AGENDA  Canfield Ohio Local Schools Board of Education meeting in regular session on Wednesday May 16, 2012. In attendance are Board Members Mrs. Adrime Sturm, President, Mr. Craig Olson, Vice President, Mr. Phil Bava, Mr. Lee Frey, Mr. Brian Kesner and Superintendent Dante Zambrini and Treasurer Patricia Kesner.

 In new business resignations were accepted for:

1. Ann Beebe - CH Campbell Grade 1 Teacher, effective July 1, 2012, for the purpose of retirement

2. Kenneth Reel - CVMS Grade 8 Teacher, effective June 30, 2012, for the purpose of retirement

3. Patty Sachire - CHS English Teacher, effective July 1, 2012, For the purpose of retirement

4. Kristin Morgione - Grade 5 Tutor, CVMS, effective July 1, 2012

Personnel Hired:

1 . Anna Martin - CHS 2012 Sumttler Social Studies Teacher, $25 per hour

2. Jeremy Hamilton - CHS 2012 Summer Math Teacher, $25 per hour

3. Paula Roberts - CHS 2012 Summer Science Teacher, $25 per hour

4. Ronie Haurin - CHS 2012 Summer Physical Education Teacher, $25 per hour

5. Linda Magyar - CHS 2012 Summer Physical Education Teacher, $25 per hour

6. Edie Narducci - Elementary Summer Remediation Teacher, $25 per hour

7. Janice Kucek* - Summer Special Services Aide, June 19 through August 3,2012, (week of July 4 om 6 hours per day at $14.84 per hour (plus training days)

8. Michelle Rood* - Summer Special Services Aide, June 19 through August 3,2012, (week of July 4 off) 6 hours per day at $14.94 per hour (plus training days)

 9. Brian Maurer* - Sutnmer Special Services Aide, June 19 through August 3,2072, (week of July 4 om 6 hours per day at $14.94 per hour (plus training days)

10. Patty Machingo* - Summer Secretary $7.70 per hour, 5 hours per day

11. Kathy Palumbo* - Summer Secretary $7.70 per hour, 5 hours per day

Other action taken:

*. Request approval to advertise for food service bids for 2012-2013

*. Approve CHS Class of 2012 pending completion of course requirements

*. Approve class fees for 2012-201 3

*. Approve request for Out-of-State/Overnight Field Trips: a. Canfield Boys Basketball Team to travel to Sherrodsville, OH, Sunday, June 17 through Tuesday, June 19, 2012, in order to participate in Basketball Camp, providing lodging is covered by outside organization

Canfield Boys Basketball to travel to Steubenville, OH Saturday, June 2, through Sunday, June 3, 2012, in order to participate in the Steubenville Shootout, providing lodging is covered by outside oganization. Canfield Speech and Debate Team to travel to Indianapolis, IN, Saturday, June 9 through Saturday, June 16, 2012, in order to participate in the National Speech Tournament. Canfield Girls Golf Team to travel to Pickerington, OH, Thursday, August 17 through Monday, August 20, 2012, in order to participate in Pickerington Invitational Golf Tournament providing transportation and lodging are covered by outside organization. High School Foreign Language students to Spain, June 2 though July 3, 2012, providing transportation and lodging are covered by outside organization. Canfield Girls Basketball Teams to travel to Sherrodsville, OH, Wednesday, June 27, through Friday, June 29, 2012, and Sunday, July 8, through Tuesday July 12 to participate in Basketball camp

* Approve membership in OHSAA for the 20 12-201 3 school year. Request approval to advertise for food service bids for 2012-2013. Approve CHS Class of 2012 pending completion of course requirements. Approve class fees for 2012-2013.

Approve request for Out-of-State/Overnight Field Trips:  Canfield Boys Basketball Team to travel to Sherrodsville, OH, Sunday, June 17 Through Tuesday, June 19, 2012, in order to participate in Basketball Camp, providing lodging is covered by outside organization. Canfield Boys Basketball to travel to Steubenville, OH Saturday, June 2, through Sunday, June 3,20 1 2, in order to participate in the Steubenville Shootout, providing lodging is covered by outside organization. Canfield Speech md Debate Team to travel to Indianapolis, IN, Saturday, June 9, through Saturday, June 16, 2012, in order to participate in the National Speech Tournament. Canfield Girls Golf Team to travel to Pickerington, OH, Thursday, August 17 through Monday, August 20, 2012, in order to participate in Pickerington Invitational Golf Tournament providing transportation and lodging are covered by outside organization. High School Foreign Language students to Spain, June 21 through July 3, 2012, providing transportation and lodging are covered by outside organization.  Canfield Girls Basketball Teams to travel to Sherrodsville, OH, Wednesday, June 27, through Friday, June 29, 2012, and Sunday, July 8, through Tuesday July 10, 2012, in order to participate in Basketball Camp, providing lodging is covered by outside organization. Canfield Cross-Country Team to travel to Villa Maria, PA, Sunday July 22, though Thursday July 26,2012, for bonding and pre-season conditioning, providing lodging is covered by outside organization.

Adopt Resolution # 122-2012 in support of two waiver days in the 20 12-2013 school year *. Adopt Resolution # 122-2012 in support of two waiver days in the 2012-2013 school year