Perry Twp Road department wants to order 50 tons of salt but was told their limit has been met.

Fire department questioned about having first responders. Township Trustees said it  has no funding to spend Township money on it without a levy.  It can be put on a ballot for support or the Fire Department can find a grant for funding.  Liability insurance is available for first responders.

Yearly budget was submitted. Approval given to have 22 SEB tanks hydrostatically tested and 16 air tanks inspected.  Order for six sets of gear to wait until March for Township appropriate funds for it.  Quotes to replace a 1977 sump and pumper truck. Approximate cost $350,000.  Demonstration of truck to be held Monday the 20th at 6 PM.

The fiscal officer stated the annual health advisory meeting will be held March 5 at 6 PM and they would like to have a committee member there.

The police fire and maintenance departments were thanked by Trustees for doing a good job over the busy weekend.

Perry Township VIDEO was reviewed by MOLLY.  Email MOLLY HERE