AGENDA     Canfield City Council Meeting February 1, 2012 :   Mayor Kay said in snow emergencies people are plowing snow into the streets and he wants an amended ordnance to make it illegal.   A "yellow" letter was sent out with city income tax notifications and was received with negativity by many residents.   Councilman Skrobola wants to rewrite the code under which the letter is being sent stating that the current code is misleading to people.   Armstrong cable is rates are going up . A Change order for the phase 5 storm water project is on the agenda.   This change will address some rear yards east and west of the main line.   It will widen the ditch on the east and put in rock to slow down the water flow.   On the west side new lines to be put in. 69% of the cost will be paid through grants and the balance from the storm water fund.   This VIDEO REVIEWED by Mr. ROGERS EMAIL Mr ROGERS