AGENDA   WEST BRANCH LOCAL SCHOOLS JANUARY 31, 2013 :   Attending this evenings' meeting are board members Terry Criss, Earl Trimmer, Mikki Kanagy, Lori McLaughlin and John Wallace, President.  Also present Superintendent Scott Weingart and Treasurer Dan Telzrow. 

January is Board of Education recognition month and on this last day of January West Branch School Board members received their earned praise and recognition.

A presentation of Pre-School and Kindergarten all day kindergarten standards and expectations which was led off by Sherri Kitzmiller, Director of Special Services, along with support from a power point screening.  Next other Pre-Schools and Kindergarten personnel told the School Board of their experiences with the students.  Weingart noted that he and other Superintendents attended an all day seminar in Columbus and was told by Governor Kasich that the state is to make all day kindergarten 100% state funded.

Updates in School Security training was discussed by Goshen Township Officer Craig Crider who is assigned to West Branch by Goshen Township PD and is trained and certified in "ALICE", Alert-Lockdown-Inform-Counter-Evacuate program.


Watch this West Branch Board of Education meeting HERE

THIS video reviewed by MrRogers (e-mail)