GOSHEN TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE MEETING APRIL 9, 2012 :   Attending tonight's meeting are Trustees (chair) Robert McCracken,  Todd Beeson, Roger Heineman and Fiscal Officer Tom Knoedler.    

Issues before the Trustees tonight include:

1- Open bids on used printer.

2- Resolution for Local Government Fund Agreement.

3- Bricker Park Contract with Metro Parks.

4- Tower lease buyout.

5- Re-lamping grant new proposal.

6- Appliance Collection contracts.

7- Meeting room chair purchase of extra chairs.

8- Authorization for AT&T tower upgrade.

9- picnic table conditions at Adm. Building.

10- Admin Building ramp Installation.

11-Admin Building door replacement.

12- Hiring part time seasonal worker.

13- Hiring part time recycling worker.

Watch and Listen to the March 12, 2012 Goshen Township Trustee meeting HERE.

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