ELLSWORTH AGENDA  ELLSWORTH TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES Meeting on October 12, 2011 :  Western Reserve Local Schools requested that Trustees provide an Ellsworth Township flag for the flag pole at the new school building.   Not having extra flags and not knowing the cost of having new flag(s) made trustees agreed to make a decision on the flag request at the next township meeting.  Trustees agreed to send Fiscal Officer Nip West to the year end UAN (accounting software ) meeting. Zoning Officer Rick Durkin said he issued six new permits and there were two new housing starts. Trustees went into emergency session to discuss an employee's sick leave compensation .   Upon returning trustees announced they agreed to make sick pay available to the employee.   EMS Ken Hernan requested the Trustees authorize purchase of a new computer for a new EMS room that is under construction at Baird Brothers.  Trustees also agreed to put a new phone line in for maintenance and make the existing number dedicated to fire / ems use.   Three bids for snow removal were opened and the successful bid was the lowest bid offered by Western Reserve Landscaping.