COLUMBIANA AGENDA  Columbiana Exempted Board of Education Meeting on April 10, 2012 :     Present at this regular meeting are Board Members Mark Hutson , Kelly Witmer , Randal Guy , Anthony Roncone , Dr. Jay Hertel and also Superintendent Donald Mook and Treasurer Lori Posey. 

Treasurer Lori Posey presented the Board with the need to place a levy on the fall ballot to generate one million dollars to put the School District in the black in years to come.

Another case was made to generate funds by issuance of bonds worth four million dollars.  Superintendent Mook demonstrated the need for repairs and improvements within the school system via a power point presentation where deteriorating floors and ceilings and HVAC are shown as examples of repairs and improvements needed.

Following the public portion of this meeting the Board retired into executive session to discuss employee issues.



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