the vehicle.


There was no holds placed on the vehicle, and Tyler was given citation #032052 for ORC 4510.11 DUS(non-compliance) with a mandatory court date of To Be Set for MCC #3. Tyler signed for the citation, and given a copy of the aforementioned citation.


Officers cleared the scene, and I gave the parties involved a courtesy ride to 1005 Lake Park BLVD. Unit #71. I then cleared without further incident.



Ptl. Peterman #507  6/16/2021











ARREST REPORT  June 15, 2021 @ 2010

Case No.: 21-006072


TRAFFIC - 315 E Ohio Ave


Cited: Andrea Orsburn, Age 35, 140 S. 15th St



SCO: 335.01 Drivers License Required


SCO: 313.01 Traffic Control Device


On 16June21 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a Red 2006 Toyota Sienna run the traffic light at N l2th St and E Ohio Ave heading west bound while I was traveling on N 12th St.  After seeing the violation I conducted a Traffic stop in my marked patrol vehicle(303) in front of 305 E Ohio Ave.


Upon approaching the vehicle, I made contact with the driver Andrea Orsburn and I advised her why I was stopping her. Orsburn then advised that she didn't have her license on her person. I then asked for her social security number and I contacted Sebring Dispatch via Public service and they advised that she was not valid.


At this time Ptl. Brindack and Sgt. Kelm arrived. I then asked Orsburn to exit the vehicle and I contacted dispatch for a tow truck. A vehicle inventory search was conducted by Ptl. Brindack and Sgt. Kelm while I finished up the traffic Cite. A short time later Springers towing arrived and Orsburn was cited with ticket # 031994 for Driver's License required 335.01 and Traffic Control Device 313.01 with a Date to be set for MMC#3.



Ptl. Melendez #508  06/15/2021











ARREST REPORT  June 13, 2021 @ 1840 hrs

Case No.: 21-006065


TRAFFIC - 856 N Johnson Rd


Cited: Lori Wallace, Age 60, 10871 Hazelview Ave Alliance


Charge: SCO: 337.21 Obstructed View


On 13June21 While sitting stationary conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring I (Ptl. Melendez) Observed a Vehicle bearing Ohio registration FBS9305 turn left onto N Johnson Road from W Ohio Ave. While watching the driver turn right onto Johnson Road, I Observed a large amount of debris on the passenger side of the vehicle obstructing the drivers view of the passenger side mirror. I then got behind the vehicle and also observed that there was a large amount of debris covering the back window also.


Upon noticing all the debris obstructing the rear I then conducted a traffic stop with my marked patrol vehicle (303) in the front of 856 N Johnson Rd where I made contact with the operator Lori Wallace. I identified myself and advised Wallace why she was being stopped, Wallace stated that she could see out of her passenger side mirror. While standing on the driver's side of the vehicle I could not see her passenger side mirror because of all the debris. I then asked Wallace if she could roll her back windows down and the debris in the vehicle was so packed, I could not see through her vehicle.


Wallace was then cited for Obstructed View SCO: 337.21 Ticket #031993 with a court date to be set at MCC# 3.




Ptl. Melendez #508












ARREST REPORT  June 11, 2021 @ 1101 hrs

Case No.: 21-006054


TRAFFIC - 400 Block Courtney Rd. Sebring, OH


Cited: Rajbeer Turna, Age 26, 344 Upper Paradise Rd. Hamilton, Ontario Canada


Charge: SCO: 333.08 Reasonable Control (MM)


At 11:0l hours on 06-11-2021 I was traveling westbound in the 300 block of Courtney Rd. when I observed a semi-tractor-trailer-truck that appeared to have driven off the roadway while traveling eastbound. All wheels on the driver side of the truck and trailer were lifted off of the ground and the truck was leaning heavily onto its passenger side.


As I approached closer, I observed a male subject in his 20's, of Asian descent, standing near the truck. I slowed to a stop and made contact with the subject, who advised that he had a tow truck enroute to pull the truck out. At approximately this time, I was advised by dispatch that a call had been received regarding the incident.


I then turned my patrol car around and activated my overhead lights so as to alert oncoming traffic. I also requested the driver's registration, driver license, as well as proof of insurance. The driver produced a driver license from Ontario Canada that identified him as Rajbeer Singh Turna. In speaking with Turna, he advised that while he was traveling eastbound on Courtney Rd. approaching the tracks he slowed down and pulled over to the shoulder of the roadway to allow another vehicle to pass him. Turna said that he pulled over too far and then went into the ditch. Turna advised that he had been up driving for approximately nine hours.


I detected no signs of impairment while speaking with him. As I continued on around the truck, I noticed that an Ontario Canada license plate bearing 903-2PZ was attached to the truck. U.S. Dept. Transportation No. 1474865 was also affixed to the side.


Approximately 40 minutes later, Johns Towing arrived and pulled the semi-tractor-trailer-truck from the ditch.


Upon being removed from the ditch, the truck was pulled across the railroad tracks by Johns Towing. Because Mr. Turna could not get the truck started again, I notified Smith Township of the issue. Because the truck presented a road hazard, Det. Starr arrived and began conducting traffic control until the truck could be towed from the roadside. David Martin and John Shultz, of Famous Supply, also arrived at around this time and assessed the damage to their property that consisted of deep rutting and damage to the grass along the roadside.


Rajbeer Turna was issued Uniform traffic citation No. 032024 for operation without reasonable control (SC0:333.08). Turna signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on how to either contest the citation or pay it if he wished to do so. I then cleared from the scene with nothing additional to report at this time.




Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT  June 10, 2021 @ 1345 hrs

Case No.: 21-005013


CRIMINAL - 133 N. 16th Street Sebring,


Arrested: Joyce Klossner, Age 64, 216 W. Pennsylvania Ave. Sebring,



SCO: 1317.01 Permitted a Nuisance (M-4)


SCO: 1317.09 Building in unsafe condition (M-3)


The undersigned while on routine patrol observed the property at 216 West Pennsylvania Ave. had not mowed their grass, and further investigation , there is trash on the front porch, there is a trap on the roof. The undersigned check the rear of the residence and found a vehicle with Ohio registration HQN6373, which is not in operating condition.


The undersigned will be preparing a letter on Trash, Junk Vehicle and a abatement letter. - The re property has not cared for a long time and is a nuisance. Photos will be taken of the property.



Paul E, Freer unit #515

Code Enforcement Officer











ARREST REPORT  June 10, 2021 @ 0900 hrs

Case No.: 21-006052


TRAFFIC - 724 Lake Park Blvd


Cited: Eduardo Pastor, Age 37, 466 S Lundy Ave Salem



SCO: 331.14 Turn Signal

SCO: 335.01 Drivers License Required


On 10June21 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a green 1999 Dodge Truck bearing Ohio registration GSE1188 make a right turn without signaling from S Johnson Road onto Lake Park Blvd. After seeing the violation, I then activated my emergency lights in my marked patrol(302) vehicle and conducted a traffic stop on Lake Park Blvd.


Upon walking up to the vehicle I then made contact with a Hispanic male, Mr. Eduardo Perez Pastor, who was the operator of the vehicle. I made multiple attempts while speaking Spanish to obtain an identification from Pastor who stated he did not have on him. I also noticed while asking for identification pastor he continuously made movements for an unknown object in the driver's side door.


Once observing Pastor's change in behavior, I then advised Pastor if he could exit his vehicle for Officer Safety.


After asking Pastor and advising him to exit his vehicle I noticed a Black wallet in the doorway of the vehicle. I then asked if the wallet belonged to him and he stated yes it was his wallet. I then asked Pastor if I could Check and make sure that there was no type of narcotics hidden in his wallet and Pastor agreed. While opening the wallet I found a fake identification card with Pastors name on it. I then advised dispatch who my operator was and dispatch advised that he was not valid. After obtaining that information from dispatch I then advised dispatch to send me a Tow and Springers arrived a short time later.


Perez was then citied for Turn Signal Required SCO: 331.14 and Driver's License required SCO:335.01 with a court date to be set with MCC#3.



Ptl. Melendez #508  06/10/2021











ARREST REPORT  June 9, 2021 @ 0953 hrs

Case No.: 21-006047


TRAFFIC - 1500 Block S. 12th St. Sebring, OH


Cited: Jerry Yeagly, Age 41, 486 E. Georgia Ave, Sebring


Charge: SCO:333.03  Speed (54/35)


On 06-09-2021 at 09:53, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary, facing northbound, on the roadside in the 1400 block of S. l2th Street, I observed a black sedan traveling southbound at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35MPH speed limit.


Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 54MPH. As the vehicle passed by me, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop.


The black Ford Fusion, bearing Ohio Registration DLY 4044, came to a stop on S. l2th Street, approximately 1/4 mile south of the village limits.


Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, he immediately stated "I knew I was getting pulled over". I then requested his driver license, vehicle registration as well as proof of insurance.  I also advised the driver as to why I was stopping him and asked where he was going in such a hurry. The driver said that it was his dad's car and it's a lot different driving it than his pickup truck. The driver also produced an Ohio Driver License that identified him as Jerry Allen Yeagley as well as the vehicle's registration.


After speaking with Mr. Yeagley, I returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032078. I cited Mr. Yeagley for speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03), for going 54MPH in the marked 35MPH zone. Mr. Yeagley signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on how to pay for the citation or contest it if he wished to do so. Nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #506










ARREST REPORT  June 9, 2021 @ 1511 hrs

Case No.: 21-004029




Arrest: Dean Grindley, Age 51, 11358 Island Creek Dr., Beloit


Charge: ORC: 1317.09  Building In Unsafe Condition


The undersigned was advised by Village Manager, Jack Haney, that there was a hole in the the roof of the house at the above address. The undersigned was advised to do a abatement notice to the property owner to repair the roof. The undersigned did go to address above and take photos of the hole in the roof and will serve the property owner with abatement letter.




Paul E. Freer unit 515

Code Enforcement Letter











ARREST REPORT  June 8, 2021 @ 2959 hrs

Case No.: 21-0040074




Arrest: Clayton Thompson, Age 33, 155 W Michigan Ave Sebring OH



1317.09 Building in Unsafe Condition


1317.01 Permitting a Nuisance



On April 7, 2021, Chief Harris, showed me the garage located at 125 West Vermont Ave.  The garage roof is in need of repair.  The whole garage has not been kept up in repair or painted.


The undersigned is starting an abatement proceedings. The undersigned did take photos of the property and will served the owner and post the garage.



Paul E. Freer unit #515

Code Enforcement Officer











ARREST REPORT  June 8, 2021 @ 1030 hrs

Case No.: 21-003097


SUMMONS - 135 East Ohio Ave


Arrest: Robert Beaton, Age 86, 215 East Pennsylvania Ave, Sehring, OH



1317.09 Buildings in unsafe condition (M-3) / Bond $750


1317.01 Permitting a Nuisance (M-4) / Bond $500


The undersigned was asked by the village solicitor to start an abatement report on the above owner for the building is at the rear of the property. It looks to be an old chicken coop or was used to raise pigeons. The building is about to collapse and and is unsafe for use. The village solicitor has been working with the owner prior to report.


An abatement letter will be had delivered to the owner of property by the undersigned.



Paul E. Freer unit #515

Code Enforcement Officer











ARREST REPORT  June 8, 2021 @ 1300 hrs

Case No.: 21-006044


Citation - MJ Paraph. - Oak Ridge Motel on S.R. 62


Cited: Chancelor Roosa, age 20, 22802 Ellsworth Ave, Minerva


Charge: 2925.141C Possesion of Marijuana Paraphenalia


Unit responded to an animal complaint at the Oak Ridge Motel.



Ptl. Stanton #505











ARREST REPORT  June 8, 2021 @ 2220 hrs

Case No.: 21-006046


TRAFFIC - 195 N Johnson Rd Sebring


Cited: Noah Gehret, Age 21, 836 S Union Ave Alliance


Charge: SCO: 331.19 Stop Sign


On 8June21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement at the intersection of W Ohio Ave and Johnson Road I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a 2005 Jeep Renegade (959ZLB) run the stop sign. After observing the traffic violation, I then got behind the vehicle which was traveling south on Johnson Road. At this time, I activated my emergency lights on my marked patrol vehicle 302 and conducted a traffic stop on Johnson Road at W Oregon Ave. I then approached the vehicle and made contact with Noah Gehret, Gehret was then advised for the reason of my stop.


A short time later Gehret was charged with running the stop Sign SCO: 333.19 with ticket #031991 with a date set for June 17 2021 for 9am.


Nothing else to report at this time.



Ptl. Melendez #508  06/08/2021











ARREST REPORT  June 8, 2021 @ 2100

Case No.: 21-005051




Arrest: Shawn Carver, Age 36, 783 S. 14th St, Sebring


Charge: 505.01(C) Dogs at Large


On 17May2021 I was Dispatched to the 783 S. 14th St. for 3 Dogs at Large.


Officer Pedro Melendez, Sr

05/17/2021 @ 1727 hrs










ARREST REPORT  5/31/2021 @ 0735 hrs

Case No.: 20-010128


Warrant - Circle Restaurant, Deerfield, OH


ARREST: Bradley Marsh

AGE 33

166 West Pennsylvania, Sebring, OH


Charge: 2907.09 Public Indecency-exposure (M-4)/Bond $500


Date Offense: 10/26/2020



On 26/Oct./20 while on patrol I was dispatched to 300 block of West Oregon for a report of Indecent Exposure.



Officer: Pedro Melendez Sr.











ARREST REPORT 5/29/2021 @ 1200 hrs

Case No: 21-005090


Summons: Billie Jo Ketchum

Age 42

396 E Michigan Ave Sebring Ohio


CHARGE: ORC: 2917.11(M4) Disorderly Conduct with Persistence / Bond $500



Summons: Stephen Ketchum

Age 42

396 E Michigan Ave Sebring Ohio


CHARGE: ORC: 2917.11(M4) Disorderly Conduct with Persistence / Bond $500



On 05/16/2021 @ 0045 hours I arrived at 396 East Michigan for loud music.


Ptl. Peterman #507












ARREST REPORT 5/28/2021 @ 06:15 hrs

Case No: 21-005092


CRIMINAL @ 2700 W. State St. Alliance, OH 44672 (Wal-Mart)


ARREST: Gabrielle Weibush

Female Age 30

375 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Sebring, OH


CHARGE: Telecommunications harassment (M-1) / Bond $1,250



On 05-16-2021 at 07:00 hours, I was approached by a village employee who advised that he was the victim of telecommunications harassment.


05/16/2021 1306 / Officer / Andrew Reed











ARREST REPORT 5/20/2021 @ 0700 hrs

Case No: 21-005114


CRIMINAL @ 205 E. Ohio Ave


ARREST: Dusty Stafford

Male Age 31

9962 German Church Rd. Atwater OH



2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substance F5 / Bond $2,500

2925.12 Drug Abuse Instruments M1 / Bond $1,250


ARREST: Lauren Mobley

Female Age 33

664 N lincoln Ave Alliance OH



2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substance F3 / Bond $8,000

2925.12 Drug Abuse Instruments M1 / Bond $1,250



On 05/26/21 units responded to circle K for a verbal argument that lead to narcotics related charges.


Ptl. Brindack 504












ARREST REPORT 5/20/2021 @ 1845 hrs

Case No: 21-005117


CITATION - 800 Block W. Ohio Ave


CITED: Mardell Forrest

Male Age 40

2810 Balaire Place SW, Canton


CHARGE: SCO-335.074 License Forfeiture- Operating Vehicle



While conducting Traffic Control on Johnson Road looking over Ohio Ave. I witnessed a vehicle travel through the intersection of Ohio Ave going East to West. This vehicle did not stop at the stop sign, only slowing down to pass through the intersection.


I activated my over head lights and followed the vehicle until it stopped in the 800 block of W. Ohio Ave. Approaching the vehicle and speaking to the driver it was determined the driver did not have a license on him. I clarified what was meant and the driver admitted to not having a license issued to him.


I obtained a non-driver identification from him as well as the appropriate paperwork. Everything on the vehicle was valid, I issued the driver identified as Mardell Forrest a citation #031390 for license forfeiture - SCO 335.074.1 issued Mardell a warning for not stopping at the stop sign as well. The passenger took over the vehicle and I cleared the scene accordingly.



REPORT Ptl. Stanton #505 DATE 5/20/2021











ARREST REPORT 5/17/2021 @ 0945 hrs

Case No: 21-005060


SUMMONS - Sebring Police Department


Arrest: Stephen Mcguire

Male Age 46

30857 Tower Rd. Salem


CHARGE: 1511.03 Open Burning



On 10May21 I was dispatched to the rear of 336 E Oregon Ave of an open Fire


05/10/2021 16:18 Officer Pedro Melendez, Sr.











ARREST REPORT 5/17/2021 @ 2245 hrs

Case No: 21-005103


TRAFFIC - S. 12th St @ State Rt 62


CITED: Thomas Crider

Male Age 23

236 Alabama Ave Apt 11 Sebring


Charge: ORC: 4511.213 (A)(2) MM Failure To Yield To An Emergency Vehicle / Bond $150



On 17May21 While exiting my marked patrol vehicle after initiating a traffic stop in the 1100 block of South 12th St I (Ptl. Melendez) saw a Gray 2011 Chevy Camaro bearing Ohio registration HWC4322 drive past me at a high rate of Speed.


I then cleared from my initial traffic stop and I conducted a traffic stop on South 12th at State RT62 where I made contact with Thomas J. Crider. Upon walking up to the vehicle Crider began to curse at me and stating that I was making him late for work. I then advised Crider the reason why I was stopping him was because he drove past me at a high rate of speed while I was exiting my patrol vehicle. Crider stated "I was only going 35-40 MPH ".


I then advised Crider that Ohio law clearly states that he is to slow down to a safe speed whenever passing any Emergency vehicle and proceed with caution while changing lanes.  Crider was then cited with ticket #031990 for Failure to Yield to an Emergency Vehicle ORC: 4511.213(A)(2) with MCC#3.



REPORT BY Ptl. Melendez #510 DATE 5/17/2021











ARREST REPORT 5/17/2021 @ 2140 hrs

Case No: 21-005102


TRAFFIC - 800 Block North Johnson Ave


Cited: Linsay Grachanin

Female Age 36

6725 Luteran Lane, Poland


Charge: ORC: 4510.1l DUS



On 17May21 While traveling North on Johnson Ave I (Ptl. Melendez) Observed a Blue 2003 Toyota Matrix bearing Ohio registration JBM9571 driving 15 MPH below the posted speed limit of 35. I then Initiated my lights on my marked patrol vehicle 304 and conducted a traffic stop in the 800 block of North Johnson Ave where I made contact with the owner of the vehicle Ms. Lindsay Grachann. I then advised dispatch that Grachann was my operator, shortly after dispatch advised that she was suspended.


While standing by Grachann's vehicle I advised her that her license was suspended. Grachann stated that she does have insurance with an SR22 bond and that her license should be valid.


Grachann then contacted her mother in-law Sharon Rowland who is a valid driver to come drive her vehicle. I then advised Grachann that if her statement is true that she should contact the DMV to see why it states that she is currently suspended.


Grachann was cited ticket #031989 for ORC: 4510.11 (A) DUS with a date to be set by MCC #3.




Officer #510 Ptl. Melendez  05/17/21












ARREST REPORT 5/16/2021 @ 1905 hrs

Case No: 21-005068


CRIMINAL @ 555 West California Ave.


ARREST: Catherine Woods

Female Age 37

555 West California Ave. Sebring, Ohio


CHARGE: SCO 351.15 Outside Storage of Unused Vehicle



On 05/16/2021 @ 1905 I served Catherine Lee Woods with a summons on the charge of SCO 351.15(a) Outside storage of unused motor vehicle. I then cleared without further incident.



Ptl. Peterman #507












ARREST REPORT 5/14/2021 @ 2109 hrs

Case No: 21-005080


Citation -031389


Cited: Nicole Kent

Female Age 34

1832 S. Freedom Ave, Sebring


Charge: SCO-331.16 Right of Way at Intersection (MM)



On 05/14/2021, I (Ptl. Stanton) was enforcing traffic control on S 15th Street when I witnessed a green Buick engage its break lights but continue through the intersection. This vehicle was slowing down but did not come to a stop while traveling through the intersection. I engaged my over head emergency lights and followed the vehicle through the intersection. The vehicle came to a stop on S. 15th and Georgia where I made contact with Nicole Kent.


Nicole admitted she was unable to stop at the intersection and was only able to slow her vehicle down to some degree. I issued Nicole Citation #031389- Right of way at intersection 5CO 331.16 (MM). I advised her that her court date is to be set by the MCC#3 and she does not have to appear if does not wish to. I cleared the scene after issuing Nicole her copy of the citation.




Ptl, Stanton #505












ARREST REPORT 5/13/2021 @ 0212 hrs

Case No: 21-005074


CRIMINAL - Oak Ridge Motel (20040 Harrisburg Westville Road)


ARREST: Ashley Romans

Female Age 28

714 Fulton Road NW Canton, Ohio



2925.13 Permitting Drug Abuse M-1 / Bond $1,250

2925.12 Possessing Drug Abuse Instruments M-2 / Bond $1,000



On 05/13/2021 @ 0052 hours responded to overdose at Oak Ridge Motel apartment #27(20040 Harrisburg-Westville Road).



Ptl. Peterman #507












ARREST REPORT 5/13/2021 @ 1050 hrs

Case No: 21-005076


CRIMINAL - 345 W New York Ave


ARREST: Joseph Hartline

Male Age 37

245 W Columbia St Alliance OH



2925.11 Possession Controlled Substance F3  / Bond $8,000

2925.14 Drug Paraphenalia M4 / Bond $500



On 05/13/2021 I conducted a traffic stop which lead to a drug related arrest.




INVESTIGATING OFFICER(S) Ptl Brindack / Det Reed / Ptl Ray

REPORT BY Ptl. Brindack DATE 5/13/2021






PUBLISHED 5:29 PM 6/8/2021 *






ARREST REPORT  May 5,2021 @ 1938 hrs

Case No.: 21-004131



376 West Virginia Ave. Sebring, Ohio


Arrest: Donald Handy III, 29 y/o, 376 West Virginia Ave. Sebring, Ohio



Charge: 2917.21(B)Telecommunications Harassment / Bond $1,250



On 4/30/2021 I was met on station for a telecommunications harassment.



Sgt. Kelm #503












ARREST REPORT  May 7,2021 @ 1403 hrs

Case No.: 21-001003


Warrant Pick-up

Columbiana County Jail


Charge: 2925.11 Possession of controlled substance ( Warrant ) / Bond $2,500


On 01-01-2021 at 1040 hrs I responded to a report of drug activity involving a maroon van parked at Circle K (205 E. Ohio Ave). A subsequent investigation resulted in the detention of all three occupants on warrants, it being revealed that the Van had been taken without the owners consent from a Goshen Township residence, as well as the recovery of drug paraphernalia.











ARREST REPORT  May 6,2021 @ 1640 hrs

Case No.: 21-005005


Warrant / Summons

195 W. Oregon Ave


Arrest: Brandon Green, 29 y/o, 195 W. Oregon Ave


Charge: 2919.22A Child Endangering Summons



Arrest: Brittany Neely, 27 y/o, 195 W. Oregon Ave


Charge: 2919.22A Child Endangering Summons



Unit responded to suspicious/intoxicated persons at the Brickhouse.



W. Stanton 505












ARREST REPORT  May 6,2021 @ 1640 hrs

Case No.: 21-005025


TRAFFIC - 600 Block Courtney Rd. , Sebring, Oh


Cited: Zachary Richards, 19 y/o, 11813 Johnson Rd., Beloit, Oh


Charge: SCO:333.08 Operation Without Reasonable Control



On 05-06-2021 at 08:05 hours, I was dispatched to the area of Sebring Woods on Courtney Rd. regarding a vehicle in a ditch with the driver standing outside of it. I immediately proceeded to this area where I located the subject vehicle, a red 2003 Ford Mustang (OH Reg JIU 4422), sitting in a grassy area on the north side of the roadway facing east. There were also tire tracks in the grass and along the berm of the roadway that led from Courtney Rd and indicated an eastbound direction of travel.


Upon making contact with the male subject who was standing outside of the vehicle, I asked him what had happened and if he was injured. The subject said that he was turning right into Courtney Rd. from N. Johnson Avenue and he lost control and went off the roadway. I then asked the subject for his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The subject was able to produce an Ohio Driver License that identified him as Zachary Richards as well as proof of up-to-date insurance. Richards said that he had just purchased the vehicle and provided me with a signed and notarized title, which listed a purchase date of 04-19-2021. In speaking further with Richards I did not observe any signs to indicate that he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 


Richards also advised that he was wearing a seat belt and had not been distracted by his cell phone or any other device at the time of the crash.


I then returned to my patrol car and drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No.032079. Richards was cited for operation without reasonable control (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.08). Richards then signed to citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for instructions on how to either pay the citation or contest it if he wished to do so.


A family member then arrived and pulled Richards vehicle from the ditch while I maintained traffic control. I then cleared from the call with nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT  May 6,2021 @ 2346 hrs

Case No.: 21-005032


TRAFFIC - W. Texas Ave. / S. 15th St.


Cited: Samual Holshue, 19 y/o, 455 South 19th Street Sebring, Ohio


Charge: SCO:331.36  Loud Exhaust



On 05-06-2023 at 2346 hours I, Patrolman Peterman #507, was preparing to leave station when I observed a black Volkswagen approaching the intersection of N 15th St. and East Ohio Ave. loudly emitting a crackling exhaust sound. As the vehicle passed station, I observed the exhaust was modified through the hood of the vehicle. As the vehicle turned south onto 15th St. the vehicle became increasingly louder as it accelerated. I entered my assigned, marked cruiser #302, and as I passed through the intersection of Ohio Ave. and 15th I observed the same vehicle traveling south towards West Texas Ave. I approached the vehicle while activating my emergency overhead lights and audible siren, with the vehicle stopping on west Texas Ave, near south 15th St.


I advised dispatch to have Sgt. Kelm #503 to assist me with the traffic stop.


As Sgt. Kelm arrived on scene, I approached the vehicle, identifying myself and the reason for the stop being the very loud exhaust sound. I advised the driver and registered owner, Samuel Holshue, that I was going to perform a decibel reading on the vehicle with the department reader. I advised Samuel to rev his car to 3000 RPM so that I can observe the sound level emitted is the same during testing and Samuel complied. I then advised him to stop. As the vehicle idled, I Placed the decibel reader 2-3 inches above the exhaust tip for several seconds and observed a steady reading of 90.8 decibels.


I then advised Samuel to rev the vehicle to 3000 RPM and to hold it at that level as I obtained a second reading. Upon performing the same placement of decibel reader, I observed a steady reading of 109.9 Decibels over several seconds. I moved the reader away after locking the device at maximum noise level read, and shown Samuel the reading.


I advised Samuel I needed his license and pertinent documentation for the vehicle. Samuel handed me his license, and I returned to my marked cruiser. Samuel was given from Sgt. Kelms citation booklet, citation #031225 for loud exhaust (SCO 331.36MM), and upon returning to the vehicle, Samuel showed me an insurance card that expired on 4/30/2021.  Samuel was unable to find an up to date insurance card, and was given a mandatory court date to be set by the court. I advised Samuel of this and asked for his signature, to which he complied.


Officers then cleared without further incident.




Ptl. Peterman #507







PUBLISHED 2:48 PM 5/13/2021 *







ARREST REPORT  May 5, 2021  @ 2344 hrs

Case No.: 21-005021


Traffic - W. Pennsylvania / N. 19th St.


Cited: Alyssa Smith, 29, 595 West Maryland Ave., Sebring, Ohio 


Charge: 4510.11 DUS(License Forfeiture-Indefinite)



On 05/05/2021 @ 2344 hours I, Patrolman Peterman #507, while performing patrol duties in marked cruiser #303 on West Pennsylvania Ave., I observed a white chevy, and after running the plate(HQQ4573) the vehicle returned to Alyssa Smith, whom dispatch advised was currently under a license suspension.


I activated my emergency overhead lights, and audible siren as the vehicle stopped near the intersectian of West Pennsylvania and North 19th Street, I performed a passenger side approach and identified myself, and the reason for the stop being the registered owner being under license suspension.


The driver, Alyssa Smith, advised she was aware of her license suspension but had driving privileges for work and had just gotten off of work but was searching for her dog that ran away earlier that evening.


Alyssa handed me her identification card, which I confirmed through dispatch was under a license suspension with driving privileges, but did not have her registration or insurance on her. I then advised Alyssa if she could have a valid driver be at our location in a short time, I would not tow the vehicle. A short time later Shawn Carver arrived on scene and produced a valid license which I confirmed through dispatch. Shawn Carver took possession of the vehicle, and I advised Alyssa not to drive for any reason not listed on her privileges. 


Alyssa agreed and I cleared without further incident.


After discussing with dispatch, I mistook the license suspension with privileges as dispatch advised to me that her driving privileges were revoked through Portage County Court as of 3/20/21.  I then went to the residence (595 West Maryland Ave.) and advised Alyssa she was going to receive a citation as her driving privileges were revoked.


I completed citation #032051 for DUS 4510.11, and advised Alyssa to contact the court for further information on the court date and any other questions she may have. I then cleared without further incident.


Nothing further to report.


Ptl. Peterman #507












ARREST REPORT  April 28, 2021  @ 0725 hrs

Case No.: 21-004126




Cited: Roxanne Fotheringham, 47, 135 E. Florida Ave., Sebring, Oh


Charge: SCO: 505.01(c)Dogs Running at Large



On 4-28-2021 at 07:0l hours, I was dispatched to a report of dogs running at large in the area of the S. 15th Street and Texas Ave. A resident of the 100 block of E. Florida Ave, was subsequently issued a citation for dogs running at large.











ARREST REPORT  April 28, 2021  @ 1000 hrs

Case No.: 21-003106


SUMMONS / Alfred Thompson, 39, 663 West Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH


Charge: 521.08(b) Allowing Trash to Remain (MM)




SUMMONS / Amber Thompson, 34, 663 West Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH


Charge: 521.08(b) Allowing Trash to Remain (MM)



On Aril 16,2021, the undersigned was advised by Chief Harris, that the solicitor advised for the undersigned to file charges of Amber Lyn Thornson, of 663 West Ohio Avenue, Sebring, Ohio 44672, for Allowing Trash to Remain, a violation of 521.08(b), Sebring Codified Ordinance, a minor misdemeanor. The undersigned did complete the state complaint as directed.


Paul E, Freer unit 515

Code Enforcement Officer











ARREST REPORT  April 26, 2021

Case No.: 21-007131




Arrest: Steven McGrew, 35, 16970 Pine Lake Rd, Beloit, OH


Charge: 2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substance


On 04-23-2021, a warrant was secured for the arrest of Mr. Steven McGrew. This being after receiving laboratory rasults that confirmed that the substance found in McGrews possession was methamphetamine. This warrant is for one fifth-degree felony charge of possession of controlled substances (Ohio Revised Code 2925.11).


On this date the warrant was served at the MCJ. The arrestee has a court date of




Chief Harris #502












ARREST REPORT  April 24, 2021  @ 1124 hrs

Case No.: 21-004111


Traffic - 100 block of S. 12th Street


Cited: Henry Mumaw, 21, 93 edgewater Dr., Poland, Oh


Charge: SCO:333.03 Speed(53/35)



On 04-24-2021 at 11:24 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary along the roadside facing south in the 100 block of 5. 12fhS treet, I observed a silver SUV traveling northbound on 5. 12th street near E. Georgia Avenue at a rate of speed that was visibly higher than that of the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activating the patrol cars front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 53 MPH.


Once the vehicle passed by my location, I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The silver Jeep Lerada, being Ohio Registration FXP 1825, came to a complete stop in the 100 block of S.12th Street near the train tracks. I then performed a passenger side approach and made contact with the driver, as well as front seat passenger. In speaking with the driver, I identified myself as well as informed him of the reason for the stop. When I asked if he was aware of his speed, the driver said that he believed that he was only going 40 MPH. I then requested his driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver produced an Ohio Driver License that identified him as Henry Mumaw. I also at this point noticed that both he and his passenger appeared very anxious, as was evident by their shaking and inability to maintain eye contact while I was speaking with them.


I also asked the passenger if I could see his identification, with him handing me an Ohio Identification card that showed him to be Jeriah Doyle.


I then returned to my patrol car, with Ptl. Paterson arriving to my location. In speaking with Paterson, I advised him that I would be writing the driver a citation for speed as soon as I was advised of his driving and warrant status by dispatch.


Several seconds later I was informed by dispatch that Mumaw's driver license was expired as of 01-11-2021. It should be noted that this falls under the exemption dates for the Covid-19 pandemic. I then requested Ptl. Paterson to speak with the driver and ask for consent to search the vehicle while I wrote the citation.


Paterson returned several minutes later and advised that he noticed the nervous behavior from the two subjects as well and that Mumaw declined his request to perform a consent search on the vehicle.


Due to the behavior of the two subjects indicating possible criminal activity, I asked if Ptl. Stanton was available with K9 Radar, with him advising that he was not. I then wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032077 to Mumaw. I cited Mumaw for speed(Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03), for going 53 MPH in the marked 35MPH zone. I then returned to his vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 on the following business day for instructions on how to either pay the citation or contest it if he wished to do so.


Both units then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #506






PUBLISHED 5:58 AM 5/8/2021 *






ARREST REPORT  4/19/2021  @ 1934 hrs

Case No.: 21004097


Traffic - Sebring Estates


Cited: Robin Harper, 51 y/o, 132 Cedar Wood Dr.


Charge: ORD: 335.07  Driving Under Suspension


On 04/19/2021, I, Officer Ray, while patrolling in marked cruiser #302, observed a gold Hyundai Sonata travelling east on Ohio through the intersection at 12th street, with no visible registration. I was able to stop the vehicle at the entrance to Sebring Estates. I approached the vehicle and identified the driver as Robin Harper. Robin stated to me that she did not have a license. Using Robin's SSN dispatch advised me that she was suspended. The registered owner of the vehicle was Victoria Best (RS247920). Victoria was also the passenger of the vehicle. Robin stated to me that she was driving the vehicle because Victoria was not feeling well.


I issued Robin a citation for DUS (#032101).  I had Victoria drive the vehicle home.


I cleared without further incident.




Officer Ray #512











ARREST REPORT  4/17/2021  @ 0834 hrs

Case No.: 21004079


Traffic - 1000 Block S. 15th St.


Cited: Toni Ennis , 47 y/o, 306 W. Pennsylvania Ave.


Charge: SCO: 333.03  Speed (48/35)



I activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The red Vibe, bearing Ohio registration JHC 1323 came to a complete stop in the 1000 block of S.15th street. I then approached and made contact with the driver. I requested her driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. I also asked if she was aware of her speed.


The driver, identified as Toni Lynn Ennis, advised that she didn't realize she was going as fast as she was.


I then returned to the patrol car, where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032076. I cited Ennis for speed (SCO: 333.031, for going 48 in the marked 35MPH zone.


I then returned to Ennis's vehicle where she signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 on the next business day for instructions on how to either pay for the citation or contest it if she wished to do so. I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.




Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT  4/14/2021

Case No.: 20011104


Possesion of Drugs (WARRANT)


Arrested: Andrea Chatigny, 51 y/o, 125 1/2 E Oregon Ave.


Charge: 2925.1 Possesion of Drugs / Bond $2,500



On 11/30/2020 I conducted a traffic stop which lead to the seizure of a suspected controlled substance.


Ptl. Brindack #504












ARREST REPORT  4/13/2021 @ 1430 hrs

Case No.: 21003094




Crystal Black, 60 y/o, 246 East Ohio Ave, Sebring



1317.01  Nuisance Property (M-4)  / Bond $500

1317.09  Unsafe Property (M-3)  / Bond $750



The undersigned was advised by Chief Harris, to complete a report reference Crystal Black at the above address, which started in June af 2020. This report is tied together with case number 21-010129 at 246 E. Ohio Ave..  The village solicitor is charging Crystal Black with codified ordinance 1317.09, caused a building to decay, at state of decay, also 1317.01 permitting or causing a nuisance to remain at both address.


Copy of charges are in the file.


Paul E. Freer unit 515

Code enforcement Officer


On this date Officer Stanton went to Alliance at Altercare and served Mrs Black. She has a court date of 4/22/21 @0900 MMC#3.


Chief Harris #502 4/13/21











ARREST REPORT  4/12/2021 @ 1930 hrs

Case No.: 21004023


CRIMINAL - 135 E. Ohio Ave., Sebring


Arrest: Brandon Dorsey, 41 y/o, 1371 St. Rt. 14 Deerfield


Charge: 1317.09 Buildings in Unsafe Condition



The undersigned was asked by Chief Harris, on this date, to create a report and to prepare summons for Brandon Dorsey, for the property at 698 West Ohio Avenue. This property owner was sent an abatement on October 5,2020.


To this date nothing has been done to the property described in abatement description, and the property tax is also delinquent.


A state complaint was prepared for being a nuisance 1317.01 a 4th degree misdemeanor and 1317.09 Buildings in unsafe Condition a 3rd degree Misdemeanor.


Paul E. Freer unit 515

Code Enforcement Officer










ARREST REPORT  4/11/2021 @ 0045 hrs

Case No.: 21004053


Traffic/ Warrant - S 12th St @ E Georiga Ave


Arrest: Kelsey Shaver, 27 y/o, 818 1/2 N Park Ave , Alliance



ORC:4510.11 Driving Under Suspension Non-Compliance)

SCSO Warrant



On 11Apr21 While sitting stationary in the parking lot of MCC#3 located at 605 E Ohio Ave, I (Ptl. Melender) Observed an orange 2005 Chevy Cobolt with Ohio regielration JFH8649 pass me going West bound on E Ohio Ave with no rear Plate Lights. After observing the vehicle pass me, I got behind the vehicle which turned south on N 12th St, I then conducted a traffic stop at the corner of S 12th St and E Georgia Ave. Upon walking up to the vehicle K9 Ptl. Stanton arrived. 


I then made contact with the driver Ms. Kelsey Shaver and Ms. Karla Harsh who is the passenger. I then asked for identification from both females and contacted dispatch. A short time later dispatch advised that Shavers was suspended and had a warrant out of Stark County Sherriff office. Harsh was valid.


After getting confirmation on the warrant, I then placed Shaver's in custody and placed her in the back of my patrol vehicle. Shavers was issued citation # 031988 for Driving Under Suspension ORC: 4510.11 with a date to be set, a short time later dispatched advised that Stark County was sending out a deputy to issue a summons to Shavers. Stark County arrived and I then transferred Shavers over to the Deputy and cleared, Nothing else to report at this time.




Ptl. Melender #510 04/11/2021












ARREST REPORT  4/11/2021 @ 1219 hrs

Case No.: 20010110


Warrant - Stark County Jail


Arrest: Cody Wilson, 30 y/o, 118 W High St, Lisbon


Charge: ORC 2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substance / Bond $2,500



On 10/23/2020 I responded to a suspicious person behind the Sebring Fire Department.


Ptl. Brindack #504  10/23/2020











ARREST REPORT  4/8/2021  @ 2243 hrs

Case No.: 21004045


Traffic Stop - E. Ohio Ave at MCC#3


Cited: Alberto Delavirgen, 32 y/o, 4424 Fernbrooke Rd, Las Vegas



335.02 Denied Driver License

335.09 Display of License Plate



On 04/08/2021 at approximately 2239 hours, I (Ptl. Stanton), witnessed a white 4 door sedan travel East on Ohio Ave tram the itersection of 15th and Ohio. I got behind said vehicle and witnessed it did not have a visible license plate. While searching for a plate, I witnessed the vehicle briefly go over the solid double yellow line and go back into the appropriate lane. I then saw the vehicle go very close and briefly touching the solid white line as well. Unable to see a plate anywhere to the rear of the vehicle. I initiated the traffic stop at approximately 2243 hours. At this time we were outside of the Mahaning County Court #3 parking lot and the vehicle pulled into the lot and parked.


Upon my foot approach to the vehicle, I witnessed a male with a shirt on his had over his hat obscuring his face, I proceeded to ask for a license, insurance and registration of the vehicle. The driver explained he could not find any of it and I morioned to his dash where what looked to be a card of some kind. This was indeed his license.


After securing this, I explained why I stopped him. He acted surprised that he did not have a rear tag on his vehicle. He explained he bought the vehicle and is driving across country. At this time he produced a title to the vehicle and a hand written bill of sale stating he bought the vehicle.


I told the driver identified as Alberto Delavirgen to stay in his vehicle and look for license plate or tag as I went back to my cruiser. With further investigation, the driver is denied through Colorado court and a bench warrant was issued.


I began writing a citation and I called for another unit. Ptl. Peterman #507 arrived on scene as well for officer safety. The driver was out of his vehicle at this time and actively looking through his trunk and other doors for what I believe to be the temporary tag.  I had Ptl. Peterman watch the subject while I completed the citation.


I issued Alberto a citation for No OL SCO 335.02 and Display of Plate SCO 335.09. I called for a tow of the vehicle at this time as well. Upon issuing the citation, the driver produced a temporary tag of the vehicle. This tag came back to a Barbara Mark out of Nevada. I explained that nothing is coming back to him as a rightful owner legally at this time and since he cannot drive due to no license, the vehicle is under police hold-it the tow yard. The driver became argumentative and demanded to gather his things and speak to my supervisor.


I inventoried the vehicle contents and the driver denied a consent to search. I explained the tow inventory and the driver was argumentative about it but stayed with Ptl. Peterman while I conducted the inventory. The driver then wanted to obtain objects from the vehicle.


The tow driver is waiting at this time for him to clear the vehicle for safety reasons and kept finding reason to re-enter it. After two bags and a small safe were secured, I ordered the driver to step away from the vehicle and stop impeding the tow driver from his job. The driver (Alberta) became increasingly argumentative as well. Alberto accused the Tow driver of stealing the key to the vehicle and it was determined a Key Fob was nearby and that was how the vehicle was able to start for the tow driver.



The driver then said the key must be somewhere in the vehicle and he doesn't know where it is (it is not on his person). After the tow driver secured the vehicle, Ptl. Peterman curtesy escorted the driver to a hotel in Alliance since he had no where to stay for the night.




Ptl. Stanton #505 04/08/2021











ARREST REPORT  4/8/2021 @ 1315 hrs

Case No.: 20008076


CRIMINAL - Stark County Jail 4500 Atlantic Blvd N.E. Canton


Arrest: Ryan Dupal, 28 y/o, 6000 Beth Ave., S.W. Canton



ORC: 2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substances (F-5) / Bond $2,500

ORC: 2925.14 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (M-4) / Bond $500



On 08-14-2020 at 04:35 hours, I conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle in the 200 block of E. Ohio Avenue that resulted in the male passenger receiving a citation for drivng under suspension (ORG 4510.11) as well as turn and stop signals (ORG 4511.39). The female passenger of the vehicle was also cited for wrongful entrustment (SCO: 335.05).


Suspected drugs and drug paraphernalia was also located inside of the vehicle.



Officer  Andrew Reed 11/21/2020 15:09











ARREST REPORT  4/6/2021  @ 1115 hrs

Case No.: 21003107


Warrant - Summons


Arrest: Budd Kuyper, 45 y/o, 296 E Ohio Ave, Sebring



SCO 505.01A Animals at Large(M-4)

SCO 505.01A Animals at Large(M-4)

SCO 505.01A Animals at Large(M-4)

SCO 505.03 Annual Registration of Dogs(MM)

SCO 505.03 Annual Registration of Dogs(MM)



On 03-31-2021 at 11:47 hours, I noticed several loose Pitbull-breed dogs run out of an open door at 246 E. Ohio Avenue and off of the property.



Officer  Andrew Reed 03/31/2021 14:06











ARREST REPORT  4/6/2021 @ 1750 hrs

Case No.: 21004027


CRIMINAL - 700 Block W Ohio Ave


Arrest: Trenton Ritchey, 19y/o, 375 W. Indiana Ave.


Charge: SCO: 513.03 Drug Abuse, Controlled Substance Possession (MM) / Bond $150



On 6Apr21 I conducted a Traffic Stop at the intersection of W Ohio Ave st Johnson Road.



Officer Pedro Melendez, Sr.  04/06/2021 18:56 hrs












Case No.: 21004052


Traffic - 12th and Courtney


Cited: Henry Mumaw, 21 y/o, 93 Edgewater Dr., Poland


Charge: 331.14SCO  Turn Signal



On 04/11/2021,I(Ptl. Stanton) was patrolling the Village of Sebring when I witnessed a grey/silver jeep turn right at a stop sign coming onto Ohio Ave and it had one taillight (the driver's side) out. I trailed the vehicle and ran the license plate. When the vehicle stopped again, I witnessed the right taillight activate and the center taillight activate, the left did not activate when the vehicle stopped.


Dispatch then returned the license plate back as expired. The vehicle made a left turn onto to l2th Street from Ohio Ave and the left blinker did not activate. I activated my overhead lights and initiated a traffic stop. Approaching the vehicle, I approached the driver and asked for his license, registration and insurance.


The driver identified as Henry Mumaw stated his license is expired but handed it to me anyways. I told him I pulled him over for not using a turn signal at the intersection and advised him of the expired license plate. The driver claims the BMV told him he has until June to fix the license. The driver could not produce valid insurance and shown me an expired State farm insurance. The driver advised me he has Geico but does not have the card on him. Issuing the driver ticket # 031388, I advised him he must appear in court and prove his insurance validity.


I issued him a verbal warning about the expired License and registration but cited him for Turn Signal SCO 331.14.


Ptl. Stanton #505






PUBLISHED 8:46 AM 4/21/2021 *






ARREST REPORT  April 3, 2021  @ 1818hrs

Case No.: 21004013



600 Block W. California Ave. Sebring,


CITED: Devaun Anderson, age 30, 428 S. Park Ave. Alliance,Oh



SCO: 333.03  Speed (38/25)

SCO: 335.01  Driver License Required



On Friday 04/02/2021 at approximately 1601 hours, I (Ptl. Stanton) conducted a traffic stap on a silver SUV. The SUV had an obstructed license plate (the tailgate trim was hanging in front of it).


During the traffic stop it was discovered the temporary tag is expired, the driver did not have her license on her as well. Running her name and date of birth, I discovered she is also an expired driver. I spoke to the driver Identified as Vanessa and she stated she thought she had until July to fix her tag and license. She did not have her seatbelt on from the start of the traffic stop and when I was speaking to her.


I asked her where she was coming from and going to. She was dropping her daughter off at her dads in Sebring.


After verifying the residence, I issued her a citation for the seat belt and the obstructed plate. I then explained and warned her about the license and tag and to correct those as soon as possible. Vanessa was cooperative and respectful through-out the entire traffic stop. I explained how to take care of the citation and I cleared with no issues.



Ptl. Stanton #505












ARREST REPORT  April 2, 2021  @ 1601hrs

Case No.: 21004008



17th and Ohio


CITED: Vanessa Gates, age 29, 940 Garfield Circle, Alliance



337.27  Seatbelt

335.09  Obstructed License plate



On 04-03-2021 at 18:18 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While stationary along the roadside, facing east, In the 400 block of W. California Avenue, I observed a green Mazda SUV traveling westbound at a rate of speed that appeared to be higher than that of the posted 25MPH limit. Upon activating the patrol cars front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 38MPH.


I then activated the patrol cars overhead emergency lights, positioned myself behind the green Mazda, and initiated a traffic stop. The Green Mazda Tribute, bearing Ohio Registration HWC 2344, came to a complete stop in the 600 block of W. California Avenue.


Upon approaching, I made contact with the male driver. I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of Insurance. The driver said that he didn't have his license but had his insurance information with him. He was also unable to produce a registration to the vehicle.


I then asked if he was aware of his speed with him not giving me a direct answer. I also asked if he had a driver license, with him saying that he did not. The driver was however able to provide me with his name, Devaun Anderson, date of birth, as well as social security number.


Upon returning to my patrol car, I relayed this information to dispatch. I was advised by dispatch that Mr. Anderson's driver license was not suspended, he however did not have driver license at all. I then wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032025 to Anderson. I cited Anderson for speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03) for going 38MPH in a marked 25MPH zone. Anderson was also cited for Driver License Required (Sebring Codified Ordnance 335.01).


Mr. Anderson signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 on the following business day for information on when to appear for his mandatory court appearance. The vehicle that Anderson was driving, which was registered to his mother, a Carisa Anderson, was inventoried, with nothing of value being found, before being towed to Sebring Tire with no holds being placed.


I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.




Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT  April 1, 2021  @ 0800hrs

Case No.: 21003092




CITED: Timothy Bradley, age 43, 516 Pine Lake Rd. Sebring, OH


CHARGE: SCO: 505.01(a) Dog at Large (MM)


On 03-28-2021 at 1306 hours, Officer responded to the area of N. 12th Street and Pine Lake Rd, for a complaint of animals running at large.












ARREST REPORT  March 27, 2021  @ 0910hrs

Case No.: 21003088



100 Block S. 12th St. Sebring


CITED: Erika Hawkins, age 29, 152 W. 5th St. Salem, OH



ORC: 4510.11  Driving Under Suspension (Non-Compliance)

ORC: 4511.21  Speed (49/35)



On 03-27-2021 at 09:10 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 302. While sitting stationary in the parking lot of Haiss Fabripart, located at 100 5. 12th St., I observed a silver minivan traveling northbound on S. 12th street near E. Georgia Ave. at a rate of speed that was noticeable higher than that of the posted 35MPH limit. Upon activating the patrol cars front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 49MPH.


I then activated the patrol cars overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The silver Dodge Caravan, bearing Ohio registration M301936, came to a stop on S. 12th street at the railroad tracks.


Upon approaching the vehicle, I made contact with the female driver. I requested her driver license, vehicle registration, as well as poof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, with her Ohio Driver License identifying her as Erika Hawkins. When I asked Hawkins if she were aware of her speed, she advised that she was not. I then returned to my patrol car where I relayed Hawkins's information to dispatch.


Several minutes later, I was advised by dispatch that Hawkins's driver license was under a noncompliance suspension. I then returned to Hawkins's vehicle where I advised her of this. Hawkins said that she was unaware that her license was suspended and that she had recently paid a reinstatement fee to the Bureau of Motor vehlcles after it was suspended. I then returned to the patrol car and verified through dispatch a second time that Hawkins's driver license was suspended.


I then wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032023 to Hawkins. I cited Hawkins for speed (ORC: 4511.21), for going 49MPH in a marked 35 zone, as well as driving under suspension (ORC: 4510.11).


Hawkins then signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on further proceedings in the case. In lieu of having the vehicle towed I allowed Hawkins to call her sister to pick it up.


I continued to stand-by with Hawkins until her sister, Celeste Hawkins, arrived to pick up the vehicle. I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.




Det. Reed #506











ARREST REPORT  March 27, 2021  @ 0910hrs

Case No.: 20009126



West California Ave


CITED: Daniel Schuette, age 62, 535 West Ohio Ave



1317.09 Buildings in Unsafe Conditions / bond $750

1317.01 Nuisance / bond $500


On 9/26/20 Officer observed the bulldlng at 221 S. 17th St to be in poor condition and a possible health hazard.











ARREST REPORT  March 20, 2021  @ 1813hrs

Case No.: 21003059



600 Block W. Ohio Ave., Sebring


CITED: Jacob Weese, age 24, 72 1 E. 5th St. Salem,Oh



ORC: 4510.11  Driving Under Suspension (Non-Compliance)

ORC: 4511.12  Obedience To Traffic Control Devices


On 03-20-2021 at 18:13 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While sitting stationary at the intersection of N. Johnson Road and W, Ohio Avenue, I observed tan Chevrolet Cruze, that was traveling eastbound on W. Ohio Avenue, go through the intersection, without stopping for the posted stop sign or flashing red light. Upon witnessing this, I activated the patrol cars overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The tan Cruze, bearing Ohio registration HWU 4325, came to a complete stop in the 600 block of W. Ohio Avenue.


Upon approaching the vehicle and making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver immediately began making statements about driving on an SR22 and not having his driver license on him. The driver was unable to produce any of the requested documents, but was able to provide me with his name, date of birth and social security number. The driver said that his name was Jacob Weese.  When I asked if he had a valid driver license, Mr. Weese said that he did.


I then returned to my patrol car where I relayed the information that Weese provided me to dispatch. Ptl. Russell arrived on scene at this time as well. I was advised by dispatch that Weese was currently under three separate driver license suspensions. I then exited my patrol car and again approached Weese's vehicle. I advised Weese that his driver license was under suspension and requested that he exit the vehicle. Once Weese was out of the vehicle, I asked if he was aware of his suspensions. Weese again began making statements about SR22's, Judge Zumbar, and that he should have an SR22 to drive. I then informed him that an SR22 is not a driver license and that we both know that. Weese said that he did and that he knew his driver license was suspended.


I then went back to my patrol car and wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032022 to Weese. I cited Weese for Driving Under Suspension (ORC 4510.11), as well as Obedience to Traffic Control Devices (ORC 4511.12).


Upon returning to the vehicle, Weese signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 regarding his mandatory court appearance. I also relayed his passenger, Merrideth Ormiston's information to dispatch. Because Ormiston was valid, I allowed her to drive the vehicle in lieu of towing it, after contacting her daughter, Alexandrea Romigh, who the vehicle was registered to, and receiving consent from her to do so.


A consent search was also conducted on the vehicle with no weapons or contraband being located. Both units then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.




Det. Reed #507











ARREST REPORT  March 18, 2021  @ 2356hrs

Case No.: 21003059



20040 Harrisburg Westville Road Alliance,


ARREST: Tyler Drummond, age 26, 29549 Salem Alliance Road Salem,



4510.11 DUS(NonCompliance) M-1 / bond $1,250

2925.11 Possession of contcol1ed substances F-5 / bond $2,500

2925.14 Possession of drug paraphernalia MM / bond $150

2925.03 Trafficking drugs F-4 / bond $4,000

2925.12 Possession of drug abuse instrument M-2 / bond $1,000


On 03/18/2021 Officer observed a suspicious vehicle parked after hours at Perkins restaurant.


Ptl. Peterman #507














ARREST REPORT  March 13, 2021  @ 1540hrs

Case No.: 21003031



366 E. Vermont Ave., Sebring,


CITED: Brandon Green, age 28, 195 W. Oregon Ave.



ORC: 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (Non-Compliance)

ORC: 4549.08 Fictitious Plates

ORC: 4503.21 Display of License Plates


On 03-13-2021 at 15:40 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary in the parking lot of Trinity Lutheran Church, located at 930 N. 12th Street, I observed a tan Dodge Status traveling southbound on N. 12th Street that did not appear to have a visible registration tag.


The vehicle turned right from N. 12th street and began traveling westbound On E. Vermont Avenue. As I turned the corner in my patrol car, I noticed Brandon Green, who I know to have a suspended driver license, exiting the driver seat of the vehicle in the driveway of 366 E. Vermont Avenue. I also noticed that there was no visible registration on the vehicle.


I then pulled up behind the vehicle and made contact with Mr. Green. When I informed him that I was stopping him because he did not have any visible registration, he reached into the vehicle and pulled out a temporary Ohio registration tag that had been laying between the rear passenger seats and rear window. I also asked Green if his driver license was still suspended, with him saying that they were but he had driving privileges through East Liverpool.


Upon running this registration (K428397) through dispatch, I was advised that it belonged on 2003 a Ford truck that was registered to a David Gamble in East Liverpool, Ohio. I was also advised that the plates had expired on September 14,2020. In addition to this, I was advised that Mr. Green's license was suspended, that he did not have any driving privileges, and that he had been cited for driving under suspension three times within the last year and that there was a confiscation order placed on his driver license by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.


At this point I also noticed the expiration date on the tags had whiteout covering the original date and Apr 12, 2021 being rewritten over it.


I then asked Green for his driver license, with him producing an Ohio identification card. I also asked green whose residence we were at, with him saying he believed it was his friend, Jesse Miller's house. At this point I received consent to conduct a pat-down of Green's person for weapons, I noted that he had a small folding pocked knife that I removed from his right pocket, with me advising him that I would be holding onto it for the duration of our encounter. Green also consented to a search of his pockets, with no contraband being found.


Ptl. Russell arrived to our location at around this time with me returning to my patrol car to write Mr. Green his citations. Mr. Green received Uniform Traffic Citation No's. 032020 and 032021. Mr. Green was cited for Driving Under Suspension (ORC: 4510.11), Fictitious Plates (QRC 4549.08), and Display of License Plates (ORC 4503.21). Mr. Green signed the citations, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3.


An administrative inventory af the vehicle was conducted by Ptl. Russell with nothing of value being located not any weapons or contraband. After running the vehicles VIN number through dispatch, I was advised that it was showing up as still being registered to a Doris E. George of Alliance. The vehicle was then towed to Sebring Tire's impound lot, with a hold being placed on the vehicle.


Both Ptl. Russell and I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #506






PUBLISHED 5:13 AM 4/6/2021 *






ARREST REPORT   March 12, 2021 @ 14:04 hrs

Case No: 21003028


TRAFFIC - 100 Block S. 12th Street


CITED: Trevon Conethan, 18y/o, 2050 Glamorgan Ave., Apt. F., Alliance, Ohio


Charge: SCO:333.03  Speed (56/35)



On Friday, March 12,2021, at 14:04 hours, I was conductirig traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While patrolling southbound in the 600 block of S. 12th street, I observed a blue sedan traveling northbound on S. 12th Street near Alabama Avenue at a speed that was visibly higher than that of the posted 35 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol cars front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 56 MPH. As the vehicle neared closer, I activated the patrol cars overhead emergency lights, turned the car around, and initiated a traffic stop.


The blue/gray Toyota Corolla, bearing Ohio Registration JAM 8645, came to a stop in the 100 block of S. 12th Street. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I identified myself, advised him of the reason for the stop, as well as asked If he was aware of his speed. As I was informing the driver that his speed was the reason for the stop he said "I Know". I then requested his driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce an Ohio Driver License that identified him as Trevon Lee Conethan, as well as valid proof of financial responsibility, but was unable to provide registration to the vehicle.


I then returned to my patrol car where I wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032019 to Mr.Conethan. I cited Mr. Conethan for Speed (SCO: 333.03) for going 56 MPH in a marked 35 MPH zone. I then returned to Mr. Conethan's car where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for instructions on how to either pay for the citation or contest it if he wished to do so. I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.




Det. Reed  #507











ARREST REPORT   February 9, 2021 @ 11:24 hrs

Case No: 21002027


WARRANT - Ohio and 15th St


ARREST: Scott Hunt, 23y/o, 945 W. Ohio, Sebring


Charge: 2909.06 Criminal Damage / Bond $1,000




Case No: 21002027  February 7, 2021 @ 01:30 hrs



THEFT - 18th and Ohio Ave


ARREST: Scott Hunt, 23y/o, 945 W. Ohio, Sebring



2911.21 Criminal Trespass / Bond $500

3701.352 Violations Prohibited / Bond $1,000




Case No: 21002027   February 2, 2021 @ 12:52 hrs





ARREST: Glenn Fournier, 30y/o, 165 S. Johnson Rd. Sebring, OH



ORC: 3701.352 Violations Prohibited / Bond $1,000

ORC: 2921.31  Obstructing Official Business / Bond $1,000



On 02/07/2021 @ 0042 hours I responded to a call of suspicious person(s) leading to an arrest.



Ptl. Peterman #508  02/07/2021










On September 25,2020, the Sebring Police Department executed a search warrant at a residence in the 200 block of E. Oregon Avenue after receiving information from the Ohio Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, of which The Sebring Police Department is a member of, that criminal activity may be occurring at the residence.


Items were seized that could have been used in the commission of this activity and then sent to the Ohio Bureau of Criminal investigation (OBCI) for analysis.


Qn 03-05-2021, after receiving the results of this analysis from BCI, an arrest warrant was issued for Cameron O. Schmid for 20 counts of pandering in obscenity involving a minor or impaired person, all fourth-degree felonies. Mr. Schmid was taken into custody without incident before being transported to the Mahoning County Justice Center. Mr. Schmid's bond was set at $80,000.




Det. Andrew J. Reed







PUBLISHED 10:18 AM 3/17/2021 *






ARREST REPORT / March 7,2021  @ 12:55 hrs

Case No: 21003016


TRAFFIC - 200 Block W. Texas Ave.


Cited: Joseph Nitz, 431 E. Grant St., Alliance, OH


Charge: SCO: 333.03  Speed(43/25)



On 03-07-2021 at 12:55 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While sitting stationary in front of the F.A. Sebring Community Center, located at 306 W. Texas Avenue, I observed a dark colored Chevrolet Cobalt traveling eastbound in the 400 block of W. Texas Avenue at a speed that was noticeably higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol cars front-facing radar ahtenna, I obtained a locked speed of 43 MPH.


As the vehicle passed by me I activated the patrol cars overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The Black cobalt came to a stop in the 200 block of W. Texas Avenue, where I noted Ohio Registration JBL 3710 was attached on the back. I then approached and made contact with the male driver. Upon asking the driver if he was aware of his speed he said that he was not. When I requested his driver license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance, the driver was only able to produce the vehicles registration, with him identifying himself as Joseph W. Nitz.


Upon returning to my patrol car relayed Nitz's information to dispatch. After determining that Mr. Nitz was who he said he was, had a valid driver license, as well as no active warrants for his arrest, I began writing Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032018 to him. I cited Nitz for speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03), for going 43 MPH in a marked 25 MPH zone.


I then returned to Nitz's vehicle where he was able to provide me with proof of up-to-date insurance. Nitz then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on how to pay the citation or contest it if he wished to do so. I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.




Det. Reed  #507











ARREST REPORT / March 3,2021  @ 19:26 hrs

Case No: 20012115


CRIMINAL - 135 E. Ohio Ave.


Arrest: Nikki Welsh, 29y/o, 725 W. Ohio Ave., Sebring


Charge: 521.08(b)  Littering and Deposit of Garbage/MM



On 12/31/2020 I issued a code enforcement citation to 725 West Ohio Avenue for trash.


Ptl. Peterman #508  01/08/2021











ARREST REPORT / February 27,2021  @ 13:44 hrs

Case No: 21002113


Traffic/ Speed / S. 12th St near Alabama Ave.


Cited: Robert Neiderman, 66y/o, 2520 Wyandotte Ave., Cuyahoga,44223


Charge: 333.03  Speed 49/35



On this date at 1344 Hrs. while an patrol in the Village of Sebring I observed a tan Volkswagen Jetta bearing Ohio registration FYE82l0 traveling south on S. 12th St near Alabama Ave. I observed the vehicle traveling at a visibly high rate of speed, and the vehicle was clocked via radar at 49 Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph zone.


The vehicle was stopped and the driver one Robert H Neiderman was issued a citation for speed, and given a To Be Set court date in Mcc#3.



Ptl. S.T. McDaniel # 509











ARREST REPORT / February 27,2021  @ 09:56 hrs

Case No: 21002111


Traffic / Traffic Control / E. Maryland Ave.,at N. 14th


Cited: Alice Rinehart, 56y/o, 456 W. Pennsylvania Ave.


Charge: 313.01  Stop Sign



On this date at 0956 Hrs., while on patrol in the village of Sebring, Mahoning County I observed a tan Chevy bearing Ohio registration GAZ6186 traveling east on E. Maryland Ave. I observed the vehicle approach the intersection of E. Maryland Ave and N. 14th St, and then slow down for the legally erected stop sign and then without stopping proceed thru the intersection. I then observed the vehicle pull into the driveway of 395 E. Maryland Ave.


The driver, one Alice J Rinehart, advised that she was in a hurry to pick up her grandson. Alice was cited for Failure To Obey a Traffic Control Device (Stop Sign), and given a To Be set court date in Mcc#3.



Ptl. S.T.McDanie1 # 509











ARREST REPORT / February 27,2021  @ 13:26 hrs

Case No: 21002112


Traffic / Speed / S. Johnson Rd. in the 1300 Blk


Cited: David Miller, 22y/o, 334 N.3rd St, West Farmington


Charge: 333.03  Speed 47/35



On this date at 1326 Hrs. while on patrol in the Village of Sebring I observed a black Chevy Colorado bearing Ohio registration HZA3595 traveling north on S. Johnson Rd in the 1300 Blk. I observed the vehicle traveling a visibly high rate of speed, and the vehicle was clocked via radar at 47 Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph zone.


The vehicle, was stopped and the driver, one David Miller Jr, was cited for speed 47/35. David was also given a To Be Set court date in Mcc#3.




Ptl. S.T.McDaniel # 509






PUBLISHED 11:02 AM 3/9/2021 *







Case No.: 21-002107




ARREST: Sherrie Simpson, 42y/o,  LKA 426 1/2 E Vermont Ave, Sebring, Ohio


Charge: ORC 2919.25A Domestic Violence (F-4)


On Friday, February 26,2021, Sergeant Kelm and Patrolman Marchionda were dispatched to the 400 block of E. Vermont Ave reference a report of domestic violence.











Case No.: 21-002097




ARREST: Joseph Stanford, 18y/o, 524 W New York Ave, Sebring, Ohio


Charge: SCO: 513.121 Marijuana Paraphernalia



On Monday, February 22,2021, Patrolman Marchionda investigated a suspicious vehicle parked at Sebring Woods.













Case No.: 21-002080




CITED: Toccara Cameron, 38y/o, 576 Yale Drive, Mansfield, OH 44907


Charge: SCO: 313.01 Traffic Control Devises



On 02-18-2021 at 10:05 hours, a two car motor vehicle crash occurred at the intersection of N. 12th Street and E. Ohio Avenue. Unit 1, a 2006 Buick Rendezvous, was traveling eastbound on E. Ohio Avenue when the driver failed to stop at a ted light at the intersection. Unit 1 struck unit 2, a 2014 GMC Acadia, that was traveling northbound on N. 12th Street through the intersection.


Unit 1 sustained moderate front end damage. Unit 2 sustained disabling damage to the front driver side tire. NO occupants advised of any injuries on scene.


Nothing additional to report at this time.












Case No.: 21-002077


Traffic - 600 Block W. Oregon Ave


CITED: Barbara Mathes, 52y/o, 413 W. Ely St Alliance



ORC: 4511.43 Traffic Control Device


ORC: 4510.11 DUS



On 17Feb21 While conducting Traffic Enforcement I [Ptl. Melendez) observed a Black 2006 Chrysler (M003923) run the Stop Sign at N. Johnson St at W. Ohio Ave. After observing the infraction, I then caught up with the vehicle and conducted a Traffic stop at W. Oregon Ave and 19th St.


Upon approaching the vehicle, I made contact with MS. Barbara Mathes who advised that she just found out she was suspended. After obtaining that information from the operator I then contacted Sebring Police Dispatch and it was confirmed that she is suspended. The Vehicle was then released to Mr. Tim Mathes. Barbara was charged with DUS: 4510.11 and Traffic Control Devises: 4511.43 with a court date to be set by MCC#3 with ticket # 031985




Ptl. Melendez #511












Case No.: 21-002076


Criminal (Citation)- 345 W. New York Ave. Sebring, OH


Arrest: Zachery Thurmond, 31y/o, 907 S. Webb Ave. Alliance, OH


Charge: SCO: 521.08(a) Litter and Deposit of Garbage



Unit responded to a Theft of Services Complaint.



Ptl. Stanton #508   02/17/2021












Case No.: 21-002074


CRIMINAL - 687 West Tennessee


Arrest: Diamond Boitnott, 27y/o, 165 South Johnson road Sebring, Oh



2921.31  Obstructing Official Business M-2 / Bond $1,000


2921.29  Failure to Disclose Personal Information M-4  / Bond $500



On 2/17/2021 I was dispatched to 687 West Tennessee for a suspicious person report.



Ptl. Peterman #508













Case No.: 21-002063


CRIMINAL - 345 West New York Ave., Sebring, Ohio


Arrest: Jessica Warrick, 30y/o, LKA 336 West Georgia Ave. Sebring, Ohio



2911.13  Breaking and Entering F-5 / Bond $2,500


2925.11  Possession of controlled substance F-5  / Bond $2,500



On 14Feb21 I was dispatched to a Breaking and Entering at 345 W. New York Ave














Case No.: 21-002050




Cited: Brandon Sayavich, 27y/o, 595 W. Maryland Ave.


Charge: Open Burning 1511.05(M3) / Bond $750



Unit responded to an Open-Burning complaint at 595 W. Maryland Ave, Sebring Ohio 44672,




Ptl. Stanton #506  02/11/2021












Case No.: 21-002050


WARRANT - Stark County Jail


Arrest: Ronald Spencer, 48y/o, 300 State Ave, Massillon, OH



2921.331  Failure to Comply (F-3)  / Bond $8,000


4511.12   Traffic Control Device


4511.2    Operation in Willful/Wanton Disregard


4510.11   License Forfeiture



On Sunday, January 10, 2021, Patrolman Marchionda attempted to initiate a traffic stop in the downtown area which resulted in a brief high-speed pursuit.






PUBLISHED 1:44 PM 3/2/2021 *






ARREST REPORT  February 3, 2021  @ 13:29 hrs

Case No.: 21002015


TRAFFIC - 1400 Block S. 12th Street. Sebring


CITED: Samantha Maughan, 33, 18801 Middletown Rd. North Benton


Charge: SCO 333.03  Speed (55/35)


On Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 13:29 hours I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. While Patrolling northbound in the 800 block of S. 12th Street I observed a black SUV that was traveling northbound in the 400 block of S. 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be visibly higher than that of the posted 35MPH limit. Upon activating the patrol car's front-facing radar antenna I obtained a locked speed of 55MPH.


As the vehicle neared closer to me, I activated my overhead emergency lights. The vehicle then passed by me, with me turning my patrol car around and initiating a traffic stop. The black Chevrolet Blazer, bearing Ohio Registration HFM9146, came to a complete stop in the 1500 block of S. 12th Street. Upon approaching the vehicle I made contact with the driver. I informed her of the reason that I was stopping her as well as asked if she was aware of her speed, with her saying that she was not. I then requested her driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents with her Ohio Driver License identifying her as Samantha Marie Maughan.


I then returned to my patrol car where I wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032015 to Maughan. I cited Maughan for speeding, (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03), for going 55 MPH in a marked 35MPH zone.


Maughan signed her citation, was given her copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 on the next business day for information on how to either pay fur the citation or contest it if she wished to do so.


I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time .




Det. Reed #507











ARREST REPORT  February 6, 2021  @ 09:07 hrs

Case No.: 21002024




CITED: Elizabeth King, 58, 4775 Rabbit Rdg.


Charge: 333.03  Speed 48/35



On this date and time, while on patrol in the Village Sebring, Mahoning county I observed a white Chevy Tahoe bearing Ohio registration HQB6399 traveling south on N. 12th St at Vermont Ave. I observed the vehicle traveling at a visibly high rate of speed, and the vehicle was clocked via the radar at 48 Mph In a clearly posted 35 Mph.


I stopped the vehicle and the driver was issued a citation for speed and given a To Be Set Court date in MCC#3.




Ptl. S.T. McDaniel # 509










ARREST REPORT  February 6, 2021  @ 12:16 hrs

Case No.: 21002025


TRAFFIC / SPEED - S. 12th St and E. Georgia


CITED: Patricia Filer, 67, 1250 W. Beech St. , Alliance


Charge: 333.03  Speed 52/35



On this date and time, while on patrol in the Village of Sebring I observed a gray Toyota bearing Ohio registration JHS8788 traveling north an S, 12th St near E. Georgia Ave. I observed the vehicle traveling at a visibly high rate of speed, and it was clocked via radar at 52 Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph zone.


The vehicle was stopped, and the driver was issued a citation for speed, and also given a To Be Set court date in MCC#3.




Ptl. S.T.McDaniel # 509










ARREST REPORT  February 6, 2021  @ 14:33 hrs

Case No.: 21002025


TRAFFIC / SPEED - S. 15th St. 900 Blk


CITED: Jason Gardner, 26, 403 W. Plain St., Minerva


Charge: 333.03  Speed 48/35



On this date and time, while on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I observed a gray Dodge truck bearing Ohio registration HDD1008 traveling south on S.15th St in the 900 Blk. I observed the vehicle traveling at a visibly high rate of speed and the vehicle was clocked via radar at 48 Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph zone.


The vehicle was stopped and the driver was issued a citation for speed, and given a To Be Set date in Mcc#3.




Ptl. S.T. McDaniel #509











ARREST REPORT  February 7, 2021  @ 15:51 hrs

Case No.: 21002032


TRAFFIC / Traffic Control Device

E.Ohio Ave and 12th St


CITED: Matthew Vukmanovich, 30, 1013 28th St., NE Canton


Charge: 313.01  Traffic Control Device Red Light



Ptl. S.T. McDaniel #509











ARREST REPORT  February 7, 2021  @ 19:39 hrs

Case No.: 21002033


TRAFFIC / Failure to Display

S. Johnson, Rd at Texas Ave


CITED: Catherine Woods, 37, 555 W. California Ave., Sebring


Charge: 335.09  Failure to Display Registration



On this date and time while on patrol in the Village of Sebring I observed a maroon Toyota Tundra bearing Ohio registration . I observed the truck to be pulling a trailer without any taillights or registration.


I stopped the vehicle and the driver advised me that the plates were on the gate on the trailer.  The driver was issued a citation for Failure to Display a registration plate and was given a To Be Set date in Mcc#3.



Ptl. S.T. McDaniel #509









ARREST REPORT  February 10, 2021  @ 11:38 hrs

Case No.: 21002043


TRAFFIC - 1400 Block S. 12th Street Sebring, OH


CITED: Marcus Davis, 39, 1227 S. Liberty , Alliance, Oh


Charge: SCO 333.03  Speed 44/35



On Wednesday February 10, 2021, at 11:38 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While patrolling northbound on S. 12th Street near Alabama Avenue, I observed a silver sedan that appeared to be traveling at a speed above that of the posted 35MPH speed limit. Upon activating the patrol cars front-facing radar antenna I obtained a locked speed of 44MPH.


I then activated the patrol cars overhead emergency lights, turned the patrol car around, and initiated a traffic stop. The Silver Buick Lucerne, bearing Ohio registration HQB 8069, came to a complete stop in the 1400 block of S. 12th Street. Upon approaching and making contact with the driver, I identified myself as well as advised him of the reason for the traffic stop. The male subject immediately became verbally hostile and advised that he was only going 40MPH.


I then requested the subject's driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver was able to provide all three requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License identifying him as Marcus Davis.


I then returned to my patrol car where I wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032016 to Mr. Davis. I cited Mr. Davis for Speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03), for going 44 in a marked 35MPH zone. As I was writing the citation, Ptl. Brindack arrived to my location as well and began speaking with Mr. Davis. Mr. Davis signed the citation, was provided his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 the following business day for information on how to either pay the citation or contest it if he wished to do so.


I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time .



Det. Reed #507











ARREST REPORT  February 13, 2021  @ 19:55 hrs

Case No.: 21002060



17th and OHIO


CITED: Donald Handy, 29, 376 W. Virginia Ave., Sebring





On 02/13/2021, I(Ptl.Stanton) responded to a traffic accident on 17th and Ohio. Arriving on scene I spoke to both drivers who were outside of the vehicles. The driver identified as Donald Handy stated he came through the intersection striking the other driver identified as Michael Underwood. Michael stated a similar scenario for the incident. Donald traveled North to South along 17th Street while Michael was traveling West to East along Ohio Ave. That is when Donald struck Michael in the intersection.


I cited Donald for "Right of way at intersection" - 4511.43 ORC. Both drivers denied being injured.


Michael had insurance at the time of accident but Donald did not produce any. I advised Donald he has to appear to MCC #3 and to bring his insurance with him.


Springers came and towed Donald's vehicle and Michael was able to drive his vehicle to his residence.






Ptl. Stanton #506






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PUBLISHED 9:44 AM 2/17/2021 *






Case No: 21-001090A

January 25,2021  @  1045 hrs


CRIMINAL - Sebring McKinley High School



645 S. 15th Street. Sebring, OH 44672



ORC 2913.02 Grand Theft 2913.02 (F-3) Firearm/Dangerous Ordnance


ORC 2923.21 Improperly Furnishing firearms to a minor (F-5)



ARREST#2: 17y/o Male JUVENILE (Alliance High School)

22380 Alden Ave. Alliance, OH


Charge: ORC: 2913.51 Receiving Stolen Property (F-4) Firearm



On Friday, January 22, 2021, a Sebring resident reported that his firearm, a 38 cal revolver, was missing from a secured drawer in his bedroom. The available information was gathered from the victim and a report completed.


On Sunday, January 22,2021, information was obtained indicating that the victims 15-year-old grandson may have been responsible for the theft of the firearm. Additional information was obtained, with the grandson being arrested for the theft of the firearm as well as improperly furnishing firearms to a minor. A 17-year-old Smith Township resident was also taken into custody for receiving stolen property. Both juveniles were taken into custody without incident and transported to The Mahoning County Juvenile Justice Center.



Det. Reed #507











Case No: 21001106

January 24,2021  @  1300 hrs


TRAFFIC - 15 N. Johnson Rd


Cited: Kevin Phillips,35, 3140 Ridgehill Ave, Alliance


Charge: SCO: 313.01 Traffic Control Device



On 24Jan21,While conducting Traffic Enforcement at the Intersection of N. Johnson Rd and Ohio Ave I

(Ptl. Melendez) noticed a vehicle traveling South on Johnson Rd run the Stop Sign. I then initiated a traffic stop at Sebring Trophy on a 2013 Kia Saul Bearing Ohio registration EXH3495 and made contact with Mr. Kevin Phillips who is the owner of the vehicle.


The Owner was advised for the reason of the stop and also citied for Sebring Code for Traffic Control Device SCO: 313.01 with a date to be Set at MCC#3. Ticket Number # 031983.



Ptl Melendez #511











Case No: 21001076

January 20,2021  @  2024 hrs


CRIMINAL - 265 W. Oregon Ave


ARREST: Edward Mills Jr., 38, 265 W. Oregon Ave


Charge: 2919.25 Domestic Violence



Upon arrival all officer made entry into the residence. I observed Sean Mills sitting on a recliner in the living room and Edward "Eddie" Mills Jr, May Mills, and Katherine Cox sitting on the couch. Both Sean and Eddie were very irritated with each other, nervous, and angry. Due to Eddie being belligerent Ptl. Stanton placed him in handcuffs and walked him to the cruisers. Myself and Ptl. Melendez then stayed and spoke to Sean, Mary, and Katherine.


Katherine advised that Mary told her she would not stay at the house so she was getting ready to leave. Katherine then advised that Eddie then "started spazing" because he had been awake for the last 6 days and couldn't get his next fix.  Katherine then advised Eddie began to yell at her and told her to get the fuck out.


Katherine advised at this time she was attempting to put on her shoes and Eddie then charged her. Katherine then advised Sean then stepped in and Eddie pushed him. Katherine then advised Sean and Eddie began to fight.


Katherine then advised she could hear Mary trying to call the police so she tried to block Mary from being hit while she got out the door. Katherine then advised she attempted to separate Sean and Eddie but she was unable to so she called the police.


I then spoke to Sean who advised Eddie attempted to push his girlfriend (Katherine Cox) as he stood up and Eddie pushed him causing him to fall. Sean then advised Eddie got on top of him and started hitting him. Sean then filled out a Domestic Violence packet.


I then spoke to Mary who advised Eddie jumped up and told Sean to "get the fuck out" and shoved Sean. Mary then advised Sean and Eddie then began to fight. So she ran out of the house to call the police.


Ptl. Melendez attempted to speak to Eddie but he was not making sense. Eddie was given a sworn statement but was unable to complete it correctly.


Eddie was placed under arrest for Domestic Violence 2919.25(D)(3) and transported to the police station for processing.


Ptl. Melendez then transported Eddie to MCJC where he will be held without bond until he is arraigned on 1/21/2021.



Sgt. Kelm #503  1/20/2021











Case No: 21-001123

January 30,2021  @  1433 hrs


Traffic - 100 Block: S. 12th St. Sebring, OH


Cited: Justin Hirst, 42, 2099 Crestview Ave., Alliance, Oh


Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (53/35)



On Saturday, January 30,2021 , I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While patrolling southbound in the 100 block of S. 12th Street, I observed a black Dodge Charger that was traveling northbound on S, 12th Street at a rate of speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 35MPH speed limit.


Upon activating the front-facing radar antenna to the patrol car's in-car radar system, I obtained a locked speed of 53MPH.


I then activated the patrol car's overhead emergency lights, turned the patrol car around, and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle. The black Charger, bearing Ohio registration HTF5174 came to a complete stop in the 100 block of S. 12th Street. Upon making contact with the driver, I identified myself as well as informed him of the reason that I was stopping him. The driver said that he believed that the speed limit was 45MPH on that portion of roadway and apologized for his speed. I then asked for his driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all thee requested documents with his Ohio Commercial Driver License identifying him as Justin R Hirst.


I then returned to my patrol car where I wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No.032014 to Mr. Hirst. I cited Mr. Hirst for speed, Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03, for going 53MPH in the marked 35MPH zone. I then returned to Hirst's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 on the next business day for information on how to either pay the citation or on how to contest it if he wished to do so.


I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #507











Case No: 21-001124

January 31,2021  @  0255 hrs


Traffic - N. Johnson Rd @ Maryland Ave


Cited: Misty French, 40, 1939 Village St SE, Canton, Ohio


Charge: ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (Noncompliance)











Case No: 21-001127

January 31,2021  @  1500 hrs


Traffic - N 15th St @ W. Maryland Ave


Cited: Kayla Wieschowski, 24, 514 S. 8Th St Coshocton



ORC:4511.10  DUS

ORC:4513.22  Loud Exhaust



On 31Jan21 While Speaking with a Supervisor at Circle K located at 205 E. Ohio I (Ptl. Melendez) noticed a black 1992 Honda Accord bearing Texas registration GST 4356 traveling north on 14th St with a loud noise coming from the exhaust. I then exited the parking lot of Circle K and pursued the Vehicle to the intersection of 15th and W. Maryland Ave where I initiated my overhead lights to conduct a traffic stop.


Upon walking up to the vehicle, I made contact with Ms. Kayla Wieschowski who was the operator and Celeina Robinson who was the passenger in the vehicle. I then advised Wieschowski the reason for the stop and she immediately stated "I don't have a Driver's License". At this time Det. Reed arrived to assist. I then advised her to turn the vehicle off and I asked both occupants of the vehicle to step Out.


Once I asked both females to exit the vehicle the passenger Ms. Robinson became very irate and disrespectful. I advised Ms. Robinson that she was not the operator. Questions were being directed to Ms. Wieschowski.


Both occupants then exited the vehicle and the driver was advised of what she was being charged with and that her vehicle was being towed. An inventory of the vehicle was done and Springers towing arrived shortly after to tow the vehicle.


Ms. Wieschowski was cited for Driving Under Suspension ORC4510.91, Loud Exhaust ORC 4513.22 with ticket number # 031984 with a court date to be set at MCC#3.



Ptl. Melendez  #511












Case No: 21002001

Febuary 1,2021  @  0002 hrs


Traffic - E Ohio Ave/N 13th St


Cited: Zackary Middleton, 20, 774 S Lincoln Ave. Alliance, Ohio



SCO 335.06 Display of License


SCO 313.01 Obedience to Traffic Control Device



On Monday February 1, 2021,I, Patrolman D.A. Marchionda, was patrolling west in the 500 block of E. Ohio Ave behind a white Dodge with no visible registration. I observed the vehicle continue west through the intersection at N. 12th St after failing to stop at the functioning red flashing traffic light. I activated my overhead emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a complete stop on E Ohio Ave near N 13th St.


Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Zackary Middleton, I identified myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Middleton was accompanied by a male passenger who was identified as Hunter Harper. Both males stated they were on their way to purchase beverages from Circle K.


I informed both parties going to Circle K for beverages was not essential and they were in violation of the Governor's Stay at home order. Middleton provided his identification verbally after stating he did not have his license an his person.


After clearing snow from the rear windshield, I observed a temporary registration of L895900.


Middleton was issued traffic citation #030815 for SCO 335.06 Display of License and SCO 313.01 Obedience to Traffic Control Devices. Middleton was informed he would be contacted by the courts at a later time at the phone number he provided reference his appearance before Mahoning County Court #3. Middleton and Harper were given a verbal warning for violating the Stay at Home order.



Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505







WRN has Been a Free Public Service of Digital Service Company llc Since 2004.  Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.


PUBLISHED 11:09 AM 2/2/2021 *







ARREST REPORT   January 10, 2021  @  0832 hrs

Case No.: 21-001030



26000 U.S. Route 62, Beloit, Oh


Cited: Christopher Pelamati, Age 58, 1990 Georgetown Damascus Rd., Beloit


Charge: speed 50/35 SCO: 333.03



On 01-10-2021 at 08:32 hours I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 301.


While sitting stationary in the rear parking lot of Heiss Fabripart, Located at 100 S. 12th St.  I observed a red Ford Fusion traveling southbound on S. 12th Street at a speed that appeared to be above that of the posted 35MPH speed limit. The SUV also appeared to be accelerating as it continued southbound.


Upon activating the front-facing radar antenna of the patrol cars in-car radar system, I obtained a locked speed of 50MPH


I then pulled onto S. 12th Street, and activated my overhead lights. As I did so I noticed that the SUV had continued down the road a considerable distance for the mount of time between when I locked its speed and when I pulled out onto the roadway. I continued to attempt to stop the vehicle, activating the patrol cars air horn as well as changing the pitch of the audible siren several times. At no point did the vehicles brake lights illuminate nor did it appear the vehicle slowed down.


The SUV then came to U.S. route 62 where it began traveling eastbound for approximately 1/2 mile before pulling into the parking lot of Heritage Cooperative, located at 26661 U.S. Route 62. I then approached the vehicle and made contact with the male driver. I immediately asked him why he failed to stop or slow for my lights and siren with him apologizing and saying that his rear window was fogged and he did not see me. When I asked for his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance, the driver was able to produce all three requested documents with him. Ohio Driver License identifying him as Christopher Pelamati.


I then returned to my patrol car where I wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032011 to Palamati for speed (Sebring codified Ordnance 333.03) for going 50MPH in a marked 35MPH zone.


Upon returning to the vehicle, Pelamati signed his citation, was given his copy, and instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on how to either pay for the citation or contest it if he wished to do so. In speaking further with Pelamati he again apologized for not noticing my lights and siren, with him saying that he wasn't paying attention and his mind was elsewhere. I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #507











ARREST REPORT   January 10, 2021  @  1230 hrs

Case No.: 21-001031



315 W. Michigan Ave


Cited: Shawn Carver, Age 35, 376 E. Ohio Ave., Sebring


Charge: ORC: 4510.11 Non Compliance Supension



On 10Jan2l While on Patrol in the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) was at the intersection of N. 18th St and W. Indiana Ave going East on W. Indiana when a b1ack F-150 truck bearing Ohio Registration JCR4547 drove past me going North on 18th St. I then contacted dispatch to see if the owners License was valid and dispatch advised that Vehicle owner Shawn Carver was suspended.


I then conducted a traffic stop at in front of 315 W. Michigan Ave. Carver who was driving was issued a citation ticket #031981 for driving under Suspension and the vehicle was towed from 315 W. Michigan Ave to Springers.


Carver was Cited under ORC # 4550.11 Noncompliance Suspension.


All units were cleared.




Ptl. Melendez #511











ARREST REPORT   January 12, 2021  @  2120 hrs

Case No.: 21-001048



600 Block W. Ohio Ave.


Cited: Staci Hahlen, Age 35, 54 E. Columbia St., Alliance



SCO: 313.01 Traffic Control Device


SCO: 337.01 Driving Unsafe Vehicle












ARREST REPORT   January 15, 2021  @  0344 hrs

Case No.: 21-001053



US HWY 62 West Village Limits, Sebring, Ohio


Cited: Gary Miller, Age 32, 7230 ST RT 9, Hanoverton, Ohio


Charge: ORC 4510.11  DUS - Noncompliance



On Friday January 15,2021,I, Patrolman D.A. Marchionda, was conducting traffic enforcement on US HWY 62 near S Johnson Rd facing east. I observed a blue Chevrolet Cavalier heading west with an exhaust emitting a loud or unusual noise. I turned west onto US 62 and activated my overhead emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop. (Ohio JFH2226) came to a complete stop on US HWY 62 at the west most village limits.


Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Gary Miller, I identified myself and informed him of the reason for the stop, Miller immediately informed me he did not have a driver's license and produced an identification card. A subsequent check through dispatch confirmed Miller was under multiple suspensions through several jurisdictions. I requested dispatch to summon a tow truck to the scene and subsequently instructed Miller to exit the vehicle. Patrolman Peterman arrived on scene at this time and began the administrative vehicle inventory.


Miller was issued traffic citation #030813 for ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (Noncompliance) and given a verbal warning for the loud exhaust.  Following the inventory of the vehicle, Patrolman Peterman cleared from the stop.


Springer's Towing arrived on scene shortly thereafter and removed the vehicle from the roadway. Miller was picked up by a licensed driver and informed the Clerk of Courts would contact him at the number he provided regarding his appearance before Mahoning County Court #3.



Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505












ARREST REPORT   January 17, 2021  @  08:26 hrs

Case No.: 21-001059



S. 12th Street at U.S. 62


Cited: Sean Kelleher, Age 60, 12921 Reeder Ave. N.E. Alliance


Charge: SCO: 333.03  Speed (55/35)



On 01-17-2021 at 08:26 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 301.


While stationary in the parking lot of Heiss Fabripart. Located at 100 S. 12th Street, I observed a southbound Ford Explorer, white in color that was traveling southbound on S. 12th Street at a rate of speed that was noticeably higher than that of the posted 35MPH limit.


Upon activating the front-facing radar antenna to the patrol cars in-car radar system, I obtained a locked speed of 55MPH as the vehicle traveled though the 300 block of S. 12th Street.


I then activated the overhead emergency lights on the patrol car and pulled onto the roadway. The White Explorer bearing Ohio Registration HDQ 8087, came to a stop between the village limits sign and U.S. Route 62 on S. 12th Street.


Upon approaching the vehicle and making contact with the driver, I identified myself as well as informed him of the reason for the stop.


The driver advised that he had an emergency when I asked why he was traveling at such a high rate of speed. When I asked him what the emergency was, he said that he was a vet and was going to a "downed cow". I then asked for his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurace. The driver was able to provide all three requested documents, with his Ohio Driver License identifying him as Sean Patrick Kelleher.


I then returned to my patrol car where I wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032013 to Mr. Kelleher. I cited Mr. Kelleher for speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03), for going 55MPH in a marked 35MPH zone. I then returned to Kelleher's vehicle where he signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 on the next business day for instructions on how to either pay for the citation or contest it if he wished to do so.


I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reid  #507











ARREST REPORT   January 16, 2021  @  15:00 hrs

Case No.: 21-001058



400 Block E. Ohio Ave.


Cited: Paul Bates, Age 37, 175 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH



SCO: 335.01  Driver License or Commercial Driver License Required


SCO: 335.09  Display of License Plates or Validation Stickers



On 01-16-2021 at 15:00 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 301.


While patrolling eastbound in the 300 block of E, Ohio Ave., I noticed that the vehicle in front of me, a later 1990's model Pontiac Sunfire that was green in color, did not appear to have a license plate attached to it. 


Upon noticing this I activated my overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop.  The vehicle slowed down before coming to a complete stop in the 400 block of E. Ohio. As my patrol car approached closer to the subject vehicle, I was able to notice what appeared to be an Ohio temporary tag that was positioned vertically at the far end of the rear window on the driver side.  Due to the positioning of the tag, it was difficult to see and not in plain view .  I did note that the registration numbers were K997418 as I got closer.


I then approached the vehicle and made contact with the male driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as asked him for his Driver License, Vehicle Registration, and proof of insurance, I also noted a female subject in the front passenger seat who I know to be Kristina Tyson. The driver produced an Ohio Temporary Permit that identified him as Paul Michael Lee Bates. When I asked Bates if he had a valid driver license, he said that he should and that the Bureau of Motor Vehicles told him that was his license. I then  returned to my patrol car and relayed both Bates's and Tyson's information to dispatch.


It was at this time discovered that Bates's Driver License had expired on 03-07-2020, but that he did have a valid Temporary Permit. It should be noted that the expiration of Bates's Driver License pre-dated the declared state of emergency for Covid-19. I was also advised by dispatch at this time that Tyson's Driver License was under and active suspension.


I then returned to the subject vehicle where I asked Tyson if she had a valid driver license, with her informing me that she did not and that her License was suspended. At this point I asked Paul if he understood that he could not drive on a Temporary Permit without a passenger who held a valid Driver License, with him advising me that he was. I then instructed Bates to exit the vehicle, with him complying with my request. I also asked for and received consent to conduct a patdown search of his person, with me also explicitly asking for and receiving consent to search his pockets. No weapons or contraband were located during this search.


I then asked Tyson to exit the vehicle and instructed her to speak with Ptl. Russel, who was standing on the passenger side of the vehicle.  Tyson complied with my request as well. At this point I requested Sebring Tire to respond to my location as well as began an administrative inventory of the vehicle, with no weapons, contraband, or anything of significant value being located.


Sebring Tire arrived on scene several minutes later, with Mike Springer being the tow operator.  It should be noted that I received the key to the vehicle from the keyring at Bates's request, with me leaving it in the vehicle's ignition and the other keys on the ring being given to Bates. Sebring Tire then departed from the scene with the vehicle, with no holds being placed on it.


After Sebring Tire Departed from the scene, I issued Uniform Traffic Citation No.032012 to Bates.  I cited Bates for Driver License Required (SCO: 335.01) as well as Display of License Plates (SCO: 335.09).   Bates signed the citation was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 on the next business day for information on when his mandatory court appearance would be.  Ptl. Russell then provided both Bates and Tyson with a courtesy transport to their residence at 175 W.,Ohio Avenue. I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed #507











ARREST REPORT   January 16, 2021  @  1033 hrs

Case No.: 21-001057



S. 12th St near Alabama Ave


Cited: Casey Marks, Age 32, 2578 Progress Park Dr., Stow


Charge: 333.03  Speed 54/35



On this date and time, I observed a blue Toyota Tacoma bearing Ohio Registration GBX1349 traveling South on S. 12th St near Alabama Ave. I observed the vehicle traveling at a visibly high rate of speed, and was clocked via the radar at 54 Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph zone.


The vehicle was stopped and the driver was issued a citation for speed, and given a To Be Set court date in Mcc#3.



Ptl. S. T. McDaniel  #509






WRN has Been a Free Public Service of Digital Service Company llc Since 2004.  Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.


PUBLISHED 9:13 AM 1/20/2021 *







ARREST REPORT  January 3, 2021

Case No.: 19008074


Warrant-Pick up, Alliance Walmart, 2700 west State street, Alliance


Arrest: Farris Cundiff, 40, 155 1/2 E. Oregon Ave., Sebring, Oh



2919.25 Domestic Violence F-5 / Bond $10,000


2903.13 Asault M-1 / Bond $1,250



At arrival Ptl. Scott 505, and myself were confronted by juvenile -who stated his mother was assaulted by Farris Cundiff.


Upon entry to the residence, we called out our presence, and was told by Kandy Nicole Frederick "Get the using the bathroom". As we waited for Kandy, we walked through the home and observed two broken doors, one bedroom door and the back door. We asked Kandy what had happened to her, to which she responded that Farris accused her of stealing change, threw her onto the fireplace, and when she fell an the floor, began stomping on her back.


Kandy states during the entire ordeal Farris was yelling at her, and struck her several times. I advised Kandy if she wanted to go forward with charges, we would need photographs and a domestic violence docket filled out. She advised she wanted charges pressed, and I then proceeded to take pictures of the injuries and placed into the case file. We advised dispatch to send FD to look at Kandy, and they arrived on scene shortly after.


Kandy signed a refusal to go to the hospital, and advised us she would be going to her mothers in fear Farris may return. We then cleared the scene shortly after Medic 1, and proceeded to conduct additional patrols around the area in search of Farris.


Ptl. Peterman #511




@0234 1/3/2021 - On this date and time I was advised by Kg Ptl. Stanton #506 that the suspect was arrested by Canton police and was to be transported to Alliance walmart for us to transport on his active warrants through Mahoning County. Canton Pd arrived at 0316 and I received the male suspect and transported the male back to station for paperwork and photographs. I transported the male to Mahoning County jail and cleared without further incident.



Ptl. Peterman #508  01/03/2021











ARREST REPORT  January 5, 2021  @ 0945 hr

Case No.: 20-008056


Warrant - Pickup / Recog., Stark County Jail


Arrest: Ronald Heestand, 1426 Pleasnat Ridge St. NE Minerva,


Charge: 2925.11 (F5) Possesion of Cantrolled Substance / Bond $10,000



On 05-11-2020 at 01:58 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 301. While traveling westbound in the 1400 block of West Ohio Avenue, I observed a male subject on a black and yellow bicycle, who was also traveling westbound on Ohio Avenue. As I drove past, I noticed that the subject's bicycle was without the proper rear illumination.



Upon noticing this, I activated my overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop on the black and yellow Mongoose mountain bike.


Upon making contact with the male subject who was riding the bicycle. I advised him of the reason that I was stopping him and asked for his Identification. While I was speaking to the subject, I noticed that he appeared very nervous with him visibly shaking. The subject then produced an Ohio Department of Corrections Inmate identification card that identified him as


Ronald Lee Heestand.


After relaying Heestand's information to dispatch and while I was waiting for a return of information, I asked Mr. Heestand what he had been incarcerated for and when he had been released. Heestand said that he had been released several months ago and had been incarcerated for possession of drugs. When I asked if he had any drugs on him at the moment, he said that he did not. I then asked for and received consent to search his person, with me explicitly asking for and receiving consent to search his pockets for drugs. Prior to beginning my search, Heestand did tell me that he had a knife In his waistband, which I took and held onto for the duration of our encounter. Ptl.Peterman also arrived to my location at around this time.


Inside the left pocket of Heestand's shorts I found a brown glasses case, with a used glass ball pipe, a gold in color pill container, and several cotton swabs being inside.


Upon locating this I placed Heestand in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double locked.



While I was concluding my search of Heestand's pockets, Ptl. Peterman opened the gold pill container that had been inside the glasses case. W. Peterman advised that it contained what appeared to be crystal meth. After finishing my search of Heestand's pockets, I began a search of his backpack. Prior to doing so Heestand did tell me that it contained what he was told was marijuana, with me locating the suspected marijuana inside a clear plastic container. Also, inside the backpack was a butane torch, which based upon my training and experience is commonly used to smoke methamphetamine. No other contraband was located.


After concluding my search and verifying that Heestand did not have any active warrants for his arrest I removed him from my handcuffs. I then wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 031894 to Heestand for lights and reflectors required on bicycles. (Sebring Codified Ordinance 373.06).



Heestand then signed the citation and was advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for instructions on how to either pay the citation or for information on how to contest it if he wished to do so. Heestand was then given his copy of the citation. I also informed Heestand that he would be receiving a summons for illegal possession of drug paraphernalia (ORC:2925,14), for  the ball pipe that was found on him.


Ptl. Peterman and I then cleared from the stop.



Upon returning to the police station, I prepared the necessary paperwork for a summons to be issued to Heestand, The suspected methamphetamine, ball pipe, and marijuana were secured in temporary evidence locker #1. The suspected methamphetamine will be sent to Ohio BCI with additional charges possible pending the results of chemistry testing.


Nothing additional to report at this time.



Ptl. Reed #507



On 23Oct20 Stark County Jail contacted the Sebring Police Department and advised that they had a male Ronald Heestand because we had a hold on him. I then made contact with Ronald prior to his release and transported him to the Sebring Police Department to sign ROR. While waiting at the department dispatch checked to make sure that the warrant he bad with Sebring was cleared and a warrant hit from Adult Parole appeared. Reference #20010117 for more Information.



Ptl. Melendez #513 10/23/2020



I (Ptl. Stanton) met with Ronald Heestand at Stark County Jail where he is currently being released from.  I issued Ronald his Warrant for arrest and Recognizance form for his charge of Possession of controlled Substance (FS). Ronald signed his Recognizance form and I left the scene accordingly. Ronald was left at the jail awaiting release. The Recognizance form is to be set by MCC#3 and I obtained a good contact number for Ronald before my departure.





Ptl. Stanton #506










ARREST REPORT    January 5, 2021   @  1630 hr

Case No.: 20-012059


Warrant Served


Arrest: Rebecca Ball, 39, 236 Alabama Ave, Apt#4, Sebring


Charge: 2913.02  Theft of Services (M1) / Bond $1,250



Upon arrival I made contact with the complainant Timothy Barrett.  Timothy advised he had observed the neighbor in apartment 4 had an extension cord running from the window in their apartment to Timothy's rear outdoor outlet.  Timothy advised he then unplugged the cord and called the police.  Timothy was able to send me the video via email.  Timothy also advised he would let the landlord know about the situation.


I attempted to make contact with the neighbor whom I knew to be a Nika Harper but was unable to make contact.  I had dispatch run Nika with negative results.  I then cleared without further incident.


Another attempt will be made to contact Nika on a later date.


Sgt. Kelm #503  12/14/2020




On 12/15/2020 I made contact with Chief Harris who advised he had spoken to the owner of the apartment complex who advised that individual that rents apartment #4 is Rebecca Ball.  Chief Harris then advised he spoke to Prosecutor Van Brocklin who advised with the video evidence of the extension cord going from apartment #4 to aparment #3 he would authorize a charge of 2913.02 Theft/M-1.


A state complaint will be sent to the court for a Summons.


Sgt. Kelm #503  12/15/2020












ARREST REPORT   December 26, 2020  @  1251 hrs

Case No.: 20012099


Traffic - 400 Block W. California Ave., Sebring


Cited: Taylor Nannah, 27, 70 W. Oxford St., Alliance, Oh


Charge: 333.03  Speed (39/25)



On 12-26-2020 at 1251 hours, I was conductng traffic enforcement in marked unit 303. While stationary on the roadside facing east in the 400 block of W. California Ave,, I observed a white Kia Soul traveling westbound on California Ave, near S. 17th St , at a rate of speed that was visibly higher than the posted 25MPH limit.


Upon activating the front-facing radar antenna of the patrol cars in-car radar system, I obtained a locked speed of 39 MPH.


Once the vehicle passed by me, I activated my patrol cars overhead emergency lights, pulled out onto the roadway, and initiated a traffic stop. The White Kia Soul bearing Ohio registration GNG 9372 came to a stop along the roadside of W. California Ave. near S. 19th Street.


Upon approaching and making contact with the female driver, I identified myself, advised her of the reason for the stop, as well as asked for her driver license, vehicle repistration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documehts, with her Ohio Driver License identifying her as Taylor N. Nannah. I then asked Nannah if she was aware of her speed, with her advising that her tires were spinning on the snow and she believed that she was going between 30 and 35MPH. It should be noted that approximately 1 inch of packed snow and ice was covering the roadway at the time.


I then returned to my patrol car and wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032010 to Nannah. Nannah was cited for speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.031, for going 39MPH in a marked 25MPH zone.



Nannah then signed the citation was given her copy, as well as advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on how to either pay the citation or contest it if she wished to do so.


I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed  #507











ARREST REPORT   December 27, 2020  @  1200 hrs

Case No.: 20012101


TRAFFIC - 24915 Harrisburg Westville Rd., Alliance


Cited: Ryan McCullough, 21, 181 W. Oxford St., Alliance



ORC 4511.12  Stop Sign


ORC 4511.12  Driving Under Suspension



On 27Dec20 While patrolling the Village of Sebring, I (Ptl. Melendez) was traveling north on l2th St when I noticed a white Chevy Cruze run the stop sign at Alabama and S. 12th St. After seeing the operator commit the traffic infraction, I then turned my vehicle around and got behind the vehicle bearing Ohio registration HZC9229. While waiting for dispatch to advise the driving status of the registered owner I then initiated a traffic stop in front of 24915 Harrisburg Westville Rd and made contact with Mr. Ryan Mccullough.


Upon making contact with Mccullough I advised him the reason for my stop and I asked for his license in which he advised he did not have a valid drivers license. After confirming Mccullough's driving status he was then citied for Driving Under Suspension ORC: 4511.12,  Failure to yield at a Stop Sign ORC: 4511.12 for MCC #3 Ticket # 031980 with a date to be set.


The vehicle was towed to Springers towing located at 10 N. 12th St Sebring.



Ptl. Melendez #513  12/27/2020











ARREST REPORT   December 31, 2020  @  1500 hrs

Case No.: 20012118


TRAFFIC - Sebring Tire


Cited: Kelsi Shaver, 26, 127 Bonnieview, Minerva, Oh


Charge: 335.073 DUS(non compliance)



On 12/31/2020 while on patrol in marked vehicle 303 I observed a silver Cadillac bearing OH


K508329 exit the parking lot of Circle R and head east on Ohio ave. I observed the vehicle appeared to have window darker than what is legally allowed. I got behind the vehicle which had now turned on to S. 12th st.  The vehicle suddenly turned into the parking lot of Sebring Tire without signaling 100 feet prior to the change in direction. At this point I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle.


I approached the vehicle and identified the driver as Kelsi J Shaver, and the passenger Francis Palguta. Both of whom are suspended, I gained consent to search the vehicle. During my search I located a large lock box in the rear passenger seat, the box was unlocked with the key in the lock still, when I opened the box I observed dozens of plastic baggies some with white residue on them.



Francis stated he forgot they were in there and admitted at one point they had methamphetamine in them. I collected the lock box and paraphernalia as evidence.


Kelsi was cited for DUS noncompliance 335.073 with a court date to be set at MCC#3. Kelsi was given a verbal warning for the turn signal violation and the window tint. Francis was not charged on scene for the paraphernalia but the bags with residue will be sent out for testing.



Ptl. Brindack #504   12/31/2020











ARREST REPORT   January 1, 2021  @  2328 hrs

Case No.: 21001006


TRAFFIC - E. Wisconsin Ave. @ N. 12th St., Sebring


Cited: Seth Guy, 28, 664 Washington, St., Salem, Oh


Charge: ORC 4510.11 DUS(License Forfeiture)



On Friday, January 1,2021, I, Patrolman D.A. Marchionda, was patrolling north on N. 12th St near Pine Lake Road. I observed a vehicle entering the village heading south with only one functioning headlight. As the vehicle passed me, 1 activated my overhead emergency lights, audible siren and turned around to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a white Pontiac bearing Ohio registration JBM8280, came to a complete stop on E Wisconsin Ave just off N 12th St.


Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Seth Guy, I identified myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Guy provided his license and vehicle registration upon request. After running Guy's information through dispatch, I was informed Guy's license was currently under suspension through Columbiana County. I requested dispatch to summon a tow truck to my location and had Guy exit the vehicle. Due to the adverse weather conditions, Guy was placed in the back seat of marked unit #302 while I conducted the administrative vehicle inventory.


Patrolman Brindack arrived on scene at this time to assist with the inventory. Officers detected an odor of an alcoholic beverage inside the vehicle but did not detect an odor on Guy's person nor observe any signs of impairment. Guy was issued traffic citation #030811 for ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (License Forfeiture), a verbal waning for two headlights required and was provided a courtesy transport to a residence in Sebring. The vehicle was towed from the scene by Springer's Towing. Guy was informed the clerk of courts would contact him at a later date regarding his appearance before Mahoning County Court #3.


Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505












ARREST REPORT   January 5, 2021  @  1215 hrs

Case No.: 21001019


Traffic Crash - Johnson and S.R. 62


Cited: Gary McKarns, 75, 435 Roosevelt Ave.


Charge: 331.16 Right of Way at Intersection



Collecting all essential information, I cleared the scene to generate a report. No injuries are noted at this time of the report.


Ptl. Stanton #506











ARREST REPORT   January 5, 2021  @  1942 hrs

Case No.: 21001020




Arrest: Kieth LeMasters, 46, 546 S. Johnson Rd. Sebring


Charge: 2903.13  Assault



Dispatch advised the caller, Cathy Morrison, advised Kieth LeMasters had stabbed Andrew Bourgoujian in the back.


*** On Officer Arrival***


I saw Kieth walking down the hallway of the residence.  I gave Kieth verbal commands to show me his hands and to stop walking away.


After Kieth refused to comply with officer commands several times, continuing to walk away with his hands not being visible, Ptl. Melendez deployed his taser. Kieth was immediately subdued and handcuffed.


While Ptl. Melendez kept a watch on Kieth I then made contact with Andrew. Andrew advised he was not stabbed but Kieth had thrown a coffee mug at his back and hit him in the head. I was able to see minimal markings on Andrews back and head. Andrew advised he did want to pursue charges. I then had Andrew and Cathy complete sworn statements. Cathy advised she did not see Kieth hit Andrew but Kieth did "come at her" and tossed a bunch of her belongings advising her to leave the house.


Kieth was then placed in the back seat of my cruiser and transported to the police station for processing.


Kieth was photographed and transported to MCJC for 2903.13 Assault/M1 with a bond of $1,250.



Sgt Kelm  #503  01/05/2021






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PUBLISHED 11:18 AM 1/9/2021 *







ARREST REPORT  December 14, 2020  @ 1638hr

Case No.: 20011002


WARRANT - 470 E. Market St., Alliance,Oh


Arrest: Jessica Yaggi, 36, 756 N. 15th St


Charge: 2913.02(A)(1) THEFT / Bond $2,500


Following Narrative by Ptl. Marchionda #505


Upon arrival at 756 N. 15th St. I establised contact with the complainant, Dale Yaggi. Dale advised he received am e-mail from PNC to inform him unauthorized activity may have occurred with his PNC credit card. Dale stated his PNC credit card was supposed to be locked in a filing cabinet located downstairs but he suspects his daughter, Jessica Yaggi, broke into the cabinet and took it.  Dale provided a copy of the email showing two charges on 11/1/2020 were flagged: CASH APP ANTHONY CLARKE $20.60 and TACO BELL #1653 ALLIANCE OH $28.77.


I asked Dale to show me the filing cabinet in the basement and upon inspection of the cabinet I observed tool marks on the lock. Dale stated in addition to the PNC card, an Amazon card was taken but the account has been closed for some time.  Dale believes Jessica accessed the cabinet sometime either on the 30th or 31st of October when he allowed her to come to the residence to retrieve some belongings from a bedroom on the second floor.


A roommate of Dales was also present at the time of the report.  I asked (roommate) when was the last time he saw Jessica and he advised he last saw her either Friday night (30th) or Saturday morning (31st).  Dale stated he wanted to pursue charges against Jessica in this matter.


This case will remain open pending further investigation.




Following Narrative by Det. Reed #507


On 11-08-2020. I was advised by Ptl. Marchionda of a report of credit card fraud that he had taken from a Dale Yaggi on 11-02-2020. After reviewing the case file, I made contact with Mr. Yaggi at his residence. In speaking with Mr. Yaggi, he advised that his daughter, Jessica Yaggi, who was present in the residence at around the time his locked file cabinet had been forcibly entered and his PNC Bank card removed, admitted to him that she took the card and returned it. Mr. Yaggi said that Jessica was at her mother's house, located at 540 W. Oregon Avenue when she returned it to him, and this occurred on either 11-04 or 11-05. Mr. Yaggi said that Jessica admitted to him that she forced open the locked file cabinet, with her stating "it's so easy to get into.


Mr. Yaggi said that he still wished to pursue charges in the matter, with him also providing me with a bank account summary that listed the fraudulent charges. A total of six charges were listed which totaled $108.00. Located the card where used included Taco Bell #1653 in Alliance,Ohio, a Cash App transfer to an Anthony Clarke, Marathon gas station In Alliance, Dollar General #9790 Alliance, Ohio, Circle K #05386 in Alliance, Ohio, as well as Papa John's #0817 in Alliance, Ohio. Mr. Yaggi further advised that Jessica only admitted to having purchased gas using the card.


After speaking wlth Mr. Yaggi, I attempted to make phone contact with Jessica using the phone number provided by Mr. Yaggi. After being unable to do so, I went to Jessica's mother's house, located at 540 ? W. Oregon Avenue. Although a red Pontiac Vibe was in the driveway that was registered to Jessica, I did not recelve an answer when I knocked on the door. Further attempts will be made to contact Jessica before this case is presented for prosecutorial review for charges and the investigation will be ongoing.


Nothing additional to report at this time.




On 11-12-2020 I spoke with Prosecutor Gary Van Brocklin regarding this case. Prosecutor Van Brocklin approved charges for theft, ORC 2913.02(A)(1). Because the item stolen was a credit card, this offense is a felony of the fifth degree. (ORC 2913.71 (A) Felony of fifth degree regardless of the value of the property).


On 11-13-2020, a warrant was issued for the arrest of Jessica Yaggi on this charge. Nothing additional to report at this tlme.



Det. Reed





On 14Dec20 I (Ptl. Melendez) was dispatched to meet with Alliance PD in the front of their Department to take custody of Jessica M. Yaggi.  Yaggi was then transported to the Sebring Police Department and releasded on her Own Recognizance with Sly Bail bondsman.


Ptl. Melendez #513   12/14/20











ARREST REPORT  December 14,2020 @ 2109hr

Case No.: 20012060


Traffic - 300 Block W. Ohio


Cited: Taylor Snyder, 20, 236 Alabama Ave.Apt.12


Charge: ORC 4510.16(A)DUS (FRA) Suspension



On 14Dec20 While conducting Traffic control I noticed a White 2011 Chevy Traverse bearing Ohio registration HOP7226 driving East on Ohio Ave. I then conducted a traffic in the 300 Block of W. Ohio and made contact with MS. Taylor Snyder. I then advised her that the reason for my stop was because of her license plate lights were out.


After advising dispatch that Snyder was my operator, I was advised that she was under an FRA suspension. I then explained to her that the car was going to be towed and for to get someone down to pick her up. Snyder was then Citied for DUS FRA 4510.16 (A) Ticket # 032977. Her vehicle was the towed to Sebring Tire.



Ptl. Melendez












ARREST REPORT  December 15, 2020


Case No.: 20012064


Traffic - 200 Block W. Ohio


Cited: Julie Withrow, 35, 22765 Aden Ave., Alliance, Ohio


Charge: 331.36  Loud Exhaust



On 35Dec20 While patroling in the Village of Sebring I (Ptl. Melendez) Was waiting at the intersection of N.14th St and E. Ohio when a Black 2000 Chevy pickup truck bearing Ohio registration JGN4882 drove past me driving westbound on E. Ohio. I then turned right on to E. Ohio behind the pickup truck when I noticed a loud cracking noise coming from the truck. I then conducted a traffic stop 200 block of W. Ohio Ave.


Upon making contact with the driver later identified as Ms. Julie A. Withrow I advised her the reason for the stop, I then asked her has she ever been on probation or parole and she replied yes for trafficking narcotics. After hearing that I then asked Withrow if there was anything in the vehicle and her demeanor changed and she began rambling away from the question that was just asked. I then asked her for consent to search the vehicle and she stated "No". Her actions and change in demeanor lead me to believe that there was something in the vehlcle.


At this time Sgt. Kelm arrived to assist and Alliance PD was then contacted for a K9 unit to come out to my location.


Alliance PD K9 arrived on scene and conducted an air test on the outside of the vehicle starting from the front driver side and around the car. A confirmed hit at the driver side door was advised by the K9 Officer and myself and Sgt. Kelm then conducted a search of the vehicle in which no narcotics were found.


Withrow was then citied for a loud exhaust SCO 331.36 to the MMMC#3 ticket #031978 with a Date to be set.



Ptl. Melendez #513 12/15/2020











ARREST REPORT   December 20, 2020  @  1800hr

Case No.: 20012081


Traffic - 400 Block W. Ohio


Cited: Jacob Eddy, 248 W. Harrison St., Allance


Charge: SCO: 313.01  Stop Sign



On 20Dec20 While conducting Traffic Enforcement in the Village of Sebring I (Ptl. Melendez) while sitting at the intersection of W. Oregon Ave and N. Johnson Rd I noticed a Blue 2012 Chevy Cruise bearing Ohio registration HCF7699 run the stop sign at W. Ohio and N. Johnson RD traveling east on Ohio Ave. After viewing the vehicle commit the violation, I then turned right onto N. Johnson Rd and made another right onto W. Ohio to initiate a traffic stop.


I then conducted a traffic stop in the 400 block of W. Ohio and made contact with Mr. Jacob M. Eddy. Upon walking up to the driver side window I asked Eddy for his driver's license and registration. Eddy then said "Why are you pulling me over". I then replied "Sir I will be able to let you know that information once I am able to identify who you are "in which he replied "I'm not giving you anything, I want to speak to your commanding officer" in a rude tone of voice.


I then advised dispatch to send me another unit in which Ptl. McDaniel pulled up and I advised him what was going on so far with my traffic stop. McDaniel then walked up to the vehicle and identified himself to Eddy and asked him for his identification. Eddy replied "No not until your Officer gives me a valid reason why he pulled me over. And also if any one of you cite me, I will be seeing you both in court and I'm also recording this encounter".


I leaned over and "Sir the reason why I conducted my stop is because you failed to yield at that stop sign on W. Ohio and Johnson Rd". Eddy then replied still in a very rude and demanding tone of voice "Well you should have stopped me back there and not all the way down here". Eddy then handed me his Driver's license and stated "I better not get cited". I then returned to my patrol vehicle and cited Eddy for failure to yield at a stop sign SCO: 313.02 Ticket # 031979.





Ptl. Melendez  #513   12/20/2020






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PUBLISHED 10:27 AM 12/23/2020 *







ARREST REPORT  December 3, 2020  @  0812hrs

Case No.: 20012009


Traffic - 1900 Blk Courtney Rd., Sebring


Cited: Chuck Greathouse, 50y/o, 320 Belle St. S.W. Hartville, Ohio 44632


Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (60/35)



On 12-03-2020 at 08:12 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304.


While patrolling westbound in the 19000 block of Courtney Rd., I observed a blue minivan traveling eastbound on Courtney Rd. near Allied Dr., at a speed that was visibly higher than that of the posted 35MPH speed limit.


Upon activating the front-facing radar antenna of the patrol cars in-car radar system, I noted a readout of 60 MPH on the radars digital display. The minivan then began to slow with a locked speed of 58MPH being obtained.


As the minivan approached closer, I activated the overhead emergency lights on my patrol car, positioned myself behind it, and initiated a traffic stop on the blue Dodge Caravan bearing Ohio Registration FGE 9892.


Upon approaching and making contact with the male driver, I advised him of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents with his Ohio Commercial Driver License identifying him as Chuck M. Greathouse.


When I asked Mr. Greathouse if he was aware of his speed and where he was going, he advised that he was taking his wife to a dentist appointment and that they were running late. I then returned to my patrol car and wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No, 032009 to Mr. Greathouse for speed (SCO: 333.03, for going 60MPH in a marked 35 zone.


Upon approaching the vehicle again, I returned Mr. Greathouse documents as well, as advised him that he would be receiving a citation. Mr. Greathouse apologized for his speed and said that he understood


that going as fast as he was excessive. Mr. Oreathouse then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for instruction on how to address the citation.


Nothing additional to report at this time.



Det. Reed  3507











ARREST REPORT  December 5, 2020  @  1700hrs

Case No. 20012030


Criminal - 135 E. Ohio Ave., Sebring, Oh


Arrest: Michael Franks , 23y/o, 16301 Bowman St . N.E. Homeworth, OH




ORC: 2911.ll(A)(l) Aggravated Burglary (Fl)


ORC: 2903,13(A)  Assault (M1) / Bail $1,250



On this date and time, I was dispatched to the station ref to a Domestic Violence Report. I arrived, and was met by the victim One Taylor Nicole Burson. I was advised by Taylor that on this date while at her residence located at 317 N I5th St with some friends that her Ex- Boyfriend who she has a son with came into her residence without permission and was upset and yelling. Taylor then advised that her Ex Boyfriend, one Michael Franks, attempted to drag her out of the residence so she could fight his new girlfriend. Taylor then advised that when she refused to be dragged out the door that Michael began kicking and punching her in the head, and in the leg and ankle area. I could feel a lump on Taylor's head but due to her hair I was unable to obtain a photo of the lump.


I also observed an abrasion on her right knee and ankle. I obtained photo's of the injuries, and as well as I explained to her the procedure for filing Domestic Violence. Taylor advised that she wished to file charges due to the fact this is a on-going issue, and their 3 Year son was present at the time. Taylor signed a domestic violence complaint, and a statement was obtained from the victim. 


After the victim was done completing the paperwork she was give the Domestic Violence Information and case number and she advised that she will be staying at a friend's house.




REPORTING OFFICER: Steven McDaniel #509











ARREST REPORT  December 6, 2020  @ 1943hr

CaseNo.: 20012034


Traffic/ Failure to Yield - E. Indiana Ave at N. 14h St


Cited: Craig Pitts, 59y/o, 13434 Main St., Beloit, Oh


Charge: 331.19  Failure to Yield



The cited vehicle was traveling west on E. Indiana Ave at N. 14th St. The other vehicle involved in the crash was traveling north on N. 14th St. Both vehicles stopped at the legally erected stop signs and other vehicle involved proceeded northbound and was almost thru the intersection and the cited


vehicle then proceeded westbound and struck the vehicle.


The driver of the cited vehicle was issued a citation for Failure to Yield and given a TO BE SET court in Mcc#3.




Ptl. S.T. McDaniel # 509











ARREST REPORT   December 12, 2020  @   1951hr

Case No.: 20012054




Arrest: Cynthia Midkiff, 26y/o, 216 Johnson Rd., Sebring, Oh


Charge: ORC: 2919.25(A) Domestic Violence(M1) / Bond $2,500



On December 12,2020 Myself and Officer Stanton were dispatched to 216 S. Johnson Ave for a Domestic Violence complaint.


Upon arrival officers observed a female standing beside the driveway. Officers made contact with the female and identified her as being the alleged victim Ms. Courtney Morrow.


Cynthia stated her and her girlfriend who was identified as being Cynthia Midkiff had a verbal altercation at Cynthia's mom's house and decided to leave to go back to Cynthia's friend's house where the two have been living.  Courtney stated she advised Cynthia she did want her driving her car while she was mad and Cynthia proceeded to argue more that she was going to drive and that when they got on the highway she was going to crash the car and kill them both.


Officers were further advised both parties did leave the house with Courtney driving and after only making it about two miles down the road Cynthia started screaming at her some more and at this time


grabbed Courtney up by the hair of the head and kicking at her. Courtney stated she slammed on her brakes and started to fight back.  At this time Cynthia stated she was getting out of the car and


back handed Courtney in the right eye and grabbed items out of her purse and left.


Officers observed red marks on Courtney's right eye and photographs were taken of the injuries.


Officers then advised to send the first responders to provide medical treatment to the alleged victim.


At this time Detective Reed arrived on scene and was able to make contact with Cynthia by telephone. 


Detective Reed was advised Cynthia was on her way back to her mom's house and would be there in 15 minutes.


Stark Summit arrived on scene and provided medical treatment to Courtney. A written statement was also obtained from Courtney about the incident.


Cynthia then arrived on scene and stated her and Courtney had been fighting since last night and


remained fighting all day verbally. Cynthia provided a written statement. Cynthia stated they got to her mom's house and Courtney got mad and wanted to leave. Cynthia stated she told her it was best to


for either of them not to drive but Courtney kept yelling and was scarring her nieces so she grabbed the keys to Courtney's car and went to get the car to leave. Cynthia stated that Courtney came out


and grabbed her by her wrists and was trying to pull her out of the car telling her she was driving not her.


Cynthia stated they left with Courtney driving and they were still yelling at each other and Courtney


grabbed her up by her hair and started to punch her in the face stating she would end her life.


Cynthia stated she yelled at her to unlock her doors and let her out of the car. Courtney grabbed her


up by her hair again as Cynthia grabbed her phone and she turned around and smacked Courtney and


walked back to her mom's for a ride to Canton to get her car.


Cynthia had injuries on the Inner part of her bottom lip. Cynthia was medically treated on scene by


Stark Summit.


At this time Cynthia was placed into custody and transported back to the Sebring police department by


this officer. Cynthia was booked and processed and released on her own recognize.



Ptl. Racheal Russell #510






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PUBLISHED 3:53 PM 12/14/2020 *

Monday, November 30, 2020
06:33 PM -0500



ARREST REPORT  November 23, 2020  @ 1850hrs
Case No.: 20011082

Traffic Stop - 846 N. Johnson Rd

CITED: Kyleigh Kiser , Age 18, 7049 Red Brush Rd

Charge: SCO 331.25 Obstructed View (mm)

On 23Nov20 While on patrol in the Village of Sebring I (Ptl. Melendez) observed a 
Silver 2003 Cadillac CTS bearing Ohio Temporary Registration K508329 driving North 
on Johnson Road. While behind the vehicle I could clearly see that there was a multi 
colored blanket obstructing the rear window of the vehicle, I then initiated my lights and 
sirens to initiate a traffic stop. Myself and the silver Cadillac pulled into the parking lot 
of Smith Township Police department located at 846 N. Johnson RD.

I then exited my patrol vehicle and made contact with the driver Ms. Kyleigh Kiser and 
identified myself and advised the reason for the traffic stop. While talking to Kiser I also 
advised if she was aware that her Temporary license plates were expired and she 
stated that she was unaware of them being expired. At this time Ptl. Toussant of Smith 
Township PD pulled up to back me up. I then asked Kiser if she would give consent for 
a vehicle search since she was in physical control of the vehicle and she stated no 
because it wasn't her car. While talking to Kiser I then contacted Sebring Police 
dispatch to see if I could get a K9 unit to respond to my location and dispatch advised 
that Alliance did not have anyone available so they contacted K9 Ptl. Stanton to come 
to my location.

Once K9 Ofc. Stanton arrived I advised him of the reason of my stop and also that the 
driver refused consent to search the vehicle. After telling K9 Ofc. Stanton he then 
approached the vehicle and identified himself and he advised the driver to exit the 
vehicle and that he and his K9 Radar were going to conduct a Free Air Sniff around the 
vehicle. K9 Radar did not detect anything in the vehicle and Kiser was then released 
with a Traffic Citation #031976 for Obstructed View SCO331.25 with a MCC date to be 

Ptl. Melendez #513  11/23/2020


Case No.; 20011091 

Warrant Arrest - 225 W. Oregon Ave., Sebring, Oh

ARREST: Shawn Davner, age 37, 28759 U.S. 62 Damascus, OH 

Charge: ORC: 2925.03 Agg trafficking in drugs (Warrant) 


Warrant Arrest - 225 W. Oregon Ave., Sebring, Oh

ARREST: Dana Brown, age 33, 803 Woodford Ave. Youngstown, OH

Charge: Warrant (theft)

On 11-25-2020 I received information that Shawn Davner, who was wanted on 
warrants in both Columbiana and Stark counties, was staying with Robert Chapin at 
225 W. Oregon Avenue. 

Upon arriving to the address I made contact with Mr. Chapin at the front door. I asked 
Mr. Chapin Shawn Davner was st the residence, with him advising that he was end 
that he was in the upstairs bedroom.

I then asked if I could enter the residence and go upstairs to speak with Davner, with 
Chapin inviting me inside. Chapin and I then went upstairs where he told Davner, who 
was inside a bedroom with the door closed, that there was someone here to see him. 
Davner said "just them I'm not here". I then advised Davner who I was and that I was 
with the $ebring Police Department, as well as instructed him to come out of the 
bedroom. Davner initialy failed to comply with my request saying that he was getting 
dressed. At this point I attempted to open the door and found it to be locked. Due to 
Davner failing to comply with my request several times, I advised him that if he did not 
open the door I would force entry.

Davner then opened the door, with me entering and informing him that he had an 
active warrant for his arrest. At this time I noticed Davner's gaze was fixated on a 
closet in the room, which had the door opened and a large amount of clothes inside. 
When I asked if he were alone in the room Davner, appeared to nod at the closet. In 
order to ensure officer safety, I then placed Davner in handcuffs, which were properly 
spaced and double-locked, so that I could check the closet. While checking the closet 
with my department issued taser drawn and turned on I found a female subject hiding 
inside underneath a pile of clothes, I ordered the subject out as well as asked for her 
name and date of birth.

The subject identified herself as Dana Brown and was found to have an active warrant 
for her arrest out of Columbiana County.

I then removed the handcuffs from Davner so that he could get dressed. Chief Harris 
arrived to the residence at this time as well. Once Davner and Brown were fully 
dressed I secured both of them in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double 
locked, as well as searched them for weapons or contraband. I also checked the area 
in their immediate vicinity at time of arrest with no weapons or contraband being 
located. After receiving confirmation that Columbiana County would pick up Brown and 
Stark would pick up Davner it was agreed that both agencies would meet me in the 
parking lot of the former Value City Department store to take each into custody. Both 
subjects were secured in the back of car 303 before being transported to this location. 

Once at the Value City Parking lot I met with deputies from Columbiana and Stark 
counties with custody of both subjects being exchanged without incident. 

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT   November 28, 2020  @  0834hrs
Case No. 20011097 

Traffic - 100 Block S. 12th Street Sebring, OH

CITED: Jesse Coleman, age 54, 2506 S. Freedom Ave. Alliance, OH

Charge: SCO 333.03  Speed (51/35)

On 11-28-2020 at 08:34 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 

While patrolling southbound in the 100 block of S. 12th Street, I observed a 
northbound SUV ,
black in color, that was approaching E. Georgia Avenue on S. 12th at speed that was 
visibly higher than that of the posted 35MPH speed limit.

I then activated, the front-facing radar antenna to the patrol cars in-car radar system, 
with a locked speed of 51MPH being obtained. Once the SUV passed me, I activated 
my overhead emergency lights, turned my patrol car around, and initiated a traffic stop. 
The black jeep being Ohio Registration GQR 2366 came to a complete stop on S. 12th 
Street near the railroad tracks.

Upon approaching and making contact with the male driver, who was the vehicles sole 
occupant, I advised him of the reason for the stop, asked him if he was aware of his 
speed, as well as requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of 

The driver was able to produce all three requested documents with his Ohio Driver 
License identifying him, as Jesse Coleman Jr. Jesse also answered my question as to 
if he was aware of his speed of not by informing me that he was delivering Door Dash 
and was on his way to make a delivery.

1 then returned to my patrol car where I wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No, 032007 to 
Mr. Coleman for speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03), for going 51MPH in a 
marked 35MPH zone. Mr. Coleman signed the citation, was given his copy, and 
advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on how to either pay the 
citation or contest it if he wished to do so. 

I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT   November 26, 2020  @ 1300hrs
Case No.: 20011094 

Traffic - 400 Block E. Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Cierra Yearly, age 20, 379 S. Van Buren Ave. Barberton, OH

Charge: SCO333.03  Speed (63/35)

On 11-26-2020 at 13:00 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 

While patrolling northbound on N, 12th Street nearing E. Maryland Avenue, I observed 
a white
sedan traveling southbound on N. 12th Street at a speed that was visibly higher than 
that of the posted 35MPH limit. 

Upon activating the front-facing radar antenna of the patrol cars in-car radar system, I 
noted a speed of 63MPH on the digital readout, with the car rapidly slowing down and 
a locked speed of 55MPH being obtained.

1 then activated my overhead emergency lights, turned my patrol car around, and 
initiated a traffic stop. The White Mercury Milan, bearing Ohio registration HWV 5787, 
came to a stop in the 400 block of E. Ohio Avenue. 

Upon approaching the vebicle, I could hear the female driver having a loud phone 
conversation. Upon making contact with the driver, I advised her of the reason for the 
stop and requested her driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of 
insurance. The driver was only able to produce an Ohio Driver License that identified 
her as Cierra Lynn Yearly.

After requesting that Yearly end her phone conversation so that I could speak with her, 
I asked her if she was aware of her speed. I did hear Yearly, who was still speaking on 
the phone, say to the subject that she was talking to that she was watching the GPS 
an her phone and wasn't sure if she was speeding. Yearly then ended her phone 
conversation with her saying that she was unaware of her speed. I also at this point 
asked the male front seat passenger if I could see his identification as well, with him 
producing and Ohio identification Card that identified him as Jose Manuel Santiago Jr.

I then returned to my patrol car where I wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032006 to 
Yearly for speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.031), for going 63MPH in a marked 
35MPH zone. Yearly then signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised to 
contact Mahoning County Court #3 as soon as possible for information of her required 
court appearance regarding the citation. 

I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #507


Case No.: 20011093 

Warrant - 600 Block S. 15th St

WARRANT/ARREST: Michael Sajka, age 54, 598 W. Main St. Alliance

Charge: 2925.11  Drug Possession (WARRANT)

Traffic Stop on the 600 Block of S. 16th Street on a silver 2002 Suzuki bearing 0hio 
registration HRU9801 for marked lanes. Upon making contact with the driver, Mr. 
Michael P. Sajka, I advised him the reason for the stop, Sajka then advised me he had 
an old warrant out of Cuyahoga County. I then contacted dispatch to confirm the 

Dispatch then advised that the warrant was still active and Sajka was then transported 
to the Sebring Police Department to be processed. Sajka's passenger , Lawrence 
Hagedom was confirmed by dispatch to be a valid driver and he took control of the 
vehicle.  After being processed Sajka was then transported to the Mahoning County 
Jail on his Warrant to be extradited to Cuyahoga County.

Ptl Melendez  $513 11/25/2020

On 11/26/2020 @ 2320hr I, Patrolman Peterman #508, transported Michael to MCJC 
without incident.

Nothing further to report.

Ptl. Peterman #508


ARREST REPORT   November 28, 2020
Case No.: 20011098 

Traffic - 25933 U.S. 62 Beloit, OH

CITED: Mateo Francisco, age 28, 597 Walnut St. Salem, Ohio

SCO: 335.01 Driver License Required

SCO: 331.08 Driving Within Marked Lanes

On 11-28-2020 at 12:58 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 

While I was in the left turn lane for the eastbound lane of travel on U.S. 62 at the 
intersection of S. 12th Street, a westbound gray Ford Fusion entered the lane 
attempting to turn left into Western Reserve Auto. As the vehicle proceeded further into 
the lane, I had to slow my patrol car to a near stop to avoid a collision.

I immediately activated my overhead emergency lights, following the gray Fusion (OH 
Reg. JCR 6277) into the parking lot of Western Reserve Auto. Upon approaching the 
vehicle, I made contact with the driver and advised him of the reason for the stop. 1 
requested the driver's vehicle registration, proof of insurance as well as driver license . 
The driver was only able to produce an Ohio Identification Card, which identified him 
as Sebastian Francisco. Because Mr. Francisco spoke very little English, his front seat 
passenger, Juan P. Gomez, began attempting to communicate with me for him. 
Francisco however, did acknowledge that he did not have a driver license at this point, 
with this later being confirmed by dispatch.

I then returned to my patrol car, requested a Smith Township unit to respond to my 
location, as well as began writing Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032008 to Francisco. 
Several minutes later, Sgt. Star, with the Smith Township Police Department,  arrived 
to my location. I then returned to Mr. Francisco's vehicle, with him signing his citation, 
being provided a copy, as well as being informed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 
for instructions on further proceedings in the case. Francisco was cited for driver 
license required (SCO: 335.01) as well as driving within marked lanes (SCO:331.08).

After giving Francisco the citation and instructions on how to properly address it, I 
requested all occupants out of the vehicle. I also advised dispatch to send Sebring Tire 
to my location to impound the vehicle. An administrative inventory was conducted with 
no weapons, contraband, or anything of value being located. 

Sebring Tire then arrived and began loading the vehicle on their truck. 

A Mascos Cruz, who spoke fluent English also arrived at this time to give Francisco 
and his passengers a ride home. Using both Cruz and Gomez to interpret, I again 
reiterated to Francisco that he needed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 as soon 
as possible for instructions on how to address the citation. Francisco was also advised 
on how to retrieve his vehicle from impound. Sebring Tire, Sgt. Star, and I all three 
then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT   November 27, 2020  @ 0725hrs
Case No.: 20011047

Criminal (warrant)

ARREST: Andre Sanders, age 53, 333 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH 

ORC: 2913.02(A)(3) Theft (By Deception) / Bond $1,250

ORC: 2913.21 Misuse of credit cards  / Bond $1,250

On 11-13-2020 at 14:21 hours, I was met on station by a Mary Vargas, who wished to 
make a
complaint regarding unauthorized charges on her bank debit card. Mary advised that 
her live-in boyfriend, Andre Sanders, had used her debit card information to make 
multiple purchases on Vargas advised that Sanders obtained her 
Information after she allowed him to make one purchase using her card on Amazon on 
10-23-2020 for $309.95. Vargas advised that this was the only charge that she 
authorized Sanders to make using her debit card.

I then accompanied Vargas to the Sebring Huntington Bank, located at 146 E. Ohio 
Ave., where she obtained a printout of her banking transactions between 10/02/2020 
and 11/12/2020. On the transaction sheet I noted 11 transactions using, 
excluding the initial transaction that Vargas said that she authorized, totaling $681.59.  
Vargas advised that she has never made any purchases using and that 
all of the transactions were done by Sanders.  Vargas also advised that she wanted to 
pursue charges in the matter, with her providing me with a voluntary witness statement 
detailing the incidents before leaving the police station.

0n ,11-14-2020, I made contact with Sanders at 333 W. Oregon Avenue, where he 
lives with Vargas.

In speaking with Sanders I advised him of the complaint and asked what had 
happened. Sanders advised that Vargas authorized the transaction and that he was 
supposed to be paying her back. Sanders denied ever having made any transactions 
without the consent of Vargas. When I asked what he had purchased using Vargas's 
debit card, Sanders said that he bought DJ'ing equipment, hair clippers, and two 
drones. Sanders did provide me a witness statement in which he denied making any 
unauthorized purchases.

While Sanders was outside the residence I again spoke with Vargas about the matter. 
Vargas reiterated that she only authorized Sanders to make one transaction using her 
debit card, that he was supposed to pay her back for that one, and all the other 
charges had ocurred without her consent or knowledge.

In speaking further with Sanders about the purchases, he advised that he still had the 
boxes to the items he had ordered. With Sanders consent photographed the shipping 
labels of the boxes that they had come in as well as the Amazon order history that he 
logged onto using his phone. 

I advised both parties to keep the peace before clearing from the call, Sanders advised 
that this would not be an issue and that he intends to go back to Akron where he lived 
prior to moving to Sebring. 

This case will be forwarded to Prosecutor Van Bracklin for review and consideration of 
possible charges.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #507
(DATE: 11/14/2020 13:41

After consulting with prosecutor van Brocklin regarding this incident, one count of theft 
by deception (ORC2913.02A3) as well as one count of misuse of credit cards (ORC 
2913.21) were approved. A criminal rule four form as well as state complaints will be 
drafted and sent to the court so that a warrant can be obtained for Mr. Sanders's 

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #507
DATE: 21/21/2020 12:16

On 11-27-2020 at 0725hrs Ptl. Barindack and I took Mr. Sanders into custody on his 

Sanders was placed in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double-locked 
before being secured in the back of car 303.  Sanders was then brought to the Sebring 
Police Station where he was fingerprinted , photographed, and processed.  Mr. 
Sanders was unable to post bond but because the Mahoning County Jail would not 
accept him due to his charges being non-violent misdeameanors, he was released on 
a $2500 own recognizance bond.  Sanders was advised to contact Mahoning County 
Court #3 for information on further proceedings in the case. 

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #507
DATE: 11/27/2020 1103hrs


ARREST REPORT   November 27, 2020  @ 1130hrs
Case No.: 20008203 

Criminal (warrant)

ARREST: Virgil Bugara, age 44, 375 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH

ORC: 2909.05(B)(1)a  Vandalism  / Bond $2,500

ORC: 2909.05(B)(1)b  Vandalism  / Bond $2,500

On this date and time, I was dispatched to 375 E. Oregon Ave ref to a loud music 
complaint. I arrived at 1732 Hrs, and upon arrival I could hear music coming from 
inside the residence, but the music was at a low level. As I passed the residence, I 
could hear the music get turned up to the point I wpuld hear the music as I reached the 
intersection of E. Oregon Ave, and N. 12th St. I turned around and  stopped at the 
residence and exited my patrol car and attempted to make contabt with the occupants 
by knocking very loudly on the front door, but due to the loudness of the radio I could 
barely hear my knock. I then knocked on the window facing 395 E. Oregon but again 
due to the volume was unable to make contact. At this point I yelled inside a open 
window but no response was obtained. As I was walking around to the rear of the 
residehoe I observed 2 females come to the front door. I identfied  the female as Diana 
R. Barrett. I advised Diana of the complaint, and also that the music was going to have 
to be turned down and that the neighbor was complaining. Diana advised me that the 
music would be turned down and she then went into the living room and advised a 
male to turn the music down.

As I was speaking to Diana I could hear the music being turned up and I could hear a 
male yelling " Is there a fucking problem, and a bunch of Fucking Pussies". I 
ascertained from Diana who the male was and she stated Virgil and he wasn't taking 
me. At this point she advised to turn the music down, but the music just kept playing 
loudly. I then advised the male to come out and speak to me and he advised that he 
knows his rights and that if I didn't have a warrant he didn't have to come out. I again 
advised him to come out, and he stepped out and advised, Here I am. I advised Virgil 
of the issue with the music and the complaints, and he continued to argue stating he 
could play his music as loud as he wants until 10 Pm. I again explained the Sebring 
Ordinance and Virgil kept arguing and advising that White Lives Matter.

Finally Virgil slammed the door. I also spoke to the landlord Dean Grindley and advised 
him of the incident and he advised that he went to speak to Virgil and that it was his 
birthday and he knows his rights.

The male Suspect
Virgil C. Bugara Jr
375 E. Oregon Ave

On 14-27-2020 at 11:30 hours, Ptl. Brindack and I took Virgil Bugara Jr. into custody 
on this warrant at 375 E. Oregon Ave. As I was approaching the residence in marked 
unit 303,I observed a male and female subject sitting in the sunporch. Upon noticing 
me pulling into the driveway, the male subject stood up and walked into the residence. 
In speaking with the female subject, later Identified as Diana Barret, I advised her that I 
was there to speak with Bugara and asked if he was at the residence. The female 
subject said that Bugara was in Florida and that it was "Fred'' that I had seen going 
into the residence. When I asked if I could speak with Fred she went back into the 
residence, coming out a short time later saying that he did not want to speak with me. I 
then asked if I could come in the house to see if Bugara was inside, with her denying 
my request.

I then told Barret that I would review the dash cam of my patrol car and if I were able to 
prove that it was Bugara that had went back inside the house I would charge her with 
obstruction of justice. 

Barret then admitted that Bugara was Inside. When I requested to come inside the 
residence, Barret slammed the door closed and walked back inside. 

I then began knocking on the door, with Bugara coming out of the residence several 
minutes later. I advised Bugara of his warrant, placed him in handcuffs, which were 
properly spaced and double-locked, and secured him in the back of car 303.

Once back at the Sebring Police Station contact was made with the Mahoning County 
Sheriff's Office, with their agency advising that the jail would accept Bugara on his 
charges. Bugara was Then photographed with the necessary paperwork completed 
before being transported to The Mahoning County jail by this officer. a copy of this 
report wiil be forwarded to Prosecutor van Brocklin,for consideration of charges 

Nothing additional to report at his time.

Det. Reed #507


Case No: 20008200 

Criminal (warrant)

ARREST: Virgil Bugara, age 44, 375 E. Oregon Ave, Sebring, OH 

Charge: ORC 2917.11  Disorderly Conduct (Persistance)/ Bond $500

On this date at approx 1002 Hrs I was advised by the victim that on this date and time, 
he was looking out his kitchen window, and observed his neighbor that lives at 375 E. 
Oregon Aye walking into the residence. He observed the male wearing a light colored 
shirt and a ball cap. The victim Also advised that he observed a woman looking out the 
window at the neighbor's residence waving. The victim then advised that he also 
observed his rear motion light at the back door on. The victim then advised that he 
checked the cameras and he observed the the same male walking from the neighbors 
house and across his yard and walk over to his truck. The male then bent down and 
appeared to cut the tire on the rear passenger side. The victim also advised that he did 
find the tire flat. 

I obtained a statement from the victim, and I also had the video sent to my email. The 
neighbor was one Virgil C Buqara Jr..

On 8/31/20 I spoke to victim, one Clinton Becker, regarding the damage that was done 
to his truck on 8/30/2020.  Clinton advised me that used the truck to go to back and 
forth to work and on the 31st he was late because he had to take the truck to Firestone 
in Salem to get a new tire.

on 11-27-2020 at 11:30 hours, Ptl. Brindack and I took Virgil Bugara Jr. into custody on 
this warrant at 375 E. Oregon Ave, As I was approaching the residence in marked unit 
303, I observed a male and female subject sitting in the sunporch. Upon noticing me 
pulling Into the driveway, the male subject stood up and walked into the residence. In 
speaking with the female subject, later identified as Diana Barret, I advised her that I 
was there to speak with Bugara and asked if he was at the residence. The female 
subject said that Bugara was in Florida and that it was "Fred" that I had seen going 
into the residence, When I asked if I could speak with Fred she went back into the 
residence, coming out a short time later saying that he did not want to speak with me. I 
then asked if I could come in the house to see if Bugara was inside, with her denying 
my request.

I then told Barret that I would review the dash cam of my patrol car and if I were able to 
prove that it was Bugara that had went back inside the house I would charge her with 
obstruction af justice. 

Barret then admitted that Bugara was inside. When I requested to come inside the 
residence, Barret slammed the door closed and walked back inside. I then began 
knocking on the door, with Bugara coming out of the residence several minutes later. I 
advised Bugara of his warrant, placed him In handcuffs, which were properly spaced 
and doublelocked, and secured him in the back af car 303.

Once back at the Sebring Police Station contact was made with the Mahoning County 
Office, with their agency adding that the jall would accept Bugara on his charges. 
Bugara was then photographed with the necessary paperwork completed before being 
transported to The Mahoning County jail by this officer. 

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed  #507

WRN has Been a Free Public Service of Digital Service Company llc Since 2004.  
Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.

PUBLISHED 4:49 PM 11/30/2020 *

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, November 24, 2020
11:11 AM -0500

Case NO.: 20011037

Traffic Stop
OHIO and 15 th

CITED: Ronald Handy, 70, 18418 5th Street, Beloit 

CHARGE: ORD: 337.24 Motor Vehicle Stop Light

On 11/11/2020 at approximately 1658 hours, I (Ptl. Stanton), initiated a traffic stop on 
Ave near 15th street. I initiated said stop due to witnessing a white Honda SUV having 
only one operational stop light when stopped at the intersection. The driver (Ronald 
Handy) stated he just purchased the vehicle and was not aware of the vehicles faulty 

After running the vehicles license plate through Sebring Dispatch, I was informed the 
plate belongs to a black GMC truck. 

I reverified this information and approached Ronald again to discuss the discrepancy. 
Ronald admitted to previously owning a blue Dodge Truck before this vehicle (a white 
Honda SUV). I asked if Ronald had a proof of purchase and he stated it was at the 
shop in Salem which he came from. Ronald had no other information besides an old 
registration found in the vehicle from the rightful owner. 

I verified that the vehicle was not reported stolen at this time.

I issued Ronald a citation for the stoplight, Sebring ORD: 337.24 (MM) - Ticket # 

Ronald was also told he has a mandated court appearance since he does not have 
proof of ownership and no proof of insurance at this time. I explained that the vehicle 
should be towed and Ronald be cited for Fictitious Plates as well to Ronald. I stated 
that if he does indeed own the vehicle to provide the proof of ownership and everything 
will be fine. But if he does not own the vehicle the court may place a hold on the 
vehicle or take ownership of it. 

Further explaining the confusion and I cannot just let this go but I do not want to cause 
unneeded cost to the driver.

Ronald was understanding and cooperative through out the stop and very pleasant.


Ptl. Stanton, Steven #506
K-9 Radar #580


ARREST REPORT  November 12, 2020
Case No.: 20011040

200 Block N. 12th Street Sebring, OH

CITED: Matthew Galchick, 37y/o, 1113 E. 3rd Street Salem, OH 

CHARGE: SCO: 333.03 Speed (54/35)

Uniform Traftic Citation No. 032003 to Matthew Galchick for speed (Sebring Codified 
Ordnance 333.031, for going 54 in a marked 35MPH zone.

Galchick then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact 
Mahoning County
Court #3 for information on when to appear for his mandatory court appearance 
regarding the citation. I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at 
this time.

Det. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT  November 16, 2020
Case No.: 20011054 

Warrant Arrest

Arrest: Brian Moore, 57y/o, 405 W. Ohio Ave., Sebring, Ohio

Charge: 1317.01 (A) Nuisance Property

On 11-14-2020 I was advised by Chief Harris that Brian Moore who resides at 405 W. 
Ohio Ave. had a large partially constructed shed in his yard. I was further advised by 
Chief Harris that Prosecutor Van Brocklin approved charges to be pursued against 
Moore regarding this, seeing as this was in violation of Sebring Codified Ordnance 
1317.01(a) Nuisance Property, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

It should be noted that Moore has recently been cited for the same offense, due to 
various code violations existing on his property.

Upon checking the area I noted that there was in fact a large partially constructed shed 
in the front lawn of Moores residence.  The shed was photographed from the roadway, 
a state complaint as well as criminal rule 4 form were also drafted to be sent to the 
court so that a warrant can be had for Morre's arrest.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT  November 22, 2020
Case No.: 20011076

S. 12th st @ U.S. 62 

Cited: Christopher Sickles, 21, 214 E. State St., Barberton, Oh

Charge: SCO 333.03  Speed (51/35)

On 11-22-2020 at 11:35 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 

While stationary facing northbound along the roadside in the 1400 block of S. 12th 
Street, I observed, a white Ford box van that was traveling southbound at a speed that 
appeared to be visibly higher than that of the posted 35MPH speed limit. Upon 
activating the front facing radar antenna of my patrol cars in-car radar system I 
obtained a locked speed of 51MPH.

I then activated my overhead emergency lights, pulled out onto the roadway, 
positioned myself behind the white box van, and initiated a traffic stop. Ohio 
Registration PKU 6283 was attached to the van. 

Upon making contact with the driver I requested his driver license, vehicle registration 
as well as proof of insurance.  The driver provided and Ohio Driver License that 
identified him as Christopher Sickles. When I asked Mr. Sickels if he were aware of his 
speed, he said he was watching the GPS on his cell phone and it showed him as only 
going 45MPH.

I then returned to my patrol car where I drafted Uniform Traffic Citation No. 032005. 
Sickles was cited far speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03), for going 51 in a 
marked 35 zone. Sickles then signed the citation, was given his copy and advised to 
contact Mahoning County Court #3 for instructions on how to contest the citation if he 
wished to do so or on how to pay it. 

I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.

Det. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT  November 20, 2020
Case No.: 20011022 

Warrant Arrest

Arrest: Jessica Vansteenberg, 35, 301 East Maryland Ave., Sebring

Charge: SCO 521.08(b)  Littering & Deposit of garbage, rubbish, junk, etc.

While patrolling south on N 13th St near 301 E Maryland Ave, I observed tires and 
other rubbish stacked behind a shed in the backyard. A trash letter will be generated 
and delivered to the residence. A follow up will be conducted within five days.

On Friday November 13, 2020 it was observed the tires and other rubbish located at 
301 E. Maryland Ave. were not diposed of.  Instead it appeared the tires and rubbish 
were relocated next to the shed rather than behind it

I will be requesting for a day turn or afternoon turn officer to verify the exact owner 
since 301 and 303 E. Maryland Ave. are part of a multiple dwelling structure and will 
preceed with generating a summons for a violation of SCO 521.08(b).

On a followup with Detective Reed I learned the resident of 301 E. Maryland is the 
party responsible for the tires and rubbish located in the backyard of the property.  A 
summons for Jessica Vansteenberg will be generated and submitted to Mahoning 
County Court #3 for violation of SCO 521.08(b).

2300 11/20/2020- I served the resident at that location with formal summons. I then 
cleared without further incident. Nothing further to report.

Ptl. Peterman #508


ARREST REPORT   November 21, 2020
Case No.: 20011071

W. Virginia / N. 16th St., Sebring, Oh

Arrest: Francis Palguta, 38y/o, 844 South Linden Alliance, Ohio 

2925.03 (F-3) Aggravated Trafficking / Bond $8,000

2923.11(F-3) Possession of Controlled Substance / Bond $8,000

SCO 335.074 DUS(Non-Compliance)

SCO 313.01 Traffic Control Device

3701.35 Violations Prohibited

While performing patrol duties east bound on W. Virginia between N. 16th and N. 17th 
St., I observed a white vehicle fail to fully cease motion at a stop sign.  

Upon observing this traffic violation I performed a traffic stop on the vehicle by 
activating my emergency overhead lights and audible siren. I relayed the license 
information to dispatch (Pennsylvania plate # LJY 2336) as the vehicle slowly pulled off 
onto the side of the road near N. 17th St. I approached the vehicle and identified 
myself and the reason for the stop. 

At this time. Sgt. Kelm #503. Ptl. Brindack #504, and Ptl. Stanton #506 had arrived on 
scene to assist me with the stop. The driver, later Identified as Francis Joseph Palguta, 
stated to officers he did not have his identificatiion on his person.  I asked Francis for 
his information in which he gave to me. I advised to Francis that another officer, Ptl. 
Stanton, wanted to speak with him as well while I run his information.

After exchanging my information of the stop thus far with K9 Stanton I returned to my 
marked cruiser #303 and relayed the drivers information to Dispatch. Dispatch relayed 
to myself that Francis was suspended out of Ohio. Ptl. Stanton was denied consent to 
search the vehicle, then advised Francis, he would be conducting an open air sniff 
around the vehicle with K9 Radar. 

Ptl. Stanton asked Francis to exit the Vehicle to which Francis complied. Francis was 
then led to the front of my Vehicle as Ptl. Brindack performed a pat down for weapons. 
K9 Radar positively alerted to the vehicle, giving officers probable cause to search the 
vehicle. Francis was placed in handcuffs and detained at this time.

On completion of the search two(2) baggies of what appeared to be a white powdery 
substance were discovered, as well as a $10 bill concealing a small amount of the 
same white powdery substance, and a $1 bill with a white powdery residue. 

Along with the current evidence, a package of tobacco rolling paper, an albuterol 
inhaler, an oval white pill(markings SG on the front, and 178 on the back of the pill) an 
asb tray with drug paraphernalia, $104 dollars, and a naloxone kit was discovered and 
seized as evidence. 

I radioed dispatch if Ptl. Toussant #380 STPD would be able to perfom a field drug test 
on the suspected baggies of narcotics. A short time later, Ptl. Toussant arrived on 
scene. Ptl. Toussant used two(2) field drug tests designated for MDMA, Ectasy, and 
Methamphetamines, and a positive result was noted on both tests. Upon this 
observation, Francis was walked back to the patrol vehicle by Ptl. Stanton, placed 
under arrest, and advised of his Miranda rights.

Springers Towing arrived on scene to tow the vehicle, and a court hold was placed on 
the vehicle. I transported Francis back to station, and began jail paperwork. On station, 
officers weighed the amount of suspected narcotics, and discovered a weight of 5 
grams, revealing bulk weight. 

Francis was now advised he was charged with Traffic control device(SCO 313.01), 
DUS(SCO 335.074), Trafficking in drugs(2925.03), Possession of a controlled 
substance(2925.11) , and violations Prohibited(3701.352). 

Francis was given his traffic citation to sign off on, and I began transport to Mahoning 
County Jail. Francis was patted down again, then placed inside my marked cruiser.

Upon arrival at Mahoning County Jail, Francis was processed, and I cleared back to 
the village without further incident. Nothing further to report.

Ptl. Peterman #508


ARREST REPORT   November 19, 2020
Case No.: 20011064

200 block W. California Ave.

Arrest: Christopher Koon, 29, 2611 Ellis Ave., Canton, Oh

2925.03 Agg Trafficking F3 / bond $8,000

2925.11 Possession of Controlled Substance F3 / bond $8,000

2925.12 Drug Abuse Instruments M1 / bond $1,250

2925.14 Drug Paraphernalia M4 / bond $500

4510.11 DUS

On 11/19/2020, I Ptl. Brindack was parked in marked unit #301 facing East in,the 100 
block of W. california Ave. Det. Reed was parked in ,marked Unit #303 next to me 
facing West.  While there offices observed a silver VW sedan pass us going west 
bound, as it passed both officers observed it hand an improperly displayed license 
plate. I turned Around and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, a 2004 silver VW 
Passat OH TP933605 which came to a stop in the 200 block of W. California Ave.

I approched the driver side while Det. Reed made a passenger side approach.  I made 
contact with the driver identified as christopher Koon and informed him of the reason 
for the stop. I obtained Consent to search and had Christopher step out of the vehicle 
as I did Dispatch advised that Christopher was suspended. 

Det. Reed began issuing Christopher his citation for DUS and improper display as I 
began my consent search.  Shortly after beginning I discovered a silicone and metal 
smoking pipe device commonly referred to as a "nectar collector" used for the 
consumption of marijuana. I then located a lock box which was locked.  I asked 
Christopher for the key to the box and he complied and gave me the key.

I opened the box and discovered suspected Methamphetamine, Drug Instraments 
including two glass smoking pipes, Drug Paraphernalia including baggies and a scale, 
pills, and $235 cash.

I then advised Christopher he was under arrest and placed him in custody.  Det. Reed 
read Christopher Miranda and Christopher decided he no longer wished to speak with 
us. The evidence was collected, the vehicle was towed and Christopher was 
transported to our police department for processing.

While on station officer weighed the suspected Methamphetamine, which was in 3 
separate containers weighing in total 20 grams. More than bulk amount. Officer asked 
for a Smith twp unit with a drug field testing kit to come test the suspected 
methamphetamine. Sgt. Starr responded and field tested the substance confirming it 
was methamphetamine. Christopher was charged with F3 aggravated trafficking 
2925.03 F3 possession of a controlled substance M1 drug abuse instrument, M4 drug 
paraphernalia. DUS 4510.11 and improper display of plates 4503.21.

Christopher was booked and transported to the Mahoning County Jail without incident.

Christopher will also have a pending F5 possession of a controlled substance for two 
40mg Vyvanse pills also discovered in the lockbox. The methamphetamine, smoking 
pipes, Vyvanse, Two brown tablets with "Spiderman" faces printed on them that were 
also discovered, and two containers with a yellowish brown gel like substance will all 
be sent to the BCI Lab for testing. The $235 cash, lock box, and other paraphernalia 
was taken as evidence. At this time this investigation will remain pending.

Ptl. Brindack #504 

WRN has Been a Free Public Service of Digital Service Company llc Since 2004.  
Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.

PUBLISHED 10:59 AM 11/24/2020 *

Monday, October 26, 2020
12:14 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT  October 14, 2020
Case No.: 200010071

TRAFFIC - Courtney Rd and N. 12th Street Sebring, OH

CITED: Fred Van Brunt , Age 54, 345 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (49/35)

On 10-14-2020 at 12:17 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 

While traveling southbound in the 800 block of N, lzth Street, I observed a black 
Camaro that was traveling northbound at a rate of speed that was visibly higher than 
that of the 35MPH posted speed limit. Upon activating my front Facing radar antenna, I 
obtained a locked speed of 49MPH.

Once the vehicle passed by me, I activated my overhead emergency lights and 
initiated a traffic stop. The black Camaro came to a stop on N. 12th Sreet, 
approximately 1/2 mile north of Courtney Road. Upon making contact with the driver, I 
requested his driver license, vehicle registration, as well. as proof of insurance. The 
Driver was able to produce all three requested documents with his Ohio Driver License 
identifying him as Fred Van Brunt Jr. When I asked Mr. Van Brunt if he were aware of 
his speed, he said something about not realizing it while on country roads.

I then returned to my patrol car and wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No, 029062 to Mr. 
Van Brunt. Mr. Van Brunt was cited for Speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03), for 
going 49MPH in a 35MPH zone. Mr. Van Brunt then signed the citation, was given his 
copy, and advised to contact Mahoning Counry Court #3 for information on how to 
either pay the citation or contest it if he wished to do so. 

I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #507


ARREST REPORT  October 15, 2020
Case No.: 200010073

TRAFFIC / CRIMINAL - N. 14th St / E. Maryland

ARREST: Amber McCombs, female Age 34, 145 E. Michigan, Sebring, Ohio


2923.12 (F-4) Carrying Concealed Weapons  / Bond $4,000

SCO 335.10 (MM)  Fictitious Plates

While patrolling along the 200 east block of Ohio ave. I ran plate# HWE 5494, with 
which dispatch returned to a black Saturn, with the registered owner having a warrant 
out of Athens, Ohio. I observed the plates were currently located on a white 2003 
Chevrolet venture van. The vehicle stopped at a gas pump at the Circle K located on 
east Ohio Ave. I waited for the vehicle to leave the parking lot of Circle K, and 
activated my emergency overhead lights, and audible siren at the intersection of 
N.14th St. and E Maryland. The vehicle then came to a stop in the 400 N. block of 14th 

As Sgt. Kelm #503 arrived on scene to assist me, I approached the vehicle and 
identified myself and the reason for the stop.  The driver and registered owner of said 
vehicle, Amber McCombs, states she was "heading home after getting food from Circle 
K".  I asked Amber if she was aware her license plate was currently registered to a 
black Saturn to which she responds "That was my last car, and I has it transfered to 
this car when I bought it".  Amber also states being unaware she currently had a 
warrant out of Athens, Oh.  I asked Amber to shut her vehicle  off and exit it.  Amber 
was slightly hesitant and began to argue with myself about the warrant.

I again advised Amber to step out of the vehicle. Amber complied with my second 
request, and exited the vehicle. I then placed Amber in handcuffs and advised her she 
was detained until further news  from dispatch if Athens would want Amber. 

Dispatch advised the warrant was county pickup only and Amber was then released 
from handcuffs. 

Amber advised officers that she had a handgun located inside the vehicle. I asked 
Amber where the handgun was located, and Amber advised me  "it's under there" as 
she began to reach inside the vehicle.  I grabbed Ambers hand and advised her not to 
reach for any weapons in the presence of officers during our investigation. I then 
observed the handgun, an unloaded Springfield .45 ACP concealed in the bottom of 
the center console, under a plastic cover.

I asked Amber to again turn around and advised she is being detained pending a 
further investigation into the concealed handgun. I asked Amber if she had a CCW, to 
which she stated "no I do not.". Amber then stated to officers she had a full magazine 
of .45 ACP in the back seat. Amber was advised she was now under arrest for carry 
concealed weapons violation 2923.12 F-4, and would be receiving a traffic citation for 
fictitious plates SCO 335.10 MM. 

I advised dispatch of having one in custody, placing Amber in the back of my patrol 
vehicle while also ensuring the handcuffs were
properly gapped and double locked. I also advised Amber her car would be getting 
towed, and radioed dispatch for Springers Towing to bring a tow truck.

Upon a vehicle inventory, a fully loaded magazine of .45 ACP was discovered in an 
open backpack located in the 2nd row back seats, in between both, and placed where 
readily accessible to the driver, and a black plastic box containing a 1 gram baggie of a 
green leafy substance. 

After vehicle inventory was completed, and Springers towing obtained the vehicle both 
units returned to station to begin paperwork. 

Amber was transported to station, and advised of her Miranda rights.

Amber was photographed, and received her traffic citation. Mahoning county jail was 
contacted by dispatch, and approved to have Amber brought to MCJ. Paperwork for 
MCJ was completed, and Amber was placed back into my patrol vehicle, placed in a 
seatbelt for her safety, and transported to MCJ wlthout Incident. 

Upon my return from MCJ evidence was placed into locker #1, with the baggie of 
green leafy substance marked for destruction. Nothing further to report.

Ptl. Peterman #508


Case No.: 20010099 

Traffic - 600 Block West Georgia / N. 20th St.

CITED: Taylor Whan , male age 26, 154 Summit Alliance Ohio 


373.06 MM  Lights on bicycle

373.07 MM  Bicycle on Roadway

373.08 MM  Reckless Operation of Bicycle

Criminal / Warrant - 500 Block West Georgia / N. 20th St.


2921.31(A) F-5   Obstructing official Business /  Bond $2,500

2921.33 (A) M-1  Failure to comply w/lawful Order  /  Bond $1,250

2921.33 (A) M-2  Resisting Arrest  /  Bond $1,000

2925.12 (A) M-2  Posessing Drug Abuse Instraments  /  Bond $1,000

Warrant - Summit County

I was patrolling the area of W. Maryland near N. 20th when I spotted 3 individuals, 2 
riding on mountain - style bicycles, and 1 on a smaller BMX-looking bicycle all of which 
had no lights on the front or rear of the bicycles. I closed my distance between the 
individuals to attempt to stop them when they observed me following them, leading 
one of the bicyclists to turn down fhe alleyway between the 500 W. block of Ohio and 
Maryland. I followed the other two when they hastily turned into the alleyway  between 
the 500 W. block of Ohio and Oregon, losing the individuals in the alleyway.  I then 
patroled the surrounding area before parking for stationary patrol on foot in my efforts 
to spot the bicyclists.

I again started patrols around the 500 W. block of Pennsylvania, turning onto N. 19th 
St. I approched the stop sign at Oregon when I again spotted two of the individuals, 
this time one was on foot and the other was still on the BMX bicycle. I advised this 
information to dispatch, then appraoched the two individuals, getting onto my PA 
System on my patrol vehicle and advised the individuals "Stop right
there".   Both individuals looked at me, then the individual on the bicycle fled the 

I activated my emergency overhead ligts, and audible siren while again announcing 
over the pa sytem "Police, stop the bicycle now".I pursed the individual into the 600 W. 
block of Oregon where the biclyclist crashed his bicyle then attempted to flee on foot. I 
exited my marked cruiser, advising "Stop, you're under arrest!" and began my foot 
pursuit in an attempt to catch the suspect. The suspect
fled about half a block east on the south portion of the sidewalk of Oregon when he 
then stopped and began turning around.  At this time the suspect was escorted to the 
ground by myself and placed into handcuffs (double locked and properly gapped).

Ptl. Caughey STPD #377 arrived on scene to assist me as I sat the suspect up onto 
his feet. I asked the suspect for his name, who stated he was "Taylor". I then asked 
Taylor if he needed to see EMS for any injuries, which Taylor denies any injuries. 
Taylor was advised of his Miranda rights, then placed into the back of my marked 
cruiser. A pat down was conducted from Ptl. Caughey, discovery of an empty was on 
his person.  

Myself and Ptl. Caughey searched the surrounding area for any evidence left behind, 
to which none was discovered. I then loaded the bicycle into the cruiser, along with 
Taylors property.

Upon arrival at station, I escorted Taylor into the squad room, releasing him from 
handcuffs and advising him of his Miranda rights. I then asked Taylor who the other 
two guys were, to which he responds "I don't know, I just met them today while I was 
riding home from Circle K".  I then asked Taylor what his drug of choice was to which 
he responds "Methamphetamine".  I asked Taylor what was inside the syringe and he 
responds "it was used for my mothers insulin but I shot up with it about  4 hours ago".

Taylor appeared visibly in pain from his shoulder, and i advised if he was okay. Taylor 
advised me "my shoulder popped out of socket a while ago and hasn't been right 

Taylor was observed walking with a limp.  Dispatch advised they would get EMS 
enroute when I observed these issues to check Taylor for possible injuries suffered 
during the foot  pursuit. Dispatch also advised Taylor had an active warrant out of 
Summit County.

I advised we would have charges on him as well. EMS arrived on scene and medically 
cleared Taylor. Taylor asked for a glass of water, and I obliged, grabbing him a glass of 
cold tap water, Upon completion of paperwork I loaded Taylors belongings into my 
cruiser, then placed Taylor into the back seat.  I then began transportation to MCJ, 
ensuring Taylor was placed in a safety belt before transporting.

Part-way through transporting Taylor, I received a call from DO Wheeler advising me 
MCJ won't   accept Taylor with the charges I had on him. I then asked DO Wheeler to 
check on the hit for the warrant when I returned back to station. Upon arrival to station, 
DO Wheeler gave me papework for Taylor's Warrant, advising we had to transport 
Taylor to MCJ to have him extradited to Summit County Jail.  I then began my second 
transportation to MCJ.

I placed Taylor in a safety belt as before, handcuffed Taylor ensuring they were 
Gapped and Double Locked then left for MCJ.  Upon arrival at MCJ I advised the jail of 
the warrant as well as our charges.

Taylor was processed, and I cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #508


ARREST REPORT  October 22, 2020
CaseNo.: 20010104

Traffic - 1200 Block S. 12th St. 

CITED:  Amanda Carrington, female age 20, 3453 Wayland M. Diamond, OH

Charge: SCO 333.03  Speed (54/35)

On 10-22-2020 at 13 :22 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 

While patrolling southbound in the 1000 block of S. 12th Street, I observed a black 
Tahoe that was traveling southbound on 12th street nearing Alabama Avenue at a 
speed that appeared to be substantially greater than that of the posted 35 MPH speed 
limit. Upon activating car 301's fiont facing radar antenna I obtained a locked speed of 

I then activated my overhead emergency lights, turned my patrol car around, and 
initiated a traffic stop an the black Tahoe, bearing Ohio Registration HYN 3840. Upon 
making contact with the driver, I requested her driver license, vehicle registration, as 
well as proof of insurance.

The driver was able to produce all requested documentation, with her Ohio Driver 
License identifying her as Amanda B, Carrington. 

When I asked Carrington if she were aware of her speed, she said that she believed 
that she was going around 50MPH and noticed when she seen the speed limit sign. I 
then returned to my patrol car and wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 029063 to 
Carrington for speed, (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03) for going 54MPH in the 
marked 35 zone. Carrington then signed the citation, was given her copy, and advised 
to immediately contact Mahoning County Court #3 for information on how to either 
contest the citation or pay if it she wished to do so. I then cleared from the stop with 
nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #507


ARREST REPORT   October 23, 2020
CaseNo.: 20010110

CRIMINAL - 200 block E Ohio ave

ARREST: Cody Wilson, age 29, 118 W. High St , Lisbon, Oh

2925.12  drug abuse instruments
2925.14  drug paraphenalia

On 10/23/2020 I responded to a suspicious person behind the Sebring Fire 
Department, who was apparently making strange hand signs at people passing by. 

On arrival I made contact with Cody A. Wilson and informed him why he was being 
contacted by us. I asked Cady if he had made any hand sign or gestures at anyone 
which he denied. 

At this time W. Reed arrived and we asked Cody for  consent to search his backpack. 
Cody gave consent to search and while searching his bag I found a small black 
container which had two syringes, a glass smoking pipe, and a small bag of a white 
powder substance suspected to be methamphetamine. 

Cody was arrested and read his Miranda  rights. Cody chose to continue speaking with 
us and admitted that the drugs were his and that it was methamphetamine. 

Cody was transported back to our station and processed for M2 drug abuse 
instruments 2925.12, and M4 drug abuse instruments 2925.14. Cody was released on 
his own recognizance. The bag of white powder will be sent to BCI for testing. 

Ptl. Brindack #504 10/23/2020


ARREST REPORT   October 15, 2020
CaseNo.: 20010076

CRIMINAL - 20040 Harrisburg Westville Rd. #24

ARREST: Joseph Saulsberry, age 45, 236 Alabama Ave. Apt 11


2925.03  Trafficking in Drugs   /  Bond $4,000.00

2925.11  Possession of Controlled Substance  /  Bond $2,500.00

2925.12  Illegal Use or Poss. Drug Paraphernalia  /  Bond $1,000.00

After receiving information of possible drug activity at the Oak Ridge Motel, with the 
assistance of K9 Radar, officers were granted and executed a search warrant on 
October 15,2020. The warrant yielded various drugs, weapons, and a substantial 
amount of cash. 

Joseph Saulsberry, who was detaned on scene was subsequently arrested on several 
drug charges and transported to the Mahoning County Justice Center.

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PUBLISHED 12:53 PM 10/26/2020 *

Tuesday, October 13, 2020
02:59 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT   October 11, 2020  @  1636hr
Case No.: 20006089 

Warrant Arrest 
18000Blk of Fifth St

ARREST: Brandon Fall , 22, Lka 1000 W. Tennessee Ave, Sebring

Charge: 2925.11A F-5  Warrant / Possession / Bond $2,500

On 06-76-2020 at 23:50 hours, I was canductlng traffic enforcement in marked unit 
303. While patrolling northbound on S. Johnson road near Tennessee Avenue, I 
observed three subjects on bicycles without lights turn from S. Johnson Road onto W. 
California Avenue before beginning westbound. I then activated my overhead 
emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop, with all three subjects stopping in the 700 
block of W. Celifornia Avenue. I then exited my patrol car and informed the three of the 
reason for the stop. I also at this point noticed that a subject on one of the bicycles had 
what appeared to be a small flashlight taped to the handlebars, but it appeared to be 
dangling and not directed in one consistent direction so as to make it visible from the 
front and sides.

The subjects were identified as Noah McCammon, Matthew Thurman, and Brandon 
Fall.  Brandon  was on the bicycle with the makeshift light with neither Matthew nor 
Noah having any illumination on theirs.  Sgt.Kelm arrived to my location arround this 
time with me also relaying the three subject's information to dispatch. None of the 
three returned with any acitive warrants. In speaking further with the three l asked if 
any of  them had anything illegal oh them.  Brandon admitted to having marijuana and 
two knives on him and began reaching in his pdckets. I then asked Brandon if he 
would step off the bike and if I could pat him down. Brandon consented and stepped of 
the bicycle with me asking him where the marijuana was and if he had anything else 
illegal on him. Brandon then informed me that he had a glass pipe in his pocket as 
well. When asked if it was for using methamphetamine, he said that it was with him 
also telling me that he had meth in his pocket as well.

I then removed Brandon's backpack from him and placed him in handcuffs, which were 
properly spaced and double locked. A subsequent search of Brandon's pockets found 
what appeared to be a marijuana cigarette, a mint container with several small baggies 
containing a light-colored crystalline substance, as well as a glass pipe. 

Upon searching Brandon's backpack, I located six butane torches, a digital scale, a pill 
bottle containing a green-vegatative substance that smelled to be marijuana, a "dab" 
pen along with several cartridges, several mirrors with residue of a light colored 
crystalline substance on them , two more glass pipes, a marijuana "grinder", a 
marijuana pipe, four syringes, as well as several plastic baggies that were similar to 
those the suspected methamphetamine was in. When asked Brandon did admitted 
that he used the butane torches to smoke meth, All contraband was seized.

Brandon was issued Uniform Traffic citation No, 031890 for Sebring Codified 
Ordnance 373.06 (lights and reflectors required on bicycles) as well as a minor 
misdemeanor citation for Sebring Codified Ordnance 513.121 (possession of 
marijuana paraphernalia). Brandon was advised to call Mahoning County Court #3 for 
information on further proceedings in the case. 

Both Matthew and Noah were given verbal warnings for not having lights on their 
bicycles. A summons will be drafted for the charges of possessing drug abuse 
instruments and drug paraphernalia due to his possessing the syringes and glass 
pipes, with additional charges possible pending laboratory testing of the suspected 
methamphetamine. All contraband was secured in temporary evidence , locker #1. 

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #507

On 9-23-2020 received laboratory results from The Ohio Bureau of Criminal 
Identification which  determined that the light colored crystalline substance that was 
found in Fall's possession was methamphetamine. A state complaint and criminal rule 
4 for a warrant was drafted and will be submitted to the courts. This warrant will be for 
one fifth degree felony charge of possession of controlled substances, Ohio Revised 
Code 2925.11. 

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #507

On this date I took Brandon M. Fall Into custody on a warrant from this Department.

Brandon was in a vehicle that Goshen Twp, U 2405 had stopped. After processing Fall 
was transported to the Mahoninq County Jail by Officer Peterman.

OFFICER: Steven McDaniel


October 7, 2020 

ARREST: Haley Howard

Fourth Degree Felony Count of Theft from the elderly (ORC 2913.02)

On Friday September 11, 2020 at 1615 hours I spoke with Sally Howard and Ashley 
from Huntington Bank who stated that she is missing $2,961 dollars from her account 
which had drained all of her  savings and caused her account to be over drawn. 
Ashley, who is the manager at the bank, brought over a copy of the transactions 
showing various amounts from $5.00-$200.00 being sent to a Cash App account in the 
named Haley Howard. Adding up to $2,961.00 which is not the final amount but what 
was noticed today.

According to Sally, she approved $1,000 dollars to be sent to Haley to help one of her 
friends out, which was not added to the total sum of money taken. Then following the 
transaction, after Haley had the access to her grandmother's account she could then 
transfer more money to her cash app account. She also changed the phone number 
on the account from hera grandmother's number to her own phone number. Sally 
stated that Haley has stolen from her before and she thought she has learned her 
lesson from last time.

Sally is 80 years old making this a crime against a protected class and felony 4. A 
subpoena to cash app for the account information of Haley Howard to see if the money 
was sent to a bank account or is still in her cash app account.

Huntington Bank is filing a claim with thier investigative unit.

Patrolman Zachery Van Voorhis  Unit #512

On 10-01-2020, I met with Huntington Bank Branch Service Manager, Ashley Mutchler, 
at the Sebring Huntington Bank branch. Mutchler was able to provide me with a 
document showing activity on Sally Howards bank account where a phone number 
had been changed as well as where the email address had been 
added. Mutchler was unable to provide me with the number that had been changed on 
the account, seeing as it had been corrected.

After leaving Huntington Bank, I went to 625 W, Maryland Avenue to speak with Haley 
Howard about the incidents. Upon arriving at the residence, I met Haley at the front 
door. I advised Haley that the reason that i was there was to speak to her about the 
money that had been transferred from her grandmother's bank account to the Cash 
App bearing her (information) , her saying that she understood when I asked. Haley 
also sald that she was willing to speak to me regarding the matter.

Haley went on to say that her grandmother had agreed to transfer $1000.00 from her 
bank account to Haley's CashApp to help a family friend. Haley said that in order to do 
this, she linked her grandmothers bank account to her CashApp and then unlinked it 
immediately afterwards. Haley said that she then linked her Direct Express card to the 
CashApp, which is how she receives government benefits for her son, as well as 
received a monetary transfer from her mother using the app. Haley said that she was 
unsure how her grandmothers card stayed linked to the account and that she never 
relinked the accounts. Any money that was transferred afterwards Haley said she 
believed was not coming out of her grandmother's account. Haley then gave me a 
voluntary witness statement detailing what she had told me.

After Haley finished her witness statement, I asked Haley how much maney she 
receives monthly on her Direct Express card for her son. Haley said that she received 
about $141.00 a month in benefits. When I asked what other income she had, Haley 
said that she rents out a house that was owned by her deceased father, with all but 
approximately $100.00 of that money going to the mortgage on the house. I then 
expressed to Haley that I did not believe what she was telling me the truth and that I 
believe her funds would have ran out and not allowed her to continue drawing money 

Haley then said that she didn't mean to steal money from her grandmother and initially 
only took out $100.00 with the intent of paying her back. Haley went on to say that she 
has a gambling problem, and "was really not trying to do her any wrong".  Haley then 
said that she and her grandmother had sat at the kitchen table and totaled up the 
amount of money Haley had taken from her account,with it  totaling up to around 
$2981.00. Haley said that she had not realized she had taken this much money until 
her grandmother came in the house one morning asking what she had done and 
saying that her debit card was not working. 

When I asked Haley if she had made any efforts to hide that she had been with 
drawing money from her grandmothers account she said that she had not. When I 
asked Haley how much money she was taking out at a time, she said she had taken 
increments of $25.00, $5.00 $75.00, and $100:00. When I asked if she would like to 
add what she had just disclosed to me in her witness statement she said that she 
would. I then gave the witness statement back to her, with her adding what she had 
told me. 

Before I left Haley agreed that she would keep the peace with her grandrnqther and 
that she no longer had access to her grandmothers banking information, I then cleared 
from the interview with nothing additional to report at this time. This case will be 
forwarded to Prosecutor Van Bricklin for consideration of charges.

On 10-07-2020 at 12:50 hours. I took Haley Howard into custody at her residence, 
located at 625 W. Maryland Avenue. Haley was charged with a fourth degree felony 
count of theft from the elderly (ORC 2913.02). It was also found that Howard had an 
active bench warrant for her arrest for failure to comply with the requirements of her 

Upon taking Howard into custody, she was secured in handcuffs, which were properly 
gapped and double locked. Haley was also searched incident to arrest. Due to 
Howard's grandmother being the only adult present at the time she was taken into 
custody, her mother, Kathy Howard, was called to the residence to take custody of , 
Howard's two children,

..... the custody transfer was approve by Mahoning County Child Protective Services

Once at the police station Howard was photographed, her DNA collected, and she was 
processed for transport to the Mahoning CauntyJail. 

Upon arriving to the jail, Howard was refused due to her heart rate being too high and 
her profusely sweating. On the way to Mercy Health St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Howard 
did admit to me that she took a pill capsule containing methamphetamine and 
Adderall. Howard said that she did this as I was knocking on the door to her residence. 

It should be noted that her son  xxxx  would have been present at this time.

Once at the hospital, Howard was treated in the Emergency Department by Dr. Donley, 
with her making statements in his presence to the effect of "I'm high was fuck". Howard 
also later made statements that she looked out the window, seen my patrol car, and 
decided to take the methamphetamine so as not to be caught with it. Once Howard 
was medically cleared from the hospital, she was transported to The Mahoning County 
jail. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT   October 3, 2020  @  2236hr
Case No.: 20010021

100 Blk W. Vjrginia Ave. 

CITED: Michael Weingart, age 18, 196 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CHARGE: 4510.11   Non Compliant Suspension

On Saturday, October 03,2020 I conducted a trattic stop on the defendant's vehicle 
registration bearing (HXKBIOS) after being called by off duty 0fficer Marchionda who 
was following the vehicle. Officer Marchionda observed the defendant's vehicle not 
stop for a red traffic light. I was able to get the vehlcle stopped in the 100 Block of W. 
Virginia Ave .

Upon approaching the vehicle, I identified the driver as being Mr. Michael Weingart.  I 
advised Mr. Weingart the reason for the stop. 

Mr. Weingart stated he did not drive through the traffic light without stopping. 

While speaking with Mr. Weingart I was advised by dispatch that Mr. Weingart was 
under a non compliant suspension.  Mr. Weingart was given a verbal warning for the 
traffic light and cited for the - non compliant suspension under ORC 4510.11.   M r. 
Weingart was explained the citation and released with a court date to be set.

Ptl. Racheal Russell  #510


ARREST REPORT    October 7, 2020
Case No.: 20010036 

W. Courtney Rd. / N. Johnson Rd.

CITED: Damion Kinkade,  age 20, 763 Waugh St. Alliance, Ohio 

Charge: SCO 331.09   Following Too Closely

On Wednesday October 7,2020 while pawolling Eastbound on West Courtney Road I 
observed a blue Pontiac at the stop sign at the west Courtney / N. 12th St. sign with its 
high beams on. As I turned onto West Courtney, the vehicle cleared the stop sign 
without dimming its headlights and the vehicle proceeded to approach my patrol 
vehicle at a rapid pace. The vehicle came so close to my cruiser that I was unable to 
see the headlights of the vehicle from my rear view mirror.

As we crossed the tracks, the vehicle still maintained a very close distance to my 
patrol vehicle, I pulled my patrol vehicle into the parking lot of TruCut, let the vehicle 
pass in a safe manner, then turned back onto the roadway and re-approached the 
vehicle from behind, I then activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren 
as the vehicle approached the stop sign on West Courtney Rd. and N. Johnson Rd. 
The vehicle cleared the stop sign and stopped immediately on the side of the road 

I approached the vehicle and identified who I was, and the reason for the stop. On 
approach to the driver, I immediately was met with the smell of marijuana. I asked the 
driver when the last time he smoked was, and if there was any in the vehicle. I asked 
dispatch for assist, and Ptl. Caughey Smith Township Police #377 arrived on scene to 
assist me as there was two occupants.

I asked both driver and passenger to exit the vehicle, and both complied. Ptl. Caughey 
spoke with the two individuals as I performed a probable cause search. I discovered a 
small mason jar with a small amount of marijuana, and a baggie with marijuana 
residue in it as well. I confiscated both as evidence for destruction. I advised the driver, 
Damion Kinkade, he would be receiving a citation for following too closely (SCO 
333.09), with appearance not mandatory.

I advised Damion of his options on the citation, then both units cleared withgut further 

Ptl. Peterman #508


ARREST REPORT   October 7, 2020
Case No: 20009143

155 B. Pennsylvania. Ave. , Sebring 

Summons: Brennson Soules, age 45, 155 B. Pennsylvania. Ave. , Sebring 

Charge: 1317.01   SUMMONS - NUISANCE

Criminal (Summons):  Tonia Owens, age 39, 202 Selby Street Alliance, OH

Charge: SCO: 1317.01   Nuisance Property

The Solicitor and I went to 155 East Pennsylvania for a building that is a Nuisance and 

Photos were taken and the Solicitor will issue a notice of Abatement to the owner, 
Brennson Soules and Tonia Owens for the Property. 

Chief Harris #502  8/24/2020

On this date an abatement letter was placed on the door of the property.

Chief Harris #502  8/24/2020

On 10/07/2020 at 1553 I (Ptl, Stanton) served Brennson Soules with the summons to 
court. Arrest report generated as well. Court is Oct. 22 at 0900  hours at MCC #3.

Ptl, Stanton #500 10/8/2020

On 10/09/2020 at 13:10 hours, I served Tania Soules with a summons. The Summons 
was left with her son, Brennson Soules, who advised that he made sure she received 
it. Brennson's identity was verified by his Ohio Driver Llcense, Nothing additional to 
report at this time.

Ptl, Reed #507


ARREST REPORT   October 9, 2020  @  1130hr
Case No.: 20010044 

300 Blook W. California Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED:  Taylor Bailey, age 27, 478 Old Coach Ln. Salem, OH 

Charge: SCO: 333.03  Speed (46/25)

On 10-09-2020 at 11:30 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement: in marked unit 
304. While stationary along the shoulder of the roadway in the 300 block of W. 
California Avenue, I observed a dark colored jeep traveling eastbound at a rate of 
speed that appeared to be substantially higher than that of the posted 25 MPH speed 
limit. Upon activating my patrol. car's rear facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked 
speed of 46MPH.

Once the jeep passed by me, I activated my overhead emergency lights and initiated a 
traffic stop. Upon making contact with the driver, she immediately stated "I, know I was 
going too fast".

I then requested her driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. 
The driver was able to provide all three requested documents, with her Ohio Driver 
License identifying her as Taylor A, Bailey.

I then returned to my patrol car and wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No.029061 to Bailey 
for Speeding (Sebring Codified Ordinance 333.03),46MPH in a 25MPH zone. Bailey 
signed the citation, was given her copy, and made aware that she needed to contact 
Mahoning County Court #3 for information regarding her mandatory court appearance. 
Afterwards I cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed   #507


ARREST REPORT   October 10, 2020
Case No.: 20010049 

W Ohio Ave @, N 18th St, Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Justin Franko, age 34, 2425 Taft Ave, Deerfield, Ohio 


ORC 4513.05   Illumination of Rear License Plates (M-M)

ORC 4511.33  Marked Lanes (MM)

ORC 4510.21  Failure to Reinstate (U-M)

ORC4511.19A1A & 4511.19A2  OVI (Observations), OVI (Refusal) (M-1)

ORC 2919.22A  Eddahgerhg Children (M- 1)

ORC 4301.62  Open Container (M-M)

CRIMINAL ARREST: Logan Franko, age 21


ORC 2919.22A  Eddahgerhg Children (M- 1)

ORC 4301.62  Open Container (M-M)

Driver: Justin Franko
Front Seat Passenger : Logan Franko
Back Seat Passenger:  Juvenile

Following Narative by Officer Marchionda #505

While conducting traffic enforcement on N Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave, Patrolman 
Melendez and I observed a vehicle lacking rear license plate illumination heading east 
on W Ohio Ave. After turning east onto W Ohio Ave after the vehicle, we observed the 
vehicle briefly go left of center in the 600 block of W Ohio Ave. I activated my overhead 
emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a light blue Chrysler Town & 
Country (Ohio EVK4948) came to a complete stop an W Ohio Ave at N 18th St.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, later identified as Justin Franko, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. In addition to the driver, I observed 
a male passenger in the front seat and a male passenger in the back seat.  While I 
was interacting with the driver, Patrolman Melendez was interacting with the male 
passenger in the front seat. The driver was unable to produce his Ohio driver's license 
when requested and provided his identification information verbally.

The driver appeared to be acting abnormally, did not appear to be focused and would 
not answer my questions right away, prompting me to repeat myself multiple times.

The driver initially identified himself as XXXX  provided his actual date of birth and last 
four of his social security number. It turns out XXXX was actually his juvenile brother 
who was sitting in the back seat. We discovered XXXX was under the age af 18 during 
the course of our investigation and observed him smoking a cigarette during the traffic 
stop. The initial information provided by Justin was relayed to dispatch who would later 
advise nothing was coming back on the return.

Patrolman Melendez snapped his fingers above the car and pointed down towards the 
front cupholders. I observed an open 24oz can of Twisted Tea sitting in one of the cup 
hoiders. I asked Justin about the can and recieved a blank stare with no response. I 
instructed Justin to turn the I vehicle off and to remove the keys from the ignition. 
Justin promptly complied with my instructions.

At this time, I requested for additional cover units to respond to our location. Patrolman 
Melendez instructed the front seat passenger, later identified as Logan Franko, to get 
out of the vehicIe and secured him on the curb. Sergeant Kelm and Patrolman 
Peterman arrived on scene shortly thereafter to assist. XXXXwas instructed to get out 
of the vehicle and while doing so, continued to retain control of the cigarette and 
smoke it in front of us before finally putting it out after being instructed to do so. After 
Logan and XXXX were removed from the vehicle, I instructed Justin to exit the vehicle 
and patted him down for weapons (pocket knife secured).

All three occupants were instructed to sit an the curb. The right front and rear 
passenger doors were left open after Logan and XXXX were instructed to get out. 
Officers were able to observe several open 24oz cans of Twisted Tea in both the front 
and rear of the vehicle at this time. It was also during this time I observed a wallet in 
the driver side door pocket with an Ohio driver's license in the front clear pocket. Upon 
retrieving the wallet, I observed the picture on the license to match the driver and ran 
the license number through dispatch.

I was advised by dispatch Justin's driving status was failure to reinstate. Patrolman 
Melendez ran Logan's license through dispatch and was advised his driving status was 
suspended. During the course of our investigation, Logan gave off a strong odor of an 
alcoholic beverage while Justin gave off a mild odor.

A strong odor of an alcoholic beverage was also coming from XXXX.  An open 24oz 
can of Twisted Tea was observed sitting within close proximity of where XXXX was 
sitting in the van.

Due to all three occupants appearing impaired and the adults not having valid licenses, 
a tow truck  was summoned to the scene to remove the vehicle from the roadway. 
Logan was secured in the backseat of marked unit #302, XXXX in the backseat of 
#301 and Justin in the backseat of #304.

Following an administrative vehicle inventory, officers located several blue N2o 
cartridges. Justin was informed he was under arrest for endangering children, would 
receive a citation for open container and informed of his Miranda Rights. Justin stated 
he understood his rights and advised he was not willing to waive them to make a 
statement. Logan was informed he was under arrest for endangering children, would 
be issued citation for open container and informed of his Miranda Rights. Logan stated 
he understood his rights end advised he was willing to cooperate to go home.

Given Justin's behavior and condition in addition to the discovery of the N20 carttidges. 
I requested dispatch to see if a DRE (Drug Recognition Expert) was available for an 

Dispatch advised a DRF with the Ohio State Highway Patrol would be en route to the 
Sebring Police Department from the Lisbon Post.

XXXX was infomed he was under arrest for underage consumption of alcohol, 
underage possession/use of tobacco and would receive a citation for open container.  
Patrolman Melendez informed me he was going to speak with Logan since he 
appeared to be the most cooperative. After speaking with Logan, Patrolman Melender 
advised Logan waived Miranda and admitted all three males had been drinking for 
several hours. 

Springers arrived on scene and removed the vehicle from the roadway. All three 
occupants were subsequently transported from the scene to the Sebring Police 
Department for processing.

Upon arrival, Logan was placed in the lntoxilyzer room while XXXXX and Justin  were 
placed in the audio/video recorded squad room. XXXX and Justin were taken out of 
handcuffs at this time. Dispatch advised Trooper Myers was on the phone and wanted 
to speak with me.

After a brief conversation with Trooper Myers, I asked Justin if he was willing to 
perform field sobriety tests and submit to a chemical breath test. Justin promptly 
refused to perform SFSTs and provide a chemical breath test. I updated Trooper Myers 
and was advised since Justin refused SFSTs and a breath test, a DRE would not be 
needed and that my obsewations on scene would be enough to effect an QVI charge.

I provided Justin with an Ohio BMV 2255 and read the back of the form to him. I asked 
Justin if he understood what I read to him and if he was willing to submit to a chemical 
test. Justin stated he understood what was read to him and refused to submit to a 
chemical test, I promptly seized Justin's license and informed him he was now under 
an administrative license suspension and was prohibited from operating a motor 
vehicle going forward. Sergeant Kelm provided his signature for having witnessed the 
reading of the 2255 to Justin.

XXXX was allowed to phone his father, Kevin Franko, to pick him up from the station. I 
spoke to Kevin on the phone and explained the charges against XXXX. Kevin advised 
he would be on his way. I asked Justin If he wanted to make a phone call to get a ride 
and he advised he and XXXX were brothers and he would hopefully go with him.

Logan and Justin were photographed and fingerprinted. ,Justin provided his signature 
on the 2255 and was provided with his copy. Justin was Issued traffic citation #031925 
(QRC 4511.19A1A, 4511.19A2, 4510.21, 4511.33 and 4513.05).   Justin, Logan and 
XXXX were all provided with minor misdemeanor citations for ORC 4301.62 Open 

I provided Justin and Logan with recognizance of the accused forms and informed 
them they would be contacted by Mahoning County Court #3 at a later date to 
schedule their appearances in court.

Justin and Logan signed their recognizance forms and were given a copy. I informed 
XXXX his charges (ORC 1301.62,1301.69E1 and 2151.87) would be forwarded to the 
Mahoning County Justice Center in Youngstown and they would be in contact with his 
parents at a later date.

Logan was released to his fiancee and Justin was allowed to wait in ihe lobby.  XXXX 
was kept in the audio/video recorded squad room where he fell asleep. Kevin and 
Claudia Franko arrived at the station and were briefly informed of the charges against 
Justin and XXXX . Kevin and Claudia were informed JJC would be contacting them at 
a later date reference XXXX charges. Claudia signed a juvenile release to parents 
form. was provided a copy and XXXX released to her and Kevin's custody.

Any property seized from XXXX, Justin and Logan following their arrests were 
subsequently returned upon their release.

Following Narative by Officer Peterman #508

On Saturday, October 10, 2020 at 0135hr I arrived on scene to assist Ptl. Marchionda 
#505, Ptl. Melendez #513, and Sat. Kelm #503 with a traffic stop All occupants were 
sitting on the curb near the suspect vehicle (2009 Chrysler town and Country, Plate # 
EVK 4948) at this time. I was speaking with the occupants of the vehicle while other 
officers were gathering information. After speaking with
the driver, Justin Franko, I immediately observed slurred speech, along with Justin 
moving his head up and down in an odd manner, and Justin being unable to focus on 
me with his eyes when I spoke with him.

Ptl. Marchionda asked Justin for his name, and originally gave him the name of the 17-
year-old occupant, XXXX,  but upon further investigation released his actual name. 
Due to the nature of the stop, and Justin attempting to hide his identity. I detained 
(handcuffs double locked and properly gapped) Justin until further investigation was 
completed.  XXXX whom officers observed him smoking a cigarette and having 
multiple open containers of alcohol inside the vehicle was placed under arrest 
(handcuffs double locked and properly gapped) for underage consumption of alcohol 
(SCO 529.02), underage possesston of tobacco (SCQ 537.16), and open container of 
alcohol (SCO 529.07).

The second passenger, Logan Franko, was placed under arrest (handcuffs double 
locked and properly gapped) for endangering children (ORC 2919.22), and open 
container (SCQ 529.07), and the driver, XXXX,  was placed under arrest for OVI 
(4511.191, endangering children (2919.22), and open container of alcohol (SCO 
529,07). I read XXXX his Miranda rights, and he was placed in the back seat of my 
patrol vehicle. I then cleared to station for processing. 

Upon arrival to station, I guided XXXX to the squad room for processing. Springers 
towing was called to the scene to tow the vehicle, and a property inventory was 

All officers returned to station with remaining arrestees to finish processing all 
paperwork. Upon completion of required paperwork, Logan was released to Monique 
Hutson, while Jusin and  XXXX  were released to the parents, Claudia and Kevin 
Franko, Nothing further to report.

Following Narative by Officer Melendez #513

On 10 Oct 20, while conducting traffic enforcement in the Village of Sebring, I Ptl. 
Melendez and PtI. Marchionda pulled over a 2009 Chrysler Mini Van bearing Ohio RP 
EVK4948 driven by Justin Franko for no illumination of rear lights and going left of 
enter oh a roadway. Upon Marchionda initiating a traffic stop, I walked over to the 
passenger side of the vehicle and made contact ,with Mr. Logan Franko. While talking 
to Logan, I noticed multiple open containels In plain view, one being on the floor next 
to logan who was sitting in the front passenger side of the vehicle.

I advised Ptl. Marchionda of the open container in which he ordered the driver of the 
vehicle to shut the engine off. After having the driver shut the engine off, I advised the 
front passenger Logan to exit the vehicle and I conducted a terry trisk for weapons and 
placed him in handcuffs. I advised the back passenger,XXXX , to also exit. XXXX was 
also patted down for weapons and I had him sit down on the curb. Myself and Sgt. 
Kelm began an inventory of the vehicle. 

Upon conducting the inventory of the vehicle, 5-  24oz. cans of twisted Teas were open 
in plain view. After the inventory was complete, I went to talk to Logan and he waved 
his Miranda and stated that he wanted to talk to me.

While talking to Logan, he advised all three males, including himself had been drinking 
for a few hours. Logan stated the driver didn't have a valid driver's license and he 
himself was on probation. All subjects were placed in different vehicles, Sebring towing 
came and towed the mini-van. All subjects were transpohed to the Sebring Police 
Department without incident.

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Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.

PUBLISHED 3:44 PM 10/13/2020 *

Monday, October 05, 2020
03:43 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT  September 30, 2020  @ 1246hrs
Case No.: 20009145 

N. Johnson RD and W. Ohio Avenue

CITED: Catherine Smith , Age 65, 170 W. Vine Street Alliance, OH 

Charge: SCO 313.01 Obedience To Traffic Control Devices

On 09-30-2020 at 12:46 hours, I responded to a report of a two-car motor vehicle 
accident (MVA) at the intersection of N. Johnson Road and W. Ohio Avenue. Upon 
arrival, I observed a light blue Subaru Forester (Ohio Registration GDG 8540) sitting in 
the intersection. I also observed a Silver GMC Terrain (Ohio Registration HSN 2710) 
pulled over along the side of N. Johnson Road. Both vehicles had moderate front end 
damage, Ptl. Stanton was also already on scene and Sebring Fire/EMS toned out.

Upon making contact with both adult female occupants of the Forester, Catherine 
Smith, who was the driver and Mary Hoy, who was the front seat passenger, both 
denied injury. Because the damage to the Forester did not appear to be fully disabling, 
I instructed Smith to pull the vehicle over onto the shoulder of Johnson Road. Once 
Smith did so, I asked her what had happened.

Smith said that while traveling westbound on W. Ohio Avenue she did not stop for the 
four-way stop in time, resulting in her striking the other vehicle. I then provided with her 
vehicle registration, driver license, as well as an Erie Insurance card that proved that 
she had valid insurance on her vehicle. 

Sebring Fire/EMS arrived on scene at around this time and began assessing all 
involved patties, with all three refusing further medical intervention.

After speaking with Smith and Hoy, I made contact with the driver of the GMC Terrain, 
Lynne Alesi. In speaking with Alesi she said that she was traveling northbound on N. 
Johnson Road when she came to the intersection. Alesi said that she stopped, looked 
both ways for cross traffic, and then proceeded through the intersection before being 
struck by Smith's vehicle. Alesi as well was able to provide me with her driver license, 
vehicle registration, and an insurance card from Home-Owners Insurance Company 
proving that she had valid insurance on the vehicle. Alesi also denied injury.

I then returned to my patrol car and wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 031899 to 
Smith. I cited Smith for Obedience to traffic control devices (Sebring Codified 
Ordnance 313.01) Smith, then signed the citation, was given her copy, as well as 
advised to contact the court for information on how to either pay the citation or for 
information on how to contest it if she wished to do so.

Sebring tire then towed both vehicle to their lot. Nothing additional to report at this 

Ptl. Reed #50


ARREST REPORT  October 2, 2020  @ 0221hrs
Case No.: 20010010

US HWY 62 near Knox School Rd, Sebring, OH 

CITED: Destinee Hudgens, Age 30, 737 W Grant St, Alliance, OH


ORC 4511.21 Maximum Speed Limits 75/55

ORC 4513.263 Occupant Restraining Devices (Driver)

On Friday, October, 2,2020, while sitting in,the Perkin's parking lot on US HWY 62 
facing west, I observed a set of headlights approaching from the west at what 
appeared to be a very high rate of speed. I activated the forward mounted radar 
antenna and observed a speed of 75 MPH on the digital display in a posted 55 MPH 
zone. As the vehicle passed my location, I turned east onto US HWY 62 and activated 
my overhead emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a black Buick 
bearing Ohio registration EQM6294, came to a complete stop just east of Knox School 

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Destinee Hudgens, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for the stop. While speaking with Hudgens, I 
observed she  not wearing her seatbelt and inquired about it. Hudgens admitted she 
had not been wearing her seatbelt. Hudgens provided all appropriate documents upon 

Hudgens was issued traffic citation #031923 for ORC 4511.21 Speed Limits 75/55 and 
ORC 4513.263 Occupant Restraining Devices (Driver). 

Hudgens was provided instructions on how to take care of the citation given current 
COVID- 19 restrictions.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT  October 3, 2020
Case No.: 20010016

100 Block W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Thomas Davis , Age 49, 105 W Harrison St, Alliance, OH


ORC 4511.12  Obedience to Traffic Control Device

ORC4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (License Forfeiture)

ORC 4511. 19A1A  OVI (Officer Observations)

ORC 4511.19A1H  OVI (0.17<)

While sitting on N 15th St at W Ohio Ave facing north, I observed a dark green vehicle 
proceed through the functioning flashing light from the east without stopping. I 
activated my overhead emergency lights, audible siren and turned west onto W Ohio 
Ave., after the vehicle to intitiate a traffic stop.

The vehicle, a dark green Ford bearing Ohio registration HVK3170, pulled into a 
parking lot in front of 146 W Ohio Ave., and came to a complete stop.  Before I could 
update dispatch of my location and the vehicle I observed the driver begin to exit.

I immediately exited my vehicle and ordered the driver to stay in thevehicle.  The 
driver, an older white male, continued to step out of the vehicle, failed to follow lawful 
commands to remain in and get  back in the vehicle.  After the driver failed to obey 
Iawful commands and because I could not ihitially see his hands, I un-holstered my 
duty weapon and gave the drlver lawful commands to show me his hands.  The driver 
began to slur his speech and stated he did nothing wrong.  I requested dispatch to 
send additonal officers to my location and as I had one at gunpoint.

I ordered the driver to face his vehicle and place his hands on the roof.  While giving 
commands to the driver, I observed a second vehicle pull into an adjacent parking lot 
and sit there facing the stop. After several attempts the driver finally complied and I 
continued to hold him at gunpoint while addtional officers began to arrive on scene.  
Switching to less-than-lethal, I drew my X26P Taser and ordered the driver to face 
away from me and place his hands behind his head.  The driver was placed in 
handcuffs behind his back (gapped/double locked).

As soon as I got close to the driver. I could detect a very strong odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from his person. After the driver was safely cuffed, I asked how 
much he had to drink tonight and he answered two beers. I advised the driver the odor 
he was giving off smelled a lot more than two beers. Even with the driver handcuffed 
behind his back and me holding onto his left arm, I observed he was having mild 
dificulty standing straight up. The driver protested his detention and I advised the 
reason for the stop was because he blew the red flashing traffic light on E Ohio Ave at 
N 15th St. The driver argued he slowed down and came to a stop.

While standing with the driver next to his vehicle, other officers tended to the second 
vehicle parked in the adjacent lot. I asked the driver several times, if I removed the 
handcuffs, would he be willing to consent to field sobriety tests. This question went 
unanswered as the driver said nothing and stared straight ahead. I was able to get a 
look at the driver's eyes and observed them to be bloodshot and glassy.

At one point, the driver slurred he was scared and did not know what to do. I again 
asked him several more times, if I removed the handcuffs, wouid he be willing to 
submit to field sobriety tests.

The driver again failed to answer and was informed he was under arrest far suspicion 
of OVI.

The driver was searched incident to arrest for weapons, subsequently escorted to 
marked unit #304 and secured in the rear of the vehicle. Property found on the driver's 
person was placed on the roof of his vehicle. Sergeant Kelm and Patrolman Brindack 
assisted with the administrative vehicle inventory while I informed dispatch to summon 
a tow truck to the scene and to log one male in custody.

The driver of the second vehide was released from the scene after it was determined 
by other officers she was a friend of arrestee. After checking the driver's property 
found on his person and not being able to locate any kind of identification, I obtained 
the driver's name, date of birth and subsequently ran that Information through 
dispatch. While speaking to the driver, I observed his eyes were getting progressively 
more bloodshot and glassy.

Dispatch confirmed the information provided and the driver, Thomas Davis, was 

Sargeant Kelm offered to remain on scene for the tow truck so I could transport Davis 
back to the station to begin processing. K-9 Patrolman Stanton, Patrolman Brindack 
and Peterman cleared the scene and I transported Davis to the Sebring Police 
Department. Upon arrival, Davis was escorted into the audio/video recorded squad 
room to begin the 20 minute 0bservation period  (00:07 to 00:29). Sergeant Kelm 
arrived at the station following the tow to stand as witness to the reading of the BMV 

Davis was taken out of handcuffs and provided a copy of the BMV 2255 to follow along 
as I read it to him. At the conclusion of reading the BMV 2255  I asked Davis if he 
understood what was read to him. Davis appeared confused at first and I had to briefly 
re-iterate what was read to him.

I asked Davis if he was willing to submit to to a chemical test(s) and Davis was unable 
to provide a definitive answer.  After going back and forth with Davis he intitally said no 
but sounded unsure.  I gave Davis a second chance to answer more confidently and 
he agreed to submit to a chemical test.

While I tended to the 2255 form Sgt Kelm prepared the intoxilizer 8000.   A check of 
Davis' driving record shows OVI convictions in 2016, 2011 and 2010, a dismissed OVI 
conviction in 2006.

I informed Davis the test results showed a BrAC of 0.209 and that he was over the 
legal limit of 0.08.  I informed Davis he was now under administrative license 
suspension and although he was already under suspension before he absolutely 
cannot operate a motor vehicle going forward.  Davis was given multiple opportunities 
to call for a ride and was successful in getting in touch with someone to pick him up.

As Patrolman Peterman was attempting to fingerprint Davis, he began to show signs of 
extreme discomfort and pain in his right wrist. I offered multiple times for EMS to come 
and check him out and he declined each time. Due to Davis' right wrist allegedly 
hurting and the prints not showing up on the scanner, it was decided to abandon 

Davis was able to provide a signature on the BMV 2255 and was provided a copy. 
Davis was also provided a copy of the Intoxilyzer 8000 test results as well as a copy of 
traffic citation #031924 (ORC 4511.19A1A, ORC 4511.19A1H, ORC 4510.11 and ORC 
4511.12). Davis was given his property back that was taken off his person earlier 
during the traffic stop.

Davis was provided a recognizance of the accused and informed due to COVID-19 
restrictions, I could not set a court date for him; the clerk of courts would be in contact 
with him at a later date to set his arraignment. Davis signed two copies of the 
recognizance of the accused without issue and was provided a copy. Davis was 
escorted into the lobby by other officers where his ride was waiting to pick him up.

Pabalman D.A. Marchionda #505 


ARREST REPORT   October 3, 2020   @  1803hr

Case No.: 20010018 

19000 Block of Courtney Road

CITED:  Leonard McAfee, age 53, 223 11th St Alliance, OH 

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (55/35)

On 10-03-2020 at l8:03 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 304. 
While stationary in the loading bay parking lot at Famous Supply, located at 350 
Courtney Rd, I observed an eastbound pickup truck, gray in color, that was traveling 
towards me on Courtney Rd. This truck was traveling at a rate of speed that appeared 
to be substantially higher than that of the postad 35MPH limit. Upon activating my front 
facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 55MPH.

Once the truck passed by me, I activated my overhead emergency lights in order to 
initiate a traffic stop. Although I was behind the truck with my overhead emergency 
lights activated as well as audible siren, the truck continued on for approximately 1/2 
mile on Courtney Rd. before coming to a stop. 

Upon approaching the gray F- 150, bearing Ohio Registration GFM2153, I made 
contact with the driver. I introduced myself and asked for his driver license, vehicle 
registration, as well as proof of insurance, The driver was able to produce all three 
requested documents, with his Ohio Drive License identifying him as Leonard McAfee.

I then asked McAfee if he were aware of his speed. McAfee said that he was not and 
that his truck can be going much faster than he believes and him not even notice. 
When I asked McAfee why it took him so Iong to stop and if he seen me behind him 
with my lights activated, McAfee said that he did see me behind him but was not sure if 
I was trying to stop him or someone else.

I then returned to my patrol car and wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 029060 to 
McAfee. I cited McAfee for speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03) for going 
55MPH in a posted 35MPH zone, with a personal appearance required. McAfee then 
signed his citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court 
#3 for information on when to appear for the citation. I also at this point asked McAfee 
if he had consumed any alcohol or drugs prior to driving given that it took him an 
unusually long time to stop. McAfee said that he had not. 

It should,also be noted that McAfee's speech was not slurred, he did not appear 
disheveled, his eyes were clear, and I did not detect any signs of impairment. 

I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed   #507


ARREST REPORT    October 4, 2020  @   0326hr
Case No.: 20010018 

S.Johnson / SR-62

CITED: Richard Staats, age 45, 532 W. Texas Sebring, Ohio

Charge: 4510.11  DUS(Non-Compliance)

On Sunday, October 4,2020 at 0326 I was perfoming patrol Southbound on both 
Johnson when I observed a vehicle that matched the description I ran through dispatch 
on an earlier date that returned with the registered owner being suspended. I 
confirmed through dispatch the plate number (HZU 1663), and was confirmed the 
registered owner was suspended.

I then performed my overhead emergency lights and audible siren as the vehicle 
pulled into the Perkins restaurant parking lot.

I approached while introducing myself and the reason for the stop. The driver, 
identified as Richard Staats, states he also did not have a valid license. At this point I 
asked for assist from Ptl. Marchionda #505, and Ptl. Melendez #513. Both units 
responded on scene to assist me in processing the scene. Richard was asked to exit 
the vehicle whom complied with the request. I advised dispatch I would need a tow. 
Dispatch then relayed the information to Springers Towing.

Richard was cited for 4510.11 DUS(non-compliance), and given a courtesy ride to his 
residence at 532 W. Texas by Ptl. Marchionda and Ptl. Melendez. Springers showed 
up on scene to tow the vehicle, then I cleared fiom the scene without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #508

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Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.

PUBLISHED 4:33 PM 10/5/2020 *

Monday, September 28, 2020
02:39 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT  September 19, 2020  @  2034hr
Case No.: 20009100 

Alley between 100 block E.Ohio / E. Oregon

ARREST: Larry Gibbons-Rhodes ,age 24
185 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, Ohio 44672

SCO 337.04 Tail Lights; Illumination of Rear License Plate

SCO 513.121 Possession of Marijuana Paraphernalia

On 09-19-2020 at 20:34 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 
301. While patrolling eastbound in the alleyway between the 100 blocks of B. Ohio and 
Oregon Avenues, I observed a silver Pontiac Grand Am pull into the alleyway from the 
parking Iot of Schmid D's bar. The vehicle then stopped briefly in the aIIeyway before 
continuing on. 

I also at this point noticed that the vehicles license plate light was not functioning. 
Upon noticing this, I activated my overhead emergency lights, with the vehicle pulling 
into the driveway of 185 E. Oregon Avenue and stopping. I then approached the Silver 
Grand Am, which had Ohio temporary tag K593579 attached and made contact with 
the male driver, who I know to be Larry Gibbons-Rhodes. Makayla Tarbet was also in 
the front passenger seat.

I informed Larry of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his driver license, 
vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. Larry was unable to provide me with his 
dtiver license but I was positive on his identity based upon prior encounters. In 
speaking further with Larry, I asked him if there was any weapons or drugs in the 
vehicle that I needed to concern myself with. I noticed at this point that Larry broke eye 
contact and appeared very nervous.

Ptl. Stanton arrived at around this time with me requesting an open-air sniff be 
conducted using K9, Radar. Stanton then approached the driver side of the vehicle 
and made contact with Larry, asking him if he would consent to a search of the vehicle, 
Larry said that he would, with both he and Makayla then stepping out of the vehicle 
and joining be near the trunk. Ptl. Russell also arrived at this time. As I spoke with 
Larry, I noticed the strong odor of marijuana emanating from his person. When I 
confronted Larry with this, Larry said that he did have a glass "bowl" and that when I 
had stopped him, he placed it in his girlfriends' purse. Makayla then said that she had it 
on her person, having retrieved it after Larry did this. Larry said that he did not have 
any further contraband on him and he did consent to a search of his person with 
nothing further being located. Ptl. Stanton also found no further contraband during his 
search of the vehicle.

I then returned to my patrol car and wrote Uniform Traffic Citation 031900 to Larry for 
Sebring Codified Ordnance 337.04 (Tail Lights; Illumination of Rear License Plate). 
Larry was also given a minor misdemeanor citation for Sebring Codified Ordnance 
513.121 (Marijuana Paraphernalia). Larry signed both citations, was given his copies, 
and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for further information of case 

All units then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT   September 25, 2020  @  2151hr
Case No.: 20009122 

1100 Block S Johnson Rd

CITED:  Richard  Shannon, age 22
3718 Martindale Rd NE Apt E, Canton, OH 44714

Charge: SCO 333.03 Maximum Speed Limits 60/35

On Friday, September 25,2020, while conducting static speed enforcement on S 
Johnson Rd facing south near the 1300 block, I observed a pair of headlights 
approaching from the south at what appeared to be a high rate of speed. Upon 
activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I observed and locked in a speed of 60 
MPH on the digital display in a posted 35 MPH zone. I activated my overhead 
emergency lights and turned north onto S Johnson Rd to initiate a traffic stop. The 
vehicle, a black Subaru (Ohio HMM2273), came to a complete stop in the 1100 block 
of S Johnson Rd.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Richard Shannon Jr., I identified 
myself aad informed him of the reason for the stop. Shannon provided appropriate 
documentation upon request. Shannon was issued traffic citation #031921 for SCO 
333.03 Maximum Speed Limits 60/35. Shannon was provided instructions on how to 
take care of the citation.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT  September 27, 2020  @  0107hr
Case No.: 20009130

Near 20040 Harrisburg Westville Rd

CITED: Amber Shoemaker , age 27
6915 Nimishillen Ch St, Louisville, OH 4464

ORC 4513.05  IIlumination of Rear License Plate

ORC 4511.19A1A  OVI (SFST)

ORC4511.19A1B  OVI (0.08<0.17)

Sunday, September 27,2020

While facing west in the parking lot of Perkins, 20040 Harrisburg-Westville Rd, I 
observed a red truck turn west onto Harrisburg-Westville Rd from Knox School Rd.  As 
the vehicle continued west, I observed the rear license plate was not illuminated. I 
pulled out of the parking lot onto Harrisburg-Westville Rd behind the vehicle and 
activated my overhead emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop, The vehicle, a red 
Chevrolet Silverado bearing Ohio registration PFM7434, came to a complete stop just 
west of the Oak Ridge Motel.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Amber Shoemaker, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for the stop. While speaking with Shoemaker, I 
could detect a very faint odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from within the vehicle. 
Using my flashlight, I illuminated the rear interior of the truck and observed a box of 
Busch Light and several closed and open cans scattered about. I asked Shoemaker if 
she had been drinking and if she had open containers in the vehicle. Shoemaker 
denied drinking but admitted there were several empty cans of beer in the back of the 

I instructed Shoemaker to exit the vehicle and stand in between her truck and my 
cruiser while I checked to see if the open cans were in fact empty or not. I pulled 
approximately 5-6 cans of Busch Light from the rear of the truck and observed very 
small amounts of liquid still in them. I approached Shoemaker, stood close to her and 
asked her again if she had been drinking.

This time, when she answered no, I was able to detect a more distinct odor of an 
alcoholic beverage on her breath. Shoemaker had a pet dog with her at the time of the 
stop and I asked her to secure the dog in the truck while I asked her more questions.

The more I interacted with Shoemaker, the more obvious signs of alcohol impairment 
began to show. Shoemaker's eyes started to become more bloodshot as time went on 
and the alcoholic beverage odor on her breath was becoming stronger. Shoemaker 
finally admitted to drinking a couple beers earlier at the tractor pull. I asked her to 
clarify how many beers is a couple beers and she answered five. I turned off my front 
facing emergency lights and asked Shoemaker if she would be willing to submit to a 
series of field sobriety exercises to determine whether or not she was impaired. 
Shoemaker agreed to perform the standardized field sobriety tests.

I asked Shoemaker if she had any pre-existing medical conditions, recent surgical 
operations and if she wore contacts / glasses. Shoemaker answered no to all three 

Shoemaker was sitting on the rear bumper of her truck before I began to administer 
SFSTs. As I instructed Shoemaker to stand up away from the truck, feet together with 
her hands at her sides, I did observe her mildly struggle with her balance. With a 
flashlight pointed down above her head, I placed a stimulus (extended handcuff key) 
approximately 12-15 inches in front of her face slightly above eye level.

I instructed Shoemaker to follow the stimulus with her eyes and her eyes only, keeping 
her head still, while standing as instructed earlier. While checkhg for equal pupil size, I 
did not observe resting nystagmus. WhiIe checking equal tracking, Shoemaker moved 
her head and was corrected. The following dues were observed in both the right eye 
and left eye during HGN (Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus): lack of smooth pursuit, distinct 
and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation (4 seconds), onset of nystagmus prior 
to 45 degrees (onset prior to edge of shoulder). All three were conducted twice for 

I relocated Shoemaker to the front of her truck so she would have more room to 
perform the walk and turn. I instructed Shoemaker to stand on the very edge of the 
right shoulder line where the surface was most flat. Instructions for walk and turn were 
provided verbally, visually and acknowledged by Shoemaker. During walk and turn, the 
following clues were observed: Shoemaker did not walk heel-to-toe for some of the 
steps forward and back, Shoemaker raised her arms more than 6" at least two times 
for balance, shoemaker did not execute the turn as instructed.

Realizing I had forgot to administer VGN (Vertical Gaze Nystagmus) following HGN, I 
instructed Shoemaker to stand with her feet together, hands at her sides, follow the 
stimulus with her eyes only, and to keep her head still. I raised the stimulus above 
Shoemakers head and observed vertical gaze nystagmus in both eyes while I held the 
stimulus above her head for approximately five seconds. I brought the stimulus back 
down to eye level and held it above her head again for five seconds and again 
observed vertical gaze nystagmus in both eyes.

For one leg stand, instructions were provided verbally, visually and acknowledged by 
Shoemaker. The following clues were observed: Shoemaker put her left foot down 3 
times during the test. I informed Shoemaker based on her performance and my 
observations, I would be placing her under arrest for operating a vehicle while 
impaired. Since Shoemaker had her dog with her, I retrieved the truck's keys from her 
and allowed her to make a phone call for a friend to pick the dog up from the scene.

After successfully contacting a friend, Shoemaker emptied her pockets and placed the 
contents on the rear bumper of the truck. Shoemaker was placed in handcuffs behind 
her back (gapped/double locked) and secured in the backseat of marked unit #304. I 
notified dispatch to log the female driver in custody, send a cover unit and to have a 
tow truck summoned to the scene. Shoemaker's personal effects were collected and 
secured in the front seat of the vehicle.

Patrolman Peterman arrived an scene to conduct the administrative vehicle invenrory 
and to standby for the tow. Shoemaker's Friend arrived on scene shortly thereafter to 
take custody the dog. Shoemaker was transported from the scene to the Sebring 
Police Department for processing. 

After arriving at the station, Shoemaker was escorted into the audio/video recorded 
squad room and taken out of handcuffs.

K-9 Patrolman Stanton stood by while I read the BMV 2255 to Shoemaker. At the 
conclusion of reading the 2255 to Shoemaker, I asked if she understood what was 
read to her and if she was willing to submit to chemical test(s); Shoemaker stated yes. 
The twenty minute observation period was conducted from the time I brought her into 
the squad room (01:21 to 01:41) until the time I brought her to the Intoxilyzer 8000 
room. Shoemaker provided two breath samples and was brought back into the squad 
room. Shoemaker provided her signature on the BMV 2255 Form as did K-9 Patrolman 
Stanton for being the witness.

I obtained the printout from the Intoxilyzer 8000 and provided a copy to Shoemaker. I 
informed Shoemaker her BrAC of 0.097 exceeded the prohibited concentration of 
alcohol (0.08) and seized her driver's license. I informed Shoemaker she was now 
under administrative license suspension and could not operate a motor vehicle going 
forward. I informed Shoemaker she would have to obtain driving privileges from the 
court at a later date.

Shoemaker was provided a copy of the 2255, traffic citation #031922 (ORC 
4511.19A1A, ORC 4511.19A1B and ORC 4513.051, and a signed copy of the 
recognizance of the accused. I informed Shoemaker due to COVID-19 restrictions, the 
court would contact her regarding her mandatory appearance at a later date. I advised 
Shoemaker if she had any questions, to contact the clerk of courts at the number 
found at the bottom of the citation. I also advised Shoemaker to bring proof of 
insurance when she went to court. Shoemaker was given her personal effects back 
and subsequently escorted to the front lobby of the station to wait for her ride.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT  September 27, 2020
Case No.: 20-009134

Loud Exhaust / FRA Susp
W. Ohio Ave and 15th St

CITED:  Justin Robson,  age 29
217 W. Ohio Ave, Sebring

4513.22  Loud Exhaust

4510.16  Non Comm / FRA Suspension

On this date and time, while on patrol, in the Village of Sebring, Mahoning County I 
observed a red Chevy bearing Ohio registration EYA3331 traveling West on W. Ohio 
Ave at 15th St. I could hear that the exhaust on the vehicle was loud and in violation of 
O.R.C. 4513.22. I made a stop on the vehicle on W. Ohio Ave in the 100 Blk, and 
identified the drlver as one Justin C. Robson of 217 W. Ohio Ave. I advised Mr. Robson 
the reason for the stop and he advised that he was aware that the exhaust was loud. 

After checking thru leads, I was advised by dispatch that Mr. Robson's operator's 
license was under a Noncom/FRA Suspension. Mr. Robson was issued a citation for 
Loud Exhaust and Driving Under a  FRA Suspension. The owner came and picked up 
the vehicle and Mr. Robson was given a To Be Set court date in Mcc#3.

Res. Sgt. S.T.McDaniel # 509

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Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.

PUBLISHED 3:29 PM 9/28/2020 *

Friday, September 18, 2020
05:14 PM -0500



ARREST REPORT   September 12, 2020  @  1801hr
Case No.: 20009063 


ARREST: William Dawson , age 52, 205 E Pennsylvania Ave, Sebring, OH

ORC 2903.11 Felonious Assault F-2

ORC 2923.13 Having Weapons While Under Disability F-3

ORC 2919.25  Domestic Violence M-1

On Saturday, September 12, 2020, officers from the Sebring and Smith Township 
Police Departments responded to a report of domestic violence involving a firearm in 
the 200 block of E. Pennsylvania Ave.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505

Immediately after reviewing the call from dispatch, I retrieved my patrol rifle and 
initiated an expedited emergency response to 205 E Pennsylvania Ave. Upon arrival, I 
located the victim, Melissa Kastenhuber, outside the residence and escorted her to the 
rear of my patrol vehicle out of sight of the residence. Kastenhuber was visibly shaken, 
upset and crying. I notified dispatch to have EMS stage at their station as the victim 
had visible injuries to her face and right leg.  Ptl. Russell arrived on scene shortly 
thereafter and I requested mutual aid response from Smith Township due to the 
potential presence of a firearm.

Ptl. Russell and I took up cover behind marked unit #301 with our weapons trained on 
the house and used the PA speaker to make contact with the suspect, William 
Dawson. Kastenhuber advised us earlier he was still inside the house with a shotgun 
and that he had pointed it at her. As Smith Township Patrolman Caughey arrived on 
scene to assist, Dawson emerged from the east side of the house with his arms raised 
and hands visible. With weapons trained on Dawson, officers ordered him to walk back 
while keeping his arms raised and hands visible. With lethal cover from Ptl Caughey 
and Russel switched to less-lethal and trained my X26P Taser on Dawson while he 
was placed in handcuffs behind his back (gabped/double-locked).

A search of Dawson person produced two folding knives and a glass pipe with an 
unknown burnt residue. Dawson was placed in the rear of marked unit #301 and 
advised he was detained pending further investigation. Sebring Fire Medic-1 was given 
the green light to enter the scene at this time to attend to Kastenhuber who was sitting 
In the tailgate of marked unit #304. I acquired verbal consent from Kastenhuber to 
enter the residence, retrieve the shotgun as well any other weapons. Ptl. Russell 
remained in the ambulance with Kastenhuber to get her side of what happened prior to 
our arrival.

Ptl. Caughey remained on scene and assisted with scene control while I secured the 
glass pipe and knives securing them in marked unit #304.  Before entering the rear 
entrance of the residence, I observed a butterfly knife on the ground on the east side 
of the residence where Dawson had emerged. The butterfly knife was also secured in 
marked unit #304. As I approached the rear of the residence, I observed broken glass 
on the porch and shattered windows on the back door. I announced myself twice 
before entering the residence with my weapon drawn.

During the course of searching the first floor, I observed signs of a disturbance with 
more shattered glass on the kitchen floor and other items scattered about. As I entered 
the living room, I located a sawed-off single shot shotgun with a modified taped grip 
sitting on the couch next to a grey bag that appeared to contain additional shotgun 
shells. A check of the weapon found the gun to be loaded with a single live Winchester 
12ga 3" Magnum shell.

The weapon was subsequently cleared, the live round recovered and both items were 
secured in marked unit #304. I returned and subsequently secured the the bag 
containing additional shotgun shells in marked unit #304. Out of sight of the victim, I 
asked Ptl, Russell over the radio if Kastenhuber could describe the shotgun that was 
pointed at her. Ptl. Russell advised Kastenhuber described the shotgun as shorter than 
normal and black in color.

I requested dispatch to run Dawson's CCH for prior felony and/or domestic violence 

Dispatch confirmed through LEADS Dawson was charged and convicted of improperly 
handling firearms in a motor vehicle. Ptl. Russell provided me the details of what 
Kastenhuber had told her.

According to Ptl. Russell, Kastenhuber had been assaulted in the bathroom and after 
managing to get out of the house, Dawson pointed the shotgun at her through the 

After receiving this information, I opened the rear driver door of #301 where Dawson 
was placed and advised him of his Miranda Rights. 

Dawson acknowledged his Miranda Rights and advised he was not willing to waive 
them to make a statement. Dawson was informed he was under arrest for at least one 
charge of domestic violence and having weapons while under disability. Per 
department policy regarding felony charges, Sergeant Kelm and Chief Harris were 
notified immediately.

Kastenhuber signed an against medical advice waiver and refused to go to the hospital 
to get checked for her injuries. I provided Kastenhuber with a voluntary written 
statement packet and and asked her if she would be able to provide a written 
statement at this time. The packet was explained, to her and she agreed to provide a 
statement.  I advised Ptl, Caughey his assistance was no longer needed and he could 

According to Kastenhuber's written statement Dawson had berated her earlier this 
morning and throughout the day. During the early evening hours Kastenhuber took a 
shower and was subsequently pushed into the shower/tub and struck in the head with 
a "copper thing" (sic).

Kastenhuber stated after she pushed him out of the bathroom, she got dressed and 
went downstairs to get out of the house.  According to Kastenhuber Dawson shut the 
door and pointed a gun at her head when she attempted to re-enter the rear of the 
residence, breaking the back door windows.

Kastenhuber was provided a domestic violence complaint packet and signed the 
statement of complaint. Kastenhuber also provided her signature on the authorization 
for release of medical information earlier in the ambulance in the event she did go to 
the hodpital.  Kastenhuber signed the instructions for filing domestic violence and was 
provided a copy.  Photographs were taken of Kastenhuber's forehead where she was 
struck and of her right leg where dried blood spots were visible.  Additional 
photographs were also taken inside the bathroom where it was evident a disturbance 
had taken place.

Ptl. Russel transported Dawson to the station for processing while I transported the 

Following our arrival at the station, Dawson was escorted into the video/audio 
recorded squad room  where he was kept in handcuffs due to the circumstances and 
was provided a face mask, I advised Dawson he could have the cuffs removed in the 
event he wanted to make a phone call or go to the restroom.  Dawson was read the 
charges against him: ORC 2903.11 Felonious Assault (F-2), ORC 2923.13 Having 
Weapons While Under Disability (F-3) ORC 2919.25 Domestic Violence  (M-1).

The handcuffs were removed during processing so Dawson could be photographed, 
thumb printed and DNA collected for the felony charges. According to his CCH, there 
was no DNA sample on file from his prior felony arrest and conviction. Dawson was 
informed due to the felonious assault charge his bond would have to be set by a judge 
and he would be transported to Mahoning County Justice Center in Youngstown.

Dawson was allowed to use the restroom and given the opportunity to place a phone 
call but did not because he did not know any numbers to call off hand.

Dawson's personal property was collected and gathered into a manila envelope. 
Among Dawson's property was $52 in cash (2-$20 US bills, 2-$5 US bills, 2 -$1 US 
bills). A more thorough and pat dawn of Dawson's person and clothing was conducted 
before being placed back in handcuffs behind his back (gapped/double-locked). All jail 
paperwork was completed and Ptl. Russell transported Dawson from the Sebring 
Police Department to the Mahoning County Justice Center in Youngstown.

All evidence was photographed, logged and secured in an evidence locker. The glass 
pipe with the unknown burnt residue will be sent to BCI for further processing and 
testing. The knives were all bagged together and the shotgun shells were secured 
separately from the shotgun. Due to the Marlin Model 200's barrel and grip being cut 
down, I am going to recommend the Bureau of Alcohol &  Tobacco, Firearms and 
Explosives be notified. 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505

On Saurday, September 12, 2020 myself and Ptl. Marchionda were dispatched to 205 
E. Pennsylvania Ave for a domestic violence complaint containing a loaded firearm 
Officers expedited expedited an emergency response to the scene.  Upon my arrival I 
observed Officer Marchionda escorting a female behind his marked patrol,car unit 
#304, Melissa Kastenhuber.  I immediately drawn my weapon from my holster and 
took cover behind my parked patrol car unit #301 as well as Officer Marchionda due to 
being advised the suspect was still in the residence with a loaded shot gun and was 
highly intoxicated. The weapons were pointed at the house. I then used the PA system 
from marked patrol car unit #301 to make contact with the suspect, William Dawson.

As Smith Township Officer Caghey arrived on scene William Dawson emerged from 
the east side of the residence with his arms up in the air and his hands visible. Dawson 
was then ordered to keep his hands up and walk backwards toward the voices of the 
officers. I kept my weapon drawn on Dawson as well as Smith Township while officer 
Marchionda switched to less lethal weapon the taser X26P. I then ordered Dawson to 
place his hands behind his back while I then placed him in handcuffs,  (gapped/double 

A search of of Dawson's person was conducted produced was two folding knives and a 
glass pipe with an unknown burnt residue. Dawson was then placed in the back of my 
Marked patrol car unit #301 and advised he was being detained while officers 
continued to investigate the situation.

Sebring Fire Medic 1 was given the okay to enter the scene to attend to Kastenhuber. I 
was advised by Officer Marchionda at this time she had visible injuries and was 
sobbing and crying when he arrived on scene.

At this time Officer Marchionda was given verbal consent to enter the residence by 
Melissa. I then went to the ambulance to while speaking with Melissa to get more 
information on what happened.

Officer Caughey remained on scene with William. I was advised William had been 
degrading all day to her and during the evening. I was also advised that she went 
upstairs to take a shower to get away from him and he had followed her up and 
assaulted her with a (sic) and pushed her down in the bathtub causing her to hit her 
head. I was able to observe a small lump on her forehead.

After speaking with Melissa I spoke Officer Marchionda and advised him what Melissa 
stated to me.

I was then advised by Officer Marchionda he retrieved a shot gun from inside of the 
residence and it was secured in marked patrol car unit #304. I was also advised he 
observed and secured a butterfly knife on the east side of the residence where William 
came out of.

William was read his Miranda warning by Officer Marchionda and was advised he was 
under arrest at that time. I was then advised Melissa was refusing to be transported to 
the hospital at this time. I then transported William back to the Sebring Police 
Department where he was booked and transported to the Mahoning county jail by me.

Officer Marchionda had photographed, logged and secured the evidence into an 
evidence locker.

Ptl, R. Russell #510


ARREST REPORT    September 12, 2020  @  1313hr
Case No.: 20009061 

Sebring Woods, Sebring, Oh

CITED: Joshua SlagIe , Age 26
13813 Seacrist Rd, Salem, OH 44460

Charge: SCO 375.03  Prohibited Operation

On Saturday, September 12, 2020, while patrolling south on N Johnson Rd from 
Courtney Rd, I observed a red off-road dirt bike without registration pass me going 
north. After turning around and catching up to the bike to confirm it was not bearing 
registration, I activated my overhead emergency lights and audible siren. The operator 
came to a complete stop in front of Sebring Woods.

Upon establishing contact with the operator, identified as Joshua Slagle, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Slagle advised he did not have a 
motorcycle endorsement; was aware he did not have registration and had yet to 
acquire insurance for the vehicle. Slagle provided his license upon request. I 
requested dispatch to summons a tow truck to the scene for the bike.

Slagle was issued traffic citation #031920 for SCO 375.03 Prohibited Operation and 
given a verbal warning for no motorcycle endorsement and no registration. SlagIe was 
informed his mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 would be set at 
a later date by the clerk of courts. The red dirt bike, a Honda 450R, was towed horn 
the scene by Springer's and Slagle was picked up from the scene by a third party.

Patrolman D,A. Matchionda #505


ARREST REPORT  September 11 , 2020   @  0305hr
Case No.: 20009054

W. California/ S. 15th St.

Cited:  Andrew Bourgoujian , Age 49
546 S. Johnson Rd. Sebring, Ohio

4510.11  DUS(License Forfeiture)

331.37  Driving upon Sidewalk

On Friday, September 1 I, 2020 while performing patrol southbound on N. 15th St. I 
observed what looked like a golf cart-like automobile traveling on the west side of the 
sidewalk. As I approached the vehicle to engage a traffic stop, the cart crossed the 
roadway on W. California and S. 15th St. I activated my emergency overhead lights 
and audible siren. The vehicle stopped in the rear gravel area behind Williams and 
Case Insurance Agency, Inc.

I radioed to dispatch my stop and the vehicle description. Ptl. Reed #507 arrived on 
scene at this time. I approached the driver, Andrew Bourgoujian, identified myself, and 
the reason for the stop. Andrew advised me "I just bought the vehicle the other day 
from "Car-Nation". 

Dispatch advised Andrew was under a suspended license forfeiture, and had an active 
warrant out of' Portage County SO. Ptl. Reed detained Andrew pending investigation 
on the warrant, and while searching Andrew, discovered 2 small empty baggies with a 
small amount of unknown residue in them.

Dispatch advised a short time later that Portage County SO did not want Andrew, but 
to advise him of the warrant. Officers advised Andrew, and he was released from 
handcuffs. A tow was called for the vehicle, and I wrote Andrew a citation for DUS/ 
License Forfeiture) 4510.11, and Driving upon sidewalk(SC0 331.37) with a mandatory 
court date TBD. Springers towing arrived on scene and towed the vehicle, and I 
provided Andrew with a courtesy ride to his residence (546 S. Johnson Rd.). 

Both units cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #508

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Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.

PUBLISHED 5:01 PM 9/18/2020 *

Friday, September 18, 2020
04:25 PM -0500



ARREST REPORT   September 12, 2020  @  1801hr
Case No.: 20009063 


ARREST: William Dawson , age 52, 205 E Pennsylvania Ave, Sebring, OH

ORC 2903.11 Felonious Assault F-2

ORC 2923.13 Having Weapons While Under Disability F-3

ORC 2919.25  Domestic Violence M-1

On Saturday, September 12, 2020, officers from the Sebring and Smith Township 
Police Departments responded to a report of domestic violence involving a firearm in 
the 200 block of E. Pennsylvania Ave.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505

Immediately after reviewing the call from dispatch, I retrieved my patrol rifle and 
initiated an expedited emergency response to 205 E Pennsylvania Ave. Upon arrival, I 
located the victim, Melissa Kastenhuber, outside the residence and escorted her to the 
rear of my patrol vehicle out of sight of the residence. Kastenhuber was visibly shaken, 
upset and crying. I notified dispatch to have EMS stage at their station as the victim 
had visible injuries to her face and right leg.  Ptl. Russell arrived on scene shortly 
thereafter and I requested mutual aid response from Smith Township due to the 
potential presence of a firearm.

Ptl. Russell and I took up cover behind marked unit #301 with our weapons trained on 
the house and used the PA speaker to make contact with the suspect, William 
Dawson. Kastenhuber advised us earlier he was still inside the house with a shotgun 
and that he had pointed it at her. As Smith Township Patrolman Caughey arrived on 
scene to assist, Dawson emerged from the east side of the house with his arms raised 
and hands visible. With weapons trained on Dawson, officers ordered him to walk back 
while keeping his arms raised and hands visible. With lethal cover from Ptl Caughey 
and Russel switched to less-lethal and trained my X26P Taser on Dawson while he 
was placed in handcuffs behind his back (gabped/double-locked).

A search of Dawson person produced two folding knives and a glass pipe with an 
unknown burnt residue. Dawson was placed in the rear of marked unit #301 and 
advised he was detained pending further investigation. Sebring Fire Medic-1 was given 
the green light to enter the scene at this time to attend to Kastenhuber who was sitting 
In the tailgate of marked unit #304. I acquired verbal consent from Kastenhuber to 
enter the residence, retrieve the shotgun as well any other weapons. Ptl. Russell 
remained in the ambulance with Kastenhuber to get her side of what happened prior to 
our arrival.

Ptl. Caughey remained on scene and assisted with scene control while I secured the 
glass pipe and knives securing them in marked unit #304.  Before entering the rear 
entrance of the residence, I observed a butterfly knife on the ground on the east side 
of the residence where Dawson had emerged. The butterfly knife was also secured in 
marked unit #304. As I approached the rear of the residence, I observed broken glass 
on the porch and shattered windows on the back door. I announced myself twice 
before entering the residence with my weapon drawn.

During the course of searching the first floor, I observed signs of a disturbance with 
more shattered glass on the kitchen floor and other items scattered about. As I entered 
the living room, I located a sawed-off single shot shotgun with a modified taped grip 
sitting on the couch next to a grey bag that appeared to contain additional shotgun 
shells. A check of the weapon found the gun to be loaded with a single live Winchester 
12ga 3" Magnum shell.

The weapon was subsequently cleared, the live round recovered and both items were 
secured in marked unit #304. I returned and subsequently secured the the bag 
containing additional shotgun shells in marked unit #304. Out of sight of the victim, I 
asked Ptl, Russell over the radio if Kastenhuber could describe the shotgun that was 
pointed at her. Ptl. Russell advised Kastenhuber described the shotgun as shorter than 
normal and black in color.

I requested dispatch to run Dawson's CCH for prior felony and/or domestic violence 

Dispatch confirmed through LEADS Dawson was charged and convicted of improperly 
handling firearms in a motor vehicle. Ptl. Russell provided me the details of what 
Kastenhuber had told her.

According to Ptl. Russell, Kastenhuber had been assaulted in the bathroom and after 
managing to get out of the house, Dawson pointed the shotgun at her through the 

After receiving this information, I opened the rear driver door of #301 where Dawson 
was placed and advised him of his Miranda Rights. 

Dawson acknowledged his Miranda Rights and advised he was not willing to waive 
them to make a statement. Dawson was informed he was under arrest for at least one 
charge of domestic violence and having weapons while under disability. Per 
department policy regarding felony charges, Sergeant Kelm and Chief Harris were 
notified immediately.

Kastenhuber signed an against medical advice waiver and refused to go to the hospital 
to get checked for her injuries. I provided Kastenhuber with a voluntary written 
statement packet and and asked her if she would be able to provide a written 
statement at this time. The packet was explained, to her and she agreed to provide a 
statement.  I advised Ptl, Caughey his assistance was no longer needed and he could 

According to Kastenhuber's written statement Dawson had berated her earlier this 
morning and throughout the day. During the early evening hours Kastenhuber took a 
shower and was subsequently pushed into the shower/tub and struck in the head with 
a "copper thing" (sic).

Kastenhuber stated after she pushed him out of the bathroom, she got dressed and 
went downstairs to get out of the house.  According to Kastenhuber Dawson shut the 
door and pointed a gun at her head when she attempted to re-enter the rear of the 
residence, breaking the back door windows.

Kastenhuber was provided a domestic violence complaint packet and signed the 
statement of complaint. Kastenhuber also provided her signature on the authorization 
for release of medical information earlier in the ambulance in the event she did go to 
the hodpital.  Kastenhuber signed the instructions for filing domestic violence and was 
provided a copy.  Photographs were taken of Kastenhuber's forehead where she was 
struck and of her right leg where dried blood spots were visible.  Additional 
photographs were also taken inside the bathroom where it was evident a disturbance 
had taken place.

Ptl. Russel transported Dawson to the station for processing while I transported the 

Following our arrival at the station, Dawson was escorted into the video/audio 
recorded squad room  where he was kept in handcuffs due to the circumstances and 
was provided a face mask, I advised Dawson he could have the cuffs removed in the 
event he wanted to make a phone call or go to the restroom.  Dawson was read the 
charges against him: ORC 2903.11 Felonious Assault (F-2), ORC 2923.13 Having 
Weapons While Under Disability (F-3) ORC 2919.25 Domestic Violence  (M-1).

The handcuffs were removed during processing so Dawson could be photographed, 
thumb printed and DNA collected for the felony charges. According to his CCH, there 
was no DNA sample on file from his prior felony arrest and conviction. Dawson was 
informed due to the felonious assault charge his bond would have to be set by a judge 
and he would be transported to Mahoning County Justice Center in Youngstown.

Dawson was allowed to use the restroom and given the opportunity to place a phone 
call but did not because he did not know any numbers to call off hand.

Dawson's personal property was collected and gathered into a manila envelope. 
Among Dawson's property was $52 in cash (2-$20 US bills, 2-$5 US bills, 2 -$1 US 
bills). A more thorough and pat dawn of Dawson's person and clothing was conducted 
before being placed back in handcuffs behind his back (gapped/double-locked). All jail 
paperwork was completed and Ptl. Russell transported Dawson from the Sebring 
Police Department to the Mahoning County Justice Center in Youngstown.

All evidence was photographed, logged and secured in an evidence locker. The glass 
pipe with the unknown burnt residue will be sent to BCI for further processing and 
testing. The knives were all bagged together and the shotgun shells were secured 
separately from the shotgun. Due to the Marlin Model 200's barrel and grip being cut 
down, I am going to recommend the Bureau of Alcohol &  Tobacco, Firearms and 
Explosives be notified. 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505

On Saurday, September 12, 2020 myself and Ptl. Marchionda were dispatched to 205 
E. Pennsylvania Ave for a domestic violence complaint containing a loaded firearm 
Officers expedited expedited an emergency response to the scene.  Upon my arrival I 
observed Officer Marchionda escorting a female behind his marked patrol,car unit 
#304, Melissa Kastenhuber.  I immediately drawn my weapon from my holster and 
took cover behind my parked patrol car unit #301 as well as Officer Marchionda due to 
being advised the suspect was still in the residence with a loaded shot gun and was 
highly intoxicated. The weapons were pointed at the house. I then used the PA system 
from marked patrol car unit #301 to make contact with the suspect, William Dawson.

As Smith Township Officer Caghey arrived on scene William Dawson emerged from 
the east side of the residence with his arms up in the air and his hands visible. Dawson 
was then ordered to keep his hands up and walk backwards toward the voices of the 
officers. I kept my weapon drawn on Dawson as well as Smith Township while officer 
Marchionda switched to less lethal weapon the taser X26P. I then ordered Dawson to 
place his hands behind his back while I then placed him in handcuffs,  (gapped/double 

A search of of Dawson's person was conducted produced was two folding knives and a 
glass pipe with an unknown burnt residue. Dawson was then placed in the back of my 
Marked patrol car unit #301 and advised he was being detained while officers 
continued to investigate the situation.

Sebring Fire Medic 1 was given the okay to enter the scene to attend to Kastenhuber. I 
was advised by Officer Marchionda at this time she had visible injuries and was 
sobbing and crying when he arrived on scene.

At this time Officer Marchionda was given verbal consent to enter the residence by 
Melissa. I then went to the ambulance to while speaking with Melissa to get more 
information on what happened.

Officer Caughey remained on scene with William. I was advised William had been 
degrading all day to her and during the evening. I was also advised that she went 
upstairs to take a shower to get away from him and he had followed her up and 
assaulted her with a (sic) and pushed her down in the bathtub causing her to hit her 
head. I was able to observe a small lump on her forehead.

After speaking with Melissa I spoke Officer Marchionda and advised him what Melissa 
stated to me.

I was then advised by Officer Marchionda he retrieved a shot gun from inside of the 
residence and it was secured in marked patrol car unit #304. I was also advised he 
observed and secured a butterfly knife on the east side of the residence where William 
came out of.

William was read his Miranda warning by Officer Marchionda and was advised he was 
under arrest at that time. I was then advised Melissa was refusing to be transported to 
the hospital at this time. I then transported William back to the Sebring Police 
Department where he was booked and transported to the Mahoning county jail by me.

Officer Marchionda had photographed, logged and secured the evidence into an 
evidence locker.

Ptl, R. Russell #510


ARREST REPORT    September 12, 2020  @  1313hr
Case No.: 20009061 

Sebring Woods, Sebring, Oh

CITED: Joshua SlagIe , Age 26
13813 Seacrist Rd, Salem, OH 44460

Charge: SCO 375.03  Prohibited Operation

On Saturday, September 12, 2020, while patrolling south on N Johnson Rd from 
Courtney Rd, I observed a red off-road dirt bike without registration pass me going 
north. After turning around and catching up to the bike to confirm it was not bearing 
registration, I activated my overhead emergency lights and audible siren. The operator 
came to a complete stop in front of Sebring Woods.

Upon establishing contact with the operator, identified as Joshua Slagle, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Slagle advised he did not have a 
motorcycle endorsement; was aware he did not have registration and had yet to 
acquire insurance for the vehicle. Slagle provided his license upon request. I 
requested dispatch to summons a tow truck to the scene for the bike.

Slagle was issued traffic citation #031920 for SCO 375.03 Prohibited Operation and 
given a verbal warning for no motorcycle endorsement and no registration. SlagIe was 
informed his mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 would be set at 
a later date by the clerk of courts. The red dirt bike, a Honda 450R, was towed horn 
the scene by Springer's and Slagle was picked up from the scene by a third party.

Patrolman D,A. Matchionda #505


ARREST REPORT  September 11 , 2020   @  0305hr
Case No.: 20009054

W. California/ S. 15th St.

Cited:  Andrew Bourgoujian , Age 49
546 S. Johnson Rd. Sebring, Ohio

4510.11  DUS(License Forfeiture)

331.37  Driving upon Sidewalk

On Friday, September 1 I, 2020 while performing patrol southbound on N. 15th St. I 
observed what looked like a golf cart-like automobile traveling on the west side of the 
sidewalk. As I approached the vehicle to engage a traffic stop, the cart crossed the 
roadway on W. California and S. 15th St. I activated my emergency overhead lights 
and audible siren. The vehicle stopped in the rear gravel area behind Williams and 
Case Insurance Agency, Inc.

I radioed to dispatch my stop and the vehicle description. Ptl. Reed #507 arrived on 
scene at this time. I approached the driver, Andrew Bourgoujian, identified myself, and 
the reason for the stop. Andrew advised me "I just bought the vehicle the other day 
from "Car-Nation". 

Dispatch advised Andrew was under a suspended license forfeiture, and had an active 
warrant out of' Portage County SO. Ptl. Reed detained Andrew pending investigation 
on the warrant, and while searching Andrew, discovered 2 small empty baggies with a 
small amount of unknown residue in them.

Dispatch advised a short time later that Portage County SO did not want Andrew, but 
to advise him of the warrant. Officers advised Andrew, and he was released from 
handcuffs. A tow was called for the vehicle, and I wrote Andrew a citation for DUS/ 
License Forfeiture) 4510.11, and Driving upon sidewalk(SC0 331.37) with a mandatory 
court date TBD. Springers towing arrived on scene and towed the vehicle, and I 
provided Andrew with a courtesy ride to his residence (546 S. Johnson Rd.). 

Both units cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #508

WRN has Been a Free Public Service of Digital Service Company llc Since 2004.  
Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.

PUBLISHED 5:01 PM 9/18/2020 *

Wednesday, September 09, 2020
11:48 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   August 25, 2020  @ 0059hours
Case NO.: 20008171 

Traffic @ W. Vermont / N. 13th St.

CITED: Trenten Ritchey , Age 19, 375 W. Indiana Ave.

Charge: SCO 335.10 Fictitious Plates

On Tuesday 8/25/2020 while performing patrol in marked cruiser #304 I observed a 
vehicle parked an the side of the road at the 700 N. block of N. 16th St. with a front 
plate (DSJ6083). After passing the vehicle, I spotted the same vehicle with temporary 
tag (K467161) placed on the rear of the vehicle as well. The front license plate 
returned to a George Thomas (deceased), and the rear returning to a Trina Wilson. A 
short time later, I observed the vehicle being operated eastbound on East Vermont.

Afier verifying the vehicle was the same as earlier, I activated my overhead emergency 
lights and audible siren, The vehicle pulled over near E. Vermont and N. 13th St. As I 
approached the vehicle, I noted a very strong odor of marijuana. I identified myself and 
the reason far the stop of having fictitious plates on the vehicle. Sgt. Kelm #503 arrived 
on scene to assist me with the stop. I then asked the driver, Trenten Ritchey to shut 
the vehicle off and to exit the vehicle as I had probable cause to search the vehicle due 
to the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle itself. I placed the keys to the vehicle 
on top of the roof on the driver's side and began my search.

The passenger I identified as Nicholas Weingart, and asked him to exit the vehicle as 
well.  Nicholas exited the vehicle and approached the front of my vehicle. Both driver 
and passenger approached my cruiser and spoke with Sgt. Kelm as I conducted the 
search. Upon completion, I discovered a glass Jagermeister bottle with a small amount 
of alcohol still inside, and a marijuana roach. I asked Trenten if he was willing to go 
through SFST, and he consented to it.

Upon completion of SFSTs, I did not note any clues and Trenten performed 

I issued Trenten citation #031816 for Fictitious Plates (SCO 335.10), with a mandatory 
court date to be set, as well as cofliscated the Jagermeister bottle, and marijuana 
roach for destruction.

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterrnan #508


ARREST REPORT  August 29, 2020  @  2106hours
Case No.: 2000819 

Citation  @ N 12th Street Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Jonathan Crothers , Age 30, 466 E Vermont Ave

Charge: 335.09 Failure to display License Plates

August 29,2020
Defendant: Jonathan Crothers
Citation: 031927

August 29,2020 I stopped a mini-dirt bike that turned north on 12st street off East Ohio 
Ave at 2109 hours. The vehicle had no tail lights, no headlights, and nothing to reflect 
light off and no plates on the bike. The operator was Jonathan Crothers from 466 E 
Vermont Ave here in Sebring. He advised he wanted to cruise around on it and 
decided to take it out. 

Jonathan was cited for not having plates on the vehicle and his bike was impounded 
by Springers. He was advised Monday he can get the bike out as long as he shows 
the title to the bike and that it needs to stay off the roadway.

Patrolman Zachery Van Voorhis unit 512


ARREST REPORT   August 31, 2020
Case No,: 20008206 

CRIMINAL  @  135 E Florida Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Roxanna Fotheringham , Age 47, 135 E Florida Ave, Sebring, OH

Charge: SCO 505,01(b)  Dogs Running at Large - Female

Upon arrival, I was unable to locate any dogs running at large in the 100 block of E 
Georiga Ave, E Florida Ave, and the alley in between both streets. Some time later, I 
was informed four dogs were seen running at large and all four had been caught. It 
was learned two of the dogs may belong to 135 E Florida Ave. I arrived at 135 E 
Florida Ave, knocked on the door and announced myself., It appeared no one was 
home but it sounded like there were dogs inside the residence; I also observed the 
front window of the residence to be damaged and the exterior window screen was 
ripped facing outwards.

An adult female, identified as Amber Horning, came walking down E Flarida Ave from 
S 15th St with two dogs on a leash. Horning stated she thinks the dogs belong to 135 
E Florida,Ave but was not sure because they did not have tags. Horning also advised 
two other dogs were caught by a juvenile male and taken back to a house on S 15th St 
at W Florida Ave. Since the two dogs Horning had control of did not have tags, I 
informed dispatch to contact the Mahoning County Dog Warden to come and collect 
the dogs from Horning.

After speaking with Horning, I arrived at 368 S 15th St and spoke with the female 
resident there.  While speaking to her, I observed a shattered window on the south 
side of the residence and was informed their dogs broke through to get at the other 
dogs. I informed the resident at 308 S 15th St she'would not receive a letter or citation 
since the dogs managed to break through a closed window.

After clearing the area and returning to station, I was informed the two dogs without 
tags did in fact belong to 135 E Florida Ave and the owner, Roxanna Fotheringham, 
was on her way home. When I arrived at 135 E Florida Ave, I was greeted by Jessica 
Fotheringham who stated the dogs got out through the front window.  I asked Jessica 
why the dogs did not have tags and she replied they did.  They are in the house but 
have not been put on yet.

Roxanna arrived home and I explained she would be receiving a minor misdemeanor 
citiation for the dogs rurlning at large.  Roxanna stated both dogs are females and are 
in heat that is why they got out and must have broke through the front window to do 
so. Due to Roxanna recently undergoing surgery, I allowed her to go into her residence 
and gave the minor misdemeanor citation to Jessica. I informed both Roxanna and 
Jessica the charge and due to COVID-79 restrictions, the court would call at a later 
date to schedule an appearance. Roxanna Fotheringham was charged with SCO 
505.01(b) Dogs Running at Large.

Patrolman O.A. Marchioncia #505  8/31/2020


ARREST REPORT    September 3, 2020
Case No.: 20009012 

Traffic @  100 Block S. 12th Street 

CITED:  Austin Butler , Age 27, 15238 Salem Alliance Rd. Salem, OH 

Charge: SCO: 333.03  SPEED (56/35)

On 09-03-2020 at 06:02 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 
301. While sitting stationary in front of Heritage Oaks, located at 230 S. 12th Street, I 
observed a lightcolored sedan that was traveling northbound on S. 12th Street at a 
speed that appeared to be greater than that of the posted 35MPH limit, Upon 
activating my front-facing radar antenna, I obtained a Iocked speed of 56 MPH.

I then activated my overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop on the Silver 
Pantiac G6, bearing Ohio registration HSW 2830. The vehicle came to a complete stop 
in the 100 block of S. 12th Street. Upon making contact with the male driver, I advised 
him of the reason for the stop as well as requested his driver license, vehicle 
registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce al three requested 
documents with his Ohio Driver License identifying him as Austin K. Butler.

When 1 asked if he were aware of his speed, Mr. Butler said that he knew he was 
going "a little fast but not that fast", I then returned to my patrol car and wrote Mr. 
Butler Uniform Traffic Citation 031898 for speed, (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03) 
56mph in a marked 35mph zone.

I then returned to Mr. Butler's vehicle where after signing the citation, he was given his 
copy. Mr. Butler was made aware of his mandatory court appearance at Mahoning 
County Court #3 and instructed to make contact with the court as soon as possible for 
further instructions on how to handle the citation. I then cleared from the stop with 
nothing additional to report at this the .

Ptl. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT    September 4, 2020
Case No.: 20009017 

TRAFFIC  @  20040 Harrisburg Westville Rd., Alliance

CITED:  Ellen Cusumano , Age 80, 8885 SW 95th St Unit B, Ocala, FL

Charge: SCO 333.03  Maximum Speed Limits  70/35

On Friday, September, 4, 2020, while patrolling north on S Johson Rd from US HWY 
62, I observed a black vehicle traveling south at what appeared to be a very high rate 
of speed.

Upon activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I observed and locked in a speed 
of 70 MPH on the digital display in a posted 35 MPH zone. After the vehicle passed, I 
activated my overhead emergency lights, audible siren and turned around after the 
vehicle to initiate a traffic stop. I followed the vehicle, a black Ford bearing Florida 
registration 7361XH, as it pulled into a parking space at Perkins and came to a 
complete stop.

As I was approaching the vehicle, I observed the female driver exiting and ordered her 
to remain in the vehicle. Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Ellen 
Cusumano, I identified myself and informed her of the reason for the stop. Cusurnano 
provided appropriate documentation upon request, Cusumano was issued traffic 
citation #031917 for SCO 333.03 Maximum Speed Limits 70/35 and provided 
instructions on how to take care of the ticket.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda $505  9/4/2020


ARREST REPORT   September 5, 2020  @  0951hours
Case No.: 20009023 

TRAFFIC @  S 12th. St near RR crossing

CITED:  Julie Manderick ,Age 56, 56th St, Claysville, Pennsylvania 15323

Charge: SCO 333.03  Maximum Speed Limits 63/35

On Saturday, September 5,2020, while conducting stationary speed enforcement on S 
12th St near E Georgia Ave facing south, I observed a black vehicle travelling north at 
what appeared to be a very high rate of speed. Upon activating my forward mounted 
radar antenna, I observed a speed of 63 MPH on the digital display in a posted 35 
MPH zone. As the vehicle neared my location, I activated my overhead emergency 
lights and pulled north onto S 12th St to initiate a traffic stop, The vehicle, a black 
Mitsubishi bearing Pennsylvania registration KRK8993, came to a complete stop off S 
12'h St near the railroad crossing.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Julie Manderick, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for the stop. Manderick provided appropriate 
documentation upon request. Manderick was issued traffic citation #031919 for SCO 
333.03 Maximum Speed Limits 63/35 and provided instructions on how to take care of 
the citation.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505   9/5/2020


ARREST REPORT  September 6, 2020  @  1144 hours
Cultivation of Marijuana ORC 2925.04 I $500.00
Case No.: 20008189


ARREST: Jerry Fitzpatrick , Age 40, 606 W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

ORC 2923.13  Having Weapons Under Disability /  bond $8,000.00

ORC 2919.22  Endangering Children /  bond $8,000.00

ORC 2925.04  Cultivation of Marijuana /  bond $500.00

ARREST: Ellen Fitzpatrick,  Age 28, 606 W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH


ORC 2919.22  Endangering Children   /   bond $8,000.00

ORC 29 19.25  Domestic Violence   /   bond $1,250.00

ORC 2903.13  Assault   /   bond $1,250.00

ORC 2925.13  Permitting Drug Use   /   bond $1,250.00

On arrival, I and Ptl Reed was met with the caller,Pamela Fitzpatrick, who stated to 
both units that, her son Jerry Fitzpatrick was upstairs in the residence and was 
"starting to turn blue".  Officers responded with an AED ready and available to use. 
Approaching the father of Jerry I observed a white male who was not responding to 
any of my commands and whose face was blue, with very short and exasperated 
breaths that appeared to be a sign of near death.   0fficers began placing the AED 
pads in the proper locations on Jerrys chest as I attempted to feel for a radial pulse. 
When I  determined there was no pulse present, I then powered the AED on.  l advised 
Pt. Reed to stay clear of Jerry until the AED has finished analyzing Jerrys heart beat, 
and stattes to start CPR. Ptl Reed administered Jerry with Narcan. one 8mg via nasal 
cavity. I advised dispatch to have Sebring EMS to  "Step it up" as this being a life 
threatening situation.

The AED states to start CPR and Ptl. Reed began chest compressions.  Approximately 
1 minute later I reassessed Jerrys' pulse and was able to get a distal pulse on Jerry 
that was weak but present.  Jerry's respirations were becoming slightly more organized 
but was still making a "snoring" noise.

Ptl Reed then grabbed a bag valve mask and began giving Jerry rescue breaths in an 
attempt to provide quality oxygen to Jerry.

Upon Sebring EMS's arrival on scene I asked the famile members to step into another 
room as medics accessed Jerry's condition.  Jerry was beginning to have a flushed 
appearance returned to his face and his pulse was strong and regular.  Medics placed 
a monitor device onto Jerry to ascertain his condition.

As Ptl Reed spoke with family members In the other room and EMS looked over Jerry, 
I observed in plain view a glass device used ta smoke drug paraphernalia "bong", 
along with a marijuana "pipe" and several drug instruments. I collected these as 
evidence to log. Medics administered a second nasal 2mg dose to Jerry at this time. 
Sebring EMS personnel loaded Jerry orlto a patient carrying device and I assisted in  
moving Jerry downstairs where additional medical personnel waited to  assist to the 
ambulance.  I returned upstairs and as both units were cleaning up the scene and 
investigating the scene for further evidence an open side door was noted with a small 
box, and a UV Light hanging above the box.

Inside said box were several plant of a green leafy substance and several drug 
instraments and paraphernalia surrounding the area.  I called in supervisor Sgt. Kelm 
#503 to the scene to request guidance on what to do with the evidence.  It was 
determined all evidence would be collected.  Upon further investigation several locked 
boxes were discovered along with shotgun shells. a shotgun, a bolt action rifle .  Sgt. 
Kelm determined all weapons would be collected for safekeeping along with a 
paraphernalia for evidence.  Jerrys daughter was at the time living in the same 
residence where the paraphernalia was as well.

Evidence and weapons were stowed in marked cruiser #304 and brought back to 
station for logging.

On 08-28-2020 at 23:47 hours Units responding to a medical emergency a W. Ohio 
Avenue. The initial 911 caller reported that a 40-year-old male subject was tuning blue, 
making noises, and foaming at the mouth. Upon arriving to the address, Ptl. Peterman 
and I made contact with a Pam Fitzpatrick in the front yard of the house. Pam advised 
that her son was In an upstairs bedroom and was not breathing. Upon hearing this I 
retrieved the A.E.D., Narcan, and ambu bag from the back of car 304.

Once inside the bedroom, we found Jerry Fitzpatrick Jr. laying on his back on the floor 
of the room. Jerry was blue in color and did not appear to be breathing. His father, 
Jerry Fitzpatrick, was slttlng on the bed in the room and said that he had attempted 
CFR prior to our arrival. I also at this' point asked both Jerry Sr and Pam if their son 
had a history of drug abuse. Pam did advise that Jerry had I been a drug user in the 
past but was supposed to have stopped using. At this point I deployed the department 
Issued Narcan, using one 4mg unit in each nostril while Ptl Peterman placed the 
A.E,,D. pads on Jerry's chest. It was also noted by Ptl. Peterman at this point that he 
could not locate a pulse using Jerry's left wrist. The A.E.D. also advised that m shock 
was needed. I then began CPR using the department issued ambu bag.

Several seconds later Jerry began to breath, with Ptl. Peterrnan also locating a pulse. 
Jerry's breathing was very labored with him stoppingseveral times and me having to 
again use the ambu bagi. Sebring Fire Department then arrived with paramedic Wayne 
Bailey taking over. I then went into another bedroom where I spoke with Pam and Jerry 
Sr as well as Jerry jr's daughter.   In speaking with,Pam and Jerry Sr.,I was advised 
that they had received a phone call from Jerry's wife, Ellen Fitzpatrick with her saying 
that something is wrong with Jerry and that she was leaving for work. Pam said that 
she and her husband then drove to the residence from theirs in  Leetonia with them 
finding Jerry laying on the floor of the bedroom struggling to breath.

Jerry Jr. was then taken to Alliance Community Hospital for treatment. A check of the 
area where Jerry had been laying located numerous instruments of drug abuse 
including a bong and a bag containing marijuana pipes.  A small gun safe was located.  
Inside the closet of the bedroom was a marijuana grow with three growing plants, a 
grow light, harvested marijuana as well as harvested plants that were sitting in a 
cardboard box. Upon locating these items I requested Sgt. Kelm to respond to our 
location.  Also, in the closet was an AR-15 style seml-automatic 12-gauge shotgun and 
a bolt-action .22 rifle. The drug related items were seized and the firearms taken for 
safe keeping.

In speaking with she made statements about her dad having used what she called 
"bad drugs" that made him sleepy while they were in Tennessee last month. I then 
made contact with Nicole Ware, of Mahoning County Child protective services and 
made her aware of the situation.

Units then cleared from the call with nothing additional to report at this time. A copy of 
thls report will be forwarded to the prosecutor for review and possible charges.

On 08-30-2020 at approximately 6:25 hours, Ellen Fitzpatrick arrived on station to 
discuss the apparent overdose that occurred at her house on 08-28-2020. Upon 
making contact with Ellen, I introduced myself by name and position before escorting 
her to the squad room. Once in the squad room I again explained to Ellen why I 
wanted to speak to her as well as made in clear to her that she was not under arrest. I 
did however read Ellen her Miranda rights, with her advising that she understood them 
and was still wilting to speak to me regarding the incident.

Ptl. Reed #507

When I asked Ellen what had happened she said that she and her husband had been 
smoking marijuana at their house at around 10:30pm.   Ellen said that afterwards her 
husband began to make snoring noises while laying on the edge of the bed. Ellen said 
that she then moved him to the floor, checked his breathing, and at one point 
attempted to perform CPR  but stopped because he was breathing. Ellen said she then 
called Jerry's parents, Jerry Sr, and Pam Fitzpatrick, before she rolled him over on his 
side and left for work. When I asked what Jerry was possibly overdosing on Ellen said 
that they believe  that they had got marijuana that had been laced with Fetanyl.  Ellen 
did not provide intormation on where the marijuana came from.

Ellen did acknowledge that she left their six-year old daughter with Jerry while he was 
suffering from a apparent overdose with her saying that she was very nervous during 
the ordeal.  Ellen provided me with a voluntary witness statement before departing 
from the police station.  Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl Reed  #507

On Sunday, September 6,2020, Patrolmen Marchionda and Van Voorhis apprehended 
Ellen and Jerry Fitzpatrick at their residence, 606 W Ohio Ave. Both parties were 
placed in handcuffs behind their back (Gapped/double locked) and Ellen was placed in 
marked unit #301 while Jerry was placed in marked unit #304. I read Jerry his Miranda 
Rights on scene and he acknowledged his rights. Both parties were transported from 
the scene to the Sebring Police Department for processing.

Upon arrival, Jerry and Ellen were separated with Jerry being placed in the audio/video 
recorded squad room and Ellen being placed in the intoxilyzer room.  Both parties 
were taken out of handcuffs.  Their warrants were read to them and served.  I read 
Ellen her Miranda Rights which she acknowledged and invoked her rights. Ellen 
provided the combinations to both safes secured by Patrolmen Reed and Peterman 
the night of the initial incident and signed a permission to search waiver. Jerry provided 
the security diagram code to the phone also secured the night of the initial incident and 
signed a permission to search waiver.

Jerry and Ellen were given opportunities to place phone calls to family to arrange for 
bond to be posted at a later time.  Jerry and Ellen were both photographed and since 
this was Ellens first time being arrested on a felony charge a buccal DNA sample was 
retrieved.  Ellen performed a pat down of her person using a flashlight on camera and 
both parties were subsequently place back in handcuffs behind their back 
(gapped/double loced) .  Patrolman Van Voorhis transported both parties to the 
Mahoning County Justice Center in Youngstown.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505  9.6.2020

WRN has Been a Free Public Service of Digital Service Company llc Since 2004.  
Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.

PUBLISHED 11:52 AM 9/9/2020 *

Monday, August 24, 2020
03:29 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT  August 21, 2020  @  0759hrs
Case NO.: 20008131

CRIMINAL -  Endangering Children

ARREST: 34y/o Nicole Cutlip , 305 E Maryland Ave, Sebring, OH 

Charge: ORC 2919.22 Endangering Children (M-1) / Bond $1,250

While leaving Sebring Manor at 216 W Ohio Ave. I observed Noah Cutlip (10-11 YOA) 
running  north across W Ohio Ave. Noah, who is known by officers of the Sebring 
Police Department to be autistic, has walked and ran off from both his grandmother 
and mother at least a dozen times in the last 2-3 weeks. I activated my overhead 
emergency lights and parked my cruiser on N 16th St ,at W. Ohio Ave and motioned 
for Noah to walk to me when it was safe to do so. As Noah approached, I observed 
Noah's grandmother, Alice Rinehart, in her vehicle and motioned for her to proceed 
through the intersection and turn around.

I asked Noah why he was crossing the street in his socks and he replied "l'm going to 
Angies" [sic] (Angela Pierce of E Indiana Ave). I informed Noah he cannot keep 
walking/ running off from his mother, grandmother and going to Angie's house was not 
allowed. At this time, Alice Rinehart pulled up behind my cruiser and I motioned for her 
to exit and approach.

As Alice began to berate and yell at Noah, I provided her with a stern warning she, as 
well as Noah's mother Nicole Cutlip will face Endangered Children charges because 
their lack of duty of care provides a risk to Noah's safety. Alice began to complain and 
asked what is she supposed to do since Noah just wanders off whenever he feels like 
it. I informed Alice that she and Nicole are adults and are responsible for Noah when 
he is in their custody. I reiterated they need to take extra care and precautions 
because of Noah's autism. Alice stated Nicole is off from work today and has been 
unreachable by phone.

A check of records dating back to August 7, 2020 shows this has been an ongoing 
problem. Refer to report #20008032, #20008034, CAD #20-0000005760, report 
#20008036, report #20008043,CAD #20-0000005767,and report #20008086 for 
additional information on incidents similar to today. As a result of this departments 
constant response to locate and recover Noah, and after consulting with the 
prosecutor's office, I will be filing charges against Alice Rinehart and Nicole Cutlip.

State Complaints for ORC 2919.22 Endangering Children (M-1) will be drafted and 
submitted to Mahoning County Court #3. A call was placed to Mahoning County 
Children Service's and Candice Beaumont, a caseworker currently working an open 
case on Noah, was apprised of the situation.

Patrolman D,A. Marchionda #505

On Friday, August 21, 2020, a summons for Alice Rinehart and a summons for Nicole 
Cutlip were obtained from Mahoning County Court #3. Rinehart and Cutlip were both 
served at their residences and informed to follow the instructions provided by the court.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505 


ARREST REPORT   August 20, 2020  @  2325hrs
Case No. : 20008137 


CITED: 25y/o Shayne Welling , 836 S. 13th St. Apt. 18


ORC 4510.11  DUS (Non-compliance)
SCO 337.03 2-Headlights Required  

On 8/21/2020 while patrolling eastbound on E. Georgia I spotted a vehicle traveling 
north on S. 12th St. with a headlight not functioning. I turned my emergency overhead 
lights and audible siren on and stopped the vehicle on S. 12th St. near East Alabama 
St. and notified dispatch of the stop and license plate(JCR 7649). I approached the 
driver and identified myself and the reason for the stop. The driver of the vehicle was 
unable to find his license, instead giving me his information with which I verified 
through dispatch. Dispatch advised me the driver, Shayne Welling, had a non-
compliance suspension on his license.

At this time I asked dispatch for a tow truck to tow the vehicle. I asked Shayne to shut 
the vehicle off and step out, to which he complied with all instructions during the entire 

Ptl.Kelm and Ptl. Reed #507 arrived on scene to assist me. Ptl. Reed started the tow 
sheet, and myself completed the citation for Shayne. Shayne was given a citation for 
DUS(Non-compliance 4510.11), and Headlights required (SC0 337.03) was given a 
court date of TO BE SET. Shayne signed the citation and was given a copy with all the 
information provided.

Springer's towing arrived on scene and retrieved the vehicle, and Ptl. Reed provided a 
curtesy transport to his residence. I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #508


Case No.: 20008139

Traffic -  300 Block N. 12th Street Sebring, OH

CITED: 29y/o Marquez McLendon , 472 E. Mill Street Alliance, OH 44601


ORC 4510.11  Driving Under Suspension
SCO 337.04  Tail light, Illumination of rear license plate

On 08-21 -2020 at 02:18 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 
301. While patrolling northbound in the 300 block of N. 12th Street, I noticed that the 
yellow Chevrolet S10 that was traveling in front of me did not have a functioning 
license plate light. I then activated my overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic 
stop. The yellow S10, bearing Ohio registration GYE 8474 came to a stop near the 
intersection  of E Maryland Ave and 12th street.

Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop and 
asked for his driver license. The driver said that he did not have a driver license and 
then gave me an Ohio Identification Card that identified him as Maquez McLendon. 
After confirming through dispatch that McLendon was in fact suspended, I returned to 
my patrol car and wrote him Uniform Traffic Citation No. 031897. Mr. McLendon was 
cited for driving under suspension (ORC 4510.11), as well as Tail light: illumination of 
rear license plate (SCO: 337.04). 

I also requested Sebring Tire to my location to tow the vehicle. McLendon was unable 
to provide proof of insurance on the vehicle, that was registered to a Brittany M Jarvis.

After concluding an administrative inventory of the vehicle, Sebring Tire arrived to tow 
it to their impound lot. McLendon then signed the citation, was given his copy, as well 
as instructed to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for further instructions on the case. 
I then provided McLendon with a courtesy ride to Famous Supply before clearing from 
the call.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT   AUGUST 21, 2020  @ 0308 hrs
Case No.: 20008140 

TRAFFIC - W. Ohio Ave. / N, 16th St.

CITED: 58y/o Scott Burrage , 616 Heaoock Rd. Sebring, Ohio 44672


313.01  Traffic Control Device
4510.11 DUS (Out of State)
4511.19 (A)(1)(a) (A)(1)(h) OVI  / Bond $2,500

On 8/21/2020 at 0219 hours I was performing patrol on the 100 east block of Ohio Ave. 
when I observed a black SUV roll through a 4-way stop light at the intersection of Ohio 
Avenue and N. 15th St. The vehicle failed to come to a complete cessation of 
movement before continuing its travel path westward on Ohio Avenue. Upon observing 
this, I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren to stop said vehicle.

The vehicle stopped in front of Sebring Manor, and I called out dispatch the license 
plate #( HNB 6172) and exited my marked cruiser,to approach the driver's side of the 
vehicle. Dispatch relayed back to me that the registered owner of the vehicle was 
under an out of state license suspension.

Identified myself to the driver, Scott Burrage, and for the reason of the stop.  I then 
asked Scott for his license, registration, and copy of insurance for the vehicle. Scott 
was only able to hand me his license, and stated he couldn't find the Insurannce and 
the registration was out of date.

After verifying it was the registered owner that was under a license suspension, I 
called dispatch for Springers Towing as the vehicle would need towed from the scene. 
Scott was asked to exit the vehicle so I could perform a vehicle inventory. Upon 
completion of the vehicle inventory, Springer's Towing arrived on scene and obtained 
the vehicle. Ptl. Reed #507 arrived on scene to assist me.

While speaking with Scott Ptl. Reed and myself began to notice an odor of alcoholic 
beverage coming from Scottp's person. Scott states he had a couple drinks about 6 
hours ago. I asked, Scott if he would be willing to consent to a series of SFST 
tests.Scott consented to the SFST tests. I then I asked Scott if he had any medical 
issues, to which he states he has alcohol withdraws and has shakes from the 
withdrawals. I then asked if Scott wore contacts or glasses, to which he states no. I 
then began my SFST tests. I noted the followed clues during the HGN portion of my 

Lack of smooth pursuit: left and right eyes
Distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation, left and right eyes
Onset nystagmus prior to 45 degrees left and right eyes

During the walk and turn test I noted the following clues:

Misses Heel to toe
Uses Arms for balance
Improper Turn

During the one-leg stand, I noted the following clues:

Sways while balancing
Uses arms to balance
Puts foot down

Upon completion of my SFSTs, I informed Scott he performed very poorly. I requested 
Scott take a portable breath test, Scott consented and I had him perform the task. 
Scott blew a BAC of .102. 

I advised Scott that he was being placed under arrest for OVI(SFST) 4511.19 (A)(1 )
(a), I read his miranda rights, and told Scott he would be taken back to our station for 
paperwork and additional testing if he chooses to. I then placed Scott in 
handcuffs(double locked and gapped properly) and put him in the back of my patrol 
vehicle. I transported Scott back to station where he was released from handcuffs and 
read the BMV 2255. Sgt. Kelm #503 asked if Scott was willing to submit to a breath 
and urine test, to which Scott consented to.

Scott blew into the intoxilyzer 8000 unit. showing a BAC of .182. I informed Scott at 
this time he would receive another charge for OVl(>.17) 4611.19 (A)(1)(h) due to his 
high BAC level. Scott was given a copy of his citations for the OVls (SFST)(>.017) 
4511.19 (A)(1)(a) / (A)(1)(h), Driving Under Suspension (ORC 4510.11) and Failure to 
obey traffic control device (SCD 313.01), given a recognizance form to sign for his 
release on bond, and given a copy of his signed citation, signed, BMV 2255, and 
signed recognizance form. I then performed a courtesy transport to his temporary 
residence (Barnett's Motel), then cleared back to the village without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #508   8/21/2020

WRN has Been a Free Public Service of Digital Service Company llc Since 2004.  
Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.

PUBLISHED 4:11 PM 8/24/2020 *

Tuesday, August 18, 2020
07:58 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT  August 13, 2020  @  1352hrs
Case No.: 20008071 

TRAFFIC - SPEED  @ W. California @ S. 19th St

CITED:  62y/o Richard Sickelsmith , 5935 State Route 7, New Waterford, OH 

Charge: SCO 333.03  Maximum Speed Limits 49/25

On Thursday, August 13, 2020,I, Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling east on W 
California Ave from S Johnson Rd. I observed a black truck approaching from the east 
at what appeared to be a rate of speed higher than the posted 25 MPH limit. Upon 
activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I observed a speed of 49 MPH on the 
digital display. As the vehicle passed me, I activated my overhead emergency lights 
and turned around after the vehicle to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a black Ford 
bearing Ohio registration HCG3376, came to a complete stop on W California Ave at S 
19th St.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Richard Sickelsmith, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Sickelsmith provided appropriate 
documentation upon request. Sickelsmith was issued traffic citation #031915 for SCO 
333.03 Maximum Speed Limits 49/25 and was informed due to COVID-I9 restrictions, 
his appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 would be set a later date. I also 
provided Sickelsmith with instructions in the event he decided to just pay the ticket.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT   August 14, 2020 @ 0435hrs
Case No.: 20008077 

Traffic @ 200 Block W. Ohio Ave. Sebring

Cited: 41y/o Kristy Manley , 1320 10th Sweet N.W. Canton OH 

Charge: Wrongful Entrustrnent SCO: 335.05 

On 8-14-2020 at 04:35 hours I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 301.  
While patrolling northbound in the 200 block of N. 17th St. I observed a silver 
Chevrolet Impala approach the intersection and come to a complete stop before 
activating it's turn signal.

Upon noticing this I activated my overhead emergency lights and intitiated a traffic 
stop.  The silver Impala bearing Ohio Registration HWA4372 came to a complete stop 
on Ohio Avenue after completing a right turn.  Upon making contact with the driver, 
Ryan Dupal, he advised that his driver license was suspended but that he had driving 
privilages to go to work.  At this point I noticed a subject who I know to be Sean Mills in 
the back seat.  I also noticed that Dupal appeared very nervous as was evident by his 
shaking hands.

Ptl. Caughey of Smith Township Police department arrived shortly after with me 
requesting Mr. Dupal, his female passenger, as well as Mr Mills out of the vehicle.  Mr. 
Dupal consented to a search of his person with me explicitly asking for and receiving 
permissing to go into his pockets.  No contraband was located but I did remove a black 
folding knife that I advised Dupal I would be holding onto for the duration of our 
encounter due to him beginning to appear to become agitated.  I then advised Dupal 
that he could have a seat in my car and that I would be calling a tow truck to tow the 
vehicle, see as no driving privilages were listed for him in LEADS and he admitted that 
he was not going to work but instead taking Mr. Mills to a drug rehab.  In speaking with 
the female passenger she identified herself as Kristy Manley and said that she was the 
vehicles registered owner.  I advised her that I would be towing the vehicle a that she 
would be receiving a citation for wrongful entrustment.

I then began an administrative inventory of the vehicle, starting first with the driver 
side. Upon beginring the inventory of the vehicle, I noticed a cut straw inside the door 
compartment. I next noticed a small plastic baggie containing a light-colored crystalline 
substance, which based upon my training and experience appeared to be crystal meth. 
Upon noticing this I returned to my patrol car to speak to Mr. Dupal, with him denying 
knowledge of the items. Dupal became very agitated and was secured in handcuffs, 
which were properly spaced and double locked at this point. As I went further with the 
administrative inventory, I located a digital scale near the front passenger seat. Ptl. 
Caughery also located two round white pills inside the handbag belonging to Manley. 
The pills were stamped RP on one side and 89 on the other and were determined to 
be Buprenorphine Hydrochloride, a schedule III -controlled substance. 

Manley advised that she did have a prescription for the medications but was unable to 
produce one while at the scene. She was advised that the pills would be confiscated 
because of this and that she would need to come to the police department with a valid 
prescription to have them returned. In going further with the inventory no other 
contraband was located.

Sebring Tire then arrived on scene and towed the vehicle to their impound lot. A court 
hold was placed on the vehicle due to Manley being citated for wrongful entrustment. 
Once Sebring Tire cleared from the scene, I provided Dupal with Uniform Traffic 
Citation No. 031895. Dupal was cited for Failing to signal his turn prior to 100 feet 
(ORC: 4511.39) as well as driving under suspension (ORC 4510.11). Dupal then 
signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court 
#3 for further information on the case. The suspected meth, Suboxone, cut straw, 
digital scale, and a butane torch were confiscated. Paperwork for a summons will be 
drafted and sent to the court for a fourth-degree misdemeanor charge of possession of 
drug paraphernalia against Dupal for the cut straw.

Manley was given Uniform Traffic Citation No, 031896 for wrongful entrustment 
(SCO:335.05). Manley was advised as well to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for 
further information on the case. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #507


ARREST REPORT    August 14, 2020   @  0802 hrs
Case No: 20008079

TRAFFIC - SPEED @ 1300 Block S. Johnson Rd.

Cited:  39y/o John Ayers , 490 W. New York Ave, Sebring, Oh

Charge: SCO 333.03 Maxinium Speed Limits 55/35

On Friday, August 14, 2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling north on S 
Johnson Rd from US HWY 62. I observed a red vehicle approaching from the north at 
what appeared to be a rate of speed higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon 
activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I observed a speed of 55 MPH on the 
digital display. As the vehicle neared, I activated my overhead emergency lights and 
turned atound as the vehicle passed to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a red Nissan 
bearing Ohio registration HUK3370, came to a complete stop on S Johnson Rd in the 
1300 block.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as John Ayers, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. Ayers was only able to provide his 
identification information to me verbally. Ayers was issued traffic citation #031916 for 
SCO 333.03 Maximum Speed Limits 55/35 and informed his mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 would be set a later date due to COVID-19 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT    August 14, 2020  @  1722 hrs
Case No: 20008094

TRAFFIC @  13th St. near Ohio

Cited: 31y/o Caitlin Rinto , 4733 Whinnery Rd Winona OH 

Charge: 331.16 Right of Way at Intersection

On 08/14/2020 while in a double unit with Ptl. Van Voorhis 512, I Ptl. Brindack while on 
patrol was travelling south bound in the 300 block of N 13th St when we observed 
what appeared to be an accident that just occurred in the 200 block of N 13th near w 
Ohio ave. Units pulled up and observed a red Monte Carlo w/ Ohio License Plate 
"Conrad L" with front end damage, air bag deployment, and the driver Caitlin A Rinto 
still inside, and a silver Chevy pickup truck with a OH temp tag that the letter had fallen 
off of, (temp tag not listed on registration) also had front and side damage with its 
occupants Hunter Papic, Jaiden Mcrae, and their daughter 2 month old daughter 
outside of the vehicle. 

Fire and EMS were immediately requested and responded. All parties were checked 
and cleared by EMS. Both parties advised the same story that Caitlin was driving east 
bound down the alley was in between Ohio and Oregon and exited the alley way 
without yielding to oncoming traffic and struck Hunter Papic's vehicle as he was 
travelling North bound towards Ohio ave.. 

Caitlin was cited for Right of way at an intersection 331.16 and was advised MCC#3 
would call her with a court date. Units called for springers to tow Caitlin's car as it was 
blocking 13th St. Hunter Papic's vehicle was taken by AAA.  Units then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack #504  08/14/2020


ARREST REPORT   August 16, 2020  @  1616hrs
Case No.: 20008099 

Traffic/ Failure to Obey Traffic Signal  @  E. Ohio Ave.

Cited: 55y/o Lori Nail , 23 Church St, Marshalville, Oh

Charge: 313.01 Failure to Obey Traffic Signal

The suspect was traveling Westbound on E. Ohio Ave at N. 12th St and failed to obey 
the Traffic Signal and struck another vehicle traveling North on 12th St. The suspect 
one Lori Sue Nail was cited for Failure to obey a Traffic Signal and given a To be set 
court date in Mcc#3.

Res Sgt. S.T. McDaniel # 509

WRN has Been a Free Public Service of Digital Service Company llc Since 2004.  
Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.

PUBLISHED 8:48 AM 8/18/2020 *

Monday, August 17, 2020
05:02 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT  August 12, 2020  @  2122hrs
CASE No: 20005207

WARRANT - Ralphs Deli

ARREST: Spencer Hunt, Age 22, 1221 Klinger Ave APT #6 Alliance, Oh

Charge: 2903.22 M4 menacing / Bond $500

On 05-31-2020, I was in the parking lot of the police station when I heared male voices 
yelling the area of the 100 block of East Oregon Avenue. I also could see several male 
subjects walking down the road front of The Rec as I was getting in my patrol car. 
Upon arriving to the area, arriving with Ptl. Russell, I found a subject who I know to be 
Justin Sloat as well as an unidentified black male standing in front of 136 East Oregon 
Avenue. As I approached in my patrol car, the black male lmmediately placed his 
hands in the air and began screaming "hands up don't shoot" as well as making anti-
law enforcement statements regarding the death of George Floyd.

When I asked what was going on, Sloat said that Spencer Hunt and Josh McCullough 
had just been at his house trying to fight him because he asked if they had burglarized 
his house earlier in the day. Sloat also said that Spencer threw a windshield ice 
scraper in his direction. 

The scraper was laying on the sidewalk and was later collected as evidence. Sloat 
said that McCollough and Hunt were in a  green Pontiac Grand Prix that was being 
driven by an unknown blonde-haired female and that upon seeing the headlights from 
our patrol cars that they got in the car and left.  

Upon asking the other subject his name he continued to state "I dont have to talk to 
you" and did not give any meaningful information.

Sloats girl friend, Destiny Chapman came out of the house and reiterated what Sloat 
had said.  Chapman said that the green Grand Prix initially parked at the corner of 
North 14th St and East Oregon Avenue and that Spencer Hunter and Josh McCullough 
came running toward her house stating "let's work".  Chapman said that they remained 
in the curb lawn during this time.  Both Chapman and Sloat gave witness statements 
detailing the incident and were told to call police immediately should further issues 
arise. This case will be forwarded to the prosecutor for potential charges. Nothing 
additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed

On 06-02-2020, prosecutor Van Brocklin approved fourth degree misdemeanor 
charges of menacing (Ohio Revised Code 2903.22) against Spencer Hunt and Joshua 
McCullough. State complaint and criminal rule four forms were drafted and will be 
forwarded to the court for summons's.

Ptl. Reed

On 06-04-2020 at 17:57 hours, I served Joshua McCul)ough with a summons for 
menacing at his residence. McCullough was made aware to contact Mahoning County 
Court #3 to provide a working phone number for his telephone arraignment per court 
instructions. Multiple attempts have been made to contact Spencer Hunt to serve him 
his summons. I did make contact with his step-father yesterday as well as mother and 
step-father again today at their residence at 945 West Ohio Avenue.

They said that Spencer was aware that there is a summons waiting for him and that he 
should be contacting the police department to get it. 

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed

On 08/12/2020 Spencer Hunt was arrested by the Alliance Police department. Spencer 
was transported to Ralphs Deli to meet with Sebring Police department where Spencer 
Allen was arrested for his warrant and recoged on scene.  He was advised MCC#3 
would contact him with a court date and this Unit cleared. 

Ptl. Brindack 504 


ARREST REPORT   August 13, 2020  @   1500hrs
CASE No: 20007205


ARREST: Sara Myers, Age 27, 345 E Ohio Ave 

Charge: 2919.25 Domestic Violence M1 / Bond $2,500

July 31, 2020, at 1104 hours I, Patrolman Zachery Van Voorhis, was called to 345 E. 
Ohio Ave to collect a report over an lncident that occurred on July 30, 2020. The 
incident was a case of Domestic Violence between a wife and her husband involving 
possible drugs, and the wife's boyfriend.

The husband is Donald Myers of 345 E. Ohio Ave. He lives there with his now 
seperated wife Sara Myers and their 3 children -age 4. -age 2, and 9 month old . The 
house appeared nice on the inside, filled with toys, baby gates, and clean floors. Food 
was in the fridge with plenty of drinks for the children, formula and bottles also present. 
Donald met me outside near the back yard and walked me into the home.

Donald states that on July 30, 2020 around 1615hrs he came home early to surprise 
the family with KFC chicken. When he walked inside he saw a clear baggie of a white 
rocky substance on his counter with a lighter next to it. Sara got up to grab it when he 
walked in to attempt to grab it. Donald then yelled at her for having what he believed to 
be drugs in his home while their children were around. He then asked her to leave the 
home immediately.

At the moment he asked her to leave , XXXXXX, reportedly Sara's new boyfriend, 
pulled into Donald's driveway.  Donald went out to ask why he was there and as he 
walked out Sara grabbed a large decorative spoon hanging from the wall and struck 
Donald over the back with it. 

She then had the fork that was also on the wall and begun flinging  pictures off the wall 
onto the ground. She took things she could pick up to throw on the ground like an ash 

Donald also said she threatended to break the TV and all of his grandmothers 
heirlooms passed on to him. Donald told her to get her things and get  out.  Sara 
complied finally and took her things and left with XXXXX.

Donald  fed the kids, he called his lawyer who got back to him today and advised him 
to call the Sebring Police Department to file a report.  

xxxxx, the eldest of the children, did tell me he is afraid of his mother returning and 
hurting him. He said she has caused him a bloody nose in the past, confirmed by 

Donald also filled out a domestic violence statement and stated that he is afraid she 
will return today and things will escalate.  He took the kids to his mothers house for the 
rest of the day but they will all be back in the house tonight.  The packet was filled out 
and added to the report which will all be to the court for a warrant for the arrest of Sara 

On 08/13/2020 Sara Myers was picked up by the Salem Police department on her 
warrant. Sara was transported to Damascus Friend Church where I met with Salem 
and Recoged Sara on scene. Sara did sign a DV condition of bond and was advised 
she is not allowed around the Victim Donald Myers and was advised MCC#3 would 
contact her with a court date. I then cleared. 

Ptl. Brindack 504  08/13/2020


Monday, August 17, 2020
02:22 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT  August 12, 2020  @  2122hrs
CASE No: 20005207

WARRANT - Ralphs Deli

ARREST: Spencer Hunt, Age 22, 1221 Klinger Ave APT #6 Alliance, Oh

Charge: 2903.22 M4 menacing / Bond $500

On 05-31-2020, I was in the parking lot of the police station when I heared male voices 
yelling the area of the 100 block of East Oregon Avenue. I also could see several male 
subjects walking down the road front of The Rec as I was getting in my patrol car. 
Upon arriving to the area, arriving with Ptl. Russell, I found a subject who I know to be 
Justin Sloat as well as an unidentified black male standing in front of 136 East Oregon 
Avenue. As I approached in my patrol car, the black male lmmediately placed his 
hands in the air and began screaming "hands up don't shoot" as well as making anti-
law enforcement statements regarding the death of George Floyd.

When I asked what was going on, Sloat said that Spencer Hunt and Josh McCullough 
had just been at his house trying to fight him because he asked if they had burglarized 
his house earlier in the day. Sloat also said that Spencer threw a windshield ice 
scraper in his direction. 

The scraper was laying on the sidewalk and was later collected as evidence. Sloat 
said that McCollough and Hunt were in a  green Pontiac Grand Prix that was being 
driven by an unknown blonde-haired female and that upon seeing the headlights from 
our patrol cars that they got in the car and left.  

Upon asking the other subject his name he continued to state "I dont have to talk to 
you" and did not give any meaningful information.

Sloats girl friend, Destiny Chapman came out of the house and reiterated what Sloat 
had said.  Chapman said that the green Grand Prix initially parked at the corner of 
North 14th St and East Oregon Avenue and that Spencer Hunter and Josh McCullough 
came running toward her house stating "let's work".  Chapman said that they remained 
in the curb lawn during this time.  Both Chapman and Sloat gave witness statements 
detailing the incident and were told to call police immediately should further issues 
arise. This case will be forwarded to the prosecutor for potential charges. Nothing 
additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed

On 06-02-2020, prosecutor Van Brocklin approved fourth degree misdemeanor 
charges of menacing (Ohio Revised Code 2903.22) against Spencer Hunt and Joshua 
McCullough. State complaint and criminal rule four forms were drafted and will be 
forwarded to the court for summons's.

Ptl. Reed

On 06-04-2020 at 17:57 hours, I served Joshua McCul)ough with a summons for 
menacing at his residence. McCullough was made aware to contact Mahoning County 
Court #3 to provide a working phone number for his telephone arraignment per court 
instructions. Multiple attempts have been made to contact Spencer Hunt to serve him 
his summons. I did make contact with his step-father yesterday as well as mother and 
step-father again today at their residence at 945 West Ohio Avenue.

They said that Spencer was aware that there is a summons waiting for him and that he 
should be contacting the police department to get it. 

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed

On 08/12/2020 Spencer Hunt was arrested by the Alliance Police department. Spencer 
was transported to Ralphs Deli to meet with Sebring Police department where Spencer 
Allen was arrested for his warrant and recoged on scene.  He was advised MCC#3 
would contact him with a court date and this Unit cleared. 

Ptl. Brindack 504 


ARREST REPORT   August 13, 2020  @   1500hrs
CASE No: 20007205


ARREST: Sara Myers, Age 27, 345 E Ohio Ave 

Charge: 2919.25 Domestic Violence M1 / Bond $2,500

July 31, 2020, at 1104 hours I, Patrolman Zachery Van Voorhis, was called to 345 E. 
Ohio Ave to collect a report over an lncident that occurred on July 30, 2020. The 
incident was a case of Domestic Violence between a wife and her husband involving 
possible drugs, and the wife's boyfriend.

The husband is Donald Myers of 345 E. Ohio Ave. He lives there with his now 
seperated wife Sara Myers and their 3 children -age 4. -age 2, and 9 month old . The 
house appeared nice on the inside, filled with toys, baby gates, and clean floors. Food 
was in the fridge with plenty of drinks for the children, formula and bottles also present. 
Donald met me outside near the back yard and walked me into the home.

Donald states that on July 30, 2020 around 1615hrs he came home early to surprise 
the family with KFC chicken. When he walked inside he saw a clear baggie of a white 
rocky substance on his counter with a lighter next to it. Sara got up to grab it when he 
walked in to attempt to grab it. Donald then yelled at her for having what he believed to 
be drugs in his home while their children were around. He then asked her to leave the 
home immediately.

At the moment he asked her to leave , XXXXXX, reportedly Sara's new boyfriend, 
pulled into Donald's driveway.  Donald went out to ask why he was there and as he 
walked out Sara grabbed a large decorative spoon hanging from the wall and struck 
Donald over the back with it. 

She then had the fork that was also on the wall and begun flinging  pictures off the wall 
onto the ground. She took things she could pick up to throw on the ground like an ash 

Donald also said she threatended to break the TV and all of his grandmothers 
heirlooms passed on to him. Donald told her to get her things and get  out.  Sara 
complied finally and took her things and left with XXXXX.

Donald  fed the kids, he called his lawyer who got back to him today and advised him 
to call the Sebring Police Department to file a report.  

xxxxx, the eldest of the children, did tell me he is afraid of his mother returning and 
hurting him. He said she has caused him a bloody nose in the past, confirmed by 

Donald also filled out a domestic violence statement and stated that he is afraid she 
will return today and things will escalate.  He took the kids to his mothers house for the 
rest of the day but they will all be back in the house tonight.  The packet was filled out 
and added to the report which will all be to the court for a warrant for the arrest of Sara 

On 08/13/2020 Sara Myers was picked up by the Salem Police department on her 
warrant. Sara was transported to Damascus Friend Church where I met with Salem 
and Recoged Sara on scene. Sara did sign a DV condition of bond and was advised 
she is not allowed around the Victim Donald Myers and was advised MCC#3 would 
contact her with a court date. I then cleared. 

Ptl. Brindack 504  08/13/2020


Monday, August 10, 2020
02:45 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT   August 9, 2020  @  2026hrs
Case No.: 20008048 

Traffic - DUS

ARREST: Kevin Mccllough , Age 51
655 West Ohio Avenue

Charge:  SCO335.073 DUS(Non-Compliance)

On Sunday, August 9, 2020, I, Patrolman Peterman, was patrolling east on W. Ohio 
avenue when I witnessed a truck at the intersection of Ohio Avenue and N. 19th St. 
slowing down in the left turn only lane, then quickly change into the straight ahead lane 
without signaling the lane change. After witnessing this I activated my overhead 
emergency lights and audible siren.

The vehicle stopped immediately as I approached it in the 100 East block of Ohio 

After calling out my traffic stop to dispatch, I approached the vehicle to make contact 
with the driver, identified as Kevin Mccullough, I identified myself and informed him of 
the reason for the stop. Kevin was respectful in that regard for the explaination of the 
stop and I asked for his license.  Kevin license to me while stating the vehicle was his 
sons truck and his license was suspended. After returning to my patrol vehicle, I 
advised dispatch of the driver, who returned with news that Kevin was also under a 
non-compliance suspension.

After being notified of this, I issued a warning to Kevin for Turn and stop signals 
violation, and a citation for Driving Under Suspension- Non Compliance (SCO 
335.073). I advised Kevin I would give him a break by escorting him to the Gioninos 
parking lot, and advised him not to operate any vehicle until he rectifies the suspension 
on his license.

Patrolman Peterman #508


ARREST REPORT   August 7, 2020


CITED: Frederick Barrett

Charges:  #031914 for ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension and ORC 4511.12 
obedience to Traffic Control Device

On Friday, August 7,2020,I, Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling north on N Johnson 
Rd towards Courtney Rd. I observed a green SW approach .the intersection from the 
west and turn south onto N Johnson Rd without first coming to a complete stop at the 
posted stop sign. I activated my overhead emergency lights, audible siren and turned 
around after the vehicle to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a green Chevrolet bearing 
Ohio registration K416290, came to a complete stop near 1120 N Johnson Rd.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Frederick Barrett, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Barrett immediately admitted he 
did not have a license and after running his information through dispatch, I was 
informed his license was under a 12 point suspension. I requested a cover unit and 
tow truck to respond to my location.

Following the arrival of Patrolman Vanvoorhis, I instructed Barrett to exit the vehicle so 
I could perform a pat down of his person for weapons, Following the pat down, I had 
Barrett sit in the rear of #301 with the door open while Patrolman Vanvoorhis stood by 
for the vehicle inventory.

Springer's Towing arrived on scene following the conclusion of the administrative 
vehicle inventory. Barrett was issued traffic citation #031914 for ORC 4510.11 Driving 
Under Suspension and ORC 4511.12 obedience to Traffic Control Device. Barrett was 
informed his court appearance would be set a later date due to COVID-19 restrictions. 
Barrett was allowed to transfer property from the vehicle to another vehicle before it 
was towed from the scene.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT   August 3, 2020  @  1504hrs
Case No.: 20008010 

Stark County jail, 4500 Atlantic Blvd NE, Canton OH

ARREST: Brandon Court ,Age 29
545 W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

Charge:  ORC 2913.02  Theft (M1)  /  Bond $1,250

Upon arrival at 525 W Ohio Ave. I established contact with the complainant, Leigh 
Brown. Brown stated earlier this morning while taking trash out to her cans behind her 
residence, she discovered two white trash bags in her cans not belonging to her. 
Brown stated she received a message on Facebook Messenger from a neighbor,  at 
8:44 AM. In the message, It was conveyed by a neighbor observed Brandon Court 
carrying trash bags away from his residence and down the alley towards Brown's 
residence.  Brown "screen shot" the message and emailed it to my department email.

While walking down to 545 W Ohio Ave where I knew Court resided I requested 
dispatch to perform a warrant check. Dispatch advised had an active warrant through 
Stark County Sheriffs Office. Court came to the door after I knocked and when he 
opened it, I stated "there are some trash bags down the street at one of your neighbors 
' that don't belong to her".  Before I could finish speaking Court, admitted the bags 
belonged to him and that he had put them in the trash cans. I asked Court if I could 
step inside and he granted me access inside of his residence.

Court stated he knew he was probably getting arrested because he already knew 
about the warrant. I informed Court he did in fact have a warrant through Stark County 
and I would be taking him into custody. I allowed Court to perform some housekeeping 
tasks and smoke a cigarette due to his calm demeanor and cooperation. I read Court 
his Miranda Rights in regards to the theft of services and he acknowledged them as 
well as waiving them to answer any further questions I had.

Court was placed in handcuffs behind his back (gapped/double locked), patted down 
for weapons, and escorted to marked unit #301.

Court stated due to a previous surgery on his back, being cuffed from behind and 
having to sit down causes him great discomfort and pain. I granted Court's request to 
be cuffed In the front (gapped/double locked) and placed him in the rear of marked unit 
#301. I informed dispatch I had Court in custody pending confirmation from Stark 
County Sheriffs Office and to log Miranda.

After securing Court in the cruiser, I provided Brown with a statement packet and 
asked her to write down what happened and if she wanted to file theft charges. Brown 
provided a written statement and verbally conveyed to me she wanted to pursue 
charges against Court. I established contact with Brown's neighbor.  l informed of the 
situation and asked if she saw anything.  Stated she had video evidence of Court 
carrying trash bags away from his house and showed me one of the clips from earlier 
this morning from her home security system. .....emailed 8 video clips to my 
department email after I viewed one of them showing Court walking away from his 
residence carrying two white trash bags. I saw similar white trash bags in Court's 
residence earlier. 

I cleared from the scene and transported Court to the station to retrieve a face mask 
for him and provided dispatch with the key to his residence.
Dispatch subsequently advised Stark County would be sending a Sheriff's Deputy to 
meet me at Duke and Duchess on US HWY 62. I gave the face mask to Court for him 
to put on and transported him to meet with Stark County.

While Court was In the backseat of the cruiser, he voluntarily stated he has been trying 
to clean the house up and because he does not have trash service, he did not think it 
would be a big deal to put his trash in someone else's cans, especially because there 
was room. Right before the exchange of custody with Stark County, I informed Court a 
summons would be drafted for theft and delivered to him at a later date. After the 
Sheriffs Deputy from Stark County took custody of Court, I informed him I would be 
faxing a summons to the Sheriffs Office at a later time.

Once back at the station and reviewing evidence ,  a state complaint for ORC 2913.02  
Theft (M1) will be drafted and submitted to Mahoning County Court #3.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505    8/3/2020


Monday, August 10, 2020
02:43 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT   July 29, 2020   @  2000hrs
Case No.: 20007139

205 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring Ohio (Circle K)

707 County Rd. Amsterdam, 43903

Charge: 513.12  Drug Paraphernalia M-4 / Bond $500

Unit responded to a car accident at Circle K. I (Ptl. Stanton) arrived on scene on 
07/21/2020 at approximately 2000 hours to a car accident incident. Ptl. Brindack #504 
also responded and was also investigating. While investigating what had happened, 
Myself and Ptl. Brindack witnessed a young man later identified as Zachary Moore 
acting very irrationally coming out of the store.  He was sweating profusely and was 
talking very fast while not completing sentences. Zachary was also easily redirected to 
whoever would look at his direction. Ptl. Brindack verbally persuaded Zachary off to the 
side out of the immediate investigation to speak with him. Continuing my accident 
report the red vehicle (operated by Walter Ward) was backing up out of the parking 
space in a straight line and collided with the parked white vehicle. The white vehicle 
was pumping gas at this time. Ptl. Brindack was back on scene and we explained to 
both parties that this a private property accident and this will be up to the insurance 
companies for restitution. No medical services were asked for at this time for the vehicle 

Ptl. Brindack had called Sebring Squad under the advisement of Sgt. Kelm who had 
arrived on scene to check the health of Zachary Moore. Zachary was still behaving 
abnormally and continuously sweating.  Zachary was at first admitting to not sleeping 
for three days and then admitted to the Sebring Squad he just drank a monster. Ptl. 
Brindack further questioned Zachary and Zachary admitted to using Methamphetamine 
approximately four days ago. I immediately "Terry Frisked" Zachary  and found a red 
tube and metal container in his pockets. I also found a crumpled 20$ bill with Chinese 
characters on it. I instructed Zachary to go with the paramedics for clearance. At this 
time I asked the driver of the red vehicle (which Zachary is the passenger to) if I may 
search his vehicle. He consented and I advised Dispatch of the consent search. 
Nothing was found at this time.

Sebring Squad cleared Zachary Moore and I cited Zachary for Drug Paraphernalia 
(minor-misdemeanor) and advised him to contact the Mahoning County Court #3 for a 
court date.

Zachary was still very jittery and acting abnormal at this time and when clearing the 
scene stopped me to give me more money with Chinese characters on them. I advised 
Zachary this is not legit currency and he advised me to take them and destroy them. 
Zachary admitted he did not want arrested for having them. I told him to get in the 
vehicle and contact the courts and cleared the scene. I took into my possession the 
Drug Paraphernalia and the abnormal currency (3 - $100, and 1 - $20).

Upon discovery while writing my report, the citation issued at the scene is invalid. The 
crime is not a misdemeanor offense but rather and M-4. A summons will be sent to 
MCC#3 upon approval of Sgt. Kelm and then issued to Zachary upon court approval.

Ptl. Stanton #506

On 07/29/20 I, Ptl. Stanton  located Zachary Moore at the residence of Walter Ward in 
Beloit, Ohio.  I advised Zachary to disregard the MM citation and issued the Court 
Summons that was filed with the Village Ordinance accordingly.  I explained the phone 
arraignment and explained the consequences of not contacting the court on the 
appropriate day. 

I will be clear of the scene at this time. I will also be correcting the report to coincide 
with the actions of today.


Ptl. Stanton #506


ARREST REPORT   July 30, 2020   @  2130 hrs
Case No.: 20007202

225 W. Oregon Ave., Sebring, Oh

ARREST: Allen Reed, Age 45
175 W. Ohio Sebring, Oh

2917.11 Disorderly w/Persistance M-4  /  Bond $500
2911.21 Criminal Trespass M-4  /  Bond $500

Unit responded to Disorderly Conduct. While on station at Sebring Police station, I (Ptl. 
Stanton) monitored a call with Dispatcher Murphy. She was getting noticeably irritated 
with the caller in question. Telling her to place it on hold, I took the call. It was Allen 
Reed. I asked Allen Reed what was the nature of the call, advising he has called the 
Sebring Police phone line. Allen was hard to understand but it sounded like he was 
asking me to respond to the case I already responded to. I advised Allen that the case 
is being handled but he would not accept this and Continued to argue with me on the 
phone. I advised Allen earlier in the shift twice to not call the Police Station unless it is 
an emergency or something has happened to him. Allen was not acknowledging what I 
had said and continued arguing.

I told Allen to remain where he was and I asked Sgt. Kelm to meet at his residence to 
speak to him.  l did advise Sgt. Kelm we will be citing Allen for disorderly conduct on 
our arrival. When both units arrived at 175 w/Oregon, Allen's mother Karen Hill advised 
that Allen just took off and is unaware where he is at.  Leaving the residence I weht to 
Cirkle K to search for Allen since that is the only business open at this time. Sgt. Kelm 
mad advised he has Allen at Robert Chapin's residence. Upon my arrival, I saw Allen 
was already handcuffed and being secured by Sgt. Kelm. Robert Chapin was standing 
outside and stated Allen just came out of his house and he didn't let him in. I obtained 
statements from Robert and his guests Catherine Cox and Sean Mills at this time. All 
patiies denied letting Allen in the residence and he just entered it. Robert wishes to file 
charges for Trespassing. I advised Sgt. Kelm I will obtain the statements and he 
transported Allen to the Police Station for processing. 

On station, Sgt. Kelm and myself determined the charges and issued a recognizance 
for Allen at this time. Both charges are M-4's and Sgt. Kelm stated it is not jail worthy. 
Once the recognizance was signed by Allen, Sgt. Kelm escorted Allen to his 
residence.   Allen Reed is being charged with Criminal Trespassing 2911.21 (M-4) and 
Disorderly Conduct 2917.11 (M-4). Summons will be filed accordingly.

Ptl. Stanton #506


Following Narrative by  Sgt. Kelm #503

On 7/30/2020 I was dispatched to 175 W. Ohio Ave. with Ptl. Stanton after being 
advised Allen Reed had made multiple calls to dispatch that were not police related 
throughout the day. I was also advised he was told not to call unless it was an 
emergency or there was a crime that occurred.

Upon arrival at the above residence both units made contact with Karen Hill who 
advised Allen "took off' and she did not know where he went. Myself and Ptl. Stanton 
then cleared the residence to search the area for Allen. Ptl. Stanton proceeded east on 
Ohio Ave. and I responded to the 200 block of W. Oregon Ave. where there was a 
previous incident at the beginning of my shift. When I arrived at the stop sign on N. 
16th St. and W. Oregon Ave. I observed Allen sticking his head out the front door of 
225 W. Oregon Ave. yelling for Robert Chapin who lives at the residence.

I then had Allen leave the property and wak to my cruiser. I advised Allen he was 
under arrest for Disorderly Conduct w/Persistence ORC 2917.11 / M4. It should be 
noted that while speaking to Allen he had "pin point pupils", I could smell the odor of 
an alcoholic beverage emitting from his person, and he was slurring his speech. Allen 
advised he returned to Roberts residence to confront him about the earlier incident. I 
then handcuffed (gapped and double locked), and placed Allen in the rear of my 
cruiser. At this time Ptl. Stanton arrived on scene and began to talk to Robert who 
advised he did not give Allen permission to be in his house. Ptl. Stanton also spoke to 
Sean Mills and Catherine Cox who were in the residence at the time Allen entered and 
they advised they did not give permission for Allen to enter the residence. Sworn 
statements were written by all parties.

I then transported Allen back to the police station for processing. Allen was 
photographed, fingerprinted and released on $1000 OR bond for Criminal Trespass 
ORC 2911.21 / M4 and Disorderly Conduct with Persistence ORC 2917.11 /M4. I then 
gave Allen a curtesy  transport back to 175 W. Ohio Ave. 

Sgt. Kelm #503


Tuesday, July 28, 2020
11:25 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   July 24, 2020
Case No.: 20007112 

CRIMINAL - Disorderly Conduct

ARREST: James Kaminski, Age 43, 806 W. Ohio Ave.

Charge: 2917.11 Disorderly Conduct

On 07/17/2020 while on patrol I observed a quickly escalating argument unfolding In 
the parking lot of Circle K 205 E Ohio Ave. 

Upon making contact with the two parties Kandy Fredrick and James Kaminski arguing 
I quickly separated the two at which point my other two units Ptl. Stanton 506 and Ptl. 
Van Voorhis 519 were arriving on scene. I asked Ptl. Stanton to speak with Circle K 
employee to see if they had seen what happened and I had Ptl. van Voorhis speak 
with James while I spoke with Kandy. The following are the stories we received.

Kandy Fredricks advised to me that sometime ago James saw her pick up a 
gentleman walking on the side of the road. The individual happened to be black. Later 
on, at some point James entered her place of employment which is Dollar General in 
Beloit and questioned her on why she picked up a black man. According to Kandy 
James then yelled "white power" and began using the N word. That incident occurred 
outside of our jurisdiction. On this date when James saw Kandy, she advised he began 
screaming 'white power" and using the N word again in the middle of Circle K. Kandy 
then pulled out her phone to record the event which is when the argument moved 

Circle K employees advised Ptl. Stanton a similar story.

According to their account James entered the store and loudly began yelling "white 
power" and used the N word several times. They advised this action offended them 
and that James was no longer allowed in Circle K.  They also advised that when they 
asked James to leave he defended his actions and &as arguing with them as well. 
Simultaneously James advised to Ptl. Van Voorhis that he did yell white power and use 
the N word because he is retaliating against Kandy because she once called him a 
"Nigger Hater". James and his wife Amanda admitted that James was wrong and 
shouldn't be using such words, he also said he said he would willingly never return to 
Circle K.

Statements were obtained from Kandy, and Circle K employees. James refused to do 
a statement for Ptl. Van Voorhis. While on scene I felt James's action rose to the level 
of disorderly conduct. I contacted Chief Harris for his opinion and he advised that units 
should get the statements collect the facts and send everything for review by the 
prosecutor. If given approval by the prosecutor James could be cited for DOC at a later 

Circle K requested a Notice of restriction, James was verbally advised of said 
restriction and was told not to return to Circle K. NOR was completed and Circle K was 
given their copy, James is to pick his copy up later today 07/17/2020. 

I also requested Circle K produce a copy of the security footage showing James using 
racial slurs. This case will be pending for the time being.

Ptl. Brindack 504

On 07/21/2020 MM Disorderly conduct charges were approved.

On 07/24/2020 James Kaminski was issued a citation for MM disorderly 2917.11 and 
advised MCC#3 would advise hlm of his court date. James and his family expressed 
concerns about a facebook post which allegedly containes "100s of threats to James" 
they were advised to make copies of this post and bring it to the station.

Ptl. Brindack 504


ARREST REPORT   July 23, 2020


CITED: Anthony Barnes, 442 S. Liberty Ave. Alliance

Charges: DUS Non-Compliance/4510.11, Failure to Wear Seatbelt/337.27, and Open 

On 7/23/2020 while in a marked police cruiser I observed a gray in color Ford SUV 
traveling northbound on N.Johnson Rd. and turn esstbound on W. Ohio Ave. with only 
one headlight. I had dispatch run the vehicles registration through Leads which came 
back to Rachelle Priugle, 442 S. Liberty Ave. Alliance whose license also came back 
being suspended.  I then activated my emergency lights and the vehicle came to a 
complete stop in the 100 block of E. Ohio Ave.

I made contact with the driver who I later identified as Anthony Barnes, 442 S. Liberty 
Ave. Alliance. I informed Anthony that I stopped him due to the vehicle only having one 
working headlight and I also observed he was not wearing his seatbelt. I then 
requested his license, registration and proof of insurance. Anthony was unable to 
provide his license or insurance information, however he did produce the vehicles 
temporary registration. I had dispatch run Anthony through Leads and his license 
came back as being suspended for noncompliance.

Ptl. Reed arrived on scene to assist and obtained the passengers information Brandon 
Blackwell, 1145 Avalon Ave. Alliance. 

Dispatch advised Brandon had an active warrant out of Stark County for Trafficking 
Dangerous Drugs. Dispatch also advised they would meet on our station to process 
Brandon. Brandon was handcuffed and placed in the rear of Ptl. Reeds cruiser.

At this time Ptl. Reed asked Anthony for consent to search the vehicle to which he 
complied. While searching the vehicle Ftl. Reed observed a "Bud Ice Tall Boy" in the 
center console. Ptl. Reed asked Anthony if the alcoholic bcverage beionged to him and 
he advised that it did.

Anthony made contact with a valid driver Jacqueline Longobardi, 504 Webb Ave. 
Alliance who arrived on scene to drive the vehicle.

Ptl. Reed then cleared the scene and transported Brandon to the police station.

Anthony was then issued a citation for DUS Non-Compllance/4510.11, Failure to Wear 
Seatbelt/337.27, and Open Container/529.07.

Sgt. Kelm #503  7/23/2020


ARREST REPORT    July 27,2020 @ 0835 hrs
Case No: 20007178


CITED: Jonathan Cosgray, AGE 29, 132 N 16th St, Sebring, OH44672

Charge:ORC4510.11  Driving Under Suspension (License Forfeiture)

On Monday, July 27,2020, while sitting on N Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave, I observed a 
red Chrysler turn south onto N Johnson Rd from the west. I observed several items 
hanging from the rearview mirror obstructing the driver's view and heard the exhaust 
emitting a loud or unusual noise. I activated my overhead emergencey lights and 
proceeded south through the intersection to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a red 
Chrysler (Ohio K467059), pulled into the parking lot of Zep's Pizza and came to a 
complete stop.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Jonathan Cosgray, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Cosgray admitted he did not have 
a valid license and the vehicle belonged to his girlfriend. I instructed Cosgray to turn 
the ignition off and walk back to my patrol vehicle. Cosgray provided all of his 
information to me verbally and was subsequently placed in the rear of #301. I rolled 
the windows down and asked Cosgray for consent to search the vehicle.

Cosgray provided consent to search his vehicle and was given his phone to contact a 
valid driver. No contraband was discovered during the course of the consensual 
search. Cosgray's mother arrived on scene and her license was verified through 
dispatch as valid.

Cosgray was issued a verbal warning for loud exhaust, obstructed view and issued 
traffic citation #031913 for ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (License 
Forfeiture). Cosgray was informed his mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 will be set at a later date due to COVID-19. Cosgray and the vehicle 
were released under the control of his mother.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT    July 26, 2020
Case No: 20007174

836 S. 13th St., Sebring, Oh

ARREST: Hunter Prendergast

Charge: ORC 2911.13 Breaking and Entering / Bond $2500.00

Patrolman Vanvoorhis and I arrived on scene at the same time and approached 
apartment #5.

The door was closed and appeared to be locked but was able to be pushed in as there 
appeared to be damage to the door frame.  Dispatch advised the caller phoned back to 
report the suspect left and went into apartment #2. A search of apartment #5 was 
performed and it was discovered no one was living there anymore.

Patrolman Vanvoorhis and I approached apartment #2 and established contact with a 
shirtless male I knew to be Hunter Prendergast from prior interactions. Prendergast 
stated he went into the apartment because he thought Keith Lemasters still lived there 
and wanted to bum cigarette off of him. Prendergast was detained, placed in handcuffs 
befind his back (gapped/double locked) and placed in the rear of marked unit #301. I 
informed Prendergast he was detained pending further investigation.

Patrolman Vanvoorhis and I spoke with the original caller who was on the phone with 
the owner of the property who has been having problems with people going into into 
the vacant apartment even after changing the locks. I asked Courtney if he wanted to 
press charges against Prendergast and he stated he wanted charges. I asked 
Courtney to phone the station on the recorded ljne and speak with dispatch. Disbatch 
later confirmed Courtney wanted to follow through with criminal charges.

I went back to my cruiser and informed Prendergast he was under arrest for Breaking 
& Entering and informed him of his Miranda Rights. Prendergast acknowledged his 
rights and stated he was willing to waive them to make a statement. 

Apartment #5 was secured as best as we could given the damage to the door frame. 
While Patrolman Vanvoorhis remained on scene to gather a voluntary written 
statement from the caller, I transported Prendergast to the Sebring Police Department 
for processing. Upon arrival at the station, I provided Prendergast with a face mask 
and escorted him into the audio and video recorded squad room.

I removed the handcuffs from Prendergast and allowed him to put on a shirt, pair of 
shoes provided to us by his girlfriend and also provided him with a bottle of water. I 
allowed Prendergast to phone a bondsman as well as family and friends to acquire the 
funds needed for his bond. 

Jail paperwork was drafted as a precaution and the jail notified in case bond could not 
be posted.

Prendergast was successful in acquiring the funds for bond and the bondsman from 
Sly Bail Bonds was called back. During processing. Prendergast was photographed, 
re-read his Miranda Rights which he waived and provided a voluntary statement.

Chris Hankovitch from Sly Bail Bonds arrived at the station and took receipt of 
Prendergast's cash bond from Kayland Conner. Prendergast was provided a 
recognizance of the accused and informed his court appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 to answer for the charge of ORC 2911.13 Breaking & Entering 
(Felony-5) would be set a later date due to COVID-19. Prendergast signed the 
recognizance of the accused, was provided a copy and was subsequently released 
from the station.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT   July 25, 2020
Case No.: 20007168


ARREST: Clyton Smart, AGE 22, 4061 Reiss Rd, Rootstown, OH

ORC 4510.11  Driving Under Suspension (Noncompliance)

WARRANT (Alliance Police)

On Saturday, July 25,2020, while sitting in the parking lot of Perkins on Harrisburg 
Westville Rd (US BWY 62) and S Johnson Rd, I observed a silver Jeep with no 
registration pull up to the traffic light heading south. As the vehicle continued south 
through the intersection, I could hear the vehicle exhaust emitting excessive or 
unusual noise. I followed after the vehicle south into Columbiana County and activated 
my overhead emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a complete 
stop on Knox School Rd just south of US HWY 62.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Clayton Smart, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Smart immediately admitted he did 
not have a valid driver's license. I instructed Smart to turn the ignition off and walk 
back with me to the front of my cruiser. While collecting Smart's information verbally, 
he advised he had several warrants for his arrest out of multiple law enforcement 
agencies. Due to the extreme level of cooperation from Smart, I allowed Smart to 
remain standing freely until I could verify what he told me.

Dispatch advised Smart did in fact have active warrants for his arrest and one of the 
agencies, Alliance Police Department, wanted him. Patrolman Vanvoorhis arrived on 
scene at this time to assist. I allowed Smart to speak with and hug his girlfriend before 
escorting him hack to my cruiser where I placed him in handcuffs behind his back 
(gapped/double locked) and allowed him to smoke a cigarette. Patrolman Vanvoorhis 
collected the girlfriend's information and we learned through dispatch she had a valid 
license through Florida but was suspended through Ohio.

Patrolman Vanvoorhis remained on scene while the girlfriend made efforts to get a 
valid driver to the scene to take control of the vehicle. I transported Smart from the 
scene to Duke and Duchess on US HWY 62 to meet with Alliance PD for the custody 
exchange. While waiting for the officer from Alliance to arrive, Smart was informed of 
his traffic citation (#031912) for driving under suspension and that his court 
appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 would be set at a later date. An 
Alliance officer arrived on scene and 1 provided him with the citation before custody of 
Smart was exchanged.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT   July 24, 2020
Case No.: 20007167

495 E. Ohio Ave., Sebring, Oh

ARREST: Beth Yoho, AGE 48, 730 Lands End Lane, Deerfield, Oh

Charge: ORC 2907.09A1 Public Indecency / Bond $500

Upon arrival I observed a adult male actively washing his vehicle and an adult female 
in the corner beginninq to stand from a squatting position. I informed the female we 
needed to have a conversation about what she just did on camera as I hinted to the 
camera above. The female voluntarily admitted to urinating in the car wash bay and by 
saying, "Yes, I piddled" (sic). I informed the female her actions were viewed by a 
concerned citizen who phoned the stabion to report it. Both parties were identified by 
their Ohio licenses a Beth E. Yoho and David Yoho.

Patrolman Vanvoorhis arrived on scene at this time to assist. While interacting with 
Beth and David I detected an odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from them as they 
spoke.  David admitted to drinking a couple beers approximately an hour ago and Beth 
admitted to drinking two beers. Officers placed Beth in handcuffs behind her back 
(gapped/double locked) and informed her she was under arrest for Public Indecency.  
Patrolman Vanvoorhis remained on scene with David until a sober and valid driver 
could take control of the vehicle he was washing.

Beth was transported to the SEBRING POLICE DEPARTMENT and provided a mask 
before entering the station.  The handcuffs were removed and Beth was provided a 
recognizance of the accused.  After explaining the form to Beth she provided her 
signature, phone number and was given a copy.  Beth was subsequently 
photographed and released to the lobby to wait for her ride.  I informed Beth dur to 
Covid-19 restrictions the court woule contact her regarding a date and time for her 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT    July 24, 2020
Case No: 20007161


CITED: Brittany Wheeler , AGE 33, 7955 Columbus Rd., Louisville, Oh

Charge: SCO 337.27  Driver Required to Wear Seat Belt

On Friday, July 24,2020, while patrolling north on S Johnson Rd, I observed a gray 
sedan perform a wide turn from W California Ave north onto S Johnson Rd. The wide 
turn caused the vehicle to enter the southbound lane. I followed the vehicle to N 
Johnson Rd at W 0hio Ave.and activated my overhead emergency lights to initiate a 
traffic stop. The vehicle, a gray Chevrolet bearing Ohio registration JCR7735 came to 
a complete stop in the 700 block of W Ohio Ave.

Upon establishing contact with the driver identified as Brittany Wheeler, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for the stop.  While speaking to Wheeler I 
observed she was not wearing her seat belt and inquired about it.  Wheeler admitted 
she was not wearing her seat belt prior to being stopped.  Appropriate documentation 
was presented by Wheeler upon request.

Wheeler was issued traffic citation #031910 for SCO 337.27 Driver Required to Wear 
Seat Belt and given a verbal warning for the wide turn. Wheeler was provided 
instructions on how to take care of the citation.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT    July 24, 2020


On Friday. July 24,2020, while patrolling north on S 15th St from W Texas Ave, I 
observed a dark colored jeep (Ohio HZC8214) in front of me emitting a loud exhaust 
and an obstruction hanging from the rear view mirror. I turned east onto E Florida Ave 
after the vehicle and activated my overhead emergency lights as the vehicle turned 
into a parking lot across from 135 E Florida Ave. As the driver began to exit the 
vehicle, I ordered him to remain where he was and approached. I identified the driver 
verbally as Bevan Campbell.

Campbell admitted he did not have an operator's license and there was a marijuana 
bowl underneath the driver seat.  After retrieving the bowl from under the seat I 
performed a pat down of Campbell for weapons. Campbell was subsequently placed 
into the back of #304 pending further investigation.

Dispatch advised Campbell's license states was suspended under license forfeiture. A 
subsequent search of the vehicle led to the discovery of an additional marijuana bowl, 
marijuana grinder with residue and two white pills identified as Trazodone in the center 
console. Campbell was read his Miranda Rights which be acknowledged.

Campbell voluntarily admitted he got the pills from his mother. Trazodone is not listed 
under any schedule classification and requires a doctor's prescription. The pills and 
marijuana paraphernalia were seized and secured. Campbell was issued minor 
misdemeanor citation #000865 for SCO 513.121 Marijuana Drug Paraphernalia, traffic 
citation #031911 for ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension and informed his 
appearance would be set at a later date.

Campbell was subsequently released from the scene.

The marijuana paraphernalia and pills were photographed, logged and secured in 
evidence locker #2.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT    July 24, 2020
Case No: 20007157


CITED: Zackery Price, AGE 26, 1515 Mogador Rd., Kent, Oh

Charge: SCO 337.27 Driver Required to Wear Seat Belt

On Friday July 24, 2020 while patrolling south on S Johnson Rd: I observed a red truck 
near Grandview Cemetary travelling in the opposite direction at what appeared to be a 
rate of speed greater than the posted 35 mph limit. Upon activating the forward 
mounted radar antenna I observed a speed of 51 MPH on the digital display I activated 
my overhead emergency lights and turned around after the vehicle passed to initiate a 
traffic stop. The vehicle, a red GMC truck bearing Ohio registration HFT1281, came to 
a complete stop in the 1200 block of S Johnson Rd.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Zackry Price, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop.  While speaking with Price I observed he 
was not wearing his seat belt and inquired about it. Price admitted he was not wearing 
his seat belt prior to being stopped.

Appropriate documentation was provided by Price upon request. Price was issued 
traffic citation #031909 for SCO 337.27 Driver Required to Wear Seat Belt and given a 
verbal warning for speed. Price was informed of his appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 would be set a later date and provided him instructions on how to 
take care ofthe citation.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505

PUBLISHED 11:55 AM 7/28/2020 *

Tuesday, July 28, 2020
11:25 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   July 24, 2020
Case No.: 20007112 

CRIMINAL - Disorderly Conduct

ARREST: James Kaminski, Age 43, 806 W. Ohio Ave.

Charge: 2917.11 Disorderly Conduct

On 07/17/2020 whlle on patrol I observed a quickly escalating argument unfolding In 
the parking lot of Circle K 205 E Ohio Ave. 

Upon making contact with the two parties Kandy Fredrick and James Kaminski arguing 
I quickly separated the two at which point my other two units Ptl. Stanton 506 and Ptl. 
Van Voorhis 519 were arriving on scene. I asked Ptl. Stanton to speak with Circle K 
employee to see if they had seen what happened and I had Ptl. van Voorhis speak 
with James while I spoke with Kandy. The following are the stories we received.

Kandy Fredricks advised to me that sometime ago James saw her pick up a 
gentleman walking on the side of the road. The individual happened to be black. Later 
on, at some point James entered her place of employment which is Dollar General in 
Beloit hnd questioned her on why she picked up a black man. According to Kandy 
James ihen yelled "white power" and began using the N word. That incident occurred 
outside of our jurisdiction. On this date when James saw Kandy, she advised he began 
screaming 'white power" and using the N word again in the middle of Circle K. Kandy 
then pulled out her phone to record the event which is when the argument moved 

Circle K employees advised Ptl. Stanton a similar story.

According to their account James entered the store and loudly began yelling "white 
power" and used the N word several times. They advised this action offended them 
and that James was no longer allowed in Circle K.  They also advised that when they 
asked James to leave he defended his actions and &as arguing with them as well. 
Simultaneously James advised to Ptl. Van Voorhis that he did yell white power and use 
the N word because he is retaliating against Kandy because she once called him a 
"Nigger Hater". James and his wife Amanda admitted that James was wrong and 
shouldn't be using such words, he also said he said he would willingly never return to 
Circle K.

Statements were obtained from Kandy, and Circle K employees. James refused to do 
a statement for Ptl. Van Voorhis. While on scene I felt James's action rose to the level 
of disorderly conduct. I contacted Chief Harris for his opinion and he advised that units 
should get the statements collect the facts and send everything for review by the 
prosecutor. If given approval by the prosecutor James could be cited for DOC at a later 

Circle K requested a Notice of restriction, James was verbally advised of said 
restriction and was told not to return to Circle K. NOR was completed and Circle K was 
given their copy, James is to pick his copy up later today 07/17/2020. 

I also requested Circle K produce a copy of the security footage showing James using 
racial slurs. This case will be pending for the time being.

Ptl. Brindack 504

On 07/21/2020 MM Disorderly conduct charges were approved.

On 07/24/2020 James Kaminski was issued a citation for MM disorderly 2917.11 and 
advised MCC#3 would advise hlm of his court date. James and his family expressed 
concerns about a facebook post which allegedly containes "100s of threats to James" 
they were advised to make copies of this post and bring it to the station.

Ptl. Brindack 504


ARREST REPORT   July 23, 2020


CITED: Anthony Barnes, 442 S. Liberty Ave. Alliance

Charges: DUS Non-Compliance/4510.11, Failure to Wear Seatbelt/337.27, and Open 

On 7/23/2020 while in a marked police cruiser I observed a gray in color Ford SUV 
traveling northbound on N.Johnson Rd. and turn esstbound on W. Ohio Ave. with only 
one headlight. I had dispatch run the vehicles registration through Leads which came 
back to Rachelle Priugle, 442 S. Liberty Ave. Alliance whose license also came back 
being suspended.  I then activated my emergency lights and the vehicle came to a 
complete stop in the 100 block of E. Ohio Ave.

I made contact with the driver who I later identified as Anthony Barnes, 442 S. Liberty 
Ave. Alliance. I informed Anthony that I stopped him due to the vehicle only having one 
working headlight and I also observed he was not wearing his seatbelt. I then 
requested his license, registration and proof of insurance. Anthony was unable to 
provide his license or insurance information, however he did produce the vehicles 
temporary registration. I had dispatch run Anthony through Leads and his license 
came back as being suspended for noncompliance.

Ptl. Reed arrived on scene to assist and obtained the passengers information Brandon 
Blackwell, 1145 Avalon Ave. Alliance. 

Dispatch advised Brandon had an active warrant out of Stark County for Trafficking 
Dangerous Drugs. Dispatch also advised they would meet on our station to process 
Brandon. Brandon was handcuffed and placed in the rear of Ptl. Reeds cruiser.

At this time Ptl. Reed asked Anthony for consent to search the vehicle to which he 
complied. While searching the vehicle Ftl. Reed observed a "Bud Ice Tall Boy" in the 
center console. Ptl. Reed asked Anthony if the alcoholic bcverage beionged to him and 
he advised that it did.

Anthony made contact with a valid driver Jacqueline Longobardi, 504 Webb Ave. 
Alliance who arrived on scene to drive the vehicle.

Ptl. Reed then cleared the scene and transported Brandon to the police station.

Anthony was then issued a citation for DUS Non-Compllance/4510.11, Failure to Wear 
Seatbelt/337.27, and Open Container/529.07.

Sgt. Kelm #503  7/23/2020


ARREST REPORT    July 27,2020 @ 0835 hrs
Case No: 20007178


CITED: Jonathan Cosgray, AGE 29, 132 N 16th St, Sebring, OH44672

Charge:ORC4510.11  Driving Under Suspension (License Forfeiture)

On Monday, July 27,2020, while sitting on N Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave, I observed a 
red Chrysler turn south onto N Johnson Rd from the west. I observed several items 
hanging from the rearview mirror obstructing the driver's view and heard the exhaust 
emitting a loud or unusual noise. I activated my overhead emergencey lights and 
proceeded south through the intersection to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a red 
Chrysler (Ohio K467059), pulled into the parking lot of Zep's Pizza and came to a 
complete stop.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Jonathan Cosgray, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Cosgray admitted he did not have 
a valid license and the vehicle belonged to his girlfriend. I instructed Cosgray to turn 
the ignition off and walk back to my patrol vehicle. Cosgray provided all of his 
information to me verbally and was subsequently placed in the rear of #301. I rolled 
the windows down and asked Cosgray for consent to search the vehicle.

Cosgray provided consent to search his vehicle and was given his phone to contact a 
valid driver. No contraband was discovered during the course of the consensual 
search. Cosgray's mother arrived on scene and her license was verified through 
dispatch as valid.

Cosgray was issued a verbal warning for loud exhaust, obstructed view and issued 
traffic citation #031913 for ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension (License 
Forfeiture). Cosgray was informed his mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 will be set at a later date due to COVID-19. Cosgray and the vehicle 
were released under the control of his mother.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT    July 26, 2020
Case No: 20007174

836 S. 13th St., Sebring, Oh

ARREST: Hunter Prendergast

Charge: ORC 2911.13 Breaking and Entering / Bond $2500.00

Patrolman Vanvoorhis and I arrived on scene at the same time and approached 
apartment #5.

The door was closed and appeared to be locked but was able to be pushed in as there 
appeared to be damage to the door frame.  Dispatch advised the caller phoned back to 
report the suspect left and went into apartment #2. A search of apartment #5 was 
performed and it was discovered no one was living there anymore.

Patrolman Vanvoorhis and I approached apartment #2 and established contact with a 
shirtless male I knew to be Hunter Prendergast from prior interactions. Prendergast 
stated he went into the apartment because he thought Keith Lemasters still lived there 
and wanted to bum cigarette off of him. Prendergast was detained, placed in handcuffs 
befind his back (gapped/double locked) and placed in the rear of marked unit #301. I 
informed Prendergast he was detained pending further investigation.

Patrolman Vanvoorhis and I spoke with the original caller who was on the phone with 
the owner of the property who has been having problems with people going into into 
the vacant apartment even after changing the locks. I asked Courtney if he wanted to 
press charges against Prendergast and he stated he wanted charges. I asked 
Courtney to phone the station on the recorded ljne and speak with dispatch. Disbatch 
later confirmed Courtney wanted to follow through with criminal charges.

I went back to my cruiser and informed Prendergast he was under arrest for Breaking 
& Entering and informed him of his Miranda Rights. Prendergast acknowledged his 
rights and stated he was willing to waive them to make a statement. 

Apartment #5 was secured as best as we could given the damage to the door frame. 
While Patrolman Vanvoorhis remained on scene to gather a voluntary written 
statement from the caller, I transported Prendergast to the Sebring Police Department 
for processing. Upon arrival at the station, I provided Prendergast with a face mask 
and escorted him into the audio and video recorded squad room.

I removed the handcuffs from Prendergast and allowed him to put on a shirt, pair of 
shoes provided to us by his girlfriend and also provided him with a bottle of water. I 
allowed Prendergast to phone a bondsman as well as family and friends to acquire the 
funds needed for his bond. 

Jail paperwork was drafted as a precaution and the jail notified in case bond could not 
be posted.

Prendergast was successful in acquiring the funds for bond and the bondsman from 
Sly Bail Bonds was called back. During processing. Prendergast was photographed, 
re-read his Miranda Rights which he waived and provided a voluntary statement.

Chris Hankovitch from Sly Bail Bonds arrived at the station and took receipt of 
Prendergast's cash bond from Kayland Conner. Prendergast was provided a 
recognizance of the accused and informed his court appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 to answer for the charge of ORC 2911.13 Breaking & Entering 
(Felony-5) would be set a later date due to COVID-19. Prendergast signed the 
recognizance of the accused, was provided a copy and was subsequently released 
from the station.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT   July 25, 2020
Case No.: 20007168


ARREST: Clyton Smart, AGE 22, 4061 Reiss Rd, Rootstown, OH

ORC 4510.11  Driving Under Suspension (Noncompliance)

WARRANT (Alliance Police)

On Saturday, July 25,2020, while sitting in the parking lot of Perkins on Harrisburg 
Westville Rd (US BWY 62) and S Johnson Rd, I observed a silver Jeep with no 
registration pull up to the traffic light heading south. As the vehicle continued south 
through the intersection, I could hear the vehicle exhaust emitting excessive or 
unusual noise. I followed after the vehicle south into Columbiana County and activated 
my overhead emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a complete 
stop on Knox School Rd just south of US HWY 62.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Clayton Smart, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Smart immediately admitted he did 
not have a valid driver's license. I instructed Smart to turn the ignition off and walk 
back with me to the front of my cruiser. While collecting Smart's information verbally, 
he advised he had several warrants for his arrest out of multiple law enforcement 
agencies. Due to the extreme level of cooperation from Smart, I allowed Smart to 
remain standing freely until I could verify what he told me.

Dispatch advised Smart did in fact have active warrants for his arrest and one of the 
agencies, Alliance Police Department, wanted him. Patrolman Vanvoorhis arrived on 
scene at this time to assist. I allowed Smart to speak with and hug his girlfriend before 
escorting him hack to my cruiser where I placed him in handcuffs behind his back 
(gapped/double locked) and allowed him to smoke a cigarette. Patrolman Vanvoorhis 
collected the girlfriend's information and we learned through dispatch she had a valid 
license through Florida but was suspended through Ohio.

Patrolman Vanvoorhis remained on scene while the girlfriend made efforts to get a 
valid driver to the scene to take control of the vehicle. I transported Smart from the 
scene to Duke and Duchess on US HWY 62 to meet with Alliance PD for the custody 
exchange. While waiting for the officer from Alliance to arrive, Smart was informed of 
his traffic citation (#031912) for driving under suspension and that his court 
appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 would be set at a later date. An 
Alliance officer arrived on scene and 1 provided him with the citation before custody of 
Smart was exchanged.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT   July 24, 2020
Case No.: 20007167

495 E. Ohio Ave., Sebring, Oh

ARREST: Beth Yoho, AGE 48, 730 Lands End Lane, Deerfield, Oh

Charge: ORC 2907.09A1 Public Indecency / Bond $500

Upon arrival I observed a adult male actively washing his vehicle and an adult female 
in the corner beginninq to stand from a squatting position. I informed the female we 
needed to have a conversation about what she just did on camera as I hinted to the 
camera above. The female voluntarily admitted to urinating in the car wash bay and by 
saying, "Yes, I piddled" (sic). I informed the female her actions were viewed by a 
concerned citizen who phoned the stabion to report it. Both parties were identified by 
their Ohio licenses a Beth E. Yoho and David Yoho.

Patrolman Vanvoorhis arrived on scene at this time to assist. While interacting with 
Beth and David I detected an odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from them as they 
spoke.  David admitted to drinking a couple beers approximately an hour ago and Beth 
admitted to drinking two beers. Officers placed Beth in handcuffs behind her back 
(gapped/double locked) and informed her she was under arrest for Public Indecency.  
Patrolman Vanvoorhis remained on scene with David until a sober and valid driver 
could take control of the vehicle he was washing.

Beth was transported to the SEBRING POLICE DEPARTMENT and provided a mask 
before entering the station.  The handcuffs were removed and Beth was provided a 
recognizance of the accused.  After explaining the form to Beth she provided her 
signature, phone number and was given a copy.  Beth was subsequently 
photographed and released to the lobby to wait for her ride.  I informed Beth dur to 
Covid-19 restrictions the court woule contact her regarding a date and time for her 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT    July 24, 2020
Case No: 20007161


CITED: Brittany Wheeler , AGE 33, 7955 Columbus Rd., Louisville, Oh

Charge: SCO 337.27  Driver Required to Wear Seat Belt

On Friday, July 24,2020, while patrolling north on S Johnson Rd, I observed a gray 
sedan perform a wide turn from W California Ave north onto S Johnson Rd. The wide 
turn caused the vehicle to enter the southbound lane. I followed the vehicle to N 
Johnson Rd at W 0hio Ave.and activated my overhead emergency lights to initiate a 
traffic stop. The vehicle, a gray Chevrolet bearing Ohio registration JCR7735 came to 
a complete stop in the 700 block of W Ohio Ave.

Upon establishing contact with the driver identified as Brittany Wheeler, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for the stop.  While speaking to Wheeler I 
observed she was not wearing her seat belt and inquired about it.  Wheeler admitted 
she was not wearing her seat belt prior to being stopped.  Appropriate documentation 
was presented by Wheeler upon request.

Wheeler was issued traffic citation #031910 for SCO 337.27 Driver Required to Wear 
Seat Belt and given a verbal warning for the wide turn. Wheeler was provided 
instructions on how to take care of the citation.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT    July 24, 2020


On Friday. July 24,2020, while patrolling north on S 15th St from W Texas Ave, I 
observed a dark colored jeep (Ohio HZC8214) in front of me emitting a loud exhaust 
and an obstruction hanging from the rear view mirror. I turned east onto E Florida Ave 
after the vehicle and activated my overhead emergency lights as the vehicle turned 
into a parking lot across from 135 E Florida Ave. As the driver began to exit the 
vehicle, I ordered him to remain where he was and approached. I identified the driver 
verbally as Bevan Campbell.

Campbell admitted he did not have an operator's license and there was a marijuana 
bowl underneath the driver seat.  After retrieving the bowl from under the seat I 
performed a pat down of Campbell for weapons. Campbell was subsequently placed 
into the back of #304 pending further investigation.

Dispatch advised Campbell's license states was suspended under license forfeiture. A 
subsequent search of the vehicle led to the discovery of an additional marijuana bowl, 
marijuana grinder with residue and two white pills identified as Trazodone in the center 
console. Campbell was read his Miranda Rights which be acknowledged.

Campbell voluntarily admitted he got the pills from his mother. Trazodone is not listed 
under any schedule classification and requires a doctor's prescription. The pills and 
marijuana paraphernalia were seized and secured. Campbell was issued minor 
misdemeanor citation #000865 for SCO 513.121 Marijuana Drug Paraphernalia, traffic 
citation #031911 for ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension and informed his 
appearance would be set at a later date.

Campbell was subsequently released from the scene.

The marijuana paraphernalia and pills were photographed, logged and secured in 
evidence locker #2.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT    July 24, 2020
Case No: 20007157


CITED: Zackery Price, AGE 26, 1515 Mogador Rd., Kent, Oh

Charge: SCO 337.27 Driver Required to Wear Seat Belt

On Friday July 24, 2020 while patrolling south on S Johnson Rd: I observed a red truck 
near Grandview Cemetary travelling in the opposite direction at what appeared to be a 
rate of speed greater than the posted 35 mph limit. Upon activating the forward 
mounted radar antenna I observed a speed of 51 MPH on the digital display I activated 
my overhead emergency lights and turned around after the vehicle passed to initiate a 
traffic stop. The vehicle, a red GMC truck bearing Ohio registration HFT1281, came to 
a complete stop in the 1200 block of S Johnson Rd.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Zackry Price, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop.  While speaking with Price I observed he 
was not wearing his seat belt and inquired about it. Price admitted he was not wearing 
his seat belt prior to being stopped.

Appropriate documentation was provided by Price upon request. Price was issued 
traffic citation #031909 for SCO 337.27 Driver Required to Wear Seat Belt and given a 
verbal warning for speed. Price was informed of his appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 would be set a later date and provided him instructions on how to 
take care ofthe citation.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505

PUBLISHED 11:55 AM 7/28/2020 *

Tuesday, July 21, 2020
08:39 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT  July 13, 2020
Case# 20-007083


ARREST: Sherrie Simpson, Age 41
426 E. Vermont Ave, Sebring OH 


Narrative by Ptl. Reed #507

On 07-13-2020 at 28:15 hours Ptl. Peterman and I were dispatched to Circle K at 205 
E. Ohio Avenue, regarding a report of a female subject who was assaulting a male. 
Upon arriving, I found a crowd of approximately a dozen people assembled outside of 
the business. As I approached, I asked what had happened, with a female employee 
of Circle K pointing to a female subject that was standing near the entrance to the 
store, who I know to be Sherrie Simpson, and saying that she was beating on a guy in 
a white car. When I asked Sinipson if the person who she had been fighting with was 
Patrick Levelle, she said that it was. It should be noted that I have handled domestic 
violence incidents between Simpson and Levelle in the past.

I then placed Simpson in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double locked, 
before patting her down for weapons using the back of my hand. I noticed fresh cuts 
and blood on Simpsons hands at this time. I then secured Simpson in the back of 
Patrol car 301 so that I could determine who had witnessed the incident and what 
exactly they had seen.

All agreed to provide voluntary witness statements detailing what they had seen. I was 
also advised that the male half was now at the far end of the parking lot in his vehicle. I 
then instructed Ptl. Peterman to gather information and statements from the witnesses 
so that I could speak to the male subject.

Upon making contact with Patrick Levelle, who was sitting in a white Pontiac G8 at the 
other end of the parking lot, he advised that he had come to Circle K to get his dog 
from Simpson. Levelle said that Simpson had been drinking, left their house with the 
dog, and that she was trying to give it away at the store. Levelle said that he also went 
into the store to get cigarettes and upon coming out, got back into his vehicle, which 
was when he was approached by Simpson. Levelle said that Simpson then began 
striking him in his face and head through the open window of his car. Levelle also said 
that Simpson began striking the car as well, with her causing damage to the plastic 
rain guards on the driver side door. Pieces of the rain guards were laying in the parking 
spot where Levelle said that he had been parked at during the incident. When I asked 
Levelle if he were injured or needed medical treatment, he said that he was okay and 
was not injured. He also confirmed that he and Simpson still cohabitate together as 
boyfriend and girlfriend. I then briefly stepped away from Levelle so that I could check 
on what the witnesses had to say. While doing this, I overheard Simpson screaming 
profanities at Levella from the back of my patrol car. Because of this, I instructed 
Levelle to wait for me in the parking lot of Gionino's pizza. I also moved my patrol car 
to a parking spot. While in my patrol car I spoke to Simpson, with me reading her her 
Miranda rights. When I asked Simpson what had happened, she would only say that "it 
doesn't matter".

In speaking with the above listed witnesses, they all advised that Simpson had been at 
the store for approximately 45 minutes with the dog, that she was trying to give it away, 
and that Levelle had come to get the dog. The witnesses said that Simpson had 
approached Levelie while he was in his vehicle and began hitting him and the car, 
causing the damage to the rain guards. None of the witnesses said that they had seen 
Levelle attempt to fight back, nor had he at any point hit Simpson. I was also advised 
that Simpson had been drinking a long island iced tea while she was at the store.

I then went back to speak with Levelle in the parking lot of Gionino's. Levelle signed 
the domestic violence complaint form as well as provided me with a witness statement 
detailing his side of events.

When I asked if he wished to pursue criminal damaging charges for the damage that 
Simpson had done to his car, he said no, and that he believed she would be in enough 
trouble with the domestic violence charge. I then photographed the damage to 
Levelle's vehicle as well as a small amount of blood that was on the driver side door 
and that Levelle said he believed was from Simpson cutting herself while punching the 
car. Levelle then signed the domestic violence instruction form, with me tearing off a 
copy from the domestic violence packet and giving it to him. Levelle then left.

Because the evidence indicating that Simpson was the sole aggressor in the incident 
she was placed under arrest for domestic violence. Upon returning to the police station 
I reviewed her computerized criminal history (CCH). Because of two or more 
convictions for domestic violence or assault being present, Simpson was charged with 
a third-degree felony count of domestic violence, Ohio Revised Code 2919.25(A). After 
being photographed and the necessary paperwork completed, Simpson was 
transported to the Mahoning County Jail. Due to the degree of the offinse bail will be 
determined by a judge. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT  July 21, 2020
Case No.: 20007099

Criminal - Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

ARRESTED: Mercedias Johnson, Age 21
820 Milner St Alliance OH 

Charge: 2925.14 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia M4 / Bond $500 / E Ohio Ave., 
Sebring OH 

On this date while on patrol I was parked at Gioninos at 14th and Ohio Ave. While 
there I observed a dark colored BMW with red rims fail to yield to oncoming traffic 
leave the alley way behid Circle K on to 14th St. The vehicle proceeded North on 14th 
and then turned east onto E Maryland ave. The vehicle failed to signal 100 prior to the 
turn at which point I ihtiated a traffic stop in the 200 block of E Maryland Ave. At this 
time K9 Ptl. Stanton happened to be on E. Maryland and joined me on my stop.

I approached the vehicle a dark blue 2001 BMW bearing OHJBM1044 and identified 
my self to the driver Mercedias Johnson and informed her of the reason for the stop. 
Mercedias and her two passengers Michael Bean and a male later identified as 
Jonathan Cosgray began arguing stating they were being Harassed. I advised the 
parties that K9 Ptl. Stanton would be conducting a free air sniff of the vehicle and 
asked them to exit the vehicle. Ptl. Stanton conducted the sniff and informed me that it 
was a positive hit. I began searching the car, I located a backpack in the back seat with 
female clothes and fingernail products leading me to believe the bag belonged the bag 
was Mercedias. I located a book in the bag with her name on it conferming my 
suspicion. In this bag I located a blue eye glass soft case with a glass smoking pipe 
inside. The pipe was covered in white residue which is suspected to be 

While I was searching the car Ptl. Stanton identified the second passenger as 
Jonathan Cosgray, and dispatch advised Jonathan had a warrant out of Alliance. 
Jonathan was detained and put in the back of my patrol car.  I finished conducting my 
stop and informed Mercedias that she would be issued a summons for the 
paraphernalia. She was given a warning for Turn signal and failure to yield and cleared 
the area. By this time Alliance advised they would meet us at Ralph's Deli for Jonathan 
at which point I transported Jonathan to Ralph's and turned him over to Alliance 
without incident.

Mercedias will be issued a summons for 2925.14 drug paraphernalia M4. The pipe will 
be sent to the lab to test the substance. Ptl. Stanton discovered a small amount of 
marijuana on Johnathan which was taken for destruction. It is worth noting Mercedias 
was difficult and argumentative the entire duration of the encounter.

Ptl. Brindack 504

On July 21, 2020 at 0035 hrs while on a traffic stop on E. Ohio Ave, the driver of the 
vehicle, Mercedias Johnson, was served her summons.

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PUBLISHED 2:29 PM 7/21/2020 *

Friday, July 10, 2020
12:14 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT   July 10, 2020 @ 6:36 hrs
Case No.: 20007064 

Traffic - SPEED , 300 Block W. Texas Ave.

CITED:  Madison Gamier (F- Age 18), 12040 Johnson Rd. Beloit, Ohio 44609

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (46/25)

Gamier was advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for instructions on how to 
pay for the citation or for information on how to contest it if she wished to do so. 
Gamier then signed the citation and was given her copy. 

I then cleared from the traffic stop with nothing additional to report at rhis time.

Pd. Reed


ARREST REPORT   July 9, 2020 @ 1127 hrs

Traffic Violation

CITED: Damon Keller, age 48, 2930 Sussex NW, Canton, Oh

Charge: SCO 313.01 Obedience to Traffic Control Devices

On Thursday, July 9,2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement on W Texas Ave in marked unit #304 facing east. I observed a dark 
colored BMW proceed south through the intersection of S 15th St at W Texas Ave 
without first stopping at the clearly posted stop sign. I activated my overhead 
emergency lights and turned south on S 15th St to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a 
dark colored BMW bearing Ohio registration HXK8804, came to a complete stop on S 
15th St at W Kentucky Ave.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Damon Keller, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. Keller provided appropriate 
documentation upon request. 

Keller was issued traffic citation #031908 for SCO 313 .01 Obedience to Traffic Control 
Devices and provided instructions on how to take care ofthe citation through Mahoning 
County Court #3.

Patrolman  D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT    July 8, 2020  @ 0630 hr
Case No. : 20007055

Traffic - Speed

CITED: Eliyah Payton , age 21, 1020 New Jersey St. Gary, Indiana 46403

Charge: SCO: 333.03 Speed (40/25)

On 07/08/2020 at 06:30 hours I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 301. 
While stationary on west Texas Avenue in front of the F.A. Sebring Community Center, 
I observed a white sedan traveling eastbound on West Texas Avenue at a speed that 
appeared to be greater than that of the posted 25 MPH limit.

Upon activating my front facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed on the 
vehicle of 40 MPH. Once the vehicle passed me I activated my overhead emergency 
lights and positioned my patrol car behind it in order to intiate a traffic stop. 

The vehicle came to a stop at the intersection of Texas Avenue and South 15th Street. 
I then exited my patrol car, made contact with the single male driver, and informed him 
of the reason for the stop. Because of where we were stopped at possibly obstructing 
the flow of traffic, I instructed the driver to turn right on South 15th Street and pull 
several car lengths in. The driver followed my instructions, with me again approaching 
his car and making contact with him. 

When asked for his driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance, 
the driver was able to produce an Indiana Driver License that identified him as Eliyah 
Payton. Mr. Payton was also able to produce his vehicle registration, but could not 
locate his insurance cards. Mr. Payton did however say that he keeps up to date 
insurance on the vehicle. When asked if he was aware of his speed, he said that he 
was not and that he was not familiar with the area nor the speed limit on Texas 

I then returned to my patrol car and wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 031891 to Mr. 
Payton for speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03), 40MPH in a posted 25MPH 
zone. Mr. Payton was advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for instructions on 
how to pay the citation or contest it if he wished to do so. He then signed the citation 
and was given his copy. 

Afterwards I cleared from the traffic stop with nothing additional to report.

Ptl. Reed   #507


ARREST REPORT   July 7, 2020   @  23:45hrs
Case No.: 20007013


ARREST: Fred Smith , age 28, 1385 S. Morgan Ave. Alliance, OH 44601

Charge: ORC: 2925.11(C)(2)  Possession of Controlled Substances (F-5)

On 07-01-2020 at 22:59 hours a subject called the police station to report that a male 
subject in a silver sedan with temporary tags was "hitting a ball pipe" in the parking lot 
at Circle K. Patrolmen Brindack, Stanton, and I immediately preceded to this location, 
with me arriving shortly after Stanton and Brindack. 

As I pulled into the parking lot, I observed both officers standing outside a silver 
Cadillac CTS, which had Ohio temporary registration K466904 attached. The vehicle 
was occupied by a single male subject who was sitting in the passenger seat. Upon 
making contact with him, I advised him of the complaint that we had received and 
asked if he had any identification on him. The subject identified himself as Josh 
Williams (age 36), and advised that he and his friend had just pulled in and that his 
friend had gone inside the store. When I asked if there was anything illegal in the 
vehicle, Williams said that there was not. I also asked Williams if he would step out of 
the car.  Williams then stepped out of the car, with him also granting me permission to 
perform a search of his person. No contraband or weapons were located.

At this point, I also noticed another Silver sedan parked in the parking lot. This vehicle 
also had temborary tags attached to it. I then requested Ptl. Stanton to perform an 
open-air sniff with K9, Radar, on the Cadillac CTS. Stanton advised that Radar did 
indicate a positive hit on the vehicle. 

An open-air sniff performed on the other sedan in the parking lot yielded negative 
results. Ptl. Brindack then went and retrieved the vehicles driver, Fred Smith, from 
inside Circle K. In speaking with Mr. Smith, I informed hirn,of the complaint that we 
recieved as well as the fact that Radar had indicated that the odor of drugs was 
present in the vehicle. When advised of this, Smith said that he had smoked marijuana 
in the car earlier.

Upon performing a probable cause search of the vehicle, I located four circular blue 
pills in the center console that were wrapped in aluminum foil. The pills were stamped 
"C1" and later determined to be 1mg Clonazapam, a schedule IV-controlled substance. 
I also found what appeared to be two THC cartridges near the pills. Mr. Smith did 
admit that this is what they were, with him saying that he smokes them through 
through a vape. 

When confronted with the pills, Smith said that they belonged to his girlfriend, Kristen, 
with him saying that she had left them there earlier and that she had a prescription for 
them. Smith's driver license was also found to be suspended. I informed Smith that 
because I had not encountered him driving on a public roadway, I would not issue him 
a citation for driving under suspension, but that he would need to get someone with a 
valid driver license to drive the car home. Smith then called a Delia Thompson, whom 
the vehicle was registered to, so that she could drive the car home.

In speaking further with Smith about the pills, I asked for his girlfriend's name again. 
Smith then went through his phone, with him spelling out her name as Christina. When 
asked what her last name, was Smith said that he did not know and that he had only 
been talking to her for a couple of weeks. I advised Smith that I would be confiscating 
the pills and that should it be possible for his girlfriend to receive them back, they 
would receive a phone call from the police department.

Delia Thompson then arrived to drive the Cadillac home. Smith was advised to contact 
the BMV regarding his driver license seeing as he said that he had paid a 
reinstatement fee and that his license should be valid. Thompson was advised that she 
needs to be sure that Smith's license is valid before allowing him to take a vehicle 
registered to her in the future or she could face wrongful entrustment charges. 

I then cleared from the call and returned to the police station. 

Upon writing the evidence cards for the confiscated pills and cartridges. I noted that 
only one of the two items I thought were THC cartridges were in fact that. The other 
item was a small glass container which appeared to possibly have residue of a 
crystalline substance inside. Both items will be secured in temporary evidence locker 
#1. The possibility of Mr. Smith facing charges for possessing the Clonazapan will be 
explored.  Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #507

On 07/07/2020 at 23:45 hours, I served Fred Smith  with a summons for possession of 
controlled substances Ohio Revised Code 2925.11(C)(2).  I made contact with Fred at 
his friends apartment at 247 Hester Ave. in Alliance.  Because Smiths Computerized 
Criminal History (CCH) showed that he had prior convictions for drug abuse offenses, 
this charge was elevated to a fifth degree felony.

After giving Fred his copy of the summons he was advised to call the court as soon as 
possible to provided them with a working phone number.  Fred was also made aware 
of his scheduled telephone arraignment at 10:30 AM on Jule 16th.

Nothing additional at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #507


ARREST REPORT    July 6, 2020  @  1454hrs
Case No.: 20007033

CRIMINAL - 13901 S. Main St., #2, Beloit, Oh

ARREST: Steven  Vanpelt , age 35, 13901 S Main St #2, Beloit, OH

ORC 2921.31 Obstucting Offical Business (M2)  / Bond $1,000.00

ORC 2921.33 Resisting Arrest (M2)  / Bond $1,000.00

ORC 2917.11 Disorderly Conduct (M4)  / Bond $500.00

July 4, 2020

Officers responded to the 200 block of W. Virginia Ave, for a domestic involving an 
intoxicated male. While on scene the male became aggressive and failed to obey the 
officer's commands. The subject was transported to the hospital.

On 7/6/2020 Steven VanPelt was served summons for Obstructing Ufficial Business 
M2, Resisting Arrest M2 and Disorderly Conduct M4.


ARREST REPORT   July 5, 2020  @  0715hrs
Case No.: 20007037

TRAFFIC  -  SPEED , N 15th StE Pennsylvania Ave, Sebring,

CITED:  Karen Difloure , age 44,  Gaskill Dr, Alliance, OH

Charge: SCO 333.03  Maximum Speed Limits 42/25

On Sunday, July 5, 2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #301 on S 15 St at the railroad crossing facing south.  I 
observed a brown SUV trvelling north at what appeared to be a rate of speed higher 
than the posted 25 MPH. Upon activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I 
observed a speed of 42 MPH on the digital display. 

As the vehicle neared my location, I activated my overhead emergency lights and 
turned north onto S 15th St to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a brown Buick bearing 
Ohio registration FXS2573, came to a complete stop on N 15th St just shy of E 
Pennsylvania Ave.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Karen Difloure, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for the stop. While speaking with Difloure I 
observed she was not wearing her seatbelt and inquired about it. Difloure admitted to 
not wearing her seatbelt prior to being stopped. Difloure provided appropriate 
documentation upon request. Difloure was issued traffic citation #031907 for SCO 
333.03 Maximum Speed Limits 42/25 and given a verbal warning for the seatbelt 
violation. I informed Difloure if she wished to pay the ticket to phone Mahoning County 
Court #3 for instructions. I informed Difloure if she wanted to contest the ticket, the 
court would contact her with a date and time for arraignment.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505

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PUBLISHED 1:02 PM 7/10/2020 *

Thursday, July 02, 2020
10:51 AM -0500

Case No.: 20006159 

Traffic Violation / DRUGS
700 Block W Ohio

Michael Host , age 46, 712 Colebrook ST., Louisville, 44641

Charge: 513.121 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia 

Following Narative by PtI.  Stanton #506 and K-9 RADAR  #580

Unit made a traffic stop. On 06/24/2020 at 2040 hours, I (Ptl. Stanton) #506 conducted 
a traffic stop on W. Ohio in the 700 Block near Johnson Rd. The vehicle has one 
working stop light while engaging the brakes. After I initiated the traffic stop, I asked 
the driver and the owner who identified himself as Randy Phillips if I was allowed to 
search the vehicle. They both advised me no. 

l then asked if they had any nuclear devices or explosives in the vehicle at this the. 
They again advised no.  I then asked them if they had any narcotics or forms of drugs 
in the vehicle, they again advised me no.

At this time, Ptl. Brindack #504 and Sgt Kelm #503 were on scene. I then asked the 
driver to turn the vehicle off and exit the vehicle. The were asking why and I advised 
them that I will be conducting a "free air sniff' with my K-9 as I am the handler and for 
my K-9's Safety I require them to exit the vehicle, all four passengers complied. The 
owner of the vehicle, Randy Phillips was very upset about this and stated it was 
"bullshit" rnultiple times. Once all 4 individuals exited the vehicle I deployed K-9 Radar. 
Radar started from the rear of the vehicle and went to the passenger side, nothing was 

Keeping the leash loose in hand I walked with Radar to the front of the vehicle. Radars 
behavior began to change and he went under the vehicle into the engine compartment 
as I kept moving to the opposite side. Radar disengaged and began sniffing down the 
drivers side of the vehicle.  Again Radars behavior changed and he went under the 
half way point of the vehicle to sniff the under carriage. This was brief as I kept moving 
toward the rear of the vehicle. Radar began moving with me then rapidly snapped 
backwards toward the sewage compartment and shower intake hose connector on the 
said vehicle. Radar locked and stood still staring at the shower intake as I praised him 

I moved toward the front of the vehicle and disengaged completely from the source. I 
then re-engaged and deployed radar along the drivers side of the vehicle to verify my 
source and moved along the side of the vehicle with the leash loose in hand. Radar 
again locked on the side of the vehicle next to a compartment next to the hose intake. 
Radar stood in place and locked his gaze on to the compartment. This change in 
behavior confirmed my findings and I praised him off to continue to the rear of the 
vehicle to finish the sniff. Radar at this time went to the the driver rear corner of the 
vehicle and led me back to the intake source (wraping around the drivers side of the 
vehicle) as previously stated. At this time I rewarded Radar and walked him back to 
secure him in my cruiser.

I informed the four individuals K-9 Radar hit on the vehicle and I will be conducting a 
search given proper probable cause by my K-9. The owner again stated this is 
"bullshit" and began walking toward the vehicle. I instructed the owner to stay where 
he is at or he will be arrested. Throughout the search of the vehicle, every time I 
stepped out of the vehicle or around the vehicle in eye sight of the owner he attempted 
to move closer to open compartments for me. Sgt. Kelm and Ptl. Brindack also stated 
he offered to get a slice of pizza for them since they had some pizza in the vehicle. 

Upon searching the vehicle I discovered 7 grams of green leafy substance and various 
paraphernalia for grinding the green leafy substance. This was found in the oven in a 
"fanny pack" underneath the pizza box.  I completed my search with no other findings.  
The person who claims the items belonged to him was Michael Host. Michael Host will 
be cited for 513.121 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.  His court date is to be set and 
he is mandated to appear.

All subjects at this time are released, the Paraphernalia and green leafy substance 
was confiscated.  The driver was issued a warning for one Stop Light While Brakes are 


PtI.  Stanton #506   06/24/2020

K-9 RADAR  #580


ARREST REPORT    JUNE 30, 2020  @  0411hr
Case NO.: 20006186

Criminal - Burglary
836 S. 13th Apt. #5 Sebring, OH

ARREST: Kieth Lemasters , age 46, 836 S. 13th Street Apt. #5 Sebring

Charge: ORC 2911.12(B) Burglary (Tresspass in habitation when person present)
Bond $4,000.00

Following Narative by Ptl. Reed #507

On 06-30-2020 at 03:28 hours, I was dispatched to 836 South 13th Street Apt. #4 
regarding a subject who forced his way into his neighbors residence through a door. 
Upon arriving, I made contact with the callers/complainants, Aaron Ostrosky and 
Marquise Burruss. Both of whom reside in the apartment. Also present was a Dylan 
Holmes who was visiting. In speaking with Burruss and Holmes, they advised that they 
were downstairs when Kieth Lemasters, who resides in apartment #5, forced his way 
in through the locked back door. Both subjects said that Lemasters was making 
statements about his daughter, Riley, being in the apartment. It should be noted that 
lemasters has forced his way into their apartment in tie past when he believed other 
people were inside. Holmes said that when Lemasters forced his way in he ran 
upstairs to tell Aaron Ostrosky what was going on.

In speaking with Ostrosky, he said that he and Burrus ordered Lemasters to leave the 
apartment, with him complying with their request after having made it through their 
kitchen and into the living room.

When asked if they wished to pursue charges regarding the matter. both Burruss and 
Ostrosky said that they would. I then entered their apartment where the two showed 
me the back door where Lemasters had made entry. The door knob and locking 
mechanism was damaged to the point of no longer being functional.

I then requested Mutual Aid from Smith Township before going over to apartment #5 
where I made contact with Lemasters. Mr. Lemasters was sitting on a chair in his 
kitchen. In speaking with Lemasters he admitted to having "broke down" the neighbors 
door, with him saying that I needed to do a welfare check at his neighbors apartment. 
Mr. Lemasters denied any recent drug or alcohol use with him repeating that he wasn't 
crazy, was not high. and that Riley was over there. 

Ptl. Toussant arrived to my location at around this time as well. I then instructed 
Lemasters to stand up, with me placing him in handcuffs, which were properly spaced 
and double locked. Lemasters was also searched incident to arrest with no contraband 
or weapons being located. Because his behavior was somewhat bizarre and he has a 
history or substance abuse, I requested Sebring Fire/EMS to evaluate Mr. Lemasters. 
Once cleared by Sebring Fire/EMS, Lernasters was transported to The Sebring Police 
Station after being charged with one 4th degree felony count of burglary (trespass in a 
habitation when a person is present or likely to be present), ORC 2911.12(B). 

Kieth was photographed and the necessary arrest paperwork completed. Due to his 
DNA already being in the CODIS system, DNA was not collected. He was then 
transported to The Mahoning County Jail.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT   JUNE 27, 2020  @  2142hr
Case No.: 20006175

Arrest - Violating a Protection Order
136 S. Johnson Ave., Sebring, Oh

ARREST: Robert Doak, age 42, 510 Wilbert Ave.

Charge:  2919.27 Violating a Protection Order

Following Narative by PtI.  Stanton #506 and K-9 RADAR  #580

Unit responded to a unwanted guest.  On 06/27/20 at 2042 hours, myself (Ptl. Stanton) 
and Ptl. Van Voorhis #513 responded to an wanted guest at 136 S Johnson Ave. The 
complainant a Nicole Ketler advised Robert Doak was inside the residence and is 
possibly overdosing. 

While on scene, Nicole and Sherez Hurford were bickering with Robert. I told Sherez 
to immediately sit down as I entered through the front door she tried to leave the 
residence. Sherez followed my commands and I spoke with Robert while Ptl. Van 
Voorhis spoke with Nicole. I advised Robert to go to the Sebring Squad which is now 
on scene and be seen by them. Robert complied but was very talkative throughout my 
experience with him.  Robert denies any form of drug use at this time. No evidence of 
drug use have been found on scene at this time as well.

While Robert was being checked by squad I spoke with Nicole.  Sherez kept trying to 
enter into the conversation to "defend" Robert and I advised her to be quiet and stop 
interfering. Sherez has history of causing trouble and leaving crime scenes in the past. 
Nicole began to tell me Robert stole property out of a residence in Alliance and was on 
the phone with her at this time. I advised Nicole to have that person call Alliance Police 
to file a report. I asked Nicole about Robert and she advised she has a protection 
order against him and he is not suppose to be here. 

I had Dispatch verify the order and once verified I spoke with Squad about Roberts 
medical state.  Sebring Squad cleared Robert and I immediately placed him into 
custody and advised him why he is being arrested. Three small scales were 
confiscated but no charges are followed with these findings. I advised Nicole and 
Robert to stay clear of Sherez but Nicole allowed Sherez in her residence at this  time. 

Robert is being charged with Violating a Protection Order 2919.25 M1.  Ptl. Van 
Voorhis is transporting Robert DoaK to Mahoning County Jail at this time.


PtI.  Stanton #506   06/24/2020

K-9 RADAR  #580

Following Narative by Patrolman Zachery Van Voorhis unit 523

On June 27, 2020 I, Patrolman Van Voorhis, responded with Patrolman Stanton to 136 
South Johnson road for a complaint of a violation of a No- contact order. The victim 
Nicole Ketler reported to dispatch that Robert Doak was in the house with her and 
possibly overdosed on Fentanyl.

Upon arrival to the home we knocked on the door and was allowed in to the residence. 
Nicole was sitting in the living room going through a red duffel bag and Robert was 
walking In the dining room / kitchen area. Also, in the home was a Sherez Hurford, 
who was near Robert.  Medics arrived momentarily after our arrival and were 
instructed to come in and evaluate Robert.

Patrolman Stanton began speaking with Nicole. Robert was patted down by myself 
with his consent to search for weapons before going with the medics to their 

Nicole alerted me to a knife at her legs which was under a t-shirt she had pulled from 
the duffel bag. It was a kitchen knife and it was secured. Nicole kept commenting that 
there was a no contact order placed by a judge and he was in violation by being there 
and that she did not want him there. She also said he overdosed on Fentanyl.

I contacted dispatch via radio to confirm there is an order in place. What was found 
was a judgement entry stating that he could not have contact with Nicole Ketler placed 
on the 18th of June, 2020. Nicole also pointed out his socks on the dining room floor 
that Mr. Doak had taken from his shoes when we asked him to step outside with the 
medics. I gave them to Patrolman Stanton and it was discovered inside the socks were 
two small scales. Nicole also gave me a pill bottle with Mr. Doak's name and 
prescription on the label for pills he needs to manage a health issue. lnside the bottle 
was a small clear bag with a white powdery substance inside.

After speaking with Nicole and hearing there was a no contact order placed due to a 
domestic violence arrest earlier in the year, Mr. Doak, once cleared by squad, was 
arrested and conveyed to the Sebring Police Department for processing to go to the 
Mahoning County Justice Center. After processing Mr. Doak, I transferred him to jail 
where he was booked in.

Patrolman Zachery Van Voorhis unit 523
Sebring Police Department
Sebring, Ohio 44672

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PUBLISHED 11:40 AM 7/2/2020 *

Saturday, June 27, 2020
05:26 AM -0500

Case No.: 20006146 

CRIMINAL - Felonious Assault
Sebring P.D. 135 E. Ohio Ave Sebring, OH 44672

ARREST: Dustin Stine (M-Age 22), 745 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH

Charge: ORC 2903.11(A)(1) Felonious Assault (F-2)

On 06-23-2020 at 06:24 hours, I was requested at the police station to speak to a 

Upon arriving, I met with a Tiffany Stine in the lobby area. A Hunter Harper and Branty 
Smith arrived shortly after. Tiffany had blood streaming down from her nose and she 
was also bleeding from a cut on her scalp. She was emotionally distraught and having 
trouble catching her breath to tell me what had happened. Tiffany was eventually able 
to explain to me that she had been assaulted by her brother, Dustin Stine, at their 
residence at 745 W. Oregon Avenue. Tiffany said that at around 06:00, she, her 
boyfriend, Hunter Harper, and their friend, Branty Smith, had gone to her house to pick 
up her brother to give him a ride to work. Prior to entering the residence Tiffany said 
that she could hear her brother throwing things in the house and screaming. Tiffany 
said that aside from her brother, no one else was in the house.

Tiffany said that she and Harper then entered the house and that her brother was in 
his room with the door locked. Tiffany said that she knocked on the door and her 
brother opened it, with him then "getting in her face". Tiffany said that she pushed him 
back slightly and that he then began punching her in the face. Tiffany did say at this 
point that she "swung back", and that Harper attempted to intervene but was 
overpowered by Dustin, who then pulled her to the floor and continued striking her in 
the face and body. Tiffany said that everything went black at that point but she knew 
that she had been hit in the head with a picture frame. 

Sebring Fire/EMS arrived to assess Tiffany, with me speaking with and obtaining 
witness statements from Branty Smith and Hunter Harper.

In speaking with Harper, he also advised that upon arriving to the residence they could 
hear Dustin inside screaming. Harper said that Tiffany entered the house first and that 
he could hear her saying "get away from me", with him then going inside and seeing 
Dustin punch Tiffany in the nose. Harper said that he got in between them and that 
Dustin then threw a picture frame at Tiffany that struck her in the head. Harper said 
that they then left and came to the police station.

In speaking with Smith, he advised that he walked into Tiffany's house and saw her 
and Dustin fighting and that he began to try to break them up. Smith said that Dustin 
took Tiffany to the ground and that he saw him hit her in the face. Smith did say that 
upon getting up he saw Tiffany approaching Dustin, with Dustin then picking up a 
picture frame that he threw at Tiffany, striking her in the head. Smith said that they then 
left and came to the police station. A Timothy Billiter, who identified himself as Tiffany's 
step father arrived to the police station at around this time as well.

Sebring Fire/EMS then transported Tiffany to Alliance Community Hospital for 
treatment. Prior to transporting her, I was able to get photographs of Tiffany's face, 
scalp, and marks that she had on her left arm. 

Upon arriving to the Emergency Department (E.D.), I again made contact with Tiffany, 
who was still very emotionally distraught. Tiffany was able to provide a witness 
statement as well as sign parts of the domestic violence complaint form and medical 
release form before medical staff came in to staple the wound on her scalp. Tiffany did 
state multiple times that she wanted her brother charged. Tiffany was provided with an 
instruction for filing domestic violence form as well. I then left the hospital to return to 
the village and attempt to locate Dustin.

In speaking with Chief Harris on the phone, he advised that Mr. Billiter was going to 
bring Dustin in to the police station. 

Upon returning to the station, I met Dustin in the lobby area. Dustin accompanied me 
back to the squad room where I read him his Miranda rights and asked if he 
understood and if he would like to speak with me about the incident. Dustin said that 
he did understand and wanted to talk about what had happened. Dustin said that he 
and his sister began arguing because he would not go get cigarettes. Dustin said that 
Tiffany threatened to not give him a ride to work, and that he then closed his bedroom 
door and began slamming drawers. Dustin said that Tiffany, Smith, and Harper then 
left and returned a short time later, with Tiffany then coming to his bedroom door with a 
knife and asking him what he is breaking. Dustin said that Harper then placed himself 
between the two in an attempt to prevent an altercation, and that Tiffany began trying 
to work past Harper to hit him. Dustin said that while Tiffany was hitting him, he was 
able to grab the knife from her, with it then being thrown to the floor. Dustin said that he 
and Tiffany proceeded to the Kitchen where they continued to fight and that Tiffany 
was able to get the knife a second time, with her threatening to stab him. Dustin said 
that he again was able to take the knife from her and that things began to de-escalate. 

Dustin denied ever having thrown a picture frame at Tiffany and said that while she 
was attacking him, he pulled her by her hair and that she probably hit her head on 
something while this was happening. It should be noted that I did not observe any 
marks on Dustin aside from abrasions to his left knuckles as well as minor scratches 
between his thumb and pointer finger on his left hand. Dustin said that after taking the 
knife from Tiffany the second time that he hid it under some magazines on a desk in 
the office room of the house. When asked about prior incidents of violence between 
him and his sister he made mention of an incident that occurred approximately six 
months ago when his sister was abusing Xanax and assaulted their mother. A later 
check through the department dispatch system showed a domestic dispute between 
Dustin and his mother on 03/03/2020, a physical altercation between Dustin and his 
sister , and a physical altercation between Dustin and his mother's boyfriend on 

Due to the severity of Tiffany's injuries as well as evidence pointing to Dustin being the 
primary aggressor, I placed him under arrest for felonious assault, ORC 2903.11(A)(1). 
Dustin was placed in handcuffs which were properly spaced and double locked. I then 
began to complete the necessary arrest paperwork, with Dustin sitting on the other 
side of the desk from me in the squad room. Dustin began screaming that he should 
not be getting arrested. He then slammed his head into the desk several times, 
resulting in a cut to his forehead. I did pull Dustin away from the desk at this point to 
prevent further self-injury from occurring. Ptl. Villanueva arrived shortly after and 
Sebring Fire/EMS arrived to assess Dustin. 

After completing the necessary paperwork and being treated by Sebring Fire/EMS, I 
transported Dustin to The Mahoning County Jail. Once at the jail, medical staff rejected 
Dustin due to them requiring medical clearance from a hospital due to the wound on 
his head. I then transported Dustin to Mercy Health St. Elizabeth's Hospital where he 
was treated and discharged for the injuries to his head. He was then transported to 
The Mahoning County Jail without incident, where he was held without bail pending 
further court proceedings. 

Ptl. Villanueva did go to the Stine residence where she collected the kitchen knife that 
Tiffany allegedly pulled on Dustin as well as the picture frame that he allegedly hit her 
with. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #507


Case No.: 20004047 

Criminal (Summons)

ARREST: Glenn  Fournier II (M-Age 30), 165 S. Johnson Rd. Sebring, OH 44672

Charge: ORC 2925:14  F5 Possession of drug paraphernalia

On arrival myself and Ptl. Reed located Glenn Fournier, and Matthew Thurman in the 
rear parking lot.

Units made contact with the individuals and informed them that we had received a call 
about suspicious males in the area. While speaking with Glenn I gained consent to 
search his backpack upon doing so I discovered a black case containing marijuana 
and misc marijuana paraphernalia.

Upon further searching I discovered a case with a hand painted spider that contained 2 
glass pipes with burn marks, a scale, and 2 baggies containing what is believed to be 
methamphetamine. Glenn was released on scene and was advised he would be 
receiving a summons for the paraphernalia and that the suspected meth would be sent 
to the lab for testing. 

Both Glenn and Matthew were instructed to leave the area and complied. Units 
returned to station and processed the evidence.

Glenn will be summons for the paraphernalia and the drugs will be tested. The 
marijuana was taken to be destroyed.

Ptl. Brindack 505

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2004.  Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.

PUBLISHED 4:59 AM 6/27/2020 *

Friday, June 26, 2020
07:15 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   JUNE 22, 2020  @  1519hrs
Case No.: 20-006140

Traffic - Speed

CITED: Amanda Lambert , (F - AGE 36), 1135 S. Johnson Rd, Sebring OH 44672

Charge: ORD 333.03 SPEED (50/35) 

On Monday, June 22, 2020, I, Patrolman Villanueva, was stationed on the south 100th 
block of 12th street facing south in marked unit #303. 

While conducting traffic control, I observed a vehicle traveling at a higher rate of speed 
towards me headed north on S. 12th street. I activated my forward mounted radar 
antenna and locked a speed of 50 MPH on my display screen. Once the vehicle 
passed, I activated my overhead emergency lights and safely entered the roadway to 
initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle was a dark grey in color Jeep SW bearing Ohio 
registration GYE8056 who came to a stop in front of 49 South 12th street.

I made contact with the driver who I identified as Amanda Lambert. I introduced myself 
and informed her of the reason for the stop and then requested her driver's license, 
registration and proof of insurance. Once the requested documentation was given, I 
then proceeded back to my cruiser. 

Lambert was issued citation #031785 for SCO 333.03 Speed 50/35 and informed her 
to call Mahoning County Court #3 tomorrow 06/23/2020 for further instructions. After 
she stated she understood, she signed the citation and I handed her blue copy and 

Ptl. Villanueva #512


ARREST REPORT    JUNE 22, 2020  @  0750  hrs
Case No.: 20006137

TRAFFIC  - Speed
S 15th St near US HWY 62, Sebring, OH

CITED: Eric Helman (M - Age 46), 17056 5th St, Beloit, OH

Charge: SCO 333.03 Maximum Speed Limits 53/35

On Monday, June 22, 2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling north on S 15th St 
from US HWY 62 in marked unit #304. Upon approaching the village limits, I observed 
a dark colored SUV, still within the village limits, travelling south at what appeared to 
be a rate of speed higher than the posted 35 MPH limit.

Upon activating the forward mounted radar antenna, I observed a speed of 53 MPH on 
the digital display. As the vehicle neared, I activated my overhead emergency lights 
and turned around to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a dark blue GMC bearing Ohio 
registration HXK8855, came to a complete stop just short of US HWY 62.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Eric Helman, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. Helman provided appropriate 
documentation upon request. Helman was issued traffic citation #031906 for SCO 
333.03 Maximum Speed Limits 53/35 and informed to phone Mahoning County Court 
#3 later this week for further instructions.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT    JUNE 22, 2020  @  0911hrs
Case No.: 20006077


Summonsed: Kimberly  Brown (Age 50), 515 N 19th St, Sebring, OH 44672

Charge: SCO 505.01(c) Dogs Running At Large (M-4)

On June 14, 2020, 1 Patrolman Van Voorhis was dispatched to 425 N 19th street to 
speak with the resident there regarding his neighbor's pit bull being in his yard. The pit 
bull belongs to Kimberly Brown of 515 N 19th street. The pit bull was dark in color and 
running north on 19th towards West Virginia ave and then east on West Virginia.

I made contact at the residence with a juvenile male, son of Kimberly Brown. I 
explained his dog was loose and he stated, " I know". I asked him to retrieve the dog 
and he put his shoes on and came out to get the dog. The neighbor who called stated 
this was almost a weekly occurrence with the dog and the last time a neighbor 
grabbed it and returned it to them. Patrolman Marchionda also came over to assist in 
catching the dog and stated he knew there was a few times where they had been 
called out for this same incident.

Eventually, Patrolman Marchionda was able to pull his cruiser in front of the dog and I 
was able to grab his collar and lead him back to the residence. The dog was placed 
back in the residence with the juvenile. After hearing multiple neighbors state while the 
dog seemed docile enough they still fear their children to be outside unsupervised, I 
believed it to be necessary to summons Ms. Kimberly Brown to court over this ongoing 

On Monday, June 22, 2020, a summons for Kimberly Brown was delivered to her 
residence at 515 N 19th St.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505 

WRN NEWS has Been a Free Public Service of Digital Service Company llc Since 
2004.  Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.

PUBLISHED 8:04 AM 6/26/2020 *

Thursday, June 18, 2020
07:13 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT    June 14, 2020   @   0931 hr
Case No.: 20006075

1166 S Johnson Rd, Sebring, OH

CITED: Ryan Zimmerman , Age 30 ,10218 Mottown Rd, Deerfield, OH 44411

Charge: SCO 333.03 Maximum Speed Linits 52/35  

On Sunday, June 14, 2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #304 in the 1100 block of S Johnson Rd facing south. I 
observed a white SUV travelling north at what appeared to be a rate of speed higher 
than the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I 
observed and locked in a speed of 52 MPH on the digital display. After the vehicle 
continued north, I turned north onto S Johnson Rd and initiated my overhead 
emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a white Hyundai bearing Ohio 
registration FYG5013, came to a complete stop in front of 1166 S Johnson Rd.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Ryan Zimmerman, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Zimmerman provided appropriate 
documentation upon request. Zimmerman was issued traffic citation #03 1903 for SCO 
333.03 Maximum Speed Limits 52/35 and informed to phone Mahoning County Court 
#3 Monday through Friday for further instructions.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT     June 12, 2020  @  1116hr
Case No.: 20006064

Copeland Oaks Administration Bldg.

CITED: James Kohmann , Age 48, 12308 McCalluln Ave NE, Alliance

Charge: SCO 333.03  Maximum Speed Limits 57/35

On Friday, June 12,2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #303 in the 1100 block of S Johnson Rd facing south. I 
observed a white van travelling north at what appeared to be rate of speed higher than 
the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I 
observed and locked in a speed of 57 MPH on the digital display. I pulled out from my 
location, turned north onto S Johnson Rd and activated my overhead emergency lights 
to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a white Ford bearing Ohio dealer registration 005 
8323, came to a complete stop in the parking lot of the Copeland Oaks Administration 
building parking lot.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as James Kohmann, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Kohmann provided appropriate 
documentation upon request.

Kohmann was issued traffic citation #031902 for SCO 333.03 Maximum Speed Limits 
57/35 and informed to phone Mahoning County Court #3 the following week for further 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT    June 12, 2020   @  0930hr
Case No.: 20006063

185 Knox School Rd, Alliance, OH

CITED: Aaron Todd ,Age 18, 14118 Bandy Road, Alliance, OH

Charge: SCO 333.03  Maximum Speed Limits 54/35

On Friday, June 12,2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #303 in the 1100 block of S Johnson Rd facing south. I 
observed a dark colored sedan pass my location heading south at what appeared to 
be a rate of speed higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activating my forward 
mounted radar antenna, I observed and locked a speed of 54 MPH on the digital 
display. I pulled out, turned south onto S Johnson Rd and activated my overhead 
emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop. As I neared the intersection at US HWY 62 
and observed the vehicle clear the intersection still heading south, I activated my 
audible siren and continued.

The vehicle, a dark blue Chevrolet bearing Ohio registration HYN3780, came to a 
complete stop in front of 185 Knox School Road. Upon establishing contact with the 
driver, identified as Aaron Todd, I identified myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. Todd provided appropriate documentation upon request.

Todd was issued traffic citation #031901 for SCO 333.03 Maximum Speed Limits 54/35 
and informed to phone Mahoning County Court #3 the following week for further 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT    June 11, 2020
Case No.: 20006062

Traffic - Speed
100 block N. 12th Street Sebring, OH

Cited:  Sydney Leone , Age19, 6063 Calico Ln. Canfield, Ohio 44406

Charge: SCO 333.03  Speed 51/35

On 06-11-2020 at 21:07 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 
301. While southbound on street, just south of the railroad tracks, I observed a dark 
gray sedan that was traveling northbound at a rate of speed that appeared to be higher 
than that of the posted 35mph limit. Upon activating my front facing radar antenna, I 
obtained a locked speed of 51MPH as the vehicle neared the intersection of S. 12th 
Street and E. Georgia Avenue. After the vehicle passed me, I activated my overhead 
emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. The Grey Ford Focus, bearing Ohio 
registration GZM 9031, came to a stop in the parking lot of Sebring Tire, at 10 N. 12th 

Upon making contact with the female driver, I identified myself and informed her of the 
reason for the stop. I also requested her driver license, vehicle registration, and proof 
of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents with her 
Ohio Driver License identifying her as Sydney N. Leone. When I asked Ms. Leone if 
she were aware of her speed, she said that she was not. I also asked the male subject 
in the front passenger seat for his identification, with him providing me with an Ohio 
Driver License that identified him as Karl G. Klockenga. I then returned to my patrol car 
and wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No. 03 1889 to Ms. Leone for Speed (Sebring 
Codified Ordnance 333.03), 5 lmph in a marked 35mph zone. Ms. Leone signed the 
citation, was given her copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for 
information on how to pay the citation or on instructions for further proceedings if she 
wished to contest it. I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this 

Ptl. Reed   #507


ARREST REPORT    June 11, 2020
Case No.: 20004072 

Criminal (Summons) 

Arrest: Branty Smith , Age 19, 176 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH 

Charge: ORC: 2925.11  Possession of Controlled Substances (F5)

Arrest: Branty Smith , Age 19, 176 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH 

ORC 2921.31 Obstructing Official Business (M2) /  Bond $1,000

SCO: 373.06 Lights and Reflectors on Bicycles

At 22:31 hours, on April 18, 2020, I was patrolling the 600 block of West Oregon 
Avenue when I observed a male subject, who was dressed in dark clothing, riding 
westbound on bicycle with no illumination on it. Upon turning my patrol car around, I 
initiated a traffic stop on the subject just before Johnson Road. Upon making contact 
with the subject, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his 
identification. The subject gave me an Ohio Identification card, which identified him as 
Branty Smith. When I asked where he was going, he said to pick up food at Zep's 
Pizza. I then asked Smith if he had anything illegal on him, with him saying that he did 
not and granting me permission to search his pockets. Upon searching the small 
pocket on the right side of Mr. Smith's pants, I located a small baggie containing a 
light-colored powder substance. I then instructed Smith to place his hands behind his 
back in order for me to handcuff him. Mr. Smith then sprinted away, running westbound 
across the street, with me pursuing.

While pursuing Smith, I yelled for him to stop multiple times, as well as drew my 
department issued taser and advised him that if he did not stop, I would taser him. 
While running through the front lawn of a residence on the south side of Oregon 
Avenue, I tripped, falling to the ground, with Smith continuing on behind the residence. 
As I came around the back of the residence, I lost track of where Smith had gone. 
Upon going back toward my patrol car, a male subject from a residence on the north 
side of the road came out and told me that his wife believed that she had seen Smith 
come out and hide behind some bushes at a house on the south side of the road, back 
toward 20th street.

Upon checking this area, I was able to locate Smith hiding behind the bushes in the 
front lawn of a residence on the south side of the road. At taser point I ordered Smith 
to come out and to keep his hands where I could see them. At around this time I was 
joined by Smith Township patrolmen Toussant and Caughey, as well as Sebring 
Patrolman Peterman. I then pulled Smith out from the bushes, with Caughey placing 
him in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double locked. Smith was also 
thoroughly searched for additional weapons or contraband with none being located. I 
then walked Smith back to my patrol car, reading him his Miranda rights on the way 
there. When I asked Smith if he wished to speak to me regarding the matter, he stated 
"I'm sorry for running, that's all I got to say".

Smith was then taken to the Sebring Police Station where he was photographed, finger 
printed and processed. Smith was charged with a minor misdemeanor charge of Lights 
and reflectors on Bicycles (Sebring Codified Ordnance 373.06), as well as one second 
degree misdemeanor charge of obstructing official business (Ohio Revised Code 
2921.31). Smith was given a $1000.00 own recognizance bond, with him signing the 
recognizance form and being instructed to contact the court on Monday for instructions 
on further proceedings. 

The suspected methamphetamine as well as Smith cell phone, a black Samsung (IMEI 
#354308082242131) were seized and secured in temporary evidence locker #1. The 
suspected methamphetamine will be sent to BCI with additional charges possible later. 
Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #508

On 06-10-2020, I received laboratory results from The Ohio Bureau of Criminal 
Investigation regarding the suspected methamphetamine I recovered on Smiths 
person the night of the incident.

The laboratory results concluded that the substance was in fact methamphetamine.

One 06-11-2020, while at Mahoning County Court #3, I served Branty with a summons 
for one fifth degree felony charge of possession of controlled substances, Ohio 
Revised Code 2925.11. Branty was arraigned immediately after being served with the 
latest charge. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #507

WRN NEWS has Been a Free Public Service of Digital Service Company llc Since 
2004.  Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.

PUBLISHED 8:02 AM 6/18/2020 *

Friday, June 12, 2020
08:44 AM -0500


On Tuesday, June 2nd Officer Villanueva responded to a report of a child, 
approximately 3 years old, who was walking on a busy roadway. 

Upon arrival Officer Villanueva was met by a witness who removed the child from the 
roadway and advised the child was almost struck by a semi.

An investigation was conducted, and CPS was contacted regarding the welfare of the 
child and his siblings. At the conclusion of the investigation it was determined that it 
was in the best interest of the children that they be temporarily removed from the 

The parents Brittany and Korey Wood of 396 E. Ohio Ave., Sebring were charged with 
three (3) counts each of Endangering Children (M-1). Another family member Aaron 
Wood of the same address was charged with two (2) counts of Endangering Children 
(M-1). All three are scheduled to appear at Mahoning County Court 3 on Thursday, 
June 11 th.

ARREST REPORT   June 8, 2020  @   0942hr
Case No.: 20006003 

CRIMINAL - Endangering Children

ARREST: Brittany Wood, age 23, 396 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

Endangering Children x3 (M-1) ORC 2919.22 / Bond $3,750

ARREST: Korey Wood, age 23, 396 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

Endangering Children x3 (M-1) ORC 2919.22 / Bond $3,750

ARREST: Aaron Wood, age 26, 396 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

Endangering Children x2 (M-1) ORC 2919.22 / Bond $2,500


ARREST REPORT   June 7, 2020  @ 0955hr
Case No.: 20006037 

S Johnson Rd @ Heacock Ext, Sebring, OH

CITED: Kathryn Klimavicius , age 43,  Alliance, OH

Charge: SCO 333.03  Maximum Speed Limits 54/35  

On Sunday, June 7,2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling south on S Johnson 
Rd in marked unit #301. I observed a black van travelling north at a rate of speed 
appearing higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activating my forward mounted 
radar antenna, I observed a speed of 51 MPH and continued to observe the speed 
climb to 54 MPH. As the vehicle neared and passed, I activated my overhead 
emergency lights and turned around to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a black 
Dodge bearing Ohio registration GUW3452, came to a complete stop on S Johnson 
Rd near Heacock Ext.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Kathryn Klimavicius, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for the stop. Klimavicius provided appropriate 
documentation upon request.

Klimavicius was issued traffic citation #031875 for SCO 333.03 Maximum Speed 
Limits 54/35 and informed to phone Mahoning County Court #3 this week for further 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT  June 5, 2020  @  1823hr
Case No.: 20006028

TRAFFIC - DUS , 15th St 1 Penn

CITED: Rickiadam Canfield , age 28, 195 W Oregon ave

Charge: 335.07 DUS

On 06/05/2020 I was parked in the vacant lot in the 100 block of s 15'~S t directly 
facing California ave. While there I observed a maroon vehicle travelling East on 
California ave approaching my position at a high rate of speed. I activated my RADAR 
unit and clocked the vehicle at 36mph in a clearly posted 25mph zone. 

The vehicle turned north onto 15th st and I initiated a stop on the vehicle a maroon 
honda van bearing OK JHY889 which came to a stop in the rear parking lot of Rocky's 
drive thru. I made contact with the driver identified as Rickiadam Canfield, Rickiadam 
was found to be valid in OK but suspended thru OH, and had a warrant that was out of 
the pick up radius. 

Rickiadam was cited for DUS 335.07 and given a court date at MCC#3 of 06/19/2020 
at 0900hrs. Rickiadam was given a warning for speed and a valid passenger was 
allowed to drive the vehicle away as Rickiadam is currently living in the van.

Ptl. Brindack 504


ARREST REPORT   June 4, 2020  @  1658hr
Case No.: 20004105


ARREST:  Ashley  McFall , age 27, 28 West Harrison Street Alliance, OH

ORC: 2913.51 Receiving Stolen Property (M1)

ORC: 2913.02 Theft (M1)

ORC: 2913.21 Misuse of Credit Cards (M 1)

On 04-25-2020 at 19:28 hours, Dale Yaggi called the station to report suspicious 
activity on his Citizen's Bank account as well as Chase credit card account. In 
speaking with Yaggi, he advised that he received several email notifications regarding 
having signed up for Zelle through his Citizen's Bank account as well as Chase Pay, 
which was linked to his PayPal account. Yaggi said that he never signed up for either 
of these but that as of yet no money has been withdrawn from any accounts.

I advised Yaggi to immediately call these banks to file a report with them. Yaggi said 
that he tried to but they had no one available due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I informed 
Yaggi that I would complete a report on the matter and asked that he forward the 
emails that he had received from his banks to my department email. Yaggi was also 
instructed to continue trying to contact his banks.

Upon reviewing the emails Yaggi forwarded to me, I found several from Chase Bank 
regarding setting up Chase Pay through PayPal and Wal-Mart, as well as a Chase 
Mobil account. Sent from Citizen's Bank were several emails regarding setting up a 
Zelle account, which allows money to be shared between bank accounts in the United 
States, as well as one confirming that contact information for ( ) had been added or 
changed on the account. Also forwarded to me was an email from Discover regarding 
unrecognized account activity, which Yaggi did not mention during our phone 

In attempting to reach Yaggi at the phone number he provided me with for further 
information, I was unable to do so. Further contact will be attempted at a later time to 
determine if in fact a crime occurred.

Ptl. Reed #507

On 4-25-2020 at 22:30 hours, I was able to reach Mr. Yaggi for further information on 
the suspicious activity. Yaggi advised that the activity on his Discover card that the 
email was in reference to was when someone had attempted to link his Discover and 
PayPal accounts. Yaggi also further advised that at 22:17 someone had attempted to 
make a purchase on for $63.00 but that it had been declined. Yaggi was 
unable to give me a transaction number from the WalMart attempt for me to follow up 

When I asked Yaggi if anyone could have gotten into his wallet and taken his credit 
card or banking information he said no and that he keeps that stuff locked up. I also 
asked if someone could have gotten access into any of his electronics such as phones 
or computers to get the information, with him again saying no. Nothing additional to 
report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #507

On 06-02-2020, Prosecutor Van Brocklin approved charges of misuse of credit cards, 
theft, and receiving stolen property on Ashley McFall. 

Paperwork for a summons will be completed and to be be forwarded to the court.

Ptl. Reed #507

On 06-04-2020 at 16:58 hours, I served Ashley McFall with a summons at 28 West 
Street. Ashley was advised to call Mahoning County Court #3 as per instructions of the 
court to provide a working telephone number for her scheduled telephone arraignment. 

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #507

WRN NEWS has Been a Free Public Service of Digital Service Company llc Since 
2004.  Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.

PUBLISHED 9:34 AM 6/12/2020 *

Saturday, June 06, 2020
06:43 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT  May 30, 2020  @  1512 hrs
Case No.: 20005203

S 12th St @ RR Crossing, Sebring, OH

CITED: Jesus David (AGE 47)
1621 Southeast Blvd, Saletn, OH 44460

Charge: SCO 333.03 Maximum Speed Limits 59/35 

On Saturday, May 30, 2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling south in marked 
unit #303 on S 12th St near Baugh Ave. I observed a dark blue vehicle travelling north 
at what appeared to be a rate of speed higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. As the 
vehicle neared E Georgia Ave, I activated my forward radar antenna and observed a 
speed of 59 MPH on the digital display. As the vehicle passed me, I activated my 
emergency lights, audible siren and turned around to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, 
a dark blue Toyota bearing Ohio HTH3106, came to a complete stop on S 12th St just 
shy of the railroad crossing.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Jesus David, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. David asked for a warning and 
subsequently provided appropriate documentation upon request. David was issued 
traffic citation #031874 for SCO 333.03 Maximum Speed Limits 59/35 and informed to 
phone Mahoning County Court #3 Monday through Friday at the number on the 
citation for further instructions.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505   5.30.2020


ARREST REPORT  May 30, 2020  @  20:51 hrs
Case No.: 20005205

Traffic - Operator License Required
300 Block East Indiana

CITED:  Richard Miller (AGE 71)
18080 6th Street Beloit, OH

Charge: 335.01 Operator License Required (Failure to Reinstate)

On 05-30-2020 at 20:51 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 
301. While patrolling eastbound on East Virginia Avenue, I conducted a random 
registration check of the vehicle traveling in front of me. The vehicle was a Silver 
Hyundai Sante Fe, bearing Ohio registration GLA 5843. I was advised by dispatch that 
the vehicle was registered to a Richard Miller, whose driver license is under a failure to 
reinstate status. I then activated my overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic 
stop. The vehicle came to a stop in the 300 block of East Indiana Avenue.

Upon making contact with the male driver, I requested his driver license, vehicle 
registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three 
documents, with his Ohio driver license identifying him as Richard Miller. In speaking 
further with Mr. Miller, he acknowledged that he was aware that his driver license was 
not valid and said that he believed it was because he didn't pay a fee to the Bureau of 
Motor Vehicles. I also asked for identification from the adult male who was riding in the 
front passenger seat of Mr. Miller's vehicle. The passenger handed me an Ohio Driver 
License that identified him as Jason Truitt. I also noticed that Pat Ross was a backseat 
passenger in the vehicle as well.

I then returned to my patrol car and wrote Uniform Traffic Citation No.031888 to Mr. 
Miller. Mr. Miller was cited for operator license required, Sebring Codified Ordnance 
335.01. It was also confirmed through dispatch that none of the three occupants had 
outstanding warrants for their arrests. 

Ptl. VanVoorhis arrived to my location at around this time. Mr. Miller then signed the 
citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 for 
information on further proceedings in the case. Miller was given a mandatory court 
appearance. Mr. Truitt, who has a valid driver license, agreed to drive Miller's car home 
in lieu of it being towed. Prior to departing, I did ask for and receive consent to conduct 
a search of the vehicle. No contraband was located during this consent search. 

Units then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #507

WRN NEWS has Been a Free Public Service of Digital Service Company llc Since 
2004.  Please Share With Friends and Enjoy.

PUBLISHED 7:31 AM 6/6/2020 *

Friday, May 29, 2020
08:37 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT    May 25, 2020   @  1536hours
Case No.: 20005165




OVI (SFST  ORC 4511.19A1A  /  Bond $500

OVI(>. 17)   ORC 4511.19A1H


On 05/25/2020, I, Ptl. Villanueva while on patrol in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling West on West Ohio Ave. When I observed a vehicle in front of me that was 
traveling in the same direction go left of center 3 times.

I activated my emergency overhead lights and initiated a traffic stop on the 500 Block 
of West Ohio and N. 19th Street. The vehicle was a Silver Kia bearing Ohio registration 
FIV2766. I exited my cruiser and approached the vehicle on the driver side and made 
contact with the driver later identified as Scott Alzner. I informed Scott of the reason I 
had stopped him and requested his driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance. Scott had his registration in hand and looked it over repeatedly before 
handing it over to me. He then began looking for his license in his wallet before finally 
handing it over to me.

I could detect an odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the vehicle. I asked Scott 
if he had consumed any alcoholic beverages prior to operating his motor vehicle and 
Scott said no before eventually stating he has had a couple of beers. I asked Scott 
when he consumed the alcoholic beverages and he said probably since 5 in the 

I notified dispatch that the traffic stop was a possible OVI and Ptl. Brindack alrived on 
the scene to assist. I asked Scott if he would take the SFST's (Standardized Field 
Sobriety Test's), Scott said he would. I turned off the front portion of my light bar and 
had Scott exited his vehicle. I had Scott stand straight up with his hands to his side 
and his feet together and I asked if he had any medical conditions or had a head injury 
recently to which Scott stated no to the questions.

I then checked Scott's eyes for a resting nystagmus, equal pupil size, and equal 
tracking. Scott did not have a resting nystagmus, both of Scott's pupils were of equal 
size, and both of Scott's eyes tracked equally. The first test was the Horizontal Gaze 
Nystagmus after explaining the instructions I asked Scott if he understood and he said 
he understood. Once the test began, I observed the following clues: Lack of smooth 
pursuit in both eyes, Distinct nystagmus at maximum deviation in both eyes, and 
Onset nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both eyes.

The next test was the Walk and Turn, I had Scott stand straight up with his hands to 
his side and his right foot in front of his left foot and told him to stay in that position until 
instructed otherwise. I performed the test to demonstrate it, once I told Scott the 
instructions, I asked him if he understood and Scott said that he did understand. Clues 
that I observed were could not keep balance and started too soon. He then attempted 
to stand in the position but fell over and advised me he couldn't because he has a bad 
leg. I then asked him why he didn't tell me about his leg when asked before and he 
stated he's never been to a doctor for it. I then asked if he would get back into position 
and he stated he wouldn't be able to because he's going to fail. Officer Brindack then 
asked if he was refusing the test and Mr. Alzner stated he was not and began doing 
the test before I gave instructions. I then asked him to stop and go back into the 
position he was instructed to stay in until I explain the test and so he attempted to 
again and tipped over again. He then stated again he can't. So due to the failed 
attempts and him stating he could not do the test we stopped this portion of the 

The next test was the One Leg Stand, I had Scott stand straight up with his hands to 
his side and his feet together and told him to stay in that position until instructed 
otherwise. He stated he understood and I began to perform the test to demonstrate. 
Once I told Scott the instructions, I asked him if he understood and Scott said that he 
did. Clues I observed were he could not keep balance and he stopped the test multiple 
times before finally refusing this test as well and so he was placed in custody for 
suspicion of OVI and place in hand restraints, read his rights and search by Ptl. 
Brindack before being placed in the rear of marked until #304. Ptl. Brindack performed 
an inventory of the vehicle and stood by for Springer's Towing that towed the vehicle to 
10 N. 12TH St.

I transported Scott back to the police department where I performed a 20-minute 
observation period and while doing so I asked Scott if he would be willing to submit to 
a Urine and Breath test in which he agreed. Due to not having an lntoxilyzer 8000 
Operator at station, Scott was transported to Alliance Police Department to have the 
test done. Officer McCord observed as I read BMV 2255 form and once it was 
complete, McCord obtained a breath sample from Scott which the results were BAC 
0.269 9/210L.

I informed Scott that he was now under administrative license suspension and was not 
to operate any motor vehicle and I confiscated his driver's license. Scott had not had 
any prior convictions for OVI in the last 10 years. Scott was issued a traffic citation for 
OVI (SFST) ORC 451 1.19A1A, OVI (>.17) ORC 4511.19A1 H, and Left of Center 
ORC 4511.29. Scott was cited into Mahoning County Court #3 personal appearance 
required on 05/28/2020 at 9:00am.

After paper work was completed and Scott received copies of his traffic citation which 
he signed, the BMV 2255 form and his breath results. Scott was released on his own 
recognizance with a bond amount of $500.00.

Ptl. Villanueva #512


ARREST REPORT     May 24, 2020  @   1056hours
Case No.: 20005159

CRIMINAL - Domestic Violence

ARREST: Robert Doak , 42,  LKA 136 S Johnson Rd, Sebring, OH 44672

Charge: Domestic Violence (F-3)  ORC 2919.25A /  Bond TBS

While en route to the aforementioned address, dispatch requested Smith Township 
Patrolman Caughey to stage in the area for mutual aid. Having knowledge Sebring and 
Smith Township officers were at this address very recently, I went ahead and initiated 
mutual aid and requested Patrolman Caughey to respond. Upon arrival, having 
knowledge person(s) in the residence recently tested positive for COVID-19, we put on 
face masks and gloves prior to approaching the residence.

As we approached the front door, a male later identified as Robert Doak exited the 
front door and appeared confused as to why we were there. A short time later, a 
female identified as Nicole Ketler exited the front door appearing upset and distraught. 
Patrolman Caughey and I separated the parties and talked to them individually. I spoke 
with Doak on the front porch while Patrolman Caughey spoke with Ketler in the front 

Doak claimed nothing happened and any marks on Ketler were a result of the two 
having consensual sex the previous night. Ketler claimed Doak had been physically 
abusing her today, yesterday and so on. Ketler claimed the two did not have sex; that 
all marks on her body were from him assaulting her and throwing objects at her. At first 
observation, I saw Ketler's neck to be red with marks on her upper chest and a minor 
scratch on her neck. I observed what appeared to be hickeys on the left side of her 
neck that Ketler claimed were not from consensual sex. I also observed some bruising 
and track marks on Ketler's left arm. As Ketler spoke, her voice appeared to be 
strained and hoarse.

Ketler stated Doak has been assaulting her for days and had even choked her out 
before our arrival. Ketler also claimed Doak threatened to kill her and put her in a 
coma. Doak, appearing calm but somewhat agitated, denied all of the accusations 
against him. Ketler claimed she did not have sex with Doak because of his HIV 
positive status. Doak did admit to being HIV positive and made several remarks 
indicating the two had been sexually active.

Ketler stated she was in fear for her life going forward and when asked, advised she 
wanted to pursue domestic violence charges against Doak. Doak was instructed to 
turn around and place his hands behind his back. Doak was cuffed (gapped/double 
locked), informed of the charge against him and informed of his Miranda Rights which 
he stated he understood and that he was willing to waive them to provide a statement 
later at the station. Doak was subsequently searched for weapons and secured in the 
back seat of marked unit #303.

I presented the domestic violence complaint packet to Ketler and explained it to her. 
Ketler signed the domestic violence complaint and denied the offer for medical 
attention. Photographs were taken of Ketler's neck, upper chest and left arm. At this 
time, Patrolman Vanvoorhis arrived on scene to relieve Patrolman Caughey. I provided 
Ketler with the domestic violence information sheet and explained the steps she 
needed to take going forward. I retrieved a voluntary written statement packet to Ketler 
and explained it to her. I left Ketler in the company of Patrolman Vanvoorhis to 
complete her statement while I transported Doak to the Sebring Police Department for 
processing. Before departing the scene, I obtained Doak's prescription medications 
from Ketler.

Following my arrival at the station, Doak was escorted into the audio and video 
recorded squad room where his cuffs were removed. Doak was provided with gloves 
and a face mask due to his COVID-19 positive status. Doak was allowed to make 
phone calls as well as access to water and the restroom. Doak was photographed and 
informed due to past felony domestic violence convictions, he would be transported to 
the Mahoning County Justice Center and his bond set by a judge at a later date.

After being notified by dispatch, I placed a call to Chief Harris who informed me due to 
Doak's COVID-19 positive status, that I was to place him in a cruiser as soon as 
possible to minimize contamination of the station. Before doing this, I again informed 
Doak of his Miranda Rights on camera. Doak acknowledged his rights and invoked 
them; changing his mind from earlier. Doak was placed in handcuffs behind his back 
again (gapped/double locked) and secured in the back seat of marked unit #303. 
Patrolman Vanvoorhis arrived at the station with Ketler's statement and remained 
outside to monitor Doak. The rear windows of #303 were rolled completely down and 
Max A/C put on high.

After gathering all the appropriate jail paperwork, I transported Doak to the Mahoning 
County Justice Center in Youngstown. The Mahoning County Justice Center accepted 
custody of Doak where he will remain until his appearance before Mahoning County 
Court #3 on Thursday, May 28, 2020. I returned to the Sebring Police Department to 
complete all appropriate paperwork and to review Ketler's voluntary written statement.

According to Ketler's statement, Doak has been physically abusing her throughout 
their time in quarantine and she is in fear for her life. Ketler claims she has witnesses 
that can corroborate her statements but none were at the residence while we were 
there. At the end of her statement, Ketler claimed to have picked up a metal vase and 
struck Doak in self defense; a detail she did not convey while I was on scene. Doak 
never reported any injuries to me and I never observed any to his person.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT    May 24, 2020  @  2303hours

Warrant(Drug Possession F-5) ,  246 E. Ohio Ave.

Brandon Court , 29, 545 W. Ohio Ave.

While on patrol, I positively identified Brandon Court, whom I knew had an active 
warrant through Stark County. I radioed to dispatch to verify the warrant was still 
active. After dispatch relayed that Brandon Court was wanted, I followed him to the 
residence of 246 East Ohio where I then asked him to exit the building. When Brandon 
exited the residence, I placed him in handcuffs and spoke with him about the warrant 
through stark county.

Dispatch relayed that they had a hit from Stark County for the warrant and stated they 
would send a unit to issue Brandon a summons to court on the incident. Deputy 
Mcmillen from Stark County SO arrived on scene, and issued Brandon a summons to 
canton court on his warrant charges. Brandon was released from my custody and I 
offered him a courtesy transport to his residence, to which Brandon denied and walked 
to his residence. I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #511


ARREST REPORT   May 23, 2020
CaseNo.: 20-005148

Traffic / Speed,  S. 12th near Alabama Ave

CITED: Kahliel Fletcher , 24, 335W. Cambridge St, Alliance

Charge: Speed 57/35   333.03

On This date and time, while on patrol in the Village of Sebring, Mahoning County, I 
observed a black ford bearing Ohio registration GCN6878 traveling south on S. 12 th 
St near Alabama Ave. I observed the vehicle traveling a visibly high rate of speed, and 
was clocked via the radar at 57 Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph zone. The vehicle was 
stopped and the driver was issued a citation for same. 

The driver was given a To be Set court date in Mcc#3.

Res. Sgt. S.T.McDaniel # 509


ARREST REPORT   May 23, 2020  @  22:56 hrs
Case No.: 20005158

Traffic / DUS  , 400 block of West Ohio Ave.

CITED: Michael Williams , 31,  1005 Ohio St. Alliance, OH 44601


Headlights on Motor Vehicles SCO: 337.03(a) 

Driving Under Suspension  ORC 4510.11

On 05-23-2020 at 22:56 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 
303. While patrolling southbound on North Street nearing West Ohio Avenue, I 
observed a black Chevrolet Cavalier traveling westbound on Ohio Avenue with only 
one headlight illuminated. I then positioned my patrol car behind the vehicle, activated 
my overhead eniergency lights, and initiated a traffic stop on the black cavalier, 
bearing Ohio Registration HLW 4457.

The vehicle came to a stop in the 400 block of West Ohio Avenue. Upon making 
contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well as asked for 
his driver license. The subject then produced an Ohio Driver License, which identified 
him as Michael Lamar Williams.

Upon relaying Mr. Williams's information to dispatch, I was advised that he is currently 
under a 12-point driver license suspension. It was also determined that he was the 
registered owner of the vehicle.

In speaking further with Mr. Williams, I advised him that his license was showing up as 
being suspended and asked him to step out of the vehicle. Mr. Williams maintained 
that he had just been issued his driver license several months ago and that he did not 
believe it to be suspended.

Ptl. VanVoorhis arrived to my location at around this time and stood by while I 
completed an administrative inventory of the vehicle. Nothing of value and no 
contraband was located during the inventory. I was also informed at this time that there 
is a confiscation order through the Bureau of Motor Vehicles for Mr. Williams license 
plates and driver license.

Sebring Tire then arrived and towed Mr. Williams Cavalier to their lot with no holds 
being placed. Mr. Williams was given Uniform Traffic Citation No. 031886 for 
Headlights on Motor Vehicles (SCO: 337.03) and Driving Under Suspension (ORC: 
4510.11). Williams was able to verify that he did have up to date financial responsibility 
on the vehicle. Williams then signed the citation, was given his copy, and advised to 
contact Mahoning County Court #3 regarding further proceedings in the case. Both his 
driver license card and both front and back license plates were confiscated and 
secured in temporary evidence locker #1. 

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #507


ARREST REPORT    May 23, 2020
Case No.: 20005151 

TRAFFIC - SPEED , Courtney Rd @, N Johnson Rd

CITED: Samuel Santavicca , 21, 1146 Coral Blvd NW, North Canton, OH 44720

Charge: Maximum Speed Limits 51/35    SCO 333.03

On Saturday, May 23,2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #303 on Courtney Rd near N Johnson Rd facing east. I 
observed a white sedan travelling west at what appeared to be a rate of speed higher 
than the posted 35 MPH limit. As the vehicle neared Allied Drive, I activated my 
forward mounted radar antenna and observed a speed of 51 MPH on the digital 
display. As the vehicle neared me, I activated my overhead emergency lights and 
pulled west onto Courtney Rd to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a white Toyota 
bearing Ohio registration HSK3829, came to a complete stop at the stop sign at N 
Johnson Rd.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Samuel Santavicca, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Santavicca provided his 
information verbally as well as the vehicle's registration but not a valid proof of 
insurance. Santavicca was issued traffic citation #031873 for SCO 333.03 Maximum 
Speed Limits (51/35) and informed to phone the court as soon as May 26,2020 for 
further instructions.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


ARREST REPORT   May 23, 2020
Case No.: 20005157

Traffic - DUS ,  S. 15th Street near Georgia Ave.

CITED: Dajaun Eutsey , 39, 1078 Roseland Rd. Alliance, OH 44601

Charge: Driving Under Suspension  ORC: 4510.11

On 05-23-2020 at 22:04 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 
303. While patrolling southbound on North 14th Street at Ohio Avenue, I conducted a 
random vehicle registration check on a dark blue Chevrolet Blazer that was in front of 
me. The registered owner of the vehicle, a Dajaun Eutsey, returned with a suspended 
driver license. I then activated my overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic 
stop on the vehicle, bearing Ohio registration HNB 6193, with the vehicle coming to a 
stop on South 15th street near Georgia Avenue. Ptl. VanVoorhis arrived immediately 

Upon making contact with the driver I informed him of the reason for the stop and 
asked for his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver 
produced and Ohio Driver License which identified him as Dajaun A. Eutsey. Mr. 
Eutsey stated that he did not believe his driver license was suspended. Dispatch did 
again confirmed his suspended status when his driver license information was relayed 
to them. I then requested both Mr. Eutsey and his male passenger to exit the vehicle. 

An administrative inventory of the vehicle was performed with nothing of value and no 
contraband being located. Sebring Tire then arrived and towed the vehicle to their lot 
with no holds being placed. 

Mr. Eutsey was given Uniform Traffic Citation No. 031885 for Driving Under 
Suspension (ORC 4510.11). It should also be noted that Eutsey was only able to 
provide me with expired proof of financial responsibility. Eutsey then signed the 
citation, was given his copy, and told to contact Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Tuesday for information regarding further proceedings on the case. Both units then 
cleared with nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed   #507

PUBLISHED 9:17 AM 5/29/2020 *

Thursday, May 28, 2020
08:25 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT    May 21, 2020  @   1919hrs
Case No.: 20005132 

Traffic - Speed (36/25) SCO: 333.03
Texas Avenue and S. Johnson Rd.

CITED: Jeffery Ghent (AGE 20)
426 Walker Ave. Alliance, OH

Charge: Speed (36/25) SCO: 333.03

On 05-21-2020 at 19:09 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 
303. While traveling eastbound in the 600 block of West Texas Avenue, I observed a 
black Ford Fusion that appeared to be traveling at a speed greater than that of the 
posted 25MPH limit. Upon activating my front facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked 
speed of 36MPH. I then activated my overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic 
stop, with the vehicle coming to a stop on Lake Park Blvd approximately 100 yards 
west of South Johnson Road.

Upon approaching the Ford Fusion, which had Ohio temporary registration K607549 
attached to the back, I made contact with the male driver, who I know to be Jeffery 
Ghent. I informed Ghent of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his registration, 
proof of insurance and driver license. Ghent advised that he did not have his 
registration or driver license on him, but that the vehicle was registered to him. Ghent 
also said that he was unaware of his speed.

I then returned to my patrol car and wrote citation # 031884 to Mr. Ghent for SCO 
333.03 Speed: Over Limits (36/25). Ptl. Toussant of Smith Township Police 
Department arrived to my location at around this time. Mr. Ghent then signed his 
citation and was given his copy. I instructed Mr. Ghent that although he was not 
required to personally appear before the court, he would need to contact Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Monday to either pay the citation or for instructions on how to 
contest the ticket if he wished to do so. 

Ghent did give consent for a search of his vehicle, with no contraband being located. I 
then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT   MAY 18, 2020  @   1754hours
Case No.: 20-005111

Criminal - ENDANGERING CHILDREN / ORC 2919.22 / BOND $1,250

ARREST: Nicole Curtis (AGE) 26
306 W. Ohio Ave, APT 3, Sebring OH 44672

On 05/18/2020, I, Ptl. Villanueva received a call at station by (subject) who stated that 
her granddaughters- (age 5) and- (age 3) walked alone to her house at 516 W. 
Maryland Ave, from their mother's, at 306 W. Ohio Ave. She stated that their mother, 
Nicole Curtis, works midnight shift and most likely is asleep. I asked if the girls were 
okay and she stated they were fine with no injuries. She also stated that one girl said 
how she was very hungry and only ate cereal for that day.

I arrived at Nicole's home and immediately noticed the back door wide open. I banged 
on the door repeatedly until I finally made contact with Nicole's boyfriend. I requested 
he go and wake Nicole up so I could speak to her and he obliged. Once Nicole came 
to the door, I asked if she was missing her daughters. She stated she was and that she 
received a text from her brother stating how the girl's walked from her house to theirs. I 
asked if she locked the doors and she stated that they did right before they all decided 
to take a nap. She stated that she doesn't understand how the girls got out of the 
house because the deadbolt was also locked. I asked her why she would go to sleep 
when her 3 & 5 year old were wandering around the house alone. She stated that she 
put the girl's down for naps and she took one with them along with her boy friend.

After clearing, I was enroute to the home where the girls were. Upon arrival, I was 
awaited by the brother who let me into the home. I asked if I could see the girl's to 
ensure they were okay and they walked me over to the kitchen where I saw one girl 
sitting at the table eating. She quickly smiled and soon after the other girl entered and I 
asked her if she was okay. She stated she was okay and she began eating. 

Grandmother then began explaining how her daughter has had two encounters with 
CPS because of her actions. She then began to go into detail of both cases. (-) then 
called Nicole to come to the home because the girl's wanted to see their mother. When 
Nicole arrived, I let them have a moment alone with their mother and made a call to my 
supervisor SGT. Kelm. After my call, I asked  if she could take the girls to another room 
to watch a movie. After the girl's had their movie set up in another room I took Nicole 
into custody and read her rights. She stated she understood her rights and I 
transported her to station to be processed.

CPS was contacted and they confirmed that the girl's can be given to their 
grandmother and if mom wanted to be with them then she would have to stay at her 
home or else (all) would have to stay at Nicole's home. But Nicole could not take the 
children tonight (05/18/2020).

After Nicole was processed she was released on her own recognizance on charges of 
ORC 2919.22 Endangering Children (M-1) for both children. She was made aware that 
her court date was to be set by MCC#3 and to contact them on the following date for 
more information (05/19/2020).

Statements will be obtained by all parties.

Ptl. Villanueva #512

PUBLISHED 8:43 AM 5/28/2020 *

Thursday, May 28, 2020
08:04 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT    May 21, 2020  @   1919hrs
Case No.: 20005132 

Traffic - Speed (36/25) SCO: 333.03
Texas Avenue and S. Johnson Rd.

CITED: Jeffery Ghent (AGE 20)
426 Walker Ave. Alliance, OH

Charge: Speed (36/25) SCO: 333.03

On 05-21-2020 at 19:09 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 
303. While traveling eastbound in the 600 block of West Texas Avenue, I observed a 
black Ford Fusion that appeared to be traveling at a speed greater than that of the 
posted 25MPH limit. Upon activating my front facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked 
speed of 36MPH. I then activated my overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic 
stop, with the vehicle coming to a stop on Lake Park Blvd approximately 100 yards 
west of South Johnson Road.

Upon approaching the Ford Fusion, which had Ohio temporary registration K607549 
attached to the back, I made contact with the male driver, who I know to be Jeffery 
Ghent. I informed Ghent of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his registration, 
proof of insurance and driver license. Ghent advised that he did not have his 
registration or driver license on him, but that the vehicle was registered to him. Ghent 
also said that he was unaware of his speed.

I then returned to my patrol car and wrote citation # 031884 to Mr. Ghent for SCO 
333.03 Speed: Over Limits (36/25). Ptl. Toussant of Smith Township Police 
Department arrived to my location at around this time. Mr. Ghent then signed his 
citation and was given his copy. I instructed Mr. Ghent that although he was not 
required to personally appear before the court, he would need to contact Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Monday to either pay the citation or for instructions on how to 
contest the ticket if he wished to do so. 

Ghent did give consent for a search of his vehicle, with no contraband being located. I 
then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT   MAY 18, 2020  @   1754hours
Case No.: 20-005111

Criminal - ENDANGERING CHILDREN / ORC 2919.22 / BOND $1,250

ARREST: Nicole Curtis (AGE) 26
306 W. Ohio Ave, APT 3, Sebring OH 44672

On 05/18/2020, I, Ptl. Villanueva received a call at station by (subject) who stated that 
her granddaughters- (age 5) and- (age 3) walked alone to her house at 516 W. 
Maryland Ave, from their mother's, at 306 W. Ohio Ave. She stated that their mother, 
Nicole Curtis, works midnight shift and most likely is asleep. I asked if the girls were 
okay and she stated they were fine with no injuries. She also stated that one girl said 
how she was very hungry and only ate cereal for that day.

I arrived at Nicole's home and immediately noticed the back door wide open. I banged 
on the door repeatedly until I finally made contact with Nicole's boyfriend. I requested 
he go and wake Nicole up so I could speak to her and he obliged. Once Nicole came 
to the door, I asked if she was missing her daughters. She stated she was and that she 
received a text from her brother stating how the girl's walked from her house to theirs. I 
asked if she locked the doors and she stated that they did right before they all decided 
to take a nap. She stated that she doesn't understand how the girls got out of the 
house because the deadbolt was also locked. I asked her why she would go to sleep 
when her 3 & 5 year old were wandering around the house alone. She stated that she 
put the girl's down for naps and she took one with them along with her boy friend.

After clearing, I was enroute to the home where the girls were. Upon arrival, I was 
awaited by the brother who let me into the home. I asked if I could see the girl's to 
ensure they were okay and they walked me over to the kitchen where I saw one girl 
sitting at the table eating. She quickly smiled and soon after the other girl entered and I 
asked her if she was okay. She stated she was okay and she began eating. 

Grandmother then began explaining how her daughter has had two encounters with 
CPS because of her actions. She then began to go into detail of both cases. (-) then 
called Nicole to come to the home because the girl's wanted to see their mother. When 
Nicole arrived, I let them have a moment alone with their mother and made a call to my 
supervisor SGT. Kelm. After my call, I asked  if she could take the girls to another room 
to watch a movie. After the girl's had their movie set up in another room I took Nicole 
into custody and read her rights. She stated she understood her rights and I 
transported her to station to be processed.

CPS was contacted and they confirmed that the girl's can be given to their 
grandmother and if mom wanted to be with them then she would have to stay at her 
home or else (all) would have to stay at Nicole's home. But Nicole could not take the 
children tonight (05/18/2020).

After Nicole was processed she was released on her own recognizance on charges of 
ORC 2919.22 Endangering Children (M-1) for both children. She was made aware that 
her court date was to be set by MCC#3 and to contact them on the following date for 
more information (05/19/2020).

Statements will be obtained by all parties.

Ptl. Villanueva #512

PUBLISHED 8:43 AM 5/28/2020 *

Thursday, May 21, 2020
07:19 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT    May 16,2020   @   1321hrs
Case No.: 20005097

Traffic Speed  53/35
S. 12th and E. Georgia Ave

CITED: Michele Huda ,47, 1847 Wingate Rd, Youngstown

Charge: Speed 53/35   333.03 

On this date and time, while on patrol in the Village of Sebring, Mahoning County, I 
observed a white ford escape bearing Ohio registration FAL4753 traveling north on S. l 
z t h St at E. Georgia Ave. I observed the vehicle traveling at a visibly high rate of 
speed, and I clocked via the radar at 53 Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph Zone. 

The vehicle was stopped and the driver one Michele J Huda was issued a citation for 
speed 53/35 and given a To Be Set court date in Mcc#3. 

The driver had a prior moving violation in November 2109.

Res. Sgt S.T.McDaniel # 509


ARREST REPORT      May 15, 2020   @   21:08
Case No.: 20005096

200 block West Indiana Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Stephen Miller ,25, 2068 South Linden Ave. Alliance, OH

Charge: Muffler (excessive noise)    SCO: 337.20

On 05-15-2020 at approximately 21:05 hours, I was in the parking lot of Sebring 
McKinley High School in marked unit 303, when I heard what sounded to be a very 
loud diesel truck rewing its engine. Shortly after hearing this, I was advised by dispatch 
of a white truck with cab lights speeding up and down Indiana Avenue as well as 
peeling tires. 

Upon pulling onto Indiana Avenue from the high school parking lot, I observed a truck 
with a cab lights facing eastbound in the 200 block of West Indiana. Upon approaching 
the truck, I noticed that the exhaust was excessively loud. I then activated my 
overhead emergency light bar and initiated a traffic stop on the white Dodge 2500, 
bearing Ohio registration HPN 7852.

In making contact with the driver, I advised him of the reason for the stop as well as 
asked for his driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The 
driver stated "it was me" when I informed him of the complaint that had been called in 
regarding a truck with a loud exhaust that was speeding down the road and peeling 
tires. The driver then provided me with an Ohio Driver license that identified him as 
Stephen M. Miller as well as his insurance cards, but was unable to locate his vehicle 

I then returned to my patrol car and wrote Mr. Miller uniform traffic citation #03 1883, 
for Sebring Codified Ordnance 337.20 (muffler, excessive noise). Mr. Miller signed the 
citation, was given his copy, and advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 to 
either pay the citation or for information regarding further proceedings if he wished to 
contest the citation. Miller was given a verbal warning for peeling tires and driving 
recklessly. I then cleared from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #507


ARREST REPORT    May 15, 2020   @   16:00
Case No.: 20005091

246 East Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Budd  Kuyper, 44, 246 East Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

Charge: Dogs running at large   SCO: 505.01(c) (MM)

On 05-15-2020 at 1458 hours, I was dispatched to take a report of a dog bite from a 
subject at 396 East Ohio Avenue. Upon arriving to the residence I made contact wit the 
caller / complainant, Aaron Wood. Mr. Wood advised that while walking home from 
Circle K he was walking down the sidewalk when he was bit by a tan pit bull breed 
dog. Wood said that the dog came from either the yard or the porch of the house 
directly across from the fire station and that several people who were sitting on the 
porch called the dog back. Wood showed me a tear in his pants on his right thigh as 
well as a puncture wound to his left thigh. Wood's wound and the tear on his pants 
were each photographed. Wood also declined medical treatment when offered but did 
provide me with a voluntary witness statement that I told him I would return later to 
pick up.

I then proceeded to 246 East Ohio Avenue, where I found Budd Kuyper, Crystal Black, 
Glenn Fournier, and George Carl sitting on the porch. Also present was a tan female 
pit bull, named Mischief, that Budd said belonged to him. In speaking with Budd he did 
admit that his dog had gotten loose from the porch and attacked Wood. Budd said that 
he didn't think the dog had actually bit Wood and admitted to only seeing her "nip at 

Budd provided me with a voluntary witness statement as well as documentation that 
his dog had received a rabies shot last month. I then left Kuyper's residence, returned 
to wood's to pick up the witness statement, and then cleared from the call. Upon 
returning to the police station I was able to verify that Kuyper had received a dog at 
large warning letter in March after Mischief bit a jogger. Because a prior warning letter 
had been issued I wrote minor misdemeanor citation 000240 to Kuyper for Dogs 
running at large (SCO: 505.01). I then returned to Kuyper's residence where he signed 
the citation, was given his copy, and instructed to contact the court to find when future 
proceedings in the case are. I then cleared from the call. 

A copy of a dog bite report form was forwarded to the Mahoning County Board of 
Health and I also left a message with the dog wardens office regarding the incident. 
Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT     May 15, 2020   @  16:47
Case No.: 20005093

Traffic - Speed
West California Ave. at South 17th Street

CITED: Ashley  Suderman, 22, 515 West California Ave. Sebring, OH

Charge: Speed (38/25)   SCO: 333.03

On 05-15-2020 at 16:47 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 
303. While Eastbound on West California Avenue nearing South 17th Street, I 
observed a gray Ford Focus that was traveling westbound at what appeared to be a 
speed higher than that of the 25MPH posted speed limit. Upon activating my 
frontfacing antenna to my in-car radar unit, I obtained a locked speed of 38MPH. Once 
the vehicle passed me, I turned around, activated my overhead emergency lights, and 
initiated a traffic stop. The gray Ford Focus, bearing Ohio registration HQB 7941, 
came to a stop near Salem Republic Rubber.

Upon making contact with the female driver, I requested her driver license, vehicle 
registration, as well as proof of insurance. I also asked her if she were aware of her 
speed, with her advising that she was. The driver then provided me with all requested 
documents, with her Ohio Driver License identifying her as Ashley L. Suderman.

I then returned to my patrol car and wrote uniform traffic citation 03 1882 to Suderman 
for Speed (SCO 333.03), for going 38MPH in a 25MPH zone. Suderman signed the 
citation, was given her copy, and advised of her right to contest the citation. I instructed 
Suderman that although she was not given a mandatory court appearance, she would 
need to contact Mahoning County Court #3 to either pay the citation or to get 
information on further proceedings in the case if she wished to contest it. I then cleared 
from the stop with nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #507

PUBLISHED 8:09 AM 5/21/2020 *

Tuesday, May 19, 2020
08:38 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   May 14, 2020  @  1800hrs
Case No.: 20005023

Criminal /Summons
265 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring Oh 44672

Summonsed: Sean Mills ,Age 30,  - 265 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring Oh
Charge: Theft from Elderly  29 13.02(A1)(A2)

Following Narritive by Ptl. Reed #507

On 05-05-2020 at 19:28 hours, Mary Mills, of 265 West Oregon Avenue, came on 
station to report that her son, Sean Mills, had removed money from her bank account 
and sent it to a Julie Withrow without her consent. Mary advised that it was for a total 
of $350.00 dollars, and that she had just noticed it at around 7:00pm. Mary said that 
she came to the police station immediately upon noticing this. Mary then provided me 
with a voluntary witness statement before leaving, as well as a phone number for me 
to contact Withrow.

In speaking to Withrow, she agreed to come to the station to discuss the matter. Once 
on station, I interviewed Withrow in the squad room. I informed Withrow that she was 
not under arrest. Sgt. Kelm was also present. Julie informed me that Sean began 
sending her messages via Facebook messenger, using his girlfriend, Katherin Cox's 
account, asking if he could upload money onto her GreenDot card account from his 
mother's bank account and have her withdraw it. Withrow said that she was told that 
Sean's mother was helping him with money and that she would give her $50.00 for 
doing it. Withrow also said that Sean had tried to transfer money to her the day before 
without first asking for her permission to do so.

Julie also allowed me to see the messenger conversation between her and Sean, with 
four monetary transactions taking place that day. Three were for $100.00 and one was 
for $50.00. I also noted several audio calls on the messenger application between her 
and Katherines accounts. Withrow allowed me to photograph these conversations. 
When I asked what her and Sean had spoken about during their phone conversations, 
Withrow said that he was rushing her to get the money. When asked if she was 
positive it was Sean that she was speaking to on the phone, Withrow said that she 
was. I also asked if she knew the difference between how Sean and his brother 
sounded on the phone. Withrow said that she did and she was sure it was Sean that 
she was speaking to.

Withrow said that after withdrawing the money from her GreenDot account at Sheetz in 
Alliance, she met with Sean in the alleyway behind his house and gave him the money. 
Withrow said that Sean was wearing a gray hoodie when she met with him. Withrow 
then provided me with a witness statement detailing the incident before leaving the 
police station.

After speaking with Withrow, Sgt. Kelm and I went to the Mills residence to speak with 
Sean. Upon making contact with Sean, he denied having ever taken money from his 
mother's bank account or having called or met with Withrow. It should be noted that 
Sean did have on a gray hoodie as had been described by Withrow. Sean however did 
say that his brother stole his girlfriend's phone, which is logged into her messenger. 
Sean and Katherine agreed to come to the police station to provide voluntary witness 

Once at the police station, both Sean and Katherine provided voluntary witness 
statements. In Sean's statement he reiterated that she did not take money from his 
mother's bank account, nor had he called or met with Withrow. In Katherine's 
statement she also denied that Sean was involved in taking money from his mothers 
account. Both Sean and Katherine said that they found massages between Katherines 
account and Withrow's discussing the money transactions.

On 05-06-2020, Eddie Mills and Mary came on station to report that it was actually 
Eddies account that the money had been withdrawn from. Eddie provided me with a 
voluntary witness statement and reiterated that he wanted to pursue charges in the 
matter. After speaking with Mary and Eddie, I called the Sebring Huntington Bank 
branch and spoke with representatives there regarding the matter. I was advised that 
Mary and Eddie have a joint checking account but two separate cards. The 
representative with Huntington advised that a total of $250.00 had been moved from 
the account to Withrow using Mary's card and $100.00 had been moved to Withrow 
using Eddie's card. Huntington said that the transactions are being disputed and did 
fax over copies of documents regarding the transactions. This matter will be forwarded 
to the prosecutor for review and consideration of charges.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #507

Following Narrative by Sgt. Kelm #503

On 5/14/2020 I served Sean Mills with a Summons to answer to the charge of Theft 
from the Elderly 2913.02(A1)(A2). Sean was advised to contact the court for further 

Sgt. Kelm #503


ARREST REPORT    May 13, 2020  @  2120hrs
Case No.: 20005082 

S. Johnson Rd. near Grand View Cemetary

Cited: Brandon  Thorne , Age 23, 349 West 5th Street Salem, OH

Driving under suspension   ORC: 4510.11

License plate light required  SCO: 337.04

On 05-13-2020 at 21 :20 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 
301. While southbound on N. Johnson Road, I was stopped for a train when I realized 
that the vehicle in front of me, a dark green Chevrolet Colorado bearing Ohio 
registration HTG 5097, did not have a functioning license plate light. I also conducted a 
random registration check of the vehicle at this time. The vehicle was registered to a 
Brandon Lee Thorne, whose driver license was suspended. I then activated my 
overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop on the truck on Johnson Road 
across from Grand View Cemetery.

Upon making contact with the driver, identified as the registered owner by his Ohio 
Identification Card, I advised him of the reason for the stop. Mr. Thorne said that he 
was unaware that his license plate light was not working and that he had driving 
privileges. When asked where he was coming from and going to Mr. Thorne said that 
he was going to work from his girlfriend's house in Sebring. Mr. Thorne also said that 
he lives in

Mr. Thorne did provide me with a paper from Columbiana County Municipal Court that 
listed his privileges as driving from his residence to his place of employment, as well 
as to and from court hearings, medical appointments, church functions, and shopping 
at Salem Wal-Mart between specific times. A subsequent LEADS check however did 
not show any active driving privileges.

Sgt. Kelm arrived on scene at around this time and I instructed Mr. Thorne to step out 
of his vehicle. Sebring Tire was requested for a tow and an admirative inventory was 
done of the vehicle with nothing of value and no contraband being located. Thornes 
truck was towed to Sebring Tire with no holds placed. I then provided a courtesy 
transport to Mr. Thorne to his girlfriend's residence in the 200 block of West Wisconsin 
Avenue. Thorne was issued citation #031881 for license plate light required (SCO 
337.04), and driving under suspension (ORC 4510.11). Thorne signed the citation, was 
given his copy, advised of his mandatory court appearance, and instructed to call the 
court for further information on court proceedings. Nothing additional to report at this 

Ptl. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT    May 12, 2020   @   2130hrs
Case No.: 20005069

Criminal  -  265 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring Oh

Arrest: Edward Mills ,Age 37, 265 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring

Charge: Obstructing Official Business M-2 ,  2921.31  ,  Bond $1,000.00

While en route dispatch advised the caller, later identified as Edward R. Mills Jr., had 
called back and advised there was no fight he only wanted to give officers information. 
Upon arrival Ptl. Reed was already speaking to Edward. After speaking to Edward he 
then went into the residence to speak to Edward Mills Sr., Mary Mills, and Sean Mills.

Ptl. Reed advised that Edward, Mary, and Sean all advised there was no fight and no 
reason for the police to have been called. Upon speaking further with Edward he 
advised he called because Sean's girlfriend Katherine Cox was taking a shower and 
he thought it was suspicious. Ptl. Reed advised Edward he had spoken to him on 
5/9/2020 about making bogus calls to the police department. Edward was advised we 
were going to respond to the police station and listen to the recorded call and we 
would be in touch further. Both units then cleared and returned to the station.

After listening to the recorded phone call Edward advised "There isn't going to be any 
fighting" and when he called the second time he advised there was no fighting and that 
Katherine was in the shower.

Both units then responded back to 265 W. Oregon Ave. and made contact with 
Edward. Edward was advsied he was being placed under arrest for Obstructing Official 
Business. Edward was handcuffed (gapped and double locked), checked for weapons, 
and placed in the rear of unit 302.1 then transported Edward back to the station where 
he was processed and released on $1,000 OR bond.

Edward was advised to contact MCC#3 in the morning. Both units then cleared without 
further incident.

Sgt. Kelm #503

PUBLISHED 9:27 AM 5/19/2020 *

Tuesday, May 19, 2020
08:37 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   May 14, 2020  @  1800hrs
Case No.: 20005023

Criminal /Summons
265 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring Oh 44672

Summonsed: Sean Mills ,Age 30,  - 265 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring Oh
Charge: Theft from Elderly  29 13.02(A1)(A2)

Following Narritive by Ptl. Reed #507

On 05-05-2020 at 19:28 hours, Mary Mills, of 265 West Oregon Avenue, came on 
station to report that her son, Sean Mills, had removed money from her bank account 
and sent it to a Julie Withrow without her consent. Mary advised that it was for a total 
of $350.00 dollars, and that she had just noticed it at around 7:00pm. Mary said that 
she came to the police station immediately upon noticing this. Mary then provided me 
with a voluntary witness statement before leaving, as well as a phone number for me 
to contact Withrow.

In speaking to Withrow, she agreed to come to the station to discuss the matter. Once 
on station, I interviewed Withrow in the squad room. I informed Withrow that she was 
not under arrest. Sgt. Kelm was also present. Julie informed me that Sean began 
sending her messages via Facebook messenger, using his girlfriend, Katherin Cox's 
account, asking if he could upload money onto her GreenDot card account from his 
mother's bank account and have her withdraw it. Withrow said that she was told that 
Sean's mother was helping him with money and that she would give her $50.00 for 
doing it. Withrow also said that Sean had tried to transfer money to her the day before 
without first asking for her permission to do so.

Julie also allowed me to see the messenger conversation between her and Sean, with 
four monetary transactions taking place that day. Three were for $100.00 and one was 
for $50.00. I also noted several audio calls on the messenger application between her 
and Katherines accounts. Withrow allowed me to photograph these conversations. 
When I asked what her and Sean had spoken about during their phone conversations, 
Withrow said that he was rushing her to get the money. When asked if she was 
positive it was Sean that she was speaking to on the phone, Withrow said that she 
was. I also asked if she knew the difference between how Sean and his brother 
sounded on the phone. Withrow said that she did and she was sure it was Sean that 
she was speaking to.

Withrow said that after withdrawing the money from her GreenDot account at Sheetz in 
Alliance, she met with Sean in the alleyway behind his house and gave him the money. 
Withrow said that Sean was wearing a gray hoodie when she met with him. Withrow 
then provided me with a witness statement detailing the incident before leaving the 
police station.

After speaking with Withrow, Sgt. Kelm and I went to the Mills residence to speak with 
Sean. Upon making contact with Sean, he denied having ever taken money from his 
mother's bank account or having called or met with Withrow. It should be noted that 
Sean did have on a gray hoodie as had been described by Withrow. Sean however did 
say that his brother stole his girlfriend's phone, which is logged into her messenger. 
Sean and Katherine agreed to come to the police station to provide voluntary witness 

Once at the police station, both Sean and Katherine provided voluntary witness 
statements. In Sean's statement he reiterated that she did not take money from his 
mother's bank account, nor had he called or met with Withrow. In Katherine's 
statement she also denied that Sean was involved in taking money from his mothers 
account. Both Sean and Katherine said that they found massages between Katherines 
account and Withrow's discussing the money transactions.

On 05-06-2020, Eddie Mills and Mary came on station to report that it was actually 
Eddies account that the money had been withdrawn from. Eddie provided me with a 
voluntary witness statement and reiterated that he wanted to pursue charges in the 
matter. After speaking with Mary and Eddie, I called the Sebring Huntington Bank 
branch and spoke with representatives there regarding the matter. I was advised that 
Mary and Eddie have a joint checking account but two separate cards. The 
representative with Huntington advised that a total of $250.00 had been moved from 
the account to Withrow using Mary's card and $100.00 had been moved to Withrow 
using Eddie's card. Huntington said that the transactions are being disputed and did 
fax over copies of documents regarding the transactions. This matter will be forwarded 
to the prosecutor for review and consideration of charges.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #507

Following Narrative by Sgt. Kelm #503

On 5/14/2020 I served Sean Mills with a Summons to answer to the charge of Theft 
from the Elderly 2913.02(A1)(A2). Sean was advised to contact the court for further 

Sgt. Kelm #503


ARREST REPORT    May 13, 2020  @  2120hrs
Case No.: 20005082 

S. Johnson Rd. near Grand View Cemetary

Cited: Brandon  Thorne , Age 23, 349 West 5th Street Salem, OH

Driving under suspension   ORC: 4510.11

License plate light required  SCO: 337.04

On 05-13-2020 at 21 :20 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 
301. While southbound on N. Johnson Road, I was stopped for a train when I realized 
that the vehicle in front of me, a dark green Chevrolet Colorado bearing Ohio 
registration HTG 5097, did not have a functioning license plate light. I also conducted a 
random registration check of the vehicle at this time. The vehicle was registered to a 
Brandon Lee Thorne, whose driver license was suspended. I then activated my 
overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop on the truck on Johnson Road 
across from Grand View Cemetery.

Upon making contact with the driver, identified as the registered owner by his Ohio 
Identification Card, I advised him of the reason for the stop. Mr. Thorne said that he 
was unaware that his license plate light was not working and that he had driving 
privileges. When asked where he was coming from and going to Mr. Thorne said that 
he was going to work from his girlfriend's house in Sebring. Mr. Thorne also said that 
he lives in

Mr. Thorne did provide me with a paper from Columbiana County Municipal Court that 
listed his privileges as driving from his residence to his place of employment, as well 
as to and from court hearings, medical appointments, church functions, and shopping 
at Salem Wal-Mart between specific times. A subsequent LEADS check however did 
not show any active driving privileges.

Sgt. Kelm arrived on scene at around this time and I instructed Mr. Thorne to step out 
of his vehicle. Sebring Tire was requested for a tow and an admirative inventory was 
done of the vehicle with nothing of value and no contraband being located. Thornes 
truck was towed to Sebring Tire with no holds placed. I then provided a courtesy 
transport to Mr. Thorne to his girlfriend's residence in the 200 block of West Wisconsin 
Avenue. Thorne was issued citation #031881 for license plate light required (SCO 
337.04), and driving under suspension (ORC 4510.11). Thorne signed the citation, was 
given his copy, advised of his mandatory court appearance, and instructed to call the 
court for further information on court proceedings. Nothing additional to report at this 

Ptl. Reed #507


ARREST REPORT    May 12, 2020   @   2130hrs
Case No.: 20005069

Criminal  -  265 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring Oh

Arrest: Edward Mills ,Age 37, 265 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring

Charge: Obstructing Official Business M-2 ,  2921.31  ,  Bond $1,000.00

While en route dispatch advised the caller, later identified as Edward R. Mills Jr., had 
called back and advised there was no fight he only wanted to give officers information. 
Upon arrival Ptl. Reed was already speaking to Edward. After speaking to Edward he 
then went into the residence to speak to Edward Mills Sr., Mary Mills, and Sean Mills.

Ptl. Reed advised that Edward, Mary, and Sean all advised there was no fight and no 
reason for the police to have been called. Upon speaking further with Edward he 
advised he called because Sean's girlfriend Katherine Cox was taking a shower and 
he thought it was suspicious. Ptl. Reed advised Edward he had spoken to him on 
5/9/2020 about making bogus calls to the police department. Edward was advised we 
were going to respond to the police station and listen to the recorded call and we 
would be in touch further. Both units then cleared and returned to the station.

After listening to the recorded phone call Edward advised "There isn't going to be any 
fighting" and when he called the second time he advised there was no fighting and that 
Katherine was in the shower.

Both units then responded back to 265 W. Oregon Ave. and made contact with 
Edward. Edward was advsied he was being placed under arrest for Obstructing Official 
Business. Edward was handcuffed (gapped and double locked), checked for weapons, 
and placed in the rear of unit 302.1 then transported Edward back to the station where 
he was processed and released on $1,000 OR bond.

Edward was advised to contact MCC#3 in the morning. Both units then cleared without 
further incident.

Sgt. Kelm #503

PUBLISHED 9:27 AM 5/19/2020 *

Thursday, May 14, 2020
07:55 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT    May 10, 2020  @  03:20
Case No.: 20005053 



ARREST:  Sherrie Simpson   /  DOMESTIC VIOLENCE  2919.25

Following Narrative by Ptl. Reed #507

On 05-10-2020 at 01:28 hours, I was dispatched to a domestic violence incident at 426 
East Vermont Avenue. 

Upon arrival I met the caller/complainant, Patrick R. Levelle, in the driveway to the 
residence near the road. Mr. Levelle was bleeding from a cut on his head and had the 
strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his person. Mr. Levelle advised 
that his live-in girlfriend, Sherrie Simpson, had hit him with an incense burner causing 
the cut on his head. Levelle did say at this point that he wished to pursue charges in 
the matter. Levelle further advised that Simpson had fled on foot prior to officers arrival 
and that she was wearing a light colored top with blue jeans. This matched the 
description of a female subject who I had passed on East Virginia Avenue behind the 
high school while enroute to the call. I informed Ptl. Russell of this over the radio with 
her searching the area. Several minutes later dispatch advised that Simpson was at 
the police station.

In speaking further with Mr. Levelle, he advised that Simpson was intoxicated, taking 
Ativan in addition to drinking alcohol, and that she had attacked him without 
provocation. Levelle said that she also "tore the Hell out of his house".  Sebring 
FireIEMS arrived at this point with me then going inside the house with Mr. Levelle and 
the EMS squad. I did note that inside the kitchen was a skillet and food thrown on the 
floor around it. Levelle provided me with a broken incense burned that he said 
Simpson had struck him with. The incense burner had an ornamental dragon. The 
head to the dragon matched the wound on Levelle's head.

Levelle was then transported by Sebring Fire/EMS to Aultman Alliance Hospital for 
treatment. While Levelle was on his way to the hospital, I went to the police station to 
meet up with Ptl. Russell, who was speaking with Simpson. Upon arriving, I found Ptl. 
Russell and Smith Township Sergeant Davis speaking with Simpson in the back 
parking lot of the police station. The four of us then proceeded into the squad room 
where I spoke to Simpson regarding the matter. It should be noted that I advised 
Simpson that she was not under arrest but did read her Miranda prior to speaking with 
her. I could also smell the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from 

Simpson advised that she had been with Levelle throughout the evening at his 
daughters house as well as her friends house in Alliance. Levelle allegedly became 
upset regarding having been rejected membership by a motorcycle club, and began 
arguing with her. Simpson said that Levelle continued to berate her throughout the the 
time that they were with his daughter and during the drive home.

Simpson further advised that upon returning home Levelle "threw her around" but said 
"I don't know" when asked to elaborate. It should be noted that Simpsons lips were 
visibly swollen and had cuts on the insides of them and her hands and clothing had 
blood on them. It was also later noticed that she had an abrasions on her scalp and 
scratch on her neck. These injuries were photographed. When asked if she had struck 
Levelle with the incense burner she denied having done so.

After speaking with Simpson, I went to Aultman Alliance Community Hospital to speak 
with Levelle. Levelle said that the couple had been at his daughters house on Milton 
Street in Alliance before going home. Levelle also again said that Simpson had been 
drinking throughout the evening. Levelle went on to say that upon coming home, 
Simpson wanted to continue to drink, Levelle said that Simpson then attacked him 
without provocation and that he had never struck her back. 

When confronted with the injuries that Simpson had he said that he again said that he 
never hit her. Levelle also began saying that he did not want Simpson to get in trouble 
and that he did not want to pursue charges. I advised him that due to the severity of 
injuries between the two that the state would pick them up.

Upon being discharged from the Emergency Department (E.D.) I took Levelle into 
custody. While in the E.D. he was placed in handcuffs, which were properly spaced 
and double locked, as well as searched incident to arrest. He was then brought back to 
the police station for processing, with it later being discovered that he had a prior 
domestic violence convictions. Because of this he was charged with third degree 
felony Domestic Violence (ORC 2919.25A).

Simpson, who was also found to have prior domestic violence convictions was 
charged with third degree felony domestic violence as well. It did appear that both 
subjects were aggressors in the incident. when asked if there were firearms in the 
house, both subjects advised that there were not.

After processing, I transported Levelle to the county jail in car 301 with Ptl. Russell 
transporting Simpson in car 303. Due to the degree of offense both subjects will 
require bail to be set by a judge.

Domestic violence packets were gone over with both subjects. The incense burner 
was collected as evidence and secured in temporary evidence locker #1.  The injuries 
to both parties were also photographed as evidence. Nothing additional to report at 
this time.

Ptl. Reed #507


Following Narrative by Ptl. Racheal Russell #510

On May 10,2020 myself and Ptl. Reed were dispatched to 426 E. Vermont Ave for a 
Domestic Violence complaint. 

Upon arrival I was met by Ptl. Reed who stated the female involved had took off on 
foot last known walking Westbound on E. Virginia Ave. Ptl. Reed stated he believes he 
passed her while responding to the call. I had then cleared the scene in attempts to 
locate her. I arrived in the area of E. Virginia and was then quickly notified by dispatch 
the female was in the back-parking lot of the Sebring Police department. I then left the 
area to respond to the Sebring Police department. Ptl. Reed remained on scene with 
the alleged victim.

Upon arriving at the Sebring Police department, I observed a female sitting on the 
ground that appeared to be sobbing speaking with Smith Township Sgt. Davis. I made 
contact with the female and Sgt. Davis. I identified the female as Ms. Sherrie Simpson. 
Ms. Simpson stated her and her boyfriend had got into an argument while visiting at 
his daughter's house in Alliance that turned into physical violence when they returned 
home. I was advised her boyfriend is Patrick Levell. Sherrie stated Patrick became 
verbally abusive because he had been drinking alcoholic beverages while they were 
visiting with his daughter by calling her a whore. Sherrie stated her boyfriend drinks a 
lot after work and verbally abuses her until it leads into physical violence. I was 
advised this happens often.

On the above date Sherrie stated when they returned home from Alliance, she 
attempted to make food in the skillet, but Patrick became angry and tossed it around 
the kitchen. I was advised that is when Patrick became physically violent with her by 
pushing on her until she fell to the floor. Sherrie stated Patrick started to choke her by 
putting his arm around her neck while she was on the floor but he did not hold her in 
this position for long. Sherrie stated Patrick hit her in the face several times but is 
unsure if it was with an open or closed hand. Sherrie stated she threatened to call the 
police but Patrick took her phone from her. I was advised when she was able to get 
away from him, she left to come to the police department. I observed Sherrie to have a 
swollen busted open lip, a mark on her left check, a small scratch on her neck, blood in 
her hair and all over her clothing and a scrap on her scalp. Sherrie stated the blood 
came from her nose and lip. Photographs were taken of Sherrie's

I was then notified by Ptl. Reed that Patrick was being transferred to the Alliance 
community hospital ER due to a head injury. Patrick advised Ptl. Reed, Sherrie struck 
him in the head with an incense burner with a dragon on it. Ptl. Reed advised me the 
injury on his head matches the dragon on the incense burner. Ptl. Reed responded to 
the hospital with Patrick.

I asked Sherrie if at any time she hit Patrick with the incense burner because of the 
information I just ' received. Sherrie started to laugh and stated "I bet he does have an 
injury". Sherrie then stated "She does not believe she hit him at any time because she 
would not have had time due to him pushing her around. I asked what she did when 
was able to get up from the floor. I was advised she ran out the door to come to the 
Police department for help. I was further advised Patrick will cause harm to himself just 
to get her arrested.

I then checked for prior Domestics on Sherrie finding two with convictions and two 
assaults with convictions. There was no protection order in place between the two 
parties. I then advised Sherrie was being charged with Domestic Violence 2919.25 F3 
due to the injury to the head. 

While I was working on the booking process Ptl. Reed brought Patrick in booking. 
Sherrie became verbally aggressive knowing he was in the building. She, started to 
call him a mother fucker and called officer's bitches. Sherrie was then placed in 
handcuffs until she could calm down. Once Sherrie was calmed down I transported her 
to the Mahoning county jail.

Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #510


ARREST REPORT    5/9/2020   @1022hrs
Case No.: 20005046
Traffic / FTD/ No MC Endorsement @ W. Vermont Ave and N. 16th

CITED: Joshua  Johnson , 34 , 315 W.Virginia Ave, Sebring

Failure to Display  335.09

No MC Endorsement  335.01 A-2

On this date and time, while on patrol in the Village of Sebring, Mahoning County, I 
observed a black Harley Davidson motorcycle traveling west on W. Vermont Ave near 
N. 16th St. I observed the motorcycle fail to have a license plate. I made a stop on the 
vehicle and the driver one Joshua Lee Johnson advised he purchased the bike from a 
guy in Youngstown and hasn't got plates for it. I was also advised by Mr. Johnson that 
he doesn't have a motor cycle endorsement either. 

Mr. Johnson produced the title that was signed over to him, and he was cited for 
Failure to Display 335.09 ORC. And Operating without a Motor Cycle Endorsement 
335.01A-2 and give a To Be Set Court date in Mcc#3.

Res. Sgt. S.T.McDaniel # 509


ARREST REPORT   May 9, 2020
Case No.: 20005048

TRAFFIC  @  S Johnson Rd near Lake Park Blvd, Sebring, OH

CITED: Joshua  Hurford , 25,  216 W Oregon Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

Charge: Maximum Speed Limits (51/35),  SCO 333.03

On Saturday, May 9, 2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in the 700 block of S Johnson Rd in marked unit #303. While facing north, 
I observed in my sideview mirror a white vehicle travelling at what appeared to be a 
rate of speed higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activated the rear facing 
radar antenna, I observed a speed of 51 MPH on the digital display. As the vehicle 
continued north passed my location, I activated my overhead emergency lights to 
initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a white Chevrolet bearing Ohio registration 
HST4841, came to a complete stop on S Johnson Rd near Lake Park Blvd.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Joshua Hurford, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Hurford provided appropriate 
documentation upon request except for proof of insurance. Hurford was issued traffic 
citation #031871 for SCO 333.03 Maximum Speed Limits - 51/35 and informed to 
contact the court at the number on the bottom of the ticket during the week for further 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


Case No.: 20005049

TRAFFIC @ Courtney Rd near East Village Limits, Sebring, OH

CITED: Rachelle Pringle , 25, 442 S Liberty Ave, Alliance, OH 44601

Maximum Speed Limits (54/35)  SCO 333.03

Driver and Passenger Required to Wear Seat Belt  SCO 337.27

On Saturday, May 9,2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement on Courtney Road in front of Famous Supply in marked unit #303. While 
facing east, I observed in my sideview mirror a silver vehicle travelling east at what 
appeared to be a rate of speed higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activating 
my rear facing radar antenna, I observed a speed of 54 MPH on the digital display. As 
the vehicle passed my location, I activated my overhead emergency lights and pulled 
onto Courtney Road to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a silver Ford with missing 
temporary registration, came to a complete stop near the east limits on Courtney 

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Rachelle Pringle, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for the stop. While speaking to Pringle, I 
observed she was not wearing her seatbelt and inquired about it. Pringle admitted she 
had not been wearing her seatbelt prior to being stopped. Pringle provided appropriate 
documentation upon request except for proof of insurance. Pringle was issued traffic 
citation #031872 for SCO 333.03 Maximum Speed Limits - 54/35 and SCO 337.27 
Drivers and Passengers Required to Wear Seat Belts. 

Pringle was informed to contact the court at the number on the bottom of the ticket 
during the week for further instructions.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


Case No.: 20005044

Traffic  @  600 Block of West Ohio Avenue

CITED: Christopher Hawkins , 44, 580 Santa Monica Dr. Youngstown, OH

Charge: Obedience to traffic control devices  SCO: 313.01

On 05-08-2020 at 20:42 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 
301. While sitting stationary at the intersection of West Ohio Avenue and North 
Johnson Road, I observed a red Chevrolet S 10 travel through the flashing four way 
stop at the intersection, slowing down to approximately 10 MPH before proceeding 
through. I then activated my overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop.

The S10, bearing Ohio registration HHA 5954, came to a stop in the 600 block of West 
Ohio Avenue. I then made contact with the driver, a Christopher L. Hawkins. In 
speaking to Mr. Hawkins, he advised that he had just bought the truck, that he was 
driving it home, and that the brakes were "a little spongey". Hawkins provided me with 
his driver license but advised that he did not yet have insurance on the vehicle and 
that he had not registered it yet. Hawkins advised that the plates that were on the 
vehicle belonged to his 1997 S10, that was red as well. Hawkins did have the title to 
the vehicle.

I then returned to my patrol car and after determining that Hawkins had a valid driver 
license and no outstanding warrants for his arrest, wrote him citation 031880 for 
obedience to traffic control devices, Sebring Codified Ordnance 313.01. Because Mr. 
Hawkins admitted to not having insurance on the vehicle, he was given a mandatory 
court appearance. Hawkins then signed the citation, received his copy, and was 
advised to contact Mahoning County Court #3 regarding further proceedings in the 

Hawkins was given a verbal warning for operating an unsafe vehicle and advised to 
call for a tow truck to get the vehicle home, which he did. I then cleared from the stop 
with nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed   #507

PUBLISHED 8:44 AM 5/14/2020 *

Tuesday, May 12, 2020
06:06 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   5/6/2020  @ 1630hrs
Case No.: 20002090

Mahoning County Jail

Michael  Beane 
115 East Indiana Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

Possession of Drugs   2925.11C(1)(a)  /  BOND $2,500.00

Possession of Drugs   2925.11C(1)(a)  /  BOND $2,500.00

Trafficking                     2925.03C(1)(b)  /  BOND $8,000.00

Trafficking                     2925.03C(1)(b)  /  BOND $8,000.00

On Wednesday, May 6th, Michael S. Beane, 34 of 115 E. Indiana Ave. Sebring, turned 
himself into the Mahoning County Jail on outstanding warrants. The warrants stem 
from an investigation that led to search warrants being executed on March lst of this 
year. A substantial amount of money, various guns and drugs were discovered during 
said search.

Beane was charged with two (2) counts Felony 3 Aggravated Trafficking in Drugs and 
two (2) counts Felony 5 Aggravated Possession of Drugs.


ARREST REPORT       May 3, 2020   @ 1250hrs
Case No.: 20005015

206 E Oregon Ave

Alisha  Riesen (AGE 34)
206 E Oregon Ave, Sebring, OH 44672


Prior to my arrival at 206 E Oregon Ave, an arrest warrant out of Alliance for Alisha 
Riesen was confirmed through dispatch. 

Upon arrival, I established contact with Alisha and obtained a voluntary written 
statement from her on an unrelated matter. While she was providing the statement, I 
phoned dispatch to confirm the location for custody exchange with Alliance Police at 
the Sebring Police Department.

After Alisha completed her written statement, I informed her of the warrant and took 
her into custody (handcuffs gappedldouble locked behind her back). Alisha was 
subsequently transported to the Sebring Police Department. Alliance Police Officer 
Kevin Brown arrived at the station and took custody of Alisha.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505


Case No.: 20005011 

400 block South 15th Street

CITED: Kendra Cundiff (AGE 20)
703 Keplinger Ave. Alliance, OH 44601

License Plate Light Required  SCO: 337.04

Possession of Marijuana Paraphernalia   SCO 513.12

On 05-03-2020, at 00:13 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 
301. While southbound in the 400 block of South 15th Street, I observed that the 
vehicle in front of me did not have an operable license plate light. I then activated my 
overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. Upon approaching the silver 
Impala, bearing Ohio registration HNB 6274, I could smell the strong odor of burnt 
marijuana emanating from inside of the vehicle.

In making contact with the driver, Kendra Cundiff, I requested her driver license, 
vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. Cundiff was only able to provide me 
with an expired insurance card but did give me her name and date of birth. Dyllon 
Dewell was the front seat passenger with Olivia and Ariel Gillman in the back of the 
vehicle. All three gave me there identifying information. When I asked where the 
marijuana that I was smelling was, Dyllon admitted that there was a blunt in the car, 
with him retrieving it from the back-seat area and handing it to me.

Ptl. Russell then arrived on scene and all four occupants were requested out of the 
vehicle with a probable cause search being conducted. In searching the driver area, 
directly underneath the seat, I located a glass pipe with remnants of a burnt, green, 
vegetative substance inside. This substance did smell strongly of marijuana. Once 
finished searching the vehicle, I asked who the marijuana pipe belonged to. Cundiff 
admitted that it belonged to her. No other contraband was located during the search. 
When I asked Cundiff if she had smoked marijuana recently, she said that she had not. 
I also did not observe or smell any indicators on Cundiff to indicate that she had.

All four subjects were allowed back inside the vehicle, with me returning to my patrol 
car to write citations. I also determined that none of the occupants had any active 
warrants and that Cundiff did have a valid driver license. 

Cundiff was cited for Sebring Codified Ordnance: 337.04 (license plate light required), 
and Sebring Codified Ordnance 513.121 (marijuana paraphernalia). Cundiff was 
issued minor misdemeanor citation #000307 and uniform traffic citation #031879. 
Cundiff signed both and was given her copy of each. Due to the current Covid-19 
pandemic, although I did require Cudiff to personally appear before the court, I listed 
"To Be set" on each of her citations. I also explained to Cundiff that she would need to 
contact the court for information on further proceedings in the case. 

I then cleared from the stop. The confiscated marijuana blunt and glass pipe were 
secured in temporary evidence locker #1. 

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #507


ARREST REPORT   May 2, 2020 @ 1230hrs
Case No.: 20005005

License Forfeiture / Expired Reg
500 Blk W. Maryland Ave

Cited: Celina  Robinson (22)
375 W. Maryland Ave, Sebring

License Forfeiture Susp.    335.07

Expired Registration 09/19  335.1

On this date a t 1230Hrs, while on patrol in the village of Sebring, Mahoning County, I 
observed a green Ford Escort bearing Ohio registration HSN2331 traveling east on W. 
Maryland Ave in the 500 Blk. I observed the driver to be one Celina Robinson and I 
was aware that Celina was suspended. I also observed the registration to be expired 
as 09/19. 

I pulled behind the vehicle, and I observed it to pull into the driveway of 586 W. 
Maryland Ave and I observed Celina Robinson exit the driver's door and start to walk 
towards the owner of the residence. I made contact with Celina, and she advised me 
that her operator's license was suspended and the vehicle belonged to Antonio D. 

Dispatch confirmed that Celina was under a License Forfeiture Suspended, as well as 
a Non-Compliance Suspension. 

Springer's was dispatched to remove the vehicle, and Celina was cited for Diving 
Under a License Forfeiture Suspension, and Expired Registration, and given a to be 
set Court date in Mcc#3.

Res. Sgt S.T.McDaniel # 509

PUBLISHED 6:55 AM 5/12/2020 *

Friday, May 01, 2020
10:35 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT     4.27.2020    1100hrs
Case No.: 20004101 

336 E Indiana Ave, Sebring, OH 

ARREST: Tewksbury First Brian (AGE 29), 336 E Indiana Ave, Sebring, OH 

Felonious Assault (F-2)  / ORC 2903.11(A)(2)

Violations Prohibited (M-2) / ORC 3701.352

Following Narrative by Ptl. Peterman #511  4/25/2020

On arrival, I spoke with the victim, Matthew Thurman, who states "Bryan Tewksbury 
came up to me and smashed me in the back of the head with a flashlight".  Matthew 
had a small hoodie pressed against his head, and when I asked him to lift the hoodie 
up, observed a large amount of blood on the back of Matthews head, and a large 
contusion on the upper left portion of his head that was still bleeding. I advised 
Matthew to keep applying pressure until medics could arrive to treat his injury. I 
advised dispatch that Matthew was in need of medical attention from Sebring FD.  
Dispatched relayed information to Sebring FD, and had medics dispatched to 246 E. 
Ohio Ave.

Ptl. VanVoorhis #513 arrived at this time to assist me as I relayed information from 
several witnesses who saw Bryan Tewksbury running from the scene of the crime 
shirtless, and wearing khaki shorts and a pair of sneakers. Witnesses also report 
Tewksbury running up to two individuals, one being a female walking with a baby 
stroller, then running off east toward his residence on the 300 East block of Indiana. 
Ptl. Marchionda #505 radioed to dispatch at this time he had Bryan Tewksbury held at 
gun point at his residence, 336 E. Indiana Ave. I asked Matthew if he wished to press 
charges against Bryan Tewksbury and he responded "Fuck yeah I would".  Sebring FD 
arrived on scene at this time to treat Mathew of his injuries. 

Myself and Ptl. VanVoorhis left the victims residence to assist Ptl. Marchionda #505. 
Smith Township PD Ptl. Caughey #377, and Smith township PD Ptl. Toussant #380 
arrived with myself and Ptl. VanVoorhis #513 at the residence and saw Bryan 
Tewksburys father, Chris Tewksbury, approaching Ptl. Marchionda #505 in a 
threatening manner asking "what the fuck are you doing to my son". I approached 
Chris and advised him to move away from the area to which he responded "I'm calling 
my lawyer; you have no right to do this".  Ptl. Marchionda #505 had Bryan detained in 
handcuffs at this time, and was seen bleeding heavily from a deep laceration to his 
right hand. I again advised Chris he needed to get away from the area, and he backed 
to the end of their driveway. Ptl. Marchionda #505 requested me to provide aid to 
Bryan. I retrieved my first aid bag from my patrol vehicle, and obtained a roll of thick 
gauze, and properly applied it to Bryans right hand.

After applying first aid treatment, Sebring FD arrived on scene to provide further 
medical care and transport. I spoke with Ptl. Marchionda #505 who advised me to 
obtain witness statements and collect evidence at the crime scene. I advised dispatch I 
was clear from Bryans residence, and was enroute to the previous address. I arrived 
back at 246 E. Ohio Ave. and spoke to another resident there, Budd Kuyper, who 
states "Bryan came to the front door and knocked. As I answered the door, I noticed 
Bryan was acting erratically as none of his statements were making any sense.".  Budd 
also states "I let him inside, and he kept asking where Matthew was, and I saw his 
hand was all bloody".  Budd states "I heard a loud thud, and came outside to see him 
(Bryan Tewksbury) on top of Matthew, punching and yelling at him".

After speaking to Budd, I requested he provide me with a written statement. Budd 
agreed, and I finished collecting evidence for processing. Bryan was pink slipped due 
to his erratic behaviors and injuries and transported to Aultman Alliance, and Matthew 
was also transported to Alliance Aultman Hospital for his injuries. Ptl. Marchionda #505 
followed medics to Aultman Alliance Hospital to retrieve as witness statement from 
Matthew, then cleared back to Sebring. All parties cleared the scene without further 

This report will be forwarded to the prosecutor for approval on the charge of Felonious 
Assault 2903.11 (A)(2).

Ptl. Peterman #511  4/25/2020

Following Narrative by Patrolman Zachery Van Voorhis Unit #513

On April 25,2020 at 1642 hours I was dispatched to 226 E Ohio Ave for an assault in 
progress between two males. Upon arrival I observed Patrolman Peterman's cruiser 
out front of the house. I asked him via radio where he was and he said outback. Once I 
got to the back yard I observed Matthew Thurman bleeding from his head standing on 
a wheelchair ramp. Matthew was standing with Budd Kuyper and speaking to 
Patrolman Peterman. Patrolman Peterman pointed out a flashlight that was used as a 
weapon to strike Mr. Thurman in the head. He explained he got photos already and I 
could collect it for evidence. Mr. Thurman advised both units that Brian Tewksbury was 
the one who attacked him.

Before collecting, I spoke to Mr. Kuyper about the incident asking where it took 
placeat. The place the fight happened was in the back yard by an entry door to the 
basement. There were droplets of blood surrounding the door, a bloody palm print on 
the metal ramp and blood on the flashlight on the ground. I then put gloves on and 
proceeded to collect the evidence, and radioed to Patrolman Marchionda to look for 
our suspect last seen East on Ohio since Patrolman Peterman and myself had the first 
scene secure.

Medics arrived at 226 East Ohio to treat Mr. Thurman. About 10 minutes later 
Patrolman Marchionda called over the radio that he had found the suspect at his 
residence and the suspect ran inside the house. The next transpission from Patrolman 
Marchionda was that he had the suspect Brian Tewksbury at gunpoint and he needed 
assistance. Both Patrolman Peterman and myself responded to the residence along 
with Smith Township officers to assist. Once on scene I observed Mr. Tewksbury on his 
knees facing Patrolman Marchionda with his hands behind his lower back. Mr. 
Tewksbury was bleeding from his hand with blood behind him on the front porch and 
all over his body and clothes. Mr. Tewksbury said, "He said that to my girl, what would 
you do?" referring to the incident. He said multiple times the same statement, "He said 
that to my girl, what would you do?".

While Patrolman Marchionda covered the suspect, I went over and picked him up to be 
cuffed as he was having trouble understanding commands from Patrolman 
Marchionda. Mr. Tewksbury appeared to be muttering random words and sentences. 
He also could not keep his focus while he was being talked to. He was also unstable 
on his feet without being held up. He was detained in cuffs for the time being. 

Patrolman Peterman wrapped his hand with gauze while medics arrived.

Once the squad arrived, he was taken out of cuffs and pink slipped to the hospital to 
be evaluated.  Patrolman Marchionda followed the squad to the hospital and while 
there I asked him for a statement from the victim Mr. Thurman. Patrolman Peterman 
and myself then went back and began looking for witness' and taking statements. Due 
to the location of the fight no one could see much detail and it appeared no one, other 
than the two involved, know who swung first. 

Patrolman Zachery Van Voorhis Unit #513

Following Narrative by Ptl. Marchionda #505

While responding to a report of a fight at 246 E Ohio Ave, I observed Patrolmen 
Peterman and VanVoorhis already on scene. Radio traffic indicated our suspect to be 
Brian Tewksbury and that he had fled east on E Ohio Ave on foot after striking another 
male in the head with a flashlight.

Patrolman VanVoorhis requested for me to canvas the surrounding area for Tewksbury.

While searching the immediate area, radio traffic indicated Tewksbury was last seen 
walking with two females. Smith Township Patrolman Caughey flagged me down on N 
12th St near E. Maryland Ave and advised he observed two females on foot near N 
13th St and E Indiana Ave. 

Having previously dealt with Tewksbury in the past and knowing his residence to be 
336 E Indiana Ave., I proceeded to that address.

As I neared the aforementioned address, I observed a shirtless male quickly run into 
the of the residence. Simultaneously, radio traffic indicated Tewksbury fled the scene 
shirtless. As I approached the residence, I observed several droplets of fresh blood in 
the driveway and on the front porch. I realized the shirtless male I observed rushing 
into the house was Tewksbury and began,to knock on the front door while shouting his 

I observed even more blood near the front door and due to the door being unlocked, 
my knocking caused it to open slightly. Believing Tewksbury was inside the residence, 
possibly injured and may be in possession of some type of weapon, I kicked the door 
open and remained on the front porch.  With my duty weapon unholstered and at the 
low ready, I gave loud commands for Tewksbury to exit the residence.

Tewksbury appeared still shirtless with blood covering his arms and torso with his right 
hand not visible. I ordered Tewksbury out of the residence at gunpoint onto the front 
porch. Tewksbury was acting erratically and speaking incoherently but responded to 
my commands to exit the house, place his hands behind his back and get on his 
knees. I updated dispatch of the situation and broadcasted one male at gunpoint. This 
radio traffic prompted response from Patrolmen Peterman and VanVoorhis as well as 
mutual aid response from Smith Township.

As backup was arriving on scene, Tewksbury's father from the neighboring residence 
began to quickly move up behind me. While maintaining cover on Tewksbury with my 
duty weapon, I unholstered by taser and ordered Tewksbury's father to back up. After 
seeing the father comply, I turned my attention back to Tewksbury as officers were 
arriving onto the front porch. Smith Township Patrolmen Caughey and Toussant 
arrived on scene as Patrolmen Peterman and VanVoorhis were assisting me with 

Observing a serious injury to Tewksbury's right hand, I instructed Patrolman Peterman 
to retrieve his medical kit from his cruiser and tend to Tewksbury's injury, which was 
bleeding profusely.

Tewksbury was detained using handcuffs behind his back while continuing to act 
erratic and speaking incoherently. Patrolman Peterman wrapped Tewksbury's injury 
with fresh sterile gauze as Sebring EMS personnel began to arrive on scene.

Tewksbury was escorted to Medic-2 and handcuffs removed. After consulting with 
Sebring Fire Chief Springer, the decision to pink slip Tewksbury was made. Patrolmen 
Peterman and VanVoorhis cleared the scene and proceeded back to the original 
location of the call to obtain statements. Smith Township Patrolmen Caughey and 
Toussant cleared at this time as well. I followed Medic-2 as they transported 
Tewksbury to Aultman Alliance Community Hospital.

Upon arrival at Aultman Alliance, I was informed by Patrolman VanVoorhis over the 
radio the victim had already been transported a statement was needed. After ensuring 
Tewksbury was escorted into IS0 in the emergency department without incident, I 
established contact with the victim, identified as Matthew Thurman. Thurman allowed 
me to take photographs of his blood-stained clothes and injury. Thurman provided a 
brief voluntary written statement advising Tewksbury struck him in the back of the head 
with a flashlight.

After photographs were taken and a statement obtained, I returned to the village to 
assist Patrolman Peterman, who was still at the original location of the call. Patrolman 
Peterman advised he secured the flashlight as well as a bloodied hoodie used by the 
victim. I returned to the station and obtained a CCH for Brian Tewksbury from dispatch. 
A request for the following charges will be forwarded to the prosecutor's office for 
review: ORC 2903.11 (A)(2) Felonious Assault, a felony of the second degree and 
ORC 3701.352 Violations Prohibited, a misdemeanor of the second degree.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505   4.26.2020

On Sunday, April 26, 2020, prosecutor's office approved the following charges: ORC 
2903.11(A)(2) Felonious Assault and ORC 3701.352 Violations Prohibited. State 
complaints will be generated and submitted to Mahoning County Court #3 on Monday, 
April 27, 2020 to obtain warrants for Brain Tewksbury.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505   4.26.2020

On Monday, April 27, 2020, warrants for Brian Tewksbury were issued by Mahoning 
County Court #3. Patrolman Brindack and I found Tewksbury standing in the driveway 
of his residence on E Indiana Ave and took him into custody. Tewksbury was 
handcuffed behind his back (gapped/double locked), informed of his Miranda Rights 
(which he invoked) and transported to the Sebring Police Department. 

Upon arrival, Tewksbury was escorted into the audio/video recorded squad room and 
the handcuffs were temporarily removed.

Tewksbury was provided copies of his warrants, photographed and DNA sample 
obtained by Sergeant Kelm. Tewksbury stated he could not read and was read the 
warrants. After processing was complete, Tewksbury was handcuffed behind his back 
(gapped/double locked) and subsequently transported to the Mahoning County Justice 
Center in Youngstown where he will remain until his appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, April 30, 2020. Bond is to be set by the judge at 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505  4.27.2020

PUBLISHED 11:23 AM 5/1/2020 *

Tuesday, April 28, 2020
06:41 AM -0500

Case No.: 20004029  /   DATE: APRIL 20, 2020

805 N 17th St, Sebring, OH

Gregory  Stickle (AGE 53), 805 N 17th St, Sebring, OH 44672

Charge: Parking Restrictions - 15th St / SCO 351.14(A)

Unit issued over due parking notices. 

On 3/10/2020, I (Ptl Stanton) had issued over due parking notices to multiple offenders 
including Gregory Stickle. I have waited the 30 days dwell time needed before charges 
can be filed against the offenders. At this time all offenders but Gregory Stickle had 
rectified there offenses.

Gregory has three over due parking notices and has not made any attempt to rectify 
the infractions. I will be filing charges against Gregory for SRO : 351.14(A) - Parking 
Restrictions 15th street. These restrictions include parking on 15th street between the 
hours of 0500 and 0600. All
three times Gregory was cited accordingly for these violations by myseif and Sgt. Kelm 
of Sebring Police. 

Under approval of Sgt. Kelm I am moving forward with the charges and presenting 
them to the prosecutor.


Ptl S. Stanton #507


Case No.: 20004075  /   DATE: APRIL 23, 2020

485 W. Virginia Ave., Sebring, Oh

Summons: David Vickers (AGE 53), 485 W. Virginia Ave., Sebring

Charge: Open Burning M-3  SCO 1511.03  /  Bond $500

Upon arrival at 485 W Virginia Ave, I observed a fire in the driveway within close 
proximity to the residence and 465 W Virginia Ave. I established contact with the 
resident, later identified as David Vickers, and informed him he was violating the Fire 
Prevention Code of the Village's codified ordinances. Vickers began to go on a rant 
starting with, "Those fucking Mexicans-" before I cut him off and ended his racially 
charged tirade. I instructed Vickers to put the fire out immediately.

While on scene, dispatch advised a burn ban is currently in effect throughout the 
month of April and officers were in the area the previous night dealing with an open 
burn. Vickers confirmed he had contact with officers the previous evening regarding 
the same issue. The fire Vickers had started was a pallet burning over a square 
shaped fire bin on the gravel driveway. Vickers was informed to keep the fire out, abide 
by the Fire Prevention Code and the burn ban going forward. I also informed Vickers 
he would receive a summons at a later date for the violation.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505

On Thursday, April 23, 2020, David Vickers was issued a summons for SCO 1511.03 
Open Burning at his residence on W Virginia Ave.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #505

PUBLISHED 7:28 AM 4/28/2020 *

Tuesday, March 24, 2020
06:14 AM -0500

Case No.: 20003075


Christian Tuel (AGE 23)
45329 County Road 23, Coshocton, OH 43812

Telecommunications Harassment  ORC 2917.21(A)(1)  /   BOND $1,250.00

Upon arrival at 536 E Vermont Ave, I established contact with the complainant, 
Hannah Reed. Reed stated she and her former boyfriend, Christian Tuel, had recently 
started talking to one another. Reed admitted during casual conversation she sent 
provocative media of herself to Tuel and the conversation took a turn she became 
uncomfortable with. Reed provided her iPhone and allowed me to view the message 
threat spanning back to sometime on Wednesday, March 11,2020.

I observed the snapchat text conversation and found Tuel's messages to be degrading 
and controlling towards Reed. Several messages from Tuel contained cruel remarks 
and some contained demands for Reed to send pictures of her tits to Tuel. Reed's 
responded and told Tuel no and several of the messages telling Tuel to stop and leave 
her alone but Tuel continued to message her back, swearing and saying degrading 
things to her. 

I had Reed screenshot the entire conversation and send them to me department e-
mail address. Printouts of the conversation will be placed in the case file.

I provided Reed with a voluntary statement packet, explained how to fill it out and the 
consequences for falsification. While writing her statement, Tuel messaged her on 
snapchat. With Reed's permission, I took her iPhone and called Tuel using the 
snapchat call feature. Tuel answered the phone and it seemed as if he was pretending 
to not hear me when I spoke. After getting Reed to speak, Tuel acknowledged her 
voice and then I took over. I identified myself as a patrolman with the Sebring Police 
Department and gave Tuel lawful commands to leave Reed alone, to stop calling and 
messaging her, and to delete her contact information from his phone. Tuel stated "Yes 
Sir" and hung
up the phone.

Before leaving the residence, I informed Reed should Tuel contact her again in the 
near future by any means, to screenshot the messages and call logs and phone the 
station or contact me directly through my department email. Reed did previously state 
the provocative media she sent, Tuel threatened to share with other people. If Tuel 
follows through with this alleged threat, enforcement action will be taken. 

One state complaint will be generated for one charge of ORC 2917.21 
Telecommunications Harassment, a misdemeanor of the first degree, against Christian 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507

On Thursday, March 19, 2020, Christian Tuel turned himself in at the Sebring Police 
Department accompanied by his attorney. Tuel and his attorney were escorted into the 
audio and video recorded squad room where Tuel was provided his copy of the 
warrant and informed of his Miranda Rights.

Tuel acknowledged his rights, refused to waive his rights and the warrant was read to 
him explaining the charge. Tuel was fingerprinted, photographed and remanded into 
the custody of his attorney.

Tuel and his attorney departed the station for Mahoning County Court #3.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #506


ARREST REPORT    3/19/2020  @   22.23 hrs
Case No.: 20003115

Traffic - OVI
N. Johnson Rd and Route 62

CITE: Eric Hamon (AGE 44)
165 E. Michigan Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

OVI  4511.19A1A  /   BOND $500.00

Assured Clear Distance   4511.21A

At 2253 hours, on March 19, 2020, 1 responded to an accident report involving a 
Sebring Police car at the intersection of N. Johnson Rd, and route 62. 

Upon arrival, I found that Sgt. Kelm and Ptl. Vanvoorhis had been sitting facing 
southbound in car 302 on N. Johnson Rd at the intersection with route 62 when they 
were struck by another southbound vehicle. Upon exiting my patrol car I was advised 
by Sgt. Kelm that no one was injured.

I then approached the grey Ford Focus, bearing Ohio registration HVK3172, and made 
contact with the male driver, later identified as Eric W. Hamon. In speaking with Mr. 
Hamon, I asked what had happened this evening, with him stating that he was just 
trying to go to Perkins Restaurant but that they were closed and then the accident 
occurred. Hamon said that he had been at home on Michigan Avenue prior to this. I 
noticed that Mr. Hamon's eyes were glassy, his movement was very delayed, his 
speech was slurred, and he seemed to have difficulty comprehending what I was 
saying to him, as was evident by his delayed responses. I also noted the odor of an 
alcoholic beverage emanating from inside the vehicle. When I asked Mr. Hamon if he 
had been drinking at all, he advised that he had not.

Because of my observations indicating that Mr. Hamon was possibly under the 
influence of drugs, alcohol, or both, I requested that he step out of the vehicle. Once 
out of the vehicle, I asked him to accompany me back toward my patrol car. While we 
were walking between our cars, I noticed that he was very unsteady on his feet. With 
Mr. Hamon's consent, Pt. VanVoorhis conducted a search of his person, locating a 
prescription pill bottle containing 0.5mg Clonazapam that had Hamons name on it. I 
also again asked Hamon If he had consumed any alcohol, with him saying that he had 

I then turned off the headlights as well as front facing lightbar of my patrol car. At this 
point, I asked Mr. Hamon if he would submit to field sobriety tests to determine if he 
were okay to drive, with him agreeing to do so.

I began the tests first with the horizontal gaze nystagmus test (HGN). I asked Mr. 
Hamon if he were taking any other prescription medications, with him saying just Paxil 
and Prozac and that he had taken them in the morning. Hamon also said that the last 
time that he had taken any of the Clonazepam was about six hours before. Hamon 
said that he had no issues with his eyes nor did he wear corrective lenses. I began the 
HGN test by instructing Hamon to place his feet together and arms at his side. I told 
him to follow my fingertip with his eyes, his eyes only, and not to move his head. After 
giving him these instructions, I asked if he understood, with him saying that he did. 
Using my flashlight in a downward angle for illumination, I held my fingertip 
approximately 12 inches from Hamon's face. I noticed no resting nystagmus. In going 
further with the test, I did however note lack of smooth pursuit, onset of nystagmus 
prior to 45 degrees, as well as distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum 
deviation. I noted no vertical gaze nystagmus. These clues were observed in both 

Next, I began the walk and turn test. Instructed Hamon to place his right foot in front of 
his left foot, keep his arms at his side, and not to begin until I told him to do so. After 
demonstrating the test to him I asked Hamon if he understood, with him saying that he 
did. Hamon was then advised to begin the test. While Hamon was performing the test, 
I noticed that he did not touch heel to toe, and stepped off the line. Hamon also did not 
turn around but instead began to walk backwards.

After completing the walk and turn test, we began the one-leg stand test. I instructed 
Mr. Hamon to stand with his arms at his side, and to raise the foot of his choice 
approximately six inches off the ground and count in a one-thousand one, one-
thousand two, one-thousand three pattern until told to stop. Mr. Hamon said that he 
understood and began the test. Mr. Hamon swayed while attempting to balance and 
put his foot down approximately five seconds into the test.

At the conclusion of the tests, I asked him if he were sure that he had not consumed 
any alcohol. Hamon then changed his story and said that he had drank 3 hard ciders 
at about 10:00pm. Ptl. Stanton arrived at around this time with a portable breath tester 
(PBT) that I had requested. I asked Mr. Hamon if he were willing to blow into it, with 
him agreeing to do so. Mr. Hamon then blew into the device; however, he did not fully 
close his lips around the straw. The PBT showed a reading of 0.67.

Due to Mr. Hamon's performance on the SFST's being present with the odor of 
alcohol, I placed him under arrest for suspicion of OVI. I then placed him in handcuffs, 
which were properly spaced and double locked, before placing him in the back of car 
303. Hamon was then brought back to The Sebring Police Station where I read him his 
Miranda rights, which he said that he understood. Harmon agreed to speak with me 
regarding the matter. I asked him if the physician who prescribed him his Clonazepam 
had informed him that he should not mix it with alcohol, with him saying that he had.

Harmon was then photographed, fingerprinted and processed. I also read the Ohio 
BMV 2255 form to him and instructed him that he was being placed under and 
administrative license suspension until told otherwise by the courts. Hamon agreed to 
provide a breath sample with his blood alcohol level showing as 0.154 g1210L. The 
breath sample was collected by Sgt. Kelm. When asked for a urine sample, Hamon 
said he tried but was unable to produce any urine. 

He was then given citation number 031878 for Operating a vehicle under the Influence 
(ORC 4511.19A1A) as well as assured clear distance for striking the patrol car (ORC 
4511.21A). After signing the citation, he was given his copy before being released on a 
$500.00 own recognizance bond. Hamon was instructed to contact the court tomorrow 
to determine when his court date would be seeing as the courts are closed due to the 
Coronavirus pandemic. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed 


ARREST REPORT  3/17/2020   @   1756 hrs
Case No.: 20003

Traffic - OVI
300 Block South 12th Street

CITE: Victor Vickers (AGE 49)
18190 State Route 62, Beloit Ohio 44609

OVI (SFST)   4511.19A1a  /   BOND $500.00

OVI (>. 17)    4511.19A1h

Speed   4511.21

On 3/17/2020 At 17:15 pm while on patrol in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
North on South 12th Street, when I observed a vehicle coming from the opposite 
direction traveling at a high rate of speed that appeared to be that greater then that of 
the posted speed limit of 35 mph. The vehicle was visually estimated at going 60 mph, 
and was rapidly accelerating. The vehicles engine was still roaring as it passed me in 
the 300 block of South 12th Street. I then made a three point turn around and 
attempted to stop the vehicle.

I activated my emergency overhead lights and audible siren and initiated a traffic stop 
on US 62 at 12th Street. The vehicle was a Black 2000 Chevy pick up truck bearing 
Ohio registration HOP7431. I exited my cruiser and approached the vehicle on the 
driver side and made contact with the driver later identified as Victor David Vickers II. I 
informed Victor of the reason I had stopped him and requested his driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance. Victor pulled out multiple pieces of paper and 
attempted to hand me them before finding his driver's license. Victor was unable to find 
his registration but was able to locate proof of insurance. Victor advised me he was on 
his way home from work.

I could detect an odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the vehicle. I asked Victor 
if he had consumed any alcoholic beverages prior to operating his motor vehicle and 
Victor said yes, I asked Victor when he consumed the alcoholic beverages and he said 
at home he had one and he was just coming back from the bar in Sebring.

I notified dispatch that the traffic stop was a possible OVI and Ptl. Reed arrived on the 
scene to assist. I asked Victor of he would take SFST (Standardized Field Sobriety 
Test's), Victor said he would. I turned off the front portion of my light bar and had Victor 
exit his vehicle. I had Victor stand straight up with his hands to his side and his feet 
together and I asked if he had any medical conditions, fainted recently, or had a head 
injury or have been hospitalized recently to which Victor stated he did not have 
anything that would prevent him from completing the tests.

I then checked Victor's eyes for a resting nystagmus, equal pupil size, and equal 
tracking. Victor did not have a resting nystagmus, both of Victor's pupils were of equal 
size, and both of Victor's eyes tracked equally. The first test was the Horizontal Gaze 
Nystagmus after explaining the instructions I asked Victor if he understood and he said 
he understood. Once the test began, I observed the following clues: Lack of smooth 
pursuit in both eyes,.Distinct nystagmus at maximum deviation in both eyes, and 
Onset nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both eyes.

The next test was the Walk and Turn, I had Victor stand straight up with his hands to 
his side and his right foot in front of his left foot and told him to stay in that position until 
instructed otherwise. I performed the test to demonstrate it, Once I told Victor the 
instructions, I asked him if he understood and Victor said that he did understand. Clues 
that I observed were Could not keep balance and starting to soon. Victor walked the 
line but did not do it heel to toe. Victor used his hands to help keep his balance.

The test was the One-Leg-Stand, I had Victor stand straight up with his hands to his 
side. I preformed the test to demonstrate it, Once I told Victor the instructions, I asked 
him if he understood and Victor sad that he did understand. Clues observed, hoping on 
one foot, using hands as balance, improper counting, skipped numbers, stopped 
during the test, and finally Victor grabbed the side of the truck to maintain balance.

Victor was placed in custody for suspicion of OVI and placed in hand restraints and 
read his rights ( before being placed in the rear of marked unit #304. Ptl. Reed 
Secured victor and searched her person revealing a baggie of marijuana. I preformed 
a vehicle inventory of the vehicle and located several tools and beer cans. The one 
beer can was still cold and was half way full. Springer's Towing arrived and towed the 
vehicle to 10 N. 12TH St.

I transported Victor back to the police department where I performed a 20-minute 
observation period and while doing so I read a BMV 2255 form to Victor with Ptl. Reed, 
witnessing it. Victor signed the BMV 2255 form and once the observation period was 
complete I operated the lntoxilyzer 8000 and obtained a breath sample from Victor 
which the results were BrAC 0.266 gl210L. A urine sample was also obtained and will 
be sent to the Ohio State Highway Patrol Crime lab for both an alcohol analysis and 
drug analysis.

I informed Victor that he was now under administrative license suspension and was not 
to operate any motor vehicle and I confiscated his driver's license. Victor was issued a 
traffic citation for OVI (SFST) ORC 4511.19A1A, OVI (>.17) ORC 4511.19A1 H, and 
Speed ORC 4511.21. 

Victor was cited into Mahoning County Court #3 personal appearance required on 
04/23/2020 at 9:00am.

Victor received copies of his traffic citation which he signed, the BMV 2255 form and 
his breath results. Victor was then released on a $500 O/R Bond.

C. Redfern #504


Case No.: 20003095

N 14th St near E Michigan Ave, Sebring, OH

Last Gary Baddeley (AGE 35)
436 N 13th St, Sebring, OH 44672

Disorderly Conduct    SCO 509.03(a)(2)

Dispatch advised caller stated a white vehicle was travelling north on N 14th St from 
the high school and the male driver was actively striking the female passenger. I 
arrived on N 14th St north of E Michigan Ave and found the vehicle stopped in the 
northbound lane unoccupied. 

Upon exiting my cruiser, I observed a white male running towards me with a white 
female running behind him from E Vermont Ave.

I unholstered my X26P Taser and instructed the male to show me his hands and place 
them on the hood of my car while I ordered the female to stop, raise her hands and get 
down on her knees (she stated she was pregnant at this time). Patrolman Brindack 
arrived on foot from the high school and secured the male, placing him in the backseat 
of my cruiser. After ensuring the female had no weapons on her person, I retrieved her 
information and identified her as Laurie Fryman. Fryman stated she was the 
passenger in the vehicle and had video on her smartphone of a dispute between her 
and her boyfriend, later identified as Gary Baddeley. Chief Harris arrived on scene at 
this time to assist.

Fryman stated she was picked up from the library on W Ohio Ave by Baddeley and as 
the two were in the car, Baddeley began to berate her, cuss at her and ridicule her. 
Fryman stated while they were on N 14th St, Baddeley unbuckled her seat belt and 
began to brake check violently in an attempt to slam her into the dash and windshield. 
Fryman showed me the 42 second video on her smartphone. In the video, Fryman can 
be heard screaming "What are you doing?" as Baddeley is shouting back at her "why 
aren't you wearing your seatbelt?". Fryman is seen moving back and forth, consistent 
with Baddeley braking the vehicle.

During the video, Baddeley can be heard yelling for Fryman to get out of her car and 
near the end can be heard screaming, "GET OUT OF THE CAR NOW, I HATE YOU, I 
the point the video ends, Fryman states this is where Baddeley got out of the car and 
began throwing her belongings into a ditch on N 14th St near E Michigan Ave. Fryman 
stated while Baddeley was doing this, she reached into the car, turned the ignition off 
and ran with the keys. Fryman stated she threw Baddeley's keys into a bush around 
corner on E Vermont Ave.

Fryman stated Baddeley never struck her during the altercation. After speaking with 
Fryman, I spoke with Baddeley, who was secured in the back seat of my cruiser still. 
Baddeley's story was consistent with Fryman's except he denies unbuckling her seat 
belt and denies purposely brake checking to harm her. While speaking to Baddeley, 
Patrolman Brindack requested EMS be dispatched to the scene at the request of 
Fryman to be evaluated by medics. Sebring Fire Medic-1 arrived on scene and 
subsequently cleared with a refusal.

Baddeley and Fryman currently have no children together and the child Fryman is 
currently carrying may or may not be Baddeley's. Contact was made with Baddeley's 
roommate and it was learned Fryman does not reside with Baddeley on N 13th st, that 
she only stays there and actually lives in West Salem. Baddeley's roommate declared 
over speaker phone Fryman does not live there and does not want her back at the 

Baddeley was taken out of handcuffs and instructed to remain sitting in the back of my 
cruiser with the door open while I generated a minor misdemeanor citation.

Baddeley was issued minor misdemeanor citation #000481 for SCO 509,03(a)(2) 
Disorderly Conduct and informed of his mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 0900. Baddeley stated he wanted to 
pursue theft charges against Fryman for taking his keys out of the ignition, running 
away and throwing them into a bush. Since Baddeley was successful in retrieving his 
keys, I informed him to come to the station at a later time to provide a written 
statement and the report would be forwarded to the prosecutor's office to determine if 
enough evidence existed for a theft charge to be filed. Baddeley was released from the 
scene at this time.

Fryman's belongings were retrieved from the ditch on N 14th St and placed in the trunk 
of my cruiser. I provided Fryman with a courtesy transport to the station where she was 
advised she could wait until a family member or friend could pick her up. While on 
station, I asked Fryman if she would consent to the video being downloaded from her 
phone onto a department computer.

Fryman consented to my request and was provided with a permission to search form. 
The form was explained to her and a signature was subsequently obtained. The 42 
second video of the altercation was downloaded from Fryman's smartphone onto a 
department computer. 

Following receipt of the video, Fryman was escorted back to the lobby to wait for a 
ride. Chief Harris later informed me after a discussion with the prosecutor, Fryman's 
actions did not rise to the appropriate level for a theft charge to be considered.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507

PUBLISHED 6:54 AM 3/24/2020 *

Tuesday, March 17, 2020
08:19 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   3/12/2020  @   13:00 hrs
Case No.: 20001035

Sebring P.D. 135 E. Ohio Ave Sebring, OH

Michael Sharp (AGE 44)
335 N. 16th St. Sebring, OH 44672

Aggravated Possession of drugs, schedule 1  2925.11C(1)(a) (F5)  /  BOND $2,500.00

Aggravated Trafficking in drugs schedule 1  2925.03C(1)(c) (F4)   /  BOND $4,000.00

(Case No.: 19012125)

Aggravated Trafficking in drugs schedule 1 bulk    2925.03C(1)(a) (F3)      /  BOND 

Aggravated Trafficking in drugs schedule 1 bulk    2925.03C(1)(a) (F3)    /  BOND 


At approximately 13:00 hours, on March 12, 2020, Michael Sharp turned himself in at 
the Sebring police station on his warrants. Sharps warrants included those for one fifth 
degree felony count of aggravated possession of drugs (ORC 2925.11C(1)(a)), one 
fourth degree felony count of aggravated trafficking in drugs (ORC 2925.03C(1)(c), two 
third degree felony counts of aggravated trafficking in drugs, bulk amount (ORC 

After being photographed and processed, I transported Mr. Sharp to The Mahoning 
county jail without incident. Sharp's combined bond total was $22,500.00 and his next 
court hearing will be at 9:00am on Thursday, March 19, 2020 at Mahoning County 
court #3. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed


ARREST REPORT    3/8/2020   @    1354 hrs
Case No.: 20003046

Courtney Rd near N 12th St, Sebring, OH

CITED: James Dyer (AGE 65)
4907 Belden Park Dr NW, North Canton, OH

Maximum Speed Limits (53/35)   SCO 333.03

On Sunday, March 8,2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #301 in the parking lot of Unifrax on Courtney Rd facing 
east. I observed a gray sedan pass my location at what appeared to be a rate of speed 
higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. 

Upon activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I observed and locked in a speed 
of 53 MPH. I activated my overhead emergency lights, audible siren and pulled east 
onto Courtney Rd to initiate a traffic stop. Due to high speeds, the vehicle (Gray BMW 
Ohio HXH4064) did not stop until nearing N 12th St on Courtney.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as James Dyer, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. Dyer admitted to not paying attention to 
how fast he was operating the vehicle.

Dyer provided the appropriate information and documentation upon request. Dyer was 
issued traffic citation #031870 for SCO 333.03 Maximum Speed Limits (53/35) and 
informed of his appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, March 
19,2020 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT    3/7/2020   @   0139 hrs
Case No.: 20003037 

Criminal - Assault
836 S. 13th St. Apt 5

ARREST: Kieth LeMasters (AGE45)
836 S. 13th St. Apt 5

Assault   2903.13  /   Bond $1,250.00

Upon arrival we made contact with the complainant Sean Mills, 836 S. 13th St. Apt. 5. 
Sean advised he was upstairs at his apartment talking to his girlfriend when his 
roommate Kieth LeMasters came into the room and started hitting him. Sean had 
visible scratches and a bruise on his face. 

After acquiring a sworn statement from Sean we then responded to 836 S. 13th St. 
Apt. 4 to speak with Kieth and Sean's girlfriend Kathrine Cox. Kathrine advised her and 
Sean had a verbal argument and were talking in their room when Kieth came in and 
started hitting Sean.

Myself and Ptl. Redfern then spoke to Yieth who advised he pushed Sean out the door 
but "nothing physical happened". It should also be noted that the entire time officers 
were at the above apartment Kieth was talking to himself and it was very hard to follow 
what he was speaking about. Kieth repeatedly mentioned that his ex-girlfriend was 
upstairs, although she was not anywhere in the apartment. Kieth also kept rambling on 
about there being access tunnels in the apartment building.

Due to the physical evidence of assault as well as a witness statement from Katherine 
and Sean, Kieth was placed under arrest for Assault ORC 2903.13/M-1. Kieth was 
then placed in the back of unit 302.and transported to the police station for processing. 
Kieth was unable to post bond and was then transported to MCJC by Ptl. Redfern. 
Kieth has a court date of 3/12/2020.

Sgt. Kelm #503


On 3/7/20, Units were dispatched to the Mills residence. Units spoke to Sean Mills who 
had apparent facial injuries. Sean advised that he was assaulted by Kieth Lemasters. 
Sean filled out a statement advising that he wanted to pursue charges. 

Units went to the Lemasters residence and spoke with Kieth. Kieth was obviously 
under the influence of drugs and was talking to himself. There was a witness on 
location whom advised that they were sitting up stairs in the apartment and Kieth was 
unprovoked and attacked Sean. 

Statements were obtained. It was determined by all units that Keith was the primary 
aggressor and was arrested for assault. Keith was taken to station for processing and 
was subsequently taken to MCJ.


Case No.: 20003042

Traffic - DUS
1100 block N. Johnson Rd. Sebring, OH

CITED: Michael Candella (AGE 26)
67 Oakwood Dr. Beloit, OH

Driving Under Suspension (Forfeiture)  SCO: 335.07

License Plate Light Required    SCO: 337.04

At 23:43 hours, on March 7,2020, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit 
304. While sitting stationary at the intersection of N. Johnson Road and W. Ohio 
Avenue, I observed a red Ford Ranger approach the intersection from the west on 
Ohio Avenue, before turning left and proceeding northbound on Johnson Road. As the 
vehicle drove past me, I noticed that its exhaust was loud and the rear license plate 
light was not functioning.

I then positioned my patrol car behind it, activated my overhead emergency lights, and 
initiated a traffic stop on the red Ranger, bearing Ohio registration HJU 4149. 

Upon approaching the male driver, who was the vehicles sole occupant, I requested 
his driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. The driver handed 
me an Ohio driver license that identified him as Michael V. Candella, but was unable to 
produce the other requested documents, with him advising that the truck belonged to 
his girlfriend and he was unsure where she kept them.

Upon returning to my patrol car, I relayed Candella's information to dispatch, with it 
being advised that his license was suspended and that the vehicle was registered to a 
Kaylyn Arkwright. 

Ptl. Scott arrived to my location at around this time and the two of us again 
approached the vehicle, with me advising Candella of his suspended license and 
asking him to step out of the truck. Upon stepping out of the truck, I performed a pat 
down of Candellas person before taking him back and having him sit in the back of car 

An administrative inventory of the vehicle was then conducted, with no contraband 
being located. Upon returning to my patrol car I wrote Candella citation # 031877 for 
SCO: 335.07 (driving under suspension) and SCO: 337.04 (license plate light 
required). When asked how soon the vehicles registered owner, who had a valid driver 
license, could get there, Candella advised within a few minutes. I then decided that in 
lieu of towing the vehicle, I would allow a valid driver to come pick up it. 

At around this time, an emergency call came in and Ptl. Scott cleared from the scene, 
with me remaining on the stop.

Due to Arkwright not arriving in a timely manner and the ongoing emergency call that 
Ptl. Scott was on, I issued Cordella his citation after he signed for it and was advised of 
his mandatory court appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, March 
12,2020 at 9:00am. After giving Cordella his copy of the citation I instructed him not to 
drive and to wait on his girlfriend to get there. I then cleared to assist Ptl. Scott.

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed


ARREST REPORT    3/6/2020   @   0923   hrs
Case No.: 20003033

W Georgia Ave @, S 17th St, Sebring, OH

CITED: Jessica Bush (AGE 32)
14515 Bandy Road, Alliance, OH 44601

Maximum Speed Limits (41/25)     SCO 333.03

On Friday, March 6,2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling west on W Georgia 
Aye from S 15th St in marked unit #304. As I neared S 17th St, I observed a white 
vehicle near S 18th St heading east at what appeared to be a rate of speed higher 
than the posted 25 MPH limit. 

Upon activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I observed and locked a speed of 
41 MPH on the digital display. I activated my overhead emergency lights and turned 
around as the vehicle passed to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a white Toyota 
bearing Ohio registration K110258, came to a complete stop on W Georgia Ave at S 
17th St.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Jessica Bush, I identified myself 
and informed her of the reason for the stop. Bush provided all of her identification 
information verbally. Bush was issued traffic citation #031869 for SCO 333.03 
Maximum Speed Limits (41/25) and informed of her appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, March 19,2020 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT    3/4/2020   @    1813 hrs
Case No.: 20003022

N. 15th St. / Ohio Ave.

ARREST: Brian Tewksbury (AGE 29)
336 E. Indiana Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Warrant : Colurnbiana County

While on patrol I advised dispatch that I had observed Brian Tewksbury. Dispatch 
advised me that Brian had an active warrant out of Columbiana County. I made contact 
with Brian and by that time dispatch advised met hat Columbiana County wanted Brian 
and would meet at the Sunoco gas station at the Westville intersection.

I took Brian into custody and took him to Westville were Columbiana County Sheriff's 
Office took Brian into custody for his warrant. The property Brian had was given to his 
mother at the station except for his cell phone which I gave to the deputy. 

Ptl. Scott #505

PUBLISHED 9:07 AM 3/17/2020  *

Wednesday, March 04, 2020
07:50 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   March 2, 2020  @  1422 hrs
Case No.: 20002136 

Near 395 W California Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED:  Felicia Reitz (AGE 32)
2249 S Linden Ave, Alliance, OH

CHARGES:  Maximum Speed Limits (42/25)  SCO 333.03

On Saturday, February 29,2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #304 on W California Ave near S 15th St facing west. 
While parked, I observed a white Jeep pass my location heading west and 
accelerating rapidly. 

Upon activating the forward mounted radar antenna, I observed the Jeep reach a 
speed of 42 MPH on the digital display in a posted 25 MPH zone. I activated my 
overhead emergency lights and proceeded west on W California Ave to initiate a traffic 
stop. The white Jeep, bearing Ohio registration HRE3952, came to a complete stop 
across from 395 W California Ave.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Felecia Reitz, I identified myself 
and informed her of the reason for the stop. Reitz acknowledged the violation and 
provided appropriate documentation upon request. Reitz was issued traffic citation 
#031868 for SCO 333.03 Maximum Speed Limits (42/25) and informed of her 
appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, March 12,2020 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT    February, 29, 2020  @  2040 hrs
Case No.: 20002139

306 W. Ohio Ave.

SUMMONS: Moses Rastetter (AGE 22)
306 W. Ohio Ave'


The reportee states "Theres a strong smell of marijuana coming from apartment #2".

I arrived on scene and upon exiting my marked patrol cruiser noted a strong smell of 
marijuana coming from the same dwelling. I proceeded to knock on the door of 
apartment #2. 

The resident approached me and was identified as Moses Rastetter, and I noticed the 
smell of marijuana becoming stronger. I asked Moses if he had been smoking 
marijuana and was told "yes I smoked some marijuana earlier". I then asked if there 
was anything in the residence to which  Moses responded "I have a bowl, and a 
baggie of marijuana". I asked for both items and advised he would be receiving a 
summons for the marijuana. 

Once I confiscated the evidence I wrote a summons to Moses for possession of 
marijuana (SCO 513.12(c1), with a mandatory court date of 3/5/2020 MCC#3 @ 
0900A.M. I then cleared without further inicident. 

Ptl. Peterman #511


ARREST REPORT   February 27, 2020  @  0920 hrs
Case No.: 20001023

MCC#3,606 E Ohio Ave, Sebring OH

Arrest:  Scott Hunt (AGE 22)
945 W Ohio Ave, Sebring OH 44672

CHARGE:  Assault / ORC 2903.13 / BOND $1,250.00

On arrival, Ptl. Scott #505, I was approached by one of the workers, Ann Percy, who 
states "I was checking-items out, then Scott came in and pushed him".   Another 
worker, Brandi, showed us a recording of the stores camera which caught the assault. 
I got a recording of the assault as evidence. After getting a statement from Ann, I went 
to ##### workplace (Copeland 0aks) in an attempt to speak with him. 

Ptl. Scott, and myself approached the front desk associates at Copeland Oaks, and 
was advised ##### left for the day. Both officers left, and returned to station, where we 
obtained an address for ######.

I spoke with dispatch to advise Goshen Police Chief that I would be in the area of 132 
Cedarwood Dr. Beloit, Ohio to speak with ##### about the incident.  I arrived at the 
address listed, and knocked on the front door. The father of ##### approached me and 
I asked to speak with ##### about an incident regarding him earlier. #### came to the 
front door, and I asked him about the assault that took place at circle k.  #### states "I 
was just standing there, and Scott came up and pushed me".

Due to him being 17 years of age, I asked his mother and father if they wanted to 
move forward with charges, to which they both stated "yes".  I had filled out a witness 
statement, having both parents sign as witnesses. l then left the area. 

I returned to circle k, and had Ann fill out a witness statement as well, and was given a 
license plate ##### of the vehicle the suspect was driving. I was advised by dispatch it 
was a 2008 Gray Ford Escape, and was owned by Scotts mother, Christina Hunt. 

Ptl. Scott left with Smith unit 380 to 32434 Oyster Rd. in an attempt to locate Scott. I 
was notified after them speaking with the resident that Scott no longer lived at the 
address, but resided in Sebring. I performed a hardened patrol in search of the vehicle 
in question, but was unable to locate. I then cleared. I will be forwarding this paperwork 
to prosecutor for warrant charges for Scott.

Ptl. Peterman #511   1/5/2020

1221 1/9/2020- On 1/7/2020 at 0749 prosecutor sent an email, approving the charge 
via a summons.

Ptl. Peterman #511 1/9/2020

NARRATIVE Ptl. Scott #505

On 01/04/2020 I along with Ptl. Peterman arrived at the Circle K for a fight that took 
place between #### who is 17 years old and Scott Hunt who is 22 years old. There 
was a video which Ptl. Peterman and I saw that shows #### at the counter to 
purchase items when Scott walked in and pushed him across the store and then a 
clerk forcing him to leave.

I spoke to the store clerks who both provided written statements. #### was given a 
ride from Edward Woodley to Circle K when Scott drove his mothers vehicle and then 
walked in asking if ##### was ready before pushing him and then a store clerk told 
him to leave and attempted to grab him which Scott eventually left on his own.

Ptl. Peterrnan obtained a written statement from #### and had his parents sign as 
witnesses. An attempt to obtain a warrant will be done for 1 count of M-1 Assault 
against Scott Hunt.

NARRATIVE Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507

On Thursday, February 27, 2020, I took custody of Scott Hunt in the lobby of Mahoning 
County Court #3 and informed him of his warrant. Hunt was placed in handcuffs behi9d 
his back (gapped/double locked) and transported to the SEBRING POLICE STORY for 

Upon arrival, Hunt was brought into the audio and video recorded squad room where 
his handcuffs were removed. Hunt was photographed, fingerprinted and provided a 
copy of his warrant. Hunt was placed back in handcuffs behind his back (cuffed/double 
locked) and transported back to Mahoning County Court #3 where he was brought 
before the Judge. 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT   February 27,2020  @ 1604 hrs
Case No.: 20-002118




On 02/25/2020, I, Ptl. Villanueva and Ptl. Scott were informed that Kenneth Gregory 
knowingly allowed Tiffany Parker to drive his vehicle knowing she was suspended. 

On 02/27/2020, Kenneth came to station to find out what will happen with his vehicle. 
He was then issued citation #031784 for SCO 335.05 Wrongful Entrustment. He was 
then made aware of his mandatory court date of 03/05/2020 at 0900 hours in MCC#3.

Kenneth stated he understood why he was receiving the citation and if he could have 
his vehicle. I informed him that there is currently a hold on his vehicle and he would 
need to go to court as previously stated in order to receive his vehicle. Kenneth then 
grabbed the ticket from me, crumbled it up and then got up to walk away. No further 
incidents occurred.

Ptl. Villanueva #512


ARREST REPORT   February 27,2020  @ 1540 hrs
Case No.: 20002129

Traffic - Speed
900 block N. 12th St. Sebring, OH 44672

CITED: Kevin George (AGE 39)
166 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH

Speed (51/35)   333.03

At 15:40 hours, on February 27,2020, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked 
unit 303 with Ptl. Villanueva. While patrolling northbound in the 800 block of N. 12th 
Street, I observed a black jeep traveling southbound in the 900 block, at a speed that 
appeared to be visibly higher than that of the 35MPH posted limit. 

Upon activating my front facing radar unit, I obtained a locked speed of 51MPH. I then 
activated my overhead emergency lights, turned my patrol car around, and initiated a 
traffic stop on the black jeep, bearing Ohio registration HQB 7837, in the 600 block of 
N. 12th.

Upon making contact with the driver, I informed him of the reason for the stop as well 
as asked for his driver license, proof of insurance, as well as vehicle registration. The 
driver produced all three requested documents, with his Ohio driver license identifying 
him as Kevin B. George. In speaking further with Mr. George, I asked him if he were 
aware of his speed, with him maintaining that his digital speedometer said 42 MPH 
and that he did not believe that he was going over that. I asked Mr. George if he would 
like to see the digital readout on my radar unit at the conclusion of the stop, with him 
advising that he would.

I then returned to my patrol car and wrote citation #031876 to Mr. George for SCO 
333.03 Speed: Over Limits (51/35). Mr. George then signed the citation, was made 
aware of his right to appear at Mahoning County Court #3 at 9:00am on Thursday, 
March 5,2020, to contest the ticket, and received his copy of the citation.

 When I asked if he were still interested in seeing the digital readout of my radar unit, 
Mr. George said no, he thought I said he was going 61, and that he believed that he 
may have been going the speed that he was being cited for. I then cleared from the 

It should be noted that the calibration to car 303's in car radar unit was checked at both 
the start of my shift at 15:00 hours, as well as after issuing Mr. George his citation. 
Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #513


ARREST REPORT   February 25, 2020  @  1334 hrs
Case No.: 20002118 



DUS    SC ORD 335.07


On 02/25/2020, I, Ptl. Villanueva and Ptl. Scott were patrolling S. 12th street when we 
heard a loud muffler. While headed West on East Georgia, we notice it is the vehicle 
travelling in front of us. We then pulled the vehicle over and initiate a traffic stop on S. 
14th street near Kentucky. We approach the vehicle and make contact with the driver 
who I identified as Tiffany Parker of Beloit.

I introduce myself and request Tiffany's drivers license, registration and insurance. 
Tiffany then informed me that her license is suspended but she did provide her 
insurance and the registration of the vehicle.

The vehicle came back to a Kenneth Gregory who she confirmed allowed her to drive 
the vehicle knowing she was suspended. Ptl. Scott gave me the information of the 
passenger in the vehicle, Donald Cardinal, and he also was suspended. I then was 
informed I was to confiscate Tiffany's driver's license and tow the vehicle.

We then requested they both exit the vehicle and asked to do a pat down for weapons 
only for our safety, both complied. I informed Tiffany that the vehicle will be towed but 
we first needed to do an inventory check of the vehicle. Tiffany was citated for DUS 
ORD 335.07 and Loud Exhaust ORD 331.36. She was informed of her mandatory 
court date of 02/27/2020- MCC #3 at 0900 hours.

Ptl. Villanueva #512
Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT    February 23, 2020 @  0241 hrs
Case No.: 20002110

Lake Park Blvd. / N. Johnson Rd.

CITE: Jeffrey Harper (AGE 48)
1005 Lake Park Blvd. Lot #35 Sebring,OH 44672

Left of Center     ORC 4511.28 MM 

OVI (SFST)        ORC4511.19A1a F-3  /  Bond $8,000

OW (>. 17)         ORC4511.19A1h F-3  /  Bond $8,000

On 02/23/2020 at 2:41am I Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic stop that resulted in the arrest of 
the driver for suspicion of OVI.

Ptl. Scott #505


PUBLISHED 7:36 AM 3/4/2020 *

Wednesday, February 26, 2020
07:54 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT    2/23/2020   @    0738
Case No.: 20002112

Railroad Crossing @ S 12th St, Sebring, OH

CITED: Robert Utley  (AGE 51)
5510 Rochester Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634

Maximum Speed Limits (50/35)    SCO 333.03

On Sunday, February 23,2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #304 at 100 S 12th St facing south. I observed a truck in 
the 600 block heading north at what appeared to be a rate of speed higher than the 
posted 35 MPH limit. 

Upon activating the forward mounted radar antenna, I observed a speed of 50 MPH on 
the digital display. As the truck neared my location, I activated my overhead 
emergency lights and turned north onto S 12th St to initiate a traffic stop. The truck, a 
gray Ford bearing Ohio registration HPN7877, came to a complete stop just south of 
the railroad crossing.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Robert Utley, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. Utley provided appropriate documentation 
upon request. Utley was issued traffic citation #031867 for SCO 333.03 Maximum 
Speed Limits (50/35) and informed of his appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, March 5,2020 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT    2/21/2020    @    1828 hrs
Case No.: 20002101

W. Ohio Ave. / N. Johnson Rd.

CITED:DUS / Loud Exhaust  /  Rick Garra (AGE 27)
11520 Webb Ave. NE Alliance, OH 44601

CITED: Wrongful Entrustment / Sara Reardon (AGE 25)
11520 Webb Ave. NE Alliance, OH

On 02/21/2020 I Ptl. Scott while in a marked police cruiser was stopped at the 
intersection of W. Ohio Ave. and N. Johnson Rd. when I observed a vehicle in front of 
me 2002 Red Chevrolet SW bearing Ohio temporary registration K287914 proceed 
through the intersection and I heard a loud exhaust.

I initiated a traffic stop and approached the driver and informed them of the reason for 
the stop and requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance in 
which I received the driver's Ohio identification card and the passenger's driver's 
license and the registration but not the proof of insurance.

I identified the driver as Rick Garra who came back suspended and the passenger as 
the registered owner Sara Reardon who was valid and told me that she knew the 
driver did not have a valid driver's license.

I issued Rick a traffic citation for DUS SCO 335.07 and Loud Exhaust SCO 331.36 
with a court date of 02/27/2020 at 9:00 am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance 

I issued a traffic citation for Sara as well for Wrongful Entrustment SCO 335.05 with a 
court date of 02/27/2020 at 9:00 am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. 
As soon as both individuals signed the citations, they both received copies and 
swapped seats and Sara was aloud to drive the vehicle and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT    02/21/2020   @   0815 hrs
Case No.: 20002096

155 W Ohio Ave, Sebring OH

CITED:  Quentin Thomas (AGE 34)
2328 Baldwin Ave NE, Canton OH

CITED FOR: Driving Under Suspension SCO 335.07  /   Expired License Plates  SCO 

On Friday, February 21, 2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling west on W 
Ohio Ave within the , 600 block in marked unit #304. I observed a dark blue Ford SUV 
heading east without a front plate and when the vehicle passed me.  I performed a 
registration check through dispatch of the rear plate (HUR8111). Dispatch advised the 
vehicle's registration expired on February 5,2020 and the registered owner, Quentin 
Thomas, was suspended. After turning east onto W Ohio Ave from N 20th St, I 
activated my overhead emergency lights, audible siren and continued east to locate 
the vehicle.

I observed the dark blue Ford SUV pull off to the side of the road in front of Sebring 
Quick Lube as I neared and pulled up behind it to effect the traffic stop. Upon 
establishing contact with the driver, identified as Quentin Thomas, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reasons for the stop. While speaking to Thomas, dispatch 
advised Thomas had a protection order against him out of Stark County with an 
'Armed & Dangerous' caution. I could also smell a faint odor of marijuana coming from 
within the vehicle.

I instructed Thomas to exit the vehicle and place his hands against the car so I could 
perform a pat down of his outer garments for weapons. 

Following the pat down, I placed Thomas in the back seat of marked unit #304. I 
informed Thomas he was being secured in the back seat for the following reasons: the 
'Armed & Dangerous' caution on his protection order and because of the odor of 
marijuana which provided probable cause for a vehicle search. I notified dispatch to 
summon a tow truck to the scene to remove the vehicle from the roadway and 
informed Thomas to phone a ride to pick him up.

An administrative inventory and probable cause vehicle search was conducted. 
Nothing of significant value was found during the inventory and the probable cause 
vehicle search yielded no contraband or weapons.

Thomas was issued traffic citation #03 1866 for SCO 335.07 Driving Under 
Suspension and SCO 335.10 Expired License Plates. Thomas was informed of his 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, February 27, 
2020 at 0900 and released from the scene to wait for his ride at Sebring Laundry.

The vehicle was subsequently towed from the scene by Springers. 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507

PUBLISHED 7:39 AM 2/26/2020  *

Wednesday, February 19, 2020
10:04 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   02/16/2020  @   0918 hrs
Case No.: 20002074

606 S 12th St, Sebring, OH

CITED: Joshua Paukner (AGE 29)
13945 South Pricetown Rd, Salem, OH 4460

Maximum Speed Limits (49/35)    SCO 333.03

On Sunday, February 16,2020, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling south in 
marked unit #303 on S 12th St near Alabama Ave. I observed a silver SUV travelling 
north at what appeared to be a rate of speed higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. 

Upon activating the forward mounted radar antenna, I observed and locked in a speed 
of 49 MPH on the digital display. I activated my overhead emergency lights and turned 
around after the vehicle as it passed me. The vehicle, a silver Chevrolet bearing Ohio 
registration HTV9314, came to a complete stop in front of 606 S 12th St.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, Joshua Paukner, I identified myself and 
informed him of the reason for the stop. Paukner provided all appropriate 
documentation as requested. Paukner was issued traffic citation #031865 for SCO 
333.03 Maximum Speed Limits (49/35) and informed of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, February 27,2020 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT   02/16/2020    @   0011 hrs
Case No.: 20002070

20th / california ave

CITED: Thomas Evans (AGE 52)
100 E wilson Ave Girard OH 44478

expired DL                          335.01

traffic control devices       313.01

turn signal required           337.3


COURT DATE AT MCC#3 OF 20/20/2020 AT 0900HRS. 


PTL. BRINDACK #506  02/16/2020


ARREST REPORT   02/15/2020   @   2224 hrs
Case No.: 20002068 

Traffic - Turn Signal
S. 12th St. /Alabama Ave.

CITED: Jonah Mcintosh (AGE 34)
16150 St. Rt. 62, Damascus, OH 44619

Turn Signal          SCO 337.30

On 02/15/2020 I Ptl. Scott along with Ptl. Brindack while dual unit in a marked police 
cruiser. Officers were on patrol on S. 12th St. and observed a vehicle traveling east on 
Alabama Ave. and did not activate a turn signal prior to 100 feet.

I initiated a traffic stop on S. 12th St. south of Alabama Ave. the vehicle was a 2017 
white Chrysler four door bearing Ohio registration HJA7428. I made contact with the 
driver and informed them of the reason for the stop and requested their driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance. The driver was identified as Jonah 

I noticed an odor of burnt marijuana and asked Jonah if he or someone had smoked 
marijuana in the vehicle and he said the odor I was smelling was marijuana. Jonah 
there was wax (Liquid THC) in the center console as well. I told Jonah to exit the 
vehicle and I along with Ptl Brindack searched the vehicle and recovered the wax and 
a small container of white unknown powder.

The driver was issued a traffic citation for Turn Signal SCO 337.30 and was given a 
court date of 02/20/2020 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance not 
required. Jonah signed the citation and received a copy and was released. 

The items were taken back to the station and placed into a evidence staging locker #1 
to be prepared to be sent to the lab for testing.

Ptl. Scott #505   02/16/2020


ARREST REPORT    02/15/2020    @   1601 hrs
Case No.: 20002064 

600 block W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED:  Brennan Rohr (AGE 21)
212 Florence Ave, Alliance, OH 44601

Driver Required to Wear Seat Belt         SCO 337.27

On Saturday, February 15,2020, Patrolwoman Villanueva and I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, were conducting traffic enforcement in marked unit #301 on W Ohio Ave 
at N Johnson Rd facing east. We observed a gray 4-door sedan proceed east through 
the intersection after stopping and could hear the exhaust emitting excessive noise. I 
activated our overhead emergency lights and pulled east onto W Ohio Ave to initiate a 
traffic stop. The vehicle, a gray Volkswagen bearing Ohio registration HYA6560, came 
to a complete stop in the 600 block of W Ohio Ave.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Brennan Rohr, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. While speaking to Rohr, I observed 
he was not wearing his seat belt. I inquired about him not wearing his seat belt and he 
stated he did not have it on before being stopped. Rohr provided his registration and 
valid insurance information but advised he left his wallet containing his license at 
home. Rohr was issued traffic citation #031864 for SCO 337.27 Driver Required to 
Wear Seat Belt and informed of his mandatory appearance before Mahoning County 
Court #3 on Thursday, February 27,2020 at 0900. 

Rohr received a verbal warning for the loud exhaust.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT    02/13/2020    @    1714 hrs
Case No.: 20002058 

206 W. Michigan Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Andrew Weingart (AGE 22)
206 W. Michigan Ave. Sebring, Ohio 44672

Dogs running at large            SCO 505.01(c)

On arrival, Ptl. Scott #505, Ptl. Brindack #506, and myself observed two dogs running 
southbound along the west side of N. Johnson. As the dogs approached us, we 
positioned our vehicles so as to prevent oncoming traffic from striking the dogs, while 
attempting to catch them and place into our patrol vehicles. Both dogs appeared 
friendly, and one female dog approached us and was placed into my cruiser. Both dogs 
had dog tags that showed the owners address.

Ptl. Scott notified the address of the dogs, and to attempt to make contact with the 
owner to retrieve both of his dogs. The other dog was male and friendly, but wouldn't 
let us approach his as he continuously sprinted away from us. The male dog ran down 
N. Johnson into a field where officers were unable to locate the dog as it ran too far 
back into the wooded area near Smith Township police Department.

The owner of the dogs, Andrew Weingart showed up and stated he was the dogs 
owners. Andrew was given back the female dog that was caught by officers, but was 
told the male ran into the woods. I advised the owner I was unable to see the dog, but 
attempted to trace the foot tracks left behind. I cleared the area, and was shortly 
notified soon after that the male dog was seen in the 300 W. Block of Virginia running 
eastbound. I arrived a short time later and identified the dog at the 100 W. Block of 
Michigan defecating in a neighbors yard.

I advised dispatch that I located the dog, and it ran onto the owners property, and sat 
in a lawn chair waiting for its owner. Once the owner arrived, I ensured the dogs were 
safe and unharmed, then cleared without further incident. This report is to be sent to 
the judge for a court summons on Dogs running at large SCO 505.01.

Ptl. Peterman #511   2/14/2020

1529- Upon further deliberation, it was determined the dogs owner, Andrew Weingart, 
receive an MM citation for Dogs running loose (SCO 505.01 (c)), and a mandatory 
court date of 2/20/2020 MCC #3 @ 0900a.m. . Andrew signed the citation given to 
him, and was given a copy. I then cleared the residence without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #511   2/15/2020


ARREST REPORT             02/14/2020   @   1239 hrs
Case No.: 20002056 

S 15th St near E Florida Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Matthew Prendergast (AGE 32)
14811 Ellett Road, Beloit, OH 44609

Obedience to Traffic Control Device         SCO 313.01



FEBRUARY  27,2020 AT 0900.



ARREST REPORT  02/13/2020   @    1930 hrs
Case No.: 02002054 

500 Block W. California

CITED: Chad Apple (AGE 27)
21342 Lake Park Blvd. Alliance, OH 44601

Speed (48/25)          SCO: 333.01

At 19:30 hours, on February 13,2020, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked 
unit 304. While sitting stationary along the side of W. California Avenue in front of 
Salem Republic Rubber, I observed a light-colored sedan turn off of Johnson Road and 
start eastbound on W. California Avenue, at a visibly high rate of speed.

Upon activating my front facing radar antenna, I obtained locked speed of 48 MPH in 
the clearly marked 25 MPH zone. The vehicle then pulled into the driveway at 571 W. 
California Avenue.

With my lightbar activated. I pulled in behind the white Honda Civic, bearing Ohio 
registration HVK 2937.

Upon making contact with the driver, I asked for his driver license, vehicle registration, 
and proof of insurance. The driver was able to produce all three requested documents, 
with his Ohio Driver License identifying him as Chad W. Apple. When I asked if he was 
aware of his speed, he said that he was not but stated "they were spinning", this being 
in reference I believe to the vehicle's tires. I then instructed Mr. Apple to remain in his 
vehicle, with me returning to my patrol car to write him his citation.

Upon returning to my patrol car, I wrote citation # 031550 to Mr. Apple for SCO 333.03 
Speed: Over Limits (48/25). Mr. Apple then signed his citation, was given his copy, as 
well as made aware of his mandatory court appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 
at 9:00am on Thursday, February 20,2020. 

In speaking further with Mr. Apple, although he said that he was unaware of his speed, 
he did state "if this car was all-wheel drive, you would probably have had me at closer 
to 60MPH". After issuing Mr. Apple his citation, I cleared from the stop.

It should also be noted that the calibration to car 304's in-car radar unit was checked at 
both the start of my shift at 15:00 hours as well as after issuing Mr. Apple his citation. 
Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #513


ARREST REPORT     02/12/2020   @   1648 hrs
Case No.: 20002050

232 South 15th Street, Sebring Ohio

ARREST: Thomas Bailey (AGE 58)
232 South 15th Street, Sebring Ohio 44672

Theft            2913.02   /   BOND $1,250.00

On 02/12/2020, I was dispatched to Circle K in reference to a theft. I arrived on 
location and spoke to Brice Wervey whom advised that she observed a male walk to 
the beer section and place two Edge Ice House cans in his pockets. Brice advised that 
she watched him then walk out. Patty Caliguire arrived on location whom is a manager 
at the store. She allowed me to see the video recordings.

There was no footage of the incident, due to the positioning of the cameras. I was able 
to see the male walk in the door and I was able to identify the male as Thomas Bailey 
of South 15th Street, due to a recent case of unauthorized use of a credit card at Circle 

I then cleared and went to the Bailey residence. As I pulled up I was able to see the a 
male back in the garage. I went back and spoke to the male whom I was able to 
identify as Thomas Bailey. I asked Thomas if he was just at Circle K and he advised 
that he was. I then asked Thomas if may have taken something that was back in the 
beer cooler without paying for it. Thomas advised that he didn't get anything. I then 
advised Thomas that I observed him on the camera take something and he advised 
that he did ... I asked Thomas where they were and Thomas took me into his mothers 
house and took me to his bedroom. Thomas lifted the mattress and pulled out the two 
Edge Icehouse cans that were still cold. 

I asked Thomas why he took them and he advised that he didn't know why. I then 
placed Thomas in custody for theft. 

I requested assistance from Smith Twp. for transporting Thomas back to station. 
Thomas was placed in handcuffs that were gapped and double locked. Smith Twp. 
arrived and transported Thomas back to station. Once back at station it was 
discovered that Thomas' wrists were bleeding. Thomas advised that he had a pre-
existing scab on his wrists that came open with the cuffs. I offered Thomas EMS and 
he denied the request. Thomas was processed and given a court date for 02/13/2020 
at 0900. 

Management from Circle K came to station and signed a Notice of Restriction on 
Thomas. Thomas was given a Recognizance bond in the amount of $1,250. Thomas 
was advised that he needed to be at court in the morning. I also served Thomas with 
his Notice of Restriction and advised him that he is unable to go back to the 
establishment anymore or he would be charged. Thomas advised that he understood. 
Thomas was then released.

The beer was placed into evidence.

C. Redfern #504   DATE: 02/12/2020


ARREST REPORT     02/11/2020   @   1458 hrs
Case No.: 20002044 

N. 14th St. / E, Indiana Ave.

CITED:  Steven Guildoo (AGE 45)
555 W. California Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Expired Registration           SCO 335.10

On 02/11/2020 At 2:58pm I Ptl. Scott while in a marked police cruiser ran a  random 
registration check on a white Chevrolet SUV bearing Ohio registration HYN3739 which 
came back expired. 

I initiated a traffic stop on N. 14th St. and E. Indiana Ave. The vehicle was a  2005 
White Chevrolet SW. I made contact with the driver identified as Steven Guildoo. I 
asked Steven for his driver's license, registration which he only gave me a temporary 
registration for the vehicle which is also expired. 

I wrote Steven a traffic citation for expired registration SCO 335.10 and I also  asked 
for the K-9 officer to come to the scene. I issued Steven his traffic citation and asked if 
he had insurance which he stated yes its already on file and did not provide me with 
proof of the insurance. I asked Ptl. Redfern to deploy his K-9.  K-9 Ollie preformed an 
open-air sniff with no detection. 

Steven signed his traffic citation and I told him of his court date on 02/28/2028  at 
9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required and was provided with a 

Ptl. Scott #505 

PUBLISHED 9:51 AM 2/19/2020  *

Wednesday, February 12, 2020
11:21 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT    2/9/2020   @   00:48
Case No.: 20002033 

400 block W. Ohio Ave

CITED: Destinee Cowens (AGE 24)
438 W. Cambridge St. Alliance, OH 44601

Possession Drug paraphernalia (MM)    SCO: 513.03

Possession of Marijuana (MM)   SCO 513:121

Traffic Control Devices   SCO: 313.01

License Plate Light Required    SCO: 337.04

Narrative by Ptl. Reed #513

At 00:48 hours, On February 9, 2020, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked 
unit 301.  While sitting stationary at the corner of Johnson Road and West Ohio 
Avenue, I observed a white Chrysler PT Cruiser that was traveling eastbound on W. 
Ohio Avenue, travel through the flashing four-way stop at the intersection without 
coming to a complete stop. 

Upon seeing this, I positioned my patrol car behind the vehicle, also noting that the 
rear license plate light was not functioning. I then activated my overhead emergency 
lights and initiated a traffic stop, with the vehicle coming to a stop in the 400 block of 
W. Ohio Avenue. I also at this point noticed that there were no letters or numbers on 
the Ohio temporary tag that was attached to the vehicle.

Upon making contact with the driver, I advised her of the reason for the stop as well as 
asked for her driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. The driver 
handed me the requested documents, with her Ohio driver license identifying her as 
Destinee F. Cowens. In speaking with Cowens, she advised that the temporary tag on 
her vehicle had been damaged by recent weather. I also noticed the strong odor of 
burnt marijuana emanating from inside of the vehicle. When asked if there was any 
marijuana or anything else in the vehicle that I needed to be concerned with, both 
Destinee as well as the front seat male passenger and backseat female passenger 
advised that there was not. I then asked both passengers if they would mind giving me 
their ID'S with the male passenger presenting an Ohio driver license identifying him as 
Tyler Nichols and the female's identifying her as Jasmine M. Hill.

I then returned to my patrol car and relayed the information of all of the vehicles 
occupants to dispatch. Neither party returned with any warrants and Destinee did have 
a valid driver license.

Due to the odor of burnt marijuana being present I also requested Ptl. Scott to my 
location, due to him being ARlDE (Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement) 
certified. Once Ptl. Scott arrived to my location, the two of us again approached the 
vehicle, with him speaking to Cowen at the driver side and me standing behind the 
front passenger side window. When advised that we would be performing a search of 
the vehicle due to the odor of marijuana being present, Cowen reached in the glove 
box and handed a prescription pill bottle to Ptl. Scott, which had what appeared to be 
roughly a gram of marijuana inside of it. 

All three occupants were then requested out of the vehicle. In speaking with Cowen, 
Ptl. Scott asked her when she had last smoked marijuana, with her replying sometime 
around 10:00pm. At around this time Cowen also removed the bottle of marijuana from 
Ptl. Scotts hands, opened it, and then dumped it out onto the road without being 
instructed to do so.

I then began a probable cause search of the vehicle while Ptl. Scott remained with the 
occupants on the sidewalk. During my search I located 16 burnt marijuana cigarettes 
in the center console as well as a pack of rolling papers. I then returned to my patrol 
car and wrote Minor Misdemeanor citation #000302 to Cowen for Sebring Codified 
Ordnance 513.121 for possessing marijuana paraphernalia in the form of the rolling 
papers as well as for Sebring Codified Ordnance 513.03 for possessing the marijuana. 
In addition to these charges I also issued uniform traffic citation # 031549 to Cowen for 
traffic control devices (SCO: 313.01), and License Plate Light Required (SCO: 337.04). 

Cowen as advised of her mandatory court appearance at 9:00am on Thursday, 
February 13,2020, at Mahoning County Court #3. Cowen then signed her citations and 
received her copies. Both Ptl. Scott and I then cleared with nothing additional to report 
at this time. The 16 marijuana cigarettes as well as rolling papers were placed in 
temporary evidence locker #1.

Ptl. Reed #513


ARREST REPORT   2/9/2020    @   1155 hrs
Case No.: 20002034

TRAFFIC - Expired Registration
N Johnson RdICourtney Rd, Sebring OH

CITED: Alex Tyler (AGE 25)
726 Woodgate Blvd Apt 303, Ravenna, OH

Expired Registration (January 2019)  SCO 335.10







ARREST REPORT   2/9/2020   @   1555 hrs
Case No.: 20002035 

Dog at Large 
515N. 19thSt

CITED: Kimberly Brown (AGE 50)
515 N. 19th St Sebring

Permitting Dog to run at large   SCO 505.01 (c)

Upon arrival, I did not initially observe any dogs at large. After returning to the area 
after some time had passed, I observed a gray pitbull defecating in the yard of a 
residence on W Virginia Ave at N 19th St. Having dealt with the dog in the past and 
knowing who the owner is, I proceeded to 515 N 19th St to attempt to make contact. I 
was advised by the juvenile son that his mother was not home.

Even with the assistance of a neighbor, we were unable to catch the gray pitbull. Minor 
misdemeanor citation #000238 has been generated for SCO 505.01 (c) for Kimberly 
Brown and will be served at a later time. A check of records in CAD indicated Brown 
was served with a dog running at large letter in December 2019 and officers have 
been dispatched to the area multiple times since then for the same reason.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT   02/06/2020   @   0926 hrs
Case NO.: 20001120 

Mahoning County Court #3

Arrest:  Logan Stancato (AGE 21)
04 Boxwood Dr, Beloit, OH 44609

Counterfeiting (F-4)    ORC 2919.30

Theft (M-1)    ORC 2913.02

Following Narrative by Ptl. Villanueva #512

On 01/23/2020, I, Ptl. Villanueva was dispatched to speak with a complainant on 
station in reference to a stolen guitar. Upon arrival I made contact with Anthony 
Stancato who stated that his cousin, Logan Stancato, gave him counterfeit money to 
purchase his guitar. Anthony stated Logan arrived at his place of work on 15 1/2 N. 
Johnson road asking if he could use his gas can. They talked for a period of time and 
asked if he could purchase the guitar Anthony was selling. Logan and his girlfriend 
Antonia Harper then followed Anthony to his home at 145 W. Virginia Ave.

Anthony states he puts the guitar in it's case and hands it to Logan. Logan gives 
Anthony $60.00 folded up and then leaves. Anthony then returned to his car and 
realized the money was fake and also noticed Logan had a wallet full of possible 
counterfeit money. I ran Logan through dispatch and was made aware that he had two 
active warrants through Mahoning County and Summit County. I took a statement from 
Anthony and took the counterfeit money into evidence and placed in locker number 1.

Before leaving he informed me a relative told him he was possibly at 115 E. Indiana 
Ave. I notified Ptl. Marchionda and Ptl. Scott of his location and they went to the 
residence but had negative contact.

After a considerable amount of time, I overheard Ptl. Marchionda over the radio while 
in dispatch calling out emergency traffic only. Soon after, dispatch informed me 
Goshen Township Det. McBride, had Logan detained in reference to the two warrants 
he had out of Summit and Mahoning county. 

I asked dispatch of their location and got into marked unit 304 to assist. Upon arrival I 
made contact with Ptl. Marchionda and asked if there was any more counterfeit money 
found in Logan's wallet. Ptl. Marchionda informed me that while being detained by 
Goshen PD, no counterfeit money was observed.

While inside the residence, myself and Ptl. Marchionda noticed an acoustic guitar 
leaning in the living room. Logan was then escorted and placed in the back of Goshen 
TWP PD's marked cruiser by Det. McBride. Myself and Ptl. Marchionda walked back 
into the residence to speak to Andrew Herbert and his brother Conner Herbert and see 
if they knew where Logan got the guitar. They both stated they had no idea where 
Logan got the guitar and he just brought it there today. They said how he has a second 
guitar in a case in the bedroom. The brothers then stated Logan just asked if they 
could let him store them there until he finds an apartment.

After two phone calls to Chief Harris and Chief McDaniel, Det. McBride had a Andrew 
sign a consent to search so they could locate the guitar. 

While I waited outside, Anthony Stancato arrived and stated he was requested to 
confirm if it was his guitar. Ptl. Marchionda comes out of the residence and asked 
Anthony for a description on the guitar. Anthony states it's in a black case with silver 
trim and the guitar is brown in color and is a Cordoba Blue. The description was a 
positive match to the guitar found by Ptl. Scott and Det. McBride. The guitar and guitar 
case was then taken into evidence by Det. McBride and he advised us that he will be 
charging Logan with Receiving Stolen Property. 

All Sebring officers cleared the scene and returned to station with no further incidents.

Charges will be sent to Prosecutor Tolson for approval of ORC 2913.02 (A)(3) Theft by 
Deception (M-1) and ORC 2913.30 (B)(2) Counterfeiting (F-4).

Ptl. Villanueva #512
01 /23/2020

Sent to Prosecutor on 01/23/2020

Following Narrative by Ptl. Marchionda #507

On Thursday, January 23,2020, Ptl. Villanueva spoke to a complainant on station 
reference his guitar being bought by his cousin with fake money. According to Ptl. 
Villanueva, the complainant, Anthony Stancato, stated his cousin, Logan Stancato, 
bought a guitar from him using 3 fake $20 bills labeled 'prop copy' and matching serial: 
numbers. It was brought to our attention by dispatch that Logan had two active 
warrants out of Mahoning County and Summit County. Ptl. Villanueva informed Ptl. 
Scott and I that Logan may be at 115 E lndiana Ave according to information received 
by a relative.

Ptl. Scott and I departed from the station in marked unit #301 and proceeded to the 
aforementioned address in an attempt to locate Logan. Upon arrival, a vehicle 
containing three occupants was observed backing out of the driveway. The driver 
identified herself as Logan's grandmother and stated Logan was no longer at the 
residence at 115 E lndiana Ave. Shortly thereafter, dispatch requested all Sebring units 
phone the station for information. Dispatch advised over the phone information had 
come in that Logan was with his girlfriend at Dollar General in Beloit in a black Jeep 
Patriot last seen heading towards Sebring.

Ptl. Scott and I located a black Jeep Patriot parked at Circle K with a female in the 
drivers seat. The woman who had previously stated she was Logan's grandmother, 
stated the female in the driver's seat is Logan's girlfriend. 

Ptl. Scott and I approached the vehicle and observed the female driver to be upset. 
The driver opened the door and we asked her if she was okay and what her name 
was. The female identified herself as Antonia. We asked if she knew where Logan was 
and she stated she was supposed to meet him at Dollar General in Beloit but he never 

I asked Antonia if she knew where Logan might be and she stated he had friends that 
lived near the Dollar General. Earlier in the shift, Ptl. Villanueva and I assisted Goshen 
TWP Police reference a female crying in a car at 112 Redwood in Sebring Estates. 
Two brothers, identified as Conner and Andrew Herbert, reside at 11 2 Redwood drive 
and had previously mentioned their friend and his girlfriend (known to them only as 
"Nia") had been at the residence to help them move some stuff. Acting on the 
possibility that "Nia" is Antonia, I asked her about Logan's friends and she stated she 
only knew they were brothers.

Utilizing this information, Ptl. Scott and I met with Goshen TWP Police Detective 
McBride in the parking lot of Mahoning County Court #3. Detective McBride was 
brought up to speed regarding the case and the primary person of interest having 
active warrants. We departed from MCC#3 and proceeded to 112 Redwood in Sebring 
Estates. Upon arrival, Ptl. Scott knocked on the front door several times and shouted 
"POLICE." Conner Herbert came to the door and Ptl. Scott asked him if Logan was in 
the residence.

Conner stated Logan was in the residence, in a back room with his brother Andrew. 
Conner appeared to be on edge and afraid but gave us consent to enter the residence 
to look for Logan.

Upon entering the residence, Detective McBride took lead while Ptl. Scott followed and 
I remained in the first room with Conner. Shortly after I observed Det. McBride and Ptl. 
Scott enter the back room; Andrew came down the hall and I instructed him to sit down 
next to his brother. Andrew also appeared to be on edge and nervous. I then 
overheard Det. McBride shouting and walked into the backroom where I observed Det. 
McBride and Ptl. Scott ordering someone out from under the bed.

This person (Logan) later emerged and was detained by Det. McBride reference the 
active the warrants entered in LEADS. I informed Logan although he was detained by 
Goshen Police, we needed to ask him some questions regarding an investigation. I 
informed Logan of his Miranda Rights, asked if he understood them and if he was 
willing to waive them to speak to us. Logan stated he understood his rights, 
immediately invoked his rights and demanded to speak with his attorney.

Logan was escorted from the back room into the first room of the residence.

Ptl. Villanueva arrived on scene and advised she was there to check Logan's wallet for 
more prop money. I informed Ptl. Villanueva in the course of Logan being detained by 
Det. McBride, no prop money was observed inside of Logan's wallet. After being 
detained, Logan grew concerned regarding a care source card and asked us to make 
sure it was in his wallet. It was during this moment no prop money was observed in his 

During the course of normal conversation with Logan, I observed a guitar sitting in the 
first room of the residence and asked Logan about it. Logan blew the guitar off as junk 
and that another one he had was a gift. Logan asked the Herbert brothers to hold onto 
his property and mentioned another guitar in a case in the backroom.

Logan was escorted to Det. McBride's marked cruiser and placed in the back seat 
while Boardman dispatch verified the warrants. After two phone conversations with 
Sebring Chief Harris and Goshen Chief McDaniel, Det. McBride produced a consent to 
search to Andrew asking permission to search the back room for the guitar case 
containing the guitar that was bought with the prop money. Andrew Herbert signed the 
consent to search and allowed us to search the back room.

Upon entering the back room, we observed a black hard case with silver trim. At this 
time, I was informed the original complainant, Anthony Stancato was outside the 

I went outside to speak with Anthony and asked if he could identify the case the guitar 
was in. Anthony stated the case was a hard case, black in color. I asked Anthony what 
the color of the trim was and he stated the color of the trim was silver. I asked Anthony 
what brand guitar was in the case and he stated the guitar brand was Cordoba. I went 
back into the residence and informed Det. McBride and Ptl. Scott that Anthony had 
positively identified the case and the Cordoba Guitar was found inside. It was also 
mentioned the guitar in question was missing some strings. The Cordoba Guitar found 
in the case described by Anthony was in fact missing strings.

Det. McBride seized the case and the guitar as evidence. Det. McBride advised he 
would be charging Logan for receiving stolen property. All Sebring officers cleared the 
scene and returned to the station. 

This report will be submitted to the prosecutor's office by Ptl. Villanueva for approval of 
ORC 2913.30(8)(2) Counterfeiting (F-4) and ORC 2913.02(A)(3) Theft (M-1).

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507

Following Narrative by Ptl. Villanueva #512

On Thursday 01/30/2020, the prosecutors office approved the following charges: ORC 
2913.02A3 Theft (M-1) and ORC 2913.30B2 Counterfeiting (F-4). Warrants will be 
obtained from Mahoning County Court #3 at a later date.

Ptl. Villanueva #512   02/01/2020

Following Narrative by Ptl. Marchionda #507  DATE: 02/06/2020 10:25

On Thursday, February 6, 2020, I was phoned by Patrolman Redfern that Logan 
Stancato was in custody of the Mahoning County Sheriffs Office at Mahoning County 
Court #3, needed to be picked up and processed. I arrived at Mahoning County Court 
#3 and took custody of Logan from the Sheriffs Office and transported him back to 
station. While en route to the station, I did not ask Logan any questions but Logan 
stated if this was about the guitar, he claims his cousin gave it to him.

Upon arrival at the SEBRING POLICE STORY, Logan was escorted into the 
audio/video recorded squad room and served with his copies of the warrants 
(2020CRA45 & 2020CRB46). Logan was also informed of his Miranda Rights which he 
declined to waive to make statements or answer questions. Logan was photographed, 
fingerprinted and swabbed for DNA for the felony counterfeiting charge. 

Logan was subsequently transported back to Mahoning County Court #3 and 
remanded back into the custody of the Sheriffs Office.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507 

PUBLISHED 11:07 AM 2/12/2020  *

Wednesday, February 05, 2020
08:32 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT    2-1-20  @  2350 hrs
Case No.: 20002002

Ohio Ave, near N. 12th St.

CITED: Christopher Guildoo ( AGE 41)
555 W. California Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Drivers License not on Person    335.01 ORD

Loud Exhaust    331.36 ORD

On 02/01/2020 at 11 :50pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling East on Ohio Ave. when I observed a vehicle also traveling East on the same 
road with a loud exhaust just past the intersection of N. 12th St.

The vehicle then continued going East and I then positioned myself behind the vehicle 
and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then stopped on Ohio Ave. next to the Court 
House. The vehicle was a Black 2015 Chevy Camaro bearing Ohio registration HRV 
1296. At this point, I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and 
informed the driver of the reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which I received none of the requested items. 
The driver was later identified as Chris Guildoo who is a valid driver.

I then issued a citation to Chris for not having his drivers license on his person 335.01 
(ORD) and also for the loud exhaust 331.36 (ORD) and I gave him a court date of 
02/06/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. Once Chris 
signed the citation, I provided him with a copy and I then cleared the scene without 
further incident.

Ptl. Everhart #514    02/01/20


ARREST REPORT    1/30/2020   @   1708 hrs
Case No.: 20001162 


CITED: Gerald Edinger (AGE 52)
531 W. Texas Ave Sebring, OH 44672

Speed (37/25)    333.03

Driving Under Suspension     335.07

Fictitious Plates    335.1

At 17:08 hours, on January 30,2020, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked 
unit 303. While sitting stationary along W. Texas Avenue in front of the F.A. Sebring 
Community Center, I observed a Silver Impala approaching from behind me, at a rate 
of speed that appeared to be higher than that of the 25 MPH posted limit. 

Upon activating my rear facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 37 MPH. 
Once the vehicle passed me, I positioned my patrol car behind it and activated my 
overhead emergency lights. The Silver Impala, bearing Ohio registration SWF 1679, 
continued on several hundred yards before pulling into the driveway at 531 W. Texas 
Avenue. Once in the driveway, the driver of the vehicle, who was the only occupant, 
stepped out and began approaching my patrol car. I advised the subject to stay put, 
and met him halfway between my patrol car and the Silver Impala. I then advised him 
of the reason for the stop as well as asked for his driver license. The subject advised 
me that his license was suspended but did identify himself by name, date of birth, and 
social security number as Gerald Edinger, with this information being relayed to 

I was then advised by dispatch that the plates that were on the Impala returned to a 
trailer that was registered to a Brian Moore. Mr. Edinger heard my radio traffic and 
admitted that they did belong on a trailer that was in his driveway. Dispatch also 
confirmed that Edinger's driver license was in fact suspended. I instructed Mr. Edinger 
to have a seat in his vehicle and that I would be with him shortly with his citation. Mr. 
Edinger was given citation No. 031548 for Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03 (speed 
37 in a 25), Sebring Codified Ordnance 335.07 (driving under suspension), and 
Sebring codified ordnance 335.10 (fictitious plates). 

While writing Mr. Edinger his citation, he again approached my patrol car, this time with 
a registration form for the Impala with his name on it. I then relayed the vehicle 
identification number that was on the form to dispatch, with it being advised that the 
cars registered owner was a Judith Evans from Alliance, Ohio. I then asked Edinger if 
he had insurance on the vehicle, with him advising that he did not.

Edinger then signed his citation, was advised of his mandatory court appearance at 
9:00am on February 6,2020, and was given his copy of the citation. I then performed a 
consent search on the vehicle with no contraband being located. Edinger did remove 
the plates from the Impala while I was there and returned them to the trailer that they 
belonged on. 

Due to Edinger's vehicle being in his driveway I decided to exercise discretion and not 
impound it. It should be noted that the calibration to the in-car radar unit in car 303 was 
checked at both the start of my shift at 15:00 as well as after issuing Edinger his 
citation. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #513


ARREST REPORT    1/30/2020   @   112 hrs
Case No.: 20001160

Traffic - SPEED 

CITED:  Angela Lam (AGE 36)
9365 Fewtown Rd, Deerfield, OH 44410

SPEED (57/35)     SCO ORD 333.03

On 01/30/2020 at 1117 hours, I Ptl. Villanueva, was patrolling Southbound in a marked 
police cruiser on S. Johnson road. I observed a black in color SUV traveling at a high 
rate of speed traveling Northbound near Grandview Cemetery. I activated my forward 
mounted radar unit and locked a speed of 57 MPH in a 35 MPH zone. Once the 
vehicle passed, I activated my emergency lights, safely made a UTurn and initiated a 
traffic stop. The vehicle bearing Ohio Registration DB48ZA came out to a 2007 
Chevrolet Tahoe.

Once the vehicle came to a complete stop, I initiated contact with the driver who I 
identified as Angela Lam of Deerfield. I requested Angela's driver's license, 
registration, proof of insurance and notified her of the reason for the stop. She 
provided the requested documentation which was all verified later as valid. I issued 
Angela citation number 031782 for SCO 333.03 Speed (57/35). 

Angela was informed of her non-mandatory appearance in court on 02/13/2020 in 
MCC#3 at 0900 hours.

Ptl. Villanueva #512


PHONE (330) 938-6114 CLASSIFICATION FAX (330) 938-3427
Case No.: 20001129 

MCC #3,606 E Ohio Ave, Sebring OH 44672

ARREST: Donald Handy III (AGE 28)
376 W Virginia Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

Domestic Violence (M- 1)     ORC 2919.25

Assault (M-1)     ORC 2903.13

On 1/24/2020 Ptl. Peterman and myself were dispatched to 647 W. Ohio Ave, for a 

Sgt. Kelm #503   1/24/2020

Upon arrival Ptl. Peterman was speaking to the complainant Samantha Cathey, 376 W. 
Virginia Ave. Samantha advised she confronted her boyfriend Donald Handy (Dale) 
about using drugs. Samantha advised Dale got angry, grabbed her and held her 
against the wall. Samantha then advised Dale threw her to the side which made her 
fall on her ankle and twist it. Samantha then advised when she tried to get up and use 
her phone he grabbed her again and held her to the floor and choked her.

Samantha then advised she grabbed him and pulled on his crotch which made him let 
go. Samantha then advised Dale tried to take her phone but she bit him and he let go. 
Samantha then advised she left and went to her mothers, 647 W. Ohio Ave.

While Ptl. Peterman ensured the Domestic Violence packet was filled out I contacted 
Ptl. Everhart to respond to Samantha's residence to attempt to contact Dale. Ptl. 
Everhart advised there were lights on, Dale's vehicle was in the driveway, but no one 
answered the door.

Photographs of Samantha's injuries were taken and will be placed in the case file.

A warrant will be sent to the court for Dale for Domestic Violence 2919.25 / M-1 as well 
as Assault 2903.13 / M-1. This case will also be forwarded to the prosecutor for 
possible additional charge of Disrupting Public Service 2909.04 / F-4.

Sgt. Kelm #503 1/24/2020

On 1/24/2020 at 2235 I, Patrolman Peterman, responded to 647 W. Ohio for a 
domestic dispute.

On arrival I was greeted by the victim's mother, who walked me into their kitchen 
where the victim, Samantha Cathey was. Samantha was sitting on a chair, in obvious 
emotional distress from what looked like a traumatic event. I asked Samantha if she 
would be able to tell me what happened.

Samantha stated "I was at the basketball game when I noticed my child's father, Dale 
Handy texting someone to get some(drugs). When I asked him about it, he became 
violent with me, and when we went to the house (376 W. Virginia) Dale put his arms 
around me, and forced me to the ground."

I physically observed several scrapes and scratches that seemed to match the way the 
victim was describing to me. There were scratches on her chest, right shoulder, and 
two scratches on her back. I asked Samantha if she needed medical to come check 
her out, and she refused medical treatment. Samantha also stated to me she would 
like to pursue charges against Dale Handy. 

I obtained a witness statement from Samantha, and Sgt. Kelm #503 requested for Ptl. 
Everhart #514 to go to the residence of 376 W. Virginia to speak with Dale. Ptl. 
Everhart informed both officers that Dales vehicle was at the location, but Dale was not 
answering the door.

I then obtained photographs of Samantha's injuries, then gave Samantha a copy of the 
instructions for filing for a protection order, and victims rights. Both officers instructed 
both parents and Samantha to not be in any contact with Dale, and to call police if he 
shows up on their property.

After ensuring no further questions for either officer, both units cleared without further 

Ptl. Peterman #511    1/24/2020

On Thursday, January 30,2020, I placed Donald Handy III under arrest in the lobby of 
Mahoning County Court #3 and informed him of his warrants. Handy was transported 
to the Sebring Police Department where he was served his copies of the warrants, 
photographed and fingerprinted. Handy was transported back to Mahoning County 
Court #3 and brought before Judge J.P. Morgan.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507     1.30.2020


Wednesday, January 29, 2020
09:14 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   1-27-2020   @   1951
Case No.: 20001142

Traffic - Weaving within lane 
Texas Ave. near 15th St. 

CITED: Andrew Adams (AGE 22)
836 S. 13th St. Apt. #16 Sebring, OH44672 

Weaving within lane 331.34 (B) 

On 01/27/2020 at 7:51pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
West on Texas  Ave. when I observed a vehicle also traveling West on the same road 
swerve towards the other lane and also drove over the white edge line several times 
just past the intersection of S. 15th St. 

The vehicle then continued going West and I then positioned myself behind the vehicle 
and initiated a  traffic stop. The vehicle then stopped on Texas just past the 
intersection of lSh St. The vehicle was a  Black 2004 Jeep Cherokee bearing Ohio 
registration HWU9038. At this point, I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver side and informed the driver of the reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance in which I just received a valid 
license only. The driver was later identified as Andrew Adams. 

I then asked Andrew if there was anything illegal in the car and he advised me that 
there was nothing in the vehicle. I then asked Andrew if I could perform a consent 
search and he stated that he would not allow me to perform one. 

There were also 3 additional passengers in the vehicle. The front seat passenger was 
later identified as Noah McCammon. I then looked in the backseat and I was visually 
able to identify both passengers later identified as Jeramey Norton and Dylan Holmes. 
Both individuals had active warrants through other agencies. 

At this point, I then went back to my cruiser to start writing the citation. I then advised 
dispatch to have  K-9 Officer Redfern come to the scene to have K-9 Ollie perform a 
sniff of the vehicle. Ptl. Redfern then arrived to the scene shortly after and we had all 4 
individuals step out of the vehicle. I then informed all of them that I was going to 
perform a Terry Pat-DownBrisk for officer safety. Dylan then began to act suspicious 
and started to yell at me stating, that I was not allowed to pat him down. After talking to 
Dylan for several minutes he finally complied and allowed me to pat him down. 

Ptl. Redfern then advised me that the dog indeed had a positive hit on the vehicle for 
drugs where Dylan was sitting in the vehicle. At this point, all the individuals were 
detained while Ptl. Redfern performed the probable cause search. After searching the 
vehicle, no contraband was found in the vehicle and I then allowed Andrew and Noah 
to sit back in the vehicle. I then had dispatch contact Stark County Sherriff s to see if 
they wanted Dylan picked up and they advised that they were unable to pick him up. I 
then allowed Dylan to go back to the vehicle. 

At this point, I then had dispatch contact Hubbard City Police to see if they wanted to 
pick up Jeramey on his warrant and they advised that they did want to pick him up at a 
certain location. (See case number 20001144 for further information on that Warrant 

I then issued the citation to Andrew for Weaving Within Lane 331.34 (B) (ORD) and 
gave him a court date of 01/30/20 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance 
required. Once Andrew signed the citation, I provided him with a copy and I then 
cleared the scene without further incident. 

Ptl. Everhart #514 


INCIDENT NUMBER: 20-001144 REPORT DATE: 01/27/2020 19:51:00

On 11-27-20, I Ptl. Everhart performed traffic itop hhich resulted in a Warrant pickup of 
a passenger in the vehicle.

Ptl.Everhart #514 1-27-20

After performing the traffic stop, I was able to identify the backseat passenger as 
Jeramey Norton. After confirming with dispatch that he did in fact have a warrant out of 
Hubbard City Police, I then had dispatch contact them to see if they wanted to pick him 
up. Hubbard then advised that they wanted Jeramey and they advised that they 
wanted to meet up at Truck World in North Jackson. 

I then placed Jeramey in custody and advised to place his hands behind his back to 
handcuff him and informed him that he was under arrest for his Menacing by Stalking 
Warrant and Telecommunications Harassment Warrant out of Hubbard City.

At this point, I then placed Jeramey in the back of unit #303 and I then transported him 
to Truck World.  Upon arrival, I then transferred him over to HCPD and I then cleared 
from there without further incident.

Ptl.Everhart #514 1-27-20


Case No.: 20001103 

S 12th St / Alabama Ave

CITED: Donnie Redmond (AGE 45)
727 S Seneca Ave Alliance OH 44601

No OL   335.01




PTL. BRINDACK #506   01/20/2020


ARREST REPORT   1/19/2020   @    0758 hrs
Case No.: 20001098

TRAFFIC - Expired Registration
N 15th St / W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Jason Grimm (AGE 38)
125 N 12th St, Sebring, OH 44672

Expired Registration    SCO 335.10





ARREST REPORT   January 19,2020  @  1208 hrs
Case No.: 20001100

330 S 12th St, Sebring, OH

CITED:  Troy Brown (AGE 42)
73 Redwood Dr, Beloit, OH 44609

Speed: Over Limits (54/35)    SCO 333.03

12TH ST .




ARREST REPORT    1.19.2020    @    1155 hrs
Case No.: 20001099

TRAFFIC - Traffic Control Device
S 15th St / W Kentucky Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Emile Lloyd (AGE 49)
17880 State Route 62, Beloit, OH

Obedience to Traffic Control Device (Stop Sign)   SCO 313.01


JANUARY 30,2020 AT 0900. 



ARREST REPORT   1/18/2020   @   1954 hrs
Case No.: 20001097 

Traffic - DUS
W. Pennsylvania / N. 15th St.

CITED: Kyle Boyd (AGE 24)
3719 S. Mahoning Ave. Alliance,Ohio 44601

DUS (Failure to Reinstate)     SCO 335.07

On 1/18/2020 at 1954 I spotted a vehicle fail to signal a right turn into Rocky's drive 
thru on N. 15th St. I waited for the vehicle to exit the drive thru, then stopped the 
vehicle by initiating my emergency overhead lights. The vehicle stopped near the 
corner of W. Pennsylvania and N. 15th St. On approach of the vehicle I stated my 
name, and the reason for the traffic stop. I identified the driver, Kyle Boyd, whom 
dispatch advised was under a failure to reinstate license suspension.

Kyle handed me some paperwork stating he spoke to the DMV and that they 
reinstated his license. After visiting the DMV's website I confirmed Kyles's license was 
still under a failure to reinstate suspension. Kyle was then given a citation for Driving 
Under Suspension (SCO 335.07), and given a mandatory court date of 1/23/2020. 
Kyle was then allowed to return to his job and park the vehicle. I then cleared without 
further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #511


ARREST REPORT    1/17/2020    @   1206 hrs
Case No.: 20001092 

Traffic - DUS
N. 14th St. / E. Ohio Ave.

CITED:  David Gonzalez (AGE 21)
489 Columbia St. Leetonia, OH

D.U.S.    SCO 335.07

On 01/17/2020 at 12:06pm while on patrol in a marked police cruiser I Ptl. Scott was 
traveling east on E. Ohio Ave. and preformed a random registration check on a vehicle 
traveling in the same direction in front of me. The vehicle was a white 2003 Hyundai 
four door sedan bearing Ohio registration GSF5851. While waiting for the return I 
observed through the vehicle's rear-view mirrors the driver's face and was able to tell 
that the driver was a male.

Dispatch advised me the driver was a male and that his driving status was suspended 
and that there was a confiscation order on the registered owner's driver's license and 
the vehicle license plates. The vehicle then turned north on N. 14thSt. I activated my 
emergency over head lights and initiated a traffic stop on N. 14 St.  and E. Ohio Ave.

I made contact with the driver and informed him the vehicle was stopped due to the 
registered owner being suspended and a confiscation order for the vehicle's license 
plates and that he was believed to be the registered owner. I asked the driver for his 
license, registration, and proof of insurance which I received and confirmed that he 
was the registered owner David Gonzalez who was suspended.

I wrote David a traffic citation for driving under suspension SCO 335.07 and gave 
David a court date of 01/23/2020 at 9:00am with a personal appearance required for 
Mahoning County Court #3. Ptl. Marchionda arrived and retrieved the license plates 
from the vehicle. 

Springer's Towing was called to the scene and towed the vehicle following an 

David signed his citation and received a copy, his registration, license plates, and 
driver's license was confiscated and he was released. The vehicle was towed to 10 N. 
12th St. by Springer's Towing and all units cleared. The license plates, registration, and 
driver's license will be mailed to the BMV.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT    1/16/2020    @   21:29 hrs
Case No.: 20001090 

Traffic - DUS
N. 15th Street and Indiana Ave

CITED: Richard Gaver (AGE 40)
125 E. Vermont Ave Sebring, OH 44672

Drivng Under Suspension    SCO 335.07

License Plate Light Required   SCO 337.04

At 21:29 hours, on January 16,2020, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked 
unit 303. While patrolling northbound in the 300 block of N. 15th street, I noticed that 
the grey Pontiac G6 in front of me did not have a functioning license plate light. I then 
activated my overhead emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, 
which bore Ohio registration HWC 2026. The vehicle came to a complete stop on N. 
15th, just south of the intersection with Indiana Ave.

Upon approaching the vehicle and making contact with the driver, identified as Richard 
Gaver, I asked for his driver license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. 
Mr. Gaver was unable to produce any of these documents, and advised that his driver 
license was under suspension and that he did not have driving privileges.

After confirming this with dispatch, I returned to my patrol car and wrote Mr. Gaver 
citation #031547. Mr. Gaver was cited for Sebring Codified Ordnance 335.07 for 
driving under suspension as well as Sebring Codified Ordnance 337.04 for license 
plate light required. Mr. Gaver was advised of his mandatory court appearance at 
Mahoning County Court #3 at 9:00am on Thursday, January 23,2020. Gaver then 
signed the citation and was given his copy before leaving. 

An administrative inventory of the vehicle was conducted by Sgt. Kelm and I with 
nothing of value being located. Sebring Tire then arrived on scene and towed the 
vehicle to their impound lot with no hold being placed. I then cleared from the call with 
nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #513

PUBLISHED 8:55 AM 1/29/2020 *

Wednesday, January 22, 2020
07:10 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT    January 16, 2020  @   1100hrs
Case No.: 19012086 

Summons - Littering & Deposit of Trash SCO 521.08
135 E. Ohio Ave.

Cassie  Edwards (AGE 39) , 595 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH 

Cassie Edwards came to the station and I served her with a citation for Littering and 
Deposit of trash and gave her a court date of 01/30/2020 at 9:00 am for Mahoning 
County Court #3. 

Cassie was given several months to clean the rubbish in her yard at 595 W. Ohio Ave. 
and did not.

Ptl. Scott #505   01/16/2020


ARREST REPORT    January 16, 2020  @   2000 hrs
Case No.: 20001089 

Traffic -  DUS
100 block E. Pennsylvania Ave

CITED: Kristinia Tyson (AGE 35), 696 W. Tennessee Ave Sebring, OH 44672

Charges: Driving Under Susepension SCO 335.07 ,   License Plate Light Required 
SCO 337.04

At 20:00 hours, on January 16,2020, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked 
unit 303. While sitting stationary along the 400 block of W. California Avenue, I 
observed a dark colored Pontias Sunfire traveling eastbound. As the vehicle passed 
me, I noticed that it's license plate light was not functioning. I then pulled out and 
positioned myself behind the vehicle, which then turned left onto 15th street before 
turning right onto E. Pennsylvania Avenue. I then activated my overhead emergency 
lights and initiated at traffic stop in the 100 block of E. Pennsylvania Avenue, on the 
green sunfire, bearing Ohio registration HVK 3007.

Upon making contact with the driver, identified as Kristina Tyson, I asked for her driver 
license, vehicle registration, as well as proof of insurance. At this point, Tyson handed 
me the vehicle registration and advised that her driver license was under suspension. I 
asked if she had driving privileges with her replying that she did not. 

I then returned to my patrol car and wrote Tyson citation #031546. Tyson was cited for 
Sebring codified ordnance 335.07 for driving under suspension as well as Sebring 
codified ordnance 337.04 for license plate light required. She was advised of her 
mandatory court date on Thursday, January 23,2019 at 9:00am at Mahoning County 
Court #3. 

Tyson then signed the citation, was given her copy, and left with her father.

Sebring Tire arrived and towed the vehicle to their impound lot. No hold was placed on 
the vehicle which is registered to Tyson's mother, Jeanette Pinkerton. 

I then cleared with nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #513

PUBLISHED 6:55 AM 1/22/2020 *

Wednesday, January 15, 2020
10:39 AM -0500

Case No.: 20001062   1/12/2020   @  0135 hrs

Traffic - W. Maryland Ave. / N. 16th St.

CITED: Tiffany Stine (AGE 18), 745 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH 44672, Loud Crackling 
Exhaust    SCO 331.36

Arrest: McKenzie Wilson (AGE 20), 745 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH, Under Age 
Consumption ORC 4301.69 / Bond $1,250

While on patrol I observed a vehicle in front of my cruiser on N. 16th St. and W. 
Maryland Ave, with a loud crackling exhaust. The vehicle was a blue 2004 Jeep SW 
bearing Ohio registration HUR1048.

The vehicle turned west on W. Maryland Ave. I activated my over head lights and 
initiated a traffic stop on W. Maryland Ave, and N. 16th St.

I exited my cruiser and approached the vehicle on the driver side and made contact 
with the driver and informed them of the reason of the stop and requested their driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance in which I received all except proof of 

The driver was identified as the registered owner Tiffany Stine. I noticed an odor of an 
alcoholic beverage coming from the vehicle.

Ptl. Reed then arrived and spoke with the passenger who appeared to be under the 
influence of alcohol or an unknown substance. The passenger was identified as 
McKenzie Wilson 20 years of age.

McKenzie denied consuming alcoholic beverages and was then told to exit the vehicle 
and gave a breath sample in to a portable breathalyzer with results of 0.030 BAC. 
Being that she was under the age of 21 and not in her parents supervision she was 
placed in hand restraints and detained, then placed in the rear of marked unit #304. I 
asked the driver if there was anything illegal in the vehicle and Tiffany stated "No, not 
that I know of'. I asked her for permission for a consent search of her vehicle which 
Tiffany denied. I then requested a K-9 from the Alliance Police Department which 
stated they would be en-route.

I returned to my cruiser and wrote Tiffany a traffic citation for Loud Crackling Exhaust 
SCO 331.36. When finished I exited my cruiser and observed an Alliance Police 
cruiser park behind Ptl. Reeds vehicle. Ptl. Palzzi of the Alliance Police Department 
then deployed K-9 Onyx which detected contraband in the vehicle. Tiffany was then 
detained with hand restraints and placed in the rear of marked unit #301.

The vehicle was searched due to probable cause and no contraband was found. 
Tiffany was shown her citation and signed and was advised that her court date was on 
01/16/2020 at 9:00am with a personal appearance required for MCC#3 and was 
provided with a copy and was then released. The passenger was then placed in 
custody and was read Miranda rights and transported to the station.

McKenzie was finger printed, photographed, and was given a recognizance bond of 
$1,250 for Under Age Alcohol Consumption ORC 4301.69 and was advised of her 
court date of 01/12/2020 at 9:00am for MCC#3 and she signed the bond form and was 
given a copy and was then released.

Ptl. Scott #505   01/12/2020


Case No.: 20001058  1/11/2020   @   1702hrs

TRAFFIC - SPEED - W Texas Ave @ Community Center, Sebring, OH

CITED: Kevin Maroun (AGE 31), 468 W Main St, Alliance, OH , Speed: Over Limits 
(44/25)  SCO 333.03








Case No.: 20001060    January 11, 2020   @  2155 hrs

W. Ohio Ave(Village Limits)

CITED: Andrew RUSSO (AGE 21), 2419 Martha Ave. NE. Canton,Ohio ,  No operators 
license SCO 335.01,  Left Of Center SCO 331.05

On 1/11/2020 at 2155 I, Patrolman Peterman #511 was patrolling westbound on Ohio 
Ave. when I spotted a vehicle that traveled left of center. As the vehicle was leaving the 
traffic light on Ohio Ave. and N. Johnson Rd. I again observed the vehicle go left of 
center a second time inside the village limits and initiated my overhead emergency 
lights. Ptl. Scott, myself, and the vehicle stopped along the right side of the road, and I 
approached the driver, Andrew Russo, who stated to me he did not have a license. I 
asked Andrew to shut the car off and hand me the car keys, which he complied with. 

I placed the keys on the roof of the car, and had Andrew step out of the vehicle to pat 
down for weapons. Ptl. Scott patted down the passenger, Kashaunte Friedman for 
weapons as well. I then advised Andrew he would be receiving a citation for left of 
center (SCO331.05), and no operators license (SCO 335.01). 

I performed a physical inventory of the vehicle, and the vehicle was towed to Springers 
Towing with no hold placed on it. Both units cleared the scene without further incident. 
I gave a courtesy transport to 547 E. Columbia St. in Alliance.

Ptl. Peterman #511


CaseNo.: 20001056   January 11, 2020  @  1013hrs

Traffic / License Forfeiture Susp. 335.07

Robin Harper (AGE 49), 132 Cedarwood Dr, Beloit

On this date and time, while on patrol in the Village of Sebring, Mahoning County I 
observed a Gray Olds bearing Ohio registration GLA5605 traveling eastbound in the 
500 Blk of E. Ohio Ave. I observed the driver to be one Robin L. Harper of 132 
Cedarwood Dr. in the Village of Beloit. I had prior knowledge that Robin's operator's 
license was under a License Forfeiture Suspension out of Mcc#3. 

I had dispatch confirm the status and they advised that Robin's Operators' license was 
under a License Forfeiture Suspension. 

As I turned around, I observed the suspect vehicle turn right on 18th St. As I circled the 
block, I located the vehicle parked in the drive way of 405 W. Ohio Ave. I pulled up to 
the residence, and I observed a male sitting on the porch and he was known to me a 
Sam Harper. I also observed Robin sitting on the porch partially out of my view. I 
advised Robin and Same the reason for me being there and Sam advised that Robin 
wasn't driving and that her mother was driving and dropped them off at the 405 W. 
Ohio Ave. I was then advised that the mother had left with Jody. 

I advised both parties that I observed Robin driving and that if they continued to 
provide false information other charges could be filed. At this point Sam began stating 
that this was Bullshit and that they were just trying to get by. Sam also advised me that 
if I issue a ticket to Robin the court was going to put her in jail. 

After Sam calmed down Robin was issued a citation, for Driving Under Suspension, 
and given a court date in Mcc#3 on 1/16/20.

Sgt. S.T. McDanie #509


Case No.: 20001053   January 10, 2020   @   2024 hrs

Criminal ,  US RT 62 / S. 15th St.

Arrest: Gregory Myers (AGE 42), 13981 S. Main St. Beloit, OH 

Possession of Drugs Schedule III, IV, or V / ORC 2925.11C2 / Bond $1,250
Possessing Drug Abuse Instruments / ORC 2925.12 / Bond $1,000
Drug Paraphernalia  /  ORC 2925.14  /  Bond $500

Following Narrative by Ptl. Scott #505

While a dual unit on patrol in a marked police cruiser I Ptl. Scott and Ptl. Brindack was 
on S. 12th St. near US RT 62 and observed a Silver 2016 Dodge van bearing Ohio 
registration HDR9936 fail to activate a turn signal before turning west on US RT 62. I 
continued patrol behind the vehicle and the vehicle went off of the right side of the road 
multiple times. 

Due to the vehicles pattern of driving I attempted to initiated a traffic stop on the 
vehicle on US RT 62 and S. 15th St. I could see through the back windshield 
movement as the vehicle continued to slow down but continued west on 62 and finally 
came to a complete stop. I could still see movement inside the vehicle.

Ptl. Brindack and I approached the vehicle, I approached the driver side and Ptl. 
Brindack approached the passenger side. I made contact with the driver and informed 
him of the reason of the stop and requested his driver's license but the driver stated 
that he did not have it on him, I then asked the driver for his name, date of birth, and 
social security number which he gave me the name of Darryan L. Mcknight. I could 
see one front passenger identified as Sara Dobrunick who was the registered owner 
and one back seat passenger who was putting his hands in his pockets and in the seat 
next to him and under his seat. I ordered him to put his hands on the ceiling of the 

The driver then took his hands off of the steering wheel and moved his hands towards 
the center console and I ordered every on in the vehicle to place their hands on the 
ceiling. I asked the driver if there was anything illegal in the vehicle and he stated no. 
The driver was sweating profusely and appeared to be nervous. I asked the driver for a 
consent search of the vehicle which he stated that the vehicle was not his but was 
Sara's.  I t hen asked Sara and she gave me consent to search the vehicle.

I had all the occupants exit the vehicle one at a time. I patted the back seat passenger 
down later identified as Gregory Myers.  I told Gregory to face the rear of the vehicle 
(Trunk) and put his hands on the windshield and great distance between his feet for a 
pat down for officer safety. 

Gregory then leaned forward putting his torso and pelvis completely on the back of the 
vehicle. I told Gregory to step back multiple times because Gregory was only taking 
small steps and I observed a small piece of napkin like paper attached to the rear of 
the vehicle due to it raining and the vehicle being wet. I opened the napkin and 
observed multiple pills labeled Mylan A1 which was identified as benzodiazepines a 
schedule 4 narcotic, Gregory stated that they belonged to the driver after they were 

All the occupants were detained and placed in separate cruisers which were called to 
the scene.

Since the pills came from a passenger which was in the vehicle the vehicle was 
searched due to probable cause. Upon searching the vehicle the only other 
contraband that was recovered was a glass smoking pipe with white residue inside in 
the back passenger area on a seat that was next to the seat Gregory was sitting in, the 
item was confiscated.

The driver then told me he gave a false name due to him having a warrant, The driver 
then gave me the correct information and was identified as Shelton Dailey who had 
and active warrant out of Stark County. Stark was sent a hit confirmation which they 
responded saying they would meet at Tail Gators for to take Shelton into custody, Ptl. 
Everhart transported Shelton to the location and transferred Shelton into the custody of 
the Stark County Sheriffs Office.

Sara was released and was allowed to take her vehicle, Gregory was placed into 
custody and read Miranda rights and search a final time with only having a cell phone 
and $40 ( two $20 bills) which was confiscated due to the currency possibly being 
affiliated with narcotics.

Gregory was transported to the station where he was told his charges, ORC 
2925.11C2 M-1 Possession of drugs / ORC 2925.12 M-2 Possessing Drug Abuse 
Instruments / ORC 2925.14 M-4 Drug Paraphernalia. 

Gregory was told his bond amount of $2,750 and he contacted Sly Bail Bonds who 
came to the station and his mother Joyce Bland signed for his bond and Gregory was 
able to post bond. Gregory was advised of his court date of 01/16/2020 at 9:00am for 
the Mahoning County Court #3.  Gregory signed his recognizance bond and received a 
copy and was released. 

The property was logged into evidence and I will be seeking a warrant for the driver 
Shelton Dailey for Obstruction of Official Business.

Ptl. Scott #505


Following Narrative by Ptl. Brindack #506

On 01/10/ while on patrol in a dual unit with Ptl. Scott we were driving South on S 12th 
St when we observed a silver van turn onto US RT 62 with out signaling. we followed 
the vehicle observed the vehicle swerve off the road to the right multiple times. At this 
time, we initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle a 2016 dodge caravan bearing OH 
HDR9936. The vehicle came to a stop near 62 and S 15th St and I could see that the 
driver and rear passenger were moving around inside the vehicle.

Myself and Ptl. Scott approached the vehicle, Ptl. Scott approached the driver side and 
I approached the passenger side, as I did so I stopped at the rear passenger window 
and I could see the rear passenger franticly moving around and putting his hands in 
his pockets and Ptl. Scott ordered everyone to stop moving around and put their hands 
on the ceiling. Around this time Ptl. Everhart arrived and I asked the rear passenger to 
roll down the window and I began questioning him about why he was moving around in 
such a frantic manner. The passenger identified as Gregory Myers said he was just 
doing his "fantasy league" and was trying to rush to get it done. Gregory was sweating 
and seemed extremely nervous. Ptl. Scott obtained consent to search the vehicle and 
the occupants exited the vehicle.

While Ptl. Scott began speaking with Gregory. Ptl. Everhart began speaking with driver 
who was later identified as Shelton Dailey after he gave Ptl. Scott a fake name and I 
began speaking with the front passenger who was identified as Sarah Dobrunick the 
registered owner of the vehicle. While I was speaking with her I heard Ptl. Scott ask 
Gregory what something was, I turned and observed a balled-up paper towel laying in 
the road way ln front of Gregory that was not previously there. Ptl. Scott picked the 
item up and advised it was pills.

All the occupants were detained at that time and placed in separate cruisers. Gregory 
was placed in myself and Ptl. Scott's car. Shelton was placed in Ptl. Everhart's car, and 
Sarah was placed in Sgt. Kelm's car as he was now on scene as well. Sgt. Kelm and I 
recovered the pills and observed they were labeled Mylan A1 which was later identified 
as a benzodiazepine a schedule 4 narcotic. All units then continued to search the 
vehicle. A glass smoking pipe with white residue was also recovered from the vehicle.

The driver who at this time had given his real name Shelton advised he gave Ptl. Scott 
the fake name because he had a warrant. He was confirmed to have an active warrant 
out of Stark county and he was transported by Ptl. Everhart to tailgaters in Alliance and 
turned over to Stark county SO. Sara was released and was allowed to take her 
vehicle, as all parties involved advised she was Shelton old manager and was just 
doing them a favor and giving them a ride and that she had no knowledge of the drugs 
in the car. Gregory was placed into custody and read Miranda rights By Ptl. Scott.

Gregory was transported to the station, Gregory was charged with ORC 2925.11 C2 
M-1 Possession of drugs / ORC 2925.12 M-2 Possessing Drug Abuse Instruments / 
ORC 2925.14 M-4 Drug Paraphernalia. Gregory was able to post his bond of $2750 
using Sly bail bonds. Gregory's bond was posted Joyce Bland. Gregory was advised 
his court date given a recognizance and was released.

Ptl. Brindack 506


Case No.: 20001047   January 9, 2020  @ 1801hrs

Traffic - 700 Block of W. Ohio Ave.

CITED: Julie Withrow (AGE 34), 22765 Alden Ave. Alliance, OH / Charge: Driving Left 
of Center / 331.05 ORD

On 01/09/2020 at 6:01pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
West on Ohio Ave. when I observed a vehicle also traveling West on the same road 
swerve towards the other lane and also went left of center multiple times just past the 
intersection of Johnson Rd.

The vehicle then continued going West and I then positioned myself behind the vehicle 
and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then stopped on Ohio just before the Village 
limits. The vehicle was a White 2009 Chevy Malibu bearing Ohio registration 

At this point, I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, registration, and 
proof of insurance in which I just received a valid license only. The driver was later 
identified as Julie Withrow. I then asked Julie if there was anything illegal in the car 
and she advised me that there was nothing in the vehicle. I then asked Julie if I could 
perform a consent search and she stated that she would not allow me to perform one.

At this point, I then went back to my cruiser to start writing the citation and Ptl. Scott 
then came to the scene. Ptl. Scott then advised me that when he went up to the driver 
side window, that Julie had admitted to taking Prescription Suboxone. Ptl. Scott then 
had her step out of the vehicle to perform SFST's. I then advised dispatch to have 
Salem PD bring their K-9 officer to the scene for a drug sniff. Ptl. Scott then advised 
me that there were negative clues on the SFST's. 

K-9 Officer Garber then arrived to the scene and had his dog (Simon) perform the sniff. 
Officer Garber advised us that the dog indeed had a positive hit on the vehicle for 

Julie, was then detained and placed in the back of unit #303 and we then performed a 
probable cause search of the vehicle. After searching the vehicle, no contraband was 
found in the vehicle and nothing was found on Julie during the Terry Pat-downFrisk.

I then issued the citation to Julie for Driving Left of Center 33 1.05 (ORD) and gave her 
a court date of 01/16/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. 
Once Julie signed the citation, I provided her with a copy and I then cleared the scene 
without further incident.

Ptl. Everhart #514


Case No.: 20001043   January 8, 2020  @  2049

Criminal - Domestic Violence - Alliance Sebring / Lexington

Arrest: Harold M. Court (AGE 41), 345 East Ohio Avenue, Sebring Ohio

Domestic Violence   2919.25 /  Bond $2,500.00

Domestic Violence   2919.25 /  Bond $2,500.00

Assault   2903.13 /  Bond $1,250.00

Assault   2903.13 /  Bond $1,250.00

Following Narrative by Ptl. Redfern #504

On 1/8/2020, I was dispatched to the 300 block of East Ohio Avenue in reference to a 
fight. Dispa tch advised that Boardman advised that they received a 911 call from a 
female stating that her dad was trying to kill them and hung up. 

Upon arrival I was advised that there was pizza delivery driver who advised that there 
was a fight at the same residence. I arrived on location and spoke to the pizza boy 
whom advised that they were actively fighting in the house. A male by the name of 
"Boyer" came running from the back yard and requested be in the rear of the 
residence.  There was shattered glass all over the front lawn and on the sidewalk. 

I made my way to the back with Boyer whom advised that Mitch Court was grabbing 
and hitting his family members. I walked to the backyard and saw that the fence was 
broken and that furniture on the back porch waf all broken. Amanda was very adamant  
stating that there was no physical violence between anyone and there was no reason 
to charge anyone while she was holding her head. 

Sara Court was sitting on the porch in the middle of a panic attack with the side of her 
face red and puffy. Amanda started stating that there was nothing wrong with her just a 
panic attack. I requested EMS on location. At this time various other units started to 
arrive. Amdnda advised that he took off in his red truck again. I advised dispatch that 
the truck then took off and gave a description of the vehicle. Once the other units 
arrived I requested them to obtain statements. I spoke with Boyer again whom advised 
that Mitch was there for an "intervention" and started going crazy. 

Boyer advised that he was holding Mitch back from causing harm to his son Aaron.  
Boyer advised that he threw a glass mug at Amanda's head and punched Sara in the 

Aaron and I spoke and Aaron advised the same thing that Boyer disclosed. Smith Twp. 
PD advised that they were out with Mitch at Alliance Sebring and Lexington RD. I 
spoke with Sgt. Kelm and advised him that the victims in this case did not wish to 
proceed with charges, but due to the evidence and the injuries, and the fact that this 
just happened roughly a month ago, I advised Sgt. Kelm that it was my intentions to 
have the state proceed with charges. I then requested the other officers to obtain 
statements and I went to assist Smith Twp. 

I arrived on location and I found Ptl. Toussant and Mitch Court standing outside of the 
truck and Mitch was detained. Mitch advised that he got into a verbal argument with 
his family and left. Mitch advised that there was no violence that took place. Mitch had 
battle signs and ripped clothing. Mitch's fists were bloody and he had blood all over his 
clothes. I spoke with Sgt. Kelm and the Prosecutor and it was decided that DV charges 
were approved and to be filed. Mitch consented to the seizure of all of his firearms. 
Mitch was arrested and taken back to station. Mitch was processed and charged with 
two counts of DV and two counts of assault. Mitch was given a court date of 1/9/2020 
at 0900 at MCC#3. Mitch posted a $7,500 bond with AABBB Bondsman. 

Mitch was presented with a condition of bond and understood that he was to have zero 

Ptl. Redfern 504


Following Narrative by Sgt. Kelm #503

On 1/8/2020 I responded to 345 E. Ohio Ave. to assist officers with a DV. Upon arrival I 
made contact with Ptl. Redfern who was speaking to a witness. We then made contact 
with juvenile Aaron Court who advised his dad Harold Court was invited over for an 
"intervention" while talking to his family he became agitated and started throwing 
whatever was within his reach. Aaron then advised Harold threw a coffee mug which 
hit Amanda, Mitch's wife in the face. Aaron also advised that Harold punched Sara, 
Harold's daughter, in the face. Aaron advised Harold then was forced out of the house 
and left in his pickup truck.

Harold was stopped shortly after by Smith Township Ptl. Toussant. Ptl. Redfern left the 
scene to assist Ptl. Toussant and myself, Ptl. Scott, and Ptl. Brindack remained on 
scene to finish getting statements from everyone involved. Prosecutor Tolson was 
contacted and approved charges for Domestic Violence x2 and Assault x2. I made 
contact with Chief Harris and advised I believed it was in the best interest of the family 
as well as for officer safety to seize Harold's guns for safe keeping. Chief Harris 
agreed and Harold volunteered to let us seize his guns. 

Once all statements were completed and Harold's guns were collected all units 
cleared. Harold was transported by Ptl. Toussant to Sebring PD where he was booked 
and processed. AABBB Bail bonds was contacted and responded to the Sebring PD 
and Harold was able to post bond. Harold was given a court date of 1/9/2020 at  

Sgt. Kelm #503

PUBLISHED 10:28 AM 1/15/2020  *

Wednesday, January 08, 2020
10:30 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT    1/5/2020  @  2130 hrs
Case No.: 20001029

Traffic - DUS
California / S 15th

CITED: Kylie Lanave  (AGE 21)
535 West California Ave, Sebring

DUS   337.05

On 01/05/2020, While on patrol I observed a vehicle in which I knew the registered 
owner to be under an ALS suspension. I observed a Red Kia Rio going to Rocky' Drive 
Thru with a female driving the vehicle. I knew the registered owner of the car to be that 
of Kylie Lanave. I ran Kylie through dispatch and found that she was suspended with 
driving privileges. 

I positioned my cruiser in an empty lot by the railroad tracks so that I could get a clear 
view of the driver when the vehicle came out of the Drive Thru. The vehicle exited the 
Drive Thru and crossed the path of my headlights and I was able to visualize Kylie 
Lanave as the driver of the vehicle. I then initiated a traffic stop and the vehicle 
stopped on California Avenue at South 15th Street. I approached the vehicle and 
spoke with Kylie Lanave and Jacob Fullerton who was the valid passenger. Kylie 
advised that she knows that she was out of her driving privileges, but she needed 
cigarettes. Kylie advised that she has "family time" on her privileges that ended at 5pm 
and she should have run her errands then. 

Kylie presented the privileges which were the original documents signed with Judge 
Morgan's signature. Kylie was served with a citation for driving under suspension. I 
asked Kylie to exit the vehicle for an administrative search of the vehicle for the 
purpose of looking for valuables due to the vehicle being impounded. I asked Kylie if 
anything illegal in the car because it was going to be inventoried and she stated, "No I 
don't do none of that anymore, I'm pregnant". 

I looked through the car and found a corner of a baggie that had white powdery 
residue on it with no full substance. Kylie was released on a citation with a court date 
of 1/9/2020 at 0900. Springers arrived and secured the vehicle. 

I then cleared.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


ARREST REPORT     1-5-2020  @    0259 hrs
Case No.: 20001027

Criminal - Underage Consumption
166 E. Maryland Ave. Sebring, OH

Arrest: Madeleine  Hinkle (AGE 19)
12090 Malmsberry Rd. Beloit, OH 44609

Underage Consumption   4301.69(E) ORC    /   BOND $1,250.00

Upon arrival to the scene, several patrons standing outside the bar in the parking lot 
advised me that a female individual had walked out of the bar with the no shoes on 
and was screaming profanity and that this individual was with Josh Hill during the night 
but that Josh had left her at the bar alone and that he went home. I then advised Ptl. 
Scott and he then drove to Josh's house to see if he could locate the female. I then 
went inside the bar to speak with the bartender later identified as Cierra Roosa. She 
advised me that she had provided the female with a beer and that she eventually left 
the bar and walked northbound toward Ohio Ave. She also stated that when the female 
came to the bar with Josh Hill that she was already intoxicated.

At this point, I then cleared from the bar and headed toward Ptl. Scott's location. Ptl. 
Scott then advised that he was able to locate and identify the individual and that it was 
Josh's'girlfriend. She was identified as Madeleine Hinkle and we then found out after 
running her through dispatch that she was only 19 years of age. Maddie admitted to us 
that she had been drinking all night and there was also a strong odor of alcohol coming 
from her breath. I then placed Maddie under arrest for underage consumption of 
alcohol. I then read Maddie her Miranda rights and I then placed her in the back of unit 
#301. Upon arrival to the station, myself and Ptl. Scott then worked on all the 
necessary documentation that needed to be completed. 

After fingerprinting, photographing, and finishing the bond paperwork, we then advised 
Maddie that she was going to be released on a Recognizance Bond of $1,250.00 and 
that she was being charged with underage consumption of alcohol 4301.69(E) ORC. 
Maddie was also advised of her mandatory court date appearance at MCC#3 for 1-9-
2020 at 0900.

At this point, once all necessary documentation was completed, we then transported 
Maddie to her house in Beloit and then cleared the scene without further incident. Also 
to be noted: Ptl. Scott then spoke with Cierra Roosa (the bartender) over the phone 
and asked her if she had personally served Maddie alcohol and she stated that she did 
indeed serve her beer and she also stated that she did not ID her either. Cierra was 
also advised that she needs to provide us with surveillance footage during the hours in 
which Maddie was at the Bar. *Possible charges are pending following a further 
investigation on Cierra Roosa by Ptl. Scott.

Ptl. Everhart #514   1-5-2020


ARREST REPORT      1.2.2020    @    1250 hrs
Case No.: 20001015

TRAFFIC - Obedience to Traffic Control Device
S 15th StlE Florida Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED:  Noah  Davison (AGE 37)
17725 ST RT 14, North Benton, OH

Obedience to Traffic Control Device   SCO 313.01






ARREST REPORT     1/2/2020   @ 1211 hrs
Case No.: 20001014

Traffic - DUS
W. Ohio Ave. / N. Johnson Rd.

CITE: Robert  Bieber (AGE 32)
253 1/2 Main St. Alliance, OH

DUS     SCO 335.07







Case No.: 19012154


Arrest: Kimberly  Leeson (AGE 54)
540 1/2 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH

Domestic Violence     ORC 2919.25    /    BOND $2,500.00

Assault                        ORC 2903.13    /     BOND $1,250.00

Arrest:  Duance Benedetti (AGE 55)
216 W. Ohio Ave. Apt. 404 Sebring,Oh

Domestic Violence     ORC 2919.25    /    NO BOND 

Assault                        ORC 2903.13    /     BOND $1,250.00

Narrative by Ptl. Scott #505

Upon my arrival with Ptl. Brindack I observed Duane Benedetti and Tracy Benedetti 
leaving the area saying that their friends were trying to retrieve a child at 540 1/2 W. 
Oregon Ave. I then spoke to a woman parked in the drive way of the residence, Crystal 
Nicholson who said she had custody of Ashley Mcfall's child and Kimberly Leeson was 
inside and not letting the child come out. 

I spoke to Kimberly who immediately let the child go with Crystal and I observed 
Kimberly with no pants and lacerations on her legs and hands and red marks around 
her neck and Kimberly stated that Duane came to her house to argue with her about 
their son Joseph Benedetti and stated it got out of coritrol and Duane physically 
assaulted her. Kimberly signed charges for domestic violence and her wounds were 
photographed and Kimberly was assessed by Sebring Fire Dept and she refused 
medical treatment.

The child was assessed due to Crystal believing she had been consuming 
methamphetamine and she was released shortly after. Once the scene was clear 
myself and Ptl. Brindack obtained a written statement from Duane Benedetti stating 
that he was assaulted and did not touch Kimberly. 

Ptl. Brindack and I then dbserved a video from neighbors showing Duane and 
Kimberly exiting the residence of 540 1/2 W. Oregon Ave. and it appeared to be normal 
and then Kimberly struck Duane in the face and a struggle ensued and Duane got in 
his vehicle and left.

I am forwarding this to prosecutor Tolson for charges of domestic violence on both 

Ptl. Scott #505  12/31/2019

Next Narrative by  Ptl. Brindack #506

Upon our arrival, I observed Duane Benedetti leaving the area in his car and stated 
that someone he knew was attempting to get there child from Kim at 540 1/2 W. 
Oregon Ave. Units quickly responded to the location and began speaking with a 
woman parked in the drive way of the residence, the woman was identified as Crystal 
Nicholson who said she had custody of Ashley Mcfall's child and Kimberly Leeson was 
not letting them have the child. We made contact with Kim who was bleeding from her 
knee and had red marks on her neck, Kim indicated that she wasn't letting the child 
leave previously because she was trying to clean herself up. The child was returned 
safely to Crystal.

The child was assessed by Sebring fire who was already on scene for Kim's injuries. 
Crystal stated she believed that the child had been exposed to and possibly even 
"smoked" Meth with her mother Ashley McFall. Sebring EMS advised she was not 
showing any signs of drug use and the girl stated she had not smoked anything.

We then spoke with Kim once again who indicated that her ex Duane Benedetti had 
assaulted her because he said "she was killing their son Joey" because he had 
overdosed the night before. DV charges were signed a statement was obtained and 
units cleared. Units then went and obtained video of the incident that appeared to 
show Kim throw the first punch at Duane and then a struggle ensued. Units also went 
to Duane and obtained a statement from him as well.

This will be forwarded to prosecutor Tolson for charges of domestic violence on both 

Ptl. Brindack 506 

Next Narrative by  Ptl. Scott #505

Prosecutor Tolson replied approving Domestic violence charges against both Duane 
Benedetti and Kimberly Leeson. Kimberly will be charged with an M-1 and Duane will 
be charged with an F-4.

Warrants will be completed when the court opens.

Ptl. Scott #505 01/01/2020

On 01/02/2020 warrants were approved for domestic violence and assault 
chargesagainst Kimberly Leeson and Duane Benedetti. I Ptl.Scott along with Ptl. 
Brindack, Ptl. Villenueva, and Ptl. Everhart served warrants for Kimberly Leeson and 
Duane Benedetti.

At 3:36pm officers arrived at 540 1/2 Oregon Ave and made contact with Kimberly 
Leeson and placed her in custody for Domestic Violence M-1 arid Assault M-1 and 
read her Miranda rights and was placed in the rear of marked unit #301 and 
transported back to station by Ptl. Villenueva.

At 3:45pm Officers arrived at 216 W. Ohio Ave. Apt. 404 and made contact with Duane 
Benedetti and placed him in custbdy for Domestic Violence F-4 and Assault M-1 and 
placed him in hand restraints and transported him in marked unit #304 by Ptl. Everhart.

Kimberly was processed photographed and fingerprinted and posted a $3,750 bond 
through All American Big Bob's Bail Bonds, a power of attorney was obtained.

Duane's bond had to be set by a judge and was transported to the Mahoning County 
Jail by Ptl. Everhart.

Duane and Kimberly are set to appear in Mahoning County Court #3 on 01/09/2020 at 

Ptl. Scott #505


Case No.: 20001003

275 W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

Arrest: Sheila Larkins, AGE 38
4325 Kemary Ave S W, Navarre



Unit responded to a welfare check at residence. Upon arrival, myself (Ptl. Stanton), Ptl. 
Scott and Brindack of Sebring Police found a female laying on the porch of a 
residence. The female identified as Sheila Larkins was attempting to enter the 
residence believing it to be a different residence.

Sheila admitted to attempting to climb over the fence to enter the back yard and also 
admitted to attempting to climb up the side of the house to enter the second story (the 
residence did not have a second floor besides the attic). Ptl. Scott and Brindack 
confirmed Sheilas identity and notified Stark County Sheriffs Office since a warrant 
was issued against Sheila for a different charge on an earlier date.

Sheila had no shoes on her person and was extremely cold from being out in the 
temperature for a significant amount of time. Sheila also did not make any sense as to 
her reasoning for being at the residence and was unaware she was not suppose to be 

The residence owners are not pressing charges against Sheila for trespassing at this 
time. Nothing has been reported as damaged at this time either. 

Sebring EMS was on scene and treated Sheila for the cold and verified any other 
medical problems for clearance to go to the Stark County Jail. Since Stark County 
Sheriffs did in fact want Sheila for her warrant, I transported her to a designated 
location and met with Stark County Sheriffs, transferring her into there custody. At this 
time Sheila admitted to marijuana use and alcohol consumption. I told Stark County 
Sheriffs she has been seen by Sebring EMS and was already cleared from them 
before bringing her. 

I cleared the scene without further incident.


Ptl. Stanton #508


ARREST REPORT     1/1/2020   @   1744 hrs
Case No.: 20001009 

Alley between 100 blk of W. Ohio Ave. / W. Maryland Ave

Arrest:  Brian Tewksbury (AGE 29)
336 E. Indiana Ave. Sebring, OH

Warrant : Columbiana County

While keeping an eye out for an individual that two victims gave a description of that 
they believe might be a person who possibly attempted to burglarize their home 
dispatch notified me that the male with the description the victims gave was walking 
behind the police department. The description was a male with a large black hooded 
sweatshirt, blue jeans, and work boots.

I drove to the area and observed a male matching the description and made contact 
and identified him as Brian Tewksbury, I patted Brian down and asked him where he 
has been and he stated walking around and then was going to a friends house, I asked 
Brian if he attempted to gain access to a home in the village and he said no. At this 
time dispatch advised me Brian had an active warrant out of Columbiana County.  I 
then placed Brian in hand restraints and detained him until dispatch advised me if 
Columbiana County wanted Brian or not.

Dispatch advised me they wanted Brian and would meet at Damascus Friends Church. 
I drove there and met with a Columbiana County Sheriff's Deputy who took Brian in 
custody and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott  # 505 DATE. 01/01/2020


ARREST REPORT     1/1/2020   @   1354 hrs
Case No.: 20001004 

130 N. 16th St. Sebring, OH

Arrest: Mindy Hanes (AGE 35)
1411 Mishler St. NE Apt. 24 Alliance, OH

Warrant : Stark County

Dispatch advised me that some one called in giving an anonymous tip that Mindy 
Hanes was staying at 130 N. 16th St. and she had an active warrant. Dispatch 
confirmed that she did have an active warrant out of Stark County a pur-2 for 
dangerous drugs.

I went to the residence and spoke to the resident who stated that Mindy was upstairs. I 
entered the residence and walked upstairs and observed Mindy in a bed room. Mindy 
was placed in custody and was placed in hand restraints. Ptl. Villinueava searched 
Mindy and I transported her to the Walmart in Alliance where I met a Stark County 
Sheriffs Deputy took Mindy into their custody.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT     12/31/2019    @   1202 hrs
CaseNo.: 19012155 

Criminal - Drugs
W. Ohio Ave. / N. Johnson Rd.

Arrest:  Henry  Cowart Jr. (AGE 45)
1148 Clay Ave. Alliance, OH 44601

Drug Possession                   ORC 2925.11    /    BOND $2,500.00

Drug Paraphernalia                ORC 2925.14    /    BOND $500.00

Drug Abuse Instruments       ORC 2925.12     /    BOND $1,250.00

DUS                                        ORC 4510.11

The driver I and Ptl. Brindack were able to identify was Henry Duane Cowart Jr. driving 
a green 2000 Buick sedan bearing Ohio registration J728291, pulled into the drive way 
of 545 W. Ohio Ave. and then backed out and drove westbound on W. Ohio Ave.

Ptl. Brindack and I were both in marked unit #304 and pulled onto the road and 
initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle at W. Ohio Ave, and N. Johnson Rd. Upon exiting 
the vehicle I told Henry to shut the car off and exit the vehicle and he came to the rear 
of his vehicle and I patted Henry down and asked him what was in his pockets 
because I noticed a large item in his pocket and Henry told me that it was "Some 
speed". He removed the item and I opened the small bag and a small baggie with a 
crystal like substance was inside of the small baggie that Henry told me was meth. I 
placed Henry in custody, I placed Henry in hand restraints and searched Henry before 
placing him in the rear of marked unit #304.

An inventory of the vehicle was performed and multiple glass pipes with burnt residue 
was located and confiscated and the vehicle was towed to 10 N. 12th St. by Springer's 
Towing. Henry was brought back to the station where he was processed and 
photographed and upon further search brass knuckles were located.

Henry was charged with Drug possession ORC 2925.11, Drug Abuse Instruments 
ORC 2925.12, Drug Paraphernalia ORC 2925.14, and Driving Under Suspension ORC 
4510.11. Henry was was unable to post bond and was transported to the Mahoning 
County Jail by Ptl. Villanueva. 

Henry has a court date of 01/02/2020 at 9:00am for Mahoning County Court #3

Ptl. Scott #505

PUBLISHED 10:21 AM 1/8/2020  *

Sunday, January 05, 2020
10:29 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT    12.29.2019   @   1355 hrs
Case No.: 19007003 

Jackson PD, 106 13 Mahoning Ave, North Jackson, OH

Arrested: Amanda Stovall (AGE 25)
165 E Vermont Ave, Sebring, OH 44672 Ohio

Domestic Violence ORC 2919.25 / $2,500.00
Assault ORC 2903.13 / $1,250.00

(Incident Narrative 7-1-2019 Ptl D. Marchionda #507)

I established contact with Martha Hanshaw in the lobby of the Sebring Police 
Department. Hanshaw was standing at the dispatcher's window and had blood coming 
from a cut on her left arm. Visibly shaken and upset, Hanshaw informed me she was 
attacked by her daughter, Amanda Stovall, at her residence on E Vermont Avenue. 
According to a voluntary written statement provided by Hanshaw, Stovall was throwing 
objects at her, threatening to kill her and managed to cut her left forearm with one of 
her fingernails.

Hanshaw stated the incident escalated from a verbal dispute regarding utilities and 
finances to her screaming obscenities at her. Hanshaw stated Amanda picked up a 
vase and threw it towards her but missed. Hanshaw stated Amanda then threw a cup 
of coffee and then her phone at her as well.

Hanshaw stated while all of this was happening, Amanda was threatening to kill her 
and that she threatens her from time to time in the past. Hanshaw stated during the 
entire altercation, Amdanda's boyfriend, "Andy" (Jesse Hooper) was present.

I asked Hanshaw if she wanted to pursue domestic violence charges against Amanda 
to which she stated she did. A statement of complaint for domestic violence was filled 
out and signed by Hanshaw. I asked Hanshaw where Amanda was and she answered 
Amanda left the house with her boyfriend to go to North Jackson. I asked Hanshaw if 
she wanted medical attention for her injury and she declined but was provided some 
tissues to wipe the blood away from her arm. Hanshaw signed the medical release 
form in case she decided to go the hospital at a later time and was also provided a 
copy of the domestic violence information sheet.

While on station typing this report, Amanda phoned the station and admitted there was 
an altercation but denied assaulting her mother. I asked Amanda if she could come to 
the station to provide a statement and she answered she was in Youngstown and did 
not have the gas to make it back to Sebring. I informed Amanda she could come to the 
Sebring Police Department on Tuesday or Wednesday this week to provide her 

An warrant for Amanda Stovall for ORC 2919.25 Domestic Violence and ORC 2903.13 
Assault, both misdemeanors of the first degree, will be obtained from Mahoning 
County Court #3.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507

Narrative DATE 07/04/2019

Arrest warrant issued on July 2, 2019 from Mahoning County Court #3 for Amanda 
Ruth Stovall for ORC 2919.25 Domestic Violence, a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507

Narrative DATE: 12/29/2019

On Sunday, December 29, 201 9, dispatch advised an anonymous caller phoned the 
station to report the location of Amanda Stovall in North Jackson. Jackson Police 
dispatch was contacted and officers from Jackson and Milton Township were sent to 
the location. Dispatch later advised me Jackson PO had Stovall in custody and they 
would be transporting her to their station on Mahoning Ave for the custody exchange.

I arrived at the Jackson Police Department, 10613 Mahoning Ave, and was met by 
officers from Jackson and Milton Township. I served Stovall with her copies of the 
warrants and informed her of her Miranda Rights. Stovall stated she understood her 
rights and was willing to waive them, but did not provide any pertinent information 
regarding the charges. I explained to Stovall the charges against her and her court 
date, Thursday, January 2,2020 at 0900 in Mahoning County Court #3. Stovall asked if 
she would be able to bond out and I advised her she could bond out at the jail and 
what her bail amount was. Stovall was photographed in Jackson PD's processing 

Stovall was transported without being in handcuffs due to pre-existing physical 
conditions that would result in extreme discomfort and possible injury. While en route 
to the Mahoning County Justice Center in Youngstown, I provided dispatch with a 
phone number for Stovallls boyfriend and to contact him and let him know where she 
was being taken to. Upon arrival at Mahoning County Justice Center, Stovall was 
placed in two sets of handcuffs behind her back (gapped/double locked) and escorted 
into intake. Mahoning County Justice Center accepted custody of Stovall without issue.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507  12.29.2019


ARREST REPORT   12/28/2019   @   2220 hrs
Case No.: 19012148 


CITED: Michael Snyder (AGE 39)
2995 Beechnut Ave. Alliance, OH 44601

Bistro 62

OVI (SFST)  ORC 4511.19(A)(1)(a)  / BOND $500.00

OVI ( Refusal w/ Prior) ORC 4511.19(A)(2)(a)  / BOND $500.00

Left of Center ORC 4511.29

Narrative by Ptl. Scott #505  12/29/2019

While on patrol in a marked police cruiser unit #302 I Ptl. Scott was traveling 
westbound on U.S. R.T. 62 when I came to a stop at the intersection at U.S. R.T. 62 
and S. Johnson Rd. when the traffic light turned red. There was a vehicle in front of me 
at the light, the vehicle was a black 200 Volvo SW bearing Ohio registration HFB7893. 
When the light turned green the vehicle drove westbound and went left of center 
multiple times. I activated my overhead lights and initiated a traffic stop on 62 in front 
of the Oak Ridge Motel and the vehicle slowed down and continued westbound and 
finally pulled into the parking lot of Bistro 62.

I exited my vehicle and made contact with the driver I identified as Michael Snyder, I 
informed him of the reason for the traffic stop and requested his driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance. I could immediately detect a strong odor of an 
alcoholic beverage coming from the vehicle. Michael pulled his wallet from his pants 
and attempted to find his driver's license but Michael passed his license twice and then 
pulled out three credit cards. I told him he passed his license and he located it 
afterwords. Michael searched through the center console and glove department for a 
short time and found his registration but did not show me proof of financial 
responsibility. I asked Michael if he had consumed any alcoholic beverages prior to 
operating the motor vehicle and Michael told me that he did.

By this time Ptl. Peterman as well as Ptl. Sorokach (Smith Twp.) arrived, Ptl. Peterman 
shut off his and my front overheat lights, and Ptl. Sorokach shut his off as well. I asked 
Michael if he would submit to field sobriety testing and he said he would. I had Michael 
exit his vehicle and I patted him down and took his pocket knife and placed it in his 

I asked Michael if he had any medical conditions and he stated he has high blood 
pressure that he also takes medication for but he said he had not taken it tonight and 
that was the only medical issue he has. I asked if his glasses where prescription and 
he told me they where, I held a pen as a stimulus and asked Michael if he could see 
the pen with his glasses and he said yes. I asked Michael if he had a head injury 
recently, fainted, or had been hospitalized recently and he said no.

I asked Michael to stand straight up with his hands to his side and feet together while I 
checked his eyes for equal tracking, equal pupil size, and resting nystagmus. Both of 
Michael's eyes tracked equally, both of Michael's pupils where of equal size, and 
Michael did not have a resting nystagmus.

The first test was the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus and I had Michael stay in the 
position he was told to be in prior and explained the instructions and when I finished I 
asked Michael if he understood and Michael told me that he did understand. When the 
test began I observed the following clues: Lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, Distinct 
nystagmus at maximum deviation, and Onset of  nystagmus prior to 45 degrees.

I then had Michael stand straight up with his hands to his side and his right foot in front 
of his left foot and instructed him to stay in that position until I told him to start. I 
explained the instructions and when I finished I asked Michael if he understood them 
and Michael told me that he did understand. Michael took one step and went off of the 
line and then stated " Fuck it im not doing this". I then placed Michael in custody for 
suspicion of OVI. Hand restraints where placed on Michael and he was placed in the 
rear of marked unit #302 and I read Michael his Miranda rights.

A tow was called to the scene and an inventory was done on the vehicle by Ptl. 
Peterman and a liquor bottle that had the cap seal broken was confiscated. Ptl. 
Peterman and I cleared the scene to take Michael back to station while Ptl. Sorokach 
stood by for the towing of the vehicle which was towed by Springer's Towing to 10 N. 
12th St. with no hold.

Once back at station I started a 20 minute observation period on Michael and read him 
a BMV 2255 forum which Michael signed. Michael refused to take any chemical test 
and was marked down as a refusal. Michael was processed, fingerprinted, and 
photographed. Michael's driving record showed that he had a OVI conviction within 20 
years. Michael was issued a traffic citation for OVI(SFST) ORC4511.19(A)(1)(a), 
OVI(Refusal w/ prior) ORC 4511e19(A)(2)(a), and Left of center ORC 4511.29.

Michael was given a court date of 01/02/2020 at 9:OOam with a mandatory 

Michael signed the citation. Michael was also given a recognizance bond of $1,000 for 
both OVI offenses which he singed and also has his court date on it. Michael received 
copies of the BMV 2255, Citation, and Recognizance bond. Michael was told that he 
was now under administrative license suspension and was not allowed to operate a 
motor vehicle, Michael's driver's license was then confiscated.

Michael's wife, Courtney Snyder arrived to the station and Michael was released to 

Ptl. Scott #505  12/29/2019


ARREST REPORT   12/27/2019   @   1724 hrs
Case No.: 19012141

Warrant - Theft
WHERE ARRESTED / S. 14th St./ E. Kentucky

Matea Kohl   (AGE 19)
696 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio 44672

FTA: Theft

Narrative by Ptl. Peterman #511  12/27/2019

I advised dispatch to run Matea Kohl for any warrants, whom I observed was walking 
with Michael Sharp northbound on 14th St. Dispatch advised she had 2 active 
warrants from Columbiana county. I approached Matea and asked her to turn around 
as she had 2 active warrants from Columbiana County. I asked dispatch to call 
Columbiana County to see if they wanted to pick up Matea.

I performed a pat down of Matea with Ptl. Scott #505, and Ptl. Brindack #506 on scene 
and present to witness, and asked Matea if she had any weapons. Matea advised she 
had 2 knives on her, one in her pocket, and one in her backpack. Upon Ptl. Brindack 
searching Mateas backpack, he discovered a small bag of green, leafy marijuana. 
Matea advised it "wasn't mine".

After searching for any additional weapons, I then placed Matea in my cruiser and 
transported her to station. At arrival to station, we had Matea sit in the squad room to 
await for the decision if Columbiana County would be picking Matea up. Dispatch 
returned with approval that they would pick her up at the Sunoco gas station on SR 62. 
I then transported Matea to Sunoco where a Columbiana County Sergeant received 
Matea for transport. I then cleared without further incident.

Matea was not given a citation for possession of marijuana, but was confiscated for 

Ptl. Peterman #511


ARREST REPORT   Date: 12/27/2019  @ 1822 hrs
Case No.: 19012142

Traffic -  OVI
Circle K 205 E. Ohio Ave.

Robert  Webb (AGE 72)
225 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

OVI (SFST)  ORC 4511.19(A)(1)(a)  /   BOND $500.00

OVI (>. 17)   ORC 4511.19(A)(1)(h)  /   BOND $500.00

DUS   ORC 4510.11

Narrative by Ptl. Scott #505 12/27/2019

On 12/27/2019 6:03pm I Ptl. Scott along with Ptl. Brindack was at Circle K walking 
outside to our cruiser when we observed a vehicle blocking the gas pump having 
difficulty parking when the parking spots where empty, the vehicle then backed up into 
a parked vehicle at the gas pump and drove to the side of the building and parked. The 
vehicle was a silver 2003 Ford four door bearing Ohio registration FYD7231.

I approached the vehicle that had backed into the parked vehicle and made contact 
with the driver identified as Robert Webb who appeared to be highly intoxicated, I 
could smell a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the vehicle. I asked 
Robert if he knew that he backed into a vehicle and Robert replied that "I'm fine I only 
live 2 blocks away" and continued to repeat that statement through out the incident. I 
asked Robert if he had consumed any alcoholic beverages prior to operating his 
vehicle tonight, Robert said "No" and then told me he had "One beer".

I told Robert to exit the vehicle and had him stand to the rear of it and asked him if he 
would perform field sobriety testing, Robert told me he would take the field sobriety 

I had Robert stand straight up with his feet together and his hands down at his sides 
and I asked Robert if he had any medical issues and Robert stated no he did not, I 
asked him if he could see the stimulus with out his glasses and Robert stated that he 
could. I then checked Robert's eyes for equal tracking, equal pupil size, and a resting 
nystagmus. Both of Roberts eyes tracked equally, both of Roberts pupils where of 
equal size, and Robert did not have a resting nystagmus. I then began the first test 
being the horizontal gaze nystagmus, I explained the instructions and after I asked 
Robert if he understood and Robert said he did understand.

Once the test began I observed the following clues: Lack of smooth pursuit in both 
eyes, Distinct nystagmus at maximum deviation in both eyes, and onset of nystagmus 
prior to 45 degrees in both eyes. Robert at times would stop looking at the stimulus 
which was my ink pen and stare off.

The next test was the walk and turn and I explained the instructions to Robert and after 
I asked him if he understood and Robert said he did. Robert could not balance well 
enough to put his right foot in front of his left foot and at one point almost falling walked 
backwards and then fell into the rear of his vehicle. Robert then stated that he could 
not perform the test so I then placed Robert in custody for suspicion of OVI and placed 
Robert in hand restraints and placed him in the rear of marked unit #303.

I talked to Circle K staff and asked if the vehicle could be left on the property and the 
manager Brandi Springer said it could for 24 hours so the vehicle was left at Circle K. 
Robert while in custody stated he has an equilibrium problem and appeared to have 
medical issues due to his age (72YO). The fire department was requested and arrived 
and took Robert's vitals and stated that his blood pressure was slightly raised but is 
normal for an elderly person and told me that he was fine other than the fact of him 
being intoxicated he was awake and alert and was aware of what was happening.

Robert was transported to station and a 20 minute observation period was performed 
and while doing so I read the BMV 2255 form, Robert signed the form and agreed to 
give a urine sample and a breath sample. Robert attempted to give a urine sample but 
stated that he could not due to a bladder infection. I then operated the intoxilyzer 8000 
and performed a breath test on Robert and the result was a BrAC0.279. I told Robert 
his results and informed him that he was being placed under administrative license 
suspension and was not to operate any motor vehicle.

Robert was issued a traffic citation for OVI (SFST) ORC 4511.19(A)(1)(a) and OVI 
(>.17) ORC 4511.19(A)(1)(h) and DUS ORC 4510.11.  Robert signed his citation and 
received a copy which had Robert's court date on it for 01/02/2020 at 9:00am for 
Mahoning County Court #3 with a mandatory appearance. Robert received a copy of 
the BMV 2255 form as well as a copy of his breath results and gave him a 
recognizance bond of $1,000 for both OVI offenses which he signed and received a 
copy which also has his court date.

Robert started to make suicidal comments such as " I would be better off dead." and 
"Can I just die".

The fire department was called and Robert refused to go to the hospital and was 
forced by a emergency admission paperwork that was given to the fire dept. Robert 
was taken to Aultman Alliance Hospital. Ptl. Peterman also went to the hospital and 
obtained blood samples from Robert and was packaged correctly and paper work was 
complete and placed in the refrigerator to be sent for testing.

Ptl. Scott #505 12/27/2019

Narrative Ptl. Brindack 506 12/27/19

On 12/27/19 myself and Ptl. Scott were at Circle K 205 E Ohio Ave Sebring OH 44672. 
While there we observed a light green ford focus FYD7231 begin backing out of a 
parking spot and it appeared as though the vehicle was going to strike the vehicle 
behind it pumping gas. Units began yelling at the driver to stop but we could not get his 
attention and he struck the vehicle. The ford began driving away and Ptl. Scott ran 
after it and stopped him before he left the parking lot. 

I approached the driver of the vehicle that had been struck a Dark colored Dodge RAM 
HOP7299 and the driver was identified as Scott Persinger, I took down Scott's 
information and insurance and observed only minor damage to his vehicle as the front 
bumper that was struck had been damaged prior to the accident. 

While I was speaking with Scott, Ptl. Scott was speaking with the driver of the green 
car Robert Webb and It quickly became apparent he was under the influence of 
alcohol. Ptl. Scott handled the OVI portion while i handled the accident portion.

Ptl. Brindack 506 12/27/19

Narrative Ptl. Peterman #511  12/28/2019

On 12/27/2019 1 Patrolman Peterman #511 was called to Circle K for a private 
property accident. On arrival, Ptl. Scott #505 and Ptl. Brindack #506 were questioning 
the driver of a red for focus (FYD7231), Robert Webb, on the circumstances of how he 
struck the silver dodge truck (HOP7299) involved. Ptl. Scott stated him and Ptl. 
Brindack witnessed Robert back his vehicle into the silver dodge truck, then attempt to 
leave before both officers stopped him.

Ptl. Scott began SFST tests, and I observed several clues including the following: Lack 
of smooth pursuit in both eyes, Distinct nystagmus at maximum deviation in both eyes, 
and onset of nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both eyes. Robert at times would stop 
looking at the stimulus which was the ink pen and stare off.

On walking turn test, l observed Robert could not balance well enough to put his right 
foot in front of his left foot and at one point almost falling walked backwards and then 
fell into the rear of his vehicle. Robert then stated to PTI. Scott that he could not 
perform the test so I then placed Robert in custody for suspicion of OVI and placed 
Robert in hand restraints and placed in the rear of marked unit #303.

At station while processing paperwork, as I was interacting with Robert, he made 
several suicidal statements including one where he states to me "I would rather off be 
dead". I advised this statement to Ptl. Scott, and Sebring FD was dispatched to our 
station to perform an evaluation. It was then determined that Robert would be 
transported to Aultman Alliance Community Hospital for further evaluations. I followed 
Sebring FD to the hospital in marked unit #301.

At the hospital, I requested a blood sample from Robert, who consented to the draw 
due to being unable to give a urine sample from a bladder infection. I obtained blood 
samples from Robert, as Robert then made another statement saying "You can get 
more blood by putting a bullet in my head". I then cleared the hospital back to station 
with the blood samples.

At station, I packaged and labeled the samples properly, and placed it in the 
refrigerator to be sent for testing.

Ptl. Peterman #511


ARREST REPORT    11/21/2019   @  1814 hrs
Case No.: 19012131

N. 16th St. / W. Oregon Ave. WARRANT

Arrested: Daniel Pasco-Windland (AGE 32)
718 South Mechanic Ave., Alliance, OH 44601

FTA: DUS   SCO 335.072

While on patrol in a marked police cruiser I stopped at Circle K where I observed 
Daniel Pasco-Windland and I ran his name over the radio to dispatch to check for 
entered warrants which dispatch advised me he did not have any.

Det. Redfern then contacted me and advised me that Daniel had a bench warrant that 
was not entered. Since I then had knowledge of Daniel had a warrant I then observed 
him enter a vehicle as a passenger and the vehicle drove west on E. Ohio Ave. and 
turned south on N. 16th St near W. Oregon Ave. I initiated a traffic stop and made 
contact with Daniel and confirmed his identity and had him exit the vehicle which is 
when Det. Redfern arrived. 

I placed Daniel in custody for his warrant and transported him back to station where he 
was processed, photographed and transported to the Mahoning County Jail by Det. 
Redfern for a bench warrant for failure to appear for driving under suspension out of 
Mahoning County Court #3.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT    12/27/2019   @   1628
CaseNo.: 19012140

Traffic - DUS
S. 14th St./ W. Kentucky

Joseph  Benedetti (AGE 33)
540.5 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, Ohio 44672

DUS   SCO 335.07

Narrative by Ptl. Peterman #511  12/27/2019

On 12/27/2019 while performing t r a f f i c enforcement I,Patrolman Peterman #511 
observed a maroon SUV traveling south on 14th St. with an excessively loud exhaust. 
Upon observation of the driver I identified i t as Joseph Benedetti then activated my 
emergency overhead lights, and Joseph pulled the vehicle over to the right side of the 
road. I advised dispatch of the vehicles plate(HTM 3234), asked for the driving status 
of Joseph, then exited my vehicle. As I approached the vehicle, I identified myself, and 
advised the reason for my stop being the excessively loud exhaust. I then advised 
Joseph he was under an indefinite license suspension, and asked him to shut the 
vehicle off. Joseph complied with the request.

Patrolman Scott #505, and Patrolman Brindack #506 arrived on scene at this time. I 
informed Joseph he would be receiving a citation, and to wait inside the vehicle. I then 
requested Joseph if officers could search the vehicle, to which Joseph denied consent.

Patrolman Brindack requested a K9 unit be sent to our location for an open air sniff. 
We were then advised Salem Police K9 unit was 10 minutes from our location. 

Patrolman Brindack and Patrolman Scott pulled Joseph and the passenger out of the 
vehicle to perform a pat down for officer safety, and were advised to stand away from 
the vehicle as a K9 unit was en-route. Upon completion of writing the citation to 
Joseph, Salem K9 unit arrived on scene. 

The officer brought out his K9 for an open air sniff, and gave a positive alert to the 
front, passenger side of the vehicle. Both Joseph and the passenger, Dustin Ballauer, 
were detained and placed inside each cruiser as we conducted a probable cause 
search of the vehicle.

Following as thorough search of the vehicle, all officers were unable to locate any 
evidence inside the vehicle. Joseph and Dustin were released from handcuffs, and 
Joseph was given a copy of his citation for DUS (SCO 335.07) and given a warning for 
loud exhaust. Joseph was given a mandatory court date of 1/2/2020 MCC #3 @ 

Josephs step mother, and owner of the vehicle arrived on scene, was advised of what 
happened, then released to her vehicle. All officers then cleared without further 

Ptl. Peterman #511


ARREST REPORT    12/24/2019   @   1713 hrs
Case No.: 19012124

100 Block W. Pennsyvania Ave.

ARREST: Henry Cowart Jr. (AGE 45)
1453 Maple St. Salem, OH 44460

Drug Abuse Instruments ORC 2925.12 /  BOND $1,250.00

Drug Paraphernalia ORC 2925.14  /  BOND $500.00

DUS   SCO 335.07 

Narrative by Ptl. Scott #505  12/25/2019

While on patrol Ptl. Brindack and I observed a vehicle traveling west in the 100 block 
of E. Pennsylvania Ave. The vehicle was a green 2000 Buick 4 door sedan bearing 
Ohio temporary registration J728291. The vehicle came to the intersection of E. 
Pennsylvania Ave. and N. 15th St. and failed to use a turn signal 150 prior to coming to 
the intersection. Once the vehicle continued both Ptl. Brindack and I could hear a loud 
exhaust coming from the vehicle. A traffic stop was initiated and the vehicle continued 
through the Rocky's Drive Through and came to a complete stop in the 100 block of W. 
Pennsylvania Ave.

As we approached the vehicle Ptl. Brindack made contact with the driver identified as 
Alisha Riesen as I made contact with the passenger Henry Cowart Jr. Ptl. Brindack 
informed Alisha of the reason for the stop and requested her driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance which Ptl. Brindack did not receive.  Alisha said 
she left her driver's license at home, and I asked Henry for his driver's license which I 
received an Ohio identification card.

I told Henry that I observed him driving the vehicle earlier in the day to which he stated 
was true, dispatch then advised that Alisha was valid and that Henry was suspended. I 
asked Henry if we could perform a consent search of the vehicle and he stated yes. 
While performing a consent search Ptl. Brindack found in the center console a black 
box containing a glass "light bulb" pipe containing small amounts of white residue 
inside. I found in the back seat a bag containing multiple small baggies, a digital scale, 
and a bent gift card.

The occupants were detained with the use of hand restraints while we conducted the 
rest of the search which was then a probable cause search. Once the search was 
complete no other contraband was located, the vehicle contained mostly trash, clothes 
and multiple knives. Henry admitted to driving the vehicle earlier and having 
possession of the vehicle regularly and stated other people left those items in the 
vehicle. Alisha was given a verbal warning for turn signal and loud exhaust, and Henry 
was placed in custody for drug paraphernalia and drug abuse instruments. The vehicle 
was towed to 10 N. 12th St. by Springer's Towing a tow slip was obtained.

Once back at station a computerized criminal history was printed out and Det. Redfern 
advised he had a previous drug abuse conviction which elevates to an M-1, Det. 
Redfern also singed the CCH book. Henry was processed, finger printed, and 
photographed and was advised of his charges being ORC 2925.12 Drug Abuse 
Instruments an M-1 and ORC 2925.14 Drug Paraphernalia an M-2, and Driving Under 
Suspension SCO 335.07 and was advised that he would have a $1,750 bond. 

Henry was given a recognizance form listing his criminal charges and was advised of 
his court date on 12/26/2019 at 9:00am with a personal appearance required for 
Mahoning County Court #3. Henry was also issued a traftic citation for the driving 
under suspension which also had his court date listed.  Henry signed the traffic citation 
and the recognizance form and was given copies of both and then released, the 
property that was taken from the vehicle was brought back to the station 
photographed, tagged, and properly packaged and stored in the evidence room.

Ptl. Scott #505

PUBLISHED 10:22 AM 1/5/2020  *

Friday, December 27, 2019
03:07 PM -0500

Case No.: 19012111

Courtney Rd near East Village Limits

CITED: Richard Biery (AGE 72)
940 Fernwood Blvd, Alliance, OH 44601

Speed: Over Limits (53/35)   /   SCO 333.03

On Sunday, December 22,2019, I,Pa trolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #304 on Courtney Rd in front of Famous Supply facing 
east. I observed a silver vehicle in my sideview mirror approaching from the west at 
what appeared to be a rate of speed higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. 

Upon activating my rear mounted radar antenna, I observed a speed of 53 MPH on the 
digital display. As the vehicle passed my location, I activated my overhead emergency 
lights and pulled onto Courtney Rd to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a silver Lexus 
bearing Ohio registration DLV8528, came to a complete stop near the east village 

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Richard Biery, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. Biery admitted to speeding because he 
was late for church. Biery provided appropriate documentation upon request. Biery 
was issued traffic citation #031856 for SCO 333.03 Speed: Over Limits (53/35) and 
informed of his appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, January 
2,2020 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


Case No.: 19012109

400 block W. Oregon Ave Sebring, OH

CITED: Michael Lair (AGE 42)
455 W. Oregon Ave Sebring, OH 44672

Driving Under Suspension (FRA)    SCO 335.07
License Plate Light required            SCO 337.04

CITED:  Kristen Ulmm (AGE 35)
455 W. Oregon Ave Sebring, OH 44672

Wrongful Entrustment      SCO: 335.05

On December 22,2019, at 00:20 hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked 
unit 303. While facing southbound on N. 18th street at the Ohio Avenue intersection, I 
observed a grey Ford Fusion, bearing Ohio registration HAF3092, turn onto N. 18th 
street from Ohio Avenue and begin traveling southbound towards Oregon Ave. I also 
noticed that the vehicles rear license plate light was not functional. The Fusion then 
turned right onto W. Oregon Avenue, with me activating my overhead emergency lights 
and initiating a traffic stop.

Once the vehicle came to a complete stop, I approached and made contact with the 
single occupant, which was the male driver, and advised him of the reason that he was 
being stopped. I also asked for his license, registration, and proof of insurance. At this 
point, the subject said that he didn't have a driver license on him and that he was 
under suspension. The subject did identify himself as Michael lair, and advised that his 
date of birth was 02/16/1977. I then asked Mr. Lair if he had driving privileges, with him 
saying that he didn't think so. Lair also said that he believed that his license was 
suspended for not having insurance. 

At this point, I requested Ptl. Scott to respond to my location as well as asked Mr. Lair 
to step out of the vehicle. Once Lair was outside the vehicle, I asked for and received 
consent to perform a pat-down search of his person. Lair advised me beforehand that 
he did have a Leatherman multi-tool on him, which I took possession of and informed 
him I would keep it with me for the duration of our encounter. I also asked Lair, where 
he lived, with him pointing to a house directly across the street from where we were.

Ptl. Scott then arrived on scene. At around this time, it was confirmed by dispatch that 
Lair was under an FRA suspension, did not have privileges, and that the bureau of 
motor vehicles had a confiscation order on his driver license. Lair said that his driver 
license had already been taken and was unable to provide it to me. It was also found 
that the vehicle was registered to Lair's girlfriend, Kristin Ulman, whom he resides with. 
In speaking further with Lair, he gave consent for me to search the vehicle. Ulman also 
came out of the house at around this time. In speaking with Ulman, I asked her if she 
knew that Lair's driver license was under suspension. Ulman advised that she was 
aware that it was. I also asked her if she were aware that he did not have driving 
privileges, with her stating "I don't go through his mail". I then asked Kristin how long 
they had been together, with her saying since 2002. I then confronted her with the fact 
that Lair had been cited for driving under suspension in the last year and that 1 found it 
hard to believe that she was unaware that he did not have driving privileges. Ulman 
continued to maintain that she was unaware that he did not have privileges.

I then wrote citation 031554 to Mr. Lair for driving under suspension (SCO 335.07) and 
license plate light required (SCO 337.04). Ms. Ulman was given citation 031545 for 
wrongful entrustment (SCO 335.05).

Both parties were made aware of their mandatory court appearances at 9:00am on 
12/26/2019 at Mahoning County Court No. 3. Both Ulman and Lair signed their 
citations and were given their copies. Sebring Tire then arrived and towed the vehicle, 
with a hold also being placed on it. A search of the vehicle was performed with no 
contraband being located. Both Ptl. Scott and I then cleared from the call with nothing 
additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed


Case No.: 19012105

Traffic - OVI
Johnson Rd. near St. Route 62

CITED: Dennis Wame (AGE 49)
12901 Baywood St. SE Minerva, OH 44657

OVI  /  4511.19A1A (ORC M-1)  /   BOND $500.00

As I approached the vehicle, I noticed that there was a female passenger standing 
outside the vehicle vomiting. I then turned my cruiser around and initiated my 
overhead lights. I then approached the driver side of the vehicle and advised the driver 
that I was there to check on his well being as well as the passengers well-being. As I 
was speaking to the driver who was later identified as Dennis Wame, I noticed that the 
vehicle was in drive and that his foot was on the brake. I then advised Dennis to put 
the vehicle in park and I then requested for him to provide me his drivers license, proof 
of insurance and registration in which he provided his driver license but no other 

The vehicle was a Red 2018 Jeep Wrangler bearing Florida registration KDPL16. 
Dennis advised me that he had stopped and pulled over to the side of the road, 
because the passenger later identified as Kimberly Brown was drunk and that she 
needed to vomit. As I was speaking to Dennis, I could smell a strong odor of alcohol 
coming from his breath. I then asked Dennis if he had consumed any alcohol, and he 
stated to me that he did not drink anything at all.

At this point, I then requested Sgt. Kelm to come to the scene and I then had Dennis 
step out of the vehicle so that I could perform a SFST to determine if he was impaired. 
After Dennis stepped out of the vehicle, I then had him stand in between his car and 
my cruiser and I then shut off the front overhead lights of my cruiser. Dennis then 
agreed to perform the test and I then instructed him to stand straight up with his arms 
at his side. I also instructed him to follow the tip of my pen and to not move his head 
while doing so. 

Upon conducting the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test, I noted equal pupil size and 
equal tracking in both eyes and no resting nystagmus. However, later on during the 
test, I noticed lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, distinct and sustained nystagmus at 
maximum deviation in both eyes and also an onset of nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in 
both eyes.

The next test was the walk and turn test. I instructed Dennis to stand with his arms at 
his side and had him place his left foot in front of his right foot, touching heel to toe 
while I gave further instructions. I also advised him to not start the test until, I advised 
to do so. Dennis stated to me that he understood the test and upon performing the 
test, I noticed that Dennis did not touch heel to toe. Dennis also stepped of the line 
multiple times and was also swaying and attempting to use to arms to balance himself. 
Dennis also did not count his steps out loud and after performing the turn, he only 
completed 7 steps and then stated to me that he was done with the test. It should be 
noted that the test was .. I conducted on level and flat pavement.

At this point, I then gave Dennis instructions for the one leg stand test. I instructed 
Dennis to stand straight up with his arms at his side and to raise the foot of his choice 
approximately 6 inches off of the ground and to begin counting out loud in the one 
thousand one manner until told to stop. Dennis stated that he understood the 
instructions and he began the test. 

Upon starting the test, I noticed that Dennis swayed while attempting to balance. 
Dennis also put his foot down several times and also skipped one thousand 14 while 
counting. Based on the performance from Dennis as well as my training and 
experience, I placed Dennis under arrest for suspicion of OVI. Dennis was then placed 
in handcuffs, which were spaced and double locked. Dennis was then placed in the 
back of cruiser #303.

Dennis at this point, then admitted to me that he had consumed alcohol prior to him 
picking up Kimberly. I then had Kim call a friend to pick up the vehicle and to drive her 
back to her house at 515 N. 19th St. Shortly after, an individual later identified as Zana 
Fisher who was valid, came to the scene to pickup the vehicle and to driver Kim to her 
house. Both units then cleared the scene and transported Dennis to the station.

Upon arrival to the station, I read the BMV 2255 form to Dennis and he then refused to 
sign the form.  Dennis also refused to provide any urine, breath or blood samples as 

After being fingerprinted and photographed, Dennis was then issued a citation for OVI 
(ORC 4511.19 A1A) M-1. Dennis then signed the citation and was provided a copy of it 
and was also given a copy of the 2255. Dennis was then given a copy of the 
recognizance bond form of $500.00 and was advised of his mandatory court date of 
12-26-19 at 0900 for MCC#3. After completing all necessary documentation, Sgt Kelm 
then provided Dennis with a courtesy transport to Kim's address. Nothing further to 

Ptl. Everhart #514

On 12/21/2019 I assisted Ptl. Everhart with an incident that resulted in an OVI arrest. 

Upon arrival on scene Ptl. Everhart had the driver Dennis Wame, 12901 Baywood St. 
Minerva, out of the car performing SFST's. I was unable to observe the horizontal gaze 
nystagmus. While performing the walk and turn test Dennis stepped off the line on 
multiple occasions, did not step heel to toe, and was unable to complete the test. 
While performing the one leg stand Dennis used his arms to balance. Ptl. Everhart 
then advised Dennis he was being placed under arrest for suspicion of OVI. Dennis 
was then handcuffed (gapped and double locked), and placed into the rear of Ptl. 
Everharts cruiser. 

Once the passenger was able to get a sober driver to pick up the vehicle, Dennis was 
transported to the station. Dennis was read the BMV 2255 and refused any further 
testing. Dennis was given a citation for OVI 4511.19. Dennis was released on his own 
recognizance with a mandatory court appearance at MCC#3 on 12/26/2019 at 

Sgt. Kelm #503  12/21/2019


Case No.: 19012102

Criminal - Endangering Children
396 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio

ARRESTED: Brittany Wood (AGE 23)
396 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio 44672

Endangering Children (M- 1)   /   2919.22   /   BOND  $1,250.00

Ptl. Scott #505 Narrative

Upon arrival I observed a small child leaning out of a second story window of 396 E. 
Ohio Ave. the child saw me and then went back in side the residence and an adult shut 
the window. A person in a vehicle (Jamie Becker) parked at 395 E. Oregon Ave. told 
me that the child has done this before and she saw this driving down the road and then 
parked to call the police, Jamie showed me pictures she took while parked and I 
observed pictures of the child leaning out of the window and another picture was the 
child sitting out side of the window on the window from of the second story home.

I made contact with the home owner Brittany Wood who stated that last time she 
checked on her son he was asleep and the window was locked. Brittany stated that 
she is currently not employed and goes to hospital appointments and stays home. I 
talked to other house hold members including her husband and they stated they did 
not know the child was awake and know he was hanging out of the window. Brittany 
was detained while we completed our investigation.

I talked to the prosecutor and informed her that I was wanting to charge Brittany with 
Endangering Children and the prosecutor approved charges. Brittany was placed into 
custody and read her Miranda rights and placed into the rear of marked unit #301. 
Child protective services was contacted and allowed the children to stay at the home 
with the father Korey Wood. Brittany was taken to station and processed and was 
attempting to make bond and made suicidal comments. 

Sebring Fire responded and Brittany was taken to Alliance Community Hospital with 
Ptl. Peterman following. Brittany was eventually given a recognizance bond which she 
signed and received a copy of at the hospital, Brittany was charged with Endangering 
Children ORC 2919.22 and was given a court on 12/26/2019 at 9:00am.

Ptl. Scott #505


Ptl. Peterman #511 Narrative

On arrival, I noticed a small child hanging his head outside of the window frame of the 
second story floor of the residence. As PTI. Scott and myself approached, the child 
quickly closed and locked the window. Ptl. Scott, and myself also spotted a small car 
with 2 occupants inside, the driver being Jaime Becky who was the original caller. 
Jamie states that "this has happened before" referencing the child hanging outside the 
window. As Ptl. Scott was looking at evidence provided by Jamie, I approached the 
front door and started knocking in an attempt to make contact with the adult residents. 
I noticed someone walking through the front yard and asked if they lived here, the 
male stated "yes, why do you wanna know?", I advised I needed to make contact with 
the parents of the child that lived on the second floor of the home. The mother of the 
child (Brittany Wood) exited the home to speak with Ptl. Scott while I obtained a 
witness statement from the witness (Jamie Becky).

Upon returning to the back porch where Ptl. Scott was questioning Brittany, her 
husband, Korey Wood was also outside speaking with both officers in regards to why 
the child was hanging outside of the window, Brittany said she thought the child was 
asleep, and did not know he was hanging outside of the window. Ptl. Scott then walked 
away to speak to the prosecutor about charges, and I requested everyone's 
identification for this report. John Lafleme became agitated with this request, and 
stated "has there been a crime committed, or have I been suspected of committing a 
crime?". I stated to John in a professional manner that I needed to identify everyone as 
part of a possible child neglect case, and everyone in the house was to be identified. 
John then became compliant, and handed over his identification card, apologizing 
stating he "was a convicted felon, and didn't want judged."

Upon Ptl. Scott returning to the scene, Brittany was detained until the investigation was 
completed as she was the parent of the child facing possible child endangering 
charges. The prosecutor returned to Ptl. Scott, informing him approval of charges, and 
Brittany was placed under arrest for Child Endangering 2919.22 and read her miranda 
rights. Both units returned to station where Brittany was fingerprinted, photographed, 
and given an opportunity to post bail. 

Upon questioning Brittany further, she stated to both officers "I've thought about 
it(suicide), but never acted on it". It was both officers determination to contact Sebring 
FD for an evaluation. FD arrived, and spoke to Brittany who advised what she told 
officers. FD asked Brittany to come to Alliance Hospital for further evaluations, and 
Brittany obliged. I followed Sebring FD, who escorted Brittany to Alliance Hospital. 

Brittany was given a recognizance form to sign with court date 12/27/2019 at MCC #3 
@ 0900A.M., and I cleared back to Sebring without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #511


ARREST REPORT   12/17/2019   @  0752hrs
Case No.: 19012078


ARRESTED: Mark  Shoffner (AGE 43)
546 W. Maryland Ave, Sebring OH

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (M-1) / ORC 2919.25 ( $2,500.00)

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507 Narrative

While on patrol in the downtown area, I was advised by dispatch to phone in. Upon 
phoning in. I was informed Amanda Shoffner was at Aultman Alliance Community 
Hospital with a bloody nose and one of the nurses wished to speak with an officer. I 
arrived on station, phoned the hospital and spoke with a woman identified only as 
Karen. Karen stated a female came into the ED with a bloody nose she said was 
caused from an assault in Sebring but did not say she wanted the police contacted.

I advised Karen I would be en route to the hospital to speak with Amanda regarding 
the matter.

Upon arrival, I was directed to ED room #11 where I observed Amanda sitting in a 
chair with dried blood stains on her sweat pants and hoodie. Upon closer observation, 
it appeared her nose was also swollen. Amanda was accompanied by her aunt, 
identified as Patricia Poyser. I asked Amanda if she wanted to speak with me and she 
said yes.

I asked her what happened and she stated she had gone home earlier this morning 
after being released from custody (#90I12073) with her aunt to retrieve some 
belongings. While at her residence, 546 W Maryland Ave, she and her husband, Mark, 
got into another verbal altercation that turned physical when she claims he threw her 
caboodle at her, striking her in the face and bloodying her nose. Amanda's statement 
was corroborated by Patricia. I asked Amanda if she wished to pursue domestic 
violence charges against her husband. Amanda stated she did not want to pursue 
charges against her husband.

I produced a refusal to file domestic violence complaint form, explained it to Amanda 
and even if she signed, as a police officer I can file the charge myself. Amanda stated 
she understood and signed the refusal. I asked Amanda although she signed the 
refusal, if she would be willing to provide a written statement. Amanda stated she 
would provide a written statement and was provided a voluntary statement packet. I 
asked Patricia if she was willing to provide a statement as well. Patricia stated she 
would and was provided a voluntary statement packet.

The packets were explained to Amanda and Patricia and later collected after they 
completed their statements and signed them. I asked Amanda if it was okay to 
photograph her clothes and her face. Amanda consented to photographs being taken. 
Three photographs of dried blood stains on her clothing and two photographs of her 
face were taken. All photographs were later uploaded to a department computer.

This report will be submitted to the prosecutors ofice for review regarding one charge 
of ORC 2919.25 Domestic Violence (M-1) against Mark Shoffner. 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507

On Sunday evening, December 15,2019, the prosecutor's office approved one charge 
of ORC 2919.25 Domestic Violence (M-1) against Mark Shoffner. A state complaint 
and affidavit of warrant will be submitted to the clerks office at Mahoning County Court 
#3 later this morning.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507

On Monday, December 16,2019, an arrest warrant was issued by Mahoning County 
Court #3 for Mark Shoffner for one charge of ORC 2919.25 Domestic Violence (M-1). 
The warrant was subsequently entered into LEADS by dispatch.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507

Ptl. Villanueva #512 Narrative

On 12/17/2019, I was dispatched to Sebring McKinley High School to pick up Mark 
Shoffner on a warrant that 506 located. I put Mark in the back of my cruiser and drove 
him to station. He was then processed, fingerprinted and photographed. Mark stated 
that his parents will be able to bail him out so be would not have to go to jail and so he 
was given options on bonding companies. He chose to go through All American Big 
Bob's Bail Bonding Inc. 

His bond amount for his Domestic Violence charge will be set at $2,500.00 and with a 
court appearance of 12/19/2019 at MCC#3 at 0900 hours. Mark was given the 
conditions of the bond and told how he is not to make contact with Amanda Shoffner at 
all or the conditions will be revoked and he will be arrested.

Ptl. Villanueva #512

Ptl. Brindack 506 Narrative

On 12/17/19 I was at Sebring high school when I Observed Mark Shoffner pull into the 
parking lot. I knew Mark had a warrant and I asked to speak with him, I confirmed his 
identity and placed him under arrest for his warrant for M1 domestic violence , I called 
for Ptl. Villanueva to respond and turned him over to her for processing so i could 
return to my duties at the school.

Ptl. Brindack 506


ARREST REPORT    12-16-19   @   2101hrs
Case No.: 19012084

Traffic - License Plate Light Required / License not on Person
W. California at Johnson Rd.

CITED: Steven Guildoo (AGE 45)
555 W. California Ave. Sebring, OH

License Plate Light Required    /    337.04 ORD

License not on Person    /    335.01 ORD

On 12/16/2019 at 9:01pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
South on Johnson Rd. when I observed a vehicle also traveling South on the same 
road not have a license plate light on the vehicle.

The vehicle then turned left onto California Ave. and continued going East and I then 
turned onto California Ave. as well and positioned myself behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then stopped on California just past the intersection 
of Johnson Rd. The vehicle was a White 2005 Chevy Suburban bearing Ohio 
registration 5729867. 

At this point, I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, registration, and 
proof of insurance in which I received none of the requested documentation. The driver 
was later identified as Steven Guildoo who is a valid driver. I then asked Steven if 
there was anything illegal in the car and he advised me that there was nothing in the 
vehicle. I then asked Steven if I could  perform a consent search and he stated that he 
would not allow me to perform one.

At this point, I then went back to my cruiser to start writing the citation and I then 
advised dispatch to have Det/K9 Redfern come to the scene to deploy the dog. 

Upon his arrival, I then informed Steven of the situation and I had him step out of the 
vehicle and I performed a Terry Patdown/Frisk in which nothing was found. Det. 
Redfern then had Steven go behind his cruiser and he then deployed the dog (Ollie). 
Once, Ollie walked around to the rear of the vehicle, he then alerted by sitting down 
and barking.

At this point, I then placed Steven in the back of my cruiser and then began the search 
of the vehicle for contraband, in which nothing illegal was found in the vehicle.

I then issued a citation to Steven for not having his Driver License on his Person 
335.01 (ORD) and also for License Plate Light Required 337.04 (ORD) and gave him a 
court date of 12/19/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. 
Steven then advised me that he would not sign the citation but stated that he would 
take a copy of the citation. I then cleared the scene without further incident.

Ptl. Everhart #514

PUBLISHED 2:41 PM 12/27/2019 *

Tuesday, December 17, 2019
05:47 PM -0500

Sebring Police STORY
REPORT DATE: 12/15/2019 03:56:00

Obstructing Official Business  2921.31
546 W. Maryland Ave.

On 12-15-19, I Ptl. Everhart along with Ptl. Scott were dispatched to 546 W. Maryland 
Ave. in reference to a domestic dispute.

Ptl. Everhart #514

Upon arrival to the scene, we made contact with the caller later identified as Amanda 
Shoffner who was standing outside the residence and she advised us that she had a 
verbal argument with her husband later identified as Mark Shoffner. While speaking 
with Amanda, she appeared to be very intoxicated. Amanda then advised us that Mark 
had thrown her phone into the woods. 

We,then asked Amanda where Mark was and she advised us that he was in the 

At this point, we then asked Amanda if she could have him come outside, so that we 
could get his side of the story and to check on his welfare. Amanda then informed us 
that she would not do that and that we were not allowed in the house. We then walked 
over to the door and Amanda then blocked the door and put her hand on the door, not 
allowing us to open it. Amanda stated to us that we were not allowed in the house and 
that we needed to permission. 

We then advised Amanda that we were allowed to go inside to check on Mark and that 
we were dispatched there for a domestic dispute. we then informed Amanda that if she 
did not move that she would be arrested for Obstructing Official Business. After giving 
her several chances to move, she refused to move from the doorway and she then 
attempted to remove Ptl. Scott's hand from the door by placing her hand on his arm.

At this point, we then placed Amanda under arrest for Obstructing Official Business. 
We then placed her in the back of unit #301 and then read her Miranda rights. 

We then made contact with Mark and he advised that they had a verbal argument and 
that he threw her phone but that the phone is in his name. 

After determining that everything was okay at the scene, we then cleared from the 
residence without further incident in route to the station. Upon arrival to the station, 
Amanda was then processed and all necessary documentation was completed. 
Amanda also had her photo and fingerprints taken as well. 

Amanda then bonded out through AABBB with a bond set at $1000.00 for the charge 
of Obstructing Official Business (M-2) 2921.31. Her court date is set for 12-19-2019 at 
0900 for MCC#3. Once all the proper documentation was complete, Amanda then left 
the station.

Nothing further to report.

Ptl. Everhart #514


Ptl. Scott Narrative Following

On 12/15/2019 I along with Ptl. Everhart responded to 546 W. Maryland Ave. for a 
domestic dispute.

Upon arrival I observed Amanda Shoffner in the drive way. I and Ptl. Everhart 
approached Amanda who was highly intoxicated and I could smell a strong odor of 
alcohol coming from her person. Amanda was asked what happened she stated her 
and her husband Mark Shoffner got into a verbal argument and he threw her cell 
phone behind the house in the woods. Since the nature of the incidents that she 
described related to a domestic we wanted to check the welfare of Mark. I asked 
Amanda where is Mark and she stated that Mark was on the toilet I asked him we 
could talk to him to which she said no. I then went to the back door and Amanda 
walked over and stepped in front of the door blocking Ptl. Everhart and I.

I told Amanda to move and she said we were not allowed to come in the house. I 
explained due to the circumstances with the situation being a domestic dispute officers 
are wanting to check the welfare of Mark. Amanda then placed her hand on wrist 
which was on the door and attempted to move my arm away from the door and Ptl. 
Everhart then grabbed one of Amanda's arms and I grabbed the other arm and 
restraints where placed on Amanda. Amanda was placed in the rear of #301 and was 
told she was detained while we continued to investigate. We made contact with Mark 
who stated they got in to a verbal argument because he accused Amanda of cheating 
on him and said he told her to get out and threw her phone.

Amanda was advised she was under arrest for obstructing official business and was 
brought back to station where she was processed and then posted a $1,000 bond 
through All American Big Bobs Bail Bonds and signed a recognizance form and was 
advised of her court date 12/19/2019 at 9:00am at MCC#3 and was released, power of 
attorney was obtained and copies were made.

Ptl. Scott #505


Sebring Police STORY
Sunday, December 15, 2019

S 15th St

On Sunday, December 15, 2019, I,Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #304 on E Texas Ave at S 15th St facing west. I observed 
a red vehicle proceed past the posted stop sign, crosswalk and come to an abrupt stop 
in the middle of the intersection. I activated my overhead emergency lights and pulled 
north onto S 15th St behind the vehicle to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a red 
Chevrolet bearing Ohio registration HUR6130, came to a complete stop just north of 
the intersection.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Paul Rothbrust, Iid entified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Rothbrust stated he stop and I 
replied, "yes you did, in the middle of the intersection after the stop sign." While 
speaking with Rothbrust as he was gathering the appropriate documents, I observed 
he was not wearing his seat belt and inquired about it. Rothbrust stated he was not 
wearing his seat belt and that he was only going down the road.

Rothbrust was issued traffic citation #031855 for SCO 313.01 Obedience to Traffic 
Control Device and SCO 337.27 Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver). Rothbrust was 
informed of his appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, December 
26,2019 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


Sebring Police STORY
Sunday, December 14, 2019

800th block of West Ohio

On 12/14/2019 at 1613 hours, I, Ptl. Villanueva while in a marked police cruiser was 
stationed at the intersection of N. Johnson and W. Ohio when I observed a light blue in 
color van roll right through the intersection. I immediately activated my emergency 
lights and initiated my traffic stop. The vehicle bearing Ohio Registration HSK9943, 
stopped at the 800th block of West Ohio.

I made contact with the driver who I identified as Freddie Elkins Jr and introduced 
myself. I informed him of the reason for the stop and requested his driver's license, 
registration and proof of insurance. He told me he did not have his license but handed 
me his insurance and registration. The insurance was not his and was in the name of 
Koral Panezott. I asked if he had his own insurance on him and he said he did not. 

I ran Freddie's SSN and it came back that he was suspended so I issued him citation 
#031779 for SCO ORD 335.073 DUS- Non-Compliance.

He then requested he have someone pick up the vehicle so it would not be towed in 
which I obliged and so it was picked up by Koral Panezott. I informed Freddie of his 
mandatory court appearance of 12/19/2019 at 0900 hours at MCC #3. Once I read 
over the citation, I asked if he had any further questions and cleared with no further 

Ptl. Villanueva #512


Sebring Police STORY
REPORT DATE: 12/12/2019 09:14:00

WARRANT: 201 5CR05939


On Thursday, December 12, 2019, Detective K9 Redfern and Patrolman Marchionda 
apprehended an adult male on a warrant out of Carroll County Sheriffs Office.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507

While investigating a suspicious persons complaint at 545 W Ohio Ave, Detective K9 
Redfern and I established contact with the person in question, later identified as Earl 
Biggar. After relaying Biggar's information through dispatch, we were informed he had 
an active warrant out of Carroll County with a state wide pick-up radius. Biggar was 
detained and his person searched for weapons and contraband. Biggar consented to a 
search of his camouflage backpack where several tools, clothing items, personal 
effects and other miscellaneous property was discovered.

Biggar was placed in the back of marked unit #303 and transported back to the 
Sebring Police Department. Detective K9 Redfern advised Carroll County did not have 
an available deputy to meet for a custody exchange and asked us to transport Biggar 
to Mahoning County jail. Biggar was searched again for weapons and contraband. All 
non-permissible items were removed from his back pack and secured on station for 

Given the nature of the originating call and the circumstances, some of the items 
recovered may be reclassified as evidence at a later time pending further investigation.

Biggar was transported from the Sebring Police Department to the Mahoning County 
Justice Center in Youngstown. All permissible property and effects were transported as 
well and given to the deputies in intake. The Mahoning County Justice Center 
accepted custody of Biggar and he will remain in jail until extradition can be arranged 
to Carroll County.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


Sebring Police STORY
Sunday, December 12, 2019

W. Oregon Ave. and N. 20th St

On 12/12/2019 I Ptl. Scott while on patrol in a marked police cruiser was traveling on 
W. Ohio Ave. heading west. I observed a white 2006 white Chevrolet 2 door sedan 
bearing temporary Ohio registration J388928. I initiated a traffic stop as the vehicle 
turned south on N. 20th St. and then came to a complete stop on W. Oregon Ave. and 
N. 20th St.

I approached the vehicle and informed the driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance which the driver did 
not have. I then gathered his information and identified him as Richard Dinger Ill.

Dispatch advised me that Richard was suspended and I issued Richard a citation for 
loud exhaust SCO 331.36 and DUS SCO 335.07 and cited Richard into MCC#3 with a 
court date of 12/19/2019 at 9:00am with a personal appearance required. Richard 
signed the citation and was provided with a copy.

An inventory of the vehicle was done and Springer's Towing towed the vehicle to 10 N. 
12th St. and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #505


Sebring Police STORY
REPORT DATE: 12/11/2019 13:11:00

236 Alabama Ave for a Domestic

559 E Perry Street, Salem, OH

On 12/11/2019, myself and 505 were dispatched to 236 Alabama Ave for a Domestic 
in progress.

Ptl. Villanueva #512
Ptl. Scott #505

On 12/11/2019, both units responded to a Domestic in progress at 236 Alabama Ave 
Apt. 11. 

Upon arrival, I made contact with one of the victims Leiah Kiser who is the neighbor of 
the suspect Nicole Crider. She begins to explain that Nicole fought both her and 
Deborah Reeve who is the mother of Nicole. As she is explaining what occurred, I 
immediately noticed broken glass on the floor, furniture tossed around and personal 
items all over the living room and kitchen floor. Leiah escorted me up the stairs to 
Deborah's room and Deborah began explaining what happened between her and her 

She shows me her knee injury and and tells me that they were fighting each other 
downstairs but the argument began in her bedroom upstairs. She states her daughter 
was asking for cigarettes but Deborah refused to give her one. This caused Nicole to 
become enraged and begin attacking both her and her neighbodfriend Leiah. She also 
states that Nicole had been doing serious drugs a couple hours prior before waking up 
and has been doing drugs again. 

Both victims agreed to press charges on Nicole so I gave both of them statements to 
fill out what exactly happened. Nicole will be charged with 2919.25 Domestic Violence 
and (2) counts of 2903.13 Assault. She will be transported to MCJ with a $5,000 bond 
and a court date of 12/12/2019 at MCC#3 at 0900 hours.

Ptl. Villanueva #512
Ptl. Scott #505


Sebring Police STORY 
ARREST REPORT   12/10/2019   @  1500hrs
Case No.: 19012053


CITED: Crisam Toth (AGE 62)
2 15 West Ohlo Ave, Sebring OH


On 12/10/2019 at 1500 hours, I, Ptl. Villanueva while in a marked police cruiser was 
stationed at the intersection of N. Johnson and W. Ohio when I observed a Brown in 
color car roll right through the intersection. I immediately activated my emergency 
lights and initiated my traffic stop once the intersection was cleared of passing 
vehicles. I stopped the vehicle in the 500th block of W. Ohio avenue and made contact 
with the driver. 

I introduced myself and identified the driver as Crisann Toth with Ohio Registration 
HCC5800. I told her the reason for the stop and requested her license, registration and 
proof of insurance. She provided the information requested and I issued her citation 
#03 1778 for SCO ORD 313.01- Failure to Obey A Traffic Control Device. 

I informed her of her non mandatory court date of 12/19/2019 at 0900 hours at 
MCC#3. Once I read over the citation, I asked if she had any further question and 

Ptl. Villanueva #512


Sebring Police STORY
Case No.: 19012051 

Traffic - SPEEDING

CITED: Hyde First Robert Middle M
839 West Mill Street, Alliance 44601

SPEEDING (55/35)   SCO ORD 333.03

On 12/10/2019 at 0920 hours, I Ptl. Villanueva while in a marked police cruiser was 
patrolling on S. 15th street heading South when I observed a Red in color S W 
approaching me headed North at a higher rate of speed. I activated my mounted radar 
unit and locked a speed of 55 MPH in a 35 MPH zone. Once the vehicle passed, I 
turned on my emergency lights, turned around on Texas and then initiated my traffic 

The vehicle was bearing Ohio Registration RP072227 and came to a Tammy Hyde out 
of Alliance, OH. 

I then exited my vehicle and approached the driver which I identified as Robert Hyde. I 
introduced myself and gave Robert the reason for the stop. I requested his license, 
registration and proof of insurance which was already prepared on the dashboard of 
the car. He handed all the documents to me and I walk back to my cruiser. 

I issued Robert citation #031777 for Speeding SCO ORD 333.03 (55 MPH / 35 MPH).

I gave him a non-mandatory court date at MCC#3- 12/12/2019 at 0900 hours. Once I 
read over the citation, I asked if he had any questions in which he said she did not but 
stated he will be at court. I then cleared.

Ptl. Villanueva #512


Sebring Police STORY
REPORT DATE: 12/03/2019 15:58:00

207 E. Georgia Ave


On 12/3/2019 1 Ptl. Scott while on patrol noticed code enforcement violations at 207 E. 
Georgia Ave.

Ptl. Scott #505

I observed furniture at the curb lawn that has been there for over 24 hours. The 
resident Alan Smith received a trash letter and has 5 days to remove the violations.

Ptl. Scott #505 

On 12/12/2019 1 Ptl. Scott observed that the couch was still in the yard and issued a 
citation to the current resident Kaliann Smarr for Littering and Deposit of trash SCO 
521.08 and cited her into MCC#3 on 12/19/2019. Kaliann signed the citation and 
received a copy and I cleared.

Ptl. Scott #505


Sebring Police STORY
REPORT DATE: 11/09/2019 23:38:00

WARRANT: 19CRB358 - Menacing

Suspect/Arrestee:  LACEE KURTZ (AGE 32)

On 11/09/2019 I responded to 506 S. Johnson Rd. for a report of menacing.

Ptl. Scott #505

Upon my arrival I spoke with the caller Jenna Blake who stated that her husband David 
Blake's girl friend Lacee Kurtz has been harassing her by texting and calling her after 
being told to stop. Jenna stated she called David to tell him and she could hear Lacey 
in the back round saying "Jenna needs to die, I am going to kill Jenna, and Jenna 
needs to step in front of my car and get showered".

Jenna called David in front of me and put it on speaker phone, I announced my self as 
a police officer and asked David if he would provide a written statement and he said 
no. I asked David if the things Jenna is claiming Lacey said where true and David said 
that they were true.

Ptl. Reed took down Lacee's phone number that Jenna provided, and photo's where 
taken of the text messages and the call history. Jenna provided a written statement 
and Ptl. Reed and I cleared. 

Once at station Ptl. Reed attempted to call Lacey but there was no answer and a 
voicemail was left. 

This will be forwarded to the prosecutor.

Ptl. Scott #505

On 11/16/2019 I received an email from prosecutor Tolson about this matter and 
charges for M-4 Menacing ORC 2903.22 were approved and will be typed and brought 
to court for approval of a warrant.

Ptl. Scott #505

On 1112012019 A warrant was obtained for Lacee Kurtz for Menacing ORC 2903.22 
M-4. Lacey was contacted to come to the police department and she stated she will on 
the weekend.

Ptl. Scott #505

On 12/11/2019, A NClC hit advised that Lacee was picked up in North Canton on a 
Traffic Stop. 

I went to North Canton PD and took custody of Lacee and brought her back to station. 
Lacee was processed and her father Mark Gilger came to station and posted Lacee's 
bond full with cash. Lacee was released with a court date of 12/12/2019 at 0900. 
Lacee was given a condition of bond as well.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

PUBLISHED 5:24 PM 12/17/2019 *

Wednesday, December 11, 2019
11:42 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   12/9/2019   @   1320hrs
Case No.: 19011161

WARRANT - Violating Protection Order
MCC#3 606 E Ohio Ave, Sebring OH

ARREST: George Hill,Jr (AGE 44)
663 W Oregon Ave, Sebring OH 44672

Violating Protection Order (F5)   ORC 2919.27  /   Bond $2,500.00

On Sunday, November 24, 2019, Patrolman Marchionda was dispatched to the 
Sebring Police Department reference a violation of protection order.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507

Upon arrival, I established contact with a female complainant in the lobby, identified as 
Caroline Bandy. Bandy stated George Hill, who is currently incarcerated in the 
Mahoning County Justice Center for violation of protection order, sent her adult 
children a letter in the mail on or about the 23rd of October 2019. Bandy provided the 
letter in its original envelope, stamped 'INMATE CORRESPONDENCE' and addressed 
to Alexander Hill at 663 W Oregon Ave, Sebring, OH 44672 with a return address of 
'Michael Hill Inmate #6998 110 Fifth Ave, Youngstown, OH 44503.

In the letter written to Alexander, Hill attempts to establish contact with Gabrielle by 
asking if Alexander could ask her if it's ok to write her. Nothing within the letter is 
threatening or hints at any kind of violence. The letter and envelope were taken for 
evidence and a written statement from Bandy. In Bandy's written statement, she claims 
"my children are afraid of him due to his violent nature, not to mention he tried to press 
domestic violence charges against our son which were dropped. They do not want any 
contact with him whatsoever."

A review of of Hill's court and jail record shows he was sentenced on October 3, 2019 
to 30 days and 62 days in jail. One state complaint for ORC 2919.27 Violating 
protection order (F-5) will be drafted and submitted to Mahoning County Court #3 upon 
approval from the prosecutor's office.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507

On Friday, December 6, 2019, the prosecutor's office advised one charge of ORC 
2919.27 Violating Protection Order, a felony in the 5th degree, against George Hill has 
been approved. A state complaint and criminal rule 4 affidavit of warrant will be drafted 
and submitted to Mahoning County Court #3. 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507

Warrant issued out of Mahoning County Court #3 for George Michael Hill, JR on 
Friday, December 6, 2019.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507

On Monday, December 9, 2019, I was notified by dispatch as well as probation officer 
Modarelli that George Michael Hill Jr was at Mahoning County Court #3. I arrived on 
scene and observed Hill sitting in the main lobby. I informed Hill there was a warrant 
for his arrest and instructed him to stand up and place his hands behind his back. Hill 
was placed in handcuffs (gapped/double locked), informed of the charge and advised 
of his Miranda Rights. After Hill acknowledged his rights, he was escorted to marked 
unit #301 and transported to the Sebring Police Department for processing.

Once on station and in the audiolvideo recorded squad room, Hill was taken out of 
handcuffs and re-read his Miranda Rights. Hill acknowledged his rights and signed a 
waiver. Hill admitted to writing his son Alexander the letter but claimed he did not know 
Alexander was a protected party under the protection order. Hill was provided a copy 
of the warrant and shown the protection order where it lists his son as an additional 
protected party. Hill was photographed, fingerprinted and provided a DNA sample 
since the pending charge against him is a felony of the 5th degree.

Hill signed and provided a copy of a recognizance of the accused. Hill was informed of 
his mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, December 
12, 2019 at 0900. Before being released on his own recognizance, he was reminded of 
the protection order and its stipulations.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


INCIDENT NUMBER: 19-011191 REPORT DATE: 11/29/2019 08:07:00

365 W New York Ave.

VICTIM:  Devon Heavener, 18104 6th St., Beloit, Oh

ARREST: Brandon Court, 545 W. Ohio Ave., Sebring, Oh
ARREST: Jessica Warrick, 366 W. Georgia Ave., Sebring, Oh
2911.13 Breaking and Entering / Theft from Building
2911.21 Criminal Trespass

Complainant: Dale Penny

On Friday, November 29,2019, Patrolmen Brindack and Marchionda were dispatched 
to the American Legion, 395 W California Ave, to speak with a complainant reference 
suspicious activity on W New York Ave.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507

REPORTING OFFICER Patrolmen Brindack #506

On this date Dale Penny called and advised that he saw 3 individuals go inside 365 W 
New York ave. which is an abandoned house and should not have anyone inside it. 
Units arrived on scene and began to inspect the outside of the house. Ptl. Marchionda 
found that the back door was unlocked. Units made entry in the building and began to 
search the inside.

As we approached the attic we noticed a pair of legs begin to walk down the attic stairs 
we could not see the individuals hands so she was held at gun point as she came 
down the stairs, we ordered her to put her hands up and she did so, when I observed 
she had no weapons in her hands I switched to my taser and ordered her to keep her 
hands up and walk towards me slowly as Ptl. Marchionda handled a male that had 
come out of another room nearby. The female was identified as Jessica N Warrick, the 
male was identified as Brandon Court we took both individuals outside and I began to 
speak with Jessica as Ptl. Marchionda spoke with Brandon.

Jessica advised she was allowed to be inside and was cleaning up the house for her 
aunt and she advised me that she had a key, I had her try the key on the doors and it 
did not work. Units decided to put the individuals in the back of our patrol cars and 
finish searching the house, when we did so we observed that Brandon Court had all of 
his pockets full of small toys that he had taken from inside the house which he 
indicated were for his 4-year-old son. As I was putting Jessica in my car, she advised 
she could call the person who gave her permission to be at the house to verify she 
was allowed to be there, I advised her we would do so after we finished clearing the 

Units reentered the house and began to finish our search of the attic and other rooms 
in the house we had not been able to check the first time and we found nothing out of 
the ordinary. By this time dispatch had checked the owner of 365 W New York on the 
auditor's website listed as laurie Barnett.

We then went back outside and began to speak with Jessica and ask who told her she 
could be inside, as we were speaking with her dispatch advised she had made contact 
with Brandy Barnett who advised her mother owned the house and had passed away 
so the house was in probate and nobody had permission to be inside the house and 
that her family wanted them charged. At this point Jessica was placed under arrest by 
me and Brandon as placed under arrest by Ptl. Marchionda. Prisoner were mirandized 
and transported back to the station where we were met by Devon Bamett  Heavner 
who did a statement indicating that she lived in the house that had belonged to her 
mother,  that the house was still in probate, and that she wanted charges.

Both Jessica and Brandon were charged with F5 Breaking and entering 2911.13 and 
M4 criminal trespass 2911.21 both of which were approved by Prosecutor Tholson and 
given a court date of 12/05/19 at 0900hrs. Jessica did admit to me that she never had 
permission to be in the house and that they had just gone inside because the door was 
unlocked. Both parties were booked, fingerprinted, photographed, and DNA was 
collected from Jessica. Brandon was able to post bail and Jessica was not able to post 
bond and thus was transported to MCJ by Ptl. Marchionda. Devon Heavner was given 
all the belongings that Brandon had taken from the house which consisted of old toys, 
old pennies, and a handful of ammunition all of which was so dirty it was essentially 

REPORTING OFFICER: Sean Brindack  #506


REPORTING OFFICER:D.A. Marchionda #507

While Patrolman Brindack spoke with the complainant, I proceeded to the row of 
houses in the 300 block of W New York Ave behind the American Legion. After 
speaking with the complainant, Patrolman Brindack arrived and advised the 
complainant observed individuals enter 365 W New York Ave. Patrolman Brindack and 
I checked the exterior of the house for signs of forceful intrusion and did not find any. 
At one point, we both knocked on the front door and announced ourselves as police 

After no response at the front door, I could faintly hear movement coming from within 
the house. I proceeded to the back door of the house and found it to be unlocked. After 
advising dispatch of the unsecure door and to hold radio traffic, Patrolman Brindack 
and I announced several times after opening the door, "POLICE DEPARTMENT. IF 
into the house multiple times with no answer, Patrolman Brindack and I entered the 
house with our duty weapons drawn.

Patrolman Brindack and I cleared the house systematically, room to room, continuing 
to announce ourselves and for anyone inside to identify themselves. As we neared the 
middle of the house, we both observed a pair of legs protrude from what appeared to 
be an attic access point. We immediately ordered for the unknown individual to show 
us their hands. The individual continued down the attic ladder until we were able to 
observe the individual as an adult female. A male then walked into our line of sight 
from a bedroom and he too was ordered to show us his hands.

Patrolman Brindack switched to less lethal and drew his X26P taser while I maintained 
cover with my duty weapon on both subjects. After Patrolman Brindack gained control 
of the female subject, I ordered the male subject to walk towards me with his hands 
visible and switched to less lethal and drew my X26P taser. I gained control of the 
male subject and holstered my taser and escorted him outside of the house and patted 
his outer garments down for weapons. Upon feeling several hard objects in his 
pockets, I was able to look into some of them and observed several toys and other 
objects in various pockets on his person.

The female and male, later identified as Jessica Nicole Warrick and Brandon Lee 
Court, were advised they were being detained and escorted to marked units #301 and 
#303. Warrick stated her aunt used to live at the house and she was there to look 
through it and clean it up. Warrick was wearing a pair of clear plastic gloves when we 
observed her in the house. Court stated he was there accompanying Warrick to collect 
toys for his 4 year old son he found in the house. Warrick was placed in #301 and 
Court placed in #303 pending further investigation.

Patrolman Brindack and I re-entered the house to finish clearing the structure to look 
for more suspects and possible contraband. Upon clearing the rest of the house, we 
did not locate any more suspects or contraband. The house was subsequently secured 
from the inside before exiting. After requesting dispatch to check the auditor's website, 
dispatch advised she found the owner of the property and would attempt to make 
contact through a number found in CAD.  Warrick stated she had a key for the house 
and used it to gain entry. According to Patrolman Brindack, he had Warrick use the key 
in front of him and discovered the key did not work. After some time had passed and 
dispatch hadn't made contact with a property owner, it was decided to release both 
parties from the scene. In the event contact was made with a property owner and they 
wanted charges, warrants would be obtained at a later time. After releasing Court from 
the scene and before releasing Warrick, Patrolman Brindack advised dispatch had 
made contact with a property owner , and that no one was supposed to be at or in the 

I caught up with Court as he was reaching W California Ave near the American Legion 
and advised he was being detained again as new information had been received. 
Patrolman Brindack pulled up with Warrick still in the back seat of #301 and advised 
the property owner did in fact want charges. I had Court exit #303 and place his hands 
behind his back. After placing Court in handcuffs (gapped/double locked), I informed 
him he was under arrest for breaking & entering, criminal trespass and subsequently 
informed him of his Miranda Rights. Court acknowledged his rights and was placed in 
the back of #303. I observed Patrolman Brindack arrest and inform Warrick of the 
charges and her rights before placing her back into #301.

Both Warrick and Court were transported to the Sebring Police Department for 
processing. Patrolman Brindack photographed and fingerprinted Warrick and Court. 
Patrolman Brindack also obtained DNA from Warrick. Both were allowed to attempt to 
make contact with friends and family to post bond. Court got in touch with his mother 
and advised she could pay his bond. Warrick made several phone calls to her father 
and brother. Court read and signed a Miranda Rights waiver and provided a written 
statement. In Court's statement, he claims he followed Wanick into the house after 
watching her use a key to unlock the door. Court wrote he did this because he was told 
there was a bunch of toys inside and he wanted to check them for his kid. Court wrote 
he was led to believe Warrick had permission to be there.

A bail bondsman from Sly Bonds arrived at the station and Court was able to post 
bond. Warrick was unable to post bond at the station. Court signed a recognizance of 
the accused and was informed of his mandatory. appearance before Mahoning County 
Court #3 on Thursday, December 5, 2019 at 0900 to answer to the charges of 2911.13 
Breaking & Entering (F5) and 2911.21 Criminal Trespass (M4). Warrick was 
transported from the station to Mahoning County Justice Center in Youngstown and 
informed of hear mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, December 5,2019 at 0900 to answer to the same charges.

While en route to MCJC in Youngstown, it was discovered Warrick left property (keys) 
behind at the station. This property will be kept for safekeeping at the station for 
Warrick to retrieve at a later time.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507



ARREST REPORT   11/27/2019   @   2208hrs
Case No.: 19011181

W. Ohio Ave. / N. 10th St.

CITED: Oliver Yoho (AGE 64)
14110 Ellett Rd. Beloit, OH

Tail Lights    SCO 337.04

Expired Registration    SCO 335.10

Possession of Drugs   ORC 2925.11 C4A    /   Bond $2,500.00

Possession of Drug Abuse Instruments   ORC 2925.12   /    Bond $1,250.00

Obstruction of Official Business    ORC 2921.31   /    Bond $1,000.00

On 11/27/2019 I Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic stop that resulted in the arrest of the driver.

Ptl. Scott #505

While on patrol in a marked police cruiser I was at the intersection of N. Johnson Rd. 
and W. Ohio Ave. facing south. I observed a red pick up truck traveling east with no tail 
lights on. I pulled behind the vehicle and activated my emergency over head lights and 
initiated a traffic stop on W. Ohio Ave. and N. 20th St. The vehicle was a red 2005 
Chevrolet truck bearing Ohio registration GUW3438.

I approached the vehicle and informed the driver later identified as Oliver Yoho of the 
reason for the stop and requested his driver's license, registration, and insurance 
which I received all except the registration. Dispatch advised me that the registration to 
the vehicle had expired in April of 2019.  I returned to my cruiser and wrote a traffic 
citation for tail lights SCO 337.04 and expired registration SCO 335.1 0 and requested 
Springer's Towing to my location.

I returned to Oliver's vehicle and informed him of the situation and asked him to call for 
a ride and gather any personal belongings he needs and issued his citation which he 
received a copy of with his court date being 12/05/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3.

While Oliver was getting items out of his vehicle I noticed Oliver reaching under the 
driver seat and pulling out a silver canister of some kind and putting it in his pocket. I 
grabbed Oliver's arm and asked him what he just put in his pocket and he said nothing, 
and then said it was a pill container. Oliver reached his right hand above the bed of the 
truck and dropped something I then asked where he put the container in which he 
would not answer me. Oliver then said the container has marijuana inside and I then 
requested the K-9 to the stop.

Det. Redfern arrived and while speaking to him about deploying K-9 Ollie I observed 
the silver canister in the bed of the truck. I opened the canister and observed several 
small white colored rock like substances which Oliver stated was crack cocaine. Oliver 
was placed in custody. Ptl. Reed placed Oliver in to hand restraints and did a pat down 
finding chor boy. Ptl. Reed read him his Miranda warnings and placed him in the rear 
of unit #303 and transported Oliver to the station. I completed an inventory of the 
vehicle and listed its items on a tow sheet which a tow truck operator signed and then 
towed the vehicle.

I arrived at station and assisted in the booking process while at station Oliver admitted 
that the chor boy was for smoking the crack cocaine. Jail paper work was typed and 
Oliver was charged with Possession of Drugs (Cocaine) ORC 2925.11 C4A, 
Possession of drug abuse instruments ORC 2925.12, and Obstructing Official 
Business ORC 2921.31 and was transported to the Mahoning County Jail by Ptl. 
Stanton. Oliver is set to appear on 12/05/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3, the substance 
was logged into evidence.

Ptl. Scott #505


REPORTING Ptl. Reed #513

At approximately 22:05 hours, on November 27, 2019, I arrived to assist Ptl. Scott on a 
traffic stop in the 500 block of W. Ohio Avenue. Due to the vehicle's registration being 
expired by seven months and the vehicle not having any operable taillights, it was 
decided that the vehicle would be towed.

Upon advising the driver, Oliver C. Yoho, of this, he was asked by Ptl. Scott to step out 
of his vehicle and told that he would be allowed to sit in the back of my patrol car to 
stay warm until his ride could arrive to pick him up or that he would be given a courtesy 
ride to where he was going by one of us.

Once Mr. Yoho stepped out of his truck, I advised him that I would be performing a pat-
down search of his person before placing him in my patrol car. I then performed the 
pat-down, locating a small pocket knife that I advised Yoho that I would keep in my 
possession for the duration of our encounter.  After conducting the pat-down, Yoho 
began rummaging through his vehicle again, with me telling him that for officer safety, 
to not do this and to instead tell Ptl. Scott or I what he wanted out of the vehicle and 
that we would retrieve it for him. Mr. Yoho ignored my request and continued to 
rummage through the truck, with both Ptl. Scott and I noticing him place a silver 
container in his left coat pocket.

When confronted about this, Yoho said that it was for his pills but refused to show it to 
show it to Ptl. Scott and I, with him then stepping back toward the bed of his truck and 
attempting to face away from Ptl. Scott and I. At this point, due to Yoho's non-
compliance, I placed him in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and double locked, 
as well as advised him that he was not under arrest but was being detained due to it 
appearing that he was attempting to hide contraband. I then performed a search of 
Yoho's pockets, not finding the silver pill container that Ptl. Scott and I had seen him 
take out of the truck. Yoho was advised at this point that he was obstructing our 
investigation and could receive additional charges for this. I asked Yoho what was in 
the container, with him then saying "something he smokes" and that he threw it over 
there, saying this while nodding toward the grassy area between the street and 

K-9 Detective Redfern then arrived on scene and along with Ptl. Scott located the 
silver pill container in the bed of the truck. Mr. Yoho did say at this point that it was 
crack cocaine inside the container. I then walked Yoho back to my patrol car and read 
him his Miranda rights, which he said that he understood. I then removed all of the 
contents from Yoho's pockets, locating a paper bag containing copper wool inside of it, 
which is commonly used as a filtrate to smoke crack. When confronted with this Yoho 
did admit that was what he used it for. Yoho was then taken back to The Sebring 
Police Station where he was charged with one fifth degree felony count of Possession 
of Drugs (ORC 2925.11), one first degree misdemeanor count of Possession of Drug 
Abuse Instruments (ORC 2925.12), and one second degree misdemeanor charge of 
Obstructing Official Business (ORC 2921.31). 

Yoho was then transported to The Mahoning County Jail after he was photographed, 
processed and his DNA collected. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #513

PUBLISHED 11:19 AM 12/11/2019  *

Wednesday, December 04, 2019
01:40 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT   11-30-19   @   0204 hrs
CaseNo.: 19011199

Traffic - Suspended
Georgia Ave. at S.20th St

CITED: Paige Gamertsfelder (AGE 22)
2161 Belleflower Dr. Alliance, OH 44601

Suspended Driver License (Non-compliance)     335.073 ORD

On 11/30/2019 at 2:04am, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
South on Johnson Rd. just before the intersection of Georgia Ave. when I observed a 
vehicle also traveling South on Johnson Rd. with no license plate lights. I then ran the 
plates of the vehicle and dispatch advised me that the registered owner had a 
suspended driver license.

The vehicle then made a left onto Georgia Ave. and continued East and I then turned 
onto Georgia Ave. as well and positioned myself behind the vehicle and initiated a 
traffic stop. The vehicle then stopped on Georgia Ave. right at the intersection of S. 
2oth St. The vehicle was a Blue 2010 Ford Fusion bearing Ohio registration HSK9726. 
At this point, I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, registration, and 
proof of insurance in which I received the suspended license, the registration and no 
proof of insurance. 

The driver was later identified as Paige Gamertsfelder. There was also a front seat 
passenger later identified as Tyrone Boykin who was also suspended.

While on my initial approach, I could also smell a strong odor of raw marijuana. At this 
point, I asked both individuals if they had recently smoked or had any drugs in the 
vehicle. Tyrone advised me that he has smoked marijuana earlier in the day and Paige 
advised me that there was marijuana in the vehicle in a baggie, in the center console. I 
then had both individuals step out of the vehicle and I then performed a probable 
cause/inventory search. I also at this point advised dispatch to have Springers in route 
to tow the vehicle. 

Upon searching the vehicle, I was able to locate and confiscate the green substance 
that Paige identified as Marijuana. (Upon arrival to the station it was weighed and it 
totaled 4 grams) I then issued Paige a warning for the possession of Marijuana and a 
warning for the license plate light violation but I issued a citation to Paige for a 
Suspended License (Non-Compliance) 335.073 (ORD) and gave her a court date of 
12/05/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. Once Paige 
signed the citation, I provided her with a copy and I confiscated the marijuana and her 
driver license. Sgt. Kelm then gave both individuals a courtesy transport to 495 W. 
Texas Ave. 

Once Springers arrived to the scene, I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT    11/30/2019   @   1639 hrs
Case No.: 19011201

S Johnson Rd near Grandview Cemetery, Sebring, OH

CITED: Troy Foraker 
174 W Oregon Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

OVI (SFST)   ORC 4511.19A1A /  Bond $500.00

OVI (Refusal w/Prior)    ORC 45 11.19A2A    /   Bond $500.00

Left of Center    ORC 4511.29

On 11/30/2019 at 1625 Ptl. Marchionda #507 and myself, Ptl. Peterman #511, initiated 
a traffic stop on S. Johnson Rd. near Grandview Cemetery which resulted in the arrest 
of the driver for OVI.

Ptl. Peterman #511  11/30/2019

I observed a red Jeep traveling north on Johnson road that went left of center, then 
quickly steering and hitting the right edge of the roadway and crossing the white line. 
Patrolman Marchionda initiated the overhead emergency lights and the vehicle 
stopped on the right edge of the roadway. After calling out to dispatch my location, I 
made a drivers side approach to the vehicle. As the driver rolled down the window, I 
immediately was met with an odor of an alcoholic beverage. 

I identified myself, and the reason of the stop for driving left of center to the driver then 
immediately after asked the driver "I smell an odor of an alcoholic beverage, have you 
had anything to drink tonight sir?". The driver, Troy Foraker, stated he "had a couple 
drinks earlier." but did not give a specific time. I asked Troy to shut the vehicle off, and 
to step out of the vehicle. Troy complied, and I asked him to stand at the front of my 
patrol vehicle, and as I walked beside Troy, I noticed a strong odor of an alcoholic 

I had Ptl. Marchionda #507 turn off the front section of the cruisers emergency lights, 
and asked Troy "Do you wear contacts or glasses?", to which Troy stated "no". I asked 
if Troy "had vision difficulties", which Troy also states "no".

I informed Troy I was under suspicion that he was driving under the influence of 
alcohol, and would like to perform a series of Field Sobriety Tests to ensure he was 
okay to drive. Troy complied with my request, and I then began my SFST by placing a 
stimulus 12-15" in front of Troy's nose and slightly above eye level. I began with 
checking Troy's eyes for equal pupil size, as well as equal tracking with smooth 

Upon observation, troy showed equal pupil size in both eyes, and clues in both eyes 
for lack of smooth pursuit. 

My following test, distinct nystagmus at maximum deviation, I observed clues in both 
Troy's eyes. Onset nystagmus prior to 45 degrees I observed clues in both eyes well 
before 45 degrees. I started the walk and turn test, but before starting noticed a clue of 
being unable to balance during instructions. I also observed Troy stopping several 
times during testing, and using arms to balance himself. The one-leg stand test I 
observed Troy sway while balancing during the instruction and testing phase, and Troy 
using his arms to balance several times throughout the testing phase. 

At the end of my testing, I observed Ptl. Marchionda perform several ARlDE SFST 
tests to Troy, and at the completion, determined Troy was to be placed under arrest for 
OVI, then read his miranda rights. Both officers performed an inventory of Troy's 
vehicle before being towed by Springers Towing.

At arrival to station, troy was read the BMV 2255, and asked to submit to a breath and 
urine test. Troy refused both tests, and a blood sample test. Troy was placed on an 
administrative license suspension for refusal to take breath, urine, and/or blood 

Troy was fingerprinted, photographed, and cited for OVI(0RC 4511.19A1a, 
4511.19a2a), and Left of center (SCO 331.05), with a court date of 12/5/2019, MCC #3 
@0900A.M. Troy was given a recognizance form to sign, received a copy of the BMV 
2255, the citation, and the recognizance form. Ptl. Marchionda #507 gave Troy a 
courtesy ride to his residence upon completion. Both officers then cleared.

PTI. Peterman #511

While patrolling north on S Johnson Rd from US HWY 62 in marked unit #304 with 
Patrolman Peterman, we observed a red jeep in front of us driving erratically. We 
observed the jeep first go left of center into the south bound lane and then go across 
the white line on the edge of the north bound lane. I caught up to the vehicle just north 
of Grandview Cemetery and activated the overhead emergency lights to initiate a 
traffic stop. The vehicle, a red Jeep bearing Ohio registration HNB6267, came to a 
complete stop shortly thereafter. Patrolman Peterman performed a driver side 
approach while I performed a passenger side approach.

While Patrolman Peterman spoke with the driver, I stood by on the passenger side of 
the vehicle and motioned for the driver to roll the window down. The driver, later 
identified as Troy Foraker, unlocked the passenger side door and motioned for me to 
open it. Upon opening the passenger side door, I could immediately smell a strong 
odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from Foraker. Patrolman Peterman and I had 
Foraker turn the ignition off and walk back to marked unit #304.

I turned off the forward emergency lights so Patrolman Peterman could begin 
conducting standardized field sobriety testing (SFST). When asked how much he had 
to drink tonight, Foraker replied he had a couple drinks. Due to traffic beginning to 
build up in both the north and southbound lanes, I was unable to observe Foraker 
while Patrolman Peterman conducted the first portion of horizontal gaze nystagmus. I 
was however able to observe Foraker during maximum deviation and onset prior to 45 
degrees. I observed distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation as well 
as onset of nystagmus prior to 45 degrees.

Patrolman Peterman continued with SFSTs while I continued to stand by and monitor 
traffic. During the instructional stages, Foraker was swaying back and forth, side to 
side as it appeared he had difficulty maintaining his balance. At the conclusion of 
SFSTs, I took over and began to administer a series of ARlDE SFSTs, for which I am 
certified to perform. I observed lack of convergence in both of Foraker's eyes with his 
left eye having more distinct movement to the outside.

For the modified Romberg test, I instructed Foraker to remain standing with his feet 
touching and hands at his sides. I instructed Foraker to close his eyes, tilt his head 
back and when instructed to do so, count to 30 not out loud by any manner he chose 
to. I instructed Foraker when he was finished, to bring his head forward, open his eyes 
and say "stop."

Utilizing a stopwatch, I instructed Foraker to begin. At first, Foraker counted out loud 
and had to restart the test and reiterate to count to himself. Foraker brought his head 
forward, opened his eyes and said stop. I asked Foraker what he counted to and how 
he got there. Foraker stated he counted to 30 by means of one thousand one, one 
thousand two, etc. At the time Foraker said stop, I stopped the stopwatch and showed 
Foraker it took him 40 seconds to count to 30.

At the conclusion of the ARlDE SFSTs, Patrolman Peterman instructed Foraker to turn 
around and place his hands behind his back. Patrolman Peterman placed Foraker 
under arrest and informed him of the charge, suspicion of operating a motor vehicle 
while impaired and advised him of his Miranda Rights. Foraker was subsequently 
searched for weapons and placed in the backseat of marked unit #304. I requested 
dispatch to summon a tow truck to the scene and proceeded to conduct an 
administrative inventory of the vehicle. A tow truck from Springers arrived on scene 
and removed the vehicle from the roadway.

Patrolman Peterman and I transported Foraker to the SEBRING POLICE STORY for 
processing. Once at the station, Patrolman Peterman removed the handcuffs and 
began to read the BMV 2255 to Foraker. At the conclusion of reading the 2255, 
Foraker refused to submit to breath, urine or blood testing. Foraker's license was 
seized and he was informed he was now under administrative license suspension and 
not allowed to operate a motor vehicle from this point forward.

Foraker was fingerprinted and photographed. Foraker signed the 2255 form, his 
citation (4511.19 A1A OVI SFST, 4511.19 A2A OVI Refusal w/ Prior and 4511.29 Left 
of Center) a recognizance of the accused and provided copies of each. Foraker was 
informed of his mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, December 5,2019 at 0900. Foraker was provided a courtesy transport from 
the station to his residence on W Oregon Ave.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


Case No.: 19011204

Ohio Ave. near N. 12th St.

CITED: Roger Barnett (AGE 50)
18360 Ellett Rd. Beloit, OH 44609

Turn Signal Required    337.30 ORD
License Plate Light Required    337.04 ORD

On 11/30/2019 at 11:44pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling South on N. 12th St. when I observed a vehicle also traveling South on the 
same road not use a turn signal while making a left-hand turn onto Ohio Ave. I also 
noticed that the vehicle did not have any license plate lights as well.

The vehicle then continued traveling East on Ohio Ave. and I then turned onto Ohio 
Ave. and positioned myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle 
then stopped on Ohio Ave just past the intersection of N. 12th St. The vehicle was a 
Maroon 2006 Ford F-250 bearing Ohio registration 5604395.

At this point, I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, registration, and 
proof of insurance in which I received a valid license and registration but no proof of 
insurance. The driver was later identified as Roger Barnett.

I then issued a citation to Roger for Turn Signal Required 337.30 (ORD) and also for 
License Plate Light Required 337.04 (ORD) and gave him a court date of 12/05/19 at 
9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. Roger then advised me that 
he would not sign the citation but stated that he would take a copy of the citation. I 
then cleared the scene without further incident.

Ptl. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT    11/28/2019   @   0904  hrs
Case No.: 19011186 

TRAFFIC - Driving Under Suspension
600 block W New York Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Roheen Walton (AGE 40)
1046 E Grant St, Alliance, OH 44601

Driving Under Suspension (Noncompliance)   SCO 335.07

On Thursday, November 28,2019, I,Pa trolman Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #303 on N Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave facing south. I 
observed a red Pontiac with a loud exhaust approach the intersection from the north 
and proceed south after coming to a complete stop. After performing a registration 
check through dispatch, I was informed the registration expired on 11/22/2019. I pulled 
onto N Johnson Rd and proceeded south to catch up with the vehicle. Upon clearing 
the railroad crossing, I activated my overhead emergency lights as I observed the 
vehicle turn east onto W New York Ave.

After turning east onto W New York Ave, I observed the vehicle stopped in the 600 
block. Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Roheen Walton, I 
identified myself and informed him the vehicle's registration had expired. Walton did 
not have his license on his person and provided his identification information verbally. I 
asked Walton if he had a valid license and he stated he did not. Walton's passenger, 
identified as Aaron Robinson, did not have his license on his person and it was learned 
his license was not valid as well (suspended).

Walton was issued traffic citation #031853 for SCO 335.07 Driving Under Suspension 
(Noncompliance) and informed of his mandatory appearance before Mahoning County 
Court #3 on Thursday, December 5,2019 at 0900. Walton was informed he has 
multiple open suspensions and was instructed to not drive from this point forward. 
Since the vehicle was already legally parked and not registered to Walton, it was not 
towed from the scene.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT    11/28/2019   @   1215
CaseNo.: 19011188
Traffic - DUS
S. 15th St. / Village Limits

CITED: Mathew Whiteman (AGE 33)
127 W. Florida Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

DUS     SCO 335.07

On 11/28/2019 I Ptl. Scott while on patrol in a marked police cruiser observed a vehicle 
backing up in the road way on N. 14th St. and E. Ohio Ave. and when I got closer the 
vehicle parked in front of the gas pump for an extended amount of time.

When the vehicle left the parking lot, I observed it turn on S. 15th St. I followed the 
vehicle and noticed air fresheners hanging from the rearview mirror. I initiated a traffic 
stop on S. 15th St. near the Village limits, the vehicle was a 1996 red Buck 45 bearing 
Ohio registration HUR1512 returning to Mathew Whiteman but no driving record was 

I made contact with the driver which was the registered owner Mathew and informed 
him of the reason for the stop and requested his driver's license, registration, and proof 
of insurance which I only received a Colorado driver's license, dispatch advised me 
Mathew's Colorado driver license was suspended and when Mathew was ran through 
Ohio there was no return, Mathew stated he never obtained a driver's license through 
Ohio just Colorado.

I issued Mathew a traffic citation for driving under suspension SCO 335.07 and gave 
Mathew verbal warnings for stopping and backing and obstruction of view. Mathew 
was given a court date of 12/05/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal 
appearance required for not having proof of insurance. Mathew signed the citation and 
received a copy and a valid passenger was then told to drive the vehicle.

I asked Mathew if he would consent to a vehicle search which Mathew said that 
officers could search his vehicle. Inside the vehicle a clear bag with "Green Bali" 
written on the bag in black marker was located. The bag contained unknown green in 
colored powder substance was. Mathew stated that it was Kratom Powder which is 
legal in Ohio but I used a field test and the result displayed a color of dark green which 
is displayed for amphetamines. The powder was confiscated and brought back to 
station where it was tested a second time with a smaller amount and the result was the 

The powder was photographed, tagged, and logged into evidence and will be sent to 
BCI for analysis.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT     11/27/2019   @    0945
Case No.: 19011176

Traffic - SPEED

CITED: Brenda Grindley (AGE 49)
11358 Island Creek Drive, Beloit 44609

SPEED (47/35)   SCO ORD 333.03

On 11/27/2019 at 0945 hours, I Ptl. Villanueva while in a marked police cruiser was 
patrolling on N. 12th street heading North when I observed a vehicle approaching me 
headed South at a higher rate of speed. I activated my mounted radar unit and locked 
a speed of 47 MPH in a 35 MPH zone. I then turned around on East Indiana and 
prepared to initiate my traffic stop. Once the vehicle passed my cruiser, I initiated my 
traffic stop and the vehicle turned right onto the 300th block of E. Ohio ave and made a 
complete stop.

The vehicle was bearing Ohio Registration RV046274 and I identified the driver as 
Brenda Grindley. I introduced myself and notified Brenda of the reason of stop. I then 
requested her license, registration and proof of insurance in which she provided. 

I issued Brenda citation #031776 for Speeding SCO ORD 333.03 (47 MPH/35 MPH). I 
gave her a non-mandatory court date at MCC#3- 12/05/2019 at 0900 hours.

Once I read over the citation, I asked if she had any questions in which she said she 
did not. I then cleared without any further incidents.

Ptl. Villanueva #512

PUBLISHED 11:50 AM 12/4/2019 *

Wednesday, November 27, 2019
11:49 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT    11/25/2019 @  1109 hrs
CaseNo.: 19011167

45 S 12th St, Sebring, OH

CITED: Jennifer Romeo (AGE 48)
1760 Northview Ave, Alliance, OH 44601

Speed: Over Limits (54/35)    SCO 333.03

On Monday, November 25,2019, I,Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #304 on S 12th St near E Georgia Ave facing south. I 
observed a white vehicle travelling north near the 600 block at what appeared to be a 
rate of speed higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activating my forward 
mounted radar antenna, I observed and locked in a speed of 54 MPH on the digital 
display. As the vehicle passed my location, I activated my overhead emergency lights 
and turned onto S 12th St to initiate a traffic stop.

The vehicle, a white Honda Pilot bearing Ohio registration HWC2143, came to a 
compete stop in front of 45 S 12th St.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Jennifer Romeo. 

I identified myself and informed her of the reason for the stop. Romeo provided all 
appropriate documentation upon request. Romeo was issued traffic citation #031852 
for SCO 333.03 Speed: Over Limits (54/35) and informed of her appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, December 5,2019 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT     11/25/2019   @   2210 hrs
CaseNo.: 19011171

10 N. 12th St. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Eric Saeger (AGE 58)
29549 Salem-Alliance Rd. Lt. 213 Salem, Ohio 44460

OVI(SFST)     /    4511.19A1a    /    Bond $500.00

DUS     /     4510.14a

OPEN CONTAINER OF BEER     /    4301.62

On 11/25/2019 at 2210 hours, I performed a traffic stop at 10 N. 12th st.

Ptl. Peterman #511

I activated K9 marked patrol cars emergency overhead lights and audible siren, as the 
vehicle bearing temporary tag J066884 came to a stop, hitting the curb, and running it 
over. Det. Redfern #504 and myself, Ptl. Peterman #511, approached the drivers side 
window, and I identified myself, and the reason for the stop being his vehicles reverse 
lights were flashing when his blinkers were on, causing an unsafe condition. 

Det. Redfern was at the passenger side of the vehicle when he noticed an open 
container of alcohol, and I noted a faint odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the 
vehicle. The driver, Eric Saeger, stated he didn't have a license, and then stated "I 
haven't had anything to drink." As I spoke to Eric, I noticed a faint odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from Erics breath. I asked Eric to shut the vehicle off, and to step 
out. Eric complied with the request, and exited the vehicle. 

I asked Eric if he had any medical conditions or surgeries, to which he states "I have 
bad knees and a bad hip." I also asked if Eric would want to go through field sobriety 
testing, and Eric consented. we walked in front of the vehicle Eric was operating and I 
began my SFST. I began with smooth tracking and lack of smooth pursuit by placing a 
stimulus 12-15" from Eric's face in front of his nose slightly above eye level. Eric 
showed poor tracking and lack of smooth pursuit. I ensured Eric had equal pupil sizes 
as well. Dinstinct nystagmus at maximum deviation was tested, where both eyes 
showed clues. onset nystagmus prior to 45 degrees was then tested, with clues given 
in each eye. the walk and turn test was given, during instructions Eric was unable to 
keep balance in the starting position. 

Upon starting the walk and turn test Eric stepped off line several times, and was using 
his arms to balance himself. After completion of the walk and turn I had Eric perform 
the one legged stand test. during the instruction portion of the test, Eric was unable to 
keep his balance in the starting position, and during the test swayed while balancing 
himself, used his arms to balance himself, and dropped his foot two times during 

With the information I obtained during my investigation and SFST, I made the decision 
to place Eric under arrest for suspicion of OVI 4511.19A1a. Eric was transported back 
to station, where he was given an opportunity to provide a breath and blood sample, to 
which Eric consented to. After breath test was given, I transported Eric to Aultman 
Alliance Community Hospital where blood samples were drawn for testing. Eric was 
then transported back to station, where he called for a ride and sign his recognizance 
form, and BMV 2255. Eric was picked up, then I cleared.

Ptl. Peterman #511


ARREST REPORT    11/24/2019   @   0223 hrs
CaseNo.: 19011159 

Criminal - OVI (SFST Refusal)
Cambridge St. / Haines St. Alliance, OH

 Lallie Kathi (AGE 38)
2300 S. Arch Ave. Alliance, OH 44601

OVI (SFST Refusal)    /    ORC 4511.19A1a    /    Bond $500

Failure to Comply with P.O.    /    ORC 2921.331B   /     Bond $8,000

Obstructing Official Business    /    ORC 2921.31B    /    Bond $2,500

Attempt Assault on P.O.    /    ORC 2903.13    /    Bond $1,250

Resisting Arrest     /    ORC 2921.33    /     Bond $1,000

Disrupting Public Services    /    ORC 2909.04    /    Bond $4,000

Speed 84/45     /     ORC 4511.21

Left of Center   /    ORC 4511.29

Traffic Control Devices    /    ORC4511.12

On 11/24/2019 I Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic stop that resulted in the arrest of the driver.

Ptl. Scott #505   11/24/2019

As I was traveling north on N. Johnson Rd. near the Precious Cargo day care center 
when I observed a vehicle go left of center multiple times. I activated my emergency 
over head lights in an attempt to make a traffic stop but the vehicle only slowed down 
and continued and crossed over Courtney Rd. and stopped just south of the entrance 
to Sebring Woods and then reversed and then went forward again and then made a 
complete stop. The vehicle was a red 2012 Dodge Avenger bearing Ohio registration 

I approached the driver side of the vehicle I observed the female in the driver seat later 
identified as Kathi Lallie moving around and reaching over in her passenger seat and 
up on her visor. Kathi cracked her window down and I informed her of the reason for 
the traffic stop and requested her driver's license, registration and insurance which she 
gave me her license and a registration card from Michigan and then rolled up her 
window and began reaching in the passenger seat once more.

I knocked on her window repeatedly and asked her to roll it down which she only 
cracked it again and I asked her where she was coming from to which Kathi stated " Im 
going for a drive" I asked her are you coming from home? Kathi replied "What home?" 
Kathi appeared extremely anxious and nervous, I observed Kathi's pupils with 
reasonable light from my flash light and I could see that her pupils where more dilated 
than a person's pupils should be when they are exposed to bright lights. I asked Kathi 
if she had consumed any drugs or narcotics which she said no. Kathi still had the 
vehicle in drive and kept grabbing the steering wheel and turning it, I told Kathi to put 
the vehicle in park to which she did and I had to tell Kathi multiple times to stop 
grabbing and turning the steering wheel.

Kathi had two large dogs in the vehicle with her that showed aggression to me as I 
was standing next to the driver side door talking to Kathi.

Based on Kathi's outlandish behavior and believing she is under thein-fluence of an 
unknown substance I ordered Kathi to exit her vehicle and she said no and that it was 
her right as a citizen to refuse. Sgt. Davis of the Smith Township Police Department 
arrived and so did Ptl. Reed. 

One of the dogs snapped at Ptl. Reed when he was standing next to the vehicle. We 
continually ordered Kathi to exit the vehicle which she rolled all the windows up and 
locked all the doors and refused. I requested assistance from the Alliance Police 
Department due to them having tools to restrain dogs. I also requested the State Patrol 
for stop sticks in case Kathi attempted to flee with her vehicle, the State Patrol was in 
Lisbon and Goshen was requested as well. I advised Kathi that she was under arrest 
and ordered her to exit the vehicle again which she repeatedly refused. 

Kathi then began speaking oddly about things, stating that she never left the house 
and that she was not here and picked up a small urn stating it was her daughter, Kathi 
was displaying signs of loss of reality. Dispatch then advised that Alliance Police had 
dealt with Kathi earlier for her threatening suicide and allegedly having a fire arm. Kathi 
then called 911 because officers where telling her to exit the vehicle which was holding 
up the 911 line for emergencies.

Alliance Ptl. Mark arrived and parked his cruiser to the north west of Kathi's vehicle 
and When Goshen Ptl. Miller arrived he placed stop sticks in the middle of Kathi's 
vehicle. Sgt. Davis managed to manually push down the front passenger side door's 
window. I then used to open part of the window and deployed oleoresin capsicum 
spray on Kathi in an attempt to make her exit the vehicle.

Kathi was affected by the spray and moved to the back of the vehicle and then came 
back to the front of the vehicle. Ptl. Reed then used his collapsible baton and struck 
the driver side window to in an attempt to allow officers to place Kathi in custody.

Kathi then started her vehicle and put it in drive and went around police cruisers 
almost striking officers and fled on N. Johnson traveling south at a high rate of speed. 
Dispatch was notified and I got in my cruiser and pursued Kathi. Kathi turned west on 
Ohio Ave. on Alliance Sebring road which is what Ohio Ave. eventually turns into while 
following and attempting to stop Kathi I looked at my calibrated speedometer and the 
speed of my cruiser was at 85 miles per hour while we where in a 45 mph zone.

Kathi's vehicle was going back in forth from the west bound lane and then went 
completely the oncoming lane. Kathi's vehicle failed to stop at 6 traffic control devices 
while traveling at high rates of speed and then pulled on to a curb lawn at Cambridge 
St. and Hains St. and exited her vehicle and began to run from the scene. I parked 
beside her vehicle and exited my cruiser and deployed my taser aiming at the belt line 
and ordered Kathi to stop which she did not comply, I then deployed my taser which hit 
Kathi and she fell to the ground and rolled on her stomach and Ptl. Reed placed her in 
hand restraints. 

The taser probes where removed by Ptl. Reed and placed into a sharps container.  
Kathi was advised that she was under arrest and was read her Miranda rights and 
placed in the rear of marked unit #303.

Additional Alliance officers arrived on scene as well as a trooper who assisted us with 
the incident.

Kathi was taken to the hospital by Ptl. Reed. Kathi's mother came out of her house 
which was right in front of where Kathi stopped her vehicle and took the dogs out of 
the vehicle. I completed an inventory of the vehicle with the help of a trooper from the 
State Patrol. 

Springer's Towing was called and arrived and towed the vehicle to N. 12th St, in 
Sebring. I cleared the scene and went to Aultman in Alliance to assist Ptl. Reed.

Kathi was cleared for the jail and discharged and was brought back to the police 
department by Ptl. Reed, discharged paper work was obtained by medical staff. Once 
at station paper work was complete and Kathi continued strange behavior stating she 
was not here and that she would not see us, stated that she hears voices and birds 
told her to drink from a bird bath. 

Kathi was read a BMV 2255 form which she refused to sign and was asked to perform 
field sobriety testing which she refused and also refused chemical testing, and 
received a traffic citation for OVI ORC 4511.19A1a, Speed 84/45 ORC 4511.21, Left of 
Center ORC 4511.29, and Traffic Control Device ORC 4511.12.

Kathi refused to sign the citation but did receive a copy of the BMV 2255 forum and the 
traffic citation. Kathi was placed on Administrative license suspension and was advised 
of it. Kathi was also advised of her mandatory court date on 11/27/2019 at 1:00pm for 
Mahoning County Court #3.

Kathi was also charged criminally for Failure to Comply with P.O. ORC 2921.331(6), 
Obstructing Official Business ORC 2921.31 (B), Attempt Assault on a P.O. ORC 
2903.13, Resisting Arrest ORC 2921.33, and Disrupting Public Services 2909.04 The 
appropriate paper work was completed Kathi already had DNA on file and was then 
transported to the Mahoning County Jail by Ptl. Reed.

Pt. Scott # 505

At 02:23 hours, on November 24, 2019, I overheard radio traffic from Ptl. Scott, 
advising that he was conducting a traffic stop near the Sebring Woods parking lot on 
Johnson Road. I immediately proceeded to this location, arriving just after Sgt. Davis 
from Smith Township P.D. 

Upon exiting my patrol car, I noticed Ptl. Scott standing at the driver side window of the 
red Dodge Avenger, bearing Ohio registration HTV 8993, and Sgt. Davis standing near 
the front passenger side window. As I approached closer, I noticed that the vehicle had 
two brown pit-bull type dogs inside along with the driver, a white female who appeared 
to be in her thirties. I then positioned myself near the rear passenger side door, where I 
overheard Ptl. Scott ask the driver to step out of the vehicle because he believed that 
she was under the influence of either drugs or alcohol. The driver replied that she was 
not going to get out of that car, that was did not have to, and that it was her right as a 
citizen to refuse.
The driver did however produce an Ohio Driver License that identified her as Kathi M. 

Ptl. Scott began to explain to Lallie that she was legally required to comply with this 
request in an effort to persuade her to cooperate, but she continued to refuse to step 
out of the vehicle. Lallie also began reaching around the car was well as begun to 
repeatedly turn the steering wheel in different directions. At this point it was explained 
to Lallie that if she did not cooperate, the windows to her vehicle would be broken out 
in order to remove her from the car. Lallie continued to refuse to cooperate, instead 
demanding that she be able to see officers' hands because she believed that she was 
in danger. Both Ptl. Scott, Sgt. Davis, and I attempted to gain voluntary compliance 
from Lallie by explaining to her that we did not want to hurt her and that we were 
concerned that if we were forced to physically remove her from her car that her dogs 
would attack us and we would possibly have to taser, pepper spray, or shoot them in 
order to protect ourselves. It was then advised by dispatch that Alliance Police had an 
officer on his way with a noose, should we have to force entry into the vehicle and the 
dogs become aggressive. 

Goshen P.D. also was called to bring stop sticks to place under Lallies tires. Lallie also 
at around this time made a call to 911 on her cell phone, with dispatcher wheeler 

Several minutes later, both Ptl. Miller from Goshen as well as Ptl. Mark from Alliance 
arrived on scene. Stop Sticks were placed in front of the rear tires to Lallie's car and 
Ptl. Mark stood by with the noose. Ptl. Scott then sprayed O.C. spray into the vehicle 
through a small crack on the passenger side. Lallie appeared to be slightly affected by 
the O.C. but still refused to open the door and step out of the car. Due to Lallie 
continuing to refuse to cooperate, I deployed my baton in an attempt to break out her 
front driver side window. While I was doing this, Lallie placed her car in drive and 
pulled into the parking lot of Sebring woods before beginning southbound on Johnson 
Road. Ptl. Scott, Mark, and I began to pursue, with Scott being the lead vehicle, me 
behind him and Mark behind me. Lallie then turned right onto Alliance-Sebring road, 
with her failing to stop at the traffic control light at the four-way intersection, going 
westbound into Smith township at speeds between 80 and 90 MPH.

Once inside the city limits of Alliance, Lallie went left on Arch Street, traveling 
southbound until coming to Cambridge street where she turned right. Lallie then 
stopped her car near the intersection of W. Cambridge Street and Haines Avenue, 
where she began running toward the porch to a house.

Ptl. Scott then deployed his taser, with one probe striking Lallie on her left thigh and 
the other on the left side of her torso. Lallie immediately fell to the ground. I then 
placed her in hand-cuffs, which were properly spaced and double locked. I then 
conducted a pat-down search of Lallie before removing the taser probes and placing 
her in the back of car 303. While attempting to place her in the back of my patrol car, 
lallie began to physically resist, and did attempt to kick me while I was placing her in 
the back seat. 

Lallie was then taken to Alliance Community Hospital, where she was examined by a 
physician who found nothing medically wrong with her. 

Once discharged, Lallie was brought back to the Sebring Police Station where she was 
processed. Lallie was charged with a felony 3 count of failure to comply with order or 
signal of police officer (ORC 2921.331), a felony 4 count of disrupting public services 
(ORC2909.04), a felony 5 count of Obstructing official business (ORC 2921.31), a 
misdemeanor count of resisting arrest (ORC2921.33), attempting to assault a peace 
officer (ORC 2903.13), Speed (ORC 4511.21) (84 in a 45 zone), OVI 4511. I9 A19), 
Left of center (ORC 4511.29), and failing to obey a traffic control device (ORC 

After being processed at the police station Lallie was transported to The Mahoning 
County Jail. Her bond total was $16,750.00 and her court date was set for 1:00pm on 
Wednesday November 27,2019, at Mahoning county court #3. Lallies two dogs were 
left with her mother. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #513


ARREST REPORT   11/24/2019   @   2053 hrs
Case NO.: 19011165 

Criminal  - THEFT
366 West Georgia Avenue, Sebring Ohio

Matea Kohl (AGE 19)
696 East Ohio Avenue, Sebring Ohio 44672

Theft    2913.02    /   Bond $1,250

On 11/24/2019, I was dispatched to the 600 block of East Ohio Avenue in reference to 
a theft report.

K9 Det. Redfern #504

On 11/24/2019, I was dispatched to the 600 block of East Ohio Avenue in reference to 
a theft report. I arrived on location and spoke to Ashley Crawford (AGE 40). Ashley 
advised that her daughter Matea Kohl stole her daughters iPad. Ashley advised that at 
4am she went into her sisters room and asked to use the iPad to check her Email. 
Ashley advised that her daughter allowed her to quickly use it. Ashley advised that 
Matea took the iPad and ran out the door. 

Ashley advised that she is tired of her taking items from the house and she wants to 
pursue charges. I spoke to the juvenile whom advised me that Matea came into her 
room and asked to use the iPad, and she allowed Matea to use it quickly. The juvenile 
advised that Matea then took the iPad and left the house. The juvenile said that she 
went to find her sister and the side door was open. Statements were then obtained and 
I then cleared.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 11/24/2019, I went to the Warrick residence at 366 West Georgia Avenue to make 
contact with Matea. I knocked on the door with no response. I was able to hear people 
moving around in the house. I knocked on the door and announced myself. I looked in 
the window and observed a female later identified as Jessica Warrick, pointing a rifle at 
me through the window. 

I radioed for additional units. I announced myself as police as I stood to the side of the 
door and drew my firearm. The door to the residence opened and Jessica Warrick 
exited the residence with the firearm aimed at me. Once Jessica realized that I was 
law enforcement with my firearm aimed at her she gave her weapon to another party in 
the residence. Jessica came out and I asked if Matea was in the residence and she 
opened the door and Matea came out. I asked Matea if she had the iPad in the 
residence and she advised that she did. Jessica brought he iPad out and gave it to 
me. Matea advised that she planned on returning it. 

I then took Matea into custody. I requested dispatch to find me a transporting unit as 
was the only officer on duty with a K9 and unable to transport. Smith Twp PD arrived to 
transport Matea to the department. Smith took custody of Matea and transported her to 
station with out incident. 

Matea was processed and charged with once count of Theft M-1. Matea was given an 
OR bond in the amount of $1250. Matea was given a court date of 11/27/2019 at 1300. 
The iPad was logged into evidence. This case will be closed.

K9 Det. Redfern #504


Case No.: 190119157

Traffic - Speed
S. Johnson1 KNox School Road

CITED: Kayland Conner (AGE 21)
266 W. Pennsylvania Ave.

Speed(46/35)   333.03

On 11/23/2019 at 1900 Ptl. Scott and myself, Ptl. Peterman, were dual unit in marked 
unit 304 traveling north on Johnson road when we both spotted a vehicle traveling 
south at a high rate speed. Upon activating the cruiser mounted radar we got an 
audible tone and speed rating of 46MPH in a 35MPH zone. I activated the cruisers 
emergency overhead lights and audible siren.

The vehicle stopped in the trailer park on the corner of SR 62 and Knox School Road. 
Upon approaching the passenger's side window, I got a strong odor of marijuana 
coming from the vehicle. I identified myself, and the reason for the stop. I then 
immediately asked the driver, Kayland Conner, when she last had marijuana in the 
vehicle. She stated to me that she smoked some at work around 1500 in the same 

Ptl. Scott asked Kayland to step out of the vehicle and radioed to dispatch that Kaylan 
was being detained. We started a probable cause search of the vehicle, and found a 
grinder bottle, and a broken marijuana bowl. On completion of the consent search, 
Kayland was allowed to return back to her vehicle, then advised we would be 
confiscating the marijuana bowl and that she would be receiving a citation for speed 
(ORD 333.03), and given a mandatory court date of 11/27/2019. Both units then 

Ptl. Peterman #511


ARREST REPORT    11/22/2019   @ 1523 hrs
Case No.: 19009095

Criminal  -  Warrant
540 1/2 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH

Kimberly Leeson (AGE 54)
540 1/2 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Aggravated Possession of Drugs (Warrant)   /   ORC 2925.11   /   Bond $2,500

At 00:39 hours, on September 14, 2019, I was dispatched to 540 1/2 W. Oregon 
Avenue in reference to a female subject who was actively overdosing.

Ptl. Scott and I immediately proceeded to this location, arriving on scene at the same 
time due to being a double unit. Upon entering the residence, I made contact with 
Joseph Benedetti, who I know to be the son of Kimberly Leeson, the person that the 
call was in reference to. Joey advised that his mother was in the basement and was 
not breathing. Ptl. Scott and I then went downstairs into the basement, where we 
located Kim on a bed. A male subject, later identified as Dustin Schuller, was 
attempting to provide CPR to Kim I noticed that Kim was not breathing and appeared 
to have a purple color to her face.

At this point, Ptl. Scott and I placed Kim on the floor, and I continued CPR (continual 
chest compression). Ptl. Peterman arrived on scene at about this time with Narcan, an 
AED, and respirator.

Kim was then given two, 2mg tubes of narcan. An AED was also placed on Kim with it 
advising no shock needed. Kim also began breathing again on her own so I 
discontinued CPR. 

Sebring Fire/EMS then arrived on scene and transported Kim to the hospital. Also 
present at the house at the time was a Roxanne Ward, who said that she was a 
roommate and that she was sleeping when Kim overdosed. Ptl. Scott, Peterman, and I 
then began checking the area around kim's bed for drugs or paraphernalia . Located 
and collected as evidence were a glass "meth pipe", a rectangular dish with a rolled up 
$5.00 bill inside of it along with residue of a white powdery substance. Also located 
and collected was a small baggie with residue of a white powdery substance inside, a 
butane torch with extra butane, a scrapping tool, and two pipes. 

All units then cleared with nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #513

On 11/22/2019 I was made aware that the items confiscated from the original incident 
that were found laying by Kim had tested positive for methamphetamine, I was given a 
forum from BCI that listed the findings. State complaints will be drafted and taken to 
court in an attempt to obtain a warrant.

Ptl. Scott #505

On 11/22/2019 A warrant for Kimberly Leeson's arrest was obtained for Aggravated 
Possession Drugs ORC 2925.11. Kimberly was arrested at her residence at 540 1/2 W. 
Oregon Ave. by myself, Ptl. Peterman, and Ptl. Brindack.

Kimberly was brought back to station and processed and posted a $2,500 bond 
through All American Big Bob's Bail Bonds. Kimberly signed a recognizance forum and 
the bond agent gave me a power of attorney.

Kimberly was advised of her court date on 11/27/2019 at 1:00pm and was given a copy 
of her recognizance forum and was released.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT    10/13/1904   @   1748
Case No.: 19011137

Minor Misdemeanor

CITED: Blaize Weatherspoon (AGE 28)
725 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Littering and Deposit of Garbage    SCO 521.08(b)

On 11/20/2019 I noticed code enforcement violations at 725 W. Ohio Ave.

Ptl. Scott #505

I had given the person who resides at the residence multiple written and verbal 
warnings in the past for trash. The west side of the yard had large amounts of trash. 
The resident Blaize Weatherspoon was issued a citation for Littering & Deposit of 

I also noticed a vehicle in the drive way with a flat tire and when I ran the registration it 
came back expired. Blaize signed his citation and received a copy and was advised of 
his court date for MCC#3 on 12/05/2019 at 9:00am. Blaize was also given a junk 
vehicle letter and was advised to solve the issue withing 3 days or the vehicle would 
be towed.

Ptl. Scott #505


CaseNo.: 19011131 

Traffic - OVI
E. Ohio Ave. 1 N. 13th St.

CITED: Theresa King (AGE 56)
1239 Homeworth Rd. Alliance, OH 44601

OVI (SFST)    ORC 4511.19A1a   /   Bond $500

OVI (<. 17)     ORC 4511.19A1d  /   Bond $500

Left of Center  ORC 4511.29

On 11/19/2019 1 Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic stop that resulted in the arrest of the driver 
for OVI.

Ptl. Scott #505

I was on patrol in a marked police cruiser on W. Virginia Ave. traveling east when I 
noticed a vehicle a couple of blocks ahead of me driving erratically, driving left of 
center multiple times. I attempted to catch up to the vehicle but the vehicle turned 
south on N. 12th St. and came to a stop at a red light at the intersection of N. 12th St. 
and E. Ohio Ave. The vehicle then turned west on E. Ohio Ave. and while driving the 
vehicle came close to hitting the curb.

I then activated my emergency over head lights and initiated a traffic stop on E. Ohio 
Ave. and N. 13th St. The vehicle was a whte 2012 Chevrolet four door sedan bearing 
Ohio registration FOH7595. I approached the driver side and made contact with the 
driver later identified as Theresa King. I detected a strong odor of perfume fragrance 
when I spoke to Theresa. I informed her of the reason I had stopped her and 
requested her driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance which Theresa gave 

I asked Theresa where she was coming from and she stated home which she also 
stated was on Homeworth road in Alliance. I asked her why she was W. Virginia Ave. if 
she was traveling home and Theresa changed her story and said that she was on her 
way to an alcoholic's anonymous meeting on Pine Lake Rd. While speaking to 
Theresa I could detect a faint odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the vehicle, I 
asked Theresa if she had consumed any alcoholic beverages prior to operating her 
vehicle and Theresa stated no. I asked Theresa a second time and she stated that she 
had only one beer. I also noticed that next to Theresa's left leg was a burning ash from 
a cigarette burning her seat and she did not notice.

I asked Theresa to exit her vehicle so she could preform field sobriety testing in which 
she agreed to, Ptl. Villanueva arrived to assist at this time. I turned off the front over 
head lights as did Ptl. Villanueva so it would not interfere with sobriety testing. I 
instructed Theresa to stand towards the rear of her vehicle with her hands to her side 
and her feet together while I asked her some questions.

I asked Theresa if she had any medical or physical conditions which she said no, I 
asked Theresa if she took any medication which she said yes for high blood pressure, 
I asked Theresa if she wore corrective lenses which she stated yes, I asked Theresa if 
she could see properly while standing outside of her vehicle which she stated yes. 
Before starting any exercise I checked Theresa's eyes for a resting nystagrnus, equal 
tracking, and equal pupil size, Theresa did not have a resting nystagmus, both of her 
eyes tracked equally, and both of her pupils where of equal size.

The first exercise was the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus, I explained the instructions and 
after doing so I asked Theresa if she understood in which she stated yes, Once the 
exercise began I observed the following clues: Lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, 
Distinct nystagmus at maximum deviation in both eyes, and onset of nystagmus prior 
to 45 degrees in both eyes.

The next exercise was the Walk and Turn, I instructed Theresa to stand with her arms 
to her side and place her right foot in front of her left foot and to stay in that position 
while I explained the instructions and after doing so I asked Theresa if she understood 
in which she stated yes, Once the exercise began I observed the following clues: Did 
not touch heel to toe, Stepped off of the line, Used arms to balance, and Improper turn.

The next exercise was the One Leg Stand, I instructed Theresa to stand straight up 
with her hands to her side and her feet together while I explained the instructions and 
after doing so I asked Theresa if she understood in which she stated yes, once the 
exercise began I observed the following clues:  Swayed while balancing, Used arms to 
balance, and put foot down three separate times ending the exercise.

Based on the clues gathered from the exercises and my experience I placed Theresa 
in custody for suspicion of OVI and placed her hands in hand restraints and double 
locked them as well as reading her the Miranda rights, I then had Ptl. Villanueva pat 
Theresa down and place her in the rear of marked unit #301. 

An administrative inventory was preformed on the vehicle and all valuable property 
was listed on a tow sheet. Springer's Towing was called to the scene and the tow truck 
driver signed the tow sheet and towed Theresa's vehicle to Springer's on 10 N. 12th 
St. I transported Theresa to the station for processing.

Once back at station I removed Theresa's hand restraints and checked to see if 
Theresa had anything in her mouth which she did not so I started a 20 minute 
observation period. I read Theresa a BMV 2255 forum which she signed and Theresa 
agreed to give a urine sample and a breath sample.

Ptl. Villanueva observed Theresa give the urine sample and brought it into the sample 
to the table in the squad room when Theresa was finished and the appropriate paper 
work was completed and the sample was packaged and placed in the refrigerator in 
the squad room. After the 20 minute observation period was complete Theresa gave a 
breath sample which showed a BrAC = 0.098 which is over the legal limit of 0.08.

Theresa was issued a traffic citation for left of center ORC 451 1.29, OVI(SFST) ORC 
4511.I 9A1a, and OVI(<.17) ORC 4511.19A1d which Theresa signed and was given a 
copy of. Theresa was also given a copy of the BMV 2255 forum and her breath results. 
Theresa signed a recognizance bond of $1,000 for both OVI offenses which she 
signed and was given a copy of. 

Theresa was advised of her mandatory court appearance at Mahoning County Court 
#3 on 11/21/2019 at 9:00am which she acknowledged, Theresa was made aware that 
her court date was also listed on her recognizance forum and her citation. 

Theresa was advised that she was now under administrative license suspension which 
she acknowledged her driver license was confiscated. 

Theresa was then released to a sober and valid driver.

Ptl. Scott #505

PUBLISHED 11:35 AM 11/27/2019  *

Wednesday, November 20, 2019
09:43 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT    11-19-19   @   0143 hrs
CaseNo.: 19011127

Traffic Citations
800 Block of W. Ohio Ave.

CITED: Walker Lanham (AGE 26)
1119 Auld St. Alliance, OH 44601

Traffic Control Devices     313.01 ORD
Expired Plates                   335.10 ORD

On 11/19/2019 at 1:43am, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at the intersection of Johnson Rd and Ohio Ave. facing North when I 
observed a vehicle traveling South on Johnson Rd. roll through the intersection at Ohio 
Ave. without completely stopping while making a righthand turn.

The vehicle continued traveling West on Ohio Ave. and I then turned around and 
positioned myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on W. Ohio Ave near the 800 Block. The vehicle was a Gray 2013 Ford F-150 
bearing Ohio registration GXQ5626. 

Dispatch then notified me that the vehicle had expired plates. At this point, I then 
exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and informed the driver of the reason 
for the stop and requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance in 
which I received a valid license but no registration papers, and no proof of insurance. 
The driver was later identified as Walker Lanham.

I then issued a citation to Walker for Expired Plates 335.10 (ORD) and also for Traffic 
Control Devices 313.01 (ORD) and gave him a court date of 11/21/19 at 9:00am for 
MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. 

Once Walker signed the citation, I provided him with a copy and I then cleared the 
scene without further incident.

Ptl. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT     11/17/2019   @    1526 hrs
CaseNo.: 19011115 

Traffic / Speed
N. Johnson Rd & W. Virginia

CITED: William Mosteller F(AGE 22)
12571 Bandy Rd, Alliance

Speed 48/35      333.03

On this date and time, I observed the vehicle traveling North on N. Johnson Rd at W. 
Virginia Ave. I observed the vehicle traveling at a visibly high rate of speed, and was 
clocked via the radar at 48 Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph zone. 

The vehicle was stopped and the driver was issued a citation for speed 48/35 and was 
given a court date in Mcc#3 on 11/27/19 at 1pm. The driver also had a prior speed, in 
the past year.

Res. Sgt. S.T.McDaniel #509


ARREST REPORT    11/17/2019   @    0950 hrs
CaseNo.: 19011113

In front of 1100 N Johnson Rd, Sebring, OH

CITED: Benjamin Mikes (AGE 43)
1448 Wade Ave, Alliance, OH 44601

Speed: Over Limits (55135)   SCO 333.03

On Sunday, November 17, 2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling north on N 
Johnson Rd in marked unit #304 in the 1000 block. I observed a white truck near 
Sebring Woods travelling south at what appeared to be a rate of speed higher than the 
posted 35 MPH limit. 

Upon activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I observed a steady speed of 55 
MPH on the digital display. The vehicle maintained this speed as it crossed Courtney 
Rd. As the vehicle passed me, I activated my overhead emergency lights and turned 
around to initiate a traffic stop.

The vehicle, a white Chevrolet truck bearing Ohio registration HWU9190, came to a 
complete stop in front of 1100 N Johnson Rd. Upon establishing contact with the driver, 
identified as Benjamin Mikes, I identified myself and informed him of the reason for the 

While speaking to Mikes, I observed he was not wearing his seat belt and inquired 
about. Mikes stated he did not have his seat belt on before being pulled over. Mikes 
provided appropriate documentation upon request.

Mikes was issued traffic citation #031851 for SCO 333.03 Speed - Over Limits (55/35) 
and given a verbal warning for SCO 337.27 Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver). 

Mikes was informed of his appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Wednesday, November 27, 2019 at 1300.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT    11/15/2019   @   1844 hrs
Case No.: 19011104

Traffic - OVI
S. Johnson Road / SR 62

ARREST: Laura Hamby (AGE 50)
496 W.Virginia Ave. Sebring, Ohio 44672

OVI  /  4511.19 A(1)a  /  BOND $500.00    /   Driving Whlle Under the Influence of 
Alcohol and / or Drugs

OVI(High Tier)  /   4511.19 A(1)h  /  BOND $500.00  /   Driving While Under the 
Influence of AlcohollDrugs .17 of 1 gram or more by weight of alcohol per 210 liters of 

Failure to yield   /   4511.43a

On 11/15/2019 at 1840 I, Ptl. Peterman was dispatched to a vehicular accident with 
entrapment at the intersection of S. Johnson Road and SR 62.

Ptl. Peterman #511

Ptl. Scott, and myself arrvied on scene to see a white ford with the driver entrapped. 
Both officers, and arriving Sebring FD personnel hastily ensured all parties were not 
injured, all stated they were fine. 

I approached the driver side of the white ford to see the driver, Beva Zebrasky, was 
shaken up. Beva stated she was unable to exit the drivers side door because it was 
stuck closed, and so I was able to open the door to assist her out of the car. The 
passenger, Mari Gayler, was also shaken up but stated she was not injured. 

The driver of the silver ford, Laura Hamby, attempted to exit her vehicle, and partially 
stumbled upon exiting. I asked Laura if she was able to walk to my patrol vehicle to 
discuss the accident and noticed a smell of alcoholic beverage coming from her 
person. When we got into my patrol vehicle, I asked Laura if she was wearing her 
seatbelt, to which she stated yes. I also asked what happened to cause the accident, 
Laura states she "was at the light on 62, saw it turn yellow, and just went". As I 
continued the conversation in my patrol vehicle, there became a strong odor of an 
alcoholic beverage. I then had Laura exit my patrol vehicle, and asked if she had any 
medical or surgical issues I would need to be made aware of, to which she states "no". 
I then advised  Laura I could smell an odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from her 
person, and if she had anything to drink. Laura stated "I had two glasses of wine about 
four hours ago". I then advised that I wanted to give a field sobriety test to ensure she 
was okay to drive, to which she consented to. 

As I began my field sobriety test, I immediately noticed clues of lack of smooth pursuit 
and poor tracking in both left, and right eyes. As I started the test of distinct sustained 
nystagmus at maximum deviation, both eyes showed clues, and upon my final test, 
angle of onset prior to 45 degrees, I saw clues in both eyes as well. 

Upon completion of that portion of SFST, Laura stated to me "oh, I have an issue with 
my knee", to which I stated "I will be putting that into account, but why did you not tell 
me earlier?", she stated " I forgot to tell you", to which Ptl. Scott, and myself requested 
assistance of EMS to examine Laura.

After EMS cleared Laura, I attempted to show her the stance for the walk and turn test, 
and she was unable to place her right foot in front of her left foot without stumbling 
over. Laura became slightly agitated at this point, to which I asked "are you refusing 
the walk and turn test?" to which she was refusing to comply with giving me an answer. 
Ptl. Scott, and myself then placed Laura Hamby under arrest for suspicion of OVI 
4511.19. At this point, Laura became belligerent, swinging her arms around. Both 
officers assisted Lauras arms behind her back and placed handcuffs on her arms, as 
well as double locking them and testing for fitment. Laura was placed in the back of my 
patrol vehicle, at which time I took photographic evidence of the scene, then cleared to 

Upon arrival at station, I walked Laura into the squad room, and read the BMV 2255 to 
her as she followed along on a copy I gave her. I stated we could not tell her, or 
convince her whether to take a breath and urine test, or refuse. Laura consented to 
both. after her breath test results, I told Laura the legal limit in the state of Ohio was 
.08 BAC. I then advised Laura she had a breath test result of .192 BAC, and was now 
under arrest for OVI 4511.19 A(1)a, and OVI 4511.19 A(1)h, as well as Failure to yield 
4511.43(A), with an administrative license suspension. Laura then gave DO Wheeler a 
urine sample. Laura was given a recognizance bond to appear in court at MCC#3 
a0900A.M. November 21, 2019.  I then cleared without further incident.


On 11/15/2019 I Ptl. Scott responded US RT 62 and S. Johnson Rd. for a motor 
vehicle accident with entrapment and injuries. Upon arrival I observed two vehicles in 
the west bound lane, a SUV with front end damage and a sedan with front end 
damage on the right side of the SUV.

Occupants of the SUV where not entrapped and where able to exit the vehicle which is 
when EMS arrived and assessed the individuals for injuries. The driver of the sedan 
was still in the vehicle. Ptl. Peterman had the individual identified as Laura Hamby sit 
in his patrol car with him while he ran her information and asked her if she had any 
injuries which she stated that she did not. Ptl. Peterman stated he detected an odor of 
an alcoholic beverage and asked Laura to submit to field sobriety testing in which she 

I observed the Horizontal gaze nystagmus exercise and I saw multiple clues. Laura 
then complained of pain in her right leg. EMS assessed her and Laura was fine to 
complete the field sobriety. Laura attempted to do the walk and turn exercise but was 
unable to complete and was placed into custody for suspicion of OVI and Ptl. 
Peterman and Sgt. Kelm left the scene to process Laura at station and run a breath 
test. I remained on scene to direct traffic with Ptl. Tousant who arrived to assist since 
the accident was impeding traffic. The State Patrol was called to assist and they drew 
the sketch of the accident.

Springer's Towing arrived on scene and the vehicles where inventoried and towed to 
10 N. 12th St.

The two other individuals from the SUV signed refusals and where released and 
obtained rides home. Once the vehicles where towed and the debris was removed 
from the road way all units cleared. I returned to station and assisted with paper work 
with Ptl. Peterman, Laura blew a BAC of 0.192 received all appropriate paperwork 
including a recognizance bond from Ptl. Peterman and was advised of her court date 
on 11/21/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 and was released to her brother.

Ptl. Scott #SO5


ARREST REPORT    11/11/2019    @    1806
Case No.: 19011077

100 Block E. Vermont Ave.

CITED: Donald Unkefer (AGE 33)
710 Valley St. Minerva

OVI                                      4511.A1A  /    BOND $500.00

Failure to Control                4511.202

DUS-License Forfeiture     4510.11

On 11/11/2019 I was dispatched to a call for service that resulted in an OVI arrest.

Sgt. Kelm #503

On 11/11/2019 I was dispatched to 126 E. Vermont Ave. for a suspected unoccupied 
suspicious vehicle. Upon arrival I observed the vehicle, a light green in color Chevy 
Trail Blazer (HTG9198) which still had the engine running. I ran the registration which 
came back to Teresa Unkefer, 710 Valley St. Minerva. Upon further investigation I 
observed a male, later identified as Donald L. Unkefer, 710 Valley St. Minerva, 
slumped over in the drivers seat. I knocked on the window to attempt to gain the 
attention of Donald with negative results. I then opened the door which startled Donald 
and he awoke.

I then had Donald step out of the vehicle. While Donald stepped out he began to yell in 
pain and was having trouble standing up. I asked Donald if he needed medical 
attention and he replied that he did not. I then asked Donald where he was headed 
and he replied "the sand and gravel pit". Donald was also mumbling unintelligibly I 
advised Donald he was parked in someones front yard to which he replied "I sure am 
ain't I?". 

At this time Det. Redfem arrived on scene to assist. I was unable to smell the odor of 
alcohol but due to Donald's behavior I determined I would have him conduct 
standardized field sobriety tests to ensure he was able to drive.

I asked Donald if he had any medical problems with his eyes or anything that would 
hinder his ability to complete field sobriety testing and he advised he did not. I then 
began conducting standardized field sobriety test beginning with the horizontal gaze 
nystagmus (HGN). I instructed Donald to stand straight up with his feet together and 
arms at his sides. I then held my pen (black in color) approximately 12 inches from his 
face and asked if he could see the pen and he advised he could. I then asked Donald 
if he could tell me what color my pen was and he replied "white". I then checked for 
resting nystagmus which was not present and ensured both Donald's pupils were of 
equal size. I did observe Donald's right eye to have a crust formed around it and it 
appeared he had a lazy eye. 

I then attempted to check Donald for equal tracking. As I moved my pen Donald's eyes 
were not moving. I advised Donald multiple times to follow the pen with his eyes and 
his eyes only. Donald replied he could still see the pen.

Due to Donald not being able to complete the HGN I then instructed Donald to stand 
with his right foot in front of his left foot heel to toe with his hands down at his sides 
while I demonstrated the walk and turn test. I instructed Donald not to start the test 
until I told him to. I advised Donald to take 9 heel to toe steps and after the 9th step to 
make a series of small steps to turn around to the other direction and take 9 more heel 
to toe steps. I demonstrated so he would understand. 

While giving the directions for the walk and turn Donald used his arms to keep his 
balance and moved his right foot to the side several times. I then told Donald to begin 
the test. Donald stepped off the line several times, did not touch heel to toe, and when 
he was instructed to make a series of small steps to turn around he jumped into the air 
and spun his body around. 

I then advised Donald the last test would be the one leg stand. I instructed Donald to 
stand with his feet together and arms at his sides. I instructed Donald not to start the 
test until he was told to do so. I advised Donald when he was told to start to pick either 
foot and raise it in front of him approximately 6 inches off the ground, toe pointed 
forward, and count one thousand one, one thousand two and so on until told to stop. 
Once Donald began the test he used his arms to balance, and touched his toe to the 
ground several times.

At this time I placed Donald under arrest for OVI. Donald was handcuffed (gapped, and 
double locked) and placed into the rear of unit 302. Det. Redfern then had dispatch call 
for a tow truck. 

Myself and Det. Redfern then began an inventory of the vehicle(see tow sheet). 
Springer's Towing arrived on scene and took the vehicle to 10 N. 12th St. I then 
transported Donald to the station to be processed.

Once at the station, Donald was read the BMV 2255 and he advised he agreed to 
blood, breath, and urine tests. I operated the intoxilyzer which yielded a result of .000 
BAC. Donald advised he was unable to urinate at this time but agreed to a blood draw. 
Ptl. Peterman arrived on shift at this time and transported Donald to Alliance Hospital 
to have his blood drawn. 

Once Ptl. Peterman cleared from the hospital Donald was transported back to the 
station where he gave a urine sample but it was dropped and spilled on the floor. 
Donald was issued a citation for OVI 4511.19A1A, Failure to Control 4511.202, and 
DUS-License Forfeiture 4510.11. Donald's drivers license was also seized due to him 
driving while his license was suspended. Donald was advised of his court date at 
MCC#3 on 11/14/2019 at 0900hrs. Donald was then released on $800 recognizance 
bond and released to his mother Teresa Unkefer.

Sgt. Kelm #503

PUBLISHED 9:25 AM 11/20/2019  *

Thursday, November 14, 2019
08:38 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT     11/10/2019   @   1329 hrs
Case No.: 19011072

Traffic Speed 44/25
W. Georgia Ave and 16th

CITED: Kyle Boyd (AGE 24)
2465 Shunk Ave Alliance

Speed 44/25   /   333.03

On this date, and time, I observed a blue Mercury Marquis bearing Ohio registration 
HUQ9983 traveling east on W. Georgia Ave near 16th St. I observed the vehicle 
traveling at a visibly high rate of speed, and it was clocked via radar at 44 mph in a 
clearly posted 25 Mph zone. 

The vehicle was stopped and the driver was issued a citation for speed 44/25 and 
given a court date in Mcc#3 on 11/21/19 at 9am.

Res. Sgt. S.T. McDaniel # 509


ARREST REPORT     11/10/2019   @   1803 hrs
Case No.: 19010200

CITED: WARRANT: Victoria  Lindquist (AGE 32)
323 W. Vine Street Apt 3 Alliance

Theft (Warrant)   2913.02   /   BOND $1,250.00
DUS Citation       335.07

On 10/27/2019, I was met on station in reference to a theft report. I was met on station 
by a Patrick Hayhurst whom advised that he was at the laundry mat and someone 
stole his laundry basket. Patrick advised that the theft took place between 1900-2000. 
Patrick filled out a statement and cleared.    K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 10/27/2019. I made contact with the owner of the establishment whom advised that 
he would be out of town until Tuesday. I advised him that I would make contact with 
him then.   K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 11/4/2019, I went to the laundry mat and I observed the video of the alleged crime. 
I observed the victim Patrick place his laundry basket in the center of the room by the 
table. The alleged suspect who was identified as a female was observed taking the 
laundry basket from the laundry mat and placed it in a Honda Odyssey. The female 
then walked back to the laundry mat and finished her laundry. 

The victim then returned and looked for his basket that was unable to find his basket. 
The victim and the suspect both left. I took photos and reached to Facebook for 
assistance identifying the female.   K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 11/5/2019, I was contacted by Victoria Lindquest whom advised that she was the 
person in the video. Victoria then advised that she though the basket was abandoned 
and that she wants to return it to avoid charges.

Doing more research the victim who is a mentally disabled adult would elevate the 
theft to a F5 theft, and Victoria is suspended and I observed her drive the Van away 
with the stolen property. This case will be forwarded to Prosecutor Tolson for review.    
K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 11/05/2019, Prosecutor Tolson approved M1 Charge of Theft. Warrants will be 
drafted as well as a traffic citation for DUS. This case will be closed with pending 
warrants.    K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 11/10/2019, Victoria turned herself in on the warrant. Victoria was processed and 
released on a $1250 OR bond. Victoria returned the stolen property from the laundry 
mat. Victoria was given a court date of 11/7/19. This case will be closed.   K9 Det. 
Redfern 504

On 11/10/2019, contact will be made with the victim in this case to have the evidence 

REPORTING OFFICER: K9 Det. Redfern 504 , DATE: 11/10/2019 18:45


Case No.: 19011067

Criminal / Petty Theft

174 E. Oregon Ave Sebring, OH 44672

Petty Theft (M-1)    2913.02   /   Bond $1,250.00

At 02:14 hours, on November 10, 2019, I was dispatched to Circle K, at 205 E. Ohio 
Avenue, in reference to a shoplifting complaint.

Upon arrival, I made contact with the complainant, Cole Gibbons, who was the clerk on 
duty. Mr. Gibbons advised that a male subject, who he knows to be (JUVENILE), had 
just been in the store and placed what he believed was an Aux cord in his pocket 
before leaving without paying for it. Mr. Cole advised that he was able to very clearly 
see (JUVENILE) place the item in the pocket of his grey hoodie before he left the 
store. Mr. Cole advised that (JUVENILE) was probably now at Eddie Woodley's house. 
Ptl. Scott and I then proceeded to Eddie Woodley's residence, at 174 E. Oregon 

Once there, I made contact with an adult male subject at the front door. In speaking 
with the subject he advised that (JUVENILE) was inside and gave me consent to enter.

Once inside, (JUVENILE) came down from the upstairs area. I asked him if he had just 
been at Circle K, with him saying that he had been. When asked if he had taken 
anything without paying for it he initially denied that he had, but when I informed him 
that I would be going back to watch the security footage of the store, he advised that 
he had stolen a pair of Pug sunglasses. When asked where they were, (JUVENILE) 
picked them up off of a table in the front room and gave them to me. I then advised 
(JUVENILE) that I would be detaining him until it could be determined if Circle K would 
like to pursue charges regarding the matter. After advising (JUVENILE)of this, I placed 
him in handcuffs, which were properly spaced and doubled locked, as well as 
conducted a pat down of his person for weapons. It was then determined by Ptl. Scott 
that staff at Circle K wanted to pursue theft charges in the matter. I then read 
(JUVENILE) his Miranda rights, which he said that he understood, advised him that he 
was now under arrest, and placed him in the back of car 301.

Once back at station, (JUVENILE) was processed and photographed as well as given 
a $1,250.00 own recognizance bond. (JUVENILE) was advised that he will have an 
initial appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 at 9:00am on Thursday, November 
14, 2019. Due to the finger print machine not working, Ptl. Scott advised that he will 
bring (JUVENILE) back to station after his court appearance on Nov 14 and attempt to 
finger print him then. (JUVENILE) was then released from custody.

After releasing (JUVENILE) from custody, I again returned to Circle K to speak with 
Clerk Cole Gibbons. Mr. Gibbons provided me with a voluntary witness statement and 
was able to tell me that the Pug sunglasses that (JUVENILE) had taken were valued at 
$13.99, determining this by using an identical pair that was still on the shelf of the 
store. Cole advised that an assistant manager will be in later in the day and that they 
would be able to say if they wish to have a notice of restriction placed on (JUVENILE).

The sunglasses will be secured in evidence locker #2. Nothing additional to report at 
this time.

Ptl. Reed  #513

At 06:40 hours, on November 10, 2019, I served (JUVENILE) with a notice of 
restriction after it was signed by Ast. manager Brandi Springer.

Ptl. Reed #513


ARREST REPORT     11/9/2019   @   1728 hrs
CaseNo.: 19011063

100 block W Texas Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Andrea Fraas (AGE 22)
10500 Laughlin Mill Rd, Lisbon, OH 44432

Obedience to Traffic Control Device     SCO 313.01

On Saturday, November 9,2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting t r a f f i c 
enforcement in marked unit #301 on E Texas Ave at S 15th St facing west. I observed 
a blue sedan proceed through the intersection from the south and turn west onto W 
Texas Ave without stopping at the posted stop sign. I activated my overhead 
emergency lights and proceeded west through the intersection to initiate a traffic stop. 
The vehicle, a blue Mazda bearing Ohio registration GUW7260, came to a complete 
stop in the 100 block of W Texas Ave.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Andrea Fraas, I identified myself 
and informed her of the reason for the stop. Fraas provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request. Fraas was issued traffic citation #031750 for SCO 
313.01 Obedience to Traffic Control Device and informed of her appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, November 21,2019 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT     11.8.2019   @   0922 hrs
CaseNo.: 19011051

Near 436 W Virginia Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Randall Berger (AGE 67)
224 E Oregon Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

Operation of Vehicle at Stop Signs    SCO 331.19

On Friday, November 8, 2019, I,Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling east on W 
Virginia Ave in the 400 block in marked unit #304. Upon approaching the intersection 
at N 18th St, I observed a red Saturn stopped at the stop sign with the left turn signal 
activated. Before I entered the intersection, the red Saturn turned west onto W Virginia 
Ave in front of me, nearly causing an accident. It should be noted, there are no stop 
signs for east and west bound traffic at W Virginia Ave and N 18th St, only north and 
south bound traffic has a stop sign.

I activated my overhead emergency lights and turned around to initiate a traffic stop.

The red Saturn, bearing Ohio registration HCF8065, came to a complete stop near 436 
W Virginia Ave. Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Randall Berger, 
he immediately admitted he was in the wrong and thought I was going to stop at the 
intersection. Berger provided appropriate documentation upon request.

When Berger realized he was receiving a traffic citation, his demeanor began to 
deteriorate and he became agitated. Berger demanded to know why he was receiving 
a citation when he stopped at the stop sign. I informed Berger he was receiving a 
citation because he failed to yield after stopping at the stop sign and that him failing to 
yield could have caused an accident. Berger began to rant about events not related to 
the traffic stop and complain he never receives a break.

Berger was issued traffic citation #031749 for SCO 331.19 Operation of Vehicle at 
Stop Signs and informed of his appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, November 21,2019 at 0900. Due to Berger's attitude at this point, a 
signature was not requested and he was informed of two courses of action: File a 
complaint with the Sergeant and/or exercise his constitutional rights and contest the 
ticket on his court date.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT     11/7/2019   @   0733 hrs
Case No.: 19011040


CITED: Jacob Graham (AGE 33)
18393 5th St #102, Beloit, OH 44609

Driving Under Suspension (12 pt)  SCO 335.07

Warrant (Alliance Police Department)

On 11/07/19 I was parked in front of the Sebring school admin building at 5 10 N 1 4th 
St facing South towards Indiana Ave. while there I observed a tan truck travelling west 
bound on E Indiana go through the stop sign at N 14th st and Indiana Ave with out 
coming to a complete stop. I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle a 2004 tan Chevy 
truck bearing OH temp tag J729731 which pulled over in the drive way of 115 E 
Indiana Ave. 

The driver later identified as Jacob Graham began to exit the vehicle and I exited my 
patrol car and instructed Jacob to remain seated in his vehicle and radioed for another 
unit, Ptl. Marchionda arrived shortly afterward. I ran Jacob through dispatch and 
discovered he was suspended and had a warrant out of Alliance for failure to appear. 

Ptl. Marchionda and myself got Jacob out of the car and detained him while we waited 
for Alliance to advise a meeting place to exchange custody. Jacob was handcuffed in 
placed in the back of Ptl. Marchionda's cruiser, and I radioed for a tow and began an 
inventory of the vehicle. 

Springers arrived on scene and towed the vehicle.

Jacob was issued a citation for DUS (12 point suspension) 335.07 with a court date at 
MCC#3 of 11/14/1 9 at 0900hrs and given a verbal warning for traffic control device. 
Jacob was given a copy of the citation which he did not sign as he was already cuffed 
and was advised of his court date and taken to "Ralph's deli" by Plt. Marchionda and 
turned over to Alliance.

Ptl. Brindack #506


ARREST REPORT    11/7/2019   @   1153 hrs
Case No.: 19011044



On 11/07/2019 myself (512), Det. Redfern 504, Chief Harris 502 and Ptl. Marchionda 
507 were made an arrest.

Ptl. Villanueva #512

While on station 504 and myself received a call stating that Justen Warner and Alexus 
Carver were at a home on West Oregon with possible illegal drug activity. With that 
information it was found that Justen Warner had a warrant out for his arrest for a 
Parole Violation out of Columbus. 

Myself and 504 went to locate both individuals at the home but had negative contact. 
While en route back to station both units visualize a Silver in color PT Cruiser which 
was Alexus Carvers vehicle. 504 confirmed that Justen Warner was seated in the 
passenger side in the vehicle as it passed his cruiser. 

The vehicle turned and so myself, 504 and 502 patrolled attempting to relocate the 
vehicle in which it was found at Circle K. 504 then notified Justen of his warrant and 
began detaining him and I arrived shortly along with 502 and 507. After Justen was 
placed into 507's cruiser safely, 504 asked Alexus if she would consent to search the 
vehicle in which she accepted. After searching the vehicle and nothing found and all 
units cleared. 

Justen was then transported by 507 to the station to be processed and soon after, 
transported to Youngstown Jail. No further incidents to report.

Ptl. Villanueva #512


ARREST REPORT     11/7/2019   @   1436 hrs
Case No.: 19011047 

Traffic - DUS
E. Indiana Ave. 1 N 13th St.

CITED: Ashley Crawford (AGE 40)
696 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

DUS   SCO 335.07

On 11/07/2019 at 2:36pm I Ptl. Scott was at the high school to pick up a cruiser and 
was standing in of the school with Ptl. Brindack and a vehicle pulled up by us to pick 
up a child from the school and I noticed the person driving was Ashley Crawford who I 
knew to have a warrant out of Stark county, the vehicle was a 2017 KIA S W bearing 
Ohio registration EU3 8PE.

I made contact with Ashley and witnessed multiple open containers, I had Ashley exit 
the vehicle and informed her of her warrant and administered field sobriety testing with 
no results, Ashley gave consent to search the vehicle which additional open containers 
where found and a smoking pipe with ash inside that Ashley admitted to be marijuana, 
dispatch then advised me that Ashley was suspended.

The open containers where dumped out and the pipe was confiscated, Ashley was 
issued a traffic citation for driving under suspension SCO 335.07 with a court date of 
11/14/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. Ashley signed 
the citation and was provided with a copy, Ashley was given warnings for the open 
container and the marijuana paraphernalia. She was allowed to drive the vehicle to her 
residence at 696 E. Ohio Ave. since she had her child with her and officers followed 
Ashley home and advised that she is not to be operating any vehicle while under 

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT     11/6/2019    @   1043 hrs
CaseNo.: 19011036

Traffic - Speed

CITED: Nicole Foraker (AGE 34)
236 Alabama Ave, Sebring 44672

SPEED (51/35)   ORD 333.03

On 11/06/2019 at 1043 hours, I, Ptl. Villanueva was stationary on the South looth block 
of Johnson facing South conducting traffic control when I noticed a black in color SUV 
heading North approaching at what I visualized as a higher rate of speed than the 
posted speed. I activated my mounted radar unit and locked a speed of 51 MPH in a 
35 MPH zone. I then activated my emergency lights and conducted a traffic stop who I 
identified as Nicole Foraker of Sebring. I introduced myself and requested her license, 
registration and proof of insurance. Nicole then notified me that she does not have her 
driver's license on her person and that the vehicle is not hers. I asked Nicole who was 
the owner of the vehicle and she told me it was her mother's, Tanna Fisher of Sebring. 

I looked over the information that was provided (Insurance and Registration) and 
notified Nicole that both were not current. She went looking through the glove 
compartment and located the updated version of the registration and handed it to me. I 
asked her if she was on her mother's insurance and she said she was not but she has 
her own. I requested her insurance and she told me she did not have it. I asked if she 
could please provide me her SSN in which she obliged and so I contacted dispatch on 
my personal. Dispatch then notified me that Nicole was suspended and so I requested 
Springer's to come have the car towed.

I approached the vehicle and notified Nicole that her license was suspended and that 
the vehicle had to be towed. I also handed her citation #031500 for ORD 333.03 
Speed (51/35) and ORD 335.07 Driving under Suspension. I told her she had a 
mandatory court date of 11/14/2019 at 0900 hours at MCC #3. She confirmed she 
understood all the information I told her and she signed the citation. I then gave Nicole 
a courtesy ride to her home at 236 Alabama Ave, Sebring so she would not get injured 
from walking on S. 12th street. I then cleared.

Ptl. Villanueva #512


ARREST REPORT     11/5/2019    @   0630 hrs
Case No.: 19011029

W. Ohio and Johnson Rd.

CITED: Michael Caldwell (AGE 28)
180 Ohio Ave. Apt 10, Salem, Ohio

Right of way at Intersection   SCO 331.16

On 11/5/2019 at approximately 0630 hours, I (Ptl. Stanton) arrived to a traffic accident 
on W. Ohio Ave and Johnson Rd.. I immediately checked for injuries and notified 
dispatch of what has happened. I obtained both drivers identifications and the at fault 
driver did not have his insurance on him. This driver is identified as Michael Caldwell 
and he stated he is driving his fathers car and is unaware as to where the insurance 
card could be. Michael also admitted fault stating he was not watching the intersection 
properly and struck the other driver. 

I initiated an OH-1 report and issued Michael Caldwell a citation for "right of way at an 
intersection" - Sebring ordinance 331.16 . Michael has being issued a court date of 14 
Nov. 2019 at Mahoning County Court #3 as well for not having proof of insurance and 
has been instructed to show proof of insurance at that time. Both vehicles at this time 
are ablwe to operate without assistance so no tow truck was needed. Michael pulled 
his car into an abandoned driveway and is awaiting a tow from a private party through 

No injuries are noted at this time and the roadways were cleared without incident.


Ptl. Stanton #508


INCIDENT # 19-011034
Date: 11/05/2019   15:16 hrs

2917.11 Disorderly Conduct
306.5 W. Pennsylvania, Sebring, Oh

On 11/5/2019, I was dispatched to the 300 block of West Pennsylvania Avenue in 
reference to a Domestic in progress.  K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 11/5/2019, I was dispatched to the 300 block of West Pennsylvania Avenue in 
reference to a Domestic in progress. I arrived on location and found Crystal Barcey in 
the roadway screaming and yelling. I ordered Crystal to cease and desist. Crystal 
continued despite my lawful order. 

Crystal was detained and placed into the rear of Ptl. Scott's cruiser who just arrived 
moments after me. I then spoke to the caller Sierra Ledsome whom advised that 
Crystal was her aunt and Crystal got physical and pushed her. Sierra advised that she 
was over Crystal being there and always putting her hands on her. I then obtained a 
statement. Sierra advised that she did not want to proceed with charges. 

I obtained a DV refusal. Due to this being an ongoing issue with Crystal and me being 
at Crystals residence several times. Crystal refused to obey a lawful order to cease 
and desist. Crystal was then arrested for Disorderly Conduct persist. Crystal was then 
taken back to the station and was processed. Crystal was photographed and 
fingerprinted. Crystal was given a Bond for the amount of $500. Crystal was given a 
court date of 11/7/2019. Crystal was then released on an OR bond.

K9 Det. Redfern 504   DATE: 11/05/2019 20:03

PUBLISHED 8:29 AM 11/14/2019  *

Wednesday, November 06, 2019
04:40 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   11/3/2019  @  1227 hrs
Case No.: 19011022

Traffic / Speed
Courtney Rd at Allied Dr

CITED: Christy Newman (AGE 42)
2315 20th St NE, Canton

Speed 54/35   /    333.03

On this date and time, I observed a white KIA Soll traveling east on Courtney Rd at 
Allied Dr. I observed the vehicle traveling at a visibly high rate of speed, and was 
clocked via the Radar at 54 Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph zone. 

The vehicle was stopped and the driver was issued a citation for speed 54/35 and 
given a court date in Mcc#3 on 11/14/19 at 9am.

Res. Sgt. S.T. McDaniel #509


Case No.: 19011023

Traffic Turn Signal DUS
Courtney Rd at N. Johnson Rd

CITED: Shawn Shuman (AGE 41)
206 E. Oregon Ave, Sebring

Turn Signal     331.14
Lic Forfeiture Susp    335.074

On this date and time, while on patrol in the Village of Sebring I observed a purple 
Plymouth Voyager bearing Ohio temporary registration J266782 traveling north on N 
Johnson Rd at Courtney Rd. I observed the vehicle make a right turn onto Courtney 
Rd without activating a turn signal. 

I made a stop on the suspect vehicle and identified the driver as Shawn L Shuman 206 
e. Oregon Ave in the village of Sebring. Dispatch advised that Mr. Shuman's operator's 
license was under a License Forfeiture Suspension. Mr. Shuman was issued a citation 
for Turn Signal Violation 331.14, and DUS 335.074, and given a court date in Mcc#3 
on 11/7/19 at 9am.

Res. Sgt. S.T.McDaniel # 509


ARREST REPORT    11/2/2019   @   1929 hrs
Case No.: 19011014

Traffic / DUS
E. Georgia Ave. / S. 12th St.

CITED: Kalvin Franklin III (AGE 19)
7590 S. Pricetown Rd. Berlin Center, OH 4440 1

DUS   /   SCO 335.07

On 11/02/2019 at 7:29pm I observed a vehicle at the stop sign on E. Georgia Ave. and 
S. 12th St. with its headlights off and hazard lights on, the vehicle was a 2013 
Chevrolet 4 door sedan bearing Ohio registration HDB2266. I made contact with the 
driver who was identified as Kalvin Franklin III who stated his car turned off and I told 
him to put in park and try and it turned on. I ran Kalvin's information and dispatch 
advised me that he was suspended.

I informed Kalvin and had him move his vehicle in a nearby parking lot to avoid 
backing up traffic. I wrote Kalvin a traffic citation for Driving Under Suspension SCO 
335.07 and advised Kalvin of his court date on 11/07/2019 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance required for MCC#3 because Kalvin did not have proof of insurance.

I stood by with Kalvin had his mother and his aunt come to the stop to pick up the 
vehicle, I told his mother and aunt the situation and cleared.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT    11/2/2019   @   2358 hrs
Case No.: 19011017

Traffic Loud Exhaust
N. 14th St. I E. Oregon Ave.

CITED: Braxton Perkins (AGE 20)
1000 W. Tennessee Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Loud Exhaust    SCO 331.36

On 11/02/2019 at 11:58:pm I Ptl. Scott observed a vehicle traveling south on N. 14th 
St. near E. Ohio Ave. that had a loud exhaust. I initiated a traffic stop on N. 14th St. 
AND E. Oregon Ave. The vehicle was a silver 2000 Subaru Hatchback bearing Ohio 
registration HKJ4142.

I approached the driver side of the vehicle and informed the driver of the reason for the 
stop and requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance. I only 
received a driver's license and identified the driver as Braxton Perkins.

I requested a consent search of the vehicle and it was granted by Braxton. Ptl. 
Everhart searched the vehicle and no contraband was found.

Braxton was issued a traffic citation for loud exhaust SCO 331.36 due to having 
multiple warnings in the past. Braxton was given a court date on 11/07/2019 at 9:00am 
with a personal appearance required for MCC#3, Braxton signed his citation and was 
provided with a copy and all units then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #505


Case No.: 19011012

696 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

WARRANT: Matea Kohl (AGE 18)
696 E Ohio Ave, Sebring,OH 44672

Warrant (Failure to Appear - Theft)

On Saturday, November 2, 2019, Patrolman Marchionda arrested a female in the 600 
block of E Ohio Ave. on a warrant out of Columbiana County Sheriffs Office.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507 


CaseNo.: 19011011 

2361246 W. Vermont Ave. Sebring, Ohio

CITED: First Demarco (AGE 21)
28 Helena Dr. Struthers, Ohio 4447 1

Operation w/o reasonable control   /   333.08

On November 2, 2019 at 1518 I, Ptl. Peterman #511, was dispatched to a car vs. 
house accident at 236 W. Vermont Ave. Arriving at 1519, I spoke to the driver, 
Michalena Demarco, who states she was attempting to back onto the roadway, and 
accidently put it in drive and drove through the yard of 236 W. Vermont, then the house 
of the same address, and finally through the yard of 246 W. Vermont. I asked if anyone 
needed medical attention, to which all stated no, but FD was called to the scene at the 
same time as well. 

Ptl. Marchionda #507 showed up on scene as well to provide traffic control. The 
vehicle was stopped in the middle of the roadway when I arrived. The owner and 
passenger, the drivers mother Amanda Marie Panno, restated the same about the 
incident. I took insurance information for both the homeowner, and the owner of the 
vehicle. Both driver and passenger stated they were wearing their seat belt at the time 
of the accident.

Upon further investigation, I determined the driver of Unit #1 traveled through the yard 
of 236 W. Vermont, striking the front left portion of the house, traveling through the 
yard of 246 W. Vermont, exiting onto the roadway, and stopping. Michalena was cited 
for operation w/o reasonable control (SCO 333.08) with a mandatory court date of 
11/8/2019 @ MCC #3. 

I obtained homeowner insurance information from the homeowner (Sandy and Beaver 
insurance company, policy # GB177143), then cleared the scene without further 

Ptl. Petennan #511


Wednesday, October 30, 2019
09:23 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT  10/28/2019   @  2025 hrs
Case No.: 19010207

555 W. California Ave.

CITED: Christopher Guildoo 
555 W. California Ave. Sebring, Ohio 44672

Loud Crackling Exhaust    ORD 331.36

On October 28,2019 at 2025 hours, I Ptl. Peterman #511, was patrolling westward 
along Pennsylvania Ave. when I noticed a black colored vehicle traveling S. on 15th 
St., crossing the railroad tracks, with an exceptionally'loud and crackling exhaust. I 
proceeded West along Pennsylvania in an attempt to catch up to the vehicle. 

Upon coming up to the vehicle, I read the license plate to dispatch (HRV 1296), and 
was advised it returned to Christopher Guildoo. Upon initiating my overhead 
emergency lights, and audible siren, I approached the vehicle that was stopped at 555 
W. California Ave. I approached the vehicle, and asked the driver if he was Steven 
Guildoo, as Dispatch advised Steven had a warrant out of Alliance. I was told no, that 
he was Christopher Guildoo. 

At this time K9 det. Redfern showed on scene to assist in my investigation. 

I asked Christopher for his identification, and also to advise him that his exhaust was 
too loud for village ordinance.  Catherine Woods came outside and was asking 
questions about my traffic stop, and I advised Catherine that this was not in reference 
to her, and that she was obstructing an official investigation if she continued. Catherine 
started making comments about my traffic stop, and was again warned by K9 Det. 
Redfern #504 that we were still investigating, and that she would be charged with 
Obstructing Official Business if she were to continue.

Catherine went inside the residence, and returned outside with identification for 

I ran the license to dispatch, and was told everything was valid, then advised 
Christopher he was going to receive a citation for Loud crackling exhaust (ORD 
331.36). I wrote the citation, returned to Christopher, then asked for valid insurance for 
the vehicle. Christopher failed to obtain valid insurance, and was given a mandatory 
appearance court date of November 7, 2019 @ 0900A.M. 

I then cleared the scene without incident.

Ptl. Peterman #511


Case No.: 19010194 

448 S. 14th Street Sebring, OH

Charged: Kylie Lanave (AGE 21)
448 S. 14th Street Sebring, OH 44672

OVI (Suspicion)  4511.19A1a    /   BOND $500.00
OVI (high tier)    4511.19A1h     /   BOND $500.00

October 27, 2019, at 02:08 hours, a female subject called 911 and stated that she had 
crashed her car before hanging up the phone. Upon conducting a welfare check of the 
subject in the 400 block of S. 14th Street, she was arrested for OVI.

October 27, 2019, at 02:08 hours, I was in the dispatch area of the Sebring Police 
Dept. when Dispatcher Wheeler received a 911 call from a female subject who said 
that she had crashed her car before hanging up. Dispatcher Wheeler then called the 
phone number back, making contact with the female subject again, who identified 
herself as Kylie Lanave. Dispatcher Wheeler advised that Lanave said that she had 
been fighting with her boyfriend, that she was at her mother's house, and that 
everything was okay. 

Due to the suspicious nature of the Lanaves call, Ptl. Scott and I decided to check 
Kylies mother's house at 448 S. 14th street to check on her well being. Upon arriving 
at the address, we made contact with the boyfriend of Kylie's mother at the side door 
to the residence, with him advising that Kylie was not there. Ptl. Scott and I noted that 
Kylie's Red Kia was not in the driveway either.

Because it appeared that Kylie was not at her mother's house and she had said that 
she was involved in a fight with her boyfriend, who I know to be a Jake Fullerton who 
lives on W. California Avenue, I began to drive toward his residence while Ptl. Scott 
remained at her mothers. 

Immediately after starting toward Fullerton's house, Ptl. Scott advised that he had 
located Kylie at the front of her mother's residence. 

Upon returning, I found Ptl. Scott standing by the driver side door of a red Kia Rio, 
bearing Ohio registration HLD 2133, which was parked on the grassy area between S. 
14th Street and the sidewalk in front of Kylie's mothers house. As I exited my patrol 
car, I overheard Ptl. Scott telling Kylie to step out of her vehicle. After Kylie exited from 
the driver seat of the vehicle, I noticed the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage 
emanating from her person. When asked if she had been drinking at all, Kylie did say 
that she had been drinking earlier with her mother. Kylie also advised that she had just 
driven home from her boyfriend's house. 

When confronted with what appeared to be fresh damage to the passenger side of her 
car was well as her statements on the phone about having been involved in a crash, 
Kylie said that she was just trying to make her boyfriend worry about her and had not 
crashed her car. I also at this point noticed her keys were still in the vehicles ignition 
and fresh tire tracks were in the yard leading up to the car from 14th street.

Kylie then agreed to perform Standardized Field Sobriety Tests to determine if she 
were impaired. I then instructed Kylie stand straight up with her arms at her side as 
well as instructed her to follow the tip of my finger with her eyes and not to move her 
head while doing so. Upon conducting the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test, I noted 
equal pupil size and equal tracking in both eyes and no resting nystagmus. In going 
further with the test, I noticed lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, distinct and 
sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation in both eyes, as well as onset of 
nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both eyes.

The next test was the walk and turn test. I instructed Kylie to stand with her arms at 
her side and her right foot touching heel to toe with her left foot while I gave her further 
instructions. I also told her not to begin the rest until I advised to do so. Kylie said that 
she understood after having the test explained to her several times. Upon performing 
the test, I noticed that Kylie did not touch heel to toe, as well as stepped of the line on 
multiple instances. It should be noted that the test was conducted on level and flat 

After completing the walk and turn test, I gave Kylie instructions on the one leg stand 
test. I instructed Kylie to stand straight up with her arms at her side, and to raise the 
foot of her choice approximately six inches off of the ground and to begin counting out 
loud in a one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three manner until told 
to stop. Kylie said that she understood. Upon starting the test, I noticed that Kylie 
swayed while attempting to balance, as well as put her foot down three times, resulting 
in the test being ended. 

Based on Kylie performance on the tests as well as my training and experience, I 
placed her under arrest for suspicion of OVI. Kylie was then placed in handcuffs, which 
were spaced and double locked, before being secured in the back of car 303. I then 
read Kylie her Miranda Rights, with her saying that she understood and wanted to talk 
to me about the incident. Kylie went on to say that she had been drinking with her 
mother earlier in the evening before going to her boyfriend's house on W. California 
Avenue. Kylie went on to say that she had consumed either three beers and two jack 
and cokes or three jack and cokes and two beers, and that she couldn't remember 
which it was. When asked how long she had been sitting in her vehicle before we 
made contact with her, she advised not long, possibly around five minutes.

Once back at station, I read the BMV 2255 form to Kylie with her then signing it. Kylie 
then provided a urine sample, which was monitored by Dispatcher Wheeler. After a 20-
minute observation period a breath sample with was collected by Ptl. Scott as well. 
Kylie's breath sample showed her BAC to be at 0.220. After being fingerprinted and 
photographed, Kylie was given citation #031543 for OVI (ORC4511.19A1A and 
4511.19A1H), due to her BAC being over 0.17. 

Kylie was then given a $1000.00 own recognizance bond and advised of her 
mandatory court appearance at Mahoning county Court 3 on Thursday, October 31, 
2019, at 9:00am. After Kylie left the police station, I checked the area between her 
boyfriend's house and hers for a possible spot that she could have crashed her car 
with none being located. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #513


Case No.: 19010176

Traffic - Exuired Plates
N. 12th St near Ohio Ave.

CITED:  David Rinehart (AGE 43)
127 E. Florida Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Expired Plates    335.10 ORD

On 10/25/2019 at 7:28pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
West on Ohio Ave. when I observed a vehicle traveling South on 12th St. at the 
intersection of Ohio Ave. with a headlight out.

The vehicle continued traveling South on 12th St . and I then turned left onto 12th St. 
and positioned myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on 12th St. i n between Ohio Ave. and Oregon Ave. The vehicle was a Black 
2011 GMC Canyon bearing Ohio registration FKW8141.

Dispatch then notified me that the vehicle had expired plates. At this point, I then 
exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and informed the driver of the reason 
for the stop and requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance in 
which I received a valid license but no registration papers, and no proof of insurance. 

The driver was later identified as David Rinehart. I then gave David a verbal warning 
for the headlight violation and I issued him a citation for Expired Plates 335.10 (ORD) 
and gave him a court date of 10/31/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal 
appearance required. Once David signed the citation, I provided him with a copy and I 
then cleared the scene without further incident.

Ptl. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT    10/25/2019    @   0723 hrs
Case No.: 19010171

S 15th St near W Texas Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Jerry Thomas (AGE 58)
527 Hickory Lane, Salem, OH 44460

Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver)    SCO 337.27

On Friday, October 25,2019, I,Pa trolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement on E Georgia Ave at S 15th St facing west in marked unit #301. I 
observed a black truck turn west onto E Georgia Ave and watched as it began to 
accelerate rapidly. Upon activating the forward mounted radar antenna, I observed the 
vehicle's speed rise to 39 MPH in a posted 25 MPH zone. I proceeded west on E 
Georgia Ave and activated my overhead emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop. The 
vehicle turned south onto S 15th St and came to a complete stop just north of W Texas 

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Jerry Thomas, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. While speaking to Thomas, I 
observed he was not wearing his seatbelt and inquired about it. Thomas admitted he 
had not been wearing his seatbelt prior to being stopped. Thomas provided his Ohio 
driver's license upon request but was unable to provide valid proof of insurance.

Thomas was given a verbal warning for the speed violation (39/25) and issued traffic 
citation #031747 for SCO 337.27 Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver). Thomas was 
informed of his mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, November 7,2019 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT    10/23/2019   @    1251 hrs
Case No.: 01901058 

Traffic - SPEEDING

CITED: Molly Cunningham (AGE 27)
2443 Linden Ave, Alliance 44601

SPEEDING (39/25) ORD 333.03

At 125 1 hours, on October 23,2019, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked 
unit 304.

While sitting stationary on California Avenue in front of Unifax, I observed a Green in 
color vehicle that was traveling east on California at what appeared to be a speed 
higher rate of speed than the posted 25 MPH speed limit. Upon activating the rear 
facing mounted radar unit, I obtained locked speed of 39 MPH as it approached my 
patrol car. Once the vehicle passed me, I activated my emergency lights and initiated a 
traffic stop on the Green Kia Soul bearing Ohio registration HWC1828. 

Once the vehicle came to a stop, I approached and made contact with the driver who I 
identified by as Molly Ann Cunningham. I advised Molly of the reason for the stop, as 
well as asked for her driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. I also 
asked if she was aware of her speed, then her saying that she did not think she was 
going so fast, admitting that she had not been paying attention to her speedometer. 

She then provided me her driver license, vehicle registration, and her insurance 

I then returned to my patrol car and wrote Molly citation #031499 for SCO 333.03, 
speed: over limits (39/25). She was then given a court appearance at MCC #3 at 
9:00am on Thursday October 31,2019 which I informed her she was not required to 
attend unless she wanted to dispute the citation. Molly then stated she would not like 
to disputed it and admitted again that she was speeding and signed her citation and 
was given her blue copy. I then requested she be safe pulling back onto the roadway 
and I cleared.

Ptl. Villanueva  10/23/19


ARREST REPORT    10/23/2019    @    0900 hrs
Case No.: 19010132


Last McCullough First Brian Middle Gene
194 East Virginia, Sebring, OH 44672
135 East Ohio, Sebring, OH

Summons / Brian McCullough (AGE 54)
194 East Virginia, Sebring, OH

Annual Registration of Dog: Tags Required     505.03

On 10/20/2019, While responding to a call of service I observed a white and brown pit 
bull mix in the curb lawn of a near by residence.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

INCIDENT NUMBER: 19-010132 REPORT DATE: 10/20/2019 17:41:00

On 10/2012019, While responding to a call of service I observed a white and brown pit 
bull mix in the curb lawn of a near by residence. While arriving on scene at the 
McCullough residence at 194 East Virginia Avenue, I observed a dog in front of Betty 
Householder's residence. The dog was going to the bathroom and then went on the 
steps of the Householder's residence. Paying little attention to the dog I was making 
contact at the McCullough's residence I noted that the dog left the Householder's 
residence and came to the McCullough's residence and laid down in the back yard. 
The dog did not have any tags on nor a collar. 

I then made contact with the residents at the McCullough's residence whom advised 
that the dog belonged to Brian McCullough. The residents secured the dog in the 
house. Once I cleared the call I observed no previous dog running at large letters. I 
prepared a letter to be delivered tomorrow. In the mean time I will call the Mahoning 
County Dog Warden tomorrow to check that the dog is properly registered, so in the 
event that the dog is not registered that can be addressed the same time the running 
at large letter is served.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 10/22/2019 I spoke to the Mahoning County Dog Wardens office whom advised 
that there is no active registration for Brian McCullough. The dog warden advised that 
there was a expired tag in the system for Rosco, but nothing current. I went to the 
McCullough's residence to speak to Brian whom was not home. Brian's daughter 
Cheyanne was home and advised that she hasn't spoke her dad in a few days and he 
hasn't been home. Cheyanne advised that the dog that was at the residence was 
indeed Rosco. 

A summons for Brian will be drafted to be served.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On this date Mr. McCullough came to the station and he was served his Order to 
Appear on the 31st of October @0900, MMC#3.

Chief Harris  #502


PHONE (330) 938-6114 CLASSIFICATION FAX (330) 938-3427
Case No.: 1901 0065

555 W. California Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Christopher Guildoo (AGE 41)
555 W. California Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Littering & Deposit of Garbage     SCO 521.08b

On 1010912019 1 Ptl. Scott observed code enforcement violations at 555 W. California 

Ptl. Scott #505

The care taker had a vehicle in the drive way with no license plates, and rubbish and 
tires in the side of the front yard.

The residents were also given a copy of the ordinance pertaining to permit due to 
complaints of a private business allegedly in the portable garage. The care taker has 5 
days to remove the rubbish and tires and 72 hours to put a valid license plate on the 
vehicle. The care taker stated that the garage was put up to store the trash and not to 
run a business.

Ptl. Scott #505

On 10/17/2019 I arrived at the residence and the vehicle was gone and the trash was 
still scattered through the yard. I issued Christopher Guildoo for Littering & Deposit of 
Garbage SCO 521.08b.

Christopher was given a court date of 10/24/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3. Christopher 
signed the citation and was provided with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #SO5

PUBLISHED 10:15 AM 10/30/2019  *

Wednesday, October 23, 2019
05:47 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   10/21/2019  @  1348 hrs
Case No.:  19010140

S 15th St near W Texas Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Xiao Gao (AGE 32)
8550 Ridgemont Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Obedience to Traffic Control Device SCO 313.01

On Monday, October 21,2019. I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #304 on E Texas Ave at S 15th St. I observed a white 
commercial truck approach the intersection from the north and continue south, failing 
to stop at the posted stop sign. I activated my overhead emergency lights, audible 
siren and turned onto S 15th St to initiate a traffic stop. The commercial truck, bearing 
Pennsylvania registration AG84496, came to a complete stop on S 15th St near W 
Texas Ave.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Xiao Gao, I identified myself 
and requested he provide the appropriate documentation. After receiving the 
appropriate documentation, Gao was issued traffic citation #031745 for SCO 313.01 
Obedience to Traffic Control Device. Gao was informed of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, October 31,2019 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT   10/20/2019   @   0915 hrs
Case No.: 19010127

S 15th St at W California Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Brandon Thorne (AGE 22)
349 W 5th St, Salem, OH 44460

Driving Under Suspension (Noncompliance)     SCO 335.07

On Sunday, October 20,2019, I,Pa trolman Marchionda, was patrolling the west end of 
the village in marked unit #304. While stopped on the south side of N 17th St at W 
Ohio Ave, I observed a green Chevrolet truck, bearing Ohio registration HTG5097, 
stopped at the stop sign on the north side. I performed a random registration check 
through dispatch as I circled my way around onto N 15th St from W Maryland Ave. 
Dispatch relayed the information back as I got behind the vehicle in the downtown 
area, I was informed the registered owner's license status was suspended. Dispatch 
also advised there was a driver license confiscation order out from the registrar.

I activated my overhead emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop and the vehicle came 
to a complete stop on S 15th St at W California Ave. Upon establishing contact with 
the driver, identified as Brandon Thorne, I identified myself and informed him of the 
reason for the stop.

Thorne confirmed he was the registered owner of the vehicle and stated he had driving 
privileges through Columbiana County Municipal court, which he provided. I asked 
dispatch if driving privileges were showing up on LEADS and I was advised they were 
not and that Thorne was under another suspension through Alliance Municipal Court. I 
asked Thorne if he still resided at the address on his license and he stated he did.

I asked Thorne why he was in Sebring and he stated he was at his girlfriend's house, 
an unauthorized trip, which he admitted he knew was unauthorized. Being unable to 
confirm the privileges he presented were current and active through dispatch, I 
advised Thorne he would be cited and his vehicle towed unless he was able to contact 
a valid driver. Thorne stated there was no one he could call that was valid. I notified 
dispatch to summon a tow truck to the scene to tow the vehicle.

Per the confiscation order from the registrar, Thorne's Ohio driver license was 
confiscated. Thorne was issued traffic citation #031744 for SCO 335.07 DUS and 
informed of his mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, October 24,2019 at 0900. Thorne was allowed to retrieve items from the 
vehicle under close supervision and released from the scene on foot. Springer's 
arrived on scene, signed the tow sheet and the vehicle was removed from the 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT   10/20/2019  @   1357 hrs
Case No.: 19010130 

Traffic/ Speed 52/35
Courtney Rd near Allied Dr

CITED: Heather Richkowski (AGE 50)
2113 Old Elm St NE Canton

Speed 52/35    333.03

On this date and time, I observed a Gray Ford Escape bearing Ohio registration 
HTV8568 Traveling westbound on Courtney Rd near Allied Dr. The vehicle was 
observed traveling at a visibly high rate of speed, and was clocked via the radar at 52 
Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph Zone. 

The vehicle was stopped and the driver one Heather Eilig Andrea Richkowski was 
issued a citation for speed. The driver was given a court date in Mcc#3 on 10/31/19 at 

Res. Sgt. S.T.McDaniel # 509


ARREST REPORT   10/19/2019  @   1039 hrs
Case No.: 19010124

Traffic/ Speed 56/35
S. 12th St near Georgia Ave

CITED: Eric McClain (AGE 46)
1199 Lewis Ave, Coraopolis

Speed 56/35   333.03

On this date and time, while on patrol in the Village of Sebring, Mahoning County, I 
observed a Lt. Brown Buick traveling North on S. 12th St near Georgia Ave. I observed 
the vehicle to be traveling at a visibly high rate of speed. The vehicle was clocked via 
the radar at 56 Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph zone. I activated my over head lights 
and the vehicle continued to travel Northbound. The vehicle was stopped on N. 12 th 
St at E. Ohio Ave. I identified the driver as one Eric C. Mc Clain of 1199 Lewis Ave, 
Coraopolis PA. I advised Mr. McClain the reason for the stop, and his female 
passenger stated that they were talking and wasn't paying attention. 

Mr. McClain was issued a citation for speed, and As I was attempting to gather 
information for the citation McClain became very agitated and arguementive with this 
officer. Mr. McClain was asked several times as to his County of residence and he 
continued to state that he didn't have a county. I was finally able to get the county for 
the citation, and he also was failing to provide a telephone number when asked and 
when asked his weight for the citation stated 500 Lbs when I could see that wasn't 
true. Each time Mr. McClain would begin arguing his female passenger would advise 
him to just give the information. 

After several of minutes of explaining the reason for the request of information, and 
that was the information the court wanted. Mr. McClain was issued a citation for speed, 
and given a court date in Mcc#3 on 10/31/19 at 9am.

Res. Sgt. S.T. McDaniel # 509


ARREST REPORT    10.19.2019   @  1220 hrs
Case No.: 19010125

S 15th St near US HWY 62, Sebring, OH

CITED: Ruth Agnew (AGE 53)
315 Wayne St, Baden, PA 15005

Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver)    SCO 337.27

On Saturday, October 19,2019, I,Pa trolman Marchionda, was patrolling north on S 
15th St from US HWY 62 in marked unit #304. I observed a truck within the village 
limits heading south at what appeared to be a rate of speed higher than the posted 35 
MPH limit. 

Upon activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I observed and locked in a speed 
of 49 MPH on the digital display. As the truck passed me outside the village limits, I 
activated my overhead emergency lights, audible siren and turned around to initiate a 
traffic stop. The vehicle, a maroon Chevrolet truck bearing Pennsylvania registration 
EF0814, came to a complete stop on S 15th St short of US HWY 62.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Ruth Agnew, I identified myself 
and informed her o f the reason for the stop. While speaking with Agnew, I observed 
she was not wearing her seatbelt and inquired about it. Agnew admitted she wasn't 
wearing her seatbelt before being stopped. Agnew provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request. Agnew was issued traffic citation #031743 for SCO 
337.27 Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver) and given a verbal warning for the speed 
violation (49/35).

Agnew was informed of her appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, October 31,2019 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT    10.17.2019   @   1122 hrs
Case No.: 19010113 

S 15th St, Outside Village Limits

CITED: Troy Scott (AGE 40)
227 N Elm St, Columbiana, OH 44672

Speed: Over Limits (55/35)     SCO 333.03

On Thursday, October 17, 2019, I,Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling north on S 
15th St outside the village limits in marked unit #303. While approaching the village 
limits, I observed a silver vehicle crest the hill southbound at a rate of speed appearing 
higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. 

Upon activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I observed speeds climb from 49 
MPH to 55 MPH on the digital display. After locking the vehicle speed in at 55 MPH 
and as the vehicle passed me outside the limits, Iac tivated my overhead emergency 
lights and turned around to initiate a traffic stop.

The vehicle, a silver Chevrolet 4-door sedan bearing Ohio registration ECM5920, 
came to a complete stop on S 15th St just south of the village limits. Upon establishing 
contact with the driver, identified as Troy Scott, I identified myself and informed him of 
the reason for the stop. Scott admitted to not paying attention to how fast he was going 
and provided the appropriate documentation upon request. Scott was issued traffic 
citation #031742 for SCO 333.03 Speed: Over Limits (55/35) and informed of his 
appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, October 31,2019 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT    10/17/2019   @   1525  hrs
CaseNo.: 19010118

Traffic  /   SPEED
300 block W. Texas Ave Sebring, OH 44672

CITED:  Lester Summers (AGE 55)
831 Wade Ave Alliance, OH 44601

Speed (38/25)    SCO: 333.03

At 15:25 hours, on October 17,2019, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked 
unit 303.

While sitting stationary on West Texas Avenue in front of the community Center, I 
observed a red Chevrolet Cobalt that was traveling westbound on W. Texas Avenue in 
front of the park, at what appeared to be a speed higher than that of the 25 MPH 
posted limit. 

Upon activating the rear facing radar antenna to my in-car radar unit, I obtained locked 
speed of 38 MPH, with the vehicle then slowing down to the speed limit as it 
approached my patrol car. Once the vehicle passed me, I activated my overhead 
emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop on the red cobalt, bearing Ohio registration 
HRU 9871. Once the vehicle came to a stop, I approached and made contact with the 
driver, identified by his Ohio Driver License as Lester T. Summers. I advised Mr. 
Summers of the reason for the stop, as well as asked for his driver license, vehicle 
registration, and proof of insurance. I also asked Mr. Summers if he was aware of his 
speed, with him saying that he did not believe that he was going 38 MPH, but also 
admitting that he had not been paying attention to his speedometer. Mr. Summers then 
provided me his driver license, vehicle registration, as well as showed me his 
insurance information on his cell phone.

I then returned to my patrol car and wrote Mr. Summers citation #031542 for SCO 
333.03, speed: over limits (38/25). Mr. Summer as given a non-mandatory court 
appearance at MCC #3 at 9:00am on Thursday October 31,2019. Mr. Summers then 
signed his citation, was advised of his non mandatory court appearance, and received 
his copy of the citation. 

It should be noted that the calibration to the in-car radar unit in car 303 was 
successfully verified at both the start of my shift as well as immediately after issuing 
Mr. Summers his citation. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #513


ARREST REPORT    10/15/2019   @   1640 hrs
Case No.: 190010011

Criminal- Summons
115 E. Indiana Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED: Shane Trainer (AGE 34)
115 E. Indiana Ave. Sebring, OH

Littering and Deposit of Garbage SCO 521.08b

On 10/02/2019 1 Ptl. Scott while on patrol noticed possible code enforcement 
violations at 115 E. Indiana Ave.

Ptl. Scott #505


I observed trash and rubbish along side the back yard by the garage on the property 
and delivered a trash letter to the care taker of the residence, the caretaker has 5 days 
to resolve the issue.

Ptl. Scott #505

DATE: 10/02/2019 18:01


On 10/15/2019 The care taker of 115 E. Pennsylvania Shane Trainer was cited for 
Littering and Deposit of garbage SCO 521.08b due to the rubbish still being in the back 
yard. Shane's court date is 10/24/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3.

Shane signed the citation and was provided with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #505
DATE: 10/15/2019 17:53

PUBLISHED 6:38 AM 10/23/2019  *

Wednesday, October 16, 2019
07:50 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   10/15/2019   @  3:35 hrs
Case No.: 19010098

535 W Ohio, Sebring Ohio

Cited: Brian Chernikovich (AGE 27)
22895 Lexington Rd

2 Headlights Required   SCO 337.03

On 10/15/2019 at approximately 0335 hours, I (Ptl. Stanton) witnessed a vehicle 
coming east towards me while I was traveling west on Ohio Ave. The vehicle in 
question had one headlight out and I turned my cruiser around and initiated a traffic 
stop. The vehicle pulled into the driveway of 535 W Ohio and I followed it, going 
forward with the traffic stop. 

I made contact with Brian A. Chernikovich who was the driver of the vehicle. I advised 
Brian of the reason for the traffic stop and he was aware his headlight was out stating 
that it blew out while he was driving it tonight. 

I ran Brian through Dispatch since the vehicle did not belong to him and Dispatch 
advised he is suspended through non-compliance. I advised Brian of this and he was 
surprised stating that he was unaware he was suspended. Brian claims he took care of 
everything necessary to become valid and does not know why he is still labeled as 

At this time I issued Brian Chernikovich a citation for 2 Headlights Required under the 
Village of Sebring Ordinance 337.03. Citation number #031378. I also issued Brian a 
verbal warning about his suspension, taking into account the holiday weekend. I 
further advised Brian that I am making his court date mandatory, giving him the benefit 
of doubt that he did indeed take care of the suspension. If he did not, I advised he 
would need to take care of it before the court date so he is valid when the ticket is due. 

Brian advised he will not be driving the vehicle and would leave it parked at the 
address of 535 W Ohio, Sebring Ohio 44672. Since the vehicle was already parked 
and is valid at the time of stop I did not tow the vehicle and agreed with Brian to leave 
it at the residence since that is where he would be residing tonight as well.

Brian signed the citation at this time stating he will arrive at the court date of 
10/24/2019 at 0900 hours to clear up the matter of his license. 


Ptl. Stanton #508


ARREST REPORT     10/12/2019   @   0304 hrs
Case No.: 19010084 

155 1/2 E. Maryland Ave. Sebring

Arrest: Michele Morrow (AGE 55)
155 1/2 E. Maryland Ave. Sebring

Assault   2903.13A1
Disorderly w/Persistance   2917.11A1A

On 10/12/2019 myself and Ptl. Everhart were dispatched to 155 1/2 E. Maryland Ave. 
for a disturbance. 

Sgt. Kelm #503

Upon arrival we made contact with Michele Morrow and Allen Reed. It should be noted 
that this was the second time in my shift officers were dispatched to this address.

When officers made contact with Michele she advised she was just packing her things 
so she could leave. At this time Michele was being very cooperative, took her dogs to 
her car and was going to leave. Ptl. Everhart and I were standing by until Michele left 
when she got out of her car and advised her brothers were coming right away to pick 
up her belongings. Michele then began to walk toward the house. When Michele 
arrived at the door Allen was standing in the doorway. Michele then grabbed Allen near 
the bicep and pulled him away from the door and shoved him. Michele entered the 
house and began packing her things. I advised Michele that what she had just done 
was considered assault. While Michele was packing Allen was getting agitated and 
advised Michele was taking all of his stuff.

Michele was then advised she was being placed under arrest for assault. Ptl. Everhart 
then placed Michele in handcuffed behind her back double locked and gapped. As Ptl. 
Everhart attempted to maintain control of Michele she pulled away and advised Ptl. 
Everhart to "keep your fucking hands off me". Michele became very irritated and 
advised she needed to call her mother to get her medication.

I asked Michele where her medication was located and she advised it was inside. I 
then advised I could retrieve her medication for her so she could take it with her to the 
jail. Michele advised "I don't want you to touch any of my shit". Once Michele was 
finally placed into cruiser 304 she was transported by Ptl. Everhart to the station for 

Upon arrival to the station Michele again yelled at Ptl. Everhart to "keep your fucking 
hands off me". Michele also advised she needed medical attention because her blood 
pressure was high. The whole time during processing Michele refused to cooperate 
and would not sit down. Michele also refused to have her picture taken for booking. 

Officers attempted to get a photograph and were able to get a profile photo. While 
standing by for Sebring EMS to arrive Michele accused officers of refusing medical 
treatment. I advised Michele we called for EMS and we were waiting for their arrival.

Once Sebring EMS arrived on scene Ptl. Everhart escorted Michele to the ambulance 
to be assessed. EMS advised they would have to transport Michele to Alliance 
Hospital to be cleared to go to jail. Ptl. Everhart followed the ambulance to the hospital. 
Once cleared Ptl. Everhart responded back to the station to pick up the required 
paperwork for the jail. 

Upon Ptl. Everhart arriving he advised the whole time they were at the hospital Michele 
was very uncooperative and refused to let anyone touch her. Ptl. Everhart then 
transported Michele to MCJC.

After further review a charge of 2917.11A1A/Disorderly conduct with persist/M-4 as 
well as  2903.13A1 / AssauIt / M-1 

Sgt. Kelm #503



Upon arrival to the scene we made contact with caller later identified as Allen Reed 
who advised us that his girlfriend later identified as Michele Morrow was causing a 
disturbance while she was removing personal belongings out of the house. Michele 
advised us that she was getting ready to move out and was removing her belongings. 
Allen then stated to us that Michele was stealing his belongings and that he wanted 
her charged for theft. We then informed Allen that this matter was civil and that there 
was nothing we could do being that we did not know who owned the items or who they 
belonged to.

At this point, while Allen was standing in the doorway, Michele then came down the 
stairs and grabbed Allen's arm near his bicep and pulled him away from the door and 
then shoved him as well. I then told Michele to turn around and I then placed her under 
arrest for Assault and Disorderly conduct with persist. Michele at this point also yelled 
profanity and would not allow me to escort her to my cruiser. 

After getting Michele into the cruiser, I then transported her to the station and upon 
arrival to the station, she advised me that she needed an ambulance because of her 
blood pressure being too high. We then brought Michele into the station and waited 
until Fire/Ems arrived.

Upon arrival of Sebring Fire/Ems, they then checked her out and stated to us that she 
needed to go to the hospital being that she had high blood pressure. Fire/Ems then 
transported her to the Aultman and I then followed them there and stayed there with 
Michele until she was medically cleared to go to MCJ. Once, they cleared Michele, I 
then transported her to MCJ. 

Michele will have a set court date of 10-17-19 @0900 for MCC#3 and she was 
charged with 2917.11A1A Disorderly Conduct with Persist (M4) and also 2903.13A1 
Assault (M-1).

Once I arrived to MCJ and they booked and processed her, I then cleared without 
further incident.

Ptl. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT     10/09/2019   @   1254 hrs
Case No.: 19010006


Johnny   Stewart (AGE 28)

THEFT (M- 1 )   ORC 2913.02 (A1)
CRIMINAL DAMAGE (M-2)   ORC 2909.06 (A1)

On 10/1/2019 I was dispatched to 296 W. Vermont Ave. for a disturbance.

Sgt. Kelm #503

Upon arrival I made contact with the complainant Samantha Shultz. Samantha advised 
her boyfriend Jonathan Stewart threw her van keys and she could not find them. 
Samantha also advised Jonathan also broke the ceiling light in her bedroom and stole 
$10 dollars from her daughter so he could buy cigarettes. Samantha also advised 
Jonathan is a convicted sex offender. Samantha then advised she knew Jonathan 
planned to take her van tomorrow and advised he does not have a license. 

I advised Samantha if Jonathan takes the car to come to the police station and make a 
report. I then advised Samantha a report would be sent to the prosecutor for approval 
of charges. I also advised Samantha of the steps to take to begin eviction if she 
planned to go that route.

It should also be noted that Jonathan, a registered sex offender, has been staying with 
Samantha who's daughter is approximately 1 year old. 

While walking through the house there were multiple bags of trash and loose dirty 
diapers sitting on the floor in the bedroom. It was also observed there were 2 dogs in a 
crate, one of which had a large sore that appeared to be infected on its back leg. 
These conditions are concerning for the health and safety of the child. 

This case will also be forwarded to Child Protective Services. 

Sgt. Kelm #503

On 10/2/2019 I received an email from Prosecutor Tolson approving a charge of Theft 
ORC 2913.02A1/M-1 and Criminal Damage 2909.06A1/M-2. Summons for both 
charges will be drafted and sent to court.

Sgt. Kelm #503

REPORTING OFFICER: Vilianueva, Jasmine BADGE NO.: 512 / DATE: 10/09/2019 

On 10/09/2019, I attempted to serve Johnathan Stewart his summons but had 
negative contact. Will attempt again at a later time.

Ptl. Villanueva #512
1 0/09/2019

At 1254 hours I successfully served Johnathan Stewart with his summons to appear at 
court on 10/10/2019 at 0900hrs and confirmed he understood he needed to appear. I 
then cleared. 

Ptl. Villanueva #512


ARREST REPORT   10/09/2019   1244 hrs
Case No.: 19009148 

308 S. 15th St. Sebring, OH 

Summonsed: Larry Walrath (AGE 42)
308 S. 15th St. Sebring, OH 44672

Noxious or offensive odors   SCO 521.09

On 9/19/18, I was advised that there was a nuisance residence at 308 South 15th 
Street. I arrived at the residence and spoke to the resident whom was in his garage 
with several vehicles. The resident was actively working on vehicles with several other 
people. The resident was asked if he was conducting a business and he advised that 
he was not and that these vehicles were his own cars. I advised the resident that he 
was not allowed to operate a business there and he needed to cease and desist if he 
was. I then cleared.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 09/25/2019, I was met on station by Jamie whitelatch whom advised that the house 
across the street was running a business out of it. Jamie advised that there were at 
least four different tow companies over the past few weeks that have dropped off 
vehicles to the residence. 

Jamie advised that she would try to take photos of the vehicles and tow trucks there 
were loading and off loading vehicles.

This case will be kept open for further investigation.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 10109/2019 I followed up on a complaint from Brent Rarick that lives on W. Florida 
Ave. who stated that Larry Walrath was painting vehicles on his property in his garage. 
Brent said that being in a residential area the fumes could be harmful to the public.

I then spoke to Larry at his residence at 308 S. 15th St. and asked him if he had been 
painting his vehicles, Larry told me he did and was told by an officer to stop and stated 
that he complied. Brent's statement says Larry has continued long after being warned. 

On Larry's property there was a vehicle that was partially painted in plain view on the 
side of the road that he admitted to adding paint primer to. Based on follow ups by Det. 
Redfern and what was gathered on this day I filled out state complaints for Noxious or 
Offensive Odors SCO 521.09 that will be sent to court.

Ptl. Scott #505

On 10/09/2019 I served Larry with a summons for Noxious or Offensive odors SCO 
521.09, Larry's court date is 10/10/2019 at 9:00am at Mahoning County Court #3.

Ptl. Scott #505



ARREST REPORT   10/08/2019   @   1347 hrs
Case No.: 19010059 


Cited: Roberta Taylor (AGE 64)
165 Heacock Rd, Sebring


On 10/0812019 at 1347 hours, I, Ptl. Villanueva was on patrol on North Johnson 
headed south to the intersection of Johnson and W. Ohio when I noticed a white SUV 
driving in the middle of the roadway for an extended amount of time ahead of me. 
While the vehicle was still headed South, it began to slow down make a right turn from 
Johnson and W. Ohio when I also witnessed the driver not stop at the 4-way stop. I 
then activated my lights and attempted to stop the vehicle. 

The driver took some time to hear my sirens and notice my lights before finally 
stopping and so I called the plate in and made contact with the driver who I identified 
as Roberta Taylor of Sebring.

I introduced myself and requested her license registration and proof of insurance in 
which she provided. Roberta then asked why she was being stopped in which I 
informed her the reasoning for her stop was for driving in the center of the roadway on 
N. Johnson and failing to stop at the stop sign at Johnson and W. Ohio. I then proceed 
to my cruiser and cite her for Traffic Control Devices ORD 313.01 and Marked Lanes 
ORD 331.08. 

She then begins to argue stating she stopped and then asked what she did exactly. I 
explained to her how she drove heading south on Johnson in the center of the 
roadway up until reaching the intersection and then explained how she slowed to the 
intersection and rolled through it making her right turn onto W. Ohio. I explained the 
citation given with the information of MCC #3 and there will be a court date 10/10/2019 
at 0900hrs if she would like to dispute the citation but told her it is not mandatory. I 
then cleared.

Ptl. Villanueva #512   10/08/2019


ARREST REPORT  10/07/2019
Case No.: 19010054 

500 Block W California Ave, Sebring, OH

Cited: Austin Phillips (AGE 21)
141 E Columbia St, Alliance, OH 44601

Speed: Over Limits (45/25) SCO 333.03

On Monday, October 7, 2019, I,Pa trolman Marchionda, was patrolling W California 
Ave in marked unit #304. Before attempting to turn west onto W California Ave from 
the American Legion, I observed a red Chrysler heading west at a rate of speed 
appearing higher than the posted 25 MPH limit. Immediately after turning west onto W 
California Ave, I stopped my cruiser and activated the forward mounted radar antenna 
in stationary mode. 

After observing 45 MPH on the digital display, I activated my overhead emergency 
lights, audible siren and proceeded after the vehicle to initiate a traffic stop.

The vehicle, bearing Ohio registration HPN7958, came to a complete stop in the 500 
block of W California Ave. Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as 
Austin Phillips, I identified myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Phillips 
provided the appropriate documentation upon request. 

Phillips was issued traffic citation #031739 for SCO 333.03 Speed: Over Limits (45/25) 
and informed of his appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
October 17,2019 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507

PUBLISHED 8:40 AM 10/16/2019  *

Wednesday, October 09, 2019
07:32 AM -0500

Case No.: 1901 0052 

Sebring PD

WARRANT:  Antonio Sabatine (AGE 26)
540 Hills Dale Dr. Sebring Ohio 44672

Probation Violation

On 10/6/2019, A male came on to station whom advised that he had a warrant that he 
wanted to turn himself in on. 

Antonio Sabatine advised that he was screened out of a pre-employment opportunity 
due to a warrant. After doing some research it was found that Antonio did indeed have 
a bench warrant for case 2016CRB00223 a probation violation for an original charge of 

Antonino was taken into custody and processed. Antonio was then transported to the 
Mahoning County Justice Center without incident.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


ARREST REPORT  10/5/2019  @  1848 hrs
Case No.: 19010045


545 N. 15TH ST. SEBRING, OHIO 44672

DUS (12-POINT)      SCO 335.07

On Saturday 10/5/2019 I,Patrolman Peterman #511, was conducting patrol N. on 15th 
St. when I recognized a vehicle I had previously noted to be a suspended driver. I 
turned around, approached the rear of the vehicle, and advised dispatch to confirm if 
the registered owner was still on suspension. Dispatch confirmed my suspicion of a 
license confiscation order by the bmv, and I initiated a traffic stop by activating my 
emergency overhead lights and audible siren.

The vehicle pulled over on the corner of S. 15th St. and E. Georgia. I approached the 
vehicle, and confirmed it was the owner, and advised her of her license forfeiture due 
to a 12-point suspension. The driver procured her driving privileges, but I was advised 
by dispatch that her privileges were revoked in earlier September.

It was then I gave Brook Hughes a citation for Driving under suspension (SCO 
335.07), and advised her I would be following her home to park her vehicle, and she 
was not to drive the vehicle until she established driving privileges. I then cleared the 
scene without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #511


ARREST REPORT    10/5/2019   @  1735 hrs
Case No.: 190 10042 


185 macandrew way blacklick, ohio 43004

Expired Registration MM     SCO 335.10

Fictitious Plates M4    SCO 335.10

On Saturday 10/5/2019 I,Pa trolman Peterman #511 was conducting westbound 
stationary speed radar at the Modern China business store on E. Ohio near N. 12th St. 
w hen I observed a vehicle traveling east on ohio at 39 MPH in cposted 25 MPH zone. 
As the vehicle passed me, I activated my overhead emergency lights and audible 
siren. The vehicle pulled over quickly into the parking lot of the court house, 
determined to be a gray honda 4-door. I advised dispatch of my stop, and asked for 
confirmation that the vehicle also had expired registration tags. Dispatch advised the 
plate registration was expired, and was also advised the plates(HIG4377) were coming 
back onto a 2009 Hyundai. 

On approach, the vehicle driver advised she had documentation to prove i t was hers, 
and provided me with said documents. I advised her the vehicles registration was also 

After advising dispatch all the proper documentation was confirmed, I advised the 
driver they would be getting a warning for the speed, but would receive a citation for 
Expired Registration MM(SC0 335.10)) and fictitious plates M4(SCO 335.10). I then 
cleared with no further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #511


ARREST REPORT    10.5.2019   @   1451 hrs
Case No.: 19010039

W California Ave at S Johnson Rd, Sebring, OH

CITED: Homer Swanson IV (AGE 22)
30992 State Route 30, Hanoverton, OH 44423

Speed: Over Limits (48/25)    SCO 333.03

On Saturday, October 5,2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #304 on W California Ave near 5 15th St facing east. I 
heard and saw a black truck near 395 W California Ave turn west onto W California 
Ave and begin to accelerate rapidly. Upon activating the rear mounted radar antenna, I 
observed a speed of 40 MPH and continued to observe it rise on the digital display. I 
locked the vehicle in at 48 MPH in a posted 25 MPH zone.

I pulled onto W California Ave, activated my overhead emergency lights, audible siren 
and proceeded to catch up with the vehicle. As I closed the distance, the black truck 
bearing Ohio registration HLW3057, came to a complete stop on W California Ave at S 
Johnson Rd. Patrolman Peterman observed the stop while en route to the station for 
his shift and provided cover. Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as 
Homer Swanson, I identified myself and informed him of the reason for the stop.

Swanson stated he was only going fast to try and get the transmission to shift gears 
because it was stuck in third gear. Swanson provided the appropriate documentation 
upon request and was issued traffic citation #031738 for SCO 333.03 Speed: Over 
Limits (48/25).

Swanson was informed of his appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, October 17,2019 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT    10.4.2019   @   1240 hrs
Case No.: 19010030 

W California Ave @ S 15th St, Sebring, OH

CITED: Martin Gruhler (AGE 52)
40 N Highland Ave, Akron, OH 44303

Speed: Over Limits (46/25)    SCO 333.03

On Friday, October 4,2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #304 on W California Ave near S 15th St facing east. I 
observed a vehicle in my sideview mirror near S 17th St heading east at a rate of 
speed appearing higher than the posted 25 MPH limit. Upon activating the rear 
mounted radar antenna, I observed and locked in a speed of 46 MPH on the digital 
display. As the vehicle passed me, I activated my overhead emergency lights and 
pulled onto W California Ave to initiate a traffic stop. 

The vehicle, a silver Honda 4-door sedan bearing Ohio registration GQH5594, came to 
a complete stop on W California Ave at S 15th St.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Martin Gruhler, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Gruhler provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request. Gruhler was issued t raffic citation #031737 for SCO 
333.03 Speed: Over Limits (46/25) and informed of his appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 0900.

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


Case No.: 19010 028 

700 Block W Ohio Ave, Sebring, Ohio

CITED:  Patricia Donovan (AGE 29)
225 E Michigan Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

Obedience to Traffic Control Device    SCO 313.01

On Friday, October 4,2019, I,Pa trolman Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #304 on N Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave. I observed a white 
Ford Edge proceed west through the intersection without first coming to a complete 
stop at the posted stop sign. I activated my overhead emergency lights and pulled onto 
W Ohio Ave to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, bearing Ohio registration EZZ3916, 
came to a complete stop in the 700 block of W Ohio Ave.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Patricia Donovan, I informed her 
of the reason for the stop. Donovan stated she was running late and was in a hurry. 
Donovan provided the appropriate documentation upon request. After explaining the 
citation to her, she stated, "I'm not signing that."

Donovan was issued traffic citation #031736 for SCO 313.01 Obedience to Traffic 
Control Device and informed of her appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, October 17,2019 at 0900. Donovan was informed if she was dissatisfied 
with receiving the citation, to exercise her constitutional rights in court and plead not 

Patrolman D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT   10/3/2019   @   1851 hrs
Case No.: 19010026

I00 block of W. California Ave

CITED: Zachary Mucklo (AGE 24)
11271 Island Creek Dr. Beloit, OH 44609

Speed (38/25)     SCO 333.03

At 18:51 hours, on October 3,2019, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked 
unit 304. While sitting stationary in the parking lot of United Die, at 100 S. 17th street, 
facing westbound on California Avenue, I observed a grey Kia traveling eastbound at a 
speed that appeared to be higher than the posted 25 MPH limit. Upon activating my 
front facing radar antenna, I obtained a locked speed of 38 MPH, just as the vehicle 
approached S. 17th street. I then activated my overhead emergency lights, positioned 
my patrol car behind the grey Kia, and initiated a traffic stop.

Upon making contact with the driver, I advised him of the reason for the stop as well as 
requested his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. I also asked 
the driver if he were aware of how fast he was going with him informing me that he 
was not and that he had been on his phone. The driver then handed me the requested 
documents, with is Ohio Driver License identifying him as Zachary M. Mucklo. After 
verifying that Mr. Mucklo had a valid driver license and no outstanding warrants for his 
arrest, I issued him citation #031541. Mr. Mucklo was citated for speed, Sebring 
Codified Ordnance 333.03, for going 38MPH in a 25MPH zone. Mr. Mucklo was given 
a court time and date of 9:00am on Thursday, October 17,2019, with no personal 
appearance required. Mr. Mucklo then signed the citation and was later given his copy. 

It should be noted that the calibration to car 304's in car radar was successfully verified 
at both the start of my shift at 15:00 hours as well as immediately after issuing Mucklo 
his citation. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed


ARREST REPORT   10/2/2019    @   1901 hrs
Case No.: 19010016

W. Ohio Ave. IN. 20th St.

ARREST: Maverick Evans (AGE 27)
236 Alabama Ave Apt.5 Sebring, OH 

Endangering Children    ORC 2919.22

On 10/02/2019 1 Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic stop for a obedience to a traffic control 
device which resulted in the arrest of the passenger.

Ptl. Scott #505

I was traveling west on E. Ohio Ave. when I observed a vehicle in front of me fail to 
stop at the traffic light at Ohio Ave. and N. 15th St. I then caught up to the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop on W Ohio Ave. and N. 20th St. I approached the vehicle which 
was a beige 2003 Buick sedan bearing Ohio registration HOP5170 and made contact 
with the driver identified as Mika Tolley. I could immediately smell a strong odor of 
marijuana. The passenger identified Maverick Evans, and a 1 year old baby which was 
the driver's and passenger's son was in the back seat with all the windows rolled up 
prior to being stopped.

Maverick admitted to having medicinal marijuana on his person, Maverick showed me 
a Ohio medicinal card as well as the prescription containing small clumps of marijuana 
and the pen containing additional clumps of marijuana. Maverick stated that he was 
"firing the pen up" and the driver admitted to Det. Redfern that Maverick was smoking 
it while in the vehicle once Det. Redfern arrived on scene. CPS was contacted by Det. 
Redfern and informed of the situation and stated that the since the child is not in 
immediate danger then Maverick can return home with his girlfriend and the child.

Maverick was placed in custody for endangering children was read his Miranda rights 
and placed into hand restraints and placed in the rear of marked unit #301 and 
Maverick's pen and prescription bottle both containing marijuana were confiscated and 
logged into evidence.

Maverick was given a recognizance bond of $1,250 which he signed and was given a 
copy of and was advised of his court date on 10/03/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 and 
was processed and then was released to his girlfriend.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT    10/1/2019   @   0836 hrs
Case No.: 1901 0003

S. 12TH ST

CITED: Kelly Jackson (AGE 49)
6251 Parks Ave NE, Alliance 44601

SPEED (49/35)    ORD 333.03

On 09/25/2019 at 0836 hours I, Ptl. Villanueva while in a marked police cruiser was 
stationed at the south 100th block of 12th street when I observed a vehicle traveling 
north on 12th street that appeared to be traveling higher than the posted 35 mph 
speed limit. I activated the cruiser's forward mounted radar unit and observed a 
reading on 49 mph in the 35 mph zone. The vehicle passed me and I then turned 
around and positioned myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop on S. 12th 
street. The vehicle was a Silver in color Honda bearing Ohio registration GYG3483.

I exited my cruiser, approached the driver side door and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop. I then requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which they provided all requested. The driver was identified as Kelly 
Jackson of Alliance, so I took the provided documentation and proceeded to my 

I wrote Kelly a traffic citation for Speed SCO 333.03 and gave her a court date of 
10/10/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no personal appearance required. Once she 
signed the citation, I provided her with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Villanueva #512

PUBLISHED 8:20 AM 10/9/2019  *

Wednesday, October 02, 2019
08:15 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT  10-1-19  @  02:32 Hrs
CaseNo.: 19010001

1000 Block of S. 12th St.

CITED: Richard Rice Jr. (AGE 47)
1426 S. 12th St. Sebring, OH 44672

DUS (Non-Compliance)   335.073 ORD

On 10/01/2019 at 2:32am, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was stopped 
at the intersection of Ohio Ave and 12th St. facing East when I observed a vehicle also 
stopped at the same intersection facing West with an obstructed view violation. The 
vehicle then made a left onto 12th St. and then continued to travel south and I then 
turned right onto the same road. 

I then ran the vehicles plates and the vehicle came back with expired plates. At this 
point, I then positioned myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The 
vehicle then stopped on S.12th St. right past the intersection of Alabama Ave. in the 
1000 Block. The vehicle was a Black 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix bearing Ohio 
registration HQQ4377. I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and 
informed the driver of the reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which I received the expired registration 
paperwork and proof of insurance but the driver had a suspended license. 

The driver was later identified as Richard Rice Jr. I then gave Richard two verbal 
warnings for the Expired Plates and the Obstructed View but I issued a citation for 
DUS (Non-Compliance) 335.073 (ORD) and gave him a court date of 10/10/19 at 
9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. Once Richard signed the 
citation, I provided him with a copy. 

At this point, I advised Richard that he needed a valid driver to come and pickup the 
vehicle and shortly after, Richard's girlfriend later identified Melissa Thomas (a valid 
driver) came to the scene and drove Richard home. I then cleared the scene without 
further incident.

Ptl. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT   10/1/2019  @  02:39  Hrs
Case No.: 19010002 

E. Oregon / N. 12th St.

CITED: Nigel Holloway (AGE 22)
832 S. Morgan Ave.


On Tuesday, October 1, 2019 while patrolling westbound on west Ohio Ave. I spotted a 
vehicle turning south onto N. 12th St. with no operational rear turn signal. As I 
approached the vehicle I observed the vehicle turn their right turn signal on to turn onto 
east Oregon without an operational right turn signal as well. I then proceeded to 
activate my overhead emergency lights, and audible siren. 

The vehicle driver pulled over onto the right side of the road, and I approached it after 
giving dispatch my location and the vehicles license plate. 

Upon approaching the drivers side window, I advised the operator my name, and the 
reason for the stop. I asked if the driver had a license, to which he stated "no I don't", I 
then asked for his information and if he was valid, to which he also advised "no, Im 
probably suspended.". I retrieved his name, and advised dispatch who reconfirmed he 
was on a non-compliance suspension. The driver, Nigel Lapree Holloway, was then 
given a citation for Driving Under Suspension (ORD 335.07), and given a mandatory 
court date of 10/10/2019 at MCC #3 @ 0900 A.M. 

I advised Nigel if he was able to get a valid driver to our location within 20 minutes, I 
wouldn't tow the vehicle. Nigel was able to retrieve a driver, they arrived on scene 
within 15 minutes, I confirmed the driver was valid, then cleared,

Ptl. Peterman #511


ARREST REPORT   9/29/2019  @   0040  Hrs
Case No.: 19009197

N. 19th / W. Oregon Ave.

CITED: Michael Major (AGE 54)
133 Parkway St. Apt. 3 Struthers, OH 44471

DUS   SCO 335.07

On 09/29/2019 I Ptl. Scott while on patrol in a marked police cruiser preformed a 
random registration check on a vehicle which came back that the registered owner had 
an ID card and not a valid driver's license. I initiated a traffic stop on N. 19th St. and W. 
Oregon Ave. with the vehicle a 2007 blue Chevrolet 4 door bearing Ohio registration 

I approached the driver and informed them of the reason for the stop and requested 
their driver's license, registration and proof of insurance in which I only received the 
vehicles registration. I identified the driver as Michael Major and dispatch advised me 
that Michael was suspended. 

I wrote Michael a traffic citation for DUS SCO 335.07 and cited Michael into MCC#3 for 
10/10/2019 at 9:00am with a personal appearance required for not having proof of 
insurance. Michael signed the citation and was provided with a copy. A valid driver 
then arrived and took the vehicle.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT  9/29/2019  @ 0358 HRS
Case No.: 19009199 

195 N. Johnson Rd.

CITED: Roy Barringer III (AGE 22)
2156 Westwood Ct. Alliance, OH 44601

OVI (SFST)    4511.19A1a   /  Bond $500.00
OVI (<. 17)   4511.19A1d   /  Bond $500.00

On 09/29/2019 1 Ptl. Scott observed two suspicious vehicle at the Sebring Trophy 
shop and Zepp's Pizza.

Ptl. Scott #505

I pulled into the trophy shop and asked the occupants of the first vehicle where were 
they coming from which they stated a pig roast in North Benton. The driver was sober 
and valid with two of the occupants being intoxicated stating they were going home in 

The second vehicle I identified the driver being Roy Barringer III who stated that they 
were with the other party coming from the roast and were also going to Alliance but 
stopped so the other party could follow. I along with OSHP Trooper Thomas could 
smell a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from Roy. I asked Roy if he had 
consumed any alcoholic beverages prior to driving and Roy stated that he did. I asked 
Roy if he drove the vehicle after consuming alcoholic beverages in which Roy stated 
that he did. I could observe that Roy had glossy blood shot eyes, I then asked Roy if 
would consent to field sobriety and Roy said yes. 

I asked Roy if he had any medical or physical conditions, or if he takes prescription 
medication and Roy said no.

I had Roy stand straight up with his hands to his side and his feet together while I 
checked his eyes for a resting nystagmus, equal pupil size, and equal tracking. Roy 
did not have a resting nystagmus, both of Roy's eyes tracked equally, and both of 
Roy's pupils were of equal size.

The first test was the horizontal gaze nystagmus and after I explained the instructions I 
asked Roy if he understood and Roy said he did, Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: Lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, Distinct nystagmus at maximum 
deviation in both eyes, and Onset of nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both eyes.

The next test was the walk and turn, I instructed Roy to stand straight up with his 
hands to his side and his right foot in front of his left foot and to stay like that while I 
explained the instructions, after the instructions were explained I asked Roy if he 
understood and Roy said yes, Once the test began I observed the following clues: 
Stopped while walking, did not step heel to toe, stepped off of the line, and used arms 
to balance.

The next test was the one leg stand and I instructed Roy to stand straight up with his 
hands to his side and his feet together while I explained the instructions, after the 
instructions were explained I asked Roy if he understood and Roy said yes, once the 
test began I observed the following clues: Swayed while balancing, used arms to 
balance, and put foot town two times.

Trpr. Thomas offered Roy to give a breath sample into a portable breathalyzer and Roy 
did so and the results were a 0.192. Based on the test results and my experience I 
placed Roy in custody for suspicion of OVI and put Roy in hand restrains and put Roy 
in the rear of marked unit #302 and Read him his Miranda rights. The other party was 
released and the two occupants with Roy were not valid and were given a courtesy 
transport by Ptl. Peterman and Stanton in marked unit #304. The vehicle was on 
private property and was not blocking the road or traffic so it was allowed to stay on 
Zep's property.

Roy was transported to station were a 20 minute observation period was performed 
and the BMV 2255 form was read to him with Trpr. Thomas signing as a witness and 
Roy signed. Roy consented to give a breath sample and a urine sample. I collected the 
urine sample and secured it in the refrigerator. After to 20 minute observation period I 
operated the intox 8000 and Roy gave a breath sample with the results being Brac 
0.102 g/210L.

Roy was advised that he was under administrative license suspension and his driver's 
license was confiscated, Roy received a traffic citation for both OVI offenses in which 
he signed and was given a copy of. Roy signed a recognizance bond of $1,000 for 
both OVI offenses which he signed and received a copy of, Roy received a copy of the 
BMV 2255 form as well as his breath results and finger printed and photographed and 
was advised of his mandatory court appearance at MCC#3 on 10/03/2019 at 9:00am 
and then released to a valid and sober driver.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT   9/29/2019   @  0901 HRS
Case No.: 19009200 

W Ohio Ave near N 17th St, Sebring, OH

CITED: Tonya Welling (AGE 46)
845 W California Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

Driver's License Required   SCO 335.01

On Sunday, September 29,2019, I,Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling west on E 
Ohio Ave in marked unit #304. While stopped behind a red Ford Escape, bearing Ohio 
registration HTH2243, at the traffic on E Ohio Ave at N 15th St, I performed a random 
registration check through dispatch. Dispatch advised the registered owner's name is 
Domingo Rodriguez and his license status is suspended. After receiving this 
information, I activated my overhead emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop. The 
vehicle came to a stop on W Ohio Ave near N 17St.

After establishing contact with the driver, I observed and confirmed the registered 
owner sitting in the front passenger seat. The driver identified herself verbally as Tonya 
Welling and when asked to produce identification, she stated she did not have a 
driver's license.

I asked Welling if she meant she did not have her license with her or if it meant she did 
not have a valid license. Welling stated she did not have a valid license. I observed a 
child in the backseat of the vehicle and informed Welling and Rodriguez to attempt to 
contact a valid driver to come retrieve the vehicle.

Welling was issued traffic citation #031735 for SCO 335.01 Driver's License Required 
and informed of her mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, October 3,2019 at 0900. Welling was unable to provide valid proof of 
insurance for the vehicle. Welling stated a valid driver was 15 minutes away and asked 
if they could leave the vehicle and walk home. The vehicle was legally parked on W 
Ohio Ave and Welling was advised they could leave the scene on foot.

Ptl D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT   9/28/2019  @ 0205 HRS
Case No.: 19009194 

East Ohio @ 20th Street

CITED: Steven Guildoo (AGE 45)
595 West Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

Illumination of Rear License Plate   337.04(b)
Driver License Required     335.01(A1)

On 9/28/2019 at approximately 0152 hours, I (Ptl. Stanton) and Ptl. Reed were 
enforcing traffic control on W Ohio and Johnson Rd. While enforcing traffic control we 
witnessed a vehicle pull on to W Ohio from Johnson moving east. The vehicle did not 
have rear illumination on the license plate. At this time I initiated a traffic stop and met 
with Steven Guildoo. Steven was unaware his license plate lights were not working. 
Steven also did not have his license on his person while operating the vehicle and did 
not produce any insurance information or proper registration for the vehicle. 

Steven Guildoo stated he just purchased the vehicle and has 30 days to get the proper 
tags. At that time Steven produced two titles, one title for the vehicle he was driving 
and the other title for the plates of a vehicle he also owns. I advised Steven to fix the 
registration issue and this is a warning at this time. 

I issued Steven Guildoo a citation for driving without a license (337.01 - MM) and 
illumination of rear license plate (337.04 - MM). 

I cleared the scene without further incident.

Ptl. Stanton - #508


ARREST REPORT  9/27/2019  @  20:15 HRS
Case No.: 18010039


Warrant: Betsi Wade (AGE 33)
1731 Fulton Rd Canton

Warrant (Agg Poss of Drugs)   2925.11 / BOND $2,500.00

On 10/10/2018, while on patrol in a marked police cruiser, I observed a female 
operating a vehicle whom I knew to be suspended. Dispatch confirmed that Betsi R. 
Wade was suspended and I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle she was operating on 
N Johnson Rd at W Oregon Ave. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, bearing Ohio plate GTM7021, I made contact with the 
driver who was Betsi R. Wade and her passenger who was identified as Ryan A. 
George. Ptl. Scott arrived on scene to assist me with the traffic stop. Betsi confirmed 
she did not have a valid license and was just leaving her friends house at 595 W Ohio 
Ave. Due to Betsi and Ryan both not having a valid driver's license, Springer's Towing 
was requested to remove the vehicle from the roadway. A pre-tow inventory of the 
vehicle was completed prior to the tow. 

During the inventory multiple narcotic related items were located beside and 
underneath the driver's seat. The items were a clear glass smoking pipe with white 
powdery residue, two small broken glass pipes, and a small bag of marijuana. Betsi 
advised she would take the charge for the items and knew they were under her seat. 
Betsi advised her boyfriend Ryan George was on probation out of Stark County and 
did not want him to get in trouble for being in the vehicle with the items. 

Betsi was placed under arrest for possessing drug paraphernalia for the glass pipe. 
Betsi advised she uses it to ingest methamphetamine and tries to hide it from her 

Springer's arrived on scene and removed the vehicle from the roadway and Betsi was 
transported to headquarters for processing. Betsi was processed and released on her 
own recognizance with a court date at MCC #3 on 10/11/2018 at 0900 hours. Betsi 
was charged with Possession of Drug Paraphernalia 2925.14 M-4, Possession of 
Controlled Substance (Marijuana) 2925.11 MM, and DUS Non-Compliance 4510.11. 
The glass pipe with the residue will be sent to the lab for analysis with additional 
charges pending the lab results.

Sgt. Eberling #503

On 11/04/2018, the glass pipe was packaged to be taken to BCI and the Marijuana and 
Marijuana paraphernalia were logged into evidence.

Det. Redfern 504

On 12/20/2018 it was determined via BCI chemical testing that the evidence that was 
taken to BCI came back and tested positive for Methamphetamine. A Felony 5 warrant 
will be taken to MCC#3 for Aggrevated Possession of Drugs.

Det. Redfern 504


At 20:15 hours, on September 27, 2019, Ptl. Everhart and I took Betsi R Wade into 
custody on her warrant at The Stark County Jail. Wade was taken back to The Sebring 
Police Station, where she was finger printed, photographed, and processed, as well as 
given the opportunity to post bail. After being unable to do so, I transported her to The 
Mahoning County Jail. Due to Wade being unable to post bail, she was transported to 
The Mahoning County jail. Her court date was set for 09:00 on October 3, 2019 at 
Mahoning County court #3. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #513


ARREST REPORT    9-27-2019  @  1602 HRS
Case No.: 19009193

N. 12th St. at Indiana Ave.

CITED: Dawn Coffleld (AGE 35)
2313 S. Bandy Rd. Alliance, OH 

Speeding   333.03 ORD

On 09/27/2019 at 4:02pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
North on N. 12 th St. when I observed a vehicle traveling South on the same road right 
past Wisconsin Ave. approach at a high rate of speed. I then activated the moving 
radar unit and clocked the vehicle going 51mph in a 35mph zone.

The vehicle continued traveling South on 12th St. and I then turned around and 
positioned myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on N.12th St. right at the intersection of Indiana Ave. The vehicle was a Black 
2016 GMC Acadia bearing Ohio registration HTY4241. I then exited my cruiser and 
approached the driver side and informed the driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance in which I received 
all three. 

The driver was later identified as Dawn Coffield. I then issued Dawn a citation for 
Speeding 333.03 (ORD) and gave her a court date of 10/03/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 
with no personal appearance required. Once Dawn signed the citation, I provided her 
with a copy and I then cleared the scene without further incident.

Ptl. Everliart #514


ARREST REPORT   9/26/2019   @  2055 HRS
Case No.: 19009190 

N. 15th St. / Oregon Ave.

CITED: John Howell (AGE 53)
140 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

DUS    SCO 335.07

On 09/26/2019 on 8:55pm I Ptl. Scott while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
behind a vehicle on S. 15th St. traveling north when I preformed a random registration 
check and was advised the registered owner was John Howell and was suspended.

I was able to see the driver's reflection through one of his side mirrors and positively 
could tell the driver was a male. I then initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle a 2004 
silver Chrysler Station Wagon bearing Ohio registration HJU4995. I approached the 
vehicle and made contact with the driver and informed them of the reason for stop, I 
requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance in which I received.

The driver was identified as the registered owner John Howell I then returned to my 
cruiser and wrote a traffic citation for DUS SCO 335.07.

John was cited into MCC#3 and given a court date of 10/03/20 19 at 9:00am with 
personal appearance not required, John signed the citation and was provided with a 
copy. John was allowed to take the vehicle home and was told not to drive the vehicle 
while he was under suspension.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT   9/25/2019   @   2258 HRS
Case No.: 19009185 

US RT 62 / 15th St.

CITED: Kai Hoopes (AGE 28)
27011 St. Rt. 172 Kensington, OH 44427

Left of Center    ORC 4511.29
OVI (SFST)        ORC 4511.19A1a / BOND $500.00
OVI ( <. 17)      ORC 4511.19A1d / BOND $500.00

On 09/25/2019 I Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic stop for left of center on a vehicle and it 
resulted in the arrest of the driver for OVI.

Ptl. Scott #505

While on US Rt. 62 traveling west I observed a vehicle traveling on the opposite side 
of the road go off of the right side of the road. I then performed a U- turn and observed 
the vehicle go left of center and even was in the middle of the road. I then initiated a 
traffic stop on Us. Rt. 62 and S. 12 St.

The vehicle was a 2006 silver KIA 4-S bearing Ohio temporary registration J230591. I 
approached the driver and informed them of the reason for stop and requested the 
driver's license, registration, and insurance in which I received and identified the driver 
as Kai Hoopes. I noticed the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the vehicle. At 
this time Ptl. Rober arrived on the stop, while on the stop JT verbalized the vehicle did 
smell like alcoholic beverage.

I asked Kai if he had consumed any alcoholic beverages prior to driving in which Kai 
stated no. I requested Kai to exit the car and asked Kai if he would consent to field 
sobriety testing in which he stated that he would. I asked Kai if he had any medical or 
physical conditions or if he was currently on any medication, Kai stated no to all of the 

I had Kai stand straight up with his feet together and hands to his side and checked his 
eyes for equal tracking, a resting nystagmus, and equal pupil size. Both of Kai's pupils 
were of equal size, both of Kai's eyes tracked equally, and Kai did not have a resting 

The first test was the horizontal gaze nystagmus, I explained the instructions and 
asked Kai if he understood in which Kai stated that he did. I instructed Kai stand 
straight up with hands to his side and his feet together, when the test began I observed 
the following clues: Lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, distinct nystagmus at 
maximum deviation in both eyes, and onset of nystagmus prior to 45 degrees.

The next test was the walk and turn, I instructed Kai to stand straight up with his hands 
to his side and his right foot in front of his left foot and to stay in that position until told 
to start while I explained the instructions, Once the instructions were explained I asked 
Kai if he understood and Kai stated that he did. Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: Stopped while walking, did not touch heel to toe, stepped off of line, 
used arms to balance, and improper turn.

The last test was the one leg stand I instructed Kai to stand straight up with his hands 
to his side and his feet together while I explained the instructions, once the instructions 
were explained I asked Kai if he understood and Kai said yes. Once the test began I 
observed the following clues: Swayed while balancing, used arms to balance, and Kai 
put his foot down three separate times ending the test.

Based on the results and my experience I placed Kai into custody for suspicion of OVI 
and put Kai in hand restraints and placed Kai into the rear of marked unit #301 and 
read Kai his Miranda rights.

An inventory of the vehicle was performed and the vehicle was towed to 10 N.12th St. 
by Springer's Towing. Kai was transported to station, Kai was brought to the squad 
room where the restraints were removed and a 20 minute observation period was 
performed. I read the BMV 2255 form to Kai with Ptl. Stanton witnessing. Kai 
consented to a breath and urine sample.

I operated the intoxylizer 8000 and Kai gave a sample of BrAC 0.103 g/210L, Kai was 
then made aware that he was over the legal limit and was notified that he will be 
placed under administrative license suspension. Kai also gave a urine sample which 
was collected by Ptl. Stanton. Kai was processed but was not finger printed due to an 
error in our machine.

Kai received a copy of the BMV 2255 form which he signed, his citation for left of 
center, and both OVI offenses which he signed and a recognizance form which he also 
signed and was notified of his mandatory court appearance on 09/26/2019 at 9:00am 
for Mahoning County Court #3 and was released to his father.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT   9/25/2019   1334 HRS
Case No.: 19009183



SPEEDING (49/35)    ORD 333.03

On 09/25/2019 at 1334 hours I, Ptl. Villanueva while in a marked police cruiser was 
stationed at the south 100th block of 12th street when I observed a vehicle traveling 
north on 12th street that appeared to be traveling higher than the posted 35 mph 
speed limit. I activated the cruiser's forward mounted radar unit and observed a 
reading on 49 mph while in the 35-mph zone.

The vehicle passed me and I then turned around and positioned myself behind the 
vehicle and initiated a traffic stop on S. 12th street. The vehicle was a Silver in color 
Honda SW bearing Ohio registration FMC1944. I exited my cruiser, approached the 
driver side door and informed the driver of the reason for the stop. I then requested 
their driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance in which they provided all 

The driver was identified as Patricia Poage of Beloit, so I took the provided 
documentation and proceeded to my cruiser.

I wrote Patricia a traffic citation for speed SCO 333.03 and gave her a court date of 
10/03/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no personal appearance required. Once she 
signed the citation, I provided her with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Villanueva #512


Case No.: 19009182 


CITED: June Riddle (AGE 67)
18391 Fifth Street APT 108E

SPEEDTNG (46/35)   ORD 333.03

On 09/25/2019 at 1316 hours I, Ptl. Villanueva while in a marked police cruiser was 
stationed at the south 100th block of 12th street when I observed a vehicle traveling 
north on 12th street that appeared to be traveling higher than the posted 35 mph 
speed limit. I activated the cruiser's forward mounted radar unit and observed a 
reading on 46 mph while in the 35 mph zone.

The vehicle passed me and I then turned around and positioned myself behind the 
vehicle and initiated a traffic stop on S. 12th street. The vehicle was a White in color 
Toyota RAV4 bearing Ohio registration HVK6953. I exited my cruiser, approached the 
driver side door and informed the driver of the reason for the stop. I then requested 
their driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance in which they provided all 

The driver was identified as June Riddle of Beloit, so I took the provided 
documentation and proceeded to my cruiser.

I wrote June a traffic citation for speed SCO 333.03 and gave her a court date of 
10/03/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no personal appearance required. Once she 
signed the citation, I provided her with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Villanueva #512


Wednesday, September 25, 2019
12:03 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT   9/23/2019  @ 1337Hrs
Case No.: 19006 166

195 N Johnson Rd, Sebring, OH 44672

CITED: Brian Chemikovich (AGE 27)
22895 Lexington Rd, Alliance, OH

DUS (Noncompliance w/FRA) SCO 335.073

On Monday, September 23,2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was positioned in the alley 
south of W Oregon Ave at N Johnson Rd facing west. I observed a blue Dodge SUV 
cross the tracks from the south and pull into Zep's Pizza. I also observed the driver 
and recognized him as Brian Chernikovich, whom I knew to be driving under 
suspension after having dispatch check his license status earlier. I pulled into the 
parking lot behind the vehicle and activated my overhead emergency lights.

Upon establishing contact with Chernikovich, I asked why he was operating a motor 
vehicle while his license was under suspension. Chernikovich stated he was not aware 
his license was under suspension. 

After checking with dispatch, I informed Chernikovich there are 3 active suspensions 
on his license. I asked Chernikovich if the vehicle belonged to him and he stated it did 
not. I informed Chernikovich unless he wanted the vehicle to be towed, to contact a 
valid driver and have them retrieve the vehicle in a reasonable time frame. 
Chernikovich was able to get in touch with a valid driver who was already on scene 
and stated they would drive the vehicle. 

Chernikovich was issued traffic citation #031734 for SCO 335.073 DUS 
(Noncompliance w/FRA) and informed of his mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, September 26,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D.A. Marchionda #507


Case No.: 19005019

SR 45 - I80 //Austintown PD

ARRESTED: Ronald Handy III (AGE 22)
236 Alabama Avenue, Sebring Ohio 44672

Agg Menacing / 2903.21  / BOND $1,250.00

On 5/3/2019 at 2136 hours, I and Ptl. Russell was dispatched to 236 Alabama Ave., 
Apt. 15 for a male with a gun.

PTL. Peterman 512

REPORT DATE: 05/03/2019 21:36:00

On scene at 2143 I, and Ptl. Russel 510 interacted with a Yoich J. Ngiraingas, who 
states he got into an altercation with one of his neighbors from Apartment #12, and he 
pulled out a gun and pointed it at him. Two other witnesses, John Yoho, and Ashley 
Melchor-Arroyo, who reside in Apartment #14 also stated the same. Yoich recalls he 
was standing outside of his apartment, when Ronnie Handy came into the complex 
with company "blaring his sound system". Yoich asked Ronnie if he would "turn down 
the music", at which point Ronnie was quoted as "Becoming irate" with Yoich, and 
approached Yoich as he walked to the front of his vehicle to grab his cigarettes, 
shouting profanities and saying "you're in my bubble",and then proceeded to walk into 
the apartment, then exit it with a towel in hand.

Witnesses and Yoich then state Ronnie unveiled a gun out of the towel, and proceeded 
to point it at Yoich, at which Yoich began shouting "pull the trigger" due to becoming 
frustrated with Ronnie.

Witnesses stated they approached Yoich, and grabbed him to pull him away from the 

Ronnie at this point was stated running into a silver jeep (license plate #GYE8170), 
and stated they saw the driver, Shannon Browing, driving the vehicle with Matthew 
Billiter as a passenger.

I, and Ptl. Scott 506 visited same address later that evening, and was told by Ashley a 
neighbor in Apartment #11 was receiving texts from Ronnie (in case file). I approached 
the neighbor, and asked to see said texts, to which she obliged. She stated Ronnie 
"wasn't there", and did not know what happened. After getting photographic evidence 
of the conversation, I then advised Yoich and the witnesses to stay in his house. lock 
the doors, and call us if he saw Ronnie at any point in time. I then cleared, but began 
regular patrols through the area.

0221- I was patrolling the Alabama Ave. area, when I spotted the vehicle that matched 
the description of the vehicle that Ronnie fled in. I advised dispatch and Ptl. Scott 506 
of this, and waited for backup since there was a possible firearm involved. 

Upon his arrival, I and Ptl. Scott 506 knocked on the door of Apartment #12, which was 
stated as Ronnie living there, as well as Joseph Henry Saulsberry, who both were 
advised to have multiple warrants. Shannon Browning and Matthew Billiter answered 
the door, and we asked if Ronnie or Joseph were there. They stated they "don't know 
where either of them are", I then asked Shannon if she was operating the vehicle 
Ronnie was seen jumping into at the time of the incident, as she stated "yes i was 
driving". We asked where she took Ronnie to which she said "I don't know where he 
is", and we again asked "you were the one driving?", to which she states again "yes". 
Shannon also stated that "he just came over to the car and said let's go now". 

We advised Shannon if she sees or hears from Ronnie to let us know. We then 
advised dispatch Ronnie or Joseph was not at the residence, then cleared. I am also 
having this turned over to the prosecutor to decide on recommending charges being 

Ptl. Peterman 512


On 05/12/2019 , I, was given this case by Chief Harris.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

DATE: 05/12/2019 17:19

On 05/07/2019, received a call from Stephanie Barringer whom advised that she was 
the mother of Ronald Handy. Stephanie advised that she wanted to speak with me in 
reference to the situation. I advised Stephanie that I am unable to discuss on going 
cases and I especially was unable to do it via phone. Stephanie advised that the gun 
that her son pulled was allegedly fake. Stephanie was advised that her son has 
warrants from this agency in reference to unrelated cases. With Stephanie having that 
knowledge Stephanie advised that Ronald was staying at his friends house to avoid 
his warrants.

When asked which friends Stephanie advised "just a friend".

K9 Det. Redfern 504


On 05/12/2019, This case will be sent to prosecutor Tolson for review of charges.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


On 05/21/2019, I received approval from Prosecutor Tolson in reference to this case 
approving charges on Ronald for the Aggravated Menacing, and further approval to file 
charges of WUD if Ronald was prohibited. 

Looking into Ronald's history, Ronald is prohibited federally for a conviction of 
Domestic Violence but not on the state level. I will send a warrant to MCC#3 for the 
Agg Menacing.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


On 09/23/2019, Ronald was picked up by Lordstown PD on a traffic stop. Ronald was 
obtained from Lordstown PD at the Pilot travel Center in Austintown and taken to MCJ 
on a 1250 bond. 

Ronald has a court date of 9/26/2019 at 0900 at MCC#3. This case will be closed.

K9 Det. Redfern 504 DATE: 09/23/2019 23:14


ARREST REPORT  9/23/2019
Case No.: 19003018

SR 45 - 180 //Austintown PD

Ronald Handy III (AGE 22)
236 Alabama Avenue, Sebring Ohio 44672
THEFT  /  2903.21  /  BOND $1,250.00

On 03/05/2019, I was contacted via phone, on station in reference to a scam.

K9 Det. Redfern 504  

On 03/05/2019, I was contacted via phone, on station in reference to a scam. I was 
contacted by Ted lngledue whom advised that he was in contact with Cassidy Wilkes in 
reference to purchasing a cell phone on buy sell trade on facebook. Ted asked 
Cassidy if the phone was able to be used if he puts his sim card in, and she advised if 
he had Verizon, he could. Ted advised that him and Cassidy agreed to meet today to 
buy the phone and the conversation was turned over to her boyfriend Ronald Handy 
III. Ted and Ronald conversated and arranged to meet up to do the exchange of the 
cell phone and $90.00. Ted arrived at the apartment complex on Alabama Avenue and 
Ronald Handy came out from the complex with the cell phone and Ted gave him 
$100.00 in cash and Ronald went back in the house to get $10.00 change. Ted then 
went to Verizon in Salem to get the phone switched to his network and Verizon advised 
that the phones IMEI number was blacklisted indicating that the cell phone was stolen. 
Verizon advised that the phone belongs to Ryan C. Horne. Ted then made contact with 
this department.

I then met up with Ted and obtained a written statement as well as retrieving the 
phone. I made contact via phone with the Verizon store in Salem whom advised that 
the phone had a black listed IMEI number and could not be placed on anyone's 

I attempted to make contact with Ryan Horne, to see if the phone was stolen and when 
I called a male answered the phone and abruptly stated that this was a private number 
and hung the phone up.

As defined in section 2913.01 in the Ohio Revised Code, deception is defined as 
"knowingly deceiving another or causing another to be deceived by any false or 
misleading representation, by withholding information, by preventing another from 
acquiring information, or by any other conduct, act, or omission that creates, confirms, 
or perpetuates a false impression in another, including a false impression as to law, 
value, state of mind, or other objective or subjective fact." Ted bought the phone while 
he was under the impression that the phone was able to be used with just the simple 
task of needing a sim card as long as he had a Verizon account, which the phone did 
indeed have a blacklisted IMEI number due to theft.

Due to the charges being misdemeanor in nature, this case will be sent to Prosecutor 
Tolson for review of charges for Ronald Handy Theft 2913.02 of the $90.00 due to 
Ronald carrying out the transaction and Cassidy Wilkes Complicity to Theft 2923.03, 
for arraigning the sale of the useless phone.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


On 03/26/2019, After several attempts to reach out to Ronald and Cassidy, Prosecutor 
Tolson approved the charges in this case. Warrants will be issued through MCC#3, 
and this case will be closed.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


On 09/23/2019, Ronald was picked up by Lordstown PD on a traffic stop. Ronald was 
obtained from Lordstown PD at the Pilot travel Center in Austintown and taken to MCJ 
on a $1250 bond. Ronald has a court date of 9/26/2019 at 0900 at MCC#3. This case 
will be closed.

K9 Det. Redfern 504  DATE: 09/23/2019 23:12


ARREST REPORT  9/23/2019  @  07:25 Hrs
Case No.: 19009043 


CHARGE: Richard Beitler (AGE 50)
485.5 W Oregon Ave, Sebring, OH

Littering & Deposit of Garbage (MM)  /  SCO 521.08b

On Saturday, September 7, 2019, Patrolman Marchionda observed garbage collecting 
on a Property in the 400 block of W Oregon Ave.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


While attempting to conduct a follow-up at 485 1/2 W Oregon Ave on an unrelated 
matter, I observed several beer cans and trash bags on the property. I knocked on the 
door to the residence but no one came to the door. A trash letter will be generated in 
reference to SCO 521.08 and a follow-up will be conducted a later date.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


On Friday, September 13,2019,I, checked the property and observed beer cans, 
bottles and other waste in the same location as observed on Saturday, September 
7,2019. A minor misdemeanor summons will be generated for SCO 521.08 Littering 
and Deposit of Garbage, Rubbish, Junk, Etc. and served to the resident.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


On Monday, September 23, 2019, Richard Beitler was served a summons for violation 
of SCO 521.O8b and informed of his mandatory appearance before Mahoning County 
Court #3 on Thursday, September 26,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT  9/20/2019  @  20:02Hrs
Case No.: 19009003 


ARREST: Shawn Carver (AGE 34)
376 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

Disrupting Puplic Services / ORC 2909.04(A)(3) F-4 - Felony / BOND $4,000.00

2903.13A Assault knowingly harm victim / M-1 - Misdemeanor

2919.25A Domestic Violence / knowingly cause physical harm / M-1 - Misdemeanor

On 9-2-19, I Ptl. Everhart while on station was advised by an individual of a domestic 
violence situation.

Ptl. Everhart #514


The individual later identified as the victim Danielle Reggi, informed me that her ex-
boyfriend later identified as Shawn Carver came to the house though the upstairs 
window and took her phone and started yelling at her about civil issues between the 
two of them. She then stated to me that Shawn also took her car keys and when she 
told him to give back her phone and car keys that he put his hands around her neck 
and also grabbed and pulled her arm hard enough that it caused bruises.

She also informed me that after he grabbed her, he forced her in the basement and 
started throwing items at her. 

Danielle then advised me at this point that Shawn went to the bathroom to take a 
shower and she then left the house because she did not have her phone being that 
Shawn had shattered the phone during the domestic incident. I then asked Danielle to 
show me her injuries and I could clearly see bruises on her left arm. I then asked 
Danielle if Shawn was still at the house and she advised me that he was.

At this point, I then left the station and went to the house located at 376 E. Ohio Ave. I 
also requested a 57 from Smith Township prior to arriving. Upon arrival to the scene 
with Sgt. Davis, we had Danielle open the door and we then checked and searched 
the house for Shawn but we were unable to locate him. Sgt. Davis then cleared and 
checked Ohio Ave. to try and locate Shawn but was not successful. 

I then stayed on scene with Danielle and I took pictures of her injuries and also had 
her fill out a report on the incident. I then had her fill out a Domestic Violence packet as 
well being that she stated to me that she wants charges against Shawn. After 
completing all necessary documentation, I then cleared the scene without further 

Upon arrival back to the station, I then completed paperwork for Shawn Carvers 
warrant on the charge of Domestic Violence 2919.25 (A) M-1 and Assault 2903.13(A) 

Ptl. Everhart #514


On 09/02/2019, I was dispatched to the 300 block of East Ohio Avenue in reference to 
case 19009009/19009003. While on scene I spoke to Danielle Reggi and Patricia 
Caliguire whom advised that the reason for the call stems from the incident yesterday. I 
advised the callers that I was unaware of the events that took place yesterday. Danielle 
advised that Shawn Carver has been doing meth in the house and she found out about 
it and they two broke up. Danielle advised that Shawn moved to his baby's momma's 
house on Indiana Avenue. Danielle advised that due to Shawn moving out she 
changed the locks. Danielle advised that he did however have a few things left at the 
house. Danielle advised that last night Shawn crawled into the window on the second 
floor by putting a ladder on the roof and climbed in through the window. Danielle 
advised that she woke up and he was in her room yelling at her. Danielle advised that 
point Shawn took her by the neck and drug her in the basement. Danielle advised that 
during the struggle she tried to retrieve her cell phone to call 911 and he took her 
phone from her. Danielle advised that while in the basement he threw her on to the 
couch and would not allow her to leave. Danielle advised that when she tried to leave 
the basement he physically grabbed her and threw her on the couch or threw objects 
at her. Danielle advised that this continued for roughly 2 hours. 

Danielle advised that while he was down stairs he broke her phone and smashed it to 
prevent her from calling for help. Danielle advised that she was able to use the dog as 
an excuse and was able to go outside to let the dog out and she ran to the police 
department as Shawn fled with her phone.

I asked Danielle what happened today and she advised that she came home from 
work and she noticed that her house was ransacked and there were objects missing 
from the house. Danielle advised that she walked around to the rear of the house and 
she advised that there was a ladder on a box leading onto the roof. 

Patricia Caliguire advised that she saw Shawn and a female with a black car leaving 
the house today when she was coming from work. Danielle advised that the 
description matches that of his baby's momma who lives in the 300 block of East 
Indiana Avenue.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


This case will be sent to Prosecutor Tolson for the review of more potential charges.

K9 Det. Redfern 504  DATE: 09/02/2019 2056


On 09/06/2019 I Ptl. Everhart responded to station because Shawn Carver turned him 
self in on his warrants. Shawn posted a bond in the amount of $2,500 for Domestic 
Violence and Assault. AA BBBB bail bonds posted his bond and Shawn was advised of 
his court date on 09/12/2019 at 9:00am in MCC#3 and was also given copies of his 
warrants and recognizance bond form.

Ptl. Everhart #514   DATE: 09/06/2019 22: 12


On 09/17/2019, I received email from prosecutor Tolson only approving Assault, DV, 
and Disruption of Public Services. Between this case and 19009003. This case will be 

K9 Det. Redfern 504    DATE: 09/17/2019 16:05


On 09/20/2019 I Ptl. Scott arrived to 376 E. Ohio Ave. and arrested Shawn Carver on 
an additional warrant for this case for Disrupting Public Services.

Shawn was processed, photographed, and fingerprinted, no DNA was taken due to it 
being already on file. I then placed Shawn in hand restraints and transported Shawn to 
the station in unit #304.

Shawn was given time to post 10% of a $4,000 bond which he did.

A power of attorney was obtained and copied, and a recognizance was signed by 
Shawn, Shawn was advised of his court date on 09/26/2019 at 9:00am for Mahoning 
County Court #3. 

Ptl. Scott #505   DATE: 09/20/2019 20:43


Case No.: 19009163 

10 N 12th St, Sebring, OH

CITED: Khara Dennison (AGE 26)
4044 Vinal Ave NW, Canton, OH

Speed - Over Limits (56/35)   SCO 333.03

On Sunday, September 22,2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #303 in front of 100 S 12th St. I observed a green 2-door 
sedan approach my location from the south at what appeared to be a high rate of 
speed higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. 

Upon activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I observed a speed of 56 MPH. 
As the vehicle passed my location, I activated my overhead emergency lights and 
pulled onto S 12th St to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a green 2-door Dodge 
bearing Ohio registration 130YUD, came to a complete stop in the parking lot of 10 N 
12th St.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Khara Dennison, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for the stop. Dennison stated she was 
unfamiliar with the area and did not see any speed limit signs. Dennison provided the 
appropriate documentation upon request. Dennison was issued traffic citation #031733 
for SCO 333.03 Speed - Over Limits (56/35) and informed of her appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, October 3,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D.A. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT  9/20/2019  @ 21:35Hrs
Case No.: 19008203 


ARREST: Jenkins Jessie (63)
325 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

Endangering Children  /  ORC 29 19.22  /  BOND $1,250.00

Offense Date: 8/30/2019 @ 15:37Hrs

Court Date: MCC#3 9/26/2010 9:00am


ARREST REPORT  9/20/2019  @ 13:28Hrs
Case No.: 19009074

100 Block E Pennsylvania Ave, Sebring, OH

CHARGED: Liane Thomas (AGE 46)
178 W Oxford, Alliance, Ohio

Littering & Deposit of Garbage  /  SCO 521.08(b)

On 09/11/2019 , While on patrol uits observed an abundance of trash in the back yard 
which appeared to be in violation of SCO 521.08.

A letter was drafted and properly delivered to the property owner / caretaker of the 
property. This case will be left pending for five(5) days, to see what actions the 
property owner / caretaker takes to rectify the problem.

OFFICER: Redfern, Jr., Chad (BADGE NO.: 504  DATE: 09/11/2019 20:25


On 09/18/2019 attempts were made to contact Liane to serve her with a citation but 
were unsuccessful. Additional attempts will be made.

Ptl. Scott #505  DATE: 09/11/2019 20:25


On Friday, September 20, 2019, Liane Thomas was issued criminal minor 
misdemeanor citation #000233 for SCO 521.08(b) and informed of her mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, September 26,2019 at 

Ptl D.A. Marchionda #507  DATE: 09/20/2019 13:43


ARREST REPORT  9/20/2019  @  08:38Hrs
Case No.: 19008181

606 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

ARREST: Branty Smith (AGE 19)
176 E Oregon Ave, Sebring, OH

Theft (M- 1)  /  ORC 29 13.02  /  BOND $1,250.00

On Monday, August 26, 2019, Patrolman Marchionda was dispatched to the SEBRING 
POLICE STORY reference two complainants wanting to file a theft report. 

Ptl D. Marchionda #507

Following my arrival, I established contact with the victim, Ryan Call and his mother, 
Christina Hunt, in the lobby of the police station. Call stated on Friday, August 9, 2019, 
he was at Schmid's Sport Bar & Grill and lost his wallet. Call stated on Saturday, 
August 24, 2019, he learned from a friend that Branty Smith found the wallet and stole 
over $500 in cash out of it. Call claims he does not know who Smith is. Call stated he 
informed his mother about what had happened and she contacted Smith directly 
through Facebook messenger.

Hunt provided her phone to show the entire conversation she and Call had with Smith 
on Facebook messenger. The dialogue began on Saturday at 6:31 PM and ended on 
Sunday at 9:09 AM where it appears Smith blocked Hunt's account. Photographs were 
taken of the conversation with Smith admitting to taking the money after trying to lie 
about exactly how much there was. 

Smith claimed the wallet only contained "...15 it was some fives and ones" but 
changed his answer to "Ok there was over 500 ..."

There was never any mention of the other contents of the wallet being taken. It 
appears from the conversation that Smith only took the money and discarded the 
wallet. Call stated his wallet also contained a Huntington Bank debit card, a Capital 
One credit card, his social security card and his identification.

An attempt was made to establish contact with Smith at his residence on E Oregon 
Ave. Smith's mother, Kelly Sweet, came to the door and stated Branty got a job in 
Alliance at Walmart and would not be home until after 3:00 PM. I informed Sweet of 
the accusation against her son and stated I needed to speak with him. Another attempt 
will be made at a later date and time.

This matter will remain open pending further investigation.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507  DATE: 08/26/2019 12:30


In the days following Monday, August 26, 2019, multiple attempts have been made to 
establish contact with Branty Smith. I have been to his residence multiple times and no 
one answers the door.

I spoke with Smith's mother on at least two occasions and the last time I spoke with 
her she stated I Smith is rarely home. She stated aside from his job at WalMart in 
Alliance, he bounces between Sebring, Alliance and Akron.

The last time I was unable to find Smith, I called the complainant, Ryan Call and asked 
for the contact information of his friend who told him it was Smith that took his wallet. 
Call provided me with a name of Chance Beitler and that he resided somewhere on W 
Oregon Ave. 

A search through CAD showed Beitler living at 485 1/2 W Oregon Ave. On Saturday, 
September 7,2019, I went to that address and attempted to speak with Beitler but it 
appeared no one was home. A phone call was placed to Beitler's phone number 
provided by Call and a voice mail was placed. I have not received a call back from 
Beitler since leaving a voicemail on Saturday.

Given the circumstances, I will be forwarding this report to the prosecutors office for 

Ptl D. Marchionda #507   DATE: 09/09/2019 12:04


On Friday, September 13, 2019, Chief Harris informed me Branty Smith came to the 
SEBRING POLICE STORY on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 and provide4 a voluntary 
written statement. In the statement, Smith wrote he came upon the wallet, took the 
money and discarded the wallet. 

This statement was forwarded to Prosecutor Tolson for review.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507  DATE: 09/13/2019  07:00


On Monday, September 16, 2019, Prosecutor Tolson approved one charge of ORC 
2913.02 Theft, a misdemeanor of the first degree. An arrest warrant for Branty Smith 
was generated and issued through Mahoning County Court #3.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507  DATE: 09/16/2019 09:56


On Friday, September 20, 2019, I observed Branty Smith walking out of Mahoning 
County Court #3 and confirmed through dispatch the warrant was still active. I stopped 
Smith in the parking lot and instructed him to walk to my cruiser where he was 
informed of the warrant and subsequently taken into custody. Smith was handcuffed 
behind his back (gapped/double locked), informed of his Mirana Rights and placed into 
the back of marked unit #301. Smith stated he understood his rights and he did not 
want to make a statement.

I transported Smith back to the station and escorted him into the audio and video 
recorded squad room where I removed his cuffs and he stated he wanted to speak to 
Chief Harris. After speaking with Chief Harris, Smith was served with his copy of the 
warrant, photographed and fingerprinted.

Smith was provided a recognizance of the accused, which he signed and was provided 
a copy.

Smith was informed of his mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 
on Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 0900 and was subsequently released from the 

Ptl D.A. Marchionda #507   DATE: 09/20/2019 09:14


ARREST REPORT  9/18/2019  @ 20:28Hrs
Case No.: 19009054 

Misdemeanor Citation
135 E. Ohio Ave.

CITED: Tammy Campbell (AGE 59)
136 E. Maryland Ave. Sebring, OH

Tall / Weeds   /  SCO 553.02

On 09/10/2019 I Ptl. Scott while on patrol observed possible code enforcement 
violations at 136 E Maryland Ave.

Ptl. Scott #505  DATE: 09/10/2019 22:04


I observed tall and grass and weeds throughout the property. I made a grass letter and 
served the home owner with the letter of the violations. The home owner has 5 days to 
clear the grass and I weeds.

Ptl. Scott #505  DATE:09/10/12019 22:05


On 09/18/2019 I attempted to serve Tammy with a citation regarding her grass and 
weeds on her property. I was unable to locate Tammy. While observing the property I 
noticed a large amount of garbage on the property, another number was generated for 
the trash.

The humane society was also called in reference to Tammy's cats that are left alone 
inside and outside of an abandoned house, Jessica from the humane society was 
given Tammy's address and phone number and will attempt to contact her.

Ptl. Scott #505  DATE: 9/18/2019 20:13


On 09/18/2019 at 2028 Tammy came to station and was served with a minor 
misdemeanor citation for tall grass SCO 553.02. Tammy was given a court date of 
09/26/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3. This incident will be closed.

Ptl. Scott #505  DATE: 09/18/2019 22:01


ARREST REPORT  9/18/2019  @  18:24Hrs
Case No.: 19009138

216 W. Ohio Ave.

CITED: Joseph Benedetti (AGE 33)
540 1/2 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH 

Expired Registration  /  SCO 335.10
Fictitous Plates  /  SCO 335.10

On 09/18/2019 at 6:24pm I served Ptl. Scott served Joseph Benedetti with a traffic 
citation for expired registration and fictitious plates after learning that Joseph had 
whited out his expiration date on his temporary 30 day tag (J416437). 

Joseph admitted driving the vehicle while the tag was altered but claimed that he was 
not the one who altered it.

Joseph signed his citation and was given a court date of 09/26/2019 at 9:00am with a 
personal appearance required for MCC#3.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT   9/18/2019  @  15:54 Hrs
Case No.: 19009117

S. 12th St. / Alabama Ave.

CITED: Loretta Sparks (AGE 43)
18220 5th St. Beloit, OH 44609

Speed 50/35  /  SCO 333.03

On 09/18/2019 at 3:54pm I Ptl. Scott while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
south on S. 12th St. when I observed a vehicle traveling north on the same road that 
appeared to be traveling higher than the posted 35 mph speed limit. I activated the 
cruiser's forward mounted radar unit and observed a reading on 55 mph while in the 35 
mph zone.

The vehicle passed me and I then turned around in a drive way and positioned my self 
behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop on S. 12th St. near the veterinarian clinic. 
The vehicle was a silver 2016 Chrysler station wagon bearing Ohio registration 
HDA8233. I exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and informed the driver 
of the reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which a received a license, registration, and an expired insurance card. 

The driver was identified as Loretta Sparks, I then took the documents and returned to 
my cruiser.

I wrote Loretta a traffic citation for speed SCO 333.03 and gave Loretta a court date of 
10/03/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. Once Loretta 
signed the citation, I provided her with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


ARREST REPORT  9/17/2019  @  12:41 Hrs
Case No.:

Misdemeanor Citation
545 West Ohio Ave, Sebring OH 

CITED: Brandon Court (AGE 28)
545 West Ohio Ave, Sebring OH

Littering and Deposit of Garbage, Rubbish, Junk ETC  /  SCO ORD 521.08 (C) (E)

On 09/11/2019, I received a trash complaint.

Ptl. Villanueva #512  DATE: 09/11/2019 13:21

On 09/11/2019, I received a trash complaint on the home of 545 W. Ohio ave stating 
that there was a mattress on the porch and trash along the side of the home. The 
complainant also stated that there are raccoons and squirrels getting into their trash as 
well. I spoke to a resident there by the name of Jeff White and he stated he will move 
the mattress and get rid of whatever trash is out. Letter will placed or given to said 
resident until it is cleaned up.

Ptl. Villanueva #512

Followed up with this case and made contact with the current resident Brandon Court 
and he stated that he cleaned up the trash. He escorted myself and #508 to the 
backyard of the home but there was still trash bags and bins full of trash so he was 
given citation #863 and given a court appearance date of 09/19/2019 at 0900 hrs @ 
MCC#3. Then we cleared.

Ptl. Villanueva #512
Ptl. Stanton #508


ARREST REPORT  9/15/2019  @  05:02  Hrs
Case No.: 19009102

W. Ohio / N. 16th St.

CITED: Harry Clayton III (AGE 30)
258 W. Cambridge St. Alliance

Drivers OLN-Expired (<6 months)  /  335.01 ORD

On 09/15/2019 at 0502 hours I, Ptl. Peterman was traveling W. On W. Ohio when I 
spotted a vehicle traveling directly in front of me with no operational license plate 
lights. As the vehicle made a right turn onto N. 16th, I initiated a traffic stops by 
activating my emergency overhead lights, and audible siren. The vehicle immediately 
pulled over to the side of the road as I positioned myself behind it. I approached the 
vehicle (Black 2004 Ford Truck, License plate #364YWU) and spoke with the 
registered owner, Harry Leroy Clayton III, who stated to me he forgot to renew his 
license and registration. I asked for all of his documents which he produced to me. I 
ran him and his passenger, Kristopher Joseph Michalik, who both had no warrants. 

I then proceeded to advise Harry that he would be receiving a citation for Expired 
License (<6 months), a court date for Sept. 19,2019 that is not mandatory appear, and 
a verbal warning for expired registration, and no license plate lights. 

I then advised Harry he was to drive straight to his residence and park the vehicle until 
he received new registration tags, and renew his license before operating any vehicle. 
After having explained the citation, and having him sign the citation, I cleared.

Ptl. Peterman #511


Wednesday, September 18, 2019
07:32 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT   9-16-19 @ 2127hrs
Case No.: 19009110

N. 18th St. at Maryland Ave.

538 N. 15th St. Sebring, OH

Failure to Reinstate  4510.21 ORC

On 09/16/2019 at 9:27pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
East on Ohio Ave. when I observed a vehicle in traveling West on the same road near 
N.18th St. with a headlight out.

The vehicle then made a right onto N. 18th St. and continued traveling North. I then 
turned around on Ohio Ave and then turned onto N.18th St. and positioned myself 
behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then stopped on N.18th St. 
right at the intersection of Maryland Ave. The vehicle was a Black 2003 Dodge Dakota 
bearing Ohio registration HKJ4166. I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver 
side and informed the driver of the reason for the stop and requested their driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance in which I received registration but I 
received no proof of insurance and the license was not reinstated. 

The driver was later identified as Scott Fusco.

I then gave Scott a verbal warning for the headlight violation and also wrote him a 
traffic citation for Failure to Reinstate (4510.21 ORC) and gave him a court date of 
09/19/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. Once Scott 
signed the citation, I provided him with a copy and then allowed the passenger (a valid 
driver) later identified as Edgard Hernandez to drive the vehicle to their destination. I 
then cleared the scene without further incident.

Ptl. Everhart #514.


DATE: 09/14/2019 09:43:00


Offense: 2919.27  Violate Protection Order or Consent Agreement, M1 Misdemeaner

REPORT DATE: 09/14/2019 09:43:00 

On this date and time, I was dispatched to 663 W. Oregon Ave ref to a protection order 

REPORTING OFFICER: McDaniel, Steven #509

On this date and time, I was dispatched to 663 W. Oregon Ave ref to a protection order 
violation. I was also advised while en- route that the suspect was George Michael Hill. 
I confirmed the order (19DV237) was still in effect. 

As I was responding to the scene I observed the Suspect George Michael Hill sitting 
on a beach at Zep's Pizza. I spoke to Mr. Hill and I advised him of the call and also to 
stop calling and texting Caroline. Mr. Hill advised me that he was aware of the 
protection order and also that he only texted her once, but would stop. 

I then responded to the address and spoke to the victim. I was then advised that 
between 1Am to 8:50 Am that she received approx 17 text messages  10 calls and 7 
voicemails. I obtained a written statement and instructed the victim to email me that 
messages and the callls that was sent. I viewed that messages and call record and the 
number that the calls and messages came from belonged to Mr. Hill. 

I spoke to Prosecutor Tolson and advised her of the incident, and she advised to pick 
him up if I seen him.

At approx 1320 Hrs, I observed George Michael Hill walking in the 100 Blk of W. 
Oregon Ave. Mr. Hill was taken in custody and was restrained with handcuffs that was 
gapped and double locked and transported to the Sebring Police Dept for processing. 
After processing Mr. Hill was transported to the Mahoning County Jail by this officer.

Reporting Steven McDanlel, #509


ARREST REPORT   9/14/19  @  1734hours
Case No.: 19009098

Johnson Rd. at Courtney Rd

CITED: Scott Sinley (AGE 52)
18487 Courtney Rd. Beloit, OH

Expired OLN <6months   335.01 ORD

On 09/14/2019 at 5:34pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
West on Courtney Rd., when I observed a vehicle in front of me traveling West on the 
same road approach the intersection of Johnson Rd. and it did not use its turn signal 
100ft prior to the intersection.

The vehicle then made a left onto Johnson and continued traveling south. I then turned 
onto Johnson and positioned myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The 
vehicle then stopped on Johnson Rd. just past the intersection of Courtney Rd. The 
vehicle was a Tan 2005 Chevy Cavalier bearing Ohio registration GKG2558. I then 
exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and informed the driver of the reason 
for the stop and requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance in 
which I received registration but I received an expired license and no proof of 

The driver was later identified as Scott Sinley.

I then gave Scott a verbal warning for the turn signal violation and also wrote him a 
traffic citation for an Expired License (<6months) (335.01 ORD) and gave him a court 
date of 09/19/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. Once 
Scott signed the citation, I provided him with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT   9/13/2019   @  0852Hours
Case No.: 19009089 

20040 Harrisburg Westville Rd, Alliance, OH

CITED: Tarrie Blackmer (AGE 62)
12092 Johnson Rd, Beloit, Ohio

Speed - Over Limits (50/35)   SCO 333.03

On Friday, September 13,20 19, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #303 on S Johnson Rd at US-62 facing south. I observed 
a white vehicle approaching US-62 from the north in my sideview mirror at what 
appeared to be a rate of speed higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activating 
my rear mounted radar antenna, I observed and locked in a digital readout of 50 MPH. 
As the vehicle passed my location, I pulled onto S Johnson Rd and got behind the 
vehicle as it came to an abrupt stop at the functioning traffic light which was yellow.

As the vehicle, a white Chevrolet Camaro bearing Ohio registration ETV4028, turned 
west onto US-62 I activated my overhead emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop. The 
vehicle came to another abrupt stop in front of the Oak Ridge Motel. 

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Tarrie Blackrner, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for the stop. Blackrner provided her Ohio 
operator's license and an expired insurance card. Blackrner was issued traffic citation 
#031731 for SCO 333.03 Speed - Over Limits (50/35) and informed of her mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, September 26,2019 at 

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT   9/13/2019   @   1438Hours
Case No.: 19009091

W Virghia Ave/N 19th St, Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Jody ott (AGE 53)
254 W Washington St, Alliance, OH

Obedience to Traffic Control Device    SCO 313.01
Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver)    SCO 337.27

On Friday, September 13, 2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was on foot on N 19th St at 
W Virginia Ave watching over elementary school dismissal. I observed an orange 
Dodge bearing Ohio registration HAT5256 approach the 4-way stop from the south on 
N 19th St, roll through the intersection without stopping and continue west on W 
Virginia Ave. 

I got into marked unit #303, which was parked on N 19th St , activated my overhead 
emergency lights and attempted to catch up with the vehicle, which had turned into 
B.L. Miller Elementary School's parking lot. Once behind the vehicle in the parking lot, 
the vehicle turned west onto W Virginia Ave and came to a complete stop.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Jody Ott, I identified myself and 
informed her of the reason for the stop. Ott claimed she did not see the stop sign 
because she was focused on me. I informed Ott if she saw me, she should have seen 
the stop sign because I was standing near it. 

While speaking with Ott, I observed she was not wearing her seat belt and asked if he 
had it on prior to being stopped. Ott stated she was not wearing her seat belt prior to 
being stopped. Ott provided her Ohio operator's license upon request but was unable 
to provide valid proof of insurance.

Ott was issued traffic citation #031732 for SCO 313.01 Obedience to Traffic Control 
Device and SCO 337.27 Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver). Ott was informed of her 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, September 
26,2019 at 0900. A signature was not obtained due to her conduct during the stop.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT   9/12/2019   @   1245Hours
Case No.: 19008157

200 E State St Alliance Ohio

CHARGED: Crystal Black (AGE 58)
595 W Ohio Ave. Sebring OH 44672

Littering and deposit of garbage M4    521.08(B)

On 08/21/2019 I observed code enforcement violations at 595 W. Ohio Ave.

Ptl. Scott #505


REPORT DATE: 08/21/2019 18:27:00 

I attempted to make contact multiple times on multiple days and could not. I then wrote 
up state complaints for the person who owns and rents the property which is Crystal 
Black. State complaints were made and will be sent to court.

Ptl. Scott #505


DATE: 08/29/2019 00:06

On 09/12/2019 I served Crystal Black with her summons for the charges at AultCenter 
nursing home in Alliance Ohio.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT   9/12/2019   @  1828Hours
Case No.: 19009088

N. 12th St. / E. Indiana Ave.

CITED: Brian Tewksbury (AGE 29)
336 E. Indiana Ave. Sebring, OH

DUS   SCO 335.07

On 09/12/2019 at 6:28pm I observed a vehicle being driven by Brian Tewksbury who I 
had prior knowledge that his driver's license was suspended. I positioned myself 
behind the vehicle which was a 1996 Teal Chevrolet pickup truck bearing Ohio 
registration HVM4597 and initiated a traffic stop near N. 12th St . and E. Indiana Ave.

I exited my vehicle and approached Brian and informed him of the reason for the stop, 
I then requested Brian's driving status from dispatch to confirm and his driving status 
was confirmed to be suspended. I returned to my cruiser and wrote a traffic citation for 
DUS SCO 335.07 and gave Brain a court date of 09/19/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 
with a personal appearance required. 

Brian signed the citation and was provided with a copy. The vehicle was then towed by 
Springer's Towing to 10 N. 12th St. and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #505


Wednesday, September 11, 2019
02:27 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT  9/7/2019  @ 0056hrs
Case No.: 19009041

S. 12th St. / Village Limits

CITED: Courtney Artrip AGE 33
372 Edinburgh Rd. Dublin, OH

Speed 52/35 SCO 333.03

On 09/07/2019 I Ptl. Stanton witnessed a vehicle traveling south towards me on 12th 
Street at a high rate of speed. My in-car radar unit displayed a speed of 52 miles per 
hour followed by a long distinct audible tone. 

This is a 35 mile per hour roadway. I locked in the radar unit and initiated a traffic stop 
with the vehicle in question. At this time I met with the driver Courtney Artrip. Courtney 
Artrip admitted to not being aware of the speed limit on the roadway. When asked if 
Courtney Artrip knew her speed, she admitted she wasn't paying attention as well. 

I issued Courtney Artrip a citation for Speeding - 333.3 (MM). I cleared the scene 
without further incident.

Ptl. Stanton #508


ARREST REPORT   9/5/2019  @ 0944hrs
Case No.: 19009001

MCC #3,606 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

ARREST: Michael Sharp (AGE 44)
135 W Ohio Ave #8, Sebring, OH 44672

Receiving Stolen Propety (M-1) ORC 2913.51  

On Sunday, September 1, 2019, ,I,Patrolman Marchionda detained two suspects in 
connection with a shoplifting that occurred in the Village of Beloit.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507

Dispatch advised a theft had just been committed at Dollar General in Beloit and 
Goshen PD was responding. I was informed through dispatch the suspect's name was 
Michael Sharp and he was last seen leaving the scene on a bike with a pair of shoes 
he took from the store. 

As I was patrolling east on E Ohio Ave in marked unit #301, I observed Sharp and 
another male riding their bikes west on E Ohio Ave near N 12th St. After informing 
dispatch I had eyes on Sharp I was advised to detain Sharp ~ and stand by for Goshen 

I observed Sharp and the other male circle around the 300 block of E Ohio Ave 
through the alley and subsequently turn into the alley off of N 12th St in between E 
Maryland and E Indiana Ave. I activated my overhead emergency lights, audible siren 
and pulled into the alley behind them. Sharp and the second male stopped 
immediately after I instructed them to. 

I instructed both of them to walk towards my patrol car and place their hands on the 
hood. The second male was later identified as Matthew Thurman. I advised Sharp and 
Thurman they were both detained and an officer from Goshen PD was coming to 
speak with them regarding a matter that occurred in Beloit. I updated dispatch with my 
location and at no time did I ask Sharp or Thurman any questions regarding the theft.

Sharp voluntarily stated he knew what was going on and why they were being 
detained. Sharp kicked off the right shoe he was wearing, nodded to it stating he 
swiped the shoes from Dollar General and proceeded to slide the left shoe off. The 
shoes in question were a pair of black and red ActionFlex men's shoes. Sharp stated 
he knew it was a stupid thing to do and that he should not have done it. I then placed 
Sharp in handcuffs behind his back (gapped/double locked), performed a search of his 
person and secured him in the back of marked unit #301. 

Thurman stated he was at Dollar General with Sharp but was outside the store when 
Sharp took the shoes.

Detective McBride from Goshen Police Department arrived on scene and custody of 
Sharp was exchanged. I informed Detective McBride of the voluntary statements made 
by Sharp regarding the theft. Detective McBride also secured the shoes worn and 
taken by Sharp. Thurman was released from the scene after Detective McBride stated 
he didn't need anything further from him other than his information. 

A state complaint for ORC 2913.51 Receiving stolen property, a misdemeanor of the 
first degree, will be generated and submitted to Mahoning County Court #3 later this 

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


Wednesday, September 04, 2019
02:12 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT  8/28/2019 @ 1543 hrs
Case No.: 19008165 

155 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

CITED: Brennson Soules (AGE 44)
155 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

On 08/22/2019 I Ptl. Scott while on patrol observed possible code enforcement 
violations at 155 E. Pennsylvania Ave.

Ptl. Scott #505

I observed copious amounts of trash alongside the east side of the residence as well 
as a GMC pick up truck in the front yard with the license plate of FXS2686 in the front 
windshield but no plate mounted on the bracket on the rear of the vehicle. I made a 
Trash letter and a junk vehicle letter and served the home owner Brennson Soules with 
the letters and showed him the violations. 

I told Brennson he had 5 days to remove the trash and to place the license plate back 
on the correct location of the vehicle and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #505 

On 08/28/2018 I Ptl. Scott observed trash still on the property so a minor misdemeanor 
citation was filled out for trash and littering for Brennson and was served to him. 
Brennson stated that he will refuse to sign the citation and did not want the copy I then 
set the copy next to his steps for him. 

He was cited into MCC#3 on 09/05/2019 at 9:00am.

Ptl. Scott #505


Case No.: 19008199

437 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

ARREST: Michelle Hall (AGE 30)
437 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Endangering children  2919.22 (E)(2)(b) / Bond $4,000.00

On 08/29/2019 I Ptl. Scott was flagged down by two individuals in the 400 block of east 
Ohio Ave.

Ptl. Scott #505

As I pulled up to the individuals one of them was holding a small child that was only 
wearing a t-shirt and a diaper and had no shoes or socks on. The individuals Jeff 
Tolson and Crystal Wainuskis also called the incident in as I pulled next to them.

I spoke to Jeff and he stated that earlier in the day he saw the child walk down the side 
walk across the street which is the north side on E. Ohio Ave.and then went into the a 
back yard where Jeff stated he followed and then stated her mother Michelle Hall 
found her in the alley behind the house.

Jeff stated to me that this time he was pulling out of his drive way when he saw come 
from behind houses across the street 438 and 430 E. Ohio Ave. and walked toward E. 
Ohio Ave. with no shoes and only in a t-shirt and diaper. Jeff stated to me that he 
observed the child walking in backyards on the south side of E. Ohio Ave. Jeff went on 
to state that the next door neighbor Crystal came out side and picked the child up and 
called the police and stated the mother had not came outside for 5 minutes while after 
the child was picked up.

Crystal stated that she was inside when she noticed someone in her yard and went 
outside to see who it was and it was a child. Crystal stated that her neighbor told her 
he saw a 2 year old running in the streets and told her to call the police.

The mother Michelle Hall came outside and ran across the street toward her child. 
Michelle told me that the little girl was 2 years old and stated that she was inside 
watching her 6 month old baby and the 2 year old while her husband Cody Powell was 
asleep because he works midnights. Michelle stated that her daughter does not 
normally do this and confirmed it did happen earlier in the day and stated that she was 
in the back yard with her baby reading while her daughter was playing in the backyard. 
Michelle stated that she looked up and her daughter was gone and she tried to look for 
her and found the neighbor walking her back to the yard.

Michelle stated that she went upstairs to with her baby to wake up her husband leaving 
her daughter down stairs, stating that her daughter usually follows her. Then Michelle 
stated she gave her baby to Cody and they both went down stairs, Cody was on the 
couch with the baby and Michelle stated that she was cooking dinner and noticed her 
daughter was not around and asked Cody where she was and Cody stated that he did 
not know.

Michelle was detained and placed into hand restraints and then into the rear of marked 
unit #301. 

I spoke to Cody and stated a similar story to Michelle and it was determined that 
Michelle had left the child unattended by leaving her down stairs. Michelle was then 
notified that she is being placed into custody for endangering children.

I then transported Michelle to the station and brought her inside where the hand 
restraints were removed. A computerized criminal history was performed and it was 
fond that Michelle was convicted of endangering children in the past which elevated 
this to felony of the 4th degree. During booking Michelle while being in a well lit room I 
observed her pupils to be very large, when asked about it Michelle did not say 
anything about it.

Michelle was processed and booked and was told her bond amount. Michelle called 
Sly Bail Bonds who came to the station and Michelle paid the amount. A power of 
attorney form was given to me by the bondsman and copies where made. Michelle 
received recognizance form as well which she signed and was given a copy of which 
also has her court date on it which she was advised of.

Michelle was given a court date of 09/05/2019 9:00am for Mahoning County Court #3 
and was released.

Ptl. Scott #505


Officer Ptl. Peterman #511

I exited my patrol vehicle, and approached the citizens to see what the dilemma was. 
Crystal Wainuskis approached Ptl. Scott, and myself stating a child from 437 E. Ohio 
Ave. was running across the road wearing nothing but a t shirt and a diaper on, and no 
parents around. She states this was the second time it happened today.

Another witness, Jeff Tolson, states he was exiting the driveway of his residence, when 
he noticed the child walking across the road with no shoes or socks on, while 
wondering around backyards in the vicinity. Jeff also states Crystal picked the child up, 
and called the police to report the child running around.

At this time Michelle Hall, the child's mother, walks outside looking for her son. We ask 
her if she was looking for her daughter to which she states "yes I am". Ptl. scott stated 
the child ran across Ohio Ave. and could have been struck by a car. I then detained 
Michelle at 18:05 until we had completed our investigation. I ensured the handcuffs 
placed on Michelle were gapped correctly, and double locked, and placed her into Ptl. 
Scotts patrol vehicle.

Ptl. Scott and myself walked up to the residence and knocked on the door to which the 
father, Cody Powell, answered and we asked if he knew his child was walking across 
the street. Cody states he works midnights, and had just woken up to us knocking on 
his door. We made the conclusion to not charge Cody, but Michelle was to be charged 
with endangering children 2919.22(F4), and bonded out with a mandatory court date of 
September 5, 2019 @ 0900A.M.

Ptl. Peterman #511


ARREST REPORT   8/29/2019 @ 10:57
Case No.: 19008196

Smith PD

ARREST: James Poffenberger (AGE 40)

Endangering Children   2919.22  / BOND $4,000.00

Falsification   2921.13  / BOND $1,250.00

Obstruction    2921.31   / BOND $1,000.00

On 08/29/2019, I was dispatched to assist the Smith Twp. Police Dept. in reference to 
a endangering case. 

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 08/29/2019. I was dispatched to assist the Smith Twp. Police Dept. in reference to 
a endangering case. I arrived on location and spoke to Ptl. Caughey and Chief 
Ceresna, whom advised that they located a child in the area of South 12th Street and 
US 62 walking around barefoot. Smith units advised that the child got out of a house in 
Sebring, and wondered into their jurisdiction and advised that this case was ours. 

I contacted Chief Harris whom spoke with Prosecutor Tolson whom advised that this 
would be a Sebring Case. With the parents already there I decided to conduct 
interviews there. I was advised by Smith units that they were advised by the parents 
that the mother was not home during the incident that the father was at home with the 
juvenile and the father was upstairs and when he was upstairs the child escaped the 
house. The father advised that he was searching for the juvenile and couldn't find the 
juvenile so he called the mother who came back to the residence and started looking 
for the juvenile without luck and subsequently came to the department.

I called Children Services and a worker was coming to handle the custody of the 

I called the mother back whom was identified as Shayla Egnor whom started the 
interview off by stating that she lied to the Smith Twp. Officers. Shayla advised that she 
was at her aunts the previous night due to a domestic situation. Shayla advise that she 
went back to the residence to wake up James and get him to work and she discovered 
that the child was gone. Shayla advised that she woke up James and they looked for 
the child with out success and came to the department. 

Shayla advised that she lied to police and to protect James and make it appear as if he 
was not sleeping when he was. 

I obtained a statement. Once the statement was complete I forwarded my findings to 
the Smith units, whom advised that they were filing charges against her for 

I then called back the father whom was identified as James Poffenberger. I asked 
James what happened and he advised that he was upstairs and he while he was 
upstairs the child went down stairs to get cereal and never came back up. James 
advised that he then searched for the child and couldn't find him and then called 
Shayla. James advised that Shayla came home and they looked and couldn't find the 
juvenile. James was then advised of the falsification waiver on the front of the 
statement packet and advised he understood it and signed it and proceeded to write 
his statement.

Once complete I attempted to work out the differences in the stories and James stood 
up and put his hands in front of him and said "I'm not doing this. just arrest me 
already." At which point James was placed into custody and placed into cuffs. James 
was read his rights and was sat on the prisoner bench. I radioed for another unit to 
come transport James to station. I called Chief Harris whom was with Prosecutor 
Tolson. The two discussed the charges and it was determined that James was going to 
be charged with F4 Endangering Children, M1 Falsification, and M2 Obstructing. 
James was taken back to our station and Smith units stayed at their station with the 
mother and child and awaited for Children Services.

James was processed, photographed, and DNA was obtained. James was then taken 
to MCC#3 where he was arraigned and sent to MCJ on a $15,000 bond. This case will 
be closed.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


ARREST REPORT  8/30/2019 @ 0829hrs
Case No.: 19008201 

S Johnson Rd/Heacock Extension, Sebring, OH 44672

CITED: Dominick Chacon (AGE 22)
2035 S Linden Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

Speed - Over Limits (62/35) SCO 333.03

On Friday, August 30,2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement on S Johnson Rd at US-62 in marked unit #304 facing south. I observed 
a white Chevrolet +door sedan turn north onto S Johnson Rd and begin to accelerate 
rapidly. Upon activating my rear mounted radar antenna, I observed a digital readout of 
47 MPH in a marked 35 MPH zone. I observed the vehicle speed increase rapidly from 
47 MPH to 62 MPH just as it cleared the very north end of Grandview Cemetery.

I pulled onto S Johnson Rd and activated my overhead emergency lights, audible siren 
and attempted to catch up with the vehicle. While catching up to the vehicle, Smith 
Township Patrolman Everhart pulled onto S Johnson Rd from the 1200 block with his 
emergency lights and audible siren activated as well. The vehicle, a white Chevrolet 
bearing Ohio registration HAT8249, came to a complete stop in front of Heacock 

Patrolman Everhart and I established contact with the driver, identified as Dominick 
Chacon and informed him of the reason for the stop. Chacon apologized and stated he 
did not realize he was not going that fast and claimed he was late for work. Patrolman 
Everhart advised he could smell an odor of marijuana coming from inside the vehicle. I 
asked Chacon if he had anything in the vehicle that could get him in trouble and if he 
would give us consent to search. Chacon stated he did not have anything in the 
vehicle and granted us consent to search.

Chacon provided his operator's license and vehicle registration upon request but was 
unable to provide valid proof of insurance. Chacon was instructed to exit the vehicle 
while patrolman Everhart conducted the consent search. A cursory pat down of 
Chacon was conducted for weapons. No weapons were felt on Chacon and no 
contraband was discovered during the consent search of the vehicle. 

Chacon was issued traffic citation #031728 for SCO 333.03 Speed - Over Limits 
(62/35) and informed of his mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 
on Thursday, September 12,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT   8/30/2019 @ 1916hrs
Case No.: 19008206 

100 block N. 12th St. Sebring, OH 44672

CITED: Gregory Miller (AGE 33)
12176 North 12th Street Beloit, Ohio 44609

Speed (51/35)  SCO 333.03

At 19:16 hours, on August 30,2019, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked 
unit 303. While southbound in the 100 block South 12th street, I observed a 
northbound red utility truck near the intersection of S. 12th and E. Georgia, that 
appeared to be moving at a speed greater than that of the 35 MPH posted limit. Upon 
activating the front facing antenna to my in-car radar unit, I obtained a locked speed of 
51MPH. Once the red truck passed me, I turned my patrol car around, positioned 
myself behind the truck, activated my overhead emergency lights, and initiated a traffic 
stop. The red Chevrolet utility truck, bearing Ohio Registration PKF 1461 came to a 
stop in the parking lot of Sebring Tire.

I then approached and made contact with the driver, later identified as Gregory Allen 
Miller, by his Ohio Driver License, and informed him of the reason for the stop as well 
as asked him if he was aware of how fast he was going. I also requested his proof of 
insurance and vehicle registration. Mr. Miller advised that he was coming home from 
work and was in a hurry to get home and was not aware of his speed. I also noticed 
Mr. Miller had two children with him, both appearing to be under the ages of eight, and 
with both being properly restrained. 

I then issued Mr. Miller citation #031540, for Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03 (speed 
51 in a 35MPH zone). It should be noted that the calibration to car 303's radar unit was 
verified at both the start of my shift at 15:00 hours and after issuing Mr. Miller his 

Mr. Miller was given a court time and date of 9:00am on Thursday Sept 12,2019, with 
no personal appearance required. Mr. Miller then signed the citation, was given his 
copy, and I cleared from the stop with no further action and nothing additional to report 
at this time.

Ptl. Reed #513


ARREST REPORT   8/31/2019 @  0013hrs
Case No.: 19008208 

100 Block E. Ohio Ave.

CITED:  Budd Kuyper (AGE 43)
820 Milner St. Alliance, OH 44601

DUS  SCO 335.07

On 08/31/2019 at 12:13am I Ptl. Scott while on patrol in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling east on W. Ohio Ave. when I performed a random registration check on the 
vehicle in front of me. The vehicle was a black 2004 Chevrolet pickup truck bearing 
Ohio registration HUR1193.

The vehicle returned to Budd Kuyper from Alliance and his driving status was 
suspended. I initiated a traffic stop in the 100 block of E. Ohio Ave. I made contact with 
the driver which was Budd and asked him if he had his driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance which Budd stated that he did not and told me his license was 

Budd stated that he came to Sebring to get gas because the Alliance police know what 
he drives and knows he is suspended.

I wrote Budd a traffic citation for DUS SCO 335.07 and cited Budd into MCC#3 with a 
court date of 09/05/2019 at 9:00am with a personal appearance required. Budd signed 
the citation and was provided with a copy and was released.

The vehicle was inventoried and towed to Springer's Towing on 10 N. 12th St.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT  8/31/2019 @ 0346hrs
Case No.: 19008210 

300 Block W. Ohio Ave.

CITED: Dorian Davis (AGE 24)
1020 Nantucket Circle NE. Apt. C

DUS   SCO 335.07

On 8/31/2019 at 0109 hours Ptl. Scott and myself, Ptl. Peterman, observed a silver 
ford 4-door (bearing license plate # GUD9897) leaving the intersection of 15th and 
Ohio Ave and arrive at the Circle K. Upon exiting the vehicle, Ptl. Scott and one of the 
employees of the establishment observed a smell of marijuana coming from the car 
when the driver exited the vehicle. I could not smell anything due to an issue with my 
sinuses, but observed the individual behaving erratically. 

The man, a black male approx. 5' 10" in height, approached the counter, checked out, 
then reentered into the same vehicle, backed his vehicle up to the gas pump, then gets 
out to fuel the vehicle. He had a confused look when he could not get his credit card to 
work at the gas pump.

We observed for the next several minutes, the same individual walk back into, and out 
of the vehicle several times. The individual then drove his vehicle out of the parking lot 
onto N. 14th St. , and parked the vehicle at one of the 200 N. block residences. Upon 
exiting the vehicle, the subject turned to face us, walked down the sidewalk back onto 
Ohio Ave., and into a residence off of E. Ohio Ave. He repeated this action several 
times, raising both our suspicions that crime was afoot.

I maintained heavier patrol around the area of the vehicles location. Around 0346 
hours, I observed the vehicle in motion, leaving the same Circle K location. I 
approached the vehicle from the rear and activated my emergency overhead lights and 
audible siren. The vehicle stopped at the intersection of N. 18th and W. Ohio Ave. I 
approached the vehicle, and observed a female now operating the vehicle, with the 
same individual who was operating the vehicle earlier that morning in the passenger 
seat. I informed the driver and the passenger who I was, and the reason for the stop. I 
informed the passenger, identified as Dorian Dais, that his actions from earlier were 
very suspicious, and cause for the stop.

The driver, at this time Dayanaira Baldwin, who was the registered owner of the 
vehicle states she was going home. I stated due to the suspicious activities, I was to 
identify everyone in the vehicle. Dorian was on non-compliance suspension. I wrote a 
citation for driving under suspension 335.07 for Dorian Davis, with a mandatory court 
date of 09/05/2019. I gave Dorian a copy of the citation, then cleared.

Ptl. Peterman #511


ARREST REPORT  8/31/2019  @ 1446hrs
Case No.: 19008213 

S Johnson Rd/Grandview Cemetery, Sebring, OH 44672

CITED: Terry Krauss (AGE 47)
2002 Notman Road, Deerfield, OH 44411

Speed - Over Limits (51/35)  SCO 333.03

On Saturday, August 31, 2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling north on S 
Johnson Rd from US-62 in marked unit #304. I observed a blue Ford truck southbound 
at a rate of speed that appeared to be higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. 

Upon activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I observed and locked in a speed 
of 51 MPH. As the truck passed me, I activated my overhead emergency lights and 
turned around to initiate a traffic stop. The blue Ford truck, bearing Ohio registration 
GEX4931, came to a complete stop in front of Grandview Cemetery.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Terry Krauss, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. Krauss asked how I knew how fast he 
was operating his vehicle and I informed him through the mounted radar system in my 
cruiser. Krauss demanded to see the radar depicting his speed and I informed him that 
was not necessary and to remain in the vehicle. Krauss began to take his seatbelt off 
and I informed him if he attempted to exit the vehicle he would be arrested for 

I requested Krauss to provide his driver's license, insurance and vehicle registration at 
least three times.

Krauss provided his license and proof of insurance after his attempts to argue with me 
were unsuccessful.

Smith Township Patrolman Sorokach was passing by and stopped at my request to 
provide cover for the remainder of the stop. Krauss was issued traffic citation #031729 
for SCO 333.03 Speed - Over Limits (51/35) and informed of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, September 12,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


Wednesday, August 28, 2019
02:21 PM -0500

Case No.: 19008177

135 E. Oregon Ave.

ARREST: Shawn Mellott (AGE 22)
496 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

DOC W/ Persist                 ORC 2917.11 / Bond $500
Obstructing Official Business  ORC 2921.31 / Bond $1,000
Resisting Arrest               ORC 2921.33 / Bond $1,000
Assault                        ORC 2903.13 / Bond $4,000



MCC#3 8/29/2019 9:00am

On 08/25/2019 I Ptl. Scott and Ptl. Peterman responded to the street in front of the 
Schmid's Bar for a Fight in Progress .

Ptl. Scott #505

Upon our arrival I observed two males by a vehicle in the street being Brian Anderson 
and William Mellott. William had his son Shawn in a headlock and Brian was 
attempting to calm Shawn down. I asked them what was going on and William stated 
that his son is drunk and is acting erratic.

Shawn then took his hand and punched William in the back of the head and William 
while still having Shawn in a headlock punched Shawn in the head. I ordered William 
to let Shawn go and he did.

Shawn attempted to continue fighting his father. I then pulled out of my OC spray and 
told them both to stop. Shawn then attempted to rush me and I took him to the ground. 
Shawn was being belligerent and swung his arms around and resisted. I told Shawn to 
stop and at one point Shawn lightly struck me on the right side of my face and then 
pulled back his right arm to strike me a second time. 

Ptl. Peterman got on top of Shawn and I put my hand on Shawn's neck/chest area and 
pushed him toward the ground and we put Shawn on his stomach and attempted to 
hand cuff Shawn. Shawn laid on his hands and we had to force his hands behind his 
back to place him into hand restraints. 

While attempting to put Shawn in the cruiser he gave dead weight and had to be 
carried and refused to get in the cruiser and had to be assisted. Once in the cruiser 
Shawn began to kick and headbutt the divider.

Once back at station Shawn complied while we began paperwork. Shawn stated he 
wanted an ambulance because he was tired so EMT was called and arrived. EMT 
transported Shawn to Altman Alliance where Shawn became belligerent once more 
and threatened staff and Ptl Peterman and Alliance was called to have Shawn put 
back into the cruiser after Shawn had been medically clear.

Ptl. Peterman while on the way back to 40 stated on the radio that Shawn spit in his 
face and him and three Alliance officers where present and assisted Shawn back into 
Ptl. Peterman's cruiser.

Once back at station I called Smith Twp. for a 57 and Ptl. Stanton arrived and assisted 
with placing Shawn into leg shackles. Shawn was charged with DOC w/ persist ORC 
2917.11 M4, 

Obstructing official business ORC 2921.31 M-2, 

Resisting Arrest ORC 2921.33 M-2, 

and Assault ORC 2903.13 F-4. 

Ptl. Peterman than transported Shawn to the Mahoning County Jail and the jail was 
notified of Shawn's combative behavior.

Ptl. Scott #505

................ Ptl. Peterman #511

On arrival, I observed two male individuals fighting against a vehicle, one being 
identified as Shawn Mellott who was still inside the drivers rear portion of the vehicle, 
and his father, William Mellott. William had Shawn in a headlock, as I asked why he 
was doing this, told me Shawn was acting very irrational due to his extreme 
intoxication level, and attempted to fight William. Shawn at this time then began 
punching William, closed fists, in his back, head, and groin regions. Ptl. Scott reached 
for his OC spray, and shouted for William to release Shawn so as we could restrain 
him and he complied.

Shawn then quickly approached Ptl. Scott, and I witnessed Shawn punch Ptl. Scott in 
the right side of the face, causing Ptl. Scott to grab Shawn, and escort him to the 
ground to restrain him.

Shawn laid on his back, and began to swing his arms around, shouting obscenities, 
and continued to resist arrest. Shawns father assisted us by laying on him as well, and 
when I asked he move away so I could roll him over onto his stomach he complied. 
William moved away from Shawn, and I quickly turned Shawn over, and laid on his 
lower body, and shouted to Shawn to "stop resisting" and "give to us his hands". 
Shawn continued to guard his hands on his chest, and Ptl. Scott and myself managed 
to break them free and place him in handcuffs. Shawn went dead weight as we 
assisted him to our patrol car, and we had to carry him into Ptl. Scotts cruiser. Shawn, 
while in Ptl. Scotts cruiser, began headbutting the divider, and window. After obtaining 
a witness statement from the father, and we both cleared the scene to return to station 
for jailing paperwork.

Ptl. Scott advised Shawn he would not be going to jail so long as he would calm down. 
Shawn refused to degress his violent attitude, and continued to yell obscenities, and 
threaten Ptl. Scott and myself he would "beat our fucking asses if we took off the 
badge", as Ptl. Scott, in a professional manner and attitude advised Shawn he was in a 
room that was monitored visually, and audibly.

Shawn still continued yelling threats and obscenities towards us until he passed out for 
his intoxicated status. We periodically checked to ensure Shawn was stable. We asked 
Shawn if he needed to see EMS, and he advised "Yeah, I do" , and when we asked 
why, he replied "because im tired". Dispatch radioed EMS to have Shawn transported 
for a medical evaulation.

Upon EMS'S arrival, Shawn calmed down somewhat, and had urinated inside of patrol 
vehicle 304 intentionally, and told no one he had to use the latrine. Shawn was placed 
on a medical transport bed, and transported to Alliance Community Hospital. At the 
hospital, I stood guard at the doorway of Shawns room. Shawn became increasingly 
agitated, yelling "I'd bash everyones heads in here", and continued threatening myself, 
and hospital staff. I called dispatch via my personal cellular device, and asked them to 
send Alliance Police Department to help assist with Shawn once he was discharged.

Shawn berated the Doctor whom was seeing him, and the nurses who entered the 
room to speak to Shawn.

On arrival of Alliance Police, Shawn advised me he was going to use the bathroom. I 
instructed Shawn that the nurse left a urine bottle as to use, and he became very 
frustrated with me, and began moving out of the hospital bed. I stepped in Shawns 
way as to prevent him from being around any staff or patients, and a patrolman of 
Alliance Police told Shawn to sit down. Shawn again refused to follow orders given to 
him, turned to me, and told me he was going to the bathroom. I advised "no, sitdown 
and use the urine bottle left for you". Shawn then placed his hand on my chest and 
pushed on me, I advised him not to do that, and he again placed his hand on my chest 
to push. 

At this time, I placed him in handcuffs again, and Alliance Police assisted in escorting 
Shawn from the building. I signed Shawns medical release papers, then left the 

After exiting the ER sliding doors, Shawn made a comment directed towards 
merturned his head in my direction, and spit onto the right side of my face and cheek. 
We placed Shawn in the back of my cruiser, and I radioed dispatch I would be heading 
back to station, and additional charges will be filed for Assault 2903.13. Arriving at 
station, Shawn began to headbutt the windows, and divider of the cruiser again. Ptl. 
Stanton of Smith Township guarded Shawn while I finished the jailing paperwork.

We then placed Shawn in leg restraints due to his combative behavior.

After I called out to dispatch my mileage, I transported Shawn to Mahoning County 
Jail. I then cleared to station without further incident.

Ptl. Peterman #511 

................K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 08/25/2019, By the request of Ptl. Scott, I went to the residence of William Mellott. I 
asked William what transpired the previous night and he advised that he went to go 
pick up his son from the bar and his son was combative and started taking swings on 
him. William advised that the cops showed up and Shawn attacked an officer and the 
officers "did their job, and used necessary force to control Shawn". 

William was presented with the opportunity to file a Domestic Violence Charge and 
William advised that he wished to not proceed. I obtained a DV refusal and cleared.

I Also by the request of Ptl. Scott, a State Complaint was drafted for Shawn for F4 
Assault on an Officer for punching Ptl. Scott in the face.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


ARREST REPORT  8/23/2019   23:23hrs
Case No.: 19008171

S. Johnson Rd. & Heacock Ext.

CITED:  Domingo Alicea (AGE 41)
339 New Garden Ave. Salem, OH 44460

DUS  SCO 335.07

On 08/23/2019 at 11:23pm I Ptl. Scott while in a marked police cruiser observed a 
2004 red Ford SW Ohio registration (HTH2243). I performed a random registration 
check and was advised by dispatch that the registered owner Domingo Alicea has a 
suspended Ohio driver's license and stated to check for an out of state driver's license. 
I activated the overhead lights on marked unit #301 and initiated a traffic stop on S. 
Johnson Rd near Heacock Ext. 

I identified the driver as Dorningo Alicea. I informed Domingo that his license was 
suspended in Ohio and he gave me a Florida license that was valid but since his 
Ohio's driver's license was suspended he cannot drive in the state of Ohio and I issued 
a traffic citation for DUS SCO 335.07 and gave Domingo a court date of 08/29/2019 at 
9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required since Domingo did not have 
proof of insurance.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT  8.23.2019  10:06
Case No.: 190080166

10 N 12th St, Sebring, OH 44672

CITED: John Stillwagon (AGE 61)
148 W Main St, Hopedale, OH 43976

Speed - Over Limits (55/35)   SCO 333.03

On Friday, August 23,2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #303 in front of 100 S 12th St facing south. I observed a 
white van approach from the south at what appeared to be a rate of speed higher than 
the posted 35 MPH limit. 

Upon activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I observed and locked in a speed 
of 55 MPH. As the vehicle passed my location, I activated my overhead emergency 
lights and pulled onto S 1 2S~t to~ in itiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a white Dodge 
van bearing Ohio registration GCV5501, came to a complete stop in front of 10 N 12th 

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as John Stillwagon, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Stillwagon provided appropriate 
documentation upon request.

Stillwagon was issued traffic citation #031727 for SCO 333.03 Speed - Over Limits 
(55/35) and informed of his appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, September 5,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT   8.22.2019   06:55hrs
Case No.: 19008161 

100 Block E Indiana Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

CITED: Taylor Huff (AGE 25)
385 W Indiana Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver)   SCO 337.27

On Thursday, August 22,2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #301 on E Indiana Ave at N 14th St facing east. I observed 
a blue Chevrolet Equinox approach the intersection from the south and continue west 
onto E Indiana Ave without stopping at the posted stop sign. I activated my overhead 
emergency lights and turned around to initiate a traffic stop. The blue Equinox, bearing 
Ohio registration GOA6288, came to a complete stop in the 100 block of E Indiana 

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Taylor Huff, I identified myself 
and informed her of the reason for the stop. While speaking with Huff, I observed she 
was not wearing her seat belt and asked if she had it on prior to being stopped. Huff 
admitted she had not been wearing her seat belt prior to being stopped. Huff provided 
appropriate documentation upon request.

Huff was given a verbal warning for the stop sign violation and issued traffic citation 
#031726 for SCO337.27 Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver). Huff was informed of her 
appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, September 5,2019 at 

Ptl D. Marchionda #507

PUBLISHED 3:15PM AUGUST 28,2019  *

Wednesday, August 21, 2019
08:11 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT  8-17-19  16:17hrs
Case No.: 19008132

S. 15th St. at Texas Ave.

CITED: Katlyn Clemens (AGE 24)
2561 Lexington Ave. Apt #44 Salem, OH 44460

Failure to have license on person  /  4507.35 ORC
Expired Plates  /  4503.11 ORC

On 08/17/2019 at 4:17pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
East on Texas Ave. when I observed a vehicle traveling North on S. 15'' St. not make a 
complete stop at the intersection.

The vehicle continued moving North on 1 5th St. and I turned onto 15th St. and 
positioned myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on 15th St. right at the intersection of Florida Ave. The vehicle was a Grey 
2011 Jeep SUV bearing Ohio registration HTH2859. I then exited my cruiser and 
approached the driver side and informed the driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance in which I did not 
receive any documentation.

The driver was later identified as Katlyn Clemens. Dispatch also advised me that the 
vehicle had expired plates as well.

I wrote Katlyn a traffic citation for expired plates (4503.11 ORC) , a traffic citation for 
failure to have license on person (4507.35 ORC) and a verbal warning for obedience 
to a traffic control device. I then gave her a court date of 08/22/19 at 9:00am for 
MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. Once Katlyn signed the citation, I 
provided her with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #514


Case No.: 19008135 

Traffic - Citation Issued
1000 Block of S. Johnson Rd.

CITED: Michael Stringer (AGE 58)
9603 Wildwood Dr. Chardon, OH 44024

Speeding  /  333.03 ORD

On 08/17/2019 at 8:18pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
South on Johnson Rd. in the 1000 Block, when I observed a vehicle traveling North on 
the same road approach at a high rate of speed. 

I turned on my moving radar and clocked the vehicle going 59mph in a 35mph zone. 
The vehicle continued moving North on Johnson and I turned around and positioned 
myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then stopped on 
Johnson Rd. in the 1000 Block. The vehicle was a silver 2014 Mercedes Sprinter 
bearing Ohio registration PIV5686. I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver 
side and informed the driver of the reason for the stop and requested their driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance in which I received a valid license and 
registration but no proof of insurance. 

The driver was later identified as Michael Stringer.

I wrote Michael a traffic citation for speeding (333.03 ORD) and gave him a court date 
of 08/22/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. Once Michael 
signed the citation, I provided him with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT  8/15/2019  13:44hrs
Case No.: 19008113 


Roberta Maffei (AGE 70)
605 East Milton Rd, Alliance, 44601


On 08/15/2019 I charged Roberta Maffei with ORD 521.08B.

Ptl. Villanueva #512

While at the court, Roberta was informed that she is going to get charged with 521.08B 
Littering and Deposit of Garbage because the building of 126 E. Oregon was still 
collapsed with no attempt at cleaning it up and also new trash was left of the left side 
front of the building. 

I then cleared the courts and began writing a summons for her to appear in court on 
09/19/2019 at 0900hrs at MCC#3.

Prosecutor Thersea Tolson is allowing Roberta a final attempt at cleaning up the trash 
for 30 days and she understood that if it was not cleaned up she will be arrested and 
taken to jail.

Ptl. Villanueva #512

At 13:44 hours I served Roberta Maffei with her summons to court on 09/19/2019 at 
0900 hours at MCC#3 at our station.

Ptl. Villanueva #512


ARREST REPORT  8/14/2019   23:20hrs
Case No.: 19008108

E. Ohio Ave. & N. 12th St.

Brittney Lashea Rohrer (AGE 20)
1004 S. Seneca Ave. Alliance, OH 44601

Warrant - Alliance

On 08/14/2019 I Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic stop on a vehicle on E. Ohio Ave. and N. 
12th St. for rear illumination which resulted in the arrest of the front seat passenger for 
an active warrant out of Alliance Municipal Court.

Ptl. Scott #505

Upon identifying occupants of the vehicle the driver Marissa Smith was valid and the 
passenger Brittney Rohrer had an entered warrant out of Alliance. Brittney was 
detained until the warrant was confirmed and once confirmed was placed into custody 
and was read miranda. Marissa was given a verbal warning for the traffic offense.

I then transported Brittney to Ralph's Deli and gave her over to Ptl. Boyle of the 
Alliance Police Department.

Ptl. Scott #505

PUBLISHED 9:06AM AUGUST 21, 2019  *

Wednesday, August 14, 2019
09:31 AM -0500

Case No.: 19007233 


ARREST: James  Miller (AGE 31)
13795 Thompson Street, Alliance Ohio 44601

Failure to Comply F4 / 2921.331C4 / BOND $4,000.00

On 07/30/2019. While in a marked K9 unit coming to work. I was nearly t-boned by an 
ATV at the intersection of South Johnson Road at US-62.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

INCIDENT NUMBER: 19-007244 REPORT DATE: 07/30/2019 14:44:00

On 07/30/2019. While in a marked K9 unit coming to work. I was nearly t-boned by an 
ATV at the intersection of South Johnson Road at US-62. I immediately activated my 
emergency flashing lights and audible sirens. I attempted to stop the vehicle on US-62. 
The driver of the ATV was shirtless and the rear passenger had a black shirt on. The 
ATV was an older red possibly a Honda. The rear passenger had black,brown hair and 
the driver had red hair. 

Due to an encounter the previous night with Steven and Christopher Guildoo I was 
able to identify the driver as Christopher Guildoo. Was right on the rear of the ATV as it 
nearly lost control in the intersection of US62 and 12th street. The ATV then proceeded 
in the Highland Memorial Park Cemetery where I deemed that continuing on would 
pose to much risk of serious physical harm to the driver and the passenger of the ATV. 
I terminated the attempt to stop.

While I was clearing the stop Chief Ceresna from the Smith Township Police 
Department requested to meet up after the encounter. I spoke with Chief Ceresna 
whom advised that just prior to that he was in a pursuit/attempt to stop with two ATVs 
and he was able to identify the driver of the Red ATV as Christopher Guildoo. Chief 
Ceresna advised that the other ATV was green in color and he lost them in the woods 
and it matched the physical description of that of the ATV's that was involved in his 
incident. I then cleared with a report.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


On 08/01/2019, Prosecutor Tolson approved charges in this case. Warrants will be 
filed through MCC#3.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


On Friday, August 2, 2019, I was notified by dispatch a felony arrest warrant for 
Christopher Guildoo was active out of Mahoning County Court #3. Dispatch also 
advised Guildoo was last scene at his residence on W California Ave in the village. 
After receiving his descriptive information, I proceededto 555 W California Ave and 
observed Guildoo in front of the residence, shirtless, walking around. I was able to 
observe the tattoos on his body that were listed in the description provided by 

I established contact with Guildoo and informed him he had a felony warrant for his 
arrest out of Mahoning County Court #3 through our police department. Guildoo was 
placed in handcuffs behind his back (gapped/double locked) and subsequently 
searched for weapons and contraband. Although Guildoo was compliant and offered 
no resistance, bystanders and family on scene became agitated, at which point I 
requested additional units to respond for officer safety. I placed Guildoo in the back of 
marked unit #303 and advised him of his Miranda Rights. Guildoo acknowledged his 
Miranda Rights and advised he was not willing to waive them. Smith Township Chief 
Ceresna and Sebring Chief Harris arrived on scene at this time. 

Guildoo was transported back to the Sebring Police Department and escorted into the 
squad room where his handcuffs were removed and allowed to put a shirt on. Now in 
an audio and video recorded room, I read Guildo his rights again and again he stated 
he understood them and stated he was not willing to waive them to make a statement 
or answer questions. 

Guildoo was photographed and released into the custody of Smith Township 
Patrolman Everhart for transport to the Mahoning County Justice Center in 
Youngstown for additional unrelated charges.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


On 8/12/2019, Ptl. Everhart arrived on station with James Miller, whom turned himself 
into Smith PD for the warrant. James was processed on his warrant and offered the 
opportunity to post a bond. James advised that he could not. 

James was offered the opportunity to provide a statement and he advised that he did 
not wish to provide one. 

James was process and taken to the Mahoning County Jail on a $4,000.00 Bond with 
a court date of 8/15/19 at 0900 at MCC#3.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


Case No.: 19008079

SR 62 near S Johnson Rd, Sebring, OH 44672

CITED: Jana Chapman (AGE 33)
481 Columbia St, Leetonia, OH 44431

Speed - Over Limits (69/55)  /  ORC4511.21

On Sunday, August 11, 2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling east on State 
Route 62 from S Johnson Rd towards S 15th St in marked unit #303. 

Upon approaching the 19500 block, I observed a vehicle travelling west at what 
appeared to be a rate of speed higher than the posted 55 MPH limit. 

Upon activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I observed and locked in a speed 
of 69 MPH. As the vehicle passed, I activated my overhead emergency lights, audible 
siren and turned around to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a brown GMC Acadia 
bearing Ohio registration HEG9975, came to a final stop just east of S. Johnson Rd. 

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Jana Chapman, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for the stop. Chapman provided her driver's 
license and vehicle registration upon request but was unable to provide valid proof of 
insurance. Chapman was issued traffic citation #031650 for ORC 4511.21 Speed - 
Over Limits (6915.5) and informed of her mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, August 22,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT  8.10.2019  1224hrs
Case No.: 19008068

SR 621 Knox School Road, Sebring, OH 44601

CITED: Yvonne Gatewood (AGE 52)
244 Bonnieview Avenue, Alliance, OH 44601

Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver)  /  SCO 337.27

On Saturday, August 10,2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #304 on S Johnson Rd near State Route 62. I observed a 
vehicle travelling southbound passing Grandview Cemetery at what appeared to be a 
rate of speed higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. 

Upon activating my rear mounted radar antenna, I observed and locked in a speed of 
51 MPH. As the vehicle came to a stop at the red traffic light, I pulled out from my 
location and positioned myself behind the vehicle. As the light turned green and the 
vehicle turned east onto State Route 62, I activated my overhead emergency lights to 
initiate a traffic

The vehicle, a red Ford 4-door sedan bearing Ohio registration HMK6808, came to a 
complete stop off the shoulder of SR62 near Knox School Rd. Upon establishing 
contact with the driver, identified as Yvonne Gatewood, I identified myself and informed 
her of the reason for the stop. While speaking with Gatewood, I observed she was not 
wearing her seatbelt. After asking if she had it on prior to being stopped, Gatewood 
stated she did not. Gatewood provided her driver's license and vehicle registration 
upon request but was unable to produce valid proof of insurance.

Gatewood was issued traffic citation #031649 for SCO 337.27 Safety Belt: Failure to 
Wear (Driver) and given a verbal warning for speed (51/35). Gatewood was informed 
of her mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, August 
22,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT  8/10/2019  1928hrs
Case No.: 19008072

400 Block W. california Ave Sebring, OH 44672

CITED: Nathan Corntois (AGE 27)
18493 5th Street Beloit, OH 44609

Speed (46/25)  / SCO 333.03

At 19:28 hours, on August 10,2019, I was conducting traffic enforcement in marked 
unit 303. While sitting stationary, with my patrol car facing eastbound along the 
roadside on the 400 block of W. California Ave, I observed a dark colored Mazda 
Sedan traveling westbound at a speed that appeared to be higher than that of the 
25MPH limit. 

Upon activating the front facing antenna to my in car radar unit, I obtained a locked 
speed of 46MPH. I then activated my overhead emergency lights, pulled out onto the 
roadway, and initiated g traffic stop on the dark blue Mazda 6, bearing Ohio registration 
HPP 2452.

The vehicle came to a complete stop in front of The Salem Republic Rubber building. I 
then made contact with the male driver, and advised him of the reason for the stop as 
well as asked him for his driver license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. 
The driver then provided me with the requested documents, with his Ohio Driver 
License identifying him as Nathan M. Comtois. When asked if he was aware of how 
fast he was going, Mr. Comtois stated that he believed he was going 45MPH. I also 
advised Comtois of how dangerous this was, seeing as I noticed he passed a 
pedestrian who was walking down California Avenue at the same time that I locked his 

After determining that Comtois had a valid driver license and no outstanding warrants, 
I wrote him citation #031539, for Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03, speed, for going 
46MPH in a marked 25MPH zone. Mr. Comtois was given a mandatory court 
appearance at 9:00am on Thursday, August 22, 2019, at Mahoning County Court #3. 

It should also be noted that the calibration of the in-car radar unit in car #303 was 
successfully verified at both the start of my shift at 15:00, as well as after writing Mr. 
Comtois his citation. Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed  #513


ARREST REPORT  August 8, 2019  1044hrs
Case No.: 19008026 

555 W California Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

ARREST: Steven Guildoo (AGE 45)
595 W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

Receiving Stolen Property / ORC 2913.51A / Bond $1,500.00

On Sunday, August 4, 2019, Patrolman Marchionda was dispatched to the Sebring 
Police Dept to speak with a complainant in the lobby.

Upon arrival, I established contact with the complainant, Christopher Kleinhans. 
Kleinhans produced a black Ignite Audio Mono Block Class D Car Amplifier 4000 
Watts Peak Power and stated he swiped it from a table at a residence on W California 
Ave claiming it was his. Kleinhans stated last month, his car broke down in 
Columbiana County and had to leave it at 2309 Westville Lake Rd. Kleinhans 
continued that when he returned to retrieve his vehicle a few days later, he discovered 
it had been broken into and several items stolen. Kleinhans stated he filed a report 
with the Columbiana County SheriWs Office on July 31, 2019.

Dispatch made contact with CCSO who faxed the report to our station. The report from 
CCSO shows Kleinhans stated the property taken was numerous misc. hand tools, a 
2200 RPM DeWalt power drill, two AMPS and 2 sub woofers, a Kenwood CD player 
along with other misc. property. The report from CCSO did not contain any serial 
numbers or additional information. 

I informed Kleinhans that without proper documentation depicting serial numbers, for 
all I knew the amp he brought into the station could be anybody's. Kleinhans became 
frustrated and argumentative stating he saw other property belonging to him at the 
house he took the amp from. Kleinhans turned the amp over to show the underside 
where 5 circular cushions had been affixed claiming the amps do not come like this, 
that he installed them himself.

I asked Kleinhans if he could be more specific about the house and he stated its where 
Steven Guildoo lives. I asked Kleinhans he needed to produce proper documentation 
with serial numbers in order for the investigation to go forward. Kleinhans stated he 
had the boxes and documentation from Amazon at his residence on W Virginia Ave. I 
advised Kleinhans I would be securing the amp he brought into the station as 
evidence. After Kleinhans left the station, I secured the amp and placed it in the audio 
and video recorded squad room.

I proceeded to Kleinhans residence on W Virginia Ave where I observed him loading 
several Amazon boxes into his car to bring to the station. The boxes from Amazon had 
tracking and shipping labels still affixed to them with Kleinhans' name and address. I 
removed the merchandise boxes from the Amazon boxes and photographed the 
barcodes, serial numbers and product descriptions. I asked Kleinhan if he had any 
other documentation for the other property he claimed he saw at the house on W 
California Ave. Kleinhan stated the Kenwood CD player came with the car and he did 
not have paperwork for it. Kleinhan stated most of the tools were given to him by his 
cousin who according to Kleinhans, is now in jail.

Kleinhans provided a voluntary written statement stating he found his property in 
Sebring at a yard sale on California and grabbed one of the pieces to bring to the 
station. Kleinhans stated it was "Steve Gildoo" (Sic) who picked him up in Columbiana 
County when his car broke down. Kleinhans believes "Gildoo" went back to where his 
car was parked and took his stuff. 

Kleinhans inquired about getting his stuff back and I informed him I cannot guarantee 
he will get everything back. With the speaker descriptions and serial numbers, I 
cleared from W Virginia Ave and proceeded to 555 W California Ave. 

Following my arrival at 555 W California Ave, I established contact with Christopher 
Guildoo and his girlfriend, Catherine Woods. I informed Christopher and Catherine I 
was there as part of a stolen property investigation and if I could take a look around as 
I had received information that some of the property may be contained within their yard 
sale. Christopher and Catherine gave me consent to come further onto their property 
and check the items they had out for their yard sale. I informed Christopher and 
Catherine at any time, they could tell me to leave. I asked if they noticed anything 
missing from the yard sale and neither of them acknowledged anything missing.

I observed a large compartment containing two 'Boss Audio System' speakers sitting 
on a table in the driveway. Kleinhans described such a compartment containing two 
speakers and the boxes I photographed at his residence belonged to 'Boss Audio 
System' speakers. It was at this time, Steven Guildoo came out of the residence and I 
asked Christopher or Steven if they could take one of the speakers out so I can see 
the serial number. Steven removed one of the speakers and I photographed the serial 
number 'ZI.Pl29DC 190100216.' I thanked Christopher and Steven for their help and 

After reviewing the photographs I took at Kleinhans' residence, I noticed I was missing 
one of the boxes and the serial number did not match the box I had photographed. I 
proceeded back to Kleinhans' residence and asked him to show me all of the boxes 
again. Kleinhans produced another 'Boss Audio Systems' box with a serial number 'Z1 
.P129DC 190100216.
After verifying the speaker serial number at 555 W California Ave matched the one on 
the box at Kleinhans residence, I went back to W California Ave.

Upon arrival, I asked Christopher and Steven if either one of them was willing to come 
back to the station to provide a voluntary statement. I advised they were not under 
arrest or detained. Christopher acted as if he did not know where the speaker 
compartment came from and Steven looked at Christopher and said something about 
receiving it on a trade from some guy. Steven and Christopher declined to come to the 
station to make a statement. I then confiscated the speaker compartment containing 
the two speakers and secured them in the trunk of marked unit #303.

Once back at the station, I placed the speaker compartment on the desk in the squad 
room. In good faith, I removed the second speaker from the compartment to check the 
serial number and observed the serial number to be 'Z1 .PI 29DC 1903001 11 .' The 
serial number on the second speaker matched the other box I photographed at 
Kleinhans residence. The amp and speaker compartment were logged, photographed 
and all photographs taken were uploaded to a department computer. The Ignite Audio 
Mono Block Class D Car Amplifier 4000 Watts Peak Power was secured in evidence 
locker #2 and the speaker compartment containing the two 'Boss Audio System' sub 
woofer speakers was secured in K9 Detective Redfern's office due to its large size until 
the evidence officer can relocate it to the evidence room.

Another attempt to obtain statements from Christopher and Steven will be made at a 
later date.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


On Monday, August 5, 2019, I established contact with Christopher Guildoo at his 
residence, 555 W California Ave. I advised Christopher he was not under arrest nor 
was he being detained and asked him if he was willing to answer questions. I informed 
Christopher of his Miranda Rights and asked if he understood them. He stated he did 
and stated he was willing to answer questions. I retrieved a statement form and read 
Christopher his rights again, which he understood and signed a Miranda Rights waiver.

In his statement, Christopher wrote he was under the impression that Jerry Carter's 
son, Jake, brought the stolen 12" sub woofer speakers to the house on a trade with his 
brother Steve last week.

Christopher wrote he had no involvement in the speakers being brought to the house 
and was not certain if his brother was. Christopher initialed all answers and signed the 
statement. Back at the station, a check of Mahoning County Jail records both online 
and on the phone with a deputy shows Jacob Carter was booked into jail in May and 
released this morning for transport to prison.

I went back to 555 W California Ave and informed Christopher of this and advised him 
he was committing falsification for the statement he provided. Christopher admitted he 
was not home when the sub speakers were brought to his house so he could not 
technically see who brought them. I asked Christopher who told him Jake brought the 
stolen sub woofer speakers to his house and Christopher states his brother, Steve, told 
him. Christopher provided his initials and signature for the additional answers 

On Sunday, Steven had already conveyed he was not willing to make a statement. I 
attempted to make contact with Steven at a residence I was informed he was living at. 
Following my arrival at 595 W. Ohio Ave, I knocked several times and yelled into an 
open window. Nobody answered and nobody came to the door.

This case will be forwarded to the prosecutors office for the approval of an arrest 
warrant for Steven Guildoo for ORC 2913.51A Receiving stolen property, a 
misdemeanor of the first degree.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


An arrest warrant for Steven Guildoo for ORC 2913.51A Receiving stolen property, a 
misdemeanor of the first degree, has been approved by the prosecutor's office. A state 
complaint and criminal rule 4 affidavit will be filed with Mahoning County Court #3. 
After obtaining the arrest warrant from the clerk of courts, Patrolman Brindack and I 
proceeded to 555 W California Ave, where I last saw Steven earlier in the shift.

Upon arrival, we established contact with Steven and I informed him there was a 
warrant for his arrest for receiving stolen property and subsequently took him into 
custody. Steven was cooperative and did not resist at anytime. Steven was placed in 
handcuffs behind his back (gapped/doublelocked) and informed of his Miranda Rights. 
Steven stated he understood his rights after being asked.

Steven was transported to the Sebring Police Dept and was provided his copy of the 
warrant. After photographing Steven, he was immediately taken to Mahoning County 
Court #3 and brought before Judge Morgan. Steven was released on his own 
recognizance and provided his next date in court by the bailiff. Fingerprints will be 
obtained during Steven's next appearance at court.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT  August 7,2019 1840 hrs
Case No.: 19008052

S Johnson Rd / W New York Ave

CITED: Michel EngleHaupt AGE 26)
2304 8th St NW Canton OH 44701

DUS  /  335.07

On 08/07/19 I was parked at the comer of Ohio Ave and N Johnson Rd. While parked I 
observed a black truck pull up to the stop sign at Ohio and Johnson and drive through 
failing to come to a completestop. I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle which was now 
on Johnson Rd travelling south. 

The vehicle turned a black ford F250 bearing OH HJU4167 turned left onto New York 
Ave and came to a complete stop. I made contact with the driver later identified as 
Michel Englehaupt who advised me he was suspended. I confirmed this through 
dispatch who informed me he had 14 open suspensions. 

Michel was issued a citation for DUS 335.07 and a instead of towing the vehicle I 
followed him to his mother's house which was just a street away on Georgia Ave. 
Michel was given a court date at MCC#3 of 08/15/19 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack 506

PUBLISHED 10:25AM AUGUST 14, 2019  *

Tuesday, August 06, 2019
04:07 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT  8.4.2019 12:07
Case No.:	19008025

450 Courtney Rd, Sebring, OH 44672
CITED:	Scott	Sinley	(AGE 51)									18487 
Courtney Rd, Beloit, OH 44609													
Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver) / SCO 337.27


On Sunday, August 04, 2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling east on 
Courtney Rd near Allied Dr in marked unit #303. As I neared 350 Courtney Rd, I 
observed a small tan vehicle travelling west at a rate of speed I believed to be higher 
than the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I 
observed and locked in a speed of 51 MPH. I activated my overhead emergency lights 
and turned around as the vehicle passed me. The vehicle, a tan Chevrolet 4-door 
sedan bearing Ohio registration GKG2558, came to a complete stop in the parking lot 
of 450 Courtney Rd.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Scott Sinley, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. While speaking to Sinley, I observed he 
was not wearing his seatbelt and inquired as to why he was not wearing it. Sinley 
stated he was wearing it earlier but did not have it on before I stopped him. Sinley 
provided all of the appropriate documentation upon request except for valid proof of 
insurance. Sinley was given a verbal warning for the speed violation and issued traffic 
citation #031648 for SCO 337.27 Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver). Sinley was 
informed of his mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, August 15, 2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507 8.4.2019


Case No.:	19008010						

806 West Ohio Avenue, Sebring Ohio 44672
ARREST:	James	Kaminski	
806 West Ohio Avenue, Sebring Ohio 44672											

Intimidation of a witness / 2921.04  /  Bond $8,000.00
Retaliation               / 2921.05  /  Bond $8,000.00
Aggravated Menacing	  / 2903.21  /  Bond $1,250.00										

Bond Total $17,250.00

2903.21	Aggravated Menacing	M-1 - Misdemeanor - 1
2921.04B Intimidation victim witness by force, threat	F-3 - Felony - 3
2921-05A Retaliation against a public servant, party official, attorney or	F-3 - 
Felony - 3

	K9 Det. Redfern 504

DATE:	08/01/2019 19:44:00		

On 08/01/2019, Units were dispatched to a neighbor dispute in shortly after clearing a 
prior call for	service. Reference 19008008. I was dispatched back to the 800 block 
of West Ohio Avenue due to alleged accusations of threat of serious physical harm. I 
requested Ptl. Roberto assist due to my last encounter the alleged primary aggressor 
was intoxicated and hostile. I went to the residence of Brian Anderson whom was in 
the driveway with his mother and father. I was previously out with Brian in reference to 
a lost dog running in the roadway. I arrived on scene and spoke to Brian whom advised 
that the neighbor who the dog belonged to was standing at the end of his driveway 
making gestures and yelling down the road at him Brian advised that he let it go until 
he started threatening him Brian advised that he went to the north east corner of his 
driveway and yelled at the guy to repeat what it was that he said Brian stated that 
James yelled and said that he was going to beat his ass Brian advised that he told 
James to come over and do it Brian advised that James kept screaming and yelling 
and James wife got involved and tried holding him back.,Brian advised that he told 
James that if he was going to do something then come and do it Brian said at that 
point James advised him that he was going to slice his throat since he called the police 
Brian advised that he retreated back to his residence and called the police I spoke to 
Brian's parents whom were on scene whom corroborated Brian's story I obtained a 
statement from Brian While Brian was writing his statement in the garage.

Ptl. Rober and I waited outside in the driveway. While we were standing there James 
and his wife walked to the end of the driveway. James started making obscene 
gestures and yelling at us once he say that Brian was writing on a paper. Amanda 
yelled at James and James would go back down the driveway and come back to the 
end and yell obscenities, while continuing to make offensive gestures.
Brian advised that he felt intimidated by the actions that took place today and he feels 
as if these actions occurred because the police were involved in the dog running at 
After the statement was obtained, Ptl. Rober and I went over to speak with James and 
James was immediately confrontational. James started yelling obscenities and was 
extremely disrespectful to officers. I advised James that was going to be placed under 
arrest. At this point James became combative and placed his beer on the ground and 
started to square up while clenching his fists at officers. I request Alliance Police 
Department for a greater officer presence. Amanda stood in between officers and 
James and had James go in the house. I ordered James to stay outside while I could 
get his side of the story. James was not interested and just wanted to scream and yell. 

Alliance arrived and at this point James calmed down and said if you're going to arrest 
me go ahead and	placed his hands behind his back. James was then taken into 
custody and placed in the rear of Smith Twp. Cruiser. Amanda advised that if her 
husband was gong to jail she wanted to file charges against Brian. I advised Amanda 
that I was not taking a report to retaliate due to her husband getting arrested. I read 
James his rights and then cleared. Smith Twp. transported James back to the station.	
James was processed and transported to the Mahoning County Jail.		

K9 Det. Redfern 504

REPORTING OFFICER:	Redfern, Jr., Chad	IBADGE NO.: 504	IDATE: 08/02/2019 

On 08/01/2019, I received a call from Amanda advising that she had witnesses to the 
event and she wanted me to come obtain statements. I went back out to Amanda's 
residence. I spoke to Lisa Haas	and her juvenile son, and to Amanda. Amanda 
advised that Brian came over across the street from their driveway and started yelling 
at them. Both Lisa and her son made similar statements stating that	Brian came over 
from across the street and started yelling at them. Statements were obtained and I 
then cleared.		
K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 08/01/2019, I will obtain more statements in reference to this event and review 
idditional charges.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


	. .		
Case No.:	19008008

806 West Ohio Avenue, Sebring Ohio 44672
AAREST:	James	Kaminski (AGE 42)
806 West Ohio Avenue, Sebring Ohio 44672											

DOC Persist		2917.11	/ $500.00	
Dogs Running at Large	951.02  / $500.00	
On 08/01/2019, I was dispatched to the 700 block of West Ohio Avenue in reference to 
a fire complaint

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 08/01/2019, I was dispatched to the 700 block of West Ohio Avenue in reference to 
a fire complaint I was advised that a subject whom was in the 700 block of West Ohio 
who was given	permission to burn was burning furniture in the back yard While I 
was enroute I was advised by Chief Anderson via radio that there was no need for 
police to respond-that the issue was being addressed I copied that information as I 
was pulling up on scene.
I got out of my car to speak with Chief Anderson in reference to the event and 
observed a beagle who was on the south side of the road run across the street nearly 
getting struck by two vehicles, Chief Anderson prevented the small dog from getting hit 
by warning the motorists of the dog The dog started to go down the drive way of 806 
West Ohio Avenue I proceeded down the drive way and found a male standing in the 
driveway. Chief Anderson was behind me as I got the males attention I asked the male 
if this beagle was his dog since it was running around in yards across the street and 
the male advised that it was indeed his. 

The male whom was obviously intoxicated was immediately	offended and triggered by 
question and immediately became aggressive in nature The male started	saying that 
the department needed to worry about drugs and speeders versus peoples dogs 
running around The male then started to verbally attack Chief Anderson and 
demanded to know who he was and what his role in the event was Chief Anderson 
advised that he was just trying to find the owner of the dog that he prevented from 
being hit on the road. Chief Anderson started to walk back up the driveway as the male 
continued to scream and yell at him I advised the male that he needed to stop yelling 
at him he was just trying to prevent his dog from getting hit. 

The male then started to yell	profane words at the Fire Chief and I once more I then 
requested the males ID card The male then went into his garage and got his ID. The 
male then gave me his ID as his wife came out. The male was identified as James 
Kaminski of that address and his wife was identified as Amanda Kaminski also of the 
same address. 

James continued to scream and yell obscenities at the Chief and I several times after 
being ordered to cease and desist. Due to the commotion it was noted that several	
passerby and neighbors started to stop cars and take notice of the event. I advised the 
male that he was going to be cited for this event and going to be charged with 
Disorderly Conduct with persist. I advised James that he would be served with a 
summons at a later time once it was drafted. I started to proceed up the drive way as 
both James and Amanda started yelling at the Fire Chief and I. 

I then	cleared the scene with out incident with intentions of serving a citation.	
K9 Det. Redfern 504


Case No.:	19007254						

Ohio Ave near N. 16th St.
CITED:	Stella	McCullough  (AGE 18)
177 W. Ely Alliance, 0H44601													

Speeding	333.03 ORD									
Everhart	DATE	7-31-19		

On 07/31/2019 at 4:11pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
West on Ohio Ave. when I observed a vehicle traveling East on the same road 
approach at a high rate of speed. I turned on my moving radar and clocked the vehicle 
going 37mph in a 25mph zone just before the intersection of N. 16th St.

The vehicle continued moving East on Ohio Ave. and I turned around and positioned 
myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then stopped on Ohio 
Ave. right at the intersection of N.16th1 St. The vehicle was a White 2003 Hyundai 
Sonata bearing Ohio registration HURl 155. 

I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received valid insurance, a valid license and registration. The 
driver was later identified as Stella McCullough.

I wrote Stella a traffic citation for speeding (333.03 ORD) and gave her a court date of 
08/08/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. Once Stella 
signed the citation, I provided her with a copy and then cleared.

PtI. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT  7/23/2019
Case No.:	19007189	


ANDREW CULP JR	(AGE 30)													

OBSTRUCTING OFFICIAL BUSINESS	2921.31	 /  Bond $1,000.00

On 07/23/2019 I PtI. Scott initiated a traffic stop in which the passenger had an active 
warrant for their arrest.		

PtI. Scott #505		

While on a traffic stop on S. 15th St. near US RI 62 I asked the passenger of the 
vehicle for their driver's license in which the individual stated that he did not have it on 
him, I then asked for his name and I was told Andrew Culp. I then ran the driver and 
the passenger.
The driver was valid with no warrants and then dispatch advised me that Andrew Culp 
had an entered pur 1 warrant out of Columbiana County. I asked dispatch for the last 
four digits of Andrew's social	security number and his date of birth I then asked 
Andrew what his social security number was	Andrew stated that he did not know. I 
asked Andrew to exit the vehicle and come to the rear of the vehicle and I asked him 
what his birthday was and Andrew stated October 11th, Andrew CuIp's	birthday is 
03/02/1989 Then he stated that I misunderstood him and told me that his name was 
I then noticed that the passenger door was still open and I observed Andrew's wallet 
sitting on the seat I picked the wallet up and saw that his identification was in the wallet 
and the name on it was Andrew Culp I asked the driver of the vehicle Anthony Jordan 
if he knew the passenger and he stated	that his name was Andrew Culp I then 
detained Andrew and placed him in hand restraints and then	placed him in the 
rear of marked unit #303.	
Dispatch advised me that Columbiana County Sheriffs Office will meet at Westville 
Lake at the	Sunoco gas station. I drove to the gas station and transferred Andrew 
into the deputies custody and	then cleared.	
Warrants will be typed for Andrew, Andrew attempting to lie and conceal his identity 
due to him	having an active warrant.		

Ptl. Scott #505		
On 07/30/2019, I transported Andrew Lee Gulp Jr to fingerprint and photograph him on 
a warrant for Obstructing Official Business on 07/23/2019. He was then given a court 
date of 08/01/2019 at 0900 hrs for at MCC #3. I then released then and gave him a 
courtesy drop off at his home then cleared.	

Ptl. Villanueva #512		


ARREST REPORT  7.29.2019  10:14
Case No.:	19007227						

W Oregon Ave/N Johnson Rd, Sebring, Ohio 44672

CITED:	Ebony	Miller	(AGE 50)												
883 S 14th St, Sebring, Ohio 44672

Obedience To Traffic Control Device	SCO 313.01	

On Monday, July 29, 2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #303 on N Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave. I observed a blue 
vehicle approach the intersection from the east and proceed south on N Johnson Rd 
without stopping at the posted stop sign/red flashing traffic lights. I activated my 
overhead emergency lights and pulled onto N Johnson Rd behind the vehicle to initiate 
a traffic stop. The vehicle, a blue Dodge hatchback bearing Ohio registration 
HRE3608, came to a complete stop on W Oregon Ave off N Johnson Rd.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, Ebony Miller, I identified myself and informed 
her of the reason for the stop. Miller provided all appropriate documentation upon 
request. Miller was issued traffic citation #031647 for SCO 313.01 Obedience to Traffic 
Control Device and informed of her appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507 7.29.2019


ARREST REPORT   7/27/2019  16:57
Case No.:	19007217						

Ohio Ave / 15th St

CITED:	Shane	Powell	(AGE 28)												
270 Honeysuckle In. Sardis TN 38371

No operators license	335.01	

Brindack 506	DATE	7/27/2019			

On 07/27/19 while in a marked patrol car I was travelling east bound on W Ohio Ave 
when I observed a black car travelling west on Ohio towards me that appeared to be 
travelling faster than the posted speed limit of 25mph I activated my in car RADAR and 
clocked the vehicle at 35mph. I turned around and activated my lights and sirens 
attempting to stop the vehicle which at this point had passed me along with 2 other 
cars. The vehicle later found to be a black ford fusion bearing OH HRV1297 quickly 
turned right onto 17th St. I continued after the vehicle which turned right again and was 
now headed east in the alley was between Maryland and Ohio. I followed the vehicle 
with my lights and sirens still active and the vehicle turned right onto 16 St and 
immediately turned left onto Ohio heading back the way he came. 

This lead me to believe the vehicle may be attempting to evade me and all called this 
over the radio as such The vehicle came to a stop at Ohio and 15 th st and Ptl 
Marchionda who was now with me approached the driver identified as Shane Michael 
Powell Shane alleged that he saw the lights but thought I was stopping someone else. 
Shane presented a Tennessee ID which read "not valid for operation of any vehicle". 
Dispatcher confirmed this was an ID only. 

Shane was cited for no operator license and given a verbal warning for the speed 
Shane was not charged with failure to comply given when I initially attempted to stop 
him on Ohio there were vehicle between us, and I allowed his brother who did have a 
valid OH license to come take the vehicle away.

Ptl. Brindack 506


ARREST REPORT  7/27/2019   13:40
Case No.:	19007214

Traffic / Speed	
W. Ohio Ave near 16th St

CITED:	Michael	Underwood	(AGE 41)											
11813 Johnson Rd Beloit 44609													

Speed 40/25	333.03	


On this date and time, while on patrol in the Village of Sebring I observed a silver 
Chevy Impala bearing Ohio registration HHR9844 traveling West on Ohio Ave near 16 
thSt. I observed the vehicle traveling at a visibly high rate of speed and was clocked 
via Car #302 at 40 Mph in a clearly posted 25 Mph zone. 

The vehicle was stopped and the driver was issued a citation for speed 40/25 and 
given a court date in Mcc#3 on8/8/19 at 9am.

ARREST REPORT   7/26/2019   15:52
Case No.:	19007207

Traffic	/ speed 47/35
N Johnson Rd near 800 block

CITED:	Anthony	Becher	(AGE 39)
2654 Daleford Ave NE Canton 44672												

speed 47/35   /   333.03								

On 07/26/19 while in marked patrol car I was travelling South on N Johnson Rd near 
the 800 block of N Johnson rd While driving I observed a black truck travelling North 
bound a few blocks ahead of me on N Johnson Rd the vehicle was rapidly 
approaching me and appeared to be travelling faster than the posted speed limit of 
35mph I activated my in car RADAR and clocked the vehicle at 47mph. I turned 
around and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle which was at this time passing me. 

The vehicle a black ford truck bearing OH RT002656. I made contact with the driver 
identified as Anthony Becher who I was advised by dispatch had 5 citations in the last 
12 months none of which were moving violations. Anthony was cited for speed 333.03 
and given a court date at MCC#3 of 08/02/19 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack 506


ARREST REPORT   7.26.2019   11:59
Case No.:	19007204

Near 1120 N Johnson Rd, Sebring, Ohio 44672

Last	Michael	Sutton	(AGE 25)												
195 E Maryland Ave, Sebring, OH 44672												

Speed - Over Limits (65/35) / SCO 333.03										

Ptl D. Marchionda #507	DATE	7.26.2019		

On Friday, July 26, 2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #304 on N Johnson and Courtney Rd facing south I 
observed a blue vehicle approaching my location from the north through my rearview 
mirror at a rate of speed I believed to be higher than the posted 35 MPH limit After 
activating my rear mounted radar antenna, I observed a speed of 65 MPH I activated 
my overhead emergency lights and pulled behind the vehicle on N Johnson Rd to 
initiate a traffic stop The vehicle, a blue Mercury 2-door sedan bearing Ohio Historical 
registration 092ZDK, decelerated rapidly and came to a complete stop in front of 1120 
N Johnson Rd.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Michael Sutton, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop Sutton provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request Sutton was issued traffic citation #031646 for SCO 
333.03 Speed - Over Limits (65/35) and informed of his appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507 7.26.2019


ARREST REPORT   7.26.2019    08:40
Case No.:	19007203

TRAFFIC	- Speed - Over Limits (55/35)	
500 Courtney Rd, Sebring, Ohio 44672

CITED:	Justin	Swanson	(AGE 37)	
14 Alsop Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15215

Speed - Over Limits (55/35) / 333.03									

On Friday, July 26, 2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #304 at 500 Courtney Rd facing east. I observed a black 
truck enter the village from the east at a rate of speed higher than the posted 35 MPH 

After activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I observed and locked a speed of 
55 MPH. As the vehicle approached and passed my location, I activated my overhead 
emergency lights and pulled onto Courtney Rd behind it to initiate a traffic stop. The 
vehicle, a black GMC truck bearing Pennsylvania registration ZKS6600, pulled into 
500 Courtney Rd and came to a complete stop.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Justin Swanson, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Swanson provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request. Swanson was issued traffic citation #031645 for SCO 
333.03 Speed - Over Limits (55/35) and informed of his appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507 7.26.2019


Case No.:	19007202						

Traffic	- Speed 67/55
S. Johnson Rd. / US RT 62

CITED:	Bradley	Etto	(AGE 31)
540W. Texas Ave. Sebring, OH 44672
Speed 67/55	ORC 4511.21		N/A
OVI (SFST)	ORC 4511.19A1a		$500.00
OVI(<.17)	0RC4511.l9A1d		$500.00

REPORTING OFFICER:	Scott, Zachary	IBADGE NO.: 505	DATE: 07/26/2019 05:43

At 1:01 am I Ptl. Scott was traveling east on US RT 62 when I observed a vehicle 
traveling west that appeared to be traveling at a high rate of speed. I activated marked 
unit #303's mounted radar unit and observed a digital reading of 67mph while in a 
55mph zone. I preformed a U-turn and activated my overhead lights and attempted to 
stop the vehicle which turned onto S. Johnson just north of US RT 62 and came to a 
complete stop.

I exited my cruiser and made contact with the driver and informed the driver for the 
reason for the stop I immediately could detect a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage I 
asked the driver if they had consumed any alcoholic beverages in which the driver 
stated 2 drinks they had in Youngstown I requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I received all but proof of insurance.

I returned to my cruiser and ran the individual and he was identified as Bradley R Etto I 
returned to the driver's vehicle and asked him to step out and asked him again how 
many beverages he consumed and he changed the number to 3 and then four. 
Bradley told me his activities through out the whole day and changed that story 
multiple times as well I asked Bradley if he would consent to field sobriety in which he 
stated yes I asked Bradley if he had any medical or physical conditions Bradley said 
no. I asked Bradley if he had any difficulty with his vision or his balance in which 
Bradley stated no.

I then checked Bradley's eyes for a resting nystagmus, equal tracking, and equal pupil 
size. Bradley did not have a resting nystagmus, both of Bradley's eyes tracked equally, 
and both of Bradley's pupils were of equal size.

I then had Bradley stand straight up with his feet together while I gave him the 
instructions for the first test which was the horizontal gaze nystagmus, Once I gave 
them I asked Bradley if he understood which he stated he did. Once the test began I 
observed the following clues: Lack smooth pursuit in both eyes, Distinct nystagmus at 
maximum deviation in both eyes, and Onset of nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both 

The next test was the walk and turn and I instructed Bradley to stand straight up with 
his hands to his side and his right foot in front his left foot and to stay in that position 
until I instructed him otherwise. While giving instructions Bradley stepped out of the 
position and had to be told to get back into it. Once I gave the instructions I asked 
Bradley if he understood in which Bradley stated that he did. Once the test began I 
observed the following clues: Stopped while walking.

The next test was the one leg stand and I had Bradley stand straight up with his hands 
to his side and his feet together while I gave him the instructions. Once I gave Bradley 
the instructions I asked him if he understood which Bradley stated that he did, once the 
test began I observed the following clues: Sways while balancing, uses arms to 
balance, put foot down twice.

Bradley also provided a road side breath test through a portable breathalyzer which 
displayed a 0.143 BAC. Based on the test results and my experience I placed Bradley 
in custody for suspicion of OVI and read him his Miranda rights. I restrained Bradley 
behind the back with hand restraints and placed him in the back of marked unit #303. I 
called for a tow truck and Sgt. Davis from the Smith Twp. police dept. stood by for the 
tow while I transported Bradley to station with Sg,. Kelm following. The vehicle was 
towed to 10 N. 12th St.	

Once on station I read Bradley the BMV 2255 form with Sgt. Kelm witnessing. Bradley 
consented to a breath test on station as well as a urine sample. After a 20 minute 
observation period Bradley gave a breath sample with the results being BAC 0.110 
g/210L. Sgt Kelm collected the urine sample.
Bradley was photographed and fingerprinted and was issued a traffic citation for speed 
ORC4511.21, 0Vl(SFST)4511.19A1a, and OVI (<.17) 0RC4511.A1d. Bradley was 
given a recognizance bond of $1,000 for both OVI offenses Bradley signed the BMV 
2255 citation, and	recognizance form and was provided with copies Bradley was 
advised that his is under administrative license suspension and his license was 
confiscated Once the paperwork was completed Bradley was released and I gave him 
a courtesy transport to his residence 540 W Texas	Ave..=

Ptl Scott #505		


ARREST REPORT   7/25/2019     13:58
Case No.:	19007199

CITED:	Kaitlin	Rigdon	(AGE 23)	
753 Devine Street, Alliance 444601												

SPEEDING (46/35)  /  333.03								

Ptl. Villanueva #512	• DATE	7/25/2019

On 07/25/2019, I, Officer Villanueva was conducting speed enforcement in marked unit 
301 on the South I 00th block of 12th street near East Georgia avenue facing South 
when I observed a vehicle traveling at what appeared a higher rate of speed than the 
posted 35 MPH limit I activated my forward mounted radar unit and locked a speed of 
46 MPH I then activated my overheard emergency lights and turned around heading 
North on S. 12th street. 

The vehicle failed to pull over so I then activated my emergency sirens. The vehicle 
still failed to pull over so I then sounded my horn multiple times until the driver finally 
pulled over near the intersection of East Ohio. I identified the vehicle as a gold Chevy 
Malibu bearing Ohio registration GVP4 190 and made contact with the owner who is 
Kaitlin Rigdon of Alliance. I introduced myself and informed her of the reason for the 
stop I then asked why she didn't stop back on south 12th and she admitted to having 
the radio on way too high. 

I told her that she shouldn't have it so loud that she cannot hear both my siren and 
horn being used She apologized and I then requested her license, registration and 
proof of insurance She could not provide proof of insurance because the online 
application was not working I issued citation #031493 for SCO 333.03 Speed - Over 
Limits (46/35) and informed her of her mandatory personal appearance before MCC 
#3 on Thursday August 1, 2019 at 0900 hours.

Ptl. Villanueva 9512

PUBLISHED 4:54PM AUGUST 6, 2019  *

Tuesday, July 30, 2019
03:15 PM -0500

ARREST REPORT  7/23/2019  22:37
Case No.: 19007187 

Oak Ridge Motel

ARREST: Nichole Phillis (AGE 34)
707 Walnut Avenue, Alliance Ohio 44601

Agg Poss of Drugs  / SOC 2925.11  / Bond $2,500.00
Drug Abuse Instruments  / SOC 2925.12 / Bond $1,250.00
Drug Abuse Instruments  / SOC 2925.12 / Bond $1,250.00

ARREST: Darrell Williams (AGE 28)
22243 Lake Park Blvd, Alliance Ohio 44601

Tampering with Evidence  SOC 2921.12 /  Bond $8.000.00
Agg Poss of Drugs  SOC 2925.11 /  Bond $2,500.00
Drug Abuse Instruments  SOC 2925.12 /  Bond $1,250.00
Drug Abuse Instruments  SOC 2925.12 /  Bond $1,250.00
Obstructing Official Business  SOC 2921.31 /  Bond $1,000.00

On 07/23/2019, Officers attempted to serve a felony warrant out of Wayne County, 
where additional charges were obtained during the arrest initial report (19008175)

K9 Det Redfern 504

INCIDENT NUMBER: 19-007187 REPORT DATE: 07/23/2019 21:30:00

On 07/23/2019, this department received information that a male with a warrant and a 
stolen vehicle was at the Oak Ridge Motel. I requested dispatch to run the Darrell 
Williams via LEADS to see if the he was wanted. I was advised by dispatch that there 
was an active warrant through Wayne County for dangerous drugs and it was a pick up 
of 2. Dispatch then called Wayne County whom advised that if we came in contact with 
Darrell that they would sent a detainer to the Mahoning County Jail. I then requested 
Ptl. Rober from Smith Twp. to assist with the warrant. Units confirmed with the staff at 
the motel that Darrell was at the room and rented it. The staff advised that Darrell was 
walking around in the parking lot then went into the room with a female. The staff then 
confirmed that Darrell has not came out. 

With the cruisers parked on the side of the building, units then went to the room and 
attempted to make contact. I knocked on the door several times then I heard a "click" 
assuming that it was the deadbolt. I then instructed Ptl. Roberto stay and cover the 
front and I was going to attempt the rear and see if he was coming out through the 
window. I then went to the rear of the window and saw through the blinds a male and a 
female crawling into the bathroom looking through the window. 

I then asked dispatch to send me a photograph of Darrell so I could get a positive 
confirmation that it was indeed the male that I was able to visualize through the 
window. I then also asked dispatch to confirm as to if the warrant was a felony or 
misdemeanor in nature. I received notification that the warrant was a felony warrant. 
Once the photo was received and I was able to make certain that the male I saw 
through the window was indeed Darrell, I made the decision that we would be making 
entry into the motel room. I then called for another unit from Goshen to assist with 
making entry. 

It was brought to my attention that Alliance may have a better response time. I then 
agreed and requested Alliance. Moments later Alliance Police were on scene and I 
was advised that Sgt. Kelm was on his way from station with the ram. At that point I 
then went to the window again to get anther look and Darrell and a female were in the 
bathroom. It appeared as if there were surrounding the toilet in the restroom. Moments 
later I heard the door to the hotel room being beaten in. There was several commands 
by officers announcing who they were and ordering the occupants to the ground. 

Once Ptl. Rober confirmed that the suspects were in custody I went to the front of the 
building. And observed that Darrell Williams was being detained on Wayne Counties 
warrant. Ptl. Tallman from Alliance PD read both Darrell and the unidentified female 
their rights while on POV body cam. After they were read their rights Darrel advised 
that officers could look around that he had nothing to hide. Officers then started 
searching. Ptl. Rober identified the female was Nichole Phillis of Alliance. 

I went to the bathroom and located a green bag in the bathroom in a pair of pants. I 
looked in the bag and found syringe caps, a metal spoon, and several glass pipes with 
white residue on them. Also in the bag was two small crystals. I asked the Darrell and 
Nichole what the crystals were and they both replied it was Meth. Both parties were 
separated and placed in separate cruisers. Darrell advised that he would not answer 
the door because he assumed the knocking at the door was his girlfriend Delia 
Thompson whom owned the van. Darrell then advised that he didn't open the door 
because he never heard the knocking because he was in the shower. 

I then went and spoke to Nichole whom was in another cruiser. Nichole advised that 
they were laying in bed when they heard the knock. Nichole advised that Darrell 
advised her to not speak and to go into the bathroom and advised that it was probably 
the police since he had warrants for his arrest. Darrell then took her to the bathroom 
and deadlocked the door. Nichole advised that she observed and knew that Darrell 
had a baggie of meth that he bought just prior to going to the hotel. Nichole advised 
that when Darrell ran into the bathroom he either hurried and used the meth, or he 
flushed it. Nichole advised that she was not 100% sure what he did but Darrell got rid 
of it just prior to the police making entry into the room. 

The evidence was seized and secured into my cruiser. Delia Thompson arrived on 
location and advised that it was her van that was sitting in the parking lot. Delia 
advised that on July 20th Darrell took the van without her permission and that she 
called the police to make a report. Delia advised that it was stolen and she wanted it 
back. I asked Delia for a consent search of the van and she consented while on 
Alliance PD's POV cam.  Officers searched the van.  A statement was obtained from 
Nichole and Delia.  Dilia secured her van and Nichole and Darrell were taken to 

Once at the station Nichole was given an OR bond in the amount of $5000. Nichole 
was charged with Aggravated Possession of Drugs F4 and two counts of Possession 
of Drug Abuse Instruments M1. Nichole was fingerprinted, photographed, and DNA 
swabbed. Nichole was then released with a court date of 07/25/2019 at 0900 at 
MCC#3. Darrell was then processed on the charges of Tampering with Evidence F3, 
Aggravated Possession of Drugs F5, two counts of Drug Abuse Instruments M1, and 
Obstructing official business M2. 

Darrell was photographed, and taken to the Mahoning County Justice Center on a 
$15,000 Bond and was given a court date of 07/25/2019 at 0900 at MCC#3. This case 
will be closed.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


ARREST REPORT 7/23/2019  23:36
Case No.: 19007186

S. 15th St. / US RT 62

ARREST: Andrew Culp Jr (AGE 30) 7/23/2019
436 N. 18th St. Sebring, OH 44672

Warrant (Columbiana County)

On 07/23/2019 I Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic stop in which the passenger had an active 
warrant for their arrest

Ptl Scott #505

While on a traffic stop on S. 15th St. near US RT 62 I asked the passenger of the 
vehicle for their driver's license in which the individual stated that he did not have it on 
him, I then asked for his name and I was told Andrew Culp. I then ran the driver and 
the passenger.

The driver was valid with no warrants and then dispatch advised me that Andrew Culp 
had an entered pur 1 warrant out of Columbiana County. I asked dispatch for the last 
four digits of Andrew's social security number and his date of birth. I then asked 
Andrew what his social security number was, Andrew stated that he did not know. I 
asked Andrew to exit the vehicle and come to the rear of the vehicle and I asked him 
what his birthday was and Andrew stated October 11th, Andrew Culp's birthday is 
03/02/1989. Then he stated that I misunderstood him and told me that his name was 

I then noticed that the passenger door was still open and I observed Andrew's wallet 
sitting on the seat. I picked the wallet up and saw that his identification was in the 
wallet and the name on it was Andrew Culp. I asked the driver of the vehicle Anthony 
Jordan if he knew the passenger and he stated that his name was Andrew Culp. I then 
detained Andrew and placed him in hand restraints and then placed him in the rear of 
marked unit #303.

Dispatch advised me that Columbiana County Sheriffs Office will meet at Westville 
Lake at the Sunoco gas station. I drove to the gas station and transferred Andrew into 
the deputies custody and then cleared.

Warrants will be typed for Andrew, Andrew attempting to lie and conceal his identity 
due to him having an active warrant.

Ptl. Scott #505 


ARREST REPORT  7/22/2019  16:00
Case No.: 19007172

135 E ohio Ave

SUMMONS:  Brian TewkSbury (AGE 29)
336 E Indiana Ave

littering deposit of trash   SOC 521.08B

On Monday, July 22, 2019, Patrolman Marchionda was dispatched to the 300 block of 
E Indiana Ave reference multiple property code violation complaints.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507

Upon arrival at 336 E Indiana Ave, I established contact with Brian Tewksbury and 
informed him of two property code complaints: tall grasslweeds and trash / rubbish 
collecting on the property. I instructed Tewksbury to rectify the grass issue when 
weather conditions permit him to do so and to immediately clean up his property. A 
check of records back at the station show Tewksbury was been cited twice in 2018 for 
trash. A tall grass letter will be generated as well as a criminal summons for SCO 
521.08B Littering and Deposit of Garbage - Collected or remain, a misdemeanor of the 
degree and will be served at a later time.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507

Brian Tewksbury was served with a tall grass letter. A summons for SCO 521.088 
Littering & Deposit of Garbage, Rubbish & Junk, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree, 
was delivered to MCC#3 and will be served to Tewksbury at a later date.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507

On 07/24/19 Brian Tewksbury was served with a summons for SCO 521.08B

Ptl. Brindack 506


ARREST REPORT  7/22/2019  08:42
Case No.: 19007170

S 15th St at W California Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

CITED:  Anthony Nemes (AGE 63)
234 Jackson St, Hubbard, OH 44425

Speed - Over Limits (44/25)  SCO 333.03

On Monday, July 22,2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #303 on W California Ave near S 15th St facing west. I 
observed two vehicles travelling east at what appeared to be a rate of speed higher 
than the posted 25 MPH limit. Upon activating my forward mounted radar antenna, I 
observed the first vehicle to be travelling at 37 MPH and the second vehicle to be 
travelling at 44 MPH near S 17th St. As the second vehicle passed my location, I 
activated my overhead emergency lights and turned east onto W California Ave to 
initiate a traffic stop.

The vehicle, a silver Toyota 4-door sedan bearing Ohio registration EKA6035, came to 
a complete stop on S 15th St just south of W California Ave. I established contact with 
the driver, identified as Anthony Nemes, identified myself and informed him of the 
reason for the stop. Nemes provided all appropriate documentation upon request. 
Nemes was issued traffic citation #031644 for SCO 333.03 Speed - Over Limits 
(44/25) and informed of his appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, August 1,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507

PUBLISHED 3:58PM JULY 30, 2019  *

Wednesday, July 24, 2019
11:46 AM -0500

ARREST REPORT  7/21/2019 13:13
Case No.: 19007166 

1400 S. Johnson Rd

CITED:  Carl Boldman 
20 Bennett Ln Unit D Nonwalk

Speed 52/35 , 333.03

On this date at 13:13 Hrs., I was on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I observed a black 
Chrysler 300 bearing Ohio registration HPY7343 traveling north on S. Johnson Rd in 
the 1400 Blk. I observed the vehicle traveling at a visibly high rate of speed and the 
vehicle was clocked via car 302 at 52 Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph zone. 

The vehicle was stopped and the driver was issued a citation for speed and given a 
court date in Mcc#3 on 8/1/19 at 9am.

Res. Sgt S.T.McDanie1 # 509


ARREST REPORT 7/21/2019  16:44
Case No.: 19007167

S. 12th St near E.Georgia Ave

CITED: John Rutledge (DOB 1960)
8123 Antiqua Rd SW Sherrodsville 44675

Speed 58/35, #333.03

On this date at 1644 Hrs, while on patrol in the Village of Sebring, I observed a blue 
Ford Edge bearing Ohio registration GKW8761 traveling north on S. 12th st near E. 
Georgia Ave. I observed the vehicle traveling at a visibly high rate of speed and it was 
clocked via Car 302 Radar at 58 Mph in a clearly 35 Mph zone. 

The vehicle was stopped and the driver was issued a citation for speed and given a 
court date in Mcc#3 on 8/1/19 at 9am.

Res. Sgt S.T. McDaniel # 509


ARREST REPORT 7-20-2019  16:34
Case No.: 19007158 

21st Johnson Rd at Courtney Rd

CITED: Amanda McCammon (AGE 28)
4640 Union Ave. NE Homeworth, OH 44634

Speeding / 333.03 ORD

On 07/20/20 19 at 4:34pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at the parking lot of Famous Distribution on Courtney Rd. right before the 
intersection of Allied Dr. facing West when I observed a vehicle traveling West on the 
same road approach at a high rate of speed. I turned on my stationary radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 54mph in a 35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving West on Courtney Rd. and I pulled out and positioned 
myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then turned right onto 
Johnson Rd and then stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled over to the side of the road 
right at the intersection of Courtney Rd. The vehicle was a Silver 2008 Nissan Maxima 
bearing Ohio registration 5420932. 

I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received valid insurance, a valid license and registration. The 
driver was later identified as Amanda McCarnmon.

I wrote Amanda a traffic citation for speeding (333.03 ORD) and gave her a court date 
of 07/25/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no personal appearance required. Once 
Amanda signed the citation, I provided her with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT 7-20-2019  18:06
Case No.: 19007159

21st Johnson Rd near St. Route 62

CITED: Amy Smarr (AGE 38)
207 E. Georgia Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Speeding / 333.03 ORD

On 07/20/2019 at 6:06pm I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at Grandview Cemetery facing North when I observed a vehicle traveling 
South on the same road approach at a high rate of speed. I turned on my stationary 
radar and clocked the vehicle going 47mph in a 35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving South on Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled over to the side of the road right before the 
Perkins parking lot. The vehicle was a Black 2014 Ford Edge bearing Ohio registration 

I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received valid insurance, a valid license and registration. The 
driver was later identified as Amy Smarr.

I wrote Amy a citation for speeding (333.03 ORD) and gave her a court date of 7/25/19 
at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. Once Amy signed the 
citation, I provided her with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT 7/20/2019  00:04
Case No.: 19007150

W. Ohio Ave. / Village Limits

CITED: Rick Barnhart (AGE 50)
203 Perry Ct. Alliance, OH 44601

Expired Registration  /  SCO 335.10

On 07/20/2019 at 12:04am I Ptl. Scott while on patrol in a marked police cruiser 
observed a gray 2019 Chevrolet HB bearing Ohio registration HSL1289 turn onto W. 
Ohio Ave. from N. Johnson Rd. without activating a turn signal.

I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle at W. Ohio Ave. near the village limits. I made 
contact with the driver and requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received and identified the driver as Rick Barnhart.

Dispatch advised me the vehicles registration expired in May of 2019, I then returned 
to my cruiser and wrote Rick a traffic citation for expired registration SCO 335.10 and 
set Rick's court date for 07/25/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no personal 
appearance required.

Once Rick signed the citation he was provided with a copy and was given a verbal 
warning for not activating his turn signal and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT  7/20/2019  12:07
Case No.: 19007153

Near 1100 N Johnson Rd, Sebring, Ohio 44672

CITED:  Matthew Prendergast (AGE 32)
14811 Ellett Rd, Beloit, OH 44609

Full Time & Attention (Texting)  /  SCO 331.34C

On Saturday, July 20,20 19, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #304 on N Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave. I observed a red 
+door sedan approach the intersection from the west and turn north onto N Johnson 
Rd. As the vehicle passed me, I observed cracks in the windshield and the male driver 
had his cell phone in front of his face. 

I activated my rear mounted radar antenna and observed a digital read out of 43 MPH 
in a posted 35 MPH zone. I activated my overhead emergency lights and pulled onto N 
Johnson Rd to initiate a traffic stop. I caught up to the vehicle, a red Mitsubishi bearing 
Ohio registration HTG5008, as it came to a complete stop in the 1100 block of N 
Johnson Rd. As the vehicle came to a stop, I observed only the right brake light was 
functioning. I established contact with the driver, identified as Matthew Prendergast, 
identified myself and informed him of the reasons for the stop. 

Prendergast provided the appropriate documentation upon request and admitted to 
texting while driving. Prendergast was given verbal warnings for speed (43/35), 
cracked windshield and two brake lights required. Prendergast was issued traffic 
citation #031642 for SCO 331.34C Full Time & Attention (Texting) and informed of his 
appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, August 1,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT  7/20/2019  13:03
Case No.: 19007154

600 Block W Ohio Ave, Sebring, Ohio 44672

CITED: Alexandria Bowman (AGE 27)
18412 Courtney Rd, Beloit, Ohio 44609

Driver License: Not On Person / SCO 335.06

Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver) / SCO 337.27

On Saturday, July 20,2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #304 on W Ohio Ave at N Johnson Rd facing west. I 
observed a red vehicle approaching the intersection from the west at a rate of speed 
higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. I activated my forward mounted radar antenna, 
observed and locked in a speed of 47 MPH. The vehicle came to a complete stop at 
the posted stop sign and remained there for an extended period of time (Intersection 
was safe to clear). As the vehicle began to proceed east through the intersection, I 
activated my overhead emergency lights and pulled onto W Ohio Ave to initiate a traffic 

The vehicle, a red Pontiac hatchback bearing Ohio registration HDA8377, came to a 
complete stop in the 600 block of W Ohio Ave. I established contact with the driver, 
identified as Alexandria Bowman, identified myself and informed her of the reason for 
the stop while observing cracks in her windshield.

Bowman immediately became hostile and exclaimed she was not speeding. I observed 
Bowman was not wearing her seatbelt and asked her if she had it on before being 
stopped. Bowman admitted she was not wearing her seatbelt before being stopped. 
After requesting Bowman's license, registration and proof of insurance, she stated she 
did not have any of it with her and provided her identification information verbally.

Bowman was given verbal warnings for speed (47/35) and cracked windshield. 
Bowman was issued traffic citation #031643 for SCO 335.06 Driver License: Not on 
Person, SCO 337.27 Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver) and informed of her 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, July 25,2019 
at 0900. 

Before I could obtain a signature from Bowman, she produced insurance information 
on her phone and demanded her mandatory appearance be rescinded. I informed 
Bowman she had the opportunity to provide insurance information earlier and 
reminded her of her response. I also informed Bowman I would not alter the ticket for 
her convenience and she would be required to provide a physical copy of her 
insurance information to the court.

Following the traffic stop, I was informed by dispatch Bowman came into the lobby, 
threw a temper tantrum and verbally abused her while demanding to speak to Chief 
Harris. Dispatch advised Bowman departed from the station after being told the Chief 
was on vacation.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT  7/20/2019 13:18
Case No.: 19007156

Traffic / Marked Lanes / No OL
W. Ohio Ave near 16th St

CITED: Timothy  Roose (AGE 66)
14825 Leffingwell Rd, Berlin Center 44401

Marked Lanes  /  33 1.05

Expired Operator's Lic  /  335.01

On this date and time, I was on patrol in the Village of Sebring, County of Mahoning, 
and I observed a white Chevy HHR bearing Ohio registration HBQ1821 traveling east 
on W. Ohio Ave near 16th St. I observed the vehicle driving with the driver side tires 
across the center line. I pulled in behind the suspect vehicle and dispatch advised me 
that the driver was one Timothy L. Roose of Berlin Center. I was also advised by 
dispatch that Mr. Roose had an expired operator's license. 

I attempted a traffic stop on the vehicle on E. Ohio Ave at 12th st, and the vehicle 
finally pulled over on E. Ohio Ave at the village limits. I identified the driver as Timothy 
L. Roose of 14825 Leffingwell Rd. in Berlin Center. Mr. Roose was advised the reason 
for the stop, and he replied that he was driving in that manner because he thought he 
had a bloody nose, and was wiping it with a cloth. I also advised Mr. Roose that his 
operator's license was expired, and he advised me that he was aware that they were 
expired and he was going to get them renewed after he got his cataract surgery. 

As I was speaking to Mr. Roose I could detect a slight odor of an alcoholic beverage 
coming from his person, and his speech was slowed. Mr. Roose advised me that he 
had a beer at his brother's house earlier. I had Mr. Roose perform several FST Test 
and a PBT, and after he passed the test he was advised to park at the Dollar General 
and have a family member respond to pick him up due to the License issue. Mr. Roose 
was cited for Marked lanes 331.05 and Expired OL 335.01 and given a court date in 
Mcc#3 on 7/25/19 at 9am.

Res. Sgt S.T. McDaniel # 509


ARREST REPORT 7-20-2019  15:37
Case No.: 19007157 

21st Johnson Rd. at Courtney Rd.

CITED: William Shlvely (AGE 63)
21215 Alliance Sebring Rd. Alliance, OH 4460

Speeding  / 333.03 ORD

On 07/20/2019 at 3:37pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at the parking lot of Famous Distribution on Courtney Rd. right before the 
intersection of Allied Dr. facing West when I observed a vehicle traveling West on the 
same road approach at a high rate of speed. I turned on my stationary radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 47mph in a 35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving West on Courtney Rd. and I pulled out and positioned 
myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then turned right onto 
Johnson Rd and then stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled over to the side of the road 
just before Sebring Woods. The vehicle was a Silver 2003 Mini Cooper bearing Ohio 
registration HSL1324. I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and 
informed the driver of the reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which I received valid insurance, a valid license 
and registration. 

The driver was later identified as William Shively.

I wrote William a traffic citation for speeding (333.03 ORD) and gave him a court date 
of 07/25/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no personal appearance required. Once William 
signed the citation, I provided her with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT  July 19, 2019  17:42
Case No.: 19007148

W Virginia Ave near N 15th St

CITED: Skylar Franklin (AGE 23)
845 W California Ave

expired plates  /  335.1

On 07/19/19 while in a marked patrol car I was driving north on N 15th St When I 
observed a teal car in front of me driving abnormally slow, the vehicle also had an 
extremely loud exhaust. The vehicle a 1996 Toyota Celica bearing OH HLW2703 
turned left onto W Virginia Ave and I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle in the 100 
block of W Virginia. 

I approached the driver identified as Skylar Paul Franklin and informed him he was 
being stopped for loud exhaust I also asked him why he was driving so slowly. Skylar 
told me he was distracted because he was playing "pokemon Go" on his phone. 

I ran Skylar through dispatch and they informed me the vehicle had expired plates 
since 07/10/19. Skylar was issued a citation for expired plates 335.10 and advised to 
get the plates updated. Skylar was given verbal warnings for loud exhaust, slow 
speed, and fill time and attention. Skylar was given a court date at MCC#3 of 08/01/19 
at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack 506


Case No.: 19007131

W. Ohio Ave. @ N. 16th St.

CITED: Jessica Stillion (AGE 37)
9500 Bandy Rd. North Benton Oh 44449

DUS (FRA)  / 335.072

On 07/18/19 while in a marked patrol car travelling east on W. Ohio Ave. I conducted a 
random registration check on a red in color Chevy sedan bearing OH registration 
HRV1213. Dispatch advised the registered owner was under FRA suspension with no 
driving privileges. 

I activated my overhead emergency lights and the vehicle made a final stop on W. 
Ohio Ave. near N. 16th St. I approached the vehicle and made contact with the 
driver/registered owner who I positively identified as Jessica Stillion, 9500 Bandy Rd. 
North Benton. I advised Jessica that she was under an FRA suspension. Jessica 
advised she could not understand because someone had just paid her insurance for 
her. Jessica then asked if I would let her call someone to get the vehicle so it would not 
be towed. 

While I stood by for a valid driver I wrote Jessica a citation for DUS(FRA) SCO 
335.072. I then advised Jessica of her mandatory court appearance on 7/25/2019 at 
O9OOhrs which she advised she understood. 

Once a valid driver came to get the vehicle off the roadway I cleared without further 

Sgt. Kelm #503


CaseNo.: 19006153

Mahoning County Court #3

ARRESTED: Joellen Hull (AGE 37)
15770 Canfield St NE, Alliance, OH 44601

Theft - Dangerous Drug (F-4)  / ORC 2913.024  / Bond $2,000.00

On Monday. June 24. 2019. Patrolman Marchionda was dispatched to Crandall 
Medical Center, 800 S 15th St, reference a report of missing narcotics.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507

NUMBER: OH0500700 INCIDENT NUMBER: 19-006153 REPORT DATE: 06/24/2019 

Following my arrival, I established contact with the caller, Paul Freer, who later 
introduced me to Mariann Mannion and David Carlile. It had been brought to Mannion 
and Carlile's attention that some prescription narcotics had gone missing and they 
immediately began an internal investigation.

Mannion stated nursing staff reported a partial prescription packet containing 
hydrocodonelibu 7.51200mg missing. 

According to Mannion, these packets come in two cards, each containing 30 
doses/pills. Mannion stated the card missing in particular, was started on May 28, 2019 
and the corresponding count sheet is also missing. The second card card was started 
on June 6,2019 at 8:00 PM although according to records, there should have been 10 
pills remaining in the missing card.

Mannion stated the missing pills came to light this past Saturday when nursing staff 
attempted to reorder the prescription and were notified by the pharmacy that it was too 
early to reorder. Mannion stated during the course of the internal investigation this 
morning, one of the nurses questioned had falsely documented medication 
administration on days where she was not working. This was corroborated by copies of 
her time card provided by human resources. According to the count sheet provided, 
Joellen Hull documented medication administration on May 13, 2019 through May 18, 
2019 consecutively. However, according to the time card provided, Hull was not 
scheduled nor clocked in on May 15th and May 16th. The times corresponding to 
when Hull documented the administration, do not match with times she normally 
administers medication.

According to a statement provided by Carlile, when Hull was questioned regarding the 
missing pills, she "was very nervous and had been shaking." Mannion stated Hull was 
sent home as a part of the internal investigation process and that Crandall Medical 
Center would be terminating her employment for falsifying medical documents. 
Mannion informed me as a part of the reporting protocol, the state requires a police 
report be submitted. I advised Mannion a report would be generated and immediately 
following supervisory approval, they could obtain a copy for their records as well as the 
state. A photograph of what one of these cards was taken as a reference and will be 
uploaded on station.

This case will be open pending further investigation. 

Ptl D. Marchionda #507

On Thursday, June 27, 2019, I followed up with Mariann Mannion who advised Joellen 
Hull was terminated this week: Mannion stated she placed several phone calls to Hull's 
residence to no avail and was granted authorization by Human Resources to terminate 
her via voicemail. I will attempt to establish contact with Hull via phone to set up a time 
for her to come in for questioning. If phoning her is unsuccessful, an attempt will be 
made at her place of residence in Alliance.

I attempted to phone Hull with the call going to voicemail. I advised Hull via voicemail 
to contact the SEBRING POLICE DEPARTMENT as soon as possible. If she fails to 
contact the police department, a home visit will be attempted.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507

On Friday, June 28, 2019, I established contact with Joellen Hull at her residence on 
Cenfield St NE in Stark County. I asked Hull if she had received the voicemail I left for 
her or the voicemail left by Crandall Medical Center. Hull claimed she never received 
any calls and never received any voicemails. I asked Hull if she could come down to 
the SEBRING POLICE DEPARTMENT to answer some questions to which she stated 

Hull arrived at the SEBRING POLICE DEPARTMENT and was escorted into the audio 
and video recorded squad room. I informed Hull she was not under arrest, she was not 
being detained and she was free to leave under her own will at any time. I informed 
Hull of her Miranda Rights and asked if she understood them. Hull stated she 
understood her rights. I asked Hull if she was willing to answer questions to which she 
stated she did not want to answer any questions without a lawyer present. 

I informed Hull she was free to leave and escorted her back out to the lobby.

This case will be forwarded to Prosecutor Tolson for approval of an arrest warrant for 
ORC 2913.02 Theft of Drugs, a felony of the fourth degree.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507

Charge approved by Prosecutor Tolson and arrest warrant issued by Mahoning County 
Court #3 for Joellen Hull for ORC 2913.02 Theft of Drugs, a felony of the fourth 

Ptl D. Marchionda #507

Joellen Hull turned herself into Mahoning County Court #3 on 7/18/19 at 0920 hours.


Case No.: 19007124

135 E Ohio Ave

ARREST: Lany Gibbon Rhodes (AGE 23)

Domestic  /  2919.25 / Bond $2,250.00

assault  / 293.13 / Bond $1,250.00

On 07/17/2019 1 Ptl. Scott responded to Circle K for a domestic disturbance.

Ptl. Scott #505

Upon my arrival I spoke to the victim Makayla Tarbet who was crying hysterically and 
had small swelling on her nose. I called for EMS to come and assess Makayla. I asked 
her what had happened and she stated that her and her boyfriend Larry Gibbons 
Rhodes were had their apartment at 155 1/2 E. Oregon Ave. when they got into an 
argument. Larry allegedly then broke the glass on a door and pushed Makayla and 
then head butted her and prevented her from leaving the apartment. Makayla stated 
she managed to escape and ran to Circle K with Larry following her. While at Circle K 
they continued to argue until Makayla entered the business and used the phone to call 
the police which is when Larry walked away.

Sebring Fire & EMS arrived and treated Makayla at the scene and cleared her. I then 
began a domestic violence packet and Makayla signed for the charge of domestic 
violence an M-1. I then returned to station with Makayla and her mother where I 
photographed her injuries and finished the domestic violence packet as well as obtain 
a written statement.

Makayla then requested a stand by at 155 1/2 E. Oregon Ave. to retrieve her items 
which she retrieved and went to stay with her mother Linda Ondreko at 18395 5th St. 
Beloit, OH 44609. I also photographed the broken glass from the door.

Attempts were made to make contact with Larry but were unsuccessful, paper work 
will be submitted in an attempt to obtain a warrant.

Ptl. Scott #505

On 07/17/19 the above mentioned suspect Larry Daniel Gibbon Rhodes came to our 
station to turn himself in. Larry was taken into custody booked on the charges of 
domestic violence 2919.25 and assault 2903.13 and transported to MCJ without 

Ptl. Brindack 506


ARREST REPORT  7/16/2019  19:18
Case No.: 19007118

Ohio Ave / 13th st

CITED: Walter Walsh (AGE 20)
13547 1/2 Main St Beloit OH 44609

squeling tires  /  331.36

On 07/16/19 while in a marked patrol car I was travelling east on Ohio Ave near 15th 
St. while travelling east I observed a green Camero pull out of the parking lot of circle 
K in an extremely reckless fashion. The vehicle accelerated so hard that it caused the 
vehicle to "drift" and turn completely sideways on Ohio Ave all while the tires were 
squealing and traffic was coming in both directions.

I activated my overhead lights and sirens and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle a 95 
Chevy Camero green in color bearing OH HCF7887 which came to an abrupt stop in 
the 300 block of E Ohio. I made contact with the driver Walter William Walsh who 
claimed his throttle was stuck and he did not mean to do what he had done. Walter 
was given a citation for squealing tires 33 1.36 and given a verbal warning for reckless 
op. Walter was given a mandatory court date at MCC#3 of 07/25/19 at 0900hrs as he 
was unable to provide insurance. I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 506


ARREST REPORT  7.18.2019  10:14
Case No.: 19007014

Sebring PD

ARREST: Jason Summers (AGE 34)
Alliance, Ohio 44601
Endangering Children (M- 1)  /  ORC 2919.22  /  Bond: $2,500.00

(7/16/2019  1530hrs)
ARREST: Michael Baldaccini (AGE 40)
396 E Ohio Ave

Endangering children  / ORC 2919.22

On this date Rachel Crewson came to our station and said she was driving down 12th 
St when a small child she guessed to be 2 or 3 years old ran out of 396 E Ohio Ave 
and ran on to 12th st in front of her car. She advised a large man then came outside 
and brought him back inside. 

Units responded and on arrival a fowl stench could be smelled coming from the house. 
Units spoke with Jason L Summers who was said his brother Michael Baldaccini was 
supposed to be watching their nephew 2 year old Anthony Williams for their sister 
Brittany Woods while she was at work and the child got outside somehow. We asked 
to see the 2 year old who did appear to be in good health. 

We then spoke with Michael who said his brother and him were both supposed to be 
watching but he could not keep up with the two year old and he just got away from 

This case will be sent to CPS for review and to our prosecutor for review of potential 
child endangerment charges.

Ptl. Btrindack 506

REPORTING OFFICER: Brindack, Sean BADGE NO.: 506 DATE: 07/05/2019 16:40

Prosecutor Tolson advised me that she would approve charges for both brother but 
wanted a statement from the mother before that happened. On this date a written 
statement was obtained from the mother Brittany wood and a copy was sent to the 
prosecutor for review, once it has been reviewed state complaints will be completed for 
both brothers for child endangerment.

Ptl. Brindack 506

REPORTING OFFICER: Brindack, Sean BADGE NO.: 506 DATE: 07/11/2019 2058

On 07/12/19 charges were approved and I did state complaints requesting summons 
for Jason L Summer and Michael Baldaccini for the charge of 2919.22 Endangering 
children with a court date at MCC#3 of 07/26/19 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack 506


ARREST REPORT July 15, 2019  21:08
Case No.: 19007113 

300 block W. California Ave Sebring, OH

CITED: Damecka Wilkins (AGE 23)
15 Walnut St. Hubbard, OH 44425

Speed 35/25  /  SCO 333.03 

Driver License Required  /  SCO 335.01

At approximately 21:08 hours, on July 15,2019, I was conducting traffic enforcement in 
marked unit 303. While traveling eastbound on W. California Avenue in front of the 
American Legion, I observed a dark colored Chevrolet Cobalt traveling westbound on 
California Avenue, near S. 1 7Ih street, at what appeared to be a speed higher than 
that of the posted 25 MPH limit. Upon activating my front facing incar radar unit, I 
obtained a locked speed of 35MPH in the clearly marked 25 MPH zone. Once the 
vehicle passed by mine, I activated my overhead emergency lights, turned my patrol 
car around in the United Die parking lot, and initiated a traffic stop on the Blue Cobalt, 
bearing Ohio registration HTG 8806. The Cobalt then came to a stop directly in front of 
the American Legion building.

I then approached the vehicle and made contact with the driver, Damecka R. Wilkins, 
as well as her adult passenger, Konner Shields. Upon asking for her driver license, 
vehicle registration, and insurance, Damecka advised that she did not have a driver 
license but did have a temporary permit, which she did not have on her. I then asked if 
Konner had a valid driver license, with him advising me that he did not.

Upon being advised that she was required to have a licensed driver with her seeing as 
she only had an instruction permit, Damecka stated that she believed that since he 
was over 18, she was allowed to drive with hlm in the vehicle. Damecka then produced 
her vehicle registration but no proof of insurance. Konner later advised me that they 
did not have insurance on the vehicle but planned to get it by July 25th, due to their 
already having a court date at that time.

I then confirmed through dispatch that although Damecka did have a valid temporary 
Permit, Konner did not have a valid driver license. I then issue Damecka citation 
#031538, for Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03, speed, 35 in a 25 zone, as well as 
Sebring Codified Ordnance 335.01, operator license required.

Damecka was advised of her mandatory court appearance at Mahoning County Court 
No. 3 on Thursday, July 25,2019, at 9:00am. Damecka was able to get Jacob 
Fullerton, who is a licensed driver, in order to drive the vehicle to his house in lieu of 
my having the vehicle towed. I then cleared from the stop with nothng additional to 
report at this time.

Ptl. Reed

PUBLISHED 12:28PM JULY 24, 2019  *

Tuesday, July 16, 2019
11:16 AM -0500

Case No.: 19007107 

W Oregon Ave/N Johnson Rd, Sebring, Ohio 44672

CITED: Matthew Mosier  AGE 21
2052 Fox Chase, Austintown, OH 44515

Obedience to Traffic Control Device / SCO 313.01

On Sunday, July 14, 2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #304 on N Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave. I observed a red 
truck approach the intersection from the east and fail to come to a complete stop at the 
posted stop signired flashing traffic lights before turning south onto N Johnson Rd. I 
activated my overhead emergency lights and pulled onto N Johnson Rd to initiate a 
traffic stop. The red truck, a Dodge bearing Ohio registration HPH1398, turned west 
onto W Oregon Ave and came to a complete stop.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as Matthew Mosier, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for the stop. Mosier provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request. Mosier was issued traffic citation #031641 for SCO 
313.01 Obedience to Traffic Control Device and informed of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, July 25,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT 7/13/2019 1142
Case No.: - 19007099

Traffic / Speed
N. 12Th St at Wisconsin Ave

CITED: Jacob 0 Malley  AGE 25
247 E. Broad St Newton Falls

Speed (51/35) / SCO 333.03

On this date and time, I observed a Blue Hyundai Sonata, bearing Ohio Registration 
HRV2695 traveling South on N. 12th St near Wisconsin Ave. I observed the vehicle 
traveling at a visibly high rate of speed, and the vehicle was clocked via Car 302 Radar 
at 51 Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph zone. 

The vehicle was stopped, and the driver was issued a citation for speed, and was 
given a court date in Mcc#3 on 7/18/19 at 9Am.

Res. Sgt. S.T. McDaniel # 509


ARREST REPORT 7-12-19  1703
Case No.: 19007092 

N. 12th St near Indiana Ave.

CITED: Jaden Leasue AGE 19
15579 Greenbower St. NE Alliance, OH 44601

Right of Way from Alley /   331.22 ORD

On 07/12/2019 at 5:03pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
South on N. 12th St. when I observed a vehicle pull out of an alley way attempting to 
turn left onto N.12th St. just before the intersection of Indiana Ave and almost hit me. 
The driver failed to look both ways before pulling out and then stopped in the middle of 
the N. 12th St and panicked and quickly put it in reverse and pulled back into the alley 

I then turned on my overhead lights and initiated a traffic stop. I then signaled her to 
pull out and pullover. The vehicle then pulled out and turned into the parking lot of the 
baseball fields off of N. 12th St. The vehicle was a Green 2002 Chevy Cavalier bearing 
Ohio registration HRE4073. I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver side 
and informed the driver of the reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which I received valid insurance, and registration 
but the driver did not have her license on her. After she provided me with her personal 
information, dispatch was able to identify the driver. The driver was later identified as 
Jaden Leasure.

I wrote Jaden a traffic citation for right of way from alley (331.22 ORD) and gave her a 
court date of 07/18/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no personal appearance required. 
However once approaching the vehicle so that she could sign the citation, Jaden 
stated to me that she refused to sign the citation and take her copy because she 
claimed that she did nothing wrong. I then advised Jaden that is ok and she has the 
right to do that, however if she did not pay the fine or show to the court date that there 
is consequences. I then cleared the scene without further incident.

Ptl. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT 7-12-19  2117
Case No.: 19007097 

Ohio Ave. near 21st Johnson Rd

CITED: Elizabeth Robison AGE 35
132 Redwood Dr. Beloit, OH 44609

Drivers License Required / 335.01 ORD
Traffic Control Devices / 313.01 ORD

On 07/12/2019 at 9:17pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at the intersection of 21St Johnson Rd and Ohio Ave. facing South when I 
observed a vehicle traveling East on Ohio Ave. roll through the stop sign at the 
intersection and did not come to a complete stop.

The vehicle continued moving East on Ohio Ave. and I pulled out and positioned 
myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then stopped on Ohio 
Ave. and pulled over to the side of the road just past the intersection of Johnson Rd. 
The vehicle was a Red 2012 Ford Focus bearing Ohio registration ERP8036. I then 
exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and informed the driver of the reason 
for the stop and requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance in 
which I received registration, but no insurance and the driver did not have a license 
and was driving with a Ohio temporary permit with no valid driver in the car. 

The driver was later identified as Elizabeth Robison. I then informed Elizabeth that she 
would have to have a valid driver come pickup the vehicle or if she could not find one 
that I was going to have to tow the vehicle. She then informed me that she would be 
able to have someone with a valid license come pickup of the vehicle. Shortly after 
that, her neighbor, later identified as Burl Carpenter came to scene and picked up the 
vehicle. Dispatch then informed me
that he was valid as well.

I then wrote Elizabeth a traffic citation for Drivers License Required (335.01 ORD) and 
also for Traffic Control Devices (313.01 ORD) and gave her a court date of 07/18/19 at 
9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. Once Elizabeth signed the 
citation, I provided her with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT 7/10/2019 0211
Case No.: 19007069 

100 Block of W. Ohio Ave.

CITED: Miranda Thomley AGE 20
201 Bums Ave, Ellwood City, PA 161 17

Speed 36/25 / SCO 333.03
Traffic Control Devices / SCO 313.01

On 07/10/2019 at 2:11am I Ptl. Scott while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
north on N. 12th St. coming up to the intersection of N. 12th St. and E. Ohio Ave. and 
observed a vehicle on E. Ohio Ave. travel through the intersection at what appeared to 
be a high rate of speed but I was not close enough to know if the vehicle came to a 
complete stop.

I then pulled out onto E. Ohio Ave. and parked my cruiser and activated my cruiser's 
front mounted radar in stationary mode and observed a speed of 36mph while in a 
25mph zone coming from the same vehicle. I then attempted to get closer to the 
vehicle and observed the vehicle fail to yield at the intersection of Ohio Ave. and N. St. 
I then initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle in the 100 block of W. Ohio Ave.

The vehicle was a white 2017 KIA 4-S bearing Pennsylvania registration KLE2332.

I then exited my cruiser and made contact with the driver and informed them of the 
reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance which I received and identified the driver as Miranda L. Thornley who also 
admitted that she did not stop at the intersection of E. Ohio Ave. and N. 12th St. as 

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote a Miranda a traffic citation for speed SCO 
333.03 and traffic control devices SCO 313.01 and gave Miranda a court date of 
07/18/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. Once Miranda 
signed the citation she was provided with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #505


ARREST REPORT 7-10-19 1420
Case No.: 19007072

21st Johnson Rd. at Courtney Rd.

CITED: Kristen Dewitt AGE 34
14893 Floral Dr. Damascus, OH 44619

Speeding  / 333.03 ORD

On 07/10/2019 at 2:20pm, I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at the parking lot of Famous Distribution on Courtney Rd. right before the 
intersection of Allied Dr. facing West when I observed a vehicle traveling West on the 
same road approach at a hgh rate of speed. I turned on my stationary radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 46mph in a 35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving West on Courtney Rd. and I pulled out and positioned 
myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then turned right onto 
Johnson Rd and then stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled over to the side of the road 
just before Sebring Woods. The vehicle was a White 2016 Lexus RX350 bearing Ohio 
registration HOP7704. I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and 
informed the driver of the reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which I received valid insurance, a valid license 
and registration.

The driver was later identified as Kristen Dewitt.

I wrote Kristen a traffic citation for speeding (333.03 ORD) and gave her a court date 
of 07/18/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no personal appearance required. Once Kristen 
signed the citation, I provided her with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT 7/10/2019  1900
Case No.: 19007077

S 15th St E Florida Ave

ARREST: Nathaniel Jermany AGE 22
2141 SE Polar Star Way, Port Orchard

Uninvited Peddling  / Section #721.01 / Bond $500

On 07/10/19 I responded to the area of E Florida Ave and S 15th St for reports of an 
uninvited solicitor. On arrival I found the individual identified as Nathaniel Jermany. I 
informed Nathaniel that he was soliciting with out a permit and that it was after hours 
regardless. Nathaniel was advised given this is a constant problem in Sebring he was 
under arrest for the charge. 

Nathaniel was placed in custody however due to him being so cooperative he was not 
handcuffed and taken back to our station. Nathaniel was booked and processed and 
given a recognizance bond. Nathaniel was charged with SCO 721.01 uninvited 
peddling M-4 and given a court date at MCC#3 of 07/11/19 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack 506 


Case No.: 19007061

21st Johnson Rd. near St Rt. 62

CITED: Fayth Leasure AGE 21
510 W. Harrison St. Alliance, OH 44601

Speeding  / 333.03 (ORD)

On 07/08/2019 at 6:49pm I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
north on 21st Johnson Rd. just before Grandview Cemetery when I observed a vehicle 
traveling South on the same road approach at a high rate of speed. I turned on my 
moving radar and clocked the vehicle going 47mph in a 35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving South on Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned myself behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled over to the side of the road right before the 
Perkins parking lot. The vehicle was a Silver 20 13 Hyundai Elantra bearing Ohio 
registration GYW7879. I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and 
informed the driver of the reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which I received valid registration, but no proof 
of insurance and she did not have her license on her person. The driver was later 
identified as Fayth Leasure and she came back to be a valid driver.

I wrote Fayth a citation for speeding (333.03 ORD) and gave her a court date of 
7/11/19 at 9:OOam for MCC#3 with a personal appearance required. Once Fayth 
signed the citation, I provided her with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #514


ARREST REPORT  7/7/2019  1033
Case No.: 19007052

N 12th St Pine Lake Rd, Sebring, OH 44672

CITED: April Boals AGE 33
20397 North Benton West Road, North Benton, OH 44449

Expired/Fictitious Plates / SCO 335.10

On Sunday, July 07,2019, I, Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling west on Courtney 
Rd in marked unit #303. As I turned north onto N Johnson Rd, I observed a silver 4-
door Chevrolet sedan turn east onto Courtney Rd bearing Ohio registration HHR9441. 
I performed a random registration check through dispatch and was advised the plates 
were expired and belonged to a cream colored Ford truck. I immediately turned around 
and proceeded east on Courtney Rd after the vehicle, which was nearing N 12th St. I 
activated my overhead emergency lights, audible siren and attempted to catch up with 
the vehicle. I caught up to the vehicle on N 12th St and it came to a complete stop just 
short of Pine Lake Rd.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, identified as April Boals, I identified myself 
and informed her of the reason for the stop. I also observed two small children in the 
backseat and they were properly secure. Boals informed me she does not normally 
drive, was unaware the plates were expired and that they were not registered to the 
vehicle. Boals provided her Ohio operator license but was unable to provide 
registration paperwork or insurance. I was able to establish contact with Boals' 
husband, James and informed him of the situation. I advised dispatch to summon a 
tow truck to the scene to retrieve the vehicle.

Boals was issued traffic citation #031640 for SCO 335.10 Expired/Fictitious Plates and 
informed of her mandatory appearance before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, July 18,2019 at 0900. Springers arrived and towed the vehicle from the 
scene. James arrived on scene shortly after the vehicle was towed and picked his 
family up.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


ARREST REPORT  7-6-19  2240
Case No.: 19007050

Ohio Ave. at N.14th St.

ARREST: Matthew Adams AGE 24
836 S.13th St. Apt. 16 Sebring, OH 44672

Suspended License  / 335.07 ORD
Turn Signal Required  / 337.30 ORD
Drug Possession (F5)  / 2925.11 ORC / BOND $2,500.00

On 07/06/2019 at 10:40pm I Ptl. Everhart while in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling south on N. 14th St. when I observed a vehicle pulling out of the Circle K 
parking lot onto N. 14th St without activating their left turn signal.

Ptl. Everhart #514

The vehicle then made another left hand turn onto Ohio Ave. and I then initiated a 
traffic stop. The vehicle then stopped and pulled over to the side of the road next to the 
Sebring Fire Station. The vehicle was a Black 2004 Jeep Cherokee bearing Ohio 
registration HCF7778. I then exited my cruiser and approached the driver side and 
informed the driver of the reason for the stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which I received valid registration, but no proof 
of insurance and a suspended license. The driver was later identified as Matthew 
Adams. I also received a valid ID card from the passenger later identified as Steven 

At this point, Ptl. Brindack, Ptl. Scott and Ptl. Peterman arrived to the scene as well. I 
then informed them of the situation and told them to have both suspects step out of the 
vehicle being that I was going to tow it after writing up the citation. During the 
administrative inventory search performed by Ptl. Brindack and Ptl. Scott, baggies with 
a white substance was found in the center console by Ptl. Brindack. The driver 
Matthew Adams then admitted that it was Meth and that it was his. After his admission, 
I then contacted Sgt. Kelm and with input from Sgt. Kelm it was determined because 
Matthew admitted that it was Meth that we could charge him without sending the drugs 
to the lab. I then called for a tow and filled out the tow slip for Springers.

At this point, Matthew was then placed under arrest and was then placed in the back of 
unit 301. We then advised the passenger Steven Percy that he was free to leave as 
well. Springers then arrived to the scene to tow the vehicle and we then cleared the 
scene. Upon arrival to the station, I filled out all necessary documentation so that Ptl. 
Peterman could transport Matthew to MCJ. I also took pictures of Matthew and also 
logged all the baggies of the white powdered substance with evidence tags. Ptl. 
Peterman then transported Matthew to MCJ. Matthew was charged with Drug 
Possession 2925.111 (ORC) and was also cited for a Suspended License 335.07 
(ORD) and Turn Signal Required 337.30 (ORD).

Ptl. Everhart #514


On 07/07/19 I assisted Ptl. Everhart on a DUS stop. On arrival Ptl Everhart advised he 
was going to be towing the vehicle, Ptl. Scott arrived shortly after and we began and 
administrative inventory of the vehicle. Ptl. Scott and myself began inventorying the 
vehicle when I noticed an ash tray in the center console, I looked down the hole of the 
ashtray and notice small plastic bags inside, I opened the ash tray and found several 
bags containing a white crystal substance that Ptl. Scott and I believed to be Meth, I 
asked the driver of the car Matthew Adams what was in the bags and he admitted to 
me it was meth. Evidence was gathered, the vehicle was towed and Matthew was 
arrested by Ptl. Everhart on the drug charge.

Ptl. Brindack 506


On 7/7/2019 I, Ptl. Peterman. went in marked unit 301 as a dual unit with Ptl. Scott 505 
to the scene.

When we approached the scene, I exited my vehicle, and approached the passenger, 
Steven Percy II, to which at this time was asked by Ptl. Everhart to exit the vehicle. I 
patted down Steven for weapons, to which none were on his person. 

The driver of the vehicle, Matthew Adams, was brought over for me to discuss about 
the events while Pt;. Brindack and Ptl. Everhart were performing an inventory of the 
vehicle Matthew was operating. Ptl. Brindack then came across several small baggies 
of a white substance, and when asked whos it was, Matthew responded with "Its 
mine". Ptl. Brindack asked Matthew what the white substance was, and Matthew 
responded "Its meth". Matthew was then placed under detainment at this time, and a 
probable cause search was initiated by Ptl. Brindack. No other drugs were found in the 
vehicle, but a small knife, and fireworks were discovered in the vehicle. 

I placed Matthew into the back of my marked unit, and awaited further instruction. After 
getting the go ahead, I transported Matthew back to station, where jail paperwork was 
started, and assisted PTL. Everhart in filling it out. After papenwork was finished, I 
transported Matthew to Mahoning County Jail.

Ptl. Peterman #511 


ARREST REPORT  7/3/2019  1933
Case No.: 19007016 

127 E Florida

ARREST: Derek Rinehart AGE 26
127 E Florida Ave

DOC  /  2917.11 / BOND $500.00

On 07/03/2019, While on scene for a call of service, Units were dispatched to the 100 
block of East Florida Avenue in reference to an active domestic with weapons. As units 
were pulling up to the scene, dispatch advised that they currently have the victim on 
the line stating that he is actively getting assaulted and he just locked himself in the 

As units were relayed this information I observed the alleged aggressor sitting in her 
car getting out of her vehicle walking over to us. I spoke to the female whom I knew to 
be that of Kathleen Rinehart. Kathleen advised that her grandson Derek is in the 
house going crazy beating himself in the head. Also outside in a separate vehicle was 
David Rinehart and his female friend Lori. Units went into the residence and spoke to 
Derek about the event. Derek appeared to be worked up, but did not appear to have 
any obvious injuries. Derek pointed to a piece of wood that was sitting by the door that 
had rusted nails, screws, and staples sticking out of it. Derek advised that his 
grandmother Kathleen was beating him with the board, and then she dropped it and 
started punching him in the face. 

I went out and spoke with Kathleen whom advised that Derek just came home and he's 
been gone for a few days and he just started going crazy. Kathleen advised that Derek 
started going through her purse and when she caught him he took her cell phone and 
ran into the bathroom banging his head against the wall. 

Derek was brought outside of the residence and was presented with a statement. 
Derek advised that he wanted to file DV charges and he wanted Kathleen to go to jail. I 
advised Ptl. Brindack to get a statement and a DV packet started. I then obtained a 
statement from Kathleen. I then spoke to Lori and asked her what she seen happen 
and she advised that they pulled up a few moments prior to police arrival and saw 
Kathleen sitting in her car and she was not in the house. Lori refused to provide a 
statement advising that she didn't want involved. Once statements were completed, 
the physical evidence did not support that a DV took place. There were no indications 
that Derek was assaulted with a board let alone one with rusted nails, screws, and 
staples in it. Furthermore there was no indications that Kathleen punched Derek in the 
face like he claimed. Kathleen is known to be on blood thinners and bruises rather 
easily and there are no signs of tissue bruising on Kathleen's hands. 

Derek was then taken into custody for Disorderly Conduct. Derek was then taken back 
to the station and processed. Derek was then given an OR bond in the amount of $500 
and given a day of 07/11/2019 at 0900 at MCC#3.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


ARREST REPORT  7/2/2019  1720
Case No.: 19007009 

175 West Ohio Avenue, Sebring Ohio 44672

ARREST:  Edward Mills AGE 36
265 West Oregon Avenue, Sebring Ohio 44672

Intimidation of a Victim F3  / 2921.04  /  Bond $8,000
Retaliation F3  / 2921.05  / Bond $8,000
Drug Paraphernalia MM / 2925.14 / $150 
Drug Possession MM  / 2925.11   / $150

On 07/02/2019, Units were dispatched to the 200 block of West Oregon Avenue for a 
male actively breaking into a residence. Units arrived on scene and going pieces of 
wood and what appeared to be wheels to a cabinet of some sort in the yard as well as 
miscellaneous office supplies that were in the yard as well. Officers made contact with 
the occupants of the house. Sean Mills advised that he has a current Domestic 
Violence Case against his brother Edward Mills whom was just recently given an OR 
bond on Thursday. 

Sean advised that his brother Edward came to the house and made entry into the 
house and was trying to fight him saying that he was going to beat his ass for filing 
charges on him. Sean advised that Edward then grabbed a table and threw it out in the 
yard. Sean advised that his father Eddy Mills came and shit the door preventing 
Edward from entering the residence.

Sean advised that he felt threatened by the situation and wanted to pursue charges. 
Sean was provided with a statement and as he was filling out the statement I asked 
Eddy Mills to write a statement which was refused. I gathered the completed statement 
and then cleared.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


On 07/02/2019, Units went to Don Hill's residence for Edward Mills, a consent search 
was obtained and units were unsuccessful in locating Edward.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


On 07/02/2019, Moments later units were dispatched to the Hill residence because 
Edward was at the residence requesting to speak to police. Units arrived and Edward 
came out and met units in the front of the residence. Edward advised that he was not 
at his residence today and never seen his brother. Edward then advised that he was in 
an argument with his brother through the window of the residence but would not 
elaborate on the contents of the argument. Edward was then detained pending further 
investigation. Edward advised that he was with his cousin Allan Reed and Michelle

Ptl. Brindack Remained on scene with Edward while I went to speak with Mr. Reed. I 
found Allan in the 100 block of East Maryland avenue and spoke wo him in reference 
to Edward. Allan advised that he was not in contact with Edward in some time. Allan 
advised that he was with him earlier in the morning but not recently. I then advised Ptl. 
Brindack that Edward provided false information of his whereabouts and then cleared. 
I then returned to the scene where Ptl. Brindack recovered marijuana and 
paraphernalia from Edward. 

Edward was then taken back to the station and processed. Edward was charged with 
2921.05 Retaliation F3, 2921.04 Intimidation of a victim F3, 2925.11 Possession of 
drugs MM, 2925.141 Possession of drug paraphernalia MM. Edward was taken to the 
Mahoning County Justice Center with a $16,300 bond and given a court date of 
07/03/2019 at 1300 at MCC#3.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


On 07/02/2019, Units were dispatched to the 200 block of West Oregon Avenue foran 
alleged active breaking and entering. Units arrived on scene. Units made contact with 
the Sean Mills who said that his brother Edward came to the house and was trying to 
fight him saying that he was going to "beat his ass". Sean advised that Eddie then 
grabbed a table and threw it out in the yard. Sean was asked to do a statement and he 
did so. Edward Mills Sr and Mary Hill were also asked but declined units the cleared 
and went to 175 W Ohio Ave to try an locate Eddie but were unsuccessful.

A few Minutes later minutes later we were dispatched to 175 W Ohio Ave and told 
Eddie Mills was now on scene requesting to speak with an officer. Units responded 
and made contact with Eddie. Eddies story changed a few times but he alleged he was 
with Allen Reed helping him move an AC unit and was not at his house. 

I remained on scene and Det. Redfern went to speak with Allen Reed, and advised to 
detain Eddie at this time until he could speak with Allen. I took Eddie to my car and 
some moments Det. Redfern advised me to place Eddie in custody. 

During a search of Edward and his belongings on scene I found a small metal tube 
with a plastic bag with a small amount of marijuana packed neatly inside in his left 
cargo pocket. When I returned to station a more in thorough search was done and a 
half of an orange pill later identified Buprenorphine Hydrochloride pill fell on the floor 
as items were being removed from the same cargo pocket mentioned above. Eddie 
was booked and processed and transported to Mahoning county jail without further 

Edward was charged with 2921.05 Retaliation F3, 2921.04 Intimidation of a victim F3, 
2925.11 Possession of drugs MM, 2925.141 Possession of drug paraphernalia MM. 
Edward was taken to the Mahoning County Justice Center with a $16,300 bond and 
given a court date of 07/03/2019 at 1300 at MCC#3.

REPORTING OFFICER: Redfern, Jr., Chad BADGE NO.: 504 DATE: 07/02/2019 


ARREST REPORT  7/1/2019  1906
Case No.: 19007007 

800 Block West Tennessee Ave

CITED: Brittany Landacre AGE 25
845 West California Avenue, Sebring Ohio 44672

Unsafe Vehicle  /  SCO 337.07
DUS (Non-Compliance)  /  SCO 335.07
Failure to Comply  /  SCO 303.01

On 07/01/2019 While in the driveway of Zep's Pizza on North Johnson Road clearing a 
Traffic Stop, I observed a blue in color van with severe spiderwebbing on the front 
windshield. The van was headed south bound on Johnson Road going over the rail 
road tracks. I turned on my overhead emergency lights and attempted a traffic stop. 
The van touched its breaks and I was able to visualize the driver look through the side 
mirror and make eye contact with my cruiser. The van then turned right to head 
westbound on West Tennessee Avenue. 

At this time I turned on my audible siren and the driver continued to drive the van until 
it came to the driveway of 845 West California Avenue and it pulled in. The side doors 
of the van as well as the rear hatch started to open and several occupants started to 
exit the van. I ordered the occupants to stay put as I approached the vehicle. Once at 
the vehicle the side fender fell off of the vehicle and it had a flat tire. The vehicle was in 
no condition to travel along a public roadway safely due to the various equipment 
violations. I made contact with the unrestrained driver and I advised her of the 
violation. I then asked for Insurance, Registration and Driver's License. The driver of 
the vehicle advised that she did not have her license on her. I asked if she didn't have 
them because she was suspended and she advised "yes". I asked the driver why it is 
that she didn't stop her vehicle and she advised she saw me on Johnson but she 
wanted to get it to her driveway so it couldn't be towed. I advised her that the vehicle 
was used in the commission of a crime on a public roadway and that I was well with in 
my means to tow it if I so chose to do so. I then gathered identification of the female 
and ran her through dispatch whom advised that she was the registered owner and 
she had two open suspensions. I started issuing Brittany a citation for Unsafe Vehicle, 
DUS, and Failure to comply. 

Brittany was cited to MCC#3 on 7/3/19 at 1300. I then cleared with out incident.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

PUBLISHED 12:08PM July 16, 2019  *

Thursday, June 20, 2019
04:45 PM -0500

Case No.: 19006085


CITED: April Dettweiler (AGE 49)
20741 Oak St, Alliance 44601


On 06/12/2019, I, Patrolman Villanueva was 
stationed in a marked cruiser facing south 
at the intersection of W. Ohio and N. 
Johnson conducting traffic control. While 
stationed I saw a grey colored van very 
slightly slow but then go right through the 
stop sign and make a left turn at the 
intersection. I activated my emergency 
lights and initiated a traffic stop at the 
500'~b lock of N. Johnson. I made contact 
with the driver, April Dettweiler who 
immediately gave me an attitude saying 
how she is late and how she doesn't have 
time for this. 

I begin to explain to April who I was and 
why I stopped her, but she continued to 
interrupt me with more attitude. I then 
attempted to continue my stop and 
requested her license, registration and 
proof of insurance. She hands me her 
license and insurance but continues giving 
me a attitude and says how she doesn't 
know where her registration is. I calmly 
asked if she could check her glove 
compartment because usually people place 
it there, but she interrupts again saying she 
never puts it there. I then ask if she is sure 
it is not anywhere else in the vehicle then 
and so she reaches in her glove 
compartment and finds it there immediately. 
She then says how she never puts it there 
and so I stated how luckily it was there this 
time and she didn't lose it. 

She then continues with angrily interrupting 
me and telling me how she doesn't have 
time and how she is late for taking her sons 
to bible study and she has to go to work 
because she woke up 5 minutes ago. I then 
told her how dangerous it is to completely 
go through stop signs at busy intersections 
just because she is late and she interrupts 
me again stating she slowed down. 

I then just excused myself and went to my 
vehicle and issued her a citation for ORD 
313.01 Traffic Control Devices #031492. I 
go back to the vehicle and attempt to 
explain to April of the citation and tried to 
explain the ticket information such as the 
courts number and location but she 
continued interrupting me so I just asked 
her if she could just sign the side of the 
citation and she did. I then rip off her blue 
copy and she gets more of an attitude and 
begins to pull off as I was still standing right 
at her driver's window. I then yelled at her to 
stop because we were on a very busy road 
so I could not back up without stepping in 
the lane of traffic where there was a semi 
passing and if she hadn't stopped, she 
would've hit me with her vehicle. 

I explained how dangerous it is for her to 
just drive off without me telling her she was 
free to go and how I could've been injured 
by the semi and she just said how she was 
done and I told her she is not leave unless 
told to by an officer. She then states how 
she didn't know I was that close to her car 
and so I just told her when my emergency 
lights are off, she is free to go. I then 

Ptl. Villanueva #512

PUBLISHED 5:33PM JUNE 20, 2019  *

Wednesday, June 12, 2019
09:55 AM -0500

Case No.: 19006072

21st Johnson Rd. near St. Rt 62

CITED: Deanna Orlando (AGE 37)
2629 Westville Lake Rd. Beloit, OH 44609

Expired License <6months / 4510.12 ORC

On 6/10/2019 at 7:45pm I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at Grandview Cemetery off of 
21st  Johnson Rd. facing North when I 
observed a vehicle traveling South on the 
same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my stationary radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 46mph in a 
35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned myself behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled into the 
Perkins parking lot to the right just before 
the intersection of Route 62. The vehicle 
was a White 2019 Chevy Silverado bearing 
Ohio registration GUW8178. I then exited 
my cruiser and approached the driver side 
and informed the driver of the reason for the 
stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received valid registration and proof of 
insurance but an expired driver's license. 

The driver was later identified as Deanna 

I gave Deanna a verbal warning for the 
speed violation but I wrote her a traffic 
citation for an expired driver's license (<6 
months) (4510.12 ORC) and gave Deanna 
a court date of 06/13/19 at 9:00am for 
MCC#3 with no personal appearance 
required. Once Deanna signed the citation, 
I provided her with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #514


Case No.: 19006055

Ohio Ave near 12th st

CITED: Rebecca Danesi (AGE 60)
740 Lake Park Blvd Sebring OH 44672

Traffic control device / 313.01

On 06/08/19 I was travelling West On E 
Ohio Ave when I observed a gray car 
travelling the opposite direction towards me 
go around the yellow road closed barriers in 
the 200 block of E Ohio that were put in 
place due to the fireman's festival. 

As the vehicle passed me I turned around 
and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle a 
gray chevy Impala bearing OH EPK5967 at 
Ohio ave and N 12th St . I approached the 
driver identified as Rebecca Danesi and 
asked why she drove around the road 
closed barriers. Rebecca stated she did not 
see the first barrier (which was directly in 
the middle of the road) and just went 
around the second because she thought the 
road was only closed if you were coming 
into Sebring. 

Rebecca was issued a citation for 313.01 
Traffic control devices and given a court 
date at MCC#3 of 06/20/19 at 0900hrs with 
a personal appearance not required. I then 

Ptl. Brindack 506


Case No.: 19006054

W Califonia Ave @ S 17th St, Sebring, OH 

CITED: Konner Shields (AGE 18)
15 Walnut St, Hubbard, OH 44425

Driver Licnese: None / SCO 335.01

On Saturday, June 08, 20 19, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling east on W 
California Ave in marked unit #303. I 
observed a blue vehicle approaching from S 
15th St at what appeared to be a rate of 
speed higher than the posted 25 MPH limit. 
Upon activating my forward mounted radar 
antenna, I observed and locked in a speed 
of 39 MPH. As the vehicle passed my 
cruiser I activated my overhead emergency 
lights and turned around to initiate a traffic 
stop. The vehicle, a blue Chevrolet 4-door 
sedan bearing Ohio registration HTG8806, 
came to a complete stop on W California 
Ave at S 17th St .

Upon establishing contact with the driver, 
identified as Konner Shields, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. Shields immediately informed me 
he did not have a driver's license and 
provided his identification information 
verbally. The female passenger and 
registered owner of the vehicle, identified as 
Damecka Wilkins, provided her driver's 
license upon request. Shields was issued 
traffic citation #031635 for SCO 335.01 
Driver License: None and given a verbal 
warning for SCO 333.03 Speed - Over 
Limits (39/25). Shields was informed of his 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, June 13, 
2019 at 0900. 

The vehicle was released to the control of 
the registered owner.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


Case No.: 19006053 

300 Block 0f S 12th St, Sebring, OH 44672

CITED: Bogdan Rama (AGE 60)
24981 Columbus Road, Bedford Heights, 
OH 44146

Speed - Over Limits (55/35) / SCO 333.03

On Saturday, June 08, 2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling south on S 12th 
St in marked unit #303. As I neared 
Alabama Ave, I observed a vehicle 
approaching from the south at what 
appeared to be a rate of speed higher than 
the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activating 
my forward mounted radar antenna, I 
observed and locked in a speed of 55 MPH. 
As the vehicle passed my cruiser, I 
activated my overhead emergency lights 
and turned around to initiate a traffic stop. 
The vehicle, a white Chevrolet truck bearing 
Ohio registration HCY7623, came to a 
complete stop in the 300 block of S 12th St.

Upon establishing contact with the driver, 
identified as Bogdan Rama, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. Rama provided the appropriate 
documentation as requested. Rama was 
issued traffic citation #031634 for SCO 
333.03 Speed - Over Limits (55/35) and 
informed of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
June 20,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


Case No.: 19006032

Smith Twp. Police Dept.

CITED: Jesse Smith (AGE 29)
36409 Lisbon Dungannon Rd. Lisbon, OH 

Expired Registration / SCO 335.10

On 06/05/2019 I Ptl. Scott while traveling 
north on N. Johnson Rd. preformed a 
random registration check on a vehicle in 
front of me which was a silver 2017 
Chevrolet pickup truck bearing Ohio 
registration HCG3241. The vehicle's 
registration came back expired since 
January of 2019. The vehicle then pulled 
into the Smith Twp. Police Dept. parking lot.

I turned around and pulled in behind the 
vehicle and made contact with the driver 
and informed him that he was stopped for 
his expired registration. I requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received and identified 
the driver as Jesse Smith. I then returned to 
my cruiser and wrote Jesse a traffic citation 
for expired registration SCO 335.10.

Jesse was given a court date of 06/13/2019 
at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal 
appearance not required. Once Jesse 
signed his citation he was provided with a 
copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #505


Case No.: 19006019

100 block S. 12th St. Sebring, Ohio 44672

CITED: Stevie Martin (AGE 38)
1606 S. Arch Ave Alliance

Speed (49/35) / SCO 333.03

At approximately 20:17 hours, on 
06/03/2019, I was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit 303. While 
traveling southbound on S. 12th street 
nearing the intersection of W. Georgia 
Avenue, I observed a Northbound Red Kia 
Soll, that was nearing W. Georgia Avenue, 
that appeared to be traveling above the 
posted speed limit of 35MPH. Upon 
activating my in-car, front facing radar unit, I 
obtained a locked speed of 49MPH. I then 
turned around, positioned myself behind the 
Kia Soll, and initiated a traffic stop with the 
vehicle coming to a complete stop just 
south of the railroad tracks.

I then made contact with the driver, 
identified by her Ohio Driver License as 
Stevie M. Martin, and advised her of the 
reason for the stop. Upon asking Martin if 
she were aware of her speed she advised 
that she was not but that she believed that 
she was going a little over 40MPH. I then 
requested her proof of insurance as well as 
vehicle registration. Martin was able to 
provide me with her insurance information 
but was unable to locate the registration, 
with her informing me that the car was 
registered to her father, Jeffrey Votaw.

Martin was then issued citation #031535 for 
speed (SCO 333.03) for 49MPH in a 
marked 35MPH zone. Martin was also 
given an optional court date of 9:00am on 
06/13/2019, with no personal appearance 
required. I then cleared from the call with no 
further action and nothing additional to 
report at this time. 

It should also be noted that the calibration 
of car 303's in car radar unit was verified at 
both the start of my shift at 15:00 hours as 
well as after writing Martin her citation.

Ptl. Reed #513


Case No.: 19006001

N. 15th St./ Ohio Ave.

CITED:  Cody Bauer (AGE 31)
350 W. Broadway St. Alliance, Ohio 44601

OVI(SFST) / 4511.19(A)(1)(a) / BOND: 

OVI / 4511.19(A)(2) / BOND: $500

Wrong way on one-way street / ORD 

On 6/1/2019 at 00:50 I stopped a vehicle at 
the intersection of N. 15th St. and Ohio Ave.

Ptl. Peterman 511

I, and Ptl. Scott 505 approached the 
vehicle, after watching him travel between 
13th and 14th St. weaving in the alleyway, 
and Identified the driver as Coty Bauer. 
Coty states he was "Going to the bar to talk 
to a guy about his dead uncle.". We 
explained to him his vehicle matched the 
description of a suspicious vehicle(White 
trailblazer), then asked Coty why he was 
going around asking people "Have you 
seen my dead uncle?". Me and Ptl. Scott 
asked Coty to exit the vehicle to submit to 
field sobriety testing, to which he becomes 
belligerent, and starts asking "What right do 
you have to pull me out of the vehicle?". we 
explained to Coty we don't need consent or 
a reason to pull him out of the vehicle, and 
that we needed to talk to him outside of the 
vehicle. Coty exited his vehicle after a few 
moments, then we explain to him we 
suspect with his driving patterns when I was 
behind him, and the witness statements of 
his driving, we request he take field sobriety 
to make sure he was okay to drive. I noticed 
Cotys speech was slightly slurred, he was 
having minor balance issues from stumbling 
on his feet, and I could smell a slight odor of 
alcoholic beverage as he was speaking with 

Coty then asked "Do you guys have video 
recording right now?" to which we 
responded "No", and Coty then refused to 
take any testing we requested of him. Coty 
was then placed under arrest for Operating 
a vehicle while under the influence of 
alcohol and/or drugs 4511.19, Sebring 
ordinance code 331.30 wrong direction 
down a one-way street. and placed on an 
administrative license suspension. Cotys 
vehicle was left parked near the panda 
garden on N. 15th St. After placing Coty 
into my marked patrol car 301, he became 
very disorderly, striking his head off of the 
driver side, rear window, and yelling 
obscenities at me and Ptl. Scott 505. 

Ptl. Scott read Coty his Miranda rights, and 
I transported to station. At station, Coty 
continued being very disorderly, and yelling 
obscenities. At station, Coty continued to 
ask Ptl. Scott 505 "what crimes did I 
commit?". I read Coty his Miranda again, 
and reminded him he was in a recorded 
room. As Coty continued to talk to us, I 
could notice a stronger odor of alcoholic 
beverage eminating from him inside of the 
squad room. Coty became less belligerent 
at this time. DO Wheeler advised me 4 
minors had arrived to give witness 
statements about Coty's behavior, and how 
he was driving to the Brickhouse. He asked 
the kids if they "knew where a stone and 
brick bar was", to which one of the kids 
responded", then when he saw us 
patrolling, was witnessed speeding off 
toward Beloit. 

I had Coty sign a recognizance waiver, as 
well as reminded him of his court date of 
0900 A.m. at MCC#3 on 6/6/2019. I  then 
cleared once his mother came to pick Coty 
up and take him home.

DATE: 06/01/2019 04:53

On 06/01/2019 I Ptl. Scott along with Ptl. 
Peterman searched for an erratic driver that 
we found in the alley behind the Schmids 
bar traveling west even after driving in a 
one way part of the alley. The driver was 
called in by multiple people for pulling into 
the alley by the police department and 
asking kids where his dead uncle was. I 
witnessed this happen but when I walked to 
the vehicle he backed up and sped away 
and parked at the Brick House Bar. Ptl. 
Peterman was behind the vehicle as I went 
to N. 15th St. to assist in stopping the 
vehicle in which once the vehicle turned 
onto N 15th St. Ptl. Peterman stopped the 
vehicle. I exited my cruiser to talk to the 
individual which was identified as Coty 

Coty stated stated that his uncle died 4 
months ago and he was going to the bar to 
speak to the bartender as his uncle asked 
him to do before he died. Coty was very 
hyper and had slurred speech and when I 
asked him about pulling into by the police 
department and asking individuals about his 
uncle Coty denied it. I asked Coty if he had 
consumed any alcoholic beverages prior to 
driving in which Coty stated that he did not. 
I asked Coty where he was coming from 
and he pointed south and stated Alliance 
Sebring road and I told him that was not 
where Alliance Sebring road is and Coty
stated that he was dyslexic and that it he 
cannot tell directions or understand words 
due to his alleged disorder.

Coty was asked to preform field sobriety 
tests in which Coty asked if the traffic stop 
was being recorded in which I told him no. 
Coty then became belligerent and started to 
yell obscenities and was then placed into 
custody and then placed into the rear of 
marked unit #301. I read Coty his rights and 
asked him if he understood in which Coty 
stated that he was dyslexic and could not 
understand me.

Coty asked if we could roll his windows up 
in which Ptl. Peterman did. Coty then 
started yelling that we were illegally 
searching is vehicle and started to bang his 
head off of the window of the cruiser.

Once back station Coty continued his 
belligerent attitude and yelled most of the 
time while he was there. I read Coty the 
BMV 2255 form in which he signed. Coty 
refused chemical testing and was placed 
under administrative license suspension 
and was advised not to drive. Coty was 
given a recognizance bond of $1,000 for 
OVI (SFST) ORC 4511.19A1a and OVI 
(Refusal wl prior conviction within 20 years) 
ORC 4511.19A2 in which Coty singed and 
received a copy of. Coty also received a 
traffic citation for both OVI offenses and 
driving down a one way street in which Coty 
refused to sign and received a copy. Coty 
was then released and picked up by his 

Ptl. Scott #505 


Case No.: 19005203 

173 E. Maryland Ave. Sebring, Ohio 44672

ARREST: Genell Stoll (AGE 37)
173 E. Maryland Ave. Sebring, Ohio 44672

Inducing Panic(M- 1) / 2917.31 / Bond 

Making False Alarm(M- 1) / 2917.32 / Bond 

I responded to 173 E. Maryland Ave. on 
5/31/2019 at 23:18 for an active fire alarm.

Ptl. Peterman 511

On arrival with Sebring FD. I saw a younger 
male sitting on the porch of the residence, 
stating his girlfriend locked him out of the 
house. I proceeded to knock on the door 
stating I was with Sebring PD, and needed 
to speak to her about the alarm going off. A 
woman answered the door, stating "I 
pressed the ADT button because my ex-
boyfriend was beating on my door, and I 
want him gone.".

She seemed in a normal state, with no 
altercation to mental state. I then asked her 
why she pressed the ADT fire alarm, to 
which she told me "I just pressed the 
button, I wanted someone here to make him 
leave.". I asked for her license, to which she 
procured to me, then ran her license to 
reveal a Genell Stoll. She states the ex-
boyfriend was being verbally abusive 
towards her as well. 

I was shown audio evidence of the ex-
boyfriend, Peter Prince, saying multiple 
expletives, and that "I better not see 
another man on your porch.". 

Ptl. Scott 505 arrived on scene, and at this 
time I requested he speak to Peter about 
whats going on. After speaking to both 
parties, We determined Peter had 
established residence, and would have to 
be evicted through civil court. After leaving 
the residence, we were preparing to take 
Peter to a family members house in Alliance 
when Genell came outside, approached 
Peter, and said he could stay the night. 
After Peter went back inside the house, we 

Ptl. Peterman 511

00:16 - I and Ptl. Scott 505 arrived back at 
the same residence after speaking to Det. 
Redfern 504, and Sgt. Joshua Kelm 503 
about the situation, and the possible abuse 
of the Adt fire alarm system. It was 
determined at this time that Genell Stone 
was improperly using the ADT alarm system 
she had in her residence and was therefore 
placed under arrest for Inducing Panic 
2917.31, and Making False Alarm 2917.32. 
Genell changed her story to Ptl. Scott, 
stating "Peter set the alarm off by hitting 
and kicking the door, so I pressed all of the 

Genell was read her rights, and placed 
inside the back of my marked cruiser 301. I 
transported Genell to station, where we 
explained her charges, and why she was 
being charged with them. Genell was 
released of her own recognizance, and 
given a court date MCC#3 6/6/2019 @ 
0900A.M. We then cleared. 

Ptl. Peterman 511


Case No.: 19005196

114 West Maryland Ave, Sebring, OH 

ARREST: Dusty Diacontonas (AGE 31)
114 West Maryland Ave, Sebring, OH 

Aggravated Arson (F-2) / 2909.02(a)(2)

On 5/30/2019 officers were dispatched to 
114 W. Maryland Ave. for a structure fire.

Sgt. Kelm #505

Upon arrival myself, Ptl. Scott, and Ptl. 
Brindack, and Ptl. Peterman observed 
smoke and flames coming from the first 
floor of the duplex. 2 cruisers were 
positioned at the intersection of 15th St. and 
Maryland Ave. and 16th St. and Maryland 
Ave. to block the road. All officers remained 
on scene for crowd control. 

Once the fire was put out and the fire 
department cleared all units then cleared.

I was advised by Sebring Fire Chief that this 
will still be under investigation and 
requested I get a written statement from the 
home owner Dusty Diacontonas. I had 
Dusty walk with me to the police station 
where I read her Miranda rights and Dusty 
filled out a sworn statement. I then cleared.

Sgt. Kelm #505

On this date State Arson Investigator 
interviewed Dusty Diacontonas, and during 
that interview she admitted to setting a 
candle on fire and placing it on a couch and 
leaving to go to work. See Interview.

Chief Harris

I met with the lnvestigator and got his 
report. He agreed that Diacontonas be 
charged with aggravated Arson (F-2). This 
will be reviewed by the Prosecutor.

Chief Harris

On this date the Prosecutor approved 
charges of 2909.02A Aggravated Arson (F-
2). State Complaint will be sent to court and 
a warrant issued.

Chief Harris

I was told that Dusty was at the house to 
speak to the Insurance fire Investigator. I 
went to 114 West Maryland and arrested 
Dusty Diacontonas for Aggravated Arson. I 
was told by Daniel Kovacic that she told him 
the same story as she had told the State 
Fire Investigator. Dusty was brought back to 
the station where she was processed and 
then taken to Mahoning County Jail. There 
is no Bond for this charge. Mrs Diacontonas 
will have her first court date on 6/6/19.

Chief Harris

12, 2019  *

Wednesday, June 05, 2019
08:49 AM -0500

Case No.: 19006008

W Ohio Ave @ N 19th St, Sebring. Ohio 

CITED: Carrie Bycraft  AGE 39
221 Rosenberry St, Alliance, OH 44601

Speed - Over Limits (48/35) SCO 333.03
Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver) SCO 

On Saturday, June 01,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #304 on W 
Ohio Ave at N Johnson Rd facing west. I 
observed a black vehicle enter my field of 
view from the west village limits at what 
appeared to be a rate of speed higher than 
the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon activating 
my forward mounted radar antenna, I 
observed and locked in a digital speed of 48 
MPH. The vehicle slowed to a crawl as it 
approached the intersection and continued 
east without coming to a complete stop at 
the posted stop sigdred flashing traffic 
lights. As the vehicle passed my location, I 
could observe the driver with her head 
down not paying attention to the road.

I activated my overhead emergency lights 
and pulled out onto W Ohio Ave to initiate a 
traffic stop. The vehicle did not begin to 
yield until I activated my emergency siren 
after passing N 20th St. The vehicle, a 
black Cadillac SUV bearing Ohio 
registration GUE2041, came to a complete 
stop near N 19th St. Upon establishing 
contact with the driver, identified as Carrie 
Bycraft, I identified myself and informed her 
of the reasons for the stop. Bycraft admitted 
to speeding and looking down at her phone. 
I observed Bycraft was not wearing her seat 
belt and asked if she had it on prior to being 
stopped. Bycraft admitted she was not 
wearing her seat belt prior to being stopped. 
I also observed two children in the car, one 
in the passenger and one in the back seat, 
both of which were wearing their seat belts.

Bycraft provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request. Bycraft was 
issued traffic citation #031633 for SCO 
333.03 Speed - Over Limits (48/35) and 
SCO 337.27 Safety Belt: Failure to Wear 

Bycraft was given two verbal warnings for 
SCO 313.01 Obedience to Traffic Control 
Device and SCO 331.34(C) Full Time 
Attention. Bycraft was informed of her 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, June 13,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #507


Case No.: 19006003

Speed 49/35
1400 Blk of S. Johnson Rd

CITED: Gregory Lambert AGE 29
2225 Southeast Blvd, Salem

Speed 49/35   333.03

Date 6/1/2019  Time 1122 Hrs

On this date and time, I observed a Green 
Jeep Wrangler bearing Ohio Registration 
508ZDS traveling North on Johnson Rd in 
the 1400 Blk. I observed the vehicle 
traveling at a visibly high rate of speed, and 
the vehicle was clocked via the radar at 
49Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph Zone. 

The vehicle was stopped and the driver was 
issued a citation for speed 49/35 and due to 
the fact that he had 2 Prior M.V. in the past 
year, was issued a mandatory Court 
Appearance in Mcc#3 on 6/6/19 at 9am.

Res. Sgt S.T. McDaniel # 509


Case No.: 19006002

Speed 41/25
California Ave and 17 th St

CITED: Jeffrey Harper AGE 48
1005 Lake Park Blvd Lt 35

Speed 41/25  333.03

DATE 6/1/2019  TIME 1002 Hrs

On this date and time, I observed a Green 
Jeep bearing Ohio Temporary Tag J061142, 
traveling east on California Ave at 17th st. I 
observed the vehicle traveling at a visibly 
high rate of speed, and was clocked via 
Radar at 41 Mph in a clearly posted 25 Mph 

The vehicle was stopped and the driver was 
issued a citation for Speed and given a 
mandatory court appearance in Mcc#3 on 
6/6/19 at 9am. The driver also had 2 Prior 
M.V. in the past year.

Res. Sgt S.T. McDaniel # 509


Case No.: 19005153 

S. 16th St. at California Ave.

CITED: Jordan Wilson AGE 27
20748 Best Rd. North Benton, OH 44449

Speeding   333.03 ORD

On 05/24/2019 at 12:59pm, I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at the parking lot of United Die 
and Manufacturing off of California Ave. 
facing west when I observed a vehicle 
traveling east on the same road approach 
at a high rate of speed. I turned on my 
stationary radar and clocked the vehicle 
going 45mph in a 25mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving east on 
California Ave. and I turned around and 
positioned myself behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
made a right turn onto S. 16th St. and 
pulled over to the side of the road at the 
intersection of California Ave. 

The vehicle was a Maroon 2011 Chevy 
Tahoe bearing Ohio registration 349YZD. I 
then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received valid 
insurance, a valid license and registration. 
The driver was later identified as Jordan 

I wrote Jordan a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Jordan a court date 
of 05/30/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once 
Jordan signed the citation, I provided her 
with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19005152

S. 15th St. at Georgia Ave.

CITED: Elizabeth Kane AGE 58
368 Litchfield Rd. Akron, OH 44305

Speeding 333.03 ORD

On 05/24/2019 at 12:09pm, I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling west on California Ave just after 
the intersection of S. 15th St. when I 
observed a vehicle traveling east on the 
same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my moving radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 4lmph in a 25mph 
zone just before the parking lot of Unifrax.

The vehicle continued moving east on 
California Ave. and I turned around and 
positioned myself behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
turned south onto S.15th St then stopped 
on S.15th St. and pulled over to the side of 
the road right at the intersection of Georgia 
Ave. The vehicle was a White 2015 Honda 
Civic bearing Ohio registration HPK2342. I 
then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received valid 
insurance, a valid license and registration.

The driver was later identified as Elizabeth 

I wrote Elizabeth a traffic citation for 
speeding (333.03 ORD) and gave Elizabeth 
a court date of 05/30/19 at 9:00am for 
MCC#3 with no personal appearance 
required. Once Elizabeth signed the 
citation, I provided her with a copy and then 

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19005151

S. 12th St. near Georgia Ave.

CITED: Jessica Wood AGE 28
2384 Kennedy Dr. Salem, OH 44460

Speeding   333.03 ORD

On 05/24/2019 at 9:32am, I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling south on S. 12th St. just before the 
intersection of Baugh Ave. when I observed 
a vehicle traveling north on the same road 
approach at a high rate of speed. I turned 
on my moving radar and clocked the vehicle 
going 51mph in a 35mph zone just past the 
intersection of Alabama Ave.

The vehicle continued moving north on S. 
12th St. and I turned around and positioned 
myself behind the vehicle and initiated a 
traffic stop. The vehicle then stopped on 
12th St. and pulled over into the Animal 
Veterinary Clinic parking lot just before 
Georgia Ave. The vehicle was a White 2017 
Chevy Traverse bearing Ohio registration 
HGK3219. I then exited my cruiser and 
approached the driver side and informed 
the driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I received 
valid insurance, a valid license and 
registration. The driver was later identified 
as Jessica Wood.

I wrote Jessica a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Jessica a court 
date of 05/30/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with 
no personal appearance required. Once 
Jessica signed the citation, I provided her 
with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19005150

Courtney Rd. at 2 1st Johnson Rd.

CITED: Timothy Barnes AGE 58
11410 W. South Range Salem, OH 44460

Speeding  333.03 ORD

On 05/24/2019 at 8:33am, I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling east on Courtney Rd. just before 
UniFrax when I observed a vehicle traveling 
west on the same road approach at a high 
rate of speed. I turned on my moving radar 
and clocked the vehicle going 51mph in a 
35mph zone just before the intersection of 
Allied Dr.

The vehicle continued moving west on 
Courtney Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Courtney Rd. and pulled over to 
the side of the road right at the intersection 
of Johnson Rd. The vehicle was a Gold 
2015 Chevy Equinox bearing Ohio 
registration HLW2453. I then exited my 
cruiser and approached the driver side and 
informed the driver of the reason for the 
stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received valid insurance, a valid license 
and registration. 

The driver was later identified as Timothy 

I wrote Timothy a traffic citation for 
speeding (333.03 ORD) and gave Timothy 
a court date of 05/30/19 at 9:00am for 
MCC#3 with no personal appearance 
required. Once Timothy signed the citation, 
I provided him with a copy and then 

Ptl. Everhart #515 


Case No.: 19005164 

21st Johnson Rd. near Courtney Rd.

CITED: Amy Smarr AGE 37
207 E. Georgia Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Speeding  333.03 ORD

On 05/27/2019 at 11:33am, I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at the parking lot of BPI 
Recycling on Johnson Rd. right after the 
intersection of Courtney Rd. facing North 
when I observed a vehicle traveling south 
on the same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my stationary radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 49mph in a 
35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned myself behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled over to 
the side of the road in between BPI 
Recycling and Smith Township Pd. The 
vehicle was a Black 2014 Ford Edge 
bearing Ohio registration GUE2227. I then 
exited my cruiser and approached the driver 
side and informed the driver of the reason 
for the stop and requested their driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
in which I received valid insurance, a valid 
license and registration. 

The driver was later identified as Amy 

I wrote Amy a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Amy a court date 
of 05/30/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once Amy 
signed the citation, I provided her with a 
copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515

PUBLISHED 9:40AM JUNE 5, 2019  *

Friday, May 24, 2019
09:08 AM -0500

Case No.: 19005139 

21st Johnson Rd. near Courtney Rd.


CITED: Carolyn Salamon (AGE 70)
3505 Work Rd. Ravenna, OH 44266

Speeding 333.03 ORD

On 05/22/2019 at 11:34am, I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at the parking lot of BPI 
Recycling on Johnson Rd. right after the 
intersection of Courtney Rd. facing North 
when I observed a vehicle traveling south 
on the same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my stationary radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 57mph in a 
35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled over to 
the side of the road in between BPI 
Recycling and Smith Township Pd. The 
vehicle was a White 2010 Chevy Avalanche 
bearing Ohio registration FAA3861. I then 
exited my cruiser and approached the driver 
side and informed the driver of the reason 
for the stop and requested their driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
in which I received valid insurance, a valid 
license and registration. The driver was 
later identified as Carolyn Salamon.

I wrote Carolyn a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Carolyn a court 
date of 05/30/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with 
no personal appearance required. Once 
Carolyn signed the citation, I provided her 
with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19005142 

Courtney Rd Allied dr

CITED: Rodney Clay (AGE 49)
316 William St Niles OH 4446

speed 52/35  333.03

On 05/22/19 I was parked facing West in 
the shipping and receiving area of Famous 
distribution on Courtney Rd. While parked 
there I observed a white truck approaching 
me going east on Courtney Rd at a visibly 
high rate of speed. I activated my in car 
radar and clocked the vehicle at 52mph in a 
35mph zone 17mph over the posted speed 

I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle a 
white ford truck bearing OH GZQ4667 on 
Courtney Rd near the railroad tracks. I 
made contact with the driver identified as 
Rodney Clay who said he had to speed up 
because he was passing a semi that was 
stopped in the road. 

Rodney was cited for speed 333.03 and 
given a court date at MCC#3 of 05/30/19 at 
0900hrs with a personal appearance not 
required because though this is his third 
violation in twelve months his first two were 
non moving violations.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 19005143 

N 15th St Oregon Ave

CITED: Travis Lipps (AGE 21)
1802 E Main St Louisville OH 44641 

DUS   335.07

On 05/22/19 I while in a marked police 
cruiser I was travelling South On N 15th st 
when I observed a vehicle travelling the 
same direction in front of me bearing OH 
TLIPPS. I ran the plate and dispatch 
advised it was showing suspended. I 
initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle on N 
15th St near Oregon ave. I made contact 
who was identified as Travis Benjamin 
Lipps and he was confirmed to be 
suspended with the suspension type being 

Travis was cited for DUS 335.07 and given 
a court date at MCC#3 of 05/30/19 as 
opposed to towing his vehicle I allowed him 
to have a friend come and pick his vehicle 
up as they lived on Alliance Sebring Rd and 
could come to the scene relatively quickly. 

A valid driver responded and drove the 
vehicle away, I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 19005135

526 W Maryland Ave Sebring

Citation Issued : Whitney Mercer (AGE 34)
526 W Maryland Ave Sebring

Dogs Running At Large MM   505.01(A)

On 05/21/19 I responded to 536,526, and 
516 W Maryland for an animal complaint 
originating from 526 W Maryland.

Upon arrival I was met by Heather and 
Chad Johnson at 536 W Maryland Ave. who 
were advised their Boston terrier had been 
attacked by the neighbors Black lab. Their 
dog had a significant wound to the right 
back side and was missing a large portion 
of skin showing muscle from where he had 
been attacked. Chad and Heather had to 
leave to rush the dog to the Salem 
emergency animal hospital. While they 
were leaving, their other neighbor at 516 W 
Maryland, who saw what had happened, 
came outside and said the same dog at 526 
W Maryland had attacked his dog yesterday 
and it was not the first time.

Heather and Chad left and I spoke with their 
17yo son and 13yo daughter. The children 
advised me that this was not the first time 
that this dog has attacked their dogs. They 
said that the dog had attacked their other 
dog two times and this would be the third 
time it attacked the dog that had been 

I asked dispatch to get the dog warden to 
respond and began taking statements. I got 
a statement from 13yo Johnson and her 
parents are going to do statements as soon 
as they return. I also obtained a statement 
from David Chamberlin at 516 W Maryland 
and he advises his dogs have been 
attacked two times in the last 6 months by 
this dog. I spoke with the owner of the dog 
at 526 W Maryland Ave. identified as 
Whitney Mercer. I obtained a statement 
from her and advised her the dog warden 
had been contacted and until he responds 
she needed to keep a handle on her dog.

Dispatch then advised me the dog warden 
would not be coming out today but would be 
responding tomorrow to handle the 
situation. Dispatch also advised a dog 
running at large letter has already been 
given at 526 W Maryland once before.

Since both neighbors advised that the dog 
breaks free of it's lead and comes onto their 
property, Whitney was issued a MM citation 
for 505.01 dog running at large and given a 
court date at MCC#3 of 05/30/19 at 
0900hrs. I also obtained a statement from 
her. From what I gathered Whitney's dog 
has attacked the neighbors dogs on at least 
7 separate occasions combined though 
they have gone mostly unreported. This 
information will be forwarded to the dog 
warden for review.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 19005061 

236 Alabama Ave. Apt. #1 Sebring, OH 

ARREST: Alexus Carver (AGE 23)
236 Alabama Ave. Apt. #1 Sebring, OH 

Obstruction of Justice (Warrant)   ORC 
2921.32 / Bond $2,500.00

On 05/06/2019, I received information on 
the whereabouts of Troy Blake II whom was 
know to of absconded the judicial system by 
leading the courts to believe that he was 

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 05/06/2019, I received information on 
the whereabouts of Troy Blake II whom was 
known to of absconded the judicial system 
by leading the courts to believe that he was 
deceased. Troy Blake was known to be 
trafficking firearms, possessing weapons 
under disability, and to manufacture 
methamphetamines. Troy was known to 
have various warrants for his arrest several 
being out of MCC#3, Mahoning County 
Court of Common Pleas, Stark County 
Court of Common Pleas, as well as federal 
warrants for trafficking firearms and felon in 
possession. Ptl. Reed and I staged at 12th 
Street and Alabama Avenue and parked our 
cruisers near the intersection and walked 
up to the suspected residence of 236 
Alabama Avenue Apartment # 1 . Ptl. Reed 
and I got into position of the apartment and 
as we were getting ready to make contact 
the back door of the apartment opened and 
a males voice let a brown and white Pitbull 
out of the apartment. The dog came running 
over to Ptl. Reed and I and was not 
aggressive in nature. I advised Ptl. Reed 
that we would make contact with the 
owners in reference to a dog running at 
large. I then went to the front of the 
residence as Ptl. Reed residence and I 
asked her if she had a brown and white 
Pitbull and she advised that she did. I 
advised her that the dog was running 
around and the neighbors advised that it 
may have been hers.

The female shut the door and ran upstairs, 
with the windows upstairs being open I was 
able to hear a male yell shit. The female 
came back downstairs and exited the 
residence shutting the door. I whispered to 
the female so the occupants of the upstairs 
would not hear, I asked her if Troy Blake 
was in the residence and I made the female 
well aware that he was wanted by several 
agencies and if she was hiding him that she 
would be charged on the felony level. The 
female advised that he was and stated that 
at the top of the steps was the bathroom 
and he was in the room beside the 
bathroom. The female was identified as 
Marsadies whom was the homeowner. I 
asked the female if she would open the 
door and let me get him and she complied 
opening the door. I asked the female if there 
was weapons in the residence and she 
advised that she did not believe so. 

I radioed Ptl. Reed that access into the 
residence was granted by an occupant. Ptl. 
Reed and I with weapons drawn for officer 
safety started clearing the residence. As I 
reached the top of the steps I made contact 
with Alexus Carver whom was in a bedroom 
across the hall. I asked Alexus where Troy 
Blake was and she advised that he wasn't 
here. I made Alexus well aware that he was 
wanted out of multiple agencies for felony 
warrants and that if she was found to be 
lying she would be charged with a felony.

Alexus whom was becoming hostile came 
out from the room screaming that Troy was 
not there. I then started to proceed to the 
door where I was advised he was by the 
initial female and Alexus jumped in front of 
the door yelling that her Children were in 
the room and he was not there. Alexus 
made her way into the room and said he 
was not there as Ptl. Reed and I opened the 
closet door finding Troy Blake hiding in a 
closet on top of a dresser under clothes that 
were hanging up. 

Troy was taken into custody and placed in 
handcuffs. Troy and Alexus started to yell 
statements to the affect that they wanted to 
see the warrant that gave law enforcement 
the power to just come into the residence 
and advised that we made an illegal arrest. 
We allowed Troy to get dressed and to put 
shoes on before being escorted down to the 
cruiser. As officers were escorting Mr. Blake 
down the steps, Alexus Carver came 
running down the steps yelling obscenities. 
I advised Mrs. Carver that I would be 
requesting charges from the prosecutor's 
office due to her making several false 
statements to law enforcement even after 
she was advised that Troy had several 
warrants. Troy was then taken to the 
Alliance Walmart where Stark Sheriffs Dept. 
awaited. This incident will be closed, and a 
case will be opened if charges are 
approved through Prosecutor Tolson.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 05/06/2019, I briefed Acting Sgt. Kelm. 
and advised him that I was going to 
forwarding this case to the prosecutor and 
Acting Sgt. Kelm had no objections. This 
case will be sent to Prosecutor Tolson for 
the following charges against Alexus 

Obstructing justice--2921.32(C)(3) F5, Due 
to Alexus being advised that Troy has 
several felony warrants from several 
agencies and she would be charged if he 
was found to be there, and Alexus still 
attempting to hinder the discovery and 
apprehension of Troy Blake who is wanted 
on several felony charges.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

At approximately 21:37 hours, on 
05/06/2019, I along with Det. Redfern, went 
to 236 Alabama Avenue, Apt. 1, after Det. 
Redfern received information that Troy 
Blake II was at that location. Mr. Blake was 
known to have absconded from the judicial 
system after having led the courts to believe 
that he was deceased, as well as had 
numerous warrants from Mahoning County 
Court #3, Mahoning Court of Common 
Pleas, Stark County Court of Common 
Pleas, as well as federal warrants for 
trafficking in firearms and felon being in 
possession of firearms.

Upon arriving at the apartment complex, 
Det. Redfern and I staged our cruisers near 
the intersection of Alabama Ave. and S. 
12th Street. Once at the upper apartment 
building, I stood-by outside the rear door of 
apartment #1, as Det. Redfern approached 
the front. While Det. Redfern was preparing 
to attempt contact at the front door, a 
subject from inside of the apartment let a 
brown and white Pitbull out the back door. 
The Pitbull then approached Det. Redfern 
and I in a non-aggressive manner. It was 
then decided by Det. Redfern he would try 
to make contact with the occupants of the 
apartment at the front door in reference to 
the Pitbull being at large.

While Det. Redfern made contact at the 
front door, I stood by at the back. After 
speaking with an adult female occupant, I 
was advised via radio by Det. Redfern to 
make entry into the apartment. I then 
entered through the opened rear sliding 
door, meeting Redfern in the front room 
area. Redfern and I both then drew our 
firearms for officer safety and began 
clearing the residence. Once on the second 
floor of the apartment, Redfern and I made 
contact with a female who I know to be 
Alexus Carver, the girlfriend of Troy Blake II, 
in an upstairs bedroom to the far left of the 
top of the staircase. Redfern advised 
Carver of the reason that we were there, 
with her advising that Mr. Blake was not 

I then noticed the female who had granted 
us entry had come up to the second floor as 
well and was behind Det. Redfern and I. I 
then asked her where Troy was, with her 
nodding to a door directly in front of me. I 
then began opening the door while 
announcing myself as a police officer. 
Carver then approached in a hostile 
manner, stating that it was just her child in 
the room before entering. Redfern and I 
followed directly behind her. Once in the 
room, I opened the closet to the left of the 
doorway, finding who I know to be Troy 
Blake II hiding inside. I then assisted Mr. 
Blake from the closet, advised him that he 
was being arrested for his warrants, and 
placed him in handcuffs (spaced and 
double locked).

Blake then began make statements about 
wanting to see a warrant that allowed us to 
come in to get him, that we couldn't just 
walk into his house, and that the arrest was 
illegal. Mr. Blake was then searched effect 
of arrest and allowed to put a shirt and 
shoes on, which I also checked for 
contraband. While escorting Blake from the 
apartment, Carver continued to become 
belligerent with Redfern and I. Once outside 
the apartment, I secured Blake in the back 
of car #303. He was then taken to The 
Alliance Wal-Mart, where custody was 
transferred to Deputy Hill, of The Stark 
County Sheriffs Office. I then returned to 
the village with no further action and 
nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #514

On 05/07/2019, I called the leasing 
company of the complex whom advised that 
Marsadies Mueller and Anthony Tewksbury 
were the appropriate persons on the lease.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 05/09/2019, Prosecutor Tolson 
approved the requested charges 

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 05/12/2019 I Ptl. Scott along with Ptl. 
Peterman served a warrant on Alexus 
Shreckengost Carver at 236 Alabama Ave. 
Apt. 1 where it was believed she was 
staying. Officers arrived on scene and was 
greeted by the door by several people. I 
asked if Alexus was home in which one 
individual went up stairs to get her. Alexus 
came down stairs and was placed into 
custody for the warrant and was mirandized 
an placed in the rear of marked unit #303. 
The apartment was also in deplorable 
conditions and next to the front door was a 
pack and play with a small child laying 
down. There was also a motor cycle in the 
kitchen that was taken apart.

Alexus was transported back to the 
department where she was processed and 
posted a $2,500 bond through sly bail 
bonds and was advised of her court date on 
05/16/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 and was 

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 19005087

786 W Ohio Ave, Sebring, Ohio 44672

ARREST: Tyler Haas (AGE 25)
786 W Ohio Ave, Sebring, Ohio 44672

Domestic Violence (M1) / ORC 2919.25A / 
Domestic Violence (M4) / ORC 2919.25C / 
Assault (M 1)          / ORC 2903.13  / 
Agg Menacing (M 1 )    / ORC 2903.21  / 

On Saturday, May 11, 2019, Officers from 
Sebring and Smith Township Police 
Department responded to the 700 block of 
W Ohio Ave in reference to an active 
domestic violence 911 call.

Domenico BADGE NO.: 508 DATE: 
05/11/2019 23:48

REPORT DATE: 05/11/2019 21:34:00

While responding to the residence. dispatch 
advised the aggressor, identified as Tyler 
Haas, had fled on foot, in an unknown 
direction. Myself and Patrolman Caughey 
from Smith Township searched the 
immediate area while Patrolman Brindack 
and Smith Township Patrolman Everhart 
checked the residence. While searching for 
Tyler on W California and W Oregon Ave, 
Patrolman Brindack advised over the air he 
located Tyler. 

I immediately responded to the residence to 
provide assistance. Following my arrival, I 
observed Patrolman Brindack had his OC 
canister pointed at Tyler and Patrolman 
Everhart had Tyler at gunpoint while 
Patrolman Caughey detained Tyler with 
handcuffs behind his back.

While we escorted Tyler to marked unit 
#304, 1 could smell a strong odor of an 
alcoholic beverage coming from Tyler as I 
was walking behind him. Tyler was being 
verbally abusive against officers, 
demanding our names and badge numbers. 
Tyler also protested we were on his 
property and demanded to know what he 
was being arrested for. Tyler was informed 
he was detained pending further 
investigation. While officers secured Tyler in 
marked unit #304, I made contact with the 
complainant, Fred Haas as well as Tyler's 
mother, (---) and Tyler's juvenile sisters.

According to (---), she was standing on the 
front porch in between Fred and Tyler to 
prevent Tyler from trying to get at Fred. (---) 
stated she was pushed and struck as Tyler 
was trying to get passed her to Fred. 
According to Fred, while this was 
happening, Tyler was screaming at him 
saying he was going to kill him. I spoke to 
one of the juvenile daughters,who informed 
me she was trying to give Tyler his phone 
when he became irate and shoved her. (-----
-) said she fell and scraped her knee on a 
porch chair and hit her face on the ground. I 
could observe a very minor mark on the 
right side of her face near her nose as well 
as some minor abrasions on her left knee. 
(------) provided a voluntary written 
statement of what happened.

I asked Fred if he wanted to pursue 
domestic violence charges against Tyler 
and he stated yes he did and that he would 
sign the statement of complaint of domestic 
violence. Fred signed the complaint for 
ORC 2919.25A (M-1) and 2919.25C (M-4). 
Fred also provided a voluntary written 
statement which was brief in nature as he 
stated Tyler was intoxicated and became 
violent towards (------) and (---).  Fred 
stated Tyler said he would kill him and 
pushed (------) and (---) to get at him.

While providing his statement, I overhead 
(---) mention something about Tyler being 
kicked but (---) refused to provide a written 
statement as did the other juvenile daughter 
-. later became uncooperative and did not 
want her face or legs photographed. (---)
and Fred stood by their daughter's wishes 
to not be photographed but Fred stated he 
wanted to continue with the domestic 
violence complaint. Fred was explained, 
signed and provided a copy of the 
instructions for filing domestic violence.

After informing Patrolman Brindack that 
Fred had signed the domestic violence 
complaint, Patrolman Brindack exited the 
residence and I heard him over the radio 
state the Tyler was now under arrest. 
Patrolman Brindack came back into the 
residence and told me that because of 
Tyler's irate behavior, he would be leaving 
the scene and transporting him directly to 
Mahoning County Justice Center in 
Youngstown. I advised Patrolman Brindack I 
would fax all appropriate documentation to 
the jail after I cleared the scene. Smith 
Township officers cleared the scene shortly 
after Patrolman Brindack left to transport 
Tyler to jail. I cleared from the residence 
with the signed domestic violence packet 
and the signed written statements from 
Lauren and Fred.

Tyler was transported to Mahoning County 
Justice Center by Patrolman Brindack for 
ORC 2919.25A Domestic Violence (M-1), 
ORC 291 9.25C Domestic Violence (M-4), 
ORC 2903.13 Assault (M-1) and ORC 
2903.21 Aggravated Menacing (M1-) with a 
total bond of $6,500. Tyler is set to appear 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, May 16,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508

On 05/11/19 Myself, Ptl. Marchionda, Smith 
Township Ofc. Caughey, and Ofc. Everhart, 
responded to the area of the 700/800 block 
for a active physical domestic possibly 
happening in Sebring or Smith township. 
The reason for the confusion was the caller 
advised he was at 876 W Ohio which would 
be in Smith but the name given of the 
suspect Tyler Haas is known to live in 
Sebring only a few houses down. all units 
responded and arrive on scene. We 
determined the location was actually "786 w 
ohio" a mistake made by the panicked 
caller. As we arrived dispatch advised Tyler 
had fled on foot. 

Myself and Ofc. Everhart Remained on 
scene checked on all the victims while 
Marchionda and Caughey searched the 
area by car. Units determined no one 
needed EMS and began checking the 
wooded area by foot. Given Tyler had just 
fled a violent crime and has weapons 
related charges extreme caution was used 
and units searched with our weapons drawn 
and kept in the soul position. Myself and 
Everhart located Tyler laying in a shed with 
the doors open. Tyler did not responded to 
any command and when we approached I 
could see both his hands and saw he did 
not have a weapon. I holstered my weapon 
and drew my OC spray. Tyler was ordered 
up and began to slowly get up but would not 
stand. Caughey arrived at our location and 
also began giving verbal commands. 

Tyler suddenly angrily got up and started 
screaming at officer saying "fuck you" 
"shoot me bitch" I advised Tyler he was 
going to be sprayed. Tyler said "Fucking 
spray me bitch" began to step closer at this 
point all officer began screaming for him to 
stop and he turned around. Tyler was being 
handcuffed as Marchionda walked up to the 
scene. Tyler began screaming and 
constantly swearing at officers. All four 
officer told him to stop and he only 
responded with "fuck you I pay your salary" 
"I pay your fucking bills" "Your my public 
servant bitch" Tyler was escorted to the 
back of my car. Tyler still very angry 
demanding asking for badge numbers he 
took a extreme dislike to Ofc. Everhart and 
asked where Ofc. Everhart lived. When 
asked why he was asking for his address 
he said because we were violating his 
constitutional rights and said he was being 
"constitutionally kidnapped". 

While speaking with Tyler Ptl. Marchionda 
and Ptl. Caughey were speaking with the 
complainants and got signed DV charges. I 
then advised Tyler he was no longer being 
detained and he was now under arrest and I 
attempted to read him his right. Tyler began 
arguing and screaming so I shut my car 
door. Tyler began banging his head against 
the window attempting to break it. I ordered 
Tyler to stop and said if he damaged our 
cruiser he would be charged and he 
continued to be non compliment. 

I determined that he should be taken 
directly to County and I left for MCJ while 
Ptl. Marchionda stayed and got statements 
and began paperwork to fax to the jail. On 
the way to jail Tyler relentlessly swore at 
me, threatened me and the other officer 
involved, said all cops are stupid which is 
why we only have 6 months of training, 
demanded to speak with a trooper and said 
we were not above the law we were under 
it. Tyler called officers 'bitches" 
"cocksuckers" and "fuckers". As we arrived 
at jail Tyler did become complaint and 
apologized. Tyler was booked into jail 
without further incident and I cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507

PUBLISHED 9:59AM MAY 24, 2019  *

Tuesday, May 14, 2019
11:18 AM -0500

Case No.: 19005023

276 112 W. Vermont Ave.

CITATIONS: Ryan Clay / AGE 40
2809 Willow Glen Tr. Mogadore, OH 44260

OVI (SFST) / ORC 4511.19A1a / $500.00

OVI (>. 17) / ORC 4511.19A1h / $500.00

Obstruction of Official Business / ORC 
2921.31 / $1,000.00

Reasonable Control / ORC 4511.202

On 05/04/2019 I Ptl. Scott responded to 276 
1/2 W. Vermont Ave in the alley for a 
vehicle that was in a ditch.

Upon arrival I noticed a male walking south 
on N. 17th St. from the area identified as 
Ryan Clay and I stopped and asked Ryan if 
he knew anything about a vehicle going into 
a ditch in which Ryan stated that he did not 
and was just walking. I then drive up further 
and noticed the vehicle in the ditch and I 
then stopped Ryan again and asked him 
once more in which Ryan stated that he 
was driving the vehicle into the alley 
because he thought a police officer was 
behind him and then accidentally went into 
the ditch. Ryan stated that when he knew 
he was unable to get the vehicle out of the 
ditch he decided to exit and walk away from 
the area.

The vehicle was a black 2016 Nissan pick 
up truck bearing Ohio registration 
EMS5436. I walked Ryan over to the 
vehicle where Ptl. Peterman was and I 
noticed a strong odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from Ryan's person. I 
asked Ryan if he had consumed any 
alcoholic beverages prior to driving the 
vehicle in which Ryan stated that he did and 
only had a few. I made sure that no front 
light bar was activated so that it would not 
interfere with field sobriety testing. I asked 
Ryan if he would consent to field sobriety in 
which Ryan consented to.

I had Ryan stand straight up with his hands 
to his sides and feet together on a flat 
surface and asked Ryan if he had any 
medical or physical conditions that would 
inhibit him from taking the tests in which 
Ryan stated that he did not. I then checked 
Ryan's eyes for a resting nystagmus, equal 
tracking, and equal pupil size. Ryan did not 
have a resting nystagmus, both of Ryan's 
eyes tracked equally and both of Ryan's 
pupils were of equal size.

Ryan remained in the position he was 
currently in and I began the first test which 
was the horizontal gaze nystagmus. I gave 
Ryan instructions and once finished I asked 
Ryan if he understood in which Ryan stated 
that he did understand. Once the test began 
I observed the following clues: lack of 
smooth pursuit in both eyes, distinct 
nystagmus at maximum deviation in both 
eyes, and onset of nystagmus prior to 45 
degrees in both eyes.

I then instructed Ryan to stand straight up 
with his hands to his sides and left foot in 
front of him to imagine a line and then put 
his right foot in front of his left foot and to 
stay in that position until instructed 
otherwise. I then explained the instructions 
to Ryan and once finished I asked Ryan if 
he understood in which Ryan stated that he 
did understand. One the test began I 
observed the following clues: stopped while 
walking, did not touch heel to toe, stepped 
off line, used arms to balance, improper 
turn, wrong number of steps.

I then instructed Ryan to stand straight up 
with his hands to his side and his feet 
together while I explained the next test 
which was the one leg stand. Once I 
finished explaining the instructions I asked 
Ryan if he understood in which Ryan stated 
that he did understand. Once the test began 
I observed the following clues: swayed 
while balancing, used arms to balance, put 
foot down 3 times resulting in the test being 

Based on the test results and my 
experience I placed Ryan under arrest for 
suspicion of OVI. I placed Ryan into hand 
restraints and read Ryan his rights before 
placing Ryan in the rear of marked unit 
#304. I called for a tow truck for the vehicle 
from Springer's Towing which came shortly 
and removed the vehicle from the ditch. The 
vehicle was inventoried and then towed to 
10 N. 12th St.

Ryan was transported to the station where I 
instructed Ryan to remove anything from 
his mouth in which Ryan removed gum from 
his mouth and a 20 minute observation 
period was preformed. Ryan was read a 
BMV 2255 form with Ptl. Peterman 
witnessing. Ryan signed the BMV 2255 
form and consented to a breath test and a 
urine sample. I operated the intox 8000 and 
obtained a breath sample from Ryan. Ryan 
blew a BrAC 0.177 gl210L. Ptl. Peterman 
then obtained a urine sample from Ryan.

Ryan was issued a citation for OVI (SFST) 
4511.19A1a, OVI (>.17) 4511.19A1h, and 
operation without reasonable control 
4511.202. Ryan was also charged with 
obstruction of official business 2921.31. 
Ryan was finger printed and photographed 
and given a recognizance bond of $2,000 
for both OVI offenses and the obstruction 
charge in which Ryan signed. Ryan was 
advised of his mandatory court appearance 
for MCC#3 on 05/09/2019 at 9:00am and 
was also advised that he was now under 
administrative license suspension and 
Ryan's driver's license was confiscated. 

Ryan was given a copy of his citation, 
recognizance bond, BMV 2255 form, and 
his breath results and was given a transport 
to 145 E. Vermont Ave. and released to 
Lorri Morris and Lorri was advised of the 
situation regarding the vehicle since she is 
the registered owner.

A traffic crash report was done on this 
incident but Ryan did not have proof of 
insurance and stated that he will return to 
the station at some point in time and give it 
to an officer.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 19004170 

135 East Ohio, Sebring, OH

ARRESTED: Lindsay Twaddle AGE 26
783 South 14th Street, Sebring, OH 44672

Theft (F-5) / 2913.02(a)(1) / $2,500.00

Forgery (F-5) / 2913.31(a)(1) / $2,500.00

Theft (F-5) / 2913.02(a)(1) / $2,500.00

Theft (F-5) / 2913.02(a)(1) / $2,500.00

On 04/26/19 Lisa Boulton to file A report for 
her 87 year old mother Betty Ann Boulton 
who lives at Copeland Oaks and is not 
mentally able to file the report herself. Lisa 
advised they were reviewing her mother 
bank account and check book and noticed a 
missing check and an unauthorized charge 
paid to Columbia Gas for the amount of 
$160.00. Lisa contacted the bank United 
Methodist Financial Credit union in North 
Canton Ohio and found check #8449 had 
been cashed for the amount of $860.00 pay 
to the order of -------. This case similar to 
three additional cases I'm working involving 
checks stolen from Copeland oaks pay to 
the order of -------. I Will be speaking with 
United Methodist credit union and Copeland 
oaks and this case will be pending.

Ptl. Brindack 507


On 4/29/19 I spoke to Columbia Gas after 
finding that a check had been written to a 
Lindsay Twaddle who lives at 783 South 
14th street in Sebring. Knowing that a 
person had used the bank account of Betty 
Boulton to pay a gas bill. They verified that 
a bill at 783 South 14th street had been 
paid of $160 on or about 4/24/19 from a 
bank account. I then went to Gromolls Drug 
store and spoke to the owner. He informed 
me that Lindsay Twaddle did work for him 
and delivered drugs to people at Copeland 
Oaks. With this information I went to 783 
South 14th Street and spoke to Lindsay. I 
informed her of her rights and then asked 
her about the case. She told me that she 
had used the bank account to pay her gas 
bill and had taken the checks to pay ------- a 
debt she owed for drugs.

I then told her that I would like to speak to 
her at the station and she agreed to come 
in a half hour as she had to pick up her 
child at day care. I had Officer Everhart 
keep an eye on the house.

At about 1100hrs Lindsey arrived at the 
station she was read her rights and waived 
them. She then said that she took the 
checks from the people at Copeland Oaks 
when she was up visiting her grandparents 
and during the time she was delivering 
drugs to them. She said that she had a pill 
problem and was getting percocets from ----
---. She owed him a lot of money and so to 
pay him back she stole the checks. I ask 
why they were made out to him and she 
said that she would give him the checks in 
Sebring and ------- would deposit them in his 
bank in Alliance. I ask why she started 
making them out to herself and she said 
that  ------- said some of the checks came 
back on closed accounts. So she started 
cashing the checks and giving the money to 
-------. I ask if ------- knew the checks were 
stolen and she said yes. I ask Lindsey 
about the check made out to -------. Lindsey 
told me that ------- knew nothing about the 
checks, she was just going to help her by 
cashing it for her. Lindsey told me she still 
owes ------- money . Lindsey admitted to 
Forgery of all the checks. 

With this information I told Lindsey that she 
had helped us and that I would tell the 
Prosecutor she has worked with us in this 
matter. I spoke to the Prosecutor and she 
approved 6 counts of theft from the elderly 
and 8 counts of forgery from the elderly. 
The state complaints will be done and sent 
to the court.

Chief Harris

On this date ------- came to the station and 
gave a statement to his involvement with 
this case. ------- was read his right and 
waived them and gave a recorded 
statement. said that he was approached by 
Mrs. Twaddle to cash a check for her as 
she did not have a checking account. ------- 
said that he met her in Alliance at his bank 
which is Chase. He deposited the checks 
into his account and when they had cleared 
he would give her the money. He said that 
there were three checks one for $1,100, 
$860, and $800. ------- then said that once a 
check did not clear and it was returned on a 
closed account he told her he would not do 
it again. As the check was given to ------- in 
Alliance this case will be sent to Alliance PD 
for possible charges of receiving stolen 

Chief Harris

On this date Lindsay Twaddle turned herself 
in to the court. She was brought back to the 
station and processed and returned to the 

Chief Harris


Case No.: 19005016 

15th St and Oregon Ave

CITED: Devan Campbell AGE 25

seatbelt (passenger) / 337.27

CITED: Jessica Fotheringham AGE 22
135 E Florida Ave Sebring OH 44672

seatbelt / 337.27

On 05/03/19 I was travelling North on 15th 
St approaching Oregon Ave. when I 
observed the Silver Chevy Cobalt travelling 
the same direction in front of me bearing 
OH HLF5876 turn left off of S 15th St onto 
Oregon Ave without using her turn signal 
100 feet prior to the turn. I initiated a traffic 
stop on the vehicle which pulled over into 
the public lot at the corner of Oregon and 
15th St. 

I made contact with the driver identified as 
Jessica Fotheringham and the passenger 
identified as Devan Campbell. I noticed 
both driver and passenger were not wearing 
seatbelts and I asked if they had them on 
while driving. Both admitted they did not 
have them on. 

After running Devan and Jessica through 
dispatch I was advised they both had 3 prior 
tickets in the past 12 months.

Jessica and Devon were both issued 
citations for safety belt required 337.27 and 
Given a court date of 05/16/19 at 0900hrs 
with a personal appearance not required as 
it was not a moving violation. Jessica was 
given a verbal warning for turn signal and 
for obstructed view as she has a cracked 
windshield, I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 19005028

605 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, Ohio 

CITED: Timothy Corrick AGE 52
8026 Garnet Ave NE, Canton, Ohio 44721

Obedience to Traffic Control Device / SCO 

On Monday, May 06,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was dispatched to a traffic 
collision without injuries on N 12th St at E 
Ohio Ave involving a semi and pick-up 
truck. Following my arrival, I had all parties 
involved proceed to the parking lot of 605 E 
Ohio Ave to alleviate traffic congestion and 
where I could gather all pertinent 
information. I made contact with the driver 
of the semi-truck, identified as Alan 
Anderson, the driver of the pick-up truck, 
identified as Timothy Corrick and a 
bystander who witnessed the collision, 
identified as Crystal Woods. Anderson and 
Corrick provided the appropriate 
identification and insurance documentation 
upon request.

Woods provided a voluntary written account 
of the collision stating she was stopped at 
the red light on N 12th St at E Ohio Ave in 
the north bound lane. Woods stated east 
and west bound traffic had the green light 
and she observed the semi-truck attempt to 
proceed through the intersection. Woods 
stated she observed the pick-up truck enter 
the intersection and wasn't sure if there was 
a collision at first until she saw the driver of 
the semi-truck get out and look at the front 
bumper. Anderson stated he attempted to 
proceed east through the intersection on 
the green light and was sideswiped by the 
trailer pulled by the pick-up truck.

Corrick stated he proceeded through the 
intersection and that the traffic light for him 
was green when the trailer he was pulling 
was struck by the semi-truck. Based on 
corroborating statements from Anderson, 
Woods and evidence observed, it was 
determined Corrick was at fault for the 

Corrick was issued traffic citation #031574 
for SCO 313.01 Obedience to Traffic 
Control Devices and informed of his 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, May 16,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508

PUBLISHED 12:10PM MAY 14, 2019  *

Saturday, May 04, 2019
11:18 AM -0500

DATE: 04130/2019 17:26:00

Oak Ridge Motel
20040 Harrisburg Westville Road, #25

2925.12 Possessing Drug Abuse 

On 04/30/2019, While serving a warrant for 
another agency it was found that the 
suspect had paraphernalia on him. While 
Ptl. Brindack and I were executing warrant 
2019CRB00280 for Alliance Police 
Department (reference case number 
19004196) it was found that there was a 
glass pipe with a white powdery substance 
laying on the floor where he was arrested. 
Andrew was found in the motel room hiding 
under a blanket beside the bed. 

Officers asked the female whom the room 
was rented to and the female advised that 
she was okay with a consent search. 

When officers searched the area where 
Andrew was found a glass pipe with a white 
substance inside. When Andrew was 
transported back to the station Andrew was 
read his rights, and Andrew advised that he 
understood his rights as he was read and 
signed off on the waiver of rights. Andrew 
advised that he is currently under the 
influence of Methamphetamines at the 
moment and that he uses the glass pipe 
that was sitting on the table. Andrew 
advised that the pipe was his and was not 
the other two occupants whom were in the 
room when he was arrested. Andrew 
advised that the white powdery substance 
that was in the pipe was meth. 

Andrew was charged for Possessing Drug 
Abuse Instruments and was given an OR 
bond in the amount of $1,250 and was 
given a court date of 05/02/2019 at 0900. 
Andrew was processed, fingerprinted, and 
photographed. Andrew was then taken to 
Ralphs Deli where he was turned over to 
Alliance Police Department to answer for 
his warrant where he will subsequently be 
transferred to Tuscarawas County Sheriffs 

K9 Det. Redfern 504
04/30/2019 18:34


On 04/30/19 while attempting to serve a 
warrant for Alliance Police Department in 
refrence to case #19004196 myself and Ptl. 
Redfern were invited into Motel room 
number 25 and when we entered we found 
Andrew Nutt the individual with the warrant 
hiding underneath a bed. Units gained 
permission from the female who invited us 
in to search the room and during said 
search I discovered a glass pipe with white 
powder substance on it laying where 
andrew had been hiding. Andrew was 
transported back to our station where he 
advised he uses the pipe for Meth and said 
he was currently under the influence as he 
had just used about 2 hours prior. Andrew 
was processed by Det. Redfern and myself 
for drug paraphernalia given an OR and 
taken to Ralphs deli by me where I met 
Alliance Police Ptl. Laurner who take 
Andrew into custody, I then cleared. 

Ptl. Brindack 507
04/30/19  22:01


Case No.: 19004042
Circle K

ARRESTED: Herbert Suter Jr. (AGE 18)
18082 4th St. Beloit, OH 44609

Warrant (Cont. to the 
unruliness/delinquency of a child) / ORC 
2919.24 / BOND $1,250.00

Warrant ( Trafficking in marijuana) / ORC 
2925.03C3h / BOND $750.00

On 04/09/2019 I was met on station by two 

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 04/09/2019, I was met on station by two 
females. I was met on station by Cyntha 
Masters and her juvenile child. Cynthia 
advised that her child was out of control and 
that she knows that the Police Department 
was considering filing charges on her. 
Cynthia advised that she found her 
daughter at Circle K with Herbert Sutter and 
she was under the influence with him. 
Cynthia advised that she wanted to bring 
her daughter to the police station. Cynthia 
advised that when her daughter got out of 
the car she put a baggie in the storm drain 
here at the department prior to coming in. 

I brought the parent and the juvenile in to 
the department and interviewed the juvenile 
(see case 19004043). During the interview I 
asked the juvenile about the baggie and 
she advised that it was a small baggie of 
weed. I had the Street Supervisor come and 
lift the grate off of the storm drain in the 
parking lot and climbed down and retrieved 
the baggie. The substance in the baggie 
appears to be marijuana. I then brought it in 
and the juvenile then wrote a statement as 
to why she threw it in the drain and also 
advised that she was walking around 
Sebring smoking the weed with Herbert and 
he gave her some of it. I obtained a written 
statement and this case will be closed.

K9 Det. Redfern 504
04/10/2019 17:04


On 04/09/2019, Herbert Suter came to 
station and wanted to talk about the 
incident. Herbert was read his rights and 
advised that he understood and signed the 
waiver of rights. Herbert Suter advised that 
he was with juvenile but he had no idea 
about the weed. Herbert advised that he 
doesn't smoke weed and he never provided 
it to her, or seen her with. Herbert was then 
released and refused to write a statement.

K9 Det. Redfern 504
04/15/2019 16:52


On 04/12/2019, This case was presented to 
Prosecutor Tolson whom approved M3 
Trafficking in marijuana, and advised to call 
Prosecutor Moderelli In reference to the the 
juvenile having possession of the 

K9 Det. Redfern 504
04/15/2019 16.59


On 04/15/2019, I called Herbert Suter and 
advised him that charges have been 
approved in this case. Herbert and his 
mother arrived on station moments later. I 
went out in the lobby and spoke wither 
Herbert and his mother. I advised Herbert 
that charges have been granted and I was 
giving him an opportunity to give me a 
truthful interview versus the one that he 
previously gave me that was inaccurate. 
Herbert advised that he did lie during the 
last interview and advised that he didn't 
want to be truthful because he was smoking 
weed with the juvenile and he didn't want to 
admit that he was
doing drugs. 

Herbert was given the opportunity to give a 
truthful interview but decided to be 
condescending and patronizing. I advised 
Herbert that I was giving him an opportunity 
to make right when he did wrong and he did 
not appreciate it, and I would not be 
conducting an interview at this time. Herbert 
and his mother then left the station.

K9 Det. Redfern 504
04/15/2019 16:59


On 04/15/2019, I made contact with 
Prosecutor Tolson in reference to this case 
whom approved the additional charges of 
Falsification M1 and Contributing to 
unruliness or delinquency of a child M1.

K9 Det. Redfern 504
04/15/2019 17:04


On 04/15/2019, I spoke with Prosecutor 
Modarelli in reference to this case and she 
advised that this is something that she 
would be interested in looking at.

Herbert's warrants will be issued on 

K9 Det. Redfern 504
04/15/2019 17:52


On 04/18/2019, I was advised by Chief 
Harris that he was not interested in filing the 
falsification charges against Herbert. I was 
also advised that he wanted to handle the 
MM Possession charge in house. Warrants 
will be obtained and this case will be 

K9 Det. Redfern 504
04/23/2019 15:25


On 04/28/2019, Cynthia Masters came on 
station and signed a Juvenile Release to 
parent. This case will be forwarded to the 
Juvenile Officer for review.

K9 Det. Redfern 504
04/28/2019 18:58


On 4/30/2019 I Ptl. Scott while coming in for 
my shift stopped at Circle K minutes before 
my shift and observed Herbert Suter Jr. 
near the polar pop machine getting a polar 
pop and then walked outside to the west 
side of the building. I had prior knowledge 
of Herbert having a warrant and I called the 
police department to confirm the warrant 
and once it was confirmed I confronted 
Herbert and placed him into custody for the 

Since there was no available unit to 
transport Herbert back to the station I 
walked Herbert to the station where he was 
processed and given a recognizance bond 
of $2,000 for his warrants for contributing to 
the delinquency of a child and trafficking in 
marijuana. Herbert was advised of his court 
date on 5/1/2019 at 9:00am and was 
released on his own recognizance. 

Ptl. Scott #506
5/1/2019 01:53


Case No.: 19004186
715 S Johnson Rd, Sebring, Ohio 44672

CITED: Frank Hughes (AGE 27)
465 State Route 14, Deerfield, Ohio 44411

Speed - Over Limits (54/35)  SCO 333.03

On Monday, April 29,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling south on S 
Johnson Rd in marked unit #301 from W 
Texas Ave. As I neared 715 S Johnson Rd, 
I observed a vehicle traveling north near the 
1200 block at what appeared to be a rate of 
speed higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. 
Upon activating the forward mounted radar 
antenna, I observed and locked in a digital 
readout of 54 MPH. As the vehicle passed 
me near Heacock Extension, I activated my 
overhead emergency lights and turned 
around to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, 
a silver Mitsubishi bearing New Jersey 
registration X89KDR pulled into 715 S 
Johnson Rd and came to a complete stop.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Frank Hughes, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. Hughes provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request except for a 
valid proof of insurance. Hughes was 
issued traffic citation #031573 for SCO 
333.03 Speed - Over Limits (54/35) and 
informed of his mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, May 9,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19004104

176 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

ARRESTED: Branty Smith (AGE 18)
176 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Marijuana Drug Paraphernalia /  SCO 

On 04/17/2019, I was dispatched to the 100 
block of East Oregon Avenue in reference 
to a female calling in stating there were 
juveniles doing drugs at her house and she 
wants them out.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 04/17/2019, 1 was dispatched to the 
100 block of East Oregon Avenue in 
reference to a female calling in stating there 
were juveniles doing drugs at her house 
and she wants them out. Ptl. Brindack and I 
arrived on location and spoke with Kelly 
Sweet whom advised that the kids were in 
her house smoking dope and they were 
now out around back. Officers could 
immediately smell the odor of marijuana 
and proceeded to the rear of the house. As 
officers rounded the back of the house 
officers encountered Branty Smith, Herbert 
Suter, and Spencer Hunt. Officers observed 
the individuals smoking what appeared to 
be cannabis but the individuals threw the 
items in the yard prior to officers being able 
to observe the items. 

Spencer Hunt demanded that we remove 
ourself from his property. I advised Mr. Hunt 
that we were investigating a complaint by 
one of the members of the household and 
that if he continued to obstruct the 
investigation he would be charges 

The males advised that they were leaving, 
and started to leave. As officers were 
leaving the scene Kelly advised that there 
were no doors in her upstairs and 
everything is left in the open if we wanted to 
take a look around. Kelly Sweet invited 
officers into the residence where there were 
strong odors of marijuana. Officers went 
upstairs where there were no doors that 
would indicate an expectation of privacy. 
There was marijuana paraphernalia laying 
on the table upstairs in which Kelly advised 
all of the boys were upstairs using. The 
contraband was collected and Officers then 

K9 Det. Redfern 504
04/18/2019 06:34


On 04/17/2019, I made contact with Sgt. 
Kelm in reference to possible charges, 
whom referred me to Chief Harris. This 
case will be forwarded to him for review of 

K9 Det. Redfern 504
04/18/2019 06:42


On 4-30-19, I Ptl. Everhart attempted to 
serve a summons at 176 E. Oregon Ave to 
Branty Smith for a Drug Paraphernalia 
charge. Upon arrival to the house I was met 
outside by Mr Smith and I informed him of 
why I was there and I then served him the 
paperwork and told him his court date. I 
then cleared I the scene.

Ptl. Everhart #515
4-30-19 12:56


Case No.: 19004183 

205 East Ohio Avenue, Sebring Ohio

Theft M-1 2913.02 / Bond $1,250.00

On 04/28/2019, I was dispatched to Circle K 
in reference to a male plugging in his phone 
to charge and he won't leave.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 04/28/2019, I was dispatched to Circle K 
in reference to a male plugging in his phone 
to charge and he won't leave. I arrived on 
location and found the male from my prior 
call 19004182 whom was advised not to 
come back, walking around outside in the 
parking lot. 

I proceeded into the store and spoke with 
the clerk whom advised that the male that 
was walking around outside made his way 
behind the ATM and he was charging his 
phone. The staff advised that he keeps 
coming to the store and will not leave when 
asked to. The clerks advised that he came 
in put his phone on the charger and has 
been walking around the parking lot asking 
only females to give him a ride to Kent. 

I looked behind the ATM where there was a 
cell phone charging. I asked the clerks if 
they were seeking charges in this matter 
and they called their boss whom advised 
that they were. The male whom I knew as 
Clayton from my prior call, came back into 
the store. Clayton was standing in front of 
me asking me to move to the side so that 
he could retrieve his cell phone. I asked 
Clayton if it was his cell phone and he 
advised it was and he was charging it. I 
then advised Clayton that he was under 
arrest for theft of services. Clayton was then 
taken into custody. 

While I was waiting for Act. Sgt. Kelm to 
arrive on scene, Clayton advised that he 
was surprised that I let him go last time with 
all of his outstanding warrants. I advised 
Clayton that he did not have any warrants 
and he advised that they were Bench 
Warrants out of our court. Act. Sgt. Kelm 
arrived and transported Clayton to the 
department. Once back at the department it 
was found that Clayton did indeed have 
warrants through MCC#3 which ordered 
him to be held without bond. 

I made contact with the Mahoning County 
Sheriffs Dept. to see if they would transport 
their warrant or meet us due to lack of 
manpower and they advised that they were 
given an order from their higher ups to not 
transport any of their warrants from an 
agency with in Mahoning County. With this 
information I asked Act. Sgt. Kelm if we 
should just OR Clayton and advise him of 
his warrant or if we should transport him to 
the Jail. 

Act. Sgt. Kelm advised to error on the side 
of caution and to have him transported to 
the Jail. I then completed all of the 
necessary paperwork. Clayton was then 
processed and transported to the Mahoning 
County Jail. Clayton was charged with Theft 
of Services and given a Court date of 
05/02/2019 at 0900 at MCC#3.

K9 Det. Redfern 504
04/28/2019 23:21


CaseNo.: 19004176 

S Johnson Rd @, W Tennessee Ave, 
Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Tomor John (AGE 45)
12630 Union Ave NE, Alliance, OH 44601

Display of Plates - No License Plate(s)   
SCO 335.09

On Saturday, April 27,2019, I , Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling south on N 
Johnson Rd from W Oregon Ave in marked 
unit #301. I observed a red Buick 4-door 
sedan in front of me that did not have a rear 
license plate. After contacting Patrolman 
Brindack via radio to respond to my 
location, I followed the red Buick across the 
railroad crossing and activated my 
overhead emergency lights to initiate a 
traffic stop. The vehicle came to a complete 
stop on S Johnson Rd near W Tennessee 

Patrolman Brinack and I made contact with 
the occupants of the vehicle and identified 
the driver as John Tomor. I identified myself 
and informed Tomor of the reason for the 
stop. Tomor informed me he just got the car 
within the last week and that the temporary 
registration tag must have fallen off. Tomor 
provided his Ohio driver's license upon 
request but was unable to provide 
registration documentation for the vehicle. I 
ran the vehicle identification number 
through dispatch and was advised nothing 
was coming back. I requested dispatch to 
send a tow truck to my location to recover 
the vehicle.

I informed Tomor because the vehicle 
lacked plates and he was unable to produce 
registration documentation that the vehicle 
would be subject to tow. Tomor and his 
passenger were instructed to exit the 
vehicle and placed in the back of marked 
units #301 and #304 for their safety instead 
of standing on the side of the road. 
Patrolman Brindack and I performed an 
administrative inventory of the vehicle to 
catalog all property and belongings left in 
the vehicle.

Springers Towing arrived on scene and 
removed the vehicle from the roadway.

Tomor was issued traffic citation #031572 
for SCO 335.09 Display of Plates -No 
License Plate(s) and informed of his 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, May 2,2019 
at 0900. Tomor and his passenger were 
picked up from the scene from a third party. 
A search of the VIN through OHLEG's 
search engine produced a temporary 
registration H2 10855 (Expires 06/02/2019).

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19004173

256 W Indiana Ave Sebring

ARRESTED: Gene Frey Jr (AGE 52)
256 W Indiana Ave Sebring

Resisting Arrest M1 2921.3344 / Bond 

Disorderly Conduct W/Persist M4  2917.11 
(A2) / Bond $500

Obstruct Official Business M2  2921.31A  /  
Bond $1,000.00

On this date and time, I was dispatched to 
the 200 Blk Of W. lndiana Ave ref to a male 
that was outside screaming and yelling. I 
was also advised that the male possibly 
resided at 256 W. lndiana Ave. I was then 
advised that the caller resided at 246 W. 
lndiana Ave. 

I made a check of the area and on the first 
pass I was unable to locate anybody 
causing any problems. On the 2nd pass I 
could hear a male yelling and screaming. At 
this point I observed a male walking from 
256 W. Indiana Ave, and he was known to 
me as Gene Frey. I turned around and upon 
arrival I was met by Mr. Frey who was 
standing in the driveway. Mr. Frey was very 
upset and was yelling and screaming and 
waving his hands in the air. 

I made contact with Mr. Frey, who was 
upset and holding his cell phone and telling 
me that his rights were being violated. I 
attempted to ascertain as to what the 
problem was and Mr. Frey continued to Yell 
and scream that this FUCKING SHIT, and 
his neighbors was harassing him. Mr. Frey 
then began pointing to his driveway and 
then requested that I walk to the back yard 
area. At this time, Mr. Frey had to be 
advised to desist his actions and Stop using 
the Grossly abusive language toward this 
officer and his neighbor's. As Mr. Frey 
continued to state FUCK THIS, and that he 
wanted me to identify myself. I advised Mr. 
Frey that I was Sgt McDaniel, and he 
continued to video tape me. 

Ptl Brost Of the Smith Twp Police Dept 
arrived and at this point Mr. Frey started 
asking him as to his name and department. 
Both officers continued to ascertain as to 
why and what the issue was, and also had 
to several more times advise Mr. Frey to 
desist his actions or he would be arrested 
for Disorderly Conduct. 

Finally a female occupant came out of the 
residence and got Mr. Frey inside. I then 
attempted to speak to Curtis Binkley who 
resides at 266 W. lndiana Ave and he 
advised me that this was a ongoing problem 
and that Mr. Frey was possibly upset over a 
property dispute. As I was speaking to Mr. 
Binkley, Mr. Frey came out and sat on his 
porch. Mr. Frey Continued to Communicate 
grossly abusive language, and again was 
advised by Officer Brost and I myself to 
desist his actions. I again attempted to 
speak to Mr. Binkley and his wife, and Mr. 
Frey walked over from his porch and stood 
in the driveway near myself and Mr. Binkley 
and began Stating very loudly that his 
Fucking rights was being violated and that 
his neighbor was violating his rights. 

Mr. Frey was escorted to his porch and 
continued to Obstruct me in performing my 
duties. At 1151 Am I advised Mr. Frey that 
he was under arrest and while attempting to 
handcuff him he began struggling with 
officers and was trying to get away from us. 
After advising him several times to stop 
resisting and put his hands behind his back, 
and also that if he didn't stop resisting the 
would be pepper sprayed.

As I removed my bottle of pepper spray, Mr. 
Frey advised that he would stop and he 
then was handcuffed and placed in the rear 
of Unit # 302 and transported to the station. 
Mr. Frey also requested while on station 
that a Squad be called so he could have his 
blood pressure checked, and he was 
checked by the Sebring Fire Dept. After 
everything was found to be ok he was 
transported to the Mahoning County Justice 
Center by Ptl. Brindack. 

While Mr. Frey was being Disorderly 
Conduct I observed several small children 
in the area, as well as several neighbors 
and families riding bicycles in the street.

BADGE NO.: 509 DATE: 04/27/2019 13:57


Case No.: 19004169

195 W Maryland Sebring OH 44672

ARRESTED: Ian Welty (AGE 42)
195 W Maryland Sebring OH 44672

DOC w persist  2917.11 / Bond $500

On 0412611 9 units were dispatch to 195 W 
Maryland for an unwanted person that lead 
to an arrest for DOC w persist.

Ptl. Brindack 507

On this date units were dispatched to a call 
at 195 W Maryland where the caller Ian 
Welty told dispatch if officer did not get 
there now he was going to beat his ass. 
Units quickly responded and upon arrival 
myself and Ptl. Reed could clearly hear 
screaming and arguing coming from inside 
the residence. 

Unit made contact with the caller Ian Welty 
and the individual he was arguing with his 
son 15yo. Units separated the parties. Ptl. 
Reed spoke with the son while I spoke with 
Ian. Ian advised me his son was not 
listening to him so he grabbed his by the 
collar and they began pushing each other. 
While talking to Ian I asked Ian for his ID at 
which point Ian became instantly enraged 
and began screaming and cursing at me 
asking why he need to give his ID and 
wanted to know what crime he was being 
suspected of and said we should already 
know him. 

I attempted to calm Ian and advised him 
that we were simply trying to determine if a 
domestic violence had occurred or if he was 
simply punishing his kid and that running 
his ID through dispatch would make our 
report easier. Ian only became more 
enraged saying we didn't need his 
information for a report and said it was 
"bullshit" and began to get closer to me. I 
attempted to calm Ian once again and gave 
him a request to stop. Ian continued 
screaming so I asked Ptl. Reed to step back 
inside and radioed dispatch and asked if the 
could check Ian for warrants. At this point 
Ian became aggressive and said you only 
want to check me for warrants that is 
bullshit and approached me in an 
aggressive and violent manner clinching his 
fist as if he was going to attack at this point.

 Ian was only about a foot away from me 
and been given multiple request to calm 
down, Ian was advised he was now under 
arrest and was placed in custody, 
handcuffed (gaped and locked) and 
transported to my cruiser. During the arrest 
Ian was screaming and cursing the entire 
time saying "your a dick" "your an asshole" 
"thats why your a piece of shit" and despite 
multiple commands refused to stop 

Domestic violence refusal was obtained 
from lans son who had no visible marks and 
all other members of the family including 
Ian and his son refused to do statements for 
us. Ian was brought back to our station and 
processed. Ian also signed a DV refusal 
and was given an OR bond with a court 
date at MCC#3 of 05/02/19 at 0900hrs. 
During processing Ian was extremely 
compliant and apologized multiple times for 
his behavior and said he didnt know why he 
became so mad when I asked him for his 
ID. I advised Ian I appreciated his apology 
and compliance and he was offered a 
courtesy transport which he refused.

Units then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507 
04/26/19 21:01


At approximately 16:31 hours, on 
04/26/2019, I, along with Ptl. Brindack,was 
dispatched to 195 W. Maryland Avenue in 
reference to an unwanted person call. Upon 
arrival, both Ptl. Brindack and I could hear 
yelling coming from inside the residence so 
we began running towards the front door. 
We then observed a male subject, later 
identified as Ian T. Welty, come to the door 
from inside the residence.

Ian advised that he was having a dispute 
with his 15 year old son, who was also 
standing in the kitchen area near the door, 
and that was why he had called the Police 

Due to Ian and his son beginning to argue, I 
instructed (Juvenile) to step out onto the 
porch with me in order to separate him from 
his father as well as to get his side of 
events while Ptl. Brindack spoke to Ian 
inside the residence. (Juvenile) advised that 
he was in the living room when his father 
came in screaming at him over trash that he 
had left lying around the house. (Juvenile) 
further advised that his father then grabbed 
him and the two then began to wrestle, 
before he was able to push his father off of 
him. Upon my asking (Juvenile) if him and 
his father had ever been involved in a 
physical altercation before, he advised that 
they had not. I also asked (Juvenile) if he 
was injured at all, with him advising that he 
was not. I also did not see any physical 
signs that he had been. (Juvenile) also 
informed me that at the time of the incident 
no other household members were present 
to witness what had happened.

I then heard a loud male voice coming from 
inside the residence, and immediately 
entered and observed Ptl. Brindack placing 
Ian Welty in handcuffs. While being placed 
in handcuffs by Ptl. Brindack, Mr. Welty 
continued screaming, making statements 
that all of the new Sebring police officers 
were assholes. I then walked with Ptl. 
Brindack and Mr. Welty towards Ptl. 
Brindacks patrol car, with Mr. Welty being 
placed in the back seat. It should also be 
noted that Mr. Welty continued to yell while 
being walked to the patrol car, with at least 
one neighbor being able to hear and see 
who was sitting on his porch across the 

Once Mr. Welty was secured in the back of 
Ptl. Brindacks patrol car, I went back to the 
residence and again made contact with 
(son), as well as his grandmother, Michele 
Conner, who also stated that she was Ian's 
mother. (son) again stated that he was not 
injured, did not wish to pursue charges, and 
did not wish to provide me with a voluntary 
witness statement. (son) then signed a 
domestic violence refusal to prosecute form 
after having read it and it being explained to 
him. Conner also declined to provide me 
with a voluntary witness statement. 

Ptl. Brindack and I then cleared, taking Ian 
Welty back to the Sebring Police Station 
where he was booked on one charge of 
disorderly conduct with persistence (M-4). 
Ian also signed a refusal to prosecute form 
once at the station. After being 
photographed, fingerprinted and processed 
Mr. Welty was released on a $500.00 own 
recognizance bond and given a court date 
at 09:00 hours on Thursday, May 02,2019, 
at Mahoning County Court #3.

Ptl. Reed #514

04/26/2019 21:23


Case No.: 19004166 

W California Ave @ S 15th St, Sebring, 

CITED: Jacob Fullerton  (AGE 18)
535 W California Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

Speed - Over Limits (39/25)   SCO 333.03
Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver)    SCO 

On Friday, April 26,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #301 on W 
California Ave in the 200th block facing 
west. I observed a white vehicle 
approaching my location from the west at 
what appeared to be a rate of speed higher 
than the posted 25 MPH limit. 

Upon activating the forward mounted radar 
antenna, I observed a digital read out and 
locked in a speed of 39 MPH. As the 
vehicle passed me, I activated my overhead 
emergency lights and pulled onto W 
California Ave to initiate a traffic stop. The 
vehicle, a white Ford Focus bearing Ohio 
registration HKJ3809, came to a complete 
stop on W California Ave at S 15th St.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Jake Fullerton, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. Fullerton informed me he was 
running late for school and was on his way 
in. Fullerton did not have the appropriate 
documentation with him. While speaking to 
Fullerton, I observed he did not have his 
seatbelt on and asked him if he had it on 
before being stopped. Fullerton admitted to 
not wearing his seatbelt prior to being 

Fullerton was issued traffic citation #031570 
for SCO 333.03 Speed - Over Limits 
(39/25), SCO 337.27 Safety Belt: Failure to 
Wear (Driver) and given a verbal warning 
for not having his driver's license on his 
person (SCO 335.06). Fullerton was 
informed of his mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, May 9,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19004167 

W California Ave @ S 15th St, Sebring, 

CITED: Garold Hall (AGE 70)
3615 Cypress Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 41109

Speed - Over Limits (38/25)   SCO 333.03

On Friday, April 26,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #301 on W 
California Ave facing west. I observed a 
grey vehicle approaching my location from 
the west at what appeared to be a rate of 
speed higher than the posted 25 MPH limit. 
Upon activating my forward mounted radar 
antenna, I observed and locked in a digital 
readout of 38 MPH. 

As the vehicle passed me, I activated my 
overhead emergency lights and pulled onto 
W California Ave to initiate a traffic stop. 
The vehicle, a grey Honda hatchback 
bearing Ohio registration GNC1598, came 
to a complete stop on W California Ave at S 
15th St.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Garold Hall, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. 
Hall provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request. Hall was 
issued traffic citation #031571 for SCO 
333.03 Speed - Over Limits (38/25) and 
informed of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
May 9,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508

PUBLISHED 12:12PM MAY 4, 2019  *

Saturday, April 27, 2019
11:24 AM -0500

Case No.: 19004153

21 st Johnson Rd near Rt. 62 W

CITED: Gerald Santee (AGE 64)
5374 Whinnery Rd. Hanoverton, OH 44423

Speeding   333.03 ORD

On 4/24/2019 at 9:23am I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at Grandview Cemetery off of 
21st Johnson Rd. facing West when I 
observed a vehicle traveling South on the 
same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my handheld radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 50mph in a 
35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled into the 
perkins parking lot to the right just before 
the intersection of Route 62. The vehicle 
was a Black 2012 Dodge Ram bearing Ohio 
registration GJK5125. I then exited my 
cruiser and approached the driver side and 
informed the driver of the reason for the 
stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received valid insurance, a valid license 
and registration. The driver was later 
identified as Gerald Santee.

I wrote Gerald a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Gerald a court date 
of 05/02/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once 
Gerald signed the citation, I provided him 
with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19004154

21st Johnson Rd. near Courtney Rd

CITED:  Arthur Barnes (AGE 60)
454 Hartzell Rd. N. Benton, OH 44449

Speeding     333.03 ORD

On 04/24/2019 at 10:12am, I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at the parking lot of BPI 
Recycling on Johnson Rd. right after the 
intersection of Courtney Rd. facing North 
when I observed a vehicle traveling south 
on the same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my stationary radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 51mph in a 
35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled over to 
the side of the road in between BPI 
Recycling and Smith Township Pd. The 
vehicle was a Tan 2002 Nissan Frontier 
bearing Ohio registration HFW4456. I then 
exited my cruiser and approached the driver 
side and informed the driver of the reason 
for the stop and requested their driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
in which I received valid insurance, a valid 
license and registration. The driver was 
later identified as Arthur Barnes.

I wrote Arthur a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Arthur a court date 
of 05/02/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once Arthur 
signed the citation, I provided him with a 
copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19004155

21st Johnson Rd. near Courtney Rd

CITED: Matthew Howell (AGE 40)
20580 Middletown Rd. North Benton, OH 

Speeding  333.03 ORD

On 04/24/2019 at 12:28pm, I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling north on Johnson Rd. right before 
the parking lot of Precious Cargo Daycare 
when I observed a vehicle traveling south 
on the same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my moving radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 60mph in a 
35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
Johnson Rd. and I then turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled over to 
the side of the road in between BPI and 
Smith Township PD. The vehicle was a 
Silver 2005 Dodge Ram bearing Ohio 
registration GGY3364. I then exited my 
cruiser and approached the driver side and 
informed the driver of the reason for the 
stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received valid insurance, a valid license 
and registration. The driver was later 
identified as Matthew Howell.

I wrote Matthew a traffic citation for 
speeding (333.03 ORD) and gave Matthew 
a court date of 05/02/19
at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no personal 
appearance required. Once Matthew signed 
the citation. I provided him with a copy and 
then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19004143

W California Ave @ S 15th St, Sebring, 

CITED: Mike Harold  (AGE 60)
2534 Kingswood St NE, North Canton, Ohio

Speed - Over Limits (36/25)

On Tuesday, April 23,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling north on S 15th 
St in marked unit #304. After turning west 
onto W California Ave, I observed a vehicle 
traveling east near the 200 block at what 
appeared to be a rate of speed higher than 
the posted 25 MPH limit. Upon activating 
the forward mounted radar antenna, I 
observed and locked in a speed of 36 MPH. 
As the vehicle passed me, I activated my 
overhead emergency lights and turned 
around to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, 
an orange Hyundai Santa Fe bearing Ohio 
registration FIJ2110, came to a complete 
stop on W California Ave at S 15th St.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Mike Harold, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. 
Harold provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request. Harold was 
issued traffic citation #031569 for SCO 
333.03 Speed - Over Limits (36/25) and 
informed of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
May 2, 2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19004139

21 st Johnson. Rd near Courtney Rd.

CITED: Mark Peine (AGE 47)
593 Sloat Place. River Vale, NJ 07675

Speeding   333.03 ORD

On 04/22/2019 at 12:28pm, I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling north on Johnson Rd. right before 
the parking lot of Precious Cargo Daycare 
when I observed a vehicle traveling south 
on the same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my moving radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 52mph in a 
35mph zone. The vehicle continued moving 
south on Johnson Rd. and I turned around 
and positioned my self behind the vehicle 
and initiated a traffic stop. 

The vehicle then stopped on Johnson Rd. 
and pulled over to the side of the road next 
to Smith Township Pd. The vehicle was a 
Silver 2007 Volvo XC70 bearing New 
Jersey registration G46KLU. I then exited 
my cruiser and approached the driver side 
and informed the driver of the reason for the 
stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received valid insurance, a valid license 
and registration. The driver was later 
identified as Mark

I wrote Mark a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Mark a court date 
of 04/25/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once Mark 
signed the citation, I provided him with a 
copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19004137

S 12th St (Outside Village Limits) Sebring, 

CITED: Peggy Hunter (AGE 61)
6636 Oakhill Ave NE, Alliance Ohio 44601

Marked Lanes - Left of Center   SCO 

On Monday, April 22,20 19, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling south on N 12th 
St from E Ohio Ave in marked unit #301. I 
observed a silver truck turn south onto N 
12th St from the alley in between E Oregon 
and E Ohio Ave. The turn was wide in 
nature as the vehicle had completely 
entered the northbound lane of N 12th St . 
As I followed the truck, I observed the truck 
proceed left of center at least three times 
while it continued south on S 12th St. I also 
observed the cruiser's certified calibrated 
speedometer and began to pace the truck 
at 47 MPH in a posted 35 MPH.

I activated my overhead emergency lights 
near Alabama Ave to initiate a traffic stop.

The driver of the truck did not comply until I 
activated the emergency audible siren as 
we neared the village limits. The silver 
truck, a Ford bearing Ohio registration 
HDA6165, came to a complete stop on S 
12th St outside the village limits. Upon 
making contact with the driver, identified as 
Peggy Hunter, I identified myself and 
informed her of the reasons for the stop.

Hunter stated she just left the Brick House 
and was heading home. I asked Hunter if 
she had consumed any alcoholic beverages 
while at the Brick House to which she 
stated she did not drink. I did not observe 
any signs of impairment while speaking to 

Hunter provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request. Hunter was 
issued traffic citation #031568 for SCO 
331.08 Marked Lanes - Left of Center and 
informed of her appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
May 2,2019 at 0900. Hunter was given two 
verbal warnings for wide turn (SCO 331.10) 
and speed (SCO 333.03). 

Hunter informed me she did not 
immediately yield to the overhead 
emergency lights because her rearview 
mirror was not adjusted correctly and 
because she had the volume on the radio 
turned up.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19004136

N. 12th St. near Wisconsin Ave.

CITED: Joan Pontious (AGE 62)
222 Hawthorne Dr. North Benton, OH 

Speeding    333.03 ORD

On 04/22/2019 at 10:39am, I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at the intersection of Vermont 
Ave and N. 12th St. facing East when I 
observed a vehicle traveling south on 12th 
St. approach at a high rate of speed just 
before the intersection of Wisconsin Ave. I 
then turned on my handheld radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 51mph in a 
35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
12th St. and I turned around and positioned 
myself behind the vehicle and initiated a 
traffic stop. The vehicle then stopped on 
12th St and pulled over to the side of the 
road right past the intersection of Michigan 
Ave. The vehicle was a Blue 2010 Ford 
Escape bearing Ohio registration EUE7922. 
I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received valid 
insurance, a valid license and registration. 
The driver was later identified as Joan 

I wrote Joan a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Joan a court date 
of 04/25/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once Joan 
signed the citation, I provided her with a 
copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19004135

300 block of S 12th St, Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Taylor Calcei (AGE 26)
10541 12th St, North Benton, Ohio 44449

Speed - Over Limits (49/35)   SCO 333.03

On Monday, April 22,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling south in the 300 
block of S 12th St in marked unit #301. I 
observed a vehicle near Alabama Ave 
travelling north at what appeared to be a 
rate of speed higher than the posted 35 
MPH limit. After activating the forward 
mounted radar antenna, I observed and 
locked in a digital read out of 49 MPH. As 
the vehicle passed my cruiser, I activated 
my overhead emergency lights and turned 
around to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, 
a black Ford Escape bearing Ohio 
registration GYF8422, came to a complete 
stop in the 300 block of S 12th St.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Taylor Calcei, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for 
the stop. Calcei provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request. Calcei was 
issued traffic citation #031567 for SCO 
333.03 Speed - Over Limits (49/35) and 
informed of her appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
May 2,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19004134

21st Johnson Rd. at Courtney Rd.

CITED: Seth Sharp (AGE 34)
14515 Bandy Rd. Alliance, OH 44601

Speeding    333.03 ORD

On 04/22/2019 at 9:16am, I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at the parking lot of BPI 
Recycling on Johnson Rd. right after the 
intersection of Courtney Rd. facing North 
when I observed a vehicle traveling south 
on the same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my stationary radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 55mph in a 
35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled over to 
the side of the road in between BPI 
Recycling and Smith Township Pd. The 
vehicle was a Green 1999 Dodge Ram 
bearing Ohio registration GSE1188. I then 
exited my cruiser and approached the driver 
side and informed the driver of the reason 
for the stop and requested their driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
in which I received valid insurance, a valid 
license and registration. The driver was 
later identified as Seth Sharp.

I wrote Seth a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Seth a court date 
of 04/25/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once Seth 
signed the citation, I provided him with a 
copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19004133

19100 Block OH-173 (US HWY 62) Beloit, 

CITED:  George King (AGE 49)
18052 S Range Rd, Beloit, Ohio 44609

Speed - Over Limits (47/35)   SCO 333.03

On Sunday, April 21,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement on S 12th St near E Georgia 
Ave in marked unit #301. I observed a 
Dodge Charger pass my location heading 
south at what appeared to be a rate of 
speed higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. 
Upon activating the forward mounted radar 
antenna, I observed the speed of the 
vehicle increase steadily from 40 MPH to 47 
MPH. After locking the speed in at 47 MPH, 
I pulled out from my location and proceeded 
south on S 12th St to catch up with the 
vehicle. As I neared U.S. HWY 62, I 
observed the vehicle turn west. After turning 
west after the vehicle, I activated my 
overhead emergency lights to initiate a 
traffic stop.

The vehicle, a taupe Dodge Charger 
bearing Ohio registration DSJ5976, pulled 
off in the 19100 block of OH-173 (US HWY 
62) and came to a complete stop. Upon 
making contact with the driver, identified as 
George King, I identified myself and 
informed him of the reason for the stop. 
King provided all appropriate 
documentation upon request. 

King was issued traffic citation #031566 for 
SCO 333.03 Speed - Over Limits (47/35) 
and informed of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
May 2,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 190041321 

205 E Ohio Ave

CITATION: Shawn Carver (AGE 34)
376 E Ohio Ave Sebring OH 44672

MM Possession of Marijuana   513.03

On 04/20/19 I initiated a traffic stop that 
lead to a drug charge.

Ptl. Brindack 507

On 04/20/19 I was traveling East on W Ohio 
when I observed a White Dodge Avenger 
bearing OH HQB7857 turn left off of 16th St 
with out signaling. I initiated a traffic stop on 
the vehicle in the parking lot of Circle K 205 
E Ohio Ave and made contact with the 
driver Identified as Shawn Craver. I asked 
Shawn if he had anything in the vehicle and 
he admitted to me he had a small amount of 
Marijuana and handed me a unsmoked 
Marijuana joint. At this point I asked Shawn 
to step out of the vehicle and myself and 
Ptl. Marchionda who was now on scene 
searched the rest of the vehicle and found 
no other contraband was found. 

I issued Shawn a MM cite for 513.03 
Possession of Marijuana with a court date 
of 04/25/19 at MCC#3 and was given a 
verbal warning for no signal, I then cleared.

Marijuana joint was placed in evidence and 
an evidence tag was completed. During this 
encounter Shawn was completely compliant 
and did not attempt to hinder me in any 
way. He also did not appear to be under the 
influence of Marijuana.

Ptl. Brindack 507



Case No.: 19004128 

N 15th St near E Pennsylvania Ave, 
Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Gregory Gilmore Jr (AGE 23)
2046 Overcerst St, Alliance, Ohio 44601

Speed - Over Limits (42/25)   SCO 333.03

On Saturday, April 20,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #301, facing 
west near 230 W California Ave. I observed 
a grey vehicle approaching my location 
from the west at what appeared to be a rate 
of speed higher than the posted 25 MPH 
limit. Upon activating the forward mounted 
radar antenna, I observed a digital read out 
of 35 MPH. The speed of the vehicle 
increased steadily and reached 42 MPH 
after which I locked in the speed. The 
vehicle maintained this speed even after it 
neared my location. As the vehicle passed 
my location, I observed the driver utilizing 
his smartphone. I activated my overhead 
emergency lights and pulled onto W 
California Ave to initiate a traffic stop.

The vehicle, a grey Mazda 3 bearing Ohio 
registration GZN2210, continued north onto 
15th St and finally came to a complete stop 
just north of E Pennsylvania Ave. Upon 
making contact with the driver, identified as 
Gregory Gilmore Jr, I identified myself and 
informed him of the reason for the stop. I 
immediately recognized Gilmore from 
having stopped him for speeding in the past 
and had given him a verbal warning. I 
asked Gilmore if he was speeding because 
he wasn't paying attention or if he had been 
on his phone. Gilmore admitted to me he 
was not paying attention to his speed 
because he was messing with the GPS on 
his phone. Gilmore provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request.

Gilmore was issued traffic citation #03 1565 
for SCO 333.03 Speed - Over Limits (42/25) 
and given a verbal warning for SCO 331.34 
Full Time and Attention. Gilmore was 
informed of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
May 2,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19004123 

W. Ohio Ave. / N. 18th St.

CITED: Astin Edwards (AGE 33)
1115 Federal St. Alliance, OH 44601

Expired OLN    SCO 335.01

On 04/20/2019 at 2:27am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
west on W. Ohio Ave. when a vehicle 
turned east off of N. Johnson Rd. and drove 
into my lane. I performed a U-turn and 
initiated a traffic stop on W. Ohio Ave. and 
N. 18th St. The vehicle was 2015 Silver 
Chevrolet 4 door bearing Ohio registration. I 
exited my cruiser and approached the driver 
side door and informed the driver of the 
reason for the traffic stop and requested 
their driver's license, registration, and proof 
of insurance in which I only received a 
driver's license.

The driver was identified as Astin Edwards, 
Astin's driver's license had been expired 
since 02/21/2019. I returned to my cruiser 
and wrote Astin a traffic citation for Expired 
OLN SCO 335.01 and gave Astin a court 
date of 05/02/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 
with a personal appearance required. Astin 
signed the citation and was then given a 

I then followed Astin to the Circle K where 
he met with registered owner Kayla McCoy 
who was valid.

Kayla took possession of the vehicle and I 
then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


CaseNo.: 19004116

21st Johnson Rd near Courtney Rd.

CITED: Alison Sferra (AGE 33)
4039 Allenwood Dr. SE Warren, OH 44484

Speeding    333.03 ORD

On 04/19/2019 at 12:26pm, I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling north on Johnson Rd. right before 
the parking lot of Precious Cargo Daycare 
when I observed a vehicle traveling south 
on the same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my moving radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 51mph in a 
35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled over to 
the side of the road in between BPI 
Recycling and Smith Township Pd. The 
vehicle was a Red 2014 Mitsubishi 
Outlander bearing Ohio registration 
HDR8661. I then exited my cruiser and 
approached the driver side and informed 
the driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I received 
valid insurance, a valid license and 

The driver was later identified as Alison 

I wrote Alison a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Alison a court date 
of 04/25/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once Alison 
signed the citation I provided her with a 
copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19004115 

21 st Johnson Rd. near Courtney Rd.

CITED: Robert Riley (AGE 64)
12963 Lexington Rd. Alliance, OH 44601

Speeding    333.03 ORD

On 04/19/2019 at 11:25am, I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at the parking lot of BPI 
Recycling on Johnson Rd. right after the 
intersection of Courtney Rd. facing North 
when I observed a vehicle traveling south 
on the same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my stationary radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 48mph in a 
35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled over to 
the side of the road in between BPI 
Recycling and Smith Township Pd. The 
vehicle was a White 2006 Jeep Station 
Wagon bearing Ohio registration GRD5382. 
I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received valid 
insurance, a valid license and registration. 
The driver was later identified as Robert 

I wrote Robert a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Robert a court date 
of 04/25/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once 
Robert signed the citation I provided him 
with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515

PUBLISHED 12:10PM APRIL 27, 2019  *

Wednesday, April 24, 2019
10:47 AM -0500

Case No.: 19004082

700 block W Ohio Ave, Sebring, Ohio 

CITED: Kelli Campbell-Lewis (AGE 50)
21181 Alliance-Sebring Rd., Alliance, Oh

Operation of Vehicle at Stop Signs / SCO 

On Monday, April 15,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #301 on N 
Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave. I observed a 
maroon Chevrolet vehicle approach the 
intersection from the east and stop past the 
white stop line at the clearly posted stop 
sign. After observing the vehicle proceed 
west through the intersection, I activated my 
overhead emergency lights and pulled out 
from my location to initiate a traffic stop.

The maroon Chevrolet Captiva, bearing 
Ohio registration HDA8726, came to a 
complete stop in the 700 block of W Ohio 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Kelli Campbell-Lewis, I 
identified myself and informed her of the 
reason for the stop. After which, she 
became agitated and annoyed when I 
explained the reason to her. Lewis provided 
her driver's license upon request and an 
expired insurance card. Lewis was issued 
traffic citation #031563 for SCO 331.19 
Operation of Vehicle at Stop Signs and 
informed of her mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, April 25,2019 at 0900.

Lewis became increasingly hostile 
regarding the reason for the stop and 
demanded that I take her all through the 
Village of Sebring and show her every 
intersection where there is a white stop line. 
She quickly demanded her citation and 
when I informed her of her mandatory 
appearance in court because she was 
unable to provide current valid proof of 
insurance, she demanded I call All State 
myself to verify she had insurance and 
quickly got on her phone.

Given Lewis' hostile behavior, I provided her 
copy of the citation without a signature and 
advised she was free to go. Lewis stated 
she was not going to court and drove off.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19004091

Warrant Pick-up
195 E. Ohio Ave.

ARREST: Corbin Hall (AGE 65)
70 E. Oxford St. Apt. A Alliance Oh 44601

Warrant-Failure to Appear-DUS  / 4510.11

While on patrol I was traveling south on N. 
14th St. when I observed a male looking 
into the windows and around the building of 
Gionino's Pizza. I made contact with the 
male who advised he was looking for 
cigarette butts to take home and roll. I 
requested his drivers license and identified 
him as Corbin Hall, 70 E. Oxford Alliance. 

I had dispatch run Corbin's OLN and it was 
discovered he had warrants out of 
Columbiana County. I then had dispatch 
contact CCSO to see if they wanted to pick 
Corbin up and they advised they did want 
him. I then advised Corbin he was being 
placed under arrest for outstanding 

I then handcuffed (gaped and double 
locked) and transported Corbin to the 
Sunoco gas station on SR 62 at Westville 
Lake Rd. to meet with CCSO. Once CCSO 
took custody of Corbin I then cleared 
without further incident.

Det. Kelm #505


Case No.: 19004086

100 S 12th St, Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Isaac Van Epps  (AGE 33)
376 Sieber Ave, Akron, Ohio 443 12

Speed - Over Litnits (51/35)  /  SCO 333.03

On Tuesday, April 16,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #301 on S 12th 
St near E Georgia Ave. I observed a silver 
van approaching my location from the south 
at what appeared to be a rate of speed 
higher than the posted 35 MPH limit. Upon 
activating the forward mounted radar 
antenna, I observed a digital read out of 48 
MPH. The van continued to pick up speed 
and I locked in a speed of 51 MPH.

As the van approached my location, I 
activated my overhead emergency lights 
and pulled onto S 12th St to initiate a traffic 
stop. The silver Honda van, bearing Ohio 
dealer registration 002D7NE, came to a 
complete stop in front of 100 S 12th St.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Isaac Andrew Van Epps, I 
identified myself and informed him of the 
reason for the stop. Van Epps provided the 
appropriate documentation upon request. 
Van Epps was issued traffic citation 
#031564 for SCO 333.03 Speed - Over 
Limits (51/35) and informed of his 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, April 25,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19004072

386 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

ARREST: William Nichols (AGE 25)
386 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Intimidation of a Witness M1 / SECTION 
NUMBER(S) 292 1.04 / BOND $1,250.00

On 04/13/2019, Officers were dispatched to 
the 300 block of East Ohio Avenue in 
reference to a civil issue.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 04/13/2019, Officers were dispatched to 
the 300 block of East Ohio Avenue in 
reference to a civil issue. Units arrived at 
386 East Ohio Avenue, for Faith Saddler 
calling the department advising that she 
arrived home and her boyfriends mother 
threw her items out in the yard. 

Units arrived on location and spoke with Jill 
Nichols whom advised that her son, William 
Nichols was arrested this morning for 
Domestic Violence against her. Jill advised 
that her Son and her girlfriend showed up at 
the residence to retrieve their items. Jill was 
questioning as to if her son was able to be 
at the house due to the Domestic Violence. 
I advised Jill that as of now there has been 
no temporary protection order set in place 
and there is no current violation with a 
protection order, just a bond violation. 

I asked Jill if Williams presence there at the 
residence was with the purpose to scare 
her in any way and she advised that she 
believes so and that she was scared and 

William advised that he was advised that he 
was able to come back to the residence and 
that he was just unable to enter the 
residence. William advised that he never 
entered the residence and he was not in 
violation. William was then placed into 
custody for M1 Intimidation of a witness. 
William was taken back to the department 
and processed. William was then 
subsequently transported to the Mahoning 
County Jail and given a date to appear at 
MCC#3 on 04/18/2019.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


Case No.: 19004101 

135 E Ohio Ave

ARREST: Joshua Reed (AGE 20)
246 E Ohio Ave Sebring OH 44672

Receiving Stolen Property / SECTION 
NUMBER(S) 2913.51

On 04/17/19 I was dispatched to 205 N 14th 
St for reports ob a stolen bicycle.

Ptl. Brindack 507

Upon arrival I was met by Cayden Whitlatch 
his mother Jamie Whitlatch and her friend 
Trevor Berlin. Cayden said that someone 
had taken his bike a maroon BMX from 
behind his mom business "escape" hair 
salon at 205 N 14th St. Cayden and Trevor 
said they saw the individual later identified 
as Joshua Reed leave the area with his 
bike and yelled at him to stop because it 
was his bike. 

This was witnessed by the Brickhouse 
Bartender Rachel. I went and spoke with 
Rachel who advised the same thing and 
said she heard Cayden tell Joshua to stop 
and Joshua just went kept going. A 
statement was given to Rachel and she is 
going to drop it off when it is done. 

I gave Statements to Jamie, Cayden, and 
Trevor. I was then advised by dispatch that 
Joshua Reed was on station. 

I came to the station and Joshua advised 
he found the bike and was attempting to 
return it and it was now in his basement. 
Joshua then changed his story and said he 
found the bike last night in a ditch by Zep's 
Pizza. I had Joshua remain on station and 
had his girlfriend retrieve the bike from the 
basement and I met her at 205 N 15th St 
where Jamie, Cayen, and Trevor were all 
able to positively say it was Cayden's bike 
and advised he did want charges for 
Joshua taking the bike. 

I finished obtaining statements from them 
and returned to our station where I placed 
Joshua Reed Under arrest (due to already 
being on station he was not handcuffed)for 
2913.51 receiving stolen property M1 as 
while he had possession of the bike and 
was scene on it no one saw him physically 
take it. Joshua was booked and processed 
and given a recognizance with a court date 
of 04/18/19 at MCC#3 at 0900 hrs. Joshua 
was read his rights and chose to waive 
them and gave a statement while under 

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 19004089 

525 W. Ohio St. Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Stephen ErichSen (AGE 49)
717 grove Stree, North Canton, Ohio 44721

Criminal Damaging or Endangering  / 

On 4/16/2019 at 1840 I, Ptl. Peterman, was 
dispatched to 525 W. Ohio for a domestic 

Ptl. Peterman 512

On arrival, I was immediately approached 
by Stephen Erichsen, who states he left the 
house because his girlfriend was "going 
insane", and "throwing the stuff out of his 
truck". Leigh Brown came outside her front 
door yelling how he was being a "drunk 
A!!@#$%" screaming at her and trying to 
kick their side door in. Stephen states the 
altercation started in the house with them 
yelling at each other, when Leigh kicked 
Stephen out, and told him not to come 
back. There was an altercation in the house 
where Stephen grabbed Leigh by her 
sweater and began shaking her back and 
forth. When she managed to get Stephen 
outside, she closed the door, then Stephen 
began kicking the door with his foot, trying 
to gain access to the residence. Stephen 
states he went to his truck and called 911, 
stating there was never any physical 
altercation, but Leigh had actually followed 
him out to his truck and began going 
through his truck, throwing his lunch box 
and some papers. 

Leigh states she never threw the papers or 
lunch box, or papers but was simply looking 
for her children's bus passes.

I asked if either Leigh, or Stephen had 
injuries visible, to which both stated no. 
Upon investigation of the door I noticed the 
door frame was bent from what appeared to 
be a heavy object striking the door, and the 
paneling of the door was hanging halfway 
off the frame. 

The children stated 
all they saw was Stephen grabbing their 
mom by the jacket and shaking her, and 
Stephen kicking the door and yelling.

After my investigation, I determined 
Stephen would be placed under arrest for 
Criminal Damaging 2909.06. I read Stephen 
his Miranda rights, and asked if he had any 
statements he would like to make on his 
behalf. He stated to me he "wished he 
would have just ended it on the railroad 
tracks last night". 

I and 504 then radioed to Medic 1 for a 
possible suicidal male. Medic 1 came and 
confirmed what he had said to me, and was 
determined to be sent to Alliance 
Community Hospital. 

I obtained statements from Leigh and her 
children, then followed 
Medic 1 to Alliance Community Hospital. At 
the hospital, I spoke to Leigh, gave her 
options on what pressing charges would do, 
as compared to not pressing charges. I, in 
no way, swayed Leigh to make any decision 
on pressing charges, but merely explained 
what each decision meant. She then told 
me she would not want charges pressed, 
and I stated the assault charges I was going 
to add to Stephen will not be charged.

I then waited on Stephen at the hospital 
while he was checked, explained his 
options at this point, took fingerprints, and 
booking photos, then cleared.

Ptl. Peterman 512

On 04/16/2019, I was requested to assist 
Ptl. Peterman with a Domestic. I arrived on 
location and found Ptl. Peterman in the front 
yard with a male. Ptl. Peterman advised 
that the female was in the residence and 
requested that I speak with her. I went into 
the residence and spoke with Leigh whom 
advised that she kicked out her boyfriend 
and he was outside kicking in the doors. 
Leigh advised that he got physical and 
grabbed her then he called 911. Leigh 
advised that he needed to leave her house 
and he lives at his parents and only stays at 
the house every now and then. 

I then went outside and spoke to Ptl. 
Peterman and relayed my findings. I then 
stood by while Ptl. Peterman conducted his 
investigation. I observed Ptl Peterman take 
the suspect in custody at 1901. While Ptl. 
Peterman was taking the suspect to the 
cruiser the male stated "I should end my 
life, like I was going to last night".

Medic 1 was called and Suspect was 
transported by EMS.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

PUBLISHED 11:39AM APRIL 24, 2019  *

Tuesday, April 16, 2019
12:41 PM -0500

Case No.: 19004068

Domestic Violence
127 E Florida Ave, Sebring, Ohio

ARREST #1: Derek Rinehart (AGE 26)
127 E Florida Ave, Sebring, Ohio 44672

Domestic Violence F-4  ORC 2919.25

ARREST #2: David Rinehart (AGE 43)
127 E Florida Ave, Sebring, Ohio 44672

Domestic Violence M- 1  ORC 2919.25 / 
BOND $2,500

On Friday, April 12, 2019, Patrolmen 
Marchionda, Peterman and Reed were 
dispatched to the 100 block of E Florida 
Ave reference a report of domestic violence 
that resulted in the arrest of two males.

While en route to the call, dispatch advised 
the domestic dispute was regarding a 
monetary dispute involving drugs. The 
caller alleged he had purchased drugs from 
his father and owed him money.

Upon arrival, Patrolmen Reed and 
Peterman had already established contact 
with the caller, Derek Rinehart, who was 
sitting outside the residence in an emotional 
state. Derek stated he and his father got 
into a fight and wanted to pursue domestic 
violence charges against him. While 
Patrolmen Reed and Peterman remained 
outside to speak with Derek, I proceeded 
into the residence to speak with Derek's 
father, David Rinehart. David came to the 
front door and let me in so I could speak 
with him. After entering the residence, I 
observed debris on the kitchen floor which 
appeared to come from a door.

I followed David into his bedroom from the 
kitchen and observed his bedroom door had 
been destroyed. I asked David what 
transpired prior to our arrival and he stated 
that after retrieving a mountain dew from 
the kitchen, Derek came into his room and 
began to argue with him. David stated the 
argument turned physical when Derek 
began to hit him in the face, causing a 
minor injury to his lower lip. David stated 
Derek also grabbed his chest and neck and 
proceeded to rip a necklace off his neck, 
which David showed me. David stated he 
pushed Derek away, shut his bedroom door 
and tried to hold the door shut while Derek 
continued to hit and bang on the door with 
his fists and a knife (which we were unable 
to locate as there were many laying around 
the kitchen). David stated the door was 
already somewhat damaged from a 
previous altercation and when Derek broke 
through the door, David injured his right 
hand and complained it was hurting. David 
stated he did not want to pursue charges 
against his son. I asked David if the fight 
was a result of an argument over money 
and drugs to which David said there was 
never any drugs or money involved. He 
believes his son makes up stories and says 
things that are not true.

After speaking with David, I proceeded back 
outside to exchange information with 
Patrolman Reed. Patrolman Reed provided 
Derek's side of the story in which David was 
the primary aggressor and that the two got 
into an argument which escalated to David 
striking Derek several times in the face and 
subsequently threw him through the 
bedroom door. Patrolman Reed then 
accompanied me into the residence to 
speak with David. Patrolman Reed also 
retrieved additional clothing items for Derek 
since we found him outside in only a white 
tank top and pair of underwear. Patrolman 
Reed and I exited the residence to speak 
with Derek. Derek stated he had video 
evidence on his phone that proved his 
father attacked him first. When asked to 
provide officers with the video, Derek 
initially refused, stating he couldn't show us 
because in the video, he claims he admits 
to possessing drugs. I informed Derek at 
this time, we were concerned with what 
happened and who the primary aggressor 

Derek then opened his gallery and showed 
us a video that did not depict a fight 
between him and his father but instead of 
him recording Patrolmen Reed and 
Peterman while he was talking to them. 
Derek changed his story and stated it 
wasn't video he took of the fight but that he 
recorded audio of the fight. We looked on 
as Derek went through his phone and 
attempted to locate the audio file which did 
not exist. I informed Derek that given the 
destruction of property inside the residence, 
injuries sustained by both parties and 
conflicting stories, the primary aggressor 
could not be identified and that both he and 
his father would be placed under arrest for 
domestic violence. After instructing 
Patrolmen Reed and Peterman to place 
Derek in custody, I proceeded into the 
residence to speak with David.

I informed David because the primary 
aggressor could not be identified; that 
evidence a statements confirm there was a 
physical fight between the two, that he and 
his son would both be placed under arrest 
for domestic violence. Before I could place 
David in handcuffs, Patrolman Peterman 
entered the residence and informed me 
Derek wanted to change his mind and didn't 
want his father getting arrested too. Derek 
allegedly believed he would be able to bond 
out and that his father would not. I placed 
David under arrest, handcuffing him behind 
his back (cuffs gapped/double locked) and 
informed him of his Miranda Rights which 
he stated he understood. David stated he 
wished to waive his rights to provide a 
written statement. I advised David he could 
sign a waiver back at the station in a 
recorded room.

I transported David from 127 E Florida Ave 
while Patrolman Reed transported Derek. 
Once on station, we kept David and Derek 
separate from one another to avoid further 
confrontation. David was re-read his 
Miranda Rights and provided a waiver, 
which he signed and provided a written 
statement. I asked Derek if he too were 
willing to waive his rights and provide a 
statement and he stated he did not. After 
reviewing David's CCH, it was discovered 
David had two prior domestic violence 
arrests either dismissed or reduced to a 
lesser charge. I informed David the 
domestic violence charge against him 
tonight would be an M-1 with a bond of 

After reviewing Derek's CCH, it was 
discovered Derek had a prior conviction for 
M-1 Domestic Violence which elevated the 
offense tonight to an F-4 with a bond to be 
set by a judge. David was allowed to make 
contact with his girlfriend and a bondsman 
from Sly Bail Bonds.

While getting the jail paperwork ready for 
Derek, I could overhear him in the 
lntoxilyzer room becoming extremely upset. 
Patrolman Reed and I were able to calm 
Derek down after explaining everything to 
him. David was photographed, Including hls 
injuries, fingerprinted and able to post bond 
following the arrival of the bondsman. David 
also signed and received a copy of the 
recognizance of the accused. David signed 
and was informed of the conditions of his 
bond (no contact with Derek), informed of 
his mandatory appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
April 18, 2019 at 0900 to answer to the 
charge of ORC 2919.25 Domestic Violence 
M-1 and released from the station.

Derek was photographed, including the 
bruising around his eyes and subsequently 
transported to the Mahoning County Justice 
Center in Youngstown by Patrolman 
Peterman. Derek is also set for a 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, April 18, 
2019 at 0900 to answer to the charge of 
ORC 2919.25 Domestic Violence F-4.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


NARRATIVE by Ptl. Reed

On 04/12/2019, at approximately 20:51 
hours, I was dispatched to 127 E. Florida 
Avenue, in reference to a domestic violence 
call. Sebring Police dispatch advised that a 
Derek Rinehart was actively fighting his 
father due to a monetary dispute involving 
drugs that he had bought from him. I 
immediately proceeded to this location, 
where upon arrival, I observed a subject 
that I know to be Derek Rinehart sitting on 
the front steps of the residence. Derek 
appeared visibly upset and began crying, 
stating to Ptl. Peterman and I that he had 
purchased several Percocet pills from his 
father, which resulted in the two fighting 
over money. Derek went on to say that he 
had come home from work at approximately 
15:00 hours, went to sleep, and was woke 
up by his dad screaming at him, before the 
issue became physical. Derek stated that 
his dad had struck him several times in the 
face as well as threw him through a door 
before he called 911. It should also be 
noted that a slight bruising was visible 
under Derek's right eye.

Patrolmen Marchionda then went inside to 
speak to Derek's father, David Rinehart. 
Several minutes later, Ptl. Marchionda 
came out of the residence and advised that 
Derek's father did not wish to pursue 
charges, and that he also had injuries 
including a bleeding lip and that a necklace 
that he was wearing had also been broken 
during the altercation. Ptl. Marchionda also 
said that Derek's father advised that he had 
gotten up to get a Mountain Dew, began 
arguing with Derek, and that Derek had 
attacked him before he was able to shove 
him off of him and that he then retreated to 
his bedroom.

David went on to say that Derek then began 
using a knife on his bedroom door.

I then accompanied Ptl. Marchionda back 
into the residence where David retold his 
story. After retrieving several clothing items 
for Derek, Ptl. Marchionda and I went back 
outside to speak to him. Upon advising 
Derek that it appeared that the fight was 
mutual and that he as well as his father 
could be arrested, he stated that he wanted 
to press charges because he could bond 
out and his father couldn't. Per Ptl. 
Marchionda it was decided to place both 
Derek as well as his father under arrest for 
domestic violence. I then placed Derek in 
handcuffs, which were spaced and double 
locked, with Ptl. Peterman reading him his 
Miranda rights, which Derek stated that he 
understood. Ptl. Marchionda also at this 
point went back into the residence to place 
David Rinehart under arrest. Derek then 
advised that he changed his mind and no 
longer wished to pursue charges.

Derek was then searched effect of arrest 
and placed in the back of car 301 before 
being transported to The SEBRING 
POLICE DEPARTMENT. Upon reviewing 
Derek's criminal history it was discovered 
that he had a prior M-1 domestic violence 
conviction from October 2014. Due to 
Derek's prior conviction, his arrest was 
elevated for a Felony 4, with a judge having 
to set bond. Derek was then processed and 
photographed before being transported to 
The Mahoning County Jail. Due to David 
Rinehart not having a prior M-1 domestic 
violence conviction he was able to post a 
$2500.00 bond at the Police

Ptl. Reed
Unit #514


NARRATIVE by Ptl. Peterman 512

On 4/12/2019 at 2051 I, Ptl. Peterman 
along with Ptl. Marchionda, and Ptl. Reed 
arrived at 127 E. Flordia, and noticed a 
young male sitting on the door steps. The 
male we approached was observed being 
visibly distraught and frustrated. We asked 
if he was the one that called us, by which 
he stated yes. We identified him as Derek 
Rinehart, who states he had an argument 
with his father about Derek not paying his 
father for some percocets that he 
supposedly stole from Becky Steed, then 
became physical when his father punched 
him in the face and wanted chrages 
pressed against his father. We then advised 
him we needed to get states from both 
parties, to which he became disorderly 
towards us, and attempted to advise him 
that we couldn't arrest on simply one sided 
statements, to which he pulled out his 
cellphone and began recording us. He 
states his father broke the door in half by 
throwing him into it. Me and Ptl. Marchionda 
then questioned the father, David Rinehart, 
who states Derek became violent with him, 
After PTL. Marchionda obtained a 
statement from David, he then advised us 
to arrest Derek for Domestic Violence 
2919.25, and PTL. Marchionda arrested 
David for Domestic Violence 2919.25 as 

I arrived on station, and provided photos 
and fingerprinting for David. Derek was 
advised due to him having a previous 
Domestic Violence charge, he would be 
transported to county jail until a judge could 
set his bond amount. Derek then became 
very distraught and frustrated with us, but 
did not become violent. Once jail 
commitment paperwork was completed, I 
then began transport to Mahoning County 
Jail. I heard Derek state in the cruiser en 
route that "this is bulls!@#". On arrival to 
Mahoning County Jail, I brought Derek 
inside, and he became more disorderly, 
saying statements such as "F!@#$%" 
Pigs!", and "F!@# Sebring". After he was 
booked into county jail, I cleared back to 

Ptl. Peterman 512


Case No.: 19004070 

Domestic Violence 
386 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

ARREST: William Nichols (AGE 25)
386 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Domestic Violence M- 1 / ORC 29 19.25A /  
Bond $2,500.00

On 04/13/2019 I Ptl. Scott responded to 386 
E. Ohio Ave. for a domestic dispute.

Ptl. Scott #506

Upon my arrival I entered the residence and 
spoke to the caller identified as Jill Nichols 
who stated that her and her son William 
Nichols got into an argument over laundry. 
Jill stated that William came upstairs and 
threw the door open from the basement in 
an aggressive manner in which Jill slapped 
William's hands. Williams girlfriend then 
began to argue with Jill which is when 
William grabbed Jill and put her against a 
wall and from a witness statement from 
William's brother Tyler Nichols, William 
stated to Jill that he was going to kill her. Jill 
stated that she did believe she was in 
danger while this was happening.

I then spoke to Tyler and he did not give me 
a full detailed story but just stated that his 
mother instigates him and does not treat 
him fair. I had to remove William from the 
room his mother was in due to William 
trying enter the room to continue arguing 
with her.

I filled out a domestic violence packet with 
Jill and she signed for the charge of ORC 
2919.25A and I obtained witness 
statements from Jill and Tyler and advised 
William that he was under arrest and placed 
him into hand restraints. While walking out 
of the residence while handcuffed William 
attempted to kick the front door open, Jill 
was on the other side of the door outside on 
the porch.

William was placed in the rear of unit #301 
and was read his rights. Jill refused medical 
treatment due to her not sustaining any 
injuries and was given a copy of the 
information sheet, case number, and victim 
of crimes information.

I then transported William to the station 
where William was given a chance to post a 
$2,500 bond for ORC 2919.25A Domestic 
Violence but was unable to. William was 
then processed and transported to the 
Mahoning County Jail by Ptl. Viilenuava. 
William is to appear 04/18/2019 at 
Mahoning County Court #3 at 9:00am.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 19004060 

Courtney Rd. near 21 st Johnson. Rd

CITED:  Melanie Culp (AGE 59)
10304 South Ave. Poland, OH 44514

Speeding      333.03 ORD

On 04/11/2019 at 1:34pm I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at a parking lot in between Uni-
frax and Allied Lane off of Courtney Rd. 
facing East when I observed a vehicle 
traveling west on the same road approach 
at a high rate of speed. I turned on my 
stationary radar and clocked the vehicle 
going 48mph in a 35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving west on 
Courtney Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Courtney Rd. and pulled over to 
the side of the road just before the 
intersection of 21st Johnson Rd. The 
vehicle was a Silver 2016 Lincoln MKX 
bearing Ohio registration GZN7634. I then 
exited my cruiser and approached the driver 
side and informed the driver of the reason 
for the stop and requested their driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
in which I received valid insurance, a valid 
license and registration. 

The driver was later identified as Melanie 

I wrote Melanie a traffic citation for 
speeding (333.03 ORD) and gave Melanie 
a court date of 04/18/19 at 9:00am for 
MCC#3 with no personal appearance 
required. Once Melanie signed the citation I 
provided her with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19004057

Circle K

CITED: Shawn Carver (AGE 33)
376 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio 44672

Failure To Reinstate     4510.21

On 4/11/2019 I noticed a vehicle owned by 
Shawn Carver who was reported to be a 
failure to reinstate license. I observed the 
vehicle heading east on Maryland and 
traveled back around to see Shawn exiting 
his vehicle. I then activated my overhead 
emergency lights and audible siren. Shawn 
stopped walking and turned to face me. I 
exited my vehicle and asked him for his 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
and informed Shawn that his license is a 
failure to reinstate.

Shawn Produced his license to me but was 
unable to produce his registration or 

At this time, I asked Shawn if he consented 
to a search, which he consented to. After 
searching his vehicle, I reconfirmed with 
dispatch that his license came back with a 
failure to reinstate status, which did. I then 
issued Shawn a citation for Failure To 
Reinstate 4510.21, with a mandatory court 
appearance at MCC#3 4/18/2019 at 

Ptl. Peterman 512


Case No.: 19004047

100th BLOCK S. 12th Street

CITED: Ivy Dalesandro (AGE 52)
1060 ST. RT. #14, ALLIANCE 44601

SPEEDING (52/35)    333.03

On 04/10/2019, at approximately 0837 
hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement 
in marked unit 303.

While sitting stationary facing South, near 
the corner of E. Georgia, I observed a dark 
in color truck that was traveling North on 
12St traveling at a higher rate of speed than 
posted. Upon activating my mounted radar 
unit, I obtained a locked speed of 52 MPH 
in a 35 MPH zone.

I then activated my overhead emergency 
lights and initiated a traffic stop on the 
100th block of S. 12th street on a black in 
color 2004 GMC bearing temporary tags 
H121799. I then exit my vehicle and begin 
approaching the driver's window and made 
contact with Ivy Dalesandro of 1060 St. Rt. 
#14, Alliance. I then requested her license, 
registration and proof of insurance and she 
hands me her court ordered driving 
privileges. She informs me that she was 
headed to Refresh Dental located on 
Vermont for a dentist appointment. I 
requested dispatch to confirm that 
appointment with the dental office and she 
did have one. I then inform her that she was 
being issued a citation for speed (ORD 
333.03) for going 52 MPH in a 35 MPH 
zone. She then was informed of her non-
mandatory court date of 04/18/2019 at 0900 
hours and that the court information was 
located at the bottom of her citation copy. I 
then told her to be careful pulling out and I 

PTL. Villanueva #513


Case No.: 19004040
W. California Ave / S. 16th street, Sebring, 

CITED:  Mark Chine (AGE 61)
9146 New Road, North Jackson Ohio 

Speed (52/25)  333.03

At approximately 22:03 hours, on 
04/08/2019, I was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit 303.

While sitting stationary, facing westbound in 
the parking lot of United Die, I observed a 
grey sedan exit the parking lot of the 
American legion and begin eastbound on 
W. California while accelerating at a visibly 
high rate of speed. I then activated my front 
facing radar unit and obtained a speed of 
52 MPH in a clearly marked 25 MPH zone. I 
then activated my overhead emergency 
lights and initiated a traffic stop on the 
vehicle, a grey Honda Accord bearing Ohio 
Registration 13IY4668, with the vehicle 
coming to a stop at W. California Avenue 
and S. 16th street.

I then made contact with the driver, later 
identified by his Ohio Driver License as 
Mark Chine, as well as his adult male 
passenger. I then advised Mr. Chine of the 
reason for the stop as well as asked if there 
was any reason for his excessive speed. 
Mr. Chine advised that upon getting into his 
car he immediately got a severe leg cramp 
and pushed down on the vehicles gas 
pedal. I also at this point detected the odor 
of an alcoholic beverage emanating from 
inside the car.

Due to the odor of alcohol being present, I 
asked Mr. Chine if he had been drinking at 
all this evening, with advising that he had 
not. I then asked if he would consent to 
standardized field sobriety tests, with him 
agreeing to do so. Due to not detecting any 
signs of impairment from Mr. Chine during 
the field sobriety tests, I instructed him to 
have a seat back in his car. I then wrote Mr. 
Chine a citation for Sebring Codified 
Ordnance 333.03 (Speed 52/25), with a 
mandatory court appearance at Mahoning 
County Court #3, at 09:00 hours on 
04/18/2019. It should also be noted that the 
calibration of the in-car radar in unit 303 
was successfully verified at both the start of 
my shift at 15:00 hours as well as after 
having issued Mr. Chine his citation.

Ptl. Reed


Case No.: 19004038

Courtney Rd. near N. 12th St.

CITED:  Olivia Polverine (AGE 24)
28927 Route 62 Damascus, OH 44619

Speeding     333.03 ORD

On 04/8/2019 at 1:59pm I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at a parking lot just before Allied 
Lane off of Courtney Rd. facing East when I 
observed a vehicle traveling East on the 
same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my stationary radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 51mph in a 
35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving east on 
Courtney Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Courtney Rd. and pulled over to 
the side of the road just before the 
intersection of N 12th St just after the 
railroad crossing. The vehicle was a Gray 
2013 Nissan Sentra bearing Ohio 
registration GTM7497. 

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received valid 
insurance, a valid license and registration. 
The driver was later identified as Olivia 

I wrote Olivia a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Olivia a court date 
of 04/11/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once Olivia 
signed the citation I provided her with a 
copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19004078

W California Ave near S 15th St, Sebring, 

CITED: Michael Furpahs (AGE 65)
2198 Thurmont Rd, Akron, Ohio 44313

Speed - Over Limits (38/25)   SCO 333.03

On Sunday, April 14,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #301 in front of 
230 W California Ave. I observed a vehicle 
approaching my location heading east at 
what appeared to be a rate of speed higher 
than the posted 25 MPH limit.

Upon activating my cruiser's forward 
mounted radar antenna, I observed a digital 
read out of 35 MPH. I locked the speed in at 
38 MPH after observing it increase while 
the vehicle was clearing the 300 block. I 
activated my overhead emergency lights 
and pulled onto W California Ave as the 
vehicle passed me and immediately came 
to a stop near S 15th St. The vehicle was a 
green Subaru bearing Ohio registration 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Michael Furpahs, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. Furpahs provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request. Furpahs was 
issued traffic citation #031562 for SCO 
333.03 Speed - Over Limits (38/25) and 
informed of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
April 25,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19004077

485 W. Virginia Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

CITED: David Vickers (AGE 52)
485 W. Virginia Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

OVI ( Refusal w/ prior convt. within 21 
years) / ORC 4511.19A2 / $500.00

OVI (SFST)  /  ORC 4511.19A1a  / $500.00

Left of Center  /   ORC 4511.25A

On 4-14-19, I Ptl. Everhart while patrolling 
on 21st Johnson Rd. responded to Ptl. 
Scotts traffic stop at 485 W. Virginia Ave. 
after he advised dispatch that the suspect 
did not initially stop after he activated his 
overhead lights.

Ptl. Everhart #515

Upon arrival to the scene, Ptl. Scott had the 
driver later identified as David Vickers out of 
his car asking him for his identification. 
David appeared to be very intoxicated as he 
could barely stand on his own two feet and 
also his speech was slurred. Also there was 
a strong odor of alcohol coming from his 
breath. Ptl. Scott then asked David if there 
were any weapons in the vehicle, which 
David replied with "yeah i have a bunch of 
9s in the car". We then asked David again if 
there were any weapons in the car, and he 
then stated that he was joking and there 
was not any weapons. 

Ptl. Scott then asked David to sit back in the 
driver seat and look for his registration and 
insurance, in which he could not provide 
either. Ptl. Scott then asked David if he 
would do the SFST"s and David refused to 
take any of them. Ptl. Scott also asked 
David this question multiple times and he 
still refused by not answering the question. 

Then Ptl. Scott placed David under arrest 
for suspicion of OVI. As we were trying to 
place the cuffs on David he started to tense 
up on us and we had to use force to place 
him in custody by forcing him to lean 
forward over the driver seat and to make 
him loosen up his arms. After placing David 
in cuffs, he then fell down on the ground on 
purpose and refused to walk, so Ptl. Scott 
and I had to pick him up by his arms and 
drag him to the cruiser. Once we reached 
the cruiser, David then refused to sit in the 
car properly so, Ptl. Scott went around to 
the other side of the cruiser, opened the 
other door and grabbed his arms, while I 
grabbed his legs and we were able to get 
into the cruiser. 

After that Ptl. Scott then read David his 
rights. While waiting to confirm that the 
address of 485 W. Virginia Ave, was where 
David was staying, I asked David if we 
could do a consent search of his vehicle in 
which he replied "Fuck it why not, you aren't 
going to find anything, go ahead". I then 
proceeded to search David vehicle and only 
found an empty bottle of Fireball whiskey.

I took a picture of the bottle and Ptl. Scott 
and I then cleared the scene in route to the 
station. Upon arrival to the station, David 
refused all chemical tests, fingerprinting and 
photos. Once Ptl. Scott had finished up all 
the needed paperwork, David was then 
released on his recognizance with a bond of 
$1000,00 for the offense of OVI (SFST) OVI 
Refusal w/prior. Davids court date was set 
for 4-18-19 @0900 at MCC#3 to answer to 
the charges of 4511.19A1a OVI (SFST) and 
4511.19 A2 (Refusal w/ prior within 21). 
Also David was cited for the traffic violation 
of Left of Center 4511.25A. 

After David had received all of his copies he 
was released to his mother who was going 
to take him back to his residence.

Ptl. Everhart #515


NARRATIVE by Ptl. Scott

On 04/14/2019 While on patrol I Ptl. Scott 
was traveling north on N. 18th St. and 
observed a Maroon 202 Chevrolet truck 
bearing Ohio registration EU61PK in front of 
me go left of center while traveling north on 
N. 18th St. coming up to W. Virginia Ave. 
and then began traveling in the middle of 
the road. I then activated my emergency 
over head lights. The vehicle continued on 
N. 18th St. and then turned west on W. 
Virginia Ave. I activated my audible siren 
and the vehicle continued to 485 W. Virginia 
Ave. and then pulled into the residence, 

I pulled into the residence and notified 

A male later identified as David Vickers then 
exited the vehicle, I exited my cruiser and 
told the male to get back into his truck but 
the male remained outside of his vehicle 
next to his driver side door while attempting 
to pull up his pants that were slightly below 
his waist and then attempted to button his 

As I got closer to David I could smell a 
strong odor of an alcoholic beverage 
coming from his person.

Ptl. Everhart arrived on scene as I was 
asking David if he consumed any alcoholic 
beverages prior to driving in which David 
stated that he did not but then stated that 
he had 3 beers at the Brick House Bar in 

David tried to walk away from me several 
times as I instructed David to get back into 
his truck and remain there. I asked David if 
he had anything illegal in his truck to which 
David replied " I got a couple nines" but 
then stated that he was joking". David 
eventually got back into his vehicle.

I informed David as to why I pulled him over 
and requested his driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
David pulled out a large amount of 
crumpled up bills and pulled his license 
from the wadded up cash and then put the 
cash in to his pocket. I asked David multiple 
times if he would consent to field sobriety to 
which David exited the truck and starred at 
me and did not respond. David had slurred 
speech, and had an extreme difficulty 
balancing and walking and appeared to be 
highly intoxicated. I then placed David into 
custody for suspicion of OVI.

I instructed David to turn around and put his 
hands behind his back in which David 
became non complaint and tensed up and 
had to be forced to turn around to be placed 
in to hand restraints which when doing so 
the hand cuffs cut his right wrist. Once hand 
cuffed David was being walked to the 
cruiser and while doing so David dropped 
his full body weight to the ground making 
Ptl. Everhart and myself drag David to the 

As I was attempted to place David into to 
marked unit #304, David, while in the door 
way put his back towards the rear of #304 
and would no enter, I had to go to the other 
side of the cruiser and open the door and 
grab David from behind and pull him into 
the cruiser, once David was secured in the 
cruiser I read David his rights. Ptl. Everhart 
then asked David if he could search his 
vehicle in which David consented to, Ptl. 
Everhart searched the vehicle while I 
remained with David in case David wanted 
the search to stop at any time due to it 
being a consent search.

Ptl. Everhart found a small empty bottle of 
an alcoholic beverage labeled "Fireball" and 
photographed it. I then transported David to 
the station where I began paper work, the 
vehicle remained at his residence. David 
was read the BMV 2255 form by me with 
Ptl. Everhart witnessing. I wrote David a 
traffic citation for left of center ORC 
4511.25A, OVI (SFST) 4511.19A1a, and 
OVI (Refusal with prior within 21 years) 
4511.19A2. David was given a 
recognizance bond of $1,000 for both OVI 
offenses .

David refused to a chemical test, refused to 
sign the BMV 2255 form and the traffic 
citation but did sign the recognizance bond. 
David was advised that he is now under 
administrative license suspension and his 
driver's license was confiscated.

David received copies of the BMV 2255 
form, traffic citation, and the recognizance 
form and was released to his mother. David 
was advised of his mandatory court 
appearance in the Mahoning County Court 
#3 on 04/18/2019 at 9:00am. 

Ptl. Scott#506

PUBLISHED 1:34PM APRIL 16, 2019  *

Thursday, April 11, 2019
09:30 AM -0500

Sebring Police STORY
DATE: 04/07/2019 02:24:00

16th & Michigan, Sebring, Oh
Failure to Comply with Order or Signal of 
P.O. / Elude or Flee

Suspects Vehicle: 2006 Pontiac 4Door/ 
Gold / License# H698831
DRIVER: Earl Raymond Hunt (AGE 49)

On April 7, 2019, I, Ptl. Scott, along with Ptl. 
Marchionda, responded to the 100th block 
of S. 15th St. for an obstruction in the 
roadway, which ended up being a road 
closing barricade. Upon arriving in the area, 
both Ptl. Marchionda and I observed a 
vehicle strike the barricade and continue 
traveling north on S 15th St. Ptl. 
Marchionda stopped to clear the obstruction 
while I attempted to catch up to the vehicle. 
The vehicle, being a gold 2006 Pontiac 4 
door bearing Ohio temporary registration 
H698831, turned east onto E. Pennsylvania 
Ave. without activating a turn signal.

I ran the temp tag through dispatch and 
continued to follow the vehicle which turned 
north onto N. 14th St. While waiting for 
dispatch to relay the registered owners 
information, the vehicle turned west into the 
alley between E. Ohio Ave. and E. 
Maryland Ave. from N. 14th St. Dispatch 
then relayed the information and after doing 
so the vehicle turned north onto N. 15th St. 
from the alley and while doing so the 
vehicle turned too soon and went into a 
yard partially leaving the roadway. I then 
activated my overhead emergency lights, 
notified dispatch that I was conducting a 
traffic stop and gave my location.

The vehicle then accelerated east on E. 
lndiana Ave. from N. 15th St. I notified 
dispatch and activated my audible siren and 
attempted to catch up to the vehicle, I 
looked at my calibrated speedometer and 
was traveling up to 60 mph in a 25 mph 
zone attempting to catch up to the vehicle.

The vehicle continued east on E. lndiana 
Ave. failing to yield at 3 traffic control 
devices at 3 different intersections. The 
vehicle came up to N.12th St. from E. 
lndiana Ave. and attempted to turn north on 
N. 12th St. failing to yield at the stop sign 
which is when Ptl. Marchionda positioned 
his cruiser in front of E. lndiana Ave. on 
N.12th St. The vehicle which was 
continuing at high rates of speed nearly 
struck Ptl. Marchionda's cruiser and went 
off of the road way on N. 12th St.

The vehicle regained control and went back 
on the road way with Ptl. Marchionda 
leading. I then went around Ptl. Marchionda 
and the vehicle in an attempt to block the 
vehicle with a rolling barricade and attempt 
to force the vehicle to come to a stop. The 
vehicle attempted to go around me and 
came close to hitting my cruiser multiple 
times before getting around my cruiser and 
traveling west on E. Michigan ave. I 
became the lead and continued after the 
vehicle exceeding 60 mph while in a 25 
mph zone. The vehicle continued west on 
E. Michigan Ave, failing to yield at an 
additional 3 traffic control devices at 3 
different intersections and then left the road 
way striking a tree at 206 W. Michigan Ave.

I notified dispatch, exited my cruiser as did 
Ptl. Marchionda and approached the vehicle 
with weapons drawn. I removed the driver, 
later identified as Earl Hunt, from the 
vehicle and placed him in custody. I advised 
him he was under arrest and informed him 
of his Miranda Rights. I subsequently 
placed Earl in the rear of marked unit #304 
and notified dispatch to send EMS to our 
location as well as a tow truck.

Smith Twp. Ptl. Caughey arrived on scene 
to assist as Sebring Fire Dept. arrived on 
scene and assessed Earl while officers 
inventoried the vehicle. Sebring EMS 
cleared Earl stating he did not sustain any 
injuries and Earl also refused any medical 
treatment. Sebring EMS then cleared. 

I had Earl exit the vehicle and advised Earl 
since coming into contact with him I could 
smell an odor of an alcoholic beverage 
coming from his person and I asked Earl if 
he had consumed any alcoholic beverages 
prior to driving in which Earl stated that he 
had three beers. I asked Earl if he would 
consent to field sobriety testing in which 
Earl stated that he would take the tests.

I removed the hand restraints from Earl, as 
well as his hat and glasses. I instructed him 
to stand straight up with his hands to his 
side and feet together while I held my pen 
12 to 15 inches from his face using it as a 
stimulus. I asked Earl if he could see the 
pen in which Earl stated that he could see 
it. I asked Earl if he had any medical or 
physical conditions in which Earl stated that 
he did not. I checked for resting nystagmus, 
equal tracking and equal pupil size. Earl did 
not have a resting nystagmus, both of Earl's 
eyes tracked equally and both of Earl's 
pupils were of equal size.

I had Earl remain in the same position as I 
gave him instructions for the first test which 
was the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus and 
once I explained the instructions I asked 
Earl if he understood in which Earl stated 
that he did understand. During the test, I 
observed the following clues: lack of 
smooth pursuit in both eyes, distinct and 
sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation 
in both eyes and onset of nystagmus prior 
to 45 degrees in both eyes.

The next test was the walk and turn. I 
instructed Earl to stand straight up with his 
hands to his side and his right foot in front 
of his left foot while I explained the 
instructions. Once I explained the 
instructions I asked Earl if he understood in 
which Earl stated that he did understand. 
Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: stopped while walking, did 
not touch heel to toe, stepped off of line, 
used arms to balance, improper turn. Earl 
did not maintain the proper starting position 
while being given the instructions.

The last test was the one leg stand. I 
instructed Earl to stand straight up with his 
hands to his side and feet together while I 
explained the instructions. Once I explained 
the instructions I asked Earl if he 
understood in which Earl stated that he did 
understand. Once the test began I observed 
the following clues: Swayed while 
balancing, used arms to balance, and put 
foot down 3 times ending the test.

Based on the test results and my 
experience, I advised he will face charges 
for OVI and placed Earl back into hand 
restraints and placed Earl in the rear of 
marked unit #304.

I then transported Earl to the station while 
Ptl. Marchionda stood by at the scene. Ptl. 
Caughey arrived at the station and 
witnessed the reading of the BMV 2255. I 
started a 20 minute observation period and 
read Earl the BMV 2255 form. Earl signed 
the BMV 2255 form and consented to a 
breath test.

After the 20 minute observation period I 
administered a breath test in which Earl 
blew a BAC of 0.103 g/210L. Earl was 
processed and given copy of his breath 
results, BMV 2255 form, and two traffic 
citations containing the following traffic 
offenses: ORC 4511.21 Speed (60/25), 
4511.19A1A OVI (SFST), 4511.19A1D OVI 
(<0.17), 4510.21 Failure to Reinstate, 
4511.12 Obedience to Traffic Control 
Devices, 4511.20 Reckless Operation and 
4511.202 Operation without Reasonable 
Control in which Earl signed. 

Earl was also charged with ORC 
2921.331B4 Failure to Comply (Fleeing and 
Eluding, Felony 4). 

Jail paper work was completed and I 
transported Earl to the Mahoning County 
Jail to be held on a $6,500 bond for the 
both OVI offenses and the failure to comply. 
Earl was was advised that he was on 
administrative license suspension and his 
driver's license was confiscated.

Earl is scheduled to appear in Mahoning 
County Court #3 on 04/11/2019 at 9:00am 
with a mandatory appearance.

Ptl Z. Scott #506


Ptl D. Marchionda #508 NARRATIVE

Upon arrival, we observed a vehicle strike 
the obstruction in front of 100 S 15th St and 
continue north towards the railroad 
crossing. While I stayed behind to clear the 
obstruction, Patrolman Scott followed the 
vehicle. The obstruction, a street barricade, 
was removed from the roadway and I 
continued north on S 15th St in an attempt 
to catch up with Patrolman Scott. Upon 
approaching N 12th St from E Pennsylvania 
Ave, I overheard Patrolman Scott on the 
radio as he was attempting to initiate a 
traffic stop on N 15th St at E Indiana Ave.

Immediately after Patrolman Scott's initial 
broadcast, he advised the vehicle was not 
stopping and began to actively flee east on 
E lndiana Ave. I proceeded north on N 12th 
St from E Pennsylvania Ave with my 
overhead emergency lights and audible 
siren activated in marked unit #301. Upon 
reaching N 12th St and E lndiana Ave, I 
observed a gold Pontiac 4-door sedan 
failing to comply with Patrolman Scott's 
emergency lights and audible siren. I 
positioned my cruiser in such a manner as 
to block the vehicle from proceeding further. 
The vehicle proceeded through the stop 
sign, turned north onto N 12th St after 
nearly missing my cruiser and lost control 
as it went off the roadway and into the 
grass on the east side of N 12th St. The 
vehicle immediately returned to the 
roadway as I took the lead. I notified 
dispatch to contact state patrol in an 
attempt to get a Trooper to our area in case 
the suspect vehicle fled from the village. 

Patrolman Scott went around both my 
cruiser and the suspect vehicle in an 
attempt to block the vehicle in and force the 
vehicle to come to a stop.

The vehicle managed to break through our 
rolling barricade, narrowly missing the rear 
of marked cruiser #304 operated by 
Patrolman Scott. With Patrolman Scott back 
as the lead, we proceeded after the suspect 
vehicle as it began to head west on E 
Michigan Ave. We reached speeds of at 
least 60 MPH in the posted 25 MPH zone 
on E Michigan Ave. The suspect vehicle 
continued west, failing to obey all stop signs 
before finally striking a tree in the yard of 
206 W Michigan Ave. Patrolman Scott and I 
immediately exited our cruisers and 
approached weapons drawn. 

Patrolman Scott removed the driver from 
the vehicle while I provided cover and 
advised dispatch of our location. After 
getting the driver in handcuffs, I could 
overhear Patrolman Scott speaking to the 
driver and asking him if he had consumed 
any alcoholic beverages as the odor of such 
beverages had been detected. The driver 
initially told Patrolman Scott he had not 
been drinking. I took control of the driver 
and escorted him to marked unit #304 and 
while escorting him, I asked again if he had 
anything to drink to night which he admitted 
to drinking. 

Patrolman Caughey from Smith Township 
Police Department arrived on scene at this 
time to provide assistance. Patrolman Scott 
advised the driver, later identifyed by his 
Ohio driver's license as Earl Raymond 
Hunt, that he was under arrest and 
informed him of his Miranda Rights. Hunt 
was placed into the rear of marked unit 
#304. After relaying Hunt's license number 
to dispatch, we were informed Hunt's 
license status was under failure to reinstate. 
Dispatch was advised to notify Sebring Fire 
& EMS as well as to contact Springers 
Towing. I contacted both acting Sergeant 
Kelm and Chief
Harris to inform them of the situation. 

Following the arrival of Sebring Fire & EMS, 
personnel began to conduct a field 
examination of Hunt. While this was 
happening, I obtained photographs of the 
scene. Sebring EMS personnel informed us 
that Hunt had sustained no injuries during 
the crash and was clear for further 
processing. Patrolman Scott removed the 
handcuffs from Hunt and administered field 
sobriety tests. I observed Hunt perform walk 
and turn as well as one leg stand poorly 
and not as instructed by Patrolman Scott at 
which point he was placed back in 
handcuffs and advised of the additional 
charge of operating a vehicle while 

Patrolman Scott transported Hunt from the 
scene to the Sebring Police STORY for 
processing with Patrolman Caughey 
following. I remained on scene while 
Springer's took control of the vehicle and 
removed it from the front yard of 206 W 
Michigan Ave. During the course of the tow, 
Ohio State Patrol Trooper Thomas arrived 
on scene and I briefed him on what had 
happened up until his arrival. After clearing 
the scene, I retraced the route of the pursuit 
and photographed the area at N 12th St 
and E lndiana Ave where the vehicle went 
off the roadway. After obtaining all pertinent 
photographs, I returned to the station to 
assist Patrolman Scott with processing.

While Patrolman Scott finished preparing 
the BMV 2255 and getting the lntoxilyzer 
8000 ready for a chemical breath test, I 
handled the traffic citations. I also notified 
Hunt's girlfriend, who is the owner of the 
vehicle, of the events and that Hunt would 
be transported to Mahoning County Jail in 
Youngstown at the conclusion of 

Following the lntoxilyzer 8000 chemical 
breath test, Patrolman Scott informed Hunt 
he had a BAC of 0.103. Hunt was provided 
traffic citation #031524 and #031525 for 
ORC 4511.21 Speed (60/25), 4511.19A1A 
OVI (SFST), 4511.19A1D OVI (<0.17), 
4510.21 Failure to Reinstate, 4511.12 
Obedience to Traffic Control Devices, 
4511.20 Reckless Operation and 4511.202 
Operation without Reasonable Control. 
Hunt signed the citations as well as the 
BMV 2255 earlier and was provided his 
copies. Hunt was also informed of the 
criminal charge against him, ORC 
2921.331B4 Failure to Comply (Fleeing and 
Eluding, Felony 4).

Patrolman Scott attempted to retrieve a 
urine sample from Hunt but Hunt was 
unable to provide one during processing. 
Hunt was photographed and subsequently 
transported to Mahoning County Justice 
Center in Youngstown by Patrolman Scott 
an a total bond of $6,500 with a mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 set for Thursday, April 11,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Sebring Police STORY
CaseNo.: 19003150
MCO #3 


CHARGE: ASSAULT /  2903.13 / BOND 

On 03/30/2019, I was dispatched to the 
Brickhouse bar in reference to a fight in 

I arrived on location and found a male 
sitting on a bar stool with a severe 
laceration on the left side of his head deep 
enough to see his skull. EMS was already 
enroute, and the patients status was 
updated. I identified the male as a Eugene 
Ferguson. Eugene advised that he was 
assaulted and pointed at two men whom 
were identified as Mickey Ormiston and 
Mickey Ormiston Jr. 

I went to speak with Mickey Ormiston and 
Mickey Ormiston Jr, and Mickey Sr. was 
extremely hostile in nature. 

EMS arrived on location and loaded 
Eugene in the ambulance and emergency 
transported him to Altman Trauma Center. 

As several officers arrived on location, I was 
able to review the camera footage. I 
observed the video and watched Eugene 
Ferguson push over Jennifer Wade and 
leap over and punch Mickey Ormiston in the 
face. The two got into an altercation, and it 
was subsequently broke up.

Clint Higgins after the fight was broke up 
punched Eugene Ferguson in the back of 
the head making him fall over a chair. 
Eugene Ferguson attempted to get up off of 
the floor but was unable to. I then observed 
Mickey Ormiston Jr. pick up a bar chair and 
bash Eugene Ferguson in the head several 

I collected several statements and 
contacted Prosecutor Tolson whom 
approved the following charges.

Eugene Ferguson: Assault M1

Mickey Ormiston: Assault M1

Mickey Ormiston Jr.: Felonious Assault F2, 
Aggravated Assault F4

Clint Higgins: Assault M1

Both Mickey's and Clint were arrested and 
taken to the station and processed. The 
men were subsequently transported to the 
Mahoning County Jail. Eugene Ferguson 
will have a warrant issued for his arrest. 
The men transported to the jail will appear 
at MCC#3 on 04/04/2019.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

On 03/31/2019, I spoke to the Nursing staff 
at Altman Hospital to request the patients 
medical records. The nursing staff advised 
that Eugene was being taken into 
emergency surgery due to a fractured 

Looking back on the video after Eugene fell 
on the floor after being struck from behind 
by Clint, when he attempted to stand up he 
was not able. I advised Prosecutor Tolson, 
of the event and she advised to add F2 
Felonious Assault. 

Charges were added and sent to the jail.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


On 03/30/2019 I Ptl. Scott responded to the 
Brick House Bar to assist for a fight that 
took place earlier in the night. 

Upon my arrival I assisted in giving 
statements to Ptl. Everheart so he could 
obtain them from the witnesses. I spoke to 
spoke to Mickey Ormiston who stated that 
he was sitting at a table and was attacked 
from behind by Eugene Ferguson Jr. when 
his son Mickey Ormiston Jr. struck Eugene 
in what he stated was self defense. Mickey 
stated that the fight continued so his son 
then struck Eugene with a chair. I viewed 
the security footage which showed Eugene 
attack Mickey from behind and Mickey 
falling to the ground. Mickey Ormiston Jr. 
then struck Eugene the face. 

Clint Higgins then struck Eugene in the 
back of the head causing Eugene to fall. It 
appeared that when Eugene fell he started 
to engage in another altercation with Mickey 
who was already on the ground which is 
when Mickey Ormiston Jr. picked up a chair 
and struck Eugene in the head and 
repeated to do so until Eugene attempted to 
get up but then fell backwards against a 
table and sat there where I could see an 
excessive amount of blood coming from 
Eugene's head. 

Eugene was transported to Altman Hospital 
in Canton Ohio.

Mickey Ormiston was placed into custody 
for Assault ORC 2903.13, Mickey Ormiston 
Jr. was placed into custody for Felonious 
Assault ORC 2903.11 and Aggravated 
Assault ORC 2903.12, and Clint Higgins 
was placed into custody for Assault ORC 
2903.13 and an additional charge was 
added Felonious Assault ORC 2903.11. A 
warrant will be issued for Eugene Ferguson 
Jr. for Assault ORC 2903.13.

All individuals that were placed into custody 
were brought back to the station where 
Mickey Ormiston Jr. DNA was collected and 
all were transported to the Mahoning 
County Jail by Ptl. Marchionda and my self.

Ptl. Scott #506


On 04/04/2019 at 0859 hours I transported 
Eugene Ferguson from the court to the 
station for fingerprinting and a photo. After I 
finished processing him, I then transported 
him back to the co for his appearance then 
cleared from the court.

Ptl. Villanueva #513


Sebring Police STORY
DATE: 0410312019 23:07:00

12th St. & Ohio

ARREST: Coleen Helsley (AGE 67), 45 
Dogwood Dr., Beloit, Oh
OFFENSE: 4511.19A1A Driving While 
Under the Influence of Alcohol and/or Drugs

On 04/03/2019 I Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic 
stop resulting in the arrest of the driver for 

Ptl. Scott #506

I Ptl. Scott while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser was traveling north on N. 12th 
St. when I observed a vehicle in front of me 
leave the north bound lane and go into the 
southbound lane and then returned to the 
northbound lane before turning east on E. 
Ohio Ave. I got behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop on E. Ohio Ave. east 
of N. 12th St. The vehicle was a black 2015 
Lincoln 4s bearing Ohio registration 

I exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle and informed the driver of the 
reason of the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received, the driver 
was later identified as Coleen Helsley. I 
could smell a strong odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from the vehicle and I 
asked Coleen if she had consumed any 
alcoholic beverages prior to driving in which 
she stated that she did at the mountaineer 
casino earlier in the night and had one 
mixed drink containing vodka and orange 

I then turned my front overhead lights off 
and had Coleen exit her vehicle and stand 
to the rear of her vehicle which is when Ptl. 
Peterman arrived on scene. I asked Coleen 
if she had any medical or physical 
conditions that would inhibit her from taking 
the tests in which Coleen stated that she 
did not.

I had Coleen stand straight up with her feet 
together and her hands to her side. I 
checked Coleen's eyes for resting 
nystagmus, equal tracking, and equal pupil 
size. Coleen did not have a resting 
nystagmus, both of Coleen's eyes tracked 
equally, and both of Coleen's pupils were of 
equal size.

I instructed Coleen to stay in the current 
position she was and explained the 
instructions for the first test which was the 
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus and once I 
finished explaining the instructions I asked 
Coleen if she understood in which Coleen 
stated that she did. I then used my pen as a 
stimulus and held the pen 12 to 15 inches 
from her face and asked Coleen if she 
could see it in which Coleen stated that she 
could see the stimulus. Once the test began 
I observed the following clues: lack of 
smooth pursuit in both eyes, distinct 
nystagmus at maximum deviation in both 
eyes, onset of nystagmus prior to 45 
degrees in both eyes. 

The next test was the walk and turn and I 
instructed Coleen to stand straight up with 
her right foot in front of her left foot while 
began to explain the instructions once I was 
done explaining the instructions I asked 
Coleen if she understood in which Coleen 
stated that she did. Coleen then began the 
test before being told to do so. Once the 
test began I observed the following clues: 
stopped while walking, did not touch heel to 
toe, stepped off of line, and improper turn. 
To be noted Coleen had on heel boots and 
wished not remove the boots and wanted to 
keep them on while preforming tests.

I then instructed Coleen to stand straight up 
with her feet together and hands to her side 
while I gave the instructions for the next test 
which was the one leg stand. Once I 
explained the instructions I asked Coleen if 
she understood them in which Coleen 
stated that she did. Once the test began I 
observed following clues: Swayed while 
balancing, used arms to balance, and put 
foot down 3 times ending the test. 

Based on the test results and my 
experience I placed Coleen in custody for 
suspicion of OVI. I placed Coleen in hand 
restraints and placed Coleen in the rear of 
marked unit #303 and read Coleen her 
rights. The vehicle was inventoried where 
an open container was found on the 
passenger side floor board in the front of 
the vehicle still containing an alcoholic 
beverage inside of the can and was labeled 
"Screwdriver", the vehicle was then towed 
to 10 N. 12th St. by Springer's Towing.

Coleen was transported to the station 
where I removed her hand restraints and 
read Coleen the BMV2255 in which Coleen 
signed and Ptl. Peterman witnessed. 
Coleen consented to a breath test and a 
urine sample. A 20 minute observation 
period was preformed and the breath 
testing began.

Coleen gave a breath sample and her BAC 
results were 0.092 g/210L. Urine was 
collected by D.O. Wheeler and I sealed and 
secured in the squad room refrigerator. Ptl. 
Peterman finger printed and photographed 

I wrote Coleen a traffic citation for left of 
center ORC 4511.29, OVI (SFST) ORC 
4511.19A1a, and OVI (c.17) ORC 
4511.19A1d. I also gave Coleen a 
recognizance bond of $1,000 for both OVI 
offenses in which Coleen signed. Coleen 
was given a copy of her citation, 
recognizance bond, BMV 2255 form, and 
her breath results and was made aware of 
her mandatory court appearance in MCC#3 
for 04/04/2019 at 9:00am. Coleen was 
advised that she is now under 
administrative license suspension and her 
license was ceased. Coleen was released 
to her husband who was sober and valid.

Ptl. Scott #506


Sebring Police STORY
Case No.: 19003135
N. 14th /E. Penn Ave.

CITED: Brian Beach (AGE 43)
11311 State St. NE Alliance, OH 44601

Muffler ORC 4513.22
Slow Speed / Stopped in Roadway ORC 
OVI (SFST) ORC 4511.19A1a / BOND 
OVI (<.17) ORC 4511.19A1h / BOND 

On 03/29/2019 I Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic 
stop resulting in the arrest of the driver for 

Ptl. Scott #506

On 03/29/2019 I Ptl. Scott while in a marked 
police cruiser was on S. 15th St. at the train 
tracks behind a vehicle as a train was going 
through town. Once the train exited town 
and the gates lifted the vehicle in front of 
me turned east on to E. Pennsylvania Ave. I 
then observed a vehicle stationary on N. 
15th St. in the southbound lane across from 
me staying stationary impeding traffic as 
vehicles were behind the stationary vehicle. 
The vehicle then turned east on to E. 
Pennsylvania Ave. and as the vehicle 
turned I also noticed that the vehicle had a 
loud exhaust.

The vehicle then turned on to N. 14th St. I 
then positioned myself behind the vehicle 
and initiated a traffic stop on N. 14th St. just 
north of E. Pennsylvania Ave. The vehicle 
was a 1997 silver Honda 4s bearing Ohio 
registration (HLD2102). I exited my cruiser 
and approached the driver side of the 
vehicle and spoke with the driver later 
identified as Brian Beach and as I got near 
the driver side door Brian opened the door 
and stated that his door does not open I 
then asked Brian if he meant his window did 
not work in which Brian stated that is what 
he meant, I informed Brian of the reason for 
the stop and then asked Brian for his 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I only received his 
driver's license. I could smell a strong odor 
of an alcoholic beverage coming from the 

I then noticed multiple empty beer bottles in 
the rear floor board of the vehicle directly 
behind the driver seat. I asked Brian if he 
had consumed any alcoholic beverages 
prior to driving in which Brian stated that he 
had 4 beers at the Schmid's bar. I then had 
Brian exit the vehicle for field sobriety which 
Brian consented to and at this time Ptl. 
Peterman arrived on scene. Once Brian 
exited the vehicle I had him stand to the 
rear of his vehicle and at this time I could 
smell a strong odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from Brian's person. I 
then turned off my front overhead lights so 
they would not interfere with the testing.

I then asked Brian if he had any medical or 
physical conditions or if Brian consumed or 
is prescribed any medication in which Brian 
stated that he had no medical or physical 
conditions and that he was neither on any 
prescriptions nor does he have any 
prescriptions. I then checked Brian's eyes 
for a resting nystagmus, equal tracking, and 
equal pupil size. Brian did not have a 
resting nystagmus, both of Brian's eyes 
tracked equally, and both of Brian's pupils 
were of equal size. I then explained to Brian 
the instructions for the first test which was 
the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus and had 
Brian stand straight up with his hands to his 
side and his feet together. Once I explained 
the instructions I asked Brian if he 
understood in which Brian stated that he did 

Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: Lack of smooth pursuit in 
both eyes, distinct nystagmus at maximum 
deviation in both eyes, and Onset of 
nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both eyes.

The next test was the walk and turn and I 
had Brian stand straight up with his hands 
to his side and his right foot in front of his 
left foot while I explained the instructions. 
Once the instructions were explained I 
asked Brian if he understood them in which 
at this time Brian stated that he is deaf and 
could not hear well so I explained the 
instructions a 2nd time and asked Brian if 
understood in which Brian stated that he did 
understand, once the test began I observed 
the following clues: Could not balance 
during instructions, stopped while walking, 
did not touch heel to toe, stepped off the 
line, used arms to balance, improper turn, 
and wrong number of steps. 

The next test was the one leg stand and I 
instructed Brian to stand straight up with his 
hands to his sides and his feet together 
while I explained the instructions and once I 
explained the instructions I asked Brian if 
he understood in which Brian stated that he 
did understand, once the test began I 
observed the following clues: Swayed while 
balancing, used arms to balance, hopped, 
and put his foot down 3 times ending the 

Based on the test results and my 
experience I placed Brian into custody for 
suspicion of operating a motor vehicle while 
under the influence. I placed Brian in hand 
restraints, read Brian his rights and patted 
him down and then placed Brian in the rear 
of marked unit #301. The vehicle was 
inventoried by Ptl. Peterman and towed to 
10 N. 12th St. by Springer's Towing with no 

Brian was transported to the station where 
he was read the BMV2255 form with Ptl. 
Marchionda witnessing the reading. Brian 
signed the BMV2255 form and consented to 
chemical testing. Brian gave a breath 
sample and had BAC of 0.186 g/210L Brian 
also gave a urine sample which was 
collected, sealed and secured in the 
refrigerator by Ptl. Peterman.

Brian received a citation for Slow speed/ 
Stopped in roadway ORC 4511.22A, Loud 
muffler ORC 4513.22, OVI (SFST) ORC 
4511.19A1a, and OVI (c.17) 4511.19A1h. 
Brian signed the citation.

Brian was also given a recognizance bond 
of $1,000 for both OVI offenses in which 
Brian signed.

Brian was processed by Ptl. Peterman. 
Brian was advised that he is now under 
Administrative License Suspension and 
Brian's driver's license was seized. Brian 
received copies of his citation, BMV2255 
form, and recognizance bond and was 
advised of his court date on April 4th 2019 
at 9:00am with a personal appearance 
required and was then released to a valid 
and sober driver.

Ptl. Scott #506


Sebring Police STORY
Case No.: 19003134 
California Ave./16th Street Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Seth Dean (AGE 39)
472 E. Mill Avenue, Alliance, Ohio

Speed 35/25  / SCO 333.03

On 03/29/2019, at approximately 19:46 
hours, I was conducting traffic enforcement 
in marked unit 303. While sitting stationary 
in the parking lot of United Die, near the 
corner of 17th street and W. California 
Avenue, I observed a dark colored Toyota 
Pickup truck that was traveling eastbound 
on California Avenue, at what appeared to 
be a speed higher than that of the 25mph 
posted limit. Upon activating my front facing 
in car radar unit, I obtained a locked speed 
of 35 MPH.

I then activated my overhead emergency 
lights and initiated a traffic stop on the black 
Toyota Tundra, bearing Ohio temporary 
registration H686325, with the vehicle 
coming to an abrupt stop in the eastbound 
lane of travel on the roadway. I then 
approached the vehicle and made contact 
with the driver, later identified by his Ohio 
Driver License as Seth C. Dean. Mr. Dean 
immediately became agitated, and began 
demanding that I position myself in front of 
his passenger window so that he could see 
me fully as well as began making 
statements about me reaching for my 
firearm, despite my hands being nowhere 
near it. I then requested Mr. Deans Driver 
license, vehicle registration, and insurance 
information. Due to Mr. Dean's agitation, I 
also requested Ptl. Peterman to respond to 
my location.

After receiving all requested documentation 
from Mr. Dean, he was issued a citation for 
speed (Sebring Codified Ordnance 333.03) 
for 35 MPH in a 25 MPH zone, with a 
mandatory court appearance required at 
MCC #3 on Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 
09:00 hours. It should also be noted that my 
in-car radar units calibration was 
successfully verified both at the start of my 
shift as well as after having issued Mr. Dean 
his citation.

Ptl. Reed


Sebring Police STORY
Case No.: 19003114
21st Johnson Rd. near Rt. 62 W

CITED: Kathryn Frank (AGE 66)
9830 Reeder Ave Ne Louisville, OH 44641

Speeding   333.03 ORD

On 3/25/2019 at 2:59pm I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at Grandview Cemetery off of 
21st Johnson Rd. facing west when I 
observed a vehicle traveling South on the 
same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my handheld radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 55mph in a 
35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled into the 
perkins parking lot to the right just before 
the intersection of Route 62. The vehicle 
was a Gray 2019 Honda Odyssey bearing 
Ohio registration EYP9145. I then exited my 
cruiser and approached the driver side and 
informed the driver of the reason for the 
stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received valid insurance, a valid license 
and registration. The driver was later 
identified as Kathryn Frank.

I wrote Kathryn a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Kathryn a court 
date of 03/28/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with 
no personal appearance required. Once 
Kathryn signed the citation I provided her 
with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515
3/25/20 19


Sebring Police STORY
DATE: 03/31/2019 16:30:00

521.08(8) Littering and Deposit of Garbage 
- Collected or Remaining
Alexandria Bowman, 196 E. Indiana Ave., 
Sebring, Oh

On 03/31/19 a trash letter was served to 
196 E Indiana Ave. reference trash along 
the side and porch of the house despite 
being previously verbally warned by 502. 
Letter was secured to the door and I 

Ptl. Brindack 507


On 04/06/19 when I returned to the above 
location the trash was still all over the yard, 
along the side of the house, and on the 
porch. I made contact with Alexandria 
Bowman the owner who was verbally 
warned by Chief Harris and then given a 
written warning by me. Alexandria was 
issued an MM citation for deposit of trash 
521.08B and given a court date of 04/11/19 
at MCC#3 she was advised of this and I 

Ptl. Brindack 507


Sebring Police STORY
DATE: 04/05/2019 20:12:00

Disorderly Conduct intoxicated annoy or 
Brick House
206 E Ohio Ave.,Sebring, OH


2917.1181 Disorderly Conduct intoxicated 
annoy or alarm

2921.29A1 Failure to Disclose Personal 
Information - committing, has committed, or 
about to commit criminal offense

2921.31 Obstructing Official Business

2921.33 Resisting Arrest

On above date and time I Officer Rober 
while traveling east on Ohio Ave observed a 
female coming out of the Brickhouse yelling 
and being disorderly. I then radioed into 
dispatch about the situation and asked for 
the assistance of Officer Peterman. I then 
went into the Brickhouse while Officer 
Peterman went to stop the individual in 
question. The employee of the Brickhouse 
stated that a female came in and ordered 
chicken wings coughed and dropped wing 
bones on the ground. When asked by the 
employee to pick up the bones the female 
got into the employee's face and stated 
screaming and
yelling causing a disturbance in the bar.

I then traveled to Officers Peterman's 
location 14th and W Maryland, once I 
arrived on scene both officers tried to 
identify the female individual but she 
refused multiple times. The female later to 
be identified as Martha Hanshaw stated that 
she has committed no crime so she will not 
identify. Both officers then explained to her 
that she can be arrested if she refused to 
identified and that she is now committing a 
crime for refusing to disclose personal 

Martha then started to walk away from 
officers while we were trying to explain that 
she was being disorderly at the bar so there 
is a reason for the stop. Martha then 
disagreed with what she is doing and was 
continually obstructing our investigation 
after multiple attempts to try for her to 
comply. I then explained to Martha that she 
is under arrest for disorderly conduct, 
obstructing, and failure to disclose and 
attempted to handcuff Martha. 

Martha then pulled away from both officers 
while trying to handcuff her but she was 
pushing and pulling away from officers. 
Once handcuffed gapped and double 
locked, we asked for the assistance of 
Sebring Fire department to check her well 
being. A short time later Sebring fire arrived 
on scene and assisted Martha well being. 
Sebring Fire then advised that she is good 
for jail. Once Sebring EMS cleared I 
transported Martha to the Sebring Police 
STORY for booking while Officer Peterman 
gathered volunteer statements from the 

While At the station Martha became very 
uncooperative with the booking process by 
refusing to take booking photos by putting 
her hand over her face and consistently 
trying to get into her personal belongings 
and raising her voice. I then place Martha 
back in handcuffs. After the booking I 
transported Martha to the Mahoning county 
jail. After I dropped Martha off at the county 
I cleared and resumed patrol.

J.Rober #511


On 4/5/2019 I, Patrolman Peterman 
received a call from 511 and dispatch of a 
disorderly (throwing chicken wings on the 
floor, and screaming at the workers there) 
individual at the Brickhouse. I arrived and 
was told by 511 that the individual was 
walking West down Maryland wearing a 
blue collar shirt and jeans. After 
investigating, I identified the individual, later 
identified as Martha E. Hanshaw, and 
approached her. I stated who I was, and 
that we received a call that someone was 
acting disorderly and throwing food, as well 
as yelling at the workers. She asked me "is 
there a problem officer?" when I advised 
her that she was identified as the individual 
that caused this, and I said to her "No there 
is not, I just need to make sure you are 
alright, and have to complete an 
investigation because it was called into us.". 

I asked her for her license for my report to 
be made, and she responds with "Am I 
being detained?", at which I repsponded 
"yes, you are detained until I can complete 
my investigation and I can identify you." 
Martha then attempted to walk away from 
me, at which I stopped her and advised her 
she was not free to go as my investigation 
was not over.

Martha continued to yell at me, yelling 
obscenities at me, stating "you can't do this 
to me, I want my lawyer.".

At about this time, 511 arrived with me and 
started speaking to Martha about what was 
going on. She continued yelling stating we 
"couldn't stop her". After multiple attempts 
to advise Martha what was going on, she 
turned away from us and started to walk 
away at a brisk pace. I advised her if she 
continued walking away from us, she would 
be charged with a crime for not identifying 
herself to us, and disorderly conduct. She 
continued walking away, and on the third 
attempt to stop her I advised 511 we are 
arresting her now. I got in front of her, as 
511 grabbed her hands to place in 
handcuffs and she began attempting to 
shake 511 off of her. 

Martha then began yelling "rape" loudly, and 
attempting to shake us off. We then 
escorted Martha to the ground, without 
injury to her, and advised her to place her 
hands behind her back. She continued to 
resist us by folding her hands in front of her.

Me and 511 managed to get her in 
handcuffs, when Martha became compliant. 
We advised to have EMS to come check 
Martha out, as she was making very 
random statements that did not make 
sense, and was acting very hysterical. EMS 
came to check out Martha with 511, while I 
went back to the Brickhouse to obtain 
witness statements of her actions. The 
waitress advised me she had actually not 
thrown food, but turned to cough and 
dropped a chicken wing. The waitress then 
confronted Martha, and asked her nicely to 
pick up the chicken wing, when Martha 
became very disorderly, stating Martha got 
into her face and screaming at her. 

After obtaining witness statements, I 
returned to the department, and was 
advised Martha was being charged with 
disorderly conduct 2917.11, Obstructing 
official business 2921.31A, Failure to 
disclose 2921.29A, and Resisting arrest 
2921.33A. 511 then transported Martha to 
Mahoning County Jail, and I cleared.

Ptl. Peterman 512

PUBLISHED 10:20AM APRIL 11, 2019  *

Saturday, March 30, 2019
08:49 AM -0500

Case No.: 19003121
100 Blk. E. Ohio Ave.

CITED: Jacquelynn Wilson (AGE 19)
512 Valley Rd. Salem, OH 44460

OVI (SFST)               ORC 4511.19(A)(1)(a)  
BOND $500.00
Two Headlights Required  ORC 4511.14(A)

ARRESTED: Justin Hawk (AGE 39)
512 Valley Rd. Salem, OH 44460

Obstructing Official Business / ORC 
2921.31(A) / Bond: $1,000.00
Disorderly Conduct w/ Persist / ORC 
2917.11(E) / Bond: $500.00

On 3/26/219 I Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic 
stop resulting in the arrest of the driver and 

Ptl. Scott #506

On 03/26/2019 at 10:55pm while on patrol 
in a marked police cruiser I Ptl. Scott 
observed a Volkswagen beetle bearing 
Ohio registration GMA9371 traveling north 
on N. 15th St. with its driver side headlight 
out. The vehicle then turned east onto E. 
Ohio Ave. I then positioned my cruiser 
behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop 
on the vehicle in the 100 block of E. Ohio 
Ave. in front of the police station.

I exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle and informed the driver later 
identified as Jacquelynn L. Wilson as to 
why I had stopped her and requested her 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance. Jacquelynn appeared very 
sluggish and was overly talkative and talked 
around of questions when she asked them. 
Jacquelynn provided me with her license 
but was unable to provide me with her 
registration or proof of insurance.

I could smell a faint odor of an alcoholic 
beverage I asked Jacquelynn if she 
consumed any alcoholic beverages prior to 
driving in which Jacquelynn stated that she 
did not. Also while talking to Jacquelynn I 
noticed that her eyes had a very slow 
reaction when light was near her eyes. 
Jacquelynn later stated she consumed 4 
beers earlier in the day.

I then asked if the passenger later identified 
as Justln A. Hawk had a license and if so 
could I could see it. Justin stated "What the 
fuck for?" I told Justin that he did not have 
to give me his license but Justin then 
handed me an Ohio Identification card. 
Justin started to scream and yell 
obscenities at me and appeared to be 
extremely hostile. I then ran both individuals 
information and requested my other unit.

Ptl. Peterman then arrived on scene and 
Ptl. Peterman stood by the vehicle to watch 
Justin while I had Jacquelynn step out of 
her vehicle for field sobriety, Justin was 
given multiple orders to stay in the vehicle 
while the field sobriety was being conducted 
and to also stop screaming.

I then had Jacquelynn stand straight up with 
her hands to her side and feet together 
while I checked for a resting nystagmus, 
equal pupil size, and equal tracking. 
Jacquelynn did not have a resting 
nystagmus in either eye, both of her pupils 
were of equal size, and both of her eyes 
tracked equally. I then gave Jacquelynn the 
instructions for the first test which was the 
horizontal gaze nystagmus and once I 
finished giving the instructions I asked 
Jacquelynn if she understood in which 
Jacquelynn stated that she understood. 
Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: Lack of smooth pursuit in 
both eyes, Distinct and sustained 
nystagmus at maximum deviation in both 
eyes, onset of nystagmus prior to 45 
degrees in both eyes.

The next test was the walk and turn and I 
had Jacquelynn stand straight up with her 
hands to her side and her right foot in front 
of her left foot and to stay in that position 
while I gave the instructions. Once I gave 
the instructions I asked if Jacquelynn 
understood in which Jacquelynn stated that 
she did understand. Once the test began I 
observed the following clues: Can't balance 
during instructions, did not touch heel to 
toe, stepped off of line, used arms to 
balance, improper turn, and wrong number 
of steps.

The next test was the one leg stand and I 
instructed Jacquelynn to stand straight up 
with her hands to her side and her feet 
together while I gave the instructions, once I 
gave the instructions I asked Jacquelynn if 
she understood in which Jacquelynn stated 
that she did understand. Once the test 
began I observed the following clues: 
Swayed while balancing, used arms to 
balance, and Jacquelynn put her foot down 
three times resulting in the test ending.

I then instructed Jacquelynn to stand 
straight up with her hands to her side and 
her feet together and to close eyes tilt her 
head back and to estimate the time of 30 
seconds and when finished to put her head 
down and tell me stop, I had Ptl. Peterman 
use his stop watch for this observation 
which was the modified Romberg. 
Jacquelynn completed this in 12 seconds 
and while doing so Jacquelynn swayed 
back and forth, to be noted this is an 
observation and not a clue.

Based on the test results and my 
experience I placed Jacquelynn in custody 
for suspicion of OVI. At this time Justin 
began to scream and yell and then exited 
the vehicle. Justin was warned prior to 
cease his hostile behavior multiple times as 
well as being told to stay in the vehicle. 1 
then placed Justin in custody for obstruction 
and disorderly conduct with persistence. I 
had to physically control Justin and put him 
against the vehicle to place him into hand 
restraints due to Justin being belligerent.

Jacquelynn and Justin were read their 
rights by Ptl. Peterman and placed into 
separate cruisers. The vehicle was 
inventoried and towed to 10 N. 12th St. by 
Springer's Towing. Jacquelynn and Justin 
were transported to the station were 
Jacquelynn was read the BMV 2255 form 
which she signed.

Jacquelynn was issued a citation for two 
headlights required and OVI which she 
signed. Jacquelynn refused chemical 
testing and was informed that her license 
was under an Administrative license 
suspension and her license was ceased. 
Jacquelynn was processed and was given a 
recognizance bond of $500 dollars for OVI 
in which Jacquelynn signed. Jacquelynn 
received copies of all three documents 
listed above.

Justin remained belligerent the entire time 
and argued with officers and Jacquelynn 
once back at station. Justin was given a 
recognizance bond of $1,500 for 
Obstruction of Official Business and 
Disorderly Conduct with Persistence. Justin 
refused to comply with finger prints and 
photographs and singed his recognizance 
bond with "FUCK OFF" with a smiley face.

Jacquelynn and Justin were both given 
copies of their bonds and advised of their 
mandatory court appearance on 03/28/2019 
at 9:OOam for Mahoning County Court #3 
and then released to a valid and sober 

Ptl. Scott #506

I, Ptl. Peterman, arrvied on scene with Ptl. 
Scott at 2259. On arrival, I spoke to Scott, 
who states that Jacquelyn was speaking 
very slowly, and forgetting what she said. 
Scott pulled Jacquelyn out of the vehicle for 
a field sobriety test, while I spoke to Justin 
Hawk, who was becoming increasingly 
belligerent, stating we "had no right to hold 
him", and that he was going to leave. 

I looked over to see the progress of the field 
sobriety test, and at this time pf the test, 
observed Jacquelyn attempting to balance 
her foot in front of her causing her to nearly 
fall several times. It is also noted during the 
head tilt and count test, I observed, and 
counted that Jacquelyn counted only to 12 
seconds in actual time, according to my 
watch, and noted she was having issues 
balancing her body properly. 

Right as I spoke to and calmed Justin 
down, Scott determined Jacquelyn was 
under the influence of a substance or 
alcohol, and was placed under arrest for 
OVI 4511.19, At the same time, Justin 
became extremely violent toward us and 
cursing at us. We attempted to calm Justin 
down, when at the same time he began 
walking toward us from the side of the car in 
a threatening manner. Me and k-3 Scott 
decided to place Justin Hawk under arrest 
for Obstructing justice 2921.31, and 
disorderly conduct with persistence 

We placed Jacquelyn in my cruiser, and I 
read Jacquelyn her miranda rights, she 
stated back to me she did understand her 
rights, and when me and Ptl Scott spoke to 
her she then admitted to us directly that she 
"had a few drinks tonight". 

We then read Justin Hawk his miranda 
rights, to which he started shouting 
obscenities at us.

We then transported both individuals back 
paperwork for their charges. Jacquelyn was 
starting to become disorderly toward us by 
refusing to speak to us in a normal setting. 
Justin also remained belligerent the entire 
time, as Me and Ptl Scott maintained our 
professional composure.


Case No.: 19003124 
700 Block of W. Ohio 

CITED: Caleb Hupp (AGE 21)
170 W. Wayne St. Alliance, OH 44601

OVI (SFST)               ORC 4511.19A1a / 
Bond: $500.00
Two Headlights Required  ORC 4513.14A

On 03/28/2019 I Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic 
stop that resulted in the arrest of driver.

Ptl. Scott #506

On 03/28/2019 I Ptl. Scott while in a marked 
police cruiser was traveling east on W. Ohio 
Ave. when I observed a black Chrysler 
Sebring bearing Ohio registration HSK9935 
traveling west with the driver side head light 
out. I performed a U-turn and initiated a 
traffic stop in the 700 block of W. Ohio Ave.

I exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver and informed the driver later 
identified as Caleb Rupp of the reason for 
the stop and requested his driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received his driver's license. I could 
instantly smell a strong odor of burnt 
marijuana. I asked Caleb and his passenger 
if they had smoked any marijuana prior to 
driving to which Caleb said yes he smoked 
in the vehicle in Alliance prior to driving to 
the Circle K in Sebring. Caleb appeared to 
be under the influence. Caleb had dilated 
pupils, droopy eyes, slow movement, and 
laughed at random times even through field 

I had Caleb exit his vehicle and I turned my 
front over head lights off and had Caleb 
stand in front of my cruiser while I checked 
for equal pupil size, equal tracking, and a 
resting nystagmus. Caleb did not have a 
resting nystagmus, both of his eyes tracked 
equally, and both of his pupils were of equal 

There were no clues for the Horizontal 
Gaze Nystagmus. The next test was the 
walk and turn and I had Caleb stand up with 
his hands to his sides and his right foot in 
front of his left foot while I began to explain 
the instructions once I explained the 
instructions I asked Caleb if he understood 
in which Caleb stated that he did 
understand. Once the test began I observed 
the following clues: stopped while walking, 
stepped off the line, used arms to balance, 
and improper turn.

The next test was the one leg stand and I 
instructed Caleb to stand straight up with 
his feet together and his hands to his side 
while I gave him instructions and once I was 
finished I asked Caleb if he understood in 
which Caleb stated that he did understand. 
Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: Swayed while balancing, 
used arms to balance, and put his foot 

I performed the lack of convergence test 
which only shows observations and not 
clues. I observed a lack of convergence in 
Caleb's right eye. Based on the test results 
and my experience I placed Caleb in 
custody for suspicion of OVI and read him 
his rights and placed Caleb in the rear of 
marked unit 303. The vehicle was 
inventoried and towed to Springer's Towing.

Caleb and his passenger were transported 
to the police department where the 
passenger obtained a ride from his 
grandmother. Caleb was read the BMV 
2255 form in which he signed and also 
consented to chemical testing in this case a 
urine test was requested which was 
collected by Ptl. Peterman and was secured 
and sealed and placed into the squad room 

Caleb was processed and given a citation 
two headlights required ORC 4513.14A and 
OVI ORC 4511.19A1a in which Caleb 
signed. Caleb was given a recognizance 
bond of $500 for the OVI offense. Caleb 
received copies of all of the above 
mentioned documents and was notified of 
his mandatory court appearance for 
03/28/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3. Caleb's 
license was returned to him pending on the 
urine test results and was given a courtesy 
transport to his residence 170 W.
Wayne St. Alliance, OH 44601 by Ptl. 

Ptl. Scott #506 



Case No.: 19003118
21 st Johnson Rd. near Rt. 62 W

CITED: Debra Phillips (AGE 62)
346 N. 12th St. Sebring, OH

Speeding   333.03 ORD

On 3/26/2019 at 4:57pm I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at Grandview Cemetery off of 
21st Johnson Rd. facing west when I 
observed a vehicle traveling South on the 
same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my handheld radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 50mph in a 
35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. just before the 
intersection of Route 62. The vehicle was a 
Black 2017 Kia Soul bearing Ohio 
registration EDK2635.

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received valid 
insurance, a valid license and registration. 
The driver was later identified as Debra 

I wrote Debra a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Debra a court date 
of 03/28/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once Debra 
signed the citation I provided her with a 
copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19003129 
S. 15th St. / Texas Ave.

CITED: Jason Koval (AGE 41)
836 S. 13th St. Apt. 12 Sebring, OH 44672

Epired OLN   SCO 335.01

On 03/29/2019 at 2:10am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser observed a 2007 
blue Chevrolet 4s Ohio registration 
(HLW4138). I performed a random 
registration check and was advised by 
dispatch that the registered owner Jason 
Koval has an expired liccnse that has been 
expired since January of 2019. 

I activated the overhead lights on marked 
unit #304 and initiated a traffic stop on S. 
15th St. near Texas Ave. I identified the 
driver as Jason Koval. I informed Jason that 
his license was expired and issued a traffic 
citation for Expired OLN SCO 335.01 and 
gave Anthony a court date of 04/04/2019 at 
9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal 
appearance required since Jason did not 
have proof of insurance.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 19003130 
E Maryland Ave near N 14th St, Sebring, 
Ohio 44672

CITED: Peter Prince (AGE 31)
925 South Liberty, Alliance, Ohio 44601

Driver's License: None   SCO 335.01

On Friday, March 29, 201 9,I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting a business 
check at Circle K, 205 E Ohio Avenue. I 
observed a late model red Chevrolet truck, 
bearing Ohio registration HSL1162, pull into 
the parking lot and performed a random 
registration check through dispatch. 
Dispatch advised the registered owner, 
Peter Prince, did not have a valid driver's 
license. The vehicle subsequently pulled 
out of the parking lot and proceeded north 
on N 14th St.

I followed the vehicle in marked unit #303 
and after turning west onto E Maryland Ave, 
activated my overhead emergency lights to 
initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle came to a 
complete stop just west of N 14th St. Upon 
making contact with the driver, identified as 
Peter Prince, I identified myself and 
informed Prince of the reason for the stop. 
Prince produced docuinentation stating he 
had fulfilled his reinstatement requirelnents 
but had failed to procure a valid license 
from the Ohio BMV.

Prince was issued traffic citation #031560 
for SCO 335.01 Driver License: None and 
informed of his mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 0900. Prince 
was unable to provide proof of insurance 
and was instructed to bring proof with him 
to court.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508

PUBLISHED 9:45AM MARCH 30, 2019  *

Wednesday, March 27, 2019
10:17 AM -0500

Case No.: 19003110
Stop Sign Violation / Dus / Fict Plates
N. Johnson Rd & W Ohio Ave

CITED: James Bell (AGE 19)
351 E. Main St, Quaker City 43773

Stop Sign Violatioin     313.01
License Forfeiture Susp  335.074
Fictitious Plates        335.11A1

DATE 3/24/2019

On this date at 1744 Hrs. While on patrol in 
the Village of Sebring, Mahoning County I 
observed a white Volkswagen Passat 
traveling South on N. Johnson Rd at W. 
Ohio Ave. I observed the suspect vehicle 
failed to stop for the legally erected stop 
sign at the intersection of N. Johnson Rd 
and W. Ohio Ave. I stopped the vehicle on 
N. Johnson Rd in the parking lot of the 
Sebring Trophy Shop. 

I identified the driver as one John James 
Bell of 351 E. Main St in Quaker City Ohio. I 
advised Mr. Bell of the reason for the stop 
and he advised that he wasn't paying 
attention and he was looking down and 
wasn't even sure where the intersection 

After checking thru Leads it was found that 
Mr. Bell's operator's license was under a 
License Forfeiture Suspension. It was also 
found that the vehicle belonged to Charles 
J. Hope of St. Clairvilles Ohio. Mr. Bell also 
advised me that the plates to a Audi and the 
Mr. Hope put the plates on the vehicle. 
Dispatch confirmed this statement. 

Springer's Towing was dispatched to 
remove the vehicle and Mr. Bell was cited 
for Stop Sign Violation, Fictitious Plates, 
and Driving under a License Forfeiture 
Suspension and he was advised to appear 
in Mcc # 3 on 3/28/19 at 9am.

Res. Sgt. S.T. McDaniel # 509


Case No.: 19003102 
21 st Johnson Rd. near Rt. 62 W

CITED: Judy Warrick (AGE 41)
345 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring OH 44672

Speeding   333.03 ORD

On 3/23/2019 at 12:30pm I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling north on 21St Johnson Rd. just 
past Grandview cemetery when I observed 
a vehicle traveling South on the same road 
approach at a high rate of speed. I turned 
on my moving radar and clocked the vehicle 
going 51 mph in a 35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled into the 
perkins parking lot to the right just before 
the intersection of Route 62. The vehicle 
was a Red 2014 Chrysler Town and 
Country bearing Ohio registration 

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received valid 
insurance, a valid license and registration. 
The driver was later identified as Judy 

I wrote Judy a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Judy a court date 
of 03/28/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once Judy 
signed the citation I provided her with a 
copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19003095
286 E. Vermont Ave

CITED:  Daniel Neidig (AGE 58)
286 E. Vermont Ave Sebring, OH 44672

Speeding   333.03 ORD

On 3/22/2019 at 12:08pm I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at the intersection of Vermont 
Ave. and N. 12th St. when I observed a 
vehicle traveling south on N. 12th St. at the 
intersection Wisconsin Ave. approach at a 
high rate of speed. I turned on my handheld 
lidar and clocked the vehicle going 55mph 
in a 35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on N. 
12th St until it reached Vermont Ave. and 
then turned right onto Vermont Ave. and I 
turned around and positioned my self 
behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic 
stop. The vehicle then stopped and pulled 
into his driveway 286 E. Vermont Ave. 

The vehicle was a Gray 1984 GMC Sierra 
bearing Ohio registration FGW3071. As I 
was getting ready to get out of my cruiser 
the male driving the truck later identified 
Daniel Neidig got out of his vehicle and 
started yelling at me and walking back 
towards my cruiser. I then told Daniel to get 
away from my door and to sit back in his 
truck. At this point Daniel continued to yell 
and swear at me. 

I then told dispatch that I needed another 
unit to the address. As Det. Redfern was in 
route Daniel finally complied and said he 
was sorry and that he didn't listen because 
he was off his medications for bipolar and 
anger management problems.

Daniel then sat back in the driver seat. I 
informed Daniel of the reason for the stop 
and requested his driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received valid insurance, a valid license 
and registration.

Det. Redfern arrived on scene and I 
informed him what had happened and that I 
was ok.

I wrote Daniel a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Daniel a court date 
of 03/22/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once Daniel 
signed the citation I provided him with a 
copy and then both units cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19003092 

ARRESTED: Dylan Ross (AGE 22)
17929 Leffingwell Road, Berlin Center

Marijuana Possession    513.03   BOND 

On 03/21/19 I responded to the American 
Legion 395 W California Ave for a report of 
drug use in the parking lot.

Upon arrival I was met in the parking lot by 
the caller Joe Amabeli who was standing 
near the entrance with Dylan Joseph Ross. 
Joe told me he caught Dylan smoking 
marijuana in the parking lot in his vehicle. 
Dylan admitted to me that this was true and 
handed me a small burnt "roach" we 
smelled strongly of burnt Marijuana. Dyaln 
told me it was Marijuana and also gave me 
several other roaches from his vehicle all of 
them were burned but they still had small 
amounts of burnt Marijuana in them. I asked 
Dylan if he anything else in his vehicle and 
he said no and I could search if I wanted to. 

I searched the vehicle and found 7 bags of 
crumbs appearing to be from chocolate of 
some kind.

Dylan advised to me they were left overs of 
edible Marijuana brownies and he forgot 
they were in the vehicle. I also recovered a 
32 count box of zig zag rolling papers which 
Dylan admitted he uses for marijuana. No 
fresh Marijuana was recovered. The above 
mentioned items were confiscated and due 
to the fact I did not have an MM cite book 
with me I got Dylan's information and 
advised him he could pick up his citation 
tomorrow 03/22/19 for drug possession 
(Marijuana) SCO 513.03. Dylan advised he 
would come pick it up as soon as he get off 
work tomorrow. 

During this incident I did not see Dylan in 
his car however he admitted he had driven 
to the legion before smoking. I advised 
Dylan that he was obviously under the 
influence of Marijuana at this time and 
would not be allowed to drive his vehicle.

Dylan called for a ride and left without 
incident. I then cleared. 

Until Dylan is served his citation the case 
will be pending.

Ptl. Brindack 507


DATE: 03/19/2019 17:56:00

REPORTING OFFICER: Redfern, Jr., Chad 
BADGE NO.: 504

DATE: 03/19/2019 17:56

On 03/19/2019, I went to the circle K and 
requested to view footage from the incident. 
I arrived on location and spoke to Crystal 
Black who, advised that she got a prepaid 
credit card to pay some bills online and she 
noticed that the card was nearly maxed out. 
Crystal advised that she went on the online 
account and noticed that there were 
transactions that she did not make on the 
card. Crystal advised that there was an 
ATM withdraw, Atm Fee, and another ATM 
Fee for a declined transaction. 

I obtained the copies of the statements and 
the times of the transactions. I asked Crstal 
if she had anyone in mind who would have 
carried out such a heinous act against a 
handy capped elderly woman and she 
advised that her caregiver who lives at the 
house has a boyfriend whom is living with 
them and she believes it was him, who 
Crystal identified as Joshua Reed. Crystal 
advised that her caregiver has the pin 
number because her caregiver assisted 
setting the card up, but has never had 
permission to use the card. Crystal advised 
that she would like to see criminal charges 
brought forward in this case. Crystal is at a 
loss of $45.95 total due to this incident.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


DATE: 03/19/2019 18:40

On 03/19/2019, I went to the circle K and 
requested to view footage from the incident. 
I observed Joshua Reed walk up to the 
ATM at the same time that Crystal's card 
had the unauthorized charges on it. I 
observed Joshua take money from the 
machine and then attempted to use the 
card again and did not receive money. Josh 
then left the store.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


DATE: 03/19/2019 19:01

On 03/19/2019, I made contact with Sgt. 
Kelm to request that I seek approval from 
the prosecutor for a Felony warrant for 
Theft of a credit card and M1 Misuse of a 
credit card. Request was approved and this 
case will be forwarded to Prosecutor 

K9 Det. Redfern 504


DATE: 03/19/2019 19:03

On 03/19/2019, Kimberly Ames arrived on 
station and advised that she was Joshua's 
mother and she wanted to confirm that the 
male in the video was Joshua. Kimberly 
advised that Joshua likes to blame alot of 
events on his twin brother and she would 
like to see Joshua held accountable for his 
actions if he committed a crime. 

I brought Kimberly back to the squad room 
and showed her the footage and she 
advised that the male in the video was 
Joshua Reed and not his twin.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


DATE: 03/20/2019 19:48

On 03/19/2019, Joshua Reed came to 
station and I brought him back to the 
interview room. I read Joshua his rights and 
asked him about the incident. Joshua 
advised that he went to the dollar store in 
Beloit to get Crystal Black a pre paid card 
and he gave it to Crystal and has not 
touched it since.

Joshua advised that she never gave him 
permission and he has never used it. 
Joshua observed the video and advised 
that it was him in the video, but he used his 
own personal cards not crystals. When 
asked, Joshua advised that he did not know 
why it shows that he was using the ATM the 
same time Crystals card was being used. I 
asked Joshua to write a statement and he 
refused stating that he can not write.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


DATE: 03/20/2019 19:51

On 03/19/2019, While at Circle K reviewing 
footage, Joshua Reed came to the store to 
inquire if he was being charged for the card. 
The Circle K manager stated that he keeps 
coming into the store bothering them and 
making them feel uncomfortable due to this 
incident and the firearm situation last 

I advised the manager to issue a Notice of 
Restriction. Joshua Reed was advised while 
in the presence of officers that he is no 
longer wanted on Circle K property. 

I then added to Joshua if he is on the 
property or if he attempts to harrass the 
employees of Circle K that he would be 
charged accordingly.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


DATE: 03/21/2019 12:41

On 03/21/2019, Prosecutor Tolson 
approved the following charges against 
Joshua Reed:

F5 Theft ORC 2913.71

M1 Misuse of a Credit Card ORC 2913.21

Warrants will be issued and this case will be 

K9 Det. Redfern 504


DATE: 03/21/2019 12:45

On 03/21/2019 at 10:53 I Ptl. Scott served 
warrants for the individual involved in this 
incident. Joshua G. Reed was arrested at 
his residence 246 E. Ohio Ave. for two 
active warrants, Theft of a Credit Card F-5, 
and Misuse of credit cards M-1. Joshua was 
transported to the police department and 
processed and was given a chance to post 
a bond in the amount of $3,750 but was 
unable to do so.

Joshua was then transported to the 
Mahoning County Jail by Ptl. Peterman.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 19003081
246 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Oh

ARRESTED: Joshua Reed (AGE 20)
246 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Oh

(Warrant) Theft of Credit Card    ORC 
2913.71  Bond $2,500.00
(Warrant) Misuse of Credit Cards  ORC 
2913.21  Bond $1,250.00


DATE: 0311 212019 22:47:00

DATE: 03/12/2019 22:47:00

On 03/12/2019, I was dispatched to the 
area of 12th street in reference to a repo 
attempt gone bad.

I arrived in the area and found a maroon in 
color ford focus standing erect in a ditch 
and several cars parked in a parking lot a 
few houses down with several people 
standing outside the vehicle arguing. 

I got out of my cruiser and was bombarded 
by John Tuel, Timothy Tuel, and Donald 
Burns who were all three yelling at me at 
once. I ordered the males to cease and 
desist and to one at a time tell me what 
happened. Timothy and John on several 
occasions while attempting to conduct my 
investigation as to what transpired began 
screaming obscenities at another male 
whom was standing in the background 
further up near his house whom was 
identified as Richard Rice Jr. 

After several times of asking all parties 
involved for identification whom ignored me 
and continued arguing all parties were 
advised once more to cease and desist. 
Timothy Tuel then continued to make 
remarks but did subsequently
walk away.

>From the general consensus from the 
three men is they were attempting to rep0 a 
vehicle while it was on West Pennsylvania 
Avenue. Richard Rice then got in the 
vehicle while they were attempting to get it 
and took off towards his house, and 
Timothy Tuel pursued the vehicle in a 
maroon focus that was in the ditch, while 
John Tuel and Donald Burns pursued them 
in a white minivan. The three rep0 men 
advised that maroon focus tried getting in 
front of the Richard Rice to stop him and 
was ran off of the road. Richard Rice then 
continued to his residence and placed the 
vehicle in his garage and they all called 

I then spoke to Richard Rice whom advised 
that he was at his rental property at 366 
West Pennsylvania avenue doing 
renovations and when he was leaving the 
residence there were three unidentified men 
who were approaching him in regular 
clothing and plain vehicles. Yelling at him 
and stated they were taking his car with out 
advising that they were from a repossession 

Richard advised that the males got into his 
face and "bumped" him which he took as a 

Richard advised that he hopped in the car 
and started the ignition and then the men 
got in front of the vehicle. Richard advised 
that then the men tried to get in the car so 
he drove through his bushes and onto the 
roadway to get away and proceeded to his 
residence on south 12th street. Richard 
advised that the men got into their plain 
vehicles and pursued him. Richard advised 
that as he approached the intersection of 
Pennsylvania avenue and North 15th 
Street, the men in the cars rammed him in 
the rear. 

Richard advised that he proceeded down 
East Pennsylvania Avenue towards 12th 
Street when the lead car attempted a "pit 
maneuver" twice once on each side of the 
vehicle. Richard advised that once he got to 
12th Street they rammed his car again. 
Richard advised that as he was traveling 
down 12th street, the lead car tried to get in 
front of him and cut him off and in his 
attempts of doing so he lost control and 
went into the ditch. Richard advised that he 
proceeded to his house which was a few 
houses down and retreated into the garage. 
Richard advised that then the police arrived.

I made contact with the Ohio State Highway 
Patrol and requested them to handle the 
crash report.

I observed the damage that was on the 
vehicles. There was front end damage on 
the ford focus and there was superficial 
damage on all four corners of the equinox 
and on the rear of the equinox. I instructed 
Ptl. Peterman to photograph the vehicles 
and I then went to where the call allegedly 
originated in the 300 block of West 
Pennsylvania Avenue. I arrived and 
observed several ruts in the yard as well as 
a vehicle path through the bushes. The 
damage and the scene was consistent to 
that of Richard Rice's story.

OSP arrived and Sgt. Brown from post 50 
arrived and advised that this situation was 
not an accident it was malicious act and the 
state would not accept an OH1 for the 
incident. OSP then cleared, and advised 
that the I needed to be conscious of a 
violation of section 4503.30 which is a 
misuse of dealer plates. 

I then went back to the active scene and 
springers arrived to tow the vehicle from the 
ditch. Statements were obtained. I advised 
all parties to separate for the evening and 
that the company taking control of the 
vehicle was a civil issue and we would not 
be involved in the transfer.

I asked John and Tim why has this situation 
elevated to this versus just taking Richard 
to court and John replied that its a lengthily 
and expensive process and this is easier 
but no vehicle is worth someones life.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


DATE: 03/14/2019 15:23

On 03/14/2019, I spoke with Investigator 
Ragan from the Ohio BMV whom advised 
that there was never a rep0 title issued or a 
request to obtain a rep0 title that would be 
needed to repossess a vehicle.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


DATE: 03/15/2019 15:44

On 03/15/2019, I went to the residence of 
Richard Rice on South 12th Street whom 
advised that he just got home from a long 
night at the emergency room. I asked 
Richard if he wanted this case to be 
presented to the Prosecutors Office and he 
advised that he did. I did obtain a medical 
release of Richards medical records. I then 

K9 Det. Redfern 504


DATE: 03/15/2019 15:44

I obtained all of Richards medical records 
from the incident. 

K9 Det. Redfern 504


DATE: 03/15/2019 15:46

On 03/15/2019, This case will be forwarded 
to Prosecutor Tolson for review.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


DATE: 03/21/2019 13:26

After review, On 03/21/2019, Prosecutor 
Tolson approved the following:

Timothy Tuel

-Felonious Assault
-Attempted Theft of a Motor Vehicle
-Aggravated Menacing
-Reckless Operation
-Failure to Control
- Display of placards issued to 
manufacturers, dealers or distributors.
- Display of placards issued to 
manufacturers, dealers or distributors.

John Tuel

-Attempted Theft of a Motor Vehicle
-Aggravated Menacing
-Reckless Operation
- Display of placards issued to 
manufacturers, dealers or distributors.

Donald Burns

-Attempted Theft of a Motor Vehicle
-Aggravated Menacing

Warrants will be issued through MCC#3. 
This case will be closed.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


DATE: 03/21/2019 14:29

On 03/21/2019 I Ptl. Scott started my shift 
and served the warrants that were issued to 
the individuals involved in this incident. 

John Tuel was arrested at his residence for 
a warrant consisting of the following 
charges: Attempted Grand Theft of a Motor 
Vehicle F-5 and Aggravated Menacing M-1. 
John posted a $3,750 bond through Sly Bail 
Bonds and was released.

Timothy Tuel was contacted and came to 
the police department where he was 
arrested for a warrant consisting of the 
following charges: Felonious Assault F-2, 
Attempted Grand Theft of a Motor Vehicle 
F-5, and Aggravated Menacing M-1. 
Timothy was transported to the Mahoning 
County Jail to be held without bond by Ptl. 

Donald Burns also came to the police 
department where he was arrested for a 
warrant consisting of the following charges: 
Attempted Grand Theft of a Motor Vehicle 
F-5 and Aggravated Menacing M-1.  Donald 
posted a $3,750 bond through Sly Bail 
Bonds and was released. 

Timothy Tuel's Concealed Carry Permit was 
confiscated after contacting Stark County 

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 19003084
S. 15th St. I California Ave.

CITED: David Rinehart (AGE 42)
127 E. Florida Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

DUS   SCO 335.07

On 03/19/2019 at 11:19pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser observed a male 
I knew to be David Rinehart, who is 
suspended, at Circle K at the gas pump in 
the driver's seat of a vehicle. I then ran 
David's driving status to double check and 
at this time David pulled out of the parking 
lot traveling west on E. Ohio Ave.

Dispatch then advised me David was 
suspended. I then initiated a traffic stop on 
S. 15th St. and California Ave. The vehicle 
was a 2001 blue Honda 4 door bearing 
Ohio registration GMA3027. I exited my 
cruiser and approached the vehicle and 
made contact with David Reinhart and 
requested his driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which David was 
unable to provide me with. I informed David 
that his license was suspended and had 
David exit the vehicle.

A smoking pipe with ash inside of it and 
odor of burnt marijuana coming from the 
ash was observed near the driver's seat of 
the vehicle were David was sitting. The pipe 
was confiscated and logged into evidence.

The vehicle was then searched and then 
towed by Springer's to N. 10 12th St. and 
David received a citation for DUS SCO 
335.07 for MCC#3 on 03/28/2019 at 
9:00am with a personal appearance 

David signed his citation and was provided 
with a copy and was then released.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 19003077
S Johnson Rd @ E Oregon

CITED: Kara Zeigler (AGE 25)
15221 Gaskill Dr Lot 25A, Alliance

Speed (49/35)   333.03

On 03/18/2019 I Officer Rober while 
patrolling in marked unit 301 on S Johnson 
Rd observed a sliver color car that 
appeared to be travelling above the posted 
speed limit of 35mph. I then activated the 
mounted radar unit located in car 301 and 
got a locked speed of 49mph in a posted 
35mph zone. 

I conducted a safe and cautionary U-turn 
and made a traffic stop of the vehicle in 

I then identified the driver as Kara Zeigler 
and asked if she knew why I was pulling her 
over. Kara stated that she was going too 
fast and that she got a speeding ticket a 
couple days ago for the same thing. I then 
went back to my patrol car and wrote a 
citation for speed. I then issued a citation 
for speed to Kara and gave her a court date 
of 04/04/2019 @ 0900hrs at MCC #3. Upon 
nothing further I cleared.

PTL J.Rober #511

PUBLISHED 11:11AM MARCH 27,2019  *

Tuesday, March 19, 2019
09:40 AM -0500

Case No.: 19003067
400 Block of E Ohio Ave, Sebring, Ohio

1086 S Johnson Rd, Sebring, Ohio 44672

Obedience to Traffic Control Device   SCO 
Turn Signal w/in 100 Feet             SCO 
Possession of Marijuana Paraphernalia 
SCO 513.121

ARRESTED: Gavin Shoffner (AGE 20)
546 W Maryland Ave, Sebring, Ohio 44672

Underage Possession of Alcohol (M-1) 
ORC 4301.69(E)(1) BOND $1,250.00

On Saturday, March 16, 2019, Patrolman 
Marchionda performed a traffic stop which 
resulted in the arrest of the passenger for 
underage possession of alcohol and the 
issuance of a minor misdemeanor citation 
to the juvenile driver for possession of 
marijuana paraphernalia.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508

While conducting traffic enforcement in 
marked unit #301 on N 15th St at W Ohio 
Ave, I observed a blue Nissan SUV 
approach the intersection from the north. 
The blue Nissan rolled past the white line 
and came to a complete stop just short of 
the crosswalk. Once the vehicle came to a 
complete stop passed the white line, I 
observed the left turn signal then activate 
before the vehicle turned east onto E Ohio 
Ave. I pulled out from my location and 
began to follow the vehicle. As I neared the 
vehicle, I relayed the vehicle registration 
(Ohio GSC7769) through dispatch and was 
advised the vehicle came back to an LLC in 
Chardon, Ohio with no further information 

As the vehicle cleared the intersection at E 
Ohio Ave and N 12th St, I activated my 
overhead emergency lights to initiate a 
traffic stop. The vehicle came to a complete 
stop in the 400 block of E Ohio Ave. Upon 
making contact with the driver, identified as 
JUVENILE (17, DOB 8/21/01), I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for 
the stop. I could immediately smell a strong 
odor of marijuana coming from inside the 
vehicle. I asked her and her adult male 
passenger, identified as Gavin Shoffner, if 
there was any drugs or other contraband in 
the vehicle to which they stated there was 
not. I asked her if she had smoked 
marijuana prior to driving to which she 
stated she smoked half a bowl 
approximately two hours ago. After 
requesting and receiving both of their 
identification information, I returned to my 
marked patrol car to verify their licenses 
through dispatch.

Patrolman Scott arrived on scene at this 
time to which I informed him of the odor of 
marijuana coming from inside the vehicle 
and subsequently advised dispatch we 
would be conducting a probable cause 
vehicle search. Patrolman Reed arrived on 
scene at this time to assist as well.

While I approached the driver side of the 
vehicle, Patrolman Scott approached the 
passenger side. I instructed (JUVENILE) to 
turn the ignition off and to exit the vehicle. 
After visually verifying (JUVENILE) had no 
weapons on her person, I placed her in the 
backseat of marked unit #301 and advised 
she was detained pending further 
investigation. Patrolman Scott then placed 
Shoffner into the back seat of marked unit 
#304 and advised he was also being 
detained. Patrolman Scott informed me 
Shoffner had a strong odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from his person.

During the course of the probable cause 
vehicle search, Patrolman Scott discovered 
a green and clear glass "KZOO Glassworks 
Swirl Dab Rig" containing a brown wax like 
residue believed to be marijuana from a 
floral bag on the floor of the passenger side 
of the vehicle. Patrolman Scott also 
discovered a vape pen cartridge containing 
what appeared to be a brown oil like 
substance believed to be cannabis oil 
based on the odor. Both items were 
secured and placed in marked unit #301.

While searching the rear driver side of the 
vehicle, I discovered two 12 packs of 
Twisted Tea Hard Iced Tea while only one 
contained 7 12oz cans which were later 
secured and placed in marked unit #301.

Although (JUVENILE) admitted to smoking 
marijuana earlier, she denied ownership of 
the dab rig. After speaking with 
(JUVENILE), I made contact with Shoffner 
in the back seat of marked unit #304. Upon 
opening the rear passenger door, I could 
smell a strong odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from Shoffner and asked 
him about the ownership of the dab rig to 
which he denied ownership. Shoffner did 
not have an odor of marijuana coming from 
his person, only an odor of an alcoholic 

Due to a mix up in communication and 
information, Patrolman Scott instructed 
Patrolman Reed to provide Shoffner with a 
courtesy transport to a friend's residence in 
Beloit. After Patrolman Reed provided this 
transport, he returned to the scene.

I instructed (JUVENILE) to exit the back 
seat of marked unit #301 and asked her if 
she would be willing to submit to 
standardized field sobriety tests based on 
observations and her admittance to 
smoking marijuana. (JUVENILE) submitted 
to SFSTs and due to inconclusive 
observations and insufficient clues, Stiilion 
was not placed under arrest for operating a 
vehicle while impaired by marijuana. 
However, due to admitting to smoking 
marijuana, I instructed (JUVENILE) to sit 
back in marked unit #301 and to make 
contact with her grandmother.

After placing (JUVENILE) back in marked 
unit #301, I noticed I was still in possession 
of Shoffner's identification which he had 
provided earlier. After taking a closer look of 
Shoffner's identification, it was pointed out 
by Patrolman Reed that Shoffner was in 
fact 20 years old and not of age to be 
consuming or in possession of alcohol. Both 
Patrolmen Scott and Reed advised Shoffner 
had stated to them the alcohol found in the 
vehicle was his. Patrolmen Scott and Reed 
cleared from the scene and proceeded to 
the residence Shoffner was transported to. 
At this time, I spoke to (JUVENILE)'s 
grandmother Beverly on the phone and 
informed her of the situation. I advised 
(JUVENILE)'s grandmother she could pick 
her granddaughter up at the SEBRING 
POLICE DEPARTMENT after she was 
provided a traffic and criminal minor 
misdemeanor citation.

Before transporting (JUVENILE) to the 
police station, I parked the blue Nissan SUV 
off the roadway so it could be retrieved at a 
later time. After arriving at the Sebring 
Police Dept, (JUVENILE), who was not in 
custody/handcuffed, was escorted to the 
squad room where she was issued traffic 
citation #031559 for SCO 313.01 
Obedience to Traffic Control Device and 
SCO 331.14 Signal Before Turning w/in 100 
feet. (JUVENILE) was also issued criminal 
minor misdemeanor citation #000858 for 
SCO 513.121 Possession of Marijuana 

Patrolman Reed arrived on station at this 
time with Shoffner in custody and placed 
him in the intoxilyzer room. I explained to 
(JUVENILE) and her grandmother Beverly, 
the report and citations would be forwarded 
to the Mahoning County Juvenile Justice 
Center in Youngstown and they would 
receive information in the mail regarding her 
court appearance at a later date.

Following (JUVENILE)'s release to her 
grandmother, Patrolman Reed and I began 
processing Shoffner. Shoffner was 
fingerprinted, photographed and provided a 
recognizance of the accused bond of 
$1,250.00 for ORC 4301.69(E)(1) Underage 
Possession of Alcohol (M-1 ). Shoffner 
signed the recognizance of the accused, 
provided his copy and was informed of his 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, March 21, 
2019 at 0900. Before being released into 
the custody of his father who was waiting in 
the lobby, Shoffner asked if he could take 
the two 12 packs of Twisted Tea with him. I 
informed Shoffner he could not since they 
had been seized as evidence.

The "KZOO Glassworks Swirl Dab Rig," 
vape pen cartridge and two packs of 
Twisted Tea were photographed, logged 
and secured into evidence.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


On 03/16/2019 at approximately 00:10 
hours, I assisted Patrolmen Marchionda 
and Scott on a traffic stop in the 400 block 
of E. Ohio Avenue. After completing a 
probable cause search of the vehicle due to 
the odor of marijuana being present, it was 
decided that the vehicles passenger, 
identified by his Ohio Temporary Instruction 
Permit as Gavin Shoffner, would not be 
charged criminally and would instead be 
provide a courtesy escort to a residence on 
5th street in Beloit, directly across from the 
Country Gardens apartment complex.

I then provided Mr. Shoffner a courtesy 
transport in unit 303, and then immediately 
proceeded back to the scene of the traffic 
stop where patrolmen Marchionda and 
Scott were still with the minor female driver. 
Ptl. Scott then approached me to ask if I 
could take Mr. Shoffner back his Ohio 
Temporary Instruction Permit, seeing as he 
had not taken it with him.

After noting that the date of birth on Mr. 
Shoffners ID indicated that he had just 
turned 20 years old this past December, it 
was decided that he would be charged with 
underage possession of alcohol. 

Ptl. Scott and I then returned to the Beloit 
address where I had dropped Mr. Shoffner 
off at. Mr. Shoffner was then placed in 
handcuffs, which were spaced and double 
locked, and advised that he was being 
arrested for the aforementioned charge. Mr. 
Shoffner was then taken to the Sebring 
Police Dept where after booking and 
processing he was released on an Own 
recognizance bond.

Ptl. Reed #514


On 03/16/2019 I Ptl. Scott assisted Ptl. 
Marchionda on a traffic stop for a probable 
cause vehicle search. The driver and 
passenger were detained and placed in 
separate cruisers. Marijuana paraphernalia 
was recovered along with two 12 packs of 
twisted tea beverages which contained 
alcohol which one case only contained 7 of 
those cans.

The driver was identified 17 years old and 
the passenger was identified as Gavin 
Schoffner 20 years old. The paraphernalia " 
Dab Rig" which contained a strong odor of 
marijuana and a vape pen cartridge which 
also contained a strong odor of marijuana 
were both secured in unit #301. 
(JUVENILE) admitted to smoking and an 
odor of marijuana was coming from her 
person. The passenger Gavin had a strong 
odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from 
his person and admitted that the twisted tea 
packs were his and stated he consumed 
one can earlier.

Due to miscommunication I instructed Ptl. 
Reed to take Gaven to a residence in 
Beloit. Upon Ptl. Reed returning Ptl. 
Marchionda advised he still had Gavin's 
Identification and it was at that time officers 
realized that Gavin was 20 years old. I then 
requested a Goshen unit to come to the 
address that Gavin was dropped off at due 
to it being out of the jurisdiction. I along with 
Ptl. Reed then went to the address and 
placed Gavin into custody for Underage 
Alcohol Possession ORC 4301.69(E)(1) M-

Gavin was transported to the station as was 
the female, the female was not in custody. 
(JUVENILE) was released to her 
grandmother. Gavin was processed and 
was then given a recognizance bond 
$1,250 and was released to his father.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 19003072
N. 13th St. / E. Oregon Ave.

CITED: Brandon Sanor (AGE 33)
16970 Pine Lake Rd. Sebring, OH 44672

DUS SCO 335.07

On 03/17/2019 at 12:03am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser I observed a 
male at Circle K and ran their name which 
was identified as Brandon Sanor. By the 
time I received the information which 
dispatch advised me that Brandon was 
suspended, the vehicle had already pulled 
out on E. Ohio Ave, from Circle K.

I initiated a traffic stop on N. 13th St. and E. 
Oregon Ave. the vehicle was a 1994 
Chrysler 2 Door bearing Ohio registration 
HQQ4158. I approached the vehicle and 
informed Brandon that his driver's license 
was suspended. Brandon consented to a 
vehicle search which came up with negative 

I then wrote Brandon traffic citation for DUS 
SCO 335.07 and gave Brandon a court date 
of 03/21/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a 
personal appearance required which 
Brandon signed and was given a copy to.

Brandon was allowed to park the vehicle at 
his grandmothers and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 19003073
135 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring

ARRESTED:  Shayla Egnor (AGE 28)
836 S. 13th St. Sebring

Endangering Children 2919.22 $1,250.00

ARRESTED: James Poffenberger (AGE 40)
836 S. 13th St. Sebring

Endangering Children 2919.22 $1,250.00

On 3/17/2019 I was dispatched to 1066 S. 
15th St. for a child that was found.

Det. Kelm #505

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Ronald McDonald. Ronald 
advised he believed the juvenile, later 
identified as (5YOA), had come from 
somewhere on the east side of 15th St. 
Ronald advised (JUVENILE) had his dog 
with him which was very protective of him. I 
had (JUVENILE) get into the back seat of 
my cruiser and call the dog in with him. I 
then transported (JUVENILE) to the police 
station. I spoke to D.O. Wheeler who 
advised Sgt. McDaniel had dealt with the 
same child on 3/16/2019 ref case# 
19003068. I was able to find a phone 
number for (JUVENILE)'s mother Shayla 
Egnor. I called the number and no one 
answered so I left a message. I then 
contacted Children's Services to advise 
them of the situation. While speaking to the 
case worker (JUVENILE)'s parents Shayla 
Engor and James Poffenberger came to the 
police station. 

Children's Services advised to release 
custody of (JUVENILE) to Shayla's mother 
Teresa Best, 2829 Farmdale Rd. Akron. 
Shayla advised her mother was already en 
route to the police station.

I then advised Shayla and James they were 
being placed under arrest for Endangering 
Children/2919.22 M-1. Both Shayla and 
James agreed to make written statements. 
James and Shayla both advised they were 
upstairs in their bedroom watching TV and 
(JUVENILE) was also in his room with his 
dog watching TV. Shayla advised while 
watching TV she fell asleep, when she 
woke up she went to check on (JUVENILE) 
and he was not in his room. Both James 
and Shayla then went downstairs to check 
on (JUVENILE) but he was nowhere to be 
found. They then advised they left to look 
for (JUVENILE) but could not find him. 
When they arrived back home they advised 
a neighbor told them an officer had just 
been there looking for them. At that time 
they went to the police station.

Shayla and James were photographed, 
fingerprinted, and released on $1,250 
recognizance bond.

They were advised of their court date at 
MCC#3 on 3/21/2019 at 0900hrs. 

Once all paperwork was completed James 
and Shayla were released. When Teresa 
got to the police station I then released 
(JUVENILE) to her. I then cleared without 
further incident.

Det. Kelm #505

POSTED 10:30AM MARCH 19 ,2019  *

Sunday, March 17, 2019
09:37 AM -0500

Case No.: 19003065

Circle K

ARRESTED:  Brittany Satterfield (AGE 27)
45 Oakwood Dr. Beloit, OH 44609

Marijuana Poss.       SCO 513.03
Marijuana Drug Para.  SCO 513.121

While at Circle K an employee came to me 
in reference to a customer that walked out 
moments ago and still in the parking lot. 
The employee stated that there was a 
female in the store that was "Tweaking 
Out". I then observed the female walking to 
the driver door of a vehicle at the gas pump.

I then approached the female informing her 
of the allegations and asked if she was 
under the influence of anything in which the 
female stated she took Sub-oxen an hour 
ago before she drove to Circle K. The 
female showed me a prescription for the 
sub-oxen. The female also showed signs of 
being under the influence, the female was 
paranoid and very talkative.

I then requested her driver's license and 
identified her as Brittany Satterfield. I asked 
Brittany if she would give consent for 
officers to search her vehicle in which 
Brittany gave consent. Ptl. Marchionda then 
arrived and searched the vehicle while I 
stood by with the female. Ptl. Marchionda 
found a small oval shaped container 
containing a wax like substance with an 
odor of marijuana and a pipe with the wax 
inside of it, the search then became a 
probable cause search and Brittany was 
detained until the end of the search.

The two items were confiscated and logged 
into evidence. Brittany admitted to the items 
being used to smoke the wax which 
contains THC but stated that it was not hers 
and she forgot it was in the vehicle. 

Once the search was done Brittany was 
given a two minor misdemeanor citations, 
one for Marijuana possession SCO 513.03 
and Marijuana Drug Possession SCO 
513.121 and was given a court date of 
03/21/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3. Brittany 
then signed both citations and was given 
copies and was then given a courtesy 
transport to her Uncle in Laws villa at 
Copeland Oaks where she was released.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 19003042
Criminal/Warraint Pickup

ARREST: Chance Beitler (AGE 23)
485 112 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring

Domestic Violence M-1   2919.25A

On Sunday, March 10, 2019, Patrolmen 
Scott, Marchionda and K9 Detective 
Redfern responded to the lobby of the 
Sebring Police reference a male at the 
dispatcher window with injuries.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508

Upon entering the lobby of the police 
department, we observed an intoxicated 
male standing at the window with a severe 
laceration above his left eye and the left 
side of his face covered in blood. The male, 
identified as Richard Beitler, informed 
officers he had been involved in a physical 
altercation at 206 W Oregon Ave with his 
son, Chance Beitler, who punched him and 
bloodied his face. 

Dispatch immediately toned out the Sebring 
Fire Department to respond to the police 
department. While waiting for Sebring FD to 
arrive, I retrieved a domestic violence 
packet after Richard stated he wanted to 
press charges and his son arrested for 
domestic violence.

I explained the necessary forms to Richard 
after which he provided his signature on the 
statement of complaint as well as the 
medical release and instructions for 
domestic violence. As Sebring FD medical 
personnel arrived, I asked Richard if he 
would be able to provide us with a written 
statement. Richard stated he couldn't spell 
or write too well at which point I offered for 
him to accompany me into the squad room 
where I could write everything he says while 
FD personnel attended to his injuries.

With the statement of complaint signed, 
Patrolman Scott and K9 Detective Redfern 
proceeded to 206 W Oregon Ave in an 
attempt to locate Chance.

After entering the squad room, I wrote out 
Richard's statement for him. I also obtained 
photographs of the injuries to Richard's face 
in addition to some minor bruising found on 
the left side of his rib cage. Richard stated 
his ribs hurt but didn't think they felt broken. 
Richard stated he was at Katie Hawk's 
residence at 206 W Oregon Ave and that 
his son Chance entered the residence and 
"blast him in the face" (sic). Richard stated 
he believes Chance attacked him because 
he told Chance he was done babysitting 
Chance's son and he believes Chance 
interpreted that to mean he was going to 
"abandon" the child. After writing out 
Richard's statement for him, he provided his 
signature to attest what he said was the 
truth. Sebring FD cleared from the police 
department and took Richard to Alliance 
Community Hospital for further medical 

K9 Detective Redfern and Patrolman Scott 
advised they were unable to locate Chance 
at 206 W Oregon Ave and it was suggested 
by dispatch to check Richard's residence at 
485 1/2 W Oregon Ave. K9 Detective 
Redfern advised dispatch to send 
Columbiana County Sheriffs Office to 
Chance's mother's residence in Damascus 
(CCSO phoned the station approximately 
an hour afterwards to inform us they were 
unable to locate Chance). I cleared from the 
station and linked up with K9 Detective 
Redfern and Patrolman Scott and checked 
Richard's residence to which we were 
unable to locate Chance.

While on station, dispatch received a call 
from Chance's girlfriend's mother who 
resides at 226 W Oregon Ave and informed 
dispatch her daughter was at their 
residence. Patrolman Scott and I proceeded 
to 226 W Oregon Ave in an attempt to make 
contact with Katie. Contact was made with 
Katie who provided us consent to check the 
residence for Chance although she claimed 
she hadn't seen Chance since after the 
altercation with his father. Katie stated she 
tried to call his phone but he was not 
answering. After checking the residence, 
Katie did provide us with the name of one of 
Chance's friends who lives in Beloit. I 
advised dispatch to check for an address 
and to have an officer from Goshen PD 
check the residence there. Dispatch later 
advised Goshen PD was unable to locate 
Chance at the address provided by dispatch 
in Beloit.

At this time a statement of complaint 
reference ORC 2919.25A Domestic 
Violence (M-1) has been signed by the 
victim and an additional charge of ORC 
2903.12A1 Aggravated Assault (F-4) will be 
proposed to the prosecutor's office at a later 

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


On 3/14/2019 I was advised Chance Beitler 
had a warrant and was at Mahoning County 
Court #3. I responded to Court #3 and 
advised Chance of the warrant and served 
him his copy. I then transported Chance to 
the police station where he was processed, 
fingerprinted, and photographed. I then 
transported Chance back to Court #3 to be 
arraigned on one charge of Domestic 
Violence 2919.25A M-1 . I then cleared 
without incident.

Det. Kelm #505


Case No.: 19003053

500th Block West Ohio Ave

CITED: Barbara Manley (AGE 55)
19925 N. Benton West Rd, North Benton 
OH 44449

Traffic Control Devices (Stop Sign)           
ORD 313.01
Expired/Fictitious Plates (Fictitious Plates) 
ORD 335.10

On 03/12/2019 at 1252hrs I was stationary 
at the intersection of West Ohio Ave and 
21St when I saw a silver in color Chevy 
SUV run through the stop sign. I then 
activated my emergency lights and 
conducted a traffic stop on the 500th block 
of West Ohio Ave.

I radioed in the plate information to dispatch 
and made contact with the driver, Barbara 
Manley. I requested Barbara's license, 
registration and proof of insurance. She 
provided the requested information and I 
began writing the citation. The vehicle 
registration came back to a 2013 Hyundai 
4s. I then requested Det. Kelm for 
assistance. I then also cited her for ORD 
313.01 Expired/Fictitious Plates. I informed 
the driver that her registration was not 
coming up to the vehicle she was driving 
and advised her to contact the BMV and the 
car dealership to update the information. 
Barbara was advised of her court date on 
03/21/2019 at 0900 hours and to bring proof 
of updated information. I then cleared.

Ptl. Villanueva #513


Case No.: 19003051 

600 block N14th street, Sebring, Oh 

ARRESTED: Dina Teagle (AGE 47)
755 Lake Park Blvd, Sebring, Ohio 44672

OVI            4511.19
Open Container 4301.62

On 03/11/2019, at approximately 23:40 
hours, while in marked unit #301, I was 
traveling southbound on 12th street at the 
intersection of E. Ohio Avenue, when I 
observed a northbound black Dodge 
Avenger sitting at the intersection for what 
appeared to be an abnormally long time. 
The vehicle then turned left, going 
westbound on Ohio Avenue, with me 
continuing southbound but then going right 
on Oregon Avenue and getting back onto 
Ohio Avenue at the intersection of 14th 
street. I again noticed this same vehicle, still 
traveling west on Ohio Avenue before 
turning right onto north 17th street. At this 
point I noticed that the vehicle was traveling 
into the opposite lane. The vehicle then 
turned left from 17th street, going into the 
alleyway north of the 300 block of W. 
Indiana, and pulling into the driveway of a 
residence there. I then went around the 
block briefly, and noticed that the vehicle 
had pulled out of the driveway that it was in.

As I pulled up to the intersection of N. 17th 
street and W. Virginia Avenue, I again 
noticed the same Dodge Avenger, this time 
east bound and approaching the 
intersection. I also noticed that the driver 
appeared to be the same as the one that I 
had seen at the intersection of 12th and 
Ohio. After the vehicle proceeded through 
the intersection, I noticed that it appeared to 
be driving erratically, slowing, then 
accelerating and weaving. 

I then called in for a registration check while 
continuing behind the vehicle, following it up 
to 15th street where it turned right onto 
Michigan Avenue. I then went around the 
block, and pulled up to the intersection of N. 
14th and Michigan. From this location, I 
observed the vehicle pull into a driveway of 
a residence on the 200 block of W. 
Michigan and then back out and proceed 
back westbound on E. Michigan. Upon the 
vehicle approaching my location at the 
intersection, I again noted that the driver 
appeared to be the same individual from my 
earlier observations. The vehicle then 
turning south onto N. 14th street. 

At this point the earlier requested 
registration check returned, indicating that 
the registered owned of the vehicle, Dina M. 
Teagle, had a warrant. Due to my 
observations of how the vehicle was driving 
indicating a possibly impaired driver, I 
decided to initiate a traffic stop.

Upon activating my overhead emergency 
lights, the vehicle appeared to come to a 
stop, but continued to slowly move 
foreword, eventually coming to a coming to 
a stop at the intersection of E. Virginia 
Avenue and N. 14th street. Upon making 
contact with the driver, I asked for her 
license, registration and proof of insurance. 
The driver, identified as Dina M. Teagle by 
her Ohio driver license, appeared to have 
somewhat slurred speech. After verifying 
her identity, I advised her that she had a 
warrant for her arrest and asked her to step 
out of the vehicle. Upon stepping out of the 
car, I noticed that Dina appeared unsteady 
on her feet. Due to her warrant, I advised 
her that I would be detaining her until it 
could be determined if the agency issuing 
the warrant wanted to pick her up.

Upon placing Ms. Teagle in handcuffs, 
which were spaced and double locked, I 
noticed the odor of an alcoholic beverage 
emanating from her person. I then asked 
her if she had consumed any alcohol 
tonight, with her advising that she had not. I 
was then advised that Columbiana County 
would be picking up Ms. Teagle on her 
warrants. Because of this, I began an 
inventory search on her vehicle, noticing an 
open container of Busch Light on the 
passenger side floorboard.

Upon finding this I again went and asked 
Ms. Teagle if she had consumed any 
alcohol and asked her if she would perform 
standardized field sobriety tests for me. I 
then removed my handcuffs from Teagle, 
shut off my front facing cruiser lights, and 
took her to the front of my patrol car where 
she performed field sobriety tests. While 
performing the horizontal gaze nystagmus 
test I noted no resting nystagmus. I did 
however note lack of smooth pursuit, onset 
of nystagmus prior to 45 degrees, as well 
as distinct and sustained nystagmus at 
maximum deviation. Upon performing the 
walk and turn test I noted that Ms. Teagle 
started the test several times, despite my 
telling her not to. Did not touch heel to toe 
and stepped off the line. Upon making it to 
the one leg stand test, Ms. Teagle 
attempted to but could not balance. I then 
terminated further testing due to her not 

I then advised Teagle that she was under 
arrest for suspicion of OVI (4511:19). 
Teagle was again placed in handcuffs, 
spaced and double locked, and placed in 
the back of patrol unit 301. When asked if 
she would provide a urine specimen or 
breathe sample she advised that she would 
provide a urine sample. Upon completing 
an inventory search of her vehicle, I noted 
an open 12 pack of bush beer in the 
backseat that had been opened, with about 
half of the cans missing. Sebring Tire then 
arrived on scene and towed the vehicle to 
their impound lot. Upon arriving the Sebring 
Police, I asked Teagle to provide the urine 
specimen, advising that the female desk 
officer would observe. Teagle then made 
statements regarding that it would be 
incriminating and refused.

Teagle was then read the BMV 2255 form, 
arrest work was completed and she was 
issued a $500.00 own recognizance bond. 
After completing this she was transported to 
Damascus Friends Church where 
Columbiana County Sheriffs office took 
custody of her due to their warrant.

Ptl. Reed


Case No.: 19003049

21st Johnson Rd. near Rt. 62 W.

CITED: Monte Ickes (AGE 67)
374 W. 9th St. Salem, OH 44460

Speeding   333.03 ORD

On 3/11/2019 at 1:14pm I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at Grandview Cemetery off of 
21st Johnson Rd. facing north when I 
observed a vehicle traveling South on the 
same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my stationary radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 53mph in a 
35mph zone. The vehicle continued moving 
south on Johnson Rd. and I turned around 
and positioned my self behind the vehicle 
and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled into the 
perkins parking lot to the right just before 
the intersection of Route 62. The vehicle 
was a White 2018 Chevy Equinox bearing 
Ohio registration HLW2846. 

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received valid 
insurance, a valid license and registration. 
The driver was later identified as Monte 

I wrote Monte a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Monte a court date 
of 03/14/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once Monte 
signed the citation I provided him with a 
copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19003048

Ohio Ave. near N. 12th St.

CITED: Larry Gibbons-Rhodes (AGE 22)
555 W. New York Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Speeding     333.03 ORD

On 3/11/2019 at 12:06pm I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling east on Ohio Ave. right before the 
intersection N. 12th St. when I observed a 
vehicle traveling West on the same road 
approach at a high rate of speed. I turned 
on my moving radar and clocked the vehicle 
going 40mph in a 25mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving west on Ohio 
Ave. and I turned around and positioned my 
self behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic 
stop. The vehicle then stopped on Ohio 
Ave. and pulled into the Circle K parking lot 
to the right. The vehicle was a Red 2006 
Pontiac Grand Prix bearing Ohio 
registration H650280. 

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received valid 
insurance. The driver did not have his 
license on him nor his registration in the 
vehicle. The driver was later identified as 
Larry Gibbons-Rhodes as I provided 
dispatch with his SSN.

I wrote Larry a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Larry a court date 
of 03/14/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once Larry 
signed the citation I provided him with a 
copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19003034

545 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, Ohio 44672

ARRESTED: Rebecca Strickler (AGE 26)
545 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, 0h 44672

Domestic Violence M-4  2919.25  Bond: 
Menacing M-4           2903.22  Bond: $500

On 3/8/201 9 at 2207, I and Ptl. Everhart 
were dispatched to 545 W. Ohio Ave. for an 
active domestic dispute.

Ptl. Peterman 512

Upon arrival, I was met with Amanda 
Taveras who states her roommate, 
Rebecca Stickler, was throwing glass cups 
at her from the stairs and making threats 
towards her. I entered the premises, and 
saw Rebecca's Boyfriend, Brandon Court, 
cleaning up glass from a broken cup at the 
bottom of the steps. I instructed Ptl. 
Everhart to separate and speak to Amanda, 
while I spoke to Rebecca.

Rebecca was standing in the kitchen yelling 
obscenities towards Amanda, calling her a 
"petty bitch". I advised Rebecca she needs 
to calm down, and to explain what 
happened. She states that Amanda 
"poisoned her cat" because it wasn't acting 
right, and Amanda was the only one in 
contact with the cat while she was gone 
since it stayed in the house. The son, age 
9, and daughter, age 4, were asleep 
upstairs when heard glass breaking 
downstairs. Her son states this scared him 
initially since he didnt know what was going 
on, then heard yelling coming from 

I now placed Rebecca under detainment 
since she was being investigated for a 
crime at the time. Rebecca continued to yell 
obscenities, while her son and daughter 
were still upstairs. Her son is staying with 
his mother at 545 W. Ohio, and his father, 
Scott Finnegin, stays in Atwater. Her 
daughter stays with her mother at 545 W. 
Ohio as well, and the father, Brandon Court, 
stays at 545 W. Ohio with them. I instructed 
Ptl. Everhart to talk to Rebecca, while I 
speak to Amanda.

This time, Ptl. Everhart states she is making 
suicidal statements, and we then had a 
squad sent to evaluate her. It was deemed 
by medical that she needed to be escorted 
to Alliance Community Hospital for a 
psychological evaluation. Ptl. Scott instructs 
Ptl. Everhart to read Rebecca her rights as 
at this time was placed under arrest for 
Domestic Violence 2919.25 M-4, and 
Menacing 2903.22 M-4. Ptl. Everhart read 
Rebecca her miranda rights. Ptl. 
Marchionda escorted squad with Rebecca 
to Alliance Community Hospital at 2305. 
Daughter stayed with the father, Brandon 
Court, at the same address. And son went 
with the grandmother, Dolly Stickler, at 499 
W. Main St, Alliance, Ohio 44601. I then 
cleared at 2311 and returned to 40. 
Rebecca returned to 40 with Ptl. 
Marchionda, and was unable to post bond. 
Ptl. Marchionda then transported Rebecca 
to Mahoning County Jail. Copy is to be sent 
to children services.

Ptl. Peterman 512


On 3-8-19 at 2207, I and Ptl. Peterman 
were dispatched to an active domestic 
violence at 545 W. Ohio Ave. I was driving 
on Ohio Ave. when the call came in. I then 
turned around and arrived at the location in 
a couple minutes. When I arrived Ptl. 
Peterman was already inside the house 
talking the suspect later identified as 
Rebecca Stickler. I then confronted the 
victim later identified as Amanda Taveras 
and brought her outside to separate her and 
Rebecca. I then asked Amanda for her 
name and social and then asked for her 
side of the story to see what happened. I 
also had to calm Amanda down as she was 
very nervous and hysterical. She then 
informed me that the suspect had thrown 
glass items at her because she apparently 
let her cats outside in the cold. Amanda 
informed me that she had felt threatened 
and decided to call the police. She also told 
me that Rebecca was verbally 
confrontational and making comments that 
she was going to hurt her. 

I then went into the other room where Ptl. 
Peterman was talking the suspect and her 
boyfriend later identified as Jon Steed. I told 
Ptl. Peterman to switch with me so I could 
get Rebecca's side of the story in which she 
did inform that what Amanda had said was 
true but that she thought there was no 
crime in what she did. She also told me that 
Amanda was trying to poison and kill her 
cat on purpose. Also when I walked in to 
the room that Rebecca was in I seen Jon 
cleaning up shards of glass off the floor. 

Ptl. Peterman and I then both determined 
that Rebecca would be charged with 
Domestic violence 2919.25 (C) and also 
menacing 2903.22 (A). We then had 
Amanda fill out the domestic violence 
packet and after that we placed Rebecca 
under arrest. I also informed Rebecca of 
her rights and told her the conditions of the 
bond and how much it would be if she got 
bonded out. Rebecca then started to make 
suicidal comments saying she was going to 
kill herself. At this time a squad was then 
sent out to our location. Ptl. Scott then 
arrived to the scene to help us out with the 
paperwork and clearing the scene. 

I then brought Rebecca outside and put her 
in the back of Ptl. Peterman's cruiser until 
ems arrived. Ems then arrived shortly after 
and I took Rebecca out of the cruiser and 
uncuffed and gave her over the 
paramedics. At this time Ptl. Marchionda 
arrived to scene to follow Ems to the 
hospital and then transport her back to 
station once she was cleared to leave the 
hospital. Ptl. Peterman, Ptl. Scott and 
myself then cleared the scene.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19003010

S. Johnson Rd. / Copeland Oaks

13606 Bandy Rd. Alliance, OH 44601

Speed 55/35   SCO 333.03

On 03/02/2019 at 11:29pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser observed a 2007 
red Ford SW Ohio registration (EYL7425) 
traveling north on S. Johnson Rd. near 
Heacock Ext. at a speed which appeared 
greater than the posted speed limit of 35 
mph. After visual observation, I activated 
the forward mounted radar unit in #304 and 
I observed a reading of 55 mph. I activated 
the overhead lights on marked unit #304 
and initiated a traffic stop on S. Johnson 
Rd. near the Copland Oakes entrance. 

I identified the driver as (JUVENILE). I 
informed (JUVENILE) of his excessive 
speed and issued a traffic citation for speed 
SCO 333.03 and gave (JUVENILE) a court 
date to be set by Mahoning County Juvenile 

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 1900302

21st Johnson Rd. near Rt 62 W

CITED: William Shinn (AGE 63)
10107 Johnson Rd. North Benton, OH 

Speeding     333.03 ORD

On 3/6/2019 at 5: 18pm I Ptl. Everhart while 
in a marked police cruiser was positioned at 
Grandview Cemetery off of 21st Johnson 
Rd. facing north when I observed a vehicle 
traveling South on the same road approach 
at a high rate of speed. I turned on my 
stationary radar and clocked the vehicle 
going 49mph in a 35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled into the 
perkins parking lot to the right just before 
the intersection of Route 62. The vehicle 
was a Black 2016 Ford Fusion bearing Ohio 
registration HOP5485. I then exited my 
cruiser and approached the driver side and 
informed the driver of the reason for the 
stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received valid insurance, a valid license 
and registration. 

The driver was later identified as William 

I wrote William a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave William a court 
date of 03/14/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with 
no personal appearance required. Once 
William signed the citation I provided him 
with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19003009 

N. 18th St, near Ohio Ave

CITED: Beau Smith (AGE 28)
10324 Laughlin Mill Rd. Lisbon, OH 44432

Turn Signal Violation       313.01 ORD
Drug Possession (Marijuana) 513.03 ORD

On 3-2-19 at 5:27 pm, I PtL Everhart while 
in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
east on Ohio Ave. when I witnessed a 
vehicle that was at a stop sign at N. 16th St. 
make a right hand turn onto Ohio Ave going 
in the opposite direction without using a turn 
signal. The vehicle continued moving west 
on Ohio and I turned around and positioned 
myself behind the vehicle and initiated a 
traffic stop. The vehicle then made a right 
going north on 18th and stopped there in 
between the intersections of Ohio and 
Maryland. The vehicle was a Blue 2009 
Chrysler 300 bearing Ohio registration 

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
drivers license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received valid 
insurance, a valid license and registration. 
The driver was later identified as Beau 
Smith. As I was talking to Mr.Smith I could 
smell an odor of burnt marijuana. I then 
radioed for Det. Redfern to come to the 
scene for backup. I then informed Mr. Smith 
that we could smell marijuana in the vehicle 
and asked him if there was any in the car 
which he responded that there wasn't any. 

We then pulled Mr. Smith and his girlfriend 
from the vehicle and placed them in the 
back of my cruiser. Me and Det. Redfern 
then searched the vehicle. 

I searched the driver side and Det. Redfern 
searched the passenger side. We then 
opened up the middle console where Det. 
Redfern found a bag of marijuana and an 
unknown substance and I found a smaller 
bag also containing marijuana. We then 
searched the rest of the vehicle and did not 
find anything else. 

The total ended up being 31 grams of 
Marijuana and 1.6 grams of the unknown 
substance. I then let both suspects out of 
my vehicle and told them to sit back in their 
vehicle. I then wrote Mr.Smith a traffic 
citation for a turn signal violation (313.01 
ORD) and also a citation for drug 
possession and gave Mr. Smith a court date 
of 03-07-19 at 9:00am for MCC #3 with a 
personal appearance required. Once Mr. 
Smith signed both citations I provided him 
with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


On 03/02/2019, I was requested to respond 
to Ptl. Everhart's traffic stop. I arrived on 
location and spoke to Ptl. Everhart whom 
advised that he wanted a K9 Sniff of the 
car. Ptl Everhart advised that he was able to 
smell marijuana coming from the car. I 
advised Ptl. Everhart that the occupants 
needed to exit the vehicle. Ptl Everhart went 
back to the vehicle as I stayed at the rear 
drivers side quarter panel of the vehicle. Ptl 
Everhart advised the driver that he smelled 
the odor of Marijuana coming from the 
vehicle and asked the driver if there was 
marijuana in the vehicle and the driver 
advised that there was not. 

While Ptl. Everhart was speaking with the 
driver, and I was standing in rear the rear 
quarter panel, I was able to smell a strong 
odor of marijuana. The driver started telling 
Ptl. Everhart that this was an illegal search 
and that he did was not consenting to the 
search. The driver then stated that he would 
win the case in court just like he did. The 
driver then advised that the only reason we 
wanted to search the car was because of 
his recent drug charge and stated that the 
search was up to the discretion of the 
officer and requested that we not search. 

I then advised the driver that probable 
cause has been made to search the vehicle 
and he needed to comply with the request 
to vacate the vehicle. The driver wanted to 
argue the probable cause of the situation. I 
advised the driver that as per the United 
States vs. Miller, and the plain smell 
doctrine, that we were justified in the eyes 
of the courts to do a warrantless search of 
the vehicle and if he did not vacate he 
would be forcefully removed and charged 
with obstruction. 

The door was opened for the driver and he 
and his passenger were checked for 
weapons and placed in the rear of Ptl. 
Eberhart's cruiser. While the suspects were 
being placed in the cruiser the driver was 
asked if there was contraband in the vehicle 
and he advised there was but would not 
disclose the location. 

Ptl. Everhart searched then driver side 
while I searched the passenger side. I 
opened the center counsel and removed a 
large bag of marijuana that contained a 
folded up square piece of wax paper in it. 
Ptl. Everhart then located a much smaller 
bag of marijuana. The vehicle search was 
complete and the driver was charged with 
the probable cause driving offense, and the 
with the possession of the marijuana. The 
substance in the wax paper is DAB Shatter 
and will not be charged until a weigh could 
be obtained, due to a very low threshold 
before its considered to be bulk amount. I 
then cleared while Ptl. Everhart concluded 
the traffic stop.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


On 03/02/2019, 1 weighed the illicit 
substances and found that the marijuana 
weighted a combined total of 31 Grams and 
the DAB Shatter weighted 1.6 Grams. Items 
were logged into evidence and an additional 
citation will be issued to the drive when he 
appears in court on 03/07/2019.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


Case No.: 19003022

S. Johnson / Mckinley Ave.

CITED: Anthony Nelson (AGE 57)
815 Liberty Ave. Alliance, OH 4460 1

DUS  SCO 335.07

On 03/06/2019 at 11:10pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser preformed a 
random registration check on a vehicle, I 
observed turn south on N. Johnson Rd. The 
vehicle returned to a Anthony Nelson for a 
gray 2012 Lincoln 4s Ohio registration 

Dispatch then advised me that Anthony was 
suspended and there was a confiscation 
order for the vehicle and its registration. I 
then initiated a traffic stop on the above 
mentioned vehicle on S. Johnson Rd. near 
McKinley Ave. I exited my cruiser and 
approached the driver and informed them of 
the reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 

I received registration, proof of insurance, 
and an Ohio State ID Card and identified 
the driver as the registered owner Anthony 
Nelson. I then returned to my cruiser and 
wrote Anthony a citation for DUS SCO 
335.07 and gave Anthony a court date of 
03/14/2019 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance required for MCC#3.

Anthony signed his citation and received a 
copy and was also given a courtesy 
transport to his residence in Alliance by Ptl. 

The vehicle, its license plates, and 
registration were confiscated, the vehicle 
was towed to Springer's Towing with no 

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 19003014
10 N 12th St, Sebring, Ohio 44672

CITED:  Austin Butler (AGE26)
15238 Salem-Alliance Rd, Salem, Ohio

Speed - Over Limits (45/35)    SCO 333.03

On Tuesday, March 5, 2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement in marked unit #303 on S 12th 
St near E Georgia Ave. I observed a vehicle 
travelling north on S 12th St at what 
appeared to be a rate of speed higher than 
the posted 35 MPH limit. 

Upon activating my in cruiser forward 
mounted radar antenna, I observed a digital 
read out and locked in a speed of 45 MPH. 
After the vehicle passed me, I activated my 
overhead emergency lights and pulled out 
onto S 12th St to initiate a traffic stop. The 
vehicle continued over the railroad tracks at 
which point I activated my emergency siren.

The vehicle pulled into 10 N 12th St and 
came to a complete stop in the parking lot.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Austin Butler, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. 
Butler provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request. Butler was 
issued traffic citation #031556 for SCO 
333.03 Speed - Over Limits (45/35) and 
informed of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
March 14, 2019 at 0900.

Ptl D.Marchionda #508

PUBLISHED 10:30AM MARCH 17, 2019  *

Monday, March 04, 2019
04:05 PM -0500

Case No.: 19003003 
W Ohio Ave/N 16th St, Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Valerie Ward (AGE 53)
18161 Derr Avenue, Beloit, Ohio 44609

OVI (SFST)                          
ORC4511.19A1A  BOND $500
Obedience to Traffic Control Device ORC 
Possession of Marijuana             SCO 

On Friday, March 1, 2019, Patrolman 
Marchionda performed a traffic stop which 
resulted in the arrest of the driver for 
operating a motor vehicle while under the 
influence of a controlled substance.

While conducting traffic enforcement in 
marked unit #303 on N 15th St at W Ohio 
Ave, I observed a maroon Jeep SUV 
approach the intersection from the east, roll 
past the white line and come to a stop in the 
cross walk. After the vehicle proceeded 
through the intersection, I pulled out from 
my location and activated my overhead 
emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop. 
The maroon Jeep SUV bearing Ohio 
registration CD12QK, came to a complete 
stop on W Ohio Ave at N 16th St. 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Valerie Ward, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for 
the stop. While speaking to Ward, I could 
smell a strong odor of marijuana coming 
from inside the vehicle. I informed Ward, "I 
can already smell it; where is it?" With my 
permission, Ward opened the driver side 
door so I could observe her movements and 
without hesitation, Ward retrieved a small 
plastic bag from underneath the driver seat 
of the vehicle containing a green vegetative 
substance believed to be marijuana and 
handed it to me. I asked Ward and her 
passenger, identified as Heather Leaf, if 
there was anymore contraband or drugs in 
the vehicle to which the advised me there 
was not. 

I advised dispatch to log time of evidence 
and to send me a second unit for a 
probable cause vehicle search. Patrolmen 
Scott and Peterman arrived on scene 
immediately to provide assistance. While 
Patrolman Peterman stood by with Ward 
and Leaf, Patrolman Scott and I conducted 
the probable cause vehicle search which 
yielded no further drugs or contraband.

Patrolman Scott, being certified in 
Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving 
Enforcement (ARIDE), asked Ward if she 
had smoked marijuana recently to which 
she stated she did. Ward informed 
Patrolman Scott and I she had some 
medical issues including glaucoma 
(documentation provided) and problems 
with her back. Ward also stated she is 
currently prescribed a number of 
medications she takes daily. 

Patrolman Scott ran Ward through standard 
field sobriety tests which at the conclusion 
of them, based on his observations and 
experience, advised he believed Ward to be 
under the influence of marijuana. Patrolman 
Scott asked Ward how much she smoke 
earlier to which she replied, "A few bowls." I 
advised Ward to place her hands behind 
her back as she was under arrest for 
suspicion of operating a motor vehicle 
under the influence of marijuana. Ward was 
handcuffed (gapped/double locked), placed 
in the back of marked unit #303 and 
subsequently advised of her Miranda Rights 
which she stated she understood. Leaf was 
allowed to take control of the vehicle and 
was informed she could pick Ward up from 
the SEBRING POLICE STORY within the 

I transported Leaf and the small bag 
containing the green vegetative substance 
believed to be marijuana from the scene to 
processing. Upon arrival, handcuffs were 
removed and I read the Ohio BMV 2255 
form to Ward; which she stated she 
understood, signed and agreed to submit to 
a chemical urine test. Dispatcher Wheeler 
was brought into the squad room and 
obtained a urine sample from Ward which 
was given to Patrolman Scott who logged 
and secured the sample in the refrigerator 
to be sent to the crime lab at a later date. 
Ward was informed her license would not 
be seized at his time but was instructed to 
not operate a motor vehicle for the 
remainder of the evening. Ward was 
informed pending the results from the lab, 
she could be placed under administrative 
license suspension and her license seized 
at a later date. Ward was photographed and 
fingerprinted by Patrolman Scott as well.

Ward was provided signed copies of the 
Ohio BMV 2255 and recognizance of the 

Ward was issued traffic citation #031556 for 
ORC 4511.19A1A OVI (SFST) and 4511.12 
Obedience to Traffic Control Device. Ward 
was issued criminal minor misdemeanor 
citation #000296 for SCO 513.03 
Possession of Marijuana. Ward signed, 
received copies of both citations and was 
informed of her mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 0900. Ward 
was released from the station following 
Leafs arrival at the station. The plastic bag 
containing the green vegetative substance 
believed to be marijuana was 
photographed, weighed (5g), logged and 
secured into evidence locker #2.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


On 03/02/2019 I Ptl. Scott assisted Ptl. 
Marchionda with a traffic stop by 
administrating field sobriety on the driver he 
had stopped for a traffic violation. The driver 
Valerie Ward admitted to smoking "several 
bowls" prior to driving and had a strong 
odor of burnt marijuana coming from her 
person as
well as her vehicle.

Valerie submitted to field sobriety testing 
and also informed me of her medical 
problems including cataract in her eyes, 
bad back, bad legs, and a bad neck and I 
also have a copy of prescribed medications 
from her in the file. Valerie stated the 
medical issues and I then checked Valerie's 
eyes for resting nystagmus, equal tracking, 
and equal pupil size. Valerie did not have a 
resting nystagmus, both of Valerie's eyes 
tracked equally, and both of Valerie's pupils 
were of equal size.

I then began the first test being the 
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus and I explained 
the instructions to Valerie and asked if she 
understood in which Valerie stated that she 
did understand. Once the test began I 
observed the following clues: Lack of 
smooth pursuit in both eyes, distinct 
nystagmus at maximum deviation in both 
eyes, and Onset of nystagmus prior to 45 
degrees in both eyes.

The next test was the Walk and Turn and I 
instructed Valerie to stand straight up with 
her hands to her side and feet together with 
her right foot in front of her left foot while I 
gave her the instructions, once I gave her 
the instructions I asked Valerie if she 
understood them in which Valerie stated 
that she did understand them. Once the test 
began I observed the following clues: 
Stopped while walking, did not touch heel to 
toe, stepped off of the line, used arms to 
balance, improper turn, and wrong number 
of steps.

The next test was the One Leg Stand and I 
instructed Valerie to stand straight up with 
her feet together and her hands to her side 
while I gave her the instructions, once I 
gave the instructions I asked Valerie if she 
understood them in which Valerie stated 
that she did understand. Once the test 
began I observed the following clues: 
Swayed while balancing, used arms to 
balance, and Valerie put her foot down 
three times ending the test.

I then had Valerie sit on the hood of the 
cruiser and I preformed the lack of 
convergence test and observed lack of 
convergence in Valerie's left eye.

I informed Ptl. Marchionda of the test 
results which Ptl. Marchionda placed 
Valerie in custody for suspicion of OVI.

Ptl. Scott #506


Assisting Scott, Zachary
Assisting Peterman, Aaron
Arresting Marchionda, Domenico


Case No.: 19002133
Criminal / Summons
786 W Ohio Ave Sebring OH 44672

ARRESTED: Lisa Haas (AGE 44)
786 W Ohio Ave Sebring

Endangering Children M1   2919.22

ARRESTED: Tyler Haas (AGE 25)
786 W Ohio Ave Sebring

Aggravated Menacing M1    2903.21

On 02/28/2019, I was dispatched to the 700 
block of West Ohio avenue in reference to a 
child in the roadway.

I arrived on location and spoke observed 
two vehicles parked at the end of a 
driveway, and a male who was yelling 
obscenities at the occupants of the 
vehicles. From my several past experiences 
with the residence I was able to identify the 
male as Tyler Haas, and this to be his 
mothers residence who is Lisa Haas. The 
two occupants came out of their car and 
identified themselves as Sarah Lively of 
Sebring and Tauna Dean.

Sarah advised that she was traveling west 
on West Ohio Avenue and she observed a 
small child estimated to be approximately 
three years of age in a tee shirt and a 
diaper standing next to the road. Sarah 
pointed near the road and advised that it 
was near the tire tracks. Sarah advised that 
another bystander stopped and grabbed the 
boy while she went to the house and was 
pounding on the door of the residence. 
Sarah advised as while she was pounding 
on the door, it pushed open and she started 
yelling into the residence. Sarah advised 
that after roughly five minutes of pounding 
on the door and yelling in the house a male 
came to the door telling her "Get the fuck off 
my property".

Tauna advised that she was traveling on 
West Ohio Avenue and she observed the 
also in a tee shirt and just a dirty diaper. 
Tauna advised that the child had no coat or 
pants on. Tauna advised that she got the 
boy from beside the road and wrapped him 
in a blanket while another bystander 
attempted to make contact at the residence. 
Tauna advised that after several minutes of 
watching the other lady beat on the door 
she called 911. Tauna stated that a male 
finally came to the door and the male went 
to try to secure the dog that was running 
around versus tending to the child. Tauna 
stated that the male then proceeded to cuss 
and scream at the two ladies telling them to 
"get the fuck off his property" Tauna stated 
that after the male was yelling to get off of 
his property he then screamed he was 
going back in to get a gun, and went back 
into the house. Tauna advised that she was 
terrified but she was not leaving until she 
knew the child was safe and retreated to 
her car until police arrived.

While the two witnesses were writing their 
statements, I looked at the weather channel 
app on my phone which advised that the 
current temperature was 27 degrees. Lisa 
Haas came up to the end of the road and 
asked what the issue was, and I advised 
her that the child was by the road way. Lisa 
stated that yes the child was outside, but it 
was for only 5 minutes. Lisa then stated that 
she is in liver failure and she does not need 
to put up with the stress and went back to 
the house. After the witness statements 
were gathered, I then went to the house 
and spoke to Lisa further. Lisa advised that 
the child was her great nephew Giovani 
Collins, whom she had custody of. Lisa 
advised that her and her son were sleeping 
and the child must have snuck out. I 
advised Lisa that the report would be sent 
for review by my superiors and to children 
services and I then cleared.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


On 02/28/2019. I spoke to Chief Harris in 
reference to this matter, who advised to 
forward it to the prosecutor.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


On 03/01/2019, This report was forwarded 
to Prosecutor Tolson, and Mahoning County 
Jobs and Family Services for review. 
Mahoning County Children Services, Nicole 
Ware, called in requesting prosecution 
decisions advised her that one has not yet 
been made.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


On 03/01/2019, Prosecutor Tolson 
requested Lisa Haas to be charged with 
Child Endangering, and Tyler Haas to be 
charged with Aggravated Menacing. Proper 
paperwork will be filed at MCC#3 and case 
will be closed.

On 03/01/2019 Ptl. Reed served Lisa and 
Tyler Haas with their summons.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


Case No.: 19003008
21st Johnson Rd. near Rt.62 W

CITED: Richard Kocher (AGE 55)
2430 Beechwood Ave Ne Paris, OH 44669

Speeding    333.03 ORD

On 3/2/2019 at 3:56pm I Ptl. Everhart while 
in a marked police cruiser was positioned at 
Grandview Cemetery off of 21st Johnson 
Rd. facing north when I observed a vehicle 
traveling South on the same road approach 
at a high rate of speed. I turned on my 
stationary radar and clocked the veliicle 
going 51mph in a 35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled into the 
perkins parking lot to the right just before 
the intersection of Route 62. The vehicle 
was a Red 2013 Ford F-150 bearing Ohio 
registration HPN7937. I then exited my 
cruiser and approached the driver side and 
informed the driver of the reason for the 
stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received valid insurance, a valid license 
and registration. 

The driver was later identified as Richard 

I wrote Richard a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Richard a court 
date of 03/07/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with 
no personal appearance required. Once 
Richard signed the citation I provided him 
with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19003006
21st Johnson Rd. near Rt.62 W.

CITED: Paul Bailey (AGE 77)
19235 Middletown Rd. Beloit, OH 44609

Speeding     333.03 ORD

On 3/2/2019 at 12:56pm I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at Grandview Cemetery off of 
21St Johnson Rd. facing north when I 
observed a vehicle traveling South on the 
same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my stationary radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 53mph in a 
35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
Johnson Rd. and I turned around and 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled into the 
perkins parking lot to the right just before 
the intersection of Route 62. The vehicle 
was a Black 2014 Ford Taurus bearing Ohio 
registration GCN6543. I then exited my 
cruiser and approached the driver side and 
informed the driver of the reason for the 
stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received valid insurance, a valid license 
and registration. 

The driver was later identified as Paul 

I wrote Paul a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Paul a court date 
of 03/07/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once Paul 
signed the citation I provided him with a 
copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19003004 
100 Block E Ohio Ave, Sebring, Ohio 44672

CITED: Trisha Stuller (AGE 38)
18443 State Route 14, North Benton, Ohio 

Speed - Over Limits (38/25)   SCO 333.03

On Saturday, March, 2,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling east on E Ohio 
Ave in marked unit #303. While within the 
100 block, I observed a vehicle travelling 
west in the 200 block at what appeared to 
be a rate of speed higher than the posted 
25 MPH limit. I activated my in cruiser 
forward mounted radar antenna and 
observed a digital read out of 35 MPH. I 
observed the speed increase and locked it 
in at 38 MPH shortly before the vehicle 
passed me. As the vehicle passed me in 
front of 205 E Ohio Ave, I activated my 
overhead emergency lights and turned 
around to catch up with the vehicle.

The vehicle, a white Ford SUV bearing Ohio 
registration HKJ355 1, came to a complete 
stop in front of 135 E Ohio Ave. 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Trisha Stuller, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for 
the stop. Stuller provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request except for 
proof of insurance. 

Stuller was issued traffic citation #031557 
for SCO 333.03 Speed - Over Limits (38/25) 
and informed of her mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, March 14,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19002136
S 15th St near Village Limits, Sebring

CITED: Glayden Wahler (AGE 26)
126 E Maryland Ave, Sebring, 0h 44672

Speed - Over Limits (49/35)   SCO 333.03

On Thursday, February 28,2019, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling north 
on S 15th St in marked unit #303. As I 
neared the village limits, I observed a 
vehicle within the village travelling south at 
what appeared to be a rate of speed higher 
than the posted 35 MPH limit. After 
activating my cruiser's forward mounted 
radar antenna, I observed a digital read out 
of 47 MPH and observed it climb to 49 MPH 
before finally locking it in. As the vehicle 
passed me, I activated my overhead 
emergency lights and turned around to 
initiate a traffic stop.

The vehicle, a silver Chrysler 4-door sedan 
bearing Ohio registration HCZ8249, came 
to a complete stop on S 15th St outside the 
village limits. 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Glayden Wahler, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. Wahler provided the appropriate 
documentation upon request. Wahler was 
issued traffic citation #031555 for SCO 
333.03 Speed - Over Limits (49/35) and 
informed of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
14,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


CASE No:  19002127
800 S. 15th St. Sebring

CITED: Carmen Tanferno (AGE 38)
353 Como St. Struthers

Espired Plates     335.1

On 02/26/2019 at 0902hrs I was dispatched 
to a private property accident at Copeland 
Oaks. Upon arrival I made contact with the 
driver of Unit 2 ,Robert Arbitter, 13660 
Smith Goshen Rd. Robert advised the 
driver of Unit 1, later identified as Carmen 
Tanferno, 353 Como St. Struthers, was 
attempting to back up when his vehicle 
struck the front driver side bumper causing 
minimal damage. I asked for Carmen's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
which he provided. 

When I ran the registration for Unit 1 
(PHU5388) it came back as being expired 
as of 10/31/2018. I advised Carmen the 
registration was expired to which he replied 
his boss said the sticker must have fallen 
off. I then advised Carmen when I ran the 
registration through our computer system it 
came back as expired. 

I then wrote Carmen a citation for Expired 
Plates/SCO 355.10 with a non-mandatory 
court date of 3/7/2018. Once Carmen 
signed the citation I gave him his copy. I 
then cleared without further incident

Det. Kelm #505


Case No.: 19002128
21st Johnson Road near Rt. 62 W

CITED: Aphdin Cadile (AGE 23)
1867 Cliff Dr. Salem, OH 44460

Speeding      333.03 ORD

On 02/26/2019 at 4:22pm I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
positioned at Grandview Cemetery off of 
21st Johnson Rd. facing north when I 
observed a vehicle traveling South on the 
same road approach at a high rate of 
speed. I turned on my stationary radar and 
clocked the vehicle going 46mph in a 
35mph zone. The vehicle continued moving 
south on Johnson Rd. and I turned around 
and positioned my self behind the vehicle 
and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle then 
stopped on Johnson Rd. and pulled into the 
perkins parking lot to the right just before 
the intersection of Route 62. The vehicle 
was a Grey 2007 Hyundai Tiburon bearing 
Ohio registration GKA5619. 

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received valid 
insurance, a valid license and registration. 
The driver was later identified as Aphdin 

I wrote Aphdin a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Aphdin a court 
date of 03/07/19 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with 
no personal appearance required. Once 
Aphdin signed the citation I provided her 
with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515

PUBLISHED 3:50PM MARCH 4, 2019  

Wednesday, February 27, 2019
09:50 AM -0500

Case No.: 19002106 
Criminal / Traffic
100Blk North Johnson Ave.

ARRESTED: Frederick Barrett (AGE 40)
LKA 2352 Ansley St. Alliance Ohio

Drug Abuse Instraments            (M1)  
2925.12  Bond $1,250
Falsification                     (M1)  2924.13  
Bond $1,250
Obstruction                       (M2)  2921.31  
Bond $2,500
Failure to Disclose Personal Info (M4)  
2921.29  Bond $150
Failure to Dim                    (MM)  4513.15  
Bond $150
Seat Belt                         (MM)  4513.26  
Bond $150

Illegal Assembly of Meth           F3   2925.04  
Bond $8,000
OVI 6th Offense in 20 years        F4   
Drug Possession                    F5   2925.11  
Bond $2,500
Agg Possession                     F5   2925.11  
Bond $2,500
DUS (OVI)                         (M1)  4510.14  
Bond $1,250
Drug Abuse Instraments            (M1)  
2925.12  Bond $1,250

On 2/20/2019 I initiated a traffic stop on N. 
Johnson and W. Oregon.

After activating my emergency overhead 
lights, I attempted to approach the drivers 
window of the Grey Ford Explorer, when the 
driver was attempting to put the vehicle in 
park unsuccessfully, and the vehicle kept 
creeping forward. I then advised the driver, 
Fredrick Barrett, the reason for the stop was 
he had his bright lights on, and was blinding 
oncoming traffic, then asked him to turn the 
car off, and as I spoke to him, noticed a 
smell of an alcoholic beverage on his 
breath, his speech was very slurred and 
deliberate, and what appeared to be drug 
paraphernalia on his lap. I asked Fredrick 
for his license, and he responded to me that 
"I think they're in a backpack in the trunk".

I then radioed to dispatch, requesting 504 
Det. Redfern, assist me, then advised the 
driver to wait in his vehicle. When 504 
arrived, I advised him on my observations, 
and he pulled Fredrick out of the vehicle to 
conduct a probable cause search of the 
vehicle. We then asked Fredrick to take a 
series of field sobriety tests to determine if 
he was able to drive. Fredrick refused to 
take any field sobriety tests, and at that time 
was placed under arrest for Operating a 
vehicle under the influence of drugs and/or 
alcohol 4510.14(A). 

Upon a probable cause search of the 
vehicle, we came across what looked like 
two(2) pipes used for smoking drugs, a 
powdery substance in a clear, plastic jar, 
multiple lighters, Three (3) .44 magnum 
bullets, empty whiskey bottles, multiple 
cellphones, and multiple tools with burn 
marks on them. I advised Fredrick his 
Miranda rights, then after a pat down, 
placed him in the back of my cruiser. Det. 
Redfern, myself, and Ptl. Reed attempted to 
get his name, which he initially stated was 
the name of the owner of the vehicle, Mark 
Franko, then stated it wasn't his name, and 
gave us his actual name. Fredrick then 
began to what looked liked overdosing, and 
I requested 504, and medical on scene, and 
had Ptl. Reed get Narcan ready to 
administer, when he became alert as Det. 
Redfern showed up. When asked, Fredrick 
responded that "I'm not overdosing, I'm just 
drunk". I then delivered Fredrick to the 
station, where we began paperwork for 
Mahoning County Jail, as he became very 
belligerent with all of the officers, and 
refused to cooperate. At this time, we 
decided to place Fredrick in the back of my 
vehicle, as he refused to have his pictures 
taken for record, and refused a dna swab. 
Fredrick continued to yell profanities at us, 
even after placing him in my cruiser. 

I stayed and watched Fredrick from outside 
the cruiser, and Fredrick eventually fell 
asleep I then took Fredrick to Mahoning 
county jail, where they refused him due to 
being too intoxicated, and I then delivered 
him to Mercy Health St.E where I stayed 
with him by the room he was in for 
monitoring. I was then relieved by Ptl. 
Everhart, then cleared back to station.

Ptl. Peterman 512


On 02/20/2019, I while on patrol I was 
requested by Ptl. Peterman to assist with a 
traffic stop. I arrived on location along with 
Ptl. Reed. Ptl. Peterman advised that he 
pulled the vehicle over for failure to dim. Ptl. 
Peterman advised me that when he made 
contact with the driver of the vehicle he was 
acting strange and came to a stop in the 
intersection of North Johnson Road and 
West Oregon Avenue. 

Ptl. Peterman advised that upon making 
initial contact with the driver of the vehicle 
the driver seemed to be off and was unable 
to identify himself. Ptl. Peterman requested 
that I make contact with the driver of the 
vehicle and attempt to figure out what was 
going on. I approached the vehicle and 
made contact with the unrestrained driver of 
the vehicle and identified myself as 
Detective Redfern from the Sebring Police 
Depart., and requested identification from 
the male. The male advised that his drivers 
license was in the truck of the vehicle in his 
back pack. The male seemed to be acting 
very strange and nervous, and attempted to 
light a cigarette, and which I advised him 
that he needed to not some while we were 
on the stop with him. I was able to smell an 
odor of alcohol coming from the male, and 
observed a few semi empty bottles of 
whisky in the car. I asked the male if he was 
drinking tonight and he advised that he has 
been. The male started reaching around in 
his pockets which brought my attention to 
the males lap where I was able to visualize 
a burnt glass pipe in between his legs. I 
requested the driver to exit the vehicle and 
to retrieve his identification from the rear of 
the vehicle. 

As the male was exiting the vehicle I 
observed him pick up the glass pipe and a 
clear container and set them on the seat 
and exit the vehicle and shut the door 
behind him. The male then went to the rear 
of the vehicle where Ptl. Reed and Ptl. 
Peterman were and started to get his bag. 
The male was unable to produce any 
identification and I advised the male that 
due to the odor of alcohol and his 
admission of drinking that I wanted him to 
perform a few field sobriety tests just to 
ensure that he was able to safely drive. The 
male put his hands in the air and erected 
both middle fingers in the air and stated 
"Fuck you mother fuckers, and just take me 
in". I advised the male that he was under 
arrest for the suspicion of OVI and advised 
him that I was able to visualize his Meth 
pipe on the front seat. The male was taken 
into custody by Ptl. Reed and Ptl. 
Peterman. While they were taking the male 
into custody, I opened the driver door to the 
vehicle and observed a burnt meth pipe as 
well as a clear container with a white 
crystalized substance in it suspected to be 

I then further searched the vehicle and 
found several pills in a baggie, a few glass 
pipes with white residue in them, a burnt 
razor blade, a shank, a prescription bottle, 
ammunition, several torch lighters, a few 
credit cards with various names on it, 
suboxone strips, Sudafed Pills, wire pipe 
cleaners, steel wool, roughly 20 various 
batteries. I collected the evidence. I then 
went to Ptl. Peterman's patrol cruiser and I 
opened the rear driver door and asked him 
what his name was. The male stated "Fuck 
you, you can figure it out rookie". I asked 
him if his name was William Rapp, which 
was the name of the prescription bottle and 
he advised that he was indeed William. I 
advised the male that I found drugs in  the 
car, as several required items needed for 
the production of methamphet'amines, and 
he would potentially be facing additional 
charges for the items recovered. 

I gathered the items and proceeded to the 
department for processing.

Once at the department I heard the officers 
on scene advised that the male was 
overdosing. I then proceeded to the scene 
with Ptl. Scott. Once on scene Ptl. Reed 
and Ptl. Peterman advised that the male 
faked an overdose. I opened the door and 
tried talking to the male and asked him what 
he was taking and he stated "I'm not 
overdosing, I'm just drunk. 

EMS arrived on scene and I then 
proceeded back to station.

Once the male arrived at station, I was able 
to determine that the male was Frederick 
Barrett. I had a Criminal History ran and 
determined that Frederick was lying about 
his identity because of his prior 5 
convictions making this a felony OVI. While 
attempting to process Frederick, he refused 
processing and was transported to the 
Mahoning County Jail where he was 
subsequently refused him. Frederick was 
then taken to St.E's in Youngstown. 
Paperwork was faxed to the jail and 
Frederick was charged with Illegal 
Assembly of Meth F3, OVI 6th offense F4, 
Drug Possession F5, Aggravated Drug 
Possession F5, Driving under an OVI 
suspension M1, Drug Abuse Instruments 
M1 X2, Falsification M1, Obstructing official 
business M2, Failure to Disclose Personal 
Information M4, Failure to Dim MM, and 
Seat Belt Required MM. Frederick Barrett 
was cited to MCC#3 at 0900 on 02/21/2019.

Chad Redfern, Jr.


Case No.: 19-002114
S. 15th St. near 1000 Blk.

CITED: Stella Mccullough (AGE 18)
317 Klinger Ave. Alliance, OH 44601

Speeding    333.03 ORD

On 02/23/2019 at 12:50pm I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling North on S. 15th St. just past 
Copeland Oaks when I observed a vehicle 
traveling South on the same road approach 
at a high rate of speed. I turned on my 
moving radar and clocked the vehicle going 
50mph in a 35mph zone.

The vehicle continued moving south on 
15th St. and I turned around and positioned 
my self behind the vehicle and initiated a 
traffic stop. The vehicle then stopped on 
15th St. and pulled into a driveway just 
before the intersection of s.15th St. and 
Route 62. The vehicle was a dark blue 2002 
Chrysler Sebring bearing Ohio registration 
HPN8061. I then exited my cruiser and 
approached the driver side and informed 
the driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I received 
valid insurance, a valid license and 

The driver was later identified as Stella 

I wrote Stella a traffic citation for speeding 
(333.03 ORD) and gave Stella a court date 
of 02/28/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with no 
personal appearance required. Once Stella 
signed the citation I provided her with a 
copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19002092
N. 14th St. @ E. Indiana

CITED: Jeffrey Helsel (AGE 40) 
245 E.Virginia Ave Sebring, OH

Expired/Fictious Plates    335.1

On 02/19/2019 at 1:01pm I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling north on N. 14th St. when I 
observed a vehicle traveling north on the 
same road after it had pulled out of Circle K. 
I then ran the plates of the vehicle to 
dispatch. Dispatch then informed me that 
the plates were expired on the

The vehicle then stopped at the intersection 
of N.14th St. and E. Indiana and I 
positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop on N.14th St. at the 
intersection of E. Indiana. The vehicle was 
a blue 2000 Dodge Caravan bearing Ohio 
registration FIV2667. I exited my cruiser 
and approached the driver side and 
informed the driver of the reason for the 
stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
a received a license and an expired 
registration forms and valid insurance. 

The driver was identified as Jeffrey Helsel. 

I then took the documents and returned to 
my cruiser. I wrote Jeffrey a traffic citation 
for expired/fictious plates/335.10 and gave 
Jeffrey a court date of 02/28/2019 at 
9:00am for MCC#3 with a personal 
appearance required. Once Jeffrey signed 
the citation I provided him with a copy and 
then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19002091
N 12th St near E Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH 

CITED: Jason Koval (AGE 41)
836 S 13th St #12, Sebring, OH 44672

Driver License: Expired   SCO 335.01
Expired Registration      SCO 335.10

On Tuesday, February 19,2019, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was performing a 
courtesy business check at Circle K at 205 
E Ohio Ave. During the business check, I 
observed a blue Chevrolet 4-door sedan 
sitting in the parking lot bearing a 1-19 
registration tag. After relaying the vehicle 
registration, Ohio HLW4138, through 
dispatch, I was informed the plates were 
expired as was the registered owner's 

I departed Circle K to resume normal patrol 
and to check on a residence from a 
previous call.

Upon returning to Circle K, the blue 4-door 
sedan departed from the business and was 
observed heading east on E Ohio Ave 
towards N 12th St.

After catching up with the vehicle in marked 
unit #304, I activated my overhead 
emergency lights as the vehicle turned 
south onto N 12th St. After the vehicle 
came to a complete stop I made contact 
with the driver, identified as Jason Koval 
(registered owner), identified myself and 
informed him of the reason for the stop. 
Koval admitted he was aware his license 
and registration were expired and was 
planning on renewing them soon. 

I requested Koval to provide his license, 
vehicle registration and proof of insurance. 
Koval was only able to provide his driver's 

Koval was issued traffic citation #031553 for 
SCO 335.01 Driver License: Expired (<6 
months) and SCO 335.10 Expired 
Registration. Koval was informed of his 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, February 
28,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19002085
100 Block S. 12th St.

CITED: Michelle Burgner (AGE 43)
1162 Yuma Cir. Apt. A Hartville

Speed (57/35)                    333.03
Expired/Fictitious Plates (7/18) 335.10

On 2/18/2019, while sitting stationary in a 
marked police cruiser, I observed a red in 
color Hyundai SUV traveling north on S. 
12th St. at a visibly high rate of speed. I 
activated my mounted radar unit and 
confirmed the speed to be 57mph in a 
clearly marked 35mph zone. I activated my 
overhead lights and initiated a traffic stop 
on the vehicle bearing Oh registration 
FGV2215 in the 100 Block of S. 12th St. 
Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver, Michelle Burgner, 
1162 Yuma Cir. Apt. A Hartville. I advised 
Michelle the reason for the stop and 
requested her license, registration, and 
proof of insurance which she provided. I 
then advised Michelle the registration on 
the vehicle was expired as of 7/2018. 
Michelle advised she could not believe she 
never got her registration updated last year. 
Michelle also advised the sticker was 
updated on the license plate. I had Michelle 
step out of the vehicle and look at the 
sticker on her license plate which had an 
expiration of 2018. Michelle then confirmed 
on her registration in the vehicle that it was 
indeed expired. 

Michelle was then issued a citation for 
Speed/SCO 333.03 and Expired/Fictitious 
Plates/SCO 335.10.

Michelle was advised of her court date at 
MCC#3 on 2/28/2019 at 0900 hours with no 
personal appearance required to which she 
advised she understood. Once the citation 
was signed I gave Michelle her copy. I then 

Det. Kelm #505


Case No.: 19002084
E Ohio ave / N 15th St

CITED:  Steven Guildoo (AGE 44)
595 W Ohio Ave Sebring OH 44672

DUS (license forfiture) 335.07
Loud exhaust            331.36

On 02/18/19 while on patrol in marked 
police cruiser 301 I was travelling west on E 
Ohio Ave in the 100 block. I observed the 
vehicle travelling the same direction in front 
of me, a silver 4 door car had an 
excessively loud exhaust. I initiated a traffic 
stop on the vehicle a silver 1992 Infiniti 
sedan bearing OH GXQ5632 in the 100 
block of east Ohio Ave. I made contact with 
the driver Steven A Guildoo Sr. I got 
Stevens information and ran him through 
dispatch at which point it was discovered 
Steven had a suspended license for license 

I called for my other unit Det. Kelm and a 
tow truck. Det. Kelm arrived on scene and 
watch Steven as I wrote his citation.

Steven was issued a citation for DUS 
license forfeiture 335.07 and loud exhaust 
331.36 and given a court date at MCC#3 of 
02/28/19 at 0900hrs.

Det. Kelm and I began an inventory of the 
vehicle, during so Steven protested saying 
we were not allowed to search his vehicle. 
Steven was advised we were doing an 
inventory before the vehicle was towed at 
which point Steven became angered and 
left with his brother who came to pick him 
up, shouting "I'm calling the police". 

The Inventory was completed and towed 
away by Springer towing. There is not a 
hold on the vehicle as this is Steven's first 
citation for DUS in the past 3 years.

Sr Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 19002111
W. Maryland near N.16th St

CITED: Jason Schell (AGE 40)
134. W. Market St. Alliance, OH 444601

Driving under suspension (failure to 
reinstate)   335.073

On 02/22/2019 at 3:59pm I Ptl. Everhart 
while in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling west on W. Maryland when I 
observed a vehicle traveling west on the 
same road turn left into the Sebring Villa 
without using his turn signal.

The vehicle then stopped at the entrance of 
the Sebring Villa and I positioned my self 
behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop 
in the parking lot of the villa off of W. 
Maryland. The vehicle was a blue 2008 
Chevy Cobalt bearing Ohio registration 

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received valid 
insurance and registration, however the 
driver informed me he didn't have a license 
and that it was suspended. The driver was 
later identified as Jason Schell. 

I then informed Jason that we would not tow 
the vehicle if someone could drive it. His 
girlfriend, identified as Billie Jean Presley 
then arrived to pick up the vehicle.

I wrote Jason a traffic citation for an expired 
drivers license (failure to reinstate) citation 
(335.073 ORD) and gave Jason a court 
date of 02/28/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 
with a personal appearance required.

Once Jason signed the citation I provided 
him with a copy, issued him a warning for 
the turn signal and then cleared.

Ptl. Everhart #515


Case No.: 19002113
E Texas Ave near S 15th St, Sebring, OH 

222 W 16th St, Salem, Ohio 44460

Driver License: None / SCO 335.01
Failure to Dim         SCO 337.14

On Friday, February 22,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling south in marked 
unit #301 on S 15th St. I observed a vehicle 
travelling north past E Carolina Ave with its 
high beams activated and failed to dim 
them as it passed me. I activated my 
overhead emergency lights and turned 
around to catch up with the vehicle as it 
turned east onto E Texas Ave. Upon pulling 
onto E Texas Ave, I observed the vehicle 
was stopped in the westbound lane and 
directed the driver over the cruiser's PA 
system to pull off to the right side of the 

The vehicle, a red Toyota Rav4 bearing 
Ohio registration HRD7252, pulled back into 
the eastbound lane and came to a stop. 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as (JUVENILE), I identified myself 
and informed her of the reason for the stop. 
After requesting subject to provide her 
driver's license, she informed me she did 
not have her license and had just turned 16 
years old last month. 

Subject was accompanied by a 17 year old 
female who did produce a valid driver's 
license. Subject provided all of her 
identification information to me verbally.

Subject was issued traffic citation #031554 
for SCO 335.01 Driver License: None and 
SCO 337.14 Failure to Dim. 

Subject (JUVENILE) was informed the 
citation would be forwarded to the 
Mahoning County Juvenile Justice Center in 
Youngstown and she would be receiving 
documentation in the mail regarding her 
court date. The 17 year old passenger took 
control of the vehicle and both parties were 
released from the scene.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Tuesday, February 19, 2019
07:47 AM -0500

Case No.: 19002071
N 15th st / W Ohio Ave

CITED: Richard Apple (AGE 28)
27953 State Route 62 Beloit OH 44609 

loud exhaust 331.36

On 02/15/19 I was parked in the parking lot 
of the Sebring Fire station at 235 E Ohio 
ave in  marked patrol car 303. While parked 
there I observed an orange in color Honda 
Civic "peel out"  of Circle K 205 E Ohio Ave 
parking lot at an excessive rate of speed 
and extremely loud exhaust  squealing its 
tires down E Ohio Ave. 

I activated my lights and sirens and initiated 
a traffic stop on the vehicle an orange 
Honda Civic bearing OH EVF7534 which 
stopped at 15th St and Ohio Ave. I made 
contact with the driver identified as Richard 
W Apple III who immediately admitted what 
he had done and advised he was just trying 
to get back to work and was in a hurry. 

Richard was issued a citation for loud 
exhaust 331.36 and given a verbal warning 
for squealing tires. 

Richard was given a court date at MCC#3 
of 02/28/19 at 0900hrs with a personal 
appearance not required. 

Sr Ptl. Brindack 507 


DATE: 02/15/2019 01:14:00

On 02/15/2019 I Ptl. Scott responded to the 
Sebring Mansion Bed and Breakfast in 
reference to a noise complaint.

Upon my arrival I met with a male and a 
female who had rented a room in the bed 
and breakfast and went outside and were 
locked out and then started to knock on the 
door to get the building owners Lynn Biery's 
attention. Dispatch then called Lynn who 
later came to the door to let the couple back 
into the building.

Ptl. Scott #506


DATE: 02/14/2019 16:33:00

On 2-14-2019 at 1633 I responded to 
Sebring Community Center (306 W. Texas 
Ave.) for a report of a hit/skip.

On arrival I spoke to Angela P Ring, who 
states yesterday between the hours of 1700 
and 1800 someone hit her vehicle with 
theirs. After verifying her vehicie (black 2-
door chevy silverado, VIN#1 
GCEK14T2322210772) I went to the 
vehicle and noticed a visible dent, and gray 
palnt transfer from the striking vehicle to 
hers. Angela states speaking to a xxxxx 
whom she stated was the only vehicle she 
saw parked next to hers "became Irate as 
soon as I asked about the dent on my 

Angela asked that a report be made for 
lnsurance purposes. I took photographs of 
the vehicle, then cleared after dicussing her 
options of picking up the report for her 
Insurance. I verified her lnsurance (granger 
Insurance policy #4222551) and her 
registration and license I then cleared at 

Ptl Peterman 512


DATE: 02/14/2019 08:55:00

On 2/14/2019 I was dispatched to 15 N. 
Johnson Rd. for damage to private property.

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant William Doolan. William 
advised sometime between when the store 
was closed last night and approximately 
0855hrs someone had driven through the 
yard in front of the business and made 
several large ruts. 

Photographs were taken and will be placed 
in the case file. I then went to Zep's Pizza 
Shop to see if they had cameras that point 
in the direction of the trophy shop but they 
did not. I then cleared without incident.

Det. Kelm #505


Case No.: 19002056
784 South 14th Street, Sebring

ARREST: Jeffrey McCullough (AGE 37)
784 South 14th Street, Sebring

Grand Theft of a Motor Vehicle F-4  
2913.02  BOND $4,000.00
Disruption of Public Services F-4   2909.04  
BOND $4,000.00
Domestic Violence M- 1              2919.25  
BOND $2,500.00
Intimidation of a Victim M- 1       2921.04  
BOND $1,250.00

On 02/12/2019, 1 was dispatched to the 
700 block of South 14th Street in reference 
to an unwanted subject. I arrived on 
location and found a distraught female 
whom I knew to be Mary McCullough 
"Cathy" having difficulty breathing. Cathy's 
son Bradley McCullough and his wife were 
at her side.

Family states that Cathy is distraught 
because her son Jeffrey has been "abusing" 
her. They went on to further say that Jeffrey 
assaulted her and took the keys to her car 
and took off. 

I then asked Cathy to tell me to the story in 
her own words. Cathy went on by stating 
that her son Jeffrey was released from CCA 
(Adult Parole Half Way House) and he was 
clean for a while. Cathy went on by further 
stating that he has been good but has 
slowly been started to fall back to his 
addiction. Cathy advised that Jeff wanted 
the keys to her car and she refused to allow 
him to have the keys because he is not a 
valid driver and law enforcement was at the 
house last time and advised her that she 
would be criminally charged the next time 
Jeff was driving her car. 

Cathy advised that Jeff then grabbed her 
and began violently shaking her and got the 
keys to her car leaving Cathy in a distraught 
state due to her long history of medical 
problems. Cathy advised that she would be 
able to take care of the issue with her 
medications but Jeffrey has been stealing 
all of her medications. 

Cathy advised that once Jeff gain control of 
her keys she wanted to call 911 for EMS 
services but when Jeff took off running to 
the car he also took her cell phone which 
was her only means of communication 
leaving Cathy in severe respiratory distress, 
and unable to report that she was a victim 
of a theft and an assault. 

Cathy advised that her daughter in law was 
able to locate the vehicle in Canton. Cathy 
advised that she wanted to pursue charges, 
and signed the DV packet and filled out a 

I went into the other room where Jeff was 
sleeping and woke him up and advised he 
that he was under arrest and he needed to 
get dressed. Jeff ran through the house and 
confronted his mother and started yelling at 
her. Jeffrey was removed from the 
residence and taken out to the cruiser. 

Jeffrey was taken back to station and 
processed for charges of Grand Theft F4, 
Disruption of Public Services F4, Domestic 
Violence M1, and Intimidation M1. Jeffrey 
was given a court date of 2/14/2019 at 0900 
at MCC#3.

Jeff was transported to MCJ and incident 
was clear.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


DATE: 02/17/2019 09:18:00

On 2/17/2019 I was dispatched to 133 N. 
16th St. for property damage.

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Carol Moore. Carol advised 
some time during the course of the night 
someone had pushed over her fence in the 
front yard. I observed a bent fence post and 
the gate to the fence being bent back. 

I advised Carol a report would be taken. 
Photographs were taken of the damage. I 
then cleared.

Det. Kelm #505


Case No.: 19002080
836 S. 13th St. #18

ARREST: Grant Stuller (AGE 26)
836 S. 13th St. #18 Sebring

Domestic Violence/F3    2919.25A4
Felonious Assault/F2    2903.11A2

On 2/17/2019 I was dispatched to 836 S. 
13th St. #I8 for someone hitting another 
person in the head with a hammer.

Upon arrival I entered the residence and 
observed Todd Stuller Sr. holding Grant 
Stuller on the floor. Christa Stuller, Grant's 
mother, advised Grant just hit his brother 
Todd Stuller Jr. with a hammer. 

Todd Sr. assisted while I detained and put 
handcuffs (gapped, and double locked) on 
Grant. I then placed Grant in the back seat 
of my marked police cruiser.

Todd Jr. advised he was laying on the 
couch and Grant burst in the front door, 
came over to him and struck his shoulder 
and the side of his head with a hammer. 
Todd Jr. then advised his father Todd Sr. ran 
down the stairs and was able to retrieve the 
hammer from Grant. Todd Sr, advised he 
then placed the hammer in a bin under the 
kitchen sink to keep Grant from getting it 

Todd Jr. advised the situation all stemmed 
from Grant stealing his motorcycle. Grant 
refused to give a statement written or 
verbal. Both Christa and Todd Sr. advised 
they were upstairs when they heard a lot of 
movement downstairs. Christa advised 
when she went downstairs she observed 
Todd Jr. and Grant wrestling on the floor. 
Christa also advised Todd Jr. stated Grant 
just hit him with a hammer.

Sebring FD arrived on scene and assessed 
both Todd Jr. and Grant who both refused 
medical treatment. Todd Jr. advised he 
would go to urgent care in Alliance to get 

After both parties were checked a Domestic 
Violence packet was completed. Todd Jr. 
was advised he would have to go to MCC#3 
on 2/19/2019 to sign for the Domestic 
Violence charge.

At this time Grant was advised he was 
being placed under arrest for Domestic 
Violence 2919.25A4/F3 and Felonious 
Assault 2903.11A2/F2. Grant was then 
placed in to custody and transported to the 
police station. Grant was photographed and 
processed. Ptl. Brindack then transported 
Grant to MCJ. Grant will be arraigned on 
both Domestic Violence and Felonious 
Assault on 2/21/2019 at 0900hrs at MCC#3.

Det. Kelm #505


Case No.: 19002078
836 S 13th St Apt 18 Sebring OH

ARRESTED: Todd Stuller (AGE 38)
836 S 13th St Apt 18 Sebring OH 44672

Contempt of court     2705.02

On 02/16/19 I served a warrant for the 
Minerva Police Department.

On 02/16/19 I came in contact with Todd 
Stuller Jr. who was filing a theft report (see 
report 19002077 for more info) When I ran 
Todd's information through dispatch it was 
discovered Todd hand an active pur 4 
warrant out of Minerva for contempt of 

Todd's identity was verified by OLN an 
social and I advised dispatch to contact 
Minerva to see if they wanted him. Dispatch 
advised that Minerva wanted Todd and was 
willing to come to our station to pick him up. 
I placed Todd in custody and transported 
him back to our station to wai for Minerva. 
Todd was picked up by the Minerva Police 
department at which time I cleared.

Sr Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 19002072
N 12th St @ E Indiana Ave, Sebring, Ohio 

CITED:  Bethany Payne (AGE 30)
545 Garry Rd, Akron, Ohio 44305

Speed - Over Limits (49/35) SCO 333.03
Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Child 
Restraint) SCO 337.24
Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Booster Seat) 
SCO 337.26

ARRESTED: Brennan Campbell (AGE 24)
592 Baird St, Akron, Ohio 44311

Possession of Marijuana  SCO 513.03

While patrolling north in marked unit #303 
on N 12th St near the baseball fields, 
Patrolman Everhart and I observed a 
vehicle travelling towards us in the opposite 
lane. The vehicle appeared to be travelling 
at a speed higher than the posted 35 MPH 
limit. After activating the mounted forward 
radar antenna, we observed a digital 
readout of 52 MPH. The speed of the 
vehicle fluctuated between 47 and 50 MPH 
and was finally locked in at 49 MPH. As the 
vehicle passed us, I activated the cruiser's 
overhead emergency lights and turned 
around to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, 
a black Dodge SUV bearing Ohio 
registration GZP7564, caine to a complete 
stop on N 12th St at E Indiana Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Bethany Payne, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for 
the stop. While speaking to Payne, I 
observed three children in the vehicle, one 
riding in the cargo area of the vehicle and 
another in an unsecured booster seat. 
Payne stated the child was in the cargo 
area because another child was laying 
across the backseat sleeping. A male 
passenger, identified as Brennan Campbell, 
provided his identification information to 
Patrolman Everhart. While speaking to both 
parties, both Patrolman Everhart and I 
could smell a strong odor of marijuana 
coming from inside the vehicle. Patrolman 
Scott arrived on scene to provide 
assistance as I advised dispatch we would 
be conducting a probable cause vehicle 
search of the vehicle.

Campbell admitted to officers he had 
marijuana with him in the center console of 
the vehicle. Both Payne and Campbell were 
instructed to exit the vehicle and take the 
children with them. Payne and Campbell 
were checked for weapons and contraband 
before being placed in the back of marked 
unit #304 to stay warm during the vehicle 
search. After finding a clear plastic bag 
containing a green vegetative substance 
believed to be marijuana and identified by 
Campbell to be marijuana, I requested 
Patrolman Peterman to retrieve the digital 
scale from the station and bring it to the 
scene. Following Patrolinan Peterman's 
arrival on scene, I weighed the bag and 
observed the bag of suspected marijuana to 
weigh 56 grams. The vehicle search did not 
yield any further contraband.

Payne and Campbell were allowed back 
inside of the vehicle and instructed to make 
sure all three children were properly secure 
inside the vehicle. Payne was issued traffic 
citation #031552 for SCO 333.03 Speed - 
Over Limits (49135) and two counts of SCO 
337.26 Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Child 
Restraint and Booster Seat). Payne was 
inlormed of her mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 0900. 

Campbell was issued criminal minor 
misdemeanor citation #000295 for SCO 
513.03 Possession of Marijuana and 
informed of his inandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 0900. The 
plastic bag containing the suspected 
marijuana was brought back to the station 
and photographed, logged and secured into 
evidence locker #1.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Wednesday, February 13, 2019
03:37 PM -0500

Case No.: 19002048
N. 12th St./ E. Courtney Rd.

CITED: Jacob Hambrick (AGE 32)
17650 Idylwilda Lake Milton, Ohio 44429

Driving Under Suspension   335.07

On 2/10/2019 at 1:22A.M, I was traveling 
East on Ohio Ave. when I spotted a white 
Chevy traveling East, turning North onto 
12th street. I noticed the driver was unable 
to keep the car straight, and making slow, 
jerky movements across the lane. I initiated 
my overhead emergency lights and stopped 
the vehicle near East Courtney Road. I then 
approached the vehicle, identified myself, 
and informing him I stopped him because 
he was failing to maintain his lane. 

I asked for his documents, and the 
passengers license, as she stated she was 
the owner of the vehicle and was 
intoxicated so she let her boyfriend drive. 
The passenger, Nicole Yeber, was stating 
they were coming from a party and going 
home. I obtained the drivers information, 
and identified Jacob Hambrick, who was 
under an indefinite suspension. I advised 
Jacob he was under a suspension, and was 
going to be receiving a citation for driving 
under suspension. 

I returned to my patrol vehicle and wrote the 
citation for Driving under suspension city 
ordnance 335.07, and gave a verbal 
warning for failure to maintain lane. I 
advised the driver and passenger they 
would need two people who were sober and 
valid to drive their vehicle home. They 
advised me the driver would be about 20 
minutes away. I then advised they had 20 
minutes left, or I would have the vehicle 

When 20 minutes passed, I reapproached 
the vehicle and asked where the driver was, 
and they stated they would be another 30 
minutes, to which was taking an extended 
period of time and I made a decision to tow 
the vehicle. I had dispatch call Springers 
towing to come pick up the vehicle. 506, 
and 508 arrived to assist with getting the 
individuals out of the vehicle, and 508 gave 
a courtesy escort to Sebring police Dept. 

I performed a vehicle tow inspection, then 
once the vehicle was taken to Springers, 
Me and 506 cleared. 

Erica Bridget Mararri arrived at Sebring 
Police Dept. to pick up both the driver and 

Ptl. Peterman 512


Case No.: 19002047
Near 20430 Harrisburg Westville Rd, 

CITED: Jaden Leasure (AGE 18)
15579 Greenbower St NE, Alliance, OH 

Speed - Over Limits (68/55)    SCO 333.03

On Sunday, February 10, 2019, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling 
westbound on State Route 62 in marked 
unit #304. After pulling into Bistro 62 to turn 
around and return to the village, I observed 
a vehicle clear the intersection on State 
Route 62 at S Johnson Rd at what 
appeared to be a rate of speed higher than 
the posted 55 MPH limit. After changing my 
incruiser radar unit from moving to 
stationary, I activated the mounted front 
radar antenna and observed a digital read 
out of 69 MPH. I locked the speed in at 68 
MPH while the vehicle was still within the 
village limits. 

After the vehicle passed Bistro 62, I 
activated my overhead emergency lights 
and pulled out onto State Route 62 to 
initiate a traffic stop.

The vehicle, a black Mercury 4-door sedan 
bearing Ohio registration ERP7254, came 
to a complete stop just west of Bistro 62. 
Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Jaden L. Leasure, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for 
the stop. Leasure admitted she thought her 
speed was 65 MPH and was unaware of 
what the actual speed limit was. 

I requested Leasure to provide her driver's 
license, vehicle registration and proof of 
insurance. Leasure provided her license 
and vehicle registration but was unable to 
provide valid proof of insurance.

Leasure was issued traffic citation #031551 
for SCO 333.03 Speed - Over Limits (68/55) 
and informed of her mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, February 21,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


DATE: 02/09/2019 18:59:00

On 02/09/19 I conducted a warrant pick up 
for the Minerva Police Department.

On this date while handling a citizen welfare 
(for more info see 19002045) I came in 
contact with Christopher Jerome Thomas. 
When Ptl. Peterman ran Christopher 
through dispatch it was found he had an 
active Pur 4 warrant for contempt of court 
out of Minerva confirmed by his social 
security number. Minerva Police 
Department was contacted and they 
advised they did want Christopher. 

It was determined we would meet at Value 
City in Alliance and I advised Christopher of 
his warrant and placed him in custody, I 
then transported Christopher to value city 
where Minerva Police Department Sgt. 
Hanies took custody of Christopher at which 
time I cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 19002046
425 W Maryland Ave Sebring

Arrested: Christopher Thomas (AGE 23)
1314 Johnson Apt D Alliance ,OH 44601

Contempt of court   2705.02 


DATE: 02/09/2019 17:50:00

On 02/09/2019. K9 Ollie was requested in 
the area of 5th Street and Main Street in 
Beloit to assist Goshen Police District.

I arrived on location and Ptl. McBride 
advised that he wanted a K9 sniff on the 
vehicle that he had on his stop. The driver 
was removed from the vehicle and was 
acting very strange and nervous. When 
asking the driver a few questions he lead 
that there may potentially be contraband in 
his vehicle. 

All occupants were removed from the 
vehicle and K9 Ollie was deployed. K9 Ollie 
was stimulated to the Goshen Police 
Cruiser and an open air sniff was 
performed, with negative alert and/or 
behavior change. K9 Ollie was then 
directed to the vehicle in question and 
during the 2nd rotation, there was positive 
behavior change noted on the passenger 
rear door. 

Vehicle was called hot and K9 Ollie was 
placed back in our patrol cruiser. I stood by 
for the beginning part of the search, but 
subsequently cleared prior to the 
completion of the search.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


Case No.: 19002041
US RT 62 / Bandy Rd.
Emergency Lights

CITED: Jeffrey Roux (AGE 54)
671 S. 14th St. Sebring, OH 44672

Approaching Stationary Saftey Vehicle 
Emergency Lights

On 02/09/2019 at 5:07am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser was on a traffic 
stop which resulted in the towing of the 
vehicle involved and the vehicle was 
currently being loaded on the flat bed of the 
tow truck. The tow truck driver and I were 
on the left side of the tow truck on the 
westbound lane when a tan colored pickup 
truck traveling at a high rate of speed 
passed us nearly striking the tow truck 
driver, myself and the tow truck.

I then got into my cruiser and radioed for 
my other unit that might be in the area due 
to the driver of the vehicle that was being 
towed was in the rear of my cruiser waiting 
for a courtesy transport once the vehicle 
was towed. Ptl. Marchionda advised me 
that he was on the east most side of 
Sebring on 12th St.

I then decided to attempt the catch up to the 
vehicle with it still being insight. I then 
activated my audible siren and attempted to 
stop the vehicle. I caught up to the vehicle 
which came to a complete stop on US. RT. 
62 near Bandy Rd. The vehicle was a tan 
2007 Ford truck bearing Ohio registration 
FLT9213. A Smith Twp. officer stopped to 
assist (Ptl. Caughey). 

I exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received all and the 
proof of insurance was expired.

The driver was identified as Jeffrey A. Roux 
and Jeffrey stated that he did not see us 
until he was next to us and stated a vehicle 
was in the on coming lane so he could not 
get over. Jeffrey stated that he slowed down 
to 45mph when passing me. 

I then informed him that he almost struck 
me and the tow truck driver on the road in 
which Jeffrey stated that he has been 
driving for many years and has never been 
in this situation. I then returned to my 
cruiser and wrote Jeffrey a traffic citation for 
ORC Right of way for public safety vehicle. 
This is the wrong code and is being 
changed to ORC 4511.213A2 Approaching 
stationary public safety vehicle displaying 
emergency lights.

Jeffrey was cited into MCC#3 with court 
date of 02/14/2019 at 9:00am with a 
personal appearance required. Jeffrey 
signed the citation and was provided with a 
copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 19002040 
US RT 62 West of Village Limits

CITED: Craig Doerschuk (AGE 54)
1522 Hammond Ave. Canton, OH 44706

DUS   335.07

On 02/09/2019 at 4:33am I Ptl. Scott while 
on patrol in a marked police cruiser was at 
the Oak Ridge Motel when I observed a 
parked vehicle with the driver side door 
open and the driver just sitting in the 
vehicle. As I got closer to the vehicle the 
driver exited and walked into a room of the 
motel. I preformed a random registration 
check on the vehicle which was a blue 2006 
Ford HB with Ohio registration GUA3065.

Dispatch advised the registered owner 
Craig A. Doerschuk was suspended for 
non-compliance. The driver was no longer 
in the vehicle, so I assumed patrol. Later, I 
was in the area of the motel and observed 
the vehicle pull onto US RT. 62 traveling 

I positioned my self behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop with the above-
mentioned vehicle on US. RT. 62 near the 
west of the village limits. I exited my cruiser 
and approached the driver and informed 
them of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I only 
received a piece of paper from the BMV 
with his information on it.

I ran the driver's information and confirmed 
the driver as the registered owner which 
was suspended. I then wrote Craig a traffic 
citation for driving under suspension SCO 
335.07 and cited Craig into MCC#3 with a 
court date of 02/21/2019 at 9:00am with a 
personal appearance required. 

The vehicle was inventoried and towed to 
Springer's Towing and Craig was given a 
courtesy transport to the Oak Ridge Motel 
by Ptl. Marchionda. 

A second incident took place during this 
traffic stop, see report # 19002041.

Ptl. Scott #506


DATE: 02/08/2019 21:36:00

On 02/08/19 units responded to a 
disturbance at 145 N 17th St.

Upon arrival units spoke with Karren Neil 
who advised her husband Reggie Neil and 
her son Zachary Jones had gotten into a 
heated verbal argument and there was no 
physical fighting. 

Karren advised that they had both left 
before our arrival. 

Units were able to find Zchary Jones at 
Scott Fusco's house and he advised they 
same story. Units then cleared.

Sr Ptl. Brindack 507


DATE: 02/06/2019 16:53:00

On 02/06/2019, I was dispatched to station 
in reference to a domestic.

When arrived I was met in the lobby by 
James and Lora Coss and their three 
children. James requested to speak to me 
separate from Lora with his son Hunter 
present. James advised that he was at an 
Auction in Canton when he received a call 
from his son from an unknown number. 
James advised that his son was so 
distraught that he was unable to understand 
him. James advised that his son advised 
him that his mother Lora closed hand struck 
him in the face followed by hitting him with a 
book, followed by going back to her closed 
hand. I then directed my attention to Hunter 
and Hunter advised that he was fighting 
with his brother when he called his mother a 
bad mom and she then allegedly attacked 

I noted that Hunter had a red mark on his 
face and I asked James when the last time 
he saw Hunter was and replied with two 
days ago. I then asked James if ever seen 
that mark on Hunters face and he advised 

I then called Lora in whom requested all 
three children in. Lora advised that her sons 
Hunter and Hayden were fighting and he 
requested to have a game chair back and 
she told him that he needed to clean first. 
Lora advised that Hunter became enraged 
and called her a bad mom and was 
disrespecting her. Lora advised that she 
then smacked Hunter on the butt. Both of 
the other children involved were asked and 
they both gave their versions which were 
close to Lora's story.

I then asked Lora how the mark came on 
his face and she then advised that the mark 
was a scar from an ATV accident last 
summer. Lora then showed me a picture on 
her cell phone of Hunter sitting in the 
hospital room with a gash on his face 
consistent to the injury that James and 
Hunter were alleging happened due to the 

Lora advised that she wanted to take her 
son to the hospital for evaluation since she 
was alleged to beat her children. Lora 
signed medical releases and a statement. 
All of the involved children filled out 
statements. All parties then cleared.


On 02/07/2019, I spoke to Prosecutor 
Tolson in reference to the event and 
advised her that I was not comfortable at 
the time of the incident to make an arrest 
due to the event being parental discipline.

Prosecutor Tolson reviewed the case and 
advised that she too shared my thought and 
advised that she was declining charges. 
Case will be closed.

K9 Det. Redfern 504


Case No.: 19002035 
W. Ohio Ave. / N. 18th St.

CITED: Alyssa Alexander (AGE 26)
134 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Traffic Control Devices     SCO 313.01

On 02/08/2019 at 3:24am I Ptl. Scott while 
on patrol in a marked police cruiser was 
stationary at the intersection of W. Ohio 
Ave. and N. Johnson Rd. when I observed 
a vehicle traveling eastbound on W. Ohio 
Ave. fail to come to a complete stop at the 
intersection which has both stop signs and 
red flashing lights at the intersection.

I then pulled out onto the roadway and 
initiated a traffic stop with the vehicle on W. 
Ohio Ave. and N. St. the vehicle was a 
2008 Pontiac station wagon bearing Ohio 
registration POOKIES. I exited my cruiser 
and approached the driver and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I received 
all except the proof of insurance.

The driver was identified as Alyssa 
Alexander and I then returned to my cruiser 
and wrote Alyssa a traffic citation for traffic 
control devices SCO 313.01. Dispatch also 
notified me that the vehicles registration 
expired on 02/06/2019. 

Alyssa was given a verbal warning for the 
expired registration.

Alyssa was given a court date af 
02/14/2019 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance required for MCC#3.

Alyssa signed the citation and was then 
provided with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


DATE: 02/08/2019 01:18:00

On Friday, February 8, 2019; Patrolman 
Marchionda and Patrolman Scott performed 
a traffic stop which resulted in the arrest of 
a female passenger on an active warrant 
out of Austintown.

While following a Ford 4-door sedan in 
marked unit #304 heading south on S 
Johnson Rd, I observed the vehicle go left 
of center as it approached State Route 62. 
As the vehicle turned west onto State Route 
62, I activated my overhead emergency 
lights to initiate a traffic stop with Patrolman 
Scott providing cover. The Ford 4-door 
sedan bearing Ohio temporary registration 
H299796, pulled Into the Oak Ridge Motel 
and came to a complete stop. 

Upon making contact with the driver and 4 
additional passengers, I identified myself 
and informed the driver of the reason for the 

Patrolman Scott and I obtained 
identification information from all 5 
occupants of the vehicle. While relaying the 
occupants information through dispatch, I 
was informed the rear driver passenger, 
identified as Klarysa Green from her social 
security number provided, had an entered 
warrant out of Ausintown for assault with 
cautions for violent tendencies and resisting 

I made contact with Green and instructed 
her to step out of the vehicle for she had a 
warrant for her arrest.

While placing Green in handcuffs behind 
her back (gapped/double-locked), Green 
informed me she was aware of the warrant 
and that she had planned on turning herself 
in. I advised Green she was being detained 
pending further confirmation from 
Ausintown Police department. Green was 
fully cooperative and did not resist at any 

Dispatch informed me the warrant was 
good and Austintown would send an officer 
at a pre-determined location to take custody 
of Green. The location agreed upon was the 
OSP post In Canfield. Green was informed 
she was now under arrest and advised of 
her Miranda Rights. 

The remaining occupants in the vehicle did 
not have any entered warrants and the 
driver was valid. The driver was given a 
verbal warning for left of center and 
released from the scene. After clearing the 
stop I advised dispatch I would be en route 
to the OSP post in Canfield for the custody 

Upon my arrival at the post in Canfield, I 
made contact with a female officer from 
Milton Township Police Department who 
subsequently took custody of Green.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19002034
20040 Harrisburg Westville Rd, Alliance, 
OH 44601

ARREST: Klarysa Green (AGE 22)
1184 W Perry St, Salem, OH 44460

Warrant - Assault (Austintown PD)   ORC 


Case No.: 19002033
115 E Indiana Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

CITED: Kelsey Shaver (AGE 24)
115 E Indiana Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

Driver's License Required (No OL-Expired)   
SCO 335.01

On Friday, February 08,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling east on E Ohio 
Ave in marked unit #304. Upon passing N 
13th St, I observed a white and orange Ford 
SUV I had previously stopped on November 
13, 2018 and cited the driver/registered 
owner, Shane Trainer, for driving under 
suspension. I immediately radioed dispatch 
and requested the driving status of Trainer 
while I attempted to locate the vehicle after 
it proceeded north on N 13th St towards E
Maryland Ave. 

Dispatch advised Trainer's driving status 
was still suspended. As I proceeded west 
on E Maryland Ave, I observed the white 
and orange SUV turn west onto E Indiana 
Ave from N 13th St and pick up speed as it 
approached N 14th St. I quickly turned onto 
N 14th St and observed the vehicle turn 
west into the alley in between the 100 
blocks of E Indiana and E Virginia Ave. 

Upon entering the alley, I observed the 
vehicle turn left into a drive-way and upon 
locating the vehicle, I observed a white 
male standing near the driver door of the 

I made contact with the male by stating, 
"Hey Shane," to which the male turned 
towards me and I recognized him to be 
Shane Trainer from our previous interaction 
on November 13th. I informed Trainer his 
license was still suspended and asked why 
he had been driving. Trainer stated he was 
not driving, that his girlfriend Kelsey Shaver 
was driving and that he had just exited the 
garage to help her with groceries. 

I asked Trainer where Shaver was and he 
stated she was still in the vehicle. I called 
for Shaver to exit the vehicle and observed 
her exit the front passenger door. I 
proceeded to ask Shaver who had been 
driving the vehicle if she exited the 
passenger side. Shaver stated he had been 
driving and that she decided to climb over 
the center console and exit out the 
passenger side.

At this time, Patrolman Scott arrived on 
scene to assist. I radioed into dispatch and 
requested the driving status of Kelsey 
Shaver. Dispatch informed me Shaver's 
license status was expired and only held a 
valid identification card issued on August 
25,2018. I again asked both parties who 
was driving the vehicle and both parties 
stated Shaver was. 

I informed Shaver she would be receiving a 
traffic citation for operating a motor vehicle 
without a valid driver's license. Both Trainer 
and Shaver became irate and began to 
protest and question the grounds for the 
interaction. Although the vehicle had been 
observed on village streets, both parties 
protested the vehicle was now in their 
driveway on private property. Shaver 
demanded my full name and badge number 
to which I informed her that information 
would be located on the bottom of her traffic 

Shaver could be heard yelling she was 
"going to have my badge and my job" (sic). 
Shaver was issued traffic citation #031450 
for SCO 335.01 Driver License Required 
(No OL/Expired) and informed of her 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, February 14, 
2019 at 0900. After providing Shaver with a 
copy of her citation, which she signed, she 
demanded Patrolman Scott and I "get off of 
her property" (sic).

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19002032 
600 Block of W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Kasen Smith (AGE 23)
1269 E 11th St, Salem, OH 44460

Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver)    SCO 

On Thursday, February 7,2019, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #304 on 
N Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave. I observed a 
vehicle approach the intersection from the 
south and turn east onto W Ohio Ave 
without first coming to a complete stop at 
the posted stop sign/flashing red traffic light. 
I pulled out from my location and activated 
my overhead emergency lights to initiate a 
traffic stop. The vehicle, a teal Pontiac 4-
door sedan bearing Ohio registration 
HRE3511, came to a complete stop in the 
600 block of W Ohio Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Kasen Smith, I identified 
myself and informed Smith of the reason for 
the stop. While speaking to Smith, I 
observed he was not wearing his seatbelt 
and asked if he had taken it off after being 
stopped. Smith admitted he had not been 
wearing his seatbelt because he doesn't like 
wearing it. I requested Smith to provide his 
driver's license, vehicle registration and 
proof of insurance. Smith advised all of the 
requested documentation was not on his 
person or in the vehicle but did provide his 
full name, date of birth and last four digits of 
his social security number.

Smith was issued traffic citation #031449 
for SCO 337.27 Safety Belt: Failure to Wear 
(Driver) and given a verbal warning for SCO 
313.01 Traffic Control Device. Smith was 
informed of his mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 0900. 
Smith was extremely cooperative and 
respectful for the duration of the traffic stop.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19002031
US RT 62 / Village Limits

CITED: Joseph Messenger (AGE 26)
5417 Woodsale Rd. Hanoverton, OH 44423

DUS     SCO 33547

On 02/07/2019 at 11:19pm I Ptl. Scott while 
on patrol in a marked police cruiser was 
traveling southbound on S. 12th St. when I 
preformed a random registration check on 
the vehicle ahead me a 1998 Dodge 4s 
bearing Ohio registration HRD7666.
Dispatch then advised me that the 
registered owner was Joseph S. Messenger 
and that he was suspended.

Then vehicle turned west on US RT 62 and 
I then caught up with the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop on US RT 62 in 
between S. Johnson Rd. and S.15th St.

I approached the vehicle and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I received 
all except the proof of insurance. After 
receiving the documents, I was able to 
identify the driver as the registered owner 
which was suspended.

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Joseph a traffic citation for driving under 
suspension SCO 335.07 and called for Ptl. 
Marchionda to stand by for the towing of the 
vehicle so I could give Joseph a courtesy 
transport. Joseph was given a court date of 
02/14/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a 
personal appearance required.

Joseph signed the citation and was 
provided with a copy and when Ptl. 
Marchionda arrived I patted Joseph down 
and placed Joseph in the rear of unit #301 
and transported Joseph to the Circle K in 
Sebring, the vehicle was towed to 
Springer's Towing with no hold.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 19002022
S 12th St @ Village Limit, Sebring, OH

CITED: Eric Bennett (AGE 37)
324 17th St SE, Canton, OH 44707

Speed - Over Limits (47/35)     SCO 333.03

On Wednesday, February 06, 2019, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
speed enforcement in marked unit #303 on 
S 12th St at E Georgia Ave. I observed a 
truck pass my location at what sounded like 
and appeared to be a higher rate of speed 
than the posted 35 MPH limit. I activated 
my cruiser's forward mounted radar 
antenna and observed a digital read out of 
44 MPH. As the truck continued south, I 
observed the digital read out increase and 
locked a speed of 47 MPH in before losing 
sight of the truck. I immediately pulled out 
from my location and activated my 
overhead emergency lights, audible siren 
and proceeded to catch up with the vehicle.

The vehicle, a tan Dodge truck bearing 
Ohio registration HNC6060, came to a 
complete stop on S 12th St at the village 
limit. Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Eric Bennett, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. 
I requested Bennett to provide his driver's 
license, vehicle registration and insurance 
information. Bennett provided the 
aforementioned documentation as 

Bennett was issued traffic citation #I031448 
for SCO 333.03 Speed - Over Limits (47/35) 
and informed of his mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, February 14,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 19002021 
Marathon Gas Station

CITED: Shilakuman Patel (AGE 37)
1340 Fox Den, Canfield, OH 44406

Speed 35/25    SCO 333.03

On 02/06/2019 at 4:50am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser was stationary at 
the intersection of 15th St. and Ohio Ave. 
when I noticed a vehicle ahead of me 
traveling what appeared to be higher than 
the posted speed limit of 25mph on E. Ohio 
Ave. traveling east. I activated cruiser #304 
radar and observed a speed of 35mph.

I then positioned myself behind the vehicle 
which was a 2012 grey Toyota 4s bearing 
Ohio registration HQB9293. I activated my 
emergency over head lights in between N. 
13th St. and N. 14th St. The vehicle 
proceeded to travel east and finally came to 
a stop at the marathon gas station.

I exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested a driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
in which I received all of including a 
Maryland driver's license and was able to 
identify the driver as Shilakuman Dipakbhai 

The driver stated that she did not stop 
because she thought I was trying to pass 
her and stated that she works at the 
marathon gas station. I then returned to my 
cruiser and wrote the driver a traffic citation 
for speed SCO 333.03 and gave the driver 
a court date 02/14/2019 at 9:00am for 
MCC#3 with a personal appearance not 

The driver signed the citation and was 
provided with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


CaseNo.: 19002018 
100 block S. 12th street

CITED: Nichole McCann (AGE 31)
511 Paige St. Carrollton, Ohio 44615

Speed 51/35    SCO: 333.03

At approximately 16:16 hours, on 
02/05/2019, I, Officer Reed, was patrolling 
southbound on S. 12th street near Alabama 
Avenue in marked unit #301, when I 
observed a northbound blue in color 
Chevrolet Equinox that appeared to be 
traveling above the posted speed limit of 
35MPH. Upon activating my in car radar 
unit, I obtained a locked speed of 51MPH. I 
then activated my overhead emergency 
lights and initiated a traffic stop on the 
Equinox, bearing Ohio temporary 
registration H333482, with the vehicle 
coming to a stop in the 100 block of south 
12th street.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Nichole Lynn McCann by her 
Florida Driver License, I advised her of the 
reason for the stop as well as asked for her 
registration and proof of insurance. McCann 
was able to provide me with her vehicle 
registration but was unable to provide me 
with insurance information, with her stating 
that she had just bought the vehicle and 
was trying to add it on to an existing policy 
that she had on another vehicle. 

I explained to McCann that anytime a 
vehicle is operated on a public roadway it 
must be covered by up to date financial 

McCann also made statements regarding 
the vehicle being new to her and being 
unaware of her speed.

I then issued McCann traffic citation 
#I031530 for SCO: 333.01 (speed), with a 
mandatory court appearance at Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, February 
7th, 2019, at 09:OO hours. I then cleared 
from the scene. It should also be noted that 
my in-car radar unit's calibration was 
successfully verified both at the start of my 
shift as well as after issuing McCann her 

Nothing additional to report at this time.

Ptl. Reed #514


Tuesday, February 05, 2019
01:46 PM -0500

Sebring Police STORY 
DATE: 10/06/2016

Offense: Tampering w/ Reccords - Falsify, 
Destroy, Remove - F3 - Felony

Victim: Village of Sebring

Arrestee has been redacted.

On this date I was requested to look into a 
case of a Public Official destroying Public 

Det. Harris #504

This Department was requested to 
investigate a report of missing records.  In 
so doing the following action was taken 
along with the findings.

Lieutenant Bryan Bailey was requested to 
provide a written Statement to the 
operations of run reports and payroll under 
Chief James Cannell.
A written statement from Brad Harlan was 
requested in regards to the finding of the 
missing Roll Call Sheets. 

After reviewing the above statements, it is 
understood that after LT. Bailey and Captain 
Bailey completed their task with the run call 
sheets, they were placed in an unsecured 
filing cabinet.  The room was locked except 
when someone was in the room working.
I was informed that during the time in 
question the people that had keys to the 
Office was Lt. Bailey, CPT Bailey, Chief 
Cannell, Chief Harlan and Acting Chief 

Brad Harlan did question Chief Cannell 
about the missing run call sheets.  Mr. 
Cannell's reply was "Yeah I don't pay 

I knew that Kevin Monnolly of the Attorney 
Generals office had interviewed Mr. 
Cannell. I spoke with Kevin and he told me 
that yes he had interviewed Mr. Cannell on 
the 13th of July 2016 at Mr. Cannell's 
house. I asked him if he had a transcript of 
the interview and he said yes and he would 
Email it to me. 
I received the Email on 10/4/16. In this 
interview Mr. Cannell states that he did not 
bill Smith TWP for MVA or "bullshit" calls. 
He was asked what is a "bullshit call. Mr. 
Cannell explained that they were the calls 
for false alarms, wires down or runs that get 
called off while on the way there. 

Mr. Cannell was questioned about what 
happened to the run sheets for all the 
"bullshit" calls. Mr. Cannell stated that he 
destroyed the run sheets because it a 
"bullshit call". He said that it was solely his 
discretion and that "My guys wouldn't get 
paid for those calls. Mr. Cannell claims he 
would not have destroyed the MVA run 
sheets but can't answer where the sheets 
went. In closing Mr. Cannell said that he 
worked at Sebring Fire for 50 years and 
"yeah .... I did what I wanted. I was the 
Chief for 38 years. If it was a bullshit call, I 
ripped it up and destroyed it." 

In making these statements and checking 
the list of 86 calls in question, that had been 
complied by Deputy Fire Chief Brad Harlan, 
the missing run sheets would be from 
"bullshit" calls except for one MVA. Mr. 
Cannell admitting that he ripped up and 
destroyed the run sheets, would account for 
them being missing. Mr. Cannell had the 
motive and the access to the records, that 
are missing. 

This case will be forwarded to the 
Prosecutor for charges. 

DET Harris 


On this date the Prosecutor made contact 
with the County Prosecutor. They agreed to 
have a direct presentation to the Grand 
Jury. I hand carried the case to the County 
Prosecutor. Will wait for Grand Jury 
presentation. Charges will be Tampering 
with Records 2913.42 (B)(4), F-3. 

DET Harris 


I received notice to halt this case, until the 
State Auditor Investigation is done. This halt 
came from a letter written by Paul Gains 
dated 10/19/16. 

Det Harris 


On this date (01/23/2019) I received a copy 
of the State Audit.  In the report the State 
found that 178 fire runs totaling $111,020.00 
that ocurred in Smith Township that with 
held from the Village's billing office during 
the period  of January 1, 2008 to March 11, 
2015.  Therefore those runs were not 
included in the fire service invoices to the 

Based upon this information and the 
previous investigation this will be forwarded 
to the Prosecutor for review for charges: 
2913.42(b)(4) Tampering with Records and 
Dereliction of Duty 2921.44(e)  .

Chief Harris #502 


On this date (02/04/2019) I received a 
notice from the Prosecutor stating that no 
criminal charges would be filed on this 
case.  The case in now closed.

Chief Harris  #502


Sebring Police STORY
Private Property Accident
Report No.: 19001145 
Date of Crash - 1/27/2019
205 E. Ohio Ave.

Unit #1 Driver: Cody W. Ely - Age 25
21685 Best Rd. Alliance Oh 44601
Owner: Richard Cline,  Address 1105 E. 3rd 
St. Salem Oh 44460
Insurance (yes)
2008 Make Ford Model Truck - Color Blue
small scuff/paint transfer rear passenger 

Unit #2 Driver: Lisa A. Storm (age 36)
21444 N. Benton West Rd. North Benton 
Owner: Richard Michael - Address Same 
Insurance (yes)
2003 Make Buick Sedan White
broken driver's side headlight, hood bent

Unit #1 was backing out of a parking spot 
and struck Unit#2 causing the above 
mentioned damage.


Sebring Police STORY 
Case # 19001142
E. Ohio Ave. / N. 13th St.

Arrest: Cameron Yarwood (AGE 40)
9951 Randel Dr. Hanoverton, OH 44423

Agg. Poss. of Drugs (WARRANT CCSO)  
ORC 2925.11

On 01/27/2019, during shift while Ptl. Scott 
was doing a random registration verification 
check, it was found that the registered 
owner of the vehicle had a PUR 2 felony 
warrant for drug possession. I then went 
enroute to assist. I observed Ptl. 
Marchionda preceding that direction with an 
emergency response; I then decided to 
proceed under caution.

I arrived on scene and found Ptl. 
Marchionda exiting his patrol vehicle 
approaching Ptl. Scott who had the suspect 
out of the vehicle and already in cuffs.  Ptl 
Scott placed the suspect in the rear of his 
cruiser to await a response from 
Columbiana County as to if they wanted the 
subject or not.  Being that the only occupant 
of the vehicle was being detained and there 
was no threat I then cleared and resumed 

On 01/27/2019 I Ptl. Scott white on patrol 
was behlnd a gold 2004 Subaru 4s bearing 
Ohio registration HJU5446 and ran a 
random registration check on the above 
mentioned vehicle. Dispatch then advised 
the registered owner which was Cameron 
Yarwood had an entered Pur 2 felony 
warrant out of Columbiana County for drug 

I then initiated a traffic stop on the above 
mentioned vehicle on E. Ohio Ave. and N. 
13th St. I approached the vehicle and spoke 
with the driver and identified the driver as 
Cameron Yarwood and  had Cameron shut 
off and then exit her vehicle. I then detained 
Cameron and placed her in the rear of 
marked unit #304 until dispatch advised me 
whether or not Columbiana would want to 
take custody of Cameron. 

Dispatch soon advised me that Columbiana 
County SO will meet me at Westville. I then 
transported Cameron to the Subway in 
Westville were Columbiana County SO took 
custody of Cameron. I then cleared and 
returned to the village. 

Ptl. Scott #506 


Sebring Police STORY
Case # 19001123
N. Johnson Rd. / W. Ohio Ave

CITED: Hailee Lowers (AGE 18)
1005 Lake Park BIvd. Sebring OH

Starting and Backing Vehicles 331.13

On 1/23/2029 I was dispatched to a minor 
vehicle accident at the intersection of N. 
Johnson Rd. and W. Ohio Ave. Upon arrival 
I observed a white in color van behind a 
green in color Chevy sedan stopped at the 
stop sign on N. Johnson Rd. Both vehicles 
were facing southbound with their hazard 
lights on. 

I made contact with both drivers and 
advised them to move their vehicles off the 
roadway. I followed both vehicles into the 
Zep's parking lot. I then again made contact 
with the driver of the white in color van 
identified as Matthew Wackeriy, 759 
RobertsvilIe Rd. Malvern Oh. I requested 
Matthew's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance which he provided. Matthew 
advised he was stopped behind the green 
in color sedan when a semi entered the 
intersection. Matthew then advised the 
green sedan put their vehicle in reverse and 
started backing up. Matthew then advised 
he began to hit his horn to warn the other 
driver but the vehicle struck the front 
bumper breaking the license plate bracket 
off the van.

I then made contact with the driver of the 
green in color sedan identified as Hailee 
Lowers, 1005 Lake Park Blvd. Sebring. I 
then requested Hailee's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance which 
she provided. Hailee advised she began to 
back her vehicle because a semi had 
entered the intersection and backed into the 
white van. 

I took photographs of the damage on both 
vehicles. I then wrote Hailee a citation for 
SCO 336.13/Starting and Backing Vehicles. 
I advised Hailee of her non mandatory court 
appearance at MCC#3 on 1/31/2019 at 
0900hrs. I then cleared without further 

Det. Kelm #505


Sebring Police STORY
Case # 19001131
S. 12th St. / US RT 62

CITED: Emmi Williams (AGE 18)
394 Country Ciub Ln.Salem

Speed 49/35  SCO 333.03

On 01/25/2019 at 1:16am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser observed a 2004 
grey Honda 4-S Ohio registration 
(GYY8775) traveling south on S. 12th St. 
near Alabama Ave. at a speed which 
appeared greater than the posted speed 
limit of 35 mph. After visual observation, I 
activated the forward mounted radar unit in 
#304 and I observed a reading of 49 mph. 

I activated the overhead lights on marked 
unit #304 and initiated a traffic stop on S. 
12th St. and US RT 62. I identified the 
driver as Emmi Cora Lee Williams. I 
informed Emmi of her excessive speed and 
issued a traffic citation for speed SCO 
333.03 and gave Emmi a court date of 
02/05/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a 
personal appearance not required. 

Ptl. Scott #506 


Sebring Police STORY
Case # 19001129
Warrant Pickup

Arrest: Audrianna Keatley (AGE 22)
145 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring

Contempt of Court-Underage Possession   

On 01-24-2019 I was dispatched to 
suspicious activity at 145 W. Oregon Ave.

Upon arrival I made contact with a female 
and 2 males later identified as Audrianna 
Keatley, Deric Eckles, and Dylan Eckles. I 
had dispatch run all 3 Individuals. 
Audrianna came back having a PUR 5 
warrant out of Alliance. 

I had dispatch contact Alliance who 
confirmed they wanted to pick her up. I 
advised Audrianna she was being placed 
under arrest. I then handcuffed her hands 
behind her back gapped and double locked. 
I then transported Audrianna to Perkins 
Restaraunt on SR 62 where I then 
transferred custody to Alliance PD. I then 
cleared without further incident'

Det. Kelm #505


Sebring Police STORY
Case # 19001122

508 E. Broadway St. Apt. A-8 Alliance
Inducing Panic   2917.31A2

On 01-23-2019 I was dispatched to Sebring 
McKinley High School for an incident 
involving a student.

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant principal Joseph Krumpak. 
Joseph advised he received a text on 
Friday night showing a video of him 
speaking at an assembly at the school. 
Joseph also advised the video originally 
sent on SnapChat showed crosshairs to 
simulate a rifie scope being pointed at him 
as well as the student making the video 
making gun shot sounds. Joseph then 
advised the video also had the words "get 
sniped" typed on it. Joseph advised the 
video was posted by (15 YOA). Joseph 
advised when he spoke to (juvenile) about 
the video he verbally admitted he had 
posted the video on SnapChat which would 
have been sent to approximately 200 
people on his contacts list. (juvenile) 
refused to write a statement to the principal 
and also refused to speak to me about the 
incident or write a statement.

Joseph advised would be suspended from 
school for 10 days with a recommendation 
expulsion. I also advised (juvenile) he would 
be charged with Inducing Panic 

(juvenile) mother Michelle Yarwood, 508 E. 
Broadway Alliance Oh 44601, arrived on 
scene and (juvenile) was released to her. 
Michelle was advised this report would be 
sent to JJC for the above mentioned 
charge. Michelle advised she understood 
and cleared the scene.

Det. Kelm #505


Sebring Police STORY
Case # 19001149
Sebring Police Station

CITED: Brittany Satterfield (Age 27)
45 Oakwood Drive, Beloit, Ohio

Stopping Ater Accident on Public Roadway   
SCO: 335.12
Assured Clear Distance Ahead   SCO: 

At approximately 16:30 hours, on 
01/28/2019, I was dispatched to a hit and 
run accident involving two vehicles on route 
62 in front of Perkins Restaurant. While 
enroute, it was advised by dispatch that the 
caller/complainant was able to give a 
vehicle description as well as plate number, 
with the plate returning to a 2010 black Ford 
Escape, registered to a Brittany A. 
Satterfield of Beloit.

Upon arriving to the location of the accident, 
I made contact with the complainant, 
Sandra L. Goff of Salem along with her 
adult male passenger, Harley Goff, also of 
Salem. After ensuring that no one was 
injured, I photographed the damage to 
Goff's red 2014 Subaru Forester as well as 
gathered more information regarding the 
incident. Goff advised that while westbound 
on route 62, she was attempting to turn 
right into the parking lot of Perkins when 
she observed a dark SUV approaching her 
car from behind at what she said appeared 
to be a high rate of speed. Goff advised that 
the vehicle, that she was able to identify as 
a Ford Escape, then struck her vehicle from 
behind and then went around her without 
stopping to provide information. Goff was 
able to further advise that the vehicle has 
one occupant, a dark haired white female 
that appeared to be in her 20's. Goff also 
advised that the subject appeared to have 
her hair up. I then photographed the 
damage to Goffs vehicle, which consisted of 
minor denting to the passenger side of her 
rear bumper, as well as collected a 1 page 
voluntary witness statement from her before 

Upon returning to the police station, it was 
discovered that dispatch was able to locate 
a phone number for Satterfield in their 
database. I also asked Goshen Police to 
check the residence that was listed for 
Satterfield. I then made phone contact with 
Satterfield and asked her if she had been 
involved in an accident, with her advising 
that she had not but had instead been at a 
medical appointment in Youngstown. 

Upon completing my phone call with 
Satterfield, it was advised by Goshen Police 
that they had spoken to the father of 
Satterfields child, with him advising that he 
had just sent her photographs of damage to 
her vehicle, with her advising that it had 
occurred in Youngstown. I again made 
phone contact with Satterfield with her 
maintaining that she had only called her 
childs father to explain the damage to her 
car had not occurred due to the accident 
that I was investigating.

Upon speaking further to Satterfield, I 
advised her that due to the totality of the 
circumstances indicating that she was 
involved in the accident, that she would be 
receiving a citation for ORC 4549.02 
(Stopping after Accident on Public 
Roadway) as well as SCO 333.03 (Assured 
Clear Distance Ahead).

Satterfield then agreed to appear at the 
Police Station to get her citation.

Upon arrival, I observed damage to the 
front passenger side of Satterfields Ford 
Escape, with her advising that it had 
occurred several weeks ago when she 
struck a deer. Upon closer inspection of the 
damage, I was able to notice what 
appeared to be red paint exchange on a 
small piece of metal that was protruding 
from the bumper of Satterfield Escape.

I also noticed that Satterfield was wearing a 
dark coat and had dark hair as was the 
driver that Goff described to me. 

Upon entering the police station, Satterfield 
provided me with her Ohio Driver License, 
Vehicle Registration, as well as an 
insurance card from Viking Insurance 
Company of Ohio. I then issued Satterfield 
citation #031529 for the above listed 
offenses, with a mandatory court 
appearance at Mahoning County Court #3 
on Thursday, 01/31/2019 at 09:00 hours.

Ptl. Reed

Upon further review it was found that 
Brittany should have been cited under SCO 
335.12 rather than ORC 4549.02.

Det. Kelm #505


Sebring Police Deparment
DATE: 02/01/2019 16:25:00

At approximately 16:39 hours, on 
02/01/2019, Mr. Jason F. Oldfield came on 
station to report that he had been the victim 
of a private property hit and run crash.

BADGE NO.: 507 DATE: 02/01/2019 19:12

Mr. Oldfield advised that his vehicle a Gold 
in color 2007 Dodge Caliber bearing Ohio 
registration HDR 9693, had been parked In 
the rear parking area of Unifrax North, at 
500 Courtney Rd, when an unknown 
subject struck the rear bumper area, 
causing cracking of the plastic as well as 
minor paint damage. Oldfield further 
advised that he had spoken to co-worker, 
Lyle day, who informed him that he had 
noticed the damage earlier in the day 
around noon but that he himself had not 
noticed it until around 15:15 hours. Oldfield 
also informed me that he was sure that the 
damage had not occur prior to his arrival to 
work at around 06.00. I then took down Mr. 
Oldfield's License and lnsurance 
information, photographed the damage to 
his vehicle as will as obtained a one page 
voluntary witness statement from him.  Mr. 
Oldfield did inform me that the Unifrax plant 
manager , Alister McIntyre, was planning 
reviewing the security cameras of the 
parking area on Monday and that he would 
be in contact with the Sebring Police should 
any additional information be found.

Ptl Reed #514


Sebring Police Deparment
DATE: 02/03/2019 01:40:00

On Sunday, February 3, 2019, Detective K9 
Redfern and Patrolman Marchionda were 
dispatched to Schmid's Bar at 135 E 
Oregon Ave for an unwanted intoxicated 

Upon our arrival, we made contact with the 
female in question, later identified as 
Gretchen Cain, who appeared to be 
extremely intoxicated. Bar staff advised the 
female came into the establishment already 
intoxicated, refused to leave when she was 
told to and wanted her removed for the 
remainder of the night. Cain accompanied 
Det K-9 Redfern and I outside where we 
obtained her information.

Cain declared she could arrange for 
transportation to pick her up and take her 
home to her mother's residence in 
Homeworth. However, when Cain was 
instructed co contact her ride she informed 
us she was unable to. To quickly alleviate 
the matter I provided Cain with a courtesy 
transport to 23672 Georgetown Rd In 

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Sebring Police STORY
DATE: 02/03/2019 03:45:00

Dispatch advised Patrolman Peterman and 
myself that Norfolk Southern phoned the 
station  report a young female, 
approxrmately 12-14 years of age wearing 
a red sweater and floral pants sitting on the 
tracks near the crossing at S Johnson Rd. 

Upon my arrival, I instructed Patrolman 
Peterman to check the crossing at S 15th St 
as well as the crossing at S 12th St in 
addition to the tracks between those 
crossings. Smith Township Patrolman 
Caughey offered his assistance at which 
point I accepted and requested him to 
check the crossing at Heacock Rd. 

Dispatch advised all officers a train was 
scheduled to pass through the village and 
subsequently requested Norfolk Southern to 
stop the train until a search of the tracks 
could be conducted. The westbound train 
came to a stop in the village just west of the 
S 15th St crossing. Officers searched the 
tracks from S 12th St in Sebring to Heacock 
Rd in Smith Township and were unable to 
locate a female juvenile on the tracks or any 
else resembling that description in the area. 
After advising advising dispatch the tracks 
were clear the stopped train was given the 
go ahead to proceed.

Reporting Ptl. Marchionda, BADGE NO: 
508 DATE. 02/03/2019 


Sebring Police STORY
DATE: 02/03/2019 23:30:00

Upon arrival I observed Andrew Krekor 
Bourgoujian walking down Ohio towards 
Beloit in the roadway. I stopped and spoke 
with Andrew and asked if he was okay or if 
anything was wrong.  Andrew said he was 
fine but cold, I asked if there was anywhere 
I could take him and he advised he was 
headed to Sebring Lake Estates trailer #31 
on Dogwood drive in Beloit.

Provided a courtesy transport to Andrew 
and made sure he got to the trailer safely 
where Cassidy Wilson said he was okay to 
be there, I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack #507


Tuesday, January 29, 2019
08:30 AM -0500

Case No.: 19001113 
400 Block Courtney Road

CITED: Bradley Barringer (AGE 23)
595 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring

Failure to Control    331.34A

On 1/20/2019 I was dispatched to a vehicle 
stuck in a ditch in the 400 Block of Courtney 
Road. Upon arrival I observed a silver in 
color Jeep Liberty bearing OH registration 
HQB8162 in the ditch on the north side of 
Courtney Rd. I made contact with the driver 
Bradley J. Barringer, 595 W. Maryland Ave. 
Bradley advised he was traveling 
westbound when he lost control of the 
vehicle and spun around off the road and 
into the ditch. 

I then requested Bradley's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance. A11 
requested documents except proof of 
insurance were shown. 

I had dispatch contact Springer's to pull the 
vehicle out of the ditch. 

Bradley was cited for SCO 331.34A/Failure 
to Control and given a mandatory court date 
on 1/31/2019 at 0900hrs. Once Springer's 
arrived on scene and got the vehicle out of 
the ditch I cleared the scene without 

Det. Kelm #505

PUBLISHED 8:21AM JANUARY 29, 2019  *

Thursday, January 24, 2019
11:31 AM -0500

Case No.: 19001078 
W. Ohio Ave/N. Johnson Rd

CITED: Carol Miller AGE 70
256 E. Vermont Ave, Sebring, Ohio, 44672

Right of way at intersection   331.16

At approximately 18:10, on 01/14/2019, I 
was dispatched to a 2 vehicle crash at the 
intersection of W. Ohio Avenue and N. 
Johnson Rd. 

Upon arrival, I observed a grey in color Ford 
F150 and a grey Chevrolet Equinox in the 
roadway. After speaking with all involved 
parties and determining that there were no 
injuries, I instructed them to move their 
vehicles over to the parking area of the 
building in the northwest portion of the 
intersection. I also noted that there was 
significant damage to the F150 so I advised 
dispatch to start a tow truck to my location. 

I then gathered the driver information from 
both parties, with a MR. Donald D. 
Crawford being the owner and driver of the 
F150 and Carol R. Miller being the owner 
and driver of the Equinox. Miller also had an 
adult passenger, Richard W. Baker, in the 
front passenger seat. After speaking with all 
involved parties, I was advised that Miller 
was traveling westbound on W. Ohio 
Avenue and Crawford was traveling 
Northbound on N. Johnson Rd. 

I determined that Miller failed to yield the 
right of way to Mr. Crawford, with her 
advising that she believed that she stopped 
but saw him when she entered into the 

Miller was issued a citation for SCO 331.16 
(Right of way at intersection). Crawfords 
vehicle was towed from the scene by 
Sebring Tire with disabling damage and 
Millers vehicle was able to be driven home 
from the scene. 

I then cleared from the call at 18:53 hours. 

Ptl. Reed #514 01/14/2019 


Case No.: 19001098

ARRESTED: Hunter Prendergast AGE 21
3331 Lake St. Beloit

Aggravated Possession of Drugs / 2925.11

On 1-17-2019 I served a warrant for Stark 

On 1/17/2019 I served a warrant to Hunter 
Prendergast, 3331 Lake St. Beloit, for Stark 
County. While at MCC#3 I was advised 
Hunter had a PUR 2 warrant for felony drug 

Once Hunter finished his court business I 
placed him in handcuffs (gapped and 
double locked) and placed him in the back 
seat of my marked cruiser. I then 
transported Hunter to Stark County jail 
where Stark deputies then took custody of 
Hunter. I then cleared without incident.

Det. Kelm #505


Case No.: 19001106
606 East Ohio Avenue, Sebring Ohio 44672 

CITED: Jacob Snyder AGE 29
295 West Maryland Avenue, Sebring Ohio 

DUS  / 335.07

On 01/18/2019, I observed a white GMC 
Envoy in the area of Ohio Avenue and 
North 15th street with a missing red cover 
on their tail light. I ran the plate and found 
that it was registered to an elderly female. 
Assuming that she was unaware of the 
violation I decided to conduct a traffic stop 
in front of the court house just to advise of 
the violation. 

Upon making contact with the un-restrained 
driver of the vehicle whom was identified as 
Jacob Snyder of Sebring. I advised Jacob 
of the violation, and he advised that the car 
was his mothers and he was using it while 
his was being repaired. Jacob advised that 
he would have the light fixed prior to giving 
it back to his mother. 

I asked Jacob for his license real quick and 
found that he was suspended. Jacob was 
cited for Driving Under Suspension and 
Cited to MCC#3 for 1/24/19 at 0900. Jacob 
advised that he thought that the suspension 
was lifted on Thursday while he was at 
court. Jacob advised that he was traveling 
to a residence that was with in the block of 
the traffic stop. 

Exercising my own discretion, I allowed 
Jacob to proceed taking the vehicle to the 
house which was two houses down. 

Jacob was advised to park it until he can 
get his license valid. Jacob advised that he 
understood, I then cleared. 

K9 Det. Redfern 504 


Case No.: 19001102 
1005 Lake Park Blvd Lot 88, Sebring Ohio 

ARRESTED: Casey Evans AGE 25
1005 Lake Park Blvd Lot 88, Sebring Ohio 

DUS(Traffic Cite)  /  335.07
DOC M-4 (Summons)   / 2917.11
Obstructing official business (Summons)   /   

On 01/18/2019, While sitting stationary in 
the school zones during school drop off, I 
was alerted by a 
parent that she was just threatened by 
another parent. I spoke to Alexandria 
Bowman whom advised 
that as she was trying to drop her daughter 
off a woman in front of her got out of her 
vehicle and 
approached her stating that if she didn't get 
off her ass she was going to beat her ass.  
advised that this took place in the school 
parking lot. Alexandria advised that license 
plate was on a 
silver chevy with license plate FHIX5989. I 
took a written statement from Alexandria 
whom advised 
that she would like to see action taken. 

I then ran the plate of the vehicle and found 
that it came back to a Sally Howard of 
Sebring. I made 
contact with Sally whom advised that 
daughter Kathy Howard of Lake Park Blvd. 
was in possession 
of the car. Sally advised that her 
granddaughter Casey Evans was also 
residing there and she was 
probably driving the car. 

I then went to Lake Park Blvd. Lot 88 to 
speak with Casey. I knocked on the door 
and Kathy 
answered the door and I requested to 
speak with Casey. Casey walked over to 
the door and stated 
"Fuck you want". I advised Casey that she 
did not need to talk like that and Casey 
advised that she 
has no respect for the police, followed by 
stating that she was not at the school today, 
before I was 
able to tell her why I was there. 

After a disrespectful conversation with 
Casey, she stated "Did you see 
on the recording how that bitch almost hit 
me?" As I continued to attempt to warn 
Casey of the 
incident and clear, Casey became irate and 
uncooperative. Casey then went to the rear 
of the mobile 
home while I spoke to Kathy. 

I then went to BL Miller and watched the 
video footage. I observed Casey get out of 
her vehicle at the 
parent drop off and saw her walk back to 
the red car that Alexandria was in, then get 
back into her car 
and drive away. 

I spoke to Chief and Prosecutor Tolson 
whom advised that charges for DUS based 
off of my visual 
observation of the video footage, Disorderly 
Conduct to the profanity at the school, and 
official business for lying to officers about 
not being at the school. 

Summons will be filled out and sent to 
MCC#3 for a mandatory appearance on 
01/24/2019 at 0900.

K9 Det Redfern 504 


On 1/18/19, Casey Evans was served with 
a criminal summons to appear in MCC#3 on 
1/24/19 at 0900 for Obstruction, Disorderly 
Conduct, and Driving Under Suspension. 
Case will be closed.

K9 Det. Redfern 504

PUBLISHED 11:22AM JANUARY 24, 2019  *

Saturday, January 19, 2019
05:56 PM -0500

Sebring Police STORY
DATE: 10/22/2018 09:43:00

2919.22 Endangering Children

A person came into the station to report 
something that happened in Portage 

Doug Newell (age 49) came to the station to 
report something that happened in Portage 
County.  Doug told me that he was at the 
house where Mark Mueller and his family 
lived prior to Marks arrest.  He was given a 
note by the owner of the property from the 
daughter of Mark. In thls letter the girl says 
that she had been molested by her father. 

This information will be turned over to the 
Portage County Sheriff Office.

Chief Harris #502


On 01/11/2018, I was given this case to 
look into by Chief Harris 502. After looking 
into the details of the case it was 
determined that this department would have 
jurisdiction of the case. I spoke with intake 
at Portage County Children services, whom 
advised that they have the children placed 
with their aunt (xxxxxx). Portage County 
advised that they would have the case 
worker (xxxxxx) call me for more info.

Looking through CAD I was able to locate 
(xxxxxx) and I was able to locate her phone 
number through Alliance Court due to a 
recent citation through their court. I was 
able to make contact with (xxxxxx) who 
advised that the three boys were placed 
with her and that the female juvenile was 
placed with her sister in law (xxxxxx)  
avised that she had a few concerns with the 
boys well being, and further stated that she 
felt that there was evidence of sexual abuse 
with the boys and their father Mark Mueller. 
(xxxxxx) advised that they boys expressed 
that Mark subjected the boys to watching 
pornography together and she had 
concerns of one of the juveniles showing a 
sexual interest in younger juveniles. 
(xxxxxx) advised that the boys have been 
slowly disclosing more and more 
information. I advised (xxxxxx) that if she 
was okay with it, if I could have the boys go 
to a Child Advocacy Center and speak with 
a professional in reference to the events 
that took place? (xxxxxx) expressed that 
she lived in southern Columbiana County 
and requested that the CAC interview be 
closer to her than Portage. I advised that I 
would reach out to the Children's Network in 
Stark County to see if they would interview 
the juveniles, I explained to (xxxxxx) that 
Stark County had no obligation to see assist 
with this case due to the events either 
taking place in Mahoning or Portage 

I reached out to the director of the CAC in 
Stark County whom advised that they would 
do the curtesy interview, but due to Portage 
County having custody of juveniles, a 
representative of their agency would need 
to be present to provide consent.

I made contact once more to Portage 
County Children's Services, in reference to 
this matter and spoke with Supervisor Lori 
Tibensky who authorized the interview to be 
conducted in Stark County.

Lori advised that there was two social 
workers whom were currently assigned to 
this case. Lori advised that one of the two 
social workers would be present at the 
interview to give consent for the interview. 
Lori advised that the female Juvenile just 
had a CAC interview conducted in Portage 
County just two days prior in reference to 
the molestation accusations, and it was 
determined that the event happened in 

I then made contact with the University 
Hospital Portage Campus and spoke with 
the Child Advocacy division whom advised 
that the interview was indeed completed 
two days ago. I requested a copy of the 
interview, and was advised that I would 
need to pick it up in person in order to sign 
the release.

I arrived at the Portage CAC and obtained 
the material for review.

On 11/2/2018, I went to the Portage County 
Sheriffs Office where Mark Mueller and 
Rebecca Brodzenski were being held due 
to their several felony warrants, I spoke to 
Rebecca, and I asked Rebecca if she 
recalled the time that they were living at 
Andrew Borgugians. house and her 
daughter ran away. Rebecca immediately 
became overwhelmed with emotion and 
started to cry hysterically.

Rebecca continued to cry for several 
moments before she was able to compose 
herself for a conversation. Rebecca stated 
that she was aware of the incident and that 
it happened while she was in Pennsylvania. 
Rebecca advised that she came home from 
PA and her daughter was gone.

Rebecca advised that when she returned 
she was made aware of the incident and 
that she sent her daughter to stay with her 
mother for a few days, but she 
subsequently had her daughter come back. 
Rebecca then started breaking down in 
tears and stated, "what kind of mother am I 
for not believing my own child?". Rebecca 
then stated that she noticed that Mark was 
showing more special attention to the 
female juvenile over the three boys. 
Rebecca advised that she thought the 
behavior was very odd. Rebecca advised 
that the boys made mention of the incident 
to her and Rebecca stated that she thought 
the three boys were jealous of the attention 
that Mark was showing his daughter.

Rebecca started to write a statement as to 
the event. During Rebecca writing the 
statement she became overwhelmed with 
emotion and started crying hysterically 
stating that "I should have just believed my 
fucking children, but I didn't ... Tell them I'm 
so sorry." 

Rebecca became extremely emotional 
stating that she was a horrible mother and 
that she did not deserve to ever have her
children again. Rebecca requested that I 
come back to complete the interview, 
Rebecca advised that she needed to seek 
psychiatric services. Rebecca was unable 
to complete the written statement.

This case will be presented to Mahoning 
County Prosecutors office for review of 
possible charges, and for the possibility of a 
direct presentment to the Grand Jury of 
Mahoning County.

Detective Redfern #504


On 1/17/2019, This case was presented to 
the Mahoning County Grand Jury. Mark 
Mueller was indicted on one(1) count of 
Gross sexual imposition. And Rebecca 
Brodzenski was indicted on one(1) count of 
Child Endangering M1. This case will be 
closed unless new information comes to 

K9 Detective Redfern 504

It was later determined by looking through 
department records that I was dispatched to 
Andrew Borguagian's residence at 646 
North 15th Street in Sebring on July 18th 
2018 at 1702 due to Rebecca Brodzinski 
calling in stating that the female juvenile 
has ran away. It is determined that this the 
approximate date of the incident.

K9 Detective Redfern 504


Sebring Police STORY
Case No.: 19001066 
236 Alabama Ave. Apt. 6 Sebring

CITED Shannon Mather AGE 49
236 Alabama Ave. Apt. 6 Sebring

Physical Control    4511.194B1

On 01/10/2019 at 1821hrs I was dispatched 
to a medical call at 236 Alabama Ave. Apt. 
6. Upon arrival I observed a red in color 
Dodge van stuck in the yard in front of the 
apartment building as well as mud 
splattered on the outside walls of the 
building. I heard a female voice yelling for 
someone to sit down.

When I walked up to Apt. 6 I observed a 
male later identified as Shannon R. Mather 
with a laceration on his face with blood 
dripping, with his pants around his ankles. I 
then spoke to Shannon who had the odor of 
an alcoholic beverage emitting from his 
person. I asked Shannon what had 
happened and he just kept repeating he 
was fine and nothing happened. I observed 
Shannon had slurred speech and he was 
not able to keep his balance. 

The complainant Paula Mather advised 
Shannon had been sitting in the van 
drinking beer and listening to music. Paula 
then advised she could hear the engine 
revving loudly. Paula then advised Shannon 
walked into the apartment where he fell and 
his face struck the TV stand causing the 

Ptl. Brindack arrived on scene and got 
verbal consent from Paula to search the 
van. After searching the van Ptl. Brindack 
advised he observed several empty beer 
cans as well as the smell of an alcoholic 
beverage emitting from the passenger 
compartment of the van. Photos were taken 
and will be placed with the case file.

Sebring FD arrived on scene and advised 
Shannon they believed he was heavily 
intoxicated. He was then advised due to his 
level of intoxication as well as his injury to 
his face he would have to be transported to 
the hospital. Shannon was transported to 
Alliance Hospital.

I had Ptl. Brindack respond to the hospital 
to attempt to get a urine sample from 
Shannon which he refused.

On 1/14/2019 I requested Shannon's 
medical records from his ER visit on 
1/10/2019. After reviewing the medical 
records it was confirmed that Shannon was 
under the influence of alcohol at the time of 
the incident. I spoke to Prosecutor Tolson 
who advised she approved a charge of 
Physical Contro1/4511.194B1/M-1.

On 1/15/2019 I responded to 236 Alabama 
Ave. Apt. 6 and issued Shannon a citation 
from Physical Contro1/4511.194B1/M-1. 
Shannon was advised of his mandatory 
court appearance at MCC#3 on 1/24/2018 
at 0900hrs. I then cleared.

Det. Kelm #505


Sebring Police STORY
19-001066 REPORT 
DATE: 01/10/2019 18:18:00

On 1/10/2019 I was dispatched to 236 
Alabama Ave Apt 6 for a citizen welfare 

Upon arrival I observed a red in color 
Dodge mini van stuck in the grass as well 
as mud splattered on the side of the 
building. I then made contact with the 
complainant Paula Mather. Paula advised 
her husband Shannon Mather was listening 
to music and drinking beer in the van. Paula 
also advised she heard the engine reving in 
the van and observed that it had been 
driven into the yard and gotten stuck. Paula 
then advised Shannon walked into the 
apartment and fell hitting his face off the tv 

I observed a large laceration on Shannons 
face with blood dripping as well as a strong 
odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from 
Shannons person. Shannon also had his 
jeans pulled down around his ankles.

Sebring FD personnel arrived on scene and 
assessed Shannon. Shannon was advised 
since he was intoxicated and hurt they were 
obligated to take him to the hospital to be 
seen. Shannon kept insisting he was fine 
and nothing had happened. 

Sebring FD personnel were finally able to 
get Shannon to go with them to the 
ambulance where he was transported to 
Alliance Hospital.

Ptl. Brindack responded to Alliance Hospital 
to request a urine sample from Shannon 
which he refused.

A written statement was obtained from 
Paula and pictures were taken of the 
damage to the property.

This case will be forwarded to Prosecutor 
Tolson for a possible charge of Physical 
Control while intoxicated 4511.194B1/M-1

Det. Kelm #SO5


On 1/10/19 I responded to the above 
mentioned location for a citizen welfare. 
Upon arrival I observed a maroon van in the 
yard with the tire dug into the ground. Det. 
Kelm informed me that Shannon Mathers 
had been allegedly sitting in the driver seat 
and then some how the car ended up in the 

Shannon's face was extremely bloody and 
he was transported to ACH by Sebring FD.

I went to ACH with Shannon and asked for 
a urine sample which he refused. Per Chief 
Harris I spoke with the doctor and asked for 
a blood draw. The doctor advised he would 
get one and we could subpoena the 
medical record at a later date. 

I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


On 1/14/2019 I responded to Alliance 
Hospital to request the medical records for 
Shannon's ER visit on 1/10/19. The records 
clerk released Shannon's medical records 
which indicated he had was under the 
influence of alcohol at the time of the 
incident. I spoke to Prosecutor Theresa 
Tolson who approved a charge of 
4511.194B1/Having Physical control of a 
Vehicle with Under the Influence/M-1.

Det. Kelm #505

On 1/15/2019 I responded to 236 Alabama 
Ave. Apt. 6 to issued Shannon a citation for 
4511.19461/Physical Control/M-1. I advised 
Shannon of his court date at MCC#3 on 
1/24/2019 at 0900hrs. Shannon advised he 
understood. After Shannon signed the 
citation he was given his copy and I 

Det. Kelm #505


Sebring Police STORY
DATE: 01115/2019 17:00:00

On 1/15/2019 at 1700 I was dispatched to 
545 W. Ohio Ave for a domestic dispute.

Upon arrival I spoke to Jon-Michael Steed, 
who states his girlfriend, Amanda Taveras 
was throwing clothes and cursing at him. 
While questioning Jon, I told Amanda to go 
outside their house and placed Jon in 
handcuffs, stating he was not under arrest, 
but was detained until I could gather more 
information on the altercation that occurred. 
I then patted Jon down for weapons, then 
had him sit down on a chair. 

During questioning of Jon, Det. Redfern 
arrived on scene and started questioning 
Amanda about what occurred. She stated to 
Det. Redfern that Jon was drinking, and 
became violent, and started throwing 
clothes at her and yelling obscenities.

Det. Redfern stated she was refusing to 
pursue charges of Domestic Violence, and 
when I retrieved the documents, I again 
asked her if she wanted to refuse pressing 
charges, or wanted charges pressed. She 
then stated to me that she was refusing 
charges, and I then had her sign a refusal 

I asked Amanda and Jon if either wanted 
medical attention, to which they both denied 
needing medical attention. I then cleared.

Ptl. Peterman 512 

PUBLISHED 5:45PM JANUARY 19, 2019  *

Wednesday, January 16, 2019
11:07 AM -0500

CASE # 19001052
Sebring Police Station

ARREST:  Derek Chittock (AGE 32)
148 Cedarwood Dr. Beloit, Ohio 44609 

Falsification    2921.13 

ARREST: Jessica Yaggi (AGE 34)
756 N 15th St, Sebring, OH 44672 

Falsification M1   2921.13
Recieving Stolen Property M1  2921.13

Stolen: Several boxes of hypodermic 

On 01/08/2019 After investigation into a 
previous case it was found that further 
charges could be filed.

Looking into case numbers 19001041, and 
19001042 it was found that the two involved 
parties may have possibly falsified 
information. On 01/06/2019, Jessica Yaggi 
and Derek Chittock were involved in a traffic 
stop that subsequently resulted in the arrest 
of Jessica Yaggi on a failure to appear 
warrant out of Alliance. During the stop K9 
Ollie was deployed resulting in a drug 
detection hit of the vehicle.  The vehicle 
was searched and hypodermic needles 
were recovered as well as a scale with 
trace amounts of white powder on it.  
During conversation Derek advised that the 
needles were recovered by him at the 
recycling center that he works at.

During the weekend, Jessica Yaggi called 
into the dept. advising that the hypodermic 
needles that were taken during the stop 
were the property of a terminally ill juvenile 
and she needed the needles back asap for 
the child's wellbeing. 

During completion of the report today it was 
found that the needles were actually the 
property of Carol Moore. 

I went and spoke with Carol Moore whom 
advised that over the past week she had 
been visited by Jessica. I asked Carol if she 
had any missing medical supplies, and she 
advised that she was not aware of any that 
were missing. I advised Carol that there 
were several hypodermic needles that were 
recovered in a vehicle over the weekend. 
Carol advised that she had 8 boxes of 
expired needles that were behind the stand 
in her living room. I went over to the box 
and saw that there were 6 boxes. Carol 
advised that she probably took them when 
she was in the bathroom because it takes 
her a long time in the bathroom. Carol 
advised that Jessica did tell her about a sad 
story about a child who needed needles, 
but Carol would not give her any of them. 

After conversation with Prosecutor Tolson, it 
was determined that Jessica would be 
charged with 1 count of Falsification, and 1 
count of Receiving stolen Property. It was 
also determined that Derek would also be 
charged with 1 count Falsification. 

K9 Det. Redfern 504 


On 01-08-2019, while getting the charges 
approved for this case by the prosecutor via 
telephone, Jessica Yaggi came to the 
station. Jessica was taken into custody and 
processed for her charges. 

Jessica was fingerprinted and 
photographed and given an OR bond in the 
amount of $2,500.00. 

Jessica was given a court date of 
01/10/2019 at 0900 at MCC#3. 

K9 Det. Redfern 504 


On 01/08/2019, Derek Chittock called the 
dept. and advised that he would be in on 
01/09/2019 to be processed. Derek advised 
that he was in Youngstown at his aunts 
house and he was unable to come to get 
processed tonight but he would be in 

K9 Det. Redfern 504


CASE # 19001041
Warrant Pick UP
N. Johnson Rd. outside village limits

Arrest: Jessica Yaggi AGE 34
756 N 15th St, Sebring, OH 44672

Warrant - FTA Agg Poss of Drugs    ORC 

Prior to starting the shift, officers were given 
advance knowledge that Jessica Yaggi had 
an entered warrant out of Alliance Municipal 
Court. While patrolling north in marked unit 
#303 on N Johnson Rd near the Smith 
Township Police Department, I observed a 
maroon Buick bearing OHIO registration 
GCN6997. Dispatch had previously 
informed officers earlier in the shift that the 
aforementioned vehicle was registered to 
Yaggi. After relaying my location and 
direction of travel to dispatch, I activated my 
overhead emergency lights and audible 
siren to initiate a felony traffic stop just north 
of Sebrlng Woods.

The maroon Buick came to a camplete stop 
on N Johnson Rd north of the village limits. 
After advising dispatch I would be on a 
felony stop with two occupants, I ordered 
the driver to turn the vehicle off and for the 
driver and passenger to place their hands 
outside their respectwe windows.

K-9 Detective Redfern, Patrolman Scott and 
Smith Township Patrolman Caughey arrived 
on scene at this time to assist. The driver 
was ordered out of the vehicle and when 
she emerged, officers confirmed by visual 
identification that the driver was Jessica 
Yaggi. Yaggi was placed in handcuffs 
behind her back (gapped/double locked) 
informed she was under arrest for an open 
warrant out of Alllance. Yaggi was patted 
down for weapons, contraband and secured 
in the backseat of marked unit #303. 

Dispatch was updated of the arrest and 
advised an officer from Alliance Police 
Department would be en route to Ralph's 
Deli on Alliance-Sebring Rd to exchange 

I transported Yaggi from the scene to the 
arranged meeting location while K-9 
Detective Redfern, Patrolman Scott and 
Smith Township Patrolman Caughey 
remained on scene. After arriving at Ralph's 
Deli, Alliance Patrolman Vesco arrived on 
scene and took custody of Yaggi. 

Following the custody exchange with 
Alliance PD, I returned to the village.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


On 01/06/2019 I responded to a trcaffic stop 
initiated by Ptl. Marchionda with a vehicle 
that was registered to Jessica Yaggi that 
officers on shift had prior knowledge of 
Jessica having an entered warrant for drug 
possession through Alllance Municipal 

Ptl. Marchionda had stopped the vehicle on 
N. Johnson Rd. north of the Sebring Woods 
and while on the stop Ptl. Marchionda then 
advised the stop was a felony stop which 
resulted in the emergency response of 
myself, Det. Redfern, and Ptl. Caughey 
from Smith Twp. Police Dept. Upon my 
arrival I observed Ptl. Marchionda holding 
the occupants in the vehicle at gun point 
and ordered the driver which was identified 
as Jessica Yaggi out of the vehicle and 
placed her into custody. The passenger was 
identified as Derek Chittock. I had Derek 
exit the vehicle and patted Derek down for 
officer safety, Derek was intoxicated and 
was placed into unit 301 while officers 
continued the traffic stop.

Det. Redfern deployed the K-9 and the dog 
signaled Det. Redfern of possibe 
contraband by barking and then laying 
down near the trunk area of the vehicle. 
Officers then searched the vehicle and 
found a digital scale in the cabin of the 
vehicle and a large quantity of syringes in 
the trunk which were all confiscated due to 
both individuals known to use opiates.

The vehicle was towed by Springer's 
Towing and Jessica Yaggi was taken to 
Ralph's Deli and handed over to an Alliance 
Police officer by Ptl. Marchionda. Derek 
stated that he smoked marijuana earlier 
next to the vehicle which possibly caused 
the K-9 to signal on the vehicle.  Derek was 
then transported to the station where he 
eventually walked out but was later found 
safely at his mothers house in 148 Cedar-
wood In Beloit where he still holds 
residency. All confiscated items were 
logged and secured into the evidence room.

Ptl. Scott #506


CASE # 19001055 
N. 14th St. / E. Ohio Ave.

CITED: James Shreckengost AGE 22
535 W. California Ave. Sebring, OH 

D.U.S. 335.07

On 01/09/2019 at 12:27am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser was stationary at 
Circle K when I ran a random registration 
check on one of the vehicles parked on the 
side of the Circle K building. As I was 
relaying the plate to dispatch a blond male 
walked out of Circle K and put his hood 
over his head and started the vehicle and 
pulled out onto N. 14Ih St. Dispatch then 
advised me that the registered owner was 
James Schrekengost and that he was 
suspended. I then requested a description 
of James which dispatch advised 6'00" 
male with blond hair which matched the 
description of the male I observed enter the 

I then pulled behind the vehicle and initiated 
a traffic stop on N. 14th St. and E. Ohio 
Ave. with the vehicle which was a black 
2005 Dodge 4 door bearing Ohio temporary 
registration G589340. I exited my cruiser 
and approached the vehicle and informed 
the driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I only 
received the driver's license, and 
registration and was able to identify the 
driver as James Schrekengost.

I informed James again that he was 
suspended, and I had him gather his 
belongings and exit the vehicle which is 
when Ptl. Marchionda arrived and 
preformed the administrative inventory 
which Ptl. Marchionda had the tow truck 
driver sign. 
I then wrote James a traffic citation for 
D.U.S. SCO 335.07 and gave James a 
court date of 01/17/2019 at 9:00am with a 
personal appearance required for MCC#3. 
James signed the citation and was then 
provided with a copy, James then walked to 
a friend's house on foot.

Springer's Towing arrived on scene and 
took the vehicle with no hold and officers 
then cleared.

- Ptl. Scott #506


CASE # 19001069
S. Johnson Rd. / Heacock Ext.

CITED: Anthony Rupert AGE 22
3711 Fox Ave. NE Minerva, OH 

Speed 55/35   SCO 333.03

On 01/12/2019 at 1:40am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser observed a 1998 
black Jeep SW Ohio registration (ESD1704) 
traveling north on S. Johnson Rd. near 
Heacock Ext. at a speed which appeared 
greater than the posted speed limit of 35 

After visual observation, I activated the 
forward mounted radar unit in #301 and I 
observed a reading of 55 mph. I activated 
the overhead lights on marked unit #301 
and initiated a traffic stop on S. Johnson 
Rd. near the Copeland Oakes entrance. 

I identified the driver as Anthony Scott 
Rupert. I informed Anthony of his excessive 
speed and issued a traffic citation for speed 
SCO 333.03 and gave Anthony a court date 
of 01/24/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a 
personal appearance required since 
Anthony did not have proof of insurance.

Ptl. Scott #SO6


CASE # 19001048
W. Ohio Ave. near N. 16th St.

13426 Salem Alliance Rd

Failure to Control    4511.202

On 01/7/2018 I Officer Kober was 
dispatched to the station reference to a 
crash report.

Once on station I was advised that 
(Juvenile) would like to make a crash 
report. I Spoke to  (Juvenile) and he 
advised me that he was driving and side 
swiped a parked vehicle near the 
intersection of W Ohio Ave and N 16th. I 
then told him that will meet him where the 
incident took place. Once at that location I 
made in contact with the other vehicle 
owner and identified her is Landon Slater. I 
stated to Landon that her vehicle was hit 
and that she would have to come down and 
give me her license and insurance 
information for the report. Once I gathered 
all the information, I then issued (Juvenile) 
a citation for failure to control and did not 
give him a court date due to him being a 
minor. I then spoke with his father and 
advised him about above. 

Upon nothing further, I cleared

Ptl J. Rober #511

PUBLISHED 10:56AM JANUARY 16, 2019  *

Wednesday, January 09, 2019
03:47 PM -0500

Case No.: 18012086
S. 12th Street near E. Georgia Avenue

CITED: Maryann Schenk (AGE 18)
621 S. Freedom Ave, Alliance

Speed  48/35  333.03

On 12/17/2018, at approximately 2000 
hours, I, Officer Andrew J. Reed, while on 
patrol in marked unit 301 was conducting 
stationary radar on South 12th Street near 
East Georgia Avenue, when I observed a 
Black in color sedan that appeared to be 
traveling at a speed above that of the 
posted speed liinit of 35 MPH. I then 
activated my department issued radar unit 
and got a locked speed of 48 MPH. I then 
activated my overhead emergency lights 
and conducted a stop of the vehicle, a 
Black Dodge Avenger, bearing Ohio 
Registration HPN 7912. 

I then made contact with the driver, 
identified as Maryann Nicole Schenk, and 
advised her of the reason for the stop. 
Schenk then advised that she was unaware 
of how fast she was going. Schenk was 
then issued a citation for speed, 48MPH in 
a 35MPH zone, with a personal appearance 
not required.

Ptl. Reed 614


Case No.: 18012091
756 N. 15th Street, Sebring, Ohio

ARREST: Jessica Yaggi AGE 34
756 N. 15th Street, Sebring, Ohio

Stark County Warrant (Aggravated 
Possession of Drugs) , 2925.11 AF5

On 12/19/2018, at approximately 00:05 
hours, I, Officer Reed, and Officer Scott, 
took Jessica Yaggi into custody on a Felony 
warrant out of Alliance for Aggravated 
Possession of Drugs.

Upon arriving to the residence of Jessica 
Yaggi's fathers house at 756 N. 15th street, 
Officer Scott and I made contact with 
Jessica's father, Dale Yaggi, and received 
consent to enter the house from him while 
he went to check to see if Jessica was at 
the house. He then advised that she was, 
with her being located in an upstairs 

Jessica was then taken into custody and 
placed in handcuffs, which were spaced 
and double locked. Jessica was then 
transported in car #304 to Ralph's Deli 
where she was handed over to the custody 
of the Alliance Police Department.

Ptl Reed #514


Case No.: 18012088
N. 12th St./ E. Courtney Rd.

CITED: Brandon Ruchnan
715 South Lincoln Ave. Alliance, Ohio 

Driving Under Suspension     335.07

On 12/28/2018, at 1006 hours I, Ptl. 
Peterman, Aaron, was patrolling East 
Courtney Rd. when I noticed a vehicle with 
the driver who was cited the previous week 
for driving under suspension. After having 
advised dispatch of the license plate, 
Dispatch advised the vehicles owner was 
suspended and I initiated a traffic stop on 
the corner of N. 12th St. and E. Courtney 
Rd. I approached the vehicle and advised 
the driver that the vehicle came back with 
the owner having a revoked license. 

Driver identified himself being Brandon 
Michael Ruckman. The driver failed to 
provide me with a license, registration, or 
insurance, and I advised dispatch who 
returned, stating the individual was under 
suspension. I then advised dispatch to 
contact springers to have the vehicle towed.

Brandon Michael Ruckman was cited with 
335.07 Driving under suspension, and the 
owner was advised the vehicle was going to 
be towed and he needed to exit the vchicle.

Brandon cooperated, and exited thc vehicle. 
I then advised dispatch I would be giving 
Brandon a ride to his work location to wait 
for his ride. I gave Brandon a pat down for 
weapons before placing him in the back 
seat. I then cleared at 1028.

Ptl. Peterman, Aaron #512


Case No.: 18012090
S. 12th St. south of Village Limits, Sebring, 

CITED: Michael Tomello AGE 37
487 Bellview Dr, North Benton, OH 44449

Speed (48/35)  SCO 333.03

On Tuesday, December 18,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
speed enforcement in marked unit #303 on 
S 12th St near E Georgia Ave. I observed a 
red truck pass my location heading south at 
what appeared to be a high rate of speed 
and activated my cruiser's forward mounted 
radar antenna. I initially observed a digital 
read out of 47 MPH in a posted 35 MPH 
zone and locked the speed in at 48 MPH 
before losing sight of the vehicle near the 
500 block of S 12th St. I immediately pulled 
out from my location and proceeded to 
catch up with the vehicle. As I neared the 
500 block, I activated my overhead 
emergency lights and observed the vehicle 
was still outside my line of sight.

As I passed Alabama Ave, I activated my 
audible siren and re-acquired a visual of the 
vehicle as it neared the village limits. The 
vehicle, a red Ford F-150 bearing Ohio 
registration GGY2815, came to a complete 
stop on S 12th St outside the village limits. 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Michael Tomello, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. I requested Tomello to provide his 
driver's license and proof of insurance. 
Tomello provided both of the 
aforementioned documentation. While 
verifying Tomello's information through 
dispatch, I observed and was informed 
Tomello's driver's license expired on 
December 11,2018.

Tomello was issued traffic citation #031439 
for Village Ordinance 333.03 Speed (48/35) 
and given a verbal warning for driving with 
an expired driver's license. Tomello was 
informed of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
December 27,2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18012100
133 E Oregon Ave, Sebring, OH

ARREST: Adam Bell AGE 39
133 E Oregon Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

FTA (Pre-Trial) ORC 2937.43

On Thursday, December 20, 2018, 
Patrolmen Marchionda, Villanueva and 
Detective Kelm apprehended and adult 
male in the 100 block of E Oregon Ave on 
an active warrant.

Acting on information received by 
Patrolman Scott, officers proceeded to the 
100 block of E Oregon Ave in an attempt to 
locate Adam R. Bell, who had an active 
warrant out of Mahoning County Court #3 
for Failure to Appear. Bell was located at 
133 E Oregon Ave, informed of the warrant 
and taken into custody. 

Bell was transported from the scene to the 
processed. Following processing, Bell was 
transported to Mahoning County Court #3 
where custody was exchanged with the 
Mahoning County Sheriffs Office.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18012110
S 12th St near Village Limits, Sebring

CITED: Brim Bryan AGE 39
2820 Union Ave NE, Minerva, OM 44657

Speed (46/35)   SCO 333.03
Driver License: Not on Person   SCO 

On Friday, December 21,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling northbound in 
marked unit #304 on S 12th St near E 
Georgia Ave. I observcd a vehicle travelling 
the opposite direction at what appeared to 
be a high rate or speed. Upon activating my 
cruiser's forward mounted radar antenna, I 
observed and locked in a digital read out of 
44 MPH in a posted 35 MPH zone. As soon 
as the vehicle passed me, I activated my 
overhead emergency lights, turned my 
cruiser around and proceeded after the 
vehicle. The vehicle appeared to not have 
deviated in speed and continued south on S 
12th St. Upon approaching Alabama Ave 
and the vehicle still not yielding to my 
emergency lights, I activated my audible 
siren. The vehicle, a white Jeep bearing 
Ohio registration HLW1157, started slowing 
down as it neared the village limits and 
finally came to a complete stop outside the 
village limits.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Bryan Brim, I identified myself, 
informed him of the reason for the stop and 
asked why it took so long for him to yield 
and pull over. Brim stated he did not see my 
emergency lights nor did he hear the 
audible siren right away. I requested Brim to 
provide his driver's license, vehicle 
registration and proof of insurance. Brim 
was only able to provide me with the title of 
the vehicle and stated he did not have his 
license or insurance information with him. 
Patrolman Scott arrived on scene at this 
time to assist. Brim did provide his full 
name, date of birth and social security 

As I was verifying Brim's information 
through dispatch, Patrolman Scott 
continued to speak with Brim. After 
consulting with Patrolman Scott, I asked 
Brim if he was willing to submit to 
standardized field sobriety tests as 
Patrolman Scott and I could smell a faint 
odor of an alcoholic beverage on Brim's 
breath. Brim agreed to the tests and was 
instructed to exit the vehicle. As Brim exited 
the vehicle, the odor became stronger. At 
the conclusion of conducting thc SFSTs, I 
observed insufficient amount of clues to 
effect an arrest for operating a motor 
vehicle while intoxicated. I informed Brim to 
make contact with a valid driver who had 
not been drinking to take him home.

Brim was issued traffic citation #031440 for 
Village Ordinances 333.03 Speed (44/35) 
and 335.06 Driver License: Not on Person. 
Brim was informed of his mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, January 3,2019 at 0900. 

A valid and sober driver arrived on scene 
and took control of the vehicle.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18012111 
N. 12th St. / E. Ohio Ave.

CITED: Trenton Carver AGE 18
103 W. Kentucky Ave. Sebring, 0h 44672

Driving Around RR Crossing   SCO 331.39

On 12/22/2018 at 12:03am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser observed a 
vehicle go around the rail road crossing on 
N. 12th St. while the arms were down. I 
then got behind the vehicle and initiated a 
traffic stop on a 2007 grey Honda Civic 
bearing Ohio registration FEB1699. I then 
approached the driver and informed the 
driver of the reason and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received and identified 
the driver as Trenton Carver.

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Trenton a traffic citation for Driving around 
RR Crossing SCO 331.39 and gave Trenton 
a court date of 12/27/2018 at 9:00am with a 
personal appearance not required. Once 
Trenton signed the citation he was provided 
with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18012114 
N Johnson Rd @ W Oregon Ave, Sebring, 

CITED: Colin Boswell AGE 23
7925 Oakhill Ave NE, Alliance, OH 44601

Obedience to Traffic Control Device   SCO 

On Saturday, December 23,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #304 on 
W Ohio Ave at N Johnson Rd. I observed a 
white Jeep approach the intersection from 
the west and proceed south onto N 
Johnson Rd without stopping at the posted 
stop signal functioning flashing red traffic 
light. I pulled out from my location and 
activated my overhead emergency lights to 
initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a white 
Jeep bearing Ohio registration HHQ2238, 
came to a complete stop on N Johnson Rd 
at W Oregon Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Colin Boswell, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. I requested his driver's license, 
vehicle registration and proof of insurance. 
Boswell provided the aforementioned 
documentation. Boswell was issued traffic 
citation #031441 for Village Ordinance 
313.01 Obedience to Traffic Control Device 
and informed of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday 
January 3, 2019 at

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18012115 
235 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Trevor Byers AGE 21
134 Mount Logan Dr, Chillicothe, Oh

OVI (SFST)      ORC 4511.19A1A
OVI (BAC .08 to .17)    ORC 4511.19A1D
Obedience to Traffic Control Device    ORC 

On Sunday. December 23. 2018. Patrolman 
Marchionda conducted a traffic stop that 
resulted in the arrest of the driver for 
operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #508

While conducting traffic enforcement in 
marked unit #304 on N 12th St at E Ohio 
Ave, I observed a silver hatchback 
approach the functioning flashing red traffic 
light from the east and proceed through the 
intersection without coming to a complete 
stop. I pulled out from my location and 
activated my overhead emergency lights to 
initiate a traffic stop. 

The vehicle, a silver Toyota hatchback 
bearing Ohio registration HJW8356, came 
to a complete stop in front of 235 E Ohio 
Ave. Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Trevor Byers, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. While speaking to Byers, I 
observed what appeared to be vomit on the 
passenger seat and could also smell a 
strong odor of an alcoholic beverage 
coming from Byers. Byers' speech was also 
mildly slurred. 

I asked Byers if he had been drinking to 
which he stated he had 3 Busch Lights 
approximately 30 to 35 minutes prior to 
being stopped. Byers stated he had left the 
Brickhouse to take a female home in Beloit 
and was returning to the bar. 

After providing his driver's license, I asked 
Byers if he was willing to submit to 
Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. Byers 
stated he was willing to submit to the tests 
and was instructed to exit the vehicle. 
Patrolman Scott arrived on scene at this 
time to assist.

After turning my cruiser's forward 
emergency lights off, I instructed Byers to 
stand in front of his vehicle with his feet 
together, hands at his side and asked if he 
had any medical or physical issues which 
would prevent him from taking the tests. 
Byers stated he did not but he did have 
surgery some time ago to repair a broken 
collar bone.

Utilizing my extended handcuff key, I placed 
the key approximately 12-15 inches in front 
of his face and instructed Byers to follow 
the tip of the key with his eyes and his eyes 
only. Before beginning horizontal gaze 
nystagmus, I checked Byers for equal pupil 
size, resting nystagmus and equal tracking 
Nystagmus was observed during lack of 
smooth pursuit in both eyes. Nystagmus as 
distinct and sustained at maximum 
deviation for 4 seconds in both eyes as 
well. While conducting HGN, Byers was 
swaying mildly from front to back and side 
to side.

Following HGN, I provided Byers with 
instructions for walk and turn, demonstrated 
the instructions for him and asked if he 
understood them. After Byers stated he 
understood, I instructed him to begin.

Byers lost his balance at one point prior to 
the test beginning, took the wrong number 
of steps during the first 9, did not execute 
the prescribed turn and failed to maintain 
heel to toe during the second series of 9 

Following walk and turn, I provided Byers 
with instructions for one leg stand, 
demonstrated the instructions for him and 
asked if he understood them. After Byers 
stated he understood, I instructed him to 
begin. At one point during the test, Byers 
lost his balance and raised his arms as he 
placed his left foot down. Byers was 
instructed to continue from where he left off. 
Near the end of one leg stand, Byers had 
begun to lean backwards. At the conclusion 
of one leg stand, I again asked Byers if he 
had been truthful with me when he said he 
only drank 3 beers. Byers stated to me he 
forgot he also had a shot of Jim Beam as 
well. As a result of Byers' admission to me 
when I initially stopped him and due to his 
performance during SFSTs, I instructed 
Byers to place his hands behind his back as 
he was under arrest for suspicion of OVI.

Byers was placed in handcuffs 
(gapped/double locked) and was advised of 
his Miranda Rights as witnessed by 
Patrolman Scott. Patrolman Scott advised 
dispatch to log one male in custody for OVI 
and to send a tow truck to the scene. Byers 
was placed In the back seat of marked unit 
#304 while Patrolman Scott and I performed 
an administrative inventory of the vehicle. 
While Patrolman Scott remained on scene 
for the tow truck, I transported Byers to the 
processing. Upon arrival. Byers was 
escorted to the squad room where I 
removed the handcuffs and began reading 
him Ohio BMV 2255. At the conclusion of 
reading Byers the 2255 form, I asked hlm if 
he understood what was read to him and if 
he was willing to submit to chemical tests. 
Byers stated he understood and was willing 
to submit to any tests we asked him to take 
and said he would provide both a breath 
and urine sample. Byers provided his 
signature on the front of the 2255 form.

Patrolman Scott arrived at the station 
following the towing of the vehicle and 
operated the lntoxilyzer 8000. Byers 
provided two breath samples without issue. 
The printout from the Intoxilyzer 8000 
showed a BAC of 0.123 g/210L. I informed 
Byers he was over the legal limit of .08 and 
at this time, his Ohio driver's license was 
seized and that he was placed under 
Administrative License Suspension. I 
explained to Byers he was not legally 
allowed to operate any motor vehicles at 
this time but could apply for driving 
privileges at his initial appearance in court. 
Byers was issued traffic citation #031442 
for ORC 4511.19A1A OVI (SFST), ORC 
4511.19A1 D OVI (BAC 0%. 17) and ORC 
4511.12 Obedience to Traffic Control 

Byers was informed of his mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, December 27,2018 at 
0900. Byers was also provided a copy of 
the recognizance of the accused.

Patrolman Scott collected a urine sample 
from Byers which was logged and placed in 
the squad room refrigerator to await 
submission to the lab. After photographing 
Byers, Patrolman Scott obtained his 
fingerprints. Byers was provided a copy of 
the lntoxilyzer 8000 Subject Test Report as 
well as his signed copies of the Ohio BMV 
2255, traffic citation, and recognizance of 
the accused.

Byers was released from police custody 
and into the custody of his father, who was 
waiting for him in the front lobby of the 
station. From the time Byers was stopped to 
the time he was released, Byers was 
extremely cooperative, respectful and never 
once showed anger or signs of aggression 
toward Patrolman Scott and I.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


CASE # 18012131
235 E. Ohio Avenue, Sebring, Ohio 

CITED: Tia Bendetta AGE 33
579 Genesee Ave NE, Warren, Ohio 44453

Traffic Control Device  SCO 313.01

On 12/26/18, at approximately 2221 hours I, 
Officer Reed, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit 301 in the alley 
between E. Ohio Avenue and E. Oregon at 
N. 12th Street. I observed a Red Jeep 
Compass go through the flashing red traffic 
light at E. Ohio and N. 12th street without 
coming to a complete stop. I then activated 
my overhead emergency lights and 
conducted a traffic stop on the Red Jeep 
Compass bearing Ohio Registration 
HLW5716 on E. Ohio Avenue in front of the 
fire station. 

I then made contact with the driver, Tia 
Bendetta and advised her of the reason for 
the stop. I asked for her license, registration 
and proof of insurance. Bendetta provided 
me with the aforementioned documents as 
well as advised that she had not seen the 
flashing red traffic light. 

I wrote Bendetta a citation for SCO 313.01 
(failure to obey a traffic control device), with 
a mandatory court appearance required at 
MCC #3 at 0900 on 01/03/2019. I then 
cleared from the call.

Ptl Reed #514


Case No.: 18012130
South Johnson and SR62

CITED: James Snyder
1020 Race Drive, Troy, 45373

Starting and Backing    SCO 331.13

On Wednesday, December 26, 2018, 
myself, Patrolman Villanueva and Detective 
Kelm were dispatched to an accident with 
no injuries at 1238 hours. When we arrived 
we noticed one vehicle maroon in color on 
the side of the roadway with its taillight 
damaged. We made contact with the driver 
of the maroon vehicle who was identified as 
Drew Brunie 126 W. Ohio Ave..  Brunie 
informed us that he was stopped at the 
intersection light along with traffic when a 
truck backed into him getting out of a 
parking spot in Perkins parking lot.

We then identilied the driver of the truck as 
James Snyder, 1020 Race Dr. Troy. Snyder 
then began to explain that Brunie was in his 
'blind spot' and apologized. I then 
photographed the damage on both vehicles. 
We began to take both of their information 
and I wrote a citation (#031454) for SCO 
331.13 Improper Starting and Backing to 
Snyder. We then cleared.

Ptl. Villanueva #513
Det. Kelm #505


Case No.: 18012134
N. Johnson and W. Maryland

CITED: Christina Ludwiczak AGE 37
133 N. 17th St.

Traffic Control Devices    SCO 313.01

On Thursday, December 27,2018, I 
Patrolman Villanueva, was parked 
conducting traffic enforcelllent in marked 
unit #301 at the intersection of W. Ohio and 
N. Johnson Rd..  While facing south, I 
observed a vehicle approaching the 
intersection traveling west and did not slow 
to a stop for the stop sign but instead drove 
through it making a right turn onto N. 
Johnson Rd. I then activated my overhead 
emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop.

The vehicle was a 2015 Chevy hatchback 
bearing Ohio registration GPT3502. The 
vehicle came to a coinplete stop at the 
corner of Johnson and W. Maryland so 
using my intercom in my vehicle, I 
requested she pull onto W. Maryland for our 

Once moved to a safer location I made 
contact with the driver, Christina Ludwiczak 
133 N. 17th St, and requested her driver's 
license, registration and prool of insurance. 
Christina then admits that she ran the stop 
sign because she was late for a client and 
then states that she does not have her 
insurance in her vehicle. I then asked her if 
there was a way she could get her agent to 
send one to her email in which she 
responded yes. Christina showed me the 
copy of her insurance and then I issued her 
citation for SCO 313.01 Traffic Control 
Devices for running the stop sign then 

Ptl. Villanueva #513


Case No.: 18012140
S. 15th St @ E. Florida Ave, Sebring, 0h

CITED: Amanda Yeager  AGE 35
215 S. 15th St, Sebring 

Obedience to Traffic Control Device    SCO 

On Thursday, Dccember 27, 2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #303 on 
W Texas Ave at S 15t St. I observed a black 
SUV proceed through the intersection 
without first stopping at the clearly posted 
stop sign. I activated my overhead 
elnergency lights and pulled out from my 
location to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, 
a black Ford SUV bearing Ohio temporary 
registration H295173, came to a complete 
stop on S 15th St at E Florida Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Amanda Yeager, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for 
the stop. I requested Yeager to provide her 
driver's license and proof of insurance. 
Yeager provided the aforementioned 
documentation. Yeager was issued traffic 
citation #031443 for Village Ordinance 
313.01 Obedience to Traffic Control Device 
and informed of her appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
January 10,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchioilda #508


Case No.: 18012101
22410 Alden Ave. Alliance, OH 44601

ARREST: Ronald Keatly  AGE 49
22410 Alden Ave. Alliance, OH 44601
FTA      ORC 2937.43

Ronald Keatley had a bench warrant and I 
Ptl. Scott along with Ptl. Peterman and Ptl. 
Reed went to 22410 Alden Ave. Alliance, 
OH 44601 in an attempt to make contact 
with Ronald.

Upon our arrival we made contact with 
Ronald and placed him into custody and 
transported Ronald to the station for 
processing and then transported Ronald to 
MCC#3. Ronald suffers from alcoholism 
and was displaying detox symptoms. The 
Mahoning County Deputies at the court 
house were notified and took custody of 

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18012069 

ARREST: Brian Carlisle AGE 51
138 W Pennsylvania Ave., Sebring OH 

Outside Storage of Unused Motor Vehicle    

On 12/13/2018, I observed a vehicle that 
appeared non operational.

I ran the plate through dispatch which came 
back to Brian Carlisle at 14539 French St, 
Damascus. The registration came back as 
expired on 05/13/2018 with a BMV 
confiscation order. 

I confiscated the license plates and left a 
junk vehicle letter on the windshield. Brian 
has been informed that he has 72 hours to 
remove the vehicle from the village or it will 
be towed. I then cleared.

Ptl Villanueva #513
Det. Kelm #505


On 12/14/18 I went to 138 W Penn and 
spoke with Brain Carlisle who wanted to 
know what happened to his plates. Brian 
was informed that his plates were 
confiscated by order of the BMV and that 
the junk vehicle letter he received was valid 
and  he need to contact the BMV about his 

BADGE NO.: 505, Ptl. Brindack 507


On 12/27/2018, I went to 138 W. 
Pennsylvania and observed the above 
mentioned vehicle was still without 
registration and inoperable. A summons 
was made so Brian Carlisle can go to court 
on 01/03/2019 @ 0900 hours.

Ptl. Villanueva #513


On 12/27/18 I served Brian K Carlisle with a 
summons and advised him of his court date 
at MCC#3 of 01/03/19 and cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18012150
100 Block of N 15th St, Sebring, 0h

CITED: Jason Thompson  AGE 40
1108 Homeworth Rd. Alliance, Oh

Obedience to Traffic Control Device    SCO 

On Saturday, December 29,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was on patrol in 
marked unit #304 in the downtown area. 
While patrolling north on N 15th St towards 
E Ohio Ave, I observed a white van turn 
south onto N 15th St from E Ohio Ave 
without stopping at the functioning red 
flashing traffic light. After the vehicle passed 
me, I activated my overhead emergency 
lights and performed a U-turn to initiate a 
traffic stop. The vehicle, a white Dodge van 
bearing Ohio registration HAF3046, came 
to a complete stop in the 100 block of N 
151h St after proceeding south through the 
intersection at W Oregon Ave without 
stopping at the functioning red, flashing 
traffic light.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Jason Thompson, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. While speaking to Thompson, I 
could smell an odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from his breath and asked 
him where he was coming from and if he 
had anything to drink. Thompson stated he 
was heading home from the Brickhouse and 
that he had consumed a couple of beers. I 
requested Thompson to provide his driver's 
license, vehicle registration and proof of 

Thompson provided the aforementioned 
documentation. After reviewing the 
documents, I instructed Thompson to exit 
the vehicle to perform Standardized Field 
Sobriety Tests. Patrolman Scott arrived on 
scene at this time to assist.

After insufficient clues were observed 
during SFSTs, Thompson was instructed to 
attempt to summon a valid and sober driver 
to the scene to pick him up. Thompson was 
issued traffic citation #031444 for Village 
Ordinance 313.01 Obedience to Traffic 
Control Device and informed of his 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, January 10,2019 at 0900. 

After Thompson's attempts to make contact 
with another driver were unsuccessful, I 
provided him with a courtesy transport to 
his residence on Homeworth Rd in Alliance. 
The vehicle was left legally parked on N 
15th St to be retrieved at a later time.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


DATE: 12/29/2018 06:24:00

Dispatch advised officers the vehicle in 
question was a black Chevrolet Colorado 
bearing Ohio registration HHR9687. Upon 
our arrival, Patrolman Scott and I did not 
immediately observe and find a Colorado 
with that registration in the area. 

Officers split up and checked the 
surrounding area. While checking the area 
of Hillsdale and Beddington, I located a 
GMC Canyon bearing the above 
registration and made contact with the 
driver. The driver identified himself as an 
employee of The Alliance Review and 
stated he was delivering papers as evident 
by the newspapers observed in the front 
and backseats of the vehicle.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


DATE: 1/1/2019 21:13:00

509 08(A2) Disturbing the Peace; Playing of 
any radio, phonograph

On 01/01/2019, While on call 19001010 I 
was approached by a male in reference to a 
neighbor complaint.

Det. Redfern 504

On 01/01/2019, While on call 19001010 I 
was approached by a male in reference to a 
neighbor complaint. Ashley Dilley advised 
that he resides at 125 East Oregon Avenue 
and his neighbor (XXXXXXXX) was blasting 
loud music and it's been an ongoing issue. 
Ashley advised that (XXXXXXXX) became 
upset when confronted and went out to 
Ashley's truck and stated he was going to 
urinate on it and deficate In the bed of the 

I then walked to the address and found no 
evidence of foul play to the vehicle.  I also 
did not observe any music at that time. 

I attempted to make contact at the 
residence with no success. I then cleared.

Det Redfern 504


Case No.: 18012159
N. 12th St. /North of Village Limits

CITED: Dawn Fender AGE 47
15847 W. South Range Rd. Salem, OH 

Marked Lanes   ORC 4511.33 
OVI (SFST)   ORC 4511.19(A)(1)(a)

On 12/30/2018 I Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic 
stop that resulted in the arrest of the driver 
for OVI.

Ptl. Scott #506

I Ptl. Scott was stationary at N. 12th St. and 
E. Ohio Ave. enforcing traffic at the 
intersection due to a traffic complaint about 
vehicles failing to stop at the intersection. 
While stationary I witnessed a vehicle 
traveling north on N. 12th St. came to the 
intersection of N. 12th St. and E. Ohio Ave. 
and stopped past the white line and then 
proceeded forward and then stopped again 
which at that point the front end of the 
vehicle was out in the east bound lane of E. 
Ohio Ave. The vehicle then proceeded to 
travel north. 

I then pulled onto the roadway and followed 
the vehicle and while behind the vehicle I 
observed the vehicle go off of the right side 
of the road way multiple times. I then 
initiated a traffic stop which was on N. 12th 
St. just north of the village limits, the vehicle 
was a maroon 2017 Nissan 4 door bearing 
Ohio registration HHS2676.

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver side of the vehicle and observed the 
driver hunched over the center console 
reaching for something in the glove box and 
I could also smell a strong odor of fragrance 
that smelled similar to perfume. I asked the 
driver to stop reaching for items out of the 
glove box and informed them of the reason 
for the stop and requested their driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
in which I received all except the proof of 
insurance and the driver was identified as 
Dawn Fender. 

While Dawn was attempting to find the 
documents I requested she pulled out 
multiple cards and talked about off topic 
things while doing so until she finally found 
her license, and when looking for 
registration she handed me multiple papers 
that were not the registration but instead 
work orders and other papers that were not 
the registration. I asked why Dawn 
continuously went off of the right side of the 
road and Dawn responded that she was on 
her phone. I then asked where Dawn was 
coming from and she stated Westville Lake 
Rd. where she dropped off her daughter. I 
then asked Dawn if she had consumed any 
alcoholic beverages prior to driving in which 
Dawn stated yes she had two beers. 

Dawn was acting very excited and when 
asked if she had sprayed anything prior to 
me making contact with her Dawn became 
rude and denied doing this.

I then had Dawn step out of the vehicle 
which is when Ptl. Marchionda arrived on 
scene and shut off his and my cruisers front 
over head lights off. I had Dawn walked to 
the rear of her vehicle and I asked Dawn if 
she would preform field sobriety tests in 
which she stated that she would take. I then 
had Dawn stand straight up with her feet 
together and her hands to her side and 
checked her eyes for resting nystagmus, 
equal tracking, and equal pupil size. Dawn 
did not have a resting nystagmus in either 
eye, both of Dawns pupils were of equal 
size, and both of Dawns eyes tracked 
equally. I then
asked Dawn if she had any medical or 
physical conditions that would inhibit her 
from taking the test in which Dawn stated 
that she did not. I asked Dawn if she takes 
any medication in which Dawn stated that 
she has a prescription for a medication that 
is a muscle relaxer but did not give the 
name. When I asked Dawn if she had taken 
any Dawn stated that she did earlier.

I then had Dawn stay in that position and 
explained the rules for the next test which 
was the horizontal gaze nystagmus and 
after I explained the instructions I asked 
Dawn if she understood in which Dawn 
stated that she did understand. Dawn 
stated that she has prescription glasses and 
stated that she needs them to see and 
when the test began she complained that 
she could not see the pen due to the 
glasses having parts that helped her read. 
The glasses appeared to be just reading 
glasses once she showed me. I asked 
Dawn if she could see the pen without the 
glasses and Dawn stated that she could 
see the pen without having her glasses on. 
Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: Lack of smooth pursuit in 
both eyes, Distinct nystagmus at maximum 
deviation in both eyes, and Onset of 
nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both eyes.

The next test was the walk and turn and I 
instructed Dawn to stand straight up with 
her hands to her side and her right foot in 
front of her left foot and to stay in that 
position until I instructed her otherwise.

I explained the instructions for the test and 
once I was finished I asked Dawn if she 
understood In which Dawn stated that she 
did understand but Dawn complained how 
the vehicles lights were in her face in which 
I stated to Dawn the lights were shut off 
prior to starting the tests. Dawn then 
complained about having a light in her face 
while preforming the first test in which I 
stated to Dawn the light was not in her face 
nor her eyes during the first test. 

Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: Couldn't balance during 
instructions, stopped while walking, did not 
touch heel to toe, stepped off of line, used 
arms to balance, and improper turn. At one 
point Dawn blamed her shoes and asked if 
she could take them off and I told her she 
could. Taking off the shoes had no effect of 
the test results as Dawn continued to 
preform the test the same way as when she 
had her shoes on.

The next test was the one leg stand and I 
instructed Dawn to stand straight up with 
her arms to her side and her feet together 
while I explained the instructions. Once the 
instructions were explained I asked Dawn if 
she understood in which Dawn stated that 
she did understand. 

Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: Swayed while balancing, 
used arms and vehicle to balance, and 
foot down 3 times.

Based on the test results and my 
experience I placed Dawn in custody for 
suspicion of OVI and placed Dawn in hand 
restraints and read her rights to her and 
then placed Dawn in the rear of unit #301. I 
and Ptl. Marchionda preformed an 
administrative inventory of Dawns vehicle 
and retrieved her purse, phone, and money 
as she requested and I also found a odor 
blocker that smelled similar to the odor I 
smelled when I initially made contact with 
Dawn laying in the center console. I then 
transported Dawn back to the station while 
Ptl. Marchionda stayed to oversee the tow 
of Dawns vehicle and fill out the tow slip.

Once back at station Dawn was read the 
BMV 2255 form by me and witnessed by 
D.O. Wheeler and was processed by 
photographs and was not finger printed due 
to the machine not functioning properly. 

Dawn was extremely rude during the entire 
process and made derogatory remarks and 
also called me a "dick". Dawn refused to 
take any chemical tests and I then notified 
Dawn that she is now under administrative 
license suspension that takes effect 

Dawn was issued a traffic citation marked 
lanes ORC 4511.33 and OVI (SFST) ORC 
4511.19(A)(1)(a). Dawn signed the citation 
and was provided with a copy, Dawn signed 
the BMV 2255 form and was provided with 
a copy, and Dawn was given a 
recognizance bond in the amount of $500 
for the OVI offense in which Dawn signed 
and was provided a copy of. Dawn was 
advised of her court date of MCC#3 on 
01/03/2019 at 9:00am with a mandatory 
appearance. Once processing and paper 
work was compete Dawn was released to a 
valid and sober driver.

Ptl. Scott #506

PUBLISHED 3:30PM January 9, 2019  *

Tuesday, January 08, 2019
03:50 PM -0500

Sebring Police STORIES
DATE: 01/01/2019 11:22:00

On 1/1/2019 myself and Ptl. Villanueva 
were dispatched to 356 E. Maryland Ave. 
for property damage.

Dispatch advised the complainant Mitch 
Court, 345 E. Ohio Ave. called and advised 
it looked like someone had broken out a 
window to the business. Mitch also advised 
he was not sure if anyone had made entry 
into the business.

Upon arrival both units checked all doors 
and windows which were secure. There 
was a window on the south side of the 
business that had been boarded up. It was 
apparent the strong winds from the previous 
night had pulled the boards off the window 
as you could see rotten wood broken off the 
window. There were no signs of forced 
entry and all windows and doors were 

After speaking to the complainant and 
explaining what happened both units 
cleared without incident.

Det. Kelm #505


Sebring Police STORIES
Case No.: 19001009
196 N. 12th Street Sebring, Ohio

ARRESTED: Cody Ellsworth
196 N. 12th Street Sebring, Ohio 44672

Dog at Large    SCO 505.01

On 01-01-2019 at approximately 1831 
hours I, Officer Reed, was dispatched to a 
complaint of an aggressive dog running at 
large in the area of N. 12th Street and E. 
Oregon Ave.

Upon arriving to the area I met with the 
Complainant, Todd Fox, on the corner of E. 
Oregon Avenue and N 12th street. Mr. Fox 
advised that he was out for a walk when he 
encountered a black in color rottweiler type 
dog that was behaving aggressively 
towards him. I also at this point noticed the 
dog, which was entering into the roadway 
from the yard of 196 N. 12th street. 

I then activated my overhead emergency 
lights in an attempt to alert traffic in the 
area. I also activated my audible siren and 
was I able to use it to scare the dog back 
into the porch of the residence. A male 
subject, later identified as Cody Ellsworth, 
then came onto the porch and took the dog 
inside before coming out to make contact 
with me. Mr Ellsworth advised that he was 
the dogs owner and that his friend Nicholas 
Grindle had just put the dog outside on a 
chain, with the dog having broken free from 
it. After relaying Mr. Ellsworth's information 
to dispatch, I was advised that he had a 
prior warning in May of 2018 for dog 
running at large.  

Mr. Ellworth was given a citation for SCO 
505.01 dog running at large, with a 
mandatory court appearance at 0900 on 
01/10/2019 at Mahoning County Court #3. I 
was then able to clear from the call.

Ptl. Reed #514


Sebring Police STORIES 
Case No.: 19001012

ARRESTED: Conner Loy AGE 26
265 E. Vermont Ave., Sebring, Oh
Dog Running at Large M4 505.01 

Upon arriving to the area, I checked both 
the alley ways to the north and south of the 
100 block of W. 
Indiana, without finding the two dogs. I was 
then advised by dispatch that a Mr. Connor 
Loy had called 
the station and advised that they were likely 
his two black labs that were missing. I then 
made phone 
contact with Mr Loy, with him further 
advising that his dogs had escaped from his 
yard, which was 
equipped with an electric fence. Mr.Loy 
went on to say that he would continue to 
look for his dogs At 
2228 hours. 

I again made contact with Mr. Loy to see if 
he was able to locate his dogs, with him 
informing me that he had not. After 
consulting with Det. Redfern, it was found 
that Mr. Loy had a prior minor misdemeanor 
conviction for animals running at large. I 
again called Mr. Loy and he agreed to come 
to the Sebring Police Station. Upon arriving, 
Loy was processed for Animals at large 
(505.01(A)), Misdemeaner, and given a 
court date of 01/10/2019 at 0900 hours at 
MCC #3. Mr. Loy was then released on a 
recognizance bond. 

Officer Reed #514


Sebring Police STORIES
Case No.: 19001015
DATE:  01/02/2019 05:55:00
Theft 2913.02, M1

On Wednesday, January 2, 2019, 
Patrolman Marchionda was dispatched to 
the 600 block of W California Ave reference 
a report of gasoline being siphoned from a 
vehicle overnight. 

Upon my arrival at 679 W California Ave, I 
made contact with the complainant, Jarred 
Chestnut, who informed me on his way 
home the previous evening he stopped at 
BP (Duke and Duchess) in Alliance and put 
$15 of fuel in his wifes truck.  Chestnut 
stated when he attempted to start the truck 
this morning, it would not start and he 
discovered the fuel gauge to be on empty.  
Chestnut stated the gauge was at 
approximately 3/4 when he came home and 
also showed me a pending  transaction of 
$15.00 from BP in Alliance on his bank card 

Ptl D. Marchionda#508


Sebring Police STORIES
Case No.: 19001020
S. 12th St. / US 62

CITED:  Luke Flickinger AGE:18
30604 Hartley Rd. Salem, OH
Speed 46/35 SCO 333.03

On 01/03/2019 at 12:08am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
north on S. 12th St. when I observed a 
vehicle traveling south on the same road 
that appeared to be traveling higher than 
the posted 35 mph speed limit. I activated 
the cruiser's forward mounted radar unit 
and observed a reading on 46 mph while in 
the 35 mph zone.

The vehicle passed me and I then turned 
around in a drive way and positioned my 
self behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic 
stop on S. 12th St. near U.S. Rt. 62. The 
vehicle was a silver 2001 Chrysler station 
wagon bearing Ohio registration GYG8989. 
I exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver side and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested tlieir 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which received a license and 
an expired insurance card. 

The driver was identified as Luke Flickinger, 
I then took the documents and returned to 
my cruiser. I wrote Luke a traffic citation for 
speed SCO 333.03 and gave Luke a court 
date of 01/10/2019 at 9:00am for MCC#3 
with a personal appearance required. Once 
Luke signed the citation I provided him with 
a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506 01/03/2019


Sebring Police STORIES 
Case No.: 19001024

ARRESTED: George Hill Jr. (AGE; 44)
663 W. Oregon Ave.
Assault  M1   2903.13   $1,250.00
Domentic Violence  M1  2919.25    

ARRESTED: Alexander Hill  (AGE: 19)
663 W. Oregon Ave.
Assault  M1   2903.13   $1,250.00
Domentic Violence   2919.25    $2,500.00

On 1-3-2019 at 1727 I, Ptl. Peterman 
responded to a domestic violence at 663 W. 
Oregon Ave.

Upon arrival dispatch advised both I and Prl 
Brindack that the male individual was in 
posession of a knife.  I spoke to George 
Michael Hill Jr., while Ptl. Brindack 
questioned Caroline Brady and Alexander 
Hill.  While questioning George stated to me 
that he was having a "heated" argument 
with his girlfriend.  He did not place his 
hands on her and as they continued arguing 
the son, Alexander Hill, tackled George to 
the ground and punched him 4 times in the 
face causing Georges' left side of his mouth 
to swell and bleed. 

Me, and Ptl. Brindack placed George under 
detention and after a pat down we found a 
small knife in his pocket and took it from 
him for officer safety.

Me and Ptl Brindack questioned Caroline 
Brady and Alexander Hill, who both stated 
George became infuriated when Caroline 
took a digital scale and marijuana pipe from 
George and locked it in her trunk because 
she didn't want it in the house.  He then put 
his hands on Caroline and with force, 
physically pushed Caroline back off of him 
causing her son, Alexander to defend his 
mother and struck George In the face, 
knocking him to the ground. Caroline also 
stated she wanted charges pressed against 

I observed a small amount of blood on 
George's mouth, and swelling on the right 
side of his face. Me and Ptl. Brindack 
placed George Hill Jr. under arrest for 
Domestic Violence and assault, and placed 
him in the back of my patrol vehicle.

George stated to Ptl. Brrndack that he 
wanted charges pressed against Alexander 
for the assault against him, and after a 
discussion with Chief Harris about the 
matter, and he spoke to the prosecutor, 
Theresa Tolson. With this in due 
knowledge, we then placed Alexander 
under arrest for assault 2909.13(A) and 
domestic vrolence 2919.25(A). 

We cleared the scene at 1822 hours, and 
brought both individuals back for 
processing. George and Alexander were 
both charged with the same crime of 
Domestic violence and assault, both were 
placed on a $3750 bond. Alexander was 
separated from George in the squad room, 
and George was unable to find someone to 
bond him out and was then transported to 
Mahoning County Jall. Alexander made 
bond, and was released to his mother, 

Both were set a court date of 1/10/2019 @ 

Ptl. Peterman 512


On 1-3-2019 I responded to a domestic  
violence at 663 W. Oregon Ave.  While en 
route we were advised the male party later 
identifled as George Michael Hill was 
threatenrng people and possibly had a 
knife. Upon arrival Myself and Ptl. Peterman 
made contact with George who was 
detained for Officer safety. 

Ptl Peterman began speaking with George 
as I spoke with the caller Carollne Bandy 
and her son Alexander Hill. Caroline 
advised tbat George was her boyfriend and 
that she found a digital scale and marijuana 
pipe and she locked it in her trunk because 
she didn't want it in her house. She advises 
that George became mad over this and 
shoved her and began to attack her. Both 
Caroline and Alexander advise at this point 
Alex intervened in defense of his mother 
and struck his father George once in the 
face causing George to bleed from his 

All parties involved were offered medical 
and refused. Caroline advised she did want 
charges against George and signed for 
charges and did a voluntary statement.

George was arrested and placed in Ptl. 
Peterman's car, while there George advised 
his son attacked him and that he never 
touched his girlfriend and he wanted 
charges as well. I spoke with Chief Harris 
about this matter and he advised me that 
per Prosecutor Theresa Tolson both parties 
were to be arrested and charged with 
Domestic and Assault. Charges were 
signed by George against Alex and Alex 
was arrested and placed In my cruiser.

Caroline then showed me the scale and 
marijuana pipe and advised she did not 
want them in her house or car. George 
advised he had never seen them before in 
hls life. Since there was no proof Ownership 
and know one would admit it belonged to 
them the items were taken to be destroyed.

Units then came to the station with George 
and Alex.  Both were arrested for M1 
Domestic 2919.25 and M1 Assault 2903.13 
with bond set at $3750.  Alex was 
processed in the squad room and George 
was processed in the intox room.

Alex was able to post bond through all 
American Big Bobs Bail Bonds and all 
necessary paperwork was completed.  He 
was fingerprinted and photographed and 
did a voluntary under arrest statement and 
was released to the bondsman.

George was taken to Mahoning County Jail 
by Ptl Peterman.  Both parties were given a 
court date at MCC#3 of 01-10-2019 at 

Ptl. Brindack #507



Sebring Police STORIES
DATE: 01/03/2019 21:59:00

On 1-3-2019 at 2201 I, Ptl Peterman 
responded to Circle K for a report of 
domestic violence.

Upon arrival, I spoke to Dale Yaggi, who 
states he was talklng to (XXXXXXX) and 
she became frustrated over Dale drinking 
again She then punched Dale In the face, 
causing his head to bleed, and knocked him 
onto the ground.  I asked Dale if he needed 
medical attention, to wich he responded he 
did not want it. We then asked if he wanted 
charges pressed against (XXXXXXX) to 
which he refused. 

Ptl Brindack then proceeded to have Dale 
sign a domestic violence refusal waiver.

I then spoke to Brandie Springer who states 
she saw Dale kneeling over by the Circle K 
entrance door, and asked if he was ok? I 
proceeded to give Dale a courtesy ride to 
his home. It should be noted I patted him 
down for weapons before letting him into 
my patrol cruiser Both units then cleared at 

Ptl. Peterman 522 1/3/2019


Sebring Police STORIES 
Case No.: 19001026
1100 Block of S 12th St, Sebring, 0h

CITED: Matthew Shamp (AGE: 59)
488 E. Perry St., Salem, Oh
Speed 59/35    SCO 333.03

On Friday, January 04,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling south on S 12th 
St in marked unit #304. I observed a vehicle 
entering the village at what appeared to be 
a high rate of speed and activated my 
cruiser's mounted forward radar antenna. I 
observed and locked a digital read out of 59 
MPH. The vehicle was well within the 
village limits, past the corporation limit and 
35 MPH speed limit sign and showed no 
deviation in speed before and after the 
speed was locked in at 59 MPH. 

As the vehicle passed me, I activated my 
overhead emergency lights, turned around 
and proceeded to catch up with the vehicle 
to initiate a traffic stop.

The vehicle, a silver Ford F-150 bearing 
Ohio registration ECM5485, came to a 
complete stop in front of 1135 S 12th St. 
Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Matthew Shamp, I informed 
him of the reason for the stop and 
ascertained the reason for the excessive 
speed. Shamp stated he was on his way to 
work at Famous on Courtney Rd. I asked 
Shamp how long he had been working at 
Famous and if he uses 12th St everyday on 
his way to work. Shamp stated he has been 
working at Famous for 4 months and that 
he uses 12th St every day for work and 
never once noticed a 35 MPH speed limit 

Shamp provided his driver's license, vehicle 
registration and proof of insurance upon 

Shamp was issued citation #031445 for 
Village Ordinance 333.03 Speed -59/35 and 
informed of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
January 17,2019 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508 1.4.2019


Sebring Police STORIES 
Case No.: 19001027
206 N. 12th St., Sebring

CITED: David Schmid  (AGE: 70)
206 N 12th SL, Sebring, OH

Obedience to Traffic Control Device  SCO 

On Friday, January 04,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #304 on N 12th 
St at E Ohio Ave. I observed a white truck 
approach the intersection on E Ohio Ave 
from the west and turn south onto N 12th St 
without first stopping at the functioning red 
flashing traffic light. I immediately activated 
my overhead emergency lights and pulled 
out from my location to initiate a traffic stop. 
Upon catching up with the truck, the truck 
failed to pull over and I intermittently 
activated my emergency sirens. The truck 
continued south on N 12th St and pulled 
into 206 N 12th St. After pulling in behind 
the white truck, a Silverado bearing Ohio 
registration HCF8037, the driver 
immediately exited the vehicle.

I exited my patrol car and ordered the driver 
back into the truck but was met with verbal 
resistance. The driver was again ordered 
back into his vehicle at which point he 
finally complied. Upon approaching the 
vehicle and making contact with the driver, 
identified a David Schmid, I asked him why 
he felt it was necessary to exit his vehicle 
after being pulled over by a police officer. 
Schmid stated he did nothing wrong and 
wanted to go into his house. Schmid was 
ordered to stay where he was and to 
produce his driver's license, vehicle 
registration and proof of insurance. 

While handing the aforementioned 
documentation to me, Schmid asked, "Are 
you going to shoot me?" to which I replied 
"No." Patrolman Scott arrived on scene at 
this time to assist.

Schmid was issued traffic citation #031446 
for Village Ordinance 313.01 Obedience to 
Traffic Control Device and informed of his 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, January 
10,2013 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508 1.4.2019


Sebring Police STORIES
Case No.: 19001027
700 Block of W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Lynnsy Dowdy 
1203 South St, Alliance, OH 

Obedience to Traffic Control Device  SCO 

On Sunday, January 06,2019, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #303 on N 
Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave. I observed a 
black 2-door sedan approach the 
intersection from the east and continue 
west without first coming to a stop at the 
posted stop sign and functioning red 
flashing traffic light. 

I pulled out from my Iocation and activated 
my overhead emergency lights to initiate a 
traffic stop. The vehicle, a black Chrysler 
Sebring bearing Ohio registration 
GGE2871, came to a complete stop in the 
700 block of W Ohio Ave. Before I could 
approach the vehicle, I observed the driver 
and the front passenger reaching and 
moving around inside the vehicle. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver, identified as Lynnsy 
Dowdy and informed her that upon being 
stopped by a law enforcement officer, to not 
begin reaching around inside the vehicle 
unless instructed to do so. Dowdy became 
visibly agitated, defensive and proclaimed 
she was getting her documents ready for 
me. I informed Dowdy such actions should 
only be done when instructed to do so for 
her and the officer's safety. After explaining 
the importance of not reaching and moving 
around inside the vehicle, I identified myself 
and informed her of the reason for the stop.

I requested Dowdy to provide her driver's 
license, vehicle registration and proof of 
insurance. Dowdy provided the 
aforementioned documentation. Dowdy was 
issued traffic citation #031447 for Village 
Ordinance 313.01 Obedience to Traffic 
Control Device and informed of her 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, January 17,2019 at 0900. 

Dowdy was provided a courtesy reminder to 
not reach around the inside of n vehicle 
next time she is stopped by a law 
enforcement officer.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508 1.6.2019


Sebring Police STORIES
Case No.: 19001041
N. JOHNSON RD Outside village limits

Jessica Yaggi (AGE: 34)
756 N 15th St, Sebring, OH 44672

Warrant - FTA Agg Poss Drugs    ORC 

Prior to starting the shift officers were given 
advance knowledge that Jessica Yaggi had 
an entered warrant out of Alliance Municipal 
Court.  While patrolling north in marked unit 
#303 on N. Johsnson Rd near the Smith 
TWP Police Department I observed a 
marron Buick bearing Ohio registration 
GCN6997. Dispatch had previously 
informed officers earlier in the shrft that the 
aforementioned vehicle was registered to 
Yaggi.  After relaying my location and 
direction of travel to dispatch I activated my 
overhead evergency lights and audible 
siren to initiate a felony traffic stop just north 
of Sebring Woods.

The maroon Buick came to a complete stop 
on N Johnson Rd north of the vrllage limits. 
After advising dispatch I would be on a 
felony stop with two occupants, I ordered 
the driver to turn the vehicle off and for the 
driver and passenger to place their hands 
outside their respective windows.

K-3 Detective Redfern, Patrolman Scott and 
Smith Township Patrolman Caughey arrived 
on scene at this time to assist. The driver 
was ordered out of the vehicle and when 
she emerged, officers confirmed by visual 
identification that the driver was Jessica 
Yaggi. Yaggi was placed in handcuffs 
behind her back (gapped double locked) 
and informed she was under arrest for an 
open warrant out of Alllance. Yaggi was 
patted down for weapons, contraband and 
secured in the backseat of marked unit 

Dispatch was updated of the arrest and 
advised an officer from Alliance Police 
Department would be en route to Ralph's 
Deli on Alliance-Sebring Rd to exchange 
custody. I transported Yaggi from the scene 
to the arranged meeting location while K-9 
Detective Redfern, Patrolman Scott and 
Smith Townshlp Patrolman Caughey 
remained on scene. After arriving at Ralph's 
Deli, Alliance Patrolman Vesco arrived on 
scene and took custody of Yaggi. Following 
the custody exchange with Alliance PD, I 
returned to the village.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


On 01/06/2019 I responded to a traffic stop 
initiated by Ptl. Marchionda with a vehicle 
that was registered to Jessica Yaggi that 
officers on shift had prior knowledge of 
Jessica having an entered warrant for drug 
possession through Alliance Municipal 

Ptl. Marchionda had stopped the vehicle on 
N. Johnson Rd. north of the Sebring Woods 
and while on the stop Ptl. Marchionda then 
advised the stop was a felony stop which 
resulted in the emergency response of 
myself, Det. Redfern, and Ptl. Caughey 
from Smith Twp. Police Dept. Upon my 
arrival I observed Ptl. Marchionda holding 
the occupants in the vehicle at gun point 
and ordered the driver which was identified 
as Jessica Yaggi out of the vehicle and 
placed her into custody. The passenger was 
identified as Derek Chittock. I had Derek 
exit the vehicle and patted Derek down for 
officer safety, Derek was intoxicated and 
was placed into unit 301 while officers 
continued the traffic stop.

Det. Redfern deployed the K-9 and the dog 
signaled Det. Redfern of possible 
contraband by barking and then laying 
down near the trunk area of the vehicle. 
Officers then searched the vehicle and 
found a digital scale in the cabin of the 
vehicle and a large quantity of syringes in 
the trunk which were all confiscated due to 
both individuals known to use opiates.

The vehicle was towed by Springer's 
Towing and Jessica Yaggi was taken to 
Ralph's Deli and handed over to an Alliance 
Police officer by Ptl. Marchionda. Derek 
stated that he smoked marijuana earlier 
next to the vehicle which possibly caused 
the K-9 to signal on the vehicle. Derek was 
then transported to the station where he 
eventually walked out but was later found 
safely at his mothers house in 148 Cedar-
wood in Beloit where he still holds 

All confiscated rtems were logged and 
secured into the evidence room.

Reporting Officer Zachary Scott #506
Assisting Officer Zachary Scott #506
Assisting Officer Chad Redfern  #504
Assisting Officer Domenico Marchionda 


Sebring Police STORIES
Case No.: 19001045
Burglary / Domestic Violence
945 S. 15th St. Sebring

Arrested: Daniel Reichenbach  
945 S. 15th St. Sebring

Domestic Violence   2919.25A
Burglary            2911.12A-1

On this date and time, I was dispatched to 
525 W. Tennessee Ave re to a male that 
forced open a door to a residence and 
assaulted his father. I was also advised that 
Smith Twp P.D. was en-route. I arrived and 
upon arrival the victim one William 
Reichenbach sitting at the kitchen table. I 
was then advised by the victim that he was 
in bed with his wife Debra Reichenbach, 
when they heard a loud noise and someone 
forcing open the front door. I was then 
advised that when he got out of bed found 
his son in the living room and also observed 
that his son had forced open the door. 
William then advised me that Daniel began 
shoving him and trying to strike him. William 
also advised me that Daniel had shoved 
him into the kitchen and advised him that he 
was going to kick his ass. I was then 
advised by William that he grabbed a knife 
to protect but Daniel knocked the knife from 
his hand. I explained to William of the 
process for filing Domestic Violence, and 
after several minutes he advised that he 
wanted Daniel Arrested. Mr. Reichenbach 
signed a Domestic Violence Complaint and 
I obtained written statements from William 
and Debra.  I also obtained photo's of the 
damaged door.  William also advised me 
that the incident occurred because of his 
step daughter being upset.

At 2133 Hrs I located Daniel at his 
residence of 945 S. 15th St. and he was 
taken into custody and restrained with 
handcuffs that was gapped and double 
locked. Daniel kept stating to himself that 
he screwed up, and he should of never 
went over there. I also spoke to Chief Harris 
and I advised him of the incident and the 
charges that I was going to file, and he 
advised ok on the charges.

Daniel was transported to the Sebring 
Police Dept and processed and then 
transported to the Mahoning County Jail by 
Officer Brindack. Daniel was charged with 
Domestic Violence 2919.25 A, Burglary 

Reporting Steven McDaniel #509


Friday, December 21, 2018
09:43 AM -0500

Case No.: 18012057 
100 Block S. 12th St.

Jenna Mucklo (Age 24)
11272 Island Creek Dr. Beloit Oh

Speed (53/35) 333.03

On 12/10/2018, while sitting stationary in a 
marked police cruiser, I observed a red in 
color Jeep Liberty traveling north on S. 12th 
St. at a visibly high rate of speed. I 
activated my mounted radar unit and 
confirmed the speed to be 53mph in a 
clearly marked 35mph zone. I activated my 
overhead lights and initiated a traffic stop 
on the vehicle bearing Oh registration 
FBB6010 in the 100 Block of S. 12th St. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver, Jenna Mucklo, 
11271 Island Creek Dr. Beloit. I advised 
Jenna the reason for the stop and 
requested her license, registration, and 
proof of insurance which she provided. 

Jenna was then issued a citation for 
Speed/SCO 333.03. Jenna was advised of 
her court date at MCC#3 on 12/20/2018 at 
0900 hours with no personal appearance 
required to which she advised she 

Once the citation was signed I gave Jenna 
her copy. I then cleared.

Det. Kelm.#505


Case No.: 18012058 
100TH BLOCK S.12th ST

CITED: Sherry Court 
15854 Salem-Alliance Rd, Salem 44460

SPEEDING (47/35)   SCO 333.03

On 12/11/2018, while sitting stationary in a 
marked police cruiser, I observed a white in 
color vehicle traveling north on S. 12th St. 
at a visibly high rate of speed. I activated 
my mounted radar unit and confirmed the 
speed to be 47 mph in a cIearly marked 35 
mph zone. I activated my overhead lights 
and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle 
bearing OH
registration GTJ8647 in the 100 Block of S. 
12th street. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver who I identified as 
Sherry Court, 15854 Salem-Aliance Rd, 
Salem. I advised Sherry the reason for the 
stop and requested her license, registration, 
and proof of insurance which she provided 
and advised me that she does not have her 
proof of insurance. Sherry was then issued 
a citation for Speed/SCO 333.03. 

Sherry was advised of her court date at 
MCC#3 on 12/20/2018 at 0900 hours with a 
personal appearance required so she can 
show her proof of insurance. She then 
advised she will not be going per the fact 
she has a job and doesn't have to go and 
that she will be mailing it in. I then explained 
to Sherry that it is a mandatory appearance 
and strongly advised her to appear. She 
then continued to rudely explain why she 
will be mailing it in as I handed her the 
citation to sign. 

Once the citation was finally signed I gave 
Sherry her copy and she continued to make 
rude remarks as I told her to please be safe 
pulling out onto the road again. I then 

PTL. Villanueva #513


Case No.: 18012063
Courtney Rd. near N. Johnson Rd.

CITED: Tammie Delp (Age 56)
12205 Goshen Rd Lot 7, Salem, 0h 44460

Speed (51/35)   SCO 333.03

On Tuesday, December 11,2018, I , 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
speed enforcement in marked unit #303 on 
Courtney Road near Allied Drive. While 
facing east, I observed a vehicle travelling 
west at what appeared to be a high rate of 
speed. Upon activating my cruiser's forward 
mounted radar antenna, I observed and 
locked a digital read out of 51 MPH in a 
posted 35 MPH zone as the vehicle neared 
Allied Drive. After the vehicle passed my 
location, I pulled out onto Courtney Road 
and activated my overhead emergency 
lights to initiate a traffic stop.

The vehicle, a green 2006 Buick van 
bearing Ohio registration HML9950, came 
to a complete stop on Courtney Road just 
east of N Johnson Rd. Upon making 
contact with tlie driver, identified as Tammie 
Delp, I identified myself and informed her of 
the reason for the stop. I requested Delp to 
provide her driver's license, vehicle 
registration and proof of insurance. Delp 
only provided her driver's license. 

Delp was issued traffic citation #031435 for 
Village Ordinance 333.03 Speed (51/35) 
and advised of her mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, December 20,2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18012064 
McKinley Ave. / S. Johnson

CITED: Tyler Leek (Age 20)
984 Mill Cr. Apt. 96 Alliance, OH

Speed 46/35   SCO 333.03 
D.U.S.        SCO 335.07

On 12/11/2015 at 11:35pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
south on S. Johnson Rd. when I observed a 
vehicle on the same road traveling north 
that appeared to be traveling at a high rate 
of speed. I activated my cruisers forward 
mounted radar and observed a reading of 
46mph while the vehicle was in a 35mph 
zone. The vehicle then passed me aid I 
then pulled into a drive way and turned 
around and observed the velricle turn west 
onto McKinley Ave. I activated my overhead 
light bar and initiated a traffic stop on a 
2008 gray Ford 4 door bearing Ohio 
registration (HEH6689) on McKinley Ave. 
west of S. Johnson Rd.

I approached the driver and informed them 
of the reason For the stop and requested 
their driver's license, registration, and proof 
of insurance in which I received all of 
except proof of insurance and identified the 
driver as Tyler Leek. Dispatch advised me 
that Tyler's driver's license *as suspended 
(random verification).

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Tyler a traffic citation for speed SCO 333.03 
and D.U.S. SCO 335.07 and gave Tyler a 
court date of 12/20/2018 at 9:00am for 
MCC#3 with a personal appearance 
required. Tyler signed the citation and was 
provided with a copy. Tyler pulled over next 
to a house that his girlfriend was currently 
staying and she came out side. I requested 
her driver's license and she was identified 
as Breanna Carver and was also valid. I 
advised Tyler that the vehicle will not be 
towed and if he needs transportation to 
have Breanna or a valid driver take him and 
I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18011144
336 E. Indiana Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

ARRESTED: Brian Tewksbury  (Age 28)
336 E. Indiana Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

Littering and Deposit of Garbage,   
521.08B,  Bond $500.00

On 11/29/18 I went to 336 E Indiana Ave for 
a trash complaint. Upon arrival I observed a 
mattress and chair in the lawn along with a 
rug and clothes. This will be Brian 
Tewksbury the homeowners second offense 
and he was cited in the last case making 
this offense an M4. Brian and His father 
Chris were advised of this and they were 
given 1 day to clean up the mess before 
Brian is charged.

Ptl Brindack 507


On 12/07/13 I observed that Brian had only 
cleaned up some of what he had been 
asked to clean up. He left a rug and other 
miscellaneous small trash items including 
food trash, polar pop cups, paper, etc. Brian 
has been cited for this in the past making 
this offense an M-4 a state complaint was 
done for the charge of littering deposit of 
trash 521.088 and a summons is being 
requested from MCC#3

Ptl Brindack 507


On 12/12/2018, myself, Ptl. Villanueva #523 
and Ptl. Reed #514 served a summons to 
Brian Paul Tewksbury at 336 E. Indiana 
Ave. I informed Brian the date, time and 
location of the appearance and explained 
where it was located on his paperwork. 
Then we cleared.

Ptl. Villanueva 513
Ptf. Reed 514


Case No.: 18012067
435 N. 14th St. Sebring

ARRESTED: Trevor Berlin (Age 19)
435 N. 14th St. Sebring

Discharging Firearm  549.08  Bond $500.00

On 12/12/2018 I was advised by Ptl. Reed 
of someone with a firearm at 435 N. 14th 

I responded to the above address and 
made contact with the suspect Trevor 
Berling.  Trevor advised he was shooting 
cans in his back yard with a BB gun. I 
observed a black in color BB pistol on the 
porch steps as well as a container full of 
BB's. Ptl. Reed advised Trevor it is a 
violation of village ordinance to discharge a 
firearm within the village limits. Trevar then 
advised he was not aware of that.  Ptl. 
Reed advised Trevor he was being placed 
under arrest for violation of ORC 2923.162 / 
Discharging Firearms. Ptl. Reed then 
placed Trevor in handcuffs, double locked 
and gapped. Ptl. Reed then transported 
Trevor to the police station for processing.

Trevor was photographed fingerprinted and 
released on a $500 OR Band. Trevor was 
advised of his Mandatory court appearance 
at MCC#3 on 12/13/2018 at 900hrs.

Det. Kelm #505
Ptl. Reed #514



Case No.: 18012065 
600th Block West Ohio Ave.

CITED: Cheryl Moore-Sucaciu (Age 59)
237 Perry Court, Alliance, 44601

Traffic Control Devices (Ran a Stop Siqn) 
SCO 313.01.

On Wednesday, December 12,2018, I, 
Patrolman Villanueva, was parked 
conducting traffic enforcement in marked 
unit #304 at the intersection of W. Ohio and 
N. Johnson Rd. While facing south, I 
observed a vehicle approaching the 
intersection traveling east and did not slow 
to a stop for the stop sign but instead 
noticed my unit and stopped in the middle 
of the intersection.

I then activated my overhead emergency 
lights to initiate a traffic stop.

The vehicle was a Black 2012 Chevy 
bearing Ohio registration ECY7067. The 
vehicle came to a complete stop on on W. 
Ohio and I made contact with the driver 
identified as Cheryl Moore-Sucaciu. I 
identified myself and informed her of the 
reason for the stop. I requested Cheryl to 
provide her driver's license, vehicle 
registration and proof of insurance. Cheryl 
only provided her driver" license and 

Cheryl was issued traffic citation for Village 
Ordinance 313.01 Traffic Control Devices 
for running the stop sign and advised of her 
of her court date and time. Then I cleared.

Ptl. Villanueva #513


Case No.: 18012070
Corner of N. Johnson Rd. and W. Maryland

CITED: Brandon Ruckman (Age 32)
1314 South St, Alliance, 44601

Driving Under Suspension SCO 335.07
Traffic Control Devices  SCO 313.01

On Thursday, December 13,2015, I , 
Patrolman Villanueva, was parked 
conducting traffic enforcement in marked 
unit #304 at the intersection of W. Ohio and 
N. Johnson Rd. While facing south, I 
observed a vehicle approaching the 
intersection traveling west and did not slow 
to stop for the stop sign but instead noticed 
my unit and stopped in the middle of the 
intersection while turning right onto N. 
Johnson Rd. I then activated my overhead 
emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop.

The vehicle was a 2065 Blue Dodge 
minivan bearing Ohio registration 
HOP7499. The vehicle came to a complete 
stop on the corner of N.. Johnson / W . 
Maryland and I made contact with the 
driver, identified as Brandon Ruckman. I 
identified myself and informed him the 
reason for the stop. I requested Brandon to 
provide her drivers license, vehicle 
registration and proof of insurance. Brandon 
only provided her driver's license and so I 
called it into Dispatch. 

Dispatch informed of his failure to reinstate. 
I went. back to Brandon's vehicle and told 
that he was driving under suspension and I 
am either going to have to tow the vehicle 
or he can have someone come pick it up. 
Brandon then stated that he can have 
someone come pick up the vehicle within 
10 minutes so I asked Brandon to slay in 
his vehicle until they arrive. 

I went back to my unit and Brandon was 
issued traffic citation for Village Ordinance 
323.01 Traffic Control Devices for running 
the stop sign and 335.07 Driving Under 
Suspension. I advised him of the court date 
and time and told him it was absolulely 
mandatory for him to go.

The vehicle was then picked up by a valid 
driver Det. Kelm ran through dispatch and 
then we cleared.

Ptl. Villanueva #513
Det. Kelm #505


Case No.: 18012073
Ohio Ave. / N. 12th St

CITED: Joshua McCullouqh (Age 21)
17846 3rd St Beloit

Loud Crackling Exhaust     331.36

On 12/13/18 I was parked at 605 E Ohio 
Ave facing South when I observed a black 
dodge truck travelling west on Ohio with an 
extremely loud exhaust. I got behind the 
vehicle at Ohio Ave and N 12th St even at 
idle the vehicle exhaust was excessively 
loud. The vehicle accelerated and emittcd a 
loud crackling sound from the tail pipe. 

I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle a 
Black dodge Truck bearing OH HLW4283 in 
the 300 block of E Ohio Ave. I identified the 
driver as Joshua Ray McCullough. Joshua 
was cited for loud exhaust 331-36 and 
given a court date at MCC#3 of 12/20/18 
with a mandatory appearance as he was 
not able to provide proof of insurance.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Thursday, December 13, 2018
07:00 PM -0500

CaseNo.: 18012028
100TH Block of S. 12th St

CITED: Donald Weisel (Age 78)
9353 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 

Speeding (55/35)    SCO 333.03

On 12/05/2018 at 0842 hours I, Ptl. 
Villanueva while in a marked police cruiser 
was stationary on S. 12th Street and E. 
Georgia when I noticed a Gold vehicle 
traveling at a high rate of speed. I activated 
my cruisers mounted radar unit and 
observed a steady read - out of 55 mph 
while in a 35 mph zone.

The vehicle passed my cruiser going 
53mph and I then turned my cruiser around 
and initiated a traffic stop on the 100th  
block of S. 12th St. near E. Georgia The 
vehicle was a 2009 Honda SW.

I approached the vehicle and informed the 
driver, Mr. Donald Weisel, of the reason for 
the stop and requested his driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance. He then 
informs me that he does not have his proof 
of insurance or registration on him only his 
driver's license. I then returned to my 
cruiser and wrote a traffic citation for speed 
SCO 333.03 and gave Wiesel a court date 
of 12/13/2018 at 0900 hours and notified 
him that a personal appearance will be 
required so he could show his proof of 
insurance. Once Weisel signed the citation 
he was provided with a copy and I then 

Ptl. Villanueva 513


Case No.: 18012029
N. 12th St., @ E. Pennsylvania Ave.

CITED: Lori Hatton (Age 61)
13725 Overcrest St. Alliance

Speed (51/35)    333.03

On 12/5/2018, while sitting stationary in a 
marked police cruiser, I observed a white in 
color Ford sedan traveling north on S. 12th 
St. at a visibly high rate of speed. I 
activated my mounted radar unit and 
confirmed the speed to be 51mph in a 
clearly marked 35mph zone. I activated my 
overhead lights and initiated a traffic stop 
on the vehicle bearing Oh registration 
GYW7666 on N.12th St. near E. 
Pennsylvania Ave. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver, Lori Hatton, 13725 
Overcrest St. Alliance. I advised Lori the 
reason for the stop to which she replied "I'm 
sorry I'm lost,.I thought I was going 40". I 
requested her license, registration, and 
proof of insurance. Lori was only able to 
produce 2 expired copies of her insurance. 
Lori was then issued a citation for 
Speed/SCO 333.03. 

Lori was advised of her court date at 
MCC#3 on 12/13/2018 at 0900 hours with a 
personal appearance required to which she 
advised she understood. Once the citation 
was signed I gave Lori her copy. I then 

Det. Kelm #505


case NO.: 18012031 
Near 1900 block S 12th St, Sebring, OH

CITED: Richard Smail (Age 35)
1774 Federal Avc, Alliance, Ohio

Speed (49/35)    SCO 333.03

On Wednesday, December 05,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling north 
on S 12th St in marked unit #303. While 
approaching the village limits, I observed a 
vehicle traveling in the opposite direction at 
what appeared to be a high rate of speed. 
Upon activating my cruiser's forward 
mounted radar antenna, I observed and 
locked in a digital read out of 49 MPH in a 
posted 35 MPH zone. The vehicle was 
within the village just north of the 1500 
block of S 12th St when I locked the speed 
in. As the vehicle passed me outside the 
village limits, I activated my overhead 
emergency lights, turned around and 
initiated a traffic stop.

The vehicle, a silver Chevrolet Mante Carlo 
bearing Ohio registration 002 AZEH, came 
to a complete stop just north of the 1900 
block of S 12th St.. Upon making contact 
with the driver, identified as Richard Smail, I 
identified myself and informed him of the 
reason for the stop. I requested Smail to 
provide his driver's license, vehicle 
registration and proof of insurance.

Smail provided a11 of the aforementioned 
documentation. Smail was issued traffic 
citation #031433 for Village Ordinance 
333.03 Speed (49/35) and advised of his 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, December 13,2018 at 

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18012032 
106 W Vcmont Ave, Sebring, OH 

CITED: Karen Smith (Age 57)
106 W Vermont Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

ACDA   sco 333.03

On Wednesday, December 05,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was dispatched to a 
motor vehicle collision involving two 
vehicles without injuries on N 15th St near 
E Michigan Ave.

Upon my arrival, I made contact with the 
motorist who was struck, identified as Adam 
Reichenbach who provided me with his 
vehicle registration and insurance 

Reichenbach informed me he was stopped 
on N 15th St at the posted stop sign at E 
Virginia Ave when he was rear-ended by 
another vehicle. Reichenbach's father had 
already arrived on scene as was an 
unidentified bystander. All parties on scene 
informed me the motorist who struck 
Reichenbach had left the scene to go to her 
residence to gather her insurance 
information. I advised the unidentified 
bystander, who stated he knew the other 
motorist, to make contact with her and 
advise her to come back to the scene. 
Reichenbach's vehicle, a white Pontiac 
Grand Am, suffered damage to the right 
rear bumper and was leaking gasoline from 
the fuel tank. 

Springers arrived on scene and removed 
the vehicle from the roadway. I notified 
dispatch to send the fire department to the 
scene to clean up the gasoline that had 
been spilled on the roadway.

The unidentified bystander brought the 
female motorist back to the scene shortly 
thereafter. The female motorist, identified as 
Karen Smith, provided her driver's license, 
vehicle registration and insurance 

After the fire department arrived on scene 
and cleaned the gasoline from the roadway, 
I proceeded to Smith's residence on W 
Vermont Ave to assess the damage to her 

After speaking with Smith and obtaining 
photographs of the damage to her maroon 
Ford Escape, I could detect an odor of an 
alcohoIic beverage on her breath and asked 
if she had consumed any alcohol tonight. 
Smith admitted she had consumed one 
margarita earlier in the evening. While 
speaking to Smith, her speech was not 
slurred nor was she having difficulty 
maintaining her balance. 

Smith was issued traffic citation #031434 
for Village Ordinance 333.03 Assured Clear 
Distance Ahead and advised of her 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, December 13,2018 at 

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 15012042 
334 N 16th St,Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Shawn Carver (Age 33)
376 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, Oh

Expired / Fictitious Plates     SCO 335.10

On Thursday, December 6,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was on patrol near 
Circle K in marked unit #304. I observed a 
white Dodge 4-door sedan bearing Ohio 
temporary registration G970405 at the gas 
pump and performed a random registration 
check through dispatch. Dispatch informed 
me the registration had expired on 
November 1,2018. 

After relocating to N 15th St and E Ohio 
Ave, I observed the vehicle cross N 15th St 
as it entered the alleyway in between W. 
Ohio Ave and W Maryland Ave from the 
east. I activated my overhead emergency 
lights and entered the alleyway behind the 
vehicle to initiate a traffic stop. The white 
Dodge 4-door sedan came to a complete 
stop in the driveway of 334 N 16th St.

Upon approaching the vehicle, I observed 
the temporary registration had been altered 
by what appeared to be white out and black 
marker to read DEC 11 18. Upon making 
contact with the driver, identified as Shawn 
Carver, I identified myseIf and informed him 
of the reason for the stop. I requested 
Carver to provide his driver's license. I 
recognized Carver and remembered he had 
previously been stopped by Patrolman 
Scott on November 23,2018 and cited for 
expired registration. 

I informed Carver because he altered the 
expired temporary registration, the vehicle 
would be towed for fictitious plates. I 
notified dispatch to send a tow truck to my 
Iocation to recover the vehicle.

Carver was issued traffic citation #031436 
for Village Ordinance 335.10 
Expired/Fictitious Plates and advised of his 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, December 
13, 2018 at 0900. I asked Carver to provide 
proof of insurance before the vehicle was 
towed and he was unable to, do so. 

An administrative inventory was performed 
and the vehicle was subsequently towed 
ftom the scene by Springers.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18012041
500 Block of W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED:  Dallas Bolner (Age 51)
32 Oakwood St, Beloit, Oh 44609

DUS Noncompliance                   SCO 
Obedience to Traffic Control Device SCO 
Ficticious Plates                   SCO 335.1O

On Thursday, December: 6,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement with Patrolman Reed in 
marked unit #304 on W Ohio Ave at N 
Johnson Rd. We observed a black SUV 
approach the intersection from the west and 
proceed east without coming to a stop at 
the posted stop sign/functioning flashing red 
traffic light. I pulled out from our location 
and activated my oderhead emergency 
lights. After the vehicle failed to yield upon 
clearing the 600 block of W Ohio Ave, I 
activated the audible siren., The SUV, a 
gray Chevrolet Trailblazer bearing Ohio 
registration HIF5473, came to a complete 
hop in Ihe 500 block of W Ohio Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Dallas Bolner, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. I requested Bolner to provide his 
driver's license, vehicle registration and 
proof of insurance, Bolner was only able to 
provide his driver's license.

Dispatch informed me HIF5473 was not 
coming back in LEADS. After providing 
dispatch with Bolner's license number, I was 
informed Bolner's license was under a 
security and noncompliance suspension.

After providing the vehicle identification 
number to dispatch, I was informed of the 
vehicle information and that it was 
registered to Bolner but that the plate on file 
was FDL1131. I informed Bolner due to his 
license being under suspension and that 
the plates did not match with the vehicle, 
that the vehicle would be towed. 

Given the weather conditions during the 
time of the stop, Bolner was allowed to sit in 
the back of marked unit #304 after being 
patted down for weapons. I advised 
dispatch to send a tow truck to the scene to 
recover the vehicle. 

Patrolman Reed performed the 
administrative inventory of the vehicle while 
I wrote up the traffic citation.

I checked the registration sticker on the rear 
plate of the vehicle (HIF5473) and the 
corresponding registration on the sticker 
was FDL1131.

At the conclusion of the administrative 
inventory, the vehicle was towed from the 
scene by Springers. Bolner was issued 
traffic citation #031435 for Village 
ordinances 335.07 DUS - Noncompliance, 
313.01 Obedience to Traffic Control Device 
and 335.10 Fictitious Plates.

Bolner was informed of his mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, December 13,2018 at 
0900. Following the conclusion of the traffic 
stop, Bolner was provided a courtesy 
transport to his residence at Sebring 
Estates in Reloit.

Ptl D. Marchionda# 508


DATE: 12/06/2018 10:52:00
Criminal Investigation

On 12/06/18 I responded to 548 W Oregon 
Ave for a criminal mischief report.

Ptl. Brindack 507

Upon arrival I spoke with Denver D. Lucas 
Sr who showed me that his vehicle parked 
in his back lot had been egged. It was clear 
that the vehicle had been hit with one 
singular egg the driver side door and there 
was still residue an the door. Denver 
advised he did not see anyone do this and 
did not know when it happened. 

I advised Denver a report would be taken 
but without anything to go on this case 
would be closed, I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No. 18012046
100 Block of E Ohio Ave, Sebring OH

CITED: Amy Davner (Age 38)
25759 ST RT 62, Damascus, Oh 

Obedience to Traffic Control Device   SCO 

On Saturday, December 8,2018, I , 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #304 on 
N 15th St at W Ohio Ave. I observed a 
silver SUV approach the intersection from 
the west and proceed east through the 
intersection without stopping at the 
functioning flashing red traffic light. I pulled 
out from my location and activated my 
overhead emergency lights to initiate a 
traffic stop. The vehicle, a silver Ford SUV 
bearing Ohio registration HFW4599, came 
to a complete stop in the 100 block of E 
Ohio Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Amy Davner, I identified myself 
and informed her of the reason for the stop. 
Davner provided her driver's license and 
vehicle registration upon request but was 
unable to produce valid proof of insurance. 
Davner was issued traffic citation #031437 
for.Village Ordinance 313.01 Obedience to 
Traffic Control Device and advised of her 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, December 
20,2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


CaseNo.: 18012050 
S 12th St / Alabama Ave

CITED: William Parkison (Age 54)
13860 Marlington St NE 

Speed 51/35     333.03

On 12/06/18 I was parked in a marked 
patrol car in the parking lot of "Haiss 
Fabripart" in the 100 bIock of S 12th St 
facing South. While there I observed a 
black SUV pass me on S 12th St. travelling 
South at a visibly high rate of speed. I 
activated my in car Radar unit and clocked 
the vehicle at 53mph in a clearly posted 
35mph zone. I initiated a traffic stop on the 
vehicIe a Black  GMC Envoy bearing OH 
HAT7951 which came to a stop at S. 12th 
St and Alabama Ave. 

I made contact the driver who was identified 
as William E Parkison Sr. William was 
issued a citation for speed 333.03 and 
given a court date at MCC#3 of 12/20/18 at 
0900hrs with a personal appearance not 

Ptl. Brindack 507

PUBLISHED 6:50PM DECEMBER 13, 2018    * 

Thursday, December 13, 2018
01:18 PM -0500

Case No.: 180 12007
375 W Maryland Ave, Sebring, OH

Arrested: Zachary Snoeberger (Age: 27)
206 Church St Louisville OH

Grand Theft of Motor Vehicle F4  2913.02 
Bond $4,000.00
Obstructing Justice              2921.32 Bond 

Arrested: Terra Berringer (Age 34)
375 W Maryland Ave Sebring OH 44672 
OH 1 1928

Obstructing Justice F5           2921.32  Bond 

On 12/01/2018. I was requested to check 
the 300 block of West Maryland Avenue in 
reference to a vehicle was involved in a 
Crime in Louisville.

Ptl. McDaniel and I went to the residence 
and found the vehicle in question. I 
attempted to make contact with Terra 
Berringer and speak with her about her 
estranged husbands vehicle. Ptl. McDaniel 
and I spoke with Terra. Terra advised that 
the vehide was taken by Zachary 
Snoeberger, and was returned earlier. Terra 
advised that Zachary left earlier in the day 
once he brought the vehicle back. 

I asked Terra several times if Zachary was 
in the residence and she denied. Terra was 
advised that if it was found that she was 
harboring Zachary that she would be 
charged with obstruction. I asked Terra if I 
was able to search the residence. Terra 
hesitantly complied, and allowed us to 
search the residence. I searched the 
upstairs of the residence and found Zachary 
Snoeberger hiding in the bathroom behind 
the door with the towels. Zachary was 
ordered out of the bathroom and was 
placed in custody.

Zachary stated that he would return the 
shirts that he took in Louisville if his charges 
would be dropped. Zachary advised that he 
stole a pack of undershirts from the dollar 

Zachary was placed in the rear of the 
cruiser. I went back into the residence and 
spoke to Terra and advised her that there 
was a possibility that she would be charged 
with obstruction.

Zachary was taken to the station. Zachary 
signed a waiver of his rights and wrote in a 
statement. Zachary advised that he took 
Terra's husband's vehicle without their 
knowledge. Zachary advised that his 
girlfriend Nichole had nothing to do with it. 
Zachary then admitted that he stole items 
from the Louisville Dollar store .

Ptl. Brindack then started to process 
Zachary once at the station. I reached out 
to Prosecutor Tolson who advised that she 
would approve F4 Grand theft charges 
against Zachary, and F5 Obstructing Justice 
charges against Terra.

I then advised Ptl. Brindack that I was going 
to pick up Terra on her charges and 
Zachary became irate advising that she 
shouldn't be charged. I then went enroute to 
pick Terra up when dispatch advised that 
Ptl. Brindack was requesting EMS for 
Zachary for chest pains. I then returned to 

Zachary then stated "Sorry, I can't let you 
charge her". Medic 1 came to evaluate 
Zachary and ran a 12-lead EKG. Medic 1 
advised that Zachary was medically fine. 
Medic 1 sent the EKG to Alliance Hospital 
and whom advised that Zachary was 
medically fine. Zachary was then taken to 
MCJ with additional charges of Obstructing 
Justice for the delay of my picking Terra up 
on felony charges.

Det. Redfern 504


On 12/01/2018 I was advised that Terra was 
at her residence. I delegated Ptl. Brindack 
to go and pick Terra up on her charges. I 
prepared Terra's jail paperwork as Rtl. 
Brindack processed her. Ptl. Peterman 
transported Terra to MCJ without incident.

Det. Redfern 504


On 12/10/18 Upon starting my shift Det. 
Redfern arrived on our station with Zachary 
Snoeberger. After obtaining a statement 
from Zachary Det. Redfern asked me to 
assist and sit with Zachary while he did 
necessary paperwork. I took booking 
photos of Zachary and afterward Det. 
Redfern came in and advised me he was 
going to pick up Terra Berringer on a charge 
stemming from this case. Zachary protested 
and as soon as Det. Redfern left. Zachary 
said my chest hurts. I asked Zachary if he 
required medical attention and he said yes I 
do. I requested dispatch to call Sebring FD 
for an ambulance. 

Sebring FD arrived and ran tests on 
Zachary and stated in their opinion he was 
perfectly fine. Zachary advised he still 
wanted to go to the hospital. Det. Redfern 
advised me that he had contact a Doctor 
and said Doctor reviewed the 12 lead EKG 
done by Sebring FD and cleared Zachary 
and said he did not need medical attention. 
Det. Redfern then requested I transport 
Zachary to MCJ. While en route to the jail 
Zachary told me the only reason he asked 
for an ambulance was to interrupt Det. 
Redfern arresting Terra. Zachary was taken 
to the jail and I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Upon my return to our station Det. Redfern 
advised me that Terra Berringer was at 375 
W. Maryland and requested I go pick her up 
and arrest her on his charges. I went to the 
above location arrested Terra without 
incident and transported her back to our 
station where after processing she was 
transported to MCJ by Ptl. Peteman.

Ptl. Brindack 507

While Terra was being processed I returned 
to 375 W Maryland and did a civil standby 
so James Berringer could retrieve his 
vehicle, I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18011162
E Ohio Ave near N 14th St, Sebring, OH

CITED: Danielle Hearn (Age 19)
4880 Crystal Lake Ave., NW, Canal Fullon, 
Expired Plates SCO 335.10

On Friday,.November 30,2018, I , 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #304 on 
N 15th St at W Ohio Ave. I observed a 
maroon 4-door sedan proceed east through 
the intersection, failing to stop at the 
functioning red flashing traffic light. I 
activated my overhead emergency lights, 
audible siren and pulled out from my 
location onto E Ohio Ave to initiate a traffic 

The vehicle, a maroon Saturn 4-door sedan 
bearing Ohio registration HGL9922, came 
to a complete stop on E Ohio Ave near N 
14th St . Upon making contact with the 
driver, identified as Danielle Hearn, I 
identified myself and informed her of the 
reason for the stop. Hearn declared she 
was not from Sebring and was unaware she 
had gone through a flashing red traffic 
Tight. Hearn attempted to justify her failure 
to come to a stop by stating the traffic lights 
"flash orange" (sic) where she's from. I 
requested Hearn to provide her driver's 
license, vehicle registration and proof of 
insurance. Hearn was only able to provide 
her driver's license.

While verifying Hearn's information through 
dispatch, I was informed the vehicle 
registration expired on October 10,2018. 
Hearn was given a verbal warning for SCO 
313.01 Traffic Control Devices and issued 
traffic citation #031429 for Village 
Ordinance 335.10 Expired Plates. Hearn 
was advised of her mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, December 13,2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchiunda #508


Case No.: 18011163
N 15th St at E Maryland Ave, Scbring, 0h

CITED: Cody Wilson (Age 26)
30 W Washington St, Alliance, OH

Obedience to Traffic Control Device   SCO 

On Saturday, December 1, 2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #304 on 
N 15th St at W Ohio Ave. I observed a 
silver Jeep Wrangler approach the 
intersection from the east and turn north 
onto N 15th St without first coming to a 
complete stop at the functioning flashing 
red traffic light. After the vehicle passed me, 
I activated my overhead emergency lights, 
pulled out from my location and turned 
around to initiate a traffic stop. 

The silver Jeep Wrangler, bearing Ohio 
registration FOH1776, came to a complete 
stop on N 15th St at E Maryland Ave. Upon 
making contact with the driver, Cody 
Wilson, I identified myself and informed him 
of the reason for the stop. I requested 
Wilson to provide his driver's license and 
proof of insurance.

Wilson provided both of the aforementioned 
documentation. Wilson was issued traffic 
citation #031430 for Village Ordinance 
313.01 Obedience to Traffic Control Device 
and advised of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
December 13,2018 at 0900.

Ptl. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18012001
Near 235 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH 44672

CITED: Bradley Anstine (Age 23)
26646 S Range Rd, Beloit, OH 44609

Driving Around RR Crossing   SCO 331.39

On Saturday, December 1,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #304 on 
N 15th St at W Ohio Ave. I observed the 
railroad crossing guards on S/N 15th St 
near W California Ave activate. After the 
guards activated, I observed the guards 
begin to descend and observed a dark 
colored lifted truck proceed around and 
through the crossing as the guards were 
halfway down. The lights on the crossing 
guards were functioning normally as they 
were flashing red as they activated and 

After I observed the same dark colored 
lifted truck turn east onto E Ohio Ave, I 
pulled out from my location onto E Ohio Ave 
and initiated a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency lights and audible 
siren. The truck, a black Chevrolet bearing 
Ohio registration GRD5134, came to a 
complete stop near 235 E Ohio Ave. 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Bradley Anstine, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop.

Anstine acknowledged the reason and 
admitted to knowingly driving around and 
through the crossing as the guards were 
coming down.

I requested Anstine to provide me with his 
driver's license and proof of insurance. 
Anstine provided both of the 
aforementioned documentation. Anstine 
was issued traffic citation #031431 for 
Village Ordinance 331.39 Driving Around 
RR Crossing and advised of his mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, December 6,2015 at 

PtI D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18012002
N. Johnson Rd. / W. Virginia Ave.

CITED: Michael Smith
14380 Elm Side, Alliance, OH 44601

Two Head Lights Required  SCO 337.03
D.U.S.                    SCO 335.07

On 12/01/2013 at 1:46am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
north on N. Johnson Rd. when I observed a 
vehicIe pass me that had a headlight out. I 
turned the cruiser around and initiated a 
traffic stop on N. Johnson Rd. near W. 
Virginia Ave. The vehicle was a 2004 white 
Acura 4 door bearing Ohio registration 
HLD2443. I exited my patrol car and 
approached the driver and informed them of 
the reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which the driver stated that he 
does not have it and stated that he was 

I then gathered the driver's information and 
ran it through dispatch and was able to 
identify the driver as Michael Smith and 
dispatch advised me that Michael was 
suspended. Michael had passenger in his 
vehicle identified as Cassie Edwards which 
was also suspended and there was also a 
dog in the back seat of the vehicle.

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Michael a traffic citation for Two Head 
Lights Required SC0337.03 and Driving 
Under Suspension SC0 335.07 and gave 
Michael a court date of 12/13/2018 at 
9:00am with a personal appearance 
required for MCC#3.

Once Michael signed his citation he was 
provided with a copy.

I then called for a tow truck in which 
Springer's Towing arrived shortly. Michael, 
Cassie, and their dog obtained a ride and 
left the scene. 

An inventory of the vehicle was preformed 
and most of the contents were electrical 
appliances such as radio decks and all was 
documented on the tow slip. The trunk was 
unable to be opened due to the vehicle 
having prior damage and the releases not 

The vehicle was then towed to 10 N. 12th 
by Springer's Towing and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18012012
600 Block of W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Dustin Brown (Age 27)
2303 5 Linden Ave, Alliance, OH 

Traffic Control Device   SCO 313.01

On Sunday, December 2,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #302 on N 
Johnson St at. W Ohio Ave. I observed a 
gold vehicle approach the intersection from 
the south and turn east onto W Ohio Ave 
without first coming to a stop at the posted 
stop sign. I pulled out from my location and 
initiated a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency lights. The vehicle, a 
gold Nissan Juke bearing Ohio registration 
GXQ5362, came to a complete stop in the 
600 block of W Ohio Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Dustin Brown, I identified 
myse1f and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. I requested Brown to provide his 
driver's license, vehicle registration and 
proof of insurance. Brown provided all of 
the aforementioned documentation. 

Brown was issued traffic citation #031432 
for Village Ordinance 313.01 Traffic Control 
Device and informed of his appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, December 13,2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508

PUBLISHED 1:00PM DECEMBER 13, 2018   *

Sunday, December 02, 2018
09:33 AM -0500

Sebring Police STORIES
DATE: 11/26/2018 17:30:00

On 11/26/2018 I Officer Rober was 
dispatched to Circle K for an individual 
trying to pass fake money.

Upon arrival I spoke Cassie Edwards, 
Cassie stated to me that she was tying to 
buy gas and a polar pop and then asked the 
clerk if she can break a fifty. She then 
pulled out a $50 bill and noticed that there 
were weird Chinese writing on it. Cassie 
asked the clerk if that seemed fake which 
the clerk replied she can check. Once the 
clerk confirmed it was fake Cassie 
apologized and gave her a $20 bill instead. 

The Clerk identified as Katelyn Schram 
stated to me she was not trying to pass bad 
money and that she was generally 
confused. I then had both individuals fill out 
a statement and upon nothing further I 
cleared and resumed patrol.

On 11/26/2018 At 1830hrs I Officer Rober 
logged the fake $50 bill into evidence.

Ptl J.Rober #511


Sebring Police STORIES
CaseNo.: 18011132
E. Oregon Ave. / N. 12th St.

CITED: Devan Campbell , AGE:24
135 E. Florida Ave. Sebring, Oh

Loud Exhaust SCO 331.36
DUS          SCO 335.07

On 11/28/2018 at 2:51am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser was at the 
intersection of E. 0hio Ave. and N. 12th St. 
when I observed a 2008 silver Chevrolet 2 
door sedan bearing Ohio registration 
HLF5876 drive south on N. 12th St. that 
had a loud crackling exhaust. I then 
positioned myself behind the vehicle and 
followed the vehicle when it turned onto E. 
Oregon Ave. and initiated a traffic stop on 
E. Oregon Ave. near N. 12th St.

I approached the driver and informed them 
of the reason for the stop and requested 
their driver's license, registration, and proof 
of insurance in which I received an Ohio 
non driving identification card and identified 
the driver as Devan Campbell. I ran 
Devan's ID number and dispatch advised 
me that Devan was suspended.

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Devan a traffic citation for loud exhaust 
SCO 331.36 and driving under suspension 
SCO 335.07. Devan was given a court date 
of 12/06/2018 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a 
personal appearance required. Devan 
signed the citation and was provided with a 

The registered owner Roxanna 
Fotheringham arrived at the scene and took 
possession of the vehicle and her daughter 
gave Devan and his passengers a ride and 
I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18011130
100th block S. 12th St

CITED: James McGeehen, Age 70
2436 S. Arch Ave, Alliance, 44601

Speeding (51/35)   sco 333:03

On 11/27/2018 at 1049 hours I, Ptl. 
Villanueva while in a marked police cruiser 
was stationary on S. 12th Street and E. 
Georgia when I noticed a gold in color 2014 
GMC SW traveling at a high rate of speed. I 
activated my cruisers mounted radar unit 
and observed a read out of 51mph while in 
a 35mph zone.

I waited for the vehicle to pass my cruiser 
so I could turn my cruiser around and 
initiate a traffic stop on S. 12th St. near E. 

I approached the vehicle and informed the 
driver, James McGreenen of the reason for 
the stop and requested his driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance. I then 
returned to my cruiser and wrote a traffic 
citation for speed SCO 333.03 and gave 
McGreenen a court date of 12/06/2018 at 
0900 hours and with no personal 
appearance required. Once McGreenen 
signed the citation he was provided with a 
copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Villanueva #513


Sebring Police STORIES
Case No.: 18011116
MCC#3 606 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring

ARRESTED: Christopher Wilke, Age 25
13993 W. Pine Lake Rd. Salem

Assault/M1    2902.13
Aggrevated Menacing/M1  2903.21
Aggrevated Trespass/M1  2911.21

On 11/26/18 I was dispatched to 236 
Alabama Ave for reports of Christopher P 
Wilke attempting to force entry into 
apartment #12. Due to the serious nature of 
the call I requested a Smith Township unit 
responds as well. 

Upon arrival Cara M Barbate rushed out to 
me and told me that Christopher P Wilke 
had just forced his way into her house and 
assaulted her and attacked his girlfriend 
Ashley Alberter who was staying there but 
was no longer there. 

Christopher P Wilke was already gone upon 
my arrival so I request the Smith Township 
unit Ptl. Caughey break off and check 
Christopher's known dwelling 1045 S 12th 
St. , . I then began to speak with Cara and 
her daughter April Payne about what had 
happened, Cara advised that she was 
sitting in her living room when she heard 
repeated pounding on her door. She asked 
who it was and a male identified as Chance 
Bitler identified himself and she opened the 
door. At this point Chris P Wilke who was 
behind Chance pushed through Chance 
and shoved Cara out of the way.  

He then entered the apartment grabbed 
Cara by the neck and shoved her against a 
wall stating "I will seriously kill you". He then 
went upstairs and Cara heard Ashley 
Albeter scream and say "stop". Cara said 
Chris then came downstairs and threatened 
to kill her once again. 

She said Chris then ran toward the direction 
of 1045 S 12th St. Cara advised she did 
want charges and showed me a mark on 
her neck that was already beginning to 

Cara also mentioned Chance Bitler did not 
harm her in any way and checked on her 
saying he didn't know Chris was going to do 
this. Cara advised she had no problems 
with Chance. 

I called for Sebring FD to have Cara 
checked out and as the squad was on their 
way I had Cara do a written statement. April 
Payne also advised the same story and 
said she was witness to her mother's attack. 
April also provided a written statement. 
Other individuals were present during this 
including Michael Cutlip however they 
declined to do written statements. 

Sebring FD arrived and checked Cara who 
declined to go to the hospital at that time. 
Cara did however call again later this same 
night and request and ambulance for the 
pain and was transported to ACH. 

While Cara was filling out a statement Ptl. 
Caughey advised Christopher P Wilke was 
not at 1045 S 12th St. With statements 
obtained I cleared however just before 
leaving Cara and April added that Chris was 
holding a knife while this all occurred.

Once I returned to station I was able to 
make contact with Christopher P Wilke who 
was via phone. Chris was extremely Irate 
refused to give his location and said when 
officer come to arrested him it will be 
"hands on" because he sick of being "100" 
with us and getting arrested. At this point 
my concern was finding Ashley Alberter 
who was allegedly with Chris to ensure her 

Multiple phone numbers were called and 
the residence of Chance Bitler's father at 
485 W Oregon and 206 W Oregon were 
checked. Chance was found with Katie 
Hawk at 206 E Oregon and was unable to 
give any useful information other than 
stating he did not believed Ashley was with 
Chris. Ashley was finally found at 836 S 
13th St. Apt #18 and was found to be alive 
and well with no visible signs of abuse.

Ashley stated she did not know where Chris 
was that he had not harmed her in any way. 
Ashley signed a DV refusal and stated that 
officer should check 13993 W Pine Lake Rd 
which was Christopher's dad's house and I 

I requested Goshen Officer ga this address 
and check for Chris however when they 
arrived he was found to not be there.

Christopher did however contact dispatch 
and request specifically to speak to a Smith 
Township Officer Ptl. Caughey. Ptl. 
Caughey contacted Chris who advised he 
would be coming to Sebring Police 
STORIES 20 speak with officers. However 
he never showed. 

State complaints were done and warrants 
were requested on Christopher P Wilke for 
the following charges:

M-1 Aggravated Menacing 2903.51
M-1 Assault 2903.73
M-1 Aggravated Trespass.

Until Christopher comes and speaks with 
officer or is picked up on these charges this 
case will be pending.

Ptl. Brindack 507


On 11/27/18 I spoke with Chief Harris who 
advised me he spoke with our prosecutor 
and she advised my three charges were 
approved. All necessary paperwork will be 
sent to MCC#3 so they can issue warrants.

Ptl. Brindack 507


On 11/29/2018 I responded to MCC#3 to 
pick up Christopher Wilke on warrants for 
Assault 2903.13, Aggravated Trespass 
2911.211, and Aggravated Menacing 

I transported Christopher to the police 
station where he was fingerprinted and 
photographed. I then transported 
Christopher back to MCC#3 for 
arraignment. I then cleared.

Det. Kelm #505


Sebring Police STORIES
CaseNo.: 18011131 
912 South Arch Ave, Alliance, Oh

CITED: Richard Weekley , Age 59
912 South Arch Ave, Alliance, Oh 

Starting and Backing Vehicles   SCO 

On Tuesday, November 27,2018, Patrolman 
Marchionda was dispatched to the 500 
block of W California Ave reference a report 
of a hit skip.

Upon my arrival, I made contact with the 
complainant, Kylie Lanave, who informed 
me her vehicle had been struck by a 
motorist who fled the scene. Lanave stated 
she parked her 2015 Kia Rio, bearing Ohio 
registration HLD2133, on the north side of 
the roadway in front of 535 W California 
Ave. The resident at that address stated a 
gentleman she identified as Richard 
Weekley, departed from the residence and 
backed into Lanave's vehicle. Lanave 
stated she heard a loud crunching noise 
and when she went to investigate, Weekley 
fled the scene in a "burgundy and beige" 
(sic) truck. Lanave stated she and the 
resident attempted to call Weekley several 
times to get him to come back to the 
residence but were unsuccessful. 

Photographs were taken of Lanave's 
vehicle and she was advised a report would 
be generated and that attempts would be 
made to contact and locate Weekley.

With the limited information received from 
Lanave, dispatch was able to verify through 
LEADS that a red and tan Chevrolet truck 
was in fact registered to Weekley and that 
he was a resident in the city of Alliance. 
Dispatch made contact with the Alliance 
Police Department and requested an officer 
check Weekley's residence for the truck and 
corresponding damage. At the time of this 
report, we have received no update from 
Alliance dispatch reference our request to 
check the residence.

Patrolman Scott phoned Weekley's number 
provided to us by Lanave and the resident 
but was unable to make contact.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


On Wednesday, November 28, 2018, I was 
able to make contact with Richard Weekley 
regarding the accident he was involved in 
the previous evening.  Weekley stated to 
me over the phone he was unaware he had 
struck a vehicle parked on the edge of the 
roadway but did make contact with the 
resident at 535 W California Ave and 
provided his insurance information to her. I 
asked Weekley if he was able to come to 
the station in order to serve him with citation 
#031427 for SCO 331 .13 Starting and 
Backing Vehicles. Weekley informed me he 
had no working transportation at this time 
but was able to provide me with his 
insurance information over the phone. 

I then made contact with the resident at the 
aforementioned address and she verified 
Weekley did make contact with her and 
provided his insurance information to her to 
be relayed to Kylie Lanave.

Weekely was served with citation #031427 
at his residence on South Arch Avenue in 
Alliance at 2303 and advised of his 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, December 6, 2018 at 

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Sebring Police STORIES
Case No.: 18011149
N. Johnson Rd. at W. Oregon Ave., 
Sebring, Oh 

CITED: Eric Minich , Age 45
1005 Lake Park Blvd. Lot 57, Sebring, OH 

Safety Belt - Failure to Wear - Driver  SCO 

On Thursday, November 29, 20?18,1, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #304 on 
W Ohio Ave at N Johnson St. I observed a 
maroon van approach the intersection from 
the east and turn south onto N Johnson St 
without stopping at posted stop sign and 
functioning flashing red traffic light. I pulled 
out from my location and initiated a traffic 
stop by activating my overhead emergency 

The vehicle, a maroon Dodge van bearing 
Ohio registration EHN3052, came to a 
complete stop on N Johnson St at W .
Oregon Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Eric Minich, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. 
I requested Minich to provide his driver's 
license, vehicle registration and proof of 
insurance. Minich provided all of. the 
aforementioned documentation. 

While speaking to Minich, I observed he 
was not wearing his seatbelt and asked him 
if he had it on prior to being stopped. Minich 
admitted he was not wearing his seatbelt 
before he was stopped. Minich was given a 
verbal warning for SCO 313.01 Traffic 
Control - Devices and issued traffic citation 
#013428 for Village Ordinance 337.27 
Safety Belt: Failure to Wear - Driver. 

Minich was advised of his appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, December 13,2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Sebring Police STORIES 
CaseNo.: 18011151
Oak Ridge Motel

ARRESTED: Hunter Prendergast, Age 21
3331 Lake St. Beloit, OH 44609

Warrant: Agg. Menacing (Columbiana 

I Ptl. Scott was on patrol when I observed 
an individual that I knew was Hunter 
Prendergast exit a vehicle at the Oak Ridge 
Motel and I then ran him through dispatch 
requesting his driving status.

Dispatch advised me that Hunter was 
suspended and had an active warrant out of 
Coiumbiana County.

I then advised dispatch that I would be out 
with Hunter at the Oak Ridge Motel and 
asked for dispatch to confirm the warrant 
and ask if Columbiana County wanted 
Hunter. I was advised that Columbiana 
County wanted Hunter and would meet me 
at Copes across the street. I then placed 
Hunter into custody and placed Hunter in 
hand restraints. I then placed Hunter in the 
rear of marked unit 302 and transported 
Hunter across the street to copes.

A Columbiana County deputy arrived and 
took Hunter into custody on their warrant 
and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Saturday, December 01, 2018
04:52 PM -0500

Case No.: 18011075
S. Johnson Rd. / Perkins

CITED: Dylan Mick
23225 Georgetown Rd. Homeworth, OH 

Speed 46/35                   ORC 4511.21
OVI (SFST)                    ORC 4511.19A1a
Possession of Marijuana  ORC  
Marijuana Drug Paraphernalia  ORC 

On 11/17/2013 I Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic 
stop that resulted in the arrest of the driver 
for OVI.

Ptl. Scott #506

On 11/17/2018 I Ptl. Scott was traveling 
north on S. Johnson Rd. in a marked police 
cruiser when I noticed a vehicle traveling 
south on the same road that appeared to be 
traveling at a high rate of speed higher than 
the posted 35 mph zone. I then activated 
my cruisers foward mounted radar unit and 
observed a digital reading of 46 mph while 
in a 35 mph zone. The vehicle then passed 
me and I then perform a U-Turn and 
activated my emergency overhead lights 
and initiated a traffic stop on S. Johnson 
Rd. by the Perkins restabJrant.

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle which was a blue 2011 Honda 4 
door bearing Ohio registration GSQ8334. I 
approached the driver which was later 
identified as Dylan Mick and informed Dylan 
of the reason for the stop and requested his 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance which I received, the proof of 
insurance was also expired. 

I could smell an ador of marijuana coming 
from the vehicle and asked Dylan if he had 
smoked any marijuana while inside the 
vehicle in which Dyian replied "not in the 
car"(sic). I then asked Dylan if he smoked 
prior to driving in which Dylan stated " yes 
about 40 minutes ago"(sic).

I then notified dispatch of a possible .19 and 
ordered Dylan out of the vehicle and I also 
shut my front overhead lights off as well. 
Ptl. Marchionda then arrived and witnessed 
the field tests. I then asked Dylan if he 
would perform field sobriety testing in which 
Dylan stated that he would. I asked Dylan if 
he had any medical conditions, injuries, or 
physical conditions that would inhibit him 
from taking the tests in which Dylan stated 
that he did not.

I then had Dylan stand straight up with his 
hands to his side and his feet together while 
I checked his eyes for equal pupil size, 
equal tracking, and resting nystagmus. Both 
of Dylan's pupils were of equal size, both of 
Dytan's eyes tracked equally, and Dylan did 
not have a resting nystagrnus.

I then began to explain the instructions for 
the first test which was the horizontal gaze 
nystagmus and once I finished the 
instructions I asked Dylan if he understood 
in which Dylan stated that he did 
understand. Once the test began I  
observed the following clues: lack of 
smooth pursuit in both eyes, distinct 
nystagmus at maximum deviation in both 
eyes, and onset of nystagmus prior to 45 
degrees in both eyes. 

The next test was the walk and turn and I 
instructed Dylan to stand straight up with 
his right foot in front of his left foot while I 
explained the instructions and once finished 
explaining the instructions I asked Dylan if 
he understood in which Dylan stated that he 
did understand. Once the test began I 
observed the following clues: stopped while 
walking, did not touch heel to toe, stepped 
off of line, and improper turn.

The next test was the one leg stand and I 
instructed Dylan to stand straight up with 
his hands to his side and his feet together 
while I explained the instructions and once 
the instructions were explained I asked 
Dylan if he understood in which Dylan 
stated that he did understand. Once the test 
began I observed the following clues: 
Swayed while balancing, used arms to 
balance, put foot down. Dylan started with 
his Fight foot and put his foot down and 
then continued with his left foot. 

I then perform the lack of convergence 
observation and had Dylan sit on the 
bumper of my patrol car and once the lack 
of convergence was perform I noticed lack 
of convergence in Dylan's right eye. I also 
had Dylan perform the modified romberg 
and had Dylan stand straight up with his 
hands to his side and his feet together and 
instructed Dylan to tilt his head back and 
close his eyes and estimate the passing of 
30 seconds in his head and when finished 
to put his head down and say stop. While 
Dylan was performing this he had large 
amounts of body tremors. Dylan estimated 
the passing of 30 seconds in approximately 
28 seconds. The lack of convergence and 
the modified romberg were not clues but 
instead observations.

Due to the test results and my experience I 
placed Dylan under arrest for suspicion of 
OVI. I then placed Dylan in hand restraints 
which were gapped and double locked and 
read Dylan his rights and placed Dylan in 
the rear of my patrol car.

Upon performing the administative 
inventory of the vehicle I opened the center 
console and observed a gray container 
which had had a bag of marijuana, a grinder 
and a wooden box with a metal cigarette 
with an odor of marijuana inside of it. The 
container and all of its contents were 

The vehicle was towed to Springer's Towing 
10 N. 12th St.

I then transported Dylan to the police 
department while Ptl. Marchionda stood by 
for the tow of the vehicle. Upon returning to 
the police department I read Dylan the 
BMV2255 form which was witnessed by 
D.O. Wheeler. Dylan signed the form and 
consented to chemical testing and gave a 
urine sample collected by Ptl. Marchionda 
which was properly bagged and sealed and 
placed into the refrigerator to be sent to the 
crime lab for testing.

Dylan was given a tiafflc citation for speed 
46135 ORC 4511.21, OVI (SFST)O RC 
4511.19A1a which Dylan signed and was 
given a copy of. Dylan was issued two 
minor misdemeanor citations for possession 
of marijuana ORC2925.11C3A and 
Marijuana drug paraphernalia ORC 
2925.141C in which Dylan signed and was 
given a copy of. All citations had Dylan's 
court date on them which is for Mahoning 
County Court #3 on 11/21/2018 at 1:00pm 
with a personal appearance required.

Dylan was given a recognizance bond in 
the amount of $500 for the OVI which he 
signed and was given a copy of but Dylan 
did not take his copy with him. Dylan was 
also given an copy of the BMV2255 form.

Dylan was also processed, fingerprinted, 
and photographed and once the process 
was finished he was released to a sober 
and valid adult.

The marijuana and marijuana paraphernalia 
was photographed tagged and placed into 
the evidence room by me with Ptl. 
Marchionda as my witness. 

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18011096 
W. Ohio Ave. / N. 19th St.

CITED:  Chester Jones
465 W. Columbia St, Alliance, OH

Left of Center    ORC 4511.29
OVI (SFST)        ORC 4511.19(A)(1)(a)   

On 11/22/2018 I Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic 
stop that lead to the arrest of the driver for 

Ptl. Scott #506

On 11/22/2018 I Ptl. Scott while patrolling in 
a marked Sebring police cruiser was 
traveling east on E. Ohio Ave. when I 
observed a vehicle traveling west on the 
same road come up to the intersection of 
Ohio Ave. and N. 15th St. and delayed in 
applying the brakes and come to a sudden 
stop. I then pulled into the parking of 
Gininos pizza and pulled back out onto E. 
Ohio Ave. and got behind the vehicle which 
was still stationary at the intersection which 
had flashing red lights and the vehicle 
stayed in this position for a extended 
amount of time and then proceeded to 
travel west on W. Ohio Ave. I then followed 
the vehicle and observed the vehicle go left 
of center on W. Ohio Ave. near N. 19th St. 
the vehicle was a 2011 silver Buick 4 door 
bearing Ohio registration (EEZ5990).

I then initiated a traffic stop on W. Ohio Ave. 
near N. 19th St. with the above mentioned 
vehicle. I exited my patrol car and 
approached the vehicle from the driver side 
and informed the driver of the reason I 
stopped their vehicle. I could instantly smell 
a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage 
coming from the vehicle. 

I requested the driver Ohio driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received all except the registration and 
was able to identify the driver as Chester 
Clavon Jones who is also the registered 
owner. I asked Chester if he had consumed 
any alcoholic beverages prior to driving in 
which he stated one beer while at a friends 
house and then changed the amount to two 
and stated that he was coming from the 
Brickhouse bar in Sebring and going home 
to Alliance and then asked if I could just let 
him go and then stated that he was going to 
his brother in
laws house in Sebring.

I then told Chester to turn the vehicle off 
and exit in which Chester complied and 
once Chester exited his vehicle and came 
to the rear of his vehicle I could smell a 
strong odor of an alcoholic beverage 
coming from his person. I turned my front 
over head emergency lights off and I then 
asked Chester if he would consent to field 
sobriety tests in which Chester stated that 
he would and constantly stated that he was 
not drunk but just mad at his wife and 
stated that he left her at the bar.

I then had Chester stand straight up with his 
hands to his side and his feet together while 
I checked Chester's eyes for a resting 
nystagmus, equal pupil size, and equal 
tracking. Chester did not have a resting 
nystagmus, both of Chester's pupils were of 
equal size, and both of Chester's eyes 
tracked equally. I then asked Chester if he 
had any medical, physical, or any other 
conditions that would inhibit him from taking 
field sobriety tests in which Chester stated 
that all he had was asthma. I also asked 
Chester if he wore prescription glasses or 
contacts in which Chester stated that he did 

I then told Chester to remain in this position 
while I explained the instructions for the first 
test which was the horizontal gaze 
nystagmus. Once I explained the 
instructions I asked Chester if he 
understood them in which Chester stated 
that he did understand. Once the test began 
I obsetved the following dues: lack of 
smooth pursuit in both eyes, distinct 
nystagmus at maximum deviation in both 
eyes, and onset of nystagmus prior to 45 
degrees in both eyes.

The next test was the walk and turn and I 
instructed Chester to stand straight up with 
his hands to his side and his right foot in 
front of his left foot and to stay in that 
position until I instructed him to begin.

At times Chester would get out of the 
position I instructed him to stay in and also 
had to be told to by remove his hands from 
his pockets multiple times even while 
performing the test. Once the instructions 
were explained I asked Chester if he 
understood in which Chester stated that he 
did understand. Once the test began I 
observed the following clues: did not touch 
heel to toe, stepped off of line, used arms to 
balance, and improper turn.

The next test was the one leg stand and I 
instructed Chester to stand straight up with 
his hands to his side and his feet together 
while I began the instructions and once the 
instructions were explained I asked Chester 
if he understood them in which Chester 
stated that he did understand them. Once 
the test began I observed the following 
clues: Swayed while balancing, used arms 
to balance, put foot down three times which 
ended the test. 

Ptl. Marchionda stated to Chester that while 
he was on scene he could smell an Odor of 
an alcoholic beverage on Chester's person.

Based on the test results and my 
experience I placed Chester under arrest 
for suspicion of OVI and placed Chester in 
hand restraints and gaped and double 
locked the restraints and placed Chester in 
the rear of my patrol car and read Chester 
his rights. Chester constantly stated that he 
was not intoxicated but agitated and asked 
for me to let him go and was argumentative 
the entire time. 

Ptl. Marchionda stood by for the vehicle to 
be towed by Springer's Towing, Chester's 
vehicle was towed to 10 N. 12th St. I 
transported Chester to the police station. 

Upon my arrival Chester was walked to the 
squad room and I removed the hand 
restraints from Chester and read Chester 
the BMV2255 form which was witnessed by 
D.O. wheeler.  Chester refused to sit down 
and argued with me the entire time he was 
being processed about me having no 
probable cause for stopping him and stated 
that I singled him out but did not tell me 
what he meant by that and continuously 
asked if the traffic stop was recorded. 

Chester was processed, fingerprinted, and 
photographed. Ptl. Marchionda confiscated 
a small bottle of Hennessy with small 
amounts of liquid inside Chester's vehicle 
and brought it back to the police 
department. The bottle was photographed 
tagged and placed into evidence by me with 
Ptl. Marchionda witnessing it. D.0. Wheeler 
came to the squad room to give me the 
case file and later stated that while she was 
in the squad room with Chester and I she 
could smell a strong odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from Chester's person.

Chester signed the BMV2255 form and 
refused to chemical testing. Chester was 
giving a traffic citation for OVI (SFST) 
4511.19 (A)(1)(a) and Left of center ORC 
4511.29 which Chester signed. Chester was 
also given a recognizance bond of $500 for 
the OVI offense in which Chester signed.

Chester was advised of his court date of 
11/29/2018 at 9:00am for the Mahoning 
County Court #3 with a personal 
appearance required.

Once the processing was finished Chester 
was walked to the lobby by me where his 
wife and Brian Anderson were waiting. 
Brian told D.O. Wheeler that Michael 
Dreger was coming to pick up Chester.

While waiting for Michael to come to the 
police department Chester continuously 
fought with his wife verbally and had to be 
told to calm down multiple times and was 
eventually picked up by Michael.

Chester received copies of the BMV2255 
form, his citation, and his recognizance 
bond and was advised that he is now under 
administrative license suspension and 
Chester's license was confiscated and since 
Chester holds a commercial driver's license 
he was read the advice for the CDL and 
explained that the consequences for apply 
to his CDL as well.

Ptl. Scott #506


On Thursday, November 22, 2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, provided assistance 
to Patrolman Scott who was on a traffic stop 
on W Ohio Ave at N 19th St. Upon my 
arrival, Patrolman Scott was beginning 
standardized field sobriety tests with the 
driver, identified as Chester Jones. While I 
did not witness the horizontal gaze 
nystagmus portion of the field sobriety tests, 
I did observe walk and turn as well as one 
leg stand.

At one point during the instructional stage to 
walk and turn, Jones was not standing as 
instructed with his right foot in front of his 
left and placed his hands in his pockets 
several times. Jones attempted to perform 
walk and turn with his hands in his pockets 
and was told to remove them and place 
them back at his sides. During walk and 
turn, Jones did not execute the turn as 
instructed and demonstrated by Patrolman 
Scott and stepped off line several times.

During one leg stand, Jones lost his 
balance and placed his right foot down. 
After doing this Jones attempted to reason 
with us and say he was frustrated. Jones 
continued one leg stand and placed his 
right foot down two more times for a total of 
three. Jones attempted to talk his way out 
of being placed under arrest by Patrolman 
Scott for suspicion of OVI. During 
standardized field sobriety testing, I was 
standing approximately 4-5 feet away from 
Jones and could smell a strong odor of an 
alcoholic beverage coming from his person, 
even at times where his back was to me. 
Jones stated several times he worked for 
the City of Alliance and that he did not do 
anything wrong.

After Patrolman Scott placed jones into 
custody, informed him of his Miranda Rights 
and transported him back to the station for 
processing, I remained on scene for 
Springers. During the course of the 
administrative inventory, I located a small 
bottle of Hennessey cognac in the driver 
door pocket. The bottle still contained a 
small amount of liquid in it. 

Following Springers arrival on scene to tow 
the vehicle, dispatch adviskd me I was to 
respond to the station right away.

Following my arrival on station, I found 
Jones standing in the squad room with his 
hands in his pockets and he appeared to be 
extremely angry and frustrated, Being in an 
enclosed space with Jones, I could now 
smell a more concentrated and strong odor 
of an alcoholic beverage coming from 
Jones. Jones refused to sit down but did 
provide some cooperation during 
processing. Several times during 
processing Jones made attempts to infer he 
was pulled over and arrested for another 
reason and believed probable cause did not 
exist for his arrest.

After Patrolman Scott provided Jones with 
signed copies of the BMV 2255, traffic 
citation and recognizance of the accused, 
Jones was released from police custody 
into the custody of his wife who was sitting 
in the police department lobby. While 
waiting for another party to pick Jones up 
from the station, Jones proceeded to act 
irate and disorderly in the department lobby 
and argued with his wife. At one point, 
Dispatcher Wheeler had to interfere and 
respectfully ask Jones to stop yelling and 
mistreating his wife in the lobby. 

Jones subsequently left the station following 
the arrival of his ride.

The small bottle of Hennessey cognac was 
later photographed by myself then logged 
and secured into evidence by patrolman 

Marchionda Badge: 508   DATE: 11/22/2018 


Wednesday, November 28, 2018
12:10 PM -0500

CASE # 18011100
100 Blk of E. Indiana Ave.

CITED: Shawn Carver
376 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH 

Expired Plates   SCO 335.10

On 11/23/2018 at 2:38am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser was stationary by 
the Masonic Lodge when I noticed a 2011 
white dodge 4 door bearing temporary 
registration (3970405) leave Circle K that I 
had previous knowledge of the regisIration 
being expired. The vehicle traveled north on 
N. 14th and turned east on E. Maryland. 

I got behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic 
stop in the 100 block of E. Maryland with 
the above-mentioned vehicle. The vehicle 
came back to Shawn Carver and the 
temporary tag expired on the first of 
November of 2018.

I exited my cruiser and informed the driver 
of the violation that they were stopped for 
and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received all except the registration and 
identified the driver as Shawn Carver.

I then returned to my cr.uiser and wrote 
Shawn a traffic citation for expired plates 
SCO 335.10 and cited Shawn into MCC #3 
with a court date of 11/29/2018 at 9:00am 
with a personal appearance not required. 
Shawn also gave me consent to search his 
vellicle while Ptl. Marchionda stood with him 
and his passenger. No contraband was 

Shawn signed his citation and received a 
copy and officers then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18011103 
W Ohio Ave/N 17th St, Sebring, Ohio 

CITED: Jeffrey Konkle 
724 Lakepark Blvd., Sebring, Ohio

Safety Belt: Failure to Wear - Driver  SCO 

On Friday, November 23,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling east on W Ohio 
Ave near N 17th St in marked unit #302. I 
observed a brown truck travelling west 
without its headlights illuminated. As the 
truck passed me in front of Dean's Funeral 
Home, I activated my overhead emergency 
lights, turned around and initiated a traffic 
stop. The truck, a Ford bearing Ohio 
registration GZN2618 came to a complete 
stop on W Ohio Ave just west of N 17th St.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Jeffrey Konkle, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. While speaking to Konkle, I 
observed he and his passenger, identified 
as Holly Huston, were not wearing their 
seatbelts, I asked both Konkle and Huston if 
they had been wearing them prior to being 
stopped and they both admitted they were 
not. Konkle provided me with his driver's 
license and vehicle registration upon 
request and Huston provided her 
information to me verbally.

Konkle was issued traffic citation #031350 
for Village Ordinance 337.27 Safety Belt: 
Failure to Wear - Driver and given a verbal 
warning for Headlights Required. Huston 
was given a verbal warning for not wearing 
her safety belt. Konkle was informed of his 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, December 
6,2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18011102
W Ohio Ave near N 15th St, Sebring, Ohio 

CITED: Zachary Mucklo , Age 23
11271 Island Creek Dr, Beloit, OH 

Obedience to Traffic Control Device   SCO 

On Friday, November 23,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #302 on N 15'St 
at W Ohio Ave. I observed a brown 4-door 
sedan proceed west past the marked white 
line and come to a complete stop in the 
intersection, nearly colliding with a vehicle 
travelling south. The traffic light was 
functioning properly and flashing red at the 
time. I pulled out from my location and 
activated my overhead emergency lights to 
initiate a traffic stop. 

The vehicle, a brown 4-door Kia bearing 
Ohio registration HAT8247, came to a 
complete stop in the 100 block of W Ohio 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Zachary Mucklo, I informed 
him of the reason for the stop. I requested 
Mucklo to provide his driver's license, 
vehicle registration and proof of insurance. 
Mucklo provided all of the aforementioned 
documentation. Mucklo was issued traffic 
citation #031349 for Village Ordinance 
313.01 Obedience to Traffic Control Device 
and advised of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
December 6,2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18011105
S. 12th/ Alabama St. Sebring, Oh

CITED: Miguel Tyson 
86 Omar St. Struthers, Ohio 44471

Driving Under Suspension  SCO 335.07

Upon arrival, Patrolman Peterman, and 
Patrolman Scott spoke to the clerk that 
witnessed the action, and she stated he 
already left in a gray pickup truck with a 
refrigerator in the back of the truck heading 
south on 12th street. We immediately 
traveled to 12th street, noticing a gray truck 
matching the description and went slightly 
left of center, and we initiated our overhead 
emergency lights and the truck pulled over 
near Alabama Ave.

When I approached the vehicle, Ptl. Scott 
spoke to the driver, Miguel A. Tyson, who 
stated he did not urinate on the side of the 
building, Naomi, the manager of Circle K 
was notified of the individual, and she 
verified he was the individual that urinated 
on the building but did not want to pursue 
charges, and also states he is not allowed 
back at that Circle K.

I spoke to the passenger, and she stated 
nothing happened, and I asked for her 
license, in which she complied with the 

Miguel was found to be under suspension, 
and his license had been expired as of 
11/12/2018. I and Ptl. Scott noticed a slight 
odor of alcoholic beverage coming from the 
vehicle, in which he admitted he had a Jack 
and Coke. Ptl. Scott determined the 
passenger, Olivia K. Sowers was sober to 
drive, and I determined her license was 
valid, so she could drive the vehicle. 

Miguel was cited for driving under 
suspension 335.07 and given a mandatory 
court date OF November 30, 2018 as he did 
not have proof of insurance. Miguel was 
also given a warning for going left of center. 
I then cleared both units.

Ptl. Peterman #512


Case No.: 18011109 
S. 12th St.

CITED: Michael Lewis 
4010 W. Vasconia, Tampa
Speeding  48/35mph   SCO-333.03

On 11/24/2018 at 1553 hours I, Ptl. 
Villanueva while in a marked police cruiser 
was stationary on S. 12th Street and E. 
Georgia when I noticed a tan 2017 Ford 
truck traveling at a high rate of speed. I 
activated my cruisers mounted radar unit 
and observed a read out of 48mph while in 
a 35mph zone.

The vehicle passed my cruiser and I then 
turned my cruiser around and initiated a 
traffic stop on S. 12th St. near E. Georgia. 
The vehicle was a 2017 Ford truck bearing 
Florida plates.

I approached the vehicle and informed the 
driver, Michael Vernon Lewis of the reason 
for the stop and requested his driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance. 
I then returned to my cruiser and wrote a 
traffic citation for speed SCO 333.03 and 
gave Lewis a court date of 12/06/2018 at 
0900 hours and with no personal 
appearance required. Once Lewis signed 
the citation he was provided with a copy 
and I then cleared.

Ptl. Villanueva #513


Case No.: 18011092
100 Block S 12th st

CITED:  Courtney Nagy
304 Hart Ave, Minerva

Speed (48/35)  333.03

On Wednesday 11/21/18 while conducting 
traffic enforcement on S. 12th St. I 
observed a silver in color Chevy traveling 
north at a visibly high rate of speed. I 
activated my mounted radar unit which 
confirmed the vehicle speed to be 48mph in 
a clearly marked 35mph zone. I activated 
my emergency lights and initiated a traffic 
stop in the 100 block of S. 12th St. and 
made contact with the driver identified as 
Courtney Nagy, 304 Hart Ave. Minerva. 

I advised Courtney the reason for the stop 
and requested her license, registration, and 
proof of insurance which she provided. I 
then wrote Courtney a citation for violation 
of SCO 333.03/Speed and advised her of 
her non mandatory court appearance on 
11/29/2018 at 0900hrs. 

I then cleared without further incident.

Ptl. Villanueva 513


Case No.: 18011093
100 Block S. 12th St.

CITED:  Chavon Yader, Age 38
11985 Sheldon Rd, Mantua

Speeding (50/35)   333.03

On Wednesday 11/21/18 while conducting 
traffic enforcement on S. 12th St. I 
observed a white in color Ford traveling 
north at a visibly high rate of speed. I 
activated my mounted radar unit which 
confirmed the vehicle speed to be 50mph in 
a clearly marked 35mph zone. I activated 
my emergency lights and initiated a traffic 
stop in the 100 block of S. 12th St. and 
made contact with the driver identified as 
Chavon Yoder, 11985 Sheldon Rd, Mantua. 

I advised Chavon the reason for the stop 
and requested her license, registration, and 
proof of insurance which she provided. I 
then wrote Chavon a citation for violation of 
SCO 333.03/Speed and advised her of her 
non mandatory court appearance on 
11/29/2018 at 0900hrs. I then cleared 
without further incident.

Ptl. Villanueva #513


Case No.; 18011083
S. 12 St. near 1316 S 12th St.

CITED: Dennis Mellosh, Age 64
306 E Michigan Ave

OVI-General 4511.19A1A

OVI-breath less then .08-.17 4511.19A1D

Failure to Chntrol 4511.20

On 11/19/2018 I Officer Rober was 
dispatched to the area of S 12th St near 
Alabama for a vehicle in the ditch. 

Upon arrival I noticed a Sliver Chevy Impala 
in the ditch in front of 1316 S 12th St. I 
made contact with the driver and identified 
him as Dennis P Mellish from Sebring. I 
asked Dennis what happened which he 
replied the road was slippery and he must 
have just driven off. 

I checked the roadway and didn't appear to 
be slippery or any ice on the roadway. I 
asked Dennis for his ID card at which I 
noticed a strong odor of alcohol coming off 
his person. I asked Dennis If he had 
anything to drink which admitted to drinking. 
I asked Dennis to step out of the vehicle 
which he replied to me that's ok I will stay in 
the vehicle. Then I stated to Dennis he has 
to step out because the tow truck is on the 
way and the vehicle is on its side at which 
he still stated no. 

I told Dennis that it's a danger for him to 
stay in the vehicle with the vehicle on its 
side like this. I then extended my hand and 
assisted Dennis out of the vehicle.

Once Dennis was out of the vehicle he 
could not keep his balanced even with both 
his feet are on the ground. I asked Dennis if 
he would submit to Field Sobriety testing 
which he replied no because he has bad 
legs. I told Dennis if he would even do one 
test which doesn't require him to walk or 
use his legs. He then said yes and as I 
began to explain the test to him at which he 
wasn't paying attention and could not 
perform the test.

Due to my indications I placed Dennis 
under arrest for OVI. I then transported 
Dennis to the Sebring Police Department 
for processing. Once at the station I read 
Dennis the BMV 2255 form and asked if he 
will submit for a breath sample. Dennis then 
agreed to the sample. After the 20 minute 
observation period Sgt Eberling #503 gave 
the him the test through the intoxilyser 
8000. He then gave his first breath sample 
of .121 and once he was done due to him 
having asthma he had to take his medicine. 
He then gave a second sample of .127 
which both results of .121. 

He was then issued a citation for OVI-
General (4511.19A1A) OVI-Breath 
(4511.19A1D) and Failure to control 
(4511.202) for the crash. 

He was given a court date of 11/21/2018 At 
1pm at MCC#3. He was issued a summons 
and released to Don Stratton. Upon nothing 
further I cleared.


City of Sebring 
Private Property Accident
Report No. : 18011079 Date of Crash 
Location of Crash 1100 North Johnson 
Road, Sebring 

Unit #1
Owner: Lyndel L Beverly 
Address 39640 Miller Road, Leetonia Ohio 
2010 Make Chrysler Model SW - Color -
Minor front passenger side

Unit #2
Driver: Shawn Keith Carver Age 33
Address 376 East Ohio Avenue, Sebring 
Owner: Danielle E Reggi Address 376 East 
Ohio Avenue , Sebring Ohio
2008 Make Saturn Model SW Color Silver 
Damage unknown, Gone on arrival.

Unit 2 backed into unoccupied unit 1.

Reporting Officer, Det. Redfern #504


Case No.: 18011076
22780 Alden Avenue, Alliance Ohio

ARRESTED:  Toni Pelamati, Age 50
22780 Alden Avenue, Alliance Ohio

Aggravated Assault F4 2903.12 / Bond 

Attempted Aggravated Assault F5  2923.02  
/ Bond $2,500

Domestic Violence  M1   2919.25  / Bond 

On Saturday, November 17,2018, 
Patrolmen Marchionda and Scott were 
dispatched to 317 N 15th St reference a 
report of a disturbance involving a knife.

Upon my and Ptl. Marchionda's arrival we 
entered the apartment building and 
observed a home made baton along with a 
large pair of scissors laying on the floor in 
front of apartment four. Ptl. Marchionda 
seized the weapons allegedly used in the 
disturbance and placed them in the trunk of 
his patrol car.

A female at the door of apartment four 
stated that she and her friend were attacked 
by a female named Toni Pelamati and that 
Toni fled the scene from the rear exit of the 

I then exited the building through the rear 
and attempted to search for Toni to no avail. 

The victims were identified as Harry 
Sarchione who was stabbed in his hands by 
the large pair of scissors. Harry was not 
present at the apartment on our arrival but 
returned a short time after. Harry was 
actively chasing Toni when officers initially 
arrived. Then the second victim, Marcie 
Herbert, intervened to help Harry but Toni 
allegedly attempted to stab Marcie and 
threatened to kill both Harry and Marcie and 
then was chased through the building all the 
way to W. Maryland Ave. and N. 17th St. by 
Harry to which Harry even went and 
showed us where she was hiding before he 

Officers searched the area for Toni at the 
location she was last scene and searched 
the immediate area. Toni was unable to be 
located and officers gathered statements 
and a domestic violence packet since Harry 
and Toni reside together in Smith Twp. 
Harry signed for the domestic charges and 
both Harry and Marcie wanted to pursue 
charges against Toni for the incident at the 

Prosecutor Tolson was contacted and 
approved the following charges: Aggravated 
Assault ORC 2903.12 F-4, Domestic 
Violence ORC 2919.25A M-1, and 
Attempted Aggravated Assault ORC 
2923.02 F-5. The weapons were 
photographed and tagged and secured in 
the evidence room by me with Ptl. 
Marchionda as my witness.

I returned to the apartment and began to 
gather a written statement from Herbert 
who advised as she and Sarchione were 
struggling with Pelamati, Pelamati 
threatened to kill her as well as attempted 
to stab her with the scissors she used to 
injure Sarchione. While Herbert was writing 
her statement, Sarchione returned to the 
apartment and began to provide a written 
statement as well. 

Sarchione conveyed to me Pelamati was 
residing with him at his residence in Smith 
Township and after the two had a falling out, 
he came to Sebring to stay with Herbert for 
the evening. Sarchione stated and showed 
me while he was in Sebring, he received 
dozens of text messages from Pelamati. 
After learning that Sarchione and Pelamati 
were co-inhabitants, I retrieved a domestic 
violence packet, which Sarchione signed 
stating Pelamati knowingly caused physical 
harm to him. After obtaining written 
statements from Sarchione and Herbert, as 
well as the domestic violence packet, 
Patrolman Scott and I returned to the 

The large stainless steel pair of scissors 
and large metal rod (homemade baton) 
were photographed, logged and secured 
into the evidence room. Pictures of 
Sarchione's injuries were taken on scene 
and uploaded to the corresponding case file 
on station. 

A call was placed to the prosecutor by 
Detective Redfern who authorized charges 
of ORC 2919.25 Domestic Violence, a
misdemeanor of the first degree, ORC 
2903.12 Aggravated Assault, a felony of the 
fourth degree and ORC 2923.02 Attempt to 
commit Aggravated Assault, a felony of the 
fifth degree.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


On 11/17/2018. I was contacted by Ptl. 
Scott and Ptl. Marchionda in reference to 
this case. After review I made contact with 
prosecutor Tolson who approved the 
following charges:

Aggravated Assault F4
Attempted Aggravated Assault F5
Domestic Violence M1

Warrants will be issued on Monday when 
MCC#3 opens.

Detective Redfern 504


On 11/17/2018, I made contact with Harry 
Sarchione who advised that he thinks that 
Toni may be at his residence on Alden 
Avenue in Smith Twp. I requested Harry to 
sign a Consent to search of his residence to 
get Toni on her outstanding charges. Harry 
complied stating that she has meth in the 
house in its in the dresser drawer and also 
gave a consent search of the residence.

I requested Mutual Aid with Smith Twp. 
Police and together myself Det. Starr, and 
Ptl. Fraser went to the residence on Alden 
Avenue. Harry let us in the house and 
advised that she was upstairs. Units went 
up the stairs and took Toni into custody. 
Tony was placed in cuffs and taken out to 
the cruiser.

Returning to the bedroom that Harry stated 
that he shared with Toni. Trace amounts of 
a white powdery substance was obtained 
and logged as recovered. Units cleared. 
Toni was transported back to the station. 
Toni was processed and given a bond in the 
amount of $9,000.00. Toni was then 
transported to the Mahoning County Jail 
with a Arraignment date of 11/21/2018 at 
0900 at MCC#3.

During the transport to MCJ, unit stopped at 
Canfield PD to get Jail paperwork clerked, 
Transport was concluded without incident.

Detective Redfern 504


Wednesday, November 21, 2018
10:19 AM -0500

DATE: 11/12/2018 08:06:00

On 11/12/2018 I was dispatched to 800 S. 
15th St. for a private property accident. 

Upon arrival I made contact with Barbara 
Monter, 2040 Belleflower Dr. Alliance. 
Barbara advised she was trying to leave her 
parking'spot in her red in color 2015 Ford 
Taurus. Barbara then advised there were 
landscapers blowing leaves into piles and 
she tried to avoid the piles. Barbara then 
advised as she backed up she felt her 
vehicle hit something. 

Barbara advised she did not hear her 
backup warning due to the leaf blowers and 
she did not see anything behind her at first. 
Barbara advised she looked back and 
realized she struck the front quarter panel 
of a gray in color Honda hatchback.

I observed a large dent in the driver's side 
front quarter panel of the above mentioned 
gray Honda. I also observed scrapes and 
paint transfer on the Barbara's vehicle. 

I ran the registration of the gray Honda 
through dispatch which came back to David 
Parry, 90 Willow Bend Dr. Canfield. Barbara 
advised she knew David was the Chaplain 
at Copeland. 

Myself and Barbara went to the front desk 
to contact David. David came to the front 
desk and I advised what had happened and 
requested his drivers license, and insurance 
which he provided. I advised Barbara and 
David they could pick up this report on 
11/13/2018. I then cleared.

Det. Kelm #505


CASE # 18011061
Behind 206 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Shane Trainer
115 E Indiana Ave, Sebring, OH

D.U.S - Child Support   SCO335.07

On Tuesday, November 13,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was on patrol in the 
downtown area in marked unit #302. After 
turning east onto E Oregon Ave, I observed 
a white Ford SUV bearing Ohio registration 
HLD2431 in front of me. I performed a 
random registration check of the vehicle 
through dispatch and was informed the 
registered owner (Shane Trainer) license 
status was suspended. Immediately 
following the receipt of this information, I 
observed the SUV pull into the parking lot of 
the Brickhouse and simultaneously 
activated my overhead emergency lights. 

After pulling into the parking lot behind the 
Brickhouse, I exited my patrol car and 
observed a white male exiting the driver 
side vehicle.

Upon making contact with the male, I 
identified myself and requested his driver's 
license. The male stated he did not have his 
license on him and verbally identified 
himself as Shane Trainer and subsequently 
provided me with his date of birth, last four 
digits of his social security number and 
license number. After relaying the 
aforementioned information through 
dispatch, I was informed the male I had 
made contact with was Shane Trainer. I 
then advised Trainer of the reason for the 
stop. Trainer provided consent to allow me 
to search his vehicle which was performed 
while a Smith Township officer stood by 
after mutual aid was requested. The 
consensual search of the vehicle yielded no 
contraband or weapons.

Trainer was issued citation #031345 for 
Village Ordinance 335.07 D.U.S. - Child 
Support and advised of his mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, November 15,2018 at 
0900. The vehicle was subsequently 
released into the control of a licensed 

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18011062
Warrant Arrest
W Maryland Ave near N 16th St.

ARRESTED: Robinson Celeina 
336 N 16th St Sebring OH

Warrant (Capias Obstructing Justice) Stark 

On 11/13/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser, I observed a bicycle going 
down W. Maryland Ave with no lights in the 
dark. As the bicycle passed me, I was able 
to see the female riding it and identified her 
as Celeina C. Robinson who has an 
entered warrant for her arrest out of Stark 
County. I got her stopped on W Maryland 
Ave near N 16th St and had dispatch 
confirm the warrant with Stark County 
Sheriffs Office. Dispatch advised the 
warrant was good and they would meet at 
Walmart in Alliance for the prisoner 

I placed Celeina under arrest for warrant 
#W18-2471 Capias Obstructing Justice out 
of Stark County Sheriffs Office. Celefna was 
then transported to Walmart in Alliance 
where custody was then transferred to a 
deputy from Stark County.

Sgt. Eberling #503



Case No.; 18011063
600 Block of W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH 

CITED: Jacob Stryffeler
347 N 15th St, Sebring, OH 

OVI (SFST)  ORC 4511.19A1A
Obedience to Traffic Control Device ORC 

On Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 
Patrolman Marchionda performed a traffic 
stop in the 600 block of W Ohio Ave which 
resulted in the arrest of the driver for OVI.

While conducting traffic enforcement in 
marked unit #302 on W Ohio Ave at N 
Johnson Ave, I observed a four-door silver 
sedan approach the intersection from the 
south and negotiate a turn east onto W 
Ohio Ave without stopping at the posted 
stop sign. I pulled out from my location and 
initiated a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency lights. The vehicle, a 
silver Chevrolet Malibu bearing Ohio 
registration GRD5047, came to a complete 
stop in the 600 block of W Ohio Ave. 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Jacob Stryffeler, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. Before I could ask Stryffeler for his 
driver's license, he was acting very 
erratically and animated as he attempted to 
open his glove box to obtain his insurance, 
which I had not asked for. I instructed 
Stryffeler to stop what he was doing and to 
provide me with his driver's license which 
he did so. I then instructed Stryffeler to 
open the glove box And provide me with his 
insurance documentation.

While Stryffeler rifled through his glove box 
and retrieved several documents, he 
continued to act erratically by moving his 
body and his head around and side to side 
as he brought each document closely to his 
face. Stryffeler continued this course of 
action until he located insurance 
documentation dated 2016.

I asked Stryffeler given his behavior and 
erratic nature, if he had consumed any 
alcohol or controlled substances. Stryffeler 
informed me he did not ingest any drugs but 
that he had one beer several hours earlier. 
Stryffeler informed me he was acting the 
way he.was because he was nervous. I 
asked Stryffeler why he was nervous and 
he stated "because cops make me nervous" 
(Sic). I asked Stryffeler if there was 
anything in the vehicle which could possibly 
cause him to get in trouble and he stated 
there was not. I asked Stsyffeler if he had 
ever been arrested for any drug related 

Stryffeler admitted to me he had been 
arrested in the past for "Molly" (sic). I 
instructed Stryffeler to remain in the vehicle 
until 1 returned.

I contacted dispatch and requested that an 
ARIDE certified officer be dispatched to my 
location. Dispatch advised Patrolman Scott 
would be en route to my location. Following 
Patrolman Scott's arrival on scene, I 
advised him of my observations. 

While I began to fill out the traffic citation, 
Patrolman Scott instructed Stryffeler to exit 
the vehicle to perform a series of 
standardized field sobriety tests. I exited my 
cruiser just as Patrolman Scott was 
wrapping up SFSTs and observed Stryffeler 
fail the one leg stand test. Following SFSTs, 
I stood by as Patrolman Scott performed a 
series of ARIDE exercises and 

Based on Patrolman Scott's training, prior 
experience with controlled substance 
related OVI's, he informed me he believed 
Stryffeler to be under the influence of an 
anesthetic. Having been on numerous 
traffic stops with Patrolman Scott in the past 
that led to the apprehension of other drivers 
for OVI under similar circumstances, I 
instructed Stryffeler to turn around and 
place his hands behind his back as he was 
under arrest for suspicion of operating a 
motor vehicle while intoxicated and placed 
him in handcuffs which were gapped and 
double locked. I advised Stryffeler of his 
Miranda Rights which he stated he 
understood and subsequently placed him in 
the back seat of marked unit #302. 

Following the administrative inventory of 
Stryffeler's vehicle, I transported Stryffeler 
to the Sebring Police Department while 
Patrolman Scott remained on scene to wait 
for Springers to atrive.

Following my arrival on station, I escorted 
Stryffeler into the squad room where I 
removed his handcuffs and advised him of 
his Miranda Rights a second time and 
asked if he was willing to waive his rights to 
provide a statement. Stryffeler refused to 
waive his Miranda Rights. I then read Ohio 
BMV 2255 to Stryffeler aloud and asked if 
he understood what had been read to him. 
After allowing Stryffeler to look over the 
BMV 2255 a second time, I asked Stryffeler 
if he was willing to submit to a chemical 
urine test. Stryffeler refused to submit to a 
chemical urine test at which point I informed 
him his Ohio driver's license was now 
seized and that he was under administrative 
license suspension. I instructed him from 
this point forward, he was prohibited from 
operating any motor vehicle until he could 
request driving privileges from the court.

Patrolman Scott arrived at the station to 
assist with processing and paperwork. 
Patrolman Scott photographed and 
fingerprinted Stryffeler while I finished 
preparing the BMV 2255 which was 
witnessed and clerked by Dispatcher 
Wheeler. Stryffeler signed the BMV 2255 to 
acknowledge it had been read to him, that 
he understood it and was provided a copy. 

Stryffeler was issued citation #031346 for 
ORC 4511.19A1A (SFST) OVI and ORC 
4511.12 Obedience to Traffic Control 

I informed Stryffeler of his mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County 
Court#3 on Thursday, November 15, 2018 
at 0900 and advised him to bring proof of 
insurance with him to court. Stryffeler then 
signed the citation and was provided a 
copy. Stryffeler signed a recognizance of 
the accused and was provided his copy. 

Patrolman Scott provided Stryffeler a 
courtesy transport to his residence in 
Sebring and departed from the station with 
signed copies of the BMV 2255, traffic 
citation and recognizance of the accused.

PTL. Marchionda #508 


On 11/14/2018 around 1:24am I Ptl. Scott 
was requested to by Ptl. Marchionda to 
assist him with a possible OVI. Upon arrival 
I spoke to Ptl. Marchionda about the subject 
he had pulled over identified as Jacob 
Stryffeler. Ptl. Marchionda stated that he 
had stopped Jacobs's vehicle due to him 
failing to stop at an intersection. When Ptl. 
Marchionda informed Jacob of the traffic 
violation Ptl. Marchionda stated that Jacob 
was acting very strange and animated. Ptl. 
Marchionda stated he suspects that Jacob 
may be under the influence of a drug of 

I then spoke to Jacob and asked Jacob if he 
had consumed any type of drug prior to 
driving in which Jacob denied but stated 
that he had a beer several hours ago. While 
speaking to Jacob he attempted to go in the 
glove box and was told to stop and acted 
very excited and could not complete his 
sentences. I ordered Jacob out of the 
vehicle and had him stand behind his 
vehicle and asked Jacob if he would 
perform field sobriety tests in which Jacob 
stated that he would.
Ptl. Marchionda shut his front overhead 
lights off so they would not interfere with the 
test. I asked Jacob if he had any medical 
conditions in which he stated that he had 
ADHD but does no longer take medication 
for it. I then had Jacob stand straight up 
with his hands to his side and his feet 
together and checked Jacobs eyes for a 
resting nystagrnus, equal pupil size, and 
equal tracking. Jacob's eyes both tracked 
equally, both of Jacobs's pupils were of 
equal size, and Jacob did not have a resting 

I then began the first test which was the 
horizontal gaze nystagmus and once the 
test began I observed the following clues: 
Lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, distinct 
nystagmus at maximum deviation in both 
eyes, and Onset of nystagmus prior to 45 
degrees in both eyes.

The next test was the walk and turn and I 
had Jacob stand straight up with his hands 
to his side and his right foot in front of his 
left foot while I explained the instructions. 
Once the instructions were explained I 
asked Jacob if he understood them in which 
Jacob stated that he did. Once the test 
began I observed the following clues: 
Stopped while walking, did not touch heel to 
toe, and improper turn.

The next test was the one leg stand and I 
instructed Jacob to stand straight up with 
his hands to his side and his feet together 
and explained the instructions and once the 
instructions were explained I asked Jacob if 
he understood them in which Jacob stated 
that he did. Once the test began I observed 
the following clues: Swayed while 
balancing, used arms to balance, put foot 
down 3 times.

I then preformed the modified Romberg and 
had Jacob stand straight up with his hands 
to his side and feet together and tilt his 
head back estimate the time of 30 seconds 
to himself and when finished he put his 
head down and say stop in which he did so 
in the matter of 40 seconds approximately.

I then preformed the Lack of convergence 
and had Jacob sit on the bumper of Ptl. 
Marchionda's cruiser and I held a pen in 
front of Jacob and moved it into a circle and 
then coming to his forehead in between his 
eyes and Jacob lost focus of the pen.

I suspected Jacob of using a drug of abuse 
and told Ptl. Marchionda the results which 
Ptl. Marchionda then placed Jacob under 
arrest for suspicion af OVI. I then stood by 
for the towing of the vehicle and then 
cleared to assist Ptl. Marchionda with the 
booking process.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18011064
W Carolina Ave @ S 15th St, Sebring OH

CITED: Justin Vickers 
11152 Bandy Rd, Alliance, OH 

Obedience to Traffic Control Device SCO 

On Wednesday, November 14,2018, I, 
Patrolman. Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #302 on 
W Texas Ave at S 15th St. I observed a 
white mobile home approach the 
intersection from the north and proceed 
south without stopping at the posted stop 
sign. I pulled out from my location and 
initiated a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency Iights and audible 
siren. The mobile home, bearing Ohio 
registration GXQ5756, turned west onto W 
Carolina Ave and came to a complete stop.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Justin Vickers, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. I requested Vickers to provide his 
driver's license, registration and proof of 
insurance. Vickers provided all of the 
aforementioned documentation.

Vickers was issued citation #031347 for 
Village Ordinance 313.01 Obedience to 
Traffic Control Device and advised of his 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, November 29,2018 at 

Ptl. Marchionda #508


CaseNo.: 18011065 
N 17th St @ W Vermont Ave, Sebring, OH 

CITED: Alea Poteet
506 Superior Court, Minerva, OH

OVI  ORC 4511.19A1A
OVI (Refusal w/prior convictions)  ORC 
Impeding Traffic   ORC 4511.22
Open Container while operating MV  ORC 

On Wednesday, November 14,2018, 
Patrolman Marchionda was dispatched to 
the 700 block of N 37th St reference a 
report of a suspicious vehicle which 
resulted in the arrest of the driver for OVI.

Upon my arrival, I observed a light blue 
Ford 4-door sedan bearing Ohio registration 
HKL2298, stopped in the middle of the 
roadway on N 17th St at W Vermont Ave 
impeding traffic. After activating my 
overhead emergency lights, I approached 
the vehicle and attempted to make contact 
with the driver, who was slumped over and 
appeared to be unconscious. After shouting 
multiple times for the driver to wake up and 
after knocking on the window, the driver 
slowly lifted their head up and proceeded to 
place a call on their cell phone. I observed 
the driver take their foot off the brake pedal, 
letting the vehicle proceed forward 
approximately 10 feet before stopping and 
placing the vehicle in park. I immediately 
updated dispatch and requested a second 
officer to be dispatched to my location.

Following the arrival of Sergeant Eberling, 
we were able to get the driver to comply 
with our instructions to open the door. Both 
Sergeant Eberling and I observed an open 
tall can of Icehouse Edge sitting in the 
center cup holder. After the driver opened 
the door, Sergeant Eberling immediately 
reached in and removed the keys from the 
ignition. Sergeant Eberling and I assisted 
the driver out of the vehicle and could 
immediately smell a strong odor of an 
alcoholic beverage coming from the driver's 
breath. I assisted the driver to the rear of 
the vehicle as she was having difficulty 
walking under her own power, let alone 
stand on her own. After walking her to the 
back of the vehicle she leaned on the trunk 
to support her balance. While speaking to 
her, her speech was severely slurred and 
she admitted to me that she was an 
alcoholic who only had "a couple of beers" 

Sergeant Eberling located her wallet in the 
center console where we found her Ohio 
driver's license, identifying her as Alea Ann 
Marie Poteet.

While Sergeant Eberling notified dispatch to 
send a tow truck to the scene, I asked 
Poteet if she would be willing to submit to a 
series of standardized field sobriety tests. 
Poteet refused and was subsequently 
placed under arrest for suspicion of 
operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. 

I handcuffed Poteet behind her back 
(gapped/double locked) and informed her of 
her Miranda Rights which she stated she 
understood. Patrolman Scott arrived on 
scene at this time to assist. Poteet was 
placed into the rear of marked unit #302 
and transported from the scene to the 
Sebring Police Department. Patrolman 
Scott remained on scene to perform the 
administrative inventory and to standby for 
the tow truck.

After arriving at the Sebring Police Dept, I 
helped Poteet exit marked unit #302 and 
escorted her into the squad room to begin 
processing. After removing the handcuffs, I 
read Ohio BMV 2255 to Poteet and asked 
her if she understood what was read to her 
and if she was willing to submit to both a 
chemical breath and urine test. Poteet 
stated she understood and that she was 
willing to submit to chemical testing. 
Patrolman Scott arrived at the station at this 
time to assist with processing and to ready 
the lntoxilyzer 8000 for the breath test. 
While in the Intoxilyzer room, Poteet was 
asked to sign the electronic version of the 
BMV 2255 and after being handed the 
stylus, she asked Patrolman Scott and I, 
"do you want to stick this(sexual implications)?" (sic) and made 
motions corresponding with her question. 

After providing the first breath sample, 
Poteet attempted to grab Patrolman Scott's 
genitals while making reference to "(sexual implication)" (sic). I escorted Poteet back to the 
squad room while the lntoxilyzer 8000 
prepared for the second breath sample.

After Patrolman Scott informed me the 
lntoxilyzer 8000 was ready for the second 
breath sample, Poteet refused to provide a 
second breath sample, shouting obscenities 
and making inappropriate sexual remarks. 
At this time, I informed Poteet her Ohio 
driver license was now seized, that she was 
under an administrative license suspension 
effective immediately and was prohibited 
from operating any motor vehicles. 

Patrolman Scott returned to the squad room 
and assisted with processing by 
photographing and fingerprinting Poteet.

Poteet signed and was provided a copy of 
the Ohio BMV 2255 form as well as the 
recognizance of the accused. Poteet was 
issued minor misdemeanor citation 
#000225 for ORC 4301.6284 Open 
Container while operating a motor vehicle. 
Poteet signed and was provided her copy of 
the minor misdemeanor citation. Poteet was 
also issued traffic citation #031348 for ORC 
4511.19A1A OVI, ORC 4511.19A2A OVI 
(Refusal) and ORC 4511.22 Impeding 

Poteet signed and was provided her copy of 
the traffic citation. Poteet was advised of 
her mandatory appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
November 15,2018 at 0900 and was 
released from the station into the custody of 
a sober and licensed driver.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Wednesday, November 14, 2018
06:05 PM -0500

Case No.: IS011043 
100 Block W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Kristen Callahan
13244 W South Range Rd, Salem, OH 

Obedience to Traffic Control Devices  SCO 

On Saturday, November 10, 2018,1, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #302 on 
N 15th St at W Ohio Ave. I observed a red 
Chevrolet SUV approach the intersection 
from the east and through the functioning 
flashing red traffic light without stopping. I 
pulled out from my location and immediately 
activated my overhead emergency lights to 
initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a red 
Chevrolet Trailblazer bearing Ohio 
registration HJA7265, came to a complete 
stop in the 100 block of W Ohio Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Kristen Callahan, I identified 
myseIf and informed her of the reason for 
the stop. I requested Callahan to provide 
me with her driver's license and proof of 
insurance. Callahan provided both of the 
aforementioned documentation. Callahan 
was issued citation #031344 for ViIlage 
Ordinance 313.01 Obedience to Traffic 
Control Devices and advised of her 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, November 15,2018 at 

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


DATE: 11/10/2018 14:39:00

On 11/10/2018 I was dispatched to 836 
South 13th Street apartment 14 in Sebring 
in reference to a disturvance.

I arrived on scene and spoke with Margaret 
Rosnagel of apartment 44 advised that her 
daughter Karen Dicenzi and her daughter's 
baby's daddy Koty Claypool were outside 
and Koty started yelling at the neighbors. 
Margaret advised that Karen and Koty left 
just prior to my arrival to go to Calcutta to 
place money on their layaway. Margaret 
advised that the neighbors are outside their 
apartment and she wants officers to tell 
them to go inside before she does 
something about it. Margaret advised "I 
have a baseball bat, and I'm not afraid to 
use it on them". I advised Margaret that if 
she went outside and premeditatedly 
attacked her neighbors for being outside in 
the common area that she would be
facing charges.

I went across the parking lot and spoke with 
the group of people outside who advised 
that Koty Claypool was stating that he 
would "Kill us fucking niggers".

I spoke with Mitchell Smith whom advised 
that Koty was upset with him because he 
was outside across the parking lot doing 
vehicle maintenance on his vehicle and 
Koty was upset because his exhaust was 
loud, Mitchell stated that Koty advised him 
that he would slash his tires and set his 
truck on fire and kick his head in. Koty then 
advised Mitchell that stated that he would 
have his father come over and crush his 
skull in and continued calling him a nigger.

I spoke with Xavier Terrell whom advised 
that Koty came over calling him a nigger 
and was calling his girlfriend a nigger lover. 
Xavier stated that Koty claimed that his 
father was in the KKK and he was going to 
have him come and kill the both of them 
and slash their tires and smash up their car.

I spoke with Stevei Papic whom advised 
that Koty came over starting problems with 
several of the residence. Stevei stated that 
Koty called her fat. Stevei stated that Koty 
was calling everyone niggers and she 
advised that Koty stated that he was going 
to kill all of them.

I spoke wjth several other residences that 
advised that this appeared to be an ongoing 
issue and that they wanted something 


On 11/10/2018, this case will be forwarded 
to Prosecutor Talson for possible charges of 
violation of ORC 2927.12 Ethnic 


On 11/10/2018, I spoke with Prosecutor 
Tolson in reference to this case as well as 
case number 18011048. Prosecutor Tolson 
advised that the above charges were 
approved. Koty was then taken in custody 
in case 18011048.

Detective Redfern 504


On 11/10/2018 I responded to 836 S 13th 
St Apt 14 for a disturbance. When I arrived 
on scene Det. Redfern had already spoken 
with the caller and was now talking to a 
large group of individuals. Both units spoke 
with Mitchell Smith who advised Koty 
Claypool was angry because his trucks 
exhaust was too loud so Koty called him a 
"Nigger" among other words and threatened 
him including saying his father was a 
bounty hunter and would come kill him. 

Units also spoke with Xavier Terrell who 
said Koty called him a Nigger and his 
girlfriend a Nigger lover and made threats 
by saying he would slash their tires and he 
and his father were in the KKK and they 
would kill both of them. 

Units also spoke with Stevei Papic who 
verified the story and added that Koty called 
her fat. Statements were taken from parties 
involved and witnesses to this incident and 
units cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


DATE: 11/10/2018 16:37:00

I On 11/10/2018. Myself and Ptl. Brindack 
were dispatched to the parking lot of 836 
South 13th street in reference to a Koty 
Claypool threatening several people with a 

Detective Redfern 504

On 11/10/2018, Myself and Ptl. Brindack 
were dispatched to the parking lot of 836 
South 13th street in reference to a Koty 
Claypool threatening several people with a 
firearm. Both units arrived on location and 
found several people yelling that Koty 
Claypool had a firearm and he was pointing 
it at several people stating that he was 
"going to kill niggers". 

Several people stated that the Koty ran into 
apartment 14. 

Both myself and Ptl. Brindack ordered Koty 
out of the residence with his hands up.

Koty came out of the residence with out 
incident and was immediately detained for 
officer safety.

Officers spoke with Xavier Terrell whom 
advised that Koty came peeling into the 
parking lot and jumped out of his vehicle 
yelling "Nigger" and "I'm going to shoot you" 
while brandishing a firearm.

Officers spoke with Kasey Robinson states 
that Koty came home and was yelling racial 
slurs calling her a "Nigger Lover" and Kasey 
stated that she pushed over his pregnant 
girlfriend making her land on her stomach. 
Kasey advised that Koty came back out 
with a gun stating that he was going to 
shoot them.

officers spoke with Stone Johnson whom 
stated that Koty started calling them 
"Niggers". Stone advised that Koty then 
went back in the house and retrieved a 
firearm and pointed it at them through the 

Officers spoke with Stevei Papic, Tammy 
Bates, and several other neighbors whom 
requested to remain anonymous. All of the 
statements corroborated with the above 
statements that Koty peeled into the parking 
lot and jumped out of the vehicle yelling 
racial obscenities and flicking off the three 
people standing in the window of apartment 
13. They further stated that Koty then went 
into his house and then came out with a 
firearm and pointed it at the window stating 
that "I'm going to kill you niggers".

Consent to search was obtained from the 
renter of apartment 14 Margaret Rosnagel. 
Officers started to search the residence but 
due to the amount of clutter in the residence 
it was nearly impossible.

Chief Harris was contacted on scene whom 
gave me permission to reach out to 
Prosecutor Tolson.

Prosecutor Tolson was advised of the 
situation and it was determined that the 
following charges would be appropriate for 
this case:

Weapons Under Disability F3

Ethnic Intimidation F5

Ethnic Intimidation F5

Aggravated Menacing M1

Inducing Panic

Prosecutar Tolson also approved charges 
against Koty in reference to case 18011046 
that happened only a few hours prior.

Koty was transported to the station and 
processed on the above charges. Koty was 
subsequently transported to the Mahoning 
County Jail on a $20,500.00 bond 
combined total with case 18011046.

Koty is to appear at MCC#3 on 11/15/2018 
at 0900.

Detective Redfern 504


On 11/10/2038, Myself and Det. Redfern 
were dispatched to the parking lot of 836 
South 13th street in reference to a Koty 
Claypool threatening people with a firearm. 
Both units arrived on scene and found 
several people yelling that Koty Claypool 
had a gun and he was pointing it at several 
people stating that he was "going to kill 
niggers". Including one resident stating "he 
had a whole ass gun" the group advised 
that the Koty ran into apartment 14. 

Units ordered Koty out of the apartment 
with his hands where we could see them. 
Koty came out without any resistance and 
was detained and handcuffed (gaped and 
double locked) for officer safety.

I placed Koty Claypool in the rear of my 
cruiser while Det. Redfern began speaking 
to several witness. All of whom Koty 
Claypool had peeled in the parking lot and 
began threatening people and brandishing 
a firearm described as a black pistol. One 
individual Xavier Terrell even advised he 
was able to recognize the weapon as a Hi-
Point pistol. 

Koty was advised why we were called and 
advised he did not have a firearm and 
wouldn't have one because he is a felon.

While Det. Redfern spoke with individuals 
consent was obtained to search the 
apartment Margaret Rosnagel, both officers 
searched the apartment but due to extreme 
amount of clutter it was extremely difficult to 
search. Despite our best efforts in 
searching the apartment and surrounding 
areas we were unable to find the firearm. 

While I was searching Det. Redfern spoke 
with Chief Harris and prosecutor Tolson and 
the following charges were approved. 
Weapons Under Disability F3,Ethnic 
Intimidation F5,Ethnic Intimidation 
F5,Aggravated Menacing M1, and Inducing 

Charges on the previous incident case 
#18011046 were also approved. 

Witness statements were obtained from 
multiple witnesses and Koty was 
transported to the station and processed on 
the above charges. Koty was transported to 
the Mahoning County Jail by Det. Redfern 
with his bond set at $20,500.00. Koty is to 
appear at MCC#3 on 11/15/2018 at 0900.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Tuesday, November 13, 2018
04:59 PM -0500

Sebring Police STORIES
DATE: 11/06/2018 08:04:00

On 11/6/2018 I was dispatched to 120 N. 
15th St. for a theft from a vehicle.

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Kira Aebi, 7745 Alberta Beach 
St. Louisville.  Kira advised she parked her 
car in the parking lot adjacent to to Rocky's 
Drive thru at approximately 1900hrs on 
11/5/2018. Kira advised when she went out 
ot her car at approximately 0800hrs on 
11/6/2018 she noticed the drivers side 
window was partially down. Kira advised 
when she got into her car she observed a 
handful of change as well as an unknown 
amount of ibuprofen was missing from the 
center console area. 

Kira advised she had the door locked and 
the window up when she parked the night 
before. Kira advised nothing of value was 
missing and nothing on the car seemed to 
be broken. I advised Kira a report would be 
completed but without more evidence or 
potential suspects the case would be closed 
at this time,

Det. Kelm #505


Sebring Police STORIES
lNCIDENT NUMBER: 18-011030 
DATE: 11/06/2038 09:37:00

On 11/6/2018 I was dispatched to 396 W. 
Pennsylvania Ave. for criminal damaging.

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Mary Jordan. Mary advised 
she gat in her car this morning at 
approximately 0900hrs. Mary then advised 
as she drove away she felt a breeze, looked 
back and observed the rear passenger 
window was shattered. Mary advised she 
had her behicle parked on N. 18th St. on 
the west side of her residence facing north. 
Mary advised she last saw the vehicle on 
11/5/2018 when she parked it at 
approximately 3500hrs.

I had Mary unlock the vehicle and I was 
able to observe a piece of a spark plug on 
the rear passenger seat. I then checked the 
area where the vehicle was originally 
parked and observed another piece of a 
spark plug. I advised Mary it appeared 
someone walking on the sidewalk had 
thrown the pieces of spark plug at the 
window to shatter it.

Mary advised there was nothing that 
appeared to be missing and the doors were 
all still locked. Mary then advised she had 
already contacted her insurance company 
to file a claim. I advised Mary a report would 
be completed and could be picked up at the 
police station if she needed it for insurance.

I then cleared.

Det. Kelm #505



Sebring Police STORIES
Case No.: 18011032 
S. 12th St, /Vet Clinic

CITED: Ashley Suderman
515 W. California Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Speed 47/35   SCO333.03

On 11/07/2018 at 4:45am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
south on S. 12th st. when I observed a 
vehicle traveling north on the same road 
that appeared to be traveling at a high rate 
of speed. I activated the mounted radar unit 
in the cruiser and observed a digital reading 
of 47 mph while in a 35 mph zone.

Once the vehicle passed my cruiser I turned 
around in a drive way and initiated a traffic 
stop at S. 12th St. near the Veterinarians 
clinic, the vehicle was a gray 2009 Ford 4-S 
bearing Ohio temporary registration 

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver and informed them for the reason of 
the stop and requested their driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
and identified the driver as Ashley 

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Ashley a traffic citation for speed SCO 
333.03 and gave Ashley a court date of 
11/15/2018 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a 
personal appearance not required.

Once Ashley signed the citation she was 
provided with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Sebring Police STORIES
Case No.: 18011041
132 N 16th'St. Sebring, OH 44672

ARRESTED: Jonathan Cosgray
132 N 16th'St. Sebring, OH 44672

Warrant Pick Up (Agg. Trafficking in Drugs)
Mahoning County Sheriffs Office

On 11/8/2018, Officers picked up a make on 
an entered felony warrant. 

Dispatch received a call from a male 
identified as Jonathan M. Cosgray 
reference an animal complaint (Case 
#180114040)- Jonathan had an entered 
felony warrant out of Mahoning County 
Sheriffs Ofice for 3 counts of trafficking in 

Ptl. Redfern and myself went and made 
contact with him at his residence and 
advised him of the warrant. Jonathan was 
very cooperative and was taken into 
custody by Ptl. Redfern for warrant # 
18CR7049 and transported to Mahoning 
County Jail.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Sebring Police STORIES
Case No.: 18011037 
506 W. Virginia Ave

CITED: Allissa Midkiff AGE22
216 S. 21st St. Sebring

Driver's License Required 335.01

On 11/8/2018 at 0804hrs while conducting 
school zones at BL Miller I was advised of a 
private property accident. Upon arrival I 
made contact with the complainant Crystina 
Claypool. Crystina advised she was parked 
when a silver in color Chevy rear ended her 

I then spoke to ihe driver of the silver in 
color Chevy and identified her as Allissa 
Midkiff, 216 S. 21' St. Allissa advised she 
got distracted and pushed the wrong pedal 
striking the rear of Crystina's car. I 
requested Allissa's drivers license, proof of 
insurance, and registration which she was 
not able to provide. Allissa advised she had 
her learners but it expired. Allissa also 
advised the vehicle belonged to her mother 
and she was not sure if she had insurance 
or not. 

I then cited Allissa for Driver's License 
Required/335.01 with a mandatory court 
appearance at MCC#3 on ll/15/2018 at 
0900hrs. Allissa advised she understood. I 
then gave Allissa a courtesy transport to her 
residence so she could get a valid driver to 
pick up the vehicle. I then cleared.

Det. Kelm #505



Sebring Police STORIES
DATE: 11/08/2018 13:43:00 

On 11/08/2018, I was dispatched to the 400 
block of North 13th Street in reference to 
criminal damaging.

On 11/08/2018, I was dispatched to the 400 
block of North 13th Street in reference to 
criminal damaging. I arrived on location and 
spoke to Rev. White whom advised that he 
owned the above property and wanted to 
make the department aware that someone 
bust out all of the windows to the rental. 

Rev. White just wanted th'e incident 
documented and us to be aware and keep 
an eye on the house.

On 11/09/2018, while on patrol I noted that 
the front door to the house was open. I 
preformed a building search and cleared 
the building. I then re-secured to door and 
cleared without incident.

Detective Redfern 504


Thursday, November 08, 2018
05:18 PM -0500

Case No.: 01801017
Circle K, 205 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, Ohio

WARRANT: Christopher Wilke
1045 S 12th St, Sebring, Ohio 44672

Warrant - Alliance Police Department

On Friday, November 2, 2018, Patrolman 
Brindack, Scott and Marchionda were 
dispatched to a disturbance at Circle K that 
resulted in the arrest of one of the parties 
involved for assault and an active warrant 
out of Alliance Police Department.

Upon our arrival, Patrolman Brindack 
recognized one of the parties involved as 
Christopher Wilke and it was known Wilke 
had a warrant for his arrest out of Alliance 
Police Department. I immediately detained 
Wilke and confirmed through dispatch the 
warrant was active. The original nature of 
the call was regarding a fight in progress at 
Circle K and Wilke was formally arrested 
and advised of the assault charge. 
Evidence was also obtained on scene 
related to the assault charge and secured.

I transported Wilke back to the SEBRING 
POLICE STORY where he was 
fingerprinted, photographed and processed 
for assault. During processing, Alliance 
Police Department notified dispatch and 
advised one of their officers would be en 
route to the station to take custody of Wilke 
on their warrant. Wilke was provided and 
signed a recognizance form for assault and 
advised of his mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, November 8,2018 at 0900.

Before Wilke was removed from the station 
by an Alliance Police Officer, I searched 
Wilke's belongings a second time and 
recovered a cylindrical glass tube 
containing an unknown residue in one, of 
his coat pockets. The glass tube was seized 
and Wilke was subsequently transported 
from the station by the Alliance Police 

Ptl D. Marchianda #508


Case No.: 18011016
Circle K, 205 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, Ohio

ARREST:  Christopller Wilke, AGE 25
1045 S 12th St, Sebring, Ohio 44672

Assault (M-1) ORC 2903.13

On Friday, November 2,2028, Patrolmen 
Brindack, Scott and Marchionda were 
dispatched to Circle K reference a report of 
a fight in the parking lot resulting in the 
arrest of one adult male.

Upon our arrival, the two individuals who 
were fighting, identified as Tyler Graham 
and Christopher Wilke, were already 
separated from one another from bystander 
intervention. Patrolman Brindack alerted 
Patrolman Scott and I one of the parties 
involved was Wilke and that he had an 
active warrant out of Alliance Police 
Department. I immediately detained Wlke 
by placing him in handcuffs behind his back 
(gapped/double locked) and verified the 
active warrant through dispatch. I advised 
Wilke of the warrant and that he would be 
retained pending confirmation from Alliance 
Police Department and pending further 
investigation regarding the alleged fight.

Patrolman Brindack and Patrolman Scott 
spoke with witnesses and the victim, Tyler 
Graham. After speaking with Graham and 
the witnesses, Patrolman Scott advised me 
to inform Wilke he was under arrest for 
assault. As I was Informing Wilke of the 
assault charge, Patrolman Scott produced a 
clear bag containing an unknown white 
crystallized substance and asked Wilke 
about it. According to witnesses and 
Graham, the bag fell out of Wilke's pocket 
during the physical altercation. 

Wlke was informed of his Miranda Rights, 
searched and placed in the back seat of 
marked unit #303. I then transported Wilke 
and the clear bag back to the SEBRING 
POLICE DEPT while Patrolmen Scott, 
Brindack and Peterman remained on scene 
to speak with and gather statements from 
the victim and witnesses.

Upon arriving at the station, I began 
processing Wilke for the assault charge. 
Wilke started to utter statements to me 
regarding the fight at which point I asked 
him if he was willing to waive his rights to 
provide a written statement. I obtained a 
voluntary statement packet and read Wilke 
his Miranda rights again and asked if he 
understood them. Wilke stated he 
understood his rights and signed the 
Miranda Waiver form and provided me with 
a written statement. 

While Wilke was writing his statement, 
Dispatcher Wheeler informed me Alliance 
Police Department was sending an officer 
to the station to take custody of Wilke on 
their warrant. After Wilke was processed, 
he was provided and signed a recognizance 
form and was advised of his mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, November 8,2018 at 0900 
for ORC 2903.13A1 Assault M-1.

Alliance Police Officer Vesco arrived on 
station to take custody of Wilke. Prior to 
transporting him, I conducted a second and 
more thorough search of the coat Wilke was 
wearing. During this search, I discovered a 
hidden pocket on the inside of the coat I did 
not find on scene at Circle K. While 
checking this pocket, I retrieved a cylindrical 
glass tube containing an unknown residue. 
After performing the search of Wilke's jacket 
and recovering the glass tube, Officer 
Vesco departed from the station with Wilke 
in his custody. 

The clear bag and glass tube were 
photographed, logged and secured into 
evidence by Patrolman Scott to be sent to 
the BCI crime lab at a later date. Additional 
charges may be filed against Wilke pending 
the results of the test from the Crime Lab.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


On 11/02/18 I responded along with Ptl. 
Scott, Marchionda and Peterman to an 
active fight call at Circle K .  Upon arrival 
units observed Tyler Graham and Chris 
Wilke being separated from one another. 
Chris Wilke who has an active warrant out 
of Alliance was detained. I Then observed 
Tyler Graham being held with his hands 
behind his back be a Beloit Firefighter and 
Alliance (non commissioned) civilian 
reserve officer Tyler Mcilvain. Tyler Mcilvain 
had Tyler restrained was not allowing him to 
leave and was patting Tyler Graham down 
and was pulling items out of his packets. 

I asked Mr. Mcilvain who he was and if he 
was a law enforcement officer . He 
identified himself and said no he was not, 
however he did say he was a "civilian police 
reserve" at the Alliance Police Department. 
I advised him to let go of Tyler Graham and 
spoke with Tyler who said he thought Mr. 
Mcilvain was a police officer due to the light 
bar on his personal vehicle. 

Units determined Chris Wilke to be the 
main'aggressor and he was arrested and 
transported to station by Ptl. Marchionda. I 
advised Mr. Mcilvain that I undersiood he 
was trying to help he need to be careful not 
to cross

Ptl. Scott stayed on scene to obtain 
statements and I cleared. 

Lt. Bair from the Alliance Police Department 
was contacted and made aware of what 
had happened and advised Re would 
contact Captain Hillis to handle their 
reserve oficer.

Ptl. Brindack 507 


On 11/02/2018 I along with Ptl. Brindack, 
Ptl. Marchionda, and Ptl. Peterman 
responded to the Circle K parking iot due to 
two male individuals fighting later to be 
identified as Chris Wilke and Tyler Graham. 
Upon out arrival I observed Chris Wilke 
backing towards a vehicle at the stop sign 
on N. 14th St. and E. Ohio Ave. yelling at 
Tyler and attempting to get into the vehicle. 
I stopped Wilke and was advised by Ptl. 
Brindack that Wilke has an active warrant 
out of Alliance. Wilke was detained awaiting 
confirmation on the warrant from Alliance 
Police by Ptl. Marchionda. The store clerk 
told me that there was a bag of what she 
believed ta be drugs under a vehicle which 
belonged to a male named Tyler Mcilvain. 

I picked up a clear bag which contained a 
white crystallized substance inside and 
asked Wilke if he knew what it was and he 
stated that he did not and that the bag was 
not his.

I then observed Tyler Graham with both of 
his hands being held behind his back by a 
male identified as Tyler Mcilvain which was 
also going through Graham's pockets and 
when I walked up to both of them Mcilvain 
pulled out Graham's wallet from his pocket 
and handed it to me. Mcilvain was 
instructed to release Graham and I spoke 
with Graham while Ptl. Brindack spoke with 
Mcilvain and gave him his wallet and asked 
him what happened which he stated that 
Wilke started to yell at his girl friend 
identified as Sam Durenda and he got in 
between them which is when Wilke pushed 
his face away and then struck him. I then 
qbtained statements from Mcilvain, 
Graham, Durenda, and the store clerk 
Brandi Springer.

According to the witnesses statements 
Chris Wilke was seen assaulting Tyler 
Graham by striking him in the face and bear 
hugging him so that Graham could not fight 
back and eventually Tyler Graham fought 
back and was then detained by Mcilvain. 
According to Tyler Graham and Sam 
Durenda they both stated that they saw the 
bag that was found on the ground fall out of 
Chris Wilke's pocket during the fight.

I then instructed Ptl. Marchionda to advise 
Wilke that he would be placed under arrest 
for assault and also notified Wilke that 
Alliance had contacted us and will be taking 
custody of him on his warrant. 

Ptl. Marchionda transported Wilke to the 
station and processed him and gave Wilke 
a recognizance bond of $1250 for the M-1 
assault and searched Wilke before Alliance 
Officer Vesco placed him in custody and 
found a glass tube containing an unknown 
residue inside.

Both the glass tube and the bag of the 
unknown crystallized substance were 
tagged photographed and placed in to 
evidence room with submission forms by 
me and witnessed by Ptl. Marchionda.

Ptl. Scott #506


Domenico BADGE NO.: 508  DATE: 
11/03/2018 06:05 

Assisting Brindack, Sean   BADGE NO: 507  
DATE: 11/03/2018

Assisting Marchionda, Domenico  BADGE 
NO: 508  DATE: 11/03/2018

Arresting  Scott, Zachary   BADGE NO: 506  
DATE: 11/02/2018


Case No.: 18011014
West Ohio Avenue, N 19th

CITED:  Anfenee Crandal
831 Dayton Street, Akron Ohio 44310

DUS 335.07

On 12/02/2018, I was riding double unit with 
Ptl. Peterman in marked unit 301. While 
traveling West Ohio Avenue in the area of 
North 19th Street, I noticed a red sedan that 
failed to dim as he passed several vehicles. 
I then decided to  conduct a traffic stop. I 
made contact with the unrestrained driver of 
the vehicle identified as Anfenee Crandall 
out of Akron. As I made contact with the 
Anfenee I was able to smell the odor of 
marijuana, I logged a probable cause 
search and ordered all three of the 
occupants out of the vehicle. I ran the 
occupants through dispatch and it was 
found that Anfenee was suspended. 

Upon searching the vehicle there was a bag 
of hypodermic syringes sitting in the center 
counsel along with a bottle of lantus. There 
were trace amounts of marijuana on the 
carpet of the vehicle. 

Upon completion of the search I asked the 
occupants if they had anything on them and 
Anfenee asked if I wanted them to turn out 
their packets and I advEsed them I would 
like that but it was up to them. As the 
occupants did, one whom was identified as 
Tra'shaun Beasley out of Akron advised 
that he had a bag of weed on him, and gave 
it to me. I advised Tra'shaun that due to his 
honesty he would be given a break on the 
MM possession charge, and that the drugs 
would just be destroyed. I advised Anfenee 
that he also would be charged with DUS 
and be given a warning for the failure to 

I allowed the passengers to return to the 
vehicle while the citation was being issued. 
Anfenee was given a citation for DUS and 
was given a verbal warning for failure to 
dim, and was cited to MCC#3 on 11/8/18 at 
0900. Antione Phelps whom was the third 
passenger of the vehicle was valid and the 
vehicle was reIeased to him, I then cleared.

Det. Redfern 504


Case No.: 18007132 
786 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

ARREST: Tyler Haas 
786 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Having Weapons Under Disability - 
Warrant,  ORC 2923.13(A)(1) F-3,  

Discharging of Firearms with in Village 
Limits - Warrant,  SCO 549.08-M-4,  

On 07/20/2018, Ptl. Brindack and I were 
dispatched to the 800 block of West Ohio 
Avenue in reference to a neighbor shooting 
a firearm in the vicinity of children.

Units arrived on location and spoke with the 
complainants James Kaminski, Amanda 
Kaminski, and Mark Meiter. James and
Amanda advised that James was out on the 
riding lawn mower with his son when the 
neighbor Tyler Haas was shooting a firearm 
while they were in the field mowing the 
lawn. James and Amanda advised that they 
have had nothing but trouble in the past 
from Tyler.

Units went over and the neighbors house 
and spoke to Lisa Haas whom advised that 
her son Tyler was shooting a firearm in the 
back yard and the neighbors came over 
yelling at him and he left the scene prior to 
Officers arrival. 

Statements were obtained from all parties. 
Lisa advised that she is not able to get 
ahold of her son who committed the crime. 
Lisa advised to have Tyler make contact 
with the Police Departmefit to avoid a 

Redfern 504


On 07/27/2018, It was noted that on 
07/20/2018 at 0130 Patrolman Marchionda 
was out on a traffic stop with Tyler just prior 
to the incident and Patrolman Marchionda 
advised Tyler that he had a warrant for his 
arrest out of Stark County Sheriffs Dept. 
and that he needed to make contact with 
the courts.

Looking further into Tyler it is also noted 
that he has two active bench warrants out 
of Mahoning County (2015TRD01894SEB), 

With Tyler having knowledge of at least one 
of the warrants Tyler Haas would be 
considered a Fugitive from Justice as 
defined in ORC 2963.11 which would make 
Tyler in violation of ORC2923.13.

Tyler will be charged with SCO 549.08 
discharging of a firearm with in village limits 
M-4. Pending the approval of Chief Harris 
this case will be sent to Prosecutor Tolson 
for approval of Weapons under disability 

Redfern 504


On 08/02/2016, Prosecutor Tolson 
Approved a Felony 3 Weapons Under 
Disability Warrant along with a M4 
Discharging a Firearm With In City Limits 
Warrant. Case will be closed.

Redfern 504


On 11/03/2018 I Ptl. Scott asked D.O. 
Wheeler to pull up a current warrant list for 
individuals for Sebring Police Department 
for Mahoning County Court #3 and 
observed Tyler Haas had a F-3 warrant for 
weapons under disability and an M-4 for 
discharging a fire arm in village limits that 
was entered in 08/02/2018. I informed 
dispatch that I, Ptl. Peterman, and Ptl. 
Marchionda wouId attempt to serve the 

All of the above mentioned officers arrived 
at 786 W. Ohio Ave. and knocked on the 
door and the door was answered by a 
juvenile male and I asked the juvenile if 
Tyler Haas was in the home in which the 
juvenile stated yes he is on the couch and 
told Ptl. Peterman and I to come inside. I 
and Ptl. Peterman entered the residence 
and noticed Tyler sleeping on the couch. I 
woke Tyler and advised him he was under 
arrest for the two warrants and read him his 
rights and placed him in hand restraints and 
walked him to my cruiser where I placed 
him in the rear of the cruiser and 
Tyler to the station.

Once at the station he was processed and 
photographed and jail paperwork was done 
and then was transported to the Mahoning 
County Jail by Ptl. Marchionda.

Ptl. Scott 506

PUBLISHED 5:10PM NOVEMBER 8, 2018     

Thursday, November 08, 2018
01:33 PM -0500

CaseNo.: 18011023
Oak Ridge Motel, Room 30

ARRESTED: Jonathan Burkholder AGE 36
LKA: 13244 West South Range Road, 

Endangering Children, 2919.22, $1,250.00
Endangering Children, 2919.22, $1,250.00
Possessing a Drug Abuse Instrument,  
2925.12, $1,250.00
Disorderly Conduct Persist, 2917.11, 
Drug Possession, 2925.11, $150.00
Drug Paraphernalia,  2925.14, $150.00 

On 11/03/2018. I was dispatched along with 
Ptl. Brindack to the Oak Ridge motel for the 
smell of Marijuana in the restaurant, 
Perkins, that was attached to the Motel.

Ptl. Brindack and I made contact with the 
owner of the establishment whom advised 
that her restaurant shares the same 
ventilation system as room 30 & 31 of the 
motel. Louann advised that room 31 is 
vacant and she went to room 30 where the 
room was registered to a Kristen Callahan. 
Louann advised that a male was in the 
bedroom and he advised that he would stop 
smoking marijuana. Louann advised that 
she was able to visualized two juveniles in 
the room and the female juvenile was 

Ptl. Brindack and I went to room 30 and 
knocked on the door. A male whom was 
later identified as Jonathan Allen 
Burkholder of Goshen Twp. came out of the 
room and was obviously under the influence 
of an unknown substance. As Jonathan was 
coming out of the motel room, I was 
suddenly overtaken with the strong odor of 

I requested Jonathan to get his ID card and 
when he went into the room I was able to 
see a young female with no clothing on as 
well as a younger male juvenile. While 
Jonathan was looking for his ID card , I was 
able to visualize him place a orange object 
in a purse that was laying in a pile of 
clothing. Jonathan also placed an item on 
the shelf by the window AC unit. I asked 
Jonathan why I smelled the strong odor of 
marijuana and he advised because he just 
got done smoking it. I asked Jonathan if he 
did it with the children and Jonathan 
advised that he went into the bathroom and 
smoked it.

I called Prosecutor Tolson and explained 
the situation to her and requested the 
charge of Endangering Children and the 
charge was approved. Jonathan was then 
taken into custody. Jonathan was 
belligerent and extremely confrontational. 
Jonathan was screaming profanities in the 
parking lot of the motel causing a scene in 
front of patrons leaving the restaurant. 
Jonathan was advised several times to 
cease and desist, and Jonathan continued 
carrying on. Jonathan was placed in the 
cruiser and continued yelling despite being 
ordered to stop several times.

I made contact with Cari Frantz whom was 
the maternal grandmother of the children 
and arranged for her to come and secure 
the juveniles. I then had Children Services 
call my cell phone. I spoke with the case 
worker, and after conversation it was 
decided that it was best that the children 
would be best placed in the temporary care 
of the grandma. Children services 
requested that the report be sent to them.

While units were waiting for the 
grandmother to arrive on scene, one of the 
juveniles asked if we wanted to take a look 
around the room. Taking advantage of the 
request the orange item was later found to 
be a marijuana grinder, with small amounts 
left in the grinder. Also the item that 
Jonathan was placing by the window AC 
unit was later found to be a glass pipe with 
white residue inside of it wrapped in bubble 

Jonathan was subsequently taken back to 
the department after Cari secured the 
juveniles. Jonathan once brought back to 
the department became extremely irate, 
making processing impossible.

Jonathan was taken to MCJ. Paperwork 
was complete and faxed to the jail.

Det. Redfern


On 11/03/18 I responded to the Oakridge 
Motel with Det. Redfern. Upon arrival we 
spoke with the manager Lauann who 
advised there was a strong odor of 
Marijuana coming from room 30. We 
knocked on the door of room 30 and a male 
later identified as Jonathan Burkholder 
came to the door obviously under the 
influence of an unknown substance. The 
room and surrounding area smelled very 
strongly of Marijuana. The male had his two 
children in the room with him a 10yo boy 
and 3yo girl who was completely naked. 
Jonathan stepped out of the room and was 
informed of the reason for us being there. 
Jonathan admitted to officers to having 
smoked Marijuana in the bathroom with his 
children nearby.

Det. Redfern contacted our prosecutor who 
approved charges for child endangerment. 
Jonathan was advised he was being placed 
under arrest for child endangerment and 
was asked to contact someone who could 
take custody of his children. The children's 
grandmother was contacted to come get the 
children and Jonathan who was now 
arguing and screaming was placed 
handcuffed (gaped & double locked) and 
placed in mark unit 303.

While waiting for the grandmother the 10yo 
invited officers to look around the room, 
while lookingground the room I observed a 
small glass pipe with residue on it wrapped 
in bubble wrap in plain view on the window 
ledge in front of the rooms AC unit. Det. 
Redfern was also able to obtain 
paraphernalia and a small amount of 

Det. Redfern spoke with CPS and the 
children's mother and told them what had 
occurred and while he was doing so 
Jonathan became uncooperative and was 
screaming in the rear of patrol car 303 
despite multiple requests to stop. Units 
cleared and while on station Jonathan was 
extremely uncooperative and screamed 
multiple times despite being requested to 
stop. Det. Redfern advised me to transport 
Jonathan to MCJ to which I did so. 

While on the ride there Jonathan 
continuously made vulgar comments and 
remarks. Once Jonathan was at county jail I 
cleared. During this entire process 
Jonathan was rude and disrespectful to 
officers and argued constantly despite 
numerous requests to stop.

Ptl. Brindack 507


On 11/04/2018, the glass pipe was 
packaged to be taken to BCI and the 
Marijuana and Marijuana paraphernalia 
were logged into evidence.

Det. Redfern 504


Wednesday, November 07, 2018
10:23 AM -0500

Case No.: 18011001
N. 16th St.

Cited: Dale Yaggi
756 N. 15th. St. Sebring OH
OVI (Chemical test refusal) ORC 
4511.19A2a $500.00
OVI (SFST) Refusal  ORC 4511.19A1a  
Left of Center   ORC 4511.25A

On 11/01/2018 I Ptl. Scott initiated a traffic 
stop which resulted in the arrest of the 
driver for OVI.

While on patrol traveling east on W. Ohio 
Ave. in a marked patrol cruiser a vehicle 
that was behind me traveling in the same 
direction went left of center and the vehicle 
completely entered the oncoming lane as I 
viewed this from my rear view mirror in my 
cruiser. I then pulled into a parking lot until 
the vehicle passed and I positioned my 
cruiser behind the vehicle. The vehicle 
which was a 2010 dark Blue Chevrolet pick 
up truck bearing Ohio temporary 
registration G970488 then turned north on 
N. 76th St. and I initiated a traffic stop on 
the above mentioned vehicle on N. 38th St. 
and W. Maryland Ave. The truck did not 
stop completely but instead continued to 
slowly proceed north until I activated my 
audible siren which is when the vehicle 
came to a complete stop.

I then exited my cruiser which is when Ptl. 
Marchionda arrived on scene. I approached 
the driver side of the vehicle and spoke to 
the registered owner which was later 
identified as Dale Yaggi. I informed Dale of 
why I had stopped him and requested his 
driver's license, registration and proof of 
insurance. Dale stated that he had just 
gotten off work and handed me his proof of 
insurance and I asked him again for his 
driver's license in which Dale pulled out his 
wallet and opened it allowing me to see the 
inside of the wallet and I observed his 
driver's license in the left compartment 
behind a dear cover which was very easy to 
see. Dale took an extensive amount of time 
to locate his license and went through cards 
in his right side of his wallet until I told him 
were the license was and asked for him to 
give it to me and Dale could not find his 
registration in which he leaned completely 
over his center console and went through 
his glove compartment. 

Ptl. Marchionda was standing by the 
passenger door of the vehicle while Dale 
was searching for his registration. Dale was 
extremely sluggish and had slurred speech 
I could also smell an odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from the inside of the 
vehicle Dale was in.

I had asked Dale if he had consumed any 
alcoholic beverages prior to operating the 
vehicle in which Dale stated that he did not. 
I told Dale I could smell the odor of an 
alcoholic beverage coming from the inside 
of his vehicle and asked him again in which 
he stated that he had drank a 12 oz bottle 
of Smirnoff prior to driving the vehicle and 
later stated that he also drank Busch beer 
also, unknown how many or what size.

I then informed Dale that I suspected him of 
being under the influence of alcohol and 
then asked if he would consent to field 
sobriety testing in which Dale stated that he 
could not do them because he was sick with 
the flu. I asked Dale if he had any medical 
or physical conditions in which Dale stated 
that his hip was hurting. I also asked if Dale 
had taken any medication in which Dale 
stated that he did not. I then told Dale the 
consequences of refusing the tests in which 
Dale refused again. I then ordered Dale out 
of the vehicle and placed Dale in custody 
for suspicion of OVI and at which time I 
could smell the odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from his person once he 
exited the vehicle.

I read Dale his rights and placed him in 
hand restraints gaped and double locked 
and placed Dale in the rear of my patrol car. 
Ptl. Marchionda and I then performed an 
inventory of the vehicle and called for a tow 
truck. Springer's towing then arrived and 
towed the vehicle to 10 N. 12th St. I then 
transported Dale to station and read him the 
BMV 2255 form which was witnessed by 
D.O. Wheeler.

Dale signed the BMV 2255 form but refused 
to give a breath sample. Dale was 
processed, finger printed, and 
photographed. Dale made multiple 
statements about how he did not take a 
breath test because he knew he would blow 
over and stated that he admits he had went 
left of center and about drinking alcoholic 
beverages and then driving the vehicle.

I wrote Dale a traffic citation for ORC OVI 
4511,19(A)(1)(a) (SFST/Refused), ORC 
OVI 4511.19(A)(2)(a) (Prior OVI conviction / 
refuse chemical test), and ORC 4511.25(A) 
Left of center and gave Dale a court date 
for 11/01/2018 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a 
personal appearance required in which 
Dale signed. I then gave Dale a 
recognizance bond of $1,000 for both OVC 
offenses which also had his court date 

Dale signed all forms and received copies 
of his traffic citation, BMV 2255 form, and a 
copy of the recognizance form and was 
released to a valid and sober driver.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 15011002 
W Ohio Avc @ N 20th St, Sebring, Ohio

Cited: Erst Snyder
295 W Maryland Ave, Sebring, Ohio
DUS - Noncompliance w/FRA   SCO 335.07

On Thursday, November 1, 2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #302 on 
W Ohio Ave at N Johnson Rd. I observed a 
silver 4-door sedan approach the 
intersection from the south and come to a 
complete stop at the posted stop sign. As 
the vehicle turned east onto W Ohio Ave, I 
observed the front right turn signal was not 
activated. I pulled out from my location onto 
W Ohio Ave and initiated a traffic stop by 
activating my overhead emergency lights.

The vehicle, a silver Saturn 4-door sedan 
bearing Ohio registration HKJ3626, came to 
a complete stop on W Ohio Ave at N 20th 
St. Upon making contact with the driver - 
identified as Jacob Snyder, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. I requested Snyder to provide me 
with his Ohio driver's license and was 
advised he did not have. his license with 
him. Snyder provided me with his name and 
social security number, which I phoned into 
dispatch to verify his identity.

Dispatch informed me Snyder's Ohio 
driver's license status was under a 
noncompliance: suspension with an FRA 
attached. Dispatch also informed the 
vehicle was registered to a female that 
resided within the village. Snyder was given 
an opportunity to phone a valid driver to the 
scene to take control of the vehicle, Snyder 
informed me he was unable to make 
contact with a valid driver and was allowed 
to park the vehicle in an adjacent parking lot 
to be retrieved later in the morning.

Snyder was issued citation #031343 for 
Village Ordinance 335.07 DUS - 
Noncompliance w/FRA and given a verbal 
warning for turn signal. Snyder was advised 
of his mandatory appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
November 8,2018 at 0900. Snyder was 
provided a courtesy transport from the 
scene to 295 W Maryland Ave.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18011008 
437 N 15th St Sebring OH 

ARRESTED: Trent Maxwell
437 N 15th St Sebring OH 
Domestic Violence M-1 2919.25

On 11/01/2018 I took a Domestic Violence 
report at our station.

On this date Holly Huston came to the 
station with her 12 yo son . Holly and 
(JUVENILE) advised that her other son, 
Trent,  had gotten into an argument with his 
younger brother .

This altercation turned physical when Trent 
told (JUVENILE) to come upstairs and 
Jessie would not. (JUVENILE) advised 
Trent grabbed him by the shoulder and 
struck him multiple times so he (JUVENILE) 
put Trent in a "head lock" to get him to stop 
and Trent struck multiple more times 
including in the facing resulting in a 
contusion above his left eye. Holly and 
(JUVENILE) advised that this is an on going 
issue with Trent, that he has severe anger 
issues, and has threatened them multiple 
times including threatening to burn the 
house down.

Holly and (JUVENILE) determined that they 
do want Trent charged and signed 
Domestic Violence Charges and were 
provided with their copy of the Instructions 
for filing Domestic Violence form.

Myself and Sgt. Eberling then went to 437 N 
15th and found Trent upstairs in his 
bedroom. Trent was arrested for Domestic 
violence and placed in handcuffs that were 
gaped and double locked. Trent was placed 
in the back of patrol car #303 and read 
Miranda by Sgt. Eberling. Trent was 
transported back to the SEBRING POLICE 
STORY for paperwork. 

While on station Trent admitted to punching 
his brother and admitted to having severe 
anger issues. Trent was Charged with M-1 
Domestic Violence 2919.25 and given court 
date at MCC#3 of 11/08/18 at 0900hrs. 
Trent was then Transported to MCJ by Ptl. 
Marchionda and I cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Tuesday, November 06, 2018
10:48 AM -0500

CASE No: 18010097
N. 12th St. / Pine Lake

Cited:  Nicholas Mclaughlin 
9238 12th St. North Benton, Oh 
Speed 51/35  333.03

On 10/27/2018 at 1744, while traveling 
south on North 12th Street, I and Ptl. 
Zachary Scott observed a silver truck 
traveling North on 12th street at a high rate 
of speed. I activated my radar, and 
observed the speed was 51mph in a  
35mph zone. I initiated a traffic stop by 
switching on my emergency overhead 
lights. I radioed dispatch of the traffic stop, 
then exited my patrol vehicle and 
approached the driver. I then advised the 
driver who I was and the reason for the 

Driver was identified as Nicholas Richard 
Mclaughlin who was also the registered 
owner of the vehicle and I observed he was 
wearing his seatbelt at the time of the stop. 
Driver showed me all documents requested 
from him. I then issued driver a citation for 
333.03 Speeding, 51mph in a 35mph .zone, 
with a court date of 11/01/2018 at. 9:00A.M.  
Driver showed proof oF financial 

I told the driver court appearance was not 
mandatory at this time. I then cleared the 

Ptl. Peterman #514


CASE No: 18010097
N. 12th St. / E. Penn Ave.

Cited:  Freddie Bonds JR (AGE 42)
17950 3rd St. Beloit, OH 44609
OVI (SFST) ORC 4511.19(A)(1)1(a)
DUS  ORC 4510.11
Rules for Turns at Intersections  ORC 

On 10/27/2018 I Ptl. Scott and Ptl. 
Peterman along with Ptl. Marchionda 
responded to the area of Tennessee Ave 
heading west for a possible intoxicated 
driver operating a white van.

Upon responding to the area I observed a 
white van traveling west on California Ave. 
and then turned north on S. 15th St. and 
then turned onto E. Penn Ave. traveling 
east. I then followed the vehicle and when 
the vehicle came to the intersection on E. 
Penn Ave. and N. 12th St. the vehicle 
turned N. onto N. 12th St. and failed to 
signal prior to 200 St. and also turned into 
the oncoming lane while turning onto N. 
12th St.

I then initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle 
on N. 12th St. the vehicle was a 2002 
Chevrolet Van bearing Ohio registration 
(HLF5748) registered to a Robert Woolf Jr. I 
then approached the vehicle and informed 
the driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and insurance which I did not receive. 

Upon talking to the driver later identified as 
Freddie Bonds Jr. I could smell a strong 
odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from 
the vehicle and observed a 6 pack of beer 
bottles sitting in the passenger with one of 
the beer bottles opened in a cup holder.

I asked Freddie if he had consumed any 
alcoholic beverages prior to driving the 
vehicle in which Freddie admitted to 
drinking beer but did not give an amount. I 
then asked Freddie to exit the vehicle and I 
told Freddie to go to the back of his vehicle 
and Ptl. Marchionda turned my cruisers 
front overhead lights off and I then asked 
Freddie if he would consent to field sobriety 
testing in which Freddie stated that he 
would take the test.

I then had Freddie stand straight up with his 
feet together and his hands to his side. I 
checked Freddie's eyes for equal pupil size, 
equal tracking, and a resting nystagmus. 
Both of Freddie's eyes tracked equally, both 
of Freddie's pupils were of equal size, and 
Freddie did not have a resting nystagmus.

I then explained the first test and gave 
Freddie the instructions and asked Freddie 
if he understood in which Freddie stated 
that he did. Once the test began I observed 
the following clues: lack of smooth pursuit in 
both eyes, distinct nystagmus at maximum 
deviations in both eyes, and onset of 
nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both eyes.

The next test was the walk and turn and I 
had Freddie put his right foot in front of his 
left foot and stay in that position until I told 
him to start. Once I explained the 
instructions I asked Freddie if he 
understood and Freddie stated that he did 
understand. Freddie also stated that if I was 
going to arrest him then to just do it and 
was being difficult the entire time while 
preforming the last two tests.

Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: Stops while walking, doesn't 
touch heel to toe, stepped off of the line, 
improper turn, wrong number of steps.

The last test was the one leg stand and I 
had Freddie stand straight up with his 
hands by his side and his feet together 
while I explained the instructions. Once the 
test began I observed the following clues: 
Freddie attempted to preform the test and 
put his foot down and did not continue.

I then placed Freddie under arrest, Freddie 
became aggressive and pulled away from 
the officers on scene but was able to be 
restrained. While restrained Freddie stated 
that it was on and stated that he was going 
back to prison and that he didn't care. 
Freddie was placed in the rear of unit #301 
and the vehicle was inventoried and towed 
by Springer's Towing to 10 N. 12th St.

Freddie was taken back to the police 
department and was read the BMV 2255 
form and signed the form and originally 
consented to a breath test. Freddie was 
eventually was waiting in the squad room 
for the 20 minute observation period and 
then drank water and stated that he was not 
taking the test and was marked as a 
refusal. Freddie displayed aggressive 
behavior on and off while he was in the 
squad room room and even asked officers 
to smash his head into the wall. 

Freddie requested every officers name and 
stated to me "I got you"(sic). 

Freddie was given a copy of the BMV 2255 
fom a recognizance form of $500.00 for the 
OVI (SFST) 4511.39(A)(1)(a), and a copy of 
his traffic citation for the OVI ORC 
4519.19(A)(1)(a), DUS ORC 4510.11, and 
rules for turns,at intersections ORC 

Freddie was given a court date of 
11/01/2018 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance required.

Ptl. Scott #506


DATE: 10/26/2018 19:03:00

On 10/26/2018, Officer was dispatched to 
246 North 15th Street for theft of food. 
Spoke to the store owner, who advised me 
a female came in and paid for her food, and 
while he was making her food she walked 
around the counter and took a bag of food 
that wasn't hers and ran out of the store. 

Store owner advised he doesn't want 
charges pressed, but wants a report made.

Ptl. Peterman #514


Case No.: 18010027

ARRESTED: Franklin Thorne 
679 Riley Ave. East Ljverpool. Oh
Soliciting M-3  2907.23

On 10/06/2018, a message was received 
on a undercover profile on social media.

Male by the name of Franklin Thorne was 
messaging undercover social media app 
requesting sexual intercourse with 
undercover officer with the exchange of 
$100.  Throughout the course of 
conversation Franklin identified himself as 
"Frank". Frank advised that he worked at a 
motel and that he would have a room that 
was able to be used for him to give 
undercover oral sex. Frank advised that he 
would pay undercover $100 for the sexual 
encounter. Frank expressed during 
conversation that he was afraid of meeting 
up in a public setting because he was afraid 
of catching charges freom the police.  Frank 
was very certain that he wanted to meet up.

Frank sent undercover his phone number 
and upon doing s reverse search of the 
number it was found that the number was 
registered to Franklin L. Thorpe Jr.

Upon doing a records search of Frank it 
was found that Frank currently is under an 
indictment for several felony juvenile related 
sex Charges.

Redfern 504


On 10-09-2018 This case was presented to 
Prosecutor Tolson and 1 count of solicitaion 
was approved.

Redern 504


On 10-30-2018 The US Marshall Service 
received a copy of the warrant as per 
Mahoning County Sheriffs Office Warrants 
division.  I made contact with one of the 
members of the task force and advised him 
of my known location of Franklin.

Roughly an hour later Franklin was taken 
into custody by the Marshall Service and 
Franklin was taken to Mahoning County 
Jail. I requested our M3 Warrant to be 
removed from NCIC and made contact with 
MCC#3 to have Franklin arraigned on the 
charge on 11/1/2018 at MCC#3 at 0900.

Detective Redfern


On 11-01-2018 I was dispatched to MCC#3 
to serve warrant 18CRB00337 to Franklin 
Thorne.  Upon arrival I took custody of 
Franklin and advised him he was being 
placed under arrest for Solicitation ORC 
2907.23. Franklin was photographed and 
fingerprinted and transported back to 
MCC#3 for arraignment.

Det. Kelm #505


Saturday, October 27, 2018
04:56 PM -0500

Case No. 18010081
1000 West Tennessee Avenue, Sebring 
Ohio 44672

ARRESTED:  Joie Teagle 
285 East Michigan Avenue, Sebring
Complicity to Aggravated Menacing 
Complicity to Aggravated Menacing 
Complicity to Aggravated Menacing 
Complicity to Aggravated Menacing 

ARRESTED: Chris Tewksburry
396 East Indiana Avenue, Sebring
Complicity to Aggravated Menacing 
Complicity to Aggravated Menacing 
Complicity to Aggravated Menacing 
Complicity to Aggravated Menacing 

On 10/23/2018, I was called to Sebring 
McKinley High School in reference to an 
incident the day prior at the Northside Park 
involving a firearm.


I arrived on location and spoke to Ptl. 
Russell who advised that she was 
approached by a juvenile whom advised her 
that there was a fiream at the park the day 
prior. I spoke with Principal Krumpak and 
requested that he sit in on interviews. The 
first juvenile whom is the complainant (   ) 
advised that she was at the Park with (   ) 
and  (   ) .   (   ) advised that she was 
approached by Cris Tewksburry,  (   ) , Joie 
Teagle,  (   ) , and  (   ) advised that Chris 
reached down into his pocket and pulled out 
a gun.    (   ) advised that he did not point it 
at anyone just put it back om his pocket.

 (   ) was called down and  (   ) advised that 
he was not involved with the situation he 
was hanging out with his friend and as soon 
as he found his friend (   )  he left. It was 
later found out that (   )  fabricated the 
whole story and that he never hung out with  
(   ) .

 (   ) was called down and (   )  was very 
uncooperative. With every question asked (   
)  advised that she didn't know or she 
wasn't paying attention.  (   )  then advised 
that the gun was fake and had an orange tip 
and it was just showed to the girls and it 
was never pointed at them.

I then spoke to  (   )  whom advised that the 
group of girls were approached by the 
group of guys and then Chris Tewksbury 
pulled out a real gun and pointed it in her 
face. And stated "I'll pop you".

I then spoke to  (   ) whom advised that she 
just saw that Chris had the firearm but she 
didn't think that it was real. (   ) advised that 
it was never pointed at anyone he just put it 

I then spoke to (   ) whom advised that 
Chris did pull out the firearm and pointed it 
at the girls and put it back in his pocket.

Chad BADGE NO.: 504


On 10/23/2018, I went to the West Branch 
High School and spoke with Chris 
Tewksbury in reference to the situation. 
Chris advised that the gun was a BB gun 
and that it was in Joie Teagle's backpack 
and that at no point did he ever have 
possession of the firearm. Chris advised 
that Joie had it and showed it to him.


On 10/23/2018, I went to the residence of 
Dina Teagle to speak with Joie Teagle. Dina 
advised that she just got home a few 
minutes prior to my arrival and found that 
the vehicle was missing. (See Report 
18010083). I advised Dina of the situation 
and she advised that Joie recently got a 
new BB gun and that the gun was hers. 
Dina advised that she told Joie to get rid of 
the gun before she does something stupid 
and gets in trouble.

Subsequently I made contact with Joie 
Teagle whom was in possession of the 
stolen vehicle. When confronted about the 
BB gun she advised that she knows nothing 
about the event. Joie was taken to the 
station for processing. While being 
processed Joie asked if we were yet to 
charge Chris Tewksburry in reference to the 
charge, and I advised that we have not yet. 
Joie started to talk and then stopped. Joie 
was then taken to JJC.


On 10/23/2018, Chris Tewksbury arrived on 
station with his father to turn himself in due 
to a phone call to his father advising him 
that he was going to be charged in 
reference to the case, Chris advised that 
Joie had the gun, it was hers, and that he 
never touched it. Chris was then taken to 

Redfern 504


Case No.: 18010086 
Heritage Oaks, S 12th St / Geogia

CITED: Paul Smith 
120 Case Rd Beloit OH 44609
expired plates  335.10

On 10/25/18 while in a marked patrol car I 
was travelling south bound on S 12 th St 
when I observed a Red truck travelling 
North on S 12th near Alabama Ave 
repeatedly flash its high beam lights at me. I 
turned around and got behind the vehicle 
and observed as it pulled into the parking 
lot of the closed veterinary office on S 12th 
and parked believing this pattern of 
behavior to be suspicious as I passed the 
vehicle I ran the plate OH HFB7478 and 
pulled into the parking lot of heritage oaks, 
as I did so dispatch advised the plates were 
expired as of 10/04/18. The vehicle a red 
Chevy Truck had now pulled into the 
parking lot of heritage oaks as well and was 
now approaching my cruiser. I passed the 
vehicle and turned around on it initiated a 
stop on the vehicle in the parking lot of 
heritage oaks, and approached the driver 
identified as Paul D Smith and informed him 
for the reason of the stop. I also asked Mr. 
Smith why he was pulling into the parking 
lots of closed businesses at 0130hrs and 
flashing his high beams at me. 

Mr. Smith advised he was trying to warn me 
of deer that were out tonight. Mr. Smith was 
issued a citation for expired plates 335.10 
and given a court date at MCC#3 of 
11/01/18 @ 0900hrs with a personal 
appearance required as he was unable to 
provide proof of insurance.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18010079
Sebring Police Dept

Arrested:  Anthony Calderone 
16184 St Rt 62 Damascus, OH 
Theft M-1    2913.02

On 10/22/2018 I Officer Rober along with 
Sgt Eberling was dispatched to Rocky's 
Drive Thru for a theft report.

On 10122/2018 1 Officer Rober was 
dispatched to Rocky's Drive Thru for a theft 
report. Upon arrival I spoke with Deanna 
Aberegg, Deanna stated to me that a male 
about 5 foot 11 inches tall wearing a gray 
hoodie and sun glasses ran into the drive 
thru grabbed an unknown amount of 
Swisher Sweets and, Black N Mild cigars. 
He then ran down Pennsylvania Ave and up 
16th St and unknown from there.

Deanna then stated to me that she is going 
to call in her boss to pull the tapes. I then 
advised her when her when her boss 
arrives to call us and that we will come 
down and figure more out about the 
incident. I then cleared Rocky's and 
attempted to located the individual with the 
information that was given to me.

After a negative search I returned back to 
Rocky's to obtained a written statement 
from Deanna.

While Deanna was writing her statement 
she told me that her boss won't be in until 
tomorrow and that he will call Chief Harris 
tamorrow. Once she was done with her 
statement I collected it and cleared and 
resumed patrol.

REPORTING OFFICER: Rober, Jr., Jeffrey 
BADGE NO.: 511

On 10/23/2018. I went to Rocky's Drive 
Thru and spoke with the owner Greg 
Rockwell. Greg was able to show me the 
surveillance footage of the male who stole 
the items from the store. Throughout my 
shift, I spoke with several juveniles around 
town some of which included (    ) and (     )  
. I was able to come up with a name of
 (    ) , a 15 YOA male from Damascus who 
attends West Branch High School, who 
allegedly stole the items from the store. I 
received contact information for  (    )  and 
contacted his parents to which they advised 
they would bring him to our station so I 
could speak with him. 

Upon arrival, I spoke with  (    )  father who 
was identified as Jim Calderone. Jim 
advised that  (    ) admitted to stealing the 
packs of cigars from Rocky's Drive Thru 
yesterday as it was supposedly a dare from 
some of his friends.

Jim and  (    )  were very cooperative and 
Jim stated he would pay restitution to the 
victim. Jim advised he just didn't want his 
kid to have a criminal record and wanted 
me to speak with the victim about not 
pursuing charges. 

I contacted the owner, Greg Rockwell by 
phone and advised him of the situation. It 
was agreed upon that Jim wouid go pay 
Greg the restitution for the 8 $99 packs of 
Swisher Sweet Maui Pineapple cigars 
tomorrow and  (    )  would be charged with 
Theft and required to do in house 
community service rather than send over to 
Mahoning County JJC. 

 (    )  was charged with Theft 2953.02 M-3 
and released back to his father Jim and was 
advised that our juvenile officer would be in 
contact with him in regards to the 
community service for the offense.

Sgt. Eberiing #503


CaseNo.: 18010083 
1000 West Tennessee Avenue, Sebring 

Arrested: Joie Teagle 
285 East Michigan Avenue, Sebring

Grand Theit of a Motor Vehicle F4  2913.02
Possession of Drugs   2925.1
Drug Paraphernalia    2925.14

On 10/23/2018, While investigating case 
number 18010081 It was found that a 
suspect stole a vehicle and had drugs on 
her possession.

While at Dina Teagle's residence, I was 
advised by Dina that she just got home from 
work and she found that her daughter stole 
her car. Dina advised that her daughter is 
not allowed to have the car and she is not 
permitted to drive the car nor has she ever 
had permission in the past due to her not 
having a license.

I advised dispatch that the vehicle was 
indeed stolen and that it needed to entered. 
Dina advised that she believes that her 
daughter may be at Braxton Perkins house. 
I sent Ptl. Scott to the residence and he 
advised that he had the vehicle. Pt1 Scott 
advised that Joie was in the vehicle and she 
was detained.

I arrived on location and spoke to Joie who 
was extrernely confrontational. Upon 
searching the stolen car, Joie's purse was 
left in the car and upon a search it was 
found that Joie had a white powdery 
substance in a clear container, along with a 
baggie with capsules in the baggie, along 
with marijuana, and paraphernalia. 

Joie was arrested and transported to the 
station. Joie was booked and transported to 

Redfern 504

PUBLISHED 5:55PM OCTOBER 27, 2018   

Tuesday, October 23, 2018
03:39 PM -0500

Case No.: 18010066
SR 62 / Bistro 62

CITED: Jaime Runyon, AGE 38
1005 Lake Park Bvld. Sebring, OH
D.U.S.  SCO 335.07

On 10/18/2018 at 7:33pm I Ptl. Scot while 
on patrol was on SR 62 when I observed a 
vehicle pull out of the Oak Ridge motel that 
was being driven by Jaime Runyon who I 
knew to be suspended. I then positioned 
myself behind the veliicle and initiated a 
traffic stop and the vehicIe pulled into the 
Bistro 62 parking lot.

I approached the vehicle and met with the 
driver which was identified as Jaime 
Runyon and Jaime stated that she knew 
why she was stopped and stated that she 
didn't have a License.

I ran Jaime's information to let dispatch 
know who was operating the vehicle and 
dispatch stated that Jaime was suspended 
which I already had knowledge of. I then 
asked Jaime if she would consent to a 
search of her vehicle in which Jaime stated 
yes. The search came up with no 

I then wrote Jaime a citation for D.U.S SCO 
335.07 and gave Jaime a court date of 
10/25/2018 at 9:OOam with a personal 
appearance required. Once Jaime signed 
the citation she was provided with a copy 
and I then let her passenger who was 
identified as Gena Wade who was valid 
operate the vehicle and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18010071
S. 15th/ US62

CITED: Maridee Costanzo 
155 Genesee Ave. NE Warren, OH 
Speed 51/35   SCO 333-03

On 10/20/2018 at 3:09pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked police cruiser was traveling 
north on S. 15th St, when I observed a 
vehicle traveling south on the same road 
that appeared to be traveling at a high rate 
of speed. I activated my cruisers mounted 
radar unit and observed a read out of 
51mph while in a 35mph zone.

The vehicle passed my cruiser and I then 
turned my cruiser around and initiated a 
traffic stop on S. 15th St . near US RT 62. 
The vehicle was a 2017 Ford 4-S bearing 
Ohio temporary registration G335274.

I approached the vehicle and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I did not 
receive. The driver Iater identified as 
Maridee Costanzo handed me a Federal 
prison identification card. I ran the driver's 
name and information through dispatch and 
confirmed the information.

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Maridee a traffic citation for speed SCO 
333.03 and gave Maridee a court date of 
10/25/2018 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance required for MCC#3. Once 
Maridee signed the citation she was 
provided with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18010072 
E Oregon Ave @ N 14th St, Sebring, OH

CITED:  Joshua McCullough
1786 Third St, BeIoit, OH 44609
DUS - Noncompliance w/ FRA   SCO 

On Sunday, October 21,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchioqda, was on patrol in marked unit 
#302 near Circle K. Upon passing Circle K, 
I observed a white Dodge Challenger 
parked in the lot bearing Ohio registration 
HLW4315. Having stopped the vehicle in 
the past and having knowledge the 
registered owner, Joshua McCollough, was 
placed under suspension on October 
19,2018, I relayed the plate through 
dispatch to confirm McCollough's license 
status. Dispatch confirmed McCoullough's 
license status was in fact suspended.

I positioned my marked cruiser on N 14th St 
near the high school and waited for the 
vehicle to leave Circle K. As the vehicle 
proceeded south on N 14th st towards E 
Oregon Ave, I caught up with the vehicle 
and initiated a traffic stop by activating my 
overheard emergency Iights. The white 
Dodge Challenger came to a complete stop 
on E Oregon Ave at N 14th St. Patrolman 
Brindack provided cover and assistance on 
the stop.

Upon approaching the driver, whom I 
recognized to be Joshua McCullough, I 
identified myseIf and informed him of the 
reason for the stop. I requested McCullough 
to provide his driver's license; which he 
provided. While speaking to McCullough, 
Patrolman Brindack made contact with a 
female passenger who did not possess a 
valid driver's license. After verifying 
McCullough's license number through 
dispatch, I was informed McCullough was 
under a noncompliance suspension with an 
FRA attached. I then requested a tow truck 
be sent to the scene and informed 
McCullough to phone a licensed driver to 
pick him and his passenger up.

Patrolman Brindack performed an 
administrative inventory of the vehicle to log 
any valuables or important documents. 
McCullough was issued citation #031342 
for Village Ordinance 335.07 DUS 
-.Noncompliance w/FRA and informed of his 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 an Thursday, October 
25,2018 at 0900.

Following Springers arrival on scene, 
McCulough and his passenger were 
released from the scene on foot to wait for 
their ride at Circle K. 

Patrolman Brindack and I cleared following 
the removal of the vehicle from the scene.

PtI D. Marchionda #508


DATE: 10/21/2018 18:45:00

On 10/21/2018,I was dispatched toSouth 
Side park at 300 W Texas Ave for criminal 

Upon arrival, I spoke with the complainant 
Aaron D. Summers. Aaron advised he 
called because there was a female who 
rode a horse through the park and its 
hooves left tracks through the grass at the 
park. Aaron advised that Angel Ring told 
him to call to file a report about the damage. 

Aaron advised the horse went west on W 
Texas Ave a short time before he called. I 
checked the area for the horse however 
was unable to locate. Upon checking the 
village ordinance 961.03 Park Rules, it does 
not appear that the person riding the horse 
violated the park rules. The alleged damage 
was just from weight of the horse on soft 
ground sinking in to the mud. 

Aaron advised it should able to be fixed 
fairly easy. The person riding the horse was 
unable to be identified so therefore this 
case will be closed.

Sgt. Eberling #503

PUBLISHED 4:30PM OCTOBER 23, 2018   

Sunday, October 21, 2018
09:52 AM -0500

DATE: 10/10/2018 13:54:00

On 10/10/2018 I was dispatched to Circle K 
for a private property accident.

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Shawn Carver, 376 W. Ohio 
Ave.  Shawn advised he was attempting to 
park his white color Dodge station wagon.  
Shawn then advised the second vehicle a 
white in color Dodge station wagon bearing 
Oh registration GYW8010 backed out of a 
parking spot and hit the front right side of 
his car causing damage to the passenger 
front door, quarter panel, and mirror.

I made contact with the driver of the second 
vehicle identified as Joshua Hamrnond, 507 
W. Oregon Ave. Joshua advised the same 
as Shawn. 

I advised both parties a report would be 
completed and could be picked up at the 
police station, I then cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505


Case No.: 18010043
Traffic/ Improper Passing
200 BIk of E. Ohio Ave

CITED: Sandra James
5941 Apple Crest Dr, Boardman 44512
Improper Passing 331.07

The suspect vehicle was traveling East on 
E. Ohio Ave and was passing and 
overtaking another vehicle that was 
attempting to turn Ieft into the parking lot of 
205 E. Ohio Ave. The vehicle struck the 
vehicle turning into the parking lot and was 
cited for Improper Passing 331.07. 

The driver of the suspect vehile was given a 
court in Mcc#3 on 10/18/18 at 9am.

Ptl S.T. McDaniel 509


CaseNo.: 18010050
115 E. Indiana Ave. Sebring, OH

Arrest: Hunter Prendergast
Criminal Damaging ORC 2909.06 M-2 
Disorderly Conduct W / Persist ORC 
2917.11(E) M-4 

On 10/13/2018 I Ptl Scott responded to 115 
E. Indiana Ave. in reference to a fight.

Upon my arrival I met with Hunter 
Prendergast who stated that the group of 
people in the back had chased him 
attempting to jump him and requested me 
to go talk to them. While I was making 
contact with the individuals In the back I 
heard breaking glass and one of the 
residents came out and yelled that Hunter 
just punched their front door window out. 
Hunter then came out and began scream 
and swear at the individuals in the next 

I gave Hunter lawful to stop in which he did 
not and I then placed Hunter in custody for 
disorderly conduct with persist. Hunter then 
said he knocked on the window and it 
broke. I then gained statements from the 
other individuals and determined that 
Hunter did not knock on the window he 
struck it. I then advised Hunter that he will 
be facing charges of criminal damaging as 
well and read Hunter his rights and then 
placed him in the rear of my cruiser.

Hunter was transported to the station where 
he was processed by photographed and 
fingerprints and was given a recognizance 
bond for criminal damaging M-2 ORC 
2909.06 and Disorderly Conduct with 
Persist ORC 2917 .11(E)M-4 and was given 
a recognizance bond of $1,500.00 and was 

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18010055
S 12th st Near E Georgia Ave

CITED: Krista Colvin
9408 Wayne Bridge Rd, Lisbon,
Speed (51/35)   333.03

On 10/15/2018 I Officer Rober while in 
marked unit 301 conducting stationary radar 
on S 12th St and E Georgia Ave when I 
observed a silver in color SUV that 
appeared to be traveling above the posted 
speed limit. I then activated the mounted 
radar (Python 111) located in 301 and got a 
locked speed of 51 MPH in a post 35 MPH 
zone. I then activated my emergency lights 
and got conducted a traffic stop of the 

Once the vehicle was stopped I identified 
the driver as Krista Colvin. Krista stated to 
me that she was not paying attention to her 
speed and that she was just taking her 
brothers kids home. I then issued a Citation 
(#031161) to Krista and gave her a court 
date of 11/1/2028 at MCC #3. 

Upon nothing further I cleared and resumed 

Ptl. Rober 511


Case No.: 18010046 
436 N. 18th St, Sebring, OH 44672

Arrest: Andrew Culp Jr. 
436 N. 18th St, Sebring, OH 44672
Warrant - Columbiana County

On 10/12/2018 I Ptl. Scott while on a call 
discovered one of the parties had an active 
warrant out of Columbiana County.

One of the parties involved was Andrew 
Culp Jr, who had the warrant and 
Columbiana County stated that they would 
meet an officer for a prisoner exchange. 
Andrew was taken into custody and was 
taken to the station and from there was 
transported to Westville lake Rd. at the 
Subway by Ptl. Peterman and Andrew was 
taken into custody by the Columbiana 
County Sheriffs Office.

Ptl. Scott #506

PUBLISHED 10:49AM OCTOBER 21, 2018  

Saturday, October 20, 2018
04:16 PM -0500

DATE: 09/18/2018 14:00:00

Chief Harris #502

On this date Brandy Swift called to report 
that she believes someone took her Child 
support card from her wallet while she was 
at Rocky's Drive-thru working. She will 
come in and give a statement.

(BADGE NO.: 505 (DATE: 09/20/2018 

On 9/26/2018 Brandy came to the police 
station with her Ohio e-QuickPay account 
information. Brandy had highlighted several 
transactions that were for purchases she 
did not make. Unauthorized purchases 
were made at Rocky's Drive-thru, Circle K 
Sebring, Circle K Alliance, Dollar General 
Beloit, Sheetz Alliance, and Giant Eagle 
Alliance, as well as an ATM withdraw, all of 
which amounts to $171.01.

On 9/30/2018 I responded to Circle K to 
review video of the transactions. The store 
manager was unable to find the 
transactions that took place at the store and 
advised they must have been purchases 
made at the gas pump.

On 10/2/2018 I responded to Dollar General 
to review video of the transactions. I spoke 
to the store manager who attempted to find 
the transactions but was unable to.

I then responded to Giant Eagle and spoke 
to the Loss Prevention manager. After 
giving the information I had on the 
transaction made at Giant Eagle he was 
able to find video of the transaction.

In the video there is an unidentified female 
who makes a purchase which matches the 
transaction shown on Brandy's statements. 
A photo was taken and will be placed with 
the case file.

I attempted to make contact with Brandy to 
see if she would be able to identify the 
female from the video. I was unable to 
make contact and I am waiting for her to 
call back or come to the station to identify 
the suspect.

On 10/9/2018 I made contact with a 
representative with e-Quickpay. I advised 
them of the situation. I was advised that 
although there are transactions showing on 
Brandy's statement it does not mean they 
cleared. I was also advised the money 
Brandy is missing could still possibly be in 
her account. I was then advised that if 
Brandy made a claim the incident would be 
investigated by them and the funds would 
be returned to her account. 

This case will now be closed.

OFFICER: Joshua Kelm, BADGE NO.: 505 
DATE: 10/03/2018 12:51


Case No.: 18009117
Melissa  Aber 
436 N. 16th St. Sebring, OH 44672

Littering/Deposit of Trash   SCO 521.08(B)

On 09/25/2018 I Ptl. Scott received a 
property complaint for trash and a junk 
vehicle at 436 N. 16th St.

I arrived at the residence and observed a 
vehicle that appeared to be sitting in the 
yard for an extended amount of time and 
also there was trash and rubbish around the 
yard including seats that were removed 
from vehicles sitting in the yard as well.

I then ran the plate of the vehicle and 
dispatch advised me that the vehicles 
registration expired in January of 2018. I 
issued a trash letter and a junk vehicle letter 
to Phillip and Melissa Abes and told them if 
they needed more time to call the police 
department, I also gave them my name so if 
they had questions to call and ask far me.

On 10/02/2018 I arrived at this residence 
and observed that there was still trash in 
the yard. I also ran the vehlcles license 
plate that was in the yard which last week 
had expired registration. The vehicles 
registration was valid. I then wrote a minor 
misdemeanor citation Littering / Deposit of 
trash SCO 521.08(B) for Melissa Aber.

I gave Melissa a court date of 10/11/2018 at 
9:00am for MCCW and once Melissa 
signed the citation she was provided with a 
copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18010032 
Alliance Community Hospital

ARRESTED: Allen Reed 
175 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH 44672
Domestic Violence F-4  ORC 2919.25(A)

On 10/09/2018 I Ptl. Scott along with Sgt. 
Eberling responded 175 W. Ohio Ave. for a 
domestic situation between two males.

On 10/9/2018, I was dispatched to 175 W 
Ohio Ave to assist Ptl. Scott with a domestic 
violence incident. Upon arrival, I observed 
Allen Reed sitting on the front porch 
speaking with Ptl. Scott. Allen had a small 
amount of blood coming from his right hind 
near his knuckles. I went inside to check on 
the other party who was identified as 
Donald G. Hill. Donald was laying in his bed 
with his wife and had blood all around his 
lips and on his face. Donald pulled his 
bottom lip down which revealed a rather 
large gouge taken out of the inside of his lip 
from getting hit in the mouth. 

Donald advised he was outside in the 
garage working on a vehicle when Allen 
came out and began arguing with him. 
Donald advised that Allen struck him in the 
face and stomped on his ankles, which he 
believed were broken. Donald advised he 
came inside and laid down in bed next to 
his wife at which point Allen allegedly came 
in and got on top of him and began 
punching him in the face again. Donald 
advised he reached up an'd pushed Allen 
off of him which resulted in the scratches 
that were around Allen's upper chest and 
neck area. Donald advised he needed 
medical attention and did wish to pursue 
domestic violence charges against Allen. 

Sebring First Responders were requested 
and arrived on scene and subsequently 
transported Donald to Alliance Community 
Hospital for treatment. Donald signed the 
domestic charge against Allen and photos 
were taken of his injuries and placed in the 
case file.

Ptl. Scott and I then continued speaking 
with Allen who advised he had pain all over 
his body and requested medical attention. 

Sebring First Responders arrived on scene 
and transported Allen to Alliance 
Community Hospital for stitches to his hand 
and evaluation of his alleged pain. Once 
Allen was discharged from Alliance 
Community Hospital, Ptl. Scott went up and 
placed him under arrest for Domestic 
Violence and transported him back to 
headquarters for processing. PtJ. 
Marchionda then transported Allen to 
Mahoning County Jail with the discharge 
papenvork from the hospital. 

Allen was very combative therefore his DNA 
was not collected at the time of arrest and 
will be collected either by the jail or at his 
arraignment. Allen's domestic violence 
charge was elevated to a F-4 due to a 
recent prior domestic conviction with the 
same victim.

Sgt. Eberling #503

Upon my arrival I observed one of the 
individuals Allen Reed sitting on the front 
porch and also observed a large cut on his 
knuckles of his right hand that was bleeding 
profusely. Sgt. Eberling soon arrived and 
went inside to talk to the other individual 
involved which was Allen's step father 
Donald Hill which was the other male 
involved. I asked Allen what happened and 
Allen stated that Donald was choking him 
and bit his hand which caused it to bleed. 
Allen was highly intoxicated and changed 
his story multiple times and at some points I 
was not able to comprehend what Allen was 
trying to say due to him being intoxicated.

Sgt. Eberling stated that Donald had a large 
cut on his lip and a swollen ankle and 
stated that Allen's mother witnessed parts 
of the altercation. I then talked to Allen's 
mother Karen Hill who stated that she was 
lying in bed while Donald was in the garage 
working on a vehicle when Allen came into 
her room and stated he was going outside 
to take care of Donald and fix the vehicle 
himself because Donald didn't know what 
he was doing. Karen stated that there was a 
physical altercation between Donald and 
Allen in the garage. Karen stated after the 
altercation Donald came inside and laid 
next to Karen when Allen came into the 
room and got on top of Donald and began 
striking him in the face and Karen provided 
a written statement.

Donald grabbed Allen's neck while Allen 
was striking him which caused marks 
around Allen's neck. Allen wound on his 
knuckles was deep and appeared to be a 
result of punching Donald in the mouth. 
Donald signed for charges of Domestic 
Violence against Allen Reed and was then 
transported to Alliance Community 
HospiEal. Allen then complained of multiple 
injuries and requested to be taken to the 
hospital by ambulance.

Sebring Fire then arrived and transported 
Allen Reed to Alliance Community Hospital. 
I was then notified that Allen had been 
cleared from the hospital and I then went to 
the hospital to arrest Allen Reed for 
domestic violence. I signed papenwork as 
requested by the nurse and then told Allen 
to stand up and put his hands behind his 
back in which Allen stated that he was 
going to kill himself and then pulled the 
string from his shorts and attempted to wrap 
it around his neck in which I grabbed the 
string from Allen and pulled Allen up and 
placed him in hand restraints. Allen was 
resistive and had to be forced to the cruiser 
where I transpotted Allen back to the station 
where Ptl. Marchionda transported Allen to 
the county jail. Allen was being combative 
and as a result DNA was not collected and 
the sheriffs office will need to do so.

Allen is scheduled to appear in Mahoning 
County Court #3 10/11/2018 at 9:00am on 
one count of domestic violence a F-4 due to 
a prior conviction. The prior conviction 
involved the same victim Case #2 8006024.

Ptl. Scott #506 


DATE: 10/3/2018 10:45:00

On 10-10-2018 I was met on station for 
criminal damage.

I made contact with the complainant Angela 
Ring. Angela advised sometime between 
1800hrs 10/9 and 0800hrs 10/10 someone 
had driven through the grass at South Side 
Park causing ruts. Angela advised she did 
not know who would have caused the 
damage.  Angela also advised there in no 
camera system at the park. Angela advised 
she just wanted to make the police 
department aware of the incident. Angela 
sent several photos via email which will be 
saved in the appropriate folder.

Ptl. Kelm #505


Case No.: 18010039
N Johnson Rd./ W Oregon Ave., Sebring, 

ARRESTED: Betsi Wade
1400 Chevington Cir., Zanesville, Oh
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia M-4  
Possession of Controlled Substance 
(Marijuana MM  2925.11A(C)(3)(a) 
DUS - Non-Compliance   4510.11

On 10/10/2018, I initiated a traffic stop on a 
vehicle on N Johnson Rd at W Oregon Ave.

Sgt. Eberling #503

On 10/10/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser, I observed a female 
operating a vehicle whom I knew to be 
suspended. Dispatch confirmed that Betsi R 
Wade was suspended and I initiated a 
traffic stop on the vehicle she was operating 
on N Johnson Rd at W Oregon Ave. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, bearing Ohio 
plate GTM7021, I made contact with the 
driver who was Betsi R. Wade and her 
passenger who was identified as Ryan A. 
George. Ptl. Scott arrived on scene to assist 
me with the traffic stop. Betsi confirmed she 
did not have a valid license and was just 
leaving her friends house at 595 W Ohio 
Ave, Due to Betsi and Ryan both not having 
a valid driver's license, springer's Towing 
was requested to remove the vehicle from 
the roadway. A pre-tow inventory of the 
vehicle was completed prior to the tow. 

During the inventory multiple narcotic 
related items were located beside and 
underneath the drivers seat. The items 
were a clear glass smoking pipe with white 
powdery residue, two small broken glass 
pipes, and a small bag of marijuana.

Betsi advised she would take the charge for 
the items and knew they were under her 
seat. Betsi advised her boyfriend Ryan 
George was on probation out of Stark 
County and did not want him to get in 
trouble for being in the vehicle with the 
items. Betsi was placed under arrest for 
possessing drug paraphernalia for the glass 
pipe. Betsi advised she uses it to ingest 
methamphetamine and tries te hide it from 
her boyfriend.

Springer's arrived on scene and removed 
the vehicle from the roadway and Betsi was 
transported to headquarters for processing. 
Betsi was processed and released on her 
own recognizance with a court date at MCC 
#3 on 10/11/2018 at 0900 hours. Betsi was 
charged with Possession of Drug 
Paraphernalia 2925.14 M-4, Possession of 
Controlled Substance (Marijuana) 2925.11 
MM, and DUS Non-Compliance 4510.11. 

The glass pipe with the residue will be sent 
to the lab for analysis with additional 
charges pending the lab results.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Saturday, October 13, 2018
05:15 PM -0500

Case No.: 18010003 
629 Eddy Lane North Benton, OH 44449

CITED: John Kropolinsky 
Driving Through RR Crossing Gates (M-4)  

On 10/2/2018, I was dispatched to the 
railroad crossing on Johnson Rd near 
California Ave for a vehicle that crashed 
through the crossing gate. Dispatch advised 
the vehicle failed to stop and was being 
followed by the caller who relayed the Ohio 
plate DZX7576. Dispatch advised the caller, 
identified only as Michael, stated the white 
Acura had significant damage to the front 

Dispatch also relayed the call to Smith 
Township Police since the vehicle was now 
traveling through their jurisdiction.

Smith Township was unable to locate the 
vehicle. Upon arrival at the crossing, I 
observed the crossing gate on the 
southside of the tracks was hocked off and 
laying on the ground. Dispatch contacted 
Norfolk Southern who advised they would 
have a crew en route to fix the gate. I then 
spoke with a special agent with Norfolk 
Southern Police who covers this area and 
advised them of the situation. They 
requested the case number along with our 
dispatch phone number. I advised them a 
crash report would be completed and the 
driver would be issued a citation.

I then drove to the registered owner's 
address at 629 Eddy Lane North Benton, 
Oh to make contact with the driver of the 
vehicle. Upon arrival, I spoke with the 
registered owner of DX7576 who was 
identified as John Kropolinsky. John 
advised he knew he hit the crossing gate 
however didn't think it did any damage so 
he continued on driving home. John 
advised he hit the gate prior to the train 
arriving and was thankful he didn't get hit by 
the train. 

I observed John's 2018 Acura to have 
significant damage to the front windshield 
and the paint was scraped off the hood of 
the vehicle. John was subsequently issued 
a citation for Driving Through RR Crossing 
Gates 331.39 SCO and advised of his court 
date at MCG #3 on 10/11/2018 at 0900 
hours. John was able to provide valid proof 
of insurance at the time the citation was 

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18010006
400 Block of E Ohio Ave, Sebring, Ohio

CITED: William Ryan 
16300 Garfield Rcl, Salem, OH 44460
Obedience to Traffic Control Device SCO 

On Wednesday, October 3,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was on patrol in 
marked unit #302 on the east side of the 
village. While stopped on N 12th St at the 
functioning flashing red traffic light at E 
Ohio Ave, I observed a black Chevrolet 
hatchback fail to stop and proceed east 
through tlie intersection. I immediately 
activated my overhead emergency lights 
and turned east onto E Ohio Ave to initiate 
a traffic stop. 

The vehicle, a black Chevrolet hatchback 
bearing Ohio registration GUW3488, came 
to a complete stop in the 400 block of E 
Ohio Ave. Upon making contact with the 
driver, identified as William Ryan, I informed 
him of the reason for the stop. Ryan 
immediately recognized me as the same 
officer who stopped and cited him on 
Thursday, September 27,2018 for the same 
traffic vioIation. I requested Ryan to provide 
me with his driver's license, vehicle 
registration and proof of insurance. Ryan 
provided me with all of the aforementioned 

Ryan was issued citation #031337 for 
Village Ordinance 313.01 Obedience to 
Traffic Control Device and advised of his 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, October 11,2018 at 0900,

PtI D. Marchionda #508


REPORT DATE: 10/03/2018 00:42:00
Case No.: 18010007
CircIe K 205 E Ohio Ave Sebring OH 44672

ARRESTED: Christopher Wilke 
13993 W Pine Lake Rd Salem OH 44460 
Failure ta Appear

On this date I was parked stationary in the 
parking lot of Gioninos Pizza across the 
street from Circle K. While parked there I 
obsetved Christopher Wilke walk out of 
Circle K and get in the driver seat of a white 
Mitsubishi eclipse parked at Circle K. I 
believed Chris to be suspended so I asked 
dispatch for his driving status. Dispatch 
advised that Chris was suspended and had 
a warrant out of Alliance for Possession of 
drugs. Dispatch also advised that we were 
in the pick up radius and Alliance did want 

I then made contact with Chris who was 
now standing outside of Circle K with his 
girlfriend later identified as Cheyenne Dawn 
Watson. Chris's identity was confirmed via 
social and he was placed in custody for his 
warrant. Chris was transported by Ptl. 
Marchioncla to Ralph's deli where Chris 
was taken into custody by Alliance Police 

After Ptl. Marchionda cleared dispatch 
advised that Cheyenne Watson had a 
warrant out of Portage County. Portage 
advised they did not want her. I advised 
Cheyenne of her warrant and cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18010008 
W Ohio Ave near Village Limits

CITED: Dominic Florea
59 Oakwood Dr, Beloit, OH 44609
Obedience to Traffic Control Device(s)   
SCO 313.01

On Wednesday, October 3,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #302 on 
N Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave. I observed a 
grey truck approach the intersection from 
the east, coast past the posted stop sign 
and continue west through the intersection 
without coming to a complete stop. I pulled 
out from my location, turned west onto W 
Ohio Ave and initiated a traffic stop by 
activating my overhead emergency lights 
and audible siren.

The vehicle, a grey Ford F-150 bearing 
Ohio registration GEW8236, came to a 
complete stop on W Ohio Ave at the Village 
Limits. Upon making contact wit11 the 
driver, identified as Dominic Florea, I 
identified myself and informed him of the 
reason for the stop. I requested Florea to 
provide me with his driver's license, vehicle 
registration and proof of insurance. Florea 
provided me with all of the aforementioned 

Florea was issued citation #031338 for 
Village Ordinance 313.01 Obedience to 
Traffic Control Device(s) and advised of his 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, October 11,2018 at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18010013 
135 E Ohio Ave Sebring OH

CITED: Derrick McDonaId
486 W Main St Alliance OH
OVI SFST    4511.19A1A
OVI high tier 4511.19A1H
DUS License Forfiture 5410.11

On 10/04/2018 I Ptl. Brindack was on 
station when Ptl. Marchionda was assisting 
OSHP Trooper Baker with an OVI. Trooper 
Baker along with Ptl. Marchionda came 
back to the station. Trooper Baker had one 
male in custody. While Baker was 
processing the male a vehicle pulled into 
our parking lot and they were here to pick 
up the male In Trooper Bakers custody. A 
female exited the passenger side of the 
vehicle a dark colored Ford hatchback 
bearing OH HMM1797. I signal the driver of 
the vehicle to approach me, as the male 
identified as suspended Derrick Lee 
McDonald exited the driver seat and 
approached me. As Derrick approached it 
became appafent he was highly intoxicated. 
Derrick had a strong odor of alcoholic 
beverage on his breath. I asked Derrick if 
he had consumed any alcohol prior to 
operating the vehicle. Derrick advised he 
had a 12 pack of beer only one hour before 
driving. I then asked Derrick if he would 
perform field sobriety testing to which he 
advised he would.

I first had Derrick stand straight up with his 
hands to his side and feet together and I 
used my pen as a stimulus and checked for 
equal pupil size, equal trackng, and a 
resting nystagrnus. Derrick did not have a 
resting nystagmus, both of Derricks eyes 
tracked equally, and both of Derricks pupils 
were of equal size. I then asked Derrick if 
he had any medical or physical problems 
that would inhibit him for taking the tests in 
which Derrick stated he had nothing that 
would inhibit him from taking the test.

I then gave Derrick the instructions for the 
first test which was the horizontal gaze 
nystagmus and once I gave Derrick the 
instructions I asked him if he understood in 
which Derrick stated that he did understand. 
Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: hack of smooth pursuit in 
both eyes, distinct nystagrnus at maximum 
deviation in both eyes, and onset of 
nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both eyes.

The next test was the walk and turn and I 
had Derrick stand straight up with his hands 
to his side and his right foot in front of his 
left and had Derrick stay in this position until 
I told him to. Once I finished giving the 
instructions I asked Derrick if understood in 
which Derrick stated that he did. Once test 
began I observed the following clues: 
stopped while walking, didn't touch heel to 
toe, stepped off line, improper turn, and lost 

The next and last test was the one leg 
stand and Derrick stand straight with his 
arms to his side and his feet together. Once 
I finished giving the instructions I asked 
Derrick if he understood in which Derrick 
stated that he did. Once the test began I 
observed the following clues: Swayed while 
balancing, used arms to balance, and put 
foot down three times.

After testing based on test results I arrested 
Derrick far suspicion of OVI. I escorted 
Derrick to our police station, where he was 
read an OH BMV 2255 form and asked to 
submit to both a breath and urine test. 
Derrick agreed to both. At this time Ptl. 
Scott who was on station finishing reports 
decided to stay and administer a breathe 
test. Derrick gave a breath sample and the 
result was a point .187 BAC. Ptl. 
Marchionda offered to administer a urine 
sample while Derricks pape work was 
completed. Urine was sealed and put in to 
the refrigerator. Derrick was fingerprinted 
and photographed and then given recog 
with bail set a $1000.00 for OVI SFST and 
OVI greater than -17 which he signed an 
was given a copy of along with copies of his 
OH 2255 form and a citation for both OVI 
offenses and driving under suspension. 

Derrick was advised he was now under ALS 
suspension and given a court date of at 
MCC#3 10/04/18 at 0900hrs with a 
personal appearance required.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18010014
ALLEY 600 Block W Ohio Ave / N Johnson 

CITED: Jeffrey Harper
1005 Lake Park Blvd Lot 35, Sebring, OH
Obedience to Traffic Control Device SCO 

On Thursday, October 4,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #302 on N 
Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave. I observed a 
white truck approach the intersection from 
the east and fail to stop at the posted stop 
sign before turning north on N Johnson Rd. 
I immediately activated my overhead 
emergency lights and pulled out from my 
location to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, 
a white Dodge truck bearing Ohio 
registration HTF5216, came to a complete 
stop in the alley behind the 600 block of W 
Ohio Ave off N Johnson Rd.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Jeffrey Harper, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. I requested Harper to provide me 
with his driver's license and insurance 
information. Harper provided me with both 

Harper was issued citation #031339 for 
Village Ordinance 313-01 Obedience to 
Traffic Control Device and advised of his 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, October 18,2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508 


Case No.: 18009141 

CITED: Danielle Griffy 
335 W New York Ave Sebring, OH
Speed   SCO 333.03

On 09/29/2018 at 4:36pm I Ptl. Scott while 
on patrol was traveling east on St. Rt. 62 
when I observed a vehicle traveling west on 
the same road near S. 12th St. that 
appeared to be traveling at a high rate of 
speed. I activated my cruisers forward 
mounted radar unit and observed a reading 
of 69 mph while in a 55 mph zone.

I activated my emergency overhead lights 
and preformed a U-turn and initiated a 
traffic stop on S. 15th St. just north of St. Rt. 

The vehicle 2008 white ford truck bearing 
Ohio registration (HJA7369). I exited my 
cruiser and approached the driver and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof insurance in which I received a11 
of and was able to identify the driver as 
Danielle Griffy.

I then wrote Danielle a traffic citation for 
ORC 4511.21 and gave Danielle a court 
date of 10/11/2028 at 9:00am with a 
persona1 appearance not required. Once 
Danielle signed the citation I provided her 
with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18009055
606 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring

ARRESTED:  Brian Tewksbury 
336 E. Indiana Ave. Scbring
Litter/Deposit of Trash/MM  521.08(b)

On 09/13/28 I noticed trash at 336 E Indian 
Ptl. Brindack 507

Upon arrival I observed trash and furniture 
all along the west side of the house and 
porch. A trash letter was written to Brian 
Tewksbury and secured to the front door. 
This house has had trash letters before 
however the trash letter was delivered in 
that case to Mark Mueller who the trash 
belonged to however Mark no longer lives 
at the house and in that case it was cleaned 
up in time. Brian will be given 5 days to 
comply or he will be cited.

Ptl. Brindack 507

On 10/4/2018 I was advised Brian 
Tewksbury was at MCC#3. I responded and 
made contact with Brian. I advised Brian he 
was being cited for violation of SCO 
521.08(b) Littering, Deposit of Trash. I also 
advised Brian of his court date on 
10/11/2018 at 0900hrs. Brian advised he 
understood. After Brian signed the citation 
and received his copy, I cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505


Friday, October 05, 2018
01:34 PM -0500

REPORT DATE: 09/17/2018 12:09:00
Case No.: 18009075 
Criminal / Warrant 
135 E. Ohio Ave.

ARREST: Zachary Hubbs
176 W. Indiana Ave. Sebring, OH 
Burglary {WARRANT) ORC 2911.12A2

On 9/17/2018 I das dispatched to 226 W. 
Pennsylvania Ave. for a burglary.

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Michelle Hall. Michelle advised 
Zach Hubbs previously stayed at her house 
from January 2018- May 2018. Michelle 
advised Zach has since established 
residency at another residence. Michelle 
then advised she was gone from 
the'residence and Zach used her spare key 
to enter the residence and do his laundry 
without her permission.

Michelle then advised when she arrived 
home Zach was leaving with multiple bags 
she assumed were laundry. Michelle then 
advised after Zach left she noticed 2 
tablets, a speaker, wireless headphones, 
and approximately $40 in change was 

Michelle advised Zach later informed her he 
borrowed the carpet scrubber that was at 
her house which belongs to her sister. 
Michelle advised she messaged Zach at 
1500hrs and told him to bring back the 
scrubber. Michelle advised Zach replied that 
he brought it and put it in her car. Michelle 
advised her car was totalled on 9-10-18 and 
is at a tow lot.

Michelle then advised there was no carpet 
scrubber in the vehicle at the time it was 

This case will be forwarded to Prosecutor 
Tolson for a possible burglary charge.

Ptl. Kelm #505

On 9/20/2018 Prosecutor Theresa Tolson 
approved a charge of 
Burglary/2911.12A2/F2. A copy of the 
approval will be placed in the case file. A 
state complaint has been typed and taken 
to MCC#3.

Ptl. Kelm #505


On 09/29/2018 While I Ptl. Scott was on 
station Zachary Hubbs came to station to 
turn himself on a warrant. Zachary was then 
taken to the back and told that he was 
under arrest for the warrant and was read 
his rights to him by me. 

Zachary was fingerprinted and 
photographed and then given his copy of 
the warrant. Zachary was then transported 
to the Mahoning County Jail by Ptl. 
Peterman #514.

Ptl. Scott #506


DATE: 10/01/2018 00:30:00

On 10/1/2018 I, Ptl. Hughey, was 
dispatched to 216 W Ohio Ave. for a 
Criminal Damage report. Upon my arrival I 
was met by Payge Benedetti who advised 
that her license plate was stolen and her 
vehicle was keyed. She advised that she 
parked her car on the street in front of 207 
W. Ohio Ave. around 0100 on 9/30/2018. 
The vehicle had the license plate on it at 
that time and no damage to the body of the 
vehicle. She advised that she went to work 
on 10/1/2018 and noticed the plate was 
gone and the vehicle was keyed on the rear 
bumper and trunk area upon her arrival at 

Upon further inspection of the vehicle it was 
found that the roof of the vehicle was keyed 
as well. She was advised to get a ride to the 
BMV in the morning to replace the plate. 
She was also advised to move the vehicle 
off the roadway. 

I cleared the scene with no further action 

Pt!. Hughey #513


DATE: 09/30/2018 19:25:00

On this date and time, I was dispatched to 
325 W. Virginia Ave ref to a Burning 
complaint. I arrived and found a small fire in 
a pit between 315 and 325 W Virginia Awe. 
I attempted to make contact at 325 but no 
one would answer. I observed only brush to 
be burning, but a bag of suspected garbage 
was sitting in the area of the fire.  I cleared 
and will keep an eye on the fire.



Case No.: 18009143 
N. 15th St. / Oregon Ave.

CITED: Rhenna Hanna 
228 W. Maryland Ave. Sebring OH
Tail Lights SCO 337.04
DUS SCO 335.07

On 09/29/2018 at 10:03pm I Ptl. Scott while 
on patrol was traveling south on N. 15th St. 
when I observed a vehicle traveling ahead 
of me that had no functioning taillights. I 
then initiated a traffic stop on N. 15th st. 
and Oregon Ave. the vehicle was a 2007 
blue Honda station wagon bearing Ohio 
registration (FXS3664).

I approached the vehic/e and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop in which the 
driver forgot to turn on the lights and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I received 
and identified the driver as Rhenna Hanna 
which dispatch advised me that she was 

I then wrote Rhenna a traffic citation for tail 
lights SCO 337.04 and driving under 
suspension SCO 335.07 and gave Rhenna 
a court date of 10/11/2018 at 9:00am with a 
personal appearance required for MCC#3. 

The registered owner then arrived Jerry 
Ridgeway and drove the vehicle. Once 
Rhenna signed the citation she was 
provided with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18009142

SPEED  SCO 333.03

On 09/29/2018 at 1725 I, Patrolman 
Peterman, was doing speed enforcement at 
South 12th ST. near Baugh St. when I 
spotted a vehicle going in excess of the 
speed limit.

I estimated the vehicle at 52MPH, and 
when I used the hand held radar device on 
the suspect vehicle it showed the vehicle 
going 55MPM in a 35MPH zone. I initiated a 
traffic stop and made contact with Edward 
Joesph V. Mckenna, the registered owner 
and operator of the vehicle at the time of 
the stop and asked for documents which I 
was presented with. 

Dispatch advised driver was valid. I issued 
Edward with a citation of 333.03 Speeding, 
with a court date of October 4,2018 at 
9:00am. Edward was advised the court 
appearance was not mandatory. I then 
cleared the call at 1740.

PTL. Peterman #514


DATE: 09/29/2018 11:49

Dispatched to the Oak Ridge Hotel to check 
the welfare of animals in a vehicle.

On this date and time, I was dispatched to 
the parking lot at Perkins ref to a Animal 
welfare check, I arrived and spoke to the 
reportee one Elisa Stoker, and she advised 
me that there was 2 Dogs and a cat inside a 
white van in front of Rm  25. I found the 
animals inside a white Ford bearing Ohio 
registration G496904. I found the doors and 
windows partially open and I obsenred food 
and water inside the vehicle. 

I made contact with the owner of the vehicle 
one Raymond L Grantham who was staying 
in Room 24, Mr. Grantham was advised of 
the complaint and he advised me that he 
and his girlfriend has been taking the dogs 
out approx. every hour and they have been 
keeping the watered and fed. I checked 
inside the vehicle and the dogs was found 
to be ok, and the inside of the vehicle was 
found to be cool. I advised the owner to 
keep a eye on the animals and he advised 
he would.

BADGE NO.: 509


Case No.: 18009137
S.12th St and Alabama Ave

CITED: Shawn Fogarascher
1522 Wade Ave Alliance
Speed 49/35  333.031

On this date, 09/29/18 at 1109 Hrs, I 
observed a Gry GMC Sierra pick up 
traveling North on S. 12th St near Alabama 
Ave. I observed the vehicle traveling at a 
visibly high rate of speed and was clocked 
via the hand held Radar at 49 Mph in a 
clearly posted 35 Mph Zone.

The vehicle was stopped and the driver was 
identified as one Shawn M Fogatascher. 
The driver was issued a citation for speed, 
and was given a court date in Mcc#3 on 
10/11/18 at 9am.

Ptl. S.T.McDaniel # 509


Case No.: 18009135
500 Block of W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED:  Judy Irvin 
129 Marcia Dr, Austintown, OH 44515
Obedience to Traffic Control Device(s)  
SCO 313.01

On Saturday, September 29,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #302 on 
N Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave. I heard a 
vehicle approaching from the west and then 
saw the vehicle proceed through the 
intersection, failing to stop at the posted 
stop signs and functioning flashing red 
traffic light. I immediately activated my 
overhead emergency lights, audible siren 
and turned east onto W Ohio Ave to initiate 
a traffic stop.

The vehicle, a gold Chevrolet Equinox 
bearing Ohio registration FBB8152, came to 
a complete stop in the 500 block of W Ohio 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Judy Irvin, I informed her of the 
reason for the stop and subsequently 
identified myself. Irvin stated she didn't 
realize there was a stop sign or flashing red 
traffic Iight at the intersection. I requested 
Irvin to provide me with her driver's license 
and insurance information. Iwin provided 
me with both of the aforementioned 

Irvin was issued citation #031336 for Village 
Ordinance 313.01 Obedience to Traffic 
Control Devices and advised of her 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, October 11,2018 at 0900.

PB D. Marchionda #508

POSTED 02:28PM OCTOBER 5, 2018

Friday, October 05, 2018
11:52 AM -0500

Case No.: 18009133
Sebring Friends Church

CITED:  Nathan Hawkins
335 S. 18th St. Sebring, OH 44672
Marked Lanes ORC 4511.33
OVI SFST  ORC 4511.19(A)(1)(a)

On 09/28/2018 at 9:48pm I made a traffic 
stop that resulted in the arrest of the driver 
for OVI.
Ptl. Scott #506

On 09/28/2018 at 9:48pm I Ptl. Scott while 
on patrol was traveling north on S. Johnson 
Rd. when I observed a vehicle traveling in 
front of me swerving left and right in his 
lane and then go off the right side of the 
road. I initiated a traffic stop in the parking 
lot of the Sebring Friends Church on S. 
Johnson Rd. The vehicle was a 1998 
Chevrolet 2-S bearing Ohio registration 

I approached the vehicle and informed the 
driver of the reason of stop and requested 
their driver's license, registration, and proof 
of insurance in which I received and was 
able to identify the driver as Nathan 
Hawkins. Nathan displayed droopy eyelids, 
drowsy behavior, and sluggish constricted 
pupits while it was night and had no 
reaction to light.

I then asked the driver if he used any drugs 
of abuse prior to driving and Nathan stated 
no. I then had him exit the vehicle for fieid 
sobriety testing. I asked if Nathan had any 
medical or physical conditions in which 
Nathan stated that he had none. I explained 
to Nathan the proper position with his feet 
together and hands to his side and checked 
for equal pupil size, a resting nystagmus 
and equal tracking. Nathan did not have a 
resting nystagmus, both of Nathan's pupils 
were of equal size, and both of Nathan's 
eyes tracked equally.

I started the test and following the 
conclusion Nathan did not display any clues 
for the horizontal gaze nystagmus. I then 
began the next test which was the walk and 
turn and E had Nathan stand straight with 
his arms to his sides with his right foot in 
front of his leff. I asked Nathan if he 
understood and Nathan stated that he did 
and when the test began 1 observed the 
following clues: stops while walking, did not 
touch heel to toe, stepped off the line, and 
used arms to balance, improper turn, and 
number of steps.

The next test was the one leg stand and I 
had Nathan stand straight up with his arms 
to his side with his feet together and 
explained the instructions and asked 
Nathan if he understood in which Nathan 
stated that he did understand. Once the test 
began I observed the fallowing clues: 
Swayed while balancing, used arms to 
balance, and hopped.

I then placed Nathan under arrest for 
suspicion of OVI and read him his rights 
placed him in the rear of unit #301 and 
performed an inventory of the vehicle. I then 
transported Nathan back to station while 
Ptl. Brindack stood by for a tow truck which 
was towed to Springer's Towing.

On station and read Nathan a BMV 2255 
form in which Nathan signed and asked if 
Nathan would submit to a urine sample due 
to him dispiaying behavior related to drugs 
of abuse. Nathan refused to give a sample, 
Nathan was then given a traffic citation for 
marked lanes ORC 451 I.3 3 and OVI 
(SFST) 4511.19(A)(1)(a) was given a court 
date of 10/04/2018 at 9:00am with a 
personal appearance required for MCC#3. 
Nathan was given a recognizance bond of 
$500 for the OVI.

Nathan signed the BMV 2255 from, citation, 
and recognizance form and was provided 
with a copy of all of them and Nathan was 
transported to his residence by Ptl. 

PtZ. Scott #506


Case No.: 18009132
East Florida Ave near South 12th st

CITED: Sebaslion Crean 
758 Homewood Ave SE Warren, Ohio 
DUS  SCO 335.07
Left to Center  SCO 331.05

On 09/28/2018 at 7:50pm I Ptl. Scott while 
on patrol was traveling north on S. 12th St. 
when I observed a vehicle on W. Florida 
Ave. turn onto S. 12th St. heading north and 
went left of center into the oncoming lane. I 
initiated a traffic stop in the parking lot of 
Sebring Tire. The vehicle was a 2002 purple 
Dodge 2S bearing Ohio registration 

I approached the driver and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I, received 
a11 of except proof of insurance and 
identified the driver as Sebastion Crean and 
dispatch advised that he was suspended.

I then informed Sebastion of this and had 
him gather his belongings and preformed 
an administrative inventory of the vehicle 
and the vehicle was driven to the impound 
section of Springer" Towing by Mike 

I wrote Sebastion a traffic citation for left of 
center SCO 331.05 and driving under 
suspension SCO 335.07 and gave 
Sebastion a court date of 10/11/2018 at 
9:00am with a personal appearance 
required for MCC#3. Sebastion then signed 
the citation and was provided with copy and 
remained in the parking lot for a ride and I 
then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18009131
S Johnson rd near Heacock Ext

CITED: Susan Sampedro 
17864 Stare rpure 62 Beloit, Ohio 44609
Speed  SCO 333.03

On 09/28/2018 at 5:52pm I Ptl. Scott while 
on patrol was traveling north on S. Johnson 
Rd. when I observed a vehicle traveling 
south on the same road that appeared to be 
traveling at a high rate of speed. I activated 
my cruisers mounted radar unit and 
observed a reading of 50mph in a 35mph 

I initiated a traffic stop and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I received 
all of and identified the driver as Susan 

I returned to my cruiser and wrote Susan a 
traffic citation for speed SCO 333.03 and 
gave Susan a court date of 10/11/2018 at 
9:00am with a personal appearance not 
required for MCC#3. Susan signed the 
citation and was provided with a copy and I 
then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18009228
100 Block of W Oregon Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: William Ryan
16300 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460
Right of Way - Crosswalk  SCO 371.01
Obedience to Traffic Control Device  SCO 

On Thursday, September 27,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was on patrol in 
marked unit #302 in the downtown area. 
Upon approaching the functioning red 
flashing traffic light on W Ohio Ave at N 
15th St, I observed a pedestrian in the 
crosswalk attempting to cross from the east 
side to the west side of N 15th St. At the 
same time, a vehicle approached the 
intersection from the east and attempted to 
negotiate a turn south onto N 15th St from 
E Ohio Ave. The vehicle came to an abrupt 
stop in the middle of the intersection, 
stopping just short of the pedestrian in the 
crosswaIk who was nearing the west 

After the pedestrian finished negotiating the 
crosswalk, I proceeded south onto N 15th 
St and observed the vehicle fail to come to 
a complete stop at the functioning red 
flashing traffic light on N 15th St at W 
Oregon Ave and failed to signal as it turned 
west onto W Oregon Ave. I activated my 
overhead emergency lights and audible 
siren and turned west onto W Oregon Ave 
to initiate a traffic stop. The vehicle, a black 
Chevrolet hatchback bearing Ohio 
registration GUW3488, came to a complete 
stop in the 100 block of W Oregon Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as William Ryan, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reasons for 
the stop. Ryan stated he did not see the 
pedestrian in the crosswaIk before 
attempting to turn onto N 15th St and 
apologized for not coming to a complete 
stop and signaling prior to turning. I 
requested Ryan to provide me with his 
driver's license, vehicle registration and 
insurance information. Ryan provided me 
with all of the aforementioned 
documentation however his insurance card 
was expired.

Ryan was issued citation #031335 for 
Village Ordinances 371.01 Right of Way - 
Crosswalk, 313.01 Obedience to Traffic 
Control Device and given a verbal warning 
for failing to use his turn signal. Ryan was 
informed of his mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, October 11,2018 at 0900.

PtI D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18009126 
515 W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH

CITED: Ryan Peterson
515 W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH 44672
Full Time & Attention  SCO 331.34 (c)

On Thursday, September 27,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was dispatched to 
the 600 block of W Oregon Ave reference a 
report of a motor vehicle crash. Upon my 
arrival at 632 W Oregon Ave, I made 
contact with the reportee, Ryan Peterson, 
who informed me he had side swiped a 
vehicIe parked on the street. Peterson 
stated he took his eyes off the roadway to 
look down because he thought his coffee 
cup was going to spill. Peterson stated 
when he looked up, he side swiped the 

Peterson was driving a red Dodge Ram 
bearing Ohio registration HLD2100 and 
struck a brown Jeep Patriot bearing Ohio 
registration GCN7046. Damage to both 
vehicles was minor in nature however the 
driver side view mirror of the Patriot was 
damaged. Both vehicles suffered scuff and 
scratch marks to the areas of contact. 
Peterson stated he was not texting and 
driving and was wearing his seatbelt at ths 
time of the crash. 

After collecting Peterson's information and 
gathering photographs of the scene, which 
were later uploaded to a case file on scene, 
Peterson was released from the scene.

Contact was made with the registered 
owner of the Patriot a short time later to 
obtain insurance information and was 
informed of what happened. Both parties 
were informed an OH-1 crash report would 
be generated and following administrative 
approval from the Chief of Police, a copy 
could be obtained for insurance purposes. 

Peterson was issued citation #031334 
Thursday night at his residence for Village 
Ordinance 331.34(c) Full Time & Attention 
and advised of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
October 11,2018 at 0900.

Pi1 D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18009125
State Route 62 near S Johnson Rd, Knox 

ARRESTED: Justin Rockwell
635 N. 17th St. , Sebring, Oh
Warrant- Columbiana County Sheriff's 

While conducting a traffic stop on State 
Route 62, I relayed the passenger's (Justin 
Rockwell) information to dispatch and was 
informed Rockwell had an active warrant. 
Dispatch advised the warrant was out of 
Colurnbiana County Sheriffs Office and that 
a deputy would be en route to my location 
to take custody of Rockwell. After 
instructing Rockwell to exit the vehicle, I 
placed him in handcuffs behind his back 
(gapped/double locked) and performed a 
search of his person for weapons and 

During the course of the search, a small 
clear baggie containing a green vegetative 
substance identified as marijuana by 
Rockwell was recovered along with a small 
red marijuana grinder from inside his 
boxers. At the conclusion of the search 
Rockwell was placed in the backseat of 
marked unit #301.

Following the arrival of a Columbiana 
County Sheriffs Deputy Rockwell was 
removed from marked unit #301 and placed 
in the custody of the Deputy. After taking 
custody of Rockwell, the Deputy cleared the 
scene. Following the conclusion of the 
traffic stop, I returned to the SEBRING 
POLICE STORIES where the small clear 
baggie and red grinder were photographed, 
tagged and secured in evidence locker #2.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case NO.: 18009124 
State Route 62 near S Johnson Rd, Knox 

CITED:  Christopher Wilke 
1045 S 12th St, Sebring, OH
DUS - License Forfeiture  SCO 335.07
Headlights Required  SCO 337.02

On Wednesday, September 26,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was patrolling north 
on S Johnson Rd from State Route 62 in 
marked unit #301. As I neared Grandview 
Cemetery, I observed a vehicle travelling 
south in the opposite lane with its auxiliary 
lights on but not its headlights. After turning 
around in the driveway of Grandview 
Cemetery, I proceeded to catch up with the 
vehicIe as it turned east onto State Route 
62. After turning east onto State Route 62, I 
initiated a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency lights.

The vehicle, a white Mitsubishi Eclipse 
bearing Ohio registration GOA6066, came 
to a complete stop on State Route 62 in 
between S Johnson Rd and S 15th St . 
Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Christopher Wilke, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. I requested Wilke to provide me 
with his driver's license at which point he 
informed me he did not have his license on 
him and that it was suspended. Wilke 
provided me with his full name, date of birth 
and last four of his social security number. 
In addition to obtaining Wilke 's information, 
I obtained his passenger's information as 

Dispatch advised me Wilke's passenger, 
Justin Rockwell was also suspended and 
had an active warrant out of Columbiana 
County Sheriff% Office. Patrolman Brindack 
and Smith Township Patrolman Caughey 
arrived on this lime to assist. Rockwell was 
taken into custody and later reIeased into to 
a CCSO Deputy who arrived on scene 
(refer to 18009125). Wilke gave consent to 
a search of the vehicle that was conducted 
by Patrolman Brindack and I while 
Patrolman Caughey stood by with Wilke. No 
contraband or weapons were discovered 
during the course of the consensual search. 
Wilke was allowed to phone a licensed 
driver to the scene and was instructed to 
wait in the passenger seat until their arrival. 
Patrolman Brindack and Patrolman 
Caughey cleared at this time.

Wilke was issued citation #031333 for 
Village Ordinances 335.07 DUS - License 
Forfeiture and 337.102 headlights 
Required. Wilke was advised of his 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, October 4, 
2018 at 0900. A licensed driver arrived on 
scene and took control, of the vehicle.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18009120 
W Ohio Ave Near N Johnson rd

CITED:  Stephanie Allen 
832 Roseland rd Alliance, Oh
Speed 333.03 SCO

On 09/26/2018 I Ptl. Scott while on patrol 
was traveling south on S. Johnson Rd. 
when I observed a vehicle traveling north 
that appeared to be traveling at a high rate 
of speed. I activated my cruisers mounted 
radar unit and observed a read out of 46 
mph while in a 35 mph zone. I then turned 
my cruiser around and caught up to the 
vehicle and initiated a traffic stop on W. 
Ohio Ave. and N. Johnson Rd.

The vehicle was a 2006 silver Jeep SW 
bearing Ohio registration HAT8115. I 
approached the vehicle and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I received 
and the driver was identified as Stephanie 

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Stephanie a traffic citation for speed SCO 
333.03 and gave Stephanie a court date of 
10/04/2018 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance not required. Once Stephanie 
signed the citation she was provided with a 
copy and I cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


CaseNo.: 18009085
246 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

Crystal Black
246 E. Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH
Littering/Diposit of Trash  SCO 521.08(b)

On 09/19/2018 I Ptl. Scott received a 
complaint of trash in the front yard of 246 E. 
Ohio Ave.

On 9/19/2018 I along with Ptl. Peterman 
arrived at the residence and observed a 
mattress along with garbage in the front 
yard. I then entered the porch and noticed 
large amounts of garbage on the porch. I 
then returned to the police department and 
typed a trash letter and issued the letter to 
Crystal Black and notified her she had 5 
days from today to remove the items from 
the above mentioned areas OF she will 
receive a citation and then cleared.

On 09/26/2018 I Ptl. Scott drove past this 
residence and observed that there was still 
trash and furniture on the porch of 246 E. 
Ohio Ave. I returned to the station and 
typed and printed a summons for Crystal 
Black and took it to the court house to be 

I arrived at the residence and made contact 
with Crystal Black and served her with the 
summons for Littering/Deposit of Trash 
SCO 521.08(b).

Crystal is scheduled to appear in Mahoning 
County Court #3 on October 4th, 2018 at 

Due to this being the second time Crystal 
has been cited for this offense it will be 
elevated to a misdemeanor af the 4th 
degree, This incident will now be closed.

Ptl. Scott #506


REPORT DATE: 09/23/2018 15:42:00
Case No.: 18009105
Sebring Police Dpt

ARRESTED: Chad Thomas
144 W. Kentucky Ave., Sebring, Oh

On this date and time, myself and Officer 
Rober was dispatched to 144 W. Kentucky 
Ave, ref to domestic violence complaint. We 
arrived and upon arrival we were met by the 
victim one Tammy S. Thomas. Tammy 
advised that her and her husband was 
involved in a domestic, and her husband 
Chad Thomas grabbed her by the arms and 
threw her off the couch onto the floor and 
began striking her with his fist causing pain 
to her head and face. I was then advised by 
the Victim that Chad also banged her head 
against the floor and then kicked her in the 
lower part of her back. 

I observed the victim to be very intoxicated 
and was very upset and crying. The victim 
had noted bruising and abrasions on both 
her forearms, and also a large bruise on her 
left bicep.

The victim also advised me that this was a 
ongoing issue and she wants her husband 
arrested. I obtained a written statement and 
explained the procedure for filing criminal 
charges for domestic violence. I also was 
advised by the victim that she wished no 
medical response and that she would go to 
her family doctor if needed.

I also spoke to the victims mother on scene 
and she was speaking to Chad on the 
phone. As I listened 1 could hear Chad 
advised her that he wasn't sure as to what 
happened and that if he was going to jail he 
didn't care. The victim signed a complaint of 
domestic violence as well as other 
paperwork.  Both officers then cleared.

On this date at 1833 hrs, Chad Thomas 
came on station regarding a domestic 
violence complaint that was filed by his wife 
on this date.  Chad was taken into custody 
and was processed and a statement 
obtained after his constitutional rights were 
read. After processing he was released on 

Reporting Steven McDaniel, BADGE NO: 


Case No.: 18009101 
Courtney RD./ Allied DR.

ARRESTED: Teran Allen 
205 Chest st. Monongahela, PA 
Ficticious Plates SCO 335.10
Two Headlights Required SCO 337.03
Possession of marijuana 513.03(A)
No operators license 335.01

On 09/21/2018 I, Patrolman Peterman, and 
PatroIman Scott were patrolling Courtney 
road and allied drive. At 2036 we observed 
a silver Hyundai Santa Fe with a driver's 
side headlight out. 

I initiated a traffic stop with the vehicle at 
Courtney Rd. and Allied Dr. I then exited my 
patrol car and approached the drives, who 
identified himself as Teran Allen, and stated 
he did not have an operator's license, but 
had a New York identification card. Taren 
stated he was coming from Pennsylvania to 
meet a female individual.

Dispatch told us Teran was not an any 
personnel records, had no record available, 
and after having run the Pennsylvania 
license plate on the vehicle of KTZ 8117, 
returned to no permits, tags, or ownership. 

After speaking to Teran, we learned he had 
no social security number, or any 
naturalization documents of any kind.

Teran mentioned he was arrested in 
Pittsburgh for possession of marijuana. I 
called Pittsburgh police to notify them of the 
individual to attempt to identify Teran, but 
was notified by the Pittsburgh police 
dispatch they bad no records of Teran Allen 
in the court records or arrestee files.

Me and Patrolman Scott asked Teran to 
step out of the vehicle, and Teran compIied 
with the request. We advised Teran that we 
were going to tow his vehicle and we would 
perform an inventory of his vehicle. Teran 
asked to grab his book bag, and then told 
us that he had weed in his bag. Patrolman 
Scott received the weed voluntarily from 
Teran and we placed the weed in the patrol 
car for evidence, which was logged into 
evidence and placed into locker 1. 

Tow company springers arrived with a 
flatbed as we were told Terans vehicle was 
an all-wheel drive vehicle. Teran Allen was 
then given a citation of fictitious plates 
(335.10), Two headlights required (337.03), 
possession of marijuana 513.03(A), and no 
operators license 335.01. 

A mandatory court date for 09/27/2018 at 
9:00am with a personal appearance is 
required. We then placed Teran into the 
back of the patrol car and gave him a 
courtesy ride to the local circle k so he 
could get a ride to Alliance. We then 
cleared the call at 2145.

PTL. Peterman Aaron #514


Case No.: 18009100
S. Johnson/ Heacock Ext.

CITED:  Taylor Rickels 
23122 Main ST. Homeworth, Ohio 44634
SPEED   SCO 333.03

I, Patrolman Peterman, and Patrolman 
Scott was heading south on S. Johnson 
Road doing speed enforcement when I 
spotted what appeared to be a gray truck 
heading north on S. Johnson Road traveling 
at a high rate of speed. I visually estimated 
the defendant, later identified as Taylor 
Rickels, going at approximately 48 miles 
per hours in a posted 35 mile per hour 

I waited for the in-car radar to pick up an 
audible and clear speed tone from Taylors 
vehicle, and verified her speed at 49 miles 
per hour in the same posted 35 mile per 
hour speed zone. I activated my emergency 
overhead lights and initiated a traffic stop. I 
advised dispatch of the traffic stop I made 
at S. Johnson and heacock ext. at 1725.  I 
approached Taylors vehicle, then 
proceeded to identify myself, Patrolman 
Scott, and the reason for the traffic stop as 
being exceeding posted speed limit of 35 
miles per hour, and advised her I had her 
speed locked in on the radar at 49 miles per 

I was advised by Taylor that the vehicle was 
not registered to her, she was driving her 
father's truck and had difficulty maintaining 
the proper speed since she was not used to 
driving the vehicle. 

I asked Taylor for her license, registration, 
and insurance. Taylor gave me her license, 
but was unable to find insurance for the 
truck since it was not her vehicle. I advised 
her I needed to see the registration and 
asked her to search for it. Taylor found the 
registration for the vehicle, and I confirmed 
the registration was current to 01-2019.

I and Patrolman Scott returned to the patrol 
vehicle and advised dispatch of license 
number, and was told that Taylor had 1 
previous offence of speed in 10-2017. I 
wrote Taylor Rickels a citation for speeding 
333.03, and upon returning to the vehicle, 
Taylor showed me a picture on her phone of 
her current insurance, and it confirmed she 
was still valid.

I then advised Taylor she is receiving a 
citation for speeding 333.03, and told her 
she did not have a mandatory court 
appearance because she showed me a 
valid insurance card digitally, and told her if 
she wished to have a trial her court date 
was set for September 27,2018 at 0900. 

I returned to the patrol vehicle and advised 
dispatch of clearing the stop a t 1741.

PTL. Peterman, Aaron #514

POSTED 12:20PM OCTOBER 5, 2018

Tuesday, September 25, 2018
12:33 PM -0500

Case No.: 18009078
565 W Ohio Ave. Sebring OH 44672

ARRESTED: Timothy Boycan
226 1/2 South St Alliance OH 44601
Failure to Appear

On 09/17/2018 I Officer Rober Arrested 
Timothy Boycan out of Alliance for a 
warrant out of Portage County Sheriffs 
Office. After the warrant was confirmed 
Timothy was transported to the Circle 
Restaurant where Portage County Sheriffs 
Office took custody of him. Upon nothing 
further I cleared.

OFFICER: Jeffrey Rober, Jr. BADGE NO.: 


Case No.: 18009077
565 W Ohio Ave Sebring Ohio 44672

ARRESTED: Timothy Boycan 
226 1/2 South St Alliance OH 44601
Possession of Marijuana MM  513.03

On 09/17/2018 I Offcer Rober was 
dispatched to 500 block of W Ohio in the 
alley was between Ohio and Oregon for a 
suspicious activity.

On 09/17/2018 I Officer Rober was 
dispatched to 565 W Ohio in the alley was 
between Ohio and Oregon for a suspicious 
activity. Upon arrival I spoke with 
Christopher Wilke and Timothy Boycan.

Both individuals stated that they were just 
trying to fix his bike and that Christopher 
was just going to ride home once it was 
fixed. I advised Christopher that it is against 
the law to not have any light on his bike and 
that it would be safer if he would call for a 
ride home. Christopher stated that this is 
harassment and that its not against the law. 

Christopher then requested a supervisor 
and started to argue with me. I then radioed 
in for Sgt Eberling and a short time later he 
arrived on scene.

While Sgt Eberling was speaking with 
Christopher I spoke with Timothy, Timothy 
was consistently acting nervous and 
couldn't stay still during my interaction with 
him. I then asked Timothy for his Social 
Security Number which he gave. I then had 
dispatch run him and once it came back he 
had a warrant out of Portage County and a 
pick up radius of 2. I then placed Timothy in 
handcuffed, gapped and double locked 
them and conducted a search (of) him per 
policy. Upon the search I found a packet of 
cigarettes which included green leafy 
substance believed to be marijuana.

I then transported Timothy to the SEBRING 
POLICE DEPARTMENT and issued a summons 
for Posession for marijuana and gave him a 
court date of 09/27/2018 at 0900hrs. I then 
placed Timothy back in unit 301 and 
transported him to the Circle Restaurant for 
pick up from Portage County Sheriffs office.

Once Portage county arrived an scene and 
took custody of Timothy 1 cleared and 
resumed patrol.

OFFICER:  Jeffrey Rober, Jr. BADGE NO.: 


Case No.: 18009081 
S. 12th St. / AIabama Ave.

CITED: Steven Stoffer
4283 Rochester Rd. Homeworth, OH 44634
left of Center  SCO 331.05
Texting While Driving  SCO 333.11

On 09/18/2018 at 4:39pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling south 
on S. 12th st. when I observed a vehicle 
traveling in front of me go left of center and 
eventually entered the oncoming lane while 
there was oncoming traffic. Vehicles 
traveling in the northbound lane had to 
move to avoid hitting the vehicle.

I then initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle 
on S. 12th St. near Alabama Ave. The 
vehicle was a red 2009 Chevrolet 4 door 
sedan bearing Ohio registration (HKJ3936). 
I exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and insurance 
and received all but the proof of insurance. 

The driver was identified as Steven Stoffer 
and when Steven was asked why he went 
left of center he stated that he was on his 
phone text messaging his wife.

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Steven a traffic citation for left of center 
SCO 331.05 and texting while driving SCO 
333.11 and gave Steven a court date of 
09/27/2018 at 9:OOam with a personal 
appearance required for MCC#3.

Once Steven signed the citation he was 
provided with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Friday, September 21, 2018
10:57 AM -0500

Case No.: 18009041
100 Block S.12th St

CITED: Stephen Molnar
663 Wright Ave. Alliance Oh 44601
Speed (50/35) 333.03

On 9/11/2018, while sitting stationary in a 
marked police cruiser, I observed a black in 
color Ford traveling north on S. 12th Street 
at a visibly high rate of speed. I activated 
my mounted radar unit and confirmed the 
speed to be 50mph in a clearly marked 
35mph zone.

I activated my overhead lights and initiated 
a traffic stop on the vehicle bearing Oh 
registration FZH2875 in the 100 block of S. 
12th St. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver, Stephen Molnar. I 
advised Stephen the reason for the stop 
and requested his license, registration, and 
proof of insurance. Upon receiving all 
requested documents Stephen was issued 
a citation for Speed/SCO 333.03. 

Stephen was advised of his court date at 
MCC #3 on 9/20/2018 at 0900 hours with 
no personal appearance required to which 
he advised he understood. Once Stephen 
signed the citation I gave him his copy. I 
then cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505


Case No.: 18009048
100 Block of W Ohio Ave, Scbring, Ohio

CITED: Ashley Burns 
274 W Pennsylvania Ave, Sebring, Ohio
DUS (License Forfeiture & 
Noncomplianance w/FRA)  SCO 335.07

On Wednesday September 12,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, conducted a traffic 
stop in the 100 block of W Ohio Ave based 
on information received from Sebring 
Dispatch and Smith Township Patrolman 
Caughey. While on patrol near the 
downtown area, I overheard radio traffic 
regarding the suspended license status of a 
registered owner for a vehicle bearing Ohio 
registration HKJ3698. Patrolman Caughey 
advised the vehicle had entered Sebring on 
W Ohio Ave from the west and was heading 
east into the village. Being the closest unit, I 
proceeded west on W Ohio Ave to locate 
the vehicle.

Before making visual contact with the 
vehicle, a black Pontiac 2-door, I requested 
a description of the registered owner. 
Following dispatch's description of the 
registered owner, Patrolman Caughey 
advised he observed a female matching the 
descsiption driving the vehicle.

After the vehicle passed me in the 300 
block of W Ohio Ave, I turned marked unit 
#302 around and initiated a traffic stop by 
activating my overhead emergency Lights. 
The black Pontiac 2-door came to a 
complete stop in the 100 block of W Ohio 
Ave. Upon making contact with the 
driver/registered owner, identified as Ashley 
Burns, I identified myself and informed her 
of the reason for the stop. I requested 
Burns to provide me with her driver's 
license and proof of insurance. Burns 
provided me with both documents.

Burns was issued citation #031329 for 
Village Ordinance 335.07 DUS (License 
Forfeiture & Noncompliance w/FRA) and 
advised of her mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 0900.

Burns was allowed to park her vehicle in a 
parking lot in front of 146 W Ohio Ave and 
provided a courtesy transport to the 
was allowed to wait for a licensed driver to 
pick her up.

Ptl D. Marchianda #508


Case No.: 18009049
100 Block S. 12th St.

CITED:  Dawn French
23451 Bowman Rd. Homeworth
Speed(52/35) 333.03

On 9/12/2018, while sitting stationary in a 
marked police cruiser, I observed a blue in 
color Dodge van traveling north on S. 12th 
street at a visibly high rate of speed. I 
activated my mounted radar unit and 
confirmed the speed to be 52mph in a 
clearly marked 35mph zone. I activated my 
overhead lights and initiated a traffic stop 
on the vehicle bearing Oh registration 
HJU4207 in the 100 block of S.12th St. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver, Dawn French. I 
advised Dawn the reason for the stop and 
requested her license, registration, and 
proof of insurance. Upon receiving all 
requested documents Dawn was issued a 
citation for Speed/SCO 333.03. 

Dawn was advised of her court date at 
MCC#3 on 9/20/2018 at 0900 hours with no 
personal appearance required to which she 
advised she understood. Once Dawn 
signed the citation I gave her her copy. I 
then cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505


Case No.: 18009052
300 Block of W Ohio Avenue, Sebring, OH

ARRESTED: Cynthia Masters
27624 Buck Road, Beloit, OH 
Open Container in Motor Vehicle  SCO 
OVI (SFST) ORC 4511.19A1A  $500.00
ORC 4511.19A1H SCO 529.07(b)(4)  
Slow Speed (25/35)  ORC 4511.22

While performing traffic enforcement in 
marked unit #302 at the corner of S 
Johnson Rd and State Route 62, I observed 
a silver Audi 4-door sedan leave the Oak 
Ridge Motel and proceed north on S 
Johnson Rd. I pulled out from the parking 
lot of Perkins and began to follow the 
vehicle. As I neared the vehicle, I observed 
the vehicle was traveling at a slower speed 
than the posted limit of 35 MPM. I utilized 
both the vehicle certified calibrated 
speedometer and mounted Genesis radar 
unit to pace the vehicle. 

Upon approaching and passing Copeland 
Oaks on S Johnson Rd, I observed both the 
speedometer and radar unit show speeds 
as slow as 25 MPH. I continued to follow 
the vehicle after it came to a complete stop 
at the posted stop sign on N Johnson Rd 
and W Ohio Ave and turn east onto W Ohio 

While following the vehicle on W Ohio Ave, 
I paced and observed speeds fluctuate from 
28 to 25 MPH in a posted 35 MPH zone.

After clearing the 400 block of W Ohio Ave, 
I initiated a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency lights. The vehicle, a 
silver Audi 4-door sedan bearing Ohio 
registration GXQ5772, came to a complete 
stop in the 300 block of W Ohio Ave. Upon 
making contact with the driver, identified as 
Cynthia Masters, I identified myself and 
informed her of the reason for the stop. I 
requested Masters to produce her driver's 
license. Patrolman Scott arrived on scene 
at this time to assist. Master's stated it was 
somewhere in the back seat to which I 
advised her to keep her hands in sight and 
provide me with her full name, date of birth 
and social security number. 

While speaking to Masters, I could smell a 
faint odor of an alcoholic beverage. While 
Patrolman Scott approached and began to 
speak with Masters, I relayed her 
information to dispatch.

Acting on the odor of an alcoholic beverage, 
Patrolman Scott and I instructed Masters to 
exit the vehicle and asked if she was willing 
to submit to a series of standardized field 
sobriety tests to determine if she was okay 
to drive. As Masters exited the vehicle, I 
asked her how much alcohol she had to 
drink tonight to which she replied "two beers 
and one of those small bottle things" (sic). 

After Patrolman Scott turned my overhead 
emergency lights off, I had Masters stand in 
front of the vehicle in front of me with her 
feet together and her hands down at her 
sides. I asked Masters if she had any 
medical conditions or involuntary jerking of 
the eyes to which she replied no. I asked 
Masters if the glasses she was wearing 
were prescription or reading glasses to 
which she replied they were prescription. I 
asked Masters if she was able to see 
without wearing them to which she replied 
she could not see without them. 

While speaking to Masters and going over 
the instructions for each SFST, I could smell 
a stronger odor of an alcoholic beverage on 
her breath.

I then explained the instructions for 
horizontal gaze nystagmus to Masters and 
asked if she understood to which she 
replied she did. I then placed a pen 12-15 
inches in front of her face and checked for 
equal pupil size, resting nystagmus and 
equal tracking prior to beginning the 
exercise. I observed equal pupil size, no 
resting nystagmus and equal tracking. 
While conducting horizontal gaze 
nystagmus, I only observed lack of smooth 
pursuit in both eyes. 

Following horizontal gaze nystagmus, I 
provided instructions for walk and turn and 
also demonstrated the exercise for Masters. 
I asked Masters if she understood the 
instructions to which she replied yes. 
Masters was unable to perform the test as 
she gave up after stepping off line three 
times before completing the first nine steps. 
Following walk and turn, I provided 
instructions for one leg stand and also 
demonstrated the exercise for Masters. I 
asked Masters if she understood the 
instructions to which she replied yes.

While attempting to perform one leg stand, 
Masters put her foot down several times 
and gave up.

I then instructed Masters to turn around and 
place her hands behind her back as she 
was under arrest for suspicion of operating 
a motor vehicle while intoxicated. I 
handcuffed Masters (gapped/double locked) 
and escorted her to marked unit #302 
where I placed her in the back seat.

Patrolman Scott updated dispatch of the 
arrest and to send a tow truck to the scene. 
Masters was read her Miranda Rights and 
asked if she understood them to which she 
replied yes. Prior to transporting Masters to 
the scene, I walked over to Patrolman Scott 
who had begun the administrative inventory 
of the vehicle and observed several 
unopened Bud Light beer cans in the 
passenger seat as well as one in the center 
console being covered by the arm rest. I 
asked Patrolman Scott to check the can In 
the center console if it was open and if it still 
contained beer. Patrolman Scott reached 
over and grabbed the can and advised it 
was open and that it still contained some 

After transporting Masters to the SEBRING 
POLICE STORIES, I removed the 
handcuffs and proceeded to read Ohio BMV 
2255 to her. After reading the BMV 2255 to 
Masters, I asked if she understood and if 
she was willing to submit ta a chemical 
breath and urine test to which she stated 

Patrolman Scott arrived at the station 
following the removal of the vehicle from the 
scene by Springers. Patrolman Scott 
operated the lntoxilyzer 8000'machine and 
Masters provided two breath samples. Test 
results from the lntoxilyzer 8000 showed 
Master's BrAC was 0.214 g/210L. Upon 
retrieving the results, I advised Masters she 
was now under Administrative License 
Suspension and seized her Ohio Driver's 
License (Which she was able to provide 
after Patrolman Scott brought her
purse to the station). 

Following the breath test, Dispatcher 
Wheeler came into the squad room and 
obtained a urine sample from Masters. The 
sample was then handed to Patrolman 
Scott who sealed the sample in the tube, 
sealed the tube in the sample box and 
subsequently placed it into the squad room 

Masters was issued traffic citation #031330 
for Ohio Revised Code 4511.22 Slow 
Speed (25/35), Ohio Revised Code 
4511.19A1A OVI (SFST) and Ohio Revised 
Code 4511.19A1H OVI (>0.17 BAC ) .  In 
addition to the traffic citation, Masters was 
issued MM citation # 000224 for Sebring 
Codified Ordinance 529.07(b)(4) Open 
Container in a Motor Vehicle. Masters 
signed both citations in addition to the BMV 
2255 as well as the Recognizance Form 
and was provided a copy for each.

After Patrolman Scott obtained Master's 
fingerprints I photographed her.

Masters was advised of her mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County court 
#3 on Thursday, September 13, 2018 at 
0900 and to also bring a vatid proof of 
insurance. Before being released into the 
custody of a license driver, I reiterated to 
Masters she was under an Administrative 
License Suspension and not allowed to 
operate any motor vehicle.

A small white pill had been located and 
seized by Patrolman Scott during the 
course of the administrative inventory of the 
vehicle. When Patrolman Scott arrived at 
the station, he handed the pill to me and 
asked me to identify it. Utilizing the website, I was able to identify the small 
white pill as a 50mg Trazodone 
Hydrochloride. The pill was later 
photographed, logged and placed into 
evidence as Property.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


DATE: 09/16/2018 21:09:00

On 9/16/2018, I was dispatched to 596 W 
Maryland Ave for a suspicious person.

Upon arrival, I spoke with the complainant, 
Haley M. Armour. Haley advised she seen a 
female with short hair wearing a dark 
colored hoodie walk up near her house and 
was concerned. I checked around her 
residence however was unable to locate 

As I was getting ready to leave, I observed 
a female matching that description walk 
around the corner from the Sebring Church 
of the Nazarene. The female, who was 
identified as Sherez Liquita Deveria Kay 
Hurford advised she was staying in the area 
with a friend and was having some anxiety 
so she went for a walk. Sherez advised she 
walks when she gets upset and used to live 
in town and go to that church so she didn't 
think it was a big deal. Sherez advised she 
never walked in the complainant's yard and 
just remained on the sidewalk. Sherez 
advised she did not need any medical 
attention and would not give me an address 
or name of anyone she was staying with. I 
offered to give Sherez a courtesy transpart 
back to the
place where she was staying however she 
declined and wanted to walk. 

I advised Sherez to stay off residents 
property as well as the church due to the 
time of night to which she advised she 
understood and walked off. I relayed this 
information to the complainant and cleared 
the scene. 

I checked around the church however was 
unable,lo observe any signs of anything 
being tampered with.

sgt: Eberling #503 


DATE: 09/16/2018 15:21:00


On this date and time, the victim came on 
station regarding a incident that took place 
at his residence with the mother of his child 
Brook Hughes. I was then advised that 
Brook came to his residence on this date 
and started taking items from his residence 
that she already had given him. Israel then 
advised that Brook became angry with him 
and threw a set of head phone at him and 
hit his hand. I was also advised that this 
was a ongoing problem and that he wanted 
it documented. 

I observed a video that was taken by Israel 
during the incident. I could observed Brook 
throw the head phones, but was unable to 
see them hit him. I also observed no signs 
of the head phones hitting the victim. I also 
spoke to a male that was present during the 
incident but he advised that he didn't see 

I advised Israel that a report would be filed 
and that he could get a copy if needed.

BADGE NO.: 509


4NCID ENT NUMBER: 18-009063 
DATE: 09/14/2018 22:08:00

On 09/14/2018, While on my way home 
from work in a marked unit I observed a 
theft of services.

Redfern 504

I stopped and spoke to the business owners 
of Cut N Cornets and advised them that 
they were not able to take the trash from 
their business and use the city trash cans 
as their own trash. The owners advised that 
they understood and I then cleared.

Redfern 504


DATE:09/14/2018 18:26:00

On 09/14/18 I responded to an animal 
complaing at 635 N 19th St.

Upon arrival James Dawson advised his 
neighbor at 315 W Michigan Ave James 
Twaddle's dog had broken free of its chain 
and had come over to his dog and bitten it 
once on the head. James Dawson advised 
his dog had no injuries besides a small cut 
and he had filed a police report once before 
for a similar incident. 

It was found in that incident James Twaddle 
did not receive a dog running at large letter 
because James Dawson only wanted a 
report for the record and nothing further. 
James Twaddle was issued a dog running 
at large letter on 09/15/18 and advised if his 
dog get loose again he will be charged, I 
then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507 


INCIDENT  18-0090710 
DATE: 09/16/2018 01:29:00

On Sunday, September 16, 2018, 
Patrolman Scott and Patrolman Marchionda 
were dispatched to the alley between W 
Indiana and W Maryland Ave reference a 
report of two juveniles walking through 
yards and up to parked vehicles.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508

Upon our arrival, Patrolman Scott made 
contact with an 18 year old male, identified 
as Branty Smith and a 17 year old male, 
identified as (JUVENILE) Patrolman Scott 
entered the alley in between E Indiana and 
E Maryland Ave off N 15th St while I 
entered off N 14th St. Smith stated he and 
(JUVENILE)  were originally at his house 
and had walked down to the public library to 
utilize the free WiFi. Smith stated he and 
(JUVENILE) decided to walk to Circle K for 
polar pops but deviated from going straight 
down Ohio Ave and detoured through the 
alleyways. Patrolman Scott placed 
(JUVENILE) in the backseat of marked unit 
#302 after he was patted down for 

Smith was released from the scene on foot 
after it was ascertained by Patrolman Scott 
that the original complainant did not want to 
follow through with criminal charges. 
Patrolman Scott advised Smith should he 
be found out in the village with juveniles 
past curfew in the future, he would be 
charged with contributing to the delinquency 
of a minor. 

I transported (JUVENILE) to his residence 
in Beloit and released him into the custody 
of an adult household member.  
(JUVENILE) was issued a verbal warning 
for the curfew violation.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Wednesday, September 12, 2018
05:11 PM -0500

DATE: 08/31/2018 17:42:00

On 08/31/18 I was dispatched to the area 
around the 500 blocks of both Oregon and 
Ohio Ave for a report of a suspicious male 
looking in cars.

Upon arrival the male was located in the 
500 block of W Ohio Ave. Ptl. Redfern and I 
made contact with the male identified as 
Timothy Boycan of Alliance. Timothy 
advised he was looking in his friends truck 
because he was waiting for "his boy" to 
come pick him up. No witnesses saw 
Timothy take anything or get into any cars 
so we advised him not to be looking in cars 
and we cleared the area.

Timothy also left the area.

Ptl. Brindack 507


DATE: 08/31/20182 2:74:00

On Friday, August 31, 2018, officers from 
Sebring Police and Smith Township Police 
Department responded to a report of a 
motor vehicle on fire on State Route 62.

Upon my arrival, I located a white Kia van 
bearing Ohio registration DWS8722, parked 
on the south side of State Route 62 just 
west of S 12th St. Upon approaching the 
vehicle, I observed a plume of white smoke 
coming from under the hood and located 
the driver/registered owner, Dorothy Irey, 
still sitting in the driver seat. I instructed Irey 
to exit the vehicle and to stand off the road 
next to my marked patrol car. I discovered 
coolant on the roadway below the front of 
the vehicle and determined that a fire did 
not exist, rather the smoke was coming 
from leaking coolant. 

Patrolman Brindack and Smith Township 
Patrolman Fraser arrived on scene to assist 
with traffic control. Sebring Fire Department 
arrived on scene a short time later.

After Sebring Fire Department assessed the 
smoke was coming from coolant, the 
vehicle was moved off the roadway and into 
a private drive. Sebring Fire Department 
also checked Irey, who was not injured in 
any capacity. 

Following the fire department's departure, 
Smith Township Patrolman Fraser and 
Sebring Patrolman Brindack cleared the 
scene. I cleared the scene following the 
arrival of Ohio State Patrol Trooper 
Thomas. At the time of my departure, Irey 
advised her daughter was on her way from 
Salem to pick her up and that she had 
contacted roadside assistance to have the
vehicle towed.

Ptl. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18008206 
W Ohio Ave at N Johnson Rd, Sebring, 

CITED: Victoria Nelson (AGE 18)
4145 S Mahoning Ave, Alliance, Ohio 

Reckless Operation  SCO 333.09A
Obedience to Traffic Control Device  SCO 

On Saturday, September 1,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was standing 
outside of the SEBRING POLICE 
DEPARTMENT when I observed a red 
hatchback come down E Ohio Ave at a 
visibly high rate of speed. I watched as the 
vehicle approached the intersection at E 
Ohio Ave and N 15th St and proceed 
through the intersection at a high rate of 
speed after failing to stop at the functioning 
flashing red traffic light. 

I quickly entered marked unit #302 and as I 
pulled out onto E Ohio Ave, I activated my 
overheard emergency lights and audible 

As I crossed over onto W Ohio Ave, I 
observed the red hatchback was already in 
the area of the 300 block of W Ohio Ave. I 
quickly caught up to the vehicle, a red 
Pontiac hatchback bearing Ohio registration 
HLW4742, on W Ohio Ave near N 20th St 
as it pulled over and came to a complete 
stop on W Ohio Ave at N Johnson Rd. 
Immediately upon exiting my patrol vehicle, 
I ordered the driver to turn the vehicle off, 
place her hands outside the window and 
advised dispatch to send me a second unit.

Upon making contact with the driver, later 
identified as Victoria Nelson, I ascertained 
as to why she had driven so fast through 
the village and why she failed to stop at the 
traffic light. Nelson advised me she had 
been in contact with her mother over the 
phone and that she was told to come home. 
Nelson admitted she had not been paying 
attention and was unaware of how fast she 
was going or that she had failed to stop at 
the traffic light. Patrolman Scott and 
Patrolman Peterman arrived on scene at 
this time.

I instructed Nelson to exit the vehicle and 
stand off the side of the roadway so we 
could continue talking. Nelson was visibly 
distraught and hysterical. For her safety as 
well as our safety, Nelson was temporarily 
placed in handcuffs behind her back 
(gapped and double locked) and advised 
she was detained pending further 

Nelson consented to a search of her vehicle 
and stood by with Patrolman Scott while 
Patrolman Peterman and I conducted the 
search. No contraband was recovered 
during the course of the consensual search 
of the vehicle.

Given the distance between Nelson and I 
when I initially activated my overhead 
emergency Iights, sirens and that she 
started to pull over once I neared her 
vehicle, I advised she was not going to be 
arrested for failure to comply. 

I removed the handcuffs from Nelson and 
allowed her to enter her vehicle. Nelson 
was issued citation #031426 for Village 
Ordinances 333.09A Reckless Operation 
and 313.01 Obedience to Traffic Control 
Device. Nelson was able to provide valid 
proof of insurance on scene and was 
advised of her appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
September 13,2018 at 0900.

PtI D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18008075
Ralph's Deli

ARRESTED:  Nicholas Leasure
135 South McKinley Avenue, Alliance Ohio
Telecommunications Harassment  2917.21

On 8-13-2018 I was dispatched to 883 S. 
14th St. for Telecommunications 

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Branson Miller. Bransan 
advised his girlfriend used to date Nicholas 
C. Leasure, 135 S. McKinley Ave. Alliance. 
Branson advised Nicholas has been 
contacting him on Facebook and harassing 
him. Branson advised Nicholas has 
threatened him and his girlfriend Elani 
Pisoni. Branson advised Nicholas has sent 
him 31 text messages, made 41 phone 
calls, and left 3 voice messages between 
1200hrs 8/5/2018 and 1527hrs on 8/6/2018. 

Branson advised Nicholas is currently in 
Stark County Jail and has been calling Elani 
from jail. Screen shots of the text messages 
as well as recordings of the voice 
messages will be placed with the case file. 

This case will be forwarded to the 
prosecutor for a possible charge of 
Telecommunications Harassment.

OFFICER: Joshua Kelm  #505


On 8/13/2018 Bransons girlfriend Elani 
Pisoni, 1335 Homestead Ave. Alliance, 
came to the police station to give a written 
statement. Elani advised Nicholas has been 
harassing her making phone calls, text 
messages, and showing up to her place of 
residence when she is not home. Elani 
advised Nicholas has said "he is going to 
pop my tires, put water in my gas tank, 
shoot my motor, take my phone and smash 
it." Elani advised Nicholas told her he is 
going to ruin her life by lying to everyone 
she knows.

Ptl. Kelm #505


On 8/14/2018 I made contact with 
prosecutor Theresa Tolson. Theresa 
advised she approved a charge of 
Telecommunications Harassment for 
Nicholas. A state complaint will be typed 
and sent to MCC#3.

Ptl. Kelm #505


On 08/31/2018, I was contacted by Alliance 
Police Department whom advised that they 
were with Nicholas Leasure on a traffic 
stop. Alliance was advised that the warrant 
was still good and active. I then went to 
Ralph's Deli on Alliance Sebring Road to 
meet Alliance. Nicholas was then taken into 
my custody and transported back to the 

Once back at the department, Ptl. Redfern 
processed Nicholas and issued Nicholas a 
recognizance bond In the amount of $1250. 
Nicholas was issued a court date of 
09/06/2018 at 0900.

Chief Harris


Case No.: 18009002
Courtney Rd near N 12th Street

CITED:  Tyler Rinehast
846 W Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH 44672
Speed 51/35mph  333.03 SCO

On 09/01/13 while patrolling in a marked 
patrol car, I was traveling West on Courtney 
Rd approaching the railroad tracks, when I 
observed a white car travelling east On 
Courtney rd. at a visibly high sate of speed. 
The vehicle was on the other side of the 
railroad tracks in the 300 block of Courtney 

I activated my in car mobile radar and 
clocked the vehicle at 51mph in a clearly 
marked 35mph zone. I initiated a traffic stop 
on the vehicle a White Chevy Malibu 
bearing OH FPP6110 on Courtney Rd near 
N 12th St. I made contact with the driver 
identified as Tyler J Rinehast and he was 
issued a citation for speed 333.03 and 
given a court date at MCC#3 of 09/13/18 at 
0900hrs with a personal appearance not 
required, I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18009004

OHIO 44730

9-1-2018 While on patrol, traveling south on 
south 12th street, I, Patrolman Peterman, 
and Patrolman Scott spotted what appeared 
to be a white truck following too closely to 
another vehicle heading south on south 
12th street. Upon getting closer to vehicle, I 
and Patrolman Scott observed the same 
white truck travel left of center on a double 
yellow line. 

I initiated emergency lights, and observed 
the white truck pull over to the right side of 
the road. Upon approach at 2354 we 
observed an older white male, later 
identified as Randy Kaleb Dalton, and a 
young infant in the back seat, placed in a 
child seat and seat belted in the drivers 
rear, as well as a young white female 
seatbelted in the passenger rear. 

I, Patrolman Peterman, identified myself 
and informed Randy of the reason for the 
stop as crossing the double line, and 
proceeded to ask for license, registration, 
and insurance.

All documents were provided, and dispatch 
stated the drivers license was valid, 
however, dispatch also informed me the 
vehicle registration came back expired as of 
8-17-2018. I returned to my cruiser and 
issued a citation for expired registration 
SCO 335.10, and gave a verbal warning for 
crossing the double yellow lines. 

I informed Randy of a court appearance on 
9-13-2018 at 9 A-M,, and it was not 
required to appear in court.

I and Patrolman Scott then returned to my 
vehicle and cleared.

Ptl A. Peterman #514


DATE: 09/02/2018 21 :46:00

On 9/2/2018 at 2146 pm t, Ptl, Hughey, and 
Ptl. Rober were dispatched to 436 N 14th 
St. for a possible burglary. Upon our arrival 
we made contact with Nicholas Risden 
(TQ204286) and McKenna Risden 
(UH489737):They advised that upon their 
arrival back home their back door was open 
and Mr. Risden's dresser had been gone 
through. He advised that his cloths were 
spread all over and pictures of him and Mrs. 
Risden were the only things that were 

Ptl. Rober examined the door and could not 
find any signs of forced entry. Mr. Risden 
advised that he believed that it was possibly 
his ex-girlfriend however had no proof that it 
was her. Both Mr. and Mrs. Risden did not 
want any report to be taken or further action 
at this time. Both myself and Ptl. Rober 
cleared the scene with no further actions 

Ptl, Hughey  #513


DATE: 091031201 8 00:30:00

On 9/3/2018 at 0030 I, Ptl. Hughey, was 
dispatched to 236 Alabama Ave. Apt. 12 for 
a theft of a phone. Upon my arrival the 
resident, Cara Baiheto, advised that her 
new iPhone 8 was stolen. She advised that 
the last time she used her iPhone was as a 
flashlight to get an item out of her unlocked 
car and then went into her neighbors house 
leaving her phone in the car. When she 
came back out to the car the phone was 

She advised that she searched everywhere 
for It and could not find it.  She also had her 
friend call it which it rang three times and 
then it went to voice mail. When she tried 
calling it again it went straight to voicemail.

I advised Ms. Baiheto that I would make a 
report for the phone and to notify the 
department if she located it. I cleared the 
scene with no further incident.

Ptl.  Hughey #513



Case No.: 18009018
Courtney Rd Near N Johnson rd

CITED:  Jason Grace JR
10232 State Route 224, Deerfield, Ohio 
Speed 52/35 mph  333.03 SCO

On 09/04/18 while in a marked patrol car, I 
was parked facing west in the shipping and 
receiving area of Famous distribution in the 
300 block of Courtney Rd. While there I 
observed a red truck pass me travelling 
west on Courtney Rd at a visibly high rate 
of speed, I activated my in car Radar and 
clocked the vehide at 52mph in a clearly 
marked 35mph zone. I initiated a traffic stop 
on the vehicle a red Ford Truckbearing OH 
HIF5084 on Courtney Rd near N Johnson 

I made contact with the driver identified as 
Jason Daniel Grace Jr. and he was issued a 
citation for speed 333.03 and given a court 
date at MCCS#3 of 09/13/18 at 0900hrs 
with a personal appearance not required, I 
then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18009005
W. Maryland. N 18th St.

CITED: Mason Phillips
2087 Lake Rd. Akron, OH 44312
OVI (SFST)  ORC 4511 +19(A)(1)(a)

On 09/01/2018 at 12:39am while I Ptl. Scott 
and Ptl. Peterman were on patrol as a 
double unit we responded to a call of 
service regarding a male at the intersection 
of W. Maryland Ave. and N. 18th St. 
unconscious in the operators seat of a 

Upon my arrival, Patrolman Scott and 
Patrolman Peterman were already on 
scene. Patrolman Scott made contact with 
the male driver who appeared to be passed 
out behind the wheel. After the driver, later 
identified as Mason Phillips, woke up, 
Patrolman Scott instructed him to exit the 

Phillips was acting unusual and appeared to 
be under the influence of an unknown 

Patrolman Scott ran Phillips through 
standardized field sobriety tests and 
subsequently placed Phillips under arrest 
for suspicion of OVI. Phillips was 
handcuffed and placed in the back of 
marked unit #302 where Patrolman Scott 
advised Phillips of his Miranda Rights. I 
notified dispatch and requested a tow truck 
be sent to the scene to recover the vehcle.

Prior to conducting the administrative 
inventory, Patrolman Scott informed 
Patrolman Peterman and I that Phillips 
admitted to smoking marijuana earlier.

During the course of the administrative 
inventory of the vehicle. I opened the center 
console to check for any valuables  or 
personal documents Phillips may have 
wanted to take with him. Upon opening the 
center console, I immediately smelled a 
strong odor of marijuana. I advised dispatch 
during the course of conducting the 
administrative inventory, contraband had 
been detected and that we would be 
performing a probable cause vehicle 

Patrolman Scott and I located a small clear 
plastic container codaining,small vegetative 
fragments. Upon opening the small 
container, we smelled a strong odor of 
marijuana. No other contraband was 
discovered during the remainder of the 

Patrolman Scott and Patrolman Peterman 
placed Phillips into the back of marked unit 
#301 and transported him from the scene to 
processing. I remained on scene as 
Springers arrived and towed the vehicle to 
10 N 12th St. 

Upon arriving at the station, I collected a 
urine sample from Phillips and 
subsequently logged, sealed and placed the 
sample in the refrigerator located in the 
squad room. Phillips was photographed, 
fingerprinted and provided signed copies of 
his recognizance form and traffic citation. 
Phillips was advised of his mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
83 on Thursday, September 6,2018 at 0900 
to answer for the charge of ORC 
4511.19A1A OVI. I then provided Phillips 
with a courtesy transport to his father's 
residence on N 12th St.

Ptt D. Marchionda #508 


Case No.: 18009022
400 Block W. California Ave.

CITED:  James Friedman 
6211 Pulney Court Ave. NW Massillon
Speed (46/25)  333.03

On 9/5/2018, while sitting stationary in a 
marked police cruiser, I observed a white in 
color Dodge truck traveling west on W. 
California Ave. at a visibly high rate of 
speed. I activated my mounted radar unit 
and confirmed the speed to be 46mph in a 
clearly marked 25mph zone. I activated my 
overhead lights and initiated a traffic stop 
on the vehicle bearing Oh registration 
PIU1413 in the 400 block of W. California 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver, James Friedman. I 
advised James the reason for the stop to 
which James replied he was "trying to see 
how fast the train was going." I requested 
his license,registration, and proof of 
insurance. Upon receiving all requested 
documents James was issued a citation for 
Speed/SCO 333.03. 

James was advised of his court date at 
MCC #3 on 9/13/2018 at 0900 hours with 
no personal appearance required to which 
he advised he understood. Once James 
signed the citation I gave him his copy. I 
then cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505


Case No.: 18009035 
N Johnson Rd at W Virginia Ave, Sebring, 

CITED:  Robert Baird 
12317 Goshen Rd, Salem, Ohio 
Expired Plates SCO 335.10

On Saturday, September 8,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #302 on 
N Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave. I observed a 
black 4-door sedan approach the 
intersection from the west and turn north 
onto N Johnson Rd.

As the vehicle passed me, I could hear the 
exhaust emitting excessive noise. I pulled 
out from my location and proceeded to 
catch up b the vehicle and initiated a traffic 
stop by activating my overhead emergency 
lights. The vehicle, a black Chevrolet 
Impala bearing Ohio registration EDK2413, 
came to a complete stop on N Johnson Rd 
at W Virginia Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Robert Baird, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. 
I requested Baird to provide me with his 
drivers license and proof of insurance. Baird 
was only able to provide me with his driver's 

After relaying Baird's license information to 
dispatch, I was advised the vehicle 
registration had expired in June of this year. 
Baird was issued citation #031328 for 
Village Ordinance 335.10 Expired Plates 
and advised of his mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, September 20,2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


DATE: 09/07/2018 16:39:00

On 09/07/2018, I was dispatched to the 
station to take a report in reference to an 
animal complaint. I arrived on location and 
spoke to James Dawson whom advised that 
yesterday James Twaddle's dog attacked 
his dog and now his dog is injured. James 
advised that he didn't want anything done at 
this time just for the incident to be on file. 
Report was taken and incident was cleared.

Redfern 504


Case No.: 18009032
Quick Lube 155 W Ohio Ave Sebring OH

ARRESTED:  Michael Sharp
LKA 1105 Walnut Ave Alliance OH 44672 
Disorderly Conduct (making offensive 
utterance) 509.03(A2)

On 09/07/18 I responded to 133 N 16th St 
for a report of threats.

UPON arrival I spoke with Carol Moore whe 
advised me that she was sitting outside with 
Donald Hanes and Lora Coss when a man 
walked be with a dog.  This caused Carols 
dogs to bark.  At this point Carol said 
Michael C Sharp who was working on a car 
near by then told her to "shut her fucking 
dogs up or he would give them anti-freeze". 
Carol said she then told Mike not to 
threaten her dogs and he came up to her 
and said he would poor gasoline on her. 

Carol said Mike did not threaten to light her 
on fire just to poor gas on her. Donald and 
Lora said they heard Mike say all of these 
things however Donald Hanes also said that 
he believed Mike was making a general 
statement towards all the dogs barking in 
the neighborhood not just Carol's dog. 

Regardless Carol said she was heavily 
offended by what had been said and 
wanted charges. Written statements were 
obtained from all parties and I cleared and 
went to the quick lube where Michael Sharp 
currently was and he was issued a MM 
Citation for Disorderly conduct 509.03CA2) 
"No person shall recklessly cause alarm to 
another by making an offensively course 

Mike was given a court date at MCC#3 of 
09/13/18 at 0900hrs and I cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Tuesday, September 04, 2018
08:29 AM -0500

Case No.: 18005190
N Johnson Rd / W Oregon Ave, Sebring, 

CITED: Robert Hodapp
5880 buisville St Apt 7, Louisville, Ohio
Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver)  SCO 

On Wednesday, August 29,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #302 on 
N Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave. I observed a 
white 4-door sedan approach the 
intersection from the west and fail to stop at 
the posted stop sign before turning south 
onto N Johnson Rd. I immediately initiated 
a traffic stop after pulling out from my 
location and activating my overhead 
emergency lights. The vehicle, a white Ford 
Fusion bearing Ohio registration HFC3079, 
came to a complete stop on N Johnson Rd 
at W Oregon Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Robert Hodapp, I identified 
myseIf and informed him of the reason for 
the traffic stop. While speaking to Hodapp, I 
observed he was not wearing his seatbelt 
and asked him if he had been wearing it 
prior to being stopped. Hodapp admitted to 
me he did nut have his seatbelt on prior to 
being stopped, I requested Hedapp to 
provide me with his driver's license and 
proof of insurance. Hodapp provided me 
with both of the aforementioned documents.

Hodapp was issued citation #031327 for 
Village Ordinance 337.27 Safety Be1t: 
Failure to Wear (Driver) and given a verbal 
warning for the stop sign violation. Hodapp 
was advised of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
September 6,2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18008138 
Alliance Community Hospital

ARRESTED: Derek  Rinehart
127 East Florida Ave, Sebring
Misuse of Credit Card M-1  2913.21
Theft F-5  2913.71

On 08/20/2018 I Officer Rober was 
dispatched to the station to take a theft 
report. Upon arrival I spoke with Amanda 
Stovall. Amanda stated to me that Derek 
Rinehart is currently staying at her house 
helping her mother out with household 
chores and help around the house. Amanda 
told me that she is a current student at YSU 
and that she left for school today and left 
her wallet behind along which contained her 
credit cards that belonged to her.

When she arrived back at home she had to 
go to the library to use their computer for a 
school project.

Amanda then stated that when it came to 
pay since she had to use her credit card 
that she noticed her credit card is missing. 
Amanda then looked on the computer and 
immediately canceled the card and looked 
up the transaction that were being used. 
Amanda stated that her credit card was 
used at Circle K store #5328 on 08/20/2018 
at 3:16pm in Sebring and spent a total 
amount of $18.37. 

I then asked who does she think it was, 
which she replied it was probably Derek 
Rinehart or ****** since ***** has made 
statements before saying he can take 
whatever he wants. 

I then had Amanda fill out a voluntary 
statement about the incident. Once Amanda 
she was done I advised her if she had 
anymore information to contact us.

I then traveled to 205 E Ohio Ave ( Circle K 
#5328) and spoke with one of the 
employee. I asked her if there is anyway I 
can pull some tapes on 08/20/2018 at 
3:16pm which I got a reply yes. I then 
reviewed the tapes and noticed Derek 
Rinehart enter Citcle K pick up a 12 pack 
case of pop and buy 2 packs of Cigarettes. 
We then pulled up the copy of the 
transaction receipt and showed he spent a 
total of $18.37 at Circle K. I then obtained a 
copy of the receipt and a copy of the 
security camera of him using the card and 
entering the building. Upon nothing further I 

08/20/2018 2109hrs I, Officer Rober, was 
contacted by Amanda Stovall via phone and 
she advised me that along with her credit 
card missing she stated it was her bank 
card that was missing and it was a Master 
Card with the last 4 digits of 4776. Which 
shows on the receipt the card being used at 
Circle K #5328 by Derek Rinehart on 
08/20/2018 at 3:16pm. I then stated to 
Amanda if she had anymore info to contact 
us. Upon nothing further I cleared.

Ptl. J-Rober #511


On 08/23/2018 I received this case. After 
review it is determined that Derek Guy 
Rinehart is in violation of section 2913.21 of 
the orc Misuse of a Credit Card and Section 
2913.71 Theft. This case will be forwarded 
to Prosecutor Tolson for review of possible 

Redfern 504


On 08/24/2018, I was advised that Derek 
Rinehart was at the Alliance hospital being 
treated for Meth ingestion. I called the 
Alliance ER and asked what his status was 
and the staff advised that he was being 
discharged and he was just waiting for a 
ride. I then went enmute from station, and 
requested APD to respond and stand by 
with him until I could arrive on location. I 
arrived on location with APD.  Derek was in 
the process of scrambling around to quickly 
leave. Derek was then advised of his 
warrants and was taken into custody. Derek 
was cuffed and taken to my unit and 
transported back to station.

Once back at the station Derek was 
obviously still under the influence of meth. 
Derek was processed with out incident. 
Derek advised that he wanted to provide a 
written statement of the events. Derek was 
read his rights and he signed off that he 
understood his rights. Derek whom was 
obvibusly still under the influence was not 
making any sense. Derek advised that he 
wanted me to look though his conversations 
and Derek signed a consent to search for 
his phone. Derek at the end of his story that 
made no sense and was going in several 
different directions made a threat and 
advised that he was going to rob Amanda 
and Martha when he was released from jail. 

Derek was becoming more irate and it was 
decided that Derek would be placed back in 
cuffs for his protection and he would be 
taken to MCJ. Derek was on his way out to 
the cruiser when he told Ptl. Brindack and 
myself that he was currently in possession 
of drugs. Derek advised that he was in 
possession of cut up fentanyl patches that 
he was given by Brandon Fisher. 

Derek was searched and nothing was 
found. Derek advised that he was in 
possession of them but he was not sure 
where they were. Derek advised that he 
wanted us to take the drugs so the jail 
wouldn't charge him with conveyance. 
Derek was transported to the Jail. Once at 
the jail Derek was hostile to medical staff 
and the booking deputies. The booking staff 
then went hands on with Derek and Derek 
was locked in a cell. During the rest of the 
process phase. The deputy refused Derek's 
cell phone and advised that we needed to 
take it. Derek's phone was brought back to 
the station and it will be held for safe 

REPORTING OFFICER: Chad Redfern, Jr., 


Case No.: 18008197
Courtney Rd/ Johnson Rd

CITED: Ernest Jordon 
12842 Marlboro Ave Alliance OR 44601
Speed 58/35   333.03

On 08/30/18 while in a marked patrol car, I 
was parked facing west in the shipping and 
receiving area of Famous distribution in the 
300 block of Courtney Rd. While there I 
observed a silver SUV pss me travelling 
west on Courtney Rd at a visibly high rate 
of speed, I activated my in car Radar and 
clocked the vehicle at 58mph in a clearly 
marked 35mph zone. I initiated a traffic stop 
on the vehicIe a White Infiniti QX56 bearing 
OH O51YNX on Courtney Rd near N 
Johnson Rd. 

I made contact with the driver identified as 
Ernest R Jordon and he was issued a 
citation for speed 333.03 and given a court 
date at MCC#3 of 09/06/18 at 0900hrs with 
a personal appearance not required, I then 

Ptl. Brindack 507


Monday, September 03, 2018
05:37 PM -0500

Case No.: 18008181
South 12th st Rt East Georgia Ave

CITED: Chiristopher Brown
489 Jennings Ave Salem, OH 44460
Speed 48/35mph  333.03

On 08/27/2018 1 Officer Rober while on 
patrol in marked unit 303 was conducting 
stationary radar on S 12th st at E Georgia-
Ave. observed Black in color SUV that 
appeared to be travelling above the posted 
speed limit. I then activated the mounted 
radar located in unit 303 and got a locked 
speed of 48 in a posted 35 MPH zone.

I then activated my emergency lights and 
made a stop of the vehicle. I then identified 
the driver as Christopher Brown and asked 
what the reason for the speed was. 
Christopher stated he was not paying 
attention and was just trying to get home. 

I then cited Christopher for speed and gave 
him a court date of 09/06/2018 at 0900hrs 
and upon nothing further I cleared and 
resumed patrol.

Ptl J. Rober #511
08/27/20 18


Case No.: 18008182
East Maryland Ave & North 14th st

CITED: Tad Hansen 
145 E Maryland Ave Sebring, Ohio
DUS-Non-Compliance 335.07 SCO

On 8/27/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser, I had dispatch run Ohio plate 
HLD2427 to which they advised the 
registered owner was suspended. The 
driver of the vehicle matched the 
description of the registered owner so I 
initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle on E 
Maryland Ave near N 14th St. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver/owner Tad A. 
Hansen. Tad advised he thinks he let his 
SR22 lapse which is why he had a non-
compliance suspension. 

Tad was issued a citation for DUS - Non-
Compliance 335-07 SCO and advised of his 
court date at MCC #3 on 8/30/2018 at 0900 
hours. Tad was approximately a half block 
away from his residence so the vehicle was 
parked there until he can get his license 

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18008183 
100 Block S. 12th St.

CITED: colleen Mingus
27756 Winona Rd. Salem
Speed(51/35) 333.03

On 8/28/2018, while sitting stationary in a 
marked police cruiser, I observed a blue in 
color Chevy traveling north on S. 12th street 
at a visibly high rate of speed. I activated 
my mounted radar unit and confirmed the 
speed to be 51mph in a clearly marked 
35mph zone. I activated my overhead lights 
and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle 
bearing Oh registration FNR9510 in the 100 
block of S. 12th St. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver, Colleen Mingus. I 
advised Colleen the reason for the stop and 
requested her license, registration, and 
proof of insurance. Upon receiving all 
requested documents Colleen was issued a 
citation for Speed/SCO 333.03. Colleen 
was advised of her court date at MCC #3 on 
9/6/2018 at 0900 hours with no personal 
appearance required to which she advised 
he understood. 

Once Colleen signed the citation I gave her 
her copy. I then cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505


Case No.: 18008184 
North 12th Street near Courtney rd

CITED: Paul Bailey
19235 W Middletown rd Beloit, OH
Speed 50/35mph  333.03 SCO

On 8/28/20 18, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser traveling south on N 12th St, I 
observed a black car traveling north on N 
12 St near Pine Lake Rd at a visibly high 
rate of speed. I activated my radar unit 
which confirmed the speed to be 50 mph in 
a clearly posted 35 mph zone. I turned 
around and initiated a traffic stop on the 
vehicle, bearing Ohio plate GCN6543 on N 
12th St near Courtney Rd. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver/owner, Paul D. 
Bailey. Paul advised he knew the speed 
limit was 35 however he thought he was 
only going 42 not 50 as my radar unit 

Paul was issued a citation for Speed 333.03 
SCO and advised of his court date at MCC 
#3 on 9/6/2018 at 0900 hours. Paul was 
able to provide valid proof of insurance at 
the time of stop.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18008185 

CITED: James Freeman
664 W Georgia Ave, Sebring, OH
Speed 49/35mph 333.03 SCO

On 08/28/18 while in a marked patrol car, I 
was parked facing west in the shipping and 
receiving area of Famous distribution in the 
300 block of Courtney Rd. While there I 
observed a black truck travelling East on 
Courtney Rd at a visibly high rate of speed, 
I activated my in car Radar and clocked the 
vehicle at 49mph in a clearly marked 
35mph zone. I initiated a traffic stop on the 
vehicle a Black ford truck bearing OH 
FZH2795 on Courtney Rd near N 12th St. 

I made contact with the driver identified as 
James L Freeman and he was issued a 
citation for speed 333.03 and given a court 
date at MCC#3 of 09/06/18 at 0900hrs with 
a personal appearance not required, I then 

Ptl. Brindack 507


Friday, August 31, 2018
08:35 AM -0500

Case No.: 18008158
N Johnson Rd at W Oregon Ave, Sebring, 

CITED: Brandon Houck
507 W Oregon Ave, Sebring, Ohio
Stop Sign - Fail to Stop SCO 313.01
Turning at Intersections - Wide Turn SCO 

On Friday, Augnst 24,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #302 on N 
Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave. I observed an 
SUV, with an exhaust emitting excessive 
noise, approach the intersection from the 
west. The SUV failed to slow down and stop 
at the posted stop sign before making an 
excessively wide turn south onto N Johnson 
Rd. I immediately pulled out from my 
location and initiated a traffic stop by 
activating my overhead emergency lights. 
The vehicle, a 1993 Teal GMC SUV bearing 
Ohio registration HHR9711, pulled onto W 
Oregon Ave west of N Johnson Rd and 
came to a complete stop on the south side 
of the roadway nearest Zep's Pizza 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Brandon Houck, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reasons for 
the stop. I requested Houck to provide me 
with his driver's license, vehicle registration 
and proof of insurance. Houck provided me 
his driver's license while his passenger, 
identified as Kendra Hamrnond, provided 
me with the vehicle registration and 
insurance documentation. 

Houck was issued citation #031326 for 
Village Ordinances 313.01 Stop Sign - Fail 
to Stop, 331.10 Turning at Intersections - 
Wide Turn and given a verbal warning for 
loud exhaust. Houck was advised of his 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 

Ptl D. Marchionda # 508


DATE: 08/24/2018 08:15:00

Dispatched to the area of South Side Park 
for dogs running loose.

On this date and time, I was dispatched to 
the area of Southside park ref to 3 large 
white dogs running at large. I arrived in the 
area and located the dogs on E. Texas Ave 
in the 100 Blk. I stood by with the animals 
until the owner Jessica M Bush arrived and 
I assisted with loading the animals in a 
cattle trailer. 

Jessica advised that the dogs got thru the 
Electric under ground fence at her 
residence located at 14515 Bandy Rd.



Case No.: 18008173
N. Johnson / W. Texas Ave.

CITED:  Tessa Elsass 
6443 Camp Blvd Hanoverton, OH 44423
No OLN / Expired OLN  SCO 335.01

On 08/25/2018 at 11:16pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on S. Johnson Rd. when I observed a 
vehicle in front of me go left of center 
multiple times. I initiated a traffic stop on S. 
Johnson Rd. near Texas Ave. The vehicle 
was a 2009 Toyota sedan bearing Ohio 
registration (FLU6334).

I approached the vehicle and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I received 
none of the requested documents and I 
obtained a name, date of birth, and a social 
security number. The driver stated that she 
had an Ohio ID but it expired when she 
moved to North Carolina but she had 
recently moved back and could not obtain 
an Ohio driver's license due to something 
that happened in North Carolina.

Dispatch then advised me that the driver 
was Tessa Elsass and her Ohio driver's 
license was expired and she had a valid 
State ID card. Dispatch then advised me 
that Tessa's North Carolina's driver's license 
was suspended.

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Tessa a traffic citation for No OLN / Expired 
OLN SCO 335.01.

I gave Tessa a court date of 08/30/2018 at 
9:OOam for MCC#3 with a personal 
appearance required and then had the 
passenger which was valid operate the 
vehicle. Once Tessa signed the citation I 
then provided her a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Thursday, August 30, 2018
06:29 PM -0500

Case No.: 18008140
Courtney Rd near N 12th St

CITED: Jalene Weaver 
15623 Garfield Rd Salem OH 44460 OH
speed 48/35  333.03

On 08/21/18 while in a marked patrol car, I 
was parked facing west in the shipping and 
receiving area of Famous distribution in the 
300 block of Courtney Rd. While there I 
observed a silver van travelling East on 
Courtney Rd at a visibly high rate of speed, 
I activated my in car Radar and clocked the 
vehicle at 48mph in a clearly marked 
35mph zone. I initiated a traffic stop on the 
vehicle a silver Honda Odyssey bearing OH 
HDA8047 on Courtney Rd near N 12th St. 

I made contact with the driver identified as 
Jalene  Weaver and she was issued a 
citation for speed 333.03.and given a court 
date at MCC#3 of 08/30/18 at 0900hrs with 
a personal appearance not required, I then 

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 1800814 
200 blk E Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED John Virden 
12547 Beloit Snodes Rd. Beloit, OH 44609
Speed (40/25) 333.03

On 8/21/2018, while sitting stationary in a 
marked police cruiser in the 200 block of W 
Ohio Ave, I observed a white truck traveling 
east on W Ohio Ave near N 17th St at a 
visibly high rate of speed. I activated my 
radar unit which confirmed the speed to be 
40 mph in a clearly posted 25 mph zone. I 
pulled out and once the vehicle cleared the 
traffic light at N 15th St and Ohio Ave, I 
initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, bearing 
Ohio plate FYD7096 in the 200 block of E 
Ohio Ave. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver, John P. Virden. John 
advised he was driving his friends truck and 
wasn't paying attention to his speed.

John was issued a citation for Speed 
333.03 SCO and advised of his court date 
at MCC #3 on 8/30/2018 at 0900 hours. 
John was able to provide valid proof of 
insurance at the time of stop.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18008142
California Ave / S 16th st

CITED: Stefanie Papadak- Bych First 
Stefanie Middle
6142 Warren Sharon Rd Brookfield OH 
speed 41/25  333.03

On 08/21/18 I was parked facing west in the 
parking lot of the factory in the 200 block of 
W California Ave. when I observed a white 
SW traveIling east on W California at a 
visibly high rate of speed. I activated my in 
car radar unit and clocked the vehicle at 
4lmph in a. clearly posted 25mph zone. I 
initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle a white 
Acura bearing OH temporary 6361232 in 
the 100 block of W California near S 16th 

I made contact with the driver identified as 
Stefanie Popadak- Bych and She was 
issued a citation for speed 333.03 and 
given a court date at MCC#3 of 08/30/18 at 
0900hrs with a - personal appearance not 
required, I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18008143 
200 blk / 16th St. Sebring, OH

CITED: Julie Bradley 
Speed (43125) 333.03

On 8/21/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser traveling west on W Ohio Ave 
near N 16th St, I observed a silver truck 
traveling east on W Ohio Ave near N 17th 
St at a visibly high rate of speed. I activated 
my radar unit with confirmed the speed to 
be 43 mph in a clearly posted 25 mph zone. 
I turned around and initiated a traffic stop 
on the truck, bearing Ohio plate HDA7349 
in the 200 block of N 16th St. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver, Julie A. Bradley. 
Julie advised she thought the speed limit 
was 35 mph and not 25 mph. I advised her 
it changes from 35 mph to 25 mph at N 17" 
St. Julie was issued a citation for Speed 
333.03 SCO and advised of her court date 
at MCC #3 on 8/30/2018 at 0900 hours to 
which she advised she understood. 

Julie was able to provide valid proof of 
insurance on the vehicle at the time of stop.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18008151
S 12th St at Village Limits, Sebring, Ohio

CITED: Amanda  Rowe
864 S 14th St, Sebring, Ohio 44672
Speed (49/35) SCO 333.03

On Thursday, August 23,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling north on S 12th 
st near the village Limits in marked unit 
#302. Upon entering the village, I observed 
a vehicle traveling south at what appeared 
to be a high rate of speed. After activating 
my patrol cars' forward mounted radar 
antenna, I observed and locked a digital 
read out pf 49MPH in a posted 35 MPH. 
Immediately after the vehicle passed me, I 
initiated a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency lights and turned my 
patrol car around to catch up with the 
vehicle. The vehicle, a red 2017 Dodge 
SUV bearing Ohio registration HKJ3943, 
came to a complete stop on S 12th St just 
passed the village limits.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Amanda Rowe, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for 
the stop. I requested Rowe to provide her 
driver's license, vehicle registration and 
proof of insurance. Rowe was able to 
provide a11 of the aforementioned 
documentation. Rowe was issued citation 
#031249 for Village Ordinance 333.03 
Speed - Over Limits (49/35) and advised of 
her appearance before Mahoning County 
Court #3 on Thursday, September 6,2018 at 

Ptl D. Marchionda #SO8


Case No.: 18008147
S 12th St near Baugh Ave

CITED: Tammi Whitted
18110 Weastern Reserve N Benton OH 
speed 49/35    333.03

On 08/22/18 I was parked facing south in 
the parking lot of Haiss Fabripart at 100 S 
12th St. when I observed a red SUV 
travelling north on S 12th at a visibly high 
rate of speed. I activated my in car radar 
unit and clocked the vehicle at 49mph in a 
dearly posted 35mph zone. I initiated a 
traffic stop on the vehicle a red GMC Envoy 
bearing OH DLY4414 On S 12th St near 

I made contact with the driver identified as 
Tammi L Whitted and She was issued a 
citation for speed 333.03 and given a court 
date at MCC#3 of 08/30/18 at 0900hrs with 
a personal appearance not required, I then 

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18008149 
300 block W Ohio Ave. Sebring OH

CITED: Brandon Houck 
507 W Oregon Ave Sebring OH 44672
No OLN (Not on Person) 335.01
Loud Crackling Exhaust 331.36

On 8/22/20 18, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser, I observed an SUV operating 
around town with an extremely loud 
crackling exhaust. I was able to locate the 
vehicle and initiated a traffic stop on the 
vehicle, bearing Ohio plate HHR9711 in the 
300 block of W Ohio Ave. 

I made contact with the driver who was 
identified as Brandon A. Hodck. Brandon 
advised he knew the exhaust was loud 
however he advised it has "glasspacks" on 
the exhaust so its street legal. I advised 
Brandon that the loud crackling exhaust can 
be heard from blocks away and is 
excessive and in violation of 331.36 SCO. 

Brandon advised he did not have his drivers 
license on him as he had left it at home. 

Brandon was issued a citation for No-OLN 
335.01 SCO and Loud Crackling Exhaust 
331.36 SCO and advised of his court date 
at MCC #3 on 8/30/2018 at 0900 hours to 
which he advised he understood. Brandon 
was able to provide valid proof of insurance 
at the time of stop.

Sgt. Eberling #503


DATE: 0812212018 12:46:00

On 8/22/2018 I was dispatched to the area 
of 547 W. Texas Ave. for a barking dog 

Upon arrival I was able to hear a dog 
barking in the back yard at 531 W. Texas 
Ave. I attempted to make contact with the 
residents but no one would come to the 
door at the time. A barking dog letter was 
typed and placed on the front door of the 
residence. I then cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505


Case No.: 18008154
Courtney Rd near N 12th St

CITED:  John Heydie 
9728 Deltona Dr New Middletown OH
Speed 51/35  333 -03

On 08/23/18 while in a marked patrol car, I 
was parked facing west in the shipping and 
receiving area of Famous distribution in the 
300 block of Courtney Rd. While there I 
observed a black car travelling East on 
Courtney Rd at a visibly high rate of speed, 
I activated my in car Radar and clocked the 
vehicle at 51mph in a clearly marked 
35mph zone. I initiated a traffic stop on the 
vehicle a Black Nissan Versa bearing OH 
HDC8049 on Courtney Rd near N 22th St. 

I made contact with the driver identified as 
John M Heydie and he was issued a citation 
for speed 333.03 and given a court date at 
MCC#3 of 08/30/18 at 0900hrs with a 
personal appearance not required, I then 

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18008155
200 block E Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

CITED:  Braxton Perkins
1000 W Tennessee Ave Sebring OH
Speed (38/25)  333.03

On 8/23/2018, while sitting stationary in a 
marked police cruiser in the 200 block of E 
Ohio Ave, I observed a blue car traveling 
west on E Ohio Ave near N 13th St at a 
visibly high rate of speed. I activated my 
radar unit which confirmed the speed to be 
38 mph in a clearly posted 25 mph zone. I 
initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, bearing 
Ohio plate FQD5914 in the 200 block of E 
Ohio Ave. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver, Braxton J. Perkins. 
Braxton was issued a citation for Speed 
333.03 SCO and advised of his court date 
at MCC #3 on 8/30/2018 at 0900 hours. 
Braxton was able to provide valid proof of 
insurance on the vehicle at the time of stop.

Sgt. Eberling #503


DATE: 08/23/2018 14:34:00

On 08/23/18 I responded to a report of 
suspicious persons possibly soliciting 
around Maryland and 19th St. in a tan van. 

Upon arrival I observed the tan van bearing 
Michigan DVG6621 parked in the 300 block 
of North 19th St. I made contact with the 
occupants identified as Dominique Pierce 
and Vitali Tanner Weenum who advised 
they were selling energy rewards packets 
and trying to get people to switch energy 

They were advised they need a permit to do 
so and they advised they would be done for 
the day and get the necessary permit, both 
were however found to be suspended so 
they waited for valid driver Duwan K Idley 
also working for the company and cleared 
the area.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18008157
W Ohio Ave at N 19th St, Sebring, Ohio

CITED:  Andrew Helmuth
246 1/2 W Oregon Ave, Sebring, Ohio 
Fictitious Plates  SCO 335.10

On Thursday, August 23,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was padrolling south on N 14th 
St near Circle K in marked unit #302. Upon 
passing Circle K, I observed a red Ford 
vehicle with a black hood attempting to turn 
onto N 14th St. As I turned onto E Ohio 
Ave, I performed a random registration 
check and relayed the front pIate, Ohio 
HEC1983, through dispatch. While waiting 
for a return from dispatch, I pulled into the 
parking lot of Sebring laundry. As the red 
Ford hatchback passed me, dispatch 
advised HEC1983 came back to a black 
2004 Chevrolet. I could also hear the 
exhaust emitting excessive noise.

After receiving this information, I pulled out 
onto W Ohio Ave and proceeded to catch 
up with the vehicle. As I neared the vehicle 
as it was heading west, I observed the rear 
plate to be Ohio HCB2373. I initiated a 
traffic stop by activating my overhead 
emergency lights. The vehicle came to an 
abrupt stop without warning on W Ohio Ave 
at N 19th St. 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Andrew Helmuth, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reasons for 
the stop. Helmuth stated he had just 
purchased the vehicle from a private seller 
but did not have any documentation to 
confirm this. Helmuth provided me his Ohio 
driver's license and the title for the vehicle. 
At this time, Patrolman Brindack arrived on 
scene to assist.

I asked dispatch if either plate I ran came 
back to Helmuth to which I was advised 
they did not. I ran the vehicle's identification 
number through dispatch to make sure the 
vehicle was not stolen. Dispatch advised 
the vehicle was not stolen and that the 
original vehicle registration, Ohio 
GMS2996, had expired in 2016. I then 
requested dispatch to send a tow truck to 
the scene. Patrolman Brindack performed 
the administrative inventory of the vehicle 
while I filled out the traffic citation.

Helmuth was issued citation #031250 for 
Village Ordinance 335.10 Fictitious Plates 
and was advised of his mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at 0900. 
Helmuth was also issued a verbal warning 
for Loud exhaust. Helmuth was unable to 
provide valid proof of insurance on scene. 
The vehicle was subsequently towed to 

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Friday, August 24, 2018
03:48 PM -0500

Case No.; 18008110
S. Johnson Rd. / Perkins

David Blake Jr.
506 S. Johnson Rd. Sebring, OH 44672
Speed 51/35   SCO 333.03

On 08/17/2018 at 04:23am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was stationary on the 
1000 block of S. Johnson Rd. when I 
observed a vehicle traveling south on S. 
Johnson Rd. that appeared to be traveling 
greater than the posted speed limit of 
35mph. I then activated the hand held radar 
unit apd I observed a digital reading of 
51mph. The vehicle then passed my cruiser 
and I then pulled onto the roadway and 
activated my cruisers overhead Iights and 
initiated a traffic stop in the Parking lot of 
the Perkins Restaurant. The vehicle was a 
2006 white Cadillac station wagon bearing 
Ohio registration HCF7765.

I then exited.rny cruiser and approached 
the vehicle and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I only received a driver's 
license and the driver was identified as 
David Blake Jr.

I then returned to 'my cruiser and wrote 
David a traffic citation for speed SCO 
333.03 and gave David a court date of 
08/30/2018 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a 
persona1 appearance required. Once David 
signed his citation I provided him with a 
copy and cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18008109
N Johnson Rd / W Maryland Aye, Sebring 
I PHONE (330) 938-6114 

CITED:  Jeffrey Dotson
27093 Lake Point Drive, Beloit

Stop Sign - Fail to Stop SCO 313.01

On Friday, August 17,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #302 on N 
Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave. I observed a 
silver ChevroIet 4-door sedan approach the 
intersection from the east and turn north 
onto N Johnson Rd without stopping at the 
posted stop sign. As the vehicle passed me, 
I pulled out from my location and initiated a 
trafic stop by activating my overhead 
emergency lights. The vehicle, a silver 
Chevrolet Impala bearing Ohio registration 
GYY9401, came to a complete stop on N 
Johnson Rd near W Maryland Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Jeffrey Dotson, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. I requested Dotson to provide me 
with his driver's license and insurance 

Dotson provided me with his license but 
was unable to produce a valid copy of his 
insurance information. 

Dotson was issued citation #031248 for 
Village Ordinance 313.01 Stop Sign - Fail to 
Stop. Dotson was advised of his mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18008071
135 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring Oh 44672

ARRESTED: Cathi Edie 
13748 Brace Ave. Alliance

Endangering Children   2929.22A

ARRESTED: Alixandria Edie 
125 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring

Endangering Children   2929.22A

On 8/12/2018 while on patrol I observed a 
small child playing near a dumpster behind 
125 E. Oregon Ave.

I made contact with the child who I 
recognized from a previous incident q 
Jayden Gray (2 YOA). I walked Jayden to 
125 E. Oregon Ave. where I knew his 
mother Alixandria Edie resides. Due to 
being involved in the previous incident (ref. 
18007184) I was aware Alixandira's mother 
had temporary custody of Jayden. I made 
contact with Alixandria and asked where 
her mother was. Alixandria advised Cathi 
was at her house in Alliance mowing the 
yard. I advised Alixandria she does not 
have custody of Jayden and he is not to be 
in her custody.

I contacted Monique Arocho from Mahoning 
County Children Services. I advised 
Monique of the situation. Monique advised 
she spoke to Alixandria earlier in the week 
and advised her she is not to have custody 
of Jayden or he will be taken from her 
permanently. Monique advised she would 
call Alixandria and take care of it.

On 8/13/2018 I made contact with 
Prosecutor,Theresa Tolson, I advised 
Theresa of the situation and she advised to 
charge both Alixandria and Cathi Edie with 
Endangering Children  12919.22A. State 
complaints were completed and sent to 

Ptl. Kelm #505


Case No.: 18007154 
MCC#3 606 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring

ARRESTED: Jeffrey McCullough 
784 S. 14th St. Sebring Oh 44672

Poss. Drug Abuse Instruments  2925.12

On 07/25/2018, I was dispatched to the 700 
block of South 14th Street in reference to a 
male whom was under the influence of 

 Upon my arrival I was met outside by 
Jeffrey McCullough whom appeared to be 
under the influence of an opiate. Jeffery had 
pinpoint constricted pupils and was slow to 
response. Jeffrey's nephew advised that he 
went out to the garage and found Jeffrey 
shooting heroin in his foot. The minor 
advised that there was a syringe along with 
a burnt,spoon in the garage.

The minor took me to where it was and 
evidence was collected. Jeffrey then went 
back into the residence and was standing at 
the door talking with his mother and sister. 
While I was standing outside the I was able 
to see through the glass screen door Jeffrey 
throw an object under the table.

Medic 1 arrived on location and was 
evaluating Jeffrey and Jeffrey's mother 
invited me into the home and advised that 
he threw an object under the table. Jeffery's 
mother and I looked under the table and 
found another syringe. Jeffrey was 
subsequently taken to the Alliance Hospital 
for treatment.

Redfern 504

On 08/02/2018, I Spoke to Mark Roth from 
Adult Parole whom advised that Jeffrey was 
arrested on a PV after testing positive for 
drugs on Friday. Mark advised that Jeffrey 
has been sent to an Adult Parole half way 
house In Youngstown.

A warrant will be sent to MCC#3 on M2 
Charges of Drug Abuse Instruments. Case 
will be closed with warrant issued.

Redfern 504

On 8/16/2018 I was dispatched to MCC#3 
for a warrant pickup. Upon arrival I made 
contact with Ptl. Redfern who advised 
Jeffrey McCullough had a warrant for his 
arrest. Jeffrey was placed under arrest and 
transported to the police, station for 
Possessing Drug Instruments 2925.12. 
After Jeffrey was processed he was 
transported back to MCC#3 for 
arraignment. I then cleared.

Ptt. Kelm #505


Friday, August 24, 2018
02:02 PM -0500

REPORT NUMBER: 18-008128 
DATE: 08/18/2018 20:18

On 08/18/18 I was dispatched to an odor of 
marijuana at 216 W Ohio Ave around apt 

Upon arrival I could smell no odor of 
marijuana or any odor similar to marijuana 
around the reported apartment or anywhere 
in the building. I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


DATE: 08/18/2028 16:38:00

On 08/18/18 I was dispatched to a report of 
a breaking and entering at the High School 
Football field.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No. : 18008125 

Cited: Brittney Bradzenski
516 South 15th Street, Sebring Ohio 44672

Speed 40/25   333.03

On 08/18/2018 I was in the area of West 
California Avenue near South 19th Street in 
marked cruiser 301. I observed a white 
Nissian Versa, traveling west on West 
California Avenue at a speed that appeared 
to be greater then that of the posted speed 
limit of 25 MPH. I activated my mounted 
radar unit which gave a digital readout of 40 
MPH and made a high pitched noise. I then 
decided to make a traffic stop. 

I made contact with the un-restrained driver 
of the vehicle identified as Brittney 
Brodzenski of Sebring. Brittney was advised 
of her offense, and immediately Brittney 
became extremely argumentative and 
confrontational. Brittney advised that she 
was only going 35 not 40. Brittney would 
not let me talk and only wanted to argue. 

I advised Brittney that she would be able to 
argue her case in court that I was not able 
to play judge and jury on the side of the 
road, At which point Brittney started to 
become even more irate and started yelling 
profanities very loudly to the point that 
residents started to exit their homes ta 
observe the stop. 

I advised that she needed to stop yelling 
profanities and causing a disturbance, or 
she would be arrested for disorderly 
conduct. Brittney advised that she was just 
involved in an altercation and thats why she 
was so upset as she continued to describe 
me as "A fucking Asshole*' 

Brittney was cited to MCC#3 on 08/23/2018 
at 0900 for a citation for speed, I then 

Ptl. Redfern 504


Case No.: 18008124 
1200 Blk S. Johnson Road

CITED: Matthew  Adams
541 West Main Street, Alliance Ohio 44607

Speed 52/35   333.03

On 08/18/2018 I was in the area of Johnson 
Road near Grandview Cemetery in marked 
cruiser 301. I observed a white Toyota 
Camery, traveling north on Johnson Road 
at a speed that appeared to be greater then 
that of the posted speed limit of 35 MPH. I 
activated my mounted radar unit which 
gave a digital readout of 52 MPH and made 
a high pitched noise. I then decided to 
make a traffic stop. 

I made contact with the restrained driver of 
the vehicle identified as Matthew Adams of 
Alliance. Matthew was advised of his 
offense, and advised that if he got another 
traffic citation for speed in the next year his 
speeding violation would be a M4 and I 
advised him that it was a jail-able offense.

Matthew was cited to MCC#3 on 
0812312018 at 0900 for a citation for 
speed. I then cleared without incident.

Ptl. Redfern 504


Case No.: 18008123 
Traffic/ Seat Belt
E. Oregon Ave and 13th St

CITED: Michael Coen 
414 N.Freedom Ave, Alliance

seat Belt 337.27

On 08-18-18, while on patrol in the village 
of Sebring, Mahoning County, I observed a 
blue Chevy Trailblazer bearing Ohio 
registration MLD2288 turning East on E. 
Oregon Ave from N. 13th St. I observed the 
vehicle fail to use a turn signal as required 
by law. I also observed the driver fail to 
have a seat belt on. I made a traffic stop on 
the vehicle on E. Oregon Ave near N. 13th 

The driver was identified as Michael P. 
Coen of 414 N. Freeman Ave in Alliance 
Ohio. The driver was given a warning for 
Turn Signal, and a citation for Seat Belt, 
and given a court date in MCC#3 on 8-23-
18 at 9:00Am.

Ptl. S.T. McDaniel # 509


Private Property Accident

Report No. : 18008117 
Date of Crash 8/17/2018

Location of Crash  1100 North Johnson 
Road, Sebring Ohio 44672

Unit #1
Driver/Owner: Devin Robert Bircher  DOB 
Address 11800 Bandy Road, Alliance Ohio
Veh, Yr. 1999 Make Chevy Model. TK Color 

Unit #2
Owner: Sebastian Schubert Address 114 
Ramsy Court, Alliance Ohio 
Veh. Yr. 2004 Make Chevy Model SW Color 

Driver 1 advised that he was backing into a 
parking space and hit Unit 2 while it was 

Redfern  504


Case No.: 18008116
Courtney rd / Johnson Rd

CITED: Robert Gamble
148 Richards ave Columbiana

speed 50/35 333.03

On 08/17/18 I was parked in marked patrol 
car #303 in the loading bay area of Famous 
distribution in the 300 block of Courtney Rd 
facing east. While there I observed a silver 
car pass me travelling west going at a 
visibly high rate of speed. I activated my 
rear facing in car radar and clocked the 
vehicle at 50mph in a clearly posted 35mph. 
I activated my overhead lights and siren 
and turned around on the vehicle initiating a 
traffic stop. 

The vehicle a silver Ford Crown Vic bearing 
OH GNF9491 slowed down to the posted 
speed limit by Allied dr. however it did not 
stop. The vehicle continued to Johnson sd. 
Stopped at the stop sign and then 
continued further all while I was behind the 
vehicle with lights and siren active. At this 
point I radioed to dispatch that I was 
attempting to stop the vehicle and the 
location, the vehicle continued on until it 
20600 Courtney Rd. at which point it 
stopped. During this time the vehicle did not 
appear to be fleeing and was travelling 
below the posted speed. 

I made contact with the driver identified as 
Robert L Gamble. I informed Robert far the 
reason of the stop and asked why he 
continued driving for so long. Robert 
advised he was very sorry and he knew he 
was being stopped as soon as I turned on 
my lights but was trying to find a safe spot 
to pull over. 

Robert was issued a citation for speed 
333.03 and given a court date of 08/30/18 
at 0900hrs with a personal appearance not 
required. I also advised Robert while his 
safety concerns are appreciated for future 
reference he should pull over ASAP when 
being stopped by Police, I then cleared.

Ptl. Bsindack 507


CaseNo.: 18008112
No Saftey Equip/ Non Comp Susp
N 18th St and W. Oregon Ave

CITED: Darin Smith 
102 W. Washington St, Alliance

No Saftey Equip MC  373.1
Non Comp Susp  335.072

On 08-17-18 at 1315 HRS., while on patrol 
in the Village of Sebring, Mahoning County I 
observed a black Yamaha Motorcycle 
bearing Ohio registration DQW57 traveling 
south on N 18th St near W. Oregon Ave. I 
observed the driver fail to have on his 
safety equipment to wit Glasses as required 
by Ord. 373.10. 

I made a stop on the vehicle on N 18th St at 
W. Oregon Ave, and identified the driver as 
on Darrin E. Smith of Alliance Ohio. I 
advised Mr, Smith the reason for the stop, 
and he advised me that his operator's 
license war under a Non Compliance/ FRA 
suspension. Mr. Smith also advised me that 
he borrowed the bike from his friend Walton 
Drake/ Owner so he could go see his 

I made a check with dispatch and they 
confirmed that Mr. Smith's operator's 
license was suspended. Springer's was 
dispatched to remove the vehicle, and Mr. 
Smith was cited for Failure to wear Safety 
Equipment, and Driving with a suspended 
driver license, and given a court date in 
Mcc#3 on 8/23/18 at 9:00 Am.

Ptl. S.T.McDanie1 #509


Case No.: 18008098 
745 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring

ARRESTED: (Juvenile daughter)
745 W. Oregon Ave. Sebring

Underage Consumption  4301.69(E)(1)

ARRESTED:  (Juvenile friend)
31 Dogwood Dr. Beloit 44609

Underage Consumption  4301.69(E)(1)

On 8-16-2018 I was dispatched to 745 W. 
Oregon Ave. for a possible domestic.

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Shelena Court, 745 W. Oregon 
Ave. Shelena advised she attempted to get 
into her daughter's (17YOA) room. Shelena 
advised (daughter) was laying against the 
door in the fetal position. Shelena then 
advised (daughter) got onto her bed and 
began cussing at her. Shelena then advised 
(daughter) kicked her 4 times in the ribs. 
Shelena then advised (friend) (17YOA) was 
also there but she remained cooperative. 
Shelena advised (friend) admitted that her 
and (daughter) had been drinking and the 
alcohol was provided by "L.B." and Tim 
Bradley Best. 

I made contact with (daughter) and (friend). 
(daughter) was very argumentative and 
continued yelling at Shelena. Chief Harris 
arrived on scene. Chief Harris advised me 
to respond to the police station to get the 
portable breath test (PBT). 

Upon my arrival back to the scene with the 
PBT I had (daughter) blow into the device. 
After the test was completed the PBT read 
-030 BAC. I then had (friend) blow into the 
PBT. After the test was completed the PBT 
read -022 BAC. (daughter) and (friend) 
were both placed under arrest for Underage 
Consumption ORC 4301.631.

(daughter) and (friend) were transported to 
the police station and processed. After 
processing (friend) was released to her 
grandfather Finley Barker. I gave (daughter) 
a courtesy ride back to 745 W. Oregon Ave. 
where she was released back to her mother 
Shelena Court. 

Finley and Shelena were advised I will be 
making contact with them to set up a time to 
discuss community service that will be 
completed by (daughter) and (friend). I then 

Ptl. Kelm #505


Sunday, August 19, 2018
06:39 PM -0500

DATE: 08/12/18 08:03:00

On 8/12/2018 I was dispatched to 350 Race 
Rd, for a theft.

Ptl. Kelm #505

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Ronald Hardy, 350 Race Rd. 
Sebring. Ronald advised he went out this 
morning just before 0800hrs to clean his 
pool. Ronald advised when he went out to 
the pool the filter was missing. Ronald then 
advised someone had cut the hoses and 
unbolted the filter and it was gone. Ronald 
advised the last time he remembered 
seeing the filter still attached to the pool 
was Thursday 8/9/2018 or Friday 
8/10/2018. Ronald advised he does not 
have security cameras. Ronald also 
advised he had no idea who or why anyone 
would take his pool filter. 

I advised Ronald a report would be taken. 
Ronald advised he would contact his rental 
insurance company to see if the filter would 
be covered.

I responded to the Marathon gas station 
adjacent to Ronald's property to ask if they 
had cameras that point toward Ronald's 
house. The clerk advised the only working 
cameras they have are in the front of the 
gas station. I then cleared. 

Ptl. Kelm #505 


07/96/2018 75:56:00
135 E. Ohio Ave, Sebring, Oh

Arrest:  Ronald Armitage
13537 North Maing St. Beloit, Oh

Complicity to Criminal Mischief  2923.03

On 7/76/2018, I was dispatched to 496,W 
lndiana Ave for criminal damaging report.

Sgt. Eberling #503

Upon arrival, I spoke with the complainant 
Kenneth G. Flowers Jr. Kenny advised that 
at approximately 1300 hours today a semi-
truck attempted to turn off of N 19th St 
down the alleyway behind his house and 
was unable to make the turn. Kenny 
advised the trailer cut through the corner of 
his yard leaving visible ruts, pushed a large 
rock out of the way and cut through his 
flower beds. Kenny advised this has been 
an ongoing issue with the trucking company 
and wants charges to be filed against the 
driver for damaging his yard.

Kenny advised the identity of the driver is 
unknown however there was a male 
identified as Ronald Armitage who is the 
supervisor of the plant, was directing the 
truck down the alley to the plant and may 
be able to confirm the identity of the driver. 
Kenny advised he believes they are from a 
company in Salem called Sara Plastics. 

I advised Kenny that we will follow up with 
these individuals to attempt to determine 
the identity of the driver. This case will be 
turned over to Ptl. Redfern for further 

sgt. Eberling #503

On 07/17/2018, I went to Sare Plastics on 
West Virginia Avenue. I spoke with Ronald 
Armitage whom advised that he recalls the 
incident yesterday but he was not allowed 
to give me any information on it, that I 
needed to contact the corporate office in 

I called the headquarters and spoke with a 
secretary and advised her of the information 
requested and advised her that I would be 
in to deliver a subpoena for the information. 

Redfern 504

On 07/17/2018, Subpoena was prepared 
and taken to MCC#3 where it was signed 
and was delivered to Sare Plastics on 

On 07/17/2018, I spoke with Bart Stuchell 
via phone whom advised that he Emailed 
me with the requested information.

On 07/17/2018, Made contact with the 
driver of the Semi Truck. The driver advised 
that he was coming to make the delivery 
and when he got there he did not feel 
comfortable coming through the alley. The 
driver advised that the supervisor of the 
building advised him that he was okay to 
come through the ally and that if there was 
any damage to the properties that he would 
have the owner take care of it. The driver 
advised that he was not 100% sure as to if 
he did or if he did not hit anything but there 
is a very good possibility that he did. The 
driver advised that Sare Plastics advised 
him that they would take care of the 
damages and that they will be in contact 
over the next few days.

Redfern 504

On 07/17/2018, This case was presented to 
Prosecutor Tolson and she declined 
charges In the case.

Redfern 504

On 08/09/2018, I was contacted by 
Prosecutor Tolson whom was approving 
Criminal Mischief on Jamie Camacho and 
Complicity charges on Ronald Armitage. 
Warrants will be typed and sent to MCC3.

Redfern 504

On 811 2/2018 Ronald Armitage came to 
the police station to turn himself in. Ronald 
was placed under arrest for 2923.03 
Complicity to Criminal Mischief M3. Arnold 
was photographed, fingerprinted and 
released on his own recognizance. Arnold 
was made aware of his manditory court 
appearance at MCC#3 on 8/16/2018 at 
0900hrs. Once Arnold was given his copy of 
the recognizance papernrork he was 
released, I then cleared without Incident.

Ptl. Kelm #505


DATE: 08/09/2018 11:53:00

On 08/09/18 I observed a junk vehicle at 
408 S 15th St. A blue/silver Buick SUV on 
jack missing a tire bearing OH GSD8433, A 
junk vehicle letter was written and served to 
the registered owner Clarence Chester 
Feldner. While on scene Clarence put a tire 
back on the vehicle took it off the jacks and 
showed me that the vehicle runs and 
moves. I then cleared and this case will be 

Ptl. Brindack 507


Sunday, August 19, 2018
04:07 PM -0500

DATE: 08/05/2018 10:44:00

On 8/5/2018 I was dispatched to 615 W. 
California Ave. for a burglary.

Ptl. Kelm #505

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Rosa Hartman. Rosa advised 
sometime between 0400hrs and 0800hrs on 
8/5/2018 someone came into her hause 
through the front porch window and stole 
her purse. Rosa advised her husband had 
been sleeping on the couch until 0400hrs 
and she was sleeping upstairs. Rosa 
advised when she woke up she looked for 
her purse where she had left it downstairs 
but could not find it. Rosa then advised her 
and her husband search the interior of the 
house for the purse but were not able to 
locate it. Rosa advised she walked around 
the outside of the house and observed the 
molding around a window on the west side 
of the house had been bent.

Rosa then advised it appeared someone 
had opened the front porch window.

I advised Rosa to cancel her hank cards 
and she advised she had already called the 

This case will be referred to Ptl. Redfern.

On 8/6/2018, Rosa Hartman called dispatch 
and advised that someone had just returned 
her stolen purse. Upon arrival, I spoke with 
Rosa who advised that Jill L. Corbett 
(Cosgray) just returned her stolen purse 
with all the items inside other than the $40 
cash and the prescription eye glasses. 
Rosa advised that Jill told her that Jonathan 
Cosgray and Hunter Prendergast located 
the purse at 196 W Pennsylvania Ave Party 
Hardy Rentals on the roof and scaled the 
building to retrieve it from the rooftop. 

Rosa advised she has known those 
individuals for years but advised it could be 
possible that they stole it. Rosa advised she 
did initially post on Facebook about her 
purse being stolen however removed the 
post 20 minutes later. Rosa advised that Jill 
told her the two males seen the post on 
Facebook and located it for her. 

I attempted to make contact with the 
individuals however I was unable to locate 
any of the three individuals at this time.

This information will be passed along to Ptl. 
Redfern for further investigation.

Sgt. Eberling #503

On 08/10/2018, I spoke to Rosa Hartman 
whom advised that she was not wishing to 
continue the case. Rosa advised that since 
she got her purse back she was satisfied. 
Case will be closed.

Redfern 504


Case No.: 18008056
Near 18110 Harrisburg Westville Rd, 
Alliance, OH

Citation: Stephanie  Waterbeck
Red Light - Fail to Stop  SCO 313.01

On Friday, August 10,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #302 on State 
Route 62 at S Johnson Rd..  I observed n 
white 4-door sedan approach the 
functioning traffic light from the north and 
fail to stop at the red light before turning 
west onto State Route 62. I then pulled out 
of the Perkins parking lot and initiated a 
traffic stop by activating my overhead 
emergency lights and audible siren. The 
vehicle, a white Buick Lacrosse bearing 
Ohio registration FGW3040, came to a 
complete stop near 18110 Harrisburg-
Westville Rd (State Route 62).

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Stephanie Waterbeck, I 
identified myself and informed her of the 
reason for the stop. I then requested 
Waterbeck to provide me with her driver's 
license, vehicle registration and proof of 

Waterbeck was able to provide me with a11 
of the aforementioned documentation.

Waterbeck was issued citation #031246 br 
Village Ordinance 313.01 Red Light - Fail to 
Stop and advised of her appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
August 23,2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18008066 
W Maryland Ave west of N 16th St, Sebring, 

Arrest:  Luis Cintron
14010 Thelma Ave, Alliance, Ohio

OVI (SFST)  ORC 4511.19A1A
DUS - In State Drug Offense  ORC 4510.11

While on patrol in the downtown area in 
marked unit #302, I observed a silver Saab 
4-door bearing Ohio registration G651066 
parked on N 15th St at W Ohio Ave. As I 
proceeded south on N 15th St, I pulled into 
Gromoll's parking lot and faced N 15th St. I 
then observed the silver Saab proceed 
south on N 15th St at a very slow speed. As 
the vehicle turned west onto W Oregon 
Ave, I performed a random registration 
check of the vehicle through dispatch. 
Dispatch advised the registered owner, Luis 
Orlando Giron Cintron, was under 
suspension for drug abuse but had driving 
privileges. I then proceeded to follow the 
vehicle as it turned north onto N 16th St and 
across W Ohio Ave. I initiated a traffic stop 
by activating my overhead emergency lights 
as the vehicle turned west onto W Maryland 
Ave. The vehicle came to a complete stop 
on W Maryland Ave just west of  16th St.

Upon making contact with the 
driver/registered owner, identified as 
Cintron, I identified myself and informed him 
of the reason for the stop. Cintron stated he 
was aware his driver's license was 
susbended and that he had driving 
privileges. I asked Cintron to provide me 
with the court documentation detailing his 
privileges to which he stated the court never 
gave him documentation, that they only told 
him he had privileges for work. While 
interacting Cintron, I was able to smell the 
odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath, 
observed he had bloodshot/glossy eyes and 
his speech was slurred while speaking to 
me. I asked Cintron if he had consumed 
any beers or alcoholic beverages this 
evening and he stated did not. 

Cintron stated he had just left his brother's 
place and that his brother had been 
drinking. Cintron stated after he got off 
work, he stopped at his brother's place and 
was on his way home. I asked Cintron to 
provide me with his driver's license, which 
he did. While speaking to Cintron, he did 
advise me he was from Puerto Rico and 
had some difficulty with the English 

I instructed Cintron to turn the ignition off 
and keep his hands on the steering wheel 
while I went back to my patrol car. I then 
requested Patrolman Scott to come to my 
location and advised dispatch I was going 
to have the driver exit the vehicle to perform 
standardized field sobriety tests. I returned 
to the vehicle and requested Cintron to exit 
the vehicle and asked if he would be willing 
to take a series of exercises to determine if 
he was intoxicated or not to which he stated 
yes. Prior to the instructional stages of the 
SFST, I asked Cintron if he had any medical 
conditions or physical ailments that would 
impair his ability to perform the tests to 
which he stated he did not. Prior to having 
Cintron perform each SFST, I provided 
Cintron with instructions and also 
demonstrated said instructions for him. 
After instructions were provided both 
verbally and physically, I asked Cintron if he 
understood to which he stated he did and 
allowed him to perform each test.

During horizontal gaze nystagmus, I 
observed nystagmus in both eyes during 
lack of smooth pursuit as well as distinct 
nystagrnus at maximum deviation in both 
eyes but did not observe onset of 
nystagmus prior to 45 degrees. Patrolman 
Scott arrived on scene following the 
conclusion of horizontal gaze nystagmus. 
During the walk and turn, Cintron stepped 
off line during the first 9 steps I and started 
over, which caused him to take the wrong 
number of steps and execute an improper 

Cintron also failed to maintain heel to toe on 
the first 9 steps as well as the second 9 
steps. No indicators were observed during 
the one leg stand. Following the conclusion 
of the SFSTs, I asked Cintron if he would be 
willing to provide a breath sample on scene 
by blowing into a portable breath tester to 
which he stated  yes. Patrolman Scott 
operated the PBT and advised Cintron of 
what he had to do. According to the PBT, 
Cintron blew a 0.099 and was subsequently 
placed under arrest for OVI and placed into 
handcuffs behind his back which were 
gapped/doubl & locked.

A tow truck was then requested to the 
scene to tow the vehicle. After placing 
Cintron under arrest, I advised him of his 
Miranda Rights to which he stated he did 
not understand at first. I read him his 
Miranda Rights a second time and 
explained each right to him to which he 
stated he understood the second time. 
Cintron was patted down for weapons and 
placed into the back of marked unit #302.

While I transported Cintron back to the 
processing, Patrolman Scott remained on 
scene to conduct the administrative 
inventory and to standby for the tow truck. 
The vehicle was subsequently towed to 
Springer's at 10 N 12th St in the village.

Following our arrival on station, I removed 
Cintron's handcuffs and began to read him 
the Ohio BMV 2255. I observed something 
in Cintron's mouth that I did not see on 
scene and noticed he was chewing gum. I 
instructed Cintron to spit the gum out 2253. 
At the conclusion of reading the form to 
him, Cintran refused to sign the form and 
stated he did not understand what I had 
read to him. Patrolman Scott arrived at the 
station at this time to start up the Intoxilyzer 
8000 machine and to assist with 
processing. Cintron at one point demanded 
his lawyer be present and we allowed him 
to phone his lawyer which was 
unsuccessful. I could overhear the phone 
calls going to voicemail but Cintron claimed 
he did not have a signal. Cintron's phone 
rang several times while on station as well. I 
phoned an interpreter service and re-read 
the Ohio BMV 2255 to Cintron with the 
assistance of a spanish speaking 
interpreter. This process took longer than 
usual as Cintron continued to interrupt me 
and demand to know the circumstances of 
the stop and his arrest, which were 
explained to him. After reading BMV 2255 
to Cintron with the assistance of the 
interpreter, Cintron provided his signature 
and submitted to a chemical breath test.

The first chemical breath test was 
conducted at 2355 however, Cintron was 
not blowing into the mouthpiece adequately 
and the lntoxilyzer 8000 advised a deficient 
sample. We allowed Cintron to submit to 2 
more chemical breath tests with the last 
printout showing a time of 0015. After 
Cintron failed to provide a sufficient breath 
sample 3 times, I advised him 3 deficient 
samples would result in a refusal. 

Following the conclusion of the chemical 
breath tests, Cintron was photographed and 
fingerprinted. I advised Cintron I would be 
seizing his Ohio driver's license and issued 
him citation #031247 for Ohio revised Code 
4511.19A1A OVI (SFSTsIOfficer 
Observations) M-1 and 4510.11 Driving 
Under Suspension - In State Drug Offense 

Cintron refused to sign the citation and was 
provided his copy. Cintron was then 
provided a recognizance of the accused 
form to sign to which he refused to sign at 
first but eventually signed after the form 
was explained to him in better detail and 
provided his copy. Cintron was also 
provided a signed copy of his Ohio BMV 
2255 form. Cintron was advised of his 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, August 16, 
2018 at 0900 and subsequently released 
and allowed to wait in the police department 

Ptt D. Marchionda #508 



Sunday, August 19, 2018
12:45 PM -0500

Case No.: 18008022 
765 W Tennessee Ave Sebring, OH

Arrested: Nicole Thompson
767 W Tennessee Ave, Sebring, OH

Burglary F-2  2911.12

Grand Theft of a Firearm F-3  2913.02 (B ) ( 
4 )

On 8-04-2018 I was dispatched to the 500 
block of West Maryland Avenue in 
reference to a theft report.  I arrived on 
location and spoke with Charles Mercer 
whom advised that his firearm was stolen.  
Charles assumed that the firearm was 
stolen by his daughter and when he 
mentioned it to his granddaughter, she 
advised that she saw her mothers friend 
Nicole Thompson take it. 

I spoke with the juvenile whom advised that 
her mother Whitney Mercer and Nicole 
Thompson were at the residence and 
Whitney and Nichole had the gun. The 
juvenile advised that Whitney told Nicole to 
put the firearm back and Nicole wrapped it 
in a bandana and took it. The juvenile also 
showed me a conversation on her mothers 
cell phone In regards to the theft where 
Whitney is asking about it.

Charles advised that Whitney advised him 
of Nichole taking items but she only advised 
him that it was her things.

Statements were obtained from both the 
juvenile and Charles, and the information 
for the firearm was obtained.

Firearm was placed into LEADS as stolen 
and I will follow up with Whitney Mercer at 
the Columbiana County Jail next week.

Redfern 504

On 8-09-2018 I went to the Columbiana 
County Jail and spoke with Whitney Mercer 
whom advised that on 7-27-2018 the night 
of the red moon Nicole Thompson came to 
her residence to stay the night because she 
felt unsafe to be around her baby daddy. 
When Nicole arrived at the mercer 
residence she was telling Whitney that she 
felt unsafe and advised that she thinks that 
her baby's daddy would come to the 
residence to start trouble. Whitney advised 
that she then went into her fathers room 
and grabbed his firearm and showed it to 
Nicole and told her that there is nothing to 
be worried about because her father had a 
gun and he wasn't afraid to use it. Whitney 
advised that she then wrapped it in a 
bandana and put it on the top of the vanity. 
Whitney advised that Nicole left the next 
morning. Whitney advised that Nicole came 
the next day when her daughter was home 
and told her daughter that she left a few 
items at the residence from the prior night 
and asked to retrieve them.

Whitney advised that the juvenile advised 
her the next day that she watched Nicole 
walk over to the vanity and take the firearm 
that was wrapped in the bandana. Whitney 
advised that she also left her wallet in 
Nicole's car. Whitney advised that she 
needed to get the gun and the wallet back. 

Whitney went to Nicole's house to confront 
her and they called the cops and Whitney 
was picked up for an outstanding warrant.

This case will be sent to Prosecutor Tolson 
in reference to possible charges for Felony 
2 Burglary and Felony 3 Grand Theft.

The Above Charges were approved and 
there will be warrants issued from MCC#3.

Redern 504

On 8-12-2018 while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser I observed a white car 
traveling west on W Ohio Ave bearing Ohio 
plate HJU4042.  Dispatch advised the 
registered owner of the vehicle had entered 
felony warrants through this department. 

I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle on W 
Ohio Ave near N 19th St. Upon 
approaching the vehicle, I made contact 
with the registered owner Nicole S. 
Thompson. I advised Nicole of the warrants 
however she had both of her children in the 
back seat of the car. Nicole advised Robert 
Brodrinski at 765 W Tennessee Ave could 
watch her children if that was alright with 

Due to children being in the vehicle, I 
followed Nicole to that address to ensure 
the children were welcome there, Robert 
advised he was fine with watching the 
children and would make contact with 
Nicole's mother as well. Nicole was placed 
in custody for warrant #18CRA250 Burglary 
2911.12 F-2 and Grand Theft of a Firearm 
2913.02(B)(4) F-3 and transported back to 
headquarters for processing. Nicole was 
processed and her DNA was collected due 
to the felony charges and she was 
transported to Mahoning County Jail by Ptl. 
Russell with a court date at MCC #3 on 
8/16/2018 at 0900 hours.

Sgt Eberling #503  8-12-2018


Saturday, August 18, 2018
09:17 AM -0500

Case No.: 18008040 
W Ohio Ave west of N Johnson Rd, 
Sebring, Ohio

Arrested: Kenny George 
75 W Washington St, Alliance, Ohio

Stop Sign - Fail to Stop SCO 313.01

On Wednesday, August 8,2018, I, 
Patrolman Marchionda, was conducting 
traffic enforcement in marked unit #302 on 
N Johnson Rd at W Ohio Ave. I observed a 
dark colored 2-door sedan approach the 
intersection from the east and fail to stop at 
the posted stop sign on W Ohio Ave at N 
Johnson Rd. After the vehicle cleared the 
intersection, I pulled out onto W Ohio Ave 
and initiated a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency lights.

The vehicle, a 1999 dark green Ford 
Mustang bearing Ohio registration 
GAZ5917, came to a complete stop on W 
Ohio Ave just west of N Johnson Rd.. Upon 
making contact with the driver, identified as 
Kenny C George., I identified myself and 
informed him of the reason for the stop. I 
then requested George to provide me with 
his driver's license, vehicle registration and 
proof of insurance. George was able to 
provide me with all of the aforementioned 

George was issued citation #031244 for 
Village Ordinance 313.01 Stop Sign - Fail to 
Stop and advised of his appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
August 16,2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 28008039 
Perkins IS. Johnson Rd,

Cited: Timothy Thompson
73155 Old Twenty One Rd. Kimbolton, Oh

Speed 50/35  SCO 333.03

On 08/08/2018 at 03:53am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol ear was traveling North 
on S. Johnson Rd. when I observed a 
vehicle traveling south that appeared to be 
traveling faster than the posted speed limit 
of 35mph. I activated my cruisers forward 
mounted radar and observed a reading of 
45mph. The vehicle then past me and I then 
activated the rear radar and observed a 
reading of 50mph.

I then turned my cruiser around and caught 
up to the vehicle and activated my cruisers 
overhead lights and initiated a traffic stop in 
the parking lot of the Perkins restaurant. 
The vehicle was a 2005 silver Dodge 
station wagon bearing Ohio registration 

I approached the vehicle and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop. I requested 
their driver's license, registration, and proof 
of insurance and received a driver's license, 
and an expired insurance card. The driver 
was identified as Timothy Thompson.

The vehicle had several garbage bags in 
the back seat containing empty beer cans 
and I could smell an odor of an alcoholic 
beverage. I asked Timothy if he had 
consumed any alcoholic beverages prior to 
driving or if he had consumed any before he 
had slept the prior night in which Timothy 
stated that he did not.

I then had Timothy exit the vehicle to 
preform field sobriety tests in which Timothy 
failed all tests. I did not believe Timothy was 
over the Legal limit but did believe he had 
consumed alcohol and had remnants in his 

I asked Timothy if he would blow into a 
portable breathalyzer in which Timothy did 
and Timothy had a BAC 0.034, I then told 
Timothy that he is to drive his vehicle back 
where he came from and that I would follow 

I followed Timothy to 1005 Lake Park Blvd. 
lot 81 and spoke to his girlfriend Tami 
Salmen whose house Timothy left from 
before I pulled the vehicle over. I informed 
Tami of the details and told Timothy that he 
is not to drive the vehicle until he is 
cokpletely sober due to his driving behavior.

Timothy was issued a traffic citation for 
speed SCO 333.03 and was given a court 
date of 08/16/2018 at 9:00am with a 
personal appearance required. Timothy 
signed the citation and was provided a copy 
and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


DATE: 08/07/2018 09:58:00

On 8/7/2018 I was dispatched to 133 N. 
16th St. for criminal damaging.

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Carol Moore. Carol advised 
sometime between 2100hrs on 8/6/2018 
and 1000hrs on 8/7/2018 someone had 
knocked down the wire fence in her back 
yard. Carol advised she has a Notice of 
Restriction against (person) and she thinks 
he was the one that knocked it down. I 
advised Carol a report would be made but 
no charges would be pursued because 
there was no proof of a suspect. I then 

Ptl Kelm 505


Friday, August 17, 2018
05:15 PM -0500

DATE: 0810912018 17:46:00

On 08/09/18 It was brought to my attention 
that there was a junk vehicle at 105 E 
lndiana Ave.

Upon arrival I obsenred a Silver Dodge 
Durango bearing OH FFN6043 with a flat: 
tire parked on the roadway beside the 
house. A junk vehicle was written and 
addressed to the registered owner Kelly 
Wrenn. Personal contact was attempted but 
unsuccessful. The junk vehicle letter was 
secured to the vehicle and I cleared. 

Later this day Kelly called the police 
department and advised her vehicle is 
operational and was just driven this 
weekend. Kelly was advised of the flat 
tire'which she said she would fix today. I 
told Kelly to contact us when the tire is fixed 
so I can go verify. 

On 08/09/18 Kelly called back and indicated 
the vehicle was fixed. I saw her driving the 
vehicle and the tire was now filled with air. 
Kelly also indicated she was selling the 
vehicle so it would no longer be a problem.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 180071Q0

Arrested: Amanda Bandy
153 Grimm Heights Ave. Struthers
Agg. Drug Possession Sched.II/F5  

On 0711 312018 1 Ptl, Scott nd Ptl. Hughey 
initiated a traffic stop which resulted in the 
arrest of the passenger of the vehicle for 
drug paraphernalia.


Ptl. Hughey and I were traveling east on 
Courtney Rd when I observed a vehicle 
traveling on the same road in the opposite 
direction that appeared to be traveling 
higher than the posted speed limit which is 
35mph. I then activated my cruisers forward 
mounted radar unit and observed a digital 
reading of 50mph while in the posted 
35mph zone. The vehicle then passed my 
cruiser and Ptl. Hughey which was driving 
activated the emergency overhead lights 
and preformed a U-turn and was able to 
stop the vehicle on N. Johnson Rd. just 
south of Courtney Rd. The vehicle was a 
grey 2002 ford station wagon bearing an 
Ohio license plate (HIZ4747;).

I then approached the vehicle and identified 
the driver as Ian Williams and while talking 
to Ian I noticed a pipe laying on the floor 
board by his feet. I asked Ian to exit the 
vehicle which Ian did. I then asked if the 
pipe contained marijuana residue in which 
Ian stated that it did. I then informed 
dispatch that Ptl. Hughey and I would be 
conducting a probable cause search of the 
vehicle. I then asked the passenger which 
was identified as Amanda Bandy to exit the 
vehicle in which she did. Amanda acted 
nervous once she exited the passenger 
seat of the vehicle. I had both individuals 
step to the rear of the vehicle and both were 
patted down for officer safety. I patted Ian 
down and Ptl. Hughey patted Amanda 
down. Ian was placed in the rear of unit 
#301 and Amanda was placed in the rear of 
unit#302 while officers conducted a search 
of the vehicte.

Upon searching the Vehide I found two 
bags which belonged to Amanda, Amanda 
was asked by Ptl. Hughey if officers were 
allowed to search her bags in which 
Amanda gave verbal consent for officers to 
do so. While Ptl. Hughey searched 
Amanda's bags I continued to search the 
vehicle and while searching the rear of the 
passenger seat in a pocket connected to 
the rear of the passenger seat where 
Amanda was sitting I found a small brown 
bag which contained a glass bulb pipe with 
burnt residue inside of it. Ptl. Hughey also 
located 2 more glass pipes from Amanda's 
baggage that had small amounts of a white 
powder substance and some burn marks as 
well as 3 unmarked capsules containing a 
brown powder substance.

I asked Ian if he had any knowledge of the 
contraband in which Ian denied and stated 
that the pipes were used for "smoking Ice" 
and stated that the pipes belonged to 
Amanda. Ian was asked to be more specific 
in which Ian replied " Crystal Meth". The 
pipes along with the pills were confiscated 
and bagged separate to avoid cross 
contamination. Since two of the glass pipes 
were found in Amanda's baggage along 
with small empty plastic baggies it was 
determined that the pipe in the rear pocket 
of the passenger seat belonged to Amanda 
and it also being in Amanda's immediate 

I then placed Amanda under arrest for drug 
paraphernalia 2925.14 M-4 and read 
Amanda her rights at 12:03am and placed 
Amanda in hand restraints and placed her 
in the rear of marked unit #301 and 
released Ian. Ian was given a citation for 
speed SCO 333.03, and SCO 513.121 
Marijuana paraphernalia due to admitting 
that the pipe was used to smoke marijuana 
and also finding a digital scale in Ian's 
immediate area. Ian was given a court date 
of 07/19/2018 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a 
personal appearance required due to not 
having proof of insurance and was 

Amanda was then transported to the station 
where she was processed, finger printed, 
and photographed. Amanda was then given 
an recognizance bond of $500.00 for the 
drug paraphernalia charge and given a 
court date of 07/19/2018 at 9:00am for 
MCC#3. Amanda signed her recognizance 
form and was released. The contraband 
that was confiscated was photographed, 
tagged, bagged, and sealed separate in 
property locker #1. The glass pipes and pill 
capsules will be sent to the lab for testing 
and charges may be filed pending the 

Ptl. scott #506 

Lab results confirmed that Amanda was in 
passession of Meth. A warrant will be sent 
to MCC#3.

Redfern 504

On 8/9/2018 I was requested at MCM3 to 
pick Amanda Bandy for warrant #18-CRA-
242. I transported Amanda back to the 
station for processing. Amanda was 
photographed, finger printed, and DNA was 
collected. Amanda was then transported 
back to MCC#3 for arraignment. I then 

Ptl. Kelm #505 



CASE# 18008054
306 W Texas Ave Sebring Oh

Arrested: Mark Mueller
646 N 15th St Sebring Ohio
CriminaI Trespass M-4   ORC 2911.21

Upon our arrival, officers made contact with 
Marsadies Mueller and Rebecca 
Brodzenski. Both parties stated Mark 
Mueller  came to the residence and refused 
to leave when requested to do so, It was 
discovered Mark had fled the area on foot 
prior to our arrival. I cleared to search the 
surrounding area while Patrolman Scott 
remained on scene to gather more 
information. Following Patrolman Scott's 
departure, officers remained relatively close 
to the area in case Mark returned after we 

Patrolman Scott and I were then dispatched 
to 531 W Texas Ave a second time after 
Marsadies phoned the station to report 
Mark had come back. Following our arrival, 
a neighbor from across street stated she 
saw "him" run behind her and her 
neighbor's backyards on the north side of 
the street and then return after we left the 
first time. This neighbor advised me she 
saw him take off on foot in the backyards on 
the south side,of the street. While 
Patrolman Scott advised dispatch he would 
be out on foot in the area of W Texas Ave 
and S 20th St, I positioned myself in the 
parking lot of the Sebring Community 
Center in front of the basketball hoops near 
the pool.

While blacked out in the parking lot, I 
observed Mark Mueffer from a distance 
walking east at a fast pace near the 
Veteran's Memorial an the south side of the 
street. I then pulled up near the memorial 
and advised dispatch of my findings and 
that I would be out on foot. I then 
proceeded to catch up with Mark on foot 
before finally shining my flashlight on him 
and yelling, "Mark, stop!" Mark complied 
with my instructions and began to walk 
towards me. While speaking to Mark, he 
admitted that he had gone to the residence 
to speak to his girlfriend, Rebecca and that 
he had left when she told him someone at 
the residence "had a restraining order 
against him." A quick check with dispatch 
confirmed there was no entered protection 
order in LEADS against Mark. When asked 
why he returned a second time to the 
residence, Mark stated he had only gone to 
the residence one time and did not return 
after being told to leave the first time.

I asked Mark if he had any weapons on his 
person and he stated he had a pocket knife 
on him. I advised him to keep his hands 
where I could see them and to turn around 
and place his hands behind his back as I 
was going to detain him pending further 
investigation. Mark was placed in handcuffs 
behind his back, which were gapped-double 
locked and the pocket knife removed from 
his shorts for officer safety. I then escorted 
Mark back to marked unit #302 and radioed 
for Patrolman Scott to come to my location 
as I had Mark detained. Following 
Patrolman SCOTTS arrival at my location, 
Mark proceeded to provide infonation that 
was inconsistent with the information 
provided to us by Rebecca, Manadies and 
the neighbor who saw Mark at the 

Patrolman Scott advised Mark he was 
under arrest for criminal trespass and read 
his Miranda Rights which he stated he 
understood. I then transported Mark from 
the memorial to the station in marked unit 
#302 for processing. Mark was 
photographed, fingerprinted and provided a 
recognizance form for ORC 2911.21 
Criminal Trespass M-4 following our arrival 
on station. While I handled the processing 
on station, Patrolman Scott advised he 
would be back out at 531 W Texas Ave 
obtaining written statements. Mark signed 
and received his copy of the recognizance 
form and was advised of his mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, August 26, 2018 at 900 
AM to answer for the charge of ORC 
2921.21 Criminal Trespass M4. Prior to 
being released from the station, Mark was 
advised not to return to 531 W 'texas Ave 
and was told if he did, he would be arrested 
again and transported to Mahoning County 
Justice Center in Youngstown. 

Ptl D. Marchionda #508

On 08/9/2018 I was dispatched to 531 W. 
Texas Ave. in reference to an unwanted 
person identified as Mark Muller. The caller 
Marsadies Muller stated that Mark was on 
the property and refused to leave. The 
property belonged Makayla Blake but 
Marsadies stated that Makayla was not 

Upon my arrival Mark was no where to be 
found and Marsadies along with Rebecca 
Brodzenski came out of the house and each 
gave a verbal statement. Marsadies stated 
that Makayla does not want Mark on the 
property and when Mark showed up to the 
residence he was told multiple times to 
leave from her along with Rebecca and 
refused until Marsadies called the police 

Rebecca stated that Mark showed up at the 
residence telling Rebecca to come home 
with him. Rebecca stated that she is staying 
at the residence with her cousin Makayla. 
Rebecca stated that Mark entered the 
residence and once exited she locked the 
door so he would not enter a second time. 
Rebecca stated that Mark was banging on 
the door and yelling and then fled on foot 
prior to police arriving.

I then asked Marsadies and Rebecca if they  
wanted Mark to stop coming on the property 
in which they stated yes. Officers cleared 
and stayed in close proximity in case Mark 
returned. I was then dispatched a second 
time to the residence for the same reason 
and once I arrived on scene Mark had 
already left. Neighbors identified as Nora 
Rhinehart and Shaughana Hutton who 
stated that saw the incident took place and 
witnessed Mark leave the first time and hide 
behind their residence on the north side of 
the road being 532 W. Texas Ave.

I then talked to Rebecca and Marsadies 
and they stated Mark came to a window 
and attempted to talk to Rebecca and then 
fled again prior to police arriving. Ptl. 
Marchionda then observed Mark walking 
east on W. Texas Ave. near the veterans 
memorial and made contact with him as 
well detaining Mark. I then arrived and 
asked Mark what he was doing and Mark 
stated that he'was at 531 W. Texas Ave. 
only one time and left when he was told to. 
Mark's story was inconsistept with 
Marsadies and Rebecca's story as well as 
the neighbors who had witnessed him run 
off the first time and him going back and 
also witnessed him run off the second time.

I informed Mark he was being placed under 
arrest for criminal trespass and Mark was 
placed in hand restraints and transported to 
the station by Ptl. Marchionda. I then went 
back to 531 W. Texas Ave. to gain written 
statements from Rebecca and Marsadies. 
Once I obtained their statements I went to 
532 W. Texas Ave. to gain written 
statements from Nora and Shaughana and 
once they were obtained I cleared and 
returned to station.

Mark was processed, finger printed, and 
photographed and was released on a 
recognizance bond by Ptl, Marchionda. 
Mark was told again not to go back to the 
residence and was then released.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18008038 
Mahoning County Jail

Arrested:  Matthew Billiter
236 Alabama Ave Sebring OH 44672

Endangering children 2919.22(13)(1)

Domestic violence 2919.25

assault   2903.13

On 08/07/18 I was dispatched ta a child 
welfare call at 236 Alabama Ave. Apt#14

Ptl. Brindack 507

On 81712018, I was dispatched to assist 
Ptl. Brindack on a child welfare call at 236 
Alabama Ave Apt 14. Upon arrival, units 
made contact with the complainant Andrea 
N. Six. Andrea advised that her 2 year old 
son was allegedly assaulted by her live in 
fiance Matthew E. Billiter. I was able to 
observe significant dark bruising to the right 
side of face covering his whole cheek area 
as well as inside his right ear along with a 
small amount of fluid that came out of the 
ear. The bruising showed four fingers 
indicating he was struck with an open hand.

Andrea requested medical attention  due to 
the significant bruising and the aged the 

Sebring First Responders arrived on scene 
and subsequently transported (juvenile) to 
Alliance Community Hospital for treatment. 
Andrea advised that she woke up this 
morning and Matthew advised that he was 
changing (juvenile) and he wouldn't hold still 
so he rolled him over. Andrea advised that 
Matthew told her it was an accident and left. 
Andrea advised that Matthew also broke 
their TV and a nightstand due to him being 
so upset. Andrea advised that she wanted 
charges pressed against Matthew for the 
alleged assault on (juvenile). Andrea 
provided Ptl. Brindack with a written 
statement about what occurred and then 
signed the domestic violence charge for her 
child .

Andrea was advised of the procedure for 
signing the charges at court and given a 
copy of the instructions. Officers then 
cleared and attempted to locate Matthew.

Assistance was requested from Goshen 
Police at 3rd St and Church to assist with 
the apprehension of Matthew. Cpl. Ragan 
arrived on scene with us and subsequently 
Matthew was placed In custody for the 
domestic violence charge by Ptl. Brjndack. 
Ptl. Brindack transported Matthew back to 
headquarters where he was photographed 
and transported to Mahoning County Jail.

Matthew gave a different story while on 
station however advised he has a difficult 
time writing so it was given verbally in the 
squad room which is recorded. Matthew 
advised that he was not home during the 
time she is stating this happened and would 
fight it in court. Matthew was charged with 
Domestic Violence as well as Assault and 
additional charges will be pending based on 
review by the prosecutor. Ptl. Brindack 
made contact with Mahoning County 
Children Services by phone and advised 
them of the incident and they advised they 
would have someone follow up with it 

Sgt. Eberling #503

Upon arrival myself and Sgt. Eberling spoke 
with the caller Andrea Six who was outside 
with her 2 1/2 year old son. Andrea showed 
me bruises on the right side of (juvenile) 
face and ear. The bruises were clearly in 
the shape of a hand however (juvenile) was 
acting normal. Andrea explained that 
around 1200-1300hrs she was sleeping 
upstairs and her live in france  Matthew 
Edward Billiter who was no longer there 
came and told her that her son needed a 
new diaper.

Then she says Matthew changed (juvenile) 
and "placed him on the floor". Andrea then 
said at some point later that day after she 
noticed that (juvenile) had bruises she 
confronted Matthew about the bruises and 
he said "it was an accident" and when 
Andrea pressed the issue Matthew broke a 
TV and table and attempted to hit Andrea 
however he was stopped by his brother who 
was with him.

Andrea informed he she believed Matthew 
did this on purpose and she wanted 
charges pressed.

Andrea also requested EMS after officer 
recommended (juvenile) get looked at. 
Andrea provided a written statement and 
signed domestic violence charges as well 
as a medical information release form for 
her son. While explaining the domestic 
violence process to Andrea and providing 
her with her copy of the instruction for filing 
domestic violence form. Sebring FD arrived 
and began checking (juvenile). Andrea 
advised she believed Matthew would be at 
his parent's house at 17185 Mill St in Beloit. 
After speaking with Andrea Sebring FD 
transported (juvenile) and officer cleared.

I then returned to our station and contacted 
Child protected services and spoke with an 
operator who advised his name was Mark. 
Mark took details regarding this case and 
advised that CPS would be informed of and 
following up with this case tomorrow. 

Sgt. Eberling and I then went to Beloit and 
met Cpl. Regan from the Goshen Police 
District. Units then went to 17185 Mill St in 
Beloit to look for Matthew. Upon arrival we 
were informed that Matthew was at his 
uncles house at 13576 Church St in Beloit. 
Units then went to that address and made 
contact with Matthew. Matthew was placed 
in custody by me and read Miranda by Sgt. 
Eberling. Matthew alleged that Andrea is 
setting him up and he had text message 
proof and claimed he was at this location all 

Matthew was then transported back to our 
station where he was photographed and 
asked if he wanted to do a written 
statement which he refused. Mattew was 
charged with Domestic Violence 2919.25 
M1 and assault 2903.13 M1 and given a 
court date at MCC#3 of 08/09/18 at 0900hrs 

Matthew was then transported to the 
Mahoning County Jail without incident and I 

NOTE: I will also be speaking with our 
prosecutor for a review of this case to see if 
Child endangerment charges will be 
brought against Matthew

Ptl. Brindack 507

On 08/08/18 I went to 236 Alabama Ave 
#14 and followed up with Andrea Six.  
Andrea informed me that her son was taken 
to the Alliance Community Hospital where 
he received all of his treatments.  Andrea 
then said she had to go to Akron Childrens 
Hospital to speak with a social worker there 
as the on call social worker was unable to 
come to Alliance.  Andrea also informed me 
that the social worker told her Child 
Protective services would be following up 
with her on this date and she needed to 
wait for them to arrive which is why she did 
not come to our court to sign charges today.  
After speaking with Andrea I cleared and 
medical records will be retreived from ACH 

Ptl Brindack

On 08/09/18 the medical records from the 
Alliance Community Hospital came back 
and indicated that (juvenile) injuries were 
mild to moderate and he was otherwise 
healthy. I reviewed the medical report with 
our prosecutor and she approved child 
endangerment charges 2919.22(B)(1). 
State complaints were done requesting a 
summons for Matthew Edward Billiter for 
the above mentioned charge. The same 
day a summons was issued for Matthew 
giving him a court date of Thursday 8/16/18 
at 0900hrs the court also informed me that 
Matthew was still incarcerated in Mahoning 
County Jail. I made contact with the jail and 
faxed them a copy of the summons. 
Matthew was served with his summons by 
Deputy M.D. Taylor and advised of his new 
court date and the return was faxed back to 

Ptl Brindack 507


Case # 18008049 
W. Oregon Ave near N 18th St Sebring, Oh

Arrested: Megan Jewell
831 Ohio St. Alliance Oh

Driver License: Not On Person SCO 335.06

Safety Belt: Failure to Wear ( Driver)  SCO 

On Thursday, August 9,2018,I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcemeht in marked unit #302 on N 15th 
St at E Ohio Ave. I observed a silver 
Chevrolet 4-door sedan turn south onto N 
15th St from W Ohio Ave and come to a 
complete stop at the flashing traffic light on 
N 15th St at W Oregon Ave. After the 
vehicle came to a complete stop, the driver 
then activated the vehicle's right turn signal 
before turning west on W Oregon Ave. I 
then pulled out from my location on N 15th 
St and proceeded to catch up to the vehicle.

After catching up to the vehicle, I initiated a 
traffic stop by activating my overhead 
emergency lights. The vehicle, a silver 
Chevralet Cruze bearing Ohio registration 
GWW5573, came to a complete stop on W 
Oregon Ave near N 18Ih St. 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Megan Jewell, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for 
the stop: failing to signal 100 feet before 
turning (SCO 331.14). I then requested 
Jewell to provide me with her driver's 

Jewell advised me she did not have her 
driver's license on her person and 
proceeded to provide me with her name, 
date of birth and last 4 digits of her social 
security number.

Jewell's information was then relayed to 
dispatch to confirm she had a vaIid driver's 
license, which she did. While speaking with 
Jewell, I observed she was not wearing her 
seat belt and asked her if she had it on or 
off prior to being stopped.  Jewell stated 
she  was not wearing her seat belt prior to 
being stopped.

Jewell was issued citation #(031245 for 
Village Ordinances 335.06 Driver License: 
Not on Person, 337.27 Safety Belt: Failure 
to Wear (Driver) and given a verbal warning 
for failing to signal 100 feet before turning. 
Jewell was able to provide proof of 
insurance on her phone prior to receiving a 
signed copy of her citation. Jewel1 was 
advised of her appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
August 23, 2018 at 0900.

PB D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18008041 
100 Block S. 12th St.

Arrested: Justin Hendershott
1794 Allen Rd. Salem

Speed (52/35)   333.03

On 8/8/2018, while sitting stationary in a 
marked police cruiser, I observed-a silver in 
color Dodge traveling north on S. 12th 
street at a visible high rate of speed. I 
activated my mounted radar unit and 
confirmed the speed to be 52mph in a 
clearly marked 35mph zone.

I activated my overhead lights and initiated 
a traffic stop on the vehicle bearing Oh 
registration GTM8521 in the 100 block of S. 
12th St. Upon approaching the vehicle, I 
made contact with the driver, Justin 
Hendershott. I advised Justin the reason for 
the stop and requested his license, 
registration, and proof of insurance.

Upon receiving all requested documents 
Justin was issued a citation for Speed/SCO 
333.03. Justin was advised of his court date 
at MCC #3 on 7/19/2018 at 0900 hours with 
no personal appearance required to which 
he advised he understood. Once Justin 
signed the citation I gave him his copy. I 
then cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505


Tuesday, August 07, 2018
11:01 AM -0500

Case No.: 18008018 
August 4, 2018
North Johnson Rd /North of Courtney

CITED: Lynnette Boroff
2344 South Arch Avenue, Alliance Ohio 
Speed 50/35 333.03
MCC#3 0900 8/9/18


Case No.: 18008017 
August 4, 2018
North Johnson Rd /North of Courtney

CITED: Kewal Singh
5880 Bird Road, Byron NY
Traffic Control Device  313.01

On 08/04/2018 I was in the area of 
Courtney Road and North Johnson Road, in 
marked cruiser 301. I observed a Semi 
traveling north on North Johnson Road. I 
observed the Semi Truck drive past a sign 
that read out "3 or more axles prohibited"  
then decided to make a traffic stop. 

I made contact with the restrained driver of 
the vehicle identified as Kewal Singh of 
Byron New York. Kewal was advised of his 
offense and was cited to MCC#3 on 
08/09/2018 at 0900 for a citation for 
obedience to a traffic: control devise. I then 
cieared without incident.

Ptl. Redfern 504


DATE: 08/04/2018 10:40:00
criminal damaging report

On Saturday, August 04,2018 this officer 
was dispatched and responded to the 
Akenhead baseball fields for a criminal 
damaging report. Upon arrival I spoke with 
Mr. Dave Yaggi that stated with in the last 
two or three weeks the fence had been cut 
on the West side. I was advised that the last 
time he mowed the grass it was not like that 
two or three weeks agoe. 

I had observed the cut in the fence that 
appeared to start at the top and go all the 
way down. Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #510


DATE: 08/03/2018 22:42:00
abandoned vehicle

On Friday, August 3, 2018, Patrolman 
Marchionda attempted to perForm a traffic 
stop that led to the discovery and 
subsequent towing of an abandoned 

Ptl D. Marchionda #508

While patrolling west in the 400 block of W 
Ohio Ave in marked unit #302, I observed a 
black Ford 4-door sedan heading east and 
as it passed me, I observed the rear license 
plate lights were burned out. Upon reaching 
N 19th St, I performed a U-turn and as I 
completed said turn, the vehicle quickly 
turned south onto N 18th St. Upon reaching 
N 18th St, I proceeded towards W Oregon 
Ave as I had lost sight of the vehicle. While 
stopped at the intersection of N 18th St and 
W Oregon Ave. a bystander approached my 
patrol car and asked if I was looking for a 
small dark car. When I advised the 
bystander yes I was, he stated he saw the 
vehicle fly down N 18th St and quickly turn 
into a alley in between W Ohio and W 
Oregon Ave. 

As I made my way into the alley, I found the 
vehicle, a Black Ford Focus bearing Ohio 
registration HKH8641, abandoned and 
unlocked in the backyard of 435 W Ohio 
Ave. I then relayed the necessary 
information to dispatch at which point 
Patrolman Scott advised he was en route to 
my location to assist. Following Patrolman 
Scott's arrival on scene,a sweep of the area 
was conducted in an attempt to locate the 
driver. Dispatch advised the registered 
owner of the vehicle was Derock Rios of 
Akron and had a suspended driver's 
license. At the time, witnesses stated they 
saw a young white male flee from the 
vehicle. After the sweep of the area was 
conducted, officers advised dispatch to 
send a tow truck to the scene as the vehicle 
had been declared abandoned.

While performing an administrative 
inventory of the vehicle for valuables and 
personal effects, Ohio identification cards 
were recovered for Rios, who turned out to 
be a black male and a white female 
identified as Brenna Perkins, who is also 
suspended. After the administrative 
inventory was completed, Patrolman Scott 
cleared from the scene in attempt to 
broaden the search area for the now 
identified possible occupants. Following the 
arrival of Springers, Patrolman Scott 
returned to the scene with Rios and Perkins 
in the back seat of marked unit #301. 
According to traffic heard over the radio, the 
pair had last been scene at Circle K and 
Patrolman Scott advised me he located 
them walking west on W Ohio Ave near N 
16th St.

Both Rios and Perkins stated neither one of 
them had been operating the motor vehicle 
when I performed the U-turn. Perkins 
alleges her sister had been driving the 
vehicle and that they parked the car and left 
it because "it had run out of gas" (sic) and 
they had left to get a gas can from Circle K. 
I advised both parties if that was truly the 
case, there was no need to evade and 
abandon the vehicle behind a private 
residence. Rios and Perkins were given an 
opportunity to make contact with a valid 
driver to bring money to the scene to 
release the vehicle which was now hooked 
to the Springers' tow truck.

Rios and Perkins were unsuccessful in 
making contact with a valid driver and were 
alloyed to retrieve personal belongings from 
the vehicle before it was towed from the 
scene, Although Rios and Perkins allege a 
"Jennifer Perkins" had been operating the 
vehicle, all attempts to make contact with 
her were unsuccessful and it was later 
discovered Rios was in possession of the 
key for the vehicle.

As I was unable to identify the driver prior to 
executing the U-turn and both parties 
denying driving the vehicle, they were 
released from the scene on foot. Patrolman 
Scott and I then cleared the scene without 
further incident.


Case No.: 18008009 
Courtney Rd / Allied Dr
Speed 47/35  333.0

On 08/03/18 while in a marked patrol car, I 
was parked facing west in the shipping and 
receiving area of Famous distribution in the 
300 block of Courtney Rd. While there I 
observed a silver truck travelling West on 
Courtney Rd pass me at a visibly high rate 
of speed. I activated my in car Radar and 
clocked the vehicle at 47mph in a clearly 
marked 35mph zone: I initiated a traffic stop 
on the vehicle a silver GMC Sierra bearing 
OH GRC9648 and the vehicle stopped at 
Courtney Rd and Allied Dr. 

I made contact with the driver identified as 
Dalton Mincks. Dalton was issued a citation 
for speed 333.03 and given a court date at 
MCC#3 of 08/16/18 at 0900hrs with a 
personal appearance not required, I then 

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18008008 
600 Block of W New York Ave, Sebring, 

CITED: Francisco Chavarria Jr.
836 S 13th St Apt 16, Sebring, Ohio 44672
DUS- Noncomplicance & License Forteiture  
SCO 335.07

On Friday, August 3,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchienda, was on patrol on W California 
Ave in marked unit #302. While stopped at 
the posted stop sign on W California Ave at 
S Johnson Rd, I observed a silver BMW 
cross the railroad tracks from the north and 
could hear the exhaust emitting excessive 
noise. I then turned south onto S johnson 
Rd and proceeded to catch up to the 
vehicle. As the vehicle turned east onto W 
New York Ave, I initiated a traffic stop by 
activating my overheard emergency lights. 
The vehicle, a silver BMW 3253, bearing 
Ohio registration GYE8453, came to a 
complete stop after pulling into the driveway 
of a residence in the 600 block of W New 
York Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Francisco Chavarria, I 
identified myself and informed him of the 
reason for the stop. I then requested 
Chavarria to provide me with his driver's 
license, vehicle registration and proof of 
insurance. As Chavarria was handing me 
an Ohio identification card in addition to the 
other aforementioned documents, 
Chavarria stated he had driving privileges 
but did not have any documentation with 
him. After relaying Chavarria's identification 
card number through dispatch, I was 
informed Chavarria's license status was 
suspended (Noncompliance and License 
Forfeiture). Dispatch advised LEADS was 
not showing any indication that Chavarria 
had driving privileges. 

I advised Chavarria due to his license 
suspension and the lack of documentation 
to prove he had driving privileges the 
vehicle would be towed from the scene 
unless he could contact a valid driver to 
recover the vehicle. Chavarria stated he 
was unable to contact anyone as he did not 
have his cell phone with him. I then 
requested dispatch to send a tow truck to 
the scene. An administrative inventory of 
the vehicle was conducted at the scene to 
check for valuables and documents.

Chavarria was issued citation #031243 for 
Village Ordinance 335.07 DUS - 
Noncompliance/License Forfeiture and 
given a verbal warning for the loud exhaust. 
I offered to provide Chavarria with a 
courtesy transport to his residence on S 
13th St following the towing of the vehicle to 
which he declined and stated he could walk.

Chavarria was released from the scene 
after being advised of his mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, August 9,2018 at 0900. 
Springers arrived on scene following 
Chavarria's departure and the vehicle was 
towed from the scene.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


DATE: 07/31/2018 29:02:00

On 07/31/18 I responded to North side park 
for a report of suspicious behavior.

Ptl. Brindack 507

Upon arrival I spoke with the caller Fred 
Graham who advised his daughter was at 
the park and someone had yelled at her 
from inside the locked up pavilion. I 
checked the pavilion and all the doors were 
still secured. I asked dispatch to notify a key 
holder and a few minutes later a key holder 
arrived and opened the door. I entered the 
pavilion and observed nobody was inside 
nor did it look like there had been any 
forced entry. The doors were re locked and 
I cleared. 

Ptl. Bilndack 507


Case No.: 18007187
526 W Maryland Ave., Sebring, Oh 
Warrant Pick Up (Failure to Appear - Theft) 

Arrested: Whitney Mercer
526 W Maryland Ave., Sebring, Oh

While at 526 W Maryland Ave attempting to 
follow up on another case, I observed 
Whitney Mercer at the residence who 
dispatch advised had an entered warrant 
out of Cdurnbiana County. Contact was 
made with Whitney and Columbiana County 
Sheriffs Office advised they wanted her at 
which point she was placed in custody for 
warrant # 13CRB556BB. 

Whitney was transported to Sunoco Gas 
Station at Westville Lake Rd and St Rt 62 
where I met up with Sgt. Boyd from the 
sheriffs office.

Custody was then transferred to Sgt. Boyd 
and I cleared the scene.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18007184
Endangering Children

Arrested: Alixandria Edie
125 E. Oregon Ave. Sebring
Endangering Children 2919.22A

On 7/31/2018 I was dispatched to Stay 
Sharp Barber shop for a found child.

Ptl. Kelm #505

Upon arrival I made contact with the owner 
of the barber shop Tyler Prince. Tyler 
advised he looked out the window and saw 
a small child running down the sidewalk in 
front of his shop. Tyler advised there were 
no adults around and the child had no 

I walked over to Ashton's 5 & 10 and asked 
the clerk if they knew who the child 
belonged to and they advised they did not. 
At this time the fire chief Brian Anderson 
had come on scene. I advised Brian of the 
incident. Brian took the child and checked 
all the businesses in the area and no one 
was able to identify who the child belonged 
to. Brian advised he would post a picture of 
the child on the fire departments Facebook 
page. Brian advised he would take the child 
to the fire department. Brian then advised 
when we let him know children services 
was en route he would bring the child to the 
police department. I then cleared the scene 
and returned to the station.

I contacted Children Services and advised 
them of the situations and they responded. 
While waiting for a representative from 
Children Services to respond someone 
called the station and advised they believed 
the child belonged to Aiixandria Edie, 125 
E. Oregon Ave. 

Myself and Chief Harris responded to 325 
E; Oregon Ave. Upon arrival Chief Harris 
knocked on the door several times before 
Alixandria came to the door. When 
Alixandria finally opened the door she 
appeared to have been sleeping and had 
pressure marks on her face. Chief Harris 
asked Alixandria if she was missing 
someone and she replied "Yes my son". 
Chief Harris asked how long she had been 
sleeping and Alixandria responded 
"probably 5 minutes". Chief Harris advised 
Alixandria her son was at the police station 
and advised her to meet us there.

Alixandria responded to the police station 
and stood by until Children Services got on 
scene. Once Children Services were on 
scene they spoke to Alixandria. It was 
determined the child would stay with his 
grandmother Cathie Edie, 13748 Brace 
Ave, Alliance.

Alixandria was then advised she was being 
placed under arrest for 2919.22A / 
Endangering Children.

Alixandria was photographed, fingerprinted, 
and released on her own recognizance. 
Alixandria was advised of her mandatory 
court appearance at MCC #3 on 8/2/2078 at 
0900hrs. Once Alixandria was given a copy 
of the recognizance paperwork I then 

NOTE: This is the second incident involving 
Alixandria losing track of her child ref, Ptl. 
McDaniels report #18005146

Ptl. Kelm #505


Case No.: 18007168
145 N.17th Street Sebring, Ohio


Chasity Lecorchick  DOB 1997
145 N.17th Street Sebring, Ohio
Domestic Violence  2919.25

Zachary Jones  DOB 1994
145 N.17th Street Sebring, Ohio
Domestic Violence M1  2919.25

Reginald Neill  DOB 1970
145 N.17th Street Sebring, Ohio
Disorderly Conduct w/Persistance   ORC 

On Friday, July 27,2018, Patrolman 
Brindack, Patrolman Marchionda and 
Patrolman Russell were dispatched to the 
area of 145 N 17th St reference a report of 
a fight in the street.

Upon my arrival (Ptl D. Marchionda #508), 
Patrolman Brindack and Patrolman Russell 
were already on scene making contact with 
parties involved attempting to ascertain 
what happened prior to our arrival. During 
the course of our investigation on scene, it 
became apparent that two parties, Zachary 
Jones and Chasity Lecorchick, had been 
involved in a minor physical dispute. Jones 
and Lecorchick admitted to officers on 
scene they were a couple who had a child 
together and were living with one another.

Jones initially wanted to pursue domestic 
violence charges against Lecorchick for 
slapping him in the face but later changed 
his mind.

While speaking with Jones to obtain more 
information about what happened, I 
overheard several parties begin to yell. as a 
group of unidentified peopje walked passed 
the scene. One of the parties yelling in the 
street was Reginald W Neill. 

Apparently one of theunknown subjects that 
walked by made eye contact with Neill and 
that enraged him and caused him to start 
gelling at the individual and began taunting 
him., I then got in front of Neill in an attempt 
to calm him down to no avail. I repeatedly 
instructed Neill to stop yelling and to calm 
down. As I gave these lawful commands to 
Neill, I placed both hands, open palm, on 
his chest in an attempt to keep him from 
advancing. Neill continued to yell and taunt 
the unknown individuals who were now 
walking away from the scene and pushed 
against me. After several attempts to calm 
Neill down and keep him back, I instructed 
Neil to turn around and place his hands 
behind his back as he was under arrest for 
disorderly conduct with persistence.

Neill complied with my lawful instructions to 
turn around and place his hands behind his 
back. I then placed Neill in handcuffs which 
were gapped/double locked and then 
escorted him to marked unit #304. A pat 
down of Neill was performed and he was 
subsequently placed into the back of 
marked unit #304. I advised dispatch one 
male was in custody for disorderly conduct 
with persistence. I then advised Patrolman 
Brindack I would be taking Neill back to the 
station to start processing the arrest. 

Upon my arrival at the station, I immediately 
began to photograph, fingerprint and 
process Neill. After Neill was placed under 
arrest at the scene, he became extremely 
cooperative and compliant. I advised NeiIl 
because of his behavior after being placed 
under arrest in, addition to the offense 
being a misdemeanor of the fourth degree, I 
would release him under his own I I 

Neill signed his recognizance form and was 
advised of his mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, August 2,2018 at 0900 to answer 
for the charge of ORC 2917.11 Disorder 
Conduct w/Persistence M4. Neill was 
provided a signed copy of is recognizance 
form and released from the station. 
Following Neill's release from the station, 
Patrolman Brindack and Patrolman Russel  
brought Jones and Lecorchick to the station 
as they were both under arrest for ORC 
2919.25 Domestic Violence M-1. I assisted 
officers with processing before both parties 
were released on bond. 

Ptl D. Marchionda #508

Upon arrival myself (Ptl. Brindack 507), Ptl. 
Russel, and Ptl. Marchionda made contact 
with several parties including Chasity Lynn 
Lecorchick , Zachary Jones, Reginald Neil, 
Roderick Neil, Scott Fusco, and Josiah 
Fusca along with several other family 
members of both Zachary Jones and 
Chasity. Upon arrival all parties were 
involved in heated arguments amongst 
each other and many parties were 
threatening each other and screaming in 
the roadway. Parties were separated and 
everyone was calmed except for Reginald 
Neil who was heavily intoxicated and 
frequently became irate.

I spoke with Scott Fusco and Reginald 
while other officers spoke with other parties 
involved. Both Scott and Reginald said 
everyone was just arguing and no one had 
become physical at anytime. I then spoke 
with Zachary Jones and PtF. Marchionda 
spoke with Reginald and Scott. Zachary told 
me his girlfriend and mother of his child 
Chasity smacked him multiple times in the 
face. Zachary advised he did want to press 
charges for domestic violence. While 
speaking with Ptl. Marchionda however he 
said he did not want charges pressed and 
signed a refusal.

At this point several more family members 
arrived on scene and began once again to 
argue amongst each other. Reginald Neil 
became enraged when an unknown 
individual walked by the scene and 
Reginald approached the individual and 
scream in his face. Reginald had to be 
asked several times to stop by officers. 
Reginald refused to comply with lawful 
commands multiple times and was arrested 
by Ptl. Marchionda for DOC with persist and 
was immediately taken away from the 
scene as he was the main one causing 

Myself and Ptl. Russell then remained on 
scene. Now that parties were calm all 
unnecessary parties were asked to leave 
and complied. Units then spoke with 
Zachary and Chasity separately. Zachary 
advised to me he now wanted to press 
domestic violence charges and only signed 
a refusal because he felt pressured by his 
family and felt as though he was forced into 
the decision. Chasity advised that Zachary 
had pushed her and she now wanted 
Domestic violence charges on Zachary she 
stated that after he pushed her he walked 
away and later while a second argument 
occurred he called her a "cunt" seven times 
so she smacked him in the face. 

Both parties signed domestic violence 
charges. Chasity was placed under arrest 
by Ptl. Russell and Zachary was placed 
under arrest by me. Zachary was 
handcuffed (gaped and locked) and placed 
in the back of patrol car#303 and 
transported by me to our station. Zachary 
was processed by a combined effort of all 
officer involved and was able to post bond 
using Sly Bail bonds. Zachary was given a 
court date at MCC#3 of 08/02/18 at 0900hrs 
and was released on recognizance.

NOTE: both Zachary and Chasity refused to 
do written statement. 

Ptl. Brindack 507


On Thursday, July 27, 2018 Myself (Ptl. 
Racheal Russell #510) and Ptl. Brindack 
responded to 145 N. 17th Street for a 
domestic violence complaint. Upon arrival 
officers made contact with several family 
members that were involved in a heated 
argument. Oficers were advised the 
argument for all family members were due 
to a fight between Chasity Lecorchick and 
Zachary Jones. Officers separated all the 

I then made contact with Mr. Jones. While 
speaking with Mr. Jones I was advised that 
he and his girlfriend Chasity had a verbal 
argument that lead to him being hit in the 
face several times on the left side near his 
eye causing a red swollen mark by Chasity. 
Mr. Jones stated several times he wanted to 
pursue charges. Medical treatment was 
refused at this time.

I then made contact with Chasity Lecorchick 
that advised this officer the argument 
started because he refused to pay $20.00 in 
his rent fees and refused to turn down the 
music with their four month old son in the 
car. I was advised that Mr. Jones started 
calling her names such as a fucking idiot 
and a fucking cunt and she had enough of 
being put down and she reached over and 
hit him in the face. At this time, Ms. Chasity 
Lecorchick was placed in to custody for 
domestic violence and read her rights.

Mr. Jones was also placed in to custody at 
this time for domestic violence due to 
Chasity stating she was shoved first by Mr. 
Zachary Jones because she got in his face. 
I called for assistance from a Smith 
township unit to transport Ms. Lecorchick 
due to Mr. Jones being placed in the back 
seat of the patrol car to keep the two parties 

Ms. Lecorchick was transported back to 
Caughey of Smith Township. Once back at 
the department Ms. Lecorchick was booked 
and processed and released after posting 
bond. A court date of August 02,2018 at the 
Mcc#3 was given.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #510


Sunday, August 05, 2018
03:56 PM -0500

DATE: 07/29/2018 19:36:00

On 7/29/2018 at 1936 p.m. myself and Sgt. 
Eberling were dispatch to the area of S 14th 
St and Alabama Ave for a car that had loud 
music coming from it. Upon arrival there 
was a green vehicle bearing the licence 
plate HCH8821 that was playing loud music 
parked in the yard at 803 S. 14th St.

Two males came out from house which we 
identified as being Austin Gill and Jacob 
Keenan. Gill advised that it was his veh. 
that was playing the music. The caller John 
Simchack approached the scene as we 
were talking with the two males and Sgt 
Eberling advised him that we would come 
talk with him after we got done talking with 
subjects. The males were advised to turn 
down the music because it was disturbing 
their neighbors. They were advised that this 
was a warning only.

We went to Mr. Simchack's house at 832 S, 
14th St where he advised that earlier he 
went to ask the two males to turn down the 
music.  He advised Mr. Keenan in-turn told 
him to fuck off and gave him the middle 
finger. We advised Mr. Simchack that if this 
happened again to call the police and we 
would come to take care of the situation. 
We cleared the scene with no further action 
being taken.

Ptl. Hughey 513


DATE: 07/28/2018 23:56:00

On Saturday, July 28, 2018, Patrolman 
Marchionda and Patrolman Bondoni were 
dispatched to the Brickhouse, 206 E Ohio 
Avenue, reference a report of a fight.

Upon our arrival, I made contact with the 
caller, Tracy Wheeler, who advised her 
husband, Roy Wheeler, had been involved 
in a physical altercation. Roy stated he and 
another male, Mark Hughes, engaged in a 
mutual fight stemming from an argument 
about a song Roy had yet to play as he was 
DJ'ing tonight at the Brickhause. At the 
conclusion of the mutual fight, Roy was 
sucker punched from behind by an 
unknown male. Tracy and Roy stated both 
Hughes and the unknown male departed 
from the establishment prior to our arrival. I 
asked Roy if he was willing to provide a 
written statement and if he wanted to 
pursue criminal charges. Roy advised he 
did not want to pursue the matter.

I made contact with the Brickhbuse owner, 
Jason Ludwig, who confirmed there was a 
mutual fight between Roy and Hughes. 
Ludwig stated of the unknown male as it 
was the first time he saw him at the 
Brickhouse. I asked Ludwig if he wanted 
anything done about the fight that occurred 
in his establishment and he stated he did 

Officers cleared from the scene without 
further incident.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


DATE: 07/28/2018 23:05:00

On 07/28/2018 I responded to a complaint 
at 308 S. 15th St in regards to a generator 
making too much noise. Upon arrival I was 
met by Lester Summers who was visibly 
upset when I advised him that he would 
have to turn the generator off, but did so 
nonetheless. I then cleared.

PTL. Bondoni #512


DATE: 07/28/20181 3:35:00

On this date and time, I was dispatched to 
437 E. Ohio Ave ref to a loud music 
complaint. I arrived and spoke to the 
homeowner one, Krystal Frederick and 
advised her of the complaint. Krystal 
advised that she should be able to listen to 
her radio in her yard during the day. I 
advised Krystal to turn her radio down to a 
normal level so the neighbor is not 
disturbed.  Krystal turned the radio down to 
a normal level and I cleared.



Case No.: 18007169
606 E Ohio Avenue, Sebring, OH

Arrested: Joshua McCullough
210 W. Main St., Alliance, Oh
FaiIure to Display Front License Plate  SCO 
DUS - License Forfeiture SCO 335.07

On Saturday, July 28, 2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was leaving the parking lot of 
Circle K, 205 E Ohio Ave, when I observed 
a white Dodge Challenger pull in missing its 
front license plate. Upon further 
observation, I saw the front license pIate 
was wedged in between the 'dashboard and 
the front windshield but was unreadable. 
After leaving Circle K,I parked in the west 
alley off N 14'St near E Indiana Ave and 
waited for the vehicle to leave. After 
observing the vehicle depart from Circle K 
and head east on E Ohio Ave, I pulled out 
of the alley and proceeded to catch up with 
the vehicle.

After catching up to the vehicle on E Ohio 
Ave and N 12th St, I initiated a traffic stop 
by activating my overhead emergency lights 
in marked unit #304. The vehicle, bearing 
Ohio registration HLW4315, came to a 
complete stop after pulling into the parking 
lot of 606 E Ohio Ave. 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Joshua McCullough, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. I requested McCullough to provide 
me with his driver's license, vehicle 
registration and proof of insirance.

McCulIough was unable to provide me with 
any of the aforementioned documents and 
claimed he had only left the house real 
quick to run to Circle K and left his wallet at 

McCullough was accompanied by a male 
passenger, identified as Gregory Horner, 
who ptovided his driver's license upon 
request. Dispatch advised McCuIIough was 
the registered owner of the vehicle and that 
his license status was suspended (license 
forfeiture). McCullough was issued citation 
#031242 for Village Ordinances 335.07 
DUS - License Forfeiture and 335.09 
Failure to Display Front Plate. McCullough 
was advised of his mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, August 2,2018 at 0900. The 
vehicle was released from the scene under 
the control of Horner, whose driver's license 
was confirmed by dispatch to be valid.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Private Property Accident
Report # 18007166 Date 7/26/2018
225 W Maryland Ave Sebring Oh

Unit #1 Parked, Owner: Jack Strange

Unit # 1 was struck by unknown Unit #2 
sometime last night at an unknown location. 
Complainant believes it happened in the 
parking lot at 225 W Maryland Ave.

Officer Ptl. Brindack


DATE- 07/21/2018 16:41:00

On 07/21/18 I observed a junk vehicle in the 
rear lot of 135 W Ohio Ave.

The above mentioned vehicle is a red 
Pontiac bearing OH HDR9830 which 
returns to Chandler McKinney and has 
multiple flat tires. A Junk vehicle letter was 
written and secured to the vehicle and an 
additional letter was secured to apt#3 of this 
address which is the address we have for 
Chandler in CAD.

Ptl. Brindack 507

On 07/25/18 I spoke with Chandler 
McKinney and she advised me she had a 
flat bed coming for her vehicle on Saturday 
07/28/18. I advised her since she was 
cooperating and had made arrangements to 
remove the vehicle that was acceptable but 
if the vehicle was not gone Saturday it 
would be towed.

Ptl. Brindack 507

Qn 07/21/18 the original letter was posted 
on this vehicle on 07/21/I8 on 7/25/18  
made contact with Chandler and she 
advised it would be towed by Saturday. 
Today 07/28/18 the vehicle was not gone. I 
spoke with Chandlers step father Jose 
Carrion and he advised it should be towed 
as he believed she had no intentions of 
moving it. A tow truck was called and the 
vehicle was taken to Sebring Tire by 
Springers towing. I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Saturday, August 04, 2018
11:14 AM -0500

REPORT DATE: 07/26/2018 02:08:00

Arrested: Leiah Kiser
236 Alabama Ave Apt. 9 Sebring, Oh
Warrant: Drug Abuse Instruments ORC 
Warrant: Theft  ORC 2913.02

On 07/26/2018 I Ptl. Scott along with Ptl. 
Marchionda responded to 236 Alabama 
Ave. Apt. 9 in reference to a missing child.

Upon arrival dispatch advised me to get 
additional information from the caller stating 
that she might have a warrant out of 
Alliance. I made contact with the caller 
identified as Leiah Kiser who stated that 
she and her 4 year old daughter were at 
home when a man she thought was the 
daughter's father came to the residence and 
took her daughter. I asked her how did she 
not know for a fact it wasn't the father and 
Leiah stated that she wasn't sure because 
she had fallen asleep at one point. I asked 
Leiah what time this took place in which she 
told me around 5:00pm and officers were 
dispatched at Leiah appeared to be under 
the influence of an unknown substance. 
Leiah's reactions seemed slowed down, her 
pupils were constricted even being outside 
in the dark with no light. Leiah could not 
keep her story consistent. I then asked 
where her daughter was currently and Leiah 
stated at her parents house and called them 
and Ptl Marchiohda talked to Grandfather of 
the child and confirmed that the child was at 
their residence which is 20407,Middletown 
Rd, in Smith Twp.

Ptl. Marchionda gave dispatch the 
additional information obtained from Leiah 
and it was confirmed that Leiah had an 
active warrant out of Alliance and I then 
detained Leiah until it could be determined 
if Alliance would come and take custody of 
Leiah. Dispatch then advised me an 
Alliance officer is on route to our station for 
a custody exchange for Leiah and I then 
placed Leiah under arrest and placed her in 
the rear of unit #301 and transported her to 
our station.

I Smith Twp. Ptl. Russell was being 
requested to follow up and check the 
residence on Middletown since it was in the 
Smith Twp. Jurisdiction and she was unable 
to be contacted. Ptl. Marchionda then went 
to the residence and confirmed the child 
was with the Grandparents and the 
Grandparents provided Ptl. Marchionda with 
legal court documentation stating they had 
legal custody of the child.

Ptl: Marchionda then cleared and returned 
to the station.

Leiah was then processed, fingerprinted, 
and photographed and was handed over to 
Alliance Police Ptl. Mark and was 
transported to Alliance.

While on scene at 236 Alabama Ave Apt 9, 
Patrolman Scott made contact with the 
caller, Leiah Kiser, while I spoke to her 
father, Dan Hughes, on her phone. Hughes 
advised me the child, Ava, was safe and 
sleeping at his and his wife's residence on 
Middletown Road in North Benton. After 
receiving additional information from 
Hughes, I then requested dispatch to make 
contact with the Smith Township officer and 
send them to the residence in North Benton 
to verify the welfare of the child.

Due to unknown circumstances, dispatch 
could not make contact with the Smith 
Township officer.

I advised dispatch I would be en route to 
204137 Middletown Rd to make contact 
with the grandparents and verify the welfare 
of the child while Patrolman Scott 
transported Kiser, who had been placed 
under arrest for an active warrant out of 
Alliance, to the station. Upon my arrival at 
the residence in North Benton, I made 
contact with Hughes and his wife and they 
allowed me access into the home where I 
was able to visually verify the child sleeping 
in her bed. Hughes then provided me with 
court documentations showing he and his 
wife have full legal custody of the child. I 
then cleared from the residence and 
returned to the village.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


DATE: 07/25/2018 22:14:00

On Wednesday, July 25, 2018, Patrolman 
Brindack and Patrolman Marchionda were 
dispatched to 236 Alabama Ave Apt 10 
reference a properly report.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508 

Upon our arrival, we made contact with the 
complainant, Dakota Best and witness, 
Andrea Six. Best stated when he came 
home at 10:00 PM, he discovered his home 
had been vandalized when he observed his 
TV had been smashed, couch was cut and 
items thrown around the apartment. Best 
advised he had not been at his apartment 
for over a week due to the electricity being 
turned off and during that week long period, 
he stated he did not lock the door.

Six advised us earlier in the evening, she 
observed a male known to her only as Cole 
(Cole Gibbons) had come to the residence 
along with two unknown males inquiring 
about the whereabouts of Best. Six stated 
when she told Cole she did not know where 
Best was, Cole and the other males entered 
the residence and left shortly thereafter 
carrying unknown items. Upon entering the 
apartment, I observed it to be ransacked as 
clothes and miscellaneous items were 
strewn across the floor and the overall 
apartment was in disarray. I observed the 
screen of an RCA HDTV to be cracked and 
smashed near the bottom as well as the 
couch cushions to be slashed. Best advised 
he was unaware if anything was missing at 
this time.

Best advised he had moved into the 
apartment approximately 3-4 weeks ago 
with Cole as a roommate and that Cole had 
moved out recently. According to call 
number 18-0000004327, officers were 
dispatched to the apartment on July 18 at 
20:43 to standby while Cole moved out of 
the residence and removed his property. 
Best stated he did not know where Cole 
currently resides.

Photographs were taken of the damaged 
property and signed written statements 
were collected from Best and Six. Prior to 
leaving the scene, Best conveyed to officers 
he wanted to pursue the matter and have 
Cole charged criminally.

While on station typing the report, Best 
phoned the station wishing to speak with an 
officer as he had come across new 
information regarding the matter. Best 
stated he had been in contact with his 
child's mother, Kayla Hartman and that she 
told him she asked Cole to go to the 
apartment to obtain items for the baby and 
that Cole claims he did not ransack or 
damage the property inside the apartment. 
Best stated he wished to no longer pursue 
the matter and that he would just "swallow 
his losses" (sic).

Ptl O. Marchionda #508


Saturday, August 04, 2018
10:09 AM -0500

Case No.: 18007160
E Kentucky Ave. s 14th St

Arrested: Dennis Crider
135 W Ohio Ave Sebring OH 44672
OVI 4511.19 (A)(1)(a)
DUS lisence forfiture  4510.11

On 07/26/18 While responding to a 
domestic disturbance I Initiated a traffic stop 
with an involved party as he was attempting 
to leave. 

Ptl. Brindack 507

On 07/26/18 I was responding to a 
domestic disturbance case # 180071 59 at 
236 Alabama apt#12 and #11 with Sgt. 
Eberling in which the caller advised the 
male party was hitting the female party. 
While responding dispatch advised the 
male party was leaving the apartments. As 
we approached Alabama Ave from S 14th 
St I observed a maroon car pass us coming 
from the direction of the Alabama address. 
Sgt. Eberling radioed out the plate and it 
was confirmed to be the male party by

I then turned around and initiated a traffic 
stop on the vehicle a maroon Hyundai 
Elantra bearing OH HDA7441. I made 
contact with the driver identified as Dennis 
James Crider who had a suspended license 
for license forfeiture. As I spoke with James 
I could immediatety detected a strong odor 
of an alcoholic beverage. 1 asked James 
what was going on at the Alabama 
apartments and he explained he was in a 
verbal argument with his ex and decided to 
leave before it escalated. As James 
explained I observed slurred speech and 
glossy eyes. I asked James if he had been 
drinking and he said yes he was. James 
told me he had three 12oz beers and knew 
he should not be driving.

I then asked James to step out of the 
vehicle to perform Standardized field 
sobriety tests. James said he would submit 
to the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test but 
could not do the walk and turn or one leg 
stand as he had a "broken leg" I observed 
James leg was wrapped but was not in a 
cast. I instructed James to stand with his 
feet together and put his arms down at his 
sides while I gave him instructions for the 
HGN I observed James struggled and was 
confused as to what positions his hands 
needed to be in despite it being explained 
multiple times. James was finally able to 
understand and stood in the proper 
position. Prior to beginning the HGN I asked 
James if he had any head or eye injuries 
that would prevent him from performing the 
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus . James 
advised that he did not have any head 
injuries and his eyes were fine. I then 
checked James for Equal Pupil size, 
Resting Nystagmus, and Equal tracking. 
James had equal pupil size, no resting 
nystagmus, and equal tracking. I then 
began the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus. 
While testing I observed
that James was having difficulty balancing 
and was swaying from side to side. I 
instructed James to remain still and 
continued the test. I observed James had 
Lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, 
Distinct and sustained Nystagmus at 
maximum deviation in both eyes, and 
Nystagmus prior to 45 degree in both eyes. 
After the test I asked James If he wished to 
attempt the one leg stand and walk and turn 
test. James refused both tests.

I was then informed by Sgt. Eberling that a 
female from the incident we were originally 
called for was going to be coming to pick up 
the vehicle. I advised James he was being 
placed under arrest for suspicion of OVI. 
Sgt. Eberling then arrived and released the 
vehicle to the female. I then transported 
James to our station where he was read an 
Ohio BMV 2255 form. James was asked to 
submit to a breath and urine test to which 
he complied. Both tests were conducted by 
Sgt. Eberling. James blew a -062 on breath 
test and his urine will be sent to the lab for 
analysis. James was issued a citation for 
OVI 4511.1 9A1A and Driving under 
suspension 4510.21. James was given a 
recognizance bond and released with a 
court date at MCC#3 of 08/02/18 at 

Ptl. Brindack 507

On 7/26/2078, I assisted Ptl. Brindack with 
the above arrest by pedorming the 
Intoxilyser 8000 breath test on Dennis 
Crider and collecting the urine sample. I 
witnessed Dennis deposit the sample into 
the supplied container and it was packaged 
appropriately, sealed and placed in the 
refrigerator to be mailed out to the lab for 

SgZ. Eberling #SO3


DATE: 07/23/2018 23:20

On 7/24/2018 at 091 6hrs myself and Ptl. 
Kelm were dispatch to the Sebring High 
School baseball fields for property damage.

Upon arrival we made contact with the 
complainant David Yaggi. David advised the 
left post holding the score board had a large 
crack at the bottom, He believed someone 
might have backed into it this past Spring 
damaging it in the process.

Ptl Hughey #513



Case No.: 18007146
S. Johnson near Lake Park Blvd

Arrested: Daniel Miller
1015 Cornell Dr, Alliance
Speed (52/35) 333.03
Expired / Ficticious Plates 335.1

On 07/24/2018 at 0700 hrs. I Ptl. Hughey 
while in a marked patrol car was traveling 
south on S. Johnson Rd. when I witnessed 
a vehicle going north on S. Johnson Rd. at 
visually high rate of speed. I activated my 
mounted radar which confirmed the speed 
to be 52 mph in a clearly marked 35 mph 
zone. I initiated a traffic stop on S. Johnson 
Rd. near Lake Park Blvd. with a 2010 white 
Nissan Sentra bearing an Ohio license plate 

The driver was identified as Daniel Miller 
and I asked for his driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance which 
he provided. When dispatch advised me of 
his information the plates came back to a 
2002 Chrome in color Saturn Sedan. I then 
informed Daniel of this. He stated he 
purchased the veh. in February and the 
dealership said that they would switch the 
registration to the Nissan for him. 

Ptl. Kelm ran the VIN number through 
dispatch and it came back to Daniel. Also, 
dispatch advised that the veh. was never 
plated. I then wrote Daniel a traffic citation 
for Speed 52/35 SCO 333.03 and 
Expired/Fictitious Plates SCO 335.10. 

Daniel was cited into MCC#3 with a court 
date of 08/02/2018 at 9am with no personal 
appearance required. Once Daniel signed 
the citation he was provided a copy of it and 
I then cleared.

Ptl. Hughey #513


DATE: 07/23/2018 21:23:00

On 0712312018 I Officer Rober was 
dispatched to the corner of Johnson and 
Tennessee for individuals screaming. Upon 
arrival I noticed a male hanging fmrn a tree 
and individuals around screaming help. I 
then immediately called for assistance and 
notified the fire department to expedite.

A short time later, Sgt Eberling arrived on 
scene and immediately climbed the tree for 
support with 3 other unknown individuals in 
the tree at the time. He then identified the 
individual as Adam Tyson.

The Fire department anived and took over 
the scene. Fire Department then had to use 
a chainsaw to extract him due to his leg 
was wedged on a branch and could'nt 
remove him. Once Adam was free from the 
tree EMS began treatment.

When asked what happened they stated to 
me he was cutting down a tree got himself 
stuck in a tree.

They then stated he was up in the tree for 
over an hour trying to get remove himself 
from being stuck from the tree but 
eventually passed out and they then called 
for help. Upon nothing further I cleared.

Ptl J-Rober #511

On 7/24/2018 1 responded to 165 S. 
Johnson Rd. to obtain a witness statement 
from Glenn Fournie. Glenn advised his son 
went over to 696 W. Tennessee Ave. to 
assist with getting Adam out of the tree. 
Glenn also advised he called 911. Glenn 
advised he would have his son write a 
statement but he was at work.

I then responded to 664 W. Oregon Ave. to 
obtain a witness statement from Noah 
Rostetter. Noah advised he responded to 
the scene and assisted with extracting 
Adam from the tree. Noah advised once he 
got on scene he observed Adam's skin was 
gray in color and he had foam coming from 
his mouth. Noah advised he used a chain 
saw to cut the limb Adam was pinned 
between. Noah advised while cutting 
through the limb he accidentally cut Adams 
foot. Noah advised once Adam was taken 
out of the tree he began CPR.

t then responded to 696 W. Tennessee Ave. 
to obtain a statement from Kristina Tyson. 
Kristina advised she would complete a 
statement but it would take her some time. 
Kristina was advised when she was finished 
to contact the palice department and an 
officer would pick it up.

Ptt. Kelm 505

On 7/23/2018, I was dispatched to 696 W 
Tennessee Ave to assist with a male who 
was unresponsive and stuck in a tree. Upon 
arrival with Rtl. Rober, we observed the 
male to be approximately 15 ft in the air 
with his left leg wedged in a 'V" in the tree 
and his body hanging upside down. There 
was two males, one was identified as Glenn 
Founier II and the other was unknown and a 
female whom I knew to be Kristina M. 
Tyson were all up in the tree attempting to 
keep the males body upright. Kristina 
advised to me that she was afraid of heights 
and needed assistance so I immediately 
climbed up an extension ladder that was 
against the tree to get up to their position. 
The male who was stuck in the tree was 
idenffied as Adam Tyson and was 
unresponsive at the time of arrival. Kristina, 
Glenn and myself collectively were able to 
push up on Adam's bodylhead enough to 
keep him parallel to the ground until 
Sebring First Responders arrived on scene. 
Kristina advised that Adam was up in the 
tree for approximately 45 minutes prior to 
police/fire getting called.

Noah Rastetter of Sebring Fire was able to 
get a ladder up on the other side of the tree 
and get up higher then we could to check 
on Adam. Noah advised his skin was grey 
and he had foam around his mouth and was 
still unresponsive. Based on the amount of 
time that Adam had been unresponsive 
already and no other timely options he 
requested another fire member to get a 
chain saw to cut the branch and free Adams 
leg. Noah was able to get the branch cut 
enough to pull Adam's leg out however did 
cut Adam's leg in the process on accident. 
Adam was lowered down to other members 
of the fire department at which point they 
began first aid and subsequently 
transported him to Alliance Community 
Hospital where he was later pronounced 

Stark County Coroners Ofice was notified 
by hospital staff and the coroner advised 
they were taking possession of the body for 
further examination. Noah and I were both 
possibly exposed to blood from Adam while 
on scene and both of us went to Alliance 
Community Hospital to have blood work 
done as a precautionary measure for blood 
borne pathogens. This was reported to both 
Chief Harris and Fire Chief Brian Anderson.

On 7/24/2018, Ptl. Kelm was able to gather 
written statements from most of the 
individuals who were on scene for this call 
and placed them in the case file. I went and 
spoke with Kristina at her residence about 
the incident. Kristina advised that Adam had 
been stuck in the tree for approximately 45 
minutes prior to police getting called. 
Kristina advised that Adam had his left foot 
in the "V" in the tree trying to cut a branch 
and attempted to shuffle around the tree but 
slipped which resulted in his whole leg 
getting wedged in the tree. Kristina advised 
that Adam told her numerous times to not 
call police/fire and that he wanted her and 
the neighbors to get him out. Kristina 
advised they attempted to do everything 
they could to get him out however could not 
get him out. 

Kristina advised that after approximately 20 
minutes Adam told her that he was getting 
very weak from holding onto the tree and 
advised he was going to pass out and 
would probably die on the tree. Kristina 
advised he passed out and fell backwards 
and just hung from his leg upside down at 
which point she began screaming for 
someone to call 911. Our reportee Brittany 
Chestnut who lives next door heard the 
screaming and called dispatch.

I spoke with Dr. Robinson via phone from 
the Stark County Coroner's Office and 
provided her with a brief synopsis of this 
incident. Dr. Robinson advised there was no 
signs of blunt force trauma to Adam and 
they were more than likely going to be 
releasing the body to the funeral home. I 
advised Dr. Robinson that as soon as this 
report was approved by the Chief it would 
be faxed to their office to which she advised 
that was fine. Based on the statements 
gathered and evidence present on scene, 
there were no signs of foul play so therefore 
this case will be closed.

Sgt. Eberling  503


Thursday, August 02, 2018
01:29 PM -0500

Case No.: 18006089 
1021 W State St Alliance OH 44601
Littering/Deposit Trash (MM) 521.08 B

On 0611512018, It was brought to my 
attention that there was a property on the 
100 block of east Oregon Avenue that was 
in violation of SCO 523.08.

Redfern 504

On 06/15/2018, It was brought to my 
attention that there was a property on the 
100 block of east Oregon Avenue that was 
in violation of SCO 521.08. I went by the 
property in the past and saw that there were 
several violations. A warning letter was 
typed up and affixed to the window of the 
business. I then went to several businesses 
in Alliance and spoke with the owner of the 
property whom was identified as Roberta 
Moffei. I advised her that she was In 
violation for quite sometime and she 
needed to rectify the problem with in the 
allotted five (5) days which would be on 

Roberta advised that she would need more 
time than that. I advised Roberta that she 
would need to show steady improvement to 
possibly avoid criminal charges. Roberta 
advised that she understood. I then cleared, 
Case will be left pending to see if Roberta 

Redfern 504

On 06/19/18 This case was turned over to 
me and I will be following up with it.

Ptl. Brindack 507

This case was given to me on 06/19/18. Ptl. 
Redfem issued the trash warning letter to 
Roberta giving her 5 days to clean up or at 
least show progress cleaning up the rubbish 
at 126 E Oregon Ave. on 06/15/18. It is now 
07/13/18 28 days later. 

I have given Roberta almost 6 times the 
allotted time to begin cleaning up the 
rubbish considering there is so much of it. 
Roberta however has shown no effort to 
comply. This being the case a State 
complaint was done requesting a summons 
for Roberta with a court date of 07/26/18 at 
0900hrs. Upon the summons being 
returned Roberta will be served.

Ptl. Brindack 507

On 07/17/18 Roberta Moffei was served 
with her summons and advised of her court 
date 07/26/18. I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507 


Case No.: 13007158
Courtney Rd near N 12th St
speed 51/35

Arrested:  Brayden Jenning
12696 W Middletown Rd Salem Oh 44460

speed 51/35 333.03

On 07/26/18 while in a marked patrol car, I 
was parked facing west in the shipping and 
receiving area of Famous distribution in the 
300 block of Courtney Rd. While there I 
observed a silver car travelling East on 
Courtney Rd at a visibly high rate of speed. 
I activated my in car Radar and clocked the 
vehicle at 51mph in a clearly marked 
35mph zone. I initiated a traffic stop on the 
vehicle a silver Ford Taurus bearing OH 
HGK7011 .

I made contact with the driver identified as 
Brayden Daniel Jennings and he was 
issued a citation for speed 333.03 and 
given a court date at MCC#3 of 08/09/18 at 
0900hrs with a personal appearance not 
required. I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18007163
TRAFFIC Juvenile
W Ohio Ave @ N 20th St, Sebring, Ohio 

Arrested: Kaylee Ruiz
306 W Ohio Ave Apt 2, Sebring, Ohio 
Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver) SCO 

On Friday, July 27,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #302 at the 
corner of N Johnson Rd and W Ohio Ave. I 
observed a yellow Chevrolet hatchback 
approach the intersection from the north, 
come to a complete stop and turn east onta 
W Ohio Ave. 

As the vehicle accelerated down W Ohio 
Ave, I could hear the exhaust emitting 
excessive noise. then pulled out onto W 
Ohio Ave and proceeded to catch up to the 

I performed a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency lights. The vehicle, a 
yellow Chevrolet Aveo bearing Ohio 
registration GWW5674, came to a complete 
stop on W Ohio Ave at N 20th St.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Kaylee Ruiz, I identified myself 
and informed her of the reason for the stop. 
I then requested Ruiz to provide me with 
her driver license, vehicle registration and 
proof of insurance. Ruiz was able to provide 
me with all of the aforementioned 
documents however, the insurance 
documentation was expired and Ruiz 
advised she did not have a current card 
with her.

While reviewing the documents she 
presented, I observed Ruiz was not wearing 
her seatbelt and asked her if she had it on 
prior to being stopped. Ruiz admitted to me 
she had not been wearing her seatbelt prior 
to being stopped. While speaking with Ruiz, 
I was able to smell a very faint odor of an 
alcoholic beverage and asked her if she 
had been drinking recently. Ruiz admitted 
she had "one twisted tea at a friend's 

As a precautionary measure, I instructed 
Ruiz to step out of the vehicle so that 
standardized field sobriety tests could be 
conducted. I ran Ruiz through all three 
stages and did not observe any clues 
during any one test. Ruiz did not have 
glossy eyes nor was her speech slurred 
while speaking to me. Given her 
performance during the tests, it was 
determined she was not intoxicated and I 
allowed her to get back into her vehicle 
while I wrote a citation for the seatbelt 

Ruiz was issued citation #03124l for Village 
Ordinance 337.27 Safety Belt: Failure to 
Wear (Driver) and given a verbal warning 
for the loud exhaust. I also warned Ruiz 
about the consequences of consuming 
alcohol underage and operating a motor 
vehicle. Ruiz was advised of her mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, August 9,2018 at 0900. 

After being released from the stop, I 
continued to follow Ruiz to her residence on 
W Ohio Ave to ensure she arrived home 
safely; which she did.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18007162 
S Johnson Rd/State Route 62, Sebring, OH

Arrested:  Robert Coombes
506 W Maryland Ave, Sebring, OH 

Left of Center ORC 4511.29
OVI (SFST) ORC 4511.19A1A 
QVI (0.134 BAC) ORC 4511.19A1D

On 07/26/2018 at 11:07pm I Ptl: Scott 
initiated a traffic stop that resulted in the 
arrest of the driver for OVI.

I Ptl. Scott was traveling south on S. 
Johnson Rd. and observed the vehicle in 
front of my cruiser go left of center multiple 
times. I then turned my emergency over 
head lights on to initiate a traffic stop being 
on S. Johnson Rd. and Heacock Extension. 
The vehicle continued to travel south. There 
was an additional vehicle in front of the 
vehicle I was attempting to stop that pulled 
to the side of the road, the vehicle I was 
attempting to stop drove around that vehicle 
and continued to travel south. The vehicle 
then pulled into the parking lot of the 
Perkins Restaurant and came to a complete 
stop I notified dispatch and radioed to my 
other unit to come to my location. The 
vehicle was a 2001 Grey Chevrolet pick up 
truck bearing a Florida license plate 

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle and met with the driver that was 
identified as Robert Coombes. When 
approaching the vehicle Robert was 
hunched over and-moving his arms around 
the inside of the truck. I informed him of the 
reason for the stop and requested his 
driver's licehse, registration,and proof of 
insurance in which I only received his 
driver's license. Robert appeared nervous 
and was acting bizarre. Robert stated that 
he and his girl friend Jacqueline Ruggiero 
who owns the vehicle got into a verbal 
altercation and he decided to leave to go to 

Ptl. Marchionda then arrived on scene and 
approached the vehicle from the passenger 
side and observed a bud light beer can 
opened sitting on the passenger seat. Ptl. 
Marchionda then asked if Robert consumed 
any alcoholic beverages prior to operating 
the vehicle in which Robert stated that he 

I then asked Robert to step out of the 
vehicle and asked Robert if he would 
consent to field sobriety testing in which 
Robert did consent. Ptl. Marchjonda then 
turned off the front overhead emergency 
lights to both of the cruisers and I had 
Robert exit the vehicle walk to the east 
open parking lot of the Perkins Restaurant. 
Once Robert exited the vehicle I could smell 
a strong odor of an alcohol beverage 
coming from his person. I asked Robert if 
he had problems with his vision in which 
Robert stated that he uses reading glasses, 
Robert has no restrictions on his driver's 
license. I then asked Robert if he has any 
physical or medical condition that would 
inhibit him from taking the tests in which 
Robert stated that he did not. I then told 
Robert to stand straight up with his hands to 
his side and his feet together and to follow 
my pen with only his eyes as I used it as a 
stimulus. I checked Robert's eyes for equal 
pupil size, equal tracking, and for a resting 
nystagmus. Robert's pupils were of equal 
size. Robert's eyes tracked equally, and 
Robert did not have a resting nystagrnus.

I then began the testing with the horizontal 
gaze nystagmus being the first test. I had 
Robert remain in the current position as 
before and explained to Robert the 
instructions. Once the instructions were 
explained I asked Robert if he understood 
them in which Robert stated that he did. 
Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: Lack of smooth pursuit in 
both of Robert's eyes, distinct nystagmus at 
maximum deviation in both of Robert's 
eyes, and onset of nystagmus prior to 45 
degrees in both of Roberts eyes.

I then told Robert to continue to stand in 
that position and to put his right foot in front 
of his left foot which was the starting 
position for the next test which was the walk 
and turn. I explained the instructions for the 
walk and turn and demonstrated how to 
preform the test correctly. Once the 
instructions and demonstration was given to 
Robert I asked him if he understood them in 
which Robert stated that he did. 

Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: Robert did not touch heel to 
toe, Robert stopped while walking, Robert 
stepped off the line, Robert used both of his 
arms to balance himself, Robert made an 
improper turn.

The next and final test was the one leg 
stand and I had Robert stand straight up 
with his feet together and arms to his side 
as before in the first starting position while I 
explained fhe instructions for the test . Once 
the instructions were explained to Robert I 
asked him if he understood them in which 
Robert stated that he did. Once the test 
began I obsenred the following clues: 
Robert swayed while attempting to balance 
himself, Robert used both of his arms to 
balance himself, Robert hopped continually 
through out the test, and Robert put his foot 
down multiple times and could not finish the 
test as he stated it was due to climbing 

Based on the test results and my 
experience I placed Robert under arrest for 
suspicion of OVI and placed Robert in hand 
restraints following with a pat down for 
officer safety and then placing him the rear 
of unit #301 where Robert was read his 
Miranda rights.  Ptl. Marchionda then stood 
by for a tow truck to arrive on scene and 
preformed an inventory of the vehicle which 
revealed one opened bud light beer can 
and the 6-pack case that it had come from 
ihside of the vehicle. 

The vehicle was towed to 10 N. 12th St. 
with no hold.

I then transported Robert to the station,and 
read Robert the BMV 2255 forrn that D.0. 
Wheeler witnessed and signed as a witness 
in which Robert signed and chose to give a 
breath sample and a urine sample and 
signed the form. Robert was is a holder of a 
commercial driver's license and was read 
the advise on the BMV 2255 form regarding 
this. Once the 20 minute observation period 
had past I conducted a breath test for 
Robert on the intoxilyzer 8000. Robert gave 
two breath tests and had a final result of a 
BAC 0.134 g/210L. Robert attempted to 
give a urine sample multiple times but 
stated that he could not and a urine sample 
was not obtained.

Robert was then processed, finger printed, 
and photographed. Robert was issued a 
traffic citation for left of center ORC 
4511.29, OVI (SFST) 4511.19(A)(1)(a), and 
OVI (Below .17) ORC 4511.19(A)(1)(d) and 
was given a court date of 08/02/2018 at 
9:00am with a personal appearance 
required for MCC#3, Robert signed the 
citation. Robert was then given a 
recognizance bond of $1,000 for both OVI 
offenses in which Robert signed. Robert 
was given copies of the BMV 2255 form, his 
traffic citation, his recognizance form, and 
his breath results and was released to his 

Ptl. Scott #506


Thursday, July 26, 2018
11:06 AM -0500

DATE: 07/22/2018 11:58:00

On 7/22/2018 I as dispatched to 176 E. 
Virginia Ave. for found property.

Ptl. Kelm #505

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Betty Householder. Betty 
advised several days ago she discovered a 
bicycle with a flat tire and a broken pedal on 
her property. Betty advised she did not 
know who the bicycle belonged to. Betty 
then advised she did not know what to do 
with it and did not want to take it herself due 
to issues with her neighbors. 

I advised Betty I would take it and place it in 
the basement at the police station. I took 
the bicycle and placed it in the trunk of the 
cruiser. I then cleared. 

The bicycle wilt be placed in the basement 
of the police station for safe keeping. 

Ptl. Kelm #505


Case No.: 18007140 
N. 18th St. / W. Ohio Ave.

Alyssa Smith
1471 S. Freedom Ave. Alliance, OH 44601

Traffic Control Devices ORC 4511.12
OVI (SFST) ORC 4511.19(A)(1)(a)
OVI (Less than .7 ) ORC 4511.39(A)(1)(d)

On 07/22/2018  at 2:01am I Ptl. Scott 
initiated a traffic stop the resulted in the 
arrest of the driver for OVI.

Ptl. Scott #506

on 07/22/2018 at 2:01am I Ptl. Scott was 
stationaly at the intersection of W. Ohio 
Ave. and N. Johnson Rd. when I observed 
a vehicle traveling east on W. Ohio Ave. 
that rolled through the intersection with out 
coming to a complete stop at the 
intersection when the intersection had a 
stop sign and also red flashing lights, I then 
pulled out on to the road and initiated a 
traffic stop on the vehicle when it turned on 
to N. 18th St. and came to a complete stop. 
The vehicle was a 2008 Chevrolet 4-door 
bearing an Ohio license plate (HLW4157).

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle and met with the driver and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I received 
the driver's license, a temporary tag 
registration, and no proof of insurance due 
to the driver not being able to find it and 
could not pull it up on their phone due to not 
having any service. 

The driver was identified as Alyssa Smith 
and when Alyssa was attempting to locate 
her driver's liense she opened up a small 
hand purse and passed it 1 time and then 
pulled out a credit card and then located the 
license and gave it to me. I could smell an 
odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from 
the vehicle and an odor of marijuana 
coming from the vehicle. I then asked 
Alyssa if she had consumed any alcoholic 
beverages prior to driving in which Alyssa 
replied yes and stated that she had two 
beers. I then asked Alyssa if she had 
smoked any marijuana prior to driving in 
which Alyssa stated no but the bar that she 
was at people were smoking it around her 
and stated that was the reason her vehicle 
smelled like marijuana.

I then asked Alyssa to exit the vehicle and 
asked if she would consent to field sobriety 
testing in which she stated that she would. 
Once Allyssa exited the vehicle I could 
smell an odor of an alcoholic beverage 
coming from her person. 

Ptl. Marchionda then arrived on scene and 
turned off my cruisers front overhead lights 
and I had Alyssa stand at the rear of her 
vehicle and I asked Alyssa if she had any 
medical or physical conditions that would 
inhibit her from taking the tests in which 
Alyssa stated that she did not. I had Alyssa 
stand straight up with her arms to her side 
and her feet together and held my pen in 
front of her face as a stimulus and I 
checked Alyssa's eyes for equal pupil size, 
equal tracking, and a resting nystagmus. 
Both of Alyssa's pupils were of equal size, 
both of Alyssa's eyes tacked equally, and 
Alyssa did not have a resting nystagmus. 
While doing this Alyssa began to cry 
hysterically and stated that she was 
swerving on Alliance Sebring Rd. prior to 
entering Sebring and stated that her body 
weight was low and she knows that she will 
fail the tests and stated that she is over the 
legal limit.

I then began to explained the instructions 
for the first test which was the horizontal 
gaze nystagrnus and had Alyssa stand 
straight up with her arms to her side and 
her feet together. Once I explained the 
instructions I asked Alyssa if she under 
stood in which Alyssa stated that she did 
understand. Once the test began I observed 
the following clues: Lack of smooth pursuit 
in both eyes, distinct nystagmus at 
maximum deviation in both eyes, and onset 
of nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both 

The next test was the walk and turn and I 
had Alyssa stand straight up with her arms 
to her side and her right foot in front of her 
left foot and before I could start the 
instructions she began to walk and was told 
to stay in the position and listen to the 
instructions. Alyssa stated that she had a 
bad equilibrium but Alyssa was asked prior 
to the tests if she had any physical 
conditions and Alyssa stated that she did 
not. Once the instructions were explained I 
asked if Alyssa understood in which Alyssa 
stated the she did understand. Once the 
test began I observed the following clues: 
Did not touch heel to toe, stepped off of the 
line, used arms to balance, and improper 

The next test was the one leg stand and I 
instructed Alyssa to stand straight up with 
her arms to her side and her feet together 
and not to move until I told her to. Once the 
instructions were explained I asked Alyssa 
if she understood in which Alyssa stated 
that she did understand and to be noted 
Alyssa was instructed not to put her foot 
down. Once the test began I observed the 
following clues:

Swayed while balancing, used arms to 
balance, and Alyssa put her foot down 3 
times which ended the test.

Based on the test results and my 
experience I placed Alyssa under arrest for 
suspicion of operating a motor vehicle while 
under the influence of alcohol or drug of 
abuse. I placed Alyssa in hand restraints 
and placed Alyssa in the rear of unit #301 
and I read Alyssa her Miranda rights. 

Ptl. Marchionda then preformed a probable 
cause search of Alyssa's vehicle and no 
contraband was found other than small 
marijuana buds on the floor board of the 
vehicle. Ptl. Marchionda then stood by for 
the tow of the vehicle while I transported 
Alyssa to the station. 

The vehicle was towed to 10 N. 12th St. 
with no hold.

I then read Alyssa the BMV 2255 form and 
asked Alyssa would consent to chemical 
testing in which Alyssa stated that she 
would consent to chemical testing and 
signed the BMV 2255 form. I observed 
Alyssa when I first made contact with her 
and 20 minutes had passed since her arrest 
which qualified for the 20 minute 
observation period. I then preformed a 
breath test of Alyssa and Alyssa blew a 
0.158 BAC into the intoxilyzer 8000. Alyssa 
also gave a urine sample which was 
collected by D.O. Wheeler.

Alyssa was then given a recognizance bond 
of $1,000 for OVI (SFST) 4511.19(A)(1)(a) 
and OVI (LESS THAN .17) 4511 .19(A)(1)
(d) in which Alyssa signed. Alyssa was 
advised of her license suspension and was 
placed under administrative license 
suspension and her driver's license was 
seized. I issued a traffic citation to Alyssa 
for both OVI offenses and for traffic control 
devices ORC 4511.12. Alyssa was given 
copies of the BMV 2255 form, the citation, 
the recognizance bond, and a copy of her 
breath results.

Alyssa is scheduled to appear on 
07/26/2018 at 9:00am at MCC#3 with a 
personal appearance required. Once Alyssa 
received her copies of paper work she was 
released to a valid and sober driver.

Ptl. SCOTT 506


Case No.: 18007138
235 East Ohio Avenue, Sebring Ohio 44672

Arrested: William  Lough
12387 Bon Air Ave NE, Alliance Ohio 44601

OVI 4511.19A1A
Left of Center 4511.25

On 07/22/2018, I observed a vehicle 
traveling with out headlights and tail lights.

Redfern 504

On 07/21/2018, I was traveling westbound 
on East Ohio Avenue in the area of North 
13th Street When I observed a Silver 
Volkswagen with no headlights or tail lights 
on, traveling North on North 13th Street fail 
to complete a stop at the intersection prior 
to turning to start to travel Westbound on 
Ohio. While the Volkswagen was in front of 
me I observed the vehicle make an 
extremely wide turn nearly hitting the curb 
on the northside of the road. The vehicle 
quickly attempted to overcompensate and 
subsequently went into the adjacent lane of 
oncoming traffic at which point I decided to 
conduct a traffic stop.

I then made contact with the restrained 
driver of the vehicle whom was identified as 
William Lough of Alliance. William advised 
me that he was coming from his girlfriend's 
residence in Beloit. William had an 
overwhelming odor of alcohol coming from 
the vehicle. William's sclera's were glassy 
and bloodshot. William was stumbling over 
his words and advised that he forgat to turn 
on his headlights because he could not 
figure out how to turn them on. I asked 
William if he was drinking anything tonight 
and he advised,that he was at his friends 
drinking prior. I asked William if he felt okay 
to drive and he advised that he did. I asked 
William if he would pass field sobriety 
testing if I asked him to perform such tests 
and William advised that he could. I then 
asked William to get out of the car and, 
William complied, but was very unsteady 
and needed to hold on to the vehicle to 
maintain balance. I had William stand in the 
parking lot of the Fire Department, so he 
could perform the tests.

I asked William if he had any medical or 
physical conditions that would inhibit him 
from taking the tests in which William stated 
that his ankle was bothering him. I had 
William stand straight up with his arms to 
his side and his feet together and held my 
finger in front of his face as a stimulus and I 
checked William's eyes for equal pupil size, 
equal tracking, and a resting nystagmus. 
Both of William's pupils were of equal size, 
both of William's eyes tacked equally, and 
William did not have a resting nystagmus. I 
then began to explain the instructions for 
the first test which was the horizontal gaze 
nystagmus and had William stand straight 
up with his arms to his side and his feet 

Once I explained the instructions I asked 
William if he under stood in which William 
stated that he did understand and advised 
that he has done this test several of times. 
Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: Lack of smooth pursuit in 
both eyes, distinct nystagmus at maximum 
deviation In both eyes, and onset of 
nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both eyes.

The next test was the walk and turn and I 
had William stand straight up with his arms 
to his side and his right foot in front of her 
left foot and before I could start the 
instructions he began to walk and was told 
to stay in the position and listen to the 
instructions. Once the instructions were 
explained I asked if William understood in 
which William stated the he did understand. 
Once the test began I observed the 
following William walked hYo normal not hill 
to toe steps and said he could not do that 
test as he nearly fell.

The next test was the one leg stand and I 
instructed William to stand straight up with 
his arms to his side and his feet together 
and not to move until I told him to. Once the 
instructions were explained I asked William 
if he understood in which William stated that 
he did understand and to be noted William 
was instructed not to put his foot down. 
Once the test began I observed the 
following clues:

Swayed while balancing, used arms to 
balance, and William put his foot down 3 
times and kept it down stating that he could 
not finish which ended the test.

Based on the test results and my 
experience I placed William under arrest for 
suspicion of operating a motor vehicle while 
under the influence of alcohol or drug of 
abuse. I placed William in hand restraints 
and placed William in the rear of unit #301 
and I read William his Miranda rights. I 
advised William that I had a few more tests 
that I needed him to complete back at 
station. William advised "I will blow way 
over the legal limit". I requested dispatch to 
send another unit to secure the vehicle with 
Spingers towing while I came to station for 
chemical testing. Ptl. Marchionda arrived on 
location and stood by. 

The vehicle was towed to 10 N. 12th St. 
with no hold.

I arrived back at station and instructed 
William into the booking room, I then read 
William the BMV 2255 form and asked 
William if he would consent to chemical 
testing in which William stated that he 
would consent to chemical testing and 
signed the BMV 2255 form. I observed 
William when I first made contact with him 
and 20 minutes had passed since his arrest 
which qualified for the 20 minute 
observation period. Ptl. Scott then 
preformed a breath test of William, which 
advised that the test was invalid. I then set 
up the machine for another test and during 
the first blow of air William kept stopping 
during the test and would not give one long 
complete blow, Finally William was able to 
give enough air for one reading which 
registered at a .302 g/210L being nearly 
four (4) times over the legal limit.

During the second blow William continued 
to give short breaths and the second 
reading was a .275g/210L+ Due to William's 
deliberate short breaths the machine did not 
register a correct BAC. William was advised 
that he needed to provide a urine sample to 
avoid being charged with an OVI Refusal. 
Urine was collected and placed in a secure 
box and placed into the refrigerator in a lock 

William was then given a recognizance 
bond of $1,000 for OVI (SFST) 4511.19 (A)
(1)(a) and was advised that when the urine 
results came back he would then be placed 
under an ALS suspension. I issued a traffic 
citation to William for both OVI, and for left 
of center William was given copies of the 
BMV 2255 form, the citation, the 
recognizance bond.

William is scheduled to appear on 
07/26/2018 at 9:00am at MCC#3 with a 
personal appearance required. Once 
William received his copies of paper work 
he was released to a valid and sober driver.

Ptl. Redfern #504


DATE. 07/20/2018 16:57:00

On 07/20/2018, I was met on station by 
Carol Moore whom had fake mbney in her 


On 07/20/2018, 1 was met on station by 
Carol Moore whom had fake money in her 
possession. I spoke with Carol whom 
advised that her friend Robert Chapin owes 
her roughly $1 3,000. Carol advised that 
Robert came by yesterday and brought her 
$200.00 Carol advised that she attempted 
to take the money to several stores and 
they advised her it was fake and at which 
point she brought it to the police station. 
Carol advised that she wishes not to pursue 
charges at this time, Incident will be closed.

Reporting Officer , Chad Redfern, Jr.


DATE 07/21/2018 04:30:00

On 07/21/2018 I Ptl, Scott responded to 335 
E. Vermont Ave. for a domestic dispute.

Ptl. Scott #506

Upon arrival observed no individuals in the 
front yard and observed a vehicle leave the 
residence and attempted to follow the 
vehicle thinking it was the suspect but came 
back to the residence to make sure the 
victim was okay. 

I then met with a female identified as 
Adrianne Binkley who stated her and her 
boyfriend got info a verbal argument and 
then her boyfriend left for work.

Adrianne then stated a previous event 
occurred when her boyfriend chocked her 
and she stated that she did not pursue 
charges and does not know if she ever will. 
Adrianne then stated that her boyfriend 
threatened to kill her tonight but Adrianne 
refused to pursue charges.

I was able to identify the boyfriend as Gary 
widlow and I then obtained a statement 
from Adrianne and then deared the scene.

Ptl. Scott 506


Thursday, July 26, 2018
09:23 AM -0500

Case No.: 18007136
335 E Vermont Ave. Sebring OH 

Arrested: Gary Wadlow II
Assault M1
Vandalism F5
Attempt Assault on Peace Officer F5
Domestic Violence M1
Disorderly Conduct M4

ARREST DATE 7/21/2018

On 07/21/2018, I was dispatched along with 
Ptl. Brindack to the 300 block of East 
Vermont Avenue in reference to a Domestic 
in progress.

Redfern 504

On 07/21/2018, I was dispatched along with 
Ptl. Brindack to the 300 block of East 
Vermont Avenue in reference to a Domestic 
in progress. I arrived on location with Ptl. 
Brindack and we made contact with the 
victim Adrianne Binkley whom advised that 
she was assaulted by her boyfriend Gary 
Woodlow. Adrianne advised that she and 
Gary reside in the same residence and they 
share two children together. Adrianne 
advised that they have been arguing all day 
about infidelities. 

Adrianne advised that there was an incident 
last week that she did not want to pursue 
charges in, and the police were called to the 
residence this morning. Adrianne advised 
that just prior to her call this time she was 
hit in the back and slammed aiainst the car. 
Adrianne did have obvious redness to her 
face. Adrianne advised that this time she 
wishes to pursue charges. Adrianne was 
given a statement form and a Domestic 
Violence Complaint. Adrianne filled out all 
of the necessary paperwork. Adrianne was 
instructed to follow up and sign charges at 
court on Monday morning.

I went to the back yard where Ptl. Brindack 
was talking with Gary. From my time of 
observation Gary was aggressive and 
hostile towards officers. 1 walked over to 
Ptl. Brindack and Gary, and Gary started 
yelling. I advised Gary that he will be given 
the opportunity to post a bond if he is 
cooperative. Gary advised officers that he 
was been charged three times in the past 
with Domestic Violence, but always 
convicted of a lesser offense. Gary started 
yelling obscenities from the back yard 
calling Adrianne a "Fat Bitch" several times. 
Gary was advised that he needed to stop 
yelling he was disrupting the neighbors. 
Gary jumped down off of the porch and 
towards officers and put his hands behind 
his back. Gary was placed under arrest. 
Gary then started screaming and 
threatening officers. Gary advised that he 
was going to break loose of the hand cuffs 
and "show you guys a good time" Gary was 
subsequently taken to the cruiser.

Gary was then transported back to the 
department. While Gary was outside of the 
department coming in, Gary started yelling 
obscenities to the Police Department's 
neighbors who were playing corn hole. Gary 
was taken into the booking room where 
Gary was photographed while paperwork 
was being drawn up. Gary started to kick 
the desk in the squad room and at that point 
in time it was determined that Gary would 
be place in leg shackles for his protection 
and further protection of Village Property. 

While officers were attempting to place leg 
restraints on to Gary, Gary attempted to kick 
Ptl. Brindack in the face, at which point 
Gary was then assisted to ground from the 
chair to further prevent injury to both Gary 
and officers. Gary was then taken to the the 
awaiting cruiser and transported to the 
Mahoning County Jail on charges of 
Vandalism F5, Attempted Assault on an 
Officer F5, Domestic Violence M1, Assault 
M1, and Disorderly Conduct M4. Gary was 
given a total bond of $9,250 with a court 
appearance of 07/26/2018.

Redfern 504


On 07/21/18 I responded to a domestic 
violence at 335 E Vermont ave. Upon arrival 
myself and Ptl. Redfern spoke with 
Adrianne Binkley who advised that Gary 
Wadlow the father of her children had hit 
her and slammed her against her vehicle 
and later attempted to throw a chair at her. 
Adrianne advised she wanted to press 
charges this time as this needed to stop. 
While Ptl. Redfern continued speaking with 
Adrianne and was filling out a domestic 
violence packet I went to the rear of the 
house and spoke with Gary who said he 
just wanted to leave and had been trying to 
leave all day which is
why this fight occurred. As I spoke with 
Gary Ptl. Redfern came outback and 
advised Gary he was under arrest for 
domestic violence and I placed him in 
handcuffs which were gaped and locked. 

At this point Gary became hostile and 
started to threaten officers saying he was 
going to break free of his handcuffs and 
show us. Gary was placed in patrol car 
303# and was transported back to our 
station. When we arrived at our station and 
Gary was exiting the cruiser he began to 
scream at neighbor of the police 
department who were having a house party. 
Gary was told to quit yelling and was taken 
to our squad room. While in the squad room 
I photographed Gary as PtC. Redfern was 
doing paperwork for jail. While in the squad 
room Gary became increasingly angry until 
the point he stood up and kicked the desk. I 
placed Gary back in his chair and asked Ptl. 
Redfern for assistance.

Ptl. Redfern held Gary in his chair while I 
retrieved Leg shackles to place on Gary to 
prevent him from further damaging Village 
property. As I attempted to shackle Gary's 
feet he began to resist and attempted to 
kick me. Ptl. Redfern placed Gary on the 
ground and I was able to place leg shackles 
on Gary which were gaped and locked, with 
out further incident. Gary was then assisted 
to his feet and placed back in his chair. At 
this time it was determined that Gary was 
be transported to the jail and the jail 
paperwork would be faxed to the jail so 
there would net be further incident. 

Gary was placed in patrol car #303 and was 
transported to Mahoning County jail. During 
transportation to the jail Gary continued to 
be hostile saying "when I get out I'll show 
that bitch domestic violence" and he told me 
he hopes he finds me "out of uniform". 

When we arrived at the jail Gary continued 
his hostility and argued and swore at 
deputies. After being placed in a cell Gary 
began to scream "faggots" and punching 
the walls. when advised I was no longer 
needed I cleared the jail and returned to the 

Ptl. Brindack 507


Wednesday, July 25, 2018
11:58 AM -0500

CASE #18007125
545 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH 44672

Arrested: Amanda Taveras
216 Heacock Rd. Sebring, Oh 44672
Domestic Violence ORC 2919.25

Arrested: Jon Steed 
545 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH 44672
Domestic Violence ORC 2919.25

Arrested: Jessica Yaggi
756 N. 15th St., Sebring, Oh

On 07/20/2018 I Ptl, Scott and Ptl. 
Marchionda were dispatched to 545,W. 
Ohio Ave. for a male that had been 
assaulted with a blunt object by a neighbor.

Ptl. Scott #506

I Ptl. Scott was the first one on scene and 
upon my arrival I observed a group of 
people outside in front of the residence two 
individuals on the front porch and two more 
in the front yard. I talked to a male that was 
in the front yard identified as Jon Steed 
which appeared to be under the influence 
and Jon stated that he had came home and 
his girlfriend saw a message on his phone 
and attacked him and Jon grabbed her and 
took her to the ground to run away. Jon 
stated that when he came outside his girl 
friend had followed him and the neighbor 
which was identified as Jessica Yaggi came 
over with a gardening rake and began to 
chase Jon and Amanda took the rake and 
began to swing it and hesitated which is 
when Jessica took it, and swung for her 
hiting Jon in the back of the head.

I then asked for Sebring 1st Responders to 
come to the scene to assess Jon for his 
minor injuries which were small scratches 
on the back and side of his neck which he 
later refused medical treatment. I then 
spoke to Jon's girlfriend who was identified 
as Amanda Taveras and Amanda stated 
that when Jon came home she saw a 
message on his phone from another girl 
and she threw the phone at him and pushed 
Jon in the face with an open palm. Amanda 
then stated that Jon took her to the ground 
and began to choke her. Amanda then 
stated that when they went outside Jon had 
gotten on top of her and began to, beat her 
by punching her.

I then spoke to two witnesses at the scene, 
the first was identified as Cassandra 
Edwards who stated when she came out 
side she saw Amanda and Jessica come 
around the corner yelling at Jon and 
Amanda allegedly yelled " We are going to 
fight or I'm calling the cops". Cassandra 
continued stating that Jon then went to the 
steps by the sidewalk and sat down when 
Amanda picked up an object later found to 
be a garden rake and swung it at Jon hitting 
him in the shoulder. Cassandra stated that 
Jessica then took the rake and swung it 
hitting Jon the back of his head and neck 
area and Jessica then ran away going 
inside her home on 540 1/2 Oregon Ave.

The second witness identified as Karli 
Wilson stated that she heard yelling out 
side and she then went outside and 
watched as Amanda stated "Either call the 
cops or you're getting your ass beat". Karli 
then stated that Amanda picked up the rake 
and when she was about to swing the rake 
Jessica took it from her and swung it at Jon 
hitting him in the shoulder and then running 

Once I interviewed the individuals I then 
detained Amanda while Jon was being 
assessed by medical personal. I then 
walked behind the residence into the alley 
where 540 1/2 Oregon Ave. to attempt to 
make contact with Jessica which was 
unsuccessful. I then contacted the home 
owner which drove to the residence and 
gave officers permission to enter the 
residence. The home owner had a key to 
the front door but the screen door in front of 
the door was locked. The home owner then 
asked if he could break the screen door and 
he was advised that he could do what ever 
he wanted due to it being his property. The 
screen door was then removed and the 
door was unlocked by key and officers 
entered the residence and found Jessica 
laying in between a bed and a closet in her 
mothers room. Jessica was then placed 
under arrest for assault and placed in hand 
restraints and was also read her rights. 
Jessica helped locate the rake and 
confirmed that she had hit Jon with it and 
thrown it when she ran. Jessica was placed 
in the rear of unit #302.

I then placed both Jon and Amanda under 
arrest for domestic violence and read them 
both their rights and placed Jon in hand 
restraints placing Jon in the rear of Smith 
Twp, unit 34. The rake was confiscated and 
taken to the station and was logged as 
property. All three individuals were 
transported to station where they were 
processed, finger printed, and 
photographed. Jon and Amanda had 
photographs taken of their injuries, Amanda 
also refused to give a written statement of 
the event. Jon and Amanda both were 
charged with domestic violence and Jessica 
was charged with assault and all three 
individuals posted bond through Sly Bail 
Bonds agent Christopher Harkovitch.

Jon and Amanda both posted a $2,500.00 
bond for domestic violence and the 
conditions of bond were relayed to them 
prior to being released which they had 
signed along with signing domestic refusals, 
Jessica posted a $1,250.OO bond for 
assault and was released. Jon, Amanda, 
and Jessica were given copies of the 
recognizance form that they had signed and 
Jon and Amanda were given the case 
number along with their victim rights, and 
the domestic violence information sheet, All 
three power of attorneys were obtained and 
copies were made. All three individuals are 
scheduled to appear in MCC#3 on 
07/26/2018 at 9:OOam.

Ptl. Scott #506 

Upon my arrival, 1 observed Patrolman 
Scott already on scene making contact with 
witnesses, the victim and the alleged 
suspect. I took over interviewing the victim, 
Jon-Michael Steed, while Patrolman Scott 
attempted to locate another suspect who 
had supposedly fled prior to our arrival.

steed appeared to be distraught, angry and 
intoxicated while speaking with him. Steed 
stated he and his girlfriend, Amanda 
Taveras, had gotten into a verbal altercation 
over him talking to another female. Steed 
stated the altercation became physical 
when Tavera started to hit him. In self-
defense, Steed stated he pushed Tavera to 
the ground to prevent her from hiting him. 
Steed then stated he exited the residence 
and observed Taveras retrieve what 
appeared to be a "garden hoe" and attempt 
to swing it at him. Steed stated as he turned 
to avoid being struck, he observed the other 
female involved, Jessica Yaggi, take the 
hoe out of Taveras' hands and hit him ' with 
it although he claimed his back was to both 
of them. Steed was struck on the back of 
his neck as I observed several small cuts 
and minor lacerations which were still 
bleeding. Steed shouted several times he 
wanted to press charges against Taveras 
and Yaggi and uttered his girlfriend Tavera 
was on probation and wanted her charged 
with domestic violence as the two reside 

While speaking to Steed, members of the 
Sebring Fire Department began to arrive on 
scene to assess his injuries. 

Following instructions by Patrolman Scott, I 
made contact with Tavera and advised her 
she was detained pending further 
investigation into the matter. I instructed 
Taveras to stand up, place her hands 
behind her back and subsequently placed 
her in handcuffs which were gapped and 
double locked. I then placed Tavera in the 
back seat of marked unit #301 and 
reiterated to her she was not under arrest at 
this time; that she was only being detained 
until the all the facts could be ascertained. 
While placing her in the back of #301, I 
observed her face to appear puffy and also 
observed marks on her neck.

I then made contact with two witnesses who 
also resided at the residence, Karli Wilson 
and her girlfriend Cassandra Edwards 
(Steed's half-sister). I asked Edwards and 
Wilson if they were willing to provide 
voluntary written statements to which they 
said yes. According to Wilson, she heard 
yelling outside of the residence and 
observed Taveras and Steed in a verbal 
altercation in which Taveras told Steed, "call 
the cops or you're getting your ass beat." 
According to Wilson, Tavera then picked up 
what appeared to be a garden hoe and 
began to swing it at Steed but didn't 
connect because Yaggi ripped it out of her 
hand and struck Steed. Edwards stated she 
witnessed Taveras strike Steed with the hoe 
on his shoulder and then observed Yaggi 
take the hoe out of Taveras' hands and 
struck Steed on the back of his neck. 
According to Edwards'statemnt, Yaggi was 
"in full baseball stants and swings full force 
hitting my brother Jon" (sic). Both Edwards 
and Wilson confirmed Yaggi ran from the 
scene towards the rear of the residence.

Dispatch advised a key holder for 540 1/2 
W Oregon Avenue was en route to the 
location to provide Patrolman Scott and 
Sergeant Davis (who arrived on scene 20 
provide assistance) entry into the residence 
that it was believed Yaggi ran into. Prior to 
the key holder's arrival on scene, I was 
advised by members of Sebring Fire 
Department that Steed had refused medical 
treatment on scene and was signing against 
medical advice. After Steed was released 
from their care, I obtained a voluntary 
written statement from him and asked if he 
wanted to sign a domestic violence 
complaint against Taveras and assault 
charges against Yaggi. Steed had a 
change. of heart and signed a refusal for 
domestic violence but insisted he wanted to 
pursue charges against Yaggi.

A key holder eventually arrived at 540 112 
W Oregon Avenue and gave officers' 
permission to enter the residence in an 
attempt to locate Yaggi. Patrolman Scott 
located Yaggi laying on the floor in one of 
the first floor bedrooms. Patrolman Scott 
and Sergeant Davis asked Yaggi why she 
didn't come to the door when they first 
attempted to make contact to which she 
replied, "I was scared" (sic'). Patrolman 
Scott then advised Yaggi given the injuries 
sustained by Steed and corroborating 
witness statements, she was under arrest 
for assault and placed into handcuffs. I then 
escorted Yaggi from the residence and 
secured her in the back of marked unit 

The item that resembled a "garden hoe as 
described by the victim and witnesses, was 
eventually located behind 545 W Ohio Ave 
and was discovered to actually be a plastic 
rake with a wooden handle. I then made 
contact with Taveras, who was still detained 
in the rear of #301 and began to ascertain 
her version of what happened. Taveras 
stated she discovered Steed had been 
messaging another female and confronted 
him about it. At one point, Taveras stated 
she threw a cellphone at Steed and struck 
him in the face and engaged in a mutual 
physical altercation which resulted in Steed 
placing his hands around her neck. This 
claim was supported by the marks I 
observed on her neck.

Taveras stated Steed also attempted to 
strike her in the face several times and that 
she put her hands up in front of her face to 
block the strikes. Taveras stated she did not 
wish lo pursue domestic violence charges 
against Steed since he wasn't pursuing 
charges against her. I took photographs of 
Taveras' face and neck which were later 
uploaded to the case file at the Sebring 
Police Department.

Patrolman Scott and I then made contact 
with Steed and to review his statement.  
According to Steed, Taveras saw messages 
on his phone from another female and 
began to punch and scratch him. Steed 
stated he pushed her to the ground and ran 
down the steps and stated as he did so, 
Yaggi arrived at the residence. Steed stated 
Taveras ran through the with a "garden hoe" 
(sic) and she and Yaggi hit him with it in the 
back of his left side of his neck, knocking 
him down the steps in the front yard. Steed 
admitted he was not facing Yaggi and 
Tavera when he was struck but was sure 
both of them struck him as he saw Taveras 
begin to swing and Yaggi grabbing it out of 
her hands.

After observing both parties' injuries and 
given their statements that assault was 
mutual, Steed was placed under arrest for 
domestic violence and Taveras was advised 
she was also under arrest for the same 
charge. Steed and Taveras were advised of 
the Miranda Rights on scene prior to being 
transported back to the station. Steed was 
placed in the rear of marked Smith 
Township unit #34 and transported to the 
Sebring Police Department by Sergeant 
Davis. Taveras was transported from the 
scene in marked unit #301 by Patrolman 
Scott while I transported both Yaggi and the 
rake in marked unit #302.

Upon arriving at the station, Yaggi and 
Taveras were placed in the squad room, 
handcuffs removed and immediately began 
processing. Steed was kept separated from 
both parties and placed in a separate office 
where he remained handcuffed. Yaggi was 
re-advised her Miranda Rights and I asked 
her if she was willing to waive them to 
provide a written statement to which she 
stated no. I then re-advised Taveras her 
Miranda Rights and asked her if she was 
willing to waive them to provide a written 
statement to which she stated yes. Taveras 
voluntarily signed a Miranda Rights waiver 
and began to provide a statement but then 
stopped. During processing, Yaggi made 
several utterances that she struck Steed in 
the back of the neck with the rake because 
of what he had done to Taveras. Yaggi also 
stated Steed choked Taveras out to the 
point where she lost conscious and began 
to punch and kick her; information that was 
not originally ascertained at any point by 
any party on scene.

After Yaggi and Taveras were 
photographed, fingerprinted and processed, 
both parties posted cash bond through Sly 
Bail Bonds. Yaggi was released on a 10% 
cash bond af $1,250.00 and Taveras was 
released on a 10% cash bond of $2,500. 
Both parties signed their recognizance 
papetwork and advised of their mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, July 26, 2018 at 0900 for 
ORC 2903.13 Assault M-1 (Yaggi) and 
ORC 2919.25 Domestic Violence M-1 
(Taveras). Taveras was also provided a 
copy of a domestic violence victim 
information sheet.

Following the release of Taveras and Yaggi 
accompanied by the third party who posted 
their bond, Steed was brought into the 
squad room to be processed, photographed 
and fingerprinted. Steed was released on a 
10% cash bond of $2,500 through Sly Bail 
Bonds and advised of his mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, July 26,2018 at 0900 for 
ORC 2919.25 Domestic Violence M-1 . 
Steed was provided his signed copy of his 
recognizance paperwork in addition to a 
copy of a domestic violence victim 
information sheet. Steed was released from 
the station accompanied by his half-sister. 
The rake was photographed, tagged and 
secured on station as evidence. Prior to 
their release, it was reiterated to Steed and 
Taveras the conditions of their bond and 
that they could not have any contact with 
one another.

Ptl D, Marchionda #508



Sunday, July 22, 2018
09:22 AM -0500

Case No.: 18002053
Grand Theft of Motor Vehicle F-4 (Warrant 

Arrested: Karlie Hale
3183 Maple Ridge Dr. Williard, OH 44890

On 02/13/2018 I took a theft of motor 
vehicle complaint.

PTL. Bondoni #572

On 02/13/2018 at approx. 0039hrs Sebring 
Dispatch received a call from Jessica Yaggi 
advising that her car had been stolen, from 
540 1/2 W. Oregon Ave. Upan arrival I was 
met by Jessica Yaggi who showed me a 
screenshot of a conversation her roommate 
Katrina Rudiak (D.O.B. 1982) sent her that 
was a conversation between Ms. Rudiak 
and a woman named Shawna (later 
identified as Shawna Blake) where a 
woman named "Karlie' who was using Ms. 
Blake's facebook messenger admitted that 
she stole a vehicle. Ms. Yaggi's keys which 
should have been hanging up near the door 
were missing. The vehicle is a 2003 maroon 
Buick Century.

Ms. Yaggi stated that Karlie was a friend of 
Ms.Rudiak's from Youngstown, which Ms. 
Rudiak's from. Ms. Yaggi made several 
attempts to contact Ms. Rudiak, who did not 
answer her phone. I successfully made 
contact with Shawna Blake who 
immediately knew why I was calling her, but 
claimed to not knowing anything about what 
happened. Ms. Blake agreed to come into 
the police department for an interview. 
Upon arrival she admitted that she was with 
Karlie but only knew her as "K"  through 
mutual friends and claims to not know her 
last name or where she lives. 

Smith Twp, was also requested to check the 
area of Heabck Rd. where Ms. Blake 
resides for the vehicle. Ms. Blake also 
showed me the full facebook messenger 
thread. Ms. Blake speech was also difficult 
to understand and at times it almost 
seemed like she wasn't understanding what 
I was saying.

A Vehicle Theft Report was filled out and 
sent to LEAD'S, Ms. Yaggi was advised 
make a list of things that were in the vehicle 
and come in that morning to fill out a written 
statement. An investigation is currently 

PTL. Bondoni #512

On 2/13/18 at 0616 hours the Portage 
County Sheriffs Office advised that they had 
located the vehicle at 711 State Highway 
183 in Atwater. Springer's Towing was 
contacted and they towed the vehicle back 
for processing.

On 02/13/2018, 1 received a case from 
Chief Harris in reference to a stolen vehicle. 
I was advised that the vehicle belonged to 
Jessica Yaggi, and it was stolen last night 
and recovered this morning from 711 SR 
183 in Atwater.

Chief Harris and I went to Springers and 
processed the vehicle. We were unable to 
find any prints on the vehicle. We did 
however obtain a water bottte from the 
vehicle that was taken to sent to the lab for 

I went to the victims residence on West 
Oregon Avenue and spoke with the victim 
Jessica Yaggi. Jessica advised that she 
was in bed last night and her roommate 
Katrina Rudiak were at their residence. 
Katrina's friend Karlie Hale came over, and 
when she left she stole her car.

I spoke to Katrina Rudiak who advised that 
her frined Karlie Hale came over last night 
to talk about some relationship problems 
that she was having. Katrina advised that 
they hung out in the basement and when 
Karlie went to leave she did not follow her 
up from the basement she let herself out. 

Katrina advised that she got a message 
from Karlie later on stating that she needed 
help she stole a vehicle. Katrina didn't think 
much of it, and then she went to check if 
her roommate Jessica's vehicle was at the 
house and it was gone. 

Statement was obtained.

I then went to speak with Shawna Blake 
who advised that last night Karlie Hale met 
her at circle K and when they were in the 
store she asked if she could borrow her 
phone to message Katrina.

Shawna complied and allowed her to use 
the phone. Statement was obtained.

On 02/13/2018, I Spoke with Prosecuting 
attorney Theresa Tolson who authorized a 
Felony 4 warrant , for brand theft of a motor 
vehicle on Karlie Hale. 

Redfern 504

OR 2/27/18, Jessica came into the station 
and filled out a statement advising that she 
got the car back and how she got the keys. 
She did not sign the stolen vehicle report. 
Case will be closed with warrant issued.

Redfern 504


On 7/16/2018, Stark County Jail contacted 
dispatch reference the holder that was 
placed on Karlie R. Hale for our felony 
warrant on her. Dispatch confirmed the 
warrant and I had Ptl. Rober go to the jail 
and place Karlie in custody for warrant 
18CRA42 Grand Theft of Motor Vehicle 
2913.02A1 F-4. Once in custody, Karlie was 
transported back to headquarters where 
she was processed and transported to 
Mahoning County Jail with a court date at 
MCC #3 on 7/39/2018 at 0900 hours. 
Karlie's DNA was already on file per the 
CCH so therefore it was not collected.

Sgt. Eberling #503



DATE: 07/18/2018 22:27:00

On 07/18/18 While on patrol I observed a 
disabled vehicle at the comer of Ohio Ave 
and Johnson Rd.

Ptl. Brindack 507

I made contact with the driver and 
passenger of the above mentioned vehicle. 
The driver was identified as Mary Lavoie. 
The passenger was identified as Anthony 
Dean Gillman and dispatch advised he had 
a warrant out Richland County for failure to 
appear. I asked dispatch if it was in the pick 
up radius and if Richland wanted him. 
Dispatch made contact With Richland 
County Sheriffs Office and they advised he 
was out of pick up radius and they did not 
want him. 

I advised Anthony of his warrant and 
advised him to get it taken care of, Anthony 
advised Re would.

He made contact with a friend Chris 
Tewksbury senior and Chris told him he had 
a gas can with gas he could use, I provided 
a courtesy transport for Anthony to retrieve 
the gas as Mary stayed with the vehicle 
which was now off the roadway. Anthony 
retrieved the gas I gave him a ride back to 
the vehicle and cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507 


Case No.: 18006089
Littering/Deposit Trash (MM)
1021 W State St Alliance OH 44601

Arrested: Roberta Maffei 
3080 Ridehilt Ave Alliance OH 44601

On 06/15/2018, It was brought to my 
attention that there was a property on the 
100 block of east Oregon Avenue that was 
in violation of SCO 521.08.

Redfern 504

I went by the property in the past and saw 
that there were several violations. A 
warning letter was typed up and affixed to 
the window of the business. I then went to 
several businesses in Alliance and spoke 
with the owner of the property whom was 
identified as Roberta Moffei. I advised her 
that she was in violation for quite sometime 
and she needed to rectify the problem with 
in the allotted five (5) days which would be 
on 06/20/2018.

Roberta advised that she would need more 
time than that. I advised Roberta that she 
would need to show steady improvement to 
possibly avoid criminal charges, Roberta 
advised that she understood. I then cleared, 
Case will be left pending to see if Roberta 

Redfern 504

On 06/19/18 This case was turned over to 
me and I will be following up with it.

Ptl. Brindack 507

This case was given to me on 06/19/18. Ptl. 
Redfern issued the trash warning letter to 
Roberta giving her 5 days to clean up or at 
least show progress cleaning up the rubbish 
at 126 E Oregon Ave. on 06/15/18. It is now 
07/33/18 28 days later. 

I have given Roberta almost 6 times the 
allotted time to begin cleaning up the 
rubbish considering there is so much of it. 
Roberta however has shown no effort to 

This being the case a State complaint was 
done requesting a summons for Roberta 
with a court date of 07/26/18 at 0900hrs.

Upon the summons being returned Roberta 
will be served.


On 07/17/18 Roberta Moffei was served 
with her summons and advised of he court 
date 07/26/18. I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507



DATE: 07/76/2018 06:31:00

Officer dispatched to the foot ball stadium 
for a criminal damaging report.

On Monday, July 16, 2018 this officer was 
dispatched and responded to the High 
school football stadium for a criminal 
damaging report. 

Upon arrival I spoke with Mr. David Yaggi 
that stated he has been on vacation for the 
last two weeks and just returned on this 
date to find the first right door to be kicked 
when first walking in to the stadium. I 
observed there to be minor damage to the 

I photographed the damage at this time. 
Nothing was reported missing at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell #510


Wednesday, July 18, 2018
04:22 PM -0500

DATE: 07/15/2018 20:17:00

On 7/15/2018. I spoke with a male on 
station reference a disturbance.

Sgt. Eberling #503


DATE: 07/15/2018 13:07:00

On 7/15/2018 I was dispatched to the 
parking lot behind The Concern for a 

Upon arrival I made contact with David 
Yaratch, 207 W. Ohio Ave. Sebring. David 
advised he was arguing with his girlfriend 
later identified as Chandler Nicole 
McKinney, 228 W. Maryland Ave. , Sebring. 
David also advised that there was no 
physical altercation. David then advised he 
and Chandler were moving to Alliance 
today and they were just stressed out.

Ptl. McDaniel arrived on scene and spoke 
ta Chandler who also advised there 'was no 
physical altercation. Both units stood by 
while David picked up trash he had thrown 
onto ihe ground during the argument. Once 
the trash was cleaned up and it was 
determined neither party showed signs of a 
physical altercation both units deared 
without incident.

Ptl. Kelm #SO5


DATE: 07/15/2018 00:06:00

On Sunday, July 15, 2018, Patrolman 
Marchionda was dispatched to 845 W 
California Ave reference a report of a 
disturbance from a concerned citizen.

Upon my arrival at the residence, dispatch 
advised Sergeant Davis from Smith 
Township Police Department would be en 
route to the location as it was determined 
the residence fell under his jurisdiction. Until 
Sergeant Davis arrived, I remained on 
scene to at least make initial contact and 
determine whether or not a disturbance had 
occurred. During my arrival, I did not 
witness or hear a disturbance taking place. I 
then made contact with the resident, Tonya 
Neville-Welling, who advised me her family 
and friends were having a bonfire. I advised 
Tonya a complaint'had been made 
regarding the noise and the fire.

Sergeant Davis arrived on scene at this 
time and I briefed him on the call up until his 
arrival. I remained on scene while Sergeant 
Davis made contact with Tonya and her 
husband, Brandon Welling, as well as their 
son Skylar. Two other males were at the 
location as well who provided their 
identification without issue. While Sergeant 
Davis was explaining the complaint and the 
legalities of having a fire, Brandon became 
agitated and disorderly. It was then 
discovered that Tonya and Brahdon were 
actually involved in a verbal altercation prior 
to our arrival that was loud enough to draw 
the attention of a neighbor who phoned the 
complaint in.

Brandon ceased being uncooperative and 
disorderly after being warned by Sergeant 
Davis and all parties were advised to keep 
the noise to a minimum, Tonya was advised 
by Sergeant Davis to abstain from getting 
into any type of altercation with Brandon for 
the remainder of the night. 

Both officers cleared the scene without 

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


INCIDENT NUMBER: 18-0071 04 
DATE: 07/14/2018 19:48:00

On 07/14/2018, Units were dispatched to 
Heritage Oaks Banquet Center in reference 
to a walk through.

Redfern 504

On 07/14/2018, Units were dispatched to 
Heritage Oaks Banquet Center in reference 
to a walk through. Dispatch advised that the 
owner of the establishment called in 
advising that there was an intoxicated male 
whom was causing a disturbance. 

Units arrived on location and spoke with the 
wedding party and observed no disturbance 
, units then cleared.

- Redfern 504


Case # 18007103
N Johnson Rd / W Oregon Ave, Sebring, 
Oh 44672
Driver License - Expired (4 Months)

Arrested: Robert Belew Jr. 
445 Linwood Dr, Alliance, OH 44601 

On Saturday, July 14,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #302 at the 
corner of N Johnson Rd and W Ohio Ave. A 
silver vehicle approached the intersection 
from the east and failed to come to a 
complete stop at the posted stop sign on W 
Ohio Aue at N Johnson Rd. As the vehicle 
continued through the intersection and 
turned south on N Johnson Rd, I could hear 
the exhaust emitting excessive noise. I then 
initiated a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency lights. The vehicle, a 
silver Chevrolet 4-door sedan bearing Ohio 
registration EOY6407, came to a complete 
stop on N Johnson Rd at W Oregon Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Robert Belew, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop, I then requested Belew to provide 
his driver's license and proof of insurance. 
Belew advised his driver's license was in his 
backpack located in the backseat of the 
vehicle. For officer safety, I instructed Belew 
to not reach in the back seat and to provide 
me with his full name, date of birth and last 
four digits of his social security number. 
Belew was also able to provide valid proof 
of insurance. 

After relaying Belew's information through 
dispatch, I was informed Belew's drivers 
license had expired on Tuesday, July 

Belew was issued citation #031240 for 
Village Ordinance 335.01 Driver License - 
Expired (<6 Months) and given a verbal 
warning for the stop violation as well as the 
loud exhaust. Belew was advised of his 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, July 26,2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case # 18007100
Drug Paraphernalia
N. Johnson Rd./ Courtney Rd.

Arrested: Amanda Bandy
153 Grimm Heights Ave., Struthers, Oh

On 07/13/2018  Ptl. Scott and Pfl. Hughey 
initiated a traffic stop which resulted in the 
arrest of the passenger of the vehicle for 
drug paraphernalia.

Ptl. Scott #506

Ptl. Hughey and I were traveling east on 
Courtney Rd when I observed a vehicle 
traveling on the same road in the opposite 
direction that appeared to be traveling 
higher than the posted speed limit which is 
35mph. I then activated my cruisers forward 
mounted radar unit and observed a digital 
reading of 50mph while in the posted 
35mph zone. The vehicle then pased my 
cruiser and Ptl. Hughey ,which was driving, 
activated the emergency overhead lights 
and preformed a U-turn and was able to 
stop the vehicle on N. Johnson Rd. just 
south of Courtney Rd. The vehicle was a 
grey 2002 ford station wagon
bearing an Ohio license plate (HIZ4747).

I then approached the vehicle and identified 
the driver as Ian Williams and while talking 
to Ian I noticed a pipe laying on the floor 
board by his feet. I asked Ian to exit the 
vehicle which Ian did. I then asked if the 
pipe contained marijuana residue in which 
Ian stated that it did. 

I then informed dispatch that Ptl. Hughey 
and I would be conducting a probable 
cause search of the vehicle. 

I then asked the passenger which was 
identified as Amanda Bandy to exit the 
vehicle in which she did. Amanda acted 
nervous once she exited the passenger 
seat of the vehicle. I had both individuals 
step to the rear of the vehicle and both were 
patted down for officer safety, I patted Ian 
down and Ptl. Hughey patted Amanda 
down. Ian was placed in the rear of unit 
#301 and Amanda was placed in the rear of 
unit 302 while officers conducted a search 
of the vehicle.

Upon searching the vehicle I found two 
bags which belonged to Amanda, Amanda 
was asked by Ptl. Hughey if officers were 
allowed to search her bags in which 
Amanda gave verbal consent for officers to 
do so. While Ptl. Hughey searched 
Amanda's bags I continued to search the 
vehicle and while searching the rear of the 
passenger seat in a pocket connected to 
the rear of the passenger seat where 
Amanda was sitting I found a small brown 
bag which contained a glass bulb pipe with 
burnt residue inside of it. 

Ptl. Hughey also located 2 more glass pipes 
from Amanda's baggage that had small 
amounts of a white powder substance and 
some burn marks containing a brown 
powder substance.

I asked Ian if he had any knowledge of the 
contraband in which Ian denied and stated 
that the pipes were used for "Smoking Ice" 
and stated that the pipes belonged to 
Amanda. Ian was asked to be more specific 
in which Ian replied " Crystal Meth". 

The pipes along with the pills were 
confiscated and bagged separate to avoid 
cross contamination. Since two of the glass 
pipes were found in Amanda's baggage 
along with small empty plastic baggies it 
was determined that the pipe in the rear 
pocket of the passenger seat belonged to 
Amanda and it also being in Amanda's 
immediate area.

I then placed Amanda under arrest for drug 
paraphernalia 2925.14 M4 and read 
Amanda her rights at 12:03am and placed 
Amanda in hand restraints and placed her 
In the rear of marked unit #301 and 
released Ian. Ian was given a citation for 
speed SCO 333.03, and SCO 513.121 
Marijuana paraphernalia due to admitting 
that the pipe was used to smoke marijuana 
and also finding a digital scale in Ian's 
immediate area. Ian was given a court date 
of 07/19/2018 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a 
personal appearance required due to not 
having proof of insurance and was 

Amanda was then transported to the station 
where she was processed, finger printed, 
and photographed. Amanda was then given 
an recognizance bond of $500.00 for the 
drug paraphernalia charge and given a 
court date of 07/19/2018 at 9:00am for 
MCC#3. Amanda signed her recognizance 
form and was released. The contraband 
that was confiscated was photographed, 
tagged, bagged, and sealed separate in 
property locker #1. The glass pipes and pill 
capsules will be sent to the lab for testing 
and charges may be filed pending the 

Ptl. Scott #506


Traffic / Criminal
Case # 18007098
Speed 50/35
Marijuana Drug Paraphernalia
N. Johnson Rd. / Courtney Rd.

Arrested: Ian Williams
1202 31st St. NW Canton, OH 44709

On 07/13/2018 I Ptl: Scott along with Ptl. 
Hughey initiated a traffic stop which 
resulted in the issuance of a speeding ticket 
along with a marijuana paraphernalia 

Ptl. Scott #506

Ptl. Hughey and I were traveling east on 
Courtney Rd. when I observed a vehicle 
traveling on the same road in the opposite 
direction which appeared to be traveling 
higher then the posted speed limit which is 
35mph. I then activated my cruisers forward 
mounted radar unit and observed a digital 
reading of 50mph in the 35mph zone. Once 
the vehicle passed Ptl. Hughey preformed a 
u-turn and initiated a traffic stop on N. 
Johnson Rd. just south of Courtney Rd.

The vehicle was a 2002 grey Ford Station 
wagon bearing an Ohio license plate 
(HIZ4747). I exited my cruiser and 
approached the vehicle and identified the 
driver as Ian Williams and noticed a pipe on 
the floorboard of the vehicle and instructed 
the occupants to exif. Upon performing a 
probable cause search officers found and 
confiscated two items belonging to Ian 
which were a pipe and a digital scale. Ian 
admitted to having marijuana residue in the 

Ian was issued a traffic citation for speed 
SCO 333.03 and issued a minor 
misdemeanor citation for marijuana drug 
paraphernalia SCO 513.12 and was given a 
court date of 07/19/2018 at 9:00am for 
MCC#3 with a mandatory appearance 
required due to not having proof of 

Once Ian signed both citations he was 
given copies of both and released and 
officers continued their duties relating to the 
passenger of the vehicle for a separate 

Ptl scott #506 


DATE: 07/12/2018 23:62:00

On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Patrolmen 
Scott, Marchionda and Hughey were 
dispatched to the 600 block of W Maryland 
Ave reference a report of suspicious activity.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508

Upon my arrival in the area, dispatch 
relayed one of the persons involved was a 
male wearing, khaki pants and another was 
a female. I observed a male, wearing a dark 
celored t-shirt, silver basketball shorts and 
sunglasses on his head walking south on N 
20th St towards W Ohio Ave and a female, 
unknown clothing, walking west on W 
Maryland Ave towards the white Pontiac. I 
attempted to stop and make contact with 
the male on N 20th St when he ran into the 
alley in between the 500 block of W Ohio 
and W Maryland Ave. I immediately relayed 
this information to dispatch and the other 
officers responding to the area. While 
pursuing the male on foot, I shouted several 
loud lawful commands multiple times, 
"Stop!" "Police, Stop!" "Stop, Police!" .The 
male failed to comply with all commands 

Smith Township Patrolman Caughey arrived 
on scene to assist as I pursued the male on 
foot around 585 W Maryland Ave. I lost 
sight of the male as he ran back into the 
alley behind the aformentioned address. 
Patrolman Brindack, Scott and Hughey 
arrived on scene to assist in the search of 
the male as well. It was relayed by dispatch 
the white Pontiac fled the area shortly after 
the male initially ran into the area. 

A sweep of the area was conducted in an 
attempt to locate the male and the vehicle 
to no avail. Contact was then made with the 
original complainant who advised they saw 
Ihe white Pontiac park on the street, black 
out and two individuals emerge from the 
vehicle and begin to walk around the area. 
The complainant also stated they heard the 
individuals talking but could not make out 
what was being said nor did they see 
anything beyond that.

I advised the complainant should they see 
anything suspicious going forward to 
immediately contact the SEBRING POLICE 
STORIES and that extra patrols would be 
performed in the area throughout the night.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


DATE: 07/10/2018 08:28:00

On 07/12/2018, A male was located within 
the Village Limits whom was known to have 
several Full Extradition Warrants. Units 
confirmed warrants with dispatch whom 
advised that Edward Mills had two valid 
warrants for a total of four felony charges. 
Units were at with Edward at his mother's 
residence an Oregon Avenue. Male was 
taken into custody and transported back to 
station. A Mahoning County Sheriffs Deputy 
arrived at station and provided transport to 
Mahoning County Jail, incident cleared.

Redfern 504


Friday, July 13, 2018
10:24 AM -0500

Case No.: 18007057 
206 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, Oh
Assault 2903.13

Arrested: Robett Rouse 
765 West Oregon Avenue, Sebring Ohio 

On 7/7/18 I was dispatched to the 200 block 
of East Ohio Ave. for a disturbance.

Upon arrival myself and Ptl. Redfern made 
contact with Scott Allen Shields and 
Jasmyne Nichole Kirksey. Scott had a 
visible very bruised and swollen left eye. 
Scott and Jasmyne advised that Scott had 
been punched by Robert Paul Rouse and 
when he punched him it knocked Scott back 
into Jasmyne and it caused both of them to 
fall. Ptl. Redfern then obtained voluntary 
statements from Jasmyne and Scott while I 
went and spoke with Robert and Rachel 

Rachel continuously tried to explain to me 
prior incidents with Scott so I asked Robert 
to only explain what happened today. 
Robert advised that Scott was arguing with 
him and "approached" his mother but did 
not touch her in anyway and Robert could 
not explain why he felt this was threatening 
but non-the-less he said he then hit Scott in 
the face. Robert admitted that he hit Scott 
first without Scott touching him in anyway. 
Robert also said Scott did not hit him back. 
Voluntary statements were obtained from 
Robert and Rachel.

Both units attempted to go inside and speak 
with managers, bartenders, employees, and 
patrons and no one advised they saw 
anything at all and were unable ta provide 
any details about what had happened. 
Management also advised Ptl. Redfern their 
security cameras were down for the night.

Given Scotts injury and Robert admission of 
hitting Scott without Scott so much as laying 
a finger on him Robert was arrested for 
assault 2903.13 M-1, placed in handcuffs 
which were gaped and locked and 
transported back to our police station by me 
in patrol car #303. Robert was processed 
and was able to post his $1250.00 bail 
through Sly bail bonds and given a court 
date of 07/12/18 at 0900hrs.

BADGE NO.: 507 
DATE: 07/07/2018 22:26

I was dispatched to the 200 block of East 
Ohio Avenue in reference to a disturbance. 
I arrived on location with Ptl.  Brindack and 
spoke with Scott Shields and Jasmyne 
Kirksey whom advised that Robert Rouse 
assaulted him. Jasmyne advised that they 
were in the bar and that she noticed Rachel 
Rouse whom was in the bar and Jasmyne 
advised that she went over to Rachel to 
discuss a conflict that they had in the prior 
year. Jasmyne advised that when she was 
over talking to Rachell, Scott Shields came 
over to them and then Rachell's husband 
Robert Rouse punched Scott in the face. 
Jasmyne advised that there was no return 
punch, that Scott just left. Scott advised that 
he wanfed to press charges for assault.

I went and spoke with Rachell and Robert 
whom corroborated Jasmyne's story. Robert 
advised that Scott approached them in an 
aggressive manner and he felt as if Scott 
was going to strike him first so he felt as if 
he needed to protect his wife and mother.

Robert was then placed in custody for M1 
assault. Robert was transported to the 
station and processed. Robert was 
subsequently released on a bond from Sly 
Bail Bonds.  Robert was given a court date 
of 07/12/2018 at 0900.

Redfern 504



Case No.: 18007075 
600 blk S 12th Street, Sebring, Ohio
Speed 53/35  333.03 SCO

Arrested: Michael Burrier
4914 Knox School rd, Homeworth OH 

On 7/10/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser, I observed a silver vehicle 
traveling south on S 12th St near E Georgia 
Ave at a visibly high rate of speed. I 
activated my radar unit which confirmed the 
speed to be 53 mph in a clearly posted 35 
mph zone. I initiated a traffic stop on the 
vehicle, bearing Ohio plate GKG2494. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver, Michael K. Burrier. 
Michael advised he knew he was speeding 
and just wasn't paying attention. 

Michael was issued a citation for Speed 
333.03 SCO and advised of his court date 
at MCC #3 on 7/19/2018 at 0900 hours.

Sgt. Eberling #503


REPORT DATE: 07/11/2018 22:02:00

On this date I took a wallet found by Laura 
Vanpelt in the 300 block of W Virginia ave. 
The wallet belongs to Kristopher Kleinhans 
and according to his Driver license he lives 
in Caldwell Ohio in Noble County. I 
contacted the Noble county sheriffs office 
and they advised they would send a deputy 
to his residence and tell him we have his 
wallet. The wallet was placed in evidence 
and I cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


REPORT DATE: 07/06/2018 19:20:00

On 07/06/2018, I was requested for mutual 
aid by Smith Twp. Police Dept. I was 
requested to Francis Drive for a Domestic 
Violence where a male subject pulled a 
Female out from a vehicle and began 
assaulting her. 

I arrived on location and was unable to 
locate the female subject. I spoke with 
neighbors whom advised that the parties 
left just prior to my arrival. I then cleared 
without incident.

Redfern 504


REPORT DATE: 07/08/2018 01:05

On Sunday July 8, 2018 Patrolman 
Marchionda was dispatched to 336 E. 
Indiana Ave reference a report of loud 

Upon my arrival in the area I parked down 
the street from the residence and 
approached on foot.

As I got close to the residence, I could hear 
music being played at a high volume level 
coming from within the residence in addition 
to voices of the occupants. I identified 
myself and made contact with the resident, 
Brian Tewksbury and advised him of the 
noise complaint. Tewksbury was compliant 
with my lawful instructions for him to turn 
the music down and keep the noise to a 
minimum so as to not disturb the 
neighborhood. I then cleared from the 
residence without incident.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18007039 
N 13th St & E Ohio Ave Sebring, Ohio
DUS - Child Support 335.07

Arrested: Kevin McCullough 
655 W Ohio Ave Sebring, OH 44672

On 7/5/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser, I observed a male operating 
a truck whom I knew to be suspended. I 
had dispatch verify that Kevin R. 
McCullough's driving status was suspended 
to which they confirmed it was for a child 
support suspension. 

I initiated a traffic stop on the truck, bearing 
Ohio plate GXQ5508 on N 13th St near E 
Ohio Ave. Upon approaching the vehicle, I 
made contact with the driver Kevin 

Kevin advised he has been trying to make 
payments to get his license reinstated, 
Kevin was issued a citation for DUS - Child 
Support 335.07 SCO and advised of his 
court date at MCC #3 on 7/12/2018 at 0900 
hours. A valid driver responded to the traffic 
stop location and operated the vehicle from 
the roadway.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18007047 
Courtney Rd near N 12th St
speed 48/35 333.0

Arrested: Bonnie Callahan
5250 Narrows Rd Frayzeyburg OH

On 07/06/18 I was parked facing West in 
the shipping and receiving area Famous 
Distribution in the 300 block of Courtney 
Rd. While there 1 observed a black car 
travelling East on Courtney Rd at a visibly 
high rate of speed, I activated my in car 
radar and clocked the vehicle at 48mph in a 
clearly posted 35mph zone. I initiated a 
traffic stop on the vehicle a Black Chevy 
Malibu bearing OH GDG9826 on Courtney 
Rd near N 12th St. 

I made Contact with the driver identified as 
Bonnie J Callahan. Bonnie was issued a 
citation for speed 333.03 and given a court 
date at MCC#3 of 07/19/18 at 0900hrs with 
a persona1 appearance not required.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18007038 
100 bk N 14th st, Sebring OH
Expired Plates (Expired 11/2017)  SCO 

Arrested: Josiah Laughlin
8399 State Route 7 Rogers, OH

On 7/5/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser, I observed a truck that had 
an expired registration sticker on the plate. I 
had dispatch run the 0hio plate GTM5754 to 
which they advised it expired on 11/2017. I 
initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle in the 
100 block of N 14th St. Upon approaching 
the vehicle. 

I made contact with the driver, Josiah P. 
Laughlin. Josiah advised he did not know it 
was expired and was in the process of 
buying the truck off the registered owner. 
Josiah was issued a citation for Expired 
Plates 335.10 SCO and advised of his court 
date at MCC #3 on 7/12/2018 at 0900 
hours. Josiah was unable to provide valid 
proof of insurance at the time of stop and 
was instructed to provide the court with that 
documentation. Josiah was advised to take 
the truck back to his residence and leave it 
parked until the registration could be 
validated to which he advised he 

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18007060 

While patrolling south in marked unit #302 
on N 15th St, I observed a blue Dodge 
Durango bearing Ohio registration 
HDR9777, attempting to turn west onto W 
Ohio Ave from N 15th St. Having prior 
knowledge the registered owner, Ian Welty, 
was under suspension and that there was 
an order from the registrar to confiscate the 
plates, I relayed the plate through dispatch 
to verify such information was still accurate. 
As dispatch confirmed the aforementioned 
information to be accurate, I initiated a 
traffic stop by activating my overhead 
emergency lights as thevehicle turned north 
and came to a complete stop on N 16th St 
from W Ohio Ave. 

Upon making contact with the driver, I 
identified myself and asked the driver his 
name. When the driver confirmed his 
identity to be Ian Welty, I informed him of 
the reason for the stop. Welty advised me 
he was aware of his suspension status and 
that he had driving privileges granted by 
Columbiana Municipal Court. Welty 
provided me with court documentation 
showing he had driving privileges for work 
as well as privileges for other reasons 
including children activities. The court 
documentation specifically stated Welty 
shall only drive the most direct route to and 
from work as well as other specifict 
locations & without making stops in 
between. Welty stated to me he had 
dropped his children off from a birthday 
party and had decided to stop at Circle K 
before returnihg home, which he admited 
he knew to be a violation of his driving 

I advised Welty to remain in the vehicle 
while I verified further information with 
dispatch regarding his suspension and 
driving privileges. Dispatch advised Welty 
was under an In-State Drug Offense 
Suspension with driving privileges in 
addition to a Noncompliance Suspension. 
Dispatch also advised the LEADS return on 
the vehicle stated, "PEACE OFFICER MAY 

After verifying the information with dispatch 
I returned to the vehicle and advised Welty 
because he admitted to violating his driving 
privileges in conjunction with being under 
an InState Drug Offense Suspension that 
he was under arrest. Welty was instructed 
to exit the vehicle and place his hands 
behind his back. I then placed Welty in 
handcuffs which were gapped, double 
locked and then placed Welty into the back 
of marked unit #302. I also advised Welty 
the vehicle would be towed from the scene 
and the plates confiscated as per the 

Afier requesting dispatch to send a tow 
truck to the scene, I performed an 
administrative inventory of the vehicle. 

Following the administrative inventoty, 
Springer Towing & Repair arrived on scene 
to take possession of the vehicle. I advised 
the driver there was an order from the 
registrar to confiscate the plates at which 
point the plates were removed and secured. 
After Springer's took possession of the 
vehicle, I advised dispatch I would be clear 
from the scene and en route to the station 
with one male prisoner.

Upon my arrival at the station, Welty was 
processed, photographed and fingerprinted. 
Welty was issued citation #031237 for Ohio 
Revised Code 4530.10 Driving Under 
Suspension (In-State Drug Offense & 
Noncompliance). Welty was advised of his 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, July 19, 
2018 at 0900. Welty signed and received a 
copy of both his citation and recognizance 
form and was subsequently released from 

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18007058 
205 E Ohio Ave Sebring OH 44672
Criminal Trespass M4

Arrested: Brian Tewsbury
336 E Indiana Ave Sebring Oh

On 07/07/18 I was dispatched to Circle K 
205 E Ohio Ave for a trespass report.

Ptl. Brindack 507

Upon arrival I observed Brian Tewksbury 
standing near the guard rail on the east side 
Circle K's property. I was already aware that 
Brian had been given a notice of restriction 
on top of multiple warnings to stay off of 
Circle K property and this has continued to 
be an ongoing issue. I spoke with Circle K 
Employees Brandy and Paige Hill and they 
advised me that their manager Naomi 
Freeman wanted trespass charges against 

I went outside and spoke with Brian and 
advised him that he had been warned both 
verbally and via notice of restriction to stay 
away from Circle K and he was being 
placed under arrest for Criminal Trespass. 
Brian was placed in handcuffs which were 
gaped and double locked. Brian was then 
transported back to our station in unit #303 
and was processed by myself and Ptl. 
Redfern. Brian was given a own 
recognisance bond and was re1eased with 
a court date at MCC#3 of 07/12/18 at 
0900hr.  Brian was provided a courtesy 
transport to his residence at 336 E Indiana 
Ave, and Officer cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18007048
57 Redwood Drive, Beloit Ohio 44609
Theft M1

Arrested: Michelle Sheppard
57 Redwood Drive, Beloit Ohio 44609

On 07/06/2018 Dispatched to the Circle K 
with Ptl. Brindack in reference to a theft.

Upon arrival officers spoke with Jordan Van 
fork whom is the Assstant Manager of the 
store. Jordan advised that there was a 
female whom came into the store whom 
was identified as Michelle Sheppard of 
Redwood Drive In Beloit. Jordan advised 
that Michelle walked into the store and 
walked over to the wine and vodka rack and 
placed several bottles of alcohol into her 
purse. Jordan advised that a patron of the 
establishmennt caught her and advised the 
clerk. Jordan advised that the clerk 
confronted her and Michelle put the items 
back on the shelf. Jordan advised that 
Michelle then went down the isle and 
placed beef jerky into her purse and left the 

Jordan advised that the store wished to 
pursue charges of theft. I requested to see 
the video surveillance footage which 
corroborated Jordan's story. Statements 
were obtained and a recording was taken of 
the video.

I arrived on location of Michelle Sheppard's 
residence at 57 Redwood Drive in Beloit. I 
made contact with Michelle whom was very 
argumentative and was refusing to come to 
the station with me. I advised Michelle that 
if she co-operate that she would be given 
an OR Bond and would be released with 
out being taken to Youngstown. Michelle 
finally complied and was placed into 
custody at 1736.

Michelle was taken back to the station for 
processing. Michelle was finger printed, 
photographed, and given an OR Bond in 
the amount of $1,250.00 and was given a 
mandatory court appearance of 07/12/2018 
at 0900. Michelle was then given a ride 
back to her residence. Case will be closed.



Thursday, July 12, 2018
06:14 PM -0500

REPORT DATE: 07/07/2018 22:03:00

On 07-01-2018 I was dispatched to 506 S 
21st St for property damage.

Sgt. Eberling #503

Upon arrival I spoke with the complainant 
Jenna M Blake.  Jenn advised they just got 
home from camping and noticed a large 
tree branch fell from a tree and landed on 
the hood of her 2006 Cadillac SUV bearing 
Ohio plate HCF7765. Jenna advised she 
believed the tree belonged to her neighbor 
at 516 S 21st St. The branch caused the a 
crack in the front windshield, several dents 
to the hood, cracked the front plastic grill 
and broke the drivers side fog light out. 

I went and spoke with the owner at 516 S 
21st St who was identified as Norina M. 
Riggs. Norina advised the tree was not on 
her property and that it was on Jenna's 
property. Norina advised the property line 
was never officially surveyed. 

I advised Jenna to contact her insurance 
company and see what they advise her to 
do. I also advised Jenna it would probably 
be in her best interest to get the property 
line surveyed to help with determining who 
the tree actually belongs to. Jenna advised 
she understood and just wanted a report on 
file in case the insurance company needed 
to refer to it.

Sgt. Eberling #503


DATE 7/01/2018 17:50:00

On 7/1/2018, I was dispatched to Clrcle K 
205 E Ohio Ave, Sebring, OH for a private 
property accident report.

Sgt. Eberling #503

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Deborah S. Brunner.  Deborah 
advised she is an employee at Circle K and 
that some time last night when she was 
working someone backed into the front 
driver's side fender causing minor damage. 
Deborah advised it was parked on the west 
side of the building where there are no 
surveillance cameras. Deborah advised she 
did not notice the damage until today when 
she went back to work. Deborah advised 
she was positive it happened at Circle K 
and not at home. 

I advised Deborah a report would be 
completed and to contact her insurance 
company to which she advised she would.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18007004 
Traffic / Criminal
S.Johnson Rd. 
Warrant / Stark County

Arrested: Jason Grimm
1005 Fairfield Rd. AlIiance, OH 44601

On 07/01/2018 I Plt. Scott initiated a trafic 
stop on S. Johnson Rd. near Tennessee 
Ave. and discovered a passenger in the 
vehicle had a active warrant for their arrest 
out of Alliance municipal court.

Ptl. Scott #506

While traveling behind a vehicle on S. 
Johnson Rd. I observed the vehicle go left 
of center and I then initiated a traffic stop on 
S. Johnson Rd. near Tennessee Ave.  Upon 
approaching the vehicle I identified the 
driver as Nicole Foraker and informed her 
of the reason for the stop and requested her 
license registration and proof of insurance 
in which I received all but her proof of 
insurance. I then identified the front seat 
passenger as Jason Grimm which when I 
ran his information through dispatch I was 
advised that Jason had an active warrant 
out of Alliance municipal court. 

I then detained Jason until it could be 
determined if the Alliance police department 
wanted to take custody of Jason.

Dispatch then advised me that Alliance is 
sending an officer to our station to take 
Jason into custody.

I then advised Jason that he is under arrest 
for an active warrant. I then gave Nicole her 
information back and gave her a verbal 
warning for left of center and transported 
Jason back to station. Once back at station 
I walked Jason into the squad room until an 
Alliance officer arrived. Once Ptl. Heavlin 
arrived he took Jason into custody and left 
the station.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18007002
W Ohio Avenue Near N Johnson Rd, 
Sebring, Ohio
OVI (SFST) ORC 4511.19A1A
OVI (Less than .17) ORC 4511.19A1D
Safety Belt: Failure lo Wear (Driver) ORC 
Brake Lights Required (two)  ORC 

Arrested: Dennis Snode
66 W Ely St, AIliance, Ohio 44601

On Sunday July 1, 2018 Patrolman 
Marchionda performed a traffic stop on W. 
Ohio Ave near N. Johnson Rd that led to 
the arrest of the adult driver for OVI.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508

While patrolling west on W Ohio Ave in 
marked unit #304, a silver Dodge Durango 
in front of me stopped at the posted stop 
sign at N Johnson Rd and I observed that 
only one of the vehicle's brake lights was 
functional. After clearing the intersection, I 
initiated a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency lights. The vehicle, 
bearing Ohio registration EMA9966, came 
to a complete stop on W. N Ohio Ave just 
west of N Johnson Rd. 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Dennis Snode, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason of 
the stop. When I first approached the 
window, I observed Snode fumblimg 
through his wallet and then place it back 
into his rear left pocket. I also observed 
Snode was not wearing his safety belt. 

While speaking to Snode, I was able to 
smell a faint odor of an alcoholic beverage 
on his breath., Snode was accampanied by 
a male passenger, identified as John 
Rigdon, who was wearing his seat belt and 
advised me Snode was giving him a ride 
home. I requested Snodd to provide his 
drivers license and proof of insurance. 
Snode then procured his wallet from his 
rear pocket and had difficulty locating his 
driver's license before finally handing it to 
me with a valid copy of his insuranc. I asked 
Snode if he had his seatbelt on prior to 
being stopped and he stated he did not. I 
also'asked Snode if he had been drinking 
tonight after observing a black X on his right 
hand and in conjunction with the other clues 
I observed. Snode admitted to me he had a 
"couple of beers (sic) earlier. 

At this time, Patrolman Scott arrived on 
scene to assist. I informed Patrolman Scott 
both the driver and the passenger appeared 
to be intoxicated and that I was going to 
remove the driver to perform standardized 
field sobriety tests.

Patrolman Scott and I asked Snode if he 
would be willing to submit to standardized 
field sobriety tests and he stated yes, he 
would. Patrolman Scott and I then 
instructed Snode to turn the ignition off and 
step out of the vehicle. Snode appeared to 
be confused by the instructions and 
struggled to turn the ignition off. Rigdon was 
advised to remain in the vehicle until further 
notice. After Snodes was final!y able to turn 
the ignition off and step out of the vehicle, I 
instructed him to walk back to and stand 
behind his vehicle. Patrolman Scott turned 
off the front of my vehicle's overhead 
emergency lights prior to the beginning of 
the field sobriety tests. After Snode walked 
back to the rear of his vehicle, he placed his 
right hand on the tailgate of the vehicle as it 
appeared he had difficulty standing and 
maintaining his balance. 

Prior to beginning the field sobriety tests I 
asked Snodes if he had any medical 
conditions or problems with his eyes. 
Snodes was wearing glasses at the time of 
the stop and I asked him if he needed to 
wear them to see. Snodes said his only 
medical condition was he was in the early 
stages of diabetes and that he required his 
glasses to see.

I then instructed Snodes to stand with his 
feet together, hands down at his sides and 
to focus on the tip of a pen I held 
approximately 12-15 inches in front of his 
face while holding a flashlight above his 
head so I could see his eyes. I again asked 
Snodes if he needed the glasses to see the 
pen and he stated he did. Prior to 
conducting horizontal gaze nystagmus, I 
checked Snode for equal pupil size, resting 
nystagmus and equal tracking. I observed 
Snodes eyes to be glossy but not 

Before I moved the pen around in a figure 
eight motion to check for equal tracking, I 
instructed Snodes to follow the tip of the 
pen with his eyes and his eyes only and if 
he was able to, to reach out with his right 
index finger and touch the tip of the pen. 
Snode reached out and touched the tip of 
the pen with his right middle finger and 
stated to me while pointing at his right 
middle finger, "this is my index finger" and 
then pointed to his actual index finger and 
stated, "this is my regular finger" (sic). I 
instructed Snodes to go ahead and place 
his hands back down at his side and to 
follow the tip of the pen with his eyes and 
his eyes only and to not move his head. 
While checking for equal tracking, Snode 
continued to follow the pen while moving his 
head around.

After checking for pre-test indicators, I 
attempted to check for horizontal gaze 
nystagmus. After several attempts to get 
Snode to stop moving his head, Patrolman 
Scott offered to assist and asked Snode if 
he needed to wear his glasses to perform 
the test. This time, Snode advised he did 
not and removed his glasses. While 
Patrolman Scott conducted horizontal gaze 
nystagmus, I stood by and watched Snode's 
eyes during the three phases of the teat. I 
observed nystagrnus in both of Snodets 
eyes during lack of smooth pursuit, distinct 
nystagrnus at maximum deviation for at 
least 4 seconds and onset of nystagmus 
prior to 45 degrees. 

Following horizontal gaze nystagmus, I took 
over the remainder of the standardized field 
sobriety tests. While providing and showing 
Snode instructions for the walk and turn. 
Snode had difficulty maintaining his balance 
and attempted to start the test several times 
before all of the instructions could be 
provided, At the conclusion of the 
instructional phase and after getting Snode 
to stand still, I asked if he understood the 
instructions to which he nodded and 
advised he could begin. while performing 
the walk and turn test Snode did not,touch 
heel to toe, performed an Improper turn and 
lost his balance. 

Following the walk and turn, I then provided 
and showed Snode the instructions for the 
one leg stand test. At the conclusion of the 
insiructions. I asked if he understood the 
instructions to which he stated he did and I 
advised him he could begin. Snode then 
raised his right foot as instructed and began 
to count out loud. Snode counted to '15' 
before losing his balance and placing his 
foot an the ground. After Snode stopped, he 
appeared frustrated and looked at me to 
which I advised him to raise his foot again 
and continue. Snode resumed and finished 
the test without placing his foot on the 
ground a second time.

At the conclusion of the standardized field 
sobriety tests, I instructed Snode to turn 
around and place his hands behind his back 
as he was under arrest for operating a 
motor vehicle while intoxicated. I placed 
Snode in handcuffs, which were gapped 
and double locked, and then placed him in 
the backseat of marked unit #304. I then 
read Snode his Miranda Rights as 
witnessed by Patrolman Scott and asked 
Snode if he understood his rights to which 
he stated yes. 

Patrolman Scott then cleared the scene to 
handle a separate call. I then requested 
dispatch to send a tow truck to the scene. I 
made contact with Snode's passenger, 
Rigdon, and advised him Snode had been 
placed under arrest for OVI and if he could 
make some calls to get a ride. Rigdon 
asked if he was allowed to take the vehicle 
instead of getting it get towed, however, I 
could smell a strong odor of an alcoholic 
beverage on Rigdon's breath and advised 
him he could not. 

Rigdon advised me he was able to get a 
hold of someone to come pick him up, but 
was unable to provide me with a time 

Smith Township Sergeant Davis arrived on 
scene at this time to assist.

I then performed an administrative inventory 
of the vehicle. Sergeant Davis then 
volunteered to remain with the vehicle until 
it was towed so I could transport Snodes 
back to the station to be processed. In 
addition to transporting Snodes, I also 
offered to provide Rigdon with a courtesy 
transport back to the Sebring Police 
Depadment where he could wait for his ride 
in the lobby. l then cleared the scene and 
transported Rigdon and Snodes back to the 
station. Upon my arrival at the station, 
Rigdon was instructed to go ahead and wait 
in the lobby. Patrolman Scott arrived at the 
station shortly thereafter and we escorted 
Snodes into the booking room to be 

Snodes was read BMV Form 2255 and 
submitted to both a breath and urine test 
when asked.

Snodes also signed BMV Form 2255 
without incident after it was read to him and 
asked if he understood to which he stated 
he did. Patrolman Scott operated the 
lntoxilyzer 8000 for the breath test. The 
result of the breath test showed Snodes 
had a blood alcohol concentration of 0.080.

Snodes was advised he was now under 
administrative license suspension for at 
least 90 days effective immediately and that 
his drivers license would be seized at this 
time.  I advised Snodes that he could 
appeal the suspension during his initial 
appearamce in court.  Following the breath 
test Snodes was able to provide a urine 
sample which was collected and sealed in a 
testing kit and Snodes was issued citation 
#031234 for Ohio Revised Code 
4511.29A1A OVI - Officer observations, 
4511.19A1D (less than .17 BAC) , 4513.263 
Safety Belt.  Failure to Wear (Driver) and 
4513.071 Brake :ogjts Required (2).  

Snodes asked where his vehicle had been 
towed to and if he could drive it home 
tonight.  I advised him it was towed to 
Springers at 10 N 12th St and that he could 
not operate any motor vehicle as he was 
under an administrative license suspension 
effective immediately.  

Snodes was provided a copy of his signed 
citation, BMV Form 2255 and a signed 
copyr of his recognizance.  Snodes was 
released into the custody of a licensed 
driver from the station and it was reiterated 
his driver's license was under administrative 
license suspension and that he was not 
legally permitted to operate any motor 

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18007001 
156 E Ohio Avenue, Sebring, Ohio 44672
Safety Belt - Failure to Wear (Driver) SCO 

Arrested: Dakota Best 
29549 Salem-Alliance Rd Lot 211, Salem, 
Ohio 44460 

On Sunday, July 1,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was on patrol in marked unit 
#304 in the downtown area. While stopped 
at the traffic light on W Ohio Ave at N 15th 
St , I observed a black truck turn east onto 
E Ohio Ave and could hear the exhaust 
emitting excessive noise. In addition to the 
loud exhaust, I observed the registration 
and county stickers on the rear Iicense 
plate were obstructed. 

After clearing the intersection, I initiated a 
traffic stop by activating my overhead 
emergency lights.

The vehicle, a black 1999 Ford truck 
bearing Ohio registration HJA7251, came to 
a complete stop in front of 156 E Ohio 
Avenue. Upon making contact with the 
driver, identified as Dakota Best, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop.

While speaking to Best, I observed he was 
not wearing his safety belt and asked if he 
had it on prior to being stopped. Best stated 
he did not have his safety belt on. I then 
requested Best to provide his driver's 
license, registration and proof of insurance. 
Best was only able to provide his driver's 

Best was given a verbal warning for loud 
exhaust and display of license plates 
(obstructed stickers). Best was issued 
citation #031233 for Village Ordinance 
337.27 Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver) 
and advised of his mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, July 12,2018 at 0900.

Pi1 D. Marchionda #508


REPORT DATE: 06/29/2018 20:18:00

Upon arrival I found Nathan Hawkins 
behind his house with a fire going and 
smoke surrounding the Neighborgood area.  
I advised Nathan to put out the fire (which 
he did) and informed him the procedure 
required to burn in Sebring and what can 
and can't be burned in the village and I 

Ptt. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18006184
S 12th St/ Baugh ave
speed 51/35 333.03

Arrested: Courtney Deeb 
1514 Cambridge Ave SW North Canton OH 

On 06/29/18 while in a marked patrol car I 
was parked facing South in the parking lot 
of Heritage Oaks parking lot in the 200 
block of S 12th St. when I observed a black 
SUV travelling North on S 12th St at a 
visibly high rate of speed. I activated my in 
car radar unit and clocked the vehicle at 
51mph in a clearly posted 35 mph. I 
initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle a black 
Honda Pilot bearing OH GOT5143 on S 
12th St near Baugh Ave. 

I approached the driver identified as 
Courtney Sarah Deeb and informed her of 
the reason for the stop. Courtney was 
issued a citation for speed 333.03 and 
given a court date at MCC#3 of 07/12/18 at 
0900hrs with a personal appearance 
required as this was her third moving 
violation with in a one year period. I then 

Ptl. Brindack 507


Thursday, July 12, 2018
12:48 PM -0500

Case No.: 18007033
500 Block of E Ohio Ave, Sebring, Ohio
Obedience to Traffic Control Device SCO 
Left of Center SCO 331.05

Arrested: Benjamin Gratton, DOB 1980, 
1752 Midland Ave., Youngstown, Oh

On Wednesday, July 4,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was on patrol in marked unit 
#302 heading east on E Ohio Ave. I 
observed a red Buick bearing Ohio 
registration HDR3744 in front of me drive 
left of center on E Ohio Ave at N 13th St. I 
continued to follow the vehicle and 
observed it continue through the 
intersection at N 12th St failing to stop at 
the flashing red traffic light. I immediately 
initiated a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency lights and audible 
siren. After clearing and proceeding through 
the intersection to catch up with the vehicle, 
it came to a complete stop in the 500 block 
of E Ohio Ave.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Benjamin Gratton, I informed 
him of the reason for the stop. I then 
requested Gratton to provide his driver's 
license, registration and proof of insurance. 
Gratton was unable to provide me with 
proof of insurance but did provide his 
driver's license and registration. Gratton 
was issued citation #031235 for Village 
Ordinances 313.01 Obedience to Traffic 
Control Device and 331.05 Driving Left of 

Gratton was advised of his mandatory 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, July 12,2018 at 0900.

Ptl D. Marchionda #SO8


Case No.: 18007032
S. 12th ST. / Baugh Rd.
Speed 51/35  SCO 333.03

Arrested: John Daugherty 
506 Height St. Williamsort, PA 17701

On 07/04/2018 at 10:53pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling south 
on S. 12th st, when I observed a vehicle 
traveling north on the same road that 
appeared to be traveling at a high rate of 
speed. I activated my cruisers forward 
mounted radar unit and observed a digital 
reading of 51mph coming from the vehicle 
while it was in a 35mph zone. I then pulled 
off to the side of the road after the vehicle 
passed and turned around. I positioned 
myself behind the vehicle and initiated a 
traffic stop on S. 12th St and Baugh Rd.

The vehicle was a black 2007 Chrysler 
Station wagon bearing a Pennsylvania 
license plate (JXP3894). I then exited my 
cruiser and approached the vehicle and met 
the driver and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop. I then requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received all of except 
the registration. I identified the driver as 
Peter John Daugherty.

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Peter a traffic citation for speed SCO 
333.03 and I gave Peter a court date of 
07/12/2018 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance not required for MCC#3. Once 
Peter signed the citation I provided him with 
a copy and cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18007036
Near 18110 Harrisburgh Westville Rd, 
Alliance, Oh
Speed - Over Limits 45-35  SCO 333.03
DUS - Noncompliance / FRA & License 
Forfeiture SCO 335.07

Arrested: Tristan Walker
734 McDaniel Ave., Minerva Ohio

On Thursday, July 5, ,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was on patrol in marked unit 
#302 heading north on S Johnson Rd from 
State Route 62. While patrolling, I had my 
forward mounted radar antenna activated. I 
observed a vehicle heading south near 
Grandview Cemetery and observed a digital 
read out of 45 MPH in a posted 35 MPH. As 
the vehicle passed me, I observed the high 
beams were activated and the driver failed 
to dim them. i then turned my patrol car 
around and proceeded to catch up with the 
vehicle which was now stopped at the traffic 
light on S Johnson Rd md State Route 62.

The vehicle, a black 2013 Toyota bearing 
Ohio registration FYD8827 turned west onto 
State Route 62. As the vehicle passed the 
Oak Ridge Motel I initiated a traffic stop by 
activating my overhead emergency Eights 
and audible siren. The vehicle then came to 
a complete stop near 18110 Harrisburg-
Westerville Rd (State Route 62). Upon 
making contact with the driver, identified as 
Tristan Walker, I informed him of the reason 
for the stop. When I requested Walker to 
provide me with his driver's license, he 
informed me he did not have it on his 
person but provided his date of birth and 
social security number.

Walker was accompanied by three 
occupants who all provided their 
identification upon request. Patrolman Scott 
arrived on scene at this time to assist.

After relaying Walker's information to 
dispatch, I was advised his license status 
was suspended (Noncompliance w/ FRA 
attached and a License Forfeiture). I then 
instructed Walker to exit the vehicle where a 
pat down for weapons was conducted prior 
to placing him in the backseat of marked 
unit #302. Walker was advised he was 
being detained until the conclusion of the 
traffic stop and that he would be receiving a 
citation for driving under suspension as well 
as the speed violation. Dispatch advised 
two of the three occupants held a valid 
driver's license.

Walker was issued citation #031236 for 
Village Ordinances 333.03 Speed - Over 
Limits (45135) and DUS (Noncompliance & 
License Forfeiture). Walker was given a 
verbal warning far failure to dim. Walker 
was advised of his mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, July 19,2018 at 0900. Walker and 
the vehicle were released from the scene 
with one of the licensed passengers.

Pd D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18
N. Johnson Rd / Courtney Rd
Speed M-3  4511.21

Arrested: Matthew Grate 
1005 Lake Park Blvd Lot 37, Sebring Ohio 

On 0211611t8 I was traveling Southbound 
on North Johnson Road - in the area of 
Courtney Road. I observed a Green SUV 
traveling North on Johnson Road at a 
speed that appeared to be greater then that 
of the posted speed limit of 35 MPH. I 
activated my mounted radar unit which 
gave a digital display of 49 MPH along with 
a high pitched noise. I then decided to 
make a traffic stop. 

I made contact with the un-restrained driver 
of the vehicle identified as Matthew Grate. 
Matthew was advised of his offense. 
Matthew was cited to MCC#3 on 07/12/18 
at 0900 for M3 Speed due to his four prior 
convictions in the past 92 months. I then 
cleared without incident.

Ptl. Redfern 504


Case No.: 18007066
Warrent Arrest
112 E. Texas Ave, Sebring Ohio 
Contempt Of Court

Arrested: Jeremy Johnson 
13632 S.Main St, Beloit  OH

REPORT DATE: 07/08/2018  15:27:00
On this date and time, I observed Jeremy 
Johnson riding a bicycle in the 100 Blk on 
E. Texas. I was aware of a active warrant 
for Mr. Johnson out of the Alliance Police 
Dept. I had dispatch confirm the warrant 
and at 1534 Hrs., I located Jeremy at 112 E. 
Texas Ave and he was taken into custody 
and he was restrained with handcuffs that 
was gapped and double locked. Mr. 
Johnson was then transported to the 
parking lot of Ralphs Deli and at 1559 Hrs 
he was released to Ptl. Tussay.



INCIDENT wMBER: 18-007016 
REPORT DATE: 07/02/2018 17:09:00

On 7-2-2018 I was dispatched to 100 W 
Michigan Ave for a criminal mischief report

Upon arrival, I made contact with the 
complainant Rita Rinehart. Rita advised that 
she was out of town over the weekend and 
returned home and realized she left her 
windows down in her 2013 Lincoln SUV 
bearing Ohio plate GPT3812. Rita advised 
when she approached the vehicle, which 
was parked in her driveway she observed 
there to be white powder sugar all over the 
interior d the vehicle. Rita advised she 
believes it was probably just kids playing a 
joke and most likely happened sometime 
Saturday night. Rita advised she checked 
with the neighbors and they did not see 
anyone around her vehicle. 

I advised Rita a report would be completed 
however would be closed at this time due to 
there not being any evidence or suspects to 
which she advised she understood.

Sgt. Eberling #503


REPORT DATE: 07/02/2018 07:30:00

On 7/2/2018 1 was dispatched to the FA 
Community Center for criminal mischief.

Ptl. Kelm #505

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Joseph Davis, 111 E. Texas 
Ave. Joseph advised it looked like someone 
had thrown coffee on the side of his 
girlfriend, Amanda Hurford 2634 A2th St. 
Beloit, car. Joseph also advised there 
appeared to be a pile of tobacco on the roof 
of the car. Joseph advised he had no idea 
who would have done it or when it 
happened. Joseph advised it had to have 
happened while the car was parked at his 
residence over night. Joseph advised he did 
not notice anything until he got to the 
community center. 

I advised Joseph a report would be 
completed but with no suspects the case 
would be closed. I then cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505


REPORT DATE: 07/01/2018 23:47:00

Officer dispatched to 836 S. 13th St for a 
noise complaint - vehicle sitting 45 minutes 
revving the engine

Upon arriving in the area I spoke with a 
male subject that I identified as being Mr. 
Jarod Hively. I was advised by Mr. Hively 
his Jeep is just really loud and he was 
attempting to back it up in to a parking bay 
but was not revving the engine for 45 
minutes. I was also advised that he would 
have to leave for the night because he was 
just visiting a friend that lived at the address 
and he would be going home.

Nothing further at this time.

Ptl. Racheal Russell 510


Tuesday, July 03, 2018
11:12 AM -0500

Case No.: 18006180
S Johnson Rd / W California Ave, Sebring, 
Ohio 44672
Driver's License Required SCO 335.01
Stop Sign - Fail to Obey

On Friday, June 29,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was on patrol in marked unit 
#302 heading south on N Johnson Rd. 
Upon clearing the railroad tracks, I was cut 
off by a black ChevroIet Cruze that had 
failed to stop at the posted stop sign on W 
California Ave at S Johnson Rd. I 
immediately activated my overhead 
emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop. 

The vehicle, bearing Ohio registration 
GZQ2381, came to a complete stop just 
south of W California Ave. Before I could 
place my patrol car in park, the driver's door 
of the vehicle flew open; the driver exited 
the vehicle and began to move towards me.

I immediately ordered the driver back into 
the vehicle and subsequently advised 
dispatch I needed assistance. Smith 
Township Sergeant Davis arrived on scene 
shortly thereafter followed by Patrolman 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Aaron C. McMasters, I 
identified myself, informed him of the 
reason for the stop and ascertained as to 
why he felt it was necessary to get out of 
the vehicle and advance towards me. 
McMasters stated his window doesn't work 
and that he wasn't thinking at the time. 

I then asked McMasters for his driver's 
license, registration and proof of insurance. 
McMasters informed me he did not have a 
valid drives's license but did have an 
identification card. McMasters also provided 
me with his vehicle's registration packet 
along with expired insurance information. 
McMasters was instructed to phone a valid 
driver and for them to come to the scene to 
take towed.

McMasters was issued citation #031232 for 
Village Ordinances 335.01 Driver's License 
Required and 313.01 Stop Sign - Fail to 
Obey. McMasters was advised of his 
mandatory court appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
July 12, 2018 at 0900. McMasters and the 
vehicle were released from the scene with a 
licensed driver.

Ptl D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18006179
W Texas Avet S 15th St, Sebring, Ohio 
DUS - FRA SCO 335.07
Display of License Plate (Stickers 
Obstructed) SCO 335.09

On Thursday, June 28,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was on patrol in marked unit 
#302 in the downtown area. I observed a 
blue Dodge Dakota bearing Ohio 
registration DCU7713. in front of me 
heading south on N 15Ih St. As I got closer 
to the vehicle, I observed the county sticker 
and registration stickers were obstructed as 
the license plate was hanging lower than 
normal. As the vehicle turned east onto E 
Texas Ave, I initiated a traffic stop by 
activating my overhead emergency lights. 
Patrolman Scott was behind me in marked 
unit #301 and activated his overhead 
emergency lights as well.

The vehicle came to a complete stop just 
after turning onto E Texas Ave. Upon 
making contact with the driver, identified as 
Dakota Santee, I identified myself and 
informed him for the reason of the stop. 
While I spoke to Santee, Patrolman Scott 
made contact with the passenger, identified 
as Jason Burruss. Santee and Burruss 
provided me with their full names, dates of 
birth and socia1 security numbers after 
advising they did not have their driver's 
licenses with them. 

After relaying Santee and Burruss through 
dispatch, I was advised both of their 
licenses were suspended. Dispatch advised 
Santee was under a noncompliance 
suspension with an FRA attached.

Santee and Burruss were ordered out of the 
vehicIe and advised to take any belongings 
they wished to take with them as the vehicle 
was subject to tow due to their 
suspensions. I then contacted dispatch and 
requested a tow truck to the scene. 
Patrolman Scott conducted the 
administrative inventory of the vehicle while 
I wrote Santee his citation.

Santee was issued citation #031231 for 
Village Ordinances 335.07 DUS - FRA and 
335.09 Display of License Plate (Stickers 
Obstructed). Santee was advised of his 
mandatory court appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
July 5, 2018 at 0900. At the conclusion of 
the administrative inventory, Santee and 
Burruss were released from the scene on 
foot and the vehicle was towed to Springers 
on N 12th St.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #508


DATE: 06/28/2018 18:22:00

On 06/23/18 I responded to the area of 
Royal Oaks Cir for report of suspicious 

Ptl. Brindack 507

On 06/28/18 1 responded to the area of 
Royal Oaks Circle for report of suspicious 
activity, the caller advised that one adult 
male and some Juvenile were looking into 
vacant homes. Upon my arrival I observed 
a male subject the police department 
regularly has encounters with Joshua 
Hanshaw with three juveniles belonging to 
Chris Tewksbury pushing a lawn mower 
down the road. I stopped Hanshaw who I 
cou!d see was covered in grass and asked 
what he was doing and he advised he was 
mowing peoples lawns. I asked Joshua if he 
had been looking into any vacant homes, 
and he said " no I wasn't I'm just cutting 

I advised Joshua that we were called to the 
area because he was seen looking into 
vacant house. I also advised Joshua that if 
he was trying to cut peoples grass and they 
did not want him there that it could be 
considered soliciting a service which 
required a permit from the village of 
Sebring. I advised Joshua to take his lawn 
mower home for the day and clear the area, 
and if he was looking in a vacant homes he 
was to stop. 

I then went and spoke with the caller Bryan 
Bailey who was standing near by. Bryan 
told me that Joshua only went to one house 
which was the vacant house and was 
looking inside and he was concerned as to 
why. I advised Bryan that Joshua had been 
told to leave the area and I cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18006139
135 E. Ohio Ave., Sebring
Wrongful entrustment 4511.203

While on patrol in the Village of Sebring, 
Mahoning County, I observed a gold 
Cadillac Escalade bearing Ohio registration 
BJA5282 turning west onto E. Wisconsin 
Ave from N. 12th St. I observed the driver 
as one Steven P. McGrew of 16970 W. 
'Pine lake Rd in Beloit. I was aware that Mr. 
Mc Grew had a suspended Ohio operator 
license due the numerous involvements and 
Prior arrest for Driving under Suspension. I 
turned around the patrol vehicIe, and at that 
point I observed the suspect vehicle speed 
up and make a left turn onto N 15th St . As 
the vehicle was making the left turn it turned 
in front of a Silver Dodge truck that was 
traveling East on E. Wisconsin Ave. I 
activated my overhead pursuit lights and 
audible sirens and the vehicle stopped on 
N. 13th St at Vermont Ave. 

I made contact with the driver one Steven P. 
McGrew and he kept stating he was trying 
to get to his P.O. to check in and asked if I 
could give him a break. Mr. McGrew 
advised me that he knew he shouldn't be 
driving but he had to get there so he 
wouldn't be violated. The vehicle was 
registered to his mother Susan A. McGrew 
of 16970 W. Pine lake Rd, in Beloit, and she 
has been warned several times ref to him 

Springer's was dispatched to remove the 
vehicle, and Steven was issued a citation 
for Failure to Yield while turning left, and 
License Forfeiture Suspension and advised 
to appear in Mcc#3 on 6/28/18 at 9:00 Am.

Ptl. S.T.McDaniel # 509

On 06/27/18 Susan A McGrew came to our 
station to be served with a citation for 
wrongful entrustment from Ptl. McDaniel in 
reference his DUS case #18006139 In 
which she allowed her son Steven McGrew 
to driver he vehicle a bronze Cadillac SUV 
bearing OH HSA5282 while knowing he had 
a suspended license. I spoke with Susan 
and issued her a citation for wrongful 
entrustment 4511.203 and advised he of 
her court date at MCC#3 of 05/07/18 at 
0900hrs and I cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 507


Case No.: 18006121
Speed (51/35) 333.03
100 Block S. 12th St.

On 6/20/2018 at 1351 hrs while sitting 
stationary in a marked patrol car on S. 12th 
St. I observed a green in color Jaguar 
station wagon traveling north at a visibly 
high rate of speed. I locked the vehicles 
speed traveling at a speed of 51mph in a 
35mph zone with my cruisers mounted 
radar unit. I turned my cruiser around and 
positioned myself behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop in the 100 block of S. 
12th St. 

I approached the vehicle and met with the 
driver identified as Kathryn Murphy, 2457 
Georgetown Damascus and informed them 
of the reason of the stop and requested 
their driver's license, registration, and proof 
of insurance which I received. I wrote 
Kathryn a traffic citation for speed SCO 
333.03 and cited her into MCC#3 with a 
court date of 6/28/2018 at 9:OOam with no 
personal appearance required. Once 
Kathryn signed the citation she was 
provided a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505
6/20/20 18


Case No.: 18006173
DUS - Noncompliance SCO 335.07
535 W California Aye, Sebring, Ohio 44672

On Thursday, June 28,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was on patrol in marked unit 
#302 in the downtown area. I observed a 
silver SUV turn east onto E Ohio Ave from 
N 15th St that appeared to exhibit 
suspicious driving behavior after I began to 
follow it.

After following the vehide for quite some 
time, I could hear the exhaust emitting an 
excessive noise as the vehicle turned east 
onto W California Ave from S 20th St. I then 
initiated a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency lights. The vehicle, a 
silver Ford Explorer bearing Ohio 
registration GYV9585 came to complete 
stop after pulling into the driveway of 535 W 
California Ave.

Prior to approaching the vehicle, I observed 
the driver's door swing open and 
immediately ordered the driver to remain in 
the vehicle and notified dispatch to send a 
cover officer to my location. Upon making 
contact with the driver, identified as James 
Schreckengost, I identified myself and 
informed him for the reason of the stop. I 
also asked Schreckengost as to why he had 
exhibited suspicious driving behavior after I 
began to follow him on the north side of the 
village. Schreckengost stated to me he was 
just driving around and listening to music. 
After detecting a faint odor of marijuana 
coming from inside the vehicle, I asked 
Schreckengost if he had smoked recently 
and he stated he did earlier. I then advised 
him to remain in his vehicle whiIe I ran his 
driver license information through dispatch.

Dispatch advised Schreckengost 's license 
status was under noncompliance 
suspension since May 15,2018. At this time, 
Patrolman Scott arrived on scene to assist.

Patrolman Scott asked Schreckengost why 
the vehicle smelled like marijuana and 
Schreckengost proclaimed, "Because I 
smoke weed and it's my car" (sic). 
Schreckengost was ordered ont of the 
vehicle and patted down for weapons prior 
to being placed into the back of marked unit 
#302 pending the outcome of the probable 
cause search. I then advised dispatch 
Patrolman Scott and I would be conducting 
a probable cause vehicle search. During the 
course of the vehicle search, Patrolman 
Scott and I located several ripped empty 
plastic bags underneath the driver's seat. In 
addition to the plastic bags, we discovered 
fragments of a green vegetative substance 
believed to be marijuana scattered on the 
floor under the driver's seat. The probable 
cause vehicle search ended after Patrolman 
Scott and I were unable to locate additional 

Patrolman Scott subsequently cleared the 

Schreckengost was issued citation #031230 
for Village Ordinance 335.07 DUS - 
Noncompliance, issued a verbal warning for 
the loud exhaust. 

Schreckengost was advised of his 
mandatory appearance before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, July 5,2018 
at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #508


DATE: 06/26/2018 15:59:00

On 06/26/18 I took a report of vandalism on 
our station.

Ptl. Brindack 507

On this date Patty Wagner advised me she 
saw two boys walking down 15th st and one 
of the boys smashed a rock into the 
Copeland Oaks sign and left a dent.  She 
took a picture of the boys and the picture 
was blurry but I believed one of them to be--

Myself and Ptl. Scott checked the area and 
could not find the boys but I observed a 
blond female juvenile walking down the 
street who appeared to look like a female 
that was behind the two boys in the picture. 
I spoke with the girl identified as ------ and 
she confirmed one of the boys was in fact --
----- but she did not know the other boy. 
Both units then went to -------- house and 
spoke with ------ and ------- admitted that he 
hit the sign and he knows he
shouldn't have.

I contacted Paul Freer head of security at 
Copeland Oaks and he said Copeland was 
not going to pursue charges.

Ptl. Brindack 507


DATE: 06/26/2018 14:22:00

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Joe Waskivich 306 E. Indiana 
Ave. Joe advised he was not sure what was 
going on but heard his neighbors arguing. 
Joe then advised he heard one of them say 
he took all of his pills. 

I went to the neighbors house 326 E. 
Indiana Ave. and made contact with James 
A. Ling. James advised he was arguing with 
his son. James advised his sons "wife to 
be" went out the night before and '"had 
some fun". James advised his son was not 
happy about his fiancee going out.

I advised James the neighbor advised he 
heard someone say he took all of his 
medication.  James advised he knows his 
dosage and would never overdose on his 
medication.  James was alert and refused 
any medical attention. I then cleared.

Ptl Kelm 505


Case No.: 18006170 
135 E Ohio Ave, Sebring
Assault ORC 2903.13 A

On Tuesday June 26, 2018 Patrolman 
Marchionda and Patrolman Scott were 
dispatched to locate a grey Volkswagen 
Jetta that had left 112 E. Texas Ave. 
reference a report that the male driver was 
assaulting a female passenger.

While responding to the location, dispatch 
advised the vehicle was heading to 236 
Alabama Avenue. Patrolman Scott advised 
he would continue to the original call 
location as I proceeded to locate the vehicle 
before or as it arrived at 236 Alabama 
Avenue. Upon my arrival, I did not locate 
the vehicle but did however make contact 
with acquaintances and relatives of the 
victim (Debra Papic) who state to me they 
heard the call go out on their scanner and 
called Papic. One party stated she called 
Papic and that Papic told her what 
happened. Papic was apparently at the 
original call location walking to Alabama 
Avenue. I then relayed this information to 
Patrolman Scott who advised he had 
located Papic and would be collecting 
statements from her and witnesses at 112 E 
Texas Avenue.

I was requested to Patrolman Scott's 
location to assist in obtaining statements 
from witnesses at the scene. Upon my 
arrival, I made contact witH the witnesses 
and victim herself. Papic stated to 
Patrolman Scott and I that she had been 
assaulted by her ex-boyfriend, Brian A 
Chernikovich, while he was giving her a ride 
to her residence (112 E Texas). Papic 
stated her and Chernikovich had got in into 
a verbal altercation in the vehicle and'upon 
pulling into the drive-way, Chernikovich 
grabbed her arm, face and then slammed 
her head against the front passenger 
window. The only visible injury I was able to 
observe on Papic was a fresh bruise on her 
left bicep. Papic stated she did not feel any 
contusions or bumps on her head nor could 
I see any. Papic provided officers with a 
written statement and the bruise on her arm 
was photographed. Papic stated to both 
Patrolman Scott and I She wanted to press 
and follow through with an assault charge 
against Chernikovich.

The original reportee, Jessica Yaggi, stated 
to officers she witnessed Chernikovich pull 
into the driveway of 112 E Texas Ave with 
Papic as a passenger. Yaggi stated she 
heard and saw Chernikovich beating Papic 
and attempted to confront him by walking 
up to the driver side window of the vehicle. 
Yaggi stated Chemikovich then put the 
vehicle in reverse and quickly pulled out of 
the driveway and drive down the street. 
Yaggi stated she saw Chernikovich 
continue to beat Papic as he drove away. 
Yaggi was able to provide officers with a 
written statement documenting what she 
saw and told us.

Another witness, Shanda Wayne, stated to 
officers she heard yelling through her 
bedroom window after Chernikovich and 
Papic pulled into the driveway. Wayne 
stated she witnessed Yaggi approach the 
vehicle while mentioning there is a history 
of Chernikovich allegedly beating Papic. 
Wayne stated once Yaggi was at the driver 
side window of the vehicle, that 
Chernikovich put the vehide in reverse and 
fled from the residence. Wayne stated she 
observed Papic was still in the vehicle as  
Chernikovich drove away.

It was conveyed to Patrolman Scott and I 
that Chernikovich may have returned to an 
address in Alliance following the incident. 
Dispatch was then advised to contact 
Alliance Police Department to ask if officers 
could attempt to locate Chernikovich at 
1127 S Mahoning Avenue. It was later 
learned that Alliance Police Officers 
checked the residence on S Mahoning Ave 
but were unable to make contact or locate 
Chernikovich. After being advised of this by 
dispatch, I began to reach out to known 
associates of Chernikovich in an attempt to 
locate him. While checking with known 
associates, dispatch requested I return to 
the station as Chernikovich had phoned the 
station after being tald the police were 
1ooking for him.

After arriving at the station, I identified 
myself and spoke with Chernikovich to 
ascertain what happened and to uncover 
his version of what happened. I asked 
Chernikovich if he would be willing to come 
to the Sebring Police Department to provide 
a statement. Chernikovich stated he was 
willing to come to the station to provide a 
statement but did not provide an exact time 
of when he would be there. Patrolman Scott 
and I waited approximately 30 minutes on 
station for Chernikovich to arrive. After it 
was deemed Chernikovich may have 
changed his mind, Patrolman Scott and I 
then resumed normal patrol.

Some time before 0200, dispatch advised 
Patrolman Scott and I that Chernikovich 
was on station. Following our arrival in the 
lobby, we asked Chernikovich what 
happened and he admitted to giving Papic a 
ride she requested and that the two had 
gotten into a vefbal altercation while in the 
vehicle. Chernikovich stated to us that it 
was Papic that struck him and that he 
deflected and pushed her against the 
passenger side window with his arm. 
Chernikovich stated Papic dso scratched 
him and pointed to some minor scratches at 
the bottom af his neck. Chernikavich was 
advised due to physical evidence and 
statements by Papic as well as witnesses at 
the scene, that he was under arrest for 
assault. Patrolman Scott then ordered 
Chernikavich to his feet and placed him in 
handcuffs (gapped/double locked). 
Chernikovich was then,escorted to the 
squad room to be processed and 

Chernikovich was read'his Miranda Rights 
by Patrolman Scott, which he stated he 
understood and signed a waiver to provide 
us with a voluntary written statement. 
Chernikovich was given an opportunity to 
contact a bail bondsman in an attempt to 
post a cash bond. While waiting to hear 
back from friends and family, Chernikovlch 
was photographed and printed. 

After some time had passed, Chernikovich 
was unable to make contact with anyone 
who could post his bail, even with the 
assistance of his child's mother, Nikki Libert, 
who had brought him to the station.

Chernikovich was then transported from the 
Sebring Police Department to the Mahoning 
County Justice Center in Youngstown by 
Patrolman Scott for ORC 2903.13A Assault 
M-1. Chernikovich was advised of his court 
date before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, June 28,2018 at 0900.



DATE: 06/26/2018  20:41:00

On 06/26/2018 I Ptl. Scott responded to 185 
E. Indiana Ave. in reference to the caller 
being harassed.
Ptl. Scott #506

Upon my arrival I spoke with Bonnie 
Hawkins and she showed me a note which 
had sentences on it stating " I am watching 
you". There was also a white powder 
substance on her porch which Bonnie had 
most of it cleaned up and was believed to 
be powdered bleach. Bonnie stated that she 
believes children have been harassing her 
and pulling pranks on her while she is at 
work. I told Bonnie that we will patrol the 
area frequently and if something else were 
to happen she needs to call the police 

I then confiscated the note and then 
Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18006167 
Perkins / S. Johnson Rd.
Speed 55/35 SCO 333.03

On 06/26/2018 at 7:06pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on S. Johnson Rd. and observed a vehicle 
traveling south on the same road that 
appeared to be traveling at a high rate of 
speed. I then activated my cruisers forward 
mounted radar and observed a digital read 
out of 55mph while being in a 35mph 
posted zone. Once the vehicle passed me I 
activated my cruisers overhead lights and 
performed a U-turn and initiated a traffic 
stop in the parking lot of the Perkins 

The vehicle was a 2007 silver Pontiac G-6 
bearing an Ohio license plate (GST5043). I 
then exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received all except the 
proof of insurance. 

The driver was identified as Alexus N. 

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Alexus a traffic citation for speed SCO 
333.03 and gave Alexus a court date of 
07/05/2018 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance required. Once Alexus signed 
the citation I provided her with a copy and 
then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18006161
US Rt 62 At 21st St
Possession of Marijuana - 513.03
Drug Paraphernalia  513.12

On 06/25/2018 I Officer Rober while sitting 
stationary at Oak Ridge Motel observed a 
white in color SUV leaving Oakridge motel 
parking lot with both license plate lights 
burnt out on the vehicle. I then activated my 
emergency lights and made a traffic stop of 
the vehicle bearing Michigan license plate 
CEM858. After approaching the vehicle I 
identified the driver as Gorgis Thephanis 
and immediately noticed a strong odor of 
Marijuana coming from the vehicle. I then 
asked Gorgis if he had any Marijuana in the 
vehicle which he replied he does. Gorgis 
then handed me a glass jar of Marijuana 
and stated he had a blunt somewhere in the 

I then detained Gorgis and placed him in 
the back of Unit 303. I then conduced a 
probable cause search of the vehicle and 
found a black digital scale containing 
matijuana residue and nothing further. I 
then issued Gargis two citations for 
marijuana and for the paraphernalia and 
gave him a court date of 06/28/2018 at 

Upon nothing further I cleared and resumed 

0FC.J. Rober #514


Case No.: 18006149 
556 West Maryland Avenue, Sebring Ohio 

On 06/23/2018 I was dispatched to the 500 
block of West Maryland Avenue in 
reference to a domestic. 

Redfern 504

On 06/23/2018 I was dispatched to the 500 
block of West Maryland Avenue in 
reference to a domestic. I was advised by 
dispatch that the male party was on top of 
the female choking her and he was 

I arrived on location and made contact with 
the male party in the rear of the residence. 
The male was identified as Joshua Michael 
Selogy of that address. I saw the female 
standing behind him crying and trembling in 
fear, 1 asked what was going on and the 
male stated nothing was going on. 

I then asked the female to come with me 
behing the garage to talk. The female was 
identiied as Erica L Sills of that address. As 
Erica was walking out Joshua attempted to 
lunge at Erica, I pushed Joshua back and 
he became extreamily combative and 
aggravated. Joshua advised me "I will end 
your mother fucking life, I will fucking kill 
you I was a marine corps". 

Ptl Brindack arrived on location at this titne, 
and took Joshua into the garage and was 
able to speak with Erica outside. Erica 
advised that her and Joshua just got 
married one week ago to date and they just 
got home from their honeymoon yesterday. 
Erica advised that Joshua was outside with 
the neighbor drinking on the back porch 
while Erica was inside the house cleaning. 
Erica advised that Joshua came into the 
house demanding that she came outside 
and diink with them. Erica stated that she 
advised Joshua that she didn't want to that 
she was cleaning. Erica advised that 
Joshua then grabbed her by the throat and 
chocked slammed her on to the ground and 
got on top of her and began choking her. 
Erica advised that he got off of her and 
when outside. 

Erica advised that she wanted to go forth 
with Domestic Violence charges. I then 
requested Ptl. Osberg from Smith Twp to 
assist. While he was en route I had the 
female complete the DV packet.

When Ptl Osberg arrived on location we 
approached Joshua who was with Ptl. 
Brindack and advised him that he was 
under arrest fbr Domestic Violence. Joshua 
then started walking toward Erica stating 
"You better not go through with these 
charges" and started at the female. Joshua 
was advised that he is not to intimidate the 
victim. Erica started crying even harder and 
started to shake. Erica was ordered back 
into the residence. Joshua said "All right 
motherfuckers, I will end all of your lives I 
was in the marine corps", and attempted to 
lunge after officers. 

Joshua was pushed back at arm's length 
from the officers. Several methods of less 
lethal force were deployed such as asp and 
mace but not utilized. Joshua stood back 
and after several minutes of verbal de-
escalation Joshua was taken into custody 
without incident. Joshua was taken back to 
station for booking.

I called Sgt. Eberling and Chief Harris for 
them to approve the Felony Charges. Sgt 
Eberling approved the charges and was in 
question about the intimidation charge. I 
then made contact with Prosecutor Tolson 
whom approved the charge. 

Joshua was processed for Aggravated 
Menacing F5 x3, Domestic Violence M1, 
Assault M1, and intimidation of a victim M1. 

Joshua's DNA was collected and he 
photographed and taken to MCJ. Joshua is 
to make an initial appearance at MCC#3 on 
06/28/2018 at 0900.

Redfern 504

On 06/23/18 I was dispatched to 556 W 
Maryland Ave for a domestic violehce. 
Upon arrival I observed Ptl. Redfern was 
speaking with the female party identified as 
Erica Sills I approached the male party 
identified as Joshua Selogy. I asked Joshua 
what was going on and he said "nothing 
were good I have nothing to say to you". 
Moments later Joshua looked at me and 
said "I could destroy you both just saying I 
was a Marine" I advised Joshua he needed 
to calm down and tell me what happened. 
Joshua said that he and Erika were just 
arguing and he did not touch her because 
"that is a pussy move" .

Joshua then begin to walk tewards Erika 
and Ptl. Redfern. I placed my arm on his 
chest to block him and he said "easy on the 
chest" I advised Joshua once again to calm 
down,and I told him he was not going near 
Erika or Ptl. Redfern Joshua then became 
angry and stated "I pay more for these cars 
than you make in a month". I then heard Ptl. 
Redfem ask for assistance from Smith 
townships unit Ptl. Osberg.

Moments later Ptl. Osberg arrived on scene 
and walked back with Ptl. Redfern to myself 
and Joshua's location. Ptl. Redfern then 
advised Joshua he was under arrest for 
domestic violence, "

Joshua became angry and lunged forward 
at Ptl. Osberg saying "ill take you on you 
short fat fuck", Ptl. Osberg pushed Joshua 
back with his hand and at this point officer 
deployed "non lethal tools OC spray and 
ASP batons which were not. At that 
moment Joshua step back and asked ,"are 
we going to have some fun". Officer talked 
Joshua down from his rage and he 
complied. Joshua was placed in handcuffs 
which were gaped and locked by me and 
placed in patrol car 303. He was then 
transported back to our station and 
processed by myself and Ptl. Redfern and 
then taken to Mahoning County Jail with out 

Ptl. Brindack 507


Wednesday, June 27, 2018
01:39 PM -0500

DATE: 06/24/2018 14:10:00
criminal damaging

On 6/24/2018 I was flagged down near 235 
E. Oregon for criminal damaging.

I made contact with the complainant 
Randall G. Berger. 224 E. Oregon Ave. 
Randall advised sometime during the night 
it appeared someone had thrown a 
"Budlight" beer bottle at the rear drivers 
side door/window of his vehicle bearing 
Ohio plate HCF8065. Randall advised he 
did not notice it until he returned from 
golfing on the afternoon of 6/24/2018. 
Randall also advised he did not know who 
would have caused the damage. 

I was able to observe a dent near the 
bottom of the window as well as small 
shards of glass and dry beer on the drivers 
side of the vehicle. 2 photos were taken and 
will be placed in the case file. I advised 
Randall this has been an ongoing issue that 
is under investigation at this time. I also 
advised Randall a report would be 
generated. I then cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505


DATE: 06/24/2018 02:06:00
criminal damaging

On 06/24/2018 I Ptl. Scott responded to 485 
W. Oregon Ave. in reference to a person 
throwing brick through the home owner of 
485 W. Oregon Ave. window.

Upon arrival I was met by the home owner 
which was identified as Richard Beitler and 
Richard stated that some one had thrown a 
beer bottle through the window and walked 
with me into the living room where the 
broken window was. I observed a window 
on the south side of the residence facing 
the alley which was a two sided window that 
had holes through both sides which 
appeared to be caused by an object being 
thrown at it.

I then observed glass on the couch which 
was directly below the window and glass all 
over the living room floor. The glass was 
brown and some glass was transparent. 
The brown glass was mostly on the floor 
and a bud light sticker was laying near the 
broken brown glass. The transparent glass 
on the couch came from the window.

Robert had no knowledge of who threw the 
bottle through the window but he said when 
the incident occurred he heard a vehicle in 
the alley that had a loud exhaust. 

I then took photographs of the damages 
and then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case # 18006147
Courtney RdM Johnson Rd, Sebring, OH 
Speed - Over Limits (52/35)

On Saturday, June 23, 2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting speed 
enforcement on Courtney Road just east of 
N Johnson Road in marked unit #302. I 
observed a blue SUV approaching my 
location from the east at what appeared to 
be a high rate of speed. I then activated my 
forward mounted radar antenna. I observed 
and locked a digital read out of 52 MPH in a 
posted 35 MPH zone just as the vehicle 
passed Allied Drive. As the vehicle passed 
my location, I pulled out onto Courtney 
Road and initiated a traffic stop by 
activating my overhead emergency lights.

The vehicle, a blue 2007 Chevrolet Equinox 
bearing Ohio registration GWZ4555, came 
to a complete stop on Courtney Road at N 
Johnson Road. 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Alexis Naples, I identified 
myself and informed her for the reason of 
the stop. I then requested Naples to provide 
me with her driver's license and insurance 
information. Naples was able to provide me 
with both documents. Naples was issued 
citation #031229 for Village Ordinance 
333.03 Speed - Over Limits (52/35) and 
advised of her mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, July 5,2018 at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #508


Case # 18006146
W. Ohio Ave. / Village Limits
Driving Under Suspension SCO 335.07

On 06/23/2018 at 12:13am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling west on 
W. Ohio Ave. when I performed a random 
registration check on a vehicle in front of 

Dispatch advised me that the vehicles 
registered owner was suspended including 
a license plate seizure. I then activated my 
overhead lights and initiated a traffic stop 
on W. Ohio Ave. near the village limits. The 
vehicle was a 2006 white Pontiac G-6 
bearing an Ohio license plate (HFW4935).

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which the driver could not 
provide me with any of the requested 
documents. I asked for the drivers name 
and was able to identify the driver as Brook 
Hughes which was the registered owner of 
the vehicle. I then informed Brook that her 
driver's license is suspended and advised 
Brook to gather valuable items that she will 
need from the vehicle and call someone to 
pick her up because the vehicle is being 

I then returned to my cruiser which was 
when Ptl. Marchionda arrived and stood by 
while I wrote Brook a traffic citation for 
driving under suspension SCO 335.07. I 
gave Brook a court date of 06/28/2018 at 
9:OOam with a personal appearance 

Once Brook signed the citation I then 
provided her with a copy and Brook was 
released to her sister.

Ptl. Marchionda and I then conducted an 
inventory of the vehicle and wrote the 
contents on a tow slip which the tow truck 
driver signed. Springer's Towing soon 
arrived and removed the license plates and 
I secured them in my cruiser. The vehicle 
was then towed to 10 N. 12th St. by 
Springer's Towing with a court hold due to 
Brook having 5 open suspensions. Once 
the vehicle was removed from the roadway 
I then cleared. 

The license plates will be mailed to the 
Department of Motor Vehicles.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case # 18006139
Failure to Yield / DUS
E.Wisconsin Ave and N 13Th
Failure to Yield W/ Turn Left 331.17
License Forleiture Susp 335.074

On 06-22-18, While on patrol in the Village 
of Sebring, Mahoning County, I observed a 
gold Cadillac Escalade bearing Ohio 
registration HJA5282 turning west onto E. 
Wisconsin Ave from N. 12th St. I observed 
the driver as one Steven P. McGrew of 
16970 W. Pine lake Rd in Beloit. I was 
aware that Mr. McGrew had a suspended 
Ohio operator' license due the numerous 
involvements and Prior arrest for Driving 
under Suspension. 

I turned around the patrol vehicle, and at 
that point I observed the suspect vehicle 
speed up and make a left turn onto N.13th 
St . As the vehicle was making the left turn 
it turned in front of a Silver Dodge truck that 
was traveling East on E. Wisconsin Ave. I 
activated my overhead pursuit lights and 
audible sirens and the vehicle stopped on 
N. 13th St at Vermont Ave. 

I made contact with the driver one Steven P. 
McGrew and he kept stating he was trying 
to get to his P.O. to check in and asked if I 
could give him a break. Mr. McGrew 
advised me that he knew he shouldn't be 
driving but he had to get there so he 
wouldn't be violated. The vehicle was 
registered to his mother Susan A. McGrew 
of 16970 W. Pine lake Rd, in Beloit, and she 
has been warned several times ref to him 

Springer's was dispatched to remove the 
vehicle, and Steven was issued a citation 
for Failure to Yield while turning left, and 
License Forfeiture Suspension and advised 
to appear in Mcc#3 on 6/28/18 at 9:00 Am.

Ptl. S.T.McDanie1 # 509


DATE: 061201201 8 14:25:00
Assist with Goshen Police

On 6-20-18 I was dispatched to the 600 
block of North 15th Street for an Assist with 
Goshen Police. I arrived on location with 
Det. Budays and I stood by while he 
investigated a Domestic with Mark Muller 
and his daughter. After Det. Budays 
investigation was complete, I then cleared.

Redfern 504


Case # 18006130
700 Block E. Ohio Ave.
Traffic Control Device(Stop Sign) 313.01

On 6/21/2018 at 0913hrs I was traveling 
north on N. Johnson Rd. near the 
intersection of E. Ohio Ave. I observed a 
gray in color Chrysler station wagon 
traveling west on W. Ohio Ave. that did not 
stop at the posted stop sign. I activated my 
overhead emergency lights and initiated a 
traffic stop near the 700 Block of W. Ohio 

I approached the vehicle and met with the 
driver identified as James Ling, 326 E. 
Indiana Ave. Sebring, and informed them of 
the reason of the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance which I received. 

James advised he knew why I pulled him 
over and that he was arguing with his son 
and was not paying attention. I wrote James 
a traffic citation for Traffic Control Devices 
SCO 313.01 and cited him into MCC#3 with 
a court date of 6/28/2015 at 9:OOam with 
no personal appearance required.

Once James signed the citation he was 
provided a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505


DATE: 06/21/2018 10:36:00
Dog Running at Large

On 6/21/2018 I observed a loose dog near 
Sebring Tire.

Due to previous dealings with this dog I was 
aware of the general area where it 
belonged. I responded to 196 N. 12th St. 
and made contact with Cody Ellsworth. I 
advised there was a rottweiler loose near 
Sebring Tire. Cody advised it was his dog 
and he would retrieve it. I advised Cody this 
is the second time the dog has broken its 
chain in the last week. I then advised Cody I 
was going to be serving him with a Dog 
Running at Large Letter. I advised if the dog 
got loose again he would be cited. Cody 
advised he understood. I then cleared.

I responded to the police station to type the 
Dog Running at Large Letter. I then went 
back to the above address to serve Cody 
with the letter. I again advised Cody he will 
be cited if the dog got loose again. Cody 
advised he understood and it would not 
happen again. I then cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505


DATE: 06/21/2018 14:52:00
Dog Running at Large

I was dispatched to the 100 block of East 
Vermont in reference to a Dog Running at 
Large.  I arrived on location and found the 
dog going after the mail lady.  The mail lady 
advised that the dog belonged to 165 East 
Vermont Avenue and the mail belonged to 
Martha Hanshaw and Amanda Stovall. 

I went to the house and observed the dog 
running around in the area. Dispatch 
advised that they got a hold of Martha and 
she would be sending her son to secure the 
dog. Martha's son Andrew Helmuth arrived 
on location and secured the dog.

Due to my personal recollection while I was 
investigating case 18004103, Martha's dog 
was running at large at that time and she 
was given a verbal warning from me at that 
time. Also, on the same day Ptl. Kelm was 
called in reference to the incident and he 
also issued a warning for a dog running at 
large. As per Sgt. Eberling, Martha needs to 
be served a warning letter first, before she 
can be charged.

Both Martha and Amanda Stovall called in 
and were given verbal warnings over the 
phone. There will be a warning letter placed 
in the case file for when Martha can be 
served due to her being in Sharon PA..

Redfern 504


DATE: 06/22/2018 00:35:00
burglar alarm

On Friday June 22, 2018 Ptl. D. Marchionda 
#508 and Ptl Scott were dispatched to 110 
S 15th reference a commercial burglar 

Upon arrival Ptl Scott and I immediately 
performed a sweep of the exterior of the 
property. All doors and windows appeared 
to be secured at the ground level and there 
did not appear to be any signs of intrusion. 
Officers cleared the scene without incident.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #508


Case # 18006136
236 Alabama Ave. Sebring, OH
DUS - Non Compliance  335.07

On 6/21/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser, I observed a red van 
traveling south on S 14th St near Alabama 
Ave with a driver whom I knew to be 

I had dispatch verify that the 
driveriregistered owner Paula L. Mather 
was suspended to which they confirmed. I 
initiated a traffic stop on her vehicle, 
bearing Ohio plate GSV3883 as it pulled 
into her residence at 236 Alabama Ave. 
Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with Paula who advised she was 
just trying to get home because her 
husband was drunk at a friends house. 

Paula was issued a citation for DUS - Non 
Compliance 335.07 SCO and advised of 
her court date at MCC #3 on 6/28/2018 at 
0900 hours with a personal appearance 
required. Paula was unable to provide valid 
proof of insurance at the time of stop and 
was advised to present it at court.

Sgt. Eberling #503


DATE: 06/20/2018 16:32:00
Domestic Violence

On 6/20/2018, I was dispatched to 236 
Alabama Ave Apt 2 for a domestic dispute.

Upon arrival, I spoke with the female who 
was identified as Kayla N. Tucker. Kayla 
advised that her and her boyfriend Michael 
C. Sharp got into a verbal argument over 
her not making him dinner. Kayla advised 
they have been fighting for the past two 
days over this issue. Michael confirmed the 
story and advised he works all the time and 
wants her to cook him dinner. Michael 
advised he is tired of it.

Michael advised he was getting ready to 
leave to go to work so things would be fine 
the rest of the night. Kayla advised she had 
another place she could stay with their 2 
YOA child until things got better with their 
relationship. Once both parties separated, I 
cleared the scene. There were no signs of a 
physical altercation and no reports of 
threats being made by either party while on 

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case # 18006116
N 13th St / E Maryland Ave
loud exhaust 331.36

On 06/19/18 1 was parked in the side 
driveway of the apartment complex directly 
cattycorner from Circle K in the 200 Block of 
E Ohio when I observed a black 
Volkswagen pull out of the parking lot of 
circle K and turn East onto Ohio ave. 

As the vehicle pulled out I hear the exhaust 
system emit an audibly loud tone. I also 
observed the vehicle had multiple cracks 
through the front windshield. I pulled behind 
the vehicle as it turned North onto N 13th St 
I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle a 
Black Volkswagen Jetta bearing OH 
GRQ9408 at the corner of E Maryland and 
N 13th St. 

I made contact with the driver Brian A 
Chernikovich and obtained his registration 
and license. I recognized the vehicle and 
driver as one that I had previously issued a 
warning to for loud exhaust in May of this 
year which was verified by dispatch. A 
citation was issued to Brian for Loud 
Exhaust 331.36 and he was given a verbal 
warning for obstructed view. 

Brian was given a court date at MCC#3 of 
06/28/18 at 0900Hrs with a personal 
appearance required as Brian was unable 
to provide proof of insurance. I then 

Ptl. Brindack 507


Saturday, June 23, 2018
01:56 PM -0500

Case No.: 18006086
155 W Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH 44672 
Possesion of Drug Paraphernalia M-4
DUS - License Forfeiture 

On 6/14/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser, I observed a BMW traveling 
on W Ohio Ave with a driver whom I knew 
to be suspended. I initiated a traffic stop on 
the vehicle, bearing Ohio plate F339514 in 
the 100 block of W Ohio Ave. The driver, 
Jonathan M. Cosgray exited the vehicle and 
began to walk up to the Sebring Quick 
Lube. I ordered Jonathan to get back in the 
vehicle and he bent down behind a guard 
rail and put his cigarette out and walked 
back over to the vehicle. 

Dispatch confirmed Jonathan's driving 
status to be suspended for license forfeiture 
out of Mahoning County Court #3. As I was 
speaking with Jonathan he was sweating 
profusely and his hands were shaking very 
bad. I asked Jonathan if there was anything 
illegal on him or in the vehicle to which he 
advised no and immediately began 
emptying his pockets. I had Ptl. Kelm 
respond to my location to assist with the 
stop. Jonathan gave voluntary consent for 
officers to search the vehicle. 

I searched the vehicle as Ptl. Kelm stood 
with Jonathan next to the vehicle. The 
vehicle search did not turn up any illegal 
items. I then walked back around the car to 
the guard rail where Jonathan had been 
standing and had bent down and put his 
cigarettes butt out earlier and observed a 
crushed pack of Newport cigarettes with a 
clear plastic baggie inside. I pulled the 
baggie out and observed a clear crystallized 
substance to be inside it. I immediately 
grabbed Jonathan and placed in him cuffs 
to detain him as he is a flight risk. 

Upon further evaluation it was determined 
the crystallized substance was crystal 
methamphetamine at which point Jonathan 
was advised he was under arrest and read 
his Miranda Rights. Jonathan admitted the 
substance was crystal methamphetamine 
and was for his personal use. The vehicle 
was parked on private property and the 
owner was fine with the vehicle staying 

I then transported Jonathan back to 
headquarters for processing. Jonathan was 
very cooperative throughout the process 
and was charged with DUS - License 
Forfeiture 4510.11 and Possessing Drug 
Paraphernalia 2925.14C1 M-4 (Clear zip-
lock baggie that the crystal meth was 
stored/transported in). Jonathan was 
processed and released on recognizance 
bond and advised of his court date at MCC 
#3 on 6/21/2018 at 0900 hours. The clear 
crystallized substance will be sent to BCI for 
analysis with additional charges pending 
the lab results.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18006099
DUS 337.05 
Reasonable Control 333.08
N 14th StreetIEast Ohio Ave

On 06-17-2018 I was dispatched to the 200 
block of East Ohio Avenue in reference to a 
two car MVA. I arrived on location and 
found a black Dodge Charger in the parking 
lot of Gionino's Pizzeria and a Chevy 
Silverado in the middle of the intersection. I 
spoke with the driver of the Dodge Charger 
whom was identified as Sayvaun Thomas of 
Alliance. Sayvaun advised that the driver of 
the truck was traveling east on East Ohio 
Avenue and was then turning left on North 
Ohio Avenue. Sayvaun advised that the 
truck made the turn too sharp and the truck 
clipped his car. 

I spoke with the driver of the Chevy 
Silverado who was identified as Robert 
Lubert of Sebring. Robert advised that he 
was traveling east on East Ohio Avenue 
and was attempting to turn to travel north 
on North 14th Street. Robert advised that 
there was a black Dodge Charger that was 
traveling at a high rate of speed southbound 
on North 14th Street.

Robert advised that the Charger was 
approaching the stop sign and attempted to 
stop at the sign and he went slightly past 
the stop sign. Robert advised that the 
charger made contact with his tire of his 
truck. There was moderate damage to the 
front end of the Charger. The driveshaft of 
the Silverado was laying on the road. 

While speaking with dispatch it was found 
that Sayvaun was suspended. Sayvaun 
was able to provide driving privileges, which 
expired in February of this year. Sayvaun 
was cited for Driving Under Suspension, 
and Reasonable Control. Sayvaun was 
cited into MCC#3 on 06/21/2018 at 0900. 
Both vehicle were removed from the 
roadway and I then cleared without incident.

Redfern 504


DATE: 06/18/2018 21:06:00

On 06/18/2018 I Ptl Rober and Sgt Eberling 
was dispatched to corner of N 15th and W 
Pennsylvania Ave for a possible fight.

On 06\18\2018 I Ptl Rober along with Sgt 
Eberling was dispatched to the front of 
Leonard's for a possible fight. Upon arrival I 
spoke with the caller and she advised that 
there were a group of guys fighting in front 
of her car. The caller advised she was just 
worried her car was going to be damaged.

Sgt Eberling checked the vehicle which had 
no damage to the vehicle and there were no 
one in the area in which the fight occurred. 
Upon nothing further all Officers cleared 
and resumed patrol.

Ptl. J.Rober #511


Case No.: 18006107
OVI/Left Of Center
400 Blk W Texas Ave

Arrested: Marc Fonner, 131 N. 15Th St Apt 
3 Sebring
OVI 4511.19A1a
Left Of Center 4511.25

On this date and time while on patrol in the 
Village of Sebring, Mahoning County. I 
observed a silver Ford bearing Ohio 
Registration GRD5328 turning on W. Texas 
Ave from S. Johnson Rd. As the vehicle 
passed beside my vehicle I observed the 
driver to be one Marc Fonner and the 
passenger to be one Alex Hawkins. I also 
observed the vehicle as it passed the 
entrance to the Sebring Friends Church 
travel off the right side of the roadway and 
travel into the grass area, and then swerve 
back onto the roadway.

I turned my patrol vehicle around and got 
behind the suspect vehicle and at that point 
the suspect vehicle was observed traveling 
East on W. Texas Ave with half the vehicle 
into the oncoming lane of travel. I activated 
my overhead pursuit lights, and the suspect 
vehicle then was observed swerving back 
off the right side of the roadway and then 
immediately back to left of center with 
almost the whole vehicle into the oncoming 
lane of travel. At this point I activated my 
Audible Siren to assist with getting the car 
to pull over. The suspect vehicle then was 
observed to stop in the middle of the 
roadway in front of 432 W. Texas Ave, and 
then turned into the drive way and stopped.

I made contact with the driver one Marc F. 
Fonner of 131 N. 15th St Apt 3 in the 
Village of Sebring. I advised Marc the 
reason for the stop and he advised me that 
the power steering in the car was out and 
he was just trying to get the Sebring Pool to 
pick up his girlfriend and his child. As I was 
speaking to Mr. Fonner I could observe his 
eyes to be very blood shot and was barley 
able to stay open. I could also detect a 
strong odor of an alcoholic beverage 
coming from inside the vehicle and due to 
there being a passenger inside I asked Mr. 
Fonner to step out.

As soon as Mr. Fonner exited the vehicle I 
observed him stumbled and he grabbed 
onto the door to keep is balance. Mr. 
Fonner also asked me if I could give him a 
break because it was Father's Day. I 
advised Mr. Fonner that he appeared to be 
under the influence of a alcoholic beverage 
and he advised me that he had one, and 
then changed his story and advised me that 
he had 5 beers because it was father's day. 
I also still detected a strong odor of an 
alcoholic beverage still coming from Mr. 
Fonner's person as we stood outside. I 
advised Mr. Fonner that he was going to be 
requested to perform a series of Standard 
Field Sobriety Test and he agreed to do so. 
Mr. Fonner kept stating that he was going to 
fail because he was drunk. I advised Mr. 
Fonner of the tests that was to be 
performed and I also demonstrated and 
instructed on how each test was to be 

The First test was the Horizontal Gaze 
Nystagmus test and I Checked for Resting 
Nystagmus, as well as both pupils were 
found to equal size. I observed Lack Of 
Smooth Pursuit with Mr. Fonner's right and 
left eyes, I also observed Distinct 
Nystagmus at Maximum Deviation, and 
Onset of Nystagrius Prior to 45 Degrees. I 
also checked Vertical Nystgmus and none 
was found. The next test was the One Leg 
stand, and I demonstrated and explained on 
how the test was to be performed and Mr. 
Fonner advised me that he understood how 
the test was to be performed. Mr. Fonner 
continued to start the test before he was 
told to began, even after beng instructed 
not to start until told to. Mr. Fonner also 
continued to raise his arms up to keep his 
balance even after being instructed to keep 
his arms down to his side. Mr. Fonner also 
failed to count in the manner that he was 
instructed to and he also put his foot down 
on # 10 and then began stumbling and 
finally the test was stopped due to Mr. 
Fonner's balance being so poor. The last 
test was the Walk and Turn test and As I 
was explaining how the test was to be 
performed, Mr. Fonner started the test and 
walked 3 steps stopped and put his hand in 
front of his body, and stated arrest because 
we know I'm drunk.

At 1500 Hrs, I placed Mr. Fonner into 
custody and he was restrained with 
handcuffs that was gapped and double 
locked and he was placed in the rear of the 
patrol car. Springer's was dispatched to 
remove the vehicle and Mr. Fonner was 
transported to the Sebring Police Dept for 
processing. While on station Mr. Fonner 
was shown and read the BMV 2255, 
Consequences of refusal, and he advised 
he understood the form. Mr. Fonner advised 
that he wanted to speak to his attorney and 
I offered him the opportunity to speak to his 
attorney and he advised that he knew he 
was drunk and wasn't going to take the test. 
Mr. Fonner was cited fgr OVI 4511.19 A1a 
and Left of Center 451'1.25 and advised to 
appear in Mcc#3 on 6/21/18 at 9am.After 
processing Mr. Fonner was given a ride 
home by this officer.

The Passenger one Alexander E. Hawkins 
was issued a MM Citation for Open 
Container SCO 529.07 after a open Pint 
Can of Bud Ice was found sitting beside his 
passenger seat. Mr. Hawkin advised 
officers that the can of Beer was his and 
wanted to know if he could drink the rest. 
Mr. Hawkins was advised that his Court 
Date was 06/21/18 at 9:00 Am.



Case No.: 18006102
Domestic Violence
N Johnson Rd / W. Ohio Ave., Sebring

On 06/16/2018 Ptl. Scott responded to 836 
S. 13th St. in reference to several 911 calls 
for a domestic violence that had taken place 
in the parking lot.

Ptl. Scott #506

Upon arrival I observed the victim in the 
parking lot crying hysterically and dry 
heaving. The victims grandmother was in 
the doorway screaming and multiple 
neighbors were outside claiming to have 
witnessed bits and pieces of the incident. 

I then approached the victim and identified 
her as Karen Dicenzi and once she calmed 
down she explained that her and her 
boyfriend Koty Claypool were in his vehicle 
traveling on St. Rt. 62 when they both 
started to argue about Koty sending a 
picture of his genitalia to another woman 
and Koty allegedly attacked her in the 
vehicle by punching Karen. Once they both 
arrived back at 836 S. 14th St Koty 
allegedly pushed Karen out of the vehicle 
while in was still in motion. Koty then 
proceeded to exit the vehicle and attempted 
to attack her once more until a neighbor 
said something to him.

Koty then allegedly got back into his vehicle 
and drove forward almost striking the 
apartment buildings and then proceeded to 
backup and exit the parking lot violently. 
There were multiple ruts in the parking lot 
including one on the sidewalk near the 
apartment buildings where apartment 14 
was. I then entered the residence and 
spoke to Karen's grandmother which 
witnessed part of the incident and she 
provided a statement. 

The grandmother's phone rang and Karen 
answered the phone and she told me it was 
an Alliance police officer and handed me 
the phone. I then picked up the phone and 
spoke to Ptl. Smith and told him the 
situation and gave him the address of 
Koty's father's house and requested if he 
would be able to see if Koty was at the 
residence in which Ptl. Smith stated that he 

Sebring medical personal then arrived and 
assessed Karen and placed in the rear of 
the ambulance. I then entered the 
ambulance and went through the domestic 
violence packet with Karen in which she 
signed for the domestic violence charges 
against Koty and Karen also signed a 
medical release paper.

I then exited the ambulance and acquired 
an additional two statements from 
witnesses who observed the incident. I was 
then notified by dispatch that an Alliance 
officer had Koty detained and asked a 
location for an exchange. The location was 
determined to be N. Johnson Rd. and W. 
Ohio Ave. and I met the officer there and 
placed Koty in custody for domestic 
violence and read Koty his miranda rights 
and transported him back to station. Once 
back at station a CCH was ran on Koty and 
Koty had no prior domestic violence 
charges in the past. Koty was unable to 
post bond and was then processed and 
photographed and fingerprinted. Paperwork 
was filled out and Koty was then 
transported to the Mahoning County Adult 
Justice Center by Ptl. Marchionda.

Koty is scheduled to appear in the 
Mahoning County Court #3 on 06/21/2018 
at 9:OOam for charges of domestic violence 
ORC 2919.25A.


Case No.: 18006101
246 East Ohio Avenue, Sebring Ohio 44672
Warrant from Mahoning County
Warrant from Monroe County

On 06/16/2018, 1 was dispatched to the 
200 block of East Ohio Avenue in reference 
to a female at a the residence with several 
felony warrants. I arrived on location and 
knocked on the door of Crystal Black's 
residence. I was invited into the residence 
by an unknown female whom advised that I 
needed to go up the stairs to the first room 
on the right. I complied and found a female 
sitting on the bed whom identified herself as 
Anna Howley. Anna was advised that she 
had several outstanding warrants and that 
she was being taking to the County Justice 
Center. Anna was more than compliant, and 
was assisted to my patrol cruiser. Anna was 
placed in the rear of the unit without 
handcuffs, due to her grandchild sitting on 
the porch watching the event. Anna was 
taken back to the station and was 
processed without incident. Anna was then 
taken to MCJ with out incident and I then 

Redfern 504


Case No.: 18006100
S. 12th St. / Alabama Ave.
Speed 49/35

On 06/16/2018 at 7:34pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on S. 121h St. when I observed a vehicle 
traveling south on the same road that 
appeared to be traveling at a high rate of 
speed. I then activated my cruiser forward 
mounted radar unit and observed a digital 
reading of 49mph while in a 35mph zone. 
Once the vehicle passed my cruiser I turned 
around and positioned myself behind the 
vehicle and initiated a traffic stop on S. 12th 
St. just north of Alabama Ave.

The vehicle was a 2011 dark blue Buick 
Lacrosse bearing an Ohio license plate 
(GEV4268). I then exited my cruiser and 
approached the vehicle and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I received 
and was able to identify the driver as Micah 

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Micah a traffic citation for speed SCO 
333.03 and gave Micah a court date of 
06/28/2018 at 9:OOam with a personal 
appearance not required. Once Micah 
signed the citation I then provided her with 
a copy and cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18006098
Courtney Rd, near Village limits
Speed 52/35 SCO 333.03

On 06/16/2018 at 5:39pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling west on 
Courtney Rd. when I observed a vehicle 
traveling east on the same road that 
appeared to be traveling at a high rate of 
speed. I then activated my cruisers forward 
mounted radar and observed a digital read 
out of 52mph while in a 35mph zone. I then 
locked the speed and waited for the vehicle 
to pass me and then turned around and 
positioned my cruiser behind the vehicle 
and initiated a traffic stop on Courtney Rd. 
near the village limits.

The vehicle was a 1997 dark green Ford F-
350 bearing an Ohio license plate 

I then exited my vehicle and approached 
the driver and informed them of the reason 
for the stop and requested their driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
in which I received all but the proof of 
insurance and was able to identify the driver 
as Taylor Ball.

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Taylor a traffic citation for speed SCO 
333.03. I gave Taylor a court date of 
06/28/2018 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance required.

Once Taylor signed the citation I provided 
him with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18006096
S13th St/ E Oregon Ave
OVI 451 1.19(A)(1)(a)
DUS (failure to reinstate) 4510.11
Operation Of Vchicle (ATV) on or near 
street 4519.41

On 06/16/18 at 0320 hrs I was traveling 
south on S 12th St and I observed an ATV 
traveling the same direction with no license 
plate and did appear to be traveling at a 
high rate of speed. The vehicle then 
abruptly turned onto E Pennsylvania Ave 
without signaling and look back at my patrol 
car and increased his speed I pulled onto E 
Pennsylvania and observed the driver look 
back at me once again and turn onto S 13th 
St without signaling. I pulled behind the ATV 
a 2005 Suzuki Iger and initiated a traffic 
stop at the corner of S 13th St and E 
Oregon Ave. The driver of the vehicle 
stopped the vehicle and raised both of his 
hands straight up in the air and then 
stumbled off of his ATV and stumbled back 
to me and I could instantly smell a strong 
odor of alcohol on him.

I advised the driver, identified as Henry 
Duane Cowart Jr. who was suspended, for 
the reason of the stop and asked him if he 
had anything to drink tonight. Henry raised 
7 of his fingers and said he had 7 drinks but 
would not say of what. At this moment Ptl. 
Marchionda arrived and I asked Henry if he 
would submit to standardized field sobriety 
test to which Henry complied. I then asked 
Henry if he had any medical conditions or 
problems with his eyes to which Henry 
replied "yes I have back problems" and 
gestured to his lower back. I then instructed 
to Stand up with his feet together and arms 
down at his side, this command had to be 
repeated to Henry several times before the 
test began as he kept placing his arms 
behind his back and separating his feet. I 
then checked Henry for equal pupil size, 
equal tracking, and resting nystagmus, 
during this Henry argued many times that 
he could not look at the pen for various 
reasons. Henry had equal pupil size, equal 
tracking, and no resting nystagmus.

I then explained the instructions of the first 
test which was the horizontal gaze 
nystagmus which had to be repeated 
multiple times as Henry kept asking why we 
were wasting our time and if he was under 
arrest for OVI and saying "come on man 
don't do this I'm almost home" when I 
finished giving the instructions I asked 
Henry if he understood and began the test. 
Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: Lack of smooth pursuit in 
both eyes, onset prior to 45 degrees in both 
eyes, and Distinct and sustained nystagmus 
at maximum deviation.

I then attempted to explain the next test to 
Henry the walk and turn at this point Henry 
became argumentative, disrespectful, 
belligerent, and uncooperative with officers, 
refusing to stand up straight, refusing to put 
his arms down at his side . 

Myself and Ptl. Marchionda attempted to 
calm Henry multiple times but he still 
continued to be uncooperative and began to 
argue more and yell at officers. I attempted 
to explain the test several times and Henry 
continued to be uncooperative and refusing 
to follow instructions. I then advised Henry 
since he will not cooperate he was under 
arrest for OVI and he was cuffed 
(gaped/locked) and placed in the back of 
my patrol car. I then called for a tow truck 
and asked Henry if he would submit to a 
breath test to which he said yes. I then 
asked Henry if he would submit to a urine 
test to which he replied " no fuck you, you 
said breath fuck your urine test, fuck you 
and at this point became extremely 
belligerent and said he refused all tests. 

Henry was calmed and asked again if he 
would submit to the tests to which he said 
sure I'll take all your tests, I then informed 
Henry he would be transported to the 
Alliance Police Department for a breath test 
to which he replied " no fuck you I'm not 
going to fucking Alliance, Fuck your test do 
it right fucking now or not at all" and then 
screamed multiple times do the test right 
now then screamed at a very high Volume I 

Henry was then read Miranda by Ptl. 
Marchionda and transported to our station 
to be processed by me while Ptl. 
Marchionda waited for the vehicle to be 
towed. Upon arrival Henry was uncuffed 
and read the Ohio BMV 2255 form to which 
Henry argued and interrupted. By this point 
Ptl. Marchionda was now on station as well 
and myself and Ptl. Marchionda  advised 
Henry we were required by law to read him 
this form to which he replied "fuck you I'm a 
felon I know what the charge reads, fuck 
your form, you just want to be an asshole". I 
finished reading Henry the form znd at this 
point Henry was still arguing and being 
belligerent and at one point said " I'm going 
to be violent". At that point Henry was then 
cuffed again for officer safety. While 
continuing to do paperwork Henry was 
constantly argumentative with officers and 
threatened myself and Ptl. Marchionda 
saying " get right check my rap sheet", "'I'll 
choke the life at of both you" " get your 
tasers, shotguns all of it fuck your charge" 
and at one point told Ptl. Matchionda " you 
better never let me see you out". Henry 
became increasingly more hostile and 
angry and was placed in leg irons which 
were gaped and locked as well. Henry also 
said multiple times he deserved a break 
because he stopped when he could easily 
outrun us on his 4 wheeler and now we just 
want to be assholes and charge him with 
OVI and next time he would just run from 

Henry was issued a citation for OVI 4511. I9 
(A)(1)(a), driving under suspension 
4510.11, and operation of vehicle on or 
near a highway, street, or road 4519.41. 
Henry was given a court date at MCC#3 of 
06/21/18 at 0900hrs and advised he is 
required to appear in court. Henry was not 
permitted to sign his citation or the 2255 
form because at this point he had 
expressed so many times a desire to harm 
officers we felt he would use a pen as a 
weapon against us. Henry did also say 
"fuck your form" and refused to sign 

Henry was transported to Mahoning county 
jail because he was believed to be a risk to 
the well being of others. Through out this 
encounter Henry was constantly belligerent, 
swore at officers constantly and threatened 
both of our lives. 

Charges of Aggravated menacing will be 
proposed to our prosecutor by Ptl. 
Marchionda as Henry continued to threaten 
Ptl. Marchionda while at the jail. 

Ptl. Brindack 507

Due to the combination of Cowart's extreme 
level of intoxication ascertained by our 
observations and being unable to follow 
instructions after multiple attempts, field 
sobriety testing ceased and he was placed 
into handcuffs behind his back, which were 
gapped and double locked. Cowart was 
advised he was under arrest for OVI and 
was asked if he would be willing to submit 
to a chemical breath test, to which he stated 
yes. But when he was asked to submit to b 
urine test, he cussed at Patrolman Brindack 
and refused. Cowart was placed into the 
back of marked unit #301 and I read him his 
Miranda Rights which was witnessed by 
Patrolman Brindack. I was forced to read 
Cowart his Miranda Rights several times 
due to him continuing to yell and interrupt 
me. After several attempts I asked Cowart if 
he understood his rights which he said he 
did. I asked if he wanted to waive his rights 
to which he provided me with a profanity 
laced response ending with "No." Cowart 
also recanted his earlier statement and 
advised he refused to submit to any 
chemical tests. A tow truck
was then requested to the scene.

Patrolman Brindack then transported 
Cowart back to the police station to be 
processed while I stood by at the scene 
while Springers took possession of the 
quadrunner. With the assistance of'the tow 
truck driver, I attempted to locate the 
quadrunner's VIN but was unable to due to 
the ATV being covered in a thick coating of 
mud and grass. Following the removal of 
the ATV from the roadway by Springers, I 
cleared the scene and proceeded to the 
station to assist Patrolman Brindack. Upon 
my arrival at the station, I found Patrolman 
Brindack in the squad room attempting to 
read BMV Form 2255 to Cowart, who was 
now uncuffed. Cowart continued to unleash 
a profanity laced rant towards Patrolman 
Brindack, making reading of the 2255 form 
next to impossible. Several times I 
attempted to calm Cowart down so that 
Patrolman Brindack could read ihe form to 
him. Patrolman Brindack was finally able to 
complete reading the form to Cowart but 
only after having to talk over Cowart's loud 
and disrespectful rant. At one point, Cowart 
asked for "my professional opinion" (sic) 
and asked if he "should have stopped or if 
he should have ran." Cowart proclaimed 
that next time, he "was just going to run" 
(sic). Cowart made several threatening 
comments towards to get "redneck" (sic) 
and "violent" (sic) with us. He made several 
references about him being a felon with 
weapon charges. After reasonably believing 
that Cowart was going to attempt to cause 
sericsus physical harm to both Patrolman 
Brindack and myself, I instructed him to 
stand up and place his hands behind his 
back. I then handcuffed Cowart (gapped 
and double locked) and instructed him to sit 
down and remain seated. We were 
originally going to release Cowart on his 
own recognizance but due to his degrading 
demeanor and behavior, it was decided with 
input from Chief Harris, to transport Cowart 
to Mahoning County Justice Center in 
Youngtown. I then had Patrolman Brindack 
leave the room to complete the citation 
while I handled the documentation for the 
jail. While typing up the jail forms, Cowart 
threatened to "choke everyone out" (sic). It 
was conveyed to Cowart multiple times he 
was being transported to Youngstown 
because his increasingly dangerous 
behavior made him a substantial risk to 
public safety. We did not allow Cowart to 
sign the 2255 Form as we felt if we gave 
him a pen, that he may attempt to use it as 
a weapon against us given the comments 
made towards us and his overall behavior.

Cowart was allowed to make a phone call to 
an associate known only as "Becky" so that 
he could be bonded out. I placed the call for 
Cowart and held the phone up to his head 
so he could speak.

After he attempted to make arrangements 
with Becky on the phone to bond him out, I 
spoke with her directly and informed her 
Cowart would be transported to Mahoning 
County Justice Center in Youngstown and 
that she could bond him out there. I advised 
her to call down there herself for 
instructions on how to go about bonding 
Cowart out. After completion of the phone 
call, Cowart continued to plead and begged 
multiple times to be released on bond from 
the station rather than at the jail in 
Youngstown. Cowart's behavior and overall 
demeanor kept changing from calm and 
cooperative to belligerent and 
uncooperative throughout the entire 
process; an observation I made even while 
on scene prior to coming to the station.

Before being led to marked unit #304 for 
transport, Cowart was given his citation by 
Patrolman Brindack and placed in leg 
shackles. Again, fearing that Cowart may 
use a pen as a weapon against us, the 
citation was not signed. Cowart's copy of 
the 2255, citation and property were placed 
into an envelope to be taken to the jail with 
him. Cowart was then led outside and 
requested that his handcuffs being 
loosened as they were too tight. Although I 
had properly gapped, double locked the 
cuffs and was able to stick my thumb in 
between the cuffs and his wrists, I granted 
Cowart's request.

After Patrolman Brindack loosened, gapped 
and double locked the shackles on his legs, 
I loosened the cuffs on Cowart's hands by 
tho clicks each, gapping by placing my 
thumb in between his wrist and the cuff and 
double locking them again. Cowart was 
then placed into the back of unit #304 and 
safety belt fastened to keep him secure.

While en route to the Mahoning County 
Justice Center, Cowart's demeanor 
continued to change back and forth from 
calm to belligerent and complained about 
his handcuffs. Cowart made several 
degrading utterances regarding Patrolman 
Brindack and myself, at one point labeling 
both of us as "faggot cops" (sic). Cowart 
also stated that I was "doing him dirty" (sic) 
by having him in leg shackles and "tight 
cuffs for just an OVI" (sic). Cowart bragged 
several times about being a criminal and a 
felon during transport.

Upon finally reaching the Mahoning County 
Justice Center, Cowart immediately 
resumed his rant in front of the deputies 
regarding the entire incident. One of the 
supervisors requested that I move to a 
different area within intake as just the sight 
of me was causing Cowart to act up. 
Cowart made several utterances to the 
deputies about how he was "riding not 
driving his ATV and when the officer turned 
his lights on behind him, he stopped and 
got off' (sic).

After Cowart was processed and placed 
into a holding room, Cowart shouted that 
when he got out of jail, I'd better watch out 
because "he was going to come find me" 
(sic). I advised the deputies that aggravated 
menacing charges would be filed at a later 
time at which point I was told if needed, 
statements could be retrieved from the 
deputies working who heard Cowart's 
threats. Cowart was left in the custody of 
the Mahoning County Justice Center for 
ORC 4511.19A1A OVI M-1 pending bond or 
until his mandatory court appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, June 21, 2018 at 0900.

After arriving back in the village, I typed up 
a state complaint for aggravated menacing 
regarding the threats made by Coward 
toward Patrolman Brindack and I. While on 
station, I was advised by dispatch that the 
manager from Springer Towing & Repair 
was at the shop and waiting for me to come 
down to retrieve the VIN from the 
quadrunner. After cleaning the mud from 
the undercarriage away, we were able to 
retrieve the VIN, 5SAAK46K057114354. 
Report forwarded for administrative review 
regarding the additional charge of ORC 
2903.21 Aggravated Menacing M-1.

 Ptl. D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18006093
Near 500 Block of S 12th St, Sebring, Ohio 
Salety Belt - Failure to Wear (Driver)

On Friday, June 15, 2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was stopped at the railroad 
crossing in marked unit #304 on N 12th St 
and E Pennsylvania Ave. I observed a 
purple Honda 4-door sedan in front of me 
bearing Ohio registration HJU4082 and 
could hear the vehicle's exhaust was louder 
than normal while stationary. I relayed the 
vehicle information to dispatch and advised 
I would be performing a traffic sto following 
the trains passing. As the train cleared and 
the vehicle proceeded south on S 12th , I 
could hear the exhaust emitting excessive 
noise as it passed Baugh Ave. I then 
initiated a traffic stop by activating my 
overheard emergency lights just as the 
vehicle passed Heritage Oaks.

The vehicle came to a complete stop just 
shy of the 500 block of S 12th St. Upon 
making contact with the driver, identified as 
Collan Craig, I identified myself and 
informed him of the reason for the stop. 
While speaking with Craig, I observed he 
was not wearing his seat belt and asked if 
he had it on prior to being stopped. Craig 
stated to me he was not wearing his 
seatbelt and tried to justify not wearing it 
because he was only driving home from 
Circle K. I then asked Craig for his driver's 
license, registration and proof of insurance. 
Craig was able to provide all of the 
aforementioned documentation.

Craig was issued citation #031228 for 
Village Ordinance 337.27 Safety Belt: 
Failure to Wear (Driver) and given a verbal 
warning for the loud exhaust. I then advised 
Craig of his court date before Mahoning 
County Court #3 on Thursday, June 
28,2018 at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #508


Case No.: 18006090
S. 12th St. / Village Limits
Speed 50/35

On 06/15/2018 at 3:26pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on S. 12th St, when witnessed a vehicle 
traveling south on the same road that 
appeared to be traveling at a high rate of 
speed. I then activated my cruisers front 
mounted radar unit and observed a digital 
read out of 50mph in a 35mph zone. I then 
turned my overhead lights on and turned 
my cruiser around once the vehicle passed 
me and initiated a traffic stop on S. 12th St. 
near the village limits. The vehicle was a 
2013 red Ford Escape bearing an Ohio 
license plate (HAT8403).

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle and approached the driver and 
informed them of the reason for the stop. I 
then requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received and was able to identify the driver 
as Steven Papic. I then took all the 
documents and returned to my cruiser.

Once I returned to my cruiser I then wrote 
Steven a traffic citation for speed SCO 
333.03 and gave Steven a court date of 
06/28/2018 at 9:00ain with a personal 
appearance not required for MCC #3. Once 
Steven signed the citation I provided him 
with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Friday, June 22, 2018
03:45 PM -0500

Case # 18006081
800 Block N. Jollnson Rd.

On 6-13-2018 I Ptl Scott initiated a traffic 
stop which resulted in the arrest of the 
driver for OVI

On 6-13-2018 at 8:50 PM  I was traveling 
north on N. Johnson Rd. and I observed a 
vehicle traveling south on the same road 
that appeared to be traveling at a speed 
higher than 46mph while in a 35mph zone. I 
then locked the speed and pulled into the 
Smith Twp. Police Department which was 
when the vehicle passed me. I then pulled 
back onto the road and positioned myself 
behind the vehicle and and initiated a traffic 
stop in the 800 block of N. Johnson Rd.

The vehicle was a 2005 silver Toyota pickup 
truck bearing an Ohio license plate 
(HDR9872). I then exited my cruiser and 
approached the vehicle and introduced 
myself and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop. The driver then began 
crying and stated that his father had just 
passed away and he just found out while he 
was traveling home. I could smell an odor of 
an alcoholic beverage coming from the 
vehicle and while talking to the driver I 
observed the driver's eyes which were 
watery and bloodshot. I also observed a 
case of Corona beers on the passenger 
floorboard. I then asked the driver for their 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
in which I received and the driver was 
identified as Bryan Roberts.

I then asked Bryan if had consumed any 
alcoholic beverages prior to driving in which 
Bryan stated yes and that he had 
consumed two Corona beers. Bryan then 
stated that he will perform sobriety testing in 
which I asked Bryan if he would consent 
and he stated that he would. I then turned 
my front over head lights and asked Bryan 
to exit the vehicle. I then asked Bryan if he 
had any medical or physical conditions that 
would inhibit him from taking the tests in 
which he stated that he had no medical or 
physical conditions.

I then instructed Bryan to stand straight up 
with his feet together and hands to his side 
while I checked for equal pupil size, equal 
tracking, and resting nystagmus. Bryan's 
pupils were of equal size, both of Bryan's 
eyes tracked equally, and Bryan did not 
have a resting nystagmus. I then explained 
the instructions for the first test which was 
the horizontal gaze nystagmus and once I 
finished the instructions I asked Bryan if he 
understood and Bryan stated that he did 

Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: lack of smooth pursuit in 
both eyes, distinct nystagmus at maximum 
deviation in both eyes, and onset of 
nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both eyes. 
In the next test was the walk and turn and I 
instructed Bryan to stand straight up with 
his hands to his side and with his right foot 
in front of his left foot and stay in that 
position and instructed Bryan not to move 
until I instructed him to do so and once I 
finished giving Bryan the instructions I 
asked Bryan if he understood in which 
Bryan stated that he did understand.

Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: did not touch heel to toe, 
and improper turn. The next test was the 
one leg stand and I instructed Bryan to 
stand straight up with his hands to his side 
and feet together while I gave the 
instructions and I instructed Bryan not to 
start until I told him and once the test 
begins not to stop or put his foot down and 
asked Bryan if he understood in which 
Bryan stated that he did understand. Once 
the test began I observed the following 
clues: sways while balancing, uses arms to 
balance, Bryan put his foot down, and 
Bryan miscountet multiple times as well. 
Based on the tests results and my* 
experience I placed Bryan underarresi for 
suspicion of OVI and placed Bryan in hand 
restraints anp placed Bryan in the rear of 
my cruiser which was the time I read Bryan 
his Miranda rights. Sgt Eberling stood by for 
the inventory of the vehicle and for the tow. 

The vehicle was towed to 10 N. 12th St. 
Springers towing with no hold.  I then 
transported Bryan back to station for 

Once back at station I read Bryan the BMV 
2255 form with Sgt Eberling whitnessing the 

Once finished I aske Bryan if he understood 
in which Bryan stated that he did 
understand and he consented to chemical 
testing by breathalyzer and urine sample. I 
then ran the intoxilyzer 8000 and expjained 
to Bryan what to do. Bryan then blew a 
0.099 BAC and then provided a urine 

Bryan was then issued a citation for speed 
46/35 SCO 333.03, OVI (SFST) 4511 .19(A)
(1)(a), and OVI (Less than .17) 4511.19(A)
(1)(d) in which he signed. Bryan was then 
given a recognizance bond $1,000.00 for 
both OVI charges in which Bryan signed.

Bryan was then given a court date of 
06/14/2018 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a 
personal appearance required. I then 
provided Bryan with copies of his citation, 
recognizance, and the BMV 2255 form.

Bryan was advised that he is now being 
placed under administrative license 
suspension in which Bryan stated that he 
understood. Once all the paperwork was 
finished I then transported Bryan to his 
residence at 1046 S. 15th St. and Bryan 
was released to his wife and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case # 18006080
S. Johnson Rd. / Grandview
Speed 50/35

On 06/13/2018 at 8:36pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on S. Johnson Rd. I observed a vehicle 
traveling south on the same road that 
appeared to be traveling at a high rate of 
speed. I then activated my cruisers forward 
mounted radar unit and observed a digital 
read out of 50mph while in a 35mph zone. I 
then locked the speed and once the vehicle 
passed me I turned my cruiser around and 
initiated a traffic stop on S. Johnson Rd. 
near the Grandview cemetery.

The vehicle was a 2012 Chrysler 4-door 
bearing an Ohio license plate (GKG2.513). I 
then exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received and was able 
to identify the driver as Jessica Hall.

I then wrote Jessica a traffic citation for 
speed SCO 333.03 and gave Jessica a 
court date of 06/21/2018 at 9:00am with a 
personal appearance not required for 
MCC#3. Once Jessica signed the citation I 
then provided her with a copy and I then 

Ptl. Scott #506


Case # 18006079
S. 15th St. / Texas Ave.
Speed 37/25

On 06/13/2018 at 5:27pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on S. 151h St. when I observed a 
motorcycle traveling south on the same 
road that appeared to be at a high rate of 
speed. I then activated my cruisers forward 
mounted radar unit and observed a digital 
read out of 37mph while in a 25 mph zone. 
The motorcycle then passed me and I then 
positioned myself behind the motorcycle 
and initiated a traffic stop on S. 15th St. and 
Texas Ave. The vehicle was a 2012 dark 
blue Harley Davidson motorcycle bearing 
an Ohio license plate (CFN88).

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
driver and informed them of the reason for 
the stop and requested their driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
in which I received and was able to identify 
the driver as Connor Loy.

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Connor a traffic citation for speed SCO 
333.03 and gave Connor a court date of 
06/21/2018 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance not required. Once Connor 
signed his citation I provided him with a 
copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


DATE: 06112/2018 15:56:00

On 06/12/2018, 1 received a copy of a 
warrant from the Mahoning County 
Juven~leJ ustice Center.

The subject on the warrant was identified as 
Kristina Tyson of the 600 block of West 
Tennessee Avenue. I went to Kristina's 
residence and found her outside. I walked 
up to Kristina and she advised me that she 
missed her court hearing for her daughter 
not attending school. Kristina was advised 
that the court issued a warrant for her 

Kristina came to willingly with out struggle. 
Kristina was not handcuffed so her children 
whom were outside with her did not have to 
whitness their mother being placed in 
handcuffs. Kristina's children were left in the 
care of their grandfather. Kristina was 
transported to station for processing and 
transported to the Mahoning County Justice 
Center. Incident was then cleared.



Case # 18006035
Criminal - Summons
216 West Ohio Avenue, Sebring Ohio 
Noxious or Offensice Odors 3767.13
Criminal Tresspass

On 6-6-2018 While at City Hall I noticed a 
strong odor of cat urine.  While walking 
around I noticed a blue plastic bowl that had 
a styrofoam bowl with cat food in it in which 
I knew it to belong to Walter Comanitz of 
the Sebring Manor. Walter has been warned 
several times by various village employees 
about feeding wild animals on Village 

Nearly a month ago (See Report 18004094) 
I spoke with Walter in reference to placing 
the cat food on government property which 
includes the Police Department, City Hall, 
and the Post Office. Walter was advised 
that he was not welcome on to any of the 
above properties for the purpose of feeding 
the wild life. Walter was advised that his 
feeding with wild life has caused the cats to 
loiter on Village Property causing them to 
urinate and defecate all over the building 
and employees vehicles. Walter advised 
that he did not agree with the request, but 
he would attempt to place the food bowls 

The food bowls have returned and the cat 
urine and feces are back on the property.

On 6-6-2018 I spoke to Prosecutor Tolson 
who approved Criminal Tresspass and 
Noxious or Offensive Odors.  A summons 
will be sent to MCC#3 for 6-14-2018 at 


On 6-7-2018 I found Walter at his residence 
in the community room.  I asked Walter if he 
has been feeding the cats lately.  Walter 
advised that he has still been feeding them 
on Sebring property. but he has been 
feeding them by the bushes. I advised 
Walter that he was in violations of the 
orders that I gave him. I advised him that he 
was being cited for the offense.  Walter was 
given the court summons. for 06/14/2018 at 
0900. 1 then cleared.



Case # 18006072
Saftey Belt
E. Maryland Ave. / N.12th St.

On 06/12/2018 at 3:35pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on N.12th St. when witnessed a vehicle 
traveling south on the same road that 
appeared to be traveling at a high rate of 
speed. I then activated my cruisers front 
mounted radar unit and observed a digital 
read out of 46mph in a 35mph zone. I then 
locked the speed and the vehicle passed 
me, I turned my cruiser around and initiated 
a traffic stop on E. Maryland Ave. near N. 
12th St.

The vehicle was a 2005 green Jeep station 
wagon bearing an Ohio license plate 
(FNR9824). I then exited my cruiser and 
approached the vehicle and introduced 
myself to the driver and informed them of 
the reason for the stop. I then requested 
their driver's license, registration, and proof 
of insurance in which I received. The driver 
was identified as Wade Caufield which was 
the registered owner.

While talking to the driver I noticed he was 
not wearing his seatbelt, I then asked why 
he wasn't wearing the seat belt in which 
Wade stated he was just in a hurry to get 
home and didn't put it on.

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Wade a traffic citation for safety belt SCO 
337.27 and gave a Wade a verbal warning 
for speed and also gave Wade a court date 
of 06/21/2018 at 9:00am for MCC#3 with a 
personal appearance required. Once Wade 
signed the citation I provided him with a 
copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #SO6


DATE: 06/12/2018 15:36:00

On 06-12-2018 I Ptl. Scott responded to 
679 W. Florida Ave. for a report of an 
alleged scam.

Upon arrival I met with Russell Burr and 
was invited inside. Russell then advised me 
that he was on his laptop when an error 
page came up with a description stating that 
there was a virus and stated that the 
warning was from Spyware. The error code 
displayed a phone number.

Russell called the number and spoke to 
someone claiming to be from microsoft 
stating that they can fix his computer and 
provide anti virus services for $300.00 in 
which Russell agreed to. The person on the 
phone with Russell stated that the company 
required his checking account number and 
will not accept anything else.

I told Russell if he does not feel comfortable 
then he can refuse to make a payment and 
if anything else were to happen to call the 
police department and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506



On 6/10/2018 I was dispatched to the 
intersection of E. Ohio Ave. and N. 15th St. 
for a hit/skip. Upon arrival I made contact 
with Kathryn A. Davala, 5326 Tanglewood 
Dr. Lousiville. Kathryn advised she was 
stopped at the traffic signal at the above 
intersection when the vehicle behind her 
struck the rear bumper of her vehicle. 
Kathryn advised she made contact with the 
driver of a newer red in color sedan.

Kathryn also advised the description of the 
driver as an older female with blond hair 
and a yellow shirt. Kathryn then advised the 
driver of the red sedan advised her she was 
going to walk back to her car and get her 
insurance information. Kathryn then advised 
the driver got in her vehicle, backed up, and 
headed east in the alley between E. Ohio 
Ave. and E. Oregon Ave. 

Kathryn advised she was unsure of the 
make and model of the vehicle but was able 
to get a partial plate number "HJU". 

Myself and Ptl. McDaniel conducted a 
sweep of the area with negative results. 
Both units then cleared.

At approximately 1321hrs Kathryn 
contacted the police station and advised 
she found what she believed to be the 
suspect's vehicle between E. Virginia Ave. 
and E. Michigan Ave. Myself and Ptl. 
McDaniel responded and found the vehicle 
in question. Pti. McDaniel advised the 
vehicles hood was cold and it appeared it 
had not moved. Ptl. McDaniel made contact 
with the owner of the vehicle at 166 E. 
Michigan Ave. The owner advised she had 
not driven the vehicle in question since the 
night before. The owner also did not fit the 
description that Kathryn had given. 

Ptl. McDaniel advised Kathryn the vehicle 
was not the vehicle involved in the accident. 
Both units then cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505


Case # 18006063
DUS - License Forfeiture
Operate vehicle w/o insurance

On 6/10/2018, while on a separate call 
(report #18006066) I located the vehicle 
along with the driver of the hit/skip unit for 
this report. The driver, identified as Debra 
A. Couchman advised that she was driving 
the red car, bearing Ohio plate HJU4184 
when she rear ended the other vehicle. 
Debra advised she was scared because 
she did not have a license so she fled the 

Debra was issued a citation for ACDA 
4511.21A, DUS - License Forfeiture 
4510.11 and Operating a vehicle without 
insurance 4509.101. Debra was given a 
court date at MCC #3 on 6/14/2018 at 0900 
hours with a personal appearance required 
to which she advised she understood.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case # 18006060

On Sunday, June 10, 2018, Patrolman 
Marchionda and Patrolman Scott performed 
a high risk traffic stop that resulted in the 
arrest of the driver on a warrant out of Stark 

While on a business check at Circle K, 205 
E Ohio Ave, I observed a blue Chevrolet 
Cavalier bearing Ohio registration 
GSD8639 sitting in the parking lot with one 
male at the wheel and a passenger entering 
the business. I then performed a random 
registration check of the vehicle through 
dispatch. Dispatch advised the registered 
owner, John D. Dunlap II, had a license 
status of failure to reinstate and had an 
active warrant for dangerous drugs out of 
Stark County Sheriffs Office.

Dispatch advised the warrant stated Dunlap 
had violent tendencies. I then requested a 
description of Dunlap and asked if he had 
tattoos on his arms as the male behind the 
wheel had tattoos on his left arm and left 
forearm. Dispatch confirmed Dunlap did in 
fact have tattoos as observed.

I then departed from Circle K and parked in 
the parking lot of Gionino's while 
maintaining a visual on the blue cavalier. 
Patrolman Scott pulled into the parking lot 
of Huntington Bank down the street.

After observing the blue cavalier depart 
from Circle K and head south onto N 14th 
St towards E Oregon Ave, Patrolman Scott 
and I pulled out from our respected 
locations and proceeded to follow the 
vehicle. After placing myself behind the 
cavalier, I activated my overheard 
emergency lights just as the blue cavalier 
turned west onto E Oregon Ave. After 
coming to a complete stop, I exited marked 
unit #301, unholstered my duty weapon and 
ordered the driver to turn the vehicle off and 
to place his hands outside the window. I 
then ordered the driver out of the car with 
his hands in the air, his back facing me and 
to back up to the sound of my voice. 
Patrolman Scott maintained control of the 
passenger during this time.

Once the driver backed up to the front unit 
#301, he was ordered to his knees and his 
hands behind his back. Patrolman Scott 
then moved forward and placed the driver in 
handcuffs. I then shifted control over to the 
passenger, whom I ordered to place his 
hands on the dashboard where I could see 
them and to not move. I then overheard 
Patrolman Scott speaking with and 
confirming the driver's name as John D. 
Dunlap. Dunlap was advised he was under 
arrest for a warrant out of Stark County. 
Dunlap was subsequently searched and 
placed into the back of marked unit #303. 
The passenger, later identified as Virgil 
Bugara, was ordered out of the vehicle at 
gunpoint. Bugara was then patted down for 
weapons. Bugara's information was relayed 
to dispatch by Patrolman Scott and was 
advised Bugara had no active warrants and 
had a driver license status of failure to 

After confirming Bugara had no weapons or 
contraband in his possession, he was 
released from the scene. At this time, Smith 
Township Sgt. Davis arrived on scene to 

Dispatch advised Stark County Sheriff's 
Office was sending a deputy to our station 
to take custody of Dunlap. I notified 
dispatch to contact Springer's Towing & 
Repair to send a tow truck to the scene.

An administrative inventory was performed 
by Patrolman Scott and I prior to the tow 
truck's arrival. No contraband or weapons 
were discovered during the course of the 
administrative inventory. 

Just as Springers arrived on scene to take 
possession of the vehicle, Sgt. Davis 
cleared the scene. At this time, dispatch 
advised Patrolman Scott there was one call 
pending on E Indiana Ave that required an 
immediate response. I then took Dunlap out 
of marked unit #303 and placed him into the 
back of marked unit #301 so that Patrolman 
Scott could take the call.

After the vehicle was towed from the scene, 
I transported Dunlap back to the station for 
processing. After arriving at the station, 
Dunlap was photographed and processed. 
Dunlap was issued citation #031226 for 
Ohio Revised Code 4510.21 Failure to 
Reinstate and advised of his mandatory 
court appearance before Mahoning County 
Court #3 on Thursday, June 14, 2018 at 
0900. Dunlap was subsequently released 
into the custody of a Stark County Sheriffs 

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case # 18006030

On Tuesday June 5, 2018 Patrolman 
Marchionda conducted a traffic stop that 
resulted in the arrest of an adult male on a 
warrant out of Pennsylvania.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513

While patrolling east on E Ohio Avenue 
near N 12th St in marked unit #302, 1 
observed the license plate lights of a 
vehicle in front of me, a white Kia Soul 
bearing Ohio registration GKG2469 were 
burned out. I then conducted a traffic stop 
by activating my overheard emergency 
lights.  The vehicle came to a complete stop 
on E Ohio Ave near the village limits. Upon 
making contact with the driver  identified as 
Pamela Kazmierski, I informed her of the 
reason of the stop.  Kazmierski was 
accompanied by her passenger, identified 
as Randy G. Daye Jr. Both parties provided 
me with their identification information after 
being requested to do so. Kazmierski 
provided me with her namve and date of 
birth and Daye provided me with his 
Pennsylvania drivers license. 

After relaying Kazmierski and Daye's 
information through dispatch I was advised 
everything was in order. I then gave 
Kazmierski a courtesy warning regarding 
her burned out license plate lights and 
advised her she was free to go. lmmediately 
after releasing the parties from the stop 
dispatcher Wheeler advised me she had 
done a second search of Daye through 
Ohio and that LEADS was showing an out 
of state warrant from Pennsylvania for a 
probation violation.  With the vehicle still in 
my sight turning into Sebring Estates I 
activated my audible siren and proceeded 
to catch up with the vehicle.   The vehicle 
was then stopped a second time right at 
Boxwood Drive.

Upon making contact with the passenger, I 
requested his Pennsylvania driver's license 
to verify the identity from the information 
dispatch provided. At this time, Patrolman 
Scott arrived on scene to assist. Daye was 
advised there was a warrant for his arrest 
out of Pennsylvania and until it could be 
verified if Mercer County wanted him, he 
would be detained pending confirmation. 
After placing Daye into the back of marked 
unit #302, Patrolman Scott cleared the 
scene to return to the village.

Dispatch advised me a short time later that 
Mercer County did in fact want Daye and to 
return to the station. 

Kazmierski was released from the scene 
and Daye was then transported back to the 
photographed and processed. Daye was 
advised he was now under arrest per the 
warrant out of Pennsylvania and read his 
Miranda rights, which he stated he 

Upon arriving at the station, Daye was 
provided his copy of the warrant, processed 
and photographed. I then transported Daye 
to Mahoning County Justice Center in 
Youngstown until he is extradited back to 

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case No.: 18006066
120 E Georgia Ave , Sebring, OH 44672
OVI - General
DUS - License Forfeiture
Operate vehicle without insurance

On 6-10-2018, I was dispatched to 120 E 
Georgia Ave for an unauthorized use of a 
motor vehicle

Sgt. Eberling #503

Dispatch received a call from Tammy 
Courtney at 120 1/2 E Georgia Ave advising 
that a red car that was being driven by 
Debra Couchman just arrived back at 120 E 
Georgia Ave. This car was involved in a 
hit/skip accident with our department earlier 
in the day (report #18006063) and allegedly 
Debra did not have permission from the 
owner to drive the vehicle. I arrived on 
scene and found the car bearing Ohio plate 
HJU4184 sitting in the driveway with the 
hazards flashing unoccupied. I observed 
minor damage to the front bumper of the 
car which was consistent with the crash on 
the other report.  I was able to see Debra in 
the kitchen of the house at which point she 
ran upstairs.

I then spoke with the caller Tammy 
Courtney who had the owner of the vehicle 
on the phone who was odemtofoed as 
Louanna Stinson. Louanna advised that 
Debra was her mother and was supposed 
to be house sitting for them since they were 
in Virginia Beach.  Louanna intructed 
Tammy to make entry into the home and put 
the dogs outside so I could speak with 
Debra.  Once Tammy let the dogs out I was 
able to make contact with Debra.

While speaking with Debra she had slurred 
speech, stong odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from her facial area and 
was having a hard time standing.  Debra 
advised she was driving the red car and 
rear ended the lady earlier in the day 
however took off because she was scared 
due to her not having a valid license. Debra 
advised she then drove to Alliance and 
began consuming alcohol with a friend. 
Debra advised she then brought the vehicle 
back to 120 E Georgia Ave and left the 
hazards on because she couldn't figure out 
how to turn them off. Debra advised she 
knew she was in the wrong and was told to 
not drive the vehicle. Debra advised she 
had just returned home approximately 10 
mins prior to my arrival which was 
consistent with Tammy's statement.

Based on Debra's signs of impairment, she 
consented to Standized Field Sobriety 
Tests. I advised Debra of the first test which 
was the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test 
as well as the instructions to which she 
advised she understood. 

Prior to performing the test, there was no 
resting nystagmus, both eyes tracked 
equally and both pupils were of equal size. 
Upon performing the test, I observed lack of 
smooth pursuit in both eyes, distinct and 
sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation 
in both eyes and onset of nystagmus prior 
to 45 degrees in both eyes as well as 
vertical nystagmus in both eyes. 

I advised Debra the next test the 
Walk and Turn test and advised of her of 
the instructions as well as demonstrated the 
turn to which she advised she understood. 
Debra was unable to remain standing in the 
instruction stage and failed to touch heel to 
toe, took too many steps and used arms for 
balance. I then advised Debra of the last 
test which was the One Leg Stand and 
advised her of the instructions as well as 
demonstrated to which she advised she 
understood. Debra was never able to lift her 
foot off the ground and just stopped the test 
and advised she could not do anymore 
because she was too drunk. Based on the 
test results as well as the totality of the 
circumstances, Debra was placed in 
custody for OVI and placed in the back of 
my patrol car where she was read her 
Miranda rights to which she advised she 
understood. Per the owners request, the 
keys for the vehicle were given to Tammy 
for safekeeping until they returned from 
Virginia Beech. Luanna advised they would 
discuss possible charges against Debra for 
unauthorized use and follow up with this 
department if they wished to pursue 

I then transported Debra back to 
headquarters for processing. I read Debra 
the BMV2255 form at which point she 
consented to a breath and urine test. I 
observed Debra for 20 minutes prior to the 
breath test to ensure there was nothing in 
her mouth. I (Certified 0perator)ran the 
lntoxilyzer 8000 test, on Debra which 
produced a result of .038 BAC. Ptl. Russell 
then witnessed Debra provide a urine 
sample into the provided kit from the Ohio 
State Highway Patrol. The sodium flouride 
was placed into the urine and sealed by 
myself and secured in the refrigerator to be 
mailed out to the lab for analysis.  

Debra was charged with OVI - General 
4511.19A1A, DUS - License Forfeiture 
4510.11 and Operating a vehicle without 
insurance 4509.101. Debra was 
photographed/fingerprinted and released on 
her own recognizance with a court date at 
MCC #3 on 6/14/2018 at 0900 hours and 
was transported home by a friend. Debra 
was advised that pending the results from 
the urine there could be additional charges 
filed to which she advised she understood.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18006062

On Sunday, June 10, 2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling north in marked 
unit #301 on S 12 st towards the village 
limits. While approaching the village limits, 
my forward mounted radar antenna was 
active and showed me a digital readout of 
46 MPH from a vehicle traveling south. The 
vehicle was within the village limits when I 
observed the digital readout of 46 MPH and 
locked the speed in. The posted speed limit 
on S 12 St is 35 MPH.

After allowing the vehicle to pass me, I 
activated my overhead emergency lights 
and turned my cruiser around. I then 
activated my audible siren and proceeded 
south to catch up with the vehicle. The 
vehicle, a black Nissan truck bearing Ohio 
registration PJG9497, was stopped at the 
posted stop sign on S 12 St and State 
Route 62. Using my cruiser's PA speaker, I 
instructed the driver to pull onto State Route 
62 and then pull over so as not to congest 
the intersection. After pulling east came to a 
complete stop just east of S 12th St.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Brigit Young, I identified myself 
and informed her for the reason of the stop. 
I then asked Young for her driver's license 
to which she stated she did not have it with 
her. I asked Young if she had a valid driver's 
license and she stated to me she did not 
know if it was valid. At this time, Trooper 
Baker with the Ohio State Highway Patrol 
arrived on scene. I then requested Young's 
full name, date of birth and social security 
number. After relaying Young's information 
through dispatch, I was advised Young's 
driver's license was suspended with 
multiple license forfeitures and 
noncompliance suspensions. Trooper Baker 
cleared from the stop after being advised 
everything was under control and thanked 
for his assistance.

Young was issued citation #031227 for 
Village Ordinances 333.03 Speed - Over 
Limits (46/35) and 335.07 Driving Under 
Suspension - License Forfeiture & 
Noncompliance. Young was advised of her 
mandatory court appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
June 14,2018 at 0900. Young and the 
vehicle were released from the scene with a 
licensed driver.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case No.: 18006057
Courtney Rd near N 12th St
speed 49/35

On 06/09/18 While in a marked patrol car I 
was parked in the shipping and receiving 
area of "Famous distribution" on Courtney 
Rd. facing west when I observed a tan SUV 
with a trailer behind it East on Courtney Rd. 
at a high rate of speed. I activated handheld 
Radar and clocked the vehicle at 49mph in 
a clearly marked 35mph zone. I initiated a 
traffic stop on the vehicle a Tan Ford 
Explorer bearing OH GOT4203 on Courtney 
Rd. near W 12t St. 

I identified the driver as Ronald J Quinn and 
Ronald was issued a citation for speed 
333.03 and given a court date at MCC#3 of 
06/21/18 at 0900hrs with a personal 
appearance not required. I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case No.: 18006055
Sebring Friends Church
Speed 59/35

On 06/09/2018 at 12:52am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling south 
on S. Johnson Rd. when I observed a 
vehicle traveling north on the same road 
that appeared to be traveling at a high rate 
of speed. I then activated my cruisers 
mounted radar unit and observed a digital 
reading of 49mph in a 35mph zone. I then 
locked the speed and pulled into the west 
entrance of Copeland Oaks until the vehicle 
passed. I then pulled behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop in the parking lot of 
Sebring Friend's Church. The vehicle was a 
2017 white Dodge pickup truck bearing an 
Ohio license plate (HBK8493). I then exited 
my cruiser approached the vehicle and 
identified myself to the driver and informed 
the driver of the reason for the stop. 

I then requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance. I 
received all documents except the proof of 
insurance. The driver was identified as 
Stephen Erichsen.

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Stephen a traffic citation for speed SCO 
333.03 and gave Stephen a court date of 
06/21/2018 at 9:OOam for MCC#3 with a 
personal appearance required. Once 
Stephen signed the citation I provided him 
with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Tuesday, June 12, 2018
10:52 AM -0500

Sebring Police Story
DATE: 06/08/2018 01 :31:00

On 6/8/2018 I Ptl. Scott was requested to 
assist Smith Twp. Ptl. Davis on Lexington 
Rd. for a car

Ptl. Scott #506

Upon arrival I met with Sgt. Davis which 
was standing next to a vehicle flipped 
upside down on the side of the road with an 
impaired male in the rear of a Smith cruiser. 
Sgt. Davis advised me he seen the male 
standing next to the vehicle upon his arrival. 
A female then arrived on scene which later 
was found to be the passenger of the 
vehicle. The female was accessed by 
Sebring First responders and released.

The male later admitted to driving the 
wrecked vehicle and was subject to field 
sobriefy testing by Sgt. Davis which the 
male subsequently failed and was placed 
under arrest for suspicion of OVI. Sgt. Davis 
then transported the male to Alliance Police 
Department for chemical testing while I 
stood by for the towing of the vehicle. Once 
the vehicle was towed 1 cleared the scene 
and returned to the village.

Ptl. Scott #506


Sebring Police Story
DATE: 06/07/2018 13:12:00 

On 6-7-18 I was dispatched to 516 W. 
Maryland to assist the dog warden. Upon 
arrival I made contact with the Mahoning 
County Dog Warden who advised he was 
diting the resident for a prior incident.  I 
stood by while the dog warden conducted 
his follow up.

Ptl Kelm 505


Sebring Police Story
Private Property Accident 
Report No.: 18006043 
Date of Crash 6/7/2018
Location of Crash 196 W. Ohio Ave.

Unit #1 Driver/Owner:  Richard Loughry 
Age 78  Address 422 E. Mohawk Dr. 
Malvern, Ohio 44644
minor damage to front passenger side 

Unit #2 Driver/Owner: Anthony Sirpilla DOB 
1970  Address 2012 Liberty Dr. NE 
Louisville, Oh 44641
minor damage to rear passenger side 

Unit #1 was pulling out of a parking spot at 
the post office. Unit #1 turned too sharp to 
the right and struck Unit #2 causing minor 
damage to both vehicles.


Sebring Police Story
Case No: 18006041


On Thursday, June 7,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling east on State 
Route 62 in marked unit #301 when I 
observed a black truck following the vehicle 
in front of it too closely. As the vehicles 
passed me, I activated my overheard 
emergency lights, audible siren and turned 
around to initiate a traffic stop. The black 
truck, a Ford F-150 bearing Ohio 
registration GTM7056, came to a complete 
stop on State Route 62 just east of S 
Johnson Rd.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Timothy Bacon, I identified 
myself and informed him for the reason of 
the stop. I then requested Bacon's driver 
license and proof of insurance. Bacon was 
able to provide both of the aforementioned 
documents. Bacon was issued citation 
#031125 for Village Ordinance 331.09 
Following Too Closely and advised of his 
court date before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, June 21,2018 at 0900.

Prior to signing the citation, Bacon began to 
contest and stated the reason it appeared 
he was following the vehicle in front of him 
too closely is because he believes the 
vehicle braked suddenly when the other 
driver saw me. I strongly encouraged Bacon 
if he felt he was cited in error, to exercise 
his legal recourse and contest the ticket in 
court on the date and time listed on the 

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Sebring Police Story
Case No: 18006040
W. Ohio Ave. / N. 19th St.
Tail Lights / Illumination Rear Licens Plate

On 06/07/2018 I Ptl. Scott made a traffic 
stop which resulted in the arrest of a female 
for operating a motor vehicle while under 
the influence of alcohol or a drug of abuse.

Ptl. Scott #506

I Ptl. Scott was stationary at the intersection 
of W. Ohio Ave. and N. Johnson Rd. when I 
observed a vehicle traveling east on W. 
Ohio Ave. that had a license plate light 
illuminating a green color. I then pulled out 
onto the road and positioned myself behind 
the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop on W. 
Ohio Ave. near N. 19th St. The vehicle was 
a black 2004 Chevrolet station wagon 
bearing an Ohio license plate (GTM7573.

I then exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle and met with the driver and 
identified myself and requested their driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
in which I did receive all documents but the 
proof of insurance was expired. I was able 
to identify the driver as Melissa Laughlin. 
Melissa displayed odd behavior by acting 
very excited and Melissa was extremely 
talkative and at times appeared to be 
nervous. Melissa was also fidgeting while 
speaking and would talk about random 
events not related to the traffic stop. When 
talking to Melissa while she was in her 
vehicle her pupils were extremely dilated. I 
even shined light near her eyes and her 
pupils remained dilated and shown little to 
no reaction to light. I asked Melissa if she 
had consumed any type of drug or 
prescribed medication prior to driving in 
which she stated that she did not.

I then had Melissa exit her vehicle and I had 
turned my cruisers overhead lights off and 
asked if Melissa would perform field 
sobriety testing in which she agreed to 
perform. I asked Melissa if she has ,any 
medical or physical conditions that would 
inhibit her from taking the tests in which 
Melissa stated that she did not. I then 
asked'Melissa if she had taken any 
medication prior to driving in which Melissa 
stated that she did not. I then had her stand 
straight up with her feet together and her 
hands to her side. I checked Melissa's eyes 
for equal tracking, equal pupil size, and a 
resting nystagmus. Melissa's eyes tracked 
equally, Melissa's pupils were of equal size, 
and Melissa did not have a resting 
nystagmus. Melissa's pupils were still 
dilated and showed very little reaction to 

I then began to explain the instruction for 
the first test which was the horizontal gaze 
nystagmus test.  When I finished explaining 
the instructions I asked Melissa if she 
understood in Which Melissa stated yes. I 
did not observe any clues throughout all 
three tests but Melissa did appear to be 
under the influence of an unknown 
substance so the tests did continue. The 
next test was the walk and turn and I have 
Melissa instructions to stand up straight 
with her hands to her side and her right foot 
in front of her left foot and gave Melissa 
instructions not to move or start until I told 
her to. Once I explained the instructions I 
asked Melissa if she understood and 
Melissa stated that she did. Once the test 
began I observed the following clues: 
Melissa made an improper turn, Melissa 
moved while instructions were being given 
to her, Melissa stopped walking once she 
started the test, and Melissa had a hard 
time keeping her balance. Melissa started 
to complain about pain in her back and I 
asked her what was hurtng and Melissa 
stated that she has two discs in her back 
and they were in pain from lifting heavy 
objects while at work. I asked Melissa prior 
to the tests if ad any medical of physical 
conditions , and Melissa stated that she did 
not have any medical or physical 

The next test was the one leg stand and I 
had Melissa stand straight up with her 
hands to her side and feet together while I 
explained the instructions to her and 
ordered her not to move or start until I told 
her to. Once the instructions were explained 
I told Melissa not to put her foot down or 
stop and I asked Melissa if she understood 
in which Melissa stated that she did 
understand. Once the test began I observed 
the following clues: Melissa had difficulty 
balancing, and Melissa put her foot down 3 
times which ended the test. Melissa started 
to complain about the pain in her back as 
soon as I ended the test so I told her to sit 
on the front bumper of my cruiser. I then 
began a test called the lack of convergence 
and explained instructions for the test and 
asked if Melissa understood the instructions 
in which Melissa stated that she did. Once 
the test began I observed the following 
observations: Melissa had lack of 
convergence in her left eye. The next and 
last test was the modified romberg test and 
I had Melissa stand straight up with her feet 
together and her hands to her side while I 
gave her the instructions. Melissa was 
instructed to tilt her head back from that 
position and close her eyes andcount to 30 
in her head and when finished to put her 
head back down and open her eyes and 
say stop. I asked Melissa if she understood 
the instructions in which Melissa stated that 
she did.

Once the test began I had Ptl. Marchionda 
time it with a stopwatch and when Melissa 
finished Ptl. Marchionda stopped the stop 
watch. Melissa counted to 30 in her head 
which took 22 seconds in real time. The last 
two tests did not display clues but did 
display observations that had key indicators 
of Melissa being under the influence of a 
drug of abuse. 

Based on my experience and training I 
placed Melissa under arrest for operating a 
vehicle while under the influence of alcohol 
or drug of abuse and read Melissa her 
rights at 12:59am and placed Melissa in 
hand restraints which were gabbed and 
double locked and I placed Melissa in the 
rear of marked unit #304. An inventory of 
the vehicle was performed by Ptl. 
Marchionda and myself to gather essentials 
that Melissa wanted and I transported 
Melissa back to station while Ptl. 
Marchionda stood by while the vehicle was 
towed to Springer's.

Once back at station Melissa was read the 
BMV 2255 form and was asked if she would 
submit to chemical testing in which Melissa 
refused and signed the BMV 2255 form. 
Melissa was then processed, 
photographed, and fingerprinted. I wrote 
Melissa a traffic citation for Tail lights and 
illumination of rear license plate ORC 
4513.05A and for OVI (SFST) 451 1.19(A)(l)
(a). I gave Melissa a court date for 
06/07/2018 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance required due to the initial 
appearance having to be within 5 days of 
the arrest. 

Melissa signed the citation and I then gave 
Melissa a recognizance bond of $500 for 
the OVI offense in which she signed. 
Melissa was given copies of the BMV 2255 
form, her citation which has her court date 
on it, and her recognizance form which also 
has her court date on it. Melissa was 
informed that she is now under 
administrative license suspension and was 
unable to legally operate a motor vehicle. 
Melissa was released and is scheduled to 
appear on June 7th 2018 at 9:00am in 
Mahoning County Court #3.

Reporting Officer Zachary Scott,  BADGE 
NO: 506 DATE: 06/07/2018


Sebring Police Story
DATE 06/06/2018 16.43.00

On 06/06/2018, I was met on station in 
reference to found property. A male came to 
the window advising that he found a license 
plate. I made several attempts to get the 
license plate back to the registered owner 
with no success. The plate will be stored in 
my office until the owner can be located.

Redfern 504

On 06/06/2018, I was able to locate the 
registered owner and return his property.

Redfern 504


Sebring Police Story
Case No: 18006031
OHIO 44672

On Wednesday, June 6,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, pulled into Circle K, 205 E 
Ohio Avenue, in marked unit #303 and 
observed a white Chevrolet Cavalier 
bearing Ohio registration HFB3643. While 
the cavalier pulled out of Circle K to head 
east onto E Ohio Avenue, I performed a 
random registration check through dispatch 
while maintaining a visual as thecavalier 
turned south on N 12'" St. Dispatch advised 
the plates returned to a blue Saturn. After 
advising dispatch the plate I just ran were 
on a white Chevrolet Cavalier, I pulled out 
of Circle K and proceeded to catch up to the 

After crossing the railroad tracks onto S lzth 
St, I observed the cavalier traveling south in 
the area of the 500 block. I then activated 
my overhead emergency lights and audible 
siren and continued south on S 12'" St. 
Once within a reasonable distance of the 
vehicle, I turned my audible siren off as the 
vehicle turned west onto Alabama Ave and 
came to a complete stop.

Upon making contact with the driver, Jarred 
Chestnut, I identified myself and informed 
him of the reason for the stop. Chestnut 
admitted to me he knew the plates did not 
belong on the vehicle and that they 
belonged to a relative of his.

I then asked Chestnut why he had plates 
from another vehicle on the one he was 
driving, Chestnut stated to me that due to 
not being able to obtain plates for the 
vehicle due to registration issues with the 
BMV and Columbiana County Court, he 
decided to use plates belonging to a 
relative. Patrolman Scott arrived on scene 
at this time and we instructed Chestnut to 
exit the vehicle. I then performed a pat 
down of Chestnut for weapons and 
subsequently placed him into the back of 
unit #303 pending completion of the traffic 
stop. I also obtained his driver's license to 
run through dispatch and was advised 
Chestnut's driver's license was under 
License Forfeiture and a Noncompliance 
Suspension. A tow truck was then 
requested to be sent to the location to seize 
the vehicle.

Chestnut was issued citation #031124 for 
ORC 4510.11 Driving Under Suspension 
(Noncompliance & License Forfeiture) and 
4549.08 Fictitious License Plates. Chestnut 
was advised of his mandatory court 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, June 14,2018 at 0900 and 
released from the scene. The vehicle was 
towed from the scene to Springer
Towing & Repair.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Sebring Police Story
Case No: 18006030

On Tuesday, June 5, 2018, Patrolman 
Marchionda conducted a traffic stop that 
resulted in the arrest of an adult male on a 
warrant out of Pennsylvania.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513

While patrolling east on E Ohio Avenue 
near N 12th St in marked unit #302, I 
observed the license plate lights of a 
vehicle in front of me, a white Kia Soul 
bearing Ohio registration GKG2469, were 
burned out. I then conducted a traffic stop 
by activating my overheard emergency 
lights. The vehicle came to a complete stop 
on E Ohio Ave near the village limits. Upon 
making contact with the driver, identified as 
Pamela Kazmierski, I informed her of the 
reason of the stop. Kazmierski was 
accbmpanied by her passenger, identified 
as Randy G. Daye Jr. Both parties provided 
me with their identification information after 
being requested to do so. Kazmierski 
provided me with her name and date of 
birth and Daye provided me with his 
Pennsylvania driver's license.

After relaying Kazmierski and Uaye's 
information through dispatch, I was advised 
everything was in order. I then gave 
Kazmierski a courtesy warning regarding 
her burned out license plate lights and 
advised her she was free to go. 

Immediately after releasing the parties from 
the stop, dispatcher Wheeler advised me 
she had done a second search of Daye 
through Ohio and that LEADS was showing 
an out of state warrant from Pennsylvania 
for a probation violation. With the vehicle 
still in my sight turning Into Sebring Estates, 
I activated my audible siren and proceeded 
to catch up with the vehicle. The vehicle 
was then stopped a second time right at 
Boxwood Drive.

Upon making contact with the passenger, I 
requested his Pennsylvania driver's license 
to verify the identity from the information 
dispatch provided. At this time, Patrolman 
Scott arrived on scene to assist. Daye was 
advised there was a warrant for his arrest 
out of Pennsylvania and until it could be 
verified if Mercer County wanted him, he 
would be detained pending confirmation. 
After placing Daye into the back of marked 
unit #302, Patrolman Scott cleared the 
scene to return to the village.

Dispatch advised me a short time later that 
Mercer County did in fact want Daye and to 
return to the station. Kazmierski was 
released from the scene and Daye was 
then transported back to the Sebring Police 
Department to be photographed and 
processed. Daye was advised he was now 
under arrest per the warrant out of 
Pennsylvania and read his Miranda rights, 
which he stated he understood.

Upon arriving at the station, Daye was 
provided his copy of the warrant, processed 
and photographed. I then transported Daye 
to Mahoning County Justice Center in 
Youngstown until he is extradited back to 

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Sebring Police Story
Case No: 18006004
E Maryland Ave/ N 14th St
DOC W/persist

On 6-1-18 I was waved down at the corner 
of 14th and Maryland Ave for a fight.

Ptl Brindack 508

Upon arrival Melissa Ann Mikes advised me 
that Dawn R Fender was threatening her 
and was trying to fight her. At the time of my 
arrival it did appear that Dawn obviously 
intoxicated, was being belligerent with the 
Melissa, and there was a large group of 
people in the area. So I called for our  
additional units which were in close 
proximity because of the fireman's festival. I 
began to speak with the two women and as 
I did Ptl. Scott, Ptl. Marchionda, and Ptl. 
Redfern arrived on scene.

Ptl Scott and Marchionda spoke with Dbwn 
as I spoke with Melissa advised me that 
Dawn was supposed to be watching a 
group of children including her daughter but 
was intoxicated and was being belligerent 
with the girls. Melissa advised that Dawn 
took her own daughters phone and 
smashed it on the ground. At this point Ptl 
Redfern went to look for the children who 
were assumed to still be somewhere in the 
festival. Melissa then told me that Dawn did 
threaten her saying "she said she was 
going to kick my ass" and she wanted to 
press charges. At this time Ptl. 
Marchiondadetained Dawn and handcuffed 
her and placed her in the back of my patrol 
car. While Ptl.Marchionda attempted to 
handcuff Dawn she was very difficult with 
him saying "don't threaten me Ihave money" 
and pulling her arms away from him.

I asked Dawn why she allegedly smashed 
her daughters phone to which she replied 
14 year olds don't listen and then changed 
the story to her daughter broke the phone 
and she just took it from her.

Melissa filled out a voluntary statement but 
from her statement which said Dawn told 
her she would slap her and Melissa said i'll 
slap you back it was determined the 
"threatening" and "fight" was actually a 
mutual argument. However all four officers 
on scene observed that Dawn was highly 
intoxicated and we could all smell the 
alcohol on her. 

I advised Dawn that she was under arrest 
for Disorderly conduct "public intoxication" 
and she was mirandized. Dawn was 
transported to our station in unit 303 and 
was processed by myself and Ptl. Redfern 
while being processed Dawn was still 
obviously intoxicated and at one point 
seemingly unprovoked informed us that 
"those Goshen guys are dicks" referring to 
the officers at the Goshen Police District. 
Dawn also repeatedly informed officers that 
she used to work at the prison, however 
she was very cooperative while being 
processed. I asked Dawn where she had 
been drinking tonight and she replied at 
home. I then asked well how did you get to 
the festival without driving to which she then 
changed her story again and said "i drank at 
the festival". (NOTE: the festival does not 
serve alcohol). Dawn was given an OR 
bond and was released to a friend after 
being processed.

Ptl. Brindack 508

Cn 6/1/2018 1 responded on foot from the 
festival to Ptl. Brindack as requested to 
assist with a dispute. Upon arrival observed 
Ptl. Brindack standing next to his cruiser 
with a female late identified as Dawn 
Fender. I spoke with Dawn and she stated 
that she was attempting to find her daughter 
and had a verbal confrontation with her 
daughter's friend and the mother of her 
daughter's friend.

I then spoke with the other party and they 
stated Dawn had come to their residence 
while intoxicated and started to argue with 
them and their family members for unknown 
reasons. Officers came in contact with 
Dawns daughter earlier in reference to 
Dawn being intoxicated and breaking her 
daughter's phone. Dawn's daughter stated 
that her mother attempted to leave with her 
and she refused to go with her mother due 
to her intoxication. Dawn did appear to be 
intoxicated and had a strong odor of an 
alcoholic beverage coming from her person.

Dawn was argumentative towards officers 
and was subsequently arrested for 
disorderly conduct while intoxicated and 
placed into hand restraints by Ptl. 
Marchionda and placed into the rear of Ptl. 
Brindack's cruiser and transported back to 
station. Once Ptl. Brindack cleared Ptl. 
Marchionda and I resumed duties at the 

Ptl. Scott #506

On 6-1-2018 while at the firemans festival I 
was approached by two juveniles whom 
were crying stating that their mother is 
heavily intoxicated.  The juveniles state 
their mother took their phones and 
smashed them on the ground due to a fit of 
rage due to the intoxication. The children 
advised that their mother was Dawn Fender 
of Goshen Twp. The juveniles advised that 
they wanted to go to the fathers due to their 
mother being too intoxicated to drive them 
home. I advised the juveniles that I would 
provide them with a transport to their 
fathers house. The juveniles were able to 
use a friends phone to call their father who 
advised that he would come to pick them 

Moments later Ptl. Brindack advised on the 
radio that he was being flagged down in the 
area of North 14th Street near East 
Maryland Avenue for a possible fight, and 
requested units to respond. I arrived on 
location and Ptl. Brindack, Ptl. Marchonda, 
and Ptl. Scott were already on scene. There 
was a female whom was standing on the 
corner yelling obscenities and I advised her 
that she needed to remain calm. As the 
cover officer I did not interview any involved 
parties, I stood by and observed.

The female whom I told needed to calm 
down was clearly intoxicated, and still 
continued to carry on despite being told to 
calm down. It was later found that the 
female was the mother of the to juveniles 
that I was going to give a ride to. The 
female was advised once more by the other 
on scene officers that she needed to calm 
down before she was detained in the rear of 
the cruiser.  Subsequently the female was 
placed under arrest for Disorderly Conduct 
While Intoxicated Persist.

Redfern 504

On Friday, June 1, 2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was on foot patrol at the 
Fireman's Festival when I heard a 
broadcast from Patrolman Brindack over 
the radio for assistance reference a fight at 
the corner of N 14th St and E Maryland 
Avenue. While responding, I observed 
Patrolman Scott responding as well. 
Patrolman Redfern arrived on scene shortly 
after. Upon my arrival, I observed a white 
female standing near marked unit #303. 
The female, identified as Dawn Fender, 
appeared to be intoxicated as I was able to 
smell an odor of an alcoholic beverage on 
her breath and her belligerent behavior.

While speaking to Fender to ascertain what 
happened prior to my arrival, she stated to 
me she had gotten into an altercation with 
individuals who she stated she did not 
know. Fender made speaking to her difficult 
as she became argumentative and 
continued to be belligerent by being loud 
and swearing. Fender was told several 
times to calm down and to refrain from 
acting the way she was. As a result of 
Fender refusing to calm down and refrain 
from acting disorderly, I was instructed to 
detain her for disorderly conduct. I had to 
give Fender several commands to turn 
around and place
her hands behind her back.

Fender did turn around but instead put her 
hands on the hood of #303 and continued 
to yell and swear at officers. After failing to 
obey my commands to put her hands 
behind her back, I grabbed ahold of her 
hands and placed them behind her back 
and then handcuffed her (gapped and 
double locked). Fender made comments 
towards myself and the other officers on 
scene such as, "don't threaten me" (sic) and 
"you can't do this, I have money" (sic). After 
Fender was detained for disorderly conduct 
while intoxicated and persistence, she was 
placed into the back of marked unit #303 
and subsequently advised by Patrolman 
Brindack that she was under arrest.

Patrolman Marchionda 513


Sebring Police Story
Case No: 18006024
175 W Ohio 
Donieslic Violence

On 06/04/2018 1 Officer Rober was 
dispatched to 175 W Ohio for domestic 

REPORTING OFFICER: Rober, Jr., Jeffrey

On 06/04/2018 I Officer Rober was 
dispatched to 175 W Ohio for a physical 
domestic violence. Upon arrival I noticed 
Donald Hill pinning Allen Reed to the 
ground yelling "you're done". I then 
detained Allen and placed Allen in the back 
of Unit 304 and started gathering 

I then spoke with Joann Martin and she 
stated that this all started over a weed 
eater.  Joann told me that Donald came into 
the front living room asking Allen where the 
weed eater was at which Allem got instantly 
angry pushing Donald then putting his hand 
around Donalds neck causing a red mark  
around his neck. Donald then pulled Allen 
on the ground pining him down until the 
police came.

After speaking with Joann I spoke with 
Donald Hill which he advised the same 
story that Joann advised.  I asked Donald if 
he is going to sign the domestic violence 
packet which he stated he will.  Donald then 
provided to me a written statement and 
signed the domestic violence packet.

I then spoke with Allen and advised him that 
he is under arrest for domestic violence 
which he then replied he didn't do anything 
and that he wants EMS because he is 
injured. I advised dispatch about above 
which a short time later EMS arrived on 
scene. After EMS checked Allen out Fire 
Chief Anderson stated he is fine other than 
he is drunk upon nothing further EMS 

I then transported Allen to the Sebring 
Police department for processing. I then 
asked Allen for a statement which he 
replied he will not provide a statement. After 
processing Alllen was transported St 
Elizabeth Austintown for clearance since 
MCJC did not accept him. After Allen was 
medically discharged he was taken back to 
MCJC for processing. 

Upon nothing further I cleared and returned 
1 to the village

REPORTING OFFICER: Rober, Jr., Jeffrey


Wednesday, June 06, 2018
10:11 AM -0500

DATE: 06/02/2018 17:35:00

On 06/02/2018, I while on foot patrol at the 
fireman's festival observed Travis Dick 
whom I knew to be a sex offender, walking 
in the crowd full of children. I spoke to Chief 
Brian Anderson whom advised that he 
wanted charges pressed against Travis. 

I went up to Travis and advised him that he 
was not permitted to be at the festival. 
Travis was then taken into custody, and 
taken back to station. Travis was charged 
with two counts of Criminal Trespass. Travis 
was processed, fingerprinted, and 
photographed. Travis was given an OR 
Bond in the amount of $1000. Travis Was 
given a court date for 06/07/2018 at 0900.



Case No.: 18006003
Sebring Fire Department
Criminal Tresspass

Arrested: Travis Dick , 636 South 15th 
Street, Sebring Ohio 44672

MCC#3 6/7/18 0900

On 06/01/2018, While at the Sebring 
Fireman's Festival I was approached by 
several Sebring Fire Line officers whom 
were questioning as to how a sex offender 
was allowed to be near children at their 
festival. I looked further into the registry and 
found that Travis Dick registered as a Tier 1 
sex offender March of this year. I was 
unable to find the terms of his registration. I 
placed a call to Detective Harris at the 
Mahoning County Sheriffs Department for 
assistance locating his registration 
information, and they advised that they 
would return my call on 06/04/20/18. 

Redfern 504

While doing more research into this matter 
it was found that Travis' presence at the 
festival is a direct violation of SCO 533.15, 
which states that no registered sex offender 
can be on village property for events. The 
SCO advises that he is in violation of 
Criminal Trespass.

Redfern 504


Case No.: 18006013
Traffic / Criminal
1935 S. 12th St.
Speed 74/35
No Passing, Zone
Obstructing Official Business
Failure to comply with order or signal of PO

On Sunday, June 3, 2018, Patrolman 
Marchionda attempted to perform a traffic 
stop that resulted in the arrest of an adult 
male for operating a motor vehicle while 
intoxicated, obstructing official business and 
failure to comply with order of a police 

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513

While patrolling north on S 12th St in 
marked unit #301 with my fonvard mounted 
radar antenna activated, I observed a digital 
read out of 74 MPH in a posted 35 MPH 
zane from a vehicle traveling towards me. 
After the vehicle passed me, I activated my 
overheard emergency lights, audible siren, 
and performed a U-turn and attempted to 
stop the vehicle. While attempting to stop 
the vehicle, Patrolman Scott radioed to me 
and advised the vehicle just passed another 
in a no passing zone at which point I 
advised Patrolman Scott of the vehicle's 
speed and that I was attempting to stop the 

I observed the vehicle then pull into the 
front yard of 1935 S 12th Street next to 
another vehice parked in the yard. 

Upon finally pulling.up to and behind the 
vehicle, a silver Chevrolet Silverado bearing 
Ohio registration HCG3461, I advised 
dispatch the vehicle was no 
1onger.occupied as 1 was unable to see 
anyone inside. 

Upon exiting my patrol car, I was able to 
confirm that occupant(s) of the vehicle had 
fled. Patrolman Scott arrived on scene at 
this time to assist at which point I requested 
the assistance of Smith Township 
Patrolman Caughey. Patrolman Scott. 
Caughey and I then searched the area for 
the driver, believed to be Jordan Smith as 
advised by dispatch. 

Dispatch also advised that Smith may be 
wearing a short sleeved red shirt after a 
citizen phoned the station with information 
regarding the driver of the vehicle. Dispatch 
also advised the driver was 6' 5" and 250lbs 
with brown hair. Ohio State Patrol Trooper 
Baker atso arrived on the scene to assist in 
the search for Smith.

After being unable to locate the driver, I 
advised dispatch to send a tow truck to the 
scene to remove the vehicle from the yard. 
While getting ready to perform an 
administrative inventory of the vehicle, I 
observed Patrolman Scott with his weapon 
drawn shouting at someone laying down on 
the north side of the residence. 

After unholstering my duty weapon and 
approaching where Patrolman Scott was, a 
tall white male wearing a red short sleeve 
shirt emerged from the tall grass with his 
hands up. The subject was ordered to the 
ground at gunpoint, proned out and 
handcuffed. The subject, later identified as 
Jordan Smith, had a cast on his right arm 
which prevented us from being able to 
properly handcuff him. I then advised 
Patrolman Scott to handcuff his left arm to 
one of the rear belt loops, 

While interacting with Smith a strong odor 
of an alcoholic beverage was detected on 
his breath and it was also observed Smith 
had red glossy eyes and difficulty 
maintaining his balance. Smith was 
subsequently placed into the back of 
marked unit #301. When asked by 
Patrolman Scott if he would submit to field 
sobriety tests, Smith refused and 
subsequently refused to a breath test.

When asked why he did not want to submit 
to tests, Smith stated to us because he 
knew he wouldn't pass them.

While placing Smith into the back of #301, 
he stated to officers he didn't stop because 
he didn't want to talk to us and that he 
pulled into the yard of the residence 
because he wanted to visit his friend that 
resided there, After Smith was placed into 
the back of #301, I advised he was under 
arrest for OVI - Officer Observations, 
Obstruction and failure to comply and 
subsequently read him his Miranda Rights. 

During the course of the administrative 
inventory prior to the truck being towed, 
Patrolman Scott located a pipe that was 
bagged, confiscated and later logged into 
evidence on station. 

Springer Tawing & Repair arrived and 
towed the vehicle from the scene. Smith 
was then transported back to the station to 
be processed.

Upon arriving at the station, Smith was 
photographed and processed. I read BMV 
Form 2255 to Smith and again asked if he 
wished to submit to a breath test, which he 
refused. After reading the form to Smith, he 
provided his signature and was given his 
copy. Smith was issued citation #031123 for 
ORC 4511.21 Speed - Over Limits (74135)- 
4511.19A3A OVI and 4511.31 No Passing 

Smith's Ohio Driver's License was 
confiscated as a result of his refusal. 
Throughout the entire interaction with 
Smith, from the time on scene to the time 
on station, he was very irate, angry, and 
continued to berate and swear at officers for 
arresting him.

Smith was transported to Mahoning County 
Justice Center in Youngstown and is set to 
appear in Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, June 7,2018 at 0900 for ORC 
4511.19A1A OVI M-1 , 2921.31 Obstructing 
Official Business M-2 and 2921.331 Failure 
to Comply M-1 with a bail set at $2,700.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513

On 06/03/2018 I Ptl. Scott was traveling 
south on S 12th St. and I witnessed a 
pickup truck which was several car lengths 
ahead of me pass another vehicle. I then 
observed red and blue emergency lights 
whiyh was Ptl. Marchionda in marked unit 
#301 performing a U-turn. I then radioed 
Ptl. Marchionda to advlse him of what I 
observed and Ptl. Marchionda relayed that 
he was attempting to stop the vehicle and 
that the vehicle was continuing to travel 

I observed the vehicle pull away from Ptl. 
Marchionda which appeared to be a high 
rate of speed. Ptl. Marchionda relayed that 
he observed a digital read out of 74mph 
corning from the vehicle, I then observed 
the vehicle pull into a residence and Ptl. 
Marchionda eventually pulled behind the 
vehicle near the residence and relayed that 
the driver had fled from the vehicle. I then 
activated my emergency overhead lights 
along with my audible siren and proceeded 
to Ptl. Marchionda's location.

Once I arrived Ptl. Marchionda briefed me 
of the situation and both officers including 
Smith Twp. Ptl. Caughey searched the area 
for the driver which was believed to be 
Jordan Smith. A description was given to 
officers from dispatched including what 
Smith was wearing which was received 
from a resident who called the station. 
OSHP Trooper Baker was on a traffic stop 
near the incident and asked if we needed 
assistance in searching for Smith in which I 
requested for him to do so. I then told Ptl. 
Caughey to search east on St. Rt 62. I 
stayed on scene and walked towards the 
north side of the
residence where I could hear a dog barking 
and I searched the area once more and 
observed a male matching the description 
laying in tall grass next to the house.

I un holstered and drew my duty weapon on 
the individual and ordered him to come out 
of the grass with his hands above his head. 
The individual did so and came out from the 
grass and I ordered him to lay face down on 
the ground in which he did. Ptl. Marchionda 
drew his weapon once he arrived to where I 
was at while I placed the individual in hand 
restraints and placed the individual into 
marked unit #301. The male was identified 
as Jordan Smith and Jordan did admit to 
driving and not pulling over due to him not 
wanting to talk to police. Jordan also stated 
the he was next to the house to visit the 
home owner. The home owner did know the 
individual but was not expecting him. The 
home owner was asleep and had to be 
woken up to inform him of the incident.

Officers then performed an inventory of the 
vehicle and upon the inventory I recovered 
a pipe and confiscated it which was placed 
into evidence locker #2 after it was 
photographed and tagged. While on scene 
Jordan appeared to be intoxicated. Jordan 
had trouble balancing, had a strong odor of 
an alcoholic beverage coming from his 
person, and had red glassy eyes. I asked 
Jordan if he would consent to field sobriety 
testing in which he refused and stated that 
he would fail the tests if he attempted to 
preform them. Jordan was placed under 
arrest for OVI refusal, failure to comply with 
an order or signal of a police officer, and 
obstruction of official business and had his 
rights read to him by Ptl. Marchionda which 
I witnessed.

The vehicle was towed to Springer's Towing 
and Jordan transported back to the station. 
While back at station Jordan was swearing 
and being verbally argumentative towards 
officers. Jordan was processed and 
photographed but not fingerprinted due to 
his right arm being in a cast. I then informed 
Jordan that he was being transported to the 
Mahoning County Jail due to his actions 
and being a flight risk. Jordan became even 
more difficult. Ptl. Marchionda then 
transported Jordan to the jail which 
accepted Jordan and Jordan is scheduled 
to appear in Mahoning County Court #3 at 
9:OOam for the listed charges. 

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 118006012
W. Ohio Ave. / 20th St.
Traffic Control Devices

On 06/03/2018 at 2:02am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was stationary at the 
intersection of N. Johnson Rd. and W. Ohio 
Ave. when I witnessed a vehicle traveling 
east on W. Ohio Ave. go through the 
intersection without coming to a complete 
stop. I then pulled out and positioned my 
cruiser behind the vehicle and initiated a 
traffic stop on W. Ohio Ave. near 2oth St.

The vehicle was a 2009 KLQ Optima 
bearing an Ohio license plate (HDA9002). I 
then exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle and identified myself and informed 
the driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I received 
all documents except the proof of 
insurance. The driver was identified as 
Angelica Rhodes.

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Angelica a traffic citation for Traffic control 
devices SCO 313.01 with a court date of 
6/7/2018 at 9:OOam with a personal 
appearance required for MCC#3. Once 
Angelica signed the citation I then provided 
her with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott


Case Na.: 18006011

On Saturday, June 2,2018, I, Patrolman 
Mnrchionda, was patrolling west on W Ohio 
Ave near N 16th St in marked unit #301. I 
observed a red Pontiac Sunfire bearing 
Ohio registration HGL9129 in front of me 
that did not have illuminated tail lights. I 
then activated my overhead emergency 
lights to signal a traffic stop. The vehicle 
came to a complete stop at W Ohio Ave 
and N 17th St. Upon making contact with 
the driver, identified as Macala Kelly, I 
identified myself and informed her for the 
reason of the stop. Kelly then realized she 
had forgotten to turn her headlights on 
which also activated the tail lights. I asked 
Kelly for her driver's Iicense and insurance 
information. Kelly was able to produce her 
driver's Iicense but not her insurance 
information and stated to me she may have 
accidentally thrown it away.

I observed Kelly was not wearing her 
seatbelt while speaking to her and asked if 
she had it on prior to being stopped. Kelly 
admitted to me she had not been wearing 
her seatbelt because it chokes her. Kelly 
was given a verbal warning for the tail lights 
violation and issued citation #03 1122 for 
Village Ordinance 337.27 Safety Belt - 
Failure to Wear (Driver). Kelly was advised 
of her mandatory court appearance before 
Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
7,2018 at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case No.: 18006005
Courtney Rd. / N. 12th St.
Traffic Control Devices

On 06/01/2018 at 6:30am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on N. 12th St. and was traveling to 
Courtney Rd. When I came to the 
intersection of N. 12th St and Courtney Rd. 
I observed a vehicle traveling from the west 
come to the intersection and drove through 
the intersection of N. l2th St. and Courtney 
Rd. without attempting to stop at the stop 
sign and praceeded to travel west on 
Courtney Rd.

I then positioned my cruiser behind the 
vehicle and initiated a traffic stop on 
Courtney Rd. west of N. 12th St . the 
vehicle was a 1969 grey Mercury 2-door 
bearing an Ohio license plate (HFW3968). I 
then exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle and identified myself and informed 
the driver of the reason for the stop.

I then requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received a11 but the proof of insurance. 
The driver was identified as Cole Chumney 
and once the driver was identified I then 
returned to my cruiser. I then wrote Cole a 
traffic citation for traffic control devices ORC 
4511.12A and gave Cole a court date of 
6/14/2018 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance required for MCC#3. Once 
Cole signed the citation I then provided 
Cole with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #SO6


Case No.: 18005219

On 05-30-2018 I was met on station for a 
forgery report. I spoke with Roy Manypenny 
who advised the he made a verbal deal with 
a male by the name of Clifford Mullan.  Roy 
advised that Clifford was going to buy his 
truck from him in the amount of $1,500. Roy 
advised that Clifford gave him a $1,000 
deposit and Roy in return gave him the keys 
and the title with the understanding that 
when Clifford finished paying the vehicle off 
that the title would be signed over and 
transferred. Roy advised that Clifford had 
the title forged and notarized and 
transferred already. Roy advised that he got 
a copy of the title from MCC#3 and that was 
not his signature on the owner line. Roy 
advised that he wanted to
pursue charges. I obtained a statement 
from Roy and I then cleared.

On 05/30/2018,I further,looked at the 
document and found that the Notary who 
certified the paperwork was Betty Glynn. I 
went to Betty's residence in Salem. 1 spoke 
with Betty whom advised that the title was 
already signed when it came to her. Betty 
advised that she notarized the title with It 
completely filled out. Betty filled out a 
Statement and I then cleared.

On 05-30-2018 I spoke with Clifford Mullan 
whom advised that the agreed price of the 
vehicle was $1,000 and that when he made 
the payment to Roy, Roy gave him the keys 
and the title. Clifford advised that they were 
suppose to go to the Notary several times 
to have the title signed over. Clifford 
advised that roughly a week af€er the 
transaction was made Roy contacted him 
stating that he feels as if the vehicle was 
worth more and wanted an additional $500. 
Clifford advised at that point he instructed 
his wife to sign Roy's name on the title and 
he would take care of the notary, Roy filled 
out a statement and he then cleared.

On 05-30-2018 I spoke with Julie Mullan 
whom advised that she received the title 
from her husband and he instructed her to 
forge Roy's name on the owner portion of 
the title.  Julie complied with the request 
and Clifford took the document to the 

On 05-30-2018 I spoke with prosecutor 
Tolson whom advised to file F4 Forgery 
charges on Julie and F4 Complicity to 
Forgery on Clifford. State Complaints wilt 
be taken to MCC#3.

Officer Redfern 504

On 5/31/2018 I responded to Mahoning 
County Court 3 to pick up Julie and Clifford 
on warsants 18CRA155 and 18CRA156. 
Julie was fingerprinted, photographed, and 
had DNA collected. Clifford was 
photographed and fingerprinted, Both 
individuals were then transported back to 
MCC#3 for arraignment. I then cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505


Case No.: 18005233

On 5/31/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser, I observed a beige car turn 
south on N 151h St from Ohio Ave when 
the traffic light was red. I was able to get 
caught up to the vehicle in the area of S 
15th St and California Ave and I activated 
my overhead lights. The vehicle, bearing 
Ohio plate ETR3128 turned on E Florida 
Ave and eventually stopped at E Florida 
Ave and S 14th St. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver, Kainan M. 
Ferguson-Smith. Kainan advised he was 
sitting in the intersection and wanted to 
clear the intersection even though the light 
had been red. Upon running Kainan through 
dispatch, it was determined that his driver's 
license was suspended for license forfeiture 
out of Alliance court. Kainan was issued a 
citation for DUS - License Forfeiture 335.07 
SCO and Traffic Control Device - Red Light 
313.01 SCO. 

A valid driver responded to the scene and 
operated the vehicle. Kainan was advised 
of his court date at MCC #3 on 6/7/2018 at 
0900 hours with a personal appearance 
required to which he advised he 
understood. Kainan was unable to provide 
proof of insurance on the vehicle at the time 
of stop.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Tuesday, June 05, 2018
09:55 AM -0500

Case No.: 18005234 
Courtney Rd / N 12th St

On 5/31/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser I was parked in the shipping 
and receiving area of "Famous distribution" 
in the 300 block of Courtney Rd facing west 
when I observed a silver car travelling east 
on Courtney Rd at a visibly high rate of 
speed. I activated handheld radar and 
clocked the vehicle at 53mph in a 35 mph. I 
initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle a Silver 
Chrysler bearing OH GOA6094 on 
Courtney Rd near N 12th St. I made contact 
with the driver identified as Alexandria 

Alexandria was issued a citation for speed 
333.03 and given a Court date at MCC#3 of 
07/14/18 at 0900hrs with a personal
appearance not required, I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 508


DATE: " 05/31/2018 19:44:00
Warrant Arrest
N 14th St and E Indiana Ave

On 5/31/2018, while on patrol, I observed a 
female who had an entered warrant.

While on patrol near E Indiana Ave and N 
14th St, I observed a female whom I knew 
to be Heather Young. I had dispatch check 
for entered arrest warrants to which they 
advised Heather had an entered warrant 
(W18-1142) out of Stark County Sheriffs 
Office for aggravated possession of drugs.

Dispatch advised Stark County wanted her 
for the warrant at which point she was 
placed in custody.

Ptl. Brindack then transported Heather to 
Payless Shoe Store at St Rt 62 and 
Mahoning Ave where she was turned over 
to Stark County.

Reporting Officer Sgt Eberling 503


Case No.: 18006002 
S. 15th st. / Texas Ave. 
Speed 38/255 , SCO 333.03

OR 06/01/2018 at 6:30am I Ptl, Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on S. 15th St. when I observed a vehicle 
traveling south on the same road that 
appeared to be traveling at a high rate of 
speed. I activated my cruiser's mounted 
radar unit and I observed a speed of 38mph 
in a 25mph zone. The vehicle then passed 
my cruiser and I then turned my cruiser 
around and initiated a traffic stop on S. 15Ih 
St. and Texas Ave.

The vehicle was a 2014 white Chevrolet 
Impala bearing an Ohio license plate 
(DOQ9428). I then exited my cruiser and 
approached the vehicle and identified 
myself and informed the driver of the 
reason for the stop. The driver admitted to 
speeding because they were running late to 
work. I requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received.

The driver was identified as Demetria 
Gattis. I then returned to my cruiser and 
wrote Demetria a traffic citation for speed 
SCO 333.03 and gave Demetria a court 
date of 6/14/2018 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance not required for MCC#3. Once 
Demetria signed the citation I provided her 
with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18005220 
Traffic - speed 50/35
100 block S. 12th St.

On 5/30/2018 at 1343hrs while sitting 
stationary on S. 12th St in a marked patrol 
car I observed a red in color Ford SUV 
traveling north at a visibly high rate of 
speed. I locked in the vehicles speed at 
50mph in a 35mph zone with my handheld 
Lidar unit. I initiated a traffic stop in the 100 
block S. 12th St. I identified the driver as 
Rita Biller and informed her of the season 
for the stop. I requested her drives's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
which she provided. I then issued Rita a 
traffic citation for speed SCO 333.03 and 
cited her into MCC#3 with a court date of 
6/7/2018 at 0900hrs with no personal 
appearance required. After Rita signed the 
citation I provided her with a copy and then 

Ptl. KeIm #505


Case No.: 18005221
Traffic - speed 52/35
S 12th St / E Georgia Ave

OR 05/30/18 while in a marked patrol car I 
was parked in the entry way to Heritage 
Oaks in the 200 block S 12th St facing 
south. I observed a black in color SUV 
travelling north at a visibly high rate of 
speed. I activated handheld radar and 
clocked the vehicle at 52mph in a clearly 
posted 35mph zone. I initiated a traffic stop 
on the vehicle a 2018 Hyundai Sante Fe 
bearing OH WF5394 and the vehicle was 
stopped on E Georgia Ave near S 12th St . 

I made contact with the driver identified as 
Christopher Alan Saling Jr., Christopher 
was issued a citation for speed 333.03 and 
given a court date at MCC#3 of 06/07/178 
at 0900hrs with a personal appearance not 

Ptl. Brindack 508


CaseNo.: 18005222
traffic - speed 52/35

On 05/30/18 while in a marked patrol car I 
was parked in shipping and receiving area 
of "Famous distributions" in the 300 block of 
Courtney Rd facing west, I observed a 
white car pass me travelling west at a 
visibly high rate of speed. I activated 
handheld Radar and clocked the vehicle at 
52mph in a clearly posted 35mph zone. I 
initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle a White 
Dodge Charger bearing MI DMP0348 which 
was stopped in the parking lot of unifrax 
near S Johnson Rd. 

I made contact with the driver identified as 
Joseph Dale Slybaugh. Joseph was issued 
a citation for speed 333.03 and given a 
court date at MCC#3 of 06/07/18 at 0900hrs 
with a personal appearance not required. I 
then cleared.

Ptl. Btindack 508


Case No.: 18005224
Traffic - Speed (49/35)
S 12th St near Georgia Ave. Sebring, OH

On 5/30/20 18, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser, I observed a maroon SUV 
traveling north on S 1 2th St at a visibly high 
rate of speed near Alabama Ave. I activated 
my radar unit which confirmed the speed to 
be 49 mph in a clearly posted 35 mph zone. 
I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, 
bearing Ohio plate FEN3619 on S 12th St 
near Georgia Ave. Upon approaching the 
vehicle, I made contact with the driver, who 
was identified as Tracy A. Bigboy. 

Tracy advised she was not from the area 
and her child was screaming in the 
backseat and did not see the speed limit 
signs. I advised Tracy that she passed two 
separate speed limit signs prior to me 
stopping her and her child was asleep.

Tracy was issued a citation for Speed 
333.03 SCO and advised of her court date 
at MCC #3 on 6/7/2018 at 0900 hours.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18005227

On Wednesday, May 30,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling east on W Ohio 
Avenue towards N 15th St in marked unit 
#304. While patrolling, I observed a maroon 
Chevrolet Blazer in front of me bearing Ohio 
registration HFW4972 and could hear the 
vehicle's exhaust emitting an excessive 
noise. After relaying the vehicle's 
registration through dispatch, I conducted a 
traffic stop by activating my overhead 
emergency lights. The vehicle came to a 
complete stop on E Ohio Avenue at N 14th 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Chad M. Richmond, I identified 
myself and informed him of the reason for 
the stop. I then asked Richmond to produce 
his driver's license and proof of insurance. 
Richmond informed me his driver's license 
was suspended and produced an Ohio 
Identification Card. Richmond was unable 
to provide me with insurance 
documentation and advised me the vehicle 
belonged to his girlfriend. While speaking 
with Richmond, I observed that he was not 
wearing his seat belt. I asked.Richmond if 
he had his seat belt on prior to stopping him 
and he admitted to me that he never had 
his seat belt on. After running Richmond's 
identification card through dispatch, I was 
advised his license was under a 
noncompliance suspension.

I then informed Richmond to attempt to 
make contact with a licensed driver to come 
and retrieve the vehicle. At this time, 
Patrolman Scott arrived on scene to assist. 
It was relayed to me by Patrolman Scott 
that Richmond's cell phone died and was 
unable to make contact with anyone. At this 
time, I advised dispatch to send a tow truck 
to the location. 

Richmond was issued citation #031120 for 
Village Ordinances 335.07 Driving Under 
Suspension - Noncompliance, 337.21 
Safety Belt: Failure to Wear (Driver) and 
advised of his mandatory appearance 
before Mahoning County Court #3 on 
Thursday, June 7,2018 at 0900.

An administrative inventory of the vehicle 
was conducted and subsequently towed 
from the scene by Springer Towing & 
Repair. I then provided Richmond with a 
courtesy transport to 11631 Duck Creek 
Lane in Goshen Township as the 
circumstances would have rendered him 
stranded in the village.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case No.: . 18005228
E. Ohio Ave. / N. 12th St.
Driving Under Suspension

On 05/31/2018 at 1:16am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was stationary at the 
Huntington Bank on E. Ohio Ave. I 
observed an individual driving a vehicle that 
I knew was suspended pulling out of the 
Circle K parking lot. I then pulled out of the 
parking of the Huntington Bank and 
positioned myself behind the vehicle. I then 
initiated a traffic
stop near E. Ohio Ave. and N 12th and the 
vehicle then pulled into their residence.

The vehicle was a gold 2004 Pontiac 4 door 
bearing an Ohio license plate (HBQ1775).

I then exited the vehicle and identified 
myself and informed the driver of the 
reason for the traffic stop. I then requested 
their drives's license, registration, and proof 
of insurance in which I received none. I was 
able to identify the driver as Krystal Fredrick 
which when her information was ran 
through dispatch I was advised that Krystal 
was suspended. I informed Krystal of her 
suspension in which she stated she had no 
knowledge of the suspension.

I then wrote Krystal a traffic citation for 
driving under Suspension SCO 335.07 and 
gave Krystal a court date of 6/7/2018 at 
9:OOam with a personal appearance 
required for MCC#3. Once Ksystal signed 
the citation I then provided her with a copy 
and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18005229 

On Thursday, May 31,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #304 at the 
corner of E Ohio Ave and N l4lh St. I 
observed a red Chevrolet Cavalier depart 
from Circle K on N 14th Street and turn east 
onto E Maryland Ave. I then began to follow 
the vehicle on E Maryland Ave as I was 
able to hear the vehicle's exhaust emitting 
an excessive noise. I then conducted a 
traffic stop by activating my overhead 
emergency lights. The vehicle, a red 
Chevrolet Cavalier bearing Ohio registration 
GTha7483, came to a complete stop on E 
Maryland Ave at N 13th St.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Tiffany Bolen, I identified 
myself and informed her of the reason for 
the stop. I then asked Bolen for her drives's 
license, registration and insurance 
information. Bolen was unable to produce 
any of the aforementioned documents but 
was able to provide me with her name and 
date of birth. Bolen was accompanied by a 
male passenger, identified as Mark Mueller, 
who was able to provide me with 
identification upon request. I asked Bolen if 
she did in fact have a valid driver's license 
and she stated to me she did but left it at 
home. After relaying Bolen's information 
through dis atch, I was notified that Bolen's 
license was under a Child Support 

Patrolman Scott arrived on scene shortly 
thereafter to assist. I then advised dispatch 
to send a tow truck to the location. Bolen 
and Mueller then exited the vehicle and 
were advised they were detained until the 
traffic stop was concluded. Patrolman Scott 
then conducted an administrative inventory 
of the vehicle. Bolen was issued citation 
#031121 for Village Ordinance 335.07 
Driving Under Suspension -Child Support 
and advised of her mandatory court 
appearance before Mahoning County Court 
#3 on Thursday, June 7,2018 at 0900. After 
the administrative inventory of the vehicle 
was concluded, Bolen and Mueller were 
released from the scene on foot.

The vehicle was then towed from the scene 
by Springer Towing & Repair.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case No.: 18005213

On 05/29/18 I was parked in a marked 
police cruiser in the shipping and receiving 
area of "Famous distribution" in the 300 
block of Courtney Rd facing north. I 
observed a tan car travelling at a visibly 
high rate of speed. I activated handheld 
Radar and clocked the vehicle at 50mph in 
a clearly marked 35mph zone. I initiated a 
traffic stop on the vehicle a tan Chevy 
Impala bearing OH DPH7070 on Courtney 
Rd near N 12th St. 

I made contact with the driver identified as 
Damian F Perry. Damian was issued a 
citation for speed 333.03 and given a court 
date at MCC#3 of 05/29/18 at 0900hrs with 
a personal appearance not required. I then 

Ptl. Brindack 508


Thursday, May 31, 2018
03:13 PM -0500

Case No.: 18005207
REPORT DATE: 05/28/2018 21.38 00
336 E. Indiana Ave. Sebring, OH
DOC W/ Persist M-4

On 5/28/2018, I was dispatched to 336 E 
lndiana Ave for a loud music complaint.

Sgt. Eberling #503

Upon arrival, Ptl. Rober and I made contact 
with Brian P. Tewksbury and Joshua A. 
Hanshaw. I attempted to speak with Brian 
on his property at 336 E Indiana Ave as Ptl. 
Rober spoke with Joshua at 326 E Indiana 
Ave. Brian was very worked up and would 
not follow basic instructions. Brian advised 
he did have his music up but wanted 
Joshua to just tell him to turn it down and 
not us. Brian advised that Joshua was 
allegedly threatening to harm himself and 
was concerned. 

Due to the two having issues In the past, I 
advised Brian to just remain on his porch 
while we spoke with Joshua separate. 

Brian refused to comply and walked to the 
edge of his property and kept yelling 
obscenities towards Josh. I advised Brian 
multiple times to stop and go back to his 
porch so we could speak to Josh separate. 
Brian then continued to yell obscenities in 
the area of young children and concerned 
neighbors after being told multiple times to 
calm down. 

Brian was then placed under arrest for 
Disorderly Conduct with Persist 2917.11(E)
(3)(a) M-4 and placed in the back of my 
patrol car. Officers then spoke with Joshua 
who advised he would never harm himself 
but was tired of Brian playing his music loud 
and yelling at him. Joshua was advised to 
try and avoid contact with Brian in the future 
due to them not being able to get along to 
which he advised he would. Joshua was 
advised that if problems continue to contact 
the police department and we will help out.

Brian was transported back to headquarters 
where he was processed and released on 
his own recognizance and given a court 
date at MCC #3 on 5/31/2018 at 0900 
hours. Brian was just arrested by this 
department on 5/25/2018 for the same 
offense and has the same court date for this 

Sgt. Eberling #503

On 05/28/20781 Offtcer Rober along with 
Sergeant Eberling was dispatched to 336 E 
Indiana for a loud music complaint and 
possible fighting. Upon arrival Sgt Eberling 
was already on scene speaking with the 
suspect Brian Tewksbury and I began to 
speak with Josh Hanshaw and Tabitha 

Both individuals stated to me that Brian was 
blaring his music so loud that it can be 
heard from around the block. That's when 
Josh stated that he went over to Brian's 
house and asked him to turn it down and 
that's when an altercation took place.

Josh stated that he is mentally handicapped 
and that he is not going to harm himself 
despite what Brian says to the other officer.

PTL Rober 511


Case No.: 18005197
437 N 15th St., Sebring
Domestic Violence M4

On 5/26/2018 at 12:07am I Ptl. Scott along 
with Ptl. Marchionda responded to a 
disturbance at 437 N. 75th St.

Ptl. Scott #506

Upon arrival I entered the residence and 
was met by Holly Huston and she stated 
that her son Trent Maxwell had picked up a 
baseball bat and started to damage 
property inside her house. Holly stated that 
at one point Trent pointed the baseball bat 
at her and threatened her with it. Holly 
stated that Trent eventually calmed down 
and put the baseball bat down and went 
upstairs into his room. I then walked 
upstairs to look for Trent which was when 
Ptl. Marchionda arrived and assisted me in 
searching for Trent.

While upstairs Holly yelled that he was 
outside and Me along with Ptl. Marchionda 
exited the residence and observed Trent 
next to marked unit #301 eating apple 
sauce asking to be taken away.

I asked Trent what happened and Trent 
stated that he wanted to leave. I asked 
Trent if he used a baseball bat to threaten 
his mother and Trent stated "Yes". I 
instructed Ptl. Marchionda to detain Trent 
with hand restraints and to place him in the 
back of marked unit #301 in which Ptl. 
Marchionda did.

Holly then came outside and I asked Holly if 
she wanted to pursue criminal charges 
against Trent and Holly stated "Yes". I then 
obtained a domestic violence packet and 
informed Holly that Trent would be charged 
with Domestic violence 2919.25(C) M-4 for 
threatening Holly and making her believe 
that there was an actual threat to her well 
being in which she agreed and signed for 
the charges. 

Once the domestic packet was finished and 
the charges where signed I gained 
statements and photographs of the scene 
which consisted of damaged property and 
the baseball bat used to carry out the act. I 
gained statements from Holly and her 12 
year old son who witnessed the incident 
and also signed the domestic packet as a 
witness. Holly then informed me that she 
thinks Trent took several oxycontin pills that 
where prescribed to him in which Trent 
denied. Trent stated that he had the pills in 
his dresser in which Holly retrieved.

The pills where in a bottle of twenty 
capsules with a large amount missing. I 
then called for first responders to assist to 
take Trent to the hospital for medical 
clearance. I then placed Trent under arrest 
for domestic violence and his miranda rights 
were read to him by Ptl. Marchionda and 
witnessed by me. First responders arrived 
and observed and questioned Trent if he 
took the pills or not in which Trent denied 
taking them, 

Due to the situation and for Trents safety 
Trent was transported to the Alliance 
Community Hospital by Sebring fire 
personal and Ptf. Marchionda accompanied 
them due to Trent being in custody. Once 
Trent was cleared from the hospital and 
Trent was brought back to station where 
papework was filled out for Mahoning 
County Juvenile Justice Center. 
Ptl.Marchionda then transported Trent to 
the juvenile center and Trent was 
transferred into their custody and cleared 
once the transfer was finished.

Ptl. Scott #506

Upon my arrival, I, Patrolman Marchionda, 
entered the residence after Patrolman 
Scott. As we attempted to locate Maxwell 
on the second floor of the residence, his 
mother shouted that he was outside. 
Patrolman Scott and I then exited the 
residence and located Maxwell walking 
toward marked car #301 while sipping on 
an unknown substance, later found to be a 
cup of applesauce.

Upon making contact with Maxwell, he 
stated to us he threatened his mom with a 
baseball bat and didn't want to be where he 
was anymore, calling his home a dump and 
wanting to leave with us. Due to the nature 
of the complaint, Maxwell was handcuffed 
behind his back (gapped/dble locked) and 
placed into the back seat of marked unit 
#301. Maxwell also conveyed to us that he 
had taken a large amount of pills and then 
later recanted, stating he only took one 
ibuprofen. At this time, Patrolman Scott 
notified dispatch and requested EMS be 
sent to the scene 

While I remained with Maxwell, Patrolman 
Scott went back into the residence with a 
domestic violence packet. Patrolman Scott 
came back out a short time later and 
advised that Huston had signed domestic 
violence charges against her son. I then 
advised Maxwell was under arrest and read 
him his Miranda Rights and asked if he 
understood them. Maxwell stated he 
understood his rights. 

Members of the Sebring Fire Department 
arrived on scene, including Chief Anderson. 
It was conveyed to Anderson by Maxwell 
that he did not overdose on pills, later 
revealed to be oxycontin, and that there 
were approximately 6 pills in a drawer 
located somewhere in the house.

After relaying information about the pills to 
Patrolman Scott and with the assistance of 
Maxwell's mother, Patrolman Scott located 
7 pills that Maxwell said were oxyeantin. 
The 7 pills were then placed into an 
evidence bag and secured in unit #301. 
Chief Anderson was able to obtain a 
prescription bottle dated 5/23/2018 with a 
qty. of 220 pills. Maxwell stated to Anderson 
he took 2 pills as directed on one of the 
previous days and then subsequently took 
another 8 in an attempt to commit suicide, 
but changed his mind and threw them back 
up. I then took the 7 pills in the evidence 
bag and placed them into the prescription 
bottle and secured the bottle In my patrol 

Maxwell's cuffs were removed at this time 
and he was placed into Medic-2 and 
transported to Alliance Community Hospital 
for medical evaluation. Maxwell made 
several utterances that he would flee from 
the hospital should he end up being 
admitted. I advised dispatch that I would be 
following Medic-2 to the hospital while 
Patrolman Scott remained on scene.

After arriving at Alliance Community 
Hospital, fD personnel advised me Maxwell 
remained calm and cooperative during 
transport. While in the emergency room, 
Maxwell made several utterances to me 
that although he did destroy property within 
the residence and threaten his mom with 
the bat, that he would not actually hit her. 
Maxwell even uttered at one point that he 
demanded his mom to call the police. The 
nurses working in the emergency room 
advised me that Maxwell's blood work came 
back and he was negative for any type of 
medication or drugs and was cleared for 

Following Maxwell's discharge from Alliance 
Community Hospifal, 1 transported him 
back to the Sebring Police Department for 
further processing. While on station, 
Maxwell was informed he was being 
charged with ORC 2919.25C Domestic 
Violence M4. Maxwell was then transported 
from the Sebring Police Department to the 
Mahoning County Juvenile Justice Center 
In Youngstown. After arriving back at the 
Sebring Police Department, the prescription 
pill bottle labeled as Hydrocodone and pills 
were photographed, logged and secured 
into property locker #1 at 0423.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case No.: 18005190
traffic Seatbelt requited [driver)
Courtney Rd near S 12th St

On 05/25/18 I was parked in a marked 
police cruiser in the shipping and receiving 
area of "Famous distribution" in the 300 
block of Courtney Rd facing north. I 
observed a silver truck travelling East at a 
visibly high rate of speed. I activated the 
department Lidar unit and clocked the 
vehicle at 52mph in a 35mph. I waited for 
the vehicle to pass me and as it did I also 
observed the driver was not wearing her 

I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle silver 
GMC truck bearing OH GQR2449 and the 
vehicle stopped on Courtney Rd near S 
121h St. I made contact with the driver 
identified as Shae Marie Marshall. Shae 
was given a verbal warning for her speed 
and was issued a citation for seatbelt 
required 337.27 and given court date at 
MCC#3 of 06/07/18 at 0900hrs with a 
personal appearance not required. I then 

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case No.: 18005188

On Friday, May 25,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #301 on State 
Route 62 near S Johnson Rd. I observed a 
silver truck traveling west on State Route 62 
at what appeared to be a high rate of 

Using a handheld Genesis-VP, I was able to 
track the vehicle's speed at 74 MPH in a 
posted 55 MPH zone. After locking the
vehicle speed and allowing it to pass my 
location, I pulled out onto State Route 62 
and performed a traffic stop by activating 
my overhead emergency lights and audible 

The vehicle, a silver 2015 Chevrolet 
Silverado bearing Ohio registration 
GRD9697, came to a complete stop in the 
parking lot of Perkins at the corner of State 
Route 62 and S Johnson Rd.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Ivan Snyder, I identified myself 
and informed him of the reason for the stop. 
I then asked Snyder for his driver's license 
and insurance information, which he was 
able to provide.

Snyder was issued citation #031119 for 
Village Ordinance 333.03 Speed - Over 
Limits (74/55) and advised of his court date 
in Mahoning County Court #3 on Thursday, 
June 7,2018 at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case No.: 18005187
356 E. Indiana Ave. 
DOC w/ Persist

On 5/25/2018 I Ptl. Scott along with Ptl. 
Marchionda were dispatched a second time 
to 366 E. Indiana Ave. for a disturbance.

Upon arrival I met with Brian Tewksbury in 
his driveway again yelling about his phone. 
Brian" child's mother was present and I 
spoke to her and she stated that she woke 
up and started to fight with Brian about his 
missing phone and that Brian and his 
neighbor got into a verbal confrontation. 
Joshua Hanshaw which is his neighbor 
walked over and I spoke with him and he 
stated that he heard loud commotion and 
thought that someone was breaking into his 
residence and he came outside with a knife 
and told Brian to keep it down in which 
Brian threatened to fight him. Brian stated 
that Joshua threatened him with a knife. 
Joshua wanted to pursue criminal charges 
against Brian for threatening him, I then had 
Ptl. Marchionda detain Brian due to him 
pacing and rambling on about Joshua so 
that he would not instigate anything 
between the two.

Joshua also appeared to have a mental 
condition and his story was conflicting. 
Joshua filled out a written statement but the 
statement was not consistent to what he 
told me and it was determined that due to 
Joshua" mental state criminal charges 
would not be pressed against Brian in 
Joshua's behalf due to Joshua not 
completely understanding the 
circumstances or what was happening. 
Marc Muller then approached me and 
showed me a video containing just audio of 
Brian and his child's mother
arguing outside. I could hear Brian 
screaming swearing and breaking glass,

This was the second time being at his 
residence and Brian had disturbed his 
residence" occupants along with his 
neighbors. Brian was ordered prior ta cease 
his erratic behavior and to calm down. I 
then told Ptl. Marchionda to advise Brian 
that he is being placed under arrest for 
disorderly conduct with persistence.

Brian was then transported back to station 
where he was processed. Brian was 
fingerprinted and photographed by Ptl. 
Marchionda. I began papenwork for Brian 
and gave Brian a recognizance bond of 
$500.00 for Disorderly Conduct with 
Persistence 2917.1 ?(E)(3)(a) an M-4 and 
gave Brian a court date of 5/31/201 8 st 
9:OOam. Brian signed his recognizance 
form and was provided a copy of it. I then 
told Brian that he needs to cease his 
actions and that if he thinks someone took 
his phone he should file a police report. Ptl, 
Marchionda then provided Brian a courtesy 
transpost back to his residence.

 PtF. Scott #SO6


Case No.: 18005184
S 15th St near E Penn Ave

On 05/24/18 While on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser I was travelling South on N 
15th St when I observed a Silver car 
Traveling North on South 15th St come over 
the railroad tracks and had a headlight out 
on the passenger side. The vehicle turned 
East onto E Pennsylvania and as it turned I 
also observed the driver was not wearing 
her seatbelt. I initiated a Traffic stop on the 
vehicle a silver Chevy Cobalt bearing OH 
UE743818 in the 100 block of E 
Pennsylvania Ave. I made contact with the 
driver identified as Jessica Marie 
Fotheringham. Jessica was given a warning 
for headlights required and issued a citation 
for Seatbelt required 337.27 and was given 
a court date at MCC#3 of 05/31/18 at 
0900hrs with a personal appearance 
required as she could not show proof of 
insurance. I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case No.: 18005182 
Courtney Rd near S 12th St

On 05/24/18 I was parked facing west in a 
mark patrol car in the shipping and 
receiving area of "Famous distribution" in 
the 300 block of Courtney Rd. I observed a 
white SUV travelling east on Courtney Rd at 
a visibly high rate of speed. The vehicle 
was locked in on hand held Radar at 49mph 
in a clearly marked 35mph zone. I initiated 
a traffic stop on the vehicle a White GMC 
Terrain bearing OH HFB7523 and the 
vehicle was stopped on Courtney Rd near S 
12 th St, I made contact with the driver 
identified as John F Medina. John was 
issued a citation for speed 333.03 and 
given a court date at MCC#3 of 05/31/18 at 
0900hrs with a personal appearance not 
required. I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case No.: 18005181
W. Ohio Ave. IN. Johnson Rd.

On 05/24/2018 at 12:44am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was stationary at W. 
Ohio Ave. and N. Johnson Rd. and 
observed a vehicle traveling west on W. 
Ohio Ave. and did not make a complete 
stop at the intersection of W. Ohio Ave. and 
N. Johnson Rd. which had both a stop sign 
and red flashing lights. I then pulled behind 
the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop on W. 
Ohio Ave. west of N. Johnson Rd.

The vehicle was a 2003 blue Dodge truck 
bearing an Ohio license plate (DCU7711). I 
then exited my cruiser and approached the 
vehicle and met with the driver which was 
identified as Christopher Wilke and I 
requested his driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I only 
received the vehicles registration. 
Christopher was identified by name, date of 
birth, and social security number.

I then informed Christopher of the reason 
for the stop and Christopher admitted to not 
coming to a complete stop. I then wrote 
Christopher a traffic citation for traffic 
control devices SCO 313.01 for MCC#3 
with a court date of 5/31/2018 at 9:00am 
with a personal appearance required. Once 
Christopher signed the citation I then 
provided him with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18005180

On Wednesday, May 23,2018,I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #304 at the 
corner of N Johnsen Rd and W Ohio Ave. I 
was positioned off N.Johnson Rd facing 
south with the rear radar antenna active. I 
observed through the driver side view mirror 
a vehicle approaching from the north at 
what appeared to be a high rate of speed 
and checked the digital readout on the 
mounted radar unit. As the vehicle passed 
W Virginia Ave, I observed a speed readout 
of 57 MPH in a posted 35 MPH zone. I then 
locked the vehicle's speed in and observed 
the vehicle quickly decelerate before turning 
east onto W Maryland Ave,

I then pulled out onto N Johnson Rd, 
activated my overhead emergency lights 
and made my way onto W Maryland Ave to 
catch up with the vehicle. The vehicle, a red 
Mazda 3 bearing Ohio registration 
GNK6108, came to a complete stop on W 
Maryland Ave near N lgrh St. After relaying 
my location and the vehicle's information to 
dispatch, I was advised by dispatch the 
vehicle matched the description of a vehicle 
that had reportedly drove past the Smith 
Township Police Department at a speed of 
approximately 60 MPH.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Rachel M. Sara, I identified 
myself and advised her of the reason for the 
stop. I asked Sara for her driver license and 
insurance information. Sara was able to 
produce her license but not her insurance 
documentation. Sara was issued citation 
#031118 for Village Ordinance 333.03 
Speed - Over Limits (57/35) and advised of 
her mandatory court appearance before 
MCC #3 on Thursday, May 31,2018 at 

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case No.: 18005179
Warrant Pick- Up (Stark County Pur-2)

On 5/23/2018,I picked up a male at 112 E 
Texas Ave on an entered warrant

Sgt. Eberling #503

While on patrol in a marked police miser, I 
observed a male walk inside a detached 
garage at 112 E Texas Ave who I knew to 
have an entered warrant I had dispatch 
venfy that Taylor C. Whan had entered 
warrants to which it was confirmed he had 
two warrants, one from Stark County Sheriff 
Office and one through Aduk Parale. I made 
contact at the residence with Shanda Coen 
and advised her that I observed Taylor walk 
into the garage and shut the door and I 
needed ta speak with him.

Shanda knocked on the door and Taylor 
eventually came outside without 
confrontation. Dispatch confirmed that Stark 
County wanted him at which point he was 
placed in custody for their warrant W18-841 
Pur-2Probation Violation. I transported him 
to Payless Shoes at the corner of Mahoning 
Ave and St Rt 62 where I met up with the 
Stark Cnty then took custody of Taylor and I 
cleared the sene.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18005177 

On 05/23/18 I was parked in the shipping 
and receiving area of Hiass Fabripart LLC 
at 100 S 12th St Facing South. I observed a 
white SUV travelling North On Sl2th St at a 
visibly high rate of speed. The vehicle was 
clocked with stationary Radar at 48mph in a 
clearly marked 35mph zone. I initiated a 
traffic stop on the vehicle A White Chevy 
Suburban bearing OH 150YXJ on S 12th St 
near the railroad tracks. I made contact with 
the driver identified as Theresa M Miller, 
Theresa was issued a citation for speed 
333.03 48mph/35mph and given a court 
date at MCC#3 of 05/31/18 at O9OOhrs 
with a personal appearance not required. I 
then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case No.: 18005176 
traffic - Speed 53/35
S 12th WE Georgia Ave

On 05/23/18 I was parked in a marked 
patrol car in the entry way of heritage oaks 
in the 200 block of S 12th St facing east, 
when I observed a Blue SUV travelling 
North on S lZt" St. at a visibly high rate of 
speed. The vehicle was clocked on LIDAR 
at 53mph in a clearly marked 35Mph zone. I 
initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle a blue 
Buick Encore bearing OH EQM6176 on S 
12th St near E Georgia Ave. I made contact 
with the driver identified as Kerry A Hawk. 
Keny was issued a citation for speed 
333.03 53/35 and given a court date at 
MCC#3 of 05/31/18 at 0900hrs with a 
personal appearance not required. I then 

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case No.: 18005173 
100 Block S. 12th St

On 5/23/2018 at 0858hrs while sitting 
stationary on S. 12& St. in a marked patrol 
car I observed a black in color Chrysler van 
traveling north at a visibly high rate of 
speed. I locked in the vehicles speed at 
47mph in a 35mph zone with my cruisers 
mounted radar unit. I initiated a traffic stop 
in the 100 block S. 12th St. I identified the 
driver as April
Norris and informed her of the reason for 
the stop. I requested her driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance. April 
was unable to produce proof of financial 
responsibility. I then issued April a traffic 
citation for speed SCO 333.03 and cited her 
into MCC#3 with a court date of 5/31/2018 
at 0900hrs with a personal appearance 
required. After April signed the citation I 
provided her with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Kelm #505


Wednesday, May 30, 2018
04:46 PM -0500

Case No.: 18003129
Agg. Poss. Drugs - Schedule II (Warrant) F-

On 5/23/2018 dispatch advised that Goshen 
TWP PD was out with Steven McGrew and 
we had an entered felony warrant on him. 
Chief McDaniel transported  McGrew to 
headquarters where he was placed in 
custody for the felony warrant #18CRB141 
for Aggravated Possession of Drugs - 
Schedule 11 2925.11C1A. McGrew was 
processed and transported to Mahoning 
County Jail on the warrant by Ptl. Brindack 
with a court date at MCC #3 on 5-24-2018 
at 0900 hours. McGrew's DNA was already 
on file therefor it was not collected at the 
time of arrest.

Sgt Eberling 503

On 03/25/2018 I Ptl. Scott made a traffic 
stop which resulted in the driver being cited 
for driving under suspension. While 
preforming an inventory of the vehicle a 
glass pipe containing a white powder 
substance was found and placed into 
evidence. The pipe was placed into a 
property bag and sealed by my self on 
03/28/2018 to be sent to the lab. This close 
will remain open pending lab results for 
possible charges. See traffic narrative 
18003129 for the full report.

Ptl. Scott #506

Lab results for the glass pipe that was 
confiscated from the vehicle that Steven 
Mcgrew was operating on the night of 
3/25/2018 were obtained and tested 
positive for methamphetamines.

Steven was driving the vehicle and was 
responsible for its contents. Therefore a 
warrant as filed for Steven for Aggravated 
Possession of a Schedule II drug F-5. 
Steven is currently in the Mahoning County 
Jail on this charge.

Ptl. Scott #506

On 03/25/2018 at 1:11am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on N. 14"' St. when I observed a vehicle 
that was in front of my cruiser had a license 
plate light that was out. I then initiated a 
traffic stop on N. 14th St. and Indiana Ave. 
the vehicle was a 2003 bronze Cadillac 
Escalade bearing an Ohio license plate 
(HJA5282). I then approached the vehicle 
and informed the driver for the reason of the 
stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received none of the documents 
requested. I then asked the driver for their 
information consisting of their name, social, 
and date of birth in which I received and the 
driver was identified as Steven Mcgrew. 

I then was advised through dispatch that 
Steven's driving privileges where 
suspended and I then informed Steven of 
this and instructed him to gather whatever 
items that where valuable because the 
vehicle was being towed. 

I then wrote Steven a traffic citation for 
license plate light SCO 337.04 and driving 
under suspension (Noncompliance) SCO 
335.073 while Ptl. Siranovic stood by. Once 
Steven signed the citation I then issued 
Steven a copy. Springer's Towing then 
arrived and Steven along with his 
passenger Mark Mueller then decided to 
walk to a residence on Indiana Ave. 

I along with Ptl. Siranovic then conducted 
an inventory of the vehicle which consisted 
of trash, a toy gun, towing straps, and a 
bag. Also a glass pipe was found on the 
passenger side of the vehicle which had a 
white a powdery substance throughout the 
inside of the pipe which was confiscated. 
The pipe was given a property tag and 
stored inside of property locker #1. The 
vehicle was then towed to Springer's 
Towing and a tow slip was signed by the 

Steven was cited in to MCC#3 with a court 
date of 03/29/2018 at 9:00am with a 
personal appearance required. Once the 
vehicle I along with Ptl. Siranovic then 

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18005172 

On Tuesday, May 23, 2018,I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #302 on 
Courtney Road near Allied Drive. I 
observed a black vehicle traveling west on 
Courtney Road at a high rate of speed. 
After activating the mounted radar unit, I 
observed the vehicle's speed of 5OMPH in 
a posted 35MPH zone. After locking the 
vehicle's speed in, I pulled out onto 
Courtney Drive and performed a traffic stop 
by activating my overhead emergency 

The vehicle, a black Cadillac four door 
sedan bearing Ohio registration GCN7132, 
came to a complete stop on Courtney Road 
near N Johnson Road.

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Jesse Carpenter, I identified 
myself and advised him of the reason for 
the stop. I then asked Carpenter to produce 
his driver's license, registration and proof of 
insurance. Carpenter was able to produce 
his license and registration but not a valid 
copy of his insurance. Upon being handed 
Carpenter's license and running his license 
number through dispatch, it was observed 
and confirmed through dispatch that his 
driver's license had expired on May 10, 

Carpenter was issued citation #031117 for 
Village Ordinances 333.03 Speed - Over 
Limits (50/35), 335.01 License Required - 
Expired OLN and advised of his mandatory 
court appearance before MCC #3 on 
Thursday, May 31,2018 at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


DATE: 05/23/2018 04:04:00

On 5/23/2018 I Ptl Scott along with Ptl 
Marchionda was dispatched to 532 W 
Texas in reference to an unwanted person.

Ptl. Scott #506

UPON arrival I met with the caller Nora 
Rhinehart who stated that her mom's ex 
boyfriend XXXX came to her residence 
complaining about her mother and had a 
baseball bat and also stated that he had a 
pistol. Nora did not see the pistol. Nora told 
XXXXX to leave which w did.

XXXX did not threaten Nora and then 
traveled to Nora's mothers house and 
Alliance POLICE STORY was involved. 
Nora asked to keep an extra watch on her 
house. Once all information was gathered 
both officers cleared from the scene.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case No.: 18005170

On 5/22/2018 I Ptl Scott attempted to stop a 
vehicle which led to the arrest of the driver.

Ptl. Scott #506

While on patrol I was traveling behind a 
vehicle on N. 15th St. passing Maryland 
Ave and I heard the vehicle in front of me 
had a very loud exhaust. I then activated 
my overhead lights to initiate a traffic stop.  
The vehicle continued to drive north of N. 
15th. I then advised dispatch that I was 
attempting to stop a vehicle at this location 
and advised dispatch that the vehicle was 
still moving.

The vehicle then turned onto Indiana Ave 
traveling west.  I then activated my siren 
and the vehicle continued to travel west on 
Indiana Ave.  The vehicle then turned onto 
N 16th St. traveling south and came to the 
intersection of N. 16th and W. Maryland 
Ave. and the vehicle stopped at the 
intersection.  I advised dispatch that the 
vehicle has stopped and relayed the 
location. The vehicle was a white 2004 Ford 
Escape bearing Ohio license plate 
FKA5195.  I then exited my cruiser and 
approached the vehicle and met with the 
driver which was identified as Zachary Clair 
and I asked him why he did not stop when I 
initially attempted to stop his vehicle.  

Zachary was visibly distressed and stated 
that he knew he was being pulled over but 
was not going to stop because his driver's 
license is suspended.  I asked him if he had 
his driver's license on him and he stated no.  
Zachary was identified by his name and 
date of birth.  

Dispatch advised me that Zachary's driver's 
license was suspended. I then informed 
Zachary of this and ordered him to exit his 
vehicle and placed him under arrest for 
failure to comply with order or signal of 
police officer M-1 ORC 2921.331 B. 
Zachary was placed in hand restraints and 
patted down for officer safety and placed in 
the rear of marked Unit 304.

I then called for a tow for the vehicle and 
Springers Towing arrived.  Ptl Marchionda 
performed an inventory of the vehicle and 
gathered essentials of Zachary that were 
still inside the vehicle and stood by for the 
tow. I read Zachary his miranda rights at 
12:OOam and transported Zachary back to 
station to process him. Zachary was 
processed once back at station, 

Ptl. Russell obtained booking photographs 
and Ptl. Marchionda obtained fingerprints of 
Zachary. I completed paperwork and gave 
Zachary a recognizance bond of $1,250.00 
for the failure to comply which Zachary 
signed. I then wrote Zachary a traffic 
citation for.loud exhaust SCO 331.36 and 
driving under suspension SCO335.07. 
Zachary was given a court date of 
5/24/2018 at 9:OOam with a personal 
appearance required and once Zachary 
signed the citation he was provided with a 

Zachary was given a copy of his citation 
and his recognizance bond form which both 
had his court date listed. Once processing 
was complete and Zachary was given his 
property and copies of his paperwork and 
he was released. The vehicle was towed to 
Springer's Towing on 10 N. 12th St. with no 
hold due to the vehicle not belonging to 

Ptl. Scott #506


DATE: 05/22/2018

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Harold Kelley. Harold advised 
sometime last night his homes front storm 
door glass had been shattered. Harold 
advised he had no idea who could have 
done it and was unsure what time it would 
have occurred. 

I checked around the area to try to find what 
may have been used to break the window 
but was unable to find anything. Harold 
advised he was sure his insurance would 
not cover the damage but just want a report 

Ptl. Kelm #505


DATE: 05/03/2018 15:00:00

On 5/3/2018 I was dispatched to the garage 
behind 336 E. Indiana for a trash complaint.

Upon arrival I observed a very large amount 
of trash, Construction supplies, and an 
excessive amount of scrap metal, and two 
junk vehicles a red ford truck with no plates 
and a dodge truck bearing OH EJG3113. 
Upon further investigation I also observed a 
3rd junk vehicle at 336 E Indiana with no 
plates. The garage was determined to 
belong to Christopher Tewksbury along with 
the dodge truck.

The other two vehicles were determined to 
belong to Mark Mueller and Rebecca 
Brodzenski. Trash and Junk vehicle letter 
were written and Chris was served with one 
trash and one vehicle letter.

Rebecca was served with Two vehicle 
letters. Due to the extremely large amount 
of trash Chris was given 10 days to clean 
up the mess and to avoid confusion of 
deadlines all parties were given 10 days on 
the vehicles as well. 

Ptl. Brindack 508

On 5/22/2018 I observed all the trash and 
the huge amounts of scrap metal had been 
removed.  The only thing that remained on 
the property was firewood. I also observed 
that the 2 vehicles belonging to Mark 
Mueller had been removed and the truck 
beloning to Chris Tewksbury was 

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case No.: 18005163
700 block W Ohio Ave. Sebring, OH

On 5/21/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser, I observed two vehicles 
traveling west on W Ohio Ave that had the 
same plate number. I had dispatch run the 
Ohio plate HLC3410 which came back on a 
2004 Chevy car however the plate was on 
that car as well as a silver Buick. I initiated 
a traffic stop on the Buick in the 700 block 
of W Ohio Ave which was bearing Ohio 
plate HLC3410 on the rear of the vehicle 

The Chevy car also pulled over which had 
the same Ohio pl. on the rear only.  I 
approached the Buick and made contact 
with the driver, who was identified as 
Samuel J. Hershberger. Samuel advised he 
just purchased the car off a female near 
Salem and was told to take the plate off the 
other car and put it on the Buick to get it 
back to Navarre. The driver of the other 
vehicle was identified as John M. Miller. 
John advised Samuel was his friend and 
was advised by an unknown male to take 
one plate off his car and put it on the Buick 
to get the Buick back to Navarre. 

Samuel retrieved his plate off the Buick and 
placed it back on the front of his car, which 
is the vehicle the plates were registered to. 

I issued a citation to Samuel for Fictitious 
Plates 335.10 SCO and advised him of his 
court date at MCC #3 on 5/24/2018 at 0900 

Samuel was advised he would need to 
personally appear to provide proof of 
insurance on the vehicle to which he 
advised he understood. Due to the vehicle 
not having license plates, Springer's Towing 
was requested to remove the vehicle from 
the roadway. 

Ptl. Rober performed a pre-tow inventory of 
the vehicle and Springer's removed it. 
Samuel was advised once he gets valid 
license plates or a temporary tag which is 
registered to him for the vehicle it could be 
removed from impound or trailered out of 
Sebring to which he advised he understood. 

John Miller then transported Samuel back 
to Navarre. Samuel had a signed title for 
the vehicle and I had dispatch run the VIN 
which did not come back stolen.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18005162
Courtney Rd @ N 21st
Speed (52-35)

I Officer Rober while on patrol in marked 
unit 302 was conducting stationary radar on 
Courtney Rt1 and Allied Dr when I observed 
a silver in color Ford truck that appeared to 
be travelling above the posted speed. I then 
activated the department issued radar 
located in unit 302 and got a locked speed 
of 52mph in a 35mph zone. I then activated 
my emergency lights and made a stop of 
the vehicle on Courtney Rd and N 21st. I 
then identified myself and the reason for the 
stop and identified the driver as Brandon 

Brandon stated he must have not paid 
attention to the speed limit and that he just 
put new brakes on his sister's car. I then 
issued Brandon a citation for speed 
(333.03) and gave him a court date of 
05/31/2018 at MCC#3 at 0900hrs. Upon 
nothing further I cleared and resumed patrol

Ptl J.Rober #511



Friday, May 25, 2018
07:30 PM -0500

DATE: 05/20/2018 11:28:00


I responded to the 200 block of W. lndiana 
Ave. and observed the above mentioned 
dog. The 2 complainant advised the dog 
belonged at 155 W. lndiana Ave. I 
attempted to approach the dog but it 
continued to run away.

I responded to 155 W. lndiana Aye, to make 
contact with the owners wih negative 
results. Dog Running at Large Letter was 
delivered to 155 W. Indiana Ave. I then 

Ptl Kelm 505


Case #18005152
Speed 37/25
W. Oregon / N. 19th St.

On 05/20/2018 at 12:01am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling east on 
W. Oregon Ave. when I observed a vehicle 
ahead of me in the same lane that 
appeared to be traveling at a high rate of 
speed. I then parked my cruiser and 
activated my cruisers mounted radar unit in 
stationary mode and observed a speed of 
37mph while in a 25mph zone.

I then locked the speed and activated my 
overhead lights and initiated a traffic stop at 
W. Oregon Ave. and N. 19th St. the vehicle 
was a 2006 KIA Optima bearing an Ohio 
license plate (HJU4090). I then exited my 
cruiser and met with the driver which was 
identified as Jordin Thomas and informed 
her of the reason for the stop and requested 
their driver's license, registration, and proof 
of insurance in which I received.

I then wrote Jordin a traffic citation for 
speed SCO 333.03 and gave Jordin a court 
date of 5/24/2018 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance not required for MCC#3. Once 
Jordin signed the citation I then provided 
her with a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case #18005151

On Saturday, May 19, 2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling south on S 21" 
St (s Johnson Rd) in marked unit #301 
towards State Route 62. As I approached 
Grandview Cemetery, I observed a vehicle 
traveling towards me north and activated 
my mounted radar unit.

The radar unit showed the vehicle traveling 
towards me at 51 MPH in a posted 35 MPH. 
As the vehicle passed me, I activated the 
rear facing antenna and locked the vehicle's 
speed in at 51 MPH. I then performed a 
traffic stop by activating my overheard 
emergency lights and audible siren. The 
vehicle, a red Toyota truck bearing Ohio 
registration DXM2995, came to a complete 
stop on S 21st St near Lela Cope Ln. 

Upon making contact with the driver, 
identified as Jay A. Long, I identified myself 
and advised him of the reason for the stop. I 
then asked Long for his driver's license and 
insurance information. Long was able to 
provide both of the aforementioned 
documents. Long was issued citation 
#031116 for Village Ordinance 333.03 
Speed - Over Limits (51/35) and advised 
him of his court date in Mahoning County 
Court #3, Thursday, May 31,2018 at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case #18005144
W. Georgia Ave. / S. 15th St.

On 5/19/2018 I Ptl Scott conducted a traffic 
stop that resulted in the arrest of the driver 
for OVI.

Ptl. Scott #506

On 5/19/2018 1 Ptl. Scott while in a marked 
police vehicle was stationary at N. 15th St. 
and Pennsylvania Ave. when a vehicle 
drove past me traveling south on N. 15th St. 
I observed the vehicle had a license plate 
light that was completely out. I then pulled 
out and positioned myself behind the 
vehicle. The vehicle then turned on to W. 
Georgia Ave. traveling west which was 
when I activated my overhead lights and 
conducted a traffic stop on W. Georgia Ave. 
near S. 15th St. with,a black 1994 GMC 
truck bearing an Ohio license plate 

Once the vehicle made a complete stop I 
then exited my'b&lcle and approached the 
stopped vehicle and met with the driver 
which was identified as William Smith I 
noticed a faint odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from the vehicle but at the 
same time it was masked by the odor of a 
pizza that was on the seat next to him. I 
informed William of the reason I had 
stopped him and requested his license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I only received his driver's license. Upon 
talking to William I noticed that his eyes 
were glossy and he had a slight mumbled 
speech. William was not wearing his seat 
belt and I asked him why and William stated 
that he did have it on earlier and I asked 
him when that was and William replied 
before I went to the bar. I asked William 
what bar he was at and William stated the 
Brick House in Sebring. I asked William if 
he had consumed any alcoholic beverages 
prior to driving in which William replied "Oh 
yea". I asked William how many beverage:; 
he had consumed in which he stated 5 but 
he was not counting. William stated that he 
arrived at the bar around 9:OOpm and 
started to consume alcoholic beverages. 
William stated that he did not eat anything 
while at the bar and when I asked him what 
time his last drink was William stated 30 
minutes ago.

I then asked William if he had any medical 
or physical conditions whatsoever in which 
he stated that he was diabetic but he was 
fine. I then asked William if he would 
consent to standardized field sobriety 
testing in which he did consent. I then 
asked William to exit the vehicle and stand 
to the rear of his vehicle. When William 
exited he could not find his wallet and had 
trouble locating it and I found it in between 
the driver side door and his seat. William 
dropped it due to him fumbling around in 
the vehicle. While William was at the rear of 
his vehicle I could smell a strong odor of an 
alcoholic beverage coming from his person. 
I then turned my front over head lights off 
so they would not interfere with Williams 
vision. I asked William if he had contacts or 
wears glasses in which William stated that 
he wears reading glasses.

I then had William stand straight up with his 
feet together and hands to his side while I 
checked far equal pupil size, equal tracking, 
and a resting nystagmus. William's pupils 
were of equal size, both eyes tracked 
equally, and William did not have a resting 
nystagmus. I then gave the instructions for 
the first test.

The first test was the horizontal gaze 
nystagmus test and once I explained the 
instructions I asked William if he understood 
in which William stated that he did 
understand. Once the test began I observed 
the following clues: lack of smooth pursuit in 
both eyes, distinct nystagmus and 
maximum deviation, and angle of onset 
prior to 45 degrees. William moved his head 
several times and at several points he 
would stop looking at the stimulus and I had 
to tell him io keep focus on the stimulus.

The next test was the walk and turn and I 
had William stand in the starting position 
and told him to listen to the instructions and 
not to moved from that position or start until 
I told him to. While explaining the 
instructions William interrupted me and 
stated that he can not perform the test due 
to a medical condition with a equilibrium 
condition. William stated and assured me 
that the only medical condition he had was 
him being a diabetic prior to having him 
exiting his vehicle. I then asked William if he 
was refusing to perform the test in which he 
stated that he was refusing.

I then asked William if he would perform the 
next test in which he stated that he would. 
The next test was the one leg stand and I 
instructed William to stand straight with his 
hands to his side and not to move from this 
position or start until I instructed him to do 
so. I then gave a demonstration and once I 
finished I asked William if he understood in 
which William stated that he did. The test 
began and William put his leg down and 
refused to finish the test.

I then placed William under arrest for 
suspicion of OVI and placed William in hand 
restraints and placed William in the rear on 
my cruiser. I then called for tow truck for 
William's vehicle. Ptl. D. Marchionda arrived 
on scene and stood by to inventory Williams 
vehicle for the tow and once the vehicle 
was towed he cleared, the vehicle was 
towed to Springers Towing. I then 
transported William back to station and read 
him the BMV2255 forum and read him the 
advice for the commercial driver's license 
due to him having a CDL. I asked William if 
he would consent to chemical testing in 
which he refused. I then advised William 
that he is now under administrative license 
suspension, he is being placed out of 
service for 24 hours and that he was not to 
operate a commercial vehicle not less than 
one year. I then wrote William a traffic 
citation for license plate lights SCU 337.04 
and OVI 4511.19(A)(1)(a) and also printed 
out a recognizance bond in the amount of 
$500.00 for the charge of OVI 4511.1g(A)

William signed his citation along with the 
recognizance bond and was provided 
copies along with a copy of the BMV2255 
form and was released to his son. William 
was given a court date of 5/24/2018 at 
9:OOam with a personal appearance 
required for MCC#3. in which William was 
notified and stated that he understood.

Ptl Scott #506


Case #18005143
N. 15th St. / Oregon Ave.

On 05/19/2018 at 1:14am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was clearing from a 
traffic stop when a vehicle passed me. I 
observed the vehicle had a license plate 
that was out. I then positioned myself 
behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop 
on N. 15th St. near Pennsylvania Ave. The 
vehicle was a red 2002 Dodge truck bearing 
an Ohio license plate (HLC9627). I then 
approached the vehicle and met with the 
driver which was identified as Anthony 
Garver and informed him of the reason for 
the stop and requested his driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received all but his proof of insurance. 
Dispatched then advised me that Anthony's 
driver's license was suspended. 

I then wrote Anthony a traffic citation for 
license plate light SCO 337.04 and driving 
under suspension SCO 335.07. The 
registered owner of the vehicle which was 
identified as Megan House was in the 
vehicle and was valid and claimed that she 
did not know Anthony was suspended. I 
gave Anthony a court date of 5/24/2018 at 
9:OOam with a personal appearance 
required for MCC#3. Once Anthony signed 
the citation he was provided a copy and 
Megan then operated the vehicle since she 
was valid and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case #18005142
14th Street, Texas Avenue

On 05/48/48 I was in the area of South 
MthS treet and Texas Avenue in marked 
cruiser 304. I observed a older model BMW 
traveling on Texas avenue. I preformed a 
random registration check which uncovered 
that the registered owner was suspended. 
Dispatch advised physical features of the 
registered owner and from what I was able 
to see out of the mirror it matched the 
description. I then made contact with the 
restrained driver of the vehicle identified as 
Chelsea Ward of Sebring.

Chelsea was advised of her offense. 
Chelsea was cited to MCC#3 on 05-24-18 
at 0900 for DUS. I then cleared without 

Ptl. Redfern 504


Case #18005131

On 05/18/2018 at 4:18am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on S. Johnson Rd. when I noticed a vehicle 
traveling south on the same road that 
appeared to be traveling at a high rate of 
speed. I activated my cruisers mounted 
radar unit and locked the vehicles speed at 
49inph while in a 35mph zone. The vehicle 
then passed my cruiser and I then turned 
around and positioned myself behind the 
vehicle and initiated a traffic stop on S. 
Johnson Rd. near the Grandview cemetery. 
The vehicle was a 2012 black Dodge 
Caliber bearing an Ohio license plate 
(FNQ4123). I then approached the vehicle 
and met with the driver which was identified 
as William Smith and informed him of the 
reason for the stop and requested his 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received all but his 
proof of insurance.

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
William a traffic citation for speed SCO 
333.03 and cited William into MCC#3 with a 
court date of 5/24/2018 at 9:OOam with a 
personal appearance required.  Once 
William signed the citation I then provided 
William with a copy and I cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case #18005130

On Friday, May 18,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #304 at the 
corner of N 21St St (N Johnson Rd) and W 
Ohio Ave. I observed a green sedan 
approach the intersection from the west and 
fail to come to a complete stop before 
turning north onto N 21St St. I then 
performed a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency lights.

The vehicle, a green Mitsubishi Montro 
Sport bearing Ohio registration GUW2833, 
came to a complete stop on N 21St St at W 
Maryland Ave. Upon making contact with 
the driver, I identified myself and advised 
her of the reason for the stop. I asked the 
driver for her driver's license and insurance 
information. The driver, identified as Stacy 
M. Morgan, was able to produce her license 
but not her insurance documentation. 

Morgan was issued citation #031115 for 
Village Ordinance 313.01 Stop Sign - Fail to 
Obey and advised of her mandatory court 
appearance before MCC #3 on Thursday 
May 31,2018 at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case #18005129
S. Johnson Rd. / California Ave.

On 05/18/2018 at 12:36am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was stationary at W. 
Ohio Ave. and N. Johnson Rd. when I 
witnessed a vehicle traveling south on N. 
Johnson Rd. travel through the intersection 
without coming to a complete stop. I then 
pulled behind the vehicle and initiated a 
traffic stop on S. Johnson Rd. and 
California Ave. the vehicle was a red 2004 
Toyota truck bearing an Ohio temporary 
license plate (G240845).

I then approached the vehicle and met with 
the driver which was identified as Ronald 
Miller and informed him of the reason for 
the stop and requested his driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received. 

I then returned to my cruiser and wrote 
Ronald a traffic citation for traffic control 
devices SCO 313.01 and cited Ronald into 
MCC#3 with a court date of 5/24/2018 at 
9:OOam with a personal appearance not 
required. Once Ronald signed the citation I 
then provided Ronald with a copy and I then 

Ptl. Scott #506


DATE: 05/17/2018 20:35:00

On 05-17-18 I was dispatched to 305 N 
19th St for a report of a loose dog

Ptl. Brindack 508

Upon arrival I spoke with Craig Savage who 
advised his neighbors dog at 476 W 
Maryland Ave. had gotten loose. Craig 
advised me this has been an ongoing issue 
and the dog had gotten out several times 
before especially in the past few days but it 
had gone un-reported. 

I spoke with the dogs owner Kathryn 
Thomas who advised she had caught the 
dog and he was now back inside. Kathryn 
was advised she can not continue to ailow 
her dog to get loose and a Dog running at 
large warning letter was written and issed to 
Kathryn. I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case #18005177
E Georgia Ave/s 15th st

On 05-16-18 I was dispatched to a two 
vehicle accident at s 15th St. and Georgia 
Ave. Upon arrival I observed a black GMC 
bearing OH DNP5185 was one of the 
vehicles involved. I made contact with the 
driver Identified as Andrew J Lemasters. 

Upon having dispatch run Andrews plate it 
was discovered Andrew was suspended. 
Andrew also advised he did not have 

Andrew was issued a citation for DUS 
(License forfeiture) 4510.11 and operation 
of vehicle without insurance 4509.101 and 
given a court date at MCC#3 of 05/24/18 at 

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case #18005119

On Thursday, May 17,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #301 at the 
corner of N 21st St (N Johnson Rd) and W 
Ohio Ave. I observed a silver four door 
sedan approach the intersection from the 
west and fail to come to a complete stop 
before turning south onto N 21St St. I then 
performed a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency lights. The vehicle, a 
silver Ford Taurus bearing Ohio registration 
HIF5177, came to a complete stop in the 
100 block of N 21St St. 

Upon making contact with the driver, I 
identified myself and advised her of the 
reason for the stop. I asked the driver for 
her driver's license, registration and 
insurance information. The driver, identified 
as Jennifer L. Stuller, was able to produce 
all but her insurance documentation. 

After running Stuller's license number 
through dispatch, I was advised her driver's 
license was under a Random Selection 
Noncompliance Suspension. Stuller was 
issued citation #031114 for Village 
Ordinances 335.072 DUS - Random 
Verification, 313.01 Stop Sign - Fail to Obey 
and advised of her mandatory court 
appearance before MCC #3 on Thursday, 
May 24,2018 at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case #18005118

On Wednesday, May 16,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was patrolling west on E Ohio 
Avenue in marked unit #301. As I 
approached N 14th Street, I observed a 
dark colored Saturn at the stop sign waiting 
to turn onto E Ohio Avenue. The headlights 
of the sedan were not illuminated. Upon 
passing, the Saturn turned behind me as I 
continued west on E Ohio Avenue.

I entered the turning lane and observed the 
vehicle's headlights were still not 
illuminated. After turning south onto N 15 
Street , I pulled off to the side of the road 
and allowed the Saturn to pass me; 
headlights were still not illuminated at this 
time. After allowing the vehicle to pass me, I 
pulled out onto the roadway and activated 
my overhead emergency lights and audible 
siren to perform a traffic stop. The vehicle, a 
grey Saturn bearing Ohio temporary 
registration F33515.5, came to a complete 
stop on N 15th Street and W Oregon 
Avenue. Upon making contact with the 
driver, identified by her Ohio Identification 
Card as Doininique Marie McKenney, I 
identified myself and advised her of the 
reason for the stop. When asked why she 
was operating a motor vehicle without a 
driver's license, McKenney stated to me she 
had no other way of getting to work. I asked 
McKenney if she has been cited in the past 
for driving without a license and she stated 

McKenney was then advised to make 
contact with a licensed driver to come 
retrieve her and the vehicle. McKenney 
stated to me the vehicle belonged to her 
boyfriend, Ronald Counter, and when 
asked, she acknowledged to me that he 
knowingly allows her to drive the vehicle 
without a license. The vehicle was released 
from the scene to licensed driver, Destiny 

McKenney was issued citation #031113 for 
Village Ordinances 335.074 DUS - License 
Forfeiture and 337.02 Headlights Required. 
McKenney was advised of her mandatory 
court appearance before MCC #3 on 
Thursday, May 24,2018 at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Tuesday, May 22, 2018
05:44 PM -0500

DATE: 05/08/2018 @ 15:40:00

On 05/08/18 I received a trash complaint on 
595 W Ohio ave.

Ptl. Brindack 508

Upon arrival I observed trash on the front 
porch including a dead kitten that had 
clearly been there for a great deal of time, I 
also observed trash in the rear of the 
house. A trash warning letter was written 
and issued to Crystal J Black, I then 

Ptl. Brindack 508

On 05/15/18 1 returned to the above 
address and observed little effort had been 
made to clean  up the trash. The only thing 
that had been removed was the dead kitten 
and all other trash remained including 
ripped open trash bags, cardboard boxes, 
and other amounts of trash. Photos of the 
trash were taken and a citation for violating 
SCO 521.08(b) written and issued to 
Crystal J Black and she was given a court 
date of 05/17/18 at 0900hrs which she 
informed me she would not be going to. I 
advised Crystal that court is not optional 
and that she would have to appear.

On 05/16/18 Upon further investigation it 
was discovered Crystal J Black had already 
been cited by the previous code 
enforcement officer making her violation a 
M-4. Crystal MM citation was voided , a 
State complaint was done, and a summons 
was issued and served to Crystal J Black 
for violation of SCO 521.08(b) and given a 
court date at MCC#3 of 05/24/18 at 

Ptl. Brindack 508



On Sunday, May 13, 2018, Patrolman 
Marchionda and Patrolman Scott were 
dispatched to Schmid's Bar, 135 E Oregon 
Avenue, reference a report of a fight.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513

Upon my arrival in the rear of the 
establishment off of E Ohio Avenue, two 
unidentified males advised me one of the 
persons involved in the fight had just fled 
down the alley towards N 15th Street I 
proceeded through the alley onto N 15th 
Street and observed a white male in a black 
leather jacket and a white male in a grey t-
shirt walking towards W Oregon Avenue. I 
pulled up behind both males and shouted 
for both men to stop. The male in the black 
leather jacket, later identified as Marc 
Fonner, stopped and placed his hands in 
the air. The male in the grey t-shirt, later 
identified as Virgil Bugara Jr., also stopped.

At this time, Patrolman Scott arrived on foot 
from E Oregon Avenue: Both men were 
detained (handcuffed behind their back; 
gapped/double locked) until it could be 
established who was involved in the fight. It 
was reiterated to both parties they were 
being detained pending identification of the 
party involved. I placed Fonner in the back 
of marked unit #303 and drove to where 
Patrolman Scott was parked as he placed 
Bugara in the back of marked unit #301.

Patrolman Scott learned from witnesses 
and the victim, Bill Galchick, that Bugara 
was the man who assaulted him. After 
learning Fonner had no involvement in the 
matter, I released and advised him he was 
free to go.
Galchick was able to provide a written 
statement regarding the fight between him 
and Bugara. 

According to Galchick, while Patrolman 
Scott and I were in Schmid's on an 
unrelated call earlier that night, he 
overheard Bugara screaming andswearing 
about the police being inside the bar. 
Galchick stated he confronted Bugara and 
told him to be quiet. Galchick advised me 
Bugara swung on him in an attempt to hit 
him at which point he pushed Bugara. 
Galchick stated Virgil left the bar and 
returned a short time later and hit him from 
behind. Galchick also stated that Bugara bit 
the left side of his face.

Photos were taken of Galchick's face and 
downloaded at the station. 

Galchick's wife, Natalie, a bartender at the 
bar stated to me she wanted a notice of 
restriction placed against Bugara and did 
not want him to be allowed to come back to 
I later advised Bugara at the station while 
he was being processed that he was not 
allowed to return to Schmid's in the  future 
and that doing so would result in him being 
arrested for criminal trespass.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513

I Ptl. Scott responded to the Schmid's Bar in 
reference to a report of a fight taking place. 
Upon my arrival I observed two males later 
identified as Virgil Bugara Jr. and Marc 
Fonner walking in the middle of N. 15th St. 
heading east towards the alley between 
Ohio Ave. and Oregon Ave. Ptl. D. 
Mafchionda then arrived and pulled his 
cruiser next to both males and exited his 
vehicle and ordered both males to stop and 
both males stopped and placed their hands 
in the air. Dispatch advised both officers 
that the offender was walking in the alley 
between Ohio Ave. and Oregon Ave. and 
both individuals where detained and 
restrained. Marc was placed in 
Marchionda's cruiser and Virgil was placed 
in my cruiser.

I then entered the Schmid's Bar and talked 
to the victim identified as Bill Galchick and 
Bill stated that when officers were at the bar 
earlier on a different call Virgil had yelled 
obscenities towards officers.

When officers left the bar Bill told Virgil to 
stop when Virgil attempted to strike Bill but 
was unsuccessful and Bill pushed Virgil 
away and then Virgil left. Bill stated that 
Virgil returned and struck Bill in the back of 
the head. Bill then wrestled Virgil to the 
ground where Virgil bit Bill on the left side of 
his face. Bill had large marks on the left 
side of his face. Bill then gave Ptl. 
Marchionda a written statement and told me 
that Marc Fonner was not involved and 
stated that he did want to pursue criminal 
charges against Virgil.

I then told Ptl. Marchionda to release Marc 
Fonner and I returned to my cruiser and 
opened the door to speak with Virgil and 
informed him that he was being placed 
under arrest for assault and read him his 
miranda rights. I then transported  Virgil 
back to station and Virgil underwent 
processing and was fingerprinted and 
photographed. Virgil was given an 
opportunity to post bond in the amount of 
$1,250.00. Virgil then called Sly Bail Bonds 
and talked to the bondsman.

Christopher Hankovitch with Sly Bail Bonds 
soon arrived and processed the bond for 
Virgil and gave me the power of attorney 
which I made a copy of.

Once the bond was processed Virgil signed 
the recognizance form which had his court 
date on it and was released to his aunt.

Reporting Officer Scott


DATE: 05/13/2018 00:34:OO
BrickHouse Bar & Grill
Assault M-1

On Sunday, May 13, 2018, Patrolman 
Marchionda and Patrolman Scott were 
dispatched to the Brick House, 205 E Ohio 
Avenue, reference a report of a fight.

Upon my arrival, I made contact with 
several individuals who were witness to the 
fight. The first witness I made contact with 
was Joshua Hill. Hill advised me his friend 
Kahliel had been involved in a physical 
altercation with another male, later 
identified as Jerian Thomas. Hill stated this 
altercation moved from inside the 
establishment, to the parking lot and 
eventually onto the street. Hill stated he 
observed Kahliel "defending himself' (sic). 
Hill later provided a voluntary written 

After speaking with Hill, a bystander 
identified as Jordan Smith, came forward to 
provide his account of what happened. 

Smith stated to me that Kahliel and Thomas 
were involved in a mutual fight when the 
victim, Rine, attempted to intervene and 
was struck by Kahliel. Smith refused to 
provide a written statement as he did not 
want to get involved in the matter any 

After speaking with Smith and Hill, 
Patrolman Scott motioned me to take 
Kahliel, who had been detained (handcuffed 
behind his back; gapped/double locked), 
and place him in the rear of marked unit 
303. After placing Kahliel in the back of my 
cruiser, I made contact with Thomas. 
Thomas advised me Kahliel and another 
male attempted to confront him outside of 
the bar when several girls tried to hold them 
back. Thomas stated to me he defended 
himself and that his friend got punched in 
the face when he attempted to intervene.

I then observed Patrolman Scott advise 
Kahliel he was under arrest for assaulting 
Rine and witnessed his Miranda Rights 
read to him. Photographs were taken of 
Rine's injuries at the scene, a minor 
laceration to his face (to which he denied 
medical attention for) and later downloaded 
at the station. After collecting statements 
from the witnesses at the scene, Patrolman 
Scott and I cleared the scene without 
further incident. I transported Kahliel back 
to the station for further processing.

Photographs were taken of Kahliel's 
injuries, a small laceration above his left 
eye and scratches to his neck (to which he 
denied medical attention for) and later 

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513

Upon arrival I Ptl. Scott observed a large 
crowd of individuals in the rear parking lot of 
the Brick House Bar. I parked my cruiser on 
N. 14th St. next to the bar and exited my 
vehicle and met with two female witnesses 
identified as Makayla Swindell and Leona 
Weatherspoon who stated that they 
attempted to break up a fight between two 
males later identified as Kahliel Fletcher 
and Jerian Thomas and while doing so 
Leona was struck in the face by Kahliel. 
Maykayla and Leona stated that Kahliel 
seen Jerian inside the bar and then 
Makayla and Jerian left the bar in attempt to 
leave and once they where in the parking 
lot Kahliel along with a male identified as 
Joshua Hill ran to the parking lot to attempt 
to fight Jerian and chased him to the road 
and then Leona attempted to hold Kahliel 
back when Kahliel allegedly pushed Leona 
to the ground. 
Kahliel then pursued Jerian once more and 
Jerian swung at Kahliel to defend himself 
and Leona attempted to stop Kahliel once 
more when she stated that Kahliel allegedly 
pushed her to the ground again and 
punched her in the face which damaged her 
glasses which I did see damage to her 
glasses. Makayla and Leona stated that 
when Leona was allegedly struck in the 
face her friend later identified as Nickolas 
Rine confronted Kahliel and Kahliel 
allegedly punched Nickolas in the face. 

I then obtained written statements from both 

I then gathered further information from 
Makayla and Leona and learned that Kahliel 
was with Joshua Hill when the incident took 
place and I then entered the bar and spoke 
with Joshua and walked him outside. At this 
time I had Joshua talk with Ptl. Marchionda 
while i re-entered the bar in search of 
Kahliel. Ptl. Marchionda obtained a written 
statement from Joshua and he was listed as 
an additional witness to the incident.

Once in the bar I over heard a patron of the 
bar say that Kahliel was in the kitchen. I 
then entered the Kitchen and observed a 
male standing next to the grill with no shirt 
on with a minor laceration above his left eye 
with blood near the laceration. I was able to 
positively identify the male as Kahliel 
Fletcher and, walked him outside where I 
gained a verbal statement from him. Kahliel 
stated that he and Jerian had an incident in 
the past and when they seen each other at 
the bar a confrontation erupted inside the 
bar which then led to the rear parking lot 
and ended on N. 14th St. next to the bar.

Kahliel stated that he did not hit Leona and 
stated that while he was attempting to fight 
Jerian both Makayla and Leona grabbed his 
shirt to stop him and Kahliel tore his shirt off 
and suffered minor scratches on the back of 
his neck.

I then detained Kahliel and placed him in 
hand restraints and placed him in the rear 
of Ptl. Marchionda's cruiser while I and Ptl. 
Marchionda investigated the scene and 
gained statements. An additional witness 
identified as Nickolas Rine confronted me 
and stated that he witnessed Kahliel strike 
Leona and confronted Kahliel and stated 
that Kahliel punched him in the face which 
Makayla and Leona confirmed his story 
when I spoke to them about it. Nickolas had 
a laceration beneath his right eye which had 
dry blood around it. Joshua Hill's statement 
stated that Kahliel was beaten by Jerian 
and Jerian's father some time in the past 
which was why Kahliel wanted to fight 

Ptl. Marchionda spoke with Jerian Thomas 
and gained a written statement which 
matched the statements of Makayla and 

I then viewed the statement of Nickolas 
which matched the statements of Makayla, 
Jerian, and Leona.

Nickolas's statement consisted of him 
confronting Kahliel and being assaulted and 
matched Makayla's, Leona's and Jerian's 
statements. Leona was asked if she wanted 
to pursue criminal charges which she 
denied. Then Nickolas was asked if he 
wanted to pursue criminal charges in which 
Nickolas stated that he wanted Kahliel to be 

I then opened the door of Ptl. Marchionda's 
cruiser and notified Kahliel that he was 
being placed under arrest for assault and 
read him his miranda rights. 

Ptl. Marchionda then transported Kahliel to 
the station. All parties that had injuries 
including Kahliel where asked if they 
needed medical attention in which they all 

Once at station Kahliel underwent 
processing and was fingerprinted and 
photographed. Photographs where also 
taken of Kahliel's injuries by Ptl. Marchionda 
and where sent to Ptl. Marchionda's email.

Kahliel was given an opportunity to post 
bond which he contacted Sly Bail Bonds to 
post a bond in the amount of $1,250.00 for 
ORC 2903.12A Assault M-1. Sly Bail 
Bondsman Christopher Harkovitch then 
arrived and processed the bond and once 
finished I received the power of attorney 
which I made a copy of. Once the bond was 
posted Kahliel wa released to Joshua Hill 
which was the person who signed for 
Kahliel's bond.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case # 18005098
Speed (52-35)
N 12th St and E Oregon Ave

On 05/14/2018 I Officer Rober while 
conducting stationary radar on S 12th st 
near E Georgia Ave observed a black in 
color jeep that appeared to be hraveling 
above the posted speed limit heading north 
on S 12th St. I then activated the mounted 
radar in car 301 and got a locked speed of 
52mph in a 35mph zone. I then activated 
my emergency lights and made a stop of 
the vehicle on N 12th St and E Oregon Ave. 
The driver identified as Domenic Cannistra 
advised he was not paying attention and 
was just trying to come home. I then issued 
Domenic the citation for speed (333.03) at 
gave a court date at MCC #3 on 05/31/2018 
at 0900hrs upon nothing further I cleared 
and resumed patrol.

Ptl J.Rober #511


Sebring Police STORY
DATE: 05/10/2018 10:28:00

On 05/10/2018, While at MCC#3 I observed 
Cheyenne Watson at the Court House in 
whom I knew had an outstanding warrant 
from Portage County SO. I requested 
dispatch to call PCSO and see if they 
wanted to meet in Deerfield and they 
advised they did. 

Cheyenne was detained and taken to 
Deerfield. Cheyenne was then taken into 
the custody of PCSO. I then cleared.

Redfern 504


Sebring Police STORY
DATE: 05/09/2018 17:15:00

On 05/09/18 While on patrol I observed a 
loose dog at 15th and Indiana Ave.

Ptl. Brindack 508

The above mentioned dog was running in 
front of cars on 15th St and traffic was 
stopped going in both directions. I followed 
the dog to its home 155 E Indiana and the 
owner Michael S Eberling was informed his 
dog was running in the street and was given 
a dog running at large letter, I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case No.: 18005069
US 62 / Johnson Road
Speed 75/55 - Booster Seat Required

On 05/09/18 I was in the area of US 62 
near South Johnson Road. I observed a 
black ford mustang traveling west on US 
62, at a speed that appeared to be greater 
then that of the posted speed limit of 55 
MPH. I activated my mounted radar unit 
which gave a digital display of 75 MPH 
along with a high pitched noise. I then 
decided to make a traffic stop. I made 
contact with the restrained driver of the 
vehicle identified as Ronald Quinn.

Ronald was advised of his offense. Ronald 
advised that he was running late and he 
was headed to his get the car seat for his 
grandson. I observed a 4 year old who was 
very small in size without any child 
restraints. Ronald was cited to MCC#3 on 
05/17/18 at 0900 for Speed, and booster 
seat required.

I then cleared without incident.

PtB. Redfern 504


Saturday, May 19, 2018
03:16 PM -0500

Case Number #18005056
Courtney rd / N Johnson rd
Speed 63/35 mph

On 5/7/2018, while sitting stationary in a 
marked police cruiser on Courtney Rd, I 
observed a white truck traveling west on 
Courtney Rd near Allied Dr at a visibly high 
rate of speed. I activated my radar unit 
which confirmed the speed to be 63 mph in 
a clearly posted 35 mph zone. I initiated a 
traffic stop on the truck, bearing Ohio plate 
PJH2013 on Courtney Rd just west of N 
Johnson Rd.

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver, who was identified 
as Chad J. Nolan. Chad advised once he 
seen my cruiser he looked down at his 
speedometer and believed it to be around 
50 mph. Chad advised he seen the 35 mph 
speed limit sign as well. I issued Chad a 
citation for Speed 333.03 SCO and advised 
him of his court date at MCC #3 on 
5/17/2018 at 0900 hrs. Chad was advised 
he would need to personally appear in court 
due to no valid insurance card in the 

Cited: Chad J. Nolan, age 47, 20800 
Alliance Sebring Rd, Alliance

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case Number #18005040
W. Virginia Ave. / N. Johnson St.
Speed 47/35, Fictitious Plates

On 05/05/2018 at 7:58pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on N. Johnson St. when I locked in a 
vehicles speed traveling south on the same 
road at 47mph in a 35mph zone. The 
vehicle passed my cruiser and I then turned 
my cruiser around and initiated a traffic stop 
on W. Virginia Ave. and N Johnson St. The 
vehicle was a silver 2015 Ford Escape 
bearing an Ohio license plate (FZX8913). I 
then approached the vehicle and informed 
the driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance which I was given. 

The driver was identified as James 
Burchfield. The plate came back to a 
different vehicle and I informed the driver of 
this and he stated that he had no idea. I 
then wrote James a traffic citation for speed 
SCO 333.03 and Fictitious plates SCO 
335.10 and cited James into MCC#3 with a 
court date of 5/10/2018 at 9:OOam with a 
personal appearance not required. 

Once James signed the citation I then 
provided him with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case Number #18005039
900 Block S 12th St
SPEED 49/35

On Saturday, May 5, 2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #301 near the 
corner of S 12th st and E Georgia Ave. I 
observed a black Chevrolet SUV accelerate 
past my location south on S 12th St. I 
observed the vehicle's speed increase 
steadily on radar and clocked the vehicle's 
speed in at 49 MPH in a posted 35 MPH 
zone. I then performed a traffic stop by 
activating my overhead emergency lights 
and audible siren. 

The vehicle, a black Chevrolet Traverse 
bearing Ohio registration HGL8661, came 
to a stop in the 900 block of S 12th st, Upon 
making contact with the driver, I identified 
myself and advised her of the reason for the 
stop. I asked the driver for her driver's 
license, registration and insurance 
information. The driver, identified as Susan 
Albert, was able to produce all of the 
aforementioned documentation. Albert was 
issued citation #031112 for Village 
Ordinance 333.03 Speed -Over Limits and 
advised of her court date at MCC #3 on 
Thursday, May 18, 2018 at 0900.

Cited: Susan Albert,N Shore Dr, Beloit, Oh, 
333.03 Speed -Over Limits

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case Number #18005034
Disorderly Conduct, Persisted
Brick House Bar 

This officer was dispatched to 206 East 
Ohio Ave., Brick House Bar for a fight in 
progress. Upon arrival, I observed several 
subjects in the parking lot at the rear of the 
building. Officer Scott and Officer Hughey 
were already on scene and began 
separating the individuals. I observed a 
male subject began approaching Officer 
Scott and Officer Hughey and the other 
subjects involved and he began yelling at 
them. I advised the subject to step back and 
to leave the area and the subject just 
looked at me and then began saying 
something to the other group of subjects 
involved in the altercation. I once again 
advised the subject to leave the area or he 
was going to be arrested. The subject 
began walking back toward a vehicle and 
then once again turned around and started 
back over toward the other officers and the 
group ofsubjects challenging them once 

I advised the subject that he was being 
placed under arrest for diorderly conduct 
and he was then placed in handcuffs and 
into the rear of car 304.

The subject was identified as Jerry Yeagly.

Officers then dispersed all the others 
involved and Mr Yeagly was transported 
back to the SEBRING POLICE STORY for 

Upon arrival, Mr Yeagly was photographed 
and finger printed and given date of 
05/10/2018 @ 9:OOAM Mahoning County 
Court # 3. Mr. Yeagley was given a 
Recognizance Bond and released at that 

Mr. Yeagley was extremely cooperative 
during his booking process and apologized 
to Officers for his conduct.

Ptl. Siranovic #507


Case Number #18005031
SPEED 51/31
N Johnson St / W Virginia Ave

Driver: Ashliegh Puckett , 22, 9083 12th St, 
North Benton Oh

On 05/05/2018 at 12:03am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on N. Johnson St. when I clocked in a 
vehicles speed traveling south on the same 
road at 51mph in a 35mph zone. The 
vehicle passed my cruiser and I then turned 
my cruiser around and initiated a traffic stop 
on N. Johnson St. and W. Virginia Ave. The 
vehicle was a 2015 Silver Volkswagen 
hatch back bearing an Ohio license plate 
(HDR9741). I then approached the driver 
and informed them of the reason for the 
stop and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received. 

The driver was identified as Ashliegh 
Puckett and I wrote Ashliegh a traffic 
citation for speed SCO 333.03 and cited her 
into MCC#3 with a court date of 5/10/2018 
at 9:OOam with a personal appearance not 

Once Ashliegh signed the citation she was 
provided a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506
Ptl. Hughey #530


Case Number #18004121
DATE: 04/22/2018 11:18
Dog running at large
206 W Michigan Ave 

On this date and time, I was dispatched to 
the area of 206 W. Michigan Ave, ref to a 
dog running at large. I arrived and spoke to 
the reportee one Charles E. Harton, who 
advised me that the dog in the yard at 206 
W. Michigan Ave was at his residence and 
was chasing his dog and him in an 
aggressive manner. I was also advised that 
he followed the dog and located it at the W 
Michigan Ave address.

I located the dog in mention and it was 
found in the yard and the dog was loose 
and appeared agressive.  I identified the 
owner as David Weingart and advised him 
of the Sebring Ordinance on Animals 
running at large. It was also found that Mr 
Weingart had been issued a Written 
warning in March 2018.

On 05/04/18 I served David Weigart with an 
MM citation for dog running at large 505.01 
and given a court date at mcC#3 of 
05/10/18 at 0900hrs.

Reporting Officer Steven McDaniel


Private Property Accident
Report No.: 18005014
Date of Crash 5/2/2018
135 East Ohio Avenue, Sebring Ohio

Unit #1 Driver/Owner: Carol L Cobbs, 268 
Knox School Road, Alliance Ohio

Unit #2 Owner: Darren Eberling, 5590 
Rainfield Circle NE, Louisville Ohio
Possible front license plate cover damage

Driver #1 Came on station and advised that 
she backed into Unit #2

Redfern 504


Case Number #18005011

On Wednesday, May 2,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was traveling north on S isth 
St in marked unit #301 behind a white 
Cadillac Sedan bearing Ohio registration 
GUE2383. I then radioed the plate into 
dispatch to perform a random registration 
check. During the time it took for dispatch to 
relay the information back, the vehicle had 
turned onto E Ohio Avenue and into the 
parking lot of Circle K. Dispatch advised the 
vehicle registration expired on February 11, 

I then parked in an alley across the street 
from Circle K and waited. As I observed the 
vehicle pull out onto E Ohio Avenue, I 
pulled out of the alley and performed a 
traffic stop by activating my overheard 
emergency lights.

The vehicle came to a complete stop on E 
Ohio Avenue at N 15Ih St. Upon making 
contact with the driver, I identified myself to 
him and advised him of the reason for the 
stop. I then asked the driver, identified as 
Abraham Marteney, if he could produce his 
driver's license, vehicle registration and 
proof of insurance. Marteney was able to 
provide his license and vehicle registration 
but not his insurance information. 

Marteney was issued citation #031111 for 
Village Ordinance 335.10 Expired Plates 
and advised of his mandatory court 
appearance before MCC #3 on Thursday, 
May 10,2018 at 0900. 

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


DATE: 05/01/2018 08:19:00

On this date a piece of trash was recovered 
from the dumpster at Jeffs Auto.  The trash 
was a prescription order and indicated it 
belonged to the Seevers at 145 E Oregon 
Ave. I made contact with Robert KL 
Seevers who admitted to put a bag of trash, 
a box spring, and a mattress in dumpster. 
Robert was advised his actions were theft 
of service and Robert removed the trash 
from the dumpster and returned to his 
residence while I was on scene. I then 

Reporting Officer Sean Brindack


Case Number #18005003
DUS-License Forfeiture May 1, 2018
W. California Ave.@S. 20th St.

On 5/1/2018, while sitting at the intersection 
of W. New York Ave. and S. Johnson Rd. I 
observed a silver in color Dodge minivan 
traveling north on S. Johnson Rd. I 
recognized the driver as Hunter 
Prendergast. Due to previous encounters 
with Hunter I knew his license was 
suspended. I had dispatch check his driving 
status which confirmed his license was 

I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle on W. 
California Ave. near S. 2oth St. I made 
contact with Hunter and informed him the 
reason for the stop. I asked Hunter for his 
ID card, vehicle registration, and proof of 
insurance and he was unable to produce 
any requested documents.

Hunter advised he knew he shouldn't be 
driving. Hunter was very apologetic and 
compliant. I had Hunter call his girlfriend to 
come pick up the van. I then wrote Hunter a 
traffic citation for DUSLicense Forfeiture 
335.074. I informed Hunter of his 
mandatory court appearance on 5/3/2018 at 
0900hrs. After Hunters girlfriend Kayland 
Conner arrived on scene I then cleared 
without further incident.

CITED: Hunter Prendergast, 21, 255 W. 
Pennsylvania , Sebring

Ptl. Kelm #505


Case Number #18004146
TRAFFIC 4/26/2018
Right Of Way At Intersection
200 block of West Ohio

On 26 April 2018 at about 0730, 
(JUVENILE) (DOB 8/2/2000) was turning 
right on to West Ohio from North 17th 
street.  (JUVENILE) failed to yield the right 
of way to on coming traffic. Harry Sarchione 
was traveling east on West Ohio and did 
not have time to avoid hitting (JUVENILE) 
who had turned in front of him. Mr. 
Sarchione struck the driver side rear 
causing damage to her car. 

There was no damage to Mr. Sarchione's 

(JUVENILE) was cited for Right of way at 
intersection ORC4511.41.  This case will be 
sent to Mahoning JJC.

Chief Harris #502


Case Number #17009054
Criminal Damaging 4/30/2018
135 E. Ohio Ave. Sebring

Kylie Lanave, 19, 448 South 14th St, came 
to the station to report that a female keyed 
her car while it was parked at her 
boyfriends house.  Ms. Lanave said that 
she had been at Jon Steeds house in the 
500 block of W Ohio when a female had 
gotten mad at her and Jon.  

The female was later ID'd as Amanda 
Taveras, 19, Heacock Rd., Sebring. She 
had been at the house of Mr Steed that 
night and had been asked by him to leave.  
He took all of Ms Taveras things and threw 
them  in the yard.  A short time after when 
Ms Taveras left Ms Lanave received a 
message on Face Book that said "hope u 
like how i keyed your car bitch, lucky u had 
jon saving ur pussy ass".  

I looked at the car and observed two 
scratches on the car.  Based on the 
information this case will be sent to the 
Prosecutor for review for charges of 
Criminal Damage 2909.06A1.

Chief Harris #502


11/7/17 On this date the prosecutor 
approved criminal damage 2909.06(a)(1).  
State Complaint was sent to court.  A 
warrant was requested as the suspect 
where abouts are unknown.

Chief Harris #502


On 04/30/2018 Amanda Taveras, 545 W. 
Ohio Ave., came to the police station to turn 
herself in for Crimlnal 
Damag1ng/2909.06Al. Amanda was 
processed and released on her own 
recognizance with a bond of $1,000. 
Amanda was informed of her mandatory 
court appearance at MCC#3 on 5/3/2018 at 

PTL. Kelm #505


DATE: 04/28/2018 01:23:00
OVI and Child Endangerment.

On 4/28/2018 at 1:23am I Ptl Scott was 
stationary at W Ohio Ave and Johnson Rd 
when I witnessed a vehicle traveling east on 
W. Ohio Ave. go through a stop sign at the 
intersection of W. Ohio Ave. and N. 
Johnson Rd. I then positioned my cruiser 
behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop 
and the vehicle did not stop until it pulled 
into the drive way of 165 S. Johnson Rd. I 
then approached the vehicle and spoke to 
the driver and informed the driver of the 
reason I had stopped them and requested 
their driver's license, registration, and proof 
of insurance in which I did not receive 
because the driver could not produce the 

The driver rambled on about being followed 
by police and mentioned of being arrested 
earlier in the night by Alliance Police and 
stated that Alliance officers took money 
from him along with the driver's license and 
marijuana. I then asked the driver if he had 
smoked any marijuana prior to driving but 
the driver ignored the question and 
continued to speak on random topics not 
related to the traffic stop.

Around this time Ptl. Caughey drove by and 
asked if I needed assistance in which I 
stated to Caughey that I would appreciate 
his assistance. I also observed blood on the 
driver's hands and wrists and asked him 
why there was blood on his hands and wrist 
and he stated it was because of painting. I 
could smell a strong odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from the vehicle and 
asked the driver if they had consumed any 
alcoholic beverages prior to driving in which 
the driver stated he had two beers and then 
the driver put a cigarette in his mouth and 
started to speak on random topics again.

I then asked the driver to exit the vehicle 
and move to the rear of his vihicle to which 
he hesitated but eventually complied and 
once he was to the rear of his vehicle I 
could smell a strong odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from his person. I then 
was able to identify the driver as Randal 
Crowe by his name date of birth and social 
security number. 

I had Randal stand on the side walk and 
asked if he would consent to standardized 
field sobriety testing in which he complied. I 
turned off my cruisers front overhead lights 
and told Randal to stand still with his hands 
to his side and feet together while I began 
the instructions. I asked Randal if he had 
any medical or physical conditions that 
would inhibit him from taking the tests in 
which Randal stated that he did not. 

Based on the test results and my 
experience I placed Randal under arrest for 
suspicion of OVI and placed hand restraints 
on Randal and began to walk Randal to my 
cruiser when Randal started to stop walking 
and I had to force Randal to my cruiser. I 
then patted Randal down when he kept 
turning around after being told not to and I 
then pulled Randal's arms up so I could 
complete the pat down without Randal 
turning toward me. Once I opened the back 
cruiser door Randal turned around and 
would not enter the vehicle. I then placed 
my left hand on Randal's abdomen and my 
right hand behind Randal's head to help 
Randal enter the vehicle when Randal 
moved away and Randal's head was struck 
against the left rear car door unintentionally 
and then a struggle ensued to get Randal's 
whole body in the vehicle. Once Randal 
was secured Randle stated that he had his 
two children in his house under a car tarp.

I then called Ptl. Siranovic to respond and 
when he did both officers entered the 
unlocked house concerning for the 
children's safety while officer Caughey 
stood by with Randal. Officers found both 
the children upstairs on a blow up mattress 
using a car tarp as a blanket. I woke both 
children up and talked to them and they 
stated that their father Randal told them that 
he was turning himself in today and if he 
was not back by morning he instructed the 
children to walk to their grandmothers 
house and stated that Randal has been 
gone since around 9:OOpm. Officers 
attempted to contact the mother and were 
unsuccessful and eventually contacted the 
children's grandmother 

Ptl. Caughey transported the children to 
their grandmothers house.

I then transported Randal back to the 
station and read him the BMV2255 form 
and asked Randal if he would consent to 
chemical testing which Randal consented to 
and signed the form.  I then transported 
Randal to the Alliance Police Station where 
he gave a breath sample and his BAC was 
a 0.225.  Randal then gave a urine sample 
as well. 

Randal made statements such as next time 
he will throw elbows and that both his 
children are old enough to wipe their own 
ass and that he gave them money to walk 
to Zep Pizza if they were hungry.

Randal was charged with OVI (SFST) 
4511.19A1 , OVI (Greater than .17) 
4511.19(A)(1)(h), Traffic control devices 
4511.12 and two counts of Endangering 
Children 2919.22.

Reporting Officer Zachary Scott


Case Number #17009054
SPEED 35/25
N. 15th St. / Ohio Ave.

On 04/29/2018 at 12:50am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car stationary at the 
intersection of S. 15th St. and Texas Ave. 
facing south when the vehicle on the 
opposite side of me continued traveling 
north after stopping at the stop sign and 
appeared to be traveling at a high rate of 
speed. I then activated my cruisers rear 
radar and observed the vehicle traveling at 
35mph in a 25 mph zone and the speed 
was still rising. I then turned my cruiser 
around and positioned it behind the vehicle 
and initiated a traffic stop on N. 15th St. and 
Ohio Ave. the vehicle was a red 2003 
Chevrolet station wagon bearing an Ohio 
license plate (GOT4134). I then approached 
the vehicle when the driver opened the door 
I then asked if the window worked and the 
driver stated that it did not and then 
proceeded to ask me ("What?) I then 
informed the driver of the reason I had 
stopped them and the driver proceeded to 
argue with me that she was not speeding 
and that when she was at the stop sign she 
stated that I was behind her and almost rear 
ended her which was false. I then asked her 
for her driver's license, registration, and 
proof of insurance.

I received her driver's license and an 
expired insurance card and then the driver 
called her husband on her phone. 

I identified the driver as Stacey Wiggins and 
Stacey had her husband ask me for my 
badge number over the phone in which I 
told Stacey that my badge number was 
#506 and then Stacey began to argue with 
me once more and then held a piece of 
paper up and put it in my face stating that it 
was her insurance and I ordered her to 
remove the piece of paper from my face. 

I told Stacey to remain in the vehicle and I 
returned to my cruiser and wrote Stacey a 
traffic citation for Speed SCO 333.03 and 
cited Stacey into MCC#3 with a court date 
of 05/03/2018 at 9:OOam with a personal 
appearance required. 

I then returned to the vehicle which was 
around the time Ptl. Siranovic arrived and 
informed Stacey that she will be receiving a 
traffic citation and asked Stacey for her 
phone number for the citation in which she 
refused by saying that
she did not have a phone. Stacey then 
demanded for me to show her the radar's 
calibration which I refused due to her hostile 
nature. Stacey was then given a chance to 
sign the citation and I handed her my ticket 
pan and pen and she jerked both items 
from my hand and drew a large X where a 
signature was supposed to be and then 
handed me my ticket pan and pen back. 

I then went to give her a copy of her citation 
and Stacey grabbed the driver side door 
and attempted to shut the door with me in 
the way and I stopped the door and told 
Stacey that she was not free to leave and 
that she needed to show some kind of 
respect to police officers. Stacey then yelled 
that she was going to the station to file a 
report and I gave her the copy of her 
citation and then cleared. 

Once I returned to the station a red pickup 
truck arrived and Stacey and her husband 
exited the vehicle and walked past the back 
door where I was standing. I could hear 
Stacey swearing and her husband asked "Is 
this him?" and stated to me that " you better 
have good evidence young man" and 
continued in the police department to speak 
to the dispatcher. 

Stacey's husband was told that he needed 
to come back at a different time to file a 
complaint because I could not be the one to 
give it to him and he stated to DO Wheeler 
that "You need to keep your young boy 
under control" and then exited the

Ptl. Scott #506


DATE: 04/28/2018 14:55:00
Identity Fraud

On this date I spoke with Amanda Powers, 
who advised me she had four unauthorized 
charges to her checking account, all 
originating from the Los Angeles California. 
The four charges all in the area of $75-$125 
and ad up to $400.18. Amanda advised me 
she already called her bank (Woodforest 
National Bank) and cancelled the card. 
Amanda gave me a copy of her bank 
statement with her account information and 
the listed unauthorized charges, and filled 
out a voluntary statement. With the charges 
originating from so far away, Amanda 
having no idea how this happened, and 
given that her card has been cancelled and 
her bank made aware. This case will be 

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case # 18004161
TRAFFIC - DUS (License Forfeiture)

While on routine patrol at the intersection of 
15th Street and Texas Ave., I was advised 
by a resident of a suspicious occupied 
vehicle parked up at the park. This officer 
proceeded west bound onto Texas Ave. and 
observed a silver in color 4 door vehicle pull 
to the side of the roadway, reverse to traffic. 

I activated overhead lights and advised 
dispatch of the stop. The vehicle was 
bearing Ohio registration FET6901 and was 
occupied by a male and female. The driver 
was identified as Cody M Byler. Mr. Byler 
was advised why I had stopped and he 
stated that he was looking for a friend that 
he was supposed to pick up but could not 
find them. This officer ran Mr. Bylers driver's 
license through LEADS and it was learned 
that he was currently operating under a 
License Forfeiture suspension. 

Mr. Byler was cited for the violation 
(335.074) and given a court date of 
05/10/2018 @ 0900. Mr. Bylers 
grandparents came and picked up the 
vehicle and this officer then cleared.

Ptl. Siranovic #SO7


Case # 18006114

On 04/27/18 while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser I was travelling west bound in 
the 200 block of E Maryland Ave. I 
observed a dark colored SUV driving 
without any tail lights in front of me 
travelling in the same direction. The vehicle 
a Gray Honda Pilot bearing FL N723QS 
was stopped at the corner of E Maryland 
Ave and Nl4th St. The driver was identified 
as Pamela K Fording. Pamela was found to 
have a suspended FL license.

Pamela was issued a citation for DUS 
(FRA) 335.072 and No tail lights 337.24 and 
given a court date at MCC#3 of 05/10/18 at 
0900hrs. The vehicle was taken away by 
valid driver Donald Fording and was 
immediately taken to his residence of 265 E
Maryland which was just a few houses 

Ptl. Brindack 508


Friday, May 18, 2018
05:15 PM -0500

Sebring Police STORY
DATE: 04/27/2018 15:40:00
Criminal Trespass

On 04/27/18 I was dispatched to 735 N 15th 
St for a report of a women digging through 
a dumpster.

Ptl. Brindack 508

Upon arrival I observed Sandra N Stanley 
digging through a dumpster up against a 
garage in a parking lot next to 735 N 15th 
St. Sandra advised me she was looking for 
a picture frame or anything useful for her 
new house but "that lady yelled at her so 
she stayed to be spiteful". 

Officer did not witness Sandra take 
anything from the trash and Sandra said 
she would just leave. 
I advised Sandra from now on not to come 
onto others properties to dig through 
dumpsters. I then spoke with the caller 
Patricia Thompson who said she was 
worried Sandra was looking to steal 
someones identity from the trash. Patricia 
advised Sandra had a cloths basket and 
took some small items from the trash so 
she yelled at her. Officer did not observe 
the cloths basket or trash taken that Patricia 
was referring to,  then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 508


Sebring Police STORY
DATE: 04/25/2018 18:27:00

On 04/25/2018. 1 was dispatched to the 
300 block of East Indiana Avenue in 
reference to a Domestic Dispute. 

Redfern 504

On 04/25/2018. 1 was dispatched to the 
300 block of East Indiana Avenue in 
reference to a Domestic Dispute. I arrived 
on location and spoke to Rebecca 
Brodzenski and Mark Muller whom advised 
that they were arguing about Rebecca 

Rebecca advised that Mark took her bag of 
clothing out of the car and wouldn't give it 
back to her. Rebecca advised that she 
wanted her stuff back and that she would 
be on her way. Both parties advised that 
there was not physical abuse. Mark gave 
Rebecca her bag of belongings and both 
parties parted ways.

Redfern 504


Sebring Police STORY
DATE: 04/15/2018 22:43.00
Assault on a Peace Officer/F-4 2903.13A5

On Sunday, April 15, 2018, Patrolman 
Marchionda was dispatched to 496 W Ohio 
Avenue in reference to a citizen welfare 

Arrested: Jennarae Woods, 18, 496 W Ohio 


Sebring Police STORY
Case No.: 18004143
Traffic Speed (47/35) 333.03
900 blk N 12th St. Sebring, OH

Arrested: Kylie Lanave,19, 448 S 14th St. 
Sebring, OH

On 4/25/2018, while sitting stationary in a 
marked police cruiser on N 12th St near 
Pine Lake Rd, I observed a red car traveling 
north on N 12th St at a visibly high rate of 
speed. I activated my radar unit which 
confirmed the speed to be 47 mph in a 
clearly posted 35 mph zone. I initiated a 
traffic stop on the vehicle, bearing Ohio 
plate F797562 in the 900 block of N 12th St. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver/owner Kylie Q. 
Lanave. Kylie advised she was going 
approximately 45 mph and knew it was a 35 
mph zone. 

Kylie was issued a citation for Speed 
333.03 SCO and advised of her court date 
at MCC#3 5/3/2018 @, 0900 hrs

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18004106

This officer was dispatched to 485 1/2 West 
Oregon Ave for a theft of motor vehicle 

Ptl Siranovic #507

This officer was dispatched to 485 1/2 West 
Oregon Ave for a theft of motor vehicle 

Upon arrival, I spoke with the caller Dakota 
Santee. Mr. Santee stated that he parked 
his aunts car at this address because he 
was drinking and stays at this address at 
times. He stated that he left the vehicle 
there while he and some friends went out. 
Mr Santee stated that he received a call 
from the home owner, being Richard Beitler, 
and Mr. Beitler advised him that Spencer 
Hunt came and took the vehicle.

I then interviewed the homeowner, Richard 
Beitler. Mr. Beitler stated that he was laying 
on his couch and he heard someone enter 
his residence and he observed Spencer 
Hunt in his kitchen. Mr. Hunt asked Mr. 
Beitler where "Dakota's" keys were at and 
Mr. Beitler stated that they were on the 

Mr. Beitler then stated that Spencer Hunt 
left with the vehicle.

Sgt Eberling spoke with the vehicle owner, 
Jennifer Santee. Ms. Santee is currently out 
of town and will be responding to our police 
department on 04/20/2018 to pursue 
charges for the theft. 
Dakota Santee was intoxicated at the time 
of the call so he was advised to also 
respond to the Sebring Police Department 
on 04/20/2018 so I can obtain a statement 
as well.

Prior to officer leaving, Dakota received a 
call from Spencer Hunt's mother and she 
advised that the vehicle was at her house in 
Alliance. Dakota did not know the address 
but stated that he knew where it was at and 
was going to respond there to retrieve the 
vehicle keys. Ms. Santee the vehicle owner 
also was notified of this and stated that she 
did not want it towed and that she was ok 
with Dakota going to get the keys and 
leaving the vehicle at the Alliance 

Ptl. Siranovic #507


On 04/20/2018 1 was called in by Chief 
Harris in reference to a case. Chief Harris 
advised that he was assigning me this case 
and filled me in on the details. Chief Harris 
advised that he was with the two witnesses 
at currently and he was obtaining 

Redfern 504


On 04/20/2018 1 attempted to reach out to 
Richard Beitler at his residence with no 
success. I then attempted to make contact 
via cell phone and left a message.

Redfern 504


On 04/20/2018 Made contact with 
Prosecutor Tolson in reference to this case 
and we discussed
warrants for the following charges;

Burglary F2
Grand theft of a Motor Vehicle F4
B&E F5
Criminal Damaging M2
State complaints will be sent to MCC#3 for 

Redfern 504


On 04/25/2018 I Ptl. Scott arrived to the 
station to begin my shift and was advised 
by Sgt. Eberling that Perry township police 
had a male identified as Spencer Hunt 
detained that had an active warrant through 
MCC#3. I then met with Perry township at 
the Walmart in Canton Ohio 2300 Atlantic 
Blvd. and Spencer was transferred into my 

I then transported Spencer back to station 
and gathered paper work and collected 
DNA via mouth swap and transported 
Spencer to the Mahoning County Adult 
Justice Center. Once at the justice center 
deputies took responsibility of Spencer and 
I then returned to the village.




Brian Carlisle 

On 4/22/2018 I observed a vehicle parked 
revving its engine multiple times which 
resulted in a OVI arrest.

Ptl. Scott #506

On 4/22/2018 at 12:50am I Ptl. Scott was 
traveling west on W. Indiana Ave. near N. 
17th St. when I heard a vehicle rev its 
engine multiple times. I turned my cruiser 
around and drove up to a van and observed 
a male in the driver seat and heard the 
engine rev once more coming from this 
individual's vehicle. I also recalled 
observing this same vehicle driving east on 
W. Ohio Ave. before turning onto N. 17TH 
St. I then drove next to the vehicle and 
spoke to the driver and asked if he was 
okay and he responded with "I am revving 
my engine to get the dust bunnies out of my 
van" the driver appeared to be heavily 

I then told the driver to stay in the vehicle 
and positioned myself behind his vehicle 
and activated my overhead lights and 
notified dispatch.

I then approached the vehicle and identified 
the driver as Brian Carlisle and asked Brian 
where he was coming from in which he 
stated Alliance and Brian admitted to driving 
the vehicle and I then asked Brian if he had 
consumed any alcoholic beverages prior to 
driving in which he stated yes. I then asked 
Brian to exit the vehicle and when he did I 
could smell a strong odor of an alcoholic 
beverage coming from his person. I then 
instructed Brian to come to the rear of his 
vehicle and I also turned my front overhead 
lights off which soon after Ptl. Siranovic 

I then asked Brian if he would consent to 
standardized field sobriety testing in which 
he stated yes.

I told Brian to stand straight up with his feet 
together and his arms up and down and to  
his sides. I asked Brian if he had any 
medical conditions that would inhibit him 
from taking the tests in which he stated that 
he hit his head months ago and had a 
concussion and throughout the night Brian 
would state new conditions.

I asked if Brian currently takes any 
medication in which he stated that he takes 
blood pressure medication but had not 
taken any tonight. I then instructed Brian to 
continue to stand in the starting position 
and to follow my pen with his eyes and to 
not move his head. I then checked for equal 
pupil size on both eyes, if both eyes tracked 
equally, and a resting nystagmus. Both 
Brian's pupils where of equal size both 
Brian's eyes tracked equally, and Brian did 
not have a resting nystagmus. 
I then began the first test which was the 
horizontal gaze nystagmus and once the 
test began I observed the following clues: 
lack of smooth pursuit in both eyes, onset of 
nystagmus prior to 45 degrees in both eyes, 
distinct nystagmus at maximum deviation in 
both eyes. Also Brian at times would not 
follow with the pen but instead would look 
directly at me and I had to tell him to follow 
the pen multiple times, also Brian would 
follow with his head after being told to just 
follow with his eyes multiple times.

The next test was the walk and turn and I 
had Brian stand in the starting position 
standing straight up with his arms to his 
side and his right foot in front of his left food 
while 1 gave the instructions and I told him 
to stay at that position and not to move or 
start until I instruct him to do so and asked if 
he understood in which Brian stated yes 
that he understood. 

Once I gave the instructions as well as a 
demonstration of what the test would look 
like I instructed Brian to begin and once the 
test began I observed the following clues: 
Improper turn, stepped off the line, used his 
arms to balance, miscounted steps, and 
was unable to keep his balance, did not 
count out loud, staggered and almost fell 
several times. The next test was the one leg 
stand and I instructed Brian to stand 
straight up with his feet together and his 
hands to his side while I gave him the 
instructions and asked him if he understood 
in which Brian stated yes that he 
understood. I gave Brian the instructions 
along with an example and told him while 
performing the test to not put his foot down 
and asked Brian if he understood in which 
Brian stated that he understood. 

Once the test began I observed the 
following clues: did not count out loud, 
could not keep his balance, improperly 
counted, put foot down, used arms to 
balance, swayed while balancing, Brian 
almost fell several times and I made the 
decision to end the test for his safety.

Once the tests where finished based on the 
results and my experience I placed Brian 
under arrest for suspicion of OVI and 
placed him in hand restraints which where 
gapped and double locked and placed Brian 
in the back of my cruiser. I then transported 
Brian to the station where I read Brian the 
BMV 2255 form and asked Brian if he 
wanted to submit to chemical testing in 
which he consented and signed the BMV 
2255 form which Ptl. Siranovic witnessed. 

I then transported Brain to the Alliance 
police department for chemical testing and 
met with Ptl. Mark which conducted the test.

Brian then gave a breath sample for the 
intoxilyzer 8000 and a sample was obtained 
and I then obtained a urine sample from 
Brian which I transported back to the 
department and placed in the refrigerator. 
Once all chemical testing was complete I 
viewed the results of the breath sample and 
Brian's blood alcohol content was 0.289. I 
then transported Brian back to the 
department where he was processed by 
fingerprinting and photographing which was 
done by Ptl. Siranovic and I then wrote a 
traffic citation for ORC 4511.19(A)(l)(a) OVI 
(SFST) and ORC 4511.19(A)(l)(h) OVI 
(Greater than .17) and Brian was given a 
court date of 4/26/2018 at 9:OOam with a 
personal appearance required for Mahoning 
County Court #3. I then had Brian sign a 
recognizance form of $1,000 for both OVI 

Brian was given a copy of the BMV 2255 
form, traffic citation, bond recognizance 
form, and his breath results. 

Once the paper work was complete I gave 
Brian a courtesy transport at 275 W.lndiana 
Ave. and then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


DATE: 04/24/2018 21:00:00
1026 S 12th St
Criminal Damaging

Upon arrival I spoke with Bradeley Etto who 
showed me multiple muddy footprints on his 
door to his apartment. Some of the 
footprints were extremely high up the door 
and the door had no dents or visible 
damage. Bradley advised no damage to the 
door or that anything of his was missing but 
when he returned home it was not latched 
all the way. There were several muddy 
footprints through out the apartment 
building but none seemed to match that of 
the ones on the door. 

Bradley advised he does not know who 
could have done it but he is suspicious of 
his new neighbor as there was 6 or 7 of 
them in one apartment. 

Photographs were taken of the footprints 
and I cleared. With nothing missing and no 
further evidence to go on this cask will be 

Ptl Brindack 508


Case No.: 18004130
Speed (51/35)

On 04/23/2018 at 1620hrs I Officer Rober 
while conducting stationary radar on 12th 
and E Georgia in marked unit 301 observed 
a black in color Chevy tmck that appeared 
to be travelling above the posted speed 
limit. I then activated my department's 
stationary radar Python III and got a locked 
speed of 5lmph in a post 35mph zone. I 
then activated my emergency lights and 
made a stop of the vehicle. I then identified 
myself and the reason for the stop and 
identified the driver as Justin Yeder. Jnstin 
stated to me that he was not paying any 
attention to the speed limit and that he was 
trying to get home. 

I then issued Justin a citation for speed and 
gave him a court date of 05/04/2018 at 
0900hrs and MCC#3. Justin then 
acknowledged the citation and signed it 
upon nothing further I cleared and resumed 

Officer Rober #511


Case No.: 18004129 TRAFFIC


On Monday, April 23,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #302 at the 
corner of E Texas Ave and S 15th St. I 
observed a dark blue Toyota sedan 
approach the intersection from the north 
and fail to come to a complete stop at the 
posted stop sign. I then activated my 
overhead emergency lights and pulled out 
onto S 15th St and performed a traffic stop. 
The vehicle, a dark blue Toyota Corolla 
bearing Ohio registration FSE7213, came to 
a stop on S 15th St at W Kentucky Ave. 

Upon making contact with the driver, I 
identified myself and advised him of the 
reason for the stop. I asked the driver for 
his driver's license, registration and 
insurance information. The driver, identified 
as Dougias Primm, was able to produce all 
but his insurance information. Primm was 
issued citation #031110 for Village 
Ordinance 313.01 Traffic Control Device 
(Stop Sign - Fail to Obey) and advised of 
his mandatory court appearance before 
MCC #3 on Thursday, May 3,21318 at 

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Wednesday, April 25, 2018
01:16 PM -0500


On Monday, April 9, 2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #302 near the 
corner of S 12th St and E Georgia Ave. I 
observed an orange Dodge sedan 
accelerating toward my location at a high 
rate of speed as it continued north on S 
12th St.

After locking the vehicle's speed in at 55 
MPH in a posted 35 MPH zone, I performed 
a traffic stop by activating my overhead 
emergency lights and audible siren. The 
vehicle, an orange Dodge Caliber bearing 
Ohio registration FIU6522, came to a stop 
in the 100 block of S 12th St.

Upon making contact with the driver, I 
identified myself and advised her of the 
reason for the stop. I asked the driver for 
her driver's license, registration and 
insurance information. The driver, identified 
as Emily Marie Morris, was able to produce 
all of the aforementioned documents. Morris 
was issued citation #031106 for Village 
Ordinance 333.03 Speed - Over Limits and 
advised of her court appearance before 
MCC #3 on Thusday April 19,2018 at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


DATE: 04/03/2018 15:33:00

On 04/03/18 I was dispatched to 176 E. 
Oregon for a trash complaint

Upon arrival I witnessed a couch and a 
large amount of trash on the back patio. A 
trash warning letter was issued to the 
residence and I cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 508

On 04/10/18 I went to 176 E Oregon Ave 
and observed that all trash including the 
couch had been removed.

Ptl. Brindack 508


DATE: 04/09/2018 20:01:00

On 04/09/2018 I Officer Rober while on 
patrol in marked unit 301 was conducting 
stationary radar on 1400 block of S 
Johnson Road when I observed a black in 
color truck that appeared to be traveling 
above the posted speed limit. I then took 
the department issued hand held radar and 
got a confirmed speed of 60mph in a 
35mph zone. I then pulled behind the 
vehicle to try to make a traffic stop when I 
observed the vehicle in question cross the 
center line multiple times. 

I then activated my emergency over head 
lights to make a stop on the vehicle on Rt 
62 in the parking lot Oakridge Motel.

I then exited my patrol vehicle and made 
contact with the driver later identified as 
Phillip Fonner. While speaking with Phillip I 
smelled a strong odor of alcohol coming 
from his person and he also slurred speech 
and glassy eyes. I then asked Phillip if he 
had anything to drink which he stated he 
had not. I then told him that I smell an odor 
of alcohol coming from him which he then 
told me that he might have had 1 or 2 drinks 
at her sister's house.

I then went back to my marked patrol 
vehicle and called for the assistance from 
another officer for back up. A short time 
later Officer Marchionda arrived on scene, I 
then had Phillip step out of his vehicle. I 
asked Phillip if he had anything on him that 
could hurt me and if it was ok for me to pat 
him down for officer safety which he replied 
that it was ok for him to be pat downed. 
Once I completed the terry pat down search 
I asked Phillip if he would submit to 
standard field sobriety test which he replied 
was ok. I then asked Phillip if he had any 
injuries or taken any medication or wearing 
contact which he replied he had contacts in. 

I then turned off my front over head lights 
and had Phillip stand in front of my marked 
patrol vehicle. I then conducted the 
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test which 
resulted in 6 clues, lack of smooth pursuit in 
both eyes, distinct sustained nystagmus 
maximum deviation in both eyes, and onset 
of nystagmus prior to 45 degrees on both 

I then had Phillip conduct the walk and turn. 
I instructed Phillip the next part of the test is 
the walk and turn I had Phillip put his left 
foot on the line and place his right foot 
directly over his left and do not the start in 
test until I tell you to begin. 

While explaining the test I noticed him not 
keep his balance and not following 
instructions and I also gave Phillip a 
demonstration of the test which he replied 
he understood the instructions. Once the 
test started I noticed Phillip step off the line 
use and his arms for balance and not 
touching heel to toe on any of steps. I then 
explained to Phillip about the next test 
which was the one leg stand and gave him 
instructions and demonstrated which he 
replied he understood the test. While 
conducting the one leg stand I observed the 
following clues, hopping to keep balance, 
put his foot down, used his arms for 
balance and swaying to keep balance.

I then had Phillip place his hands behind his 
back and advised him that he is under 
arrested for operating a vehicle under the 
influence of alcohol and then handcuffed, 
gapped and double locked them and placed 
Phillip in the back of my marked patrol 
vehicle. Officer Marchionda then conducted 
an inventory search of the vehicle and 
called Springer's towing to impound the 
vehicle while I transport Phillip to the 

Once at the station I took Phillip in the 
patrol booking area and read the BMV2255 
to him and then asked him if he 
understands what I told him which he 
replied he does. I then asked if he will 
subrnit to a chemical breath test which he 
replied that he will. Sgt Eberling then set up 
the intoxilyzer 8000. Sgt Eberling then 
explained the test which Phillip 
acknowledged. Phillip submitted to a 
chemical test which resulted in a BAC of 

Once the test was done I explained to 
Phillip that he will be charged with 
Speeding, left of center, OVI, and OVI high 
tier and that his license will be placed under 
administrative license suspension and that 
he will have to go to court on 04/12/2018 at 
0900hrs at Mahoning County Court #3 in 

Officer Marchionda then finger printed 
Phillip and Sgt Eberling took booking 
photos. Once all the paperwork was 
completed and copies were given to Philip, 
Officer Marchionda took Phillip to his 
sister's house. Upon nothing further I 
cleared and resumed patrol.

J. Rober, BADGE NO: 511


Sebring Police Department
REPORT DATE: 04/11/2018 12:06.00

On 04/11/2018 I was met on station for a 
theft report. I arrived on location and spoke 
with Michelle Morrow and Allen Reed. 
Michelle advised that while she was in the 
hospital her two cell phones and her native 
American spear was stolen. 

Michelle filled out a written statement. I 
advised Michelle that I would keep an look 
out for the items but with little to no leads 
the case would be closed unless new 
information came to light.

Redfern 504



On 4/11/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser, I observed a black truck 
traveling north on S 12 St near the village 
limits at a visibly high rate of speed. I 
activated my radar unit which confirmed the 
speed to be 55 mph in a clearly posted 35 
mph zone. I initiated a traffic stop on the 
vehicle, bearing Ohio plate EJZ2632 on S 
12th St near E Georgia Ave. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver, Lester M. Stanley.

Lester advised he wasn't paying attention to 
his speed and was in a hurry to get to his 
daughter's house. Lester was issued a 
citation for Speed 333.03 SCO and advised 
of his court date at MCC #3 on 4/19/2018 at 
0900 hrs. Lester was able to provide valid 
proof of insurance at the time of stop.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Sebring Police Department
DATE: 04/11/2018 17:30:00

On 04/11/2018 I was requested to the 500 
block of West Ohio Avenue in reference to a 
consent to search. I arrived on location and 
spoke to Rebecca Stickler whom advised 
that she her friend XXXX use her car and 
she found out that she let her friend XXXXX 
use the car and they left a few black cases 
in the car. Rebecca advised that XXXXX is 
a drug dealer and she believes that there 
may be drugs in the containers. 

I had Rebecca fill out a consent to search 
and I confiscated the black containers and a 
pocket knife. I then cleared.

Once back at station there was nothing 
found to be illegal and Items were thrown 
away and the pocket knife will be stored in 
cell block b.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Sebring Police Department
DATE: 04/11/2018 21:19:00

On 04/11/18 I was dispatched to 175 W. 
Ohio Ave for a damage report.

Ptl. Brindack 508

Upon arrival I spoke with Michelle Morrow, 
Joann Martin, and Donald Hill. Michelle 
advised me that there was a cut in the 
netting on the bed cover of her truck. I 
observed the alleged cut which was 
triangular in shape and was about 2 inches 
long on each side. Michelle and the other 
advised that the cut was not there earlier 
today but XXXX was there and asked to 
leave and he said " as long as Shellys 
happy" and then left. After which Joann 
noticed the cut. 

All parties advised they did not specifically 
see XXXX cut the screen but that he carries 
a "deer gutting knife" so they think he did.

Voluntary statements were obtained from 
Don, Joann, and Michelle. Don and 
Michelle advised they wanted a a notice of 
restriction and Michelle was advised Don 
would need to come file a report to do so. I 
then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 508


DATE: 04/12/2018 08:27:00

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Dakota N. Guy, 51 3 Walnut St. 
Alliance. Mr. Guy advised XXXX 29549 
Salem Alliance Rd. Lot 2, Salem has been 
upset with him because he is dating his 
daughters mother. Mr. Guy advised he 
stayed at 555 W. New York Ave. last night. 
Mr. Guy then advised at approximately 
0745hrs Mr. XXXX ame with XXXX 12135 
N. 12th St. Beloit, to pick up his daughter. 
Mr. Guy advised Mr. XXXX was angry with 
him and calling him names.

Mr. Guy then advised after Mr. XXXX left he 
went outside to smoke a cigarette and 
observed several scratches on the trunk 
and rear bumper of his car. Mr. Guy advised 
he believed Mr. XXXX caused the damage. 
Mr. Guy showed me surveillance video of 
Mr. XXXX There was a time that Mr. XXXX 
was near Mr. Guys car but it does not 
appear he caused any damage to the car. 

I obtained a written statement from Mr. Guy 
that will be placed in the case file There 
were 3 photographs taken of the damage to 
the car as well as a video of XXXX and 
XXXX  on the porch However, Mr. Guy has 
not been able to provide me with a video of 
Mr . XXXX near his car. 

This case will be closed due to lack of 

Ptl. Kelm #505



On 04/12/2018 at 11:26pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on S. 15th St. when I clocked in a vehicles 
speed traveling south on the same road at 
55mph in a 40mph zone with my cruisers 
mounted radar unit. The vehicle passed my 
cruiser and I then turned my cruiser around 
and positioned myself behind the vehicle 
and initiated a traffic stop on US Rt. 62 near 
Perkins restaurant. 

The vehicle was a 2012 blue Chevrolet 
Cruze bearing an Ohio license plate 
(HGL.8656). I then approached the vehicle 
and spoke to the driver and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance which I received but 
the proof of insurance was expired. The 
driver was identified as Lori Eagon and I 
wrote Lori a traffic citation for speed ORC 
4511.21 and cited Lori into MCC#3 with a 
court date of
04/19/2018 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance required. Once Lori signed the 
citation she was provided a copy and I then 

Ptl. Scott #506



On 04/13/2018 at 4:18 am I Ptl. Scott along 
with Ptl. Hughey while in a marked patrol 
car was stationary on the 1400 block of S. 
Johnson Rd. when I clocked in a vehicles 
speedtraveling south on the same road at 
49mph in a 35mph zone with the hand held 
portable radar unit. The vehicle passed my 
cruiser where I observed the driver did not 
have his seat belt on but he was reaching to 
put it on. I then turned my cruiser around 
and positioned myself behind the vehicle 
and initiated a traffic stop on S. Johnson 
Rd. near Grandview Cemetery. 

The vehicle was a 2003 Red Jeep 
Cherokee bearing an Ohio license plate 
(HJA5402). I then approached the vehicle 
and spoke to the driver and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance which I received. 
Further questioning the driver admitted that 
he forgot to put his seat belt on and was not 
wearing it when I pulled him over. 

The driver was identified as Matthew A. 
Grate and I wrote Matthew a traffic citation 
for speed SCO 333.03 as well as a seat belt 
citation SCO 337.27 and cited Matthew into 
MCC#3 with a court date of 04/19/2018 at 
9:OOam with a personal appearance 
required. Once Matthew signed the citation 
he was provided a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506
Ptl. Hughey #530


DATE: 02/19/2018 14:47:00

On above date and time I Officer Rober was 
dispatched to 546 W Maryland for a theft 
report. Upon arrival I spoke with Amanda 
Shoffner, Amanda stated to me Brandon 
Bennett stopped by the house and stated 
that he forgot his wallet in Gavin's room. 
Amanda then let Brandon in to house where 
then Brandon then proceeded to go into 
Gavin's room. While Brandon was in 
Gavin's room Amanda stated her husband 
Mark Shoffner herd scuffling coming from 
Gravin's room and when asked if he was 
alright he Brandon stated that everything is 
fine and quickly exited the house.

I then spoke with Gavin Shoffner about the 
incident and stated that he was at work 
during the time when he got a text from his 
mom asking if its alright if she let Brandon 
Bennett into his home. Gavin stated that 
due to his work he can not get to his phone 
and once he returned to home he noticed 
that his lock box containing letters and his 
keys were missing. 

I then asked when was the last time he was 
these items and he stated to me that it was 
at 5:45 am when he went into work.

I then asked Gavin if anyone had access to 
his room during the time since he last saw 
his property. He told me that no one was in 
his room expect for his family and Brandon 
Bennett. I then asked Gavin what would he 
like for us to do about this incident and he 
stated that he wants him charged. I then 
gathered a written statement from Gavin 
and Amanda and stated to me if he has any 
contact with Brandon or any other 
information to give us a call. Upon nothing 
further I cleared and resumed patrol.

On 02/19/2018 I Officer Rober and 
Sergeant Eberling traveled to 235 E 
Pennsylvania to try to make contact with 
Brandon Bennet but was unable to from 
that location. We then travelled to 156 E 
Maryland to try to make contact with 
Brandon due to the location where he 
normally stays but was yet again unable to 
make contact with him. Upon nothing 
further Both units clear and resume patrol

Officer Rober #511


I contacted prosecuting attorney Theresa 
Tolson in reference to this case, and during 
the phone call conversation it would be 
determined that a MI warrant for Theft 
would be obtained and case will be closed 
until further information comes to light.

Redfern 504


On 04/13/2018 1 was advised by dispatch 
that the Stark County Sheriffs Office had 
Brandon in custody and they were getting 
ready to release him and saw our warrant. 1 
advised them that since he was in the 
pickup radius I would be enroute to pick up 

I arrived on location at the Stark County 
Jail, Brandon was surprised to see that we 
had a warrant for him. He asked what the 
warrant was for and he was advised that it 
was for Theft from Gavin Schoffner. I gave 
Brandon details of the case and he advised 
that he never took the box in question, but 
he did however take weed that was laying 
on Gavin's bed. Brandon was then taken 
into custody and transported back to the 
department for processing. 

I got back to station and I asked Brandon if 
he wanted to give a statement on the case, 
and if so I would read him his rights and 
give him a statement. Brandon stated that 
he did not wish to provide a statement just 
to admit that he stole Gavin's weed 
because he owed him money. 

Brandon was processed and given a 
Recognizance Bond of $1,250.00 and a 
court appearance of 04/19/2018 at 0900, 
case will be closed.

Redfern 504


Receiving Stolen Property F4
DATE: 03/09/2018 16:38:00

165 W. Oregon Ave., Sebring, OH

(1) Dagger
(1) Samurai Sword
(1) Medieval Sword

Arrested: NATHAN S BROOKS, 2913.51 
Receiving Stolen Property F-4 - Felony - 4


On 03-09-2018 I was requested on station 
to a theft report. As the victim was in the 
waiting room I had dispatch run his 
information to find that the male was 
identified as Andrew Banks of Sebring. 
NCIC also uncovered that Andrew has a full 
extradition warrant from Lorain County. 

I had Dispatch confirm the warrant and they 
advised that they wanted him and they 
would send a detainer. 

I brought Andrew back to the squad room 
for an interview and he advised that he 
believes that Allan Reed and Nathan 
Brooks broke into the house and stole 
several samurai swords and daggers. 

I obtained a written statement from Andrew. 
After the written statement was obtained I 
then placed Andrew under arrest for his 
warrant and transported him to MCJ. I then 
advised Andrew that he needed to come 
see me after he was done dealing with his 
warrant to further this case. I then cleared 
without incident.

Redfern 504


On 04-05-2018 I saw Violet Smith at the 
courthouse who advised me that Nathan 
Brooks was being kicked out of her house.  
I asked Violet if she saw Nathan in 
possession of a dagger and she advised 
that he was in possession of one. I advised 
Violet that I would follow up with her in a 
few days.

Redfern 504


On 04-07-2018 Once Andrew was released 
from jail I had Andrew send me a picture of 
the dagger that was missing.

Redfern 504


On 04-05-2018 I went to Violet Smiths 
residence who already had a statement 
filled out. Violet stated that she saw Nathan 
there with a dagger. I showed Violet the 
pictures of the dagger and she advised that 
it was the dagger that was stolen.

Redfern 504


On 04-05-2018 Andrew Banks called in 
stating that he saw Edward Mills a few days 
prior and he saw him wearing his clothes 
that were stolen along with the dagger.  
Andrew advised that he confronted Edward 
about it and Edward gave him his clothes 

Redfern 504


On 04-07-2018 I went to the Mills residence 
and found Nathan Brooks on the porch.  I 
attempted to ask Nathan about the incident 
and it appeared that Nathan was under the 
influence of a stimulant. Nathan was acting 
paranoid and started running down the road 
stating that he would meet me back at the 

I went into the Mills residence and Spoke 
with Edward Mills whom was acting the 
same way Nathan was, who appeared to be 
on a stimulant and to be paranoid. Edward 
was speaking a thousand times a minute 
and stated that he had nothing to hide from 
me and pulled out several drugs from his 

Drugs were confiscated see case # 
18004036. 1 asked Edward Mills if he seen 
the dagger and he advised that he saw 
Nathan with it and that Nathan broke into a 
house to get it. Edward refused to assist 
further and I then cleared.

Redfern 504


On 04-07-2018 I spoke with Chief Harris in 
reference to filing charges of Receiven 
Stolen Property M1 and Chief advised that 
he approved and to forward the request to 
Prosecutor Tolson.

Redfern 504


I spoke to Prosecutor Tolson, whom 
interpreted the Dagger to be a Dangerous 
Ordinance, which elevated the charge to a 
Felony of the 4th degree.

Warrant was typed up and sent to court.

Redfern 504


On 04-12-2018 Nathan came to the 
department to talk about the incident. 
Nathan was advised that he was being 
charged in reference to the case. Nathan 
during the booking process advised that he 
knew where the weapon was but he wasn't 
saying anything because he wasn't being 
labeled as a snitch. Nathan was offered the 
opportunity to post a bond but was unable 
to. Nathan was then transported to MCJ on 
his warrant with a court date of 04/19/2018 
at 0900.

Redfern 504


DATE: 04/07/2018 16:20:00


Arrested: Edward Mills, Theft 2913.02(B)
(6), 50 pills of Hydrocodone, 20 pills of 

On 04/07/2018 1 was dispatched to the 200 
Blk of West Oregon Avenue in reference to 
a dispute. I was advised by dispatch that 
the altercation was between mother and 
son, Mary and Edward Mills. I arrived on 
location and spoke to Marry Mills who 
advised that she just had hydrocodone filled 
yesterday with a quantity of 120 pills as well 
as her alprazolam with a quantity of 90. 
Mary advised that she had all of her pills 
thls morning and then she left and went to 
H&R Block to have her taxes filed.

When she got home she counted her pills 
she was missing roughly 60 hydrocodone 
and 20 alprazolam. Mary's other son Sean 
Mills advised that he caught Edward taking 
her medications earlier in the morning. 
Sean advised that he walked in on Edward 
taking them and he advised him to stop and 
leave the bedroom. Sean advised that he 
then went to Alliance and left the residence. 

I asked Edward, whom appeared to be 
under the influence of a stimulant at the 
time, about the pills and he stated that he 
did not want to talk about it.

Redfern 504


This case will be forwarded to Chief Harris 
and Sgt Eberling for review and then 
pending their recommendations the case 
will be forwarded to Prosecutor Tolson for 
review for possible charges of Theft 

Redfern 504


On 04-12-2018 I went to Edwards 
residence to execute a warrant.  Edward 
was taken into custody without incident.  

I spoke with Edward who advised that he 
wanted to talk about the case and give a 
statement on who stole the meds. Edward 
was advised to speak with his attorney 
about it. Edward was transported to the 
station for booking. Edward was booked 
and taken to MCJ on a $8000 bond.

Edward has his first appearance on 
04/19/2018 at 0900. Case will be closed.

Redfern 504


Sebring Police Department
DATE: 04/13/2018 18:57.00
195 N. Johnson Rd

On 04/13/2018, 1 was met on station for a 
report. I arrived on location and spoke with 
Brandon Newell of Alliance , and his sister 
Taylor Newell of Sebring. Brandon advised 
that he is the victim of a pending assault 
case. Brandon advised that his sister went 
to Zep's Pizza earlier to get a pizza and the 
suspect of the assault confronted his sister 
whom was identified as XXXX of Sebring.

Taylor advised that she willingly went to 
XXXX place of work to order food. Taylor 
advised that XXXX then asked Taylor "Did 
you hear what I did to your brother", "Also 
did you hear he was cyberbullying me?". 
Brandon advised that he spoke with his 
attorney and he was advised to come to the 
police department and file intimidation 
charges against her, statement was taken.

Redfern 504


On 04-13-2018 after review of ORC 
2921.03, 2921.04,and 2921.05 I determined 
there was no violation of any of the laws.

Redfern 504


On 04-13-2018 I spoke to Chief Harris and 
advised him of the situation and he also 
agreed that there was no violation of law 
but he wanted me to get the opinion of the 

Redfern 504


On 04/13/2018, 1 spoke with Prosecutor 
Theresa Tolson and advised her of the 
situation, and she also agreed that there 
was no violation of the law, but there may 
possibly be a bond violation if the condition 
of bond was no contact with the victim and 
the family of the victim. Case will be closed 
due to no violation of the law.

Redfern 504


Sebring Police Department
1000 blk N 12th St. Sebring, OH
Speed 55/35mph

On 4/16/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser traveling south on N 12th St 
near the village limits, I observed a red 
vehicle traveling north on N St at a visibly 
high rate of speed near Pine Lake Rd. I 
activated my radar unit which confirmed the 
speed to be 55 mph in a clearly posted 35 
mph zone. I initiated a traffic stop on the 
vehicle, bearing Ohio plate HGH7154 in the 
1000 block of N 12th St. Upon approaching 
the vehicle, I made contact with the driver, 
Donna M. McMahan. 

Donna advised she had just left her 
mother's house in Beloit and was traveling 
home. Donna advised she did not have a 
driver's license due to it being expired. 
Donna advised she just never went and 
renewed it however had an ID card issued 
in February. Donna was issued a citation for 
Speed 333.03 SCO and No OLN 335.01 
and advised of her court date at MCC #3 on 
4/19/2018 at 0900 hours.

Donna was unable to provide valid proof of 
insurance and was advised she would need 
to personally appear at court to which she 
advised she understood. I gave Donna a 
reasonable amount of time to get a valid 
driver to the scene to operate the vehicle 
however she was unable to. Springer's 
Towing was requested to the scene to 
remove the vehicle from the roadway.

Ptl. Marchionda arrived on scene and gave 
Donna a courtesy transport back to her 
mother's house in Beloit. I performed a pre-
tow inventory of the vehicle and Springer's 
removed it from the roadway

Sgt. Eberling #503


ebring Police Department
236 Alabama Ave., Sebring, OH
Speed 52/35, Driver License Required
Arrested: Joshua Lawson

On Monday, April 16,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #302 in front of 
100 S 12th St. I observed a white Dodge 
van accelerate past my location south on S 
12th St. I then observed the vehicle's speed 
increase from 40 MPH to 52 MPH in a 
Posted 35 MPH zone. I clocked the 
vehicle's speed in at 52 MPH. I then pulled 
out onto S 12th St in an attempt to catch up 
with the vehicle. 

At this time, I signaled a traffic stop by 
activating my overhead emergency lights. 
Due to the significant distance between 
myself and the vehicle, I then activated my 
audible siren after I saw it turn west onto 
Alabama Ave. I was finally able to effect the 
stop of the vehicle, a white Dodge Grand 
Caravan bearing Ohio registration 
HJA5502, after it pulled up to 236 Alabama 

Upon making contact with the driver, I 
identified myself and advised him of the 
reason for the stop. I asked the driver for 
his driver's license. The driver, identified as 
Joshua Lawson, advised me he did not 
have a driver's license but provided his full 
name, social security number and date of 

Patrolman Rober arrived on scene at this 
time to assist. 

While speaking to Lawson, his girlfriend, 
later identified as Letia Ballard, emerged 
from Apt#1 and brought his Ohio 
Identification Card to me. After Ballard 
handed me Lawson's ID card, I asked her if 
she knowingly allowed Lawson to take the 
van knowing he did not have a driver's 
license and she stated to me she did. I 
asked Ballard if she could produce any 
identification and she was able to provide 
me with her Ohio Driver's License. Ballard 
was also able to provide me with insurance 
documentation for the vehicle.

Lawson was issued citation #031108 for 
Village Ordinance 333.03 Speed - Over 
Limits, 335.01 Driver's License Required 
and advised of his mandatory court 
appearance before MCC#3 on Thursday, 
April 19,2018 at 0900. 

Ballard was issued citation #031109 for 
Village Ordinance 335.05 Wrongful 
Entrustment and advised of her mandatory 
court appearance before MCC #3 on 
Thursday, April 19,2018 at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Private Property Accident
Report #18004092
406 West Indiana Ave, Sebring, OH 44672 
Side yard

Unit #1 Matthew Schaub

Unit #2 Tifani Kent

Unit one was backing out of his driveway 
and backed into the yard of unit two and 
struck unit two causing damage to unit two.

Reporting Officer Chief Harris


Case No.: 18004082
18082 4th St. Beloit, OH 44609
Assault M1 (Court Summons)

Upon arrival, I spoke with the complainant 
Roderick Neill. Roderick advised he was 
standing at the ATM attempting to withdraw 
money when a male walked in the front 
door and looked right at him and spit in his 
face. Roderick advised the male then 
walked through the store yelling "crazy" 
stuff then walked back over and asked him 
if he was calling "Johnny Law". 

Roderick advised at which point the male 
spit in his face again. Roderick advised the 
male's mother, identified as Pamela Miller 
was the store attempting to control him. 
Roderick advised the male then took off out 
of the store on foot.

Roderick provided a voluntary written 
statement about what happened and 
advised he does wish to pursue criminal 
charges against the male for spitting in his 

I briefly spoke with Pamela Miller on scene 
to which she advised the male was her Son, 

Pamela advised she picked him up from 
Alliance and had stopped at Circle K so he 
could get some cigarettes when this 
incident happened, Pamela advised she 
wants him admitted to a hospital because 
he was talking "crazy stuff about aliens".

Pamela advised she was unsure where he 
walked to but was going to attemp to locate 
him and call us. I had dispatch contact 
Goshen PD to attempt to locate Dakota in 
Beloit at his residence however it was 
negative contact at the time of this report. 

Ptl. Marchionda and myself checked the 
area around Circle K for Dakota however 
were unable to locate him. I spoke with the 
clerk at Circle K who advised the incident 
was captured on video however advised the 
day shift manager is the only one who can 
access and make a copy of the surveillance 
video. The clerk advised he would leave a 
note for the manger in the morning to make 
a copy. 

This case will be pending based on 
confirming Dakota's last name and 
information as well as watching the 
surveillance to verify it was him. I attempted 
to call Pamela back to get her son's 
information however her phone went to 

Sgt. Eberling #503


On 4/18/2018, I was able to watch the 
surveillance video from Circle K and it 
clearly shows Dakoda W. Edinger walking 
in the front door and immediately getting in 
Roderick's face. Dakoda then walks through 
the store and approaches Roderick again 
as Pamela attempts to hold him back. 
Dakoda then points his finger in Roderick's 
face and lunges his face toward Roderick's 
spitting on Roderick's face. Dakoda than 
exits the store as Roderick calls police. 

The surveillance video confirms Roderick's 
voluntary written statement about what 
happened. Pamela Miller also identified the 
male as her son Dakoda W. Edinger. 
Dakoda's OHLEG picture also matches the 
male in the video. 

Based on this evidence, a charge of Assault 
2903.13A M-1 will be filed against Dakoda 
and a summons will be requested from the 

On the same date as above, I received the 
summons from court and Dakoda was 
personally served at his residence and 
advised of his court date at MCC #3 on 
4/26/2018 at 0900 hours. Dakoda advised 
he understood and would be there.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case No.: 18004090
Criminal Damaging, Criminal Trespass
29549 Salem Alliance Rd Lol#211 Salem 

Upon arrival I spoke with Kayla Marie 
Hartman and Darien Alexandria Eberling. 
Kayla advised me that her ex boyfriend and 
the father of her child Dakota Allen Best 
was at her house 615 W California Ave and 
was asked to leave multiple times by her 
but refused. Dakota was also told by 
officers to leave the residence yesterday 
04/16/18. Kayla advised me she attempted 
to walk away from Dakota but he blocked 
her from entering the house and then 
followed her inside. Once inside Kayla said 
Dakota "snapped her phone in half' and 
punched her in the stomach. 

Kayla was asked if she needed medical 
attention which she refused and a slightly 
red mark was visible on her stomach. Kayla 
said when Dakota left he said he was going 
to "kill himself'.

Darien was witness to him breaking the 
phone and striking Kayla as well as him 
saying he wanted to commit suicide. Kayla 
advised me she did not want to press 
charges for domestic violence but did want 
Dakota charged for trespass and breaking 
her phone. A domestic violence refusal form 
was signed by Kayla and voluntary 
statements were done by both Kayla and 

I obtained the address of Dakota's 
residence (29549 Salem Alliance Rd lot #2 
Salem, OH 4460) from Kayla before I left 
and cleared. When I returned to our station 
I contacted Columbiana County SO, and 
requested they do a welfare check on 
Dakota to which their dispatch advised they 
would send an officer to check on him. 

Dakota Allen Best was charged with 
Criminal Damaging 2909.06(A)(1) a M-2 
and criminal Trespass 2911.21 (A)(l) a M-4. 

State complaints were done requesting a 
summons for Dakota for MCC#3 on 
04/26/18 at 0900hrs.

Ptl. Brindack 508


On 04/18/18 Dakota Allen Best was served 
at his house 29549 Salem Alliance Rd Lot 
#211 Salem OH 44460 with two summons 
to MCC#3 on 04/26/18 at 0906hrs for 
criminal trespass and criminal damaging. 
Dakota took the summons said and began 
to argue the charges before walking back 
inside. I then cleared. 

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case No.: 18004108
Speed 36/25
W. Ohio Ave. / N. Johnson St.

CITED: Sarah Herenroder  Sebring, OH , 
SCO 333.03

On 04/20/2018 at 4:12am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling east on 
W. Ohio Ave. when I Clocked a vehicles 
speed traveling west on the same road at a 
speed of 36mph in a 25mph zone. I then 
turned my cruiser around and initiated a 
traffic stop on W. Ohio Ave. and N. Johnson 
St. The vehicle was a 2012 gray Honda 
Pilot bearing an Ohio license plate 
(FAA4742). 1 then approached the vehicle 
and spoke to the driver and Informed them 
of the reason for the stop and requested 
their driver's license, registration, and proof 
of insurance in which I received but the 
proof of insurance was expired. 

The driver was identified as Sarah 
Hergenroder and I wrote a traffic citation for 
speed SCO333.03 and cited Sarah into 
MCC#3 with a court date of 4/26/18 
at9:OOam with a personal appearance 
required. Once Sarah signed the citation I 
Provided her with a copy and I then cleared. 

Ptl. Scott #506
Ptl. Hughey #530


DATE: 04/21/2018 09:40:00
Telecommunications Harassment
Making False Alarms
396 E Indiana Ave Sebring OH 44672

(JUVENILE) Cited under 2917.21 
Telecommunications Harassment and 
2917.32 Making False Alarms

On this date at 0934 Hrs, I was contacted 
by Chief Harris via public service ref to 
threats being made by (JUVENILE) to the 
school. I was also advised by Chief Harris 
that he received a call from the Sebring 
School Principal one Joseph Krumpak 
regarding the post that was sent to the Stop 
It app at 0849 Hrs. The post was of a male 
that the face was distorted and the words 
under the photo said : Bitch imam menace 
shoot on school premises fuck the 

I was also advised that by Chief that he was 
advised by the Principal that the post was 
sent Anonymous to the Stop It system.

The principal also advised that after he 
found the post it was posted on 
(JUVENILE) site and also the photo was 
found to be (JUVENILE). I then received a 
copy of the post and the photo, and I found 
the photo to be one (JUVENILE). Mr. 
Krumpak came on station and a written 
statement from him regarding the issue.



On 04/21/2018 1 was advised at home by 
Chief Harris that I needed to come in for 
this case. I came in and reviewed the file, 
and felt that the initial officers gathered 
enough evidence to go fourth with charges. 
I contacted County Juvenile Prosecutor 
Anissa Modarelli, whom through discussion 
it was determined that Chris would be 
charged with the following:

M-1 Making False Alarms 2917.32 
M-1 Telecommunications harassment 

Chris was taken into custody and 
processed and taken to JJC.



Wednesday, April 11, 2018
06:37 PM -0500

Case #18004040

On Sunday, April 8,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #301 near the 
corner of S 12th St and E Georgia Ave. I 
observed a dark blue Ford sedan 
accelerating toward my location at a high 
rate of speed as it continued north on S 
12th St.

After clocking the vehicle's speed in at 56 
MPH in a posted 35 MPH zone, I performed 
a traffic stop by activating my overhead 
emergency lights. The vehicle, a dark blue 
Ford Escape bearing Ohio registration 
GJH7705, came to a stop in the 100 block 
of S 12th St. 

Upon making contact with the driver, I 
identified myself and advised her of the 
reason for the stop. I asked the driver for 
her driver's license, registration and 
insurance information. The driver, identified 
as Jennifer Kuntzman, was able to produce 
all but her insurance information. 

Schulze was issued citation #031105 for 
Village Ordinance 333.03 Speed - Over 
Limits and advised of her mandatory court 
appearance before MCC #3 on Thursday 
April 19, 2018 at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case #18004039

On Sunday, April 8,2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #301 near the 
corner of S 12th st and E Georgia Ave. I 
observed a turquoise Ford sedan 
accelerate passed my location at a high 
rate of speed as it continued south on S 
12th St.

After locking the vehicle's speed in at 52 
MPH in a posted 35 MPH zone, I performed 
a traffic stop by activating my overhead 
emergency lights and audible siren. The 
vehicle, a turquoise Ford Focus bearing 
Ohio registration HAT8209, came to a stop 
in the 1400 block of S 12th St. Upon making 
contact with the driver, I identified myself 
and advised her of the reason for the stop. 

I asked the driver for her driver's license, 
registration and insurance information. The 
driver,identified as Ashley N. Schulze, was 
able to produce all of the aforementioned 

Schulze was issued citation #031104 for 
Village Ordinance 333.03 Speed - Over 
Limits and advised of her court appearance 
before MCC #3 on Thursday, April 19,2018 
at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


REPORT DATE: 04/08/2018 02:10:00

This Officer was dispatched to the 
Brickhouse Bar, 206 East Ohio Ave for a 
fight.  Upon arrival I observed a large group 
of subjects in the rear parking lot.  Upon 
interviewing some patrons they advised that 
the subjects involved had left prior to my 
arrival and that the fight started over a male 
subject assaulting a female. 

Ptl. Scott and I stayed on scene until the 
crowd dispersed and then cleared. No 
further information available at this time.

Ptl. Siranovic #507


Case #18004037

On 04/08/2018 at 12:04am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on S. Johnson Rd. when I clocked a 
vehicles speed heading south on the same 
road at 45mph in a 35mph zone, The 
vehicle then passed my cruiser and I then 
turned my cruiser around and positioned 
myself behind the vehicle and initiated a 
traffic stop on S. Johnson Rd. near 
Heacock Rd. The vehicle was a 2007 Blue 
Saturn 4-door bearing an Ohio license plate 
(GLA6331). I then approached the vehicle 
and spoke to the driver and informed them 
of the reason for the stop and requested 
their driver's license, registration, and proof 
of insurance in which I received. 

The driver was identified as Brett Weekly 
and I wrote Brett a traffic citation for speed 
SCO 333.03 and cited Brett into MCC#3 
with a court date of 04/12/2018 at 9:OOam 
with a personal appearance not required. 
Once Brett signed the citation I provided 
him with a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506



DATE: 04/06/2018 23:00:00

On 4/6/2018 at near 11:00pm I Ptl. Scott 
took a report on station for an alleged 

Once the two males arrived on station I 
identified them as Brandon Newell and 
Ryan Timpe. Brandon alleges that he was  
assaulted at the Zep's Pizza on N. 12th St. 
less than an hour ago and Ryan stated that 
he witnessed the assault. I had both 
individuals fill out voluntary statements 
which they completed.

Brandon states that he was a passenger in 
a vehicle that Ryan was driving to Zep's 
Pizza to pick up food.
 Ryan went inside to retrieve the food when 
Jenna seen him and asked Ryan to have 
Brandon come inside which Ryan called 
Brandon using a cell phone to tell him which 
Brandon told Jenna no and he hang the 
phone up.
 Ryan came back to the vehicle while Jenna 
followed him and went to the passenger 
side door and opened it and began to 
scream at Brandon and then punched him 
in the face several times and then 
attempted to slam the door while Brandon's 
leg was outside of the vehicle and then left 
while Ryan witnessed the whole event. 

Brandon then showed me a video of Jenna 
attempting to shut the car door on him 
which he sent to my department email.

I then took the statements and went to 496 
W. Ohio Ave. to speak with Jenna. I arrived 
and met with Jenna and asked if she 
wanted to'fill out a voluntary statement for 
the incident in which she did. I asked Jenna 
what happened in which Jenna stated that 
Brandon had cyberbullied her so when she 
saw him she punched him in the face a 
couple times and left.

I asked Jenna if it was in self-defense or if 
Brandon had attempted to fight back in 
which she stated no she just punched him 
because of anger from the cyberbullying. 
Jenna was told she can't go and assault 
someone for that reason in which she 
replied oops sorry. 

I then gathered the statement and cleared 
and arrived back at station to look over 

Once I looked over all statements I called 
Brandon and Brandon was requesting 
charges be filed on Jenna for assault. I then 
arrived at 496 W. Ohio Ave. once more and 
knocked on the door and was answered by 
Steve Woods and I asked to speak to his 
daughter Jenna. Jenna then came to the 
door and I placed Jenna under arrest for 
assault ORC 2903.13 M-I and read her 
Miranda rights. I then transported Jenna 
back to station where she was processed 
by fingerprints and photographs and then 
Jenna chose to call Sly Bail Bonds. Sly Bail 
Bonds soon arrived along with Jenna's 
parents to cosign for her bond.

The bondsman then talked to Jenna and 
her cosigner Steve Woods her father and 
they both signed paper work for the 
bondsman. I then received the power of 
attorney once they were finished and a 
copy was also made.
Jenna then signed the recognizance form 
along with the bondsman. The form 
consisted of $1,250.00 and Jenna is 
required to go to the Mahoning County 
Court #3 on 4/12/2018 at 9:OOam. Jenna 
was provided a copy of the recognizance 
form and once the bondsman was finished 
and the recognizance form was signed 
Jenna's parents took her home.

Ptl Scott #506


Case #18004030

Julie Burd 
489 West Georgia, Sebring Ohio

Shortcutting to avoid a Traffic Control 

On 04/06/18 I was stationary at the red light 
at South Johnson Road and US 62, waiting 
for the light to turn green. I observed two 
cars that were behind me pull into the 
parking lot of Perkins and go onto US 62 to 
avoid the red light. 

I pulled over the first car just west of South 
Johnson Road on US 62. I made contact 
with the driver whom was identified as Julie 
Burd, I advised Julie as for the reason of 
the stop and suddenly Julie was irate and 
very confrontational and advised that she 
did not know that she was in any violation 
and she thought she was able to cut 
through the parking lot. 

Julie was cited for Shortcutting to Avoid a 
Traffic Control Device. When attempting to 
issue Julie her citation Julie was 
confrontational and argumentative. I 
advised Julie that I was not going to be 
yelled at by her I simply needed to explain 
the citation and she stated that she didn't 
need it explained. Julie took her citation and 
refused a signature.

Julie was cited into MCC#3 on 4/12/2018 at 
0900. As I attempted to clear Julie peeled 
out throwing gravel at my cruiser. 
I then cleared.

Ptl. Redfern 504


Case #18004028

Jason Jerome Carney 
10626 Kimberly Avenue, Cleveland Ohio 

On 04/06/18 I was in the area of the 800 
block of South 15th Street in marked cruiser 
301. I was traveling south when I observed 
a white van traveling north on South 15th 
Street in my lane of travel forcing me to 
ultimately pull into a driveway to avoid 
collision. I then decided to pull the vehicle 
over near the entrance to Copeland Oaks. I 
made contact with the driver of the vehicle 
whom was identified as Jason Jerome 
Carney of Cleveland. I ran Jason through 
dispatch who advised that Jason was 
suspended through Massillon Municipal 
Court and advised Jason that his license 
was suspended and he needed to have 
someone secure the vehicle. 

Jason advised that he was from Cleveland 
and his boss would be coming from 
Cleveland. Travel time from Cleveland to 
Sebring is not a reasonable time to remove 
the vehicle from the roadway so I called 
springers to secure the vehicle. 

Jason was cited from DUS and driving left 
of center. Jason was given a mandatory 
court date for 04/12/2018 at 0900 at 

I offered Jason a ride and he declined. 
Springers secured the vehicle and I then 
cleared without incident.

Ptl. Redfern 504



DATE: 04/06/2018 03:05:00
Unwanted Person

Upon arrival I made contact with the home 
owners who advised me that they had 
Nathan Brookes evicted through the court 
and that he had arrived at the residence 
earlier in the night banging on the door. The 
home owner presented me with the court 
documents which had not been served to 
Nathan at this time. 

I along with Ptl. Siranovic searched the area 
for Nathan and where unable to make 
contact. I advised to the home owner if 
Nathan returns she needs to call the police 
and I along with Ptl. Siranovic cleared from 
the residence.

DATE: 04/06/2018 08:45

Ptl, Scott #506


DATE: 04/05/2018 21:48:00

This officer was dispatched to 836 South 
13th Street Apt 14 for a disturbance call.

This officer was dispatched to 836 South 
13th Street Apt 14 for a disturbance call. 
Dispatch advised that an anonornous 
female caller stated there was yelling and 
banging going on. Upon arrival and prior to 
making contact, this officer did not hear any 
type of noise coming from the apartment. I 
then made contact with the resident, Koty 
Claypool and his girl friend. Both stated that 
nothing was going on and that there has 
been no noise in there apartment except for 
their radio. 

officer determined that everything appeared 
to be Ok and I then cleared

Ptl. Siranovic #507


Case #18004022

On Thursday, April 5,2018,I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #301 near the 
corner of S 12th St and E Georgia Ave. I 
observed a silver Toyota sedan accelerate 
passed my location at a high rate of speed 
as it continued south on S 12th St.

After clocking the vehicle's speed in at 50 
MPH in a posted 35 MPH zone, I performed 
a traffic stop by activating my overhead 
emergency lights, audible siren and 
stopping the vehicle, a silver Toyota Camry 
bearing Ohio registration ENW4055, in the 
600 block of S 12th St. Upon making 
contact with the driver, I identified myself 
and advised him of the reason for the stop. I 
asked for the driver's license and insurance 
information. The driver, identified as Yu 
Zheng, was able to produce his license but 
not a current copy of his insurance 

Zheng was issued citation #031103 for 
Village Ordinance 333.03 Speed - Over 
Limits and advised of his mandatory court 
appearance before MCC #3 on Thursday, 
April 12,2018 at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


DATE: 04/05/2018 07:49:00

On this date I went to 186 East Oregon to 
check on a call for a criminal mischief 
complaint. Upon arrival I spoke to Alyssa 
Kirkendall and she told me that when her 
husband had came home this morning and 
tried to open the door with the deadbolt,it 
fell out of the door. She had dead bolted the 
door about 2300 hours last night and her 
husband had came home at 0600. I 
checked the deadbolt that had been 
removed from the door, and could not find 
any problems with it. The owner said that 
there was nothing missing in the house and 
did not believe that anyone made entrance 
into the house. 

Not knowing if the deadbolt had gotten 
loose over time and just feel out is not out 
of the question. The owner said they would 
obtain a new deadbott. This case is closed.

Chief Harris 


Case #18004017

On 04/05/2018 at 1:OOam I Ptl. Scott while 
in a inarked patrol car was traveling north 
on S. 15th st. when I clocked a vehicles 
speed traveling south on the same road at 
40mph in a 25mph zone. Once the vehicle 
passed my cruiser I turned my cruiser 
around and positioned myself behind the 
vehicle and initiated a traffic stop on S. 15th 
St. and Texas Ave. 

The vehicle was a 2000 silver Chevrolet 
Blazer bearing an Ohio license plate 
(HCH8007). I then approached the vehicle 
and spoke to the driver and informed the 
driver of the reason for the stop. I requested 
their driver's license, registration, and proof 
of insurance which I received all but the 
proof of insurance. 

The driver was identified as Brice Wervey 
and I wrote Brice a traffic citation for speed 
SCO 333.03 and cited Brice into MCC#3 
with a court date of 04/12/2018 at 9:00am 
with a personal appearance required. Once 
Brice signed the citation I provided her with 
a copy and then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506



DATE: 04/03/2018 18:24:00

On 04/03/18 I was dispatched to 265 W 
Oregon Ave.

Upon arrival I spoke with Edward Mills Jr. 
who advised his dad was fighting with him 
because "he hit the wild turkey a little too 
hard". I spoke with Edward Mills Sr. who 
advised the fight was over Edward Mills Jr's 
use of drugs. Both parties advised the 
dispute at no time became physical and 
they were okay now. 

Edward Mills Jr. advised he was going to 
stay at an aunts house and I cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case #18003170

On 03/30/18 I was dispatched to 205 W. 
Oregon Ave for a Domestic Violence.

Upon arrival both parties were already 
seperated and myself and Ptl. McDaniel 
spoke with Joseph Robert Warrick. Joseph 
advised me he and his wife May E Warrick 
got into an argument because she claims 
he did meth last night and he asked 
someone for a ride and said "I'll love you 
forever if you give me a ride" and she 
misunderstood so she punched him in the 
face twice so he "pushed her to get away 
from her". Joseph said he did not want any 
charges and signed a DV refusal and 
written statement.

I then spoke with May who was visibly 
upset and appeared as though she had 
been crying. May said she was in the 
basement about to get a shower when she 
told Joseph she believes that he was out all 
night doing meth, so Joseph slapped her in 
the face two times and threw a chair at her 
so she hit him once to get away from him. 

Myself and Ptl. McDaniel observed a red 
hand shaped mark including what appeared 
to be a thumb print on her right cheek and a 
red mark that resembled a palm of a hand 
on her left cheek. May was asked if she 
need medical attention to which may 
refused. May advised she would like to 
press charges and signed a DV complaint 
and did a voluntary statement.

May was given a copy of DV victims rights 
and assistance info form and we explained 
to her what her next steps would be. May 
also showed us pictures she had taken on 
her phone immediately after the incident 
occurred which clearly showed the red hand 
mark on her face and Ptl. McDaniel advised 
her to email the pictures to my department 
email as units did not have the department 
camera with us at the time.

Joseph determined to be the primary 
agressor was arrested for Domestic 
Violence 2919.25(A) and cuffs were gaped 
and double locked. Joseph was transported 
to our station. Joseph was fingerprinted, 
photographed, and able to post bond 
through Sly Bail-bonds and was released 
on recognizance with a court date at 
MCC#3 of 04/05/18 at 0900hrs. I then 

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case #18003165

On 03/29/18 while on patrol I was traveling 
South bound on S 15th near Rocky's drive 
thru when I observed a white car in front of 
me cross the double yellow line and go into 
the North bound lane to go around a car 
that was stopped waiting to turn. 

Traffic travelling north bound had to stop to 
avoid hitting the car as it was in their lane. 

I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle a 
White Chrysler 200 bearing OH registration 
CE70CK on S 15th St. near W California 
Ave. The driver was identified as Gale L. 
Diehl and advised of the reason he was 
being stopped. Gale was issued a citation 
for Driving within marked lanes 331.08 and 
given a court date at MCC#3 of 04/05/18 at 
0900hrs and I cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case #18004007

On Monday, April 2, 2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #303 near the 
corner of E Texas Ave and S 15'" St. I 
observed a silver four door sedan fail to 
obey the posted stop sign and proceed 
south through the intersection at S 15th St 
and W Texas Ave. I then performed a traffic 
stop by activating my overhead emergency 
lights and stopping the vehicle, a silver 
Dodge Dart which was not bearing any 
registration, on S 15th St near Werner Dr 
(Copeland Oaks entrance). 

Upon making contact with the driver, I 
identified myself and advised him of the 
reason for the stop. I asked for his driver's 
license, registration and insurance 
information. The driver, identified as Patrick 
Cathey, was able to produce all of the 
aforementioned documents including the 
temporary registration that had fallen off the 
rear of the vehicle. 

Cathey was issued citation #031102 for 
Village Ordinance 313.01 Traffic Control 
Devices and advised of his court 
appearance before MCC #3 on Thursday, 
April 12,2018 at 0900. Cathey was also 
advised to re-affix the temporary 
registration tag to the rear of his vehicle as 
soon as possible.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case #18004006

On Monday, April 2, 2018, I, Patrolman 
Marchionda, was conducting traffic 
enforcement in marked unit #303 near the 
corner of S 12th St and E Georgia Ave. I 
observed a red GMC truck begin to 
accelerate as it continued south on 12th St.

After clocking the vehicle's speed in at 
51MPH in a posted 35 MPH zone, I 
performed a traffic stop by activating my 
overhead emergency lights and stopping 
the vehicle, a red GMC Truck bearing Ohio 
registration GST2937, in the 1200 block of 
S 12th St. Upon making contact with the 
driver, I identified myself and advised her of 
the reason for the stop. I asked for the 
driver's license, registration and insurance 

The driver, identified as Shannon 
Baldasare, was able to produce all but her 
insurance information. 
Baldasare was issued citation #031101 for 
Village Ordinance 333.03 Speed - Over 
Limits and advised of her mandatory court 
appearance before MCC #3 on Thursday, 
April 12,2018 at 0900.

Ptl. D. Marchionda #513


Case #18004001

On 04/01/2018 at 12:50am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling north 
on N. Johnson Rd. when I clocked a 
vehicles speed traveling south on N. 
Johnson Rd. traveling 50mph in a 35mph 
zone, the vehicles speed was clocked 
exactly at the intersection of N. Johnson 
Rd. and Courtney Rd. I then turned my 
cruiser around and positioned myself 
behind the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop 
on N. Johnson Rd. south of Courtney Rd. 

the vehicle was a 2004 white Chevrolet 
Silverado bearing an Ohio license plate 
(GZN2326). I then approached the vehicle 
and spoke to the driver and informed them 
of the reason for the stop in which return 
the driver became irritated and stated that 
they were not speeding and that they were 
not going to argue with me about it.

The driver was being extremely 
disrespectful during initial contact. I then 
requested the driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which the driver 
gave me all of the requested documents. 
The driver was identified as Dale Walters 
and I then wrote Dale a traffic citation for 
speed SCO 333.03 and cited Dale into 
MCC#3 with a court date of 04/12/2018 at 
9:00am with a personal appearance not 

Once Dale signed the citation he was given 
a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Case #18003183

On 03/31/18 I was in the area of Courtney 
Road near Allied Drive in marked cruiser 
301.1 observed a Blue Sedan traveling east 
on Courtney Road at a speed that appeared 
to be greater then that of the posted speed 
limit of 35 MPH. I activated my mounted 
radar unit which gave a digital display of 54 
MPH along with a high pitched noise. I then 
decided to make a traffic stop. 

I made contact with the restrained driver of 
the vehicle identified as Paige Yoho of 
Alliance. Paige was advised of her offense. 
Kristen was cited to MCC#3 on 04/05/18 at 
0900 for Speed. I then cleared without 

Ptl. Redfern 504


Case #18003181

On this date at 1251 Hrs, while on patrol in 
the village of Sebring, I observed a white/ 
red Yamaha bearing Ohio registration 
CSM44 traveling North on N 12th St near E. 
Michigan Ave. I also observed the vehicle 
traveling at a visibly high rate of speed. 

The vehicle was clocked via the hand held 
radar at 53 Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph 

The vehicle was stopped and the driver was 
issued a citation for speed, and given a 
court date in Mcc#3 on 4/12/18 at 9am.

Ptl. S.T. McDaniel # 509


Case #18003179

On this date at 1003 Hrs, while on patrol in 
the village of Sebring, I observed a Gray 
GMC Sierra bearing Ohio Registration 
HBM7235 traveling South on Johnson Rd in 
the 1400 Blk. I observed the vehicle 
traveling at a visibly high rate of speed, and 
it was clocked via the Hand Held radar at 
50 Mph in a clearly posted 35 Mph zone. 

The vehicle was stopped and the driver was 
identified as one Levi James Clemens of 
Canfield. Mr. Clemens was issued a citation 
for speed, and given a court date in Mcc#3 
on 4/12/18 at 9Am.

Ptl. S.T. McDaniel # 509


Case #18003178

On this date at 0912 Hrs, while on patrol in 
the Village of Sebring, I observed a Blk/Red 
Ford Ranger bearing Ohio Registration 
GNG7591 traveling North on S. 12th St 
near E. Georgia Ave. I observed the vehicle 
fail to display a front License Plate as 
required by law and the front windshield to 
be cracked. I stopped the vehicle on S. 12th 
St near E. Georgia Ave, and I identified the 
driver as one David Allen Dietz . 

Mr Deitz was advised the reason for the 
stop, and he advised me that he didn't know 
where the plate was and that he was in the 
process of replacing the windshield. Mr. 
Deitz also failed to wear his seat belt.
 Deitz was cited for Seat Belt Violation, and 
given a warning for the License plate and 
cracked windshield. Deitz was given a court 
date in Mcc#3 on 4/12/18 at 9AM.

Ptl. S.T.McDaniel#509


Case #18003176

On 03/30/2018 at 11:51Pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling south 
on S. 12th St. when I clocked a vehicles 
speed traveling north at a speed of 47mph 
in a 35mph zone with my cruisers mounted 
radar unit. I turned my cruiser around and 
positioned myself behind the vehicle and 
initiated a traffic stop on Alabama Ave. near 
S. 12th st. the vehicle was a 2007 Chevrolet 
station wagon bearing an Ohio license plate 

I approached the vehicle and met with the 
driver and informed them of the reason of 
the stop and requested their driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
in which I only received a driver's license.
 The driver was identified as Eleanor Monk 
and I wrote Eleanor a traffic citation for 
speed SCO 333.03 and cited Eleanor into 
MCC#3 with a court date of 04/05/2018 at 
9:00am with a personal appearance 

Once Eleanor signed the citation she was 
provided a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


DATE: 03/30/2018 18:58:00

On 03/30/2018 1 was dispatched to the 300 
block of West Maryland Avenue in 
reference to a dog running at large. I arrived 
on location and found a white dog running 
the whole length of the 300 block of West 
Maryland. The dog initially appeared to be 
aggressive in nature. The dog went to 355 
West Maryland, I knocked on the door of 
the residence where the front door was 
being held shut with a makeshift lock. The 
neighbor came over and advised that the 
dog keeps getting out and the police were 
just called the other day on the dog. 

The neighbor yelled at the dog and the dog 
changed from an aggressive demeanor to a 
submissive demeanor. I opened the door 
and the dog ran into the residence and I 
shut the door. I returned to the station and 
prepared a Dog at Large warning. I then 
went back later and served Michael and 
Amanda Beane with the warning. I then 

Redfern 504


Case #18003173

On 03/30/18 I was in the area of the I000 
Block of South 15th Street in marked 
cruiser 304. I observed a Blue Van traveling 
South on S. 15th Street at a speed that 
appeared to be greater then that of the 
posted speed limit of 35 MPH. I activated 
my mounted radar unit which gave a digital 
display of 47 MPH along with a high pitched 
noise. I then decided to make a traffic stop. 

I made contact with the restrained driver of 
the vehicle identified as Jennarae Woods of 
Sebring. Jennarae was advised of her 
offense, and Jennarae stated that the 
speedometer of the vehicle was broken and 
she had no idea how fast she was going.

Jennarae was cited to MCC#3 on 04/05/18 
at 0900 for Speed. I then cleared without 

Ptl. Redfern 504


Case #18003172

On 03/30/18 I was in the area of US 62 and 
South Johnson Road in marked cruiser 304. 
1 observed a Black Sedan traveling West 
on US 62 at a speed that appeared to be 
greater then that of the posted speed limit 
of 55 MPH. I activated my mounted radar 
unit which gave a digital display of 71 MPH 
along with a high pitched noise. I then 
decided to make a traffic stop. 

I made contact with the restrained driver of 
the vehicle identified as James Laut of 
Salem. James was advised of his offense, 
and James stated that he did not believe he 
was going that fast. James was walkedback 
to the cruiser to observe the radar. James 
was cited to MCC#3 on 04/05/18 at 0900 
for speed then cleaered without incident. 

Ptl. Redfern 504


Case #18003166

On 3/29/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser traveling south on S 12th St, I 
observed a grey car traveling north on S 
12th St at a visibly high rate of speed. I 
activated my radar unit which confirmed the 
speed to be 57 mph in a clearly posted 35 
mph zone.

I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, 
bearing Ohio plate EU96DS in the 1000 
block of S 12th St. Upon approaching the 
vehicle, I made contact with the 
driver/owner, Paul A. Thomas. Paul advised 
he was going to pick a pizza up in Sebring. 

Paul was issued a citation for Speed 333.03 
SCO and advised of his court date at MCC 
#3 on 4/5/2018 at 0900 hours. Paul was 
able to provide valid proof of insurance for 
the vehicle at the time of stop. 

Sgt.Eberling #503


Case #18003155

On 3/28/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser, I observed a grey vehicle 
traveling west on St Rt 62 near S 21St St. I 
had dispatch run the Ohio plate HJB5899 
which came back on a female who did not 
have a valid license. 

Dispatch provided a description of the 
registered owner to which the driver closely 
resembled. I initiated a traffic stop on the 
vehicle on St Rt 62 near S 21St St. Upon 
approaching the vehicle, I made contact 
with the driver, who was identified as 
Adrianna P. Burt. Adrianna advised she was 
not the registered owner but her license 
was suspended.

Dispatch confirmed Adrianna's license to 
have multiple open suspensions. Adrianna 
was issued a citation for DUS - 
Noncompliance 335.073 SCO and advised 
of her court date at MCC #3 on 4/5/2018 at 
0900 hours.
 Adrianna advised she would need to 
personally appear to which she understood.

Adrianna's car was pulled into the parking 
lot at Oak Ridge Motel and she was able to 
get a valid driver to respond to the scene 
and drive the vehicle home.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case #18003154

On 03/28/18 I was at 325 W Virginia Ave in 
reference to a code enforcement case I was 
investigating when I observed a black 
dodge Dakota drive by. The driver who I 
recognized as Scott Fusco was yelling "see 
my trucks working now" referring to prior 
code enforcement case involving his truck. I 
knew that Scott had a suspended due to 
dispatching running him about 5 minutes 
prior in reference to the same code 
enforcement case mentioned above. The 
vehicle a Black Dodge Dakota bearing OH 
plate GRD5166 was stopped on in the 400 
block of W Virginia Ave near N 19th St. The 
plate returned to a 2002 Ford Station 

I made contact with the driver positively 
identified as Scott Fusco who dispatch once 
again confirmed he was suspended. 

Scott was informed of the reason for being 
stopped and Scott began to irrately scream 
"I'm,sick of this shit" and "you all can kiss 
my ass". 

Scott was asked why the plates returned to 
a Ford to which he claims he just put the 
plate on and has 30 days to get them 
transferred. Scott was unable to show 
paperwork or any proof of this. 

Scott was issued a citation for DUS 
Noncompliance 335.073 and fictitious 
plates 335.10 and given a court date at 
MCC#3 of 04/05/18 at 0900hrs and the 
vehicle was towed by Springer's to Sebring 
tire. I then cleared.

Ptl. Brindack 508


Case #18003156

On 3/28/2018, while on patrol in a marked 
police cruiser, I observed a tan truck 
traveling north on S 12th St . I had dispatch 
run the Ohio plate FZX89 15, to which they 
advised it was expired as of 3/10/2018. I 
initiated a traffic stop on the truck on N 12th 
St near E Oregon Ave. 

Upon approaching the vehicle, I made 
contact with the driver/owner Danny L. 
Hughes. Danny advised he forgot his plates 
expired on his birthday. Danny also had his 
three and a half year old granddaughter 
(DOB 5/2014)sitting sideways in the back of 
his extended cab Ford Ranger. Danny 
advised she normally has a car seat 
however it was in his wife's car and he had 
to drop his daughter off in Sebring. 

Danny advised he thought that having her 
restrained with a lap belt only was sufficient. 
I advised Danny that based on her age and 
size, she was to be restrained in a child 
restraint system. Danny advised he 
understood and was just trying to get home 
and realized he made a mistake. 

Danny was issued a citation for Expired 
Plates 335.10 SCO and Child Restraint 
System Usage 337.26 SCO and advised of 
his court date at MCC #3 on 4/5/20 18 at 
0900 hours. 

Danny's wife arrived on scene with the 
proper car seat for the child and she 
transported the child From the scene.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Case #18003158

On 03/29/2018 at 1: 16am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling west on 
E. Ohio Ave. when I witnessed a vehicle 
traveling east on the same road that had a 
headlight out. I turned my cruiser around 
and positioned myself behind the vehicle 
and initiated a traffic stop on E. Ohio Ave. 
and N. 14th St. The vehicle was a red 1999 
Volkswagen Jetta bearing an Ohio license 
plate (HBQ1744). I then approached the 
vehicle and spoke to the driver and 
informed them for the reason of the stop 
and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I received all of the documents. 

While I was requesting the documents I 
observed the driver had their seat belt 
unfastened. I asked the driver why they had 
their seatbelt unfastened and the driver 
stated that they knew it was unfastened and 
just didn't put it on. I then returned to the 
cruiser and the driver was identified as 
Drake Walton and I wrote Drake a traffic 
citation for safety belt SCO 337.27 and 
cited Drake into MCC#3 with a court date of 
04/05/2018 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance not required. 

I gave Drake a verbal warning for two 
headlights required as well. Once Drake 
signed the citation I provided him a copy 
and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506
03/29/20 18


DATE: 03/24/2018 21 '03:OO

Upon arrival I observed two vehicles one on 
Johnson Rd. on the side of the road and the 
other on Ohio Ave. on the side of the road.

I instructed both parties to park their 
vehicles further over on the road so they 
would not impede traffic.

I then spoke to the one of the drivers which 
was identified as Alexander Gonzalez and I 
asked if he needed medical attention in 
which he denied. I then requested his 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which i received and all 
documents where valid and up to date and 
asked him what happened.
Alexander stated that he traveling on N. 
Johnson Rd. heading south when he came 
to the intersection of N. Johnson Rd. and 
W. Ohio Ave. and came to a complete stop 
and when he went to continue traveling 
south he was struck by a vehicle traveling 
east on E. Ohio Ave. in the intersection. I 
then spoke to the other driver which was 
identified as Cristin Garlock and requested 
her driver's license, registration, and proof 
of insurance which I received and all 
documents where valid and up to date. I 
then asked Cristin if she needed medical 
attention in which she denied. 1 asked 
Cristin what happened in which she stated 
that she was traveling east on W. Ohio Ave. 
when she came to the intersection,she 
stated that she did come to a complete stop 
but also stated that she did not see 
Alexander and ultimately struck his vehicle. 

I then photographed both parties vehicles 
and returned their documents to them. I 
inspected the vehicles and it was 
determined that both veh where operable 
with minor damage. I told both parties that a 
report would be made and on file when the 
chief approves the report they can request 
a copy for insurance purposes. It was 
determined that Cristin will be at fault for the 
accident, Cristin was not given a citation. A 
traffic accident report was made and 
photographs where saved to the computer 
on the information,was gathered I then 

PTL scott #506


DATE: 03/26/2018 13:21:00

Upon arrival I made contact with the 
complainant Lydia Faudree, 235 E. Virginia 
Ave. Lydia advised she observed someone 
had spray painted a picture of a penis on 
the back side of her fence and also spray 
painted a picture of a penis on her trash 
can. I went to the alley behind the house 
and observed the spray painted pictures in 
red spray paint. 

2 color photographs were taken of the fence 
and trash can. Lydia also found a can of red 
spray paint near where the incident 
occurred. Lydia advised she would like an 
extra watch on her property due to the 
recent incident. I then cleared.

An extra watch was placed in the pass on 
book in the squad room. 

Ptl. Kelm #505


Friday, March 16, 2018
10:24 AM -0500

Sebring Police Department 
DATE: 03/11/2018 
open door
335 Maryland Ave

Dispatch advised they received a call from 
an anonymous female stating she just 
picked up a dog that was running around 
and knew it belonged to the residents at 
335 W Maryland Ave. The female advised 
when she put the dog back in the house 
she noticed the front door was kicked open 
and was concerned someone had broke in. 

Myself and Ptl. McDaniel arrived on scene 
and observed the broken door. Dispatch 
was able to make contact with Amanda 
Beane via phone who advised she was at 
work until 1900 hours and could not home. 
Amanda advised she broke the door awhile 
back when she was locked out of the house 
and she advised to just secure the door. 
Amanda advised she would check the 
house over when she keturned home to 
make sure nothing was taken and officers 
cleared the scene.

Sgt. Eberling #503


Sebring Police Department
DATE: 03/11/2018
Domestic Violence
144 W. Kentucky Ave

On this date and time, I was dispatched to 
144 W. Kentucky Ave ref to a Domestic 
Violence Complaint. Myself and Sgt. 
Eberling arrived and upon arrival I found the 
male suspect standing outside. I advised 
the male known as Chad Allan Thomas that 
he and his wife was involved in a Domestic 
dispute, and she is claiming that he struck 
her. I then made contact with the victim one 
Tammy Thomas and she advised me that 
they were arguing about a cabinet that she 
damaged and that her husband struck her 
in the eye with his fist and threw her on the 

I was also advised by the victim that her 
husband threw a glass at her but didn't hit 
her with the glass. I explained to the victim 
the procedure for filing domestic violence, 
and the victim advised me that she didn't 
want him arrested but just wanted him to 
leave. Both parties was very intoxicated and 
the victim refused to give a written 
statement as well as sign a Domestic 
Violence Complaint. I also observed no 
signs of the
victim being struck. The victim then signed 
a refusal to file domestic violence, and I 
stood by until the Husband left with a friend.

OFFICER Steven McDaniel


Sebring Police Department
DATE: 03/11/2018
Cemetery Damage

On this date and time, while on patrol in the 
Grandview Cemetery I observed the grave 
site with the name Heverley to be damaged. 
The stone angel statue was pushed over 
striking the grave stone , causing damage 
to the stone and statue. 1 observed no 
signs of a vehicle involved and no other 
graves was obsewed to be damaged.

OFFICER Steven McDaniel


ARREST REPORT Case No.: 18003058
Traffic - Speed 69/55 SCO 333.03
Perkins Restaurant / S. Johnson St.

On 3/11/2018 at 5:47am I Ptl. Scott while in 
a marked patrol car was stationary on U.S. 
Route 62 when I clocked a vehicles speed 
heading eastbound at 69mph in a 55mph 
zone with a portable radar unit. I then 
positioned my cruiser behind the vehicle 
and initiated a traffic stop in the parking lot 
of the Perkins Restaurant on S. Johnson St. 
the vehicle was a 2010 red Dodge 
Challenger bearing an Ohio license plate 

I then approached the vehicle and met with 
the driver in which I informed them of the 
reason for the stop and requested their 
driver's license, registration, and proof of 
insurance in which I received all of. 

The driver was then identified as Aaron 
Ostrosky the registered owner of the 
vehicle. I then wrote Aaron a traffic citation 
for speed SCO 333.03 and cited Aaron into 
MCC#3 with a court date of 3/22/2018 at 
9:00am with a personal appearance not 

Once Aaron signed the citation he was 
provided a copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


Sebring Police Department
DATE: 03/11/2018

This officer was dispatched to 325 East 
Ohio Ave for a missing person report. 

Upon arrival I spoke with the caller Julie 
Mullan. Ms Mullan stated that her mother 
Terri Beckman left this morning around 
11:00 AM and no one has heard from her. 
Ms Mullan stated that she left with a June 
Cain. an old school friend. Ms Beckman 
stated that her mother did not take any of 
her medication with her and it is odd not to 
hear back from her and not answer her 
phone. Ms Mullan stated that she would like 
her entered as a missing person.

At 0055 hours this officer attempted contact 
with Ms Beckman via cell phone but could 
not make contact. A message was left for 
her to contact the police department.

At 0107 1 made contact with the 
complainant and she stated that she had 
just received messages from her mother 
that she was in a motel with her boyfriend 
and was fine.  The complainant stated that 
we could stop our investigation and not 
enter her mother as missing.

Reporting John Siranovic


Sebring Police Department 
DATE: 03/10/2018
300 block of N. 15th St. for a stand by

Upon arrival I met with Makayla Blake and 
she stated that she wanted police present 
while her and her boyfriend have a custody 
exchange between him and her boyfriends 
ex-girlfriend for their child.

Officers stood by during the exchange and 
when the exchange was complete officers 

 Ptl. Scott #506


REPORT DATE: 03/10/2018
532 West Texas Ave.
Open Fire

This officer was dispatched to the 500 block 
of West Texas Ave for an open burning 
complaint. Upon arrival to the area, i 
observed the fire to be located at 532 West 
Texas Ave. 

I approached Mr Aaron Teis of the 
residence and advised him of the complaint. 
He stated that they were cooking hot dogs 
on the fire for a small child and that he put a 
small box on it prior to my arrival. I 
observed the fire to be small, contained and 
on its way to going out. I then cleared.



Sebring Police Department
REPORT DATE: 03110/2018

This officer was dispatched to 515 Hillsdale 
Drive for a suspicious package. Upon 
arrival I spoke with the caller, Mrs Cynthia 
Jurica. Mrs Jurica stated that a package 
was delivered from a company in China 
with her name and address but she says 
she didn't order anything and thought it may 
be narcotics. 

This officer opened the package and found 
it to be a rubber computer key board cover 
that her husband had ordered. This officer 
then cleared. 

Ptl Siranovic #507


REPORT DATE: 03/10/2018

On 311 01/18 at 1453 Hrs, I was dispatched 
to the intersection of Ohio Ave and 15th St 
ref to someone burning cardboard in the 
roadway. I arrived along with the Sebring 
Fire Dept. The fire was already put out upon 
my arrival and the driver advised that he 
was taking the cardboard to the recycling 
center and someone must of tossed a 
cigarette in the truck. 

After the fire dept advised everything was 
ok, I then cleared.



Perkins Restaurant / S. Johnson St.
Speed 72/55 SCO 333.03

On 01/10/2017 at 4:46am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was stationary on 
U.S. Route 62 when I clocked a vehicles 
speed heading eastbound at 72mph in a 
55mph zone. I then pulled my cruiser out 
and positioned myself behind the vehicle 
and initiated a traffic stop in the parking lot 
of the Perkins restaurant parking lot on S. 
Johnson St. 

The vehicle was a 2001 Jeep station wagon 
bearing an Ohio license plate (GIT7770). I 
approached the vehicle and spoke to the 
driver and informed the driver the reason I 
pulled them over. I requested the driver's 
license, registration, and proof of insurance 
in which I received
all documents. 

The drivers was then identified as Vincent 
Mcgreal II and I then wrote Vincent a traffic 
citation for speed SCO 333.03 and cited 
him into MCC#3 with a court date of 
3/15/2018 at 9:OOam with a personal 
appearance not required. 

Once Vincent signed the citation I then 
provided him with a copy and I then 

Ptl. Scott #506


REPORT DATE. 03/10/2018
Schmid D's bar in reference to a fight taking 

I along with Ptl. Siranovic arrived on scene 
and entered the bar and observed two 
couples screaming at each other with one 
of the men holding a woman back while she 
was screaming at the other couple. Both 
officers separated the couples and spoke 
with them.

I spoke to and identified one of the men as 
Bruce Collins Jr. and Christina Edwards and 
the party stated that a man was playing 
pool with Bruce and Christina and wagered 
money and then lost and attempted to take 
the money back. The party also stated that 
the female companion of the male began to 
scream at Christina and the male 
approached Bruce and physically pushed 
him attempting to start a physical altercation 
between the two.

Ptl. Siranovic was speaking to the other 
couple that Bruce and Christina were 
complaining about which were identified as 
William Kelly and Brittany Varnes. I then 
asked if Bruce would like to press charges 
for assault in which he declined and I asked 
the bar tender if they wanted both parties 
removed which they did. I along with Ptl. 
Siranovic then ordered both parties to leave 
the premises in which they did willingly. 

Both officers then cleared from the bar 
without any further incident.



Case No.: 18003048
Traffic Control Devices SCO 313.01
E. Ohio Ave. / N. 13th St.

On 03/10/2018 at 1:29am I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling east on 
E. Ohio Ave. and came to the intersection 
of E. Ohio Ave. and N. 12th St. when I 
witnessed a vehicle that came to the 
intersection from the opposite side of the 
road as me and went through the 
intersection without stopping at the flashing 
red lights. 

I turned my cruiser around and initiated a 
traffic stop on E. Ohio Ave. and N. 13'~S t. 
the vehicle was a 2016 black Dodge 
Charger bearing an Ohio license plate 
(126YVZ). I approached the vehicle and 
made contact with the driver and informed 
them of the reason I had stopped
them and requested their driver's license, 
registration, and proof of insurance in which 
I only received the proof of insurance. I then 
took the driver's information down and ran 
the information through dispatch and was 
able to identify the driver as Taylor 

I then wrote Taylor a traffic citation for traffic 
control devices SCO 313.01 and cited 
Taylor into MCC#3 with a court date of 
3/15/2018 at 9:00am with a personal 
appearance not required. Once Taylor 
signed the citation I then provided her a 
copy and I then cleared.

Ptl. Scott #506


ARREST REPORT 03/09/2018
Case No.: 18003047
Speed 49/35 SCO 333.03
N. Johnson St. / Maryland Ave.

On 03/09/2018 at 11:34pm I Ptl. Scott while 
in a marked patrol car was traveling North 
on N. Johnson St. when I locked a vehicle 
traveling south on the same road at a speed 
of 49mph in a 35mph zone. The vehicle 
passed my cruiser and I then turned my 
cruiser around and initiated a traffic stop on 
N. Johnson St. near Maryland Ave. 

The vehicle was a 2017 orange Nissan 
Rouge bearing an Ohio temporary plate 

I approached the vehicle and informed the 
driver for the reason of the stop and 
requested their driver's license, registration, 
and proof of insurance in which I only 
received the license. 

The driver was then identified as Destanee 
Goosby. I then wrote Destanee a traffic 
citation for speed SCO 333.03 and cited her 
into MCC#3 with a court date of 3/15/2018 
an 9:00am with a personal appearance 
required. Once Destanee signed the citation 
she was provided a copy and I then 

Ptl. Scott #506


Saturday, August 01, 2015
07:21 AM -0500

DATE: 07/03/2015 01:14:00

Officers responded to assist Ptl. Russell of 
the Smith Township PD with a warrant pick-
up at the corner of Lake Park Blvd. and 
Lake Park Row. 
The male, Freddie Bons, had a PUR 2 
felony warrant out of Summit County for 
failure to appear on a domestic violence 
related charge. The warrant was entered 
with caution and warned that Mr. Bons was 
a possible escape risk with violent 
tendencies. After making contact with Mr. 
Bons, Ptl. Russell transported him to Smith 
Township PD, before transporting him to 
meet a Sheriffs Deputy to exchange Mr. 


21st St. / Rt. 62

driver/owner, Jonathan M Crothers, 164 
Meadow Wood Dr Apt B,  issued a citation 
for Speed 333.03 SCO and advised of his 
court date at MCC #3 on 7/9/2015 at 1100 


DATE 7/2/2015
SPEED (50/35)
12th / Alabama

issued Katlyn R. Reed, 2950 Wayland Rd 
Diamond, 0H,  a citation for Speed 333.03 
SCO and advised her of her court date at 
MCC #3 on 7/9/2015 at 1100 hours.


DATE: 07/02/2015
Vehicle Damage

On 7/2/2015 Cynthia Young reported 
damage to her vehicle while parked at 
Crandal medical.

Observed was that the drivers side window 
had blown out with glass inside and out.


DATE 7/1/2015
License Plate Lights / Cracked Windshield
400 Block W. Pennsylvania Ave.

Zachary M. Mucklo, 11271 Island Creek Dr. 
Beloit, cited for not having license plate 
visible from at least 50 .feet, 337.04 SCO 
and for cracked windshield, 337.01 SCO. 
Officer advised him of llis court date, 
7/9/2015 at 1100 AM in MCC #3.


DATE: 07/01/2015

Tonya Nieves came to the station to report 
that sometime between the 5th of June and 
today her cell phone was taken from her 
glove box in her jeep. She said that it was 
just an emergency phone that she got from 
the state. She did not know the brand of 
phone or who the carrier was. With so little 
to go on this case is closed.


On 7-8-2015 officers were advised of an 
unwanted subject at 346 E. Oregon Ave. 

Upon arrival Chief Heverly was speaking to 
the complainant Cassie Wervey. It was 
determined that exboyfriend Zach Edwards 
had come to the property to retrieve some 
of his personal belongings. Mr. Edwards 
was advised that he was not welcomed, 
and told to leave. 

Ms. Wervey was told to collect anything that 
belonged to Zach and take it to his mothers 
in Alliance.


Friday, July 31, 2015
06:11 PM -0500

Red Golf Cart Driving Down Main St

On 6-30-15 at approximately 1400 his this 
officer received a text message from Ptl. 
Chris Heverly stating that there was a red 
golf cart traveling down Main Street. This 
officer contacted Ptl Heverly by phone to 
verify location due to the fact that Sebring 
does not have a Main Street. Ptl Heverly 
advised that the golf cart was traveling 
Eastbound on Ohio Ave in front of the 
Marathon Gas station. Ptl Guy was on 
station and this officer advised him to 

Chief Ray Heverly

On 6/30/2015 this officer was advised by 
Chief Heverly of a subject operating a golf 
cart on the streets of the Village of Sebring. 
It was further advised that the vehicle was 
possibly headed to Blair's gas station in 

This officer made contact with the operator 
James R. Cannell at the above listed 
establishment. Mr. Cannell was advised that 
he was previously advised that he could not 
operate his golf cart on village streets, and 
that if he was observed doing so, that he 
would be cited. 
Mr. Cannell became very upset stating 
"Fuck Heverly, and that he wished that he 
be the one to cite him. Mr. Cannell also 
made the comment that this officer should 
not even be at the Blair's gas station. Given 
the verbal warnlng thls offlcer cleared

22090 Harrisburg Westville Rd

On 7-7-2015 this officer assisted Ptl. Davis 
at 22090 Harrisburg Westville Rd. on an 
assault call.

Upon arrival contact was made with Glenn 
Wade and Donald Clark whom were the 

Mr. Clark claimed that Mr. Wade struck him 
in the face, and Mr. Wade states that Mr. 
Clark hit him in the face with a 2x4. As the 
situation appeared calm this officer cleared.


Speed (41/25)
McKinnely St

driver/owner, Scott L. Hunt ll,  issued a 
citation for Speed 333.03 SCO and advised 
of his court date at MCC #3 on 7/9/2015 at 
1100 hours.


Disorderly Conduct
Sebring PD

Arrested: Farris Cundiff , 135 E. Orcgon 
Ave, will have a court date of 7-9-15 at 11 
am for MCC#3.


On 7/6/2015 at approximately 0215, Ptl. 
Baker from Smith Township PD was 
dispatched to an address on Martin Rd. 
where a female caller had advised that she 
was at her daughter's house and there had 
been a domestic dispute. She stated that 
there was supposedly a "car full" of people 
coming out there to fight and was 
requesting officers. 

Due to the nature of the call and the 
distance the call was from the Village, Ptl. 
Baker asked for mutual aid which arrived 
shortly before Ptl. Baker did and observed a 
vehicle parked on the road and one pulling 
into the drive. 

I spoke to the individuals who pulled into 
the driveway and asked them to stand with 
me until Ptl. Baker arrived.

Once Ptl. Baker arrived, he handled the 
scene and I was only there to assist him. 
The female involved in the matter was able 
to leave with her items and the two 
individuals who arrived in the vehicle stayed 
at the residence, due to the fact that each 
one had admitted to and had been tested 
for consuming alcohol.

Ptl J. Amabeli


THEFT - 9 Woodstock cd's

Complainant: Julie L. Brown, 176 S. 
Johnson Rd, Sebring, OH

On this date and time, I was advised by the 
victim that between Sat 7/4/15 at 2130 Hrs, 
to this date some unknown person or 
persons entered her 2007 Kia that was 
parked at the rear of her residence, and 
removed a case containing 9 Woodstock 
Cd"s. The victim also advised that the glove 
box was found open and items thrown 
about the inside of the car. I was also 
advised that she saw 3 males walking West 
on Tennessee Ave, last night after 2130 
Hrs. No sign of force entry was noted, and 
she advised that the door could of be 


Atempt to Blow Up Mailbox

Complainant: Patrick A. Sweely, 385 W 
Vlrgrnra Ave, Sebring, OH

On Sunday, July 05, 2015 this officer was 
dispatched and responded to 385 W 
Virginia Ave for a property damage 
complaint. Upon arrival I had spoke with 
Patrick Sweely that stated sometime during 
the night someone had put fireworks in his 
mail box and attempted to blow the mail box 
up. I had observed pieces of fireworks in 
side the mail box. Mr. Sweely stated that he 
would just like a report on this matter for 
now. I had then cleared the scene.

Ptl Racheal Russell


DATE 07/09/2015
Disorderly Conduct / Open Container - 
Georgia Ave / 21st St

Arrested: Edward Waskivich, 11344 Walnut 
Ave NE, under arrest for Disorderly 
Conduct with a court date at MCC#3 on 7-
9-15 at 11 am


DATE: 07/04/2015

VICTIM: Farris Dexter Cundiff, 155 5 E 
Oregon Ave, Sebring, OH

On 7-4-15 at 1238 hrs, I was met by Faris 
Cundiff on station. Farris advised me that 
his girlfriend sent a facebook message to 
her aunt on 6-25-15 stating that she wanted 
her to take Farris to Canton and drop him 
off. The message also stated that she 
couldn't take his shit anymore, and that she 
would hire a hit man. Farris advised me that 
he just found out about the message and 
felt threatened. Farris then advised that he 
believes that the message was sent from 
her mothers computer. 

I obtained a statement from Farris and 
advised him that a report would be filed but 
due to the message being 3rd party and the 
period of time from when it was sent, and 
that there was no way of proving that she 
sent the message, that the possibility of 
charges being filed are slim. I advised 
Farris that I would speak to his girl freind 
and advise her to desist . 


S 15th St/Carolina Ave

Cited: Gage Schreckengost, 18453 5th St 
Beloit, Oh for Loud/Crackling Exhaust - 
MCC #3 7/9/2015 @ 1100 hours


DATE: 07/03/2015
Domestic Violence (M-1)
317 N 15th St. Sebring

Tina R. Clay, 317 N 15th St Apt. 3 Sebring, 
Oh arrested for Domestic Violence (M-1) 
MCC #3 7-9-2015@ 1100 hours


Wednesday, July 01, 2015
12:15 PM -0500

June 29, 2015
Criminal Mischief
21 6 W Ohio Ave

Complainant, Robert Mick

Officer was dispatched to 21 6 W Ohio Ave 
for a criminal mischief report. Upon arrival, 
Officer spoke with the complainant, Robert 
Mick, who advised someone had dented 
and scratched the hood on his vehicle. 
There were two visibly scratches/dents on 
the hood of the vehicle that were 
approximately the size of a quarter. Mick 
advised this may have happened last 
Wednesday (6/24) but did not call to report 
because he was very sick. Mick advised the 
only place he had taken the vehicle was to 
Walmart and advised he seen some 
blemishes in the paint on the hood but the 
scratches and dents were not there. Mick 
advised he believes the damage was 
caused possibly some juveniles while the 
vehicle was parked at the Sebring Manor 
but did not know who.

Ptl. Darren Eberling

June 29, 2015
Drug Possession
Oak Ridge Motel

Anthony Cleveland, 2455 Chaney Cir., 
Youngstown, Ohio, was issued a minor 
misdemeanor citation for Drug Possession - 
Marijuana <100g 513.03(c)(2)(a) SCO for 
the partially burnt Marijuana cigarette and 
advised of his court date at MCC #3 on 
7/2/2015 at 1100 hours.

Ptl. Darren Eberling


June 29, 2015
Female Yelling for Police
155.5 East Oregon

Kandy Fredrick had returned home from 
work to find that her live in boyfriend Farris 
Cundiff had eaten all the potato chips. Ms. 
Fredrick became upset and punched a 
window out in the bathroom. Mr. Cundiff left 
the home and went to the library to apply for 
a job.


June 28, 2015
Blue License Plate Lights
600 block of W. Ohio Ave.

David S. Chamberlain of Alliance Cited for 
driving under suspension and for non-white 
license plate lights.  Officer advised him of 
his court date and time, 7/2/2015 at 
1100AM in MCC #3.


June 27, 2015
Speeding 52/35
S. 21st Street

driver, Mckenna B. Meir

Mckenna B. Meir was issued a citation for 
Speed 4511.21 ORC and was advised that 
juvenile court would contact her in regards 
to the court date/fine for the citation.

Ptl. Darren Eberling


June 27, 2015
Vehicle Damage

Timothy E. Bradley came to the police 
station to report that while his pick-up truck 
was parked in a parking lot on S. 15th St., it 
had been apparently damaged. Mr. Bradley 
stated that he parks his truck at the parking 
lot across from the Sebring Drive-Thru and 
that's where his semi is parked. He said that 
when he returned from driving his Semi, he 
noticed several scrapes and gouges in the 
truck's paint, located along both sides, the 
rear, the top of the bed and the hood. Mr. 
Bradley stated that he just purchased the 
truck and that he had insurance through 
Progressive Insurance. He stated that he is unsure of 
anyone who would have done this.


June 25, 2015
Missing Kittens
196 E Indiana Ave

Complainant, Alexandria Yoho, advised 
when she returned home around 1520 
hours her five kittens were missing. Yoho 
advised that she had left the residence around 1402 
hours and the five kittens were on the 
couch but advised her side door was left 
unlocked due to her not having a key to lock 
it. Yoho advised that nothing else in the 
house was missing and her boyfriend, 
Robert Kelley, was sleeping upstairs the 
whole time and did not hear anyone enter 
the residence. 

At approximately 1700 hours on the same 
date, Yoho called Sebring Police 
Department to report she had located the 
missing kittens in a dresser drawer within 
the residence. This incident will be closed.

Ptl. Darren Eberling


June 24, 2015
Domestic Violence
236 Alabama Apt #1

Amanda Christy (age 22) she stated that 
she had been told by her boyfriend to get 
out and she had came to remove her
things and they began to fight.  She said 
that he pushed he head against the wall a 
few times and then started to break things 
in the house. 

She said that she had received some 
scratches during the fight and she showed 
me her left leg at the ankle and her right 
forearm, they both had scratches, but no 
signs of blood.

She said that she hit Colton Higgins (age 
22) in the face with her fist, in self defense.

Colton Higgins said that she punched him in 
the face and tried to push him down the 
stairs, when he grabbed her arm and kicked 
her leg. He had a very big red mark under 
his right eye.

Officer had both sign refusals and cleared.


June 29, 2015
496 W Indiana Ave

Complainant, Robin Flowers, who advised 
she had received a letter and a bill in the 
mail from PayPal Credit. The bill had a 
charge of $1,249.87 for "BOOKIT" on 6-17-
2015. Flowers advised she has never 
opened an account with this company 
before and had no idea what these charges 


Wednesday, January 28, 2015
04:30 PM -0500

01/24/2015  2113 hours
Traffic - Driving under Suspension (Non-

Scott Fusco, 538 N 15th St. Sebring, OH, 
cited for driving under suspension while 
observed driving his wife's , Rose Fusco, 


01/23/2015 11:15

Ms. Elizabeth Ann Percy, 146 W. Oregon 
Ave., states she believes a ring she was 
wearing was possible taken when she was 
at Schmid's Bar located at 135 E. Oregon 


01/22/2015 20:23:00
156 West Vermont for a theft report

Officer spoke to Tim Baily and his wife 
Brenda. They said that two people came up 
on their back porch on 01-22-2015, and 
took two bottles of liquor from the fridge. They 
took a bottle of vodka and a bottle of rum.


01/22/2015 15:28:00

On 01/22/2015 at approximately 1528 
hours, I was dispatched to 315 W Maryland 
Ave for a theft of a snow shovel. Upon 
arrival, I met with the complainant Angela 
Ring and she advised that her yellow and 
black snow shovel was removed from her 
front porch and replaced with a damaged 
blue and black snow shovel.

The yellow and black shovel was returned 
to the owner Angela Ring and she was able 
to confirm that it was indeed her shovel. 
Ring advised that she would like to press 
charges against the juvenile in this incident.


01/22/2015 14:28:00

Complaint Brent Michael Ruzek, 1595 W 
Bayton, Alliance,Ohio, states that his truck 
was parked at the rear of Gednetz Ruzek 
Funeral home. He further advised that while 
the village snow plows' were plowing the 
alley way, they threw stones against his 
truck causing damage to the rear. 
Complainant was advised that an 
informational report would be filed, and that 
he would have to contact village officials.


01/21/2015 21:16:00

On 1/21/2015 at approximately 2116, 
Officers were sent to Oak Ridge Motel for a 
report that a male was laying on the ground 
and bleeding all over the place.

The victim was later identified as Juan 
Pabovillaover from Kansas.  He works for a 
company, Central Gc Construction, and that 
company was doing work painting a 
building in Salem.

Sebring First respoders arrived and 
transported the male to the hospital. 
Officers spoke to two ladies who were 
contacting the owner and were going to 
attempt to get the blood cleaned up and the 
windows boarded up for the night.



On 1/21/2015 at 2146, Officer was 
requested by Smith Township Ptl. Osberg to 
assist him and a Columbiana County 
Sheriff's Deputy attempt to serve a warrant 
on an individual at 10985 Johnson Rd. The 
suspect, Robert McElroy, had a warrant 
issued from the Columbiana County Grand 
Jury for aggravated burglary, and the 
deputy was unsure if he would try to run 
from officers if they attempted to
serve the warrant. Ptl. Osberg and the 
deputy made contact and placed him into 
custody after knocking at the front door of 
his residence.

Ptl. J. Amabeli #505

Thursday, January 22, 2015
05:07 PM -0500

Identity Theft

On 01/17/2015 at approximately 1550, 1 
was dispatched to 225 W Maryland Ave 
Apt. 21 3 for an alleged identity theft 
incident. Upon arrival I met with the 
complainant Leo R. Burgess and a social 
worker assisting him Cheryl A Russell. 
Russell advised that Burgess had received 
a letter from the Ohio Department of 
Taxation Personal and School District 
Income Tax Division stating that they 
received a 2013 Ohio income tax return 
under the name Leo R Burgess and his 

Ohio Department of Taxation is reporting 
that this return was inconsistent with his 
previous filings. I advised Burgess to notify 
the bank to keep an eye on their bank 
accounts so they are aware of whats going 
on. I also advised Russell and Burgess to 
obtain a credit report for Burgess as soon 
as possible to determine if any accounts 
have been opened with his SSN. 

Burgess advised that him and his wife lived 
at 2311 Ansley St Apt 3 Alliance, OH in 
2013 and advised that there were multiple 
times where
they did not receive all their mail. Burgess 
advised that he believed "Hispanics" that 
lived in the apartment might have possibly 
taken some of his mail in 2013 but had no 
proof or report. 

Russell and Burgess advised that they have 
no other letters or signs of identity theft 
other than this tax letter at this time. Russell 
advised that if any new information comes 
about or something on the credit report is 
suspicious that she would let Sebring Police 
Department know. A copy of the Ohio 
Department of Taxation letter is enclosed in 
the case file. Russell advised that she 
would need a copy of this report to provide 
to provide to Ohio Department of Taxation 
and I informed her it should be available 
Monday 1/19/2015. This report is 
informational for now based on the 
evidence at hand and will be closed unless 
any new evidence comes forth in the future.

Ptl. Darren Eberling #506


Dog Running at Large

On 01/16/2015 at approximately 1721 
hours, I was dispatched to 134 E lndiana 
Ave for an alleged dog running at large. I 
arrived and spoke with the complainant 
Kayla M Stanley who advised that she 
found a white dog on her front porch and 
took it inside and put it in her fenced area 
behind her home so it didn't get hit by a car. 
Once I seen the dog I was able to tell that 
the dog belonged to Rose M Fusco of 538 
N 15th St. I know this because I was at their 
residence approximately two hours prior to 
this call for an unrelated incident and seen 
their dog running out in front of their house. 
Scott Fusco  advised that he would get the 
dog under control and get it back home. 
They were unable to find it due  to the fact 
that it was in a fence behind 134 E Indiana 
Ave. I met up with Scott Fusco and he was 
able to come to 134 E lndiana and retrieve 
the dog and I advised him that they would 
be receiving a written warning for 505.01(c) 
Dog running at large. Dispatch checked for 
prior warnings to Fusco's but was unable to 
find any so that is why I made the decision 
to give them a written warning. I advised 
Scott and Rose Fusco that if it happens 
again they will be issued a MM cite for it. I 
hand delievered the warning letter to Rose 
Fusco on this date.

Ptl. Darren Eberling #506


Traffic Violation

On 01/15/2015 at approximately 1653 
hours, while patrolling west in the 100 block 
of E Oregon Ave I observed a black colored 
Jeep traveling north on N 15Ih St. The 
vehicle entered the intersection and 
proceeded through as the stop light turned 
red. The light had been red for quite some 
time due to the fact that the stop light going 
east and west on Oregon Ave turned green 
while this vehicle was still in the middle of 
the intersection. 

I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle 
bearing Ohio plate FFN6240 in the 100 
block of  Ohio Ave. The driver was identified 
as Michael J Hoffman and advised that he 
was "talking on the phone and didn't realize 
the light had turned red". 

Hoffman was just cited for this same 
offense on 08/13/2014. I issued Hoffman a 
citation for Failure to stop for a traffic control 
device 313.01 SCO. Hoffman was informed 
of his court date of 1/22/2015 at MCC #3 at 
1100 hours.

Ptl. Darren Eberling #506


Accident - Property Damage Only



Accident - Property Damage Only


Thursday, January 01, 2015
04:30 PM -0500

12/29/2014 14:41:00

On the above date and time Officer 
responded to 836 S. 13th St. Apt #22. 
When Officer arrived Officer spoke with 
Dale Pletcher and Stephanie Noble. The 
complainants advised that Tammy Hall was 
breaking items in the residence and hitting 
the walls. Officer advised them that with it 
being her residence as well Officer could 
not file charges but would make an incident 
report. When Officer spoke with Tammy she 
stated that she wanted to leave for a few 
days to get away from the apartment. 
Tammy's ride arrived and she left. Officer 
then cleared.

Ptl. D.C. Osberg


07/22/2014 01:57:00

For violating a Sebring ordinance 
prohibiting the operation of bicycles upon 
sidewalks in the business
district (SCO 373.17). 1 recognized this 
individual as Eric M. Springer. Officer asked 
for his identification,
which he gave me and Officer checked his 
identification through dispatch. Officer 
asked Mr. Springer where he
was heading, and he informed me that he 
was heading home from Circle K. Mr. 
Springer's address
is 20624 Beach St. Alliance, Oh 44601. 1 
informed him that it didn't appear that he 
had the proper
safety instruments to ride his bicycle on the 
road at night either and that he would need 
to get a light
for the rear of his bicycle. Officer checked 
Mr. Springer for any weapons, and while 
conducting my Terry pat,
I noticed an object in his pants which Officer 
could identify as a pill bottle. Officer asked 
Mr. Springer what that
item was, and asked him if it was a pill 
bottle. Officer never asked him to remove 
the pill bottle, but he did so
on his own. It took him several seconds to 
remove the bottle from his pants due to the 
fact that the
bottle was located in a cargo pocket located 
in his shorts, which he had on underneath 
his sweat
pants. Mr. Springer removed the bottle and 
handed it to me, and Officer asked him if 
there were any pills
inside the bottle before he removed it 
because Officer believed Officer heard 
rattling in the bottle. Mr. Springer
stated that there was nothing inside the 
bottle and to prove that he didn't empty 
anything out he
dropped his sweatpants down to reveal only 
his shorts. Officer asked if he had anything 
else on him that 
needed to know about and Officer finished 
my Terry pat. Officer also felt in his pocket a 
long cylindrical tube which
I identified as being some sort of pipe. 
Officer asked him to remove the glass pipe 
from his pants, and he
explained to me that it was a glass pipe 
used to smoke tobacco. The pipe had one 
end open and the
other end was round with a small hole in it, 
similar to the style used to smoke or ingest 
narcotics by
placing the narcotic in the end and heating 
it up. Mr. Springer claimed that it had never 
been used,
however there where burn marks on the 
end of it. Ptl. Davis from Smith Township 
arrived and assisted me in my investigation. 
Upon examining the pill bottle closer, Officer 
noticed a white powdery substance in the 
bottom of the bottle. Officer asked Mr. 
Springer several times what the substance 
was, but he claims that he didn't know and 
then informed us that he found the bottle, 
but couldn't accurately tell
us where he found it. He stated that he was 
going to use it to store his loose change in. 
During the
time we were speaking to Mr. Springer, he 
began sweating very heavily and claimed 
that it was
because it was hot out and that he was 
riding his bike, but Officer informed him that 
neither one of us were
sweating and that it wasn't very hot out. 
Officer asked him if he was on any 
narcotics, and he stated that he
wasn't. Ptl. Davis stood by while Officer 
attempted to locate a field testing kit to 
attempt to determine what
the white powdery substance was, but was 
unable to locate a test kit. Officer returned, 
and Ptl. Davis
informed me that he also had a small knife 
in his pocket which he did not tell us about. 
Mr. Springer
was wearing a black backpack, which 
Officer asked if he had any weapon in the 
backpack, to which he
replied that he didn't and that the only 
things he had in there were clothes and a 
book. Officer asked him if
he would allow us to search the backpack if 
he didn't have anything illegal in there, to 
which he
refused. Officer informed him that Officer 
would be sending the pill bottle off to be 
tested and that if it contained a
narcotic, then he would be charged with 
possession and drug paraphernalia. Officer 
also noticed a white
powdery trace inside the glass pipe and 
believed that to also be from a narcotic, 
methamphetamine, which Mr. Springer 
denied. Officer informed him that Officer 
would also have that logged into
evidence and that he could possibly be 
charged with that as well.

On 10/17/2014 upon arriving at the 
beginning of my shift, Officer received 
results from a chemical test done
on the white powdery residue inside the 
container. The results, as conducted by the 
Ohio Bureau of
Criminal Investigation and Identification 
(BCI&l), indicated that the contents of the 
pill bottle contained
a trace amount of methamphetamine. 
Officer spoke to Chief Heverly and 
Prosecutor Tolson, and upon
conferring with them, have submitted 
charges for illegal possession of a schedule 
II narcotic, F-5, as
well as drug paraphernalia M, -4. Officer 
wrll request the court to issue warrants for 
Mr Springer's arrest

Ptl. J. Amabeli #506

On this date and time Officer took one Eric 
M Springer Into custody for warrants out of 
this department Mr
Springer was restrained wlth handcuffs that 
was gapped and double locked and 
transported to this
Department While On station Mr Springer 
was processed and then transported to the 
County Jail


12/28/2014 19:19:00

On the above date and time. Officer was 
dispatched to the area of the 400 Blk of W. 
Ohio Ave ref to a barking dog. Officer 
arrived and spoke to the reportee one 
Christine M Mitchell, and she advised me 
the dog at 436 W. Ohio Ave has been 
barking all night. Officer observed a brown 
dog at the rear of the ( Officer residence 
barking. Officer attempted to make a 
contact with a owner, but no one would 
answer the door. A barking dog letter was 
prepared and will be served on Monday 



12/28/2014 Traffic/ Speed

The vehicle was observed traveling east on 
California Ave near 16'~ St. The vehicle 
was observed traveling at a visibly high rate 
of speed, and was clocked via the radar at 
37 mph in a clearly posted 25 mph zone. 
The vehicle was stopped and the driver was 
issued a citation for speed, and given a 
court date in MCC#3 on 1/8/15 AT 11AM.

Ptl. S.T. McDaniel


12/27/2014 Traffic Light

I was Dispatched to a crash that happened 
at the corner of North 15th Street and Ohio 
Ave. Upon arrival Officer spolte to Ainanda 
Montgomery (OLN RW249687), she told 
me that she was driving North on 15th 
Street and approached the intersection at 
Ohio Ave. She did not know the light was 
red and went through the red light. Ms 
Montgomery was struck by the vehicle of 
Zachary Mucklo (OLN TW389147), who 
had the right of way causing daniage to 
both vehicles. Amanda Montgomery was 
cited under Sebring Codified Ordinance 
section number 313.01, Fail to Stop for 
Traffic Light. A court date has been 
assigned for 1/8/2015@ 1100 hrs. in 
Mahonimg County Court #3.

Det Harris


12/27/2014  TRAFFIC ACDA

Unit #1 was stopped in traffic on W. Ohio 
Ave. Unit #2 was operated by Daniel L. 
Barnett was traveling westbound on W. 
Ohio Ave at N. 16th St. Unit # 2 failed to 
stop in an assured clear distance and struck 
Unit #1 that was stopped. 

Mr. Barnett was issued a citation for 
Assured Clear Distance Ahead and given a 
court date in Mcc#3 on 1/8/15 at 11am.

Ptl. S.T. McDaniel


12/26/2014 1648

I , Officer Eberling and Officer White were 
dispatched to 175 W. Ohio for a call by 
Karen Hill. Mrs. Hill said that Allen Reed 
had entered her house without her 
permission and taken a gold band ring from 
her hand and left. This department had 
been dispatched to this address the day 
before when Mr. Reed had been in the 
house and kicked their dog. The Hill's did 
not want Mr. Reed back in their house and 
Mr. Reed had been told by this Officer that 
he was not to return to that house based on 
the wishes of the Hill's. 

Upon arrival we observed Mr. Reed looking 
out the upstairs apartment window.

He was asked if he had taken a ring from 
Mrs. Hill and he said "I don't know what you 
are talking about." Officer left Officer 
Eberling with Mr. Reed, who had came 
down stairs and was on the porch. l went 
with Officer White to get a statement from 
Karen Hill. Mrs. Hill again said that Mr. 
Reed had entered her house right behind 
her and she had not given him permission 
to come in the house. She had a gold ring 
in her hand and Mr. Reed took the ring from 
her and left the house. She said that the 
ring had been her mothers and she had 
given it to her before she died. Officer 
asked her if she wanted to have Mr. Reed 
arrested for his actions. She said yes. 
Officer asked Mrs. Hill if she would give 
Officer White a written statement and she 
said yes. 

I went to the porch where Mr. Reed and 
Michele Morrow (the person who is on the 
lease of the apartment) were standing with 
Officer Eberling. Base upon the statement 
made to me by Mrs. Hill, Mr. Reed was 
placed under arrest for burglary. At this time 
Mr. Reed kept trying to pull away from 
Officer Eberling and Officer helped to bring 
him under control and he was placed in the 
back of Officer Eberling's car. Officer then 
asked Ms Morrow if Officer could search the 
house for the ring and she said yes. Officer 
then went upstairs with Ms. Morrow and 
looked around the house.

A William Hopkins was in the living room, 
and Officer asked him if he had seen Mr. 
Reed with a gold ring?

He said "Yes that he had seen a gold band 
on one of his pinkie fingers. Officer radioed 
Officer Eberling to check Mr. Reeds hands 
for the ring. 
Officer Eberling radioed back and said that 
he had no rings on his hands. Officer 
checked the bedroom and while doing that 
Officer asked Ms. Morrow if she knew 
where he may have put the ring and she 
said maybe in my jewelry box. She got the 
box out and opened it but there was no 
jewelry in it. Officer then saw a gold object 
on a empty Knick- Knack shelve. Officer 
went over to it and saw that it was a gold 
band ring, small about a size 7. 1 asked Ms. 
Morrow if this was her ring and she said no. 
Officer asked if she knew who it belonged 
to and she said no. Officer then took the 
ring down stairs and showed it to Mrs. Hill 
and asked her if it was the ring that Mr. 
Reed had taken and she said "Yes". She 
asked for it back and Officer told her that 
Officer would have to keep it until the case 
was over as it was evidence. Officer told 
Mrs. Hill that Mr. Reed would be charged 
with Burglary. The statement
was completed by Mrs. Hill and Officer went 
to the car and told Mr. Reed that he was 
being charged with Burglary, and F-2. Mr. 
Reed was brought back to the station to be 
processed and at that time he complained 
of his wrist hurting, he had told me the day 
before that he had broken it and would 
need surgery. Officer request Officer 
Eberling to take Mr. Reed to the Hospital in 
Alliance to get him cleared for

Officer Eberling informed me that at 
Alliance they had put a splint on his wrist 
after they had x-ray it, but that they had 
cleared him for jail. 
When Officer Eberling returned to the 
station to get the paperwork and to have 
DNA obtained, Mr. Reed became very 
combative and would not cooperate.

Once the DNA was obtained Mr. Reed was 
placed in the back of the car for transport to 
county jail.

Officer Eberling needed fuel in his car so 
Officer followed him to the station and 
watched Mr. Reed as he got fuel. Mr. Reed 
then started to kick and hit his head on the 
windows. In an attempt to calm Mr. Reed 
down he became combative again. Mr. 
Reed was finally brought under control and 
Officer Eberling transported him to the 
County Jail. Upon arrival and check-in at 
County Jail, the Medical Tech would not let 
Mr. Reed in because she said that his blood 
pressure was too high. Mr. Reed told her 
that it was high because he was afraid of 
going to jail. Officer Eberling asked that 
they check his pressure again as they had 
only checked it once and he was told no 
you must take him to St. "E's" to be cleared. 
Since Alliance had cleared him once Officer 
did not see a reason to bring him all the 
way back to Alliance to have him cleared, 
so Officer told Officer Eberling to take him 
to St "E's" and get him cleared.

Officer Eberling did that and Mr. Reed was 
returned to County Jail where he was 
placed for Burglary 291 1.12(a)(2) with a 
$12,000 Bond. After talking with Officer 
Eberling it was agreed to charge Mr. Reed 
with Resisting Arrest 2921.33(a), for being 
combative. Mr. Reed has a court date of 
12/30114 at 1300hrs, this will be at 
Mahoning County Court #3.

Det Harris


Wednesday, December 24, 2014
06:23 PM -0500

12/10/2014 19: 00
Traffic/ Tail lights

LUKE WILSON 153 E. Oregon Ave

On this date and time, while on patrol in the 
Village Of Sebring, Officer observed a red 
Chevy S-10 traveling south on S 15"' in the 
400 Blk. Officer observed the vehicle not to 
have any working tail lights as required by 
Sebring Ord. 337.04. The vehicle was 
stopped and the driver advised me that he 
was aware that the lights weren't working 
but thought a friend fixed them. The driver 
was issued a citation for tail lights required 
and given a court date
in MCC ## on 12/30/14 at lpm.

Ptl. S.T. McDaniel # 510


12/21/2014 03:20:00
domestic dispute

On 12/21/2014 at approximately 0320 1 
was dispatched to 315 E. Indiana Ave. for a 
domestic dispute reportedly between a 
father and son. Upon arriving, Officer was 
let into the house by a juvenile female, 
whom Officer know to live at the residence. 
Officer then observed the father and son in 
the kitchen and
they had their hands locked and the son 
appeared to be attempting to fight with the 
father and the father appeared to be 
attempting to keep the son away from him. 
Officer immediately separated the two by 
pushing the son, identified as Jacob 
Crewson, backwards and away from his 
father. At no time did Officer observe either 
male strike one another. The father, Robert 
Crewson, went into the living room as 
Officer spoke to Jacob in the kitchen and 
attempted to get him to calm down. He 
stated that he was upset because his friend 
was home from the military and that he was 
upset, and because his friend was upset, he 
was upset. He also stated that he is 18 
years old and that he wanted to walk to 
Circle K to get "a can and some rubbers" 
and that he felt that he should be able to do 
that because he is 18 years old. 

Officer explained to him that he is still in 
high school and that he is still in the care of 
his father and if his father told him that he 
couldn't walk down there, that he needed to 
listen to his father. Officer brought Jacob 
into the living room so that Jacob and 
Robert could both speak to each other and 
could attempt to solve their minor conflict. 
Jacob continued to insist that he was 18 
and an adult and that he could walk to 
Circle K if he felt like it. 

Robert told Jacob that the reason he didn't 
want him walking to Circle K was because 
he had consumed alcohol earlier in the 
night. Officerinformed Jacob that if he were 
to walk to Circle K while intoxicated then he 
could have been arrested and that his 
father was only looking out for his best 

Officerasked both males if either one 
wished to press any sort of charges, which 
they both declined. Both males signed 
domestic violence refusal forms and Officer 
explained to Jacob that he needed to 
probably go to bed tonight and cool off until 
tomorrow and he could always go to Circle 
K in the morning.

Nothing further needed at this time.

Ptl. J. Arnabel


12/20/2014 17:13:00

On 12/20/2014 at approximately 1713 
hours, Officer was dispatched to 175 W 
Ohio Ave for an alleged fight. Upon arrival, 
Officer met with the complainant Edward 
Mills who advised that Allen Reed punched 
him in the back of the head three times and 
threw a "Bic" lighter and hit him in the back 
of the head. Officer also spoke with Sean 
Mills who lives in the house as well and he 
confirmed Edward Mills story. Edward Mills 
then declined to press charges for Domestic 
Violence against Allen Reed stating that if 
he did his mother would kick him out of the 
house. Approximately an hour prior to this 
incident, Officer was dispatched to the 
same location for a 91 1 call for an alleged 
fight in progress with Allen Reed. 

Upon my arrival, Allen Reed was in the 
downstairs portion of the house in a verbal 
altercation with Don Hill who also lives in 
the residence. Allen Reed was visibly 
intoxicated and smelled of alcohol. Don Hill 
advised that Allen Reed was drunk and just 
wanted him to "get the hell out of his 
house". So Officer told Allen Reed to go 
back upstairs and to not come back down 
and give anyone any more problems or he 
would be charged with Disorderly Conduct 
with Persistence. Officer made it perfectly 
clear to Reed that if he came back 
downstairs and caused problems again he 
would be charged and myself and Smith 
Township Officer Hall escorted Reed to the 
door to go upstairs. Since Allen Reed came 
back downstairs and got into a physical 
altercation with Edward Mills after Reed 
was warned Officer placed him under arrest 
for Disorderly Conduct intoxicated with 
Persistence 291 7.1 1 B2. Edward Mills and 
Don Hill provided voluntary statements 
providing proof that Allen Reed was back 
downstairs after he had
been warned. Sean Mills also confirmed 
that Allen Reed was back downstairs as 
well. Reed was transported back to Sebring 
Police Department where he was 
processed and released on recognizance. 
While processing Reed before he was 
released he advised that "little Eddie" was
going to get beat up when he got back 
home. Reed was advised of his court date 
of 12/30/2014  at 1300 hours.

Ptl. Darren Eberling #506


On this date and time, while on patrol in the 
Village of Sebring, Officer observed a tan 
Buick bearing Ohio registration GEN6478 
traveling south on S. 15th St. Officer 
observed the vehicle registration to be 
expired as of 12/7/14. The vehicle was 
stopped on S. 15"' St in the 600 Blk. The 
driver advised that she was aware that the 
plate was expired. The driver was issued a 
citation for Failure to Display a valid 
registration and given a court in MCC#3 on 
12/30/14 at lpm.

Ptl. S.T. McDaniel#510


12/19/2014 23:54:00
Edward Mills 175 W Ohio Ave Sebring,OH 

On 12/20/2014 at approximately 2353 
hours, Myself and Ptl. Amabelresponded to 
an alleged fight in progress at 175 W Ohio 
Ave. Upon arrival, Officer met with Edward 
R Mills and Donald Hill who were arguing 
back in forth in the living room of the home. 
Mills was intoxicated and was continuously 
engaging in verbal altercations with family 
members as well as physically threatening 
them. Hill, who is the homeowner, advised 
that he just wanted Mills out of the house 
because he was causing a disturbance to 
everyone in the house. Allen Reed, who 
lives in the upstairs of this house, also 
called and complained about the noise from 
the argument between Mills and the other 
family members present. Officer had two 
previous calls to this address for the same 
disturbance wrth Mills within an hour of 
each other which he was warned both times 
to settle down and just go to bed or leave 
the residence for the night or else he would 
be charged with Disorderly Conduct. The 
third call to this residence for the same 
disturbance resulted in Mills being arrested 
and charged with Disorderly Conduct with 
Persistance 2917.1 1A2 M-4. Hill was 
advised of the proper procedure to have 
Mills removed from the house if he wished 
to pursue that route since this is an ongoing 
problem with Mills. Ptl. Amabeli
was tipped off by a family member of the 
presence of a small pill hidden in the stereo 
in the living room. Ptl. AmabelOfficer 
located a small plastic baggie that 
contained a pill that was printed M366 in the 
stereo. Mills was transported back to 
Sebring Police Department where he was 
processed and released on his on 
recognizance. Mills was advised of his court 
date at MCC #3 on 12/23/2014 at 1300 hrs

On 12/19/2014 at approximately 2353, 
myself and Ptl. Eberling were dispatched to 
175 W. Ohio Ave. for a report of another 
fight between the individuals living there. 
Upon arriving, Officer spoke to one of the 
individuals who lives there and they 
informed me that Eddie Mills was causing a 
disturbance and that he had just got done 
snorting a pill that he had crushed up. The 
individual also advised me that there was 
another pill located in the front compartment 
of a CD player located on the dinning room 
table and that it belong to Eddie Mills. 
Officerrecovered the small baggie, which 
contained a single white pill, with the imprint 
M366 on it. Officerchecked the imprint and 
discovered that the pill is identified as 
Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone bitartate 
325mgl7.5 mg, which is a schedule 1 
narcotic. On the top of the baggie in black 
magic marker was the name "Ed Mills." 
Officer asked Eddie about the pill, and he 
said it wasn't his and asked me to show him 
exactly what it was. Officershowed Mr. Mills 
the display of the narcotic and what it was. 
Officernever once used the common name 
for the pill, which is "Vicodin." Mr. Mills then 
stated several times that the "Vicodin" 
wasn't his. Officerasked him how he knew 
that the pill was "Vicodin" since Officernever 
used that name to describe the pill. He 
stated that he wasn't stupid and that he 
knew what the pill was. Officer informed him 
that Officer had no idea what the pill was 
until Officer looked it up. Mr. Mills, by his 
own admission was intoxicated and was 
continuously yelling at individuals while we 
were there.

This was the third time that officers were 
called to the residence that night for the 
same thing. Ptl. Eberling informed Mr. Mills 
that he was under arrest for disorderly 
conduct with persistence and Officer read 
him his Miranda rights. Once back at the 
station, Mr. Mills continued to maintain that 
the pill was not his and offered several 
times to "pee in a cup" to proof that he 
doesn't do drugs. He also stated that he 
must have been set up and that someone 
else placed that pill in the CD player. The 
pill was logged into evidence as found 

Ptl. Darren Eberling #506
Ptl. J. AmabelOfficer#505


Fail to Yield Right of Way

Officerwas Dispatched to a crash that 
happened in the alley behind 366 East Ohio 
Ave.. Upon arrival Officerspoke to Milton 
Hallett (OLN RR365009), he told me that he 
was driving out of his driveway and did not 
se the vehicle coming down the alley. Mr. 
Hallett struck the vehicle of Mark Stewart , 
who lives at 436 East Georgia, causing 
damage to his vehicle. Milton Hallett was 
cited under Sebring Codified Ordinance 
section number
33 1.22, Fail to Yield Right Of Way. A court 
date has been assigned for 
12/30/2014@1300 hrs. in Mahonimg 
County Court #3.

Det Harris


Officer was dispatched to 176 East Oregon 
for unwanted juveniles. Upon arrival Officer 
saw Kelly Sweet the person who called 
standing on her front porch without any 
shoes on trying to gain access to her 
house. The door was locked and Officer 
tried to get someone from the inside to 
answer the door. No one would. Officer 
informed them that this was the police. Kelly 
said they may have went out the back door. 
Officer went around the house and the back 
door was standing open. Officer was told by 
the neighbors that the young men had went 
out the back door. Officer went through the 
house and let Kelly in. She said that she did 
not want in her house again. 

This is the third time that the Police have 
been over at this house for the three 
refusing to leave when ask. Kelly said that 
she wanted a notice of restriction on the 
juveniles. Officer searched the area and 
found them coming back to the house. 
Officer told them that they were not to 
return to the house at 176 East Oregon or 
they could be arrested for Criminal 
trespassing. Officer told Kelly that she 
would have to sign the forms, she ask if 
Dwight Smith the Dad could, Officer told her 
yes and she said that he would be home 
around 1730. 

The forms were made out and Officer 
returned. Kelly told me that Dwight had 
been home and left mad because they had 
received letters stating that Branty had 
been suspended from school and had a lot 
of tardies. Officer told her that she would 
have to sign them and she did. They will be 
taken to the houses of the young men.

Det Harris


194 E Virginia Ave Sebring, OH 44672
Failure to Control
Sealbell Violation

On 12/18/2014 at approximately 1750 
hours, while sitting at the stop sign at N 
21St St and W Ohio Ave facing south in a 
marked police cruiser, Officerobserved a 
dark green vehicle leave the roadway and 
crash in the 600 block of W Ohio Ave. The 
vehicle stopped at the intersection and 
proceeded down W Ohio Ave heading east 
and the vehicle veered off the right side of 
the road in front of 687 W Ohio Ave. It 
drove in the tree lawn between the sidewalk 
and the road for about 20 feet and sheared 
off the side of a tree, which flipped the 
vehicle onto the driver's side in the 
eastbound lane of W Ohio Ave where the 
vehicle came to rest. 

Officerapproached the vehicle as the driver, 
Andrew A Wyss was climbing out of the 
sunroof of the vehicle. Wyss advised he 
was not injured but kept holding his 
stomach and his left arm was bleeding from 
near his elbow so Officercalled for Sebring 
First Responders to check him out. Wyss 
advised that he did not remember coming 
through the intersection nor going off the 
road but remeinbered coming to just before 
he hit the
tree and was able to turn the wheel to miss 
hitting the tree head on. Wyss advised that 
he does take anti-seizure medication and 
depression medication but was unsure of 
the exact types. Wyss advised he last slept 
the night before from about 2230 hours to 
0430 hours
and was up all day since 0430 hours 
working. Wyss advised he was coming from 
Canton from his girlfriend's house and was 
coming back into town to milk cows at his 
parent's farm on 10071 Johnson Rd. Myself 
and Det. Harris did not detect any signs that 
Wyss was intoxicated. Wyss advised that 
he was not wearing his seat belt. Wyss 
advised that possibly he blacked out or had 
a seizure for a few seconds when he left the 
roadway but
was unsure. When Wyss was asked if he 
was reaching for something or using a cell 
phone he advised that was not the case 
and he "is against using a cell phone and 

Springer's arrived on scene and towed the 
vehicle to Wyss's parents' house at his 
request. Wyss declined to go to the hospital 
and had his cut on his arm treated at the p 
a scene. Wyss was unable to provide valid 
proof of insurance on the vehicle at the time 
of  the accident and advised that his mother 
Nancy K Wyss had insurance on the vehicle 
Nancy Wyss is the registered owner of the 
vehicle. Officercontacted Nancy Wyss via 
telephone "' and advised her that she 
needed to provide valid proof of insurance 
for the vehicle. Nancy advised that she 
would meet me at Sebring Police 
Department with the insurance information 
but it would take her about an hour to get 
here. Upon her arrival, she handed me her 
cell phone with an e-mail pulled up showing 
a document from SafeAuto stating the 
coverage of insurance on the vehicle. 
Officernoticed the date that the coverage 
started was 12/18/2014 (the date of the 
accident) at 1903 hours. Officerinformed 
her that the accident -. occurred at 1750 
hours and was cleared by 1820 hours so 
this insurance took affect after the accident 
occurred. Nancy Wyss advised the policy 
that she had prior to this one had expired at 
midnight the night before. Officerinformed 
Nancy Wyss that they would need to 
provide to the court valid insurance on the 
vehicle at the time of the accident. 
Officeradvised Nancy Wyss that 
Officerwould need a paper copy of the 
insurance information but she told me the 
earliest she could get it to me would be 
Saturday 12/20/2014. Upon evaluating the 
totality of the circumstances, Officerissued 
Andrew Wyss a citation for Failure to 
Control 331.34A SCO and Seatbelt 
Violation 337.27 SCO. Wyss was advised 
that his personal appearance was required 
at MCC #3 on 12/23/2014 at 1300 hours.

Ptl. Darren Eberling #506


DATE: 12/21/2014 19:16

On this date and time, Officerwas 
Requested to assist Smith Twp U- 366 at 
the North Benton Post Office ref to a Black 
female that was sitting on the steps. 
Officers were notified prior to keep a eye 
out for lris Brackett a black female that was 
a mental from their city. Officers were also 
advised that lris had not been taking her 
medication and that when she's not on her 
meds she can become very confused.

Officerstood until Officer Osberg identified 
her as Iris, and he then transported her to 
the Alliance Community Hospital without 


On 12/08/14 Jonathan Rine was arrested 
on a F-1 Warrant. When he was arrested he 
was with Patricia Lipply, who knew that he 
had a warrant. On the night of 11/28/14 
Patricia was questioned about the where 
abouts of Mr. Rine. She said that she had 
not seen him for a couple days and really
lid not know him that well. Officerwas told 
that on one occasion she and Jill Cobert 
had came to Mrs. Hanson Apartment to 
obtain clothing for Mr. Rine.

At the time of Mr. Rine's arrest he was 
driving a van that belonged to his mother 
the victim of his crime. This van was bought 
on the 4th of December from Sally's in 
Alliance. Ms. Hanson had to of known that, 
Jonathan Rine, her son did not have a valid 
DI. She is the owner and did not report he 
van stolen when he was driving it.

Ms. Lipply was brought in and question 
about her knowing the where Mr. Rine was. 
She said that someone had sent a 
Facebook message to Jill Cobert to leave 
some of his clothes on the front porch. But 
they never returned to get the clothes. She 
said that Mr. Rine had called her on the day
that he was picked up on the warrant, and 
asked her to go to a Doctor appointment 
with him and his mother. She said that he 
picked her up and they went to a doctors 
office on Sawburg, and then she was taken 
the ER. This is not true as the mother was 
picked up by our first responders and taken 
to the ER, not to a doctors appointment. 
She said that she does not know where he 
was living but thought it was in his van. Ms. 
Lipply will be interviewed again for the 
untruthfulness. This case is still open for 
further evidence.

Det Harris


Saturday, December 20, 2014
07:59 AM -0500

December 16, 2014
Swam, Douglas A 376 West Pennsylvania 
Ave, Sebring OH, 44672

Mr. Swain came to the station to report that 
someone took his blow-ups from his front 
lawn sometime between 2000 hours last 
night and 1500 hours today. The blow-ups 
are, 1 with Santa Claus in a helicopter and 
the other has a snowman with two 
penguins. I told him that I would keep an 
outlook for them

Det Harris #504


On 12/15/2014 Holly Schroder, 767 S 14th 
St, reported the use of her husband Barry 
Schroeder's Master Card Ms. Schroeder 
states that the debit card was used in Las 
Vegas for a purchase of $79.95. The 
Schroeder's were advised from Master Card 
to file a police report with there local police 


On 12/13/2014 at approximately 2300, this 
officer assisted Smith Township PD and 
Alliance PD during the course of a drug 
investigation at 9500 Bandy Rd. 

During the course of the investigation, 
officers found several drug related items 
and the remains of a "one-pot" meth lab. A 
containing all the tools required for a meth 
lab was also discovered. This officer 
cleared the scene at approximately 0300.


December 14, 2014

Subject on Taylor Rd yelling and bothering 
the neighborhood. 

When both units arrived a male subject was 
outside screaming. The male was identified 
as Hayden Miller who was highly 
intoxicated and yelling that he wanted his 
child back. 

Officers advised Hayden he would not be 
taking his child under his condition and we 
could not make the mother give up the child 
due to it being a civil matter. Hayden 
continued to yell and give officers a hard 
time on the situation. Ptl. Baker detained 
Hayden so both officers could speak with 
the grandmother. 

When officers questioned Hayden he 
became very belligerent stating he drove to 
Sebring from Salem and did not see 
anything wrong with it. 
At that time Sebring First Responders 
where called to Johnson Rd at the railroad 
crossing for a car vs train. Officers 
questioned Hayden if that was his vehicle. 

Both officers cleared the scene. 

While in route Ptl. Baker of Smith Twp PD 
assisted me in the accident and took 
Hayden to the scene to identify his vehicle. 
While I was busy at the scene of the 
accident Hayden admitted to Ptl. Baker that 
was his vehicle and that he had crashed the 
vehicle after drinking. At that time Ptl. Baker 
placed Hayden under arrest for OVI.


On 12/14/2014 at approximately 0515, 
members of this department were advised 
by Alliance Police that they were on their 
way to our station and that they knew where 
a wanted individual was staying for the 
night. The individual in question, Michael S. 
George, is wanted by this county for failing 
to appear for sentencing on illegal assembly 
charges from this department. 

Myself, along with Ptl. Osberg, Smith 
Township Ptl. Baker, Chief Siranovic and K-
9 Jury, and three members of the Alliance 
Police Department went to 448 S. 15th St. 
to attempt to locate Mr. George. After 
knocking on the door for several minutes, a 
female, know to this officer as Theresa 
Shields, came to the door and I asked her  
if Michael George was there. We were 
already able to view Mr. George sleeping on 
the floor of the living room before we were 
able to enter the house. 

Ms. Shields allowed us to enter the house, 
at which time I placed Mr. George, who was 
laying on an air mattress, under arrest for 
his warrants.

In the course of arresting Mr. George, 
officers observed a large amount of narcotic 
paraphernalia and items used for the 
manufacture of methamphetamine. Upon a 
brief search of the area immediately 
surrounding Mr. George, officers were able 
to locate several bags containing items 
used to make meth, including a pipe cutter, 
lighter fluid, coffee filters, lithium batters and 
other unknown fluids. Also discovered were 
several bags full of pills, later identified as 
being Schedule IV narcotics, and two bags 
containing an unknown white powdery 
substance which will be required to be 
tested by BCI&I.

Multiple items were also taken, including zip 
drives, a laptop, several small baggies 
which resemble those which would be used 
to package small amounts of narcotics and 
$282.00 in cash.

Mr. George was transported to Sebring 
Police Department, and then to Mahoning 
County Jail, where he is being held on 
$14,500.00 bond for illegal assembly of 
items used to manufacture 
methamphetamine, 2925.041AC ORC and 
for possession of Schedule IV narcotics, 
2925.1 1C2a

When we were able to wake Mr. George up, 
he was laying on a air mattress on the floor 
with another female. On the couch in the 
same living room as Mr. George and all 
these items was Ms. Shields 14 year old 
son, which would elevate the fines imposed 
by illegal assemble. 
Additional charges are pending.

Ptl. J. Amabeli #505


On 12/12/2014 at approximately 0058, 
myself and Sgt. Faudree were dispatched 
to 120 E. Georgia Ave. for a report of a 
possible domestic violence situation. Upon 
arriving, we spoke to a female at that 
location, later identified as Debra 
Couchman, who stated that she was struck 
in the head by a male friend of hers, Alan 
Williamson. Debra stated that her and Mr. 
Williamson are friends and that they were in 
Alliance watching the football game at 
Chives, and then they went to another 

She stated that while he was bringing her 
home, an altercation occurred in the vehicle 
and that she was able to get out of the 
vehicle and run from him, only to have him 
chase her down, hit her in the head, and 
drag her back into his vehicle. At this time, 
he brought her back to her home on 
Georgia Ave. and dropped her off. He then 
left and drove back towards Alliance, at 
which time Ptl. Baker from Smith Township 
spotted the vehicle and attempted to stop 
the vehicle. 

After failing to stop for several minutes, he 
was finally apprehended in Alliance by Ptl. 
Baker and members of Alliance PD. 

Due to the fact this incident happened in 
Alliance, I made contact with Alliance PD 
and spoke to Sgt. Yarian.

I then transported Ms. Couchman to 
Alliance Police Department so that she 
could provide APD with statements.

Nothing further is needed at this time

Ptl. J Amabeli


Friday, December 19, 2014
10:33 AM -0500

On 12/5/2014 this officer was requested to 
pick up Michael Sharp for Goshen Twp. 
Officer Kalko.
Mr. Sharp was located at the Sebring Quick 
Lube on West Ohio Ave. , then driven to 
Beloit and turned over to the Goshen 


On 12/10/2014 at approximately 2145, 1 
was requested for mutual aid with Smith 
Township Ptl. Osberg who was on his way 
to a domestic violence call on Oyster Rd. 
Ptl. Osberg was coming from the opposite 
end of the township and the caller advised 
that her and her brother were running from 
there house and that their father was 
intoxicated and tearing up their house. Ptl. 
Osberg arrived shortly after I was in the 

After speaking to the parties involved, no 
arrests were made and I was able to clear 
and return to the village.

Ptl. J. Amabeli


On 12/10/2014 this officer was advised of a 
vehicle parked at the rear of United Die on 
West California Avenue. It was further 
advised that the plates were missing. Upon 
arrival and after running the VIN number it 
was determined that the vehicle was stolen 
from Hall Motors in Alllance Ohio. Contact 
was made with the Alliance Police 
Department, who dispatched Mel's 
tow~ngw ho took possession of the stolen 


On 12/9/2014 while entering Sebring Drive 
Thru located at 10 S. 15th Street, the van 
Chad White was operating struck to top of 
the doorway. A piece of molding was 
damaged. Mr. White who was located in 
Westville returned and advised that he 
would repair the molding.


On 12/06/2014 at approximately 1907 
hours, I was dispatched to Beloit Gardens 
to assist Goshen Police Department with 
Jacob Carter. 
Upon my arrival, I met with Goshen's unit 
who was on scene and he advised that the 
individual fled south of the apartment 
buildings toward the railroad tracks. He was 
unsure whether Carter went towards Derr 
Ave or went east or west down the railroad 
tracks. I then came back
into the village and proceeded to Sebring 
Tire and sat and watched the tracks for 
Carter for approximately 35 mins and 
cleared with no contact with Carter.

Ptl. Darren Eberling


On 12/06/2014 at approximately 1552 
hours, while traveling north on N 21S'St in a 
clearly marked police cruiser, I observed a 
blue truck traveling at a visibly high rate of 
speed south on N 21 St near B.P.1 
Recycling. I activated my radar unit which 
confirmed the speed of 53 rnph in a clearly 
posted 35 rnph zone. I tracked the vehicle 
visually and with the radar and the units 
speed fluctuated from 53 rnph to 51 rnph for 
approximately 700 feet before I turned in a 
driveway to turn around to get behind the 

I initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle in the 
700 block of N 21 St and made contact with 
the drive/owner Bret E Smith. I informed 
Smith that I stopped him for speed 53 mph 
in a clearly posted 35 rnph zone. Smith 
advised that he believed he was only going 
about 39 rnph because he had allegedly 
just turned onto N 21St St from Courtney 

Smith advised he was already aware that it 
was only 35 rnph in that area. Smith 
questioned when the radar unit was 
calibrated and I advised him they are done 
yearly. The radar unit has never picked up 
any sort of interference in the vicinity of this 
traffic stop. I issued Smith a citation for 
Speed 333.03 SCO 53 rnph in a clearly 
posted 35 mph zone. I advised Smith of his 
court date at MCC #3 on 12/11/2014 at 
1100 hours.

Ptl. Darren Eberling


On this date I was dispatched to 216 West 
Ohio Apt #402 for a women locked in her 

Upon arrival I made entry into the 
apartment and spoke to Ms. Hanson (age 
60 and handicapped). She told me that she 
was alright, but wanted out. I could see that 
someone had tied the door closed securing 
it to a closet door knob. It was tied with a 
cord from a vacuum cleaner. 

I took photos of the way that she had been 
locked in her room before I removed the 
cords from the door. I then made entry into 
the room and spoke with Ms Hanson. She 
told me that her son Jonathan Lee Rine 
(age 36) had locked her in her room 
because he said that she had lied to him 
about Sally's being open, so he could get 
some money today.

He wanted her Debit card but she would not 
give it to him and that is when he came into 
the bedroom and grabbed her by the neck 
and chocked her. He told her that he was 
going to lock her in that room until tomorrow 
night. He said that he would not give her 
anything to eat or drink. He told her he 
would kill her and how he hated her. He 
threw her clothes into her bedside toilet. He 
then told her now all your clothes smell like 
piss. I asked her how she knew that the 
door had been secured and she told me 
that she had tried to get out. She was asked 
how long she had been in the room and she 
told me all day. She had to wait for him to 
leave before she could use the help line, 
because if he heard her calling for help he 
would have killed her. He told her that if she 
called the police that he would kill her and 

I then spoke to the Prosecutor and was told 
to charge him with Kidnapping ORC 
2905.01 (a)(3). 

At that time I did a video taped interview 
with Ms Hanson. In it she tells me the same 
thlngs as above. I then spoke to the Chief 
and he approved Sgt Faudree and Officer 
Amabeli to come in and search for Mr. Rine. 
He also said to charge him with DV ORC 
291 9.25(A) for the assault on her In the 
bedroom. This department has been to this 
victim before on this type of charges and 
she can now see how it is getting worst with 
each time. 

The state will be the one's to bring the DV 
Charges. I made arrangement for Ms. 
Hanson to stay with a friend until we are 
able to find him. 
She is in fear for her life. A search of the 
area did not find Mr. Rine. I will obtain a 
warrant for him. A BOLO was put out for 
Jonathan Rine.

On 11/28/14 at approximately 1832 hours, I 
was dispatched to 216 W Ohio Ave Apt 402 
for a female locked in her bedroom. Upon 
arrival I met with Det. Harris who was 
already on scene and informed me of the 
call details. Myself and Det. Harris 
proceeded up to apartment 402 and found 
Lerene Hanson trapped in her bedroom. 
Her bedroom door was tied shut with a 
vacuum sweeper cord and streched across 
hallway and tied to another door knob to 
prevent her from getting out. I also found 
her wheelchair placed across the hallway in 
the bathroom with both wheels locked so 
she could not have access to it. Det. Harris 
processed the scene and interviewed the 
victim while I set out to locate the suspect 
Jonathan Lee Rine who was believe to be 
located at Mark Mueller's house located at 
216 W Pennsylvania Ave according to the 
victim Hanson. Upon arrival I called for 
assistance from Smith Township officer 
Osberg. Upon the other units arrival we 
approached the home and made contact 
with Mark Mueller who advised that Rine 
had just left his residence in a silver colored 
Ford Taurus allegedly en route to Alliance 
with Joseph Henry Saulsberry. I informed 
dispatch of Saulsberry who advised this 
individuals address was 236 Alabama
Ave Apt. 2 so myself and Smith Township 
officer Osberg drove there to try and meet 
with Saulsberry.

Upon arrival I observed a Ford Taurus 
parked in front of Apt. 2 that matched the 
description of the vehicle that allegedly 
picked up Rine from 216 W Pennsylvania 
Ave. I gave dispatch the Ohio plate number 
FXS3676 which returned to a Danielle L 
Chavarria. Myself and Smith Township 
officer Osberg approached Apt. 2 and made 
contact with Joseph Henry Saulsberry who 
advised Rine was not at his home. 
Saulsberry advised that he did indeed pick 
up Rine from 216 W Pennsylvania Ave and 
took him to Circle K 205 E. Ohio Ave and 
then dropped him off in front of Sebring 
Public Library 195 W Ohio Ave.

Saulsberry advised that Rine then told him 
that he was going "home" from the library. 
Saulsberry refused to allow myself and 
Smith Township officer Osberg to come into 
his apartment to verify that Rine was not 
there. After leaving there I also went to 132 
N 16th St and spoke with Jill Corbett who is 
known to possible have contact with Rine 
but advised he was not there and has not 
seen him for awhile. I decided to go back to 
236 Alabama Ave Apt 2 to see if Saulsberry 
was still home but the silver Ford Taurus 
was now I gone. I went to Apt. 3 and spoke 
with the neighbors about if they had seen 
anyone get out of the vehicle with 
Saulsberry when he arrived there but they 
informed me they did not pay any attention. 
I attempted to make contact with Apt 1 but 
no one answered the door and Apt 2 where 
Saulsberry lived was checked once more 
but no one answered the door. 

After talking to Sgt. Faudree, I stayed at 
236 Alabama Ave and waited for the silver 
Ford Taurus to return to see if Saulsberry 
had Rine with him. A little while later the 
vehicle did return and Saulsberry got out 
with 2 younger girls who went in the 
apartment with him. Myself
and Ptl. Amabeli approached Apt 2 and 
Saulsberry then gave us consent to search 
the apartment this time to look for Rine. Our 
search did not locate Rine so we left the 
residence and informed Saulsberry that if 
Rirle is seen to contact us. Saulsberry was 
also asked to give his story again about 
what happened earlier. Saulsberry's story 
the second time slightly differed from his 
first story stating that he picked Rine
up at 216 W Pennsylvania Ave and went to 
Rocky's Drive Thru and then to the Library. 
This differed from the first story since he 
stated then that they went to Circle K, when 
asked, Saulsberry advised that they 
stopped at Rocky's Drive Thru for him to get 
cigarettes and then they went to Cirlce for 
Rine and then to the Library. Myself and Ptl. 
Amabeli left the apartment and continued to 
search for Rine throughout the

Ptl. Darren Eberling #506

On this date a warrant was Issued for (F-I) 
K~dnapplnga, nd (M-I) DV, for Jomathan 
Rlne. As of this report he has no been 
found. A copy of the report was faxed to 
Adult Protective Services.

Thursday, December 18, 2014
07:51 AM -0500