AGENDA  Columbiana Exempted Board of Education Meeting on March 12, 2013 :     Present at this regular meeting are Board Members Mark Hutson , Kelly Witmer , Randal Guy , Anthony Roncone , Dr. Jay Hertel and also Superintendent Donald Mook and Treasurer Lori Posey.

High School Principal Lance Hostetler reported about things happening in the High School:

An assembly is planned for April 5th. Lynn and Lori South are both Columbiana graduates. Lynn is a General in the Air Force and will speak to the students.

In State speech competition Columbiana had 5 quarter finalists (top 24 in the state) with the team of Brad Keylor and Sarah Hunter. Clayton Copper, Ally Moreschi and DallasLotze.

Angela Grate and Dan Rosen were Semi Finalists and in the top 12 in the state of Ohio.

Nate Joy and the team of Katie Schallick and Sami Veitz were finalists.

The High School Destination Imagination team placed 1st at Regional Competition on Saturday March 2nd. They move on to State Competition on April 2th. Team members include Nick Baylor, Matt Baylor, Dylan Edwards, Carlie Merlo, Drew Makosky and Jesse Cannella.

There are 18 new members in the National Honor Society and are working on Habitat for Humanity helping to renovate a building.

The All League and other banquet awards will be announced at the next board meeting.

Spring athletic teams have started spring practice.

End High School Report.


K-4 Teachers are continuing with “deconstruction” of standards and development of learning targets. All Teachers have completed ELA and Math and are beginning work on Science and Social Studies.

Joshua Dixon screened 60 incoming Kindergarten students with 13 of those being open enrollment. Those who did not attend the March 4-6 registration have been scheduled on the April 15th make-up day.

Students P-4 read a total of 25,000 minutes during right to read week.

Joshua Dixon had a “wild about books” assembly with live wild animals and book author.

At a 4th grade only Honor’s Breakfast 55% of the student received all A’s for the 1st semester. There were 109 family members who came to honor them at the breakfast.

Families donated boxes of cereal for the Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland which hosts up to 37 families at a time. Dixon students collected 50 boxes of cereal to donate.

Jump for Heart donations are still being collected and counted. The donations will be given to the American Heart Association.

The Gala Event made a $9,500.00 profit with 218 Tickets having been sold.

The PTO pledged $1.00/student for Jump for Heart Week.

The Next PTO Meeting is April 16th 6:00 p.m. at Dixon.

Total sales for the Spring Book Fair- $8,021.33-Profit. $2005.33 of that will be used to pay P-4 field trip costs.

End Dixon Report.



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