COLUMBIANA AGENDA  Columbiana Exempted Board of Education Meeting on May 8, 2012 :     Present at this regular meeting are Board Members Mark Hutson , Kelly Witmer , Randal Guy , Anthony Roncone , Dr. Jay Hertel and also Superintendent Donald Mook and Treasurer Lori Posey. 

Treasurer Lori Posey said that the need to place a levy on the fall ballot to generate one million dollars to put the School District in the black is no longer needed as shown by the most recent financial report.  It was revealed that additional funding to the district has become available and projections now show that the district will operate in the black for the remainder of 2012.  Superintendent Donald Mook recommended to the Board that the levy on the fall ballot should be removed.  The Board then voted to approve removal of the levy from the ballot.  Superintendent Mook then advised the Board that it is likely that the levy will be revisited next year.



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