BERLIN TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES MEETING on OCTOBER 17, 2011 : A Berlin Township flag was requested by Western Reserve Local Schools for the flagpole .  Trustees agree to address this again at the next meeting with more information on cost.  Western Reserve Baseball Organization was on hand to ask the Township to help with the cost of Porta -Jons on the ballpark behind the Township Fire Department.  Trustees denied help with ball field costs stating that the original agreement with the Baseball Organization stated the Organization would bear all costs associated with the ball field.  Trustees agreed to allow the Boy Scouts to proceed with a project to concrete the Helicopter Pad.  FEMA funding for a new power generator at the Fire Department is in question after FEMA informed the Fire Department that there is no record of the request.  The funding if granted would apply to the $30,000 cost of the new generator.  Tire recycling program has been completed.  Trick or Treat will be October 31 from 5pm to 7pm.  Next regular trustee meeting will be November 7 at 7pm.