KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Packing Kyiv’s 1,000-year-old Lavra
Cathedral for Orthodox Christmas, hundreds of worshippers heard the service in
that church in the Ukrainian language for the first time in decades, a
demonstration of independence from the Russian Orthodox Church.
Richly decorated with golden icons and panels, the cathedral
— part of the complex known as the Monastery of the Caves and a UNESCO World
Heritage Site — put up a video screen outside for the overflow of worshipers,
despite the frigid temperatures of -10 Celsius (14 F).
Overlooking the right bank of the
“It’s a first victory” for Ukraine, said Oksana Abu-Akel who
hailed it as a significant step in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s efforts to
cut ties with Russia after it started the war more than 10 months ago. “This is
the first time in 300 years that there is really our own service here. Every
person feels this joy. It is a victory for all Ukrainians.”
Ukrainian Culture Minister Oleksandr Tkachenko said Thursday
that the Lavra complex had been taken over by the state after the lease of the
Moscow-controlled church expired on Dec. 31. Tkachenko attended the service
“It’s an amazing moment. Previously this place — on
Ukrainian territory, within Kyiv — has been linked to
The Metropolitan Epiphanius, the primate of the Orthodox
Church of
“As a nation, we sought to live peacefully, having a good
understanding with all our neighbors. But the enemy meanly and treacherously
broke the peace and invaded our land, shedding blood, sowing death and wanting
to destroy our statehood and our very Ukrainian identity,” he said during the
“Those who held us in captivity could not endure our
achievements and our success,” he said. “The devil’s malice and envy prompted
them to make war, but they are sure to be defeated. After all, the truth is on
our side.”
Natalia Levshyna said her husband couldn’t come to the
Christmas service as he is fighting on the front line, but she will send him
photos of the service as it’s very important to him.
Originally from
“Our emotions are running high,” she said, barely holding
back tears, describing her conviction that the Ukrainian church on Ukrainian
soil should be independent from the Russian Orthodox Church.
“Our church must be synchronized with state policy. They
must be one,” Levshyna said.
Others in
On Friday, the Church of Moscow Patriarchate condemned the
Ukrainian plans to hold a service in the Lavra Cathedral as ”an attempt to
forcefully seize ... the cathedral by means of blackmail and misinformation of
In 2019, the Orthodox Church of
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church declared independence from
But Ukrainian security agencies have claimed that some in
the Ukrainian church have maintained close ties with
Prominent Ukrainian Orthodox Church leaders have rejected
the allegations of ties with Moscow, insisting that they have loyally supported
Ukraine from the start of the war and that a government crackdown will only
hand a propaganda coup to Russia.
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