ELLSWORTH TOWNSHIP REGULAR TRUSTEE MEETING on MARCH 14, 2012 :    Present at tonight's meeting are Trustees Laura Lewis, Curt Morrison, Art Spellman and also Fiscal Officer Nip West.  This is (?) Nip West's final regular Trustee meeting as she is retiring from Township duties and was presented with a folding clock and picture set and a standing ovation as residents showed their appreciation of Nip's many years of service to the Township.    Discussions took place between the Trustees over complaints of Trustee's Lewis and Morrison running their business's from their homes against Township zoning codes.    In action taken Trustees approved the purchase of new fire hose at the request of Fire Chief Robert Sternberg who said all the existing hose's are damaged from use and do not meet guidelines.   Also approved was authorization for the Trustee Chair Person at his / her discretion to hire security personnel from the Mahoning Sheriff Department for crowd control at Township meetings.   Trustee Chair Art Spellman stated that security is needed due to numerous threats and disruptions to the meetings.   Trustee Lewis voted no to this resolution saying that spending Township money on security would not be needed if meetings were handled differently.   Watch and Listen to this Ellsworth Township meeting HERE.

This VIDEO reviewed by Mr. Rogers.  e-mail me HERE with corrections and newstips