***AGENDA***  SALEM TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE MEETING JANUARY 25, 2012 :    Present at tonights meeting were Trustees Ray Heddleston and William Heston and John Wilms.    Also present were Fiscal Officer Cathy Wilms and Constable Daniel Valentine and Road Foreman Jason Entrikin.    At this meeting were Representatives of Chesapeake Energy with a road maintenance agreement to be signed which will be used as a template agreement for all gas/oil wells that they place into Salem Township.    So far they have only one well site on Township Rd 786 that will fall under this agreement which is utilized through the Columbiana County Engineers office.    A preconstruction meeting will be held to go over policies and procedures (no date set yet).  In NEW BUSINESS J. Herbert Construction is to reface ends of the garage for $3500 and grade/pour cement floor for $1200.  Township will provide the cement.  Constable Dan Valentine reported on the disappearance of High Water signs from 344 and Canfield/Lisbon Rd. and suggested collapsible signs with lights. He also noted the theft of welding cables in the Township and stated he has "good suspects".    Constable Valentine also said the county Sheriff has wrapped up its investigation of Solomon's with the indictment of person(s ) involved and that there are a few more accomplice's still not found.  Next meeting will be February 7, 2012 at 7:30 PM  @@@@@ Movie Reviewed by Molly K. EMAIL MOLLY