AGENDA   Poland Village Council July 16, 2013:

At the July 16, 2013 meeting of Poland Village Council Poland Township Trustee Bob Lidle apologized to the Council for "electric issues" surrounding a permanent underground connection to a village electric box that is intended to provide electricity to the annual Celebrate Poland event.

Prior to Bob Lidle speaking Celebrate Poland President Greg Morrison spoke to Council and also apologized and stated that the permanent electric outlets were put in place for safety reasons by eliminating extension cords at the Celebrate Poland event.  He also stated that 5 or 6 years ago Celebrate Poland paid for the electric box and that Celebrate Poland has been drawing power from the box for years without consulting village officials.

Mayor Timothy Sicafuse said the electric installation is not up to code.  Bob Lidle denied code violations saying that the outlets are all ground fault protected and are only missing bubble covers.

Mayor Sicafuse said its not an issue toward Poland Township and both Mayor Sicafuse and Lidle said there are no hard feelings.

To see the July 2, 2013 meeting where the Celebrate Poland issue CLICK HERE